
Cell Phone Store Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

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Are you about starting a cell phone store? If YES, here is a complete sample cell phone retail store business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a cell phone store . We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample cell phone store marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for cell phone stores. So let’s proceed to the business planning section.

All over the world, the cell phone business has continued to be on the rise and this owes to the fact that there are billions of people who cannot do without the cell phone. The cell phone has made it extremely easy for people to communicate with themselves.

This has also made loved one stay really in touch with one another from time to time. The cell phone business is such that will not go into extinction because no one is ready to stay incommunicado for anything. Hence it is a viable business to launch into at any time of the day.

The cell phone industry has continued to grow with various phone models being churned out every now and then. This is one of the reasons why the competition in the industry has continued to become even stiffer as the day goes by.

If you are determined to start a cell phone store business then you have to put a lot of things into consideration. One of the things that you can consider is undertaking a feasibility research. You will also need a business plan to work with. Below is a sample cell phone store business plan;

A Sample Cell Phone Store Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

As at 2008 according to Sign-on San Diego, there were 250 million mobile phone subscriptions in the united states. From then till now, more people have gotten cell phones, which mean that the market has consistently grown and become more relevant as regards more uses and applications.

This is a lucrative business that offers you the opportunity to be at the forefront of new and emerging technologies, if you intend to go into this kind of business as an entrepreneur.

In recent years, there has been a change in the dynamics and structure of cell phones globally which also includes smart phones. This is due to the fact that there has been a positive change in the design and functionalities of cell phones which has led to an increased cost.

The improved functionalities such as emergence of new network technologies such as 4G to enhance mobile browsing, and also improved upgrade of operating systems, have led to the growth of the industry, and expansion into several markets that were deemed impossible.

The cell phone business has an unstoppable growth that makes it have the strongest growth industries as well as being responsible for its huge revenues in the market. Due to research and forecasts, 65% of children between the ages of 10 – 15 have been projected to own cell phones between 2014 and 2016.

Apart from children, even those who live below the poverty line have been projected to own a cell phone as it is now regarded as one of the essential commodities for everyone in the society. According to research, the cell phone industry had a growth momentum between 2006 and 2011 and is expected to reach an estimated $334.8 billion in 2017 with cumulative annual growth revenue of 6.8% from 2012 to 2017.

Regions that are still developing are expected to register significant growth in this industry due to an increase in population as well as rising urbanization .the cell phone industry comprises of establishments whose primary focus is in the manufacturing of mobiles.

This means that the industry expands to include not only the end salesman but also the phone set manufacturers. The market has less entry barriers which are majorly to reduce the threats that will be posed by new players.

This means that the older players are always evolving as regards technologies and innovations which practically make it difficult for new players to keep up with, thereby still allowing the old players to retain part of its customer base while still growing in revenue. This does not mean though that this strategy has been effective for all such cell phone companies.

2. Executive Summary

Excellent Cell Phone Shop is a leading and standard phone shop that will be based in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan, USA to retail cell phones to our various clients. We are in business to produce and retail a variety of phones to our various customers.

We also intend to offer other products and service as well to our customers such phone accessories and what have you. Our strategic location in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan is a great place to grow and develop our cell phone  shop due to the fact that not only is it a metropolitan area but there are no close competitors for several miles.

This therefore means that our business is likely to boom in a short period of time before perhaps other competitors come and site their shops near ours.

Asides the fact that our location is perfect for the business due to the fact that we have no close competitor, our location is also perfect because it fits well into the demography as more than 60% of households here fall into the average income rate and there are more than 400,000 people residing within a 5 mile radius of our cell phone store.

We are glad because we intend to have an edge over our competitors now and in the near future, we intend to ensure that we have the best phone brands and we will ensure that we are well stocked with our different varieties so as not to run out of varieties for our customers quicker than we should.

We take our business structure very seriously and as such have sourced for and hired the employees that are the right fit for our company. We know that having competent and experienced employees who not only understand the market but the business and our ideologies as well will lead to us being able to achieve our desired goals and objectives in quick time.

Because we know the importance of having the best customers, we intend to ensure that our employees remain well motivated.

We are going to ensure that our employees are well paid better than what their colleagues in similar start-ups such as ours in this industry are getting. Also, we intend to ensure that our employees enjoy other fringe benefits and are rewarded for hard work.

All our employees are trained in excellent customer care and as such we know that all our customers will be treated well irrespective of whatever worker they encounter in our cell phone   store. We know that this is key to retaining a high number of customers and attracting more to our cell phone shop business.

We intend to expand into a four store operation even though our business plan is dealing with just our first operation, we have laid down plans and processes in place to handle our expansion as our Chief Executive Officer, Michael Pump who is also the owner has worked in different cell phone  stores in the industry.

He also has handled several franchises and has over 8 years experience in this industry that will be highly beneficial to the business attaining its goals and objectives.

3. Our Products and Services

Excellent Cell Phone Shop is a phone shop that deals in all varieties of cell phones. Our intention is not to depend on our core services (sale of cell phones) but to engage in other services as well that will ensure that we create multiple streams of income by offering other services and products in addition to our core service.

This is so that we would be able to generate revenue and make profit that would boost our bottom line and not only sustain but grow our business as well. Therefore some of the products and services we intend to offer our various customers are;

  • Sale of Cell Phones
  • Sales of mobile hardware and accessories
  •  maintenance services and repairs
  •  mobile applications
  •  mobile money services
  •  Software and such other kinds of services.

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to be known for our top notch brand cell phones and to be the leading and preferred cell phone distribution store here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan.
  • In order to achieve our vision, we intend to remain proactive in the business by constantly coming up with new and brands of gadgets intended to excite our customers whilst also giving us an edge over our competitors. We also intend to ensure that we well our franchise all around the United States of America as well as Canada.

Our Business Structure

Due to how serious we are taking our business, we plan to build a standard cell phone shop business here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan and so we have set plans, processes and structures in place that will allow us get it right from the beginning in ensuring that we hire the right employees into all the available positions in our cell phone shop.

Because we intend to become a leading brand as well as sell our franchises here in America as well as Canada, we carefully sourced for those that we would want to be a part of our management team and we chose those that had the required experience and understood what it takes to take our cell phone shop from where we are to where we intend to be.

Also, our management team understands our core vision and ideology and is committed to ensuring that we are able to attain them as fast as possible.

Also, because we intend to offer various services and products to our various customers as well as sell our franchise, we will employ more than the average cell phone shop so that all our services at Excellent Cell Phone Store will run smoothly in delivering the various services to all our various customers.

Below is the business structure we intend to build at Excellent Cell Phone Store;

Chief Executive Officer

Human Resources and Admin Manager


Marketing Team

Customer Service Executives

Truck Driver

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

  • Responsible for the overall strategic direction of Excellent Cell Phone Shop
  • Communicates and ensures the implementation of the vision and objectives of the organization to employees
  • Ensures that the  cell phones come in intact without damage
  • Carries out an inspection on every batch that comes in
  • Sources for competent employees on behalf of the company, and ensures that they are properly inducted
  • Ensures that the administrative function of the company runs smoothly
  • Responsible for employee welfare
  • Prepares all financial statement and information on behalf of the store
  • Ensures that the store’s book is balanced monthly against that of the bank
  • Conducts more research on behalf of the company in order to find ways to retain customers as well as attract new ones
  • Hands out handbills and pastes fliers in strategic locations
  • Interacts with customers via phone and online by answering enquiries, taking orders and feedbacks, and resolving complaints
  • Stays abreast of industry trends as well as organizational policies in order to pass on accurate information to the customers
  • Keeps an accurate customer database on behalf of the store
  • In charge of retailing the cell phone  both inside and outside the shop
  • Helps to increase sales on behalf of the store
  • Ensures that the truck is driven to and fro different sales location
  • Supervises the loading and offloading of supply and equipment and assists where necessary
  • Carries out light maintenance on the truck and reports major defects to the admin manager
  • Ensures that the premises is kept clean
  • Keeps the convenience clean for both staff and clients
  • Carries out any other duty as might be determined by the human resources manager

6. SWOT Analysis

Due to the fact that we intend to run a leading and standard Cell Phone shop, we have hired the services of a reputable business consultant here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan to help look through our business concept and know if we were likely to make it in the industry we intend going into and also let us know if we would be able to compete favorably against other competitors in the bagel shop industry here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan.

Due to this, the business consultant was able to analyze our business by performing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis and using this to know how well suited we were to starting our bagel shop business in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan. The result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Excellent Cell phone Shop are as follows;

Our strength lies in the fact that we are providing our various customers really durable and high quality phones which is far better than what they were getting elsewhere. Also, our product offering is a bit different as we have several varieties of phones due to our secret but awesome marketing secrets ensuring that our customers have something unique whenever they purchase our phones.

Also, we have a structured distribution which has allowed us to be able to meet up with demands no matter the order or emergency.

We have hired competent and experienced employees who do not only understand the cell phone industry but have had the experience working in cell phone  stores and therefore know what is required in taking our phone  shop to the height it intends to achieve.

The fact that we are also offering additional services and products is a boost to us as this has expanded our customer base and ensured that we not only boost our bottom line but that we are strong enough to sustain and expand into the four store operation we have in plans for our business.

One of our weaknesses is our location as are regionally restricted due to the fact that we are just yet a start-up compared to our competitors in the industry. Another weakness is the fact that we are offering basic services and as such need to remain proactive in researching for a new product line so that no competition can easily overtake our business.

  • Opportunities

There are several opportunities that abound for us such as expanding our product line so as to attract new customers to our cell phone shop. We have expanded our services to include online ordering as well, this is to gain a share of those who are online shoppers.

Every business faces threats every now and then and we are no different. The cell phone shop market is one that is highly fragmented and as such competitors can easily overtake and gain a large share of the market. Also, we are faced with the threat of customers finding alternatives or substitutes to bagels.


  • Market Trends

Cell Phone stores are now offering the right products built around the phones such as dual sim phones, water resistant phones, and multiple mega pixel phones.

Cell phones were once seen as a luxury item but now are seen as an essential commodity and even though there have been economic downturns, the industry has had just a slight dent unlike other industries that have gone down during economic downturns.

It is important to note though that the market is seen as mature in the United States, and so we might need to ensure that our company will provide an added service that customers will be unable to resist.

We will also seek out insurance for our cell phone shop business. An insurance cover protects us from any sort of problems – both known and unforeseen – that we might encounter in the course of carrying out our business.  We have done so well by talking to the best insurance that is good for our business, and have also consulted with to an insurance agent or broker who will guide us on what is best for our business.

Phones are regarded as an inexpensive luxury that must not be done without. People fear being cut off from the internet and from their loved ones. They also like the idea that they are able to be abreast of global issues wherever they go via their cell phones.

8. Our Target Market

Even though almost everyone uses phones, it is still imperative that we know and identify our target market so that we draft effective strategies that will allow us gain a huge share of the market. Also, knowing our target market will allow us know where to position our truck here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan.

In regard to this, we are conducting a market research that will allow us know and understand what it is the target market would be expecting from us and also what we should expect from them. From our findings, we are in business for the following groups of people;

  • Business people
  • Corporate executives

Our competitive advantage

We are starting a cell phone shop company that we intend to make the most preferred cell phone shop here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan and so as to be able to favorably compete against our competitors by having competitive strategies that will help us to achieve our vision of becoming industry leaders.

To be able to favorably compete, we intend to be one of the few shops with a customized truck that will ensure we sell cell phones to customers in strategic locations.

One of our competitive advantages is in sourcing for and recruiting highly experienced personnel who are not only competent but who understands the cell phone market and how best the business can attain its desired goals and objectives. Our employees also understand our core ideologies and are committed to ensuring that we achieve our vision.

Due to low entry barriers, competition in this industry is quite stiff and most businesses that haven’t been able to innovate or offer something completely new have failed. This is why before going into this business we have carried out a thorough research that will ensure that the field we intend going into in our region, has less competition for you to battle with.

This is not to say that in offering unique services that we will prevent the larger companies from offering it and staking a claim in our market share, but we will be proactive and good to our customers so that we can still get to retain most of your customer base and revenue.

Another competitive advantage we have is our excellent customer service culture which has allowed us to retain a high level of customers who have also referred others to our cell phone store.

Finally, our employees are well paid and have a welfare package that is the best across the industry and amongst similar startups here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan, as well as around the United States of America. The great welfare package will allow the employees focus on the business, motivate them and also ensure that they help in achieving all aims and objectives of Excellent Cell Phone Store.


  • Sources of Income

Excellent Cell Phone store is established with the aim of generating revenue and maximizing profit in the cell phone and gadgets industry.

To ensure that we boost our bottom line, we intend to offer other services and sell other products in addition to our core service to our various customers. Excellent Cell Phone Store intends to generate income by offering the following products and services;

  • Retail and wholesale of different Cell Phones

10. Sales Forecast

Cell Phones are regarded as a necessity to everyone. In regards of this, we are optimistic that we will not only take on the available market here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan but that we will surpass our set target and generate enough income in our first year of business that will allow us sustain and expand our business.

Due to this, we have conducted a critical evaluation of the cell phone  industry and market in order to analyze what our chances are in the industry and so that we will be able to come up with a sales forecast.

The sales projection that we conducted was based on the information and assumptions gathered from similar startups here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan. Below therefore are the sales projections for Excellent Cell Phone store based on several assumptions and data;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $500,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $1,000,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $2,000,000

N.B : It should be noted that the above sales projections were conducted based on certain factors such as that there won’t be alternative substitutes, no economic downturn and that no competitor would arrive in same location such as ours for the stated period of projections.

Should there however be any change in the above factors, it would cause an increase or decrease in the above projected figures.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Marketing is one aspect of a business that cannot be neglected because not only does it generate revenue that will help sustain the business, it also creates awareness that the business will use in thriving and favorably compete against its competitors in the marketplace.

Due to this fact, we intend to conduct a market research that would allow us best understand the market we are going into and how best we would lay out strategies that would allow us have a fair share of the market. To this end, we hired a professional marketing consultant here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan who thoroughly understands the cell phone industry and knows what it takes to survive and thrive in this environment.

We have also empowered our marketing team to draft strategies that would be in line with our core values and ideologies as a company. This is because we intend to ensure that every strategy communicates the business positively to our customers Therefore, the marketing and sales strategies that we intend to adopt for Excellent Cell Phone Store are;

  • Ensure that we place advertisements in local newspapers, magazines as well as on radio and television
  • Throw a grand launching party for excellent Cell Phone Shop in order to generate interest and create awareness for our business
  • Ensure that Excellent Cell Phone Shop is listed in offline and online directories
  • Engage in direct marketing and sales both in the store and in public places
  • Leverage on social media platform – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – to thoroughly advertise our products and services
  • Encourage our loyal customers to refer us to others

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

In order to create the much needed awareness that we would need to attract customers to Excellent Cell Phone Store, we intend to use effective publicity and advertising strategies, especially as our intention is to become the preferred Cell Phone shop here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan.

Our penetrative publicity and advertising strategies was drafted for us by a reputable brand consultant who has several experience in the coffee and snack industry and has helped several company such as ours achieve their intended publicity goal translating into more revenue for the business. Therefore, some of the platforms that we intend to use in promoting Excellent Cell Phone Store  are;

  • Create contests here in the community where we are located as well as online in order to create awareness for our cell phone store
  • Sponsor relevant programs in the community especially in clubs, hotels , schools and hospitals
  • Place adverts in local newspapers and magazines as well as on radio and television stations
  • Make use of our social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to promote our business
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target locations
  • Attend fairs and carnivals in order to sell and promote our products and network as well

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Determining what price we will charge for our cell phones is no brainer as most of the cell phones are made in the United States of America as well as other parts of the world.  We would however ensure that we do not set prices that are way below what our competitors are offering or what will make us run at a loss.

In order to create the necessary awareness for our business and attract the customers we would need to enable us generate revenue, we intend to for the first six months offer a discount on our cell phones by giving customers who purchase more than two phones, one phone free.

This will in no way cause us to run at a loss as we have carefully checked what our margins would look like during this period and have found that there will be little or no changes

  • Payment Options

Because we believe in making things very simple for our customers here at Excellent Cell Phone Stores, we intend to ensure that we proffer payment options that will suit the different preferences of our customers. The payment options that will be proffered to all our customers are;

  • Payment via cash
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via credit card
  • Payment via Point of Sale (POS) Machine

The above payment options were carefully chosen and will work with no hitches for any of our customers as well as for our business.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

Starting a cell phone store and running it to a certain standard requires that one spend most of the generated capital. The bulk of the capital usually goes into buying bagel making equipment, paying employees and utility bills as well as buying a customized truck that will be used in selling the phones outside the store.

Below is a breakdown of the things we expect to spend the bulk of the capital on;

  • Business registration and incorporation in the United States of America – $750
  • Obtaining licenses and permits to run a cell phone  as well as accounting software and other legal expenses – $1,250
  • Cost of hiring business consultants – $3,000
  • Insurance coverage (general liability, property insurance , health insurance and workers’ compensation) – $2,500
  • Operational cost for the first six months (utility bills and employees salaries) – $150,000
  • Cost of purchasing bagel making equipment – $20,000
  • Other start-up expenses (furniture, stationery, computers, phones, and printers) – $2,000
  • Marketing promotion (grand opening promotion and general business promotion( – $5,000
  • Cost of purchasing phones  and accessories   – $2,000,000
  • Cost of storage equipment and hardware (shelves, racks, bins, cash register, security gadgets) – $10,000
  • Cost of purchasing a fairly used truck – $30,000
  • Cost of launching a website – $500
  • Cost of throwing an opening party for our Excellent Cell Phone Shop – $5,000
  • Miscellaneous – $5,000

From the above analytical breakdown, in order to run a standard and successful bagel shop here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan; we would require the sum of $2,255,000 .

It should be noted that the amount covers the salaries of our employees and payment of utility bills for a period of six months. It also covers overhead expenses such as bagels making equipment, as well as the purchase of a fairly used truck.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Cell Phone Shop Business

Cell Phone Shop is a business that is run and owned by Mr. Michael Pump. Mr. Pump who fully owns 100% equity does not intend to seek for private investors that will have a share of his company. This is why he intends to restrict the sourcing of his capital to three major sources.

Therefore, the three areas Mr.  Pump intends to seek his start-up capital from are;

  • Generate part of the start-up capital from savings and mutual funds
  • Source for soft loan from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from the bank

N.B : Mr. Pump was able to generate the sum of $1,000,000 from his personal savings and mutual funds. From family members and friends, he got the sum of $200,000 . He applied for the rest from the bank payable within 5 years at an interest of 2% per annum.

All the documents concerning the loan has been signed and approved and the money according to the accounts officer will be credited to the account before the week runs out.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

We are a business that is built to last for a long time and we have several sustainability and expansion strategies in place such as ensuring we live up to our brand name, employing competent employees and also ensuring that we engage in intensive promotion strategies in order to bring in more clients that will ensure that we sustain our business.

We are a business whose intention is to ensure that we sell only durable phones to our various customers. We will therefore not sub standard phones to our customers as we intend to remain very transparent in our dealings and also engage in the best business practices by ensuring that our kitchens meet up with the set standards.

Having the best business structure is of paramount importance to us and so we intend to ensure that we employ competent employees that understand the business and are committed to ensuring that our bagel shop attains its desired goals and objectives.

We will ensure that our employees are well trained and also are well paid so as to boost productivity that will be highly beneficial to our business. We will also ensure that we engage in intensive promotion strategies that will increase awareness about our bagel shop to customers both existing and potential.

We would hire a brand consultant to help us in this regard by drafting effective strategies intended to give us an edge over our competitors. The above three factors if seriously looked into will ensure that we sustain and expand our bagel shop.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting feasibility studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – wholesale suppliers / merchants: In Progress
  • Purchase of trucks: Completed

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How To Start Your Own Mobile Shop in India

  • August 13, 2019 January 11, 2023

Mobile has become a very basic need for people all over the world. Everyone uses a smartphone, even small kids are obsessed with it. Mobile has become an entertainment medium more than its basic use which is to connect with others.

Interest in mobile phones and the number of mobile phone brands entering the Indian market has steadily risen over the last decade. With new players like JIO entering the market and releasing cheap data plans.

Mobile Store

Undoubtedly, the  Mobile Shop business is one of the best small business ideas to start in India . 

Although a good performing Mobile Shop makes an average net profit of 20% on its daily sales, 80% of those who get into this business close their Mobile shop in less than 2 years due to losses and cash-flow problems. Additionally, Mobile shops have cut-throat competition for the reason that there are minimal barriers to entry.  But at the same time, when looked at the given past, and recent past trends, the future for this Mobile shop business looks very rewarding and profitable if done right. 

Here are a few steps that guarantee success and help you figure out how to open a mobile shop in India? 

1. Get your Mobile Shop licensed

Even small mobile stores staffed by one to two persons typically do over Rs.10 lakhs of sales in a year. Hence, it’s best to start the Mobile store as a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) . In case there are plans to establish larger mobile stores in places like malls or to sell online through e-commerce portals like Flipkart , Snapdeal or Amazon, its best to incorporate a company. Get your GST registration done. You can easily do this on GST portal. 

If you wish to import mobile accessories from other countries like China, owing to cost advantages, it is advisable to get you IE code also –

2. Know what other Mobile 

✔  make a list of  mobile accessories  that are commonly sold in your surroundings. mobile phones are not your only option. consider offering related products and accessories, such as headsets, cables, chargers and memory cards. these will bring in additional income and provide customers with everything they need in one place. , ✔  markdown those mobile  accessories  you can manage to buy & sell if you set up such a mobile shop business. , ✔ and be careful about your customer segment, get an idea from your what you observe, find out which price range is selling more in your store. this is a very useful mobile shop business idea, because, sales vary greatly on the economic condition of your area or customer., 3. know your products well, ✔ all the people are not technical expertise, but as a mobile handset seller, you have to have good knowledge about all the brand and handset. people love to buy from an expert who can elaborate on all the feature pros cons when the customer is comparing with two or three sets., 4. understand the market before committing your money on the cell phone business, ✔  mobile phone business may be one of the best business to start in india. but, do learn about competitors that are already on the market., ✔  the first step in dealing with competition is to avoid it in the first place., ✔  secondly, decide on your mobile shop budget. how much money are you willing to spend to enter the market, ✔ remember, never test the depth of the river with both the feet. know your investment limit on mobile shop item list and never cross it., 5. learn about the day-to-day activities of a mobile.

In reality, Mobile Phone Shop Ownership requires a hands-on approach.   Get to know

✔  How does your typical customer look like?

✔  what is your survival & growth potential in the market, ✔  what are the approximate upfront and initial operation costs to bare, ✔  any legal considerations, and more, 6. identify places with ready (and growing) market potential, ✔  firstly, locate the area with lesser competition for your mobile phone shop & reasonable demand for mobile phone & mobile accessories., ✔  secondly, you need to aware of the latest trends and ruling prices of the industry., 7. find your space to set up your mobile store.

A space of about 10 x 15 square feet or about 150 square feet is required for setting up a mobile store. The store must be suitably equipped with display cases, lighting, cameras, and air-conditioning (if needed).

It is necessary for a long counter of 8 x 3.5 feet on the left side with glasses that are in front and top portion and on the back wall of the counter that makes two to three good view cupboards with glass and all should be completely decorated as well as with lightings.

8. Get Flexible by Accepting Payments through different Modes

Some customers deal with credits and some pay instantly by cash. It’s important to offer customers a variety of ways to pay you as some customers are comfortable with credit terms in order to do business with you.

If you’re strick on your payment terms, you might piss them off.

9. Advertise locally well

Mobile stores mostly expect local clients. Therefore, advertising for Mobile Phone Business can be done one of several ways, including billboards, Yellow Page ads, flyers, and email marketing to an existing customer list.

So, want to be a popular and a go-to Mobile Phone Retailer?  Spread out a word about your business.

10. Invest in Fast-Moving Products

Because the Mobile Phone business is quite capital heavy– you may have to invest mostly in fast-moving products to be on the safer side.

Invest in varieties of headphones, Screenguards, Earphones, Mobile phone sets, power banks, Mobile covers, Bluetooth and much more.

11. Choose your Selling Price Wisely

✔  offer discounts on basic mobile accessories products such as earphones, mobile covers, screen guards and recover the profit margin in mobile phone business through minor products., ✔ always remember never to make the mistake of overcharging customers on commonly used items/commodities like mobile covers and screen guards. if you do this they will definitely not deal with you and will alert all their connections as well. , 12. encourage convenient shopping.

Allow customers to pay you using PayTM, GPay, Cash, Credit Card, etc.  When they go low in cash, allow them to pay later. When customers are satisfied with you, they definitely come back, it may even happen that, they start recommending your mobile phone business for their connection as well. Keep in mind, this is very likely to happen.

13. Provide a one-stop-shop for your Clients

✔  have all the items your customers need. make sure your customers don’t have to go to any of your competitors’ shops to buy anything., ✔  talk to your suppliers so they can take advantage of any items that may be on-demand but are missing from your mobile shop as quickly as possible., 14. manage the inventory of your mobile store, ideally, you should have a look at your stock level every week – this will help you understand which items are “moving” fast off the shelves and which ones need urgent restocking..

You may need to use the Inventory management App  like “Vyapar” to track your inventory well. It automatically alerts you when a fast-moving stock goes low in number. Never let customers go back disappointed due to “Out of Stock” issues.

Provide after-sales support too

After selling a product if any problem arises it’s not your responsibility to guide your customer. Try to fix the problem.

Even you can get tiny requests like installing apps, set it. This will give you a chance to make a good customer relationship.

“Quality” is the best Business plan after all.

Frequently Asked Questions’ (FAQs’)

# Is mobile repair a good business?

Yes, if managed properly, a mobile phone repair business can be quite profitable for any trader and can earn you a lot of money. However, it is also important to provide good quality spare parts and service to turn it into a reputed enterprise. Also you can ask for customer feedback to improve it further.

# Which is the best smartphone company of 2021 in India?

Here is the list of top 10 smartphone companies of 2021.

  • Xiaomi Mobile
  • Lenovo (including Motorola)

# How much does it cost to start your own mobile store?

It always depends on the business owner how committed they are to their business, the amount required to start and operate a mobile shop varies, but usually the shop vehicle is the biggest expense. After some research it was found that the total investment of a mobile shop is around Rs. 3, 00,000 to Rs. 4.00,000.

# Is selling Cell Phone/ Mobile Phone accessories profitable?

Starting a cell phone accessory business is a great idea. It can be highly profitable and highly competitive. However, if you can find a location with limited competition or build an online presence ahead of your competitors, you can build a profitable small business selling cell phone accessories.

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business plan of mobile shop

How to Start a Cell Phone Shop Business in 10 Steps

Do you want to start a mobile phone shop? If so, find here in this article, a stepwise plan guide to starting a profitable cell phone business from home or a retail space.

Here are the 10 Steps to Open a Cell Phone Shop

1. understand the local market.

Understanding the local market is the key to success for any retail-based business. It holds true for mobile shop businesses too. It is a fact cell phone business is getting saturated day by day. However, there is always a scope for new players to enter as the demand is high.

2. Create a Business Plan

Some of the basic aspects that your mobile shop business plan must include are the following:

3. Name your Cell Shop

It is extremely important to select a catchy and relatable name for your mobile phone shop business . The name must aptly reflect the activities of your business. For example, if your primary name is to sell cell phone handsets name accordingly. It holds the same if your focus is to sell mobile phone accessories or handset repair.

4. Select a Location

But if you are short on budget for paying for a premium location, find one that at least ensures good traffic.

5. Register Your Cell Phone Shop Business

6. procure licenses, 7. buy liability insurance.

There are various types of financial risks involved in running a cellphone shop business. Some of the insurances that you need to consider are product liability insurance, property insurance, and worker’s compensation insurance. Check this article on various types of liability insurance to learn more.

8. Contact Wireless Providers & Understand Carrier Contracts

Check the plans of the phone carriers and select the one that fits best in terms of speed, monthly cost, and other parameters. In addition, read carefully the contract document of each of the carriers. The terms and conditions of the reseller contract agreement vary from company to company. You must be comfortable and confident in adhering to their terms. Failure to which will lead to the unfortunate termination of the contract.

9. Apply as an Authorized Reseller

Another aspect that will be taken into account seriously before granting authorized resellers is your financial status. This is because all cell phone plans are credit-based. The more credit you can provide, the more the sales and the more the profit.

10. Promote your Cell Shop Business

The final and most important step for a successful cell phone shop business is to devise marketing strategies so that more and more customers visit your store. Create a promotional plan that includes both online and offline advertisement activities like good signage with high visibility, printed brochures, informative website , social media pages, and so on.

FAQS on Cell Phone Business

Is cell phone shop a profitable business.

If you are from highly populated countries like India and China, opening a mobile shop business has the potential to be hugely profitable. As a matter of fact, there is still a big number of people yet to get access to smartphones in most South Asian countries.

What is the Cost of Starting a Cellphone Shop Business?

Editorial Team at 99BusinessIdeas is a team of experts led by Rupak Chakrabarty with over 25 years of experience in starting and running small businesses. Started in 2010, 99BusinessIdeas is now one of the largest free small business resources in the industry.

Sample Cell Phone Store Business Plan

Cell phone retail business plan sample.

Since the introduction of cell phones to the general populace, there has been a rapid increase in the use of these devices. The many technological advancements and innovations also aid this phenomenon.

Cell phones are now a part of the lives of many individuals.

Apart from making calls, sending messages, and basic browsing, there are lots of features that cell phones come with.

Need to write a plan for your venture? Download a FREE Business Plan PDF Sample to develop a template for your own startup.

As a result, many people, especially the young, have become addicted to cell phones. This has provided a thriving business for those that own cell phone stores.

Metro PCS focuses on cellphone wireless service if you are considering a more extensive franchise network. If you want to set up a cell phone store business, you are on the right page.

This article contains a cell phone retailer business plan sample. This business plan sample will guide you in writing the perfect cell phone business plan for your new business.

Here is a sample business plan for starting a cell phone retail store.

Business Name:  De Perfect Cell Phone Store

Executive Summary

Our Products and Services

Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Business Structure

Market Analysis

  • Sales and Marketing Strategy

Financial Plan

Competitive Advantage

De Perfect cell phone store is a top-quality cell phone store that will be located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Toby and Mark Jacob jointly own it. De Perfect cell phone store was established to make cell phones available to the residents of Atlanta, Georgia, and neighboring states at very affordable prices.

As much as the major products we will be making available to our potential customers are cell phones, we will not stop at just cell phones.

We will also make cell phone accessories such as phone cases , chargers, earpieces, and batteries available to our potential customers.

We intend to employ individuals with good communication skills at De Perfect cell phone store. This we believe will help us retain our customers effortlessly.

De Perfect cell phone store is a standard cell phone store.

This implies that we will only make genuine and top-quality products available to our potential customers, in as much as the main products we will offer to the public are cell phones.

That is not all that we will focus all our energy on.

We will also partly engage in phone repair and maintenance. This will ease our customer’s stress of looking for professionals to fix whatever phones they buy from our store if an issue arises.

Our products and services at De Perfect cell phone store are;

  • Cell phone sales
  • Cell phone maintenance
  • Cell phone accessories sales.

We at De Perfect cell phone store want to be known for making top-quality mobile phones available to those in Atlanta, Georgia, and the United States.

Our mission is to keep up with the trends in the mobile phone world.

We believe this will help us make the latest cell phones available to our potential customers. We also intend to franchise our business after five years of operation.

We want to become the yardstick for measuring the success of every cell phone store.

To get this done, we are looking to build a structure that can function even without the management of the De Perfect cell phone retail store.

Therefore, to make this happen, we will employ only those we believe are the best at what they do. We are also looking to hire those experienced at working in cell phone retail stores. We know that this will be a lot of work.

However, we are ready to go through the temporary stress that will make things work out in our favor.

Over time, cell phones have metamorphosed from luxury items to necessities.

The cell phone industry has boomed even amid economic turmoil. This particular attribute of the cell phone industry is capable of keeping every business person involved in this industry going.

One reason for the boom in the cell phone industry, even in the face of a lousy economy, is the fear of being alienated from the internet and the rest of the world.

Sales and Marketing Strategies

It is usual for a business to take a while before being fully established. As much as getting loyal customers might not happen quickly, we intend to make this as short as possible.

As a result, we will ensure our customers are treated with the utmost respect. We will also print out handbills and place them in strategic positions. This we believe will attract lots of customers.

Target Market

Everyone makes use of phones; this, therefore, makes the market for cell phones a large one. We know it will be impossible to offer our services to everyone in the cell phone market.

As a result of this, we have chosen a group of people that we believe will need our services the most.

  • Business executives
  • Stay-at-home moms.

We want to start our cell phone retail store on a big scale.

As a result of this, we will need $200,000 to get started. This amount will be used to get a good facility and top quality goods. We already have 70% of this amount. We will get the remaining from the bank.

We understand how competitive the cell phone industry is. However, we have devised a brilliant idea to succeed at the highest level. We intend getting a mobile store in addition to our main store.

With this, we can always make our products available to our customers wherever they are.

This is a cell phone store business plan for De Perfect cell phone store. This cell phone store is jointly owned by Toby and Mark Jacob and will be in Atlanta, Georgia.

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business plan of mobile shop

Robust Business Plan for Mobile Shop / Store

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Since last year, the mobile market has weakened globally due to a variety of factors, including a decline in consumer spending and the coronavirus outbreak. Despite this awful situation, India has continued to expand as the world’s fastest-growing mobile market.

When the pandemic is over, it will almost surely be restored to its previous vibrancy, and if you are considering taking the risk and starting your own business, now is the time to do so. Read top notch post pandemic business ideas for women .

The mobile phone has evolved into a conscious and fundamental component of human existence in modern times. Apart from texts, calls, and other forms of connection, mobile phones are a vital source of information, tracking, and so on. As a result of their routine use in everyday life, people’s dependency on cell phones is growing.

This, combined with the fact that the cost of a smartphone exceeds that of multiple PCs, explains why cell phone merchants have experienced rapid growth. To be big in this profitable mobile shop business, you must have a retail location and approved vendor agreements with the major transporters.

A rising number of consumers are utilizing their cell phones to make purchases and conduct web searches. With the growing interest in this versatile invention, now is the right time to launch a business in this field. A mobile phone startup can be a viable business or a side hustle to generate additional revenue.

The following is a checklist of how to start a mobile shop in India:

How To Create a Mobile Shop Business Plan?

The next stage in learning how to launch a mobile store is to create a business plan that demonstrates your knowledge of market forces and conditions. The strategy you develop must detail how you will conduct marketing campaigns and outreach, as well as how you will meet the needs of your clients.

  • The company strategy must include as much detail as possible about leasing costs, staff costs, and other overhead expenses. 
  • The plan will serve as a visual representation of your comprehensive business operations. 
  • Once the resources and expenditures have been identified, you can alter your business strategy accordingly.

If you are wondering how much money you will need to operate a cell phone business, read on. You should first assess your financial status, determining how much money you have and how much you can borrow. Additionally, analyzing dangers while investing in this enterprise will always involve some level of risk, but it should not be excessive. If you are unable to obtain the minimum amount required for the perfect store in mind, you can compensate by reducing the scale of your operation.

Mobile Shop Business Investment Required

A minimum expenditure of approximately 6 to 9 lakhs is necessary to open a mobile store, depending on the location, size, and merchandise to be supplied. Generally, mobile stores operate well in regions with high foot traffic, such as malls, bus stops, train stations, and shopping complexes.

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Amount of Space Required

A mobile shop opening cost requires an area of approximately 11 × 16 square feet or 160 square feet. The store’s display cases, lighting, cameras, and air conditioning must all be outfitted. It is crucial to have a long counter measuring 9 x 3.75 feet on the left side with glass on the front and top portion and two to three good-view cupboards with glass on the rear wall of the counter, all of which should be decorated and illuminated.

Mobile Shop Registrations and Licenses Required

Even modest mobile stores managed by one or two people generally generate more than Rs.9 lakhs in annual revenue. As a result, it is prudent to establish the business as a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). If you intend to open big mobile stores in locations such as malls or to sell online via eCommerce portals, it is advisable to incorporate a corporation. Know the entire process of LLP Registration .

  • Along with the business registration, a VAT number and an Import Export Code would be necessary.
  • Most states require those who sell goods worth more than Rs.5 lakhs in a calendar year to register for VAT.
  • Service tax registration may be necessary if the mobile business operates a successful mobile service center with annual sales exceeding Rs.8 lakhs.

In essence, VAT registration is required for all mobile stores.  Finally, due to cost benefits, the majority of mobile stores now import mobile accessories directly from countries such as China. In such circumstances, where goods are imported, it is prudent to obtain an IE code as well.

Smartphone Marketing plan

It is critical for business growth that you have a solid marketing strategy in place since failing to do so may make survival difficult.

  • Prepare a marketing strategy that demonstrates your understanding of the economic condition and how you want to market and manage clients.
  • Regardless of whether you have solid figures for rent and representational expenses, you must research to determine the typical costs.
  • Include estimation for initial stock and timely fresh stock. Additionally, you can work towards developing a website to increase customer outreach.

Locate a distributor

Once you have completed all of these tasks, you must perform market research for mobile phone distributors to acquire stock. Then strategically display it in your shop to enhance your sales. 

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Know Your Market

  • Starting a mobile phone business could be a lucrative venture in India, but it’s essential to research existing competitors.
  • Proactively avoiding competition should be your primary strategy.
  • Determine your budget for the mobile shop. How much capital are you prepared to invest in entering the market?
  • Always be mindful of your investment limits when creating your mobile shop inventory. Never exceed them, as the saying goes, “Never test the depth of the river with both feet.”

Tips To Attract Mobile Store Customers

  • Create a showcasing and advertising strategy once your store is fully operational.
  • Start with the most cost-effective options: an independent website and other media sites.
  • You can additionally or alternatively also invest in newspaper, television, and radio advertisements. In the first few months, it is advisable to focus almost entirely on local media. 
  • As your company grows, expand your administrations around the state. It will increase brand awareness and generate additional revenue.
  • Consider your target audience’s needs and provide additional services to entice and engage with potential customers.
  • Challenges, advancements, and rewards are all fantastic ways to secure new business and gain a competitive advantage.

You may also look after :- Best Practice for Mobile Shops

In India, retailers and wholesalers are often required to form a diverse retail business with limited reach. Thus, it is vital that this firm is launched at the optimal time; tremendous benefits can be realized through collaboration. Make your doubts clear by checking the exact difference between wholesaler and retailer .

To conduct this business, it is necessary to assess the purchasing capacity and techniques of those who live in the area of business. Since the mobile phone was not included in the list of essential items, it was previously classified as an expensive item; but, due to changes in public perception, it can now be classified as an important everyday item.

Business Loan For Mobile Store Business

We at Indifi understand how difficult it is for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses to secure loans through banks or other government programs. As a result, we devised a system that enables businesses to easily get funds for their capital needs.

Indifi can aid your business in resolving cash flow problems by:

  • Providing businesses with collateral-free loans at competitive rates and flexible repayment terms. You may easily apply for the loan online at Indifi and receive the funds within a few days.
  • An unsecured line of credit to assist you in managing cash flow requirements before receiving customer payments. You can withdraw cash up to your Indifi credit limit, reimburse it as consumers pay, and borrow again as necessary. Here are some ways to manage cash flow for small businesses.

Our specialist loans offer low-interest rates and flexible repayment terms to assist you in overcoming any financial problems linked to your medical facility.

Final Words

The cell phone retailing sector is extremely lucrative, and small independent dealers sometimes find themselves caught off guard in comparison to retail giants. To compete successfully, you may need to give up a piece of your overall revenue and reduce your expenditures to match or even beat other handset makers and their offer prices. 

Additionally, you are prone to have a variety of unique offers and limitations constantly, possibly in response to what your competitors are doing and an attempt to shift old stock. A well-known technique is to bundle another phone with extras, such as a hands-free unit, or to provide ‘cashback’ deals.

Is mobile shop business profitable?

A mobile shop business can be profitable, success often depends on careful planning, market research, effective marketing strategies, and providing exceptional customer experiences. It’s essential to assess the local market conditions and competition before starting or investing in such a venture.

Is operating a mobile phone repair business a viable option?

Certainly, with effective management, a mobile phone repair venture has the potential to yield substantial profits for entrepreneurs. However, it’s crucial to prioritize the provision of high-quality spare parts and services to establish a reputable brand. Additionally, soliciting customer feedback can be instrumental in further enhancing the business.

What is the leading smartphone manufacturer in India for the year 2021?

Here’s a compilation of the top 10 smartphone companies in 2021

  • Xiaomi Mobile
  • Lenovo (including Motorola)

Is the sale of mobile phone accessories a profitable?

Embarking on a cell phone accessory business venture holds promising potential. It presents an opportunity for substantial profitability amidst fierce competition. Yet, by securing a strategic location with minimal competition or establishing a robust online presence ahead of competitors, there lies the prospect of cultivating a thriving small business focused on selling cell phone accessories.”

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Cell Phones Retailer Business Plan

Start your own cell phones retailer business plan

Garbles Cellular Phones

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">, opportunity, important advisory.

[This sample business plan is based on one from several years ago, valid then, and still useful as an illustration of what a business plan contains and what issues it covers. It is not valid for information purposes today.]

In the world today everyone has a cell phone. Cell phones are expected. They are needed for work and for socializing. They are so expected, people think there is something wrong or untrustworthy with someone who does not have one. In truth, those without one can’t afford it.

Garbles Cellular’s mission is to offer its customers the highest quality cell phone products and services. Its owner focuses on personalized service to his customers by offering convenience and rapid service. Additionally, Garbles Cellular has the technological expertise to assist customers in picking the product and service that best meets their  needs. Finally, our staff will have strong vendor relationships with the product suppliers and will be able to meet customers’ demand for the newest innovation in cellular phone technology.

The market potential is huge for our products, evidenced by what appears to be the unstoppable growth of the telecom industry. Currently, the telecom industry is among the strongest growth industries and is responsible for huge gains in the capital markets. The proliferation of cellular phones is increasing at rates which at one time were unimaginable. One illustrative example is that it is forecasted that within two years over 65% of children from age of 10-15 will have cell phones.

Future growth of the market/products is projected in the following areas:

Text messages between friends (in Japan this big). Users can send regular Short-Message Service (SMS) or email on their phones. Email is of course limited to small file sizes, but many of the phones allow for English characters to be sent. Each provider also allows special characters to be sent, such as an array of happy and sad faces, small animated images, animals, people, hearts, etc. When special characters are not available, people often use a specialized set of faces to show emotion. Email can also be sent between different provider phones, but many of the special characters are lost, hence users may try to keep a circle of friends on the same provider to receive the special characters. Email, of course, may be sent from computers as well, but files are often stripped of headers and attachments when received on cell phones.

Most North American phones come with a few games to keep people entertained for a limited duration. Japanese phones come with two different types of games: built-in ones and Java application ones. The built-in ones are simple, but again the graphics are very important to the game value. Java application games are delivered via the network to the customer’s phone and there is a charge for this service. These games are much more complex and require streaming data to access. New games come out monthly. You can even buy joysticks and navigation consoles that plug into your phone.

One of the recent popular additions to many of the Japanese and Korean phone models is a CCD Camera that is mounted either on the outside of the clamshell or on the clamshell hinge. The camera lens is slightly smaller than a dime and takes 4×4 cm pictures to display on the phone’s screen or to send to others. Not only can users take pictures, they can take video clips as well. Most phones take between 5-15 seconds of footage due to memory limitations, but they can send streaming video. Many of the advertisements for camera phones show people taking to each other and watching each other on the screen (both holding the phone and camera at arm’s length and using a hands-free microphone and earpiece). The camera also has a couple of neat accessories including an external flash that pops into an accessory port and a miniature printer that will print out pictures.

Our company will try to take advantage of these developments and serve its customers in all these new trends and developments.


[Note: this is included here for illustration purposes only. This information is seriously out of date. Not reusable.]

The U.S. market is dominated today by three large companies:

T-Mobile Wireless  – owned by a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom since May 31, 2001.

  • Revenues:Exceeding $13.6 billion in 2001.
  • Wireless Phone Service Subscribers: Cellular voice, messaging and high-speed wireless data services to more than 8 million customers.
  • Cellular Phone Service and Technology: T-Mobile Wireless operates the largest all digital, wireless network based exclusively on GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) technology. GSM is the most widely used digital standard worldwide, accounting for more than 70 percent of the total digital wireless market.

Cingular Wireless  is the second largest wireless company in the U.S. A leader in mobile voice and data communications, Cingular is a wireless company determined to promote the individual to a new level.

  • Ownership: Cingular Wireless is a joint venture between the domestic wireless divisions of SBC (NYSE:SBC) and BellSouth (NYSE: BLS). Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. SBC owns 60 percent of the company and BellSouth owns 40 percent, based on the value of the assets both contributed to the venture.
  • Revenue on the cellular service in Year 2002 was more than $14.7 billion.
  • Cellular Phone Service Subscribers: more than 22 million voice and data customers across the U.S.A.
  • Cellular Phone Service and Technology: A leader in mobile voice and data communications, Cingular is the only U.S. wireless carrier to offer Rollover, the wireless plan that lets customers keep their unused monthly minutes. Cingular provides cellular/PCS service in 43 of the top 50 markets nationwide, and provides corporate e-mail and other advanced data services through its GPRS and Mobitex packet data networks

Nextel Communications , based in Reston, VA, is a leading provider of fully integrated, wireless communications services on the largest guaranteed, all-digital, wireless network in the country.

  • Ownership: Nextel Wireless is traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol NXTL. Nextel Partners is a separate company traded on the NASDAQ National Market.
  • Revenue on the cellular service $8.7 billion (2002).
  • Cellular Phone Service Subscribers: 10.61 million (Q4 2002).
  • Cellular Phone Service and Technology: Nextel uses a packet-based platform, the integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN™) technology, developed by Motorola. The Nextel 4-in-1 service—Nextel Digital Cellular, Direct ConnectSM, Nextel Mobile Messaging, and Nextel Online®—covers thousands of communities across the United States. Nextel and Nextel Partners, Inc., currently serve 197 of the top 200 U.S. markets.

Garbles Cellular Phones is aiming to gather a share of the market from these three.

We believe that, with our long and thorough experience in the EAIA, our store will be in the perfect location to start our operations in the U.S.A., and will start operating in the right time. Garbles Cellular Phones will provide its customers support and convenience second to none.


We intend to iron out kinks in our start-up and get things off the ground in year 1. We will make a minor profit in year 2. By the third year, we will be able to hire more store attendants and admin assistants

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing needed.

Pro Tip:

Problem & Solution

Our solution.

Garbles Cellular Phones, Inc. is taking advantage of an opportunity to become a highly distinguished and recognized leader in the cellular communications industry. It is the goal of our company to become established as the leading distributor of wireless communications services in the metro Niceburg area.

Target Market

Market size & segments.

Market Segmentation

Garbles Cellular Phones, Inc. will focus on five customer groups, bearing in mind that it is quite customary today to have more than one cell phone per family:

  • Children in the age group of 10-17 years old
  • General public
  • Professionals
  • Service organizations and companies that need to be in constant communication with their employees.

The market for cellular phones and their accessories is very fragmented, crowded and competitive. Among these, there are only a few large local firms that serve the entire city of Niceburg and its surroundings. The remainder are small firms that sell from kiosks in the surrounding malls. Garbles Cellular Phones current niche in its location, variety of products and expertise in serving the public will assure the projected sales.

We expect to take full advantage of the trends described in the Market Analysis above, and try to penetrate the market with new innovations and gadgets — mainly with the younger generation, using advertisements and demonstrations. We shall also try to lure independent small sellers to join our effort.

Current Alternatives

T-Mobile Wireless  – owned by a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom since May 31, 2001.

  • Cellular Phone Service and Technology: T-Mobile Wireless operates the largest all digital, wireless network based exclusively on GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) technology. GSM is the most widely used digital standard worldwide, accounting for more than 70 percent of the total digital wireless market.

Cingular Wireless  is the second largest wireless company in the U.S. A leader in mobile voice and data communications, Cingular is a wireless company determined to promote the individual to a new level.  

  • Ownership: Cingular Wireless is a joint venture between the domestic wireless divisions of SBC (NYSE:SBC) and BellSouth (NYSE: BLS). Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. SBC owns 60 percent of the company and BellSouth owns 40 percent, based on the value of the assets both contributed to the venture.
  • Cellular Phone Service and Technology: A leader in mobile voice and data communications, Cingular is the only U.S. wireless carrier to offer Rollover, the wireless plan that lets customers keep their unused monthly minutes. Cingular provides cellular/PCS service in 43 of the top 50 markets nationwide, and provides corporate e-mail and other advanced data services through its GPRS and Mobitex packet data networks

Nextel Communications , based in Reston, VA, is a leading provider of fully integrated, wireless communications services on the largest guaranteed, all-digital, wireless network in the country. 

  • Cellular Phone Service and Technology: Nextel uses a packet-based platform, the integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN™) technology, developed by Motorola. The Nextel 4-in-1 service—Nextel Digital Cellular, Direct ConnectSM, Nextel Mobile Messaging, and Nextel Online®—covers thousands of communities across the United States. Nextel and Nextel Partners, Inc., currently serve 197 of the top 200 U.S. markets.

Our Advantages

Brand names are of little, if any, importance. The key to the buying decision on the part of the consumer is the salesman and the cell phone being in front of them. As has been pointed out in the Competitive Analysis section there are other sellers with similar brand names as those supplied by Garbles Cellular Phones, Inc. which may even be less expensive. It is essential that the salesman point out the salient features and selling points favoring our products. Most importantly, our products must be available in the retail outlet, since whatever products our store carries are the ones that are going to be sold.

The need to attract, acquire, leverage, and retain customers remains a primary concern to business. Revenue growth through customer acquisition and retention is as important a requirement in e-commerce as it is in other businesses. Customers, especially in the Western business culture, count speed of service as a key reason why they do business with a company. They resent delays and hate waiting for service. In the United States, almost 80% of the gross domestic product (GDP) is generated through different kinds of services, and speed of service no longer distinguishes an enterprise as providing superior value. Customers generally are not thrilled if they receive good service, but they are highly dissatisfied if they do not. Garbles Cellular will provide the necessary framework to cope with these demands by cutting the waiting time for a service.

Customers also want consistent, reliable, and easy-to-use service. As the speed of service increases, customer expectations grow, making friendly, easy, and solution-oriented customer service an important business trend.

Reflective shoppers get some support from e-commerce as well. They like to investigate products precisely and consciously. However, when browsing costs a lot because of on-line charges, they do less of it. Consequently, they do not get a holistic view of the available options, and their expectations often are not met. Reference-spending customers do not let themselves be hurried or forced. They use alternative offline sources to get information. They refuse aggressive marketing, which is accepted in Western e-commerce.

Soon, shoppers will simply wave their cell phone over the item they want and the charge will automatically appear on their cell phone bill. It’s happening in some cities overseas already. And right now, MasterCard and Motorola are testing out a similar program here in the States. Retailers have registers that will take the signal from the cell phone, and the purchase is automatically converted to a MasterCard charge. Buyers don’t have to sign anything. The scary part is what could happen when people lose their cell phones or have them stolen. There are lots of technical and legal issues to work out here, but paying wirelessly is going to gain momentum quickly.

Keys to Success

Our company keys to success will include:

  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Grow and maintain a referral network of customers
  • Focus expertise in GSM cellular phones and GSM cellular phone programs
  • Respond rapidly to customer problems with product or plan

Marketing & Sales

Marketing plan.

Short-term marketing strategies are those that bring will bring us a temporary boost in traffic. Although these techniques are very important to our over-all plan, they are only a temporary traffic source and must not be solely relied upon. Short-term marketing strategies include:

  • Purchasing Advertising
  • Bulletin Boards
  • Search Engines

Long-term marketing strategies are those that will bring us a steady stream of targeted traffic over time. These strategies will continue to produce results even years down the road. Long-term marketing strategies include:

  • Opt-in Lists

By creating and implementing a balanced marketing strategy, using both short-term and long-term strategies, Garbles Cellular will drive a steady stream of targeted traffic to our website.

Using this simple formula when creating our Internet marketing strategy and excelling at all three, we hope to guarantee our success.

Our short-term marketing strategy will focus heavily on sales promotion, niche positioning in the market and customer service with loyalty and retention in sales.

Our promotions will always stay in tune with our company objectives and mission statement.

When we Sales Strategy we shall follow the following steps:

Sales Success Requires Planning  – we shall formulate our sales strategy and tactics to achieve our sales success.

Analyze Our Potential  – we shall step through a structured process that will prepare us for the development of our sales strategy.

Strategize Around Strengths  – the description of our sales activity will be analyzed producing a report that reveals factors impacting our sales potential.

Develop Our Tactics  – we shall receive guidance to develop a comprehensive tactical plan to achieve our success.

Measure Our Success  – we shall constantly develop key measurements that mark the progress of financial estimates that guide our growth.

Employ An Action Plan for Success  – we shall provide our sales force a clear tactical plan that is also aligned with management’s strategic objectives.

The sales strategy of Garbles Cellular Phones is simple. The key to customer satisfaction is having the product and services that meet the customer’s needs. A crucial part of that is to also have knowledgeable employees to help customers quickly find what they want.

Locations & Facilities

The Garbles Cellular Phones’ store will operate virtually 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Although the store opening hours will be officially 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., it is clear that due to our Internet operation the customer support will be a non-stop one. The personnel plan, as detailed in the following table, has been developed to support these hours.

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones table.

Milestone Due Date
Mar 09, 2020
June 07, 2020
Sept 07, 2020
Dec 07, 2020

Key Metrics

Our Key Metrics:

  • # of customer’s who tweet and retweet about our service. our customers will want to talk to us, we want to listen 
  • # of facebook page views and likes.
  • We will run specials on our website as well as Facebook. We will provide codes that link directly to the promotions so we can tell if they are working or not 
  • Our Website. Everything is easy to find and terms are easy to understand. We will also have a chatbox to help customers with questions. 
  • Instagram – Have a picture scavenger hunt which ends in the ability to win a accessory or in rare cases a phone. 

Ownership & Structure

Garbles Cellular Phones is wholly owned by Mr. Seramed Garbles, who is a citizen of the East Atlantic Island Archipelago and the owner of Garbles Cellular Phones Ltd in that country.

Management Team

The management of Garbles Cellular Phones, Inc. is made up of the owner, a Marketing manager (Mr. Nomassu Perozia) and three other members who will be hired locally and will be added: a Programmer, and two store attendants with one serving at the beginning as secretary. 

Personnel Table

2020 2021 2022
CEO $48,000 $48,960 $49,939
Marketing Manager $45,600 $46,512 $47,442
Office Admin $42,000 $42,840 $43,697
Store Attendants (2) $72,000 $73,440 $74,908
Totals $207,600 $211,752 $215,986

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

Key assumptions.

It is assumed that the owner’s private resources will be sufficient to finance any monthly cash-flow shortage. However, it would be advisable to establish a bank relationship as soon as possible. Sales could very well increase at a much sharper rate than assumed in these conservative projections. Sharper sales will result in a greater need for funds in support of inventory and receivables. An over-draft line of credit with the bank will be an excellent cushion to fall back on.

This is considered a very good time to start a new business. The economy is beginning its trek up, and consumer spending is up. The Commerce Department reported, "Consumers had increased their spending, the largest advance in nine months."

A shorter learning curve will be brought to the business by the owner due to his extensive background and in-depth market knowledge. He has a clear understanding of the need to manage costs and forecast future needs so that the business is not "broadsided" by the unexpected.

One other component on which the financial plan is based is wise purchases. Finding the right product, at the right price will enable the business to meet planned margins and maintain inventory at an attractive level with a high turn rate.

Revenue by Month

Expenses by month, net profit (or loss) by year, use of funds.

Our Start-up expenses are:

Legal $5,000

Insurance $1,000

Rent $2,000

Equipment $2,000

Other $1,000


In addition we will have the following Start-up Assets:

Cash Required $2,000

Start-up Inventory $30,000


This brings our total required to $43,000

Sources of Funds

Mr. Seramed Garbles will invest $43,000 in Garbles Cellular Phones, Inc. to cover start-up costs. He will also invest an additional $50,000 when operation takes off for a total of $93,000

Projected Profit & Loss

2020 2021 2022
Revenue $394,500 $608,000 $865,000
Direct Costs $169,635 $261,440 $371,950
Gross Margin $224,865 $346,560 $493,050
Gross Margin % 57% 57% 57%
Operating Expenses
Salaries & Wages $207,600 $211,752 $215,986
Employee Related Expenses $41,520 $42,350 $43,198
Rent $24,000 $24,000 $24,000
Insurance $12,000 $12,000 $12,000
Utilities $3,600 $3,600 $3,600
Marketing / Promo $7,200 $7,200 $7,200
Total Operating Expenses $295,920 $300,902 $305,984
Operating Income ($71,055) $45,658 $187,066
Interest Incurred
Depreciation and Amortization
Gain or Loss from Sale of Assets
Income Taxes $0 $0 $0
Total Expenses $465,555 $562,342 $677,934
Net Profit ($71,055) $45,658 $187,066
Net Profit/Sales (18%) 8% 22%

Projected Balance Sheet

Starting Balances 2020 2021 2022
Cash $2,000 $101 $49,195 $242,961
Accounts Receivable $4,100 $5,067 $7,208
Inventory $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets $32,000 $34,201 $84,262 $280,169
Long-Term Assets
Accumulated Depreciation
Total Long-Term Assets
Total Assets $32,000 $34,201 $84,262 $280,169
Accounts Payable $20,256 $24,659 $33,500
Income Taxes Payable $0 $0 $0
Sales Taxes Payable $0 $0 $0
Short-Term Debt
Prepaid Revenue
Total Current Liabilities $20,256 $24,659 $33,500
Long-Term Debt
Long-Term Liabilities
Total Liabilities $20,256 $24,659 $33,500
Paid-In Capital $43,000 $96,000 $96,000 $96,000
Retained Earnings ($11,000) ($11,000) ($82,055) ($36,397)
Earnings ($71,055) $45,658 $187,067
Total Owner’s Equity $32,000 $13,945 $59,603 $246,669
Total Liabilities & Equity $32,000 $34,201 $84,262 $280,169

Projected Cash Flow Statement

2020 2021 2022
Net Cash Flow from Operations
Net Profit ($71,055) $45,658 $187,066
Depreciation & Amortization
Change in Accounts Receivable ($4,100) ($967) ($2,142)
Change in Inventory $0 $0 $0
Change in Accounts Payable $20,256 $4,403 $8,841
Change in Income Tax Payable $0 $0 $0
Change in Sales Tax Payable $0 $0 $0
Change in Prepaid Revenue
Net Cash Flow from Operations ($54,899) $49,094 $193,766
Investing & Financing
Assets Purchased or Sold
Net Cash from Investing
Investments Received $53,000
Dividends & Distributions
Change in Short-Term Debt
Change in Long-Term Debt
Net Cash from Financing $53,000
Cash at Beginning of Period $2,000 $101 $49,195
Net Change in Cash ($1,899) $49,094 $193,766
Cash at End of Period $101 $49,195 $242,961

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Cell Phone Business Plan Sample

Published Aug.09, 2018

Updated Apr.22, 2024

By: Noor Muhammad

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Cell Phone Business Plan Sample

Table of Content

Do you want to start cell phone business?

Do you want to open a cell phone store ? Well, it will prove a convenient and extremely profitable choice for you, as cell phones have become a necessity of the modern society. Mobile phones are portable, wireless as well as long-range electronic devices for communication and can also be used as a tool for entertainment. Cell phones are desired in every part of the United States as people love to use the apps provided by it. They have become the most efficient means of communication throughout the world and are now accessible to every high and low.

An estimate shows that 95% population of the United States have their own cell phones. For starting a cell phone business, you will have to purchase a large number of cell phones of every range according to market demand, and the next step will be to display them in your showroom. People of the United States belong to various classes thus the cell phones of all companies such as Apple, Google, Samsung, Motorola, Xiaomi, HTC, Huawei, and LG are in great demand in the whole country.

If you are entering this venture, the first step you will have to take is to devise a comprehensive mobile phone business plan , which will help you in starting your mobile phone business plan and taking a lead upon your competitors. In case, you don’t know how to start a cell phone business , you can take help from this sample business plan for a cell phone business startup named ‘Mobile Station’.

Executive Summary

2.1 the business.

Mobile Station will be a licensed and registered mobile store in Denver owned by ‘Mark Franco’. The store will be located near the Denver Central Market. Franco has been working as a supplier of tech products for more than ten years, but now he is starting a cell phone business . Franco will purchase the original brand new cell phones from the main companies, tablets, and other accessories, and will keep them at his store.

The business will not be limited to just selling cell phones, it will also contain the facility of mobile hardware and software repair by expert technicians.

2.2 Management

Before starting work on how to start a cell phone store , you must hire the right person for the right job and organize your staff and store. Franco will manage the business himself, however, he will hire trusted and skilled mobile hardware and software repairers as well as salesmen to help him entertaining the customers’ needs.

2.3 Customers

The biggest benefit of starting a cell phone business is its wide spectrum of customers. Personal cell phones have become a necessity of every teen, young, adult and old. Moreover, cell phones are available in every range affordable by the rich as well as mediocre people, so our customers will be almost all the people of age above 12 approximately.

2.4 Target of the Company

Our company’s targets are as follows:

Cell Phone Business Plan - 3 Years Profit Forecast

Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

The business will be owned by Mark Franco, an experienced businessman from Denver. Franco has been in the tech-related business for almost fifteen years. He worked as a supplier of televisions and LEDs from the main company stores to the retail stores throughout Denver. But now he has decided to run a business which is less straining than the prior one. Franco is an ambitious person and aims at providing the best services to the people of his town.

3.2 Why the Business is being started

Denver is the 19 th most populous and 18 th largest metro economy in the United States, Franco has chosen this city as his market because he knows this business will flourish the most in such marketplace where people have both the need and money to buy his services.

Franco was working as a supplier of tech-related products, but now considering the demand of cell phones in the market, Franco has decided to start a cell phone business , for providing trusted services to his fellow citizens and to generate a stupendous profit.

3.3 How the Business will be started

Franco is well prepared for all the requisites before opening a cell phone store . He has hired well-behaved and experienced salesmen and expert technicians for any required hardware or software recovery and is half-way in completing his mobile phone business plan on how to start a mobile phone company . He has prepared the list of all the products he’ll keep in his store and will buy the items two days before the launch. The detailed information about the start-up is given below:

Cell Phone Business Plan - Startup Cost

Research and Development$32,750
Expensed Equipment$32,750
Start-up Assets$0
Cash Required$332,500
Start-up Inventory$32,625
Other Current Assets$232,500
Long-term Assets$235,000
Total Requirements$245,000
Start-up Expenses to Fund$11,875
Start-up Assets to Fund$15,000
Non-cash Assets from Start-up$18,750
Cash Requirements from Start-up$0
Additional Cash Raised$18,750
Cash Balance on Starting Date$21,875
Liabilities and Capital$0
Current Borrowing$0
Long-term Liabilities$0
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)$0
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)$0
Planned Investment$0
Investor 1$332,500
Investor 2$0
Additional Investment Requirement$0
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)$313,125
Total Funding$255,000

Services for customers

You have to come up with better services if you want your startup to be successful in so hefty competition. If you are confused about how to start my own cell phone company , or if you are having any difficulty with the services you should provide your customers, you can take help from this sample mobile phone business plan on how to start a cell phone store business .

Mobile Station will provide the following services to its customers:

  • Cell phones: We’ll provide latest smartphones of the following famous companies, Apple, Nexus, Google, Samsung, Motorola, Meizu, Xiaomi, Sony, HTC, Huawei, and LG and wireless cell phones of Nokia to our customers.
  • Accessories: We’ll provide best quality accessories in reasonable prices, related to cell phones such as chargers, data cables, mobile cases, anti-lost devices, headphones, sim cards, phone charms, data storage cards, external batteries, selfie-sticks etc.
  • Hardware/Software Repairs: If your cell phone has broken, damaged or is not turning on, you don’t need t worry if you are near our Mobile Station. We will provide an excellent and quick repairing service for our customers, by ensuring them the safety of their private data.
  • Tablets: We’ll provide tablets of various companies in a wide money range so that every person can buy his/her desired and cost-effective

Marketing Analysis of cell phone business

If you want to start cell phone business , you won’t be at a loss because the cell phones and smartphones are in great demand these days. Like every startup the first step is to make a comprehensive cellphone and smartphone business plan . In your cell phone store retail business plan marketing analysis is the part of paramount importance. Before starting a cell phone company you should analyze the market in which you will be going to offer your services. A thorough cell phone market analysis will be required to discover whether your target market has the potential of a new startup or not. Considering the importance of accurate marketing analysis, Franco hired the professionals to formulate a cell phone business plan template which will include all his ideas of running the cell phone business.

If you are doing a research on   how to start your own cell phone business , you can have help from various cell phone business plans available online free of cost. Below we are giving the cell phone shop business pla n of Mobile Station for your assistance.

5.1 Market Trends

In the near past, cell phones were considered the luxury products affordable by only a few people. But these days, a tremendous growth in cell phone business is observed as the cell phones have become an integral part of everyone’s life. Latest figures from Statista shows that the number of cell phone users will reach 4.9 billion within 2018.

An estimate shows that 21% of Americans spend more on their cell phones than groceries and 95% Americans own a cell phone of some kind, but still there is a demand for new ones. It will not be enough to say that only the businesses of buying and selling cell phones are gaining grounds because IBISWorld has reported a 5.5% growth in the businesses related to cell phone hardware and software repairs.

As demonstrated by all these statistics, you won’t be at a loss if you are entering this profitable venture!

Cell Phone Business Plan - Marketing Segmentation

5.2 Marketing Segmentation

The success of a startup confides in the fact that how well do you know your prospective customers. Knowing the type of potential customers helps a businessman in determining his business strategy . Marketing segmentation will help you in meeting the needs and requirements of your customers.

The detailed marketing segmentation of Mobile Station is as follows:

5.2.1 Teens & Adults: This group will be our biggest target customer. The teens in their attempt to show off their modernism and financial status, purchase the cell phones that are most attractive and most expensive too. The young generation usually prefers Apple phones and other cell phones of the famous brand name. They will also be the biggest consumers of the accessories we’ll provide such as handsfree, modish mobile cases, data storage devices, data cables etc.

Adults are not addicted to a brand name like teens, but they usually buy expensive phones as they are mostly professionals and in a position to invest in their desired product.

5.2.2 Senior Citizens: Our next target group will comprise of the senior citizens of Denver who usually prefer durable cell phones and tablets which they can use conveniently without the fear of much damage. We have a wide range of tablets in our store for senior citizens as they find the big screen of tablets easy to use.

5.2.3 Children : The children of age about ten to twelve usually force their parents to buy them a phone. For such customers, we also have inexpensive smaller cell phones with meager functions.

As we are located in the central market so our services will also be used by the people or tourists who have come near our store by chance. The people who happen to be near our shop will contribute to helping us generating a potential amount of profit by buying our accessories and by consuming our repairing services.

The detailed market analysis of our potential customers is given in the following table:

Potential CustomersGrowth
Senior Citizens32%11,43313,34416,55318,74520,54513.43%
Teens & Adults48%22,33432,34443,66552,54466,43210.00%

5.3 Business Target

Our topmost priority will be our clients’ satisfaction. Mobile Station will be a large store in Denver, our aims are to maximize our sales as well as gaining more and more customers. Our financial business targets are as follows:

  • To achieve the net profit margin of $10k per month by the end of the first year, $15k per month by the end of the second year, and $25k per month by the end of the third year
  • To balance the initial cost of the startup with earned profits by the end of the first year

5.4 Product Pricing

The prices of cell phones are fixed, however, considering the market demands and the competitive aspects, we have priced our repairing services and products other than cell phones in almost similar ranges as of our competitors.

If you are opening a cell phone business the main thing you need to focus on is your sales strategy. After having the know-how of how to start a cell phone business , you must devise your plans and find some attractive ideas for gaining more and more customers and for increasing sales.

6.1 Competitive Analysis

Our major competitive advantage is our location; we are located in the vicinity of popular stores which will pave the way in attracting the customers for us but are not our direct competitors. We have the best, experienced and trusted technicians to help you resolve your hardware and software problems related to cell phones. Our biggest competitive edge is our excellent customer service; our courteous salesmen will guide the customers until they are satisfied in buying their desired product.

6.2 Sales Strategy

As the market is full of such businesses so you will have to found extraordinary ways to advertise your mobile phone business plan .

The sales strategy Mobile Station will adopt will be:

  • We will offer a discount on our repairing services for the first three months
  • We will advertise ourselves in magazines, newspapers, TV stations, and social media
  • We will advertise our best-selling cell phones on our website
  • We will give a $50 accessory for free to our customer who bought the product of price $600 and above.
  • We will hold competitions on monthly basis and award the winner with some famous cell phone

6.3 Sales Monthly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Sales Monthly

6.4 Sales Yearly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Sales Yearly

6.5 Sales Forecast

Our forecasted sales are summarized in the following column charts:

Cell Phone Business Plan - Unit Sales

The detailed information about the sales forecast is given in the following table:

Unit Sales
Cell Phones1,887,0302,680,3202,588,240
Unit PricesYear 1Year 2Year 3
Cell Phones$140.00$150.00$160.00
Cell Phones$2,149,800$2,784,000$3,383,200
Direct Unit CostsYear 1Year 2Year 3
Cell Phones$0.70$0.80$0.90
Direct Cost of Sales   
Cell Phones$989,300$1,839,000$2,679,700
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales$1,294,100$1,699,400$2,104,700

Personnel plan

If you are going to start a cell phone company , the prosperity of your business will solely depend upon your customers’ satisfaction which can only be achieved if you hire the right staff.  You will need the persons who are experienced in understanding the customers’ intellect and help them by finding the cell phone which is suitable and affordable for them. You will need the technicians who will be a trustee and will ensure customers’ satisfaction while resolving their issue.

If you have any difficulty in making your personnel plan or even if you don’t know how to start mobile phone business you can take help from this sample plan.

7.1 Company Staff

Franco will act as the manager himself, yet for his assistance, he will hire the following people.

  • 6 Salesmen to assist the customers in buying their required item
  • 2 Administrators/Accountants for maintaining financial records
  • 4 Technicians for repairing/addressing problems in cell phones
  • 3 General Workers for undertaking various tasks at the store
  • 1 Assistant for operating company’s website and social media pages

7.2 Average Salary of Employees

General Workers$187,000$194,000$201,000
Total Salaries$304,000$318,000$332,000

Financial Plan

If you are going to start your own cell phone business , you are responsible for accurately devising all the policies of your business, the most important in which is the financial plan. Before starting cell phone business , you must have a clear idea that how will you balance the investments with the profit and which ways you will need to adopt in order to get more than what you spent on the business.

It is advised to seek help from the professionals to make you a financial plan especially if you are starting your business on a large scale. If your business is a smaller one, then you can take help from the sample mobile phone business plan such as this business plan on how to start your own cell phone company .

8.1 Important Assumptions

The company’s financial projections are forecasted on the basis of the following assumptions. These assumptions are quite conservative and are also expected to show deviation but to a limited level such that the company’s major financial strategy will not be affected.

Plan Month123
Current Interest Rate10.00%11.00%12.00%
Long-term Interest Rate10.00%10.00%10.00%
Tax Rate26.42%27.76%28.12%

 8.2 Brake-even Analysis

Cell Phone Business Plan - Brake-even Analysis

Monthly Units Break-even5530
Monthly Revenue Break-even$159,740
Average Per-Unit Revenue$260.87
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost$0.89
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost$196,410

 8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Direct Cost of Sales$15,100$19,153$23,206
Gross Margin$293,969$366,781$439,593
Gross Margin %94.98%94.72%94.46%
Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses$1,850$2,000$2,150
Leased Equipment$0$0$0
Payroll Taxes$34,510$40,726$46,942
Total Operating Expenses$188,766$220,744$252,722
Profit Before Interest and Taxes$105,205$146,040$186,875
Interest Expense$0$0$0
Taxes Incurred$26,838$37,315$47,792
Net Profit$78,367$108,725$139,083
Net Profit/Sales30.00%39.32%48.64%

8.3.1 Profit Monthly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Profit Monthly

8.3.2 Profit Yearly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Profit Yearly

8.3.3 Gross Margin Monthly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Gross Margin Monthly

8.3.4 Gross Margin Yearly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Gross Margin Yearly

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

Cell Phone Business Plan - Projected Cash Flow

Cash Received
Cash from Operations   
Cash Sales$40,124$45,046$50,068
Cash from Receivables$7,023$8,610$9,297
Additional Cash Received   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received$0$0$0
New Current Borrowing$0$0$0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free)$0$0$0
New Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Sales of Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Sales of Long-term Assets$0$0$0
New Investment Received$0$0$0
ExpendituresYear 1Year 2Year 3
Expenditures from Operations   
Cash Spending$21,647$24,204$26,951
Bill Payments$13,539$15,385$170,631
Additional Cash Spent   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out$0$0$0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Purchase Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Purchase Long-term Assets$0$0$0
Net Cash Flow$11,551$13,167$15,683
Cash Balance$21,823$22,381$28,239

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

Current Assets   
Accounts Receivable$12,613$14,493$16,373
Other Current Assets$1,000$1,000$1,000
Long-term Assets   
Long-term Assets$10,000$10,000$10,000
Accumulated Depreciation$12,420$14,490$16,560
Liabilities and CapitalYear 1Year 2Year 3
Current Liabilities   
Accounts Payable$9,482$10,792$12,102
Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Current Liabilities$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Paid-in Capital$30,000$30,000$30,000
Retained Earnings$48,651$72,636$96,621
Net Worth$182,060$226,240$270,420

 8.6 Business Ratios

Sales Growth4.35%30.82%63.29%4.00%
Percent of Total Assets4.35%4.71%5.80% 9.80%
Accounts Receivable5.61%4.71%3.81%9.70%
Other Current Assets1.75%2.02%2.29%27.40%
Total Current Assets138.53%150.99%163.45%54.60%
Long-term Assets-9.47%-21.01%-32.55%58.40%
Current Liabilities4.68%3.04%2.76%27.30%
Long-term Liabilities0.00%0.00%0.00%25.80%
Total Liabilities4.68%3.04%2.76%54.10%
Percent of Sales    
Gross Margin94.18%93.85%93.52%0.00%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses74.29%71.83%69.37%65.20%
Advertising Expenses2.06%1.11%0.28%1.40%
Profit Before Interest and Taxes26.47%29.30%32.13%2.86%
Main Ratios    
Total Debt to Total Assets2.68%1.04%0.76%67.10%
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth66.83%71.26%75.69%4.40%
Pre-tax Return on Assets64.88%69.75%74.62%9.00%
Additional RatiosYear 1Year 2Year 3 
Net Profit Margin19.20%21.16%23.12%N.A.
Return on Equity47.79%50.53%53.27%N.A.
Activity Ratios    
Accounts Receivable Turnover4.564.564.56N.A.
Collection Days9299106N.A.
Inventory Turnover19.722.5525.4N.A.
Accounts Payable Turnover14.1714.6715.17N.A.
Payment Days272727N.A.
Total Asset Turnover1.841.551.26N.A.
Debt Ratios    
Debt to Net Worth0-0.02-0.04N.A.
Current Liab. to Liab.111N.A.
Liquidity Ratios    
Net Working Capital$120,943$140,664$160,385N.A.
Interest Coverage000N.A.
Additional Ratios    
Assets to Sales0.450.480.51N.A.
Current Debt/Total Assets4%3%2%N.A.
Acid Test23.6627.0130.36N.A.
Sales/Net Worth1.681.290.9N.A.
Dividend Payout000N.A.

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Obraztsova St., 11, build. 1A - Moscow

Sun � Thu: 12:00 am � 10:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am � 3:00 pm
Saturday and Jewish holidays are days-off
The Jewish Museum Shop is a stylish book and gift shop, where you can buy your own little part of the exposition to take home with you. In 2013, it was recognised by the magazine Afisha as the best bookshop of its kind affiliated to a museum.

Here, you can find classical and contemporary prose by Israeli authors, historical literature, memoirs, rare out-of-print works, art albums, travel guides in various languages, journals, the latest hot trends, and, of course, catalogues of all exhibitions held, including the Atlas of Russian Jewish History, based upon Museum materials.

The Shop offers a constantly updated collection of gifts including silverware, trademark souvenirs, and children�s goods.

For lovers of trinkets, there is a large range of bracelets, pendants and rings to choose from, produced by Israeli designers.

Our trademark souvenirs will remind you of your visit to the Museum � from stationary, bags and umbrellas to badges carrying our recognisable logo. From green producers, they are original and well-made.

Special attention has been paid to children: we offer many colourful books of Jewish folk tales, stimulating games and all manner of drawing materials for young artists.
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  • Judaica Stores in Russia

Although we do our best to keep the website updated, establishments listed on are not guaranteed to be still operating or Kosher.
Jewish Europe doesn't endorse the Kashrut of the establishments listed on the website.

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Money blog: Big supermarket wants to rival Aldi and Lidl with 400 new convenience stores

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  • Quorn to start blending meat into some products
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The supermarket has announced plans to open about 400 more of its Morrisons Daily convenience shops.

It is part of plans to take on discount retailers Aldi and Lidl, according to Retail Gazette . 

Morrisons said it wanted to increase its total number of smaller shops to 2,000 in 2025, although it has not yet given a list of locations. 

The supermarket has seen its like-for-like sales, excluding fuel and VAT, rise by 4.1% over the three months to 28 April. 

Chief executive Rami Baitieh said he was "pleased with the overall performance" of the business in the second quarter. 

Drivers are being warned this week's heatwave brings risks of an unexpected £180 bill. 

Car mechanics from Prestone said the hot weather could cause significant damage to windscreens - meaning you'll have to shell out for a replacement. 

"Slightly counterintuitively, it isn't the heat directly that causes damage, it is the fluctuation in temperature that could cause damage," they said. 

"When this happens to brittle materials such as glass, it can cause them to explode or crack; this is called thermal shock. To stop your windscreen from accumulating a lot of heat, avoid parking in direct sunlight. Consider parking under a tree, in a garage or other forms of shade."

Deliveroo shares have risen following reports US rival Doordash held takeover talks with the business. 

Doordash flagged an interest in taking over the UK's Deliveroo last month, but talks ended as the two sides couldn't agree on the value of the deal, according to Reuters news agency. 

The London-listed company's share price jumped by 6% to 136p this morning, although later eased to 3.7% higher. 

Deliveroo has seen its value fall by more than 50% since debuting on the stock market in March 2021. 

New details have been unveiled for Universal's first UK theme park - including plans for the attraction to be open 365 days a year.

Universal Destinations & Experiences - which is owned by Sky's parent company Comcast - has bought land near Bedford as it  plans to build  Europe's largest  theme park  with millions of visitors per year, as well as a 500-room hotel and dining area.

Read the full story here ...

The building society is the latest to slash rates, after HSBC yesterday and Barclays on Monday. 

It will be lowering two, three and five-year rates by up to 0.21% tomorrow. 

It follows a reduction in swap rates - which dictate how much it costs lenders to lend.

So what does this mean for the market more broadly? 

Here's what the experts told Newspage... 

Emma Jones, managing director at "They're falling like dominoes now. Things are suddenly looking considerably brighter for the property market as we enter the second half of the year. Enquiries are up sharply this week, which suggests the improved weather may also have lifted spirits and confidence."
David Stirling, independent financial advisor at Mint Mortgages and Protection: "We've not exactly hit the bargain basement for borrowers just yet but the competition for new business from the banks has definitely heated up this week. For some the Bank of England decision in August is very hotly anticipated and could hopefully lead to an incredibly busy autumn."
Dariusz Karpowicz, director at Albion Financial Advice: "While these minor decreases are certainly a step in the right direction, the average rate for a two or five-year fix remains high. It's good to see rates moving down, but let's not get carried away. There are still too many unknowns on the horizon. The upcoming election, fluctuating house prices and geopolitical uncertainties all add layers of complexity to the market."

No one could have failed to notice the rocketing price of olive oil over the last couple of years - and it's been just as bad in Spain, where it is an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. 

The Spanish government has now said it will temporarily ditch the sales tax on olive oil to help consumers cope. 

Spain is the world's leading producer and exporter of olive oil, and last year Spanish households consumed an average of six litres per person. 

However, the country's agriculture ministry says prices have surged by 272% since September 2020. 

The Money team wrote this piece in March about why that's happening... 

The Spanish government had already cut the sales tax on olive oil from 10% to 5% as part of an anti-inflation package.

Now they've said no sales tax will be applied from July until September, when it will be taxed at 2% until the end of the year. 

From then on, it will be taxed at 4%. 

Spanish treasury minister Maria Jesus Montero said the decision reflects "the importance of olive oil in the Mediterranean diet and a healthy lifestyle". 

The "Oscars of the aviation industry" has taken place and Qatar Airways has come out on top. 

Qatar Airways was named the overall winner, as well as first in the business class, business class lounge and Middle East categories, at Skytrax's World Airline Awards last night. 

It's the eighth time it has been awarded the best in class. 

Last year's winner, Singapore Airlines, came second, followed by Emirates, ANA All Nippon Airways and Cathay Pacific. 

British Airways was the highest-ranking UK airline in 13th place.

Europe's best airline was named as Turkish Airlines, while the continent's top low-cost airline was Spanish company Volotea. 

The rankings are based on airline passenger satisfaction surveys across more than 100 countries between September 2023 and May 2024. 

Other notable names to make the top 100 were: Ryanair (63), easyJet (66), (68) and Tui Airways (83).

These are the airlines that made the top 20: 

1. Qatar Airways 2. Singapore Airlines 3. Emirates 4. ANA All Nippon Airways 5. Cathay Pacific Airways 6. Japan Airlines 7. Turkish Airlines 8. EVA Air 9. Air France 10. Swiss International Air Lines 11. Korean Air 12. Hainan Airlines 13. British Airways 14. Fiji Airways 15. Iberia 16. Vistara 17. Virgin Atlantic 18. Lufthansa 19. Etihad Airways 20. Saudi Arabian Airlines. 

By James Sillars , business reporter

Two issues are dominating the behaviour of investors at the moment: US inflation and the snap parliamentary election in France.

Uncertainty over the two has been driving a topsy-turvy performance on stock markets as any scrap of evidence over the potential timing of a US interest rate cut is seized upon.

A sticky inflation picture across the pond – as we have witnessed here – has pushed back Federal Reserve and therefore market expectations for a reduction in borrowing costs.

The next big number awaited is the latest personal consumption expenditures price index, a closely watched inflation indicator at the US central bank.

A weaker than expected number could see a boost for shares globally after a volatile few weeks.

Following a 0.4% decline yesterday, the FTSE 100 opened 0.4% up at 8,285. 

Among the wider shares doing well were those of AO World, up more than 3%.

The online electricals retailer raised growth targets for its current financial year after profits over the 12 months to the end of March beat market expectations.

The pound and dollar have benefitted amid struggles for the euro over the past couple of weeks.

Much of that has been down to election speculation in France where Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN) is leading first-round polling.

The election was called by President Emmanuel Macron after RN's strong gains in the recent European elections, sparking a renewed market focus on the French economy and the potential knock-on effects for the euro area.

France has a debt to GDP ratio of 110%, meaning its debt is more than the value of its annual output.

There is a budget deficit of 5%. EU rules allow for just 3%.

The market's worry, according to analysts, is that if the far-right RN were to win big in the first round, then voters may take a tactical turn to the left in the second.

It is a concern for France and the wider euro, they said, because a left-wing alliance influence in government would seek even greater public spending commitments than RN has made.

French government borrowing costs have soared since the election announcement.

Earlier this month, the risk premium France pays for its debt on top of Germany's neared levels last seen in 2012.

Quorn has been known for decades as a producer of meat-free alternatives - but in a new venture, it will be blending actual pork sausages with fake meat. 

The company has said it wants to reach consumers who are cutting down on their meat consumption but who are not going entirely vegetarian or vegan, according to a report in The Grocer . 

The new products include burgers and sausages, and will contain Quorn's mycoprotein blended with meat. 

They will be available by the end of the year within the NHS and from some food service operators. 

Marco Bertacca, Quorn's chief executive, told the publication that appealing to meat eaters "represents the majority of people, and so it is a massive opportunity to decarbonise part of the food system and improve public health".

"Once upon a time we were effectively competing with the meat industry – only making products that were alternatives to theirs, and encouraging people to switch," he said.

"There have been attempts in the past to make products like burgers and sausages with a blend of meat and plant-based ingredients like soya and pea protein, but the products have not delivered for consumers."

It told Sky News that it is still in the development stages of its catering partnerships but it has had "fantastic" feedback on the quality of the products and impact on sustainability targets so far. 

Livestock farming accounts for about 15% of global greenhouse emissions, according to FAO data. 

Every Wednesday we ask Michelin chefs to pick their favourite Cheap Eats where they live and when they cook at home. This week we speak to the highly celebrated Shaun Rankin from Michelin-starred Shaun Rankin at Grantley Hall - who won the Great British Menu dessert course in 2009.

Hi Shaun , c an you tell us your favourite places in North Yorkshire  where you can get a meal for two for less than £40?

North Yorkshire is bountiful in its selection of brilliant places to dine and we're incredibly lucky to have so many eateries on our doorstep.

My first recommendation would be the Blue Lion , a traditional country pub nestled within the picture-perfect village of East Witton in the Yorkshire Dales. Enjoy a scenic walk through the surrounding countryside before stopping off for lunch – their light lunch menu includes personal favourites such as croque madame with a rocket salad and Black Sheep-battered fish and chips.

If you're heading in to explore the characterful charm of Ripon, a trip to Oliver's Pantry is a must. They do great coffee alongside a delicious all-day brunch, an array of sweet treats and their seasonal lunch menu packed with fresh homemade dishes.

What's your go-to cheap meal at home?

Chicken pesto pasta with mushrooms and broccoli - a delicious, easy dish to prepare and packed with nutrients.

My tip for this dish is to buy a whole chicken and roast it whole – it's so much more cost-effective than buying chicken breast or thigh, and you can enjoy several meals from just the one bird. With the leftovers I'll prepare a simple soup by making a chicken stock from the carcass, or perhaps a comforting bowl of chicken egg fried rice with the meat, so nothing is wasted. 

We've spoken to lots of top chefs and bloggers - check out their cheap eats from around the country here...

Those looking to drive to polling stations can park for free this general election.

JustPark are offering drivers 30 minutes of free parking near polling stations on 4 July.

They will need to pre-book online or via the JustPark app, however. 

"We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to vote, but know that on the day it isn't always that straightforward," Mary Corrie, managing director of Just Park UK, said.

"By offering free parking on election day, we hope to make it easier for all voters, especially those with mobility issues or who are short on time, to find a place to park near their polling station. 

"This is the second time we have offered this service, following its great success in the 2019 election, and we are confident it will help to get people to the polls once again."

EDF and Utilita have been ranked the worst suppliers for customer service, as ratings across the industry reached their lowest point, according to Citizens Advice .

One of the highest-scoring suppliers this time last year, EDF fell to the very bottom of the table after its average call waiting times jumped from just under a minute to more than five minutes.

Average customer ratings between January and March for all firms fell by 10.5% compared with the same period in 2021.

"Citizens Advice has long called for Ofgem to be given stronger powers to hold suppliers to account on customer service. That must include tackling the complaints backlog before next winter," said Citizens Advice chief executive Dame Clare Moriarty.

At the bottom of the table, both Utilita and EDF scored 2.1 out of five stars, followed closely by British Gas on 2.4.

Dale Vince's Ecotricity topped the rankings with 3.8, followed by Outfox the Market and Ovo Energy, both scoring 3.3.

Among the other big suppliers, E.ON Next scored 3.0, Scottish Power 2.9 and Octopus 2.5.

An EDF spokeswoman said: "We recognise our call answer times haven't been up to the high standards we set ourselves and we're committed to doing better."

The company has recruited and trained more people at its Sunderland, Brighton and Exeter offices, she said.

She added EDF were nearing the end of a "complex transfer of our residential customers to a new IT system, resulting in more customers getting in touch as we navigate this process".

Utilita said: "We must not underestimate how savvy consumers are today. They will realise the star rating contradicts other market-wide supplier assessments – including those of Ofgem, Trustpilot and Which? – where Utilita performs consistently well.

"As such, we look forward to ongoing dialogue to close the gap between the perception the Citizens Advice star rating gives, and the reality other rankings provide."

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  • by Melissa Hammam
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Hands up if you’re ready to be dazzled! From a ceremony structure designed to float on water to a jaw-dropping reception room with flowers blooming from every service, we’re swooning over every bit of this wedding. If you can believe it, that’s just the beginning. Julia Kaptelova artfully shot every detail, like the ballet performance guests were treated to and snow falling from the ceiling for the first dance! Prepare to be amazed and take a visit to the full gallery .

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From About You Decor … Our design is a symbol of dawn and a distant endless horizon. Ahead is a long, happy life without any borders. An international couple, Pavel and Cherry, met in London and have been walking together for many years.

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From the Bride, Cherry… My husband and I we decided to have our summer wedding in Moscow because the city is where his roots are. As we knew we were going to have the other wedding ceremony in China, we wanted our Moscow one to be very personal and intimate. We’ve known each other since we were fourteen, together with many of our friends whom we’ve also known for a decade.

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I didn’t want to walk down the aisle twice so the plausibility of my request quickly came into discussion. The open pontoon stage was constructed in order to facilitate the bridal entrance on water, although there were concerns about safety as the last thing we wanted was probably a drowned bride before she could get on stage, picture that! I have to say on that day it wasn’t easy to get on the pontoon stage from the boat, in my long gown and high heels. Luckily my bridesmaids still noticed even though they stood the furthest from me on the stage, and helped me out without prior rehearsal. My girls could just tell whenever I needed a hand or maybe they were just so used to my clumsiness. Who knows 😂

We all love our photographer Julia! She’s so talented and her style is so unique. Our beloved host Alex is exceptional who made everyone laugh and cry. It was truly a blessing to have so many kind and beautiful souls on our big day. Thank you all!

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Photography: Julia Kaptelova Photography | Wedding Planner: Caramel | Cake: Any Cake | Invitations: Inviteria | Rings: Harry Winston | Band: Menhouzen | Grooms attire: Ermenegildo Zegna | Wedding Venue: Elizaveta Panichkina | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Marchesa | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Alice McCall | Bride’s gown : Jaton Couture | Bride’s shoes: Manolo Blahnik | Decor : About you decor | Earrings: Damiani | Muah: Khvanaco Studio | Video: Artem Korchagin

More Princess-Worthy Ballgowns

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I’m still not convinced this Moscow wedding, captured to perfection by  Sonya Khegay , isn’t actually an inspiration session—it’s just  that breathtaking. From the beautiful Bride’s gorgeous lace wedding dress and flawless hair and makeup to the pretty pastel color palette and stunning ceremony and reception spaces, this wedding is almost too good to be true. Do yourself a favor and see it all in The Vault now!

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From Sonya Khegay … It was the last day of April and still very cold in the morning. The weather forecast wasn’t pleasing and no one expected that the sun would come out, but miracles happen and light rain gave way to the warm rays.

I love how all the details went together, you could feel the harmony in everything throughout the entire wedding day from the morning until the fireworks.

A gentle look of the bride, elegant but so airy and unique decor, the fresh and light atmosphere of early spring and, of course, true happiness in the eyes. My heart becomes so warm from these memories, it is always a pleasure to see the birth of a new family of two loving hearts.

Photography: Sonya Khegay | Event Design: Latte Decor | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Floral Design: Blush Petals | Wedding Dress: La Sposa | Stationery: Special Invite | Bride's Shoes: Gianvito Rossi | Hair + Makeup: Natalie Yastrebova | Venue: Rodniki Hotel

  • by Elizabeth Greene

You really can’t go wrong with simple: a beautiful Bride , perfectly pretty petals , loved ones all around. But add in an amazing firework show  to cap off the night and simple just became downright extraordinary. Captured by Lena Elisseva , with assistance by  Katya Butenko , this rustic Russian celebration is simply fantastic. See it all in the Vault right here !

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From Lena Eliseeva Photo …  This cozy and warm summer wedding of gorgeous Natalia and Anton was in the middle of June. The young couple decided to organize their wedding themselves, and the day was very personal and touching. I am absolutely in love with rustic outdoor weddings, and this one is my favourite because of the free and easy atmosphere.

All the decor excluding the bride’s bouquet was made by a team of ten friends of the bride and groom. And it was charming – a light and beautiful arch, eco-style polygraphy and succulents, candy-bar with caramel apples and berries – sweet joys of summer.

At the end of ceremony the guests tossed up white handkerchiefs embroidered by Natalia’s own hands.

The most touching moment was the happy eyes of the groom’s grandmother, the most estimable person on the wedding. And the fireworks were a bright end to that beautiful day.

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Photography: LENA ELISEEVA PHOTO | Floral Design: Katerina Kazakova | Hair And Makeup: Svetlana Fischeva | Photography - Assistance: Katya Butenko

These photos from Lena Kozhina are so stunningly beautiful – as in you can’t help but stop and stare – it’s hard to believe it’s real life. But these pics are proof of this gorgeous Bride and her handsome Groom’s celebration at Moscow’s Fox Lodge , surrounded by vibrant colors and breathtaking blooms . Oh, and the idea of prepping for your Big Day outside in the sun ? Brilliant. See more bright ideas right here !

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From Lena Kozhina … When we met with the couple for the first time, we immediately paid attention to Dima’s behavior towards Julia. There was a feeling of tenderness and awe, and we immediately wanted to recreate this atmosphere of love, care and warmth on their Big Day.

Later, when we had chosen a green meadow and an uncovered pavilion overlooking a lake as the project site, it only highlighted a light summer mood with colorful florals and a great number of natural woods. The name of the site is Fox Lodge and peach-orange color, as one of the Bride’s favorites, set the tone for the whole design – from the invitations, in which we used images of fox cubs to elements of serving guest tables and other decorative elements with the corresponding bright accents.

Photography: Lena Kozhina | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Wedding Dress: Rosa Clara | Shoes: Marc Jacobs | Catering: Fox Lodge | Makeup Artist: Elena Otrembskaya | Wedding Venue: Fox Lodge | Cake and Desserts: Yumbaker | Decor: Latte Decor

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Understanding Samsung Knox Vault: Protecting the data that matters most

Using your personal phone for work here’s how to separate your apps and data.

Our mobile devices have become essential tools on both a personal and professional level but using them for dual purposes can pose business risks.

Some organizations try to give employees greater choice through a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) or Corporately Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE) program. However, the flexibility those programs provide needs to be coupled with strong data protection such as Samsung Knox .

The question becomes: Can you successfully use one phone for both business and personal needs? The answer is yes — and there’s more than one way to separate work and personal on your phone.

Tips to separate work and personal on your phone

Separating work and personal functions on your phone has actually never been easier. Realizing the challenges of work/life balance, mobile device makers have added smart features that help you split personal and professional apps and data. Here are some tips tailored for users of Samsung mobile devices and tablets , which range from Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 to Galaxy S24 Series .

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The first — and simplest — strategy is to organize your apps on different screens . By moving personal app icons onto a separate screen from your business apps, you’ll know to stay on one screen for work and one for play.

Another good tactic is to use the Do Not Disturb function so that work doesn’t interfere with your personal time — or vice versa. When you have Do Not Disturb on, notifications won’t interrupt your workflow, whether you’re on the clock or on the couch. A more advanced version of this can be found in Samsung Modes and Routines, which allows you to adjust your settings based on whether you’re on the job or enjoying your device outside of work.

You can set your routines to kick in based on time — for instance, your work routine can automatically start at 8 a.m. and stop at 5 p.m. — or based on place (via geolocation when you get to work and when you leave).

When it comes to messaging, you can take advantage of Samsung’s Dual Messenger feature, which allows you to easily switch between two separate accounts for the same app. If you have social media or messenger accounts for both work and personal use, you can use them both on the same device. When Dual Messenger is enabled, a second app icon appears on your home screen: one app, two accounts.

A security balancing act

While these measures may support separating work and personal use, they don’t necessarily address security concerns. Some businesses tackle that by adopting a mobile device management (MDM) solution with a secure workspace to protect work data from your personal apps and browsing activity.

An MDM solution allows your mobile device to store data in a separate “container” or “profile” so that personal and professional data are kept separate. With an effective MDM solution, companies can gain more reliable control of the devices they need to manage.

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These secure containers help you balance productivity with security — as well as your life at work and off work. You can also easily set up Android Work Profile , which keeps business data safeguarded by separating it from the personal data on the device.

A secure approach to mobile AI

There are also safeguards unique to the most advanced mobile devices. Besides offering maximized productivity, barrier-free communication, and limitless creativity, for example, Galaxy S24 includes data security for the AI era .

The S24’s approach to protecting data starts with configurable options to block cloud-based AI data for enterprises with strict data security standards. This level of control is complemented by a data architecture in which AI data is only processed after app privileges have been verified. The S24 also reformats data after verification has been completed to match the corresponding AI engine. No data is stored during this process.

S24 mobile devices are also in compliance with Google’s Secure AI Framework (SAIF), which gives businesses a standard and holistic approach to maintaining security and privacy measures.

Security, in your hands

All these capabilities are consistent with Samsung’s approach to mobile security through Samsung Knox , which provides data protection at both the software and hardware level.  

Samsung has continued to build upon Knox with the introduction of Message Guard, which preemptively protects devices like Galaxy S24 by limiting exposure to mobile threats disguised as image attachments.

Running silently and invisibly in the background, Samsung Message Guard traps and isolates images files when they arrive and puts them into a kind of virtual quarantine. The image file is then checked bit by bit in a controlled environment to ensure it cannot infect the rest of the device.  This prevents zero-click attacks that store malicious code in an image.

More recently, Samsung began offering Galaxy users Auto Blocker, a tool that prevents sideloading — where apps get installed from unknown sources. While there are safe approaches to sideloading that Galaxy users can continue to enjoy, Auto Blocker can be turned on to block social engineering attacks such as voice phishing.

Then, there’s Samsung’s Secure Folder , which is available on all the latest Samsung Galaxy mobile devices and provides a free, simple containerization solution that offers the same reliable security as Knox.

Secure Folder offers a safe storage space that not only builds a barrier between your work and personal data but also allows you to customize how you access that data — whether it’s via a password, pattern or biometric authentication .

The folder is easy to set up and intuitive to use. You can add apps to your Secure Folder by clicking “Add Apps” and selecting from what’s already installed on your phone or downloaded from the app store. You can transfer other content — like documents, photos and files — to Secure Folder by choosing “Add Files.”

Apps and data installed in these secure containers get an additional layer of protection against cyberattacks.

With these simple solutions, you can easily access both work and personal files throughout the day, no matter where you are.

Are you using the best phone for your business needs? Find the right solutions for businesses of all sizes. Or, read more about how Samsung Knox protects your devices from the chip up.

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Samsung for Business

A global leader in enterprise mobility and information technology, Samsung offers a diverse portfolio of business technologies from smartphones, wearables, tablets and PCs, to digital displays and storage solutions. We are committed to putting the business customer at the core of everything we do, serving diverse industries including education, finance, government, healthcare, hospitality, public safety, retail and transportation. Follow Samsung for Business on Twitter: @SamsungBizUSA

  • BYOD security
  • Galaxy S24 Series
  • Galaxy Z Flip5
  • Galaxy Z Fold5
  • Samsung Knox
  • Secure Folder

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A peak boomer who lives on $1,100 monthly from Social Security struggles to afford food: 'I have to survive, I have no choice.'

  • Angela Babin, 62, struggles to live on $1,104 a month in Social Security and $28 in SNAP. 
  • Her experience highlights a growing crisis, as many older adults don't have enough retirement savings. 
  • More than half of Americans over 65 have an annual income of $30,000 or less, per the Census Bureau.

Insider Today

Angela Babin lives in a mobile home in Houma, Louisiana — about 60 miles southwest of New Orleans.

Her heating and electricity haven't worked very well since Hurricane Ida swept through the area three years ago, and she has to boil all her water on the stove to be able to drink or use it. It makes her nervous: she has arthritis and she's worried she could burn herself trying to move a still-bubbling pot.

Babin, 62, lives alone. She has for years, ever since her mother and brother died. The three of them used to live together, with Babin as their caregiver. They were the only family she had left, she said.

Now, Babin is kept company by her two cats and two dogs, who "mean the world" to her. She lives on her Social Security income , which she first started receiving in 2008 after she had to retire early for medical reasons. According to documents reviewed by Business Insider, the check comes out to $1,104 a month.

Even with the Social Security check and some SNAP food benefits , Babin said it's difficult to afford groceries. She rarely has any new clothes and hasn't been able to afford a haircut in years.

"I have to survive," she said. "I have no choice."

Babin's experience mirrors others BI has heard . A growing number of older adults in the US are facing a retirement crisis, as limited or nonexistent savings accounts require many to depend on Social Security — a federal fund that could start shrinking by 2030 .

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Peak boomers , the latest cohort of older adults under 65 to retire, are especially vulnerable to these retirement challenges. The Census Bureau's Current Population Survey found that more than half of Americans over 65 have an annual income of $30,000 or less .

Babin said she "never in a million years" thought she would be in this financial situation.

Babin's mobile home needs repairs, but she struggles with daily expenses

About 16 years ago, Babin and her husband divorced. She lost most of her assets in the settlement and was forced to stop work and start collecting Social Security around that time due to complications from diabetes. She has no remaining savings .

Like the millions of other older Americans living on a fixed Social Security income, Babin said it's difficult to get by.

When Hurricane Ida hit southeastern Louisiana in 2021, the mobile home Babin owns was badly damaged. The repairs are expensive and she hasn't been able to get much of it fixed since the storm. That's why her hot water doesn't work, she said.

Babin also worries about having enough to eat. She said she receives $28 a month in SNAP benefits , but that's barely enough to cover bread, milk, and coffee. Occasionally, Babin visits food pantries , but she said the food is often spoiled, or she can't eat the items available due to her diabetes.

For healthcare, Babin is enrolled in Medicaid and Medicare , which covers most of her healthcare and insulin costs. She has a car, but typically only drives to essential places like the doctor's office because she can barely afford gas.

It's especially difficult for single people and older adults to qualify for assistance. Many US safety nets are set up for families with young, dependent children.

Babin, for example, Babin can't access programs like WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), and some tax credits because she lives alone. And, even though her Social Security income is close enough to the poverty line to qualify for SNAP, the support she receives is limited — and it can't help cover her other expenses.

With limited options for help, Babin she feels stuck.

"I don't want to be rich, I just need to be comfortable," she said. "I just want to know that I can have food when I need it and a nice roof over my head."

Are you living paycheck to paycheck or on Social Security? Are you open to sharing how you spend your money? If so, reach out to this reporter at [email protected] .

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