contoh motivation essay pertamina foundation

Beasiswa Pertamina Sobat Bumi  Jaring 280 Mahasiswa

JAKARTA  – Melalui program PFprestasi, Pertamina Foundation (PF)  menyalurkan beasiswa Pertamina Sobat Bumi kepada 280 mahasiswa dari 25 kampus di seluruh Indonesia. Kepedulian PF ini menjadi salah satu bukti bahwa yayasan yang didirikan Pertamina ini ikut berperan aktif dalam  pembentukan SDM unggul  dan  tangguh di era revolusi industri 4.0.

Menurut Presiden Direktur Pertamina Foundation, Agus Mashud S. Asngari, mahasiswa yang mendapatkan kesempatan meraih beasiswa adalah mereka yang cerdas, kreatif, peduli lingkungan dan sedang menempuh studi S1/Diploma di kampus mitra.

“Kami menjaring generasi muda yang cerdas visioner untuk menjadi kader pemimpin masa depan. Sampai saat ini, kami sudah memberikan beasiswa kepada 1.668 generasi muda yang sekarang tergabung dalam perkumpulan komunitas Sobat Bumi Indonesia yang tersebar luas ke seluruh Indonesia ” ujar Agus Mashud, Jumat (17/4).

Agus  mengungkapkan, selain memberikan bantuan uang untuk SPP dan biaya hidup per bulan, penerima beasiswa sobat bumi  juga diikutsertakan dalam kegiatan capacity building dan green action sebagai rangkaian pembelajaran dan pembentukan karakter sobat bumi.

Pendaftaran Beasiswa dibuka serentak di semua perguruan tinggi mitra mulai 18 April 2020 dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Khusus Tahun 2020, Pertamina Foundation mengalokasikan sebagian kuota penerima beasiswa bagi pendaftar yang terdampak wabah pandemik COVID-19 di Indonesia.  

“Kami sangat responsif terhadap penanganan Covid-19 yang sedang terjadi. Kami akan berusaha semampu kami untuk membantu garda terdepan dan memulihkan kehidupan masyarakat yang terkena dampak dari penyebaran virus tersebut. Salah satu yang kami upayakan adalah memberi kuota khusus bagi mahasiswa terdampak COVID-19. Selain itu, sistem seleksi beasiswa tahun ini dilakukan hanya secara online atau aplikasi berbasis website untuk mengurangi aktivitas diluar rumah. Bersama akademisi kampus, pejabat Pertamina dan  tokoh-tokoh nasiona,  seperti Yayasan Dian Sastro, The Jakarta Pos, HOPE Indonesia akan menjadi bagian tim interviewer dalam proses seleksi beasiswa dengan sistem konferensi video,” kata Agus Mashud.

Jenis beasiswa dan mitra perguruan tinggi tahun 2020 meliputi Beasiswa S-1 Reguler, Beasiswa Vokasi dan Beasiswa Afirmasi Daerah Operasi.

Beasiswa Pertamina Sobat Bumi S-1 Reguler hanya berlaku bagi mahasiswa yang berkuliah di kampus mitra Pertamina, seperti UGM Yogyakarta, UI Jakarta, ITB Bandung, USU Medan, Unsri Palembang, Universitas Pertamina Jakarta, Undip Semarang, Unair Surabaya, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Unhas Makassar, Universitas Pattimura Ambon dan Universitas Cendrawasih Jayapura.

Sedangkan Beasiswa Afirmasi Daerah Operasi Pertamina merupakan sebuah apresiasi bagi putera-puteri bangsa yang berkuliah di sekitar area operasi Pertamina, meliputi Rokan-Riau, Tuban Jawa Timur, Balikpapan dan Karawang Jawa Barat. Kampus yang sudah bermitra untuk jenis beasiswa ini adalah Universitas Riau (Pekanbaru), STAI Tuangku Tambusai (Rokan Hulu), Universitas Pasir Pengaraian (Rokan Hulu), STAI Sulthan Syarif Hasyim Siak (Siak), dan Universitas Islam Riau (Riau), Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe dan Universitas Sunan Bonang (Tuban), Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (Balikpapan), Universitas Balikpapan, STT Migas Balikpapan, serta Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang.

Pertamina juga mendukung program penciptaan tenaga terampil siap kerja melalui Beasiswa Pertamina Vokasi, yaitu dengan mitra Politeknik Negeri Fak-Fak di Papua Barat dan Politeknik Negeri Kupang di NTT.

Respon dari mitra sangat bagus dan antusias untuk menginformasikan adanya pembukaan beasiswa. “Alhamdulillah, kami ucapkan terima kasih kami kepada Pertamina Foundation karena telah mempercayai STAI Tuanku Tambusai sebagai salah satu mitra beasiswa Pertamina. Kami berharap program ini ada setiap tahununtuk mendukung mahasiswa  menjadi generasi masa depan yang andal,” ujar Hidayati, Ketua STAI Sulthan Syarif Hasyim Siak.

Hal senada juga disampaikan Anthonius LS. Haans, Wakil Direktur Bid. Akademik & Kemahasiswaan Politeknik Negeri Fakfak (Polinef). “Suatu kebanggaan menjadi mitra PF dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas SDM Papua dan Papua Barat,” ucap Anthonius.

Persyaratan dan pendaftaran dapat dilakukan melalui website resmi Pertamina Foundation di laman Perkembangan terbaru mengenai Beasiswa juga dapat dilihat di media sosial resmi Pertamina Foundation.

“Kami berharap mahasiswa di kampus mitra yang memenuhi syarat dapat mendaftar secara online . Kami undang generasi muda cerdas yang siap menerima tantangan untuk menjadi kader pemimpin yang membawa Indonesia menang di percaturan dunia,” harap Agus.*PF

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Pengalaman Mendapatkan Beasiswa Sobat Bumi Pertamina Foundation

contoh motivation essay pertamina foundation

Halo semuanya, perkenalkan saya adalah Farhan Fahrezy. Saya adalah awardee atau penerima beasiswa Sobat Bumi dari Pertamina Foundation tahun 2020. Saya adalah mahasiswa program S1 Teknik Elektro di Universitas Sumatera Utara. Berikut ini adalah pengalaman saya selama proses pendaftaran hingga saya bisa menjadi penerima beasiswa Sobat Bumi Pertamina Foundation. Untuk persiapan beasiswa lain, click disini .

Baca juga: Jasa Penerjemah Tersumpah

Aktif Mencari Info Beasiswa

Untuk memperoleh info-info beasiswa biasanya saya memiliki beberapa cara seperti mencari info beasiswa di google secara rutin setiap dua minggu sekali serta mengikuti akun-akun penyedia info beasiswa. Di instagram sendiri, saya mengikuti lebih dari seratus akun info beasiswa dan kampus. Dengan cara ini, info-info beasiswa dapat saya terima dengan cepat. Salah satunya adalah info beasiswa Sobat Bumi dari Pertamina Foundation. Setelah mengetahui pembukaan beasiswa Pertamina Foundation, saya semakin semangat untuk mencari info-info seputar beasiswa ini. Saya mencari info-info pendaftaran tahun sebelumnya serta mengikuti seminar atau pelatihan tentang beasiswa Pertamina Foundation.

Baca juga: Pengalaman Mendapatkan Beasiswa XL Future Leaders

Salah satu poin penilaian penting dalam seleksi administrasi adalah essay. Pada seleksi beasiswa Sobat Bumi yang lalu tema essaynya adalah Covid 19. Ada beberapa tips yang harus kamu perhatikan yaitu, pertama, jangan plagiat. Kamu boleh mengambil referensi dari internet tapi setidaknya ubahlah 50-75% komposisinya, apakah itu isi, paragraf, kalimat, dan diksi yang digunakan. Kedua, libatkan dirimu di dalam essay itu. Maksudnya, dengan teman Covid 19, ceritakan bagaimana kamu mengatasi Covid 19 ini. Kamu tidak perlu melakukan hal-hal luar biasa ataupun ekstrim, yang biasa saja juga bisa menjadi penilaian selama hal itu memberikan dampak positif. Ketiga, setelah selesai menulis essay libatkan lebih dari 3 komponen untuk menilainya contoh keluarga, teman, senior/kakak tingkat karena dengan melibatkan orang lain kamu akan mendapat masukan dari mereka. Jadi jangan malu ketika essaymu dibaca, justru merekalah yang akan meningkatkan kualitas essaymu.

Baca juga: Pengalaman Mendapatkan Beasiswa Bakti Nusa

Setelah lolos tahapan administrasi, saya mengikuti tahapan seleksi selanjutnya yaitu wawancara. Pada saat wawancara, saya dihadapkan dengan 4 orang pewawancara dengan durasi waktu wawancara sekitar 20 menit. Pertanyaan pewawancara berfokus pada hal-hal yang saya tuliskan di essay. Jadi, saran saya pastikan kamu menguasai essay yang kamu tulis. Selama wawancara berlangsung, pastikan kamu tetap tenang dan percaya diri.

Baca juga: Pengalaman Mendapatkan Beasiswa PPA

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Beasiswa Program Persiapan Studi Lanjut – PPSL untuk Pelajar dan Mahasiswa

Pskov customs was founded 29 years ago

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29 years ago by the order of the Main Department of the state customs control (GPTC) under the Council of Ministers of the USSR of may 23, 1991, No. 173 formed by the Pskov customs.

The region of Pskov customs – Pskov oblast. Pskov oblast is the only region in the Russian Federation, having borders with three States – Estonia, Latvia and the Republic of Belarus (total length of 883,8 kilometers).

In the structure of customs and 14 customs offices. In the region of activity of customs 11 border crossing points.

2020 was challenging for all mankind. Virus infection has made adjustments to the work of many services and organizations. Customs authorities continue to operate without interruption around the clock seven days a week. The team of the Pskov customs performs all the tasks assigned to it.

From January to April 2020 the Pskov customs officers have issued more than 225 thousand vehicles, including: passenger – 135 thousand, cargo – 88 thousand or more 2 thousand buses.

Officials of customs posts and more than 151 thousand railway cars. Through the checkpoints of the region of activity of customs from January through April proceeded more than 439 thousand people.

Customs authorities are developing. The reform of customs administration, implying the transition to full automation of customs clearance, and actively apply advanced technologies, including auto-registration and autobypass.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance to reform the system of customs authorities in the period from 2018 to 2020 is provided with the conversion of the Pskov customs at the customs office of actual control.

To the 30-year anniversary next year Pskov customs “rebooted” will come updated with a new status – the status of the customs actual control.

Natalia Knyazeva, press Secretary of the Pskov customs

Novosibirsk customs: the deadlines for the temporary importation of vehicles

FCS of Russia informs: in connection with COVID-19 the period of temporary importation of vehicles for personal use has been extended to 30 September 2020

North-West Customs Administration

, Golden Quay, Church of Saint Basil of Caesarea, Pskov Academic Drama Theatre
Show map of Pskov Oblast Show map of European Russia Show map of Europe
Coordinates: 28°20′E / 57.817°N 28.333°E / 57.817; 28.333
First mentioned903
  HeadBoris Yolkin
Elevation 45 m (148 ft)
Population ( Census)
  Estimate  210,501 (+3.6%)
  Rank in 2010
  Subordinated to of Pskov
   of ,
  Urban okrugPskov Urban Okrug
   ofPskov Urban Okrug, Pskovsky Municipal District
(   )
+7 8112
City DayJuly 23

Early history

Pskov republic, grand duchy of moscow, tsardom of russia, russian empire, recent history, administrative and municipal status, landmarks and sights, ecological situation, notable people, twin towns – sister cities, bibliography, external links.

Pskov is one of the oldest cities in Russia. During the Middle Ages , it served as the capital of the Pskov Republic and was a trading post of the Hanseatic League before it was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Moscow and became an important border fortress in the Tsardom of Russia .

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View of the Pskov Kremlin from the Velikaya River in 2014 Vid na Pskovskii Krom s reki Velikoi, 2014..jpg

Pskov is one of the oldest cities in Russia. The name of the city, originally Pleskov (historic Russian spelling Плѣсковъ , Plěskov ), may be loosely translated as "[the town] of purling waters". It was historically known in English as Plescow . [10]

Its earliest mention comes in 903, [11] which records that Igor of Kiev married a local lady, Olga (later Saint Olga of Kiev). [12] Pskovians sometimes take this year as the city's foundation date, and in 2003 a great jubilee took place to celebrate Pskov's 1,100th anniversary.

The first prince of Pskov was Vladimir the Great 's youngest son Sudislav . Once imprisoned by his brother Yaroslav , he was not released until the latter's death several decades later. In the 12th and 13th centuries, the town adhered politically to the Novgorod Republic . In 1241, it was taken by the Teutonic Knights , but Alexander Nevsky recaptured it several months later during a legendary campaign dramatized in Sergei Eisenstein 's 1938 movie Alexander Nevsky .

In order to secure their independence from the knights, the Pskovians elected a Lithuanian prince, named Daumantas , a Roman Catholic converted to Orthodox faith and known in Russia as Dovmont, as their military leader and prince in 1266. Having fortified the town, Daumantas routed the Teutonic Knights at Rakvere and overran much of Estonia. His remains and sword are preserved in the local kremlin , and the core of the citadel, erected by him, still bears the name of "Dovmont's town".

In 1341 the city recognized overlordship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania , in 1347 it switched allegiance to the Novgorod Republic , and the following year it became the capital of the newly independent Pskov Republic . [13]

By the 14th century, the town functioned as the capital of a de facto sovereign republic . Its most powerful force was the merchants who traded with the Hanseatic League . Pskov's independence was formally recognized by Novgorod in 1348. [13] Several years later, the veche promulgated a law code (called the Pskov Charter ), which was one of the principal sources of the all-Russian law code issued in 1497.

Already in the 13th century German merchants were present in Zapskovye area of Pskov and the Hanseatic League had a trading post in the same area in the first half of 16th century which moved to Zavelichye after a fire in 1562. [14] [15] The wars with Livonian Order, Poland-Lithuania and Sweden interrupted the trade but it was maintained until the 17th century, with Swedish merchants gaining the upper hand eventually. [15]

Historical population

The importance of the city made it the subject of numerous sieges throughout its history. The Pskov Krom (or Kremlin) withstood twenty-six sieges in the 15th century alone. At one point, five stone walls ringed it, making the city practically impregnable. A local school of icon -painting flourished, and the local masons were considered the best in Russia. Many peculiar features of Russian architecture were first introduced in Pskov.

Finally, in 1510, the city was annexed by the Grand Duchy of Moscow . [17] Three hundred families were deported from Pskov to central Russia, [13] and merchants and military families from Muscovy were settled in the city. At this time Pskov had at least 6,500 households and a population of more than 30,000; it was one of the three biggest cities of Muscovy, alongside Moscow and Novgorod. [18] [19]

Siege of Pskov by Stephen Bathory, by Karl Bryullov. BrullovKP OsadaPskovPolGTG.jpg

The deportation of noble families to Moscow under Ivan IV in 1570 is a subject of Rimsky-Korsakov 's opera Pskovityanka (1872). Pskov still attracted enemy armies and it withstood a prolonged siege by a 50,000-strong Polish-Lithuanian army during the final stage of the Livonian War (1581–1582). The king of Poland Stephen Báthory undertook some thirty-one attacks to storm the city, which was defended mainly by civilians. Even after one of the city walls was broken, the Pskovians managed to fill the gap and repel the attack. "A big city, it is like Paris", wrote Báthory's secretary about Pskov. [20]

The estimates of the population of Pskov land in the middle of 16th century range from 150 to 300 thousand. Famines, epidemics (especially the epidemic of 1552) and the warfare led to a five-fold decrease of the population by 1582–1585 due to mortality and migration. [21] [22]

The city withstood a siege by the Swedish in 1615. The successful defence of the city led to the peace negotiations culminating in the Treaty of Stolbovo .

Pskov in 1911 Pskov old photo.jpg

Peter the Great 's conquest of Estonia and Livonia during the Great Northern War in the early 18th century spelled the end of Pskov's traditional role as a vital border fortress and a key to Russia's interior. As a consequence, the city's importance and well-being declined dramatically, although it served as a seat of separate Pskov Governorate since 1777. In 1897, the ethnic make-up, by mother tongue, was 80.0% Russian, 5.7% Polish , 4.7% Jewish, 4.3% German, 2.4% Latvian, 2.1% Estonian. [16]

During World War I , Pskov became the headquarters for Russia's Northern Front , commanded by Nikolai Ruzsky . On 15 March 1917, aboard the Imperial train , Tsar Nicholas II abdicated here. [23] After the Russo-German Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference (22   December 1917 – 3   March 1918), the Imperial German Army invaded the area.

Pskov was also occupied by the Estonian army between 25 May 1919 and 28 August 1919 during the Estonian War of Independence when the White Russian commander Stanisław Bułak-Bałachowicz became the military administrator of Pskov. He personally ceded most of his responsibilities to a democratically elected municipal duma and focused on both cultural and economical recovery of the war-impoverished city. He also put an end to censorship of press and allowed for creation of several socialist associations and newspapers.

Under the Soviet government, large parts of the city were rebuilt, many ancient buildings, particularly churches, were demolished to give space for new constructions. During World War II , in June 1940, the Soviet 8th Army invaded Estonia and Latvia from the city. [24] The medieval citadel provided little protection against modern artillery of the Wehrmacht, and Pskov suffered substantial damage during the German occupation from 9   July 1941 until 23   July 1944. The Germans operated a forced labour camp for Jewish men and women. [25] In February 1944, thousands of people were killed during Russian bombings of the city. [26] A huge portion of the population died during the war, and Pskov has since struggled to regain its traditional position as a major industrial and cultural center of western Russia.

Pskov is the administrative center of the oblast and, within the framework of administrative divisions , it also serves as the administrative center of Pskovsky District , even though it is not a part of it. [1] As an administrative division, it is incorporated separately as the City of Pskov —an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts . [1] As a municipal division , the City of Pskov is incorporated as Pskov Urban Okrug . [4]

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Pskov Krom, view from the Velikaya River Pskov Krom.jpg

Pskov still preserves much of its medieval walls, built from the 13th century on. Its medieval citadel is called either the Krom or the Kremlin. Within its walls rises the 256-foot-tall (78   m) Trinity Cathedral , founded in 1138 and rebuilt in the 1690s. The cathedral contains the tombs of saint princes Vsevolod (died in 1138) and Dovmont (died in 1299). Other ancient cathedrals adorn the Mirozhsky Monastery (completed by 1152), famous for its 12th-century frescoes , St.   John's (completed by 1243), and the Snetogorsky monastery (built in 1310 and stucco-painted in 1313).

Church of Saint Basil of Caesarea on the Hill Pskov ChurchStBasil Hill5c.jpg

Pskov is exceedingly rich in tiny, squat, picturesque churches, dating mainly from the 15th and the 16th centuries. There are many dozens of them, the most notable being St.   Basil's on the Hill (1413), St.   Kozma and Demian's near the Bridge (1463), St.   George's from the Downhill (1494), Assumption from the Ferryside (1444, 1521), and St.   Nicholas' from Usokha (1536). The 17th-century residential architecture is represented by merchant mansions , such as the Salt House, the Pogankin Palace, and the Trubinsky mansion.

Among the sights in the vicinity of Pskov are Izborsk , a seat of Rurik 's brother in the 9th century and one of the most formidable fortresses of medieval Russia; the Pskov Monastery of the Caves , the oldest continually functioning monastery in Russia (founded in the mid-15th century) and a magnet for pilgrims from all over the country; the 16th-century Krypetsky Monastery ; Yelizarov Convent , which used to be a great cultural and literary center of medieval Russia; and Mikhaylovskoye , a family home of Alexander Pushkin where he wrote some of the best known lines in the Russian language . The national poet of Russia is buried in the ancient cloister at the Holy Mountains nearby. Unfortunately, the area presently [ when? ] has only a minimal tourist infrastructure , and the historic core of Pskov requires serious investments to realize its great tourist potential.

On 7 July 2019, the Churches of the Pskov School of Architecture was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site . [27]

Pskova river in Pskov Pskov asv07-2018 Kremlin view from east img2.jpg

Vehicle emissions reach 83% of total emissions from stationary and mobile sources. The volume of emissions of atmospheric pollutants from stationary sources in 2007 amounted to 16.5 thousand tons, including 7.1 thousand tons (43.2%) of carbon monoxide and 2.6 thousand tons (15.8%) of solids. The largest source of air pollution in Pskov is Pskov Poultry Farm LLC (1365.92 tons of pollutants were emitted) and the Pskov Heating Networks SE (478.12 tons). All rivers flowing through the territory of the Pskov Oblast, including the city of Pskov, are characterized by increased concentrations of total iron , copper ions, and hardly oxidizable organic compounds in the water.

The following indicators characterize air pollution in Pskov:

  • annual average and maximum one-time concentration of sulfur dioxide – below 1 MPC
  • the annual average concentration of nitrogen dioxide – 1.5 MPC; the maximum single concentration – 3.4 MPC
  • annual average and maximum one-time concentration of carbon monoxide – below 1 MPC
  • average annual concentration of suspended solids – below 1 MPC; the maximum single concentration – 2.2 MPC
  • the degree of air pollution in general for Pskov is approximately low and is determined by the API value – 2.81 [28]

Since the late 1990s, the Clean Water project officially registered by United Russia in 2006 has been implemented. [29] Improving the quality of drinking water is planned to be carried out by gradually abandoning surface water intake from the Velikaya River and transitioning to the extraction of water from underground sources. [30] However, underground water intake leads to the clogging of hot water supply systems (up to complete obstruction) in those facilities where this water enters [31] [32] [33] due to its increased hardness. [34] [35]

The climate of Pskov is humid continental ( Köppen climate classification Dfb ) with maritime influences due to the city's relative proximity to the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland ; with relatively mild (for Russia) but still quite long winter and warm summer. Further west in Europe on the same latitude, winters are quite a bit milder and summer highs a bit cooler. Summer and fall have more precipitation than winter and spring.

Climate data for Pskov (1991-2020, extremes 1874–present)
Record high °C (°F)9.8
Mean daily maximum °C (°F)−2.3
Daily mean °C (°F)−4.7
Mean daily minimum °C (°F)−7.4
Record low °C (°F)−40.6
Average mm (inches)48
Average rainy days979121518161617181410161
Average snowy days222014510.03000.033132098
Average (%)87848070677274788386888980
Mean monthly 41711361892793002852331529034251,835
Source 1:
Source 2: (sun 1961–1990)

A Russian coin commemorating Pskov's 1,100th anniversary Pskov-Coin.jpg

  • JSC "AVAR" (AvtoElectroArmatura). Electric equipment production for cars, lorries buses and tractors (relays, switches, fuses, electronic articles)
  • Pskov is served by Pskov Airport which is also used for military aviation.
  • Valery Alekseyev (born 1979), professional association football player
  • Alexander Bastrykin (born 1953), Head of The Investigative Committee of Russia
  • Irina Podnosova (born 1953), Chief Justice of Russia
  • Valentin Chernykh (1935–2012), screenwriter
  • Semyon Dimanstein (1886–1938), Soviet state activist, killed in Stalin 's purges , a representative of the Soviet Jews
  • Oxana Fedorova (born 1977), Miss Russia 2001, Miss Universe 2002
  • Mikhail Golitsyn (1639–1687), statesman, governor of Pskov
  • Eugeniusz Grodziński (1912–1994), Polish philosopher
  • Veniamin Kaverin (1902–1989), writer
  • Yakov Knyazhnin (1740–1791), dramatist and playwright
  • Vasily Kuptsov (1899–1935), painter
  • Oleg Lavrentiev (1926–2011), Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian physicist
  • Kronid Lyubarsky (1934–1996), journalist, dissident, human rights activist
  • Boris Meissner (1915–2003), German lawyer and social scientist
  • Mikhail Minin (1922–2008), First soldier to hoist the Soviet flag atop the Reichstag building during the Battle of Berlin
  • Elena Neklyudova (born 1973), singer-songwriter
  • Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin (1605–1680), Russian statesman of the 17th century. [38]
  • Yulia Peresild (born 1984), stage and film actress

Russian actress Yulia Peresild Iuliia Peresil'd.jpg

  • Georg von Rauch (1904–1991), historian
  • Nikolai Skrydlov (1844–1918), admiral in the Imperial Russian Navy
  • Vladimir Smirnov (born 1957), Russian businessman
  • Grigory Teplov (1717–1779), academic administrator
  • Aleksander von der Bellen (1859–1924), politician, provincial commissar of Pskov
  • Maxim Vorobiev (1787–1855), landscape painter
  • Ferdinand von Wrangel (1797–1870), explorer and seaman
  • Vsevolod of Pskov , Novgorodian prince , canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as Vsevolod-Gavriil
  • Nina Cheremisina (born 1946), former rower
  • Mariya Fadeyeva (born 1958), former rower
  • Sergei Fedorov (born 1969), hockey player
  • Sergey Matveyev (born 1972), former Olympic rower
  • Igor Nedorezov (born 1981), professional footballer
  • Alexander Nikolaev (born 1990), sprint canoer
  • Svetlana Semyonova (born 1958), former rower
  • Konstantin Shabanov (born 1989), track and field athlete
  • Aleksei Snigiryov (born 1968), professional footballer
  • Galina Sovetnikova (born 1955), former rower
  • Marina Studneva (born 1959), former rower
  • Ruslan Surodin (born 1982), professional footballer
  • Valeri Tsvetkov (born 1977), professional footballer
  • Vladimir Vagin (born 1982), professional footballer
  • Nikita Vasilyev (born 1992), professional football player
  • Sergei Vinogradov (born 1981), professional football player

Pskov is twinned with: [39]

In February 2023, it was announced that Roanoke , United States was officially pausing its sister city affiliation with Pskov due to the continuing Russian invasion of Ukraine . [40]

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Ostrov is a town and the administrative center of Ostrovsky District in Pskov Oblast, Russia, located on the Velikaya River, 55 kilometers (34 mi) south of Pskov, the administrative center of the oblast. Population: 21,668 (2010 Russian census) ; 25,078 (2002 Census) ; 29,060 (1989 Soviet census) ; 27,000 (1974).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pechory</span> Town in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Pechory is a town and the administrative centre of Pechorsky District in the Pskov Oblast, Russia. Its population in the 2010 Census was 11,195, having fallen from 13,056 recorded in the 2002 Census and 11,935 in the 1989 Census.

Dno is a town and the administrative center of Dnovsky District in Pskov Oblast, Russia, located at the intersection of the Pskov–Bologoye and St. Petersburg–Vitebsk railways, 113 kilometers (70 mi) east of Pskov, the administrative center of the oblast. Population: 9,061 (2010 Russian census) ; 10,049 (2002 Census) ; 12,406 (1989 Soviet census) .

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bezhanitsky District</span> District in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Bezhanitsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-four in Pskov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the central and eastern parts of the oblast and borders with Dedovichsky District in the north, Poddorsky and Kholmsky Districts of Novgorod Oblast in the east, Loknyansky District in the south, Novosokolnichesky, Pustoshkinsky, and Opochetsky Districts in the southwest, and with Novorzhevsky District in the west. The area of the district is 3,535 square kilometers (1,365 sq mi). Its administrative center is the urban locality of Bezhanitsy. Population: 13,264 (2010 Russian census) ; 17,547 ; 22,784 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Bezhanitsy accounts for 32.7% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Plyussa</span> Work settlement in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Plyussa is an urban locality and the administrative center of Plyussky District of Pskov Oblast, Russia, located 91 kilometers (57 mi) northeast of Pskov by the river Plyussa. Municipally, it is incorporated as Plyussa Urban Settlement , one of the two urban settlements in the district. Population: 3,450 (2010 Russian census) ; 3,856 (2002 Census) ; 4,317 (1989 Soviet census) .

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kholmsky District, Novgorod Oblast</span> District in Novgorod Oblast, Russia

Kholmsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-one in Novgorod Oblast, Russia. It is located in the south of the oblast and borders with Poddorsky District in the north, Maryovsky District in the east, Andreapolsky District of Tver Oblast in the southeast, Toropetsky District of Tver Oblast in the south, Loknyansky District of Pskov Oblast in the southwest, and with Bezhanitsky District of Pskov Oblast in the northwest. The area of the district is 2,178.69 square kilometers (841.20 sq mi). Its administrative center is the town of Kholm. Population: 6,177 (2010 Russian census) ; 7,712 ; 9,174 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Kholm accounts for 62.0% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dnovsky District</span> District in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Dnovsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-four in Pskov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the east of the oblast and borders with Soletsky District of Novgorod Oblast in the northeast, Volotovsky District, also of Novgorod Oblast, in the east, Dedovichsky District in the south, and with Porkhovsky District in the west. The area of the district is 1,194 square kilometers (461 sq mi). Its administrative center is the town of Dno. Population: 13,341 (2010 Russian census) ; 16,048 ; 20,110 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Dno accounts for 67.9% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gdovsky District</span> District in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Gdovsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-four in Pskov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the northwest of the oblast and borders with Slantsevsky District of Leningrad Oblast in the north, Plyussky District in the east, Strugo-Krasnensky District in the southeast, and with Pskovsky District in the south. Lake Peipus forms the border with Estonia in the west. The area of the district is 3,400 square kilometers (1,300 sq mi). Its administrative center is the town of Gdov. Population: 12,792 (2010 Russian census) ; 17,715 ; 19,842 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Gdov accounts for 34.2% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ostrovsky District, Pskov Oblast</span> District in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Ostrovsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-four in Pskov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the west of the oblast and borders with Pskovsky District in the north, Porkhovsky District in the northeast, Novorzhevsky District in the southeast, Pushkinogorsky and Krasnogorodsky Districts in the south, Pytalovsky District in the west, and with Palkinsky District in the northwest. The area of the district is 2,400 square kilometers (930 sq mi). Its administrative center is the town of Ostrov. Population: 31,096 (2010 Russian census) ; 36,685 ; 14,199 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Ostrov accounts for 69.7% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Palkinsky District</span> District in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Palkinsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-four in Pskov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the west of the oblast and borders with Pskovsky District in the northwest, Ostrovsky District in the southeast, Pytalovsky District in the south, Viļaka and Alūksne Municipalities of Latvia in the southwest, and with Pechorsky District in the northwest. The area of the district is 1,191.2 square kilometers (459.9 sq mi). Its administrative center is the urban locality of Palkino. Population: 8,826 (2010 Russian census) ; 10,520 ; 12,392 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Palkino accounts for 33.1% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Plyussky District</span> District in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Plyussky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-four in Pskov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the northeast of the oblast and borders with Slantsevsky District of Leningrad Oblast in the north, Luzhsky District of Leningrad Oblast in the northeast, Shimsky District of Novgorod Oblast in the east, Strugo-Krasnensky District in the south, and with Gdovsky District in the west. The area of the district is 2,767 square kilometers (1,068 sq mi). Its administrative center is the urban locality of Plyussa. Population: 9,187 (2010 Russian census) ; 11,610 ; 13,988 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Plyussa accounts for 37.6% of the district's total population.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pskovsky District</span> District in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Pskovsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-four in Pskov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the northwest of the oblast and borders with Gdovsky District in the north, Strugo-Krasnensky District in the northeast, Porkhovsky District in the east, Ostrovsky District in the south, and with Palkinsky and Pechorsky Districts in the southwest. Lake Peipus forms the border with Estonia in the west. The area of the district is 3,600 square kilometers (1,400 sq mi). Its administrative center is the city of Pskov. Population: 34,323 (2010 Russian census) ; 37,216 ; 37,557 (1989 Soviet census) .

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Usvyatsky District</span> District in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Usvyatsky District is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the twenty-four in Pskov Oblast, Russia. It is located in the south of the oblast and borders with Velikoluksky District in the north, Kunyinsky District in the east, Velizhsky District of Smolensk Oblast in the southeast, Vitebsk and Haradok Districts of Belarus in the southwest, and Nevelsky District in the west. The area of the district is 1,100 square kilometers (420 sq mi). Its administrative center is the urban locality of Usvyaty. Population: 5,598 (2010 Russian census) ; 6,360 ; 7,905 (1989 Soviet census) . The population of Usvyaty accounts for 52.9% of the district's total population.

Palkino is an urban locality and the administrative center of Palkinsky District of Pskov Oblast, Russia, located 36 kilometers (22 mi) southwest of Pskov. Municipally, it is incorporated as Palkino Urban Settlement , the only urban settlement in the district. Population: 2,924 (2010 Russian census) ; 3,201 (2002 Census) ; 3,406 (1989 Soviet census) .

Zaplyusye is an urban locality in Plyussky District of Pskov Oblast, Russia, located in the east of the district, right at the border with Leningrad Oblast. Municipally, it is incorporated as Zaplyusye Urban Settlement in Plyussky Municipal District, one of the two urban settlements in the district. Population: 1,096 (2010 Russian census) ; 1,393 (2002 Census) ; 1,887 (1989 Soviet census) .

Dedovichi is an urban locality and the administrative center of Dedovichsky District of Pskov Oblast, Russia, located on the Shelon River east of Pskov. Municipally, it is incorporated as Dedovichi Urban Settlement , the only urban settlement in the district. Population: 8,798 (2010 Russian census) ; 9,881 (2002 Census) ; 8,494 (1989 Soviet census) .

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Krasnogorodsk</span> Work settlement in Pskov Oblast, Russia

Krasnogorodsk is an urban locality and the administrative center of Krasnogorodsky District of Pskov Oblast, Russia, located on the Sinyaya River south of Pskov. Municipally, it is incorporated as Krasnogorodsk Urban Settlement , the only urban settlement in the district. Population: 3,870 (2010 Russian census) ; 4,694 (2002 Census) ; 5,295 (1989 Soviet census) .

Loknya is an urban locality and the administrative center of Loknyansky District of Pskov Oblast, Russia. Municipally, it is incorporated as Loknya Urban Settlement , the only urban settlement in the district. Population: 3,872 (2010 Russian census) ; 4,898 (2002 Census) ; 6,061 (1989 Soviet census) .

  • 1 2 3 4 5 Law #833-oz
  • ↑ "26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года" . Federal State Statistics Service . Retrieved 23 January 2019 .
  • 1 2 3 4 Law #419-oz.
  • ↑ "Об исчислении времени" . Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). 3 June 2011 . Retrieved 19 January 2019 .
  • ↑ Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. ( Russian Post ). Поиск объектов почтовой связи ( Postal Objects Search ) (in Russian)
  • ↑ Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [ 2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1 ] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ Federal State Statistics Service (21 May 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов   – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3   тысячи и более человек [ Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000 ] (XLS) . Всероссийская перепись населения 2002   года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  • ↑ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [ All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers ] . Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly .
  • ↑ Bacon, George A (1889). The Academy: A Journal of Secondary Education, Volume 4 . p.   403.
  • ↑ Borrero, Mauricio (2009). Russia: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present . Infobase Publishing. p.   285. ISBN   978-0-8160-7475-4 .
  • ↑ Esmark, Kim; Hermanson, Lars; Orning, Hans Jacob (2020). "Early Scandinavian power centers in the east". Nordic Elites in Transformation, c. 1050–1250, Volume II: Social Networks . Routledge. ISBN   9781000037340 .
  • 1 2 3 4 Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich, Tom IX (in Polish). Warszawa. 1888. pp.   249–250. {{ cite book }} : CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( link )
  • ↑ Dollinger, Philippe (1999). The German Hansa . Psychology Press. p.   105. ISBN   9780415190732 .
  • 1 2 Аракчеев владимир Анатольевич, Псков и Ганза в эпоху средневековья , ООО «Дизайн экспресс», 2012 (in Russian)
  • 1 2 Первая Всеобщая перепись населения Российской империи, 1897 г. (in Russian). Vol.   XXXIV. 1904. pp.   48–51.
  • ↑ Maclean, Fitzroy (18 March 1979). Pskov: A Journey Into Russia's Past , The New York Times
  • ↑ Зимин, А.А. "Глава 6. Псков". Россия на пороге Нового времени (Очерки политической истории России первой трети XVI в.) (in Russian). Мысль. pp.   112–21. Ведь в 1510 г. в одном Среднем городе Пскова насчитывалось 6500 дворов
  • ↑ Turchin, Peter ; Nefedov, Sergey (2009). Secular cycles . Princeton University Press. pp.   243–44. ISBN   978-0-691-13696-7 . )
  • ↑ de Madariaga, Isabel (2006). "Peace Negotiations". Ivan the Terrible . Yale University Press. p.   526. ISBN   978-0-30014376-8 .
  • ↑ Горская, Наталья Александровна (1994). Историческая демография России эпохи феодализма: итоги и проблемы изучения (in Russian). Москва: Наука. pp.   94–97. ISBN   978-502009750-6 .
  • ↑ Turchin, Peter ; Nefedov, Sergey (2009). Secular cycles . Princeton University Press. pp.   244–45, 251–52. ISBN   978-0-691-13696-7 . )
  • ↑ Massie, Robert (1967). Nicholas and Alexandria . New York: Ballantine Books. pp.   412–417. ISBN   9780345438317 .
  • ↑ Eestlased vene sõjaväes 1940–1945. Raamat 12 (in Estonian and English). Tallinn: Estonian Repressed Persons Records Bureau. 2016. p.   33. ISBN   978-9985-9914-5-9 .
  • ↑ "Zwangsarbeitslager für Juden Pleskau" . (in German) . Retrieved 9 January 2024 .
  • ↑ " "Pihkva pole enam kaugel!" " . Eesti Ekspress (in Estonian) . Retrieved 9 January 2024 .
  • ↑ "Six cultural sites added to UNESCO's World Heritage List" . UNESCO . 7 July 2019.
  • ↑ "Доклад об экологической ситуации в Псковской области за 2009—2010 годы | Портал государственных органов Псковской области" . 24 February 2011 . Retrieved 29 August 2023 .
  • ↑ "Будет ли чистой «Чистая вода»?" . . Retrieved 29 August 2023 .
  • ↑ Savitskaya, L. (4 August 2017) Жажда патриотизма .
  • ↑ Накипь в трубах оставляет без горячей воды жителей нескольких псковских новостроек Archived 18 July 2021 at the Wayback Machine .
  • ↑ В Псковских теплосетях объяснили, почему чистая вода засоряет трубы Archived 18 July 2021 at the Wayback Machine .
  • ↑ "Путин поручил к октябрю обеспечить Псков чистой водой" . 21 March 2023 . Retrieved 29 August 2023 .
  • ↑ "Вода «чистая», а осадок остался" . 7 July 2021 . Retrieved 29 August 2023 .
  • ↑ Savitskaya, L. (22 February 2021) Операция «Чистая вода». Почему в новостройках Пскова нет воды .
  • ↑ "" (in Russian) . Retrieved 8 December 2021 .
  • ↑ "Pskov Climate Normals 1961–1990" . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . Retrieved 5 December 2019 .
  • ↑ Bain, Robert Nisbet (1911). "Orduin-Nashchokin, Athanasy Lavrentevich"   . Encyclopædia Britannica . Vol.   20 (11th   ed.). p.   238.
  • ↑ "Общая информация" . (in Russian). Pskov . Retrieved 1 February 2020 .
  • ↑ Hunter, Molly. "Sister City ties on hold Roanoke's relationship with Russian city paused, flag to be removed." Roanoke Times, The (VA) , February 22, 2023: 1A.
  • Псковское областное Собрание депутатов.   Закон   №833-оз   от   5 февраля 2009 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Псковской области». Вступил в силу   со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Псковская правда", №20, 10 февраля 2009 г. (Pskov Oblast Council of Deputies.   Law   # 833-oz   of   February   5, 2009 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Pskov Oblast . Effective as of   the official publication date.).
  • Псковское областное Собрание депутатов.   Закон   №419-оз   от   28 февраля 2005 г. «О границах и статусе действующих на территории области муниципальных образований». Вступил в силу   со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Псковская правда", №41–43, 4 марта 2005 г. (Pskov Oblast Council of Deputies.   Law   # 419-ы.   of   February   28, 2005 On the Borders and Status of the Municipal Formations Existing on the Oblast Territory . Effective as of   the official publication date.).
  • Official website (in Russian)
  • Pskov fortress
  • The Pskov Power. Archive of the Pskov area of regional studies
  • Annette M. B. Meakin (1906). "Pskoff" . Russia, Travels and Studies . London: Hurst and Blackett. OCLC   3664651 . OL   24181315M .
  • Kropotkin, Peter Alexeivitch ; Bealby, John Thomas (1911). "Pskov (town)"   . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica . Vol.   22 (11th   ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp.   542–543.
  • Kropotkin, Peter Alexeivitch ; Bealby, John Thomas (1911). "Pskov (government)"   . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica . Vol.   22 (11th   ed.). Cambridge University Press. p.   542.
  • The murder of the Jews of Pskov during World War II , at Yad Vashem website
  • Savignac, David (trans). The Pskov 3rd Chronicle .
  • Pskov, Russia at JewishGen
: •
Cities and towns
by quarter, and trading posts of the Hanseatic League
. of the shown in .

Haupthandelsroute Hanse.png

( )

  • Bryggen ( Bergen )
  • Antwerp 2  
  • Steelyard ( London )
  • Peterhof ( Novgorod )
  • Bishop's Lynn
  • 1 Cologne and Dortmund were both chief city of the Westphalian Quarter at different times.
  • 2 The kontor was moved to Antwerp once Bruges became inaccessible due to the silting of the Zwin channel.
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Pskov Oblast

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Pskov Oblast is in Northwestern Russia , which borders Latvia to the west, Estonia to the northwest, Leningrad Oblast to the north, Novgorod Oblast to the northeast, Tver Oblast to the east, Smolensk Oblast to the southeast, and Belarus to the south.


  • 57.816667 28.333333 1 Pskov — the ancient capital is not well prepared for tourism, but is rich in sites; its Krom (medieval citadel) is very impressive, it is circled by monasteries — including one which is Russia's oldest, and the city is full of small, old churches

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  • 57.016667 28.916667 1 Pushkinskie Gory (Pushkin Hills) - a former Pushkin's mansion and its surroundings converted into a large open-air museum with breathtaking scenery and traditional Russian ethnic elements. An excellent weekend destination.

Despite the proximity of the border with Latvia , Estonia and Belarus , in socio-economic terms, the Pskov Oblast is the most underdeveloped among all the Oblasts of Russia (only among the Oblasts), and the most backward region of Central Russia. There is practically no industry here, and agriculture is poorly developed.

An ancient region of Russia which once constituted its own republic, Pskov Oblast is a great weekend trip or longer from Saint Petersburg . Tourist infrastructure is at best rudimentary, although one would expect this will change in the near future, but the region has lots to see for an adventurous traveler or a traveler with a good guide. Pskov, the capital, is without a doubt the principal attraction and likely the only stop for most travelers, but it might be a good plan to get out of the city and check out nearby Izborsk.

See Russian phrasebook .

Two daily buses depart for Pskov from Novgorod at 08:30 and 16:00.

Trains from Saint Petersburg are unfortunately very inconvenient — they leave around 03:00 and arrive in Pskov four hours later. A better option is to hop on a bus from Petersburg's Vitebsky Vokzal; there are 15 buses bound for Pskov daily and they take about 5 hours to get there.

There is a daily overnight train from Moscow which leaves around 20:00 and arrives in Pskov around 08:00.

Pskov Airport ( PKV   IATA ) from Moscow and Sochi.

Pskov is a common last stop in Russia for visitors traveling overland to the Baltic states .

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    Esai Untuk Beasiswa SobatBumi Pertamina Foundation Prestasi | PDF. Esai ini membahas tentang aksi kreatif pencegahan penyebaran dan penanggulangan Covid-19. Penulis membahas dampak Covid-19 terhadap kesehatan, ekonomi, dan lingkungan serta solusi untuk meminimalka... by davin1reinhart1unido.

  5. Essay Pertamina Foundation

    Pertamina Foundation hadir untuk memberdayakan masyarakat melalui pendidikan, sosial, dan lingkungan dengan memberikan beasiswa dan program-program seperti ajang kreativitas generasi muda, pemberdayaan perempuan, penelitian sains, dan korban bencana. Tujuannya adalah menghasilkan SDM unggul dan berdaya saing secara global serta memajukan bangsa.

  6. Sharing My Experience As Awardee of Pertamina Foundation Sobat ...

    Halo! Aku Reza Berlian Ananda, mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi 2020. Di sini aku akan berbagi pengalaman mengenai proses aku menjadi Awardee Beasiswa Sobat Bumi tahun 2022 dari Pertamina…

  7. PFprestasi

    Essay dibuat sendiri dan bukan merupakan hasil plagiat; Ditulis dalam 4 halaman kertas ukuran quarto (A4) dengan minimal 3 halaman, dengan jarak antar baris 1,5 spasi ... Setelah menerima berkas pendaftaran online, tim seleksi Pertamina Foundation akan melakukan validasi dan pengecekan kelengkapan. Berkas yang lolos akan diikut sertakan dalam ...

  8. Pertamina Scholarship

    Pertamina Scholarship. Program Scholarship ini merupakan bentuk peran sosial Pertamina untuk turut serta mendukung Pemerintah dalam peningkatan kualitas pendidikan nasional, khususnya bagi masyarakat yang lebih membutuhkan. Program CSR Pendidikan ini dikemas dalam Beasiswa, Sekolah 3T, Pendidikan Khusus dan lainnya. ...

  9. PFprestasi

    Training Capacity Building. Penerima beasiswa akan mendapatkan training pengembangan individual yang dikoordinir oleh Pertamina Foundation mengenai pengetahuan, motivasi, ketrampilan, maupun pengembangan organisasi seperti pengembangan jaringan, leadership, dan lain lain. Gathering Sobat Bumi (atau kegiatan sejenisnya).

  10. Beasiswa Pertamina Sobat Bumi untuk Pemimpin Milenial: Dijaring 280

    Jakarta, 18 April 2020 - Penciptaan SDM unggul menjadi konsen Pertamina Foundation sebagai basis penciptaan kader pemimpin yang tangguh memasuki era revolusi industry 4.0. Melalui program iconic PFprestasi, Pertamina Foundation membuka kesempatan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa yang cerdas, kreatif, peduli lingkungan dan sedang menempuh studi S1/Diploma di kampus mitra.

  11. Beasiswa Pertamina Sobat Bumi Jaring 280 Mahasiswa

    1947. JAKARTA - Melalui program PFprestasi, Pertamina Foundation (PF) menyalurkan beasiswa Pertamina Sobat Bumi kepada 280 mahasiswa dari 25 kampus di seluruh Indonesia. Kepedulian PF ini menjadi salah satu bukti bahwa yayasan yang didirikan Pertamina ini ikut berperan aktif dalam pembentukan SDM unggul dan tangguh di era revolusi industri 4.0.

  12. Pengalaman Mendapatkan Beasiswa Sobat Bumi Pertamina Foundation

    Setelah mengetahui pembukaan beasiswa Pertamina Foundation, saya semakin semangat untuk mencari info-info seputar beasiswa ini. ... Ketiga, setelah selesai menulis essay libatkan lebih dari 3 komponen untuk menilainya contoh keluarga, teman, senior/kakak tingkat karena dengan melibatkan orang lain kamu akan mendapat masukan dari mereka. ...

  13. PFprestasi

    Beasiswa Pertamina Inspirasi Indonesia Timur (IIT) Tingkat Sarjana adalah program beasiswa yang ditujukan pada mahasiswa dari wilayah Indonesia Timur dan utamanya dari daerah 3T (Terdepan, Terluar, Tertinggal) untuk peningkatan kemampuan akademik, pengembangan ketrampilan, dan kepekaan sosial agar siap menjadi motor gerakan lingkungan dan kader pemimpin masa depan yang ramah lingkungan.

  14. Motivation Essay Diki

    Motivasi essay untuk program Social Leader Trainee (SLT) Pertamina Foundation. Penulis memiliki latar belakang pendidikan sosial dan politik serta pengalaman kepemimpinan, dan berharap dapat terlibat untuk memajukan masyarakat Indonesia melalui Pertamina Foundation.

  15. Pertamina Foundation

    Pertamina Foundation didirikan dengan tujuan untuk lebih meningkatkan efektifitas kegiatan yang menyangkut Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan dan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap para stakeholder. Semula bernama Yayasan Kesejahteraan Pegawai Pertamina (YKPP) yang telah berdiri sejak 15 Mei 1986, kemudian pada 12 Januari 2011 berganti nama ...

  16. PFprestasi

    PF Prestasi. Jl. Teuku Nyak Arief, Kawasan Pertamina Simprug Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta 12220 Telp.: +62 21 7223029 ext. 3808 Email: [email protected]

  17. Pskov customs: the customs post MAPP Burachki

    The customs post MAPP (multilateral automobile checkpoint) Burachki Pskov customs was 25 years old. Customs post MAPP Burachki on the Russian-Latvian border was established at the Sebezh customs by order of the State customs Committee of the Russian Federation of 2 February 1995 # 67 in connection with the opening of a new border crossing point "Burachki", which was erected in accordance ...

  18. Pskov customs was founded 29 years ago

    29 years ago by the order of the Main Department of the state customs control (GPTC) under the Council of Ministers of the USSR of may 23, 1991, No. 173 formed by the Pskov customs. The region of Pskov customs - Pskov oblast. Pskov oblast is the only region in the Russian Federation, having borders […]

  19. Essay Pertamina Sobat Bumi

    Essay Pertamina Sobat Bumi | PDF. Teknologi pirolisis dapat mengubah limbah plastik menjadi bahan bakar alternatif melalui proses degradasi termal tanpa oksigen pada suhu 250-420°C. Proses ini dapat mengurangi limbah plastik di kam... by faris_naufal_3.

  20. Pskov

    Pskov Krom, view from the Velikaya River. Pskov still preserves much of its medieval walls, built from the 13th century on. Its medieval citadel is called either the Krom or the Kremlin. Within its walls rises the 256-foot-tall (78 m) Trinity Cathedral, founded in 1138 and rebuilt in the 1690s.The cathedral contains the tombs of saint princes Vsevolod (died in 1138) and Dovmont (died in 1299).

  21. PFprestasi

    Program Beasiswa Pertamina Vokasi merupakan apresiasi yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang terampil, dan kreatif yang sedang menempuh studi diploma di kampus mitra kerjasama Pertamina Foundation. Komponen Beasiswa : Bantuan biaya hidup, disalurkan langsung melalui rekening penerima beasiswa; Bantuan biaya pendidikan dengan besaran seperti pada ...

  22. Pskov Oblast

    1 Pskov — the ancient capital is not well prepared for tourism, but is rich in sites; its Krom (medieval citadel) is very impressive, it is circled by monasteries—including one which is Russia's oldest, and the city is full of small, old churches. 58.75 27.816667. 2 Gdov — a medieval town famous for its churches, which were destroyed in ...

  23. Karya Tulis Ilmiyah Pertamina Fondation

    Dokumen ini menceritakan pengalaman mahasiswa penerima beasiswa Pertamina Foundation dari proses seleksi hingga aksi lingkungan yang dilakukan. Proses seleksi meliputi pengisian data diri, penulisan esai, wawancara, dan FGD. Penerima beasiswa mendapat manfaat berupa bantuan UKT, biaya hidup, dan biaya aksi. Setelah diterima, mereka melakukan berbagai aksi sosial dan lingkungan seperti ...