Altera Quartus II quick-start guide

1. create a new project.

Run Quartus-II Web Edition and select the "File/New Project Wizard..." menu.

Choose a project directory and name....

and click "Next".

Do not add files here...

just click "Next".

Now is the time to choose the FPGA device used by your FPGA board.

altera quartus pin assignment file

No need to go further, click "Finish".

2. Add the top-level file

Select the "File/New" menu and choose "Verilog HDL File"...

then type the following text (as-is, this is case sensitive)

and save under the name "ledblink.v".

3. Synthesize the design

Click on the "Start Analysis & Synthesis" menu.

No error should be reported.

4. Assign the pins

Click on the "Assignments/Pin Planner" menu and at the bottom of the "Pin Planner" window, enter the location for the two pins "LED" and "clk".

altera quartus pin assignment file

Close the "Pin Planner" window.

5. Set the programming properties

Click on the "Assignments/Device" menu and then on "Device and Pin Options"...

altera quartus pin assignment file

and select "As Input tri-stated with weak pull-up" for the unused pins.

6. Generate the FPGA programming file

Click on the "Processing/Start Compilation" menu.


altera quartus pin assignment file

The design is ready to be downloaded into the FPGA.

7. Want to learn more?

Go to Altera's Introduction to the Quartus II Software page.

Working with the FPGA Pin Mapper

The Altium Designer Pin Mapper dialog allows you to create a link between an external pin file (such as one exported from FPGA or Microcontroller (MC) tools) with a schematic component, and then compare the pin signals between those two domains (FPGA and PCB).

As a result of this pin comparison, any changes or updates in the external pin file can be transferred to the schematic, or the pin data from the schematic can be passed back to the pin file. The main purpose for using the Pin Mapper is to obtain additional information about component pins from external tools (particularly FPGA and MC), so this data can used for Pin Swapping in the Configure Pin Swapping dialog. It replaces the need to manually transfer pin data between the two domains.

Currently, the Altium Designer Pin Mapping feature directly supports two FPGA vendors – Altera and  Xilinx. The intention is to expand this vendor list in the future.  Also supported is Altium's own Pin Info file format, which can be used as a FPGA/MC pin description for any third party FPGA tools, or for other types of components.

Process Flow

  • Open the implemented design in Quartus.
  • Select Assignments » Pin Planner .

altera quartus pin assignment file

  • Open the implemented design in Vivado.
  • Select File » Export » Export I/O Ports .

altera quartus pin assignment file

  • The Pin Table where source pin assignment changes can be found and applied to the Schematic component, or back. Use the arrow next to the right of each column header name to sort the column in ascending/descending order. Click the filter icon in the column header to access a drop-down to filter the column contents.
  • The Footprint preview, where the selected pins are highlighted and pins can be displayed by groups using the  Preview mode  drop-down. Choices include  None ,  Bank Number ,  IO Pins , and  Diff Pair Pins . 

altera quartus pin assignment file

Note that the right-click menu for a table entry offers a range of bulk selection options for pin name updates.

Additional Abilities

altera quartus pin assignment file

  • Update All pins in Schematic  - choose to update all pin names in the schematic.
  • Update All pins in Pin File  -  choose to update all pin names in the pin file.
  • Ignore for All pins  - choose to ignore for all pins.
  • Update Selected pins in Schematic  - choose to update selected pin names in the schematic.
  • Update Selected pins in Pin File  - choose to update selected pin names in the pin file.
  • Ignore for Selected pins  - choose to ignore for selected pins.
  • Default for All pins  - choose to use the default for all pins.
  • Default for Selected pins  - choose to use the default for selected pins.
  • If there are pins where different net names are assigned in the Schematic and FPGA sides, then this can be checked in an ERC where they are displayed as violation in the Messages panel (not yet implemented).
  • If you would like to start the workflow with a FPGA pin file from the schematic side, then an Altium Pin Report file can be generated – select the Export button in the Pin Mapper dialog.
  • Currently, only general pin parameters can be copied, however support for more advanced data such as Swap group etc is planned. Swapping must be defined manually at the moment by importing changes from the FPGA pin file data.
  • Since the external pin file is linked to a component, a new component model (Pin Info) is created and shown in the Models list in the Component Properties panel. In the future, this will provide an easy way to add FPGA pin data to a Library component. The panel's Models section also allows the Pin Info to removed or modified.

When a component has model Pin Info, additional pin parameters and options will be available for that component in the Configure Pin Swapping dialog.

altera quartus pin assignment file

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The features available depend on your Altium product access level. If you don’t see a discussed feature in your software, contact Altium Sales  to find out more.

JESD Example design from Quartus - Arria 10 SX Devkit - Stuck at waiting for reset active low

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  1. Pin Assignment with Quartus-Pin Planner

    altera quartus pin assignment file

  2. Electrical

    altera quartus pin assignment file

  3. Altera pin assignment

    altera quartus pin assignment file

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    altera quartus pin assignment file


    altera quartus pin assignment file

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    altera quartus pin assignment file



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  1. 3.3. Importing and Exporting I/O Pin Assignments

    3.3. Importing and Exporting I/O Pin Assignments. The Intel® Quartus® Prime software supports transfer of I/O pin assignments across projects, or for analysis in third-party PCB tools. You can import or export I/O pin assignments in the following ways: Table 23. Importing and Exporting I/O Pin Assignments. Import Assignments.

  2. How to assign different pins in Pin Planner in Quartus?

    \$\begingroup\$ As a start, look in the project's .qsf (Quartus Settings File). That will list the pin physical constraints including pin locations. You can edit and save that directly, following the format of the existing pin location constraints, which should be there from what you show. Then try synthesizing that and let us know. \$\endgroup\$

  3. vhdl

    1 Answer. Sorted by: 8. A) You need to edit the *.qsf file, and add lines similar to the following: set_location_assignment PIN_AP30 -to qdr_q [35] B) While I will sometimes use the pin planner in the early stages of a design, I almost exclusively edit the qsf file directly when modifying pins, adding or removing VHDL files from the design, etc ...

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    set of files that maintain information about your FPGA design. The Quartus II Settings File (.qsf) and Quartus II Project File (.qpf) files are the primary files in a Quartus II project. To compile a design or make pin assignments, you must first create a project. 1. In the Quartus II software, select File > New Project Wizard. The

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    Additionally, you can export assignments to a Comma-Separated Value File (.csv). Specify I/O Constraints in Pin Planner. Intel Quartus Prime Pin Planner allows you to assign design elements to I/O pins. You can also plan and assign IP interface or user nodes not yet defined in the design. 1. Constraining Designs 683492 | 2019.01.10

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    DESL: QSF. DESL: Quartus II settings file with Pin Assignments. The purpose of this menu is to download the .qsf file from the Altera web site. go to the QSF Intel Home Page web page. QSF home page. Select DE1-SoC, scroll to the bottom of the page. Right click QSF, save file to your computer. Import this file into your Quartus program to assign ...

  7. Specify exact pin locations on FPGA

    I haven't worked with Altera, but in Xilinx you could manually specify pin assignments before the compile in the constraints file (.UCF for Xilinx). From what I can tell, you can do the same thing for Altera in the Quartus II .QSF file by using set_location_assignment. See the example .QSF file on page 6 in this Quartus II Handbook.

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    I would like to now program my Cyclone 10 Dev board to perform this simple task, but I need to set up the pin assignments on my qsf file. That being said, I don't know where to find the correct pins and how I would assign them to the inputs and outputs of my module. The model I am using is a 10CL025YU256I7G. fpga. pins. intel-fpga. quartus. Share.

  9. PDF How to Import Pin Assignments

    Note this tutorial uses the file "defaultPinAssignments.qsf". Download it from the ... With a project opened in Quartus importing pin assignments is very simple. Navigate to the toolbar of the Quartus software and locate the "Assignments"menu. Then Select "import Assignments" as shown below. 4 . Electronics and Robotics LLC

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    6 Quartus II Design Software• 2011 • Quartus Integrated Synthesis and the Fitter ... and entity-level assignments in Quartus II software. The Pin Planner allows you to make assignments to individual pins and also groups of pins. ... Project File (.qpf) Quartus II Assignment Editor Quartus II Settings Dialog Box Verilog ...

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    Close the "Pin Planner" window. 5. Set the programming properties. Click on the "Assignments/Device" menu and then on "Device and Pin Options"... and select "As Input tri-stated with weak pull-up" for the unused pins. 6. Generate the FPGA programming file. Click on the "Processing/Start Compilation" menu.

  14. Working with the FPGA Pin Mapper

    Also supported is Altium's own Pin Info file format, which can be used as a FPGA/MC pin description for any third party FPGA tools, or for other types of components. Process Flow. Source Pin data file from FPGA tools For Altera Quartus ® II v13.1: Open the implemented design in Quartus. Select Assignments » Pin Planner.

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