how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters


  • Storytelling

Toastmasters Speech # 1: Ice Breaker Speech

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

So you just joined Toastmasters and you need to do your Ice Breaker speech. Where do you start? 

In this article, you’re going to learn powerful ways to organize, rehearse, and deliver your speech so that it resonates with your audience. 

  • What is the Ice Breaker Speech? 
  • Why is the Ice Breaker Speech Important? 
  • List of Topics to Get Started Immediately 
  • How to Structure the Ice Breaker 
  • Rehearsal and Delivery Tips to Stand Out 

What is the Toastmasters Ice Breaker?

The Ice Breaker speech is the first speech you give at Toastmasters. It’s the speech that introduces you to the rest of the members in that Toastmasters network. 

It’s often nerve-racking for people because they need to speak to a group of people that they don’t know.

But by following the advice of this article, you’ll learn how to do your very best on it and stand out from the rest. 

Ice Breaker Speech

Why The Ice Breaker Speech Is Important

This is one of the most important speeches that you’ll give at Toastmasters because it sets the foundation of who you are in everyone’s mind. 

Coming in, most of the members will know very little or nothing about you. This is the first time you share with them who you are, what your interests are, what you believe, and much more that’s either verbally or non-verbally said through your energy and body language. 

That’s just the reality of the Ice Breaker speech and this is the perspective that will last in their minds for a while until it slowly changes over time as they know you more. 

Now, with all of that said, it doesn’t mean you should be trying to do a perfect job with a flawless speech. That likely won’t happen, considering you’re there to work on your speaking skills. Most of the members will have empathy and understanding of where you’re coming from when you present because they had to do an Ice Breaker speech too. 

So, yes this speech is important but it also is okay to make multiple mistakes with it because it’s your first speech to the group. Plus, if you don’t do too well on it then you can only go up from there!

Just do the best you can, prepare how you can, and use this article as your guide.

List of Topics to Get Started Immediately

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

Now if the topic (you!) feels too broad and overwhelming, here’s a list of topics to narrow the scope and get you started: 

  • Deep dive into a passion/hobby and why it’s important to you
  • A common theme throughout your life
  • How you got into your career
  • Why you decided to start doing public speaking
  • Family background and origin
  • Challenges that you’ve overcome throughout your life
  • Accomplishments you’re proud of
  • Favorite travel experiences
  • Different odd jobs you’ve done

How To Structure Your Ice Breaker

Now you’re ready to go. You’ve decided on a topic (or even a few) and you need to structure your speech. 

At a high-level, I recommend using what we call “The Arc” structure at Magnetic Speaking to section your speech into 3 parts. Generally, the 3 parts look like this: 

  • Background – Talk about the background and history of how you relate to the topic 
  • The Moment – Zoom into a specific moment that changed things or was significant in some way 
  • From That Moment to Today – From that moment, move towards where you are today 

By using this framework, it makes it easy for the audience to understand the different pieces and ensures that you don’t try to cover too many narratives at once. 

Example: let’s say I was talking about why I decided to start doing public speaking. Here are some notes I would make to get started: 

  • Background – Was always shy, hated speaking in front of groups, avoided presentations in my career, manager told me to start working on it but wasn’t really doing much 
  • The Moment – Had someone else present a project I worked on for 6 months and I felt horrible about passing up the opportunity! Realized I needed to get better. 
  • From That Moment to the Present – Started a leadership training, decided to join Toastmasters, say yes to presentations and that’s why I’m here today. 

After breaking the speech up into 3 parts like that, you just have to fill in the gaps with the details you want to add. This approach should make it less daunting! 

6 Rehearsal And Delivery Tips To Stand Out

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

1. Rehearse section by section

With the structure and content set, you want to nail your delivery. What you might do is look at your whole script and try to memorize the whole speech. This is a recipe for overwhelm. 

Instead, practice iteratively. Take the first part (the background) and practice that until it feels comfortable. Then practice the second and third parts before putting it all together. 

The benefit of practicing this way is that by the time you are practicing the last part, you already feel comfortable with the first 2 parts! This will boost your confidence as you approach the big day. 

2. Visualize your audience when practicing

This tip is simple and effective. By visualizing your audience when practicing, you’re familiarizing yourself with the environment you’ll be speaking in. Amazing studies have shown that your body will react to visualizations that your mind creates, so you can get some of those nerves out in the comfort of your own home. 

If you’re on a video call, then imagine you’re on that video call. The benefit is still the same. 

3. Speak to one person at a time

Imagine a sea of people looking at you. That’s what most people think of when they think of public speaking. But as we say at Magnetic Speaking, there is no such thing as public speaking, it’s just multiple 1-on-1 conversations. 

When you’re delivering the speech, focus on one person at a time. Deliver a piece of your message to that person and then move to someone else. You’ll feel less nervous (like it’s a personal conversation) and each person in the audience will feel like you’re speaking to them (because you are!). 

4. Slow Down

When doing your speech, you may feel nervous and that’s totally normal. Just be aware that when people get nervous they tend to go too quick with their speech and zoom through it as fast as possible just to be done with it. 

Instead, take a few deep breaths before going up there. Deep breathing will help shift your body from a nervous state to a more relaxed state. 

5. Modulate your voice

When people have a speech written and planned, they can get into their heads because they tend to try and remember exactly what they had written out which can cause a monotone speaking style. 

Being monotone is when there’re no fluctuations in tonality, word pronunciation, energy, or other delivery skills that engage people. 

Being monotone can be seen as boring, which can lose your audience’s attention. Instead, speed up your pace or drastically slow down your pace for emphasis at certain points of your Ice Breaker. 

Something else people do when nervous is they don’t ever slow down when speaking. They just talk as fast as possible to try and keep the group’s attention. I know I’ve been guilty of this. 

However, that only creates anxiety in the audience because they feel like they’re on a merry-go-round carousel that is only going quicker. 

Instead, you need to let there be empty space, dead air, and silence at certain points in your Ice Breaker speech to let the audience gather their thoughts, catch up to what you’re saying, and process all the information. 

Pausing can also be used to build up moments. For example, if your speech was about an experience you had, you could use pausing like this:

“Then I went to the lion exhibit. They were amazing animals because I felt the power from each roar, saw the striations of their muscles, and when the big one looked me right in the eyes… [pause]… I had lost my breath for a moment as I realized how insignificant my body compares to these creatures.”

To summarize, the Ice Breakers speech at Toastmasters is the first speech you give to that group. It’s the first time the members will get to know more about you and it’s your first chance to practice your presentation skills. 

Everyone there knows that the Ice Breaker is nerve-racking and no one expects you to knock it out of the park; or else why would you be there?

When going into your ice breaker speech just remember to trust yourself, slow down, and do the best you can without beating yourself up afterward. 

To see the ice breakers speech in action click here .

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

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how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

How To Improve Communication Skills At Work

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

Communicate With Impact: The Secret To Effective Messaging

Top Goals For 2021

Top Communication Goals For 2021

  • Games, topic printables & more
  • The 4 main speech types
  • Example speeches
  • Commemorative
  • Declamation
  • Demonstration
  • Informative
  • Introduction
  • Student Council
  • Speech topics
  • Poems to read aloud
  • How to write a speech
  • Using props/visual aids
  • Acute anxiety help
  • Breathing exercises
  • Letting go - free e-course
  • Using self-hypnosis
  • Delivery overview
  • 4 modes of delivery
  • How to make cue cards
  • How to read a speech
  • 9 vocal aspects
  • Vocal variety
  • Diction/articulation
  • Pronunciation
  • Speaking rate
  • How to use pauses
  • Eye contact
  • Body language
  • Voice image
  • Voice health
  • Public speaking activities and games
  • About me/contact
  • Speech examples
  • Icebreaker speech [Toastmasters]

Icebreaker speech for Toastmasters

Help to master your icebreaker step by step (with examples) from topic choice, to preparation, to delivery

By:  Susan Dugdale  

Congratulations! You've made a decision to become a better communicator and joined Toastmasters International, the worldwide educational organization specializing in communication, public speaking and leadership skills.

And now you have an icebreaker speech to prepare! ☺

Use the page index to find what you need quickly

  • What is a Toastmasters ice breaker speech? - Its time allocation and purpose
  • How to find a topic and structure your speech - 5 ways to find a topic you really want to talk about, with examples
  • How to brainstorm to easily generate ideas to fit your topic, with an example
  • How to take the ideas from your brainstorm and transform them into the words you'll actually say. Before and after examples for each of the 4 main points forming the body of the speech, and the transitions between them.  
  • How to write the conclusion of your icebreaker , with an example
  • How to write the introduction, with an example
  • An example icebreaker speech - full text, with audio
  • What to expect of yourself when you give your ice breaker - 5 tips to help
  • How your icebreaker will be evaluated - an explanation of the evaluation process
  • Links to official Toastmaster icebreaker resources   

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What is a Toastmasters ice breaker speech?

Essentially the icebreaker is an introductory speech of 4 - 6 minutes long. *

It's the first prepared speech you give as a member of a Toastmaster's Club, and the first project on your chosen Toastmaster Pathway. ( For more about the eleven Toastmaster Pathways. )

Image: paper boat sailing through ice floe Text: Master your Toastmaster Icebreaker speech. 5 ways to choose a topic & prepare your speech

What's the purpose of an icebreaker speech?

The purpose of the speech is twofold.

  • For the club members its purpose is to help them get to know you. They want to find out who you are as a person and what your speaking strengths and aspirations are. That will help them, help you reach them.
  • For you, the speaker, the main purpose is to  begin the process of becoming a competent, confident communicator. That is, learning to be comfortable while out of your comfort zone, sharing and being your authentic, beautiful, vulnerable self in front of others. Your icebreaker marks an official starting point on your quest to become a better public speaker, regardless of the Pathway option you have selected. It's the first assignment on all eleven of them!

* When I gave my own ice breaker speech, I think I set a new club record: 9 plus minutes long! Way, way over the time limit.

I attempted to share the complete, and fascinating, story of my entire life! (I'm exaggerating, but you get the picture.)

I hadn't realized a sliver, a small slice, was all I had room for because I hadn't timed myself when I practiced my speech at home. Luckily for me, they were very kind about it.

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What will the topic of your icebreaker be?

Colorful label: 5 ways to find an icebreaker speech topic

Below are five ways of finding a topic for your first speech. The one you choose will also help you structure your speech. 

The subject matter of your icebreaker is simple. It is about you: who you are.

You'll find it's reasonably easy to tell which way, or method, of the five will be best for you. It's the one triggering a rush of ideas and personal stories.

The topic you settle on should be one you feel comfortable talking about in front of the people at your Toastmasters club, whom as yet, you don't know very well.

1. Chronological - a timeline

A chronological topic is a timeline of carefully selected past experiences that have shaped your life from birth to the present time.

For instance, a potent childhood memory - one that you can still see, hear and feel today, followed by something from your high school days or your college years, and then maybe something about significant friendships/relationships, hobbies or interests and a workplace event.

2. How I got here

This topic is about looking back, isolating, and sharing the series of events leading to you standing in front of a Toastmaster audience giving your icebreaker speech.

For example:

  • being asked to be best man at a friend's wedding, delivering the speech adequately but not as well as you would have liked 
  • wanting to speak up at work but lacking the courage to do so 
  • realizing that not addressing the anxiety you felt around speaking in public was holding you back from many of the things you wanted to do.

3. Themed ideas 

These are topic suggestions united by a common thread.

Pick one that resonates and see where it takes you. Ideally you want three main points - all of them linked to the theme you've chosen.

  • Values - 3 important things I value most in my life
  • Seasons - Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn (Fall) - activities, food, nature...
  • Love - my 3 greatest loves - food, family and music
  • Family - what family life means to me - acceptance, shelter, challenge
  • Celebrations - Christmas, birthdays, weddings, graduations - what they mean to me
  • Travel-journeying - local, national, international - what it means to me, what I've learned, interesting people I've met
  • Heroes - the different people who have inspired you - who they are, how they inspired and why
  • Sport - the role of sport in my life, the different ways it has made who I am for better or for worse
  • Friends - snapshots of the role of friendship in my life from the time I was a little kid to now
  • Dreams - what they are, how they've changed - refining and reaching them
  • Challenge - the 3 biggest challenges in my life so far
  • Sayings/quotations I live by - For example, "This too will pass" - 3 examples of times when "This too will pass" was the reminder needed.

4. Topical ideas for your icebreaker speech

This is a series of snapshots (topics) illustrating different and significant aspects of your life.

For instance:

  • your passion for organic gardening,
  • the pleasure you get from volunteering in your local high school's holiday program, and
  • how you have learned to live with a chronic health condition like myalgia encephalomyelitis (ME)

5. The event - a pivotal, life changing event

The core of this method is a major happening - one that completely disrupted and overturned life as you knew it.

Events affecting many:

  • a natural disaster - an earthquake, a fire, flooding, or a cyclone that destroyed where you lived.
  • a man-made disaster - a war, terrorism, a chemical or oil spill, transport failures, building collapses, arson...

Or a personal event affecting a smaller group of people, yourself and those close to you:

  • the unexpected loss of your job
  • the death of someone important to you
  • becoming dangerously ill
  • being the recipient of unexpected good fortune
  • being in an accident, and the path to recovery
  • meeting a mentor who opened your eyes to your own potential...

This speech has two parts: before the event, and, after it. 

What will you talk about? Brainstorming to pull together ideas 

Once you've chosen a topic, your next step is to begin generating the ideas you think you may like to cover in the main part of your speech - the body. The easiest and best way I know to do that, is to brainstorm.

An example of a brainstorm for an icebreaker speech.

How to brainstorm ideas for your icebreaker

Put your selected topic prompt in the center of a blank page or document just as I've done in my example above. Then free write.

Jot down all the ideas that come to you as quickly as you can, giving each of them their own space. Note as much as you need to trigger the thought or memory about it again, if you decide to use it.

Don't write full sentences or stop to get the spelling right.

If you need help to get going, try asking yourself 'how', 'when', 'why', 'what', 'when' and 'who' questions about your chosen topic.

For example: How did I get here? What happened? When did it happen? Why did it happen? Who was involved?

When you feel you've exhausted all the possibilities, stop. 

Reviewing and selecting your material

Review your ideas. Then select the 3 or 4 strongest, and most suitable of them, remembering that you:

  • only have 4-6 minutes to speak,  
  • still have to flesh these points out, 
  • need to add transitions to move smoothly between them,
  • and haven't added an introduction or a conclusion yet.

Some, even though you might like them, may have to go! 

What you choose will become the main points you make in the body of your speech.

An example icebreaker speech - step by step

In my step-by-step example below, I've used the prompt or topic suggestion 'how I got here'.  

How to get from brainstorming to a first draft

To illustrate the process of getting from brainstorm notes to a first draft of the body of your speech I've used the same points I put into the image of an example brainstorm above.

I've put them into the order I want to speak about them. Now they need more detail and transitions between them to enable the audience to follow you easily as you move from one point to the next.

To make the changes I made easier to see I've given you the 4 main points unworked, (as they are in the brainstorm image), and followed that with their reworked form.

Between each main point there's a transition - a sentence or two connecting them together to make it easier for listeners to follow. 

Once the first draft of body or heart of the speech is done, we'll move to adding the conclusion and the opening or introduction.

1st main point from brainstorm - unworked 

Best man at mate's wedding - tried to wing it. Jokes fell flat. Forgot several of the points I wanted to make. Rambled on a bit.

1st main point reworked

"A while ago, my best friend - the guy who has seen me through good times, bad and ho-hum in-between times since we were kids goofing around on skateboards being super cool, asked me to be his best man at his wedding.

A great honor! Yeah, I'll do that. All good, I said.

And it was, until it came to the speech.

To be honest, I procrastinated and left it too late. I did read a whole lot of other people's best man speeches and I made myself some notes about what I thought would be good to share. I even found some jokes which I thought would be great to use.  

But did I practice?

No. I kept putting it off, telling myself I wanted to be authentically spontaneous. And I was, but not in the way I wanted. I forgot most of the points I wanted to make. Worse, I rambled on, and the jokes went down like lead balloons.

You know that saying about there being no such thing as a failure? That it's an opportunity to learn? That was one of those."

Transition between the 1st and 2nd main point

"The next, and second reason I'm here is the result of a reassessment of what I've been doing and where I'm going in my working life."

2nd main point from brainstorm - unworked

Have avoided applying for jobs I was interested in because they involved having to make presentations. Realize I am limiting myself.

2nd main point reworked

"It's a long story, and luckily for you, too long for a brief icebreaker speech. The short version is being honest with myself about why I've been avoiding applying for positions that would both fit and extend my skillset. These are jobs I know I'd enjoy! And I know I'd do well. 

So why haven't I applied for any of them?  Because they involved having to make presentations, having to speak in front of others. I was limiting myself out of fear."

Transition between the 2nd and 3rd main point

"And that fear, is what brings me to my third reason."

3rd main point from brainstorm - unworked

Have felt nervous about speaking in public for as long as I can remember. Hated having to make speeches at school. Used to feel sick, stammer, and blush when I made a mistake.

3rd main point reworked

"I've felt nervous about speaking in public for as long as I can remember.

I hated having to make speeches at school. I remember dreading going back after the holidays because inevitably the teacher would set a speaking task: 'what I did on my vacation' or 'what I love most about Christmas'. Begging to be allowed to say home did not work. My tough love parents would have none of it.

So, there I'd be standing in front of my classmates doing my best to not visibly shake, speak without stammering, or blush when I made a mistake."

Transition from 3rd main point to 4th main point

"I'm sharing this rather unflattering picture of myself as a person anxious to avoid being the sole focus of everyone's attention because I know, it's well passed its use by date."

4th main point from brainstorm - unworked

Want to speak up in meetings:  at work, at my kid's school etc,  want to contribute my ideas, to speak confidently and be listened to. Also want to set an example for my kids.

4th main point reworked

"Protecting myself by NOT doing something I rationally know will benefit me, and others, is no longer an option. I want to step up and speak up: at celebrations for family and friends, in meetings: at work, at my kid's school, and other places in the community. I want to contribute my ideas, to speak confidently and be listened to." 

Adding a conclusion to your icebreaker

Now that we've finished with the first draft of the body of the speech we're going to work on the conclusion. (After that we'll add the introduction.)

To end your first speech strongly,  briefly, sum up your major points and, if you wish, pop in a call to action or use a quotation before returning to your opening idea to close.

For more on how to memorably end a speech : 3 examples of strong conclusions (with audio), plus examples of weak endings: ones commonly used because the speech has not been adequately thought through and rehearsed.

Graphic: Stop talking. It's the end. Finish. Time's up. How to end a speech memorably.

In addition to the conclusion itself you need a transition to it to prime listeners the end is coming soon.

The transition below, foreshadows the close of the speech.

Transition from 4th main point to conclusion

"Now, with your help, I want to be the change I want to see in my world, for myself, and also for my kids. I want to set them an example they'll be proud of."

The conclusion or closing statement 

"Fellow toastmasters, thank you for being here for me. Thank you for listening. I've survived! The ice is well and truly broken, and my journey has begun."

Adding a greeting and an introduction to your icebreaker

Now let's move to the beginning: the introduction.

What can you say to grab the audience's attention immediately?  Ideally when you open your mouth to speak, the first thing that comes out of it has them riveted! They are all ears, leaning forward in their chairs, eager to know more. 

Your opening is an opportunity to make a great first impression, but how do you do that?

The answer to that, is that you experiment. Perhaps you try one or two, or even three openings before settling on one of them.

Think about the purpose of this speech. Think about how you felt about getting ready for it? Put some of those thoughts down, and then play with them.

The introduction I've prepared below came from thinking through the body of the speech. It contains references to public speaking anxiety, and because this is a first speech in front of people who have clearly survived the ordeal of giving their own icebreaker speeches, I decided to use that experience. It's easy to understand and relate to!

It opens with a rhetorical question which immediately engages the audience. That's followed by an invitation/instruction to further that engagement by nodding in agreement. And finishes thanking them for their response.

For more on opening a speech effectively: How to write a speech introduction| 12 of the best ways to start .

Immediately following the introduction is the transition taking us to the first main point in the body of the speech.

(Note how the word 'survival' is returned to in the conclusion. It returns listeners to the starting place - completing the circle.)

Introduction to this sample icebreaker speech 

"Would you be surprised to know I nearly didn't make it here tonight?

I wonder how many of you experienced a moment or two of panic before giving your icebreaker speech. Just nod to let me know."

{ The speaker   pauses - and looks around at the audience nodding their heads. }

"Thank you, that's very reassuring. You've survived, so probably I shall too."

Transition to body of speech and first main point.

"I am here wobbling rather nervously in front of you for three main reasons which I'll share with you.

Here's the first."

The complete icebreaker speech example

And now here is the whole speech - introduction, body and conclusion without all the section headings, explanations and asides. I've given it a title: 'Stepping up to speak out'.

It's 617 words long and will take approximately 4 minutes to say depending how slowly or quickly you speak.  (For more on the number of words per minute in a speech .)

Listen | audio of example ice breaker speech 

If you'd like to listen to a recording of it, click: " Stepping up to speak out" . The voice you'll hear belongs to me: Susan .

Image: Stick figure eagerly bounding upstairs. Text: Example icebreaker speech - Stepping up to speak out.

Stepping up to speak out

Would you be surprised to know I nearly didn't make it here tonight?

I wonder how many of you experienced a moment or two of panic before giving your icebreaker speech. Just nod to let me know. {pause - look around}

Thank you, that's very reassuring. You've survived, so probably I shall too.

I am here wobbling rather nervously in front of you for three main reasons which I'll share. 

Here's the first.

A while ago, my best friend - the guy who has seen me through good times, bad and ho-hum in-between times since we were kids goofing around on skateboards being super cool, asked me to be his best man at his wedding. A great honor! Yeah, I'll do that. All good, I said.

To be honest, I procrastinated and left it too late. I did read a whole lot of other people's best man speeches and I made myself some notes about what I thought would be good to share. I even found some jokes which I thought would be great to use.

But did I practice? No. I kept putting it off, telling myself I wanted to be authentically spontaneous. And I was, but not in the way I wanted. I forgot most of the points I wanted to make. Worse, I rambled around in circles and the jokes went down like lead balloons.

You know that saying about there being no such thing as a failure? That it's an opportunity to learn? That was one of those.

The next, and second reason I'm here is the result of a reassessment of what I've been doing and where I'm going in my working life.

It's a long story - too long for a brief icebreaker speech. The short version is being honest with myself about why I've been avoiding applying for positions that would both fit and extend my skillset. These are jobs I know I'd enjoy! And I know I'd do well. 

So why haven't I applied for any of them?  Because they involved having to make presentations, having to speak in front of others. I was limiting myself out of fear. 

And that fear, is what brings me to my third reason.

I've felt nervous about speaking in public for as long as I can remember.

I hated having to make speeches at school. 

I remember dreading going back after the holidays because inevitably the teacher would set a speaking task: 'what I did on my vacation' or 'what I love most about Christmas'. Begging to be allowed to say home did not work. My tough love parents would have none of it.

So, there I'd be standing in front of my classmates doing my best to not visibly shake, speak without stammering, or blush when I made a mistake.

I'm sharing this rather unflattering picture of myself as a person anxious to avoid being the sole focus of everyone's attention because I know, it's well passed its use by date. 

Protecting myself by NOT doing something I rationally know will benefit me, and others is no longer an option. I want to step up and speak up: at celebrations for family and friends, in meetings: at work, at my kid's school, and other places in the community. I want to contribute my ideas, to speak confidently and be listened to.

With your help, I want to be the change I want to see in my world, for myself, and also for my kids. I want to set them an example they'll be proud of.

Thank you for being here for me. Thank you for listening. I've survived!  The ice is well and truly broken and my journey has begun. 

What to expect of yourself - 5 tips that may help

1. ask for help - talk to your mentor.

If you want help to get started, ask for it. As a new member you will have been assigned a mentor, usually one of the club's senior members.

Your mentor is someone you can talk to about any concerns you may have. Don't be shy. They've volunteered to help people like yourself. They expect and want to. Ask.

2. Be real in your expectations about yourself 

Don't expect yourself to be stunningly eloquent, effortlessly amusing and assured. While there's always an outside chance you may be, commonsense says otherwise.

This is the beginning of your Toastmaster journey, and beginners generally have things to learn. That's why you're here and preparing an icebreaker!

It's more than OK to be where you are. It's wonderful. Because you've made the commitment to become a better speaker.

3. Use a little self-deprecating humor

If you can, use a bit of humor. Don't take yourself so seriously you lose sight of the potential to poke a little gentle fun at yourself.

Self-deprecating humor used carefully lets your audience know you see and understand yourself. It creates connection. You'll be laughed 'with'. 

For example: "My goodness, what fun I've had with this icebreaker! My fridge has never been so clean. Three times in the last two weeks.

My bedroom closet has been sorted. And I've devised an amazing, color-coded filing system for all the useful brochures we collect whenever we go on vacation. They were higgledy-piggledy in a box covered with dust on the top shelf in the garage. 

I stun myself with what I'll do when there's something important, new and challenging to be done."

Please do not publicly beat yourself up

Healthy self-deprecating humor is not publicly parading what you perceive as your heinous physical, character, or mental flaws, and whipping yourself for them. That will disturb your audience.

No one likes to hear or see a person set themselves up to be laughed 'at'. It's very uncomfortable.

4. Rehearse - practice your speech

Run through your speech out loud several times and then,  once you're familiar with the flow of it, record it and/or video yourself using your phone.

When you play it back, you'll hear, and see, where you need to make adjustments, and you'll find out if you've got too much to say or too little. 

You have between 4 - 6 minutes to make your speech. That's approximately somewhere between 480 words if you are a slow speaker and 960 words, if you speak for longer and at a faster rate.

If you find your speech is over the time allowance, or under it, you'll want to sort it out well before you go to your club meeting.

If you're inclined to get anxious about presenting, rehearsal will help. Because you've 'done' your speech multiple times before delivering it for the club members, you'll feel less pressured. For your own sake, please make the time to practice. 

For more: How to practice public speaking | 9 'fabulously' (☺) effective ways

5. What to do if you 'um' and 'ah', and get flustered

Losing your place in your notes or cue cards, if you're using them, or something as simple as mispronouncing a word, might be enough to trigger a rush of panicky feelings.

In a situation where we already feel pressured, our hyper-sensitized mind can quickly turn minor blips into major stumbling blocks.  The very best thing you can do for yourself is to stop. Take several very large deep breaths , and then, keep on going.

Please do not apologize. You have nothing to apologize for. You are a learner, a beginner, and beginners make mistakes. That's how we progress.

Albert Einstein quote: Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

The people at your Toastmaster club fully understand that giving your icebreaker speech can be daunting, because they've been where you are. They're on your side! They want to help you achieve your public speaking goals and will do everything they can to help. 

How your icebreaker speech will be evaluated

Part of the value of joining a Toastmaster's Club is getting constructive evaluations of each assignment you complete. That starts with your icebreaker.

An experienced fellow club member will be asked to watch and listen carefully as you present your first speech. Their task is to take notes which they will use as the basis of a verbal evaluation they'll deliver later in the meeting. * (You'll also receive a written one from them at the end of the meeting.) 

Put any anxiety about being evaluated aside

If you're nervous about being evaluated, particularly about getting personal feedback in public, don't be. You will definitely not be pilloried, laughed at or made to feel inadequate in any way.

Toastmasters love icebreaker speeches and the people who give them. They go out of their way to ensure their new members are nurtured and cared for. Afterall it's people like you, who keep the clubs going and successful. They need you, and they understand the delicate art of giving and receiving useful evaluations.

You, the person, giving the speech is not being evaluated. The speech you deliver is. That distinction and separation is stringently upheld.

* Part of the success of Toastmaster's is the way evaluations given. Everybody at the meeting hears them, which gives everybody an opportunity to learn from them. (And in true Toastmaster form, even the evaluations the evaluators give are evaluated! The Toastmaster ethos encourages reaching for excellence in every aspect of its operation.) 

What aspects will your evaluator be evaluating? 

If you know in advance who is going to be your evaluator, say hello, connect, before you give your speech.  Make some time to talk through the evaluation process with them.

Share what your goals are for your icebreaker, and what you'd particularly like them to watch out for. That will help reassure you that you're supported and in the right place to learn.   

The aspects you can expect your evaluator to comment on are your content and delivery.

Regarding your content:

  • How well structured was it? Was there an opening, a body and a conclusion?
  • Was it interesting for the audience?

About your delivery:

  • How comfortable did you appear to be in front of an audience?
  • Did you engage with your audience? Did you use eye content, appropriate facial expressions, gesture and body language ? 
  • Did you use vocal variety effectively ?
  • Did you speak clearly ?

Depending on your club, you may also get feedback (either verbal or written) from other audience members. All of it is valuable, even if you disagree with some of it!

You'll use it to help you decide what aspects to focus on in future speeches to become the better speaker you want to be. 

For more speech evaluation| giving and receiving meaningful feedback 

Links to official Toastmaster resources for icebreaker speeches 

What are Toastmaster Pathways? An introductory overview of the Pathway concept and each of the eleven paths. As an example, here's four of them: Presentation Mastery, Dynamic Leadership, Innovative Planning and Persuasive Influence. The first assignment on every path is giving an icebreaker speech. 

Overview of an icebreaker speech This link is to a video: the official Toastmaster's overview of an icebreaker speech. It very carefully segments the process into four parts - as you can see in the screen shot below.

Screenshot of Toastmasters' Icebreaker video

In addition to information about each part, you'll find links to useful printable documents for example, a speech outline worksheet to help you plan your icebreaker, and a sample evaluation form.

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Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech: How to Ace Your First Speech


Have no fear even if giving a speech at a Toastmasters meeting feels like torture to you. Presenting an Ice Breaker speech is a great way for you to make a great first impression and show the other members your personality and humor. To help you prepare for this big event, this blog post will cover the key elements of an Ice Breaker speech, tips on how to craft an effective introduction, and some fun ways to make the audience laugh. So let’s get started, shall we?

Why You Should Give a Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech

Giving a Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech is a great way to make a memorable first impression. Not only does it allow you to showcase your communication and public speaking skills , but it also gives you the opportunity to connect with the audience in an intentional manner. A Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech enables you to share stories and personal experiences that tie in to the purpose of the event and set yourself apart from the crowd. Some may argue that volunteering to give an Ice Breaker Speech carries too much risk as one could easily make a mistake or stumble on their words. While this is certainly a valid concern, it is important to remember that it is natural to be nervous when speaking in front of a large audience. Additionally, any well-crafted speech will have been prepared beforehand and rehearsed multiple times; this greatly reduces the chance of making mistakes or blanking out during the actual presentation. Making mistakes while giving an Ice Breaker Speech can still occur and should be considered part of the learning process; after all, no one is perfect. Taking on the challenge of public speaking is also an excellent way to build confidence as well as demonstrate one’s ability to think quickly and improvise on their feet – these valuable life lessons will serve presenters for years to come. Therefore, it can be concluded that delivering an effective Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech carries many benefits and should be embraced rather than feared. In order ensure that your speech resonates with the audience, proper preparation and rehearsal are essential – let us now turn our attention to discussing precisely how best to craft your Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech in the following section.

Writing Your Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech

Writing a Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech can be an intimidating process, especially if it is your first one. However, the key to a successful ice breaker is to craft an engaging story that captures the audience’s attention. While some may argue it’s easy to open with a joke and quickly get down to business , others assert it’s important to let the audience in on who you are and why you have something unique or interesting to share. Which approach works best? Regardless of the approach, here are four tips for writing an effective Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech: 1. Identify your goal for the speech . Is your goal to introduce yourself or get across a particular point? Pinpointing your purpose can help bring focus and clarity as your write. 2. Find ways to make yourself relatable. People always respond positively to stories that resonate with them personally, so find connections between your story and the story of others. 3. Avoid monotony and rehearsed speeches. Don’t rely solely on bullet points when constructing your speech; this often results in extended periods of silence while speaking which can bore listeners and make you appear unprepared. 4. Speak authentically and passionately, but remember to practice too! Your Ice Breaker should sound natural, not robotic — but practicing will ensure you don’t stumble over words or forget what comes next! It’s important to remember that there is no one right way to craft a successful Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech and no two speakers will deliver them exactly the same way — this gives you freedom as a speaker to be creative and authentic in how you present yourself! After all, the audience should leave knowing who you are and feeling like they’ve just had a conversation with an interesting new person. With these tips in mind, now it’s time to consider which interesting facts from your life will make this possible — such as hobbies, family history, or past experiences — which we discuss in the next section about being selective about interesting facts for your Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech.

Be Selective About Interesting Facts

As you prepare for your Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech, it’s important to be selective about the interesting facts you choose to share. On one hand, emphasizing unique and interesting facts about yourself can help make a good first impression. On the other hand, some audience members may feel uncomfortable if too many personal details are shared. It’s best to strike a balance between these two approaches by sharing fun, relevant stories that help to demonstrate your personality and make a connection with your audience while not revealing too much information. When selecting interesting facts to talk about in your speech, ensure that they’re memorable and convey something meaningful. Avoid generic or uninteresting topics or oversharing – instead focus on selecting facts that show off your personality and help the audience remember you. It’s also important to keep any stories or details you include appropriate for all audiences. Finally, consider using props to enhance your stories – visual aids such as pictures or objects can draw attention to key points and help keep the audience engaged. By being selective about the interesting facts you choose to share in your Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech, you’ll be able to make a great first impression and engage your audience. Up next is how to find the right story to share – let’s get started!

Ideas for an Interesting Introduction Speech

An interesting introduction speech is key to making a great first impression. It sets the tone for the remainder of the presentation, so it is important to give the speech proper thought and planning. While there are numerous approaches that can be taken when crafting an introduction speech, two of the most popular strategies revolve around either positivity or self-deprecation. Positive introductions focus on accentuating the speaker’s best qualities and highlighting his or her strengths. This approach is especially successful for very personal speaking engagements , where emphasis is placed not only on the content being delivered, but also on the individual delivering it. As an example, a positive introduction should include elements such as: introducing yourself by name, a brief summary of your background and experience in the subject matter, a reason why you are qualified to speak on this particular topic, and why you are passionate about it. Alternatively, self-deprecating intros involve poking fun at one’s own shortcomings in order to build rapport with the audience and build credibility by demonstrating self-awareness. This type of intro usually begins with an uncomfortable truth about oneself for comedic effect — like noting one’s tendencies to procrastinate, or lack of experience in certain areas — followed by an assertion that this has led them to become more well informed on their chosen topic. The type of introduction speech chosen ought to be based on one’s own comfort level and could even take into account cultural context if giving a speech overseas. Ultimately, whichever route is taken should be about generating an authentic connection with the audience – something that will spark their interest in what comes next. Having established how important it is to make a great first impression, it is equally imperative that we consider how to further impress through creative storytelling while delivering our icebreaker speeches. The following section will explore how utilizing personal stories in your speech can result in a captivating introduction that audiences cannot help but be drawn into.

Find the Right Story to Share

When you’re delivering your Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech, one of the key elements is finding the right story to share. After all, stories are the most powerful way to connect with people and make a great first impression. The challenge, though, is to choose a story that best conveys who you are and what you want to communicate about yourself and your message. There are two schools of thought when it comes to deciding on a story: being genuine or taking a more strategic approach. On the one hand, being genuine means you’ll be sharing something meaningful but also raw and vulnerable. You might choose a story from your past mistakes so you can demonstrate how you’ve grown from them. On the other hand, being strategic allows you to craft a specific narrative that other people might connect with better. You might be able to think about how your story also relates to your audience or use humor for entertainment value. It can be difficult to decide which path is best for you since both have their merits. Ultimately, it’s best to find something that strikes a balance between the two—something authentic yet still crafted in a way that makes sense and resonates with the audience. The next step in delivering an effective Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech is making sure that everyone in the room knows what message you’re trying to communicate and how they can relate. In the following section, we’ll discuss strategies for delivering your Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech so that everyone is engaged and inspired by your message.

Delivering Your Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech

Delivering Your Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech is the most important and difficult step to getting your message across properly. When giving an Ice Breaker speech, there are several important points to keep in mind: be confident, maintain eye contact, and express yourself through body language . The first point to consider is confidence. Your audience will immediately be able to tell if you are nervous and not sure of yourself, so it is important that you exude poise and self-assurance while speaking. Take a few deep breaths before you begin and remember why you are here – to make a good first impression and share your goals or story with the listeners. The more confident you are as you deliver your speech, the more successful it will be. Maintaining eye contact is equally crucial for connecting with your audience. Speaker Will Schwalbe suggests making eye contact with every single person in the room, even if some are far away. By doing this, your audience will feel included and fully engaged in what you have to say. Even when looking away briefly to pause for effect or make gestures , avoid letting your eyes wander all over the room; focus them on one individual at a time instead. Finally, use your body language to express yourself clearly and effectively throughout your speech. Keep your body straight, tall and relaxed – fidgeting makes others unsure of the speaker’s level of confidence. Move confidently across the stage or podium area as needed, making appropriate hand movements to emphasize keywords throughout your speech. Utilizing movement can help convey enthusiasm for the topics being discussed – something that even experienced speakers struggle with sometimes! By following these tips while delivering your Toastmaster Ice Breaker Speech, you can be sure that you are making a positive first impression on those around you. Now that we have covered how to deliver an engaging speech, let’s move onto examining ways to overcome anxiety for an effective speech delivery:

Ways to Overcome Anxiety For Your Ice Breaker Speech

Public speaking is one of the most commonly cited fears and can be especially daunting during the first speech of a Toastmasters meeting. Taking steps to handle the anxiety of an Ice Breaker speech can make a huge difference in how effectively you start off with your new peers. It’s important to remember that everyone is anticipating this speech and eager to learn more about you; they are not there to judge or criticize what you say. Channeling your attention towards creating an environment filled with warmth may help alleviate some of the nervous feelings that go along with presenting. Before starting, take some time to consciously release any negative thoughts and inhale and exhale deeply to promote a sense of calm. Another technique for managing stage fright is to practice ahead of time – often! Visualizing yourself being successful in completing the Ice Breaker can increase your confidence level as well as provide you with an opportunity to refine your content before taking the stage. Consider also reviewing some key ideas or points throughout the day leading up to your presentation as well as imagining yourself talking in front of an audience while walking in the hallways beforehand. The importance of being prepared should not be overlooked either; having significant knowledge and notes about the topic will greatly reduce anxiety by decreasing uncertainty. Additionally, if necessary, it could be useful for those who are really nervous about public speaking to double check their materials at the venue itself via printed copies or having their smartphone handy that contains information related to their topic. Finally, there’s no shame in using props or memorable stories as tools when making a speech. Incorporating a prop into one’sIce Breaker speech gives listeners something from which to form stronger connections so they better understand your message. Adding appropriate humour and personal anecdotes whilst keeping it succinct and on point will help distract from any potential nervousness felt by both you and other attendees alike. By following these strategies, individuals can take strides towards overcoming fear whilst giving a great Ice Breaker Speech that will ensure an outstanding first impression with their future Toastmasters peers. Next, we will consider how individuals can work on further improving their impressions with pearls of advice related to delivering such public addresses like a skillful pro.

Tips For Making a Good Impression

Making a good first impression is not just crucial in personal interactions, but also during business meetings or other professional environments. To ensure that you make a lasting impression when giving a Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech, there are several important tips you should consider beforehand. The first tip is to be aware of your nonverbal communication. This can include eye contact, body language and facial expressions , among other factors. Avoid crossing your arms or slumping your shoulders, as these appear less confident and can make the audience feel uncomfortable. Instead, aim for an open posture with firm handshakes, long glances and gentle nods to emphasize the points you are making. Second, remember to dress for success. It’s important to be presentable with a neat and polished look appropriate for the occasion. Picking an outfit appropriate for the group you are addressing will demonstrate that you took the time to prepare and shows respect for the audience. Additionally, make sure to practice proper etiquette when greeting members of the audience before beginning your speech; doing so will help convey a polite and respectful presence. Third, use humor in moderation to engage your listeners. While injecting some humor into a speech can bring levity and break down barriers between the speaker and audience, it is necessary to make sure it never comes off too off-topic or insensitive. Delivering jokes with caution allows one to maintain control over their message while engaging the audience in laughter – which positively affects how listeners perceive the speaker later on throughout their speech. Finally, it is important to remain composed and confident throughout the entire duration of the speech. Avoid repeated filler words such as “um” or “uh” in order to maintain clarity while speaking; take pauses instead if needed between sections of your speech. A good measure of confidence is having well-rehearsed material and practicing ahead of time in order to smooth out any kinks you may have overlooked during preparation – ultimately leading to more fluidity during delivery of content. With these tips in mind, you should now be more equipped than ever to effectively deliver an impactful Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech aimed at making a strong personal connection with the those around you while creating a memorable introduction that sets precedence for further engagement within this organization or event!

Conclusion and Overall Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech Advice

A Toastmasters icebreaker speech is an important tool for introducing yourself to a group of people. It can make the difference between an average introduction, and having an impact in the room. To make a great first impression, it is essential to remember a few key points about creating and delivering your icebreaker speech. First, it’s important to research effective topics so that you present something original and memorable. Choose one topic that will give you plenty of material to talk about, but also help you keep your story concise and relevant. The message of your speech should be clear from the beginning and remain consistent throughout. Finally, avoid sounding mechanical– practice beforehand so that you can feel confident in presenting lively anecdotes with confidence and enthusiasm. Overall, taking the time to create a special toastmasters icebreaker speech can be a rewarding challenge. It is an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills as a public speaker. With these tips in mind, you can make sure that everyone in the audience will take away something meaningful from your presentation– ultimately making it well worth the effort.

Common Questions and Their Answers

What strategies should i use to make my speech engaging.

In order to make your Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech engaging, there are several strategies you can use. Firstly, focus on the audience by making eye contact with each member and speak in a conversational style . This will create a comfortable atmosphere for those listening. Secondly, ensure your speech has an upbeat tone and be sure to smile! People are more likely to be engaged if you appear positive and enthusiastic. Thirdly, use storytelling to add interest and color to your speech. Depending on the subject of your ice breaker, weaving in relevant anecdotes or humorous personal stories can help liven up the presentation and keep listeners engaged. Lastly, ask leading questions throughout your speech that prompt the audience to think more deeply about the topic. A few skilled questions can go a long way in increasing engagement levels!

What type of content should I include in a toastmaster icebreaker speech?

When creating a toastmaster icebreaker speech, it is important to focus on providing personal stories, interesting anecdotes, and your own unique perspective. It is important to use a combination of humor, wit, and content that is specifically tailored to the audience. Additionally, it is important to focus on content that captures the attention of the audience and conveys your personality in a positive way. Some recommended topics for an icebreaker speech include introducing yourself and background information about where you are from, describing your current interests or hobbies, talking about recent experiences or travels you have taken, and discussing personal goals you have set for yourself in the near future. While keeping these topics in mind, make sure to add creative touches to make your toastmaster icebreaker speech engaging and memorable.

How do I structure a toastmaster icebreaker speech?

A successful toastmaster icebreaker speech should have three distinct parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. In the introduction you should provide an overview of yourself and your topic. This is a great time to share some fun facts and humor that will capture the audience’s interest. Also, use this section to give the audience an idea of what they can expect from your presentation. The body of the speech should outline the main points that you want to communicate in more detail. Here you will talk about why you chose your topic, what research you did, and any personal lessons or experiences related to it. Finally, in the conclusion you should wrap up all of your points. Offer up some takeaways for the audience to consider, as well as reiterating your main message. It’s also important here to thank your listeners for their attention and restate any key points that may have been missed during the presentation. When structuring a toastmaster icebreaker speech , it’s important to keep things engaging and fresh so that the audience stays interested throughout. The key is to be confident in your delivery while also being funny and informative in equal measure.

What tips can I use to overcome any nerves I might have while delivering the speech?

In order to overcome any nerves while delivering a Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech, there are several tips that you can use. First, it is important to remember that everyone else in the room is probably just as nervous as you are. This can help ease your fears, knowing that you aren’t alone in any potential anxiousness. Second, take a few deep breaths before you begin speaking. Breathing deeply helps to slow down your heart rate and steady your body as well as clear your mind. Third, try practicing your speech with someone else beforehand. Having someone listen allows you to get more comfortable with talking out loud and become more confident in what you say. If possible find someone who can provide constructive feedback; this will help you adjust the content of your speech and give you an extra sense of security when doing the real thing. Lastly, realize that this is supposed to be fun! Realize that the minute nervousness or fear dissipates once you begin speaking; the more confident and assertive you act on the stage, the better off you will be!

What topics are best suited for Toastmasters ice breaker speeches?

When it comes to topics for Toastmasters ice breaker speeches, the most important factor is to choose something engaging and relatable. That way you can increase your chances of making a great first impression. Here are some examples of topics that work well: • Share an interesting or funny story from your life • Discuss a recent accomplishment • Introduce yourself and why you joined Toastmasters • Describe an interesting hobby or talent you have • Talk about a lesson you learned recently • Share how you overcame an obstacle in your life • Explain how you plan to contribute to the club No matter what topic you choose, make sure it paints a positive picture of who you are and keeps the audience engaged . Keeping these points in mind will help ensure that your Toastmasters ice breaker speech is a success!

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

Frantically Speaking

Delivering a Fiery Icebreaker at Toastmasters: Holistic Guide & Sample Speeches

Juhi dhruva.

  • Toastmasters

delivering a fiery icebreaker

What is an Icebreaker Speech at Toastmasters?

An Icebreaker is essentially the first project in any path of Toastmasters , the one that kick-starts your journey with the organisation. It is a short speech, about four to six minutes in length, the primary objective of which is to introduce yourself to the club.

The Icebreaker, or Project 1 (P1), is one of the last common links between the former curriculum of Toastmasters that which included CC and CL etc. and the new Pathways . If you’re wondering what’s the difference between an Icebreaker Speech before & after Pathways , there is none.

The Icebreaker speech in both the manuals is the same with the same objectives. It is beyond this project that the curriculums diverge in different directions. So irrespective of whether you are on the old curriculum or the new one, if you are giving an Icebreaker, this article is aimed at helping you sail past swiftly and smoothly. 

All projects at Toastmasters are defined with a given set of objectives and for the Icebreaker the objectives are simple. They are –

  • To begin speaking in front of an audience
  • To discover the speaking skills that you already have and the ones that need attention.

This article aims to introduce you to the basics of speechwriting and editing that will help you draft your Icebreaker, a healthy prep routine and other important things to keep in mind as you begin your public speaking journey.

I have broken down the article into 3 major steps:

Drafting Your Icebreaker Speech

  • Prepping to Deliver the Icebreaker

Delivering the Icebreaker

Towards the end of the article, we have also included a short list of Sample Icebreaker Speeches which you can download for your reference. You can click here if you want to go to that section directly.

What Type of Icebreaker Speech do You Want to Write?

how to introduce

On the surface, this seems easy. All you have to do is introduce yourself to the club but it’s only when you begin mulling over it will you realize that it is going to be a tough job to clock in at least 500 words. I have often seen two kinds of Icebreaker Speeches.

  • The first type of Icebreaker is the one where the speaker in literally a span of four to six minutes strives to sketch his/her entire life for the audience. Right from where they are from to their school to the college, work and in some cases about their families and children as well.
  • The second type of Icebreaker that I have usually seen is the one which appeals to me the most. The one where the speaker comes forth and presents an interesting episode of their life and how it changed them over time.

Both the types have their pros and cons. The first type can often get a little boring since it focuses more on the factual information like where the speaker grew up, where they got their education and how they landed up their job, in some cases also about their spouses and children and eventually how they ended up at Toastmasters and what do they look to take from here.

If this is the type of Icebreaker that you had envisioned let me tell you that you this too can be made interesting. A simple way to do this is to bind the speech around the basic science of speechwriting – The Undisputed Power of Three Narratives .

An easy thing would be to pick up an incident from childhood, then one from teenage/early adulthood and one from college or workspace. Ensure that your anecdotes are short and crisp so that you don’t exceed the time limit and that they all introduce different facets of yourself to the audience.

For eg. I once heard an Icebreaker where a college student spoke about how he used to love playing cricket as a schoolboy, moved to the guitar in high school and is eventually now passionate about working in the finance sector.

Three narratives that introduced us to three different part of his life but he bound them at the end by saying how passions change with time and age and with more exposure to reality.

The second type of Icebreaker, if that’s what’s on your mind is actually an interesting one. Here I have seen people bring forth the most interesting anecdotes and explain them in detail and via that introducing themselves.

I once heard a speaker build his Icebreaker on his tough battle against smoking and how leaving it changed him. I wrote mine around my experience of changing cities for college and how this experience changed me.

This type of Icebreaker usually leaves you with a greater room for creativity to thrive and the wackier the experience the more attention the audience will give. It also doesn’t get monotonous like the previous one where there may be a greater possibility of a continuous non dramatic flow of information from the speaker to the audience.

Remember an Icebreaker might also be your first attempt at speechwriting so be kind to yourself.

Researching for the Icebreaker

This might sound funny, why would you need to research for a speech where you have to introduce yourself but believe me you need to.

Researching doesn’t always mean going online. Researching also means that you reach out to your mentor and other club members who have just done their speeches. Walk up to them and ask for tips. If they’re okay sharing their speeches and video recordings of it, learn from them as well.

Remember the 1-100-1 formula …

A school senior who has been a two time Ted Speaker once introduced me to what I now call the 1-100-1 formula. The 1-100-1 formula expands to illustrate that for every 1 minute that you spend onstage you speak not more than 100 words and for every 100 words you speak there has to be 1 hour of research, writing, editing and rewriting that should go in. The second part of the formula, the research and editing bit you may want to save for later projects but the first part surely implies here.

The Basic Outline of an Icebreaker Speech

Buoyant beginning.

A fellow toastmaster once heard a draft of my speech that began with a quote and told me that it was the most cliché of all beginnings and that it might put off the attention of the audience. This is not true. Having a non-quote beginning is great but you can make your way around a quote one also. Let me take you through both.

1. The Quirky Way to Begin

You can begin a speech with a question, or an absurd fact or a statistic or a randomly thrown statement. These all work as engaging beginnings. You can work your way around these then.

For ex. I began my speech with a question, “Who wouldn’t want to leave home”. I once heard a speaker begin his with “Did you know that crabs can crawl backwards as well?” etc. These often work in terms of the fact that they engage the audience instantaneously for the first few seconds and then a strong narrative from thereon can take off.

2. The Traditional Quote Beginning

If you’re looking to begin a speech with quotes you can use a trick that I once heard someone at my club pull. Instead of using just one quote he used three similar ones and managed to evoke curiosity. You can also to use three quotes that are completely unrelated to each other and still manage to evoke curiosity.

The power of three can be used in any way and not just in narratives. Remember, Toastmasters as a platform will never curb your creativity unless you resort to talking about religion, sex and politics something that is not permitted at any Toastmasters club worldwide.

Related Article: 15 Powerful Speech Opening Lines (And How to Create Your Own)

This is where the major chunk of your speech lies. Your stories take a full-fledged shape here and hence this requires the most amount of attention. This shouldn’t scare you. Just draft it as naturally as you can and run it by your mentor or another Toastmaster friend and take their opinion.

Ensure that the start of your story is at the end of the introduction and then unraveling in the body.  The sample speeches attached will give you a better idea of how to go about this. Make sure the transitions are fluid and seem seamless.

There is no shortcut here but the repeated practice of writing and rewriting and editing. You can always seek help from your mentor or also any other Non-Toastmaster friend who you think is good with writing.

Conclusive Conclusion

Personally, in my experience, the speeches that have stayed with me long after the speaker gets off stage have been the ones that have had the speakers conclude in a positive, cheery, happy and uplifting note.

Always remember, most studies state the attention span of the audience is the greatest in the first seven seconds and then the last seven. Like you strive to capture the audience’s attention in the first seven, try to leave them mesmerized in the last seven.

An Icebreaker, especially since it’s one of the most personal speeches that you will ever give, leaves ample room for the audience to be left feeling warm and fuzzy. Check the sample speeches attached. They will give you a better idea of it.

Tantalising Title

The title is the first thing the audience will hear so make sure it catches their attention and makes them want to hear more. It should be aimed at whetting their appetite and leave them asking for more.  The wackier the title the better it is.

For example, I based my speech on my experience of changing cities for college but I titled it Oreo Cheesecake. Remember to tie it in the speech somewhere, either in the start of the end of make a reference to it. I once did the speech on the Global Hunger Crisis and titled it Fortune Cookie . I didn’t mention it anywhere till the end where I said that not all of us are born with fortune cookies and thus we must try and do our bit and not waste food.

You can download my Icebreaker speech here.

A Quick Word on Humour

Humour is one of the easiest ways to connect with the audience and that is all you would want to do with the icebreaker. I would suggest try inculcating a little humour.

No, don’t get me wrong. The entire speech doesn’t have to have humour but a little somewhere will lighten the mood and make the audience root for you. It is difficult to add humour but not altogether impossible. I have attached some tips that helped me.’

Let it flow naturally

A fellow club member who has been a corporate comedian for almost seven ears once told me this. He said that forcing humour into a speech is the worst thing a speaker can bring onto himself.

Humour should stem from real-life experiences that have led to laughter and the more relatable they seem the more likely the chance of the audience laughing.

Since the Icebreaker is all about your story, there can be no better chance to use this tip. Eg. I used an instance if sibling squabble in my speech that managed to evoke laughter.

Verbal Stylistics

If it is difficult to come up with humour it is tougher to ensure that it doesn’t get lost in ineffective delivery. Ensure you use the tools of vocal variety and taking pauses at the right moments for the humour to sink in.

This will come with practice so make sure you rehearse it with different people before you deliver.

Prepping to Deliver Your Icebreaker Speech

practice icebreaker

Rewriting and Editing the Icebreaker

Once you’re done writing you may feel that quite a bit of your job is done but it has just about started. Most of the work is going to rewriting and editing.

A cousin who is also a creative writing tutor with school children once taught me a very simple thing. She said that the first draft isn’t even the most inaccurate depiction of what’s on your mind. It is merely you putting thoughts to words. The more I toastmaster, the stronger my belief in her words get.

What is the ideal speechwriting prep routine?

There never was and can never be an ideal speechwriting prep routine. Everyone has a different way of working and the only way to understand what works for you is by letting yourself write, fall and falter and then revise your methods. For now, I can tell you what works for me.

I usually build an ideation map that has the main points of what and how I want my speech to look like. I then do a first draft. This is someplace where I let my thoughts flow to words naturally without worrying about the word limit or the grammatical part.

Once I am through with this, I usually let the write up ferment for some time. Depending on when the speech is scheduled to be delivered and my college routine, this period is usually anything between a few hours to a few days.

Why is redrafting necessary?

Once you get back to the draft with fresh eyes you’d want to make multiple changes and that’s where the magic begins. You will feel the writing blossoming into a clearer and more accurate version of what you had in mind. The more drafts you give the better it is. For an Icebreaker, since it’s your first speech a couple drafts are okay.

The catch here is to not to keep mindlessly drafting and redrafting but also to run them by other people for their opinions. All good speeches are a culmination of writing that is a reflection not only of the views of the speaker but also that of reviews from mentors.

Here, the important point is to ensure that no mentor’s say is ultimate. Take their opinions but if you feel that you don’t wish to incorporate it in your write up, let it be.

Editing the Icebreaker

The most important part is editing. If you’re someone like me who loves writing this is usually an area of problem. Editing, one must understand is not only about cutting down on words and the length of the speeches.

It also refers to the reframing of sentences in a way that they are really impactful and also reconstruction of sentences to enable ease in the implementation of verbal stylistics.

Step 1 to Editing

If your write up is exceeding the word limit, the first step is to bring it under the word limit. You can do this by simply chopping off unnecessary words. Eg. “For the past one year” can just be “For the past year” etc.

Step 2 to Editing

Once you’re done with this and the write up is still not in the given word bracket, go back and begin cutting short sentences. A ten-word sentence can easily be cut down to a seven or maybe even a five.

Eg. “When I took the leadership test on the Toastmasters Portal, it ranked me an equal on both, the Affiliative and Altruistic styles” can be chopped off to “The Toastmasters leadership test determined both Affiliative and Altruistic styles of leadership for me”. A twenty-one-word sentence chopped off straight to a fourteen word one.

This is obviously something that will come with practice but a trick you must aim to master. If you’re unable to do it by yourself reach out to a writer friend or an editor one, your mentor or the person touted to be having the best language and writing skills at the club.

The fermentation philosophy also works here and always keep coming back to the write up for editing every few hours with a set of fresh eyes. Once you’re done rewriting, editing and rewriting confirm with your mentor and lock your script.

Take the Aid of Your Toastmaster Mentor

toastmaster mentor for icebreaker

One of the best parts about being with Toastmasters is the Mentor Policy at Toastmasters. All members whether new or old, experienced Toastmasters or inexperienced ones are allocated mentors by the VP Ed of the club.

Your mentor is your go-to person for everything at Toastmasters and someone who will actually end up being your first and closest confidante over time.

The prep method changes from speaker to speaker and mentor to mentor and club to club. Usually, what I have experienced at my club especially with my mentors is a three step process that we follow to prep for the speech:

  • The first step is working on the write-up. I tend to take at least a couple of drafts of a speech. The first one is usually completely my ideation and execution which I then share with my mentors and the following drafts are a compilation of their views on how to make it better and my understanding of it.
  • Once the script is locked, we move on to the second stage that is audio and video recording of the speech . Here, I first usually send an audio recording of my speech to my mentors for them to understand and help me better the vocal variety, tonality and range which is then succeeded by a video recording to better the hand gestures and expressions and stage movements.
  • Once this is through, we proceed to the final step of prepping which is practicing in front of the mirror and with your peers.

My mentors have often been very particular about two things. One that I practice at least nine to ten times before I get onstage and second that these practices are a culmination of me speaking in front of a mirror and in front of my peers.

At first glance, this may seem a little intensive and unneeded but believe me, it will only help. It will make you more confident and easy onstage.

Practicing with Your Peers

When you practice with your peers and see their reactions it will make you understand how to make your delivery more effective. All speakers tend to unconsciously bend towards a few delivery stylistics naturally.

For eg, some tend to be better at intonation and modulation probably by virtue of being voiceover artists or actors at maybe some point of time in school or college. Speakers who’ve had a stint as dancers tend to use non-verbal stylistics like those of expressions and smile and hand gestures more effectively.

This can sometimes distract the audience if any are used in excess. To avoid these mishaps on the last day, when you practice with your peers ask them to keep an eye out for this and help you modulate it to proportion.

Is practising at the venue is necessary?

Another thing that really worked in favour for me was practicing my Icebreaker with two other Toastmasters at the venue a fortnight before the meeting I was to speak in. This helped in two ways.

One, obviously because I was practicing with fellow Toastmasters I could get comprehensive feedback but most importantly, speaking at the venue fostered me with greater confidence since I could get a feel of what the Big Day would be like.

I know this may not always be possible, but a simple alternative to this can be reaching the venue a little early and using the time before the meeting to practice with another member and take their feedback. The idea is to get comfortable with the venue.

Related Article : Surprisingly Simple but Effective Processes to Practicing for a Speech

introduce icebreaker

It is finally the Big Day. You’ve prepped enough and now you should just relax and let things unfold their way. It is very important to prep right, but on the final day it’s even more vital to ensure that you don’t doubt your prep.

To ease your nerves, mentioned below is a simple checklist that will help you in ensuring that you’re calm and composed when you take the stage.

Dress Right

Ensure that you are dressed comfortably but not too informal. A semi-formal outfit would surely work. The last thing you want is your outfit to distract you and the audience while speaking.

Ladies, that frilly dress maybe really pretty and can pass for as semi-formal too but if your venue is going to have too many fans it might lead to some wardrobe malfunction scares that you don’t want while speaking. Ensure that you keep these things in mind while dressing.

Dress in a pale pinks and blues and greens since science says they are calming and will do you good if you’re too nervous. If your nervousness is pulling you down, don on a yellow since it is an instant mood up lifter and will make you feel cheery. Again these are just suggestions and not mandatory at all.

This is of primary importance. It is going to be a long day and a tiring one too. Ensure that you have enough fuel to keep yourself going. Don’t have a heavy breakfast if you’re someone who gets nauseous out of nervousness. Have some fruits and light snacks and some juice perhaps.

Try and not consume caffeine since it will only worsen your anxiety (in my experience). If you feel like you need a boost, try green tea. It has the right amount of caffeine to wake you up but not enough you fuel your anxiety.

Reach the venue before time

Usually a normal Toastmasters meeting would require all role players on the agenda reach at least thirty minutes before the start of the meeting to ensure that the meeting begins on time.

Since it’s your first time onstage I would suggest that you reach the venue a little earlier and take in the atmosphere, and calm your nerves. Check the acoustics situation. A lot of venues have paltry acoustics due to the way they are constructed and hence practicing even a little of your speech will give you an idea of how to throw your voice.

This is important because it makes sure that a situation like this doesn’t reduce the impact of your speech.  

I once did a speech in a room with paltry acoustics that had all fans running and to top it there was a heavy downpour outside which led to the rains also hampering the speech impact.

The only feedback that I got on that speech was to speak louder since people beyond the third row couldn’t hear me. Had I come in early and practiced this with someone not only would it have helped me with my confidence but also with my understanding of the bad acoustics of the room. 

Therefore, it is better to figure these things out beforehand since if you realize it during the speech it would distract both the audience and you. If you are going to use a microphone and a podium the need for practicing is even greater since here too there are chances of malfunction.

Getting Onstage

The moment you had been dreading or awaiting is finally here. The TMoD has called you onstage and shook your hand and left. The audience is waiting patiently to hear you and all you can hear is your heartbeat racing.

I am listing below a few things for you to keep in mind before you begin and also while you’re speaking that I really wished someone had told me before I got speaking.

Breathe before you begin

Before you begin, take a moment to soak in the atmosphere and the energy of the room. Take in a few deep breaths tell yourself you got this, look into the eyes of the audience, smile and then begin.

Try to keep a positive body language

This means no folding of arms around the chest, no slumping of the back and drooping shoulders. Make sure your legs don’t jiggle. Strive to make controlled movements towards the audience with open arms and don’t forget to SMILE. Remember, Phyllis Diller’s words, “ A smile is a curve that can set anything straight” . This will warm up the audience and also ease your nervousness as well.

Related Article: Body Language Guide to Public Speaking (The Do’s and Don’ts)

Keep a check on pace and tone

Nervousness usually translates in an unprecedented increase in pace and also a certain loudness both of which it is easy to fall prey to. Ensure that you are a little aware of these things while speaking. This will make sure that the overall impact of your speech is better and not marred by the nervousness.

Try and maintain eye contact

Another major hindrance that I have noticed most speakers face is that of maintaining eye contact. Most of us, out of our nervousness choose to evade eye contact and either look at the walls or blank spaces or anywhere but into the eyes of the audience.

If it’s your first time doing a speech this is completely understandable. I would suggest that to counter this you find your people in the audience. You can get your friends and family and scatter them in the audience and keep making eye contact with them letting everyone feel that you’re talking to them.

If you can for some reason not do this, try finding your people at the club. The ones you’re the most comfortable around and the ones whom you laugh and engage the most with. Then practice the same hack of making eye contact with them.

Related Article : Why Eye Contact & Facial Expressions Will Make or Break Your Speech

Be Yourself

Remember, the main objective of the Icebreaker is to show your mentor and evaluator what delivery stylistics come naturally to you. This speech is to give them an idea of your strengths and weaknesses and how they can work on both. Therefore, be as natural as you can onstage and just be you.

It is normal to be in awe of a fellow speaker and want to emulate them but if that style of delivery is not natural to you then don’t.

There is always time later to learn from them and emulate their style or even better add it as an accessory to your own. Understand, this is your story and should only be said in your way for the impact to deepen.

Things to Know as You Receive Your First Icebreaker Evaluation

If this is your first speech at Toastmasters, it’s probably also going to be the first time you receive an evaluation. Here are some things to keep in mind as you receive your Icebreaker speech evaluation.

Understand that the Evaluator’s word is not the ultimate

One of the most enriching segments of a Toastmasters Meeting is the Evaluation segment where each speaker is allocated a dedicated Evaluator who evaluates the speech for him/her.

Remember that an evaluator is no God and feel free to only take whatever portions from the evaluation that you deem enriching enough for yourself. If you feel that there’s nothing, feel free to leave it out.

Ask for Feedback from Fellow Members

A lot of times the evaluators assigned are new members learning the ropes of the craft themselves and thus you might feel that you weren’t satisfied with the evaluation that came your way.

In such a scenario feel free to walk up to the senior members and ask for feedback. In fact one should do this regardless of whether they are satisfied with the speech evaluation or not.

Cherish your First Time with Toastmasters

The icebreaker is going to be one of the many of your firsts at Toastmasters and for some of you, might also be your first time speaking in front of an audience.

Cherish it, for all firsts are always special in some way or the other and they never come back. Remember to enjoy the process, the writing, the prepping and the delivery.

Video Record your Speech

If you are comfortable, ask someone to record the speech for you. It will help you later understand things in a much better way especially the criticism but will most importantly serve as a beautiful memory to look back on a few years down the line.

Sample Icebreaker Speeches

Over the years I have been fortunate to meet several amazing speakers. It gives me immense pleasure to share some of their very first speeches (the Icebreaker). Are these speeches perfect and follow every guide stated in this blog? Of course, not. And that’s not the point.

The point is to take inspiration from these speeches to help better draft your own Icebreaker. You can download them as PDF versions here:

Oreo Cheesecake

This is My Start

The Perfect Moment

As we keep getting more writers who have been through Icebreakers, we will keep adding more sample speeches for you to take inspiration from!

Final Words: Smile Through Your Mistakes

If you goofed up onstage it is fine, just smile through it and don’t be too harsh on yourself. It was your first time, you will make many such mistakes at Toastmasters and always remember that Toastmasters is a platform that aims to encourage you to make mistakes aplenty so that you learn the right way.

I still remember when I was giving my Icebreaker I sort of forgot something in the first thirty seconds itself. I masked it really well and no one in the audience could gauge it but my evaluator, not even my mentor. Somehow I just stuck to it and felt really wretched about it.

Now when I look back the only regret that I have is that I didn’t spend those minutes enjoying my time onstage but delved in the misery of a trivial mistake.

My only tip to you, it is OKAY to falter and stutter. The more graceful and human you are about this the more forgiving the audience. What is not okay is to delve in it and ruin your mood and not have fun. That is the only regret I have in my time with my club.

This is the beginning of a new journey that is going to be full of ups and downs and learnings and mistakes and just like Rumi rightly said, “Trust the magic of new beginnings”. It is going to be a roller coaster ride, one that you’re going to love, so brace yourselves and Welcome to the Toastmaster Family.

Juhi Dhruva

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6 Secrets for Surviving Your First Ice Breaker

Prepare for the longest 4 to 6 minutes of your life..

By Kate McClare, DTM

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

It’s the simplest assignment in your Toastmasters journey, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

“Just talk about yourself.”

As you prepare to give your inaugural Ice Breaker, the first prepared speech in Toastmasters, you’ll hear that a lot. Because that’s all it is: a short speech about yourself, with no rules about what you can and can’t say or how to say it. Easy, right?

If you’re like me, talking about yourself is a lot easier said than done. I can expound on any number of topics I know a lot about and a few I know nothing about. The one thing I know the most about—me—is the one I least care to discuss. Not in front of relative strangers, anyway.

And then there’s the fear.

You’re not the first to struggle with your Ice Breaker, and after you’ve given it—and you WILL give it—you’ll see many new Toastmasters wrestling with fear and uncertainty as they prepare to follow you to the white-knuckled spot on the lectern that you and so many others held on to for dear life.

The Ice Breaker concept has changed in recent years. Once, new members gave their 4- to 6-minute Ice Breaker speech and then moved on to complete nine projects covering basic speaking skills. Today, it’s an integral part of each Pathways path and can be used to share a different aspect of your life or simply to tell your club about your goals for the project.

But first things first: your very first Ice Breaker. Here’s some help for now and for when it’s your turn to help those who come after you with knocking knees and chattering teeth.

How to Keep Your Cool in Your First Ice Breaker

1   scared to start begin with table topics®..

“People are frightened, they’re scared, they aren’t experienced at speaking,” says Christopher Pritchard, DTM, of Naples Advanced Toastmasters in Naples, Florida. When a new member is struggling with preparing their Ice Breaker, Pritchard will ask them to speak during Table Topics about something they like to do. They’re halfway to the Ice Breaker and what do you know? They’re still standing.

2   Make it all about you.

That’s right. For once, it really is about you . Talk about a favorite hobby, your last vacation, what you do for a living, something funny or intriguing about growing up, why you joined Toastmasters. My first Ice Breaker was about how “I Always Have to Be Different,” like using an Android phone when everyone I knew had an iPhone. You don’t have to be that elaborate or structured. Some of the most powerful Ice Breakers I’ve heard have been straightforward, unadorned stories from immigrants who talked about how they came to the United States. The beauty of using your personal story is that it’s easy to remember. And if you do forget part of it, well, who but you will know?

3   Read the Ice Breaker project in the path you’re working on.

It will give simple, clear instructions on how to prepare and deliver the speech (see sidebar), including how to create an outline. Be sure to watch the videos, which are invaluable moral support. They feature Toastmasters talking about their Ice Breaker experiences and marveling at how much they enjoyed the project. Download them to your phone and play them when your feet start icing up.

In this video, the 2018 World Champion of Public Speaking, Ramona Smith, breaks down five tips that will help you prepare for and give your best presentation or speech yet.

4   Write down your speech in some fashion.

You don’t have to write it word for word, although you can if you like. Make an outline, jot down a few key thoughts, create color-coded flash cards, see what works. After 12 years in Toastmasters, I still write my speeches and envy the people who can speak without a script. But that comes with an important addendum:

5   Practice, practice, practice. And practice some more.

Run through it again and again until you’ve internalized your script and can speak naturally. In my opinion, no good speaker ever succeeded by “winging it,” and those who think they can haven’t listened to themselves ramble and stammer over material they aren’t sure of. I’ve interviewed several World Champions of Public Speaking and they all told me it takes a lot of practice to sound like you’re winging it.

6   Relax and have fun.

Know that everyone has been where you are right now, and they want you to succeed. Listen to their feedback, which will probably be positive and supportive even when it’s about how you can improve.

And don’t be too quick to get off the stage. Drink in the applause and enjoy it—it will be the first of many ovations you can look forward to in Toastmasters.


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Pathways: The Ice Breaker

Your Ice Breaker is a story about you. For this speech you can share anything about yourself that you would like. The speech can be personal, but it doesn’t have to be. Some people give an entire speech simply describing their favorite meal, while others delve into an important or momentous event in their life. If you’ve already delivered an Ice Breaker in another path, you can tell the audience why you chose your new path and what you hope to accomplish. Or just share something new about yourself (unless you told every single fact about yourself in that first 4 to 6 minutes).

Your speech can be in any style; it can be funny, informative, persuasive, or anything else you’d like.

Give your speech an opening, body, and conclusion to effectively communicate your overall purpose.

A simple template for an Ice Breaker goes like this: First, find a topic or time in your life that you can talk about for 4 to 6 minutes. Begin by introducing yourself. In the body of your speech, share information you would like your fellow members to know about you. Conclude with a funny or interesting anecdote that relates to your desire to become a better speaker and leader.

Think of the Ice Breaker as an assessment of how you are feeling about your skills at the beginning of your path, and something you can build upon for improvement. For instance, maybe your goal is simply to survive this often-feared speech. But take note of other challenging areas as well—how did you feel about finding a topic, writing the speech, and making your voice sound natural? For your next speech, challenge yourself to work on one of the aspects you found difficult this time.

—Kate McClare, DTM

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Impact Marketer

10 Tips For The Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech

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how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

The Toastmasters Icebreaker speech is probably one of the funnest speeches to give in Toastmasters.

You’re a new member. You’re excited to let the group get to know who you are. And if you’re like me, you’re nervous.

You might even find yourself struggling to come up with what to talk about for the ice breaker.

In this article, I’ve got you covered. I’ll share some tips to help you come across confident, relaxed and seasoned with your first speech for Toastmasters.

Table of Contents

What is Toastmasters?

Before I get into some actionable tips, first let me touch on what Toastmasters is.

Toastmasters International is a global company that has headquarters in Englewood, Colorado in the US.

Toastmasters was founded in October of 1924 by Ralph Smedley. And it is a non-profit company that specializes in helping people to become better communicators and leaders.

The company has a network of clubs worldwide and the focus is on public speaking.

What is The Icebreaker Speech?

The Toastmasters Icebreaker speech is a speech that members give as their first speech project.

This is usually a short speech with a time limit of 4-6 minutes.

The goal of this speech is to:

  • Introduce yourself to the club.
  • Share your background.
  • Get your feet wet with speaking in front of people.
  • Gain confidence to deliver more speeches in the future.
  • Lay the groundwork for some areas of improvement.

The icebreaker speech is where you talk about a topic that you should know very well. You. — Impact Marketer (@impact_marketer) December 10, 2019

You share some of your interests and aspirations. You can also tell people who you are and some of your past experiences of your life.

Tips For The Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech

I joined Toastmasters to become a more dynamic speaker. Plus, being in sales at the time, I had a lot of presentations to give as part of the role.

Public speaking was a big struggle for me. It was embarrassing to the point where I could notice others were getting uncomfortable watching me try to deliver a presentation from the front of the room.

I had a lot of issues with public speaking , so I turned to Toastmasters. The one thing that I didn’t realize is that in the process of developing as a speaker, I also developed as a person.

I found myself succeeding and excelling in other areas of my life as I started to get public speaking handled.

Without a doubt, Toastmasters is a no-brainer if you’re in a professional role where you need to be a dynamic speaker.

But I think universally, Toastmasters will make you a more confident person and build self-esteem.

I’ve seen some people go from being quiet, shy, wallflowers to confident presenters who can’t stop talking once they’re on stage.

If you want to make this happen, it all starts with the Ice Breaker speech.

Here are some tips to help you deliver.

1) Practice

It’s a must that you practice. Practice in front of a friend or family member. And practice your speech at least 3 times to make sure you don’t go over your time limit.

2) Write An Outline

I recommend you get some postcards and write out your outline. They recommend that you don’t memorize your ice breaker.

Also, make sure your speech has an opening, body, and conclusion.

I was against using postcards of any kind to help me with my ice breaker. Looking back I think that was a mistake.

I tried to treat the icebreaker like it was my 10th speech. As if I was a seasoned speaker.

I recommend you ease into it and if you’re going to work on anything in your first speech, a great place to start is with your body language. Or pick one thing to focus on and more importantly focus on sharing who you are with your audience.

3) Open Strong

Make sure you engage your audience with a strong opener. I like to open with a question or statement.

One question I asked for my ice breaker was, “Does anyone in here know how to eat an elephant?”

I remember hearing a few chuckles and seeing smiles on people’s faces.

Then I heard one member answer the question with the answer, “one bite at a time.”

The topic of my ice breaker was success being a gradual process. Because throughout so much of my life, a common theme is early failure followed by success at some point down the road.

4) Leverage Resources

Read books, take courses and continue to work on yourself. This will not only help you with your ice breaker. But future speeches and other areas of your life.

One great book that I read beforehand was The Exceptional Presenter by Timothy Koegel. This is a solid book and really helped to set me up for success.

Most people who join Toastmasters are those who are go-getters and believe in personal development.

Toastmasters is a great platform. But to really supercharge your public speaking, I recommend adding other resources as well.

Another great resource is the Dale Carnegie Public Speaking Mastery Course. I learned a ton about public speaking there.

5) Video Record Yourself

Shoot video of yourself delivering your ice breaker. This is a powerful way to help you to relax and get comfortable before your speech.

If you look tense or uncomfortable, there’s no better person to notice that than you.

Look for things that might be little ticks in your speech (such as ahs and ums). Try to make your speech as smooth as possible and remember this is a journey that starts with your first speech.

Even though you want to look good, you still want to get better. So try to improve after every speech.

Watching footage of yourself before delivering the speech will give you an idea of how you look before it’s showtime. You’ll also be able to assess your body language, delivery, and gestures.

6) Avoid Stilted Body Language

Some things to avoid here include:

  • crossing your arms.
  • leaning on the podium or clutching on to it for dear life.
  • T Rex arms (open up your communication and gestures).

PRO TIP: If you want to really shine in your ice breaker, I recommend that you walk out away from the lectern (On both sides) while you speak. This will help you appear confident, while also helping you to relax.

This is more of an advanced technique, but no need to wait until you have more speeches under your belt to start this. You can practice this with your first speech.

7) Include The Entire Audience

By this I mean look at everyone. Be sure to slowly scroll the room as you talk, to make sure you give every member your eye contact.

A funny thing usually starts to happen when members of the audience feel neglected. They might start to tune you out.

Doing this will help to take the focus off of you and put it onto them. And also help you to connect with your audience as if you’re speaking directly to each and every one of them.

Speak as if you’re on stage and you want every person in the room to hear you. Project your voice by speaking from your diaphragm and not from your throat.

You want everyone from the member closest to you up in the front to the last person all the way in the back to hear you clearly.

Focus on slowing down and trying to deliver for your audience. When I get nervous or anxious, I have a tendency to speak too fast and not loud enough.

By slowing down and focusing on your audience you’ll speak with impact and impress.

This was a big one for me. As I delivered my ice breaker speech, I tensed up my face and presented a face that said I was very anxious and nervous.

At the suggestion of a fellow member, I started smiling more and that helped to relax me and change my state.

Instead of being so serious and nervous, I came across as more relaxed and pleasant. Smiling made a big difference for me.

10) Prepare Physically and Mentally

Make sure you get a good night sleep before your ice breaker. Also make sure you have a good high fiber meal before and you use the restroom to prepare your body.

Try to avoid caffeine and alcohol when delivering your ice breaker.

Butterflies and anxiety are normal. Most people fear public speaking.


I like to visualize my speech going well beforehand. I also like to get myself into a positive state and see myself delivering a flawless speech.

Visualization is powerful. The same way you want to practice out loud, you want to visualize yourself performing perfectly.

This has worked wonders for me.

Last but not least. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself and remember that your ice breaker speech is the beginning of your journey to becoming an exceptional speaker.

Becoming a member of toastmasters puts you in rarefied air. Most people are terrified of public speaking.

Your ice breaker speech puts you on the road to success in any area that you choose. For me, it was to improve as a speaker on sales calls.

But what I found was it helped me in areas of my life that I could have never imagined. Good luck with your ice breaker and most importantly have fun.

I’ll leave you with an excellent video below on how to prepare for your ice breaker speech. Enjoy!

Impact Marketer

2 thoughts on “10 Tips For The Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech”

What areas of your life changed in ways you couldn’t have imagined because of TOASASTERS? I have just joined and I’m interested to Know! Helen

I’ve always considered myself to be a total introvert. Toastmasters helped me to speak with more confidence. Whenever I had table topics or gave speeches… as members critiqued me, I learned so much about myself. Whether it be the ahs and ums, stilted body language, not smiling enough, not using enough “open” gestures. These are areas I’ve learned to have awareness around and have grown. One thing I will say though is it’s like anything else, the more you practice the better you get. And when you stop, you might find that you’re not as sharp. But all-in-all, I’m a more effective communicator because of it.

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Armani Talks

How to give the Perfect Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech

  • Armani Talks
  • June 19, 2019
  • public-speaking

What is the Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech?

The Toastmasters icebreaker speech is the first speech that you will give in your Toastmasters journey. This speech allows the audience to get an idea of who you are as a person.

The honest truth is that this is often the most dreaded speech of all.

It’s because the icebreaker speech is your first planned speech in front of an audience! And at this point, you are a public speaking noob who has no clue where to go, how to design a speech & more importantly, how to battle with the pre-speech nerves.

But fear not!

ArmaniTalks is here to help guide you through this daunting process & help you engineer the perfect Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech! I used to be the Vice president of my Toastmasters club & was the mentor to many new Toastmasters members.

What does that mean for you ?

I had the opportunity to see tons of icebreakers speech play out. My experience has led me to see what you should do and what you should NOT do as well.

Let us begin.

The Nervous New Toastmaster’s Member

When I first joined Toastmasters , I was unsure of what to expect. The main reason your boy was joining was to build up his confidence & discover his voice.

After officially becoming a member, I realized that there was no time to be a spectator. Now was the time to contribute and give speeches!

Well luckily, a week before I was scheduled to give my Icebreaker speech, I was going to witness someone give theirs. Hopefully was going to give some ideas on how I should design my speech.

The speaker who was going to give her icebreaker speech was Isabel.

She was around her mid-30s, Cuban & someone with a heavy accent.

The second Isabel entered the meeting that day, she seemed TERRIFIED. She was telling a bunch of the senior club members how she didn’t know if she had it in her to deliver a speech. I could literally see her shaking as she was talking to the other club members.

How the hell was she going to give a speech in front of 30 people if she couldn’t even properly talk to one person??

At that point, I could empathize with her 100%! Conquering speech anxiety is a different kind of beast. Doing table topics (2-minute impromptu speeches) seemed like a pain in the ass. Couldn’t imagine what preparing for a 6-minute speech felt like.

Isabel better put on her bravery cap and get ready!

It was just like any other meeting

The doors were closed at 7 pm sharp .

The club President began with the opening announcements, asked everyone to turn off their phones, then announced we all stood up for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Once that was up, the President handed the baton to the Toastmaster for the meeting.

Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech

The Toastmaster did their usual spiel. They went off by introducing themselves & everyone else involved in the meeting. Positions like the Grammarian, Table Topics Master, Timer, Evaluators and um….Speakers.

Guess who was the first speaker assigned?

She seemed like she saw a ghost when her name was announced as the first speaker.

But there was no other option at this point.

Do or die, let’s get it!!

The Mighty Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech?

The Toastmaster finished with all the formalities & now transitioned into the speaker’s portion. He began to read off the introduction for Isabel’s speech as the suspense slowly began to build up.

After the intro, he looks Isabel’s way & calls her up on the stage.

Isabel took one last quick breather before showtime. I was sitting right next to her that day & wished her the best of luck. She forced an awkward ass smile and mustered up thanks.

Everyone in the audience waited to see how Isabel’s first-ever speech would go.

Isabel stood in the middle of the floor nervously looking at the audience.

The audience looked back at her, with a warm smile & a patient demeanor.

Isabel was trying to say something but was holding back. She began fidgeting and her face was starting to get red.

Come on Isabel, you can do it. Come on! Show these people what you are all about, I thought.

After ~30 seconds of silence had passed by, Isabel gathered her cool and began..

What did the Quiet one say??

Isabel’s icebreaker speech began off in Cuba where she was raised.

She started off the speech talking about her early childhood and the kind of personality she had as a child.

She continued describing her settings & details from her past.

toastmaster speech in cuba

Honest truth? It was nothing too special.

Seemed like the generic, ‘back in my days’ story.

Not sure what it was, but EVERY line seemed so damn predictable.

And you know what they say…the more predictable, the more boring.

I decided this speech was going to be like this for the most part & slowly went into daydreaming mode.

Until something changed!!

Out of nowhere, she went on from talking about her perfect childhood to talking about how a sudden tragedy disrupted the whole thing.

Apparently, her father who had been this goody too shy his entire life was actually a lowkey Gangbanger.

He had been lying to his family for all of Isabel’s life & now the jig way up. Why?

Because her father had stolen money from some powerful goons & it had put a massive target on his back.

Being a sudden target led her father getting some arrangements made to get Isabel the fuck out of Cuba to move into the US.

This boring tale had turned into a compelling one out of the blue moon.

As Isabel progressed in her speech, she began to get more into it. Her enthusiasm began to seep out of her with every word she uttered. This led to the audience members sitting on the edge of their seat trying to figure out what was next in this tale.

Isabel went from being a nervous wreck who couldn’t utter a word to CAPTIVATING everyone in the room that night.

Well done Isabel. Well done! True inspiration.

So how can you Level Up Your Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech?

If Isabel’s story indicates anything to you, it should be that nervousness is not a roadblock , it is simply a speed bump.

A good speech is always possible with a few tweaks.

So how do you get this amazing speech in the first place?

You appeal to human nature & go in with a few frameworks to follow. I want to discuss the core principles in what will make you from a boring speaker into a memorable one.

If you can tackle the items from my checklist, maybe you will be taking home the ‘Best Speaker’s’ ribbon for the night.

Public Speaking Mindset

The biggest mistake beginners make is that they think everything has to be perfect.

Absolutely not!

The more you focus on being perfect, the more you bring speech anxiety upon yourself.

To be quite honest, the audience does not give a fuck about perfection.

Perfection makes you seem like a robot. Displaying your flaws make you seem human. We will come back to the flaws part shortly.

With that being said, the first thing I want you incorporate into your mind is:

Focus more on providing value rather than being perfect.

And how do you provide value in the Icebreaker speech?

By shedding light on who YOU are.

Content for your Speech

The predominant focus of the Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech is to give the audience an idea of who you are as a person.

The audience should leave learning something new about you. The best way to communicate your message is thru a story . Don’t be boring & just list out facts about yourself the whole time homie.

The beauty of the story format ? You can take any angle that you would like to!

Isabel went from taking the route of a sweet little angel from Cuba to shocking the audience by shedding light into being the daughter of a gang banger.

Bottom line is that you want your speech to be UNIQUE to your life experiences & unpredictable. Showcase your flaws.

The audience does not want to hear facts & safe topics. They want to FEEL some sort of way. And the best way to make them feel is by being completely by talking about a very unique moment in your life.

Toastmaster Icebreaker Speech Ideas:

1.        Isolated incident – You can talk about one major event from your life that sticks out.

It could be the first time that you moved to a new country, getting accepted into a coveted a

program, dealing with the early death of a loved one etc.

2.        Span – You can talk about the different stages of your life that led you to be who you are today.

For my icebreaker speech, I talk about how 4 haircuts from my past that have molded the present-day Armani.

Check out 20-year-old Armani!

3.        Unique interest or fact – Are you a black belt, a sensational eCommerce champ, can solve the Rubik’s cube?

Well if so, now is the time to let the audience know about your journey!

4.       Prop or Unique item – If there is an item that means a lot to you, then talk about that! For one Icebreaker, there was a kid who bought a sweater that his mom gave him before she passed away from cancer. He gave a compelling story about how the sweater means a lot to him & how he wears it before any high-pressure scenario.

Bottom line, you have the freedom to get creative.

The stage is yours, so utilize it.

Speech Structure

Now that you have the purpose of your speech, let’s talk about a few ways to structure the speech to speech.

You can structure it a multitude of ways, but make sure you focus on a few points.

1.       Engaging opener – This could be a question, a shocking statistic, a quote that relates to your speech, a joke etc. Getting the audience’s attention from the get-go skyrockets the engagement.

2.       Supporting points – Do not be excessively detailed. Only bring up the points that help you progress your purpose forward. K.I.S.S. Keep it Simple Stupid, your audience will thank you.

3.       Conflict – This is what the audience is here for! The conflict allows you to hook the audience. Once you introduce the conflict, DELAY the resolution. That’s how you create a story tension!

4.       Summarizing the main points in the closer – Summarizing the main points, in the end, is like tying the knot on the balloon. The perfect way to end your icebreaker speech.

How to Practice your speech

Practicing your speech allows you to feel much more comfortable on speech day.

For the first-ever speech, you are allowed to use note cards if needed.

So if you plan on using them, write down only the HIGH-level points. Too many details will confuse you. (If you feel comfortable without the cards, then ditch em!)

Once you have your speech purpose identified, structure ready, cards prepped, it is time to practice.

Best way to practice your speeches is by recording your practice sessions!

recording practice sessions for icebreaker speech

This is a highly practical tip that most people will sleep on. How do I know? Because I used to sleep on it. Completely refused to record my practice sessions because it made me feel self-conscious and required work.

But I guarantee that you do not want to overlook this step. Recording yourself allows you to see yourself in 3rd person. Seeing yourself from that perspective allows you to feel much more confident come speech day & SKYROCKET your progress!

Focus Areas:

  • Make sure your speech is within the set time period.

2. Watch out for filler words (um, uh, like so, you know). Insert pauses for fillers.

3. Keep open body language . Open palms, expressive page, torso out, back straight etc.

Get all your practicing done early so you can chill 1-2 days before your speech. This allows your subconscious mind to have a more relaxed perception of the upcoming speech.

Icebreaker Speech Day

Everyone has a different routine before their Toastmaster’s speech days. But here is mind:

1. Get a good night sleep the night before. This allows you to feel clear-headed and calm.

2. Meditate before your speech & get your head cleared up.

3. Drink a lot of water & eat some fruit if you feel hungry.

Avoid coffee or greasy foods. Your speech anxiety will suffer

4. And last but not least, dress up.

Dressing up helps a ton because you feel more confident. Clean-cut clothes that have you feeling fresh does wonder for your psyche.

Plus, your audience has a favorable view towards you when they see that you have taken the time to dress up. Even if you fumble during the speech, they tend to be more forgiving.

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

Conquering the dreaded Toastmaster’s Icebreaker Speech

The beauty of finishing this first speech is that you realize something very important….

Public speaking was never as bad as the images that your ego provided to you.

The audience members are more understanding than you can imagine. They want you to win.

Make sure you record this speech. It is the first step in your journey to overcome speech anxiety. You are doing what a lot of people were not courageous enough to do.

Give yourself a round of applause after you get off stage & treat yourself to a mini celebration for showing bravery.

This is the beginning of greatness from your end.

Always keep your eyes forward & you will see improvement, no doubt!

Now go kill it!!!

For more practical communication insights, subscribe to my  free daily newsletter.

– ArmaniTalks 🎙️🔥

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how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

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Toastmasters Speech Series: Your Guide to the First 10 Speeches

Not familiar with Toastmasters? Find out here .

For Toastmasters and non-Toastmasters alike, these articles show how you can graduate from speaking fear to inspiring your audience.

The format for the series will be one article for each of the ten speeches which comprise the introductory Toastmasters manual — the Competent Communicator Manual.

  • The Ice Breaker
  • Organize Your Speech
  • Get to the Point
  • How To Say It
  • Your Body Speaks
  • Vocal Variety
  • Research Your Topic
  • Get Comfortable with Visual Aids (coming next)
  • Persuade with Power
  • Inspire Your Audience

For Toastmasters and Non-Toastmasters Alike

If you are a Toastmaster , this is your guide through the first ten speeches. For each speech project, we’ll look at tips, techniques, and wherever possible, written and video examples of speeches which demonstrate the goals.

If you are not a Toastmaster , consider this an introductory public speaking course. Each of the 10 speeches covers one fundamental skill for public speakers. This is the solid formula on which the Toastmasters program is based. If you’ve never joined Toastmasters or taken a public speaking course, this series will be a primer for you.

Overview of the First Ten Toastmasters Speeches

As the articles are published, each of these will turn into links to those articles.

  • Speech 1: The Ice Breaker — The first speech of the Toastmasters program is about introducing yourself to your peers, providing a benchmark for your current skill level, and standing and speaking without falling over.
  • Speech 2: Organize Your Speech — Introduces the basic concepts of organizing a speech around a speech outline.
  • Speech 3: Get to the Point — Clearly state your speech goal, and make sure that every element of your speech focuses on that goal.
  • Speech 4: How to Say It — Examines word choice, sentence structure, and rhetorical devices.
  • Speech 5: Your Body Speaks — Shows how to complement words with posture, stance, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact.
  • Speech 6: Vocal Variety — Guides you to add life to your voice with variations in pitch, pace, power, and pauses.
  • Speech 7: Research Your Topic — Addresses the importance of backing up your arguments with evidence, and touches on the types of evidence to use.
  • Speech 8: Get Comfortable With Visual Aids — Examines the use of slides, transparencies, flip charts, whiteboards, or props.
  • Speech 9: Persuade With Power — Discusses audience analysis and the different forms of persuasion available to a speaker.
  • Speech 10: Inspire Your Audience — The last of ten speeches, this project challenges the speaker to draw all their skills together to deliver a powerful inspirational message.

Sample Written Speeches and Speech Videos

The purpose of including these samples is not to say “Look, here’s the right way to do this project.” In fact, there is no single “right way.”

Instead, I hope these sample speeches will provide ideas and inspiration for you as you search for relevant topics from your own life experiences.

Next in the Toastmasters Speech Series

The next article in this series addresses Speech 1: The Ice Breaker .

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This is one of a number of articles related to Toastmasters featured on Six Minutes . Subscribe to Six Minutes for free to receive future articles. Note: Six Minutes is not affiliated with or endorsed by Toastmasters International. Click here for more information about the relationship between the two.

Image credit: weirdvis

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Excellent work !!!

Keep it up. I’ll see how I can contribute.

Cheers, TM Shashi

This is very good information. I found this since I was looking for information on Toastmasters. I’m definitely going to be joining.

I can’t wait to see the rest of the speeches get posted.

Please could you let me know when you are doing the rest of the manual? These are very helpful. Thanks Jacqui

Excellent info – now one doesnt need to read the CC Manual – everything’s here on a click… 🙂

Keep up the gud work

Thanks for the kind words, but I don’t agree with “one doesn’t need to read the CC manual”. These articles are intended to complement the CC manual, and provide additional guidance for Toastmasters members.

I found your articles and links to the examples and your analysis very helpful in my project speeches ( 1 to 4). However you have not gone beyond Project 4. Recently I gave my Project 5 speech (Your Body Speaks). The text is available at . Please feel free to refer it in your article if you think it is worthwhile.

Well, I guess they gave up on the CC series, I’ve been checking back for months and months waiting for number 5, in the meantime I have completed 3 and 4 in my own club, I guess I’ll trudge on through 5 with no extra help… I’m getting more confidence, so I guess I don’t need it.

It will be really great if this series is resumed. Meanwhile I guess for the ones who are seeking tips on Project 5 (Body Language) and Project 6 (Vocal Variety) can refer to Speech Preparation series #7 It proved to be really useful for my Project 6 speech.

This is very great Blog. I find so many useful resources here. Could you please continue the toastmasters post series 🙂

Here is an an example of Project 7 speech – Research Your Topic. Recently we had general elections in India and we used Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). I did some research on the process of electronic voting and the EVMs based on which I gave this speech. Here is the link

My Project 8 Speech ( Get comfortable with visual aids) was inspired by 3 short articles in Paulo Coelho’s book “Like the Flowing River”. It was all about the wisdom we can gain from common day to day objects. I used a currency note, a pencil and some bananas as props. The speech was very well received in my club. Here is the link to the same

Sponsor a Girl Child. This was my topic for Project 9 (Persuade with Power Speech). I talked about Nanhi Kali a project in India which is doing a yeoman service in securing the sponsorships for educating girls from underpriveleged sections of the society. I have been associated with this project for last 10 years and in my speech I tried to persuade the Toastmasters to sponsor at least one girl. The speech was well received. Here is the link

I’m almost afraid to delve into any more of these videos as I’ve looked at quite a few already and they scare me. Because speakers don’t seem to realize that speaking is performing and so their voices are week, their energry is low, their speech sounds memorized but here goes.

Hi Barbara: Don’t forget that many of the Toastmasters members in these videos are taking their very first public speaking steps. It’s okay that they are not yet polished speechwriters or speakers. That’s why have committed themselves to improvement through Toastmasters.

I completed my Project 10 speech (Inspire Your Audience). The topic was “Three Essential Qualities of a Toastmaster”.

It would be really good if you would update the series for speeches 7, 8, 9 and 10. Or perhaps I should start my own website and do that 😀

Its indeed an excellent article from the toast masters end.

I really love your six minutes guide to the first ten speeches! It was really helpful and I don’t think I could have pulled off my speeches successfully without your help!

Thanks again Andrew, it would be great if you could continue to inspire us novice toastmasters!

Cheers, Jamie

Great ideas. Thanks for posting them.

Hi Andrew I subscribe to Six Minutes and really enjoy your blog. I particularly like your links to the first 6 Toastmasters speeches. Do you plan to post information on speeches 7-10? I’d find it most helpful. (I am a Toastmaster). Many thanks Katie

This is such a great blog. Love the ten Toastmasters speeches.

Hi Andrew. This is a great site. Very valuable for TMs or non-TMs. Can I direct our Club Guests to your site? Even for new TMs – this will be very helpful before they receive their manuals. Again, Thanks a lot. Enjoying the Olympics?

Mon J Gamil Lakeview TM Club, Mississauga, Ontario

You are welcome to link to Six Minutes articles anytime you like!

I have recently join a toastmasters club. It is amazing, with all the talking I do with friends. When it comes to formulizing a speech it seems alittle intimidating. I am thankful for this website. I hope to improve as a public speaker. Thanks.

Andrew Dlugan, Thanks for the resources that you provide. Can you please send me information on your rates for training in “Advanced Speech Techniques” and information on how you would deliver training.

I have a CTM/CC in ToastMasters, would like to improve to be a powerful, impact speaker. I have the lexicon resources(passive) and would like that to be active and effective for strong speech delivery, stage presence to influence multiple levels of consciousness within my intended audiences.

This is awesome…I am sending this link to all the Toastmasters Officers in all the clubs I am in so they can give this extra umph to their new and seasoned members.

You always have great articles and information…thank you very much! Thank you for the interview with LaShunda Rundles.

Warm regards, Patricia Cotton

Featured on Toastmasters in Pune Facebook page!

very well done

Hello Andrew

Awesome blog…I found it loaded with helpful tips…I enjoy reading all the topics…May I know if you have an idea for a humourous topic of discussion as I have this contest coming and I really lack inspiration and the deadline is closing in!!!

for my mentees and club members this is perfect, written with an ease that can be seen its helpful,and supportive of my efforts I appreciate you for you have been Helpful Caring thoughtful and sharing

thank you so much


As a Toastmaster for many years, it heightens my energy level to read posts about my organization, and its stature in the world. The letters after my name indicate that I have completed the first ten speeches, CC, and subsequent levels of expertise within the organization. As an accomplished speaker, and toastmaster, I want to commend your efforts to broaden the horizon of the speaking field, and the breadth to which your site has made speaking look easy.

Dear Mr. Dulgan very informative and succinct. I’m thankful. Kind regards Jothi Toastmaster Div C and A Dist 20

Thanks for a wonderful site.

I just finished speech #4 as a member of TM. Slowly, I’m improving. However, I still find it difficult to memorize my speeches. Any advice, especially for my next speech?

It may seem obvious, but the best way to move toward delivering without notes is extensive rehearsal/preparation. The more time you allow yourself to rehearse the speech, the more it will “stick” in your head.

Having said that, you don’t need to make the leap all at once. If you are currently writing out speeches in full and reading them, then move toward using notes which have just the first sentence of each paragraph and a few key words as a means to jog your memory. Then, move toward writing down just a couple keywords for each paragraph of your speech. Then, move toward notes which contain just a couple keywords for each major point or story you are using. From there, its a very small step to delivering without notes at all.

Andrew, thanks alot. My next speech is #5. I feel confident about this speech because: I’m knowledgeable about gestures and cross cultural communication.

I am very appreciative of your tips on the 10 speeches.

Something to note for non-members reading this post is that you can present any “topic” you’d like in your Toastmasters speeches. The Toastmasters manuals are designed to give you objectives to work toward accomplishing with each presentation…but the topic you present is up to you.

Just wanted to say thanks – your blog has been very helpful to get me through my CC manual.

Toastmasters is a great place for beginning speakers to learn how to research, write and deliver speeches on a consistent basis. I still go back to some of my Toastmasters books when I need a refresher course.

this is a great initiative. it will go a long way in assisting people become better speakers. Thanks

I really like the lay-out of this page- user friendly and great learning aid. When are you doing Speech 8?? K

how do you become a member. am not very good at delivering speeches i stutter a lot . Please assist

I found this article very useful, thanks a ton!!Please keep up the good work.

I’m sure there are others like me who are waiting for your inputs about project 8 onwards.

Interested in getting back in to toastmasters

Excellent website, Andrew. I am very grateful for your taking the time to put all these precious resources together for us.

Having been a toastmaster in several clubs both in the UAE as well as here in New Zealand, I have learned that experience and confidence as a mature speaker is a corner stone of sharing this rich experience and knowledge with others within the club and we all listen and learn together. This is my passion.

I strongly believe your articles will help me become an effective public speaker


Hello! Amazing blog site! Very helpful. While preparing for next project in TM, I came across your website. I have a question here, from Projects 4 onwards, can you use old speech (like the speech you created for Project 3) to delivery your 4, 5 or 6 or any other projects ahead? Appreciate your reply. Thanks

I am a Toastmasters and have recently finished my CC Manual and would like to receive information about advanced speeches. Thanks

Why are Speeches 8-10 not posted here please? Where or how can I find them? Thanks 🙂

I am a beginner, at public speaking I am recovering from an auto accident and feel like I am coming out of a fog, or a walking zombie state and now I have to get my brain to remember, present intelligently and with a purpose.

Andrew, Thanks for taking the time to share these insights, tips, and examples. I’m 5 speeches into my CC and have found your detailed info very helpful and inspiring. When I shared the site w/my wife, she said, “Of course it’s good stuff, he’s Canadian.” She’s obviously Canadian as well. Kudos on both fronts. -SE

Would love to have recommendation for project 9 as well.

How can I get 8-9-10.

I ammgoing to present 8 then 9 and fonish 10 .

Please add me to your e-mail list.

Thanks Andrew! Aprreciate your sharing thats definitely helps me to prepare my 10projects.

Good article I’d like to receive more articles

Just Started attending toastmaster meeting and I am keen to learn more. The articles are a great help to those of us starting out on the journey Thanks

Hi, I was actually waiting for the Toastmasters Speech 8 to 10 but you haven’t update your post yet.

Thank you for the other samples. It helped me!

Valuable writing – my colleague a few days ago located to arrange pdf – It’s phenominal straightforward to use and it’s great , I saw on the website they offer a 30 day trial now…

Thanks for your share.

I am considering joining Toastmasters.

Thank you very much for the very valuable materials on Toastmasters prepared speech program. I deeply appreciated your earnest efforts.

I was discussing debate classes with my grandson and wanted to tell him about speech also but couldn’t remember the three types of speeches we had to give. 1. Impromptu Can’t remember actual title of other two. Any help here?

this is motivating Thanks alot

You made me realize there is so much time for us to improve our public speaking skills.

Please let me know more about great toastmasters.

Interested in Six Minutes articles by email. Thank you!

Thank you for providing tips and examples for each speech. This will be super helpful

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18 Blog Links

Toastmasters Speech Series: Your Guide to the First 10 Speeches | "Public Speaking in Singapore" — Sep 3rd, 2008

Updated Toastmasters Speech Series: Your Guide to the First 10 Speeches | "Public Speaking in Singapore" — Aug 30th, 2009

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The Art of the Icebreaker Speech: Tips for Toastmasters and Real Life

Rock your icebreaker, whether it’s your first or your twentieth, why care about icebreakers.

People make an opinion about you the moment you enter the room. Giving an Icebreaker is your chance to influence that opinion.

Whether you’re joining a new company as a junior business analyst, team manager, or the Chief Technology Officer, you will benefit from introducing yourself in style.

Whether you are a brand new face to the audience or notoriously known, kicking your presentation off with a personal anecdote is a safe way to bring everyone on your side.

The art of the Icebreaker is so valuable that I dare to say that its importance is currently somewhat underestimated.

Last week, I attended a Toastmasters club meeting where one of the more experienced members was doing an Icebreaker because he was starting a new path. Before starting his speech, he expressed how annoyed he was about having to do the “rookie project” again.

But make no mistake – while the Icebreaker is the project rookies start with, it is no rookie project.

Breaking the ice is a vital skill in your professional life. And the Icebreaker project is an excellent opportunity to practice it.

Here, have a taste of it in Susan Cain’s famous TED Talk:

Even if this was the first time you’ve seen her, she’s no longer a stranger to you after the two-minute story about her first summer camp experience. Of course, executing an icebreaker with such brilliance is not an easy thing to do. But you can – if you master the art of the Icebreaker.

In Toastmasters, the format is four-to-six minutes, and the objective is as simple as to “introduce yourself.” It might seem that having very loose instructions could make things easier, but it makes them harder.

First: Avoid these five big mistakes

Let me help you from the start by pointing out some frequent mistakes people make:

  • Overthinking the topic

Speaking on a general topic

Trying to say too much, rehearsing with notes, starting with an apology, overthinking.

You might feel the urge to pick the most fantastic topic – or topics – to speak about. It should be something that speaks about you and you have only 6 minutes. It should be better good! If you’re like most people, anything you come up with won’t feel good enough. That will paralyze you, delay the moment you settle on a topic, and limit your time for preparation.

Instead: Quickly write down ten possible topics you could speak about. Then, pick the one you like best. Solved. Proceed to prepare the speech.

Many people feel like they should sound wise when speaking to a group. That’s why they often talk on general topics, such as “Me and animals.”

But here’s the thing: General topics are boring. Yes, even when you talk about animals.

Instead: Be specific! It’s examples and particular experiences that are interesting! Instead of Fauna of Australia, tell us about “How I saw a Platypus fight a Kangaroo.” Now we’re talking!

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

Have you ever thought of writing a book about your life? A typical novel can have some 60,000 words. Your Icebreaker will be It’s six minutes – about 600 words. That is 1%.

A frequent mistake is that speakers try to say “everything important” about themselves in an icebreaker. This way, they end up trying to squeeze in too much. That makes them need to rush AND only stay on the surface.

Instead: Accept that you won’t be able to say everything. Pick just a tiny slice and tell us more about it!

It’s better than no rehearsing at all! However, the risk is that it gives you false confidence about knowing your material. If you’re planning to give your Icebreaker WITHOUT notes, you’re setting yourself up for trouble. If the first time you ride without training wheels is in a race – that race won’t end up well for you!

Instead: Use different ways to rehearse without notes:

  • Talk to yourself
  • Have a conversation with your friend
  • Talk on video

If there is one speech where authenticity counts, it is the Icebreaker!

Avoiding this is especially important if you’re giving your FIRST Icebreaker. You might tend to endear yourself to your audience by admitting that you’re not feeling good enough (yet).

It is likely that yours is not the first Icebreaker they hear. And since many people have such a tendency to endear themselves, you will be saying something your audience has heard many times before. That is boring and won’t score you any plus points.

Instead: Skip the apology!

By skipping the apology, you give more space to what is uniquely yours and, therefore interesting – the content of your speech—the interesting things about you.

Dive into your content. Like Susan Cain in her TED Talk.

And about the fact that you’re still not feeling 100% confident? Let me tell you a secret: The audience can’t be 100% sure you’re not confident about your speaking UNLESS you confess it. So if there are doubts in your head, in your head they should stay!

Second: Choose your topic

I said, “don’t overthink it,” but that does not mean there are no considerations whatsoever.

The first one is to find common ground between yourself and your audience. For example, if you speak at a conference for vegans, you sharing your love for argentine beef steaks won’t make you popular, no matter how authentic you are in your delivery.

You don’t need to limit yourself to “what your audience wants to hear.” But you need to consider their view on your topic.

There is no “perfect” topic, but I thought I might share a handful of “Icebreaker prompts” to get you started. Here they are:

  • Your favorite pet
  • The city you were born in
  • An unorthodox belief you have
  • The things you have on your desk
  • What you learned from your first job
  • What you remember from your first day at school
  • The #1 lesson you learned from your mum or dad

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

Speaking to any of those has the potential of having you share something uniquely yours. See, when you’re speaking to a new audience, this is the question on everyone’s mind: “Who is that person speaking? Are they dangerous? Can they cook? Could I date them?” Okay, maybe the last two are not on EVERYONE’S mind. But sharing something uniquely yours answers many of the questions your audience has on their minds.

When you answer your audience’s questions, you build trust. When you build trust, you make it easier for yourself to deliver your message.

Third: Relax

Your icebreaker does not need to be perfect.

If you want to deliver a brilliant Icebreaker, let me offer another perspective: The worse you perform in your Icebreaker, the easier it will be for you to impress everyone with your progress in your next speech!

Perfection is a lie. Don’t stress over something that you won’t achieve anyway. Being relaxed will help you perform better.

YOU don’t need to be perfect

This also means that you don’t need to paint yourself as a perfect character when telling stories about yourself! However, you should make sure you DON’T paint yourself that way.

Especially younger speakers make the mistake of trying too hard to impress. Most often, this backfires.

This may sound surprising to you, but it’s the truth: People tend to be jealous of those who are smarter, more successful, or better looking than themselves.

I’m not saying everyone IS jealous, but it’s a natural tendency for us to compare ourselves to others, be suspicious of those we don’t know, and appear to be better off than ourselves.

Therefore: Be careful with speaking about yourself as smart, successful, or good-looking especially when you are new to a group.

For me, this is relaxing! If I tried to paint myself in the best colors, I would be nervous about someone being able to “see-through” me and call me out as an impostor. When I describe myself as I am – including my flaws – it puts me at ease. Because when someone spots those flaws later, I can tell them: “I told you!”

Some of those strangers might be your close friends three or five years later

Presenting about yourself to a group of strangers is intimidating. But think about this – you will likely connect well with this group. Maybe you will be working and growing together for the next three or five years. Some of those people are your future best friends. So even if you fail terribly in your Icebreaker – further down the line, you will have a hearty laugh about it.

Relax, smile and enjoy. After all – you’re giving your Icebreaker only once. At least, THIS Icebreaker!

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How to Write an Icebreaker Speech

Last Updated: February 1, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 483,812 times.

An icebreaker speech is any kind of speech that introduces yourself to an audience. You can give an icebreaker speech in a lot of different contexts: when you're accepting an award, toasting a couple at their wedding, or making a business pitch. Choosing the topic of your icebreaker, carefully drafting and editing your speech, and practicing it before you give it can help you write a successful icebreaker speech.

Icebreaker Speech Template and Example

how to write ice breaker speech toastmasters

Choosing the Topic of Your Icebreaker

A chronological account of someone's major life events.

  • For example, if you're accepting an award, you'll want to introduce yourself to the audience. A chronological account of your life tells your audience where and when you were born, the first memory you can remember, and where you went to college.

Step 2 Try a topical approach.

  • For example, if you're giving your speech at a business meeting, you might want to focus on your most impressive business-related accomplishments.
  • If you're giving your speech in an academic setting, you might want to highlight your academic accomplishments, including degrees and certifications.

Step 3 Focus on a common thread in your life.

  • For instance, if you are a veterinarian , you might talk about your first pet, your first job caring for animals, your decision to become a veterinarian, your current practice and your current pets.
  • This is also a great approach if you're writing a wedding toast. Focus on your friendship with the couple (or just one of them) and how it has influenced your life over time.

Step 4 Concentrate on one key event that defines you.

  • For example, if you're a surgeon , you might talk about your most difficult case and how it led you to pioneer a new technique. If you're a military veteran, you might talk about being in combat and how it changed you.

Drafting Your Icebreaker

  • 1 Brainstorm what you want to say. Now that you have an idea of a topic, write down everything you want to include in your speech. Be sure to introduce yourself first. Organize the information chronologically as you plan to say it, then go through and cut out any unnecessary or irrelevant information.

Step 2 Keep it short.

  • For example, if you're giving your speech at a business gathering, you could start with a quote from the company's founder.
  • If you're giving a wedding toast, it's generally best not to joke—what you think is funny can sometimes come across as mean or embarrassing to the couple getting married.

Step 4 Write 3 to 5 body paragraphs.

  • For example, if you're giving a speech that focuses on when you became a doctor as a key moment in your life, your first body paragraph might talk about how you liked helping people as a kid, the second paragraph might talk about your decision to go to medical school, and the last paragraph might talk about what it felt the first time someone called you “doctor.”

Step 5 End with a conclusion.

  • For example, if your icebreaker speech has been about how you became a doctor, you could end by saying something like "Little girls who help clean up their friends' 'booboos' on the playground grow up to be doctors. Thank you so much for having me. Have a great day."
  • You could also say something like "If you want to be a doctor, remember that there is nothing more important than a passion for helping people and a commitment to hard work."

Preparing for Your Icebreaker

Step 1 Re-read your speech.

  • You don't have to memorize the speech, but it should be clear that you know what's coming next while you're speaking.

Step 3 Time your speech.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Don't forget to introduce yourself! This seems like the most obvious thing to include in your speech, but a lot of people forget when they're nervous. Your audience needs to know who you are! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Christopher Taylor, PhD

To write an icebreaker speech, start by choosing a topic, which could be a chronological account of your life. Then, brainstorm all the points you want to make in your speech, keeping in mind that the speech shouldn't be longer than 4 to 6 minutes. You should begin with an introduction where you introduce yourself to the audience and include a fun quote or joke you can relate to so you grab their attention. Then, write 3-5 body paragraphs based around the theme of your speech. Finish with a 30-second conclusion where you thank the event's organizer and sum up your main theme. For tips on how to prepare to give your icebreaker speech, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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What makes for a great Ice Breaker speech?

I just joined, and I’m locked in to make my very first introduction speech next week. Any tips to make a great first impression? What were the most memorable ice breaker speeches you’ve heard, and why?

Edit: thank you guys very much for your thoughtful comments and advice. These are great tips.

Edit 2: Spoke this morning, it went really well!

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    Toastmasters International, the Toastmasters International logo, and all other Toastmasters International trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of Toastmasters International and may be used only with permission. Rev. 11/2016 Item 8012 Page 4 of 4 C. Main point 3 Transition Signal that the conclusion of the speech is approaching.

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    Brainstorm what you want to say. Now that you have an idea of a topic, write down everything you want to include in your speech. Be sure to introduce yourself first. Organize the information chronologically as you plan to say it, then go through and cut out any unnecessary or irrelevant information. 2.

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