Smithsonian Podcast

How the Cell Phone Is Forever Changing Human Communication

An ongoing study by Smithsonian anthropologists investigates the dramatic shifts wrought by the smart phone

Social media

Nearly 10 years ago, the first ever iPhone was released, thus changing the course of human interaction. What was once an organic process that occurred in a more personal manner, the imposition of a new form of communication has redefined the way in which humans build relationships and determine social rank. An incorrectly used exclamation point could end a friendship or a picture taken with the wrong individual could cause a plummet in social standing if uploaded to Instagram.

Sure -- it may sound ridiculous that Snapchat, an application through which friends send pictures that can only be viewed for a few seconds before deletion, has the ability to destroy relationships, but cell phones have started a new type of conversation, one that has catalyzed the restructuring of our social environment.

Every picture, every snapchat, every punctuation mark is part of a new form of language brought about by a new tool of communication.

Anthropologists Alex Dent, Joel Kuipers and Josh Bell are in the first year of a three-year study that looks at cell phones trouble among teens. Josh, a curator at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History is investigating why apps like Instagram and Snapchat have the ability to uproot a social environment.

“It’s giving kind of a visual, tangible, index of your friendship, right? Which is interesting and there are all these different emoticons that indicate if I’m a friend with you and you’re not a friend with me,” says Bell.

The lack of face-to-face interaction is depersonalizing the way in which we communicate and, according to Bell, may depersonalize humans altogether. There is an absence of vulnerability in conversation smart phone and this deficiency may translate into substantial changes in human sociology. As for now Bell’s findings remain ‘unposted’ like a photo just taken by a teen.

With two years left on the study, however, it will likely take a comparable amount of time to edit, filter, and complete for publishing.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Mobile Phone for Students [100, 150, 250, 400 Words]

Essay on Mobile Phone: Mobile Phone is a wonderful gift of science. In this article, you are going to learn to write an essay on Mobile Phone in English (100, 150, 250 and 400 Words). So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words

The mobile phone is one of the greatest gifts of modern science. It is also called cell phone or smart phone.  It is a great medium of communication. In earlier times mobile phones were used only for communication. But now-a-days a mobile phone is used as an entertainment device. We can use it for watching videos, listening to music, capturing pictures, web browsing, calculating, navigating and many more purposes.

The mobile phone has many advantages but we should use it in moderation. Excessive use of mobile phones can affect our physical and mental health. Students often misuse it and their study is affected badly. We should use our mobile phones very wisely.

Essay on Mobile Phone in English

Mobile Phone Essay: 150 Words

The mobile phone is a miracle of science. From a minor student to an ordinary Worker, everyone possesses a cell phone. Indeed, this is a very popular item today. It is truly, a mark of modern living, a part of the modern life-style. Of course, its usefulness is undeniable. Now a man can have communication anywhere, anytime to anyone sitting thousands of kilometers from him.

Today it is not only a communication device. It can be used for a number of purposes like online ticket booking, navigation, playing video games, taking pictures, recording videos, web browsing, video calling etc. In fact, now we use mobile phone for taking online classes. Hence it is called a Smart Phone. At the same time, the excessive craze for this is not desirable and may even prove dangerous. Mobile phone is to be taken as an utility service, and not as a show-piece.

Mobile Phone Essay in English

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Essay on Mobile Phone: 250 Words

A mobile phone or cell phone is a hand-held portable radiophone that uses the cellular or satellite network for voice or data communication. Unlike landline phones, which are fixed, mobile phones can be easily carried, and one can contact a person anywhere whether at home, on the bus, in street, or in a meeting. Apart from talking, it can be used for sending SMS, e-mail and for taking photos and videos.

High-end mobiles act as mini computers, offering services like internet, diary, music, iPod, calculator, alarm clock, etc. It is extremely useful in emergencies. But there is a tendency to abuse it. To many, it is an Addiction rather than a necessity. A cell phone ringing in an auditorium is most annoying. Using a mobile phone while driving a car or a motorbike and crossing a road or a railway track had led to many accidents.

Teleshopping is a great nuisance. Privacy is often violated, as most mobile users are unaware that they could be photographed or tracked. Terrorists use this gadget to trigger bombs and achieve their ends. Mobiles can also cause health hazards. The radiations from mobiles may cause injury to the brain. Cellphones on vibration mode put in front pocket may damage the heartbeat system. With all its advantages, what is, therefore, needed is moderation in the use of mobile phones.

Also Read: Essay on Television in English

Essay on Mobile Phones: 400 Words

When telephone was first introduced in the world in the 1950s, people were keenly interested in it. As an easier way of communication, telephone has its own merit. Of late, the introduction of mobiles makes an easy access to communication. It is in fact inevitable in the present day of hurry and business. People have warmly accepted mobiles as the blessing of science. There is little doubt that without the use of mobiles none is nowadays able to lead one’s life quite normally. One is capable of communicating with people, staying far away very quickly. Thus many a problem can be well- solved by way of using these mobiles.

But everything has its merit and demerit. As science is a bane as well as a boon, mobiles are to some extent to be cursed. People, especially the young generation, have been abusing mobiles. They not only chat in an unexpected way but also indulge themselves in leading immoral life by abusing mobiles. Apart from this, several mercenary companies exploit the advantage of mobiles to meet their selfish ends. They do business through mobiles. As a result, young people have been misguided. To use mobiles is for them to be up to date. They avail themselves of the opportunity of the internet connection in their mobiles and do whatever they like to do. Obscene video clippings and some other versions of immoral entertainment are now available in mobiles. Therefore, the students have now tremendous fascination for the mobiles. Consequently, instead of studying, concentrate on using mobiles for sheer fun.

Another demerit is that because of the excessive use of the mobiles different companies plunge themselves into doing profitable business. Consequently, numerous towers have been erected for the network of mobiles. It is well known that a particular wave which is responsible for the mobile network does harm to the ecological balance of the environment. It is evident in the pale colors of the trees and fruits adjacent to the mobile towers.

Thus, it is the time to be conscious of the abuse of the mobiles. The concerned authority should take immediate steps to stop immoral business which is proliferating in abusing mobiles. All should remember that the sole purpose of mobile is to communicate. Entertainment may be available in the network of mobiles. But there should be no immoral design. Above all, the government should restrict the use of mobiles, so much so that anti-social activities may not be done through mobiles.

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essay on cell phone communication

I really enjoyed reading your blog post on the benefits of using a mobile phone for students. I think it is a great idea to have students use mobile phones to stay connected and organized. I also think it is important for students to be

essay on cell phone communication

I really like your thinking on Mobile phones thanks

essay on cell phone communication

Alot of good information on this blog, thanks!

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Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

How Smartphones Are Killing Conversation

What happens when we become too dependent on our mobile phones? According to MIT sociologist Sherry Turkle, author of the new book Reclaiming Conversation , we lose our ability to have deeper, more spontaneous conversations with others, changing the nature of our social interactions in alarming ways.

Turkle has spent the last 20 years studying the impacts of technology on how we behave alone and in groups. Though initially excited by technology’s potential to transform society for the better, she has become increasingly worried about how new technologies, cell phones in particular, are eroding the social fabric of our communities.

In her previous book, the bestselling Alone Together , she articulated her fears that technology was making us feel more and more isolated, even as it promised to make us more connected. Since that book came out in 2012, technology has become even more ubiquitous and entwined with our modern existence. Reclaiming Conversation is Turkle’s call to take a closer look at the social effects of cell phones and to re-sanctify the role of conversation in our everyday lives in order to preserve our capacity for empathy , introspection, creativity, and intimacy.

essay on cell phone communication

I interviewed Turkle by phone to talk about her book and some of the questions it raises. Here is an edited version of our conversation.

Jill Suttie: Your new book warns that cell phones and other portable communication technology are killing the art of conversation. Why did you want to focus on conversation, specifically?

Sherry Turkle: Because conversation is the most human and humanizing thing that we do. It’s where empathy is born, where intimacy is born—because of eye contact, because we can hear the tones of another person’s voice, sense their body movements, sense their presence. It’s where we learn about other people. But, without meaning to, without having made a plan, we’ve actually moved away from conversation in a way that my research was showing is hurting us.

JS: How are cell phones and other technologies hurting us?

ST: Eighty-nine percent of Americans say that during their last social interaction, they took out a phone, and 82 percent said that it deteriorated the conversation they were in. Basically, we’re doing something that we know is hurting our interactions.

I’ll point to a study. If you put a cell phone into a social interaction, it does two things: First, it decreases the quality of what you talk about, because you talk about things where you wouldn’t mind being interrupted, which makes sense, and, secondly, it decreases the empathic connection that people feel toward each other.

So, even something as simple as going to lunch and putting a cell phone on the table decreases the emotional importance of what people are willing to talk about, and it decreases the connection that the two people feel toward one another. If you multiply that by all of the times you have a cell phone on the table when you have coffee with someone or are at breakfast with your child or are talking with your partner about how you’re feeling, we’re doing this to each other 10, 20, 30 times a day.

JS: So, why are humans so vulnerable to the allure of the cell phone, if it’s actually hurting our interactions?

ST: Cell phones make us promises that are like gifts from a benevolent genie—that we will never have to be alone, that we will never be bored, that we can put our attention wherever we want it to be, and that we can multitask, which is perhaps the most seductive of all. That ability to put your attention wherever you want it to be has become the thing people want most in their social interactions—that feeling that you don’t have to commit yourself 100 percent and you can avoid the terror that there will be a moment in an interaction when you’ll be bored.

Actually allowing yourself a moment of boredom is crucial to human interaction and it’s crucial to your brain as well. When you’re bored, your brain isn’t bored at all—it’s replenishing itself, and it needs that down time.

We’re very susceptible to cell phones, and we even get a neurochemical high from the constant stimulation that our phones give us.

I’ve spent the last 20 years studying how compelling technology is, but you know what? We can still change. We can use our phones in ways that are better for our kids, our families, our work, and ourselves. It’s the wrong analogy to say we’re addicted to our technology. It’s not heroin.

JS: One thing that struck me in your book was that many people who you interviewed talked about the benefits of handling conflict or difficult emotional issues online. They said they could be more careful with their responses and help decrease interpersonal tensions. That seems like a good thing. What’s the problem with that idea?

ST: It was a big surprise when I did the research for my book to learn how many people want to dial down fighting or dealing with difficult emotional issues with a partner or with their children by doing it online.

But let’s take the child example. If you do that with your child, if you only deal with them in this controlled way, you are basically playing into your child’s worst fear—that their truth, their rage, their unedited feelings, are something that you can’t handle. And that’s exactly what a parent shouldn’t be saying to a child. Your child doesn’t need to hear that you can’t take and accept and honor the intensity of their feelings.

People need to share their emotions—I feel very strongly about this. I understand why people avoid conflict, but people who use this method end up with children who think that the things they feel aren’t OK. There’s a variant of this, which is interesting, where parents give their children robots to talk to or want their children to talk to Siri, because somehow that will be a safer place to get out their feelings. Again, that’s exactly what your child doesn’t need.

JS: Some studies seem to show that increased social media use actually increases social interaction offline. I wonder how this squares with your thesis?

ST: How I interpret that data is that if you’re a social person, a socially active person, your use of social media becomes part of your social profile. And I think that’s great. My book is not anti-technology; it’s pro-conversation. So, if you find that your use of social media increases your number of face-to-face conversations, then I’m 100 percent for it.

Another person who might be helped by social media is someone who uses it for taking baby steps toward meeting people for face-to-face conversations. If you’re that kind of person, I’m totally supportive. 

I’m more concerned about people for whom social media becomes a kind of substitute, who literally post something on Facebook and just sit there and watch whether they get 100 likes on their picture, whose self-worth and focus becomes dictated by how they are accepted, wanted, and desired by social media.

And I’m concerned about the many other situations in which you and I are talking at a dinner party with six other people, and everyone is texting at the meal and applying the “three-person rule”—that three people have to have their heads up before anyone feels it’s safe to put their head down to text. In this situation, where everyone is both paying attention and not paying attention, you end up with nobody talking about what’s really on their minds in any serious, significant way, and we end up with trivial conversations, not feeling connected to one another.

JS: You also write about how conversation affects the workplace environment. Aren’t conversations just distractions to getting work done? Why support conversation at work?

More on Technology

Read Jill Suttie's review of Reclaiming Conversation .

How healthy are your online and offline social networks? Take the quiz !

five ways to build caring community on social media .

Take Christine Carter's advice to use technology intentionally and stop checking your freaking phone .

Learn how technology is shaping romance .

ST: In the workplace, you need to create sacred spaces for conversation because, number one, conversation actually increases the bottom line. All the studies show that when people are allowed to talk to each other, they do better—they’re more collaborative, they’re more creative, they get more done.

It’s very important for companies to make space for conversation in the workplace. But if a manager doesn’t model to employees that it’s OK to be off of their email in order to have conversation, nothing is going to get accomplished. I went to one workplace that had cappuccino machines every 10 feet and tables the right size for conversation, where everything was built for conversation. But people were feeling that the most important way to show devotion to the company was answering their email immediately. You can’t have conversation if you have to be constantly on your email. Some of the people I interviewed were terrified to be away from their phones. That translates into bringing your cell phone to breakfast and not having breakfast with your kids.

JS: If technology is so ubiquitous yet problematic, what recommendations do you make for keeping it at a manageable level without getting so hooked?

ST: The path ahead is not a path where we do without technology, but of living in greater harmony with it. Among the first steps I see is to create sacred spaces—the kitchen, the dining room, the car—that are device-free and set aside for conversation. When you have lunch with a friend or colleague or family member, don’t put a phone on the table between you. Make meals a time when you are there to listen and be heard.

When we move in and out of conversations with our friends in the room and all the people we can reach on our phones, we miss out on the kinds of conversations where empathy is born and intimacy thrives. I met a wise college junior who spoke about the “seven-minute rule”: It takes seven minutes to know if a conversation is going to be interesting. And she admitted that she rarely was willing to put in her seven minutes. At the first “lull,” she went to her phone. But it’s when we stumble, hesitate, and have those “lulls” that we reveal ourselves most to each other.

So allow for those human moments, accept that life is not a steady “feed,” and learn to savor the pace of conversation—for empathy, for community, for creativity.

About the Author

Headshot of Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie, Psy.D. , is Greater Good ’s former book review editor and now serves as a staff writer and contributing editor for the magazine. She received her doctorate of psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1998 and was a psychologist in private practice before coming to Greater Good .

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Home Essay Samples Information Science and Technology Cell Phones

How Cell Phones Affect Our Lives

Table of contents, revolutionizing communication, altering social interactions, impact on productivity, health and well-being considerations, changing work dynamics, references:.

  • Chóliz, M. (2010). Mobile phone addiction: A point of issue. Addiction Research & Theory, 18(4), 489-494.
  • Clifford, S., & Valdespino, A. (2019). Are you phubbing right now? The Journal of Social Psychology, 159(4), 449-454.
  • Kuss, D. J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2017). Social networking sites and addiction: Ten lessons learned. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), 311.
  • Roberts, J. A., & David, M. E. (2016). My life has become a major distraction from my cell phone: Partner phubbing and relationship satisfaction among romantic partners. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 134-141.
  • Rosen, L. D., Carrier, L. M., & Cheever, N. A. (2013). Facebook and texting made me do it: Media-induced task-switching while studying. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3), 948-958.

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Does cell phone use really affect our communication skills?

Cartoon by Izzy Peterson

Cartoon by Izzy Peterson

by Erin Stewart , Editor November 25, 2013

We live in a world where communication through modern technology is almost required.  Everywhere people are texting, emailing, writing blogs and tweeting.  It’s hard to go anywhere without seeing someone using a phone or the Internet to connect with others. Can you imagine not being able to check your Twitter, Facebook or messages for a week? We would feel lost.

Of course the use of technology can be good. It provides us with faster, more efficient ways to communicate with others, but it can also harm our ability to communicate with people face to face. Many complain that our new digital skills impact our ability to write properly. We look old fashioned on paper.

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“Cell phones have changed communication because now, instead of friends actually having a face to face conversation, they text each other. This is bad because intent become misinterpreted, which can lead to ‘drama’ and friendship problems. The use of cell phones has affected me because whenever I am in a situation, instead of trying to make a conversation I resort to my cell phone,” Junior Taylor Strahan said.

How the message is sent can determine many additional factors as to how the message is interpreted by the receiver. All new information we learn is compared with the knowledge we already have. If it confirms what we already know, we will likely receive the new information accurately, though we may pay little attention to it. If it disputes our previous assumptions or interpretation of the situation, we may distort it in our mind so that it is made to fit our world view, or we may dismiss the information as deceptive, misguided, or simply wrong.

For example, if two people are involved in an escalated conflict, and they each assume that the other is going to be aggressive and hostile, then any ambiguous message will be interpreted as aggressive and hostile, even if it was not intended to be that way at all. Our expectations work as blinders or filters that distort what we see so that it fits our preconceived images of the world.

According to, “a bit more than a third (37%) of social network-using teens said they sent messages to friends every day through the social sites, a drop from the 42% of such teens who said they did so in February of 2008”. Face- to -face communication among children and teenagers is being squashed out by social networks. A phone call isn’t used to get in touch with someone anymore; Facebook and Twitter are the main tools of communication. The consequences of this are social awkwardness and even social anxiety when confronted with new people to meet in person. A study was done by among teenagers on social networks, and the amount of communication among teenagers on social networks, and the amount of communication by social network has remained steady.

Studies show that homework is interrupted and children become distracted when they receive notifications of a new chat messages, texts, or emails.

“Good communication is important because when we are adults and applying for interviews, we won’t know how to have proper communication, which can result in not getting the job. Another thing is kids are so focused on social networking on our phones that we spend less time on school work which causes bad grades. In the future when applying for college, they won’t accept us because we have bad grades and that is due to cell phone use,” Strahan added.

Texting has, in many ways, made communication easier by helping people avoid long, unpleasant phone conversations and making a quick “Hello” much easier. According to the Pew Research Center, 72% of teenagers text regularly, and one in three sends more than 100 texts per day. Clearly, texting is the preferred method of communication among young people, and that trend is moving upward toward adults, who are also texting much more frequently.

Studies have shown that it makes it difficult for students who rely so heavily on technology to actually communicate to adults in person because they don’t quite develop all of the necessary skills to hold or even start a face-to-face conversation. However, these skills are a crucial tool in the workforce. If you want a high paying, stable job, or possibly even to be admitted to a university, you must have good face-to-face communication skills. If you lack these specific skills you most likely won’t even make it through the interview.

“Teens are in the stage of their life where they’re learning so if you don’t learn to have good communication skills, then when you become an adult you will have a harder time asking for help, being proactive with things in your life,” said reading specialist Mrs. Tracey Cassidy.


Students who are constantly texting with abbreviated forms of words have begun to speak with the same acronyms. The now everyday uses of “LOL” and “OMG” have become substitutions for actual emotional responses in conversations. This form of talking is often seen as flighty and uneducated. They’re not only speaking in abbreviated ways but they are also beginning to become distracted during conversations. While texting, it is easy to jump from topic to topic when an idea comes to mind. However, this is causing many students to become unfocused and sidetracked during face to face conversations.

“I think that some cell phones have opened up communication for teens 100% because that’s how they communicate with their friends, parents, with their school work. I think it’s fantastic, and that’s what they really rely on, so it is good but some negatives are their communication skills are not as strong as they should be, like talking to other people,” Cassidy added.

“When I was a teen we did not have cell phones or computers.  I had a telephone in my room (which was a big deal) it was attached to the wall with a long cord and was then attached to a base so I couldn’t walk around the house and talk on the phone. I had to say in my room for privacy.  Before I got my own phone I would use the phone in the kitchen, I would stretch the phone cord as far as I could and then go into a closet for privacy,” parent Barbara Dempster said.

“Communication is a way for people to connect with each other and form relationship.  It is also a way to gather information from others. I like the variety of ways that people can communicate and keep in touch with one another.  I do feel that the importance of face- to- face communication has been impacted by the use of cell phone and texting vs. talking on the phone,” Dempster added.

We have become a society that is completely dependent on our technology to communicate with others. It’s almost impossible for us to maintain our social life without using some sort of modern-day technology to communicate.

“In terms of communication, it is harder for teens to communicate face to face with people with maybe teachers, because they’re so used to doing it via email. Sometimes it’s good, meaning if you don’t like a grade you have, you can email the teacher saying you have concerns about your grade. Where if you don’t have an email, you have to talk to your teacher about the grade you don’t like and you might be nervous and uncomfortable because it’s your teacher,” Cassidy said.

“I would tell teens that there is a time and place for texting and there is a time when you need to have a conversation either face to face or over the telephone,” said Dempster.

“Texting is great when you need to find out information quickly – Are you still coming over?  Do you want a soda?  Where are you?”

Dempster believes other situations require face- to -face like, “When you are joking and it may be difficult for the other person to sense your humor or sarcasm, communication with a teacher or adult. When telling your parents you did something wrong,” Dempster said.

According to Pew Research Center, “As technology continues to improve, the use of cell phones continues to change drastically. The increase over the last ten years has been incredible and the way we use our phones to stay connected and informed continues to change.”

“The average American smartphone user spent nearly 30 minutes a day checking or updating social networks. The way we use cell phones has changed drastically over the last year. Once upon a time, we used cell phones to make calls while we were away from our homes. Recent studies show that we may be migrating away from our primary use of the phone to more of a texting and mobile web device.”

Research from states that in 2012

•53% of adults own a smartphone.

•42% of people have used their phone for entertainment when they are bored.

•51% of users used their cell phone at least once to get information.

•27% said they had trouble doing something because they did not have their phone.

•29% turn off their phones to take a break from their digital life at night.

This article is not to say that mobile phones should be banned due to their many negative aspects. It depends upon us whether we use this technology for our progress and prosperity or for our destruction. No doubt, mobile phone is the best innovation of this era but people should use it in a positive sense.

Your donation will support the student journalists of Linganore High School. Your contribution will allow us to purchase camera/recording equipment and software. We hope to raise enough money to re-start a monthly printed issue of our paper.

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Anonymous • Jan 17, 2020 at 1:31 pm

Nice Interesting Good Great Article!

Anonymous • Oct 17, 2019 at 3:48 pm

Cellphones do affect our communication skills because people use cellphones way to much now a days no one knowns how to speak to each other face to face.

Devin • Oct 17, 2019 at 3:45 pm

This is Amazing

lili • Jun 8, 2019 at 1:39 am

This is great information i highly recommend it or the people in need of research . thanks 🙂

LokodokoLa • Mar 8, 2019 at 2:48 am

Good site. I would not be able to say this without a phone. I REALLY LOVE THE SNOW!!! It’s just falling down the screen, wow. Amazing.

Jaydee • Feb 27, 2018 at 10:25 am

this is one good argument writing.

ty picalpar ent • May 24, 2017 at 3:34 am

So informative it really shows everyone whats become of us. I have told my children this over 100 times and now I have something for them to believe, so much help thank you

derp • Apr 20, 2017 at 10:48 am

Yes I agree with what this is saying, technology is something to be afraid of. Most teens I know don’t even get up without knowing that they have their phone on them. I was born in the year 2000, and most of the time when people hear that, they speak their mind about how much things have changed, and how old they feel. I’m nearly 17 now, scared to death because I really don’t want to grow up. I know it’s something we all have to do, and the main reason for me saying that I don’t want to grow up is because of the internet. My favorite people online are one day going to be gone, People iv’e looked up to since I was 12, and it scared me because technology is stripping my life away. I don’t have interests, I don’t hang out with people, I’m basically a NEET, yet I take no step in trying to change it because I’m scared to. It’s not something I would usually talk about but I feel like I should speak up even just a little…

Isabella • Jan 13, 2017 at 7:12 am

Yes I agree with what this is saying, technology is something to be afraid of. Most teens I know don’t even get up without knowing that they have their phone on them. I was born in the year 2000, and most of the time when people hear that, they speak their mind about how much things have changed, and how old they feel. I’m nearly 17 now, scared to death because I really don’t want to grow up. I know it’s something we all have to do, and the main reason for me saying that I don’t want to grow up is because of the internet. My favorite people online are one day going to be gone, People iv’e looked up to since I was 12, and it scared me because technology is stripping my life away. I don’t have interests, I don’t hang out with people, I’m basically a NEET, yet I take no step in trying to change it because I’m scared to. It’s not something I would usually talk about but I feel like I should speak up even just a little…

Jeanna Brantley • Jan 12, 2017 at 10:55 am

I love this website because it gives you everything you need.

English Teacher NC • Jun 16, 2015 at 12:06 pm

This article is terrible. Although this article may produce awareness concerning cellphone use and its harmful effects, your argument is almost based solely on opinion. You have few facts to back up your claim and even then the facts you do have revolve around cellphone usage and not the harmful effects cellphone usage causes. I believe with more research and less contradicting statements you could have presented your argument better.

Noah Ismael, Admin • Jun 19, 2015 at 9:06 am

Thank you for your comment. If you have a specific concern that needs to be addressed by Lancer Media staff, please email us at [email protected] .

J • Mar 13, 2017 at 8:50 pm

I agree. Still, some people are not effected by this and some are.

Trinity Dollarhide • Dec 8, 2014 at 6:51 pm

Wow so informitive, I didn’t know most of the stuff in the whole artical…this will help me alot on my languge arts paper!

Justin Amundson • Nov 18, 2014 at 2:16 pm

I think this is so very true. I told my 8 children this at home and they started crying in joy and decided to give up their phones for 3 months. My husband is very blessed with me and having adopted 8 children feel blessed our children made the right choice. #blessed also follow me on twitter @JustinAmundson7

Beth • Jun 16, 2014 at 4:33 am

I’ve told my children this 100 times. This should be everywhere.

Jane Beckell • May 21, 2014 at 3:36 am

Wow this is very informing. This has helped me a lot with my research paper, and I also realized this is what has been affecting me when i write!;)

Ben Checketts • May 13, 2014 at 2:43 pm

I like it. It’s the next big thing.

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114 Cell Phone Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives, affecting various aspects of society, culture, and personal interactions. With their widespread use, it is no surprise that cell phones have also become a popular topic for essays. Whether you are writing an essay for an academic assignment or simply want to explore the impact of cell phones on different areas, we have compiled a list of 114 cell phone essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The evolution of cell phones: From bricks to smartphones.
  • The impact of cell phones on communication patterns in the 21st century.
  • How cell phones have transformed the way we interact with each other.
  • The pros and cons of cell phone usage in educational settings.
  • The role of cell phones in emergency situations.
  • The effects of excessive cell phone use on mental health.
  • Cell phones and distracted driving: A deadly combination.
  • The influence of cell phones on social relationships.
  • How cell phones have changed the way we shop.
  • The ethical implications of cell phone tracking and surveillance.
  • The impact of cell phones on workplace productivity.
  • The role of cell phones in political activism.
  • Cell phones and the digital divide: Access and inequality.
  • The effects of cell phone radiation on human health.
  • Cell phones and sleep disturbances: A growing concern.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of children owning cell phones.
  • Cell phones and cyberbullying: Addressing the dark side of connectivity.
  • The impact of cell phones on academic performance.
  • Cell phones as tools for empowerment in developing countries.
  • The portrayal of cell phones in popular culture and media.
  • The effects of cell phone addiction on personal relationships.
  • The influence of cell phones on the economy and business.
  • Cell phones and privacy: Balancing convenience with security.
  • The role of cell phones in disaster management and response.
  • The impact of cell phones on healthcare delivery and access.
  • Cell phones and cultural identity: How they shape our self-expression.
  • The effects of cell phone use on children's cognitive development.
  • Cell phones and environmental sustainability: E-waste and recycling.
  • The influence of cell phones on political participation and activism.
  • The ethics of using cell phones in educational settings.
  • The impact of cell phones on language and communication skills.
  • Cell phones and the decline of face-to-face interactions.
  • The effects of cell phone use on academic cheating and dishonesty.
  • Cell phones and the preservation of cultural heritage.
  • The role of cell phones in promoting access to information.
  • Cell phones and the decline of public phone booths.
  • The effects of cell phone use on memory and cognitive abilities.
  • Cell phones and democratization of media production and consumption.
  • The influence of cell phones on body image and self-esteem.
  • The impact of cell phones on the music industry.
  • Cell phones and the rise of digital nomads.
  • The effects of cell phone use on physical activity levels.
  • Cell phones and the gamification of everyday life.
  • The role of cell phones in fostering global connectivity.
  • The impact of cell phones on the tourism industry.
  • Cell phones and the transformation of news consumption.
  • The effects of cell phone use on driving skills and road safety.
  • Cell phones and the redefinition of public and private spaces.
  • The influence of cell phones on political campaigns and elections.
  • The future of cell phones: Trends and predictions.
  • Cell phones and the rise of online dating and relationships.
  • The effects of cell phone use on academic motivation and engagement.
  • Cell phones and the decline of traditional photography.
  • The role of cell phones in disaster preparedness and response.
  • The impact of cell phones on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.
  • Cell phones and the transformation of news reporting and journalism.
  • The effects of cell phone use on creativity and imagination.
  • Cell phones and the accessibility of healthcare information.
  • The influence of cell phones on cultural assimilation and integration.
  • The ethical implications of cell phones in surveillance and law enforcement.
  • The impact of cell phones on urban planning and design.
  • Cell phones and the decline of landline telephones.
  • The effects of cell phone use on reading habits and literacy.
  • Cell phones and the empowerment of marginalized communities.
  • The role of cell phones in disaster recovery and rebuilding efforts.
  • The impact of cell phones on personal safety and security.
  • Cell phones and the transformation of the music industry.
  • The effects of cell phone use on concentration and focus.
  • Cell phones and the accessibility of government services and information.
  • The influence of cell phones on cultural preservation and heritage.
  • The future of cell phones: Innovations and technological advancements.
  • Cell phones and the rise of citizen journalism.
  • The effects of cell phone use on mental well-being and happiness.
  • Cell phones and the decline of traditional media consumption.
  • The role of cell phones in promoting financial inclusion.
  • The impact of cell phones on the dynamics of romantic relationships.
  • Cell phones and the transformation of the advertising industry.
  • The effects of cell phone use on academic performance in different age groups.
  • Cell phones and the accessibility of legal services and information.

These essay topic ideas provide a broad range of perspectives to explore the impact of cell phones on various areas of society, culture, and personal life. Whether you choose to focus on the positive aspects, the negative consequences, or the ethical implications, there are numerous angles to approach this subject. Use these examples as a starting point to develop your own unique and compelling essay on cell phones.

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  • Networked Families
  • The internet, cell phones, and family communication

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  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction and previous research
  • Household types and technology ownership
  • Family social activities and togetherness
  • Spouses and children staying connected
  • Conclusions: The networked household
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The internet plays an important role in keeping in touch with loved ones both near and far.

One-third (33%) of online adults say that the internet has improved their connections with friends “a lot,” and nearly one-quarter (23%) say that it has greatly improved their connections with members of their family. By contrast, far fewer say their internet use has improved their capacity to make new friends: only 12% of internet users feel that the internet has greatly improved their ability to meet new people, and nearly two thirds (64%) say that it has not improved their ability to meet new people at all.

The internet as a communication tool

Adults of all ages see the internet as an important tool for maintaining connections with family members, but young people are far more likely than older adults to go online in order to keep in touch with existing friends and make new contacts. 6

As early and avid adopters of social networking, instant messaging and other social media applications, the internet is a key tool for young people to communicate, meet new friends and keep in touch with old ones:

The internet and connections between young people

The internet has led to more time working from both the home and office.

Most people view the internet as having a relatively minor influence on the amount of time that they spend on various activities. The primary exceptions are working and watching TV. For many internet users, new communication tools have led to an increase in the time they spend working, whether that work is done at the office or at home. One in five employed internet users (19%) say that using the internet has increased the amount of time they spend working from home, and one in ten (11%) say that it has increased the amount of time they spend working from the office. 

Despite the large number of people who now work from home, the blurring of work and family life has surprisingly few quantifiable effects with respect to the ways workers spend their private time. Individuals who work at home at least occasionally and those who are employed but do not work from home are similar in terms of their satisfaction with their time for family, friends and hobbies; the amount of time they spend with other household members; their tendency to socialize with others; and the perceived closeness of their family.

Where employment plays a role (such as in less satisfaction with the amount of time spent on hobbies or relaxation), the key difference is between those who are employed and those who are not—there is little difference between those who work from home and those who do not do so. One notable exception is the difference in time spent having dinner with family members. Among those who are employed and live with a spouse or child, 63% of those who do some work from home every day say they also have dinner with family members daily. By contrast, 48% of those who are employed but do not work from home every day have dinner with family members daily.

Roughly nine in ten internet users say that the time they spend online has had no impact on the amount of time they spend with friends, family, or at social events. These responses are almost unchanged since the last time we asked these questions in early 2001, despite the wide array of new online applications developed since then (and with the caveat that the online population is now much larger than in 2001).

The internet and time use patterns

Cell phones and the internet are seen as positive tools for improving the quality of communications with family members, particularly those who live elsewhere.

Most respondents see the internet and cell phones as a positive (or, at worst, negligible) influence on the quality of communications with friends, family and co-workers. 7 The internet and cell phones have the greatest positive impact on the quality of communications with family members living elsewhere, and the smallest positive impact on work-related communications. Notably, about half of the respondents in our survey feel that new communication technologies have not had an impact on their communications with household members, family members elsewhere, friends and coworkers. However, only a small percentage of adults feel that these technologies actually decrease the quality of their communications.

Impact of technology on communications

Most adults consider their family today to be as close, or closer, than the family they grew up in as children thanks to the internet and cell phones.

One-quarter of adults (25%) feel that the internet and cell phones have brought their family closer together than their own family was when they were growing up. Six in ten (60%) feel that these technologies haven’t made much difference in this regard, and only one-tenth (11%) feel that their family today is not as close as their childhood family because of new technologies. Families with the most technology – at least one cell phone and an internet connection – are relatively more likely to say their family is closer because of these technologies than are families with low levels of technology use.

Family closeness by technology ownership

Younger Americans, having spent much of their teens and early adulthood in a world of cell phones and internet access, tend to see little difference in the closeness of their current and childhood families. Two-thirds of 18-29 year olds and 62% of 30-49 year olds say that the internet and cell phones have not made much difference in how close their family is now compared with the one they grew up in. This drops to 55% for individuals age 65 or older.

  • This is consistent with other research (see Wang & Wellman 2008; Kennedy & Wellman 2007; Wellman et al 2006; Boneva & Kraut 2002; Horrigan & Rainie 2002). ↩
  • This is consistent with a good deal of other research on this subject, such as Wang & Wellman, 2008; Quan-Haase & Wellman 2004; Boase & Wellman 2006; Kennedy & Wellman 2007; Wellman et al 2005; Boneva & Kraut 2002; Horrigan & Rainie 2002; Haythornthwaite 2005; Mok & Wellman 2007; Hampton & Wellman 2003; Boase et al 2003; Copher, Kanfer & Walker 2002. ↩

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Mobile Phones and True Communication Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Communication is the conveyance of information, experience, emotion and so on between two parties through a certain channel. It should be true or sincere (without the need for clarification). The receiver should perceive the message in the right format intended by the sender. Anthony Robbins pointed out that “The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives” (James E. & Mark 153). Therefore we should always try to be genuine because it is through this we dictate our lives.

Mobile phones are the latest model of communication facilitating rapid access of information and their users vary from business people (offices) to young people for recreational purposes). The availability of the old telephone system was expensive if not impossible when conducting a communication over a great distance. This problem led to the invention of mobile phones which foster true communication in the following aspects.

Firstly they help the possessor to stay connected and acts as security in case of an emergency. It helps one to stay in touch with family members as well as business associates. In case one is confined somewhere, the phone can be used to reach out for help without endangering the victim. For instance, during the Tuesday, September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, the people who had evacuated the building were trying to get a hold of their family members and inform them about the attack. Others, who were trapped under the collapsed buildings, used their cellular phones to notify the outside world of their whereabouts.

Secondly, the new generation of WAP mobiles provides facilities such as an internet connection whereby one can send e-mail and even tune to a radio station. The radio enhances communication because one is capable to get world news despite the compactness of the phone. The e-mail feature enables businesspeople to contact their place of work no matter the time at hand. This provides a cheaper means to pass information through messages.

Thirdly, some even offer GPS feature which is capable of identifying a location across the globe. This can be used to track either the user or the cell phone itself in case of loss hence gives an exact where-about of that particular user. This can also be of much importance for the user when accessing an unfamiliar region by acting as a guide.

Lastly, service providers have grown tremendously with the developing mobile technology. The introduction of wireless technology has made the reception to be reliable. Hence the users have a wide range of choices on which provider has the best services. The escalating competition among the providers has resulted in frequent drops of tariff prices targeted to retain and even increase the subscribers.

The cell phones from the manufacturers vary in price and one has to choose whichever meets his or her requirements. Here the determining factors will be either the financial ability or the capability of the phone required. One can choose a basic phone for making calls or a complex, high technology phone capable of carrying out home computer tasks.

The need to foster true communication through mobile phones has accelerated the competition among the thriving wireless service provider industry, lowering the costs of the phones making them affordable and easy to use. They offer convenience, security and more so act as a “status symbol” (Dr Sadie50).

Ling, Rich, The Mobile Connection: the Cell Phone’s Impact on Society, 2004, p 127-153.

Katz, James E. & Aakhus, Mark, Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, 2002 p 123-168.

Plant, Dr. Sadie, The effects of mobile telephones on social and individual life , 2001, p 17-55.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 30). Mobile Phones and True Communication.

"Mobile Phones and True Communication." IvyPanda , 30 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Mobile Phones and True Communication'. 30 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Mobile Phones and True Communication." September 30, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Mobile Phones and True Communication." September 30, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Mobile Phones and True Communication." September 30, 2021.


Essay on Effects Of Mobile Phones On Students

Students are often asked to write an essay on Effects Of Mobile Phones On Students in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Effects Of Mobile Phones On Students


Mobile phones, once a luxury, have now become a necessity for everyone, including students. While they offer several benefits, they also pose significant challenges. Let’s explore their effects on students.

Learning Tool

Mobile phones can be great learning tools. They provide access to a vast amount of information on the internet. Students can use educational apps, watch educational videos, and even take online courses. This makes learning more interactive and fun.


Mobile phones make communication easier. Students can connect with their teachers, classmates, and parents anytime, anywhere. This helps in sharing information, discussing projects, and seeking help when needed.


On the flip side, mobile phones can be a major source of distraction. Students might spend excessive time on social media, games, and entertainment apps, leading to reduced study time and lower academic performance.

Health Issues

In conclusion, mobile phones have both positive and negative impacts on students. They can enhance learning and communication but can also lead to distraction and health issues. It’s important for students to use them wisely.

250 Words Essay on Effects Of Mobile Phones On Students

Mobile phones are a big part of our lives today. Most students use them for different things like playing games, chatting with friends, or studying. They can be helpful but also have some bad effects on students.

Positive Effects

Mobile phones can be really useful for students. They can use them to find information on the internet, use educational apps, and even take notes in class. This makes learning easier and more fun. Also, students can stay in touch with their friends and family, which is good for their social life.

Negative Effects

Even though mobile phones can be helpful, they can also cause problems. Students can get addicted to games or social media, which can make them spend less time on their studies. This can lead to poor grades. Also, spending too much time on the phone can lead to health problems like eye strain or poor sleep.

In conclusion, mobile phones have both good and bad effects on students. They can help with learning and staying connected, but can also lead to addiction and health problems. It’s important for students to use their phones wisely. They should try to balance their time between using their phone and doing other important things like studying and spending time with family.

500 Words Essay on Effects Of Mobile Phones On Students

One positive effect of mobile phones on students is that they can be used as learning tools. There are many educational apps and websites that students can access on their phones. These can help them understand difficult subjects, practice skills, and learn new things. For example, language learning apps can help students practice a new language. Also, there are apps for math, science, history, and many other subjects. These resources make learning more interesting and fun for students.

Mobile phones also make it easy for students to communicate with their friends, family, and teachers. They can send messages, make calls, and even have video chats. This can be very helpful, especially when students need help with their homework or projects. They can easily reach out to their classmates or teachers for assistance.


On the other hand, mobile phones can also have negative effects on students. One of these is distraction. Many students spend a lot of time on their phones, playing games, chatting with friends, or browsing social media. This can take away time from their studies and can lead to poor academic performance.

Another negative effect of mobile phones is health issues. Spending too much time on a phone can lead to problems like eye strain, poor posture, and even sleep disorders. These can affect a student’s health and well-being.

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Importance of Cell Phones in School

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Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words, 300 Words, 500 Words

essay on cell phone communication

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  • Feb 21, 2024

essay on my mobile phone

Mobile Phones are portable electronic devices used to make calls, browse the internet, click pictures, and do several other tasks. However, the mobile phones discovered in the early 1970s were quite different from the compact and slim devices we use today. Cell phones were invented by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973.

As modern humans, we all use mobile phones for our day-to-day functioning. At academic and higher education levels, students are given the task of writing an essay on mobile phones. An essay on mobile phones requires a comprehensive and detailed study of their history, major developments and the purposes it serve. In this article, we have provided essays on mobile phones for class 6,7,8.9, 10, and 12th standard students. Students can refer to these sample essays on mobile phones to write their own. Keep reading to find out essays on mobile phones and some fun facts about the device.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)
  • 2 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)
  • 3 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)
  • 4 Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)

Mobile phones are also known as cell phones or smartphones. It is a revolutionary technology that can connect people even from a distance. A smartphone can be used to call, text, click photos, send photos, manage calendars, calculate things, browse the internet, play music, watch movies, or simply use social media. Even banking activities can be done by using a smartphone. To this day and date, almost everyone is a mobile phone user. Although mobile phones are not recommended for children, it is a versatile tool that can be used by a student of any age.  Hence, it has become a significant part of everyday life.

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)

In the modern world, a smartphone is a necessity. Human beings have become dependent on devices to do their important work. The reason is, mobile phones have several applications that make the daily life of the user easier. It is no longer a luxury to own a mobile phone. The prices have gone down so much that an average middle-class person can afford it. It is the most important and affordable tool available in the market.

An average mobile phone can perform several tasks. Starting with connecting people at a distance through calls or texts to playing games. For example, a Nokia 1100 can have applications that can assist in calls, texting, listening to the radio, playing games, calendars, and more. A more advanced mobile phone such as an Android device or an iPhone can connect the device to the internet and open up plenty of possibilities. That is, on a smartphone along with the basic functions customers can send emails, and use social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, and X.  

Along with the advantages, a mobile phone comes with disadvantages too. However, the disadvantages of a smartphone are less based on the device. It is more related to how a user used the device. It can cause health problems such as poor eyesight, and sleep disruption. Aside from this, being excessively dependent on the phone can result in social isolation and less productivity.

Mobile Phone is an excellent device that can perform several functions for a user. Due to its advantages, it has become an indispensable tool in the modern world. However, with its benefits comes the cons. A user should not be too dependent on a smartphone. It can result in health problems, social isolation, and less productivity. 

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)

Mobile Phone is a portable telephone that performs a variety of functions for its users. The smartphone can be used to text, call, watch movies, listen to music, and even use social media applications. This cellular device has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, most of the disadvantages of a mobile phone circle around its overuse or misuse. The price of a mobile phone can vary between INR 2000 to $48.5 million based on the model and brand. 

Mobile phones have several advantages. For this reason, it has become a modern-day necessity. Some of the advantages of mobile phones are listed below:
The main reason why anyone would purchase a mobile phone is to make calls. Smartphones make it easy for a user to communicate with another user. Be it video calls, normal calls, or texting it can all be done on a mobile phone.
Browsing the Internet:
The Internet makes it easier to access information at your fingertips. A mobile phone user can use the internet to browse the internet, and even use applications that run on the internet. Thus, it can help a user to listen to music, watch movies, send emails, manage social accounts are more.  Furthermore, it also helps users to make online payments
Performing Business
Several established businesses use marketing strategies to promote their products and services. These are done with the help of the Internet. Mobile phone users can use social media accounts to promote their products and services. It also enables users to engage with other businesses.
Learning Applications
A variety of applications available on cellular devices help users to learn and grow. For example, educational materials such as online courses are available on these platforms/

There are several disadvantages to using mobile phones. Some of them are listed below:
Social Isolation
People are more interested in mobile phones than actually communicating with others face-to-face. Hence, mobile phones have created a time when people are connected and disconnected at the same time.
Lack of Productivity
Mobile phones have become so engrossing that it has resulted in smartphone addiction.  Being on the device for too long can make a person be in the virtual world more, and not in the real world. Thus, making a person unproductive.
Health Problems 
Smartphone addiction can result in disrupted sleep, poor eyesight, bad posture, depression, and other health ailments.  Hence, using mobile phones for a long duration is bad for a person’s health.
Lack of Privacy
Mobile phones can compromise the privacy of their users. Anyone can access information about any person. Moreover, viruses, phishing attacks, etc. can result in loss of data.

A mobile phone has its pros and cons. Smartphones can perform several functions and have made life easier for humans. The limited use of mobile phones can be incredibly useful.  The importance of mobile phones can’t be denied in today’s world. However, using the devices for too long can result in several health ailments and social isolation. 

Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Here we have listed some of the interesting facts about smartphones. These facts can be added to the ‘essay on mobile phones’ to make it more interesting. Below are the 5 interesting facts about smartphones:

  • The most expensive smartphone in the world is the Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond. It is worth  $48.5 million.
  • The cheapest mobile phone in the world is the Freedom 251. It just cost INR 251.
  • Apple is the world’s most popular smartphone
  • The first phone greeting was “Ahoy-hoy, who’s calling please?” 
  • The first smartphone was invented by IBM. It was released by IBM in 1994. The original screen name of the 1st smartphone was “Simon.” 
  • The first text message in the world was ‘Merry Christmas’

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A mobile phone system gets its name from diving the service into small cells. Each of these cells has a base station with a useful range in the order of a kilometre/mile.

Mobile phones have become extremely important due to the ease of communication it has brought about. Moreover, it can perform several major tasks easily and effectively. For example, a calculator. Aside from this mobile phones can help a user connect to the internet, and use social media applications, and other applications. Mobile phones can even assist in online payment. 

The full form or the meaning of a Moble is Modified, Operation, Byte, Integration, Limited, Energy”. John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola discovered the device in 1973. An essay on mobile phones can include the mobile phone full form.

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Essay on Mobile Phone

essay on mobile phone

Here we have shared the Essay on Mobile Phone in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Mobile Phone in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Mobile Phone in 150-250 words

Essay on mobile phone in 300-400 words, essay on mobile phone in 500-1000 words.

Mobile phones have become an integral part of modern life, revolutionizing the way we communicate, access information, and conduct daily activities. These portable devices have transformed from simple communication tools to powerful devices that offer a range of functions.

Mobile phones enable instant communication, allowing people to connect with others around the world through voice calls, text messages, and various messaging applications. They have also expanded the concept of social networking, providing platforms for individuals to connect, share experiences, and build communities.

Moreover, mobile phones have become multifunctional devices that offer internet access, multimedia capabilities, and a wide range of applications. They provide easy access to information, entertainment, and services such as online banking, shopping, and navigation.

However, the prevalence of mobile phones also raises concerns. Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to addiction, affecting productivity, social interactions, and overall well-being. It is crucial to strike a balance between utilizing the benefits of mobile phones and maintaining healthy boundaries.

In conclusion, mobile phones have transformed the way we communicate, access information, and engage with the world. They offer convenience, connectivity, and a range of functionalities. However, responsible use is necessary to avoid the negative impacts of excessive reliance on mobile phones.

Mobile phones have revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with others. These portable devices have evolved from simple communication tools to powerful devices offering a wide range of functionalities. This essay explores the impact of mobile phones on communication, social interaction, and daily life.

Communication and Connectivity

Mobile phones have transformed communication by providing instant and convenient access to others. Voice calls, text messaging, and various messaging applications allow individuals to connect with people around the world. The advent of smartphones has further expanded communication capabilities with features like video calls and social media platforms. Mobile phones have bridged geographical barriers and fostered global connectivity, allowing individuals to stay in touch regardless of distance.

Access to Information and Services

Mobile phones have become a gateway to a vast amount of information and services. With internet connectivity, users can access news, research, educational resources, and online platforms for entertainment and leisure. Mobile apps provide convenient access to various services such as banking, shopping, transportation, and navigation. This accessibility has transformed the way we access and interact with information, making our lives more efficient and convenient.

Social Impact

Mobile phones have had a significant impact on social interactions and relationships. They enable individuals to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues. Social media platforms have expanded our social networks, allowing us to share experiences, photos, and thoughts instantly. However, the overuse of mobile phones can also lead to reduced face-to-face interactions and dependency on virtual connections. It is crucial to strike a balance between virtual and real-life interactions to maintain healthy social relationships.

Challenges and Considerations

While mobile phones offer numerous benefits, they also present challenges. Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to addiction, affecting productivity, mental health, and personal relationships. Additionally, concerns over privacy, cybersecurity, and the potential negative impact on children’s development require attention and responsible usage.

Mobile phones have revolutionized communication and connectivity, offering convenience, information access, and social interaction. While they bring numerous benefits, responsible usage is essential to mitigate the challenges associated with excessive reliance on mobile phones. By harnessing the power of mobile technology while maintaining a healthy balance, we can fully embrace the advantages offered by these remarkable devices.

Title: Mobile Phone – The Transformation of Communication and Connectivity


Mobile phones have emerged as an indispensable aspect of modern life, revolutionizing the way we communicate, access information, and conduct daily activities. These portable devices have evolved from simple communication tools to powerful devices that offer a wide range of functionalities. This essay explores the profound impact of mobile phones on communication, social interaction, and daily life, highlighting their advantages and challenges.

Evolution of Mobile Phones

Mobile phones have come a long way since their inception. From the bulky, limited-functionality devices of the past, mobile phones have transformed into sleek, multifunctional smartphones. The integration of advanced technologies such as high-speed internet connectivity, touchscreens, and powerful processors has propelled the capabilities of mobile phones to new heights.

Communication Revolution

Mobile phones have revolutionized communication by enabling instant connectivity with people around the world. Voice calls and text messages were just the beginning, as smartphones now offer a plethora of communication channels, including video calls, instant messaging applications, and social media platforms. These features have eliminated the constraints of geographical distance and time zones, allowing individuals to stay connected with loved ones and conduct business remotely.

Mobile phones have become the gateway to vast amounts of information and a wide range of services. With internet connectivity at our fingertips, we can access news, research, educational resources, and entertainment platforms anytime, anywhere. Mobile applications provide convenient access to services such as online banking, shopping, transportation, and navigation. Mobile phones have transformed the way we access and interact with information, making our lives more efficient and convenient.

Mobile phones have had a profound impact on social interactions and relationships. They have expanded our social networks beyond geographical boundaries, allowing us to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives, enabling us to share experiences, thoughts, and photos instantly. However, the rise of virtual connections has also raised concerns about the quality of real-life interactions and the potential for addiction to social media.

Productivity and Efficiency

Mobile phones have significantly enhanced productivity and efficiency in various aspects of life. They serve as personal organizers, allowing us to manage calendars, set reminders, and access productivity apps. Mobile email and document editing applications enable us to work remotely and stay connected to work-related tasks. Additionally, mobile banking and payment apps streamline financial transactions, reducing the need for physical visits to banks.

While mobile phones bring numerous benefits, they also present challenges. The overuse of mobile phones can lead to addiction, affecting productivity, mental health, and personal relationships. Excessive screen time can contribute to sedentary lifestyles and health issues such as eye strain and musculoskeletal problems. Concerns about privacy, cybersecurity, and the impact of mobile phone usage on children’s development require careful consideration and responsible usage.

Conclusion :

Mobile phones have transformed communication, connectivity, and daily life. They offer unparalleled convenience, connectivity, and a wide range of functionalities. However, responsible usage is essential to mitigate the challenges associated with excessive reliance on mobile phones. By harnessing the power of mobile technology while maintaining a healthy balance, we can fully embrace the advantages offered by these remarkable devices. As mobile phone technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to adapt our habits and practices to ensure that mobile phones enhance our lives without compromising our well-being and social connections.

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Uses of Mobile Phones Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on uses of mobile phones.

Mobile phones are one of the most commonly used gadgets in today’s world. Everyone from a child to an adult uses mobile phones these days. They are indeed very useful and help us in so many ways.

Uses of Mobile Phones Essay

Mobile phones indeed make our lives easy and convenient but at what cost? They are a blessing only till we use it correctly. As when we use them for more than a fixed time, they become harmful for us.

Uses of Mobile Phone

We use mobile phones for almost everything now. Gone are the days when we used them for only calling. Now, our lives revolve around it. They come in use for communicating through voice, messages, and mails. We can also surf the internet using a phone. Most importantly, we also click photos and record videos through our mobile’s camera.

The phones of this age are known as smartphones . They are no less than a computer and sometimes even more. You can video call people using this phone, and also manage your official documents. You get the chance to use social media and play music through it.

Moreover, we see how mobile phones have replaced computers and laptops . We carry out all the tasks through mobile phones which we initially did use our computers. We can even make powerpoint presentations on our phones and use it as a calculator to ease our work.

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Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

While mobile phones are very beneficial, they also come to a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, they create a distance between people. As people spend time on their phones, they don’t talk to each other much. People will sit in the same room and be busy on their phones instead of talking to each other.

Subsequently, phones waste a lot of time. People get distracted by them easily and spend hours on their phones. They are becoming dumber while using smartphones . They do not do their work and focus on using phones.

Most importantly, mobile phones are a cause of many ailments. When we use phones for a long time, our eyesight gets weaker. They cause strain on our brains. We also suffer from headaches, watery eyes, sleeplessness and more.

Moreover, mobile phones have created a lack of privacy in people’s lives. As all your information is stored on your phone and social media , anyone can access it easily. We become vulnerable to hackers. Also, mobile phones consume a lot of money. They are anyway expensive and to top it, we buy expensive gadgets to enhance our user experience.

In short, we see how it is both a bane and a boon. It depends on us how we can use it to our advantage. We must limit our usage of mobile phones and not let it control us. As mobile phones are taking over our lives, we must know when to draw the line. After all, we are the owners and not the smartphone.

FAQs on Uses of Mobile Phones

Q.1 How do mobile phones help us?

A.1 Mobile phones are very advantageous. They help us in making our lives easy and convenient. They help us communicate with our loved ones and carry out our work efficiently. Furthermore, they also do the work of the computer, calculator, and cameras.

Q.2 What is the abuse of mobile phone use?

A.2 People are nowadays not using but abusing mobile phones. They are using them endlessly which is ruining their lives. They are the cause of many ailments. They distract us and keep us away from important work. Moreover, they also compromise with our privacy making us vulnerable to hackers.

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