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IELTS Writing Task 2: Expert Guide to Reducing the Gap Between Rich and Poor (Band 7-9 Sample Essays)

The topic of income inequality and how countries can reduce the gap between the rich and the poor is a recurring theme in IELTS Writing Task 2. Based on analysis of past IELTS exams and trends, this subject is likely to appear frequently in future tests due to its global relevance and increasing economic disparities worldwide. Let’s explore this important topic through expert analysis and sample essays for different band scores.

Analyzing the Task 2 Question

Let’s examine a common IELTS Writing Task 2 question on this topic:

In many countries, the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing. What problems does this cause? What measures can be taken to reduce this gap?

This question is a typical example of a problem-solution essay. It requires candidates to:

  • Discuss the problems caused by the growing wealth gap
  • Propose measures to reduce this inequality

The question tests your ability to analyze societal issues, think critically about causes and effects, and suggest practical solutions. It also assesses your skills in organizing ideas coherently and using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.

Sample Essay 1 (Band 8-9)

Here’s a high-scoring sample essay addressing the question:

The widening chasm between the affluent and the impoverished in numerous nations is an alarming trend that poses significant challenges to society. This essay will explore the problems stemming from this growing disparity and propose measures to mitigate it.

The increasing wealth gap engenders several critical issues . Firstly, it exacerbates social tension and unrest, as the less fortunate may feel disenfranchised and resentful towards the wealthy elite. This can lead to political instability and, in extreme cases, civil unrest. Secondly, economic inequality often perpetuates a cycle of poverty, with limited access to quality education and healthcare for lower-income groups, thereby hindering social mobility. Lastly, a stark wealth divide can stifle economic growth by reducing consumer spending power among a large segment of the population.

To address these challenges, governments and societies can implement various measures . One crucial step is to reform tax systems, introducing more progressive taxation where higher earners contribute a larger share of their income. This can help redistribute wealth and fund social programs. Additionally, investing in comprehensive education and vocational training programs can equip individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds with the skills needed to secure better-paying jobs. Governments should also focus on creating inclusive economic policies that promote job creation and entrepreneurship across all sectors of society.

Another effective approach is to strengthen social safety nets , including unemployment benefits, affordable healthcare, and housing assistance. These programs can provide a buffer against extreme poverty and help reduce the gap between socioeconomic classes. Furthermore, implementing policies to curb excessive executive compensation and encouraging corporate social responsibility can help distribute corporate profits more equitably.

In conclusion, the growing divide between the rich and poor presents significant societal challenges that require multi-faceted solutions. By implementing progressive taxation, investing in education and skills training, strengthening social welfare programs, and promoting more equitable corporate practices, countries can work towards reducing this gap and fostering a more balanced and harmonious society.

(Word count: 309)

Analysis of Band 8-9 Essay

This essay demonstrates excellent qualities that justify a high band score:

Task Achievement : The essay fully addresses all parts of the task, discussing problems and proposing measures in detail.

Coherence and Cohesion : Ideas are logically organized with clear progression. Paragraphs are well-linked using cohesive devices (e.g., “Firstly,” “Secondly,” “Additionally”).

Lexical Resource : The essay uses a wide range of vocabulary accurately and appropriately (e.g., “exacerbates,” “disenfranchised,” “perpetuates,” “mitigate”).

Grammatical Range and Accuracy : It demonstrates a wide range of grammatical structures used accurately and flexibly (e.g., complex sentences, passive voice, conditional statements).

Development of Ideas : Each main point is well-developed with explanations and examples.

Income Inequality Chart

Sample Essay 2 (Band 6-7)

Here’s a sample essay that would likely score in the Band 6-7 range:

The gap between rich and poor people is getting bigger in many countries. This causes problems and needs to be fixed. In this essay, I will talk about the problems this causes and some ways to reduce the gap.

When the gap between rich and poor gets bigger, it causes several problems . First, it can make poor people feel angry and upset with rich people. This can lead to problems in society and sometimes even protests or violence. Also, when there is a big gap, poor people often can’t get good education or healthcare, which makes it hard for them to improve their lives. This means their children might also stay poor, creating a cycle of poverty.

To reduce this gap, governments can do several things . One important thing is to change the tax system. Rich people should pay more taxes, and this money can be used to help poor people. Another good idea is to improve education for everyone. If poor people can get better education, they can get better jobs and earn more money. The government can also create more jobs and help small businesses, which can give more opportunities to poor people.

Another way to help is to provide better support for poor people . This can include things like unemployment benefits, cheap housing, and free healthcare. These things can help poor people have a better life and maybe save some money to improve their situation.

In conclusion, the growing gap between rich and poor is a big problem that needs to be solved. By changing taxes, improving education, creating jobs, and providing better support for poor people, countries can try to make this gap smaller. This will help create a fairer and more stable society for everyone.

(Word count: 282)

Analysis of Band 6-7 Essay

This essay demonstrates qualities that would likely place it in the Band 6-7 range:

Task Achievement : The essay addresses all parts of the task, but the ideas are less fully developed compared to the Band 8-9 essay.

Coherence and Cohesion : There is a clear overall progression, but the use of cohesive devices is less sophisticated (e.g., frequent use of “Also” and “Another”).

Lexical Resource : The vocabulary is adequate but less varied and precise compared to the higher band essay. Some attempt at using less common vocabulary (e.g., “cycle of poverty”).

Grammatical Range and Accuracy : The essay uses a mix of simple and complex sentences, with generally good control of grammar. However, it lacks the sophistication and flexibility seen in higher band essays.

Development of Ideas : Main points are present and supported, but the level of detail and explanation is less than in the Band 8-9 essay.

Key Vocabulary for This Topic

Here are some important vocabulary items related to this topic:

  • Income inequality (n.) – /ˈɪnkʌm ɪnɪˈkwɒlɪti/ – The extent to which income is distributed unevenly in a group of people
  • Wealth disparity (n.) – /welθ dɪˈspærɪti/ – The unequal distribution of assets among residents of a society
  • Socioeconomic (adj.) – /ˌsəʊsɪəʊˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ – Related to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors
  • Progressive taxation (n.) – /prəˈɡresɪv tækˈseɪʃn/ – A tax system where the tax rate increases as the taxable amount increases
  • Social mobility (n.) – /ˈsəʊʃl məʊˈbɪlɪti/ – The ability of individuals or groups to move within a society’s social strata
  • Redistribution of wealth (n.) – /ˌriːdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn əv welθ/ – The transfer of income, wealth, or property from some individuals to others through social mechanisms
  • Economic disparity (n.) – /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk dɪˈspærɪti/ – A significant difference in economic well-being between individuals or groups
  • Social safety net (n.) – /ˈsəʊʃl ˈseɪfti net/ – A collection of services provided by the state to support those with little or no income
  • Inclusive growth (n.) – /ɪnˈkluːsɪv ɡrəʊθ/ – Economic growth that creates opportunity for all segments of the population
  • Wage stagnation (n.) – /weɪdʒ stæɡˈneɪʃn/ – A situation where real wages (adjusted for inflation) remain static or grow very slowly

The topic of reducing the gap between the rich and poor is a complex and important issue that frequently appears in IELTS Writing Task 2. By understanding the key aspects of this topic and practicing with sample essays like those provided, you can improve your ability to write a high-scoring response.

For further practice, consider writing your own essay on this topic or related ones, such as:

  • “Some people believe that governments should focus on reducing income inequality, while others argue that economic growth should be the priority. Discuss both views and give your opinion.”
  • “In many countries, a small number of people earn extremely high salaries. Some people believe that this is good for the country, but others think that governments should control salaries and limit the amount people can earn. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.”

Remember to focus on clear organization, use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, and fully develop your ideas with explanations and examples. Feel free to share your practice essays in the comments section for feedback and discussion.

  • IELTS essay samples
  • Sample Essay
  • Vocabulary List

IELTS Essay Band 8.5: Gap between the rich and the poor

The gap between rich and poor continues to widen in many countries.

What solutions can be implemented to reduce income inequality and promote social cohesion?

Task Achievement

This is a well-written essay that clearly addresses the question. You have identified the main causes of income inequality and proposed relevant solutions. Your ideas are well-developed and logically presented. To further improve, consider providing more specific examples or evidence to support your points, and further elaborate on how your proposed solutions would work in practice.

  • Provide more specific examples or case studies to illustrate the points made.
  • Provide more detailed evidence to support the points made.
  • Further elaborate on how the proposed solutions would work in practice.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

You have demonstrated a strong command of grammatical structures and punctuation in this essay. Your sentences are well formed and error-free, contributing to the overall coherence and cohesion of your argument. However, there is room for improvement in terms of lexical variety and sentence variety. Consider incorporating more advanced vocabulary and varied sentence starters to enhance your grammatical range.

  • Use more varied sentence starters to avoid repetition.
  • Incorporate more advanced vocabulary to demonstrate a wider lexical range.
  • Use more varied linking words to improve cohesion.

Coherence and Cohesion

You have written a well-structured and coherent essay. Your ideas are logically organized and your arguments are clearly presented. You have used a variety of cohesive devices effectively to link your ideas and paragraphs. However, there is room for improvement in your introduction and conclusion. Consider including a brief overview of your main points in the introduction and a stronger final statement in the conclusion. Also, be mindful of overusing certain phrases or ideas. Keep up the good work!

  • Consider including a brief overview of the main points in the introduction.
  • Use clear topic sentences at the beginning of each body paragraph to guide the reader.
  • Include a stronger final statement in the conclusion to leave a lasting impression on the reader.
  • Avoid overusing certain phrases or ideas to maintain the reader's interest.

Lexical Resource

You have demonstrated a high level of lexical resource in your essay. Your vocabulary is wide and varied, and you have used it flexibly and accurately to express your ideas. You have also used some less common vocabulary, which adds sophistication to your writing. There are no errors in word formation or word choice, and your vocabulary is not dependent on the question. Keep up the good work!

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Income Inequality (Real Past IELTS Test/Exam)

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 4 Comments

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Income Inequality (Real Past IELTS Test/Exam)

This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay from the real IELTS exam on the topic of income inquality.

It’s a really interesting question because a lot of politicians have been talking about this recently.

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Before you read the sample answer, you can improve your listening by playing the audio before and taking some notes on the keywords/ideas and then reading the sample essay :

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Income Inequality (Real Past IELTS Test/Exam)

Many believe that the best way to ensure a happier society is to reduce the difference in income earnings between the rich and poor. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Real Past IELTS Exam/Test

Class distinctions are an intrinsic element of human relations but many today worry over the drastically widening gap between rich and poor. In my opinion, in order to have a happy society there must be a more equal distribution of income.

The main reason that these economic reforms would make society happier is by diffusing personal frustrations. The less wealthy often feel resentful and insecure about their place in life. This has a number of symptoms ranging from relatively benign unhappiness to deep depression, and takes a collective toll on individuals, families and societies. In the most extreme examples, mass shootings in the United States are invariably undertaken by poor, white males who feel left behind economically. The net impact of lifting people out of poverty would be a boon to everyday families as well as society at large.

Furthermore, if people no longer had to stress and work themselves to the bone to make ends meet, new outlets to contribute more to society would open up. They could volunteer for a charity, if they have an altruistic bent, take up an art, spend more time being a dedicated family member, or even set aside time to try to innovate in their vocation. Small-scale parallels for this exist already in the form of scholarships given to underprivileged students who are then able to get degrees and contribute across a variety of disciplines to making society happier in general.

In conclusion, there is little doubt that in the 21st century income inequality has reached a level that causes extreme unrest among the general population and distributing capital more evenly would remedy this. Countries ought to look closely at recent proposals for a universal basic income.

1. Class distinctions are an intrinsic element of human relations but many today worry over the drastically widening gap between rich and poor. 2. In my opinion, in order to have a happy society there must be a more equal distribution of income.

  • Paraphrase the overall topic for the essay first of all.
  • Then include your overall opinion – make it 100% clear.

1. The main reason that these economic reforms would make society happier is by diffusing personal frustrations. 2. The less wealthy often feel resentful and insecure about their place in life. 3. This has a number of symptoms ranging from relatively benign unhappiness to deep depression, and takes a collective toll on individuals, families and societies. 4. In the most extreme examples, mass shootings in the United States are invariably undertaken by poor, white males who feel left behind economically. 5. The net impact of lifting people out of poverty would be a boon to everyday families as well as society at large.

  • Write a topic sentence with a relevant main idea at the end of the sentence.
  • Begin to explain/develop your main idea.
  • Continue developing with as much specific detail as possible.
  • Include a specific example if possible.
  • Describe the effect/result of your main idea.

1. Furthermore, if people no longer had to stress and work themselves to the bone to make ends meet, new outlets to contribute more to society would open up. 2. They could volunteer for a charity, if they have an altruistic bent, take up an art, spend more time being a dedicated family member, or even set aside time to try to innovate in their vocation. 3. Small-scale parallels for this exist already in the form of scholarships given to underprivileged students who are then able to get degrees and contribute across a variety of disciplines to making society happier in general.

  • Write a new topic sentence. My topic sentence here is a little too long – try to write a shorter, simpler topic sentence.
  • Again include specific examples – the more specific, the better!
  • Here I use a comparative example to support my main idea. This paragraph is only 3 sentences, aim for 4-5 in your own writing.

1. In conclusion, there is little doubt that in the 21st century income inequality has reached a level that causes extreme unrest among the general population and distributing capital more evenly would remedy this. 2. Countries ought to look closely at recent proposals for a universal basic income.

  • Repeat your opinion and include some strong vocabulary/grammar at the end.
  • Add in a final thought or extra detail to get full points for task achievement from the IELTS examiner.

Try to figure out what the words in bold below mean:

Class distinctions are an intrinsic element of human relations but many today worry over the drastically widening gap between rich and poor. In my opinion, in order to have a happy society there must be a more equal distribution of income .

The main reason that these economic reforms would make society happier is by diffusing personal frustrations . The less wealthy often feel resentful and insecure about their place in life . This has a number of symptoms ranging from relatively benign unhappiness to deep depression , and takes a collective toll on individuals, families and societies. In the most extreme examples , mass shootings in the United States are invariably undertaken by poor, white males who feel left behind economically . The net impact of lifting people out of poverty would be a boon to everyday families as well as society at large .

Furthermore, if people no longer had to stress and work themselves to the bone to make ends meet , new outlets to contribute more to society would open up . They could volunteer for a charity, if they have an altruistic bent , take up an art, spend more time being a dedicated family member, or even set aside time to try to innovate in their vocation . Small-scale parallels for this exist already in the form of scholarships given to underprivileged students who are then able to get degrees and contribute across a variety of disciplines to making society happier in general.

In conclusion, there is little doubt that in the 21st century income inequality has reached a level that causes extreme unrest among the general population and distributing capital more evenly would remedy this. Countries ought to look closely at recent proposals for a universal basic income .

class distinctions different levels of wealth

intrinsic element innate part

human relations human society

drastically widening gap getting larger very quickly

more equal distribution of income less disparity in wages

economic reforms changes to the economy

diffusing personal frustrations lessening the impact of annoyance with yourself

resentful anger towards others

insecure lacking confidence

place in life standing in life

symptoms results

relatively benign unhappiness comparatively not harmful feeling bad

deep depression feeling very sad

collective toll total drawbacks on everyone

most extreme examples outliers

mass shootings when lots of people get shot

invariably always

left behind economically stranded financially

net impact total effect

lifting people out of poverty helping poor people get richer

boon benefit

society at large all of society

work themselves to the bone to make ends meet work really hard to make enough money

new outlets novel avenues for

open up allow for

altruistic bent care about others over yourself

take up begin doing

dedicated passionate about

set aside time have free time to

innovate implement new ideas

vocation job

small-scale parallels comparisions

scholarships money to study

underprivileged poor

disciplines fields

extreme unrest strong discontent

distributing capital more evenly spreading money equally

recent proposals new ideas/regulations/laws

universal basic income salary for every citizen


klɑːs dɪsˈtɪŋkʃənz   ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk ˈɛlɪmənt   ˈhjuːmən rɪˈleɪʃənz   ˈdræstɪk(ə)li ˈwaɪdnɪŋ gæp   mɔːr ˈiːkwəl ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən ɒv ˈɪnkʌm ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˌriːˈfɔːmz   dɪˈfjuːzɪŋ ˈpɜːsnl frʌsˈtreɪʃənz rɪˈzɛntfʊl   ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə   pleɪs ɪn laɪf ˈsɪmptəmz ˈrɛlətɪvli bɪˈnaɪn ʌnˈhæpɪnəs   diːp dɪˈprɛʃən kɒˈlɛktɪv təʊl   məʊst ɪksˈtriːm ɪgˈzɑːmplz mæs ˈʃuːtɪŋz ɪnˈveərɪəbli   lɛft bɪˈhaɪnd ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkəli nɛt ˈɪmpækt   ˈlɪftɪŋ ˈpiːpl aʊt ɒv ˈpɒvəti   buːn   səˈsaɪəti æt lɑːʤ wɜːk ðəmˈsɛlvz tuː ðə bəʊn tuː meɪk ɛndz miːt njuː ˈaʊtlɛts   ˈəʊpən ʌp ˌæltrʊˈɪstɪk bɛnt teɪk ʌp   ˈdɛdɪkeɪtɪd   sɛt əˈsaɪd taɪm   ˈɪnəʊveɪt   vəʊˈkeɪʃən smɔːl-skeɪl ˈpærəlɛlz   ˈskɒləʃɪps   ˌʌndəˈprɪvɪlɪʤd   ˈdɪsɪplɪnz   ɪksˈtriːm ʌnˈrɛst   dɪsˈtrɪbju(ː)tɪŋ ˈkæpɪtl mɔːr ˈiːvənli   ˈrɛmɪdi   ˈriːsnt prəˈpəʊzəlz   ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəl ˈbeɪsɪk ˈɪnkʌm

Listen and repeat:

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

______________ are an ______________ of ______________ but many today worry over the ______________ between rich and poor. In my opinion, in order to have a happy society there must be a ______________ .

The main reason that these ______________ would make society happier is by ______________ . The less wealthy often feel ______________ and ______________ about their ______________ . This has a number of ______________ ranging from ______________ to ______________ , and takes a ______________ on individuals, families and societies. In the ______________ , ______________ in the United States are ______________ undertaken by poor, white males who feel ______________ . The ______________ of ______________ would be a ______________ to everyday families as well as ______________ .

Furthermore, if people no longer had to stress and ______________ , ______________ to contribute more to society would ______________ . They could volunteer for a charity, if they have an ______________ , ______________ an art, spend more time being a ______________ family member, or even ______________ to try to ______________ in their ______________ . ______________ for this exist already in the form of ______________ given to ______________ students who are then able to get degrees and contribute across a variety of ______________ to making society happier in general.

In conclusion, there is little doubt that in the 21st century income inequality has reached a level that causes ______________ among the general population and ______________ would this. Countries ought to look closely at ______________ for a ______________ .

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September 18, 2024

Rich countries are getting richer while poor countries are getting poorer. What is the cause of

Rich countries are getting richer while poor countries are getting poorer. what is the cause of this what could be done to solve this problem, sample answer:.

The growing disparity between rich and poor countries is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. One of the main causes is the unequal distribution of resources and wealth, which leads to a cycle of poverty in developing nations. Additionally, the historical legacy of colonization and exploitation has left many countries in the Global South at a significant disadvantage in terms of economic development.

Furthermore, the global economic system, dominated by wealthy nations and multinational corporations, often perpetuates the imbalance by exploiting cheap labor and natural resources in poorer countries. This leads to a situation where the rich get richer at the expense of the poor, exacerbating the existing disparities.

To address this issue, a multi-faceted approach is needed. Firstly, there must be a concerted effort to reform the global economic system to make it more equitable for all countries. This could involve fair trade agreements, debt relief for developing nations, and measures to prevent exploitation of labor and resources.

Additionally, wealthy nations could increase their foreign aid and investment in infrastructure and education in poorer countries. This would help to create opportunities for economic growth and reduce the cycle of poverty. Moreover, initiatives to promote sustainable development and environmental conservation could help to ensure that resources are used responsibly and benefit local communities.

Ultimately, addressing the growing gap between rich and poor countries requires a coordinated effort on a global scale. It is essential for governments, international organizations, and civil society to work together to create a more equitable and sustainable world for all.

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There is a significant gap between rich and poor countries. Some people think that richer countries should be responsible for supporting poorer countries while others think it is the responsibility of the poorer countries. What is your opinion?

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Rich Countries are Getting Richer while Poor Countries are Getting Poorer- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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gap between rich and poor countries ielts essay

Table of Contents

Sample essay.

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Rich countries are getting richer while poor countries are getting poorer. What are the causes of this? How can this problem be solved?

Cause & Solution essay


Sentences 1&2 – Paraphrase the topic using synonyms to establish a base upon which you will elaborate.

Sentence 3 – Mention that the essay will understand the causes and solutions.

Body paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Outline the causes of why there has been a tremendous wealth gap between rich and poor.

Paragraph 2 – Elucidate the solutions for this topic.

Summarise the essay and state your opinion.

Economically developed countries indeed take advantage of developing countries. It is mainly due to the wage gap between countries and the domination of local markets. However, this problem could be at least partially solved with government intervention.

One factor that significantly influences the wealth gap between prosperous and impoverished countries is that workers in developing countries are paid poorly. Global corporations seek to minimise their labour costs. Therefore, they set up their branches in developing countries and only offer low-paid work, keeping the highly paid corporate jobs back in their home country. Consequently, they maximise their profits, while the citizens of developing countries suffer from this economic inequality. Another major cause of wealth inequality is the control of prices of goods. As multinational businesses produce products of high quality and make them cheaper than local businesses, they can set lower prices of goods, so local companies cannot compete or go out of business trying to do so.

Consequently, the way to address these problems would be for the government to introduce stricter tax legislation for foreign companies. As a result, global corporations would have their profit margins shrunk, and hence, they would be pushed to increase the price of their products, which would benefit local sellers. Whereas to resolve the wealth gap issue, the governments of developing countries must increase the minimum wage. If they did this, the global companies would have to raise wages, and workers of poverty-stricken countries would earn more.

In conclusion, poorly paid jobs and market control increase the gap between economically developed and developing countries. The situation will be remedied when governments increase the minimum wage and reform tax laws.

Meaning – a fixed, regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis. Example – Most wage claims are settled by compromise through arbitration.

Meaning – the exercise of power or influence over someone or something, or the state of being so controlled. Example – Most companies struggle to maintain their domination in the marketplace.

  • Intervention

Meaning – interference by a state in another’s affairs. Example – The government’s intervention in the dispute between the two states might help.

Meaning – successful in material terms; flourishing financially. Example – The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.

  • Impoverished

Meaning – (of a person or area) made poor. Example – Excessive farming had impoverished the soil.

Meaning – relating to a large company or group. Example – The company is moving its corporate headquarters from Mumbai to Bangalore.

Meaning – strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others. Example – The company must reduce costs to compete effectively in the marketplace among the competitors.

  • Legislation

Meaning – laws, considered collectively. Example – He gave his consent to the proposed legislation held in the company’s general meeting.

Meaning – become or make smaller in size or amount. Example – Television, in a sense, has shrunk the world.

Meaning – set right (an undesirable situation). Example – The sexual harassment case against the senior partner could easily be remedied if the authorities were willing.

Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Band 4+: Some people believe that modern technology is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In many countries around the world technological development is the cause of the increased difference between the weathy people and the poor.Some critics argue that technological advancement is the leading cause of the significant gap between the affluent people and the poverished onces in our society while other maintained that this is not the case.In my opinion increase in the use of technology is the huge cause of the big differences between the poor and the rich.

On the one hand,there are a number of argument while digital age is one of the major reason for the increased difference between the poor and the weathy people in our society.Firstly,the invention of software which is one of the main technology uses today to make money can only be afford most times by the affluent people.Inaddiyion,this people are of this opinion because having access to some of this software can increase wealth and is only these rich people that have access to them.Forinstances, technological advancement creates jobs online and people work and earnand as a result it’s only those that are rich can have access to some of this online jobs because they can afford to buy a computer and also an internet data.Thereby, increasing their wealth unlike the poor onces who can not even afford to buy a laptop not to talk of buying internet services.Next,this critics also maintained that in some schools today pupils are only allowed to study with the use of computer.Furthermore,it is only the rich mans child that attends such schools, because they are the onces who can afford to buy those software that are needed for studies.Theer by creating a huge difference between thebpooans child and the rich child.This is already the case in Nigeria today in some expensive schools that makes use of digital gadgets to study it is only the affluent mans children that can be seen attending such schools.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why this other people are of the opinion that this is not the case because they viewed this from a different perspective that techniological development is not the cause of the increased gap between the wealthy onces and the poverished in our society.They are of this opinion becy they believe that being poor does not limit you to anything you want to achiy in life.That people can strive to also get what ever they want in life.This people maintained this view,like in schools now that it’s not the affluent mans kids that attend expensive schools that apoor mans child can as well work hard and attend like getting a scholarship there by limiting the space between the poor and the rich.Forexample, there are cases were you can find a poor man’s child attending the same school like the rich mans child.The poor. An be in scholarships or must have obtain a granny from the government.

To conclude,while some believe that technology is cause an increased space between the poor and the rich, such as being able to afford a laptop,data to browse through the internet and attending expensive schools.Others maintained that this is not the case that irrespective of your social status that anyone can afford what ever they want if they work hard and you can also atteny the same school with the rich mans child by getting scholarships or grants.I am in favor of the altitude that digital age is the cause of the increased gap between the wealthy onces and the poverished.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 855 - the rich people are becoming richer while the poor is growing poorer, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, in many countries, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing. the rich people are becoming richer while the poor is growing poorer..

gap between rich and poor countries ielts essay

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