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Sociological impact, economic impact, public health impact, conservation impact, conclusions, acknowledgments, references cited.

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The Role of Urban Agriculture in a Secure, Healthy, and Sustainable Food System

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Theresa Nogeire-McRae, Elizabeth P Ryan, Becca B R Jablonski, Michael Carolan, H S Arathi, Cynthia S Brown, Hairik Honarchian Saki, Starin McKeen, Erin Lapansky, Meagan E Schipanski, The Role of Urban Agriculture in a Secure, Healthy, and Sustainable Food System, BioScience , Volume 68, Issue 10, October 2018, Pages 748–759, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biy071

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Investments in urban agriculture (UA) initiatives have been increasing in the United States, but the costs and benefits to society are poorly understood. Urban agriculture can link socioeconomic and health systems, support education and societal engagement, and contribute to a range of conservation goals, including nutrient recycling and biodiversity conservation. Urban agriculture is spatially dispersed and small scale, creating opportunities to redirect underutilized land, water, and nutrient resources. Urban agriculture reduces water and carbon footprints when it replaces lawns. Labor and time requirements, potential for environmental and nutrient pollution, and scarce water resources are challenges that UA must address. Based on our review of the literature, it is unclear whether UA provides economic or nutritional benefits to urbanites, but our case study shows that UA can provide some benefits when replacing other land uses.

Investment in urban food production systems has increased with growing consumer interest in where and how food is produced and increasing pressure on agricultural lands to provide food with fewer environmental impacts. Urban agriculture (UA) may play an important role in sustainable food systems through a diverse array of potential benefits. Although UA is unlikely to provide most of the world's food, food systems that include some production in urban areas may help achieve society's health, economic, and conservation goals. Urban gardens can produce a substantial amount of food (e.g., Ghosh 2014 , Eigenbrod and Gruda 2015 ), and indeed, during the Second World War, households produced approximately 40% of the United States’ demand for fresh vegetables as part of the Victory Garden movement (Brown and Jameton 2000 ).

The US government shapes food systems today as it did during the Victory Garden movement. Government policies and subsidies have far-reaching impacts on the type of agriculture we practice in both urban, periurban, and rural areas. For example, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) provided almost $57 billion in subsidized crop insurance payments between 2009 and 2015 that primarily supported the production of major commodity crops (USDA RMA 2016 ). In this same period, the USDA also invested more than $1 billion in activities related to local food systems, including UA initiatives (Vilsack 2016 ). Most recently, Senator Debbie Stabenow introduced the Urban Agriculture Act of 2016. The program extends the availability of support from many existing USDA programs into urban areas and is purported to create new economic opportunities for urban communities, provide new financial tools and support for urban farmers and gardeners, increase urban consumer's access to healthy food, and create a healthier environment.

Despite growing interest in UA, its impacts are poorly understood. There is a need to assess the potential for UA to provide the multiple food production, community development, and societal benefits that these investments and community initiatives seek. In this article, we discuss the benefits and challenges of UA as part of a broader food system. Our definition of UA includes community, home, and market gardens located within urban areas and includes the production of vegetables, fruits, and livestock (most commonly, chickens kept for eggs; figure 1 ). We take a multidisciplinary approach, highlighting the economic, sociological, human health, and conservation impacts of UA (table 1 ). Using a case study and spatial analysis, we quantify the potential impacts of UA in a midsized city of Fort Collins, Colorado, on nutritional, land-use, and economic outcomes and also quantify the potential for rainwater collection in different climatic regions to support UA without supplemental irrigation.

An illustration of the variety of food production activities included under the broad umbrella of urban agriculture (from Santo et al. 2016). Figure courtesy of John Hopkins Center for a Livable Future.

An illustration of the variety of food production activities included under the broad umbrella of urban agriculture (from Santo et al. 2016 ). Figure courtesy of John Hopkins Center for a Livable Future.

Total water required to be added to garden from January to June (a) and from January to December (b). Only the western United States is shown because no water in addition to precipitation is needed in the rest 
of the country.

Total water required to be added to garden from January to June (a) and from January to December (b). Only the western United States is shown because no water in addition to precipitation is needed in the rest 
of the country.

Change in stored water for 4 example months. Orange indicates negative balance, yellow is slightly positive, green is strongly positive. For example, in July in the southwestern United States, water would be removed from the rainwater barrel each day, whereas in the eastern United States, water would be added to the barrel each day.

Change in stored water for 4 example months. Orange indicates negative balance, yellow is slightly positive, green is strongly positive. For example, in July in the southwestern United States, water would be removed from the rainwater barrel each day, whereas in the eastern United States, water would be added to the barrel each day.

Potential benefits and challenges for urban agriculture as part of sustainable food systems.

SocialPromote food education and awarenessTime and knowledge constraints in both growing and preparing food
Foster civic engagementMay perpetuate inequality and cultural insensitivities
EconomicReduce household food expenses through food productionAlthough high value, urban production is often limited to fruits and vegetables
Creation of jobsUnderpaid labor supports many urban agriculture efforts
Improved property valuesLimited impact in some studies
Human healthContribute to human nutrition, particularly nutrients, and chicken flocks can contribute to filling protein needsMost human nutrition does not come from produce common in urban gardens
Possible pathogenic risk from poultry
Limited data to assess impacts
ConservationReduce land conversion for agriculture and reuse of currently irrigated lawns in some regionsMore arid climates require supplemental water inputs
Increase nutrient recycling opportunitiesPotential for nutrient pollution if nutrients overapplied
Increase biodiversity and habitat for some speciesFear of bees and acceptance of urban beekeeping. Potential for pathogen spread into wild bees
Reduce transportation and storage GHG emissionsIncreased emissions for climate-controlled local food production
Offset of agricultural water use if captured rainwater can meet garden needs
Conserve genetic diversity
SocialPromote food education and awarenessTime and knowledge constraints in both growing and preparing food
Foster civic engagementMay perpetuate inequality and cultural insensitivities
EconomicReduce household food expenses through food productionAlthough high value, urban production is often limited to fruits and vegetables
Creation of jobsUnderpaid labor supports many urban agriculture efforts
Improved property valuesLimited impact in some studies
Human healthContribute to human nutrition, particularly nutrients, and chicken flocks can contribute to filling protein needsMost human nutrition does not come from produce common in urban gardens
Possible pathogenic risk from poultry
Limited data to assess impacts
ConservationReduce land conversion for agriculture and reuse of currently irrigated lawns in some regionsMore arid climates require supplemental water inputs
Increase nutrient recycling opportunitiesPotential for nutrient pollution if nutrients overapplied
Increase biodiversity and habitat for some speciesFear of bees and acceptance of urban beekeeping. Potential for pathogen spread into wild bees
Reduce transportation and storage GHG emissionsIncreased emissions for climate-controlled local food production
Offset of agricultural water use if captured rainwater can meet garden needs
Conserve genetic diversity

Urban agriculture has received attention from planners, policymakers, practitioners, institutions, activists, and community residents as a way to improve urban communities, as well as their connection to broader social and natural processes. As a result, UA is a component of many urban community development efforts, commonly with a focus on fruit and vegetable production for urban dwellers. In addition, UA efforts can educate urban dwellers about food while encouraging civic engagement and increasing social involvement, all of which contribute to overall societal health and well-being (Hale et al. 2011 , Carolan 2016 ).

Emerging evidence from studies approaching UA with a more critical lens reveals that some projects perpetuate inequality and cultural insensitivities. For example, UA may unfairly burden farmers and farm labor (Jarosz 2008 ) and may not grow culturally appropriate food (Guthman 2008 ). Alkon and Mares ( 2012 ) showed that many local food efforts relied heavily on creating alternative food markets rather than engaging in direct efforts to build civil society and civic capacity. Differing objectives of various municipal agencies and supporting partners also create challenges for UA. City officials often prioritize economic viability, but UA initiatives frequently rely on grants from government and local foundations, donations, and typically low-paid, young, and enthusiastic workers.

Time can be either a barrier or a social network benefit of UA. Issues of food access and poverty are important for understanding who participates in UA. The tacit skills needed to garden, raise chickens, and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables are no longer widely held among average households and cannot be simply conveyed via “how to” documents and instructional videos. Acquiring skills for UA requires hands-on training (Carolan 2011 ), and it is difficult to convey this knowledge among populations that are time poor and as such requires careful thought and well-directed policy. Conversely, time spent gardening is identified as helping to build social networks and pass on cultural practices (Calvet-Mir et al. 2012 ).

Urban agriculture affects local economies when it (a) creates jobs; (b) strengthens local economic linkages, including attracting new capital and opportunities for business development; and (c) improves property values and therefore the local tax base. However, there are very few studies that rigorously assess the economic impacts of UA (Hodgson et al. 2011 ).

Part of the challenge is that the overall volume and value of food produced in urban regions is unclear. USDA data are based on metropolitan areas, which include suburban and exurban as well as urban areas. Although over one-half of all farms with local food sales were located in metropolitan counties in 2008 compared with only one-third of all US farms, the extent to which these farms are located in urbanized environments is unknown (Low and Vogel 2011 , Johnson et al. 2013 , Jablonski and Schmit 2016 ).

Studies of economic impacts of UA show mixed results. Dimitri and colleagues (2016) provided the most comprehensive, peer-reviewed national study of UA operations that includes financial information. In total, 370 farmers responded to their 2015 survey, with 315 self-reporting operating an urban or periurban farm, 89 operating a community garden, and 34 operating both an urban farm and community garden. The respondents were located all across the country and reported average farm sales of $54,000 (although the median was $5000, indicating the small nature of the majority of the operations). The study asked about the type of structures used on the farm (greenhouse, high tunnels, raised beds, containers, rooftop, aquaponics, hydronic, and vertical farm). Of these structures, raised beds were the most common (64%), but hydroponic operations had the highest on average farm sales ($112,071), although they may also have the highest expenses. Only 28% of the respondents reported that the primary farmer earns a living from the farm. Importantly, the authors also note that the majority of the survey respondents cited prioritizing social rather than financial objectives. In fact, only 26% of the respondents stated that the main goal of the UA operation was “for market.”

One case study revealed that the presence of urban gardens raised property values by as much as 9.4% within 5 years of establishment and tax revenues from these property increases were estimated at half a million dollars per garden over 20 years, making initial investments from ­government agencies for community garden and farm projects cost productive (Voicu and Been 2008 ). In contrast, Vitiello and Wolf-Powers ( 2014 ) found limited economic impacts of UA on job creation, capital attraction, and ­adjacent property values through in-depth case studies across six US cities in the Northeast and Midwest.

Proponents of UA point to the potential positive financial impact to households from growing and consuming food. Data from the USDA (National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey, FoodAPS) show that six% of households acquired food from gardening, hunting, and fishing, with increased likelihood of acquisitions in rural areas and decreased acquisitions in low-income households (Todd and Scharadin 2016 ). Given the small amount of production by urban households, relatively high land costs in urban areas, and costs and time associated with gardening, UA is unlikely in the current environment to have a significant financial impact to individual households (see box 1 ).

We conducted a case study of home gardening impacts in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. We utilized gardening trend data (CoDyre et al. 2015 ) to design a typical 3.05 by 3.05 meter (10 by 10 feet; 9.3 square meter) raised bed garden. We then estimated productivity, yield, and nutritional value. We also estimated the capacity for land within city limits to supply residents’ entire fresh vegetable and egg intake.

Fort Collins has a population of 161,000 and a total of 36,222 single-family homes. Our example garden used common spacing guidelines (Rabin et al. 2012 ) and crop varieties predicted to have the best yield in Fort Collins (Shonle 2014 ). The crops selected were tomato, cucumber, musk melon, cabbage, potato, sweet potato, squash, peppers, bush peas, lettuce, spinach, kale, carrots, onions, and beets. High and low costs for seeds were approximated using prices listed by a major retail store and seed supplier (Home Depot and www.Burpee.com ). The high and low costs of raised bed construction were calculated using information from Alabama Extension fact sheet no. ANR-1345 (supplemental table S1; Harris et al. 2012 ). The value of crops produced was gathered from the US Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service (Todd and Scharadin 2016 ), which tends to quote the lower end of price ranges, and multiplied by the estimated approximate yield for each crop grown in a home garden (Rabin et al. 2012 ). We did not include labor requirements in our economic estimates.

Our estimates suggest that the small garden plot could yield 18 kilograms of produce per season, or 16% of the recommended minimum of 110 kilograms of annual fruit and vegetable for a single person (Martellozzo et al. 2014 , citing FAO/WHO). This quantity of produce translated to approximately $70 saved per year by not purchasing this produce at the supermarket (table 3 ). The cost of setting up a raised bed varied from (a) only the price of seeds if a homeowner used existing garden soil, homemade compost, and scrap building material to (b) $270 if basic materials were purchased new. Using our estimated yield of 2.8 kilograms per square meter, 100% of each Fort Collins resident's minimum recommended vegetables could be met if 18% of the total unimproved land area of all the single-family residential home lots (34 million square meters) in the city were to be cultivated.

A single garden plot and a few hens contributed to an individual's annual nutritional needs, providing 9.2% of protein, 23% of vitamin K, 20% of vitamin C, and smaller amounts of other nutrients and vitamins (see table 2 ). A family keeping a small flock of chickens could easily produce all their egg needs. To supply all of Fort Collins’ egg needs, each of the single-family residential homes in Fort Collins would need to keep approximately 5 laying hens. Including chickens in our calculations not only improved the potential for household gardens to provide nutritional benefits, it did so economically. We calculated initial purchase cost of a 6-month-old laying hen, replacement costs to ensure highest productivity, bedding, and feed costs, resulting in a cost of producing a dozen eggs to $2.75 and $3.92 for non-organic and organic varieties respectively (table 3 ; supplemental material). A survey of local retailers and farmers’ markets revealed prices for a dozen eggs from $1.25 for concentrated egg operations to as high as $8 for free-range organic. Although backyard chicken keepers could sometimes save money producing their own eggs, they typically choose to keep chickens for other reasons, such as to “establish sustainable backyard agro-ecosystems, build sociability, resist consumerism, and work simultaneously to improve the life and health of animals, humans, and the urban environment” (Blecha and Leitner 2014 ).

Nutritional contribution of a 9.3-square-meter garden and 264 eggs for an average adult with a daily recommended intake of 2000 calories per day. See complete nutritional contributions in the supplemental material.

Garden produceProduce + 264 eggsPercentage annual recommended of produce onlyPercentage annual recommended of produce + egg
Vitamin K (μg)6763678923.2%23.2%
Vitamin C (mg)4571457120.9%20.9%
Vitamin A (IU)259,052321,88414.2%17.6%
Riboflavin (mg)11641.8%10.4%
Protein (g)22016801.2%9.2%
Phosphorus (mg)604429,0121.7%7.9%
Folate (μg)517110,7153.5%7.3%
Vitamin D (IU)095040%6.5%
Vitamin B6 (mg)27473.7%6.4%
Saturated fatty acids (g)83710.1%5.1%
Garden produceProduce + 264 eggsPercentage annual recommended of produce onlyPercentage annual recommended of produce + egg
Vitamin K (μg)6763678923.2%23.2%
Vitamin C (mg)4571457120.9%20.9%
Vitamin A (IU)259,052321,88414.2%17.6%
Riboflavin (mg)11641.8%10.4%
Protein (g)22016801.2%9.2%
Phosphorus (mg)604429,0121.7%7.9%
Folate (μg)517110,7153.5%7.3%
Vitamin D (IU)095040%6.5%
Vitamin B6 (mg)27473.7%6.4%
Saturated fatty acids (g)83710.1%5.1%

Potential costs, savings, and quantity produced in home gardens.

QuantityAnnual productionNutrition contributionOne-time costsAnnual production costsCost to buy at storeAnnual savings or spending
Vegetables9.3 m 18 kg16% of 1 person's annual vegetable needs$0–$260 to set up garden bedApproximately $20 for seeds$70$50
Eggs4 hens900 eggs340% of 1 person's annual egg consumption$50–$300 to build basic coop$252 for feed and bedding$115–$137
Organic eggs4 hens900 eggs340% of 1 person's annual egg consumption$50–$300 to build basic coop$360 for feed and bedding$600$240
QuantityAnnual productionNutrition contributionOne-time costsAnnual production costsCost to buy at storeAnnual savings or spending
Vegetables9.3 m 18 kg16% of 1 person's annual vegetable needs$0–$260 to set up garden bedApproximately $20 for seeds$70$50
Eggs4 hens900 eggs340% of 1 person's annual egg consumption$50–$300 to build basic coop$252 for feed and bedding$115–$137
Organic eggs4 hens900 eggs340% of 1 person's annual egg consumption$50–$300 to build basic coop$360 for feed and bedding$600$240

Urban agriculture has the potential to influence human health both directly and indirectly. For example, the experience of growing food locally is positively correlated with consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables (Patel 1996 ). Urban agriculture also supports health by contributing to safe, healthy, and green environments in neighborhoods, schools, and abandoned areas (McGuinn and Relf 2001 ). In developing countries, an association exists between UA and dietary adequacy and increased dietary diversity (Zezza and Tasciotti 2010 ). However, in limited-income households throughout the world, a focus may be placed on buying foods that will be satiating rather than just nutritious or healthful. Therefore, urban farming can help households save food dollars spent on produce, but how they promote nutritional security is unclear because families need to spend cash on staple, nongarden foods (e.g., whole grains). Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption is important for meeting public health nutrition guidelines, and our case study suggests that UA can contribute to meeting these guidelines at a household level (box 1 ). However, recent evidence supports that daily total fiber intakes from staple foods such as whole grains and legumes are also critical indicators of overall health when compared with fiber that is primarily derived from fruits and vegetables (Park et al. 2011 ). Methods used for receiving and assessing nutritional intakes across the spectrum of UA activities warrant continued attention in public health because of potential inaccuracies and recall bias, including heavy reliance on self-reporting. Finally, there is a lack of reliable data on overall macronutrient (i.e., carbohydrates, protein, and fat) and micronutrient (e.g., iron, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus) intake from vegetables grown under different agricultural practices.

Environmental health is another facet of public health that can include but is not limited to measures of food safety (i.e., microbial and chemical contaminants). An emerging body of literature highlights the importance of comonitoring emerging environmental chemicals of concern, both agrochemicals and heavy metals such as lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). Determining the soil levels for Pb has raised concerns in multiple settings to date, and that could pose health risks, particularly if ingested by young children. Although growing garden crops in contaminated soils may increase dietary metals, the specific claims about health risks from urban soil concentrations for growing food are not always accurate because various chemical forms may have limited bioavailability and uptake by plants (Brown et al 2016 ). In a study of 96 samples of produce from seven urban farms, three suburban farms, and three grocery stores in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2011–2012 (Kohrman and Chamberlain 2014 ), Cd and Pb concentrations in produce from urban farms were not significantly different from produce from suburban farms or grocery stores. Although many urban garden soils may not have high levels of heavy metals and other toxins (Hough et al. 2004 ), the installation of raised beds with imported soils could be considered a limited exposure reduction method (Clark et al. 2008 ). Although raised beds may be a common strategy in areas with contaminated soils to avoid human health risks, this is not classified as a remediation technique. Testing soils for contaminants prior to establishing urban gardens or measuring toxicant loads in food can be expensive, leading to increased consumer costs. Practitioners of UA must balance the need for assessments of macronutrient and micronutrient quality (i.e., protein, vitamins, or minerals) and food safety (i.e., pathogen screening and contaminants).

Food safety measures, including postharvest processing and handling, can pose unintentional risks to public health and vary by food types in different urban locations. Producer education has gained increased attention over enforcing regulations. Practices to enhance food safety for fruits and vegetables, which are the most common food products from UA, may become more complicated if livestock rearing is integrated into the system. Given that food recalls are generally on the rise, cost-effective precautions and guidelines for UA are needed.

The public health impacts of UA, such as physical activity, overall dietary caloric intakes, socioeconomic status, and underlying chronic and infectious disease risk factors, also merit attention as integral players in overall human health outcomes. For example, behavioral and mental health assessments have been conducted for various individuals and groups related to UA practices (Ober Allen et al. 2008 ) but are usually separated from nutritional assessments and food diaries that reveal sources of all foods consumed in the daily diet. Finally, assessing and reporting the level of community engagement that can lead to physical and mental health rewards related to UA are equally important aspects of public health impacts.

A number of studies have investigated the impact of urban gardening on food security (e.g., Kortright and Wakefield 2011 , Eigenbrod and Gruda 2015 ), but few have included gardener preference and nutritional impact. Urban areas have enough land to provide a large proportion of city residents’ vegetable, poultry, and egg needs (box 1 ; Grewal and Grewal 2012 ). Researchers have suggested that for food security in urban areas, emphasis should be placed on productivity in cities with low population density because they have potential to become self-sufficient (Ghosh et al. 2008 ), especially regarding contributions of home gardens (Taylor and Lovell 2014 ).

Urban agriculture, in aggregate, has potentially large impacts, both positive and negative, on the conservation of biodiversity, water, and land. Agriculture (i.e., the land area and resources allocated to food and fiber production) contributes between 20% and 33% of global greenhouse gases (GHGs; IPCC 2007 , Vermeulen et al. 2012 ), uses 70% of global freshwater supplies (FAO 2015 ) and 90% of mined phosphorus (Jasinski 2006 ), and is a major contributor to the more than 400 marine hypoxic zones worldwide (Diaz and Rosenberg 2008 ). These effects, in turn, have large impacts on biodiversity (Green et al. 2005 ). Urban agriculture could have an impact on carbon and water footprints, climate resilience, nutrient recycling and loading into surface waters, habitat value of urban landscapes for pollinators and other wildlife, and demand for land for food production elsewhere. These effects will depend on the location and methods of production. Despite these myriad effects, UA has been widely ignored by the conservation community.

Climate change and urban agriculture

Projected changes in climate, especially extreme weather events, threaten food security. Specifically, climate change can disrupt food availability, access, processing, storage, and consumption, especially for time-poor populations (Brown et al. 2015 ). Urban agriculture provides an alternative production source and diversifying food sourcing options can serve as a buffer to climate change variability that may disrupt trade and global food markets (Ostrom 2010 ).

In a thorough life cycle assessment of GHG emissions of urban household gardens, Cleveland and colleagues (2017) found that although producing vegetables in home gardens does create some GHG emissions, these emissions are more than offset by reducing the GHG footprint of consumers buying produce through the conventional agribusiness system. In addition, further GHG savings were realized when researchers accounted for lawn replacement, recycling gray water, and recycling organic household waste. However, home composting can produce methane and nitrous oxide, which are strong GHGs (Cleveland et al. 2017 ). Other studies that performed similar analyses for urban community farms also demonstrated reductions in GHG emissions compared with conventional systems, especially when vegetable production replaced lawns (Kulak et al. 2013 , Fisher and Karunanithi 2014 ). In developed countries, postproduction processes such as storing, refrigerating, and transporting produce over long distances can contribute as much to the GHG emissions as do the actual production processes (Vermeulen et al. 2012 ). These postproduction emissions are reduced or eliminated when vegetables are grown where they are consumed, as in the case of UA.

Water impact

Agriculture accounts for the majority of current freshwater withdrawals (Scanlon et al. 2007 , FAO 2015 ). The immense demands for water by agriculture impacts freshwater biodiversity through many mechanisms, including dam construction, dewatering of wetlands and rivers, reduced river flow to coastal areas, changes in the timing and intensity of flows, and aquifer depletion (Gordon et al. 2010 ). In dry climates, local agricultural production could have significant negative impacts on limited local water resources, thereby arguing for importing water-intensive produce from wetter regions. Irrigation needs for conventional agriculture will only continue to grow, whereas UA has the potential to depend largely on collected rainwater in some regions (see box 2 below) and, furthermore, to reduce the use of water for processing, packaging, and transporting food. Collected rainwater, although generally of high quality (Bakacs et al. 2013 ), has some potential for introducing pollutants into the food supply (Lye 2009 ).

Growing food locally is often touted as ecologically friendly, but how much water does a home garden require? We mapped the amount of additional water needed by a 9.3-square-meter vegetable garden if the owner collected rainwater and used it to water the crops. We determined the potential capacity of rainwater collection barrels to water a home garden on the basis of spatially explicit precipitation and evapotranspiration data. Using the Simplified Landscape Irrigation Demand Estimation method developed by the University of California Extension (Kjelgren et al. 2016 ) to determine the water need of a typical 9.3-square-meter home vegetable garden, we modeled the amount of supplemental water that would be needed by that garden using daily time steps. We used a water recharge model with a 0.42-cubic-meter (110-gallon) storage capacity (2 typical, home-use rainwater collection barrels) and a modest roof collection area of 93 square meters (1000 square feet). We used monthly precipitation (PRISM 2004 ) and evapotranspiration (IWMI 2016 ) data at daily time steps for 1 year.

Nutrient conservation and pollution

Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) fertilizer use has increased dramatically in the past century and is predicted to continue to do so (Tilman et al. 2001 ). The global nature of agricultural trade means that some soils are becoming P depleted, whereas excess P and N application is polluting water bodies in other regions. There is therefore a need to increase the recycling of nutrients to contain them within the systems in which they occur, thereby closing nutrient loops (Schipanski and Bennett 2011 ). The feasibility of food waste recycling is highly dependent on the distance between production and consumption activities because of the logistics and cost of transporting heavy food waste or composted materials. Urban agriculture can contribute to closing nutrient loops by composting and feeding vegetable wastes to animals and then applying animal (e.g., chicken) manures back to garden areas. Household food waste recycling also prevents such wastes from entering landfills. Distributed UA with chickens could improve nutrient recycling efficiencies relative to concentrated poultry operations that are often too far from a sufficient land base to economically distribute chicken manure at recommended rates to avoid nutrient pollution (Ribaudo et al. 2003 ).

The environmental impact of nutrient management practices in home gardens has not been extensively studied. Fertility management was rated as the most important management challenge for urban gardeners in New York City (Gregory et al. 2016 ), highlighting the need for collaborative research and education on urban garden nutrient management practices. Home garden effects on nutrient recycling and nutrient losses to the surrounding environment depend on the quantity, quality, and timing of manure and compost applications. Urban gardens and lawns can be a net sink of nutrients and carbon, particularly during early conversion from more degraded soils (Kaye et al. 2005 ). However, urban gardens can also become a nutrient pollution source if compost, manure, and other fertilizer applications exceed nutrient removal in harvested produce resulting in elevated soil P levels and N leaching losses (Dewaelheyns et al. 2013 , Cameira et al. 2014 ). For example, average annual household food waste in the St. Paul–Minneapolis region of Minnesota contained approximately 300 grams of N and 36 grams of P (Baker et al. 2007 ). Applied to a 3-meter-by-3-meter raised garden bed as used in our case study (box 1 ), this would represent annual application rates of 337 kilograms of N per hectare and 39 kilograms of P per hectare, which would far exceed nutrient removal by harvested produce. Home gardens are often considered to have minimal impact on overall urban nutrient cycling and losses because of their limited spatial extent (Lin et al. 2014 ); however, this could shift with increased conversion of urban areas to fertilized gardens. Consequently, urban food waste nutrient recycling would benefit from (a) increased infrastructure, awareness, and education to reduce food waste, as well as (b) municipal recycling programs that then distribute compost to urban landscaping, gardens, golf courses, and other facilities to apply at rates that balance removals.


Urban food gardens could contribute positively to conservation of biological diversity by increasing and improving habitat within urban areas, averting habitat loss elsewhere, contributing to crop diversity, and reducing pollution and nutrient loading. Replacing lawns with gardens increases habitat heterogeneity, which would be expected to increase wildlife diversity (Benton et al. 2003 ). These green spaces also provide seminatural habitats in the extensive human altered landscapes (Lin et al. 2015 ), especially for pollinators and species that benefit from small, patchy resources. For successful and sustainable UA, it is vital to maintain essential ecological processes such as pollination, nutrient acquisition and flow, and biological control of pests. Although leveraging the habitat value of large numbers of small plots can be a challenge, this can be overcome with effective, coordinated management (Goddard et al. 2010 ).

Home gardens in developing countries have long been considered hotbeds of crop diversity, with known links to dietary diversity and quality, but less is known about the contributions of urban gardens in more developed countries (Taylor and Lovell 2014 ). Widespread availability of stable cultivars in small seed packs removes the need to save seed from year to year or experiment with novel crosses. Despite the lack of incentive, novelty is a coveted trait in home garden products, and amateur plant breeders have formed organized groups and seed exchanges. Immigrant populations contribute to a unique form of germplasm conservation; for example, novel crosses between grocery store varieties of sweet corn and landrace maize cultivars have been found in the home gardens of Mexican immigrants residing in southern California (Heraty and Ellstrand 2016 ).

The problem of hunger is more one of poverty and access than of sufficient food produced (Schipanski et al. 2016 ). In addition, we do not efficiently use the food that we currently grow: One-third is wasted, and one-third becomes animal feed (Tscharntke et al. 2012 ). But a growing world population will necessitate additional land be converted to agriculture (Tilman et al. 2001 ), and converting lawns in urban areas rather than biodiverse habitat in developing nations could reduce agriculture's negative impact on biodiversity. Researchers predict that large amounts of land will be converted to agricultural uses from 2001 to 2050, a net projected increase of 5.4 × 10 8 hectares for pasture and 3.5 × 10 8 hectares for cropland (Tilman et al. 2001 ). Most of the associated habitat loss (10 9 hectares by 2050) will be in developing countries, whereas 1.4 × 10 8 hectares of land is projected to be removed from agriculture in developed nations (Tilman et al. 2001 ). Much of the food demand by developed nations results in losses to biodiversity in developing nations (Lenzen et al. 2012 ), with each dollar spent on agricultural products estimated to displace between 0.1–1 individual birds or mammals (Kitzes et al. 2016 ).

Furthermore, analyses suggest that many developed nations have enough land within urban areas to meet much of their food needs; for example, Martellozzo and colleagues (2014) found that the United States would need to use less than 10% of its urban land to meet all vegetable needs, and see our case study (box 1 ). Growing more food in urban areas of developed countries is also positively correlated with increased awareness of the environmental impacts of food production (Martinez et al. 2010 ).

This review indicates that UA could serve as part of a sustainable food system despite challenges and knowledge gaps. Carefully designed UA can provide conservation benefits, especially when it replaces lawns (e.g., box 2 ), but other conservation impacts are poorly understood and require more research. Although our Fort Collins case study (box 1 ) demonstrates that home gardens provide limited contributions to nutrition and money saving, the majority of farmers engaged in UA are motivated by social goals in addition to food production (Dimitri et al. 2016 ). Barriers to UA include access to suitable land for growing and gardening knowledge (Kortright and Wakefield 2011 ), time, and expense. Urban agriculture can also contribute to food security and encourage dietary intake of nutritious foods and strong social networks (Kortright and Wakefield 2011 ). Urban agriculture designed by diverse social, economic, and ethnic groups would likely have greater multifunctional societal benefits and potentially greater economic benefits. Improved public education could decrease UA public health risks in food safety and facilitate improved soil fertility management.

The question remains: Is UA an activity that society should encourage, through government subsidies, planning, nonprofit activities, and education? Both research and promotion of UA suffer from the “local trap,” which assumes that there is something inherently good about local-scale agriculture: that UA will promote ecological sustainability, social justice, nutrition, food security, and food quality (Born and Purcell 2006 ). In reality, the context of the system determines its benefits or downfalls, and importantly, who benefits and who does not (Born and Purcell 2006 ).

Conventional wisdom tells us that large-scale agriculture will benefit from efficiencies of scale, but our interdisciplinary perspective points to the need for an assessment of multifunctional efficiency. That is, a system that can function to provide benefits across a variety of economic, societal, health, and environmental benefits while using currently underutilized resources can play a role in furthering societal goals. Urban home gardens use resources (land, water, nutrients, and human energy) that would otherwise be either unused, underutilized, or (in the case of waste) become pollutants or that produce positive externalities (using human energy in the garden in place of carbon energy in conventional systems produces health benefits and happiness from being outdoors). But other resources, such as tools and infrastructure, might end up costing more in terms of both money and resources for home production systems. The benefits are clearer when water, carbon, and human resources that have traditionally been directed toward lawns are instead directed toward food production: In these cases, we are producing additional food while still lowering the environmental impact of these lands.

The benefits of home gardens, in terms of food security, health, and income, have been well documented in developing countries (Taylor and Lovell 2014 ), but the impact of home and urban gardens in developed countries is underexplored. Further research is needed to determine how to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impacts of UA. A lack of data on small home gardens is a particular challenge for researchers and policymakers. In light of current pressures on food systems and successful examples such as Victory Gardens, when civilian populations were encouraged to produce food at home, the potential for home gardens to improve human health and nutrition, conserve or improve biological diversity, and reduce or mitigate food waste and pollution merits further evaluation.

Thanks for support from Colorado State University's School of Global Environmental Sustainability for funding a course and working group that directly resulted in this article. Also thanks to the American Association for University Women American Fellowship for funding TN-M while working on this project. John Sheehan, Ragan Adams, Dawn Thilmany, Brad McRae, and Rod Adams provided valuable insights.

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research articles urban agriculture

Urban agriculture isn’t as climate-friendly as it seems, but these best practices can transform gardens and city farms

research articles urban agriculture

Ph.D. Candidate in Resource Policy and Behavior, University of Michigan

research articles urban agriculture

Assistant Professor of Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan

research articles urban agriculture

Professor of Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan

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Benjamin Goldstein receives funding from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

Jason Hawes and Joshua Newell do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Michigan provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation US.

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Urban agriculture is expected to be an important feature of 21st century sustainability and can have many benefits for communities and cities, including providing fresh produce in neighborhoods with few other options.

Among those benefits, growing food in backyards, community gardens or urban farms can shrink the distance fruits and vegetables have to travel between producers and consumers – what’s known as the “food mile” problem . With transportation’s greenhouse gas emissions eliminated, it’s a small leap to assume that urban agriculture is a simple climate solution.

But is urban agriculture really as climate-friendly as many people think?

Our team of researchers partnered with individual gardeners, community garden volunteers and urban farm managers at 73 sites across five countries in North America and Europe to test this assumption.

We found that urban agriculture, while it has many community benefits, isn’t always better for the climate than conventional agriculture over the life cycle, even with transportation factored in. In fact, on average, the urban agriculture sites we studied were six times more carbon intensive per serving of fruit or vegetables than conventional farming.

However, we also found several practices that stood out for how effectively they can make fruits and vegetables grown in cities more climate-friendly.

A young man kneels down with an older farmer in a hat to tend vegetables growing behind a row of brownstone homes.

What makes urban ag more carbon-intensive?

Most research on urban agriculture has focused on a single type of urban farming, often high-tech projects, such as aquaponic tanks, rooftop greenhouses or vertical farms. Electricity consumption often means the food grown in these high-tech environments has a big carbon footprint.

We looked instead at the life cycle emissions of more common low-tech urban agriculture – the kind found in urban backyards, vacant lots and urban farms.

Our study, published Jan. 22, 2024 , modeled carbon emissions from farming activities like watering and fertilizing crops and from building and maintaining the farms. Surprisingly, from a life cycle emissions perspective, the most common source at these sites turned out to be infrastructure. From raised beds to sheds and concrete pathways, this gardening infrastructure means more carbon emissions per serving of produce than the average wide-open fields on conventional farms.

People work in a garden with a rain barrel in front of them.

However, among the 73 sites in cities including New York, London and Paris, 17 had lower emissions than conventional farms. By exploring what set these sites apart, we identified some best practices for shrinking the carbon footprint of urban food production.

1) Make use of recycled materials, including food waste and water

Using old building materials for constructing farm infrastructure, such as raised beds, can cut out the climate impacts of new lumber, cement and glass, among other materials. We found that upcycling building materials could cut a site’s emissions 50% or more.

On average, our sites used compost to replace 95% of synthetic nutrients. Using food waste as compost can avoid both the methane emissions from food scraps buried in landfills and the need for synthetic fertilizers made from fossil fuels. We found that careful compost management could cut greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 40%.

Capturing rainwater or using greywater from shower drains or sinks can reduce the need for pumping water, water treatment and water distribution. Yet we found that few sites used those techniques for most of their water.

2) Grow crops that are carbon-intensive when grown by conventional methods

Tomatoes are a great example of crops that can cut emissions when grown with low-tech urban agriculture. Commercially, they are often grown in large-scale greenhouses that can be particularly energy-intensive . Asparagus and other produce that must be transported by airplane because they spoil quickly are another example with a large carbon footprint.

By growing these crops instead of buying them in stores, low-tech urban growers can reduce their net carbon impact.

3) Keep urban gardens going long term

Cities are constantly changing, and community gardens can be vulnerable to development pressures . But if urban agriculture sites can remain in place for many years, they can avoid the need for new infrastructure and keep providing other benefits to their communities.

A man with hoe stands in front of the community farm with play equipment to one side and buildings in the background.

Urban agriculture sites provide ecosystem services and social benefits, such as fresh produce , community building and education. Urban farms also create homes for bees and urban wildlife , while offering some protection from the urban heat island effect .

The practice of growing food in cities is expected to continue expanding in the coming years, and many cities are looking to it as a key tool for climate adaptation and environmental justice.

We believe that with careful site design and improved land use policy, urban farmers and gardeners can boost their benefit both to people nearby and the planet as a whole.

  • Agriculture
  • Climate change
  • Community gardens
  • Urban agriculture
  • Life cycle assessment (LCA)
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)

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Urban Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Development

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  • Nicole Josiane Kennard 6 &
  • Robert Hugh Bamford 7  

Part of the book series: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ((ENUNSDG))

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City farming ; Urban farming


The definition of food security arose from the 1996 World Food Summit and is as follows: “Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” (FAO 2008 ). Thus, as from this definition, there are four dimensions of food security that must be met: the physical availability of food, economic and physical access to food, food utilization (pertaining to utilizing the food to meet nutritional needs), and the stability of these three dimensions over time (FAO 2008 ). The second Sustainable Development Goal from the United Nations (UN), “Zero Hunger,” supports this definition of food security by aiming to end hunger and ensure access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food for all people year-round by 2030 (UN 2019 ).

Urban agriculture (UA) can be used as a mechanism to contribute to food...

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Kennard, N.J., Bamford, R.H. (2020). Urban Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho, W., Azul, A.M., Brandli, L., Özuyar, P.G., Wall, T. (eds) Zero Hunger. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95675-6_102

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Consumers' perception of urban farming—an exploratory study.

\nCarola Grebitus

  • 1 Morrison School of Agribusiness, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States
  • 2 School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States
  • 3 School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States

Urban agriculture offers the opportunity to provide fresh, local food to urban communities. However, urban agriculture can only be successfully embedded in urban areas if consumers perceive urban farming positively and accept urban farms in their community. Success of urban agriculture is rooted in positive perception of those living close by, and the perception strongly affects acceptance of farming within individuals' direct proximity. This research investigates perception and acceptance of urban agriculture through a qualitative, exploratory field study with N = 19 residents from a major metropolitan area in the southwest U.S. Specifically, in this exploratory research we implement the method of concept mapping testing its use in the field of Agroecology and Ecosystem Services. In the concept mapping procedure, respondents are free to write down all the associations that come to mind when presented with a stimulus, such as, “urban farming.” When applying concept mapping, participants are asked to recall associations and then directly link them to each other displaying their knowledge structure, i.e., perception. Data were analyzed using content analysis and semantic network analysis. Consumers' perception of urban farming is related to the following categories: environment, society, economy, and food and attributes. The number of positive associations is much higher than the number of negative associations signaling that consumers would be likely to accept farming close to where they live. Furthermore, our findings show that individuals' perceptions can differ greatly in terms of what they associate with urban farming and how they evaluate it. While some only think of a few things, others have well-developed knowledge structures. Overall, investigating consumers' perception helps designing strategies for the successful adoption of urban farming.


At present, the number of people living in urban areas worldwide is over three billion, or 55% of the world population, and it is projected that 68% of the world's population will be living in urban areas by 2050 ( United Nations, 2018 ). In the United States alone, 82% of the population currently lives in urban areas ( World Bank, 2016 ). The continued expansion of cities nationwide places a heavy toll on the demand for resources, such as sustainable infrastructure and affordable food retail options, to meet the basic needs of households living within city limits. Within the food sector, the accelerating rate of migration into cities coupled with a growing population imposes the challenge of producing sufficient quantities of food ( Satterthwaite et al., 2010 ). This challenge needs to be addressed to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, nutrient-dense food. Simultaneously, it raises the question of how to provide satisfactory nourishment while consumers are increasingly asking for fresh and local foods ( Grebitus et al., 2017 ).

With urbanization on the rise, one solution to this challenge is the development and expansion of urban agriculture 1 . Figure 1 below shows the replacement of agricultural areas (yellow) by urban areas (red) in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Urban agriculture is a growing sector within the farming industry that aims to increase overall food production in urban and peri-urban areas through the conversion of available land into agricultural farms. As reported in Smith et al. (2017) , there are 67,032 vacant parcels (19,592 hectares) potentially suitable for urban agriculture in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.


Figure 1 . Land use map showing the replacement of agricultural areas (yellow) by urban areas (red). Data from the 2006 and 2016 USGS National Land Cover Dataset.

Cities across the United States have already begun to integrate food production, such as commercial urban farms and private or community gardens, into communities ( Hughes and Boys, 2015 ; Printezis and Grebitus, 2018 ). To predict whether urban farming will be successful and to influence its longevity, it is important to understand consumer perception ( Grebitus and Bruhn, 2008 ). Hence, the objective of this research is to investigate how consumers perceive urban farming and to evaluate whether they would accept this form of commercial agriculture close to their residence.

Food produced in urban and peri-urban communities has various implications. For example, for small- to mid-size farmers, the profitability of urban farmers can be dependent on producing local foods that can be (exclusively) sold through direct channels, such as farmers markets. Urban agriculture also has an effect on societal health. Direct access to local produce through direct-to-consumer marketing channels affects the dietary quality and diversity of food choices of urban consumers. Unlike large agricultural production facilities that occupy 75% of the land in the U.S. and predominantly grow commodity crops used for animal feed, biofuels, and industrial inputs ( DeHaan, 2015 ), outputs from urban agricultural production are largely specialty crops, which require comparatively minimal processing before consumption. Specialty crops, which include most fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts, are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and are constituents of an optimal diet ( WHO, 2018 ). In this way, both the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables along with the diversity of produce consumed is closely linked with positive human health outcomes and serves as a measure of societal health. Finally, urban agriculture affects environmental quality through changes in urban-vegetation-atmosphere interactions, e.g., the reduction in food miles and the mitigation effects of urban heat islands, as a result of urban agriculture practices. Overall, urban agriculture has the potential to provide a number of benefits, for instance, improving sustainability, and local ecology ( Wakefield et al., 2007 ), assisting with food security ( Dimitri et al., 2016 ; Freedman et al., 2016 ; Sadler, 2016 ), and contributing to healthy dietary patterns ( Zezza and Tasciotti, 2010 ; Warren et al., 2015 ).

Alternatively, urban agriculture may produce negative externalities ( Brown and Jameton, 2000 ; Wortman and Lovell, 2013 ). For example, a farmer growing food in a city might encounter pushback by the people living next to the farm who might be bothered by dirt and noise from machinery, odors from organic fertilizers, or they might be afraid that pesticides and fertilizers are polluting the air they breathe and the water they drink. A recent study by Wielemaker et al. (2019) showed urban farmers apply fertilizers in excess of crop needs by 450–600%, potentially leading to negative public perceptions. At the same time, urban farms might be preferred due to access to fresh, local, nutrient-dense food which enhance positive perceptions. This suggests that consumers' perception and acceptance of urban farms is vital to ensure that urban agriculture can be successful ( Grebitus et al., 2017 ).

Previous empirical research on urban agriculture has focused on investigating the relationship between urban agriculture and nutrition (variety, food security, and nutrition status), with a particular emphasis on its role in developing countries [see Warren et al. (2015) for a broad review of previous studies]. Mougeot (2005) compiles case studies of development strategies used by developing countries and pays specific attention to the potential that urban agriculture has in meeting development goals (e.g., increased food availability, decreased poverty, increased health status) in each respective country. Studies focused on developed countries highlight the social context of urban agriculture. They assess how community gardens affect communities ( Armstrong, 2000 ; Wakefield et al., 2007 ; Firth et al., 2011 ), analyze what urban farmers need when only limited resources are available ( Surls et al., 2015 ), and examine success factors of urban agriculture, such as positive consumer attitudes and increased knowledge regarding local food production ( Grebitus et al., 2017 ).

Recently, Grebitus et al. (2017) found in a quantitative online consumer survey that consumers perceive urban agriculture positively based on food quality characteristics, such as food safety and health. More generally, related to perception, they find the three sustainability pillars (economy, society, and environment) are important with regards to consumer perception. Nevertheless, the authors state that consumers' perception is sometimes conflicting. For example, some consumers perceive produce from urban farms as less expensive while others perceive it as more expensive. Our research builds on the study by Grebitus et al. (2017) by investigating the in-depth perception of urban farming using qualitative, exploratory methods in a face-to-face study. While Grebitus et al. (2017) used a word association test, we employ the method of concept mapping. Concept maps can uncover cognitive structures related to urban farming and show differences between individuals regarding their knowledge structures.

The implications of our findings will offer several insights to those charged with designing and implementing food and agricultural policy. Such policies have the potential to affect new and emerging trends in urban communities, stimulate the growth of direct-to-consumer marketing channels where small- to mid-size farmers sell their products and address the effects of urban agriculture on the environment. Our results will provide insight into how urban farming is perceived by individuals to ensure that incorporating farms in urban areas is accepted by those living there. For example, if our analysis shows that consumers are apprehensive and afraid, e.g., of pesticides or fertilizer run-off, targeted communication can be used to alleviate such tensions.

In the following section, the methodological background is described covering concept mapping, counting, and content analysis. Section three presents the results and section four concludes.

Materials and Methods

Concept mapping.

In consumer behavior research, perception is defined as subjective and selective information processing ( Kroeber-Riel et al., 2009 ). Whether something is positively or negatively perceived by consumers is determined by cognitive structures, i.e., semantic networks, which capture a part of the knowledge (associations/concepts) in memory ( Martin, 1985 ; Joiner, 1998 ). A semantic network is composed of nodes, which represent concepts and units of information, and links, connecting the concepts, which represent the type and the strength of the association between the concepts ( Cowley and Mitchell, 2003 ). To investigate perception toward urban farming we aim to provide insight into consumers' individual cognitive structures, i.e., semantic networks ( Kanwar et al., 1981 ; Jonassen et al., 1993 ).

Associative elicitation techniques are appropriate to analyze semantic networks ( Bonato, 1990 ). By presenting stimuli, spontaneous reactions and unconscious thoughts are evoked and enable us to analyze individual cognitive structures ( Grebitus and Bruhn, 2008 ). A great variety of associative elicitation techniques exists, ranging from the most qualitative techniques like word association technique ( Roininen et al., 2006 ; Ares et al., 2008 ) to more structured techniques such as repertory grid ( Sampson, 1972 ; Russell and Cox, 2004 ) or laddering ( Grunert and Bech-Larsen, 2005 ).

For this study, the qualitative graphing procedure concept mapping was chosen. Concept mapping is a method that produces a schematic representation of the relationships of stored units of information, which are activated by the stimulus ( Zsambok, 1993 ). The interviewees are asked to recall freely their associations concerning a certain stimulus ( Olson and Muderrisoglu, 1979 ). Additionally, they are asked to directly link the associations to each other, which allows the visualization of the semantic networks ( Bonato, 1990 ). The open setting of tasks optimizes the variety of associations of the interviewees ( Joiner, 1998 ). Concept map diagrams are two-dimensional and show relationships between units of information concerning a certain theme. The concepts are understood as terms, i.e., associations, which come to mind regarding the stimulus ( Jonassen et al., 1993 ).

Concept mapping is supported by semantic network theory and can be explained using the spreading activation network model ( Rye and Rubba, 1998 ). Retrieving stored knowledge can be explained by the spreading activation ( Collins and Loftus, 1975 ; Anderson, 1983a , b ). When consumers perceive/associate something with a stimulus, information-processing takes place and cognitive structures are activated for interpretation, assessment, and decision-making. The stored knowledge is retrieved by spreading activation from associations ( Anderson, 1983b ). In this context, existing networks are active cognitive units that can, once activated, influence behavior directly ( Olson, 1978 ). How much and what information is integrated into the information-processing depends on the construction of the semantic network ( Cowley and Mitchell, 2003 ).

The spread of activation constantly expands through the links to all connected nodes (associations) in the network, starting with the first activated concept. At first, it expands to all the nodes directly linked to the first node, and then to all the nodes linked to each of those nodes. This way, the activation is spreading through all nodes of the network, even through those nodes that are only indirectly associated with the “stimulus node” ( Collins and Loftus, 1975 ). The stronger the link between two nodes, the easier and faster the activation passes to the connected nodes ( Cowley and Mitchell, 2003 ). How far the activation spreads also depends on the distance from the stimulus node. Concepts that are closely related and directly linked will be activated faster and with higher intensity ( Henderson et al., 1998 ). See Figure 2 for an illustration of nodes and links in a semantic network.


Figure 2 . Illustrative figure of a semantic network.

The concept mapping technique elicits respondents to recall knowledge from long-term memory and to write down what they know, which stimulates the spread of activation in memory ( Rye and Rubba, 1998 ). The more linkages a semantic network contains, the higher is the dimensionality and complexity of cognitive structures. The higher the dimensionality of the cognitive structures, the larger the number of concepts that can be activated and the more differentiated and complex the networks ( Kanwar et al., 1981 ). Depending on personal relevance and involvement, consumers' semantic networks are more or less extensively structured ( Peter and Olson, 2008 ).

Concept Mapping Application to Urban Agriculture

To conduct the concept mapping procedure, we adapted the instructions used by Grebitus (2008) . Respondents received an instructions page. At the top of the page, the respondents read the following passage:

Researchers believe that our knowledge is stored in memory. The knowledge we have can be described through central concepts and the relationship between them. These concepts depict our belief of different knowledge domains such as food or vacation. These beliefs can also be related to each other. For example, when you think of a car, you may spontaneously think of “tires”, “white”, or “traffic”. If you then think further, “gas” and “expensive” may come to mind. These can also be related to each other and thus are indirectly related with a car. People have a lot of such associations. To find out yours is one objective of this study .

Respondents were then given a blank piece of paper and started by writing the term “Urban Farming” in the center of the paper. They were then instructed to start thinking of anything that comes to mind, related to the key concept and write it down. After writing down the concepts, the interviewees had to construct the concept map by connecting all the words that they believe, in their minds, are related to each other and belong to each other (i.e., drawing links). Then, they had to add a plus or minus to associations they thought to be positive or negative.

To investigate how many associations and what kind of information is stored in memory concerning urban farming, the items were counted and aggregated ( Kanwar et al., 1981 ; Martin, 1985 ; Grebitus, 2008 ). Next, the individual associations were evaluated using qualitative content analysis following Mayring (2002) . This allowed us to make assumptions, and investigate intent and motivation regarding the topic in a formal way ( Stempel, 1981 ; Hsia, 1988 ). Content analysis is an objective and systematic way to apply quantitative measures to qualitative data ( Stempel, 1981 ; Wimmer and Dominick, 1983 ; Hsia, 1988 , p. 320).

The aim of this study is to provide meaning to the participants' associations. Hence, we classified the content according to categories. This offers a framework to assess the perception of urban farming. The associations written down by the respondents in the concept maps regarding the key stimulus, urban farming, were organized and categorized, then they were added up into frequencies ( Bonato, 1990 ; Lamnek, 1995 ). The categories are the core of the perception analysis. They are used to investigate the topic further ( Wimmer and Dominick, 1983 ). Therefore, the categories should be closely related to the research topic. They have to be practical, reliable, comprehensive (each word fits into one of the categories) and mutually exclusive (each word fits only one category) ( Stempel, 1981 ; Wimmer and Dominick, 1983 ). In this research, we used the categories provided by Grebitus et al. (2017) who used a word association test for the key concept: urban agriculture, a close proxy for the one used in our study “urban farming.” Accordingly, we used the three sustainability pillars Economy, Society, and Environment, as well as, Food and Attributes, and Others as categories to group the data for urban farming in a meaningful way.

Empirical Results

Design of the study and sample characteristics.

To investigate consumer perception of urban farming, exploratory, face-to-face interviews were conducted. The qualitative graphing procedure concept mapping was used to reveal consumers' associations regarding urban farming. In addition to concept mapping, participants filled out a survey to collect socio-demographic information. For detailed information on the data collected, refer to Table S1 in the Supplementary Material.

We collected data in Phoenix, AZ. We chose this location because the Phoenix metropolitan area is ideal for a case study as it is home to a large and growing urban population. Phoenix provides context that has many similar natural and social complexities and barriers (e.g., climate challenges, a lack of food access, rapidly growing, diverse, multi-cultural population), with a large variance in educational and economic levels of residents compared to other urban areas in the U.S. The Phoenix metropolitan area (i.e., Maricopa and Pinal Counties) is the eleventh largest metro area in the U.S. with Maricopa County identified as the fastest-growing county in the U.S. ( U.S. Census Bureau, 2019 ). This rapid population growth demonstrates an important need for sustainable urban farming practices, given the benefits of food security, economic stability, and environmental conservation. Phoenix has a climate where food can be grown all year round, with multiple growing seasons. The extended growing season allows harvest year-round and may affect consumer purchasing patterns and related dietary quality differently than when food is grown only during certain seasons. Meanwhile, Phoenix experiences unique climatic extremes: from being an urban heat island, experiencing short and long-term drought, while simultaneously dealing with seasonal monsoons that can bring rapid and devastating flooding. Hence, urban farming might have different environmental impacts compared to cities where this is not the case. Also, within urban planning and development, Phoenix has begun to recognize urban agriculture as an attractive fixture in revitalizing communities, especially since urban expansion has replaced nearby agriculture at a large rate ( Shrestha et al., 2012 ). Also, Phoenix has vacant land available that can potentially be used for urban farming ( Aragon et al., 2019 ).

We interviewed a total of 19 participants in the summer of 2019 at two locations. A total of 14 participants were interviewed at a large public farmers' market. Another five participants were interviewed at a second location near an open green space 2 . All interviews were carried out by one interviewer. The sample is a convenience sample. Participants were reimbursed for their time with $10 each.

In terms of sample characteristics, 47% of the sample were female, the average age was 38 years old. Household size was on average three persons in the household, with 26% having children in the household. 21% were graduate students and 21% were undergraduate students. In terms of the level of education, 26% had some college education, 32% a Bachelor's degree, and 42% a graduate degree.

Perception of Urban Farming: Results From Content Analysis

This paper aims to analyze consumers' perception of urban farming. This objective is based on the notion that for urban farming to be more fully and successfully integrated into urban and peri-urban communities, consumers need to perceive it positively.

Table 1 depicts the descriptive findings for the counting of the concepts of the two groups and the total over both samples. The results show a total of 333 associations were written down when considering all participants. The mean is 17.5 concepts with a standard deviation of 13.5. The lowest number of concepts associated with urban farming is eight, the highest 68. The farmers' market sample had a higher mean (18.4) than the second location ( M = 15). The standard deviation, however, was considerably smaller at the second location ( SD = 5.1) compared to the farmers' market sample ( SD = 15.5).


Table 1 . Descriptive statistics for the associated concepts.

Among the 333 concepts were single terms (e.g., community, convenience, microclimate) and whole phrases [e.g., “Creates ‘villages' (people work together)”]. Following Grebitus et al. (2017) , the concepts were grouped into five categories: Economy, Society, Environment, Food and Attributes, and Other shown in Table 2 . Note, Grebitus et al. (2017) had a sixth category, Point of Sale, but this did not apply to our data. Findings show that participants primarily think of environment-related associations (36%) followed by specific foods and attributes associated with urban farming (25%), and society (20%). The category economy ranks fourth with 11%.


Table 2 . Content categories.

Table 3 shows the associations that were organized in the categories. To reduce the large number of associations, concepts were merged based on similarity using content analysis. For example, “community,” “community centered,” and “community experience” were aggregated up to “community” (see the complete list of associations in Appendix A included in the Supplementary Material). The strongest category, “environment” is dominated by associations related to production (33% of category associations) and conservation (14% of category associations), as well as agriculture (8% of category associations) and waste (8% of category associations). “Sustainability,” “environment,” “beautification,” and “pollution” are also included in this category. The category “food and attributes,” is dominated by associations related to health (14% of category associations) and fresh (11% of category associations), as well as convenience (10% of category associations) and food security (10% of category associations). “Local,” “plant,” and “produce” are also mentioned, as well as, “location” and “organic.” The category “society” is dominated by associations related to community building (39% of category associations), education (27% of category associations), family (9% of category associations) and municipality (8%). “Advocacy,” “research,” “migration trends,” and “youth” also fit this category. The category “economy” is dominated by associations related to cost (35% of category associations) and labor (16% of category associations), as well as economics (14% of category associations) and externalities (14% of category associations). “Policy,” “benefits,” and “vocation” are the remaining associations in this category. The category “other” entails associations, such as “positive feelings” and “gratitude,” that did not fit in the other established categories. Out of all associations, community and sustainability are among those associated most with urban farms. The result that these two concepts are the most prevalent among our responses suggests the importance of environmentally sustainable farms in urban communities.


Table 3 . Results of concept mapping and content analysis.

Overall, findings show that consumers mainly associate production and environmentally related concepts with urban farming. Many food attribute associations can be considered as generally positive, such as “fresh,” “healthy,” “convenient,” “organic,” and “local.” Participants also associate sustainability and conservation with urban farming. They think of social aspects, such as “flourishing neighborhood,” “friend development,” and “meet other gardeners,” when asked about urban farming. Furthermore, urban farming evokes thoughts of “the economy,” “saving money,” “reducing grocery cost,” and “cost effectiveness.” In this regard, we find some differing opinions with some participants believing that they can save money while others consider urban farming is expensive. This is an indicator that urban farming most likely will not be perceived positively by everyone. Some citizens will be in favor of urban farming and others not. This could be resolved using educational measures given that previous studies have shown that individuals do not feel very knowledgeable with regards to urban agriculture ( Grebitus et al., 2017 ).

To get a better understanding of consumer acceptance of urban farming and whether they perceive urban farming as predominantly positive or negative, they were asked to indicate with a plus (+) those associations they think are positive, and with a minus (–) those they consider to be negative. Table 4 summarizes the number of positive and negative evaluations that were given. Appendix A provides a complete list of all associations including the evaluations. As shown in Table 4 , urban farming is mainly perceived as positive. Seventy-three percent (73%) of all associations are evaluated positively while only 15% are evaluated as negative. Less than two percent (1.5%) of the associations fall in the category where individuals felt it could go either way. Except for ID 7, all participants that evaluated their associations have a larger share of positively perceived characteristics. ID 7 has 20% positive and 80% negative associations. Only a small share of associations was left unevaluated. Examples of positive associations are “community,” “environment,” “fresh,” “local,” “green,” “farmer's market,” “healthy,” “organic,” and “sustainability.” Meanwhile, “cost,” “expensive,” “pollution,” “smell,” “possible bacteria,” “disease,” and “pesticides” are examples of negative associations.


Table 4 . Evaluation of Urban farming.

Perception of Urban Farming: Results From Semantic Network Analysis

After considering what associations are stored in memory regarding urban farming, this section aims to give insight into how the information is stored and what relationships exist between the stated concepts described in the section Perception of urban farming: Results from content analysis. In this regard, figures 3 through 7 show five different concept maps as examples of semantic networks from five different participants, illustrated by the use of the software UCInet ( Borgatti et al., 2002 ). The concept maps differ in shape and complexity.

Figure 3 is a star-shaped semantic network ( Wasserman and Faust, 1994 ). Based on the spreading activation network theory, this pattern means that when “urban farming” is activated, i.e., the individual thinks about it all related associations will be activated and included in thoughts, evaluations and decision making. In this case, sustainability, jobs, information, livestock, possible pesticides, aesthetic and food. These associations can then lead to further associations if the activation is strong enough. For example, possible pesticides can lead to thoughts about runoff in public areas.


Figure 3 . Example of an individual network 1 (location 1, ID 10).

Figure 4 depicts a graph that contains three cycles but is also mainly in a star-shaped composition ( Wasserman and Faust, 1994 ). Here, urban farming is seen as family-oriented, providing fresh food with less pollution and less space, e.g., when using hydroponics.


Figure 4 . Example of an individual network 2 (location 2, ID 19).

Figure 5 depicts a graph in a tree-shaped composition ( Wasserman and Faust, 1994 ). In this case, more activation is needed to reach associations that are further away from the key stimulus. For example, self-sufficient adults might not be activated, and hence not be included in decisions unless the activation is strong. That said this individual has a semantic network that is more developed in terms of linking associations further. For example, the individual thinks that urban farming is a community experience that can lead to youth interaction, which then should ultimately lead to self-sufficient adults.


Figure 5 . Example of an individual network 3 (location 2, ID 16).

Figure 6 displays a more complex semantic network as displayed by the larger number of associations that are more connected to each other. This individual thinks urban farming can save money, land, and resources in general. The individual also associates organic and easy access, i.e., convenience with urban farming. Community is linked to urban farming and then has links to togetherness and beneficial. Togetherness, in turn, is linked to family and neighbors which are both connected to understanding. This suggests that urban farming could play a role in the communication of people living together, the family and the neighbors.


Figure 6 . Example of an individual network 4 (location 2, ID 17).

Figure 7 displays the most complex semantic network of the participants with over 60 associations. In this case, a lot of activation would be needed so that the individual would access all stored information regarding urban farming. For example, between intermittent fasting and urban farming, six other associations need to be activated and processed before intermittent fasting is accessed. This individual points out less favorable associations, such as “neighbor complaints,” which are related to “smell” and “noise.” Overall, this concept map is highly differentiated and complex.


Figure 7 . Example of an individual network 5 (location 1, ID 12).

These examples are by no means exhaustive. There is a wide variety of different network structures among the 19 individuals. However, there are few visual differences observed between the concept maps of the two groups in terms of shapes and structures. Each group varies in complexity. Some participants have complex cognitive structures using a great number of associations, while others hold simple cognitive structures, i.e., semantic networks, which can be explained by the use of key information. In this case, urban farming is related to several key associations, so that the activation of a lower amount of stored information is sufficient for its perception. The rather simple network structures can also result from low familiarity with urban farming or a potential lack of interest by some individuals.

Urban agriculture offers a promising opportunity to provide direct access to fresh produce close to urban residents. This may enhance dietary quality and food diversity while addressing consumers' preference for local food. However, urban agriculture will only be successful if it is accepted and perceived positively by those living in close proximity. Therefore, one must account for consumer perception. Hence, our research provides an exploratory analysis of consumer perception regarding urban farming catering to the success of urban agriculture.

To better evaluate consumers' perception, we employ the method of concept mapping in an exploratory and qualitative study of 19 participants from the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. This analysis provided 333 associations with urban farming. Using content analysis, five categories—Environment, Food and Attributes, Society, Economy and Other—were distinguished to group the concepts/associations in a meaningful way. Participants offered a great variety of perceptions, such as organic, local, community, family, agriculture, and sustainability. One of the overarching themes that emerged from our study was the myriad positive perceptions, e.g., fresh, local, and green. Though negative associations exist, e.g., expensive, possible disease, and pollution, these were fewer in comparison. From a marketing standpoint, highlighting those positive aspects of urban agriculture could incite a more favorable perception and willingness to accept urban agriculture. This could also present opportunities for cities to offer incentives to households who do perceive urban farming negatively. The negative associations also deserve further research as they have the potential to deter the further development of urban agriculture.

In terms of individual semantic networks concerning urban farming, we found that there are vast differences regarding how many associations individuals hold and how connected the associations are. Generally, the more associations and the more links in a network the greater the expertise and involvement. Investigating this more deeply could be used to infer educational strategies.

The use of concept mapping offers detailed insight into participants' semantic networks. It serves as an important, theoretically motivated tool to demonstrate what individuals think and how different concepts are related to each other. Individuals' evaluations of positive and negative associations enables the researcher to determine if the researched area (e.g., urban farming) is perceived favorably or not. That said, knowledge structures are complex, and, with increasing sample sizes, analysis on topics that induce many associations – both positive and negative – can quickly become computationally intensive.

This research is not without limitations. While our findings are encouraging toward acceptance of farming in the city, it should be kept in mind that this is an exploratory study. The present study analyzes stored information, i.e., semantic networks regarding urban farming using qualitative methods for a small sample size from only two study locations, so the results might be dependent on the study area. A more robust approach would be sampling from different regions in the U.S. Future research should include a larger number of participants and expand to more study sites. In doing so, recommendations to stakeholders can be made for the successful integration of sustainable urban agriculture. Garnering an understanding of regional perceptions is of importance, as minimizing the length of the supply chain is associated with a number of benefits, especially in resource-limited environments like the Southwest, and improved well-being at the individual level. Future research could examine the multi-scalar dynamics of urban agriculture, shedding light on market opportunities for agricultural producers and regulators, while simultaneously identifying those factors that could lead to market rejection, e.g., consumer reactance, or practices that may reduce the long-term environmental sustainability of the urban farm. Ultimately, there is a need for interdisciplinary research, for instance, between social scientists, economists, and agroecologists to provide insight into different perspectives that underscore the future success and adoption of urban agriculture.

Data Availability Statement

All datasets generated for this study are included in the article/ Supplementary Material .

Ethics Statement

The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by Arizona State University IRB, Study Number STUDY00010463. Written informed consent for participation was not required for this study in accordance with the national legislation and the institutional requirements.

Author Contributions

CG contributed to conception and design of the study, organized the database, performed the analysis, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. LC served as secondary writer of the manuscript and contributed to study design. LC and RM contributed to initial discussions of methods and the review of the concept categorization. RM reviewed and revised the draft for important intellectual content and created Figure 1 . AM contributed to conception and design of the study. All authors contributed to manuscript revision, read, and approved the submitted version.

This work was supported by EASM-3: Collaborative Research: Physics-Based Predictive Modeling for Integrated Agricultural and Urban Applications, USDA-NIFA (Grant Number: 2015-67003-23508), NSF-MPS-DMS (Award Number: 1419593), and by the Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems, Arizona State University.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00079/full#supplementary-material

1. ^ The FAO defines urban agriculture as “a dynamic concept that comprises a variety of livelihood systems ranging from subsistence production and processing at the household level to more commercialized agriculture. It takes place in different locations and under varying socioeconomic conditions and political regimes” ( FAO, 2007 , p. 5).

2. ^ Note the relatively small sample size in this study. While this would be a drawback for a quantitative study targeting to be representative, our objective is to provide an exploratory study on the perception of urban farming. The aim is not to uncover the perception of the whole population. In that case, a method such as concept mapping would not be well-suited, rather one would use free elicitation technique. That said, free elicitation technique does not allow for a depiction of cognitive structures. This could be tackled by future research. In this research, we set out to conduct qualitative research. The sample size for qualitative studies often ranges from 5 to 50 participants, as pointed out by Dworkin (2012) : “An extremely large number of articles, book chapters, and books recommend guidance and suggest anywhere from 5 to 50 participants as adequate.” Participant numbers are similarly small, for example in studies by Sonneville et al. (2009) ; Lachal et al. (2012) ; Bennett et al. (2013) ; Van Gilder and Abdi (2014) ; Takahashi et al. (2016) ; Hunold et al. (2017) , and Mitter et al. (2019) ranging from 12 to 21.

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Keywords: cognitive structures, concept mapping, exploratory, semantic network, urban agriculture

Citation: Grebitus C, Chenarides L, Muenich R and Mahalov A (2020) Consumers' Perception of Urban Farming—An Exploratory Study. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 4:79. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.00079

Received: 22 December 2019; Accepted: 01 May 2020; Published: 12 June 2020.

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Copyright © 2020 Grebitus, Chenarides, Muenich and Mahalov. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Carola Grebitus, carola.grebitus@asu.edu

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Urban, Indoor, and Emerging Agriculture

The Urban, Indoor, and other Emerging Agricultural Production Research, Education, and Extension Initiative (UIE) is a NIFA competitive grant program implemented in 2022 to support research, education, and extension activities that facilitate development of urban, indoor, and other emerging agricultural production systems.

The UIE emphasizes activities on several segments of the value chain, including production, harvesting, transportation aggregation, packaging, distribution, and marketing needs.

Input on the most urgent program priorities was obtained through public input solicited in Federal Register Notice 2020-08402 and consultation with the Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) for Urban Agriculture.

  • Access the most recent UIE Request for Proposals (RFP)
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Other Urban, Indoor, and Emerging Agriculture Programs

In addition to the Urban, Indoor, and other Emerging Agricultural Production Research, Education and Extension Initiative (UIE), NIFA invests in urban and indoor agriculture research, extension, and education through multiple authorities and funded programs. These include formula (Hatch and Smith-Lever) and competitive programs. Links to these programs are provided below. If you are providing stakeholder input to this new initiative please consider what NIFA currently supports when providing comment on most urgent unmet research, education, and extension needs.  

Examples of current NIFA competitive programs that support urban agriculture:

Beginning Farmers and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) BFRDP is a competitive grant program that funds projects that provide education, mentoring, and technical assistance to people entering farming and those in the first 10 years of managing a farming operation (beginning farmers, or BFRs), where “farming” includes farming, ranching, and nonindustrial private forestry.

Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education (SARE) The SARE program provides technical assistance as well as regional grant funding for research and education projects in sustainable agriculture, including urban agriculture.

Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) SCRI program works to solve the needs of the various specialty crop industries through the promotion of collaboration, open communication, exchange of information, and development of resources that accelerate the application of scientific discovery and technology. SCRI supports the integration of research and extension activities that use systems-based, trans-disciplinary approaches within five focus areas. 

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Foundational and Applied Science Program

  • AFRI-Foundational Knowledge of Agricultural Production Systems (A1102): The program was launched in 2016 and supports integrated research/education/extension projects and conference projects in all production systems, including Urban Agriculture. Awards range from $50,000 to $500,000.
  • AFRI-Foundational Knowledge of Agricultural Systems and Technology (A1521): The program supports integrated research/education/extension projects and conference projects in Engineering for Agricultural Production Systems. Applications must have a significant engineering component. Awards range from $50,000 to $500,000.
  • AFRI-AERC Small and Medium-Sized Farms (A1601):  The Agricultural Economics and Rural Communities program area of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI-AERC) program on Small and Medium-Sized Farms (A1601) funds integrated research/education/extension projects that benefit small and medium-sized farms and ranches.

Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program (CFPCGP)

Supports the development of projects with a one-time infusion of federal dollars to make such projects self-sustaining.  CFPs should be designed to create community-based food projects with objectives, activities, and outcomes that are in alignment with CFPCGP primary goals. 

Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) The purpose of this program is to fund projects that will enhance the ability of producers and processors who have already adopted organic standards to grow and market high quality organic agricultural products. Priority concerns include biological, physical, and social sciences, including economics.

Other USDA Urban and Community Agriculture Programs:

NIFA is also part of USDA’s Urban and Community Agriculture Working Group, which consists of 14 USDA agencies and various offices within the Office of the Secretary. The working group supports efforts that study, support and strengthen local and regional food systems, and urban and community agricultural systems.  USDA has an Urban Agriculture Tool Kit that lays out potential operational elements for urban farmers, and identifies technical, financial, and Federal resources and programs that can support a variety of activities related to urban farming. There is an Urban Agriculture Grants and Engagement Opportunities page listing deadlines to apply for funding from grant programs.

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Monitoring Agricultural Land Changes in Peri-Urban Oran, Algeria: A Mixed Methods Analysis

  • Tarik Ghodbani EGEAT – Laboratory for Geographic Space and Regional Planning, University of Oran 2 Mohammed Ben Ahmed, Algeria E-mail: [email protected]

The dynamics of agricultural land change in peri-urban areas are critical due to their significant impacts on agricultural productivity, food security, sustainable development, and socio-economic dynamics. These intricate processes require a robust methodological approach that can effectively identify, quantify, and analyze the drivers behind land-use changes. In the peri-urban areas of Oran, Algeria, the rapid conversion of agricultural land, particularly along the main highways in the south and southwest regions, underscores the urgent need for focused research. This study aims to map and analyze agricultural land changes between 1998 and 2019, exploring the underlying factors contributing to these shifts. Employing a mixed methods approach, the study integrates both quantitative and qualitative data to provide a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. The methodology encompasses five main tasks: (1) data collection and identification of significant temporal markers, (2) implementation of a Random Forest classification using medium resolution Landsat imagery, (3) assessment of the extent and patterns of agricultural land changes, (4) Evaluation of relevant planning documents, (5) field work, including stakeholders interviews and focus groups. The results reveal a persistent increase in built-up areas over the study period, leading to a corresponding decline in agricultural land. This pattern highlights emerging land-use conflicts among stakeholders. The study offers valuable insights for policymakers, suggesting strategies for more effective land use management, and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices.

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Quaternary treatment of urban wastewater for its reuse.

research articles urban agriculture

1. Introduction

2. filtration, 2.1. sand filtration, 2.2. membrane filtration, 2.3. applications of filtration for micropollutant removals.

  • Microplastics
  • Microbial pollution
  • Pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors
  • Heavy metals

3. Coagulation

3.1. mechanisms of coagulation.

  • Simple charge neutralization
  • Charge patching

3.2. Influencing Factors of Coagulation

  • Coagulant type
  • Coagulant dosage

3.3. Applications of Coagulation for Micropollutant Removals

  • Disinfection by-products
  • Pharmaceuticals

4. Adsorption

4.1. physisorption and chemisorption, 4.2. characterization of adsorbents and the adsorbent process, 4.3. adsorption as a method for removal of organic micropollutants, adsorption mechanism of organic pollutants, 4.4. heavy metal removal from wastewaters by adsorption, 4.4.1. effect of ph, 4.4.2. effect of temperature, 4.4.3. effect of contact time, 4.4.4. adsorption mechanisms of heavy metals, 4.5. control of disinfection byproducts contained in wastewaters with adsorption, 4.6. removal of micro/nanoplastics by adsorption, 5. advanced oxidation processes (aops), 5.1. chemical types of aops, 5.1.1. fenton’s reaction technique, 5.1.2. ozone-based processes, 5.2. photochemical types of aops, 5.2.1. photodecomposition technique, 5.2.2. photocatalysis technique, 5.3. electrochemical types of aops, 5.3.1. anodic oxidation technique, 5.3.2. electro-fenton technique, 5.4. sonochemical types of aops, sonocatalysis, 6. disinfection, 6.1. chemical disinfection, 6.1.1. sodium hypochlorite, 6.1.2. peracetic acid, 6.1.3. performic acid, 6.2. physical means of disinfection, 6.2.1. uv irradiation, 6.2.2. sonolysis, 6.3. use of aops as a disinfection method, 6.4. electrochemical disinfection, 7. assessment of reviewed treatment methods, 8. conclusions.

  • The existing literature is dominated by water scarcity and water stress, which are caused by rapid urban expansion, development of the world economy, demographic changes, deforestation and climate change.
  • According to the predictions, the water scarcity and drought events are likely to be more frequent in the future. Due to these facts, the missing water resources must be replaced by a suitable water source.
  • Quaternary treated urban wastewater has been proposed as an alternative water source for irrigation in Europe. For quaternary treatment, various additional processes can be used, such as filtration, coagulation, adsorption, ozonation, advanced oxidation processes and disinfection. The choice of the specific process depends on various factors, including wastewater characteristics and treatment goals. According to the existing literature, we recommend for quaternary urban wastewater treatment, a combination of coagulation, membrane filtration (UF or NF) and UV disinfection. These processes are relatively well known and commercially available with high removal efficiencies of micropollutants and microorganisms.
  • The quaternary treated wastewater reuse has the following innovativeness in the field of water management: an efficient use of water resources by citizens, industry and agriculture; promoting water saving and reuse; water-efficient technologies in all sectors; fitting in the context of the 2020 Circular Economy Action Plan; development of the huge potential for safe wastewater reuse in line with the new EU Regulation on water reuse; contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; reduction the use of additional fertilizers resulting in savings for the environment, farmers and wastewater treatment; and the creation of green jobs in the water-related industry.
  • Barriers to the reuse of quaternary treated urban wastewater are well characterized, and they mainly include concerns about microbial risk and presence of micropollutants; high investments for modernization of urban wastewater treatment plants; and a lack of financial incentives for quaternary treated wastewater reuse in agriculture.
  • This review article serves as a basis for knowledge development, provides a comprehensive understanding of the current state of quaternary treatment of urban wastewater for its reuse, creates guidelines for practice, has the capacity to engender new ideas and serve as the grounds for future research directions. It helps researchers to identify key themes and concepts, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies and determine areas where further research is needed.

Author Contributions

Data availability statement, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

OHhydroxyl radical
OOHhydroperoxide radical
AOPsadvanced oxidation processes
ARB&ARGsantibiotic resistant bacteria and genes
BACbiological activated carbon
BDDboron-doped diamond electrode
CECcontaminants of emerging concern
CODchemical oxygen demand
DBDdielectric barrier discharge
DBPdisinfection byproducts
DBPFPdisinfection byproducts formation potential
DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid
DOCdissolved organic carbon
e electrons
EDelectrochemical disinfection
EUEuropean Union
GACgranular activated charcoal
GDPgross domestic product
GOgraphene oxide
h holes
HAAhaloacetic acid
IUPAC international union of pure and applied chemistry
LEDlight-emitting diode
MBRmembrane bioreactor
NO nitric oxide
NOMsnatural organic matters
NTUnephelometric turbidity unit
O superoxide anion radical
OMPorganic micropollutant
PAAperacetic acid
PACpoly aluminum chloride
PBTpersistent, bioaccumulative and toxic
PE polyethylene
PFAperformic acid
PFCpoly ferric chloride
PFOpseudo-first order
PFSpoly ferrous sulphate
PMTpersistent, mobile and toxic
PSiASpoly-aluminum silicate sulphate
PSiTSpoly-titanium silicate sulphate
PSOpseudo-second order
PVCpolyvinyl chloride
RNAribonucleic acid
ROreverse osmosis
RO alkoxyl radical
ROO peroxyl radical
ROOHorganic hydroperoxides
ROSreactive oxygen species
ROS sulphonyl radicals
RS thiyl radicals
RSFrapid sand filtration
RSOO thiyl peroxyl
SDBSsodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate
SHEstandard hydrogen electrode
SO sulphate radicals
SUV specific ultraviolet absorbance
TOCtotal organic carbon
UVA absorbance of light in the UV part of the light spectrum at 254 nm
WWTPwastewater treatment plant
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Iodine numberINmg/g
Ash %
Skeletal densityρ ekg/m
Geometrical densityρ gkg/m
Bulk densityρ kg/m
Specific surfaceS m /g
Particle sizedmm
Pore sized Å
ROS as Free Oxygen RadicalsNon-Radical ROS
Hydroxyl radical OHHydrogen peroxide H O
Superoxide anion radical O Singlet oxygen O
Alkoxyl radical RO Ozone/trioxygen O
Peroxyl radical ROO Organic hydroperoxides ROOH
Hydroperoxide radical OOHHypochloride HOCl
Nitric oxide NO Peroxynitrite ONO
Thiyl radicals RS Nitrocarbonate anion O NOCO
Sulphonyl radicals ROS Dinitrogen dioxide N O
Thiyl peroxyl RSOO Nitronium NO
Sulphate radicals SO Highly reactive lipid- or
carbohydrate-derived carbonyl compounds
Method of Ozone GenerationPrincipleOzone Source
ElectricalElectrical dischargeAir or O
ElectrochemicalElectrolysisWater (highly purified)
(λ < 185 nm)
Air, O , water
Radiation chemistryX-rays, radioactive
Water (highly purified)
ThermalLight arc ionizationWater
Sand filtrationChemicals free, simple in operation, no harmful byproducts, relatively low financial costs, relatively well known and commercially available.Very low removal efficiency for micropollutants and other contaminants, backwash is needed, and disposal of used sand.
Membrane filtrationWell-defined and high removal efficiency of micropollutants, capable of removal of other contaminants and microorganisms, no toxic solid waste, chemicals free, no harmful byproducts and commercially available.High energy demand, membrane fouling, disposal of concentrate, high water rejection, corrosive nature of the produced water, high-tech operation and maintenance, and relatively high financial costs.
CoagulationSimple in operation, no harmful byproducts, relatively low financial costs, relatively well known and common chemicals are available. Low removal efficiency for micropollutants, large amount of chemical sludge, introduction of coagulant salts in the aqueous phase, and sedimentation and filtration is needed.
AdsorptionHigh removal efficiency of micropollutants and other contaminants, simple in operation, chemical and sludge free, no harmful byproducts, relatively well known and commercially available.Lower efficiency removal in the presence of NOMs, regeneration is needed, disposal of used carbon, production of toxic solid waste, desorption of sorbed contaminants, and relatively high financial costs.
Ozonation and other AOPsNovel and promising technique, high removal efficiency of micropollutants, other contaminants and microorganisms, sludge free, ozonation is well known and commercially available.High energy consumption, formation of harmful byproducts, interference of radical scavengers, strong developing is needed, focus on effective design and operation parameters is needed, other AOPs are not commercially available, and relatively high financial costs.
Chemical disinfectionSimple in operation, high removal efficiency of microorganisms, no toxic solid waste is produced, relatively low financial costs, relatively well known and commercially available.Formation of harmful byproducts, not chemicals free, corrosive effects, requires understanding of principles of chemical disinfection,
And does not prevent stored water from recontamination.
Physical disinfection (UV)Simple in operation, high removal efficiency of microorganisms, no toxic solid waste, no harmful byproducts, chemicals free, relatively well known and commercially available.Requires clear water, does not prevent stored water from recontamination, and relatively high financial costs.
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Share and Cite

Jurík, J.; Jankovičová, B.; Zakhar, R.; Šoltýsová, N.; Derco, J. Quaternary Treatment of Urban Wastewater for Its Reuse. Processes 2024 , 12 , 1905. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12091905

Jurík J, Jankovičová B, Zakhar R, Šoltýsová N, Derco J. Quaternary Treatment of Urban Wastewater for Its Reuse. Processes . 2024; 12(9):1905. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12091905

Jurík, Jakub, Barbora Jankovičová, Ronald Zakhar, Nikola Šoltýsová, and Ján Derco. 2024. "Quaternary Treatment of Urban Wastewater for Its Reuse" Processes 12, no. 9: 1905. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12091905

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  • Published: 17 March 2020

The hidden potential of urban horticulture

  • Jill L. Edmondson   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3623-4816 1 , 2 ,
  • Hamish Cunningham   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-5901-5483 2 , 3 ,
  • Daniele O. Densley Tingley 4 ,
  • Miriam C. Dobson 1 , 2 ,
  • Darren R. Grafius   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6833-4993 1 , 2 ,
  • Jonathan R. Leake 1 , 2 ,
  • Nicola McHugh 1 ,
  • Jacob Nickles   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5754-0740 1 , 2 ,
  • Gareth K. Phoenix 1 ,
  • Anthony J. Ryan 2 , 5 ,
  • Virginia Stovin 4 ,
  • Nick Taylor Buck 6 ,
  • Philip H. Warren 1 &
  • Duncan D. Cameron   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5439-6544 1 , 2  

Nature Food volume  1 ,  pages 155–159 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

13k Accesses

69 Citations

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  • Agriculture
  • Engineering
  • Environmental sciences
  • Science, technology and society

Urban areas offer considerable potential for horticultural food production, but questions remain about the availability of space to expand urban horticulture and how to sustainably integrate it into the existing urban fabric. We explore this through a case study which shows that, for a UK city, the space potentially available equates to more than four times the current per capita footprint of commercial horticulture. Results indicate that there is more than enough urban land available within the city to meet the fruit and vegetable requirements of its population. Building on this case study, we also propose a generic conceptual framework that identifies key scientific, engineering and socio-economic challenges to, and opportunities for, the realization of untapped urban horticultural potential.

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This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant nos EP/N030095/1, EPSRC GCRF IS2016 and EPSRC EP/P016782/1, the ISCF Transforming Food Production Award and a University of Sheffield PhDT studentship.

Author information

Authors and affiliations.

Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Jill L. Edmondson, Miriam C. Dobson, Darren R. Grafius, Jonathan R. Leake, Nicola McHugh, Jacob Nickles, Gareth K. Phoenix, Philip H. Warren & Duncan D. Cameron

Institute for Sustainable Food, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Jill L. Edmondson, Hamish Cunningham, Miriam C. Dobson, Darren R. Grafius, Jonathan R. Leake, Jacob Nickles, Anthony J. Ryan & Duncan D. Cameron

Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Hamish Cunningham

Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Daniele O. Densley Tingley & Virginia Stovin

Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Anthony J. Ryan

Urban Institute, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Nick Taylor Buck

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar


All authors wrote the manuscript. N.M., D.R.G. and J.L.E. designed the spatial analyses. J.L.E. and J.R.L. designed the SBH research. M.C.D., P.H.W. and J.L.E. investigated the labour involved in allotment-based urban horticulture. D.D.C., G.K.P. and A.J.R. researched CEH foams. V.S. advised on water use. D.O.D.T. provided expertise on building structure. H.C., D.D.C., A.J.R., J.L.E., N.T.B. and J.N. researched CEH.

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Correspondence to Jill L. Edmondson .

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Edmondson, J.L., Cunningham, H., Densley Tingley, D.O. et al. The hidden potential of urban horticulture. Nat Food 1 , 155–159 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-020-0045-6

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Received : 07 October 2019

Accepted : 11 February 2020

Published : 17 March 2020

Issue Date : March 2020

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-020-0045-6

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