My Village Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my village.

My Village Essay- My village is a place that I like to visit in my holidays or whenever I feel tired and want to relax. A village is a place that is far away from the pollution and noise of the city. Also, you feel a connection with the soil in a village.

Moreover, there are trees, a variety of crops , diversity of flowers, and rivers, etc. Besides all this, you feel the cold breeze at night and a warm but pleasant breeze in the day.

My Village Essay

The Facts About the Village

Around more than 70% of India’s population resides in villages. Likewise, villages are the main source of food and agricultural produce that we consume. After independence, the villages have grown much in both populations as well as education .

Village peoples are more dedicated to their work then the people of the city also they have more strength and capacity then urban area people.

Moreover, the entire village lives in peace and harmony and there is no conflict of any kind. Villagers come forward in each other sorrows and happiness and they are of helpful nature.

Most importantly, you can see stars at night which you no longer see in the city.

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Description of My Village

My village exists in a low lying area that has a warm summer and a chilly winter. Mostly I visit my village in summers because of the holidays. Although the village is far cooler than the city during the summer. Also, you do not need air conditioners in a village because of the breeze. In a village you see greenery and almost every household has a minimum of one tree in their courtyards.

my village in future essay

In addition, the thing that I like the most about my village is the fresh and revitalizing air. The air gives a feeling of refreshment even if I have slept for 4-5 hours. Most importantly, at night I see and count stars which I can’t do in the city.

Importance of Village

Villages existed in India from ancient times and they have been dependent on each other for the demand and supply of goods. Likewise, they contribute a lot to the growth and development of the country. India is a country who depends on agriculture more than its secondary and tertiary sector.

Also, India is the second most populated nation of the world and to feed this big population they need food which comes from the villages. This describes why they are important to us and everybody.

In conclusion, we can say that villages are the backbone of the economy. Also, my village is a part of all the villages in India where people still live in peace and harmony . Besides, the people of the villages are friendly and lives a happy and prosperous life as compared to the people of urban areas.

FAQs about My Village

Q.1 What is the best thing about the villages? A.1 There are many good things about villages such as fresh air, rivers, trees, no pollution, the earthy smell, fresh and organic food, and many more great things.

Q.2 Do villages lack in development? A.2 No, villages have developed quite well also they are developing at a pace faster than the cities.

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Essay On My Village

my village in future essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My Village

My village is a beautiful place, surrounded by lush green fields, tall trees, and a calm and serene environment. The village is located in a remote area, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. Despite its seclusion, it has a strong sense of community and everyone is like a family. The villagers are warm and friendly and always lend a helping hand to those in need.

The village is mostly inhabited by farmers and their families, who are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the people here and they grow a variety of crops such as rice, wheat, vegetables, and fruits. The villagers are also skilled in animal husbandry and rear cattle, goats, and poultry. They sell their produce in the nearby market, which provides them with a decent income.

The village has a simple yet rich cultural heritage, and the people here are proud of their traditions and customs. They celebrate various festivals throughout the year, including Diwali, Holi, and Navaratri, which bring the entire village together. The villagers also participate in fairs and melas, which provide a platform for them to showcase their talents and interact with people from other villages.

Despite its remote location, the village has a primary school, where children from the village and surrounding areas receive education. The school has dedicated and knowledgeable teachers who work tirelessly to provide quality education to the children. The school also serves as a community center, where villagers gather to discuss various issues and plan community events.

In conclusion, my village is a peaceful and serene place, where people live in harmony with nature and each other. Its simplicity, strong sense of community, and rich cultural heritage make it a unique and special place to live in. I feel proud to have grown up in such a place and hope to preserve its beauty and traditions for future generations to enjoy.

Long Essay On My Village

A village is a place where people live together in harmony. It is often seen as a symbol of traditional culture and values. In this essay, we will explore the unique qualities of my village and understand how it shapes and influences our lives, from the values we learn to the way we interact with each other.


It is true that village life has its own charms and attractions. There are many reasons why village life is considered to be better than city life. In this essay on my village, I will tell you about my village, its location, and the people who live there. I will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of village life.

Village life is simple and uncomplicated. People in villages are friendly and helpful. They are always ready to lend a helping hand to their neighbours. There is a strong sense of community in villages. People in villages are also very religious. They follow their religion and traditions earnestly.

Village life is slow-paced. This is one of the reasons why many people find it relaxing and peaceful. Life in cities is fast-paced and stressful. There is always something happening in cities which can make people feel overwhelmed and stressed out.

One of the main disadvantages of village life is that there are limited opportunities for education and employment. This can be a big problem for young people who want to further their studies or start a career. Another disadvantage of village life is that there are no proper healthcare facilities available in most villages. This means that villagers have to travel long distances to get access to basic medical care.

My Village’s History

My village is located in the district of Shimla, in the state of Himachal Pradesh in India. It is a small village with a population of around 200 people. The villagers are mostly farmers and we have our own agriculture land where we grow crops like rice, wheat, maize, pulses, etc. We also have a few livestock like cows, buffaloes, chickens, etc. which provide us with milk and eggs.

The village has a primary school where children up to the age of 14 go to study. After that, they have to go to the nearest town for higher studies. There are no colleges or universities in the village.

The villagers are very simple and hardworking people. They believe in god and celebrate all the festivals with great enthusiasm. Dusshera, Diwali, Holi, Lohri, are some of the main festivals celebrated here with great joy and happiness.

I love my village and its simplicity. It is a great place to live in peace and harmony away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Cultural and Religious Practices in My Village

The village I come from is situated in the Western Ghats. It is a small village with a population of around 500 people. The majority of the villagers are Hindus and they practice their religion in the traditional way. There are also a few Christians and Muslims in the village.

The villagers are very superstitious and they believe in ghosts and spirits. They also have many rituals and ceremonies which they perform regularly. For example, every year on the day of the full moon, the villagers offer milk to the spirits of their ancestors. This is done to appease them and to ask for their blessings.

The villagers are also very close to nature and they worship the sun, moon, and other elements of nature. They believe that these natural forces have a great impact on their lives.

The People of My Village

The people of my village are some of the most hardworking, friendly people you will ever meet. They are always willing to help their neighbors and make sure that everyone has what they need. Even though they may not have much, they are always willing to share what they have with others.

The villagers are also very close-knit and supportive of one another. If someone is going through a tough time, the whole community will rallied around them and do whatever they can to help. This is one of the things I love most about my village – the sense of community and support that everyone offers each other.

Economic Activity and Education Levels

There is a strong correlation between economic activity and educational attainment levels. In my village, the majority of people are employed in agriculture, with a smaller number working in small businesses or as manual laborers. The literacy rate is relatively low, but there are a few people who have received higher education and are employed in government or teaching positions. However, the overall standard of living is quite low, as most people are subsistence farmers or earn very little income.

Modernization of My Village

The village that I live in is very old and has not been modernized at all. It is a small village with only a few hundred people living in it. There are no paved roads, street lights, or running water. The villagers all live in small, thatched-roof huts and get around on foot or by bicycle. There is no electricity and the only source of light at night is from oil lamps.

Despite its lack of modernization, I love my village. It is a peaceful place where everyone knows each other and looks out for one another. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

From the beauty of its nature to the warmth and hospitality of its people, my village is truly a special place that I am always thankful for. It has provided me with an environment where I can grow and learn about life, while also obtaining valuable lessons from it. With each visit home, I find myself taking in more of what this place has to offer and learning new things about it every time. Overall, my village will remain a very important part of who I am and where I come from—and for that, it will forever have a special place in my heart.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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  • My Village Essay


Essay on My Village

A majority of the Indian population are farmers who are settled in villages. They toil to make both ends meet and produce crops for the entire nation. India has about 500000 villages, which are scattered throughout the country. 

A village is a settlement that has fewer than 5000 living units. A village is called the rural part of the country. It is called rural because it does not have modern facilities like cities. The main occupation of the villagers is farming. They are the primary source of the nation's agricultural production.

Description of Villages

Villages have either tiny hamlets of thatched huts or large settlements of tiled roofs, stones, and brick homes. An impression has been created by artists and filmmakers that an Indian village is a simple cluster of mud-plastered walls, shaded by trees, overlooking the large expanses of green fields with a few people moving slowly and of course, bullock carts. They portray a village woman with a pot on her head and walking gracefully, her skirt swaying gently. The reality is that a village is the hub of nonstop activity, with their stronger work ethics.

Agriculture is tough and requires hard work. The villagers work very hard and are always trying to find innovative methods of growing wheat, rice, and lentils. 

Importance of Village

The village is important because it is the primary sector of agricultural production for our country. The village is the backbone of India’s economy. It also plays a major role in maintaining the ecological balance of the environment. Villages are mostly covered with trees and plants. They are covered with green grasslands. One can see acres of green fields as far as the eyes could see. They provide shelter to many animals. 

Life in Village

The village life is full of contentment and happiness, as people are not in a hurry like in city life.

Village people live a very simple life. Villages are mostly situated far from the hustle and bustle of urban civilization. The beauty of nature can be experienced in a village as it is surrounded by trees, flowers, mountains, streams, and farmlands. There is no pollution in the village and one can feel the freshness in the breeze. The demands of the villagers are not too high but they are still deprived of basic facilities. Clean drinking water, electricity, health center, schools, proper sanitation are a few facilities that are lacking in the villages. Their poverty is always visible in the atmosphere. The Panchayati Raj system still prevails in the village and they monitor all activities. The villagers are usually very superstitious. 

My village is a small village with a population of only two hundred people. My village’s name is Bolpur. It is 150kms away from the main city of Kolkata. I visit my village once a year during my Dussehra vacation. I go there with my parents during this time to our ancestral house where Durga Puja takes place every year. 

As the car turns to take the muddy road, I can feel the freshness in the air. The road that leads to the village has big trees on either side and they are so full of life as if they are dancing with joy to welcome us to their village. I have never seen such a breathtaking scene. There is a temple at the entrance of the village where often prayers, rituals, and other worshipping activities are taking place.. There is a big pond near the temple and is surrounded by mango trees, champak trees, and a big peepal tree. The smell of the flowers and mango buds attracts everyone’s attention. My ancestral home is behind the peepal tree. 

There is a primary school in my village where the village kids study with a lot of enthusiasm. I love watching them, while the classes are going on, but right now for the Durga Utsav, the school is closed. There is a small dispensary with a doctor and a nurse. They can take care of basic illnesses like fever and stomach pain. For complicated ailments and medicines, the people have to go to the neighboring town. There is a small grocery shop where the basic necessities for sustenance are available. Besides the grocery shop, there is a tea stall with some snacks available. The tea stall is the prime meeting point for all the villagers during the evening time, even in other hours of the day the stall is never empty. It is always full of people sipping tea and chatting, breaking the world’s news to each other. There is a post office in my village. 

My favorite spot is a small rivulet. I love going there and spending time because beyond the rivulet lay are acres of grasslands and hills. For an artist, it will be a perfect picture to paint. All, young and old swim and bathe in the rivulet. The main occupation of the villagers is farming. Whenever I come to my village, I feel immense pleasure because of its peaceful and serene environment. I get to enjoy some fresh and organic vegetables and fruits here. The people in my village are very helpful and they live in harmony with no grudges. They live like one big family who always takes care of each other. We can hardly find this act of compassion back in the city. 

My village is a small abode for happy people.  Here they live in harmony and peace. The village people are very hardworking and thus they must have a good source of upliftment. Like the village’s schools and clinics should be maintained and increased in number. The farmers should be facilitated by helping them to leverage their sales, make them notified about the modern techniques used in farming, and give them compensation and knowledge of the true market price of their crops. Thus, I would request governmental authorities to come forward and uplift the medical, educational, and farming facilities in the village.


FAQs on My Village Essay

1. Why are the villages important?

Villages are important because they form the backbone of our country’s economy. They are the primary source of the agricultural sector of the country. They also maintain the ecological balance of the environment.

2. Describe the beauty of the village.

The village life is full of contentment and happiness, as people are not in a hurry like a city life. The most beautiful quality of life that one can experience is the calmness and unhurriedness of life. Village people live a very simple life. Villages are mostly situated far from the hustle and bustle of urban civilization. The beauty of nature can be experienced in a village as it is surrounded by trees, flowers, mountains, streams, and farmlands. There is no pollution in the village and one can feel the freshness in the breeze.

3. How can the government help in the upliftment of the villages?

The government must come forward to develop the basic facilities in the villages like making provisions for sanitation, building medical facilities and schools, and providing electricity and provisions for clean drinking water.

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My Village Essay | Essay on My Village for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on My Village: Life in metro cities and metropolises can be prospective and exciting, but life in rural villages and countryside radiates an entirely different vibe from city life. The Indian villages, scattered all over the Indian subcontinent, are beautiful sights to behold. Our rural socio-cultural conditions are rich in traditions, and it is interesting to know and learn about them. For students who study in school, essays on My Village and village life are prevalent. They get it for their homework, classwork, and exams.

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Long and Short Essays on My Village in English for Students and Kids

Below, we have given one extended Essay, which is 500 words long. A short essay is also provided, which consists of 100 words.

Long Essay on My Village in English 500 words

The extended Essay on My Village is common among students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

My village is called Aadapur. It is in the Bankura district of West Bengal. Our community comprises about 150 to 200 families; the total number of people dwelling here is nearly 2000. I have a family of four – it consists of my parents, my elder sister, and myself. While my sister helps my mother with household chores, my father does manual labor in the nearby construction site.

Anantapur is a small village, but a lovely one. One long stretch of road runs across the entire town, branching and bending here and there, and giving birth to lanes and bylanes. Small mud huts and cottages sit in two parallel rows on either side of the road, facing one another. All the households of mud and sand; only a few handfuls of cement-made buildings are in the area.

We have some facilities here and there. At the very center of the village stands the community village school’ it is aided by the Government. It is the only education institution in the area; there are no colleges. The school building is of two stories and houses students from standards 1 to 8. I study in the fifth standard.

The village panchayat building is another building made from concrete. All minor judiciary matters are dealt with over here. The house is presided over by the Panch and his other ministers.

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Anantapur is still on its way to development. The village had its first electric connection only a few months back. We have electricity for 14 hours in households from four o’clock in the evenings to six o’clock in the mornings. We do face minor power-cuts once or twice, but those are very rare.

The local bazaar is 10 minutes from our area. If one has to buy any essential commodities or food items, they can go to the market on foot; they can also take a rickshaw ride of 5 minutes. The bazaar is flocked with markets that sell essential, necessary products. The bazaar also has a government ration shop. The entire village gathers in a queue before the ration shop once every month for their share of subsidized rations. Apart from these shops, the village itself has four or five small shops here and there.

The roads are all cart-tracks; they are not line tracks. Our village consists of a close-knit community – everyone knows each other here. Every evening, my friends from neighboring huts and I gather in the fields to play. We play hide-and-seek and kabaddi mostly. The streets stay lit from the lamp-posts present in every bylane.

The main occupation of the people in Anandapur is manual labor, handicrafts, and agriculture. After they complete their eight standard education, a few people migrate to the city of Calcutta for higher studies; the Government distributes yearly scholarships for this opportunity.

Situated in the lap of nature, my village is surrounded by greenery. Like in cities, pollution has not yet invaded the air around us. Although city life provides many benefits and advantages to its dwellers, I am satisfied with the little and peaceful life, which I lead in my small village.

Short Essay on My Village in English 150 words

Essay on My Village short essays are for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

I live in a mountainous village, situated atop the beautiful Nilgiris. My village and the life that I have here exudes beauty, freshness, and peace. Unlike in most cities, the air around us is not polluted; it is fresh and healthy to breathe in. Surrounded by raw nature all around, it is one of the greenest and most beautiful Indian villages. The village abounds with vast stretches of pastures, meadows and magnificent valleys. The pastures are for cattle-rearing, like yachts and sheep. The main occupation here is farming and agriculture that is carried out in the village fields. The village is one of the best and excellent places to spend a lifetime in.

10 Lines on My Village Essay in English

  • My village is in Madhya Pradesh.
  • It is located amidst nature.
  • A river meanders across the entire village.
  • The river provides water for irrigation and other farming activities.
  • Apart from irrigation, the river water is in use for washing and cleaning purposes.
  • The women and maids fetch drinking water from the local well.
  • Not many vehicles travel through our village. Hence, there is little or no pollution at all.
  • The village does not have a massive population; as a result, it is clean and tidy.
  • The main occupation practiced over here is farming, cattle-rearing, and fishing.
  • Developmental works are being carried around in the village for modernization.

FAQ’s on Essay on My Village

Question 1. Are villages important?

Answer: Yes. Villages are a vital part of India’s topography. In villages, life can be lived that stays in close touch with nature. Moreover, communities are the centers of cultural activities and traditions.

Question 2. Do villages have advanced facilities?

Answer: Not all villages are developed. A few of them have some facilities such as electricity, light, etc. The Government is facilitating developments for the advancement of the communities.

Question 3. How is life in a village?

Answer: Living in a village imparts a harmonious and peaceful lifestyle. Staying in a village gives you a recluse from the busy city life; you can stay away from the madding crowd and the anxious rat-race. Being in a village is slow, beautiful and soothing.

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Essay on My Village for Students and Children

My village in India is a place of immense beauty and cultural richness. Nestled in the heart of our country, it embodies the essence of our diverse and vibrant nation. In this essay, I will take you on a journey to discover the charm and significance of my village in India

Natural Beauty

My village is surrounded by lush green fields, serene rivers, and picturesque hills. The natural beauty here is breathtaking, making it a paradise for nature lovers.

Cultural Heritage

In our village, we enthusiastically celebrate festivals, dances, and rituals, preserving our rich cultural traditions for generations.

Warm and Welcoming Community

The people in my village are known for their warmth and hospitality. They treat every visitor like family, creating a sense of belonging and unity.

Agriculture and Livelihood

Agriculture is the backbone of our village. The fertile land yields a variety of crops, sustaining the livelihood of the villagers.

Educational Initiatives

Despite being a small village, we prioritize education. We have schools and initiatives to ensure every child has access to quality education.

Traditional Crafts and Artistry

Skilled artisans in our village practice traditional crafts such as pottery, weaving, and handloom workThese crafts are not only a source of income but also an art form.

Agricultural Festivals

Our village celebrates various agricultural festivals with great enthusiasm. These festivals not only mark the harvest season but also strengthen community bonds.

Challenges and Progress

We face challenges such as a lack of infrastructure and healthcare, but the government and NGOs are working to bring progress to our village.

The Future of My Village

As we move forward, we aspire to modernize while preserving our cultural roots. We hope to create a balance that benefits future generations.

In conclusion, my village in India is a treasure trove of culture, traditions, and natural beauty. It is a place where the past and the present coexist harmoniously, and where the warmth of community shines bright. While challenges exist, the spirit of progress and preservation drives us forward. My village is not just a place; it is a part of who I am, and I am proud to call it home. It represents the rich tapestry of India’s rural life, and I hope it continues to thrive and flourish for years to come.

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English Compositions

My Village Essay in English [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on the topic ‘My Village.’ Here I will write three sets of sample essays on the same topic covering different word limits. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on my village in 100 words, short essay on my village in 200 words, short essay on my village in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on My Village

In origin, I’m from Bangladesh. But after the partition, my family came and settled in a remote village in Murshidabad. Presently, I stay in Kolkata with my parents, but several times I have heard my father remember his childhood days in the village.

During the vacations, I often visit the village. People are so innocent there and all of them love us so much. They care for their nature and do not harm it like the urban people. Also, they have still kept their tribal festivals intact. I love to enjoy their traditional food and this bonding between my people in the village. Whenever I visit my village, it has always been so ni experience.

Since my childhood days, I used to fantasize about spending my life in our ancestral village. Staying in a village has never been an opportunity for me because I am born and brought up in the city. We hardly get a chance to meet my ancestral people in the village of Murshidabad. The story goes back to the partition of India when my great grandparents migrated from Bangladesh and settled in Murshidabad to protect their families. At that time they were extremely poor and had a humble income to spend their days. They were followed by many others.

The village is now much more developed than it was when first inhabited. When I visit the village with my parents, during the vacation, it gets quite enjoyable to meet them after a long time. The clean air and water are beautiful with pure fruits and vegetables to eat. The reads are of red soil and soft to walk over. The humble neighbour of that village is the main reason I love my village. 

Some of our relatives still live in the village. Their primary profession is agriculture. During my visit, my cousins took me to show the agricultural fields. It was totally a mesmerizing experience. The entire horizon was green and such a peaceful life that I could never experience in the city.

Life in a village is much different from what we experience in the city. The urban lifestyle does not provide us with all views of the Earth. The world has much more greenery and beauty than it seems to us. The city definitely gives a modern life, better infrastructure, more communication, and quick connections. But it also takes away the natural goodness from us.

I find myself extremely lucky to think that I am from a village. I stay in a distant village in the suburbs of Darjeeling. The best part of living in a village is that I can stay far away from the daily crowd of the city. The city is too confusing and suffocating for me. I cannot bear staying there even for a week. I always crave the peace I get in my own village. The village called Kasaimara is extremely beautiful in its flora and fauna. The air is clean and pure like the innocent people of my village.

We do not have many modern amenities like the city. We often face problems with network and communication, we do not have good schools or hospitals. But still, the peace of nature allows us to live a long and healthy life. I love to take long walks up the hill slopes in the morning or often cycle all the way. It saves the cost of taking any gym practice and is also helpful in maintaining a healthy body and peaceful mind. 

Due to no pollution, we always have a majestic view of the mountains from our village. Around 50-50 families live in our village. For weekend and holiday picnics, all our villagers come together and celebrate with our ethnic music and dance. It is not like the mechanical life of the city. Everything we do here has a spontaneous charm and is full of life.

The environment of my village is so beautiful. The people work hard to preserve ethnic integrity. We have a rich history o folktales and myths. As a child, I often heard my grandparents tell me stories about them. They are precious and innocent like the people. They easily befriend other members, even from a different community. My village celebrates our own tribal festivals with great enjoyment and pomp. I am extremely lucky that I am a proud villager of India. We do not have many facilities, but at the end of the day, we are at peace with ourselves and others.

 I have tried to write these essays in very simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If anyone still has any doubts regarding this topic, kindly let me know through some quick comments. To read more such lessons, keep browsing our website.

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My Village Essay in 600 Words in English for School Students

my village in future essay

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  • Apr 12, 2024

My Village Essay

Describing your village in an essay can be a great way to write about its physical features, facts, places, and importance. Topics like ‘My Village Essay’ are part of our academic writing. As students, we all write essays on such topics. Such essay topics allow us to express our thoughts and ideas and share experiences creatively. When writing academic essays, students must know that essays will be read by their teachers or any professional accessor. On this page, we will provide all the details that you can talk about in ‘My Village essay.’

Table of Contents

  • 1 10 Lines Essay on My Village
  • 2.1 Physical Features of My Village
  • 2.2 Interesting Facts About My Village
  • 2.3 Importance of My Village
  • 2.4 Conclusion

Here are 10 Easy Steps on How to Write an Essay in English.

10 Lines Essay on My Village

Here is a 10-line essay on my village. Students can use these lines in their essays according to their convenience. 

  • My village is located in the Uttrakhand state.
  • My village is close to Devprayag, where the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers meet.
  • My village is blessed with natural resources and beauty.
  • Every year, tens and thousands of tourists visit my village.
  • My village has a football field next to the river, where my friends and I used to play as children.
  • My village was listed as the cleanest village in India.
  • My village reminds me of my cultural values and ethos.
  • Next to my village, there is the National Valley of Flowers, one of the most beautiful places in India.
  • My village has given birth to a lot of brave soldiers.
  • Most of my village people have joined the Indian Army.

My Village Essay 

‘The name of my village is Ukimath . It is located in the Chopta district of Uttrakhand, India. Every summer vacation, my family and I take a long road trip to our village. There are two ways to travel to my village; one by public transportation and the other by private vehicle.’

‘Every time I visit my village, the country roads remind me of the good old days, when my friends and I would run all day around the village, play on the hills, and sit for hours around the river valley, etc. City life is no fun. There are so many people, all with busy schedules, and no one to talk to. My village is like a small paradise on earth, with no pollution at all. Just us and nature.’

Physical Features of My Village

The physical features of my village include the Ganga River valley, the natural waterfalls, the mountain roads, and houses made of wooden plank, stone, or mud. This might sound primitive, but that’s what makes it special.

City life is crowded and boring. There are so many people around us, yet no one to talk to. In my village, everyone respects and takes care of each other. The men go for farming in the field, and the women work shoulder to shoulder and even take care of the household and children. Children, on the other hand, enjoy their mornings at the village school. 

The village school was built by the Government of India when schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan and Mid-Day Meal were launched. From the village entrance near the river valley to the waterfall, everything about my village is perfect. There is no smoke in the air, no noise pollution, fewer cars on the street and everyone is happy.’

Interesting Facts About My Village

In my village, everyone is dedicated to their work, whether it’s a farmer, landlord, or rikshaw puller. People of my village are involved in a lot of physical activities, which puts them on par with urban society. They are not only physically strong, but they also take good care of their mental health.

Next to my village, the Ganges flows, where villagers practice yoga to improve their physical and mental fitness. It’s like a special occasion where everyone gathers and participates in yoga. There are no conflicts. Sometimes there are differences in opinions, but those are dealt with very peacefully’

Everyone in my village is helpful. From daily house chores to rough times, everyone is willing to offer their unconditional support. This shows how genuinely people care for each other. This is one of the reasons why my village is special. 

Quick Read: Essay on Chandrayaan – 3

Importance of My Village

Today, the entire world is becoming modernised, but there is a lot we can learn from our rural societies. In India, 68.8% of the population lives in villages. A village is like a family. Everyone shares their good and bad deeds. People gather on special occasions, like Diwali, Holi, or Navratri, and participate as one. 

My village is located at the confluence of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers. From the North, the Bhagirathi river flows, and from the North-East, the Alaknanda flows. About 5 km to the North of my village, there is the Tehri Dam, which is India’s highest dam. 

My village is like a fairytale. There is a river with fresh water, green valleys and mountains, and beautiful people. Everyone in my village is dedicated to their work. Natural resources are abundant and surrounded by picturesque views, making it an ideal place for travelling. I love my village.

Ans: ‘The name of my village is Ukimath . It is located in the Chopta district of Uttrakhand, India. Every summer vacation, my family and I take a long road trip to our village. There are two ways to travel to my village; one by public transportation and the other by private vehicle.’ ‘Every time I visit my village, the country roads remind me of the good old days, when my friends and I would run all day around the village, play on the hills, and sit for hours around the river valley, etc. City life is no fun. There are so many people, all with busy schedules, and no one to talk to. My village is like a small paradise on earth, with no pollution at all. Just us and nature.

Ans: My village is blessed with natural resources and beauty. Every year, tens and thousands of tourists visit my village. My village has a football field next to the river, where my friends and I used to play as a child My village was listed as the cleanest village in India. My village reminds me of my cultural values and ethos. Next to my village, there is the National Valley of Flowers, one of the most beautiful places in India.

Ans: Start by writing the name of your village, its location, and other important things. Then come the physical features, the importance of your village, interesting facts, and how much you love your village.

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Essay on My Village – Examples, 10 Lines to 1200 Words

Short Essay on My Village

Essay on My Village: My village holds a special place in my heart, as it is where I grew up and formed some of my fondest memories. In this essay, I will delve into the beauty and simplicity of village life, highlighting the close-knit community, the lush greenery, and the peaceful surroundings that make it a truly idyllic place to live. From the bustling marketplace to the serene fields, my village is a treasure trove of experiences and lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today.

Table of Contents

My Village Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing your village and providing some background information about it. Mention its location, size, population, and any unique features that make it special.

2. Describe the physical features: Write about the natural beauty of your village, such as the lush green fields, rolling hills, or serene rivers. Describe the landscape and the flora and fauna that can be found in your village.

3. Talk about the people: Discuss the residents of your village and their way of life. Describe their customs, traditions, and daily routines. Mention any festivals or events that are celebrated in your village.

4. Highlight the community spirit: Write about the strong sense of community that exists in your village. Talk about how people come together to help each other in times of need and how everyone knows each other.

5. Discuss the amenities: Mention the facilities and amenities available in your village, such as schools, hospitals, markets, and transportation. Talk about any recent developments or improvements that have been made to enhance the quality of life in your village.

6. Share personal experiences: Write about your own experiences growing up in the village and how it has shaped you as a person. Talk about your favorite memories and the things you love most about your village.

7. Discuss the challenges: Address any challenges or issues that your village faces, such as lack of infrastructure, unemployment, or environmental concerns. Talk about what can be done to address these challenges and improve the quality of life in your village.

8. Conclusion: Wrap up your essay by summarizing the key points you have discussed and reiterating why your village is special to you. End with a positive note, expressing your love and pride for your village.

Essay on My Village in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My village is located in a picturesque countryside setting with lush green fields and rolling hills. 2. The village is small and close-knit, with a population of around 500 people. 3. The main occupation of the villagers is farming, with most households owning land for cultivation. 4. There is a central marketplace where villagers gather to buy and sell goods, as well as socialize. 5. The village has a primary school for the education of children, with older students having to travel to nearby towns for higher education. 6. The community is predominantly Hindu, with a few Christian and Muslim families living in harmony. 7. The village has a temple dedicated to the local deity, where religious festivals are celebrated with great fervor. 8. There are a few small shops and eateries in the village, providing basic necessities to the residents. 9. The village is well-connected by road to nearby towns and cities, making it easy for villagers to access healthcare and other services. 10. Overall, my village is a peaceful and idyllic place where the simple joys of rural life can be experienced.

Sample Essay on My Village in 100-180 Words

My village is a small and peaceful place located in the countryside. It is surrounded by lush green fields and tall trees. The people in my village are friendly and welcoming. They are always ready to help each other in times of need.

The main occupation of the villagers is farming. They grow various crops like rice, wheat, and vegetables. The village also has a small market where people can buy essential items.

One of the best things about my village is its natural beauty. The air is fresh and clean, and the sound of birds chirping can be heard throughout the day. There are also several ponds and streams where people can go fishing or take a dip to cool off during hot summer days.

Overall, my village is a place where one can escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy the simple pleasures of nature. I feel lucky to have grown up in such a serene and beautiful place.

Short Essay on My Village in 200-500 Words

My village is a small and picturesque settlement located in the heart of the countryside. Surrounded by lush green fields and rolling hills, it is a peaceful and serene place that is far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life. The village is home to a close-knit community of friendly and welcoming people who take pride in their traditions and way of life.

One of the things that I love most about my village is its natural beauty. The landscape is dotted with colorful wildflowers, towering trees, and meandering streams that add to the charm of the place. The air is fresh and clean, and the sound of birds chirping and cows mooing can be heard in the distance. It is a place where one can truly connect with nature and appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

The village is also steeped in history and culture. There are ancient temples and monuments that date back centuries, each with its own fascinating story to tell. The villagers are proud of their heritage and take great care to preserve and protect their traditions. Festivals and celebrations are a common occurrence in the village, with everyone coming together to participate in the festivities and honor their ancestors.

Life in the village is slow-paced and relaxed. People here take the time to savor the little moments and enjoy the simple things in life. The days are spent tending to the fields, caring for livestock, and engaging in traditional crafts and activities. There is a strong sense of community spirit, with neighbors helping each other out in times of need and coming together to celebrate special occasions.

Despite its idyllic setting, my village is not without its challenges. The lack of modern amenities and infrastructure can make life difficult at times. The roads are rough and unpaved, making travel a bumpy and arduous journey. Access to healthcare and education is limited, and many young people are forced to leave the village in search of better opportunities in the city.

However, despite these challenges, the villagers remain resilient and optimistic. They take pride in their village and work hard to make it a better place for future generations. There is a strong sense of unity and camaraderie among the people, who come together to address issues and find solutions to common problems.

In conclusion, my village is a place that holds a special place in my heart. It is a place of natural beauty, rich history, and strong community spirit. Despite its challenges, the villagers remain steadfast in their commitment to preserving their way of life and ensuring a bright future for generations to come. I am proud to call this village my home, and I am grateful for the lessons it has taught me about the importance of tradition, community, and resilience.

Essay on My Village in 1000-1500 Words


A village is a small settlement that is usually located in a rural area. It is a close-knit community where people know each other and live in harmony. My village is a beautiful place located in the countryside, surrounded by lush green fields and tall trees. It is a place where time seems to stand still, and life moves at a slower pace. In this essay, I will describe my village and the various aspects that make it a special place to live in.

Location and Geography

My village is located in the southern part of India, in the state of Kerala. It is nestled amidst the Western Ghats, a range of mountains that run parallel to the Arabian Sea. The village is situated on a hill, overlooking a vast expanse of paddy fields and coconut groves. The climate in my village is tropical, with hot and humid summers and mild winters. The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall, which nourishes the fertile soil and ensures a bountiful harvest.

The village is divided into several smaller hamlets, each with its own unique character and charm. The main village center is a bustling hub of activity, with shops, schools, and a small market where villagers gather to buy and sell goods. Surrounding the village are acres of farmland, where farmers cultivate rice, coconut, and spices such as pepper and cardamom. The landscape is dotted with small ponds and streams, which provide water for irrigation and serve as a source of recreation for the villagers.

Community and Culture

The people in my village are warm and friendly, always ready to lend a helping hand to their neighbors. The community is close-knit, with strong bonds of kinship and camaraderie. Everyone knows each other by name, and there is a sense of belonging and solidarity that permeates the village. Festivals and celebrations are an integral part of village life, with each hamlet organizing its own events and rituals.

The culture of my village is deeply rooted in tradition and customs that have been passed down through generations. Music and dance are an important part of village life, with folk songs and performances being a common sight during festivals and special occasions. The cuisine in my village is also unique, with dishes made from locally grown ingredients such as rice, coconut, and spices. The villagers take pride in their culinary skills and often invite guests to sample their delicious meals.

Economy and Livelihood

The economy of my village is primarily agrarian, with farming being the main occupation of the villagers. Most families own small plots of land where they grow crops such as rice, coconut, and spices. Agriculture is a labor-intensive activity, with farmers working in the fields from dawn to dusk to ensure a good harvest. In addition to farming, some villagers also engage in fishing and animal husbandry, rearing cattle and poultry for meat and dairy products.

Apart from agriculture, small-scale industries such as handloom weaving and pottery are also prevalent in my village. Artisans and craftsmen create beautiful textiles and pottery using traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations. These products are sold in local markets and provide an additional source of income for the villagers.

Education and Healthcare

Education and healthcare are important aspects of village life, with schools and clinics playing a vital role in the community. There are several schools in my village, ranging from primary to high school, where children receive a quality education. The teachers are dedicated and committed to providing a nurturing environment for the students, helping them to excel in their studies.

Healthcare facilities in my village are limited, with a small clinic that is staffed by a doctor and a nurse. The clinic provides basic medical services such as vaccinations, check-ups, and treatment for common ailments. In case of emergencies, patients are referred to the nearest hospital, which is located in a nearby town. Despite the lack of advanced medical facilities, the villagers are grateful for the care and attention they receive from the clinic staff.

In conclusion, my village is a place of beauty and tranquility, where nature and community coexist in harmony. The lush green fields, tall trees, and serene surroundings make it a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. The people in my village are hardworking and resilient, with a strong sense of community and tradition that binds them together. Life in the village may be simple and slow-paced, but it is rich in culture, heritage, and warmth. I am proud to call my village home, and I hope that it will continue to thrive and prosper for generations to come.

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Essay on My Village

The rural areas of the country are considered as villages. We all live in a country but it is again divided into two sections. One is loaded with high technological advancement while the other section requires development. Although the village area lacks development and technological advancement, it has several other benefits. The peace, environment, purity, satisfaction, and simplicity of villages are unbeatable. Villages are the ideal place for healthy living. Lucky are those who have their roots in villages. Therefore, today we will discuss My Village to highlight the beauty of villages.

Short and Long My Village Essay in English

Here, I’m presenting long and short essays on My Village in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided My Village essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

My Village Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) My village’s name is Heerapur, and it is located in Haryana.

2) My village is small but the people living here have big hearts.

3) There are two schools and one hospital in my village.

4) Facilities like electricity and transportation are not good here.

5) My village is free from unwanted pollution and noise.

6) All people of the village work hard to carry out their living.

7) People of my village are very helpful and down to earth.

8) Villagers celebrate all the functions together.

9) All the people live happily and peacefully in my village.

10) My village is very beautiful and I love it.

Short Essay on My Village (250 – 300 Words)


My name is Anjali and my village is Dhamtari. My village is very beautiful and incredible. We often visit our village at festivals. It has all the major facilities which make it a better place to live. There is no pollution, no noise, and no rush. The fresh air is blown with the sounds of birds chirping.

My Beautiful Village

My village has some 100 to 150 families. All the houses are mainly surrounded by greenery. There is one lake near my village. Agriculture and fishing is the main occupation of my village peoples. Many people have domesticated cows in their homes.

Another thing I love the most in my village is sleeping on the terrace. I love counting stars in the clear sky. The cool breeze at night is far better than air conditioners. All the people of my village are very kind and helpful. I have so many friends there and I play with them all day. There is a small temple in the center of my village. All the villagers gather there at every festival and celebrate the moment together. People usually grow vegetables on their farms. Others have to go to the nearby grocery shops for buying things. There are only few shops selling only basic things. For more amenities, people have to walk to nearby markets.

The roads in my village have many potholes and are very narrow. There are only a few means of transport available to travel to nearby places. There is one government hospital and one school. However, in case of serious issues, they have to go to the city for treatment. Although it lacks many facilities, still people live happily in villages.

Long Essay on My Village (500 Words)

Villages are referred to as the rural portion of the nation. India has many small and big villages. Almost everyone comes from a village, and we always have connections to our villages. The beauty of villages attracts people to them. Living in a village has a lot of good points. But some important facilities are missing in villages as well. Due to this many people don’t like to live in villages. However, villages play an important role in supporting the economy of the nation.

Hello, I’m Rohan and I usually visit my village in my holidays. My village is situated a few kilometers away from the city of Ghazipur. My grandparents live there alone. I feel very excited when we prepare to go to our village. We usually go there by taking a local bus. When we enter the village the pleasant surrounding and the fresh air welcomes us. Whenever we arrive in our village, our neighbors and other people come around to greet us. I really enjoy this moment. The peaceful surrounding of my village feels very satisfying and relaxing.

Facilities in My Village

Today the government is trying to make all facilities available in villages but my village still lacks many of them. There is no proper road in my village. In fact, there is no facility for transport. People have to walk on foot from the road to the village to reach their respective houses.

However, electricity comes for a short period of time. There is only one nearby school where all the village children go. It is a government school with a mid-day meal system. Students have to go a few kilometers away from the village for higher classes. There are also no taps just like in cities. There is no hospital located near the village. People have to go far for medicines and checkups.

The environment of My Village

The environment of my village is very pleasant. There are trees everywhere. Almost all families are engaged in agriculture. People who live in villages are more dedicated to their work than people who live in cities. They also have more strength and capacity than city dwellers. They work throughout the day on farms and return home in the evening.

Due to the good population of trees, the atmosphere remains cool throughout the day and night. Most of the houses are made up of mud and grass. The whole village lives in peace and harmony, and there are no conflicts of any kind. Villagers help each other when they are sad or happy, and they are very friendly.

Life in a village is totally different from that in cities. Since village people lack certain facilities and luxuries of living but they are blessed with the pure nature. They stay away from the pollution and greed of the cities. They live a simple but happy life. People should visit their village and enjoy its beauty.

I hope the above provided essay on My Village will be helpful in understanding the scenario of my village and the life of the people living there.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My Village

Ans. The village is crucial for maintaining the ecological balance of the environment and serving as the main source of agricultural production.

Ans. India currently has more than 6 lakh villages.

Ans. Bihar in India has the most villages.

Ans. Mawlynnong is a village in the North East Indian state of Meghalaya which is the cleanest village in Asia.

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Essay on My Village for all Classes in – 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words

Village life is a canvas painted with simplicity. Here are essays reflecting the beautiful simplicity of village life. These essays are perfect for students of all ages as these are from a brief 100 words to a more detailed 400+ words. Let’s explore the fresh air, green fields, and the unique charm of village life through these essays. 

Table of Contents

Essay on my village 100 words.

My village is a magical place. The air in my village is fresh and the fields are green. It’s like a big playground under the open sky. We have a river that sparkles in the sunlight.  There are trees that dance with the wind.

People in my village are friendly and they are always ready to help with a smile. In the morning, roosters wake us up, and at night, crickets sing us to sleep. We play games in the meadows and go on adventures in the woods. My village may be small, but it’s full of love, laughter, and the joy of simple things. It’s my favorite place in the whole wide world.

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Essay on My Village 150 Words

My village is like a small place full of surprises. Every morning, the sun climbs up the hills and wakes up our little world. We’ve got gardens full of all sorts of veggies and bright flowers. There’s a pond, too, right in the middle, where frogs sing their songs. Walking down the streets, you’ll see houses with friendly people who always have a smile on their faces. Kids play outside, running around and laughing, making the village feel even more alive. It’s a place where every day feels special, just because of the simple, happy moments we share.

 In our village, animals are our friends. We have cows, dogs and goats that join our daily life. The center of our village is always full of life, where everyone shares stories and smiles around. Our school is small but it’s full of big dreams and lots of laughter. We all learn together. As the day ends, the whole village feels like it’s singing a soft song. Living here is like getting a big, warm hug from nature. It’s not just the people; even the leaves, rocks, and stars in the sky feel like they’re part of our big family.

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Essay on My Village 250 Words

In my village, the day starts with birds singing and leaves whispering . Every street has its own story, and everyone smiles at you like an old friend. There are golden fields in my village where farmers work hard under the big, blue sky. We love to run in our fields. When we run, the wind plays with our hair. On warm days, we cool our feet in the small pond of our village.

Our village playground is the centre of all our laughter. We play a lot there. There’s also an old library here, full of books about all subjects. The bakery nearby always smells like new bread, and we love getting ice cream from the vendors after school. When it’s festival time, the whole village lights up with colors and music, and you can hear the fun sounds all through the night.

In our village, when night comes, it’s like the world sings us a bedtime song. Crickets speak their tunes, and the sky seems like a blanket of twinkling stars. Even though our village is very small, it feels like a whole big world. A world where every day is about joy, where we can dream as big as the endless sky above us.

This place is more than where our houses are. It’s our real home. Every corner and every path has its own story. Each one is special to us. We laugh with friends here. We also have quiet times by ourselves. All these moments come together. They turn our village into a treasure box. A box full of special memories.

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Essay on My Village 300 Words

A natural paradise.

My village is situated in the heart of the countryside. It is surrounded by vast green fields and beautiful forests. It looks just like a beautiful picture that nature has made. When the day starts, birds sing happy songs. The sun comes up and makes everything look bright and golden. You can smell the sweet flowers and the fresh, wet ground. This makes us feel calm, even when we’re busy.

The Heart of the Community

In our village, being friendly is just what we do. Everyone knows everyone else by their first names. People say Ram Ram with big smiles and open doors. The main road goes right through the middle of the village. 

A Relaxing Village Life

Our village has pretty gardens with many flowers and vast green fields. It seems like things are slower here, so everyone feels more relaxed. The market is a lively place with fresh fruits and vegetables in every color you can imagine. People are always chatting and laughing together, telling stories to one another.

Enjoying Simple Moments

In our village, life goes by slowly. We follow the sun rising and setting more than we watch the clock. This slow way of living lets us enjoy little things, like the smell of bread or a quick chat with a neighbor. Even simple jobs can become fun when we take the time to talk and laugh with those around us.

A Rich Blend of Traditions

Our village is more than just a spot on the map. It’s full of traditions and experiences that bring us all closer. We have big meals together that make every celebration feel like a family get-together. We also keep old traditions alive, celebrating them with joy and excitement. These traditions help make our community strong and special, filling our village with the simple but deep happiness of being together.

Living in my village feels like being in a big family. We’re not related by blood, but we all love this beautiful place together.

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Essay on My Village 400+  Words

A look at village life.

The beauty of my village is amazing, like something out of a nature painting. Imagine big green fields everywhere, with old, quiet forests around them. In the morning, a soft fog covers everything, making it look like a storybook place. The middle of the village has a shiny river that twists and turns, showing off the colors of the sky. 

There are comfortable houses with straw roofs here and there, surrounded by gardens full of colorful flowers. Everywhere you look is like a picture, filled with bright natural colors, bringing a calm and peaceful feeling to everyone who sees it.

My Village Day-to-Day

In the village, our days move with nature’s own beat. It all starts when the morning comes and the roosters call out, letting everyone know it’s time to wake up. People get up early here, doing their work as the sun moves through the sky. Farmers go to their fields, looking after their plants with a lot of care. 

Kids go to school, with their happy voices mixing with the cool morning air. The market gets busy, too, with everyone buying and selling, and the smell of fresh food and the sounds of chatting fill the air. When the evening comes, families sit down to eat together, talking about what happened that day. Then, as night falls and the stars come out, the village gets quiet, and everyone goes home to get ready for another day.

Farming and Family: How Our Village Works

Our village’s way of making a living comes from the land. Farming is what keeps us going. The changing seasons tell us what to do, from putting seeds in the ground, taking care of our plants, to picking the crops when they’re ready. We grow things like wheat, rice, and lots of vegetables. 

These not only feed us but also help our local shops. We also have skilled people who make things like pottery and clothes, showing off what our village is all about. Together, farming and making things keep our village strong and able to take care of itself.

We have big parties when it’s time to bring in the crops, turning hard work into fun times with everyone. This mix of old ways and hard work keeps our village life bright, even as the world around us changes. It’s about more than just food; it’s what keeps our village feeling like a big family.

Village Friendships: More Than Just Neighbors

In our village, being part of the community means a lot. It’s not just about where we live. We help each other out in the fields, work together on village projects, and enjoy spending time together. People are always welcome with smiles and hugs all around. Following are the examples 

1. Unity in Diversity: 

Even though we belong to different backgrounds, still everyone in the village comes together. It’s like we’re making a colorful picture out of many different threads. Our differences make us stronger together.

2. Neighborly Bonds:

People keep their doors and their hearts open, sharing happy times and sad ones too. This makes a strong net of help and friendship that keeps us all close.

3. Festival Connections:

Festivals fill our village with colors and friendship. They bring people back, even from far away, making our connections strong again during these happy times.

4. Shared Traditions:

Old traditions, like harvest festivals and stories told by our grandparents, tie us all closer together. They keep our village’s rich history alive.

5. Helping Hands: 

When things get tough, our village stands strong together. Everyone is ready to help out. This shows how we can all face challenges as one big family.

Together We Stand: Unity in Adversity

In tough times, everyone in our village comes together like one big family. We share what we have and lend a hand where it’s needed. This togetherness makes us not just friends, but family. It’s how we get through anything that comes our way.

Harvesting Hope: Celebrating Strength and Solidarity

When the harvest time arrives, it’s like a big party in the village. It’s not just about the crops we’ve grown; it’s about what we can achieve when we work side by side. These celebrations fill us with hope and remind us that together, we are strong.

A Future Woven with Tradition: Carrying Our Legacy Forward

Our village is rich with traditions passed down through generations. We keep these traditions alive by teaching them to our children. From folklore to festivals, these traditions are the threads that connect us to our past and guide us into the future, ensuring our village’s spirit remains vibrant for years to come.

In conclusion, our village is more than just a place on the map; it’s a heartbeat of traditions, unity, and shared dreams. Through the rhythms of daily life, the joy of our festivals, and the strength we find in each other during hard times, we’ve created a community that stands strong and proud. 

What do you like about a village?

What things are very good in a village?

Answer – What I like about village life includes several key points:

1. Community Spirit: The sense of community in a village is unmatched. People know each other by name, and there’s a genuine sense of belonging and mutual care. This strong bond creates a supportive and friendly environment.

2. Natural Beauty: Villages are usually in pretty places, with lots of nature around. They have big green fields, woods, rivers, and mountains. This makes everything look nice and peaceful, and it feels refreshing to be there every day.

3. Simpler Living: The pace of life in a village is slower and more relaxed, allowing people to enjoy the little things and live in the moment. This simplicity leads to less stress and a more satisfying way of life.

4. Cultural Richness: Villages are full of old traditions and culture. They have special festivals, handmade things, old stories, and music. These traditions help remember the village’s history and make people feel proud and connected to where they come from.

5. Fresh Food: In villages, people can easily get fresh food that’s grown nearby. This is good because it means eating healthy and also helps take care of the environment.

6. Connection to Nature: Living in a village helps you feel close to nature. You can farm, garden, and do things outside. This helps you care about and understand nature better.

These aspects combine to make village life uniquely fulfilling, offering a blend of social connection, cultural depth, and natural tranquility.

How can we develop a village as a smart village in India?

Answer- Developing a village into a smart village in India involves a few key steps:

1. Improve Infrastructure: Start by upgrading basic facilities like roads, electricity, water supply, and internet access. Good infrastructure is the foundation of a smart village.

2. Education and Healthcare: Focus on providing quality education and healthcare services. Set up schools and healthcare centers with modern facilities and trained professionals.

3. Digital Literacy: Teach villagers how to use digital tools and the internet. This helps them access information, government services, and markets online.

4. Sustainable Farming: Introduce modern and sustainable farming techniques. This can increase crop yields and make farming more eco-friendly.

5. Renewable Energy: Use solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources to power the village. This is clean and can save money in the long run.

6. Waste Management: Set up systems for recycling and managing waste properly. This keeps the village clean and healthy.

7. Community Participation: Involve the villagers in planning and decision-making. When people have a say, they’re more likely to support changes.

By working on these areas, a village in India can become smarter, more sustainable, and a better place to live.

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English Aspirants

My Village Essay 10 Lines | 10 Lines on My Village

My Village Essay 10 Lines: In this article, you are going to learn to write my village essay 10 lines in English. Here, We’ve given 4sets of examples. These 10 lines will be helpful for students of all classes (LKG, UKG, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12). So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

My Village Essay 10 Lines: Set 1

1. The name of my village is manpur.

2. It is a small village.

3. It is 50 km away from Kolkata.

4. About one thousand people live in my village.

5. They are not rich but very kind-hearted.

6. Most of the people in my village are farmers.

7. The villagers live a happy and peaceful life.

8. My village has a primary school and a post office.

9. The village is very neat and clean.

10. I love my village very much.

My Village Essay 10 Lines

10 Lines on My Village: Set 2

1. The name of my village is Afjalpur.

2. It is located in Kanpur Nagar district.

3. The village is surrounded by beautiful greenery.

4. It has a population of about 2000 people.

5. The villagers are very honest and hard-working

6. The main livelihood of the villagers is agriculture.

7. My village has a local market where people buy and sell things.

8. There is a primary school and health care centre in my village.

9. The villagers always live together in peace and harmony.

10. I am very proud of my village.

10 Lines on My Village

Also Read: Paragraph on My Village

My Village 10 Lines: Set 3

1. The name of my village is Malipara.

2. People from different castes and communities live here.

3. All the villagers live with unity and cooperation.

4. A pucca road connects the village with the district town.

5. My village is full of crops, vegetables and fruit trees.

6. There is a primary school and a higher secondary school in my village.

7. There is a big pond and a playground in my village.

8. There is a big market which sits twice a week.

9. My village is a dirt-free ideal village.

10. I am blessed to live in such a village.

Also Read: 10 Lines on My School

10 Lines Essay on My Village: Set 4

1. The name of my village is Faridpur.

2. It is a small village located Siwan District of Bihar State.

3. The river Daha flows through the eastern side of the village.

4. Various types of trees and plants have given the village a natural beauty.

5. There is a pucca road in the village which is paved and wide.

6. There is a population of about 3000 people in my village.

7. Paddy, Wheat, Mustard, pulses, sugarcane etc. are grown in my village.

8. My village has a primary school, a charitable hospital, a post office, and a market.

9. People of different professions and religions live here together.

10. We all work together towards the development of our village.

Read More: 1. 10 Lines on Cow  2. 10 Lines on Rainy Season 3. 10 Lines on Holi Festival

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My Village Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article, you will read ‘my village essay’ for students and children in 1000 words. This essay includes the introduction, description, nature’s beauty, daily lives, 10 lines about my village.

Table of Contents

My Village Essay (1000 Words)

One of the crucial means to develop a relationship with nature and also the land is to live in a village. The village is a location where we can observe a natural setting.

One can now observe that city dwellers are likewise attempting to restore nature. This is accomplished by growing trees in the front and in nearby areas.

Villages are content just to meet their basic needs, and they will always have fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, water, and enough clean air on hand.

Description of My Village

There are many factories in places like Mumbai that produce trash and pollution . There aren’t many factories in the area; therefore, pollution isn’t a problem.

Nature Beauty in My Village

Their main source of income is agriculture . Whenever onerous taxes or even other measures endanger their property ownership, they join revolutionary movements such as the Soviet Union in Russia. 

The most major and lasting impact on the environment is the atmosphere. The value of either a village includes divine aesthetic touches, such as mind plus soul rest.

Villagers Daily Lives

Village society’s benefits, 10 lines on my village in english, conclusion (my village essay).

Thus, several more philosophers, as well as brilliant intellectuals, admired village life though, since the purposefulness of everyday life inside the countryside allows villagers to feel good.

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My Village Essay | My Native Village Essay & Paragraph

About My Village Essays & Paragraphs: School students are often asked to write an essay or paragraph titled ‘My Village’, ‘My Native Village’ or ‘My Village Life’ in their exams. Writing an essay or paragraph about the village may seem a bit difficult, especially to those  students who live in the city . That is why we’ve presented here a bunch of essays and paragraphs about ‘my native village’ and ‘village life’, ranging from 100-500 words, to help the students. The essays and paragraphs outlined a village environment , education, sports, entertainment, roads, medical facilities, etc. along with advantages and disadvantages of village life.

My Village Essay & Paragraph

Table of Contents

A Short Essay on My Village

In 185 words, for classes 7-8

Introduction: The name of my native village is Taltola. It’s a small village under Balaganj Upazilla in the district of Sylhet. I was born and raised in this village. I love my village very much because I spent my entire childhood with my parents , brothers, and sisters there.

Location: Our village stands on a small river called Borobagah which looks like a big river in the monsoon. It’s about 17 miles far from Sylhet town to the north.

Population: Our village is densely populated. About two thousand people live in this small village. Most of the villagers are Muslims. A few Hindu families live in this village too. The people of the Village are very friendly. They are also hospitable.

Occupation: Most of the People of our village are poor farmers . They depend on agriculture. About 25% of people live below the poverty line, They live from hand to mouth. The literacy rate is very poor. About 30% are literate. Some of them do business and a few do public or private jobs.

Communication: The communication system of our village is quite good. We’ve got a big road which connects our village with Sylhet town. Bus, taxi, rickshaw ply on the road round the clock. There are many small streets around the village.

Education: Our people are deprived of modern education. Except for a primary school , there is no high school or college. We’ve got a small Bazar near the primary school where people do shopping. There is a post office and a mosque in the center of the Bazar.

Health and Medicare: Many tube-wells are found all over the village. The villagers have no trouble with pure drinking water. Fresh food, vegetables, fish , and meat are found in plenty. Medicare facilities are not so good in my village. There is only one government dispensary. People usually get first aid there.

Conclusion: The people of my native village are very humble. They lead a very simple life and help one another in distress. We need a high school and a mini hospital in our village. I love my village very much and I take pride in it.

My Village Life Paragraph

My Village Essay in English, 300 Words

300 words, for classes 9-10/SSC

Hints: Name and Situation, Description, Importance, Economic condition, Conclusion.

Name and Situation: The name of my native village is Sonapur. It is a famous village in the district of Comilla. The Gumti river flows by the village. It is about ten miles away from the district headquarter.

Description: It is a large village. It is two miles long and one mile wide. There are ten thousand people in our village. Most of the villagers are farmers. They live by cultivation. Besides, businessmen, carpenters, artisans, and fishermen live here. Eighty percent people of the village are Muslims. The villagers live in peace and harmony with one another.

There is a market on the bank of the river in our village. The daily market sits every morning and the Haat sits twice a week. It is an important place where the daily necessities of life are available. There are a primary school, a high school, a post office, and a health clinic in our village. We also get the modern facility of electricity in our village.

The climate of the village is good for health. The villagers get drinking water from the tube wells. There are shady trees in the village.

Economic Condition: The people of our village are farmers. The fields of the village are fertile. There is also a good irrigation system. Rice, jute, sugar cane, and other crops grow in plenty here. So, the people are not needy though they are not rich. There are many ponds in the village. The villagers cultivate fish in the ponds. Milk and vegetables are available here.

Importance: It is a famous business place. It is well communicated with the district headquarter. It is an ideal village. The village is famous for its cultural activities.

Conclusion: We love our village. We feel proud of our village. It is a happy abode of ten thousand people.

My Native Village Essay in English, 400 Words

By: Haque ; For class 9-10; 06-03-’22

Introduction: The name of my native village is Satgharia. It is situated under Boalkhali Thana in the district of Chittagong. It is a big village. The village is about two miles long and one mile wide.

Communication: The communication system of the village is quite good. It is not very far from the thana headquarter. The distance is about two kilometers. A wide road runs from the thana headquarter to the village. One can go to the village from the thana headquarter by rickshaw, van, and taxi. Communication is also possible by boats on the riverway.

Nature of People: About five thousand people live in the village. Most of them are very poor. They work very hard to earn their daily bread. In spite of that, they are very simple and honest. The people are also very hospitable and friendly. They live in peace and harmony.

Population and Occupation: Most of the people of the village are farmers. There are also some service holders, businessmen, traders, potters, blacksmiths, butchers, fishermen, teachers, and peddlers.

Educational Institutions: There are two primary schools, one high school, one college, and one Madrasah in the village.

Literacy: Most of the people of the village are literate. The people are very conscious and are eager to learn and remove illiteracy from the village.

Market: There is a big marketplace in the middle of the village. Here the daily market sits every day in the morning and in the afternoon. The hat or big market sits on Mondays.

Healthcare and Sanitation: The village is neat and clean. All the households use sanitary latrines. There is a health center in the village. The villagers get necessary healthcare facilities from the center. For severe cases, villagers go to the hospital in the thana headquarter.

Natural Beauty: The village is very beautiful. It is full of green fields and trees. There is a river running by the village. The name of the river is Halda. It is very enjoyable to walk by the banks of the river. Many boats ply up and down the river. One can also have a pleasant boat journey on the river.

Conclusion: I like my village very much. I think my native village is an ideal village. The inhabitants of this village are not very rich, but they live in peace surrounded by green nature. That’s why I enjoy writing an essay about my native village.

My Village Essay in English, 500 Words

By: Haque , For students in class 11-12

I live in a country green with trees. This is Bangladesh, a country with sixty-eight thousand villages. Eighty percent of the total population of our country lives in villages. I also live in the village. So when I am asked to write an essay or paragraph about a village, I write about my native village.

The name of my village is Charpanchuria. The name is very sweet, isn’t it? It is a large and well-known village under Muhammadpur Upazila in the Magura district. The village is in the southwest corner of the Upazila. It is just five miles far from the Upazila headquarters. My village is nearly three miles long and two miles broad. A big canal flows by the northern side of the village. The climate of our village is suitable for health. The southern and the western sides of my village are open. So, we get fresh air. We have a good number of ponds, tanks, canals, and tube wells in our village to supply the people with pure drinking water. Therefore, diseases hardly break out in our village.

My native village is a big village, comparatively. About fifteen thousand people live in the village. Two-thirds of the Why naked people are Muslims and the rest are Hindus. The inhabitants of our village are simple, gentle, and polite. About sixty percent of our people are educated. Some of them are government employees, some are merchants. There are some doctors, engineers, pleaders, teachers, businessmen, and political leaders in our village. Our villagers are conscious. Fifty percent of the villagers are farmers. Agriculture is their main occupation.

The natural scenery of our village is very charming. The canals, vast green fields, coconut trees, orchards, common reeds of the canal-side, and flower gardens add to its beauty. There is no other village like my native village. So, the heart-touching beauty of my village always thrills my heart.

There is a sufficient number of educational institutions in our village. We have a college, a high school, a girls’ high school, three government primary schools, five non-government primary schools, a senior Madrasah, a hafizia Madrasah, and five Ibtidayi Madrasah in our village.

Besides, there is a post office, a union council office, a market, and a charitable dispensary in our village.

We have a market in our village which is situated in the middle of the village nearby the hospital. It sits twice a week. The daily market sits every day in the morning. The necessaries of our daily life are available in this market.

Our lands are very fertile. Cultivators apply the modern scientific method of cultivation. They grow rice, jute, wheat, pulse, mustard seeds, and vegetables. Our village is rich in vegetables.

My native village is a happy home of our sincere and happy villages. It is really an ideal and progressive village in the district of Magura. Its natural and social environment is peaceful and calm. I am proud of my native village and always ready to die for her good.

A Paragraph on My Village Life

In 185 words, for class 5 to 10

  • What is the name of your village?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your village?
  • What are the sports and entertainment arrangements in your village?
  • Do you find rural life enjoyable?

I live in a big village named Rupnagar. My village life has both advantages and disadvantages. In the village I can move freely. The houses are situated at different places. So, l can get plenty of air and light. This life is free from harmful smokes and gases of mills and factories. I can enjoy the beauty of nature, the songs of birds the sunshine and the green fields. I can swim in the pond and play game. I can eat fresh fruits, fish, vegetables and other things. The gentle breeze blows in the morning and makes my mind fresh and energetic. My school is near my house. My teachers love me very much. This is very helpful for my education. My village life is not an unmixed blessing. Here I shall have to go to village quacks for medical treatment. The roads are not good enough for easy movement in the rainy season. It is true that arrangement for recreation is not satisfactory. In spite of all these drawbacks, I am leading a life of peace and happiness with the poor but simple villagers.

My Native Village / Our Village Paragraph

My Village / Our Village Paragraph

In 125 words, for class 5 to 8

(a) What is the name of your Village? (b) What is the location of your Village? (c) How many people are there? (d) What kinds of people are there? (e) What kind of communication is there in your village? (f) Do you like your village?

I live in a village. Its name is Barachapa. It is in Monohardi upazila under the district of Narsingdi. My village is about two miles long and a mile wide. It is a big village. But it is very beautiful to look at. There are about 8000 people in our village. Eighty percent of the population is Muslim and the rest is Hindus. Many of them are farmers, some are businessmen and some are service holders. There are two high school, two primary schools, a college, two madrasahs and a small market in our village. A pacca road runs through the village. This road is connected with the high way. The people of this village go from one place to another easily. We like our village very much.

My Village Paragraph

Our Village Paragraph

In 138 words, for class 5 to 10

Write a paragraph about ‘YOUR VILLAGE’ on the basis of the following information:

  • The name and location.
  • Number of inhabitants.
  • Who are they
  • Profession of the villagers.
  • Crops grown in the village.
  • Schools and Bazars.
  • Why is it famous for?
  • Do you love your village?

The name of our village is Nurpur. It is in the district of Feni. A small river flows by the village. It is a large village. It is two miles long and one mile wide. There are ten thousand people in our village. Eighty-five percent people of our village are Muslims. Besides, the Hindus and Buddhists live in our village. Most of the villagers are farmers . They live by cultivation. Besides, businessmen, carpenters, weavers and fishermen live here. The fields of the village are fertile. There is also good irrigation system. Rice, jute, sugarcane, wheat and other crops grow in plenty here. There are a primary school , a high school and a Bazar in our village. It is famous for cultural activities. It is very dear to me. It is a happy abode of ten thousand people.

Our Village Paragraph

My Village Paragraph

In 100 words, for class 5-6

The name of my village is Gangpar Noakut. It is a beautiful village located in Sunamganj district. A clear river flows by the side of the village. We fish and swim in the river. From our village we can see Meghalaya hills and springs. During the rainy season, the river is flooded. We enjoy boating and rafting in the fresh water. Our village is a pure village. There are no brickfields or factories near it. So we always get fresh air. As a result, the health of the villagers is very good. In fact, my village is one of the most beautiful villages in Bangladesh.

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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Essay on My Village in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Class 1-10

My Village Essay is a very important essay topic for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Here we have got essays in six different formats. You can choose the most suitable one for yourself. These essays are possible to use at school, college, or university level. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on My Village in 200 Words

My village’s name is Ashatola. It is a small village contains 100-120 families. Most of the people living here are poor and they make their living by working in the field or working as day labor . We are a family of five members living here, my father works as a construction worker and my mother is a housewife. 

My father works very hard to maintain the family and it is pretty the same for the other families in this village. We have a school here and we go there for basic education. My village is not that big, but it has a very beautiful nature. 

There is a huge river beside my village. It has made the entire village naturally amazing. I love to go to the river bank and spend time with my friends. I love to swim in the village too. When I am free, I go there to catch fish. 

It is my hobby to catch fish. Overall my village is the best place for me to live. I think there is no such beautiful place in the world like my village. I love it so much. 

Essay on My Native Village in 300 Words


Almost everyone’s origin is from a village and we are connected with a village always. I have my own native village and I have lots of things to tell about my village. Here I am going to share these things with you all. 

My Native Village:

My village is a very small village and only 50-60 families live here. Being honest, most of them are our relatives. That’s why you can tell the entire village is related to each other. That has made a huge bonding between us. 

Our village is very improved, we have a better road connection with the nearest city. We have a hospital 10 minutes away and schools for education. People of Hindu and Muslim, both community living here peacefully. 

Why do I Love to Live in the Village?

There are so many reasons why I love to live in the village. First of all, I have lots of childhood memories in the village. I feel very pleased and happy to be there. I have tons of friends there. They are extremely friendly and genuine. 

All my relatives love me a lot and I feel very good when I am with them. My cousins are amazing. I spend a very good time with them. We do everything when we are together. Most importantly, my grandmother lives in the village. 

And that’s the biggest reason behind my love for the village.  There are some other reasons too, but these are the principal reasons. I love fresh air and fresh food in the village a lot. 


I love living in my village. That’s an amazing place for me and I love to live there. I have lots of special things there and they are pretty exciting. The people of my village are amazing and friendly, I love them a lot. 

My Village Essay in 400 Words

I think the village is the perfect place to live in. I am a villager and I am living in a village for a long time. Personally I love to live here. I was born in a city and quite a huge time there and that’s why I can compare both places.

My Village:

My village name is Jamalpur. It is located near a small city, and it takes to arrive in that city 30 minutes by bus. We have almost 3000 peoples living here. People are living here in the village with lots of problems and lots of advantages. 

I am quite sure that you will love the environment here. We have a small river beside our village. The river is very beautiful. When I was a kid, I went there regularly to bath and catch fish. Even still now I go there to catch fish. 

People of every religion living here together. Most of the people are peace-loving, but they are almost illiterate. But they are being aware of education and the importance of study gradually. That’s a very good thing for our village. 

We have two schools inside the village and that has made education easy and free for the poor villagers. Now, most of the kids go to school for basic education. People make their living by catching fishes, growing rice, and selling different types of vegetables in the market. 

We have a small village market too. People from different villages gather here to buy and sell different types of products. I like the market a lot. My father is a school teacher and my mother is a housewife. My father was transferred to this school

Advantages and Disadvantages of Village Life:

There are so many advantages to living in a village. First of all, you will get fresh air and the environment is pretty amazing there. You can enjoy the beautiful atmosphere. I like the village food, they are fresh and healthy. 

Especially you can get the vegetables right from the garden. People are very friendly here. I have lots of friends and I love to spend time with them. They are always happy and they have no such problems in their life.

There are a few disadvantages of living in the village too. First of all the communication system is not good. If anyone falls sick suddenly, it gets hard to take him to the hospital. And there is not a good doctor available here. 


Despite all the problems, I still love to live in the village. I love my village very much. 

Essay on My Village in 500 Words

Essay on My Village in 500 Words

The people who live in the villages, they are very lucky. The village is such beautiful now. Because of the improvement of modern science, there are no such big differences between cities and villages. The villagers get almost the same facilities that the city people get. 

The communication system was a huge complaint, but now there are highway and big roads all over the country and it has made the situation under control. People can live a peaceful life in an amazing environment. I also live in a village and here I am going to tell you all about my village. 

My Village Description: 

My village’s name is Champakpur, and it’s located in Punjab. This is one of the biggest and beautiful villages in this area. We have lots of things to proud of. First of all, we are the best village here and we have the best roads to get connected with every other village. 

There is a big market here and that has made our village very important in terms of business and trade. People from almost 6-7 villages come in that market to buy and sell their products. Most of the people in my village are farmers. 

They make living by growing crops. People from other professions are available in my villages too. We have a small clinic and there are two doctors available. We can take all the medical treatment from there. 

For any critical patient, it’s possible to move them to big hospitals because of better road and car facilities. Four thousand Hindu, Muslim, and few Christian peoples are living here with peace and brotherhood. 

School in My Village:

We have a primary school and a high school here. But there are no colleges. College is almost 25 Kilometres away, and we are trying to build a college here. People are quite conscious about the education of their kids. 

The biggest amount of kids go to school. The next generation is going to be educated. We have some successful businessmen in our village. We have a few govt. officers and a couple of people are working for the Navy and Army. 

There are so many advantages to living in a village. First of all, I think the food does matter. You will find all the organic and fresh food in a village which is almost impossible in cities. You can buy vegetables from the garden and fish from the fisherman who has caught them. The environment is pretty good, there is no traffic jams or too much pressure.

There are some disadvantages too. I am pretty confused about the medical and treatment system. Because there are not such experienced doctors. That’s the biggest concern for me. 

Overall living in a village is pretty awesome for me. Anybody can live there with lots of peace. I know there is a lot of difference in the life of city vs village life, but you will find advantages in the village mostly. 

Essay on My Village in 600 Words

Essay on My Village in 600 Words


Our country is full of villages. There are more than 600 thousand villages in India. Now we can understand that the biggest number of people live in villages. There is a lot of importance to the village in our life. 

In this essay, I will share my village information and tell how much I love the villages. Villages are a perfect place for living peacefully without any pollution, noise, or traffic. 

It is possible to get all the advantages of cities like better electricity, better roads, and other facilities are available in villages too. 

My village name is Rampur. It’s a small village near Ahmedabad, India. There are around three thousand people living here in this beautiful village. We have a highway near our village, and that’s why the communication system is very good here. 

It is possible to visit the nearest cities easily. We have a beautiful river on the west side of the village. There is another village on the south side and a big hilly area on the north. Overall there are lots of beautiful things to see. 

The hill has a river with it and the river is the most important thing for the village. Because most of the people here are farmers. They depend on agriculture to make a living. They grow a huge amount of crops every year. 

There are people from other profession’s people too. Some of them catch fish and they are fishermen . They catch fish and sell them in the village market. We have two primary schools and a high school in the village. 

That’s why we are pretty good at education. Most of the kids in the village go to school. The parents are also aware of education. We have a college near our village and it takes only 15 minutes by bus. People from all religions are living here with peace. 

My Village Market: 

Village Market is a very interesting part of our village. It is the biggest market in this area. People from 6 villages come here to buy and sell their products. Sunday and Thursday are two market days. A huge amount of people gathered in this place in these two days. 

Most people come here to buy food, rice, fishes, and other needed things. This market is popular for fresh fishes. And sometimes people come from cities to buy fish here. 

Because of a huge gathering, it has been risky sometimes too. There is a risk of pickpockets. But overall this village market is very essential for the villagers. 

Advantages of Living in a Village: 

There are so many advantages to living in a village. Personally, I think it’s the best place to live in the world. Things are not tiny or limited like the cities. You will find fresh air and can roam around anywhere. 

You can go to the hills, you can go to the river and that’s all are fun. It is possible to eat fresh food here. Village people don’t use an insecticide to grow their vegetables. 

That’s why these are healthy and fresh. I love eating fishes from the river. My father bought them from the fisherman. The environment is lots of helpful and good for our health. 

Overall my village is the best place for me to live in. I have all my friends and family members living here. I feel so much peace when I am with them. Village life gives me a lot of appreciation and peace in mind. I want to spend the rest of my life here, in this village. 

10 Lines Essay on My Village

Here is an essay in my village in 10 lines. This is a short and simple essay for all class students. 

1. The village is a good place to live for everyone. I prefer living in a village and I am living in.

2. My village name is Snanghat and it is located in Bihar. 

3. We have a total of 4000 people living here from all religions. 

4. It is a very big village and it has a big village market. People from other villages come here to buy and sell their products.

5. We have two primary schools and a high school in our village. It has made education very easy for us. 

6. People make living by agriculture and other regular working things.

7. Most of the people are poor and they don’t have big savings for life. 

8. They are friendly and amazing. I love to spend time with my villagers. 

9. I have spent my entire childhood here and I feel great when I come here every time. 

10. My village is like love to me, I love this place a lot. 

How can I write an essay about my village? 

Here we have gives tons of beautiful examples for you. You can follow these sample essays to learn how to write an essay about ‘my village’. 

How would you describe your village? 

If you want to describe your village, you need to tell how many people are living, how they make money to survive, and other important things. 

How do you introduce a village?

You can introduce your village easily by following our beautiful essays in my village. I am sure you will love these villages. 

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My Village Essay in English

India is a democratic nation, and it is also called the land of agricultural nations, where agriculture is considered the main and primary occupation. Over 7 lakh villages are present in India where people survive and run their life happily. Around 60% of the Indian population lives in villages and runs their lives simply in this advanced era where people compare their lives with the present technology by saying that people of today’s generation have reached the Moon, and village people are not developed much. But the truth is far different than what we actually see, we imagine regarding village life.

I also lived in a village, and my whole life was spent living in the village and its beauty. My village name is Ramagundam. It is located around 70 km west from Hyderabad. My village’s environment is like heaven to me because it is covered with natural beauty. Everyone lives happily and is very satisfied by the resources provided here in the village from nature. My village is free from outer disturbances and problems, and clean without any pollution such as air, noise, and traffic. My village is covered with the greenery and beauty of agriculture, and a very big fruit tree forest is located near my village, where many trees of fruits such as mango, chikoo, raspberries, oranges, and guavas are available in a wide quantity. Whenever we want to go and eat these fruits, we can go and enjoy these fruits without any problems. A huge dam reservoir is also located near our village, and my friends and our families visit there on weekends to enjoy and have fun in between the sweet sound of the water.

We all live in the 21st century, which is also called the century of technology where others get a lot of facilities obtained from technology. Most of the work of humans is simply done with the help of machines like cooking food, washing clothes, grinding spices, cleaning the house, etc. Electricity makes them feel relaxed and at ease. But all these make the humans of the cities less active, and because of laziness, they always suffer from several diseases or weaknesses.

In villages, these facilities are not available, but the feeling of the natural air in the surrounding always fails the air conditioner. I agree that the facilities of technological gadgets, better roads, transportation, and luxury facilities are not available but villages to have simple technologies which are sufficient for us to survive happily. I love my village, and I’m glad that I spent my childhood in the village and its beauty. My village is like heaven for me and for all the people who live in villages. 

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Speech on My Village

Amidst fields of green and skies of blue, rests a place close to my heart – my village. It’s a small, peaceful place, filled with friendly faces and warm smiles.

You’ll love hearing about my village. Its simplicity and charm are what make it truly special. It’s a refreshing change from bustling city life.

1-minute Speech on My Village

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I stand before you to speak about my village. My village is a special place, a place that holds my heart and feeds my soul. It’s a place where the sun rises brighter than anywhere else, and the moon shares its gentle light with everyone.

The people of my village are its true beauty. They are kind and warm-hearted. They wake up early, work hard in the fields, and return home with smiles on their faces. They share their joys and sorrows, standing together in every situation. There’s a bond of love and unity that binds us all.

The festivals in my village are filled with joy and excitement. We all gather around, wearing colourful dresses, singing songs, and dancing to the beats of our traditional music. The air is filled with laughter, and the aroma of delicious food is irresistible.

In conclusion, I would say my village is a treasure chest of love, unity, and simplicity. It is a place where every dawn brings new hope, and every dusk leaves behind beautiful memories. It’s more than just a place; it’s my home, it’s my identity. Thank you.

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2-minute Speech on My Village

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Have you ever heard about a place where the first rays of the sun color the sky in hues of pink and gold? Today, I wish to talk about such a place. My village, a place where nature paints a beautiful picture every day, and every corner tells a story.

The heart of my village is its people. They are the real gems, always ready with a smile and eager to lend a helping hand. They stand united, like a big family, sharing joys and sorrows. They celebrate festivals together, and every occasion becomes a grand feast. The love and warmth that you receive from them is something that cannot be described in words; it can only be felt.

The beauty of my village lies in its simplicity. The farms stretch as far as the eye can see, adorned with golden crops ready to be harvested. The rivers flow gently, mirroring the sky above, creating a picturesque scene. Here, every evening, the setting sun paints the sky with shades of orange and red. It’s a sight that fills your heart with peace and tranquility.

But my village is not untouched by challenges. There is a lack of basic facilities like schools, hospitals, and proper roads. Despite these hardships, the spirit of the villagers remains unbroken. They work hard every day, hoping for a better future. They dream big, and their determination to fulfill these dreams is an inspiration.

My village taught me valuable lessons. It taught me to respect nature and live in harmony with it. It showed me the importance of community and unity. It made me understand that happiness lies in simple things.

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My Village Essay in English For Students

What makes village life truly special? Well, for starters, it’s the sense of community that binds everyone together. In villages, neighbours aren’t just neighbours – they’re extended family, always ready with a warm smile and a helping hand. Now, let’s talk traditions! From colorful festivals that light up the night sky to age-old customs passed down through generations, villages are treasure troves of culture and heritage. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world where every celebration is a feast for the senses.

But the magic of village life isn’t just in the festivities – it’s in the everyday moments. Whether it’s gathering around a bonfire under the starry sky or sharing stories over a cup of chai, there’s beauty in the simplicity of it all. Continue reading this article for the best essay on My Village.

What is a Village?

A village is a small community or settlement typically located in rural areas, characterized by its close-knit social structure, traditional way of life, and intimate connection with nature. Serving as the foundational unit of rural society, villages are often comprised of clusters of houses, farmland, and communal spaces, such as markets or gathering areas. At the heart of every village lies its people, who share a sense of belonging and mutual dependence. Residents of a village often know each other personally, fostering strong bonds of friendship, kinship, and cooperation. This close social network forms the backbone of village life, providing support during times of celebration, hardship, and everything in between.

Economically, villages are often agrarian, relying heavily on farming, livestock rearing, and other traditional occupations for sustenance and livelihood. Agriculture plays a central role in village economies, with farmers cultivating crops and tending to livestock to meet the community’s needs and generate income. Additionally, cottage industries and small-scale businesses may thrive within the village, providing supplementary sources of employment and commerce.

Culturally, villages are rich repositories of tradition, folklore, and heritage, with customs and rituals passed down through generations. These cultural practices form an integral part of village identity, shaping everyday life, festivals, and ceremonies. Village festivals and fairs serve as occasions for communal celebration and expression, showcasing local art, music, dance, and cuisine.

Environmentally, villages often enjoy a symbiotic relationship with the natural world, as agriculture and traditional practices are closely attuned to seasonal cycles and ecological rhythms. Villages are frequently nestled amidst scenic landscapes, surrounded by lush fields, forests, rivers, and mountains, which provide sustenance, natural resources, and recreational opportunities.

10 Lines on My Village

Here are 10 lines on my village that can help you write an essay:

1. My village is a small and cosy place surrounded by green fields and tall trees.

2. The houses in my village are made of mud and bricks, with colourful doors and windows.

3. Every morning, I wake up to the sound of roosters crowing and birds chirping.

4. Our village has a beautiful pond where we can go fishing and watch ducks swim.

5. The villagers are friendly and kind, always ready to lend a helping hand.

6. We have a small market in the centre of the village where we can buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

7. During festivals, our village comes alive with music, dance, and delicious food.

8. I love playing with my friends in the open fields and climbing trees near the riverbank.

9. At night, we gather around a bonfire and listen to stories told by the elders.

10. My village may be simple, but it’s filled with love, laughter, and wonderful memories that I’ll cherish forever.

500 Word Essay on My Village

My village is a picturesque heaven, with colourful flowers blooming along the pathways, birds chirping in the trees, and clear streams gurgling through the meadows. The air is fresh and sweet, carrying the scent of wildflowers and earth after a gentle rain. The sky above is a vast canvas of blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds that drift lazily in the breeze. Everywhere I look, nature’s beauty surrounds me, filling my heart with joy and wonder.

One of the most enchanting features of my village is its sense of history and tradition. Ancient stone houses with sloping roofs line the cobblestone streets, their walls whispering tales of generations past. The village square is a bustling hub of activity, where villagers gather for festivals, markets, and celebrations. The church steeple stands tall against the sky, its bells ringing out melodies that mark the passage of time and special occasions in our community.

What truly sets my village apart is its strong sense of community and togetherness. Neighbours know each other by name and greet each other with warm smiles and friendly waves. During harvest season, everyone comes together to work the fields, share meals, and celebrate the bounty of our labour. Whether it’s helping a neighbour mend a fence, sharing vegetables from our gardens, or organizing games for all to enjoy, the spirit of unity and support shines brightly in our village.

As I explore the nooks and crannies of my village, I am greeted by scenes straight out of a storybook. Children play in the streets with handmade toys crafted from nature’s treasures – sticks, stones, and leaves – their laughter echoing through the air. Elderly residents sit on benches outside their homes, sharing stories and wisdom passed down through generations. The local market buzzes with activity as vendors sell fresh produce, colorful crafts, and homemade treats that showcase our rich cultural heritage.

Despite its idyllic charm, my village faces challenges that require our attention and care. Economic changes, environmental issues, and shifting populations pose threats to our traditional way of life. Young people are drawn to cities in search of better opportunities, leaving behind aging populations and dwindling resources in rural areas. Balancing progress with preservation is a delicate dance that calls for creativity and cooperation from all villagers.

In conclusion, my village is a treasure trove of beauty, history, community spirit, and challenges that shape who we are as a close-knit community. Its natural wonders, rich traditions, strong bonds among residents, and obstacles faced reflect the joys and complexities of rural life. As a Class 5 student growing up in this enchanting village, I am grateful for the lessons it teaches me about nature’s wonders, friendship’s value, history’s importance, and unity’s strength. My village will always hold a special place in my heart as a place of wonderment and belonging that fills my days with joy and discovery.

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My Village Essay- FAQs

What is a village.

A village is a small settlement in rural areas, typically characterized by a close-knit community, traditional way of life, and agricultural activities.

How are villages different from cities?

Villages are smaller and less densely populated than cities, with a focus on agriculture and simpler lifestyles. They often lack the infrastructure and amenities found in urban areas.

What are the main features of village life?

Village life is characterized by a strong sense of community, reliance on agriculture for livelihoods, traditional customs and rituals, and a closer connection to nature.

How do people in villages earn a living?

The primary source of income in villages is agriculture, including farming, livestock rearing, and fishing. Some villagers may also engage in cottage industries or work as artisans.

What social structures exist in villages?

Villages often have tight-knit social structures, with families forming the basic unit. Elders hold respect and authority, and community gatherings and festivals are common for social bonding.

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My Village Essay in English in 1000 Words -_0.1

  • My Village Essay in English in 1000 Words

While writing a My Village Essay we must always start with describing my village and then describing its location and unique features. My village is a small abode for happy people check all quality.

My Village Essay

Table of Contents

My Village Essay

While writing the My Village essay, we must keep in mind that a place with fewer than 5000 habitations is referred to as a village. A village is referred to as being in the country’s rural area. Rural areas are those without urban amenities, hence the name. The locals’ primary line of work is farming. They are the main producers of agricultural goods in the country. Here is a My Village Essay that can be used by the students of Class 9 and  Class 10 to get a good score.

My Village Essay in English 1000 words

When writing an Essay, we should always give a good introduction, because the introduction of any essay is the most important part of it. So, first write about about what a village is, like Farmers who live in villages make up the majority of the people in India. They struggle to make ends meet while growing crops for the entire country. There are over 500000 villages in India, which are dispersed all over the place. Then after that write the name of your village and describe its location. A brief overview of the village, about something unique would make up a great introduction of the My Village Essay. After the introduction, you can describe the pros and cons of your village in the paragraphs to follow of the My Village Essay.

My Mother Essay for Class 9, 10 in English [150-200 Words]

Small thatched hut communities or sizable clusters of stone, brick, and tiled homes make up villages. Artists and filmmakers have portrayed Indian villages as a straightforward collection of mud-plastered walls, sheltered by trees, overlooking vast tracts of greenery, with a few people moving slowly and, of course, bullock carts. But my Village is very different from this. Yes, some people still have mud huts but they are surrounded by brick wall structures. The name of my Village is Pisru. Pisru is a village in Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh.

I visit my Village during vacations, be it summer or be it winter. My father takes us to my grandparents and there we enjoy a lot. My grandparents when he sees me and my siblings get very happy. My village is not like the ones shown in the Bollywood movies. It has all the modern technologies in it. We have a big TV and even Wi-fi in our grandparent’s house. Although, not everyone in the village can afford it, those who can have these facilities. There is one very big difference between the city and the village life. The people of my village, are very social and they are very hospitable. They greet everyone with the same enthusiasm and treat the guests very well. If one person in my village needs help, everyone comes to help them out. My village Pisru also has a police station which is very well maintained. The Policemen in the village are also very friendly and do not treat anyone unfairly or badly.

Agriculture is challenging and labour-intensive. The locals put in a lot of effort and are constantly looking for new ways to cultivate wheat, rice, and lentils. The village is significant because it is where the majority of our nation’s agricultural production is produced. The foundation of India’s economy is the village. It is crucial for preserving the ecological harmony of the ecosystem. My Village Pisru is very famous for its Mangoes and Papayas. The Madhya Pradesh Government even give them subsidies for growing Mangoes and Papayas. The entire state is fond of the mangoes and papayas of our village. They are very sweet and taste very good.

Whenever our vacation is about to get over, our father comes to pick us up. And my grandfather selects the best Mangoes and papayas and packs a lot of them for us. My village Pisru is the best village because I love to spend my time here with the neighbours Titu and Bagga. My grandparents love me a lot and because of them, I love my village a lot.

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Artists and filmmakers have portrayed Indian villages as a straightforward collection of mud-plastered walls, sheltered by trees, overlooking vast tracts of greenery, with a few people moving slowly and, of course, bullock carts. But my Village is very different from this. Yes, some people still have mud huts but they are surrounded by brick wall structures. The name of my Village is Pisru. Pisru is a village in Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh.

My village Pisru also has a police station which is very well maintained. The Policemen in the village are also very friendly, and do not treat anyone unfairly or badly. My Village Pisru is very famous for its Mangoes and Papayas. The Madhya Pradesh Government even give them subsidies for growing Mangoes and Papayas. The entire state is fond of the mangoes and papayas of our village. They are very sweet and tastes very good. I love to spend my time here with the neighbours Titu and Bagga.

Whenever our vacation is about to get over, our father comes to pick us up. And my grandfather selects the best Mangoes and papayas and packs a lot of them for us.

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My Village Essay in 10 lines

  • The name of my Village is Pisru.
  • Pisru is a village in Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh.
  • We have a big TV and even Wi-fi in our grandparents house in the village.
  • Titu and Bagga are my friends at the village.
  • My village Pisru also has a police station which is very well maintained.
  • My Village Pisru is very famous for its Mangoes and Papayas.
  • Mangoes and Papayas of my village are very sweet and tastes very good.
  • Whenever our vacation is about to get over, our father comes to pick us up.
  • my grandfather selects the best Mangoes and papayas and packs a lot of them for us.
  • My grandparents love me a lot and because of them I love my village a lot.

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Essay on My Village


My village is a place that I can describe as being akin to a serene, placid lake. The amicability of the people and the natural beauty that envelops it can hardly be put into words. Unlike the hustle and bustle of city life, my village offers a sanctuary that evokes a sense of belonging and peace to anyone who visits. Nestled amidst lush green forests and surrounded by hills and lakes, my village is a perfect getaway for those who wish to take a break from their busy lives.

Natural Beauty

The natural beauty of my village is beyond description. The lush green fields, tall trees, and beautiful hillocks are awe-inspiring. A river meanders through the village, providing life-giving water for both agriculture and domestic needs. The sunsets here are magical, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink that are reflected in the river.

Agriculture and Livelihood

Agriculture is the backbone of my village. Most of the people are farmers who rely on the fertile soil and abundant water to grow crops such as rice, wheat, and vegetables. Cattle farming is also quite popular, and the milk and dairy products from my village are known for their quality. Many people also engage in fishing, using the river that flows through the village as a source of livelihood.

Community Life

Community life is the essence of my village. Villagers celebrate all festivals together, irrespective of religion or caste. From religious processions to cultural events like dance and music programs, the spirit of unity is always evident. The village has a community center and a temple where people gather for various activities. The elders in the village are respected by everyone, and they often act as mediators in any disputes, ensuring peace and harmony.

While it may not have high-tech schools or colleges, my village takes education seriously. There is a primary school that offers basic education to children, and efforts are being made to introduce digital learning methods. Many youngsters go to nearby towns for higher education and come back to contribute to the community.

Despite its tranquility and beauty, my village faces several challenges. Lack of proper healthcare facilities is a major issue. People have to travel to the nearest town for medical treatment. Similarly, employment opportunities are scarce, leading to migration of youth to cities.

Final words about my village in english

My village is a haven of peace and serenity, a stark contrast to the chaotic life in the city. It offers a glimpse into the simplicity and beauty of living close to nature. While it does have its set of challenges, the community is proactive in finding solutions and bettering their way of life. Being in my village always gives me a sense of belonging and fills my heart with peace, and for that, it will always have a special place in my soul.

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How do you write a My village essay?  

A hamlet is a place removed from the smog and clamour of the metropolis. In a village, you also sense a connection to the soil. In addition, there are rivers, trees, a wide range of crops, and flowers. In addition to all of this, you experience a cool breeze at night and a lovely, warm breeze during the day.

Why do you love My village essay?

My village's tranquil atmosphere always makes me feel really happy whenever I visit. Here, I may eat some organic fruits and veggies that are fresh. My village's residents are kind and cooperative, and they don't have any resentments. They behave as if they are one huge family that always look out for one another.

How do you describe a village?

A village is a small community that is typically found in a rural area. Generally speaking, it is bigger than a "hamlet" but smaller than a "town." A village, according to some geographers, is defined as having 500 to 2,500 residents. Villages are groupings of people gathered around a central location across the majority of the world.

Why is village beautiful?

Its fields are a beautiful green. Vegetables, fruits, and other crops are grown by people. My village has a very calm and tranquil atmosphere. Summertime cold breezes are particularly enjoyable.

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My village essay

My village essay 10 Models

My village essay, below we will introduce you to the topic of an integrated essay consisting of 150 words. And we will not forget to present an essay on the village and write an article on making the village the best consists of 300 words.

When writing this topic, we will take into account that we provide content suitable for all educational levels. There are a large number of good words and terms that you will find in this topic, and you will not feel any difficulty in reading the article or understanding its meaning, because we will write it in easy terms.

My village essay

My village is the little place where I was born and raised. And there are villages in huge numbers in all countries of the world. Each village has its own beauty that distinguishes it from the rest of the villages. Because of this beauty, the people of this village are attached to it, because they were born in it and have lived there for many years.

When you are born in a place where you spend the best days of your childhood, you are attached to it and it is not easy to forget it. In the village we get to know friends, and thus make friends and make the most beautiful memories with them.

What is meant by village?

A village is a place of small size and located in an area very far from the city. The area of ​​the villages varies from one place to another. There are villages whose area does not exceed a few meters. Their population is so small that their homes can be easily counted.

There are villages that are slightly larger in area, where they are inhabited by a larger number of residents, but despite its area, it will remain a village because it possesses the components of a village.

What are the components of a village?

The village has features or components that make it distinct from the city, including that all its residents are relatives and know each other in a remarkable way.

Everyone sits in front of their homes and hangs out under the moonlight on summer nights. They gather in the winter to talk, make fires to keep warm, and cook food for everyone.

As for the markets in the villages, they are limited and people do not go to them except on a specific day of the week, and there everyone meets and exchanges conversations.

In the village you will not feel lonely because if you are sick or do not go out of the house, you will find everyone knocking on your door to ask how you are.

And when you want to hold a party for any purpose, all the people of the village will dress elegantly and come to watch the party.

These gatherings on feasts and official occasions make the villagers very happy. Gatherings make people feel less alone, giving them a chance to play, have fun, and make beautiful memories.

Disadvantages of the village

As the village has advantages, it also has disadvantages, including that job opportunities are almost non-existent, because it depends on agriculture only and does not have any other field.

If the villagers do not turn to agriculture, they suffer from unemployment as they migrate to the city in search of new jobs.

One of the disadvantages of the village is that all the secrets are easily revealed, due to the integration of the residents with each other.

This merger makes everyone as one person and there are no boundaries between them, which makes them lose their privacy.

Another disadvantage of the village is that it does not have any shops for the residents to buy their necessities from. When the villagers need to buy normal clothes, they turn to someone who sews these clothes for them, who brings them cloth from the city. But if they want to wear luxurious clothes, they must go to the city to buy it.

As for household appliances and household utensils, you won’t find them in the village. These days the village has begun to advance, but the residents still depend on the city to buy their needs.

At the end of an article about my village, we got acquainted with the nature of the village, which is characterized by a charming atmosphere, dominated by nature and calm. But we also talked about the problem of lack of privacy for the villagers.

The most serious problem is the lack of suitable jobs for the youth of the village, but they are forced to work in agriculture or migrate to the city. Migration causes young people to leave their village and stay away from their parents, which brings them grief and loneliness.

My village paragraph

I live in a small village on the banks of the Nile. The Nile River is the longest river in the world and has a beautiful landscape. The Nile River was the reason for the rise of the Egyptian civilization, as it provided the ancient man with stability and food. So several picturesque villages were built next to the river. These villages depend on agriculture, which makes them have an attractive appearance, as they are distinguished by their green color. When you reach our village, you will find the Nile in front of us and the plants behind us, which makes you feel very comfortable.

My village is one of the villages with a small population, so all the residents of the village know each other. We go out in the evening to sit with our relatives and neighbors by the house. At night the weather is good and the view is beautiful. Silence reigns throughout the village and we hear only the cockroach and the frog. We are so used to these sounds that we can no longer live without it. When we travel away from the village we feel sad and lonely and come back very quickly.

My village essay in english 150 words

Villages are areas with a small population, and are characterized by beautiful landscapes and have no pollution because there are no cars inside or factories. As for my village, it is a village located above the mountains and highlands. The place where I live is full of rocks and wild animals. Despite the harshness of living in our village, we love it and are used to it. The work we have is herding sheep.

When I was young, my father took me with him to graze sheep on the mountaintops. My father owns a huge herd of sheep, which he takes out every day to find food for them. Amidst the rocks, sheep find their food from wild plants and herbs. When these sheep grow up, we take the wool from them and use it to make home furnishings. As for the meat of these sheep, we sell it in the city. There is a great demand for our sheep meat because of its quality and good taste.

Our Village Essay

Our village is the most beautiful village in the continent of Africa, where we have strange customs and traditions of our own. These habits are inherited from our ancestors and we have not abandoned them until today.

In the past, we used to be a small village, where we used to suffer from poverty and lack of work. But with the progress that has taken place all over the world there have been tremendous developments for our village. We got to know the whole world through the Internet, so tourists began to visit us, which significantly improved our financial condition.

The reason why tourists come to visit us, which enables us to earn foreign currency, is that we preserve an ancient form and heritage that is unmatched these days.

This form is to wear a multi-colored outfit and make a large number of braids in the hair. As for the ear, we pierce a part of it and hang several accessories in it, so that they are of different sizes.

As for the women, they make clothes and hand-made furnishings decorated in all colors. That is why tourists buy from them to decorate their homes.

Paragraph on my village

We live in a village characterized by fishing. There are a large number of fresh lakes around us, where there are large numbers of fish. The villagers make their own fishing boats and go out every day to fish.

When I was in elementary school, my father told me that if I didn’t pass school, I would go fishing with him. I loved school, so I excelled in my studies and became one of the first.

My dad needed help at work, but when he saw me sticking to school he said I’d only go out with him on vacation.

Working in the fishing profession is hard work due to the heat of the sun in the summer and the strong winds in the winter. I go out with my father on vacation to help him, but I would rather not be a fisherman like my father. After he fishes, my father goes to the city near us to sell fish. Sometimes he manages to make good money, but most of the time he can’t find fish because of the weather.

My village essay 150 words

The villages gain their fame due to their nature and are unaffected by the city. When the people of the city feel depressed because of the pollution and the noise, they go to the villages to get some rest.

There are several types of villages. Including what is characterized by agriculture and green landscapes. There are villages located on lakes and near rivers, where there are water and waterfalls. This allows visitors to swim and stroll by the water.

But my village is a bit strange because it is home to a large number of crocodiles. We have several types, including small and large. Our village became famous for these creatures, which attracted a huge number of lovers of predators.

Visitors come constantly to take a tour around the lake. You can walk near the crocodiles and take pictures. As for the danger, accidents happen all the time. But accidents happen when a tourist violates the laws of the place.

Your village essay

I used to live in a small village with my family but now we have moved to town. This village is located in a place with many monuments. The village had huge temples and a large number of ancient statues.

Because of the history of the village in which I lived, many tourists came to visit us. They were coming from all over the world.

As for working in my village, we sell local food to tourists. My mom used to make pancakes and kofta for them. They liked these foods and ordered large quantities of them.

As for my father, he owned a horse and a decorated wagon. He used them to take tourists on a guided tour of the village. The wagon worked day and night, attracting residents well. These simple jobs were providing us with a good income.

As for me, I used to talk to foreigners and learn their language from them. We learned a lot of languages ​​because of our dealings with tourists. I miss my village, we left it and went to town to finish our studies.

Making my village better essay

I hope to make my village better than it is today. The way to improve the conditions of my village is to take care of its infrastructure, such as electricity and sewage networks. We will not forget the importance of clean drinking water, which protects the villagers from the risk of pollution and kidney disease.

When the infrastructure is improved, the health of the population will improve, and the village will advance and become more like a city.

There must be job opportunities within the village, including the establishment of suitable projects for young people to work in. When projects are opened in the villages, they must fit the capabilities of the village, such as projects for raising different birds and animals. The most important of these animals are cows that produce meat and milk. One of the most important birds is the chicken, which produces meat and eggs. It is possible to build factories for processing and packing different types of vegetables.

My village essay in english for class 9

Each village has something that distinguishes it from other villages. As for the village to which I belong, there are large areas of land that have been planted with flowers.

When I was born I found flowers everywhere. We grow all types and colors. This soil that surrounds our village has a great potential for flower cultivation.

Everyone works in the fields and everyone has a role in taking care of the crop, and when it is ripe we start the harvest season.

The harvest season is the official feast of our village, when the villagers gather throughout the day and we share food and drink. A competition must be held on this day to choose the best crop.

Cultivation of flowers differs from one person to another, which is why some farmers are able to produce a crop that meets international standards, to be sold for a large sum of money.

As for the crop, we sell it to merchants, who transport it carefully and deliver it to the consumer in all countries of the world.

Write an essay on my village

I will tell you about my beautiful village. I was born there and spent the best days of my life there. My village is located near a large river.

Because of the presence of fresh water, the village has become a beautiful agricultural place. In my village all plants and trees are grown. Having green all around us makes us feel happy.

When I was young, my father taught me farming. It was a beautiful experience. The best thing in life is to watch plants emerge from underground for the first time.

It is not only agriculture that distinguishes my village, but also the different animals. I love animals, especially rabbits. We have in the house a large rabbit farm with several types.

When I wake up in the morning I go to see sock bunnies. These creatures are among the most beautiful creatures you may see in your life.

When Mom and Dad wake up, we prepare food for the different animals we keep. Every animal loves a certain type of vegetable, so we give them the right food.

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Gunmen shoot village official dead in Pampanga province

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LOCAL police said that three gunmen opened fire at a village hall in Pampanga province, north of Manila, killing a village leader.

Police said the shooting occurred around 8.30pm local time on Sunday in Arayat town in front of the village hall, an office where the village leader conducts his administrative business.

A surveillance video clip showed a dark-colour car stopped in the middle of the narrow street in front of the hall where the victim was meeting with a group of people.

The attackers jumped out of the car.

One of them, armed with an M16 rifle, peppered the hall with bullets, hitting the village official six times in the body. Two other men fired shots in the air.

The gunmen immediately fled the scene after the shooting.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Jaime Edejer, spokesperson of Pampanga police, told local media that politics might be the motive for the killing, saying that the victim plans to run for vice-mayor in Arayat town in the midterm elections next year.

Police are continuing the investigation.

According to the victim’s family, the slain politician has survived two assassination attempts in 1999 and 2001. — Xinhua

Tags / Keywords: gunmen , Pampanga

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The Ezra Klein Show

Nate Silver on Kamala Harris’s Chances and the Mistakes of the ‘Indigo Blob’

Ezra Klein

By Ezra Klein

Nate Silver on How Kamala Harris Changed the Odds

Nate Silver came to fame in American politics for election forecasting. But before Silver was in politics, he was a poker player. And after getting into politics, he went back to being a poker player. He’s been running through poker championships and out there on tables — partly because he’s been writing a book about risk.

The book is called “ On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything .” And it applies the frameworks of the gambler to politics, to A.I., to venture capital.

The way Silver thinks about politics I find very useful. So I invited him on my podcast to talk about how that thinking has guided him over the past year and how he’s thinking about the election going forward.

This is an edited transcript of part of our conversation. For the full conversation, watch the video below, or listen to “ The Ezra Klein Show .”

The election forecaster discusses 2024 and what politicians can learn from gamblers.

“Nate Silver came to fame in American politics for election forecasting. He built models that were pretty damn successful at predicting American politics.” “Nate Silver is the founder of, a polling website that correctly predicted the winner of 49 of the 50 states in the last presidential election.” “Election Oracle, ESPN’s Nate Silver, he predicted every state in the last presidential election.” “And once again, Nate Silver completely nailed it.” “The guy’s amazing.” “But before Silver was in politics, he was a poker player. And after getting into politics, he went back to being a poker player. He’s been running through poker championships and out there on tables —” “Savage, savage bluff by Silver. Oh, my God.” “— partially because he’s been writing a book about risks. The book is called ‘On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything.’ And it applies the frameworks of, I would say, the gambler, maybe say the poker player, to politics, to AI, to venture capital. Nate, the way he thinks about politics I find very useful. I find that he thinks more clearly about risk and probabilities than a lot of people do and maybe more people should follow. So I wanted to have him on to talk about how that thinking has guided him over the past year and how he’s thinking about it in the election going forward. As always, my email, [email protected].” [THEME MUSIC] “Nate Silver, welcome to the show.” “Thank you, Ezra. Happy to be here.” “Last I looked, your model has Harris winning the election at around 52 percent. It might be mildly different today. But this has been an unusual election. So how much stock do you put in your model right now?” “I think the model is balancing the different factors pretty well. I mean, there are some things you could argue are favorable to Harris, one of which is that for the past few weeks we’ve been in what the model thinks is supposed to be the convention bounce period for republicans, where typically you poll pretty well after your convention. There’s the afterglow of the new nomination and things like that — the afterglow of the VP pick, often, too. And Kamala Harris kind of stomped on Donald Trump’s news cycle. So maybe it’s an overly favorable assumption for Harris. There’s also in polls what’s known as nonpartisan response bias. So when voters get more enthusiastic, you’d rather have that than not as a candidate. But it also means that they sometimes are more likely to respond to polls. At the same time, her momentum has been pretty good, which usually I dismiss. We don’t really kind of know what the baseline is here, right? You know, Hillary Clinton, who was, I think, kind of a terrible candidate, won the popular vote by two points. Is she a little bit better than Hillary Clinton? Probably, right? So can she win by three or four? Well, if you win by three or four, then you win the electoral college in most instances.” “I don’t think many people expected — if you did, I’d like to know it — the turnaround in her numbers we have seen since she’s become the presumptive nominee. She’s gone to net favorables, which I would not have bet a ton of money on at this speed at least. People were looking at a lot of data on Harris and assuming that data was solid. That data was not solid.” “When a candidate’s a hypothetical candidate, you have to treat that polling very carefully. People are — I think it’s a weird thing to ask, you know, what if Gavin Newsom ran against Trump. It’s not the same thing as when you actually have the candidate in front of you, and have the advertisements, and have the news articles, and everything else to actually evaluate. I mean, I think this is, like, on the higher side for a jump in favorables, but, you know, she was amazingly well-organized at getting the entire establishment behind her within literally minutes [LAUGHS]: of Biden announcing that he was going to step down. And so that suggested that maybe she did have more support in the party than she let on. And also, you know, I don’t — I think the Biden people may have been in somewhat bad faith. Maybe not consciously, but I’m not sure they weren’t trying to undermine her. Because the obvious thing to do would be to have this qualified, if not always that politically adept, you know, much, much younger vice president take over for you when you’re about to be 82. But they gave her the border. They gave her voting rights, which is kind of the one major domestic policy area where they got very little done. So I don’t think they gave her a very good hand to play. But meanwhile, she’s getting a lot of reps, and giving speeches, and building connections, and played the game really well. I have a lot of respect for that.” “Well, the key thing, I think, is that Biden had a huge amount of influence over how the party viewed her in both directions. There was a long period, I would say, when the quiet signals out of Biden world were this isn’t going well.” “Yeah.” “And when there was pressure to push Biden off the ticket, those signals got louder — Harris cannot do this. If you get rid of him, you’re going to get her. You’re going to lose. But then the thing you saw happen is a moment Biden actually stepped aside and fully endorsed her. That was a signal so powerful that it functionally won the potential primary for Harris instantly. Nobody was going to go against Joe Biden in that moment. And so, in both directions, Biden had, and the team around him, a lot of influence. When implicitly Biden world told the Democratic Party Harris can’t do it, the Democratic Party believed them. And then when explicitly Biden himself told the Democratic Party and the world Harris could do it, the Democratic Party believed him. And by the way, from what I could tell, it seems he was right. And I don’t blame Biden, I think, for things that happened earlier in the administration. That was a lot of staff talk. And to be fair, it was based on some things. There were problems in her office. There were reasons to be skeptical. But he and they had tremendous power. In a way, this was not, to me, like a mini primary. This was a parliamentary process, right? The party came together and chose a leader through endorsements from elected officials. That’s functionally what happened.” “Yeah, it felt very British. It felt like —” “It felt very British.” “— the Liz Truss kind of thing or something, right, where, yeah. There’s a loss of confidence. Those are fascinating dynamics to study. But yeah, it’s interesting to have the inside view versus the outside view a little bit. And, you know, again, we talk about this in the book a little bit, but I come at a position where I’m more skeptical about the competence of people who work in politics. Right? Even if I like the candidates they endorse — I mean, I plan to plan to vote for Kamala Harris. I would not have voted for Joe Biden, by the way. I think it was deeply irresponsible to nominate him, and I would have voted libertarian or something. But I have a more skeptical view, and I think even the rationales they state out loud are sometimes maybe the rationales they believe or not. But, you know, I think human behavior is pretty strategic when you understand people’s incentives, and kind of information set, and things like that. And I think it was in Biden’s narrow self-interest to make Harris look weaker. And I think that plays a role at all sorts of subconscious margins in terms of how she was treated.” “Well, let’s talk about that skepticism. You and I have known each other a long time. We’re old-school bloggers. And my read of you is that somewhat over the 2016 election, then specifically over the pandemic —” “Yeah.” “— and your experience, I think, with online liberalism in the pandemic, you became much more disillusioned with the people who once felt to you like your group, your coalition, your tribe. There’s been a kind of an alienation for you. Is that a fair read?” “Yeah, I’d say it’s three things, right. Number one, the 2016 aftermath, I thought a lot of the kind of liberal and centrist news media, kind of were in denial about their own role in the ‘But her emails’ stuff and then picked scapegoats for Trump’s victory that were not the real reasons that he won. You know, Russian bot farms have approximately nothing to do with why Donald Trump won the 2016 election. And the Russia stuff, in general, I think was treated with an order of magnitude more importance than it probably objectively had. And blaming Facebook and the tech industry for that, I thought that was irresponsible. And also kind of the obsession over the polls in 2016, where I think there was some revisionist history where the polls actually showed a pretty close race. I mean, we had Trump with a 30 percent chance. And it was kind of the conventional wisdom that assumed that he was dead in the water. So the ability to conveniently lie a little bit or manipulate facts and spin facts, I mean, that was part one. Part two was the pandemic. Absolutely. And, you know, ‘orange man bad,’ I think, was often the reason that people believed a lot of what they believed. Because in some ways, the move to shut down society in some ways kind of went against the values of traditional liberalism, right? There’s a transfer of welfare from younger people [LAUGHS]: and people who are not able to work from home to wealthy suburbanites and older people who you’re protecting their health, but you’re undermining the education of millions and millions and millions of schoolkids around the country, and essential workers are still putting themselves at risk that you deem unacceptable for people who are able to work with laptops to take. So I thought it was very self-serving, and I thought kind of expertise was co-opted and corrupted by political partisans. And then third was the Biden stuff.” “Well, it seemed to me it happened for you before the Biden stuff.” “Yeah. I mean —” “And you were crosswise with a lot of liberals on Twitter. I mean, I came back to Twitter for three weeks during the height of Bidenmania to try to be sort of in touch with that sentiment and mostly stay away from it. But Twitter is a place that groups that exist outside the online hothouse purify inside the online hothouse. So there’s the public health community outside Twitter, and then there’s how it acts inside Twitter — political scientists outside Twitter and then inside Twitter, republicans outside Twitter, then inside Twitter. And my sense was that you ended up in a lot of fights with liberals who had a much lower risk tolerance than you did. And between that and what was, I believe, unfair criticism of the 2016 model, which got the election much more right than most did, that it sort of — you began to see habits of — you call it ‘the village.’ The village is your term for —” “Yeah. And that’s been a term that’s been used by other right. But the village is basically media, politics, government, progressive —” “The establishment.” “The establishment, ‘The New York Times,’ Harvard University.” “The regime.” “The regime. Yeah. The Democratic White House. Maybe not a Republican White House, but that’s a more complicated kind of edge case.” “Or maybe a different Republican White House.” “Yeah.” “Right? George W. Bush was part of the village.” “Absolutely.” “Maybe Donald Trump wasn’t.” “Absolutely.” “I think you’ve also called it the indigo blob in different ways, that you began to see it as a kind of set of aligned cognitive tendencies that you disagreed with. What were they?” “So one of them is the failure to do what I call decoupling. It’s not my term. Decoupling is the act of separating an issue from the context. So the example I give in the book is that if you’re able to say I abhor the Chick-fil-A’s CEO’s position on gay marriage — I don’t know if it’s changed or not, but he was anti-gay marriage, at least for some period of time — but they make a really delicious chicken sandwich. Like, that’s decoupling.” “I abhor their treatment of chickens.” “Yeah.” “I have a strong direct take on Chick-fil-A. I don’t like how they treat chickens.” “O.K. Or you can say or separate out, you know, Michael Jackson, Woody Allen, separate the art from the artist kind of thing. Right? You know, that tendency goes against kind of the tendency on the progressive left to care a lot about the identity of the speaker in terms of the racial or gender identity and in terms of their credentials. And this other world that I call ‘the river,’ the kind of gambling, risk-taking world, all that matters is that you’re right.” “The river is your name for the community of people who think about risk roughly the way you do and are willing to make big bets, willing to accept loss. The river is your — it’s your world of gamblers at all levels of society.” “Capital and lowercase g gambling.” “So hedge funds —” “Expected value.” “— venture capitalists.” “Yeah. And then you get kind of the more —” “Crypto.” “— groundwater stuff where it’s like crypto, and meme stocks, and things like that. It doesn’t matter who you are, it matters that you’re right and you’re able to prove it or bet on it in some way. And that’s very against, I think, the kind of credentialism that you have within the progressive Democratic left, which I also call the indigo blob, because it’s a fusion of purple and blue. There’s not a clear separation between the nonpartisan, centrist media and the left-leaning progressive media that’s kind of rooting for Democrats. Different parts of ‘The New York Times’ have both those functions in place. And as someone who’s kind of more on the nonpartisan side, even though, again, I would prefer to see Kamala Harris than Donald Trump, I think people are exploiting the trust that institutions have earned for political gain. And particularly in the kind of pre-Elon pandemic-era Twitter days, the pile-ons were kind of insane, and 98 percent of people don’t have the tolerance for that. But I didn’t really care because these people are not my friends, and I have a good life outside of Twitter, and because, you know, to some extent, even if you run a newsletter, being a little polarizing is O.K., right? If I have 10 random people yelling at me on Twitter and 10 people sign up to be paid subscribers to ‘Silver Bulletin,’ then I come out like way ahead in that deal. And so I think I couldn’t do my job without running afoul of this group of people.” “Let me ask you about the definition of decoupling there, because I think decoupling is interesting. And I found the examples you pick also interesting but contestable.” “Yeah.” “So in the Chick-fil-A example, I’m between a vegetarian and vegan these days, so I got my own issues with Chick-fil-a, but was not a believer necessarily in boycotting it if you didn’t have my issues. But I understood it as more like a boycott, that theory, right? You don’t want to give money to something that’s going to work against your interests. The question of decoupling art and artist, which I’m more on the side of decoupling, but also has a dimension of — those both strike me as versions of activism, right? What you want to do, what people who hold those positions are trying to do, is affect change in the world by applying consequences to beliefs. And maybe you don’t want that, or you don’t agree that the beliefs they are trying to affect should have those consequences on them. But it’s kind of different than the idea of things are being pressed together that don’t go together. I think an interesting sort of decoupling issue that happened in the pandemic was the same public health voices who were at one point saying you had to be so careful, even outside oftentimes were then pro joining the George Floyd protests, which a lot of people found very upsetting. What people were looking to the public health world for right then was not their views on protests but their views on distancing. And that felt like it coupled things in a way that undermined one to achieve another.” “Well, and they framed it in, like, oh, this is good for public health reasons, right? If they had said, look, I’m a big believer in racial equity; there is a little bit of risk here; but outside, wear a mask, and probably not a huge problem — I mean, that would be honest, right?” “Which ended up being true too.” “Yeah. But instead it was in the name of public health, right? I think people don’t do enough thinking about thinking and don’t read enough of the literature on cognitive biases. Ironically, this is kind of like the expert literature on how powerful the human mind is at confirmation bias, and how powerful a drug political partisanship is, and how smart people are maybe better rationalizes in certain respects. I mean, a lot of irrational traits are like rational on some halfway approximate different version of the universe. You know what I mean?” “My first book was on polarization. And what I understand you as doing in the book in part is making an interesting cut in society between people with different forms of both risk tolerance and thinking about risk. And you write something that caught my eye where you say, quote, ‘COVID made those risk preferences public, worn on our proverbial sleeves and our literal faces.’ And you go on to say, quote, ‘People are becoming more bifurcated in their risk tolerance, and this affects everything from who we hang out with to how we vote.’” “Yeah.” “Tell me about both sides of that — the way that it made risk tolerance visible, but then your view that since then risk tolerance is becoming a deeper cleavage in society.” “I mean, on the one hand, there are lots of signs that risk tolerance is going down, right? Among young people in particular, they’re smoking less, drinking less, doing fewer drugs, having less sex. A different type of risk tolerance, they are less willing to defend free speech norms if it potentially would cause injury to someone. That’s kind of a — free speech is kind of a pro-risk kind of take in some ways because speech can cause effects, of course. On the other hand, you have this boom and bust, and various booms and busts, in crypto. You have Las Vegas bringing in record revenue. You have record revenue in sports betting and things like that. You have the CEO of OpenAI saying, yeah, this might destroy the universe, but it’s worth it. It’s a good gamble to take. You have FTX and all this stuff. And the first trip I made after COVID was to a Casino in Florida, which is every bit the shit show that you think it might be. And the tournament drew record numbers of Poker players. And so it just seems to me like we are in a world now where institutions are less trusted. And some people respond to that by saying, O.K., I make my own rules now, and this is great, and I have lots of agency. And some respond by kind of withdrawing into an online world, or maybe clinging on to beliefs and experts that have lost their credibility, or just by becoming more risk averse. I mean, I think the pandemic also revealed that there’s a lot of differences in introversion versus extroversion. I just can’t deal with being cooped up inside all day. This doesn’t work for me at all. But I think some people kind of secretly like the idea that, O.K., there’s no more FOMO. I can kind of be cozy all day. And that’s fine. There’s differences in desire for human companionship and things like that too.” “Let’s talk about a couple of those people. One of the things that’s kind of fun about the book is you spend time with people whose approach to risk you find sophisticated and interesting.” “Yeah.” “One of them is Peter Thiel. What were your impressions of Peter Thiel? What did he learn spending time with him?” “The first impression is that he’s a weird dude. I interviewed him by phone. And the first question I asked him he took half an hour to answer. So he’s very thoughtful. And the question was what I thought was kind of a softball question. It’s like, if you ran the world 1,000 times or 10,000 times, how often do you think you’d wind up in a situation like the one that you’re in? And it was kind of a nerdy way to ask, do you think you got lucky. Which in Thiel’s case is interesting. There’s an anecdote in the book about this famous or infamous car trip he took with Elon Musk. They were going to pitch Michael Moritz at Sequoia Capital, and Elon had a new McLaren F1 and was going way too fast, and spun out of control in the middle of whichever Sand Hill Road or whatever, and they totaled the car. They could easily have been killed. And instead, they actually hitchhiked to this meeting and saved what was then called Confinity — it was like the future of Paypal, right? And so this twist of fate, twist of good fortune, kind of helped [LAUGHS]: Peter Thiel out. But most people understand, like —” “Wait, how did it help him out? I mean, he didn’t die.” “Well, he didn’t die. So he avoided — yeah, he avoided dying, I guess I’d say. So probably the expectation was not that he’d die. But the point is still that you can easily have a world in which Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are not a part of it if there’s a car going the wrong way and the other side of the road. So most people, when you ask that question — I asked Mark Cuban, for example — they’ll give the politically correct response. Which is, oh, of course I’ve been very lucky, and I’m a talented person, but of course it’s a 1 in a million thing. Right? And Thiel objected to the question. He said, you know, well, if it’s predetermined, then the odds are 100 percent. And if the world’s not predetermined, then the odds are probably approximately zero. But that doesn’t really make sense. Like, how can you perturb the world by exactly this amount? But I think he kind of believes in predestiny a little bit. And —” “As a spiritual thing or as a matter of classical physics?” “There’s a good book by I think Max Chafkin was the journalist — or ‘Chaff-kin’— I don’t how you say his last name — about Peter Thiel called ‘The Contrarian,’ which is convincing that Thiel is actually quite conservative, more than libertarian, and probably quite religious. But I also think that if you ARE one of these people, just the amounts of wealth, and success, and power that Silicon Valley has, I do think some of these people kind of pinch themselves and wonder if they have been one of the chosen ones in some ways or been blessed in some ways, or, maybe the nerdy version of it, think they’re living in a simulation of some kind. Like, what odds would you give yourself that that actually makes sense that you’re the protagonist of the story? It must be kind of weird, right?” “So I used to interview Thiel. Not super regularly but every so often. My impression of him, which has been my impression of a lot of the I would call them ideologist VCs, which is not all VCs, but the ones who are heavily behind or out online and sort of pushing a kind of what I would think of as like VC ideology that leans now right, talking to him always interesting. Because over the course of a conversation, he would offer like 15 or 20 ideas. I would call them more thought experiments than analytical arguments. They were not empirically backed, typically. And you would leave and be like, 13 of those seem genuinely ridiculous to me. Two of them might be very importantly right. I’m not 100 percent sure which are the two and which are the 13. And Peter Thiel, I think, is very — he is a sort of template of the VC mind, and a lot of VCs try to be him. And he’s been very successful. I mean, he’s a guy who has backed a number of very important companies, found a number of very important founders. He is able to do something there. But it is oriented towards being right in important and counterintuitive ways, like, three out of 20 times and doesn’t care about being wrong 17 out of 20 times. Whereas if you think about media, media is oriented towards being right 17 out of 20 times, and the three that it gets wrong are going to be really big because they’re going to be correlated across the entirety of American institutions. But it’s a very different way of thinking about risk. It’s like you want big payouts, not a high betting average.” “And that’s because this is core to the VC mindset. The two things that you hear from every VC, one is the importance of the longer time horizon. So you’re making investments that might not pay off for 10 or 15 years. But number two, even more important, is the asymmetric ability to bet on upside. They are all terrified because they all had an experience early in their career where Mark Zuckerberg walked through their door, or Larry Page or Sergey Brin walked through their door, and they didn’t give them funding. And then they wound up missing on an investment that paid out at 100x or 1000x or 10,000x. And so if you can only lose 1x your money, but you can make 1000x if you have a successful company, then that changes your mindset about everything, and you want to avoid false negatives. You want to avoid missed opportunities. And I think there’s a tendency for a certain type of smart person to provoke, to troll a little bit. I think he’s like that a little bit mean. This is also partly the thing on Twitter, right? I kind of us Twitter sometimes as a sketch pad [LAUGHS]: a little bit for slightly irreverent, half-trollish ideas that might later turn into newsletter posts or something like that, or might be developed further, and probing around and seeing what things land and what don’t. Like a stand mic night at a comedy show or something. And I think that’s how Twitter is meant to be used. But other people use it for enforcing consensus. But we’ve already talked about Twitter. But yeah —” “Well, you can never talk about it enough, particularly with these people. The one thing I will say on that, and I think this is true for virtually everybody I know who has been on that platform for a long period of time, is they will tell you that I have this persona on Twitter.” “Yeah.” “Right? Twitter is not real life. I mean, I use it to provoke. I’m having fun. I’m shitposting. I’m trolling. And people, over time, if they spend a lot of time there, become more like who they are there. That is true for Marc Andreessen, another person who you profile and talk to in the book. It’s true for lots of people in politics I know. Ted Cruz has become his Twitter persona even more than he once was. It happened in Democratic politics I think in 2020. Different campaigns became more like their Twitter incarnations than that person had been in politics before. And I think it has to do with social dynamics. Because over time, the people you get praise from become more persuasive and credible to you. The people who begin to hate you, you sort of repel from. People I think always think they can be playful in their social dynamics, but actually who you end up surrounding yourself, even online, you become them. It’s very, very hard to maintain that kind of separation.” “I mean, clearly, Elon Musk maintained a stance for a while that, oh, I’m just kind of a libertarian moderate. Like, no, he’s kind of like a right-pilled conservative.” “Yeah. And I’m just having fun. I’m posting funny things. He’s his Twitter persona now. You spent some time with Sam Bankman-Fried.” “Yeah.” “Tell me what you learned from him or learned about him.” “I think Sam is kind of insane [CHUCKLES]:, and I’m not very sympathetic to him. I mean, I’m sympathetic in the sense that this is this very dramatic reversal of fortune, where he’s kind of literally emerging and on top of the whole world, and shooting commercials with Tom Brady, and it kind of all collapses, and he becomes very abandoned overnight. So he’s kind of reaching out to a couple of journalists to have conversations because he basically no friends left in the Bahamas anymore. And his parents are there and two of his employees are there, but everyone else has fled the island. Sam is somebody who has to be owned by the river. But, you know, he is unabashedly a part of that world. I mean, he had his tentacles in every part of that world. He was active in Democratic and actually, under the radar, Republican political donations. He was trying to figure out how to get into sports betting legally and things like that. And so he is kind of everywhere. And of course, most of all, with the effect of altruists — in the original plan for the book, there was this awkward transition between the chapter on crypto and the chapter on effective altruism. I’m like, how do I have a natural transition? And then SBF is very important in both worlds, and it’s a very strange connection that somehow crypto profits are funding these people who want to cure malaria or something in Africa. But, you know, I think there are a couple of things. One is that I think people were overly impressed by SBF, partly because he was able to manipulate his self image. I mean, he’s not the most conventionally normal guy, right? But he was very aware that founders — the founder algorithm, the VC algorithm is like we can’t — weirdness is good for VCs. The fact that SBF would play video games in investor pitch meetings or things like that, or dress down, or have a fidget spinner, they’re like, oh, he’s a little bit on the spectrum, and that’s actually probably good for a founder because you want the single-minded devotion. And he’s a little weird, but you want variance, variance, variance.” “Sleeps on a beanbag. Right? There was a real mythos around him.” “Which is kind of carefully constructed. He’s kind of inhabiting a character which is inspired by some inner SBF. And he’s kind of playing that character and then kind of forgets what has ever inner core values, whatever they were, might have been. But he is not a very competent manager of risk. He invested all this money in this Democratic primary for a candidate named Carrick Flynn in Oregon’s — I forget which — six or seventh district, maybe eighth district. And the candidate had been ahead in the polls by 15 points and wound up losing by 15 points. Because to spend $8 million in a congressional primary is kind of insane if you’re not in the New York media market or something. So the candidate would go to people’s houses, and they’d be like, hey, I’m Carrick Flynn. I’m a candidate for the Oregon primary. And they’re like, oh, I have your literature and bring out a stack of 20 flyers that SBF’s super PAC had sent on behalf of Carrick Flynn and made him look like a weird freak backed by this mysterious crypto billionaire. So, yeah, he had a tendency — and this is based on testimony from both the court case and an interview I did with Tara MacAulay I think his her name, his original co-founder at Alameda. He had the kind of often good initial instincts, and being a good estimator is an important skill in my world, but then would kind of double down on that a lot and rationalize things a lot. And there was also a bystander effect problem where so many people vouched for him — Sequoia Capital and all these Oxford philosophers, these effective altruists. And he’s on stage with Bill Clinton or whatever, and he’s invited to the Met Gala, and Tom Brady is shooting commercials with him. So what could possibly be wrong with this guy? I mean, maybe he seems a little bit weird to me, but all these other people are kind of in his corner. But no one was doing the due diligence. And he kind of figured out that despite — there’s a little contradiction in the river, where on the one hand we tend to think of ourselves as being contrarian. On the other hand, we’re pretty big fans of markets, because we know that it’s kind of hard to beat the Las Vegas point spread or it’s hard to beat the S&P 500 Index funds or things like that. So the market judgment is that SBF is a credible actor, and how would I trust my own judgment over the market judgment a little bit. And there was too much deference toward that and too much actually groupthink about SBF, because the problems were evident the whole way. I mean, he told Tyler Cowen that if he could flip a coin to double the amount of utility in the world plus 1 epsilon or something but there’s a 50/50 chance of blowing the world up, that he would take the coin flip and repeatedly.” “So you’re actually getting two earths, but you’re risking a 49 percent chance of it all disappearing.” “And again, I feel compelled to say caveats here of how would you really know that’s what’s happening, blah, blah, blah, whatever. Put that aside. Take the hypothetical — the pure hypothetical. Yeah. Yeah.” “And then you keep on playing the game. So what’s the chance we’re left with anything? Don’t I just Saint Petersburg paradox you into non-existence?” “Well, not necessarily. Maybe Saint Petersburg paradox into an enormously valuable existence. That’s the other option.” “I remember seeing that Tyler Cowen interview and thinking, that’s nuts. But I think it gets at a kind of nuts that there is a bias towards in the world you’re describing. There is an aesthetic around talking in probabilities. There’s an ability to think in probabilities, and there’s an aesthetic around probabilities — people attaching, I would often say, almost random probabilities to things. I see this a lot in Silicon valley, people who I would call it like faux Bayesian reasoning where they’re given some probability, but they have no reason to base the probability — 50 percent of this. And it makes you sound much more precise. It makes you sound like what you’re talking about. SBF was known for always talking in terms of expected value. Which is very appealing to the kinds of people you’re describing, maybe the kind of person even that you are. And people who know how to talk like that get through a lot of filters, because you sort of assume, if they’ve converted everything into probabilities, and they’re great at math, and he worked at Jane Street. I worried about this a lot with effective altruists for a while, which is a group I have a lot more sympathy for than most people now have. But there can be this tendency, I think, to fetishize a certain form of discourse. It’s like the first people into that form of discourse are doing something valuable, and then, after that, I think it can become a kind of costume of sloppy thinking. This worries me about models too. I’m curious how you think about it, because I often find that people talk in terms of probabilities but people hear them in terms of certainties. That somehow talking in terms of probabilities makes people more willing to believe you without actually being skeptical or attaching a failure risk to you.” “Yeah. I mean, there’s two things here. One is just there is a kind of jargon. In some ways I liken being from the river to being from the South of the United States or something, where there’s just a lot of shared cultural norms and unspoken discursive tendencies — it’s just the way we communicate, I think, in the river. But also, it’s really easy to build bad models. Even in narrow problems, like I want to forecast the NFL or something or build an election model, it’s easy to build bad models. And on these open-ended problems, it’s really easy to fall in love with the incomplete model of the world and then forget that — what’s the Kamala Harris coconut tree quote? A model does not fall from a coconut tree. It exists —” “It exists in the context of all that came before it. Sure.” “So a model is supposed to describe something in the real world. And if you lose sight of the real world and it fails to describe the real world, then it’s the model’s fault and your fault for building the model and not the real world’s fault. And that’s a lesson that people, I think, have a lot of trouble learning.” “Bankman-Fried is in prison. Thiel might in some ways be responsible for destroying the Republican ticket this year. I mean, in a close election, JD Vance now seems to have about as much negative value as we’ve seen from a recent Vice President. I’m not saying Peter Thiel’s the only reason Vance got chosen for the ticket, but he is one of the key reasons Vance is in politics. Before now, you would said JD Vance was Peter Thiel’s political bet that paid off best.” “Yeah.” “And now it might be his political bet that pays off worst. You mentioned Bankman-Fried’s political donations, which were kind of disastrous in a direct way sometimes. Also ended up taking a lot of other people down over time. If these guys are so good at making bets or seem to be so good at making bets, what are they missing in politics? As somebody who straddles those worlds, what is not in their models? So both these groups, both the river and the village, are groups of elites. And I think, ironically, both groups’ critiques of one another are kind of true, right? I mean, they kind of can be epistemic trespassers, but they are not very data driven when it comes to politics. And part of it, too, is that if you’re a VC, and you’re evaluating a lot of pitches and a lot of opportunities, you have very quick twitch reflexes for saying, O.K., something about this founder seems smart. Let’s investigate further. Let’s do an initial seed round of investing. But it’s like thin slicing and not necessarily — for this part of the river, the VC part of the river — more profound analytical takes on things. And so you’re surrounded by people that are inclined to agree with you, and you kind of see enemies on the other side. He thought maybe that people had some deeper intuitive sense in 2016 that something was wrong with Hillary Clinton, even though she was ahead in the polls. And to his credit, he did back Trump at a time when that seemed like a big risk to take. It seemed like it was probably going to be the wrong bet, and it seemed like he was losing a lot of credibility. And now, it turns out that he was kind of ahead of the curve. You know, people like Peter Thiel thought that the village had been discredited by 2016 and other things. You can’t really trust the polls, and they said Trump would never do x, y or z. But no, I mean, these guys often are pretty dumb about [LAUGHS]: politics. And it’s the same — the guys in the hedge fund poker game that I play sometimes are the guys that are like, I think Gavin Newsom is going to replace Joe Biden on the ticket. And it’s like, you actually were kind of right about part of this, but why Gavin Newsom? What is the infatuation with Gavin Newsom.” “I heard so many versions of that. I always thought it was so crazy.” “Yeah.” “But, you know, it’s funny. I would say what they’ve often missed, and Thiel’s particular on this, is how human beings react to different human beings. So JD Vance, for instance, wildly underperforms in the Ohio Senate race. And Vance’s problem right now, he’s pushed onto the ticket by, as best we can tell, people like Steve Bannon, Don Trump, Jr., Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk — so the very online, very reactionary pale, the people around Trump. And what is missed about him is he’s kind of offputting. He doesn’t talk to other people in a way they would like to be spoken to. He’s able to make even popular ideas like a child tax credit sound completely bizarre when he talks about them in terms of punishing childless adults — that there is something here, I think, when people look at the world — and I’ve seen this in a lot of different dimensions of these kinds of folks — when they look at the world too much in numbers, the intangibles begin to dissolve for them.” “Although I think some of these tangibles aren’t so intangible. Right? Where you can look at JD Vance’s margins in Ohio, you can look at historically candidates who don’t have experience getting elected to some lower office and then ascending the ranks, underperform. It’s been a factor in our congressional midterm models for years, for example. But, look, in some ways, these VCs are obviously incredibly, deeply flawed people. And so, why do they succeed despite that? I think because the idea of having a longer time horizon, number one, and being willing to make these plus expected value, positive expected value, high risk, but very, very, very high-upside bets, and gathering a portfolio of them repeatedly, and making enough of these bets that you effectively do hedge your risk, those two ideas are so good that it makes up for the fact that these guys often have terrible judgment and are kind of vainglorious assholes — half of them, right? They’re interesting people too. I mean, they’re very interesting I think. And they — I’m happy that the book is able to present, I think, a complete journalistic portrait of some of them. But they have lots and lots of flaws, and it’s made up for by the fact that this is kind of a magic formula for making money.” “Let me get us back to the election. So we mentioned before Harris’s approval ratings have gone from significantly underwater to net favorable very, very fast. She’s now leading in head-to-head polls. More than that, there’s a real deep, whatever Republicans have convinced themselves to the contrary, organic enthusiasm that has unleashed itself around her. She turns out to be very memeable in a way I’m not sure people quite predicted. I know most Democrats didn’t predict this. I don’t think you predicted it. So what was missed here? What wasn’t in the Harris model that should have been?” “Yeah, maybe you really can meme your way to victory. [CHUCKLES]: I don’t know. I wouldn’t necessarily have thought that. I mean, there’s something about how it’s off trend a little bit, and it’s kind of unexpected a little bit. And there’s something about that, that I think people were ready for a vibe shift, right? I think people in politics neglect just how annoying the pedantic, dramatic, no fun tone of politics was and the having to be like serious all the time. And if the worst Republicans can say about Kamala Harris, oh, she laughs a lot, maybe it kind of suits the mood a little bit after so many years of doom and gloom. So maybe it was just spontaneous and lucky. I mean, it’s also the case maybe when Kamala Harris was a candidate for the nomination in 2019, I had these tiers, and the top tier was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And the line was always, O.K., I got one of those right and one of those about as wrong as possible. But she was seen as this rising, up-and-coming political talent, and maybe the combination of misaligned strategy in 2019 and then not being marketed well by the White House, and we debated before what the reasons for that are, maybe that was the underperformance. And the rising star that people thought she was kind of the real Kamala Harris after all.” “So Harris ended up choosing Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, as her VP pick. You made a case that it should have been Josh Shapiro. Tell me why.” “Pennsylvania, number one. There’s about a 4 percent chance in our model that Harris will lose the election because of Pennsylvania, where she wins the other Midwestern swing states but she’s 19 votes or fewer electoral votes fewer because of Pennsylvania. And if you’re a probabilist, then a 4 percent chance — because campaigns often don’t make a difference, right? If we go into a recession in the third quarter, then Harris will probably lose through no fault of her own. But in the worlds where campaign strategy can make a difference, then the VP being from Pennsylvania is a reasonably big upgrade. And the fact that he has demonstrated his popularity with this very diverse state that’s kind of a microcosm of the US as a whole — in Pennsylvania, you have the Northeast, you have the Midwest, and even you have a little bit of the South creeping in the Appalachian part of the state. You have the suburbs, you have rural areas, and you have one of the biggest cities in the United States. You have a big African-American vote. You have lots of famous colleges and things like that. You have everything there, and he’s 15 points above water approval-wise. And that’s pretty powerful information to work with. I happen to think that Tim Walz is an above-average pick, better than most, better than JD Vance. Not a particularly high bar, but better than a lot of the recent picks. I mean, I think he’s kind of memeable as America’s goofy dad kind of way, and he had a pretty moderate track record in Congress. And again, my premise is that, generally speaking, moderation wins. A lot of people disagree with that, but I think the empirical evidence is strong there. More progressive governance, of course, in Minnesota. But I think it was a somewhat risk-averse decision. Now, if you read —” “Why do you say that? I found this argument you’ve made very weird. So I think there’s a very good chance — I always told people on the VP pick my head says Shapiro and my heart says Walz.” “Yeah.” “I think that because I am a cautious person, if I were running for president, worried about losing Pennsylvania, I would have found it very hard not to pick Shapiro. Because if you don’t pick Shapiro, and you end up in a we lost Pennsylvania scenario, everybody’s going to blame you for blowing the decision that could have won Pennsylvania. In terms of the expected value, both on the front end and the back end, I understood Walz as a choice on vibes, this sort of energy, this momentum she has created. He was sort of able to upend and remake all Democratic messaging in a single morning Joe appearance. There is some intangible charisma to Walz that has made him — developed him overnight, this huge online fan base, that the cautious candidate, the one, listening to the consultants, the one reading Nate Silver polls, that candidate goes with Shapiro. Walz is something else. Why did you say that you understood Walz as risk averse?” “Because I think they were worried about news cycles where the left got mad, and/or the Gaza issue was elevated, and/or you had protests at the convention in Chicago in a couple of weeks. I think they were worried about that, and maybe kind of undermining what is clearly good vibes right now, and maybe overrating — I mean, maybe it’s not. Maybe I just think it’s the lower expected value decision of what gives Kamala Harris a higher chance of winning the electoral college in November.” “I think one of the questions I’ve been reflecting on — because I often think about, where do I disagree with writers I otherwise agree with? And I think I’m typically pretty aligned with you on a bunch of things, or Iglesias, or [INAUDIBLE], or some others. But a lot of you have really gotten into a view that I think takes the median voter theorem almost too seriously. That it’s like as if politics is unidimensional, and how close you are to ideologically the median voter is what decides elections. Which I do think moderation has an effect in. I mean, we see this in the political science research. But that doesn’t have a lot of room in that model for energy, for enthusiasm, for the mediation of politics — the thing that happens in between the candidate and the public for what is happening on social media, for what is happening on cable news. And you can often sort of back out explanations here and there. But I, for instance, think this sort of in retrospect explanation that what led Obama to victory was careful moderation — one of the things he did was moderate on some issues like gay marriage. Another thing he did was unleash astonishing levels of enthusiasm in the electorate for reasons orthogonal in many ways to his policy positions. And so I’m curious how you think about that. Because to me, one of the questions Shapiro and Walz raised, Shapiro and Harris sort of are a lot like each other. I think they sort of come off as the two smartest members of the law review. Right?” “Yeah, that’s interesting —” “Which is like kind of —” “— for sure.” “— not necessary the visual you want — maybe it is but might not be — and that there is something here that is I guess people call it vibes now. I feel like it’s a little dismissive. But how you play out in earned media, in social media, how much people want to talk about you, that feeling of enthusiasm, how do you think about that as somebody who builds models and handicaps politics?” “I mean, look, if you’re literally building a congressional model, there’s a model that forecasts the vote based on fundamentals, which means not the polls if you don’t have polling, for example, based on whatever it is, seven or eight factors. And one of those factors, if you’re incumbent, is how often do you vote with your party. And the more often you buck your party, actually the more often — like Susan Collins or Joe Manchin — then you tend to overperform in your congressional race. Now, that’s also one of eight factors. Right? And even when you have all eight factors, there’s still quite a bit of uncertainty in the race. So to me, it’s like this is something where if you’re used to looking at larger data sets, you can come up with counterexamples of Jon Tester is pretty progressive actually and somehow manages to get reelected in Montana with this kind of maybe Tim Walz-like folksy personality or something —” “Sherrod Brown. Sort of similar to that.” “Also pretty progressive. But if you take all the data from every congressional race since 1990, then it becomes clear in the aggregate, right? And I’d also say, if we could get progressives to the point where — I don’t know who we is in this sentence, because I’m not sure I identify as progressive — liberal but not progressive, I’d say — if we could get them to the point where they said, yes, the median voter theorem is mostly true but sometimes outweighed by other factors. But yeah, to get them to that point, instead of thinking, oh, you win elections by winning the base — I mean, that might have narrowly been true in an earlier —” “Wait, you’re turning this around on progressives. Because I’m asking it of you. I agree that progressives should take the median voter theorem more seriously. But I am asking you whether energy, enthusiasm, media — I just think attention in politics is undertheorized. I think if you look at Donald Trump, and you do a thing that I’ve seen people do, and say, look, he is more like the median voter on certain things like immigration, et cetera, or at least he was perceived as more moderate than Hillary Clinton and that’s why he won, I think that is an undertold story about Donald Trump that is somewhat true. I think that missing the showmanship of Donald Trump, the entertainment value, the energy he unlocks in people. There’s a reason that Trump had Dana White from the UFC and Hulk Hogan on his night of the RNC. So in 2020, Joe Biden’s view is that the election should be about Donald Trump, and Donald Trump’s view is that the election should be about Donald Trump. And that was a theory of attention they both agreed on, and it worked out for Joe Biden. In 2024, Joe Biden’s view is the election should be about Donald Trump. Donald Trump’s view was the election should probably be about Donald Trump. And that was a bad theory of attention. Biden had no way of shifting a narrative that wasn’t any good for him.” “Yeah.” “And so I guess this is what I’m getting at, that one thing that I worry about in some of this thinking among people I like is that attention is important. Candidates have different theories of it, but I don’t know that we know how to think about it as rigorously as I wish we did.” “Look, I agree. I mean, again, with Harris, maybe you do have to revise your views a little bit. I think also maybe in a campaign that’s a sprint and not a marathon, then maybe you never reach the long run. It seems possible. Usually, I’d say don’t worry about momentum over the next two weeks, because inevitably you’re going to have a bad news cycle later on. It’s just how the media works and it’s how elections work. It is possible they can just sprint their way to a memeified victory in this shortened, modified campaign. That they have a good convention, and that she wins whenever the debate is held, and then you’re in October and everyone’s crazy and explicitly partisan, they may be able to sprint to a narrow electoral college victory without having this skeptical news cycle. So that may be an argument for Walz, I think.” “One of the reasons on my mind is not actually Walz. And as I said before, because I do want to say this, I’m not sure who she should have picked as VP. I actually have very conflicted views on this, although I really, really enjoy Tim Walz, and really enjoyed interviewing him, and think he’s a pretty unusual political talent. But I think you could say the same about Josh Shapiro in different ways, and Pennsylvania is a very big state. But I’ve been interested in the shift in — look, you have a campaign staffed by many of the same people, particularly in the first two weeks, and yet the campaign’s tenor has completely changed. The tone of press releases is now they are trying to get you to talk about them and doing that by courting controversy, by being kind of mean in a way. Democrats have not been mean in a long time. That Tim Walz actually made a JD Vance couch joke in his introducing himself as her vice presidential pick speech — let’s put it this way, that is not something that Joe Biden campaign was going to do. They want people to talk about them. They want to court kind of controversy, outrage. They want attention. But I think the reason it’s all on my mind is what I am seeing in them is a radically different relationship to attention than the campaign that the same people were running two weeks ago.” “Yeah. And this why we rely on you for how much these people overlap. Like, that’s not something I really —” “They overlap tremendously.” “Yeah.” “I mean, it’s not the exact same people. Mike Donilon isn’t running things anymore. But there’s enough of the same people here that you’re not dealing with ‘nobody knew how to write these press releases’ a month ago.” “It is interesting that Joe Biden, based on the polling, would probably have been better off in election with low turnout. The one thing that might have saved him is if you get that special election, midterm election, lower turnout where people aren’t very happy about it, but they go to the polls and vote for Biden and the Trump people don’t bother to show up. Because unlike in the past, the marginal voters have been more likely to vote for Trump than for Biden. So maybe by having a really boring campaign, it kind of suited their interests. With Harris, who is bringing back some of the younger voters and some of the voters of color that had defected to Kennedy, or defected to Trump, or defected to sitting out the election, those are also some of the more marginal voters. And so, now, all of a sudden, she probably doesn’t mind as much higher turnout which is going to get young Latino women to vote for her or young Black men to vote for her when they might not have voted for Biden. And so it kind of matches the incentives of where you want to turnout to be on November 5.” “Tim Alberta in the Atlantic had a great piece on the way the Trump campaign was thinking about the race that came out around the time of the debate or right after the debate. And they felt they had Nevada, North Carolina completely locked up — and Georgia — and that this was really a race in three, maybe four states. My understanding is Harris and her team think they have re-expanded the map. They think that Nevada, Arizona, Georgia are for sure back in play. They think that North Carolina might be back in play. Do you think that’s true? Do you think the map has gotten bigger?” “I think that’s right. Because, again, look at the voters that Biden was falling off with. Nevada, people don’t remember, they think of it as kind of libertarian old miners, right? No, Nevada is extremely diverse, and it’s working class voters of color. Big fall-off constituency for Biden. Georgia, you have tons of young professionals, and tons of great colleges and universities, and, of course, tons of Black voters — the same groups that he’s declining from a little bit. North Carolina has been, interestingly, kind of close in the polls. Arizona is the one that didn’t seem to have moved quite as much, though there was one poll yesterday with Harris ahead there. But that’s right. I mean, I think the map has expanded, and it’s obviously plausible again now that she would win Georgia, especially with the Brian Kemp stuff not helping Trump one bit. At the moment — I was playing in a poker tournament, very on-brand, right — when Trump gets shot and has the iconic photo, which I’m not a Trump fan, but you kind of have to admire that, I think a little bit, I think a lot of people assume he’s going to win the election. I mean, with Biden already, he’s not going to lose after this. They try to shoot him, and he has this great photo opportunity, right? And then it seems like he’s at a high water mark. And then he picks JD Vance, and I think got a little arrogant.” [LAUGHS] “Because his initial instinct apparently was not to pick necessarily JD Vance and kind of talked out of it by his sons. And I don’t know what influence Peter Thiel or whatever had. But the VC guys were like, oh, JD Vance is kind of one of us. And he probably is smarter than the average VP or something. But that appeal has been demonstrated not to work. I mean, you saw it with Blake Masters for example, right? It works every now and then. I guess Rick Scott had a background in I don’t know what exactly, but like —” “Medicare fraud.” “O.K., yeah. [LAUGHS]: But for the most part, these —” “The guy the guy ran a health company that was convicted of the single largest Medicare fraud at that point in history.” “What I tell my VC friends is if you have a rich guy, just have him buy a basketball team or something. He’s not going to come across very well to the average voter. And I think they don’t understand that. And then, again, in a poker tournament or a poker home cash game, when you go from having a big stack and you’re kind of like, oh, this is so nice. Man, I’m going to go home and cash out my winnings. Maybe I’ll have a nice little whiskey at the bar or something. And this is going to be — I’ll text my friends about how well my session ran. And then you lose a big pot, and then you lose another big pot, and then you go on tilt. And before long, you have no chips left.” “What is tilt?” “Tilt is playing emotionally, particularly in poker or other forms of gambling. It’s often sparked by a bad beat. Meaning that you got unlucky. Or it can be sparked by getting bluffed and getting mad at your opponent. Or bad luck. Or sometimes you can actually have what’s called winner’s tilt too, where maybe this is what Trump had in picking JD Vance. You have a bunch of things that are going really well. I mean, this election was going about as well as it could for Donald Trump. He’s not a popular guy, yet he had moved ahead in some of the National polls by four or five points. It’s pretty hard to do. I mean, he’s lost the popular vote twice.” “Trump feels very on tilt to me. When you think about him, for Donald Trump, he had been pretty on his message. He was talking a lot about immigration. He was talking a lot about inflation. He was letting it be known that he was thinking about picking Doug Burgum. He seemed to be enjoying this idea that he was — people were longing for a stability They now associated with his presidency rightly or wrongly. They wanted the lower prices back. They don’t like the war in Gaza. They don’t like the war in Ukraine. Maybe Trump is a strong man who can bring it back. And he was kind of playing into that. And since the Harris switch and him beginning to fall in the polls, you feel this old Trump returning. The Trump who goes to Georgia and begins yelling at the governor — the Republican governor — of Georgia. The Trump that goes to the National Association of Black Journalists and begins to talk about how nobody knew Kamala Harris was Black. The Trump who is just trying out attack lines, trying to find something that will work no matter what the kind of cost might be. I mean, your description of him playing emotionally — he’s not listening to anybody right now. He’s flailing.” “And the fact that, according to the reporting, that they weren’t prepared for the eventuality when Joe Biden dropped out was kind of inexcusable. I mean, if you looked at prediction markets, it was immediately a live consideration after the debate. I think they overestimated the degree to which Democrats are a personality cult. I mean, they can be. There was maybe a personality cult around Obama, or Bill Clinton, or things like that. But there wasn’t one around Joe Biden. He was kind of always the candidate of the party. And it was not in the party’s interest any longer to have him as their nominee. And so the Democratic Party is capable and powerful in a way the GOP is not. And they extrapolated from their views to how Democrats would behave and underestimated the smart decision that the party was capable of making.” “I talked to Republicans about this, about why they weren’t more prepared, and one thing I heard from them is they just didn’t think Biden was going to step aside. I mean, if you’re a party that has completely bent the knee to Donald Trump and is now years and years into not being able to convince Donald Trump of functionally anything, it might shift your sense of how people in power, particularly the apex of power, act. It’s one reason — this is a place where you and I’ve been a little bit different — I’ve been more on the side of Joe Biden did something difficult that deserves praise. Because — and I think you see this in how Republicans were thinking — leaders just often don’t do this. The kind of personality that gets you to that point is not the kind of personality that leaves power gracefully. It’s why, when people are talking about dictators, there’s endlessly this talk of how to create golden parachutes for dictators. You’re dealing with a kind of human being that has told a story about their own essentialness. Going back to your point about Elon Musk and feeling like you’re the main character of global life — particularly you’ve become the American president — you sort of were the main character of global life for a while — that does something to you. Those people don’t give it up easily.” “No. And if you look at the history of — before there was whichever Amendment it was, 20-something Amendment —” “22.” “— that prevents you from running for more than two terms, it was pretty routine for candidates to tease — Woodrow Wilson had a stroke and wanted a third term. Harry Truman had like a 32 percent approval rating and wanted a third term, second full term. Old men are often pretty stubborn. And I think the most interesting thing is that if Harris wins — or maybe comes close, but mostly if she wins — what that will say about the primary system, right? Maybe we should go back to giving a larger role to superdelegates for example.” “I want to end on a part of your book I found really interesting, which is about the physical experience of risk — in gambling, but in other things. You talk about pain tolerance. You talk about how the body feels when you’re behind on a hand and you’re losing your chips. You’ve talked about being on tilt. But I see it in politics too. I mean, there is a physical question that comes into the decisions you make. I see it on this podcast. There are times when a question is physically uncomfortable for me to ask another person. Tell me a bit about how you think about this relationship between the body and the ability to act under pressure to make intuitive decisions in moments of very high stress.” “So human beings have tens of thousands of years of evolutionary pressure which is inclined to respond in a heightened way to moments that are high stakes, that are high-stress moments. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you saw someone’s life in danger or your own life was in danger — you know, I was in LA in January, and there was an armed robbery outside the place where I was trying to get just a cup of coffee. And time kind of slows down a little bit in situations like that. And you don’t realize how stressed out you are until I texted my partner and be like, LOL, almost got shot, ha, ha. And I was kind of like, oh yeah, I was too cool for school. And then an hour later, I’m getting some tacos or something and I almost break down. It’s like, oh my god, it could have gone really, really badly. Public speaking also triggers this for people because objectively it’s a pretty high-stakes thing. If you’re playing a $1 or $2 poker game, and it’s nothing for you, your body will when you’re playing a $100-200 game where it really matters — you will just know. You’ll experience that stress. Even if you suppress it consciously, it will still affect the way that you’re literally kind of ingesting your five senses. So if your heart rate goes up, that has discernible effects. But actually, your body is providing you with more information. You’re taking in more in these kind of short bursts of time. People who can master that zone — and I use the term zone intentionally, because it’s very related to being ‘in the zone’ like Michael Jordan used to talk about, or golfers, or hockey goalies, or whatever else — learning to master that and relish that is a very powerful skill. Because you are experiencing physical stress whether you want to or not.” “How much is that, in your view, in your experience, learnable, and how much of it is a kind of natural physical intelligence some people have and some people don’t?” “I think it’s actually quite learnable. It’s a little bit like if you’ve been on mushrooms before [LAUGHS]: then you kind of learn, oh, this is the part of the brain that is — this is the things that look a little funny when you’re on mushrooms, right? You can kind of maybe tone it up or tone it down a little bit. So it’s very much like that. I mean, it’s terrifying the first time it happens. But when you start to recognize it, and you kind of make a conscious effort to slow down a little bit, and take your time, and try to execute the basics, it’s not as much about trying to be a hero. It’s about trying to execute the basics. Because when everyone’s losing their shit, if you can do your basic ABC blocking and tackling, then you’re ahead of 95 percent of people. And keeping bandwidth free for dealing with emergency situations, that will take you very far.” “It’s funny, because that feels to me like a very important question that is hard to test in politics.” “Yeah.” “People have to make profound decisions under incredibly high stress. And we have simulacrums of it. The debate, in a way, is a simulacrum of that. Very, very high stress. Speeches on teleprompters are not very good analogies for that. But this question of how good is a person at that moment —” “I mean —” “— how do you evaluate that?” “I mean, Trump, after getting shot, kind of performed very well. And I think, again, the Harris moment of leaping right into action to secure the nomination also has to be seen as very good performance under stress. And Biden’s failure under stress — I mean, he went to some kind of spiral of some kind or another, physical, or mental, or whatever else. So those kind of three pivotal moments — the assassination, the debate, and then Harris seizing the nomination in record time — speak to the difference in performance. And that’s why the two of them, Harris and Trump, are still candidates for the presidency, and Biden is not.” “I was just reading Nancy Pelosi’s new book before I was reading yours, because I just had her on the show, and she talks about how, above all, she says, that what a Speaker of the House needs is intuition. They need to be able to act. And she says that the key thing is you have to act fast. Because every moment you don’t act, your options are diminishing. And I ended up thinking, then, when reading your book, of it. Because what she was describing is quite, I think, for her, physical. Like something in her knows how to act and is unafraid to act in those moments. The thing that was crucial about her, I think, in this process, inside the Democratic Party of getting Biden out, is she was willing to act in public to take the pressure of that in ways very few people were. And somebody had to be doing that in public to create space for others to be considering it in private. But you look at her career, and she has this sort of intuitive capability to know when to move. And there’s something in it that I don’t think she can explain how she does it, but it makes her a fascinating leader. People believe that she will act. And she will act because something in her knows when to act, and she’s unafraid.” “Yeah. So is gut instinct overrated or underrated? Well, it depends on how much experience you have, right? Poker players have — because now poker is actually kind of a solved game. There are computer solvers they’re called that spit out this very complicated solution to poker. Hard to execute in practice, but it’s technically speaking a solved game. However, the best poker players can have uncannily good instincts based on reading physical tells, just the kind of vibe someone gives off. And if — you know, I played a lot of Poker and writing this book, more live poker than I have in the past, and you develop a sixth sense. Not all the time. It helps if you’re well rested. But you develop a sixth sense for whether someone has a strong hand or something. Like they’re glowing green or something almost sometimes. And you can test it, because you can say, I know that I’m supposed to fold this hand here. It’s a little bit too weak to call against a bluff. But I just have a sense that he’s bluffing. And lo and behold, you’re right more often than you’d think — more often than you need to be to make that call correct based on the odds that you’re getting from the pot. So if Nancy Pelosi has decades and decades of experience in politics and reading the moves of how the coalition is moving, I mean, that’s something where intuition probably plays a pretty good role. And also the fact that being willing to work with incomplete information — I mean, I don’t know how much longer Biden could have — maybe they could have run out the clock [LAUGHS]: potentially.” “Oh, they 100 percent could of. That day when he sent that letter to congressional Democrats and said, I’m not leaving — this conversation is over, stop trying to overturn the will of the primary voters — I was getting congressional Democrats telling me, this is done. It’s a fait accompli. He’s quelled the rebellion. It looked to me like he had. I was talking to other people. They said, 10 percent shot he’s out. Nancy Pelosi goes on ‘Morning Joe’ two days later and says, we’re really looking forward to him making a decision. And I asked her about it. And I said, what was happening? I mean, he had just sent that letter. And she said, yeah, but that was just a letter.” “Yeah.” “I didn’t accept the letter as anything but a letter. I mean, there are some people who were unhappy with the letter. Let me say it a different — some said that some people were unhappy with the letter. I’ll put it in somebody else’s mouth. Because it was a — I don’t think — it didn’t sound like Joe Biden to me.” “I’m like, oh, you read a bluff.” “So I think Nancy Pelosi might be pretty good at poker.” “Good place to end. Always our final question — what are three books you’d recommend to the audience.” “So one book is pertinent to the discussion that we had a moment ago, which is called ‘The Hour Between Dog and Wolf.’ It’s written by John Coates, who is an academic economist who then became a derivatives trader, I think, for Deutsche Bank in New York and found out that the traders that he studied were really weird. Like these traders would have strange physical and mental stress responses to the market rising or falling. And he was so fascinated by it that he went back and became a neuroscientist and basically did studies of traders. So you test the testosterone of like an options trader or a guy who works at a hedge fund and see how it varies from day to day and correlates with performance. So yeah, so he studies the physical responses of risk-takers, and the book is called ‘The Hour Between Dog and Wolf.’ So that’s one recommendation. Number two, in a totally different direction, ‘The Making of the Atomic Bomb’ by Richard Rhodes. We didn’t talk as much about some of the AI stuff today, but at the end of the book there’s a pretty long, elaborate comparison between the Manhattan Project and the building of these large language models that some people think could be potentially very dangerous. And nuclear weapons are, I think, a pivot point in human history, and this book is kind of the best history of that. The third is called ‘Addiction by Design,’ by Natasha Schüll. And Natasha is an NYU anthropologist who studied Las Vegas as her thesis basically. She did a lot of reporting just about the properties of slot machines, and how addictive they are, and about the kind of casino gambling industry in general. And of course, she draws metaphors between that and the rest of society.” “Nate Silver, thank you very much.” “Thank you, Ezra.” [THEME MUSIC]

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The last I looked, your model has Kamala Harris winning the election at around 52 percent — it might be a little different today. But this has been an unusual election. How much stock do you put in your model right now?

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