Technology Enhanced Learning and Design

Technology Enhanced Learning and Design

for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health

Technology Enhanced Learning and Design

Turnitin: A student guide to submitting an assignment

Reviewed: 11/07/2022

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is software that is used by the University to help to identify plagiarised work. It allows you to submit your work via your Blackboard course, where an originality report may be generated. This report will highlight text in your submission that matches text from one or more of the following sources:

  • other students’ work at the University of Manchester
  • students’ work at other institutions
  • academic publications
  • Internet sources.

These reports are examined as a standard part of the assessment process. When your work is submitted to Turnitin, it will normally be added to an international database of student papers. Your name will not be attached to your paper. Other students’ work will then be compared to your work from that point onwards. If your submission is confidential, your tutor can make sure that it is not added to the database.

File types and sizes

Please note: the file size must be less than 100MB, it must have a minimum of 20 words, be less than 400 pages, and the standard file types allowed are:

  • Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx)
  • OpenOffice Text (.odt)
  • WordPerfect (.wpd)
  • PostScript (.ps/.eps)
  • Hangul Word Processor (.hwp)
  • Rich Text (.rtf)
  • Plain text (.txt)
  • Google Docs via Google Drive
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx/.ppt/.ppsx/.pps)
  • Microsoft Excel (.xls/.xlsx).

Further information on plagiarism

Further information on plagiarism is available from:

  • ‘Guidance to Students on plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice’
  • ‘Academic Malpractice – Guidance on the Handling of Cases’

How to submit an assignment

Stage 1: access the assignment submission link.

  • Log into your Blackboard course. The assignment submission link will usually be located in the ‘ Assessments ’ area on the left-hand menu.
  • Click the link to upload your assignment . You must read and follow any instructions given by your course leader.

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

  • To submit your assignment, click the ‘ Upload Submission ’ button.
  • Clicking the question mark  icon will display any extra information provided by your tutor, including feedback release date and assessment criteria (if an assignment rubric has been attached).

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

Stage 2: Upload your document

  • Next, you need to enter a ‘Submission Title’. You must check any instructions given by your tutor. In many schools in the University, it is essential that you enter your 7-digit ID number in the submission title box and that you remove any references to your name in the submission document itself. This is to comply with anonymous marking regulations. Do not use quotation marks in the submission title as this can cause errors. It is also important that you remove any reference to your name from the submission document itself.
  • Select ‘Choose file’ and locate the file you wish to upload.
  • (Optional) This allows you to upload a cloud submission, e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox document. 

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

Stage 3: Review your document

This stage allows you to check you have uploaded the correct document. You can ‘ Preview ’, ‘ Cancel Submission ’ or continue to ‘ Submit to Turnitin ‘ .

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

Stage 4: Complete the submission

Upon submission, you will see this screen:

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

a) You will see a confirmation that your submission was successful. (If this is not the case, please try and submit again).

b) You may have the option to resubmit your paper if this has been allowed by your tutor. Please note: It can take up to 24 hours for re-uploaded files to be processed; however, the submission time will be marked as the time that the re-upload occurred. If you need to re-upload your work and the resubmit button is not available, then please contact your tutor to discuss arrangements for this, as they will vary from course to course.

c) You have the option to download a copy of the paper you have submitted.

d) You have the option to download a digital receipt for the paper you have submitted. It is very important that you retain your digital receipt as a record of your submission.

Important note for users of Mac systems (MacBook, iMac etc.)

If your assignment document is created on a Mac computer and you intend to include images copied and pasted from a PDF source document, it is essential that you use one of the following methods to bring the images into your assignment document. For any Mac software, including the ‘Preview’ application, do the following:

  • Use ‘ Shift + Command + 5 ‘ to open the Screenshot tool. (Alternatively, search for the Screenshot tool from your Launchpad or go to ‘ File > Take Screenshot > From Selection… ‘)
  • Select the area of the page you wish to save as an image (the image will automatically be saved to the desktop).
  • In Word, use ‘ Insert > Image ’ to import the image.
  • Do not use the Select tool in Preview to copy and paste images from the PDF into your assignment document.
  • ← Reading a Similarity Report
  • Turnitin: A Student Guide to Downloading Feedback →

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Submitting a Turnitin paper - Student Guide

Turnitin is a submission service designed to detect and prevent plagiarism and support online grading.

On this page:

Before you submit Submitting your file Cut and paste submission Grading rubrics and forms  Keeping a copy of your Submission and Digital Receipt Resubmitting your work Viewing your feedback

Before you submit

If you encounter any problems during the submission process, please contact the IT Service Desk immediately.

Turnitin is accessed via Minerva. We do not recommend accessing Minerva via the UniLeeds App as you may have technical issues. Use a browser and go to to access Minerva. To ensure you don’t experience issues when accessing Turnitin we recommend the latest versions of Chrome (installed on the student desktop), Edge Chromium, or Firefox. On a Mac, you can use Safari. Stay up to date with the latest versions.

Avoid opening multiple Turnitin assignments simultaneously. This may result in submitting to the wrong assignment.

Submitting your file

Follow your tutor's guidance.

Your tutor may tell you which type of file they expect you to submit, however for typical essay and report type assignments we recommend submitting as  PDF .  

The file size limit per assignment is 100MB (2MB for plain text files), and no greater than 800 pages in length. If your file is larger than this, you'll likely need to compress or remove images to submit. See the guide on Reducing Files

Check the file type -  In general, PDF is recommended.

Turnitin will not accept PDF files that do not contain highlightable text (e.g. a scanned file – usually an image) or documents containing multiple files. PDFs created using Adobe Acrobat® are officially supported. Web-based PDF creators should be avoided.

Turnitin will also accept the following file types (though if you have not been told to submit any particular format the best choice is PDF):

Supported file formats

The submitted version of an Excel file will display in Turnitin as if it had been saved as a PDF from Excel. Pay attention to the preview shown during the submission process to make sure the file appears as intended. The appearance of the file can be controlled by editing the page setup and print area settings for the file prior to saving it in Excel.

Turnitin will not accept .odt files created and downloaded from Google Docs online, or “.doc” files created using OpenOffice. You should save your file as a PDF.

If using Google Drive to submit, third party cookies must be allowed in your browser. See the links below for guidance on specific browsers:

Turnitin converts PowerPoint documents into static PDFs. Dynamic elements (embedded audio/video, animations, etc) are not included in the conversion. Any visual effects for text, such as shadows and 3D, should also be removed prior to submitting to Turnitin.

Do not use any of the following characters in your filename:

How to submit a Turnitin assignment

Video guide, written guide.

When submitting you need to:

1. Find your assignment

Find your Turnitin assignment (your tutor should tell you where it is).  

Select the assignment link.  

Screenshot of a typical assignment link, showing the Assignment title

The Turnitin assignment area will open.

Screenshot showing the Upload Submission page of the Turnitin assignment

Click the question mark icon  to see assignment details including the  due date and any instructions .   

Other assignment details can be seen under Additional Settings  

Screenshot of the assignment details

2. Upload your file

Screenshot of the Upload Submission button.

The submission area will now open. You can submit an assignment  by  choosing  the   file  to  upload from your  computer ,  selecting  Cloud submission  (Dropbox, Google Drive ,  OneDrive  )  or  c ut ting  & past ing your text.  Always ensure your file has successfully saved on your computer by saving and then closing the file before attempting to upload it.  

Pay Attention while Submitting 

The submission area will open by default for file upload submissions.  

Select the  Upload Submission  option if not already selected. It isn't possible to upload multiple files or use multiple submission options.  

Screenshot of the Upload screen in the Turnitin submission process

Add a  submission title  for the paper, and make sure you follow any instructions provided by your department  

If you are unsure if your file type is accepted, check the list provided earlier in this guide    

You have these options for uploading files: A  file on your computer  or upload from your personal  Dropbox  or  Google Drive  or your University  OneDrive :  

  • Click Choose File to browse your computer, to locate and open the file you wish to upload  
  • For files on your personal Dropbox, sign into your Dropbox account if asked, then select the file you wish to upload and click 'Choose'  
  • For files on your personal google Drive, sign into your Google drive account if asked, then select the file you wish to upload and click 'Select'  
  • For files on your University OneDrive, sign into your OneDrive account if asked, then select the file you wish to upload and click ‘Open’  

Click  upload  and review  

Screenshot of the upload and review screen, showing a title entered for the submission and a file selected for upload

3. Review the file you're about to submit

You will be presented with a formatted version of your paper and will be asked to confirm the submission. 

Screenshot showing an assignment preview, including the important "Submit to Turnitin" button at the bottom right

Check it is the correct submission.

Click   Submit to Turnitin.

Wait until submission is confirmed   - you must wait until you see the words ‘Submission Complete!’ and a green tick.  

Screenshot of a successful submission, showing the words "Submission Complete!"

The window will close automatically  and you can  view  the details of your submission.   

Screenshot showing a successfully uploaded assignment

5. Download your receipt

M ake sure you  download your digital receipt .  This is proof of your submission.   Click the  d ownload digital receipt  icon  

Screenshot showing the Digital Receipt Icon highlighted at the extreme right

Or alternatively, the prompt in the interface:  

Screenshot showing the successful submission prompt, including the "Download Digital Receipt" link

Once this has downloaded, o pen the digital receipt to see your submission id . Save a copy of your receipt in case you need it later ( e.g.  to your OneDrive account). This is the only acceptable proof of submission. 

Screenshot of a valid Turnitin receipt

You have not finished until you see a confirmation of a successful submission on your screen and you save your Turnitin receipt with your submission ID.  

Cut and paste submission

In some scenarios you may wish to use the Text Input option to submit to Turnitin. The steps are similar except you choose the text input option to submit instead of a file upload.

  • Select the  text input  option   
  • Add a  submission title  for the paper  
  • Paste or enter the text  
  • Click  Upload and Review  
  • Wait until submission is confirmed and download your digital receipt  

Screenshot of hte Text input submission type

Grading rubrics and forms

If there is a link under GradeMark/rubric in the Assignment information, your work will be graded with a rubric.  To check, expand the assignment information by clicking the question mark.

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

If there is a link under GradeMark/rubric in the Assignment information, your work will be graded with a rubric. Click the link to view the rubric.

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

This will open the rubric details where you can see the criteria. If you have questions about the rubric, you should contact your tutor.

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

Keep a copy of your submission and receipt

Keep an electronic copy of your submitted paper and digital receipt in a safe place in case there is a problem with the submission.

You can always return to view this information by clicking on the Turnitin assignment link.

If you want to see your original submission click on the  download icon:

Screenshot of a successful submission showing the download button highlighted

To get a copy of your digital receipt, click the download digital receipt icon:

Screenshot showing the download digital receipt icon highlighted

Resubmitting your work

If your assignment allows for resubmission, you can open a new submission window by clicking the  upload icon  (a tray with an up arrow) for your previous submission.   

Screenshot of option to resubmit in Turnitin

You have three resubmission attempts for each assignment. After the third upload, you will have to wait 24 hours before making another resubmission to that assignment.  

Resubmission is only possible before the assignment deadline. After that point, you will need to contact your School to request a new submission attempt.  

Please be aware that resubmitting will completely overwrite your past submission, including the submission date. Your previous submission will not be recoverable.  

Remember to download a new receipt for any resubmissions.

Viewing your marks and feedback

If your tutor has used Turnitin to grade your paper and/or provide feedback, you can access this by  clicking the grade.

Screenshot showing location of grade

Once the Turnitin paper opens, feedback should automatically load. There may be feedback to the right of your paper (via comments or an assessment rubric):  

Screenshot showing the location of Turnitin feedback

If you cannot see this feedback section, click on the feedback icon:  

Screenshot showing the feedback icon

You may have feedback entered directly onto your paper - you may see text inserted or a comment icon to click - click a bubble comment to see what your instructor has said:

Screenshot showing a comment bubble


  • Turnitin Guides
  • Administrator hub
  • Release notes and known issues
  • Welcome to Turnitin Guides

Welcome to Turnitin’s new website for guidance!

In 2024, we migrated our comprehensive library of guidance from to this site, During this process we have taken the opportunity to take a holistic look at our content and how we structure our guides.

This page is here to help you orientate yourself with these changes and update your resources

What's new?

We have restructured the content to help you navigate it more efficiently.

We are consolidating numerous pages to make our individual guides more valuable as well as removing duplicated content.

For example, our Similarity Report guidance on help.turnitin is repeated in numerous places to cater for each individual integration and license type. On guides.turnitin this content will exist in a single place to allow for users of all integrations and licenses to find it easily. We have made slight modifications to these guides to help you understand which guides are pertinent to you and your institution.

Our guidance search has greatly improved

As a result of our content restructure, the search functionality for guides.turnitin has improved. Use the search bar at the top of any page to locate the guidance you’re searching for.

Dedicated student and administrator guidance hubs

Visit the Student hub area to locate student guidance. For students who access Turnitin via an LMS or VLE, check out the subsection Submitting to Turnitin .

Visiting the Administrator hub area to locate administrator guidance and release notes. 

iThenticate and Crossref Similarity Check guidance is now located on a separate site

To improve the experience for our iThenticate and Crossref Similiarity Check customers we have move their help content onto a separate help site, . This will improve the search for all users.

We have also created an orientation page for this site to help users become acclimatised.

Some guidance is no longer grouped within the LMS umbrella

Some guidance which was previously provided under each LMS has been moved to sections that reflect those workflows’ outcomes. Use the table below as a cheatsheet to quickly locate guidance.

Student guidance
LMS guidance for administrators and instructors
Similarity Report and AI Writing guidance
Creating PeerMark assignments guidance
Creating and managing QuickMarks, rubrics and grading PeerMark assignments guidance
User profile guidance for administrators and instructors

Administrator account settings and migration help
Release notes and known issues

Articles in this section

  • Turnitin release notes
  • Integrations release notes
  • Known issues
  • Integrations known issues

Turnitin Logo

Get Started

Setting up your Turnitin classes is easy when you know how. In just four quick steps, learn more about Turnitin's class management tools and how to get your students started. At the end of this tutorial, you can put these simple steps into practice.

1. Create Your Password

You'll need your email address and last name to create your Turnitin account password and set your security information; this information can be found in your welcome email. You can then log into Turnitin and begin customizing your account.

2. Create a Class

The creation of a class is the first step towards using the Turnitin services available to your institution. A Turnitin class groups assignments, helping you to organize student submissions. Once your classes have been created, you can start creating assignments.

  • Click the All Classes tab from any Turnitin page to direct you to the homepage
  • Click the green Add Class button
  • From the Create a new class page, select the class type, and complete the fields marked with an asterisk
  • Select the class end date
  • Click Submit to add your class to Turnitin
  • Once your class has been created, you will be provided with the Class ID and enrollment password, which will allow your students self enroll

3. Create an Assignment

Once your class is ready, it's time to set up your first assignment. A Turnitin assignment forms the basis of accepting student submissions. Once your assignments are set up, you start adding students to your class.

  • Click the relevant class name
  • From your class, click the green Add Assignment button
  • Enter an assignment title
  • Opt to only allow students to submit file types that generate Originality Reports or to allow any file type
  • Next, select your assignment's start date, end date, and post date; the assignment post date is the date from which your students can view your feedback
  • To customize your assignment further, click the optional settings button to reveal an array of options; each option will be accompanied with contextual help icons
  • Click Submit to add your assignment to your Turnitin class

4. Add Students

There are three routes available for adding students. You may find it convenient to add students one by one, or add a large portion of students at once by uploading a list. Alternatively, why not allow your students to enroll themselves at their own pace?

Add Students One by One

You may prefer to use this method when adding fewer than ten students.

  • Click Home from any Turnitin page to direct you to the homepage
  • From the Class homepage, click the Students tab at the top of the page
  • Click the Add Student button to the right
  • Enter the student's first name, last name, and email address
  • Click Submit to add the student

Upload a List of Students

For adding ten students or more, you may find it quicker and easier to upload a list.

  • In a Word™ or plain text file, each student should be written as: first name, last name, email address format with one student per line. In Excel™, separate the first name, last name, and email address into different cells in a column.
  • From the student list, click the Upload List button
  • Click the Choose file button and browse for the plain text, Word™, or Excel™ file that you wish to upload
  • Once the file has uploaded, click the Submit button to upload
  • Check the student details displayed on screen, then click yes, submit to add the students, or no, go back to amend the file

Allow Students to Self-Enroll

Allowing students to self-enroll can save you time.

  • Make a note of the seven-digit Class ID for the class you would like your students to join
  • Next, select the cog icon under Edit
  • From the Edit Class page, make a note of the enrollment password
  • Pass the Class ID and enrollment password to your students
  • Ensure this information is kept safe at all times

Ready to Start Using Turnitin?

Or why not download this page as a PDF for later reading? This information and more is available at !

BUE Library

  • BUE Library
  • TurnItIn for Students: User Guides, Manuals & Tutorials:

Resubmit a Paper

Turnitin for students: user guides, manuals & tutorials: resubmit a paper.

  • Turnitin Coordinators
  • Create a Turnitin Account
  • Enroll in a Class
  • File Types Accepted by Turnitin
  • Advice on Submitting Excel Files to Turnitin
  • Forgot your Password
  • Print the Originality Report
  • Switching between Feedback Studio, Turnitin Classic & Text Only Views
  • View Instructor's Feedback
  • Drop a Class
  • Turnitin Draft Coach

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

Note: Resubmission attempts are shared between you and your instructor. If they attempt to resubmit on your behalf one of your attempts will be used.

If resubmitting is not enabled, your instructor must manually delete your previous submission to allow you to submit a second file.

If resubmission is enabled then you have the ability to overwrite your previous submissions until an assignment's due date..

  • Go to your assignment's dashboard.
  • Select the "resubmit" icon and upload your file.

how to upload an assignment to turnitin

  • << Previous: Advice on Submitting Excel Files to Turnitin
  • Next: Forgot your Password >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 20, 2024 1:02 PM
  • URL:


  1. How to upload to a Turnitin assignment (including resubmissions)

    how to upload an assignment to turnitin

  2. How to Upload Your Assignment to

    how to upload an assignment to turnitin

  3. Take Home Exams: How to submit to a Turnitin assignment from your

    how to upload an assignment to turnitin

  4. Turning in an assignment on

    how to upload an assignment to turnitin

  5. How to upload a document to a TurnItIn assignment

    how to upload an assignment to turnitin

  6. Use Turnitin in your assignment

    how to upload an assignment to turnitin


  1. Submitting to an essay assignment

    Before you submit you will be able to check the assignment details by selecting the assignment title bar. To submit, select Upload Submission . The 'Submit File' screen allows you to submit your paper to the assignment in three different ways. Upload Submission . The Upload Submission method allows you to upload a file directly to Turnitin.

  2. Submit to an assignment

    Google Drive. Click one of the submission buttons (computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive). Select the file you want to upload. Click the Upload button on the file submission page. Review the preview panel (and congratulate yourself on getting your paper done). Then, you must click the Confirm button to officially upload the file to the assignment.

  3. Quick submit

    Submitting via quick submit. The quick submit setting needs to be enabled from within the User Info page which can be found at the top of the page. To start the upload process, click on Submit button in the top left corner of the quick submit inbox. Select the databases that the submitted paper or papers will be checked against.

  4. Uploading a submission

    The upload submission option allows you to submit your paper to the assignment in a variety of ways by directly loading the file from the device. Select the upload method from the tabs at the top of the Submit File modal. Upload Submission - Allows you to upload an allowed file type directly to Turnitin. Select the Browse button, or drag your ...

  5. Turnitin: A student guide to submitting an assignment

    Stage 1: Access the assignment submission link. Log into your Blackboard course. The assignment submission link will usually be located in the ' Assessments ' area on the left-hand menu. Click the link to upload your assignment. You must read and follow any instructions given by your course leader.

  6. Student FAQ

    From inside your account, enter the class you wish to submit your paper to. Click the submit icon next to the assignment you wish to submit. Open the "Submit a paper by:" pull down menu at the top of the submit window. Select the "cut & paste" option. Fill in the necessary information.

  7. Uploading a file via direct submission

    Uploading a file via direct submission. Direct submissions allow you to submit a file to Turnitin without having to create a user account. Your instructor will provide you with a unique link, you'll be able to use this to start your submission process. Follow the link your instructor has supplied. A simple submission interface will appear.

  8. Submitting a Turnitin paper

    Cut and paste submission. In some scenarios you may wish to use the Text Input option to submit to Turnitin. The steps are similar except you choose the text input option to submit instead of a file upload. Select the text input option. Add a submission title for the paper. Paste or enter the text.

  9. Turnitin

    This video steps you through the platform 'Turnitin'. Not sure how to submit your assignment at University? This video steps you through the platform 'Turnitin'.

  10. How to upload an assignment to turnitin

    Use this video as a guide to upload a file to turnitin. Always remember to upload at least 3 days before assignment deadline to check your plagiarism percent...

  11. Submitting a Paper to a Turnitin Assignment

    Students can submit papers to Turnitin through either the file upload or cut and paste method.

  12. Instructor FAQ

    In order to submit a paper to Turnitin using cut and paste, please follow the steps below: Log in and enter the appropriate class by clicking on its title. Click the "submit" icon to the right of your assignment title. On the following page, use the pull-down menu labeled "submit a paper by" and select "cut & paste."

  13. Students

    Can students self-check a paper in Turnitin for similarity checking before submitting it to an assignment? Why has the Similarity Report not generated? How can I buy a Turnitin subscription / license for myself? Can I submit multiple files to a Turnitin assignment? See all 19 articles View all Feedback Studio articles →; Draft Coach

  14. Turnitin: Submit an Assignment

    Click on Journey > Assignments. In this tab, you will see all assignments on your module ordered by their due date. Icons to the left of each assignment will help you determine if an assignment is set up in Turnitin. Click on a Turnitin assignment to upload your paper. Click on Upload Submission > Choose file and select a file from your computer.

  15. Submit to an assignment

    Click the Submit button to the right of the assignment name. This will take you to the file submission page. On the file submission page, make sure the phrase next to the Submit: heading says "Single File Upload." If it says "Cut and Paste Upload," use the dropdown menu (the down arrow) next to Submit: to switch to

  16. Submitting on behalf of students

    To submit on behalf of a single student, or multiple students at once: Access the assignment inbox. Select the Submit button. Select one of the upload options from the drop-down: Single-file upload - upload a document for one student. Multiple file upload - upload multiple documents for multiple students. Cut & paste upload - cut and paste text ...

  17. Can I submit multiple files to a Turnitin assignment?

    Instructors can submit multiple papers (one for each student) simultaneously to a Turnitin assignment via the Multiple File Upload submission method. When instructors submit using the Multiple File Upload, it is important to add the author (student) to each paper to ensure that these are assigned to the correct students, otherwise the ...

  18. Turnitin: How to submit your assignment

    A video guide for students at Leeds Beckett University, demonstrating how to submit an assignment to Turnitin.To switch subtitles on and off, click on the Su...

  19. Instructor

    Add Students One by One. You may prefer to use this method when adding fewer than ten students. Click Home from any Turnitin page to direct you to the homepage; Click the relevant class name; From the Class homepage, click the Students tab at the top of the page; Click the Add Student button to the right; Enter the student's first name, last name, and email address

  20. Resubmit a Paper

    If resubmitting is not enabled, your instructor must manually delete your previous submission to allow you to submit a second file. If resubmission is enabled then you have the ability to overwrite your previous submissions until an assignment's due date. Go to your assignment's dashboard. Select the "resubmit" icon and upload your file.


    This video gives an insight step by step procedure of how to submit assignments on turnitin.Kindly like and subscribe.....

  22. Trouble submitting your paper?

    Check your settings. The assignment settings may be preventing you from submitting your paper. If the due date has passed and your assignment does not allow for late submissions, you will not be able to submit. If you are attempting to resubmit, it is possible that your assignment settings only allow for one submission per student.

  23. How to submit an assignment on Turnitin

    BUE Library Tutorial:-How to submit an assignment on Turnitin.In this video, you will know how to upload your research paper on Turnitin to check your simila...

  24. Using the Assignment Inbox in Feedback Studio with Microsoft Teams

    The top of the Assignment Inbox. The top menu bar has notifications (1), a link to our support guides (2) and an option to edit the additional assignment settings (3). The search bar allows you to search through the students (4). The drop-down allows you to submit on behalf of a student (5). In Blackboard, you can also view your group and group ...