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Thè is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.

> Thesis Network > Selection of sites

Selection of reference sites

Guides and documentation.

  • Contractual framework of the educational exception : how to use and quote works in your thesis?
  • Documentation for doctoral students (provided byAbes): understanding the national repository for doctoral theses; reporting your thesis subject; using the search engine
  • Guide to the doctorate : 23 practical sheets proposed by the National Association of Doctors (ANDès) for doctoral students, doctors, institutions, doctoral schools, etc.
  • Guide to Copyright (2017) : this guide deals with legal issues arising in intellectual property law .
  • Open Science - Codes and software : this booklet looks at the specific issues involved in opening up the codes and software produced and used in scientific research. 
  • Sharing scientific publication data - A guide for researchers : the aim of this guide is to familiarize researchers with the steps involved in sharing publication data.
  • Carnet Questions éthique et droit en SHS : a guide to good ethical and legal practice in the dissemination of SHS data.

Cover Passport to Open Science

French doctoral schools

  • Campus France directory of doctoral schools : consult the list of doctoral schools
  • Campus France : finding a research laboratory
  • ScanR : consult the directory of French research and innovation

Doctors and PhD students

  • Ma thèse en 180 secondes : organised in France since 2014 by the CNRS and the CPU - Conférence des présidents d'université, this competition, inspired by the 3 Minute Thesis launched by the University of Queensmand (Australia), aims to make people understand their research in three minutes and to the greatest number.
  • MESR - doctorate
  • MESR - doctoral training
  • MESR - doctoral funding
  • MESR - professional integration of doctoral students
  • ANDès - National Association of Doctors
  • Campus France - French agency for the promotion of higher education, hospitality and international mobility
  • CGE - Conférence des Grandes écoles - "publications" section  
  • CJC - Confederation of Young Researchers   
  • Kastler Foundation  
  • Intelli'agence - Bernard Gregory Association
  • HCERES - High Council for Research and Higher Education

Search for a thesis

  • An extraction of all data relating to doctoral theses defended since 1985 is available online at https: //  
  • Catalogue Sudoc : national bibliography of theses. Consult the help page dedicated to thesis research in the Sudoc

Access the full text of the theses

Numerous open archives and distribution platforms have been set up by doctoral-accredited institutions and/or IST operators such as CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe).

  • HAL theses : open archive managed by the CCSD for the open access distribution of doctoral theses
  • AURORE : platform for student work at the University of Limoges (doctoral theses, practice theses, dissertations)
  • CITHER : INSA Lyon thesis portal
  • ENS - Institut Français de l'Éducation : portal to theses defended in France since 2003 in the fields of education and training.
  • OATAO : Open Archive Toulouse Archive Ouverte
  • PASTEL : ParisTech online theses / HAL ParisTech portal collection
  • PEPITE : the University of Lille's institutional archive provides access to doctoral theses, practice theses, teaching resources and speech therapy dissertations.

On the international scene

  • ADT : theses defended in the 22 largest Australian universities
  • BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine: meta-search engine referencing and providing access to over 120 million full-text academic documents, including theses 
  • BICTEL : common directory of electronic theses of the universities of the French community of Belgium
  • DART-Europe : full-text theses from 28 European countries
  • Dialnet : portal of Spanish theses in SHS
  • DissOnline : Database of German electronic theses
  • DIVA : database of theses and research papers from 28 Scandinavian universities
  • EThOS : UK electronic theses database
  • NDLTD : Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
  • OATD : Open Access Theses and Dissertations , a portal set up by the library of Wake Forest University (USA), which harvests several international directories of electronic theses in open access
  • RERODOC : electronic library of the RERO network (network of French-speaking Switzerland) including books, theses, dissertations in full text
  • Shodhganga : reservoir of Indian theses.
  • Teseo : catalogue of doctoral theses defended in Spanish universities
  • Theses Canada : catalog of theses and dissertations produced in Canadian universities
  • Toubk@l : national catalogue of theses and dissertations of Morocco

Access to current thesis topics

  • Otrohati : reporting on theses being prepared in Moroccan doctoral study centres.
  • : listing of theses being prepared in French higher education institutions.

Buy a reproduced thesis

From 1986 to 2016, theses deposited in printed form were reproduced on microfiche by the ANRT - Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses . The mission of the ANRT was initially to ensure the reproduction of theses on microfiche and their distribution to institutions. Following the decree of 25 May 2016 , which established the transition to electronic filing for all French doctoral theses, the ANRT ceased this national mission.

On the other hand, the ANRT offers the "Thèse à la carte" service : theses for which a contract has been signed between the ANRT and the author are digitised and reproduced in their entirety, without reworking. These theses are listed in the "Thèse à la carte" catalogue and are available for sale to individuals (teachers, researchers, students ....) and/or organisations (bookshops, libraries, etc.) who request them.

  • Arabesques n°78 (April-May-June 2015): Dossier "The thesis in all its states: filing, reporting, promoting". 
  • Valorization of academic production - Collection, conservation, dissemination - Mennessier Anne-Laurence ; Daubernat Séverine ; Giloux Marianne ; Mauger Perez Isabelle - BBF, 2011, n°1 
  • New thesis repository, new positioning for libraries? - Feedback from the common documentation services of Lille 2 and Valenciennes - Bihan Solenn ; Cambier-Meerschman Perrine ; Granger Sabrina - BBF, 2011, n°1

Studies and reports

  • L'état de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche en France (The state of higher education and research in France ) - annual figures published by the MESR (Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
  • The French Open Science Barometer - annual statistical monitoring of French doctoral theses available in open access.
  • A more favourable integration and employment conditions of PhDs for 2016 graduates compared to 2014 graduates - Note d'information du SIES (September 2021)
  • Doctors of engineering: the choice of a professional insertion in the private sector - Note d'information du SIES (September 2020)
  • The doctorate in France: from choice to career pursuit - report by the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research (July 2020)
  • International mobility of young employed PhDs - Note d'information du SIES (October 2019)
  • L'état de l'emploi scientifique en France - biennial statistical publication by MESRI (2018 edition)
  • Repères et références statistiques - MESR annual publication
  • CIFRE PhD - article by Romain Perronnet (UPEC) and Nahla Salameh Bchara (École des Mines de Saint-Etienne)
  • Young doctors; profile, career path, integration - APEC quantitative study (January 2015)
  • The professional future of young PhDs: what path, what insertion 5 years after the thesis ? - qualitative study by APEC (October 2014)  
  • The University and the professional world: what are the challenges for the doctorate? - Labex Hastec conference (January 2013) 
  • Doctors: a long march towards stable employment

History of the doctorate and the deposit of theses

  • Becoming scholars: theses and doctorates of letters in the 19th century: virtual exhibition
  • Carnet Es lettres - Les thèses de doctorat ès lettres en France au XIXe siècle : this notebook contains posts and actions linked to the "Es lettres" project, whose aim is to study the corpus of doctoral theses in literature defended in the 19th century.
  • Theses and other academic writings: identification and location: despite some obsolete information, this guide published by the BnF in 2005, contains interesting information on the history of the doctorate as well as a chronology of legislative texts on the deposit of theses from 1923 to 1985
  • Françoise Huguet, Les thèses de doctorat ès lettres soutenues en France de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à 1940 (Doctor of Letters theses defended in France from the end of the 18th century to 1940 ), November 2009 - LARHRA - Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, UMR CNRS 5190 - online
  •  Edouard Des Places, Cent cinquante ans du doctorat es lettres (1810-1960), Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé , 4e série, 2, juin 1969, p.209-228 - online

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Doctoral studies

[CHAPO] At the crossroads of higher education and research, doctoral studies provide candidates with both research training and professional research experience. After successfully defending their thesis, candidates are awarded a doctoral degree, which is the highest university degree in higher education.

Published on 30/06/2023 - Updated on 30/06/2023

Undertaking doctoral studies

Undertaking a PhD entails a personal and original research work, carried out in the communal setting of a research unit and a doctoral school, thus ensuring that the doctoral project of every young researcher runs smoothly. Doctoral students generate knowledge using innovative scientific methods and tools, while undertaking an ambitious professional project. Education through research enables doctoral students to develop scientific expertise and acquire a wide range of skills, which are not limited to academic research and can be applied to other fields. Thus, after defending their thesis, doctors will be able to access high-level management positions in all socio-economic sectors, anywhere in the world. Becoming a doctor means becoming a leading professional in a given discipline, able to manage complex projects and to grasp and understand the challenges of an ever-changing, globalised world. Thanks to their skills and scientific expertise, PhD holders will be able to provide innovative answers to the main issues of our world. Doing a PhD programme at Sorbonne University allows students to be trained in and through research at one of the best universities in the world, and to be mentored by renowned researchers to become a scientific expert with a wide array of generalist skills. It also means building a strategic vision of the world, allowing doctors to become key players in society.

Application process

The preparation of a PhD is based on a doctoral research project. This project defines the framework and contents of the training of doctoral students and specifies the conditions of completion. The project must enable doctoral candidates to aquire high-level scientific and professional skills. In order to apply for a PhD, applicants must hold a master's degree, an engineering degree or an equivalent qualification, and need to submit a doctoral research project. To start building a doctoral research project, you can:

  • visit the websites of the doctoral schools related to the scientific field you are interested in,
  • look up our doctoral programmes,
  • get in touch with a researcher or professor at Sorbonne University who is working in your field of interest.

Once you have defined a doctoral research project, it needs to be validated by a researcher or professor (your future thesis director) from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Then, you need to submit all the documents necessary to build your application file on the ADUM website. Doctoral admission procedures follow an open, fair and transparent recruitment process. It is a priority for Sorbonne University to recruit excellent and motivated doctoral candidates who will commit themselves to an original scientific research project offering the best career prospects. Once your application has been accepted, you will need to proceed with your administrative registration, first on the ADUM platform, and then on the IAWEB platform (the common administrative registration platform for all students at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities).   The full procedure is described on the webpage dedicated to registration procedure for doctorate candidates .

Le doctorat à l'université de Bordeaux

Université de Bordeaux

Writing your thesis

Dernière mise à jour : le 10/11/2023

Writing a thesis is an integral part of your PhD and it must be taken into account and thought out from the outset and throughout your work: organisation, deadlines, progress report, orientation but also dissemination, publication, promotion and final submission (compulsory).

doctoral thesis francais

Structuring the manuscript

For ease of reading and consistency, all theses of the University of Bordeaux must be written in a specific structured manner.

This ensures a degree of consistency in presentation at national level and makes them easier to reference and consult, by generating a summary.

To find out more about the rules for writing and structuring your thesis, take a look at the   guide to writing and presenting a thesis for PhD students .

To help you structure your thesis  in accordance with ministerial recommendations, the Documentation Department provides a short   summary   of the main points and templates for the title page and front matter:   standard theses or under cotutelle .

Please note : the names of the doctoral schools and their specialities are specified  here . These are the names that must be used on the title page of every thesis of the University of Bordeaux.

A French thesis must be written in French  ( French Education Code, article L12-3 ).  In the case of a cotutelle thesis, the manuscript can be written in English if your doctoral school has authorised you to do so. In this case, the thesis must include a substantial summary in French describing the context of the research, the approach used and the results obtained.

This summary is in addition to the summaries required for the front matter ( Guide to writing and presenting a thesis for PhD students , published by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, p.6).

Managing and formatting the bibliography

The bibliography of a thesis can be extensive, this is why  students are advised to use a reference management tool to collect, organise, save and format references.

To master these aspects when writing your thesis, the Documentation Department provides training for the free open-source reference management tool Zotero, (see the training courses in the library section of your ENT   and the training courses run by URFIST   designed specifically for PhD students ) .

digital preservation

In accordance with the system put in place by the Decree of 7 August 2006, when submitting a thesis digitally, one version must be permanently archived at the Centre Informatique de l’Enseignement Supérieur (CINES). 

To implement this very long-term preservation, the deposited files must respect certain digital formats and must be declared eligible by the Facile test ( ) established by the CINES. The thesis division of the Documentation Department will ensure that your file is suitable for archiving or, if need, will carry out the necessary format changes (article §3.1.c of the distribution contract).


Administrator - Thesis defense

Campus Peixotto - Bât A33 – Bur. 65 - 351 cours de la Libération 33405 TALENCE Cedex

Christelle ROCCA

Documentation department.

Thesis division

Bibliothèque universitaire des sciences et techniques Allée Baudrimont, CS 70001 33405 Talence Cedex

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The Eastern Paris Federal University

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Thème 1, Thème2, Thème 3

Research-based PhD thesis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Université Paris-Est (UPE) proposes a method for preparing the PhD whenever the candidate has undertaken research work. Unlike the "Validation of Acquired Experience" procedure, it takes into account only work and studies undertaken by the candidate at the time of application and, a priori, requires no new research to be undertaken.

The UPE research-based PhD thesis procedure comprises three steps: Step 1 - Application admissibility. Step 2 - Thesis drafting. Step 3 - Thesis defence.

Step 1 is used to check that the candidate can prove professional activity in line with the level required for PhD training. The purpose of this step is to check the quality of the application to reduce the risk of being refused permission to defend the thesis. It does not require registration.

Steps 2 and 3  take place over a single university year and only require one registration. Registration fees stand at €1,500.

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French Language and Literature: Dissertations and theses

French dissertations and theses.

There are a number of different resources available for finding French dissertations. 

  • Atelier national de Reproduction des thèses Also known as tne National Center for the Reproduction of PhD theses
  • SUDOC Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation
  • Thèses en ligne (TEL): serveur de thèses multidisciplinaire Although multidisciplinary the majority of theses are in scientific disciplines.
  • thè This research tool is maintained by ABES (Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur) and records titles of theses in preparation in French universities and higher education institutions

Belgian dissertations and theses

  • Répertoire commun des thèses électroniques des universités de la Communauté Française de Belgique Portal to access French-language theses through relevant University repositories

General resources for dissertations and theses

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global The world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. As the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and as the database of record for graduate research, PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Over 2.1 million titles are available for purchase as printed copies. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full-text coverage for older graduate works. It also includes content from PQDT UK & Ireland (aka Index to Theses).
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations.
  • DART-Europe E-theses Portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • Top 100 Dissertation and theses references on the web
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  • Last Updated: Jan 23, 2024 3:50 PM
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Le doctorat

The doctorate

At the crossroads of higher education and research, preparing for a doctorate is both research training and professional research experience. It leads to a doctoral degree after the defense of a thesis, which confers the title of doctor, the highest university degree in higher education.

Doctorat - Les programmes doctoraux

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Situation in Ukraine: the University Deploys Emergency Aid for its Community

Doctoral education consists of personal and original research work , carried out in a collective environment within a research unit and a doctoral school , with both entities guaranteeing the smooth running of the young researcher's doctoral project. The doctoral candidate produces new knowledge using innovative scientific methods and tools and builds an ambitious professional project. Education through research enables doctoral candidate to develop scientific expertise and acquire a large number of skills that are not limited to academic research, and are transferable to other sectors. Thus, after defending their thesis, the doctor will be able to access high-level management positions in all socio-economic sectors, anywhere in the world. Becoming a doctor means becoming a professional at the forefront of a discipline, able to manage complex projects, to grasp and understand our globalized world in perpetual evolution . Thanks to a PhD’s scientific expertise and skills, the PhD holder will be able to provide new answers to the main issues and challenges of our planet.

Pourquoi faire son doctorat à Sorbonne Université

Sorbonne University, an attractive environment for PhDs

Le Collège doctoral

Doctoral College and Schools

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Thesis topics

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  • Open Science Plan
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direct access

Doctoral Theses - Arts and Literature

Published on 27/06/2022

Anne LEMPICKI: "Poetics and theatricality of falling bodies in artistic creations (Alain Platel, Yoann Bourgeois, Philippe Ramette, Kerry Skarbakka)" (14/12/2021 - Valenciennes)

Mathieu LOTTIAUX: "Hermeneutics of disjunctive worlds: the sacred and its consequences in fantasy and science fiction (1950-1989)" (09/12/2021 - UPHF - Matisse Building - Amphi 150)

Antonin JOUSSE: "Connected Sensorialities: Reassessing the Notion of Interactivity in the Contemporary Field of Digital Arts" (03/12/2021 at 2pm - University of Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne - Centre Saint Charles)

Isabelle CHAUVEAU: "Contemporary women's novels: analysis of mythical themes and their translations" (26/11/2021 - University of Mons)

Pauline NOBECOURT: "Literary and cinematographic influences from and through Marc Desgrandchamps" (12/12/2020 - INHA Paris)

Marc VERVEL: "Mystery and narrative enjoyment: dramatization issues in emerging crime fiction" (22/10/2020 - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus - Amphi 150 and CALHISTE room)

Catherine THOMAS: "Jacques Brel and Serge Gainsbourg - An intermedial study of the work of two singer-songwriters turned directors" (27/05/2020 - Videoconference)

Colette LUCIDARME: "Jazz and song from the thirties to the end of the twentieth century: Trenet, Brassens, Nougaro, questions of sound and meaning" (24/01/2020 at 2:00 pm - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus)

Jean-Baptiste RICHARD: "Spectacle, spectatorial, spectator: the act of seeing and the experience of the creative gaze" (14/12/2019 - UPHF - Matisse Building - Amphi 150)

Amandine MERCIER: "Transfiguration, disruption of the ob-scene and engendering of bodies - Contemporary stages as a place of fabrication of origins" (10/12/2019 - UPHF)

Sarra KHALED: "Being a classic of French song: the example of Charles Aznavour" (13/09/2019 - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Bâtiment Matisse/FLLASH - Amphi 150)

Xavier MAUMEJEAN: "The Invention of Henry Darger" (19/06/19 - Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France - Matisse/FLLASH Building - Amphi 150)

Gauthier GRÜBER: "Explicit the death of Fromondin - Edition and linguistic, literary and historical study of the passage corresponding to verses 13935 to 14795 of ms. A of Gerbert de Mez according to the twelve complete mss ABCDEJMNPRSV and the three amputated from part of the end ILQ" (20/06/2018 - Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France)

Justine DURAND épouse DOCKX : " Anseÿs de Gascogne - Critical edition and study of the second part of the prose setting copied by David Aubert (from f°320 r°), according to manuscript 9 (Brussels, KBR)"(16/12/2017 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy -  Bâtiment Matisse/FLLASH)

Chady HAGE-ALI: "The American evangelical mission and the Arab-Muslim world: a geopolitical history of the Islamic-Christian encounter from the 19th century to the present day" (22/09/2017 - UVHC)

Nicolas SMAGHUE: "Les toiles d'Armentières. Linen companies and entrepreneurs (XIXth-XXIst centuries)" (25/09/2015 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - Campus Mont houy - FLLASH - Matisse building - Amphi 200)

Khady Fall FAYE-DIAGNE : "Le marronnage, essai d'une esthétique négro-africaine contemporaine : des précurseurs francophones à Alain Mabanckou et Fatou Diome" (12/09/2014 at 2:30 p.m. - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - FLLASH - Amphi 150)

Noha NEMER: " Attendre Aujourd'hui with Yves Simon or how to build the horizon of expectation of a bipolar work."(12/12/2011 at 2pm - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)

Philippe BARYGA: "THE FAMILY-ATELIER Artists and their children, an essay on inter-generational creation" (10/24/2011 at 2pm - UVHC - Ronzier)

Delphine HOUBRON : "The embellishment of the commonplace in Francis Cabrel and Yves Duteil" (07/12/10 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - Amphi 500)

Jean-Marie ARDOUIN : "AIOL, chanson de geste - Edition of the unique manuscript BNF fr.25516" (23/10/10 at 2:00 pm - UVHC - FLLASH - Salle Nicole CLEUET)

Sandra JACQUEMOUD-COLLET: "The Search for a "Phonography". The treatment of the voice in Balzac's La Comédie humaine." (04/12/09 at 10am - UVHC - FLLASH - Room 113)

Anne BUCHARD-SALEMBIER: " "To be + past participle" as a marker of aspect and argumentative structure" (27/11/09 at 2pm - UVHC - FLLASH - Amphi 100)

Valérie VALEMBOIS: "Raymond QUENEAU, painter and art critic. To the test of a deterritorialization of the real" (26/03/07 - Pôle Ronzier - Arts and Communication Building)

Jean-Etienne VIAU: "Figuration of marginality in French song of the 1970s" (10/11/06 at 2pm - UVHC - Amphi 150)

Jerôme DERVEAUX : "General public and contemporary art from 1945 to the present day: institutional mobilizations " (27/02/06 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - Matisse Building - Room Nicole Cleuet)

Nicolas DEVIGNE : "Georges Bataille, an iconographic reading of Documents - Use value of images within an avant-garde review" (15 December 2003 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - Salle Nicole

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Doing a thesis

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  • Doctoral School

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Academic specialties

Language science and didactics Comparative literature Applied foreign languages Ancient languages and literature History of books and publishing Languages, literatures and intermedialities French language, literatures and francophone literatures European and international literatures Anglophone languages, literatures and civilizations, Irish and American studies, cultural studies Germanic languages, literatures and civilizations Slavic languages, literatures and civilizations Romance languages, literatures and civilizations (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) Chinese languages, literatures and civilizations Arabic languages, literatures and civilizations Breton language, literature and culture Applied arts Plastic arts Performing arts (cinema, theater, dance) Archaeology Architecture Aesthetics and philosophy of art Musicology Art sciences History of the arts (ancient, medieval, modern, contemporary, contemporary, architecture)

  • Total number of PhD students registered in the school : 222
  • Number of foreign PhD students : 53
  • Possibility to write the dissertation in English
  • English as Working language
  • Methodological courses in English
  • Courses and conferences in English
  • Apply to predefined thesis subjects
  • Required level French : B2
  • Before applying, candidates need to contact a thesis supervisor
  • The thesis application form is available in June
  • It is submitted to the doctoral school and examined by the doctoral school council
  • candidates are notified of results
  • Optional funding
  • Contact for registration & informations Mrs Valérie MARIE-COHIER +33299141143 [email protected]

Center for international mobility Rennes

  • Doctoral college Collège doctoral de Bretagne
  • Description
  • Laboratories


International, application, welcome services, art history and criticism - ea 1279, arts: practices and poetics - ea 3208, center for breton and celtic research - ea crbc, center for the study of ancient and modern languages and literature - ea 3206, center for the study of correspondance and diaries of the 19th and 20th centuries - ea 7289, center for the study of languages, territories and cultural identities - brittany and minority languages - ea 202224, english-speaking countries: communities and writing - ea 1796, heritages and constructs within the text and the image - ea 4249, interlingual research center: memories, identities, territories - ea 4327, research group on the invention and evolution of forms - ea grief, number of phd students 222, internationalization of the doctoral school.

doctoral thesis francais

Home > Admissions > Admission to a PhD

Admission to a PhD

Candidates who already hold a Master's degree or equivalent and who wish to enter a PhD programme at thesis level, regardless of their previous studies (international or French), should apply directly online . The doctoral programme must be chosen carefully: only one application per year is possible, all doctoral programmes combined.

Degree requirements

  • Criteria for the application evaluation


Financing studies, co-supervised thesis, joint thesis, doctoral programmes in economics, history*, political science and sociology**.

Applications starting 11 October 2023

To be eligible for assessment, your application must be  complete and submitted before:

  • 10 January 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time),   for an admission result mid-March 2024
  • 17 May 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time),   for an admission result mid-July 2024

Auditions for applicants may be organised  on 18 June 2024 for the Doctoral programme in History (*) Auditions for applicants may be organised on  26 June 2024 for the Doctoral programme in Sociology (**).

Doctoral programme in Law

Only one admission session this year for the Doctoral programme in  Law (*)

  • 12 March 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time) for an admission result from mid-April 2024

(*) This year, there will be only ONE admission session for the Law doctoral programme with results communicated from mid-April 2024. Contact: Professor Vincent Forray , Head of doctoral studies in Law

The PhD application is open to students with a Research Master's degree , a postgraduate degree (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies - DEA) or an equivalent degree (bac +5).  There must be a match between the candidate's graduate studies and the discipline of the requested doctoral programme. 

For the record, the IEP awards PhDs in Economics , History , Law , Political Science and Sociology .   For candidates who do not have the required degrees to be directly admitted into the First thesis year, see admissions into Master’s programmes offered by the School of Research.

In Sociology only,  the PhD application can only be reviewed if the thesis supervisor has provided you with a preliminary letter of consent and if a   research unit Director has provided you with a preliminary letter of consent. In Economics, Law and Political science , no preliminary letter of consent is requested. In History , the name of the potential research supervisor must be indicated (in the “Personal statement” tab), no preliminary letter of consent is requested.

The candidate must identify a host research laboratory . See the list of Sciences Po's research units and affiliated researchers.

Sciences Po's Graduate School is careful to limit PhD admissions to students whose thesis proposal is likely to succeed. It is therefore important that the candidate have a developed vision of his/her thesis subject and the implications of this choice for his/her research and career plans.  The thesis topic might change during the first months of the PhD programme, but it is important that the candidate formulate in the most precise and coherent way possible the key elements to evaluating his/her research project. 

Criteria for the Application Evaluation

Several criteria are taken into account for the selection of candidates applying for a doctorate: 

  • The selection of the research problem must be supported by previous work. 
  • A presentation of the chosen methodology to address the given problem.
  • An evaluation of the feasibility of the planned research from both a scientific and practical perspective.  Some topics require access to areas or data that are not easily accessible. 
  • The candidate must also indicate his/her availability to produce a thesis.  This is particularly important for employed candidates.  (1)(See the section "Financing of studies" below).
  • The financing of studies (See the section "Financing of studies" below).
  • Finally, it is important that the candidate be able to explain his/her project in relation to his/her academic and/or professional background . The academic record should preferably be consistent and coherent. In all cases the requisite academic track record must be very good. Moreover, for employed candidates, the professional career must be explained and related to the thesis project: how might the candidate's professional experience tie into the thesis project?  Is the thesis part of a professional development plan?

The application must be submitted  exclusively online , according to the Admissions calendar.

Documents for your application may be uploaded in French or in English  (CAUTION: only png, jpeg, jpg or pdf formats are accepted):

For all doctoral programs:

  • Two academic recommendations (an optional professional recommendation may be added)
  • Proof of identity
  • Thesis project ( PDF or Word format, 5,000 words maximum, i.e. about ten pages, excluding bibliographic references)
  • Thesis project synopsis (two pages, PDF or Word format)
  • Copy of last completed academic degree (Master or equivalent)
  • Master transcripts ( the documents must be attached in the original language, along with an official or informal translation in English or French if necessary. Please add a sworn statement of compliance if the translation is yours)
  • If obtained, official proof of doctoral funding obtention (see the  "Financing of studies" section below).

PLEASE NOTE : no supporting document  will be accepted after the evaluation process has begun. Please make sure that your application is complete before submitting it. For candidates currently in the process of obtaining the requested diploma, please attach all the transcripts available at the time of your application.  Incomplete applications will not be assessed.

Additional information for the following doctoral programmes

  • If you have a potential supervisor in mind, please indicate his/her name after your Thesis project title in your online space
  • Indicate at least one potential Thesis supervisor from Sciences Po’s Center for History in the “Personal statement” tab.
  • The Thesis project mustn’t exceed 3,000 words excluding bibliography, that shouldn’t exceed 20-25 titles
  • A grade of 16/20 or equivalent is required for the Master Thesis

Political science

  • A signed letter from a thesis supervisor authorised to supervise research, indicating that he/she accepts to supervise your thesis ; 
  • A letter from the laboratory Director indicating that he/she accepts to host you in the laboratory (contact the laboratory Director) ;
  • A grade of 16/20 (if graded) is required for the Master Thesis.

The result of the language test is optional.

  • Economics: English C2, French
  • History: French B2
  • Law: English C2, French
  • Political Science (Compared politics, International Relations, Political Theory) : French B2
  • Sociology: French B2

CAUTION:  "Required languages" is a mandatory field in our application file; i f you do not have a CECR test result or self-assessment to upload, please select "two years of study in the language" by default.

The €100 application fee is not refundable.   We do not offer fee waivers, unless you have a refugee status or are a recipient of a CROUS scholarship. In that case, please contact us to inform us, and attach the official proof of your current situation to your file.  Please note: Paying the application fee does not mean that your application form has been submitted. Make sure to submit your application form within the deadline by clicking on the “Submit“ button.  If you are unable to pay by credit card, please contact the Admissions Department to obtain our bank details. Your payment will be validated on receipt of a copy of the proof of transfer. 

Do not wait until the last day to submit your application. To be assessed, your application must be complete and submitted before the deadline of the programme you are applying to.  Deadlines always refer to Paris time (23:59pm).    Please note:

  • As our platform does not automatically invalidate incomplete files, it is your responsibility to submit an application that includes all required documents (including references).
  • Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to bring any change, please be very careful. 

Applicants may be contacted for an interview as part of the admission procedure.

In accordance with the decree of 25 May 2016 setting the national training framework and the procedures leading to the issuing of the national doctoral degree, the financial preconditions must be met to ensure the orderly conduct of the research work and preparation of the thesis. Doctoral funding is therefore necessary to engage in a doctoral thesis.  The doctorate is full-time at Sciences Po (except in the particular case of full-time employees who work on a research subject directly related to their job and have obtained the employer's agreement to have the necessary time to carry out their research) and the funding must meet the following criteria :

  • a duration of at least three years;
  • a net monthly amount akin to that of the doctoral contrat in force ;
  • the obligations attached to the financing must not represent more than one day per week (with the exception of CIFRE, where the obligations must be assessed on a case-by-case basis);
  • the funding organisation must respect the academic freedom of the doctoral student regarding the content of his research and the composition of the defense jury;
  • funding must not come from personal resources but from public or private organisations (foundations, associations, companies, public authorities, international organisations, local authorities or others to be validated beforehand by the doctoral school) offering doctoral funding.

For more information on funding opportunities, see the section on Funding .

For all students entering the PhD programme, the annual fee for 2022/2023 is 380 euros, irrespective of tax residency.

In addition to receiving guidance from their thesis supervisor, some PhD students receive assistance from another Professor or Researcher who may be based in a different institution. 

The role of this co-supervisor must be formalised through a co-supervised thesis agreement established :

  •  between the PhD student's institution and the co-supervisor if the co-supervisor works at a different institution,  or 
  • between the supervisor and co-supervisor if both work at IEP Paris. At Sciences Po the co-supervision is formalised through an exchange of letters.

The PhD student will obtain a PhD from his/her home institution. The co-supervisors commit to following the PhD student's work and to sit on the thesis examining committee.  The thesis will explicitly state it was co-supervised and include the names and titles of the co-supervisors on the thesis cover page. 

The Administrative Officer of the program must be informed of the co-supervised for validation.

The joint thesis involves guidance from two supervisors : a professor at IEP Paris and a professor from a foreign institution.   It allows the issuance of two PhD degree, or of a joint degree where applicable.   In France, joint theses are governed by the amended decree of 6 January 2005 on international joint theses (PDF, 45Ko)   At Sciences Po, joint theses may only be permitted if:

  • The student has already been admitted to Sciences Po
  • The two thesis supervisors approached have conferred and provided their consent in writing.

Joint theses require the establishment of an agreement signed by all the partners (individuals and institutions). The three-year agreement must cover, among other things, the terms of registration, tuition, and the defence.  It must be established in the first thesis year: see the section below on administrative procedures .

A joint thesis only makes sense and is only possible if the research project is shared by two institutions. In cases where this condition cannot be met, the student might consider a co-supervision , which also provides guidance from two supervisors, but does not allow the issuance of a dual degree.  A joint thesis allows the student to: 

  • have access to greater resources (documentary resources, networks)
  • pursue international career opportunities.  
  • Have access to, joint thesis scholarships covering the costs of joint theses (student's residence and defence fees)  


Joint theses may be difficult if the thesis supervisors have divergent views on the PhD student's work, or if the institutions' rules are too far apart.

In this case, the student might consider a co-supervision, which also provides guidance from two supervisors, but does not allow the issuance of a dual degree.

Administrative procedures

Even if the student is already enrolled in a foreign university, he/she must also be admitted to Sciences Po's at the thesis level.

Upon admission, the student must submit his/her joint project to the administration (administrative manager).

The agreement must include the following information :

  • The university of primary enrolment
  • Terms of tuition payment
  • Terms of the defence
  • Terms of sharing the defence fees

Once the agreement is signed, all parties will receive a copy.

If any breach of agreement should arise, management should be contacted. 

Tuition fees will be paid in accordance with agreement.  However, until the agreement is signed, the student is liable for the tuition at both institutions.

The organisation of the defence is framed by the agreement. 

  • For the presentation of the thesis, certain specific rules must be observed. See "Presentation Norms" on the page "Defence"
  • For more on submitting a thesis in a foreign language, see the "Defence" page.
  • Some foreign universities require a pre-defence.  Inquire with the relevant academic authorities.

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Limited financial resources are not a barrier to receiving a Sciences Po education.

Nearly one in three students receives a full-fee scholarship.

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PhD Studies

University of Lille welcomes you for your PhD in recognized research teams integrated in the 6 doctoral schools of the region. Welcome !

The PhD is the highest degree recognized internationally. 3% of students in France are enrolled in PhD studies.

doctoral thesis francais

To be PhD student

The PhD student is a young researcher in the training step. S/He develops a doctoral project followed by a thesis supervisor and organized by the graduate school. The PhD student is trained in research through research, that is to say by the professional experience acquired within a research lab. At the end of her/his research work and the writing of a manuscript, the PhD student presents his original scientific work during a defense in presence of a committee. The doctoral student is the only author and her/his manuscript is the subject of a legal deposit.

doctoral thesis francais

Thesis funding

The PhD grants of the University of Lille are funding awarded to couples (subject, candidate) proposed by the candidates or laboratories and validated by the doctoral schools. Some grants may involve funding from the University, the Hauts-de-France Region, the ULNE I-Site, ADEME, CNRS, Inria, Inserm, ANR collaborative projects or European, etc. The salary is 1758 € gross / month in 2018. Some PhD students also arrive with their funding in the form of scholarships from their country. Activities complementary to research activities may be proposed with additional remuneration paid to granted PhD students. This supplement is calculated annually and paid monthly [ decree of August 29, 2016 ].

doctoral thesis francais

PhD with a company

A thesis can be considered in collaboration between a laboratory and a company. This allows the PhD student to be immersed in two worlds to carry out her/his research work.

The CIFRE agreements make it possible to carry out a research project between the laboratory and a company. The PhD student spends part of her/his time on each side. The minimum wage is € 23,484 gross annual in 2017 (see the website ).


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Les services communs (au sens de l'article 714-1 du code de l'éducation) Service commun de documentation Service universitaire d’activités physiques et sportives Service commun des affaires sociales Service universitaire de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santé Centre des langues de l'Université de Lille Institut Eric Weil

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Dissertations & Theses

  • Citations & Bibliography
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Represents the work of authors from over 1,000 North American and European universities on a full range of academic subjects. Includes abstracts for doctoral dissertations beginning July 1980 and for Master's theses beginning Spring 1988. All dissertations published since 1997, and some from prior years, are available for free download; others may be requested via Interlibrary Loan.
  • Dissertations & Theses (Georgetown-authored) This link opens in a new window Recent online theses and dissertations from selected Georgetown programs and departments. For access to Georgetown theses and dissertations authored prior to 2006, see the Georgetown catalog or refer to ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses database. Print copies of disserations may be requested using the Library's Library Use Only Materials Request. .
  • EThoS: Electronic Theses Online This link opens in a new window The British Library's database of digitized theses from UK higher education institutions. Free registration and login is required.
  • Open Access Theses & Dissertations The number of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) openly available via institutional repositories has grown dramatically in recent years, increasing the need for a centralized service to search for this unique material. Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD), launched in early 2013, is on the path to fulfill that need. Not as large as the commercial subscription service ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database, OATD distinguishes itself by providing access to more than 1.6 million open-access theses and dissertations freely available from over 800 institutions worldwide. The simplified interface allows searching across all fields or, in advanced search, by specific field (Title, Author Name, Abstract, University/Publisher, or Subject/Keywords). In addition, users may limit searches to a specific language or date range. Search results may be sorted by relevance, author, university, or date. more... less... Depending on the search, results may be further limited by date, university, department, degree, level (e.g., doctoral vs. master's), or language. The number of hits for entries under each limit is conveniently displayed in the left column. Links to the full text residing on the home institution's site are provided for each record. In many instances, several pages of the thesis or dissertation are available for viewing. Though other sites cover similar material, e.g., PQDT Open and Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, OATD focuses exclusively on open-access ETDs, and serves as an excellent resource for students and researchers. Its usefulness will continue to increase as more ETDs are made freely available.
  • This link opens in a new window Provides access to more than 5000 theses on all subjects submitted in French to universities around the world, since 2006. Most are digitized and available in full text.
  • Theses Canada Portal This link opens in a new window Index of Canadian masters theses and doctoral dissertations from 1965-present. Full text available from 1998 through August 31, 2002.
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  • Last Updated: Apr 19, 2024 12:23 PM
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Creative Commons

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Theses and PhDs at the CEA

Each year, nearly 400 young scientists are welcomed to a CEA laboratory to prepare a doctoral thesis in partnership with a doctoral school. As part of the preparation of a thesis, young scientists can benefit from different types of funding, which condition the kind of contract as well as the conditions to be met. Most of these contracts are for a three-year period. To facilitate the vocational integration of trained doctors into the CEA laboratories, INSTN offers training courses during the three years of the thesis.

Service Formation par la recherche et emploi scientifique (SFRES) [email protected] Tel. +33 1 69 08 80 38

* Required fields

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Preparing a thesis defense

Résumé de la formation.

Thesis defense is the culmination of an extensive, 3-year project. It is an exercise with very specific rules and in a short time frame.

PhD candidates must prepare thoroughly for this, both in terms of the content of their message and the form they take. To this end, this course offers participants a comprehensive preparation for oral defense in front of a jury, giving them the tools they need to perform confidently. The skills developed can also be used in other communication situations, and to valorize research works efficiently.

DAY 1 Unit 1: The fundamentals of thesis defense (2h) • Purpose, duration, format, structure, subject-specifics • The expectations and objectives of the jury, the different stakeholders and their role in the peer review process • Exercise: deciphering the criteria and how they are evaluated during the defense followed by a time of reflexive analysis of each person’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to each criterion.

Unit 2: Planning your defence (4h30) • The classic scheme of a defense; from the plan of the thesis to the plan of the defense • Tips for organizing your intervention, bringing out strong ideas, concepts and key words • The use of a visual medium (power-point style): why and how to achieve it, content, organization of information and number of slides • Exercise: Individual preparation of one’s plan, intervention structure and strong messages. • Intersession tip

Intersession: preparing your presentation material

DAY 2 Unit 3: Mastering oral communication in front of an audience (1h15) • Basic rules for using your voice, mastering pronunciation, breathing, sound level, understanding the non-verbal part of a communication situation (managing gestures, eye contact), managing stress. • Preventing information loss linked to the transmission of a message, significance of key words and multi-channel communication. • Tips for bringing conviction and experience to your speech, and for conveying your motivation, enthusiasm and conviction to the jury. • Why, how and with whom to repeat?

Unit 4: Handling questions (1h) • Different types of questions by the chairperson, rapporteurs and other jury members (e.g., deepening of the presentation, clarification, mastery of scientific concepts, subjects and community involvement). • The situation of a speaker in front of a jury and the exchanges, knowing how to create a constructive discussion, develop the ability to listen and interact with an audience, take questions into account, acknowledging their relevance , reformulate, deepen, explain, etc. • Tip for taking the time to think, to know how to reflect on a tough question, to build an argument.

Unit 5: Defense simulation (4h) • Exercise: simulated defense in front of a jury composed of the trainer and the other participants: presentation of the first 10 minutes of the presentation (introduction) + questions/answers of different types • Each exercise will be followed by a group debriefing session, sharing of advice between participants and the trainer, and definition of an individual action plan to complete the preparation of the defense.

Conclusion (15’) ● Review of key messages and remaining questions

Objectifs de la formation :

  • Structure your defense
  • Master oral communication
  • Get trained on how to deliver an efficient speech

Formateurs et formatrices

Adoc Talent Management

Email : [email protected]

Informations pratiques

  • Email (contact pédagogique) : [email protected]           
  • Dates prévisionnelles : session 1 le 22 avril  et le 3 mai 2022 de 9h00 à 17h00
  • session 2 le 24 mai et le 02 juin 2022 de 9h à 17h
  • Lieu : Université Paris – Bâtiment Halle aux Farines – Salle 125C. Selon l’évolution des mesures gouvernementales les formations en présentiel pourront être basculées en distanciel.
  • Pré-requis : 3rd year PhD candidates in the writing phase of their thesis work
  • Effectif maximum : 10

Outils et méthodes

Gérer sa thèse, doctorant en 3 ème année, 14h/ 2 jours, formations dans la même catégorie, vulgarisation scientifique vers le « grand public ».

Langue : Français Format : Présentiel Code : DF23VSGP

Stratégies de lecture efficace

Langue : Français Format : distanciel Code : DF23OMLRE

Rédiger sa thèse en 2 mois : gestion du temps et des priorités

Langue : Français Format : Presentiel Code : DF23OMRT

Elaborer sa recherche à l’aide d’outils numériques – Initiation à R

Langue : Français Format : Présentiel Code : DF23ONER-2

MOOC Research integrity in scientific professions

Langue : Anglais Format : Distanciel Code : DF23EIISA

MOOC Intégrité scientifique dans les métiers de la recherche

Langue : Français Format : Distanciel Code : DF23EIISF

MOOC Éthique de la recherche

Langue : Français Format : Distanciel Code : DF23EIER

Advanced Applied Data Analytics

Langue : Anglais Format : Distanciel Code : DFONAA

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Woman gave birth in front seat of car hours before defending her doctoral thesis

Tamiah Brevard-Rodriguez shares details of the unexpected delivery, and how she’ll be spending Mother’s Day.

This Mother’s Day is extra special for one New Jersey woman who is celebrating both the birth of her second child and receiving her doctorate. Strikingly, it is also not the first time the mother experienced a joyous crossover between motherhood and securing a degree.

Tamiah Brevard-Rodriguez, 40, a doctoral candidate and director of the Aresty Research Center at Rutgers University, began experiencing contractions in the early hours of March 25 while doing last-minute prep for the defense of her thesis — but didn’t think her second child was due for four more weeks. Instead, Brevard-Rodriguez had been focused on giving her defense in front of her professors, friends, and family later that day.

“I was physically prepared for a pregnancy; mentally my brain was not on a baby,” she told her local ABC 7 affiliate. “So I was having a very emotional response to knowing I was in labor, knowing I had this defense. I was literally shaking.”

As the contractions increased, she and her wife, Alyza Brevard-Rodriguez, consulted with their doula and made the decision to attempt to race to the hospital. However, with her doula on the phone and her wife driving as fast as her car would allow, Brevard-Rodriguez wound up giving birth en route in the front passenger seat.

“The doula is trying to tell me ‘Don’t grunt him out, just breathe,’ and I’m like, ‘This baby is coming,'” Brevard-Rodriguez said, per ABC 7.

After only three pushes, baby Enzo came into the world perfectly healthy, aside from some mild jaundice, at 5:55 am. The infant weighed five pounds, 12 ounces and was 19 inches long.

The new mom told New that while she and baby were both OK, “I did have to detail [Alyza’s] car afterward.”

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Once the couple arrived at the hospital and mom and baby were examined, Brevard-Rodriguez took a brief nap. She freshened up with a shower, and proceeded to defend her thesis, titled “The Beauty Performances of Black College Women: A Narrative Inquiry Study Exploring the Realities of Race, Respectability, and Beauty Standards on a Historically White Campus,” virtually from her hospital bed, right on schedule. Brevard-Rodriguez disguised her background until she’d finished and then revealed her big news. She told that those on the Zoom call were so shocked they “fell out.”

In an email to theGrio, Brevard-Rodriguez confirmed she and Baby Enzo are “doing very well.”

She added, “Although [four] weeks early, he is thriving and the happiest little baby. He is surrounded with lots of love and has brought much joy into our home.”

Brevard-Rodriguez noted that she was proud of herself for “following through with both my educational and familial commitments.”

She continued, “It’s been a long six-year journey that has included the births of my two children, a global pandemic, and two spousal military deployments. I worked so hard for this moment and [feel] blessed to have delivered both my son and defense [on] the same day.”

The mom of two (she is also mom to a daughter, Aubriel, 4) said she’s looking forward to concluding this doctoral chapter with graduation and spending the remaining months of her maternity leave with her family.

“We [plan] to celebrate Mother’s Day after graduation at home with family,” she wrote, adding that the celebration doesn’t stop with just her. “We are blessed to have multi-generations of moms in our family celebrating with us. My wife and daughter are also graduating, so it’s full-on celebrations for the next month.”

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  23. PDF Guide to the Doctoral defence

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  24. Woman gave birth in front seat of car hours before defending ...

    The post Woman gave birth in front seat of car hours before defending her doctoral thesis appeared first on TheGrio. Tamiah Brevard-Rodriguez shares details of the unexpected delivery, and how she ...