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Productivity Inspired by Abdul Sattar Edhi: The Richest Poor Man of Pakistan | ProductiveMuslim

Inspired by Edhi: The Richest Poor Man of Pakistan

Dr. Shamas ur Rehman Toor , Thu 16 Shawwal 1437AH 21-7-2016AD Social Productivity 6 minutes

‘Edhi’ became a synonym for love, humanitarian service, and selflessness in Pakistan. He commanded respect from Pakistanis and from millions across the world. He won several prominent international prizes for his outstanding humanitarian services. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize several times. He was decorated with the Nishan-e-Imtiaz, which is the highest honor given to any civilian in Pakistan for their achievements towards world recognition of Pakistan or an outstanding service to the country.

News of his illness in the last few months made many Pakistanis pray wholeheartedly for his health. His death shocked many in the nation. He was given the state funeral attended by thousands of people, including the President, chiefs of military, navy and air force, a large number of politicians, diplomats, civil servants, businessmen, etc.

He was called an Angel of Mercy. Some thought he was the greatest living humanitarian. We know that the Edhi Foundation runs 330 welfare centers across Pakistan and more than 1500 ambulances. But we do not exactly know the number of people (which could be millions without exaggeration) who have directly and indirectly benefited from Edhi ambulances, food kitchens, rehabilitation homes, shelters for abandoned women and children, and clinics for the mentally handicapped. Edhi Foundation does not just operate in Pakistan, it has carried out relief operations in Africa, Middle East, the Caucasus region, Eastern Europe and the United States. Edhi never differentiated between people, their faith, race or color. He helped everyone who needed help. He humbly requested donations from everyone who could give. He changed the face of welfare work in Pakistan and established an organization which is trusted by everyone, poor and rich, illiterate and educated, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

The purpose of this article is not to write a biographical account of Edhi’s life. Rather, I want to list some key qualities which made him the person he was. I want every one of us to learn from Edhi. I wish we can peek through his life and emulate some of his qualities and traits so that we can also reach out to the poor and needy in the way he did. I also hope our children would be inspired by his story, and be motivated to follow suit when they grow up.

Practical compassion

Edhi’s compassion drove him to help the helpless, give shelter to the homeless women, give a roof to the street children, feed the hungry, treat the sick and bury the dead… He himself drove an ambulance for 45 years and never drove any other car throughout his life. His heart was always with the needy and deserving and he was constantly thinking about how best to help those most in need. His compassionate heart has a lot to do with serving his own mother. She was paralyzed from a stroke when Edhi was only 11 years old. Looking after his mother and seeing her suffer inspired Edhi to develop services for the aged, immobile people, and physically challenged persons. His mother taught him selflessness also when she used to give him 2 paisas, one for himself and the other for a needy person on the street. This training to be compassionate at an early age had a lot to do with what Edhi became eventually.

Living a life of simplicity

Edhi lived a very simple life. He was known for his ascetic lifestyle. He never owned more than two pairs of simple clothes and shoes. He lived in a simple home with his family. His own office remained a small room with minimum furniture. He never drove any other car except the ambulance. He never took a salary from his foundation. He inculcated this trait in his wife and children who continue to live a life without frills. Edhi remained a focus of local and international media for decades, but this attention never got him distracted or carried away. He kept to his simplicity and true authentic self. This simplicity earned him a lot of respect among the masses.

Upholding a true sense of integrity

Being the largest charitable organization in Pakistan, Edhi Foundation attracted millions of dollars of donations. In its more than five decades of existence, Edhi Foundation never came under scrutiny for misappropriation of funds. Its volunteers, staff, and management are also inspired by Edhi’s own integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. Edhi realized that maintaining his personal, as well as organizational integrity was central to the success of his humanitarian activities which entirely depended on donations.

Dedication to one’s mission

Edhi was a full-time humanitarian worker, organizer, and mobilizer. He dedicated his whole life to the welfare work. Such was the level of his dedication to the causes he supported that he paid no heed to any kind of threats or obstacles in his way. He was criticized by some fundamentalists for supporting babies born out-of-wedlock. His ambulances were attacked by some interest groups. But nothing could deter him from serving humanity.

Being patriotic

Edhi was a true patriot. He had migrated to Pakistan from India during the partition of 1947. He believed in the country he chose to live in. Such was the level of his patriotism that he chose to be treated only in Pakistan despite offers from many for treatment abroad. He wanted to live and die in the country he loved so much. He never took donations from anyone except Pakistanis. He believed that native people can solve the problems of their country, and he proved it through the work he did that he sought help only from Pakistanis to solve issues of Pakistanis.

Taking the means and being optimistic

Edhi was a true impatient optimist. He knew that several problems of our world can be solved if we start finding solutions. He started his foundation with a second-hand ambulance. He then felt that the aged who had no one to look after needed his support. He built nursing homes for the aged. He found that children born out-of-wedlock were left on the street without any support, so he went on to put baby cradles outside the Edhi Foundation Centers. He then noticed the misery of divorced women, single mothers, and financially challenged women. He built shelters for them. He started supporting the relief work locally, as well as internationally. Edhi kept on discovering social needs and found simple solutions. Lack of formal education never stood in his way. He was able to find solutions to the social problems as he was truly immersed in the communities and was living the experience of the poor every day.

Being trustworthy out-pours the funds

He never thought that scarcity of resources would be a constraint for his foundation which is involved in a range of humanitarian activities. In fact, resources poured in for every cause he touched. He just stood in the streets and people handed him small and big notes. Children gave him their pocket money. Women gave him their jewelry. Poor gave him their savings. Rich gave him their properties. Everyone donated to Edhi and his foundation. His simplicity, integrity, dedication, and patriotism greatly helped him raise funds from the people. More importantly, his foundation delivered results and demonstrated social impact on the ground.

Sincere, calm and efficient leadership

subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He)

Edhi himself/his foundation never made any big deal out of the massive relief work they accomplished. He received nearly 250 local and international prizes in recognition of his phenomenal work, but he hardly ever mentioned them with pride. All the pride he took was in the work he did. He was nominated for Nobel Prize several times. But people like him are beyond Nobel Prize. No prize can truly acknowledge their services or contribution to the world we live in. He silently led a large foundation which helped millions through helplessness, sickness, and emergency. According to his own words,

“Whatever I’ve done for the poor, the destitute, the orphans and the less fortunate is not for any person or even myself, it’s for Allah . I’ve always aimed to please Allah .”

Edhi was regularly invited to speak on media, but he never appeared to be pretentious or attention seeker. He did not have a charismatic personality, an articulate speech or deep vocabulary. He spoke in a simple manner but spoke his heart. His message for humanity touched every heart and people believed him without hesitation.

A deep concern for humanity

In the early years of Edhi Foundation, Edhi was often criticized by his community for helping others. But it was very clear that he would extend help to every human in need, regardless of religion, race or color. Edhi lived in Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan and one of the largest metropolises of the world. His world vision was also very cosmopolitan. He was of the view that humanity was above everything and he was a true humanitarian for everyone.

Edhi is at peace in his grave, but his eyes continue to see the world as he donated his organs after his death (but due to his poor health, only corneas could be donated). His corneas were transplanted for two blind people who were waiting for an eye donation. This is what he meant to teach each one of us, even after he is no more among us. He is justifiably referred to as ‘the richest poor man’.

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Written by Dr. Shamas ur Rehman Toor

Dr. Shamas ur Rehman Toor is a Senior Program Management Specialist in the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), the poverty reduction arm of the Islamic Development Bank Group. He previously served as a lecturer in the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) where he taught business management and leadership.

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Home → Pakistan Unveiled → Abdul Sattar Edhi: A Humanitarian Icon

Abdul Sattar Edhi

Written by Mahira Saeed • September 6, 2024 • 8:06 pm • Pakistan Unveiled , Published Content

Abdul Sattar Edhi: A Humanitarian Icon

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Ms. Mahira Saeed is a lawyer based in Quetta.

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Whenever we hear the word “superhero,” we assume someone who serves humanity at large and wears a cape because this is how superheroes are portrayed on television. While they indeed share the same intent of serving humanity, not all superheroes wear capes, instead, they dress up like ordinary humans. When talking about superheroes, the first person that comes to mind is Abdul Sattar Edhi. A real-life hero known for his selfless dedication to serving humanity without bias for anyone.

Abdul Sattar Edhi’s early life experiences shaped his path toward becoming an eminent philanthropist. He was born in 1928 in a small village in the state of Gujarat, India. As his father was a small-scale trader, Edhi supported his family by working multiple odd jobs as a child and also contributed to charity. According to Edhi , his mother was the first person to inspire him to practice charity. He recalled that his mother would give him two paisas daily and ask him to spend one paisa on himself and the other on those in need.  

Abdul Sattar Edhi

Moreover, another event in his life that played an important role in shaping his vision was his mother’s illness . She was paralyzed when Edhi was around the age of 11, and he dedicated eight years of his life to taking care of her. His mother’s suffering made him realize that there may be millions of others going through the same situation without having someone to look after them. And it would not be incorrect to say that his mother’s death was the stepping stone in the establishment of Pakistan’s largest trust, known as the Edhi Foundation.

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During the partition of the Indian subcontinent, he migrated to Karachi and soon became fully involved in charity work. Initially, he would collect medicines from the dispensary of a wealthy businessman in his neighborhood and distribute them to the poor and needy people for free.

From a Dispensary to the Edhi Foundation

Eventually, he established a free dispensary and a literacy center. From money he’d gotten from donations, he bought one room, in Mithadar, a region in Karachi, where he set up a small dispensary in the year 1951. His efforts to help people during the flu epidemic in the 1950s earned him recognition that helped expand his humanitarian services. The small dispensary transformed into a building that now had a free maternity center and school as well.

Furthermore, in the early 1950s, Edhi purchased a van to collect unclaimed bodies and bury them in accordance with the principles of Islam. With time his services continued to expand from free dispensaries to maternity clinics, and from ambulances to sending his team to assist internationally during epidemics, Edhi earned the title of “Angel of Mercy.”

A turning point in his life came when he got married to Bilquis in 1965, who served as a nurse in his maternity clinic. Both Edhi and Bilquis continued their philanthropic mission together and had four children from their marriage. Bilquis Edhi managed the cradle where abandoned babies and children were left.

Like all other social welfare workers, Edhi also faced pressure; religious clerics turned against him for providing services to non-Muslims, and later, his “Jhoola” service was also targeted for promoting sinful acts. However, this didn’t stop him and by 1974, his organization was registered in the name of “Edhi Trust,” now known as the “Edhi Foundation.” The foundation, including the Edhi centres, is solely run by donations given by individuals. Today, the welfare organization established by Abdul Sattar Edhi is run by the heirs and includes 24-hour emergency services, over 1,500 ambulances, shelters, and other services.  

Additionally, projects like “Apna Ghar” were initiated where orphans and the homeless were given shelter, and apart from this, free meal services were also provided to the poor.

Despite all the recognition that this organization earned due to its extensive operations, Edhi remained a simple man committed to one goal: serving humanity. Edhi lived a very simple life, he preferred sleeping on a wooden bench and eating leftover bread. He was never fascinated or distracted by worldly pleasures, such as watching TV or listening to the radio. Regardless of his busy routine, he was personally involved in the daily activities of the Edhi Foundation, like driving the ambulances within the city to respond to emergencies and assist the injured. He would also interact with the residents of Edhi homes and remained humble throughout his life.

Abdul Sattar Edhi was recognized both nationally and internationally for his services to humanity. During his lifetime, he received 12 national and 14 international awards. He only accepted donations from individuals and never from the state, including those offered by the prime minister of India in 2015, when a deaf Indian girl was given shelter for a decade after being separated from her family upon reaching Pakistan on a train from India. He was also offered treatment abroad by the president of Pakistan for his kidney ailment, but he refused and chose to get treated in Pakistan. From all of these instances, one can easily infer that Edhi lived his life on his own terms.

Apart from the aforementioned, he was an advocate for organ donation . However, due to his ailment, most of his organs were unfit for donation. Yet, his corneas were donated to a visually impaired man who was awaiting an eye donation. On 8th July 2016, Pakistan lost a legendary humanitarian icon when Edhi passed away, but his legacy was continued by his wife and children.

Abdul Sattar Edhi was a living example of a hero who devoted his entire life to the service of the poor. He received donations from which he could have built himself a palace, but he chose to stay honest, live a simple life, and help those in whose name the donations were earned.

His dedication to serving the poor was inspired by his mother from a very young age, which started off with giving money to the poor and later led to the establishment of the largest charitable organization in Pakistan, with extended services to other countries as well. He was recognized globally and received multiple awards for his contribution to world peace. At last, the nation mourned the death of a legendary icon in the year 2016, but his legacy was continued by his wife and children.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article/paper are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Paradigm Shift .


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People Development Magazine

Abdul Sattar Edhi – A Life Dedicated to Service to Humanity

Abdul Sattar Edhi - People Development Magazine


Abdul Sattar Edhi was dedicated to serving humanity.

He would sleep on the concrete outside the clinic to be available to anyone who needed help anytime at night. He would collect and take them to the police station; if not claimed, he would wash and bury them himself. Abdul Sattar Edhi and his people would be the first to reach where there was an act of terror, accident or natural calamity. He donated all his organs so that he could continue his mission of serving humanity even after death.

Who is Abdul Sattar Edhi?

He is an older man with a frail structure, dressed plainly and looking more like someone in need. He has no formal education, but his philosophy of life is a beacon of hope for humanity’s suffering. Abdul firmly believes that human rights over fellow humans are more important than any other right in this world. He is the most respected man in Pakistan. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Abdus Sattar Edhi was the owner and chief organizer of the Edhi Foundation, the world’s largest ambulance service. He passed away on July 8, 2016.

The Edhi Welfare Foundation

The Edhi Welfare Foundation is the largest welfare organization in Pakistan and one of Asia’s largest and most successful health and welfare networks.  It operates worldwide, ranging from free nursing homes, orphanages, clinics, and women’s shelters to rehab centres for people with addictions and mentally ill individuals. The foundation has run relief operations in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the US.  It provided aid following the New Orleans hurricane of 2005.

Edhi himself was suffering from many diseases. He had an iron-like commitment and determination. He was born on January 1, 1928, in Gujrat, British India.  Edhi grew up taking care of his mother, who had paralysis and diabetes. She gave him two paisas daily (the minimum currency unit).  One to spend on himself and one on someone in need. The message her mother gave was one of caring for those in need.  His experience imbibed a feeling of concern for people suffering from an ailment with no one to take care of them. This laid the foundation of his character.

In 1948, Edhi and his family migrated to Karachi, Pakistan. He started as a hawker and became a commission agent selling cloth to earn a living. However, he soon realised there was a lack of medical care in the nascent state. He realized he must do something about it. He saved some money to open a charitable clinic. Although he did not have formal education, he learned primary medical care from a doctor friend.

A defining moment

The year 1957 was a defining moment in his life. There was a major flu epidemic in the city of Karachi. He went wholeheartedly into providing relief by setting up tents and distributing free immunizations. He won the hearts of the people. They opened their hearts , and there started a stream of donations that increased with every passing year. A great bond of trust between the people and Edhi remained unshakable. He purchased the entire building where his small clinic was located. He then established the Edhi Foundation, which continues today and is run entirely by public support.

A  life of service

Edhi’s official record shows that the Edhi Foundation has over 300 centres in cities, towns, and rural areas. Services provided by the Edhi Foundation include baby cradles, destitute homes, welfare centres, highway projects, warehouses, field ambulance services, air ambulance services, marine and coastal services, blood and drug banks, a cancer research hostel, missing person service, home for sheltering animals, graveyard services, Edhi emergency posts, prisoners aid, refugee assistance and international community centres.  The foundation is a home for over 6,000 needy, runaways and mentally ill people. It provides transportation to over 1,000,000 people annually in hospitals and other wide-ranging services.  Edhi and his wife, Bilqees, directly supervised this.

Abdul Sattar Edhi, Bilquis Edhi, and their family lived. They lived in a small two-room quarter near the Edhi Trust building. “We have never really thought of who we are or our status. We consider ourselves ordinary human beings and work like common folk,” says Bilquis Edhi.  He is the recipient of a large number of national and international awards. Ramon Magsaysay Award, Lenin Peace Prize, International Balzan Prize, Nishan-e-Imtiaz, and Human Rights Award are some of them. He had been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Our Humanity

In a famous quote , he says: “No religion is higher than humanity, and People have become educated, but have not become human.” This is a reminder of our mindless quest for power and money. We must abstain from our responsibilities towards those in need and have an education system that teaches everything but the importance of fundamental human values .  Abdul Sattar Edhi had the trust that he could do it. He cultivated people’s trust in himself and built Edhi’s Trust.

Edhi proved that there is always an opportunity, whatever the challenges, and he is one of the few who started from nothing and achieved everything that can make anyone proud. He was a man whose life  inspires  those who feel the pain of suffering humanity but are constrained by a lack of financial resources. He proved that those who want to do something but wait for something or someone to do something will not be able to do anything.

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Human Resource Professional with three decades of experience, having worked in multinational companies of repute with distinction in senior positions. A certified ezinearticles.com expert author, poet, freelance consultant and owner of three blogs. An internationalist and a peace activist. A strong believer in a NEW EQUAL WORLD based on the principles of equality, equity and empathy.

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Asia 21 Next Generation Fellows

Abdul sattar edhi — a remembrance, the journalist and asia 21 young leader yusra askari pays tribute to the late pakistani humanitarian.

Asif Hassan/AFP/Getty Images

Words fail me as I attempt to pen an epitaph for one of the greatest Pakistanis who ever lived: the humanist, the philanthropist, the messiah —  Abdul Sattar Edhi .

Dubbed the “Angel of Mercy,” the iconic founder of the Edhi Foundation breathed his last in the late hours of July 8, 2016. He was 88 at the time. For over six decades and counting, under his dynamic patronage, this incredible non-profit social welfare program has provided 24-hour emergency assistance, shelter for the destitute, free medical care, maternity and adoption services, and drug rehabilitation across Pakistan. Apart from boasting the world’s largest ambulance service, the outfit also focuses on education, healthcare, services for orphans and the handicapped, and rescue and relief operations.

See more of Asia Society's coverage of Abdul Sattar Edhi. Learn more

Saturday, July 9, 2016. The day Pakistan had dreaded — the time to bid adieu to Mr. Edhi — had arrived. The air was somber. I walked past dozens of OB vans and hordes of policemen to arrive at one of the most familiar doorways in Karachi’s old city area of Mithadar. To my surprise it was bolted shut — it had never been before. But this was clearly no ordinary day. I made my way in, through the back entrance, past the living quarters. It appeared to be business as usual — lunch service for the orphans residing in the premises was underway, and daily mid-wife facilities were also in full swing. 

I reached the ground floor of the building to find the usually buzzing office space transformed. There were no desks with staff tending to those in need. The sofa by the front entrance where the grand old gent once sat greeting visitors every evening was now empty, except for a sole occupant, Anwar Kazmi — Edhi’s long-time associate and trusted aide. The air was stiff with the fragrance of incense and fresh rose petals. Preparations were underway to bid a final farewell to the man whose passing, many say, has orphaned Pakistan. And just past noon, amid the sounds of wails and clicking cameras, the bolted door finally swung wide open. As I watched the casket carrying the mortal remains of Mr. Edhi being draped in the national flag and taken out of his home on the shoulders of his loved ones, I knew that Pakistan as a nation was poorer without him. Our guardian angel had left us forever. 

We all knew Edhi sahab (as he was commonly referred to) was frail and ailing. The end appeared inevitable days ago. But were we as nation really prepared to deal with the aftermath of this giant’s passing? Not in the least, not one bit.

In Pakistan, for the longest time, the name Edhi has been synonymous with rescue, relief, and most importantly shelter. Abandoned children and adults, orphans and the unwanted always had (I pray, will continue to have) a home – religion, caste, creed, and ethnicity did not matter.

I vividly remember my conversation with Mr. Edhi, the evening before I flew with his wife to New Delhi to drop off young Geeta, late last year. The girl had inadvertently crossed the border into Pakistan from India over a decade ago and had been living with the Edhis since.

Flooded with photographs of families claiming to be hers, overcome with emotion, Geeta thought she recognized one as her own. Edhi sahab’s wisdom told him otherwise. Recalling multiple such attempts to reunite Geeta with her loved ones over the past 12 years, he bluntly told me that if her family hadn’t come forward yet, there was little or no chance they would now. He was quick to add, whether or not Geeta found her parents and siblings, she would always have a family and home in Karachi. His vision was beyond exemplary.

In the absence of what may be considered basic functioning of the state, it was Edhi, the one-man army and his extensive network of red-shirts, the foundation’s incredible volunteers or razaakaars who stepped in to sort things out — no matter how difficult it was, no matter how tough things got. Terrorist attacks, natural calamities, or national disasters, you name it: They were and are there.

The infrastructural strength of the Edhi Foundation remains unmatched. To think, after his death, Edhi sahab was carried out of the hospital by his own volunteers to an ambulance bearing his own name, to the morgue he had established to serve the city of Karachi before his burial in a village he had set up for those in need.

Even posthumously, Edhi remained true to the motto of his foundation: “Live and help live.” Having pledged to donate all usable organs for transplant after his death, Mr. Edhi’s corneas provided sight to two individuals the very day after his demise. Even in absentia, he was indeed the change he wished to see.

With his passing, Abdul Sattar Edhi has passed the baton to his partners-in-arms, his wife Bilquis and his son Faisal, both of whom he worked with closely. The mother and son know well they have big shoes to fill. The task at hand isn’t simple. Taking over the mantle from “the world's greatest living humanitarian” is no easy feat, but they are now more committed than ever.

And as he headed out for his father’s funeral prayers, Faisal, the man now at the helm of the foundation’s affairs, asked for office proceedings to resume as normal. For him there was no better way to honor his father. Even on the day when the foundation’s patron-in-chief was being laid to rest, on Faisal’s request, his razaakars were out in the field, at their desks, behind the wheels of their ambulances, and in their soup kitchens doing what needed to done — caring. The man himself may be no more, yet his legacy not only sustains but thrives. Salam, Edhi!

abdul sattar edhi essay in english for class 2


abdul sattar edhi essay in english for class 2

Abdul Sattar Edhi

By ozge from san diego.

"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" (Joseph Campbell). To give oneself to a movement or cause that will positively impact the present and future generations is quite an admirable feat of dedication. This is reputed as heroic because it sets the standard for those afraid to take risks in honor of the right thing. Personally, I believe that a hero is self-motivated and not afraid to take risks. People-young and old-look up to heroes because they view them as suitable role models. One does not need to affect millions of people to be considered heroic because a difference can be made with one life. Regardless of a one-time event or long-lasting effect, any act of heroism can be inspiring. But the differences between an act of heroism and a true hero are consistency, devotion, and resilience. However, devotion (in better words, dedication) includes the act of selflessness, so therefore a true hero is an individual who consistently exhibits acts of selflessness and dedication for the well-being of the world.

One individual who devoted their life for the welfare of others is an elderly Pakistani man named Abdul Sattar Edhi. A marvelous dynamic between his personality and actions displays how he exudes the qualities of an exemplary hero. Still making a difference today, Edhi discovered the inspiration to become an inspiration from his late mother, who taught him the simple lesson of giving (Ahmad, Khabir). Edhi singlehandedly created a fleet of 400 of the best organized ambulances in Pakistan and spent over 45 years serving his country's poor ("Edhi A Living Lesson"). His impactful welfare work began in 1950 from Mithadar, where he currently resides. In 1974, Edhi established The Edhi Foundation, where all of his services reside and administer help for the citizens of Pakistan up to today (Abid Ali et al.). Edhi demonstrates dedication to any crucial task regardless of the outcome, and consistently utilizes his altruism to accomplish his goals. Abdul Sattar Edhi undoubtedly lives up to his admirable nickname, "The Mother Teresa of Pakistan" by virtue of his selfless donations to the poor and his humble dedication of his entire life as a restless humanitarian for the cause of the destitute people of Pakistan.

Selflessness is defined as the characteristic of having little concern for oneself; especially regarding money and fame. Edhi validates his heroism by continually exhibiting selflessness through donating not only his money, but also his time to the destitute. He became devoted to do everything possible to help the people of Pakistan; even if it was only himself putting in the effort to aid the destitute: Edhi went to the streets of Pakistan to peacefully ask the citizens for donations. He used the money to treat sick people, and with the leftover donations, he bought a second-hand ambulance and learned how to drive it (Vice). Edhi constantly thinks about how he can use his life for the benefit of the lives of the impoverished, and he does not ask other people to do the "dirty" labor for him. He spends his own time personally going into the streets to ask for money that he does not even use for himself, which proves his selfless personality. Edhi strives for nothing more but improving the quality of life for the poorest of people and that is the one true quality people require when they are looking for a hero. Edhi's late mother inspires his devout, selfless labor; she first taught him the simple lesson of giving, and that shaped his personality and the way he carries himself: "His food intake is generally based on taking pieces of stale bread in the morning, and raw cooked vegetables during a lunch-break. As a child, he was given two paisas daily by his mother. He was directed to spend one on himself, and give away the other to someone less fortunate than him...He never forgot that simple lesson" ("Edhi A Living Legend"). Even though Edhi earned millions of dollars through his charity work, he still chooses to spend as little money on himself and unnecessary lavish needs. He pursues a simplistic life to best support his humanitarian work, in which he constantly labors for the benefit of the indigent. Edhi exemplifies selflessness as one of his heroic traits through his consistent donation of his time and money that he earned from his extreme hard work.

Dedication is defined as a commitment to a task or purpose; and Edhi epitomizes this quality by dedicating not only everyday, but his entire life to his restless humanitarian work, proving he is a commendable role model. Edhi discusses why he does his work and his words reveal his dedication to his job and purpose of life: "It is my principle never to accept any donations from any government or any foreign funded organisation. I do this work for the common people and part of that work is creating a general awareness of such problems as they exist because my work is beyond class, religion and creed. It is because of my principle that people continue to give" (Interview by David Swanson). Edhi works for the people and never for money or fame. This man abandons personal lavishes and adheres to his morals in order to deliver basic necessities to Pakistani citizens in desperate need; and he requires nothing in return. Edhi extends his dedication a step further when he strives to make others aware of the poor, so they can continue his legacy and keep making positive changes even after he dies. Even at a young age, Abdul Sattar Edhi demonstrated feats of admirable courage and devotion to his morals; for example, a time Edhi demonstrated his dedication to supporting the poor in every way is when he stood up to people of higher social class, regardless of the outcome: "In his youth, Edhi worked for Bantva Memon Dispensary. He disliked how they served only memons, discriminating other ethnicities, they did not work to their fullest and yet patronized each other at meetings and considered themselves righteous and highest achievers. This annoyed Edhi to the extent that he openly spoke out against them at a meeting which was attended by big industrialist memons and openly criticized them. This displeased them and they sought to make his life miserable. As they were a powerful group, they easily turned people against him" (Abid Ali et al.). Edhi contains a strong willpower to not let people who are doing others wrong get away with it. Even though those people (at the time) obtained more power and influence than him, he still went after what was right no matter the outcome. Edhi is a prime example of commitment to a task because all of his actions are for the sole purpose of making the quality of other Pakistani's lives better and he does not let anything get in his way due to his intense commitment to his values. Edhi's full commitment to benefiting the lives of the destitute exhibits the true meaning of dedication, which substantiates him as heroic and admirable.

Undeniably, Abdul Sattar Edhi justifies himself as an admirable hero by virtue of his selfless donations to the destitute, and his humbling dedication of his entire life as a restless humanitarian for the cause of the poor citizens of Pakistan. As aforementioned, "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" (Joseph Campbell). That is the true definition of a hero and Abdul Sattar Edhi affirms he is one through his everyday actions. His countless donations, enlightening insights, and sheer dedication are legendary examples of his natural heroism. Personally, I am inspired by Abdul Sattar Edhi to be more generous with my time and volunteer work; because ever since I researched his life, I realized how lucky and wealthy I truly am. Why should I keep it all to myself? Edhi did not, and he shares his happiness and well-being with the people he helps, and that is what us as humans should do. Edhi's modesty and purely genuine mindset is such a refreshing sight to see and that alone reminds me that we, as a society, need to spread the positivity and a helping hand around. We get so distracted in our own lives, and we forget that there are people in our world who desperately need a ray of hope. In a society as corrupt and egocentric as ours today, heroes like Abdul Sattar Edhi shine like rays of heavenly light through these storm clouds of greed and pessimism. Edhi represents an image and exact definition of a sincere hero and a reputable humanitarian. He gives all he possesses and more, and that itself makes a huge difference in Pakistan; and ultimately, the world.

Page created on 7/15/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/8/2020 1:00:41 AM


Abid, Abid. "The Principles and Practices Behind the Success of Abdul Sattar Edhi in the Context of Meaningful Li".

Ahmad , Ahmad . "Karachi''s quiet revolutionary".

Living Legend , Edhi A. "Edhi: A Living Legend ." [Online] Available http://www.contactpakistan.com/socialwork/Edhi/livinglegend.htm .

Swanson, Swanson. "Interview with Abdul Sattar Edhi ".

You, You. "Pakistan''s Real Life Superhero".

abdul sattar edhi essay in english for class 2

Top Study World

Essay on Abdul Sattar Edhi

Edhi was known for spending his life working to help others. He referred to all those in need as equal and would treat them as such (“Abdul Sattar Edhi Never Wanted Recognition for His Great Work”).

Abdul Sattar Edhi was not only a person, but he was an extraordinary human who exemplified society’s desirable traits. Edhi stated, “People have become educated, but they haven’t been human. They have forgotten their humanity.” Edhi embodied humanity through his selfless actions toward society’s most vulnerable members. 

In Pakistan, Abdul Sattar Edhi founded the Edhi Foundation in 1951 . The Edhi Foundation, a humanitarian organization located in Karachi, Pakistan, fights social ailments by helping the needy.

It provides nursing homes, orphanages, soup kitchens, maternity wards, women’s shelters, rehabilitation centers, and the world’s largest voluntary ambulance service. 

Abdul Sattar Edhi lived a short life no matter whatever anyone else thought. He tried to live a minimalist life, and he only wore one type of cloth as much as he can all to save as many lives as possible.

Despite being a very controversial figure, Abdul Sattar Edhi has demonstrated selfless characteristics at every opportunity. He pledged to be devoted to the destitute Karachi, Pakistan, the impoverished in the country where he lived. Edhi gives food to the hungry, shelters the homeless, take care of the sick, and provides for orphans in his home.

Many different institutions have granted Edhi many awards for these acts of kindness and generosity, but he continues to live with modesty.

Edhi’s compassion, generosity, and sole intention to help others showed his selfless attitude. He was also called “Pakistan’s Mother Teresa,” Edhi earned his name through the ongoing work and foundation.

The Edhi Foundation has rescued over 20,000 abandoned babies, more than 50,000 orphans have been cared for, and more than 40,000 nurses have received training. Edhi was able to provide for all of the above people because of his tireless work.

Additionally, the ambulance service that Abdul Sitar Eidhi provided was not only limited to his own country, but he also provided his ambulances on an international scale.

Many countries got these ambulances because he believed that no matter a person’s race, nationality, or religion, we should all look out for each other, and we should not forget that.

He believed in feeding the hungry and helping those who were without a home or care. He aimed to help those most in need. He represented the definition of a hero through his selfless actions, delivering a strong message of compassion and generosity. 

Sadly, this human being who selflessly cared for every human without any discrimination passed away on the 8th of July, 2016 . The entire country of Pakistan witnessed his funeral, and it was considered a very dark day for the people who considered him a father.

In the end, Edhi heroically helped people he didn’t even know by begging for money personally on their behalf throughout the year. He was seen caring for orphans, washing and burying the deceased, raising money globally, and driving ambulances as part of his work.

Ehdi is a role model in the community for his selfless actions and generosity. He often encourages others to volunteer and has inspired volunteers worldwide to pursue their potential and leadership skills.

As the Head of Operations at Safe Hands for Children, Ehdi has become an essential part of a network that provides direct support to children in need.

10 frequently asked questions about Abdul Sattar Edhi, a Pakistani philanthropist:

  • Who was Abdul Sattar Edhi? Abdul Sattar Edhi was a Pakistani humanitarian, philanthropist and ascetic who founded the Edhi Foundation, which runs the world’s largest ambulance network, along with homeless shelters, animal shelters, rehabilitation centers, and orphanages across Pakistan¹.
  • When and where was Abdul Sattar Edhi born? Abdul Sattar Edhi was born on February 28, 1928 in Bantva, Bantva Manavadar, Gujarat, in British India into a Memon family.
  • What were Abdul Sattar Edhi’s political affiliations? Abdul Sattar Edhi did not have any political affiliations. He was a humanitarian and philanthropist who focused on helping people in need regardless of their religion or political beliefs.
  • What were Abdul Sattar Edhi’s political views? Abdul Sattar Edhi did not express any political views. He was focused on helping people in need and did not involve himself in politics.
  • What is Abdul Sattar Edhi known for? Abdul Sattar Edhi is known for founding the Edhi Foundation, which runs the world’s largest ambulance network, along with homeless shelters, animal shelters, rehabilitation centers, and orphanages across Pakistan¹. He is known as the “Angel of Mercy” and is considered to be Pakistan’s most respected and legendary figure¹.
  • When did Abdul Sattar Edhi die? Abdul Sattar Edhi died on July 8, 2016 in Karachi, Pakistan due to kidney failure.
  • Where is Abdul Sattar Edhi buried? Abdul Sattar Edhi is buried at the Edhi Village in Karachi.
  • What did Abdul Sattar Edhi study? Abdul Sattar Edhi did not have any formal education. He began his humanitarian work in 1947 with just $500.
  • Did Abdul Sattar Edhi have any children? Yes, Abdul Sattar Edhi had four children with his wife Bilquis Edhi.
  • What is the significance of Abdul Sattar Edhi in Pakistani history? Abdul Sattar Edhi is considered one of the greatest humanitarians in Pakistani history. He founded the Edhi Foundation which has helped millions of people in need across Pakistan. His legacy continues to shape Pakistani society and inspire future generations.

(1) Abdul Sattar Edhi – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Sattar_Edhi. (2) Abdul Sattar Edhi Biography – Facts, Childhood, Family Life & Achievements. https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/abdul-sattar-edhi-11995.php. (3) 14 things to know about Abdul Sattar Edhi – Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/2/28/14-things-to-know-about-abdul-sattar-edhi. (4) Abdul Sattar Edhi – Wikiquote. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Abdul_Sattar_Edhi.

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abdul sattar edhi essay in english for class 2

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.

14 things to know about Abdul Sattar Edhi

The legendary philanthropist set up the world’s biggest volunteer ambulance network and helped save thousands of lives.

edhi outside

Abdul Sattar Edhi was a Pakistani philanthropist who built a nationwide network of humanitarian centres offering a wide range of life-saving services to the people of Pakistan.

Edhi began his humanitarian work in 1947, soon after partition, with just $500. Over the next decades, he helped to save the lives of at least 50,000 babies and created a fleet of 1,800 ambulances, 28 rescue boats and two airplanes to help in emergencies.

Edhi, who would have been 89 on Tuesday, died on 8 July 2016. He was given a state funeral, attended by tens of thousands of people.

READ MORE: Why Google honours Abdul Sattar Edhi today

 Watch the video below to see 14 facts about Abdul Sattar Edhi you might not have known.

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Edhi Biography

abdul sattar edhi essay in english for class 2

Abdul Sattar Edhi’s social welfare services are spanned over his entire life by offering exclusive sacrifices in many areas—like personal and social life as well as his personal business, and so on. He is serving the humanity selflessly and dedicatedly without expecting for any monetary benefit or financial gain. He has buried over 200,000 unclaimed dead bodies.

His exclusive services to the mankind, with exclusive reference to shrouding and then burying unclaimed and abandoned dead-bodies, at a time, when there is no value of any human being, as extremists of the modern times are cutting the healthy and live human beings into pieces like onions and tomatoes, at such time, Edhi’s role for the humanity – is truly unparalleled and unmatched, and very least possibilities of tracing this sort of best services for the humanity, across the world.

This is something indicating towards a reality that there is no place of goodwill, love and affection, brotherhood and amity, feelings of friendliness yet by serving to the humanity, Edhi has given a new meaning to the life that everyone should forward to give goodwill, love and affection, brotherhood and affection, and feelings of friendliness to others – again a matter of pride for Edhi.

The story of services – in the explainer video explained by Edhi can also be listened and to get more updates about the Edhi’s role for the humanity.


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A woman abandoned by her husband waits with her children outside an Edhi center. She will ask the foundation's help in securing alimony.

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Abdul Sattar Edhi’s legacy should be a lesson to Pakistan and the world.

The Edhi Phenomenon and the Modern World

On July 8, prominent philanthropist and humanitarian Abdul Sattar Edhi passed away in Karachi, aged 88 . His legacy as an ambassador for humanitarianism, as an ascetic, a philanthropist, and a social activist, particularly in modern times, will remain unparalleled.

As a man who, through selfless dedication and devotion, saved millions of lives regardless of caste, creed, religion, or ethnicity in Pakistan, his foundation and mission send a strong global message. His greatest contribution rests in not only saving thousands of lives, but doing so without prejudice, political consideration, or religious bias.

His state funeral took place at the National Stadium in Karachi on July 9, 2016. The fact that he created maternity wards, morgues, orphanages, shelters, and homes and had  1,500 ambulances ready for deployment across Pakistan make all the accolades that have poured in along with  grief across the world well deserved .

Under his watch, the Edhi Foundation became one of the world’s largest charity organizations, which gave the citizens of Pakistan an efficient, corruption-free, and competent institution to avail themselves of in a country where law enforcement agencies and public services had grossly underperformed due to capacity issues, politicization, and nepotism.

The foundation also provided relief to Afghanistan, Iran, and Sri Lanka. Edhi will be remembered for his harsh denunciation of terrorist groups as well as his beliefs; he considered humanity to be his only religion. This belief in itself was a simple yet powerful statement in times when regions across the world continue to grapple with religious, societal, and political intolerance.

In Pakistan, where religious extremism continues to threaten the livelihoods of millions of citizens, Edhi continued with his relentless struggle for the poor, the injured, the destitute, and the ravaged.

His work can be contrasted with the country’s politicians and leaders, who have often deviated from more pressing issues such as the provision of basic amenities such as shelter, food, and access to adequate health care for the poor.

Moreover, South Asia as a region continues to be held hostage to intolerance and a lack of adequate policy-making foresight by those at the helms of power.

Yet this is also the region which saw the birth of the Edhi phenomenon, after he migrated in 1947 from Gujarat in India to Pakistan  at partition and, at the age of 19, became motivated to help the cause of humanity after witnessing his mother succumb to illness.

Thus, in times when the Asia-Pacific continues to be distracted by the prospect of  war , nuclear weapons , politics, and intolerance , Abdul Sattar Edhi’s legacy should serve as an apolitical, impartial, and humble reminder that there is a necessity to center energies on social welfare and the provision of adequate healthcare.

As economies grow and terrorism continues to ravage populations across boundaries, Edhi’s example of selfless service should be replicated.

Rest assured, however, that Pakistan, the region, and the world will be poorer without him.

Hamzah Rifaat is a research associate at the Global Think Tank Network at the National University of Sciences and Technology and was a 2016 South Asian Voices Visiting Fellow at the Stimson Center.

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abdul sattar edhi essay in english for class 2


  • Posted on March 27, 2022
  • by Awais masood
  • 1,018 Comments on EMBRACING EDHI’S LEGACY

abdul sattar edhi essay in english for class 2

There can perhaps be never another man like Edhi, yet he left behind a legacy that cannot be stopped with his death. Today, no eye is without tear, yet there is an inspiration many take from his nobleness. Abdus Sattar Edhi was no ordinary man, but his humility was matchless. His care for humanity was limitless, even in his death, he made sure his eyes were donated to the blind—a blind who can see the world through his eyes.

“No religion is higher than humanity.”

This is Edhi. A hero who can never die.

As we grieve, we are trying to get more of what have been known of him before his death. But the more we learn about him, more amazed  we are to find that even the minute things he had done left  greater impacts in Pakistan. Starting small with his philanthropist journey in his thirties, his network grew and reached to all corners of the country over a course of five decades and more. In this span, and he set up a vast network of ambulances, orphanages, medical centers, centers for destitute women and set up cradles for fatherless babies discarded by their families. He laid the infrastructure that could never have been expected from the state due to its insufficient budgeting for social services. Pakistan is indebted to him. As an institution himself, people from all walks of life, from politicians to socialites trying to grab their populist scores, to the helpless and downtrodden who depended on him have all revered him, though more genuinely by the people he directly served as their messiah.

Because of his great popularity among the poor, many people  tried to make use of him for their benefits and motives. Some people tried to use him for their political scoring. During a TV interview Abdul Sattar Edhi talked about how he was pressurized and threatened by Hamid Gul and Imran Khan to join their campaign to overthrow the then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, but he bluntly refused them despite the risks of doing so.  Benazir offered him security, but he refused that also.

abdul sattar edhi essay in english for class 2

As a man who defied all the constraints tried to be put on his work, whether by the religious zealots or the politicians, he was determined to do what his conscience had always compelled him to do. “There is a volcano stirring inside of me”, he once disclosed to a friend when he was beginning with his social work in Pakistan. He never worked for any personal material gains, except for his personal satisfaction he got from his work, and his greed to do more for humanity is what kept him going with it without ever stopping. Perhaps it was not because of the religious need that he felt, it was more about his service to people that made him feel more human.

He served everyone, regardless of their religion, or social background. There was no distinction for him when he cared for everybody.

“So many years later there were many who still complained and questioned.“Why you must pick Christians and Hindus in your ambulance?” And I was still saying because the ambulance is more Muslim than you.”

There were some people who had tried to, and still do, undermine and discredit his genuine humanitarianism. A sheer campaign  was lashed against him by the Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan who called him an heretic because of his making humanitarian work separate from religious duties. There was a good reason for them to propagate against Edhi and that was to drive people to donate to their charity work instead of Edhi. Some fundamentalists and even terrorists like Hafiz Saeed  pry for donations under the cover of superficial social work in order to  channelize charity funds towards jihadism and preaching radical Islam to people.

One such bigot campaigning against Edhi is Mufti Zar Wali Khan, who claims that Islamic charity work of the religious group  is more genuine and righteous than that of Edhi network.

Despite the desperate attempts by the radical Mullahs, Edhi’s work remained undeterred, and our faith in humanity is restored when people themselves rubbish their claims about Edhi being an “infidel”.

That he was not. His only crime was that he preferred Huquq ul Ibad (human rights) without distinction or discrimination in people, which has perhaps made him more closer to God than those here who want to create divisions among people and persecute others for not following their brand of Islam.

In 2010, he was honored by one of the most persecuted religious minorities, the Ahmadi community who gave him an award of 10,000 Pounds. On the occasion, he delivered a televised address, which holds a strong message of humanism for people of all faiths:

“…This award will be used for the sake of humanity. I am happy that for the sake of humanity, someone makes a bond with me. I do not make any differences. My work is not a mere past-time or a hobby, but it is about humanity, and humanity is the most important religion. When a person becomes a true human being, then no other relationships matter, except for the relationship between man and God. So many people come here for help, I do not ask what their religion is, rather I consider that this person is a human being.”

Let us also not forget the great acceptance Edhi had for all people of all religions. Though there are countless examples of how Edhi took care of abandoned children and destitute women, but his care for a Hindu girl,Geeta was exceptional. The Edhi Foundation Home adopted her and took care of her for 12 years before she could finally be reunited with her family. Edhi Foundation also made sure that her room has a little temple where she can pray without hindrance. Once she was finally reunited with her family in India, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi offered him Rs.10 million as a token of thanks, but Edhi politely refused because to him getting paid for caring of a girl was unacceptable.

To understand what he taught us through his work, we must also take inspiration from what he believed in with a pure heart. I am adding a few of his very inspiring quotes carrying a message for all of us.

“People have become educated, but have not yet become human” “Every day before school, my mother would give me 2 Paisas, and say “spend one on yourself, give the other away.” it was her way of telling me the need for social welfare” “When you follow a rainbow, it ends nowhere” “Acquiring knowledge has been stressed in Islam because without it, man is but a stray beast. No more significant no more than the study of life itself and can be acquired by the sensitivity to your surroundings” “Those who gave something gave without understanding the purpose of giving. They contributed towards personal rewards,to forestall punishments,erase sins, assuage bad conscience,and make impressions. Hardly anyone gave out of compassion, a purpose greater to Almighty than any good deed.” “Love is not a sentiment that words can express. You must learn to judge it by my feelings and passion for the whole mankind, in that you will also find yourself” “The holy books should open in your souls, not on your laps.Open your heart and see God’s people. In their plight you will find Him.” “God introduces Himself in all religions through humanitarianism;therefore all people must naturally and fundamentally adopt it. He demands from us same compassion for mankind that we expect from him.” “Empty words and praises do not impress Him. Show him your faith through deeds, otherwise, why should He believe you.”  

No words can ever define who Abdus Sattar  Edhi was. No ideology can ever fully conceptualize what his humanism was.  Let us embrace Edhism. Let us all be Edhiests.  Let’s keep his legacy alive, no matter how small are the steps we take towards it.

Edhi was for all and all were for him. Let us never forget him.

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Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.

“I was driven to eat and eat and eat, and while I would overeat healthy food, what really got me were the candies, the cakes, the pies, the ice cream,” said the 54-year-old former warehouse supervisor https://www-kraken18.at kraken14.at “I really gravitated towards the sugary ultraprocessed foods — it was like a physical drive, I had to have it,” he said. “My parents would find hefty bags full of candy wrappers hidden in my closet. I would steal things from stores as a kid and later as an adult.”

Some 12% of the nearly 73 million children and adolescents in the United States today struggle with a similar food addiction, according to research. To be diagnosed, children must meet Yale Food Addiction Scale criteria as stringent as any for alcohol use disorder or other addictions.

“Kids are losing control and eating to the point where they feel physically ill,” said Ashley Gearhardt, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who conducted the research and developed the Yale addiction scale.

“They have intense cravings and may be sneaking, stealing or hiding ultraprocessed foods,” Gearhardt said. “They may stop going out with friends or doing other activities they used to enjoy in order to stay at home and eat, or they feel too sluggish from overeating to participate in other activities.”

Her research also shows about 14% of adults are clinically addicted to food, predominantly ultraprocessed foods with higher levels of sugar, salt, fat and additives.

For comparison, 10.5% of Americans age 12 or older were diagnosed with alcohol use disorder in 2022, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

While many people addicted to food will say that their symptoms began to worsen significantly in adolescence, some recall a childhood focused on ultraprocessed food.

“By age 2 or 3, children are likely eating more ultraprocessed foods in any given day than a fruit or vegetable, especially if they’re poor and don’t have enough money in their family to have enough quality food to eat,” Gearhardt said. “Ultraprocessed foods are cheap and literally everywhere, so this is also a social justice issue.”

An addiction to ultraprocessed foods can highjack a young brain’s reward circuitry, putting the primitive “reptilian brain,” or amygdala, in charge — thus bypassing the prefrontal cortex where rational decision-making occurs, said Los Angeles registered dietitian nutritionist David Wiss, who specializes in treating food addiction.

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ISIS-inspired suspect planned suicide attack at Taylor Swift concert, Austrian authorities say [url=https://1-x-bet.in/]1xbet live casino[/url] Police in Austria have questioned three teenagers suspected of plotting a suicide attack at a Taylor Swift show, sparking renewed concerns over the indoctrination of young people online.

Foreign intelligence agencies helped authorities uncover the alleged scheme, according to the country’s Interior Minister Gerhard Karner. A source familiar told CNN that the US issued a warning to authorities in Vienna.

Organizers canceled three concerts, which were scheduled to take place in the European capital from Thursday to Saturday. CNN has reached out to Swift’s representatives for comment.

Investigators unearthed a stockpile of chemicals, explosive devices, detonators and 21,000 euros in counterfeit cash at the home of the main suspect, a 19-year-old ISIS sympathizer who had been radicalized online, according to authorities. The young man – who was arrested Wednesday morning in the eastern town of Ternitz – planned to kill himself and “a large number of people,” according to the head of the domestic intelligence agency, Omar Haijawi-Pirchner.

“He said he intended to carry out an attack using explosives and knives,” Haijawi-Pirchner told reporters in Vienna on Thursday. “His aim was to kill himself and a large number of people during the concert, either today or tomorrow.”

Two other suspects were detained, aged 17 and 15. The 17-year-old worked for a facilities company that would have provided services at the concert venue. He was near the stadium when he was arrested and had recently broken up with his girlfriend, according to Haijwai-Pirchner.

Little has been revealed about the 15-year-old. Prosecutors will decide later if he was a witness or directly involved in the alleged plot.

The three are all Austrian-born with either Turkish, North Macedonian or Croatian backgrounds.


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Abdul Sattar Edhi: A Tribute

Profile image of Waqar Hashmi

2011, Pakistaniaat a Journal of Pakistan Studies

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    Abdul Sattar Edhi, A Favorite Personality of Pakistan

  17. Abdul Sattar Edhi: He was a hero to Pakistan's poor and needy

    July 8, 2016 at 4:58 p.m. EDT. Abdul Sattar Edhi was a beacon of hope in a country too often mired in despair. He was an ascetic in a country where politicians regularly skim millions of dollars ...

  18. Humanitarian to a Nation: Abdul Sattar Edhi

    In 1986, during a hijacking attempt at Karachi airport, Edhi marshaled 54 ambulances at the ready. When negotiations between the hijackers and the government broke down and Pakistani commandos stormed the plane, Edhi and other paramedics entered under fire to try to save wounded passengers and crew.

  19. Interview with Abdul Sattar Edhi

    One of the most admired men in Pakistan, Abdul Sattar Edhi has made a career out of helping those in need. For over half a century, the foundation that bears his name, has been at the forefront of charity work in the South Asian nation. From humble beginnings in 1951, as a tiny dispensary in Karachi's downtrodden Mithadar neighbourhood, the Edhi Foundation has expanded into a national ...

  20. The Edhi Phenomenon and the Modern World

    July 11, 2016. Credit: Hussain via Wikimedia Commons. On July 8, prominent philanthropist and humanitarian Abdul Sattar Edhi passed away in Karachi, aged 88. His legacy as an ambassador for ...


    During a TV interview Abdul Sattar Edhi talked about how he was pressurized and threatened by Hamid Gul and Imran Khan to join their campaign to overthrow the then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, but he bluntly refused them despite the risks of doing so. ... "Every day before school, my mother would give me 2 Paisas, and say "spend one on ...

  22. (PDF) Abdul Sattar Edhi: A Tribute

    Download Free PDF. View PDF. Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011) A Life Well Lived: A Tribute to Abdul Sattar Edhi By Waqar Haider Hashmi "My religion is humanitarianism… which is the basis of every religion in the world," says Edhi the most admired philanthropist of Pakistan. If we, for the sake of an ...