Essay Service Examples Business Leadership and Management

Business Management Essay

Table of contents

Executive summary, introduction, the role played by business management, basic roles of the business management process:, business management issues, local business management issues, issues in the sadc region, security issues, global issues, cyber attacks on u.s. companies, impact of recession on businesses, business management professional, the taxonomic approach, the neo-weberian approach, effective business management.

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  • Decisional Roles: Carried out by the company’s directors, the decisional roles are required for decision-making purposes.
  • Interpersonal: These roles are necessary to effectively coordinate and interact with the employees. Interpersonal roles are used to bridge the gap between the businesses’ senior managers and their employees; they are also used to create a sense of uniformity and a team environment.
  • Administration: These roles are implemented to handle, analyze and share information that is important to the business.
  • Conceptual: These skills are required to effectively evaluate complex situations.
  • Interpersonal: A series of skills needed to boost motivation and communication among the senior managers and employees of a company. Interpersonal skills are a fundamental aspect of the business management process because they allow executives to mentor employees and delegate tasks (A GUIDE TO BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, n.d.).
  • Increasing levels of corporate taxation would have negative impacts on business
  • Increasing levels of individual taxation could reduce consumer demand for goods and services.
  • Public sector procurement will decline with implications for businesses that have significant public sector customers (Lowth, Prowle, & Zhang, 2010).
  • 10 Companies Affected by Cyber Attacks. (2019, May 6). Villanova University. Retrieved July 21, 2019, from
  • A GUIDE TO BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Acheampong, D., & Tseane-Gumbi, D. (2016). Tourism in the SADC region and challenges facing the youth market: the Mozambican experiences. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5(4). Retrieved July 16, 2019, from 19 vol 5 4 .pdf
  • Cunningham, N. (Ed.). (2014). Rethink Growth and Learning through Coaching and Organisational Development. Randburg, Randburg, Republic of South Africa: Knowles Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Retrieved July 16, 2019
  • DeMers, J. (2016, January 11). The 10 Golden Rules of Effective Management. Retrieved July 16, 2019, from
  • Gordon, J. (2018). TOP 10 QUALITIES OF AN EXCELLENT MANAGER. Retrieved from
  • Harare, T. F. (2019, May 06). Botswana to host elephant summit. THE NEWSPAPER FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA. Retrieved July 16, 2019, from
  • How to Manage a Business Effectively (7 Key Elements). (n.d.). EDUCBA. Retrieved July 16, 2019, from
  • Lagace, M. (2019, June 07). Are You a Digital Manager? Retrieved July 16, 2019, from
  • Landry, A. O. (2018, April 30). 5 issues facing business management. Business Report. Retrieved July 16, 2019, from
  • Lowth, G., Prowle, M., & Zhang, M. (2010, September). The impact of economic recession on business strategy planning in UK companies. 6(9). Retrieved July 21, 2019, from
  • Manny, P. (2019, June 18). Oil Execs Explore Solutions to Africa's Security Threats. (M. V. Veazey, Interviewer) Nigeria: Rigzone Staff. Retrieved July 14, 2019
  • Saks, M. (2012, May 06). Defining a Profession: The Role of Knowledge and Expertise. PROFESSIONS & PROFESSIONALISM, 2(1), 1-10. Retrieved July 16, 2019, from
  • Strydom, J. W. (2007). Basics of Business Communication (First ed.). Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa: Red Pepper Books. Retrieved July 16, 2019
  • Tebele, M. (2019, July 5). Bots to enact laws to root out corruption, and woo investors. Gaborone, Botswana: Southern Times. Retrieved from
  • The Role of Management. (n.d.). Rice University. Retrieved July 16, 2019, from

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business management practice essay

Sample Essays from Admitted HBS Students

Sample essays from admitted HBS students

  • Sample HBS Essay [2020]: Vulnerable But Invincible
  • Sample HBS Essay [2016]: The Mechanical Engineer
  • Sample HBS Essay [2015]: The Author

I read the new 2020 Harbus MBA Essay Guide wondering what I was going to gain from it. I’ve been reading HBS MBA application essays for 26 years. I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. I also had read the previous Harbus MBA Essay Guide , and the question Harvard is asking hasn’t changed since that one was published. However, while I started The Essay Guide a skeptic, I quickly saw its value, and can whole-heartedly recommend it to HBS applicants. 

Even after having read hundreds of HBS essays, I still found it worthwhile to read The Essay Guide . For applicants who have preconceived notions of what an admissible essay should be, The Essay Guide will open your eyes to 22 successful and different responses. For applicants who are wondering how on earth they should approach their essay, the guide will give them 22 different answers. 

For me it reinforced several valuable lessons:

  • There really is no template for a successful HBS essay. The diversity of essays that are acceptable — no pun intended, well maybe a little intended — to Harvard Business School is striking.  
  • The commitment of most of the authors to telling their story is also noteworthy. Several said they asked friends to confirm that the essay really mirrors them. Others wrote that they were determined that the essay present an authentic portrait of them.
  • Most of the students wrote the essay over the course of months. Give yourself time to draft a persuasive, introspective, and authentic essay. 

Harvard’s question is a fantastic one. It is a probing one. And it requires you to probe yourself so that you can provide a profound reflection of you as you tell the HBS admissions committee what you really want them to know.

A successful Harvard Business School application essay [2020]

This sample essay is from The Harbus MBA Essay Guide and is reprinted with permission from Harbus .  

Essay: Vulnerable But Invincible 

Home country: USA

Previous industry: Consulting

Analysis: The author takes a rather bold approach here. She uses the essay to point to the times when she showed vulnerability in the workplace. This essay presents a strong example of how an essay can be used to complement different aspects of your personality – while resume and application can be used to highlight accomplishments, the essay has been intelligently used to show author’s capacity to be strong enough to talk about situations when she broke down in a professional capacity, but took lessons from each of these situations and employed them to her strength.

I have cried exactly four times at work.

The first time was early in my career. It was 2AM and I was lying in bed struggling with an Excel model. An overachiever my whole life, I was wholly unused to the feelings of inadequacy and incompetence bubbling up inside me. After clicking through dozens of Excel forums with still no right answer, I gave up and cried myself to sleep, vowing to never let myself feel so incapable again.

The second time was a year and a half later. I was unsatisfied with my project and role, and questioning my decision to be a consultant. That uncertainty must have been apparent to everyone, because my manager pulled me aside and bluntly told me that my attitude was affecting the entire team. I cried in front of him, devastated that I had let my doubts bleed into my work.

The third time was just a year ago. I was overseeing a process redesign and struggling to balance the many changes needed. The Partner called me into his office to say, “I’m worried our process is not as sound as it needs to be. I need to know that you care about this as much as I do.” I nodded, say that I do, then ran to the bathroom to cry, overwhelmed by how much change I knew was coming.

Each of the first three times was driven by frustration and anger. I had tamped down my emotions to the point where they overwhelmed me. Particularly as a young woman in business, I never wanted to be viewed as a stereotype or incapable. I was ashamed of my tears and terrified at how others would perceive me.

However, each of those experiences proved to be a turning point. My tears motivated me to ask for help when I needed it, pushed me to restructure my mindset and approach, and gave me a moment to breathe, rebalance, and reprioritize. In each case, my work was better for it. I have also used each experience as a learning moment. Each time I asked myself what decisions led me to the point of tears, and what I could have done differently. I could have raised my hand earlier for help, initiated a conversation with my manager about my uncertainty and dissatisfaction, or involved the Partner more actively in the planning and prioritization. While I can’t change the past, I can learn from it, and am more considerate of such outcomes when I make these decisions today.

Emotions are an inevitable part of the human experience, and as such, an inevitable part of the office. Rather than keeping them at bay, I have begun embracing my emotions to be a better manager and leader, and build more authentic connections. As a manager, I understand my team as people, not just colleagues. I have regular conversations with each of my team members to understand their individual goals and motivations, so I can take those into consideration when building the team structure and delegating responsibilities. As a leader, I invest in traditions and events that foster camaraderie and high morale. I am the proud founder of [NAME OF OFFICE PROGRAM] in the office, a beloved tradition that is now an integral part of the office and that I hope will continue even after I leave.

The fourth time I cried was at the rollout of a process redesign I oversaw. This was our first time demo-ing the new process end-to-end for the rest of the team. As the demo progressed, I felt the team’s energy turn from nervous anticipation to dawning excitement, and finally to sheer awe and amazement. As the demo ended, one of my teammates turned to me, and asked in a hushed voice, “Are you crying?” And I was. This time, I cried not with frustration or anger. This time, I cried with joy for our success and with pride for my team. Embracing my emotions allowed me to show that tears are not shameful and don’t need to be hidden in the workplace. I am no longer ashamed of my tears, and I am proud to demonstrate that a strong leader can be pragmatic and emotional all at once.

Word count: 705

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Author’s comment: “I started early on my essay (~ 3 months before the submission deadline) because it was important to me to iterate and be thoughtful. I started by laying out potential themes and stories for my essay, and while there are a lot of similarities, the core message changed quite a bit. Don’t get too attached to any one story or theme and allow yourself to let go of a draft if it’s not the right one. What I found most helpful was having 2-3 close friends that I trust wholeheartedly review multiple drafts, because they were able to provide continuous feedback and help me combine pieces from multiple drafts. None of them had ever gone to or applied to business school, but were experienced in writing and communication (e.g. one is a screenwriter) which helped me focus on communicating MY story more so than what is the story that HBS Admissions would most like.”

A successful Harvard Business School application essay [2016]

This sample essay is from  The Harbus MBA Essay Guide  and is reprinted with permission from Harbus. 

Essay: The Mechanical Engineer

Author’s home country: United States of America Author’s previous industry/profession: Operations consulting, operations management  Author gender: Male

Analysis:   The author focuses his essay on two themes – his professional experience as an operations consultant and an experience which motivated him to go for an MBA. Through the essay, the author is able to highlight his professional skills, achievement as well as give a clear picture of his long-term career plans and his reasons for doing an MBA.

I’m [APPLICANT’S FIRST NAME] and I have journeyed here from the hallowed grounds of [APPLICANT’S U.S. NEW ENGLAND HOMETOWN], where I spent my formative years amid wild dreams of achieving greatness by setting world records and winning the Olympics. As I’ve hung up my [OLYMPIC SPORT’S TRADITIONAL SHOES] in favor of business shoes, those dreams have evolved into a desire to achieve greatness in a different arena. Today, my dream centers on helping companies leverage technology to propel their operations into the future, providing unparalleled customer service and delivery, with an operational efficiency to match.

I graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering in [GRADUATION YEAR] and spent my first 3 years out of college working as an operations consultant. It was my job to walk into a manufacturing plant and drive significant operational change – for example, I once spent 3 months walking the sticky floors of a milk plant in [MID-SIZED U.S. SOUTHEASTERN CITY] helping plant management boost throughput by 30% in order to take on a new customer. We accomplished this goal with zero capital spend, a feat many had believed was impossible. In our projects, the biggest challenge was almost always convincing managers to reach for that extra tad of unseen opportunity hiding within the operation, because oftentimes it was very difficult to look beyond the daily struggles that plagued their operations. I worked directly with 5-8 person “rapid results teams,” coaching them on how to think about operational improvement, motivating them to sprint towards it, and leading them through the analysis required to capture it. I left those milk, water and oil sands plants with many enduring friendships and inspiring operational victories borne from our journey from ambitious goals to concrete results.

<< READ: What is HBS Looking For? >>

I’ve spent the past two years working in supply chain management at a private industrial goods supplier. I chose direct management because I wanted to drive these same inspirational improvements in an operation I owned. My role was to manage and improve the operation, and through my experience, I learned the nuts and bolts of the supply chain industry. However, my dream of innovating supply chain operations pushed me to consider transitioning to an organization with an ambitious, transformative purpose. In fact, last year I had a unique opportunity to reflect on what type of impact matters to me. This opportunity was my first ever trip to [NORTHWEST AFRICAN REGION], the place of my family’s origin.

On the second day of the trip, I journeyed to [LOCAL NORTHEASTERN AFRICAN TOWN], a small town nestled next an enormous active volcano that is surrounded by a wide expanse of rich volcanic soil, which is used to make wine. This wine is sipped by adventure-seeking tourists relaxing after a long day on the volcano, and thus the town’s two major industries, wine and tourism, are sustained. When we arrived at the town, I was shocked to see it buried by an avalanche of volcanic rock from an eruption [A FEW YEARS PRIOR]. As our guide lamented on the dreary prospects of the Page 2 of 2 town, I was amazed to see just how important these two industries had been to its development.

Through this real world example, I was able to clearly visualize the impact businesses can have on their broader environment, an understanding that had not been as evident to me while working in the larger, more complex American economy. For example, I had spent hours walking among the dilapidated buildings speckling the warehouse district in Cleveland, but only after my trip did I connect them to the decline of the Midwestern manufacturing industry. Upon my return, armed with this broader perspective, I decided my next step would be to attend business school. There I would gain the technical, operational and leadership skills to make my transition to an organization whose goal was to drive change in its broader industry and community, as those wine and tourism companies had done in [LOCAL NORTHEASTERN AFRICAN TOWN OF FAMILY’S ORIGIN].

So, that is how I arrived in front of you today. My goal is to humbly learn as much as I can from our section, our professors, and our experiences. I am excited to get to know you, and will always do my best to support our section intellectually and athletically (we will be the future section Olympics champions!).

How about yourself?

Word Count: 711

Author’s comment:   While the initial draft of my essay did not take more than an hour or two, it was the revision process that I spent a significant amount of time on. I think the most important part of the essay writing process is to ensure that your story and personality come through – and this is perhaps the most difficult part! To help with this, I had individuals who were not as familiar with my story and why I wanted to go to business school provide me with feedback in addition to those with whom I worked closely.

Linda’s comment:

I would hate for any of you to read this essay or any of the other essays in  The Harbus MBA Essay Guide , which I recommend, and think “This is a great template. I’m going to tell a story just like this one!” Bad idea. Wrong response.

The one take-away from this essay and the other successful essays in this book is that the reader feels a little like s/he is meeting the author – not someone else and not some masked being.  Individuality is the common thread in those essays; it isn’t brilliant prose or incredible writing. It’s authenticity and humanity. And yes, the author is accomplished too.

I chose this essay from the Harbus collection because I know there are many engineers applying. Some — both in and out of their field — think of the profession as boring or common. But this essay is neither boring nor common. I loved it because the writer comes to life, and  his passion  and personality shine through. He doesn’t get bogged down in technicalities, industrial jargon, or an alphabet soup of acronyms. He tells his story with energy and clarity, from his perspective, and with a focus on his impact.

Now that’s an example you can follow: Tell  your  story with energy and clarity, from  your  perspective, and with a focus on  your  impact.

Check out what recent applicants have to say about working with Accepted:

A successful harvard business school application essay [2015], the 2014-15 harvard business school essay question:.

You’re applying to Harvard Business School. We can see your resume, academic transcripts, extracurricular activities, awards, post-MBA career goals, test scores, and what your recommenders have to say about you. What else would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy?

This sample essay is from The Harbus MBA Essay Guide and is reprinted with permission from Harbus.  

Essay: The Author

Author’s Background: Finance & Media

The author sets the stage for the remainder of the essay by first presenting a notable accomplishment of hers and then explicitly illustrating the entrepreneurial drive and diligence she used to see it through. More importantly, the author’s opening introduces a theme – storytelling – that is consistently interwoven through different stages of her life. The reader is lead through the author’s childhood, professional and extracurricular experiences, along with accomplishments, all the while being reminded of the integral role storytelling has played. Beyond highlighting her gift, or passion for the art of storytelling, the author goes on to connect this theme with her future career ambitions, as well as describe how this could also serve the HBS community.

In 2012, I realized a life ambition – I completed my first novel, all while working full time at [Top U.S. Investment Bank]. I could not wait to share it with the world and eagerly went in search of a literary agent. But each agent I contacted declined to represent my novel.

Storytelling is my lifelong passion; it saw me through a difficult childhood. After my father left, my mother raised me as a single parent in [U.S. City/State], a rural Bible Belt town two hours south of [U.S. State]. We did not have much money and that coupled with my bookishness made me a target for bullies. Books and writing were an escape; they gave me an avenue to articulate the feelings of abandonment and powerlessness I otherwise did not want to express. Writing made me happy and the more I wrote, the more my talent blossomed. I began to win awards and my work was published in youth literary journals. These experiences made me more confident, a key part of my success later in life. It all started with a pen, a notebook, and my imagination. Nevertheless, I was passionate about my work and was determined to put it into readers’ hands. In true entrepreneurial fashion, I self-published my novel through the digital platforms Smashwords and Createspace. I worked with a promotional expert to organize a month-long book tour to promote the book to prominent book bloggers and their readers. The result? My novel has received multiple 5-star reader reviews, from Amazon to Goodreads, and was a semifinalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.

Stories are an integral part of the human experience. They uplift and inspire, give us permission to dream and to visualize what could be. Storytelling has been an integral part of my career, from building financial models at [Top U.S. Investment Bank] that illustrated my expectations for the companies that I covered to delivering a presentation to [International Daily Newspaper] ’s chief revenue officer explaining why reducing ad prices for tender house advertisers would not lead to an increase in revenue.

My passion has also informed my growth as a leader; I believe my most impactful expressions of leadership have been my efforts to help others write the narratives of their own lives and careers. At [Top U.S. Investment Bank], I created an informal mentorship program for female and minority interns and first-year analysts in the research division and led a “soft skills” class to help new analysts handle difficult interpersonal situations. For four years, I’ve mentored a young Hispanic woman through Student Sponsor Partners, a nonprofit that gives low-income students scholarships to private high schools. Being a mentor gave me the privilege of guiding another first generation college student along what I know can be a lonely, difficult path. This fall, she started college with a full scholarship.

Storytelling will be a part of my future career path; as an MBA graduate, my goal is to obtain a position in strategy and business development at an entertainment company that specializes in film or television. Long term, I want to start a multimedia and merchandising company with a publishing arm (books and magazines) as well as film, TV, and digital operations. Using strong, fictional heroines and informative lifestyle content, my company’s goal will be to educate and inspire women to become their best selves. My particular focus is creating compelling, multidimensional characters to inspire young women of color, who are constantly bombarded by negative images of women who look like them in media.

I’m pursuing a Harvard MBA because I want to become a better business strategist and strong general manager. Also, I want to further develop my leadership and presentation skills as I will manage professionals on the content and business side; it will be my task to unite them behind a shared strategic vision. Specifically, I want to learn how to motivate teams and individuals to perform at their highest level, and to become more adept at persuasion and generating “buy-in” from others. Harvard’s unique approach using the case method and emphasis on leadership development will challenge me to grow in both these areas. I also feel that I have much to contribute to Harvard’s community. My varied background in finance and media has given me a unique perspective that will be valuable in classroom discussions and team projects. I want to share my passion for the entertainment industry with my classmates by chairing the Entertainment & Media club and planning conferences, career treks, and other opportunities.

My background gives me the capacity for fearless thinking that is needed to meet the challenges of the entertainment industry’s shifting landscape. A Harvard MBA will strengthen that foundation and help me to become the kind of dynamic leader who can bring the vision for my own company to life and be at the forefront of entertainment’s structural shift.

Time & Effort: “It was about 6 or 7 drafts. Not sure on the hours.”

Word Count: 805

This sample essay is from The Harbus MBA Essay Guide and is reprinted with permission from Harbus . We highly recommend the book!

If you would like advice on responding to this year’s HBS essay question, (which is different from the 2014-15 prompt) please read our Harvard Business School essay tips .

Linda’s comments:

Bottom line: You want your readers to feel like that they are meeting you — not someone else, not a scripted piece of shallow PR devoid of personality and humanity, and not some phony combo of you and the author of an essay in a guidebook or on a website. They really and truly want to meet you!

So think about your story. 

Applying to HBS?

For expert guidance on your Harvard Business School application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages , which include advising, editing, interview coaching, and a resume edit for the HBS application. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to the Harvard MBA program and look forward to helping you too! And did you know that Accepted’s clients received over $1 million dollars in scholarship offers in the last application cycle? Yes – we can help you with that too!    


Related Resources:

• Get Accepted to Harvard Business School , a free webinar • Harvard Business School MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines • What is HBS Looking For:   Analytical Aptitude and Appetite , The Habit of Leadership , Engaged Community Citizenship • M7 MBA Programs: Everything You Need to Know in 2022 • More sample MBA application essays

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How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay—With Examples

The MBA essay is critical to your business school application. Read our guide to writing the perfect MBA essay, with successful admit examples.

Posted July 4, 2024

business management practice essay

Featuring Matt P.

Planning Your MBA Application

Starting friday, september 6.

12:00 AM UTC · 45 minutes

Table of Contents

What is the mba essay.

The MBA admissions essay.

Those words alone are enough to make most MBA candidates run screaming. Writing in general is hard enough. Writing about why you want an MBA? Your short-term goals and career aspirations? What matters to you most, and why? Forget it.

Of course, you still have to write these essays.

The MBA essay is perhaps the most important part of the business school application. Every other part of the application — your GPA, your test scores, your letters of recommendation — is quantified, cut and dried, or out of your control. The essay is your chance to show up as a fully realized MBA candidate, with hopes, dreams, and vulnerabilities. Admissions committees are not simply assessing your candidacy as a future leader — they're looking to admit human beings. That's where the MBA applicant essays come in.

That being the case, rather than being intimidated by it, treat the MBA essay writing process like the opportunity that it is — the chance for you to highlight your unique, iridescent self; the only moment in the MBA admissions process (prior to the interview) when you can speak directly to admissions officers; the time when you'll show them who you really are. It's not easy to write something that will do that, of course, but with the tips and tricks in this guide, and some help from one of Leland's vetted, world-class admissions coaches, we know you can do it. Give the essay the time, attention, and respect it deserves, and you'll be on your way to an offer of admission at your dream school.

Without further ado, let's dive in!

business management practice essay

Ultimate MBA Essay Guide

See the MBA essay prompts, top tips from experts, and real examples from admits with this comprehensive guide.

How Long Will My MBA Essay Take?

First things first: let's talk about timing.

The MBA application is a behemoth; between exams, resumes, gathering your official transcripts, letters of recommendation, and the applications themselves, there's a lot to juggle. That being the case, we suggest you give yourself ample time to draft, write, and revise your essays. The last thing you want is to be rushed to the finish line.

So, give yourself at least three months to write your MBA admission essays. That should allow you enough time to draft, write, and edit. For more information on timing your entire business school application, click here for  A Comprehensive MBA Application Timeline--With Chart .

Now, on to the critical question:

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What Makes a Great MBA Essay?

At the highest level, the answer is the one that is truest to you. The whole point of an MBA application essay is to shine through as an authentic, vibrant human being, so the best essays are the ones that cut through the clutter, and allow you to do that.

Which begs the question — how do you cut through the clutter and shine through as a vibrant human being? Here are four critical tips to follow as you begin thinking about your essays.

1. Answer the Question

This one sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many applicants launch into their story, get carried away, and forget to answer the question. Follow the prompt, and answer the question the admissions committee has asked you. Those prompts can actually be very useful when writing MBA essays — it's a great deal harder to write when you have no guidance or guardrails. With these essays, you have a very specific question you need to answer. So answer it!

2. Be Specific

Another mistake some MBA applicants make is to stay at a high level in their essays, keeping their writing abstract and therefore inaccessible to the admissions committee. If at any point, an admissions officer could replace your name with the name of another applicant, then your essay isn't getting deep enough. It's not enough, for instance, to say that you suffered adversity in high school, or that you really, really want a Wharton MBA. You need to explain, in detail, the adversity you faced, and give concrete and unique reasons why you think Wharton is the right program for you. The best essays offer hyper-specific examples and anecdotes, with details and anecdotes that no other candidate could bring to the table. To get those anecdotes, we recommend using the STAR template, as explained below:

  • Situation : What was the situation you were facing? Where were you? How old were you? If you were in a professional role during this anecdote, what was the role, and how long had you been in it? If you were volunteering, at what organization? How long had you been volunteering there? Why did you start? Offer all the relevant information that the admissions readers will need to understand your story.
  • Task : What was the task at hand? What went wrong? In your professional role, what was the challenge you faced? In that volunteering experience, what were the hurdles you had to overcome? You can't have a good story without conflict or tension, so after you set up the anecdote, explain what that conflict or tension was (and remember, be specific!).
  • Action : What was the action you took to resolve the problem? What did you have to do to fix that issue at work? How did you clear that hurdle in your volunteer experience? Again, be specific about how you came through on the other side of that conflict/tension — and while you're doing it, highlight your leadership capabilities as much as possible! Remember that top MBA programs are looking for future leaders who can assess a situation and decisively take action. (We'll say a bit more about this below, in the Personal Statement section.
  • Result : What was the result of your action? If you were facing a growth problem at work, were you able to increase sales? If so, by what percentage? If you were advocating for diversity and inclusion at your local charity, what new programs did you implement to help with that effort, and what was the enrollment like in those new programs? Detail what happened in your anecdote with as much specificity as possible — and quantify, quantify, quantify!

If you want to learn more about how to master the STAR Method, read our article How to Nail “Tell Me About a Time…” Interview Questions .

3. Get Vulnerable

Most MBA admissions essay prompts are written with the goal of getting to know as much about you as possible in the shortest number of words. To do that, you're going to have to share real things from your life — to get personal, intimate, and vulnerable. Do not shy away from this. If you're starting to get emotional during the reflection, drafting, and writing process, good — that means you're on the right track. Keep going.

Pro tip: If it’s making you cry, it will make them cry.

Another good rule of thumb is to put something real and true on the table. Admissions officers have to read thousands of applications from thoroughly qualified individuals, some of whom might come from similar roles to yours, with letters of recommendation from equally impressive supervisors. In order to cut through that noise, you'll have to share something honest.

If you're doing it right, this can feel risky. At some point, you’ll likely think to yourself: “Can I say that?” The answer is: “Yes.” Of course, there is a line, you don’t want to be crass or offensive but always err on the side of being open and authentic.

The very worst thing you can do is be overly cautious and write something you think will please the admissions committee. These poor people have to read thousands of essays. If yours is just like everyone else’s, they’ll fall asleep. Don’t let that happen. Wake them up by putting yourself —your true, bright, vibrant, quirky self—on the page.

4. Don't Exaggerate

Finally, do not exaggerate, over-inflate, or lie. This goes without saying, but admissions committees are looking for honest candidates. The surest way to get rejected is to lie about something. (Business schools do a background check on you before you're properly admitted, so they will find out.) Don't be the person who over-inflates on their essays and then has their offer letter rescinded.

The Types of MBA Essays

All right — since we've covered high-level approaches to the MBA essays, it's time to dig into the various types.

There are three general categories of MBA essays you'll see across the board.

1. Personal Statement

These questions ask you to offer up something sincere about yourself. They'll often touch on such things as your values and your character. In these, you'll want to be as authentic as possible, while also highlighting attributes like leadership, intellectual vitality, and teamwork that business schools are looking for.

Here are a few examples of previous personal statement essays:

  • As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (HBS)
  • What matters most to you, and why? (Stanford GSB)

2. Why an MBA/Why This School

In these, schools first want to hear about how an MBA will fit into your career, both short and long term. Top MBA programs are looking for candidates who will: first of all, be gainfully employed upon graduating, second of all, have an illustrious career that will make their institution look good and encourage future generations of applicants to apply, and third, be consistent and generous donors. That being the case, they want to know about your career trajectory, and how an MBA will fit into it.

Pro tip: Here, you want to be ambitious and inspiring in laying out your future career, but not naïve. Walk the line between shooting for the stars and sounding dreamlike and uninformed.

In this set of questions, you'll also encounter questions geared at figuring out why you would want to attend a specific school. MBA programs want to know that you're serious about attending their school — yield, or the percentage of admitted candidates who accept their offers of admission, is an important metric for them — but they also want to envision how you'll contribute to their admitted class. What will you uniquely bring to the table, the things that you'll do that the other candidates wouldn’t be able to offer?

We've heard former deans of business schools say that, in choosing a class, they're curating a world-class dinner party, and that each person invited to the dinner party has to bring something different. What will you bring to the dinner party?

Another Pro tip: To demonstrate that you've done your research, and to help the admissions committee envision you in their program, indicate which classes you might take when earning your MBA and why, which professors you might hope to study with, and in which clubs you might participate.

Here are a few examples of "why MBA / why this school" essays we've seen before:

  • How is a Columbia MBA going to help you? (Columbia)
  • What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (Wharton)
  • Why Stanford? Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. (Stanford GSB)

3. Behavioral/Other

Finally, most other essays will be behavioral in the sense that they’ll ask you about experiences, traits, strengths, weaknesses, and achievements. There's a wide variety of topics here, but all the guidelines from above apply, with the final note to always prioritize authenticity (as mentioned in the Personal Statement section) and leadership ability (remember, business schools are choosing future leaders).

Here are a few examples of behavioral/other essays from the past:

  • Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (Yale SOM)
  • Tell us about your favorite book, movie, or song and why it resonates with you. (Columbia)
  • Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? (Stanford GSB)

Top MBA Program Essay Prompts (Updated 2024)

To help you get started, we've compiled the required prompts from a few top MBA programs below:

1. Harvard Business School (HBS)

  • Business-Minded Essay: Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you will have on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (300 words)
  • Leadership-Focused Essay: What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (250 words)
  • Growth-Oriented Essay: Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (250 words)

For more information, visit A Guide to the HBS Essay .

2. Stanford Graduate School of Business

  • What matters to you most, and why? (650 words)
  • Why Stanford? (400 words)

Read: What Matters Most When Writing the GSB Essays.

  • How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)
  • Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

For Wharton-specific advice, visit A Guide to the Wharton Essays .

4. Columbia Business School

  • Essay 1: Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)
  • Essay 2: The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a co-curricular program designed to provide students with the skills and strategies needed to develop as inclusive leaders. Through various resources and programming, students explore and reflect on the following five inclusive leadership skills: Mitigating Bias and Prejudice; Managing Intercultural Dialogue; Addressing Systemic Inequity; Understanding Identity and Perspective Taking; and Creating an Inclusive Environment. Describe a time or situation when you had the need to utilize one of these five skills, and tell us the actions you took and the outcome. (250 words)
  • Essay 3: We believe Columbia Business School is a special place with a collaborative learning environment in which students feel a sense of belonging, agency, and partnership--academically, culturally, and professionally. How would you co-create your optimal MBA experience at CBS? Please be specific. (250 words)

If you’re looking for more tips on the CBS essays, read our Guide to the Columbia Business School Essays .

5. Chicago Booth

  • How will a Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250-word minimum)
  • An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of the office. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are… (250-word minimum)

*Pro tip: Some essay questions such as these will say “no maximum.” While it’s certainly a good thing that you’re allowed to write more, keep in mind to never write too much. Our rule of thumb for things like this is to never go over 200 words past the “minimum” count.

Read more at A Guide to the Booth Essays .

6. Northwestern Kellogg

  • Intentionality is a key aspect of what makes our graduates successful Kellogg leaders. Help us understand your journey by articulating your motivations for pursuing an MBA, the specific goals you aim to achieve, and why you believe now is the right moment. Moreover, share why you feel Kellogg is best suited to serve as a catalyst for your career aspirations and what you will contribute to our community of lifelong learners during your time here. (450 words)
  • Kellogg leaders are primed to tackle challenges everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Describe a specific professional experience where you had to make a difficult decision. Reflecting on this experience, identify the values that guided your decision-making process and how it impacted your leadership style. (450 words)

For more on Kellogg’s essays, read How to Nail Your Kellogg MBA Application Essays .

7. MIT Sloan

MIT Sloan doesn’t use traditional essay prompts; instead, applicants are required to submit a cover letter, video, and short answer questions, as well as the other traditional application materials.

Cover Letter

MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity, respect, and passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA program. Your letter should conform to standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Admissions Committee (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation)

Video Question 1

Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here’s your chance to put a face with a name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, be yourself. We can’t wait to meet you!

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No more than 1 minute (60 second) in length
  • Single take (no editing)
  • Speaking directly to the camera
  • Do not include background music or subtitles

Note: While we ask you to introduce yourself to your future classmates in this video, the video will not be shared beyond the admissions committee and is for use in the application process only.

Video Question 2

All MBA applicants will be prompted to respond to a randomly generated, open-ended question. The question is designed to help us get to know you better; to see how you express yourself and to assess fit with the MIT Sloan culture. It does not require prior preparation.

Video Essay 2 is part of your required application materials and will appear as a page within the application, once the other parts of your application are completed. Applicants are given 5 seconds to prepare for a 60-second response.

Short Answer Question

How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your life experiences and perspective. Please use this opportunity to share more about your background. (250 words)

For top-notch advice on the MIT Sloan question prompts, read our articles Expert Guide to the MIT Sloan Short Answer Question and MIT Sloan Video Statement: Overview, Advice, & Common Mistakes .

How to Start Writing Your MBA Essay

So you've read about the types of essays, and seen some of the prompts from top MBA programs. Now it's time to actually start diving into the essay.

The very first thing to do, before putting pen to paper, is to look inward .

Why do you want an MBA? What role will this degree play in your professional growth? How do you imagine it will shape your life? What do you want out of your career? What is the most important thing in the world to you?

Yes, these are life’s deep-end questions, but you’ll need to tackle them in these essays, so before you start all of your writing, take the time to think through them. Go for a run, swim some laps, bake a cake—however you get into the flow — and start a dialogue with yourself. Put down your work, turn your phone off, and give your mind permission to go to the places it usually avoids. That’s a good place to start. That’s where the answers are.

Pro tip: The first sentence is the hardest one to write. When you're starting out, it can be intimidating and anxiety-producing. The trick is to simply put anything down — and don't look back. Keep putting one sentence after the other. You can edit later: let whatever comes to you out onto the page. If you’re struggling with self-critique, dim your computer screen until you can’t even see the words you’re typing. Then keep going.

Additional Tips & Tricks

Once you've started your essay, it's a matter of persistence: keep writing, then keep drafting and editing until you have something you're really proud of.

To help you write a successful MBA essay, here are a few more tips and tricks:

Take Breaks

When you hit the wall — and you will hit the wall — stop and take a breather. This is your brain telling you it needs to do something else. Walk your dog. Take a lap around your room. Eat some cheese. Your body needs sleep every night to function; your mind is the same way. That next leap of inspiration will come exactly at the moment when you’re least expecting it.

Read it Out Loud

When you finally have a draft, print it and read it out loud to yourself. Your ear will catch things your eyes miss. Reading out loud is the best way to pick up on spelling errors, clunky transitions, and paragraphs that still need ironing out. It’s also a good way to envision how the admissions committee will experience your essay.

Don’t be precious with your essay. Send it to anyone willing to read it. Solicit as much feedback as you can. If you don’t like what people have to say, you don’t have to incorporate it, but you need an impartial third party to give notes on what they’re seeing, thinking, and feeling. (You’re too close to things to do it for yourself.) This is where a Leland coach comes very much in handy!

Complete Everything Early

This is more of a timing consideration, but you do not want to trip at the finish line because your internet went down the night before the deadline, or your credit card was denied when paying your application fee (it's happened before). Don't let that be you!

Here is another article to get you started, written by an expert essay coach: 7 MBA Essay Tips to Make You Stand Out in 2022 .

Example MBA Essays

Finally, here are two essays to help inspire you. The first, a personal statement essay, was submitted by an admit to Berkeley Haas' Executive MBA program; the second, a career goals / why MBA essay, was submitted by an admit to Chicago Booth's deferred MBA program.

Haas Admit:

A person’s identity is shaped by many different aspects, including family, culture, personal interests, and surrounding environments. Please share a facet of your identity or story that is essential to who you are. (300 words) My upbringing in India, filled with countless myths and legends, had a profound influence on me. The most formative tale was about a sage who prays for years to the goddess of knowledge, but in vain. In the end, the goddess didn’t appear for the sage because he was turning his prayer beads the wrong way! As a child, this story upset me: the sage worked so hard and had the right intentions. As an adult, though, I’ve come to realize that the goddess of knowledge was right: you can’t succeed unless you do things the right way.

Seven years ago, two friends and I started a company, XXXX: a digital health platform that would allow patients to store medical records online and consult doctors remotely. We had early success—we brought on 2,000 patients at XXXX, a gynecology clinic in XXXX—but ultimately we didn’t have the resources to properly scale, and had to shut the company down. Among the many lessons I learned, the most valuable was that ideas and hard work are common; businesses succeed or fail based on execution—on doing things the right way. Two years ago, I relearned this lesson in the most painful way possible: when my marriage ended. My wife and I loved each other, but we weren’t there for each other when it mattered most. Our feelings weren’t enough—we had to back them up with the right actions.

It’s disheartening when you have good intentions but still fall short. When this happens, though, you have to keep trying—because eventually you will do things the right way. I carry the story of the sage with me always, not as a harsh lesson, but as a motivating goal: one that keeps me striving towards doing things the right way.

Booth Admit:

How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250 word minimum)

I want to start a geothermal company that will help lead the energy transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy—by targeting existing oil wells as sites for geothermal plants. Oil fields are close to electric grids and have high nearby subsurface temperatures, making them ideal sites for geothermal plants. By building geothermal infrastructure nearby, my company will produce cleaner, cheaper energy, making it more profitable for operators to switch from oil to geothermal. As oil companies decommission their wells, I’ll negotiate for their land rights, so I can use their existing wells for new geothermal vents. I want my company to prove the case for economically viable, carbon-neutral energy production.

After getting an MBA, I want to start a geothermal company which will help me lead the energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. I plan to target developed oil fields in Texas, where, in many places, producing wells are flowing enough hot fluid to generate clean energy. Using this geothermal heat, the carbon footprint of oil and gas extraction will decrease as fewer fossil fuels are utilized to power surrounding infrastructure. As the wells approach their economic life, I will negotiate the lease from various operators, saving them millions in plug and abandonment costs, and retrofit the wells for direct geothermal energy production via closed-loop binary fluid systems, bringing emissions to zero. To accomplish this goal, I need to shore up my knowledge of energy economics and entrepreneurial finance, develop a strong sense of leadership, and build a network of like-minded individuals that will help me lead the transition and I believe I can get those things at Chicago Booth.

My immediate career goal is to develop my first co-production site in Shelby County, Texas at the Blanton well site, which produces abnormally heated fluid from the flanks of an active salt dome. Before investing in capital expenditures, developing a strong sense of energy economics and broader markets is necessary to verify financial feasibility. The University of Chicago, through the Graduate-Student-At-Large: Business program, is already allowing me to accomplish this goal with my enrollment in “Microeconomics” with Professor Andrew McClellan. His instruction helped me understand the impact taxes and subsidies have on market equilibrium, an important aspect of renewable energy as green energy tax incentives continue to change on a yearly basis. As my company continues to grow, having a strong finance and accounting foundation is imperative to building and sustaining a healthy company. Electives such as “Accounting for Entrepreneurship: From Start-Up through IPO” will provide the skills I need to be successful by following the life-cycle of a business that originates as a start-up and covers topics such as building an initial accounting infrastructure. I understand that the execution of the business is as important as developing the idea and proof of concept, and Booth is the best place for me to develop financial fluency.

Leading the energy transition will require a strong sense of leadership. Not only will I need to lead those I get to work with over my career, but to lead the energy transition, and reverse the impact fossil fuels have had thus far, I must have the emotional intelligence to inspire others to join me in my journey. The “Interpersonal Dynamics” course at Booth will allow me to develop my communication skills and better understand the emotions and perceptions of my colleagues. These skills, synthesized with leadership development acquired in “Leadership Practicum” will prepare me to act as a relational leader, who understands the needs of others. As a relational leader, I hope to foster an environment which promotes happiness and maximizes efficiency, not only to make our efforts in changing the world more successful, but to excite other people to join our cause.

To find the greatest chance of success in leading the energy transition, I will need a network of like-minded individuals who can provide a diversity of thought. Chicago Booth provides the opportunity to develop that network through different community experiences. The Energy Club’s “Energy Forward” conference, which designates time to topics in oil and gas and renewable energy will allow me to hear from industry leaders, build meaningful relationships with peers, and contribute my sector experience to the public forum as I learn from those around me. Opportunities through the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Group such as “SeedCon” will help me connect with successful entrepreneurs and early-stage investors whose ideas and funding might change the course of my venture’s trajectory. Even in the GSALB program, I have had the opportunity to connect with other students in various sectors, including the energy industry. I hope to continue to strengthen those connections and continue building new ones with matriculation into the full time program.

Connect with an Expert for all your MBA Essay Questions

We know that a lot goes into the process of MBA essay writing. Research, planning, and execution all are major stages that take a lot of time. If you’re looking to fast-track your essay writing process while still blowing away the admission committee, try looking at some of our all-star MBA admissions consultants . We have a wide array of experts ready to give you as much help with MBA essays as you need, just check out some of our top-rated coaches below!

FAQs for Writing Your MBA Essay

What is the most important aspect of an MBA essay that admissions committees are looking for?

  • The most crucial aspect of an MBA essay is authenticity. Admissions committees want to see the real you, so be honest and genuine in your responses. Highlight your unique experiences, values, and aspirations to stand out.

How long should my MBA essay be?

  • The length of your MBA essay will depend on the specific prompts and guidelines provided by each school. Generally, essays range from 500 to 1,000 words. Always adhere to the word limit specified in the prompt. In the event that there’s no limit, we recommend floating within 200-300 words of whatever posted word count there is.

Can I use the same essay for multiple MBA applications?

  • You can use similar content, but it’s essential to edit each essay to be about the specific school and prompt. Schools are looking for personalized responses that demonstrate your understanding of their program and how it aligns with your goals.

How do I figure out what to write about?

  • Select experiences that showcase your leadership, problem-solving skills, and personal growth. Focus on stories that highlight your unique qualities and align with the values and culture of the MBA program you're applying to.

What should I avoid doing in my essay?

  • Avoid clichés, generic statements, and exaggerations. Be specific and detailed in your responses. Also, steer clear of overly technical jargon that might be hard for the admissions committee to understand unless it’s directly relevant to your story.

Who can I ask for feedback on my essay?

  • Seeking feedback from trusted friends, family, or mentors can be very helpful. In addition, consider working with one of our admissions coaches who can provide professional insights and help refine your essay to make it more compelling.

What should I do if I don’t have a traditional business background?

  • If you don’t have a traditional business background, focus on transferable skills and experiences that highlight your leadership, analytical abilities, and teamwork. Demonstrate how your unique perspective will contribute to the MBA program and your future career.

How do I handle multiple essay prompts for the same school?

  • Approach each prompt separately and ensure that each essay provides new insights about you. Avoid repeating the same information across essays. Instead, use each essay to highlight different aspects of your experiences, skills, and aspirations.

Here are several other articles that you may find helpful as you put together your MBA application:

  • The Most Frequently Asked Questions on MBA Applications
  • How to Answer the "Why an MBA?" Essay Question
  • My Top Piece of Advice for MBA Applicants
  • How I Nailed My MBA Interview and Gained Admission to Top 10 Business Schools
  • 4 Expert Tips on Paying for Business School

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How to Write Successful Business and Management Essays

How to Write Successful Business and Management Essays

  • Patrick Tissington - University of Warwick, UK
  • Markus Hasel - Management Consultant, Paris
  • Description

A systematic guide to successfully producing written work for business and management degrees. The authors address the all-too-common pitfalls of essay assignments, as well as providing readers with a step-by-step programme to approach essay questions, both in coursework and exam contexts.

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  • New content on academic writing tips
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  • Additional coverage of plagiarism
  • More on critical evaluation
  • More on changing requirements through different levels of study.

Suitable for all business and management students looking to improve their essay writing skills.

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This resource is a must for teachers and students alike. It is relevant and up-to-date on curriculum change and on disruptive technology impacting learning and teaching delivery. It will enable mastery of essay writing for life.

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business management practice essay

Improving the Practice of Management — Then and Now

  • Laura Amico
  • Amy Bernstein

business management practice essay

It’s been a full century since the first issue of Harvard Business Review was released. What can we learn from the most pressing issues facing leaders then — and what’s changed? In this essay, two HBR editors outline the original purpose of the magazine and explore how “a proper theory of business” has evolved to include a broader definition of management — and of who a leader can be. They also introduce components of the Big Idea series that this piece is part of, including articles on what makes great leaders, organizations, and jobs.

As HBR turns 100, we look back on our original mission, how we’ve changed, and what the future holds.

In October 1922, the very first essay in volume 1, number 1 of Harvard Business Review laid out the purpose of the brand-new journal. “It is pertinent to inquire how the representative practises [sic] of business men generally may be made available…and how a proper theory of business is to be obtained,” wrote Harvard Business School dean Wallace B. Donham . Without such a theory, “business will continue unsystematic, haphazard, and for many men a pathetic gamble.” To remedy that situation, HBR would seek to provide “a better theoretical basis for executive action.”

Mastering the ABCs of innovation at scale.

  • Laura Amico is a former senior editor at Harvard Business Review.
  • Amy Bernstein is the editor of Harvard Business Review. asbernstein2185

business management practice essay

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Culture and Business: Global Business Ethics

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Business Essay Topics to Write with Impact

business management practice essay

Business essays are a common requirement for students pursuing various business-related courses. The key lies in choosing a familiar subject out of various business essay ideas that spark inspiration, one that can be thoroughly researched with ample sources, intriguing facts, or statistical data. In this article, we offer a comprehensive list of business essay topics ideas for you to write a paper that is unmatched!

Business Essay Topics Ideas: Navigating the Selection Process

Selecting the most suitable business essay topics can prove to be a challenging endeavor. Due to the intricate and sensitive nature of the subject, it is crucial to handle business terminologies with care while ensuring that your chosen topic remains intact. To aid you in this process, our custom coursework writing has compiled a set of important tips that will assist you in identifying an impressive essay topic.

selet topic

  • First and foremost, choose a topic that aligns with your personal interests and passions. This will not only make the writing business essay more enjoyable but also enable you to delve deeper into the subject matter.
  • Additionally, opt for a business essay topic that offers a wide scope for research. Having access to a wealth of resources and information will enhance the quality and depth of your analysis.
  • Select argumentative business essay topics that provide a rich pool of information and sources for reference. This ensures that you have a solid foundation to support your arguments and analysis.
  • Prioritize topics that offer evidence, examples, or facts to substantiate the major points of your thesis statement. This not only strengthens your arguments but also demonstrates your understanding of the subject matter.
  • Avoid the temptation to opt for overly broad subjects, as they can be challenging to cover comprehensively within the given deadline. Instead, focus on more specific aspects that allow for in-depth analysis and exploration. For instance, if you're writing an expository paper, you can enhance your approach by utilizing an expository essay outline . This will help you structure your major points more efficiently and ensure a clear and logical flow of ideas in your writing. 
  • For case studies, consider selecting a business essay example centered around well-established companies and discussing their successes or failures. By offering concrete solutions, you can showcase your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

50+ Business Essay Topics Ideas: Unleashing the Best Choice

While there is an abundance of business essay topics ideas to explore, we have curated a selection of exceptional choices to assist you in this endeavor. Take a thorough look at our handpicked list and discover an ideal topic that will serve as a solid foundation for crafting a detailed and engaging business essay.

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Business Management Essay Topics

Business management is a broad field that covers various topics affecting the management of business operations. It encompasses finance, marketing, sales, human resources, and supply chain management. The principles of business management are applicable to all types of businesses, whether small or large. Here are some topics from our ' Do my essay ' experts that can help you explore this area.

  • Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Organizational Performance: Analyze different leadership styles (e.g., autocratic, democratic, transformational) and their effects on employee motivation, job satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Management: Explore the importance of emotional intelligence in managerial roles, examining how self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills contribute to effective leadership and team management.
  • Strategic Human Resource Management: Discuss the role of human resource management in achieving organizational objectives, focusing on topics such as talent acquisition, employee development, performance management, and retention strategies.
  • Ethical Decision Making in Business: Examine ethical challenges faced by managers and organizations, analyzing frameworks and approaches for making ethical decisions and creating an ethical culture within the business environment.
  • Change Management and Organizational Resilience: Explore strategies for effectively managing organizational change, considering topics such as change communication, employee engagement, resistance management, and building organizational resilience.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Discuss the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in driving business growth and success. Analyze topics such as fostering a culture of innovation, managing risk, and strategies for promoting entrepreneurial thinking within organizations.
  • Strategic Marketing Management: Examine the importance of strategic marketing in achieving competitive advantage, discussing topics such as market segmentation, targeting, branding, product development, pricing, and promotional strategies.


Business Law Essay Topics

Business law is a critical component of any business operation. It covers a wide range of topics, including contracts, intellectual property, securities, and trade secrets. Here are some business law essay topics:

  • The Role of Intellectual Property Laws in Protecting Innovation and Creativity in the Business World.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity in Business Operations.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Legal Obligations and Ethical Considerations in Business Practices.
  • The Impact of Antitrust Laws on Promoting Fair Competition and Preventing Monopolies in the Market.
  • The Legal Challenges and Opportunities of International Business Transactions: Navigating Cross-Border Trade and Investment Laws.
  • The Role of Employment Laws in Protecting Employee Rights and Promoting Fair Labor Practices in the Workplace.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Corporate Governance: Ensuring Accountability and Transparency in Business Organizations.
  • The Impact of Consumer Protection Laws on Safeguarding Consumer Rights and Regulating Business Practices.
  • Legal Challenges and Strategies for Managing Contracts and Negotiations in Business Transactions.
  • The Role of Environmental Regulations in Balancing Business Operations and Sustainable Development.

Business Ethics Essay Topics

Business ethics refers to the set of moral principles that govern the decisions and actions of businesses, and if you need assistance, professionals can help you ' write my research paper ' to explore this topic in-depth. Meanwhile, here are some business ethics essay topics:

  • Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace: Analyzing Real-Life Scenarios and Decision-Making Processes.
  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Promoting Ethical Business Practices.
  • The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Culture and Employee Behavior.
  • Ethical Considerations in Marketing and Advertising: Balancing Profitability and Consumer Protection.
  • The Ethics of Workplace Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting Equality and Fairness.
  • Ethical Issues in Supply Chain Management: Ensuring Fair Labor Practices and Environmental Sustainability.
  • The Ethical Implications of Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Business Operations.
  • Whistleblowing and Corporate Misconduct: The Role of Ethics in Promoting Accountability.
  • The Ethics of Corporate Governance: Ensuring Transparency and Responsible Decision-Making.
  • Ethical Challenges in International Companies: Navigating Cultural Differences and Corruption Risks.

Business Administration Essay Topics

Business administration covers various topics related to the administration and management of business operations. Here are some ideas you can also use as dissertation topics :

  • Effective strategies for managing employee diversity in business operations.
  • Effective supply chain management strategies.
  • Business incubation and entrepreneur support strategies.
  • Effective leadership and its impact on business performance.
  • Best practices in business decision-making and problem-solving.

International Business Essay Topics

International business operations are characteristic of companies that operate on a global scale. Here are some international business essay topics:

  • The impact of globalization on international business operations.
  • The impact of cultural differences on international business negotiations and operations.
  • Digital transformation challenges and opportunities for global businesses.
  • Effective entry strategies for multinational corporations into emerging markets.
  • Effective strategies for managing global supply chain operations.

And if If you're wondering how to write a nursing essay focused on international business operations, here are some essay topics to consider:

  • The Impact of Globalization on Nursing Practice: Analyze how globalization has influenced the nursing profession on a global scale, considering factors such as international collaboration, workforce migration, and cross-cultural challenges.
  • Ethical Considerations in International Healthcare: Explore the ethical dilemmas faced by nurses working in multinational healthcare settings, examining issues like cultural relativism, patient autonomy, and disparities in healthcare access.
  • Strategies for Managing Cultural Diversity in Nursing: Discuss effective strategies and best practices for nurses to navigate cultural diversity in international healthcare environments, emphasizing the importance of cultural competence, effective communication, and respectful care.
  • Nursing Leadership in Global Healthcare Organizations: Examine the leadership skills and competencies required for nurses to succeed in global healthcare organizations, focusing on aspects such as cross-cultural leadership, strategic decision-making, and managing international teams.
  • International Collaborative Research in Nursing: Explore the benefits and challenges of international collaborative research projects in nursing, discussing the importance of knowledge exchange, research ethics, and the potential impact on healthcare outcomes.

Organizational Behavior Essay Topics

Organizational behavior studies the behavior of people and organizations in the workplace. Here are some topics to create a thorough business essay example:

  • The relevance of leadership and management in organizational behavior.
  • The impact of motivation theories on business performance.
  • Diversity management strategies in organizational behavior.
  • The impact of workplace stress on employee performance and mental health.
  • Effective communication strategies in organizational behavior.

Trending Business Essay Topics for Exam

Here are some current business essay topics ideas that are likely to be examined in exams:

  • The Rise of E-commerce: Transforming Traditional Retail
  • Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility: Balancing Profit and Environmental Impact
  • The Gig Economy: Redefining Employment Relationships
  • The Role of Big Data Analytics in Business Decision-Making
  • The Influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Business Operations

Good Business Essay Example

If you are one of those students who don't need business essays and need college essay writing services you've come to the right place too. Our professional writers have done it for you. In the next section, you can explore a business essay example.

Final Words

With our comprehensive list of business essay topics ideas, we've laid the foundation for your inspiration to take flight. With your chosen topic in hand, you're now prepared to conquer the world of business essays and create a masterpiece that will captivate your readers and leave them amazed. So, take the leap and let your business essay reach new heights of excellence!

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Our professional writers can help you create something truly unique and special

Now, are you looking for answers to common questions about business essays? In this FAQ section, we address some of the most frequently asked questions to help you navigate the world of business essay writing.

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Business Essay Topics?

Why is writing a business essay important.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

business management practice essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

AP Research Topics

Essay on Management Practice

Among the most substantial practices of business management is the rewarding practice. Reward management or practice focuses on the policies, processes, and strategies necessitated to safeguard that people’s contribution to a firm is acknowledged by both non-financial and financial means. It concerns the maintenance, design, and implementation of reward practices, processes, and procedures that focus on reaching the requirements of both the firm as well as its shareholders. Reward practice focuses on more than just employee benefits and pay. It is similarly focused on non-monetary rewards like opportunities for development and learning, recognition, and increased job accountability. This practice is proven to increase performance and productivity for both the employees and the firm as a whole.

Today, companies are displaying a high extent of commitment to reward practices reinforcement which is aligned with additional practices of human resources and the organization’s goals for motivating, attracting, and retaining workers. Reward practices that are efficient assist in attracting experts that are results-driven, who can succeed and thrive in performance-founded settings. Therefore, it is considered a critical motivator in contemporary firms and might add to employee productivity if appropriately implemented.

The reward practice was developed on the foundation of the behavior research of psychologists. Psychologists have begun researching conduct in the primary 1900s; Sigmund Freud was among the first psychologist who researched behavior with his texts, ‘Psychoanalytic Theory.’ Numerous other conduct psychologists added and improved on Freud’s work. With the enhancement in the behavioral theories and research, psychologists began researching how individuals responded to rewards and what enthused them to execute their duties, and for this reason, psychologists began developing the theories of motivation which are greatly linked with the management of rewards. It was discovered that to have a system of efficient reward, workers must understand precisely what their job is, have the competency to execute it, have the essential work and motivation in a setting permitting the change of envisioned actions into the actual conduct (Brown, 2018). In the insight of a company, however, an effective appraisal of performance has to be available to allow motivation to be a key contributor to the performance rewarded.

The reward practices in business are not just a management fashion or a fad. This is because employee recognition and reward practices are a priceless means of acquiring the most out of the employees. They not only develop long-term impacts but are also cheap to execute and lead to fewer disruptions to a company’s operations yet they can develop numerous benefits for employees and their companies, enhancing profitability and productivity while minimizing costly turnover of employees (Kessler, 2018). For instance, they can aid in perpetuating an organizational culture that one can be satisfied with. The practices of employee recognition can safeguard that workers feel valued by both their colleagues and the management, showing that their achievements are valued and recognized. These practices also aid workers feel engaged and offer them a feeling of belonging. Schemes of employee recognition utilize peer-to-peer and manager top peer recognition that assists workers to feel that they fit in. this can aid them in feeling more involved in their tasks and embrace more pride in it. Moreover, reward practices incentivize collaboration and teamwork. Recognition and reward programs motivate workers. In addition to motivating workers, they can be utilized to bring departments and teams closer. They can influence recognition to safeguard employees that their involvement in the accomplishments of the team is celebrated and appreciated by all. Moreover, they make an organization more appealing to aspiring job hunters. Workers’ rewards can be tremendously attractive to the ambitious top-tier workers who can aid in leading an organization to new success heights. The practices of reward management also help in employee retention. The programs of recognition not only assist workers to work with determination but also embrace pride in their performances which is linked to minimized worker turnover. Organizations that utilize the programs of employee recognition enjoy a 31 percent drop in ‘voluntary turnover.’ Workers retention saves the funds of an organization while also offering the continuity of service and quality that the consumers of the organization anticipate. Lastly, implementing a recognition and reward culture can safeguard a more pleasant and cohesive work setting. 50 percent of workers trust that praise, encouragement, and compliments from their manager enhance their relationship while also developing trust.

With the many changes and innovations, reward management of the future might change. As employees become more diverse, remunerations and rewards require to be more individualized. Even though the future might be focusing on a more varied degree of rewards, it’s critical to also focus on the effect of the general proposition of talent value and the general business image as well as its alluringness as a work setting (“future for rewards in a changing world,” 2018). Rewards communicate a lot concerning what an organization values hence must be paralleled with the organization’s policy and strengthen the conducts that will result in victory in addition to alluring the best talent. Organizations in the future are required to be prepared to assess their strategy to rewards with the assistance of tech to comprehend what the workers value and efficiently reward them to maximize appreciation and engagement.

Brown, D. (2018). New realism in ‘strategic’ reward management.  The Rutledge Companion to Reward Management , 55-71. Doi: 10.4324/9781315231709-8

The future for rewards in a changing world. (2018, September 4). Retrieved from

Kessler, I. (2018). Reward management in the public services.  The Rutledge Companion to Reward Management , 319-330. Doi: 10.4324/9781315231709-33

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Management Theories and Success in Business Essay

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  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Management theories, reference list.

For any kind of business to be successful, different kinds of management theories must be implemented. In today’s changing business organizations, the major functions of business management need to change as well in order to suit the managerial role. This means that there should be coordination between organization, planning, coordinating and leading roles in any business management set up.

The first management theory is the scientific management theory which was developed under a classical point of view considering the large industrialized business organizations. This theory focuses on such organizations which manufacture a variety of products repeatedly. Considering the expenses involved in scientific methods and other technical operations as well as the reluctance on the part of the workers, this theory was developed to control these two situations.

Firstly, a large organization needs to divide its operations into small sections to ensure that all employees are aware of their duties. Selection and training of competent personnel for all sections is equally required to ensure quality execution of duty. Monitoring of the operations in all sections should then be done effectively for assurance purposes. Consistent practice of these measures should also be ensured (Heller, 2006, p. 1).

Another very important management theory is the administrative bureaucratic theory which defines all the principles of management. It emphasizes on division of labor where specific sections of an organization have their qualified personnel to concentrate on them. Since there is specialization in the different fields, production tends to increase.

It also identifies the need of authority going hand in hand with responsibility where leaders are required to effectively carry out their duties besides giving orders. Respect between employees and the management should as well be ensured. For instance, employees should seek approval from their leaders in a wise and disciplined manner and the leaders should as well respect the employees (Sinha, 2010, p. 1).

For any organization to be successful and enjoy full profitability, supervision of its operations should be unified such that only one superior gives instructions. This helps prevent corrupt dealings in the organization. Employees working under a certain section of the firm should be unified and work towards achieving a one goal. Additionally, the employees should put the organization’s interests before theirs all the time.

Employees are only loyal and dedicated to their work when they are paid well. It is, therefore, the duty of the management team to distribute fair wages to the employees. Consolidation of power within the organization to ensure that maximum returns are received is as well very important. Effective communication from the highest authority to the lowest is very essential is promoting success of any organization (McNamara, 2010, p. 1).

Another management theory is the contingency theory where decision making should always be based on the situation that the organization is at during that specific time. It basically involves taking actions depending on the situations at hand. The final and very important aspect of any business organization is the systems theory which unifies a whole organization with the aim of achieving a specific goal for the benefit of all those who are involved.

The idea of the system theory is to bring together different units, which may be referred to as raw materials, in an organization such as machinery in order to produce quality outputs. Through provision of quality products, the organization is able to maintain its customers and markets (Shah, 2010, p. 1).

The most important aspect of any organization’s success is the consolidation and cooperation between its management and the employees both aiming at achieving a universal goal.

Heller, R. (2006). Management Theories . Web.

McNamara, C. (2010). Brief History of Management Theories . Web.

Sinha, R. (2010). Management Theories. Web.

Shah, K. and Shah, J. P. (2010). Theories of Motivation. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, February 20). Management Theories and Success in Business.

"Management Theories and Success in Business." IvyPanda , 20 Feb. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Management Theories and Success in Business'. 20 February.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Management Theories and Success in Business." February 20, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Management Theories and Success in Business." February 20, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Management Theories and Success in Business." February 20, 2019.

Business Essay Topics

Cathy A.

A Comprehensive List of Unique Business Essay Topics

15 min read

Published on: May 1, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

Business essay topics

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Are you a student struggling to come up with a good topic for your business essay?

Choosing the right topic is crucial to the success of your essay. A well-chosen topic can make your paper stand out, while a poor choice can make it fall flat. It can be challenging to narrow down the options and find a topic that is interesting and relevant.

But worry not, we've got you covered! 

In this blog, we'll provide you with a comprehensive list of business essay topics that are sure to impress your professors. We'll cover everything from business ethics to trending topics. Whether you're an undergraduate, or graduate student, we have topics that will suit your level of study.

So, if you're ready to take your business essay to the next level, let's dive in!

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Business Management Essay Topics

If you're studying business management, you may be tasked with business essay writing. Here are some topics to help you get started:

  • The role of effective communication in business management
  • How to develop and implement successful business strategies
  • The impact of leadership styles on organizational culture and productivity
  • The benefits and challenges of global expansion for businesses
  • The importance of ethical behavior in business management
  • How to effectively manage workplace diversity and inclusivity
  • The role of technology in modern business management
  • The impact of environmental factors on business management decisions
  • The benefits and drawbacks of decentralized decision-making in business management
  • How to effectively manage change in the business environment

Human Resources Essay Topics

Human resources is a critical function in any organization, responsible for managing the recruitment, training, and retention of employees.  Check out the following HR essay topics for inspiration: 

  • The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • Strategies for effective employee recruitment and retention
  • The role of human resources in ensuring workplace safety
  • How to manage conflict in the workplace
  • The impact of technology on human resources management
  • The importance of employee engagement and motivation
  • The impact of employee benefits on job satisfaction and retention
  • How to effectively manage remote employees
  • The role of human resources in managing employee performance and development
  • The impact of globalization on human resources management practices

Organizational Behavior Essay Topics

Organizational behavior is the study of how people interact within organizations. It covers topics such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and motivation. 

Here are some topics to inspire your writing: 

  • The impact of leadership styles on organizational culture and employee behavior
  • How to effectively manage conflict in teams and organizations
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership
  • The impact of diversity on organizational behavior and performance
  • The importance of employee motivation and engagement in achieving organizational goals
  • The impact of organizational structure on employee behavior and job satisfaction
  • The role of communication in creating a positive organizational culture
  • How to develop and implement successful change management strategies
  • The impact of employee empowerment on organizational behavior and performance
  • The importance of ethics and social responsibility in organizational behavior

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Business Ethics Essay Topics

Business ethics refers to the moral principles and values that guide behavior in the world of business. It covers topics such as corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and fair trade.  Let’s take a look at business ethics essay topics to get you started:

  • The importance of corporate social responsibility in modern business
  • The ethics of business practices in developing countries
  • The impact of globalization on business ethics
  • The role of ethical leadership in creating a culture of integrity in organizations
  • The ethics of outsourcing and offshoring
  • The impact of environmental regulations on business ethics
  • The ethics of marketing practices and advertising
  • The role of ethics in supply chain management
  • The ethics of executive compensation and corporate governance
  • The ethics of data privacy and cybersecurity in business

Supply and Demand Essay Topics

The law of supply and demand is a fundamental concept in economics. It explains how the availability of goods and services and the desire for them determine prices in the market.

If you're studying economics, you may be asked to write an essay on a topic related to supply and demand.  

Here are supply/demand business essay ideas to consider for your next assignment.

  • The impact of supply and demand on price stability in markets
  • The role of elasticity in supply and demand analysis
  • The impact of technology on supply and demand in modern markets
  • The effects of government policies on supply and demand
  • The role of advertising in shaping consumer demand
  • The impact of income inequality on consumer demand and market outcomes
  • The effects of globalization on supply and demand in different industries
  • The role of consumer behavior in shaping supply and demand
  • The impact of shortages and surpluses on market outcomes
  • The role of the labor market in shaping supply and demand in the economy

Business Law Essay Topics

Business law covers the legal regulations and requirements that apply to business activities and operations. It is an important field for business students, and here are some topics for help: 

  • The role of contract law in business transactions
  • The legal requirements for forming a business entity
  • The impact of intellectual property laws on businesses and innovation
  • The legal requirements for protecting consumer privacy in business operations
  • The role of antitrust laws in regulating competition and market power
  • The legal requirements for workplace safety and health
  • The impact of employment laws on hiring and termination practices
  • The legal requirements for protecting the environment in business operations
  • The role of international trade laws in shaping business practices and outcomes
  • The impact of bankruptcy laws on business operations and reorganization

Entrepreneurship Paper Topics

Entrepreneurship is the process of starting and growing a new business venture. It requires a combination of innovation, risk-taking, and business acumen. Check out the following topics related to entrepreneurship: 

  • The role of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship
  • The challenges and opportunities of social entrepreneurship
  • The impact of government policies on entrepreneurial activity
  • The role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in supporting new business ventures
  • The importance of market research in developing successful business ideas
  • The challenges and opportunities of international entrepreneurship
  • The impact of technology on the entrepreneurship landscape
  • The role of mentorship and networking in supporting new entrepreneurs
  • The importance of financial management in entrepreneurship
  • The challenges and opportunities of female entrepreneurship

International Business Essay Topics

International business is a complex and dynamic field that encompasses a wide range of issues related to global commerce and trade.

Let’s take a look at some potential essay topics: 

  • The role of cultural differences in international business negotiations
  • The impact of globalization on the international business landscape
  • The challenges and opportunities of cross-border mergers and acquisitions
  • The impact of international trade agreements on global business practices
  • The role of international finance in supporting global business ventures
  • The challenges and opportunities of international marketing and branding
  • The impact of geopolitical factors on international business operations
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in global business practices
  • The challenges and opportunities of emerging markets in international business
  • The impact of digital transformation on international business models

Value Essay Topics

Values are the guiding principles that shape our beliefs, actions, and attitudes towards life. In business, values play an essential role in defining a company's culture, ethics, and identity. 

If you're looking for value essay topics, here are some ideas to inspire your research and writing:

  • The importance of ethical values in business decision-making
  • The role of values in shaping company culture and employee behavior
  • The impact of shared values on team collaboration and productivity
  • The relationship between personal values and career success
  • The role of social and environmental values in sustainable business practices
  • The importance of values-based leadership in creating a positive organizational culture
  • The influence of cultural values on international business operations
  • The role of values in shaping consumer behavior and brand loyalty
  • The impact of technological advancements on traditional values and ethical frameworks
  • The intersection of religious and secular values in the workplace

Argumentative Business Essay Topics

Let's take a look at some argumentative essay topics for business students:

  • The pros and cons of remote work for businesses and employees
  • The ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in business decision-making
  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior and brand reputation
  • The effectiveness of traditional marketing vs. digital marketing strategies
  • The role of government regulation in business operations and profitability
  • The benefits and drawbacks of globalization for businesses and economies
  • The impact of minimum wage laws on small businesses and their employees
  • The ethics of corporate social responsibility and philanthropy
  • The effectiveness of diversity and inclusion initiatives in the workplace
  • The role of unions in protecting the rights and interests of employees

Persuasive Business Essay Topics

Here are 10 persuasive business essay topics to inspire your business essay writing:

  • Should companies be required to disclose their carbon emissions and environmental impact?
  • Should employers offer unlimited paid time off for their employees?
  • Should businesses be allowed to pay employees less than a living wage?
  • Should companies be required to offer equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender or race?
  • Should corporations be held responsible for the social and environmental impact of their supply chains?
  • Should businesses be required to prioritize sustainability in their operations and products?
  • Should employers be allowed to monitor employees' social media activity outside of work?
  • Should businesses be required to offer mental health services to employees?
  • Should companies be allowed to patent and profit from genetic engineering and biotechnology?
  • Should businesses be required to disclose the diversity of their leadership and staff?

Business Extended Essay Topics

Let's explore some extended essay topics for business students:

  • An analysis of the impact of corporate social responsibility on shareholder value
  • The effectiveness of leadership development programs in improving business performance
  • An investigation of the relationship between workplace diversity and organizational performance
  • A case study of a successful corporate turnaround strategy
  • An analysis of the impact of technology on the future of work
  • An investigation of the factors that contribute to successful mergers and acquisitions
  • A comparative study of the marketing strategies of two competing companies in the same industry
  • An examination of the role of corporate governance in preventing corporate scandals and failures
  • A study of the relationship between employee engagement and customer satisfaction in service industries
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of performance management systems in improving employee performance and motivation

Business Essay Topics For College Students

Here are some business essay topics for college students:

  • The impact of social media marketing on consumer behavior
  • The challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in developing countries
  • The effect of workplace diversity on organizational performance
  • The ethics of corporate social responsibility
  • The impact of globalization on small businesses
  • The importance of supply chain management in business operations
  • The use of big data in business decision making
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing sustainable business practices
  • The role of innovation in driving business growth and success

Essay Topics For BBA Students

If you're a BBA student struggling to select a topic for your assignment, we have some inspiring topic ideas for you.

  • Exploring ways to make the workplace more inclusive for people with disabilities.
  • Strategies for reducing psychological pressure in the workplace.
  • Developing effective short and long-term goals for business success.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of a thesis statement in a business essay.
  • Discussing a business concept that does not work and exploring alternative solutions.
  • The group training and cons of ai based technology in job analysis: A comparative study.
  • Examining the impact of massive changes in an unethical business environment on employee morale and company reputation
  • An analysis of the business strategies used to select a higher demand for products aimed at children in the toy industry
  • How can companies create a supportive work environment for people with disabilities and reduce psychological pressure in the workplace?
  • Storage and cons of AI-based technology in job analysis: A critical analysis of its impact on job roles and responsibilities.

Business Essay Topics IELTS

Here are business essay topics for IELTS:

  • How has globalization affected the way businesses operate?
  • Discuss the impact of social media on modern businesses.
  • Should companies prioritize profit over social responsibility?
  • In what ways can small businesses compete with large corporations?
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different leadership styles in business.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of remote work for businesses.
  • Should businesses be allowed to collect and use personal data for marketing purposes?
  • Evaluate the impact of e-commerce on traditional brick-and-mortar stores.
  • Discuss the role of government regulation in promoting ethical business practices.
  • Should businesses prioritize sustainability over economic growth?

Interesting Business Essay Topics 

  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior: A case study of Instagram.
  • Exploring the role of emotional intelligence in leadership effectiveness.
  • The ethics of corporate social responsibility: A critical analysis.
  • An investigation into the challenges of managing virtual teams in the 21st century.
  • The impact of globalization on small businesses: Opportunities and challenges.
  • The role of corporate culture in driving business success: A case study of Google.
  • How to effectively manage workplace diversity: Strategies for creating an inclusive workplace.
  • An analysis of the factors contributing to successful entrepreneurship in the tech industry.
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional brick-and-mortar businesses.
  • The role of innovation in driving sustainable business growth: A case study of Tesla.

Trending Business Essay Topics for Exam- 2024

With the business landscape constantly evolving, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Here are some trending business essay topics to help you ace your upcoming exam.

  • The impact of COVID-19 on small business management and entrepreneurship
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and management
  • The importance of effective communication in business organizations
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional retail business models
  • The role of innovation and creativity in business success
  • The impact of organizational culture on employee motivation and performance
  • The challenges and opportunities of managing a diverse workforce
  • The impact of corporate governance on business ethics and social responsibility
  • The role of supply chain management in achieving competitive advantage
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing a sustainability strategy in business operations

Trending Business Essay Topics for Assignments

Take a look at thelatest business assignment topics for your next asdsignment: 

  • The top reasons why outsourcing is obligatory in the fashion industry: An analysis.
  • Addressing the racial bias factor in the field of supply and demand: Challenges and solutions.
  • The importance of having a correct perception of job objectives.
  • The benefits of free online promotion for video games.
  • The impact of work environment on employee productivity and job satisfaction.
  • Top reasons why outsourcing is becoming obligatory in the fashion industry.
  • The impact of remote work on productivity and work-life balance
  • Analyzing the strategies of successful startup companies in today's market
  • The role of social media marketing in the growth of small businesses
  • Examining the ethical concerns of data privacy in the digital age

Small Business Essay Topics

  • The impact of technology on small business growth and success.
  • The role of entrepreneurship in small business development.
  • Analyzing the challenges faced by small businesses in accessing funding and financing.
  • How to effectively market a small business on a tight budget.
  • The importance of creating a strong brand identity for small businesses.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of small business franchising.
  • The role of social media in the success of small businesses.
  • The impact of government regulations on small businesses.
  • The importance of customer service in small business success.
  • The role of small businesses in economic growth and development.

How to Pick a Business Essay Topic That Stands Out

Follow these steps to choose an ideal topic for your business essay:

Step 1: Understand the Assignment Requirements Before selecting a topic, make sure you understand the assignment requirements. Consider the length, format, and scope of the essay to help guide your topic selection.

Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas Think about your own experiences, interests, and knowledge in the field of business. Brainstorm a list of potential topics that align with the assignment requirements.

Step 3: Research Current Business Trends Research current events, news articles, and emerging trends in the business world. Consider how these trends relate to the assignment requirements and incorporate them into your topic ideas.

Step 4: Narrow Down Your List Review your list of potential topics and identify the ones that stand out the most. Consider which topics you have the most knowledge and passion for, as well as which ones are the most unique.

Step 5: Conduct a Preliminary Search Before finalizing your topic, conduct a primary search to ensure there is enough information available to support your essay. Look for scholarly articles, books, and other sources that can help you develop your argument.

Step 6: Finalize Your Topic Based on your research and evaluation, select the topic that you are most confident and passionate about. Make sure your topic is specific, manageable, and aligns with the assignment requirements.

By following these steps, you can pick a business essay topic that showcases your knowledge and expertise in the field.

The Bottom Line!

Writing a business essay can be a tiring task, but it can also be a rewarding one. By choosing the right topic you can create an insightful essay that impresses your professor and earns you a top grade. 

However, if you are short on time or need additional assistance, our Essay Writer AI is here to help!

Our essay writing service online can provide you with expert guidance and support to help you achieve academic success. 

So, don't hesitate - order from our business essay writing service now and get started on your journey to becoming a successful business student!

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business management practice essay

business management practice essay

Business Management essay

Business management is essential for me because I have a great desire to successfully manage people and business projects, as well as to develop effective business-related policies.  I want to major in business in order to pursue my Bachelor’s Degree and become a true professional in business management. The reason that I am applying for the scholarship is that it will help me to pay for my academic tuition, academic resources (books, programs, etc.) and spend much more time on my studies.

Today I have to work full time in order to advance myself with a degree in business management. I am currently pursuing my Associate’s Degree, but I am not going to stop my education. To become a true professional in business management, it is necessary to learn more about the key business strategies that will help to enhance management practices and develop the proper skills and abilities. I am going forward to achieve my Bachelor’s Degree.

I am currently pursuing a career course that will help me to advance my leadership and management skills and have the opportunity to work in an advanced management field.  My specific academic goals contribute to my professional growth. Some of my academic goals include:

  • To develop effective leadership and management skills in order to apply these skills in practice;
  • To improve my academic performance in order to become more professional in decision making and goal setting practices;
  • To develop good technical skills in order to apply new technologies in business practices;
  • To learn more about business management strategies that could be applied in practice;
  • To learn how to identify and successfully resolve various organizational and business problems;
  • To develop my communication skills that are necessary in achieving strategic goals;
  • To learn more about strategic planning in business;
  • To use my skills and abilities to continue maintaining a “B” average;
  • To do everything possible to keep satisfactory attendance.

My career plans depend on my academic achievements and work experience. I know that business management is not an easy field to work in.  I will be focused on my professional development. My work experience involves dealing with conflicts within management, problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, discrimination, as well as personal development. I have been well trained to deal with standard operating procedures and implementation of such standards, to satisfy the Department of Defense and be in compliance with the established laws and regulations of our Federal Government.

In addition, I will do my best to develop professional skills in business management practices that will help me to make good management decisions in my future career. To be a good manager, it is very important to develop not only effective interpersonal communication skills, but also good intuition, which helps to make effective management decisions.  I need general knowledge in HR management, finance and accounting operations. I know that Bachelor’s programs in this field are effective in achieving the established academic goals. The greatest pleasure for me would be to pass exams successfully. I believe that my personal skills and abilities will be useful in achieving my academic goals. I am self-confident, hard-working and persistent. I know that to become a good manager I should study hard. I know that a good manager should be competent in three key areas: managing people; managing and developing processes and policies; and managing and developing oneself. I believe that my Bachelor’s program in business management will help me to develop the proper skills to become competent in the above mentioned areas. Today I pay due attention to my personal development. I successfully deal with stresses and conflicts. A good manager should know how to avoid stressful situations which may lead to conflicts in the workplace. Besides, I use my creativity in decision making process to demonstrate the best traits of my character. Innovative ideas in business management provide massive opportunities for successful implementation of the established strategic goals.

Thus, it is necessary to conclude that my specific academic goals and career plans will motivate me to study hard. I know that to become a professional in business management, it is necessary to never give up and be quick about solving any problem or overcoming any barrier.  I realize that my academic and career goals are the essential goals I should achieve in the nearest future. Achieving these goals will help to succeed in the realization of my personal potential in profession and career. Business management practices guarantee professional success if a manager is goal-oriented and creative. One of my great desires is to pursue my Bachelor’s Degree in order to become a true professional in business management. I believe that I will be able to apply my best skills and abilities to succeed in academic performance and become a well-trained specialist. My work experience will help me to be confident in everything I need to do to attain my academic goals and career plans.

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