Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Othello

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Othello is one of Shakespeare’s five best-known and widely studied tragedies, along with Hamlet , Macbeth , King Lear , and Romeo and Juliet . But as is so often with a well-known text, we don’t know this one nearly as well as we think we do: Othello has more in it than jealousy, the ‘green-eyed monster’, and (implied) racial hatred.

These themes are central to the play’s power, but one of the triumphs of Othello , as the analysis below attempts to demonstrate, is how well Shakespeare weaves different themes and elements together at once. Before we analyse some of these themes, it might be worth recapping the plot of this great tragedy which has inspired everything from opera (Verdi’s Otello ) to a rock musical ( Catch My Soul , from the 1960s).

Othello : plot summary

The main action of the play takes place in Venice, as the play’s subtitle, The Moor of Venice , makes clear. Iago is ensign or flag-bearer to the great military general, Othello, who is a Moor (i.e. a north African Muslim). Iago expects to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant, but instead Othello passes him over in favour of Cassio. For this reason (at least he claims), Iago declares that he hates Othello and will wreak vengeance on both Othello and Cassio.

His first plot is to try to prevent Othello’s marriage to Desdemona, the beautiful daughter of Brabantio, by telling Brabantio that Othello and Desdemona have already slept together even though they are not married. Brabantio summons Othello before the court, but Othello convinces him that he and Desdemona have not yet lain together, and the two of them are married.

Next, in Cyprus on a military campaign, Iago gets Cassio drunk and arranges a brawl, which he makes sure Othello witnesses; Othello has to strip the recently promoted Cassio of his commission. Iago then sets about convincing Othello that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona; he tells Cassio to ask Desdemona to put in a good word for him with Othello so he might get his commission back (but with the result that Othello questions why his wife would want to plead for Cassio).

Iago, having got hold of a handkerchief of Desdemona’s, which she’d lost (a gift from Othello), hatches a plan to make Othello think his wife has been sleeping with Cassio. He hides the handkerchief in Cassio’s bedchamber and then tells Othello that Cassio has it.

When Othello asks Desdemona where her handkerchief is, she confesses that she has lost it; meanwhile, Cassio gives it to Bianca, his mistress, little realising that the handkerchief is part of Iago’s grand plan to implicate him in an imaginary affair.

Iago’s plan works, and Othello is convinced that there is something going on between Cassio and Desdemona. He tells Iago to kill Cassio, and he publicly strikes Desdemona, accusing her in front of everyone. Iago then tells Roderigo to kill Cassio, but Roderigo fails, so Iago kills him so nobody will find out about the plan.

Othello, consumed with jealousy, smothers Desdemona to death with a pillow, Emilia (Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s maid) tells Othello that she was the one who found the handkerchief and gave it to her husband; Iago kills her for revealing this, and Othello wounds Iago. Realising he has thrown away the life of an innocent woman he loved dearly, Othello kills himself publicly, Cassio is made governor of Cyprus, and Iago is taken off for punishment.

Othello : analysis

Othello is a play about sexual jealousy, and how one man can convince another man, who loves his wife dearly, that she has been unfaithful to him when she hasn’t. But Shakespeare does several very interesting, and artistically quite bold, things with this basic plot, and the characters he uses to tell the story.

First, he makes his hero noble, but unusually flawed. All heroes have a tragic flaw, of course: Macbeth’s is his ‘vaulting ambition’ , Hamlet’s is his habit of delaying or over-analysing (although the extent to which he actually delays can be questioned ), and so on. But Othello’s tragic flaw, his pride, is not simply noble or military pride concerned with doing the right thing (as a great military man might be expected to have), but a rather self-serving and self-regarding kind – indeed, self-regarding to the point of being self-destructive.

He is willing to believe his innocent wife has been unfaithful to him even though he is, to all intents and purposes, devoted to her. This makes him a more interesting tragic hero, in some ways, because he isn’t a spotless hero with one major blind spot: his blind spot is, in a sense, everyone else but himself.

Second, Shakespeare doesn’t make Iago, the villain, someone whose motives we can understand. Indeed, he goes out of his way to make Iago as inscrutable as possible. If the first rule of creative writing class is ‘show don’t tell’, the second or third rule may well be ‘make your characters’ motivations clear’.

Yet Shakespeare puts into Iago’s mouth several plausible ‘motives’ for wreaking the confusion and chaos that causes Othello’s downfall and Desdemona’s death, and in providing multiple motives, Iago emerges as ‘motiveless’, to use Coleridge’s famous description (Coleridge described Iago as being possessed of ‘ motiveless malignity ’). We cannot be sure why he is doing what he is doing.

But this does not mean that he is not being driven by anything. In Shakespeare’s source material for the play, a novella by the Italian author Cinthio, Iago is straightforwardly evil and devilish, intent on destroying Othello’s life, and with a clear motive. But Shakespeare’s Iago is more dangerous still: a human, with clearly human attributes and intellect, who nevertheless derives great pleasure from causing harm to others purely because … well, because it gives him pleasure.

Part of the genius of Shakespeare’s characterisation of Iago is that he makes him a convincing ensign to Othello, a loyal servant to the Moorish warrior, even while he is plotting Othello’s downfall. He is a villain, but a charming two-faced one. In Harold Goddard’s fine phrase, he is ‘a moral pyromaniac setting fire to all of reality’ (this phrase is quoted enthusiastically by Harold Bloom in his Shakespeare: The Invention Of The Human ).

Othello is also unlike many of Shakespeare’s other great tragedies, with the possible exception of Romeo and Juliet , in that its plot could easily have been co-opted for a comedy rather than a tragedy, where the confusion created by Iago’s plotting is resolved, the villain is punished, and the hero and heroine are reconciled to live happily ever after.

Compare, in this connection, Iago’s role in Othello with that of the villainous Don John in the earlier comedy, Much Ado about Nothing (a play we have analysed here ). Like Iago, Don John wants to wreck the (upcoming) marriage between Claudio and Hero, and sets about convincing Claudio that his bride-to-be cannot be trusted.

But in Much Ado , Hero’s fidelity is proved and Don John’s villainy is exposed, and we have a comedy. Much of Othello proceeds like a comedy that takes a very dark turn at the end, when it becomes apparent that Othello will not be reconciled with Desdemona, and that the sexual jealousy and suspicion he has been made to feel are too deep-rooted to be wiped out.

The whole thing is really, of course, Iago’s play, as many critics have observed: if Othello is the tragic lead in the drama, Iago is the stage-manager, director, and dramatist all wrapped up in one. Writers from Dickens to George R. R. Martin have often sorrowfully or gleefully talked of ‘killing off’ their own characters for the amusement of others; Iago wishes to ruin Othello’s marriage for his own amusement or, in Hazlitt’s phrase, ‘stabs men in the dark to prevent ennui ’.

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2 thoughts on “A Summary and Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Othello”

The racial issue is of paramount importance in this play. The only characters whose view of Othello is not distorted by racial stereotyping are Desdemona and Cassio. Desdemona’s dying words are an attempt to exculpate her husband, and Cassio’s first reaction on learning that he has been crippled thanks to Othello’s jealous suspicions is to exclaim “Dear General, I never gave you cause!” I find no evidence that Othello is a Muslim. We’re told that he was sold into slavery in his childhood; presumably he was raised as a Christian. The “Colour” issue would have been evident in the original performances, since the Moor would certainly have been played in blackface.

I had the great good fortune to see the 2007 production of Othello put on at the Donmar Warehouse with Chiwetel Ejiofor in the title role. It was a wonderful experience…

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Othello, also titled The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice, is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare in 1603 (as accepted by most scholars). The play was first staged on November 1st, 1604 and 1st published in 1622 by Thomas Walkley. The idea of comes from Italian writer’s play The Moorish Captain, published in 1565. Shakespeare molded the play and fit it according to his own age and place.

Othello by William Shakespeare Summary

The plan of Brabanzio backfires. The Senate and the duke are on the side of Othello and shows sympathy toward him. Othello is given a chance to defend himself. He explains that he doesn’t marry Desdemona through witchcraft but impressed her through his stories of travels and adventures in wars. The duke seems to be convincing with Othello’s explanation.

Moreover, he warns Roderigo of that “someone” and claims him to be Cassio. Iago, at the same time, directs Roderigo to have a fight with Cassio at the celebration by disgracing him. To ruin Othello, the 1st step should be to eliminate Cassio from Othello’s life, says Iago in isolation.

This creates a misunderstanding once more and Othello’s suspicions were confirmed. The scene catches fire when Bianca herself enters with the handkerchief chiding Cassio for making her a copy of it for him and he received it as a token of love given by some other woman. Desdemona also enters and gives Othello a letter from Venice. Othello is called back to home and instructed to appoint Cassio in place of him. This makes Othello super angry and strikes Desdemona.

Soon Othello wounds Desdemona, she cries out claiming that she has committed a suicide. Emilia returns hearing the cries and asks Othello that what happened. He tells her that he has killed Desdemona for her faithfulness that was brought into attention by Iago.

Themes in Othello

Love and the discordancy of military heroism.

As Othello was a soldier, we see throughout the play that his married life is much affected. Just as he gets married, he is sent to Cyprus. In Cyprus when he tries to enjoy his marriage, an emergency alarm is rung in the whole town, though the matter was not that serious. We see that he asks for “fit disposition” for his wife.

Othello, consider that his success in love is just because he is a successful soldier, as he wins Desdemona’s heart by telling him the stories of wars, military travels, etc.

The Danger of Isolation

More importantly, Othello is considered a man from another nation and is subject to isolation because of his physical appearance and the color of his skin. Iago manipulates the distance among character to achieve his cunning plans.

Othello Characters Analysis

Duke of venice, othello literary analysis.

The contracting trajectory of the play suggests that deleterious sentiments like distrust put a sensitive choke hold on an individual, throttling their capability to think undoubtedly and therefore averting them from performing rationally. The play distinctions the grounds in which Othello is self-assured and influential, such as the external world of an encounter, with the internal spaces in which he is less confident and able to be effortlessly operated.

The pessimism of Iago sets the platform for the suspicious tone in the second half of the play. When Othello progressively drops in Iago’s influence, just like Iago, he too instigates to speak wary remarks that boom Iago’s skeptical worldview. Othello, not only starts referring to the falseness and unfaithfulness of women but also calls Desdemona a “whore” on her face. His growing uncertainty echoes an all-consuming obsession that strengthens the fervors of distrust.

As he develops progressively paranoid, he inclines into a close to schizophrenic misperception. In an instant of no reason, he suggests that nature would devote herself is such a surveillance passion without some directions. Othello claims that he would not feel so intensely bothered if nothing had actually occurred amid Cassio and Desdemona. Consequently, since he does feel troubled, the custody of infidelity must be well started. Othello who usually is so rational, eloquent, and self-possessed, here employs a disordered reason that platforms the tone of fear that surpasses the play.

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Othello: The Moor of Venice

Synopsis and plot overview of shakespeare's othello: the moor of venice.

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TL;DR (may contain spoilers): Iago manipulates literally everyone. Othello gets really jealous. (Almost) everyone dies.

Othello Summary

Iago is furious about being overlooked for promotion and plots to take revenge against his General: Othello, the Moor of Venice. Iago manipulates Othello into believing his wife Desdemona is unfaithful, stirring Othello's jealousy. Othello allows jealousy to consume him, murders Desdemona, and then kills himself.

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More detail: 3 minute read

Before Othello begins, Roderigo has been pursuing Desdemona, a Venetian noblewoman. One night, he hears from his soldier friend, Iago, that Desdemona has secretly married his General, the Moorish Othello. Iago bears a grudge against Othello for overlooking Iago for a lieutenant position. Instead, Othello chose Michael Cassio, leaving Iago only at the low rank of ensign. Iago urges Roderigo to continue his pursuit of Desdemona. He knows Senator Brabantio, Desdemona's father, will dislike having Othello as a son-in-law. So late at night, Iago and Roderigo wake Brabantio and tell him the news of Desdemona. Brabantio angrily summons the militia to arrest Othello. At that moment, officers arrive to summon Brabantio to an urgent meeting of the Senate. The Senate is concerned about the imminent threat of a Turkish invasion fleet on Cyprus. Full of fury, Brabantio goes to the council.  

Othello Royal Shakespeare Company, 1999. A  black Othello wears an embroidered jacket and a brown gown with broad black and thin white stripes. He stand with his right arm across his body, gesturing rejection; his expression is disdainful.

Brabantio interrupts the council, claiming vengeance against Othello. Othello is already there because he has just been put in command of the forces to repel the Turks. Othello explains how his stories of military prowess have helped him earn Desdemona's love (good storytelling is the most important trait in a companion, after all). Afterwards, Desdemona is called to reinforce the tale and defend her marriage. Following Desdemona's defence, her father disowns her, and she chooses to go with Othello on his campaign. She plans to travel in the care of Lieutenant Cassio and with Emilia, Iago's wife.

In Cyprus, Montano, the governor of Cyprus, and his soldiers greet Cassio, Iago, Desdemona, and Emilia as they disembark. Othello soon arrives with news that storms at sea have dispersed the Turkish fleet. A night of celebration is proclaimed. Roderigo confesses doubts about his potential to woo Desdemona, but Iago assures him that there is hope. He urges Roderigo to challenge Cassio to a duel that night, since (as Iago claims) Desdemona is actually falling in love with him. When the night comes, Iago gets Cassio drunk, and Roderigo incites his anger. Montano, the governor, is stabbed during his attempt to contain Cassio. Othello is angered by the fight and blames Cassio, stripping him of his recently conferred officer status. 

1846 Othello Playbill featuring Ira Aldridge. The bill proclaims that this is for a "farewell benefit of the African Roscius", and advertises a "farewell poetic address", an appearance by Miss Emmeline Montague, and the melodrama Karea or Three Fingered Jack, as well as Othello.

The next day, Iago convinces Cassio to ask Desdemona for help in regaining his post. When Cassio asks, Desdemona innocently agrees. Meanwhile, Iago has sown seeds of jealousy in Othello’s mind, suggesting that Desdemona is overfond of Cassio. With no reason to suspect Iago of bad intentions, Othello begins to watch his wife. Othello becomes angry when Desdemona cannot find the first gift (a handkerchief) he had ever given her. The handkerchief is embroidered with strawberries and especially important to Othello. But Desdemona had not lost the handkerchief. Iago had instructed Emilia, his wife, to take it. Iago then hid the handkerchief where Cassio would find it. When Desdemona urges her husband to reconsider Cassio’s demotion, Othello gets jealous and suspects her of infidelity.  

O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster — Othello, Act 3 Scene 3

Iago continues to inflame this jealousy. He encourages Othello to listen in on, and misinterpret, part of a conversation between Cassio and his mistress, Bianca. Cassio and Bianca discuss how Cassio obtained the embroidered handkerchief that he then gives to Bianca to copy. Othello’s agitation at what he hears brings on an epileptic fit. After recovering, he orders Iago to kill Cassio. Desdemona cannot understand Othello's change of attitude towards her. Othello even strikes her in the presence of her relative, Lodovico, who has arrived as an ambassador from Venice. As she prepares for bed, she talks with Emilia, singing to relieve the distress she feels at losing the trust of her husband. 

Othello Royal Shakespeare Company Othello, 1961. On a staircase Othello, flanked by a number of nobles on his left and soldiers on his right, approaches Desdemona, dressed in white standing alone at the foot of the steps. Her maids (in red) are some paces behind her.

Meanwhile, Roderigo has begun to suspect Iago is not quite the friend he seems. Still Iago persuades him to attack Cassio that night (again, to be able to court Desdemona). In the fight that ensues, Iago goes undetected and wounds Cassio. He then enters again as himself to accuse and kill Roderigo for the act of wounding Cassio. 

Othello comes to his sleeping wife's bedroom to murder her as punishment for her supposed adultery. He smothers her with a pillow as she asserts her innocence. Emilia alerts the household, causing Iago and others to come to the scene. Othello defends himself, mentioning the handkerchief as evidence. Emilia realises what has happened and betrays Iago‘s plots against Othello. Iago, reacting to his wife's accusations, stabs and kills her. Iago is arrested and sent to trial after Othello wounds him (he doesn't even die). Othello, facing the inevitability of his own trial, uses a hidden weapon to commit suicide. The play ends with Cassio reinstated and placed in command as Governor of Cyprus.

For additional reading, see our blogs on Othello

Learn more of Shakespeare's famous angry sayings from Othello and other plays: Shakespeare Quotes on Anger

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> Othello, The Moor of Venice Study Guide

Study Guides

Master Shakespeare's Othello using Absolute Shakespeare's Othello essay, plot summary, quotes and characters study guides.

Plot Summary : A quick review of the plot of Othello including every important action in the play. An ideal introduction before reading the original text.

Commentary : Detailed description of each act with translations and explanations for all important quotes. The next best thing to an modern English translation.

Characters : Review of each character's role in the play including defining quotes and character motivations for all major characters.

Characters Analysis : Critical essay by influential Shakespeare scholar and commentator William Hazlitt, discussing all you need to know on the characters of Othello.

Othello Essay : Samuel Taylor Coleridge's famous essay on Othello based on his legendary and influential lectures and notes on Shakespeare.

Art Of Smart Education

A Comprehensive Guide to Analysing ‘Othello’ for English: Summary, Context, Themes & Characters

Shakespeare Othello

Are you studying Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ and are struggling to understand his writing, the themes and crafting an essay for your upcoming assessment? We’re here to help you with a simple summary of Othello, its key characters and context so you can formulate your own analysis!

PLUS, you’ll be getting a step-by-step analysis table (called a TEE Table ) as well as a sample paragraph so you can see what an extensive response looks like. 

So, let’s get into it and ace your essay on Othello! 

Summary of Othello Key Characters in Othello Context Themes Explored in Othello Essay Analysis of Othello

Summary of Othello

Othello is one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, performed in five acts depicting the dramatic downfall of a hero as a result of racial prejudice, jealousy and pride.

The play is set in motion when an African General in the Venetian Army, Othello, passes over Iago , a senior officer in the Venetian Army who is under Othello’s command, to promote Michael Cassio as his chief lieutenant instead.

Driven by extreme hate and jealousy of Othello’s celebrated successes and his need for control, Iago is determined to destroy Othello and begins to plot Othello’s undoing through his wife, Desdemona, the daughter of an important Venetian senator, Brabantio. 

Othello and Iago

Laurence Fishburne and Kenneth Brannagh as Othello and Iago in Oliver Parker’s 1995 ‘ Othello’

Iago firstly enlists Roderigo, Desdemona’s rejected lover, to inform Brabantio about Desdemona’s elopement to Othello, urging an enraged Brabantio to appeal to the Duke of Venice to have Othello punished for seducing Desdemona by witchcraft. However, Othello defends himself in front of Brabantio and his senators, Desdemona confirms that she is deeply in love with Othello , and that their marriage was not coerced.

Brabantio warns Othello that Desdemona will betray him , and says, “ Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. She has deceived her father, and may thee,” to which Iago takes note as they leave Venice for Cyprus. 

Frith, William Powell, 1819-1909; Othello and Desdemona

After arriving in Cyprus and learning that the storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet, Othello commences a celebration with his army, while he leaves to consummate his marriage to Desdemona. Iago gets Cassio drunk, and persuades Roderigo to duel Cassio.

Montano tries to calm them down, but an inebriated Cassio proceeds to fight, injuring Montano in the process. Othello reappears, questions the men and blames Cassio for the feud, thus stripping him off his rank.

Cassio is distraught, however, Iago convinces him to plead to Desdemona to have Othello reinstate him. She succeeds. 

Iago begins to convince Othello of a false affair between Cassio and Desdemona. When Desdemona drops her handkerchief, Othello’s first gift to her, Emilia (Iago’s wife) gives it to Iago, unaware of his plans.

Persuaded by Iago’s false claims and planting seeds of doubt, Othello swears Desdemona and Cassio’s death, and promotes Iago as his lieutenant. 


Iago then plants Desdemona’s handkerchief in Cassio’s belongings, while ordering Othello to watch Cassio’s responses as Iago questions him from afar. While Iago questions Cassio about his affair with Bianca, a local courtesan, Othello is made to believe that the two men are talking about Desdemona.

Meanwhile, Bianca appears and accuses Cassio of gifting her with a second-hand item. Othello, still watching from afar, is enraged, and believes Iago’s claims that Desdemona had given this handkerchief to Cassio.

A hurt Othello resolves to kill Desdemona and Cassio with Iago’s help , and strikes Desdemona in front of visiting Venetian nobles. Roderigo, still upset, is urged by Iago to kill Cassio. 

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Roderigo pursues Cassio in the streets, and Cassio injures Roderigo. Meanwhile, Iago appears from the shadows and stabs Cassio from behind, wounding his leg.

In the night, Iago manages to hide his identity, and joins Lodovico and Gratiano when Cassio cries for help, thus appearing as unknowing of the scuffle. When Cassio identifies Roderigo as the attacker, Iago stabs him to prevent him from revealing the plan. 

Othello confronts Desdemona, and smothers her with a pillow. Emilia arrives, calling for help, to which the former governor Montano arrive with Gratiano and Iago. After Othello shows proof of the handkerchief, Emilia realises Iago’s plot and exposes him, whereupon he kills her.

Meanwhile, Othello realises Desdemona’s innocence and stabs Iago in revenge. Iago refuses to explain his motives and Lodovico apprehends Iago and Othello for the murders of both the women, but Othello commits suicide. Cassio arrives and is promoted as Othello’s successor, and punishes Iago justly. 

Key Characters in Othello

Othello As a competent and highly regarded serviceman of the Venetian Republic, Othello is the ‘Moorish’ General of the Venetian Army and the protagonist of our story. He elopes with Desdemona, and ultimately succumbs to Iago’s deceit, leading to his tragic death.  The audience follows Othello’s eventual downfall through the collapse of his own self-perception, as instigated and dominantly narrated by Iago. It is through Iago that the audience sees Othello’s eroding sense of self, calculating his moves to remind Othello that he is the ‘Moor’ and signifying his difference. Here, Othello’s own fears of himself of his age, his status and his race come to light, especially the fear of Desdemona’s infidelity which immediately leads him to farewell his soldierly career. He is referred to as “an old black ram” in comparison to Desdemona’s nature as a “white ewe” (I.i.88), ostracising him from the rest of society and thus making him an easy prey for Iago. Until the very late stages of the play, Othello’s agency is not singular, but instead is driven by Iago.  A Moor by James Northcote (1826) – Ira Alridge as the first Black actor in Britain to play Othello Sourced from Manchester Art Gallery However, Othello also positions himself as an outsider, which adds to his victimisation. Though Othello’s skill as a soldier and leader positions him as a great influence, it is still his exotic qualities that entice others such as Desdemona and Brabantio to him. As an eloquent speaker, the Duke mentions that ‘I think this tale would win my daughter too’ (I.iii.70). These qualities present him as an outsider, both in race and in eloquence, thus creating a cathartic ending for a hero falling prey to tragedy. 
Iago It is clear that Iago’s extreme jealousy and need to avenge Othello’s ‘wrongdoing’ engineers the plot for revenge. Here, Iago’s malicious intentions cultivate the entire scenario of revenge in the play, and thus, he is widely regarded as a ‘Machiavellian’ character (fro​​m Machiavelli’s 1532 political treatise The Prince ). He is cunning, cold, and concerned with personal gain over morality.  Charles Kemble as Iago in Othello, by Richard James Lane (1840) Sourced from National Portrait Gallery, London Iago cleverly distorts Othello’s reality of himself and the reality for the rest of the characters, creating an ambiguous and distrustful narrative that culminates in destruction . Firstly, Iago’s jealousy stems from his hatred for Othello’s success as an outsider in Venice . Othello occupies a difficult position and becomes the most fated soldier, despite his appearance in a European city. This charges Iago’s animalistic language towards Othello, regarding him as a ‘Barbary horse’ (1.i.113). Secondly, he resents Cassio’s rise to power (1.iii). Possessing an extraordinary power to manipulate, Iago’s jealousy acts as a catalyst to create a cycle of revenge and envy that loops in Othello and Roderigo to destruction. 

Context of Othello

The earliest recorded performance of Othello was in 1604, under the title The Moor of Venice , during the cusps of the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I. Othello’s Mediterranean setting is significant as it presents an age of increasing European maritime power, and authority over the ocean was crucial for the politics in Mediterranean states.

This involved both Western powers (Spain, Portugal and Italy) as well as the Eastern Mediterranean empire of the Ottomans (modern day Turkey), who were in constant conflict over control of the Adriatic and eastern Mediterranean seas.

While the first part of the play is set in Europe, Act II of the play is set in the small island of Cyprus , the site of Venetian and Ottoman rivalries. After the death of James II, Venice had full control of Cyprus, which proved strategic for Venetian Army to launch attacks against the Ottomans. Othello’s military successes are set within this conflict. 

Othello Castle

Othello’s Castle, North Cyprus

Sourced from Visit North Cyprus

Othello’s life story also reflects the mobility (including enforced) of lives across the Mediterranean. Othello is referred to as a ‘Moor’, signifying his racial difference from the rest of the — mostly white — European characters.

However, there is no clear concept of ‘Moor’, as the term can refer to an Arabian person from North Africa or a Southern Spanish person. This term is used today in quotations.

Though Othello’s race bridges the gap between his military service and war against the Muslim empire, Othello nevertheless succumbs to Iago’s words, increasingly becoming vulnerable about his status and heightening his insecurities. Iago plays on the cultural divide between black-and-white, ultimately fuelling Othello’s anxiety and the downfall of his status and his marriage.

Themes Explored in Othello

Below are some key ideas from Othello. These are great starting points for you to consider your arguments, thesis and topic sentences:

Racial Prejudice

  • Jealousy and revenge
  • Deception — appearance VS reality

The role of racial prejudice is imperative in Iago’s emotional and mental poisoning of Othello, driving him to the point of distrust and extreme isolation. Other characters already hold Desdemona and Othello’s marriage in disdain, such as Brabantio who warns that “Bond-slaves and pagans shall our statesman be” (1.i.98-99), putting them against the status quo and the present view of their world.

Iago only exacerbates Othello’s ingrained fears of ‘Moorish’ differences towards his position in the Army, his wife and his status in Venice, becoming a lethal weapon in Othello’s self-destruction.

This drives him to the point of isolation and self-hatred, where he trusts no one but Iago. Eventually, Othello begins to blame his complexion for allegedly depriving his wife of her good nature: ‘Her name, that was as fresh / As Dian’s visage, is now begrim’d and black / As mine own face’ (3.ii.386-8).

His inherent fears of his Moorish complexity and exotic characteristics tainting his wife consequently prompts his vulnerability towards his marriage, and his lack of self-reassurance unconsciously places him in a white perspective of his own blackness. Therefore, these ingrained perspectives of himself in society seal both the fates of himself and of Desdemona. 

Jealousy and Revenge

Iago’s jealousy drives him to deadly extremes to emotionally violate his alleged ‘oppressors’, and provokes the rest of his characters such as Roderigo, Bianca and Othello into ‘the green-eyed monster’ (3.iii.166).

Roderigo’s unrequited love for Desdemona makes him extremely jealous of Othello, and Bianca is jealous when she finds Desdemona’s handkerchief in Cassio’s lodgings. Iago provokes this jealousy on Othello with the handkerchief as ‘ocular proof’ (3.iii.360) of the infidelity, which has been passed from Desdemona, to Emilia and then to Bianca, drawing an implicit parallel between the innocent women and the men’s perception of women in marriage.

This consumes Othello the most, in which Iago’s extreme need for revenge fuels the strategically distorted narrative, confirms his suspicions and fulfils his expectations.

Deception — Appearance VS Reality

Iago’s power to manipulate allows him to plant seeds of doubt in Othello and other characters throughout the play. His success to quickly and cleverly manipulate Othello stems from the tales of perceived misogyny and view of female sexuality that is already shared among men.

Iago reminds Othello that Desdemona is a creature of deception, as she ‘did deceive her father, marrying you’ (3.iii.206), and that she will do so to him: ‘Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see; / She has deceived her father, and may thee’ (1.iii.292-3). 

Dramatic irony (the gap of knowledge between what the audience and the character knows) serves as a catharsis for the audience and provokes an emotional response in the tragedy. Here, Iago continues to finely calibrate a sense of torment in Othello’s imagination through his deceptive language as he tells Othello that Cassio lies ‘with [Desdemona], on her, as you will’ (4.i).

In doing so, he constantly plants mental images of uncertainty and instability in Othello, leaving Othello to connect and unknowingly create a flawed narrative that he believes to be true . Iago masks this deception as he merely justifies his actions by reflecting his victim’s own beliefs: ‘I told him what I thought and no more / Than what he found himself was apt and true’ (5.ii.176-77). 

In this way, he deflects blame from himself, and while he engineers the chaos, he does not become the fundamental source of Othello’s, Desdemona’s and Emilia’s deaths. 

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Essay Analysis: How to Analyse Othello in 3 Steps

Most students will begin to write their essay and their thesis without any supporting evidence, themes or analysis . You will need to equip yourself with the knowledge of your text before answering anything about it. 

Analysing a text, providing it with evidence and techniques may be easier than you think… it’s like a formula! We can say ‘a + b = c’. But what are these?

A = Evidence B = Technique C = Analysis

After knowing your text, you can build ideas from it, and start writing your thesis! So, let’s walk through on how to analyse Othello:

Step 1: Choosing your evidence (‘A’)

Choosing your evidence can be tough, because there are just so many good ones you can choose from! 

But you need to remember that you must choose evidence that supports your argument and answers the question . But how do we do that?

Let’s gather important pieces that we have seen throughout this article. Here is one we have chosen for you:

‘Even now, now, very now, an old black ram / Is tupping your white ewe’ (1.i.88-89)

Step 2: Identifying your technique(s) (‘B’)

This isn’t just about finding any old technique or using a technique that is fancy and hoping for the best! It’s about what best suits your evidence, your analysis, and subsequently, your answer to the question.

Techniques are what help composers convey the message to their audience and their readers. So, we need to identify a technique that will enable you to say something about your idea that’s interesting, and will contribute to your analysis of Othello. 

Try to focus on finding examples with techniques which unveil a deeper meaning like metaphors, similes, figurative language, connotations, symbolism and recurring motifs. Other techniques like alliteration and repetition are a bit harder to find a deeper meaning in!

We have identified 3 techniques in the quote above: zoomorphism, contrast and metaphor . 

It’s always great to try and find multiple techniques in your quotes as it allows you to take your analysis up a notch!

Step 3: Writing your analysis (‘C’)

When you write the analysis for your essay on Othello, it is important to always focus on what the effect of the technique is . One of the worst things you can do when writing analysis is technique labelling. Technique labelling would look like this:

The zoomorphism between “black ram… tupping [your] white ewe” shows how Iago wants Brabantio to see Othello’s elopement to Desdemona, contrasting his physical appearance and nature to hers. 

Instead, we need to flesh out how those techniques get us to our point . Firstly, Iago’s language is important as he uses zoomorphism to reduce Othello and Desdemona into animals.

Secondly, the contrast between the “black ram” and “white ewe” is important to signify the binary oppositions between Othello and Desdemona.

Lastly, the use of the metaphor of animals is important as it depicts that Othello and Desdemona’s behaviour is greatly looked down upon, especially in a Venetian society. 

So, if we include that in our essay analysis of Othello, this would look like…

Iago’s cries to Brabantio that “Even now, now, very now, an old black ram / Is tupping your white ewe” (1.i.88-89), using zoomorphism to reduce Othello and Desdemona’s wildly radical behaviour into animals. The contrast between the “black ram” and the “white ewe” signifies the binary oppositions between Othello and Desdemona, and is a metaphor for their disapproved marriage against social norms and the racial prejudice pervading their Venetian society.

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Camille Chin is your certified Art of Smart Veteran! Starting as a student at Art of Smart herself, she felt passionate about helping students boost their academic confidence so that they can achieve and reach their full potential in their studies. She currently studies Law and Arts – English at Macquarie University, and loves volunteer firefighting, reading and watching musical theatre in her spare time.

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Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Othello

By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on July 25, 2020 • ( 0 )

Of all Shakespeare’s tragedies . . . Othello is the most painfully exciting and the most terrible. From the moment when the temptation of the hero begins, the reader’s heart and mind are held in a vice, experiencing the extremes of pity and fear, sympathy and repulsion, sickening hope and dreadful expectation. Evil is displayed before him, not indeed with the profusion found in King Lear, but forming, as it were, the soul of a single character, and united with an intellectual superiority so great that he watches its advance fascinated and appalled. He sees it, in itself almost irresistible, aided at every step by fortunate accidents and the innocent mistakes of its victims. He seems to breathe an atmosphere as fateful as that of King Lear , but more confined and oppressive, the darkness not of night but of a close-shut murderous room. His imagination is excited to intense activity, but it is the activity of concentration rather than dilation.

—A. C. Bradley, Shakespearean Tragedy

Between William Shakespeare’s most expansive and philosophical tragedies— Hamlet and King Lear —is Othello, his most constricted and heart-breaking play. Othello is a train wreck that the audience horrifyingly witnesses, helpless to prevent or look away. If Hamlet is a tragedy about youth, and Lear concerns old age, Othello is a family or domestic tragedy of a middle-aged man in which the fate of kingdoms and the cosmos that hangs in the balance in Hamlet and Lear contracts to the private world of a marriage’s destruction. Following his anatomizing of the painfully introspective intellectual Hamlet, Shakespeare, at the height of his ability to probe human nature and to dramatize it in action and language, treats Hamlet’s temperamental opposite—the man of action. Othello is decisive, confident, and secure in his identity, duty, and place in the world. By the end of the play, he has brought down his world around him with the relentless force that made him a great general turned inward, destroying both what he loved best in another and in himself. That such a man should fall so far and so fast gives the play an almost unbearable momentum. That such a man should unravel so completely, ushered by jealousy and hatred into a bestial worldview that cancels any claims of human virtue and self-less devotion, shocks and horrifies. Othello is generally regarded as Shakespeare’s greatest stage play, the closest he would ever come to conforming to the constrained rules of Aristotelian tragedy. The intensity  and  focus  of  Othello   is  unalleviated  by  subplots,  comic  relief,  or  any  mitigation  or  consolation  for  the  deterioration  of  the  “noble  Moor”  and  his  collapse into murder and suicide. At the center of the play’s intrigue is Shakespeare’s most sinister and formidable conceptions of evil in Iago, whose motives and the wellspring of his villainy continue to haunt audiences and critics alike. Indeed, the psychological resonances of the drama, along with its provocative racial and gender themes, have caused Othello, perhaps more than any other of Shakespeare’s plays, to reverberate the loudest with current audiences and commentators. As scholar Edward Pechter has argued, “During the past twenty-five years or so, Othello has become the Shakespearean tragedy of choice, replacing King Lear in the way Lear had earlier replaced Hamlet as the play that speaks most directly and powerfully to current interests.”


Shakespeare derived his plot from Giraldi Cinthio’s “Tale of the Moor,” in the story collection Hecatommithi (1565), reshaping Cinthio’s sensational tale of jealousy, intrigue, and murder in several key ways. In Cinthio’s story, Alfiero, the scheming ensign, lusts after the Moor’s wife, named Disdemona, and after she spurns his advances, Alfiero seeks vengeance by accusing her of adultery with Cassio,  the  Moor’s  lieutenant.  Alfiero,  like  Iago,  similarly  arouses  the  Moor’s  suspicions by stealing Disdemona’s handkerchief and planting it in Cassio’s bed-room. However, the Moor and Alfiero join forces to kill Disdemona, beating her  to  death  with  a  stocking  filled  with  sand  before  pulling  down  the  ceiling  on her dead body to conceal the crime as an accident. The Moor is eventually captured,  tortured,  and  slain  by  Disdemona’s  relatives,  while  the  ensign  dies  during torture for another crime. What is striking about Shakespeare’s alteration of Cinthio’s grisly tale of murder and villainy is the shift of emphasis to the provocation for the murder, the ennobling of Othello as a figure of great stature and dignity to underscore his self-destruction, and the complication of motive for  the  ensign’s  actions.  Cinthio’s  version  of  Iago  is  conventionally  driven  by  jealousy  of  a  superior  and  lust  for  his  wife.  Iago’s  motivation  is  anything  but  explainable in conventional terms. Dramatically, Shakespeare turns the focus of the play from the shocking crime to its causes and psychic significance, trans-forming Cinthio’s intrigue story of vile murder into one of the greatest dramatic meditations on the nature of love and its destruction.

What  makes  Othello  so  unique  structurally  (and  painful  to  witness)  is  that  it  is  a  tragedy  built  on  a  comic  foundation.  The  first  two  acts  of  the  play  enact  the  standard  pattern  of  Shakespeare’s  romantic  comedies.  The  young Venetian noblewoman, Desdemona, has eloped with the middle-aged Othello, the military commander of the armed forces of Venice. Their union is opposed by Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, and by a rival for Desdemona, Roderigo,  who  in  the  play’s  opening  scenes  are  both  provoked  against Othello  by  Iago.  Desdemona  and  Othello,  therefore,  face  the  usual  challenges of the lovers in a Shakespearean comedy who must contend with the forces of authority, custom, and circumstances allied against their union. The romantic climax comes in the trial scene of act 1, in which Othello success-fully defends himself before the Venetian senate against Brabantio’s charge that  Othello  has  beguiled  his  daughter,  “stol’n  from  me,  and  corrupted  /  By spells and medicines bought of mountebanks.” Calmly and courteously Othello recounts how, despite the differences of age, race, and background, he won Desdemona’s heart by recounting the stories of his exotic life and adventures: “She loved me for the dangers I had passed, / And I loved her that she did pity them.” Wonder at Othello’s heroic adventures and compassion for her sympathy have brought the two opposites together—the young, inexperienced  Venetian  woman  and  the  brave,  experienced  outsider.  Desdemona finally, dramatically appears before the senate to support Othello’s account of their courtship and to balance her obligation to her father and now to her husband based on the claims of love:

My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty: To you I am bound for life and education; My life and education both do learn me How to respect you; you are the lord of duty; I am hitherto your daughter. But here’s my husband; And so much duty as my mother show’d To you, preferring you before her father, So much I challenge that I may profess Due to the Moor, my lord.

Both Desdemona and Othello defy by their words and gestures the calumnies heaped upon them by Roderigo and Brabantio and vindicate the imperatives of the heart over parental authority and custom. As in a typical Shakespearean comedy, love, tested, triumphs over all opposition.

Vindicated by the duke of Venice and the senate, Othello, accompanied by Desdemona, takes up his military duties in the face of a threatened Turkish invasion, and the lovers are given a triumphal wedding-like procession and marriage ceremony when they disembark on Cyprus. The storm that divides the Venetian fleet also disperses the Turkish threat and clears the way for the lovers’ happy  reunion  and  peaceful  enjoyment  of  their  married  state.  First  Cassio lands to deliver the news of Othello’s marriage and, like the best man, supplies glowing praise for the groom and his bride; next Desdemona, accompanied by Iago and his wife, Emilia, enters but must await news of the fate of Othello’s ship. Finally, Othello arrives giving him the opportunity to renew his marriage vows to Desdemona:

It gives me wonder great as my content To see you here before me. O my soul’s joy, If after every tempest come such calms, May the wind blow till they have wakened death, And let the labouring barque climb hills of seas Olympus-high, and duck again as low As hell’s from heaven. If it were now to die ’Twere now to be most happy, for I fear My soul hath content so absolute That not another comfort like to this Succeeds in unknown fate.

The scene crowns love triumphant. The formerly self-sufficient Othello has now  staked  his  life  to  his  faith  in  Desdemona  and  their  union,  and  she  has  done the same. The fulfillment of the wedding night that should come at the climax of the comedy is relocated to act 2, with the aftermath of the courtship and the wedding now taking  center  stage.  Having triumphantly bested  the  social and natural forces aligned against them, having staked all to the devotion of the other, Desdemona and Othello will not be left to live happily ever after, and the tragedy will grow out of the conditions that made the comedy. Othello, unlike the other Shakespearean comedies, adds three more acts to the romantic drama, shifting from comic affirmation to tragic negation.

Iago  reviews  Othello’s  performance  as  a  lover  by  stating,  “O,  you  are  well tuned now, / But I’ll set down the pegs that make this music.” Iago will now orchestrate discord and disharmony based on a life philosophy totally opposed to the ennobling and selfless concept of love demonstrated by the newlyweds. As Iago asserts to Roderigo, “Virtue? A fig!” Self-interest is all that  matters,  and  love  is  “merely  a lust  of  the  blood  and  a  permission  of  the will.” Othello and Desdemona cannot possibly remain devoted to each other, and, as Iago concludes, “If sanctimony and a frail vow betwixt an err-ing barbarian and a super-subtle Venetian be not too hard for my wits, and all the tribe of hell, thou shalt enjoy her.” The problem of Iago’s motivation to destroy Othello and Desdemona is not that he has too few motives but too many. He offers throughout the play multiple justifi cations for his intrigue: He has been passed over in favor of Cassio; he suspects the Moor and Cassio with his wife, Emilia; he is envious of Cassio’s open nature; and he is desirous of Desdemona himself. No single motive is relied on for long, and the gap  between  cause  and  effect,  between  the  pettiness  of  Iago’s  grudges  and  the monstrousness of his behavior, prompted Samuel Taylor Coleridge in a memorable phrase to characterize Iago’s “motiveless malignity.” There is in Iago a zest for villainy and a delight in destruction, driven more by his hatred and  contempt  for  any  who  oppose  his  conception  of  jungle  law  than  by  a  conventional  naturalistic  explanation  based  on  jealousy  or  envy.  Moreover, Shakespeare, by deliberately clouding the issue of Iago’s motive, finds ever more sinister threats in such a character’s apparently bottomless and unmerited hatred and capacity for evil.

Iago will direct the remainder of the play, constructing Othello’s down-fall out of the flimsiest evidence and playing on the strengths and weaknesses of Othello’s nature and the doubts that erode Othello’s faith in Desdemona. Act 3, one of the wonders of the stage, anatomizes Othello’s psychic descent from  perfect  contentment  in  his  new  wife  to  complete  loathing,  from  a  worldview  in  which  everything  is  as  it  appears  to  one  in  which  nothing  is  as it seems. Iago leads Othello to suspect that love and devotion are shams disguising the basest of animalistic  instincts.  Misled  by  the  handkerchief,  his  love  token  to  Desdemona,  that  Iago  has  planted  in  Cassio’s  room  and  by a partially overheard conversation between Iago and Cassio, Othello, by the end of act 3, forsakes his wife and engages himself in a perverse version of the marriage ceremony of act 2 to Iago. As the pair kneels together, they exchange vows:

Iago: Witness you ever-burning lights above, You elements that clip us round about, Witness that here Iago doth give up The execution of his wit, hands, heart To wronged Othello’s service. Let him command, And to obey shall be in me remorse, What bloody business ever.

Othello: I greet thy love, Not with vain thanks, but with acceptance bounteous, And will upon the instant put thee to’t. Within these three days let me hear thee say That Cassio’s not alive.

Iago: My friend is dead. ’Tis done at your request; but let her live.

Othello: Damn her, lewd minx! O, damn her, damn her! Come, go with me apart. I will withdraw To furnish me with some swift means of death For the fair devil. Now art thou my lieutenant.

Iago: I am your own for ever.

This scene has suggested to some critics that Iago’s true motivation for destroying the marriage of Desdemona and Othello is a repressed homosexual love for Othello. An equal case can be made that Iago here completes his role as Vice, borrowed from the medieval morality plays, sealing the Faustian bargain for Othello’s soul in this mock or black marriage scene.

The play moves relentlessly from here to catastrophe as Othello delivers justice to those he is convinced have wronged him. As he attempts to carry out  his  execution  of  Desdemona,  she  for  the  first  time  realizes  his  charges  against her and his utter delusion. Ignoring her appeals for mercy and avowals of innocence, Othello smothers her moments before Emilia arrives with the proof of  Desdemona’s  innocence  and  Iago’s  villainy.  Othello  must  now  face  the  realization  of  what  he  has  done.  He turns  to  Iago,  who  has  been  brought before him to know the reason for his actions. Iago replies: “Demand me  nothing;  what  you  know,  you  know:  /  From  this  time  forth  I  never  will  speak  word.”  By  Iago’s  exiting  the  stage,  closing  access  to  his  motives,  the  focus remains firmly on Othello, not as Iago’s victim, but as his own. His final speech mixes together the acknowledgment of what he was and what he has become, who he is and how he would like to be remembered:

I have done the state some service, and they know’t. No more of that. I pray you, in your letters, When you shall these unlucky deeds relate, Speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuate, Nor set down aught in malice. Then must you speak Of one that loved not wisely but too well, Of one not easily jealous but, being wrought, Perplexed in the extreme; of one whose hand, Like the base Indian, threw a pearl away Richer than all his tribe.

Consistent with his role as guardian of order in the state, Othello carries out his own execution, by analogy judging his act as a violation reflected by Venice’s savage enemy:

And say besides, that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turban’d Turk Beat a Venetian and tradu’d the state, I took by th’ throat the circumcisèd dog, And smote him—thus.

Othello, likewise, has “tradu’d the state” and has changed from noble and valiant Othello to a beast, with the passion that ennobled him shown as corrosive and demeaning. He carries out his own execution for a violation that threatens social and psychic order. For the onlookers on stage, the final tableau of the dead Desdemona and Othello “poisons sight” and provokes the command to “Let it be hid.” The witnesses on stage cannot compute rationally what has occurred nor why, but the audience has been given a privileged view of the battle between good and evil worked out in the private recesses of a bedroom and a human soul.

Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Plays

Othello Oxford Lecture by Emma Smith

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Othello: Introduction

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Othello PDF

Historical Context of Othello

Other books related to othello.

  • Full Title: The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice
  • When Written: c. 1603
  • Where Written: England
  • When Published: 1622
  • Literary Period: The Renaissance
  • Genre: Tragedy
  • Setting: Venice and Cyprus
  • Climax: The murder of Desdemona, by Othello
  • Antagonist: Iago

Extra Credit for Othello

Moor or less? In Elizabethan England, the term "Moor" could be used to refer to a wide range of non-European persons, including black Africans, North Africans, Arabs, and even Indians. References to Othello's origins throughout the play are contradictory and ambiguous Iago calls Othello a "Barbary horse" (1.1.110); Barbary was an area in Africa between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean. Roderigo , however, calls him "thick-lips" (1.1.65-6), suggesting that he may come from further south on the African continent. Brabantio calls him "sooty" (1.2.70); Othello, along with numerous other characters, refers to himself as "black." It is impossible to know now exactly what Shakespeare or his audience would have thought a "Moor" is.

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Othello Play Summary: A Timeless Masterpiece in World Literature

summary essay on othello

"Othello," penned by William Shakespeare circa 1604, also recognized as "The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice," stands as one of the world's most performed and studied tragedies, depicting a profound love soured by jealousy. Inspired by Cinthio's "A Moorish Captain," Shakespeare's work captivates audiences with its compelling narrative, eloquent language, and poignant themes, enduring as a testament to his literary genius amidst ongoing debates over authorship. Before you continue reading, consider a dissertation writing service if you’re dealing with a larger paper that requires all your attention.

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Othello story unfolds against the backdrop of Venice and Cyprus, centering on the titular character, a Moorish general in the Venetian army. Othello secretly marries Desdemona, a noblewoman, much to the displeasure of her father, Brabantio, and his resentful ensign, Iago. Consumed by jealousy and spurred by his insecurities, Iago orchestrates a manipulative plot to discredit Othello, convincing him that Desdemona has been unfaithful to his loyal lieutenant, Cassio.

Othello plot untangles as Iago's web of deceit tightens. Othello's trust in Desdemona wanes, leading to a tragic downward spiral of suspicion and paranoia. Despite Desdemona's unwavering love and innocence, Othello becomes increasingly convinced of her infidelity, ultimately succumbing to Iago's malicious lies. Consumed by rage and jealousy, Othello strangles Desdemona, unaware of Iago's treachery until it is too late. What happens to Othello at the end of the play is that in a moment of devastating realization, Othello takes his own life, unable to bear the weight of his actions and the truth of his betrayal.

Through themes of jealousy, deception, and the destructive power of manipulation, "Othello" offers a profound exploration of human nature and the consequences of unchecked emotions. The play's tragic arc serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the devastating impact of jealousy and the vulnerability of trust in the face of deceit. Shakespeare masterfully crafts complex characters whose motivations and actions resonate with audiences across centuries, ensuring that "Othello" remains a timeless portrayal of the fragility of love and the darkness that lurks within the human psyche. Remember that if you are struggling with academic papers, simply pay for essays to avoid burning the midnight oil day after day.

One of The Greatest Tragedies in the World

Othello Short Summary

At the beginning of the play, Othello secretly marries Desdemona, a Venetian woman, much to the dismay of her father, Brabantio. Othello's ensign, Iago, harbors a deep-seated resentment towards Othello for promoting Cassio, a younger and less experienced officer, over him. Iago devises a cunning plan to manipulate Othello into believing that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him with Cassio.

Othello Short Summary

Using insinuations and planted evidence, Iago fuels Othello's jealousy, leading him to believe in Desdemona's infidelity. What happened to Othello is that consumed by rage and suspicion, he becomes increasingly unstable, ultimately leading him to murder Desdemona. In the final moments of the play, Othello realizes the truth about Iago's deception but tragically takes his own life in despair over what he has done. The play explores themes of jealousy, manipulation, and the destructive power of unchecked emotions. Have you already written your Othello essay? If not, say, ‘ write my homework ,’ and our experts will provide a quick solution.

One of The Greatest Tragedies in the World

Othello Plot Summary in 100 Words 

The plot summary of Othello depicts the noble Moor secretly marrying Desdemona, angering her father Iago. Manipulating Othello with lies, Iago convinces him of Desdemona's infidelity with Cassio. Consumed by jealousy, Othello strangles Desdemona. Emilia exposes Iago's treachery, leading to his arrest. Othello, realizing his tragic mistake, kills himself. Cassio survives, appointed governor of Cyprus. The play ends with the tragic demise of Othello, a victim of jealousy and manipulation, and the exposure of Iago's villainy.

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Othello Character Analysis

Othello is a noble and esteemed Venetian army general known for his bravery and leadership on the battlefield. However, he is also susceptible to jealousy and insecurity, particularly regarding his marriage to Desdemona. Despite his love for her, Othello's deep-seated insecurities are exploited by Iago, leading him to spiral into madness and despair tragically.

Othello Characters

Desdemona is a virtuous and loyal woman who deeply loves Othello. She is portrayed as innocent and pure-hearted, with unwavering devotion to her husband. Despite her genuine love and loyalty, in the plot of Othello she becomes a victim of Iago's manipulation, falsely accused of infidelity and ultimately murdered by Othello in a fit of jealousy.

Cassio is a young and honorable officer in the Venetian army, admired for his skills and professionalism. He is loyal to Othello and maintains integrity throughout the play, though he becomes unwittingly entangled in Iago's schemes. What happens to Cassio at the end of Othello is that despite facing setbacks and accusations, Cassio remains steadfast in his commitment to duty and ultimately helps to reveal Iago's villainy.

Iago is the primary antagonist of the play, characterized by his deceitful and manipulative nature. He harbors a deep-seated resentment towards Othello and orchestrates a complex scheme to undermine him. Cunning and ruthless, Iago manipulates the other characters for his gain, exploiting their weaknesses and sowing discord to achieve his malicious goals.

Brabantio is Desdemona's father, a senator in Venice. He initially opposes Desdemona's marriage to Othello due to racial prejudices, but he is ultimately powerless to prevent it. Brabantio represents the societal attitudes of the time regarding interracial marriage and reflects the themes of prejudice and discrimination explored in the play.

Roderigo is a wealthy and foolish suitor of Desdemona who becomes a pawn in Iago's schemes. He is hopelessly in love with Desdemona and is easily manipulated by Iago, who exploits his desperation for personal gain. Roderigo's gullibility and naivety make him susceptible to Iago's machinations, ultimately leading to his demise.

The Duke of Venice is a figure of authority representing the rule of law and justice in the play. He intervenes in the conflicts arising from Othello's marriage to Desdemona and presides over the trial of Othello and Iago. The Duke's role underscores Venice's societal norms and values and highlights the contrast between public duty and personal vendettas.

One of The Greatest Tragedies in the World

Montano is the governor of Cyprus, where much of the play's action takes place. He is a respected figure in the military and serves as a foil to characters like Cassio and Othello. Montano's calm and rational demeanor contrasts with the tumultuous events around him, providing stability amidst the chaos.

Emilia is Desdemona's maid and Iago's wife, characterized by her wit and intelligence. While initially loyal to Desdemona, she becomes unwittingly complicit in Iago's schemes. However, as the truth unfolds, Emilia demonstrates courage and integrity, ultimately exposing her husband's betrayal at great personal risk.

Lodovico and Gratiano are Venetian noblemen who play minor roles in the play. Lodovico is Desdemona's cousin and a member of the Venetian delegation to Cyprus, while Gratiano is Brabantio's brother. They serve primarily as witnesses to the unfolding tragedy and contribute to resolving the play's conflicts.

Bianca is a courtesan in Cyprus and a foil to Desdemona. She is involved in a tumultuous relationship with Cassio, who treats her as a mere dalliance. Bianca's character highlights the contrast between genuine love, superficial infatuation, and the double standards regarding women's behavior in society. If you’re interested in analyzing protagonists from other literary works, consult our Louis Sachar’s Holes character summary.

Analysis of Othello Acts

If you’re wondering how many acts in Othello, the answer is five. Below is a short summary and key points of each act.

This act sets the stage for the unfolding tragedy. We are introduced to the main characters, including Othello, Desdemona, Iago, and Cassio. The act establishes the central conflict: Iago's resentment towards Othello for promoting Cassio over him and his subsequent plot to manipulate Othello into believing that Desdemona has been unfaithful. The act also explores themes of jealousy, racism, and power dynamics, as well as foreshadowing the tragic events.

In this act, Iago's scheming intensifies as he continues to manipulate those around him. He plants seeds of doubt in Othello's mind about Desdemona's fidelity, using Cassio's supposed flirtations with her as evidence. Meanwhile, Cassio's reputation is tarnished when he becomes involved in a drunken brawl orchestrated by Iago to further his agenda. The act builds tension and suspense as the characters become increasingly entangled in Iago's web of deceit.

This act marks a turning point in the play as Iago's manipulation reaches its peak. Othello's jealousy is ignited when Iago fabricates evidence of Desdemona's infidelity, leading Othello to confront Desdemona and ultimately to doubt her loyalty. Meanwhile, Iago further manipulates Cassio by advising him to seek Desdemona's help in restoring his reputation, thus adding fuel to Othello's suspicions. The act delves deeper into themes of deception, trust, and the destructive power of jealousy.

The tension escalates in this act as Othello's jealousy drives him to take drastic action. Convinced of Desdemona's betrayal, Othello decides to kill her, with Iago's encouragement. Desdemona pleads her innocence, but Othello remains steadfast in his belief of her guilt. Meanwhile, Emilia unwittingly becomes a pawn in Iago's schemes, as she inadvertently provides him with evidence to further his manipulation. The act culminates in the tragic murder of Desdemona, solidifying Othello's descent into madness.

In the final act, the consequences of Iago's manipulation come to light. Othello discovers the truth about Iago's treachery and Desdemona's innocence, leading to a dramatic confrontation between the characters. Realizing the enormity of his actions, Othello takes his own life while Iago is brought to justice for his crimes. The act concludes with the resolution of the play's conflicts as the surviving characters grapple with the aftermath of the tragedy and attempt to make sense of the devastation wrought by jealousy and deception.

Important Scenes in Othello

"Othello" by William Shakespeare is rich with impactful scenes that drive the plot forward and explore the characters' complexities and themes. Here are some important scenes in the play:

  • Act 1, Scene 1

The play opens with a confrontation between Iago and Roderigo on a street in Venice. This scene sets the stage for Iago's villainy and introduces his motives for seeking revenge against Othello. It also establishes the racial tensions and prejudices that permeate Venetian society.

  • Act 1, Scene 3

In this scene, Othello and Desdemona's elopement is revealed to Desdemona's father, Brabantio. Othello passionately defends his love for Desdemona, showcasing their deep affection for each other despite societal opposition. The scene also foreshadows the conflict between Othello and Brabantio, as well as the themes of love and betrayal.

  • Act 2, Scene 1

This scene takes place in Cyprus, where Othello and his men await the arrival of the Turkish fleet. A storm at sea disrupts the Turkish invasion, symbolizing the chaos and turmoil that will soon engulf the characters' lives. The scene also introduces the setting of Cyprus, where much of the play's action unfolds.

  • Act 3, Scene 3

This pivotal scene marks the turning point in the play, as Iago begins to sow the seeds of jealousy in Othello's mind. Using cunning manipulation, Iago plants doubts about Desdemona's fidelity by insinuating that she may be having an affair with Cassio. Othello's jealousy is ignited, setting off a chain of events that will ultimately lead to tragedy.

  • Act 4, Scene 1

In this scene, Othello confronts Desdemona about the handkerchief he gave her as a token of their love, which he believes she has given to Cassio. Desdemona tries to defend herself, but Othello's suspicions continue to grow. This scene is crucial in showcasing Othello's descent into madness and his increasing mistrust of Desdemona.

  • Act 5, Scene 2

The climax of the play occurs in this scene, as Othello confronts Desdemona in her bedroom. Consumed by jealousy and rage, Othello suffocates Desdemona, believing her to be unfaithful. After committing the murder, Othello learns the truth about Iago's deception and the innocence of Desdemona, leading to his tragic realization of the enormity of his actions.

  • Act 5, Scene 2 

The play concludes with a series of dramatic revelations and resolutions. Emilia exposes Iago's treachery, leading to his arrest and eventual punishment. Othello, overwhelmed by guilt and remorse, takes his own life, while others are left to grapple with the aftermath of the tragedy.

Main Themes in Othello

"Othello," one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, explores several central themes that resonate throughout the play. Here are some of the main themes:

Perhaps one of the most prominent Othello plot summaries, jealousy drives much of the plot's conflict. Othello's jealousy towards Desdemona, fueled by Iago's manipulation, leads to tragic consequences. Similarly, Iago's jealousy of Cassio and resentment towards Othello propel him to orchestrate a series of deceptions that ultimately destroy lives.

  • Race and Otherness

Othello is a Moor, an outsider in Venetian society. Throughout the play, characters make derogatory comments about his race, reflecting the racism prevalent in the society. Othello's race becomes a significant factor in the characters' perceptions of him, contributing to his insecurities and vulnerability to manipulation.

  • Appearance vs. Reality

The theme of appearance versus reality is central to "Othello." Characters often misinterpret situations and people based on superficial appearances, leading to tragic misunderstandings. Iago, in particular, manipulates appearances to deceive those around him, creating a stark contrast between what seems to be true and what is actually true.

  • Manipulation and Deception

Iago is the master manipulator of the play, using deception to achieve his own selfish ends. He manipulates characters' emotions and perceptions, exploiting their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The theme of manipulation highlights the power dynamics at play in relationships and underscores the destructive consequences of deceit.

  • Love and Trust

"Othello" also explores the complexities of love and trust. Othello and Desdemona's love is genuine and profound, but it is ultimately destroyed by jealousy and suspicion. The breakdown of trust between characters, particularly Othello and Desdemona, is a tragic commentary on the fragility of human relationships.

  • Power and Authority

Power dynamics, both within personal relationships and societal structures, are central to the play. Othello's position as a military leader grants him authority, but it also makes him vulnerable to manipulation by those around him. Iago's quest for power and control drives much of the plot's conflict, highlighting the corrupting influence of ambition.

  • Fate and Free Will

"Othello" grapples with the interplay between fate and free will. While characters make choices that lead to tragic outcomes, there is also a sense of inevitability to the play's events. Othello's tragic downfall is the result of his own actions as well as the manipulation of others, raising questions about the extent to which individuals are responsible for their destinies.

Othello Famous Quotes

"Othello" by William Shakespeare contains numerous famous quotes that have become iconic in literature and theater. Here are some of the most notable ones:

Othello Famous Quotes

  • "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; / It is the green-ey'd monster which doth mock / The meat it feeds on." - Iago, Act 3, Scene 3. This quote captures the essence of jealousy as a destructive force, as Iago warns Othello of its corrosive nature.
  • "Othello, the Moor of Venice." - Various characters refer to Othello by this title throughout the play, emphasizing his outsider status in Venetian society and highlighting the theme of race and otherness.
  • "I am not what I am." - Iago, Act 1, Scene 1. This cryptic statement serves as a glimpse into Iago's duplicitous nature and his skill at manipulation.
  • "It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul,-- / Let me not name it to you, you chaste stars!-- / It is the cause." - Othello, Act 5, Scene 2. Othello speaks these words before he murders Desdemona, justifying his actions as being driven by what he believes to be a righteous cause.
  • "Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul / But I do love thee! and when I love thee not, / Chaos is come again." - Othello, Act 3, Scene 3. This quote reflects Othello's profound love for Desdemona and foreshadows the turmoil that will ensue when that love is called into question.
  • "Put out the light, and then put out the light." - Othello, Act 5, Scene 2. As Othello prepares to kill Desdemona, he metaphorically refers to extinguishing the light of her life, emphasizing the finality and tragedy of his actions.
  • "I kiss'd thee ere I kill'd thee: no way but this; / Killing myself, to die upon a kiss." - Othello, Act 5, Scene 2. These haunting words are Othello's final utterance before he takes his own life, reflecting the profound remorse and despair he feels over his actions.
  • "Very nature will instruct her in it, and compel her to some second choice." It is spoken by Brabantio, Desdemona's father, in Act 1, Scene 3 in response to Iago's suggestion that Desdemona may have deceived her father by marrying Othello without his knowledge. Brabantio expresses his belief that Desdemona's own innate sense of right and wrong, her "nature," will eventually reveal the truth to her, implying that she will come to regret her decision to marry Othello.

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Final Thoughts

Studying "Othello" is still important today because it talks about things that are still relevant, like jealousy, racism, and how people can manipulate each other. In today's world, where we're still dealing with issues of race and identity, the play's message about how jealousy and prejudice can ruin lives is still really powerful. Othello, the main character, struggles with his identity and fitting in, which is something a lot of people can relate to. The play makes us think about how important it is to trust each other and understand each other's perspectives in our relationships, and that's why it still resonates with people today. If you’re a real reading vulture, we have a To Till a Mockingbird summary prepared for you!

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Home — Guides — Othello — Understanding the Othello Plot

by William Shakespeare

Plot summary

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  • Michael Cassio
  • Duke of Venice
  • Racism And Prejudice
  • Appearance vs. Reality
  • Gender Roles
  • Manipulation
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  • Dramatic Irony
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Othello: Plot Summary

Table of contents, full book summary, plot summary by chapters.

Othello tells the story of the Moorish general, Othello, and his descent into jealousy and rage, ultimately leading to his downfall.

The play begins with Roderigo, a wealthy Venetian gentleman, complaining to Iago, a cunning and manipulative ensign, that he is in love with Desdemona, the daughter of a senator, and is jealous of her marriage to Othello. Iago, who secretly hates Othello and is envious of Cassio, a lieutenant who was promoted over him, tells Roderigo that he will help him win Desdemona if he gives him money. Iago then hatches a plan to use Cassio’s friendship with Desdemona to ruin him and get revenge on Othello.

In the meantime, Othello and his new wife, Desdemona, arrive in Cyprus, where they are stationed to protect the island from the Turks. Cassio is also there, along with Iago, who is determined to make Cassio lose his position. Iago convinces Cassio to drink excessively, causing him to start a fight with Roderigo, for which he is dismissed by Othello.

Iago then begins to manipulate Othello into thinking that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. He does this by planting false evidence, such as a handkerchief that was a gift from Othello to Desdemona, in Cassio’s room. Iago also uses the testimony of his own wife, Emilia, who unknowingly picks up the handkerchief and gives it to Iago.

Othello becomes increasingly jealous and obsessed with the idea that his wife is unfaithful to him. Iago fuels his suspicions by telling him lies and half-truths, such as claiming that he overheard Cassio talking in his sleep about his affair with Desdemona. Othello confronts Desdemona, who denies everything, but he refuses to believe her.

As Othello’s jealousy intensifies, he becomes more and more abusive towards Desdemona, ultimately striking her in front of others. Iago convinces Roderigo to attack Cassio, but the plan fails, and Cassio wounds Roderigo instead. Othello, hearing the commotion, assumes that Cassio is dead and resolves to kill Desdemona.

In the final act, Othello smothers Desdemona to death in their bedchamber, believing that he is avenging her infidelity. Emilia discovers the truth and tries to expose Iago’s lies, but he kills her. Othello, realizing that he has been manipulated by Iago, kills him, and then takes his own life in grief and despair.

Othello: Act 1 Summary

Act 1 sets up the major conflicts that will drive the rest of the play, including the tensions between Othello and Iago, the obstacles faced by Othello and Desdemona’s interracial marriage, and the power struggles between various characters. It also establishes the play’s themes of jealousy, betrayal, and racism. The audience is left wondering how these conflicts will play out and whether the characters will be able to overcome them.

Othello Act 1, Scene 1: Summary

The play opens with a discussion between Roderigo and Iago, in which Roderigo is expressing his love for Desdemona, and is upset that she has married Othello instead of him. Iago is revealed to be jealous of Cassio, Othello’s lieutenant, who was promoted over him. Iago and Roderigo decide to inform Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, of her marriage to Othello. They wake him up to tell him the news, and he is outraged that his daughter has married a black man.

Othello Act 1, Scene 2: Summary

Othello is summoned to the Duke’s court to answer for his marriage to Desdemona. He brings Desdemona with him, and they are questioned about their relationship. Othello tells the story of how he and Desdemona fell in love, and the Duke is satisfied with his explanation. However, Othello is also asked to go to Cyprus to fight the Turks, and he agrees to do so. Cassio is put in charge of the troops, and Iago vows to ruin him.

Othello Act 1, Scene 3: Summary

Iago meets with Cassio and convinces him to drink and celebrate their arrival in Cyprus. Roderigo also appears, and Iago encourages him to start a fight with Cassio. The plan works, and Cassio is provoked into fighting, resulting in his dismissal from his post. Iago advises Cassio to appeal to Desdemona to help him get his job back. After everyone leaves, Iago reveals his true intentions: to ruin Cassio and Othello’s reputations and get revenge for being passed over for promotion.

Othello: Act 2 Summary

Act 2 of Othello sees Iago’s manipulations begin to take hold, as he sows seeds of doubt in Othello’s mind about Cassio’s loyalty and Desdemona’s faithfulness. The act begins with Iago and Roderigo discussing their plan to discredit Cassio by getting him drunk and causing a fight. In Scene 2, Othello arrives in Cyprus with his new wife Desdemona, and Cassio greets them. Iago takes this opportunity to plant the seed of doubt in Othello’s mind, suggesting that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair.

Overall, Act 2 sets the stage for the main conflict of the play, as Iago’s manipulations start to take hold and Othello’s jealousy and mistrust begin to grow. The audience is left wondering whether Othello will be able to see through Iago’s schemes and realize the truth about Cassio and Desdemona’s innocence, or whether he will succumb to jealousy and turn against those he loves.

Othello Act 2, Scene 1: Summary

The second act of Othello begins with the arrival of Othello and his men in Cyprus after a victorious sea battle. Cassio, who had arrived before them, greets them and tells them that the storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet. They then receive news that the ship carrying Iago’s wife, Emilia, has also safely arrived. Cassio, who has been appointed as governor of Cyprus in Othello’s absence, orders some musicians to play music to celebrate their victory. However, the revelry is interrupted when a drunken Roderigo confronts Cassio, angry that he had not been appointed as Othello’s lieutenant. Cassio tries to calm him down, but Roderigo draws his sword and attacks him. In the ensuing scuffle, Montano, the former governor of Cyprus, gets injured while trying to intervene. Othello arrives on the scene and demands to know who started the fight.

Othello Act 2, Scene 2: Summary

This scene begins with Othello questioning Cassio about the brawl that occurred in the previous scene. Cassio, ashamed of his drunken behavior, admits his fault and apologizes. Othello, who values Cassio’s military expertise, forgives him but removes him from his post as lieutenant, which greatly distresses Cassio. Othello then confides in Iago, who had advised him to remove Cassio, about his love for Desdemona and how he feels unworthy of her. Iago feigns loyalty and reassures Othello that he will help him in his love life.

Othello Act 2, Scene 3: Summary

In this scene, we see Desdemona’s ship arriving in Cyprus, and Cassio greets her on behalf of Othello. Desdemona is happy to see Cassio but wonders why he is not in his post as lieutenant. Cassio explains that he has lost his post due to a drunken brawl, and Desdemona promises to intercede on his behalf with Othello. Iago, who is also present, plants the seeds of doubt in Othello’s mind about Desdemona’s loyalty by suggesting that Cassio and Desdemona might be having an affair. He tells Othello that Desdemona is a beautiful and desirable woman who might be unfaithful to him, which starts to make Othello suspicious.

Othello: Act 3 Summary

Overall, Act 3 is a pivotal point in the play, as Othello’s jealousy and Iago’s manipulations reach a boiling point. The scenes in this act show the characters’ increasing confusion and desperation, as they struggle to make sense of the events around them. The audience is left wondering whether Othello will be able to overcome his jealousy and see the truth about Desdemona’s innocence, or whether Iago’s machinations will succeed in driving him to take revenge.

Othello Act 3, Scene 1 : Summary

In this scene, Cassio arrives at the court, accompanied by musicians who are to play for Othello and Desdemona. Cassio asks the musicians to play some music, but they decline, citing their concern that it may be inappropriate for the court. Cassio then sends a servant to ask Emilia, Iago’s wife, to speak to Desdemona on his behalf. Iago enters and begins to sow seeds of doubt in Cassio’s mind about his relationship with Desdemona, suggesting that it may be inappropriate. Iago then advises Cassio to speak with Desdemona privately, as it may help to further his cause.

Othello Act 3, Scene 2: Summary

In this scene, Othello questions Emilia about Desdemona’s behavior and her alleged infidelity with Cassio. Emilia insists that Desdemona is faithful and denies that she has been unfaithful with Cassio. Othello becomes angry and accuses Desdemona of being unfaithful, causing her to become upset and confused. She insists on her innocence and asks Othello to let Cassio return to his position.

Othello Act 3, Scene 3: Summary

In this scene, Iago continues to manipulate Othello by planting seeds of doubt in his mind about Desdemona’s fidelity. Othello becomes increasingly angry and asks Iago to provide proof of Desdemona’s infidelity. Iago then invents a story about Cassio talking in his sleep about his affair with Desdemona. Othello becomes convinced of Desdemona’s unfaithfulness and vows to seek revenge.

Othello Act 3, Scene 4 : Summary

In this scene, Desdemona speaks with Cassio and promises to help him regain his position. She asks him to speak with Othello and plead his case, but Cassio is hesitant to do so. Meanwhile, Othello enters and confronts Desdemona about the handkerchief he gave her as a token of his love, which he believes she has given to Cassio. Desdemona denies having given the handkerchief to Cassio, causing Othello to become even more convinced of her infidelity. He leaves in anger, and Desdemona is left confused and upset.

Othello: Act 4 Summary

Overall, Act 4, Scene 1 sets the stage for Iago’s manipulation of Cassio, which will result in further damage to Cassio’s reputation and his eventual downfall. In Scene 2, Iago continues to manipulate Othello, making him believe that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. Finally, Scene 3 provides a glimpse into Desdemona’s vulnerable side, as she confides in Emilia and expresses her concerns about her marriage.

Othello Act 4, Scene 1 : Summary

Scene 1 opens in a room in the castle of Cyprus, with Desdemona talking to Cassio about Othello. Cassio is feeling guilty and ashamed of himself for having lost his position as lieutenant, after getting into a brawl with Montano. Desdemona tells Cassio that she will do everything in her power to help him regain his position, as she believes he is a good and honest man. She asks him to come and speak to Othello, but he declines, feeling it is not the right time. They exit, and Iago enters, plotting his next move. He decides to talk to Cassio and make him drunk, which would cause him to act in a way that would further damage his reputation.

Othello Act 4, Scene 2 : Summary

This scene takes place in a street in Cyprus, where Othello and Iago are walking. Iago continues to manipulate Othello by suggesting that Cassio is dishonest and is secretly sleeping with Desdemona. Othello becomes visibly upset and demands proof of Iago’s accusations. Iago tells him not to worry, as he has a plan to catch Cassio and Desdemona together, which would prove his point.

Othello Act 4, Scene 3 : Summary

This scene takes place in a room in the castle of Cyprus, where Desdemona is preparing for bed. She sings a song about a woman who has been betrayed by her lover, and Emilia enters the room. Desdemona asks her to lay out her wedding sheets, which Emilia does. Desdemona then confides in Emilia that she is not feeling well, and Emilia tries to comfort her. Desdemona then asks Emilia if there is any woman who would cheat on her husband, to which Emilia replies that there are many such women, and that men are often to blame for their wives’ infidelities. Desdemona falls asleep, and Emilia exits the room.

Othello: Act 5 Summary

Act 5 of Othello is the final act of the play and brings the tragic story to a climactic conclusion and to highlight the destructive power of jealousy and manipulation. The scenes in this act are characterized by tension, suspense, and violence.

Scene 1 highlights the chaos and violence that has consumed the characters, as their attempts to carry out revenge lead to tragic consequences.

Finally, Scene 2 marks the tragic climax of the play, as Othello’s jealousy and Iago’s manipulations result in the death of an innocent woman. The audience is left with a sense of horror and sadness as they witness the tragic consequences of the characters’ choices.

Othello Act 5, Scene 1 : Summary

The final act of the play opens with Roderigo, who has become desperate to win back the love of Desdemona, confronting Iago about the money and jewels he had given him in exchange for his help. Iago becomes frustrated with Roderigo and decides to take matters into his own hands. He stabs Roderigo, leaving him wounded, and then tries to place the blame on Cassio. However, before Iago can escape, Cassio appears and wounds him. Othello enters the scene and realizes that he has been deceived by Iago. He orders for Iago to be arrested and executed. Othello then stabs himself, saying that he has “loved not wisely, but too well”, and dies next to Desdemona’s body.

Othello Act 5, Scene 2: Summary

In the final scene of the play, Lodovico arrives from Venice to find out what has happened in Cyprus. He witnesses the tragic end of the story and orders for Iago to be taken away to be punished. Cassio is left in charge of restoring order in Cyprus, and he orders for Othello to be buried with honors as a military hero. The play ends with Lodovico addressing Cassio and reminding him of his duty to govern wisely in the future.

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summary essay on othello

by William Shakespeare

Othello study guide.

The plot of Shakespeare's Othello is largely taken from Giraldi Cinthio's Gli Hecatommithi , a tale of love, jealousy, and betrayal; however, the characters, themes, and attitudes of the two works are vastly different, with Shakespeare's play being a more involved study of human nature and psychology. One of the major deviations from the source, is the motivation of the Iago figure. Cithio's Iago was driven to revenge when Desdemona refused to have an affair with him; Iago's motivations are not nearly so plain in Shakespeare's version.

Othello also touches upon a major issue in Europe of this time period; the intermingling of Muslim religion and culture with the West. Written just a century after the Muslims were driven out of Spain as a part of the Reconquista , there are obvious threads of hostility within the play about Othello's Moorish origins, and his differences in religion and culture. The hostility between the West and the East is also shown in the conflict between Venice and the Turks; the Christian Venetians want to protect Christendom from the influence of the Muslim Turks, and ironically, Moorish Othello is the one sent to complete this mission.

Othello is considered to be a prime example of Aristotelian drama; it focuses upon a very small cast of characters, one of the smallest seen in Shakespeare's body of work, has few distractions from the main plot arc, and concentrates on just a few central themes. As such, it is one of the most intense and focused plays Shakespeare wrote, and has also enjoyed a great amount of popularity from the Jacobean period to the present day.

The character of Iago is a variation on the Vice figure found in earlier morality plays; he deviates from this model because of his lack of a clear motivation, and because of his portrayal as a very malignant figure. However, Iago is less of a character than a changeable device for the plot, and in this sense, he is a clear descendant of the omnipresent "vice" figure. Iago's great cunning, manipulative abilities, and almost supernatural perception mean that he is a very formidable foe, and this makes Othello's fall seem even more inevitable and tragic.

One reason for the overwhelming popularity of the play throughout the ages is that it focuses on two people who defied society in order to follow their own hearts. Shakespeare scholar Walter Cohen cites the popularity of Othello during times of great rebellion and upheaval; the play was most popular during the European wars of the mid-19th century, the fall of Czarist Russia, and also during World War II in America. These productions tended to emphasize the nobility and love of Othello and Desdemona, and made their fall seem more tragic and ill-deserved.

Taken from The Norton Shakespeare, introduction to Othello by Walter Cohen.

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Othello Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Othello is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

what attributers of the green eyed monster jealousy are made painful apparent as the scene progresses

Jealousy is the green-eyed monster in this scene. In Act 3 scene 3 Othello pretty much displays his jealousy,

desdemonas speech here confirms the masterly nature of iagos plot with what words does she assure cassio that she will do her best to get him reinstated

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why does othello ignore the cries for help?

Othello is hurdling towards self-destruction: sadly, by the deaths of people closest to him. Like tragic heroes such as Macbeth, Othello's senses are dull to tragedy and screams of terror. Roderigo and Cassio fight, and both are injured; Othello...

Study Guide for Othello

Othello study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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Essays for Othello

Othello essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare.

  • Iago and Edmund: The Silence and Complexity of Evil
  • Unity in Shakespeare's Tragedies
  • Inevitability and the Nature of Shakespeare's Tragedies
  • Witchy Women: Female Magic and Otherness in Western Literature
  • Racism in Othello

Lesson Plan for Othello

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E-Text of Othello

Othello e-text contains the full text of Othello by William Shakespeare.

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summary essay on othello

Othello , tragedy in five acts by William Shakespeare , written in 1603–04 and published in 1622 in a quarto edition from a transcript of an authorial manuscript. The text published in the First Folio of 1623 seems to have been based on a version revised by Shakespeare himself that sticks close to the original almost line by line but introduces numerous substitutions of words and phrases, as though Shakespeare copied it over himself and rewrote as he copied. The play derives its plot from Giambattista Giraldi ’s De gli Hecatommithi (1565), which Shakespeare appears to have known in the Italian original; it was available to him in French but had not been translated into English.

summary essay on othello

The play is set in motion when Othello , a heroic black general in the service of Venice, appoints Cassio and not Iago as his chief lieutenant. Jealous of Othello’s success and envious of Cassio, Iago plots Othello’s downfall by falsely implicating Othello’s wife, Desdemona , and Cassio in a love affair. With the unwitting aid of Emilia, his wife, and the willing help of Roderigo, a fellow malcontent, Iago carries out his plan.

Learn about the characters of Othello as discussed by the cast and crew of a Folger Shakespeare Library production

Making use of a handkerchief belonging to Desdemona and found by Emilia when Othello has unwittingly dropped it, Iago persuades Othello that Desdemona has given the handkerchief to Cassio as a love token . Iago also induces Othello to eavesdrop on a conversation between himself and Cassio that is in fact about Cassio’s mistress, Bianca, but which Othello is led to believe concerns Cassio’s infatuation with Desdemona. These slender “proofs” confirm what Othello has been all too inclined to believe—that, as an older black man, he is no longer attractive to his young white Venetian wife. Overcome with jealousy, Othello kills Desdemona. When he learns from Emilia, too late, that his wife is blameless, he asks to be remembered as one who “loved not wisely but too well” and kills himself.

For a discussion of this play within the context of Shakespeare’s life and works, see William Shakespeare: The tragedies .

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Here is a more detailed look at what happens in each scene of Othello, to help you look at the structure of the play and interrogate it.

As you look at each act we’ve included some things to notice. These are important character developments, or key questions that an acting company might ask when they first go through the play together at the start of rehearsal. If you work through these as you go, they will help you to make sense of the play as well as starting to look at the text itself. It’s a good idea to have a copy of the play nearby!

Act 1 Scene 1

summary essay on othello

Play Act 1 Scene 1

What do we Learn?

  • Iago is angry that Othello has promoted Cassio and wants revenge on them both.
  • Brabantio did not know about the marriage and is angry about the match.
  • Roderigo wants to marry Desdemona himself.
  • Desdemona has chosen her new husband over her father and family.

Act 1 Scene 2

  • Othello believes Iago’s version of events when he tells him about Brabantio.
  • There is a war going on with the Turks and the Senate are meeting very late at night to discuss news.
  • Brabantio thinks the Duke and the rest of the Senate will side with him against Othello.

Act 1 Scene 3

Play act 1 scene 3.

  • Othello won Desdemona’s love by telling her stories of his past adventures.
  • Desdemona chooses to go with her husband to Cyprus and feels loyalty to him over her father.
  • Iago is using Roderigo to help him in his plans and he has already hatched a plot to make Othello believe Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona – in a double revenge.

Things to Notice in Act 1

Notice what Iago says about Othello in the opening scene. Can you find a line in the text that shows Iago has ulterior motives?

Notice Iago’s soliloquy in Act 1. What effect does it have when you and the audience know more than the main protagonist, Othello?

Take note of everything we learn about Desdemona’s relationship with her father and how she fell in love with Othello. What do we learn about their relationship? Do you think this marriage can work?

Act 1 is important because it sets up the characters – letting us know Othello is an outsider, that Desdemona betrayed her Father and lied to marry Othello. What do you think is the most important detail Shakespeare gives you about each character in this Act of the play?

Act 2 Scene 1

What do we learn.

  • The danger to Cyprus from the Turkish fleet has passed.
  • Iago intends for Roderigo to start a fight with Cassio in order to get Cassio into trouble.
  • Iago suggests Othello might have had an affair with his wife Emilia, but admits he has no proof.

Act 2 Scene 2

Act 2 scene 3.

  • Othello trusts Iago and Cassio. When the fight breaks out Othello turns to Iago for an honest report of what happened.
  • Cassio is distraught that he has lost not only his position as lieutenant but also his reputation.
  • Cassio is going to ask Desdemona to talk to Othello on his behalf and, meanwhile, Iago plans to convince Othello that Desdemona has feelings for Cassio.

Things to Notice in Act 2

Notice the relationships between characters when they first arrive in Cyprus. This is a different setting so how do the characters change? Cassio kisses Desdemona’s hand but is also affectionate with Emilia. What does this reveal about him? How does Iago react? What kind of relationship do you think Emilia and Iago have?

In Iago’s soliloquy at the end of Scene 1, how many reasons can you find for him wanting revenge on Othello? Create a list of every reason he has given or suggested.

Look at Desdemona’s behaviour, both before Othello arrives in Cyprus and later at the party. What do her actions reveal about her character?

Act 2 is where we learn more about the world of Cyprus and see the practicalities of Iago’s plan begin to take shape. What do you think the most important moments are in this Act?

Act 3 Scene 1

  • Cassio trusts Iago to help him.
  • Desdemona wants to help Cassio.
  • Emilia doesn’t know anything about Iago’s plan and helps Cassio.

Act 3 Scene 2

Act 3 scene 3.

Desdemona reassures Cassio that she will continue to speak to Othello on his behalf. She says ‘Do not doubt, Cassio, but I will have my lord and you again as friendly as you were’. Iago makes sure Othello sees the end of their conversation and notices Cassio leaving Desdemona. He says to Othello that it can’t have been Cassio because ‘I cannot think it that he would steal away so guilty-like seeing you coming’. Desdemona then persuades Othello to talk to Cassio and he claims ‘I will deny thee nothing’. As she leaves he says ‘Perdition catch my soul / but I do love thee! And when I love thee not, / chaos is come again’. Iago immediately begins to sow seeds of suspicion in Othello’s mind, subtly at first and then more obviously, suggesting that something is going on between Cassio and Desdemona, advising him to ‘Look to your wife, observe her well with Cassio’. Iago leaves Othello convinced of his wife’s infidelity, saying ’She’s gone, I am abused, and my relief must be to loath her’. When Desdemona comes back with Emilia, Othello complains ‘I have a pain upon my forehead, here’. As Desdemona tries to help him she drops her handkerchief. Left alone, Emilia picks it up, telling the audience, ‘My wayward husband hath a hundred times wooed me to steal it’. Iago returns and takes it from her. He tells the audience that he will plant the handkerchief in Cassio’s room, hoping it will provide further ‘proof’ of Cassio’s affair with Desdemona.

Othello returns to see Iago, furious at the idea of his wife with Cassio, saying ‘thou hast set me on the rack!’ He demands that Iago provide ‘ocular proof’. Iago winds him up more saying ‘Were they as prime as goats, as hot as monkeys’ it would be hard to catch them in the act. He pretends he has heard Cassio talking in his sleep about the affair, then adds that he has seen Cassio using Desdemona’s handkerchief which ‘speaks against her with the other proofs’. Othello is convinced and vows a ‘wide revenge’. He asks Iago to kill Cassio and plans to kill Desdemona himself.

Play Act 3 Scene 3

  • Othello does not feel very secure about Desdemona’s love for him but he does trust Iago.
  • Iago is very quick thinking and builds his lies very quickly, using Othello’s responses.
  • Emilia wants to please her husband, even if it means stealing from her mistress.

Act 3 Scene 4

Desdemona is upset about losing her handkerchief but Emilia pretends she knows nothing about it. Othello comes in acting strangely and asks to borrow the handkerchief, telling her ‘there’s magic in the web of it’. She tries to make him talk about Cassio but he keeps talking about ‘The handkerchief’ until he walks off and she is left confused.

Iago returns with Cassio and, hearing Othello was upset, Iago leaves to find him. Desdemona thinks affairs of state must have ‘puddled his clear spirits’. Emilia thinks he is jealous but Desdemona says ‘I never gave him cause’. They leave and Bianca, a woman who is in love with Cassio, arrives. Cassio gives her the handkerchief, saying ‘I found it in my chamber’, and asks her to copy the design.

  • The handkerchief is incredibly important to Othello and was a gift to his Mother, possibly with some ‘magic’ in it.
  • Othello believes Desdemona has given the handkerchief to Cassio.
  • Desdemona has noticed Othello behaving strangely but thinks it must be because of his work. Emilia suspects Othello’s strange behaviour is because of jealousy .
  • Cassio does not know who the handkerchief belongs to but he gives it to Bianca.

Things to Notice in Act 3

Look closely at the beginning of Scene 3 and notice how Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona and Cassio are more than friends. How would you describe the tactics Iago uses? Which lines do you think offer the best examples of theses tactics?

Othello’s soliloquy in the middle of Scene 3 suggests reasons for Othello’s sense of insecurity. What reasons can you find in this speech? What further reasons can you find in the rest of the Act?

The handkerchief becomes increasingly important in Scene 3 and Scene 4. List all the things we learn about it in this act and consider why you think Emilia keeps quiet about it.

Act 3 is important because it shows how Iago poisons Othello’s mind against Desdemona and Cassio. Which of Iago’s lines do you think are most effective in convincing Othello and why?

Act 4 Scene 1

  • Othello has a history of epilepsy.
  • Othello has been recalled to Venice and Cassio is meant to take his place as governor of Cyprus.
  • Othello’s violent behaviour towards his wife seems shocking to the Venetian nobleman Lodovico.

Act 4 Scene 2

  • Iago is still trusted by everyone.
  • Emilia guesses there is someone causing all this trouble but does not realise it is her husband.
  • Roderigo has given Iago jewels for Desdemona that Iago has not given to her.

Act 4 Scene 3

Play act 4 scene 3.

  • Desdemona continues to love Othello despite his behaviour towards her.
  • Emilia recognises that relationships between men and women are usually are more complex than Desdemona thinks.

Things to Notice in Act 4

Notice how Othello listens to Iago and believes what he says but cannot believe anything Desdemona and Emilia say to him. Which images in the text do you think best explain how Othello feels?

Notice how nobody doubts Iago’s motives. Look back at his conversations in this scene and consider why his opinions are trusted by Cassio, Lodovico, Desdemona and Roderigo.

Consider why Shakespeare includes Scene 3 between Desdemona and Emilia. This scene was often cut in performances in the 1900s. How might this scene affect an audience watching the performance?

Act 4 is where Othello starts to plan and talk about Desdemona’s death. How has this act set up tension for the audience, even in scenes where Othello and Desdemona don’t appear together? What might an audience expect to happen next?

Act 5 Scene 1

  • Iago hopes both Cassio and Roderigo will die this night so that no one can reveal the truth of his own actions.
  • Othello is spurred on to kill Desdemona by believing Iago has killed Cassio.
  • When Cassio survives, Iago has to think quickly and tries to blame Bianca for the attack on Cassio.

Act 5 Scene 2

Desdemona is asleep on her bed. Othello says he will not ‘shed her blood’ but ‘she must die, else she’ll betray more men’. He kisses her and she wakes up. He tells her to pray because ‘I would not kill thy unprepared spirit’ and urges her to confess that she gave the handkerchief to Cassio. She replies ‘No, by my life and soul’ but he refuses to believe her. She pleads for her life but he suffocates her. He hears Emilia calling him and lets her in. She tells him that Cassio killed Roderigo and that Cassio lives. Emilia hears Desdemona calling out and finds her just as she dies. Othello confesses ‘Twas I that killed her’, adding ‘She was false as water’ and ‘Thy husband knew it all’. Emilia is shocked at her husband’s involvement ‘May his pernicious soul rot half a grain a day! He lies to th’heart’. She yells for help and Montano, Gratiano and Iago rush in. Emilia confronts Iago, who admits he told Othello that Desdemona was unfaithful with Cassio and tries to stop her talking. She says, ‘I am bound to speak: My mistress here lies murdered in her bed’. Othello defends himself saying, ‘’Tis pitiful, but yet Iago knows that she with Cassio hath the act of shame a thousand times committed’ and says he saw his handkerchief in Cassio’s hand. Emilia says ‘O thou dull Moor, that handkerchief thou speak’st of I found by fortune and did give my husband’. Finally, Othello realises the truth. Iago stabs Emilia and runs away. Montano runs after him.

Lodovico, Montano and Cassio come in with Iago as a prisoner. Othello asks ‘Will you, I pray, demand that demi-devil why he hath thus ensnared my soul and body?’ Iago says, ‘From this time forth I never will speak a word’ but they piece together what has happened from letters found in Roderigo’s possession. Othello is arrested. Lodovico tells Othello ‘Your power and your command is taken off and Cassio rules in Cyprus’, but before they can take him away, Othello asks that they ‘speak of one that loved not wisely but too well’ and ‘threw a pearl away richer than all his tribe’. Then he stabs himself, kisses Desdemona and dies.

Play Act 5 Scene 2

  • Othello does not want to kill Desdemona but feels he has to.
  • Emilia shows great bravery in speaking out against her husband.
  • Cassio forgives Othello and retains respect for him despite everything.

Things to Notice in Act 5

Notice how action packed Scene 1 is. Look at how Iago controls this action and consider what could have happened differently.

Notice the language used about Iago as being ‘inhuman’ once his deceptions have been revealed. What examples of this imagery can you find and why do you think it is used?

Look at Othello’s speeches at the beginning and end of Scene 2. What effect do you think each speech might have on how an audience feel about Othello?

Act 5 is important because it brings everything together and reveals the truth of all the characters’ actions. Which character are you most interested in and what has been most interesting about their journey for you?

summary essay on othello

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  9. Analysis of William Shakespeare's Othello

    Home › Drama Criticism › Analysis of William Shakespeare's Othello. Analysis of William Shakespeare's Othello By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on July 25, 2020 • ( 0). Of all Shakespeare's tragedies . . . Othello is the most painfully exciting and the most terrible. From the moment when the temptation of the hero begins, the reader's heart and mind are held in a vice, experiencing the ...

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    Othello: Act 1 Summary. Act 1 sets up the major conflicts that will drive the rest of the play, including the tensions between Othello and Iago, the obstacles faced by Othello and Desdemona's interracial marriage, and the power struggles between various characters. It also establishes the play's themes of jealousy, betrayal, and racism.

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    Analysis. Othello is a Shakespearean tragedy first performed circa 1604 that details the deteriorating relationship between the eponymous Moorish general and his noble wife, Desdemona. It shows ...

  14. Othello Study Guide

    The plot of Shakespeare's Othello is largely taken from Giraldi Cinthio's Gli Hecatommithi, a tale of love, jealousy, and betrayal; however, the characters, themes, and attitudes of the two works are vastly different, with Shakespeare's play being a more involved study of human nature and psychology.One of the major deviations from the source, is the motivation of the Iago figure.

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    Othello, tragedy in five acts by William Shakespeare, written in 1603-04 and published in 1622 in a quarto edition from a transcript of an authorial manuscript.The text published in the First Folio of 1623 seems to have been based on a version revised by Shakespeare himself that sticks close to the original almost line by line but introduces numerous substitutions of words and phrases, as ...

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