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Essays About Cats: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Cats are some of the most beloved animals to humankind; this article contains writing prompts and essay examples to help you write essays about cats. 

When you think of animals, two things come to mind: cats and dogs. Cats are some of the most popular pets, as they are, for the most part, relatively independent, low-maintenance, and easy to care for. The word “cat” most often describes domesticated house cats but also refers to some of the most vicious predators on the planet, such as lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Nevertheless, they make great companions for people who enjoy staying home and spending time sitting down and petting them, which reduces stress and anxiety. 

If you want to start writing essays about cats, start by reading some essay examples.

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1. Short Essay on “Cat” by Kirti Daga

2. life of stray cats by nathaniel bridges, 3. do cats understand mirrors by christine o’brien, 4.  why cats are bad pets by shannon cain.

  • 5. ​​Why Are Cats So Incredibly Rude? by Julie Davidson

5 Writing Prompts For Essays About Cats

1. should you own a cat, 2. why are cats so loved, 3. my experience with cats, 4. cats vs. dogs, 5. my favorite breed of cat.

“If your cat has given birth to kittens, make sure that your house is quiet because a lot of noise and activity can scare a small kitten and a cat lover would never wish to scare a kitten for sure. Cats can be shy in nature and can even take time while adjusting with the environment. One needs to be patient and deal with the animal with a lot of love and care.”

Daga gives a basic description of cats’ physical features, personalities, and misconceptions about them. They are gentle and playful yet, to an extent, selfish. Many believe that cats are related to black magic and bad luck; however, this is entirely false. Daga ends the essay by briefly discussing how to tame a cat and care for one that has given birth to kittens.

“Although it’s impossible for us to adopt every stray cat on the street, but imagine if every family manage to keep a pet cat in their home. That can actually save a lot of their lives. Some might have allergies towards animals but you can still help by providing clean water and some food outside of your house for the cats. This can avoid them from eating poisonous or unhygienic foods and also let them have a healthier life.”

In his essay, Bridges implores readers to be more sympathetic to the plight of stray cats. They have difficulty finding food and are involved in many accidents, particularly with cars. Bridges suggest leaving out food and water for stray cats, so they eat healthier food than whatever they scavenge for. In addition, he encourages people to adopt stray cats, although this is not for everyone, as some may have allergic reactions. 

Looking for more? Check out these essays about dogs .

“the extent of cat self-awareness is still a mystery. Despite all of the wisdom contained in her all-knowing eyes, when your cat’s pacing back and forth in front of mirror, she’s probably not admiring the sleekness of her coat or the smoothness of her freshly-trimmed nails.

More than likely, she’s investigating the stranger that is too close for comfort.”

O’Brien writes about the phenomenon in which cats look at themselves intently in the mirror. Based on research, cats do not recognize themselves and continue to look into the mirror to assess possible threats. As animal brains are less developed, they do not understand that they see themselves and instead see their reflections as other animals. They are not looking at themselves as people claim but trying to perceive the presence of another cat. 

“How many people do you see taking their cat with them on car rides? Or having a nice walk in the park? Absolutely no one. If you’ve ever brought your cat in the car, you know how loud, annoying and horrible it is, not only for them but you as well. The whole time, all you hear is their pitiful meow from the carrier, which is in the very back, covered in blankets to drown out the ear-splitting screeches.”

Cain’s essay explores the more negative aspects of cats, particularly compared to owning a dog. She starts by recalling ancient Egyptian traditions by which cats were associated with divinity and protectors from evil spirits, demons, and hell. She also discusses several bad qualities of cats; they are “a bit messy,” “filthy,” “annoying,” and “horrible.” While Cain does not hate cats, she believes dogs are preferable. 

5. ​​ Why Are Cats So Incredibly Rude? by Julie Davidson

“Cats hold a grudge. When a cat is mad, she wants you to acknowledge it. Some will act out doing such things as clearing the books off the coffee table, sumo wrestling a feline roommate, or emptying her water dish out onto the floor—all to get your attention. But, just when she has pushed us to our absolute limit, a cat flashes those big kitten eyes (picture Puss in Boots from Shrek), and we melt like a snowman in the Sahara.”

Davidson writes about some of the cats’ bad habits, particularly their “rudeness.” They demand attention, put up a bad attitude when it is not given, and do things considered “adorable” to win back the favor of their owners. Cats are lovable yet manipulative; however, this is part of their nature, and cat owners must deal with it. For more, you can also see these articles about cats .

Essays About Cats: Should you own a cat

In this essay, research and list the advantages and disadvantages of owning a cat- what positive and negative traits do they have? Then, conclude whether you would recommend getting a cat as a pet to others. Of course, this would be easier if you own or have a cat, but ample research will suffice. This is an excellent topic for an argumentative essay, as you can find many arguments for and against owning a cat online. 

It is a fact that cats are loved by many. What makes cats so lovable? In your essay, look into some qualities of cats that make them so beloved and ideal as pets. If you do not have a cat,  you can base your essay on interviews with cat owners or information from the internet. 

Think of a memorable occasion when you interacted with a cat, whether with your pet, a family member or friend’s cat, or even a stray cat outside. How did it make you feel- were you stressed, relaxed, or disgusted? Your essay should be a retelling of a personal story; do not include others’ opinions or ideas from online sources. 

For an engaging argumentative essay, decide which animal you prefer: cats or dogs. Research and write about the advantages and disadvantages of having either of them as a pet, then decide which one you would prefer. Be sure to justify your choice; you can use some of the essay examples above as evidence, 

Do you have a favorite breed of cat? How about the species of cat overall? For your essay, write about your favorite type of cat, whether a lion, tiger, or adorable Persian cat. Explain why it is your favorite and, if applicable, any other special meaning the cat has to you. 

If you’d like to learn more, check out our guide on how to write an argumentative essay .

For more help, check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

The Science-Backed Benefits of Being a Cat Lover

Today is International Cat Day. Cora will probably start the morning like she does any other: by climbing on my chest and pawing at my shoulder, demanding attention. I will sleepily lift up the comforter and she’ll snuggle underneath it, sprawled at my side. For Cora—and thus for me—every day is International Cat Day.

Cats may wake us up at 4 a.m. and barf at an alarming frequency, yet anywhere between 10 to 30 percent of us call ourselves “cat people”—not dog people, not even equal-opportunity cat and dog lovers. So why do we choose to bring these fluffballs into our homes—and spend over $1,000 per year on one who isn’t genetically related to us and frankly seems ungrateful most of the time?

The answer is obvious to me—and probably to all cat lovers out there, who need no scientific research to justify their fierce love. But scientists have studied it anyway and found that, while our feline friends may not be good for our furniture, they might make some contribution to our physical and mental health.

1. Well-being

why do you love cats essay

According to one Australian study , cat owners do have better psychological health than people without pets. On questionnaires, they claim to feel more happy, more confident, and less nervous, and to sleep, focus, and face problems in their lives better.

Adopting a cat could be good for your kids, too: In a survey of more than 2,200 young Scots ages 11-15, kids who had a strong bond with their kitties had a higher quality of life. The more attached they were, the more they felt fit, energetic, and attentive and less sad and lonely; and the more they enjoyed their time alone, at leisure, and at school.

With their gravity-defying antics and yoga-like sleeping postures, cats may also cajole us out of our bad moods. In one study, people with cats reported experiencing fewer negative emotions and feelings of seclusion than people without cats. In fact, singles with cats were in a bad mood less often than people with a cat and a partner. (Your cat is never late for dinner, after all.)

Even Internet cats can make us smile. People who watch cat videos online say that they feel less negative emotion afterward (less anxiety, annoyance, and sadness) and more positive feelings (more hope, happiness, and contentment). Admittedly, as the researchers found, this pleasure becomes a guilty one if we’re doing it for the purpose of procrastination. But watching cats annoy their humans or get gift-wrapped for Christmas does seem to help us feel less depleted and regain our energy for the day ahead.

I can attest that a warm cat on your lap, giving your thighs a good kneading, is one of the best forms of stress relief. One afternoon, feeling overwhelmed, I said aloud, “I wish Cora would sit on my lap.” Lo and behold, she trotted over and plopped down on me seconds later (though attempts to replicate this phenomenon have been unsuccessful).

In one study , researchers visited 120 married couples in their homes to observe how they would respond to stress—and whether cats were any help. Hooked up to heart rate and blood pressure monitors, people were put through a gauntlet of daunting tasks: subtracting three repeatedly from a four-digit number, and then holding their hand in ice water (below 40 degrees Fahrenheit) for two minutes. People either sat in a room alone, with their pet roaming around, with their spouse (who could offer moral support), or both.

Before the stressful tasks began, the cat owners had a lower resting heart rate and blood pressure than people who didn’t own any pets. And during the tasks, the cat owners also fared better: They were more likely to feel challenged than threatened, their heart rate and blood pressure were lower, and they even made fewer math errors. Out of all the various scenarios, cat owners looked the most calm and made the fewest errors when their cat was present. In general, cat owners also recovered faster physiologically.

Why are cats so calming? Cats won’t judge us for our poor math skills, or become overly distressed when we’re distressed—which explains why cats were actually a more calming influence than significant others in some cases.

As Karin Stammbach and Dennis Turner of the University of Zurich explain , cats aren’t simply small beings who are dependent on us. We also receive comfort from them—there’s an entire scientific scale that measures how much emotional support you get from your cat, based on how likely you are to seek them out in different stressful situations.

Cats offer a constant presence, unburdened by the cares of the world, that can make all our little worries and anxieties seem superfluous. As journalist Jane Pauley said, “You cannot look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.”

3. Relationships

Cats are beings we care for and who care for us (or at least we believe they do). And people who invest in this cross-species bonding may see benefits in their human-to-human relationships, as well.

For example, research has found that cat owners are more socially sensitive , trust other people more , and like other people more than people who don’t own pets. If you call yourself a cat person, you’ll tend to think other people like you more compared to someone who is neither a cat or dog person. Meanwhile, even people who watch cat videos feel more supported by others than people who aren’t such big fans of feline digital media.

While these correlations may seem perplexing, it makes sense if you consider cats just one node in your social network.

“Positive feelings about dogs/cats may engender positive feelings about people, or vice-versa,” write Rose Perrine and Hannah Osbourne of Eastern Kentucky University.

When someone—human or animal—makes us feel good and connected, it builds up our capacity for kindness and generosity toward others. As that study of Scottish adolescents found, kids who communicate well with a best friend are more attached to their cats, probably because they spend time playing as a trio.

“Pets appear to act as ‘social catalysts,’ inducing social contact between people,” write U.K. researcher Ferran Marsa-Sambola and his colleagues. “A pet can be accepting, openly affectionate, consistent, loyal, and honest, characteristics that can fulfill a person’s basic need to feel a sense of self-worth and loved.”

Finally, despite what you might have heard about kitty-to-human brain parasites , there’s a smattering of evidence that cats could be good for our health.

In one study, researchers followed 4,435 people for 13 years. People who had owned cats in the past were less likely to die from a heart attack during that time than people who had never owned cats—even when accounting for other risk factors like blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, and body mass index. This was true of people even if they didn’t have cats currently, the researchers explain, which suggests that cats are more like preventative medicine than treatment for an ongoing disease.

In another study , James Serpell of the University of Pennsylvania followed two dozen people who had just gotten a cat. They completed surveys within a day or two of bringing their cat home and then several times over the next 10 months. At the one-month mark, people had reduced health complaints like headaches, back pain, and colds—although (on average) those benefits seemed to fade as time went on. As Serpell speculates, it’s possible that people who form a good relationship with their cat continue to see benefits, and people who don’t, well, don’t.

Much of this research on cats is correlational, which means we don’t know if cats are actually beneficial or if cat people are just already a happy and well-adjusted group. But unfortunately for us cat lovers, the latter doesn’t seem to be the case. Compared to dog lovers, at least, we do tend to be more open to new experiences (even if our skittish cats aren’t). But we’re also less extraverted , less warm and friendly , and more neurotic . We experience more negative emotions and suppress them more, a technique that makes us less happy and less satisfied with our lives.

On the bright side, that means it’s more likely that cats actually do bring us as much delight and joy as we claim they do, although the research is far from conclusive . In fact, the vast majority of pet research focuses on dogs, partly because they’re easier to train as therapy assistants. “Cats have been left behind a bit by the research,” says Serpell. Yet another bone to pick with our canine counterparts.

While we’re waiting for more data, I will continue to gush to everyone I meet about how happy I am to have a cat in my life—and in my bed, on my dining table, and watching me go to the bathroom. What I lose in sleep I make up for in soft, furry love.

About the Author

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Kira M. Newman

Kira M. Newman is the managing editor of Greater Good . Her work has been published in outlets including the Washington Post , Mindful magazine, Social Media Monthly , and, and she is the co-editor of The Gratitude Project . Follow her on Twitter!

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E E Smith

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Why We Love Cats

A personal perspective: the felines that bring joy to our lives..

Posted February 7, 2023 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma

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Michal Bednarek Shutterstock

I have never heard anyone say they were allergic to the lions in the zoo or that tigers made them sneeze, but mention that you have a cat in the house, and someone will say they are allergic to them and reach for a Kleenex. Some people may be truly allergic, and there is scientific evidence that particles, dander or skin flakes in an animal's fur (and notably a cat's fur), can cause an allergic reaction in certain susceptible individuals.

Conversely, there are reports of mental health benefits to having a pet. Research shows that dog and or cat ownership can boost well-being and mental health conditions; or at least people think they benefit, with three-quarters of pet owners reporting that they enjoy health improvements because they live with a pet.

For whatever reason, I love cats, and cannot remember a time in my life when I didn't have one. I do have a very early memory of holding a kitten in my arms and throwing him down the stairs when he scratched me. I must have been 5 or 6 at the time. My mother said I was trying to prove the old maxim that cats always land on their feet. (He did.)

My husband used to say that he hated cats, but in a quarter-century of marriage , we never had fewer than one—and usually two or three—at any given time. I am trying to recall how or why we acquired them all. I know I used this excuse a number of times: "But what could I do? He followed me home!" In this, I was often aided by a co-conspirator, our daughter, who would nod in agreement with fingers crossed behind her back.

I have often said that I like cats because no two are alike in personality . But we had one who seemed to have no personality at all. He just ate and slept. We named him "Mitty" after the character in the 1947 movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty because we were sure he must have a secret life somewhere that we knew nothing about.

Thankfully, my husband was quite tolerant of my love of cats and had even been won over by some of them, especially the orange and white striped ones, called Tiger One and Tiger Two. Tiger One had been such a clown, and loved to play, chasing anything that moved. He would watch basketball on TV and jump at the screen when the ball was loose. Watching him was often more fun than watching the game.

He brought such joy to our lives, but it was inevitable that we would lose him. I was brokenhearted, and couldn't stop crying when he succumbed to cat fever.

I was reminded of this just recently when another cat, called P-22, our celebrity Puma in Griffith Park, had to be euthanized after being hit and severely injured by a car. He had led a lonely life as a bachelor, unable to find a mate in the limited territory that he roamed, bisected by the 405 and 101 freeways.

P-22, may he rest in peace, would leave no progeny, but his legacy would be of far greater value. There is now an international campaign to build the world's largest "wildlife bridge" across the 101 freeway in Agoura Hills. Thousands of people attended a celebration of his life in Griffith Park, his old stomping ground. And we have all been reminded that we must share the Earth with our fellow creatures.

The power of support from companion animals for people living with mental health problems: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the evidence. BMC Psychiatry

E E Smith

E. E. Smith is a playwright and book author. Her new series of murder mysteries debuted in 2013. The first is titled Death by Misadventure.

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The New York Times

The learning network | what are your thoughts on cats.

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What Are Your Thoughts on Cats?

Stereotypes persist about cats and the people, particularly women, who love them. <a href="//">Related Article</a>

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People say there are “cat people” and “dog people,” but is that really true? What if you happen to like both equally?

Does the fact that someone has a cat (or a dog) affect how people view him or her? Should it?

In the Op-Ed essay “Stand Up for Your Cats,” Julia Baird writes:

The longstanding, irrational bias against cats stems from archaic views about women. Their owners are more likely to be single women than single men — according to the American Pet Products Association, 11 percent of cats live with single women but only 2 percent live with single men — and so they have become addendums to the spinster stereotype. We seem unable to contemplate the thought of a woman enjoying the sweet company of a cat, without assuming it is a hallmark of a sad single existence. The words woman and cat don’t conjure up thoughts of a glamorous fast life, but pajamas, Chinese takeout, bowls of Ben & Jerry’s, couches and DVDs. The words associated with cat lady on Urban Dictionary, for example, include: “lame,” “forever alone,” “spinster,” “ice cream” and “smelly.” Nice. A man and his dog, on the other hand, are icons of independence, freedom and adventure. Granted, this is partly because dogs tend to be happier accompanying you to places outside your own house. But Ms. Swift takes Meredith out in Manhattan and the singer Kesha takes her cat on airplane flights. Must female cat owners constantly have their sanity questioned simply because they like to coexist with purring fur balls? This is not a tired cat-versus-dog debate. Everyone loves dogs. Even if they do, say, eat the feces of other animals, howl at ambulances, delight in bottom-sniffing and even — like my old Labrador — eat jellyfish until their faces are numb. (Is there anything a Labrador won’t eat?) It should be pointed out that many men also love cats. Ernest Hemingway was mad about polydactyl, or six-toed cats, and kittens played with Winston Churchill’s newspaper as he read, and sat alongside him during meals. … Cat men and women, we have the numbers. There are now roughly 95.6 million cats in America, compared to 83.3 million dogs. We also have science on our side. Studies have shown that cat owners are less likely than those who have never owned a cat to die of cardiovascular disease, and pet owners have a decreased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Researchers from Miami University and Saint Louis University found “pet owners had greater self-esteem, were more physically fit, tended to be less lonely, were more conscientious, were more extroverted, tended to be less fearful and tended to be less preoccupied than non-owners.” Less lonely, happier, fitter. Pets don’t indicate mental illness; they seem to aid in recovery from it.

Students: Read the entire essay, then tell us …

— How closely do your views about sexism driving negative views of cat owners match Ms. Baird’s? Explain your answer.

— Do you have any pets? If so, what kind? How many?

— What do you think of the words associated with “cat lady” on Urban Dictionary? Accurate? Unfair? Something else? Explain.

— What do you think about cats? Have you ever hid those views from others? If so, why?

— Why do you think stereotypes about cats, dogs and the people who love them persist?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

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I do not have any pets. The words associated with the “cat lady,” is usually referring to being alone, depressed, and a bit weird. I personally have never had a cat before. In picking animals, they would not be my first choice. Only because they’re not much of an energetic animal. I heard they crawl on countertops, leave hair everywhere, and smell terrible. I have really hid those thoughts because discriminating against animals are just as wrong as doing it to people. These stereotypes continue about cats, dogs and the people who love them because chances haven’t been taken to actually see what its like to have a cat, or a dog, or be in the positions that these people are in. This is why views haven’t been changed for some people.

What Are Your Thoughts On Cats? by: Mya – Lee I do not own any pets, but I do think that the stereotypes that come with them have some truth to them. After all stereotypes exact for a reason despite how ignorant and bigoted they and the people who believe them are. I do believe that sexism is involved to a degree as dogs are seen as adventurous and manly when compared to cats and it is believed that mostly women own cats. I do not think that the words associated with a cat person are fair although i have met people who meet that definition. I do not like cats in the slightest but that doesn’t mean I can’t like the people who own them.

I have pets, I have two pitbulls and one is a blue nosed. I believe that a dog is better for people that are more available and can spend more time with them.

cats suck they lazy they hate everything the only care about thereselves they only one be alone they wanna play not all cats but some

I am not a cat person because cats are lazy and you can not play with them like you play with dogs. Also dogs are loyal and you can depend on them.

The cat vs dog thing is silly. Get what you like. I will say that most apartments dont take dogs for a reason. My cat is TOO playful sometimes. He brings his favourite toys to me when he wants to play, which is always. Part of a cats charm IS their aloofness. If you’re looking for the ultimate pet, have a kid.

I have two cats and two dogs, one dog specifically a family pet, but I am the direct owner of both cats and one dog. I am not lonely, but do not go out much with friends besides school. I feel that Urban Dictionary’s associated words to “cat lady” are unfair, and quite frankly, mean. Why do people make fun of those they perceive as lonely? To feel better about themselves. I’ve never hid my liking of cats, as I enjoy their company, as I do with dogs. I also do not think that the perceived image of “crazy cat ladies” as sexist, but I think of it as plain bullying and being mean to make yourself feel better. And It’s wrong, because it’s the exact same reason racism and imperialism were so huge in the past, to make one feel as if they are better than and more important than someone else.

Las opiniones negativas de gatos propietarios es parafraseando el estereotipo de estar solo, sentir tristeza o la depresión por la que se encuentran refugio o afecto en las mascotas como los gatos o los perros así que sí se relaciona esto con ‘ensayo de la señora Baird. En mi familia tenemos un perro “caniche” su nombre es Cody, formó parte de mi familia durante dos años, nos encanta y cuidado de él como un miembro de mi familia. The cats are also a friend for men, but not everybody has the same ideology about cats because they think that they destroy the furniture of the house, in other words they cause allergy to people who suffers asthma, etc. in my opinion I like cats, I would like to have a cat one because I think they are so adorable to live with them. The stereotype that people make about cats and dogs are not really true they create in their own imagination to make them self think what are the advantages or disadvantages to have a pet.

Cats it a domestic animals and very beautiful, they are carnivorous mammal and also human companionship. Cats are similar in anatomy to the other fields, with strong, flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cats and dog are the most popular animals in the word, because we can analyze that, people who doesn’t has a dog at home has a cat, It really difficult to see some people living without them. Some people doesn’t likes dog, but the really like cats, because they think cat it a small animal and they don’t really causing trouble as the dog does. I even though cats are very friendly with people, but they have an attitude I don’t really like about them. They are too quiet, they don’t really like to play, and the worst thing a hate about them it they always mad and become aggressive when they don’t want to play with you people even you try to play with them, but it not a big problem ,because a known this animal doesn’t like to play so much. after that cats are one of the best animal we should have at home.

In my opinion the stereotypes about you are like the pet that you have is really. Although I do not have any pet, I know some people close to me that have pets and I can say that they are really like they pets, I am not saying that they are physically equal, what I am try to say it is that people choose their pets according to them. As the example in this paragraph if you like “to be alone” and “lying” you are going to select a cat because cats are like that, but if you are an athletic person and you like to run, you are going to select a pet who like run too, like a dog. I really do not like cats too much for their fur balls everywhere that make me sneeze and because cats are animals too quiet, I am not that kind of person that want to be lazy all the time, so if I will buy a pet I really will not choose any cat, I prefer playing pets like dogs, for example, that I can play and run with. So the type and breed of the animal we have influence on how we are.

I have read an article “What Are Your Thoughts on Cats?” by Shannon Doyne. Animals are innocent. They can’t share their opinion with others. In the world, many people like pets. But I don’t have any pet because I don’t like them. I feel scared when I see dog and cat in the street. As a pet I like birds. In my opinion I want to say cats are lazy. They like to stay in home. They don’t like to play like a dog. Cats like to eat milk and fish. Some people like cats or dogs. If you have any of them, you must have to take care of them. You must have to spend time to take care of those pets. I think you will lose your valuable time for them. Every one minute is important for all people. So, don’t lose your time to take care pets and I think you don’t need to adopt pets.

I think that the cats are independent animals unlike the dogs. The single women are working all time and I think that they don’t have much time to care her pets, and the cats do not need their owners all the time with them. The dogs are different animals, they are more dependent of their owners, need more attention, and they are playful animals to people. The stereotype exists because the people see the dogs like strong, friendly, and playful animals, and the cats like rare and solitary animals. I do not have pets, but before I had a dog and personally I can say that my pet glad my days. Today we are in a “free society” and each person can have the pet that they want, and anyone no should criticize and judge for that. Nobody can tell what kind of person you are, for the type of animal you have.

I do not have any pet, no cats, no dogs, because I don’t like that kind of animals. I prefer birds, but I’m clear that many people like this animals, and and I think that sometimes those influences, that people love cats, happen because these people feel alone and with the company of a cat or a dog feel loved and accompanied. I say this because many times I have visited a friend who lived with her daughter, who recently moved to another state but now that she is alone at home, tells me that the company of her cat makes her feels much better, because she has somebody to play, cook, even to view television.. And yes I have had hid my way of think of cats in many times , Because I know that some people love them , but I think cats can be dangerous, especially for kids.

I have had the two of them cat and dogs I think both are cute they have different manner of behaving but in this country I don’t want to buy any of them even thought my kids are insistent me to buy a dog or a cat. In this country animals are too expensive end needs times because they stress if you don’t take them to walk and if they get sick, the checkup are too expensive apart from that cat and dogs stinks even if you take them a shower every day some people after owned a pet they don’t feels that smell but when you enter in a house with a dog or cat you can feel the smell right away. But, on the other side they become a member of your family you learned to love them as your own kid and they are god companions. I have read that kids who have a pet are happier than those who don’t have any of them. Although there are many people who have pets because they feel lonely but it is true women gets cats whether then dogs and I think because cats don’t needs to take them for a walks they are more laziest just they chose them as a companion and to fawn their soft fur. Dogs instead are more playful they are more active and need more times. They are good companions especially for active people.

According to the article “What Are You Thoughts on Cats?” by Shannon Doyne says about the cat people dog people. Most of the woman’s pet is cat and most of the man’s pet is dog. Both of the animals have good behavior. Most probably woman likes cat because cat are so innocent animals. Woman loves it very much. It can eat which thing its master gives them. Cat doesn’t bother any one. On the other hand dog also a good pet for a woman and man. Dogs always obey hid master. I think dog is very helpful than cat. When a master is falling any problem dog try to protect its master. It tries to save from the other. Cat also try to do the same things but not as like as dog can. In that case, in America most of the people have cat more than dog’s amount. There are about 95 million cats and 83 million dogs in America. I’ve a dog and his name is Tisun. He is very intelligent and innocent pet dog I think so. When I came out with him I feel better and comfortable with him, because he never bothers any pedestrians while we are running on the road. But I think dog is more expensive than cat, so that everybody like cat than dog as a pet in America.

It does not matter if the pet that people own is a cat or a dog. Stereotypes have always been in society; farther from it what they really represent is companionship. In my opinion i have a dog, his name is Mateo, he is my friend and he is always there to make me laugh and accompany me. Dogs are the best friend of the human being; our dogs give us Companionship, love, understanding, friendship, and loyalty.

“Researchers from Miami University and Saint Louis University found “pet owners had greater self-esteem, were more physically fit, tended to be less lonely, were more conscientious, were more extroverted, tended to be less fearful and tended to be less preoccupied than non-owners.” I am not surprised about the result of this study. All humans being need affect, company, support and atc. These are things that many animals can give to you, especially cats and dogs. Why animals can have this power? pets love people exactly how they are, pets don’t judge you, pets do not make stereotype because your color or race, pets do not see your defects, pets are always there when you get at home, and pet always are able to jumping to you and give affect. As a human being all these things have an impact in us, in very positive way, I think for this reason the result of Miami University’s study was such a great result. As soon as you have a pet and it became in your best friend, and each one become dependent of each other. In contras there are people with just have more people around them, but they are not happy as people who have pets, because human being judge each other, see defects each other, they are not as faithful as animal and they make stereotype each other..

Something that surprises me is that the article mentions that people who have cats are less likely to have to die of cardiovascular disease. Since I was a child I have been hearing that cats are not good for heath, especially for women. I remember my mom say that cats have a parasite that can sterilize women. I like cat, but not as much a like dogs. Because dogs are more affectionate than cats and I would say dogs are more faithful than cats. But any ways cats are cute and that like to be near their owner. I have a dog in my country, he is such great dog, I miss him such much and when I was alone in my home because my parents were here in United Stated, I did not feel alone because my dog was there. I guess people should not be alone completely a least have a pet.

Cats are more domestic’s type of tempt pets that mostly found with ladies, because of their gentled touch and goosy feelings, that most of the women love to be with if they have a lot very times in their house. I do not have any pets and for me it depends on how is your environment of living. If you have some few companions in the house or the apartment that will be difficult to have pets. Cat Lady may be the way ladies act or just lovely phrase people sometimes they use. But pets in general should be love by all humans. I love cats and they are very close to human. I had my mother in-law cat was running after us when we all trying to leave for event and leave her alone she was telling us don’t leave me to day I will have my babies due. And that day she had her babies. It should be no stereotypes about cats or dogs. And people they should have the choice to have the pet of their test.

I’ve never had a cat before but I do k now that cats tend to be alone, quiet and don’t like people to touch them. Same happens to the person who likes to own cats, they just like to be alone and I think it makes them more depressed. I do thin dogs are more lovely and good company, it’s wonderful when you get home and you see your dog happy when they see you. A dog is a better company because you have to feed them, walk them and you’re actually spending time with them which makes you happy and not feel alone. “Cat Lady” makes me think that it’s depressed, lonely and not happy at all. I think I would never have a cat, they just scare me the way they look at people and they are always quiet is just scary.

I think that stereotypes about the people how have cats are foolish. If they have a cat it is not the reason why they are single, crazy, or lazy. The animals have nothing to do with the way that their owners behave. We must stop judging people for all things they do or they have. No matter if a person has a cat, a dog or an elephant as pet we should take the time to know them first. In my opinion the person how a pet has in good condition may have good qualities.

Many people in the world have pets, and there many reasons why they do. Some of these pets are treated like actual family members. Although, some people may think that is not a good idea to have pets sort of like cats. I am truly not a pet person, especially about cats I would say that they are dirty, you have to clean up its mess or accidents they have. Moreover, there’s often a smell in the apartment from the cat. One thing for sure cats would not be one of my first choices to have. However there are people who may say that there are some positive reasons to own a pet such as a dog, because it keeps you in company. Furthermore, the dog is always happy to see you when you come home, or sometimes you can feel safe due to it barks or simply its presence.

Cats and dogs are very good animals because they can live with humans, and I don’t think people should associate with the word spinster. In with article “What are your thoughts on cats?” by Miss. Julia Baird she says that woman are more likely to have cats than man and that is true. Everybody can see that there are many women with cats and they are absolutely happy and friendly persons, so I believe with the article that those people who have pets like cats and dogs have a good self-esteem, and they are not a spinster persons. Personally don’t have cats or dogs but that doesn’t mean I don’t like, I don’t have because I believe that dogs and cats need a huge space, and someone who take care them. Those pets are good I use to have in my country Ecuador not only one dog or one cat, but many of them because I have big space, and I know that those animals are very nice. I think to have pets are good for economy, also I remember one day when my boss’s cat had a big problem because his cat ate a mice and parts of the mice didn’t pass by cat’s throat and the cat was supposed to die until my boss made a decision to take that cat to the Animal Hospital and paid around $2,000 for the surgery and $ 1,000 for rehabilitation and also he had to spend a lot of money on food. Those days the cat was treated nice more than ever, and my boss really had a good self-esteem and wasn’t a spinster

I think the concept sexism about the owner’s pet is wrong. It is more cultural, people see natural and normal when a man is accompanied with his dog but is no normal when a man carries a cat on his arms. It is a custom, I believe it does not matter if someone would rather a cat or dog, because people like the animal feel the same love. Sometimes someone decides for a cat because it does not need to go outside, and the dog wants to walk out. For example in my case I have four cats in my house, I would like have a dog also but I cannot because I do not have time to go walking and I think they need make some “trip”. I can say many things about my cats. “Wow!! They are the most beautiful thing that have ever happened to me. Living in a big city as New York could be the cause why I have a cat because while I was living in my former country I did not have any pets, but now I cannot live without them. A few months ago I missed one of them. It is was a black cat that my daughter picked up from the parks when was a baby. “Buddy” was four years, he got hepatitis and died in three days. I wept for him almost a week and I am still missing him so far. The others are Siamese’ race but this kind are so quiet, polite, even they are so smarter but they are so different from my black Buddy’. Having pets is a very emotional experience, because it allows to someone developing very human feelings. Probably there are kind of people who want a pet and who do not. I am not alone, I am not depressed but I can say that they to get over any bad time that someone gets for any reason.

– Do you have any pets? If, so, What kind? how many Pets are some things people love having fo companioship. Yes, I have one pet home that is precious for me because she means a lot to me. The pet that I have home is a cat. My little cat likes to play with mouses before she eats them.

Personality I don’t have any pet, but I think the dogs and cats are good animals to live with people because with these animals people enjoy their company, they can play each other’s, can make exercise, and also these animals are very friendly. I agree with Julia Baird when she writes more women like pets than men because I have opportunities to know many women who live with cats and dogs, and they have a good self-esteem

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why do you love cats essay

May 31, 2019 Back Home

100 Reasons Why We Love Cats

Cats are the BEST. No one does it quite like these furry little guys. They have so much sass, personality and panache packed into their tiny fluffy bodies. It’s easy to love them.

Since we dedicate so much of our lives to caring for felines, sometimes it’s hard to share just how much they mean to us. So, instead of spelling it out word for word, we thought we’d write down a couple (a hundred) reasons why we love cats.


1.    they look pretty darn cute when they make biscuits..

2.    Early morning wake-up meows are the best way to start the day.

3.    cats are made for spooning., 4.    they love fashion … ahem, it’s called the “cat walk” for a reason., 5.    they come in meowny shapes and sizes ., 6.    cats love rom-coms., 7.    they have their own unique purr-sonalities., 8.    cats love avocados (who doesn’t)..

9.    They love the most random toys (shoelaces, plastic bag…you name it).

10.  cats are great listeners., 11.  they’ll never leave you alone, because they don’t understand personal space., 12.  the way they chew., 13.  they’ll help you redecorate., 14.  cats are meowsically inclined ., 15.  felines = pest control without the appointment., 16.  invisibility mode..

17.  They’ll always come running when you crack a can.

18.  unlike dogs, cats are great at reading the room ., 19.  cats are basically acrobats., 20. they make great public servants ( rip mayor stubbs )., 21. cat hair everywhere … don’t care., 22. sleep, sleep and more sleep., 23. cats make usain bolt look slow., 24.  naked cats. that’s all..

why do you love cats essay

25. Scratchy little tongues.

26. they can imitate a crying baby to toy with your emotions., 27. cats get more talkative when they get older., 28. the way they chirp at birds ., 29. toe beans. seriously how are those little paws even real, 30. they’re way too smart for your parlor tricks..

31. They love drinking water from the faucet, even if they get soaked in the process.

32. sometimes they let you pet their tummies., 33. cats make great adventure buddies., 34. the catnip crazies, 35. they can live for over 20 years . so there’s a good chance you’ll get to throw them a quinceanera., 36. even their angry faces are pretty cute., 37. the way they relentlessly taunt dogs., 38. they can masquerade as loaves of bread..

why do you love cats essay

39. Somehow they manage to sleep for 18 hours in origami-like positions .

40. cats have been ruling things since the days of the pharaohs in ancient egypt., 41. that purrrr though., 42. they’re just like humans. they get allergies too. ( achoo ), 43. cats like kenny g. they love soft music too ., 44. they’re shameless about where they get their pets., 45. they make great dinner dates., 46. cats know how to code..

47. They can sniff out a good time (with their extra organ .)

48. they love a fresh seafood dinner., 49. saucer eyes one second and slits the next., 50. three moods: eating, sleeping, zoomies., 51. because … grumpy cat (rip).

why do you love cats essay

52. Cats can be jerks … but, like in a good way.

53. because all they need is a ball of string., 54. cats hate group texts., 55. those late-night nose boops., 56. because no name is off limits (ahem princess monstertruck ), 57. cats make great adoptive pets … seriously, adoption is awesome., 58. cats take you for a walk..

why do you love cats essay

59. The people who love cats are easily the best.

60. if you give a cat a bone…nothing will happen., 61. #cats has over 84 million mentions on instagram, 62. cats make great detectives. they are very sneaky., 63. they absolutely love pineapple pizza., 64. cat in the hat … enough said., 65. because they make some people a litter bit crazy., 66. cat memes are everything..

why do you love cats essay

67. Cats are great at setting boundaries. (No means no. Or else.)

68. one time chuck norris told a cat joke, and made himself laugh., 69. they’ve mastered the “too cool for school” vibe., 70. they could singlehandedly bring back the fauxhawk ., 71. if you can successfully trim their nails, you can conquer anything., 72. cats made the rodeo chic..

73. Cats will never judge your solo dance parties. (Okay, maybe a little bit.)

74. nobody embodies the spirit of mondays better., 75. parkour, 76. “vicious” head butts, 77. because cat clothes are a must., 78. cats hear literally everything…they have 32 muscles in their ears., 79. cats the musical, 81. they’ve got ups..

82. Cats don’t need night vision goggles. They can see great in the dark.

83. great short distance sprinters…long distance, not so much, 84. they hold world records . shout out to our girl nala cat., 85. because cats will never ask you for a ride to the airport., 86. cats don’t have bad hair days..

why do you love cats essay

87. Cat fashion shows exist … and they’re fabulous!

88. there are such things cat cafes and that’s just the best., 89. cats are always down for a late night snack., 90. celebrikitties > celebrities., 91. without cats, there wouldn’t be things like catcon or catsbury park., 92. they’re great at yoga ., 93. cats love fast cars. especially furraris., 94. because their ideal afternoon involves a windowsill and some sunshine..

why do you love cats essay

95. Cats have been to space.

96. not fans of laser pointers., 97. they love getting flowers (to eat)., 98. cats love long lists., 99. cat stevens., 100. without cats, there’d be no world’s best cat litter™..

why do you love cats essay

We could keep going, but you probably have things to do today — like feed your cat, or pet your cat, or snuggle with them. At World’s Best Cat Litter™, cat love is kind of our thing. Sign up for our emails to get fun cat news, contests, coupons and more!

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why do you love cats essay

ARE BLACK CATS BAD LUCK? Are black cats bad luck? Learn how this age-old myth found itself into the mainstream and why these felines aren't as dark as you'd think.

why do you love cats essay

KEEPING LITTER IN THE BOX AND OFF THE FLOOR Pet living expert, Kristen Levine, shares tips and advice on keeping cat litter in the litter box and off the floor.


Essay on Why Cats Are The Best Pets

Students are often asked to write an essay on Why Cats Are The Best Pets in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Why Cats Are The Best Pets

Cats are great companions.

Cats are great companions. They are loving and affectionate, and they will always be there for you. They will purr and cuddle with you, and they will always make you feel happy.

Cats Are Easy to Care For

Cats are also very easy to care for. They only need to be fed once or twice a day, and they can use a litter box. They don’t need to be walked or groomed, and they don’t require a lot of space.

Cats Are Independent

Cats are also very independent. They can be left alone for long periods of time without getting lonely. This makes them a great pet for people who have busy schedules or who travel frequently.

Cats are the best pets because they are loving, affectionate, easy to care for, and independent. They make great companions for people of all ages, and they will always be there for you.

250 Words Essay on Why Cats Are The Best Pets

Cats are low-maintenance pets, cats are affectionate and playful.

Cats can be very affectionate and playful companions. They love to cuddle and purr when they’re happy. Cats also enjoy playing with toys and chasing balls of yarn. They’re always up for a good game of fetch or hide-and-seek.

Cats Are Independent and Self-Sufficient

Cats are independent and self-sufficient creatures. They don’t need to be constantly entertained or supervised. They’re happy to spend time alone, playing with their toys or sleeping in the sun. This makes them ideal pets for people who have busy lifestyles or who travel frequently.

Cats Are Good for Your Health

Studies have shown that owning a cat can have a number of health benefits. Cats can help to reduce stress and anxiety. They can also help to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Cats may even help to reduce the risk of asthma and allergies in children.

Cats make great pets for people of all ages and lifestyles. They’re low-maintenance, affectionate, playful, independent, and good for your health. If you’re looking for a pet that will bring you years of joy and companionship, a cat is the perfect choice.

500 Words Essay on Why Cats Are The Best Pets

Cats as companions.

Cats are affectionate and make great companions for those who live alone or crave a loving presence. Their loyalty is long-lasting and their purrs are always comforting.

Cats’ Independence and Low Maintenance

Cats are hygienic and clean.

Cats instinctively groom themselves, meaning little to no effort is needed to keep them clean. Some breeds, like the Russian Blue, are known for their meticulous grooming habits, so you can rest assured that your cat will always look neat.

Cats Are Good for Mental Health

Research suggests that interacting with cats reduces stress and anxiety. Some breeds, such as the Ragdoll, are known for their calming demeanor, making them great therapy cats.

Cats’ Unique Personalities

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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11 Reasons Why Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs

Cats are easy to care for, and better yet, they don't bark!

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Alycia Washington is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) with nearly a decade of experience as a small animal emergency veterinarian. She currently works as a relief veterinarian for various emergency and specialty hospitals. Dr. Washington recognizes the importance of education and also works as a freelance veterinary writer.

why do you love cats essay

The Spruce / Phoebe Cheong

Many people think that cats are better than dogs. Cats are easy to care for, quiet, and relatively affordable. They don't require nearly as much exercise as dogs, and they even groom themselves. There are certainly benefits to owning a cat that you won't get from owning a dog.

Here are 11 reasons why cats are better than dogs.

Cats Don't Take Up Much Space

Ryland Dean / Unsplash

If you've ever tried to share a bed with a golden retriever —or even a tiny dog —you know they take up a ton of space. Between their size, their love for stretching out into everyone's personal space, the room they need to play and exercise, and their stuff (such as a dog bed or dog toys), dogs need a solid amount of room to live a happy, healthy life.

Cats, however, don't need a lot of space to thrive. As long as you can fit their essentials, such as  litter boxes (you need one box per cat plus one extra) and food and water dishes, you can pretty much guarantee your kitty will be happy.

Owning a Cat Is More Affordable

Jena Ardell / Getty Images

Over the course of their lifetimes, cats are generally more affordable than dogs. While buying a specific breed of cat can be expensive, generally, adoption fees are lower for kittens and cats than they are for puppies or dogs—particularly during kitten seasons or times when the shelter has a major influx of kittens. Some shelters may even waive their fees or offer a two-for-one deal on kittens.

Once you own the pet, there are plenty of expenses you will incur, from supplies to caretakers. Because dogs have a tendency to  destroy their toys , they have to be made from much tougher (and much more expensive) materials—or replaced often. Cat toys are relatively cheap to buy and even cheaper (and easy) to DIY.

Plenty of exercise is absolutely vital to a dog's health, but getting two or three walks a day can be tough when you have a full-time job. Considering the average dog walker charges $15 to $20 for a 20-minute walk, costs can add up quickly. Cats, however, are perfectly content lounging, napping, hanging out on a cat tree or cat house , and playing with their toys at home alone while you work the day away. It's even better if you have two kitties  since they'll keep each other entertained.

Cats Are Perfectly Content Indoors

Dogs can't have an indoors-only lifestyle; they need a lot of exercise , plenty of walks , and in general, a lot of time spent outdoors to live happy and healthy lives. But if you don't have a yard or access to parks, or have limited mobility, this may present a major challenge.

Not only are cats much safer indoors , they're perfectly happy curled up in a sunny spot on the couch or on their very own cat window perch . Simply crack a window for some fresh air (but make sure it's not open wide enough for kitty to escape), and your cat will be totally content watching birds and bugs all day long.

Cats Are Quieter

Even the biggest dog lovers have to admit: Whether your dog is barking at a passerby, another animal, or simply because its favorite toy is stuck under the couch, incessant barking can get pretty annoying.

While cats certainly do make some noise— especially at night , when many cats are most active—meows and purrs tend to be pretty quiet. Meowing and purring are cute, but even better, you'll begin to recognize what your cat's meows actually mean . You'll learn how to differentiate a meow that means "I'm hungry" from a meow that means "Cuddle me!"

Kittens Require Less Work Than Puppies

anurakpong / Getty Images

Both puppies and kittens require an incredible amount of time, energy, and attention. Between getting it comfortable in its new home, introducing it to its new diet, and starting some preliminary training, you may be a little bit sleep-deprived during the first few weeks with your new pup or kitten.

Puppies need ongoing training (especially for potty training ), but once kittens are weaned from their mothers and have learned the basics of using the litter box , they can be left at home unsupervised during the day.

Do you want to be extra safe? Put your kitty in a room where it can't get into mischief while you're gone. It'll keep the kitty wrangled in one safe space and, due to its smaller size, it won't be able to cause much (if any) damage from being contained.

Cats Keep Pests at Bay

MRS / Getty Images

Cats are natural-born hunters, so it's in their DNA to stalk, hunt, and pounce on their prey—even if it's on a television screen. While you should never, ever let your cat eat a bug or mouse it catches, since this can lead to illness , a pest-free home is just one of the many benefits of owning kitties. What's more, your cat's scent alone can keep rodents away from your house; if rodents detect a hunter in the home, they're far less likely to enter.

Cleaning the Litter Box Is Easier Than Constant Walks

The Spruce / Ana Cadena

While it may be a little weird that your cat pees and poops in strategically placed boxes all over your house, cleaning out a litter box is far   easier than having to take walks late at night, during scorching summer days , or through freezing cold, all while scooping up dog poop with a plastic bag over your hand.

Cats are naturally very clean creatures, and one of their instincts is to bury their pee and poop. This hides their territory from predators who, like cats, use their sense of smell to find their prey. Although house cats aren't necessarily being hunted by predators, humans can reap the benefits of neat, clean, and completely covered waste.

Cats Clean Themselves

Dogs love stuff that smells bad—from garbage to dead animals to poop—and they really love to roll around in it. As a result, dogs require routine bathing and lifelong grooming , which can get very expensive if you take your dog to the groomer.

Cats are essentially self-cleaning machines . You may want to groom your cat with a brush every once in a while and definitely   clip its nails as needed, but otherwise, cats do a very good job of keeping themselves clean.

Cats Understand Personal Space

Tom Oehne / Getty Images

Sometimes after a long, stressful day at work, you may not be in the mood to have a dog at your heels, following you around the house and nudging you to play fetch. While cats may get a bad rap for being cold or distant, they just understand (and appreciate) the concept of personal space. Cats don't require your constant attention or energy, which will give you plenty of opportunities to sit and relax after a long work week.

Cats Provide Health Benefits

Paul Hanaoka / Unsplash

It has been said that owning a pet can reduce stress and make you live longer, but there are certain health benefits that cats provide to their owners. For example, purring may have therapeutic healing capabilities on human muscles and bones. The frequency of the vibrations has been shown to have positive effects on joint mobility after an injury.

Cats' Adult Size Is More Predictable

fermate / Getty Images

When adopting a cat, or even a kitten, you are usually able to estimate how big they will become once fully grown. As many dog parents who've rescued a puppy will attest, the adult size of dogs is harder to predict. The typical weight of a healthy cat, however, is in the range of 7 to 12 pounds, with a few exceptions. So you'll likely always be able to carry your cat, if needed.

Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. Pet Weight Ranges .

More from The Spruce Pets

a gray domestic cat.

Domestic cats like this one may not really understand people.

What Do Cats Think About Us? You May Be Surprised

Unlike dogs, our feline friends treat us like other cats, author says.

Since cats first got their adorable claws into us about 9,500 years ago, humans have had a love affair with felines.

Today more than 80 million cats reside in U.S. homes, with an estimated three cats for every dog on the planet. (Watch a video about the secret lives of cats. ) Yet there's still a lot we don't know about our feline friends—including what they think of their owners.

John Bradshaw is a cat-behavior expert at the University of Bristol and the author of the new book Cat Sense . After observing pet cats for several years, he's come to an intriguing conclusion: They don't really understand us the way dogs do.

Bradshaw recently shared some of his insights with National Geographic.

How did you get into cat behavior?

For the first 20 years of my career I studied olfactory [smell] behavior in invertebrates. I've always been fascinated by this other world that animals live in—primarily of odor, which is dogs' primary sense. So in the early 1980s I started working on dog behavior. [Later] I very quickly became fascinated with cats, and what their idea of the world is compared to the one we have.

What do you do in your research?

A lot of observation—watching groups of cats to see how they interact with one another and deducing their social structure. [I watch] cats in colonies that are free-ranging, and in animal shelters where quite a number will be housed together—you get interesting dynamics [when new cats are introduced].

I've also done slightly more manipulative things, such as studying the way cats play with toys, or testing cat [behaviors] at different times of the day. [I also observe] relationships with owners, interviewing them and giving them questionnaires to find out how they perceive their cats.

Why did you conclude that cats don't "get us" the way dogs do?

There's been a lot of research with dogs and how dogs interact with people. [It's] become very clear that dogs perceive us as being different than themselves: As soon as they see a human, they change their behavior. The way a dog plays with a human is completely different from [the way it plays] with a dog.

We've yet to discover anything about cat behavior that suggests they have a separate box they put us in when they're socializing with us. They obviously know we're bigger than them, but they don't seem to have adapted their social behavior much. Putting their tails up in the air, rubbing around our legs, and sitting beside us and grooming us are exactly what cats do to each other. (Also see " How Cats and People Grew to Love Each Other.")

I've read articles where you've said cats think of us as big, stupid cats. Is that accurate?

No. In the book [I say] that cats behave toward us in a way that's indistinguishable from [how] they would act toward other cats. They do think we're clumsy: Not many cats trip over people, but we trip over cats.

But I don't think they think of us as being dumb and stupid, since cats don't rub on another cat that's inferior to them. (See " Cats Use 'Irresistible' Purr-Whine to Get Their Way .")

Can we discover what cats really think about us?

More research needs to be done. [It's] not an area that's received sufficient attention. [Cats are] not wild animals, so ecologists [might think], 'Well they're not really animals at all.'

What has been most surprising to you in your research?

How stressed a lot of pet cats can be without their owners realizing it, and how much it affects the quality of their mental lives and their health. Cats don't [always] get on with other cats, [and people don't realize] how much that can stress them out. Other than routine visits, the most common reason cats are taken to vets is because of a wound sustained in a fight with another cat.

[More cats are mysteriously getting] dermatitis and cystitis [inflammation of the bladder] and it's becoming abundantly clear that these medical problems are made worse by psychological stress. [For instance], inflammation of the bladder wall is linked to stress hormones in the blood.

One solution is to examine the cat's social lifestyle, instead of pumping it full of drugs. [For example, that could mean making sure] two cats that [don't get along] live at opposite ends of the house. Quite often the whole problem goes away.

I have a few questions from cat owners on Facebook. First, why might a cat yowl when it's by itself in a room?

Cats learn specifically how their owners react when they make particular noises. So if the cat thinks, 'I want to get my owner from the other room,' it works to vocalize. They use straightforward learning. (Learn about National Geographic's Little Kitties for Big Cats initiative .)

Why do some cats treat one human member of the household differently?

They're much smarter than we give them credit for: They learn what works with what person. They know if [one member of the family] is prone to get up at 4 a.m. and give them some treats.

Why do cats knead us?

They are using behavior that they would use toward their mother—all the behavior they show toward us is derived in some way from the mother-kitten relationship. The kitten learns to raise its tail, rub on its mother, and knead and purr. Grooming is what mothers do back to kittens.

So they're using bits of behavior already in their repertoire to communicate with us. There aren't very many behaviors—maybe half a dozen. (See National Geographic readers' pictures of cats .)

Can you train cats?

Yes. Cats can learn what they're not supposed to do. If your cat has developed a habit [of jumping up on the kitchen table], there are limited ways to prevent it.

You could use a spring-loaded toy, so when a cat jumps up on something, the toy goes bang and up in the air—the cat doesn't like that and jumps down. Another reasonably benign [strategy] is to use a child's water pistol. But make sure the cat doesn't realize you've got it. Cats don't forgive, and once they realize a person is causing them anxiety or hurt, they keep away.

What do you want owners to know about their cats?

Acknowledge that cats are sociable animals to a point, but not sociable to the extent that dogs are. A lot of people who have one cat decide they would like to have another cat, thinking two cats are twice as much fun. But the cats may not see it that way.

The simple message I would like to get across is if you do want to have more than one cat, go about it in a careful way—and be prepared to give up on it if it doesn't work.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Follow Christine Dell'Amore on Twitter and Google+ .

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