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5 Keys to End Your Speech with a Great Call-to-Action

Yet many speakers miss a fantastic opportunity with a call-to-action that is wishy-washy, hypothetical, or ill-constructed. Even worse, some speakers omit the call-to-action entirely.

A poor call-to-action undermines the effectiveness of your speech; a great call-to-action stirs your audience to act enthusiastically.

In this article, we reveal the qualities of a strong speech call-to-action which will lead your audience to act.

What is a Speech Call-To-Action?

A speech call-to-action is an explicit appeal to your audience to take a specific action following your speech. A call-to-action is most often made at the conclusion of a persuasive speech.

“ If you have been persuasive and your audience is emotionally invested, the best time for action is now. ”

For example, you might call on your audience to…

  • … adopt a new business process
  • … sponsor an event
  • … attend an event
  • … fund a research initiative
  • … register to vote
  • … join a club
  • … train for a marathon
  • … read out loud to their children
  • … donate money to a charity
  • … travel to Saskatchewan
  • … buy a fire extinguisher
  • … eat more vegetables
  • … use public transit

Guidelines for a Strong Speech Call-to-Action

Your call-to-action and your approach to delivering it may vary according to your audience and your speaking style. While there is no rigid formula, there are a number of  guidelines which will improve the effectiveness of your call-to-action.

  • Make your call-to-action clear and direct.
  • Have your audience act quickly.
  • Lower barriers to action.
  • Focus on benefits for your audience.
  • Customize your call-to-action for each person.

1. Make your call-to-action clear and direct.

Don’t hint. Don’t imply. Don’t suggest.

It’s not a whisper-to-think-about- action; it’s a call-to -action.

Use direct language, and eliminate wishy-washy phrases.

  • Instead of “Maybe you could think about joining…”, say “Join…”
  • Instead of “It would be good to train for…”, say “Train for… “

Don’t assume that your audience will “figure out” what needs to be done. (I have made this mistake in the past and regretted it.) If members of your audience walk out of the room thinking “Wow, this sounds great, but I’m just not sure what to do…”, your call-to-action was not clear enough.

2. Have your audience act quickly.

If you have been persuasive and your audience is emotionally invested, the best time for action is now. The longer it takes to initiate the action, the more likely that your audience will lose motivation.

So, an ideal call-to-action is one which your audience can act on immediately, perhaps even before they leave the room. If this isn’t feasible, then aim for actions which can reasonably be completed (or at least started) within hours or a day or two.

3. Lower barriers to action.

To help your audience act quickly, eliminate as many (trivial or non-trivial) barriers as you can.

For example, ask the following questions about your audience.

  • Do they need to sign up? Bring forms and pens and pass them out.
  • Do they need to read additional information? Bring handouts, or copies of books, or website references.
  • Do they need approval before they can act? Make the first call-to-action to organize the meeting with stakeholders.
  • Do they need to pay? Accept as many forms of payment as possible.

A common psychological barrier is the perception that the suggested action is too big or too risky. This is a legitimate concern, and is often best handled by dividing the call-to-action into several small (less risky) actions.

For example, “train for a marathon” may be too large of a call-to-action for a non-runner. A better call-to-action would be to join a running club or train for a shorter race.

4. Focus on benefits for your audience.

“ A poor call-to-action undermines the effectiveness of your speech; a great call-to-action stirs your audience to act enthusiastically. ”

Always frame your call-to-action in the audience’s best interest.

For example, don’t say this:

  • What I’d really like you to do is…
  • It would make me so happy if you…
  • My foundation has set a target of X that we can reach with your help…

Making you (the speaker) happy is (probably) not highly motivating for your audience.

Instead, say this:

  • Build your financial wealth by…
  • Make your community a safer place to live for yourself and your children by…
  • When you volunteer, you build your skills and gain valuable experience…

Surround the call-to-action with a description of how their lives will be improved when they act. Paint a prosperous vision.

5. Customize your call-to-action for each person.

Audiences don’t act; individuals act. Rather than addressing the group as a whole, focus your call-to-action on each individual in your audience.

Suppose your goal is to have a new business process adopted. Each individual in the room may play a different role in accomplishing this.

  • For the person who controls the budget, the call-to-action is to allocate the necessary funds.
  • For the personnel manager, the call-to-action is to delegate staff to work on the initiative.
  • For others, the call-to-action may be to attend in-depth training about the new process.

Audience analysis is critical . If you know who is in your audience, and understand their motivations and capabilities, you will be able to personalize the call-to-action for them.

Put it into Practice

By working on the planning and execution of the call-to-action in your speeches, you’ll become a more persuasive and effective speaker.

Look back to your last persuasive speech.

  • Did you make a clear and direct call-to-action?
  • Was your audience able to act quickly on it?
  • Did you make an extra effort to lower barriers to action?
  • Did you highlight the benefits for your audience?
  • Did you address individuals rather than the group with a personal call-to-action?

If the answer to any of the above questions was “no”, then how could your call-to-action have been improved?

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Image credit: Megaphone man at the Metro 4 by Hazzat ( CC BY 2.0 )

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This is a great article. I found in it very useful tactics. thanks a lot.

Brilliant!… can’t wait to put into action. thank you

I really like your tips #3 & 4 about focusing on audience benefits and lowering barriers to action.

Not sure how the tip about personalising the call-to-action should work though. Might you have (say) 3 calls to action if there are 3 decision-makers in the audience?

Very useful to my line of work. Thanks. Keep it up

What would be a good call to action for drug abuse?

Thank you, I found this very helpful in some situations. I definitely recommend this.

My teacher sent me here It really helped. Thank you for taking your precious time to make something to help others even though you didn’t have to. It is very much appreciated

Thank you soooo much it really helped me on my essay for school thank you so much .😊😊😊

I am working on reframing a call to action for a speech THANK YOU for the help ahead of time

How do you write a call-to-action about global warming?

I appreciate your six minute articles Thank you

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52 Persuasive Conclusions – Call to Action

Learning Objectives

Conclusions in persuasive speaking function differently than informative speaking. You will learn how to incorporate a call to action in your persuasive conclusion.

  • Create a persuasive conclusion that includes a call to action

Appeals and Challenges

Since the conclusion comes at the end of the speech, it is appropriate to leave the audience with an appeal or a challenge (or a combination of the two). Similar in nature, appeals and challenges are primarily divided by tone. Appeals are generally phrased more as requests, while challenges can take on a more forceful tone, almost ordering or daring audiences to engage in thought or action.

Martin Luther King Jr.

“Martin Luther King Jr.” Public domain.

One of the most historically memorable and effective conclusions that utilized appeal and challenge was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech.

And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that: Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! [3]

Your persuasive conclusion will look similar to your informative conclusion. You will create three parts, a summary of important pionts and restatement of the thesis, closure, and a clincher. Your call to action will fit into your closure. What do you want the audience to do with the information that you provided?

Your call to action must be:

  • Relevant to your topic and audience – what is something they can do to help?
  • Realistic – based on your audience, they will resources to do different things.
  • Simple – narrow down to 1-2 things, do not provide 7 things you want them to do.
  • Convenient – provide links, contact information, hours of operations, and any other important information they will need to carry out your call to action. Make it easy for them!

Key Takeaways

Now that you understand the importance of a call to action, you can brainstorm effective strategies to implement your own call to action in your speech.

  • Incorporate a call to action that is realistic for your audience.
  • Ensure your call to action is simple, convenient, and relevant to allow the audience to see themselves taking part in the call to action.
  • Deliver the call to action in the conclusion with confidence! Nonverbal strategies are important during this part of the speech, too.

King, Jr., M. L. (1963, August 28). I have a dream.” Speech posted at  http://www.americanrhetoric.com/sp  eeches/mlkihaveadream.htm  ↵

Public Speaking Copyright © by Dr. Layne Goodman; Amber Green, M.A.; and Various is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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The Art of Crafting a Compelling Call to Action in a Speech

This guide covers call to actions fundamentals such as clarity, message alignment, urgency, personalization, and assessing efficacy.

  • Release Date: 28 September 2023
  • Update Date: 15 March 2024
  • Author: Speaker Agency

Aligning Your call to action With Your Message

Motivating your audience to take immediate steps, tailoring your call to action to the occasion, evaluating the efficiency of your call to action, examples of call-to-actions.

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A great speech shouldn’t end when you walk off-stage! It should remain in the hearts and minds of the audience. What else should it have? Yes, a great call to action. 

Welcome to our blog, where we will tell you how to add a captivating call to action in your speech. Giving a speech is a task, isn’t it? You write, practice, and polish, but still, there are times when you think you could have written it better. 

Who doesn’t want to deliver a speech that gets the audience to act long after the clapping stops? It is where a powerful call to action comes in. A good call to action turns passive listening into active doing. Without further ado, let's break down how to craft a call to action that motivates and makes your speech the star of the show!

What is a Call to Action?

A call to action is the "do this next" part of a speech. After hearing your message or speech, it gives a clear understanding of what you want the audience to do. Maybe you want them to donate or volunteer or spread the word.

The call to action makes those tasks obvious. It turns listeners into doers. The CTA meaning is the tangible "do this" that comes after capturing the audience with your message. That’s the power of a call to action. 

A strong call to action helps you to convert the audience from passive listeners to active participants in your cause. It transforms your speech from an informational monologue into a catalyst for change. In short, a call to action bridges your ideas and the audience's action.

Call to Action Essentials

The call to action should be crisp and clear. For this, make your call to action straightforward. I recommend you use action words like "sign up," "donate," and "share." Explain what you expect the audience to do clearly and concretely.

Next, remember to quote numbers or facts too. No doubt, measurable goals stick better than vague requests. Specific and quantifiable call-to-action words avoid confusion and doubt.

There should be no room for interpretation. It will lead to higher engagement. Your audience needs crystal clarity on the expected next steps. I would like to quote a call to action that Kelliesha White once said in his speech. It says, "Visit our website and sign up to volunteer 5 hours this month." That's the best call to action-specific and measurable.

Your call to action should seamlessly match your speech's core message. For instance, if you talked about supporting local food banks, asking for donations for another cause makes no sense. So, make sure to keep the call to action tightly connected to what you talk about.

Let me give you another example to make myself clear. If Marcus Collins gave a speech on mentoring disadvantaged youth, his call to action should involve volunteering with or donating to youth programs, not unrelated issues.

Your speech sets up the "why"; the call to action gives the tangible "how". It turns your ideas into action. Mismatched call-to-action words can diminish results. So, make sure you align your call to action with your message. 

A lot of people make the mistake of just stating the call to action instead of motivating it! A great call to action should motivate the audience to contribute to the cause. 

It’s good to use phrases like “act now, and you’ll get...” or something similar. Time-sensitive call-to-action works best because urgency prompts people to act right away at the moment. It’s not wrong to strike while the iron is hot. Capitalize on the energy and emotion generated by your speech.

Speaker Omar Johnson said, "Be one of the first 50 people to sign up today and get early pricing!" Incentives like discounts for immediate action also enable instant reaction when your message is fresh.

Customizable things work best; it's a fact! The same goes for CTAs. So, always customize your CTA based on your hosting audience and event. A one-size-fits-all approach won't give you the best results. 

Let’s understand this more deeply. Ask yourself, are you targeting a school or company? Or maybe you want to target seniors or young activists? Once you know your target audience, tailor the call to action to fit the room for greater resonance.

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It’s crucial to analyze how your CTAs are working. Feel free to stop for a while and check which type of call to action works best for you. For this, you can evaluate sign-up rates and donations after your speech. 

Also, make sure you build a strategy to improve for the next CTA. Always tweak your call-to-action language for the next event. 

  • Visit our website and sign the petition to support our cause.
  • Communicate this video on social media to help spread the word.
  • The first 100 people to donate Rs. 100 or more will receive a free t-shirt. Act now!


An exceptional speech motivates the audience to act after it ends. A strong call to action bridges the gap between ideas and tangible steps. Therefore, use clear, concrete language and quantifiable metrics. 

Align it seamlessly with your core message. Don’t forget to add urgency and incentive to prompt immediate response. With a strategic call to action, you can turn listeners into change-makers. Your speech can have a true impact beyond the stage.

Q1: What is a call to action in a speech?

A call to action tells the audience specific steps related to your message after the speech ends. It converts listeners to doers.

Q2: How do you write a compelling call to action?

Use clear action words, specifics, and quantifiable metrics. Also, connect it tightly to your speech goal. Lastly, personalize it for the audience.

Q3: What are literary techniques for the call to action?

Techniques like repetition, rhetorical questions, and imperative voice strengthen a call to action. 

Q4: What is the art of persuasion speech?

Persuasive speeches use logic, emotions, stories, and rhetoric to convince audiences to believe the speaker’s message and ideas. An effective call to action is key.

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17.3 Organizing Persuasive Speeches

Learning objectives.

  • Understand three common organizational patterns for persuasive speeches.
  • Explain the steps utilized in Monroe’s motivated sequence.
  • Explain the parts of a problem-cause-solution speech.
  • Explain the process utilized in a comparative advantage persuasive speech.

A classroom of attentive listeners

Steven Lilley – Engaged – CC BY-SA 2.0.

Previously in this text we discussed general guidelines for organizing speeches. In this section, we are going to look at three organizational patterns ideally suited for persuasive speeches: Monroe’s motivated sequence, problem-cause-solution, and comparative advantages.

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

One of the most commonly cited and discussed organizational patterns for persuasive speeches is Alan H. Monroe’s motivated sequence. The purpose of Monroe’s motivated sequence is to help speakers “sequence supporting materials and motivational appeals to form a useful organizational pattern for speeches as a whole” (German et al., 2010).

While Monroe’s motivated sequence is commonly discussed in most public speaking textbooks, we do want to provide one minor caution. Thus far, almost no research has been conducted that has demonstrated that Monroe’s motivated sequence is any more persuasive than other structural patterns. In the only study conducted experimentally examining Monroe’s motivated sequence, the researchers did not find the method more persuasive, but did note that audience members found the pattern more organized than other methods (Micciche, Pryor, & Butler, 2000). We wanted to add this sidenote because we don’t want you to think that Monroe’s motivated sequence is a kind of magic persuasive bullet; the research simply doesn’t support this notion. At the same time, research does support that organized messages are perceived as more persuasive as a whole, so using Monroe’s motivated sequence to think through one’s persuasive argument could still be very beneficial.

Table 17.1 “Monroe’s Motivated Sequence” lists the basic steps of Monroe’s motivated sequence and the subsequent reaction a speaker desires from his or her audience.

Table 17.1 Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

The first step in Monroe’s motivated sequence is the attention step , in which a speaker attempts to get the audience’s attention. To gain an audience’s attention, we recommend that you think through three specific parts of the attention step. First, you need to have a strong attention-getting device. As previously discussed in Chapter 9 “Introductions Matter: How to Begin a Speech Effectively” , a strong attention getter at the beginning of your speech is very important. Second, you need to make sure you introduce your topic clearly. If your audience doesn’t know what your topic is quickly, they are more likely to stop listening. Lastly, you need to explain to your audience why they should care about your topic.

In the need step of Monroe’s motivated sequence, the speaker establishes that there is a specific need or problem. In Monroe’s conceptualization of need, he talks about four specific parts of the need: statement, illustration, ramification, and pointing. First, a speaker needs to give a clear and concise statement of the problem. This part of a speech should be crystal clear for an audience. Second, the speaker needs to provide one or more examples to illustrate the need. The illustration is an attempt to make the problem concrete for the audience. Next, a speaker needs to provide some kind of evidence (e.g., statistics, examples, testimony) that shows the ramifications or consequences of the problem. Lastly, a speaker needs to point to the audience and show exactly how the problem relates to them personally.


In the third step of Monroe’s motivated sequence, the satisfaction step , the speaker sets out to satisfy the need or solve the problem. Within this step, Monroe (1935) proposed a five-step plan for satisfying a need:

  • Explanation
  • Theoretical demonstration
  • Reference to practical experience
  • Meeting objections

First, you need to clearly state the attitude, value, belief, or action you want your audience to accept. The purpose of this statement is to clearly tell your audience what your ultimate goal is.

Second, you want to make sure that you clearly explain to your audience why they should accept the attitude, value, belief, or action you proposed. Just telling your audience they should do something isn’t strong enough to actually get them to change. Instead, you really need to provide a solid argument for why they should accept your proposed solution.

Third, you need to show how the solution you have proposed meets the need or problem. Monroe calls this link between your solution and the need a theoretical demonstration because you cannot prove that your solution will work. Instead, you theorize based on research and good judgment that your solution will meet the need or solve the problem.

Fourth, to help with this theoretical demonstration, you need to reference practical experience, which should include examples demonstrating that your proposal has worked elsewhere. Research, statistics, and expert testimony are all great ways of referencing practical experience.

Lastly, Monroe recommends that a speaker respond to possible objections. As a persuasive speaker, one of your jobs is to think through your speech and see what counterarguments could be made against your speech and then rebut those arguments within your speech. When you offer rebuttals for arguments against your speech, it shows your audience that you’ve done your homework and educated yourself about multiple sides of the issue.


The next step of Monroe’s motivated sequence is the visualization step , in which you ask the audience to visualize a future where the need has been met or the problem solved. In essence, the visualization stage is where a speaker can show the audience why accepting a specific attitude, value, belief, or behavior can positively affect the future. When helping people to picture the future, the more concrete your visualization is, the easier it will be for your audience to see the possible future and be persuaded by it. You also need to make sure that you clearly show how accepting your solution will directly benefit your audience.

According to Monroe, visualization can be conducted in one of three ways: positive, negative, or contrast (Monroe, 1935). The positive method of visualization is where a speaker shows how adopting a proposal leads to a better future (e.g., recycle, and we’ll have a cleaner and safer planet). Conversely, the negative method of visualization is where a speaker shows how not adopting the proposal will lead to a worse future (e.g., don’t recycle, and our world will become polluted and uninhabitable). Monroe also acknowledged that visualization can include a combination of both positive and negative visualization. In essence, you show your audience both possible outcomes and have them decide which one they would rather have.

The final step in Monroe’s motivated sequence is the action step , in which a speaker asks an audience to approve the speaker’s proposal. For understanding purposes, we break action into two distinct parts: audience action and approval. Audience action refers to direct physical behaviors a speaker wants from an audience (e.g., flossing their teeth twice a day, signing a petition, wearing seat belts). Approval, on the other hand, involves an audience’s consent or agreement with a speaker’s proposed attitude, value, or belief.

When preparing an action step, it is important to make sure that the action, whether audience action or approval, is realistic for your audience. Asking your peers in a college classroom to donate one thousand dollars to charity isn’t realistic. Asking your peers to donate one dollar is considerably more realistic. In a persuasive speech based on Monroe’s motivated sequence, the action step will end with the speech’s concluding device. As discussed elsewhere in this text, you need to make sure that you conclude in a vivid way so that the speech ends on a high point and the audience has a sense of energy as well as a sense of closure.

Now that we’ve walked through Monroe’s motivated sequence, let’s look at how you could use Monroe’s motivated sequence to outline a persuasive speech:

Specific Purpose: To persuade my classroom peers that the United States should have stronger laws governing the use of for-profit medical experiments.

Main Points:

  • Attention: Want to make nine thousand dollars for just three weeks of work lying around and not doing much? Then be a human guinea pig. Admittedly, you’ll have to have a tube down your throat most of those three weeks, but you’ll earn three thousand dollars a week.
  • Need: Every day many uneducated and lower socioeconomic-status citizens are preyed on by medical and pharmaceutical companies for use in for-profit medical and drug experiments. Do you want one of your family members to fall prey to this evil scheme?
  • Satisfaction: The United States should have stronger laws governing the use of for-profit medical experiments to ensure that uneducated and lower-socioeconomic-status citizens are protected.
  • Visualization: If we enact tougher experiment oversight, we can ensure that medical and pharmaceutical research is conducted in a way that adheres to basic values of American decency. If we do not enact tougher experiment oversight, we could find ourselves in a world where the lines between research subject, guinea pig, and patient become increasingly blurred.
  • Action: In order to prevent the atrocities associated with for-profit medical and pharmaceutical experiments, please sign this petition asking the US Department of Health and Human Services to pass stricter regulations on this preying industry that is out of control.

This example shows how you can take a basic speech topic and use Monroe’s motivated sequence to clearly and easily outline your speech efficiently and effectively.

Table 17.2 “Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Checklist” also contains a simple checklist to help you make sure you hit all the important components of Monroe’s motivated sequence.

Table 17.2 Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Checklist


Another format for organizing a persuasive speech is the problem-cause-solution format. In this specific format, you discuss what a problem is, what you believe is causing the problem, and then what the solution should be to correct the problem.

Specific Purpose: To persuade my classroom peers that our campus should adopt a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech.

  • Demonstrate that there is distrust among different groups on campus that has led to unnecessary confrontations and violence.
  • Show that the confrontations and violence are a result of hate speech that occurred prior to the events.
  • Explain how instituting a campus-wide zero-tolerance policy against hate speech could stop the unnecessary confrontations and violence.

In this speech, you want to persuade people to support a new campus-wide policy calling for zero-tolerance of hate speech. Once you have shown the problem, you then explain to your audience that the cause of the unnecessary confrontations and violence is prior incidents of hate speech. Lastly, you argue that a campus-wide zero-tolerance policy could help prevent future unnecessary confrontations and violence. Again, this method of organizing a speech is as simple as its name: problem-cause-solution.

Comparative Advantages

The final method for organizing a persuasive speech is called the comparative advantages speech format. The goal of this speech is to compare items side-by-side and show why one of them is more advantageous than the other. For example, let’s say that you’re giving a speech on which e-book reader is better: Amazon.com’s Kindle or Barnes and Nobles’ Nook. Here’s how you could organize this speech:

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the Nook is more advantageous than the Kindle.

  • The Nook allows owners to trade and loan books to other owners or people who have downloaded the Nook software, while the Kindle does not.
  • The Nook has a color-touch screen, while the Kindle’s screen is black and grey and noninteractive.
  • The Nook’s memory can be expanded through microSD, while the Kindle’s memory cannot be upgraded.

As you can see from this speech’s organization, the simple goal of this speech is to show why one thing has more positives than something else. Obviously, when you are demonstrating comparative advantages, the items you are comparing need to be functional equivalents—or, as the saying goes, you cannot compare apples to oranges.

Key Takeaways

  • There are three common patterns that persuaders can utilize to help organize their speeches effectively: Monroe’s motivated sequence, problem-cause-solution, and comparative advantage. Each of these patterns can effectively help a speaker think through his or her thoughts and organize them in a manner that will be more likely to persuade an audience.
  • Alan H. Monroe’s (1935) motivated sequence is a commonly used speech format that is used by many people to effectively organize persuasive messages. The pattern consists of five basic stages: attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action. In the first stage, a speaker gets an audience’s attention. In the second stage, the speaker shows an audience that a need exists. In the third stage, the speaker shows how his or her persuasive proposal could satisfy the need. The fourth stage shows how the future could be if the persuasive proposal is or is not adopted. Lastly, the speaker urges the audience to take some kind of action to help enact the speaker’s persuasive proposal.
  • The problem-cause-solution proposal is a three-pronged speech pattern. The speaker starts by explaining the problem the speaker sees. The speaker then explains what he or she sees as the underlying causes of the problem. Lastly, the speaker proposes a solution to the problem that corrects the underlying causes.
  • The comparative advantages speech format is utilized when a speaker is comparing two or more things or ideas and shows why one of the things or ideas has more advantages than the other(s).
  • Create a speech using Monroe’s motivated sequence to persuade people to recycle.
  • Create a speech using the problem-cause-solution method for a problem you see on your college or university campus.
  • Create a comparative advantages speech comparing two brands of toothpaste.

German, K. M., Gronbeck, B. E., Ehninger, D., & Monroe, A. H. (2010). Principles of public speaking (17th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, p. 236.

Micciche, T., Pryor, B., & Butler, J. (2000). A test of Monroe’s motivated sequence for its effects on ratings of message organization and attitude change. Psychological Reports, 86 , 1135–1138.

Monroe, A. H. (1935). Principles and types of speech . Chicago, IL: Scott Foresman.

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Persuasive Speech Outline, with Examples

March 17, 2021 - Gini Beqiri

A persuasive speech is a speech that is given with the intention of convincing the audience to believe or do something. This could be virtually anything – voting, organ donation, recycling, and so on.

A successful persuasive speech effectively convinces the audience to your point of view, providing you come across as trustworthy and knowledgeable about the topic you’re discussing.

So, how do you start convincing a group of strangers to share your opinion? And how do you connect with them enough to earn their trust?

Topics for your persuasive speech

We’ve made a list of persuasive speech topics you could use next time you’re asked to give one. The topics are thought-provoking and things which many people have an opinion on.

When using any of our persuasive speech ideas, make sure you have a solid knowledge about the topic you’re speaking about – and make sure you discuss counter arguments too.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • All school children should wear a uniform
  • Facebook is making people more socially anxious
  • It should be illegal to drive over the age of 80
  • Lying isn’t always wrong
  • The case for organ donation

Read our full list of  75 persuasive speech topics and ideas .

Ideas for a persuasive speech

Preparation: Consider your audience

As with any speech, preparation is crucial. Before you put pen to paper, think about what you want to achieve with your speech. This will help organise your thoughts as you realistically can only cover 2-4 main points before your  audience get bored .

It’s also useful to think about who your audience are at this point. If they are unlikely to know much about your topic then you’ll need to factor in context of your topic when planning the structure and length of your speech. You should also consider their:

  • Cultural or religious backgrounds
  • Shared concerns, attitudes and problems
  • Shared interests, beliefs and hopes
  • Baseline attitude – are they hostile, neutral, or open to change?

The factors above will all determine the approach you take to writing your speech. For example, if your topic is about childhood obesity, you could begin with a story about your own children or a shared concern every parent has. This would suit an audience who are more likely to be parents than young professionals who have only just left college.

Remember the 3 main approaches to persuade others

There are three main approaches used to persuade others:

The ethos approach appeals to the audience’s ethics and morals, such as what is the ‘right thing’ to do for humanity, saving the environment, etc.

Pathos persuasion is when you appeal to the audience’s emotions, such as when you  tell a story  that makes them the main character in a difficult situation.

The logos approach to giving a persuasive speech is when you appeal to the audience’s logic – ie. your speech is essentially more driven by facts and logic. The benefit of this technique is that your point of view becomes virtually indisputable because you make the audience feel that only your view is the logical one.

  • Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking and Persuasion

Ideas for your persuasive speech outline

1. structure of your persuasive speech.

The opening and closing of speech are the most important. Consider these carefully when thinking about your persuasive speech outline. A  strong opening  ensures you have the audience’s attention from the start and gives them a positive first impression of you.

You’ll want to  start with a strong opening  such as an attention grabbing statement, statistic of fact. These are usually dramatic or shocking, such as:

Sadly, in the next 18 minutes when I do our chat, four Americans that are alive will be dead from the food that they eat – Jamie Oliver

Another good way of starting a persuasive speech is to include your audience in the picture you’re trying to paint. By making them part of the story, you’re embedding an emotional connection between them and your speech.

You could do this in a more toned-down way by talking about something you know that your audience has in common with you. It’s also helpful at this point to include your credentials in a persuasive speech to gain your audience’s trust.

Speech structure and speech argument for a persuasive speech outline.

Obama would spend hours with his team working on the opening and closing statements of his speech.

2. Stating your argument

You should  pick between 2 and 4 themes  to discuss during your speech so that you have enough time to explain your viewpoint and convince your audience to the same way of thinking.

It’s important that each of your points transitions seamlessly into the next one so that your speech has a logical flow. Work on your  connecting sentences  between each of your themes so that your speech is easy to listen to.

Your argument should be backed up by objective research and not purely your subjective opinion. Use examples, analogies, and stories so that the audience can relate more easily to your topic, and therefore are more likely to be persuaded to your point of view.

3. Addressing counter-arguments

Any balanced theory or thought  addresses and disputes counter-arguments  made against it. By addressing these, you’ll strengthen your persuasive speech by refuting your audience’s objections and you’ll show that you are knowledgeable to other thoughts on the topic.

When describing an opposing point of view, don’t explain it in a bias way – explain it in the same way someone who holds that view would describe it. That way, you won’t irritate members of your audience who disagree with you and you’ll show that you’ve reached your point of view through reasoned judgement. Simply identify any counter-argument and pose explanations against them.

  • Complete Guide to Debating

4. Closing your speech

Your closing line of your speech is your last chance to convince your audience about what you’re saying. It’s also most likely to be the sentence they remember most about your entire speech so make sure it’s a good one!

The most effective persuasive speeches end  with a  call to action . For example, if you’ve been speaking about organ donation, your call to action might be asking the audience to register as donors.

Practice answering AI questions on your speech and get  feedback on your performance .

If audience members ask you questions, make sure you listen carefully and respectfully to the full question. Don’t interject in the middle of a question or become defensive.

You should show that you have carefully considered their viewpoint and refute it in an objective way (if you have opposing opinions). Ensure you remain patient, friendly and polite at all times.

Example 1: Persuasive speech outline

This example is from the Kentucky Community and Technical College.

Specific purpose

To persuade my audience to start walking in order to improve their health.

Central idea

Regular walking can improve both your mental and physical health.


Let’s be honest, we lead an easy life: automatic dishwashers, riding lawnmowers, T.V. remote controls, automatic garage door openers, power screwdrivers, bread machines, electric pencil sharpeners, etc., etc. etc. We live in a time-saving, energy-saving, convenient society. It’s a wonderful life. Or is it?

Continue reading

Example 2: Persuasive speech

Tips for delivering your persuasive speech

  • Practice, practice, and practice some more . Record yourself speaking and listen for any nervous habits you have such as a nervous laugh, excessive use of filler words, or speaking too quickly.
  • Show confident body language . Stand with your legs hip width apart with your shoulders centrally aligned. Ground your feet to the floor and place your hands beside your body so that hand gestures come freely. Your audience won’t be convinced about your argument if you don’t sound confident in it. Find out more about  confident body language here .
  • Don’t memorise your speech word-for-word  or read off a script. If you memorise your persuasive speech, you’ll sound less authentic and panic if you lose your place. Similarly, if you read off a script you won’t sound genuine and you won’t be able to connect with the audience by  making eye contact . In turn, you’ll come across as less trustworthy and knowledgeable. You could simply remember your key points instead, or learn your opening and closing sentences.
  • Remember to use facial expressions when storytelling  – they make you more relatable. By sharing a personal story you’ll more likely be speaking your truth which will help you build a connection with the audience too. Facial expressions help bring your story to life and transport the audience into your situation.
  • Keep your speech as concise as possible . When practicing the delivery, see if you can edit it to have the same meaning but in a more succinct way. This will keep the audience engaged.

The best persuasive speech ideas are those that spark a level of controversy. However, a public speech is not the time to express an opinion that is considered outside the norm. If in doubt, play it safe and stick to topics that divide opinions about 50-50.

Bear in mind who your audience are and plan your persuasive speech outline accordingly, with researched evidence to support your argument. It’s important to consider counter-arguments to show that you are knowledgeable about the topic as a whole and not bias towards your own line of thought.

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Call to Action

As with the previous speeches to inform, the speech to motivate others to action on an important issue requires a conclusion, and in Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, the whole conclusion is called the Call to Action . Begin the conclusion, as before, by signaling the end of the speech, followed by a brief recap of the three main points that address why the audience needs to take action, what the speaker proposes to solve this problem, and what advantages the audience will gain by adapting the solution.

Man delivers a presentation.

Take a look at the sample topic’s conclusion:

Call to Action Step

Signal End : As you all leave here today, you will undoubtedly check your phones to see if there are any new notifications. It is likely that even I will do this as well.

Recap Main Points : However, remember what we talked about today. I showed you how addictive checking our phones can be, even while driving. I also showed you the dangers of giving in to those temptations while operating a motor vehicle, before I showed you some possible solutions, including shutting your phone off when you get into your cars or using a Bluetooth hands-free system. Lastly, I shared with you not only the benefits of doing so, by becoming a safer, more responsible, and more alert driver, but I explained how, if we all continue to do this, the problem can only get worse.

Clincher (Call to Action) : Texting and driving is dangerous, not only to yourself, but to all other drivers sharing the road with you. Don’t allow this (show picture of screen capture from text messages) to lead to this (show picture of my surgery scars while in a wheelchair). Turn off your phones while driving, and keep your eyes on the road where they belong.

Messages that Matter: Public Speaking in the Information Age - Third Edition Copyright © 2023 by North Idaho College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How and why to include a call to action in every speech

Saying, ‘OK, now go do this,’ won’t resonate with your audience. Consider each of the four primary categories of performers, and appeal to their modus operandi.

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A well-constructed, crisply delivered presentation changes minds and ignites action.

Yet, the turning point in every presentation doesn’t get mentioned enough—the call to action (CTA).

Your CTA—offered near the end of your talk—explains the audience’s role after they leave, and it specifies tasks to bring your ideas to fruition. It’s what makes your speech persuasive.

You must make sure your CTA lands with the people hearing it. Unfortunately, one size does not fit all; you’ve got to tailor your calls to action.

People respond to different CTAs based on their temperaments, daily activities and goals, so get to know your audience before you decide how to deliver their post-talk “to-dos.”

Four distinct personae in your audience can help with your CTA: doers, suppliers, influencers, and innovators. To get your audience to act, your CTAs should dovetail with their skills. Audiences have a mix of skills, so appeal to each of them in your presentations.

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Module 7: Refining your Speech

Types of conclusions, learning objectives.

Describe the different types of conclusions.

As the famous saying goes, “it’s not over ‘til it’s over.” In a race, losing focus and energy no matter how close to the finish line can lose a race. In those final moments, a poorly conceived lasting thought can break the spell of a good speech and cause the audience to disengage, losing confidence in the speaker and the importance of the speech itself. To keep the energy and focus of your speech until the very last word, a good speaker employs a concluding device.

Low-Order Concluding Devices

  • “The next time you see that spicy, smelly, fermented red dish, will you pass or will you dig in?”
  • “As we’ve learned today, kimchi is so much more than a simple condiment or even meal. When you think about kimchi, consider the words of American novelist Jonathan Safran Foer: ‘Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving, and identity.”

High-Order Concluding Devices

Posters of a woman flexing her bicep, Uncle Sam pointing at the viewer, and a bear holding a shovel and pointing at the viewer

These posters of Rosie the Riveter, Uncle Sam, and Smokey the Bear are all examples of calls to action.

Call to action. A call to action is an explicit appeal to your audience members to take specific action. Since no new ideas should be presented in your conclusion, it is important that the call to action stems from the ideas mentioned in the speech by concretizing and providing actionable steps that each audience member can perform. A good call to action has the following components:

  • Clear and direct. Begin with a strong action verb and state exactly what action the audience should take, when, where, and to or with whom
  • Immediate . The longer that time elapses, the less likely the audience will be to act, regardless of how well you may have convinced them. A successful call to action will be an action they can perform before leaving the room or, if necessary, that day.
  • Lowers barriers to action. The first, small action leads to more complex action. In order to help the audience make the first step, you must make that action very easy to complete. Bring in any necessary forms, information, or products for the audience to use. Start a process, like a petition or a form letter, so that the audience just needs to sign or join. Create a small task that is easily completed so the audience members can act immediately and with little risk.
  • Focuses on the benefits to the audience . Surround the call to action with how it will improve the audience’s life by focusing on the same values you used in the introduction to provide a reason to listen.
  • Personalized to the power of various roles of audience members . In some speeches, the topic equally affects everyone in your audience. In others, audience members each have different roles that either contribute to or are affected by your topic. Asking a student to complete an action that only a college president has access to will likely discourage those students. Instead, using your audience analysis, consider the power and the limitations of the roles that comprise your audience and provide actions for each role.

Of course, the call to action makes the most sense if your speech is persuasive, but you can also provide a call to action with an informative or ceremonial speech simply by providing a way for the audience to use or channel the information provided. This concluding device is a wonderful way to leave your audience empowered and motivated.

  • “I’ve brought homemade kimchi with me today, already separated into single servings. Improve your gut health, build your spice tolerance, and taste the culture of Korea. Take one and try it. I’ve listed the ingredients in case of allergies. If you’ve got allergies, I’ve printed out recipes with substitutions that you can try at home. Take one, and let the class know how it turned out.”

To Watch: Andy Puddicombe, “ALl it takes is 10 mindful Minutes”

In this TED talk, Puddicombe talks about the power of mindfulness and meditation. For our purposes, let’s focus on the conclusion of his speech. The title lets us know in advance where this thing is going. Puddicombe ends with a call to action: “We can’t change every little thing that happens to us in life, but we can change the way that we experience it. That’s the potential of meditation, of mindfulness. You don’t have to burn any incense, and you definitely don’t have to sit on the floor. All you need to do is to take 10 minutes out a day to step back, to familiarize yourself with the present moment so that you get to experience a greater sense of focus, calm and clarity in your life.” Note how this call to action fulfills all five requirements outlined above: It is clear and immediate, has a low barrier to action, focuses on the benefit to the audience, and offers all audience members an action they can perform.

You can view the transcript for “All it takes is 10 mindful minutes | Andy Puddicombe” here (opens in new window) .

What to watch for:

Note how Puddicombe uses a prop to add interest and movement to his speech. We spend the first four minutes of the speech wondering why he’s holding three balls in his left hand. Eventually, we learn that they act as a memorable visual metaphor for different kinds of thought patterns (and Puddicombe gets to show off his juggling skills).

  • In our hypothetical speech on Kimchi, we might envision future unity: “Imagine a world where a taste and a smell are a shared national experience. Where all it takes is a shared dish of kimchi to unite strangers.”

To watch: Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize Lecture 2014

In the conclusion (start at 25:24) of her acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, activist Malala Yousafzai combines a call to action with a vision of the future. “I call upon my fellow children to stand up around the world,” she says. “Dear sisters and brothers, let us become the first generation to decide to be the last. The empty classrooms, the lost childhoods, wasted potential—let these things end with us. Let this be the last time that a boy or a girl spends their childhood in a factory. Let this be the last time that a girl gets forced into early child marriage. Let this be the last time that an innocent child loses their life in war. Let this be the last time that a classroom remains empty. Let this be the last time that a girl is told education is a crime and not a right. Let this be the last time that a child remains out of school. Let us begin this ending. Let this end with us. And let us build a better future right here, right now.” Note Yousafzai’s use of repetition in this conclusion, with the repeated exhortation “Let this be the last time…”

You can view the transcript for “Malala Yousafzai: Nobel Peace Prize Lecture 2014” here (opens in new window) .

  • https://winstonchurchill.org/resources/speeches/1940-the-finest-hour/their-finest-hour/ ↵
  • All it takes is 10 mindful minutes | Andy Puddicombe. Provided by : TED. Located at : https://youtu.be/qzR62JJCMBQ . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License
  • Malala Yousafzai: Nobel Peace Prize Lecture 2014. Provided by : Nobel Prize. Located at : https://youtu.be/c2DHzlkUI6s . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License
  • Rosie the Riveter. Authored by : J. Howard Miller. Provided by : U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Located at : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosie_the_Riveter#/media/File:We_Can_Do_It!_NARA_535413_-_Restoration_2.jpg . License : Public Domain: No Known Copyright
  • Uncle Sam. Authored by : J. M. Flagg. Provided by : United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division. Located at : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Sam#/media/File:Unclesamwantyou.jpg . License : Public Domain: No Known Copyright
  • Smokey Bear. Provided by : National Agricultural Library, in Beltsville, MD. Located at : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smokey_Bear#/media/File:Uncle_Sam_style_Smokey_Bear_Only_You.jpg . License : Public Domain: No Known Copyright
  • Types of Conclusions. Authored by : Anne Fleischer with Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Practical Media Training and Public Speaking Tips

How To Deliver A Closing "Call To Action"

Many public speakers are reluctant to offer an overt “call to action” at the end of their speeches. For  whatever reason, many speakers feel uncomfortable telling the audience precisely what they want them to do after their speeches end.

I’ve heard people tell me that they don’t want to come across as an overly-aggressive salesperson, while others insist they don’t need to offer a call to action, since they’re confident that the audience will be able to infer what they should do next.

That’s a mistake.

Some estimates suggest that the average person is exposed to as many as 3,000 marketing messages per day. If you don’t tell people exactly what you want them to do, you can safely assume they won’t do it. So lose your self-consciousness about being overt. You can be assured that your competitors or opponents aren’t being shy about issuing calls to action, meaning you’ll lose if you insist upon subtlety.

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Below are a few examples of calls to action. You might ask your audience to:

  • · Sign a petition
  • · Buy your product
  • · Volunteer their time
  • · Visit a website
  • · Read a news article
  • · Call their legislators
  • · Visit their member of Congress
  • · Vote for your preferred candidate
  • · Support your position

Good calls to action are framed in the context of the audience’s needs, fears, hopes, and desires – not yours.

A bad (speaker-focused) call to action might be:

“We really need your help, or we may not be able to stop this project. Please help us by calling your state representative and telling him or her that you oppose it.”

A good (audience-focused) call to action might say:

“This new construction project will mean that our already crowded schools will get even more crowded, that our already congested roads will get even more congested, and that our already unreliable snow removal services will get even more unreliable. I know that many of you oppose this project, but merely feeling that way isn’t enough to change anything. If you’ve ever been reluctant to get involved, this is the perfect moment to jump in. When you get home, please email your state representative. And tomorrow morning – before lunchtime – please call your representative to follow up. We have a handout of the names and numbers of all of your local representatives in the back of the room. You have the power to defeat this project – and I hope you will do your part to stop it.”

That call to action works better because it is specific (email tonight and call tomorrow), audience-focused (you’re concerned about crowded schools, congested roads, and unreliable snow removal), and user-friendly (handouts are available in the back of the room).

If you’ve given a great presentation, your audience will want to know what to do next. So help them by giving them a clear call to action.

Need a keynote speaker for your next annual conference or staff retreat? Brad Phillips , author of the Mr. Media Training Blog, has delivered well-received keynote addresses to thousands of people. Click here to contact us. 

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Mitch Carson

Mitch Carson

The best call to action speech examples.

Author picture

  • Written by Mitch Carson
  • on June 28, 2021
  • Public Speaking

It is important to have a strong call to action in your speech. It can be difficult to know what should go into a call to action; the best call to action speech examples are those that inspire. They motivate people to take the next step and do what they need to do. 

The best speeches are also those that evoke emotion and make it easy for the listeners to connect with them. But there are some examples that you can look at. The following are the best call-to-action speech examples!

Action Item

Use different words than you did with the doers since they’re not the ones that are going to be hitting the ground running to complete tasks.

Best call-to-action speech examples!

Call to Action Speeches are one of the most popular types of speeches. The goal is for the speaker to encourage and inspire listeners, motivate them into taking an action that benefits both themselves or others. 

Call To Action Speech Examples are a great way for speakers to find some inspiration as they write their own addresses. Here are some of our favorites:  

Best call-to-action speech examples

"We're not just a company; we're a community." Apple CEO Tim Cook 2014 Keynote Address
"You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes; you can steer yourself any direction you choose." Dr. Seuss' Oh! The Places You'll Go! (1990)
"Now go and get them. I don't want to see you again until they're done." The Shawshank Redemption
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. So go ahead and dream, big boy!" Dr. Seuss' You'll Be A Hero! (1975)
"I have a vision for this country where people are judged not by what they look like but by who they are; where opportunity knows no color lines, achievement has no gender or ethnic barriers, and economic security will be as important as physical security." Senator Barack Obama 2004
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." Peter Drucker
"Money doesn't talk; it swears." Bob Dylan
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Franklin D Roosevelt
"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." Alexander the Great
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)
Life isn't about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself! You can always find others that will tell you how to live your life and what path you should take in order for them to approve or be happy with your decisions, or you can make your own decisions and be the person you want to be.
"Don't try to live up to a standard that someone else has set for you because then you're living their life, not yours." Gareth Cliff
The only thing we have is right now, so don't wait until tomorrow or next month!
"Decide what it would mean if everything in your life was going exactly as you wanted." Jim Carrey
"Every day I get out of bed, I tell myself: Today's the day! You don't know which one will bring success, but that achievement starts with just getting into action today. So what are YOU waiting for? Get moving already!" Kevin Hawkes
"You can't be too careful about what you wish because when your wishes come true, they just might go the way of all flesh." Joss Whedon
"No matter how bad a day is going, no matter how many people are trying to bring me down or make it hard for me, I say, 'you know what? It's my decision.' The only thing that matters is this moment right now and decide if I'm happy with myself or not. And if I am, then everything else falls into place in some form or another. If not, well, there's always tomorrow! Such an easy choice, really." Gareth Cliff
"I mean, what does anyone get from making somebody else sad? What are we getting out of that other than seeing them hurt, which isn't an uplifting feeling anyway? It's not satisfying at all because there was no gain for yourself." Hugh Laurie
"The best call to actions speeches are ones that inspire, empower and motivate the audience while addressing their concerns or needs for change. They focus on the benefits of following through with what is asked rather than dwelling on any potential negative consequences." Joss Whedon
"What I want you all to know is just because something doesn't go our way at times and we don't achieve our goals on this round of things, that's not an excuse because life goes on; keep working hard. That's my message: If you work hard enough as long as you're willing to put forth the effort - anything can happen." Serena Williams
No matter how bad a day is going, no matter how many people are trying to bring me down or make it hard for me, I say, "you know what? It's my decision." The only thing that matters is this moment right now and decide if I'm happy with myself or not. And if I am, there's no one to stop me.

The best call to actions speeches inspire, empower and motivate while addressing any concerns or need for change from our audience’s perspective. They focus on the benefits of following through with what was asked rather than dwelling on any potential negative consequences. 

How to improve your speech call action

Start with a clear and concise goal for your speech.

  • Make sure that the audience knows what you want them to do at the end of the call to action.
  • Offer tangible benefits like incentives, such as discounts on products or free time off work so people can participate in an event like a voting day or volunteering opportunity.
  • Acknowledge any reservations or concerns about taking immediate action and encourage attendees to overcome those barriers together by focusing on shared values and common goals.

How to improve your speech call action

Call to Action Speech Examples can be a powerful tool in directing your audience towards an intended goal. 

Include these tips when crafting your next speech! The best Call To Action Speech Example is the most well-researched and persuasive speech.

Picture of Mitch Carson

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what is a call to action in persuasive speech

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what is a call to action in persuasive speech

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Persuasive Speeches — Types, Topics, and Examples

Daniel Bal

What is a persuasive speech?

In a persuasive speech, the speaker aims to convince the audience to accept a particular perspective on a person, place, object, idea, etc. The speaker strives to cause the audience to accept the point of view presented in the speech.

The success of a persuasive speech often relies on the speaker’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Success of a persuasive speech

Ethos is the speaker’s credibility. Audiences are more likely to accept an argument if they find the speaker trustworthy. To establish credibility during a persuasive speech, speakers can do the following:

Use familiar language.

Select examples that connect to the specific audience.

Utilize credible and well-known sources.

Logically structure the speech in an audience-friendly way.

Use appropriate eye contact, volume, pacing, and inflection.

Pathos appeals to the audience’s emotions. Speakers who create an emotional bond with their audience are typically more convincing. Tapping into the audience’s emotions can be accomplished through the following:

Select evidence that can elicit an emotional response.

Use emotionally-charged words. (The city has a problem … vs. The city has a disease …)

Incorporate analogies and metaphors that connect to a specific emotion to draw a parallel between the reference and topic.

Utilize vivid imagery and sensory words, allowing the audience to visualize the information.

Employ an appropriate tone, inflection, and pace to reflect the emotion.

Logos appeals to the audience’s logic by offering supporting evidence. Speakers can improve their logical appeal in the following ways:

Use comprehensive evidence the audience can understand.

Confirm the evidence logically supports the argument’s claims and stems from credible sources.

Ensure that evidence is specific and avoid any vague or questionable information.

Types of persuasive speeches

The three main types of persuasive speeches are factual, value, and policy.

Types of persuasive speeches

A factual persuasive speech focuses solely on factual information to prove the existence or absence of something through substantial proof. This is the only type of persuasive speech that exclusively uses objective information rather than subjective. As such, the argument does not rely on the speaker’s interpretation of the information. Essentially, a factual persuasive speech includes historical controversy, a question of current existence, or a prediction:

Historical controversy concerns whether an event happened or whether an object actually existed.

Questions of current existence involve the knowledge that something is currently happening.

Predictions incorporate the analysis of patterns to convince the audience that an event will happen again.

A value persuasive speech concerns the morality of a certain topic. Speakers incorporate facts within these speeches; however, the speaker’s interpretation of those facts creates the argument. These speeches are highly subjective, so the argument cannot be proven to be absolutely true or false.

A policy persuasive speech centers around the speaker’s support or rejection of a public policy, rule, or law. Much like a value speech, speakers provide evidence supporting their viewpoint; however, they provide subjective conclusions based on the facts they provide.

How to write a persuasive speech

Incorporate the following steps when writing a persuasive speech:

Step 1 – Identify the type of persuasive speech (factual, value, or policy) that will help accomplish the goal of the presentation.

Step 2 – Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position .

How to write a persuasive speech

Step 3 – Locate credible and reliable sources and identify evidence in support of the topic/position. Revisit Step 2 if there is a lack of relevant resources.

Step 4 – Identify the audience and understand their baseline attitude about the topic.

Step 5 – When constructing an introduction , keep the following questions in mind:

What’s the topic of the speech?

What’s the occasion?

Who’s the audience?

What’s the purpose of the speech?

Step 6 – Utilize the evidence within the previously identified sources to construct the body of the speech. Keeping the audience in mind, determine which pieces of evidence can best help develop the argument. Discuss each point in detail, allowing the audience to understand how the facts support the perspective.

Step 7 – Addressing counterarguments can help speakers build their credibility, as it highlights their breadth of knowledge.

Step 8 – Conclude the speech with an overview of the central purpose and how the main ideas identified in the body support the overall argument.

How to write a persuasive speech

Persuasive speech outline

One of the best ways to prepare a great persuasive speech is by using an outline. When structuring an outline, include an introduction, body, and conclusion:


Attention Grabbers

Ask a question that allows the audience to respond in a non-verbal way; ask a rhetorical question that makes the audience think of the topic without requiring a response.

Incorporate a well-known quote that introduces the topic. Using the words of a celebrated individual gives credibility and authority to the information in the speech.

Offer a startling statement or information about the topic, typically done using data or statistics.

Provide a brief anecdote or story that relates to the topic.

Starting a speech with a humorous statement often makes the audience more comfortable with the speaker.

Provide information on how the selected topic may impact the audience .

Include any background information pertinent to the topic that the audience needs to know to understand the speech in its entirety.

Give the thesis statement in connection to the main topic and identify the main ideas that will help accomplish the central purpose.

Identify evidence

Summarize its meaning

Explain how it helps prove the support/main claim

Evidence 3 (Continue as needed)

Support 3 (Continue as needed)

Restate thesis

Review main supports

Concluding statement

Give the audience a call to action to do something specific.

Identify the overall importan ce of the topic and position.

Persuasive speech topics

The following table identifies some common or interesting persuasive speech topics for high school and college students:

Persuasive speech examples

The following list identifies some of history’s most famous persuasive speeches:

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address: “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You”

Lyndon B. Johnson: “We Shall Overcome”

Marc Antony: “Friends, Romans, Countrymen…” in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Ronald Reagan: “Tear Down this Wall”

Sojourner Truth: “Ain’t I a Woman?”

7 Call to Action Examples You Have Never Seen Before

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At great risk to my sanity, I went online with the intention of finding as much advertising as I could.

The goal: to find call to action examples (CTAs) that were fresh, original, unique, and compelling.

My discovery: Almost everyone is using generic CTAs. Safe, boring, and forgettable. The 7 innovative call to action examples I found made those brands stand out immediately.

Your opportunity: By changing 2-3 words of a call to action, brands can stand out in a small way from the hopelessly ordinary competition.

Less than 0.00001% of CTAs Are Unique

This is not a scientific number. I came up with it out of spite after an exhausting search.

Refresh the examples in a listicle about calls to action, my editor said. 

I thought this was going to be easy.

It was a nightmare. 

Websites for brands large and small were universally boring in terms of calls to action. The most tantalizing offer I could find was usually “Free Trial”, which brought me to a page with miles of fine print. 

I thought maybe the aggressive pay-per-click advertisers would put together some compelling calls to action. Nope. The name of the game there is using every conversion hack at once. 

Here’s a typically boring call to action example that most people are using :

Example of CTA that says Try Miracle Now

I think this offer hits every cliche tactic: the ticking clock, a warning emoji about sell-out risk, money-back guarantee, a steep discount, etc.

Then I tried social media, which was even worse. Facebook gave me nothing in the way of an inventive CTA. Absolutely nothing.

I checked Reddit–as always, a wonderful place, just not for buying things.

On X (fka: Twitter), I was hoping to find some good scammy infoproducts, maybe some clever hardsells. But I was disappointed. I could have made a full quilt that spelled out “unoriginal” with all the thread emojis inviting me to click and read a tweet-storm. Here’s why that trend is played out: 🧵/23

My wife told me that TikTok has been ruined by advertisers and influencers–so I was really excited about that. This is where the real ingenuity must be. 

Nope. It’s a simple SHOP button that overlays influencer videos. That’s it.

But in the end, I prevailed. I found 7 examples of brands actually trying something new with their call to action. They used this small detail to support their brand image or speak to their audience.

7 Truly Unique Call to Action Examples

1. cloudflare.

Cloudflare homepage

“Under attack?”

That is a viable button you can click on Cloudflare’s site. 

I love it. 

Cloudflare has positioned themselves as a cybersecurity version of calling 911 when there’s an intruder in your house. And they did it using two words, a question mark, and a construction-zone orange button in the navbar.

I assume the majority of people who click that button are like me: not currently under attack, but curious about what the next steps would be if they were.

I wanted to learn more because of the clever call to action. If the button had said Learn More, I never would have clicked it.

2. Backcountry

Backcountry homepage with dropdown that says Text A Gearhead and Chat With a Gearhead

The online outdoor retailer Backcountry hires the people who stay up around the fire fighting about which hiking stove weighs less. You know the type: Gearheads.

This is a huge selling point for Backcountry. When people buy kayaks, avalanche beacons, and so on, they really want to know that this gear works.

Call a Gearhead. Text a Gearhead. These are creative, on-brand calls to action nested in a familiar dropdown menu.

You have a question about climbing rope? Now you are talking with a woman who climbs 3 times a week. 

3. LINGs CARS.com

LingsCars homepage

This is actually a fairly tame example of the calls to action on LINGsCARS.com , one of the most successful car leasing services in the UK. 

Ling broke every rule of web design to bring us this masterpiece. I know neons are in right now, but most people aren’t using all of the neons, at once, with a paisley background. 

CrazyEgg will lock me out of WordPress if I actually recommend a call to action that includes three Order Now buttons that blink at random intervals. So I am not going to do that.

I will say with 100% certainty, however, that I have never seen call to action examples quite like this ever before. 

4. Niki Whittle

Nicki Whittle homepage with CTA that says Help me enjoy getting dressed!

Niki Whittle is an online personal stylist who has helped thousands of clients find joy instead of anxiety at the prospect of getting dressed and going out into the world.

The text of her CTA button speaks directly to that goal: Help me enjoy getting dressed!

If you swapped out Niki’s personalized text for a basic “Find Out More” button, I think the call to action would suffer. 

Her choice of text is intimate. No adult is going to ask for help getting dressed unless they fully trust the other party to understand where they are coming from. The way that Niki has framed the call to action shows that she understands. 

Ceria webpage with text that says "Legally this ad can't say much, but this playlist can"

Due to California regulations, the beverage brand Ceria couldn’t exactly say what their new product was. With the help of the marketing agency Mother, Ceria found a clever way to get their audience to connect.

The call to action they used was a Spotify playlist people could download by scanning a barcode styled like the familiar Spotify audio waveform.

There’s a cool story behind this ad campaign, which appeared online and in-print in California. 

I’m not going to rehash it here because you should go visit the site of the people who did the work , not hear about it third-hand, looking at screenshots I took while I was way behind schedule writing this post.

Example of Ceria advertisement

6. AllTrails

AllTrails email offer CTA that says "Get outside this weekend and we'll plant a tree for you"

Have you ever seen a limited time offer that isn’t pushy?

AllTrails nails it with this email they sent me. If I go outside, this weekend only , they’ll plant a tree on my behalf.

It’s a positive push, encouraging me to do something for my health, and it won’t cost me a dime. Until AllTrails called me to action, I just had weekend plans. Now I am saving the forest. 

The invitation to “Join In” isn’t super original, I know, even with those cute little tree icons.

But the call to action is social. It’s not “Register” or “Find out more”, it’s about connecting with other people. AllTrails has 50 million users. This is a real community, and AllTrails is smart to frame it that way. 

7. Avocado Green Mattress

Avocado Green Mattress CTA that says Shop zero waste

Avocado Green Mattress has upcycled bedroom furniture people can buy to complement their organic mattresses.

The call to action is “Shop Zero Waste” is a clear call to the type of buyer who is willing to pay a premium to minimize their impact on the environment. “Shop” would work, but it doesn’t highlight the key selling point of their furniture.

It’s a small detail, but most people buying online have 5-7 tabs open. I know I do. With buyers scanning all these different sites, I think it makes sense to foreground your unique features in the button text.

More Call To Action Examples

Here are some twists on classic calls to action. I can’t say I’d never seen these types of tactics before, but the following examples are well done.

The call to action text speaks to the audience, aligns with the brand image, or is simply more inviting than a generic “Try Now” button.

Kati Curtis Design

Katie Curtis Design CTA that says "Get in touch with Kati"

Kati Curtis Design opted for a slight variation on the Get In Touch call to action by including her name. 

I’m not going to belabor the point about what’s going on here, but this slight personalization will absolutely stand out.

I think this is a good idea if you are the face of your business as opposed to a brand. “Get In Touch With The Owner” could work, too.

Havenly webpage with CTA that says Find your style

Havenly is an online interior design service company. I liked the invitation for customers to “Find Their Style.” 

They could have stuck with “Learn More” or “Book a Consultation,” but those aren’t personal at all. Those are also fairly passive calls to action, versus “Find Your Style,” which is much more active.

Birchbox webpage with CTA that says Build your box

Birchbox , the popular cosmetics subscription box opted to use an invitation style call to action:

“Build Your Box”

It’s intuitive, on-brand, and crisp. 

One issue people have with subscription services is that they get products they don’t want. With this short call to action, Birchbox is countering that objection by offering their customers an active role in building their own box. 

Art & Logic

Art & Logic webpage with CTA that says Let's talk about your project

Art & Logic is a software development company with an approachable call to action.

Yes, they decided to go with “Let’s talk about your project” instead of something sterile or gimmicky.

Building custom business software is insanely complex, but Art & Logic makes the next steps as easy as possible.

Make your website better. Instantly.

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5 Steps To Writing an Effective Call to Action (With Examples)

5 Steps To Writing an Effective Call to Action (With Examples)

Table of contents

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Laura Jane Bradbury

An effective call to action (CTA) encourages content engagement, converts visitors into leads, and helps people discover your business. It should offer value to the reader and explain what to expect from taking action. 

If a CTA doesn't have a clear message, feels too generic, or isn’t aligned with your audience’s concerns, readers won't act. This could cost you potential customers and income. 

As a professional copywriter with six years of experience, I’ve helped many small businesses reach their goals through calls to action. Here, I'll share the best practices for writing persuasive CTAs.

Key Takeaways

  •  A call to action encourages readers to engage with your content, purchase a product, and learn more about your brand.
  • It should be short, direct, and enticing. Use action verbs to motivate people to act.
  • Ensure you clearly explain the value your audience will get from following your CTA.

Examples of great CTAs and why they work

Below are five CTA examples from high-profile businesses. We'll look at why they work, and what techniques you can apply.

Semrush: Use persuasive language

Cta: “get a free trial” .

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Blog posts are a great place to put a CTA, as readers are already interested in the topic and more likely to respond to your suggested action. Engaging and relevant content can also lead to higher clickthrough rates, helping more readers learn about and interact with your business.

Semrush provides a great example of how to write a good call to action in a blog post. After sharing a detailed guide on search engine optimization (SEO) for blogs, they suggest readers sign up for a free trial to begin implementing SEO. Putting the CTA at the end of the post lets readers consume valuable information before discovering how to apply it.

The CTA works because:

  • It includes the action verb “Get” — grabbing the reader's attention.
  • The CTA is clear and eye-catching: The yellow box separates it from the post's content, while the purple highlights the specific action to take.
  • The CTA text highlights the value for the reader immediately : The trial is "free" and Semrush conveniently provides "everything" in "one" place, so busy entrepreneurs and marketers don't need to jump from tool to tool.

Here are some action words and phrases (in bold) to consider for your own CTA. Play around with them and see what works best: 

Common CTA action words

LOOKFANTASTIC: Create urgency

Cta: “hurry, this offer is for today only”.

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

There are many CTAs you can use on social media . If you want to increase engagement, for example, you can ask people to comment on, like, or share a post. In this case, LOOKFANTASTIC wants to encourage its followers to shop a specific brand on its site.

  • It offers an incentive — 25% off. 
  • The use of "Hurry" and “TODAY only” creates urgency : This motivates customers to take advantage of the offer before it's too late.
  • LookFantastic addresses the concerns of its customers : The text highlights that the products are "skin-loving."

Career Contessa: Offer an incentive 

Cta: “i’m so in”.

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Email newsletters can build customer relationships, drive sales, and be an effective digital marketing channel. However, people are increasingly less willing to share their email addresses.

To encourage people to subscribe, Career Contessa has created a signup form in the middle of its homepage. This gives readers a chance to see what the newsletter is about and what type of content they can expect.

Notice how the CTA banner is clear and concise, explaining what people will receive by signing up.

  • It uses language that's relatable to its audience: The site’s young, female readers will identify "Level up" as advancing their careers.
  • It makes people feel included : "I'm so in" creates the feeling of joining an exclusive group or club.
  • There’s an incentive to join : The text offers readers "a shortcut to success." 

Uniqlo: Consider the buying stages

Cta: “learn more” .

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Customers want to know what they’re signing up for before downloading an app. Uniqlo knows this and tells their customers exactly what to expect from their new app. So, rather than telling people to “Download now,” the CTA suggests readers “LEARN MORE.” 

  • It’s short and direct , making it easy to understand and follow.
  • Customers understand the value — the accompanying illustrations and copy convey the benefits of the app.
  • There’s lots of action verbs — “Get”, “Download”, “Sign up”, “Scan + Shop”.

Tip: Before adding a CTA, consider where your customers are in the buying stages. While a regular buyer may instantly click to “shop now,” a new customer may need more information. New products might also require additional context in order to help customers understand their value.

New York Magazine: Use bold visuals

Cta: “subscribe now” .

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Most consumers prefer a brand to contact them via email . New York Magazine is a great example of how to write a call to action for email,. You’re immediately drawn in by the newsletter’s image emphasizing that it’s the “LAST CHANCE” to take advantage of its offer. 

This encourages readers to take action by triggering the fear of missing out. The publication then describes all the benefits of joining — including its free tote bag — to entice users to click the “SUBSCRIBE NOW” button.

  • It creates urgency: “SUBSCRIBE NOW” emphasizes that you should take action immediately.
  • The accompanying text is descriptive: “award-winning,” “exciting,” “fresh,” “sharp.” These adjectives suggest the content is unique and high quality, helping convince readers that the magazine is worth investing in. ‍
  • The CTA is visually bold: The black button stands out against the white background and contrasts with the colorful main image.

5 key elements to include in your CTA:

Based on the above examples, here are five critical aspects of a great CTA to include in your own:

1. Use simple and direct language

‍ This ensures people understand the desired action. For example, “Subscribe now” is easier to follow than “You can subscribe now by clicking this link.” Make sure the accompanying text promoting your CTA is clear and easy to read .

2. Provide value to your readers

‍ Who is your target audience and how can your CTA solve their concerns? Will a discount code save them money, or can you offer useful expertise and advice? Demonstrate exactly what your CTA will deliver and how.

3. Create a sense of urgency

‍ Include phrases like “limited time offer” and “for today only” to motivate users to act. Pair these with action-oriented words like “subscribe” and “download” to encourage a particular action.

4. Consider your target audience

‍ While “Visit this link” may suit a formal, professional audience, “Check out this link” works for a younger demographic. Be sure to use language and a tone of voice that your customers will understand and relate to.

5. Make your CTA stand out

‍ Your CTA should be eye-catching and easily noticeable so your audience doesn't scroll past it. Use contrasting colors, emojis, bold fonts, and buttons to draw people in.

How AI can help you write better CTAs

Now you know how to write a great call to action, let’s look at how Wordtune’s AI tools  can speed up the process.

Shorten text without losing the meaning

A call to action needs to be short and direct, succinctly telling the reader what action to take. Many CTAs are also written on a button, meaning you can only use a few words.

Using the Shorten button in Wordtune Editor can help you create a punchy CTA.

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Get Wordtune for Free > Get Wordtune for Free >

Click on the sentence you would like to edit, and press Shorten . The Editor instantly generates alternatives. Notice how Wordtune’s suggestions are more direct, making them easier to understand. 

Find alternative words

Whether you’re stuck on which action verb to use or you want to make your CTA’s benefits more descriptive, Wordtune can provide suggestions. 

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

To find alternative synonyms, highlight a particular word and click Rewrite , Casual , or Formal . In this example, I wanted a casual tone for social media, so clicked Casual to generate a list of alternative, informal words.

Use prompts to generate text

Wordtune's Create tool can help you brainstorm and plan your CTA copy.

To generate text, click Create and type in your prompt — no more than 1,000 characters.

AI Prompt: Create persuasive copy to entice customers to download our app to receive 10% off, with a direct call to action.

Using this prompt, Wordtune quickly created an enticing paragraph for me: 

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Wordtune can generate a specific CTA — “Download our app now” — which can be made into a CTA button. It can also create accompanying text to entice readers. Using the AI-generated copy, you can choose individual sentences to include such as, “With just a few clicks, you can browse our wide selection of products.”

Adjust tone of voice

In addition to suggesting synonyms, Wordtune’s Casual and Formal buttons can alter sentences to match your desired tone.

what is a call to action in persuasive speech

Here, I clicked the Formal button. In response, Wordtune removed the contraction “you’ll” and made its suggestions more direct, precise, and easy for readers to consume. 


A powerful call to action encourages readers to act, whether that’s by engaging with your content, buying your products, or learning more about your services. This can increase website views, sales, and bookings.

Keep your CTA short and direct, explaining in simple language how it will provide value. Ensure the tone aligns with your target audience, and create a sense of urgency to motivate readers to act quickly. Help your CTA stand out against your text by using contrasting colors, emojis, and bold fonts. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be writing eye-catching CTAs in no time.  

Want to learn more? Check out our guides on how to create an effective tone of voice to reach your target audience and how to boost readability to write clear, succinct CTAs.  

What type of content should include a call to action?

Any content can be an ideal opportunity for a CTA. From social media and blog posts to landing pages, ads, emails and videos. 

Where should you place a call to action?

Calls to action are typically placed at the top, bottom, or side of a webpage. Take into account what your readers need to know before acting to find the best placement. For example, place a discount code at the top of your homepage. Or, if you want readers to share your content, it’s best at the end of the page. 

Can you use multiple calls to action on a webpage?

With care, multiple calls to action can be used on the same webpage. For example, ask people to subscribe to your email list via a button while also adding a link to download an ebook. The key is to ensure your calls to action are spread out and organized in a way that doesn't overload the reader. 

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what is a call to action in persuasive speech

112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

What’s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose from—or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, don’t worry. We’re here to help!

In this post, we’re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, you’ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something You’re Passionate About

It’s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if it’s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one that’s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose you’re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, it’s probably too niche to talk about why “To Kill a Mockingbird” shouldn’t be censored (even if it’s your favorite book), and it’s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, it’s probably not an excellent choice for your speech—even if it’s an issue you’re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they aren’t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: “If I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve chosen a great topic!

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporations’ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does “cancel culture” have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should “spanking” children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form? 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as “professional dress” for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can  use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic you’re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

It’s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVine’s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but you’ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know you’ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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Essay Freelance Writers

239+ Call To Action Speech Topics to Impress Your Audience

Feb 9, 2024

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Feb 9, 2024 | Topics

Crafting an amazing speech that inspires action in your audience can be both exciting and challenging. A compelling call-to-action speech addresses critical issues and motivates people to take meaningful steps. Choosing the right call-to-action speech topics is key to capturing your audience’s attention and spurring them to act. I’ve observed firsthand situations where a well-crafted speech can ignite change and drive a community toward a common goal. Finding the perfect speech ideas that resonate with your audience and align with your message is essential for a successful delivery. Whether writing a persuasive speech for a class assignment or preparing to speak at an event, understanding how to connect with your audience is crucial.

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3 Types of Persuasive Speech Topics

Let’s dive into the three types of persuasive speech topics to help you understand how to craft a compelling speech. When it comes to persuasive speech ideas, choosing a topic you’re passionate about and believe will resonate with your audience is important. So, what makes a good topic for a persuasive speech essay? Here are three types to consider:

  • Issues of Social Importance: Discuss topics affecting your community or society. Do you feel strongly about any pressing social issues, like climate change, mental health awareness, or equality and diversity? These topics for persuasive speech can spark conversations and encourage action among your peers or community members.
  • Controversial Topics: Delve into subjects that people have strong opinions about, such as gun control, animal rights, or the impact of technology on our lives. When choosing a controversial topic for your speech, it’s important to present both sides of the argument and make a compelling case for your stance.
  • Personal Growth and Development: Consider topics that focus on personal growth and self-improvement, such as setting goals, overcoming challenges, or building self-confidence. These topics can inspire and motivate your audience to make positive changes in their own lives.

Explore our article on Controversial Speech Topics for thought-provoking discussions and diverse perspectives.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic?

A good persuasive speech topic captures the interest of your audience and compels them to think critically about the issue at hand. From my perspective, it should be something you feel passionate about and can speak about with conviction. A good persuasive speech topic has enough depth and breadth to allow for a thorough exploration during your speech.

How To Select a Good Persuasive Topic

How To Select a Good Persuasive Topic

So, what are some key factors to consider when selecting a persuasive speech topic? Here are a few pointers:

  • Relevance: A good persuasive speech topic should be relevant to your audience and the current societal context. Please choose a topic that resonates with the experiences and concerns of your audience, making it relatable and meaningful to them.
  • Controversy or Debate: A good persuasive speech topic often revolves around an issue with multiple viewpoints or differing opinions. Please look for topics that spark debate and discussion, as this can help to engage your audience and encourage them to think about different perspectives.
  • Significance: A good persuasive speech topic should address an important issue or problem that needs attention. Whether it’s a social, political, or environmental issue, your topic should significantly impact people’s lives or the world at large.
  • Personal Interest: Choosing a topic that you are genuinely interested in is key to delivering an engaging and persuasive speech. When you are passionate about the subject, it will reflect in your speech, making it more compelling and convincing for your audience.

Be sure to also explore our article on invitational speech essay topics for a comprehensive topics list to engaging and thought-provoking subjects.

How to create and deliver a compelling, persuasive speech

When crafting a persuasive speech, thorough preparation and a strong sense of purpose are key. To the best of my knowledge, here are some essential steps to help you create and deliver a persuasive speech that truly captivates your audience:

  • Choose a Persuasive Topic: In my honest assessment, the first step is to select a topic you feel passionate about and will resonate with your audience. Consider what issues matter to your audience and what might inspire them to take action or think differently.
  • Research and Gather Evidence: As I see it, conducting thorough research is crucial. Could you collect credible data, statistics, and examples that support your arguments? Having solid evidence will help you build a strong case for your viewpoint.
  • Structure Your Speech: Organizing your speech clearly and logically is crucial. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction, present your arguments coherently, and conclude with a powerful call to action that reinforces your main points.
  • Use Persuasive Language: Using persuasive language and rhetorical devices can make your speech more compelling. Employ techniques like storytelling, emotional appeals, and vivid imagery to connect with your audience emotionally.
  • Practice and Rehearse: To the best of my knowledge, practice makes perfect. Rehearse your speech multiple times to become comfortable with the content and delivery. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language to ensure you appear confident and convincing.

Don’t forget to explore our article on Climate Change Essay Topics for insightful and engaging ideas on addressing this pressing global issue.

Best Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students

Best Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Importance of Mental Health Awareness on Campus
  • Implementing Sustainable Practices in University Facilities
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
  • The Impact of Social Media on Student Well-being
  • Addressing the Rising Costs of College Education
  • Encouraging Active Participation in Campus Community Service
  • Reducing Plastic Waste and Promoting Eco-Friendly Initiatives
  • Combatting Sexual Assault and Harassment on College Campuses
  • The Benefits of Incorporating Mindfulness Practices in Education
  • Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Choices Among College Students
  • Raising Awareness about the Dangers of Substance Abuse
  • Bridging the Gender Pay Gap in the Workplace
  • Enhancing Access to Mental Health Services for Students
  • Combating Racial Discrimination and Promoting Equality
  • The Importance of Financial Literacy Education for Students
  • Addressing the Stigma Around Mental Health in Universities
  • Promoting Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Choices Among Students
  • Encouraging Responsible Use of Technology in Academic Settings
  • Enhancing Campus Safety Measures for Student Well-being
  • Advocating for Inclusive and Accessible Education for All Students.

Top Good Persuasive Speech Topics for 2023

  • Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence Advancements
  • Promoting Renewable Energy Solutions for a Sustainable Future
  • The Importance of Mental Health Support in the Workplace
  • Addressing the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis
  • Promoting Gender Equality in Corporate Leadership
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Well-being
  • Reducing Food Waste and Promoting Sustainable Consumption
  • Advocating for Comprehensive Climate Change Policies
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • Combatting Misinformation and Fake News Online
  • The Importance of Financial Education for Young Adults
  • Encouraging Responsible Use of Technology Among Youth
  • Supporting Local Businesses for Economic Growth
  • Addressing the Challenges of Access to Healthcare
  • Promoting Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Protection
  • Encouraging Community Involvement in Environmental Protection
  • The Benefits of Incorporating Mindfulness in Daily Life
  • Combating Cybersecurity Threats and Protecting Personal Data
  • Advocating for Equal Educational Opportunities for All
  • Enhancing Mental Health Resources for Students and Young Adults.

Good Persuasive Speech Topics for 2023 in Arts

  • Promoting Cultural Diversity Through Art Exhibitions
  • Advocating for Increased Funding for Public Art Programs
  • The Role of Art in Promoting Mental Well-being
  • Addressing the Importance of Art Education in Schools
  • Preserving Indigenous Art and Cultural Heritage
  • The Impact of Digital Media on Contemporary Art Practices
  • Promoting Accessibility and Inclusivity in Art Spaces
  • Combating Censorship and Supporting Artistic Freedom
  • The Influence of Art on Social and Political Movements
  • Encouraging the Use of Art Therapy for Healing and Rehabilitation
  • Supporting Emerging Artists and Local Artisan Communities
  • Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Artistic Expression
  • Addressing Environmental Issues Through Art Activism
  • Promoting Public Art Installations for Community Engagement
  • Advocating for Gender Equality and Representation in the Arts
  • The Role of Art in Preserving and Documenting History
  • Encouraging Sustainable Practices in the Art Industry
  • Supporting Artisanal Crafts and Traditional Art Forms
  • Promoting Art as a Tool for Cultural Diplomacy and Exchange
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Art and Technology in the Modern World.

Best Persuasive Speech Topics for High School Students

  • The Importance of Mental Health Education in Schools
  • Promoting Inclusivity and Acceptance Among Peers
  • Combating Cyberbullying and Online Harassment
  • The Impact of Social Media on Teenage Mental Well-being
  • Addressing the Effects of Climate Change on Future Generations
  • Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits and Nutrition Awareness
  • Reducing Plastic Waste and Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices
  • Supporting Peer-to-Peer Anti-Drug and Anti-Alcohol Campaigns
  • The Benefits of Volunteering and Community Service for Teens
  • Promoting Gender Equality and Respect Among Students
  • Combating Teenage Substance Abuse and Addiction
  • Advocating for Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools
  • Addressing the Stigma Around Mental Health Among Teens
  • Promoting Physical Fitness and Active Lifestyles in School
  • The Importance of Financial Literacy Education for Teenagers
  • Supporting Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying Initiatives
  • Encouraging Open Communication Between Students and Teachers
  • Advocating for Mental Health Resources and Support for Students
  • Promoting Cultural Awareness and Understanding Among High School Students.

Don’t miss out on exploring our article on speech topics for teens , designed to inspire and engage young speakers in meaningful discussions.

Good Persuasive Speech Topics for 2023 on Academics

  • Promoting the Integration of Technology in Education
  • Advocating for Inclusive and Diverse Curriculum Content
  • The Benefits of Experiential Learning in Academic Settings
  • Addressing the Importance of Mental Health Support for Students
  • Encouraging Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills in Education
  • The Impact of Student Well-being on Academic Performance
  • Reducing Stress and Academic Pressure Among Students
  • Advocating for Equal Access to Quality Education for All
  • The Role of Creativity and Arts in Academic Development
  • Supporting the Importance of Extracurricular Activities in Schools
  • Encouraging Effective Study Habits and Time Management Skills
  • Combating Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism in Schools
  • Advocating for Education Policy Reforms and Improvements
  • Addressing the Challenges of Remote and Online Learning
  • Promoting Effective Teacher-Student Communication and Engagement
  • Supporting Special Education Programs and Inclusive Practices
  • The Benefits of Peer Mentoring and Tutoring Programs for Students
  • Encouraging a Love for Lifelong Learning and Personal Growth
  • Advocating for Increased Resources and Support for Schools
  • Promoting Holistic Education Approaches and Student Well-being.

Good Persuasive Speech Topics for 2023 on the Economy

  • Promoting Sustainable Economic Growth and Development
  • Advocating for Equitable Distribution of Wealth and Resources
  • The Role of Small Businesses in Stimulating Local Economies
  • Addressing the Challenges of Income Inequality and Poverty
  • Encouraging Financial Literacy Education and Awareness
  • The Impact of Global Trade Policies on National Economies
  • Reducing Unemployment Rates Through Skill Development Programs
  • Advocating for Fair Wages and Worker’s Rights in Various Industries
  • The Benefits of Investing in Renewable Energy and Green Technologies
  • Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Business Sector
  • Encouraging Ethical and Sustainable Business Practices
  • Combating Economic Disparities in Underprivileged Communities
  • Advocating for Financial Assistance Programs for Low-Income Families
  • Addressing the Challenges of Economic Recovery Post-Pandemic
  • Promoting Investment in Infrastructure for Economic Growth
  • The Role of Technology and Digitalization in Transforming Economies
  • Encouraging Responsible Consumer Spending and Saving Habits
  • Supporting Small-Scale Agriculture and Local Food Production
  • Advocating for Accessible and Affordable Healthcare for All
  • Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Corporate Governance.

Call to Action Speech Topics Examples

  • Empowering Youth for Active Community Engagement
  • Promoting Sustainable Living Practices for Environmental Conservation
  • Advocating for Mental Health Awareness and Support in Schools
  • Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Access to Nutritious Meals
  • Encouraging Volunteerism for Social Change and Community Development
  • The Importance of Voting and Political Participation in Democracy
  • Combating Cyberbullying and Online Harassment Through Awareness Campaigns
  • Supporting Local Businesses and Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth
  • The Impact of Mentorship Programs in Fostering Personal Growth and Success
  • Promoting Gender Equality and Empowerment in the Workplace and Society
  • Advocating for Animal Welfare and Responsible Pet Ownership
  • Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Through Education and Rehabilitation Programs
  • Encouraging Blood Donation and Organ Transplant Awareness for Saving Lives
  • The Role of Education in Breaking the Cycle of Poverty and Inequality
  • Combating Racial Discrimination and Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
  • Supporting Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Initiatives
  • Promoting Physical Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Habits for Well-being
  • The Importance of Financial Planning and Management for Future Security
  • Encouraging Responsible Use of Technology and Digital Well-being Practices
  • Advocating for Human Rights and Social Justice for All Communities.

Interesting persuasive speech topics

  • Exploring the Potential of Space Exploration and Colonization
  • The Impact of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships
  • Addressing the Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation in Daily Life
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping the Future of Work
  • Promoting Ethical Consumption and Sustainable Living Practices
  • Encouraging the Adoption of Renewable Energy Sources for a Greener Future
  • The Influence of Music and Art in Cultivating Creativity and Expression
  • Combating the Effects of Climate Change Through Global Collaboration
  • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Personal and Professional Success
  • Advocating for Animal Rights and Ethical Treatment of Animals in Industries
  • Addressing the Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment and Society
  • Promoting the Benefits of Multilingualism and Language Learning
  • Exploring the Role of Sports in Fostering Teamwork and Leadership Skills
  • The Impact of Technology on Mental Health and Well-being
  • Encouraging Cultural Exchange and Understanding Through Travel
  • The Significance of Early Childhood Education in Shaping Future Generations
  • Supporting Access to Quality Healthcare for Underserved Communities
  • Promoting the Importance of Financial Literacy and Money Management
  • The Role of Literature and Storytelling in Shaping Societal Norms and Values
  • Advocating for the Preservation of Indigenous Cultures and Traditions.

Public Speaking Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The Power of Effective Communication in Building Strong Relationships
  • Overcoming Stage Fright and Building Confidence in Public Speaking
  • The Importance of Storytelling in Captivating an Audience’s Attention
  • Advocating for the Use of Visual Aids to Enhance Presentation Impact
  • The Art of Persuasion: Using Rhetorical Devices to Influence Audiences
  • Encouraging Authenticity and Emotional Connection in Speech Delivery
  • The Impact of Body Language and Nonverbal Communication in Public Speaking
  • Promoting Effective Time Management and Organization in Speech Preparation
  • The Role of Humor and Wit in Engaging and Entertaining an Audience
  • Navigating Challenging Questions and Handling Audience Interactions
  • Building a Compelling Narrative to Convey a Persuasive Message
  • The Influence of Voice Modulation and Tone in Conveying Conviction
  • Harnessing the Power of Personal Anecdotes and Real-Life Examples in Speeches
  • Promoting Clarity and Conciseness in Delivering Complex Information
  • The Role of Empathy and Understanding in Connecting with Diverse Audiences
  • The Importance of Research and Fact-Checking in Ensuring Speech Credibility
  • Encouraging Audience Participation and Involvement for Enhanced Engagement
  • The Art of Structuring a Compelling Speech: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
  • The Significance of Rehearsal and Practice in Achieving Speech Mastery
  • Advocating for Continued Learning and Skill Development in Public Speaking.

Family Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The Importance of Effective Communication in Family Relationships
  • Promoting Quality Time and Bonding Activities for Stronger Family Ties
  • Advocating for Work-Life Balance and Family Well-being
  • The Impact of Parental Involvement in Children’s Education and Development
  • Encouraging Mutual Respect and Understanding Among Family Members
  • Nurturing Emotional Intelligence and Empathy Within the Family Unit
  • The Role of Positive Discipline in Fostering a Nurturing Family Environment
  • Promoting Healthy Eating Habits and Nutrition Education for Families
  • The Benefits of Open Discussions About Mental Health in the Family
  • Addressing the Challenges of Balancing Technology Use and Family Time
  • Encouraging Support and Empathy for Family Members Facing Challenges
  • The Impact of Intergenerational Activities in Strengthening Family Bonds
  • Advocating for Gender Equality and Respect Within the Family Dynamics
  • The Role of Family Traditions and Rituals in Building Cultural Identity
  • Supporting Sibling Relationships and Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Promoting Financial Literacy and Responsible Money Management in Families
  • The Influence of Positive Role Models and Mentorship in Family Settings
  • Encouraging Inclusivity and Acceptance of Diverse Family Structures
  • The Significance of Resilience and Adaptability in Overcoming Family Challenges
  • Advocating for Access to Support Services and Resources for Families in Need.

Unique Persuasive Topics

  • The Role of Virtual Reality in Transforming Education and Training
  • Promoting Community Gardens for Sustainable Urban Development
  • The Impact of Music Therapy on Mental Health and Well-being
  • Encouraging Mindful Consumption and Minimalist Lifestyles
  • The Benefits of Biofeedback and Stress Management Techniques
  • Addressing the Importance of Emotional Education in Schools
  • Promoting Universal Basic Income as a Solution to Economic Inequality
  • The Influence of Bioengineering in Advancing Medical Treatments
  • Advocating for the Preservation of Endangered Languages and Cultures
  • The Role of Biomimicry in Sustainable Design and Innovation
  • Promoting Compassionate Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making
  • The Impact of Art Therapy in Healing Trauma and Promoting Resilience
  • Encouraging Sustainable Transportation Solutions for Urban Mobility
  • Addressing the Role of Robotics in Enhancing Healthcare Services
  • The Benefits of Forest Bathing and Nature Therapy for Mental Health
  • Supporting Community-Based Tourism for Cultural Preservation
  • The Role of Biophilic Design in Enhancing Well-being in Built Environments
  • Promoting the Adoption of Circular Economy Principles for Sustainable Development
  • Encouraging the Integration of Meditation and Mindfulness in Corporate Settings
  • The Impact of Virtual Communities in Fostering Social Support and Belonging.

List of Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Strategies for Reducing Plastic Waste in Daily Life
  • Benefits of Incorporating Meditation in School Curriculum
  • Promoting Ethical Treatment of Animals in the Food Industry
  • Addressing the Importance of Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace
  • Encouraging Gender Equality and Empowerment in Developing Countries
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Well-being Among Teenagers
  • Advocating for Renewable Energy as a Solution to Climate Change
  • Role of Volunteer Work in Community Development and Social Change
  • Combating Fake News and Misinformation in the Digital Age
  • Benefits of Physical Exercise in Improving Overall Health and Well-being
  • Encouraging Responsible Use of Technology Among Young Adults
  • The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Promoting Global Understanding
  • Addressing the Challenges of Cybersecurity in the Modern World
  • Promoting Access to Quality Education for Underprivileged Communities
  • Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment and Labor Practices
  • Supporting Mental Health Resources and Services for Veterans
  • Importance of Financial Literacy Education for Youth and Adults
  • Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming Practices
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Transforming Various Industries
  • Advocating for Human Rights and Equality for Marginalized Communities.

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What is a good call to action for a speech?

A good call to action for a speech is a clear and specific directive that prompts the audience to take a particular action, such as signing a petition, volunteering, or changing their behavior or beliefs.

What are some unique topics?

Unique topics are those that are uncommon or less explored. Examples could include “The Influence of Video Games on Decision-Making” or “The Art of Beekeeping as a Hobby.”

What is the best persuasive speech?

The best persuasive speech effectively convinces the audience of the speaker’s viewpoint through well-researched arguments, compelling evidence, and engaging delivery. There isn’t a single “best” speech, as it depends on the context and the audience.

What are overused persuasive speech topics?

Overused persuasive speech topics have been discussed extensively, making it challenging to bring fresh perspectives. Examples include “Should the Death Penalty be Abolished?” and “The Dangers of Smoking.”

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6 Powerful Call To Action Examples And What You Can Learn From Them

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In need of a few call to action examples to use as inspiration for your next marketing campaign?

Every landing page needs a solid call to action to help drive sales and increase conversions.

In this post, you’ll find a bunch of call to action examples organized by type. And a breakdown of why each one works so well.

What is a call to action?

A call to action is the marketing term for the part of a landing page or form that strongly encourages potential leads or buyers to take a desired action, which is usually to complete a purchase or sign up for a website’s email list.

The reason it’s named “call” to action is because you’re calling your lead to take a specific action.

Here’s a simple example from the primary landing page for Apple TV:

apple tv call to action

The hero section of the page has a slideshow in which the first slide is a montage video of movies and shows the streaming service has.

The call to action is located in the bottom, left-hand corner: “Try it Free.” Clicking this button takes you to the streaming service’s signup form.

The call to action (CTA) even follows you as you scroll down the page as a floating bottom bar.

Why use CTAs in marketing?

So, why should businesses use CTAs on landing pages? Why wouldn’t Apple just put a simple “Subscribe” or “Start Free Trial” button in their menu?

It has to do with conversions, or more specifically, conversion rates. A page’s conversion rate is the number of conversions (subscribers in Apple TV’s case) a page receives divided by the number of visitors a landing page receives times 100.

So, if the Apple TV landing page receives 500,000 visitors and 15,000 of them subscribe, Apple’s conversion rate for that page would be 3% because 1,500 divided by 500,000 is 0.03. Multiplying that number by 100 turns it into a percentage, which is 3% in this example.

This means out of all of the visitors that landing page receives, Apple can expect 3% of them to convert into subscribers, hypothetically, of course.

All businesses should record their conversion rates for the most-visited landing pages on their site, then use CTAs to improve those rates.

You can even tweak CTAs ever so slightly to optimize them.

For example, Apple TV inserted this text beneath their CTA button: “7 days free, then $9.99/month.”

They probably used a conversion rate optimization tool to see where they were losing potential subscribers between their initial call to action and their final “complete signup button” and discovered that most leads were leaving when presented with the subscription’s actual price.

By answering that question at the CTA stage, they can increase their conversions by addressing buyer concerns upfront.

Types of calls to action

Let’s talk about CTA types. Specifically, the types of calls to action we’ll be providing examples for throughout the rest of this article:

  • Lead generation form – Part of a landing page that’s used to capture leads.
  • Download/try now/buy now button – Used for direct purchases, free trial redemptions and purchases. You can also use this to offer a free guide or free proposal, but you may be better off using a lead generation form in that instance.
  • Submission form – A contact form used to generate leads or feedback.
  • Pricing table – Used in multi-step sales funnels in place of a direct Buy Now button, usually to visually depict the differences between multiple pricing plans.
  • Contact sales button – For encouraging potential customers to get in touch with your sales department.
  • Learn/view more button – Another possible stage in a multi-step sales funnel. Usually leads to a product landing page or Features page.

These CTA types are used in some of the most common digital marketing strategies used by marketers across all industries.

The call to action examples we showcase in this post are collected from real-world landing pages used by real companies like Minimalist Baker, Panda Express, ConvertKit and Master Lock.

All of these companies are successful in their respective industries, so it’s worth learning a thing or two about a key function each company uses in their marketing campaigns.

The best call to action examples to use to improve sales

1. lead generation form.

minimalist baker call to action

Here’s a call to action example from food blog Minimalist Baker. It’s a lead generation form .

This one in particular appears as a lightbox popup (also called a modal popup) when you first visit a blog post on the blog’s website, meaning the form displays over the site’s main content, which appears dimmer until a visitor completes the form or closes it.

However, lead generation forms can also be featured as page sections, inline, meaning they appear “in line” with the body of your web page, or as popups that only appear when you click on a button or link.

They’re one of the most effective call to action examples because they’re so effective at what they do: providing a simple form website visitors can use to join your email list and become leads.

Why Minimalist Baker’s CTA is so effective

Let’s break Minimalist Baker’s lead generation form down into multiple parts, which are:

  • Main heading
  • Email address field
  • Submit button

This is a typical lead generation form, so what’s so special about it? It’s what Minimalist Baker is doing with each of these sections that make it so effective at capturing leads.

They’re offering a lead magnet in exchange for their visitor’s email address. They aren’t just promising “updates” or a simple newsletter. They’re offering a free ebook:

  • Image – An image of the cookbook.
  • Main heading – An attention-grabbing headline that promises more of what the blog’s website offers in a simple, three-word question.
  • Tagline – Minimalist Baker uses their tagline to provide a brief description of the free ebook they’re offering as a lead magnet.

Let’s talk about the tagline. It says, “Our FREE 49-Page Fan-Favorites e-Book has 20 recipes we think you’ll LOVE!”

Once again, Minimalist Baker uses a simple sentence to describe multiple benefits you’re receiving by signing up for their email list:

  • Recipes that are “fan favorites,” meaning they’ve been prescreened by the blog’s readers and aren’t simply recipes Minimalist Baker themselves think are great. This is a simple way to demonstrate social proof in a CTA.

The final two parts, the email address field and Submit button are fantastic as well: one field for visitors to fill out and a Submit button that’s large, uses one of the blog’s primary colors and contrasts well with the colors featured in the CTA’s image.

Key takeaways

  • Entice website visitors to join your email list with a lead magnet .
  • Use a high-quality image to depict your offer. It can even be a mockup or graphic.
  • Use a main heading that evokes an emotional response and drives anticipation by including power words.
  • Do the same with your tagline while also explaining the benefits of your lead magnet.
  • Use minimal fields, such as one for your visitor’s name and one for their email address.
  • Use a simple CTA button with simple action phrases, such as “Submit.”

Bonus tip: It’s best to avoid using words like “Download” or “Get it now” since the actual download button won’t appear until your new lead opens the email that contains it.

2. Download, buy now and try now buttons

panda express call to action

Here’s an example of another widely-used call to action: a button that leads to a product page where customers can purchase or receive specific products from your website.

In this case, Panda Express is using a call to action to encourage users to complete a food order.

They’re using two buttons to do it, but those buttons have more or less the same CTA: order from the restaurant. One’s simply for pickup orders while the other is for delivery.

This type of call to action is effective at driving sales for a particular product or service due to the way it draws attention to that product or service.

Why Panda Express’ CTA is so effective

Panda Express’ call to action advertises the restaurant chain’s online order system. These are the primary sections of their CTA:

  • CTA buttons
  • Terms and conditions

This is a typical CTA layout for a product landing page to use or even a homepage in which you want to advertise a particular product or service as Panda Express has done with their homepage.

In Panda Express’ version, they’re offering an incentive to encourage potential buyers to click.

Here’s what they’re doing with this CTA specifically:

  • Images – Panda Express is using a slider wheel in which three of their most popular dishes are presented.
  • Main heading – Panda Express’ main heading is small in this CTA example, but it’s still used effectively. It has a classic Chinese takeout box featured next to the text, “Panda Delivers.”
  • Subheading – The restaurant’s incentive is featured in big letters. It says “$0 DELIVERY.”
  • Tagline – Panda Express uses this simple tagline to let potential buyers know they can get their favorite dishes delivered for less.
  • CTA buttons – The restaurant chain uses two CTA buttons here: one for pickup orders (despite the incentive being for delivery only) and one for delivery.
  • Terms and conditions – A simple explanation of the order minimum customers need to place if they want to receive the discounted delivery fee as well as the date when the discount ends.

Like Minimalist Baker’s CTA, Panda Express addresses buyer concerns right in the CTA itself.

Consumers expect order minimums when they buy food online. By addressing that question upfront, Panda Express can increase their conversions.

Plus, knowing when a limited time offer ends is enough to incentivize consumers to actually buy.

Our first two call to action examples have been similar. So, naturally, our key takeaways are similar as well:

  • Encourage clicks by offering an incentive, such as a limited time discount.
  • Use a high-quality image to represent the product, service or final result your customer can expect to receive.
  • Use a main heading and subheading that promote your product and your incentive with catchy, captivating phrases to create a compelling CTA.
  • Save additional benefits for your tagline.
  • Use a short and descriptive call to action button, and use two if the situation calls for it.
  • Address buyer concerns with smaller writing at the bottom of your CTA.

3. Submission form

white rabbit call to action

This is one of the better call to action examples for service-based businesses. In fact, the submission form call to action is a great CTA type to use for services.

It can also be used for feedback.

Instead of purchasing direct products, customers of service-based businesses pay invoices, which are typically different for each client.

Additionally, each client has a different set of needs the service-based business must attend to, which makes a submission form quite useful.

Our example is from White Rabbit, a web design agency based out of Los Angeles.

The agency uses a multi-page submission form for quotes, which asks potential clients about the projects they need help with, including their budgets, services they need and more.

The form also has fields that ask potential clients their name and contact information.

Why White Rabbit’s CTA is so effective

Most submission forms feature all fields on one page, like this:

sunlight media submission form

Because White Rabbit’s form is longer, they can reduce how overwhelming it appears to potential clients by giving each field its own page.

The entire form itself still exists on the same “Contact” page, but animations make each field appear one at a time with users needing to click the “Next” button in order to make the next field appear.

This allows visitors to use multi-page forms without them actually having to load each individual “page.”

White Rabbit’s form even has a progress bar, so visitors can clearly see how far along they are in the form.

The form also features minimal colors: other than the green in the progress bar, all other colors are neutral: black, gray and white.

This, combined with the fact that White Rabbit’s form appears as a popup that takes up the entire screen, reduces distractions that may prevent potential clients from completing forms.

  • Use submission forms for feedback and client quotes/requests for a free consultation.
  • Consider creating a multi-page form to increase the number of form completions you receive.
  • Use one or two colors to place your visitor’s focus on your form’s fields.
  • Consider making your form appear as a popup that’s triggered by a button click and takes over the screen to reduce distractions.

4. Pricing table

convertkit call to action

A pricing table call to action is the best choice for businesses that offer one product available in multiple pricing tiers or similar products that have different features and prices.

With more and more SaaS products being released, pricing tables are one of the more recognizable call to action examples.

When executed correctly, they explain exactly what features and benefits each pricing plan offers.

Our example comes from ConvertKit, an email marketing service designed for creators.

Why ConvertKit’s call to action is so effective

The web is filled with pricing tables. What makes ConvertKit’s so special? It’s what ConvertKit does with such a simple UI.

Our screenshot above doesn’t show the entire pricing table as it’s rather long, but here are the various parts within it when you break down its UI:

  • Toggle button
  • Three columns
  • Explanation of price
  • CTA button for each individual pricing tier

List of features in each column

  • One pricing plan singled out with a “Recommended” label

There are a lot of UI elements here. Let’s talk about them by grouping them into sections, starting with the top two elements.

The slider and toggle button

convertkit slider toggle button

Some SaaS companies who charge based on a number of “something” that you have or need create complicated pricing tables with six or more columns, one for each pricing plan that covers a specific quantity of that “something.”

ConvertKit use their the slider and toggle button to simplify their pricing strategy.

ConvertKit’s pricing strategy works like this: the company has three pricing plans, each of which offers a different set of features with the highest tier having every feature the application offers.

However, besides the free plan, ConvertKit’s pricing is primarily based on the number of email subscribers you have as well as whether you want to pay monthly or annually.

With the slider and toggle button, potential customers are able to adjust the prices that display to suit their individual needs.

Let’s skip ahead a little and talk about the features section of ConvertKit’s pricing table.

convertkit features

Many SaaS companies only list unique features each of their pricing plans offers. Some have complicated pricing plans in which the features available for each are completely different.

With ConvertKit, the free plan offers basic features, the middle plan offers basic features plus a little more, and the third plan offers basic features, a little more plus a few of additional features.

The email marketing service lists these features in each column but crosses out features that aren’t available for a particular plan.

This is a very simple way to let potential customers know exactly which features they’re missing out on if they choose to subscribe to the first two plans.

  • Use a pricing table in place of previous call to action examples if you have one product that can be broken down into different pricing tiers or multiple products that are similar but different enough to charge different prices for.
  • Use two or three columns.
  • If you find yourself creating more than five pricing plans, consider simplifying your pricing strategy.
  • If you charge based on different quantities of something, use slider and toggle button UI elements similar to ConvertKit’s.
  • Provide brief terms and conditions underneath each price. For annual plans, ConvertKit provides the explanation, “$108 billed annually for 300 subscribers.”
  • Add a CTA button to each column directly underneath each column’s price.
  • List every feature and benefit you offer in each column, but cross out the ones that aren’t available in a particular plan.
  • Single one plan out with a “Recommended” or “Most Popular” label.

5. Contact sales button

wp engine call to action

This call to action example builds off of the previous example as it’s a CTA you’ll often find on a pricing page.

There are instances in which you’ll be glad you have a Contact Sales button on your site: when you have larger businesses who are interested in your product or service but require more than what your base plans offer as well as in situations where a customer is about to purchase something from you but is unsure of something.

Both instances benefit from a Contact Sales button by giving your business an opportunity to encourage larger or hesitant customers to convert.

In our example, WP Engine have added a Contact Sales CTA to their pricing page.

However, many businesses also add this type of CTA in a live chat widget.

Why WP Engine’s CTA is so effective

Having to talk to a company directly in order to purchase something can be a bit of a hassle. WP Engine remove some of that hassle by adding simple buttons for live chat and phone support options.

The company’s sales phone number is even clearly listed in case a potential customer would prefer to dial it themselves.

WP Engine even dedicate their tagline to a clear explanation as to when potential customers should resort to contacting sales: “Our team of experts can help you find a solution that fits your business needs.”

There’s even a “compare features” link that toggles a list of every feature the company’s enterprise plan offers.

  • Use a Contact Sales CTA if you offer a product or service larger businesses are interested in. Keep in mind you’ll have to actually hire dedicated sales representatives for this purpose.
  • Add this CTA as an additional pricing tier.
  • Include different CTA buttons for each sales channel you offer.
  • Connect your sales staff to a live chat feature on your website.

6. Learn more/view more button

masterlock call to action

This example is similar to our first two call to action examples on this list as it uses the same layout. However, this serves a different purpose: it’s meant to drive traffic to a particular landing page.

Our example comes from MasterLock, who are using their learn more CTA to drive traffic to their landing page for their “next-generation” lock boxes.

This CTA type is also popular as a way to drive traffic to a features page in which marketers use the text “View Features” on the CTA button.

Why MasterLock’s CTA is so effective

Let’s go over the layout once more as it’s the same as our first two call to action examples:

MasterLock’s version is just a bit more condensed.

Here’s what they’re doing with each of these sections:

  • Image – MasterLock have inserted a picture of one of the lock boxes they’re advertising with this CTA.
  • Main heading – MasterLock introduce their product with the phrase, “The Next Generation of Shared Access Solutions.”
  • Tagline – The company lists benefits of their lock boxes in their tagline: “More storage. More flexibility. Easier to use.”
  • CTA button – Instead of taking you directly to a product page, MasterLock uses the “Learn More” CTA to lead you to their landing page for their lock boxes.

It’s a straightforward call to action layout, but MasterLock do a lot with a little by showcasing their product with an image, introducing it in the CTA’s main heading and providing a brief description of their benefits in their tagline.

  • Advertise your product with a real image of it or a realistic representation of what customers can expect.
  • Introduce your product with a simple yet catchy headline.
  • Explain your product’s primary benefits with a brief tagline.
  • Use a “Learn More” or “View Features/More” CTA button.

Final thoughts

Here are a few “honorable mentions” of CTA types we didn’t cover in this post:

  • Two CTAs – A CTA that uses two CTA buttons to promote different products/services or parts of a website within a single CTA.
  • Engagement – A CTA that gets visitors to engage with your website. Examples include a quiz or feedback poll.
  • Social Sharing – Social sharing buttons can be considered a type of call to action.

Let’s talk about the CTA examples we did cover.

These call to action examples demonstrate how easy a few UI elements or tweaks to your current calls to action can really do a lot to improve conversions.

The most important takeaway from this article should be knowing when to use each call to example type and when to use multiple.

For example, if you use the third CTA type, the one that uses a “Buy Now” button to drive direct sales, but find that the majority of customers do not convert, experiment with using a second CTA, specifically the “Learn More” type.

By leading your target audience to your features page before presenting them with a “Buy Now” CTA, you give them the opportunity to learn more about your product or service before asking them to buy.

Another important aspect of using calls to action effectively is knowing where to use them. They work great on top-level pages, such as your homepage, but you should really build landing pages designed to get potential customers to interact with your CTAs.

Check out our post describing the different sections of high-converting landing pages to learn more.

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Lyn Wildwood is a member of the Blogging Wizard content team and a freelance writer for hire with over a decade of experience in the marketing space. She loves sharing new tips on WordPress, blogging, and online business as a whole.

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