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  • English Literature Personal Statement Examples

As an aspiring future English Literature student, writing a compelling personal statement is a crucial step in your UCAS application process . 

To help you in this process, we are presenting three exceptional English Literature personal statement examples from successful applicants who have graciously agreed to share their work with you. 

These English Literature personal statements are available to use for free as inspiration and guidance to help you craft your unique application. 

So, whether you are applying to undergraduate or postgraduate studies in English Literature, we hope that these personal statement examples will help you.

English Literature Personal Statement Example

As an avid reader and student of English Literature, I have developed a strong interest in exploring the depths of literary analysis and critical theory. My studies at A level have provided me with a firm foundation in independent research and critical thinking, which I believe are essential skills for success in the field of English Literature.

During my studies, I have delved into Shakespeare’s works, particularly “Romeo and Juliet” and “The Merchant of Venice”, using Leach Scragg’s “Discovering Shakespeare’s Meaning” to gain a more thorough understanding of the plays. Additionally, Anthony Holden’s biography of Shakespeare has helped me to appreciate the context and historical significance of his work. I have also recently begun exploring critical theory through “Literary Theory: An Anthology”, edited by Rivkin and Ryan, which has piqued my interest in further exploring the theoretical underpinnings of literature.

While my studies thus far have focused largely on modern literature, I have developed a newfound interest in the Victorian novel as a precursor to modernism. I have been particularly intrigued by the didactic, omniscient narrator and how Victorian authors grappled with issues of contemporary social change. Reading Dickens’s “Great Expectations” and Eliot’s “Middlemarch” has allowed me to explore these themes in greater depth. I am also fascinated by the expression of religious faith and doubt in Victorian post-romantic poetry, such as Arnold’s “Dover Beach” and Clough’s “The Latest Decalogue”.

In addition to my studies, I have broadened my knowledge of literature through art and French classes. In my art class, I am currently writing a critical and analytical study on the Stuckism movement, while last year I completed a project based on Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales”. My French studies have allowed me to explore foreign literature, including Pagnol’s “Jean de Florette” and “Manon des Sources”, and have given me the valuable skill of revising my thinking before speaking or writing.

My A level in Media Production and Communication has furthered my interest in linguistics, and reading Phillip Howard’s “The State of the Language” has opened my eyes to the richness and complexity of the English language. I have had the opportunity to write and edit for campus publications, and am excited about the possibility of being involved in future publications.

My love of theatre has allowed me to experience literature in a different medium. I have seen productions by the RSC and our local TOADs theatre company, and have even had a role in a university student play. Witnessing the power of live performance has inspired me to think more deeply about how literature can be brought to life.

My experiences as an English Literature student have fueled my passion for literary analysis, critical theory, and linguistic exploration. I look forward to continuing my studies and pursuing a career in the field of English Literature.

English Literature Personal Statement Example for UCAS

As a student of history and French, I have always been fascinated by the power of language and how it shapes our understanding of the world. My studies have given me a deep appreciation for the nuances of language and how different linguistic structures can convey complex ideas and emotions. This enthusiasm has led me to explore the English language and literature in greater depth, and to seek out opportunities to engage with the works of some of the most influential writers of the past century.

One of the most inspiring experiences I have had in this regard was my invitation to attend the Global Young Leaders Conference in Seattle. This event brought together young people from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities facing our global community. Through a series of lectures, workshops, and interactive sessions, we were able to engage with a wide range of topics, from environmental sustainability and social justice to entrepreneurship and leadership. For me, the most memorable aspect of the conference was the opportunity to discuss the role of literature in shaping our understanding of these issues. Through these conversations, I came to appreciate the power of literature not only as a tool for self-expression and personal growth but also as a means of fostering empathy and understanding across cultures and communities.

Two writers who have had a particularly profound impact on my thinking in this regard are George Orwell and Mark Twain. Orwell’s life and work, in particular, have greatly interested me. His experiences in the Spanish Civil War and his reflections on the nature of power and authority in modern society have helped to shape my own political and social beliefs. Likewise, Twain’s irreverent wit and his keen observations of human behaviour have challenged me to think critically about the world around me. Through these writers, I have come to appreciate how literature can help us to navigate the complexities of our own lives and the world at large.

My academic background also reflects my passion for English literature. I have A-levels in English literature, history, and biology, which have given me a broad range of skills and knowledge that I believe will be useful in pursuing further studies in this field. In particular, my studies in biology have given me an appreciation for how scientific thinking can inform our understanding of literature, from how we interpret and analyze language to the psychological and neurological processes that underpin our reading experiences.

As I look to the future, I am excited by the prospect of further exploring the intersections between language, literature, and society. I believe that studying English literature will not only deepen my understanding of the world around me but also equip me with the skills and insights needed to make meaningful contributions to my community and beyond. I am eager to engage with the works of writers both past and present, to explore how language and literature can help us to grapple with the most pressing issues of our time, and to contribute to the ongoing conversation about the role of the humanities in shaping our collective future.

Personal Statement For English Literature

I always had a passion for literature, and pursuing an English Literature degree seemed like a natural choice for me. From a young age, I have been fascinated by the way words can be woven together to create complex narratives and powerful emotions. Through my studies in A-level English Literature and Media, I have developed my analytical thinking and gained a deeper understanding of classic works of literature as well as diverse media forums.

One of the things that set me apart from other students is my ability to communicate effectively through my writing skills. I have always been drawn to the written word and have a talent for expressing my thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely. Whether it’s through essays, creative writing, or journalism, I am confident in my ability to use language to convey my message.

Throughout my academic journey, I have also been involved in various extra-curricular activities. One of my proudest achievements was organizing an entire show for 19th Century History Month, which required me to draw on my creativity and organizational skills. This experience taught me the value of teamwork, communication, and dedication, which are all essential skills that I will carry with me throughout my future endeavours.

In addition to my extra-curricular activities, I was also selected as head girl in my primary school, where I was responsible for maintaining discipline and providing leadership to my peers. This experience allowed me to develop my interpersonal skills and learn the importance of empathy and understanding when working with others.

I had the opportunity to intern with a secondary school newspaper for two years, where I honed my journalism skills and gained valuable experience in the field. I learned the importance of accurate research, effective communication, and engaging storytelling, which are all essential skills that will serve me well in my future career.

My passion for English Literature, combined with my skills in communication, organization, and leadership, make me a strong candidate for a degree in English Literature. I am excited about the opportunity to continue my academic journey and explore the endless possibilities that the world of literature has to offer.

Recommended for further reading:

  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a Master’s
  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a PhD
  • UCAS Personal Statement: A Writing Guide And Tips For Success
  • Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for the University
  • How to Write a Personal Statement That Stands Out
  • UCAS Application: Process and Deadlines Explained in Details
  • Personal Statement Examples UK

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U2 Tuition

How to Write an English Personal Statement Worthy of Oxbridge!

Are you dreaming of pursuing English at Oxford, Cambridge or a top Russell Group University? This comprehensive guide equips you with top tips for crafting an English personal statement that truly stands out. Learn how to showcase your diverse literary interests, structure your personal statement or tailor your statement for Oxbridge. To bring these concepts to life, we provide an example Oxbridge English personal statement for your reference.

An Image of Text Stating English Literature Personal Statement Writing

When applying to university, your personal statement is your best opportunity to showcase what motivates you to study the subject you are applying for and why you are suited to study it.  You can do this by providing evidence of your interest: how have you gone beyond the curriculum to satisfy questions which reach past the subject at A Level?  

Interviewers for English at university will be looking for students who have an insatiable curiosity for learning and developed interests in various areas of the subject. They will also be looking for candidates who have the analytical skills and academic rigour required for success at university. And, of course, you’ll be expected to demonstrate evidence of substantial reading; a successful English personal statement will provide a starting point for an interview discussion, so gesture towards a range of different texts which you are prepared to discuss at length. Don’t shy away from making a provocative statement, as long as you are prepared to support any claim you make: independent, fresh responses to texts will generate a positive response.

Tips for your English Literature Personal Statement

The key tips to bear in mind when writing a personal statement are: be truthful, be ambitious and don’t undersell yourself.  This is an opportunity to show off what you’re good at! Don’t hold back from writing about times when you have excelled (for example, winning an English essay competition) but don’t distort what you’ve done either. 

Don’t mention books which you haven’t read all the way through . If you feel like your breadth of reading might be lacking, it’s a good idea to do some extension reading in the months leading up to applying for university, so that when it comes to writing your personal statement, you’ll have a wide variety of texts to choose from.

Showcase your literary diversity : Make your personal statement stand out by referencing a range of text forms, from classic novels to contemporary poetry, thought-provoking essays, iconic plays, and compelling prose. This demonstrates your passion for English literature across different mediums and eras.

Embrace the breadth of English literature: Convey your enthusiasm for the subject by including references to works from various eras. Showcase your appreciation for not only contemporary literature but also texts from older periods, like the Medieval age, the Renaissance, and beyond (whilst staying true to your interests). This illustrates your readiness to explore and engage with the rich tapestry of English literature throughout history. This is particularly important when applying for a course like Oxford English Language Literature as the course modules are chronological, spanning Old English (e.g. Beowulf) through to contemporary texts. An admissions tutor is likely to be impressed if you therefore have some appreciation for a range of literary eras.

Craft a narrative with a few (e.g. 3) focused areas of interest: Instead of providing a superficial overview of various topics that interest you, choose say three specific areas of English literature that genuinely intrigue you. These could be thematic, like postcolonial literature, feminist literature, or gothic literature. For each area, go in-depth by referencing a key book or text you've read, a relevant piece of literary criticism (this isn’t required, but can be good to include!), and your thoughtful analysis of the text or critic's perspective. Then, connect these three areas to create a compelling narrative thread that showcases your passion, analytical skills, and the trajectory of your literary exploration. This approach not only demonstrates your commitment but also provides a captivating structure for your personal statement (See the English personal statement posted below as an example of this!)

How to Structure Your English Personal Statement

The word count for personal statements is quite limited, so it’s important to use every sentence effectively. Don’t repeat yourself and don’t include information which isn’t relevant to your application. When applying for English, there are certain areas which should be addressed in your personal statement, so here is a guideline of how one might structure the personal statement to ensure that all of these areas are mentioned.

Introductory paragraph:

What is your motivation to study English?  Be specific: what do you want to explore at university? What is distinctive about studying literature that makes it worthwhile? Ensure you talk about what motivates your study of the subject now, not a catalyst from your childhood as, even if it may be true, the interviewer will find it clichéd and less relevant.

Main body of the personal statement:

Devote at least a paragraph to talking about specific areas of interest within the subject.  What excites you most? For example, do you have a particular fascination with performance studies or postcolonial theory? Indicate that you have opinions and preoccupations within the discipline.

Mention a range of texts which have interested you: ensure that you’ve mentioned at least one play, prose text and piece of poetry (ideally).  It’s also a good idea to show that you’ve engaged with secondary texts, for example a work of literary criticism or a book covering the historical background of a period of literature you’ve studied.

Show that you have an active interest in the subject: Have you sought out performances of plays, special lectures or essay competitions? These will all reveal that you’ve gone out of your way to immerse yourself in your subject already, and this is a very appealing trait in a prospective university candidate.

Showcase your skills: Don’t just name-drop texts but say something incisive and persuasive about them. This could involve discussing what links together works by authors of the same period or what defines the work of a single author.  Demonstrate your ability to analyse texts effectively, because this is the most important skill which you will use studying English at university level.

Concluding your personal statement:

The personal statement isn’t long enough to talk at length about extracurricular hobbies and activities, so don’t let these take up too much space (a few lines maximum). However, it is a good idea to mention what you do outside your subject to present yourself as a well-rounded candidate. Therefore:

You could mention one or two of your other A Level subjects, perhaps describing how they have enhanced your study of English. This will be particularly convincing if you have studied History or a foreign language at A Level.

Mention any extracurricular activities which make you stand out. Do you play a musical instrument, and if so, to what level? If you’re involved in sport, do you play in a team?  Don’t write at length about this: try to contain this information within one sentence.

Mention any prizes or roles of responsibility which you have had at school, including any clubs that you might organise, such as the school newspaper or student council.

Conclude your personal statement by returning to your aptitude for studying the subject . Which core skills do you possess which will equip you to excel at degree level? It’s important to strike a balance between enthusiasm for the subject and evidence of skills.

Pile of books for English personal statement writing

Applying to Oxford or Cambridge (Oxbridge)? Here's What You Should Also Do

Difference Between Oxford English Language and Literature BA & Cambridge English BA

The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, collectively referred to as Oxbridge, are globally renowned for their exceptional academic courses. In the domain of English studies, both universities offer distinct programmes: Oxford's English Language and Literature and Cambridge's English course. In this section, we will precisely explore the key differences between these programmes, highlighting their unique approaches and focus, to ensure you cater your Oxbridge English personal statement to your Number 1 choice of university.

Writing an Oxford English Language and Literature Personal Statement

Oxford's English Language and Literature course is renowned for its extensive scope, offering a comprehensive exploration of English writing from its origins in Anglo-Saxon England to contemporary works. It provides the unique opportunity to examine literature in English on a global scale, encompassing texts from various parts of the world and originally penned in different languages. The course allows students to tailor their studies to match their interests through core papers, dissertation topics, and special options. Some past options include delving into Literature and revolution, Postcolonial literature, Writing lives, Old Norse, Tragedy, and Film criticism, fostering a dynamic and diverse learning experience.

At the University of Oxford, the course titled "English Language and Literature" is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of both the language and literary aspects of the English discipline . It is therefore important that you ideally reference both aspects in your Oxford English personal statement. Even if the other courses you are applying for do not have the Language element, anything you include will still be relevant to the study of Literature (you can entwine the two).

1. Integration of Language and Literature:

Oxford's course integrates the study of the English language with a deep exploration of literary works. Students examine the language's structure, history, and linguistic components while also engaging with a wide array of literary genres and periods.

2. Language Analysis and Literary Critique:

The curriculum at Oxford hones students skills in language analysis, gives them exposure to linguistic theories, and literary critique. Students learn to analyse the nuances of language and its application in literature, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.

3. Historical and Cultural Context:

Oxford places significant importance on studying literature within its historical and cultural contexts. Students gain insights into the societal influences that shaped literary works, providing a holistic understanding of the subject.

Writing a Cambridge English Personal Statement

Cambridge's English degree course offers a well-rounded curriculum that combines a strong foundation in English literary works with an opportunity to explore various art forms, including music and film in relation to literature . Furthermore, it delves into literature's connections with intellectual traditions such as philosophy, art history, and politics . In Year 1 (Part IA), students undertake compulsory papers in Practical Criticism and Critical Practice, along with an assessment of Shakespeare through a portfolio of essays. Year 2 (Part IB) introduces compulsory and optional papers spanning different literary periods from Early Medieval Literature to the 20th century. In Year 3 (Part II), students engage with compulsory papers in Practical Criticism and Critical Practice II, explore Tragedy across ages, and undertake a dissertation. Additionally, they can choose from a wide array of optional papers that evolve yearly, covering diverse topics such as Chaucer, American Literature, Visual Culture, and more.

Here’s how to tailor your personal statement to align with these features:

Interdisciplinary Approach : Cambridge's English course places a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary connections. In your personal statement, you could showcase your readiness to explore literature's intersections with other fields such as philosophy, art history, and politics. Mention any relevant experiences or readings that demonstrate your interest in these areas and how they relate to literature.

Exploration of Other Art Forms : Cambridge offers the opportunity to delve into other art forms, including music and film, in relation to literature. Highlight your passion for these art forms and their connections to literature. You could discuss a specific instance where you've analysed how music or film enhances the understanding of a literary work, for example, or how these art forms can provide fresh perspectives on literature.

Critical Thinking and Intellectual Traditions : Cambridge's English course encourages critical thinking and engagement with intellectual traditions. In your personal statement, you could emphasise your analytical abilities by discussing a piece of literature or a critical theory that challenged your thinking. Show how your engagement with intellectual traditions has shaped your approach to literature.

Broad Range of Literature : Mention your fascination with the diverse range of literary works in the Cambridge curriculum, spanning different eras and cultures. Highlight any books or authors that have particularly resonated with you, and explain how they have influenced your literary interests.

How is the Personal Statement Used in Oxbridge English Interviews?

Your personal statement offers admissions tutors a glimpse into your academic journey, showcasing your passion for English Literature or English Language. It acts as a crucial tool for them to assess your commitment to the subject and your ability to articulate your thoughts coherently and persuasively.

Through your personal statement, you have the opportunity to exhibit your enthusiasm for the subject. Your engagement with literary works, language theories, and academic experiences should shine through, portraying a genuine and dedicated interest in the field. Highlighting specific books, theories, or authors you admire and discussing how they have influenced your academic pursuits adds depth to your statement.

Admissions tutors use your personal statement to evaluate how well your academic goals align with the structure and ethos of the course you're applying for. Articulate why you believe the particular course at the university is the right fit for you. Demonstrating an understanding of the curriculum and emphasising how it will help you achieve your academic and career aspirations is key.

During the interview, the personal statement often serves as a starting point for discussion . The interviewers may delve into topics you've mentioned in your statement, seeking deeper insights into your thought processes and motivations. Therefore, it is essential to be well-prepared to expand on the ideas presented in your personal statement, providing a more comprehensive understanding of your perspective.

English Personal Statement

Looking for ideas for English personal statement content?

We have built out an entire co-curricular platform, Minds Underground, for university applicants to use as evidence for their wider subject exploration. A few ideas:

Our English Literature Summer School allows students to broaden their horizons in literature, to consider authors and theorists from across the globe. classes are hosted by our Oxbridge-educated tutors, from a Fellow at all Soul’s College, Oxford, to published authors and Master’s and PhD researchers specialising in English Lang & Lit

Research Projects: E.g. ““Ways of Seeing": Exploring Word, Image and Ideology with a Cambridge Master's English Researcher and Multidisciplinary Artist” (Typically 1 month, 5 project tutorial sessions)

Exemplar Personal Statement for Oxford Language and Literature

Below is a sample English Language and Literature personal statement from U2 Tuition co-founder Camille, that was accepted for Oriel College, Oxford:

The importance of literature in society first became apparent to me when reading Milton’s polemical tract Areopagitica. I was intrigued by the way he used language’s potential not only to liberate, ‘give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely’, but also to manipulate. It is fascinating that this idea of a ‘Janus’ faced’ side to words could have been promoted over 300 years ago. Today, in our progressively plural world and with language’s increasing flexibility, I can see that Milton’s ideas have developed still further. In a culture where we are constantly bombarded with messages, it is all the more important to discern meaning. Here, Saussure’s theories in semiotics have particular resonance. I believe an in-depth study of literature will teach me to deconstruct and question these uses of language. It was for this reason I undertook work as a research assistant on an Oxford University project, Examining the OED. Tracing how language changed over time demonstrated its fluidity and the nuances of the way words are actually used. Considering how literary writers have shaped and influenced the lexicon also showed me how literature constantly interacts with everyday life. This capacity for narrative to be an active force both in the shaping of the lexicon and also upon the reader, became evident to me during my Gap Year travels on the professional tennis tour. During this period of intense training and competition I drew inspiration, both as a tennis player and aspiring novelist, from travel writing such as Robert McFarlane’s Mountains of the Mind and Old Ways and McDougall’s Born to Run. Upon my return I came across Robin Lydenberg’s essay Freud’s Uncanny Narratives. His discussion of the uncanny effect of Freud’s constant shift into autobiographical narrative and complex relation to Italy in The Uncanny, was particularly relevant to a study of a personal and travel narrative. I realised part of the attraction of these texts was their dealings with both the familiar and the foreign. I am also curious about the more typical territory of the uncanny in Gothic fiction, where terror is derived from something, at once strange and intrinsic, in the supernatural. I found the skeleton that reproaches Frederic for his lust in Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto horrific in the truest Gothic sense - an instrument of man’s own secret fears, denials and desires. In a less overt manner (and as a possible reaction to Lewis’s The Monk) Radcliffe interweaves supernatural ‘mysteries’ and human psychology in her rational explanations. I love how she shows the mind itself to almost be a supernatural entity. When reading Radcliffe’s work I was struck by her portrayal of her heroines as paradigms of innocence who cannot function in the active adult world. I recognised this as a recurring theme in Victorian texts like Gaskell’s Ruth, Rossetti’s Goblin Market and Wilde’s A Woman of No Importance. I thought it illuminating that despite Wilde’s feminist tendencies he sends Mrs. Arbuthnot into exile whilst Lord Illingworth is assimilated back into society. The conflict between the way writers depict the private ethics of their female protagonists and the realities of public life is also found in earlier works. In Shakespeare’s The Rape of Lucrece, Lucrece is only given some form of rhetorical political power by committing suicide. Likewise, in Titus Andronicus, Lavinia’s sacrifice and perhaps even her rape are necessary to reestablish purity in Rome, and in Medea, Medea only gains power over Jason by killing her own children. Her revenge is limited. The development of language, the influence of literature in everyday life and the way in which writers treat gender and the supernatural are just some of the literary ideas that intrigue me. I would relish the opportunity to deepen my understanding of these concepts and explore other periods and styles at University level.

Use this personal statement for inspiration and ideas, and to see how to structure an exemplar English personal statement for Oxford or Cambridge. We wish you all the best on your onward journey and encourage you to look at our Personal Statement page for more information, and the ways in which U2 can help.

Looking for an English Personal Statement Writing Tutor or Support For Your Wider Oxbridge English Application?

English Personal Statement Tutoring

U2 Tuition’s Oxbridge-educated tutors have a close insight into what admissions tutors like to see in an English personal statement, and can help students to convey their skills, motivations, and long term goals, in order to stand out from other applicants. The statement should be the candidates own work, but our mentors will provide direction and guide you through the process of content building and writing. We offer offline drafting as well as tuition sessions.

Oxbridge English Tutoring

We have a large team of Oxbridge-educated English mentors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates, who support students through each stage of the application process, including personal statement, ELAT and interview preparation.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxbridge English graduate as a mentor and send their full CV for review. Our mentors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study English at the University of Oxford, Cambridge, as well as top UK Universities such as UCL, and are well-placed to guide you through personal statement curation, the entrance exam and interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour diagnostic session , where the mentor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application, including test and interview. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular English application sessions: The main focus of tutorial sessions will be to explore material that can be discussed in the personal statement and at interview - this may sometimes stretch from A-Level standard to First Year Undergraduate. Mentors ensure each student refines their literary interests, and is exposed to a range of literary eras, approaches and new concepts, guiding students in their reading and wider subject exploration. Together, we build a case for the student, solidifying the stance and direction they will take during interview and honing skills for the ELAT if applicable.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and mentor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , English Literature summer school and Oxbridge mock interview days. Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced.

Sessions from £75/h + VAT.

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Successful Personal Statement For English At Cambridge

Last Updated: 5th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through an English applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The English Course at Cambridge balances a strong grounding in literary works. Let’s see how the candidate addresses this in their Personal Statement. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement (the applicant came very close to the 4,000 character limit):


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English Personal Statement

Growing up in a house where books have replaced wallpaper, acquiring a love of literature was inevitable. I love the way in which writers explore, question, and critique aspects of human nature through the presentation of their worlds and characters. My favourite pieces of writing are ones such as Levi’s ‘Order on the Cheap’, Gogol’s ‘The Overcoat’ or Hartley’s ‘The Go Between’, where a particular human tendency is both beautifully presented and meticulously analysed. In his short story, Levi explores curiosity by invoking that of his audience: readers become distracted by the narrator’s descriptions of his experiments and overlook their morally problematic side. Hartley employs an opposite technique, allowing the reader to be often sharply aware of the innocence and naivety of the protagonist. Gogol manipulates the reader even more, invoking a painful sense of pathos around the main character whilst at the same time daring us to find Akaky’s concerns a little ridiculous.

I have to admit, however, that I am drawn to Levi’s short story not only because of its literary merits, but also because I sympathise with its main character: a man driven by his fascination with the process of creation. My favourite parts of my Chemistry A level were the ‘practicals’; I derived great excitement from the process of taking a simple substance, subjecting it to particular conditions, and thereby creating a completely different, and often much more complex, chemical. In ‘The Monkey’s Wrench’ Levi seems to emulate the same process in his development of the character of Tino. Starting from a simple first picture Tino is slowly developed, snippet by snippet, as the stories progress, until a fully evolved character finally emerges.

I find it fascinating how unexpected links can suddenly emerge between works: reading around a set text, Murakami’s ‘Blind Willow Sleeping Woman’, I read his ‘Kafka on the Shore’, which led me to read some of Kafka’s short stories, including ‘The Penal Colony’ and ‘A Country Doctor’. Whilst the works of the two writers are in many ways extremely different, I noticed some stylistic similarities. Both present protagonists whose apparently unexceptional lives are suddenly interrupted by a series of unexplained fantastical events. These events are often a metaphor for a wider-reaching process in the life of the narrator.

But without a doubt, poetry has always been my favourite form of literature: I like listening to poems or reading them aloud, appreciating their rhythm and sound, before going back and analysing them. Some of my favourite poems are those in which the sound is almost as important as the words themselves, for example, Lawrence’s ‘Ship of Death’ or Frost’s ‘After Apple Picking’. In this vein, I have a YouTube channel on which I post my readings of various poems, and have also earned at least several pence through poetry busking in the streets of Waterloo.

Eagleton’s ‘Literary Theory: an Introduction’ gave me another way in which to approach texts. As well as my visceral response and the various meanings extracted through analysis, the texts might exemplify the literary or political beliefs of a particular period. Further, members of different literary movements might approach them in very different ways – I enjoyed trying to put on the ‘mask’ of one movement or another and read a poem through it. Similarly, whilst studying ‘Othello’ I was interested by the hugely varying approaches of different critics, from Bradley who focused chiefly on character but seemed to forget the literary context, to Empson who concentrated almost solely on the changing meaning of the word ‘honest’ throughout time. Perhaps most significantly, Eagleton and the other critics reinforced the idea that engaging with a text is itself a creative process.

However, Eagleton’s book is just ‘an Introduction’: what draws me most to the study of English literature is not only that I love it, but that I want so much to learn more about it.

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

The candidate clearly demonstrates a keen and actioned interest in their chosen subject through the presentation of their reading and subsequent thoughts. They can articulate their present interests in their subject, as well as the sources of these interests, and their potential directions for further development. They indicate their ability to think laterally and creatively through their cohesive discussions of seemingly disparate texts, and are self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses as a reader. Their statement is fuelled by their evident personal enthusiasm for their subject, which makes it an engaging and urgent read.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The candidate has acquired a relatively personal tone, which veers into the casual or confessional at times; their point might have been made more clearly or precisely had they adopted more strictly academic modes of communicating. Their consideration of various works is quite itemised, insofar as their statement reads like a series of ‘nuggets’ of information, rather than a clearly-focused piece with argument and direction. The candidate does reference another subject they study for A-Level, but beyond that, they have not included much information beyond their academic reading and interests. While this could certainly be justified as an approach, it does leave the statement suggesting that the writer is not particularly engaged in questions or activities beyond specific areas of literature.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

The statement is at times quite chaotic in style, due to its familiar tone and slightly haphazard structure. However, it more than compensates for this since its familiarity is clearly a result of the candidate’s sheer enthusiasm for the subject. In addition, the range of material that they consider is very impressive — it includes both primary texts (of various forms) and secondary reading. The candidate has, moreover, articulated their own ideas on these works, and even if their exact communication of these are not particularly precise, the level of thought and consideration is still strong.

This Personal Statement for English is a great example of enthusiasm and passion. The candidate’s interest is clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years so you need to appeal directly to them.

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What do English tutors look for in a personal statement?

If you're about to start drafting your personal statement, thinking about this question is a good place to kick off your thought process. Here's what a couple of admissions tutors we spoke to said...

‘A succinct and focused statement that:

  • specifies the kind of books you enjoy
  • details the specific aspects of literary study that appeal to you and, crucially, why
  • is written in good English (naturally), using correct punctuation and uncomplicated syntax.

‘You should be specific about the texts, contexts, and critical tendencies that really excite you. We read hundreds of statements each year, but genuine passion and detail will always catch our eye.

Which texts and authors should you cover?

Do use your statement as an opportunity to discuss one or two specific writers you're interested in – and preferably one who isn’t on the GCSE or A-Level English syllabus. It's a great way of demonstrating your interests and what inspires you about the study of literature.

Be genuine. Tutors want to hear an account in your own words of those books and features of literature that you found most enjoyable. But, while you might want to try and think outside the box by picking a more unusual novelist or poem, don't be obscure just for the sake of it. An insightful, imaginative, and critical response to literature is what will impress, not what's on your bookshelf.

As Keele University says, it’s fine to talk about your wider cultural insights too, such as plays you’ve seen or pieces of journalism you’ve liked.

What else should you include?

  • A strong opening – like the literary greats, you need to engage the reader from the very first line. Avoid gimmicks by keeping it specific. 'I don’t want a philosophical essay on the joys of reading, I want to know what turns you on about literature – start with that', one admissions tutor told us.
  • Evidence that demonstrates you're an analytical reader – not just someone who enjoys reading. For example, University of Bristol admissions tutors want to see some evidence of your analytical approach to the books you've read, and for you to express this in a way that shows clear thinking and understanding.
  • Your long-term career goals – if you have a profession in mind, do expand on this (warning: just saying you 'want to be a journalist' will make you sound like thousands of others). If you don't know what you want to do yet though, don't worry.
  • Your ambitions – according to Dr Emma Bainbridge, an English Admissions Officer at the University of Kent, expanding on what you hope to achieve while studying literature, not just what you already know, will impress.

English personal statement pitfalls to avoid

  • A boring opening – avoid 'I have always loved literature/reading' or 'I have always had a passion for literature…'.
  • Irrelevant context – talking about the Beatrix Potter book you were given when you were six probably won’t impress.
  • Overblown language – English applicants need a strong writing style, but don't go overboard. Cut lines like 'I was totally encapsulated by To Kill a Mockingbird' or 'my achievements at school were vast', and limit reaching for that 'synonyms' button.
  • Cut the cheese – the University of Southampton very sensibly suggests avoiding rhetorical phrases like 'So why English and philosophy, then?' You are applying to an English department, not The Apprentice.
  • Poor spelling and grammar – it is an English degree, after all!

Extracurricular interests

Most universities like to see some detail of this, but keep it interesting and brief – probably 20% maximum – and ask yourself why it’s relevant. For example, your experience listening to or coaching readers in your local primary school will probably make more impact than playing badminton.

How much you dedicate in your statement to outside interests will also depend on the kind of English degree you're applying for, or whether you're combining it with another subject.

Dr Antonella Castelvedere at University Campus Suffolk, whose degree course focuses on English language as well as literature, is looking for students to reflect on both elements, and mentions book group membership, theatre attendance, cultural projects or voluntary work in schools as examples of the kind of activities that would impress – along with anything that demonstrates inquisitiveness or critical thinking.

Put your personality into it

The English department at Royal Holloway reinforces Dr Thurston's point above about being turned off by ‘deep and meaningful philosophical statements’. The bottom line is, they would much rather read about you, your tastes in reading, your cultural activities, your aspirations, and some of your relevant personal experiences.

In summary, do try to give them a sense of your analytical approach and the breadth of your literary or cultural interests. But engage them with your passion and enthusiasm too.

Read more advice about writing your personal statement , and our English subject guide , covering courses, entry requirements, and careers.   

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Personal Statement - English Literature

English literature personal statement.

I know I will enjoy and benefit greatly from studying English Literature at degree level both because of the breadth and flexibility of the course, and the range of time periods and cultures represented. Although I enjoyed my A-level course in English Literature, I am looking forward to covering a broader range of texts, being able to choose modules of the course that reflect my own areas of interest, and improving my ability to read critically.

The text I most enjoyed from my A-level studies was the Wife of Bath’s prologue and tale from Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury Tales’. The complex characterisation of its protagonist and its handling of thorny issues such as the rights of women in a patriarchal society allow it to retain a degree of topicality, even after almost 700 years. Chaucer’s subtle humour makes for a satirical work where the irony is often double edged, a feature found in the work of those he influenced. Later satirical writings, such as those of Swift and Vonnegut, particularly appeal to me. They represent different stages of a long literary tradition, and it is interesting to see how the influence of ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ can still be felt in the works of modern authors. Billy Pilgrim among the Tralfamadorians in Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse-5’, for example, has echoes of Gulliver among the Houyhnhnms.

Dickens’ vein of social satire, as in ‘Nicholas Nickleby’, is perhaps narrower in focus and less universal than that of others who take human nature itself as their subject. However, because of this it can be more didactic, and there is more optimism for improvement among individuals and smaller groups of people than there is for mass humanity. Gulliver rejects even his wife and children because they cannot conform to the unattainable standards of the Houyhnhnm society he idolises as super-beings. Vonnegut too asserts in his ‘Galapagos’ that humans will only live peacefully after evolution has disposed of their quintessentially human ‘big brains’.

Within my Classical Civilisation course I found my studies of Homer’s Odyssey especially rewarding, partially because of its status as a cornerstone of Western literature, but also because of the prevalence of the Odysseus myth in modern literature and culture. I have recently read Nikos Kazantzakis’ epic poem ‘The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel’, and found its parent work indispensable in my interpretation of it. Similarly, I found my reading of C.P. Cavafy’s ‘Ithaka’ much enriched by knowledge of its Homeric predecessor. Both poets have adopted a similar divergence from the classical text, projecting Odysseus in the light of the itinerant wanderer motivated by discovery, as opposed to a desire to return home and live peacefully. I am particularly interested in modern Greek literature, and aim to improve my own Greek to the level of being able to read the works of authors such as Kazantzakis in their original language. As so few authors less celebrated than Kazantzakis are ever translated into English, I feel that the effort would yield great rewards.

During my gap year, I plan to complete a TEFL course in Corinth, Greece. I think that teaching English will give me opportunities to experience other cultures as well as give me a fresh perspective on English. I hope to spend a year teaching in Greece after finishing my degree, and improving my own language skills further, leading to a greater appreciation of both English and Greek literature.

Universities Applied to:

  • Cambridge - Offer (AAA)
  • Leeds - Offer (Unconditional)
  • St. Andrews - Rejection

Grades Achieved:

  • English Literature - A
  • History - A
  • Psychology - B
  • Classical Civilisation (AS) - A
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History & english literature personal statement example.

History and English Literature have been by far my most exciting studies in the Sixth Form. Ever since discovering historical literature I have been engrossed by the way the two disciplines coexist and entwine, an interest intensified by school ventures to the Reichstag building, Ypres battlefield and Auschwitz.

My drive to understand the intricacies of foreign relations and populist rebellion has inspired me to study transcripts of tapes recorded during the Cuban Missile Crisis and read Zola's 'Germinal' respectively. Literature and History are, to me, inextricably linked. To explore the consequences of war, revolution and social change upon a generation of poets, playwrights and authors is to understand the making of the modern world, and it is that which I find so utterly compelling.

It strikes me as essential that Literature students should understand the social conditions in which their favourite authors were inspired or condemned. My study of the James Baldwin novels 'Giovanni's Room' and 'Another Country' offered absorbing accounts of rage, sexuality and racial segregation, paralleling the momentum of the Civil Rights Movement in 1960s America. Baldwin's evocative experiences within the novel urged me to study the turbulence of the Kennedy Presidency in my History coursework.

I am deeply passionate about investigating the relationship between literary works and historical context and aspire to continue in this field after University; therefore I am confident that a joint degree in History and English Literature is the ideal course for me.

Studying Politics at A Level has greatly complemented my study of both History and English Literature by enabling me to assess the complicated relationships of power that exist today while improving my critical essay-writing skills. Studying Drama to AS Level has not only increased my confidence and public speaking abilities but taught me the importance of teamwork and commitment to the cast.

I have used these skills in the school Debating Society, of which I am a founding member and have recently qualified for the regional round of the Debating Matters competition. Research required for debate preparation has broadened my knowledge of political and scientific topics relevant today and taught me how to form cohesive, rational arguments and authenticate evidence.

I took part in a Mediabox course in which I wrote and directed a short film in July 2007. This provided me with the ability to accept constructive criticism and strengthened my written work. I am also an aspiring poet and regularly attend the poetry discussion group at my local bookshop.

This has allowed me to receive feedback, refine and develop my own literary style. One of my biggest achievements was being asked to read in the Northern Liners festival last year at Newcastle's Literary and Philosophical Society.

As a regular speaker at UK Youth Parliament meetings I have had the opportunity to structure and maintain arguments and represent the viewpoints of others in an engaging and imaginative format. Assisting in History lessons as a classroom supporter has allowed me to offer guidance, listen and relate to younger students.

Being a Ranger at a local Guiding branch for three years and currently undertaking the v50 voluntary project has also taught me the values of organisation and time management; with careful planning I am able to meet all deadlines.

Having thoroughly enjoyed my A Level studies so far, the challenges and opportunities that a joint degree in History and English Literature will provide is a thrilling prospect and I eagerly look forward to my time at University.

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This personal statement was written by lolcartz1991 for application in 2000.

lolcartz1991's Comments

I'm pretty happy with my personal statement. With it I applied to Cardiff, Southampton, Lancaster, Leicester and St. Andrews universities last week. I hope it helps :)

This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

Wed, 17/10/2012 - 20:08

This personal statement is inspiring, informative, and above all helpful. I want to study the same course as you and how you structure and write your personal statement has been important in helping me think about my personal statement when I apply next year. Thank you!

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