safe assignment free

SafeAssign is a tool used to prevent plagiarism and to create opportunities to help students identify how to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase. SafeAssign is effective as both a deterrent and an educational tool.

SafeAssign compares submitted assignments against a set of sources to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works.

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Get Started with SafeAssign

Instructors can use the SafeAssign service to check submitted assignments for originality. SafeAssign compares your submitted assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works.

The SafeAssign process

SafeAssign is based on a unique text matching algorithm capable of detecting exact and inexact matching between a paper and source material.

Assignments are compared against several different databases containing millions of articles dating from the 1990s to the present. After the comparison, a report is generated that provides detailed information about the matches found.

Your instructor is using SafeAssign if you see a SafeAssign statement and a list of supported file types on the submission page.

More on how to submit work with SafeAssign

safe assignment free

Safeguard your work

You can safeguard your own work by submitting copies of your papers to the Global Reference Database. Papers from other institutions are checked against your paper. This protects the originality of your work across institutions. The Global Reference Database is a separate database from your institution's database. When you submit your papers to the database voluntarily, you agree not to delete papers in the future. You are free to select the option to check your papers without submitting them to the Global Reference Database. Blackboard doesn't claim ownership of submitted papers.

SafeAssign originality reports

After a paper is processed, a report is generated detailing the percentage of text in the submitted paper that matches existing sources. The report also shows the suspected sources for each section that returns a match. When the paper is a continuation of a previously submitted work, your instructor can delete matching sources from the report and process it again.

The Originality Report does not state whether a phrase that matches a source is properly referenced. Your instructor must read the report and determine if you used proper citations.

Your instructor decides if you can see the report.

Learn more about the Originality Report

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Blackboard SafeAssign Tool

SafeAssign (SA) is the plagiarism detection software that is built into Blackboard Learn. It can be used as a deterrent to discourage plagiarism, and as an educational tool to teach students good citation practices. SafeAssign compares submitted assignments against a set of sources to identify unoriginal content in papers, and produces an Originality Report. These sources include:

  • ProQuest ABI/Inform database
  • Institutional database
  • Global Reference Database

The SA Originality Report identifies how much of the work has been copied from other sources. This is not an exact science. Therefore, faculty and students should use SafeAssign as a guide or a tool to make informed decisions by investigating each match to ensure that text is properly attributed.

Instructor Tutorial

A SafeAssign assignment looks like a regular assignment in Blackboard with a few exceptions. There is a section for Plagiarism Tools, which allows the instructor to setup the assignment as a SafeAssign assignment, and a report on the originality of the content is produced. One of the many benefits of SafeAssign is that it is integrated into the Assignment Tool, so that instructors do not go to another location in Blackboard to create a Safe assignment.

Instructors can use SafeAssign in the following ways:

  • Allow a class to submit assignments for which SafeAssign generates an Originality Report.
  • Allow students to submit work, view the Originality Report, and then edit their work before submitting the final copy to be graded.
  • Direct submit by the instructor without student involvement.
  • Check for plagiarism on papers.

SafeAssign DirectSubmit

DirectSubmit is the part of SafeAssign (SA) that is used for assignments submitted outside of a SafeAssignment (e.g. if you did not create a SafeAssignment, or you do not have a file, or for questionable papers that you'd like to review on a case by case basis). Note: DirectSubmit is not integrated with the Grade Center, and as such, no column is created.

Student Tutorial  

From a student perspective, a SafeAssign assignment looks like a regular assignment in Blackboard with a few exceptions. There is a release statement in the assignment, and students are given the option to check their papers without submitting to the Global Reference Database (if enabled by their instructor). In addition, students can be given the option to view their SA Originality Report so that they can edit their work before submitting for a final grade.

Interpreting the SafeAssign Originality Report  

The SafeAssign (SA) Originality Report compares submitted assignments against a set of sources to identify content that is not original in papers/manuscripts. It produces a percent score that indicates the probability percentage of text copied from another source. The report can also be made available to students. However, instructors will need to enable this option for students when setting up the assignment to make the SA Originality Report viewable.

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  • Teaching and Learning with Blackboard
  • Assessment Tools

SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention tool that detects unoriginal content in students' papers by identifying areas of overlap between submitted assignments and existing works. SafeAssign can also be used to help students identify how to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase without giving credit to the original source. The SafeAssign feature is effective as both a deterrent and an educational tool.

Note: Delays in SafeAssign occur throughout the semester based on high demand. Please DO NOT have students resubmit papers as this pushes them to the back of the queue. Blackboard currently reports as much as 24-36 hours or more may elapse before report results are returned.

How SafeAssign Works

Enabling safeassign.

  • SafeAssign Assessment Reports

Interpreting SafeAssign Scores

The SafeAssign feature is based on a unique text matching algorithm capable of detecting both exact and inexact matches between a submitted paper and a particular source material. Assignments submitted to the SafeAssign database are compared with several different databases, including the following:

  • Internet: Comprehensive index of documents available for public access on the Internet
  • ProQuest ABI/Inform database: More than 1,100 publication titles and about 2.6 million articles from 1990's to present time, updated weekly (exclusive access)
  • Institutional document archives: Contains all papers submitted to SafeAssign by users in their respective institutions
  • Global Reference Database: Contains papers that were volunteered by students from Blackboard client institutions to help prevent cross-institutional plagiarism

Assignments accept every possible file type as an attachment to a submission. SafeAssign will only process and create Originality Reports for attachments with compatible file types. SafeAssign is only able to support file types that are convertible to plain text including the following file types: .docx; .doc; .pdf; .txt; .odt; .rtf; .html; .htm; and .zip (processing files that match any of these file types within the .zip). However, Learn Assignment's Inline Grading feature only supports the following subset of file types: .pptx; .ppt; .xlsx; .xls; .docx; .doc; and .pdf. SafeAssign will only process and create Originality Reports for attachments that match the above file types. For unsupported file types, the SafeAssign Originality Report will omit a matching score. This information is visible in the right-hand navigation bar of the new Originality Report.

These two lists of compatible file types mean that there are only certain file types that can be displayed in the Inline Grading workflow and processed by SafeAssign. Below is a Venn diagram outlining which file types support both features:

Diagram of compatible file types for inline grading and SafeAssign

  • Original Course View
  • Ultra Course View
  • Tutorials and Guides

Enabling SafeAssign in Original Course View

Screenshot highlighting how to enable SafeAssign within an Assignment

Enable the SafeAssign tool during Assignment creation and editing, under the Submission Details section.

Faculty have the option to Exclude Submissions when creating an Assignment. This option will allow faculty to create Assignments that do not include any student submissions in the Institutional or Global Reference Databases, enabling students to "check their work" against SafeAssign sources prior to submitting a final version without subsequently revised drafts being flagged as matching the previous "draft" submissions. Like other options on Assignments, this option will be point-in-time and editable after assignment creation. If the option were changed at a later date, new submissions would honor the new state of the setting.

Enabling SafeAssign in Ultra Course View

Enable SafeAssign in the settings panel while creating an Assignment or a Test.

  • Open Assignment Settings or Test Settings in a new or existing assessment.
  • Under SafeAssign , select Enable Originality Report .
  • When you enable SafeAssign for the assessment, you can also allow students to view the Originality Report. If you allow multiple attempts, an Originality Report is generated for each attempt a student submits.
  • Choose whether to exclude submissions from the institutional and Global Reference Databases.
  • Close the layer. Your changes are saved!

You can enable the SafeAssign Originality Report at any time, even after students have started their submissions, but submissions are only checked when SafeAssign is enabled. Submissions received before you enable the setting aren't checked with SafeAssign.

SafeAssign Doesn't Generate a Report when Filename Has Special Characters

Please note that assignment submissions with special characters (i.e., #,:,*,space, etc.) are not evaluated by SafeAssign and will not generate a report.

It is recommended that users only include numbers, letters, hyphens, and underscores in their filenames. In cases where student users have already made a submission, change the assignment setting to allow multiple submissions and then ask them to resubmit the document after making the appropriate filename change.

  • SafeAssign Originality Reports

After a paper has been processed, an Originality Report will be available that will show the percentage of text in the submitted paper that matches existing sources. It also shows the suspected sources of each section of the submitted paper that returns a match. The faculty can then delete matching sources from the report and process it again. This procedure is useful to ascertain if the paper is a continuation of a previously submitted work by the same student.

Because the SafeAssign feature identifies all matching blocks of text, it is important that the faculty reads the report carefully and determines whether or not the block of text in question is properly attributed.

Click here for more details about the Originality Report

The sentence matching scores represent the percentage probability that two phrases have the same meaning. This number can also be interpreted as the reciprocal to the probability that these two phrases are similar by chance. For example, a score of 90 percent means that there is a 90 percent probability that these two phrases are the same and a 10 percent probability that they are similar by chance and not because the submitted paper includes content from the existing source (whether or not it is appropriately attributed).

The overall score is an indicator of what percentage of the submitted paper matches existing sources. Please note that this score is a warning indicator only and it is the faculty’s responsibility to review the papers carefully to see if the matches are properly attributed.

  • Scores below 15 percent: These papers typically include some quotes and few common phrases or blocks of text that match other documents. These papers typically do not require further analysis, as there is no evidence of the possibility of plagiarism in these papers.
  • Scores between 15 percent and 40 percent: These papers include extensive quoted or paraphrased material or they may include plagiarism. These papers should be reviewed to determine if the matching content is properly attributed.
  • Scores over 40 percent: There is a very high probability that text in this paper was copied from other sources. These papers include quoted or paraphrased text in excess and should be reviewed for plagiarism.

Frequently Asked Questions

SafeAssign can be used in two ways.

  • Faculty Members can set up SafeAssignments in their courses on Blackboard and let students submit papers to complete these assignments, in a way very similar to the Assignmnent tool provided by Blackboard Learning System. The papers will then be delivered to Faculty Members through the Blackboard Learning System together with the SafeAssign Originality Reports, which details the results of the matching process.
  • Faculty Members may upload papers directly, without student involvement through the Direct Submit feature.

What information does SafeAssign provide in its reports? A SafeAssign Originality Report highlights any blocks of text in submitted documents that match reference sources, and links back to the matching documents on the Internet or in supported content databases. SafeAssign reports also show similarity ratings for each matching sentence and allow Faculty Members to view a line-by-line comparison of potentially unoriginal text from submitted papers and the matching external documents.

If intructors enable student viewing, each student can view the reports for their own submitted papers.

SafeAssign currently checks all submitted papers against the following databases:

  • Internet - comprehensive index of billions of documents available for public access on the Internet;
  • ProQuest ABI/Inform database with over 1,100 publication titles and about 2.6 million articles from '90s to present time, updated weekly (exclusive access);
  • Institutional document archives containing all papers submitted to SafeAssign by users in their respective institutions;
  • Global Reference Database containing papers that were volunteered by students from Blackboard client institutions to help prevent cross-institutional plagiarism.

What is the Institutional Database? The Institutional Database is the archive of papers submitted by students in your institution. Each institution's Institutional Database is stored in the central SafeAssign service and kept separate from other institution's databases. Papers are automatically added to this database upon submission and are stored in the central service to be checked against other papers submitted from your institution. The Institutional Database is completely separate from the Global Reference Database which extends across institutions and students must volunteer their papers to.

Can SafeAssign process papers written in languages other than English? SafeAssign can generate originality reports for papers written in all alphabet-based languages with left-to-right writing. The user interface is currently only available in English.

Who owns the intellectual property rights for each submitted paper? Blackboard does not claim any ownership rights on the content submitted to SafeAssign.

How long does it take to generate originality reports? Reports are not generated instantaneously - it usually takes from several seconds to few minutes to receive a report. During peak use (such as the end of the semester), it can sometimes take several hours.

What file formats does SafeAssign support? SafeAssign supports Word (.doc or .docx), plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), .pdf, and .html formats. In addition, supported file types can be compressed to a .zip file for Direct Submit.

What is the file size limit for files submitted to SafeAssign? There is a 10 MB limit on all files submitted to SafeAssign. This applies to individual student uploads to Assignments with SafeAssign enabled as well as .zip files of multiple papers uploaded by faculty using the Direct Submit feature (in which case the .zip file must be under 10 MB). Unfortunately, this limit is set by the SafeAssign servers, which are managed by Blackboard, so it cannot be overridden.

How does the Global Reference Database work? Blackboard's Global Reference Database is a separate database where students voluntarily donate copies of their papers to help prevent plagiarism. It is separated from each institution's internal database, where all papers are stored by each corresponding institution, and students are free to select the option to check their papers without submitting them to the Global Reference Database.

What if a student decides to remove a paper from the Global Reference Database? Students submit their papers to the database voluntarily and agree not to remove papers in the future.

Are students forced to submit papers to the Global Reference Database either by Blackboard or NIU? All papers are submitted to the Global Reference Database voluntarily, and students are free to choose not to submit their papers to this database. Faculty Members can still use the service effectively, even when students choose not to submit their papers to the Global Reference Database.

What is the SafeAssign "Synchronize this Course" option that appears in the "Direct Submit" area? The synchronize function is to deal with breaks in communication or to update a course which is based on a template or has been copied. It is a good idea for the faculty member to click on this when first using SafeAssign and to periodically update it or update if any course level issues arise. It simply synchronizes the papers in the course with the SafeAssign central database, ensuring the correct associations exist between the course and our central database.

Can students directly submit a draft assignment to check without having it deployed as a SafeAssignment via the instructor or having it be tied to the Grade Center in Blackboard? There is the option to make an assignment a draft. In this case, as mentioned above, the paper is not checked into the institutional database.

Why did SafeAssignment scores in the Grade Center get deleted after the students submitted their assignments? Make sure to enter SafeAssignment scores in the Grade Center after the students submit their assignments. Scores assigned prior to SafeAssignment submission are deleted when students submit their assignments. If paper assignments are collected together with a Blackboard SafeAssign feature, make sure to enter student grades after they have submitted their assignments electronically through SafeAssign.

It is possible to download all of the files that the students submitted to a SafeAssignment. This does not include the originality reports. Those must be viewed within Blackboard directly.

To download all of the submitted files:

  • From the course with the SafeAssignment, open Course Tools in the Control Panel
  • Click SafeAssign
  • On the next page, choose SafeAssignments
  • Move your mouse cursor over the SafeAssignment you are interested in. When the Action Link appears, click it and choose View Submissions from the menu
  • Click the Download All Submissions button at the top of the page

Your browser will download a .zip folder that has all of the submissions. You can open the folder or extract the files to read the individual submissions.

If you get this error and you are logged into Blackboard, it means that the security or privacy settings of your web browser are set to not allow 3rd-party cookies. You will need to change that setting to be able to use SafeAssign.

For Internet Explorer:

  • Click Tools
  • Click Internet Options
  • Click Privacy
  • Set the setting to Low

For Firefox:

  • Click Options
  • Select Accept cookies from site
  • Select Accept third-party cookies
  • Change Keep until to they expire

For Safari:

  • Click Safari
  • Click Preferences
  • Click Security
  • Change Accept cookies to Always

If you or your students receive this error, you will need to re-synchronize your course. To do so:

  • Underneath the  Control Panel , expand the  Course Tools menu.
  • Click  SafeAssign .
  • On the following page, click  SafeAssign Items .
  • On the  SafeAssign Items page, click the  Synchronize this course button.
  • You may briefly see a message telling you it will take a moment to synchronize. Your student(s) should now be able to access the Assignment.
  • How to Use SafeAssign in Assignments Original
  • How to Use SafeAssign in Assignments Ultra

Quick Guides

  • Using SafeAssign in Assignments
  • SafeAssign Originality Report
  • Using DirectSubmit Original
  • Grading with SafeAssign

See Also...

  • Accommodations
  • Achievements
  • Assignments
  • Performance Dashboard
  • Progress Tracking
  • Retention Center
  • Self and Peer Assessment
  • Tests and Quizzes

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Free Online Plagiarism Checker

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Possible plagiarism detected!

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This is weighted average of all matches in your text. For example, if half of your paper is 100% plagiarized, your score would be 50%

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Proper citation style.

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Online Plagiarism Checker For Students

Writing an academic paper can be challenging when you’re not sure if it’s original enough to pass a plagiarism check. Of course, students take information from various sites before writing their own text. Sometimes, it just so happens that certain parts are very similar to your resources, making your professor think that you’ve just copied work from somewhere. That’s why it’s crucial for any modern college or university student to ensure that their work has 100% original content to maintain academic integrity.

Luckily, a free plagiarism checker online can solve this issue quickly and easily. Many professional writing services use a plagiarism checker for research paper. However, students sometimes forget that they should too. But with so many options that pop up when you ask Google to “check my paper for plagiarism”, how do you choose the right one for detection? We’ve got the solution in the form of PapersOwl’s free plagiarism checker tool! Our simple tool makes it convenient to check any writing task without having to spend a dime. It works quickly and highly accurately, ensuring that you get the top grade you deserve. So, if you want to check plagiarism online before turning your task in, head over to our website and get started!

Accurate Check for Plagiarism with Percentage

Many students wishing to produce original content aren’t quite sure how to get an exact percentage of plagiarised text in their work. This percentage is important since many universities have a certain limit of non-unique words you can have in your essay for it to be considered okay. If your plagiarism search doesn’t give you the exact percentage, you can’t be sure if your assignment will go through or not.

When using a free plagiarism tool, it’s essential to have this data provided to you. Only when you have it can you decide which parts to change and which ones to chuck out to achieve your desired results. Plagiarized content is a big issue in modern educational institutions, so getting reliable and trustworthy results is vital. This is the most essential requirement when you check plagiarism.

PapersOwl’s plagiarism detection tool gives you all the information you need to fix plagiarized content. Whether you’ve fallen victim to accidental plagiarism or have tried to make your life easier by copying some text from different sources, you’ll get an accurate percentage with our plagiarism checker online. If you’re wondering how to check paper for plagiarism, it’s nothing complicated at all! Simply visit our site, paste your whole essay into the relevant text box or upload the text file, click on Check For Plagiarism, and you’ll get accurate plagiarism results in a matter of seconds. You’ll see the problematic parts with plagiarism detected highlighted, with links to where similar content exists. Our service with plagiarism detector will also give you the option to check my paper for plagiarism and then to hire a professional writer to fix your task quickly if you’re busy with other things!

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Gaining insight into duplicate content only works if you get your results quickly. There are so many free plagiarism software online that promise to do the job for you. However, a lot of them are clunky, slow, and inaccurate. How can you produce original work without similarity detection you can trust?

PapersOwl stands out in this regard because it will detect plagiarism in seconds. This is a plagiarism scanner that’s able to perform a Swift Check to give you a uniqueness check right there and then. It also conducts a Deep Search, going through millions of sources on the internet to check for plagiarism. A document of about 1500 words takes only about 10 seconds to get processed! You get a clear plagiarism score of how much text is plagiarized and how much is original. All the sources that your essay matches are listed based on how much similarity there is in your academic writing. And on top of that, you get a handy Make It Unique button that’ll take you to an order page where you can ask our expert writers to rewrite your work and make it 100% unique.

All of this is done almost instantly, allowing students to continue working on their assignments without missing a beat. Not every plagiarism detection software works this quickly, making ours the best one you’ll ever use.

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A lot of students make the mistake of considering their papers automatically free from plagiarism. After all, they’ve written it themselves, so how could it be problematic? What they don’t realize is that it’s very easy to borrow some information mistakenly. Turning such a paper in can cause multiple problems, as your professor might think you haven’t done the work at all.

That is why you should always use a plagiarism scanner to test for plagiarized content in your college papers. Our online plagiarism checker for students is designed for this exact purpose. A simple, free plagiarism check could help you check plagiarism, fix any mistakes you see, and submit high-quality text that no one will question.

Our plagiarism detector has a lot going for it. It makes plagiarism detection easier than ever before. Unlike copying and pasting each passage individually into Google, simply upload the whole file into our plagiarism checker free for students, and you don’t have to do anything else. All the matches are highlighted so you know what to change.

The plagiarism test will give you a uniqueness percentage too. This will help you figure out where you stand and how much time you need to adjust anything if required. So, using our copyright checker online free to check your writing is essential. This way, you’ll submit the task only when you’re sure it meets the level of uniqueness required by your school. As a result, your grades will drastically improve when you check for plagiarism.

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How Does Plagiarism Checker Work?

  • If you already have a completed text, all you need is just to copy-paste the whole thing in the special box of the chosen plagiarism tool or website, choose suitable settings (if any), then press “check for plagiarism”. It is quite simple and takes just a few moments.
  • Once you have pressed “check for plagiarism”, the system will analyze your text and compare it with different sources to find similarities. As a rule, the duration depends on the text’s length. A standard free online plagiarism checker with percentage can give you the result within five minutes or less.
  • When the system finishes the work you will be transmitted to the reporting page – it contains the comprehensive report on your work, a percentage of its uniqueness, and a list of sources on which similarities were detected. Often, such tools also highlight the overlaps that were found.

As you can see, it is simple. However, for the best and reliable result you have to be careful. There are tons of programs and online tools that can be used but keep in mind that many of them work differently and not all are good for you. To be confident in the truthfulness of the received result, you need to select the best plagiarism checker because only a professional and high-quality software can detect all similarities and give you a reasoned assessment.

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safe assignment free

Safe Assign

What is safeassign.

SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention tool in Blackboard that detects unoriginal content in students’ papers by identifying similarities between submitted assignments and existing works. The SafeAssign feature is effective as both a deterrent and an instructional tool to help students learn paraphrasing and when to cite original sources.

How does SafeAssign work?

The SafeAssign feature uses algorithm or rules capable of identifying exact and inexact matches between a submitted paper and a particular source material. The SafeAssign database is compared against several different sources including:

Enabling SafeAssign

Instructions on how to enable the SafeAssign feature for an assignment can be found at Blackboard’s Help Center.

Note: When you create an assignment, you have the option to Exclude Submissions . What this means is students’ work will not be compared to Institutional or Global Reference Databases allowing them to self-check their work against SafeAssign and submit drafts or versions for your review before submitting their final assignment.

SafeAssign Originality Reports

The Originality Report shows the percentage of text that matches existing sources. It also shows the suspected sources of each section of a submitted paper that returns a match. It is important to read the report carefully and determine whether the text in question is properly attributed.

The SafeAssign Originality Report is divided into three areas.

Report Summary: Located at the top panel of the report, the percentage score indicates the overall risk of matches or similar text.

Citations: A list of sources that matches the submitted paper are listed in the right panel of the report.

Submission: Located in the left panel of the report and shows all matching blocks of text. Each source has a color specific to that source – up to 30 unique colors are used for up to 30 different sources. Text matching a source is highlighted in the source color and identified with a number.

What do the overall scores mean?

  • Scores below 15%: These papers typically include some quotes and common phrases that match other documents. Further analysis is not required as this low score indicates no evidence of plagiarism.
  • Scores between 15% and 40%: These papers include extensive quoted or paraphrased material, OR they include plagiarism. These papers should be reviewed to determine if the matching text is properly referenced.
  • Scores over 40%: There is a very high probability that text in these papers was copied from other sources. These papers include quoted or paraphrased text in excess and should be reviewed for plagiarism.

Analyzing the Report

Click on the highlighted/numbered text to open a window that displays the text alongside the suspected source and the probability percentage of text that was copied from that source. In most cases there is a hyperlink to the copied source. No matter the percentage score, you should interpret this as a warning indicator and investigate each match to confirm whether it is plagiarism.

Items such as references, quotes, etc. can be deselected if you know or have determined there is no risk. Once you have deselected the items you do not want included in the report, click the Resubmit button to generate a new report that will ignore excluded sources.

Return to the grade assignment page and click on the View Originality Report button to view the revised report. You will notice that the percentage score is reduced because you excluded some of the sources.

Additional Information

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SafeAssign is a student submissions originality checker provided by Blackboard which helps identify plagiarism by detecting unoriginal content in student submissions. It does so by comparing student submissions to a range of internet resources, articles and other students’ submissions. In addition to acting as a plagiarism deterrent, this can help students learn about plagiarism and the importance of proper attribution of any borrowed content.

  • Check your work using the re-usable SafeAssign facility
  • Making your real student submission
  • Interpreting the Report
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Further advice and one to one support on plagiarism can be found on the Library Study Skills Plagiarism webpage . Please also see the Library’s Study Skills guidance on Referencing .

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Safe Assign

SafeAssign is a tool that students can use to ensure that they cite their written work properly, and one that you can use to check their work for accidental or intentional plagiarism after they submit it. Many students commit plagiarism unintentionally because they don't understand the rules, or because it's so easy to do a copy/paste from a digital source.

Be sure to reference the academic integrity policies in the NAU Student Handbook and dedicate some time to discussing what plagiarism means and what the consequences can be.

You might recommend the Academic Integrity course built by e-Learning. Share this self-enrollment link ( and the course will appear in the student's Bb Learn My Courses list.

Encourage your students to follow these three general rules to avoid accidental plagiarism:

  • Unless a passage of text is in quotes, the source text should be re-stated in your own words, and credit should still be given.
  • Direct quotes should be used sparingly, and only for very important passages of text.
  • Unless a statement is common knowledge, you should cite the source of the idea.

If you have additional rules, be specific. For example, is there a particular citation style such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc. that you expect them to use? Give them some examples of proper citation.

We encourage you to review the rules and consequences with them, and to have them check their writing using the Safe Assign Originality Report before they submit their work to you for final grading. Checking student writing through an interative process of rough drafts with feedback discourages procrastination, and helps students to improve their writing.

Important Note : Safe Assign calls the score the students get an "Originality Report" and it will be a percentage score from 0% to 100%. This is unfortunate wording because a higher score is lower in originality. Emphasize that a score of 100% means the paper is entirely plagiarized. Lower scores are better!

One final piece of advice: If possible, design your assignment so that it is less of a "fact dump" and more of a thinking question, or a defense of a point of view, or an opinion on a controversial topic. This makes it harder to plagiarize, more interesting for you (you don't have to read a bunch of versions of the same report) and it makes it easier to tell if your students have a grasp of the content. For a history paper, don't ask for a biography of Abraham Lincoln, but instead ask students to write about the difficult decisions he made and what they would have done in his shoes. For a biology paper, don't ask what material is stored in the gall bladder and what it's function is, but instead ask what is the effect on the body when the gall bladder is surgically removed. This is much more difficult to Google and come up with an intelligible answer.

To create a Safe Assignment:

  • Log into Bb Learn and navigate to your course.
  • In the upper right of the screen, make sure Edit Mode is ON .
  • From the Assessments menu, select Assignment .
  • On the Create Assignment page,  expand   Submission Details .
  • Under Plagiarism Tooks , select   Check submissions for plagiarism using SafeAssign .
  • Allow students to view the SafeAssign originality reports on their submission s. (We generally recommend this.)
  • Exclude all student submissions for this assignment from the institutional or global reference databases . (We generally don't recommend this.)
  • Specify the other information about the assignment.
  • Click   Submit

Direct Submit gives you the option of manually submitting one or many (you'll first need to compress them in a .ZIP archive) papers manually. A good use case for this is if you see some suspicious text in a Discussion post, for example, and want to check it for originality.

  • In the Blackboard course with the Edit Mode on,  select   Course Tools  and then  SafeAssign.
  • Select   DirectSubmit.  This brings you to your Direct Submit console.
  • If you have already uploaded papers, a list of folders and papers will appear. This list includes papers already uploaded through Direct Submit. It is not recommended that files be deleted from Direct Submit, as this will remove them from the institutional database of existing materials.
  • Type  in a new folder name to help differentiate papers uploaded for different assignments or reasons.  Click   Add , and then navigate to a folder or create a new folder where the paper or papers will be uploaded. Note: Papers added to folders in the Private tab are only viewable you you, the instructor. Papers added to folders in the Shared tab are viewable by any one with a role above a student in the course – so TAs, additional instructors, etc.
  • Click   Submit Paper .
  • Submit as Draft:  A SafeAssign report will be generated however the paper will not be added to the institutional database and will not be used to check other papers.
  • Skip Plagiarism Checking:  Adds the papers to the institutional database without checking for content copied from other sources. This is useful if an Instructor wants to upload papers from an earlier course to ensure that current students are not reusing work.
  • Select   Upload File  and browse for the file. Individual papers as well as papers that are grouped in a .ZIP package are accepted. Alternatively,  select   Copy/Paste Document  and add the document text or a portion of the document into the paper text field.
  • Click   Submit .

Result times vary depending on how many papers are be submitted to the system at any time.  Please allow for at least 2 hours.

Supported file types : Direct Submit supports the following file types:

  • Microsoft Word document: .doc or .docx
  • OpenOffice documents: .odt
  • Rich Text Format: .rtf
  • HTML: .htm or .html
  • Zip compressed: .ZIP used to upload multiple files.
  • Portable Document Format: .pdf

Common Issues :

Multiple Drafts : If you're planning to use Safe Assign on a writing assignment where students submit several drafts of the same paper, be sure to use the Multiple Attempts option because, otherwise, SafeAssign may incorrectly flag the second draft as self-plagiarism of the first.

Use as a teaching tool : Please don't use SafeAssign to punish your students for plagiarism if you haven't given them guidance on the rules. While it might be expected that, at the college level, one would not have to teach students to properly cite their sources, the truth of the matter is that many students don't yet have these skills, and the majority of plagiarism is accidental rather than intentional. Safe Assign allows students to check their paper for originality and, if they do so, then the software will let them know if there are issues to correct before they submit the paper to you. You'll get better papers as a result, and students will learn how to cite properly.

Submissions : Students can either compose a submission in the built-in editor by clicking the Write Submission button, or they can compose offline in a word processor (you should specify which file formats you'll accept) and upload the file by clicking Browse My Computer and selecting the file on their computer. Students sometimes mistakenly attempt to write their submission in the comments box, so be sure to tell them that the comments box is just for comments you would send to the instructor alongside the submission. If the submission is lengthy, or if the student wishes to retain a copy, we recommend composing offline. This also allows students to spell check and save as they go, and is important if they will be revising the paper after your feedback on the first draft. It's also possible to compose offline in your favorite word processor and then copy/paste the submission and submit it.

submitting assignment

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Checking for Plagiarism

How to check your work for plagiarism.

Your assignments must reflect your original thoughts and ideas, and you must properly cite information from sources. When you do not properly cite sources, that’s plagiarism.

Your assignment submissions will automatically be checked for plagiarism by SafeAssign, a feature in your online classroom. SafeAssign compares your submission to a database of student work and the internet and then generates an Originality Report that you and your instructor can review. This is to help you identify any information included in your assignment that you may not have properly cited.

Note: Remember that assignments based on worksheets or templates will often lead to high risk scores and text matching percentages even when the student has submitted original work. Please reach out to your instructor if you have any questions or concerns regarding this.

If you need help with citations, we’ve got your back! Check out the Understand Citations page in the University Library.

  • You are required to submit only your own original work with proper citations for external sources quoted in that work.
  • Your instructor will see a report for every submission.
  • Copied or purchased assignments are likely to be caught, and this can result in a Code of Conduct violation, which can lead to a failing course grade, suspension, or even expulsion from the University.

Complete the following steps to check your work for plagiarism:

  • Submit your assignment and then close out of the assignment.
  • Open your assignment again and view the Details & Information panel.
  • If the report is not ready, you will see Originality Report in progress.
  • If the report is ready, select View Originality Report to view the summary, which shows how much of your work matches the work of others.

safe assignment free

  • Select Additional content under the Originality Reports section for the detailed report.

safe assignment free

  • Review the information in the detailed report, which includes sources and highlights the sections of your assignment that match content found in other sources. Use the report to make any changes necessary to ensure you have properly cited all work that is not your own. You may resubmit your assignment as many times as the setting in the online classroom allows.

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SafeAssign Plagiarism Prevention Service

SafeAssign is a plagiarism detection tool that can help improve your writing and citation skills by providing feedback about the originality of your work.

Using the SafeAssign tool in written assignments will help maintain the academic integrity associated with your Thomas Edison State University degree program. SafeAssign is a free service that is fully integrated into students’ online courses which streamlines the assignment submission process. The University has already began incorporating the new service into many courses requiring a written assignment.

Learn how to submit your assignments using SafeAssign

Once your written assignment is submitted, SafeAssign will check the content against an extensive database of online resources, journal articles, research papers and other students’ work and generate an originality report that is easy to understand and follow.

Learn how to access and generate your originality report. If you have questions about using SafeAssign, please contact Steve Weinblatt, assistant director of Academic Integrity, Office of the Vice President and Provost: [email protected] .

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SafeAssign, Blackboard’s plagiarism prevention tool, compares submitted assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works. Use SafeAssign to review assignment submissions for originality. SafeAssign is only available in Blackboard Learn course sites.

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  • UIC Help Center

Other Resources

  • Blackboard and SafeAssign FAQs
  • Video: Using SafeAssign in Blackboard

Supported Files

The SafeAssign plagiarism detection service supports the following file formats:

  • Microsoft Word documents i.e., files with .doc and .docx file name extensions
  • Acrobat documents: .pdf
  • HTML files: .htm and .html
  • rich-text files: .rtf
  • plain-text files: .txt
  • open office documents: .odt
  • zip files: .zip

Recommended practices

It is highly recommended that students and instructors name documents submitted to SafeAssign using only alphanumeric characters, the period, the underscore, and the hyphen, and one of the aforementioned file types; for example or

In particular, using space/blank characters, quotation marks, diacritical marks, the pound sign, percent sign, and any other special characters should be avoided when naming documents for SafeAssign and for most any other Web-based/cloud computing application.


SafeAssign offers accessibility features that allows users to easily navigate and read the SafeAssign web interface. The web interface supports screen readers for all available creator and viewer interfaces. The web interface also support keyboard access, allowing you to use the tab key to access all available functions. All sessions fully support adding and displaying captions. For additional information on SafeAssign’s accessibility features, please visit SafeAssign’s Accessibility Conformance Report (WCAG Edition) .

Original View Course

  • Go into the Original View course that you want to use SafeAssign in
  • Select the assignment, and select Edit
  • Scroll down to the Submission Details section, click on the title to open the accordion section
  • Under Plagiarism Tools, check the box next to Check submissions for plagiarism using SafeAssign
  • Allow students to view the SafeAssign Originality Report for their attempts
  • Exclude submissions from the institutional and Global Reference Databases
  • Select the Submit button to save the assignment settings.

For visual steps to follow, please download Detect Plagiarism with SafeAssign for your Original View course.

Ultra View Course

  • Or go into the Ultra View course that you want to use SafeAssign in
  • Select the assignment, open the Assignment Settings (gear icon)
  • Scroll down to the Originality Report
  • Toggle the Enable SafeAssign button
  • Select the Save button twice to save the Originality Report settings and then the assignment settings.

Viewing the SafeAssign Report

In your Original View or Ultra View course, enter the gradebook

  • Select the assignment you want to grade
  • Once the assignment is open, you will be able to view the Originality Report on the right hand side of the screen.

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Blue Jays Designate Cavan Biggio For Assignment

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MLB Trade Rumors

By Darragh McDonald | June 7, 2024 at 11:59pm CDT

The Blue Jays announced that they have recalled infielder Spencer Horwitz , with infielder/outfielder Cavan Biggio designated for assignment in a corresponding move. Their 40-man roster count drops to 39. Shi Davidi of Sportsnet relayed on X earlier that Horwitz was joining the club.

Biggio, 29, has been in a multi-positional role for the Jays for a while. He showed a keen eye at the plate when he first arrived in the big leagues but it seems that pitchers realized he wasn’t likely to do much damage if they threw him more strikes. He drew a walk in 16.5% of his plate appearances in his rookie season in 2019 but that number has dropped year over year. It was 15.5% in 2020 and then went to 12.6%, 12.5% and 11.8% in the years after that.

Here in 2024, Biggio has only walked at a 10.7% clip. That is still above league average, which is 8.3% so far this season, but a huge drop from where he started. Strikeouts have also become a growing problem for him over the years. In 2021, he was punched out at a roughly league average rate of 23% but that ticked up into the high 20s in subsequent campaigns and is currently at a 32.1% clip here this year.

Thanks to his on-base abilities, Biggio was able to hit .240/.368/.430 over the 2019 and 2020 seasons. He hit 16 home runs in the first of those seasons but that is now considered by many to be a “juiced ball” season where home runs reached unprecedented levels. That production still translated to a wRC+ of 118 but he’s hit just .219/.327/.351 since then for a 94 wRC+, which includes a line of .200/.323/.291 and 88 wRC+ here in 2024.

Defensively, Biggio has never received especially strong grades anywhere on the diamond but has at least provided the Jays with plenty of versatility. That includes one inning at shortstop but plenty of time at the other three infield positions and in the outfield as well.

As Biggio’s results have declined over the years, other players have slid into his multi-positional role. Davis Schneider is splitting his time between second base and left field and has hit .254/.364/.505 since his call-up last year for a 145 wRC+. The Jays signed Isiah Kiner-Falefa in the offseason and he is hitting around league average with strong defense at various infield positions. Ernie Clement isn’t hitting much but gets stronger grades for his glovework than Biggio.

On top of those three, there’s also the aforementioned Horwitz. He has been hitting very well in Triple-A this year, walking in 17% of his plate appearances and producing a line of .335/.456/.514 for a 157 wRC+. He has primarily played first base but the Jays recently started getting him some work at second base in order to help him coexist with Vladimir Guerrero Jr. , who plays first most days. The Jays have also experimented with Guerrero playing some third base of late but also have Justin Turner and Daniel Vogelbach in the first base/designated hitter rotation.

Amid all of that, it seems Biggio has been nudged off the roster for being sort of in between. He doesn’t have as much offensive potential as guys like Schneider, Turner, Vogelbach and perhaps Horwitz, while Kiner-Falefa and Clement are stronger defenders. The Jays also couldn’t send Biggio down to the minors as he now has more than five years of service time.

That has nudged Biggio off the 40-man roster and the Jays will now have one week to trade him or pass him through waivers. Since he has passed the five-year service time marker, he has the right to reject an outright assignment and elect free agency while also retaining all of his salary. He is making $4.21MM this year, with about $2.78MM left to be paid out. If anyone were to claim him, they would have to take on that salary but would also have the ability to retain Biggio via arbitration for next year.


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Was not expecting that

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After all that time on one team, he may actually be a prime change of scenery guy.

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He would seem to be an ideal pick up candidate for the Wsox.

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I think most AAA squads might be more exciting than the White Sox.

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He is essentially assured playing time with the Sox, with them trading away anything not nailed down, and if he bounces back in a meaningful way, he WILL be traded.

White Sox current long term plan is equivalent to the Putting on Clown Makeup meme. Cannot wait for Getz to be fired in a decade.

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That play last night, where they committed an error on an appeal throw and the runner scored, literally happened in my son’s little league game last week. But hey, Sox won at least…

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He has no ability to be kept long term. Not exactly what a rebuilding team wants. Also, $4MM for a utility player is a bit much for a rebuilding team. After arbitration, it will be more.

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His .323 OBP is higher than pretty much every White Sox starter other than Sheets.

He’d be an upgrade.

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4 words I never though would be sequenced in the order of “Biggio is an upgrade”. Live and learn.

Upgrading the White Sox infield is a low bar that management somehow often fails to clear.

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14 hours ago

Why would he want to go there in FA?

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And the rebuild begins. There is some good young talent in Jays organisation.

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Biggio DFA’d is your sign the white flag has been waved?

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The white flag was raised when their big offseason acquisition was IKF

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IKF is gonna be a 2 – 2.5 FWAR player That move as much fans hate it will be a good one The awful move was bringing back KK instead of moving varsho to CF full time to maximize his value and getting a bat for LF

Both things are true. IKF has been a great pickup, especially considering the alternatives. I thought Tim Anderson or Amed Rosario were the way to go and both have been mediocre at best to this point. But if IKF is your teams best move, something probably isn’t going right.

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Next stop Cooperstown… driving a tour bus that is. “Exact change only please!” Ahahaha!

Can’t really look at moves in isolation. Kk was good for bang buck last year but pushed Varsho to a corner position.

IKF didn’t address the team needs then and still doesn’t now.

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Actually that Cooperstown stop will be to show his kid Grandpa Biggio’s HOF bust.

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IKF has 1.9 WAR, second-best on the team.

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Cavan’s pic at Baseball Reference was a surprise. Adopted??!

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Terry doesn’t that prove the point? Varsho is first in WAR, and no good team would ever want to call Varsho the best player on the team, and IKF second.

More reason to blow it up.

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I always liked biggio and thought he really just needed everyday ABs at the same position, the kid has on nase skills power amd a LHH. I think there was another player on the roster that should have went before him, namely Voggy and to a lesser extent clement

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Hardly. This is an attempt to improve the team now, with the hope that Horwitz can add something offensively. Biggio didn’t offer anything offensively.

And since they’re only three games out of a wild card spot, playing three against Oakland this weekend, and Vladdy and Bichette are hitting better these days, they have plenty of reason to get better for this season—rather than looking to the future.

>Biggio didn’t offer anything offensively.

Biggio: 80 OPS+ Springer: 77 OPS+ Vogelbach: 76 OPS+


Another poor attempt at a strawman terry. At best it’s “what-about-ism0”. Posting his 80 OPS+ is the only relevant thing here.

Terry is the Queen of poor justification.

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He must’ve mixed up the Biggios.

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I agree they should start the rebuild. But Biggio should of been traded or DFA’D a long time ago. Either coaching or his ability has let him down. It’s sad bcuz he had so much talent. Maybe a move else where gets him on track

If the talent is as good as you say they would have (probably should have) traded them for MLB players to save payroll and compete, rather than holding young talent when you’re supposed to contend.

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The rebuild begins when the jays make some trades

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If they were rebuilding they would have kept him up to see if he could turn it around and provide some trade value. This move looks like they’re just trying to field the best team possible for a playoff push.

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Playoff push- hahaha. This is a Canadian (Canadistan) baseball team, they’re going nowhere. There shouldn’t even be a MLB team in that dependent pseudo-51st state.

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What a completely stupid take on Canada.

Poorly coded AI, was supposed to slur the country as socialist but accidentally compared it to theocracy.

Best country in the world.

Spoken like a true American idiot with zero worldview outside of your own state. State might be generous.

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lol rebuild because they dumped their 26th man

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I thought the Blue Jays were the best team this year with the best rotation! You Jays fans change real fast

The speed of Jacoby Ellsbury combined with the hustle of Peter Rose. Their loss.

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and hitting skills of Pete LeCock

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Wow… nice one.. I’m sure you know his father was Peter Marshal ( Hollywood squares)

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who, somehow, is still alive. By my math, Peter Marshall is now 168 years old.

Yes but not George Gobel… he passed at 147…

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And was buried in a black suit with brown shoes.

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One of the best lines ever on Carson. George Gobel, Dean Martin, Bob Hope and Johnny. I see what you did there.

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And the OBP of Billy Hamilton. Get real.

Better overall baserunner than William Hamilton.

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In Billy’s defense, dude could swipe a bag.

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Hall of Famer.

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I don’t know why, but I have a feeling Cavan will end up a Guardian.

Cavan to mariners to platoon with d-Moore as super utility guy?

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Cavan’s strikeout numbers are up, so he’d fit in well with our other whiff machines on the squad. “Control the Zone”

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Why? Where would the Guardians play him?

Idk why, but I have a feeling Cavan will end up slinging hash at greasy spoon called “Pops”. Ahahaha!

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We already have too many light-hitting middle infielders and utility types. We’ll see your Cavan Biggio with one of our Gabriel Arias’

I’ll take Arias over Biggio… His arm is phenomenal

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Haven’t we been to this movie before?

Like two years ago Biggio was tried to be shown the door

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Maybe he isn’t a native speaker? Do you feel better now, David?

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Perfectly fine English.

“Has this not occurred before? Like two years ago, they tried getting rid of Biggio.”

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Not a fan of this move however, it looks as though the Jay’s are trying to get a little internal competition going by bringing Schneider’s other roomy up. Prior to the hiring of Donnie Baseball, the bats were never the issue. Not saying it’s because of him, just seems very coincidental. Although, there was a very healthy internal competition between Vladdy, Tao, and Lourdes back then.

21 hours ago

When you don’t replace the bats of Teoscar, Lourdes and even Semien over a two year span, what do you expect?

Not a fan of giving up on a player with no impact or place on what’s supposed to be a contending team. Ok.

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Should have been non-tendered last offseason

Anyone calling for Cavan to be non-tendered the last couple years have taken ridicule from the Jays fanbase that was not necessary. Although I thought Vogelbach might get dropped before Cavan, this is the right move.

All you have to do is look at his career stats. The most hits he ever had in a season was 2019 when he had 89. This guy got way more rope than anyone else would have gotten. If big moves are coming, this is a great first step.

Yep. But these Jays fans like that he walks. Crazy. Should have non-tendered after 2022 to save a little cash.

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My ass is shaking. This doesn’t happen much.

I just sneezed and burped at the same time it felt weird

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add in a fart for the hat trick

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I’m a Mariners fan, but I’m not a fan of your posts.

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I wouldn’t mind the Rangers taking a flyer on him.

This is a sad day for me. I’ve pulled so hard for Cavan over the years since he came up, you know the underdog thing and all that. Maybe his salary will be enough of a deterrent for other clubs and somehow Cavan can remain in the org. Besides, I would have DFAed Ernie Clement first. The Jays already have too many RH hitting infielders

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Cavan Biggio is an underdog? The only reason why he got this job in the first place was because of his Hall of Fame dad. Hes been treated like a rich spoiled brat his whole life and had the best training a kid could have. You don’t have a clue

Dear LGBTQMets, Cavan Biggio has a higher career OBP than Bo Bichette. Get a clue

DanielDannyDano, What other stats are better than Bo’s? Don’t just give us one stat, give us all of them… Or, is that all of them???

The clock ran out for the 2nd coming of the biggio

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“It just doesn’t make any sense” said a dope

Makes no sense to bring up a 1B/DH in Horwitz when you already have three of them — unless you DFA one, such as Vogelbach.

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If you’d read the article, you’d know how they’re handling that.

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Likely a better option than Guillorme, Paris, Tucker, or Adrianza.

Angels would be a good fit he would be Brandon drury but slightly worse

And Drury has barely played this season due to injury. Angels (as always) have nothing but journeymen minor leaguers to call up when injuries arise. This is why I was frustrated at Livan Soto getting DFA’d instead of just giving him a shot rather than calling up journeymen scrubs.

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@orange wouldn’t mind biggio, and stefanic replacing guillorme and tucker.

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Knew it was coming sooner or later and was mildly surprised it didn’t happen at some point last season. I’ve always rooted for him though and hope he does well wherever he ends up.

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He was one of the team’s better hitters last season. That was probably not the time they were going to part ways with him.

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I don’t know if you actually follow the Jays or not but he was was hitting under .200 with an OBP well below .300 by around the first week of July last year. He was definitely in DFA territory before he took off a bit, would you not agree?

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Toronto where the “Sons of legends” reside has a member departing its club

the remaining members Guerrero’s, Bichette’s, and Varsho’s will pour a cold one in his memory.

James Tiberius Kirk is not related to Alejandro but share a nickname

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Toronto finally figuring it out

Trade Guerrero Nepotism doesn’t work

Vlad is hitting like crazy the last month and doubt you know what nepotism means

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All true, but the idea of an all ‘nepo baby’ infield was pretty novel.

’bout time. This was long overdue.

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He’ll definitely land on his feet with a different franchise. Kind of absurd how a Major League Baseball team can hold onto a guy like Vogelbach and DFA a player like Biggio.

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Vogelbach must have something on Atkins to keep him on the team, basically warming the bench. Hmmm? Maybe he is an inside informant? Providing management with information on what the players are actually thinking….

Over his last 14 games (11 starts), Vogelbach is hitting .286/.324/.457. I’ll take that from a part-timer any day.

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He won them the series vs the Pirates in his revenge tour.

Vogelbach brings the Tim Hortons every day.

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Craig: Son, you have shamed the family name.

Cavan: Oh, right, Mr. Steroids.

Craig was never accused nor did he fail a test

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That’s inaccurate. There’s always been speculation about Biggio using steroids.

Bagwell took Biggio’s for him

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I knew that David Ortiz wasn’t the only guy in the Hall of Fame that did steroids.

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15 hours ago

Steroids saved baseball

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Scott Kingery 2.0

Accurate as far as the on field performance but not even close on the salary.

Well Kingery @24mil and Biggio @10.5…..

My tiny point was that they were both annointed as potential all star 2bmen who got “kinda” messed with by their teams.

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11 hours ago

Biggio was never a top prospect like Kingery. I believe the highest he ranked was #10 in the Jays system. Some people thought he might be good AFTER he put up two pretty good years in the major leagues, but that was always a controversial opinion and nobody ever imagined he was comparable to Vlad or Bo.

But not anywhere near Dale Berra’s production. He got more rope than most because of his pedigree, but he was more productive than Cavan Biggio.

If memory serves, as a Phillies fan, he was late 70’s early 80’s Pirate. Was probably @league average or just below for a MIF of that era. Was he Trammell r Whitaker – nope – but he had some decent seasons?

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To Houston to try to channel his father’s production?

By channel – do you mean inject?

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As the late great Bray Wyatt would say during the Firefly Funhouse. Yowee Wowee

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Now I can’t call him Kevin when I’m at the games:(

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Jays mishandled Biggio.

Biggio could have non-tendered at the end of last season. He’s had more opportunities to prove himself than most players and has come up wanting.

It has nothing to do with being non-tendered. Jays mishandled Biggio.

30 parks instead of reiterating a statement, back it up with some points. I know one valid point I could bring up in-defense of Biggio, however I’ll let you make the argument.


You have been weighed; you have been measured; and you have been found wanting. Great line…

Looks like it’s time for me to watch A Knight’s Tale….

Yeah, like Senzel was mishandled too. Face it, some guys just aren’t that good.

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I hope my Mariners snag him. If nothing else, to keep him away from Houston or the Yanks.

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The Yankees hope your Mariners snag him too.

I didn’t realize the M’s needed a dead spot in their lineup especially after rolling the dice big time on Robles.

No, the Mariners do not need that guy. Bad call.

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Hey, my Granny played bongoes with that guy.

Awesome!!!!! +1. I told myself I would change the picture once somebody identified him. It only took about six weeks. There is hope for baseball/post-punk fans. Cheers!

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I wonder if he’ll become another Pete Rose Jr, who wasn’t much of a player but kept getting chances because of his his name and played 13 years in the minors.

Pure conjecture on my part, but his continued opportunities with the Blue Jays are partly due to who his father is. So yes, he probably will get the same treatment as Pete Rose Jr.

Same goes for Vladdy IMHO. He’s been better as of late but has previously struggled a lot…..

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Guess he was worth the gamble

I wouldn’t mind the Astros taking a flyer on him. His father Craig Biggio is a Hall of Famer with the Stros and Cavin was born in Houston.

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that is just fantastic….got hit bubblegum card today?

Mopargary: Congratulations! You are today’s winner of the Captain Obvious Cup!

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Looks like a Pirates dumpster diver candidate.

He doesn’t play center field or first, and they don’t need more middle infielders.

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He has actually played a decent amount of first in his career. Not a ton, but some.

Bad take, mario crosby… the Pirates would never pay $2.7M for half a season of Biggio. $2.7M is probably BC’s budget for fixing the bullpen for ’25

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Take some steroids like your dad, maybe that will help.

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Liked Biggio’s versatility however he was a fringe player at best

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FINALLY! This was too long coming. The Jays front office just can’t admit when they’re wrong about a player. Biggio doesn’t have the bat to play in the big and his glove doesn’t make up for a weak hit tool. He should have been dumped a year ago. He’s practically become an automatic out. Vladdy and Bo are gonna be pisssed….and that may be the best thing of all from dumping Biggio. Maybe it’ll spur them to some kind of action.

Vladdy has actually hit really went since his weak performance in April, but Bo still hasn’t found his groove.

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Thank you Cavan for not wasting the Phillies money and going back in the draft

If he had a different last name, probably would have been dfa’d many years ago.

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leaving aside that Biggio is your proverbial 26th man, this is still a shocking move. he is a home grown player, part of their sons of former major leaguer nucleus – its a signal that everything is on the table. Biggio will make a fine manager one day – he is a baseball player through and through but has no hit tools. good luck to him.

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Am I the only one that could see him end up I Atlanta?? He would be a perfect super utility guy for the team. Also won’t be the first guy to go to Atlanta play at all star level.

Also could see the Astros grabbing him as he would increase ticket sales short term just because of the name

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I don’t see Atlanta having having any interest in him. He’s not a starter on a good baseball team, and barring injury, Braves starting position players will play every day.

Houston, yeah, I could see it, especially if they are intent on moving some short-term assets at the deadline.

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Biggio is a 3 win player over 600 at bats. This year he’s on a 2 win pace. And he’s also controllable for 2025.

This seems like a stupid move to me.

They need offense, and he has an OPS+ of 80.

Teams need talent not one specific part of talent like offense.

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Looks like a future pirate

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I’d love to see the Giants or Astros take a filer on him

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2 years overdue but that’s still pretty good for this FO.

Welcome to the White Sox Cavan!

I do not understand the Jays FO anymore at all. DFA Cavan and keep Vogalsnack?!? Absolutely ridiculous! Run Cavan run! Get away from this team and put your sights on a team that values your talent!

Since Joey Votto is yet to play a single minor league game the odds of him eventually taking Vogelbach’s roster spot are slim and with Horowitz taking Biggio’s spot I’m not sure who next man up is in the Jays system

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shapiro and useless atkins are next out the door !!

Can’t happen fast enough !!

My God, it’s about time. How long was he going to hang on just because of his last name…sheese!

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I’d take a flyer on him for the Royals. Make him exclusively an outfielder, then work on improving the stick.

On I found this tidbit of information about Biggio. “The name spelled backwards is Oiggib. A random rearrangement of the letters in the name (anagram) will give Ggiiob.” I’m not sure what to do with this information and how it relates to WAR.

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Thank you, Harry. Have another Budweiser.

I will have another Budweiser, Brick House Coffee Tables Inc.

He is making too much salary for Tom Ricketts’ liking, but he’d be a slight upgrade over the Bote/Madrigal/Mastrobuoni triumvirate of Cub backup 2/3/SS.

Drew Smyly and a prospect in their 10-11 range who is not on the 40-man for Biggio and Janssen?

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Dude what are you smoking ! It must be that legal weed in Illinois

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Seems like a brash decision. All the feels if the Astros land him.

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17 hours ago

Regardless the industry, one can only ride dad’s coattails for so long

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

FACT SHEET: President   Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Today, President Biden is issuing a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way in seizing the promise and managing the risks of artificial intelligence (AI). The Executive Order establishes new standards for AI safety and security, protects Americans’ privacy, advances equity and civil rights, stands up for consumers and workers, promotes innovation and competition, advances American leadership around the world, and more. As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s comprehensive strategy for responsible innovation, the Executive Order builds on previous actions the President has taken, including work that led to voluntary commitments from 15 leading companies to drive safe, secure, and trustworthy development of AI. The Executive Order directs the following actions: New Standards for AI Safety and Security

As AI’s capabilities grow, so do its implications for Americans’ safety and security.  With this Executive Order, the  President directs the  most sweeping  actions  ever taken  to protect Americans from  the potential  risks  of  AI  systems :

  • Require that developers of the most powerful AI systems share their safety test results and other critical information with the U.S. government.  In accordance with the Defense Production Act, the Order will require that companies developing any foundation model that poses a serious risk to national security, national economic security, or national public health and safety must notify the federal government when training the model, and must share the results of all red-team safety tests. These measures will ensure AI systems are safe, secure, and trustworthy before companies make them public. 
  • Develop standards, tools, and tests to help ensure that AI systems are safe, secure, and trustworthy.  The National Institute of Standards and Technology will set the rigorous standards for extensive red-team testing to ensure safety before public release. The Department of Homeland Security will apply those standards to critical infrastructure sectors and establish the AI Safety and Security Board. The Departments of Energy and Homeland Security will also address AI systems’ threats to critical infrastructure, as well as chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and cybersecurity risks. Together, these are the most significant actions ever taken by any government to advance the field of AI safety.
  • Protect against the risks of using AI to engineer dangerous biological materials  by developing strong new standards for biological synthesis screening. Agencies that fund life-science projects will establish these standards as a condition of federal funding, creating powerful incentives to ensure appropriate screening and manage risks potentially made worse by AI.
  • Protect Americans from AI-enabled fraud and deception by establishing standards and best practices for detecting AI-generated content and authenticating official content . The Department of Commerce will develop guidance for content authentication and watermarking to clearly label AI-generated content. Federal agencies will use these tools to make it easy for Americans to know that the communications they receive from their government are authentic—and set an example for the private sector and governments around the world.
  • Establish an advanced cybersecurity program to develop AI tools to find and fix vulnerabilities in critical software,  building on the Biden-Harris Administration’s ongoing AI Cyber Challenge. Together, these efforts will harness AI’s potentially game-changing cyber capabilities to make software and networks more secure.
  • Order the development of a National Security Memorandum that directs further actions on AI and security,  to be developed by the National Security Council and White House Chief of Staff. This document will ensure that the United States military and intelligence community use AI safely, ethically, and effectively in their missions, and will direct actions to counter adversaries’ military use of AI.

Protecting Americans’ Privacy

Without safeguards, AI can put Americans’ privacy further at risk. AI not only makes it easier to extract, identify, and exploit personal data, but it also heightens incentives to do so because companies use data to train AI systems.  To better protect Americans’ privacy, including from the risks posed by AI, the President calls on Congress to pass bipartisan data privacy legislation to protect all Americans, especially kids, and directs the following actions:

  • Protect Americans’ privacy by prioritizing federal support for accelerating the development and use of privacy-preserving techniques— including ones that use cutting-edge AI and that let AI systems be trained while preserving the privacy of the training data.  
  • Strengthen privacy-preserving research   and technologies,  such as cryptographic tools that preserve individuals’ privacy, by funding a Research Coordination Network to advance rapid breakthroughs and development. The National Science Foundation will also work with this network to promote the adoption of leading-edge privacy-preserving technologies by federal agencies.
  • Evaluate how agencies collect and use commercially available information —including information they procure from data brokers—and  strengthen privacy guidance for federal agencies  to account for AI risks. This work will focus in particular on commercially available information containing personally identifiable data.
  • Develop guidelines for federal agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of privacy-preserving techniques,  including those used in AI systems. These guidelines will advance agency efforts to protect Americans’ data.

Advancing Equity and Civil Rights

Irresponsible uses of AI can lead to and deepen discrimination, bias, and other abuses in justice, healthcare, and housing. The Biden-Harris Administration has already taken action by publishing the  Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights  and issuing an  Executive Order directing agencies to combat algorithmic discrimination , while enforcing existing authorities to protect people’s rights and safety.  To ensure that AI advances equity and civil rights, the President directs the following additional actions:

  • Provide clear guidance to landlords, Federal benefits programs, and federal contractors  to keep AI algorithms from being used to exacerbate discrimination.
  • Address algorithmic discrimination  through training, technical assistance, and coordination between the Department of Justice and Federal civil rights offices on best practices for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations related to AI.
  • Ensure fairness throughout the criminal justice system  by developing best practices on the use of AI in sentencing, parole and probation, pretrial release and detention, risk assessments, surveillance, crime forecasting and predictive policing, and forensic analysis.

Standing Up for Consumers, Patients, and Students

AI can bring real benefits to consumers—for example, by making products better, cheaper, and more widely available. But AI also raises the risk of injuring, misleading, or otherwise harming Americans.  To protect consumers while ensuring that AI can make Americans better off, the President directs the following actions:

  • Advance the responsible use of AI  in healthcare and the development of affordable and life-saving drugs. The Department of Health and Human Services will also establish a safety program to receive reports of—and act to remedy – harms or unsafe healthcare practices involving AI. 
  • Shape AI’s potential to transform education  by creating resources to support educators deploying AI-enabled educational tools, such as personalized tutoring in schools.

Supporting Workers

AI is changing America’s jobs and workplaces, offering both the promise of improved productivity but also the dangers of increased workplace surveillance, bias, and job displacement.  To mitigate these risks, support workers’ ability to bargain collectively, and invest in workforce training and development that is accessible to all, the President directs the following actions:

  • Develop principles and best practices to mitigate the harms and maximize the benefits of AI for workers  by addressing job displacement; labor standards; workplace equity, health, and safety; and data collection. These principles and best practices will benefit workers by providing guidance to prevent employers from undercompensating workers, evaluating job applications unfairly, or impinging on workers’ ability to organize.
  • Produce a report on AI’s potential labor-market impacts , and  study and identify options for strengthening federal support for workers facing labor disruptions , including from AI.

Promoting Innovation and Competition

America already leads in AI innovation—more AI startups raised first-time capital in the United States last year than in the next seven countries combined.  The Executive Order ensures that we continue to lead the way in innovation and competition through the following actions:

  • Catalyze AI research across the United States  through a pilot of the National AI Research Resource—a tool that will provide AI researchers and students access to key AI resources and data—and expanded grants for AI research in vital areas like healthcare and climate change.
  • Promote a fair, open, and competitive AI ecosystem  by providing small developers and entrepreneurs access to technical assistance and resources, helping small businesses commercialize AI breakthroughs, and encouraging the Federal Trade Commission to exercise its authorities.
  • Use existing authorities to expand the ability of highly skilled immigrants and nonimmigrants with expertise in critical areas to study, stay, and work in the United States  by modernizing and streamlining visa criteria, interviews, and reviews.

Advancing American Leadership Abroad

AI’s challenges and opportunities are global.  The Biden-Harris Administration will continue working with other nations to support safe, secure, and trustworthy deployment and use of AI worldwide. To that end, the President directs the following actions:

  • Expand bilateral, multilateral, and multistakeholder engagements to collaborate on AI . The State Department, in collaboration, with the Commerce Department will lead an effort to establish robust international frameworks for harnessing AI’s benefits and managing its risks and ensuring safety. In addition, this week, Vice President Harris will speak at the UK Summit on AI Safety, hosted by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
  • Accelerate development and implementation of vital AI standards  with international partners and in standards organizations, ensuring that the technology is safe, secure, trustworthy, and interoperable.
  • Promote the safe, responsible, and rights-affirming development and deployment of AI abroad to solve global challenges,  such as advancing sustainable development and mitigating dangers to critical infrastructure.

Ensuring Responsible and Effective Government Use of AI

AI can help government deliver better results for the American people. It can expand agencies’ capacity to regulate, govern, and disburse benefits, and it can cut costs and enhance the security of government systems. However, use of AI can pose risks, such as discrimination and unsafe decisions.  To ensure the responsible government deployment of AI and modernize federal AI infrastructure, the President directs the following actions:

  • Issue guidance for agencies’ use of AI,  including clear standards to protect rights and safety, improve AI procurement, and strengthen AI deployment.  
  • Help agencies acquire specified AI products and services  faster, more cheaply, and more effectively through more rapid and efficient contracting.
  • Accelerate the rapid hiring of AI professionals  as part of a government-wide AI talent surge led by the Office of Personnel Management, U.S. Digital Service, U.S. Digital Corps, and Presidential Innovation Fellowship. Agencies will provide AI training for employees at all levels in relevant fields.

As we advance this agenda at home, the Administration will work with allies and partners abroad on a strong international framework to govern the development and use of AI. The Administration has already consulted widely on AI governance frameworks over the past several months—engaging with Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, the UAE, and the UK. The actions taken today support and complement Japan’s leadership of the G-7 Hiroshima Process, the UK Summit on AI Safety, India’s leadership as Chair of the Global Partnership on AI, and ongoing discussions at the United Nations. The actions that President Biden directed today are vital steps forward in the U.S.’s approach on safe, secure, and trustworthy AI. More action will be required, and the Administration will continue to work with Congress to pursue bipartisan legislation to help America lead the way in responsible innovation. For more on the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to advance AI, and for opportunities to join the Federal AI workforce, visit .

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NASCAR Toyota/Safe Mart 350 FREE LIVE STREAM (6/9/24): Watch NASCAR race online | Time, TV, channel

  • Updated: Jun. 09, 2024, 7:28 p.m. |
  • Published: Jun. 09, 2024, 1:30 p.m.

NASCAR race at Portland International Raceway

The Pacific Office Automation 147 NASCAR race is held at Portland International Raceway on Saturday, June 1, 2024. Sean Meagher/The Oregonian

  • Gabriel Trevino | NJ Advance Media for

The NASCAR Toyota/Safe Mart 350 race takes place at the Sonoma Raceway in Sonoma, California, on Sunday, June 9, 2024, (6/9/24).

How to watch: Fans can watch the event for free via a trial of fuboTV or DirecTV stream .

Here’s what you need to know:

What: Nascar Toyota/Safe Mart 350

When: Sunday, June 9, 2024

Time: 3:30 p.m. ET

Where: Sonoma Raceway

Channel finder: Verizon Fios , AT&T U-verse , Comcast Xfinity , Spectrum/Charter , Optimum/Altice , Cox , DIRECTV , Dish , Hulu , fuboTV , Sling .

Live stream: fuboTV (free trial), DirecTV stream (free trial)

A recent NASCAR Cup Series story, via the AP:

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Front Row Motorsports said Wednesday it has purchased a charter that will expand the NASCAR team to three cars in the Cup Series in 2025.

Front Row did not reveal the seller, but the announcement comes one day after Stewart-Haas Racing said it was shuttering its four-car Cup team at the end of the season. Front Row did not disclose how much it paid for its charter; Spire Motorsports last year paid $40 million for one.

“We have a very positive outlook on the future of NASCAR and as the sport plans for success, so do we,” said Front Row Motorsports owner Bob Jenkins. “Today that means having a plan for expanding back to three cars in the NASCAR Cup Series.”

NASCAR’s charter system guarantees entry into all 36 Cup races each season and thus guarantees revenue from the series’ television package through participation. There are four “open” spots in the field each week for teams that do not hold charters and those are being held in case a future manufacturer enters the stock car series.

Current charters expire at the end of this season and teams have been in a bitter dispute with NASCAR over a new agreement. The teams want to make the charters permanent and NASCAR has refused that request.

Jenkins did not announce a 2025 driver lineup. The team currently fields Fords for former Daytona 500 winner Michael McDowell and Todd Gilliland, but McDowell is leaving for Spire next season.

Front Row this year has already extended its relationship with Ford Performance and created a competition alliance with Team Penske.

“It is good to get the news out now as we have a lot of work to do to prepare a new team,” said Jerry Freeze, general manager of Front Row. “All of us on the leadership team will be working through that, obtaining the parts and pieces needed for the new team. And, most importantly, adding to the dedicated and talented staff and culture that exists today within our organization.

“Starting a new team from scratch is always a challenge, but with the opportunities in front of us, the talent we have in our leadership, and a bit of a runway to get there, I am confident that we can produce three competitive programs out of the box for the 2025 season,” Freeze added.


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  1. SafeAssign by BlackBoard

    SafeAssign is a tool used to prevent plagiarism and to create opportunities to help students identify how to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase. SafeAssign is effective as both a deterrent and an educational tool. SafeAssign compares submitted assignments against a set of sources to identify areas of overlap between the submitted ...

  2. Get Started with SafeAssign

    The SafeAssign process. SafeAssign is based on a unique text matching algorithm capable of detecting exact and inexact matching between a paper and source material. Assignments are compared against several different databases containing millions of articles dating from the 1990s to the present. After the comparison, a report is generated that ...

  3. Blackboard SafeAssign Tool

    Blackboard SafeAssign Tool. SafeAssign (SA) is the plagiarism detection software that is built into Blackboard Learn. It can be used as a deterrent to discourage plagiarism, and as an educational tool to teach students good citation practices. SafeAssign compares submitted assignments against a set of sources to identify unoriginal content in ...

  4. SafeAssign

    SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention service offered by Blackboard. SafeAssign is a useful tool in educating students about plagiarism and the importance of proper citation for borrowed content. Papers submitted to SafeAssign are compared against several databases to identify areas of overlap between the submission and existing works.

  5. SafeAssign

    SafeAssign. SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention tool that detects unoriginal content in students' papers by identifying areas of overlap between submitted assignments and existing works. SafeAssign can also be used to help students identify how to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase without giving credit to the original source.

  6. Free Plagiarism Checker Online for Students

    It's Free. You don't need to pay anything to check your paper for plagiarism because we know the value of original and unique works. Safe and Fast. One of the main benefits of our antiplagiat checker online is that it works so fast that you will not even have enough time to make yourself a cup of coffee while it analyzes your text, and it ...

  7. Use SafeAssign in the Original Course View

    You can use SafeAssign to check for potential plagiarism in student submissions in both tests and assignments. Learn more:

  8. Safe Assign

    Enabling SafeAssign. Instructions on how to enable the SafeAssign feature for an assignment can be found at Blackboard's Help Center.. Note: When you create an assignment, you have the option to Exclude Submissions.What this means is students' work will not be compared to Institutional or Global Reference Databases allowing them to self-check their work against SafeAssign and submit drafts ...

  9. SafeAssign

    SafeAssign. SafeAssign is a student submissions originality checker provided by Blackboard which helps identify plagiarism by detecting unoriginal content in student submissions. It does so by comparing student submissions to a range of internet resources, articles and other students' submissions. In addition to acting as a plagiarism ...

  10. PDF Assignments

    The SafeAssign service is used to check submitted assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works. SafeAssign is based on a unique text matching algorithm capable of detecting exact and inexact matching between a paper and source material.

  11. Safe Assign

    To create a Safe Assignment: Log into Bb Learn and navigate to your course. In the upper right of the screen, make sure Edit Mode is ON. From the Assessments menu, select Assignment. On the Create Assignment page, expand Submission Details. Under Plagiarism Tooks, select Check submissions for plagiarism using SafeAssign.

  12. SafeAssign

    SafeAssign is a plagiarism education and prevention service available through Blackboard to all faculty, students, and staff. It supports a multi-faceted approach to teaching and learning about plagiarism. While some plagiarism may be deliberate, often it is unintentional and occurs for many reasons, including: Forgetting to keep track of sources.

  13. SafeAssign Information

    SafeAssign compares your submission to a database of student work and the internet and then generates an Originality Report that you and your instructor can review. This is to help you identify any information included in your assignment that you may not have properly cited. Note: Remember that assignments based on worksheets or templates will ...

  14. SafeAssign

    Using the SafeAssign tool in written assignments will help maintain the academic integrity associated with your Thomas Edison State University degree program. SafeAssign is a free service that is fully integrated into students' online courses which streamlines the assignment submission process. The University has already began incorporating ...

  15. SafeAssign

    2. On the Create Assignment page, expand Submission Details. 3. Select Check submissions for plagiarism using SafeAssign. 4. Optionally, select one or both options: A. Allow students to view the SafeAssign originality reports on their submissions. B. Exclude all student submissions for this assignment from the institutional or global reference ...

  16. SafeAssign

    SafeAssign. SafeAssign, Blackboard's plagiarism prevention tool, compares submitted assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works. Use SafeAssign to review assignment submissions for originality. SafeAssign is only available in Blackboard Learn course sites.

  17. Classroom Management Tools & Resources

    Help students develop literacy skills. Assign differentiated reading activities using the Classroom integration with Read Along, a fun, speech-based tool from Google that helps students independently build their reading skills, while giving educators insight into their progress. Express interest in the early access program.

  18. Blue Jays Designate Cavan Biggio For Assignment

    Since he has passed the five-year service time marker, he has the right to reject an outright assignment and elect free agency while also retaining all of his salary. He is making $4.21MM this ...

  19. IBM Full-Stack JavaScript Developer Professional Certificate

    Professional Certificate - 12 course series. Prepare for a career in the high-growth field of full-stack development. In this program, you'll learn skills like React, JavaScript, and Node to get job-ready in less than 6 months, with no prior experience needed to get started.. A full-stack JavaScript developer is responsible for both the front ...

  20. FACT SHEET: President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and

    The Biden-Harris Administration will continue working with other nations to support safe, secure, and trustworthy deployment and use of AI worldwide. To that end, the President directs the ...

  21. What channel is the NASCAR Toyota/Safe Mart 350 race on today (6/9/24

    The NASCAR Toyota/Safe Mart 350 race takes place at the Sonoma Raceway in Sonoma, California, on Sunday, June 9, 2024, (6/9/24). How to watch: Fans can watch the event for free via a trial of ...

  22. NASCAR Toyota/Safe Mart 350 FREE LIVE STREAM (6/9/24): Watch NASCAR

    The NASCAR Toyota/Safe Mart 350 race takes place at the Sonoma Raceway in Sonoma, California, on Sunday, June 9, 2024, (6/9/24).