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Wonder of the Day #491

Do Dogs Really Eat Homework?


SCIENCE — Life Science

Have You Ever Wondered...

  • Do dogs really eat homework?
  • Why do dogs eat paper?
  • What foods can be dangerous to dogs?
  • chocolate ,
  • guacamole ,
  • Assignment ,
  • Curiosity ,
  • Veterinarian ,
  • Table Scraps ,
  • Theobromine ,
  • Kidney Failure ,
  • Macadamia Nuts ,

Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by Thomas. Thomas Wonders , “ Why do dogs eat homework? ” Thanks for WONDERing with us, Thomas!

You have a big, important homework assignment due tomorrow, but you're not stressed . You made good use of your study time at school and completed over half of it. When you got home, you avoided distractions, like television and video games, and worked hard until it was finished.

Then your worst nightmare happened! While you were in the kitchen making a healthy snack , your dog got hungry, too. Instead of eating his dog food, though, he made a sandwich out of your homework! Oh no! What will you do?

You know that “my dog ate my homework" is the oldest excuse in the book. Your teacher will never buy that! Or will she?

As it turns out, dogs really do eat paper from time to time. If you explain this to your teacher — and show her what scraps remain, if any — you just might get an extension to re-do that assignment. Better yet, make use of modern technology and do your homework on the computer, so you can save it and print out a copy whenever you need it!

Remember: honesty is the best policy . If you simply forget to do your homework, don't lie and blame it on your dog!

Dogs are known to be indiscriminate eaters with healthy appetites. This means that some dogs will eat just about anything if given the chance.

Why? Some scientists believe eating paper and other non-food items may just result from boredom . Most dogs are energetic animals that need plenty of exercise and distractions to keep from becoming bored.

When bored, many dogs will give in to their natural curiosity and explore new things. This exploration can often take the form of scratching, biting, and eating. If you were eating a sandwich while you were doing your homework, stray crumbs or bits of food might even make your homework tempting to a dog that's bored!

To dogs, paper is just another “thing." It's something to chew on. If it happens to be your homework, that's particularly bad for you. However, it's probably no different to your dog than chewing on newspaper or a book. To prevent your homework from becoming lunch, be sure to store it in a safe place when you're finished with it!

It might also help to make sure your dog is well-fed. Stick to food and treats recommended by your veterinarian , though. It can be dangerous to feed your dog human food in the form of table scraps.

Over the years, veterinarians have learned that there are certain foods that can harm dogs. Here are some foods that can be particularly dangerous to dogs:

  • Avocado : Skip the guacamole ! Avocados contain persin, which can be toxic to dogs in large amounts.
  • Caffeine : In large quantities, caffeine can be fatal for dogs. So stick to water and skip the coffee, tea, and sodas for your dog. Also avoid chocolate , which contains caffeine and another substance toxic to dogs: theobromine.
  • Onions and Garlic : Dogs who eat onions or garlic regularly or in large quantities can develop a condition called anemia, which results from the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Grapes and Raisins : Veterinarians don't really know why, but it's clear that grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs.
  • Macadamia Nuts : As few as six macadamia nuts can make a dog ill. Larger doses can be fatal.

Wonder What's Next?

Are unicorns real? Do they live in the sea? Find out tomorrow in Wonderopolis!

Are you ready for some homework? Grab a friend or family member and try out the following activities:

  • Do you or a friend or family member have a dog? What kind of trouble do dogs tend to get into? Has one ever eaten homework? What about chewing up toys? Talk about the funny stories you've heard of dogs getting into trouble. Do you think any of these stories might have been caused by dogs feeling bored?
  • Have you ever forgotten to do your homework? If you do, you probably don't want to blame your forgetfulness on your dog. It's best to fess up to your forgetfulness and ask for extra time to complete your homework…and maybe an extra credit assignment to make up for it being late. Inevitably, though, some students will choose to get creative and invent wild excuses as to why they weren't able to complete their homework. What do you think? If you were a teacher, would you believe any of the following excuses? I don't have my homework, because: + My babysitter flushed it down the toilet! + My locker is jammed and my homework is trapped inside! + My dad used it to start a fire in our wood stove! + I left it at home! I thought that's where HOMEwork was supposed to stay! + My friend fell in a lake! I jumped in to rescue him, and my homework drowned!
  • If you don't want your dog to eat your homework, it's best to keep Fido well-fed. What do dogs usually eat, though? Do some research to learn more about dog food. Find a bag of dry dog food and read the list of ingredients. Which ingredients do you recognize? What are the others? Search the Internet to discover what some of those oddly-named ingredients actually are. If you have a dog, put what you learned into practice by making your pooch a special treat of homemade dog food !

Wonder Sources

  • http://jackinabox.hubpages.com/hub/Why-do-dogs-eat-paper
  • http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/ss/slideshow-foods-your-dog-should-never-eat
  • http://madtbone.tripod.com/school.htm

Did you get it?

Wonder contributors.

We’d like to thank:

Dalya and Jayden for contributing questions about today’s Wonder topic!

Keep WONDERing with us!

Wonder Words

  • distraction
  • indiscriminate
  • veterinarian


Yikes! We hope you've come up with a solution to prevent that from happening! 


my dog tore up my homework folder in first grade and ate my homework we posted a pic online (dog shaming)


omg i agree

That's super cool, Natalia! 


Or your dogs can do your homework for you.


You're welcome, Savannah.


Thanks for being our Wonder Friend, duncan!


well thats sad that ur dog ate ur homework

It would be very sad if that happened! Do you have any pet dogs, Caitlyn?


Thanks for sharing, Lucas B! We hope that your dog hasn't eaten your homework!!


You have a very nice dog, peyton! Also, check out  Wonder 1499: When Was the Great War? for more information about World War I!


Camden Riley Justice

Hi, Camden! If you have a video of your dog eating your homework, we think that there is a good chance that your teacher would believe you! Hopefully your dog has never eaten your homework, though!! ?


C j/CamdenJustice

my dog broke my computer and NOW i have a new one AND MAKE SHURE YOU NEVER FED A DOG CHOKELET

That's right, Cj! We even have a Wonder about why you shouldn't give chocolate to dogs:   Wonder 1522: Why Can't Dogs Eat Chocolate?

Uh-oh! ?


maby you don't have any toys thats what made our dog stop dolng that.

Thanks for joining the conversation, camden!!

Thanks for sharing, jayden! It sounds like your dog pixie lived a great, long life!! We don't recommend chocolate for dogs, though.  If you are concerned about Nada's eating habits, you may want to make an appointment to see a veterinarian.  Sometimes, though, dogs eat things like paper because they are bored! 


Great question, Zehra! Dogs can eat things they're not supposed to when they're bored!


my dog eat some of my moms brownies

Uh, oh! We hope not too many, because dogs shouldn't eat chocolate!  Wonder 1522: Why Can't Dogs Eat Chocolate? will explain why!!

Thanks for your concern for our canine friends, joshua! We actually have a Wonder about this topic, as well! Check out  Wonder 1522: Why Can't Dogs Eat Chocolate?


? Thanks, Amara!! We are SO happy to have you WONDERing with us!!


good job wonderopolis

? Thanks!! We love having you as our Wonder Friend!!


? Thanks for WONDERing with us, Aiden!!


Hi, Paige! Dogs may tend to eat anything in sight due to boredom, not stupidity! We hope this helps!!

Hi, Paige! Thanks for WONDERing with us!


Thanks for stopping by, Wendy!


Hello!! We are WONDERing about how dogs can eat homework!! What are you WONDERing about??


? Oh, no!! We're so sorry to hear that, Patricia! We hope that you were able to get an extension!


We're happy to help and that you're researching this information before you get a dog, Eloise!!! What type of dog are you planning to get?


Thanks for letting us know, Brady!! 


No way I never knew that dogs are crazy and I am in 5th grade.

Thanks for joining the discussion, Wendy!

It sounds like you know this from experience, Max!! Do you have a dog?


i dowt that the dog ate your book

Thanks for sharing, Mark!! Dogs do sometimes eat paper, and this can be due to boredom.  We hope that the library book didn't cost too much to replace!!


they eat paper from time to time

You're right, mya!! Thanks for sharing!!

I do too because some of my friend's dogs ate there homework.

I like to chew paper from time to time

That's cool, James--but we recommend making sure it's clean paper!

Dogs do sometimes eat paper, so it is a possibility! ?


Did a dog ever eat your homework, bob?? ?


Isabel the monster

That's awesome, Isabel!! What are your dogs names?? Have they ever tried to eat YOUR homework?? Thanks for WONDERing with us!!!


? Thanks, franklin! 


We're sorry to hear about your birds, alexis.  Have your dogs ever eaten your homework? (Or your chickens or bunny??)


? That is very unlucky! Hopefully she was able to reprint the paper, or get an extension!!

My sister did get an extension on her homework. Because she brought the rest of the rip up papers:\

Whew! That's good news! We're glad she was able to get the extension, though hopefully she didn't have to make up too much extra work!

That is WONDERful to hear, A.K.!!! We're thrilled that you're learning with us!!


Thank you so much for sharing, Taylor! We love learning new things here at Wonderopolis, and we're thrilled that you do, too!!  Wonder #1149: Can Wolves Be Tamed? sounds like a perfect Wonder for you to check out!


? So sorry to hear that, Emily! Do any of your friends have dogs?


Dogs are awesome but there a lot of work

That is absolutely true, James! Some of the work can be fun, like playing with them. But, cleaning up poop isn't fun, that's for sure! 


Ha Ha I don't think that is the reason.:)

Me either!!

Well, Ally, having a dog certainly does come with its own set of responsibilities. Some people think its worth it for the companionship. Other people prefer cats. Which do you like better: dogs, or cats?


No problem, charlotte. Your friends are probably just jealous of how awesome you and your dogs are! But keep those avocados out of reach, just to be safe.


Heehee, that gave us a laugh, Boi! Thank you for WONDERing with us!

We are glad you finally found the answer, Isaac!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, jordan! We're glad you are WONDERing and learning with us! ?


i eat my homework too:)

You all are funny, Boi! Homework seems like it'd be a bit on the bland side! ?

mecer i know you eat homwork

We bet that doesn't taste too good, jordan! ?

That's interesting, mercer! We hope you spit the paper out! :P


Thanks for commenting, Amaris! Here's a related Wonder that you may like: Wonder #577. :)


Wonder Friend

my dog ate my homework too i had to email my teacher or she woudn,t believe me.

That stinks, Wonder Friend! We hope it didn't impact your grade too much!

Oh my, hoi man! We bet your friend was frustrated! Thanks for sharing your connection to this Wonder. :)


Thanks for commenting, Ava! Have you seen Wonder #1113? It's all about autocorrect! :)


my name is Shayna! pronounced sh-ae-nu

Hey there, Shayna! We're glad you are WONDERing with us! :)

Thank you for asking, Shaelyn! We are doing well! How are you? We hope great!! :)

Hello there, michhele! We sure are glad you visited Wonderopolis! :)

Hi, karina! We're glad you liked this Wonder! It's always GREAT when we learn something new! Keep an eye on your dog when he's around books! Hehe! :)

Ava Gelinas

Hi, Ava! It's definitely possible for dogs to eat your homework! We're glad you liked this Wonder! :)


nicole mack

Thalia woof.

Me too I want a dog but I have a baby

Thanks for joining the discussion, Thalia! :)

Hi, maanya! That would be AWESOME! We hope you get to have a dog one day, too! :)

Thanks for being a supportive Wonder Friend! We appreciate you joining the discussion! :)

Hi, nicole! Puppies are adorable! Dogs are WONDERful pets! :)



Hi, amanda! Sounds like you're good friends! Check out Wonder #1238: What Does It Mean To Be a Good Friend? Have fun WONDERing! :)

We do, too, amanda! Dogs are WONDERful animals and great companions! :)

i dont i do my homework. i like pizza (Off Topic)

Thanks for joining the discussion, Wonder Friend! It's important to do your homework so you can practice what you're learning in school. We also like pizza! We encourage you to use the search box to find Wonders about pizza to explore! :)

Thanks for sharing your opinion, angel! Have a WONDERful week! :)


Hi, Wonder Friend! We're not sure if this would work! Better to be safe than sorry and do your homework! :)


what is the author name?

Great question! Thanks for asking! Wonderopolis is brought to you by the National Center for Families Learning. They would be the author of the Wonders! :)

We're THRILLED you liked this Wonder, jacques! Thanks for visiting Wonderopolis and leaving a comment! :)

Welcome, Adsur! Dogs are WONDERful pets. However, we don't want them to eat your homework! That wouldn't be good! :)

But then how would you be graded on it, Nicola? Better stick with kibble! ;-)


Hi, Kasey! We're glad this Wonder reinforced something you already knew. That's GREAT! Thanks for WONDERing with us! :)

Hello, Josie! We hope you had fun exploring this Wonder. Thanks for stopping by Wonderopolis! :)

Hi, Skeley! We don't know. Every dog is different. To be safe we would keep our homework in a very safe place! :)


That's good to hear! Thanks for leaving a comment. Keep up the GREAT enthusiasm for WONDERing! :)


Oh no, roxie! But, then you wouldn't have it to turn in after doing all that work! :)


Alex Oczkus

We're glad you enjoyed WONDERing with us, Alex! We hope you have an awesome day! :)

Good point, ayden! Puppies sometimes chew things they aren't supposed to because they don't know any better. You're right! It's important to always put your homework in a safe place, just in case! :)


i hate that puppy cant eat my homework!!!!

Why would you want your puppy to eat your homework?? Then you wouldn't have it to show off your hard work! :)

Hi, gunnar! Dogs can eat broccoli, but it's always important to check with your vet and to remember to only feed them human foods in moderation. Every dog's diet is different. It's great you're checking to see if it is good for them before feeding them, but be sure to always ask your vet first! :)


Can that dog eat my h.w

Hi, WONDER friend! It is a possibility, so be sure to put it in a very safe place! Thanks for joining the discussion! :)



Welcome, Darksaber! According to Pet WebMD , chocolate can be poisonous to dogs if consumed in a large enough amounts. Other times, it simply may just make your dog sick. There is no way to know for sure how your dog will react, so you must be very cautious when dogs are around chocolate. Thanks for sharing this information with our WONDER friends! :)


Jumpin' Jordan and Jo

You're welcome, Jumpin' Jordan and Jo! We're glad to hear you learned some new things with us! Your fun name reminded us of a few Wonders of the Day! :) :) We hope you'll enjoy these: #703 Who Jumps the Highest? #1093 Do You Double Dutch?


Thanks for stopping by Wonderopolis and sharing your questions, Abigail S.! There have been a couple times our dog (and once even our cat!) has nibbled a bit on our homework! But fortunately, we caught it before he ate the whole thing! Have you had a pet take some bites out of your homework? ;)


kirrily Johnson

We're sorry to hear that you have LOTS of homework, Kirrily! We do know that homework is important for learning. :( We are SUPER glad to have you WONDERing with us today! :D


Oh no, Graham. It sounds like all that "people food" may hurt your dog's stomach. We think it is best to stick with the dog food. Thanks for sharing with us today! :-)


We're glad you enjoyed it, Nicole! Thanks for WONDERing with us today! :-)


Oh no, Morgan! Paper is not good for dogs. Be sure to read the Wonder article, especially the list of foods that are dangerous to dogs. It is always best to feed your dog only food and treats recommended by your vet. Thanks for WONDERing with us today! :-)


Absolutely, Cora. That looked like a mess! We are so glad that you enjoyed this Wonder. Thanks for WONDERing with us! :-)


WONDERful guess, Ann! Check back tomorrow to find out if your Wonder Prediction was correct! Keep WONDERing! :-)


That would be nice, Bryce! Thanks for WONDERing with us! Keep WONDERing! :)


Mrs. LaLonde's Class

WOOHOO, we're so glad you enjoyed this woof-tastic Wonder, Mrs. LaLonde's Class! We want to keep our pets nice and healthy, so we're glad to learn that dogs shouldn't eat chocolate (even if they want to)! However, they sure do like peanut butter... and paper, too! Thanks for sharing your WONDERful comment today! :)


Thanks so much, Erin! We're so excited that you visited today! We hope your dog doesn't get a hold of your homework! :)


Very cool, Wonder Friend N! We're so glad you are visiting us today to learn about dogs and their love of homework! We Wonder what your project covers? :)


Hey there, Momo! We are glad you're doing your homework, and we hope your dog doesn't mistake your work for a tasty treat! We have lots of awesome topics to Wonder about here at Wonderopolis! You can check out our categories section and search by topic, or you can visit us every day for a brand new Wonder! :)


Girls 4 ever

Hey there, Girls 4 ever! We are glad you're WONDERing with us today! We know that things happen from time to time, but excuses are not as WONDERful as the truth. We Wonder if you have ever had your dog eat your homework? YIKES! Thanks for sharing your comment today! :)


We think that's an excellent word to describe the dog in the Wonder video, Patrick! That is one energetic dog! We Wonder if homework tastes good to dogs, or if they would prefer to eat some dog food instead? Thanks for sharing your comment with us today! :)


Thanks so much, Brad! We're glad to hear it! :)

We don't think homework would taste very good, that's for sure, Brad! We know that some dogs, especially our four-legged friends here at Wonderopolis, sometimes eat things that don't taste the best. This includes furniture... homework... and even old sneakers! We know that dogs are great, but we have to keep important things, like homework and shoes, far away from them! :)


Hi there Tanner, thanks for sharing your story with us! We are glad your friend was able to turn in another copy of his homework-- his dogs must have been very hungry! We hope you have a SUPER day! :)


Thanks for sharing your personal connection to this Wonder, Noel! We think teachers might hear "the dog ate my homework" a lot! :-)


YIKES! We don't think that's a very healthy habit for your dog OR your grades, Eipco! Thank you for sharing your comment with us today...we appreciate it! :-)


That's a really great guess, Janelle! Thanks so much for hanging out in Wonderopolis with us today! :-)


Moa fahlstedt

You've got THAT right, Moa! We thought it was cute to see the little puppy try to play tug of war and tear up the girl's homework. We hope she didn't have to do her homework again because her dog tried to eat it! :-)


awesome Mackenzie ttyl

We're not sure, Mackenzie! We think maybe they see it as something their owners were playing with (or working on), so maybe they think it's a toy and they want to play with it, too? We're sure there are other reasons why dogs eat homework, so it's fun to WONDER about that! :-)


Hi, Emily! Thanks for letting us know you like cheese. Have you visited any of these CHEESY Wonders? Wonder #52 - Why Is Cheddar Cheese Orange? https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-is-cheddar-cheese-orange/ Wonder #322 - Why Are Some Cheeses Stinky? https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-are-some-cheeses-stinky/ Happy WONDERing! :-)


Team Mcneil22

Those are really creative excuses, Team McNeil 22! We hope none of our smart, amazing, clever Wonder Friends ever have to use any of them, though! We hope everyone's homework gets done and handed in on time! That would be WONDERful, wouldn't it? Thanks so much for sharing your comment with everyone in Wonderopolis today! :-)

Team McNeil #4

We're SO GLAD to hear the new information and word you learned by exploring this Wonder, Team McNeil #4! We think there are toxins that dogs react to inside grapes. Since raisins are dried grapes, it makes sense that they would be harmful to dogs, also. Good luck trying to change the habit of feeding your dog table scraps! We know from experience that it is a tough habit to break! :-)

Team Unger 10

We think it's SUPER cool that you searched for a topic you were interested in to see what Wonders would pop up, Team Unger 10! Way to go! Dogs who ingest avocados can become very, very sick because of the toxin, "persin," that is found in the avocados. Thanks so much for WONDERing even MORE about this Wonder after you explored it! :-)

We hope her teacher believes her, too, Team McNeil 22! That dog was so cute...it must REALLY like homework a LOT! :-)


Thanks for visiting Wonderopolis today and sharing about your dog, Star! We'd say it might be a good idea to keep him or her away from your homework! :-)


Well one time a person at my Spanish class said her dog ate her homework and the teacher asked for proof.The next day the student brought a bag of paper shreads

Oh no, Cam! That probably wasn't very pretty! Thanks for sharing your story! :)

We think that's a good thing, Skelekian! Thanks for leaving us this comment today! :-)


Hi, Zoe! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about dogs today! We appreciate your comment! :-)


Team wilch 5

We're glad to see you are exploring different Wonders in Wonderopolis today, Team Wilch 5! We bet your teachers will appreciate you NOT using the "my dog ate my homework" excuse! :-)


Happy Monday, Annie! Thanks so much for visiting this Wonder of the Day® and for letting us know you thought it was COOL! :-)


andrew hattenbach

That sounds like a really good idea, Andrew! Thank you for telling us that you liked this Wonder and that you learned a few new facts about something you've always WONDERed! Have a WONDERful day! :-)


That's a GREAT question, Britney! We're not sure how paper would digest inside a dog (or even a human)! That is something we will BOTH have to do a bit more WONDERing about! :-)

Thanks so much for sharing your personal connection to this Wonder of the Day®, Britney! We're sorry your dog ate your homework before...we hope he/she doesn't do it anymore! :-)


Hi, CR1 Eric! You have to put the colon symbol ":" right beside the end parenthesis symbol ")" to make a smiley face. So, : PLUS ) EQUALS :)! :-)


Jessie Leigh

Thanks for sharing about Pugsly, Jessie! She is a really lucky dog to have such an AWESOME owner like you who loves and cares for her so very much! :-)



That puppy certainly WAS cute, SassyCat923! Thanks for sharing your comment with everyone in Wonderopolis today! :-)


Thanks for letting us know what you thought about the video for this Wonder of the Day®, Marion! We appreciate your comment! :-)


Hello, Michael! It's so great to hear from you today! Thank you for visiting Wonderopolis! :-)


Thanks for sharing a story about what happened to your homework, Clayton! We hope your teacher still accepted it when you tried to turn it in! :-)


Hi, Audrey! We don't think it would be a good idea to teach your dog to eat your homework...he might think other important papers (like certificates or money) are homework and eat them, too! YIKES! :-)


We like that creative excuse, Hannah! So, what you would actually be telling your teacher is that YOU ate YOUR OWN homework! Thanks for making us smile today...you're a GREAT Wonder Friend! :-)


Hello, Kimberly! Thanks so much for this GREAT comment! We hope your dog doesn't eat your homework tonight, either! Thanks for WONDERing what tomorrow's Wonder might be about. We WONDER that every day, too! :-)

That's a clever excuse, Jordan! We hope your neighbor's cat doesn't really do that to your homework! That would be a less-than-PURRRRfect situation! :-)


You're RIGHT, Ashlyn! We have all seen the proof in the video for this Wonder! Wasn't that puppy super cute? :-)


Thanks for letting us know you liked today's Wonder and the video for it, too, Chloe! We know from experience how badly hitting your "funny bone" can hurt...it's not very funny when it first happens!


Miriam and Ruthie and Jami

Happy Wednesday, Miriam, Ruthie and Jami! Thanks so much for leaving us this enthusiastic comment and for letting us know you liked the video for this Wonder of the Day®! To make the smiley face, you type a colon and an ending parenthesis. : + ) = :) You can also make a "winking" smiley face by typing a semicolon and an ending parenthesis. ; + ) = ;) How about a smiley face with sunglasses? Just type the number eight and an ending parenthesis. 8 + ) = 8)


Wonder Friend I-L-P

Hi, Wonder Friend I-L-P! Let us know if your teacher believed you about your dog eating your homework! We hope you remember to bring all your homework home and back to school next time! Have a WONDERful day! :-)

CR1 student/Eric

We're really happy to hear that, Eric! Thanks so much for visiting Wonderopolis at home, too! We think it's neat that your friend might have made the video for this Wonder of the Day®! :-)


We think the dog in the video ate the girl's homework because of two reasons, Blake! The first reason is that it is a puppy, and puppies LOVE to chew things...even important things! The second reason is maybe the puppy thought the homework was just another toy to play with! :-)


We WONDERed the same thing, Abby! We wonder if she did her homework over again? :-)


abigail Rae

Thanks so much for visiting this Wonder of the Day®, Abigail! We're glad you liked it and that you learned something new! :-)


brooklyn from team loganbill

Thanks so much for visiting this Wonder and for wishing us a WONDERful day, Brooklyn! We think your mom is awesome for bringing you your homework when you forgot it on a Friday! She sounds like a GREAT mom! :-)


We're super sorry your dog had kidney problems, Maya. We're proud of you for learning something from this Wonder that might help you and your parents determine what could have caused your dog's health issues. Thanks so much for visiting Wonderopolis today! :-)

We think your dogs sound like awesome pets, Maya! Thank you for sharing a little about them with us today! :-)

CR1 student

We're super sorry you can't see any videos for the Wonders of the Day, CR1 Student! If you're trying to view the Wonders at school, we want to let you know that some schools/school districts put "blocks" on certain videos that come from places like YouTube or Vimeo. The blocks protect students from accidentally seeing unsafe things by making sure the videos don't show up on school computers. Because we use videos from these places in our Wonders of the Day®, you might not be able to see them when you’re at school (even though the videos we post on Wonderopolis are safe). You might want to check with your teacher to see if he/she can do something about getting the blocks removed. Thank you for visiting Wonderopolis today! :-)


Thanks for always adding something awesome to each Wonder with your WONDERful comments, Paige! We appreciate you, Wonder Friend! :-)


Mischeivious Missy

WOW! That's a LOT of happy, Missy! Thanks so much for making us smile even MORE today! YOU ARE AWESOME! :-)


We hope that too, Avery! We know our Wonder Friends (like you) work really hard on their homework, so we hope it all makes it back to school and gets checked off as completed! Thank you for sharing your comment today! :-)


ashlyn from mrs.fradys class

Thanks for leaving us the GREAT comment, Ashlyn! No, we don't have a dog that ate our homework, but as you can see by reading the comments on today's Wonder, a few of our other Wonder Friends do! :-)


Justin and Drew

Hi there, Justin and Drew! Thanks for leaving us this comment today! We think dogs eat homework (and other things they shouldn't eat) because they think it's something fun to play with. They might also think it's fun when their owners chase them around saying, "Please give me that back! That's my homework!" They think it is a game! :-)



WOW, Tommy! That's a LOT of homework eating! Thank you for sharing about your dog today...we hope he or she finds something else to play with besides the homework you spent so much time working on! :-)



It sounds like Coco is very adventurous, Jeron! We bet she is very lovable, though, and we bet she loves you a whole bunch! :-)


alexia garcia

Hello, Alexia! We're guessing Simon's dog ate his MATH homework? We think it was funny that Simon thought his dog wanted to learn multiplication! Thanks for making us smile this afternoon! You are a GREAT Wonder Friend! :-)


Carly at North Todd Elem.

Thanks for letting us know what you liked best about the video for today's Wonder, Carly! Also, thanks for sharing your story about your sister and your homework! :-)

Lucas at North Todd Elem.

It sounds like homework is tough to keep a hold of in your house, Lucas! We appreciate you sharing your comment with us today...THANK YOU! :-)

Mason at North Todd Elem.

Thanks for hanging out in Wonderopolis today and for sharing your personal connection to this Wonder, Mason! We think you ROCK! :-)


It's interesting to learn that, isn't it, Charlie? We thought it was also interesting to learn all the things that can make dogs super sick if they eat them. We are going to be EXTRA careful now about what we feed our pets in Wonderopolis! :-)

That's a clever one, Ingrid! We sure hope that doesn't really happen, but we're glad you shared your creativity with us today...THANKS! :-)

We like that excuse a lot, Qualee! It's really awesome and super creative...GREAT job! :-)


Lanyja at Kerrick

We really appreciate you sharing your personal connection to today's Wonder of the Day®, Lanyja! We hope your dog doesn't try to eat your homework again! :-)


josh at kerrick

We bet there are a LOT of dogs out there that think homework is more fun to play with than a squeaky toy or a ball, Josh! :-)


YIKES, Riley! That must be super frustrating! Thanks for sharing your comment with us today! :-)

We think some dogs might eat homework because they think the paper the homework is written on is just another toy to play with, Sarah! Thanks so much for sharing your view on dogs eating homework! :-)


Hi, Johnathan! We'd say you've got a really WONDERful dog if he or she does not eat your homework! Thanks for sharing your comment with us today! :-)


We think you should give your dogs an extra hug and play with them for a little longer than normal today because they leave your homework alone, Caroline! They sound like pretty awesome pets to us! :-)


Hannah from Team Turner

Hello, Hannah! We're not sure about the first time that excuse was used, but we think it was creative, and we hope the person who first said it was really telling the TRUTH! :-)


WOW! We sure do like those excuses your class came up with, Mr. K! They are really, really creative! Thank you for sharing them with us today! :-)


We like that guess a LOT, Zoey! Thanks for letting us know what you think tomorrow's Wonder will be about! :-)

Mischievious Missy :)

Those are both VERY creative excuses for not having your homework, Missy! Thank you for sharing them with your friends in Wonderopolis today! Thanks for taking a guess about tomorrow's Wonder, too! :-)


autumn school girl

Thanks for sharing your personal connection to today's Wonder, Autumn! We're glad you were able to prove that your puppy ate your homework! You will always have a funny story to tell about that! :-)


Thanks for letting us know you thought this Wonder was awesome, Wonder Friend! We appreciate your comment! :-)


Hello, Darian! That's a really good guess! We think all of our Wonder Friends (like you!) who are guessing the next Wonder will be about states will be excited to explore Wonderopolis tomorrow! :-)


Happy Monday, Hannah! Thank you for letting us know you thought today's Wonder was interesting! We appreciate your comment! :-)


Thanks for making us laugh today, Cassidy! We appreciate you sharing your personal experience with today's Wonder of the Day®! :-)


Hi there, Jesse! Thanks for letting us know you liked the video for today's Wonder! We search high and low for the best videos to accompany each day's Wonder, and we're sure glad you thought we did a good job with today's! We think your guess about tomorrow's Wonder is a really good one...we'll all have to visit Wonderopolis again tomorrow to see if you're right! :-)


I think this article was very interesting and it had a lot of humor in it. I wonder if cats have a strange behavior like this as well.

Great question, Daniel! We think cats are more likely to lay on your homework than eat it, but some may. ;-) Thanks for WONDERing with us! :-)


Mrs. Newland's Class

Thanks so much for leaving us this GREAT comment today, Mrs. Newland’s Class! We're glad you explored today's Wonder together and learned some new facts! We think you guys are AWESOME Wonder Friends! :-)


Wonderopolis aka PREET

This is really funny. I used all of those and I used my friend fell of into the the lake and my homework drowned. :) :) :):) :) :):) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :):) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

That is a funny excuse, PREET! Thanks for sharing with us today! :-)



This is really good, so teachers now know sometimes kid's are not lying from time to time. :)

It is true. A dog can eat your homework. Just be sure to follow the tips in the Wonder to keep them from doing it. Thanks for WONDERing with us! :-)

That's a really WONDERful guess, Vikkie! We're so excited to visit Wonderopolis tomorrow to see if you are correct...we would like to learn more about how the states got their names! :-)

We are undergoing some spring clearing site maintenance and need to temporarily disable the commenting feature. Thanks for your patience.

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Question 1 of 3

Which of these is probably NOT the reason your dog ate your homework?

  • a boredom Not Quite!
  • b hunger Not Quite!
  • c curiosity Not Quite!
  • d sabotage Correct!

Question 2 of 3

What can you do to keep your dog from eating your homework?

  • a Eat a sandwich while doing your homework. Not Quite!
  • b Stay focused on your homework, paying your dog little to no attention. Not Quite!
  • c Give your dog plenty of exercise and distractions to keep him from getting bored. Correct!
  • d Watch TV with your dog. Not Quite!

Question 3 of 3

What can you do to ensure that your dog is well-fed?

  • a Stick to food and treats recommended by your veterinarian. Correct!
  • b Give your dog lots of fatty treats. Not Quite!
  • c Share your meals with your dog. Not Quite!
  • d Ask the neighbors to feed your dog. Not Quite!

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Where Did The Phrase “The Dog Ate My Homework” Come From?

Dogs are known as man’s best friend. Dogs keep us safe, are hard workers … and can provide a handy excuse in a pinch. Maybe that’s why versions of the classic expression the dog ate my homework have been around for hundreds of years.

Today, the dog ate my homework is used as a stock example of the kind of silly excuses schoolchildren give for why their work isn’t finished. Very rarely do people say, “the dog ate my homework” and expect it to be taken literally; they use the expression as an example of a typically flimsy excuse.

So where did the phrase come from?

Forrest Wickman, a writer for Slate , describes the legend of the 6th-century Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise as the alleged first recorded “the dog ate my homework” story. According to the tale, Saint Ciarán had a tame young fox that would take his writings to his master for him. One day, the fox grew up and decided to eat the leather strap binding the writings together instead. Still, this tale is more Garden-of-Eden parable and less terrible schoolchild excuse.

The notion that dogs will eat just about anything, including paper, turns up in lots of stories over the centuries. An example comes from The Humors of Whist , published in 1808 in Sporting Magazine . In the story, the players are sitting around playing cards when one of them remarks that their companion would have lost the game had the dog not eaten the losing card. Good boy.

Some attribute the creation of the dog ate my homework to a joke that was going around at the beginning of the 20th century. In a tale found as far back as an 1894 memoir by Anglican priest Samuel Reynolds Hole, a preacher gives a shortened version of a sermon because a dog got into his study and ate some of the pages he had written. However, the clerk loved it because they had been wanting the preacher to shorten his sermons for years.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary , the first example of the dog ate my homework excuse in print can be found in a speech given by retiring headmaster James Bewsher in 1929 and published in the Manchester Guardian : “It is a long time since I have had the excuse about the dog tearing up the arithmetic homework.” The way this comment is phrased suggests that the whole dog ate my homework story had been around for some time before it was put in print.

When was the word homework created?

But in order for a dog to eat homework specifically, homework had to be invented (oh, and how we wish it hadn’t been). True, the word homework , as in what we call today housework , appears as early as 1653. But homework , as in school exercises to be done at home, isn’t found until 1852. Once we had homework , it was only a matter of time before the dog was accused of eating it.

How we use this phrase now

No matter the origin, sometime in the 1950s, the expression became set as the dog ate my homework . This inspired any number of riffs on the theme, like my cow ate my homework or my brother ate my homework . In the 1960s, the dog ate my homework continued to gain popularity. The expression popped up a couple times in politics over the years, like when President Reagan said to reporters in 1988, “I had hoped that we had marked the end of the ‘dog-ate-my-homework’ era of Congressional budgetry … but it was not to be.”

It seems unlikely that the dog ate my homework was ever used consistently or frequently by actual schoolchildren. In fact, it’s the unlikeliness of the story that makes it so funny and absurd as a joke. Instead, teachers and authority figures appear to have cited the dog ate my homework many times over the years as such a bad excuse they can’t believe students are really using it.

In the 21st century, students don’t spend as much time working with physical pen and paper as they once did. That may contribute to the decline in the use of the phrase. So, maybe soon we’ll see a new equally absurd phrase pop up. Come on Zoomers, you’ve got this.

WATCH: What's A Unique Homework Routine That Works?

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From Our Listeners

Sometimes the dog really does eat your homework.

Last week, we brought you the story of how the phrase "The Dog Ate My Homework" came to be and how it morphed into a palpably ridiculous excuse. Turns out, sometimes its not an excuse at all. Weekend Edition host Scott Simon has a few stories from our listeners that swear, honest, the dog did eat their homework.


Last week, we tried to trace the origins of that legendary excuse "the dog ate my homework."

FORREST WICKMAN: One of the first examples is this guy. Saint Kieran, who around the fifth century had this fox that he found. And he started taking the fox around and at some point, the fox ate his Psalms.

SIMON: That's Forrest Wickman, a writer for Slate Magazine, who researched one of the most palpably ridiculous phrases of all time. But as many listeners told us, sometimes even ridiculous things can be true. They can happen to you.

JACQUELINE MOSS: My name is Jacqueline Moss, and I'm from Cumberland, Maine. And my dog really did eat my homework.

SIMON: Her beloved Labrador, Dusty, turned out to have a taste for history.

MOSS: When I was in sixth grade, we had to make a project for ancient civilization, and it was a Sumerian brick. I made it, and I left it on the radiator overnight. I came downstairs in the morning, and it had disappeared. And my dog - my Labrador was looking very guilty.

SIMON: But reasonably healthy. As it turns out, the formula her teacher gave her for Sumerian brick, was more like a recipe for a historically big dog biscuit.

MOSS: Yeah, she was fine. (LAUGHTER) There was nothing bad in it. It was just food coloring and flour and oats, salt. (LAUGHTER) So it must have been like, what she dreamed of because it was the size of a loaf of bread, and there was nothing left.

SIMON: Her teacher accepted her excuse. Harry Atwood, a high school English teacher in Dayton, Virginia, says he's heard all sorts of excuses from unprepared students. But one stands out. One day some years ago, he writes, a student came to class with the excuse that his parents had burned his homework. The following day, the local newspaper reported that the boy's family was out for a winter's drive high up in the Allegheny Mountains, and had punctured their gas tank on a rock. Soon out of gas, out of cell phone range and in below-freezing temperatures, the boy's family had used the contents of his backpack to start a fire. Excuse accepted. And finally...

LINDA BECKER: Hi, this is Linda Becker from Williamstown, Massachusetts. My dog ate my students' homework.

SIMON: That wasn't an audio glitch. She explains.

BECKER: I came home from teaching one day, and left my bag on the floor in the kitchen; went about my business. When I returned to the kitchen, my puppy - with his little, needle-like teeth - had pulled some student papers out of my bag, and chewed them up. Imagine the embarrassment of having to tell students, my dog ate your homework.


SIMON: Well, Ms. Becker, I'm sure they'll accept your excuse, just this once.

SIMON: This is NPR News.

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What To Do When Your Dog Eats Your Homework (Literally)

Tanner Dritschler @ Apr 04, 2024

You've just brewed a warm cup of coffee, you're sitting down to finally tackle that mountain of   homework , and then—chomp, chomp, chomp—your furry best friend decides your essay looks like a tasty treat. Yep, that age-old excuse "my dog ate my homework" isn't so funny when it becomes your reality! But before you start worrying about Fido's literary critique of your work, let's consider the real chew toy at hand—our dogs' safety when they nibble on our notes.

Understanding the Why

Why do dogs chew on paper? It's not like they're trying to give us their two cents on our thesis statements. The truth is, our canine companions might chew on paper out of sheer boredom or because they're on a secret mission to uncover the "taste" of knowledge. It could also be a sign of behavioral issues, such as separation anxiety or a lack of mental stimulation. Think of it as your dog's way of saying, "This essay could use a little more flavor."

However, it's not all about them being undercover book critics. Sometimes, our dogs just love the texture or the attention they get from us when they're caught in the act. It's like they're saying, "Look, I'm helping you edit!" But before we start praising our pups for their editorial insights, let's make sure we're addressing any underlying issues that could be leading to this paper feast.

Health First - Assessing the Situation

If your dog just had a field day with your   homework , the first step is to keep calm and check on your pup. While most paper products are non-toxic, they can still cause a blockage or upset tummy. Keep an eye on your dog for any signs of distress, like pawing at the mouth, gagging, or a sudden game of hide-and-seek under the bed. Remember, while dogs are great at many things, digesting complex carbohydrates—and complex calculus problems—is not one of them.

After you've ensured your dog isn't in any immediate danger, it's time to think about the next steps. Will there be any repercussions from this unexpected snack? Do you need to call in the homework cavalry? Don't worry, we've got your back (and your dog's belly) covered with some tail-wagging advice.

To Vet or Not to Vet

Now, deciding whether to rush to the vet can be as tricky as a dog trying to understand quantum physics. If your dog is acting like their usual, tail-wagging self, you might just need to monitor them closely. However, if you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms, like vomiting, lethargy, or a sudden disinterest in their favorite squeaky toy, it's probably time to call in the professionals (better safe than sorry) . Remember, while we wish we could add our pups to our student health plans, their care is a bit more specialized.

It's always better to err on the side of caution, so if you're in doubt, give your vet a shout. They can provide the best advice for your dog's breed, size, and the amount of   homework   they've turned into an appetizer. It's like having a homework hotline, but for your dog's health!

Preventative Measures

Preventing future paper feasts starts with understanding that your dog doesn't share your appreciation for literature. Keep your homework and other important papers out of paw's reach—think high shelves or closed rooms. After all, dogs are great jumpers, but they haven't mastered doorknobs... yet. And let's be honest, they'd probably prefer a good chew toy over your book report any day. Maybe we should start designing chew toys shaped like diplomas?

Training is key, too. Teach your furry friend the "leave it" command, and make sure they have plenty of appropriate chew toys to keep them occupied. It's like swapping out their snack of paper for a healthier option, like a rubber bone or a puzzle feeder. Who knows, maybe they'll develop a taste for toys that look like A+ report cards instead of your actual A+ report card.

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

When life gives you chewed-up homework, make... art? That's right, why not turn this little mishap into a masterpiece by commissioning a custom pet portrait?   West & Willow   can transform the remnants of your homework into a beautiful tribute to your dog's... creativity. It's a way to embrace the humor in the situation and share a good laugh with your fellow dog-loving friends. Plus, who wouldn't want to start a new trend of "homework art" curated by our pups?

Imagine hanging a framed portrait of your dog alongside the scraps of your algebra assignment—now that's a conversation starter! It's a way to celebrate the love and laughter that comes with having a canine companion, even when they turn your important documents into confetti. So, let's raise a paw to our furry friends and their unexpected contributions to our décor!

Homework Recovery

So, your dog has eaten your   homework —now what? First, take a deep breath and consider the digital age we live in. Most schools and universities are pretty understanding about canine-induced catastrophes, especially if you can provide a backup of your work. Cloud storage, USB drives, and email drafts are your new best friends. And for the future? It might be time to invest in a "dog-proof" homework folder, made from the toughest materials known to canine kind—or at least tougher than your standard notebook paper.

When it comes to explaining the situation to your teacher or professor, honesty is the best policy. Share the tale of your dog's dietary indiscretion (hopefully with photo/video proof), and you might just find they have a soft spot for pet-related predicaments. After all, who can resist a good dog story? Just make sure you have a plan in place to prevent a repeat performance. Your dog may be an adorable excuse for missing homework, but let's not make it a habit!

If you've ever uttered the words "my dog ate my   homework " and meant it, you're not alone. It's a rite of passage for hardcore dog owners, a story that joins us in the great tapestry of pet parenting. These moments remind us that life with our four-legged friends is filled with joy, laughter, and the occasional chewed-up essay. But hey, that's what makes it an adventure, right?

As we wrap up this guide, remember that every day with your dog is a learning experience—for both of you. So, let's take these lessons in stride, keep our homework out of reach, and maybe frame a picture of our mischievous mutts as a reminder of the day they tried to digest Shakespeare. Because at the end of the day, our dogs may not be the best study buddies, but they're certainly the best companions.

What should I do immediately if my dog eats my homework?

Check your dog for any signs of distress and remove any remaining paper from reach. Keep an eye on them for the next few hours for any unusual behavior, and consider calling your vet if you're concerned.

How can I tell if my dog is actually sick from eating paper?

Watch for symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, or lethargy. These could indicate that the paper has caused a blockage or other digestive issues.

Are there any long-term effects of my dog eating paper?

Occasional paper eating may not cause long-term issues, but repeated incidents can lead to digestive problems. Consult your vet if this becomes a habit.

How can I train my dog to stop chewing on paper?

Teach the "leave it" command, provide plenty of appropriate chew toys, and keep papers out of reach. Consistent training and mental stimulation can help curb the behavior.

Can I still get a custom pet portrait if my dog has eaten part of the photo I wanted to use?

Absolutely! West & Willow can work with various photo qualities, or you can choose a different image if the original is too damaged. Your dog's portrait will still look paw-some!

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Why Do We Say “The Dog Ate My Homework”?

The history of the delinquent schoolchild’s favorite excuse..

Did this sad Lab eat your homework?


Viacom announced on Monday that Mitt Romney had declined to appear on Nickelodeon’s Kids Pick the President special this year, citing time constraints. President Obama’s camp pounced on Romney’s decision, saying, “Kids demand details … ‘The dog ate my homework’ just doesn’t cut it when you’re running for president. ” When did “my dog ate my homework” become known as schoolchildren’s favorite excuse?

The 1970s. Delinquent schoolchildren and adults have been blaming their shortcomings on their pets for more than a century, but it wasn’t until the 1970s that “my dog ate my homework” came to be considered the No. 1 likely story. One of the first sad sacks who was said to blame his dog for his own ill-preparedness was a priest. In this anecdote, which appeared as early as 1905, a clergyman pulls his clerk aside after a service to ask him whether his sermon seemed long enough. The clerk assures him that it was very nice, “just the right length,” and the priest is relieved. “I am very glad to hear you say that,” he says, “because just before I started to come here my dog got hold of my sermon and ate some of the leaves .” The story was repeated again and again . The first citation of the excuse in the Oxford English Dictionary is a 1929 article from the Manchester Guardian , which reads, “It is a long time since I have had the excuse about the dog tearing up the arithmetic homework.” In Bel Kaufman’s best-selling 1965 novel Up the Down Staircase , a list of students’ excuses for not having their homework includes “ My dog went on my homework ” and “ My dog chewed it up .” Even in 1965, however, it was still just another excuse.

“My dog ate my homework” became known as the quintessential far-fetched excuse in the next decade, when the phrase was used over and over . In a 1976 account of the Watergate tapes, E.C. Kennedy describes listening to President Nixon “ working on the greatest American excuse since the dog ate my homework .” A 1977 article from Alaska’s Daily News-Miner describes the difficulty students faced in coming up with a new excuse since “ ‘My dog ate my term paper’ is no longer acceptable .”

The excuse was alluded to more and more throughout the 1980s. A 1982 Time magazine column on excuses suggested that “The dog ate my homework is a favorite with schoolchildren,” while a 1987 New York Times column about how students were starting to blame malfunctioning computers and printers quoted one teacher as saying she recently received “ a note from a student’s mother saying the dog ate his homework .” Even the president picked up on the trend: When Congress pushed spending approval to the last minute in 1988, Ronald Reagan complained to reporters, “ I had hoped that we had marked the end of the ‘dog-ate-my-homework’ era of Congressional budgetry … but it was not to be .” It was all over television, with references to the excuse on shows like The Simpsons and Full House . By 1989, the narrator of Saved by the Bell theme was singing, “ And the dog ate all my homework last night .”

The phrase continued to grow more popular. Between 1990 and 2000, the New York Times wrote articles with headlines such as “ Beyond ‘Dog Ate My Homework’ ” and “ Homework Help Sites (Or, the Dog Ate My U.R.L.) ,” while The New Yorker described one criminal’s accounts of his wrongdoings as having “a decided my-dog-ate-my-homework quality.” Children’s books tried to capitalize on the trend with titles like A Dinosaur Ate My Homework , Aliens Ate My Homework , Godzilla Ate My Homework , and My Teacher Ate My Homework , daring to use the term to promote reading and education. Such titles have continued into the 2000s, but in recent years the phrase seems to finally be losing steam .

Bonus Explainer: An Obama spokesperson also said, “ It’s no surprise Romney decided to play hookey .” Why do we call cutting school “playing hookey”? To play hookey began as an Americanism in the 19 th century. The earliest known citation comes from 1848, from John Russell Bartlett’s Dictionary of Americanisms , where it was said to mean “to play truant” and noted to be “ a term used among schoolboys, chiefly in the State of New York .” Word historians usually suggest that it’s from to hook it meaning to run away , a term as old as the Revolutionary War. However, others have proposed that it might derive from the Dutch expression hoekje spelen , the Dutch expression for “hide and seek”—especially since playing hooky emerged in New York during a time when it had a larger Dutch population.

Got a question about today’s news?  Ask the Explainer .

Explainer thanks Barry Popik, Jesse Sheidlower of the Oxford English Dictionary, and Ben Zimmer of the Visual Thesaurus and Vocabulary.com .

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Echols: So, the dog ate my homework?

The dog ate my homework, a colorful and simple statement. Say it out loud with me: The dog ate my homework!

Scout, left, has been guilty of actually chewing things, including homework.

You're smiling just now at the thought of saying something like this to a parent or teacher. Or, you're smiling at a memory of having actually said it, straight-faced, and super serious to someone. After all, this is the oldest line passed down through generations and generations of school-aged children. This saying probably predates the birth of our country. Heck, that excuse is probably older than dirt. When we hear it, we assume that those who utter the phrase simply aren't being truthful as to why they failed to do what everyone else in a class did … their homework.

Personally, I don't remember ever using that line, although I know folks who did. And Neely Tucker, it just doesn't sound the same when you say "the goats ate my homework!" We know that cats don't actually eat homework. So the dastardly blame has to fall on "man's best friend," our loyal, sweet, beloved puppy dogs.

"The dog ate my homework" is a line used in a seemingly feeble attempt to cover up the fact that you didn't do your homework. As the story usually goes, the person blaming dogs really forgot to do their homework or they simply just left it at home. If you can believe it, there's even a Wiki-How page that explains how to create the best excuse for not having homework completed on time. I wonder if people who actually might use that site think that teachers and parents never find out. Oh the joys of the World Wide Web, as if we needed any creative help with that one.

Either way, at some point in our lives, someone we know has said the dog ate their homework. Folks who hear that silly, unbelievable excuse of a reason typically react the same way. They shake their heads and roll their eyes back. It's as if your ears suddenly develop a shooting pain at the very sound of the excuse. Does it surprise you to know that "The dog ate my homework" ranks in the top three excuses that teachers hear every year?

I'm told that if you show your teacher the pieces of dog-shredded homework, you might get a pass to re-do it the next day. Beware though, teachers have an unexplained sixthsense that allows them to detect real dog-torn paper as opposed to people-torn paper. According to the Wonderopolis website, dogs will eat just about anything if given the opportunity. The site goes on to say that scientists believe when a dog eats homework, other paper, and non-food items it could be because of good, old-fashioned boredom. Dogs turn their boredom into curiosity and begin to explore things, which ultimately results in finding shredded scraps of homework! And Wonderopolis takes it one step further. If not boredom, your paper shredding dog might be hungry. Whether it's food he smells on your paper from your fingers touching a sandwich you ate for lunch or just your scent on the paper, the best advice for a shredding, chewing, paper-eating pup is to keep your homework, books, newspaper, and other chew-able paper out of your canine's reach.

Now we know some of the reasons why dogs might actually eat homework. But what if, what if … your dog really, honestly, did eat the homework? What if you owned a super energetic puppy that loves you more than anything in the world? What if that puppy hated it when you left the house for any length of time and found things to chew that smelled like you? What if you owned an angelically sweet border collie who, dare I say it… actually eats your homework?

Who would believe you? Certainly not any teachers and probably not even your own parents. I'm here to tell you, from personal experience in our home, that this really can happen. But there is more to this ominous cliché. In addition to the delicious homework that gets eaten, dogs today like to also consume your monthly bills, your notes for work, your cell phone, your shoes, and whatever else they can get their teeth on for appetizers.

Recently, I got a 40 percent off retail coupon in the mail. I placed it on my kitchen counter and left the room for two seconds. Upon my quick return, that coupon was cut down to about 1 percent off because it was in a million, tiny, shredded pieces on the floor. And then there were notes I made while on a conference call with a client. After finishing the call, I left the notes on a table. I walked out to get something from my car. When I got back, the notes looked as though they'd gone through one of those professional shredders.

We have our very own four-legged furry little personal shredder named Scout. You can see it in his eyes that he's a shredder. I firmly believe that puppy dogs shred things because they miss us or they're mad at us for leaving them alone for a bit. Or it could be because they're bored or hungry. My family knows first-hand that a dog really can eat your homework. Around our house, it's not so much that Scout eats the homework, but he can certainly shred it into tiny little microscopic pieces!

So the next time you hear someone say, "The dog ate my homework," ask them if they've been to our house. Tweet your story about missing paperwork or homework to @TheDonnaEchols!


Can The Dog Still Eat Your Homework?

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Do Dogs Really Eat Homework?

John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men is one of the classics of American literature, but its iconic status was nearly threatened by an unlikely culprit: the author's dog. In 1936, Steinbeck was working on the manuscript of Of Mice and Men when his Irish setter, Toby, managed to gobble up half of Steinbeck's handwritten pages. This was essentially the loss of two months of writing, but Steinbeck attempted to deal with the comically tragic situation with equanimity.

Even at the time, Steinbeck was able to find some humor in the fact that a dog had eaten his work. In a letter to his editor, Steinbeck wrote, "I was pretty mad but the poor little fellow may have been acting critically. I didn’t want to ruin a good dog for a (manuscript) I’m not sure is good at all."

We'll never know if the pages that Toby destroyed would have been better than the masterpiece that Steinbeck ultimately published, but at least the story gives some credence to the age-old excuse of "My dog ate my homework."

The literary life of John Steinbeck:

  • Steinbeck was a lifelong dog lover. He famously depicted his road trip across the United States in the company of a Standard Poodle named Charley in the 1960 travelogue Travels with Charley .
  • Steinbeck's original title for Of Mice and Men was Something that Happened , but he changed it after reading the Robert Burns poem "To a Mouse."
  • Of Mice and Men has frequently been banned from public schools, due to the author's frank depiction of racism in the 1930s, including racial slurs.



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  • In 1936, John Steinbeck's dog ate half of the author's original manuscript, destroying two months of work.

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  • 2011 May 6, Damian Carrington, “Environment action delays blamed on 'dog ate my homework' excuses”, in The Guardian ‎ [1] , archived from the original on 2022-08-24 : Their reasons for missed deadlines are mostly of the " dog ate my homework variety" including such easily foreseeable events as yesterday's elections and that the badger culling policy is "difficult and sensitive".
  • 2014 September 12, Oscar Webb, quoting Donald Campbell, “UK Government Changes Its Line On Diego Garcia Flight Logs Sought in Rendition Row - Again”, in VICE ‎ [2] , archived from the original on 2022-12-05 : The government's excuses for Diego Garcia's missing records are getting increasingly confused and desperate. Ministers could hardly be less credible if they simply said ' the dog ate my homework .'
  • 2017 February 18, Mia Berman, “Go West-minster, Young Mastiff”, in HuffPost ‎ [3] , archived from the original on 2019-04-09 : Our immune system's weak; we've been sick as a dog, missing work and school, resorting to " the dog ate my homework " excuses amidst these frigid dog days of winter.

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does dogs eat homework

  • English lemmas
  • English phrases
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Dogs really do eat homework: queensland boy’s school papers filmed being eaten by pet.

Warren Barnsley

QLD family's footage proves dog actually ate homework

It’s something every school student has been waiting for - irrefutable evidence of a dog eating homework .

Now - thanks to Queensland boy Johnny MacManus, his family and their pet dog Olive - the proof is there for all to see that dogs really do have a taste for school papers.

WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: The long-awaited proof that dogs eat homework

Seven-year-old Johnny told 7NEWS he just had a few words left on his spelling homework.

“I had three words left on set 11 left and then I had set 12,” he said.

“And then Olive just ate my homework.”

His mum Emily came home to a “devastated” Johnny whose hard work was ruined by the hungry terrier.

But it was only by chance that the terrier was caught red-pawed on the home security camera chowing down on the boy’s spelling work.

“We got home to poor Johnny in tears because the dog had actually eaten his homework,” she said.

“He was devastated actually. He was desperately trying to finish this unit by the end of the year and he was so close.

“But by luck, the security camera was charging inside for the first time ever and we caught the act.”

Emily, fearing Johnny’s teacher may not be convinced by “the oldest excuse in the book”, decided she needed to step in.

She emailed his teacher and attached the video of Olive making a dog’s breakfast of Johnny’s hard work as proof.

And the family has decided to set up the indoor camera permanently, in case Olive has developed a taste for study materials.

“You have your own dog food, Olive,” said Johnny.

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Do dogs eat homework

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What Seeds Can Dogs Eat? 6 That Are on the Table

The good, the bad, and the dangerous.

Author image: Portrait of Dara Katz

We humans love adding nutrient-rich seeds to our diets. I personally add seeds to just about everything. Whether it's chia pudding , oatmeal with flaxseed or hemp seed-batter pancakes, these tiny morsels pack a big punch. But what about for our pets? Could I, for instance, add some pumpkin seeds to my dog Oakley's food bowl? I've read they can help with constipation—sorry for airing your dirty laundry, Oak—so I've considered sprinkling some into her food. But she has such a sensitive stomach, I'm not sure seeds would be safe or if dogs even reap the myriad health benefits of seeds that we do. Can dogs eat seeds even? So many questions (and seeds!), so little time. So, I went to the experts, veterinarians, to learn which seeds I could potentially add to Oakley's diet and which ones to avoid at all costs. 

Meet the Experts

Dr. Gary Richter, MS, DVM, is the founder of Ultimate Pet Nutrition and author of several best-selling books including Longevity for Dogs, Longevity for Cats, and The Ultimate Pet Health Guide. Dr. Richter was also named America’s Favorite Veterinarian by the American Veterinary Medical Foundation. 

Dr. Amy Attas , an award-winning veterinarian and author of Pets and the City: True Tales of a Manhattan House Call Veterinarian .  She is the founder of City Pets, a veterinary medical house call practice for dogs and cats living, working or visiting Manhattan. 

Can Dogs Eat Seeds? 

Certain seeds can be added to a dog’s already-balanced diet in moderation. (Just like dogs can eat some nuts , but not all nuts—stay away from macadamias, warns Dr. Richter). In fact, according to Dr. Attas, healthy seeds are nutrient-dense but relatively low in calories, which makes them nifty diet supplements that can make a dog feel sated while offering nutritional benefits when on a weight reduction diet. Said seed nutrients, shares Dr. Richter, include healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and E vitamins. And of course, different seeds offer different benefits and/or dangers: “Fiber-rich seeds (pumpkin) will aid in digestion and can help promote regular bowel movements in dogs with constipation,” Dr. Attas explains. She continues: “High omega-3 fatty acid seeds (flaxseeds) have anti-inflammatory properties and may improve a dog’s skin and coat.” But before adding any seeds to your dog’s diet, make sure you prepare and introduce them correctly. 

A bowl of shelled pumpkin seeds.

What Seeds Can Dogs Eat?

1. pumpkin seeds.

Like Dr. Attas mentioned, pumpkin seeds are fiber-rich and can help promote digestion and regular bowel movements. But the seeds need to be prepared correctly for your dog—no seasoning or oils and removed from the shell. And keep the serving small—as in, a few seeds—since pumpkin seeds are high in fat. (Psst: You may have read that pumpkin seeds are natural dewormers , but there is no evidence to prove this.) 

A bowl of flaxseed on white

2. Flaxseed

High in omega-3 fatty acid, flaxseeds, as mentioned above, have anti-inflammatory properties and may improve a dog’s skin and coat . They are also helpful for joint pain and stiffness. That said, keep the portions very small (under a teaspoon) and occasional as flax contains trace amounts of cyanide.   

A bowl of sunflower seeds.

3. Sunflower Seeds

On occasion and in small servings (catching a theme here?), plain, shelled sunflower seeds can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet. Do not give your dog the salt-packed unshelled snacks you devour at the baseball game as they could be dangerous to your pup’s gastrointestinal system. Also, per the American Kennel Club , if your dog is prone to pancreatitis or your pet has a sensitive stomach, it’s best to avoid sunflower seeds altogether, since the high-fat content can bring on vomiting, lethargy, decreased appetite, and other digestive upsets. 

A bowl of sesame seeds.

4. Sesame Seeds

Their calcium and magnesium content promote healthy bones and teeth. The fiber eases constipation; and the zinc aids in a glossy coat. Sesame seeds are nutrient-rich, but should, like the other seeds on this list, be given in small amounts and only on occasion.  

A bowl of hemp seed and wooden serving spoon

5. Hemp Seeds

Technically a nut, hemp seeds (also known as hemp hearts) are replete with omega-6 fatty acids, protein and minerals, offering a ton of benefits for dogs, like cancer prevention and reduced joint pain. In fact, hemp seed is a “complete protein” source, meaning all amino acids are present. And worry not—the amount of psychoactive THC compound is too minuscule to affect your dog.  

A bowl of chia seeds with a spoon

6. Chia Seeds

Rich in soluble fiber, chia seeds may curb appetite and regulate blood sugar levels. They’re also a great source of plant-based protein. But don’t serve these straight up–make sure they’ve been thoroughly soaked (overnight) so they don’t swell inside your dog as they can absorb ten times their weight in liquid. Preventive Vet writes that dogs can handle a quarter teaspoon of chia gel (soaked seeds) per 10 pounds daily. 

An apple with apple seeds on white background

What Seeds Can Dogs NOT Eat?

1. any fruit seeds .

“There are a number of seeds that should never be fed to dogs,” says Dr. Attas. These include fruit seeds like apple seeds , which contain cyanide and can be toxic if eaten in large quantities. She elaborates: “Other fruits contain their seeds inside of the pit.  Examples of fruits that contain toxic seeds inside their pits are cherries, peaches and apricots that all contain cyanide. The pits themselves are quite dangerous and they often cause gastro-intestinal foreign bodies which are unable to pass through and need to be surgically removed. Avocado seeds and pits contain percin which is toxic to dogs.” 

2. Anything Salted or In the Shell 

Your salty, delicious bag o’ sunflower seeds? Not for Fido. The salt content is dangerously high and the shells are choking hazards.  

3. Too Much of Any Seed 

Seeds certainly have their nutritional benefits, but overserving each variety can lead to their own issues like bloating or sickness.  

What to Consider Before Feeding Seeds to Your Dog 

  • Your Dog’s Diet: If you’re asking “what seeds can dogs eat?” hopefully you’re already feeding your pup a well-balanced diet. Not sure? Talk to your vet about introducing new food elements before adding toppers such as seeds or nuts. 
  • Choking Hazards: New food shapes and textures can be dangerous for any dog, but if your dog has a history of choking, consider grounding seeds. 
  • How to Introduce Seeds: “It is possible for a dog to be allergic to a particular type of seed, so observe for any gastro-intestinal problems, itching or swelling and redness of the face. If tolerated well, seeds should always be given in moderation,” instructs Dr. Attas. 
  • Your Dog’s Poop: “If you are seeing the seeds in the dog’s bowel movement, it is unlikely that they have been properly digested and should be ground for better digestibility and absorption of nutrients,” says Dr. Attas. 

The Best Foods for Dogs with Sensitive Stomachs


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  1. The dog ate my homework

    The dog ate my homework. " The dog ate my homework " (or " My dog ate my homework ") is an English expression which carries the suggestion of being a common, poorly fabricated excuse made by schoolchildren to explain their failure to turn in an assignment on time. The phrase is referenced, even beyond the educational context, as a sarcastic ...

  2. Do Dogs Really Eat Homework?

    Thomas Wonders, "Why do dogs eat homework?" Thanks for WONDERing with us, Thomas! You have a big, important homework assignment due tomorrow, but you're not stressed. You made good use of your study time at school and completed over half of it. When you got home, you avoided distractions, like television and video games, and worked hard ...

  3. Where Did The Phrase "The Dog Ate My Homework" Come From?

    Forrest Wickman, a writer for Slate, describes the legend of the 6th-century Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise as the alleged first recorded "the dog ate my homework" story. According to the tale, Saint Ciarán had a tame young fox that would take his writings to his master for him. One day, the fox grew up and decided to eat the leather strap ...

  4. Can The Dog Still Eat Your Homework? : NPR

    WICKMAN: Yeah, so even through the '60s people - it's still juts one of many excuses. People might say my dog ate my homework. My dog went on my homework is one excuse that's used in a popular ...

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  8. Why Do We Say "The Dog Ate My Homework"?

    The 1970s. Delinquent schoolchildren and adults have been blaming their shortcomings on their pets for more than a century, but it wasn't until the 1970s that "my dog ate my homework" came ...

  9. Echols: So, the dog ate my homework?

    "The dog ate my homework" is a line used in a seemingly feeble attempt to cover up the fact that you didn't do your homework. As the story usually goes, the person blaming dogs really forgot to do ...

  10. Can The Dog Still Eat Your Homework?

    It may be the best known bad excuse for being unprepared: "The Dog Ate My Homework." But where does the phrase come from and how has it changed over the years? Weekend Edition host Scott Simon ...

  11. Did the dog eat your homework again?

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  12. The dog ate my homework

    "The dog ate my homework" is an English expression which carries the suggestion of being a common, poorly fabricated excuse made by schoolchildren to explain their failure to turn in an assignment on time. The phrase is referenced, even beyond the educational context, as a sarcastic rejoinder to any similarly glib or otherwise insufficient or implausible explanation for a failure in any context.

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    George posted a photo of an adorable pup sitting up attentively, "reading" a book, with the caption, "I ask my students to send me photos of their dogs doing class work. It's an under-appreciated photography genre.". Soon, the Twitter thread started filling up with photos of all sorts of studious pups. Some have their heads in books ...

  14. 7 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Eat Your Homework

    5. Boxer. Boxers are playful, high-spirited dogs with an endless capacity for fun - and sometimes, a bit of chaos. Their boundless energy and strength can turn a simple curiosity about your homework into a full-blown shredding spree. Boxers are also quite intelligent and need mental stimulation; in the absence of toys or puzzles, your ...

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    Homework isn't just for kids. As with anything we learn, there needs to be practice, practice, and more practice to nail down a skill.The same is true for our dogs. Trainers can (almost) always ...

  16. My Dog Ate My Homework What Should I Do?

    All opinions remain our own. It's an age-old situation, which has really become a joke. It goes like this, "My dog ate my homework!". Students sometimes use this phrase when they're homework isn't done on time. Or perhaps they didn't do the homework at all! That's why this phrase has become synonymous with being a poor excuse and ...

  17. Do Dogs Really Eat Homework? (with picture)

    Do Dogs Really Eat Homework? The tale of dogs eating homework is a classic excuse, but it's not entirely without merit. Canines are known for their chewing habits, which can sometimes include paper. While it's unlikely your pet has a taste for arithmetic, leaving homework within reach could tempt fate.

  18. the dog ate my homework

    (cliché, also attributively) A stereotypical unconvincing excuse for not completing school homework, or (by extension) not meeting one's obligations. 2011 May 6, Damian Carrington, "Environment action delays blamed on 'dog ate my homework' excuses", in The Guardian‎[1], archived from the original on 2022-08-24: Their reasons for missed deadlines ...

  19. Dogs really do eat homework: Queensland boy's school papers ...

    Security camera footage revealed Olive really did eat Johnny's homework. Credit: Supplied. But it was only by chance that the terrier was caught red-pawed on the home security camera chowing down on the boy's spelling work. "We got home to poor Johnny in tears because the dog had actually eaten his homework," she said. "He was ...

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  22. What's Up With Dogs Shredding Paper?

    Last but not least, for those die-hard paper shredding dogs, it's worth mentioning the behavior to the vet. In some cases, medical problems or nutritional deficiencies may cause a dog ingest non-food items. "Tiny chunks of paper are not likely to do harm. But, if a whole piece of paper was eaten it definitely could act as a foreign object and ...

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    My Dog Eats Everything: Help! Dogs have strong jaw muscles, which allow them to tear and chew many things. We have to remember, however, that their gastrointestinal tract is almost the same as a ...

  24. Fruits & Vegetables Dogs Can and Can't Eat

    Yes, dogs can eat carrots. Carrots are an excellent low-calorie snack that is high in fiber and beta-carotene, which produces vitamin A. Plus, crunching on this orange root vegetable is great for ...

  25. Do Dogs Eat Homework

    In a 1976 account of the Watergate tapes, do dogs eat homework E. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. As it turns out, dogs really do eat paper from time to time. Have to stay focused on all the things that help my do dogs eat homework family run smoothly 10. In 1905, the music critic for a Welsh magazine called The Cambrian wrote ...

  26. KID Says DOG ATE His HOMEWORK, He Lives To Regret It

    Watch how a kid learns a valuable lesson when his dog eats his homework in this inspiring video by Dhar Mann.

  27. What Seeds Can Dogs Eat? 6 That Are on the Table

    Certain seeds can be added to a dog's already-balanced diet in moderation. (Just like dogs can eat some nuts, but not all nuts—stay away from macadamias, warns Dr. Richter).In fact, according to Dr. Attas, healthy seeds are nutrient-dense but relatively low in calories, which makes them nifty diet supplements that can make a dog feel sated while offering nutritional benefits when on a ...