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Giving A Farewell Speech At Work (With Examples)

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Summary. Your farewell speech at work is an opportunity to bring your time with the company to a close in a friendly way. In your speech should express your gratitude for your company and colleagues and let people know where you are going. Your speech should be personal and it’s a good idea to use anecdotes from your time in the office.

No one can stay at a job forever, and there comes a time in everyone’s career when you have to say goodbye to a group of coworkers.

Whether you got promoted and relocated, you’re retiring, or you were given a better offer by another company, it’s nice to give all of your coworkers a proper goodbye, and one of the best ways to do this is in a farewell speech.

No matter when or why you need to give a farewell speech, we’ll help you prep one that’s memorable and moving in no time. Keep reading to learn what a farewell speech is, how to create a good one, and a few examples you can model yours after.

Key Takeaways:

Keep your speech positive and use a relaxed tone while giving it.

Create an outline when writing your speech to get an idea of what you want to say before you start writing.

Thank your coworkers for their support and for creating a fun work environment.

Giving a Farewell Speech at Work

What Is a Farewell Speech?

How to write a job farewell speech, examples of farewell speeches, tips for delivering a good farewell speech, writing a farewell speech for a colleague, farewell speech faqs.

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Farewell speeches are an opportunity to bring your time with a company to a close in a polite and friendly way. Typically, they’re short speeches you can make on your last day or if your coworkers throw you a going-away party. They don’t need to be long monologues; you just need to express your gratitude for your time with the company and let people know where you’re heading.

Keep in mind that farewell speeches don’t have to happen every time someone leaves a job or switches offices. Farewell speeches are usually reserved for people who have had a significant impact on a company, worked somewhere for a long time, or are retiring . Not everyone has to give a special speech, so if you feel like you haven’t been at a company long enough or don’t have a high enough position to make a speech, you definitely don’t need to.

Farewell speeches are pretty low pressure, and you can just speak from the heart, so they’re not the trickiest professional speech you’ll ever have to give. But, it still doesn’t hurt to be prepared and have an idea of what you want to say before your opportunity arises. Here are the steps you should take when you want to prepare your farewell speech ahead of time:

Start with an outline. Even though goodbye speeches are just a few minutes long, it doesn’t hurt to have a general idea of what you want to say before you start forming your thoughts.

Beef up your ideas. After you have an outline, you can start filling it in with anything you want to share. Be sure to make everything flow, which the outline can help with since you already know what you want your next point to be.

Let people know where you’re going. Before you wrap up your speech, make sure you take a moment to tell your coworkers what your next step is . Whether you’re retiring, moving to a new company, or having a career change, people want to know what you’re up to and how they can stay in touch with you.

Create a strong conclusion. When you’re writing the end of your speech, make sure it follows the tone you’ve created throughout the rest of the speech. If you went for a more serious tone, you should make sure you keep the ending serious, and the same goes for if you went for a humorous tone.

Edit your speech. Before you read your speech for your coworkers, you should read it aloud for yourself to make sure everything feels right. You can even have a friend read it over for you, but just make sure you give it a read over before giving your speech.

Here are a few examples of farewell speeches you can give to your coworkers before you leave your job. We’ll give you some samples of different reasons you might be departing a company.

If You’re Retiring

Hi everyone. Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to celebrate my last day with ABC Company. After 20 years here, I can’t believe I won’t be seeing that hideous fake plant and all of your lovely faces every morning. I’m immensely grateful to everyone in this room, especially my HR team. We’ve done some amazing work during my time here, from implementing our database years ago to supporting our colleagues throughout some rocky patches at ABC. I’ll miss everyone on the HR team, especially our weekly Friday gossip lunches. I also want to give a huge thanks to Linda, our head of HR. Linda’s been with me almost since my start, and I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am today without her kindness and support. Thanks for everything, Linda. I’m sad to say goodbye to all of you, but I’ll be stopping in from time to time. It’s been an incredible journey with you all, but now it’s time for me to kick back and finally watch that new show you’ve all been telling me about! Thanks again, everyone!

If You’re Leaving For Another Company

Thank you all for coming. I really appreciate you taking some time out of your days to send me off like this. I’ve loved my time here because of all the wonderful people I’ve met, so you’re making it really hard for me to leave. I just want to say a little thank you to my team, who has been by my side since I started at Smith Consulting. Without the leadership and mentorship of Brenda, I don’t know how I would’ve ever moved up to Senior Consultant . Of course, I have to thank my fellow team members Oliver, Sarah, and John, for keeping me motivated and laughing during our late-night brainstorms, countless airport trips, and meetings with tough clients. I also want to give a quick shoutout to Jamie, who will be taking over for me. Jamie is amazing, and I’ve really enjoyed working with her and watching her grow over the last month. I know she’ll do a great job and be a real asset to the team after I’m gone. I’ve enjoyed every second I’ve been with Smith Consulting, and I’m sad to leave. I’ll be moving to Chicago with my husband to be closer to our families, but I sincerely hope everyone will stay in touch. Hopefully, I’ll make it back out here soon, and we’ll have a chance to work together again. Thank you again to everyone, and I’ll miss all of you!

No matter how formal or informal your farewell speech is, you can follow these tips to make sure you deliver one that’s memorable:

Practice before the big day. Just like anything else, practicing your speech a few times before you give it is a good way to make sure it flows. It can also help you make sure you sound natural and relaxed when you give your speech.

Greet your listeners. To make your speech more lighthearted, you should acknowledge your audience before launching into your speech. Take a second to greet everyone and incorporate them into your speech.

Make it personal. At the end of the day, the speech is about you and your colleagues, so don’t be afraid to make it personal. Your audience will find it more entertaining if you make your speech specific and personal than if you just keep things generic and vague.

Stay positive. While you might be departing with your company for negative reasons, don’t bring anything up in your farewell speech.

Use anecdotes. One way to make your speech memorable and engaging is to use stories from your time in the office. Think of running jokes you have with your coworkers or talk about the great prank you pulled on your boss one year.

Thank your coworkers. While this is a speech about your time at the company, you should take time to thank your coworkers for their support and creating a fun work environment .

Keep it natural. There’s no need to force yourself to do a formal farewell speech if that’s not your personality. Do something that feels natural to you and represents who you are in relation to your audience. You can keep it light and humorous if that fits you, or go for something more serious; just keep it natural.

Use a relaxed tone. Since farewell speeches aren’t overly formal, you want to make sure you’re using a relaxed tone when you address your audience.

Be brief. Your colleagues want to hear from you, but they don’t want a ten-minute walk down memory lane, especially when they’re waiting to eat or need to get to a meeting.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to give a farewell speech for a colleague that is leaving. In this case, you’ll follow many of the same principles that we listed for a farewell speech that you’d give when you’re the one leaving.

Instead of talking about your time with the group as a whole, however, you’ll talk about the individual who is leaving.

Share some of their positive qualities and accomplishments, a few memories or uplifting experiences you had with the person, and how the person has impacted your career or the workplace as a whole.

Close by thanking them for their hard work and wishing them well as they move on to other endeavors.

How do I give a farewell speech for leaving a company?

You give a farewell speech for leaving a company by briefly mentioning a few positive memories of your time working there, expressing your sadness at your departure, and thanking your coworkers.

This speech should be more about your colleagues than about you, so make sure you keep your speech to the point and focused on topics everyone can appreciate.

General memories that most people have in common or your gratitude toward different people or groups in the organization are both great points to include in your speech.

How should I start my farewell speech?

You should start your farewell speech by thanking everyone for being there. Chances are you’re giving your speech at an event of some kind, and even if it’s just a gathering in the conference room to eat cake, you need to thank everyone for taking the time to attend.

From there, you can move into sharing what you’ve appreciated or positive things you’ve learned from your time at the company, thanking your coworkers, and sharing where you’re going next.

What are some good farewell sayings?

Some good farewell sayings are, “It’s been an incredible journey,” “I hope you will keep in touch,” and “I wish you the best.” These sayings all express your appreciation for your coworkers and your desire to continue those relationships.

It’s important to include phrases like these in your speech to show that while you may be excited about what you’re moving to next, you are still sad to be leaving this job and community behind.

How do I say goodbye to my colleagues?

Same ways to say goodbye include:

“I’m going to miss you. Wishing you luck in your new role and your future. We’ll talk soon.”

“It was a blast working with you. We will miss having you around. Goodbye, dear friend.”

“leaving this place and everyone will be difficult, thank you, everybody. Goodbye.”

“Although I am thrilled about my new position, I’m sad to leave the company. Everyone, goodbye.”

Best Speech Topics – Farewell Speech

Throughline – How To Give A Memorable Farewell Speech

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Amanda is a writer with experience in various industries, including travel, real estate, and career advice. After taking on internships and entry-level jobs, she is familiar with the job search process and landing that crucial first job. Included in her experience is work at an employer/intern matching startup where she marketed an intern database to employers and supported college interns looking for work experience.

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Farewell Speech Examples: How to Say Goodbye with Grace


As much as we’d like our goodbyes — whether to a job, a loved one, or a chapter in our lives — to be extended and leave us with a lasting feeling of warmth and appreciation, that isn’t always the case.

A well-crafted farewell speech has the potential to turn any difficult goodbye into a fond farewell, leaving all parties feeling gracious and grateful. To guide you in bringing your goodbye to its highest form, let’s delve into the art of delivering a good farewell speech.

What is a Farewell Speech?

A farewell speech is a way to mark one’s departure from an organization, group, or event. It’s typically delivered by someone who is leaving or has recently left their role or position in the organization and is typically intended to say thank you and express empathy and gratitude for the audience.

Farewell speeches often include a call to action for those who remain in the group or organization, providing insights and advice that can help the group move forward even after the speaker leaves.

The debate about what constitutes an effective farewell speech depends largely on the context of the particular situation.

On one hand, some people argue that a simple goodbye and thank you are all that is needed in order to properly bid farewell. They might argue that more than this would be repetitive and unhelpful as it would not add any new information or create any additional value.

On the other hand, others argue that a more detailed goodbye and send-off provides more closure, comfort, and support, allowing those remaining to better process the change and find growth opportunities in it.

No matter the approach taken, however, it’s important to recognize that farewell speeches are important moments for both those who are leaving and those who are staying; they provide an opportunity for reflection on memories shared, lessons learned, and relationships formed—all of which contribute to making an impactful farewell experience.

With this in mind, the next section will discuss what makes an effective farewell speech.

Quick Answer

A farewell speech is an important way to mark one’s departure from an organization, group, or event. It usually includes gratitude and a call to action for those who remain in the group. Farewell speeches often include a reflection on memories shared, lessons learned, and relationships formed. What constitutes an effective farewell speech depends on the situation but it should provide closure and comfort.

What Makes an Effective Farewell Speech?

The delivery and content of a farewell speech can significantly influence the sentiment behind goodbye messages. It’s important for sendoff speakers to emphasize gratitude and to express their appreciation for the time spent with colleagues, friends, or family.

A successful farewell speech should be heartfelt, sincere, and thoughtful. When crafting a farewell speech, speakers may want to consider incorporating elements like humour, humility, and inspiration in order to add depth to their words.

Additionally, touch upon shared emotions to convey the bond between both parties. Focusing on these three elements allows for a memorable sendoff that will stick with the crowd in attendance.

Humour is an effective way of connecting with the audience and lightening the atmosphere; providing some levity amongst more serious anecdotes. Self-deprecating remarks can be a way of connecting with colleagues in a more intimate way; showing you are equally as human as they are.

On the flip side, too much humour can sometimes come across as insincere and hinder the speaker’s attempt at conveying genuine emotion; arguably one of the key components of an effective farewell speech.

Moreover, include inspirational stories which feature distinct examples of gratitude within them—this will create greater authenticity and leave guests feeling impacted by your words.

As aforementioned, it’s vital for goodbyes to incorporate appreciation for time spent together—evoke specific memories and draw attention to individuals when necessary rather than speaking in generalities.

Ensure that your words make an impact on those who need to hear them. With these in mind, it’s possible to craft a successful transition from one stage of life to another through an effective farewell speech that is full of grace and gratitude.

Having addressed what makes an effective farewell speech, we’ll next discuss how best to show appreciation in sending off messages.

Showing Appreciation

Showing appreciation is a key element of any farewell speech. Expressing gratitude for the years spent in each other’s company conveys respect and admiration for all that has been accomplished.

When it comes to including words of acknowledgement and appreciation, many people choose to highlight the special moments shared, celebrate the successes seen, and offer thoughtful acknowledgements or simple thank yous.

However, there are opposing opinions on how to best show appreciation. Some suggest keeping dedications to a minimum so as not bore listeners with too much detail while others believe a more thorough approach can help create lasting memories and nostalgia.

The most important thing is to be mindful of your audience and what feels right based on the relationship that the farewell speech is celebrating.

If appropriate, consider having a moment at the end of your speech where you thank everyone individually while explicitly naming their individual contributions. A more public approach can include a round of applause directed at individuals who have had an impact on you along your journey.

In conclusion, expressing appreciation in a farewell speech provides an opportunity for reflection and celebration of meaningful experiences. Celebrating the occasion marks a special moment in time as one move forward in life or career.

Celebrating the Occasion

When someone is leaving their current role, it is important to take some time to celebrate and recognize their achievements. Celebrating the occasion acknowledges their contribution, gives thanks for their hard work, and shows gratitude for their time.

It can be a meaningful gesture that highlights the value of the departing employee or colleague, and can also be an inspiring opportunity for those who remain in the position.

In planning a celebration for the person’s departure, consider what would best suit their personality and interests. A simple going-away party, a framed thank-you card, or another creative form of recognition might be just the right way to say goodbye.

However, it is also important to consider how this celebration could affect morale and productivity within the team. If there is already tension in the workplace due to changes in leadership or a reorganization of roles, then holding a celebratory event could serve to further emphasize inequalities among employees or even create an uncomfortable environment.

When deciding how best to celebrate someone’s departure, it is important to assess both potential positive and negative implications of any action and plan accordingly. Doing so ensures that both the departing employee or colleague is properly recognized as well as all other members of the team feel respected and appreciated for their own contributions.

By acknowledging this balance appropriately, it will help ensure that everyone feels included and appreciated when saying goodbye. From here we can move on to discuss how to use a farewell speech to inspire your audience.

Inspiring Your Audience

In order to move an audience and leave a lasting impression, it is important to ensure that your farewell speech is both inspirational and meaningful. To do this, consider talking about how much the experience meant to you, how much you have enjoyed and learned from your friends and colleagues, or highlighting the greatest accomplishments of the group.

Additionally, use personal anecdotes that reflect the experiences of everyone in the audience. This will not only inspire emotions in them but also allow them to connect with each other as they share similar memories.

If applicable, provide words of wisdom to encourage resilience and success in the future. Show gratitude for being part of something special, even if it may be difficult to say goodbye.

By doing so, you can instill hope rather than sadness in the audience with your kind words. By expressing solidarity and understanding, your message can picture a bright future on which everyone can look forward to despite leaving their respective positions.

Ultimately, it’s important to speak positively during a farewell speech so as to leave a good impression in people’s minds when departing. Inspiring your audience will also help them remember you fondly and feel positive about their time spent together.

As such, wrap up your speech with an example or phrase that gets repeated by people long after they heard it or send out a meaningful message that serves as an uplifting reminder for all who were present.

Now that we have discussed how to inspire an audience through a farewell speech it’s time to focus on what such speeches could be like. In the next section, we will cover examples of farewell speeches so you can get some great ideas on what to include in your own address.

Example of a Farewell Speech

When you’re leaving your current position at work, it’s customary to deliver a farewell speech. These speeches provide a meaningful way to say goodbye and reflect on the successes of your time spent in the role.

Here is an example of an effective farewell speech that can be tailored to your experience and the tenor of your workplace:

“Good morning everyone! I want to thank you all for being here today. As many of you know, today is my last day with [Company Name], and I wanted to take a few moments to say a few words about my experience here.

This company has been a great home for me during the last [insert length of time]. During my time here, I learned countless skills , met fantastic people, and made memories to last a lifetime. Working with all of you has been an incredible honor – you have always demonstrated kindness and strong work ethic. I’m sure the business will continue to grow under the capable leadership of [current leader].

I have enjoyed every minute of my time here and I wish this team tremendous success as they move forward. Remember: no matter what happens in life, don’t forget to find joy in what we do. Thank you so much for your support – now let’s celebrate!”

Farewell speeches are a great opportunity for reflection and sentimentality but it’s important to balance it out with humor or positivity depending on the setting.

On one hand, some people might opt for deeper reflections on their journey and how each person has played a part in their development, while others may choose to keep their speeches lighthearted and upbeat.

Regardless of which option works best for your audience, remember that these farewell speeches provide valuable opportunities to build connections before departing from an organization or team.

At the same time, it’s important not to let the farewell speech drag on too long – keep the message brief yet meaningful. This allows present colleagues to receive appreciation without disrupting daily workflow.

Prefer a longer example? Here’s one from George Washington to the people of the USA .

Crafting Your Own Farewell Speech follows similar guidelines – find the right mix between reflection and positivity in order to create an effective speech that resonates with its audience.

Crafting Your Own Farewell Speech

Crafting your own farewell speech is a task that should not be taken lightly. It requires thought and honest reflection to craft a meaningful and memorable goodbye speech.

Your words should pay tribute to the experience you have had while connecting emotionally with your audience. Crafting your own farewell speech gives you the opportunity to directly address how hard it was to leave and acknowledge the contributions made both by yourself and others in the organization.

When deciding on how to create a memorable farewell speech, there are two paths one can take. On one hand, those looking for guidance might want to find existing templates filled with the right sentiments that they can customize to fit their needs.

Alternatively, those who prefer writing from scratch can develop their own narrative thread, drawing on their own words of wisdom and emotions as they feel them in the moment.

When constructing a self-made speech, it’s important to remember brevity is key. Each word should have intent and purpose; it’s better to be thoughtful than wordy.

Bear in mind that this moment presents an opportunity for closure and for celebration for accomplishments along the journey you embarked upon together.

It’s also worth mentioning any lessons learned or valuable experiences gained during this transition. As daunting as this may sound, it can be immensely rewarding when done well.

Having taken into account both sides of creating a farewell speech, next is brainstorming potential topics that can serve as inspiration for crafting an effective goodbye message.

Brainstorm Topics

Brainstorming topics for a farewell speech allows you to come up with an effective way to express your gratitude and appreciation when saying goodbye. This is important because it helps you maintain dignity, respectfulness and meaningfulness in the words you choose to say.

Before delivering a heartfelt farewell, it’s important to consider what areas are worth mentioning.

You should focus on three main topics when creating a farewell speech: the past, the present, and the future.

When reflecting on “the past ,” you should focus on acknowledging your successes and accomplishments while working there. This helps to reinforce that your contributions did not go unnoticed and were appreciated by those around you.

It helps to inspire and motivate others with the knowledge of your success in the workplace. Consider thanking coworkers for helping you achieve your goals over time; collaborative efforts often go underappreciated and focusing on why their help was beneficial can be a pleasant surprise.

Another important topic to consider is “the present ”; this is where you can express your gratitude and thank everyone who has helped you through this long journey of leaving the company.

Provide sincere thanks to coworkers and colleagues who have been key in making it possible for you to depart gracefully.

Consider being transparent about what you have learned during your years in the organization and how these learnings will propel you forward into new opportunities or ventures.

Finally, mention how much the people in the organization mean to you, as well as how much they will be missed—this will help solidify that relationships were built during your stay at the company and that they won’t easily be forgotten or taken for granted.

Lastly, “the future ” focuses on optimism, hope, and reaffirms resilience—even in times of change. Here, emphasize any newfound strength that was built during this experience, as well as talk about future aspirations or goals with optimism.

Lastly, send off a few encouraging words for those left behind reminding them that great things can still occur despite difficulty or instability occurring at work due to your departure from the team.

With these three topics outlined it’s now time to choose your words carefully with precision so that the final speech resonates all of these concepts entirely; leading into a memorable goodbye for those who will hear it spoken aloud.

Choose Your Words Carefully

When crafting your farewell speech, it is important to choose your words carefully. Each word should invoke not only emotion, but also provide a level of understanding for the audience. It is essential that you communicate your message perfectly and with clarity.

To begin, strive to craft an introduction with strong language that grabs the attention of your listeners. This could range from using metaphors or analogies to compare yourself to a superhero or time traveler depending on the audience’s sense of humor and interests.

Anticipate potential questions from the audience and provide thoughtful answers in advance.

Be sure to include gratitude during your speech even if it’s uncomfortable. Doing so will make you look professional and acknowledge how much you appreciate any help given to you over the years. Showing appreciation will surely leave a lasting impression.

Try to close strong, offering perspectives to the colleagues who remain and looking ahead to new possibilities instead of focusing on sadness or regret. Reassure them that they too can pursue their dreams and opportunities just as you have, conveying optimism in the process.

Furthermore, reflect on your newfound clarity while providing an outlook full of positivity; emphasizing the benefits you may reap going forward regardless of any hardships faced along the way.

Choose your words carefully when preparing for a farewell speech; it will be key in making sure this moment shines.

Consider tips such as designing an introductio n full of strong language, expressing gratitude, and providing an optimistic outlook for those remaining when constructing your own dream goodbye speech.

As a final step before delivering it, practice speaking with emotion and deliver the speech body language that conveys both warmth and sincerity. With these strategies, you can say goodbye with grace and gratitude.

This next section looks at how best to deliver a farewell speech with emotion; from preparing beforehand to finding ways to connect with the audience on an emotional level while delivering it.

Deliver the Speech With Emotion

Delivering a farewell speech with emotion can make or break the impact of the speech. On one hand, some might say that showing too much emotion is not professional and may take away from the gravity of the situation.

For example, if someone gets overly emotional in a workplace setting, it could create an uncomfortable atmosphere. The speaker would need to maintain a certain level of composure to keep the focus of the audience and to remain professional.

On the other hand, delivering a farewell speech without emotion does not give justice to the heartfelt emotions connected to this particular occasion. Heartfelt tales of memories and personal experiences paired with earnest gratitude and respect should be expressed with intensity and feeling.

Audiences tend to connect more deeply with speeches that are delivered with genuine emotion rather than one filled with boring facts and statistics.

It is important to find balance in your delivery style between staying professional while also expressing your feelings fully in order to truly convey the gravity of the occasion.

A blend of stoic delivery and heartfelt emotions will ensure that everyone in attendance can both respect your professionalism while connecting on an emotional level with you as well.

As we have seen, it is important to strike a balance between staying professional while delivering a farewell speech with emotion – finding this balance will help ensure that everyone in attendance appreciates your sincere sentiments and respects your level of composure at the same time.

In the following section, we will discuss how to bid adieu in an effective conclusion to your farewell speech.

Conclusion: Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye can be one of the most emotionally fraught experiences in a person’s life. It is a moment when all of the hard work, dedication, and fond memories come flooding back in a flood of mixed emotions.

Farewell speech examples can provide structure and guidance for those who are preparing their own speeches. There are many different types of farewell speeches, from those that are funny and lighthearted to those that are more reflective and sombre.

No matter which type of speech you decide to write or deliver, always remember to express your utmost gratitude towards the people who have helped you during your time with them. Aim to make your speech memorable by ending it on an emotional high note. Above all else, strive to keep it sincere and meaningful.

It is often said that endings can be bittersweet, however, with proper planning and preparation through reviewal of some farewell speech examples, your own farewell speech can be both graceful and positive.

When the words come from the heart they will often linger with your friends or colleagues long after they are gone. With this in mind, remember to make goodbyes count – not only for yourself but for the people around you as well.

Answers to Common Questions with Detailed Explanations

How should i structure my farewell speech.

Structuring your Farewell Speech is important as it can help to make sure that your thoughts and sentiments are expressed in an organized manner. There are several steps that you can take to ensure that your speech is well-structured: 1. Acknowledge the occasion and thank people for being there – After beginning with a warm welcome, state the reason for gathering and express gratitude to everyone present for attending the function. 2. Take time to share memories – Many farewell speeches are full of nostalgia so use this time to reminisce about moments from the past, stories from shared experiences, fond memories of work or successes achieved together. 3. Show Gratitude – Take some time to express appreciation for colleagues and associates for their support, friendship, and guidance throughout your tenure. Express any sorrow you may have in leaving. 4. Thank & Recognize those who Inspire You – Use this opportunity to thank anyone who has deeply inspired you or been influential in facilitating your success thus far. 5. Conclude with Encouraging Words – Retrospect on what was accomplished and speak positively about what lies ahead both for yourself and other colleagues.

What are some of the key elements of a successful farewell speech?

The key elements of a successful farewell speech are to leave your audience with appreciation and gratitude, reflect on your best memories, thank those who have impacted your journey, highlight accomplishments and share a few wise words or memorable quotes .

Start by thanking everyone in the room for attending and taking the time to celebrate with you. Make sure to express your appreciation and gratitude for the unique experience that this role brought you.

Reflect on some of the best moments you experienced while fulfilling this role, focusing on what you learned and how these experiences shaped and motivated you.

Next, thank those who influenced your journey, like mentors, colleagues and friends. Acknowledge their support and ask them to continue providing advice when needed.

Highlight your successes, as they demonstrate how much work was put into achieving these goals , which should be cause for celebration!

Lastly, offer a few nuggets of wisdom or quotes that resonated with you from this experience – not only will it make people think, but it can also leave a lasting impression.

By following these tips and sharing heartfelt words of appreciation and wisdom, you can create a memorable farewell speech that celebrates your accomplishments while looking towards the future.

What are some tips for delivering a memorable farewell speech?

Delivering a memorable farewell speech is no easy feat, but it can be done with a little practice , creativity, and confidence. Here are a few tips to help you make your speech stand out:

1. Know your audience – Keep in mind who will be listening to your speech and tailor it accordingly. Are they colleagues? Friends? Family? Making sure that your speech resonates with the people you’re addressing is key for delivering a compelling message.

2. Be personable – Letting some of your personality shine through in your speech is key for making it memorable. Personal anecdotes, humor, and quotes are all great ways to do this.

3. Focus on the present – Make sure that you address the present feelings of those in attendance instead of solely dwelling on the past or future. Remind everyone why their current relationship has been special and unique and emphasize what brought everyone together in the first place.

4. Avoid cliché phrases – Goodbye speeches often contain phrases like “it’s been a pleasure” or “I wish you all the best” but these can come across as insincere if overused. Instead, try to come up with thoughtful compliments or memorable expressions that reflect the spirit of your goodbye.

5. Leave on a high note – A memorable goodbye speech should end with a moment of gratitude and optimism; this will stay in everyone’s minds as you leave them for good. Express how glad you have been to work or connect with these specific people and express hope for successful futures for them all (including yourself).

  • Condolences & What To Say

How to Write an Inspiring Farewell Speech: Step-By-Step

Updated 06/7/2022

Published 05/14/2020

Kate Wight, BA in English

Kate Wight, BA in English

Contributing writer

Follow these steps to write an inspiring farewell speech and read a few examples to help you get started.

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There are many times in our lives when we have to say goodbye to the people we care about. We may retire or switch jobs. We may move away or graduate. We may even die. If you’re leaving a place or situation, you may be asked to give a farewell speech.

Jump ahead to these sections:

Step 1: determine your audience, step 2: figure out what you want to say, step 3: make an outline, step 4: be personal, step 5: don’t speak for too long, step 6: practice makes perfect, sample farewell speeches.

This can be nerve-wracking for people who aren’t experienced in writing speeches or speaking in public. You may be tempted to just read a farewell poem and call it a day. But even a novice writer can craft an inspiring farewell speech.

Here, we’ll break down how to write one step-by-step and also provide examples of farewell speeches from several different occasions.  

Giving a farewell speech determine your audience image

Knowing who you’re speaking to will determine the tone of your speech. If you’re giving a retirement speech or saying goodbye to a co-worker, you’ll want to be slightly more formal. It’s definitely not the right place to engage in risqué humor.

If you’re a valedictorian speaking to your classmates, strive for an uplifting and inspirational tone. If you’re eulogizing yourself at a living funeral, you can be more irreverent than you might be eulogizing someone else. Give thought to the appropriate tone for the occasion and go on from there. 

Even professional writers and public speakers can’t just whip up a speech in one draft. Before you start writing, take some time to jot down some ideas.

Are there particular stories you want to share about your time with the people you’re speaking to? Make a note of them. Are there specific anecdotes about coworkers or friends you want to revisit? Write those down, too. Once you’ve narrowed down what you want to say, you’ll find it a lot easier to begin writing.

Once you’ve figured out what you want to say, it’s time to write up an outline. A speech should include the following components:

  • Introduction: This will set the tone for the rest of your speech. A good introduction will grab people’s attention and keep it on you. A good introduction will include a greeting to the audience. It may also contain an icebreaker like a joke to loosen up the crowd. Finally, it will let people know the purpose of the speech.
  • Body: This is the meat of your speech. In the body, you can delve into the stories and anecdotes you wrote down in your brainstorming session. You will likely be talking about a few different events, so make sure to include transitions between events.
  • Conclusion: Finally, you’ll need to wrap up your speech. Most conclusions will summarize things you’ve already covered. For a farewell speech, you may want to end on a poignant note, even if the rest of your speech has been fairly lighthearted. This lends it emotional resonance. 

Giving a farewell speech be personal image

You may want to make your speech feel perfect and polished. The problem with that is that a perfectly polished speech can end up feeling a little generic.

It’s important to infuse your speech with personal and specific stories. This will help your audience feel more connected to what you’re saying. 

Once you’ve completed your speech, it’s time to edit it down. People may start to tune you out if you go on for too long. Even if your introduction is attention-grabbing, it won’t keep people engaged indefinitely. Five minutes is an appropriate length for more casual speeches. For a more formal farewell speech, you could speak for up to ten minutes. This might apply to a valedictorian speech at graduation or a retirement dinner for an important company figure. 

Ultimately, you need to use your best judgment. Read your speech out loud, being sure to speak slowly and clearly enough to be understood. Factor in pauses for laughter during humorous moments. If your speech is too long, then go through and trim out any unnecessary parts. This will ensure your speech is as strong and memorable as possible.

You may think that once your speech is written, you’re all done. But there’s still one more important step. You need to be comfortable delivering your speech. This means practicing it as many times as it takes.

A lot of people will rush through speeches if they feel nervous or uncomfortable in front of a crowd. Practicing it at the correct speed will help ensure you don’t speak too fast on the actual day of a farewell event. It’s almost like muscle memory. As you practice, you can even note spots where you need to breathe or take a sip of water. Being prepared for little things like that can make you feel more confident.

Practicing can also help you memorize your speech. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to go up without cards or notes. Even the most well-prepared person can have a forgetful moment. Without notes, you may panic and go completely blank.

Keep your speech in front of you so you’re able to quickly pick up where you left off. Just don’t rely on your notes too heavily, either. You want to connect with the audience by making eye contact. Practicing and preparing can help you strike the right balance.  

Sample farewell speech for retirement image

Now that we’ve broken down the steps that go into writing a farewell speech, we’ll share some examples. You can see how to say goodbye to coworkers through a touching retirement speech. You can see how people say goodbye when graduating or moving away.

You can even see how someone eulogizes themselves at a living funeral . Read on for excerpts from all of these kinds of farewell speeches:

Example for saying goodbye at work or retirement

“Over the past twenty years, I’ve seen this company grow from five people to over five hundred. But even though the office has changed significantly over the years, some things remain the same. We are truly like a family here. We’re just a much larger family than we used to be. 

But just because I’m retiring, it doesn’t mean I don’t still care about every one of you. A family doesn’t stop being a family just because someone moves away. Anytime you need to talk, I’m just a phone call away.” 

Example for saying farewell at the end of someone’s life

“I’ve attended an unfortunately large number of funerals in the past several years. This is the first time I’ve ever attended my own, though. 

I decided to have a living funeral after burying so many of my other friends who also had terminal illnesses. I thought it was a real shame that they didn’t get to hear their friends and family members celebrate them. Perhaps selfishly, I want to hear all of you talk about how awesome I am.

But more than that, I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate you, too. If you’re here, it’s because I can never fully express how much your support has meant to me while I’ve battled this illness. You’ve all helped me in so many ways. You’ve driven me to treatments. You’ve organized meal trains to feed my family. You’ve cleaned my house. You’ve taken care of my kids. You’ve told me jokes and let me vent. You’ve laughed with me and cried with me. You’ve been there for me in so many ways.

As you all know, we’ve hit a point where treatment isn’t doing anything to help anymore. I’ve gone ahead and discontinued it because it’s making me feel terrible and not actually doing anything. I’d rather go out peacefully and say goodbye on my own terms. And what better way to do that than throw myself a funeral party? So everyone please enjoy some food and music. And don’t forget to come over and tell me how great I am, because I do want to hear it.” 

Example for students or teachers

“Over the past four years, our class has been through a lot together. We’ve had ups and downs, but no matter what, we’ve always come through it closer than ever. Maybe it’s because we’re such a small school. While we might not all be the closest of friends, we don’t have the same cliques you might find at other schools. That might also be because many of us have been in school together since kindergarten. In a lot of ways, we’ve always been like a team. 

Now that we’re all going off to college, many of us will be on our own for the first time. It’s bound to be an enormous challenge for some. But I have faith in every single one of us. We’re graduating from a highly-competitive college prep school. Everything we’ve been through has prepared us for this.

We may be small fish going into a big pond. But we’re some of the smartest and toughest small fish you’re going to find. And ultimately, even if we end up scattered across the country, I know I’ll always be able to count on you. And I hope you know you can always reach out to me, too.”

Example for someone who’s moving away

“Moving away from friends isn’t exactly new for me. With a wife in the military, I end up having to pack up every few years to move. I know you all know what that experience is like. But this is definitely the hardest time I’ve ever had packing up to go.

Y ou don’t always encounter a lot of other civilian husbands living on base. It’s been incredible having a built-in support system with other dads and husbands who understand what this life is like. I’m really going to miss having our families all get together for cookouts on the weekends.”  

Writing an Inspiring and Memorable Farewell Speech: Tips, Tricks, and Examples 

When you’re leaving people behind, it’s hard to know how to say goodbye . You may worry that you won’t be able to properly express what the people in your life have meant to you.

Just follow the steps above and remember to speak from your heart. At the end of the day, that’s what will have the most impact.  

And if you're interested in unique ways to continue someone's legacy after their passing, you can consider a custom urn from a store like Foreverence  or even have a memorial diamond made from ashes with a company like  Eterneva .


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My Speech Class

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How to Write a Farewell Speech – Tips & Samples

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

A farewell speech is one of the best ways to send off a departing co-worker, friend, or family member. It allows you to express gratitude for their contributions and wish them well in their new endeavors.

Additionally, a farewell speech can be a great opportunity to reflect on shared memories and offer wisdom for the future. Let’s see what the best farewell speech looks like based on different situations. I’ll explain everything plus include sample farewell speeches. 

Farewell or Goodbye Speeches

how to write a resignation speech

As you move on to the next phase in your life, it is important to take a second to reflect on special memories and all you’ve accomplished. A farewell speech is a perfect opportunity to do just that.

Whether you are retiring, resigning, or moving to a new company, a farewell speech is a chance to look back on your time at your current job and express your gratitude for the experiences you have had. It is also an opportunity to say goodbye to your colleagues and wish them all the best in their future.

What Is a Farewell Speech?

A farewell speech is a type of speech that is typically given at the end of a person’s tenure in a particular role. It’s often a professional goodbye but with a relaxed tone given at a farewell party or event.

For example, a student might give a farewell speech upon graduating from college, or an employee might give a farewell speech upon retiring from a company. Sometimes, a person might also give a farewell speech when leaving a particular organization or position, even if they aren’t retiring.

A prepared farewell speech usually contains personal memories, thank yous, feelings about the people involved, and a simple goodbye in person.

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Farewell speeches are typically intended to be positive and uplifting and to thank those who have helped the speaker during their time in the role. They may also include words of wisdom or advice for those who remain.

What Should I Say in a Farewell Speech?

When leaving an organization or group, it is customary to give a farewell speech. This speech is a chance to thank the people who have helped you during your time with the organization and to wish them well in the future.

You may also want to share some advice or words of wisdom with the group. When preparing your speech, consider what you would like to say and what message you would like to leave with the group.

It’s also important to be mindful of the tone of your speech. A farewell speech should be positive and uplifting, so avoid dwelling on negative experiences or speaking ill of the organization or group.

Take the time to write your thoughts and practice delivering your speech before the big day. With a little preparation, you can deliver a farewell speech that is both memorable and meaningful.

How Do I Start a Farewell Speech?

When giving a farewell speech, it is common to start by thanking the audience for attending. This helps to set a polite and appreciative tone for the rest of the speech.

It is also common to give a brief overview of the event or occasion that is being farewelled. For example, you might talk about how much fun the party was or how successful the project was.

This helps to create a sense of shared experience and nostalgia. Finally, it is common to finish with a positive message or thought. This could be something as simple as wishing everyone all the best for the future.

By starting with thanking the audience, you can ensure that your farewell speech is polite and engaging.

What Do You Say in a Goodbye Speech for a Colleague?

Finding the right words to say when saying goodbye to a colleague can be difficult. After all, you want to express your appreciation for their contributions while also acknowledging the sadness of their departure. Here are some of my suggestions for what to say in a goodbye speech to a colleague.

What They Contributed

First, take a moment to reflect on the positive impact that your colleague has had on your life and career. What have they taught you? How have they made you a better person? Be sure to express your gratitude for their guidance and mentorship.

Best Wishes

Next, wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Whether they are moving on to another job or retiring, let them know that you believe in their ability to achieve great things.

Finally, offer your support if they ever need anything. Let them know that you’re always there for them, whether it’s a reference for a new job or just someone to talk to.

Saying goodbye to a colleague can be tough, but expressing your appreciation and support can make it a bit easier for both of you.

What Do You Say in a Short Leaving Speech?

It is often said that brevity is the soul of wit. This is certainly true when it comes to giving a leaving speech. Whether you are stepping down from a club presidency or saying farewell to your colleagues at a retirement party,

it is important to keep your remarks brief and to the point. A few key elements should be included in any leaving speech.

First, take a moment to express your gratitude for the opportunity that you have been given. Next, focus on the future and discuss exciting new opportunities. Finally, leave your audience with a positive message, and encourage them to continue working hard in the months and years to come.

How Do You Thank in a Farewell Speech?

One of the most important elements of a farewell speech is thanking the people who have helped you along the way. Whether you are leaving a job, a team, or an institution, it is important to take a moment to express your gratitude.

Thank those who have been directly involved in your journey. This may include mentors, colleagues, or supervisors.

Next, thank the larger community that has supported you. This could include friends, family, or simply those who have taken an interest in your work.

Don’t forget to thank yourself! After all, it is your hard work and dedication that have brought you to this point.

Tips for Delivering a Memorable Farewell Speech at Work

how to write a resignation speech

I’ve written a number of speeches in my life, and these are some of my tips on how to do it right.

Draft an Outline

I’m insistent about outlines in every aspect of my life, from the next book I’m writing to an article and, yes, speeches. When preparing to give a farewell speech, one of the most important things you can do is create an outline. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that your speech flows smoothly.

A good outline will also help you to keep your speech within a reasonable length. If you need help figuring out where to start, there are a few key points you should always include in your farewell speech.

First, thank the audience for their time and attention. Next, introduce yourself and explain why you’re giving the speech. Then, give an overview of the main points you’ll be covering. Finally, conclude with a call to action or a personal message.

Include Relevant Details

Giving a farewell speech can be difficult. You want to say goodbye to your friends and colleagues in a memorable and appropriate way. One of the best ways to do this is to include relevant details in your speech.

For example, you might tell a story about a time when you worked together on a project or helped each other out. This will help to personalize your speech and make it more relatable for your audience.

Including specific details also helps to show that you have been paying attention to the people you are saying goodbye to. It shows that you value their friendship and want to remember the good times you have shared.

Expand on Your Ideas With the Right Tone

Any good speech, whether for a graduation, a retirement, or any other occasion, should have a clear, concise, and cohesive message. It should also be engaging, drawing in the audience and leaving them with a lasting impression.

However, choosing the right tone is one of the most important aspects of giving a speech. The tone of your voice can convey confidence, authority, and sincerity, or it can come across as nervous and uncertain.

If you want to give a farewell speech that will be remembered fondly, it is essential to choose the right tone. A confident and sincere tone will let your audience know that you are sincere in your words and that you believe in what you are saying.

Conversely, a nervous or uncertain tone will make your audience question your message and may leave them feeling uninspired.

Add Humor When Appropriate

As anyone who has ever given a speech knows, it is often difficult to find the right words to say. This is especially true when giving a farewell speech, as you want to strike the right balance between appreciation and levity.

One way to do this is by adding humor when appropriate. A well-placed joke can help to lighten the mood and show your audience that you are comfortable with the situation.

Also, humor can help break the ice, especially if you speak to a group of people who do not know each other well.

Just be sure to keep your jokes tasteful and appropriate for the occasion. With a little humor, you can give a farewell speech that will be remembered for all the right reasons.

Edit Your Speech

When giving a farewell speech, it is important to ensure that your words are well-chosen and carefully edited. This is not a time for spontaneous ramblings or off-the-cuff remarks.

Your farewell speech should be memorable, which means taking the time to edit your words to be powerful and impactful.

There are a few benefits to editing your speech. First, it will help you to choose the right words. You want your words to be meaningful and to capture the essence of what you are trying to say.

Second, editing will help you clarify your thoughts and communicate your message. And finally, editing will help ensure that your speech is free of any grammatical errors.

Ask for a Trusted Colleague’s Opinion

For several reasons, asking for a trusted colleague’s opinion before giving a farewell speech to colleagues can be beneficial. First, it can help to ensure that the speech is memorable and appropriate for the occasion.

It ensures that the speech is well-received by the audience. You can test to see if you’re comfortable with your speech and check that the speech is tailored to the individual’s needs.

Finally, it can help to ensure that the speaker has the opportunity to practice before delivering the speech. Overall, asking for a trusted colleague’s opinion can be a helpful way to prepare for a professional speech of farewell.

Farewell Speech Examples

Use these prompts to create original speeches for your farewell or goodbye. They can be tweaked for funeral speeches, formal farewell speeches, or any other personalized speeches you need.

Example of Farewell Resignation Speech

“Thank you all for being here today. I’m honored to be given the opportunity to say a few words on behalf of everyone.

First, I want to say how much I’ve enjoyed working with everyone over the past year. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you all, and I truly appreciate your support.

As many of you know, I’ve been offered an exciting new opportunity that I’ll be starting next month. While I’m excited about this new chapter in my life, I’m also sad to leave such a great team behind. I assure you that I’ll be available to help with the transition in any way possible.

And, of course, I’ll stay in touch. Thank you all again for everything. I wish you all the best in the future.”

Example of Farewell Speech at Graduation

“As we stand on the threshold of a new phase in our lives, it is natural to feel both excited and apprehensive about what lies ahead. But no matter what the future holds, we will always remember our time together. This school has been our second home, and we will always treasure the fond memories we have made.

As we go our separate ways, let us never forget the lessons we have learned. Let us use them to make the world a better place for all. And let us stay in touch, so we can continue supporting and encouraging each other as we pursue our dreams.

Thank you all for everything. Good luck and best wishes for your future endeavors!”

Example of Farewell Retirement Speeches

“It is with mixed emotions that I stand before you today to deliver my farewell speech. On the one hand, I am sad to be leaving a job I have loved for many years. But on the other hand, I am excited to begin this next chapter in my life.

Retirement allows me to finally pursue some of my long-held dreams and goals. And although I will miss everyone here at the office, I take comfort in knowing we will all remain in touch. I want to thank each and every one of you for your support over the years. It has been truly appreciated.

And although I am looking forward to this next phase of my life, I will always cherish the memories we shared. Thank you.”

Example of Farewell Speech for Colleague Retirement

“On behalf of everyone here at ABC Company, I would like to say a few words to celebrate John Doe’s retirement.

John has been with us for over thirty years, and in that time, he has made an indelible mark on our organization. He has been a mentor to many of us, and his expert advice will be sorely missed.

We are all better for having known John, and we wish him all the best in his retirement. Thank you, John, for everything.”

The Bottom Line

A farewell speech is an important opportunity to express gratitude, offer words of wisdom and a note of memories, and say goodbye to those who have been important in your life. They can hold a humorous tone or lean more towards a simple and respectful tone. 

Farewell speeches can also be a chance to say goodbye to a person or group you may never see again. As such, they offer an opportunity to express sentiments that might otherwise go unsaid.

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How to Write a Retirement Speech – Samples & Ideas

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Write a farewell speech for a colleague

How to easily prepare a great goodbye speech for a co-worker in 7 steps

By:  Susan Dugdale  

Writing a great farewell speech for a colleague leaving can seem like a really difficult task.

Just what do you say in goodbye speech for a co-worker?

How do you find the right words?  And where do you start?

To make it easier, follow and complete each of the steps below.  

The end result will be a farewell speech for your colleague you'll be proud to give. And even better still, it'll be a speech they'll be delighted to receive! ☺    

What's on this page

A start to finish 7 step process for writing a goodbye speech for a co-worker, with printable brainstorm and outline documents to use, and a sample speech.

  • Step One : Brainstorming - collecting your material [with a printable brainstorm template to use]
  • Step Two :  Reviewing your material
  • Step Three : Organizing the body of your speech [with a printable speech outline template ]
  • Step Four : Brainstorming the conclusion [ with a printable brainstorm template ]
  • Step Five : Brainstorming the introduction   [with a printable brainstorm template ]
  • Step Six : Linking the pieces together (with a sample speech: text and audio)
  • Step Seven : Testing and rehearsing

Image: young business man in a suit, carrying a briefcase, going down steps. Text: How to write a great farewell speech for a colleague.

Step One: Brainstorming - collecting material 

The first step is to gather your material for the body, or main part, of your farewell speech. The easiest way I know to do this is to brainstorm.

How to brainstorm to get ideas

Either download and print off a A4 sized blank brainstorm template to use, the one in the image below, or grab a blank sheet of paper of your own.

how to write a resignation speech

Use the four headings below as triggers or prompts to get your ideas flowing.

Put down everything you think of, or associate with your colleague, under each of them. (Just like I've done in the example image above.) Do not stop to get the spelling right. Do not stop to edit. You can do all of that later.

What’s important now is to get down as many content ideas as possible. (If you don’t know something you think is vital to include, make a note to find out later.)

When you can’t think of anything more, move on to the next prompt.

1. Basic Facts – History with Company 

(You need to get these accurate. If you don’t know, or are unsure about anything, ask.)

  • How long has your colleague been employed by the company?
  • What positions or areas have they worked in over that time?
  • What are they leaving to do? Take a new job in another company? Travel? Retire? Go on parental leave? Have they been promoted or transferred to another section or branch of the company? Or is what they’re going to be doing in the future private and they would prefer it not mentioned? Like, for instance, they're going to be dealing with a major health issue and don't want everybody to know about it.

2. Positive qualities or characteristics

What positive qualities or characteristics automatically spring to mind when you think of your colleague?

Note them down, with examples.

For example:

  • Fun loving: organized ‘crazy hat’ and t-shirt Fridays.
  • Genuinely caring and considerate: made a point of always acknowledging what had been done by someone to get a job done, was careful to NOT overload already stretched workers, watched for signs of stress.
  • Honest and respectful: direct and sincere in dealings with others, acknowledged their own part and what had been done by others in the success or otherwise of projects.
  • Collaborative: didn’t need to be a solo hero – could easily involve others and share the spotlight – a team player.
  • Responsible: took ownership of tasks assigned to them, made sure they delivered the very best they could.

3. Work stories: serious and amusing 

Over the time you’ve been working together what stories can you share that best illustrate your colleague’s positive qualities? Are there major projects or milestone developments that could or should be mentioned? What have you jointly achieved? Highlight your shared successes!

For example: 

  • the development of the hugely successful mentoring and ongoing training scheme to nurture junior product developers
  • the push to diversify and develop high value niche products

What about genuinely amusing, or funny, stories you know your colleague will be OK about sharing publicly?

  • the time they thought it was ‘crazy hat’ Friday and arrived at the office in time to meet the trade delegation from China in the foyer wearing an oversize pink furry top hat decorated with bright yellow daffodils bouncing and nodding at the ends of long green springs.

4. Special skills and their impact

What special skills does your colleague have that you admire or are inspired by? Perhaps they have great communication skills. Or maybe they’re a whizz at collecting, organizing and analyzing information for reports.

What impact did those skills have on you? On the business?

  • the ability to pull together useful, easily understood, yet complex, spread sheets quickly

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Step Two: Reviewing your material

Go through all of the ideas you've generated.

As you do, consider the purpose of the speech,  the tone you want,  who is going to be listening (the audience) and then choose what you want to use from each section of your brainstorm.

Remember you have 3 -5 minutes speaking time. You can not include everything! Take the best and strongest of what you have.

(For more about the characteristics of a good farewell speech ) 

Step Three: Organizing the body of your speech

Enter what you have chosen under the right headings in the farewell speech outline template .  This material will form the body of your farewell speech.

See the examples below. All these content ideas have been taken from the initial brainstorm (Step One).

1. Basic facts: history with company

  • [name of colleague eg. Sam] has been with us 5 years.
  • Started as senior product development manager and soon became the new group product development manager.
  • Leaving to go travelling!

2. Positive qualities, with examples

  • Fun loving: organized ‘crazy hat’ and t-shirt Fridays
  • Genuinely caring and considerate: made a point of always acknowledging what had been done by someone to get a job done, was careful to NOT overload already stretched workers, watched for signs of stress
  • Collaborative: didn’t need to be a solo hero, could easily involve others and share the spotlight, a team player

3. Work stories

Successful projects:

Funny work story:

  • the time they thought it was ‘crazy hat’ Friday and arrived at the office in time to meet the trade delegation from China in the foyer wearing an oversized pink top hat decorated with bright yellow daffodils bouncing at the ends of long green springs.

4. Special skills and their impact

  • the ability to communicate effectively with empathy and humor 
  • to motivate through example
  • to quickly collate and transform vast quantities of information into readable, actionable reports which laid the foundation for the success of the projects. I’ve learned a lot from being alongside them.

Step Four: Brainstorm the conclusion

Use the four headings below as a prompt to note a few ideas to use in your ending.

Do this either on a blank sheet of paper of your own or download and print a blank A4 sized speech conclusion and introduction template to use. 

1. What is the impact of your colleague leaving?

What will you miss? What will change?

I know it's selfish, but how on earth are we going to pull together the monthly reports without you? And who is going to delight us with a new silly hat every week? We definitely have a few challenges ahead.

2. Best wishes

Send your colleague off with your best wishes for whatever it is they are going to do next.

  • Despite knowing we’re going to miss you, we’re excited that you’re going to new and challenging opportunity. We can’t think of a better person for the job. You deserve it!

We’re really happy that your dreams have come true: that you’re going to be travelling and exploring the world. Just don’t rub it in too hard and too often with instagrammable moments.

On behalf of us all thank you for everything over your time with us: your encouragement, support, humor, and your leadership.

  • Thanks for being a great team mate, for teaching me your special spread sheet skills, and most importantly, for sharing my love of chocolate. I couldn’t have wished for a sweeter colleague!

4. Final comment

  • Please don't be a stranger. Our door is always open!
  • Please remember that to us you are much more than a colleague. You are a friend, and friends keep in touch.  We look forward to catching up with you sometime soon.
  • Go well, go strong, and go knowing we think the world of you, and wish you all the best. Keep in touch!

Step Five: Brainstorm the introduction

Write the speech introduction.  You’ll want a couple of sentences to welcome everyone and to acknowledge why you’ve got together.

(There is space on the printable conclusion/introduction brainstorm template to do this.)

  • Good afternoon everyone, and thank you for coming.  As we all know, we've gathered to say goodbye to [name] who is leaving us today to take on a new role as [insert name of role e.g. Director of Product Management] for [insert name of company or organization e.g. The Q-R Group]
  • Who else has been marking off the days until [name of person] leaves us? From next Monday there’ll be a gap in our team. They’ll be [what ever it is they’re going to do e.g. basking in the sun on a beach in Bali] and we’ll be wondering just how we’re going to manage without them!
  • Thanks for coming along to help farewell [name of person]. It’s great to see so many of you here. I hope you’ve brought your tissues to mop up the tears!

Step Six: Linking the pieces together

In this step you're going to link the pieces together to make a complete speech.

You'll see in my example speech I've used most of the notes from the outline, and I've added words where needed to tie it altogether.

Here is the full text of the farewell speech for Sam: your much respected and liked colleague. ☺

It is 516 words long which will take approximately 3-4 minutes to say. (See how many words per minute in a speech for more information.)

Sample farewell speech for a colleague leaving

"Who else has been marking off the days until Sam finally leaves us? It’s sad but from next Monday there’ll be a huge hole in our team. She’ll be basking in the sun on a beach in Bali and we’ll be wondering how we’re going to manage without her.

Sam’s been with us for five years now. She began as a senior product development manager and it didn’t seem that long before she was promoted to new group product development manager, a position she’s held for last three years.

And now she’s got her passport updated, bought flight tickets, and she’s off travelling.

I know I speak on behalf of all of us when I say how much we’ve enjoyed working alongside you Sam. We’ve love and admire the initiatives you put in place. They tick all the boxes: increased diversification, sustainability, productivity and workplace satisfaction.

Crazy Hat Friday reminds us to not take ourselves too seriously and to laugh! Something we all need to do.

The development of the recently implemented very successful mentoring and ongoing training scheme to nurture junior product developers will help ensure we continue to grow. While the push to diversify and develop high value niche products has already proven itself lucrative. You were right! There was a need.

In our opinion, what made these initiatives even better was how you put them in place. You make it easy for people to cooperate and collaborate with each other. We admire and respect how easily you share the spotlight, how you made a point of always acknowledging what someone had done in order to get a project over the line, and especially how careful you were to NOT overload already stretched workers, and to watch for signs of stress.

You’re a true team player and leader – a person who understands how to draw the best from the people they work with.

So yes, we’re going to miss you."

Image: hot-pink top hat with daffodils. Text: We’ll remember the time you met the trade delegation from China wearing a hot-pink top hat decorated with daffodils.

"To help get over your absence we’ll cheer ourselves up by remembering the time you thought it was ‘crazy hat’ Friday and arrived at the office in time to meet the trade delegation from China in the foyer wearing an oversized lolly-pink top hat decorated with bright yellow daffodils bouncing at the ends of long green springs.

It was the best, and has made us smile ever since!

Joking aside, next Monday, the reality will hit home.

Go well, go strong, and go knowing we think the world of you, and wish you all the best. Keep in touch!"

Step seven: testing and rehearsing

Image: girl with angel wings flying. Text: How to rehearse a speech properly and do so much more than wing it.

To be absolutely sure you've got the tone and timing right, that you've included everything you should  and haven’t put in anything that would be best left out, read your speech to a couple of trusted colleagues. Be guided by their comments, and alter your speech if needed.

Once you're satisfied that you've done the best you can please rehearse. Practice is what makes the difference! Getting the words sorted is an important step. However rehearsing can take your speech from ordinary to extraordinary!

For more go to: how to rehearse a speech .

Farewell speech for a colleague printables

 Click the links below to access the three google word documents. (Please note, the links will open in a new window.

  • Brainstorm template for the body of the speech
  • Brainstorm template for the speech conclusion and introduction
  • Farewell speech for a colleague sample outline

To make a copy, share, email, download or print the document, click open the drop down 'file' menu as shown in the screenshot below. Then click on the option you want.

Image: screen shot of google doc. Text: instructions on how to copy, share, email, download or print the doc.

Another option for getting a farewell speech done

If you've run out of time to write the speech yourself, or you're finding it too tricky to manage, there's another option you may like to consider.

Image: woman sitting at a writing table - circa 19Th century. Text: Speech writer - a ghost writer who prepares words for someone else to speak.

That is getting me to do it for you. I offer a custom speech writing service and have written numerous farewell speeches for clients over the years. You can find out more about that here: speech writer for hire .

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how to write a resignation speech

The Throughline Blog

Practical Media Training and Public Speaking Tips

How To Give A Memorable Farewell Speech

It’s your last day on the job. Your colleagues have gathered in a conference room, gotten you a few nice going away gifts, and purchased a cake in your honor.

Suddenly, your co-workers begin chanting: Speech! Speech! Speech! 

Your adrenaline surges, your heart begins pounding. Oh no! A goodbye speech! If you’re like most people, you’ll mutter something like this:

“Okay, well, I wasn’t expecting to say anything, but, well, I guess what I’d like to say is that it’s been an amazing eight years here. You’re all an amazing team, you’re like a second family, and we’ve really been through some ups and downs together … okay, a lot of downs together. But I will really miss you, although this isn’t really goodbye, because I’m going to stay in touch with all of you…whether you like it or not!”

101 Ways to Open a Speech Copy Tease Clickable

I’ve been guilty of giving that bland farewell speech as well. In 1999, for example, when I left ABC News’ Nightline, at the time one of the most prominent evening news programs, the staff gathered in a conference room to send me off. Ted Koppel, the host of the program was there, as were the executive producer, all of the senior producers, on-air correspondents, and others. Frankly, I was overwhelmed that so many important people thought enough of me to have gathered in my honor. I made it through a few sentences, got emotional, and abruptly ended my farewell speech.

Tips for Your Best Farewell Speech

There’s no specific formula for how to give a great goodbye speech to colleagues at work, but here are some tips on how to deliver your best farewell speech.

Tell a story or two. Stick to anecdotes that are humorous and self-effacing, as well as heartfelt. Don’t be afraid to offer some details of your personal biography – particularly an episode that captures a universal human experience or condition. Reveal gratitude or offer thanks. Share with your colleagues how they helped you to do your job better, allowed you to grow as a person, and/or helped you to understand something about yourself. Keep it short and sweet. Strip your stories and remarks to their most essential details. It will help you to pack a lot of content – and offer a meaningful message – in  a short amount of time. Make it original. When you focus on personal anecdotes and revelations, you deliver a farewell speech that is unique to you and far from trite.

Example Goodbye Speech to Colleagues

As I look back at my farewell speech to my colleagues, I wish I could do it over again. If I could, my goodbye speech would have looked more like this:

“Most people are nervous to meet Ted Koppel. I know I was. When I finally worked up the nerve to say hello, I confidently stuck out my hand and introduced myself. I then promptly took a step forward and caught my foot on an open file cabinet drawer, which sent me plummeting to the ground. (pause) It took me a good two weeks to get past that humiliation. When I did, I quickly learned that this was a place that offered endless opportunities to a young staffer, far more than I had earned. You were open to my story ideas, welcomed me into edit rooms, sent me on video shoots, and gave me the opportunity to make some very public mistakes. People know Nightline is a great show, but they probably don’t know how great its staff is at making a young, aspiring journalist feel like a fully initiated part of the team. My mother tells me that my grandfather never missed a Nightline . He died in 1982, when I was nine years old and when Nightline was only two. To this day, every night when I hear that opening theme music, I think of him, and how proud he would have been to know that his grandson worked here, with all of you. Thank you.”

Celebrating a colleague's birthday in the office

As you can see, this version is humorous, heartfelt and reveals a bit about who I am . How I start this farewell speech is with a funny story and then I move to a serious point – a thank you for not making an inexperienced staffer feel so inexperienced. I keep the remarks purposefully short but pack a lot of content into the 90 seconds it takes to deliver. And, it’s entirely original. No one else could deliver these remarks, because no one else has had all of these specific experiences.

Get Help Planning Your Goodbye Speech

When giving a goodbye speech to your colleagues at work, it’s important to keep it personal and professional. In our custom public speaking workshops , we delve deeper into these public speaking tips and techniques, as well as others, to deliver effective and memorable presentations and speeches that are both.

Forearmed is forewarned, as they say. Your colleagues’ call to deliver a farewell speech may be impromptu, but that doesn’t mean you should feel unprepared.

The next time you leave a job, challenge yourself. Deliver a goodbye speech that will be remembered long after you finish your slice of goodbye cake.

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Comments (13)

When I left the newsroom where I’d worked for six years, the people in my department threw a party for me. It’s one of my deepest regrets that I didn’t speak in any sort of official way! I was too emotional and didn’t feel I could say anything without breaking down. I won’t ever make that mistake again. Thanks for providing such a great template!!

Lovely piece & some great advice, thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much, Heather! I have fond memories of my days with Nightline, and hope that came through in the piece. Thanks for commenting, Brad

Thank you for sharing this. In a few weeks, I will be leaving a firm where I’ve spent the past 15 years. This provides the framework to prepare my thoughts for both an email farewell message as well as a “speech” to co-workers on my last day.

Patrick, I’m delighted to hear that this post was useful to you. Congratulations on your 15 years of service to your firm, and best wishes in your future endeavors. Best, Brad

I made the same mistake as Daphine. I think about it often. I widh i would have read this back then.

Great advice, wish I’d read it before I left my first job. I was much loved and so popular that the whole building arranged a surprise party for me. My boss presented me with a cake and flowers and a gift and said such lovely things about me that, when everyone called for a speech, I became so nervous and panicked and punched my boss to the ground. Never will I be caught out like that again!

When I left my post as a director and scriptwriter of a daily radio show I knew I could not deliver a speech, so I did not. I wrote it down and send it to each work mate, and to my bosses. I made it in the same wording an extension of one of our editorial pieces, and the top brass decided to air it the day next to my departure. I was overwhelmed. Many thanks for sharing your moments.

Your speech was nice only that am still a student preparing a send-off speech as an assignment.

Thank you so much your speech is very impressive I have leant a lot in it, I am leaving my current position sooner.. by Fikile Mkhanyiswa

Well written one

Thanks for sharing your valuable compose regarding good-bye Speech on last day of job. This will help me a lot to prepare my speech which would deliver few months later. Thanks again Mr. Phillips….

Thank you very much for such an insightful template; Im only left with one month at work, so I have been nevous for what to say during farewell day; but now I know how I will construct the speech

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How to Write a Farewell Speech to Cherish Memories

What is a farewell speech.

A farewell speech (or a goodbye speech) is usually made to say final words to commemorate the process of leaving the company. This type of speech is emotional, especially if the deliverer was engaged with the company for many years. The most common occasions to deliver a farewell speech are:

  • when you change a job
  • when you graduate from university
  • when you retire
  • when your colleague/boss leaves or retires

As you can see, speeches may be delivered both by the person who resigns and his or her colleagues. To give a good speech, you will need to write it and then practice to make it shine. If you have no regular practice in delivering speeches, you need to consider that it will take time to prepare for the event.

The following guide will tell you general tips on how to write a farewell speech for a pageant, job change, retirement, and more.

how to write a farewell speech

Steps on How to Write a Farewell Speech

1. Assess your audience. How many listeners know you personally? How many people have worked with you personally? If you are going to speak before a significant number of listeners, you will need to be more emotional and humorous. In case it will be your department with close colleagues, then you can make your speech more informal. Also, you need to ask yourself, “What would interest the audience?” 2. Evaluate the place and time. Find out where you will be delivering the speech. The central hall of the business center, restaurant, or meeting room – everything makes a difference. Does the place recall some memories from the past? You can incorporate it in your speech. 3. Write a speech. Now, once you are familiar with the audience, time, and place, the next step is to make a skeleton of your speech. Like any speech, it should follow the basic structure: opening, body, and closing words.

– Opening. Usually, farewell speeches are quite gloomy. Try to incorporate some humor or professional jokes to tune the audience into a more cheerful mood. You can share a humorous story about a specific event or share a story about an adventure. You can start your speech as you wish, but make sure that you will engage your audience and lift the spirits from the first words. – Body paragraph. Here you can talk about your career history, reminisce about most interesting and challenging stories connected to your work, talk about people who supported and inspired you, list the opportunities and skills you gained during the years in the company, etc. Share your feelings and exciting moments to remember. – Closing. In the end, speak about the future, not the past. Share your thoughts about your personal future and opportunities. You can briefly mention where you are going and present people that will take your place. End your speech with hopes and best wishes to the company and its employees.

4. Edit and polish the text. Make sure that every word counts in the speech. Try to read it out loud and evaluate the content. It may seem that some moments can be cut or rewritten in a briefer manner. Also, you can time your speech to make sure that it’s not too long. Attract your family or friends to read and listen to your speech and ask for remarks.

How to Write a Farewell Speech: Example With Comments

Wish to get some inspiration for a farewell speech? Read out our farewell speech sample to find out more about the structure and use the ideas in your own speech. When you have no idea where to start, read the following example, and everything will fall into place.

Click on the images to enlarge them.

how to write a good farewell speech

Tips on How to Write a Good Farewell Speech

  • Don’t try to include everything you want to say in your speech. Pick only the stories and information that will be memorable, and don’t make your audience fall asleep.
  • Avoid being negative. Unless you don’t care about your reputation anymore.
  • Add humor. Share some good memories to cheer up your audience.
  • Always stick to the timing. No matter how much you want to say, there is no need to bore your audience and make them look at their watches.
  • Don’t tell the audience that you are making a mistake leaving the post. The decision is taken, so keep your head held high.
  • Mention people that have helped you a lot during your years in the company. It will help you leave a good impression and keep relationships.
  • If you know who will take your post after you leave, think about presenting this person at the speech.
  • Avoid embarrassing stories about your co-workers or bosses, unless you are sure they will appreciate them.
  • Be sincere and cheerful. Inspire your audience with positive stories and challenges.
  • Include a quote at the beginning or end of the speech to make it more memorable to the audience.
  • Show your appreciation to the company and colleagues. Don’t forget to wish them good luck.
  • Don’t be shy if you get too emotional. But try not to get hysterical and ruin the speech.

Questions to Ask Before Writing a Farewell Speech

It may happen that you are too sad or frustrated because of the occasion. You can ask yourself some questions about your company, team members, industry, partners, etc.

Some of these questions may help you develop the farewell speech and find inspiration. If you still can’t start your speech, you can browse Google and find more examples and recommendations for the farewell speech.

Phrases to Use in Your Farewell Speech

Here are some phrases for a farewell speech that may help you generate ideas and get over writer’s block. All of them may be equally used at any part of your farewell speech.

– How lucky I am to have known… – Let me take this opportunity to express the deep gratitude… – The moment I… – Working in this company/office was… – I will miss… – Good times and bad times… – I will keep in touch… – I was deeply touched… – I am grateful for… – It’s time to move on… – The funniest moment… – I have learned… – You have made my experience… – I have enjoyed my time… – I have had a significant time working… – Having the privilege of working with… – The most difficult part of leaving… – Our teamwork was… – No matter how small and unimportant… – If I was asked to describe a perfect workplace/team… – Thank you for the support/ experience/ goodwill/ encouragement… – Thank for all those times… – I wish you the best of luck… – It has been a pleasure working with… – I didn’t think saying goodbye would be so hard… – I hope that the new…

And remember, the main aim of your farewell speech is to leave a touching impression about your leave. Take time to write, revise, and practice your speech to make it flawless.

If you want to send an email or letter to your colleagues and partners about your resignation, we recommend you to look through the guide on how to write a resignation letter .

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How to Write a Resignation Letter (With Examples)

how to write a resignation speech

What Is a Resignation Letter?

When to give the letter to your employer, what to include in a resignation letter, what not to include in your letter, how to write a resignation letter, how to format a resignation letter, resignation letter template, resignation letter samples, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Are you ready to resign from your job? If so, you should write a resignation letter to formalize the details of your departure. But what is a resignation letter, and why should you write one? What should you include, and when do you need to provide notice to a soon-to-be former employer?

Here's information on writing a resignation letter or email message, along with samples and templates you can use to write your own.

Key Takeaways

  • A resignation letter is a formal document notifying an employer that you are leaving your job.
  • A resignation letter includes notice that you’re resigning, your end date of employment, and your contact information. You can include additional details, but they are not required.
  • Resignation letters can be submitted in print or sent by email. In some cases, you may want to share a printed letter with a manager in person.

A resignation letter is a document that notifies your employer that you are leaving your job. It formalizes your departure from your current job and can be submitted by email or as a printed letter.

The letter serves as written notice of your resignation and provides the details of your departure from the company, including information about the end date of your employment.

It's polite to send your resignation letter well in advance of your departure, with  two weeks in advance  being generally accepted as the minimum unless circumstances require you to resign without advance notice or with short notice.

In some cases, you may not be able to provide notice. If you’re working in a difficult workplace, have a family emergency, or other circumstances require you to move on right away, give your employer as much notice as is feasible given the situation. When you are considered an at-will employee , you are not legally required to give notice.

If you have an employment contract , it’s important to adhere to its terms when you’re resigning. Check your contract to determine how much notice you need to give your employer.

If you tell your boss in person that you're resigning, have a printed copy of your resignation letter ready to share. When you work remotely or resign with short notice, however, you can send your resignation via email.

When you resign from your job, it's important to do so gracefully and professionally. However, you don't need to include a lengthy explanation. Keep your letter or email simple and focused on the facts.

Here's an overview of what to include in your letter:

  • Intent to resign:  Your letter should start with the fact that you're resigning.
  • Last day of employment:  You should provide information about the last day you plan to work at the company.
  • An offer to assist with the transition:  Often, employees will also offer to help in the transition, perhaps by recruiting or training a replacement. In this way, both the employee and the employer can leave the situation with closure and a sense of respect and amicability.
  • Questions you may have:  If you have questions about your final pay or benefits, you can inquire in your letter or email.
  • Contact information:  Include your personal contact information so it's easy for the company to get in touch with you.
  • Signature:  A hard-copy letter should include your written signature above your typed name. If you're sending an email, simply type your name.

To achieve a positive and graceful exit, a letter of resignation will often thank the employer for the opportunities provided and mention experiences gained at the company or how the employee enjoyed their time there.

There are some things you shouldn't include when writing a resignation letter:

  • You don’t need to include the reason that you’re moving on, especially if it’s a negative one.
  • Resignation letters are not an appropriate place for complaints or critiques of the company, manager, or co-workers.
  • There’s no need to mention in your letter that you'll be getting a higher salary at your new job (if you are). If you’re looking for a counteroffer to induce you to stay, that conversation is better held in person.
  • Don’t use your letter to discuss how great the new job is or how thrilled you are about leaving.

Keep it simple, stick to the facts, and don't complain. It's important to leave on a positive note because you may need a  reference from the employer . There's no point in burning bridges when you've already decided to move on.

A resignation letter needs to include your contact information, official notice that you’re resigning, and when your final day of work will be. If you’d like to include more details you can, but they are not required.

Here’s how to write a resignation letter, with information on what to include in each section of the letter:

Contact information:  A written letter should include your and the employer's contact information (name, title, company name, address, phone number, email), followed by the date. In an email resignation letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature. You don’t need to include the company’s contact information.

Greeting:  Address the resignation letter to your manager, using their formal title ("Dear Mr./Ms./Dr.").

Paragraph 1:  Note that you are resigning from your job and state the date on which your resignation will be effective. This will give the employer official notice for your personnel file.

Paragraph 2: (Optional)  You can mention the reason you're leaving, but this is not required. If you choose to give a reason, be sure it’s a positive one, such as starting a new job, leaving the workplace, or going back to school.

Paragraph 3: (Optional)  If you’re able to help with the transition, mention your availability in your letter.

Paragraph 4: (Optional)  Mention your appreciation for the opportunity you had to work for the company. If there was something especially rewarding, share the details.

Closing:  Use a formal sign-off, such as "Sincerely" or "Yours sincerely."

Signature:  End with your handwritten signature followed by your typed name. For an email, include your typed name followed by your contact information.

Resignation letters should be simple, short, and written in business format using a traditional font.

Length of the letter:  Most resignation letters are no more than one typed page.

Font and size:  Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points.

Format:  A resignation letter should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use one-inch margins and align your text to the left (the alignment for most business documents).

You can download the resignation letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word) to use as a starting point for your own letter.

Review examples of a printed and an email resignation letter.

Printed Resignation Letter Sample

Joseph Q. Hunter 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-212-1234 josephq@email.com

August 8, 2023

Jane Smith Senior Manager Johnson's Furniture Store 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Smith,

I would like to notify you that I am resigning from my position as assistant manager for Johnson's Furniture Store effective August 22, 2023. 

Thank you very much for the opportunity you’ve given me to learn all about store management and proper customer service. I have genuinely enjoyed my time with the company, and I believe the experience has taught me much about the furniture industry and how to effectively manage employees.

Next month, I will be taking on a position as a manager of a new retail store. In the meantime, I will be happy to assist with your transition to a new assistant manager.

Signature  (hard copy letter)

Joseph Hunter

Email Resignation Letter Example

Subject:  Killian Zhu – Resignation

Dear Ms. Tanner,

Please accept this letter as my resignation from McTavish & Co. My final day at the company will be this Friday, August 7, 2023.

I apologize for the short notice. I've enjoyed working on the customer service team and have learned much during my tenure with the company.

Please let me know what I can do in the next few days to help with the transition.

Killian Zhu Killian.zhu@email.com 512-123-1234

How much notice is required when you resign from a job?

Two weeks is considered the standard amount of notice to give an employer when you resign from a job. When an employee is covered by an employment contract, however, they are expected to adhere to the contract terms, which may require a longer notice period. In some cases, an employee may need to quit with less or no notice.

Do you have to write a resignation letter when you’re leaving a job?

Company policy or employment contracts may require resignation letters, but most employers don’t require formal notification when an employee resigns. When a resignation letter isn’t required, it can still make sense to write one to create an official record of your end date of employment. Check with your company's human resources department if you're unsure.

SHRM. " Can Employers Require Workers to Give Notice Before They Quit? "

NCSL. " At-Will Employment - Overview ."

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Farewell Speech Example to a Colleague Who is Leaving

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“Today is a very sad day for us in the office as we have to say goodbye to our wonderful coworker. He/she has worked with us for a long time and has never let us down. He/she has always been extremely professional, hard-working and a team player. He/she has a brilliant mind and always brought creative new ideas to the team.

He/she has not only been a fantastic colleague, he/she has also been a true friend. He/she always took the time to ask how his/her fellow colleagues were, always had time to listen and talk to anybody with a problem and was great fun in the office. He/she was always full of energy and happy to see everyone on Monday mornings.

He/she is a great loss to our company but we were lucky to have the opportunity to work with him/her. We all wish you the very best in the future. I know that whatever the future holds, he/she will excel and continue to be successful.

We will miss you but this isn’t goodbye as we know you will keep in touch and we will see you sooner rather than later. Thank you for everything you have given to the company.”

If you want to make this speech more effective, you could include a funny or memorable story or a time your colleague excelled at work. I would also use their name whenever you can so it is more personal.

I hope this helps.

Farewell Speech Example to a Colleague Who is Leaving

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101 Great Sample Farewell Message to Boss Who Is Leaving

If you have a boss who is leaving and you want to know what to say, here are some great sample farewell messages. These heartfelt goodbye messages can be used in a note or an email.

Boss Is Leaving Boss Is Retiring Funny Farewell Note to Boss Female Boss Is Leaving

Boss Is Leaving

#1 Although I am sad to have to say goodbye, I’m excited about your future opportunities. I have learned so much from you, and you have been an integral part of my professional development. Thank you for everything.

#2 A boss like you doesn’t come around every day. Your ability to make every team member feel valued is an irreplaceable quality. You will be missed.

#3 I wouldn’t be as successful as I am today without your mentorship. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have learned from you. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

#4 You have been a driving force in this company’s success. Truly, you are one-of-a-kind. Even though it’s tough to say goodbye, I know you need to move on. I wish you the very best, and good luck.

#5 Not every boss takes an interest in their employees’ growth and development. But you were one of them. It’s hard to see you go, but I wish you all the best.

#6 You were one of the pillars that held this company up. I’m fortunate to have been able to work under you, and I wish you all the very best in the future.

#7 Thank you for your guidance and support over the years. The knowledge you’ve passed onto me has been so important in my career development. So, let me raise my glass and toast to you. Best of luck in your future endeavors, and cheers!

#8 You have been a mentor to so many of us here, and it’s truly appreciated. It will not be the same around here without you. I wish we could continue to work together, but I know there are more goals for you to accomplish. I wish you all the best on the road ahead.

#9 It’s rare to have the privilege to work under someone so talented and yet, so humble. It’s been an honor to be part of your team, and I thank you for taking me under your wing. I hope to hear about your future endeavors and that we keep in touch.

#10 Life is full of changes, and I wish you the greatest success in this new phase of your career. I sincerely hope our paths cross in the future. I truly thank you for everything you have taught me and for being an inspiration to me. Those are gifts I will have for the rest of my life.

#11 Bosses just aren’t built like you anymore. I know it will be a challenge to find someone with your combination of leadership and patience to replace you, if it’s even possible. Clearly, I don’t want to say goodbye, but I am confident that your new challenges ahead are going to be fantastic for your career. I wish you the best.

#12 To say you are irreplaceable is an understatement. Your leadership has been so important to my professional development. I know you have further goals to achieve, and I wish you the best of luck. Please just know that you will be very missed.

#13 There comes a point in everyone’s career where you must choose between comfort and growth. Although it saddens me to say goodbye, I’m excited for your road ahead. Best of luck!

#14 Although I’m happy about your new challenges ahead, your absence will certainly be felt. Your leadership and guidance have been invaluable. I wish you the very best in your future.

#15 Your attitude and leadership have made this an incredible place to work. It’s been a pleasure learning and growing under your watch. I can only see more success for you in the future. Best of luck.

#16 You’ve created such a positive place to work here that it’s hard to say goodbye. I hope you have the best of luck in the future, and please do keep in touch.

#17 If I have learned anything from your leadership, it’s to never stop challenging myself. I’m sad to see you leave, but I’m happy about your future opportunities. I wish you the best of luck.

#18 My career wouldn’t be where it is now without your guidance, and I’m grateful I had the opportunity to work with you. I wish you all the luck in the future ahead.

#19 Let me be the first one to congratulate you on your next adventure. Not everyone is lucky to have a boss as great as you. This is a hard goodbye, but I wish you the best of luck in your future.

#20 It saddens me that you are leaving, but I am happy that you are beginning an exciting new chapter of your life. Working for you has been a privilege, and I will never forget you. Very best of luck to you.

#21 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from your experience. Your guidance has been invaluable to me. I’m thrilled about the next step in your professional journey, and I hope to keep in touch.

#22 During the time I have worked for you, I have admired your leadership and been thankful for everything you have taught me. The time you have invested in me has made me better at what I do, and I am eternally grateful. You will be missed and impossible to replace.

#23 There have been many challenges, and I wouldn’t have gotten through them without your guidance. I am trying not to focus on the loss I am feeling because you are leaving, but rather the gift you are going to be for the others you’ll influence with your knowledge. Best of luck.

Boss Is Retiring

#1 Nobody has earned the right to relax and retire more than you. I hope your toughest decision will be what tee time you want to schedule. You have given us so much, and now it’s your turn to take some time for yourself. Happy retirement!

#2 There comes a point in everyone’s career where they have to call it quits. Throughout your career, you have inspired many people to be the best they can be. It’s your turn to relax now. Enjoy the retired life.

#3 Take a moment to look back at all you’ve accomplished over the years. Your career is a testament to hard work and dedication. I know you will find the same level of success in your retired life. Congratulations on your retirement.

#4 I am sad to lose a mentor, but happy for you to be able to move onto your next chapter. Retirement is a time to do everything you wanted to do in life. I wish you the very best and hope you have a long and enjoyable retirement.

#5 The end of your professional life is the beginning of your retired life. It might take some time to get used to, but I can’t think of anyone who warrants a life of leisure more than you. Sit back and enjoy it.

#6 There are many stages of life, and retirement is one of the biggest. Looking back at your career, you should be happy with a job well done. We’re all going to miss you, but we know you are entitled to have the free time to do what you want to do. Congratulations on retiring.

#7 Nobody has put more time and energy into this company than you have. Retirement is the reward for an incredibly successful career, and I can’t think of anyone more deserving than you. I hope your retirement is everything you hope it can be and more. Congratulations on your retirement.

#8 The impact you’ve had on the people who worked under you is immense. I know that whatever goals you set for yourself in retirement will be met and surpassed. Just know that you are irreplaceable. Enjoy your newfound retirement.

#9 Today is the culmination of all your successes and accomplishments over the years. You should be proud of all that you’ve done throughout your career. Now is the time you get to enjoy the results of all your hard work. Congratulations on your retirement.

#10 We are all going to miss your presence and guidance in the office. Even though you are retiring today, you will have a lasting effect here for the years to come. We wish you a long and healthy retirement.

#11 Not every boss can earn the respect of their employees quite like you did. You should feel proud of the legacy you’re leaving behind. It’s time to look forward to the future and enjoy retired life.

#12 Although you are leaving us, you can never truly be replaced. I wish you could be my boss forever, but I know you are onto bigger and better things. Good luck in all your future endeavors, and congratulations on retiring.

#13 You’ve finally made it to the end of your career. Take a moment to look back and reflect on all your accomplishments and the people you’ve helped. Now it’s time for you to explore new challenges. Relax and enjoy retirement.

#14 Your work ethic was only surpassed by your leadership. Your very presence inspired others to be the best version of themselves. I wish you the same success in the future as well as a long and happy retirement.

#15 You’ve conquered every obstacle this job has thrown at you. Now it’s time for a new challenge. Retirement will throw new hurdles at you, but I’m confident you’ll overcome those too. I hope you have a fantastic retirement.

#16 If I had to choose one person who deserves to kick back and retire, it is certainly you. You have given so much of your time and energy to making this company successful. You are going to be impossible to replace. I wish you the best retirement ever.

#17 This is your time. Looking back on all your success and accomplishments, you can certainly be proud of an incredible career. Next up will be deciding how to spend your newfound free time. Let me know if you need any tips for your bucket list, and congratulations on your retirement.

#18 Your leadership is an integral part of how I got to where I am in my career. I appreciate your guidance over the years. Although it’s hard to say goodbye, I know I’ll see you soon. Congratulations on your retirement!

#19 You’re not someone who likes to sit still. You may be retiring from work, but I know you already have a list of projects to complete. I hope you are fulfilled and enjoy this new season in your life. No one deserves it more than you. Congratulations on your retirement.

#20 If I had to choose one person who deserves to kick back and retire, it is certainly you. You have given so much of your time and energy to making this company successful. You are going to be impossible to replace. We will do our best to try to fill your shoes, and I wish you the best retirement possible.

#21 I am thrilled about what is ahead for you. This is your time. Looking back on all your success and accomplishments, you can certainly be proud of the incredible career you’ve had. Next up will be deciding how to spend your newfound free time. Congratulations on your retirement.

#22 It will not be the same here without you, but it’s time for you to start another chapter. You’ve worked so hard for so long, and now you get to focus on enjoying life. Happy retirement to you!

#23 It’s time for you to stop thinking about deadlines and start thinking about tee times. Although I will miss seeing you around the office, I can’t wait to meet you on the golf course. Congratulations on your retirement.

#24 I don’t want to have to say goodbye, but I know I can’t prevent you from retiring. Your leadership and values will not be forgotten. I sincerely wish you all the best in your retirement.

Funny Farewell Note to Boss

#1 Since you are leaving us, does it mean that I’m in charge now? That’s okay, you don’t have to answer right now. It can be a surprise. Seriously though, I do wish you the best in your future job, and I wish that you find employees as good as me.

#2 Hey, don’t forget to close the door when you leave. It’s freezing outside. Just kidding! I hope you really go to a warm new place and are comfortable with a fantastic new group of employees. They’re lucky! Also, I will never forget the raise that you are about to give me before you leave. (Right?)

#3 I am sorry to see you go, boss! I will always remember you as a hero, especially when you’d come to work with that Batman T-Shirt. Hold on, maybe that was just a dream I had. Anyway, may you have enormous success and happiness in all you do. And may you always have a job for me, in case I get fired.

#4 The least stressful days were the days when you were my boss. It’s hard to see you go because now I can’t be late to work anymore. Anyway, I do hope that you always stay true to yourself, no matter where you are and what you do. Lots of success!

#5 One day, you will have time to reflect on what you left behind. Probably you’ll see an office in a big mess, but what I’m trying to say is that you will miss us. Of course, not more than we’ll miss you, boss. Good luck and enjoy your retirement!

#6 Sometimes, I wonder: will you ever find another employee as good as me? Or will I ever have a boss better than you? I’m not so sure about the first one. Jokes aside, I wish you all the best, and may you be fortunate and prosper in all that you do!

#7 As far as I know, you weren’t all that bad. There were some good things about you. For example, your parking spot is the best in the whole company. Now, all joking aside, I don’t want to sound like a suck-up, but I will miss you, boss! Thank you for everything. (And now I can finally park in the best spot.)

#8 All these years of working for you, and I still can’t remember your last name. This is probably because you are so friendly we only call you by your first name. Let’s take a moment and celebrate what you gave us: freedom and a raise (which will be coming today before you leave for the last time). I wish you the best, boss!

#9 Resigning might be good for you, but it literally broke me. Working for you was one of the best things that were happening in my life. This, and winning the lottery, but the first one is way better. Farewell, boss! I hope we keep in touch and maybe have a drink sometime in the future.

#10 Remember when you covered for me because I was late that one time? On that day, I met the girl that later became my wife and the mother of our children. Nothing would have happened if you weren’t that generous. Okay, that’s not quite true, but thank you for everything anyway. I definitely will miss you!

#11 It looks like now you’re going to spend the money you have worked for all your life. Somehow this is a farewell from me, but it’s a welcome from your freedom. Enjoy your retirement. I really wish you the best. You were the best boss I ever had. Okay, you were the only boss I ever had.

#12 There will come a time in my life when I will share with my kids some of the wise words that you told me while I was your employee. For example, “I need this by tomorrow morning!” Joking aside, I will miss having you around. I hope your next adventure is all that you are hoping it will be. Best of luck!

#13 Before you leave, I have a request: Can I take your swivel chair? Mine has only 3 working wheels out of 6. I basically fall every time I turn around. Well, I understand that this isn’t your problem anymore. Anyway, I truly and deeply wish you lots of success in your new job.

#14 My first impression of you was that you were going to be very harsh on us. It turned out you were harsh on yourself by being patient with employees like me. I will never forget that, boss. You gave me a new life by offering me the chance to work for you. And all you got from me is this message. So here’s a hug to wish you the best in all your future endeavors (or maybe just a handshake)!

#15 I’m not saying that you were the best boss. I’m just saying that there isn’t any boss better than you. I will never forget when you opened the door for me and said, “Get out!” Just joking! You actually said, “Come in.” You made me feel at home, and I’ll never forget that. Good luck and best wishes on all your future endeavors!

#16 Everyone is sorry to see you go. We got used to you and your friendly tone of voice when you were asking for us to put in extra time on the weekends. Just kidding! I really wish you the best in this next chapter of your life. There’s no other boss like you. P.S. Please don’t leave this note lying around because I don’t want my new boss to read this.

#17 Working for you was an honor. I don’t remember ever having so much fun at work until I started working for you. Also, I don’t remember ever being paid so little. Kidding! I did have as much fun before working for you. Joking again! Seriously now, I truly believe that I don’t know how I’m going to handle being in the office without you. But I wish you the absolute best for your future and hope our paths cross again.

#18 The best part of having you as a boss was that we agreed on everything, except for my salary. But let’s leave that behind now. Honestly, I will miss you around the office. Wish you good luck and much success in your new job!

#19 My professional life has totally changed since I came to work for you. I learned so much from you, including how to make customers think you are working hard when you’re actually doing something else. Just kidding. Well, anyway, I’ve become a pro at that. May your new venture bring you happiness and success!

#20 Hey, boss! You got mail: the last mail you’ll get in your office from me. The news that you quit was shocking, but the time working for you was tremendous! I will always remember when you said to me, “No, you’re not fired.” That was music to my ears. Good luck wherever you’ll go and don’t forget about me, as I won’t forget about you!

#21 If you didn’t like the coffee, there are easier ways to make a change than leaving us. But seriously, I am sorry to see you go and please consider hiring me in your new business at double my existing salary. Okay, what I meant to say is that you will be missed, and please keep in touch!

#22 Now that you are out the door, can you go ahead and give me a raise before you go? Well, even if you can’t, I am still going to be thankful for the time I worked for you. You have been a great boss, and I hope that your success continues for many years to come.

Female Boss Is Leaving

#1 Your influence around here was immediately noticeable. You changed the work culture of the company for the better throughout your career. You are the role model I’ve always needed. I wish you the best of luck in your future goals.

#2 You’re a pioneer of women in this company, and I’m grateful that you have mentored me throughout the years. I am a stronger and better person because of your influence. Although our time together is coming to an end, I hope we can continue to talk. Please stay strong and continue to pave the way for us to follow.

#3 Working for you is an experience I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. You showed me how to be a better employee and how to be a better person. Your compassion and fearlessness are traits I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. It was a pleasure having you as my boss.

#4 It is inspirational to see such a strong woman in the workplace. You have given me all the tools to succeed and follow in your footsteps. I’m sad to see you leave, but I know you’ll succeed wherever you go.

#5 I am proud to have called you my boss. You have shown me that I can reach heights I never thought possible before. I’m sure you’ll continue to blaze your trail everywhere you go.

#6 You have laid out the framework for women to move upwards at this company, and I will be forever grateful for that. You have impacted me more than you could ever know. It’s unfortunate we can’t continue to work together. I wish you happiness and health in the years to come.

#7 Your fearless march down unknown paths has given me hope for the future. I now know that I can reach the highest positions this company has to offer because of you. I’m confident that you’ll continue to inspire people wherever you go.

#8 Although you may be leaving us, your impact here is forever. You’ve opened up opportunities for people who didn’t have them before, and that is something to be proud of. I hope we can keep in touch and I wish you the best of luck.

#9 You have faced greater challenges than most in your position, and you have conquered them all. You have shown me that equity can exist in the workforce. I know that you will continue to overcome all the challenges you face.

#10 All the women working in leadership positions at this company owe you gratitude. You paved the path they followed and inspired them to be their best. It’s regretful that you’re leaving us, but I hope you continue to live a healthy and successful life.

#11 You have been a trailblazer and an inspiration. You have been a model for us to follow and a motivation to all of us. I wish you every success in the future and hope that we can stay in touch. Good luck to you.

#12 In being a success, you have paved the way for more women to reach leadership positions. Your next company is going to be lucky to have you. I am proud to have worked for you and wish you all the best of continued success and happiness.

#13 On one hand, it’s sad to see you go, but on the other hand, no one can keep a good woman down! Your time has come to continue scaling and conquering to unimaginable higher rungs. Best wishes and good luck in your new undertakings.

#14 Thank you for everything you’ve done for me during the time we’ve worked together. I will miss our daily interactions, but never forget you. I wish you nothing but the very best for the new chapter in life. Thanks again for all the great memories.

#15 I’ll miss your energy and positivity at the office. You made work so enjoyable, and it’ll never be the same without you. May your next endeavor be even more fruitful than this last one.

#16 Just because you are moving on doesn’t mean I won’t continue to bug you for your thoughts and ideas. So this is truly not goodbye, but just farewell for now. I would love to hear about your new adventures and hope your future dreams come true.

#17 Your ideas at work have been really inspiring. You taught me valuable professional and personal lessons, and I thank you for that. It’s hard to imagine our workplace without you. As you go to the next stage of your career, I wish you the absolute best for success and enjoyment.

#18 I just loved working for you because you set a great example for everyone. Your perspective and guidance always inspired me. I hope you look back on your time here and feel proud about what you accomplished and the many challenges you conquered. Good luck in all that you do.

#19 You were not only a great boss, but also a special leader. You inspired, encouraged, and gave us direction. I always knew that you were destined for greater things. I am sad that day has come, as I will miss seeing you at work. I wish you nothing but the best in all of your endeavors.

#20 I consider myself quite lucky to have had you as my boss. Your leadership was full of vision and dedication, and your execution was unparalleled. I will miss working for you but am happy for the great things that are waiting for you in your future.

Best Quotes for Farewell Message to Boss Who Is Leaving

“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” Henry David Thoreau

“Dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.” William W. Purkey

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” Steve Jobs

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” Seneca

“You have just one life to live. It is yours. Own it, claim it, live it, do the best you can with it.” Hillary Clinton

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” Soren Kierkegaard

“Make each day your masterpiece.” John Wooden

“Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.” Martin H. Fischer

“Live for each second without hesitation.” Elton John

“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” Will Rogers

“Today, you have 100% of your life left.” Tom Landry

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Ludwig Jacobowski

“The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give.” William Arthur Ward

“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” Theodore Roosevelt

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Helen Keller

“A secret to life: Know that none of this matters, and yet…live as if every single moment does.” Kamal Ravikant

“The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.” Neil Gaiman

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Mahatma Gandhi

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu

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how to write a resignation speech

For companies

Dec 16, 2022

How to write farewell emails with 20 samples and a template

Whether you or someone else is leaving a company, use this guide with 20 example emails to wish farewell with email

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Saying farewell just got easier with Flowrite. We’ve created the internet's longest and best guide on how to write magnificent farewell messages.

In this guide, we unpack the process of writing a farewell email, including the subject line, body copy, and sign-off.

We finish with 20 (yes 20!) farewell email samples covering pretty much any and every situation why you may need to say goodbye.

How to write a farewell email

So, you’ve decided to leave – now it’s time to say goodbye in a farewell email. When deciding how to write a farewell email, you’ve got to find the right balance.

You need to be warm, friendly, and polite while being positive about the future for those that have to stay. Sounds complicated, right? It’s pretty simple to follow our advice, structure, and samples. 

Farewell emails can include expressing emotions, explaining your decision, and establishing connections when you leave.

Let’s start with the obvious question of whether you should send a farewell email or not...

Should I send a farewell email?

Well, our answer is you should!

A farewell email is the last thing your colleagues will receive before you leave. It’s the final chance to send a formal thanks to your manager, colleagues, team, and organization.

Even if things haven’t worked out as you planned, your farewell is a chance to say goodbye and leave on good terms. Remember that your farewell email probably isn’t an appropriate place to raise issues or settle scores. 

Most farewell emails are sent on the last day of work, but they’re not the only thing you should do. If possible, you should always say farewell in person.

You may hate public speaking or lengthy long goodbyes, but a short and simple thank you to the team is probably enough. Of course, if you’re worried about what to say, you can always prepare a few words in advance. 

To sum up, saying goodbye in person and sending a farewell email are standard professional etiquette.

What to say in a farewell email

Farewell emails are both personal and professional. You can express to a person, team, or manager the impact they have had on you and your career. We spend so much time at work we establish strong relationships and friendships that can last a lifetime.

Some (but not all) employers invest in us, promote us, pay for training, and pay us well – so it’s only polite to say thanks! 

A farewell email is also part of professional etiquette. It’s an opportunity to draw a line under one experience and look forward to another. 

So, what to include in your farewell email? Each farewell email is personal, but here are a few tips:

  • Say you’re leaving, and (if going to a new job or place) say where
  • Thank people for your time 
  • Provide specific details of handover (if you’re messaging a client – more on this later!)
  • Say farewell and provide contact details
  • Wish them good luck
  • Sign off and say goodbye

Once you’ve sent your farewell email, it’s time to quit your applications, close your laptop, and move on.

What not to include in a farewell email

OK, so we’ll explain what goes into an excellent farewell email, but what makes a bad one? Here are some things to avoid in your farewell emails:

  • Lengthy emails – life is too short for reading rambling emails, so don’t send them
  • Quotes – use your own words, don’t use someone else's
  • Score-settling – a farewell email isn’t the process to raise grievances or issues, do that in person (or not at all)
  • Promote your new business – This is just a bad idea all around!
  • Embarrass anyone – You may have remembered some funny stories, but a farewell email is NOT the place to share them!

How to reply to a farewell email

The same principles apply when responding to a farewell email – keep things brief, polite, and professional.

Save personal reminisces and profound goodbyes for the in-person farewell lunch, dinner or party.

Some of the things you might want to say in a farewell email response include:

  • Good luck in your new role
  • Let’s stay in touch
  • Here are my contact details

Farewell email format

The farewell email format can be broken down into three parts: a farewell email subject line, body copy, and an ending. Let’s look at each section of the farewell email format in detail.

1. Farewell email subject line

The farewell email subject line is your opportunity to grab attention and get clicks.

You’re leaving, so you can basically say whatever you want, but we say keep it simple. Here are a few appropriate subject lines for farewell emails:

  • Farewell, and thanks for everything!
  • Thanks for all the great memories
  • Wishing you well in the future
  • I’m sorry to be leaving…

2. Farewell email body

In theory, you could just say I”m leaving, and provide a date, but that’s a little too stripped back! So instead, you will want to start by saying that you’re going and when. 

  • I’m messaging you to let you know that today is my last day. I’m leaving to join (company name), and I wanted to bid everyone farewell!

Of course, you could end the email here, but it’s professional etiquette to provide some extra information. 

  • I’ve worked at (company name) for 10 years and wanted to say I’ve loved every minute. Some Of my best memories include…

People always love to receive a thank you, so give them one.

  • Thank you for all your kind words and support. I’ve valued my experiences, and the time we have worked together. 

This structure works well for all types farewell emails, with some adaptation. It enables you to gather your thoughts and work through them logically.

Of course, you can develop your own templates or structures (although let’s hope you don’t need to send too many farewell emails!), but always be sure to say thanks, express positive thoughts about your experiences, and look to the future.

3. How to end a farewell email

Hasta la vista (baby), you’re almost out of there. But there may be reasons why you want to stay in touch – so it’s a good idea to add your contact details.

  • It would be great if you wanted to stay in touch! You can contact me on (insert details)

Are you off for a drink, meal, or party? If so, then add in the details. (Be sure to only send this to people you want to come with you!). 

  • We’re off for drinks on (insert date). Can you let me know if you want to join us?

We’re at the end now, so add a formal sign-off (Thanks, many thanks, kind regards. etc.) and your name.

Click send, close your computer, and get moving. It’s time for the next stage in your career.

10 farewell email samples

Trust us, you don't want to be the coworker who sends the terrible farewell email – and if you follow our advice and use our samples, you won’t be.

This section provides 10 solid gold farewell email samples that can be adapted, amended (and improved!). Saying goodbye just got easier.

1. Sample farewell email to boss

A farewell email to a boss is one where you can go into details and express gratitude for what they’ve done. In this email sample farewell to a boss, we provide a space for you to provide personal information, so process your thoughts and put them on to (virtual) paper!

2. Sample farewell email to a manager

This sample farewell email to a manager is a more formal approach to saying goodbye to senior management. In this email farewell sample to a manager, we offer to help if there are any questions they may have about customers, clients, or existing connections.

3. Sample farewell to company email

This sample farewell to a company is your classic group message to everyone. If there’s one message to master, it’s this one! In this farewell email sample to a company, we go big on the praise and the positives.

So say farewell in style with this sample!

4. Sample farewell email to an employee

This farewell email to employees is a way to engage with an individual. This isn’t a group message but a personal message to someone who has helped you, done great work, or gone beyond the day-to-day. This sample email farewell to an employee gives you the space to add your special message.

5. Sample farewell email to the team

If you’re leaving your team for new pastures, try to highlight the good times or performance of the team to strike a positive note in your email farewell.

We’re not too emotional in this sample farewell email to your team, but you can chop and change this if you need to!

6. Funny farewell party invitation email sample

We’ve written almost 100 blogs, posts, and in-depth articles telling you not to be funny, so why change now?

Well, in this funny farewell party invitation, you can let yourself be a bit freer – because you aren’t going to be working with these people again!

Just a warning not to attempt to be too funny or to send any messages that may offend or upset anyone.

7. Sample farewell lunch invitation email

Everyone loves a farewell lunch (especially if it’s free!). This email sample inviting colleagues to your farewell lunch provides all the details they’ll need to get them to attend.

Of course, it’s always worth adding elements like the menu to your lunch invitation emails so people know what they’re getting and can check for special dietary requirements.

8. Sample farewell email to business partners

Saying goodbye to business partners is different from colleagues and friends. Given your relationship, you’ll likely stay in touch, so this classy sample farewell email to your business partner (or partners), is about your personal feelings.

Stay strong, say what you feel, and follow our structure for the best business partner farewell.

9. Sample farewell email to customers

If you work closely with clients and customers, you can build a great connection that means you’ll want to say goodbye. In this customer farewell email sample, we say goodbye, farewell, and thanks for everything.

The last thing to mention is that you shouldn’t attempt to steal customers or clients away in your farewell messages. Instead, leave it at farewell and let them find you if they want to.

10. Sample farewell email to vendors

Like the message above, the email farewell to vendors includes a personal message and a professional handover. You’ll see how this sample farewell email to vendors covers the basics but provides space for you to add your extras.

Farewell email to colleagues

Are you messaging your colleagues or co-workers? It can be hard to tell the differences, but we consider the Merriam-Webster definition pretty straightforward:

  • Colleagues are professionals in the same industry but not necessarily the same business
  • Co-workers are the people you work with daily

Hopefully, this makes sense. It should also explain what messages to colleagues can seem more professional and formal than emails to coworkers. You’re writing to people who understand what you do, so you don’t need to dumb down the details. 

In the age of LinkedIn, you may wonder why you bother sending a farewell email to colleagues. Sure, it’s old-school – but it’s also effective at maintaining connections and keeping people up to date. (And, let’s be honest, do you read and remember every Linkedin update? We don’t!)

How to write a farewell email to colleagues: 

The great news is that the structure identified above works for email farewells to colleagues. While you don’t have to change the structure, you’ll want to check the tone of voice and include all new contact details. 

One of the critical elements of a message to a colleague is to connect with you as you move. For example, let’s say you’re a high-profile lawyer, and you move firm. If someone had a prospective client for you, your farewell email would ensure they have all the correct details. Fail to send it, and they get the dreaded out-of-office…

Let’s get into the details of how to write farewell emails to colleagues and show you some samples.

Farewell email to colleagues subject line

The farewell email to colleagues subject line can be as dull and boring as:

  • Farewell from me

But that doesn’t tell you much, does it? So instead, you should add some details to your subject lines to bring them to life.

  • I’m moving to (new firm) for a new challenge
  • Update: I’m leaving (company) today!
  • Breaking news: I’m joining (company name)!

It’s your choice to keep it simple or add more details – just make it easy for your colleagues to scan emails for more information. 

4 sample farewell emails to colleagues

Now it’s time to show you how it’s done. Here are 4 sample farewell emails to colleagues. If you’re leaving your company, you’re likely moving somewhere else – so you’ll want to ensure established connections come with you on the journey. Your professional network is the best way of identifying opportunities and pushing on your career.

We’ve provided both formal and informal approaches that you can use depending on your industry and relationships. Then, like every fantastic Flowrite template, edit, update, and amend these to get them right.

1. Casual farewell email to colleagues sample

We started by telling you that farewell emails to colleagues should be formal, but they don’t always have to be! This informal farewell email to colleagues is a fun and friendly approach to letting people know you’re moving on.

2. Sample farewell email to colleagues leaving the company

If a colleague is leaving the organization, you’ll want to say goodbye and wish them well. This farewell email to a colleague provides some kind sentiments to the person who is leaving and details for how to stay in touch. This sample farewell email to colleagues is flexible enough for you to add more details if you want to.

3. Funny farewell email to colleagues sample

It’s hard to be funny on the page, but sometimes dropping in an anecdote or story can bring a farewell email to colleagues to life. So, don’t be rude or controversial, but injecting a bit of personality into a message will ensure you’re remembered positively. Use this funny farewell email sample to raise a smile. 

4. Sample farewell party invitation email to colleagues

It’s party time, so it’s time to get people together. This farewell email inviting colleagues to a party explains what’s happening, when, and why. It’s a simple invite, but you can always add a bit of personality to spice it up. 

Farewell email to coworkers

We’ve covered emails to colleagues; now it’s time to message your co-workers. Your co-workers are the people you share everything with, the good and bad, the ups and downs. As a result, your messages can (and should) be more personal.

These are people you have built relationships with and who may have supported you, so feel free to go into details and acknowledge that.

On the flip side, if you’ve felt you’ve been poorly treated or have a problem with a colleague, your leaving email isn’t a suitable place to settle scores. We provide samples below to illustrate what we mean, but you need to work on these to add your personality.

Farewell email to coworkers subject line

Let’s start with the farewell email to coworker's subject line. Given this isn’t going to end up outside the organization, you have some freedom. You can be professional, personal, formal, or funny. It’s your choice. Here are a few examples of subject lines for a farewell email to your coworkers.

  • I’m leaving today
  • Farewell on my last day!
  • I'm leaving (but not on a jet plane)
  • Some final words before I bid farewell
  • Don’t be sad I’m leaving…

4 sample farewell emails to coworkers

Now, we provide 4 sample farewell emails to coworkers to show you how it’s done. These can be used as the basis for your own emails, but be sure to edit, update and personalize them. Fill in the gaps, add your stories, and make your messages memorable!

1. Casual farewell email to coworker sample

You can be a bit more relaxed when writing farewell messages to coworkers. Use this sample as the basis for your own ideas and inspirations. In this casual farewell email, we say thanks for everything and provide a basic structure for you to share your memories, and messages for the future.

2. Farewell email to coworker leaving the company sample

This sample email to a coworker leaving the company covers all the essential elements you need to say. It’s about thanking someone for their service, complimenting them on their company, and wishing them well for the future. 

3. Funny farewell email to coworker sample

It’s hard to be humorous, but we try it in this funny farewell email to a coworker. So it’s not LOL, ROFL, or fall over funny, but it’ll raise a smile – and sometimes that’s enough. Add some extra information and anectotes for the biggest impact.

4. Farewell party invitation email to coworker sample

A farewell party is a chance to say goodbye, and you’ll want your colleagues there, right? If so, this party invitation email to say farewell is for you! Don’t forget to drop in the date, time, and location. 

Farewell email to clients

Emailing your clients when you leave is a little more complicated. You’ll want to say goodbye and tell them you’re leaving, but you must respect their relationship with your previous employer.

Some businesses have rules in place to protect them – including taking legal action if you attempt to steal a client away. We suggest being cautious with your farewells, and keeping them friendly but formal. 

How to write a farewell email to clients

As we’ve explained above, your farewell messages to clients should be simple thank you messages that advise them where you’re going.

You can add a thank you and provide links to your social profiles, but it’s probably inappropriate to link to your new employer's website or provide your new company email address. This is a big professional no-no!

Part of this is about providing a professional handover; the other part is a personal courtesy to the people you’ve worked with. Here is how to write farewell emails to clients.

Farewell email to clients subject line

Now’s not the time to get funny or try to be smart. These subject lines for farewell emails to clients are basic and boring, but they’re 100% suitable for the situation. Again, if you’ve got a personal friendship, break out of the formality, but in all other situations, keep it clear. 

  • I’m leaving (company name)
  • I’m leaving (company name) on (date)
  • Your account is being passed to my colleague…

2 sample farewell emails to clients

Because farewell emails to clients follow the same simple formula, we’ve only got two examples. Still, these should provide enough material for you to create your own farewell messages. 

1. Professional farewell email to client sample

This farewell email to a client follows the formal structure, and can be used in all professional situations. It’s simple to read, clear, and provides contact details for the future. This professional farewell email to a client can be used when you leave a business or the account. 

2. Farewell email to a client informing about leaving the company sample

When you’re leaving a business for good, it’s a great idea to reach out to your clients to let them know who they need to speak to. This farewell email to a client also works as a professional handover to a colleague.

Because you're likely to send this to the client and the internal lead, the message isn’t particularly personal. If you want to add this to your messages, you have the space and the freedom to do so within this sample. 

Farewell email template

If you’ve read this far, you’ll know pretty much all there is – but we’ll finish in traditional Flowrite style with an email template. This email template to say farewell follows the structure set out and can be easily adapted by simply replacing sample text with yours. 

Final words

That was a long post, but writing professional farewell emails and messages is a complex subject that demands care and attention.

Sure, you can just dash out a quick note saying thanks and goodbye, but our farewell email structure and samples show you how to do so in style. Great farewell messages will leave your customers, colleagues, clients, and co-workers feeling sad to see you go and keen to stay in touch.

They will strengthen your professional standing and build stronger relationships – and you may also make them smile, too!

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⭐AI Generated Resignation Letters⭐

The Perfect Resignation Letter in Minutes, Generated by AI

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What It Takes to Write A Great Resignation Letter

Create the perfect resignation letter in 30 seconds with our free AI resignation letter generator.

You’ve decided to quit, and now you need to write a formal resignation letter. You can get it right on your own, or use our AI resignation letter generator above. Provide us with details of your job and situation, and we’ll use the collective wisdom of thousands of HR Professionals to create the perfect one tailored for you. First. though we’ve created content to help your own resignation letter, if you want to; but first let’s talk about why you should write one, instead of just calling your boss and saying “I quit!”.

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When it comes to quitting a job, the most important thing you can do is give your employer enough notice so they have time to find a replacement. One way of doing this is by writing a letter for resignation, or resignation letter. Writing a resignation letter serves as an official document that notifies your employer that you are leaving the company and when your last day will be. It also provides other details such as how long you’ve been employed there and why you are leaving.

Just as the first impression is essential during job interviews, your last impression in the form of a resignation letter matters just as much. Writing a professional resignation letter can help ensure that ties between both parties remain cordial and respectful, which could help in future references or networking opportunities down the line. And the best part? You don’t need to hire a resignation letter professional. You could use the AI-powered tool above to create a resignation notice, or an intent to resign. Alternatively, you can read in our blog about how to write a resignation letter , or view a sample of a great resignation letter , or read how to resign from a toxic job , or even industry specific resignation letters like an example ta resignation letter .

Before You Begin Writing Your Resignation Letter

It’s best practice to provide your employer with a formal written notification of your departure from their organization. These formal documents can be described by different terms depending on your culture; 2 week notice, letter of resignation, resignation letter, and intent to resign all refer to the same document. Before sitting down to write out your resignation letter, take some time to think about what kind of tone would be appropriate for the situation – whether it should be polite but firm or more informal if necessary – then decide on its contents accordingly. Even if you had negative experiences while working at the company, try not to express them in the letter; instead, focus on positive aspects like any skills gained during employment or special relationships formed with co-workers. Remember, you may need a reference in the future, and your resignation letter will play a big part in what your employer will say about you.

We have several letter of resignation samples , tutorials on how to write a letter of resignation , and you can create a myriad of them by using the AI Resignation Letter Generator mentioned above.

Importance of a Good Resignation Letter

Resignation letters are not merely about communicating your intention to leave but are a representation of your professionalism. A well-written resignation letter:

  • Maintains Professional Relationships : Leaving on good terms can be beneficial for future networking or if you cross paths with your supervisors or colleagues in another capacity.
  • Provides Clarity : A clear and concise resignation letter ensures there’s no ambiguity about your intent or your last working day.
  • Secures Positive References : Future employers might reach out to your previous organization for references. A professional departure can assist in obtaining a positive feedback.
  • Aids in Smooth Transition : Your resignation letter can help your employer to prepare for your replacement or reallocate your duties to other employees.

Why Our Resignation Letter Can Save You Hours

A good resignation letter is concise, respectful, and devoid of any negative emotions or criticisms. However, crafting such a letter can take hours for many individuals, especially if they’re unsure about the structure or phrasing. The Resignation Letter Generator simplifies this process by producing a professional letter in mere seconds. By eliminating the risk of emotional phrasing or unintended negative connotations, this tool ensures a more objective and positive tone throughout the letter.

How To Use Our Resignation Letter Generator

The process is streamlined to be user-friendly, ensuring a hassle-free experience:

  • Input Textbox : Here, users provide essential details about their job and circumstances that would be relevant for the resignation letter.
  • Position and Department : Clearly state your job title and the department you were a part of.
  • Where You Work (Country) : We can tailor the resignation letter to the norms of your location.
  • Duration of Service : Mention the period you’ve served in the company.
  • Last Working Day : Specify the date when you wish to officially resign.
  • Reason for Resignation : While it’s not mandatory, providing a general reason can make the letter more transparent.
  • Additional Information : Any other specifics like handover processes or your contact details post-resignation.
  • AI Processing : Once the details are submitted, the AI crafts a resignation letter tailored to your situation.
  • Review & Edit : It’s good practice to review the AI-generated letter and make tweaks if necessary.
  • Download & Print : Users can then download or print the resignation letter.

To conclude, resigning from a job can be a significant step, filled with various emotions. The Resignation Letter Generator aims to ease this process, ensuring your departure is marked by professionalism and positivity.

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Chiefs’ Harrison Butker says he has no regrets about expressing his beliefs

(AP) - Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker has no regrets about expressing his beliefs in a recent commencement speech and he said he has received support as well as “a shocking level of hate” from others.

Butker spoke Friday night at the Regina Caeli Academy Courage Under Fire Gala in Nashville, Tennessee.

He made his first public comments since his controversial recent commencement speech at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, where he said most women receiving degrees were probably more excited about getting married and having kids; argued some Catholic leaders were “pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America;” referred to a “deadly sin sort of pride that has a month dedicated to it” in an oblique reference to Pride month; and took aim at President Joe Biden’s policies, including his condemnation of the  Supreme Court’s reversal  of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

“It is now, over the past few days, my beliefs or what people think I believe have been the focus of countless discussions around the globe,”  Butker said Friday . “At the outset, many people expressed a shocking level of hate. But as the days went on, even those who disagreed with my viewpoints shared their support for my freedom of religion.”

Butker said he understands being criticized for his performance on the field. The 28-year-old said he values his religion more than football.

“It’s a decision I’ve consciously made and one I do not regret at all,” he said.

The NFL has distanced itself from Butker’s comments. The league  said the comments  and “views are not those of the NFL as an organization.”

Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes said the three-time Super Bowl winner is entitled to his beliefs, even though he doesn’t always agree with him.

Speaking about Butker on his “New Heights” podcast, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce said he cherishes Butker as a teammate.

“When it comes down to his views and what he said at (the) commencement speech, those are his,” Kelce said. “I can’t say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids. And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, that’s just not who I am.”

Kelce does the podcast with his brother Jason, who recently retired after an outstanding career with the Philadelphia Eagles.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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General Election 2024: What happens now an election has been called?

What is the dissolution of parliament? How does it happen? Are there any MPs during a campaign? What happens on polling day?

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Political reporter @alixculbertson

Thursday 23 May 2024 11:08, UK

File photo of a voter placing a ballot paper in a ballot box at a polling station. Pic: PA

Rishi Sunak has called a general election for this summer.

The prime minister has been saying for months he would call a vote for the "second half of the year", and it will now be held on Thursday, 4 July.

Under the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022, Mr Sunak had until 17 December this year to call an election - as votes must be held no more than five years apart.

Sky News looks at what happens now.

General election latest: Rishi Sunak to call election for 4 July

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The prime minister has already requested permission from the King to hold a general election, as the power to dissolve parliament - end the session - legally lies with him.

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Parliament must be "dissolved" for an election to officially take place. Polling day then takes place 25 working days after that date.

Mr Sunak said in a speech outside Downing Street on Wednesday that the King had granted his request to dissolve parliament.

As a result, parliament will be prorogued on Friday, 24 May, while dissolution will take place on Thursday, 30 May.

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What happens in parliament after an election is called?

There is usually a period of several days, known as "wash-up", between an election being called and the dissolution of parliament.

During "wash-up", parliament will continue as normal, but any parliamentary business not completed by the end of that time will not enter into law and cannot be continued into the next parliament.

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This normally leads to a rush to pass legislation through parliament to get it onto the statute book, which often means parties having to work together to agree on which bills they will support.

The longest "wash-up" period since 1992 was in 2017 when parliament sat for a further seven days after the election was called, according to Institute for Government (IfG) analysis.

What happens after parliament is dissolved?

Once parliament is dissolved, there are no longer any MPs as every seat in the House of Commons becomes vacant.

House of Lords members retain their positions, but no more business happens until the next parliament begins.

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Government ministers remain in post until a new government is formed.

However, government activity is restricted during the campaign period to ensure public money is not used to support the campaign of the party in power and to maintain civil service impartiality.

Restrictions normally begin when parliament has been dissolved, however, they can start before this, as they did in 2017.

Boris Johnson arrives in Downing Street after an audience with Queen Elizabeth II in which he was invited to form a Government after the Conservative Party was returned to power in the General Election with an increased majority. PA Photo. Picture date: Friday December 13, 2019. See PA story POLITICS Election. Photo credit should read: Yui Mok/PA Wire

The campaign

Campaigning never stops for political parties, but it will ramp up after an election is announced.

Parties, their candidates, and supporters, will promote their policies during the campaign period by publishing informative material, knocking on doors to talk to people, writing newspaper articles, and supporters putting posters in their windows or placards in their front gardens.

There is no set time for when manifestos explaining the parties' pledges have to be launched, but they generally happen within a few days of each other.

A voter carries his passport along with his poll card at The Vyne polling station in Knaphill, part of the Woking borough, which was one of five councils that trialed the use of ID in polling stations in May 2018

Since 1997, Labour and Conservative manifestos have been launched between 18 and 29 days before the election, the IfG found.

Televised debates between party leaders or other politicians became a feature of campaigns in 2010.

Their timing and format are negotiated between political parties and broadcasters, but there is no obligation for any of them to take part.

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Polling day

Registered voters can submit postal votes before the day, but most people go to polling stations, which are open from 7am until 10pm.

This will be the first general election where photographic ID will be required to vote.

When voting closes, an exit poll is announced following a survey of voters taken from about 150 constituencies in England, Scotland and Wales.

What happens after the election?

If the current government retains a majority in the new Parliament after an election, it will continue in office and resume normal business.

If the election results in a clear majority for a different party, the incumbent prime minister and government will immediately resign, and the King will invite the leader of the party that has won the election to form a government.

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It becomes slightly more complicated if the result is a hung parliament.

The current government remains in office unless and until the prime minister tenders his and the government's resignation to the King.

The government is entitled to await the meeting of the new parliament to see if it can command the confidence of the House of Commons or to resign if it becomes clear that it is unlikely to command that confidence.

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They could also be forced to resign if they lose a vote of no confidence, at which point, the person who appears to be most likely to command the confidence of the House of Commons will be asked by the Monarch to form a government.

In terms of dates, the new Parliament will be summoned to meet on Tuesday, 9 July, when the first business will be the election of the speaker and the swearing-in of members.

The state opening of Parliament will be on Wednesday, 17 July.

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A Commencement Speech for the Class of 2024

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College commencement address season regularly delivers controversy alongside the clichés and this year was no exception, with students staging pro-Palestinian demonstrations and Kansas City Chiefs' kicker Harrison Butker’s patriarchal, anti-LGBTQ, and antisemitic address  at Benedictine College. As many have noted, many of this year’s college graduates had their 2020 high school graduation ceremonies canceled because of COVID-19.

As a faith leader, I wanted to offer my own reflections to this group of young people who have already faced tremendous challenges in life and yet who have demonstrated their resilience and fierce passion for justice. If you are a graduate or have a close family or friend that is graduating, this message is particularly for you, along with my heartfelt congratulations; I hope it offers some hope and spiritual sustenance in a time of such deep uncertainty. 

For the Class of 2024

Take a deep breath and look around: You made it.

As you exhale, I want to tell you about a song that came out while most of you were just barely out of kindergarten. The song, called “ Overcomer ,” was by Mandisa, an American Idol finalist and gospel artist whose friend was struggling through breast cancer. “You’re an overcomer,” soars the song’s chorus, “Stay in the fight ‘til the final round / You’re not going under / ‘Cause God is holding you right now.”

I share this with you, Class of 2024, because you are overcomers. Your educational lives were upended by the pandemic, yet you demonstrated your resilience, overcoming the challenges of online learning and social distancing to reach this milestone. You dealt with stress, anxiety, isolation, and other mental health challenges in ways no previous generation has faced. Yes, you are already overcomers.

And yet, I also share this song because there’s an important footnote to its history, one that makes the song even more poignant: Though the song — part of a Grammy-winning album — was written to express the singer’s hope that her friend would “overcome” breast cancer, that friend never recovered and eventually died. For Mandisa, the song also became about her own journey through the grief and spiritual doubt she grappled with after her friend’s death. And more recently, it’s been a song many of Mandisa’s fans have turned to following their own grief after Mandisa’s own tragic and unexpected death. In short, it’s a song about overcoming that has had to wrestle with some cold hard facts of life’s uncertainty. Much like you.

Class of 2024, you are indeed overcomers, but you’re also no strangers to grief, doubt, and other emotions we don’t often acknowledge in commencement addresses. As you accept your well-deserved diploma, I don’t need to tell you that you’re graduating in an unsettling time: uncertainty around the most consequential election of your (and my) lifetime, uncertainty around the future of our planet amid an accelerating climate crisis, and uncertainty as to the outcome of horrific and intractable wars in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, and so many other places. You may be uncertain about your job prospects, whether Social Security will remain solvent by the time of your retirement, or whether you will ever be able to afford a home in this overheated housing market. If you’re a Christian, you may feel uncertain about how you can stay in a faith that has so often been distorted from the gospel.

Maybe you’re hoping I’ll offer some words that would keep those feelings of uncertainty at bay, if only for a little while. But I’ve got bad news: Life is just going to keep throwing uncertainty at you.

I say this as a Christian, who trusts deeply that nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God” (Romans 8:39) and believes God was telling the truth when God promised “never will I leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5) and to “make all things new” (Revelation 21:5). Yet I also know that even with those promises in hand, uncertainty can still be unsettling, anxiety-causing, and despair-inducing.

The best response, I believe, is neither to ignore the uncertainty we face nor allow ourselves to be consumed by it. Instead, we can acknowledge the uncertainty while anchoring ourselves in the personal, communal, and spiritual resources that give us resilience to overcome.

As you commence into this next season of life and career, I want to share three practices that have helped me feel anchored in an ever-changing world — and which I hope will also sustain you.

1. Get to know yourself more deeply

We often advise young people, especially graduates, “to find what you are passionate about, and it won’t feel like work.” And while there’s a kernel of truth in the cliché, I think better advice is: Get to know yourself. I have found incredible guidance in the work of Howard Thurman, a spiritual mentor to Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and author of Jesus and the Disinherited . In his 1980 baccalaureate address to Spelman College, Thurman said:

“There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. Nobody like you has ever been born […] and no one like you will ever be born again — you are the only one […] You are the only you that has ever lived; your idiom is the only idiom of its kind in all the existences, and if you cannot hear the sound of the genuine in you, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls […] Cultivate the discipline of listening to the sound of the genuine in yourself.”

For me, this discipline of “listening to the sound of the genuine” in myself has involved the weekly routine of running, where I shut out all of the noise and listen to my own heartbeat as I also commune with God. It doesn’t have to be running; for you it may be a pastime or some other ritual — what matters most is that you prioritize time to listen.

You have likely been the recipient of plenty of advice in this graduation season, both solicited and unsolicited. Seeking counsel from others is important, but equally if not more important is to be able to recognize what brings you alive. This voice will help you discern the deeper purpose, that shapes your sense of vocation. It has taken a lot introspection and self-actualization to get there, but inspired by Bill George’s book Discover Your True North , I’ve fashioned a purpose statement that serves as a compass for my life, which is to run a relay race that spreads ubuntu , an African philosophy summed up as “ I am because we are ,” and builds the beloved community. I encourage you to develop over time your own pithy and memorable statement that captures the essence of your own sense of deeper purpose.

2. Make time to rest

As Audre Lorde famously wrote, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” My advice to you? Remember to rest well. This is advice that I wish I had taken to heart so much earlier in my own life and career. One of the books that made the biggest impact in my early career was Rest in the Storm by pastor Kirk Byron Jones. In it, Jones addresses the danger of overload, often tied to the false belief we are either indispensable or invincible. Jones reminds us that even Jesus took a nap in boat amid the storm while his disciples were panicking (Matthew 8:23-27) and encourages readers to find their own space “in the back of the boat,” which he defines as that “place where we may feel God’s full acceptance and bask in the glorious joy that is life apart from our stiving and straining.”

Rest is not just an act; it’s a commitment to caring for yourself so you can better realize your aspirations and care for others. Rest can take on many forms — though I can certainly attest that sleep is never overrated. It can also mean a silent retreat, regular meditation, deep breathing exercises, and other practices.

3. Imagine a different world … and help build it

Following my own college graduation, I became convinced that how my generation responded to the HIV/AIDS crisis would define my generation. I started an organization called Global Justice to mobilize students to respond to the devastating global crisis, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. At the time, the crisis felt impossible to overcome: Millions of lives were at stake and the cost of life-prolonging treatment was largely beyond reach for most people who needed it. But through tireless activism, a movement led by people living with HIV, students, faith leaders, and others successfully built enough awareness and political will to inspire bold bipartisan leadership, including through passage of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. More than 20 years later, the initiative has saved  25 million lives and played a key role in some nations’ response to COVID.

You have many issues that may define your generation: the growing climate crisis; forging a lasting peace not just in Gaza but in the entire Middle East; the often-hidden crises of loneliness, depression, and suicide; the crisis facing our fragile democracy. Naming these crises can feel overwhelming or even push us to the point of resignation and paralysis. But from my experience, there are always “smooth stones” in our midst.

The idea of smooth stones is a metaphor I and others borrow from the biblical story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17), in which David — a shepherd boy — agrees to face the mighty Philistine Goliath in battle. King Saul offers David a sword and armor, but they’re so heavy David removes them. Instead, David uses his sling and finds five smooth stones from a nearby brook. With one stone, David defeats Goliath in battle, knocking him down.

Like David, we often have more of an advantage over what we face than we realize: Instead of using conventional weapons, David reimagines the battlefield according to the unique gifts that God has given him. We can draw on that same kind of sanctified imagination to see beyond our broken reality of what is and see the possibility of what could be. Resist the many forces that seek to stifle and suffocate your imagination, from the never-ending stream of merchandise (and disinformation) served up by algorithms to your own inner feelings of self-doubt, shame, or powerlessness.

More than 25 years ago, at my own graduation ceremony at Emory University, the Dalai Lama offered a commencement address — something that still feels a little surreal. I can still picture his contagious smile and diminutive but powerful stature on the stage. When I went forward to receive an award, the Dalai Lama stood up and bowed directly in front of me. I was both startled and profoundly humbled.

The Dalai Lama shared with us that our degrees alone would not make us successful or even happy. “Education is, I believe, like an instrument,” he said. “Whether that instrument is utilized properly or constructively, or differently, depends on the user.” He continued, noting that, “on the other hand, [being] a good person means [having] a good heart, a sense of caring for others and a sense of commitment, a sense of responsibility,” he said. “If you combine these two” —education and good heart — “your whole life will be constructive and happy, and certainly you can make immense benefits for society.” 

Borrowing from the name of the organization that I lead, I invite you to sojourn, viewing your life and career as a spiritual pilgrimage that continually changes both you and the rest of us. Your passion for humanity, for justice, and for the future of this planet are all desperately needed in this world, right now. Your voice matters and can challenge and transform even the most intractable systems and attitudes. Our communities, our nation, and our world all need you to be bold; we need you to shine brightly and continue to be an overcomer. And as you overcome, combine your education with a good heart so you can build the kind of beloved community in which you and others can truly thrive. 

how to write a resignation speech

Rev. Adam Russell Taylor is president of Sojourners and author of  A More Perfect Union: A New Vision for Building the Beloved Community . Follow him on X  @revadamtaylor .

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Morehouse College graduates arrives ahead of a commencement ceremony in Atlanta, Georgia on May 19, 2024. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz

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Travis Kelce says he doesn’t agree ‘with just about any’ of Harrison Butker’s commencement speech

(Gray News) – Travis Kelce says he doesn’t agree “with just about any” of Harrison Butker’s controversial commencement speech, but still respects him as a teammate.

On Friday’s new episode of the podcast “New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce,” the Chiefs tight end said Butker’s views are very different than his.

“I can’t say I agree with the majority of it [the speech], or just about any of it, outside of just him loving his family and his kids,” Kelce said.

In Butker’s commencement speech earlier this month at Benedictine College in Kansas, he denounced “diabolical lies told to women” and said his wife’s life “truly started” once she became a wife and mother.

Butker also noted the importance of women being “homemakers,” and discussed topics like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, Pride Month, and even the COVID-19 pandemic.

Butker’s comments about women’s “vocation” as a homemaker stirred up the most controversy from the speech, with the NFL distancing itself from the statements .

The league said that the comments and “views are not those of the NFL as an organization.”

On the podcast, Kelce went on to say that he “cherishes [Butker] as a teammate” and that he wasn’t going to judge someone else’s religious views.

“When it comes down to his views and what he said at [Benedictine’s] commencement speech, those are his,” Kelce said on the podcast, in part. “… And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, that’s just not who I am.”

When it came to Butker’s statement about a woman’s role as a homemaker, Kelce said, “My mother and my father both provided for our family. Both my mother and my father made home what it was. So they were homemakers and they were providers, and they were unbelievable at being present every single day in my life.”

During Butker’s speech, he quoted Taylor Swift lyrics from her song “Bejeweled,” saying, “familiarity breeds contempt.”

Kelce did not comment on Butker’s use of the lyric or reference to Swift.

On the podcast, his brother Jason Kelce also chimed in, saying he wasn’t very surprised by Butker’s statements because of the setting.

“Make no mistake about it, a lot of the things he said in his commencement speech are not things that I align myself with. But, he’s giving a commencement speech at a Catholic university, and, shocker, it ended up being a very religious and Catholic speech,” Jason Kelce said.

Jason Kelce added that he has had numerous people ask him how he would have felt if his daughters were in the audience graduating that day, listening to Butker’s speech.

“If my daughters listen to anybody tell them what to do, that they should be homemakers, then I’ve failed as a dad,” Jason Kelce said, in part.

Chiefs head coach Andy Reid and quarterback Patrick Mahomes recently made similar statements, saying they didn’t necessarily agree with Butker’s views, but respected him as a player.

Copyright 2024 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Exclusive: OpenAI promised 20% of its computing power to combat the most dangerous kind of AI—but never delivered, sources say

OpenAI cofounder and CEO Sam Altman

In July 2023, OpenAI unveiled a new team dedicated to ensuring that future AI systems that might be more intelligent than all humans combined could be safely controlled. To signal how serious the company was about this goal, it publicly promised to dedicate 20% of its then-available computing resources to the effort.

Now, less than a year later, that team, which was called Superalignment, has been disbanded amid staff resignations and accusations that OpenAI is prioritizing product launches over AI safety. According to a half-dozen sources familiar with the functioning of OpenAI’s Superalignment team, OpenAI never fulfilled its commitment to provide the team with 20% of its computing power.

Instead, according to the sources, the team repeatedly saw its requests for access to graphics processing units, the specialized computer chips needed to train and run AI applications, turned down by OpenAI’s leadership, even though the team’s total compute budget never came close to the promised 20% threshold.

The revelations call into question how serious OpenAI ever was about honoring its public pledge, and whether other public commitments the company makes should be trusted. OpenAI did not respond to requests to comment for this story.

The company is currently facing a backlash over its use of a voice for its AI speech generation features that is strikingly similar to actress Scarlett Johansson’s . In that case questions have been raised about the credibility of OpenAI’s public statements that the similarity between the AI voice it calls “Sky” and Johansson’s voice is purely coincidental. Johansson says OpenAI cofounder and CEO Sam Altman approached her last September, when the Sky voice was first debuted, asking permission to use her voice. She declined. And she says Altman asked again for permission to use her voice last week, just before a closely watched demonstration of its latest GPT-4o model, which used the Sky voice. OpenAI has denied using Johansson’s voice without her permission, saying it paid a professional actress, whose name it says it cannot legally disclose, to create Sky. But Johansson’s claims have now cast doubt on this—with some speculating on social media that OpenAI in fact cloned Johansson’s voice or perhaps blended another actress’s voice with Johansson’s in some way to create Sky.

OpenAI’s Superalignment team had been set up under the leadership of Ilya Sutskever, the OpenAI cofounder and former chief scientist, whose departure from the company was announced last week. Jan Leike, a longtime OpenAI researcher, co-led the team. He announced his own resignation Friday, two days after Sutskever’s departure. The company then told the remaining employees on the team—which numbered about 25 people—that it was being disbanded and that they were being reassigned within the company.

It was a swift downfall for a team whose work OpenAI had positioned less than a year earlier as vital for the company and critical for the future of civilization. Superintelligence is the idea of a future, hypothetical AI system that would be smarter than all humans combined. It is a technology that would lie even beyond the company’s stated goal of creating artificial general intelligence, or AGI—a single AI system as smart as any person.

Superintelligence, the company said when announcing the team , could pose an existential risk to humanity by seeking to kill or enslave people. “We don’t have a solution for steering and controlling a potentially superintelligent AI, and preventing it from going rogue,” OpenAI said in its announcement. The Superalignment team was supposed to research those solutions.

It was a task so important that the company said in its announcement that it would commit “20% of the compute we’ve secured to date over the next four years” to the effort.

But a half-dozen sources familiar with the Superalignment team’s work said that the group was never allocated this compute. Instead, it received far less in the company’s regular compute allocation budget, which is reassessed quarterly.

One source familiar with the Superalignment team’s work said that there were never any clear metrics around exactly how the 20% amount was to be calculated, leaving it subject to wide interpretation. For instance, the source said the team was never told whether the promise meant “20% each year for four years” or “5% a year for four years” or some variable amount that could wind up being “1% or 2% for the first three years, and then the bulk of the commitment in the fourth year.” In any case, all the sources Fortune spoke to for this story confirmed that the Superalignment team was never given anything close to 20% of OpenAI’s secured compute as of July 2023.

OpenAI researchers can also make requests for what is known as “flex” compute—access to additional GPU capacity beyond what has been budgeted—to deal with new projects between the quarterly budgeting meetings. But flex requests from the Superalignment team were routinely rejected by higher-ups, these sources said.

Bob McGrew, OpenAI’s vice president of research, was the executive who informed the team that these requests were being declined, the sources said, but others at the company, including chief technology officer Mira Murati, were involved in making the decisions. Neither McGrew nor Murati responded to requests to comment for this story.

While the team did carry out some research—it released a paper detailing its experiments in successfully getting a less powerful AI model to control a more powerful one in December 2023—the lack of compute stymied the team’s more ambitious ideas, the source said.

After resigning, Leike on Friday published a series of posts on X (formerly Twitter) in which he criticized his former employer , saying “safety culture and processes have taken a backseat to shiny products.” He also said that “over the past few months my team has been sailing against the wind. Sometimes we were struggling for compute and it was getting harder and harder to get this crucial research done.”

Five sources familiar with the Superalignment team’s work backed up Leike’s account, saying that the problems with accessing compute worsened in the wake of the pre-Thanksgiving showdown between Altman and the board of the OpenAI nonprofit foundation.

Sutskever , who was on the board, had voted to fire Altman and was the person the board chose to give Altman the news. When OpenAI’s staff rebelled in response to the decision, Sutskever subsequently posted on X that he “deeply regretted” his participation in Altman’s firing. Ultimately, Altman was rehired, and Sutskever and several other board members involved in his dismissal stepped down from the board. Sutskever never returned to work at OpenAI following Altman’s rehiring but had not formally left the company until last week.

One source disputed the way the other sources Fortune spoke to characterized the compute problems the Superalignment team faced, saying they predated Sutskever’s participation in the failed coup, plaguing the group from the get-go.

While there have been some reports that Sutskever was continuing to co-lead the Superalignment team remotely, sources familiar with the team’s work said this was not the case and that Sutskever had no access to the team’s work and played no role in directing the team after Thanksgiving.

With Sutskever gone, the Superalignment team lost the only person on the team who had enough political capital within the organization to successfully argue for its compute allocation, the sources said. 

In addition to Leike and Sutskever, OpenAI has lost at least six other AI safety researchers from different teams in recent months. One researcher, Daniel Kokotajlo, told news site Vox that he “gradually lost trust in OpenAI leadership and their ability to responsibly handle AGI, so I quit.” 

In response to Leike’s comments, Altman and cofounder Greg Brockman, who is OpenAI’s president, posted on X that they were “grateful to [Leike] for everything he’s done for OpenAI.” The two went on to write, “We need to keep elevating our safety work to match the stakes of each new model.”

They then laid out their view of the company’s approach to AI safety going forward, which would involve a much greater emphasis on testing models currently under development than trying to develop theoretical approaches on how to make future, more powerful models safe. “We need to have a very tight feedback loop, rigorous testing, careful consideration at every step, world-class security, and harmony of safety and capabilities,” Brockman and Altman wrote, adding that “empirical understanding can help inform the way forward.”

The people who spoke to Fortune did so anonymously, either because they said they feared losing their jobs, or because they feared losing vested equity in the company, or both. Employees who have left OpenAI have been forced to sign separation agreements that include a strict non-disparagement clause that says the company can claw back their vested equity if they criticize the company publicly, or if they even acknowledge the clause’s existence. And employees have been told that anyone who refuses to sign the separation agreement will forfeit their equity as well.

After Vox reported on these separation terms, Altman posted on X that he had been unaware of that provision and was “genuinely embarrassed” by that fact. He said OpenAI had never attempted to enforce the clause and claw back anyone’s vested equity. He said the company was in the process of updating its exit paperwork to “fix” the issue and that any past employee concerned about the provisions in the exit paperwork they signed could approach him directly about it and it would be changed. 

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    A person with a long ponytail sits at a blue desk writing on a piece of paper next to a list with the title "How To Write a Resignation Letter" and these steps: • Record the time and date • Start with an address line • Include a statement of resignation • List your last day of work • Add a statement of gratitude • List next steps or important information • Close with your signature

  14. How to Write a Farewell Speech: Making It Memorable

    Include a quote at the beginning or end of the speech to make it more memorable to the audience. Show your appreciation to the company and colleagues. Don't forget to wish them good luck. Don't be shy if you get too emotional. But try not to get hysterical and ruin the speech.

  15. How to Write a Resignation Letter (With Examples)

    Two weeks is considered the standard amount of notice to give an employer when you resign from a job. When an employee is covered by an employment contract, however, they are expected to adhere to the contract terms, which may require a longer notice period. In some cases, an employee may need to quit with less or no notice.

  16. Farewell Speech Example to a Colleague Who is Leaving

    64961. "Today is a very sad day for us in the office as we have to say goodbye to our wonderful coworker. He/she has worked with us for a long time and has never let us down. He/she has always been extremely professional, hard-working and a team player. He/she has a brilliant mind and always brought creative new ideas to the team.

  17. How To Write a Resignation Letter for a Better Opportunity in ...

    Here are eight steps you can follow to write your letter: 1. Speak to your supervisor. If possible, try to speak to your supervisor in person before you submit your formal resignation, explaining your intent to leave. This can be especially important if you have a good relationship with your supervisor and wish to maintain it after you leave ...

  18. 101 Great Sample Farewell Message to Boss Who Is Leaving

    Boss Is Leaving. #1 Although I am sad to have to say goodbye, I'm excited about your future opportunities. I have learned so much from you, and you have been an integral part of my professional development. Thank you for everything. #2 A boss like you doesn't come around every day.

  19. Farewell email

    Use this sample as the basis for your own ideas and inspirations. In this casual farewell email, we say thanks for everything and provide a basic structure for you to share your memories, and messages for the future. Hey guys, Today is (if you didn't already know) my last day. Hooray (for me, at least).

  20. The Perfect Resignation Letter in Minutes, Generated by AI

    Create the perfect resignation letter in 30 seconds with our free AI resignation letter generator. You've decided to quit, and now you need to write a formal resignation letter. You can get it right on your own, or use our AI resignation letter generator above. Provide us with details of your job and situation, and we'll use the collective ...

  21. Chiefs' Harrison Butker says he has no regrets about ...

    The 28-year-old said he values his religion more than football. "It's a decision I've consciously made and one I do not regret at all," he said. The NFL has distanced itself from Butker's comments. The league said the comments and "views are not those of the NFL as an organization.". Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes said the ...

  22. Barcelona sack Xavi and line up Hansi Flick

    It was reported in Spain that Xavi had agreed to write off his remaining wages as part of his initial resignation. The decision to fire him now, rather than accept his resignation earlier this ...

  23. 46 Ways To Say Farewell to Your Coworkers or Manager

    Good luck!" "Your leadership and presence will be missed. I wish you great success in your next role." "Great leaders always make a difference. You made a difference here, and you're going to be excellent at your new company." "Thank you for your support and goodwill over the years.

  24. General Election 2024: What happens now an election has been called

    The current government remains in office unless and until the prime minister tenders his and the government's resignation to the King. The government is entitled to await the meeting of the new ...

  25. A Commencement Speech for the Class of 2024

    For the Class of 2024. Take a deep breath and look around: You made it. As you exhale, I want to tell you about a song that came out while most of you were just barely out of kindergarten. The ...

  26. House GOP to grill college leaders for negotiating with protesters

    Daniels, however, emphasized that many college leaders have largely managed to dodge calls for resignation, federal investigations, hearings and intense scrutiny. "More have done well than not.

  27. Travis Kelce says he doesn't agree 'with just about any' of Harrison

    On Friday's new episode of the podcast "New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce," the Chiefs tight end said Butker's views are very different than his. "I can't say I agree with the majority of it [the speech], or just about any of it, outside of just him loving his family and his kids," Kelce said. In Butker's commencement ...

  28. OpenAI promised 20% of its computing power to combat the most dangerous

    Jan Leike, a longtime OpenAI researcher, co-led the team. He announced his own resignation Friday, two days after Sutskever's departure. The company then told the remaining employees on the team ...