A better way to drive your business

Managing the availability of supply to meet volatile demand has never been easy. Even before the unprecedented challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, synchronizing supply and demand was a perennial struggle for most businesses. In a survey of 54 senior executives, only about one in four believed that the processes of their companies balanced cross-functional trade-offs effectively or facilitated decision making to help the P&L of the full business.

That’s not because of a lack of effort. Most companies have made strides to strengthen their planning capabilities in recent years. Many have replaced their processes for sales and operations planning (S&OP) with the more sophisticated approach of integrated business planning (IBP), which shows great promise, a conclusion based on an in-depth view of the processes used by many leading companies around the world (see sidebar “Understanding IBP”). Assessments of more than 170 companies, collected over five years, provide insights into the value created by IBP implementations that work well—and the reasons many IBP implementations don’t.

Understanding IBP

Integrated business planning is a powerful process that could become central to how a company runs its business. It is one generation beyond sales and operations planning. Three essential differentiators add up to a unique business-steering capability:

  • Full business scope. Beyond balancing sales and operations planning, integrated business planning (IBP) synchronizes all of a company’s mid- and long-term plans, including the management of revenues, product pipelines and portfolios, strategic projects and capital investments, inventory policies and deployment, procurement strategies, and joint capacity plans with external partners. It does this in all relevant parts of the organization, from the site level through regions and business units and often up to a corporate-level plan for the full business.
  • Risk management, alongside strategy and performance reviews. Best-practice IBP uses scenario planning to drive decisions. In every stage of the process, there are varying degrees of confidence about how the future will play out—how much revenue is reasonably certain as a result of consistent consumption patterns, how much additional demand might emerge if certain events happen, and how much unusual or extreme occurrences might affect that additional demand. These layers are assessed against business targets, and options for mitigating actions and potential gap closures are evaluated and chosen.
  • Real-time financials. To ensure consistency between volume-based planning and financial projections (that is, value-based planning), IBP promotes strong links between operational and financial planning. This helps to eliminate surprises that may otherwise become apparent only in quarterly or year-end reviews.

An effective IBP process consists of five essential building blocks: a business-backed design; high-quality process management, including inputs and outputs; accountability and performance management; the effective use of data, analytics, and technology; and specialized organizational roles and capabilities (Exhibit 1). Our research finds that mature IBP processes can significantly improve coordination and reduce the number of surprises. Compared with companies that lack a well-functioning IBP process, the average mature IBP practitioner realizes one or two additional percentage points in EBIT. Service levels are five to 20 percentage points higher. Freight costs and capital intensity are 10 to 15 percent lower—and customer delivery penalties and missed sales are 40 to 50 percent lower. IBP technology and process discipline can also make planners 10 to 20 percent more productive.

When IBP processes are set up correctly, they help companies to make and execute plans and to monitor, simulate, and adapt their strategic assumptions and choices to succeed in their markets. However, leaders must treat IBP not just as a planning-process upgrade but also as a company-wide business initiative (see sidebar “IBP in action” for a best-in-class example).

IBP in action

One global manufacturer set up its integrated business planning (IBP) system as the sole way it ran its entire business, creating a standardized, integrated process for strategic, tactical, and operational planning. Although the company had previously had a sales and operations planning (S&OP) process, it had been owned and led solely by the supply chain function. Beyond S&OP, the sales function forecast demand in aggregate dollar value at the category level and over short time horizons. Finance did its own projections of the quarterly P&L, and data from day-by-day execution fed back into S&OP only at the start of a new monthly cycle.

The CEO endorsed a new way of running regional P&Ls and rolling up plans to the global level. The company designed its IBP process so that all regional general managers owned the regional IBP by sponsoring the integrated decision cycles (following a global design) and by ensuring functional ownership of the decision meetings. At the global level, the COO served as tiebreaker whenever decisions—such as procurement strategies for global commodities, investments in new facilities for global product launches, or the reconfiguration of a product’s supply chain—cut across regional interests.

To enable IBP to deliver its impact, the company conducted a structured process assessment to evaluate the maturity of all inputs into IBP. It then set out to redesign, in detail, its processes for planning demand and supply, inventory strategies, parametrization, and target setting, so that IBP would work with best-practice inputs. To encourage collaboration, leaders also started to redefine the performance management system so that it included clear accountability for not only the metrics that each function controlled but also shared metrics. Finally, digital dashboards were developed to track and monitor the realization of benefits for individual functions, regional leaders, and the global IBP team.

A critical component of the IBP rollout was creating a company-wide awareness of its benefits and the leaders’ expectations for the quality of managers’ contributions and decision-making discipline. To educate and show commitment from the CEO down, this information was rolled out in a campaign of town halls and media communications to all employees. The company also set up a formal capability-building program for the leaders and participants in the IBP decision cycle.

Rolled out in every region, the new training helps people learn how to run an effective IBP cycle, to recognize the signs of good process management, and to internalize decision authority, thresholds, and escalation paths. Within a few months, the new process, led by a confident and motivated leadership team, enabled closer company-wide collaboration during tumultuous market conditions. That offset price inflation for materials (which adversely affected peers) and maintained the company’s EBITDA performance.

Our research shows that these high-maturity IBP examples are in the minority. In practice, few companies use the IBP process to support effective decision making (Exhibit 2). For two-thirds of the organizations in our data set, IBP meetings are periodic business reviews rather than an integral part of the continuous cycle of decisions and adjustments needed to keep organizations aligned with their strategic and tactical goals. Some companies delegate IBP to junior staff. The frequency of meetings averages one a month. That can make these processes especially ineffective—lacking either the senior-level participation for making consequential strategic decisions or the frequency for timely operational reactions.

Finally, most companies struggle to turn their plans into effective actions: critical metrics and responsibilities are not aligned across functions, so it’s hard to steer the business in a collaborative way. Who is responsible for the accuracy of forecasts? What steps will be taken to improve it? How about adherence to the plan? Are functions incentivized to hold excess inventory? Less than 10 percent of all companies have a performance management system that encourages the right behavior across the organization.

By contrast, at the most effective organizations, IBP meetings are all about decisions and their impact on the P&L—an impact enabled by focused metrics and incentives for collaboration. Relevant inputs (data, insights, and decision scenarios) are diligently prepared and syndicated before meetings to help decision makers make the right choices quickly and effectively. These companies support IBP by managing their short-term planning decisions prescriptively, specifying thresholds to distinguish changes immediately integrated into existing plans from day-to-day noise. Within such boundaries, real-time daily decisions are made in accordance with the objectives of the entire business, not siloed frontline functions. This responsive execution is tightly linked with the IBP process, so that the fact base is always up-to-date for the next planning iteration.

A better plan for IBP

In our experience, integrated business planning can help a business succeed in a sustainable way if three conditions are met. First, the process must be designed for the P&L owner, not individual functions in the business. Second, processes are built for purpose, not from generic best-practice templates. Finally, the people involved in the process have the authority, skills, and confidence to make relevant, consequential decisions.

Design for the P&L owner

IBP gives leaders a systematic opportunity to unlock P&L performance by coordinating strategies and tactics across traditional business functions. This doesn’t mean that IBP won’t function as a business review process, but it is more effective when focused on decisions in the interest of the whole business. An IBP process designed to help P&L owners make effective decisions as they run the company creates requirements different from those of a process owned by individual functions, such as supply chain or manufacturing.

One fundamental requirement is senior-level participation from all stakeholder functions and business areas, so that decisions can be made in every meeting. The design of the IBP cycle, including preparatory work preceding decision-making meetings, should help leaders make general decisions or resolve minor issues outside of formal milestone meetings. It should also focus the attention of P&L leaders on the most important and pressing issues. These goals can be achieved with disciplined approaches to evaluating the impact of decisions and with financial thresholds that determine what is brought to the attention of the P&L leader.

The aggregated output of the IBP process would be a full, risk-evaluated business plan covering a midterm planning horizon. This plan then becomes the only accepted and executed plan across the organization. The objective isn’t a single hard number. It is an accepted, unified view of which new products will come online and when, and how they will affect the performance of the overall portfolio. The plan will also take into account the variabilities and uncertainties of the business: demand expectations, how the company will respond to supply constraints, and so on. Layered risks and opportunities and aligned actions across stakeholders indicate how to execute the plan.

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Trade-offs arising from risks and opportunities in realizing revenues, margins, or cost objectives are determined by the P&L owner at the level where those trade-offs arise—local for local, global for global. To make this possible, data visible in real time and support for decision making in meetings are essential. This approach works best in companies with strong data governance processes and tools, which increase confidence in the objectivity of the IBP process and support for implementing the resulting decisions. In addition, senior leaders can demonstrate their commitment to the value and the standards of IBP by participating in the process, sponsoring capability-building efforts for the teams that contribute inputs to the IBP, and owning decisions and outcomes.

Fit-for-purpose process design and frequency

To make IBP a value-adding capability, the business will probably need to redesign its planning processes from a clean sheet.

First, clean sheeting IBP means that it should be considered and designed from the decision maker’s perspective. What information does a P&L owner need to make a decision on a given topic? What possible scenarios should that leader consider, and what would be their monetary and nonmonetary impact? The IBP process can standardize this information—for example, by summarizing it in templates so that the responsible parties know, up front, which data, analytics, and impact information to provide.

Second, essential inputs into IBP determine its quality. These inputs include consistency in the way planners use data, methods, and systems to make accurate forecasts, manage constraints, simulate scenarios, and close the loop from planning to the production shopfloor by optimizing schedules, monitoring adherence, and using incentives to manufacture according to plan.

Determining the frequency of the IBP cycle, and its timely integration with tactical execution processes, would also be part of this redesign. Big items—such as capacity investments and divestments, new-product introductions, and line extensions—should be reviewed regularly. Monthly reviews are typical, but a quarterly cadence may also be appropriate in situations with less frequent changes. Weekly iterations then optimize the plan in response to confirmed orders, short-term capacity constraints, or other unpredictable events. The bidirectional link between planning and execution must be strong, and investments in technology may be required to better connect them, so that they use the same data repository and have continuous-feedback loops.

Authorize consequential decision making

Finally, every IBP process step needs autonomous decision making for the problems in its scope, as well as a clear path to escalate, if necessary. The design of the process must therefore include decision-type authority, decision thresholds, and escalation paths. Capability-building interventions should support teams to ensure disciplined and effective decision making—and that means enforcing participation discipline, as well. The failure of a few key stakeholders to prioritize participation can undermine the whole process.

Decision-making autonomy is also relevant for short-term planning and execution. Success in tactical execution depends on how early a problem is identified and how quickly and effectively it is resolved. A good execution framework includes, for example, a classification of possible events, along with resolution guidelines based on root cause methodology. It should also specify the thresholds, in scope and scale of impact, for operational decision making and the escalation path if those thresholds are met.

Warehouse manager talking with a team of workers

Transforming supply chains: Do you have the skills to accelerate your capabilities?

In addition to guidelines for decision making, the cross-functional team in charge of executing the plan needs autonomy to decide on a course of action for events outside the original plan, as well as the authority to see those actions implemented. Clear integration points between tactical execution and the IBP process protect the latter’s focus on midterm decision making and help tactical teams execute in response to immediate market needs.

An opportunity, but no ‘silver bullet’

With all the elements described above, IBP has a solid foundation to create value for a business. But IBP is no silver bullet. To achieve a top-performing supply chain combining timely and complete customer service with optimal cost and capital expenditures, companies also need mature planning and fulfillment processes using advanced systems and tools. That would include robust planning discipline and a collaboration culture covering all time horizons with appropriate processes while integrating commercial, planning, manufacturing, logistics, and sourcing organizations at all relevant levels.

As more companies implement advanced planning systems and nerve centers , the typical monthly IBP frequency might no longer be appropriate. Some companies may need to spend more time on short-term execution by increasing the frequency of planning and replanning. Others may be able to retain a quarterly IBP process, along with a robust autonomous-planning or exception engine. Already, advanced planning systems not only direct the valuable time of experts to the most critical demand and supply imbalances but also aggregate and disaggregate large volumes of data on the back end. These targeted reactions are part of a critical learning mechanism for the supply chain.

Over time, with root cause analyses and cross-functional collaboration on systemic fixes, the supply chain’s nerve center can get smarter at executing plans, separating noise from real issues, and proactively managing deviations. All this can eventually shorten IBP cycles, without the risk of overreacting to noise, and give P&L owners real-time transparency into how their decisions might affect performance.

P&L owners thinking about upgrading their S&OP or IBP processes can’t rely on textbook checklists. Instead, they can assume leadership of IBP and help their organizations turn strategies and plans into effective actions. To do so, they must sponsor IBP as a cross-functional driver of business decisions, fed by thoughtfully designed processes and aligned decision rights, as well as a performance management and capability-building system that encourages the right behavior and learning mechanisms across the organization. As integrated planning matures, supported by appropriate technology and maturing supply chain–management practices, it could shorten decision times and accelerate its impact on the business.

Elena Dumitrescu is a senior knowledge expert in McKinsey’s Toronto office, Matt Jochim is a partner in the London office, and Ali Sankur is a senior expert and associate partner in the Chicago office, where Ketan Shah is a partner.

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Are short-term surprises derailing your business? Is your IBP process not delivering the value you originally envisioned?

Unlock the potential of Integrated Business Planning (IBP) and Anaplan to make real-time, data-driven decisions while keeping the human touch at the forefront.

Watch this webinar, co-hosted with PwC, to discover how to transform your IBP approach and how we can support rapid decision-making by integrating your portfolio, demand, supply, and financial planning. 

Riaz Hanjra

Director operations transformation, pwc uk.

With over 25 years experience, Riaz has helped to architect and transform operational supply chain planning across global Manufacturing, FMCG and Life Science companies. Riaz brings deep process domain expertise across supply chain planning and production scheduling.

Riaz Hanjra

Anaplan Lead, PwC UK

Ed is a Master Anaplanner, he has been the lead architect on a number of Anaplan supply chain projects with a particular passion for demand planning. He has worked across industries, primarily in consumer goods and media/technology.

Ed Sparkes

Amanda Khalaf

Director, supply chain & operations transformation, pwc uk.

Amanda has extensive experience in large scale global transformations with experience gained in senior roles within the FMCG industry and in strategy and supply chain consulting. Amanda offers organisations insight into the challenges of effectively managing the supply chain specifically from an integrated business management perspective

Amanda Khalaf

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o9 Solutions signs a partnership agreement with PwC

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Seoul, April 2, 2021 —  o9 Solutions, the premier AI-powered platform for integrated business planning and decision-making for the enterprise, announced that it has signed a strategic partnership with PwC to expand its SCM activities.

Through this partnership, PwC will offer integrated consulting to support the establishment of o9’s digital SCM platform. o9 Solutions, working with PwC, plans to expand its Software-as-a-Service SCM offering more broadly to both Korean and foreign companies.

Gartner, Inc. has recently named o9 Solutions the leading visionary in the Magic Quadrant for  Supply Chain Planning  Solutions, acknowledging its outstanding technology. o9 Solutions has already deployed its next-generation AI-powered platform at leading global clients.

Last year, o9 Solutions reported a more than two-fold increase in worldwide annual recurring revenue, while the number of o9 employees also doubled. Already a “unicorn” (a startup valued over USD 1 billion), o9 Solutions received in 2020 a minority equity investment of USD 100 million from KKR, an American private equity fund.

According to PwC, “Changes in clientele represented by the MZ generation (millennials and Gen Z), a global crisis caused by COVID-19, and escalating trade tensions between the US and China are all causing the restructuring of global supply networks, while digital technologies such as AI, big data, and clouds are enabling completely new capabilities. Through the partnership with o9 Solutions, the visionary player in the SCM solutions industry, PwC will realize ‘new digital SCM’ systems and process innovation to effectively support Korean companies’ new leaps forward and sustainable growth.”

Mr. Woonghyeog Lee, Korea Country Manager of o9 Solutions, said: “Through this partnership, the importance of efficient SCM – emphasized by the COVID-19 pandemic – can be conveyed to Korean companies. With PwC’s global consulting expertise and o9 Solutions’ know-how in SCM, we will continue our growth both domestically and abroad, while leading Korean companies’ digital innovation.”

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About the author

o9 Solutions is a leading AI-powered platform for integrated business planning and decision-making for the enterprise. Whether it is driving demand, aligning demand and supply, or optimizing commercial initiatives, any planning process can be made faster and smarter with o9’s AI-powered digital solutions. o9 brings together technology innovations—such as graph-based enterprise modeling, big data analytics, advanced algorithms for scenario planning, collaborative portals, easy-to-use interfaces and cloud-based delivery—into one platform.

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Virgin Money (VM) is the new disruptive force in UK banking. They have been on a transformation journey since the separation from NAG, when they kicked off a detailed consultation to look at implementing Oracle HFM for consolidation. This work involved a roadmap for future finance systems that would work with Oracle HFM. That led to implementation of EPBCS in Phase 1. Post acquisition of VM the transformation journey has continued with Phase 2, to integrate CYBG and VM processes in EPBCS. We leveraged PwC’s ‘disciplined agile’ approach, balancing speed with delivery risk. It is refined by practical experience, introducing agile delivery within a controlled framework. Iterative design with prototypes have lead to better quality solutions, earlier visibility and greater adoption.

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Building connected and resilient digital supply chains

Never have supply chains experienced as much disruption as in the recent past. Organisations are seeking an integrated real-time view of their supply chains with their ecosystem of suppliers and customers. Hence, there is a need for organisations to reimagine their supply chain transformation strategy to become transparent, connected, resilient and autonomous. The pressures in today's volatile and disruptive world have made it incumbent on organisations to leverage digital capabilities across AI, ML, RPA and advanced analytics as they collaborate with their supplier partners and customers. Investments in supply chain transformation is an imperative for digital champions across the value chain of procurement, logistics and planning as they look to build trust while delivering sustained outcomes in terms of improved revenue and optimised costs and working capital while maintaining resilience and compliance.

PwC India’s supply chain transformation solutions provide a tailor-made roadmap for your journey.

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Supply chain control tower

Supply chain resilience, procurement transformation, our solutions.

PwC’s Supply Chain Transformation Solution delivers business outcomes to clients leveraging our proprietary BXT approach of "human experience-centric transformation" along with our technology and analytics embedded propositions.

Digital Supply Chain Strategy

Supply chain resilience strategy.

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Procurement Transformation

Logistics transformation, digital supply chain control tower.

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  • ESG in Supply Chain
  • Strategic disruptions through AI-based simulation capability
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  • Process  transformation and risk management
  • Logistics planning, execution, optimisation
  • Network design
  • Smart warehousing
  • End-to-end visibility and performance management
  • Supply chain traceability
  • Autonomous balancing of supply and demand to enable product availability and revenue growth

Business Outcomes

Improved revenue

Inventory optimisation

Reduced logistics cost

Reduced material/services cost

Risk Integrated

Efficiencies in network, logistics and procurement

Strategic SC risk management - disruptions

Contracts, supplier risk

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The India opportunity: Developing resilient electronics supply chains





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Partner and Leader - Supply Chain Transformation, PwC India

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How much does an SAP Integrated Business Planning- Manager make at companies like PWC in the United States? The average salary for SAP Integrated Business Planning- Manager at companies like PWC in the United States is $183,967 as of July 29, 2024, but the range typically falls between $145,518 and $222,416 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target.  View the Cost of Living in Major Cities

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A career in our SAP Supply Chain and Operations practice, within SAP Consulting services, will provide you with the opportunity to help our clients maximise the value of their SAP investment with offerings that address sales, finance, supply chain, engineering, and human capital. We provide comprehensive consulting, system integration and implementation services across multiple SAP applications, products and technologies. Simply put, we focus on delivering business led, technology enabled change for our clients including industry specific enterprise resource planning and the latest in mobile, analytics and cloud solutions. As part of our supply chain and operations team, you’ll work with our clients to transform their supply chain and operations by leveraging SAP applications to optimise their flow of goods, information, and money quickly and securely.

To really stand out and make us fit for the future in a constantly changing world, each and every one of us at PwC needs to be an authentic and inclusive leader, at all grades/levels and in all lines of service. To help us achieve this we have the PwC Professional; our global leadership development framework. It gives us a single set of expectations across our lines, geographies and career paths, and provides transparency on the skills we need as individuals to be successful and progress in our careers, now and in the future.

As a Manager, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution. PwC Professional skills and responsibilities for this management level include but are not limited to:

  • Pursue opportunities to develop existing and new skills outside of comfort zone.
  • Act to resolve issues which prevent effective team working, even during times of change and uncertainty.
  • Coach others and encourage them to take ownership of their development.
  • Analyse complex ideas or proposals and build a range of meaningful recommendations.
  • Use multiple sources of information including broader stakeholder views to develop solutions and recommendations.
  • Address sub-standard work or work that does not meet firm's/client's expectations.
  • Develop a perspective on key global trends, including globalisation, and how they impact the firm and our clients.
  • Manage a variety of viewpoints to build consensus and create positive outcomes for all parties.
  • Focus on building trusted relationships.
  • Uphold the firm's code of ethics and business conduct.

Preferred skills

Demonstrates proven extensive knowledge and success with consulting, designing, implementing and leading SAP BPC-based medium-sized consolidations, planning, and consulting engagements, including:

- Leveraging financial consulting knowledge to assist clients in the implementation and support of SAP BPC packaged solutions and improving financial business processes;

- Understanding the common issues facing clients in the financial services industry (e.g., banking, insurance and/or investment management) or clients who provide products and services within one or more of the following sectors (e.g., aerospace and defense, automotive, consumer and retail, energy, industrial products, technology or utilities);

- Contributing to proposal development efforts.

Demonstrates proven extensive abilities and success with consulting, designing, implementing and leading SAP BPC based solutions, including:

- Medium-sized consolidation, planning consulting engagements;

- Financial consulting, emphasizing assisting clients in the implementation and support of SAP BPC packaged solutions and improving financial business processes.

Demonstrates proven extensive abilities and success with identifying and addressing client needs: actively participating in client discussions and meetings; communicating a broad range of Firm services; managing engagements including preparing concise, accurate documents and balancing project economics management with the occurrence of unanticipated issues.

Demonstrates proven extensive abilities and success as a team leader: creating a positive environment by monitoring workloads of the team while meeting client expectations and respecting the work-life quality of team members; providing candid, meaningful feedback in a timely manner; and keeping leadership informed of progress and issues.

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Big Four Firms are Leaving Russia, But Audit Business was Already Limited

Soyoung Ho   Senior Editor, Accounting and Compliance Alert

March 9, 2022 · 5 minute read

Large American accounting firms that have affiliates in Russia said they are leaving or severing ties because of unprovoked armed invasion of Ukraine in recent weeks.

But in terms of work related to audits of financial statements of U.S.-listed Russian companies, a search by  Thomson Reuters  on the PCAOB’s database of registered firms indicates that their presence was already limited in Moscow and shrinking over time.

Accounting firms that want to audit public companies and broker-dealers that are regulated by the U.S. SEC must register with the PCAOB, be inspected, and follow standards and rules set by the board.

Among the Big Four audit firms, three firms—Ernst & Young LLC, JSC KPMG, and AO Deloitte & Touche CIS—issued an audit report for at least one issuer, according to their most recent annual reports submitted to the PCAOB.

AO PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit did not issue an audit report but took a substantial role in the audit of at least one issuer.

In total, there are 16 audit firms in Russia that are registered with the PCAOB.

However, of those, only three—the three Big Four firms—had issuer clients; two participated in an audit of at least one issuer; and the rest, 11, had no issuer or broker-dealer audit activity.

According to the most recent inspection report—dated April 2021—Deloitte was the principal auditor for one audit client in 2019 and participated in the audit of 10 other clients.

The PCAOB inspection was conducted in 2019, and Deloitte’s presence had already been shrinking. In 2016, Deloitte was the lead auditor for two clients with another 19 in which it participated in the audit.

Smaller firms get inspected every three years.

The number of engagement partners also decreased from 2016 to 2019, going from 13 to nine.

According to Form AP—Auditor Reporting of Certain Audit Participants—filings, Deloitte audited Cian PLC and Mobile TeleSystems PJSC.

EY had three issuer audit clients and participated in 12 other audits. The inspection report is dated April 2019. Inspection was conducted in 2018.

In 2015, EY had four issuer audit clients and played a role in the audit of 18 others.

Form APs show audit clients as being QIWI PLC, Mechel PAO, and Luxoft Holding, Inc.

For KPMG, the latest inspection report is from December 2011, and it is for KPMG Limited in Russia.

At the time it had one issuer audit client and participated in two other audits.

Form AP, however, shows JSC KPMG in Moscow, and its issuer clients were Ozon Holdings PLC, Yandex N.V., and HeadHunter Group PLC.

PwC in Russia did not issue an audit report, and there is no Form AP.

Its most recent annual report notes that the firm participated in the audit of VEON Ltd.

Other Accounting Firms

Other U.S. firm affiliates that are registered with the PCAOB are Crowe Expertiza LLC, RSM Rus LLC, and UHY Yans-Audit. These firms had no reported issuer or broker-dealer audit activity.

The rest of the firms located in Russia in PCAOB database are: Audit Firm Femida Audit LLC, Interexpertiza LLC, Mazars Audit LLC, Finances M close company, FBK, LLC, Intercom-Audit, JSC 2K, Moore St Limited, and Unicon JSC.

Leave Russia Altogether?

In the meantime, an investor advocate questioned whether global network firms in Russia should even be registered with the PCAOB, given the sketchy history involving the Russian government.

“Around the turn of the century, a couple of individuals from the Moscow office of PwC requested a meeting with the SEC,” said former Lynn Turner, who was chief accountant of the SEC from 1998 to 2001. “There were allegations that unidentified people had broken into the PwC Moscow office, and into files containing information on publicly listed companies. The individuals requested protection for fear of their lives.”

Moreover, PwC offices were raided because of actions by President Vladimir Putin’s government against a Russian Oligarch. The  Financial Times  reported that PwC withdrew audit reports of Yukos oil company from 1995 to 2004 because new information that Russian prosecutors uncovered led the firm to believe that the information given by Yukos’s management may have been inaccurate.

“Some raised the question as to whether or not PwC had succumbed to pressure brought by the government against the firm and individuals,” Turner said.

“As a result, in light of current and past developments in Russia, this raises a question as to why the PCAOB would continue to permit Firms located in Russia to register with it and perform ‘independent’ audits,” he added. “The Russian invasion of the Ukraine is raising the question of whether or not investors could rely and trust a Russian audit…various [news reports] raise the specter the answer is no.”

This article originally appeared in the March 8, 2022 edition of Accounting & Compliance Alert , available on Checkpoint.

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PwC and KPMG exit Russia and Belarus in wake of Ukraine invasion

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