how to get into a phd program

PhD Admission Guide

Gain admission to your dream school, guide to phd admission.

While some students swear off further education after undergrad, some love the thrill of intellectual discovery and research. For these students, graduate school is a natural choice. Graduate degrees are separated into “professional” and “academic” categories. Professional degrees are JDs and MDs, while academic degrees are PhDs (literally “Doctorates of Philosophy” regardless of what field you actually study).

Whether or not you need to pursue a PhD depends entirely on what career you wish to have. Some require higher education, while many others do not. In this guide we’ll go over how to apply to PhD programs, what they are looking for, and how the application process works. This guide is focused on the US and Canada; Europe has a system which is simultaneously similar and very different.

What PhD Programs Look For

how to get into a phd program

PhD programs want to make sure you are prepared academically for the rigors of the program, and that you have a concrete research goal in mind. PhD programs culminate with each student answering a research question they devise, contributing new knowledge to the world in the process. 

Thus these programs seek to evaluate your intellectual ability, research goals, previous research experience, and how you will contribute to their program. To determine this, they ask for the following:

Letters of Recommendation

We’ll go through each of these in turn, and explain what graduate programs are looking for from each.

Your GPA in undergrad is the single most important factor in PhD admissions. If your GPA is too low your application will be dismissed out of hand. While there are no hard limits, we suggest a minimum GPA of 3.5 for serious contention, especially at top schools. If your GPA is below 3.0 then you will likely not get admitted into any PhD programs.

The reason for this is that PhD programs are a lot of work. Being intelligent is necessary, but is far from sufficient alone. Everyone in PhD programs is intelligent, and everyone is also willing to do the work. Your GPA is seen as the primary indicator of your willingness and ability to do academic work to a high standard, and your preparation for the rigors of a PhD program.

Along with your overall GPA, schools request your major GPA. This is your GPA when calculated only using courses in your major. This is usually expected to be higher than your overall GPA. Your major GPA should be over 3.5.

While taking harder courses in undergrad is a great experience, they can also harm your overall GPA. Of course, the best approach is to take very hard classes and do well in them, but this is not always possible. We recommend taking a blend of courses, so you are never overloaded, and able to give each the attention it needs to do well.

Academic Preparation

Your GPA and transcript is also used to judge your academic preparation for the program. You should have a solid grounding in the field, and have taken advanced courses as well. Taking graduate level courses in undergrad can exemplify this. 

Some PhD programs also require research languages. This is more common in the social sciences and humanities, but all students will benefit from knowing other languages well enough to do research in them. You should look up language requirements when researching programs to apply to.

The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a standardized test meant for students who intend to apply to graduate programs. Both MA and PhD programs ask for GRE scores. Much like the SAT or ACT in college exams, the test is meant to be a standardized measure of academic preparation and logical skill.

The test consists of six sections. The first is writing, next are two on verbal reasoning, then two on quantitative reasoning, and finally a research or experimental section, meant to test new questions. The entire test is offered on the computer, with one minute breaks after each section, and a ten minute break after the third section. While there is also a paper-based test, almost all testing is now done on a computer. Due to the pandemic, both testing centers and at-home testing are offered. The GRE is a multi-stage test, and how well you do on earlier sections determines the difficulty of later sections and questions. 

The verbal sections each consist of 20 questions, to be answered over 30 minutes. The whole is scored on a scale of 130-170. The quantitative section is scored the same, and consists of two 20 question sections, each of which should be completed in 35 minutes. The writing section is scored from 0-6. For this section, you write an essay on a given issue in 30 minutes, and offer a response critiquing a provided argument for 30 minutes.

Your total score from the GRE is given from 130-170. While the exact scores you need to enter graduate school vary, higher is better. In addition, some programs only care about your verbal score, while others only care about your quantitative score. How much weight each program puts on GRE scores varies greatly.

We recommend studying for the GRE for some time before testing. You can take the GRE up to five times per year, but must wait at least 21 days between testing dates. Only scores from the past 5 years will be released or considered by graduate programs.

Curriculum Vitae

This is akin to a resume, but is dissimilar enough that the two cannot be used interchangeably. The purpose of a CV is, like a resume, to detail what you have accomplished academically and in your career. It is far more focused on academics however, and is widely used for academic careers.

We recommend finding a template for a CV online, or asking your college’s advisors for help in creating one. If you already have a resume, then you will easily be able to convert it into a CV.

What admissions officers are looking for in your activities is primarily signs of research. This should be in whatever field you intend to pursue a PhD in. Publications are also incredibly valuable. All of academia runs on publication, and getting an early start helps your career at every step.

You should try to do research while still in undergrad. What this looks like depends entirely on what field you are pursuing. While the research does not have to exactly line up with what you wish to pursue, it should teach you skills which are cross applicable. Higher level academic research has its own set of methods and language which must be learned, and students who are already familiar with the forms and structures of research have a leg up in graduate school. 

Publication is not required, but is nice to see. If you have completed a master’s degree, you should have some publication history; of your thesis if nothing else. Speak with your academic advisors about getting your work published.

Each graduate school you apply to will ask for an essay. You will be able to use the same basic form for each, but will need to edit it to be about the particular program you are applying to. Most schools only require a single essay, although some programs ask for a second on diversity.

The purpose of this essay is to explain your research interests, what you have studied, your intended area of specialization, and what your focus will be on. Every PhD student is asking and trying to answer a very specific research question. This question forms the basis of their dissertation, and will be the focus of your life for several years if you are accepted.

Thus the essay is the most important part of your application. Your grades and GRE are required to see if you are academically ready for graduate school, but the essay lets readers know if you are a match for their program, and serious about your research.

Your essay should begin by stating which program you are applying to, and why. Next, go through your previous academic experience in the field, both coursework and research. You don’t have to go through every class, but cover the ones most relevant to your desired research topic.

You should discuss any prior research you have done in the field. If you completed a thesis for your undergraduate degree or a master’s program, cover that here. If you have any publication credits, cover those as well. This should relate directly to the field you are trying to enter. If you wish to pursue lab work, discuss your previous experiences; if instead you are pursuing field work, talk about your experiences there.

Next you should talk about the research you specifically wish to pursue through a PhD. You don’t need to have an exact research question worked out, but it is helpful to have some idea; you should at least know the subfield you will be focusing on. The more specific you are, the better. Having some discussion of methodology can be nice, but is not always necessary.

If there are any ongoing research projects ongoing at the school you wish to work on, cover those next. You should discuss how these projects specifically relate to your own research interests. Finally, you should talk about which professors you wish to work with. Professors take on graduate students to advise, and you ideally want one with a specialization at least tangentially related to your field of interest. The more closely related the professor’s studies are to your own, the better.

You will be able to leave much of this essay the same for each school you apply to, changing only the name of the program, the research projects, and the professors you wish to work with. 

This essay should be a page and a half to two pages long, single spaced. You should go into sufficient detail for those reading it to understand the research you want to pursue. These essays are reviewed by the faculty who run the department, and they make the admissions decisions for PhD programs. There are many more applicants than there are spaces, and admissions rates are low. The more specific and detailed you are in this essay, the better the faculty will understand your research aims, and the better your chances will be.

Diversity Statements

Not all programs ask for these, but you will likely be able to reuse the same essay for those that do. The purpose of the diversity statement is to see what unique points of view and experiences you will be able to contribute to the program. PhDs are about learning, and the more viewpoints and ideas within a program, the broader the experience will be.

If you are a member of an underrepresented group, an immigrant, come from an underprivileged background, or come from an area which is generally underrepresented, we suggest discussing that in this essay. You should not write an essay about your interactions with members of these groups, or a study abroad experience.

Above all, this essay should be authentic to you and your experience. The goal is to show how your background has shaped you as a person, and how it impacts your view of the world.

As with college applications, letters of recommendation are required for PhD admissions. These tell admissions committees who you are as a student and researcher, and give their opinion on how you will perform when doing graduate level work. Academic fields are small and often insular, and the professors writing your letters will often be known by those reading them, either by reputation or in person.

Programs ask for two to four letters. These should primarily come from professors who know you and your work well. If you had a thesis advisor, they should write one of your letters. If you’ve worked doing research for some time, then a mentor or lab director can also be a good source of a letter, even if they haven’t taught you in class. Letters should not come from non-academic sources, unless you have worked professionally in that field. 

While you have the option to read the letters that are written for you, you should always waive that right. If you don’t trust your writers to craft good letters for you, then you shouldn’t be asking them for letters. Asking to see letters is considered a sign of lack of trust, and is gauche. Many professors will decline to write letters if you insist on seeing them.

You should ask for letters well in advance of when they are due; we recommend at least a month or two. If you are asking non-tenured faculty for a letter, more leeway is recommended, as they have more on their plate, and are often more stressed. You may need to send a reminder as deadlines approach. You should also share a copy of your essay with letter writers, so they know exactly what subfield you intend to pursue, and can discuss this in their letters.

Finally, you should be aware of politics when asking for letters. Some professors do not like each other at all. If you are seen as the protege of a professor who others detest, this can impact your admissions chances. Always discuss which schools and programs you are applying to with your letter writers. You should also discuss your choices of writers with an advisor (for example a thesis advisor) familiar with the field. Academic politics are incredibly petty, but if you plan to pursue a PhD you need to be aware of the game, and how it is played.

how to get into a phd program

If your application passes the first review, you will be invited to do an interview. This will be with faculty in the program you are applying to. This is to further get to know you, and to understand your research objectives. 

You should be able to clearly explain what you want to research, and how this program will help you do so. The people talking to you will all be familiar with the field, though not necessarily your specific subfield. They are looking for your ability to communicate and explain your view. Be prepared to answer some questions about the specifics of your goals, though it’s ok if you don’t know everything right now.

Interviews are generally in person, though due to the pandemic, virtual interviews have become more common. This is also your chance to ask any questions you have about the program you were unable to find answers to online. You can practice for this interview with an advisor or mentor; many schools have career centers which hold mock grad school interviews as well.

When and How to Apply to Grad School

There is no unified platform for PhD applications. Instead you must apply to each program individually, through the school’s website. This will mean filling out information multiple times, but they fortunately don’t ask for much. Once you have your documents in order, the rest is personal, demographic, and contact information.

You will need to pay to have your GRE scores sent to each school you apply to. Even though this is all electronic, they still charge dearly for it. 

Applications are generally due in December or January, with interviews held over the next few months. Applications open in September or October. We recommend getting your applications in before the due date, though most programs don’t use rolling admissions. Each program sets their own deadlines, so you should track when each of your applications is due carefully to make sure nothing gets overlooked.

Paying for Grad School

PhD programs are for the most part fully funded. This means you will not be paying tuition, and will also get funding to live on. This funding is generally contingent on academic standing, and doing work TAing, teaching, or on ongoing research projects (or most commonly, all of the above). Many grad students also work full or part time to support themselves. 

While you will not need to take on additional debt to pay for graduate school, you will not be well paid either. While the exact amount graduate students receive varies by school and program, it is generally in the range of $20-30,000 annually. This goes towards food, housing, and supplies.

While you are in a PhD program, you will not have to make payments on any government loans you took out to pay for undergrad, though they will continue to accrue interest. Making payments on them during grad school is difficult, but will greatly cut down on the amount you need to pay back later.

There are also outside scholarships available to help pay for graduate studies. While the amounts offered by these vary, most are small. They can help greatly with paying for the necessities however, and applying to them is usually worth the time investment.

Grad School Admission FAQ

Now we’ll answer some of the most common questions about applying to PhD programs.

Can older students apply?

Yes. Many professionals return to school for a PhD long out of undergrad. We suggest taking some courses at a local university in the field you plan on entering before you do this however. Academic research advances quickly, and this will familiarize you with the latest developments. Further, this will introduce you to professors who can provide you with letters of recommendation.

What are my odds of acceptance?

This depends on both your field and program. Generally, however, it is quite difficult to gain admissions to a PhD program, and admission rates hover around 10%. Only the best students get accepted, and this is even more the case at the top schools and programs.

When should I start thinking about applications?

When you choose your major, you should decide what level you want to reach within that field. Some majors lend themselves to PhDs if you want to work in that field, while others allow employment at various levels.

Where should I apply?

You should find programs with professors who are dedicated to your particular subfield. A prestigious institution which does not focus on your area is far less useful, regardless of how famous its name is. You are looking for someone who will be able to advise you, and help you perform worthwhile research. Further, professors are looking for students studying fields similar to their own when they admit graduate students.

How long are PhD programs?

Generally programs last 4-5 years, though this can vary based on field. The exact structure of the programs also varies a lot based on field and program.

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  • How to Apply For a PhD: Step-By-Step

Written by Hannah Slack

Deciding to do a PhD is a big step and the road to submitting applications can seem long. To help you wade through all the information out there we’ve put together a simple step-by-step guide to the PhD application process.

Complete with top tips and links to further information, applying for a PhD has never looked simpler.

On this page

Step 1: choose your research area.

The first, and most obvious, step to applying for a PhD is to decide what research area you want to work in. Whether you’re looking for an Arts and Humanities PhD or a STEM one, each individual subject is made up of a vast array of research topics.

Most PhD courses will expect students to have a degree in a relevant field, although your previous qualifications do not have to be in the exact same discipline as the PhD you apply for. Students with a Masters in History, for example, may apply to research within the Religious Studies department. As long as the nature of research is similar and your chosen topic correlates with your experience, it’s possible to apply for a degree in a different department.

It’s worthwhile spending a bit of time considering what department you might want to join and what type of research you want to conduct.

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Step 2: decide what kind of PhD you want to do

There are two main types of PhDs: predesigned projects and self-proposed projects. The route you choose to take will mainly depend on your personal preference and situation.

While STEM subjects tend to have more predesigned projects, there are many students who choose to plan their own. Similarly, most Arts and Humanities PhDs are self-proposed but there are also many advertised projects out there.

Predesigned project

Advertised projects usually come in three different forms:

  • Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)
  • Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)

The main difference between these three types of PhDs is the level of industry experience offered to students, DTPs usually having the least industry involvement and iCASEs the most. However, all three do offer internship opportunities.

Some of these terms are used interchangeably, but you can read more about the differences between predesigned studentships in our guide.

The benefit of predesigned projects is that they are typically fully-funded four-year studentships. There are also many that come with an integrated Masters during the first year for those applying with only a Bachelors degree.

You also won’t have to research and plan your own project, which can save a lot of time.

However, as multiple students will be applying for the same advertised PhD opportunities, places can be competitive. Your choice of projects will also be limited to whatever research is currently advertised.

Design your own project

Many students in all fields choose to design and propose their own research project for PhD study. This option can be extremely rewarding as it allows students a lot more control over their work.

The downside is that not every self-proposed PhD is funded. While there are lots of funding opportunities available, there is not enough to cover the amount of PhD applications each year. Students may have to apply for part-time work or small grants throughout their studies.

Additionally, you will have to put in more time to your application as you need to design a viable PhD project.

For students choosing this route some additional steps are needed:

Step 2.1: research

To be able to propose a viable research project, you will need to spend a significant amount of time researching your chosen field. You may have already conducted some research during your previous degrees, giving you a good starting point.

The point of this step is to become familiar with the main academic arguments in your research area. You should then be able to identify a gap in the academic discussion which you will be able to fill in the timeframe of a PhD. This could include discussing an underused or new source base, criticising an academic argument or applying a new or different theory to the current discussions.

You should then look to identify a preliminary source base and decide how you intend to use the information.

Step 2.2: draft a research proposal

After completing a period of research, you should write up a draft research proposal. While this won’t be your final piece for submission with your application, having a draft can be useful when it comes to step three, contacting prospective supervisors. You can find out more about how to write a good PhD proposal in our guide.

Step 3: contact prospective supervisors

Once you have decided on which projects you intend to apply for, or drafted a research proposal, it’s time to reach out to prospective supervisors. This is an important step as it allows you to gain more insight into how your potential PhD might go. Our top tips for getting in contact with potential PhD supervisors can help you to reach out.

For predesigned projects the supervisor will be listed in the advertisement. By contacting them you can introduce yourself and discuss the research in more detail.

If you are proposing your own PhD research then you will have to search for potential supervisors yourself. The research stage of step two should mean that you have a good grip on the prominent academics in your field. This is a good place to start. It is also worthwhile looking through staff lists on university websites to find other experts who are perhaps earlier on in their career.

Contacting prospective supervisors is a good opportunity to receive feedback on your ideas and research proposal. You should first ask if they are able to take a look at your draft after briefly explaining who you are and summarising your project. Any feedback can be extremely useful as their expertise and experience could help them notice any holes in your proposal that you should consider and fix before applying.

Receiving feedback from an inhouse academic will also help you tailor your proposal specifically to the expertise of your prospective institution and supervisor expertise.

Step 4: check entry requirements

The next major step is to check the entry requirements of the institution or project. Most PhD applicants should have a Masters degree in a relevant field as well as a history of strong academic achievement.

PhD without a Masters

Some funded studentships will allow Bachelors graduates to apply. There is also the possibility to apply for an integrated programme that will include a year of Masters level training before beginning PhD research.

International applicants

If you are applying as an international student, make sure to check what visas may be required and how to obtain them. To study in the UK, international applicants will need a Student Route visa. To apply for this, you will need:

  • a confirmation of acceptance into a university
  • proof of sufficient funds
  • proof that you meet the English language requirements

Make sure to check beforehand the eligibility criteria of the visa you need to apply for in case you need to undertake a language exam or entry test .

Step 5: check fees and potential funding options

Once you have decided which PhD opportunities you want to apply for, and know that you’re eligible, it’s time to look more deeply at the financial practicalities. PhD study is not cheap and often has many unforeseen costs such as books, equipment, travel and conferencing fees. Knowing your potential funding options can help you plan ahead.

Funding options

Practically all PhD applicants hope to be fully-funded. If you are applying for an advertised project then you will typically receive full funding if successful. This funding most commonly comes from Research Councils who outline their own restrictions on how the money can be used and deadlines for thesis submission. It’s a good idea to read the funder’s terms and conditions and make sure you understand what would be required of you as a researcher.

Those designing their own PhD are likely to apply for Research Council funding. Unfortunately, there is only a set amount of money available from Research Councils for self-proposed projects and so some PhDs are unsuccessful in their application. However, this does not mean you can’t go on and complete a successful PhD.

As receiving fully-funded studentships can be very competitive, it’s important to know other potential sources of funding. These can include:

  • Universities – Many institutions offer their own funding , ranging from small fee discounts to full studentships. Make sure to research any financial support your chosen universities may offer and what you and your project could be applicable for.
  • Charities, trusts and societies – some independent organisations offer to partially (and sometimes fully) fund PhD students if their research correlates with the groups’ interests. Support is available for a large variety of subjects so make sure to do some research.
  • PhD loans – The UK government offers doctoral loans to English and Welsh PhD students who were unable to secure a full studentship. This will not usually cover the full cost of a PhD. Students wishing to self-fund with the help of a PhD loan will potentially have to take up part-time work such as teaching within the university.

PhD funding

Find out more about PhD funding options and how it works on

Step 6: prepare to apply

Now that you have thought about the practicalities of PhD study you can start to gather the required documents to apply.

The most important thing to note down when starting to prepare is the PhD application deadlines. Many universities will have different deadlines and if you are applying for funding, applications may need to be submitted even earlier.

It’s a good idea to aim to submit your application with plenty of time to spare, taking into account any difficulties that might arise gathering together the relevant paper work.

The documents you need for your application will depend on the university and funding you are applying for. Some things you may be asked to provide are:

  • Personal statement / cover letter
  • Research proposal
  • Details of at least two referees (make sure to contact them beforehand so they know what you are applying for and why)
  • Academic transcript

International students may also need to provide:

  • Proof of language proficiency
  • Proof of funds
  • Student visa

Step 7: submit your application

Once you have written, polished and gathered all the documents you need, it’s time to apply. Most PhD applications are done through the university’s application portal. Many also allow you to start your application and come back to it at a later date, so don’t feel like you have to submit everything all in one go.

If you are applying for funding separately make sure to read the details of how to apply on the funder’s website. Typically, Research Council funding is applied for with the same application you submit to the university. Other sources of funding may have a different application system.

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Hannah slack.

Hannah worked at FindAPhD as a Content Writer from 2020 to 2023. She started with us part-time whilst studying for her PhD, giving her personal experience with balancing work responsibilities with academia. Hannah has a Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of East Anglia, and both a Masters in Early Modern History and a PhD on Early Modern English seafarers from the University of Sheffield.

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Stanford University

Guide on Getting Into Grad School

Helpful information and exercises for prospective graduate students

Graduate Degrees Awarded at Stanford 2022-23

  • 2,103 MA/MS
  • 799 PhD, DMA, JSD

If you’re considering grad school for your future, you are probably asking yourself many questions:

Debra Satz

  • Is grad school the best option for me now? 
  • What are the benefits and challenges? 
  • What’s the difference between undergrad and grad school? 
  • Should I seek a master’s or doctoral program? 
  • Which grad programs should I apply for? 
  • What’s involved in an application to grad school? 
  • What are admissions committees looking for? 
  • Who can help me? What resources are available? 
  • What are some alternatives to grad school?

These are all important questions to consider, and they should be considered carefully. This guide is organized around the main aspects of the decision-making process and application, which can help address many of your questions. 

Because these decisions and your application for graduate school are complex and time-consuming, this guide was prepared to provide critical information and advice. This guide  also contains questions to ask yourself and exercises to help you prepare your application for graduate programs. Be as honest as possible with yourself, and talk about your answers with close friends and family. You may need to adjust the wording of your answers for your application, but it’s important to begin with an honest self-assessment as you prepare your application.

Using this guide and working on these exercises can help you get started in the right direction. Additional resources and tools are incorporated within this guide. However, remember to also seek help from other people: faculty, advisors, grad students, postdocs, peers, and career counselors. This guide is meant to provide an overview and does not cover everything. Your specific situation can only be addressed by close friends and mentors who know you personally. 

As you address multiple decisions, this can be a stressful time period. But it may help to realize that you are not alone, and that many others have approached these decisions and have  successfully embarked on new adventures. So, remember to find friends to encourage you in this process. We wish you the best in these new adventures.

Undergraduate vs Graduate (PhD) Programs

The experiences of an undergraduate and graduate student can appear deceptively similar. They are both at a university doing coursework and research. However, there are significant differences. Not understanding the depth of these differences can hinder your chances of being admitted and succeeding in grad school.

Undergraduate Programs You are a student “at school X” • Focus on courses and grades  • More objective evaluations of performance from exams and homework • Feedback is relatively frequent • Most activities and performance evaluations are individualistic

You apply to a university or college • Your interests can be very broad • You apply to a discipline or major • Extracurricular activities are valued

Graduate (PhD) Programs You are a student of “Dr. Z” (research advisor) •  Focus on research •  More subjective evaluations and longer periods without concrete feedback •  Collaboration and independence are valued together, which will likely appear to be counter-intuitive— most activities and performance evaluations are individualistic •  Relationship-driven

You apply into a specific graduate program •  Your interests need to be much more specific •  You apply into a specific field within a discipline •  Some programs require you to apply to work directly with a specific professor •  Extracurricular activities are valued less, unless they demonstrate critical skills related to your field

Master’s vs Doctoral Programs

While a typical 4-year undergraduate program refers to pursuing a bachelor’s degree (often a BS or BA degree), a graduate program can refer to pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree.

Master’s Programs (MS or MA) •  Master’s programs usually provide much less financial support.  •  Master’s programs usually last about 2 years, but there are shorter and longer programs, with the range usually between 1 to 3 years. •  All master’s programs require coursework, and only some require research that leads to a thesis (a write-up of your research). •  Requirements for master’s programs are usually less than those for doctoral programs.

Doctoral Programs (PhD) •  Doctoral programs usually provide financial support. •  Doctoral programs have a wide range of typical lengths, from 4 to 8 years. The length of the program is very specific to the field. •  In some doctoral programs (e.g. some engineering programs), you earn a master’s degree before earning a PhD. But in many other programs, the master’s degree is not required before pursuing a PhD. •  All doctoral programs require research that leads to a dissertation (longer than a master’s thesis, a write-up of multiple years of research). •  For some doctoral programs, if you are not able to complete all of the requirements, you might be allowed to exit with a master’s degree.

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Applying to PhD Programs: When, Where, How, and Why?

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So, you are thinking you might want to pursue a PhD. That’s great! However, it can sometimes be difficult to decide whether to really go for it. Maybe you are weighing the time commitment required or the prospect of leaving a job you love. Maybe you are wondering whether you are prepared for such an undertaking or whether you’d even have a shot at getting in. When considering such an important move, it’s good to adopt a methodical approach to the decision-making process. 

This article is designed to help you think through some key factors in making important decisions about graduate school. You might ask yourself the following key questions:

  • When should I apply?
  • Where should I apply?
  • How do I get in?
  • Why do I want to go? 

Let’s consider these questions one at a time.

how to get into a phd program

Question 1: “When should I apply?”

The right time to apply to graduate school is when your personal, academic, and professional experiences have aligned such that you know for certain you want to further your knowledge and skills in a specific field. Read on for some signs that these experiences are, in fact, aligned.

In your personal life

Think about when you were first introduced to your field of study. What made you want to keep learning about it? Is that drive to know more about your field of study still there? If the answer is yes, then you might be personally ready for graduate study. Memorable personal experiences – and the lessons you have learned from them – can also make you personally ready for graduate study. 

For example, perhaps you were diagnosed with a condition and have spent the past decade managing it. The psychological strain of this experience has made you highly empathic toward patients suffering from chronic conditions. You’re now committed to studying the effectiveness of various approaches to promoting mental health among this population.

Or maybe one of your fondest childhood memories is birdwatching with your dad, who taught you all about various species and their migration patterns. This experience led you to pursue ornithology, and you still get excited about learning about birds.

Something doesn’t have to be profound to others for it to be deeply meaningful to you.

In your academic life

You’ve demonstrated – via high grades or assignments on which you went above and beyond the basic requirements – that you have a strong grasp of the technical aspects of your intended field. You’ve done more than memorize core concepts and theories; you’ve contemplated how they relate to the broader aims of the field. You’ve taken more advanced classwork, completed an independent project, or did professional work that involved innovation and research. And you now want to apply those theories and concepts in graduate school and your career.

Let’s say you majored in civil engineering. You’ve excelled in all your engineering courses, as well as in chemistry, math, and physics. In the process, you’ve learned how to apply the core principles of each field to design resilient infrastructure that does not fail in extraordinary events and is socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable.

In your professional life

Whether you’ve worked/volunteered in a relevant setting for six months or six years, you’ve learned about and contributed to the rigorous research process. Ideally, you’ve taken on multiple roles, each one more demanding than the previous one. But at every stage, you’ve taken your responsibilities seriously, because you understand that each task, no matter how seemingly trivial, must be performed diligently, lest you risk compromising the data and ultimately the findings of the entire study.

As an undergraduate research assistant, you might have begun with basic responsibilities, such as data entry and cleaning in Excel. After demonstrating that you are reliable and diligent, you were able to help conduct studies and maybe even run some of your own analyses using the data.

Then, by the time you entered your current role (the one you’re in when you apply to PhD programs), you are able to not only evaluate all the variables being assessed but also identify other variables that aren’t being measured and articulate why they should be included in future research. At this point, you’re able to generate your own research questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and even design a hypothetical study in which the findings are interesting regardless of whether your hypotheses are supported.

When you’ve identified these signs in your personal, academic, and professional experiences, you’re ready to apply.

Question 2: “Where should I apply?”

To identify the right program(s) to apply to, it is crucial to  look beyond the school’s ranking or reputation . The “2024-2025 Best National University Rankings” by  U.S. News & World Report  should not be your primary source for one simple reason: PhD programs are very idiosyncratic. Even if you have chosen a field of study (ideally, the field in which you received your undergraduate and/or master’s degree), there are likely many research areas within that field and even more specific topics within each area. The right research area for you will depend on your previous research experience, as well as on the specific topic(s) you want to investigate.

For example, within  the field of psychology , there are many areas, including clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, health psychology, evolutionary psychology, personality psychology, and social psychology. Then, within, say, social psychology, there’s a vast array of specific topics, such as attitudes, aggression, decision-making, emotion, prejudice, and prosocial behavior, to name a few. As you can imagine, these topics are not mutually exclusive. In fact, combining topics can generate unique findings. Therefore, when thinking about where to apply, you might prioritize programs where the faculty are studying combinations of topics you find particularly interesting.

Another factor to consider is that programs differ as a function of the research methods they employ. Thus, when thinking about where to apply, in addition to identifying programs where the faculty are researching the specific topics you are most interested in, it’s necessary to consider whether those faculty members are using methods that you would like to apply in your future career. Do you want to master advanced statistical techniques? Do you want to work with state-of-the-art technologies? Do you want to interact with people? Do you want to observe phenomena in the “real world” or in experimental settings? It’s not only about what you’re researching; it’s also about  how  you’re researching it.

Once you’ve identified programs based on those considerations, it’s time to  identify prospective faculty advisors within your chosen programs . After all, you’re not just applying to PhD programs; you’re applying to work with specific faculty members, and they are the ones who will be reviewing your application and deciding whether to accept you. Based on the faculty members’ professional biographies (which you can usually find on the program’s website), you’ll probably be able to identify the professors whose interests are most like your own.

But it is not enough to be confident that you want to work with a given faculty member. Next, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with that professor’s recent work by reading research papers they’ve published in the past couple years. As you’re reading, ask yourself whether this faculty member writes and thinks clearly and presents arguments and evidence in a compelling manner. You will be mentored by this person for five years (or more!), so it’s crucial that you find someone you admire and are motivated to learn from.

In sum, the steps in deciding where to apply for PhD study are as follows:

  • Choose your field of study.
  • Identify your preferred area(s) within that field.
  • Discover the specific topics you find most fascinating.
  • Consider what methods you want to employ.
  • Evaluate the merits of prospective faculty advisors.

Question 3: “How do I get in?”

Once you’ve determined that you’re ready to apply, and you know  where you want to apply , the focus shifts to whether you’ll be accepted. Getting into a PhD program is largely  a matter of fit . The faculty members who evaluate your application want to know what insights you can offer to their current and future research studies, how your interpersonal style will contribute to their lab or research hub dynamics, and whether you are committed to extending their research in a meaningful way after you obtain your doctorate. You can convey all this crucial information in your statement of purpose.

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of your statement of purpose. You might have an exceptional CV, but if your statement of purpose is lackluster and fails to convey to your prospective faculty advisor that you are the right fit, then you are unlikely to be accepted. Conversely, you might have a modest CV, or even a weakness, such as a low GPA, but nevertheless be accepted if you convey in your statement that (1) you have taken (and will continue to take) concrete steps to become more prepared for PhD training, and (2) you possess unique skills and knowledge that are highly relevant to your prospective advisor’s research area but that might not be reflected in traditional metrics of achievement (e.g., your CV, GPA).

To  write a compelling statement of purpose , you need to articulate everything relevant to Question 1: “When should I apply?” You have already reflected on how your personal, academic, and professional experiences have aligned such that you know that you are ready to apply. But it is not enough  for you  to know that you are ready. You need to convince  your prospective advisor  that you are. 

This is where Accepted can help .  The most valuable service we offer is essay consulting. We can teach you how to craft a narrative about your journey that is coherent, authentic, and distinctive. During each consultation, we will challenge you to think more deeply and clearly than you ever have about where you’ve been and where you’re going. You will learn how to identify and effectively convey the reasons your prospective advisor should accept you.

Question 4: “Why do I want to go?”

A PhD is an academic degree that prepares you to conduct original research, perform advanced statistical analyses, interpret empirical results, and evaluate competing theories. You will be trained to become an academic – that is, a university professor who directs a research lab and teaches students the nuances of a specific field. The skills you acquire during your doctoral training can be applied to industry, governmental, and nonprofit settings; however, doing so should not be your primary goal. Your prospective advisor will want to know that you are committed to the work of an academic. It is great if your research has important implications for those other sectors, so long as you are still committed first and foremost to the production and dissemination of knowledge in your field. The thought of conducting original research in a university setting should make you excited to get started.

Thus, the best reasons to pursue a PhD are intrinsic. After all, a PhD is a Doctor of  Philosophy . You get a PhD because you are passionately drawn to the philosophy of your chosen field. You can’t help but think about it in your everyday life, because you see it everywhere. It is a lens through which life makes sense. Discovering its guiding principles, subject matter, and potential applications allows you to identify patterns in the world around you – and sometimes within yourself as well. So why should you pursue a PhD? Because you can’t  not .

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Vanessa Febo has ten years of experience teaching academic and professional writing at UCLA, with a special certification in teaching writing techniques. She has drawn on this expertise to guide clients to placements at top institutions, including Harvard, Stanford, and USC. Before joining Accepted, Vanessa coached UCLA students through the application process for graduate programs, major grants, fellowships, and scholarships, including the Fulbright, Stanford Knight-Hennessey, and the Ford Foundation Fellowship. Additionally, Vanessa has extensive experience successfully guiding clients through applications for a diverse range of programs, including those in business, humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields. Want Vanessa to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources

  • Get Accepted to PhD Programs in the Humanities , podcast Episode 568
  • How to Apply Successfully to STEM PhD Programs , podcast Episode 566
  • Graduate School in Psychology: PsyD or Psy Phd, Which Is Right for You?

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How to Prepare a Strong Graduate School Application

Speaker talking to students during information session

You’ve found the perfect graduate program—one with a world-class faculty whose research excites you, an academic experience that will challenge you, a diverse and inclusive culture, a supportive environment with outstanding faculty and peer mentors, and lots of resources to help you succeed no matter which career paths you want to pursue. Now it’s time to convince that program you are a great match for it as well. Here are some suggestions to help you prepare a strong application:

The process of strengthening your graduate school application starts while you are still an undergraduate. Here is a timeline and suggestions for avenues to explore while you are pursuing your undergraduate degree.

Freshman and sophomore years

  • Assess your interests, abilities, and career goals
  • Identify a mentor 
  • Look into graduate school preparation events (e.g., boot camps, pre-application campus visits, summer programs)

Junior year

  • Gather information on graduate programs
  • Gather application materials
  • Learn about entrance examination requirements and dates
  • Investigate application deadlines

Pre-Senior Summer

  • Narrow your list of graduate schools
  • Investigate funding sources
  • Write the first draft of your statement of purpose
  • Contact recommendation sources

Senior year (Start Early)

  • Select the schools you want to apply to
  • Register for entrance exams
  • Submit completed applications
  • Make arrangements to obtain your transcripts for upload into application (8 weeks before application deadline)
  • Make arrangements for entrance exam scores to be sent (8 weeks before application deadline)
  • Contact recommenders to request strong letters of recommendation (4-6 weeks before application deadline)
  • Prepare final versions of your statement of purpose
  • Review federal requirements for financial aid
  • Complete and submit applications with required fee (at least two weeks prior to the deadline)
  • Your fit with the department or program in terms of research goals, work culture, or other measures
  • Relevant research or internship experience
  • Statement of purpose
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Undergraduate grades
  • Patterns of academic study and relevance of prior coursework to proposed graduate study

Many graduate programs require a personal statement or statement of purpose as part of your application. As you write that statement, keep these suggestions in mind:

  • Make the statement about you, your skills, your potential, and your interest in graduate studies in a particular department/program at a particular institution.
  • Avoid misrepresentations and grandiose statements.
  • Engage the reader using active words.
  • Avoid negative or judgmental statements (which usually come across as rude or arrogant).
  • Do not describe in detail what you have done. Briefly state and explain what you have learned, how it led to your interests, or how it has prepared you for success in graduate school.
  • State why you are interested in graduate school and in a particular field of study.
  • Share your motivation and career goals.
  • Share why you have chosen to apply to a particular institution.
  • If possible, indicate faculty with whom you have an interest to work.
  • Do your homework: Know the school. Know the admissions and enrollment statistics for your department or program of interest. Know application deadlines.
  • Avoid form essays.
  • Follow the application directions and guidelines for each institution.

Most Ph.D. programs require an interview—whether on campus or via videoconference—for applicants they are considering for admission, and some master’s programs may require an interview as well. This is your chance to meet with faculty who might potentially sponsor your graduate study. It’s also an opportunity to gather more information about the program. Here is some guidance to help you make a good impression and get the most out of the experience.

  • Before your interview, look closely at the website for the schools and departments you’re applying to. 
  • Show that you have done your homework on the program’s faculty’s research and be able to talk about specific faculty whose work interests you.
  • Your research interest
  • How your educational and professional background has prepared you for graduate study
  • Why this particular program would be a good fit for you
  • If you are applying to the same institution where you did your undergraduate, why you think that institution (and that program) is still the best program for your graduate study
  • Typical funding and how it compares to living expenses in the area
  • The program’s teaching or research requirements 
  • The departmental culture (e.g., are diversity and inclusion priorities for the department and for the university? Do students from different walks of life feel like they belong?) 
  • Resources for professional development and student wellbeing
  • The environment of support for graduate students, both in the department and in the university at large
  • The point of contact for questions

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Wharton Stories

How to prepare a strong phd application.

Doctoral candidates and departmental coordinators at the Wharton School outline a few tips to help you navigate the PhD application process.

It’s no secret the application process can be intimidating. Where do you start? What exactly are schools looking for on your application? What materials do you need to submit? Doctoral candidates and departmental coordinators at the Wharton School have outlined a few tips to help you navigate the process.

Don’t Delay the Process

A successful PhD applicant starts thinking about their application months or even years before the deadlines. For Alejandro Lopez Lira , a third year student in Finance, the application process began a year before he actually submitted the paperwork. He said, “I spoke to my advisors way before, like one year before, about my letters of recommendation, where to apply, everything involved in the process.”

Each program has different requirements, which can make for a tedious process. Karren Knowlton , a third year in Management, said, “I took a little while to draft a personal statement. I had my mom, who teaches creative writing, and a few other people that I trust just read over it. Then you have to tweak it for different schools because they want slightly different things.”

Taking time to prepare your application is critical. Starting the process sooner rather than later gives you several advantages:

  • It allows your letter of recommendation writers enough time in advance to thoughtfully prepare a letter that speaks to who you are as a PhD candidate.
  • It gives you more time to review your materials, fix any errors, and proofread, proofread, proofread.
  • Finally, it means a lot less stress when the deadline starts rapidly approaching. By planning ahead, you’ll have a much smoother process applying.

Get Letters of Recommendation

Prof. Matthew Bidwell , who previously served as the doctoral coordinator for the Management program , said a common mistake he sees are letters of recommendations from employers. Although he said it is impressive to see work experience, having an employer write a letter is not the best choice.

“We don’t pay very much attention to those because rightly or wrongly, we worry that they’re not looking for the kinds of things that we’re looking for,” he said. “If you have one, it’s not a disaster, but when you see people with two or three — most of their recommendations coming from their work — that kind of heightens our concern. You’re committing to a fairly specialized career, do you really know what that career entails?”

Instead, he suggests getting to know an academic who will be able to write a recommendation attesting to your ability to manage doctoral-level research and work.

Include Research/Work Experience in Your Field

Each program has a unique set of criteria to evaluate applicants, but several doctoral coordinators agree that some research and work experience in your field of interest will strengthen your application overall.

Prof. Fernando Ferreira , doctoral coordinator for the Business Economics and Public Policy and Real Estate programs, thinks work experience can be useful in demonstrating an applicant’s abilities. He said, “Any work experience after undergraduate school is important. If that experience is more related to research it’s even better, but work experience in general is always good.”

Prof. Guy David , doctoral coordinator for the Health Care Management & Economics program , thinks that work experience benefits applicants in terms of giving them a broader view of business. “Work experience creates retrospection about how the world works, how organizations make decisions, and how people function in various situations,” he said.

However, he warns that spending too much time away from an academic setting can have its drawbacks too. “It may lead people to start their PhD later when they are not in the habit of immersing themselves in rigorous studies and have a shorter horizons to develop a name for themselves,” he said.

Although having both research and work experience can strengthen your application, you will not be denied entry because you are lacking either.

Prof. Bidwell said, “I think research experience does give us some confidence that people have some idea about what it is that we do. In terms of work experience, I think we don’t have a strong view. We quite like work experience, but we also take people straight out of undergrad.”

Prepare for the Standardized Tests

Most PhD programs require students to take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE). Having high test scores is a key part of an application as it tests skills learned over the course of many years in school. Quantitative skills are especially important when applying to doctoral programs in business areas. Much like any other standardized test, the GRE requires preparation.

Karren, who took the GRE twice to ensure her scores were high enough, offered advice to those who may be struggling. “I would absolutely recommend practicing the writing beforehand. Look up examples and have your outline structured,” she said. “So much of it is just getting the right structure and how you formulate your arguments so knowing what they’re looking for is key.”

Test prep can be time-consuming, but like anything else, practice makes perfect. There are multiple text books and online sites to help you prepare for the exam. Karren aimed to improve her math scores the second time she took the GRE and recommended this site to help strengthen math skills.

Taking advantage of resources to help you study can limit the number of times you need to take the GRE while ensuring you score high enough to remain in the applicant pool.

Watch a Webinar with Former Wharton Vice Dean Catherine Schrand

Posted: August 4, 2017

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  • Guide to Applying for Graduate School

The process of preparing for and applying to a PhD program can be overwhelming. The University of Pennsylvania has created this webpage to help prospective PhD students think through the process so you can put together a strong application.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree one may obtain within a particular field of study. This ranges from studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields; Social Science fields such as Education, Economics, Political Science, and Sociology; as well as Humanities fields such as English, History, Music, Philosophy, and more. The PhD degree aims to prepare people to think critically, develop research, and produce scholarship that may be used for further research or implementation . The PhD historically prepared students to take on faculty roles in colleges and universities, and that is still the goal for many students pursuing the PhD. However, today the PhD is a sought-after degree in many other industries including pharmaceutical research, arts organizations and other nonprofits, publishing, government policy, big tech, finance, and more.

  • Who can apply to a PhD program?   PhD education is available to people from various educational, occupational, socioeconomic, and demographic backgrounds.
  • Who should get a PhD?  People interested in uncovering new ideas, solutions, or processes within a specific area of study through conducting independent research.
  • Why is it important for diverse candidates to become PhD holders?   Our world thrives on heterogeneous ideas and experiences, which is why it is indispensable to include students with diverse perspectives in our PhD programs. These students will generate important and original research.

Most PhD programs are fully funded, meaning that for a specific number of years, the program will pay for your tuition and fees and health insurance, as well as provide you with a stipend for living expenses . The structure of this funding varies by field. Below is an outline of general funding information as well as trends according to field of study.

  • Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships: Part-time service that provides teaching and research training opportunities within your area of study.
  • Funding packages provided through faculty research grants: Many STEM fields fund students through research grants awarded to faculty. In these cases, students perform research alongside the faculty. 
  • Fellowships: Internal or external merit-based funding. Some fellowships require an application while others are given via nomination. Educational institutions typically have a resource listing fellowship opportunities. Winning a competitive fellowship looks good on your resume.
  • Grants: Requires an application with supporting materials of either your grades, scholarly work, and/or anticipated research. These are available through internal and external means. Grants greatly vary so be sure to always understand the requirements. Educational institutions typically have a resource listing grant opportunities. Winning a competitive grant looks good on your resume.
  • Employment: For example, serving as a residential advisor, on-campus jobs, etc. Some PhD programs restrict additional employment, so be sure to check before applying for jobs.
  • The funding opportunities described here often can be combined.

Choosing a school or program that provides the most potential funding may be a challenging decision. The value of the same amount of funding will differ depending on the cost of living in different geographic locations. Admitted applicants should investigate cost-of-living tools (available on the web) and be sure to understand how their funding will be structured. Ask questions when you are admitted, such as: 

  • Could you share more about your program’s funding mechanism?
  • For how long is funding guaranteed? How does that compare to the average time-to-completion? Historically, what percentage of students have received funding beyond the guaranteed funding package?
  • Does funding cover tuition, fees, books, health insurance?
  • Does the funding rely on teaching, research, or other service? How much and for how long? 

Choosing a program for your studies is a personal decision that should reflect not only your research interests, but your work style, and interests outside of the classroom. Here we have identified five key tips to consider when selecting schools. 

  • Ask about which programs are strong in your area of interest, which have high completion rates, and which have career outcomes that align with your goals. 
  • Explore the websites of the professional academic associations in the field(s) that interest you. Many will have a directory of doctoral programs and other resources for graduate students. For example, see the American Economic Association’s list of graduate programs and their preparing for graduate school page .
  • Conduct a general internet search with terms related to your research interest.
  • Determine your geographic and personal preferences. Does the area meet your community needs? Is it important that the university aligns with your sociopolitical values? Do you prefer a large city or a smaller/college town? Is there a particular region(s) that has better access to resources needed to conduct your research?
  • Access your current or former university career center. These services are often still available for former students!
  • As you narrow your choices, try to identify at least 3 faculty in the programs of interest with whom you’d like to study. Also note how many of them have tenure. If relevant, research which of those faculty are taking on advisees in your year of matriculation.
  • Read articles from faculty with similar research interests.
  • Note the number of awards, publications, and service activities of faculty.
  • Identify research opportunities funded by both your program and university at large.
  • Connect with current and former students in the program for informational interviews.
  • Connect with campus Diversity Offices.
  • Whenever possible, before submitting your applications, make an appointment to visit the campuses and department(s) that interest you.
  • Use  LinkedIn  to see what graduates of your program are doing and how they are involved in their communities.
  • Estimate your feasible cost of living by geographic location and compare to the funding package offered.
  • Consider availability of health insurance, childcare, housing, transportation, and other fringe benefits.
  • Connect with a local bank or your prospective university’s financial services office for budgeting, savings, and other financial wellness advice.
  • Research the career outcomes for PhD graduates from the institutions that interest you in your specific field.
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  • During your undergraduate/master’s education, you should pursue coursework and/or research that will prepare you for the higher expectations of a PhD program; for example, taking a research methods course, pursuing a summer research experience, or conducting research with a professor at your home institution.
  • Identify instructors who could write a letter of recommendation. Share with those instructors your interest in doctoral studies; faculty can be excellent resources for advice as well as recommendations!
  • Experiences outside of higher education can also strengthen your PhD application. These may range from project management to volunteer work.
  • Develop soft or hard skills. A soft skill that is most useful from the first day of your PhD program is networking. This is necessary not only for meeting other students but also to find collaborators with similar research interests and selecting faculty for your dissertation committee. Learning how to negotiate will also serve you well when approaching collaborative projects. Hard skills related to your field might include learning statistical analysis software, economic theory, a foreign language, or search engine optimization. In short, identify a few soft and hard skills that you can familiarize yourself with prior to your program’s start date.
  • Finally, prepare by identifying leading researchers and practitioners in your field , exploring peer-reviewed literature and/or publications, and gain familiarity with research methods.
  • Typically, PhD applications are due 10-12 months in advance of the program’s start date (i.e. apply in November to start the following September). A good rule of thumb is to begin your application process 6 months before the deadline. 
  • The availability of reduced application fees or fee waivers varies and sometimes depends on financial status and/or experiences (AmeriCorps, National Society of Black Engineers, attending certain conferences, etc.). If you are interested in a reduced fee or waiver, reach out to the program coordinator for details.
  • Be sure to address all the specific questions/topics in the statement prompt. 
  • Clearly state why you want to pursue a PhD.
  • Propose your research interest.
  • Identify the faculty you’d like to study under. 
  • Discuss the unique qualities/experiences you offer to the program/school.
  • Outline what you hope to do with your degree.
  • Ask for recommendation letters early in the process, at least 2-4 weeks before the deadline. A good letter takes time to write!
  • Provide recommenders with your resume, information about the program, your statement of purpose and/or information about your research interests and research goals.
  • Consider your current/former instructors, supervisors, colleagues. These should be people who can speak to your work ethic, academic abilities, and research interests.
  • Test scores (i.e. TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, etc.) may or may not be required.
  • All transcripts including those for coursework completed abroad and transfer credits. Some programs require official transcripts, which take longer to procure.
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Writing sample (field dependent): Include a graduate-level sample and update any statements, statistics, etc. as needed. It is highly encouraged that you edit your previous work.
  • Diversity statement: Many institutions offer an optional short statement where students can expand on their diverse backgrounds and experiences that may contribute to the diversity interests/efforts of the school.
  • Dress professionally, even if the interview is virtual. You don’t necessarily need to wear a suit but dress pants/skirt and a blouse/button down shirt would be appropriate.  
  • Develop an engaging elevator pitch, a 30-60 second summary of your research interests and what you hope to gain by becoming a student at that particular university. Practice your pitch with a career counselor, faculty advisor, or friends, and ask for honest feedback.
  • Prepare 2-3 questions to ask during the interview. These could include questions about program expectations, the experience and success of their PhD students, and (academic/financial/mental health) support for PhD students.
  • Some interview programs will include multiple activities including a social event. Be sure to maintain a professional attitude: do not drink too much and keep conversation on academic/professional topics.
  • This is also your opportunity to decide whether this campus is a good fit for you.
  • Academia Insider  is a good resource. 

Unlike undergraduate and master’s level education, coursework is just one component of the degree. A PhD comes with additional expectations: you must independently conduct scholarly research in your field of study, train in specific activities such as teaching or lab/field research, pass “milestone” requirements along the way, such as comprehensive exams, and complete the process by writing a dissertation. Furthermore, some fields require you to write multiple articles (number varies by field/program) for conference presentation and/or peer-reviewed publication.

There are other important elements as well:

  • Student/Advisor relationship. This is one of the most valuable relationships you can have as a PhD student. Your faculty advisor not only assists you with learning how to approach your research topic, but also typically serves as the lead supervisor of your dissertation research and writing, and ideally mentors you throughout the PhD experience. The selection process of choosing your advisor varies so be sure to know what is expected of you as a student and what is expected of the faculty member. Whenever possible, it is important to align your personality and work style with that of your faculty advisor. Many universities publish expectations for the PhD student/faculty advisor relationship;  AMP’ed  is Penn’s guide.
  • Other relationships: Your faculty advisor is far from the only important person during your PhD career. Other faculty members will also serve on your dissertation committee and be potential mentors. Students in your program can also provide good advice and guidance along the way.
  • Coursework: Most programs have a number of required courses all students must take regardless of research interests. Once you have finished this requirement, the classes you choose should closely align with your research topic. Choose courses that will help you learn more about your dissertation topic and research methods. It is a good idea to discuss elective course selection with your advisor. 
  • The dissertation is a large-scale, written document that explores a narrow research topic of your choice. It is the final step before receiving your degree and must be presented and “defended” to your dissertation committee (made up of faculty members) for approval. Defending means that you have to answer in-depth questions about your topic. While this might sound daunting, the dissertation is simply a demonstration of all the knowledge and expertise you have acquired through your PhD education. 
  • Networking comes in many forms and includes connections with your fellow classmates, faculty members, and scholarly community. Formal networking events typically take place at academic conferences, where scholars and students present research. Increasing your academic circle will not only allow you to have study buddies, but offer you the opportunity to collaborate on articles or even gain employment. Your school’s career center can provide best practices for effective networking. 

Explore  graduate programs at the University of Pennsylvania  and click on the programs that interest you to learn more about admissions and academic requirements.

Upcoming Penn information sessions and recruitment events include:

  • Fontaine Fellows Recruitment Dinner (by invitation only): every March
  • Summer Virtual Series for undergraduates thinking about graduate school: June-July, 2024
  • DEEPenn STEM  (Diversity Equity Engagement at Penn in STEM): October 11-13, 2024. Application deadline is May 24, 2024.
  • DivE In Weekend  (Diversity & Equity Initiative for Mind Research): October 18-20, 2024. Application due May 30, 2024.
  • IDDEAS@Wharton  (Introduction to Diversity in Doctoral Education and Scholarship): April 2025. Application opens in November 2024.

National conferences to explore:

  • The Leadership Alliance  supports students into research careers
  • McNair Scholar Conferences
  • SACNAS , the largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the U.S.
  • ABRCMS , the annual biomedical research conference for minoritized scientists
  • The PhD Project  for students interested in business PhD programs

Applying to PhD Programs

New section.

A diligent, well-organized approach to applying to graduate school can help you gain admission to a program that best matches your professional goals.

researchers looking at computer screen in the lab

Among the steps you will want to take are:

  • Get an early start during your college years
  • Explore available graduate programs
  • Determine the admissions requirements for the programs that meet your needs
  • Learn about financial support

What do I need to do during/after college?

You will want to plan for graduate school long before you begin the official application process. During your college years, establish a timeline that outlines the goals you plan to accomplish each semester and summer. A periodic review of your timeline will help you stay on track, ensuring that that you are prepared for application to graduate school in the following three areas:

  • Research experience
  • Graduate Record Examination

What should I look for in graduate programs?

Graduate programs in the biomedical sciences differ widely in size, scope, and research opportunities. Your goal when exploring programs is to find the ones that best match your background, research interests, and professional career aspirations. Gather as much information about the structure, organization, requirements, opportunities, satisfaction level of current students, and career outcomes of the program's graduates.

PhD Programs in Biomedical Science

What will I need to apply?

There is no common application form for graduate school, and individual schools may have specific admissions requirements. It is therefore essential that you review the requirements of each school and program as you prepare your application file. In general, there are six elements to the admissions file that most schools require, and they are listed below for your review:

  • Graduate School Application Form
  • Personal Statement (aka Statement of Purpose or Research Statement)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test scores

How can I finance my graduate education?

Funding for graduate studies as a full-time student pursuing a PhD in the biomedical sciences is usually provided by the programs and includes tuition, fees, and a stipend to cover living expenses. The size of the support package will vary from school to school and among geographic location. The support package may come from a variety of sources, for different durations and usually the source changes within the period required to complete the degree. Independent fellowships from the federal government or from a private foundation are prestigious and usually allow a greater degree of freedom in the pursuit of thesis research.

Financial Support for PhD Candidates

Where can I earn a PhD?

Search among the more than 600 graduate programs in the biomedical sciences that differ widely in size, scope, and research opportunities.

Biomedical Sciences PhD Programs

Helpful tools and information regarding medical MD-PhD programs.

Helpful tools for those applying to medical PhD programs

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Stanford GSE

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Three students sitting in front a water fountain.

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Application requirements for all doctoral programs (phd).

All of our doctoral programs are designed to develop outstanding educational researchers who have a deep understanding of the scientific, practical and policy issues they study. All require full-time study, and we promise five years of full-time financial support for every student we admit. Our doctoral programs are small, typically ranging from about 25 to 35 new students a year. The small size of our doctoral cohorts creates big educational advantages for students: the classes are almost always small, students receive individualized attention from their advisors, and they have many opportunities to develop close collegial relationships with fellow students.

It is extremely important to demonstrate in your statement of purpose that your interests converge closely with the current research of faculty who work in the program to which you are applying. Other doctoral applicants will certainly do this, and if you don't, you will forfeit an important competitive advantage to them. 

If you wish to contact faculty, please read our Which Degree Which Program article, by Professor Eamonn Callan, which outlines the appropriate process for contacting faculty with whom you share research interests. 

  • Program website:  Degrees and Programs/PhD
  • Length of Program:  5 years (average length)
  • Tuition: fellowship/assistantship salary and tuition guaranteed for first five years of the program (autumn, winter and spring quarters) for all students, including international students. Funding includes two summers.

Application Requirements:

Application form.

Complete and submit Stanford's graduate online application .

Application Fee

The application fee is $125 , is non-refundable, and must be received by the application deadline.

Application Fee Waivers

Stanford offers three types of application fee waivers for which GSE applicants may apply and be considered:

  • GRE Fee Reduction Certificate-Based Waiver
  • Diversity Program Participation-Based Waiver
  • School-Based Waiver

Please visit the Stanford Graduate Diversity website for instructions, deadlines, and the fee waiver application form.

Statement of Purpose

A Statement of Purpose is required. Your statement should be typed, single-spaced and should be between one to two pages . Describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program, your preparation for this field of study, and why our program is a good fit for you, your future career plans, and other aspects of your background as well as interests which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study. You may indicate potential faculty mentors as part of your study and research interests. Be sure to keep a copy for your records. What's a Good Statement of Purpose?

A resume or CV  is required of all applicants, depending on which document is most appropriate for your background. There is no page limit for resumes or CVs, though we typically see resumes of one page in length. Please upload your resume or CV in the online application.

Three (3) Letters of Recommendation

Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation . In the online application, you will be asked to identify your recommenders and their email addresses. Please notify your recommenders that they will receive an email prompt to submit their recommendation online. You can submit your request for letters of recommendation through the system without submitting the entire online application.  Stanford GSE only accepts online recommendations through the application system ; Stanford GSE cannot accept mailed, emailed or faxed recommendations.

Recommendations should be written by people who have supervised you in an academic, employment, or community service setting. We very strongly recommend that at least one of these letters be from a university professor familiar with your academic work. Your recommendations should directly address your suitability for admission to a graduate program at Stanford GSE.

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all three letters of recommendation are submitted through the system by the application deadline , so please work closely with your recommenders to remind them of the deadline.

College and University Transcripts

Transcripts are required from every college and university you have attended for at least one academic year as a full-time student. When submitting your online application, transcripts should be uploaded to the application as a scanned copy or PDF ; this is sufficient for the application review process. Please refrain from sending a secured PDF/transcript with a digital signature as our system cannot upload these properly. The best way to ensure we receive an upload-able document is for you to print out the secured transcript, scan it, and upload the scanned copy (not to exceed 10MB) as a PDF. 

If you earned a degree at the institution from which you are submitting a transcript, please ensure that the degree conferral date and the degree conferred is clearly visible on the document. If you are currently enrolled in a degree program and will not have earned the respective degree by the time of submitting your GSE application, you should submit your most recent in-progress transcript from your institution.

Only if admitted will we contact you with instructions on sending two copies of your official transcripts to our office. We cannot accept mailed, emailed or faxed copies of your transcripts during the application process. Please note: the instructions for sending transcripts on the online application and on the general Stanford Graduate Admissions Office website differ from this Stanford GSE requirement.

Concerning course work completed in a study abroad program

If the coursework and grades are reflected on the transcript of your home institution, you do not need to submit original transcripts from the study abroad institution.

Concerning foreign institutions

If your institution provides a transcript in a language other than English, we require that you submit a translation of the transcript that is either provided by the institution or a certified translator. Translations must be literal and complete versions of the original records.

If your transcript does not include your degree conferral date and the degree conferred , please submit a scanned copy of your diploma, a conferral statement, or a conferral document in addition to your transcript . If you are currently enrolled in a degree program and will not have earned the respective degree by the time of submitting your GSE application, you should submit your most recent in-progress transcript from your institution.

Stanford University requires the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) from all applicants whose native language is not English. The GSE requires a minimum TOEFL score of 250 for the computer-based test, 600 for the paper-based test or 100 for the internet-based test in order to be considered for admission. The Test of Written English (TWE) portion of the TOEFL is not required. Applicants who have completed a four-year bachelor's degree or a two-year master's program (or its equivalent) in the U.S. or at an institution where English is the main language of instruction are not required to take the TOEFL. For more information on TOEFL requirements, please refer to the Required Exams  page on the main Stanford Graduate Admissions website. You may register for the TOEFL test directly at the ETS website .

TOEFL Dates and Deadlines

PhD applicants who are required to take the TOEFL should plan to take the internet-based TOEFL test and have official TOEFL scores sent electronically to Stanford at institution code 4704 (department code does not matter) no later than November 1 . This will give your official TOEFL scores time to be sent from ETS and be received by our system in time for the December 1 deadline. PhD applicants to Knight-Hennessy Scholars should plan to take the internet-based TOEFL test no later than October 16 so your scores can be received by our system in time for the November 16 KHS GSE deadline. Please note that the TOEFL may be taken no earlier than 18 months prior to the application deadline.

Does Stanford accept tests other than TOEFL?

No. We accept only TOEFL scores; we do not accept IELTS or other test scores.

Contact Information

Admissions:  [email protected]  

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how to get into a phd program

Students sit around a table and discuss with a professor nearby. Photo source: Sallie

PhD Admissions

The PhD program in Psychology trains students for careers in research and teaching. In addition to a wide range of courses, the PhD program is characterized by close collaboration between students and their faculty advisors. 

General Information

The Department of Psychology holistically reviews each candidate's complete application to assess the promise of a career in teaching and research. Consideration is based on various factors, including courses taken, grade point average, letters of recommendation, and the statement of purpose. Additionally, the Department of Psychology places considerable emphasis on research training, and admitted students have often been involved in independent research as undergraduate students or post-baccalaureate settings. Although there are no course requirements for admission, all applicants should have sufficient foundational knowledge and research experience to engage in graduate-level coursework and research.

We accept students with undergraduate degrees and those with both undergraduate and master's degrees. An undergraduate psychology major is not required; the Department welcomes applicants from other academic backgrounds.

Our application portal is now OPEN for the AY25-26 admissions cycle.

How to Apply

Application and deadline.

Our 2025-26 Admissions application will open on September 15, 2024.

Applications will be due on November 22, 2024

The deadline for letters of recommendation will be  November 22, 2024 . 

Once an applicant submits the recommenders' information, the recommenders will receive an automated email with instructions for submitting the letter. Late letters should be sent directly to psych-admissions [at] (psych-admissions[at]stanford[dot]edu) . Staff will add them to the application file if the review process is still underway. Still, the faculty reviewers are not obligated to re-review files for materials submitted after the deadline.

Generally, students will hear from us by the end of January. 

The status of submitted applications can be viewed anytime by logging in to the   application portal . 

The deadline to apply for the '25-26 PhD cohort this year is  November 22, 2024 . Applicants who are admitted to the program will matriculate in Autumn 2025. 

Our next admissions cycle will open in September 2025 and have a November 2025 deadline.

In addition to the information below, please review the  Graduate Admissions  website prior to starting your application. The Department of Psychology does not have rolling admissions. We admit for the Autumn term only.


  • U.S. Bachelor's degree or its  foreign equivalent
  • Statement of Purpose (submitted electronically as part of the graduate application). You will be able to specify three  Psychology Department faculty members , in order of preference, with whom you would like to work. 
  • Three  Letters of Recommendation  (submitted electronically). A maximum of six letters will be accepted.
  • Unofficial transcripts from all universities and colleges you have attended for at least one year must be uploaded to the graduate application. Applicants who reach the interview stage will be asked to provide official transcripts as well; Department staff will reach out to these applicants with instructions for submitting official transcripts. Please do  not  submit official transcripts with your initial application.
  • Required for non-native English speakers: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores, submitted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) electronically to Stanford. 

Application Fee

The fee to apply for graduate study at Stanford is $125. Fee waivers are available for some applicants. Please visit Graduate Admissions for information on applying for an  Application Fee Waiver .

Application Review & Status Check

The Department of Psychology welcomes graduate applications from individuals with a broad range of life experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds who would contribute to our community of scholars. The review of applications is holistic and individualized, considering each applicant’s academic record and accomplishments, letters of recommendation, and admissions essays to understand how an applicant’s life experiences have shaped their past and potential contributions to their field.

To check the status or activity of your application, please log into your  application account . You can also send reminders to recommenders who have not yet submitted their letter of recommendation.

Due to limited bandwidth, the Department of Psychology staff will not answer any phone or email queries about application status, including requests to confirm the receipt of official transcripts.

Our faculty will interview prospective students before making final admission decisions. Candidates who progress to the interview round will be informed in January. Interviews are generally conducted in February.

The Department of Psychology recognizes that the Supreme Court issued a ruling in June 2023 about the consideration of certain types of demographic information as part of an admission review. All applications submitted during upcoming application cycles will be reviewed in conformance with that decision.

  • Diversity and Engagement in Psychology PhD Programs 
  • Vice Provost for Graduate Education
  • Stanford IDEAL
  • Graduate Application Fee Waiver Information

For More Information

Please see our  list of Frequently Asked Questions  and  psych-admissions [at] (contact us)  should you have additional questions.

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How to Choose a PhD Program

Successfully completing a doctoral program requires commitment and perseverance. the most important step in this process is to consider whether academic life is right for you and what kind of doctoral program — from discipline to environment — will be the best fit for your goals and preferences., we asked our current students and faculty, “what is key to making this decision” following are some questions they suggested you ask yourself, and answer, in order to select the appropriate program..

First, a basic description of a doctoral program:

As a doctoral student, you will spend the first two years of your program exploring areas of interest through coursework. In the two to three years that follow, you will select and pursue your own research topic, one which will make an original contribution to the existing body of knowledge in your field. Your original research culminates in an extensive written document known as the doctoral dissertation.

General Questions

If you are considering your career options, answering these questions will help you clarify your goals and ambitions — and determine if a doctoral program is the right decision for you.

  • Am I the type of person who is suited for a career in academia? Am I independently motivated to answer questions that I find interesting?
  • Do I want to spend the rest of my career doing research, as well as reading and talking about it?
  • Do I have a strong enough academic background in order to apply and be accepted by the program?
  • Is now the time for me to pursue a PhD?
  • What are my goals after completing the PhD?

Program Questions

If you know you want to pursue a doctoral degree, answers to these questions will help you select the right program for you.

  • How many faculty are working with students?
  • How many faculty members are doing research in areas related to my own interests?
  • What opportunities are there to work with a variety of faculty and to be exposed to different approaches in research (modeling, work with data, experiment design)?
  • Am I technically prepared to learn to do research in this field?
  • Most PhD students change their vision of research and many change their intended concentration area after joining the program and being exposed to a variety of research styles. Does my program of choice offer flexibility needed to do so?
  • Is there financial support for students to attend academic conferences to present their own research?
  • What opportunities are there for students to participate in colloquia, both as an attendee and as a presenter?
  • What is the department’s placement record? What types of jobs do graduates take and where?
  • Finally, how well do graduates of the program perform in the long term (contributing to the field through publication, practice of management and earning tenure)?

Hear From Our Doctoral Community

From undergrad to phd, uniting great minds, wharton’s stat bridge ma program takes flight, how this phd student discovered a dynamic research community at wharton.

  • PhD/Master's Application Process

Who is Eligible to Apply? 

If you have completed your undergraduate degree (bachelor's or equivalent) or will have completed it prior to your intended matriculation date at Yale, you may apply to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS).

A Master's degree is not required to apply for a PhD at Yale, although some programs give preference to applicants with post-baccalaureate training. Consult your program of interest directly for information on how it evaluates applications.

We value diversity of all kinds at the Graduate School, and we encourage students from all backgrounds to apply if Yale is a good fit for your intellectual and professional goals. All are welcome to apply, without regard to citizenship or immigration status, socioeconomic level, race, religion, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability, etc.

Requirements for All PhD and Master's Degree Applicants

You will need to provide the following with your application for admission:

  • A statement of academic purpose. You will find the prompt for the statement of purpose in our Application Question FAQs . 
  • A list of all the prior colleges or universities you have attended, accompanied by unofficial transcripts from each school. Unofficial transcripts should be uploaded with your application. Official or paper transcripts are not needed at this time. 
  • Three letters of recommendation. Enter the names of your recommenders directly in the application and they will receive a link to upload a letter on your behalf. 
  • $105 application fee or fee waiver. 
  • Standardized tests . GRE requirements vary by program. TOEFL or IELTS are necessary for most non-native English speakers. 
  • Resume/CV . 
  • Some programs have additional requirements, such as a writing sample . You can find information about any specific requirements on the program's website. 

Where Do I Begin?

Decide whether you will apply for a PhD or a terminal Master’s (MA, MS) in one of the programs available at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences . (Note that you will earn one or more Master's degrees en route to a PhD.) Learn about the program: its faculty, course offerings, and resources. Read the faculty's research publications. If you can identify and articulate why the program is a good fit for you and show how your preparation and interests align well with it, you will have a strong application.

A note to students applying to one of Yale’s professional schools or programs:

  • If you are applying for a PhD in Architecture, Environment, Investigative Medicine, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, or Public Health; for an MS in Public Health; or for an MA in Music, be sure to use the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences PhD/Master's application.
  • If you are applying for any other degree at one of the University’s professional schools (Art, Architecture, Divinity, Drama, Environment, Global Affairs, Law, Management, Medicine, Music, Nursing, and Public Health), visit that school’s website for further instructions. Those programs have separate admissions policies and processes that are administered by the professional schools, not GSAS.

Application deadlines vary by program, so please see Dates & Deadlines for information about your program of interest. 

All new students matriculate in the fall. The admissions process begins nearly a year in advance of matriculation.

Some PhD and Master’s degree programs require Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. Check your program's standardized testing requirement before you apply. 

In addition, applicants whose native language is not English may need to take an English Language test (TOEFL or IELTS).

The application for Fall 2025 entry is now available. 

Be sure to complete and submit the application before your program's application deadline. 

Your application fee or an approved fee waiver is due upon submission of your application. 

Your letters of recommendation do not need to be received before you will be able to submit your application. However, since programs begin reviewing applications shortly after the respective application deadline, please be sure that your letters of recommendation are submitted promptly.

What Happens After I Submit My Application?

The faculty admissions committee in each department and program begins reviewing applications shortly after their application deadline. Led by the director of graduate studies (DGS) or director of graduate admissions (DGA), the committee will recommend students for admission to the Graduate School. Once confirmed by the deans of the Graduate School, the admissions office will release final decisions to applicants.

Unlike undergraduate admissions, the admissions office and staff of the Graduate School maintain the application, the application process, and other administrative transactions, but the admissions staff does not review applications or make admissions decisions. That responsibility is handled by the faculty of each department or program.

Most admissions decisions are provided between February and early March. You will receive an email notification when your admissions decision is available.

If you are accepted for admission, you will need to decide if you wish to accept our offer by April 15. We abide by Council of Graduate School's April 15 Resolution , regarding graduate financial support. 

Ready to apply? Begin your application today.

Students sitting on quad

PhD/Master's Applicants

  • Why Choose Yale Graduate School?
  • Dates and Deadlines
  • Standardized Testing Requirements

Students reading

Non-Degree Program Applicants

Looking for non-degree programs? In some cases, it is possible to enroll at the Graduate School as a non-degree student. Non-degree students receive a transcript and many of the benefits of being a Yale student, but do not earn a degree upon completion of their enrollment. We offer three types of non-degree programs.

  • Non-Degree Programs

American Psychological Association Logo

Applying to Graduate School

Black female student writing notes while looking at laptop.

Graduate psychology programs can have different admission requirements, training specializations, and financial resources. Find the program that is the best fit for you.

Get your questions answered

Young male college student raises his hand to ask a question in class.

FAQ: Graduate education

Find answers to commonly asked questions about pursuing graduate education in psychology.

Young female college student using laptop.

FAQ: Online education

Learn more about how the advantages and disadvantages of online education in psychology.

Male student raising his hand to ask a question in classroom.

FAQ: PSYCAS application process

Understand what to expect from the PSYCAS application process if your graduate program uses this service.

Choose your program

Finding fit: A roadmap to graduate school

Webinar series that breaks down the graduate program application process.

Researching psychology graduate programs

Search and compare admissions information for more than 900 masters and doctoral programs.

Paying for graduate school

Funding for dissertations, graduate school, and research can come from many sources.

Submit your application

Apply to multiple graduate psychology programs with a single application.

PSYCAS participating programs

List of all graduate psychology programs that currently accept PSYCAS applications.

PSYCAS application instructions

Get an overview of the PSYCAS application process and learn about important deadlines.

Training and webinars

Advice and tips from experts on navigating the application process.

Reflection of computer screen on a woman's face

Becoming a psychological scientist

The application process for doctoral programs for psychological science has several steps. This eight-part video series offers advice for navigating the process, discusses important considerations for selecting a program, and highlights resources for funding your graduate education.

Watch the series

Woman using a calculator while looking at her laptop screen.

Strategies for applying to psychology graduate school

Expert panelists discuss how prospective students can strategically approach the graduate school application process and highlight APA resources to help students find and apply to the program that best meets their professional goals.

Watch the video

Male college student takes notes while working on laptop.

Preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology

This series of 12 videos takes prospective graduate students step-by-step through the preparation, application, interview, and admission processes. The presenters combine decades of advising experience and research findings with evidence-based and anxiety-reducing strategies for mastering each step.

APA publications

Own Your Psychology Major!

What Psychology Majors Could (and Should) Be Doing, 2nd Ed

Your Complete Guide to College Success

Internships in Psychology, 4th ed.

Psychology in Higher Education

You’ve applied to graduate school and been what?

Explore APA’s resources to help students succeed in graduate school, including tools for academic success, information about how to get involved as a student, and helpful resources guides.

Succeeding in graduate school

Get started with your application to the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Griffin GSAS)

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Applications to degree programs for the 2025-2026 academic year are now open.

Apply for degree programs

We’re delighted that you are interested in pursuing academic studies at the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Griffin GSAS). Whether you intend to study toward a master’s or PhD degree, join a visiting students program, or participate in one of our outreach programs, we are looking forward to reviewing your application. For information about tuition and fees, see the Cost of Attendance section.

Harvard does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, political beliefs, veteran status, disability or any other protected classification, and we actively seek applicants from historically underrepresented communities. We hope you’ll consider applying. 

Immigration status does not factor into decisions about admissions and financial aid. For more information, see Undocumented at Harvard . 

Get Started 

Step 1: choose a program. .

You have several options for study at Harvard Griffin GSAS. 

Degree Programs 

The school offers master’s and PhD degrees in programs based in the arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering and applied sciences. Many programs also allow a student to conduct more focused research by choosing an area of study. Review the programs on offer to decide which program best meets your academic goals. 

Are you a Harvard College student looking for information on the AB/AM and AB/SM programs? Visit the Harvard AB/AM and AB/SM programs page.

Non-Degree Programs 

The Visiting Students Program offers you the opportunity to take classes and conduct research with faculty. 

Outreach Programs 

If you are looking for a short-term research experience, consider a paid summer internship  organized by Harvard Griffin GSAS, Harvard departments, and Harvard-affiliated teaching hospitals. The School also offers  Research Scholar Initiative , a post-baccalaureate program that enables college graduates to take part in a long-term research experience. 

Information for Exchange Scholars:

Exchange Scholars  

Step 2: Make a note of the application deadline and review admissions policies.

Application deadlines vary by program and are noted on the relevant program page . You should also review our admissions policies and Applying to Degree Programs .

Step 3: Determine whether you need to take standardized tests and register early. 

Degree programs may require Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test or subject test scores. Applicants who are non-native English speakers may be required to demonstrate English proficiency by submitting scores from an English Language test (TOEFL or IELTS). Review the admissions policy on English proficiency for more information.  

Step 4: Complete your application by the deadline. 

The degree program application becomes available in September. You should review Applying to Degree Programs before starting your application. All components of the application to a degree program are due by 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on the deadline date.

Applications for the Visiting Students Program are accepted twice a year.

For application information about our Outreach Programs , visit your program page of interest.  

Who should I contact if I have a question about a specific program? 

If you still have questions after carefully reviewing your degree program of interest, reach out to the contact noted on the program’s page. 

Can I enroll in courses instead of applying to a degree program? 

If you are interested in taking courses for academic credit outside of a formal degree program, you may apply for Visiting Student status by the appropriate deadline. Please visit the Visiting Students website or contact [email protected] to learn more. 

Harvard Integrated Life Sciences (HILS) Applicants 

While prospective degree program applicants are encouraged to carefully choose the HILS program that best fits their academic goals, interested applicants may apply to up to three programs and pay only one application fee. If you elect to apply to three programs, only two may be programs in the Department of Medical Sciences (these programs are biomedical informatics, biological and biomedical sciences, immunology, neuroscience, speech and hearing bioscience and technology, and virology). The fee waiver for additional applications is ONLY available for those applying to multiple programs in the HILS federation. For more information, please consult the HILS page . 

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Doctoral Degrees

A doctoral degree requires the satisfactory completion of an approved program of advanced study and original research of high quality..

Please note that the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (ScD) degrees are awarded interchangeably by all departments in the School of Engineering and the School of Science, except in the fields of biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical engineering, and medical physics. This means that, excepting the departments outlined above, the coursework and expectations to earn a Doctor of Philosophy and for a Doctor of Science degree from these schools are generally the same. Doctoral students may choose which degree they wish to complete.

Applicants interested in graduate education should apply to the department or graduate program conducting research in the area of interest. Some departments require a doctoral candidate to take a “minor” program outside of the student’s principal field of study; if you wish to apply to one of these departments, please consider additional fields you may like to pursue.

Below is a list of programs and departments that offer doctoral-level degrees.

ProgramApplication OpensApplication Deadline
September 1December 1
September 15January 7
September 15December 15
October 1December 1
September 1December 1
September 15December 1
September 15December 1
September 15December 1
October 1December 1
September 15December 1
September 1December 1
September 15December 15
September 16December 1
August 1December 1
September 10December 10
September 15December 15
September 15December 15
September 1December 1
September 14December 15
September 15December 15
September 15
October 1December 1
SeptemberDecember 1

October 1December 15
September 15December 15
September 1December 15
September 15January 2
September 15December 15
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October 1January 15
September 5December 15

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outline of two human heads facing one another. one has puzzle pieces in order. the other has pieces jumbled up

Human Development, Ph.D.

December 3, 2024

June 30, 2025

  • In-State - $12,540
  • Out-of-State - $26,490

The Human Development, Ph.D. program prepares you for research careers in educational psychology and developmental science. Through an apprenticeship model, you'll engage in collaborative research with faculty and peers, participate in colloquia and seminars with international experts, and receive professional development on various topics. The program offers specializations in educational psychology or developmental science, each with unique course requirements, ensuring a comprehensive and customized academic experience.

Key Features

  • Interdisciplinary Approach : Connect with faculty in the Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation program, other departments in the College of Education, and research institutions globally.
  • Specializations : Choose between Developmental Science and Educational Psychology, each offering unique coursework and research opportunities.
  • Professional Development : Participate in seminars and workshops on conference preparations, dissertation projects, grant writing and career pathways.
  • Conduct rigorous research in educational psychology and developmental science.
  • Critically analyze and evaluate developmental and educational issues.
  • Develop and advocate for policies that promote equity and effectiveness in educational institutions.
  • Apply theoretical knowledge to address real-world problems in education and human development.
  • Collaborate with a diverse community of scholars and practitioners.

Information on admissions and application to this program can be found on the University Graduate Admissions website. 

Admission Requirements           Guide to Applying

Before applying, you should first reach out to one of the faculty members listed below.

In addition to the Graduate School requirements, this program has the following mandatory and optional requirements.

  • Letters of Recommendation (3): Recommendation letters may come from professors, school administrators, supervisors, and/or any other person who can effectively comment on your potential for success in a research-based PhD program in Human Development with a focus on Developmental Science and Educational Psychology. We recommend that letters of recommendation be from those that know you/your work well and comment on what you have done so far.
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (optional)**
  • Open Response: In 200-300 words, describe your quantitative and/or analytical skills, knowledge, and prior experience. These may include college and/or AP level mathematics and statistics courses, experience with mathematical and/or statistical software packages, quantitative experience in past research activities, and/or work experience. The research-based Ph.D. program in Human Development is mathematically and statistically rigorous to facilitate students’ learning and use of advanced quantitative methodologies. Therefore, evidence of applicants’ quantitative proficiency is required. 
  • Writing Sample: Submit an article, report, or manuscript in which you were the primary author (e.g., peer-reviewed journal publication or conference presentation paper in which you were the primary author, or alternatively, a master’s or undergraduate thesis, or school report/literature review). We encourage you to submit something you have already written; though, you may write something new.

*All applicants should contact a potential faculty member(s) in the department regarding their availability, fit, and interest in serving as a mentor prior to submitting their application. Please indicate a faculty member of interest and if contact was made then applicants can state that in their Statement of Purpose.

**Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are not considered as a criterion for admission into the program. GRE scores that are submitted are made available to potential faculty advisors.

  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are not considered as a criterion for admission into the program. GRE scores that are submitted are made available to potential faculty advisors.
  • All applicants are recommended to seek advice from a faculty mentor or academic advisor for how to construct a strong admissions application.
  • All applicants are strongly encouraged to contact a potential faculty member(s) in the department regarding their availability, fit, and interest in serving as a mentor in the graduate training program. Applicants may state that this contact was made in their application.

You are required to submit all required documents before submitting your application:  Purpose Statement, recommendation letters, transcripts, GRE scores (optional) and TOEFL/IELTS/PTE for international graduate students . The Educational Testing Service is offering the GRE General Test online .

Patricia A. Alexander, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology

The doctoral curriculum requires 72 semester hours of graduate credit and continuous registration every semester. Most students admitted to the program already have a master's degree. If you do not have a master's degree, an advisor will develop an individualized plan that aligns master's level and doctoral level coursework.

Full details can be found in the program handbook.

EDHD Doctoral Handbook        


  • Developmental Science Train in social, cognitive, emotional, and biological aspects of human development. Engage in research apprenticeships, coursework in core and advanced seminars, and professional development seminars organized by the Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture. Investigate topics such as peer relationships, emotional development, developmental neuroscience, and cultural influences on development.
  • Educational Psychology Focus on learning processes across the lifespan and competent functioning in educational settings. Work closely with faculty on research related to cognitive development, motivation, self-regulation, and social influences on learning. Participate in bi-weekly research seminars and gain advanced training in quantitative methods, cognitive neuroscience, and social influences on learning.

For more information, please contact:

[email protected]

For graduate advising in HDQM, please contact:

Jannitta Graham Graduate Coordinator [email protected]

Sep 17 Graduate Fair Expo Sep 17, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm

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  • Published: 12 September 2024

Tap the potential of PhD students

Nature Physics volume  20 ,  page 1361 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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PhD students can face many challenges, such as a lack of confidence in their newly acquired skills or the uncertainty about which career path to choose. We highlight some ways to empower students in their doctoral journey.

The overall development of PhD students during their doctoral studies is important for their personal and professional growth, as well as for the success of their project. However, they are often encouraged to focus on their research project, with other aspects of academic and professional training receiving less attention. As a result, many students face difficulties in moving forward after finishing their doctoral studies. Thus, a well-rounded approach is necessary to empower PhD students with the abilities to confidently choose their career path.

how to get into a phd program

A lack of research autonomy can stifle creativity and hold PhD students back in their development. By granting them control over certain aspects of their research — for example, by allowing them to steer parts of their projects or by encouraging independent exploration within the broader scope of their work — students will learn to become more self-reliant researchers.

Supervisors can further promote their students’ independence by encouraging them to propose their own hypotheses or conduct additional simulations or laboratory-based experiments. In this way, PhD students learn how to develop a research problem and how to tackle it — an invaluable skill not just in academia but in all walks of life.

In addition to conducting research, students must also learn to communicate their findings and develop presentation skills. Universities can facilitate training programmes on soft skills, such as writing research articles and presenting research to a broader audience. This will enhance students' ability to convey their ideas with confidence. It is particularly important when they present posters or give oral presentations in larger forums, such as conferences or seminars, or when they engage with their peers in the research field.

Networking is a vital component of a successful academic and professional career. It allows students to find collaborators, seek advice, and discover new research and job opportunities. However, many PhD students struggle to build and maintain professional relationships, often because of a lack of guidance on how to approach networking effectively. It is not uncommon for PhD students to be unaware of the research activities of their colleagues, whether from other departments or even the same department.

Institutions can help in this regard by organizing frequent workshops or seminars in which students can engage with peers and experts in their field. Conferences and summer schools also offer invaluable networking opportunities, while commonly providing students with the chance to present their research, which in turn enhances their presentation skills. Universities should actively support their students' participation in such events through travel grants. In addition, organizers of conferences and schools should also provide funding opportunities, especially for PhD students from developing countries where principal investigators may not have enough resources to support their students’ travel.

Another crucial aspect of a PhD student’s journey is the process of publishing their work. However, many students feel ill-equipped to handle the steps of academic publishing. They often rely on their supervisors to lead the process, which can leave them unprepared for the demands of publishing as they transition to more independent roles.

To address this, supervisors should actively involve students in every step of the publication process, from the discussion of a suitable target journal to the writing of a manuscript’s first draft and cover letter, to the actual submission and preparation of the response to reviewers' comments. Although this may require additional back-and-forth, it is an invaluable learning experience that prepares the students for future academic challenges and enhances the quality of their research output. These skills are also transferable and will undoubtedly benefit students in any future career path, whether in academia, industry or other sectors.

Uncertainty about future career paths is a common concern among PhD students. Many are unsure whether to pursue research positions or explore opportunities outside academia. Unfortunately, students often lack access to adequate career training, which hinders their ability to prepare for future employment. For example, many students don’t know how to tailor CVs for future employment options or are unsure for which non-academic positions their skills make them suitable applicants.

By facilitating career-oriented workshops, seminars and mentoring programmes, institutions could help guide PhD students on their career path. For example, students would benefit from the interaction with alumni, sharing their career stories. Career counselling and interactions with industry panels can provide insights into possible career choices, helping students understand the range of opportunities available to them. Additionally, workshops on CV writing, interview preparation, and transferable skills, such as project management and data analysis, can boost students' confidence in their abilities and prepare them for diverse career options.

Although the majority of the suggestions discussed above are well known within the academic community, they have not always been given the attention they deserve. By providing the necessary tools and opportunities to PhD students, we can tap their full potential and put them in a better position to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, to drive innovation and to make meaningful contributions to society.

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Tap the potential of PhD students. Nat. Phys. 20 , 1361 (2024).

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Published : 12 September 2024

Issue Date : September 2024


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