Nature Essay for Students and Children

500+ words nature essay.

Nature is an important and integral part of mankind. It is one of the greatest blessings for human life; however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for numerous poets, writers, artists and more of yesteryears. This remarkable creation inspired them to write poems and stories in the glory of it. They truly valued nature which reflects in their works even today. Essentially, nature is everything we are surrounded by like the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun we soak in, the birds we hear chirping, the moon we gaze at and more. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and consists of both living and non-living things. Therefore, people of the modern age should also learn something from people of yesteryear and start valuing nature before it gets too late.

nature essay

Significance of Nature

Nature has been in existence long before humans and ever since it has taken care of mankind and nourished it forever. In other words, it offers us a protective layer which guards us against all kinds of damages and harms. Survival of mankind without nature is impossible and humans need to understand that.

If nature has the ability to protect us, it is also powerful enough to destroy the entire mankind. Every form of nature, for instance, the plants , animals , rivers, mountains, moon, and more holds equal significance for us. Absence of one element is enough to cause a catastrophe in the functioning of human life.

We fulfill our healthy lifestyle by eating and drinking healthy, which nature gives us. Similarly, it provides us with water and food that enables us to do so. Rainfall and sunshine, the two most important elements to survive are derived from nature itself.

Further, the air we breathe and the wood we use for various purposes are a gift of nature only. But, with technological advancements, people are not paying attention to nature. The need to conserve and balance the natural assets is rising day by day which requires immediate attention.

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Conservation of Nature

In order to conserve nature, we must take drastic steps right away to prevent any further damage. The most important step is to prevent deforestation at all levels. Cutting down of trees has serious consequences in different spheres. It can cause soil erosion easily and also bring a decline in rainfall on a major level.

essay on natural scenery

Polluting ocean water must be strictly prohibited by all industries straightaway as it causes a lot of water shortage. The excessive use of automobiles, AC’s and ovens emit a lot of Chlorofluorocarbons’ which depletes the ozone layer. This, in turn, causes global warming which causes thermal expansion and melting of glaciers.

Therefore, we should avoid personal use of the vehicle when we can, switch to public transport and carpooling. We must invest in solar energy giving a chance for the natural resources to replenish.

In conclusion, nature has a powerful transformative power which is responsible for the functioning of life on earth. It is essential for mankind to flourish so it is our duty to conserve it for our future generations. We must stop the selfish activities and try our best to preserve the natural resources so life can forever be nourished on earth.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [ { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is nature important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Nature is an essential part of our lives. It is important as it helps in the functioning of human life and gives us natural resources to lead a healthy life.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we conserve nature?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “We can take different steps to conserve nature like stopping the cutting down of trees. We must not use automobiles excessively and take public transport instead. Further, we must not pollute our ocean and river water.” } } ] }

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Beauty Of Nature

A couple of short essay examples on beauty of nature.

Table of Contents

Beauty Of Nature Essay Example 1

Nature is a beautiful and awe-inspiring force that surrounds us every day. It is impossible to deny the stunning beauty of nature’s landscapes, the changing seasons, and the sounds and smells that evoke feelings of peace and tranquility. In this essay, I will explore the beauty of nature through its diverse landscapes, changing seasons, and sensory experiences.

The first aspect of nature’s beauty that I will explore is its diverse landscapes. From the vast forests of the Amazon to the towering mountains of the Himalayas, nature presents us with a breathtaking array of landscapes. The oceans and deserts, too, have their unique beauty, with the former offering an endless expanse of water, and the latter providing a stark and arid landscape that is both unforgiving and beautiful. Each of these landscapes offers its unique beauty, and it is impossible not to be amazed by the incredible diversity of nature.

The changing seasons provide another opportunity to witness the beauty of nature. With each season comes new colors and natural phenomena, such as blooming flowers in the spring or fall foliage in the autumn. In the winter, the snow and ice can transform even the most mundane landscapes into a winter wonderland. The summer sunsets and beach landscapes offer a warmth and beauty that is unparalleled. Each season has its unique beauty, and it is impossible not to be moved by the changing colors and natural wonders that each one presents.

Finally, nature’s sounds and smells offer a sensory experience that is unparalleled. The sound of birds singing, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the roar of the ocean waves all evoke feelings of peace and tranquility. The scent of pine trees, the salty sea air, and the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers can transport us to another world, one that is filled with beauty and wonder. Even the sound of rain can be beautiful, with the pitter-patter of raindrops on leaves and the soft thunder in the distance offering a soothing and calming effect.

In conclusion, the beauty of nature is evident in its diverse landscapes, changing seasons, and sensory experiences. From the towering mountains to the vast oceans, from the blooming flowers to the winter snow, nature presents us with a breathtaking array of beauty. The sounds and smells of nature only add to this beauty, evoking feelings of peace and tranquility that are impossible to find elsewhere. It is no wonder that so many people find solace and inspiration in nature, for it is truly a wonder to behold.

Beauty Of Nature Essay Example 2

Nature is an endless source of inspiration for humanity. It is the beauty of nature that keeps us connected to the natural world, and its diversity is something that never fails to amaze us. From stunning sunsets to pristine forests, nature offers us a wealth of landscapes and ecosystems that are both awe-inspiring and calming. In this essay, we will explore the beauty of nature and how it has inspired countless artists, poets, and writers throughout history.

Nature offers us a diverse range of landscapes and ecosystems that are unlike anything else on earth. From towering mountains to vast oceans, the natural world is full of breathtaking scenery that has the power to inspire and awe us. Mountains, for example, are some of the most awe-inspiring natural wonders on earth. With their towering peaks and rugged terrain, they are a testament to the raw power and majesty of nature. The oceans, on the other hand, are vast and mysterious, with an almost infinite depth and complexity that we are only beginning to understand. The diversity of nature is what makes it so beautiful, and it is this diversity that has captured the hearts and minds of so many people throughout history.

The sights and sounds of nature are incredibly calming and soothing. The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle sound of a babbling brook are all examples of the soothing sounds of nature. These sounds have the power to calm us and put us at ease, and they are often used in meditation and other relaxation techniques. The same can be said for the sights of nature. A beautiful sunset or a serene forest can have a calming effect on our minds and bodies, helping us to relax and unwind. The beauty of nature is a powerful antidote to the stresses and strains of modern life.

The beauty of nature has inspired countless artists, poets, and writers throughout history. From the romantic poets of the 19th century to the impressionist painters of the 20th century, nature has been a constant source of inspiration for creative minds. The beauty of nature has been captured in countless works of art, from paintings and sculptures to poetry and literature. The great naturalist John Muir once said, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” This sentiment is echoed by countless artists and writers who have found solace and inspiration in the beauty of the natural world.

Beauty Of Nature Essay Example 3

Nature is an endless source of beauty that surrounds us, from the majestic mountains to the serene beaches. The natural world provides us with breathtaking landscapes, changing seasons, and intricate designs that leave us in awe. In this essay, we will explore the beauty of nature and the different ways it manifests itself in our world.

The first aspect of nature’s beauty is found in its natural landscapes. Mountains, forests, and beaches provide us with some of the most stunning views we can experience. The towering peaks of mountains, the vast expanse of forests, and the endless stretches of sand on beaches all offer unique sights that leave a lasting impression on us. Mountains have a way of making us feel small yet significant, while forests transport us to a different world, and beaches offer a sense of peace and tranquility. The natural landscapes of our world are a testament to the beauty and power of nature.

Another way nature showcases its beauty is through the changing seasons. Each season offers its unique charm and beauty, from the vibrant colors of autumn to the blooming flowers of spring. The crisp air of autumn, the first snowfall of winter, the lush greenery of spring, and the warm sun of summer all provide us with different experiences that make us appreciate the beauty of nature. The changing seasons remind us of the constant cycle of life and the beauty that can be found in every stage.

Finally, the intricate patterns and designs found in nature are a testament to the wonder and complexity of the natural world. The symmetry of a butterfly’s wings, the spiral of a seashell, and the intricate patterns of leaves all showcase the beauty of nature at its finest. These designs not only serve a purpose but also leave us in awe of the natural world. The intricate patterns and designs found in nature remind us that there is beauty in every detail, and we need to take the time to appreciate it.

Nature’s beauty is all around us, and it is up to us to take the time to appreciate it fully. The natural landscapes, changing seasons, and intricate designs of the natural world all showcase the wonder and complexity of nature. We need to take care of our world and preserve its beauty for generations to come. As John Muir said, “in every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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essay on natural scenery

Why natural scenery improves your mood and makes you more productive

Image: Plant on desk

We tend to think about productivity as a product of a person’s inner motivation and work ethic; some people are naturally harder workers than others, and should be rewarded for their better performance. This reward can, in turn, encourage more productivity from others, who might be motivated by external, tangible rewards than they are from the internal satisfaction of a “job well done.”

However, recent evidence suggests that productivity is the result of a far more complicated set of variables. Some of these are well beyond your control, like intrinsic motivation , and some are only indirectly modifiable, like employee health and physical wellbeing.

Rather than focusing on these as priorities, it’s usually best to focus on small improvements that are well within your control; they’re inexpensive, straightforward and can have a significant impact on how your employees perform overall.

One example of this is the inclusion of natural scenery — such as plants, water, and other features of nature — which can help boost your employees’ mood, morale and productivity at once.

The Evidence

Biophilia: human beings’ natural desire to be connected with nature.

One of the most recent studies, from the Journal of Environmental Psychology , noted a phenomenon that may stem from biophilia — human beings’ natural desire to be connected with nature. While the concept of biophilia is debatable, the effects of the phenomenon are not; researchers noted that simply staring at an image of natural scenery for 40 seconds was enough to trigger the brain into a more relaxed state . The control group in this study stared at a concrete roof, while the test subjects stared at a green meadow.

Beyond this feeling of relaxation, subjects who stared at the green meadow performed significantly better in a test of attention after the initial session; they made fewer mistakes, and were less distracted all around.

Other studies have demonstrated that exposure to natural sensory experiences, like the sounds of running water or the smells of the forest, have marked effects on stress and physiological factors, like heart rate and blood pressure . Overall, the presence or visibility of plants, animals and water should be enough to raise the productivity — and even the health — of your entire team.

Including Natural Scenery the Cost Effective Way

Few businesses will have the funds to install a scaled-down waterfall in the atrium of their building, or the location to sponsor occasional walks in the forest as a break from work. So what are some low-intensity, cost-efficient ways that you can introduce nature to your office — even if your bosses and supervisors aren’t willing to do the work themselves?

  • Incorporate office plants. One study from the University of Queensland noted that offices with plant life demonstrated productivity rates 15 percent higher than their counterparts. With office plants costing just a few dollars, you can spruce up the entire office for a few hundred dollars or less. With a potential increase in productivity of 15 percent, that’s well worth the investment—even if it comes from an employee pool.
  • Get a nature calendar. Remember, the findings from the Journal of Environmental Psychology demonstrated that you don’t need to be immersed in nature to see the positive effects; just the images of nature are enough to trigger the decrease in stress . Accordingly, you can pull some of your favorite images of nature from the internet and print your own calendar — or even print calendars for the entire office — so you have something natural and beautiful to look at every day.
  • Go beyond sight. The presence of nature doesn’t have to be tied to your sight, though visual experiences are often stronger than other sensory experiences. Instead of incorporating plants and imagery, consider listening to natural soundscapes, like chirping insects, rolling waves or the sounds of an empty forest, as a backdrop for your work. You could even invest in air fresheners or essential oils that remind you of nature.

The benefits of being surrounded by nature aren’t strictly limited to people who are already obsessed with nature; even if you generally prefer to be indoors, it’s likely you’ll experience less stress and more motivation when you’re surrounded by plants, water and other sensory experiences that remind you of the outdoors.

Since most of these changes are somewhat innocuous and relatively inexpensive, you should have no trouble making them a reality in your office, and once you and your co-workers respond positively to the new setup, your bosses and peers will be even more likely to improve upon what you’ve started.

More health benefits of nature

  • Why indoor plants make you feel better
  • How the simple act of nature helps you de-stress
  • What the beach does to your brain

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One-And-Done Guide To A-Grade Worthy Essays On Nature

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

Worthy Essays On Nature

At least once in your life from elementary school you will find yourself having to talk or having to write about the inspiring relationship between man and nature that has been there since us humans started walking this planet.

You better be inspired and get a feel for it before you start gnawing at your pen. You’ll see that this topic, apart from being so ubiquitous and beloved by teachers of all kinds and calibers, is rather fun to explore and write about.

Essays on nature: how to structure?

The topic of essays on nature is blissfully broad unless narrowed down by your teacher’s specifications. Not that we will break any major news saying that you should start your essay with a catchy introduction.

Do not underestimate the importance of that short introductory piece : written well, it will set the right tone to your essay, make your own voice heard and make that first impression on your readers.

The contextual diversity stems from the very definition of nature. Quoting Merriam Webster , nature can be defined as

  • The inherent character or basic constitution … of a person or thing.
  • A creative and controlling force in the universe.
  • Natural scenery.

We have picked here only the most distinct definitions that would send your essay in three different directions, but you certainly get the drift.

As often as not, tasking students with an essay on nature, an educator expects a charming piece on scenic beauty with lots of descriptive passages.

But before you knock yourself out waxing lyrical on that breathtaking view from the mountain top that opened itself to your eyes as you were hitchhiking with your family during your Colorado trip, let not a premature sigh of relief escape your lips: there is more depth to it than may initially seem.

Depending on what the actual topic at hand is, you should:

  • Make a concise presentation of the topic.
  • Outline the problems you are going to solve in your essay.
  • Introduce a clear thesis statement.

Normally, you are not expected to come up with any laboriously picked and analyzed sources of information other than your own experiences with nature that inspired you into deep contemplations, profound emotions and filled other spiritual gaps in your perception of the world.

However, a good quote here and there is a must – just to show that you are familiar with the background and the efforts your fellow-writers have made in the field.

Proceed to the core of your writing, speaking about the moments when the presence of nature in your life overpowered you, the thoughts and ideas this feeling sparkled in you, and the impact it has had on your way of thinking and living.

Remember that drawing unexpected parallels is a mark of genius. How about you compare natural phenomena to the way you express your own emotions? What in the way you express your feelings through beaming, smiling – or tears and yelling – can be paralleled to weather changes?

…Go full-on allegorical!

Writing about nature, we suggest that you pick such tried-and-true fellow-writers as Henry David Thoreau , who is commonly referred to as “the godfather of American nature writing,” as an environmental educator and a travel/naturalist writer Heidi Zillie put it, and a harbinger of all go-green enthusiasts.

Speaking of environmentalists: as far as the cornerstone idea of your essay is concerned, it would score you a lot of points to jump on the naturalist bandwagon and make a strong call to protect natural resources.

The use of nature essay examples

Depending on what your primary focus in the essay is, you should pick a specific set of arguments to back up the viewpoints you express in your writing.

While describing and processing the imprint that nature sceneries have had on you is not about debating, since it is a purely subjective description of your own emotions, you still can present your feelings as contradictory and conflicting.

For instance, speak about the impact a sunny spell has on you when you are happy as opposed to when you are depressed. By contrasting your own emotions, sunshine from a clear blue sky can make you feel worse – although it can do the opposite and pick you up.

Um… or not?

Provide arguments to support both stances and illustrate with an example from your life.

Don’t be afraid to channel your inner Hemingway; we mean, the topic is pretty corny in its nature – bad pun intended!

What to write in essays on human nature?

Essays on human nature open up new horizons still.

Here once again it would be great to make a reference to Thoreau who advocated for

“the importance of leaving nature undisturbed, the need for all humans to have contact with nature, and the relationship between humans and other living things”

Speak about the contradictory nature of humans: we are part of nature, but we constantly seek to outsmart it.

What do we get as benefits, and are they compared to the damage we do the environment in the process?

One thing is for sure, and it is that it is human nature to defy mother nature, and our own nature whilst at it.

For centuries, from the earliest forms of human life on Earth, man has been trying to interpret, explain and even control nature and its phenomena, it is not by chance that the first explanations of meteorological phenomena that is rain can already be found in the first primitive men.

The wind, the sun, the snow, which, however, lacking any logical or scientific connection , gave an answer through the omnipotent presence of gods who controlled these temporal impacts.

But not only that, being peoples who based their entire survival on agriculture, they introduced the first songs and dances of the rain, of the sun, and in doing so they were convinced that the gods could hear them and that they could control and “send” what could be used to harvest to be prosperous.

essay on natural scenery

Essays on nature vs. nurture

Merriam-Webster defines nurture as

– as opposed to those predetermined by genes, or nature.

The debates about to what extension we are influenced by our genetics that is nature, and to what – by environmental factors.

The supporters of the “nature” camp study the behavioral development in twins to prove their point, and we suggest you get the most out of citing some of them.

On the other side of the equation, scientists prove that there is a link between the events in our lives and our bodily functions; some events or actions can actually make us pass on genes to our offspring, like for instance substance abusing or smoking.

A study like this one under the supervision of Dr. Linda J. Luecken proves some meaningful connections between our biography facts and health condition.

Nature vs. nurture essay topics

Here are some of the most fruitful and inspiring topics for an essay on nature versus nurture you can dig into because every essay topic needs to be narrowed down for you to be able to make a clear and logical presentation of your standpoint:

  • Nature vs. Nurture In Personal Development.
  • Nature Vs. Nurture In Children.
  • The Nurture Assumption.
  • Nature vs. Nurture: From Elizabethan Times Till Now.
  • Frankenstein: Nature vs. Nurture.
  • Nature vs. Nurture Debate.
  • Nature vs. Nurture In Medicine.
  • Intelligence Quotient.
  • Nature vs. Nurture From A Psychological Standpoint.
  • Human Nature.
  • Obligate vs. Facultative Adaptations.
  • Social Pre-Wiring.
  • Heritability Of Intelligence.
  • Nature vs. Nurture in Genomics.
  • Personality Traits: Nature Or Nurture?
  • The Fallacy Of Nature vs. Nurture.
  • Darwinian Ethics In Nature Vs. Nurture Debate.
  • Biological Determinism.
  • Stability And Change In Nature Vs. Nurture Discourse.
  • The Nature And Nurture Of Genius.

Bottom line

Science is progressing with increasingly surprising innovations and technologies day by day, but people in some way continue to not fully grasp the benefits nature offers.

Exemplary is the case of houses built at the foot of Vesuvius, an area considered to be at risk of eruptions.

There are laws that prevent building in those areas, but at the same time in those areas, you always see more architectures, houses, and buildings that endanger human life.

Then the question arises of who is to blame in the end, and the necessary answer is that man, as in many things, is the main cause of own flaws!

…You get the drift?

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Early American Lit and Culture

A middlebury blog, thomas cole.

Why does Cole think it is important to observe and paint American scenery? How does he think nature and humans should interact? How does one painting depict (or fail to depict) the ideals he discusses in his essay?

5 thoughts on “ Thomas Cole ”

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In his essay, Cole expresses his fondness and preference for American scenery, which, in his opinion, “[is] unsurpassed” by other countries where “the primitive features of scenery have long since been destroyed or modified…to accommodate the tastes and necessities of a dense population” (108, 102). This can be clearly see in his painting The Course of Empire: The Consummation of Empire. In the painting, the once primitive scenery is now “crowned with towers, the rudest valleys [have been] tamed by the plough, [and the] impetuous rivers turned from their courses” (102). Cole acknowledges that America will soon fall victim to the same Fate, “but nature is still predominant” in the country at that time (102). Therefore, he believes that it is imperative for Americans to take advantage of this rural nature, which he see as “an unfailing fountain of intellectual enjoyment, where all may drink, and be awakened to a deeper feeling of the works of genius, and a keener perception of the beauty of our existence” (99). He urges people not to be apathetic in their interactions with nature. He then goes on to remark on the beauty of each element in American scenery (i.e. the water, the Waterfall, the mountains, the sky, the sunset, etc.) For example, his admiration for the Waterfall can be seen in his painting The Falls of Kaaterskill. In the painting, we see “a chain of waterfalls of remarkable beauty, where foaming waters, shadowed by steep cliffs, break over rocks of architectural formation” (105). His belief that the “waterfall may be called the voice of the landscape” is successfully conveyed through the painting (105).

Thomas Cole’s “Essay on American Scenery” suggests that he paints natural scenes to experience a particular emotional response—one he describes variably as “a calm religious tone,” “tranquility and peace,” and a feeling “as though a great void had been filled in our minds” (100, 103, 105). He writes about “the importance of cultivating a taste for scenery,” which practice he seems to define as the appreciation of nature’s physical beauty and the ability of that beauty to give us peace and perspective. The relationship with nature he describes seems disturbingly one-sided: nature, it would appear, exists to provide us with views and artistic material and psychological ease. Cole briefly mentions his “sorrow” that mankind’s “ravages of the axe” have been wrecking “the most noble scenes,” but he acknowledges his own ambivalence, saying, “This is a regret rather than a complaint; such is the road society has to travel” (109). When describing the first European settlers in America, he calls then “an enlightened and increasing people” who “with activity and power wrought changes that seem magical” (102). His appreciation of the wildness or savagery of nature is almost always coupled with a gratefulness for the beautiful or picturesque, for something to “temper” that vision of overwhelming power. He describes his wonder at “[the marriage of] grandeur and loveliness,” betraying his personal belief in the equivalence of beauty and goodness he mentions.

Cole’s painting, “View from Mount Holyoke,” can be read in a similar way: clouds brew over the dark, wild, uncultivated portion of the scene, while the exposed valley seems to have braved the storm and now appears bright, ordered, benign, and attractive. The land by “the Oxbow” appears cultivated, which the sunlight and left-to-right conventions of reading suggest we see as progress. It appears to be “lovely,” “peaceful,” and “charming”—all traits Cole values in his essay (106, 107). The broken spear in the left foreground may indicate some uncertainty—perhaps the same questions Cole posed in his essay about our destruction of the landscape and its wilderness—but it would represent a very subtly raised concern.

Cole seems to resort to nature as a balm—as many who champion the natural world do—but I have difficulty viewing his approach as other than somewhat superficial and irresponsible. He describes natural beauty as functioning like a mask, able to “cast a veil of tender beauty over the asperities of life” (101). Though the beauty of nature may have substantial, perceptible influence over his own psyche, he seems to turn to it for a band-aid-type distraction rather than a constructive solution. He does not seem to feel any obligation to protect or maintain the beauty of the landscape he exploits, which further characterizes his appreciation as a shallow one. In fact, his writings and works suggest that he may prefer the human-inhabited (but not -dominated), “tempered” world to its unknowable and intimidating, truly natural state.

It is obvious from the start that Cole is very passionate about the scenery he sees throughout the United States. He is enthralled with the landscape and describes it in terms of sublimity and magnificence. He seems to think that everyone should express the same love of nature and rural earth as he does. He talks about important events that happened with rural earth as the background: Elijahs witnessing of the mighty wind, earthquake, and fire on Mount Horeb, St. Johns preaching in the desert. Cole asserts that even in the city this beauty cannot be hidden. American scenery is what really appeals to Cole, and he compares it with European scenery to further his notion of how magnificent and beautiful the landscape is. He shuns those who favor the scenery of a different country over their own, and hopes that they “will know better how to appreciate the treasures of their own country” (101). He insists that although European scenery and American scenery differ, one must not think the latter inferior. Cole talks extensively about the sublime and rugged landscape that has barely been touched by humans. It is most distinctive, he says, because there is nothing like it in Europe, where it has all been modified. In every component of scenery he discusses, whether it be water, mountains, or waterfalls, he compares it to the European counterpart and makes a compelling argument in favor of the American landscape. He also makes a point of not only painting a beautiful image of only one specific place, but touching on the brilliance of all regions of the country. Cole encourages people to take in this scenery, and to let it generate emotion and reflection. Cole sets up a framework for a new appreciation of the sublime, untouched American landscape. In “The Falls of Kaaterskill,” Cole exhibits this feeling of fear alongside awe. The scene looks wild and untouched, but at the same time something that is worth appreciating, something that can only be found here.

Cole’s essay demonstrates his fondness in American scenery. Cole was born in England but emigrated to the United States in his late teens. His passion for American scenery is evident in his writing as he compares it to European scenery. He believes that every American should find great interest in American scenery, calling it “his own land” and stating that those who do not find interest in it should “shut themselves up in their narrow shell of prejudice.” He also believes that the human mind connects beauty with goodness and therefore sees beautiful things as inherently good. Cole acknowledges that American scenery is different than scenery in the old world but does not believe that it should be viewed as inferior. Cole distinguishes its wildness as the most impressive characteristic of American scenery, a trait that the scenery of Europe no longer possesses. His vision of American scenery as raw and untamed is contrasted with his vision of a refined, tamed European scenery. Cole focuses on predominantly on the northeast United States, highlighting the mountains, lakes and waterfalls as the most sublime elements in nature. Their purity and primitiveness separate them from similar features in Europe. Cole also references Autumn in the northern states as the most gorgeous season in all the world. His critique of American and European scenery concludes with his belief that Europe’s scenery is associated with its past while American scenery is associated with its present and future. Cole is nervous for the future of American scenery, fearing that it may be “cultivated” and “ravaged” in the years to come as the population in the United States grows. Although this displeases Cole, he understands that “such is the road society has to travel.” Cole’s reasoning for painting and observing American scenery and taking in its beauty is because it will inevitably evolve over time into a more cultivated land. He encourages people to take the time to enjoy the purity of rural nature, insisting that it will promote clearer thinking and a more peaceful mind. He wants people to value American scenery for its unique beauty that differs from old world scenery and to refrain from comparing it to that old world. Cole’s painting, Home in the Woods, depicts the beginning of settlement and cultivation of this new land. While the forest and mountains in the background still hold their raw and untamed character, the foreground shows the start of civilization building on the river bank. It is clear that “the ravages of the axe are daily increasing” as we see a house built of trees and a other wooden structures surrounding the house, including a canoe in the river. The immediate foreground shows what appears to be the remains of the part of the forest that the people used to build their house. The excess stumps and logs are a much less picturesque view than the vast forest in the background. This painting reflects the beginning of a growing population in the northeastern United States that would exploit nature for its resources, and in doing so, take away its pure beauty.

After reading Thomas Cole’s “Essay on American Scenery”, the first thing that evidently jumps out to the reader is his unconditional love and passion for the scenery that is present throughout the United States. In essence, the role that nature plays in his life is unparalleled and he believes that every American should be interested in and treat the scenery of America with the utmost of respect. Regardless of where you live in this country, the scenery that surrounds you is indeed beautiful and magnificent. Basically what he is saying that that no matter where you are, nature is truly amazing. In his eyes, there is nothing more special that gazing at what the Almighty has created, the landscape of our country. After I read this essay, I could’t help but think about how bold Cole is in his very firm belief of the importance of scenery. When speaking of people who do not view American Scenery as a glorious and incredible sign, he says “Let such persons shut themselves up in their narrow shell of prejudice” (101). While I myself am not a nature connoisseur, after reading this line there is not doubt that I thought Cole was indeed an “American Scenery Snob”. However, Cole that speaks about how there are many elements of nature that make the scenery of America so amazing. When talking about water, he says that on one hand an unrippled lake can represent tranquility and peace, while on the other a rapid stream can symbolize turbulence and impetuosity (103). This is just one of the elements of nature that makes is so stunning. When looking at his paintings “The Course of the Empire: The pastoral or Arcadian State”, much of what he says in his essay comes to life. He says that “We are still in Eden” (109), which I believe is his notion that the most beautiful things in life are already given to us by God. In this painting, there are so many elements of beauty that it is hard to refute that quote. The mountains, the trees, the lake, and the sky all play a fundamental role in this beauty that is given to us for free. In a world where everybody wants things for themselves, Cole makes the claim that American Scenery is the only thing we really need.

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Beauty of Nature Essay

It is hard for one to witness the beauty of nature and not fall for it. Whether we listen to the mesmerising sounds of birds in the morning or love to watch the brilliant sunset in the evening, there is something beautiful about nature that fills us with joy. We are extremely lucky beings that we get to enjoy the beauty of nature every day. Let us discuss the different things that nature provides us through this short essay on beauty of nature.

When we describe the beauty of nature, several aspects like trees, plants, animals, water, hills and weather come into play. Through essay writing on beauty of nature, your kids will be able to express what they admire about nature clearly. Moreover, this essay will reveal how kids pay close attention to things that we hardly notice or care about.

Beauty of Nature Essay

Experience with the Beauty of Nature

During the mid-summer season, I went to a beautiful hill station with my family. Even though the ride was long, the beautiful scenery on the way kept me entertained. I could see deep forests and misty mountains as we went higher and higher. The winding roads also fascinated me, and I felt as if I had entered a different world. Upon our arrival at the place, I immediately fell in love with nature as it was preserved as such with fresh fragrant flowers of different kinds, cool weather and lush greenery. I found all my worries melting away as I walked amidst this wonderful nature.

Nature offers limitless happiness and satisfaction to us. As a nature enthusiast, one would find joy in the calm breeze, flowing streams or dancing flowers. From the little pebbles to sturdy rocks, everything is part of nature, which adds charm to it. Even nature creates music through the running rivers, twittering birds and gentle winds. When the sun sets and the moon takes its place, the whole sky is lit, and there is nothing more dreamlike than sleeping under the starry sky.

The seasons change, and each has its distinct beauty that cannot be matched. While spring brings in the best of nature through its vibrant greenery, winter calls for a misty and foggy beauty of nature. Autumn covers nature with a golden carpet of leaves and flowers, and summer witnesses the brightest days with delicious fruits. Besides, there are many living creatures, like birds, insects, fish, etc., in varying shape, size and colour that makes nature lively. A single peek through the window of your house would help you understand the true beauty of nature, which will surely lighten your mood.

Moral of the Essay

Each one of us will have a unique feeling when we look at nature. You can know what your child likes about nature through this essay writing on beauty of nature. We can see, feel and hear the glamour of nature in every step that we take and the air we breathe. This short essay on beauty of nature would inspire your kids to look around and take delight in its different forms so that they will be energised and enthusiastic.

How to enjoy the beauty of nature?

All of us can enjoy the beauty of nature in the ways we see it. You could either go for an early morning walk or jog in the evening, where you could be close to nature, thus imbibing its beauty. Travel with your friends and family to hill stations, beaches and exotic places, and enjoy the beautiful sunrise or sunset.

What are the factors that affect the beauty of nature?

Although nature maintains its beauty, human exploitation has caused serious threats to nature. The excessive cutting down of trees for industry and home purposes and the pollution of water, air and land through the dumping of waste from factories are the main factors that threaten the beauty of nature.

How to preserve the beauty of nature?

Nature is an invaluable gift given to us, and we must not involve in any activity that would diminish its beauty. By planting more trees, avoiding the use of plastic, and reusing and recycling things, we can maintain the beauty of nature as it is.

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Published: Mar 25, 2024

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essay on natural scenery

Nigel Barber Ph.D.


Why natural landscape is calming, we know that nature is good for us but are only beginning to understand why..

Posted April 24, 2019

Providing green spaces for cities may be an investment in good health. That is because natural environments make us feel calmer and less anxious . Understanding why is important for psychologists.

The fly fisherman, or fisherwoman, experiences the environment of the trout by walking in water. There is a meaningful connection that reduces blood pressure and induces physiological, and psychological calm. While those who do not fish often have trouble understanding this experience, it happens to everyone to some extent when they leave city buildings, pavement, and traffic, behind. Researchers found that exposure to green places reduced blood pressure temporarily.

There are numerous reasons why this may occur.

The Visual System

One relates to the functioning of the visual system. Different colors can affect our moods. Longer wavelength colors, like red, are arousing whereas shorter wavelengths, like green and blue, are calming (1).

In the past, institutions were painted green on the premise that this is a calming color. (Researchers found that pink is actually a more calming color than green, prompting its use in holding cells (2).)

The preponderance of green hues in many natural landscapes could have the effect of calming us down simply by virtue of the way that our visual system works.

While this is certainly possible, it is not a satisfactory explanation in itself because it does not address the issue of why green might be more calming than the color of pavement, or tarmac.

A more plausible possibility is that natural landscapes are calming because they have positive associations with pleasant experiences. They represent escape from noise and crowding.

Associations with Leisure Activity

This possibility is bolstered by the fact that natural environments are often associated with positive experiences in everyday life. During our time off work, we may spend plenty of time outdoors, whether it is a backyard barbecue, a hike in the woods, or a vacation spent in calm and peaceful natural scenery.

Each of these experiences is likely to pair natural landscapes with occasions that provide peace and relaxation. If so, the natural landscape is the conditioned stimulus in a Pavlovian experiment. Because it is often associated with calmness, it elicits a relaxation response along with lowering of blood pressure, and physiological arousal.

This conclusion is reasonable but it is unlikely to satisfy the aesthetes and artists among us who would insist that green scenery offers uniquely pleasing kinds of beauty that elevate our mood for aesthetic reasons while constructed urban environments often seem harsh and displeasing.

Aesthetic Consideration of Natural Versus Artificial Scenes

The fact that natural scenery induces calmness and relaxation could reflect the fact that cities are associated with hustle and bustle, with working, with time urgency, with noise, and with chaos. However, aesthetes would argue that natural landscapes are intrinsically pleasing and offer much more than the mere absence of unpleasant experiences and connotations. (Some evolutionary psychologists would argue that we are calmer because we experience environments more consistent with those of our ancestors but such views are speculative and suffer from a dearth of plausible scientific mechanisms).

Arguably, the beauty of natural scenery arises because the plant communities in a scene are inherently ordered and composed whether it is a mountainside, a grassland, a forest, or a desert. For instance, trees must conform to each other's shape as they compete for light.

Even landscapes without vegetation, such as rocky shores, may be aesthetically pleasing because they are visual essays in movement where the movement of the waves echoes the topography of molten rocks.

Whatever the underlying reasons, all natural landscapes may evoke a relaxation response that is, unfortunately, often absent from constructed environments. This means that urban landscapes are generally not good at echoing the beauty of natural scenes, or even at including enough plant life to soften their harsh impact.

essay on natural scenery

Why do we feel more comfortable in natural landscapes? One possibility is that we feel at home in the landscape in a way that is more difficult in a city. If we feel at home, our defenses are down and we can relax.

Can we be more relaxed by thinking about our surroundings – or by losing ourselves in them?

Mindfulness or Mindlessness

This issue belongs in the current debate over mindfulness. Most mindfulness proponents argue that we are most relaxed, or healthier, or more productive, when we focus our attention on the current moment rather than thinking about what has happened or what the future holds.

To be more specific, when we are exposed to natural landscapes, do we become more mindful of our surroundings? Or do we lose ourselves completely in the experience? When the angler immerses themselves in the environment of the fish by wading in a trout stream, do they leave their anxious selves behind in the urban environment? Or do they become exquisitely mindful of their current setting? Or is it both?

1 Stone, N. J., & English, A. J. (1998). Task type, posters, and workspace color on mood, satisfaction, and performance. Journal of Environ1nental Psychology, 18 (2), 175-185

2 Alter, A. (2012).Drunk Tank Pink: And other unexpected forces that shape how we think, feel, and behave. New York, NY: Penguin Press.

Nigel Barber Ph.D.

Nigel Barber, Ph.D., is an evolutionary psychologist as well as the author of Why Parents Matter and The Science of Romance , among other books.

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Essays on Natural Scenery

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Crafting a lot of Natural Scenery papers is an immanent part of present-day studying, be it in high-school, college, or university. If you can do that single-handedly, that's just awesome; yet, other students might not be that fortunate, as Natural Scenery writing can be quite troublesome. The catalog of free sample Natural Scenery papers exhibited below was formed in order to help flunker students rise up to the challenge.

On the one hand, Natural Scenery essays we present here evidently demonstrate how a really well-written academic piece of writing should be developed. On the other hand, upon your request and for a fair cost, a pro essay helper with the relevant academic background can put together a fine paper example on Natural Scenery from scratch.

Descriptive Essay on Beauty of Nature

Nature is vast and full of beautiful things that comfort our physical and emotional senses. The beauty of nature is somehow immortal, infinite and eternal. The beauty of nature is a perfect reflection of the art of Allah Almighty. Natural beauty may be extinct at the moment, but as “the joy of beauty is eternal happiness”, so the effect of that beauty on the mind can never be in vain.

Natural beauty is a treasure that will never end. Nature has many faces. They are everywhere. The human eye is always in contact with good things.

One of the many beautiful features of nature is the sunrise and sunset. A person with a sense of beauty will never be able to ignore the beauty of the red light of the rising sun and the fading glow of the stars. Likewise, the beauty of sunset has inspired many sensitive and artistic people to compose verses of praise, write beautiful prose and paint, and capture the event with a cloth or a camera forever.

Another aspect of natural beauty can be found in the night sky. Arriving at your destination, the glowing stars and the glowing moon of the moon have nothing in common. Under the influence of the moonlight, this world also becomes a beautiful world and a dream world.

The changing seasons have their beauty that has fascinated the human mind for centuries and will continue to impress until the end of the universe. Spring is the most beautiful of the seasons and is undoubtedly the queen of the seasons. During this period, The earth was filled with lush vegetation, colours, and aromas. Spring is a time of beauty and love, hope and happiness, life and happiness. Forests, lush plains, fields, and meadows prowl the lush vegetation to attract attention. Spring has endless and countless charms and beauty. Autumn has its golden, brown and mature colours. A life that started in the spring matures in the fall. This is a time for maturity and maturity. Summer is a season that helps the ripening process. It has its charms and beauty in the form of the most delicious fruits and vegetables.

Cold winters, snow and fog have other advantages. It is a season of white, grey and black. Snow and ice have a fantastic effect on the human mind and are not as appealing as the dark clouds and the wind.

On the other hand, nature has the beauty of the refreshing sky, the snowcapped mountains, and the deep green valleys. On the other hand, it has the mysteries and incomparable beauty of the deep blue sea. Nature preserves the beauty of the desolate desert and empty sand during the oasis. Its long-date trees that grow in the spring of freshwater show excellent scenes for tired and thirsty travellers.

Nature has endless treasures of beauty in the form of various beautiful living creatures. The world of birds, beasts, reptiles, and fish is teeming with life and millions of species of all kinds, in size and colour and on the earth, in the sky and the water. They are everywhere and at all times. They adorn the environment by simply being present.

Humans, the “crown of creation,” is by no means the most beautiful. Beauty lies in the condition of the body, the brain and the soul. It exists like human nature, such as mother, sister, brother and father, friend and companion.

Beauty is present in the child’s smiling face, the mother’s prayerful hand and the anxious state of the father. Beauty is like the reassuring handshake of a friend, the gentle touch of a brother and the love of a caring sister.

Undoubtedly beauty exists in man, in the environment, green fields, high mountains and small hills, in the moonlight and stars. Nature is full of the beauty that exists, almost everything scattered about us. “Beauty, truth, truth, and Beauty,” as the saying goes.

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Describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen you should say what it is where and when you have seen it and explain what makes it the most beautiful natural scenery

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Paragraph on Beautiful Scenery

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Beautiful Scenery in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Beautiful Scenery in 100 Words

Beautiful scenery is like a lovely painting. Imagine a big blue sky with fluffy white clouds. Below, there is a bright green field full of pretty flowers of all colors. A little stream flows gently, sparkling in the sunlight. Tall trees stand around, their leaves rustling in the wind. Birds are singing sweet songs, flying high in the sky. Far away, you can see big hills covered with green trees. The sun sets, painting the sky with colors of orange and pink. This is beautiful scenery, which makes us feel happy and calm. It’s like nature’s own art.

Paragraph on Beautiful Scenery in 200 Words

Beautiful scenery is like a painting filled with amazing colors. Imagine you are standing in a large, green field. Bright, yellow sunflowers are all around you, standing tall and proud. The sky above is a clear, bright blue with fluffy, white clouds that look like cotton candy. A little stream flows nearby, its water sparkling in the sunlight. You can hear the soft sound it makes as it moves along. Birds are singing sweet songs from the trees nearby. Their chirping sounds like music to your ears. Now and then, you see a pretty butterfly with colorful wings flying from one flower to another. It feels like you are in a dream. All around you, there is peace and quiet. The air smells fresh, like after a rain shower. You feel happy and calm. This is what beautiful scenery can do. It can make you feel good and forget all your worries. So, always take time to enjoy the beauty of nature. It is a gift for all of us to cherish.

Paragraph on Beautiful Scenery in 250 Words

Beautiful scenery is like a magical painting come to life. It’s the kind of view that takes your breath away and makes your heart feel light. Imagine standing on a hilltop, looking out at a wide, open field. The field is a bright, vibrant green, full of tall, waving grass. In the distance, there are trees with leaves in all shades of green. Some trees have flowers in pink, yellow, and white, adding splashes of color to the scene. Beyond the trees, you can see mountains. They are tall and majestic, their peaks covered in snow that glows in the sunlight. The sky above is a clear, brilliant blue, with fluffy white clouds scattered here and there. As the sun sets, the sky takes on shades of pink, orange, and purple, making the scenery even more beautiful. The beauty of the scene is not just in how it looks, but also in how it makes you feel. It makes you feel calm and peaceful, and you can’t help but smile. Beautiful scenery is a gift from nature, and it’s something we should all appreciate and protect. So, next time you see a beautiful view, take a moment to enjoy it. It’s a simple pleasure that can make your day a little bit brighter.

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  • Published: 14 May 2024

2023 summer warmth unparalleled over the past 2,000 years

  • Jan Esper   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Max Torbenson   ORCID: 1 &
  • Ulf Büntgen 2 , 3 , 4  

Nature ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Climate change
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Including an exceptionally warm Northern Hemisphere (NH) summer 1 ,2 , 2023 has been reported as the hottest year on record 3-5 . Contextualizing recent anthropogenic warming against past natural variability is nontrivial, however, because the sparse 19 th century meteorological records tend to be too warm 6 . Here, we combine observed and reconstructed June-August (JJA) surface air temperatures to show that 2023 was the warmest NH extra-tropical summer over the past 2000 years exceeding the 95% confidence range of natural climate variability by more than half a degree Celsius. Comparison of the 2023 JJA warming against the coldest reconstructed summer in 536 CE reveals a maximum range of pre-Anthropocene-to-2023 temperatures of 3.93°C. Although 2023 is consistent with a greenhouse gases-induced warming trend 7 that is amplified by an unfolding El Niño event 8 , this extreme emphasizes the urgency to implement international agreements for carbon emission reduction.

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Author information, authors and affiliations.

Department of Geography, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Jan Esper & Max Torbenson

Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic

Jan Esper & Ulf Büntgen

Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Ulf Büntgen

Department of Geography, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

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Esper, J., Torbenson, M. & Büntgen, U. 2023 summer warmth unparalleled over the past 2,000 years. Nature (2024).

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Received : 16 January 2024

Accepted : 02 May 2024

Published : 14 May 2024


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essay on natural scenery

After traveling to over 40 countries around the world, I think everyone should visit these 5 underrated spots

  • I've always loved traveling and have visited over 40 countries around the world.
  • Many of my favorite places that I've visited aren't typical tourist spots .
  • Of all the countries I've been to, I've loved places like Colombia, Zimbabwe, and Morocco.

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I've always loved traveling. In my opinion, there's nothing like waking up in a new country with a sense of excitement about what the day could bring.

Growing up in Australia, my bucket-list travel destinations were usually those you'd see in movies or on postcards — places like the Eiffel Tower and Disneyland. And it seems like many tourists have similar travel goals, with spots like Paris and Los Angeles predicted to be two of the most-visited summer vacation destinations in 2024 .

But the more I traveled, the more I realized the countries I've enjoyed most are not necessarily the typical tourist hot spots. After visiting over 40 countries, these five are the underrated gems I recommend visiting.

Colombia offers lush scenery and vibrant architecture.

essay on natural scenery

My husband and I did a three-month backpacking trip through South America in 2012. Beforehand, we were so excited about seeing the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, ticking off Machu Picchu , and checking out Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia.

Although we loved all of those places, we were also pleasantly surprised by how much we enjoyed Colombia, with its warm people, lush scenery, and vibrant architecture.

In Salento, we explored coffee estates and did an amazing hike in Cocora Valley, home to the Quindío wax-palm trees. We couldn't get over how green everything was.

But the colorful city of Cartagena was by far one of the highlights of our South American adventure. We spent countless hours walking the streets, admiring the multicolored colonial facades, and taking in the Caribbean vibes.

Note that the State Department has a Level 3 "reconsider travel" advisory in effect for Colombia, updated as of January. Wherever you travel, it's important to stay up to date on the latest conditions, which often vary even within countries.

We were blown away by the natural scenery in Laos.

essay on natural scenery

When we traveled to Laos, we were blown away by the genuine, kind-hearted people and spectacular natural scenery .

Our favorite place we visited in this Southeast Asian country was Kuang Si Falls, where swimming is permitted in certain parts of the three-tiered, turquoise waterfalls.

Another thing we loved about Laos was the fresh and delicious food. After a day of exploring, we'd head to the local markets for some larb — a meat-based salad flavored with mint leaves, fish sauce, lime juice, and chiles.

Malta packs a big punch when it comes to things to see and do.

essay on natural scenery

My husband and I traveled to Malta during a trip to London . The country had always been on my list of places to visit, as my grandfather was stationed there during World War II.

For such a small island nation, Malta packs a big punch when it comes to things to see and do. For example, the walled capital city of Valletta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site . We loved wandering its streets and taking in the fortifications, churches, and Baroque architecture.

Visiting the Blue Grotto, which is a series of sea caves, was also breathtaking and a highlight of our trip.

Zimbabwe is home to extraordinary natural beauty.

essay on natural scenery

Zimbabwe is home to some extraordinary natural beauty. One of the most popular attractions is Victoria Falls, the world's largest curtain of falling water. Locals call it Mosi-oa-Tunya , which means "the smoke that thunders."

We ended our day at the falls with drinks at the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge, which overlooks a waterhole. As we enjoyed our cocktails, we watched the African wildlife come in for a drink.

Later, we headed to The Boma for dinner and a drum show. The buffet featured every type of game meat imaginable.

There's so much to see in Morocco.

essay on natural scenery

My husband and I traveled to Morocco with his parents in 2013. Arriving in Marrakesh was a real culture shock for his folks, who were from country Victoria in Australia.

There was so much to see, from the snake charmers in Jemaa el-Fnaa Square to the donkeys cruising up and down streets.

The highlight of our trip was a tour of a Berber camp in the Sahara Desert, complete with a camel trek. We ate chicken tagine under the stars and chatted with our host about life in the desert. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience I'll never forget.

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In Search of New Scenery, an American Took a Chance in France With a $300,000 Budget. Which Home Did She Buy?

By Thomas Fuller May 9, 2024

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After retiring in Seattle, a school teacher ventured to the Lake Geneva area of Eastern France, looking for ‘a small town with lots of cute shops and restaurants.’ Would Evian fit the bill?

Mary Jo Maddeford in Evian, France, where she recently purchased a modest home after retiring as a school teacher in Seattle, Wash. Her brother had lived for decades across Lake Geneva in Lausanne, Switzerland.

When she retired as an elementary school teacher in Seattle in 2022, Mary Jo Maddeford tossed around some ideas of where she’d like to live next — and she wasn’t afraid to let oceans get in the way. Somewhere in Portugal? Around Vienna maybe? Asheville, N.C., came to mind.

“I wanted a small town with lots of cute shops and restaurants, but close to some bigger cities,” Ms. Maddeford, 61, said. “And I’m a retired teacher. I had to look at my budget.”

Her brother, Lee, a pianist who has lived for decades along the shores of Lake Geneva in Lausanne, Switzerland, suggested Evian, the small French city across the lake at the foot of the Alps.

The draw for Ms. Maddeford was the proximity to her brother, a 35-minute ferry ride across the lake. She also loved the views of the lake from Evian, the charms of its medieval downtown streets and the easy train access to other cities including Milan, Zurich, Bern and many more. “You’re near everything,” she said.

[Did you recently buy a home? We want to hear from you. Email: [email protected] ]

Evian, a resort town made famous by its natural spring waters, is an enclave of relative affordability compared with the Swiss cities across the lake that have long been magnets for bankers and cultural luminaries including David Bowie, Charlie Chaplin and Audrey Hepburn. Ms. Maddeford tested out life in Evian with some weeks-long stays in short-term rentals. Satisfied, she walked into the Century 21 office along the lakefront last year and introduced herself. She doesn’t remember exactly what she said, but it went something like this: “Bonjour. Je ne parle pas français.”

Eric Grivel, the head of the local Century 21 office, was used to dealing with French clients who move to Evian and commute across the lake to higher-paying jobs in Switzerland. Before the war in Ukraine, he also catered to Russians looking for second homes. But Americans, especially those who didn’t speak French, were more rare.

As in so many parts of the world, home prices had swelled during the pandemic in Evian. “It seemed like everyone was in the market, and at crazy prices,” said Sonia Faria, another agent at the Century 21 office. But as interest rates rose last year, the market slowed and Ms. Maddeford found herself with a healthy choice of apartments.

She set her budget at about $300,000, which she had in cash from the proceeds of the sale of her house in Everett, Wash. She wanted to avoid buying a car, so access to public transport was important. So was a view of Lake Geneva. And she needed a place where Ella, her 14-year-old Labrador mix, wouldn’t have too much trouble moving around.

Among her options:

Two-Bedroom Attached Home

This two-bedroom attached home was in the neighboring town of Publier, along a narrow winding street. Ms. Maddeford pictured putting a table and chairs in the driveway, which had a sliver of a view onto Lake Geneva — though the neighbor’s newly planted hedges threatened to block it. The 1,000-square-foot house was listed for 240,000 euros (about $258,000), well within her budget, but needed plenty of work. The large kitchen was especially desperate for a remodel. There was ample storage in a big cellar.

Apartment With Mountain Views

This 11-year-old building was in a gated community in Neuvecelle, next door to Evian and slightly higher up the mountainside. It was decidedly modern, with automatic lights in the hallways and an elevator, which Ms. Maddeford liked for Ella. The 610-square-foot apartment had two small bedrooms and a long balcony with a striking southward view of the mountains. The kitchen, though relatively new, needed some work. It was listed for 285,000 euros (about $307,000).

Apartment With Lake Views

This two-bedroom apartment was on a steep slope just above the soccer stadium in Evian, with a sweeping view of the lake. There were lots of stairs — one set to get into the apartment and another connecting the first and second floors. The unit came with an outdoor parking space, a big storage unit and three small terraces. The living room was small, the second bedroom was wood-paneled, and the apartment needed a new kitchen. The walk downtown only took a few minutes, downhill, and a bus also passed nearby. The asking price was 275,000 euros (about $296,000).

Find out what happened next by answering these two questions:

Which Would You Choose?

Which Did They Choose?

In Search of the Perfect Home

Whether you are looking to rent or buy, navigating the housing market is not an easy task. explore how some people found what they were looking for..

A Duo in Atlanta: Having poured thousands into an older house with maintenance issues, a single mother aimed her $450,000 budget at something newer and nicer for herself and her teenager .

Retiring to California: After decades in Arizona, a couple relocated to the San Francisco Peninsula , where they hoped to find a single-level home with no stairs and plenty of room to host family.

A Young Family in Denver: Life in Cambridge, Mass., wasn’t working out, so two parents introduced their daughter, who has cerebral palsy, to a new city and a new way of life .

Putting Down Roots: With the proceeds from an apartment sale and a dream of making wine in California’s Napa Valley, a buyer looked for an investment property to make her money grow .

New City, New House: After the pandemic derailed her plans for a life in New Mexico, a retired schoolteacher  “was ready to go back home” to Colorado . But Denver and Boulder were too expensive.


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    This 11-year-old building was in a gated community in Neuvecelle, next door to Evian and slightly higher up the mountainside. It was decidedly modern, with automatic lights in the hallways and an ...