Ultimate Sims Guides

The Sims 4: Law Career Guide

Now that we have been awarded with The Sims 4: Discover University , we have gotten 3 new careers with law being a really exciting addition to the game.

Your sim now has the opportunity to become a judge or a private attorney through the career and can make a really great living doing so. This guide is going to tell you everything we need to know about the law career in The Sims 4.

Traits for the Law Career

Choosing the right traits for your sim can really help you gain skills more quickly and get promotions faster.

The first trait that can help is the genius trait. This is because you need to work on the logic skill for the Judge Branch and genius sims are going to get focused more often, which can improve how quickly your sim gains the logic skill.

You may also want to choose outgoing because you’ll need to gain the charisma skill for the Private Attorney. The best way to gain the charisma skill is by talking to other sims and outgoing sims will have the best time when doing so.

Lot Traits for the Law Career

Lot traits are extremely helpful if you’re trying to advance in your career because certain lot traits are going to help you build skills faster. This career is going to focus on the logic skill and the charisma skill as well as the brand new research & debate skill .

The first lot trait that will be helpful is the science lair lot trait, this one is going to make your sim gain the logic skill more quickly.

The second one that will help the law career is the convivial lot trait. This one is great for the charisma skill because it makes social interactions go more smoothly which can help you gain the skill quicker.

Degrees That Help With This Career

With The Sims 4: Discover University there is a degree (or two or three) that will help with each career and will give you bonuses. You’ll start the career at a further level, make more money, and even get a signing bonus.

The two degrees that you’re going to get bonuses for the law career are going to be history or language and literature !

Working From Home

The new law career has the awesome option to work from home if you so choose. Every single morning an hour before your shift is set to start your sim will get a pop up asking if they want to go to work or work from home for the day.

If you choose the work at home option you’ll be given a few tasks to complete by the time your next shift starts the next day. For the law career these are things like file legal motion, file court documents , and more. Most of these can be done on the computer under the career section.

As you complete these tasks you’ll be paid a bit of money for each task and can also get a bonus if your boss thinks you did a great job.

Law Career Levels

“Sims who pursue a career in law are in a unique position to help others with their legal problems, champion causes, and further the public good (or not). That fancy paycheck doesn’t hurt either!”

This career is going to focus heavily on the research & debate skill, so it’s important that you work on this early and often. You can gain this skill using one of the research machines that can be found at the library in Britechester or at either of the University Commons.

Your daily task for this career is something simple like file court documents , this can be done on a computer under the career > law section.

To get passed level 4 of the law career, your sim is going to need to pass the lawyer’s exam . This is a rabbit hole where your sim will leave the house for two hours, you can find this interaction on the computer under the career > law section.

At level 5 of the law career you’re going to need to start offering your services to other sims that you know. You’ll do this by clicking on the sim and choosing offer legal representation.

Process Server
M T W T F 8am – 5pm
File Court Documents
File Clerk
M T W T F 8am – 5pm
File Court Documents, Level 2 Research & Debate
§150, Legal Case Files
Legal Secretary
M T W T F 8am – 5pm
File Court Documents, Level 3 Research & Debate
§200, New Interaction: Chat about Scandalous Lawsuit
M T W T F 8am – 5pm
File Court Documents, Pass the Lawyer’s Exam, Logic Level 2, Research & Debate Level 4
§350, Very Impressive Lawyer-y Desk Chair
Budding Barrister
M T W T F 9am – 5pm
Offer Legal Representation, Charisma Level 2, Research & Debate Level 5
§350, New Interaction: Offer Legal Representation, New CAS Items
Adept Attorney
M T W T F 9am – 5pm
Logic Level 3, Research & Debate Level 6
§500, Very Impressive Lawyer-y Desk
Promising Prosecutor
M T W T F 9am – 4pm
Charisma Level 3, Research & Debate Level 7
§750, Barrister’s Bookcase

Education Career Unlocks (Before Branch)

With every career you unlock new build mode objects like furniture and decor, and the law career has a couple cute unlocks for you to explore.

Your sim is going to get the Barrister’s Bookcase as well as thethe very impressive lawyer’y desk and chair . You can really use these to create a cute lawyer’s office for your sim’s home.

Judge Branch

“Judges preside over court proceedings and conduct trials in an impartial and lawful manner. Armed with a gavel and decked out in judicial robes, they wield constitutional authority.”

Your sim is going to need to keep increasing their logic skill throughout this branch of the career, meaning they should have a chess table in their home to make sure they reach those requirements.

You’re also going to need to get to level 9 of the Research & Debate skill, which can be earned using the research machines. You can find these machines at the university commons or the library in Britechester, or purchase one from build mode.

Judge Branch Levels

Gavel Smasher
M T W T F 8am – 4pm
Level 5 Logic, Level 8 Research & Debate
§1200, New CAS Items, New Abilities: Research Legal Issues, Visit University Law Class, Read Pleadings
Honourable Arbitrator
T T F 8am – 4pm
Level 6 Logic, Level 9 Research & Debate
§1500, New Ability: Guest Speak at University
Chief of Justice
T T F 8am – 4pm
§2200, On a Scale of 1 to Justice

Judge Branch Unlocks

The only unlockable item that your sim will get in this branch of the career (and the other one as well) is the On a Scale of 1 to Justice, nothing exciting but is a cute piece of home decor.

Private Attorney Branch

“Handling legal cases, practicing law in court, and recruiting high profile clients. It’s all the name of the game when you’re a Private Attorney. Work hard, win your cases, and you might make Partner.”

This branch of the career is going to have your sim focusing on their charisma skill. This skill can be gained through talking to other sims or practicing a speech in the mirror.

You’ll also be gaining the new research & debate skill which can be done using one of the research machines that are located in the Britechester library or at a University commons.

Private Attorney Levels

Lead Litigator
M T W T F 8am – 5pm
Level 5 Charisma, Level 8 Research & Debate
§1450, New CAS Items, New Abilities: Visit University Law Class, Discuss Complex Case Law, Research Case Law, Craft Legal Argument
Legal Eagle
T W T F 8am – 5pm
Level 6 Charisma, Level 9 Research & Debate
Preeminent Partner
T W T F 8am – 3pm
§2600, On a Scale of 1 to Justice

Private Attorney Unlocks

There aren’t any exciting unlocks in this career branch, only the On a Scale of 1 to Justice. This is a cute piece of decor, but has no real function.

Final Thoughts

The law career is a nice addition to the game, and a great career for any ambitious sim to explore. How do you feel about the new careers in The Sims 4: Discover University? Let us know in the comments!

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I've been playing the Sims since the first game was released when I was only 5 years old. It's been a huge passion of mine for two decades and I've loved every single minute of it. I also love dogs. And grilled cheese sandwiches. And I think me and Bob Pancakes could be friends.

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How do you complete the task to offer legal representation, it stays at “start”?

To offer legal representation you need to click on a sim that you know, and go to the friendly > law career section, and it should appear there!

Hi! My sim is currently a judge and a student, and she has to work from home once a week due to her schedule… so she was given the task of giving a guest lecture at a law class, either selecting whichever university building or using the phone, but neither of them gives that possibility. Do you have any idea how to give that guest lecture?

Wondering the same thing!

I had the same issue it’s available around 5:00pm by going to your phone and clicking the suitcase

Attended deposition and file court documents are constantly unavailable when working from home… is there a way to work around the bug or cheat to make it available on pc again?

I my sims keeps offering legal representation, yet it keeps saying that he has not started it. Anyone know why?

I am having that same exact issue

To complete the “offer legal representation” you need to file court documents. (At a higher level, before the 168.etc patch for Snowy Escape, the option to do that was not showing. It should be fixed now.)

i am having the same issue could anyone help?

Where can you put the scales of justice, they look stupid on the floor, is there a piece of furniture which will take the scales?

The offer legal representation has to be applied to SEVERAL sims you ask and they accept until the task is completed. That’s why I stopped using this career as it was very exhausting. I can imagine somewhere along the line you will be representing everyone!

my sims can’t do the Take the lawyer’s exam interaction without glitching and resetting herself, I tried just about everything even repairing the game.

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Welcome to KiaraSims4Mods!

Lawyer Career

Required Packs: Discover University and Get To Work Other Requirements: Basemental’s Venue List , Work interactions Pie Menu and XML Injector

Helpful Tip: Active Career Tutorial Guide created if you can not get the venue to show. Click Here !

how to research current case in sims 4

Career Levels

Legal Process Server

Legal Secretary

Budding Barrister

Adept Attorney

Promising Attorney

Gavel Smasher

Honorable Arbitrator

Chief Justice

Computer Interactions 

how to research current case in sims 4

File Court Documents (Level 1 to 10)

Research Case Law (Level 4 to 10)

Check Verdict Status (Level 5 to 7) – Will only show after attending trial.

Craft Legal Argument (Level 5 to 7)

File Legal Motion (Level 5 to 7)

Make Rulings (Level 8 to 10)

Read Pleadings (Level 8 to 10)

Research Legal Issues (Level 8 to 10)

Write Supreme Court Opinion (Level 10)

Social Interactions 

how to research current case in sims 4

Discuss Case Law

Chat about Scandalous Lawsuit (Level 3 to 10)

Meet Prospective Client (Level 5 to 7)

Offer Legal Representation (Level 5 to 7)

Phone Interactions

Deliver Legal Documents (Level 1 to 3)

Take Lawyer Exam (Level 4)

Attend Deposition (Level 5 to 7)

Attend Trial (Level 5 to 7)

Attend Verdict Reading (Level 5 to 7) – Will only show once you receive a text message.

Preside over Case (Level 8 to 10)

Visit University Law Class (Level 8 to 10) – This interaction can only be completed when Don is at work.

Guest Speak at University about Law (Level 9 to 10)

Research & Debate

Law Firm (Levels 1-4)

Law Office (Levels 5 – 9) – At this level only the NPC assistant works with you.

Supreme Court Building (Level 10)

Sims with a degree in History or Language and Literature will jump to the Budding Barrister career level. Make sure to re-download the University Level Jump Career file.

Helpful Information: After your Sims attend trial, you must use the Check Verdict Status interaction on the computer and once you do that once a verdict is reached you will receive a text message, BUT you must not be at the career venue. It’s a conflict for a drama node to appear when the sim is at the active work career venue. You can head home for the day but before you do check for a verdict status using a work computer.

how to research current case in sims 4

Once a verdict is reached, a drama node will appear within 1-4 hours. You will then use your phone and look under the work menu to attend the verdict reading. Sims can win cases, lose cases and sometimes you may see a deadlock. To attend the verdict reading, you must have the buff shown below.

how to research current case in sims 4

Once you have this buff above, you will then see Attend Verdict Reading on your phone:

how to research current case in sims 4

The above is an example of a Sim who won the case.

Instructions Place the appropriate venue in your game and then make sure you have selected the venue as the lot type. Then your Sim will be promoted to go to work. If you are unable to head to work, watch the active career tutorial video above.

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Sims 4 Law Career Guide: Is This Career Right for Your Sim?

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One of my favorite aspects of The Sims is the different jobs your Sims can work. The Law career is one of the most interesting career choices, in my opinion. The Law career branch was introduced in The Sims 2 and has since been a favorite career for Sims.

I had never actually had a lawyer Sim. All of my Sims are usually writers, though I created plenty of Sim musicians, artists, and have had a criminal or two. But after my experience with the Law career branch, I will either not consider this career again or choose different aspirations and traits.

I based my Sim on my favorite TV lawyer, Saul Goodman! Since the criminal lawyer on Breaking Bad  was as sneaky and corrupt as the criminals he represented, I wanted to attempt to make a “bad” lawyer. But I feel this worked against me more than for me.

Bottom line up front : There are many reasons I didn’t like the Law career branch. Your Sim worked long hours, had assignments at home, and my Sim struggled to get a proomotion.

Law Career Timeline

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Before I go into my experience with the law career branch, let’s take a good look at the timeline so you know what to expect.

Your Sim will have to hold seven different jobs before choosing a specialty. These jobs include:

  • Process Server
  • Legal Secretary
  • Building Barrister
  • Adept Attorney
  • Promising Prosecutor

Once your Sim becomes a Paralegal, they must pass the Law Exam. They can do this on a computer, and your Sim finishes it quickly. I’m not finding information on what your Sim needs for the exam or if they can fail it. I am reading that increasing your Sim’s Logic and Charisma and Research and Debate skills may help.

One thing I noticed in the law career is it’s difficult to get a promotion, more difficult than other careers my Sims have had. Even after completing all my work and getting my skills up, my Sim had trouble advancing. He started getting irritated and discouraged by the lack of promotions. I looked around on other Sims forums, and different players said they had the same struggles. Some said they had to use cheats for their Sim to get a promotion.

Once your Sim reaches level 7, they have the choice of joining the Private Attorney or the Judge branch.

Private Attorney Branch

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Your Sim will face some challenges if they choose the Private Attorney branch. Your Sim will have to become more charismatic to attract new clients and win their cases. Your Sim will also need some traits to build more friendships, such as Confidence and Funny.

Here are the jobs in the Private Attorney branch:

  •  Lead Litigator
  • Legal Eagle
  • Preeminent Partner

Judge Branch

If you decide to be a Judge, your Sim will have to focus more on the Logic skill. Here are the jobs in the Judge branch:

  • Gavel Smasher
  • Honorable Arbitrator
  • Chief of Justice

Facts About the Law Career Branch

While there are many qualities about the law career branch that I don’t like, there are other facts that I find extremely interesting.

You Can Work From Home

An hour before your Sim has to go to work, a pop-up appears asking if your Sim is going to work or working from home. I thought this was odd, so I looked into it.

The law career is one of the few career branches where your Sim can work remotely. If you choose to work from home, your Sim will have to complete certain tasks by the time their next shift starts. Your Sim will need to access a computer to complete most tasks, though some include finding new clients. I would take my Sim to the local park to meet prospective clients.

I definitely suggest taking advantage of this feature. As I will explain later, my Sim often became tense and unhappy. Other players on Sims forums said the same thing about their Sims. When your Sim works from home, they can take breaks in between their tasks, so they’re not as stressed out.

Will Have Work Outside Office Hours

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One of the biggest downsides of the Law Career branch is your Sims will need to work outside of office hours. This usually means they will have to file legal documents. Your Sim finishes it rather quickly, but they’re so stressed and tired from work I often wouldn’t make them complete these extra assignments. This is why choosing certain traits is essential, which is what I wished I knew first. I will recommend some traits below.

Skills Needed

The Law Career branch requires more skills than other career branches I played.

Your Sim will have to improve their Charisma and Research and Debate skills to excel at their job. Once your Sim reaches level 6, they must improve their Logic skill. Always keep a chess board and bookshelf in the home. While you can improve Charisma and Research and Debate by practicing your speech, your Sim will often be tense from work, and they will require more amusement. Reading and playing chess will improve their skills while keeping your Sim entertained.

Law Career Branch Unlocks

As you excel at your job and get promotions, your Sims will receive many impressive rewards that they can unlock. Here are the rewards they can earn and at which job level they earn the award.

  • Legal Case Files (Rank 2)
  • Chat About Scandalous Lawsuit Interaction (Rank 3)
  • Very Impressive Lawyer-y Desk Chair (Rank 4)
  • Offer Legal Representation Interaction and New CAS Items (Rank 5)
  • Very Impressive Lawyer-y Desk (Rank 6)
  • Barrister’s Bookcase (Rank 7)

When your Sim chooses a separate branch, each also has its own career unlocks.

Here are the Judge’s career unlocks:

  • Visit University Law Class (Rank 8)
  • Research Legal Issues (Rank 8)
  • Read Pleadings (Rank 8)
  • Guest Speak at University (Rank 9)
  • On a Scale of 1 to Justice (Rank 10)

Here are the private unlocks for the Private Attorney branch:

  • Discuss Complex Case Law (Rank 8)
  • Craft Legal Argument (Rank 8)
  • Research Case Law (Rank 8)

Traits and Aspirations for Law Career

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The traits and aspirations you choose for your Sim will affect the success of their law career. I found this out the hard way.

Recommended Aspirations

I’ll be honest. I can’t find many aspirations that I recommend for Sim lawyers. Here are a few that jump out to me:

  • Fabulously Wealthy – increase your wealth by getting 5% of your household funds added to your bank account every week
  • Friend of the World – easy to be friends with others since your friendships won’t decline over time
  • Leader of the Pack – you can take over a club and never be overthrown
  • Nerd Brain – your Sim will be very logical

Out of all of these aspirations, I think your Sim will benefit most from Friend of the World if your Sim will pursue the Private Attorney branch. Your Sim will make friends easier, resulting in more success in their practice. If your Sim enters the Judge branch, either Nerd Brain or Leader of the Pack will work best. Honestly, these aspirations don’t fully align with the law career, but these are the closest aspirations I could find to the Judge branch.

I also chose Fabulously Wealthy as a joke. Lawyers make good money, so why not have more money?

Recommended Traits

The traits you choose are the most vital. Your Sim will be tense a lot after work. On top of that, they will have more work to do after they come home from work. Your Sim should be able to stay happy and enjoy being around others to succeed in this career.

That’s why the first trait I recommend is Outgoing, whether or not your Sim decides to enter the Private Attorney branch. You’ll gain more friends and certain skills, such as Charisma, will come easier for you.

Obviously, you’ll need some smarts for the law career. That’s why I also recommend the Genius trait. The Genius trait will enhance your Logic skill. Plus, Genius Sims are more likely to stay focused.

My Experience With My Law Career Sim

As I said previously, I modeled my Sim after Saul Goodman. In case you never watched  Breaking Bad  or the spin-off  Better Call Saul , Saul Goodman is a sneaky criminal lawyer who can manipulate the law in every way to benefit his clients.

I thought this would be a fun experiment. Saul is a great lawyer, but he’s also mischievous and sneaky. He’s an unconventional and hilarious character but is also still intelligent, ambitious, and successful. I wanted my Sim to convey these traits so he could be a Saul Goodman-esque lawyer.

Aspirations and Traits I Chose

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For Saul Goodman’s Aspiration, I chose Chief of Mischief. Out of all of the Criminal Aspirations, this one seemed the most fitting. While Saul was a mean guy, he was more sneaky than anything. I thought of all of his antics on Better Call Saul  while achieving some of these Aspiration Goals.

For example, one of his Aspiration Goals was clogging drains in numerous homes. I could picture Saul doing something like that if he or his lawyer partner in crime/wife, Kim Wexler, didn’t get their way!

how to research current case in sims 4

These are the traits I chose for my Saul Goodman Sim:

Let’s start with the negative traits. With the Evil trait, your Sim will feel happiest when others around them have a negative emotion. The Mean trait is self-explanatory. These Sims love starting fights and making enemies. Dastardly is an essential trait if your Sim wants to be mean or mischievous. With the Dastardly trait, all of your Sim’s mischievous or mean interactions will be more successful. This influences them to perform more negative interactions.

I did want to include a positive trait because Saul Goodman isn’t a completely bad guy. I chose the Ambitious trait because that’s how I saw Saul. He was very hard-working and passionate about his work, always trying to get ahead.

However, this trait was the most difficult one I could choose. Saul was always in a negative mood when he didn’t get a career promotion. There were even times he was negative about not completing his work — though he was tense and would also get angry when I made him work more.

At the same time, your Sim will feel more positive when they get a job and gain career success. Saul would become confident when he succeeded, which helps your law career.

Difficulties I Faced

I faced more difficulties than this. As I said, Saul Goodman was constantly tense. What he truly loved was being mean and mischievous to others — he was unhappy in his job as a lawyer. His moodlets were often sad since he was working a job he didn’t love.

I was hoping the evil traits would inspire him to be a crooked lawyer, but the Sims don’t have that option. Instead, I recommend choosing positive traits such as Outgoing for your Sim. This way, they will be happiest when they’re around others.

How to Join the Law Career

With all of this being said, maybe you still want your Sim to join the law career. So, how do you get started? It’s easy! Click a computer or your Sim’s phone. Click “Find a Job.” Scroll down and find the Law career.

how to research current case in sims 4

On the bottom-right corner of the screen, click the briefcase icon. Here, you will find information about your job and view your performance. You’ll also see the at-home assignments you need to complete and any skills you need to gain.

Law Degree at Sims University

Does your lawyer Sim need a law degree first? Your Sim doesn’t need a degree, but having one will help them. However, there is no law degree in the Sims. Your Sim can pursue different fields that will benefit their law career. The recommended degrees include:

  • Language and Literature

As you can imagine, your Sim will study historical events and people to jumpstart their careers. With the Language and Literature Degree, your Sim will learn essential skills such as writing.

So, why take the time to earn these degrees if your Sim won’t study law? As with any degree in the game, your Sim will start its career at a later level. They will also receive bonuses.

Law Career Cheats

Even though my Saul Goodman Sim was working hard and completing his assignments (for the most part), he still wasn’t receiving a promotion. I wish I had known about this promotion cheat before.

To get a promotion, click Control + Shift + C on PC and Command + Shift + C for Mac. Type “testingcheats on” and press Enter. Type “careers.promote law” and select Enter. Your Sim will receive a promotion.

Question: Can my Sim Make a Lot of Money as a Lawyer?

Answer: A Sim in the law career can make more than the average profession. For example, the Paralegal role makes $30/hour, and that’s only a rank 4. If your Sim reaches rank 10 as a Private Attorney, they can earn $450/hour. Your Sim makes slightly less as a rank 10 in the Judge branch — $205/hour, which is still decent pay.

Question: I’m Unsure if my Sim Should get a History or Language and Literature Degree. Which one Should I Choose?

Answer: Honestly, both are fine. They’re both recommended for a Law career. You’ll also advance further with both degrees and will receive a bonus.

Question: How can my Sim get Law Clients?

Answer: What I did was take my Sim to a public place like the park and talk to random people. At rank 5 of the legal career, your Sim develops a new social interaction called “Offer Legal Representation.” Click that. If your Sim is charismatic and friendly enough, they should have no problem finding law clients.

Bottom Line

I have to be honest; the Law career branch isn’t one of the best I played. My Saul Goodman Sim was always tense since Sims in this career work long hours and also have assignments at home. You also have to reach Rank 7 to choose which specific branch you want to pursue. For most career branches my past Sims have had, they usually only had to reach Rank 4 to choose.

With all of these challenges, there are benefits. For example, the pay is pretty good.

If you choose this career, I suggest giving your Sim positive traits, and it’s a good idea to also give them the Genius trait. However, I still suggest considering other career branches before choosing this one.

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The Sims 4: Discover University - Research & Debate Skill Guide


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Research & debate skill overview, every level of the research & debate skill.

With the Research & Debate skill added in The Sims 4: Discover University expansion pack, now, your Sims can learn a little bit more about learning – and how to be more effective at it. As your Sims level up in the Research & Debate skill, they’ll become quicker at finishing homework, more effective at studying, and more.

how to research current case in sims 4

Sims 4 Discover University: Passing Your Degree Without Passing Out

It turns out completing Sims 4 college is as stressful as completing real college, so make sure to plan out your schedule if you want to pass.

Spend some time at the Research Machine on either of the university campuses or Practicing Debate in the mirror at your dorm to begin building the machine. By the final level, you can persuade Sims, earn some extra cash, and so much more.

a sim using the research machine at the britechester commons the sims 4 discover university research and debate skill

Made available in The Sims 4: Discover University expansion , the Research & Debate skill teaches your Sim persuasive communication methods .

How you choose to use these new skills is up to you - you can manage NPC Sims (which is massively beneficial when living with roommate Sims), coerce others to complete tasks on your behalf like your homework or your dinner, or even to perform assorted social interactions .

To get started with learning the Research & Debate skill, your Sim can either Practice Debate in any mirror , use a Research Machines to pursue the skill, or practice at any podium .

It'll primarily be built at the University of Britechester , as this university offers all four degrees related to the Research & Debate skill, which are Economics , History, Language and Literature, and Psychology .

Sims 4 Uni Britechester Campus

You don't strictly need to attend the University of Britechester to build the Research & Debate skill, as the Foxbury campus has Research Machines in their Commons building, too.

However, the University of Britechester is home to the Debate Guild, while the Foxbury Institute doesn't have a comparable club that helps your Sim gain the skill at the same time as socializing.

In fact, you technically don't even need to be a university student to pursue the Research & Debate skill - the skill is available for any Sims Teen and up.

Joining The University Of Britechester Debate Guild

Those Sims who hope to build their debate skills on-campus should look into the Debate Guild at the University of Britechester .

the debate guild event at the university of britechester the sims 4 university research and debate skill

Meeting a few times a week, the Debate Guild is only open to University of Britechester students and is a great way for your Sim to continue sharpening their skill and making some friends on-campus while they do.

To join the Guild, you'll need to attend an event of theirs, of which there are several throughout the week.

While you're there, speak to any member of the Debate Guild and ask them to join. From there, like other Organizations, you'll rank up by participating in assorted Organization activities.

At Rank Three of the Debate Guild, you'll unlock a few sweet perks, like:

  • Convincing Professors to Increase Grade to boost your Sim's performance in a class.
  • A new Research Archive Machine .
  • Your Sim can give homework help and study tips to others.
  • The Debate Guild unlocks a cool new Guild jacket .

organization menu for the debate guild the sims 4 university research and debate skill

In all, the Debate Guild is a good way for your Research & Debate Sims to meet new folks around campus and socialize a bit more casually with their peers from the Guild.

Use The Research Machine To Build Other Skills, Too

If your Sim has access to the Electromagnetic Research Archive Machine

These machines can be found in the Commons buildings on both University campuses, and accessed for free while on that lot.

If your Sim has the cash to spend, you can also buy an Electromagnetic Research Archive Machine for your home lot, but it costs §12,000 .

a sim contributing knowledge to the research machine the sims 4 discover university research and debate skill

But not only can you build the Research & Debate skill on the machine, but you can also use them to research other skills , too.

Once your Sim has reached Level Six of the Research & Debate skill, they can begin to Contribute Knowledge on the Research Machine with any skill they've mastered.

Doing so builds fame , if you're also playing with Get Famous.

Just be careful not to over-contribute, lest your Sim overexert themselves a bit too hard ...

How To Make Money With The Research & Debate Skill

Once your Sim has fully leveled their Research & Debate skill in The Sims 4: Discover University, they'll have a few options to earn Simoleons using what they learned.

a sim writing a research paper the sims 4 discover university research and debate skill

Using the podiums , your Sim is able to either give professional commentary on any subject in which they're well-versed or have professional debates with another Sim for some cash.

Doing so will also offer your Sim some Fame, if you're also using the Get Famous expansion .

This is only available at Level Ten of the Research & Debate skill - your Sim needs to know what they're talking about and how to present a case if they've got any hope of winning!

Additionally, once they've mastered another skill , your Sim will be able to write research papers on any computer about skills in which they're particularly experienced.

These sell for different prices , depending on the quality, but either way, completing one will net your Sim a few Simoleons automatically upon completion .

Helpful Traits, Aspirations, And Other Skills

With the ideal mood for building the Research & Debate skill in The Sims 4: Discover University is Focused , you may want to consider the Genius trait for your Sim.

several sims at a debate at the university of britechester the sims 4 discover university research and debate skill

These smartypants Sims will find themselves naturally feeling Focused throughout the day, which can help them more effectively build the Research & Debate skill.

Since you'll be dealing a lot with other Sims to put your skills to good use, the Outgoing trait can help offer additional mood boosts for the amount of socializing you'll be doing.

And when it comes to aspirations, you can double down on your Satisfaction Point earnings by pursuing the Academic aspiration , also introduced with Discover University.

As part of the aspiration , you'll need to reach Level Seven in the Research & Debate skill, among other things, so the most avid students ought to consider taking it on.

A Sim wearing Secret Society robes uses her phone while a small purple sprite flies around her.

The Sims 4: How To Join The Secret Society

Here's everything you need to know to join the secret society in The Sims 4!

two sims at the podiums debating the sims 4 university research and debate skill

In the table below, we've kept track of everything that unlock at each level of the Research & Debate skill.

The majority of your unlocks are passive boosts to things like reading and studying time, paper and presentation speediness, and more.

Outside of these passive boosts, you'll also receive a number of social actions wherein your Sim can convince other to perform different tasks .

What Unlocks At Every Level Of The Research & Debate Skill In The Sims 4: University


Unlocks And Interactions



with other Sims at the Podiums.

than normal.


at a Research Machine.

socials unlocked.

than normal.


at the Research Machine.

than normal.


for your Sim.

social unlocked.


using a Research Machine.

than normal.


social unlocked.

social unlocked on roommates who are contemplating moving out.


on the computer.

than normal.


social unlocked.

social unlocked on the phone.

10 (Max)

with other Sims at the Podiums.

at the Podiums.

The only thing that unlocks at the first level of the Research & Debate skill is a notification that tells you about using the Research Archive Machine, which you may not have been using when you first developed the skill.

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Sims 4 / Sims 4 Guides & Secrets / Career & Job Guides

Sims 4 law career: all about its branches, promotions and rewards.

Photo of author

Your Sim wishes to become a lawyer? Pick up the phone and make them join the Law Career! Read on to learn what you can expect from this job . Enjoy!

Law Career Featured Image

Law Career In Sims 4: It’s Time To Serve Justice!

If you have Sims 4: Discover University , this means your Sims have a unique opportunity to work as lawyers! Aspiring justice seekers can choose to become Private Attorneys or join the Judge branch. Naturally, the career heavily relies on research and debate skills, followed by charisma and logic . The Law Career is one of the semi-active, or hybrid careers, that allow you to choose whether you want to send your Sim off to work or make them complete work tasks at home. Now let’s see what to expect and how to make the most of it!

Ideal Traits And Mood

Being in the right mood can help Sims 4 lawyers make more progress. Sims learn research, debate, and logic skills faster when focused, while charisma is gained faster when they feel confident . Both boost skill gain by 20%, and these moods will help them meet skill promotion requirements faster.

Any Sim can thrive in the Law Career. However, those with Self-assured personality traits tend to feel confident more often, while those with Genius traits can get randomly focused, both of which are beneficial. Some lot traits can help boost skill gains too. For instance, Convivial supports learning charisma skills, while Science Lair helps with logic. Both will speed up learning by 50%.

What To Expect From This Career?

Law career 1

Get ready for full-time shifts , Monday to Friday , with some paid time off! Every day before work, the game will ask you if you want to send your Sim to work or make them work from home. If you decide to make them work from home, they will need to complete job tasks from the career menu, for which they’ll need a computer.

Get your Sim both a PC and a research machine , as they will need to use both for various law career interactions. The research machine is quite pricey, so you can use money cheats , or use one at the campus. To keep track of their daily tasks, just check the career panel in the bottom right corner of your screen. To get more info about each task and how to complete it, just hover over it!

Having a University degree can certainly help. Studying History focuses on building all three skills needed to excel in this career while studying Language and Literature requires Sims to nail charisma and research and debate skills. Completing these programs and getting a degree isn’t a necessity, but can help your Sim kickstart on higher levels and build skills early.

More on SNOOTYSIMS: If your Sim loves pranks and doesn’t mind breaking the law, they should definitely consider joining the criminal career branch !

Criminal Career Featured Image

Beginner Levels

Your Sim has a long way to go before they specialize in either of the two Law Career branches. Their daily task from levels 1 to 4 will be to file court documents on their PC under the career menu. At level 4, your Sim will need to do a test on their computer and pass the law exam . Once they get to level 5, things get a little more serious, and they will need to shift focus to offering legal representation , which can be found under law career interactions. By the end of this career stage, before they specialize, they will need to have level 7 of the Research and Debate skills and level 3 of both logic and charisma skills.

Mon – Fri 8AM – 5PMFile Court Documents/
Mon – Fri 8AM – 5PMFile Court Documents, Reach Level 2 Research and Debate Skill– $150
– Legal Case Files
Mon – Fri 8AM – 5PMFile Court Documents, Reach Level 3 Research and Debate Skill– $200
– Chat about Scandalous Lawsuit Interaction
Mon – Fri 8AM – 5PMFile Court Documents, Reach Level 4 Research and Debate skills,
Reach Level 2 Logic skill,
Pass the Lawyer’s Exam
– $350
– Take the Lawyer’s Exam Interaction
– Very Impressive Lawyer-y Desk Chair
Mon – Fri 9AM – 5PMOffer Legal Representation,
Reach Level 5 Research and Debate,
Reach Level 2 Charisma skill
– $450
– Offer Legal Representation Interaction
– New Clothes
Mon – Fri 9AM – 5PMOffer Legal Representation,
Reach Level 6 Research and Debate,
Reach Level 3 Logic skill
– $500
– Very Impressive Lawyer-y Desk
Mon-Fri 9AM – 4PMOffer Legal Representation,
Reach Level 7 Research and Debate skills,
Reach Level 3 Charisma skill
– $750
– Barrister’s Bookcase

Judge Branch

Law career 2

Sims who end up in the Judge branch will need to work a little more on  logic skills . Their daily promotion task on all levels will be to  Make Rulings , which can be done on the computer. You will get mini cases to solve, and it’s up to you to plead the accused guilty or not guilty – after all, you are the judge! However, this is for fun only, and your answers won’t impact your career progress, which is kind of a bummer.

At level 9, your Sim will be a big enough expert to  Guest Speak  at the University, and this option can earn them some extra simoleons. You can do so directly at the University by visiting lecture halls, or you can look for this option on your phone once it’s unlocked. 

Mon – Fri
8AM – 4PM
Make Rulings,
Reach Level 8 Research and Debate,
Reach Level 5 Logic skill
– $1,200
– New Clothes
– Read Pleadings
– Research Legal Issues
– Visit University Law Class interactions
Tue, Thu, Fri 8AM – 4PM Make Rulings,
Reach Level 9 Research and Debate,
Reach Level 9 Logic skill
– $1,500
– Guest Speak at University About Law Interaction
Tue – Thu
8AM – 3PM
Make Rulings,
Reach Level 10 Research and Debate,
Reach Level 7 Logic skill
– $2,200
– On a Scale of 1 to Justice (decor)

Private Attorney Branch

Law career 3

If you care about the salary, you’ll be thrilled to join the Private Attorney branch, because this one pays double the salary in the Judge branch. The focus is on building charisma as a secondary skill and maxing out the research and debate skills as you go. If they choose this branch, your Sim will have to associate with other Sims, and have a daily task to ”Offer Legal Representation and Obtain New Clients”.

New clients are obtained by building friendships first, by using a special law career social. Your Sim can get turned down, though. To minimize the chance of being rejected by potential clients, make sure they feel confident before they offer their services. You will need to build a few connections along the way, so be patient. If you feel stuck at any point in your career journey, give the  career cheat  a go!

Mon – Fri 8AM – 5PM– $2,600
– On a scale of 1 to Justice (decor).
– $1,450
– Craft Legal Argument
– Research Case Law
– Discuss Complex Case Law
– Visit University Law Class Interactions
– New Clothes!
Tue – Fri
8AM – 5PM
Offer Legal Representation and Obtain New Clients
Reach Level 9 Research and Debate,
Reach Level 6 Charisma skill
– $1,850
Tue – Fri
8AM – 3PM
Offer Legal Representation and Obtain New Clients
Reach Level 10 Research and Debate, Reach Level 7 Charisma skill
– $2,600
– On a Scale of 1 to Justice (decor).

Wrapping It Up!

The Sims 4 law system gives you the power to choose what is ethical and what is not. Sims who join the Law Career specialize a bit later on their career path, and although the salary is better for Private Attorneys, there is not much difference in career rewards overall. Happy simming!

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Guide to the Law Career

Learn if the law career good in Sims 4?

Guide to the Law Career

Table of Contents

How to join the law career, the judge branch*, the private attorney branch*, which degrees help advance you in the law career, the research and debate skill.

If you have the Sims 4 Discover University Expansion pack then your sim has the option to join the law career branch and become either an influential Judge or a successful Private Attorney. If you want to maximize the amount your sim can earn in their legal career, earning a degree can increase your pay.

This article will grow through everything you need to know about the law career, including how to join the law career, the ranks you can climb, and your sim's overall potential with or without a degree.

You can use either your phone , a computer, or your sim's career tab to find a job . To use your phone you want to select the Business button (the yellow one with a briefcase in it) and then select "Find a Job." Once you click on find a job a menu with all the available careers will appear.

To find a job using a computer you want to click on the computer, then select "career" and then "Find a Job." Lastly, you can use your sim's career tab, it is the small briefcase next to your sim's aspiration, and if your sim does not currently have a job you will see a an option to "Join a Career." If your sim already has a job this option won't be under your career tab. Instead, this is where you will go to find information on your sim's career, such as schedule, vacation days, salary, and more.

sims 4 law career

To join the law career you will want to select the law career when the menu of the available careers appear. Your sim will start out as a process server and will have to work hard to climb the ranks of the legal field.

If you are wondering how your sim can take advantage of their paid vacation days you can learn more in this article .

Climbing the ranks of the law career

The law career consists of ten levels that your sim can work hard and get promoted. Once they reach level 8 they will have the choice of one of two branches, either the Private Attorney Branch or the Judge Branch .

Level/TitlePaySchedulePromotion RequirementsBenefits
(1) Process Server$15/hrM-F: 8:00 am-5:00 pmN/AN/A
(2) File Clerk$18/hrM-F: 8:00 am-5:00 pmLevel 2 Research and Debate Skill$150 Bonus
Legal Case Files
(3) Legal Secretary$22/hrM-F: 8:00 am-5:00 pmLevel 3 Research and Debate Skill$200 Bonus
Chat about Scandalous Lawsuit Interaction
(4) Paralegal$30/hrM-F: 8:00 am-5:00 pmLevel 4 Research and Debate Skill
Pass Lawyer's Exam 
Level 2 Logic Skill
$350 Bonus
Take Lawyer's Exam Interaction
Very Impressive Lawyer-y Desk Chair
(5) Budding Barrister$52/hrM-F: 9:00 am-5:00 pmLevel 5 Research and Debate Skill
Level 2 Charisma Skill
$450 Bonus
Offer Legal Representation Interaction 
New Clothes
(6) Adept Attorney$75/hrM-F: 9:00 am-5:00 pmLevel 6 Research and Debate Skill 
Level 3 Logic Skill
$500 Bonus
Very Impressive Lawyer-y Desk
(7) Promising Prosecutor$105/hrM-F: 9:00 am-4:00 pmLevel 7 Research and Debate Skill
Level 3 Charisma Skill
$750 Bonus
Barrister's Bookcase

Before you can advance to level 5 of the legal career your sim must pass the lawyer's exam. Your sim can take the lawyer's exam by going to the computer, selecting "Career" then "Law Career" and then select Take Lawyer's Exam.

Level/TitlePaySchedulePromotion RequirementsBenefits
(8) Gavel Smasher$120/hrM-F: 9:00 am-4:00 pmLevel 8 Research and Debate Skill
Level 5 Logic Skill
$1,200 Bonus
New Clothes
Read Pleadings, Research Legal Issues, and Visit University Law Class Interactions
(9) Honorable Arbitrator$220/hrT/Th/F: 8:00am-4:00pmLevel 9 Research and Debate Skill
Level 6 Logic Skill
Guest Speak at University about Law Interaction
(10) Chief of Justice$425/hrT-Th: 8:00 am-3:00 pmLevel 10 Research and Debate Skill
Level 7 Logic Skill
$2,200 Bonus
On a Scale of 1 to Justice
Level/TitlePaySchedulePromotion RequirementsBenefits
(8) Lead Litigator$140/hrM-F: 9:00 am-5:00 pmLevel 8 Research and Debate Skill
Level 5 Charisma Skill
$1,450 Bonus
Craft Legal Argument, Research Case Law, and Visit University Law Class Interactions
New Clothes
(9) Legal Eagle$225/hrT-F: 9:00 am-5:00 pmLevel 9 Research and Debate Skill
Level 6 Charisma Skill
$1,850 Bonus
(10) Preeminent Partner$450/hrT-F: 8:00 am-3:00 pmLevel 10 Research and Debate Skill
Level 7 Charisma Skill
$2,600 Bonus
On a Scale of 1 to Justice

*These numbers can change if your sim has a relevant degree. Keep reading below if you want to know the pay for a college graduate.

Sims 4 Discover University

The law career is included in the Sims 4 Discover University expansion pack . This pack allows your sims to pursue higher education, join student organizations, and enjoy all the college life has to offer. You also have the ability to jump start any career if you have an right degree.

Learn how to enroll in university, apply for scholarships, and more here .

There are two degrees that help your sim with the law career, a History degree and a Language and Literature degree . You need to choose which one to pursue based on which branch you would like to pursue.

If you get a History degree your sim will have the option to skip ahead and join the Judge branch of the law career. When you join your career you will receive a signing bonus and your daily pay. Depending on the level of degree and whether your sims graduated with or without honors your sim will receive a starting bonus anywhere from $1,950 to $2,535 with a variety of hourly pay.

If your sim attends the University of Britechester and is accepted to the distinguished degree program, they have the chance to earn a distinguished History degree and earn higher bonuses and daily pay.

History Degree TypeBonusStarting Pay
Distinguished History Degree with Honors$2,535$186/hr
Distinguished History Degree$2,438$166/hr
History Degree with Honors$2,145$163/hr
History Degree$1,950$158/hr

The type of History degree will not only help your sim with the starting pay and starting bonus, but your hourly rate will vary through your sim's entire career. The table below is what you should expect your sim to make while maxing out their law career in the Judge's Branch .

Title/LevelDistinguished W/HonorsDistinguishedW/ HonorsHistory Degree
(9) Honorable Arbitrator$341/hr$305/hr$299/hr$290/hr
(10) Chief of Justice$659/hr$590/hr$578/hr$561/hr

If you have a Language and Literature degree your sim will have the option to skip ahead and join the Private Attorney branch of the law career. The table below list out what you can expect for a starting bonus and your starting hourly pay.

Language And Literature Degree TypeBonusStarting Pay
Distinguished L&L Degree with Honors$2,860$197/hr
Distinguished L&L Degree$2,750$194/hr
L&L Degree with Honors$2,420$190/hr
Language and Literature Degree$2,200$184/hr

The type of Language and Literature Degree will not only help your sim with the starting pay and starting bonus, but your hourly rate will vary through your sim's entire career. The table below is what you should expect your sim to make while maxing out their law career in the Private Attorney's Branch.

Title/LevelDistinguished W/HonorsDistinguishedW/ HonorsL&L Degree
(9) Legal Eagle$317/hr$312/hr$306/hr$297/hr
(10) Preeminent Partner$634/hr$625/hr$612/hr$594/hr

To advance in the law career you will have to grow your research and debate skill . The research and debate skill allows your sims to taken on heated debates with other sims using the "Daring Debater Podium Set" and to convince other sims to cook meals or go streaking. The research and debate skill comes with many other benefits your sim can take advantage of, you can learn more in my full guide to the research and debate skill.

You can grow your sim's the research and debate skill by using the research archive machine to study other skills. This allows your sim to not only learn the research and debate skill but also whichever skill you decide to study. If your sim can't afford the $12,000 research archive machine in their house, there are a few around the world of Britechester.

If you want to learn more about the research archive machine you can check out this article that goes through everything you need to know.

If your sim is enrolled in the University of Britechester you can also join the debate guild . This student organization will help your sim get better grades which can help them graduate in honors and ultimately earn more in their law career.

Being part of the debate guild helps your sim grow their research and debate skill by participating in events. You also will be awarded a research and archive machine for climbing the ranks so you can hone your skills at home. This article will tell you exactly what your sim needs to do in order to become part of the debate guild and climb the ranks to become a senior member.

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The Sims 4 Discover University: Research & Debate Skill Overview

11 12 19 7 32 41 PM

Presented by EA Game Changers

The Research & Debate skill is a new 10-level skill that comes with The Sims 4: Discover University . Sims will learn the power of persuasion and the importance of doing their research with this skill, which will come in handy for coursework, debates, and convincing other Sims to do various tasks.

Leveling up in this skill will help your Sims win debates, so Sims involved in UBrite’s Debate Guild organization will want to focus on building this skill. Any academically-inclined Sims will benefit from this skill, as it will allow them to finish homework and write term papers faster. Mischievous Sims may have an interest in building this skill in order to convince other Sims to do all kinds of tasks for them, from cleaning and cooking to doing their homework for them.

The Research & Debate Skill is built by researching topics on the research machine and practicing debates either at a debate podium or in the mirror. Researching the Secret Society and Urban Legends does not build the Research & Debate skill.

The Sims 4 Discover University: Research & Debate Skill Overview

Research & Debate Skill Levels

  • Can use the research machine to research some limited topics
  • Can use a mirror to practice debating
  • Can read books faster
  • Can debate with other Sims at the debate podium
  • Can complete homework faster
  • Prepare for Debate on the research machine
  • Convince other Sims: Bathe, Do Keg Stand
  • Greater study progress while studying
  • Research more topics on the research machine
  • Convince other Sims: Do Homework for Sim, Cook
  • Can complete presentations and term papers faster
  • Contribute Knowledge on research machines for simoleons
  • Convince other Sims: Clean
  • Can convince roommate to stay if roommate is thinking of leaving the house
  • Write and publish research papers on the computer
  • Faster skill gain from reading books
  • Convince other Sims: Go Streaking
  • Convince Boss to Give Bonus on the phone
  • Can have professional debates at the debate podium for simoleons (and fame if Get Famous is installed)
  • Give Professional Commentary at a debate podium or single podium for simoleons (and fame if Get Famous is installed)

What’s your favourite part of the Research & Debate skill? Let us know in the comments or come chat with us on social media!

For a full breakdown of the Robotics skill, check out our article, Discover University: Robotics Skill Overview

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The Sims 4: Law Career Guide


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For a life sim game, The Sims 4 is the closest to replicating real life in a virtual setting. While this game covered most careers, some major ones still needed to be included initially. Among those careers is the Law career that was finally added to the game with The Sims 4 Discover University Pack .

In The Sims 4 , law is one of those careers that allows Sims to work from home and spend time with their friends and family. It consists of 10 levels with two branches: Judge and Private Attorney. Despite not being as rewarding as other careers , it still offers a wealth of tasks and rewards to keep players hooked.

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How To Choose Law Career Sims 4

To pursue a Law career in The Sims 4 , players must ensure that their Sim gets a degree in either language, literature, or history. After completing a degree, players can have their Sim choose this career by accessing the career panel.

Traits and Skills For Law Career

sims 4 law career traits and skills

The traits and skills listed in the table below are beneficial for a law career in The Sims 4 .

This skill is necessary for players seeking to thrive in a law career. Research and Debate skills can be maxed quickly with the help of research computers while studying at university.

in the law career, specifically for a private attorney branch. Sims can level up this skill by increasing their interactions with fellow Sims.

Needless to say, this trait will play a pivotal role in determining a sim’s success in this career. Moreover, a genius trait will also benefit in developing the logic skill, which is extremely important for this career. Genius trait enables Sims to stay focused and tackle complicated problems swiftly.

The Sims 4 Law Career Ranks, Daily Earnings and Branches


Job Title

Daily Earnings


Process Server



File Clerk



Legal Secretary






Budding Barrister



Adept Attorney



Promising Prosecutor


Judge Branch Rank & Earnings


Job Title

Daily Earnings


Gavel Smasher



Honorable Arbitrator



Chief of Justice


Private Attorney Branch Rank & Earnings


Job Title

Daily Earnings


Lead Litigator



Legal Eagle



Preeminent Partner


Law Career Cheat Sims 4

sims 4 law career cheat

Players looking to cut the legwork out of the equation can take advantage of cheats to level up in law careers. After enabling cheats in the game , players just need to type " careers.promote law " in the cheat box and press enter to advance their Sims in the law career.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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How do you research a current case in Sims 4?

These can be found via the Careers menu followed by the Law Career sub-menu. To complete the Work From Home Assignment for this career, your Sim will need to use an Electromagnetic Research Archive Machine. These can be found in the Student Commons or you can purchase one from Buy Mode.

How do you research on The Sims 4?

Unlocking Research & Debate skill is simple ” click on a mirror and select the option to practice debate. You can also use this option to develop the skill. Another way to develop this skill is to use an Electromagnetic Research Archive Machine ” you can buy it for 12,000 Simoleons or use it for free at the University.

What is a research archive machine in Sims 4?

When your Sim gets higher level, they can use the Research Archive Machine to contribute knowledge on one of several skills, including Research and Debate, Painting, Charisma, Handiness, Logic, and Robotics. Having skill in these in addition to your Research and Debate Skill helps to improve the amounts you make.

How do you open the case map in Sims 4?

To start out, you’ll need to interact with a computer in the station. Once you’ve got it, you can set up a new case file with the case map. You can also use the map to teleport to the crime scene. The crime scene is always a random house.

Where is the crime map on Sims 4?

While your Sims is working as a Detective you can Go on Patrol. Go On Patrol interaction can be found on the Police Desk, Crime Map, and when clicking in a “travel region” in the open street.

What degrees can you get in Sims 4?

How to choose a suitable University Degree to suit your Sim’s skills and career in The Sims 4

Which university is better in Sims 4?

Britechester is definitely the best university to attend if your Sim is looking to get a head start in the law career. If you’re looking to pick the Private Attorney career path, definitely seek out a distinguished degree at Britechester in the Language and Literature program.

Which university is the best Sims 4?

Discover University

Can you get pregnant in Sims 4 university?

There is no pregnancy in The Sims, but if a family is evicted while there is a baby in the house, the baby will be lost.

How long does the Sims 4 sale last 2020?

Re: how often do expansion packs go on sale in sims 4? Actually, the sale lasts until May 14 2020.

Is The Sims 4 better now?

As much flak as The Sims 4 gets for its barren base game, the fundamental changes are great. Sims now multitask much better. Sims can socialise in a group, making getting friends much easier. They also don’t just stand around, if there’s seating they’ll go find it.

Is Sims 4 worth it without expansion packs?

It’s definitely better with packs but I liked it without them too. If you need a bit more time, you could look into getting the Origin subscription for a month since Sims 4 is included in that. , I had Sims 4 base game for years, and I still don’t have any expansion packs. CC saved my Sim life.

Is The Sims 4 bad?

The Sims 4 is the WORST game of Sims series, or second worst after the original The Sims game launched in 2000 (it being the first Sims game, is understandable why it was a bad game, but for a 2014 game is simply unacceptable to be so bad). All lots are fixed on screen, a cartoon-style 2D map like in The Sims 1.

Is Sims 4 good without DLC?

If you’re really into the Sims games it can be fun without dlc. There is quite a lot of content in the vanilla game, though it could feel kind of lacking after a while.

Is the Sims still fun?

The Sims 4 is a fun and enjoyable game, though of course, it’s not as good as The Sims 3. The base games are never as good as the entire series before them, and it’s mainly due to the fact that you’ve just played a game with 12+ expansion and stuff packs, and then moved on to a boring, “vanilla” base game.

Is Sims 4 standard or deluxe better?

There is no difference between to two in terms of a base game. In other words, you’ll be able to install additional packs with either The Sims 4 Standard Edition or The Sims 4 Deluxe Edition. The Deluxe Edition just comes with some extra content right off the bat which the standard game doesn’t offer.

How much would it cost to buy all Sims 4 packs?

The standard edition of The Sims 4 base game costs $40. For the sake of simplicity, let’s do this calculation in a single currency (USD) and assume you do not have any subscriptions or discounts to apply. The cost of all The Sims 4 expansions together is US$359,91 (that’s a whopping ZAR 6 065.06 or £280.26).

Can I play The Sims 4 without origin?

Re: Is There a Way to Install Sims 4 Without Logging Into Origin Client? You need to use Origin for the initial install. What issues are you having, perhaps we can help? Once the game is installed and launched once, you can set Origin to offline and launch the game without using it.

How many GB is Sims 4?

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how to research current case in sims 4

Sims 4 Guide by gamepressure.com

Sims 4 Guide

The Sims 4 Discover University: Law - a new career, skills, levels, earnings Sims 4 Guide, tips

Last update: 07 April 2022

Law is one of the new careers in The Sims 4 Discover University - this page has all the information about this career. We have listed the skills you need to develop to get a promotion faster. You will also find descriptions of the available Law levels - salary, promotion requirements as well as working days and hours.

What skills do I need to develop to get a promotion?

Law career levels.

You should focus on Charisma, Logic and Research & Debate. - The Sims 4 Discover University: Law - a new career, skills, levels, earnings - The Sims 4: Discover University - Sims 4 Guide

The Law career requires you to develop the following skills: Research & Debate , Charisma and Logic . The easiest way to increase Charisma and Research & Debate is to practice at a mirror . You can increase Logic by using a chessboard .

This table provides a complete description of all Law career levels. Here you can check the job name, salary per hour, promotion requirements (skills and tasks), and working days and hours.

Logic: 2

Charisma: 2

Charisma: 3

Charisma: 3

After getting the position of a Promising Prosecutor , you have to choose one of the two branches - Private Attorney or Judge .

The Private Attorney branch looks like this:

Charisma: 5

Charisma: 6

Charisma: 7

The Judge branch looks like this:

Logic: 5

Logic: 6

Logic: 7

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I would keep going with the 4th case. Also, you might try not following your sim to work one day and see if you can get her progress to move that way. If you have her in a club and have the network perk, she will actually make more progress than if you join her at work.
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Research & debate.

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The Sims 4: Discover University

Research & debate is a skill in The Sims 4: Discover University . Practicing this skill allows Sims to become better at studying, debating, and influencing other Sims' opinions.

  • 1 Description
  • 3 Level unlocks

Description [ ]

Research & Debate is all about learning information and then utilizing it-whether that be in a debate or through social influence. This skill can be improved and used with the Research Archive Machine to Research varying topics, and the mirror to Practice Debating.

Overview [ ]

This skill affects the " Convince to... " social interactions. Sims can attempt to convince others to bathe and cook. Options such as convincing others to go streaking or cleaning become available to Sims with higher levels of research & debate.

A failed " Convince to... " interaction will result in a negative moodlet.

Level unlocks [ ]

Level Ability
1 Can use the research machine to research some limited topics and can use a mirror to practice debating
2 Read books faster and debate with other Sims at the debate podium
3 Complete homework faster, prepare for Debate on the research machine and convince other Sims to bathe or do a keg stand
4 Greater study progress while studying and more researchable topics on the research machine
5 Can convince other Sims to do homework for them and cook
6 Can complete presentations and term papers faster and can contribute Knowledge on research machines for simoleons
7 Can convince other Sims to clean and can convince roommates to stay if they were thinking of leaving the house
8 Can write and publish research papers on the computer and gain skills faster from reading books
9 Can convince other Sims to go streaking and can convince their boss to give them a bonus on the phone
10 Can have professional debates or commentaries at a debate podium for simoleons (and fame if is installed)

Learning [ ]

Research & debate skill is available for Sims who are teens or older. It is primarily learned by practicing a debate on a podium or a mirror , as well as researching via the Research Archive Machine.

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    how to research current case in sims 4


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  1. The Sims 4 Law Career Guide

    Reach Level 9 Research and Debate, Level 9 Logic, Make Rulings. $1,500, Guest Speak at University About Law Interaction. 10. Chief of Justice. $205/hour. Tue-Thu 8AM-3PM. $1435. Reach Level 10 Research and Debate, Level 7 Logic, Make Rulings. $2,200, On a Scale of 1 to Justice (decorative Scales in pic above).

  2. Sims 4: Where to Find the Research Archive Machine and How to Use It

    There are three different ways to look for them in the menu. Use the search bar in the top left corner of the build/buy menu, and search Research Archive Machine. Search for it by looking at "Objects by Room", and then to the "Study" tab. Go to "Hobbies and Skill" which is shown in the menu by the easel. Search for it by looking at ...

  3. The Sims 4 Discover University: Law Career Guide

    Promising Prosecutor. Hourly Rate - $105. Schedule - Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9 am-4 pm. Promotion Tasks - Reach Level 7 Research & Debate Skill, Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill. Bonus - $750 & Barrister's Bookcase. The Law Career divides into two different branches which are either the Judge branch or the Private Attorney branch.

  4. Sims 4 Law Career: How to Research Current Case

    Here are some tips to help your Sim effectively research current cases in the Sims 4 law career: Tip. Description. Utilize Computer. Encourage your Sim to use the computer to search for information on current cases. This can provide valuable insights and updates on the latest legal developments. Visit Library.

  5. The Sims 4: Law Career Guide

    The first lot trait that will be helpful is the science lair lot trait, this one is going to make your sim gain the logic skill more quickly. The second one that will help the law career is the convivial lot trait. This one is great for the charisma skill because it makes social interactions go more smoothly which can help you gain the skill ...

  6. Complete Law Career Guide

    A complete guide to the Law career in The Sims 4, including the basics to the career, as well as a look into all of the branches, being Private Attorney and ...

  7. Law Career Guide For The Sims 4

    If you start the Law Career from level one - and don't have a degree - you will have to take and pass the Lawyer's Exam at career level 4 . Unlocks new clothes . At level eight, you will be able to choose a career branch for your Sim. The final three levels of the Law Career are unique for each career branch.

  8. Lawyer Career

    Law Office (Levels 5 - 9) - At this level only the NPC assistant works with you. Supreme Court Building (Level 10) University. Sims with a degree in History or Language and Literature will jump to the Budding Barrister career level. Make sure to re-download the University Level Jump Career file. Helpful Information: After your Sims attend ...

  9. The Sims 4 Research and Debate Skill

    The Research and Debate Skill is very interesting to me. It's essentially a skill that teaches Sims to learn and to be more persuasive in convincing others. You'll get a bunch of different passive boosts by leveling this skill, a few unique abilities, and can get other Sims to shower, cook meals, or clean up the house - perfect for managing ...

  10. Sims 4 Law Career Guide: Is This Career Right for Your Sim?

    The Law Career branch requires more skills than other career branches I played. Your Sim will have to improve their Charisma and Research and Debate skills to excel at their job. Once your Sim reaches level 6, they must improve their Logic skill. Always keep a chess board and bookshelf in the home.

  11. The Sims 4: Discover University

    Made available in The Sims 4: Discover University expansion, the Research & Debate skill teaches your Sim persuasive communication methods. How you choose to use these new skills is up to you - you can manage NPC Sims (which is massively beneficial when living with roommate Sims), coerce others to complete tasks on your behalf like your homework or your dinner, or even to perform assorted ...

  12. Where to find Research Archine Machine NOT at the university?

    Driving me nuts lols. you will need to go to britechester bc the researcher machine came with the pack so it is the only place where they are, BUT you can edit a lot and add one :) i think a library would make sense, just use de "bb.enablefreebuild" cheat when you arrive at the lot you want to place it, enter build mode and simply add it ...

  13. Sims 4 Law Career: All About Its Branches, Promotions And Rewards

    Law Career In Sims 4: It's Time To Serve Justice! If you have Sims 4: Discover University, this means your Sims have a unique opportunity to work as lawyers!Aspiring justice seekers can choose to become Private Attorneys or join the Judge branch. Naturally, the career heavily relies on research and debate skills, followed by charisma and logic.The Law Career is one of the semi-active, or ...

  14. Where to Find the Research Archive Machine and More

    Sims 4 Discover University came with a handy new object known as the Research Archive Machine that your sim can use to grow their research and debate skill and win heated debates with other sims.. You can find Research Archive Machines in either of the campus's student union and in the Laurel Library in Gibbs Hill, your sim can use these to grow their skills, contribute knowledge, and much more.

  15. Sims 4: Guide to the Law Career

    The law career is included in the Sims 4 Discover University expansion pack. This pack allows your sims to pursue higher education, join student organizations, and enjoy all the college life has to offer. You also have the ability to jump start any career if you have an right degree. Learn how to enroll in university, apply for scholarships ...

  16. The Sims 4: How To Write and Publish A Research Paper

    Research Paper Earnings. The amount of money a Sim can earn by writing and publishing a research paper is random. They can write a research paper on any skill, and even if they write about a skill ...

  17. The Sims 4 Discover University: Research & Debate Skill Overview

    The Research & Debate skill is a new 10-level skill that comes with The Sims 4: Discover University. Sims will learn the power of persuasion and the importance of doing their research with this skill, which will come in handy for coursework, debates, and convincing other Sims to do various tasks. Leveling up in this skill will help your Sims ...

  18. The Sims 4: Law Career Guide

    After enabling cheats in the game, players just need to type " careers.promote law " in the cheat box and press enter to advance their Sims in the law career. The Sims 4 is available now for PC ...

  19. How do you research a current case in Sims 4?

    Unlocking Research & Debate skill is simple " click on a mirror and select the option to practice debate. You can also use this option to develop the skill. Another way to develop this skill is to use an Electromagnetic Research Archive Machine " you can buy it for 12,000 Simoleons or use it for free at the University.

  20. The Sims 4 Discover University: Law

    You should focus on Charisma, Logic and Research & Debate. The Law career requires you to develop the following skills: Research & Debate, Charisma and Logic. The easiest way to increase Charisma and Research & Debate is to practice at a mirror. You can increase Logic by using a chessboard.

  21. The Detective Career: Solved Cases and Other Questions

    To reach to the top of the detective career, one must solve at least 6 cases. I think the best strategy to do this, is to solve all 6 cases in your early stages of the career. By doing this, you need not worry about solving cases when there is a promotion opportunity.

  22. Research & debate

    Research & debate is a skill in The Sims 4: Discover University. Practicing this skill allows Sims to become better at studying, debating, and influencing other Sims' opinions. Research & Debate is all about learning information and then utilizing it-whether that be in a debate or through social influence. This skill can be improved and used with the Research Archive Machine to Research ...

  23. Has anyone been successful researching their sims genealogy?

    Probably something like invitro fertilization or something like that with a more family friend name. Exactly if you ever played 3 into the future it is the same concept as the future babys or what the name no was. That you could have at the hospital in the future. Nothing happens anytime I try.