masjid nabvi essay in urdu for class 5

masjid nabvi essay in urdu for class 5

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Front view of Masjid-e-Nabwi

Masjid-e-Nabwi (Arabic: المسجد النبوي ) is the masjid (mosque) established by the Prophet (ﷺ) upon his migration to Madinah. It is the second most revered masjid in Islam and the second largest in the world, after Masjid al-Haram in Makkah.

  • When the Prophet (ﷺ) migrated to Madinah (then called Yathrib), the chiefs of the city and his immediate followers rode around his camel in their best clothes and in glittering armour. Everyone was hoping he would stop by their house. The Prophet (ﷺ) would answer everyone politely and kindly, “[This camel] is commanded by Allah; wherever it stops, that will be my home.” The camel moved on with slackened reins, reaching the site of the present masjid and knelt down. The Prophet (ﷺ) alighted and said, “This is the home” and inquired as to who owned the land. The land contained a few date trees, graves of polytheists, a resting spot for herds of cattle and was owned by two orphan brothers, Sahl and Suhail. The Prophet (ﷺ) purchased the land, had the trees cleared and the polytheists graves dug up and levelled.
  • He then gave orders that his newly acquired courtyard should be made into a masjid and work began immediately. Most of the building was done by bricks made of stones and kneaded clay but in the middle of the northern wall (which faced the original Qibla in Jerusalem) stones were put on either side of the prayer niche. The palms in the courtyard were cut down and their trunks were used as pillars to support the roof of palm branches, but the greater part of the courtyard was left open. Small stones were laid on the floor to prevent it from becoming too muddy. At the rear of the masjid, the Prophet (ﷺ) built a shaded area called as-Suffah in which the poor companions would spend the night. Two small huts were also constructed on the eastern side of the masjid to accommodate his two wives at the time, Aisha and Sauda (رضي الله عنهم).
  • The Prophet (ﷺ) gave the Muslims of Madinah the title of ‘Ansar’ which means Helpers, whereas the Muslims of Quraysh and other tribes who had left their homes and emigrated to the oasis he called ‘Muhajirun’, meaning Emigrants. All took part in the work, including the Prophet (ﷺ) himself, and as they worked they chanted two verses which one of them had made up for the occasion:  “O Allah, no good is but the good Hereafter, So help the Helpers and the Emigrants.” And sometimes they chanted: “No life there is but the life of the Hereafter. Mercy, O Allah, on Emigrants and Helpers.”
  • The masjid was built twice during the lifetime of the Prophet (ﷺ). The first time was shortly after he had made the Hijra to Madinah in 622 CE, with the size of the masjid being approximately 35 x 30 meters and the height 2.5 meters. It was rebuilt seven years later after the Fath (opening) of Khaibar. The increasing number of Muslims by then necessitated an increase in the area of the mosque to accommodate more worshippers. Usman (رضي الله عنه) paid for the land to accommodate the extension which made the masjid approximately 50 x 50 meters. The height was also increased to 3.5 meters.  
  • When the revelation came down to change the Qibla to Makkah in 624 CE, the whole masjid was re-orientated to the south.
  • The masjid also served as a religious school, community center, court and also as a confinement for prisoners.
  • Anas (رضي الله عنه) reports that the Prophet (ﷺ) said:  “Whoever performs forty salah in my masjid, not missing one salah in the masjid, for him is granted exemption from the fire of Hell, and exemption from punishment and he shall remain free of hypocrisy.” [Ahmad]
  • Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “One salah offered in my masjid is superior to one thousand salahs offered in other masjids except Masjid al-Haram (Makkah al-Mukarramah).” [Bukhari]

References:  History of Madinah Munawwarah – Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Ghani, Wikipedia, History of Madina – Ali Hafiz, Encyclopedia of Islam – Al-Arabee Ben Razzouq, Virtues of Hajj – Sheikh Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalvi

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masjid e nabvi essay in urdu for class 5

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Masjid e Nabvi History, Facts, Virtues, and Key Information

Al Masjid e Nabvi is regarded among the largest mosques in the world. It is also known as the Prophet's Mosque, Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Al Haram, Al Haram Al Madani, and Al Haram Al Nabawi. Read the article to find complete details and information.

Masjid e Nabvi History, Facts, Virtues, and Key Information

Al Masjid An Nabawi is the second holiest site in Islam. It is a desire of each Muslim to visit the place at least once in his / her life. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) built the mosque after he was settled in Medina after the Migration. Later, the mosque was rebuild and expanded in the tenure of different governments and rulers.

Masjid e Nabvi History

The land of Masjid e Nabwi was the property of two orphans, Suhayl and Sahl, and when they received information that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) wanted to build a mosque, they went to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and offered their land as a gift to him. However, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) bought the land after paying a price to both orphaned children.

Key Facts about Masjid e Nabvi

• Masjid e Nabvi was established in 1 AH (623 CE).

• The mosque is the first place in the entire Arabian Peninsula to receive electricity

• The current mosque is 100 times bigger than the old one. Due to the large Masjid e Nabvi capacity, it can accommodate around 1 million Muslims.

• Masjid e Nabvi has 10 minarets.

• The height of each minaret is 344 feet (105 meters).

Virtues of Masjid e Nabvi

Ulemas and Islamic scholars highlighted the importance of Masjid e Nabvi in their texts and speeches. On the other side, different hadiths are also present about the virtues of the sacred mosque. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said that “One salah offered in my masjid is superior to one thousand Salahs offered in other masjids except Masjid al-Haram.”

Another Sahabi Hazrat Anas (Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said that “Whoever performs forty salah in my masjid, not missing one salah in the masjid, for him is granted exemption from the fire of Hell, and exemption from punishment and he shall remain free of hypocrisy.”

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The Construction of Masjid e Nabvi

تفسیر قرآن کریم.

  • Masjid E Nabwi Construction

The Construction of al-Masjid al-Nabawi

The Construction of al-Masjid al-Nabawi

Mawlana Muhammad Asif Iqbal ‘Attari Madani

Three masjids in particular hold great significance, hailed as the most sacred places of worship on earth. They were constructed by the noble prophets عَـلَـيْهِمُ السَّلَام , upon the divine command of Allah Almighty. These are Masjid al-Haram, Masjid al-Aqsa, and al-Masjid al-Nabawi. In particular, al-Masjid al-Nabawi has the exclusive merit of being constructed by the final prophet of Allah, Sayyidunā Muhammad صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم and his honourable Companions رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ عَنْھُم   .

The First Construction

On entering Madina, the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم initiated the construction of al-Masjid al-Nabawi before anything else. Land was purchased from two orphans, Sahl and Suhayl. Sayyidunā Abū Bakr al- Ṣ iddīq رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ paid them 10,000 gold coins. According to one narration, the land belonged to the Najjar tribe, who said in regards to the price, “We will take payment for this from Allah.” The final Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم began construction of the masjid in the first year after the Migration. He laid the foundation stone with his own blessed hands and even carried bricks during this process. The following words were upon his blessed tongue:

  اَللّٰھُمَّ لَاخَیْرَ اِلَّا خَیْرُ الآخِرَۃ ،  فَاغْفِرْ لِلْاَنْصَارِ وَ الْمُہَاجِرَۃ

“ O Allah! There is indeed no good except that of the Hereafter, so forgive the Ansar and the Muhajirin.”

The foundation of the masjid was built with stone, its walls with adobe bricks, pillars with palm trunks, and the roof with palm branches. The roof was initially five or seven cubits high. Three entrances were fashioned: Bāb al-Ra ḥ ma (Bāb ʿ Ātika), Bāb Jibrīl (Bāb Āl ʿ Uthmān), and a final door which was sealed after the change of the qibla. [1]  

The First Expansion

After initial construction, the masjid was 54 and 63 yards in length and width respectively. The Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم set out to expand the masjid in 7 AH, after the conquest of Khaybar. The growing number of attendees meant the current space was not enough. The house of an Ansari was parallel to the masjid, and the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم asked, “Who will purchase this stretch of land and expand the masjid, in return for a house in Jannah?” Sayyidunā ʿ Uthmān رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ proceeded to purchase it for 10,000 dirhams and hand it to the Prophet   صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم   .  This land was then incorporated into the masjid during its expansion. It was now 100 cubits in length and width. [2]

Second construction and expansion

The caliphate of Sayyidunā ʿ Umar al-Fārūq رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ was marked by numerous victories and an exponential influx of new Muslims from distant lands. To accommodate the growing numbers, Sayyidunā ʿ Umar al-F ā r ū q رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ had the masjid reconstructed and expanded it.

Imam Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyū ṭ ī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states that Sayyidunā ʿ Umar al-F ā r ū q رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ had the masjid reconstructed and enlarged and installed a solid stone floor. He also had the previously affixed wooden pillars replaced with brick ones. The masjid was expanded in the direction of qibla. Concerning this, he once said, “If I had not heard the Messenger of Allah صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم saying, ‘The masjid will need to be expanded,’ I would not have expanded it in the least.” [3]

Third Expansion

During the fourth year of Sayyidunā ʿ Uthmān’s رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ caliphate, the growing number of believers warranted a further expansion of the masjid. After consulting the senior jurists among the Companions, he ordered the expansion. The work lasted from Rabi al-Awwal 29 AH  until Muharram 30 AH.

Many changes were made under his supervision. Walls were built with engraved stone and cement. The previous adobe brick pillars were replaced with ones fashioned from engraved stone. A teak wood roof was placed overhead, white cement used as plaster, arches affixed on the eastern and western sides and the masjid expanded towards the north. The expansion carried out by Sayyidunā ʿ Umar al-Fārūq رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ rendered the masjid 120 or 140 yards in length. After Sayyidunā ʿ Uthmān’s رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ expansion, it was now 160 yards in length and 150 in width. [4]

Fourth Expansion

The governor of Madina during the caliphate of Walīd b. ʿ Abd al-Malik was Sayyidunā ʿ Umar b. ʿ Abd al- ʿ Azīz, who purchased the surrounding buildings to extend the masjid on the Caliph’s order.

The masjid’s length and width were increased to 200 and 167 yards respectively. Many artisans were hired from Rome and Egypt. The roof, walls, and pillars were engraved with gold. Approximately 448 kg of gold was utilised, or 896 kg in another narration. The practice of building a mihrab in masjids finds it roots in this time. Construction began in 88 AH and was completed in 91 AH. [5]

Fifth Expansion

In 161 AH, the Abbasid Caliph Muhammad b. Man ṣ ūr al-Mahdī ordered another expansion. Accordingly, the masjid was increased by 55 or 100 yards in the direction of Syria. The high level of decoration and ornamentation in the preceding expansion was echoed. This work was completed in 167 AH. [6]

The Sixth Construction

According to al- S amhūdī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه , no one had expanded the masjid after Caliph al-Mahdī up to his respective era. Others suggested that Caliph al-Ma ʾ mūn al-Rashīd carried out an expansion in 202 AH. This point is mentioned by Ibn Qutaybah رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه in al-Ma ʿ ārif . Both views can be reconciled since it is possible that al-Ma ʾ m ū n strengthened the foundations of the masjid and carried out renovation work rather than a full-scale expansion. [7]

The Seventh Construction

In Ramadan 654 AH, an accidental fire started in a storeroom of the masjid and spread to the roof, causing extensive damage. News of this reached the Caliph, Mu ʿ ta ṣ im Billāh, who ordered the reconstruction during the Hajj season of 655 AH. Artisans, artificers, and architectural experts were enlisted to work on the masjid. New roofing was installed from the eastern wall until Bab Jibril, which also covered the sacred chambers of the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم and areas of the masjid facing qibla. The western side also had new roofing over Riyad al-Jannah and the blessed pulpit.

Due to the Tatar invasion of Baghdad in 656 AH, work was temporarily suspended and restarted the following year. The governor of Yemen, Malik al-Mu ẓ affar, offered his services and had work completed up until Bab al-Salam. The ruler of Egypt, Sultan Rukn al-Dīn, sent iron, metal, wood, and other building materials for further work in 658 AH. Commissioning 53 artisans alongside this, the remaining work up to Bab al-Nisa and Bab al-Rahma was then completed. [8]

The Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Construction

Sultan Muhammad b. Qalawūn al- Ṣ ali ḥ ī renewed the eastern and western roofs from 705 AH to the following year. In 729 AH, he attached two verandas to the roof towards the qibla. These verandas developed structural problems, which were addressed by King Ashraf Bārsbay in 831 AH. He also extended the roof towards Syria. In 853 AH, Sultan Sayf al-Dīn Jaqmaq reconstructed the entire roof over the blessed chambers and part of the masjid roof. [9]

The Eleventh and Twelfth Construction

During the reign of Egypt’s s ultan Ashraf Qaytba y, need arose to adjust the roof of the masjid . W ork began in 879 AH. M uch of the roofing and pillars on the eastern side were removed and reconstructed. This project was completed in 881 AH.

I n 886 AH, a lightning strike nearly set the whole masjid on fire, causing most of its pillars to collapse. Sultan Qaytba y gradually sent a total 400 artisans and 372 load animals for the reconstruction.   H e also sent materials via land and sea . A dome and further verandas were added , and marble was widely used . C opper trellises were installed in the direction of q ibla. New structures , s torage spaces , a madrassa , a rest house for travel l ers, bath ing facilities , a kitchen, a mill, and a library were added. All roof work was completed in 888 AH. [10]

The Thirteenth Construction and Expansion

In 1265 AH, the Ottoman sultan, ʿ Abd al- Maj īd I, decided to expand the masjid. The love of the Turkish people for the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم is remarkable. They showed a truly exemplary display of love and respect during this endeavour. Skilled artisans from across the Muslim world were gathered in a new settlement outside Istanbul. They were told to transfer their knowledge and skills to their children or students. Alongside this, they were instructed to make their children memorisers of the Quran. On the other side, rock was extracted from new quarries, wood from new forests, and the best quality materials were imported from a multitude of countries specialising in their production. Over 25 years, these materials were brought together in a hamlet outside Al-Masjid al-Nabawi. 

When these experts were commissioned to begin work, they were instructed to: 

1. To stay in ablution during their work

2. To maintain the recital of the Quran during their work. 

The roof of the masjid during the Prophetic era was fashioned into domes, and skylights were placed in them. Large, door-sized windows were installed in some walls. The top and bottom of the pillars were embellished with gold. The inner sides of the dome were engraved and decorated. ʿ Abd Allah Zuhdi Effendi was a calligrapher who worked on the domes, walls, pillars, and mihrabs with incomparable expertise. He inscribed three lines of Quranic verses on the furthermost wall to the qibla, along with over 200 names and qualities of the final Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم on the fourth. The masjid was expanded westward by 1293 metres. Approximately 500 artisans and workers took part in this project, and a total of 700,000 gold Majidi coins were spent. [11]     

The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Construction and Expansion

Between 1372 AH and 1375 AH, a large expansion took place. Buildings were removed in the eastern, western and northern directions. Pathways were made in this area adjoining the masjid, which now allowed access from all four directions. The masjid’s total circumference now amounted to 16326 square meters. The expanded area was covered in stone that did not heat up under the sun. An attempt was made to keep the new construction in line with the earlier Ottoman expansion. Great lengths were undertaken during this expansion, and over 30,000 tonnes of material was brought in on 30 ships. In 1393 AH, land measuring 35,000 square meters was acquired in the western direction of the masjid, with canopies to shade the worshippers.

The Sixteenth Expansion

Following this expansion, the ground floor is 82,000 square meters, and the new roof is 67,000. At 28 open areas across the expanse of the roof, movable domes were added weighing 80 tonnes each. The number of doors became 85. 6 additional minarets were built, towering at 104 meters. New systems of lighting, electricity, cold water, fire safety, escalators, parking, air conditioning, and security were put into effect. After this expansion, the masjid and adjacent areas accommodate 698,000 worshippers. This project cost 30 billion riyals.

[1] Ṣ a ḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhāri, vol. 2, p. 595, Hadith 3906, Ṣ a ḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhāri, vol. 1, p. 165 Hadith 428, Imta al-Asma, vol. 10, p. 88, Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 1, pp. 323,334,337

[2] Jāmi’ al-Tirmidhi, vol. 5, p. 392, Hadith 3723, Jazb Al-Quloob, p. 125, Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 1, pp. 334 -336

[3] Tareekh al-Khulafa, p. 10, Musnad Ahmad, vol. 1, p. 414, no. 330, Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 2, p. 481

[4] Ṣ a ḥ ī ḥ al-Bukhāri, vol. 2, p. 170, Hadith 446, Musnad Ahmad, vol. 10, p. 287, no. 6139, Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 2, pp. 505,507, Tareekh al-Khulafa, p. 124

[5] Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 2, pp. 513 – 526, Jazb al-Quloob, pp. 155 – 157, Al-Durrat al-Thamina Fi Akhbar al-Madina, pp. 113,115

[6] Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 2, pp.537 -  540,  Akhbar Madinat al-Rasul, p. 104, Jazb al-Qulub, p. 157

[7] Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 2, p. 540, Jazb al-Quloob, p. 157

[8] Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 2, pp. 598 - 604

[9] Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 2, p. 605

[10] Wafa al-Wafa, vol. 2, pp. 605, 633 - 644

[11] Tazkirah al-Madinat al-munawwarah, p. 121, Tareekh Najd o Hijaz, pp. 9 - 13

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اسلامی معاشرے میں مسجد تمدنی مرکز کی اہمیت رکھتی ہے۔

منگل 25 فروری 2014

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بادشاہی مسجد پر ایک مضمون

بادشاہی مسجد.

اگر آپ اسلامی مذہب یا اس کے فن تعمیر کے بارے میں دلچسپی رکھتے ہیں تو پاکستان کی کچھ ایسی مقدس عمارتیں پیش خدمت ہیں جو آپ کے ثقافتی تجسس کے ساتھ ساتھ آرٹ کے لیے آپ کی محبت کو چار چاند لگا دینگی۔ اُن عمارتوں میں سے ایک بادشاہی مسجد ہے۔ یہ پاکستان کا ایک تاریخی مقام ہے۔

بادشاہی مسجد یا ‘شہنشاہ مسجد’ 1673ء میں مغل بادشاہ اورنگ زیب نے لاہور، پاکستان میں بنوائی تھی۔ اس مسجد کا نقشہ دہلی میں واقع جامع مسجد کے بعد وضع کیا گیا تھا۔ اورنگ زیب کے والد بادشاہ شاہ جہاں کے ذریعہ جامع مسجد کی تعمیر کے 25 سال بعد بادشاہی مسجد کی تعمیر کی گئی تھی۔

مسجد کی خوبصورتی

بادشاہی مسجد اپنے خوبصورت مغل تعمیراتی طرز اور تاریخی پس منظر کے ساتھ نہ صرف لاہور بلکہ پورے پنجاب میں ایک اہم سنگ میل اور سیاحوں کی توجہ کا مرکز ہے۔ یہ شہر کا ایک مشہور مقام ہے ، اور سیاحوں کی ایک بڑی توجہ مغل کی خوبصورتی اور عظمت کا مظہر ہے۔ اس مسجد کے چار مینار ہیں۔ دو معمولی ہیں اور دو اہم ہیں۔ لاہور میں واقع یہ مسجد مغل سلطنت کی خوبصورتی اور شان کی علامت ہے۔ یہ مسجد پاکستان کی دوسری بڑی مسجد ہے جو پنجاب کے صوبائی دارالحکومت لاہور میں واقع ہے۔ اور یہ لاہور شہر میں سب سے زیادہ قابل شناخت مقامات میں سے ایک ہے۔

مسجد کی تاریخ

یہ مسجد 1673 ء سے 1986 ء تک دنیا کی سب سے بڑی مسجد رہی ، لیکن جب اسلام آباد میں شاہ فیصل مسجد کی تکمیل ہوئی تو یہ دوسری بڑی مسجد بن گئی۔ اس مسجد میں 55،000 نمازی ایک ساتھ نماز ادا کر سکتے ہیں۔ اس کا کل رقبہ 29،867.2 مربع میٹر ہے۔ اب یہ نمازیوں کے رہنے کی گنجائش کے لحاظ سے دنیا کی آٹھویں بڑی اور کل رقبے کے لحاظ سے 10 ویں بڑی مسجد ہے۔

مسجد کے اندرونی حصے کو منبٹکاری میں بھرپور طریقے سے زیور سے آراستہ کیا گیا ہے۔ داخلی دروازہ کا فرش سنگ مرمر سے تعمیر کیا گیا ہے۔ اور اس مسجد کے بیرونی حصے کو پتھر کے نقش و نگار کے ساتھ سجایا گیا ہے اور ساتھ ہی اس میں سنگ مرمر کا سرخ رنگ کا پتھر رکھا گیا ہے۔ مسلط امداد میں لوٹے کی شکلیں دیواروں کو سجاتی ہیں۔ دالان کے کونے میں چار مینار، خوش نما داخلی دروازہ اور کشادہ صحن مشہور ہے۔ ہندوستانی ، وسطی ایشین اور ہند یونانی طرز کے اثرات نقشوں اور زیور میں پائے جاتے ہیں۔

جولائی 1799 میں ، سکھ ملیشیا مہاراجہ رنجیت سنگھ نے لاہور فتح کیا۔ سکھوں کے دور میں مسجد کو بہت نقصان پہنچا تھا۔ سکھ مہاراجہ نے مسجد کے وسیع صحن کو اپنی فوج کے گھوڑوں کے استحکام کے طور پر استعمال کیا۔ اس نے صحن کے چاروں طرف بنائے گئے 80 کمرے بھی اپنے فوجیوں کے لئے کوارٹر اور اسلحے کے ذخیرے کے طور پر استعمال کیے۔

1841 میں ، شیر سنگھ (ولد رنجیت سنگھ) اور مہارانی چندر کور کے درمیان سکھ خانہ جنگی کو ہوا دی گئی۔ جنگ کے دوران شیر سنگھ بادشاہی مسجد کے میناروں کا استعمال زمبروز نامی ہلکی بندوقیں لگانے کے لئے شاہی قلعہ میں پناہ لینے والے مہارنی کے حامیوں پر بمباری کے لئے کرتا تھا۔

برطانوی دور

انگریزوں نے لاہور پر قبضہ کرنے کے بعد اٹھارہویں صدی کے وسط میں، برٹش ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی نے فوجی مقاصد کے لئے اس مسجد کا استعمال جاری رکھا۔ انہوں نے انگریزوں کے خلاف استعمال ہونے سے روکنے کے لئے مسجد کے صحن کے چاروں طرف 80 حجرات (مطالعاتی کمرے) مسمار کر دئیے اور دوبارہ دالان (سائیڈ لائنز) بنانے کے لئے دوبارہ تعمیر کیا جو اب بھی موجود ہیں۔

1932 میں ہندوستان میں برطانوی قیادت نے بادشاہی مسجد کو فوجی مقاصد کے لئے استعمال کرنے کے خلاف مسلمانوں میں بڑھتی ہوئی ناراضگی کا احساس کیا ، لہذا انہوں نے مسجد کو اس کی اصل شکل میں بحال کرنے اور مسلمانوں کو واپس کرنے کے لیے بادشاہی مسجد اتھارٹی کی تشکیل دی۔ بعد میں 1939ء میں بادشاہی مسجد اتھارٹی نے مسجد کی بحالی کے لئے وسیع پیمانے پر مرمت کا کام شروع کیا۔

بادشاہی مسجد پاکستان کے تحت

1947 میں پاکستان کی آزادی کے بعد لاہور پاکستان کا ایک حصہ بن گیا اور اس کے ساتھ ہی بادشاہی مسجد اتھارٹی نے 1939 میں شروع کیا ہوا مسجد کی بحالی کا کام بدستور جاری رکھا۔ یہاں تک کہ 1960ء میں اس مسجد کو اصل حالت میں بحال کردیا گیا جب تک کہ اس پر کل 5.8 ملین روپے لاگت آئی۔

بعدازاں لاہور کے فقیر فیملی نے بادشاہی مسجد میں حضرت محمد ﷺ، ان کی صاحبزادی فاطمۃ الزھراء اور حضرت علی کے آثار کو اتھارٹی کو عطیہ کیے۔ حکومت پاکستان نے ان آثاروں کو بادشاہی مسجد کے مرکزی گیٹ کے داخلی دروازے کے اندر میوزیم قائم کرنے کے لئے استعمال کیا۔

1993 میں حکومت پاکستان نے بادشاہی مسجد کو بطور یونیسکو عالمی ثقافتی ورثہ قرار دینے کی تجویز پیش کی ، جہاں اسے عالمی ثقافتی ورثہ کی فہرست میں ممکنہ نامزدگی کے لیے پاکستان کی تدریسی فہرست میں شامل کیا گیا ہے۔ 2000 میں بادشاہی مسجد کے سنگ مرمر سے مرمت کا کام کیا گیا۔

2008 میں بادشاہی مسجد کے بڑے صحن کے سرخ رنگ کے پتھر کے ٹائل تبدیل کر دیے گئے۔ اس متبادل کے لئے استعمال ہونے والے ریت کے پتھر کو ہندوستان میں راجستھان کے جیپور کے قریب ایک جگہ سے درآمد کیا گیا تھا جو اس سینڈٹ اسٹون کا اصل ماخذ تھا جب اس مسجد کی تعمیر 1673 میں ہوئی تھی۔

بادشاہی مسجد کا آرکیٹیکچرل لے آؤٹ

بادشاہی مسجد کا ڈیزائن اور فن تعمیر اسلامی ، سینٹرل ایشین ، فارسی اور ہندوستانی تعمیراتی ڈیزائن سے متاثر تھا۔ بادشاہی مسجد کا ڈیزائن قریب قریب دہلی کی جامع مسجد سے ملتا جلتا ہے جسے اورنگ زیب عالمگیر کے والد شہنشاہ شاہ جہاں نے 1648ء میں تعمیر کیا تھا۔

بادشاہی مسجد اور اس کا وسیع صحن ایک پلیٹ فارم پر تعمیر کیا گیا ہے جس میں روایتی مغل طرز کے 22 تین طرفہ اقدامات اور مکمل گیٹ وے کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے مشرق سے حاصل کیا جاتا ہے۔

بادشاہی مسجد کے مین نماز ہال کا رقبہ کل 22 ، 825 مربع فٹ (2120 مربع میٹر) ہے۔ اس کا اندرونی حصہ بڑی حد تک Inlaid ماربل ، فریسکو ورک اور اسٹکو ٹریجر سے سجا ہوا ہے۔ مین نماز ہال کے بیرونی حصے میں پتھر کے نقش و نگار اور سرخ رنگ کے پتھر پر سنگ مرمر کا جڑنا سجا ہوا ہے۔

آنگن کا کل رقبہ 278 ، 784 مربع فٹ (25 ، 899.9 مربع میٹر) ہے۔ صحن میں موجود سرخ رنگ کے پتھر کا فرش بادشاہی مسجد اتھارٹی (1939-60) کے بڑے تزئین و آرائش کے کام کے دوران بچھایا گیا تھا۔ اصل میں اس کو مسلہ پیٹرن میں رکھی ہوئی بھٹیوں سے جلائی ہوئی اینٹوں سے سجایا گیا تھا۔مسجد کے چاروں کونوں میں مینار ہیں۔ ہر ایک کی اونچائی 176 فٹ (53.75 میٹر) اور 67 فٹ (20 میٹر) فریم ہے۔

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    Masjid-e-Nabwi (Arabic: المسجد النبوي) is the masjid (mosque) established by the Prophet (ﷺ) upon his migration to Madinah. It is the second most revered masjid in Islam and the second largest in the world, after Masjid al-Haram in Makkah. When the Prophet (ﷺ) migrated to Madinah (then called Yathrib), the chiefs of the city and his immediate followers rode around his camel in ...

  10. Masjid e Nabvi History, Facts, Virtues, and Key Information

    Key Facts about Masjid e Nabvi. • Masjid e Nabvi was established in 1 AH (623 CE). • The mosque is the first place in the entire Arabian Peninsula to receive electricity. • The current mosque is 100 times bigger than the old one. Due to the large Masjid e Nabvi capacity, it can accommodate around 1 million Muslims.

  11. Jab Masjid E Nabvi Ke Minar Nazar Aaye

    کھانے سے فراغت پا کر ہم نے اجازت چاہی اور مکّہ کی طرف روانہ ہوئے . Read Adab Article "Jab Masjid E Nabvi Ke Minar Nazar Aaye جب مسجد نبوی کے مینار نظر آئے ", it is published in Safarnama. Read Adab related articles, tips and suggestions in UrduPoint adab section.

  12. Prophet's Mosque

    The Prophet's Mosque (Arabic: ٱلْمَسْجِد ٱلنَّبَوِي ‎, romanized: al-Masjid al-Nabawī, lit. 'Mosque of the Prophet') is the second mosque built by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in Medina, after that of Quba, as well as the second largest mosque and holiest site in Islam, after the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, in the Saudi region of the Hejaz. [2]

  13. Masjid-e-Nabvi Shareef Tareekh, Aadab, Fazail by mohammad ...

    Read Book Masjid-e-Nabvi Shareef Tareekh, Aadab, Fazail by mohammad ilyaas abdul ghani on Rekhta Urdu books library. Navigate to next page by clicking on the book or click the arrows for previous and next page.

  14. Essay on Masjid e Nabvi SAW|10 lines on Masjid e Nabvi in Urdu|Urdu

    Essay on Masjid e Nabvi SAW|10 lines on Masjid e Nabvi in Urdu|Urdu Handwriting|#jkwriter #handwriting #essay #essaywriting #masjid #madina #masjidnabawi#ess...

  15. Masjid Nabvi: History & Construction, A Documentary

    masjid-nabvi-history-construction-urdu Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0 . plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 109 Views . 1 Favorite. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . ITEM TILE ...

  16. The Construction of Masjid e Nabvi

    The First Expansion. After initial construction, the masjid was 54 and 63 yards in length and width respectively. The Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم set out to expand the masjid in 7 AH, after the conquest of Khaybar. The growing number of attendees meant the current space was not enough.

  17. Urdu Essays List

    ماں پر مضمون. 0. Urdu Essays List 3- Here is the list of 100 topics of urdu mazameen in urdu, اردو مضامین, اردو ادبی مضامین, اسلامی مقالات اردو, urdu essay app, essays in urdu on different topics , free online urdu essays, siyasi mazameen, mazmoon nawesi, urdu mazmoon nigari.

  18. Class 5

    Class 5 - Islamic Studies - Lecture 20 - Masjid e Nabwi SAWW ki Tameer - Allied Schools

  19. tareekh masjid-e-nabawi

    tareekh masjid-e-nabawi by Mohammad Meraj-ul-Islam ... Urdu Essays 1957. Bedil 1988. Majmua Mohammad Hasan Askari 2008. Saz-e-Hayat. Urdu Sahafat Bihar Mein ... 1880. Review. Be the first person to Review this ebook. Read More Reviews Write a Review . Write a Review. SUBMIT. Jashn-e-Rekhta | 8-9-10 December 2023 - Major Dhyan Chand National ...

  20. Masjid Ki Ahmiat Aur Aadaab

    6 Kalma Hajj Ayat ul Kursi Tarawih laylat ul Qadr Itikaf Muharram Sadaqah Zakat Fitrana Dua e Qunoot Tahajjud. Masjid Ki Ahmiat Aur Aadaab in Urdu (Article No. 720). Read Islamic articles about مسجد کی اہمیت اور آداب and other important Islamic articles about Quran, Hadees, Namaz, Ramadan and more. Read Urdu Islamic books and ...

  21. Essay on Badshahi Mosque In Urdu

    Essay on Badshahi Mosque In Urdu- In This article we are going to read Essay on Badshahi Mosque In Urdu | بادشاہی مسجد پر ایک مضمون, descriptive essay on badshahi mosque in urdu, 5 interesting facts about badshahi mosque in urdu, essay writing on badshahi mosque in urdu, badshahi masjid ki sair essay in urdu, a visit to badshahi mosque short essay

  22. Seerat -un- Nabi [Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam]

    Seerat-un-NabisallallahuAlaihiWasallam-Urdu-ByShaykhShibliNomani Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2p56nz5c Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Ppi 100 . plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 58,910 Views . 1 Favorite. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS ...

  23. Islamiat Class 5 Ch Masjid Nabviﷺ Ki Tameer Ex Q 3

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