Personal Training Business Plan With Examples & Templates

Published by caroline @ wellness creative co on 14 june 2023 14 june 2023.

Writing a personal training business plan can seem a bit daunting. Most PTs love fitness and programming but aren’t so keen on the admin side. The good news is it doesn’t have to be difficult – with the right guidance and some practical examples to follow, it’s actually pretty easy.

In this article – learn how to write a personal training business plan in 7 simple steps (with samples, templates, and a downloadable checklist).
  • Why write a business plan?
  • 7 key elements
  • Templates & examples
  • Downloadable PDF checklist

We’re a team of qualified personal trainers and fitness coaches with 15+ years of industry experience , so we know first-hand what works (and what doesn’t!). We’ve trained other fitness professionals in sales, marketing, and business growth, so our strategies are tried and tested.

Why Write a Business Plan?

If you want your personal training business to be successful, then it’s vital to have a plan. It’ll help you secure investor funding or a business loan , which many PTs require in order to get off the ground.

But even if you don’t need the start-up finances, writing a plan makes you more likely to succeed. In fact, research shows that business plans double your chance of success . So, it’s really a no-brainer if you’re serious about being successful.

Here are a few of the reasons why creating a business plan is important…

  • It crystallizes abstract thoughts and ideas into something tangible
  • Helps you communicate your business concept in a way others will understand easily
  • Required to secure funding from investors and banks
  • Provides a structured plan to work through
  • Helps you decide which areas to spend money on and where not to invest
  • Ensures you understand what you’re letting yourself in for in terms of money, time, and effort

Whether you want to go freelance, become a mobile PT, start a personal training studio, or your own gym , you’ll definitely need a plan.

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What To Include In a Personal Training Business Plan

Writing a personal training business proposal might sound daunting but this 7-step guide makes it easy . It’ll walk you through the exact process to follow so you’ll have your plan completed in no time. Here’s an overview of what you need to include…

  • Executive summary
  • Industry and market analysis
  • Business overview
  • Services offered
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Financial details
  • Implementation plan

Personal Training Business Plan PDF Template

Now let’s look at each of these sections in more detail…

1. Executive Summary

Get straight to the point – why should the bank or investors lend your business money? Include your mission, key financial info, and unique selling points. Although it goes at the beginning of your plan, you should prepare this section last.

2. Industry & Local Market Analysis

Demonstrate potential – show that the fitness market and personal training industry are growing and there’ll be a strong demand for your services. Include research statistics, competitor info, and relevant government initiatives.

3. Business Overview

Summarise the business – objectives, location, ownership, legal status, personnel structure, and operations.

4. Services

The fun part – describe the different services you plan to sell including the packages and pricing structure . This could be in-person PT sessions, online programs , specialist workshops, fitness products, etc.

5. Sales & Marketing Strategy

How you’ll attract clients – explain your brand positioning and outline your personal training marketing plan by listing the activities you’ll do to generate revenue , attract clients , and promote your PT business .

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6. Financial Information

Time to open a spreadsheet – potential investors and banks aren’t just interested in your figures. They’ll want to know how you arrived at those figures so show your calculations. Include breakdowns of profit and loss, cash-flow, breakeven figures, and the capital expenditure needed for start-up. Project 12, 36, and 60 months ahead.

7. Implementation Plan

How you’ll make it happen – provide a step-by-step list of actions you’ll take, including milestone dates.

You might also like… 50 Catchy Personal Training Business Name Ideas or How To Promote a Fitness Business .

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Free Fitness Marketing Guide

Learn which fitness marketing strategies produce the best results (so you can focus on what actually works).

Personal Trainer Business Plan Examples & Templates

Looking at a personal training business plan sample can be really helpful as it puts these sections into context. Reviewing examples will give you ideas for how to create and present your own plan.

You obviously don’t want to copy another plan since the details will be unique to your business. But the following example plans can be a useful reference for personal trainers…

  • Dragon Fitness Training  produced this interesting personal trainer business plan as an academic exercise.
  • Catalyst Fitness  created this CrossFit business plan with a detailed risk assessment.
  • Launceston City Council created this aquatic center and health club business plan.
  • The Yoga Lunch Box  offers a comprehensive yet easy-to-read fitness business template.

Creating a business plan is 100% worth the time and effort . It helps you validate demand, maximise profitability, and identify any potential pitfalls early.

This plan will be your playbook for the next 3-5 years so don’t rush the process. It’ll help you secure investor funding or a bank loan if you want to go down this route. Considering how you’ll acquire paying clients and manage cash flow now will ensure you’re well-prepared for life as a fitness business owner.

You might also like… How To Grow a Personal Training Business or The Ultimate Yoga Business Planning Guide & Template .

Downloadable Checklist & More Templates

The best way to write a business plan is to work on it in bite-size chunks . Trying to get the whole thing done in one go is the quickest route to overwhelm.

So, we recommend working on one section each day. This will enable you to complete the whole thing within a week, with zero stress or hassle . To make things easy, we created a handy PDF checklist that walks you through the 7 sections.

Gym Business Plan PDF Template

You can download it as part of our Fitness Business Start-Up Kit . It includes marketing plan templates, business name ideas, sales scripts, and loads more resources.

Personal Training Business Plan Examples Templates

Caroline @ Wellness Creative Co

Qualified personal trainer (BSc Sports Science) & nutritionist (MSc Human Nutrition) with 15+ years of fitness & wellness marketing experience working with global brands.

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example of business plan for personal trainer

7 Simple Steps for Writing a Personal Trainer Business Plan (with Templates)

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20.3 minutes

Jessie Florence Jones

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Abbie Watkins

If you’re just starting on your own as a PT, writing a personal trainer business plan is one of the most important first steps you’ll have to take.

In this article we’ll cover:

Why Do I Need a Personal Training Business Plan?

Step 1: write your personal trainer business plan summary.

  • Step 2: Detail Your Qualifications on Your PT Business Plan
  • Step 3: Pinpoint What You Sell When Writing a Personal Trainer Business Plan

Step 4: Perform a SWOT Analysis as Part of Your Personal Training Business Plan

  • Step 5: Outline Your Marketing Strategies in Your PT Business Plan
  • Step 6: Include Your Financial Plans & Projections in a Personal Trainer Business Plan
  • Step 7: Conclude Your Personal Training Business Plan with a Closing Statement

Before you start with your PT business plan, there’s one thing you should always factor in, and that’s professional development.

With  our Level 4 Sports Nutrition Course , you’re able to set yourself apart from the competition and ensure your business can thrive in a competitive industry.  Download our free course prospectus to find out more !

Before we look in detail at the process of writing a personal trainer business plan, it’s vital to understand why you should produce one. 

In short, a personal trainer business plan acts as the guide for where your business currently is, where you aspire to be, and how you’ll get there.

As you can imagine, this is vital for establishing your business and plays an integral role in:

  • How to make money as a personal trainer
  • How many, and the kind of, clients you attract
  • How you market yourself
  • Who your competitors are, and how you’ll beat them

It’s easy to assume that you’ll be the only person who’ll see the business plan for your personal trainer business but it will play a vital role in securing external funding if that’s what you need.

You will have to show prospective investors what you plan to do with your business and outline every detail if you’re looking to secure money from a third party.

Ultimately your personal trainer business plan is an opportunity to showcase your brand and display what you’ll be contributing to the fitness industry. 

Every successful personal trainer business plan should start with a summary. This is an overview for readers and potential investors, covering:

  • Who you are
  • What your business offers, and your target market
  • Your financial state, and projections for the future
  • Your marketing strategy
  • Plans for the future

Despite it seeming simple, this is one of the most crucial parts of any business plan for a personal trainer because it’s the first impression you’ll make. 

You’ll need to summarise for the reader what you’ll be covering so they’ve got a good snapshot of your business and the service you will provide.

This personal trainer business plan example from CIBT Visas, a global financial company, is a great illustration of how it should be done:

Just from this short section, we find out a few key points about CIBT, including:

  • What they do
  • Where they operate
  • Their core values
  • What they aim to achieve

This should essentially contain your personal trainer mission statement and what you intend your brand to achieve and fulfil!

Your next sections will expand on these key features, and offer a more in-depth look at what you do, and where you can take your business.

Step 2: Detail Your Qualifications on Your Personal Trainer Business Plan

Following your summary, your personal training business plan should lead into a comprehensive inventory of your qualifications and certifications.

This serves a few different purposes. For any potential investors or banks, you’re proving that you’re well-positioned to provide a service to your clients.

Each qualification is an indicator to those who want to put money into your business that you’re a professional able to bring return on their investment with trustworthy expertise.

Each one is also an example of the different areas your business could branch into in order to grow and develop. For example, any specialist Level 4 master personal trainer courses you’ve completed  show a potential for advancement .

You should include a list of qualifications as well as where they come from. This will show that you’ve completed a course with a reputable provider and allows potential investors to see your credentials.

You should list them simply, like in our own personal trainer business plan sample below:

Diploma in Personal Training – OriGym COE Level 3 Exercise Referral – OriGym COE Level 4 Advanced Sports Nutrition – OriGym COE First Aid for Sports – British Red Cross CPD in Strength and Conditioning – OriGym COE

This list offers a comprehensive overview of our example PT’s qualifications, as well as where they were achieved. 

CPD fitness courses will also help demonstrate a wide ranging skill set and areas that your business could potentially branch into! 

Step 3: Pinpoint What You Want to Sell When Writing a Personal Trainer Business Plan

Next up for your personal trainer business plan is detailing exactly what it is that you intend to sell and how you plan to cater to a particular audience and customer base.

This should be one of the most extensive sections of your business plan template. As a personal trainer you need to put trust in your services and your ability to meet other people’s fitness goals as well as those you have for your business.

This is your opportunity to detail all of your revenue streams and the different ways in which you intend to make money for your business.

This is also a way of illustrating why there’s room in the market for your business to cater to a particular demographic and offer a service that there’s a want or need for!

This may sound simple but plenty of trainers will miss out revenue streams from their personal training business plan, or don’t detail potential opportunities for expansion and selling other services or products.

Most PTs will have several revenue streams and you want to make sure you detail all of these without putting too much emphasis on the most lucrative ones.

For example, you don’t want to just detail your one-to-one training, despite it probably being your main source of income!

Some of the revenue streams you might want to include on top of this are:

  • Online or face to face seminars
  • Nutrition consultations
  • Affiliate marketing with prominent brands such as sportswear and supplement brands
  • Personal trainer tutor for a training provider
  • Workout guides or ebooks
  • Speaking at fitness or educational events

You also need to find your personal training target market . 

Something holistic like ‘gym goer’ is too broad and will hinder your ability to create marketing strategies and develop your business.

Your target market is the ideal customer and should be directly linked to the services you’re offering. 

You need to be able to show why you’ve chosen this demographic and how your product or service answers their specific needs.

Again, the more specific you can be the better. Some examples include:

  • People with physical health conditions or impairments
  • People with long term health conditions during rehabilitation 
  • Women under 30 looking for postnatal classes
  • Athletes looking for strength and conditioning training

We’ve written our own personal trainer business plan example for this particular section that you can use as a template:

My business offers one-to-one, bespoke, personal training sessions for women who are 40 years of age or older.  My services predominantly focus on helping women use exercise and nutrition to deal with the symptoms and stresses of menopause. My research suggests there is a huge need for a combination of services such as mine, offering nutrition and exercise programmes to help women with some of these issues. All of my qualifications uniquely equip me to work with this demographic to provide a much needed service. I offer nutrition sessions one-to-one, building recipes and selling them as a recipe guide, or working with individual clients to build bespoke nutrition plans. I also offer personal training sessions one-to-one or in groups with other women of the same age or same symptom experience.  Because of how common these issues are in this demographic there’s also a huge demand for seminars and educational sessions in partnership with women’s charities and other healthcare professionals. I provide consultancy on these issues as well as being available for talks and seminars online or in-person for various institutions.

This business plan template for a personal trainer company can be used as a jumping off point and fleshed out for your own brand!

The next thing you will need to perform for your personal trainer business plan is SWOT analysis.

Personal trainer SWOT analysis is vital for determining what you’re doing well and if there’s any sticking points, preventing your business from growing and developing as it should. 

SWOT stands for:

  • Strengths – these are the elements you think makes you stand out as a PT making your business unique 
  • Weaknesses – this is where you’ll reflect on any areas for improvement or development 
  • Opportunities – building on the above, decide on actions that can be taken to improve your business and develop your brand
  • Threats – this last step is to assess whether there’s anything stopping these actions from being taken or potential disruptions to how you might want to grow and develop your business

By performing these steps you’ll have an idea of how you can promote your USP and reinforce the other sections of your business plan, realising what gap you’re filling in the market.

You’ll also be able to identify any room for improvement and things that you can do to allow your business to grow.

This will help you by identifying exactly what your next moves are and how you can grow your business moving forward.

This will also help to show potential investors that you’re aware of the challenges your business might face and how you’re prepared to meet them and adapt your business accordingly.

This makes you seem like a more trustworthy investment and somebody who’s aware of how best to return on that investment and grow your business and income!

Step 5: Outline Your Marketing Strategies in Your Personal Trainer Business Plan

Another vital part of a business plan for any personal trainer is outlining your marketing strategies. 

This is vital for both you and any potential investors or collaborators. Here, you’ll outline the specific techniques and campaigns you will use to grow your business and gain new clients!

Showing your marketing plan will also reinforce your understanding of your target market because the particular strategies you use should be dictated by who you’re marketing to.

Identifying Your Target Market

If you’re writing a business plan to open a personal training studio , what’s the age range of your prospective clientele?

As we mentioned earlier, you need to make sure you’re as specific as possible with your target market.

The more specific you can be about the demographic the more specific you can be in targeting them, based on their behaviour and interaction with different platforms.

Using Social Media Platforms Relevant to Your Target Market

You need to make sure you’re aware of which platform is most used by your target age range. 

This is so that you can demonstrate that you understand the best way to target this specific audience with your marketing. 

If you’re looking to target an older age range, you may want to get clients from Facebook , as the social media site  tends to be used by an older generation of users.

If you’re targeting young women, for example, you should target platforms such as TikTok and Instagram that are dominated by this younger demographic.

However, some platforms such as Google are frequented by everyone and are a worthy investment no matter your target market.

Using Ads on Social Media

You should also include information about any existing personal trainer marketing strategies you’ve implemented. 

This will show your progress and illustrate your understanding of including this in your SWOT analysis and your awareness of how best to reach your target market.

You can include a screenshot of any existing ads you have on social media but you also need to ensure you include details of any spending and your projected spends on future strategies.

You should also detail any spending you’ve already done for advertising and marketing efforts.

This should include the costs for the maintenance of your existing marketing strategies, as well as any projections for future ones such as getting PT referrals or affiliate marketing.

Showing the Impact of Your Marketing Strategies

You should also make sure you include figures you have about the impact of any existing strategies you have in place.

For example, you might show the reach and engagement of certain ads you’ve had on social media platforms.

This will show what’s worked already and support any request for funds if you can show how and to what end your budget for marketing has worked.

In terms of showing what you’ve already done, this might be simply including a screenshot of what you’ve already spent on your advertising and any leads or impressions generated as a result.

For example, here’s an image of the leads generated by our own Facebook ads within a month:

And here’s what it might look like to show what you’ve spent in order to generate those leads:

This will show a potential investor that your existing spends have been successful and will be considered in terms of how much you can borrow or get.

This way you’re showing that what you’ve spent already has been successful and what you need to continue to spend in order to maintain that success.

However, you may not have already done any marketing in this way. If you’ve worked in a gym chances are you have to promote your own services but you might not have been solely responsible for things like ads and email marketing. 

If you’re just starting out, and this is the case, you should just include projections based on your market research.

Make sure to focus on the aforementioned factors, including any financial projections you can make. 

This way you’re still showing you’re aware of exactly what you need to do and what you need to monitor to have a successful marketing campaign!

If you found this section helpful, you can find out more about marketing your personal trainer business with some of our other articles below:

  • Strategies for Personal Trainer Lead Generation
  • How to Use Google My Business as a Personal Trainer
  • Personal Trainer Social Media: Ideas, Examples & Schedule

Step 6: Include Your Financial Plan and Projections in a Personal Trainer Business Plan

If you’re trying to secure money from a third party for your business, probably the most important sample of your personal trainer business plan is your financial projections.

The level of detail you include will depend on where you’re trying to secure funding from and how far into your business you are.

For example, this will look different for a personal training studio business plan than if your services are online or from home. 

It will also depend on some of the other features from our personal trainer business plan examples, such as marketing.

If you’ve only just started then your marketing costs will be projections rather than the screenshots we included in our own personal trainer business plan sample. 

You’ll need to detail not only what your expenses are or will be, but exactly how you see your business making and maintaining a steady financial flow.

No matter what your brand is, when you’re writing a personal trainer business plan you need to make sure you include the following crucial elements:

  • An income statement
  • A balance sheet
  • A cash-flow statement

We’ll run through each of these now so you know exactly what they entail and why they’re important for any successful personal trainer business plan.

An Income Statement 

An income statement is a crucial part of any business plan template and a personal trainer business is no exception.

This is a statement that shows how much money you’ve made after your expenses and taxes are deducted from your income. 

Any business will keep this anyway for tax purposes and it can be helpful to have those numbers in front of you when you’re looking at ways to grow or streamline your business.

This is especially useful for anybody looking to invest or support your business financially because it shows your business’s profit and success.

It will also show any losses made and where they’ve come from so you can make any alterations.

This will inform and reinforce other parts of your personal trainer business plan. For example, having these figures ready will help you with your SWOT analysis.

Throughout your career you will have to complete an income statement for your business every fiscal quarter.

However, when you’re starting out, and for the purposes of the personal training business plan, you should do one every month for a year where possible.

This will also depend on your personal trainer business registration because your taxes will depend on whether you’re a sole trader or a limited company.

You should check this or use a business plan template for your personal trainer income statement.

A Balance Sheet

Your balance sheet is a calculation of what you have versus what you owe, giving a sum that shows the equity of your business. 

On one side it will list your business assets, which are things you own and could be liquidated and turned into cash. On the other side it will show liabilities, which are what you owe.

Most people will have a mixture of short and long term assets, called ‘current’ and ‘noncurrent’. 

Current assets are those which you could turn into cash within the year so either cash you currently have or accounts receivable (invoices from clients who are yet to pay).

Noncurrent assets are those which you don’t expect to liquidate in the near future.

This includes things like equipment or, if you’re writing a personal training studio business plan, you’d include property on this list too.

This is only in the list of assets if you own the property, though. If you’re renting a space or you’re paying off a mortgage, this would be in the liabilities section.

Liabilities will mostly be related to starting your business and any loans or any costs you got on finance.

Being able to show a healthy balance of these two things is a vital part of your business plan as a personal trainer because it shows the financial health of your company.

Showing that these things are well balanced will demonstrate to a bank or any potential investors that you’re a trustworthy business and will be financially stable enough to repay any money lent.

You should subtract the amount of liabilities from your assets to show the equity of your company.

A Cash Flow Statement 

Any business plan template for a personal trainer business should also include a cash flow statement. 

This is similar to an income statement but instead of just showing how much money you have after your outgoings this calculates the ‘flow’, i.e how much you have consistently coming in and out of your business.

Ideally, you want to be able to show that the flow of money is always positive, meaning you take in more money than you’re spending on expenses. 

Including this in your business plan serves a similar purpose to an income statement in regards to the SWOT analysis too.

Having these figures showing the cash flow will help you identify what’s working best to make money as a personal trainer , and where you could improve or cut back on expenses. 

The cash flow statement should show where your money is low and where there may be a surplus, meaning you have some opportunity to spend or redistribute some funds.

Having these figures will not only help you adjust your business but will also give a good indicator to investors or potential lenders of your financial stability as a business.

Step 7: Conclude Your Personal Trainer Business Plan with a Closing Statement

Last but not least, you should end your personal trainer business plan with a closing statement.

This will serve a similar purpose to your summary from step one but you can now summarise based on everything from the other sections.

This will act as a conclusion and an indication of where your business is up to and what you see as the next important steps.

This will help you to decide what you want to do with your business and the most immediate concerns and actions you need to take.

This will also act as an indicator to investors and lenders that you understand and know what to do with the data from previous sections.

If you can assess your business and read through your PT business plan to make some decisions, this reinforces your understanding of your business and your trustworthiness as a business owner!

After all, in any sample personal trainer business plan this is your opportunity to summarise your successes and illustrate that you understand how to fix any issues, and adjust accordingly.

Before You Go!

Hopefully now you’ve seen our personal trainer business plan examples, you feel ready to start writing your own!

Don’t forget you can grow your business by learning new expertise and skills and offering new services. You can do this with our  Level 4 Sports Nutrition qualification .

Find out more by getting in touch with our team today and download our course prospectus to see how else you can continue to grow your business.

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About the Author: Jessie Florence Jones

Jessie OriGym Author

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Personal Training Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

personal training and crossfit business plan

Personal Training Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their personal training companies. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a personal training business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What is a Personal Training Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your personal training business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Personal Training Business

If you’re looking to start a personal training business or grow your existing personal training company, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your personal training business to improve your chances of success. Your personal trainer business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Personal Training Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a personal training business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for personal training companies.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a personal training business.

If you want to start a personal training business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The business plan outline below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your personal training business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of personal training business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a personal training business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of personal training businesses?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan.

  • Give a brief overview of the personal training industry.
  • Discuss the type of personal training business you are operating.
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers.
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team.
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of personal training business you are operating.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of personal training businesses:

  • Mobile personal trainer: This type of business involves traveling to the client’s home, a park, or another location that is convenient for the client to provide personal training sessions.
  • In-home personal trainer: This type of business is operated out of the trainer’s own home. This type of business may be great for trainers that have their own equipment.
  • Online personal trainer: This type of business involves providing training one-on-one or group sessions online live or via pre-recorded webinars.
  • Gym trainer: This type of personal training business operates out of a gym that allows the trainer to work with their own clients at the gym.

In addition to explaining the type of personal training business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of clients served, the number of sessions provided with positive outcomes, reaching $X amount in revenue, etc.
  • Your legal business Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the personal training industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the personal training industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your personal trainer business plan:

  • How big is the personal training industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your personal training business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your personal trainer business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, schools, families, and corporations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of personal training business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other personal training businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes other types of trainers, coaches, gyms, and fitness programs. You need to mention such competition as well.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of personal training business are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you make it easier for clients to acquire your services?
  • Will you offer products or services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a personal training business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of personal training company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you provide lifestyle training, boot camps, or performance training services?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your plan, you are presenting the products and/or services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your personal training company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your personal training business located in a busy retail district, a business district, a standalone gym, or purely online? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your personal training marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines
  • Reach out to websites
  • Distribute flyers
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) on your website for targeted keywords

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your personal training business, including answering calls, planning and providing training sessions, billing customers and collecting payments, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to book your Xth session, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your personal training business to a new city.

Management Team

To demonstrate your personal training business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing personal training businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing a personal training business or successfully running a small fitness class.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you see 5 clients per day, and/or offer group training sessions? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your personal training business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a personal training business:

  • Cost of equipment and supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, and equipment

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your gym location lease or testimonials from happy customers.

Personal Training Business Plan Template PDF

You can download our personal training business plan PDF to help you get started on your own business plan.   Summary Writing a business plan for your personal training business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will understand the personal training industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful personal training business.  

  OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how a Growthink business planning advisor can create your business plan for you.   Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

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Personal trainer business plan template

After deciding to launch your personal training business, your next step is to begin writing your business plan. A business plan is an excellent tool to ke

After deciding to launch your personal training business, your next step is to begin writing your business plan. A business plan is an excellent tool to keep you organised, help you avoid mistakes both in the present and down the line, and brings together all the parts of your business to make it succeed. While you will likely make several amendments to your business plan as your business grows, having a solid document with all of your goals and the strategies you want to execute will help you successfully get your personal training business up and running.

To assist you in creating your business plan we have provided you with a template and business plan examples of everything your document should include, what information to cover in each section, and what your business plan can help you achieve. Let's get started.

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What is a business plan?

First things first, a business plan is a written document, typically 10-20 pages (depending on your business and how in-depth you go) that details everything one needs to know about your business. It should define your objectives, your business goals, and how you plan to achieve them - meaning how you will grow your business and in what ways.

Essentially it is the roadmap of your business and should clearly detail and state logistics as well as marketing, financial, and operational strategies and forecasts. Although business plans are unique to every business, there is a set structure you can follow to create your own and make it understandable to anyone reading your document.

Why is a business plan important for my personal training business?

Aside from being the document that you will follow to stay on track to achieve your goals, business plans also serve several other important purposes. A well-written business plan can help you attract investments and build your credibility.

When applying for a grant or loan or any type of financial support, often time the body providing you with the funds will ask for a business plan to verify your legitimacy. Business plans can also help you analyse gaps in your business, where you need to improve, and what things you may need to revisit as your business grows.

It's not only good practice to write a business plan, but it also serves as a way to set yourself apart from your competition and show your audience and potential clients how professional you are.

If you have already launched your business without a business plan, don't worry, there is still time to make one. Using our template you can create a strong plan that will establish your business and set you up for success.

The fine details: what to include in your business plan

Although you might be thinking right now, that writing a business plan will be boring, challenging, and that other PT businesses in your area probably already cover a lot of what you will include in your plan, you'd find it interesting to know that business plans are usually never identical because no two businesses are exactly the same, even if it might seem that way. This is why being as specific as possible and clearly detailing what your business is, what it offers, and to who is extremely important. In your business plan you must include the following topics:

  • Executive summary

Mission statement

Industry analysis, competitor analysis, customer analysis.

  • Marketing plan and analysis

Products and services

Financial plan, facility and location, management team.

These fundamental elements will help shape your plan and provide the exact details and strategies to start your personal training business off on the right track. While you might not have certain elements yet or are still considering whether or not to include certain elements in your personal training business for example a management team or purchase of your own facility, that's no problem. Including details such as your hopes and ideas for your business in the future or why your business will not cover certain areas should still be mentioned in your business plan. This will help give readers a big picture idea of your business and the possibilities for future growth and expansion.

Executive Summary

The first section of your business plan is your executive summary, or a synopsis of your business plan and what the reader of your plan can expect to learn from reading it. Your executive summary should have at least two to three sentences on each of the topics in your business plan, with a clear statement about your financial projections, who your ideal client is, and what you plan to achieve.

A great executive summary will hook your readers and motivate them to continue reading. A poorly executed executive summary will discourage the reader from reading more and leave a poor first impression of your business. Your executive summary should tie together all the following points you will cover in your entire plan and it must be concise and straightforward.

One of the first things an investor or reader of your business plan will look for in your executive summary is your mission statement. The purpose of a mission statement is to state your business's values, what you will achieve, and how you will achieve it. No matter whether you are launching your fitness business as a sole owner or plan to grow an entire company, having a mission statement that is very clear and sharp will let your audience know exactly what your business is all about.

For example, TeamUp's mission statement is:

We empower fitness businesses and their customers by providing the best management software for fitness studios, boxes, and gyms.

Don't worry too much about having the perfect language. The important part is to make sure your reader understands exactly who you serve and how you intend to meet their needs.

The industry analysis section of your business plan explains the positive relativity your new business has to other similar products and services in your industry. In this section, you will give a brief overview of the fitness industry, specifically the personal training industry with a brief history and why this industry exists. You can expand this section with popular trends, common needs in this industry, and how your personal training business would stand out. Use factual data and industry research to support your position and take this opportunity to show you really know what you're talking about as a new business owner entering a very popular sector.

In the competitor analysis, you will provide a more concrete explanation of how your business will differ from other competitors in your marketplace. You should use data and research you have done on your competitors to make factual statements, rather than assumptions, even though you might not know exactly what your competitors are doing differently. You should list out some immediate competitors in your area, their strengths and weaknesses and how you compare, what your business's role will be in the immediate marketplace, and give concrete examples of what you will do differently.

The customer analysis section of your business plan covers who your ideal client is and why your services cover their needs. Being specific in their identification, their demographic, where they are located, and how they spend their disposable income, will help you learn who your ideal client is and how you can attract their business. You should use similar traits and behaviours to describe why that type of person is your ideal client and why your type of service is the best fit for their needs. You can use your details to create realistic profiles for various ideal clients so that investors and your readers can get a great sense of who the exact person you will target is.  

Marketing strategy and sales forecast

In the marketing plan and sales forecast section, you will address how you will attract clients and clients to your personal training business. You will detail your strategies to enter the market and how you intend to grow and target clients to join your business. Your marketing strategy and plan will evolve over time and you will need to update them whenever you are emerging or entering into new markets. But in your initial plan, you should describe what you will do to earn your first clients, how you will communicate, market, and advertise your services, and who your clients would be.

In this section you should also use market trends and data to support how doing those strategies and methods will earn your clients and what your forecasted earnings will be once you have these clients, going as far as to forecast the next five to ten years.

The products and services section of your business plan is where you will describe what you are offering as a personal trainer and personal training business and why. Are you providing small group training , private one to one appointments , plan on teaching group classes, or a combination of all the above? When you know what services you intend to offer you need to clearly explain what they entail and how they are a benefit to your clients.

If you sell any additional merchandise or programming, you need to be specific as to why that is important to your business and offering. If are interested in offering products or services for example online classes and online one-on-one personal training services, nutrition programs, or on-demand content , you should make mention of these in this section and your plan for including these services and products in your offering.

In this section, you should also discuss how you plan to deliver these services to your clients. Will you focus primarily in-person, online, or both? Will you invest in personal training software to provide your clients with an easy to use booking and membership experience? These details help your reader and potential investors understand the customer experience you plan to execute beyond the product or service itself.

Your financial plan is one of the most important parts of your business plan. It is in this section that you will detail how much you expect to both charge and earn for your services as a business and personal trainer. You will also identify how much you intend to spend, if you receive funding what you intend to spend it on for example coaching salaries and perhaps, personal training software , how much you expect to make, and why potential investors should invest in your business. Your financial plan will give both you and the readers of your business plan an expectation and forecast of your profitability both in the present and in the future. Include your budget and what additional costs related to marketing, operations, development and expenditures you foresee your business having.

The facility and location section of your business plan is where you will state where your business will operate. Do you want to open your own gym or studio or rent space from an existing facility or run your training outdoors? Knowing the exact location or type of location where you will run your business is a very important part of 1, assessing your risk and how much insurance you will need and 2, assessing the cost you will incur from rent or a mortgage.

Being as specific in this as possible for the first and second-year stages of your business will help you readers and potential investors understand how you will grow in a specific area or region. Even if you plan to run your business online, taking into account where you will run your online training from and the very specific locations where your clients will be able to train with you is necessary information to include in this section.

The management team section of your business plan is where you will discuss any team members or staff you plan to have when starting a personal training business. Even if you plan to start your business as the only management team member, you can include any plans you have to grow your team in the future or plans to remain a sole trader. You should include fine details such as salary amount, how you will pay and train staff, and how each member of your team or staff will operate, meaning what role they would fulfil, for example, three coaches, one finance manager, one receptionist.

If you are running your personal training business online, you could also include where your management team members might be located or where you plan to have them located if you plan to recruit from a specific area or region.

Start your personal training business plan

While starting your personal training business and writing your business plan might seem like a challenge now, you have all the tools and resources you need to be successful. The rewards for your professionalism, preparedness, and entry into the fitness market will be much greater when you have taken the proper steps to launch your business the right way with a detailed, informed, and solid plan to guide you.

How profitable is a personal training business?

The average amount an entry-level PT can expect to make is $16.70 per hour which equates to about $34,000 per year. But the average income for trainers as a whole is closer to $42,000 per year, with the top 10 percent making in excess of $76,000.

How much do you need to start up a personal training business?

Start-up costs for personal training businesses vary from business to business, but they don't have to start off steep. Getting certified can cost anywhere between $500—$2000. Investing in liability insurance should cost between $200—$300 per year, and factoring in about $1,000 for an initial marketing strategy is also sensible. Should you decide to invest in your own space, rented or owned, that depends entirely on your location and the size of the space you want. If you need assistance earning funds to start your personal training business, check out our guide on applying for business grants for personal trainers .

Once your business plan is written and you're ready to take the next steps towards launching your personal training business, start by signing up for our free trial .

Thanks for reading!

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Create a Personal Trainer Business Plan in Six Steps


My personal training career began, as so many do, at a big box gym.

I worked my way up to management, then regional management, and eventually struck out on my own. Soon I opened a small gym, which progressively grew into a bigger gym over the next six years.

A natural evolution maybe, but no accident. It happened because I had a plan.

A business plan helps you stay focused. It puts you in control, leading you where you want to go, so you’ll end up happier and wealthier.

Yet lots of trainers don’t think to make one, or assume they don’t need one. You do. Taking the time to carefully craft a business plan can give you an edge, regardless of where you are in your career.

To help you get started, I’ve outlined a personal trainer business plan template with six basic steps:

Step 1: Write your mission statement

Step 2: assess the fitness industry and your competition, step 3: map out your revenue streams, step 4: plan for operating costs, step 5: create your sales and marketing plan, step 6: honestly assess your risk.

We’ll hit each of those in a moment, and share a downloadable worksheet for you to craft your own business plan. But first, you probably have a few questions.

What is a personal trainer business plan?

A personal trainer business plan is a written description of your business’s future. Think of it as your North Star. It will help guide every aspect of your business: services, products, people, location, competition, costs, and income.

Who needs a personal trainer business plan?

Anyone who makes a living as a personal trainer. Don’t wait until you’re self-employed. It’s never too early to think about your future trajectory, even if you’re still a gym employee.

What is a personal trainer business plan used for?

A business plan articulates what you do and why you’re doing it. Having it in writing helps you stay focused.

But depending on your needs and goals, you might also use it to impress potential investors, attract employees or customers, or deal with suppliers.

How long should a personal trainer business plan be?

A typical plan is about 10 to 20 pages, but there’s a lot of room for variation. It can be as simple as a few notes on the back of an envelope, or as complex as 50 pages with detailed projections and analysis.

What’s the purpose of your plan? If you’re trying to score financing, err on the longer side. But if it’s just for you, make it as brief or detailed as you like.

How do you start?

Easy: Just write. Tailor the language to your prospective audience. If you’re writing the plan for yourself, make it as casual as a conversation with a friend. If you’re writing it for a bank or private investor, be more formal. If it’s for clients, be professional, avoiding jargon or slang.

I remember agonizing over my first business plan, making a million revisions. I felt stuck because, as hard as I tried, my plan wasn’t perfect yet.

Then I realized something: Perfection isn’t possible, and you can’t let the pursuit of it keep you from moving forward.

The goal is to think about your personal training business in a more mature way. As you move through your career, stretching your abilities and learning from mistakes, you’ll gain the perspective you need to refine it.

Put another way, as you get better, your plan will too.

Personal trainer business plan template

This is two or three sentences explaining what your company aims to do, and why: “I help THIS group of people do X, Y, and Z. And this is why I do it.”

Don’t skip the second part. Clarifying why you do what you do is essential for setting your business apart. It starts with two things:

  • Your core values
  • Your training philosophy

Core values are your personal beliefs: who you are, and what you stand for. Your training philosophy is what you believe about training.

Why is training people important to you? Why is the demographic you work with important? What are the two or three most important things you believe about training that are nonnegotiable?

If you can answer those questions, you’ll have a much easier time conveying your value to others, and creating a coaching avatar that helps people connect with you.

READ ALSO:   How to Get More Personal Training Clients

Before you can figure out where you fit in in the fitness industry, you first need to know what that industry looks like. That takes research into the two most relevant market tiers for fitness pros:

To understand what’s happening locally, hop online and look up all the gyms and fitness facilities in your area. Visit a few. Talk to the locals, and pick their brains about what they’re interested in and why they chose their current gym. Gauge sample size.

For a national perspective, you could turn to Google.

Now think about where you fit in, both locally and nationally. What gap do you fill? What do you offer that someone needs but no one else provides? An honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses will help you find those answers.

Finally, determine your biggest threat. Think you don’t have competition? You do. Look at it this way: In the absence of your product or service, how do people fill that void? Where do they go? What do they buy? That’s your competition.

This one is simple. Just answer one question: How are you going to deliver your service? Will you train clients one-on-one, and also lead a group class a couple times a week? Or will you do small-group training at your gym, and supplement your income with online training ?

Start with only one or two income sources, and see how they work (or don’t work). Maybe you’ll find that one (like online training) generates enough revenue for you to focus on it exclusively. Maybe you’ll find that another (like teaching group classes at 6 a.m.) doesn’t pay well enough for you to continue. Maybe you’ll have so much success with one demographic or style of training that you’ll decide to create and sell a product related to it.

But don’t feel you have  to add revenue streams. Some of the most successful businesses in the world offer only one or two products. A sharp focus lets you excel at one thing. Sometimes that’s better than being kinda good at several.

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Jot down all the expenses you need to run your business: rent, equipment, insurance, software, business license, and any administrative fees. Add it all up, and you get your operating costs, the minimum income you need to exist. Keep in mind that some percentage of that income will go to taxes .

Now tackle revenue projections. Make a high-low chart, with one column for worst-case scenario, and another for best-case.

Your best-case scenario is what would happen if you absolutely crushed it, and kept a full book of paying clients all year. Your worst-case is the opposite, the least amount you would make if things don’t go according to plan.

Comfortable with those numbers? If not, rejigger the plan until you are.

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At Fitness Revolution  (where I work), we have something called the Triple-A Marketing Method : Assets, Arsenal, Action plan. Here’s how it works.

  • Start with your assets—your skills, talents, and strengths. Maybe you’re really good at videos, or you’re great face to face.
  • Now determine your arsenal, the tools you’ll use to deploy those skills. If videos are your thing, social media might be the way you share them. If talking to people is your strength, focus on networking.
  • Finally, create an action plan, taking care to define exactly how often you’ll deploy those resources. Maybe you’ll post a new video every week, or attend a networking event once a month.

Over time, you’ll refine this section as you figure out what works and what doesn’t. But this is a good start.

There’s a reason why, in Step 4, I had you draw up a worst-case scenario alongside your sunniest projection. Too many personal trainers are overly optimistic, and write up business plans that assume things will always be awesome.

The problem with projecting 365 days of sunshine is that you’ll be blinded by the imagined glare. You won’t be ready for the bootcamps that get rained out, the clients who move on, the rent that goes up, or the car that breaks down.

Try pretending it’s your friend’s business plan. What would you say to that friend? Even better: Seek feedback from a fitness industry mentor or someone whose business advice you value. A neutral expert can give you much-needed perspective on the realities of running a business in an often-unpredictable world.

That brings us to risk. How much risk is written into your plan, and how much can you tolerate?

If you’re just starting out, your risk tolerance is probably pretty high, simply because you have less to lose. You could also pivot and try something else if your plan doesn’t work out.

But as your business grows, and you have more people who depend on you, the decisions will be harder, and your appetite for risk will probably drop.

Ready to get started? Click here to download our free Personal Trainer Business Plan worksheet.

What happens now?

A business plan is never complete. Even if you never need a detailed, professional version for investors, and you’re the only one who ever sees it, it’s still something you revisit as needed.

Every time your business shifts direction, your financial outlook changes, or you launch a new product, you’ll need to revisit your business plan.

But you don’t have to wait for a major change. Even a successful plan will eventually run its course, and need to be updated. If you think it’s time to revisit your plan, you’re probably right.

example of business plan for personal trainer

David Crump

David Crump is a personal trainer, industry-recognized speaker, and fitness business consultant who helps other fitness professionals grow their business. He is the training and content manager for Fitness Revolution, where he oversees continuing education and all things start-up related. He has helped open at least seven independent fitness facilities in addition to his own, which he ran for six years. You can keep up with him at his website or on Facebook .

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How to Create a Personal Trainer Business Plan

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Personal Trainer Software

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You know what they say; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Sadly, 20% of businesses fail in their first year, with 45% in the first five years. One of the main reasons for this is that they do not put together a business plan to direct their efforts.

A personal trainer business plan is a necessity for success.

A realistic and solid personal trainer business plan is fundamental for success. In your plan, you will outline achievable goals for your company, how you can meet these objectives, and potential solutions and problems you may face.

The plan will help you determine if there is a need for your personal training business through surveys and research. It will figure out the inputs and costs required for the company and outline the timelines and strategies that should be enforced and met.

Once you have put together a business plan, you need to follow it! If you start changing your strategies or overspending, you ask for failure. The only reason you should change your business plan is if you have found it inaccurate and harming your business rather than helping it.

What is a personal training business plan?

A business plan is a document that defines your business goals and how you plan to achieve them. It lays out a written roadmap for your company, assessing operational, financial, and marketing standpoints.

A personal training business plan is critical not only for your internal audience but your external audience as well. For instance, a solid business plan can ensure that everyone working on your team is on the same page. At the same time, it can help you to secure financing and attract more investors.

Why do you need a business plan for your personal training company?

Business plans for personal trainers have a whole host of benefits. They help you to do the following:

• Clarify your personal training business idea

• Get funding

• Discover any possible problems

• Establish your objectives

• Manage your resources and time

• Uncover new ideas for growth

• Measure the progress you make

You will also need a business plan if you want to secure a loan or investment from a bank.

9 steps to follow when creating a personal trainer business plan.

Now that you know why creating a business plan as a personal trainer is critical, we will take you through the essential steps you need to follow.

Step 1. Write your mission statement.

Firstly, compose a few sentences explaining what your personal business does and why you do it. The latter part is critical—the "why" sets your business apart. You can understand this by looking at your training philosophy and core values.

example of business plan for personal trainer

• Core values - Core values are your personal beliefs. Who are you as a personal trainer ? What do you stand for?

• Your training philosophy - This is what you believe in terms of exercise. What do you think about training that is not negotiable?

Step 2. Conduct research on the fitness industry and your competition.

Next, you need to carry out a market analysis. Collect data that is valuable to your business. Understand what your competition is doing on a local and national scale. Understand the demographics of your target consumer base so you can discover whether there is a gap in the market and how you can set yourself apart.

example of business plan for personal trainer

Step 3. Determine your value proposition.

This is where you consider what sort of service you want to provide. For example, would you like to offer a niche fitness service to a specific target audience? On the other hand, do you want to provide a broader service, with various classes, catering to many needs?

example of business plan for personal trainer

This is the step where you develop your USP , otherwise known as your Unique Selling Point. After all, many people are providing personal training services today, so you must establish what makes you different and what would compel someone to choose your service.

Step 4. Outline your business structure.

As time goes on and your business grows, your responsibilities will also increase. We are sure you already know where you want to be in the future, but you need a business structure to get there.

Your choice of structure will influence the paperwork you need to file, your personal liability, your ability to generate funds, and how much you pay in taxes. All of your exemptions and limitations are determined by your company's structure as well. This is why you need to think carefully about whether it is better to set up a limited company , partnership, sole proprietorship, or corporation deal.

example of business plan for personal trainer

Step 5. Put together a marketing plan.

You may be an exceptional personal trainer, but you need to put your business head on to become a success, and this involves mastering the art of fitness marketing .

The marketing methods you choose will depend on your budget and target audience. Brainstorm different ideas and approaches that you can use to drum up your business and solidify your reputation.

From YouTube workout videos to on-site social media optimization, there are so many paths that you can go down. We would always recommend starting with your business's assets. For instance, if you know you're good at making videos, this would be an evident place to start building your presence. If you'd like to put together a content marketing plan , Contently could be a great point to start.

example of business plan for personal trainer

Step 6. Address product and service offerings.

In an ideal world, we all want to accomplish and complete our objectives, yet realistically speaking, this is not always the case. This is why we advise preparing for a failsafe, i.e., another revenue source. After all, if Covid-19 has taught us anything, it is that you do not know when something is going to change drastically, so you need to be prepared.

example of business plan for personal trainer

Usually, a personal training company will offer several services. So, one of the ways to set yourself apart is by providing products as well. Not only will this be a failsafe option for your company, but it is also an additional profit source.

Step 7. Put together a financial plan.

The best way to ensure you'll make a profit eventually is to create a thorough financial plan .

example of business plan for personal trainer

Before you can start enforcing your business plan, the financial area is something you need to look at carefully. But first, you need to make sure the numbers add up!

Many personal trainers underestimate the costs associated with running a fitness business. You should factor in expected revenue and start-up costs. It would be best if you also looked at operational expenses. Ask yourself how much it is going to cost to run your business. Make sure you do not leave any fees out, from marketing costs to monthly rental expenses.

A break-even analysis should also be performed. If you are investing in your company, profit will take some time. Break-even analysis helps you determine how long it will take before you start making a profit.

Your financial plan would also consider the projected income from your fitness services. Starting with one or two income streams at first makes sense. Then, you can learn how they work or how they don't. Finally, you will be able to discover more about your business and what people want so that you can grow naturally.

As time goes on, you will discover what fits well with your client base and what doesn't, so you can continue to refine your products and services accordingly.

Step 8. Assess risks effectively.

All businesses come with risks, and one of the most critical parts of a business plan is evaluating every risk your business is likely to face. You can categorize risks based on their seriousness, naturally addressing these issues further.

By understanding the risks your business faces , you will be best placed to put provisions in place to ensure that these risks do not manifest themselves and become a real problem for your business.

You can also perform a SWOT analysis to determine your fitness business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

example of business plan for personal trainer

Step 9. Establish an implementation plan.

Last but not least, now that you have got all of the data you need and the essential elements of your plan, you must be able to bring them all together to launch or expand your company successfully.

Make sure your implementation timeline is realistic. List chief objectives and target dates that certain activities need to be finalized. Once you have done this, you can rest assured knowing that you have a solid business plan to fall back on.

example of business plan for personal trainer

Secure the future success of your business with a personal trainer business plan.

So, there you have it: the crucial steps you need to follow when developing a personal trainer business plan for your business. Following the steps above, you can create an accurate and thorough business plan to help you achieve great success as a personal trainer.

example of business plan for personal trainer

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How to Leverage AI and Technology in Personal Training

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How to write a business plan for your personal training business.

business plan for a personal training business

Starting a personal training business is a great idea as it allows you to provide a valuable service to people looking to improve their health and fitness.

It also offers the potential to earn a good income and to be your own boss.

But, before launching anything, make sure you have a business plan in place.

A business plan is an essential tool for any new project, as it helps to ensure that all relevant factors have been considered and that resources are allocated in an effective way. Writing a business plan before starting a new project will help to identify potential risks and opportunities and ensure its success.

In short, a thorough business plan will help make sure your personal training business is profitable .

What should be outlined in the business plan for a personal training business? How should it be organized? Which metrics should be part of the financial analysis? What are some ways to build a solid business plan without investing excessive time?

Exciting news! The forthcoming article holds all the answers to these questions!

Also, please note that starting your business plan from scratch is optional.

Instead, you can download our professional business plan for a personal training business and customize it for your business.

business plan fitness trainer

Designing a business plan for a personal training business

Should you consider writing a business plan for your personal training business.

Yes, you should consider writing a business plan for your personal training business.

Building a solid business plan will allow you to:

  • learn about the personal training market
  • keep up with the latest trends and incorporate them into your project
  • find what makes a personal training business viable
  • understand clients' fitness goals and health needs to provide personalized and effective personal training sessions
  • create a solid value proposition for your fitness coaching venture
  • investigate competitor customer retention strategies
  • find relevant competitive advantages for your personal training business
  • find a business model that secures a healthy net income
  • develop and implement a winning strategy that ensures both short and long-term success
  • evaluate risks associated with running a personal training business, including client injuries, liability, and professional qualifications

Our team has drafted a business plan for a personal training business that is designed to make it easier for you to achieve all the elements listed.

How to organize a business plan for a personal training business?

Inside a business plan, you'll come across a lot of important information and details. It must be presented in a structured format, to make easy to read and digest.

When we designed our business plan for a personal training business , we structured it in a proper way.

You'll find 5 sections (Opportunity, Project, Market Research, Strategy and Finances) here.

1. Market Opportunity

The first section is named "Market Opportunity."

In this section, our experts have compiled essential information and metrics regarding the personal training industry, including fitness trends, client demographics, training methodologies, and business strategies, providing valuable insights for aspiring personal trainers and entrepreneurs.

We regularly refresh this section for up-to-date data.

2. Project Presentation

Within the "Project" section, outline your personal training business, fitness programs, training techniques, personalized approach, and highlight the unique value proposition for clients.

Also, provide a self-introduction at the end of this section.

Discuss your passion for fitness and personal development, your expertise in personal training, and how you plan to provide effective and customized fitness programs to clients. Highlight your certifications, your client success stories, and your dedication to motivating and empowering individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals through your personal training business.

Our business plan includes text for you. Feel free to edit it to align with your idea.

3. Market Research

The third part is the "Market Research" section.

In this section, you will find a market segmentation analysis for your personal training business.

It includes a study of competing personal training services and emphasizes your business's specialized training programs and competitive advantages. A tailored SWOT analysis is also provided.

4. Strategy

Within the "Strategy" section, a 3-year development plan is outlined, specifying the necessary initiatives to make your personal training business highly profitable.

Additionally, this section encompasses a marketing strategy, a plan to mitigate risks, and a completed Business Model Canvas.

5. Finances

Finally, you'll arrive at the "Finances" section, which showcases the financial metrics and calculations for your project.

business plan personal training business

How to write the Executive Summary for a personal training business?

The Executive Summary can be seen as a condensed overview of the business plan for your personal training business.

Ensure it's concise, with a maximum length of 2 pages. Emphasize only the significant details.

When you bring your business plan to a bank, this is the part they will read first. It should grab their interest and make them want to read the rest of the plan.

In the Executive Summary of your personal training business, provide answers to these questions: what services does your personal training business offer? who is your target audience? are there other personal trainers in the area? what sets you apart from them? what funding do you require?

How to do the market analysis for a personal training business?

Conducting a market study for your personal training business enables you to grasp external factors like customer demands for fitness programs, competition within the fitness industry, and emerging trends in health and wellness.

By conducting a thorough market analysis, a personal training business can understand client fitness goals, offer personalized training programs, optimize pricing strategies, and execute targeted marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to a larger client base, increased training sessions, and a prominent position in the fitness industry.

Here's what we've incorporated into the "Market Research" section of our business plan for a personal training business :

  • fresh and updated data and statistics about personal training businesses, including fitness trends, client demographics, and training methodologies
  • a compilation of potential market segments for a personal training business
  • the competitive comparison
  • the potential competitive advantages for a personal training business

business plan personal training business

The key points of the business plan for a personal training business

What's the business model of a personal training business, business model of a personal training business.

A personal training business model centers around offering personalized fitness training and coaching services to individuals. Revenue is generated through service fees charged per session or package.

The business model focuses on understanding clients' fitness goals, delivering tailored training programs, effective marketing to target individuals seeking personal fitness guidance, and building strong client relationships based on trust and fitness expertise.

Success depends on delivering measurable results, fostering positive client experiences and recommendations, continuously expanding fitness knowledge and certifications, and staying updated with fitness trends and techniques to provide effective and customized training programs.

Business model vs Business plan

Keep in mind that "business plan" and "business model" refer to different concepts.

A business model describes how a company generates income and operates successfully.

In a business plan, you utilize the Business Model Canvas as a simplified approach to explain the core components of your business model.

Rest assured, there is a Business Model Canvas (already completed) in our business plan for a personal training business .

How do you identify the market segments of a personal training business?

Market segmentation for your personal training business involves dividing your potential clients into different groups based on their fitness goals, preferences, and demographics.

These categories may include factors such as weight loss, strength training, sports performance, or clients seeking specific training programs or specialties (e.g., postnatal fitness, senior fitness, functional training).

By segmenting your market, you can offer specialized personal training services and programs that cater to each segment's specific requirements. For example, you might provide personalized weight loss programs and nutrition coaching for clients looking to achieve their weight loss goals, offer strength training and conditioning programs for individuals aiming to improve their overall fitness and athletic performance, specialize in postnatal fitness and provide tailored training programs for new mothers, or focus on functional training and develop programs that improve mobility, flexibility, and overall functional fitness.

Market segmentation allows you to effectively target your marketing efforts, communicate the benefits of your training programs, and deliver personalized and results-driven fitness experiences that meet the unique needs and preferences of each client segment.

In the business plan for a personal training business , you will get a detailed market segmentation, helping you understand your target audiences and their needs.

How to conduct a competitor analysis for a personal training business?

It's clear that you won't be the only personal training business in your market. There are other professionals offering personalized fitness training and coaching to clients.

Your business plan should include a careful examination of your competitors, considering their strengths, weaknesses, and defining features.

Address their weaknesses (such as lack of specialized training programs, inconsistent trainer availability, or poor customer progress tracking).

Why should you pay attention to these points? Because these weaknesses can impact client satisfaction when it comes to personal training services. By addressing these aspects, you can offer customized fitness programs, provide expert guidance and motivation, and create a supportive and results-driven training environment, establishing your personal training business as a go-to choice for achieving fitness goals.

It's what we call competitive advantages—prioritize building them to stand out in the market.

Here are some examples of competitive advantages for a personal training business: certified and experienced personal trainers, personalized training programs, variety of fitness classes and services, state-of-the-art fitness equipment, flexible scheduling, supportive and motivating environment.

How to draft a SWOT analysis for a fitness trainer?

A SWOT analysis can help identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to develop an effective business plan for a successful personal training business.

As you can guess, there is indeed a completed and editable SWOT matrix in our business plan for a personal training business

The strengths for a personal training business

When we talk about the "S" in SWOT, we're referring to Strengths, which are the project's internal advantages or distinctive capabilities.

For a personal training business, possible strengths include providing personalized programs, offering virtual sessions, having a diverse range of experience and expertise, and offering flexible scheduling.

The weaknesses for a personal training business

The "W" stands for Weaknesses, referring to the areas or aspects of the project that need to be strengthened.

In the case of a personal training business, potential weaknesses could include a lack of specialized trainers, limited marketing budget, and difficulty in retaining clients.

The opportunities for a personal training business

O stands for Opportunities in SWOT, highlighting the external factors or situations that can support the project's success.

In the case of a personal training business, potential opportunities may include: offering online classes, creating custom workout plans, providing nutritional advice, and offering group training sessions.

The threats for a personal training business

When we talk about the "T" in SWOT, we mean Threats, which are potential challenges or risks coming from the external environment.

How to elaborate a marketing strategy for a fitness trainer?

A marketing strategy is like a roadmap that helps a business figure out how to reach and persuade people to buy its products or services.

You have to include it in a business plan because it ensures that the business focuses on the right customers, stands out from competitors, and gets the most out of its marketing efforts and resources.

A personal training business can connect with individuals seeking fitness guidance and personalized workout plans by developing an effective marketing strategy that showcases the trainers' qualifications, success stories of clients, and the welcoming and motivating training environment.

Fitness enthusiasts won't hire your fitness trainer without effective marketing; emphasizing your expertise, customized training plans, and proven results is necessary.

Have you considered implementing creative marketing initiatives for your fitness trainer services? Organize fitness challenges or boot camps, collaborate with local health and wellness influencers for promotional partnerships, and utilize social media platforms to share workout tips and success stories.

No need to stress if you're not naturally inclined towards marketing and communication.

How to build a 3-year financial plan for a fitness trainer?

A solid business plan must include detailed financial information such as projected income, expenses, cash flow, and balance sheets.

When constructing your business plan, it is crucial to incorporate revenue projections for your personal training business.

A relevant and credible revenue forecast is vital for your business plan to appear solid when reviewed by banks or investors.

Our financial plan for a personal training business is designed to be user-friendly, incorporating automatic verifications that assist in identifying and correcting any assumptions. This ensures you can build credible projections with confidence.

It goes without saying that you'll have to develop a provisional budget for your personal training business. Pay attention to every expense and don't leave any out (our financial plan includes a complete list for your convenience).

By conducting a break-even analysis, you can assess whether your personal training business will generate profits or not.

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Eight Steps to the Perfect Personal Trainer Business Plan

Eight Steps to the Perfect Personal Trainer Business Plan

Fitness Orange Blog Post Banner

Now is a great time to become a personal trainer because the Covid-19 pandemic has made it difficult for people to visit gyms. This means that many gym-goers are now relying on personal training services to keep them fit and healthy.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to start your business. As a personal trainer, you know the importance of creating a plan to help clients adhere to their fitness programs.

Well, the same is also true for your personal training business.

Using a personal trainer business plan to set goals and create a roadmap for how you will achieve them is an effective way to make sure you will be successful in the fitness industry.

In this article, we’ll look at why you need a personal training business plan, as well as the eight steps you should take to make an effective one.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why Write a Personal Training Business Plan?
  • 2 Your Personal Training Business Plan Template
  • 3 Step One: Write Your Executive Summary
  • 4 Step Two: Analyze the Personal Training Market
  • 5 Step Three: Perform a Customer Analysis
  • 6 Step Four: Write Your Sales Plan
  • 7 Step Five: Write Your Personal Trainer Marketing Plan
  • 8 Step Six: Write Down How Your Business Will Operate
  • 9 Step Seven: Your Qualifications
  • 10 Step Eight: Financial Plan
  • 11 Wrapping Up

Why Write a Personal Training Business Plan?

personal trainer business plan on a laptop

A personal training business plan is a guide you can follow to work out your unique selling points and help your business succeed.

It will also help you define the business’s revenue streams, make financial projections, identify market trends, and find out who your target market is and what your marketing strategy should be.

It will also give you an idea of the risks or challenges your business might face. For example, the competitor research section gives you an understanding of how others in the fitness industry work, which helps you to stay one step ahead.

Having a clear view of your finances will also help you make better decisions. Doing this before you get started is beneficial as it becomes harder to make these changes once you are training clients.

It is also usually necessary to write a business plan if you want to apply for funding. Banks or other potential investors will want to see you have put thought into how you will run a profitable business.

Finally, business plans aren’t just for personal trainers starting out. If you already run a personal training business, creating a plan can still be a useful tool to ensure you are heading in the right direction.

Your Personal Training Business Plan Template

Your plan will include sections on market analysis, marketing sales, operations, staffing, and finance.

While this may seem like a lot, we’ve made the process manageable by breaking it down into eight easy to follow steps.

Step One: Write Your Executive Summary

Your executive summary is a quick overview of your fitness business and why you think it will be successful.

Start with your mission statement. This is a one-sentence summary of what you are trying to achieve with your personal training business.

Include what you want to help your potential customers to achieve and how you will do this. For example, will you offer one-on-one sessions, nutritional guidance or small group training?

You can use your mission statement on your website or in marketing. Even if you don’t share it publicly, it is still a useful tool to help you define your goals and keep you on track when making business decisions.

Here are some examples of personal trainer mission statements:

North West Personal training in Vancouver:

“We are passionately committed to changing people’s lives around the world by helping them adopt a more healthy and fit lifestyle so they look and feel their best.”

Bodyline Studios in the UK

“It is our aim to encourage people of all ages and abilities to get fit and improve their wellbeing by providing a well-equipped, supportive space where highly qualified and experienced health and fitness professionals can deliver their services.”

After your mission statement, your executive summary should also include:

  • Your fitness value proposition: This could be body-building, weight-loss, resistance training for seniors, TRX bands, etc.
  • Who your customers will be: middle-aged men looking to get back in shape, high-level athletes, millennials looking for a new way to work out.
  • Where your personal trainer business will operate from: Your own personal training studio, rented space in another gym, the local park or fitness center.
  • Basic pricing strategy: How much you will charge per session, costs for renting space/equipment, your marketing budget.

This section is step number one in our guide because it is the first part of a personal training business plan.

However, many people find it beneficial to complete this step after writing the rest of the document. At this point, they are usually better prepared to answer the above questions.

Step Two: Analyze the Personal Training Market

Personal Trainer Training With a Client

Next, you need to analyze the personal training market. This will include the local area you will operate in as well as national — or even global — trends.

Completing this section shows you understand the personal training industry and may give you ideas about how to run your fitness business more effectively.

Include information such as:

  • What are the most popular types of personal training?
  • Is the industry growing or shrinking?
  • How has Covid-19 affected other trainers?
  • Approximately how many personal trainers will you compete within your area?
  • How does a self-employed personal trainer find customers on a national and local level? Will it be beneficial to become active on social media, sign up to certain forums, advertise in local media?
  • Do you have a lot of competition in your niche? Is the service you plan to offer in-demand? If not, how will your marketing strategies help you stand out?
  • What qualifications do the personal trainers you will be competing with have? Are there any qualifications you could get to make yourself stand out?
  • How much do personal trainers in your niche charge per session? And how do your planned prices compare to those of existing trainers?

When completing this section, it’s best if you can include specific figures. Searching on Google will provide you with a lot of information you can use. Or you can speak to other people you know in the industry.

Step Three: Perform a Customer Analysis

Next, you can talk specifically about the potential clients you will target.

You should find demographic information about your local area, such as the size of the population and the percentage of people in different age groups.

You can also focus on the intrinsic motivations of your customers. Thinking about what motivates them, how they like to work out, and why they might need a personal trainer can help when it comes to the marketing and operational parts of your business plan.

Step Four: Write Your Sales Plan

Personal Trainer Working out With a Client in a Gym

In the sales plan, you can map out how you will make sales and how many you expect to make. Things you can include in this section are:

  • How many sessions a day or week will you run?
  • How much do you expect to charge per session?
  • Will you run discounts for clients who bulk buy sessions? How about people who refer other clients to your business?
  • Using the above information, how much do you expect to earn per session, day, or month?
  • How will you process sales? For example, will customers pay cash in hand on the day, or will they pay when they book a session through your website or app?

When writing this section, it will help if you have an idea about your costs and industry standards. This will help you choose a price point that is competitive while being enough to keep your business profitable.

Step Five: Write Your Personal Trainer Marketing Plan

It’s all well and good having a sales plan, but you’ll need a way to get your client base to pay for your service. In the marketing plan, you can describe all the ways you will try to attract clients, as well as any costs associated with this.

Some ideas include:

  • Being active on social media.
  • Using referrals to encourage word-of-mouth.
  • Using PPC adverts on Google.
  • Advertising in your local gym or fitness centre.
  • Adding your Google My Business listing.
  • Advertising in local office buildings or other places where your target customers gather.

When writing your marketing plan, you should go into detail about how you will utilize the techniques you choose.

For example, if you want to get new clients through Google search queries, list the queries you will target and provide estimates for how much you expect to spend on this area of marketing.

You can read more about personal training marketing ideas here.

Step Six: Write Down How Your Business Will Operate

In the operations section of your business plan, describe how you will run your business. This will include all the things you need to do daily to provide your service.

Where possible, include specific details like exact locations, prices, and times.

example of business plan for personal trainer

Image source

Completing this section in as much detail as possible is a good way to spot if you are missing anything before you start.

In this section include:

  • How many sessions you will run every day and when you will run them.
  • Where you will run the sessions.
  • How you will gain access to the locations you need to run the sessions and how much this will cost.
  • The steps you will take to measure the progress of clients.
  • When you will take care of other aspects of your business, like marketing, accounting, etc.
  • Do you need to provide anything for clients (water, etc.). If so, how will you source this?
  • How will you process client payments?
  • How will you process and organize bookings?
  • Anything else you think is important to the running of your personal training business.
  • Do you need to hire any extra staff? If so, how will you manage them?
  • Do you need any qualifications or certificates before you can start your business?

example of business plan for personal trainer

One tool that can help streamline your personal training business is your own app .

By asking customers to download an app, you make it easy for them to book and pay for sessions on the go. You can also add helpful content such as videos, blog posts, or social media links that can help your customers achieve their fitness goals.

Click here to find out how you can easily create an app for your personal training business.

Step Seven: Your Qualifications

Personal Trainer Working out With a Client in a Gym

Write down what makes you suitable to be a personal trainer. Include your qualifications and experience in the industry. If you are going into business with anyone else, you can include information about their suitability for the role.

Step Eight: Financial Plan

The final step is to check the financial viability of your plan. In this section you should include:

  • Startup costs: What do you need to pay for before going into business?
  • Operating costs: How much will you spend to run your business? This can include rental costs, replacing equipment, costs associated with software to help you run your business, costs of hiring staff, marking costs, etc.
  • Expected revenue: Here you can write down how much you expect your business to earn every day, week, month, year, etc.
  • Break-even analysis: If you have high startup or operating costs (for example if you rent a space to run your business from) this section will show you how long it should take before you start making a profit.

This section will show you what you need to do to stay financially viable as a business. It will show you if your business model is realistic or if you need to make adjustments to prices or costs to hit your earning goals.

Wrapping Up

Now you’ve finished your business plan you can begin to take steps to put it into action. If you noticed there are areas of weakness in your business, now is the time to make changes to strengthen your position.

If you want further information about starting your business, check out these articles on writing a business proposal in 2020 , and writing an effective small business marketing plan .

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example of business plan for personal trainer

Master Your Personal Trainer Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success

  • November 24, 2023

Chris Gurunlian

A personal trainer works with a client. Ensure your personal trainer business plan is robust with the help of EliteTrainr.

You’ve conquered the art of burpees mastered the science of nutrition, and your client roster is growing. But if you’re like many personal trainers, you may find that managing your burgeoning business feels like lifting a barbell with no prep—it’s heavy, unwieldy, and you’re not quite sure you’re doing it right. Don’t sweat it. Today, we’re going to fix that.

You see, a muscular physique and a roster of devoted clients are only part of the equation. The secret sauce? A robust, well-structured business plan. It’s the blueprint for your fitness empire, providing you with a strategic playbook to skyrocket your growth, from client acquisition to brand development. 

By the time you finish reading this comprehensive guide, you’ll know exactly how to create a personal trainer business plan that not only works but propels you to the top of your game.

So, tighten your laces and roll out your yoga mat. It’s time to flex those business muscles and build a personal trainer business that’s as toned, fit, and healthy as you are.

Importance of a Business Plan

Studies indicate that entrepreneurs with specific, written business plans are more likely to succeed (1) . it is attributed to the clarity of vision and structured approach that a business plan provides.

Why Planning is Paramount in the Fitness Industry

The fitness industry has more than enough competition to deem a robust business plan as essential to success. Let’s look at why that is the case.

Harness the Power of Financial Planning

First, let’s talk about money – it’s the lifeblood of your business. Without a clear financial plan, navigating the fitness industry is like embarking on a hike without a map. You might have a general sense of direction, but the likelihood of getting lost is high. 

Crafting a financial plan is your compass. It guides your spending investments and helps you track your cash flow. This way, you’ll avoid financial pitfalls and keep your business on a steady growth trajectory. Remember, a well-balanced budget is as crucial to your business as a balanced diet is to your body.

Set Goals, Score Success

Now, focus on goal setting. Just as you set fitness goals for your clients, your business needs its own set of goals. Do you want to double your client base? Expand your online presence. Perhaps introduce new services? 

Setting clear, measurable, and achievable goals gives your business a clear focus. It helps you prioritize your efforts, measure progress, and stay motivated. Think of these goals as your personal training milestones, each one a step closer to your ultimate business vision.

Market Analysis: Know Your Fitness Terrain

Finally, let’s talk about understanding your market – it’s like knowing the layout of the gym. A thorough market analysis allows you to understand your competition, identify trends, and recognize the needs and preferences of your potential clients. 

Are potential clients looking for one-on-one sessions, group classes, or online coaching? Do they prefer high-intensity workouts or a more holistic wellness approach? 

By understanding your market, you can tailor your services to stand out, meet client needs more effectively, and make informed decisions about where to take your business next. Furthermore, you may find that you want to get a specialization certification to train a particular group that may be devoid of a large number of specialists in your region. Going after a particular underserved segment of the market can help catapult your business forward.

In essence, think of your business plan as your personal training program for success. It’s crafted to suit your unique business goals, strengthened by financial foresight, and informed by a deep understanding of the market you’re about to conquer. Get this plan in place, and you’re setting yourself up for a winning streak in the competitive world of fitness.

Critical Components of a Personal Trainer Business Plan

A representation of a puzzle simulating how a personal trainer business plan is made of multiple pieces. Learn more at

Let’s look at the key aspects you need to consider and include in your business plan. Think of this as your list to make a winning business strategy. In other words, don’t skip any of these items.

  • Executive Summary

In the realm of your personal trainer business plan, think of the executive summary as your workout’s warm-up routine. It’s where you set the stage, get the blood flowing, and prepare for the main event – the detailed business plan that follows. It isn’t just any opening act; it’s the hook that grabs attention, succinctly previews what’s to come, and sets the tone for everything that follows.

Think of it like this: Imagine you’re meeting a potential client for the first time. You wouldn’t immediately plunge into an intense workout without first explaining what you plan to do and why. Similarly, your executive summary introduces your business concept, outlines your goals, and highlights why your personal training business stands out in the fitness world. In essence, it’s your value proposition.

In this summary, you’ll concisely articulate your business’s mission and vision – think of these as your fitness philosophy translated into business terms. You’ll also give an overview of your services, like customized training plans or nutrition coaching, just as you’d briefly describe a workout plan to a prospective client.

Additionally, the executive summary is where you flex your market understanding. Show that you know who your clients are, what they need, and how your services fill a gap in the market. It’s like demonstrating your understanding of different fitness levels and needs before a client commits.

Finally, give a sneak peek of your financial goals and growth plans. This aspect is like sharing the expected results of a fitness regimen, giving a clear, compelling reason to invest – in their case, time and effort, and yours, potentially, money and resources.

Remember, while the executive summary is just a part of your business plan, it’s often the most read section. Make it engaging, informative, and reflective of your passion and expertise. It is your chance to make a powerful first impression, setting the stage for the detailed strategy that follows.

2. Business Objectives

In your business objectives section, you should specify and describe your business’s short and long-term goals. You could include monthly, quarterly, and annual goals, for example.

Part of your plan needs to focus on the goals and create realistic stages and steps to ascertain them. The business objectives portion of your business plan can help you clarify your goal and vision and set a trajectory that provides a higher chance of success.

3. Market Analysis

The market analysis portion of your business plan is perhaps the most crucial. This section of the plan needs to include high-level statistics, data, and market forecasts. You should include information about your target market and about the amount and types of competition you’ll face. Engaging in research into your competition will clarify how you intend to ‘one-up’ them and showcase your business as an innovative leader in the space.

Doing research includes determining competitors’ rates and market rate analysis, and of course, it must include your pricing strategy. It would be best to base your pricing strategy upon market data so you don’t overprice yourself out of potential clients and also ensure you’re going to turn a profit.

As you delve into the depths of your regional market and target audience, you’ll likely discover new and innovative means of finding customers. Once you have an idea about your target market, answer the following questions (2) :

  • Demand: Is there a desire or need for your product or service? Does the demand align with your target location or region(s) where you intend to operate?
  • Market size: How many people could be interested in your service offerings?
  • Economic indicators: What is the income range of your target market? What is their employment rate?
  • Location: Where do your customers live, and what is your area coverage (will you operate near the customers or operate virtually)?
  • Market saturation: How many similar competitors operate and are available to potential consumers? Is there a lot of competition in your niche/specialization?
  • Pricing: What do potential customers pay competitors for their services? How much can/should you charge?

Answering these questions is crucial for understanding how you will craft your value proposition and how you intend to stand out as a leader in your space.

4. Marketing and Sales Strategy

At this point in your business plan, you should start to gravitate towards ideas that are suited for your situation naturally. After all the market research, you should know who you want to target, where they live, and have some ideas on how you can market them to achieve sales.

Utilizing a solid marketing strategy and sales plan can and will help your business grow. After all, if your target market has never heard of you, they won’t purchase your services.

Take the information you learned about your target market and apply your ideas to create a plan of action. Will you do content marketing , run ads, or promote yourself on social media platforms? There are an abundance of ways to reach your target audience. You need to figure out which works best for you (and what works best for your intended audience).

If you aren’t sure what to do to get started with sales strategy, consider doing further market research into how your competitors are marketing their businesses. Studies have shown that doing market research can lead to increases in both sales and customer retention (3) . Don’t make the mistake of assuming, and take the time to do your market research; you’ll be glad you did.

5. Operational Plan

At this stage, your business plan should be taking shape. However, in this particular section, you’ll identify the operational plan, that is, how your business will run its day-to-day operations.

Start by identifying scheduled events. For example, you might run classes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 6 AM to 10 AM. You might then work on marketing and sales. Furthermore, you might engage with other professionals with whom you have partnered.

The idea behind the operational plan is not necessarily to set out a work schedule but to define the tasks that are your ‘day-to-day’ functional requirements. You’ll want to identify if you hire team members to take on some or all of these operational tasks. 

You’ll also want to consider things like personal trainer business management software and a CRM to help you keep sales organized. If you have or will have hired staff or contractors, how will you manage them? How will you keep track? These are the sorts of things that you must identify in your operational plan. 

In essence, your operational plan should allow someone else to understand how your business operates. Think of it as a user manual for your business operations. It will help you clarify how you’ll operate your business and further add value to the company should you decide to sell it in the future.

6. Financial Projections

Lastly, your business plan needs financial projections. This section is where you build upon what you’ve started – you’ve defined your pricing, your potential market, how you’ll reach them, and what tools and processes you’ll use and need for effective operations.

You’ll want to include things like realistic revenue and growth—costs of operations and the projected profits and margins. You’ll have defined a clear and concise financial path by the time you’re done with your financial projections.

Implementing Your Business Plan

A personal trainer works on her schedule to fulfill goals set in her business plan. Learn more at

With the six steps completed, you’re on your way to making the right moves. Your business plan should have provided you with enough information to understand how you’ll get started, manage your day-to-day, and how you’ll grow. Now, all that’s left is taking action.

Business Plan Implementation

Start by defining a list of actionable items that align with your business plan and goals. You’ll want to classify them from lowest to highest importance. I like to call this my triage list of actions. 

Furthermore, you’ll find it useful to include target dates of completion for essential steps of your business plan. Then, you can create smaller action lists for each item and schedule them accordingly so you can complete your objectives within your planned timeline.

Business Plan Reviews and Updating

Many people think that once they have completed their business plan, they can just move forward and leave the plan as is. That might be fine if you’re only planning to operate your business for a week, but if you want to go long-term, then you’ll need to review and update your plan.

Over time, you’ll learn things during the course of operating your personal training business that will make you want or need to adjust your plans accordingly. For example, you might find that in your local area, partnering with local gyms is a better source of income than running group sessions on your own. Similarly, you might discover the opposite to be true.

It would be best if you had a good understanding of your market from all your market research and analysis, but the market can change over time. For example, a new ‘super gym’ might open in your area, forcing you to rethink your marketing strategy. There are countless possibilities; the best thing you can do is prepare by acknowledging that you should review your business plan as a part of your routine operations, maybe every quarter or even annually, just as long as you do it.

Leveraging Technology for Success

A personal trainer using his laptop to help with client management. Learn more at

One point I’d like to reiterate is that modern technology makes it easier than ever to run a personal training business. In fact, there are apps such as Elite  Trainr that work as a complete end-to-end solution. With a powerful PT management app in your corner, you’ll be able to scale your business like never before.

An excellent personal training management platform like Elite Trainr should offer you some of the following tools and features:

  • Client and Trainer side dashboards for professionalism and collaborative communications
  • Branding (aka white-label) so you can include your business logo like a pro
  • A robust workout plan builder (Elite Trainer has over 3000 GIFs to help you build out custom plans for your clients)
  • Nutrition, weight loss, and other relevant goal-tracking
  • Communications (that don’t make you open email or other separate apps)

Ensuring that a robust system like Elite Trainr is in your corner is a crucial part of your operational business planning. Consider Elite Trainr as a significant component of step 5 in your business plan – planning operations.

Forge Ahead: Your Blueprint for Personal Training Success

A personal trainer works on her business plan at home.

As we draw the curtains on this journey of business planning for personal trainers, remember that this plan is more than a document – it’s your roadmap to success. You’ve now equipped yourself with the knowledge to build a business as strong and resilient as the fitness regimes you design for your clients.

Start by breathing life into your business objectives, just like you breathe energy into your workout sessions. Let your market analysis guide you through the competitive landscape as a compass directs a hiker through uncharted terrains. Your marketing and sales strategy should mirror the precision and effectiveness of a well-tailored fitness routine.

In operational planning, find the rhythm and efficiency of a seamless exercise flow. Financial projections are your fitness goals set in numbers – realistic, achievable, and a testament to your business’s potential growth and stamina.

Remember, your business plan is a living entity, evolving as you stride forward. Regular reviews and updates are not just advisable; they are essential. They ensure your business remains dynamic, adaptable, and always a step ahead of the competition.

Finally, don’t overlook the power of technology, like Elite Trainr , in amplifying your business capabilities. Just as technology has revolutionized fitness, it can also transform the way you manage and grow your personal training business.

In essence, your business plan is the muscle behind your business’s strength. It’s the strategic workout routine for your entrepreneurial ambitions. So, set your goals high, keep your focus sharp, and embark on this entrepreneurial journey with confidence and determination. Your path to success as a personal trainer is not just about shaping bodies; it’s about sculpting a robust, thriving business that reflects your passion and expertise.

Additional Resources

  • Is Starting a Personal Training Business Your Next Big Move? Uncover the Pros and Cons
  • How to Choose the Perfect Personal Training Niche
  • Unlocking Success: How to Market Yourself as a Personal Trainer
  • Breaking Personal Training Imposter Syndrome: New Fitness Instructors Guide
  • Earnings Unveiled: What Top Fitness Professionals Really Make

Article Sources

  • Hechavarria, Diana M, Maija Renko, and Charles H Matthews. 2012. “The Nascent Entrepreneurship Hub: Goals, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Start-up Outcomes.” ResearchGate. Springer Nature. September 2012. .
  • ‌“Market Research and Competitive Analysis | U.S. Small Business Administration.” 2023. 2023. .
  • Wells, Jordan. 2018. “Hanover Research Report Finds Companies Using Market Research More Likely to Increase Customer Retention and Sales.” Hanover Research. December 17, 2018. .

Picture of Chris Gurunlian

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How To Write A Personal Training Business Plan (+Bonus Templates)

Ljubica Buha

  • March 3, 2023
  • For Personal Trainers

example of business plan for personal trainer

Now that you’ve opened a personal training business, you have to run it. To ensure that your fitness business is a success, you need to create a personal training business plan .

Whether you are writing a business plan for a fitness business or any other type of start-up, a good business plan needs to comprise many different components. It is a good idea to use a template to ensure you include everything necessary.

A good business plan must include the following sections :

  • Market analysis
  • Competitors
  • Marketing and sales plan
  • Financial plan and future projections

The goal of creating a personal trainer business plan is to ensure that there is a niche in the market for your offering. Also that you will manage to generate enough revenue to continue operating after having made all the start-up investments.

Below is a more detailed breakdown of what you need to include in your business plan .

Summary and Pitch

The most basic thing you need to include at the beginning of your business plan is your pitch or summary . It serves as an overview of your personal trainer business and provides basic information about your business and your mission statement.

Make sure you include the following in your business plan:

  • The what – what are your goals?
  • The why – what is your mission?
  • The how – what will you do to succeed?
  • The big picture – what is your vision?

The summary, also called the pitch, needs to attract attention . It must be concise and clear . However, it should not feel rushed. Don’t skip important parts while avoiding excessive wordiness. Make it yours. Make it unique – just like your business.

The reader of your personal trainer business plan summary needs to have no doubts as regards what you do, what your goals are, and how you are going to reach them.

Background Information

Background Information

In this part of your personal trainer business plan, you present the owner’s (or owners’) experience, qualifications, and goals . It gives the reader an overall idea of who is behind the business name . For you, it serves as a way to get a better picture of your strengths and weaknesses .

You will gain a clear view of your strengths, and where you need more experience . You may realize that some aspects of the business need to be outsourced so that you can spend your valuable time on something else.

This knowledge will be especially useful when your business grows and you will not be able to take care of everything yourself. Knowing yourself well will help you decide what you should still do yourself and what you should better delegate to someone else.

Market Analysis

Your personal trainer business plan needs to include market analysis. Consider your location, other gyms in the area, and your local demographic. The latter is very important. You have to gather as much information as you can about your target demographic . You need to know who they are, what their typical behaviors are, and their reasons for using your service.

Why is this detailed knowledge so important? Because the more you know your potential customers the better you will be able to attract the m. You will know in which areas you need to stand out and how to make your services more appealing to your audience.

You need to know exactly who you are targeting. Narrow down and define your target market . Is it students? Schools? Aspiring athletes? Working people? Executive women in their 30s and 40s wishing to improve or achieve their fitness? Or maybe people over 50 years old aiming to improve their health and prevent illnesses? Or could be even a narrower group, for example not athletes but specifically cyclists.

Once you have identified your target market, find out exactly what type of personal training type they are looking for and provide reasons for choosing your business.

Products and Services

Products and Services

Obviously a personal trainer offers a service . You may, however, also include certain products in your offering . In this part of your personal trainer business plan, you specify the services and products you offer.

Include the list of products and services together with the prices . You could offer many different things, such as in-person personal trainer sessions, online training programs, specialized workshops, as well as fitness-related products.

Apart from listing the products and services and the pricing, you need to specify who will purchase them, how they will be delivered, and how they will benefit the customers.

Consider including the following in your personal training business plan:

  • Bio print analysis
  • Individual personal training services
  • Indoor and outdoor fitness sessions
  • Nutrition consulting
  • Nutritional products and diet supplements
  • Online and in-person seminars
  • Online personal training services
  • Personal training tutoring
  • Personal training for groups
  • Public speaking
  • Workout guides

This section of your personal trainer business plan is where you outline your funding needs . You should provide information about the costs of starting and growing your personal training business. You need to be exact about the amount of money you need and specific about where you are going to spend it .

Provide a detailed breakdown of profit, loss, cash flow, breakeven figures, and capital expenditure required for start-up. Plan for one, three, and 5 years in advance.

The initial investment needed to open a personal trainer business is quite low. You may need to obtain a certification which shouldn’t cost more than $2,000. You will also need to pay for liability insurance, which shouldn’t cost more than $200-$300 per year.

Additionally, remember the initial advertising cost. You should apportion about  $1,000 for it. You will most likely need some business cards , fitness flyers , or even a newspaper or radio ad. Also, pay attention to your online presence- factor in the costs of running a website and social media accounts and advertising.

Operating Costs and Pricing

In this section of your personal trainer business plan, you have to present the pricing, and justify it by taking into account your competition, the need in the market, and by proving that your pricing system is viable. You can achieve that by calculating your margins either per hour or (better) per month.

Think about the reasons for choosing a certain price and what that choice will mean for your business .

If you opt for a budget price , you need to remember that you have to be able to generate a large volume of sales and accommodate them. On the other hand, if you decide to go for a high-end price you need to make sure that you provide high-end quality of the location, the service, and the products you offer.

Some personal trainers go for a fixed price , say $85 per hour. They justify a high cost with their experience and a promise of providing whatever equipment is needed for each customer.

Other personal trainers suggest offering different services at different prices , depending on the expertise needed, the complexity of the program, and the equipment required.

Yet others prefer an open pricing model with individual prices provided via negotiation.

Marketing and Advertising

Marketing and Advertising

They may look and sound similar, but marketing and advertising are not the same things . You need to know the differences between them.

Advertising could be described as the placement of marketing. If giving someone a business card is an advertisement, then what is on the business card is marketing.

Building a marketing strategy requires creativity. It’s about exploring and analyzing different types of customers and generating ideas for making your business offering appealing to them.

However, your personal trainer business plan should only include your advertising strategy.

Always remember that one of the biggest factors making or breaking a business is not what it offers but how well the marketing and advertising strategies have been created and executed . You might be the best personal trainer out there with all the knowledge and skills one might ask for, but without a well-designed and implemented marketing and advertising strategy you won’t have anyone to train.

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Financial Projections

Lack of previous experience and supporting evidence, creating a financial forecast may seem impossible. You may feel like you have no clue where the numbers are supposed to come from. The best thing you can do is to try to be as level-headed and realistic as you can .

Start by listing all of your fixed and variable costs and personal living expenses to figure out how many clients you need to have to break even. If you are new in the financial field and lack information, consider practicing CFA study materials, as it will help to have the basics of financial analyses.

It may be difficult at the beginning, but try to incorporate different sources of income . Do not place all the eggs in one basket by, for example, relying on a one-on-one training service to provide the biggest part of your revenue. Be realistic and think of ways to make money on different services and products you offer .

When your business grows, don’t be afraid to raise prices . Even a slight increase in the hourly rate or the prices of products will surely add up throughout each month. Try to increase your revenue by offering additional products and services to your established customers, for example, supplements or specialized pieces of equipment. Help them see your business as a “one-stop-shop” for all their fitness needs.

Samples and Templates

Now that you know what to include in your personal trainer business plan, it is time to look at some examples . It will help you see not only what to write but also how to present it. Always remember that each business is unique (and you certainly want your business to stand out), so never copy someone else’s business plan. Use it as a guide to creating your very own personal trainer business plan .

Take a look at the examples and templates below and get inspired.

  • Dragon Fitness Training was created as an academic exercise.

Dragon Fitness Training

  • Personal Trainer Business Plan Template is a downloadable Word document

Personal Trainer Business Plan Template

  • Personal Trainer Business Plan worksheet contains blank spaces that you need to fill out. The sections are Mission Statement, Market Analysis, Revenue Streams, Operating Plan, and Marketing Plan.

Personal Trainer Business Plan worksheet

  • Catalyst Fitness is a CrossFit business plan and includes a detailed risk assessment, too.

Catalyst Fitness

  • The Yoga Lunch Box is a comprehensive yet straightforward template for a yoga studio business plan that can serve as a reference.

The Yoga Lunch Box

  • Fitness Texter provides a guide with questions to ask yourself which will help you create a business plan.

Fitness Texter

FAQs about creating a personal training business plan

1. what are the key components of a personal training business plan.

An executive summary, a description of the company and its goals, a market study, sales and marketing plans, financial predictions, and a management and operations plan are often the main elements of a personal training business plan.

2. How do you identify and analyze your target market in a personal training business plan?

You must take into account variables like age, gender, economic level, geography, fitness goals, and favorite workout style when identifying and analyzing your target market.

Online research, focus groups, and questionnaires can be used to collect this data. You may develop powerful marketing strategies and offerings that satisfy the needs of your customers by researching and understanding your target market.

3. What strategies should be included in a marketing plan for a personal training business?

Social media marketing, content marketing, referral marketing, and community involvement are all important marketing tactics for a personal training firm .

A large audience can be reached through social media, and expertise and authority can be established through content marketing . Referral marketing can produce new clients, and community outreach can build partnerships with local businesses and groups.

4. How should financial projections be calculated in a personal training business plan?

A personal training business plan’s financial estimates should be supported by thorough market analysis and reasonable hypotheses.

Revenue, expenses, profit and loss, cash flow, and a break-even analysis should all be projected. Start-up expenses like those for rent, insurance, equipment, and marketing should also be taken into account.

5. What are the typical start-up costs associated with opening a personal training business?

Equipment, liability insurance, rent or lease, marketing charges, and legal fees are typical start-up costs for a personal training firm.

Free weights, resistance bands, cardio machines, and mats are examples of equipment costs. It’s critical to get liability insurance to defend against potential legal action. Rent or leasing will depend on the facility’s location and size.

6. How can a personal trainer differentiate their business from competitors in the market?

By emphasizing their unique selling proposition (USP), such as a particular training method or specialized services, a personal trainer can set themselves apart from rival businesses.

Additionally, they can provide each client with individualized attention and personalization while also fostering long-lasting connections with them through excellent customer service and effective communication.

7. What are the most effective pricing strategies for personal training services?

Hourly rates, package prices, and subscription models are all viable pricing options for personal training services .

While package pricing can provide reductions for numerous sessions, hourly rates can be advantageous for single sessions. For a recurrent cost, subscription models may provide continued access to personal training services.

8. What legal considerations should be addressed in a personal training business plan?

Liability insurance, client waivers, and the creation of company entities can all be considered legally in a personal training business plan. While client waivers can exempt the personal trainer from liability, liability insurance is necessary to defend against any litigation.

Liability protection can also be obtained by selecting the appropriate business structure, such as a sole proprietorship or LLC.

9. How can technology be utilized to enhance the services offered by a personal training business?

Via online scheduling software and apps , virtual training sessions, and fitness tracking apps, technology can be used to improve the services provided by a personal training firm.

Customers may find it simpler to set appointments using online scheduling, and virtual training sessions may enable a company to reach customers who are not close by. Clients who use fitness tracking applications can monitor their progress and maintain motivation.

10. How should a personal training business plan be revised and updated over time to stay relevant and effective?

A personal training business plan needs to be updated and amended on a regular basis to account for market and industry changes.

This can involve reviewing new services or technologies, revising marketing plans, and updating financial estimates. The business can respond to changes in the market and customer needs by routinely reviewing and updating its business plan, which can help it stay relevant and effective in a fast-paced and competitive industry.

To make sure that the company stays on track to fulfill its goals and objectives, it’s crucial to set aside time on a regular basis to evaluate the business plan and make any required modifications.

Also, getting input from customers and professionals in the field can offer insightful suggestions for revising and enhancing the business strategy over time.

Final thoughts on how to write a personal training business plan

Writing a business plan is a must for any start-up. Every business plan should be regularly revised and updated to make sure that it reflects the current state of the business and that it outlines realistic goals and ways to achieve them.

A well-written business plan will help you gain clarity, set realistic goals and objectives, and create realistic forecasts and strategies.

A business plan is an important step in turning your personal trainer business idea into an operating business . It allows you to think thighs through and ensure that your idea will work and succeed.

It doesn’t mean, though, that a good business plan needs to be long and complex. It does, however, need to outline and explain all the basic and most important information about what you want to achieve and how you are planning to get there .

Ljubica Buha

Ljubica Buha

Ljubica Buha is a versatile enthusiast and a Digital Marketing Manager specialized in IT industry. By day, she crafts digital stories; by night, she dives into literature. She's equally at home exploring beneath the waves, carving through snow on a snowboard, and embracing the outdoors through hiking.

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Personal Training Business Plans PDF Example

What is a Personal Training Business Plan?

A Personal Training Business Plan is a comprehensive document outlining the strategies, goals, and operational details of establishing and running a successful personal training business. This plan serves as a roadmap for individuals looking to enter the fitness industry as entrepreneurs. It outlines their approach to attracting clients, delivering effective training programs, managing finances, and achieving long-term growth.

A well-structured business plan typically includes several key components:

  • Executive Summary: A concise overview of the business idea, its mission, and the main objectives of the personal training business.
  • Business Description: A detailed explanation of the services offered, target clientele, and the unique value proposition of the personal training business in the competitive fitness market.
  • Market Analysis: An examination of the local fitness industry, target market demographics, and competition, along with potential opportunities and challenges.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies: A plan to attract and retain clients, including branding, pricing, advertising, and social media strategies.
  • Service Offerings: A description of the types of training programs offered, whether it's one-on-one coaching, group classes, online training, or a combination.
  • Operational Plan: Details about the day-to-day operations, including scheduling, location, equipment, and staffing needs.
  • Financial Projections: A projection of revenue and expenses, including start-up costs, ongoing expenses, and potential income, over a specified period (often three to five years).
  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges the business might face, along with contingency plans to mitigate these risks.
  • Long-Term Vision : An outline of the business's long-term goals, expansion plans, and strategies for sustained growth.

Creating a is essential for various reasons. It helps entrepreneurs clarify their business concept, secure funding from investors or lenders, and maintain focus on their objectives. Additionally, it offers a structured approach to navigating challenges and adapting to changes in the fitness industry.

Personal Training Business Plans Template

Personal training business plans example.

Personal Training Business Plans PDF Example

How does it work?

Access the Printable Personal Training Business Plan form from a reliable source, ensuring it's in a downloadable and printable format.

Personal Information

Enter your details, including your name, contact information, and professional certifications.

Business Description

Provide a brief overview of your training business, including its mission, goals, and fitness services you intend to offer.

Target Market

Specify your target clientele, such as age groups, fitness levels, and specific fitness goals your training programs cater to.

Competitive Analysis

Describe the local fitness landscape and identify key competitors. Highlight what differentiates your business from others regarding services, pricing, and approach.

Marketing Strategy

Share your marketing plan, both online and offline, to attract clients. This may include social media, partnerships, or community events.

Service Offerings

Detail the different training programs you will provide, mentioning if it's one-on-one coaching, group classes, virtual training, or a combination.

Operational Plan

Explain how you plan to run the day-to-day operations of your business, covering aspects like scheduling, location, equipment, and any additional staff.

Financial Projections

Present your expected revenue and expenses for the first few years of operation. This includes startup costs, recurring expenses, and anticipated income.

Risk Management

Identify potential business risks, such as economic downturns or legal considerations. Discuss how you plan to mitigate these risks.

Long-Term Goals

Share your vision for the future of your personal training business, including expansion plans, new service offerings, and ways you intend to adapt to industry trends.

Review and Finalize

Carefully review the completed form for accuracy, coherence, and completeness. Make any necessary revisions before finalizing the document.

Professional Advice

Consider seeking input from a business advisor, fitness industry expert, or mentor to ensure your plan is thorough and well-structured.


Once your Personal Training Business Plan is complete, use it as a guide to implement your strategies and work towards achieving your business goals.

When would you use this Plan?

A Personal Training Business Plan is an invaluable tool for fitness enthusiasts and professionals looking to venture into the personal training industry as entrepreneurs. This resource helps them strategically plan and execute their fitness business ventures. Here are some instances when this form would be particularly useful:

  • Startup Stage: Aspiring personal trainers can use the form when starting their fitness business. It provides a structured approach to defining their business concept, target market, and service offerings, which are crucial foundations for success.
  • Securing Funding : A well-documented business plan is essential when seeking investors or loans to launch or expand their personal training business. The form helps outline revenue projections, expenses, and growth strategies, demonstrating the business's viability to potential stakeholders.
  • Operational Guidance : Established personal trainers can benefit from the form when seeking to streamline their operations or introduce new services. It assists in refining marketing strategies, updating service offerings, and aligning business practices with changing industry trends.
  • Strategic Growth: For personal trainers aiming to expand their client base or open multiple locations, the form aids in mapping out expansion plans, financial projections, and strategies for scaling the business sustainably.
  • Professionalism: The form enhances professionalism in the personal training industry. It allows trainers to present a well-structured plan to clients, showcasing their commitment to delivering quality services and achieving clients' fitness goals.
  • Adapting to Changes: The fitness industry is dynamic, with trends and client preferences evolving. Personal trainers can use the form periodically to review and adjust their strategies to stay relevant and competitive.
  • Succession Planning: Established personal trainers nearing retirement may use the form to outline their succession plans, ensuring a smooth business transition to new owners or trainers.

Enhanced Business Strategy

The form guides personal trainers in articulating their business goals, target market, and unique value proposition, leading to a more focused and effective strategy.

Investor Attraction

A well-structured plan showcases the potential of the personal training business, instilling confidence in investors and increasing the likelihood of securing funding.

Operational Efficiency

The form aids in planning day-to-day operations, from scheduling sessions to managing resources, leading to streamlined and organized business management.

Marketing Effectiveness

By defining the ideal client and specifying marketing strategies, trainers can attract their desired clientele more effectively, optimizing marketing efforts.

Financial Planning

The form's financial projections help trainers understand startup costs, operating expenses, and projected revenue, enabling better financial planning and management.

Adaptability and Growth

With a well-documented plan, trainers can proactively adapt to changing industry trends, keeping their services relevant and fostering sustainable growth.

Research & Evidence

The use of personal training business plans has evolved alongside the growth of the fitness industry and the increasing number of individuals pursuing careers as personal trainers. As the demand for fitness services expanded, it became evident that having a structured business plan was crucial for success in a competitive market. Over the years, this resource has gained significance due to the following factors:

In the past, personal training was often limited to elite athletes or wealthy individuals. However, as awareness of fitness and health benefits spread, more people sought professional guidance. This shift led to a proliferation of personal training businesses, necessitating the development of effective business strategies.

Studies and industry reports have highlighted the advantages of having a well-defined business plan in the personal training sector. Research by industry associations, such as the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), consistently emphasizes the value of strategic planning for fitness businesses.

With the fitness industry becoming more saturated, personal trainers realized that merely having expertise in exercise science wasn't enough. Business acumen and effective marketing strategies were essential to stand out. Research-backed business plans emerged as tools to help trainers navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship.

As the fitness industry expanded, entrepreneurs sought external funding to establish or grow their personal training businesses. Financial institutions and investors require evidence of a sound business strategy before providing funding. This prompted personal trainers to develop detailed business plans to secure backing.

The fitness industry is dynamic, with trends like virtual training, wellness coaching, and specialized programs constantly emerging. Research-backed business plans allow personal trainers to incorporate these trends strategically, ensuring their businesses remain relevant and profitable.

  • Crump, D. (2022, January 28). Create a personal trainer business plan in six steps . The PTDC.
  • How to write a business plan for personal trainers | ISSA . (n.d.).
  • Lavinsky, D. (2023). Personal Training Business Plan Template. Growthink .
  • Origym. (2023, March 23). 7 Simple Steps for Writing a Personal Trainer Business Plan (with Templates). Origym .
  • Wellness Creative Co. (2023). How To Write A Personal Training Business Plan [+ Examples & Templates]. Wellness Creative Co .

Commonly asked questions

Personal Training Business Plans are crucial for fitness entrepreneurs to achieve their business goals.

Personal Training Business Plans outline a fitness entrepreneur's business concept, target market, growth strategies, and potential profitability. Trainers review and adjust them periodically to adapt to industry trends and ensure continued success.

Personal Training Business Plans guide fitness businesses on strategy, marketing, operations, and finances. They help trainers make informed decisions.

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8 Profitable Personal Training Business Models For 2024 (+ Examples)

Personal Training Business Models

We wish it was as easy as putting a couple of flyers in your local gym and working with clients one on one a few times a week. But to create a sustainable and profitable personal training business, it’s a good idea to determine your business model.

Simply put, a business model is how your personal training business delivers services and generates revenue. No matter how good you are at training, if you offer services that aren’t attractive to your ideal clients then you have a broken business model.

On the other hand, a well put together personal training business model can help you:

  • Attract more prospects.
  • Easily convert them into paying clients.
  • And keep them for a very long time.

What is a good Personal Training Business Models

One-on-one personal training is one of the core services that every personal training business offers, but if you want to stand out, rapidly grow your fitness business , and help more people, then you need to look beyond just traditional personal training.

**In this article, we will take a deep dive into the personal training business models that work in 2024 **

We will see:

  • Chapter 1: 8 types of personal training services that you can offer
  • Chapter 2: How to choose from these 8 services to build a profitable personal training fitness business model
  • Chapter 3: Personal training business model examples

8 types of personal training services that you can offer

To start, let’s go over eight great service options for personal trainers. We’ll discuss how each service works, the pros and cons, and some pricing considerations. Let’s get to it!

Personal Training Business Models

1. Traditional one-on-one personal training

This is probably the type of personal training that you are most familiar with. This simply involves training clients one-on-one in person. This is simple for you and for the clients, and most people are already aware of this model.

How much you can charge for traditional personal training varies depending on things like your location and experience, but a good average rate is around $70 for an hour-long session.

This, of course, is an extremely popular form of personal training and how most personal trainers start out when building their fitness business. The only downsides with one-on-one training is that the price tag can be a little high for the average gym goer. It’s also not a great fit for anyone that wants more flexibility in a training program, or doesn’t have the time to come to the gym several days a week.

When it comes to cons for you as a trainer, this service is also hard to scale as billable hours are obviously limited by your own capacity.

2. Online Personal Training

Just as the name suggests, for this service, you deliver all of your personal training remotely.

Many trainers confuse online personal training with virtual training. In virtual personal training, you will deliver in-person training sessions to your clients over Facetime or a Skype call. With 100% online personal training, you will still meet virtually with your clients but it won’t be as often, and the majority of training content is completed by clients on their own time.

If we think back to the cons of in-person training, you can easily see the benefit of an online training option. This is ideal for non-local clients that want to work with you or those who are always traveling or on the move. It can also be a more affordable option since all of your time will not be tied up training clients individually.

You can price online personal training as a monthly subscription model or package it into several weeks or months at a time. To price, decide what to include in your service, and calculate how much time it would take to deliver the full service for a month. Don’t forget to account for admin and support time. Multiply the time with your preferred hourly rate, and you now have a base monthly price to offer this service.

Really, the only downside to online personal training is that some clients are looking for more support. This is where our next service comes in.

3. Hybrid personal training

Hybrid personal training combines in-person and online personal training to offer more hands-on support for those that need it, while still providing plenty of flexibility and affordability.

Hybrid Personal Training

For this service, you will meet with the clients weekly or biweekly and deliver the rest of the training online. Here’s what this type of service might include:

  • Personalized workout plans
  • Weekly or biweekly in-person sessions
  • Nutrition coaching
  • Habit coaching
  • Other helpful resources such as videos and recipe guides

You can choose to charge the online and in-person components separately. Sell online components at a monthly subscription price and the in-person sessions by the number of sessions bought. Though, a monthly subscription pricing that includes everything makes the most sense for this model.

4. Semi-private personal training

Another slightly more affordable service that you can offer to clients is semi-private personal training. This involves working with a few clients in one session, making it a cross between traditional personal training and group training.

Clients may sign up for this service with a small group of friends, or join semi-private sessions to make new friends while saving on the costs of one-on-one training. This is also great for you as it allows you to serve more clients at once.

Like traditional personal training, you can charge by the hour, but you will want to charge a lower rate than traditional personal training, since you won’t be giving everyone individual attention.

5. Online group training

You can offer more bang for your buck with your online training components by using them for a group training program.

As a personal trainer, your growth is limited by the hours you have in a day and the number of sessions you can squeeze into your schedule. Online group training is your ticket to a 7 or 8 figure personal training business, because you can make high-ticket sales for the program without having to spend too much hands-on time with each client.

Online group training is similar to other types of online personal training, but you will be taking on many clients at once. These types of training programs are great because you can include community support ( which is proven to help people reach their fitness goals ) and other add-ons to help clients.

Being really clear on your niche is helpful here. For your online group training to work, all participants should have similar goals and starting points.

6. Template program

A template program is exactly what it sounds like – a program without any personalization. Your clients can easily download the program and get started whenever they want. A template program should be easy enough for clients to follow on their own.

It shouldn’t take up much of your time since you don’t have one-on-one interactions with the clients, and you just need to update the program once in a while. Include additional resources and content to beef up the program like meal plans, recipe guides, and video resources.

Template programs demand the least interaction between personal trainers and their clients. Therefore, they are generally low-priced, ranging from $10- $30 per month. You can also choose to set a one-time charge for the program, especially if you don’t plan on updating it often.

Template programs are great because they can bring passive income into your fitness business. If you already have a good following and a relatively big brand, template programs can be real money makers. Just think about it, a fitness brand with thousands of followers on Instagram or subscribers on their email list could make a killing if just a handful of them opted into a $30/month template program.

Besides, because they are cheaply priced, new prospective clients are more likely to buy the program whenever they come across it. And if new clients like the template program, you can bet they will be willing to opt in to additional offerings in the future.

7. Fitness challenge

Another great way to train many clients at once is through an online fitness challenge. The most common length of an online fitness challenge is about 12-16 weeks, and everyone in the group starts and ends the program at the same time.

To make sure that the online group challenge works for all participants, it is important that all participants more or less have the same start point and a common end goal. For example, you can bundle working moms who are looking to shed a few pounds in one training group.

Should you opt for this model, you will need to be on top of your marketing game to get enough of the right participants signing up for the program before the fixed start date.

What should be included?

  • A group training plan
  • Personalized support
  • Additional helpful resources like meal plans and recipe guides

Obviously, this package would be a little bit cheaper for clients since you are not offering personalized one-on-one training. Consider charging a flat rate for the online group training program, for example, $799 for a 12-week challenge.

8. Group classes (live or in-person)

Group classes are another great service to offer as a personal trainer. You might do an equipment free workout at a local studio or teach a thirty minute HIIT workout virtually. The options are truly endless when it comes to offering group classes.

Group classes can be a low barrier way for people to get a taste of what it’s like to work with you. For you, they can be a great way to meet training prospects and sell your other programs.

Since group classes are usually priced per person (anywhere from $15-35 for a class), they definitely won’t be your biggest money maker, but they can definitely supplement other services. This where having your personal training business model comes into play. Let’s talk about how to combine these different types of services now.

How to choose from these 8 services to build a profitable personal training fitness business model

Now you have a better idea of the many types of services options. But which should you offer? We’ll help you decide. We’ll start by putting the eight services listed above into four different categories:

Type of Personal Training Business Models

  • Traditional and enhanced 1-on-1 personal training
  • Hybrid personal training
  • Online personal training
  • Semi-private personal training
  • Low barrier
  • Template program
  • Group classes
  • Fitness challenges
  • Online group training

Your goal should be to offer at least one service from the premium, affordable, and low barrier categories.

Personal Training Business Models Value Ladder

  • Low barriers will help you attract more prospects and build trust.
  • Your affordable services can help you make a handsome profit without charging fees that only few can afford.
  • And for prospects who want the best that you have to offer can sign up for your premium packages.
  • Having options will increase your retention rates. Life happens and when people have more choices, rather than leaving you, they can pick what works for them at any given time.

And finally once you grow your business to a good revenue, and are feeling confident that you are providing great value with each service, you can add online group training to really scale.

Personal training business model examples

Here are two examples of a business model put together for different types of personal trainers. You can easily see how these models would be attainable for a personal trainer and easy to upkeep.

Personal Training Business Models Funnel 1

  • For local fitness personal training business:
  • 1-on-1 personal training
  • 21-day fitness challenge

Personal Training Business Models Funnel 2

  • For 100% online fitness business:
  • Online training

Perhaps you can base your model off of one of these. Think about what your goals are and how you want your business to operate: How much money do you want to make? Do you want to work mostly from home? Who do you serve? What are their needs?

These kinds of questions can help you decide on the right combination of services for your fitness business.

Make sure to include a service from each category. Stepping outside the box of traditional personal training and diversifying your personal training business model is the best way to make more money and build a business that lasts.

If you’re ready to add some of these different services to your personal training business, TrainerFu can help you! TrainerFu makes it easy to incorporate online personal training, template programs, group fitness challenges, and more. Start creating these awesome offerings on the app today.

Further Reading

How to get testimonials from your personal training clients with examples & templates, how to start a personal training business from scratch, 5 things every personal trainer bio must have to be effective., how to keep your personal training clients accountable, how to retain more personal training clients in 2024, need a personal training business plan here’s how to write one, how to start a successful online personal training business, the ultimate guide to instagram marketing for personal trainers, personal trainer marketing: how to get more clients fast, fitness email marketing: the definitive guide, the ultimate guide to building your personal trainer website, the definitive guide to tiktok marketing for personal trainers, try trainefu for free, trainerfu - the best personal trainer software, ios app for personal trainers, android app for personal trainers.

Personal trainer business plan template + PDF

This guide introduces the advanced AI Business Plan Generator template, meticulously designed for entrepreneurs eager to start or expand their personal trainer business ventures. It's important to note that the names and financial forecasts mentioned in this example are solely for illustrative purposes, serving as educational tools to assist you through your business planning journey. These examples are deliberately chosen to show how you can personalize your own AI-generated Personal Trainer Business Plan, enabling you to navigate challenges and seize opportunities within the personal training industry.

For those seeking a tailored approach, we offer a downloadable 'Personal Trainer Business Plan PDF' . This document is vital for entrepreneurs committed to developing a compelling and effective strategy for launching or enhancing their personal training services. The 'AI Business Plan Generator' acts as a comprehensive guide, providing deep insights into the personal training market. It equips you with the essential tools to adeptly manage and grow your personal trainer business, leveraging the power of AI for unparalleled strategic planning.

How this personal trainer business plan sample was created

Easily craft your personalized personal trainer business plan with our AI Business Plan Generator. Just click 'Generate your business plan' and respond to a series of targeted questions about your personal training venture. Our advanced AI technology will analyze your inputs to create a business plan that aligns seamlessly with the objectives and needs of your personal training operation. This effective and straightforward method takes only 5-10 minutes, yielding a comprehensive and structured plan. Our platform provides the flexibility to modify and perfect your plan, ensuring it precisely captures your unique vision for your personal trainer business. Upon completion, your plan is ready for download, serving as a clear and detailed roadmap for initiating and growing your personal training business. Take advantage of the power of our AI business plan generator, specially tailored for personal trainer businesses, to enhance your strategic planning process.

Personal trainer business plan: questionnaire

Personal trainer business plan sample

Executive summary, business description, market research and analysis, swot analysis.

  • Organizational Structure and Management Team

Products or Services

Marketing and sales strategy, operations plan, financial projections, risk analysis.

example of business plan for personal trainer

John Doe Personal Trainer, headquartered in the vibrant community of Tampa, Florida, embarks on a mission to redefine personalized fitness and nutritional guidance in the personal training industry. Established by a seasoned personal trainer with over a decade of unparalleled experience in strength, conditioning, and nutrition planning, our business is poised to cater to the evolving fitness aspirations of professionals aged 25-45. This demographic, characterized by their busy lifestyles, diverse fitness goals, and the pursuit of tailored wellness solutions, forms the cornerstone of our target market.

In a sector projected to continue its growth trajectory, with increasing awareness and expenditure on health and wellness, John Doe Personal Trainer stands out through its commitment to bespoke fitness programs. Our services are meticulously designed to meet the individual needs of our clients, encompassing weight loss programs, muscle building, endurance training, and rehabilitation exercises. We distinguish ourselves from competitors by offering one-on-one sessions that prioritize personal attention and measurable results, complemented by comprehensive nutritional planning.

Our market analysis indicates a significant growth opportunity within the Tampa area. The demand for personalized, flexible fitness solutions that align with professional schedules and specific health objectives is on the rise. In response, John Doe Personal Trainer aims to capture a considerable market share by focusing on exceptional service quality, expertise, and client satisfaction. Comparatively, Elite Fitness Co., Total Body Trainers, and Zenith Health Studio, while established, offer a broader, less personalized spectrum of services, thereby presenting John Doe Personal Trainer with a unique market niche to exploit.

At its core, our operational model is built on the principles of efficiency, client-centric service delivery, and continuous improvement. The business operates under a self-employed legal structure, allowing for fluid adaptability to market demands and ensuring a streamlined approach to service delivery. As the sole proprietor and lead trainer, John Doe exemplifies the dedication and expertise that underpins our value proposition, ensuring clients receive the highest quality of service. This operational simplicity is also a strategic asset, enabling rapid decision-making and personalized client relationships.

John Doe Personal Trainer's financial projections over the next five years reflect an optimistic yet attainable growth path. Starting with a revenue of $120,000 in the first year, we anticipate a steady increase to $300,000 by year five. These projections are supported by strategies to expand our client base, introduce new training services, and gradually increase pricing in line with enhanced service offerings. The targeted net profit margins, commencing at 25% in year one and increasing to over 40% by year five, underscore the scalability and profitability potential of our business model.

Our marketing and sales strategy centers around leveraging digital platforms, community engagement, and referral programs to build brand awareness and attract clients. The focus on digital marketing, particularly through social media and a professionally designed website, is designed to showcase our success stories and the tangible benefits of personal training with John Doe. Community initiatives and partnerships will further embed our brand within the fabric of Tampa's health and wellness scene.

In conclusion, John Doe Personal Trainer represents a compelling investment opportunity. With a solid foundation of industry expertise, a clear understanding of our target market, and a strategic approach to growth, we are well-positioned to become leaders in the personalized fitness sector in Tampa and beyond. Our commitment to quality, client satisfaction, and continuous innovation ensures that we not only meet the current demands of the market but are also poised for future successes as we expand our offering and explore new opportunities for service delivery and client engagement.

Personal trainer business plan: Executive Summary

John Doe Personal Trainer is a burgeoning enterprise headquartered in the vibrant city of Tampa, Florida, a locale recognized for its health-conscious population and bustling professional lifestyle. This personal training business operates within the broad and ever-expanding fitness industry, an arena that has witnessed exponential growth due to the increasing awareness of and commitment to health and wellness across all age groups. Our business prides itself on offering bespoke fitness programs, comprehensive nutritional guidance, and personal, one-on-one training sessions. These services are specially tailored to meet the diverse needs and objectives of our clients, ranging from weight management and muscle building to endurance training and rehabilitation exercises.

The inception of John Doe Personal Trainer was driven by a profound understanding of the challenges faced by our target market—professionals aged 25-45. This demographic often struggles with balancing demanding careers, hectic lifestyles, and personal health. Recognizing this gap, our founder, a certified personal trainer with over a decade of experience in strength, conditioning, and nutrition planning, embarked on this venture. The primary aim was to establish a personal training service that not only addresses the unique fitness goals of each client but also offers the flexibility required to fit into their busy schedules. Since its establishment, John Doe Personal Trainer has steadfastly adhered to its purpose of enhancing the quality of life of our clients through personalized fitness solutions that foster physical well-being, mental resilience, and long-term health habits.

At the core of our business is our mission statement: "To empower individuals to achieve their fitness goals through personalized, innovative, and flexible training programs that integrate seamlessly into their daily lives, thereby promoting a lifelong commitment to health and wellness." This mission underpins every aspect of our operations, from program design and service delivery to client engagement and community involvement.

Legally, John Doe Personal Trainer operates as a self-employed entity, a structure that provides the agility needed to adapt to market demands and client needs quickly. This legal formality is indicative of our commitment to maintaining a personalized and client-centric business model, where the focus remains solidly on delivering quality service and achieving tangible results for our clients.

Looking towards the future, John Doe Personal Trainer is imbued with significant long-term potential. The fitness industry continues to thrive, propelled by a collective shift towards healthier living and the increasing preference for personalized fitness experiences over conventional gym memberships. Our business is uniquely positioned to leverage these trends, thanks to our emphasis on custom fitness solutions and the exceptional qualifications of our owner and lead trainer. Moreover, with plans to expand our client base, introduce innovative fitness programs, and potentially bring on board additional certified trainers, we anticipate not only meeting but exceeding our financial projections in the next 3-5 years.

In conclusion, John Doe Personal Trainer stands at the forefront of the personal training sector in Tampa, offering a service that is not just a response to the growing demand for personalized fitness but a commitment to improving lives through health and fitness. With a solid foundation built on experience, expertise, and a passion for health, and backed by a clear strategic vision for growth and expansion, our business is poised for success and ready to make a lasting impact in the lives of our clients and the broader community.

The personal training industry, valued at approximately $10 billion in the United States, has been experiencing a robust growth trajectory. With an annual growth rate of around 2.8% over the past five years, projections indicate continued expansion, fueled by an increasing awareness of health and wellness. The industry's resilience, even in challenging economic climates, underscores its potential for sustained growth, with forecasts predicting a revenue increase to $12 billion by 2025.

In the Tampa, Florida area, the target market for "John Doe Personal Trainer" encompasses professionals aged 25-45, a demographic that not only represents a significant portion of the population but also exhibits a higher disposable income and a propensity towards health and wellness spending. This segment, comprising approximately 200,000 professionals in the Tampa Bay area, represents a revenue potential of $60 million annually, assuming an average spend of $300 per month on personal training services.

Aiming for a market share target of 1% within the first five years, "John Doe Personal Trainer" seeks to tap into this lucrative market by offering specialized, customized services. This goal translates to securing a clientele base of around 2,000 individuals, a figure that aligns with our capacity and growth forecasts, and could facilitate an annual revenue stream of approximately $600,000 at full market penetration, based on our current pricing strategy.

Customer demographics within our target market skew slightly towards males (55%), with a predominant age range of 30-40 years. This cohort typically possesses a bachelor's degree or higher (70%) and enjoys an average household income of $75,000 - $100,000. Geographically, our target customers reside primarily within the urban and suburban areas of Tampa, locations that are conveniently accessible to our training facility.

Price points in the local personal training industry range from $50 to $100 per hour, with most competitors offering packages that average around $65 per session. "John Doe Personal Trainer" intends to position itself within the premium segment of this range, justifying higher rates through superior service quality, expertise, and personalized program offerings. Our pricing strategy will be tailored to attract the upper tier of our target market, aiming for an average price point of $75 per session.

Compared to key competitors such as Elite Fitness Co., Total Body Trainers, and Zenith Health Studio, "John Doe Personal Trainer" differentiates itself through a focus on customized, one-on-one sessions. While exact figures on competitors' sales volumes and market shares are proprietary, estimates suggest that Elite Fitness Co. leads with approximately 15% market share, followed closely by Total Body Trainers and Zenith Health Studio. Our strategic marketing and quality service delivery aim to capture a substantial portion of the market currently underserved by these entities.

Consumer behavior trends indicate a growing preference for personalized, flexible fitness solutions over traditional gym memberships, a shift partly attributed to recent global events that have highlighted the importance of health and adaptability. An increasing inclination towards comprehensive wellness—incorporating both physical fitness and nutrition—further supports our service offering's relevancy and demand.

Economic indicators such as rising disposable income levels and low unemployment rates in the Tampa area enhance the purchasing power of our target demographic, boosting the feasibility of our premium pricing model. However, regulatory compliance costs, including certification renewals and business licensing, remain a consideration, totaling an estimated $3,000 annually.

Initial investment requirements for "John Doe Personal Trainer" encompass equipment purchase, facility leasing, and marketing efforts, estimated at $50,000. Ongoing operational expenses, including facility maintenance, employee salaries, and marketing, are projected at $10,000 monthly. While the market entry barriers are moderate, our strategic location, specialized service offering, and targeted marketing efforts position us favorably for market entry and growth.

One of the core strengths of John Doe Personal Trainer lies in its bespoke, high-quality service offerings. The business prides itself on the expertise of its owner and lead trainer, whose certification and specialization in strength and conditioning distinguish it from competitors. The personalized fitness programs, coupled with one-on-one training sessions, ensure that each client's unique needs and goals are met. Additionally, the integration of nutritional guidance into our fitness plans enhances the value of our services, providing a comprehensive approach to wellness that transcends mere physical training. This focus on quality and customization enables a strong client retention rate and positive word-of-mouth referrals.Despite its strengths, John Doe Personal Trainer faces several weaknesses. As a relatively new and self-employed business, limitations in financial resources and brand recognition when compared to established competitors could hinder market penetration and growth. The reliance on a single location for training sessions may also restrict client base expansion, particularly among those seeking convenience in proximity. Furthermore, the heavy dependence on the owner as the sole trainer imposes a ceiling on scalability and client capacity, potentially leading to missed opportunities during peak demand periods. These weaknesses underscore the need for strategic planning in marketing, brand development, and operational scalability.
The evolving fitness industry landscape presents multiple opportunities for John Doe Personal Trainer. The rising trend towards health and wellness, especially post-pandemic, has accelerated the demand for personalized and tailored fitness solutions, opening new market segments. Additionally, the increasing acceptance of technology in fitness, such as online training programs and mobile apps for fitness tracking, offers avenues for service diversification and remote engagement with clients. Expanding the business model to include group sessions, workshops, or corporate wellness programs could also capture a broader client base. Strategic partnerships with local health stores or wellness centers could further enhance brand visibility and client acquisition.However, the business environment also harbors threats that could impede success. The fitness industry is highly competitive, with new entrants continuously emerging, thereby intensifying competition. Established competitors with greater resources and brand authority could potentially overshadow John Doe Personal Trainer, especially in marketing reach and service diversification. Economic downturns also pose a threat, as discretionary spending on personal training may decline. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological innovation in fitness could render current service models obsolete if not adaptively integrated. Navigating these threats requires agility, innovation, and a keen eye on industry trends to sustain and grow the business.

Personal trainer business plan: Market Research and Analysis

Organizational Structure and Management

At John Doe Personal Trainer, the organizational structure is built to support our mission of delivering personalized fitness and nutritional guidance tailored to meet individual client needs. As a self-employed entity based in Tampa, Florida, the business’s hierarchy is streamlined, focusing on efficiency, client satisfaction, and scalability. The structure is horizontally integrated, emphasizing flexibility and direct communication channels. At the core of this structure is the Owner and Lead Trainer, who oversees all aspects of the business operations, from client training to marketing and financial management. As we grow, this structure will evolve to incorporate new roles and responsibilities, ensuring the organizational framework remains responsive to the changing needs of the business.

Management Team

Owner and Lead Trainer As the heart of John Doe Personal Trainer, the Owner and Lead Trainer brings over 10 years of experience in personal training, specializing in strength and conditioning, nutritional planning, and client relationship management. This extensive background provides a solid foundation for the business, ensuring clients receive the highest level of service. The Owner’s responsibilities encompass overall business strategy, client training programs, marketing initiatives, and financial management.

Staffing Needs

Current Staff Requirements Currently, as a newly established business, the staffing needs are minimal, with the Owner fulfilling the primary roles. However, as client demand increases, the following positions will become necessary:

- Assistant Trainers: Certified professionals who will be trained by the Owner to deliver personalized training programs aligned with our standards. - Nutrition Specialist: A certified dietitian or nutritionist to enhance our service offering with expert nutritional guidance. - Administrative Assistant: To handle scheduling, client inquiries, and basic administrative tasks, allowing trainers to focus on client service.

Future Staff Expansion As the business scales, we plan to introduce roles such as a Marketing Specialist, to oversee digital marketing and community engagement efforts, and a Customer Relationship Manager, to maintain high levels of client satisfaction and retention.

Human Resources Policies and Practices

John Doe Personal Trainer is committed to creating a positive, inclusive, and supportive work environment. Our human resources policies are designed to attract, retain, and develop the highest caliber of professionals. Key policies include:

- Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Offering salaries that match or exceed industry standards, supplemented by incentives for client retention and acquisition. - Professional Development: Investing in the continuous training and certification of our team members to ensure they stay at the forefront of industry trends and practices. - Work-Life Balance: Promoting flexible working arrangements to maintain a healthy balance between professional responsibilities and personal well-being.

External Advisors and Consultants

To supplement our in-house expertise and ensure a comprehensive approach to business management, we engage with a network of external advisors and consultants:

- Financial Advisor: Assists with financial planning, budgeting, and ensuring the business remains on a sustainable growth path. - Legal Consultant: Ensures compliance with local regulations, employment law, and any contractual obligations. - Marketing Agency: A boutique firm specializing in fitness businesses to refine our branding, digital presence, and outreach strategies.

As John Doe Personal Trainer progresses, we will continue to evaluate our organizational structure and management team, adapting to meet the dynamic needs of the market and our business ambitions. The strength of our team, combined with a clear organizational blueprint, positions us well to achieve our mission and foster a thriving personal training business.

John Doe Personal Trainer offers a comprehensive suite of personalized fitness and nutritional services tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each client. Central to our offering is the development of bespoke fitness programs designed to optimize physical health, improve performance, and enhance overall well-being. Our services break down into several key areas:

1. Personalized Fitness Programs: Each program begins with an in-depth consultation and fitness assessment to establish the client's goals, current fitness level, and any existing health concerns. Based on this information, a customized workout plan is created, incorporating various training methodologies such as strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility exercises, and endurance training.

2. Nutritional Guidance: Recognizing the critical role of nutrition in achieving fitness and wellness objectives, we provide comprehensive nutritional planning as an integral component of our service. This includes dietary assessments, creation of meal plans aligned with fitness goals, and ongoing support to ensure adherence.

3. One-on-One Training Sessions: At the heart of our service offering are the personal training sessions conducted by our certified trainers. These sessions ensure that clients are performing exercises correctly and efficiently, maximizing their results and minimizing the risk of injury.

4. Progress Tracking and Adjustment: Utilizing the latest technology and methodologies, we continually monitor client progress against established goals, adjusting programs as necessary to keep clients on track and motivated.

Unique Selling Points or Competitive Advantage

What sets John Doe Personal Trainer apart is our commitment to truly personalized service. Unlike many competitors, our programs are not “one size fits all” but are meticulously tailored to each client's specific needs. The owner’s specialization in strength and conditioning, coupled with comprehensive nutritional support, provides a holistic approach to fitness rarely matched in the industry. Furthermore, our focus on flexibility, offering sessions outside traditional business hours, caters to the busy professional’s schedule, presenting a significant competitive advantage.

Development Stage

Currently, John Doe Personal Trainer is at a growth stage, with a solid foundation of loyal clients and a developing reputation in the Tampa area for excellence in personal training. Our immediate focus is on expanding our client base through targeted marketing and referral programs.

Future plans include the integration of virtual training sessions to provide greater flexibility and accessibility for our clients, transcending geographical limitations. Additionally, we are exploring opportunities to expand our service offerings to include group fitness classes and corporate wellness programs, broadening our market reach.

Intellectual Property Status

At present, the business name "John Doe Personal Trainer" is registered as a trademark, securing our brand identity within the marketplace. The customized training programs and nutritional plans, while proprietary in nature, are not currently protected under copyright, though this is under review as our business scales.

Production Process

Our "production process" revolves around the meticulous design and delivery of personalized fitness and nutritional plans. This begins with a comprehensive assessment of each client, followed by the development of customized plans by our certified and experienced trainers. This client-centric approach ensures that each program is effectively tailored to individual needs.

Supplier Information

Our equipment and technology suppliers are carefully selected based on quality, reliability, and alignment with our environmental and ethical standards. We source high-quality fitness equipment from reputed manufacturers who offer durable, state-of-the-art machinery and apparatus. For our nutritional guidance, we utilize credible databases and software that are regularly updated with the latest nutritional research and guidelines.

In conclusion, John Doe Personal Trainer stands out in the personal training industry through our dedication to personalized service, quality, and results. Our future growth will be marked by strategic expansions in service offerings and leveraging technology to enhance our accessibility and effectiveness, ensuring our clients achieve their health and fitness goals.

Personal trainer business plan: Organizational Structure and Management

John Doe Personal Trainer is committed to establishing a strong presence in the Tampa, Florida personal training market. Our marketing and sales strategy is designed to attract and retain clients by highlighting our unique value proposition: personalized, effective, and flexible fitness solutions tailored to individual needs and schedules. This multi-faceted approach combines digital marketing, community engagement, competitive pricing, diverse distribution channels, targeted promotions, and exceptional customer service to build brand loyalty and drive growth.

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is centered around building a robust online presence, leveraging social media platforms, and engaging with the local community. A professionally designed website will serve as the cornerstone of our online strategy, showcasing our services, sharing success stories, and offering valuable content related to fitness and wellness. Social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, will be used to connect with potential clients, share motivational content, and highlight client achievements, reinforcing the brand's commitment to tangible results.

Additionally, we plan to engage with the local Tampa community through participation in health expos, sponsoring local sports events, and offering free fitness seminars at community centers. These efforts will not only increase brand awareness but also position John Doe Personal Trainer as a thought leader in the fitness industry.

Sales Strategy

Our sales approach emphasizes personal interaction and the building of strong, trust-based relationships with potential clients. Initial consultations will be offered free of charge, providing an opportunity to understand each client's goals, discuss our services, and demonstrate the value we provide. Our sales team, comprising the Owner and future Assistant Trainers, will be trained in consultative selling techniques, focusing on listening to client needs and recommending tailored fitness solutions.

We will also implement a referral program, encouraging satisfied clients to refer friends and family by offering them discounts on future sessions. This word-of-mouth strategy is expected to be particularly effective, given the personal nature of our services.

Pricing Strategy

Our pricing strategy is designed to reflect the premium nature of our personalized service offering while remaining competitive within the Tampa market. Packages will be offered at varying price points to accommodate different client budgets and commitment levels, with incentives such as reduced rates for longer-term commitments. This tiered pricing model allows for flexibility and makes our services accessible to a broader demographic.

Distribution Channels

Initially, our services will be delivered primarily in-person at our Tampa facility, ensuring that clients receive the hands-on, personalized training that is our hallmark. As part of our future plans, we will introduce virtual training options, expanding our distribution channels to include online platforms. This will allow us to reach clients beyond Tampa, enhancing accessibility and convenience.

Promotion and Advertising Plans

Promotion and advertising efforts will focus heavily on digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure high visibility for our website, targeted social media ads, and email marketing campaigns to engage with potential and existing clients. Local print and radio advertising will also be explored as methods to reach our target market within the Tampa area.

Special introductory offers, such as discounted rates for the first month or complimentary nutritional assessments with every sign-up, will be used strategically to attract new clients.

Customer Service Policies

Our customer service philosophy is rooted in exceeding client expectations through personalized attention, responsiveness, and a commitment to their success. Policies will include flexible scheduling, easy cancellation and rescheduling options, and regular progress assessments to adjust fitness plans as needed. Feedback channels will be established to ensure clients feel heard and valued, with all concerns addressed promptly and effectively.

In summary, the marketing and sales strategy of John Doe Personal Trainer is built around the principles of personalization, community engagement, and exceptional service, aimed at establishing a loyal client base and achieving sustainable business growth.

The Operations Plan of John Doe Personal Trainer outlines the systematic approach to the daily operations, service delivery processes, and quality control measures that ensure the seamless function and high standard of services offered. This plan also covers inventory management, supply chain considerations, and facilities and equipment needs, all designed to support the business's mission of providing personalized fitness solutions in Tampa, Florida.

Operational Workflow

Daily operations at John Doe Personal Trainer are structured around scheduled training sessions, client consultations, program planning, and administrative tasks. The day begins with a review of the schedule to confirm client appointments, followed by preparation for each session. Preparation includes reviewing client progress notes, customizing workout plans based on the day’s objectives, and ensuring all necessary equipment is ready and available.

Client sessions are the core of our daily operations, with each session lasting approximately one hour. Between sessions, trainers complete client progress notes, adjust fitness plans as needed, and conduct follow-ups on goals and nutrition plans. The end of the day is dedicated to administrative tasks such as responding to inquiries, scheduling new clients, and managing billing and payments.

Production or Service Delivery Processes

Our service delivery process starts with an in-depth initial consultation for each new client. This session involves assessing fitness levels, discussing health and wellness goals, and outlining a preliminary plan to achieve these goals. Based on this information, a tailored fitness and nutrition program is developed.

Ongoing sessions are then scheduled to execute the fitness program, with adjustments made based on client feedback and observed progress. Nutritional plans are reviewed and updated regularly to complement physical training. This iterative cycle of planning, execution, and adjustment forms the foundation of our service delivery, ensuring continuous improvement and client satisfaction.

Quality Control Measures

Quality control is paramount, ensuring that all services meet the high standards set by John Doe Personal Trainer. This includes regular training and certification updates for trainers, rigorous client progress tracking systems, and frequent review meetings to discuss client feedback and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, each training session is designed to meet industry best practices for safety, effectiveness, and client engagement.

Inventory Management

Inventory management involves maintaining the necessary equipment and materials needed for training sessions and the running of the facility. This includes weights, resistance bands, mats, and other training aids. A regular inventory check is scheduled weekly to ensure all items are in good condition and available in sufficient quantities. Consumable items, such as cleaning supplies and office materials, are monitored for timely reordering.

Supply Chain Management

Our supply chain primarily involves equipment suppliers and software providers for client management and progress tracking. We have established relationships with reputable suppliers known for their quality and reliability. Strategic selection of suppliers and backup options ensures continuity in our service delivery.

Facilities and Equipment Needs

The training facility is equipped with a variety of fitness equipment to cater to a broad range of training programs, including cardio machines, strength training equipment, and functional training tools. The design of the space emphasizes safety, functionality, and a welcoming atmosphere conducive to focused workout sessions. Equipment maintenance and facility upkeep schedules are implemented to ensure a clean, safe, and inviting environment for all clients.

Future plans include exploring technological advancements, such as virtual reality fitness programs and advanced body tracking technologies, to enhance our service offerings. Expansion of the physical space may also be considered to accommodate group sessions and a broader range of activities.

In summary, the Operations Plan of John Doe Personal Trainer incorporates a detailed narrative on operational efficiency, service delivery excellence, and the continuous pursuit of quality. By adhering to these operational protocols, we aim to achieve our mission of enhancing clients' health and fitness with personalized workout and nutrition plans tailored to their unique goals.

Personal trainer business plan: Marketing and Sales Strategy

The Financial Projections section of John Doe Personal Trainer's business plan delineates the anticipated financial performance over the next three to five years. Drawing upon data-driven assumptions and industry benchmarks, this section presents projections for sales, profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheet, and break-even analysis, providing a comprehensive financial outline for potential investors and stakeholders.

Sales Forecast

Over the next five years, we anticipate a steady increase in sales revenue, reflecting the growth of our client base and the introduction of new services. The forecast is based on current market trends, our competitive positioning, and targeted marketing efforts. Here is an outline of the expected revenue:

- Year 1: $120,000, assuming 100 clients with an average spending of $1,200 per year. - Year 2: $150,000, a 25% increase, as marketing efforts and word-of-mouth referrals expand our client base. - Year 3: $200,000, reflecting further market penetration and the introduction of new services such as online training. - Year 4: $250,000, due to both price adjustments in line with market rates and an increase in higher-margin services. - Year 5: $300,000, as the brand becomes more established, and client retention rates improve.

Profit and Loss Projection

Projected profit and loss statements indicate a growing profitability as the business scales, with operational efficiencies and increased sales volume driving margins. Key assumptions include a gross margin of approximately 70%, reflective of the service industry standards, and a moderate increase in operational expenses aligned with revenue growth.

- Year 1: Net profit of $30,000, with a net profit margin of 25%. - Year 2: Net profit of $45,000, improving the net profit margin to 30%. - Year 3: Net profit of $70,000, with sustained investment in marketing and staff. - Year 4: Net profit of $100,000, as operational efficiencies take effect. - Year 5: Net profit of $130,000, with a fully optimized service mix and client base.

Cash Flow Projection

The cash flow projection emphasizes the importance of maintaining liquidity and managing operational expenses wisely. Initial capital investments in equipment and marketing are expected to result in negative cash flows in the first year, with subsequent years showing improved operational cash flow as the client base expands and revenues increase. Key considerations include the timing of revenue receipts, operational expense payments, and capital investments in growth initiatives.

Balance Sheet Projection

The balance sheet projection for John Doe Personal Trainer reflects the accumulation of assets, including initial investments in equipment and technology, and the growth of owner’s equity as retained earnings increase. Liabilities are expected to remain relatively low, with careful management of any debt financing and operational payables.

Break-Even Analysis

The break-even analysis indicates that John Doe Personal Trainer will reach its break-even point within the first two years of operation. This calculation is based on fixed expenses, including rent, utilities, and initial equipment costs, versus the variable expenses associated with service delivery. Achieving this milestone will be a key indicator of our business’s financial viability and operational efficiency.

Financial Assumptions and Considerations

Key financial assumptions underpinning these projections include steady market growth for personal training services, the successful execution of our marketing strategy resulting in client base expansion, and the effective management of operational expenses. Considerations include the potential impact of economic fluctuations on discretionary consumer spending and the pace at which new services can be introduced and scaled.

In conclusion, John Doe Personal Trainer’s financial projections reflect a cautiously optimistic outlook, grounded in realistic assumptions about market conditions, operational efficiencies, and the company’s growth strategy. This foundation positions us favorably for achieving our financial goals and providing a promising investment opportunity for potential stakeholders.

product name12345
Personalized Fitness Programs48,000 USD60,000 USD80,000 USD100,000 USD120,000 USD
Nutritional Guidance24,000 USD30,000 USD40,000 USD50,000 USD60,000 USD
One-on-One Training Sessions48,000 USD60,000 USD80,000 USD100,000 USD120,000 USD

Profit and Loss Forecast

Revenue120,000 USD150,000 USD200,000 USD250,000 USD300,000 USD
COGS36,000 USD45,000 USD60,000 USD75,000 USD90,000 USD
Gross Profit84,000 USD105,000 USD140,000 USD175,000 USD210,000 USD
Operating Expenses54,000 USD60,000 USD70,000 USD75,000 USD80,000 USD
Net Profit30,000 USD45,000 USD70,000 USD100,000 USD130,000 USD

Cash flow Forecast

Beginning Cash20,000 USD50,000 USD95,000 USD165,000 USD265,000 USD
Cash Inflows120,000 USD150,000 USD200,000 USD250,000 USD300,000 USD
Cash Outflows90,000 USD105,000 USD130,000 USD150,000 USD170,000 USD
Ending Cash50,000 USD95,000 USD165,000 USD265,000 USD395,000 USD

Balance Sheet

Assets70,000 USD145,000 USD230,000 USD340,000 USD470,000 USD
Liabilities20,000 USD20,000 USD25,000 USD25,000 USD30,000 USD
Equity50,000 USD125,000 USD205,000 USD315,000 USD440,000 USD

Personal trainer business plan: Financial Projections

The Risk Analysis section addresses the potential risks faced by John Doe Personal Trainer across various aspects of the business, including market, operational, financial, and legal realms. Understanding and preparing for these risks is crucial for sustaining growth, protecting assets, and ensuring the long-term viability of the business. This section outlines identified risks, mitigation strategies, contingency plans, and relevant insurance and legal considerations.

Identification of Potential Risks

Market Risks: The personal training industry is highly competitive and subject to trends in health and fitness that can rapidly change consumer behavior. Additionally, economic downturns may impact discretionary spending on personal training services.

Operational Risks: Dependence on a single location and a limited number of trainers, including the owner, poses operational risks related to capacity, service quality, and business continuity in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Financial Risks: Initial capital expenditure on equipment and premises, along with ongoing operational expenses, exposes the business to financial risk, particularly in the early stages of growth. Cash flow challenges may also arise from fluctuations in client retention rates.

Legal Risks: The business faces legal risks stemming from potential client injuries during training sessions, employment law compliance for hiring practices, and the protection of intellectual property such as branded content and training materials.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Market Risks Mitigation: Diversification of service offerings, including online training and corporate wellness programs, will reduce dependency on local market conditions. A solid marketing strategy that emphasizes brand differentiation and value proposition will also help in adapting to changing consumer preferences and economic conditions.

Operational Risks Mitigation: Implementing standard operating procedures for all training and administrative tasks will ensure consistency in service delivery. Investing in staff training and development will increase capacity and reduce dependency on any single team member. Additionally, establishing a business continuity plan, including backup trainers and emergency protocols, will help mitigate disruptions.

Financial Risks Mitigation: Careful financial planning with conservative revenue projections and a focus on cost management will minimize financial risk. Establishing a cash reserve to cover unexpected expenses and fluctuations in cash flow will provide financial stability. Diversifying revenue streams through the introduction of new services will also spread financial risks.

Legal Risks Mitigation: Maintaining comprehensive liability insurance will protect against claims related to client injuries. Implementing rigorous safety and training protocols minimizes the likelihood of such events. Regular legal reviews of employment practices and client contracts will ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Registering trademarks and copyrighting unique training materials will protect intellectual property.

Contingency Plans

In the event of significant operational disruption, a contingency plan will be activated, focusing on remote training options to maintain client engagement. Financial contingencies include lines of credit to manage short-term cash flow shortages. A crisis management team will be formed to handle any emergent issues, ensuring swift and effective response strategies.

Insurance and Legal Considerations

John Doe Personal Trainer will maintain insurance policies covering general liability, professional liability, and property damage, ensuring comprehensive protection against potential claims. Employment practices liability insurance will also be considered as the team grows. Legally, the business will adhere to all local and federal regulations, with periodic audits conducted to ensure ongoing compliance. Legal counsel will be engaged to oversee contractual agreements, employment practices, and the protection of proprietary information.

In conclusion, by identifying potential risks and implementing robust mitigation and contingency strategies, John Doe Personal Trainer aims to navigate challenges effectively. This proactive stance on risk management not only safeguards the business but also positions it for sustainable growth and success.

Personal trainer business plan: Risk Analysis

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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, How to Write a Business Plan for Personal Trainers

How to Write a Business Plan for Personal Trainers

Reading Time: 5 minutes 57 seconds

DATE: 2020-11-04

Many fitness professionals operate without a business plan. This is partly because writing this type of plan takes time. And in the fitness industry, if you aren't in the gym training clients, you aren't getting paid. This may lead you to operate your personal training business without a plan as well. But is that really a good idea?

Do You Need a Business Plan as a Personal Trainer?

If you provide personal training services as a hobby, you can probably get by without a business plan. You're not reliant on the success of your side venture, so creating a detailed plan as to how it will operate isn't as necessary. Conversely, if you want to make a career out of personal training, there are many benefits to sitting down and writing out a business plan.

For instance, if you want to become a gym owner, it could cost you anywhere from $65,000 for a modest gym up to $1 million if you want a gym loaded with every amenity possible. Where will you get the capital to build your gym? If your answer is "from investors," you will need a business plan to convince them that your gym business is worth the investment.

Or maybe you want to build and grow an online personal training business. Creating a business plan helps you become crystal clear on what your virtual company needs in order to operate smoothly. It provides a detailed budget, marketing plan, and a thorough look at your competition. All of this will help you position your online personal training company for maximum success.

Other benefits of writing a personal training business plan include:

A clearer understanding of what the future looks like for your fitness business, and how to get there

A list of all the people needed to build and grow your training business, such as other trainers, legal counsel, business insurance providers, and other business partners

A plan for how you will monitor your business's success, ensuring that you continue to progress forward

Realizing how to stand out from your competition , making your training services more in demand

Understanding Your Business Plan Options

There are two basic business plan formats. They are a traditional business plan and a lean startup business plan .

What's the Difference?

A traditional business plan is more comprehensive. That makes this a good option for a personal trainer who thrives on detail. It's also helpful if you're a new business owner and want to ensure that you've addressed all issues when building and growing your company.

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, How to Write a Business Plan for Personal Trainers

Traditional Business Plan

The nine sections in a traditional business plan are:

Executive summary . This is where you state your mission statement and provide basic information about your personal trainer business. It is essentially an overview of what your business looks like.

Business description . In this section, you'll give more detail about your training business. You will explain the problems you solve as a personal fitness trainer. Depending on your specialty, this could be helping clients with weight loss, improving senior fitness , or designing fitness programs for youth.

Market analysis . How does your personal training business compare to others in the field? What does it take to become a successful personal trainer? What must you do to appeal to a new client?

Business structure . This section explains both the legal structure of your training business and the structure of your company internally. You must decide whether you're going solo or if you want to hire employees.

Service and product offerings . Typically, a personal trainer business provides a service. But maybe you want to offer your clients products as well. In this section, you will share your plan for what these services and products look like.

Marketing strategy . Here you will explain how you plan to find and appeal to a potential client. Will you buy social media ads or send out mailers? You'll also include what you'll do to retain your clients long term.

Funding needs . If you need capital to start your personal training business, this is where you'll outline this information. Provide the costs related to building or growing your gym or fitness studio. Be specific about how much money you need, as well as where you plan to spend it.

Financial projections . What is your financial plan for the next five years? Don't forget to consider your reoccurring cash flow needs, such as utilities and gym equipment maintenance.

Appendix . This final section includes any supporting documentation for your personal trainer business plan. If you're seeking funding, you might include a credit report and project price quotes. Other items to consider include building permits, a copy of your personal trainer certification , and vendor contracts. If you've been acting as a personal trainer already, provide your past financial statements as proof of your business's financial health.

Lean Startup Business Plan

Because a traditional business plan is so lengthy, some fitness professionals opt for a shorter, less comprehensive plan. This is where the lean startup format comes into play. Creating a lean plan is often enough for someone who wants to provide personal training services solo. This type of plan also enables you to begin providing personal training services fairly quickly.

Like with a traditional plan, the lean format also has nine basic components. The difference is that they can be outlined more briefly. In some cases, you may be able to get by with a bullet list of that section's information. These nine components are:

Key partnerships. The suppliers or vendors you will be working with as you build and grow your fitness business.

Key activities. The actions you will take to bring in new clients; your personal trainer marketing plan.

Key resources. Your business assets, whether financial or people-related, like having staff.

Value proposition. The things that set your business part; how you are unique.

Customer relationships. How you plan to communicate with your clients. What your customer service looks like.

Your ideal client. Identify your target market. Do you want to provide fitness advice to people who've had a stroke ? Would you rather work with young athletes who play a particular sport?

Communication channels. What methods will you use to connect with your client base? Social media? Email marketing ? Some other method?

Costs. List the costs associated with creating a successful training business. When providing training services, will you offer any discounted pricing? Conversely, what are some ways you can increase your value to your target audience?

Revenue streams. How do you plan to make money? Solely by providing personal training services or by selling products too? You can also share your pricing strategy here.

Filling out these sections does require that you take some time, but it is often quicker than providing the detail necessary to complete a traditional business plan.

Creating a solid personal trainer business plan can help you build a strong, profitable business. To make this plan more effective, you must get crystal clear on what you want your training business to look like.

If you're unsure, take a few moments to close your eyes and imagine your business when it is up and running. How big is it? How many personal training clients does it have? How does it help them improve their fitness? What are you doing to run the business? Do you have staff? If so, how many? The more you can envision your goal business, the easier it is to create a personal training business plan that supports this vision.

Even though you now know all of the elements of a good gym business plan, it sometimes helps to work off an outline. Many online sites provide an easy-to-use business plan template. All you have to do is download it, input the requested information, and you're good to go.

Review Your Personal Training Business Plan Regularly

A fitness business plan isn't something you write up and file away never to look at again. Reviewing it regularly helps you identify if you need to strengthen certain aspects of your training business to reach higher levels of success.

Taking the time to write and review your business plan also helps you get and stay on your desired path. It provides guidance as you build and grow your personal training business.

Another way to take your business to the next level is to obtain additional certifications. For instance, the ISSA offers Certified Gute Specialist certification , Corrective Exercise certification , and Bodybuilding certification . Gaining more credentials tells potential customers that you have the education necessary to help them achieve their fitness goal!

Featured Course

ISSA | Glute Specialist

The ISSA Glute Training Specialist Course teaches trainers the science behind building better glutes and how to focus on these muscle groups to give clients the best results. You'll learn how to unlock the hips, create better programming, and deliver envious results. You'll master the art of developing a superior posterior and be the go-to glute expert!

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How to Make a Personal Trainer Business Plan

personal trainers high-fiving

Personal training can be one of the most rewarding careers an individual can pursue. You get to connect with people on a meaningful level, you positively impact their lives, and you can work in a field that you are passionate about.

However, one of the biggest difficulties that derail many careers is the inability to turn a job as a personal trainer into a financially successful career.

One important skill that personal trainers should develop is the ability to develop a business plan that allows the personal trainer to set up and run a financially successful business.

How Do You Write a Personal Training Business Plan?

A business plan is a blueprint for how to take an idea about a potential business and turn it into something real. It is often a formal document that includes the goals of a business, the methods for attaining those goals, and timelines for when those goals may be achieved.

In the context of personal training, a business plan may be focused on developing a successful gym or personal training studio, or it may be focused on building a successful private online coaching practice .

One of the best places to begin with writing a personal training business plan is to ask and answer the following four questions:

1. Who are your clients going to be?

2. What are your services going to be and how are you going to deliver them?

3. What is it going to cost to run your business?

4. How are you going to make money?

Who are your clients going to be?

One of the best places to begin is trying to define who your clients are going to be as this is often one of the biggest differentiators. For example, if you are going to try and work with professional athletes your business model is going to look very different than if you are going to try and work with senior citizens. Why would they differ? Well, consider the following:

1. Professional athletes all live in major cities.

2. Professional athletes travel a lot and will require more remote work.

3. Professional athletes are a much smaller population so scaling the business may not be viable.

4. Working with professional athletes will require a lot more equipment.

These are just a few examples but identifying your core market is the most critical first step.

What services are you providing and how are you going to deliver your services?

Once you have identified your core audience and who your clients are going to be, the next question to answer is what services are you providing and how are you going to deliver your services? Are you going to do 1-on-1 private session personal training? Are you going to do group fitness ? Are you going to do small group fitness? Are you going to follow a specific training method (e.g., Zumba, CrossFit, Barre Method, Yoga)? Answering this question will help you define the overall scope of what your business is going to provide and help you define whether you need a physical space, how big of a space you might need, what equipment will be required, and if you will need to obtain a franchise or license to operate under a specific training model. Alternatively, depending on your scope of work and practice you may be able to run your business fully online.

What is it going to cost to run your business?

Before you start to think about how much money you are going to make, you need to understand exactly what it is going to cost to even run the business. All businesses cost money to run, but some business models require more capital than others. Developing a good understanding of your operating expenses is critical to developing a successful business plan. Here are some of the major expenses you may need to think about and include in your business.

Rent is often the largest expense for any personal training business. If you are running a small private 1-on-1 studio or have a small office for private consulting you may have a small footprint and keep rent relatively low. Alternatively, you may be looking to start a large gym that teaches big group classes and requires several thousand square feet of space which can be quite expensive. It is important to not overpay for rent as it will generally be your most expensive line item.

The equipment required to run your business will also vary substantially based on your core business model. If you are looking to open a yoga and Pilates studio you may need to spend your initial capital on yoga mats, blocks, and straps and replace them every 12-18 months. The initial expense here may be minimal. Conversely, if you are looking to open a large gym that teaches group classes following CrossFit or Olympic Weightlifting, you will likely need to invest tens of thousands of dollars to outfit your facility so you can even run your classes effectively.

NASM has a course on home gym design that can provide a lot of insight on this aspect of personal training. 

Utilities also need to be included in your business plan as you will have to heat and/or cool the facility if you choose an in-person business model, as well as provide water/plumbing, have the internet to run your business systems, and other miscellaneous utilities.

Operating the business will also include expenses. What software will you use to manage your client's information and billing? How will you run payroll if you have more than yourself as an employee? What will it cost you to clean and maintain the facility? Each business model will have different operating expenses, but they need to be thought through very carefully, as unexpected operating expenses can turn a profitable business into a financial nightmare quickly.

Insurance is a non-negotiable for any thoughtful business owner, especially in the personal training profession. Accidents happen and insurance will save your business when they happen.

Marketing will be the lifeblood of driving new clients through your doors. Without marketing your business your business will not grow. There are many different avenues to market, but they will all require money. Whether you use signs, social media ads, t-shirts, flyers, email marketing, websites, etc., it is incredibly important to include marketing in your business plan.

See How to Get Personal Training Clients for more. 

How are you going to make money?

Once you have fully thought through your business and what it is going to take to run that business, it is time to start thinking about how you are going to make money. There are a lot of different ways to go about generating revenue. Here are a few examples of how you can sell services and products to clients in various types of business models.

1. Sell subscriptions: whether you are looking to open a big box gym or a private studio, you can sell monthly subscriptions to clients.

2. Sell packages: this may look like selling year-long memberships or personal training packages.

3. Sell physical products: this may look like selling branded apparel, supplements, or workout aids (e.g., belts, straps, chalk)

4. Sell educational products: this may look like selling additional courses, seminars, or workshops to your client base.

It is also important to think about how you are going to price your services and how you present that pricing to your potential clients. Are you focusing on total client volume and a low-cost option? Are you focusing on a high-value, intensive training option that is a higher-cost option? Make sure you fully think through your pricing structures and how that might affect your ability to generate revenue.

Why Do You Need a Business Plan as a PT?

Now that we have worked through the core pieces of a business plan it should become apparent as to why you need a business plan as a Personal Trainer. Running a business has a lot of complexes moving pieces and the best way to be successful is to have a goal, a plan to reach that goal, and the actionable steps to help you get to that goal. A business plan lays out all of those components. While a business plan does not guarantee that your business will be successful, it does greatly increase the odds!

What is a Lean Business Plan?

A lean business plan can be thought of in three main ways:

1. A business plan that focuses only on the most important things (e.g., focus on improving the core services instead of spending valuable resources finding the perfect logo).

2. A business plan that minimizes unnecessary overhead (e.g., do you need a 6,000 sq foot state-of-the-art facility or does a 1,500 sq foot warehouse suffice).

3. A business plan that can be easily adapted as you grow and learn as a business owner.

Ideally, your lean business plan incorporates all three aspects.

Fitness Marketing Tips for Flourishing

Marketing is a necessity for all businesses; if potential clients do not know you are there, how can you expect them to become clients? There are a million different ways to market, and each business will need different tools and messages but there are a few core concepts that hold across almost all businesses. The first is to market to where your potential clients are. If you are targeting older, wealthier individuals for private 1-on-1 training sessions, spending your time, energy, and money on TikTok or SnapChat ads is probably not going to be effective. Conversely, if you are targeting high-school athletes for basketball fitness training, that might be the perfect place to reach your audience. The second is you must have a compelling offer. If your offer (product or service) does not resonate with people then you will have a difficult time marketing, as people will not find your services interesting enough to investigate it in more detail. The third is you must sell. Marketing is about raising awareness and educating your potential client, but you must actively sell to your potential clients. That is why one of the most common lines in sales and marketing is "ABC"... Always Be Closing.

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Reasons why you should become a wellness coach, brad dieter.

Brad is a trained Exercise Physiologist, Molecular Biologist, and Biostatistician. He received his B.A. from Washington State University and a Masters of Science in Biomechanics at the University of Idaho, and completed his PhD at the University of Idaho. He completed his post-doctoral fellowship in translational science at Providence Medical Research Center, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children’s Hospital where he studied how metabolism and inflammation regulate molecular mechanisms disease and was involved in discovering novel therapeutics for diabetic complications. Currently, Dr. Dieter is the Chief Scientific Advisor at Outplay Inc and Harness Biotechnologies, is co-owner of Macros Inc and is active in health technology and biotechnology. In addition, he is passionate about scientific outreach and educating the public through his role on Scientific Advisory Boards and regular writing on health, nutrition, and supplementation. Want to learn more in Brad's areas of expertise? Check out his NASM product recommendations.

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Personal Training Business Plan Example

Published Jun.11, 2021

Updated Apr.23, 2024

By: Jakub Babkins

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personal training business plan template

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Personal trainer business plan for starting your own business

Starting your own business is the only shot you have at financial freedom. If you want a good lifestyle, no job can make that possible for you. Investment is one of the biggest hurdles in starting your own business and that’s why we have brought this business plan for a personal trainer that can be started with relatively low starting capital.

If you are interested in knowing how to open a personal training business, the most important thing that you need to make is a strategic business plan for your personal trainers business plan . This is the thing that will make your business a success. Most of the things that we will discuss here are also true for a yoga studio business plan . Let’s see what it takes to start and establish a personal trainer business.

 Personal Trainers Business Plan Summary

2.1 the business.

Bruce Personal Fitness will be a licensed and bonded personal trainer provider company based in Chicago, Ohio. Bruce Jackson is starting a personal training business plan because he is an experienced personal trainer looking to start a business rather than doing a job.

2.2 Management of Personal Training

One of the most important things to consider when you want to make a personal trainers   business plan for bank to get a loan for the business is to have a management plan for the venture. This is important because if you go to any bank to get the financing, the first thing they’ll ask you is how to set up a personal training business and having a proper reply for that is what you need to successfully secure the loan.

Bruce will manage the business himself but will hire a manager to look after the daily things while he himself focuses on other important things of the business, like finding clients and providing the right fitness and personal trainer to the right client.

2.3 Customers of Personal Training

The next thing you need to know if you want to learn how to start a personal training business is the customers that you will be providing the services to. Unlike a dance studio business plan where all the customers are of the same category, the personal trainer business will have a diverse range of customers.

The customers of our will be:

  • People looking to get in shape.
  • People recovering from physical trauma.
  • Schools that need a personal trainer for their students.
  • Organizations looking for personal trainers for their employees.

2.4 Business Target

Our targets are:

  • To maintain a customer satisfaction rate of more than 95%.
  • To provide personal trainer services of the highest quality to all people.
  • To make permanent clients from the education and corporate sector.
  • To become the leading personal trainer provider in the US.

Personal Training Business Plan Example - 3 Years Profit Forecast

 Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

Bruce Jackson will be the owner and CEO of the company. He has decided to start this business after going through a lot of personal trainers’ business plan examples. He has a lot of experience and contacts in the field owing to his many years of work in this industry.

3.2 Why the Personal Trainer Business is being started?

Brusce is starting a personal training business because he has seen the need for one in the area. There is a serious demand of personal trainers in Chicago and there’s hardly any good service provider in the area. This, coupled with the fact that Bruce is a very experienced man of the field, makes it the right choice to start this business.

3.3 How the Personal Trainer Business will be started?

Step1: Making a Detailed Personal Training Studio Business Plan

The first and the most important part of any sample business plan for personal trainer is planning. This is the phase where the strategy for the business will be made and a strategy for realizing the goals and targets of the business will be decided. Bruce will hire a professional personal trainers business plan to make the plan that will guide the business to success.

Step2: Branding

The people who look for a personal trainer are mostly the ones who are brand conscious and want to get all their services and products from established brands. Substantial time and effort and a sizable budget will be invested in making a brand for the business.

Step3: Establish and Office and a Website

After the plan for the business is complete and the brand has been made, the next step will be to actually establish the business. For this, we will outfit an office to serve as the headquarter and will launch a website so that people can reach out to the business online.

Step4: Marketing

Promotion and marketing are also very important in establishing any business and all methods will be used to make out brand and business known to anyone who can be a customer in the future. We need enough marketing power to make sure that whenever someone mentions a personal trainer, Bruce Personal Fitness is the thing that comes to mind.

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Startup Cost

Research and Development$28,000
Expensed Equipment$51,000
Start-up Assets$320,000
Cash Required$360,000
Start-up Inventory$55,000
Other Current Assets$230,000
Long-term Assets$243,000
Start-up Expenses to Fund$387,000
Start-up Assets to Fund$1,208,000
Non-cash Assets from Start-up$1,583,000
Cash Requirements from Start-up$377,000
Additional Cash Raised$60,000
Cash Balance on Starting Date$36,000
Liabilities and Capital 
Current Borrowing$0
Long-term Liabilities$0
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)$50,000
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)$0
Planned Investment$1,595,000
Investor 1$0
Investor 2$0
Additional Investment Requirement$0
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)$381,000

Services of Personal Trainer Business

No personal trainer business plan template can be complete without discussing the services that the business will be providing. It is cardinally important to have a clear detail of the services to be provided in order to make a personal trainer studio business plan to be a successful one.

Another thing to note is that the personal trainer field is a very complicated and diverse one and we need to target the correct services, the ones that can bring us the most business.

Here are the main services that Bruce Personal Fitness will be providing.

  • Body Transformations Training

This will be the main service provided by Bruce Personal Fitness because this is the main purpose for which people want a personal trainer.

  • Physical Stamina Improvement Training

Doing too much exercise is not always the best way to increase stamina. We will provide personal trainers that can help people increase their body’s stamina and performance by smart work rather than hard work.

  • Psychological Stamina Improvement Training

Another service that we will be providing will be that of psychological stamina improvement. This will be for the people who lack willpower and emotional stability, and their lives suffer because of this.

  • Motivational Lectures

The job of personal trainers goes beyond physical or psychological realms. Sometimes, the client needs something more than that and that’s where having a motivational speaker comes in. We’ll provide these services for individuals as well as institutions.

 Marketing Analysis of a Business Consulting Company

Great service.

Great service. Good turnaround time and quality work. Thanks!

The next thing that you must do in order to know how to write a personal trainer business plan is how to do the marketing analysis for the business. This is the part where you factor in all the market variables from the investment to market forces and from competitor research to market trends to help make the business successful. This step is every bit as important here as it is in a climbing gym business plan .

5.1 Market Trends

You need to have knowledge of the market trends before starting a personal training business if you do not want it to flop. Observation and market insight tells us the trend of hiring personal trainers is on the rise and more and more people want these services. This means that if we are opening a personal training business right now, it will be a success by all means.

5.2 Marketing Segmentation

Marketing segmentation is the next important thing in this business plan template for personal trainer. We need to know what the market we are going to serve is made up of so that we can direct the right resources the right way.

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Marketing Segmentation

UK Start-Up Visa Business Plan

5.2.1 individual fitness clients.

These will be the people who want to get into shape but lack the motivation for it. Personal trainers will be provided to them to help them achieve their body shape and weight goals.

5.2.2 Individual Medical Clients

The people who are recovering from a physical trauma and need assistance will also be out customers. We will provide all types of services for them.

5.2.3 Schools & Organizations

Schools and corporate organizations that need a personal trainer for their students/employees will also be a pretty large market segment for us.

Potential CustomersGrowth
Individual Fitness Clients52%54,00055,00056,00057,00058,00010.00%
Individual Medical Clients28%31,00032,00033,00034,00036,00010.00%
Schools & Organizations20%18,00020,00022,00024,00026,00011.00%

5.3 Business Target

Our business targets are:

  • To get as many permanent customers as we can.
  • To make Bruce Personal Fitness a well-known and reputable brand in the market.
  • To provide impeccable services to our customers.

5.4 Product Pricing

We will price our services slightly above the market average. This is a good strategy because the competition is not up to the mark with what we are going to make and we can attract customers even if we charge more than them.

 Marketing Strategy of Business Consulting Business

A mistake that most personal trainer business startups make is that of adopting a marketing approach that is mean for a fitness center business plan . You need to know that the marketing ideas for personal trainers and personal training marketing strategies are entirely different.

6.1 Competitive Analysis

Bruce Personal Fitness is expected to have ethe following competitive advantages over the competition:

  • There is not good quality personal trainer services provider in the area and there is a very good opportunity on that front.
  • The companies providing these services in the area are not Chicago-based which makes it expensive for them to operate and they end up charging way more than what their services are worth.
  • We have a team of extremely experienced and skilled personal trainers.

6.2 Sales Strategy

  • We’ll take some famous athletes onboard to endorse our services.
  • We’ll promote and market our services through all possible advertisement channels.
  • We’ll offer discounts to people in the first 3 months.

6.3 Sales Monthly

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Sales Monthly

6.4 Sales Yearly

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Profit Yearly y

6.5 Sales Forecast

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Unit Sales

Unit Sales
Body Transformations Training50,00053,00056,180
Physical Stamina Improvement Training60,00063,60067,416
Psychological Stamina Improvement Training56,00059,36062,922
Motivational Lectures49,00051,94055,056
Unit PricesYear 1Year 2Year 3
Body Transformations Training$50.00$58.00$67.28
Physical Stamina Improvement Training$46.00$53.36$61.90
Psychological Stamina Improvement Training$43.00$49.88$57.86
Motivational Lectures$38.00$44.08$51.13
Direct Unit CostsYear 1Year 2Year 3
Body Transformations Training$48.00$56.00$64.00
Physical Stamina Improvement Training$44.00$51.00$59.00
Psychological Stamina Improvement Training$41.00$47.00$54.00
Motivational Lectures$37.00$42.00$49.00
Direct Cost of Sales   

Personnel plan

Just like a martial arts business plan , this business needs a lot of skilled people to run. As the services are to be provided by trainers, the bulk of our workers need to be experienced personal trainers business plan . When you write a business plan personal training, you need to make a complete personnel plan.

7.1 Company Staff

Bruce will be the CEO of the company. He will hire the following people to effectively run the company.

  • 1 Manager to look after the operations of the business.
  • 5 Personal fitness trainers.
  • 3 Medical recovery trainers.
  • 1 Accountant.
  • 1 Receptionist.

7.2 Average Salary of Employees

Operations Manager$14,000$15,400$16,940
Personal Fitness Trainers$55,000$60,500$66,550
Medical Recovery Trainers$30,000$33,000$36,300

Financial Plan

Even though unlike a trampoline park business plan , this business does not need substantial investment, we still need to figure out the costs involved in establishing and running this business.

Here’s a simplified financial plan for personal trainers business plan . Let’s see what are the expenses for which you need to have money before you can start the business.

  • Cost of getting the business licensed.
  • Cost of establishing the office.
  • Cost of making a website.
  • Brand logo designing costs.
  • Salaries of the employees.
  • Marketing and advertisement cost.

8.1 Important Assumptions

Plan Month123
Current Interest Rate8.07%8.11%8.27%
Long-term Interest Rate8.30%8.40%8.49%
Tax Rate23.85%24.60%25.80%

8.2 Break-even Analysis

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Break-even Analysis

Monthly Units Break-even5345
Monthly Revenue Break-even$132,400
Average Per-Unit Revenue$235.00
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost$0.65
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost$162,100

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses$127,000$130,000$131,000
Leased Equipment$0$0$0
Payroll Taxes$31,000$32,000$33,000
Profit Before Interest and Taxes$96,100$234,348$424,207
Interest Expense$0$0$0
Taxes Incurred$19,220$46,870$84,841
Net Profit$76,880$187,478$339,366
Net Profit/Sales0.81%1.60%2.36%

8.3.1 Profit Monthly

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Profit Monthly

8.3.2 Profit Yearly

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Profit Yearly

8.3.3 Gross Margin Monthly

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Gross Margin Monthly

8.3.4 Gross Margin Yearly

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Gross Margin Yearly

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

Personal Training Business Plan Example - Projected Cash Flow

Cash Received
Cash from Operations   
Cash Sales$55,000$59,400$64,152
Cash from Receivables$13,000$14,040$15,163
Additional Cash Received   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received$0$0$0
New Current Borrowing$0$0$0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free)$0$0$0
New Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Sales of Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Sales of Long-term Assets$0$0$0
New Investment Received$0$0$0
ExpendituresYear 1Year 2Year 3
Expenditures from Operations   
Cash Spending$37,000$39,000$41,000
Bill Payments$24,000$27,000$29,000
Additional Cash Spent   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out$0$0$0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Purchase Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Purchase Long-term Assets$0$0$0
Net Cash Flow$16,000$17,000$19,000
Cash Balance$27,000$28,400$30,020

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

Current Assets   
Accounts Receivable$25,000$28,000$31,472
Other Current Assets$1,000$1,000$1,000
Long-term Assets   
Long-term Assets$10,000$10,000$10,000
Accumulated Depreciation$19,000$21,280$23,940
Liabilities and CapitalYear 4Year 5Year 6
Current Liabilities   
Accounts Payable$19,500$21,840$24,548
Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Current Liabilities$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Paid-in Capital$32,000$32,000$33,000
Retained Earnings$56,000$61,040$67,144
Net Worth$283,000$308,470$339,317

8.6 Business Ratios

Sales Growth7.04%7.80%8.64%3.00%
Percent of Total Assets    
Accounts Receivable9.20%10.19%11.29%9.80%
Other Current Assets2.10%2.33%2.58%2.40%
Total Current Assets150.00%151.00%152.00%158.00%
Long-term Assets11.87%11.90%11.93%12.00%
Current Liabilities4.55%4.59%4.63%4.34%
Long-term Liabilities0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%
Total Liabilities7.44%7.50%7.57%7.38%
Percent of Sales    
Gross Margin94.66%97.22%99.94%99.00%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses93.99%96.53%99.23%97.80%
Advertising Expenses1.64%1.68%1.73%1.40%
Profit Before Interest and Taxes41.00%42.11%43.29%33.90%
Main Ratios    
Total Debt to Total Assets0.22%0.19%0.18%0.40%
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth74.88%75.64%76.69%75.00%
Pre-tax Return on Assets93.84%98.53%103.46%111.30%
Additional RatiosYear 1Year 2Year 3 
Net Profit Margin32.66%33.67%34.72%N.A.
Return on Equity56.00%57.74%59.53%N.A.
Activity Ratios    
Accounts Receivable Turnover7.77.87.9N.A.
Collection Days100100100N.A.
Inventory Turnover3233.634.01N.A.
Accounts Payable Turnover16.316.416.54N.A.
Payment Days272727N.A.
Total Asset Turnover2.42.52.6N.A.
Debt Ratios    
Debt to Net Worth-0.03-0.03-0.04N.A.
Current Liab. to Liab.111N.A.
Liquidity Ratios    
Net Working Capital$245,000$258,720$273,208N.A.
Interest Coverage000N.A.
Additional Ratios    
Assets to Sales0.810.850.9N.A.
Current Debt/Total Assets1%0%0%N.A.
Acid Test27.928.429.4N.A.
Sales/Net Worth2.12.12.2N.A.
Dividend Payout000N.A.

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  1. How To Write A Personal Training Business Plan (+Bonus Templates)

    example of business plan for personal trainer

  2. Personal Trainer Business Plan

    example of business plan for personal trainer

  3. Personal Training Business Plan Template Free

    example of business plan for personal trainer

  4. Personal Trainer Marketing Plan With Examples & PDF Templates

    example of business plan for personal trainer

  5. Personal Trainer Business Plan Template Free

    example of business plan for personal trainer

  6. Personal Business Plan Template

    example of business plan for personal trainer


  1. How to Start a Personal Training and Fitness Career


  3. Ryan Lee & John Spencer Ellis: How the Top 2% of Fitness & Coaching Experts Think Differently


  5. How to Start a Personal Training Business with No Money

  6. Prepare Business Plan || Class 12 Business Studies in Nepali || Step by Step || Format || Example


  1. Personal Trainer Business Plan

    1. Sets clear goals and objectives. Preparing a business plan helps you define your personal training business concept and set specific, measurable goals. This will provide clear direction and allow you to stay focused on what's important for your business growth. 2. Attracts investors and secures funding.

  2. Personal Training Business Plan With Examples & Templates

    Templates & examples. Downloadable PDF checklist. We're a team of qualified personal trainers and fitness coaches with 15+ years of industry experience, so we know first-hand what works (and what doesn't!). We've trained other fitness professionals in sales, marketing, and business growth, so our strategies are tried and tested.

  3. Personal Trainer Business Plan: Tips, Samples & Examples

    Step 1: Write Your Personal Trainer Business Plan Summary. Step 2: Detail Your Qualifications on Your PT Business Plan. Step 3: Pinpoint What You Sell When Writing a Personal Trainer Business Plan. Step 4: Perform a SWOT Analysis as Part of Your Personal Training Business Plan. Step 5: Outline Your Marketing Strategies in Your PT Business Plan.

  4. Personal Training Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

    Promotions: The final part of your personal training marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location (s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider: Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines. Reach out to websites. Distribute flyers.

  5. Personal Trainer Business Plan

    Free download. Use this personal trainer business plan as your template to create the best personal fitness facility in town that's also a thriving, profitable fitness business! This personal trainer business plan includes market analysis, strategy, more. Download this Personal Trainer Business Plan free for easy editing in Google Docs ...

  6. Personal trainer business plan template

    The management team section of your business plan is where you will discuss any team members or staff you plan to have when starting a personal training business. Even if you plan to start your business as the only management team member, you can include any plans you have to grow your team in the future or plans to remain a sole trader.

  7. Create a Personal Trainer Business Plan in Six Steps

    To help you get started, I've outlined a personal trainer business plan template with six basic steps: Step 1: Write your mission statement. Step 2: Assess the fitness industry and your competition. Step 3: Map out your revenue streams. Step 4: Plan for operating costs. Step 5: Create your sales and marketing plan.

  8. Personal Training Business Plan Sample (Free)

    Here is a free business plan sample for a personal training business. January 29, 2024. If you're passionate about fitness and eager to start your journey as a personal trainer but are unsure how to launch your business, you've come to the right place. In the following paragraphs, we will present to you a comprehensive sample business plan ...

  9. The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Personal Trainer Business Plan

    Essentially, the business plan acts as a roadmap to the growth and development of your personal training business. Business plans perform four key functions: Secure funding. Plan business growth. Measure performance and track milestones. Plan an exit strategy. Without a convincing business plan, no financier and governmental organization will ...

  10. How to Create a Personal Trainer Business Plan

    9 steps to follow when creating a personal trainer business plan. Now that you know why creating a business plan as a personal trainer is critical, we will take you through the essential steps you need to follow. Step 1. Write your mission statement. Firstly, compose a few sentences explaining what your personal business does and why you do it.

  11. Personal Trainer: get a solid business plan (example)

    A relevant and credible revenue forecast is vital for your business plan to appear solid when reviewed by banks or investors. Our financial plan for a personal training business is designed to be user-friendly, incorporating automatic verifications that assist in identifying and correcting any assumptions.

  12. Eight Steps to the Perfect Personal Trainer Business Plan

    3 Step One: Write Your Executive Summary. 4 Step Two: Analyze the Personal Training Market. 5 Step Three: Perform a Customer Analysis. 6 Step Four: Write Your Sales Plan. 7 Step Five: Write Your Personal Trainer Marketing Plan. 8 Step Six: Write Down How Your Business Will Operate. 9 Step Seven: Your Qualifications.

  13. Master Your Personal Trainer Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to

    In the realm of your personal trainer business plan, think of the executive summary as your workout's warm-up routine. It's where you set the stage, get the blood flowing, and prepare for the main event - the detailed business plan that follows. ... For example, you might find that in your local area, partnering with local gyms is a ...

  14. How To Write A Personal Training Business Plan (+Bonus Templates)

    Provide a detailed breakdown of profit, loss, cash flow, breakeven figures, and capital expenditure required for start-up. Plan for one, three, and 5 years in advance. The initial investment needed to open a personal trainer business is quite low. You may need to obtain a certification which shouldn't cost more than $2,000.

  15. Personal Training Business Plan & Example

    A Personal Training Business Plan is a comprehensive document outlining the strategies, goals, and operational details of establishing and running a successful personal training business. This plan serves as a roadmap for individuals looking to enter the fitness industry as entrepreneurs. It outlines their approach to attracting clients ...

  16. 8 Profitable Personal Training Business Models For 2024 (+ Examples)

    1. Traditional one-on-one personal training. This is probably the type of personal training that you are most familiar with. This simply involves training clients one-on-one in person. This is simple for you and for the clients, and most people are already aware of this model.

  17. Personal trainer business plan template + PDF

    Personal trainer business plan template + PDF. This guide introduces the advanced AI Business Plan Generator template, meticulously designed for entrepreneurs eager to start or expand their personal trainer business ventures. It's important to note that the names and financial forecasts mentioned in this example are solely for illustrative ...

  18. How to Write a Business Plan for Personal Trainers

    Traditional Business Plan. The nine sections in a traditional business plan are: Executive summary. This is where you state your mission statement and provide basic information about your personal trainer business. It is essentially an overview of what your business looks like. Business description.

  19. Personal Training Business Plan [Sample Template]

    This is what it would cost us to start our own standard in-home personal fitness training company in the United States of America; Business incorporating fees in the United States of America will cost - $750. The budget for liability insurance, permits and license will cost - $3,500.

  20. How to Make a Personal Trainer Business Plan

    In the context of personal training, a business plan may be focused on developing a successful gym or personal training studio, or it may be focused on building a successful private online coaching practice. One of the best places to begin with writing a personal training business plan is to ask and answer the following four questions: 1.

  21. PDF Personal Trainer Business Plan Example

    Startup summary. Fitjets. A portion of the capital investment of $50,000 will be utilized to finance a range of expenses incurred prior to the launch of the company as indicated in the table below. Accordingly, approximately $11,500 will be spent on a range of start-up expenses (reflected in the top half of.

  22. Personal Trainer Business Plan

    Personal training is a service business - you offer your time and expertise to the client. Examples of products would be selling supplements from your studio or selling an e-book or workout plan online. You will have a core product/service; the bread and butter of your business - which is probably personal training.

  23. Personal Training Business Plan Example

    Step1: Making a Detailed Personal Training Studio Business Plan. The first and the most important part of any sample business plan for personal trainer is planning. This is the phase where the strategy for the business will be made and a strategy for realizing the goals and targets of the business will be decided.