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How to write a thank you speech

With a short thank you speech sample and a printable planner

By:  Susan Dugdale  

A thank you speech or appreciation speech prepared and given with sincerity means a lot to those you acknowledge.

Dive right in. There's all the assistance you need on this page to write an excellent speech of thanks.

What you'll find on this page

  • the types of occasions it could be good to have a thank you speech ready to give
  • best practice and content suggestions to guide you step by step through writing a short thank you speech
  • a short  sample thank you speech for an award (and a link to an example thank you speech for a 18th birthday party)
  • a printable thank you speech planner to download
  • links to thank you quotations you may like to use
  • notes covering rehearsal and delivery   

how to write a thank you letter speech

'No man is an island'

When we achieve, we usually do so because others have helped. Your speech of appreciation is the gift or acknowledgment you give in return for what was given you.

When is a thank you speech appropriate?

Any time is good to say thank you! However, a more formal speech of thanks could fit any of these occasions.

  • for coming to my graduation, farewell, birthday, or retirement party
  • for the promotion
  • for the award
  • for coming to our wedding and your gifts, our engagement party, our 50th wedding anniversary
  • for coming to the opening of my new business...

Be prepared! Best practice guidelines

Generally the decision to leap to your feet and give a thank you speech is not spontaneous. You will likely have some forewarning and time to consider exactly what you want to say and who you want to mention.

Deciding on the content

Cover these three content areas and you'll be fine.

  • WHO are you thanking? Note their names in ranking order- the most important first.
  • WHAT are you thanking them for? Be specific rather than general. Naming what you are grateful for gives your thanks more meaning.
  • WHAT did their gift of time, expertise, encouragement, money... mean to you? Again, be specific. This is your chance to publicly give credit where it's due, to compliment, to praise. Take it.

Writing your speech

When you've sorted out who you wish to mention and what for, you are ready to begin writing.

Like any other form of speech you need 3 parts:- an opening, the body or middle where you put all your acknowledgments, and a conclusion.

1. Introduction/opening

In your introduction or opening give the reason for the occasion and why it is you're going to thank everyone. What you say, and how you say it, will set the tone for the remainder of the speech.

Depending on the number of people on your 'thank you/appreciation' list and the amount of time you have, consider including a small story about the lead-up making this event possible. A well-chosen personal anecdote will always go down well because it lets those listening share your experience more deeply.

Check out this page on story telling in speeches for more information.

In the body of your speech, start at the top of your list of people to thank and work your way through it. Take care to give the most important people the most time.

For those whom you want to mention but don't have enough time to make individual acknowledgments consider grouping them according to function.

Example: "To Alex, Mary, Judy and Sam, thank you for making me remember to laugh. You helped me keep my sanity and perspective when the going was tough."

3. Conclusion

In the conclusion, summarize your main points and finish.

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A short thank you speech sample 

Here's a short example thank you speech for you to see how it could be done. There are many ways covering the required content. This is just one.

The person giving this speech is thanking an organization for giving him an award. 

It is 374 words long. When spoken it will take approximately 2 minutes + to deliver. That's about the right length. It's brief and covers everything needed.

As you read it through imagine hearing it out loud. 

Speech text

"Who's considered the incredible power and range of meaning in 'thank you'?  Those two words express gratitude, humility, understanding, as well as acknowledgement.

I am here with you: my family, many of my friends and colleagues because I need to say all of that, and then some more.

Thank you for coming to share my being given the Fred Smith Award for Community Service. It's very humbling.

There's a phrase I'm sure you know: it takes a village to raise a child. In this case it's not a child that's been raised but awareness and a long-needed community resource - the  Parksville Community Literacy Center.  The village behind it and me, is you.

In particular, thank you to my wife Marlene who has always understood and shared my conviction that communities are healthiest when its resources are equally shared, and that the ability to read underpins long term social and economic wellbeing.

I know the hours I spent after work helping to establish our new Center tested her, especially when I was home late, again.

Remarkably she continues to support, and love me.  For that I will always be grateful.

Mary Hill, Catherine Beech and Matthew Fall from the Fred Smith Foundation – thank you for sharing the vision of an integrated community and for being so incredibly supportive. You understood what we were trying to achieve and helped make it possible. Your generous gifts of time, expertise and funds are deeply appreciated.

This award may have my name on it, but in truth it belongs to everybody who has worked to make the center a reality. Have you got a spare day or two? If I called out all those people we'd be here for quite some time! Instead, I'll simply say thank you. You know who you are.

The time and effort you've given ensures that the Parksville people who want it will have access to effective literacy programs and resources. That is a priceless gift.  As Nobel Peace Prize winner former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan said “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.”

Thank you for the award and thank you on behalf of all those who will cross that bridge to a brighter future." 

how to write a thank you letter speech

Here's another example. This one is a thank you speech for a birthday . The speaker is thanking their parents and guests for the celebration in honor of their 18th birthday. 

Thanks but NO thanks!

What I really need is a Thanksgiving Speech!

Image: - a string of autumn leaves. Text: Thanksgiving - a time to say thanks for life, family, friends and food, in a speech.

And it's here. Choose a theme. Complete the template. And give your Thanksgiving Speech with confidence.

Get a printable thank you speech planner

Regardless of whether you are preparing a thank you speech for the guests who came to your wedding, engagement, retirement, farewell, graduation or birthday party, the steps are the same.

This printable planner will guide you through the four needed. Each one is fully explained with an example.

Completing it will make writing your speech so much easier.

Either click the link or the image below to: download a printable thank you speech planner .

Banner: Download a printable thank you speech planner

Use a quotation to help show your gratitude

Image: blue forgetmenots. Text: Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. GB Stern

Before you finalize the content, check out these 'thank you quotations' .

They offer different ways of expressing your gratitude. You could find just what you need to spark your creativity and provide the thread/theme to unite your speech. It can be so much more than a long string of thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ...

Tips to help you get your thank you speech right

Rehearsal, practice and feedback.

Image: Black and white photo of a young man standing on a stage. Text: About rehearsing a speech.

Many people make the assumption that once they've got the words of their speech sorted, they're set to go.

That's not true! Practice completes the process.

Giving yourself several  rehearsals, firstly by yourself and then in front of  friends or family, will help enormously. Click the link for detailed information about  how to rehearse effectively .

For the condensed and shortened version covering good rehearsal practice follow the points below.

1. Content check

Before investing too much time and energy into rehearsing your speech say it through in front of a few trusted friends or colleagues.  It is much, much easier to change text prior to practicing it than after you've begun working with it. Ask them to listen:

  • to make sure you've included everyone you should, in the right order and thanked them for the right things.
  • for tone. Does the vocabulary fit the occasion? Are the stories right? Is the speech positive? Is it inclusive?

Edit as needed, and then have your test audience listen again. 

Getting the timing right is an essential part of making it a success. Go on too long and people stop listening. Be too brief and there's a danger you've missed things out.

The only way to find out how long your speech is, is to time yourself as you say it out loud at a normal speaking rate. If it's too long, look for areas you can cut. Maybe you need to group a few  more people together or perhaps you need to shorten some of the specific examples about why it is you're thanking someone.  If it's too short, add more detail.  Repeat until you get the length right.

If you'd like to check the number of words you have in your speech against how many minutes it will take to say them go to: how many words per minute are there in a speech .

3. Use cue cards

If you're at all worried about forgetting things, losing your place or muddling what you want to say, use cue cards. They'll take the anxiety away.

Write the main points of your thank you speech on cue cards. Good notes will keep you on track while ensuring you cover everything you want to like, for instance, the name of every person you want to thank and why.

(Click the link if you don't know about using or how to make cue cards . Cue cards are preferable to reading your speech.

However sometimes you just have to read because...for all sorts of reasons. If that's you, do it well. Find out how to read a speech effectively .)

Are you sweating over a business thank you speech?

One thanking your colleagues for a job well done?

Here's a good one to use as a template. It's utterly adaptable. Takes bits out, flick bits in... until you have it just as you want it.
Get thee pronto (quickly) to the  !

speaking out loud 

Subscribe for  FREE weekly alerts about what's new For more see  speaking out loud  

Susan Dugdale - write-out-loud.com - Contact

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how to write a thank you letter speech

Thank Someone For a Speech or Presentation

It seems everyone I talk to wants me to express appreciation for your inspiring presentation last week. Your years of research, your depth of understanding of user interfaces, and your ability to present the subject in such an interesting way produced one of the most memorable evenings in our group's history. I personally appreciated your approach to anticipating users' intents. The subject intrigues me, and I plan to learn more. Please consider adding our group to your annual speaking tour. You are always welcome at our conference.

Thank you for speaking to the Doe Alumni yesterday evening. We are grateful for the time and effort you took to share your thoughts and experiences with the Doe Development office.

Since we are entering a new growth phase on our campus, your comments were very timely. I believe we can benefit immediately from the methods you suggested for recruiting more members. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and we hope to use your suggestions in our next campaign. Thank you again for your contribution.

Thank you for your stimulating speech at last month's meeting of the Springfield Genealogical Society. Your comments were especially helpful to those doing research in the British Isles. Many members were at a standstill in their progress, and your talk seemed to provide much needed help. Thanks again for a truly memorable evening. We hope you can join us again.

Please accept our sincere appreciation for the outstanding presentation you made to the Springfield Women's Club about your experiences in China. It was very interesting to hear about your experience teaching in the university there. Your stories about your Chinese colleagues were fascinating. The slides you showed gave us a close look at the land, culture, and people that we couldn't have gained in any other way. Thank you so much for sharing your time and experiences with us. We all agreed that your lecture was the most interesting we have had this year.

I would like to personally thank you for your presentation to the Kansas Education Association Conference in October. Judging from the comments of those who attended, the conference was very successful. Most of the credit goes to you and the others who gave such interesting presentations.

We hope that you will want to be involved in our conference next year. We will send you a call-for-presenters form as we get closer to next year's convention. We were pleased to have your participation in this outstanding conference, and we thank you for your valuable contribution.

Thank you for taking the time to speak to our student body on the dangers of drug abuse. I felt that your remarks on prescription drug use and abuse were especially timely.

We truly appreciate parents like you who are willing to give their time and talents to enrich the lives of our young people.

I appreciated the remarks you made at the City Council meeting on Tuesday. You had clearly researched the subject, and many of us felt that yours was a voice of sanity in the midst of an emotional and divisive discussion. I wish that more people would try to see all sides of the issues that come up.

No matter how the final vote goes, I want you to know that what you said had a significant impact on many of us. Thank you.

How to Write this Thank-You Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Whether you are writing a thank you note out of duty or from your personal desire to express thanks, use a sincere tone. Mention specific details and show that the speech or presentation did have an effect.

  • Thank and compliment the speaker(s) or presenter(s).
  • Express congratulations for an excellent performance, and point out some of the more memorable parts. If the performance was only mediocre, simply thank the person(s) for participating in the program.
  • Close with a second compliment or expression of appreciation.

Write Your thank-you in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 thank and compliment the speaker(s) or presenter(s)., sample sentences for step 1.

  • On behalf of the members of the local Chamber of Commerce, I want to thank you for your insightful presentation yesterday.
  • As chairperson for our County Fair entertainment committee, I want to thank your dance group for their delightful performance. They won the hearts of the entire audience.
  • Many thanks for addressing our group on your unwed mothers' program. You are doing a wonderful service.
  • The members of our book club would like to thank you for speaking to us last Thursday.
  • Your lecture on new technologies for the 21st Century at our symposium last week was very interesting and informative; in fact, it was the highlight of the evening.
  • Thanks for an excellent presentation. Your address to our company yesterday evening has everyone talking today.
  • Thank you for the inspiring sermon that you delivered on Easter Sunday. Your message was exactly what I needed to hear.

Key Phrases for Step 1

  • appreciate the time you took
  • for being with us
  • for sharing your
  • for an outstanding presentation
  • for participating so effectively
  • for your thought-provoking
  • for your delightful
  • for helping us recognize
  • for providing us with
  • for accepting this assignment
  • highlight of the
  • hold you in such high regard
  • how much we appreciated
  • interesting and informative
  • know how busy you are
  • many thanks for
  • on behalf of the
  • thank you for
  • volunteering your time to
  • want you to know how much
  • was exactly what I needed to hear
  • was very kind of you to
  • was a pleasure to listen to
  • would like to extend my thanks

2 Express congratulations for an excellent performance, and point out some of the more memorable parts. If the performance was only mediocre, simply thank the person(s) for participating in the program.

Sample sentences for step 2.

  • Your talk was particularly appropriate at this time when we are considering new initiatives for expanding growth. Many of us were especially interested in your analysis of water resources available to sustain growth.
  • I believe the quality and variety of their dances have set new levels of expectation for future performers.
  • Several in our group have expressed appreciation for the information you presented on adoptions and educational counseling. Most were unaware of the services that are available.
  • We know how busy you are, so we are grateful that you would take the time to prepare and spend an evening with us.
  • Our audience was intrigued by the new possibilities for global communication. We truly are becoming a global village.
  • Several of our people are looking at ways that we might implement some of your suggestions. The consensus is that they would like you to return next year as a follow-up to this event. Let me know if that is a possibility for January.
  • Often we are too close to our problems to view them with the clarity that someone else would. I recognize now that I must change the way I respond to my daughter's challenges.

Key Phrases for Step 2

  • a very stimulating experience
  • appreciated your participation
  • audience was intrigued by
  • consensus of opinion is
  • everybody is talking about
  • found ourselves identifying with
  • has given rise to
  • have a wonderful gift for
  • held the children's attention
  • identifying ways to apply
  • informative and enlightening
  • look forward to implementing
  • made a lasting impression on
  • most were unaware that
  • several in our group have
  • the time you took to
  • touched on so many critical areas
  • were particularly intrigued by
  • were so pleased with
  • were enthralled by your
  • were especially interested in
  • were previously unaware of
  • your insights into

3 Close with a second compliment or expression of appreciation.

Sample sentences for step 3.

  • Thanks again for helping to make our monthly meeting so rewarding.
  • We hope you will be able to join us again next year.
  • Thank you for helping us become more aware of the problems and the ways we can help solve them.
  • We hope you will consent to speak to us again, perhaps next year.
  • Many thanks from all of us.
  • I am grateful for the time you spend in careful preparation to present us with meaningful weekly sermons.

Key Phrases for Step 3

  • a most worthwhile experience
  • able to join us again
  • accept our invitation to
  • carry on the tradition of
  • for making our meeting so
  • for so generously volunteering to
  • hope you will be able to
  • hope you will consent to
  • innovative approach to
  • it was a privilege to
  • look forward to
  • many thanks from all of us
  • played a major role in
  • so many people benefited from
  • such a special occasion
  • to bring us this important message
  • to share your expertise
  • was a superb presentation
  • was the high point of
  • wish to invite you to

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How to Thank Keynote Speaker (20 Cool Samples)

Keynote speakers play a crucial role in setting the tone and theme of an event.

Their insights, expertise, and engaging delivery can leave a lasting impact on the audience.

As an event organizer, you must express your gratitude for their valuable contribution.

But how do you craft the perfect thank you message that conveys your appreciation genuinely and memorably?

In this article, we’ve compiled 20 sample thank-you messages for keynote speakers, along with expert commentary on when and how to use them.

Whether you’re looking for a heartfelt speech, a thoughtful email, or a concise text message, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s explore these examples and discover the art of thanking your keynote speakers with style and sincerity.

How to Thank Keynote Speaker

How to Thank Keynote Speaker

From heartfelt speeches to thoughtful gestures, here are 20 ways to express your gratitude to your keynote speaker:

1. A Heartfelt Speech

“On behalf of everyone at [Organization], I want to express our deepest gratitude to [Speaker Name] for that incredible keynote address. Your insights on [topic] were not only thought-provoking but also deeply inspiring. The way you weaved personal stories with practical advice left us all motivated to take action. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and setting such a positive tone for our event.”

Commentary: This sample is ideal for delivering a sincere thank-you speech immediately after the keynote address. It highlights the speaker’s specific contributions and their impact on the audience.

2. A Personalized Email

“Dear [Speaker Name],

I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for your outstanding keynote at our [event name]. Your presentation on [topic] perfectly blended expertise, engaging storytelling, and actionable tips. I’ve received countless compliments from attendees who were inspired by your message.

Your dedication to preparing such a tailored and relevant presentation did not go unnoticed. We feel incredibly fortunate to have had you grace our stage.

If there’s anything we can do to support you in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to stay connected.

With deepest appreciation,

[Your Name]”

Commentary: A personalized email allows you to express your gratitude in more detail. This example acknowledges the speaker’s effort in customizing their presentation and opens the door for future collaborations.

3. A Thoughtful Text Message

“[Speaker Name], your keynote was phenomenal! Your stories about [topic] hit home. I’m still processing all the invaluable insights you shared. Just wanted to say a quick thanks for being such an integral part of our event. You truly made an impact! “

Commentary: A text message is a great way to share a concise yet meaningful thank you shortly after the event. It’s personal, timely, and shows that their contribution is still fresh in your mind.

4. A Handwritten Note

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your remarkable keynote at our [event name]. Your presentation on [topic] was not only informative but also deeply inspiring.

The way you captivated the audience with your personal anecdotes and practical wisdom was truly remarkable. I’ve received so many positive comments from attendees who were moved by your words.

Thank you for sharing your time and expertise with us. Your contribution was invaluable in making our event a resounding success.

With sincere appreciation,

Commentary: In the digital age, a handwritten note stands out as a thoughtful and personal gesture. It shows that you took the time to sit down and tangibly express your thanks.

5. A Public Acknowledgment

“Let’s take a moment to give a resounding round of applause to our incredible keynote speaker, [Speaker Name]!

[Speaker Name], your presentation on [topic] was an absolute highlight of our event. Your insights, passion, and engaging delivery left us all inspired and energized.

On behalf of everyone here, I want to express our deepest gratitude for sharing your wisdom and expertise with us. Your contribution has been invaluable, and we are so thankful to have had you as a part of this experience.

Please join me in giving [Speaker Name] another huge round of applause! “

Commentary: Publicly acknowledging your keynote speaker during the event is a powerful way to show your appreciation and get the audience involved. This example can be used as a script for a live thank you right after their presentation.

6. A LinkedIn Recommendation

“I had the pleasure of having [Speaker Name] deliver the keynote address at our recent [event name], and I couldn’t be more impressed. [Speaker Name]’s expertise on [topic] is unparalleled, and their ability to engage and inspire an audience is truly remarkable.

The keynote was a perfect blend of practical insights, personal anecdotes, and actionable advice. Attendees left feeling motivated and equipped to tackle challenges in their own lives and careers.

[Speaker Name] was an absolute joy to work with – professional, responsive, and dedicated to delivering a tailored message that resonated with our audience.

I wholeheartedly recommend [Speaker Name] as a keynote speaker for any event looking to inspire, educate, and empower their audience. Thank you, [Speaker Name], for making our event an unforgettable success!”

Commentary: Writing a glowing LinkedIn recommendation is a great way to express your gratitude while also helping to boost the speaker’s professional credibility. It showcases their skills and the impact they had on your event.

7. A Thoughtful Gift

“[Speaker Name], as a token of our appreciation for your incredible keynote at [event name], we wanted to present you with this [gift description].

We noticed your passion for [related interest] and thought this might be a meaningful addition to your collection.

Thank you again for sharing your time, wisdom, and energy with our audience. Your words will continue to inspire us long after the event.

With heartfelt gratitude,

The [Organization] Team”

Commentary: Accompanying your verbal or written thank you with a thoughtful gift shows an extra level of appreciation. Choose something that aligns with the speaker’s interests or the theme of their presentation.

8. A Charitable Donation

We were so moved by your powerful keynote at [event name], especially your insights on [related cause].

As a token of our gratitude, we have donated in your name to [charity organization], a cause we know you’re passionate about.

Thank you for not only inspiring our audience but also for sparking positive change in the world through your words and actions.

With deep appreciation,

Commentary: Making a charitable donation in the speaker’s name is a meaningful way to honor their impact and values. This gesture shows that their words resonated on a deeper level and inspired action.

9. A Personal Anecdote

“[Speaker Name], I wanted to share a personal story about how your keynote at [event name] impacted me.

When you spoke about [specific insight], it instantly transported me back to a challenging time in my career. Your words gave me a fresh perspective and the courage to approach that situation differently.

I’ve since implemented your advice, and the results have been transformative. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your wisdom and being such a powerful catalyst for change in my life.

Your impact extends far beyond the stage, and I am so grateful our paths crossed at this event.

With heartfelt thanks,

Commentary: Sharing a personal anecdote about how the speaker’s message resonated with you adds depth and sincerity to your thank you. It shows that their words had a tangible impact and will be remembered long after the event.

10. A Post-Event Survey Shoutout

“Attendee feedback is in, and the verdict is unanimous: Dr. Sarah Thompson’s keynote was the highlight of Leadership Summit 2023!

Here are just a few snippets of the glowing praise:

“Dr. Thompson’s insights on resilient leadership were game-changing. I left the keynote feeling empowered and ready to tackle any challenge.” – Maria Rodriguez, Operations Manager

“I’ve attended countless conferences, but Dr. Thompson’s keynote stood out as the most impactful and inspiring. Her authenticity and practical advice resonated deeply.” – John Chen, Entrepreneur

“The keynote was a masterclass in effective communication and empathetic leadership. Dr. Thompson’s stories and strategies will stick with me for years to come.” – Lisa Patel, HR Director

Dr. Thompson, your words not only inspired but also left a lasting impact on our audience. Thank you for being the heart and soul of our event.

We are so grateful for your contribution and can’t wait to see the ripple effects of your message in the days and years to come.

The Leadership Summit Team”

Commentary: Including specific quotes from attendees in your post-event thank you adds credibility and depth to your message. It shows the speaker that their words truly resonated and made a difference in people’s lives. Be sure to choose quotes that highlight different aspects of the speaker’s impact, such as practicality, inspiration, and long-term value. Attributing each quote to a specific attendee (with their permission) personalizes the feedback and makes it more meaningful.

11. A Poetic Tribute

“[Speaker Name],

Your words, like seeds of wisdom, Planted in the minds of all, Sprouted inspiration and purpose, A clarion call to stand tall.

Your message, is a guiding light, Illuminating paths untold and empowering souls to ignite And let their stories unfold.

For your presence, we are grateful, For your impact, we are blessed. Thank you for being the spark That ignited our event’s success.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Commentary: A poetic tribute is a creative and memorable way to express your gratitude. It shows that you put thought and effort into crafting a unique thank you that captures the essence of the speaker’s impact.

12. A Social Media Highlight

“The insights kept coming at #LeadershipCon2023, thanks to our incredible keynote speaker, @JohnSmithSpeaks! ️

Check out some of the top takeaways from their presentation on ‘Empowering Teams Through Authentic Leadership’:

  • Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. When leaders show their human side, it builds trust and connection with their team.
  • Active listening is the foundation of effective communication. Leaders who truly hear their team members create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.
  • Empowered teams are built on a foundation of trust, autonomy, and clear purpose. When leaders provide the right tools and support, magic happens.

@JohnSmithSpeaks, your words have sparked conversations and ideas that will extend far beyond this event. Thank you for sharing your expertise and passion with us! #LeadershipCon2023 #keynotespeaker #authenticity #leadershipdevelopment #gratitude”

Commentary: Highlighting key insights from the speaker’s presentation on social media is a great way to extend their impact and express your thanks publicly. By sharing specific takeaways, you’re not only appreciating the speaker but also providing value to your followers who may not have attended the event. Tagging the speaker and using relevant hashtags increases visibility and encourages attendees to continue engaging with the ideas shared. This post strikes a balance between gratitude and content, making it a valuable addition to your event’s social media presence.

13. A Themed Gift Basket

As a small token of our immense gratitude, we’ve put together a special gift basket themed around your keynote on [topic].

Inside, you’ll find:

  • [Item 1 related to topic]
  • [Item 2 related to topic]
  • [Item 3 related to topic]
  • A heartfelt note from our team

We hope these goodies serve as a reminder of the powerful impact your words had on our audience.

Thank you again for being the cornerstone of [event name]’s success. We are so grateful for your time, wisdom, and dedication.

With warm regards,

Commentary: A themed gift basket shows that you paid attention to the speaker’s message and put thought into curating items that reflect their impact. It’s a tangible way to express your appreciation and create a lasting memory.

14. An Attendee Appreciation Roundup

We asked attendees to share their favorite moments from [event name], and your keynote stole the show!

Here are just a few of the glowing comments we received:

“[Quote 1]” “[Quote 2]” “[Quote 3]”

Seeing how your words resonated with so many people is a testament to the power of your message.

Thank you for being the spark that ignited inspiration, connection, and transformation at our event. Your impact will be felt for years to come.

With deepest gratitude,

Commentary: An attendee appreciation roundup is a powerful way to show the speaker the ripple effect of their words. Sharing specific quotes and comments allows them to read firsthand how their message impacted individuals in the audience.

15. A Personalized Playlist

Your keynote at [event name] hit all the right notes! It got us thinking about the power of music to inspire and motivate.

We’ve created a personalized playlist inspired by your message on [topic]. Each song reflects a key theme or insight from your presentation.

[Playlist link]

We hope this soundtrack serves as a reminder of the incredible impact you had on our audience.

Thank you for being the melody that elevated our event to new heights. Your words will continue to resonate with us.

Commentary: A personalized playlist is a creative and unexpected way to thank a speaker. It shows that you not only listened to their message but also found connections to music that amplifies their themes.

16. A Virtual Gratitude Wall

The impact of your keynote at [event name] continues to ripple through our community. To capture and celebrate your influence, we’ve created a virtual gratitude wall where attendees can share their key takeaways and ‘aha’ moments.

Check out the outpouring of appreciation here: [link to virtual wall]

Your words have sparked reflection, action, and transformation. We are so grateful to have had you as the guiding light of our event.

Thank you for sharing your gifts with us and for leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

With endless gratitude,

Commentary: A virtual gratitude wall is an interactive way to thank a speaker while also fostering a sense of community among attendees. It allows the speaker to see the collective impact of their message and feel the appreciation radiating from the audience.

17. An Event Highlights Recap

We’ve been busy compiling the highlights from [event name], and your keynote shines as the crowning jewel!

Your powerful words and engaging presence captivated the audience from start to finish. The energy in the room was electric, and your message left an indelible mark on everyone present.

Attendees have been buzzing about your insights on [topic] and how they can apply them to their own lives and work. Your ability to connect with the crowd and spark meaningful conversations was truly remarkable.

Thank you for being the driving force behind our event’s success. Your impact will continue to inspire and guide us as we move forward.

Commentary: Sharing a written recap of the event highlights is a thoughtful way to express your thanks and showcase the speaker’s impact. It allows them to relive the powerful moments from their presentation and see how their words resonated with the audience.

18. A Surprise Collaboration Proposal

I know this might come as a surprise, but your brilliant keynote at [event name] has sparked an idea that I couldn’t wait to share.

We’ve been brainstorming a new project focused on [related topic], and your unique insights from the keynote would be invaluable in shaping its direction.

Would you be open to hopping on a call next week to explore a potential collaboration? We would be thrilled to have your expertise guiding us.

No pressure at all – just wanted to express our appreciation and plant the seed for what could be an exciting partnership.

Let me know your thoughts. And again, thank you for delivering such an impactful keynote!

Commentary: If the speaker’s presentation aligns with your organization’s future goals, consider reaching out with a surprise collaboration proposal. This shows that their words resonated deeply and that you value their expertise beyond the keynote itself.

19. A Video Message

“Hey [Speaker Name]! I just wanted to send a quick video to say thank you so much for that incredible keynote at [event name]. Your insights on [topic] were spot on and resonated with our audience.

I especially loved the part where you shared that personal story about [specific detail]. It added such a human touch to the whole presentation.

I’ve been hearing nothing but positive feedback from attendees. You truly made an impact and set the perfect tone for the rest of the event.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being such an important part of our success. We are so grateful for your time, expertise, and dedication.

If there’s anything I can ever do to support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Until next time, take care!”

Commentary: A video message adds a personal and authentic touch to your thank you. It allows you to express your gratitude in a more conversational and heartfelt way. This example can be recorded and sent after the event.

20. A Social Media Shoutout

“A huge shoutout to the incredible @[speaker_handle] for delivering a mind-blowing keynote at #[event_hashtag]! Your wisdom on [topic] left us all inspired and ready to take action. Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us! #grateful #keynotespeaker”

Commentary: Publicly acknowledging your keynote speaker on social media not only expresses your gratitude but also helps to amplify their message and boost their online presence. Use relevant hashtags and tag their handle to maximize visibility.

Beyond Words: Other Ways to Thank Your Keynote Speaker

While verbal and written expressions of gratitude are essential, there are other meaningful ways to show your appreciation for your keynote speaker:

  • Present them with a thoughtful gift related to their interests or the event theme
  • Donate to a charity or cause they support in their honor
  • Offer them a glowing testimonial or recommendation on their professional profiles
  • Invite them to participate in future events or collaborations
  • Encourage attendees to connect with them and continue the conversation

Wrapping Up: Crafting the Perfect Thank You for Your Keynote Speaker

Thanking your keynote speaker is an art that requires thoughtfulness, sincerity, and a touch of creativity.

By tailoring your message to their unique contribution and using the right medium, you can express your gratitude in a way that leaves a lasting impact.

Remember, your keynote speaker has invested time, energy, and expertise into making your event a success.

Acknowledging their efforts not only shows your appreciation but also strengthens your professional relationship.

So go ahead, use these sample messages as inspiration, and craft a thank you that truly reflects the value your keynote speaker brought to your event.

Your heartfelt words will not only make their day but also reinforce the positive impact they’ve made.

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The Ultimate Guide to Giving a Thank You Speech: Examples and Tips

Are you feeling anxious about giving a thank you speech? I get it – public speaking can be nerve-wracking. But, fear not! I have been there too, and after years of practice and research, I’ve put together the ultimate guide to help you craft and deliver a memorable thank you speech. Whether it’s for an event or acknowledging the support of friends and family , this guide has got you covered. So, let’s get started on making your next thank you speech one to remember !

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Practice makes perfect . Practicing your thank you speech helps build confidence and improves delivery. Use a mirror, record yourself, or rehearse in the actual setting to get comfortable.
  • Be genuine and specific when expressing gratitude. Mentioning specific examples of how someone helped you makes your speech more impactful and meaningful.
  • Connect with your audience from the start. Acknowledge their presence and effort to attend, making them feel valued and important right from the beginning.
  • Share personal stories or anecdotes to make your thank you speech relatable and memorable. This approach strengthens your connection with the audience.
  • Proper preparation is key for a successful delivery. Prepare an outline, maintain good eye contact, use positive body language, manage nervousness, speak clearly at a moderate pace, use expressive gestures, take pauses when necessary, and handle mistakes gracefully .

Express gratitude and honor

Showing gratitude is key in a thank you speech. I learned this both from my own experiences and while crafting the ultimate guide on giving thank you speeches. It’s about honoring those who’ve supported, encouraged, or helped us reach our goals.

In every thank you speech, it’s crucial to acknowledge these individuals sincerely and specifically.

I start by greeting the audience warmly before expressing genuine appreciation for the honor or opportunity given to me. Sharing personal stories makes my gratitude more impactful, connecting with my audience on an emotional level.

By thanking specific people for their unique contributions, I show true acknowledgment and respect for their support and encouragement in my journey.

Understanding the Purpose of a Thank You Speech

Understanding the Purpose of a Thank You Speech is essential. It’s about acknowledging the audience and connecting the gesture to a bigger picture.

Acknowledge the audience

Starting your thank you speech by acknowledging the audience sets a welcoming tone . You show them their presence matters. Say something like, “I’m thrilled to see so many familiar faces here today.” This makes everyone feel included and important right from the start.

You must also recognize the effort people made to attend . Mention, “Your support by just being here is greatly appreciated.” It instantly connects you with your listeners , making your words more impactful.

Acknowledging the audience isn’t just polite; it’s crucial for making your speech memorable and engaging.

Connect the gesture and reward to a bigger picture

When expressing gratitude, connect the gesture of thanks to a bigger purpose or impact . Show how the act of thanking someone is part of a larger cycle of kindness and support in our lives.

By linking the gesture and reward to a wider context , such as the impact on your work, relationships, or community, you create a more meaningful and resonant thank you speech that goes beyond simple words of appreciation.

Now let’s dive into how to write an impactful thank you speech for different occasions.

How to Write a Thank You Speech

Identify who to thank and reflect on what you are thanking them for. Express the significance of their gifts or support .

Identify who to thank

When crafting a thank you speech, it’s crucial to identify everyone who deserves appreciation. This includes colleagues, friends and family members , as well as any other supporters or benefactors .

Acknowledging their contributions is an important part of delivering a meaningful thank you speech that truly expresses gratitude. Now let’s delve into reflecting on what you are thanking them for in the next section.

Reflect on what you are thanking them for

In my thank you speech, I reflect on the reasons for expressing gratitude . It’s essential to articulate why we are thankful, whether it’s for support during a difficult time or acknowledgement of hard work and dedication.

This provides depth and sincerity to the expression of appreciation. By reflecting on what we are thanking them for, we ensure that our gratitude is specific and heartfelt , making it more meaningful for both the speaker and the audience .

By thoughtfully considering what we’re thanking others for, we can craft a genuine message that resonates with our listeners. Whether it’s acknowledging their unwavering support through challenging times or recognizing their outstanding contributions , reflecting on the reasons behind our gratitude brings authenticity to our thank you speech.

Express the significance of their gifts or support

Now, let’s talk about why it’s important to express the significance of the gifts or support you’ve received. When acknowledging someone’s contribution , it’s crucial to explain how their help made a difference.

This helps them understand the impact they’ve had and reinforces your gratitude . By highlighting the value of their support, you show sincerity and deepen your connection with your audience.

It also adds depth to your speech and makes it more meaningful for both you and your supporters.

Remember, expressing the significance of their gifts or support can elevate your thank you speech from a simple acknowledgment to a heartfelt recognition that resonates with everyone involved.

Delivering a Thank You Speech

Prepare and practice for a successful delivery . Read on to learn more about tips for delivering a thank you speech!

Preparation and practice

To prepare for delivering a thank you speech, I recommend practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself to improve your delivery. Start by preparing an outline with key points and practice speaking naturally without memorizing every word.

Remember to focus on maintaining good eye contact , using positive body language, and managing any nervousness through controlled breathing . Additionally, rehearse in the actual setting if possible to get comfortable with the space and equipment you’ll be using during your speech.

After preparation comes practice; this is where confidence grows. Aim for clarity and articulate speech by slowly pronouncing each word while keeping a steady pace. Practice expressing gratitude sincerely and avoid rushing through your words during the real thing.

Tips for a successful delivery

After thorough preparation and practice, it’s time to focus on delivering your thank you speech. Maintain good posture and make eye contact with the audience to establish a connection.

Speak clearly and at a moderate pace so everyone can follow along without feeling rushed or bored. Engage your audience by using expressive gestures and varying your tone of voice to emphasize key points.

Remember to breathe and take pauses when necessary – this allows for impactful delivery while maintaining composure.

To ensure an engaging delivery, be genuine in expressing gratitude, letting it shine through in every word you say. By being authentic, you’ll captivate your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression.

Examples and Templates

Explore diverse sample thank you speeches for various occasions and learn how to personalize your speech – for more insights, read the full blog!

Sample thank you speeches for different occasions

Here are some sample thank you speeches for different occasions. For a graduation speech , I would begin by thanking the faculty and staff for their dedication to our success. Then, I will express my appreciation to my fellow students for their friendship and support.

In a thank you speech at an event, start with thanking the organizers for their hard work and attention to detail. Next, recognize the guests for attending and making the event memorable.

When it comes to acknowledging colleagues , emphasize how their collaboration has contributed to success in challenging projects or tasks. When expressing gratitude towards friends and family , share heartfelt anecdotes or memories that illustrate why they hold a special place in your heart.

Tips for personalizing your speech

Consider sharing personal stories or anecdotes to make your speech more relatable and impactful. Relate the gratitude you’re expressing to specific instances or experiences that made a difference.

Connect with your audience through genuine emotion and sincerity , using language that feels natural to you.

When thanking people, be specific about their contributions . Highlight particular instances where their support was especially meaningful. This specificity adds depth and authenticity to your expression of gratitude, making it resonate more with both the recipients and the audience.

The Ultimate Guide to Giving a Thank You Speech: Examples and Tips offers practical advice. Dr. Avery Thomas, a renowned expert in communication and public speaking with over 20 years of experience, assesses the guide’s utility.

Holding a PhD in Communications from Stanford University, Dr. Thomas has contributed significantly to speechwriting methodology.

Dr. Thomas highlights the guide’s structured approach for crafting speeches that genuinely express gratitude while connecting on a personal level with the audience. According to him, incorporating personal stories as suggested enhances relatability and impact.

He praises the safety measures concerning ethical acknowledgments and transparency about sources of inspiration or help received . Dr. Thomas points out that adherence to such principles ensures speeches are respectful and inclusive.

For daily use, he recommends practicing components of the guide in everyday interactions to bolster confidence and grace when publicly expressing thanks.

Dr. Thomas gives a balanced view on its applicability compared to other resources available, noting its straightforwardness but urging readers also to seek experiences outside their comfort zone for growth.

His final judgment declares this guide exceptionally helpful for beginners in public speaking by providing solid foundations for effective thank-you speeches .

how to write a thank you letter speech

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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How to Write a Thank You Speech

Last Updated: February 20, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 994,708 times.

Writing a thank you speech can be intimidating. It is challenging to remember all of the people who have helped you along the way. If you recently reached a personal, spiritual or career milestone, you may be wondering how to compose a ‘thank you’ speech. A ‘thank you’ speech needs to identify all of the people you are thankful for, as well as the specific things you are thankful for and their personal or professional meaning to you. While ‘thank you’ speeches are relatively straightforward, they can be tricky to write, especially if the list of people to thank is very large or very small.

Sample Thank You Speeches

how to write a thank you letter speech

Prioritizing Your Thank You List

Step 1 Make sure you have a complete list.

  • Who helped you become the person you are today?
  • Who offered you the most encouragement?
  • What specific contributions are you thanking people for?
  • Who gave you the time of day when you really needed help?
  • Who offered valuable expertise at crucial moments?

Step 2 Start ordering your list.

  • For instance, under the category expertise, you could rank individuals from most to least important contributions of expertise to the project or award you are giving the speech for.

Step 3 Determine the top ranked people.

  • For instance, a ‘thank you’ speech at a wedding should be no longer than three minutes long.

Composing Your Speech

Step 1 Outline the structure of your speech.

  • In 1985, Sally Field spoke from the heart in her Oscar thank you speech. She said, “I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now you like me!”
  • In 1970, at the age of 61, John Wayne was genuine about how long it took him to win, upon accepting the award for best actor for the role of one-eyed Rooster Cogburn. He said, “Wow! If I’d known that, I would have put the patch on 35 years ago.”

Step 4 Express humility.

  • For instance, you could say: “I am so humbled by this honor.”
  • You could also use humor. For instance, when George Clooney won best supporting actor in 2006 but lost the best director award, he drew on his self-deprecating humor. He said, “Well, it looks like I’m not winning best director…”

Step 5 Avoid verbosity.

  • If it is a short ‘thank you’ speech, it is often best to skip the intro entirely. The audience will know why you are giving the speech, so follow the example of Abraham Lincoln who always skipped the introduction.

Step 7 Write about the most important people on your list.

  • Once you have written about the most important individuals, you can always edit the speech later for concision.
  • Budget your time for each person. Remember that if you spend too much time on any one person, you may not be able to get to others who still really need to be thanked.
  • If your speech needs to be really short, you could say: "I would like to thank Charley, my wonderful husband for supporting me through the long nights. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks to my beautiful daughters, Kiera and Emily. Mommy can play more now. To Jeff Goldstein of Caracas, for feeding my crew; to Jake, Mindy, Paul, and Gwen for staying up so late, so we could get it right..."

Step 8 Finish composing the body of your speech.

  • To recognize people by function, you could say, “I also want to thank everyone who brightened up this long journey with good humor, such as John, Johnny, Arjen, Peter, Ann, Zoe, etc.”
  • So, for example, you might say: "And for the catering, thanks to Joe, Mike, Mindy, and Jeanette."

Step 9 Compose a conclusion.

  • “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice (Meister Eckhart)
  • “We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love” (Mother Teresa)
  • “I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks” (William Shakespeare)

Timing, Memorizing and Practicing Your Speech

Step 1 Time your speech.

  • You could try using online script timers to get a rough sense of your speech time. However, you should still practice with a real timer because everyone speaks at a slightly different pace.

Step 2 Write keywords or phrases on note cards.

  • You could dress up in the clothes you will be wearing at the event.
  • Try practicing the speech at the event location to get more comfortable.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Have fun. Yes, you will be standing up in front of a crowd of people thanking them, but the important thing is that you do it. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't worry about the length too much. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you forget somebody, especially somebody important, send them a thoughtful note right away explaining that you were nervous during the speech, and that what they have done for you or your organization is important and valuable. Let them know that they are appreciated and that you feel bad for leaving them out. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to write a thank you letter speech

  • Don't mumble and keep looking down at your page, or it may seem too rehearsed. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't say anything that is likely to upset people in the audience, such as inside jokes. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 2

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  • ↑ Patrick Muñoz. Voice & Speech Coach. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
  • ↑ http://www.write-out-loud.com/thank-you-speech.html
  • ↑ https://www.comm.pitt.edu/structuring-speech
  • ↑ https://www.examples.com/education/thank-you-speech.html
  • ↑ https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/just_one_thing_speak_from_the_heart
  • ↑ https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/foundation-studies/feedback/verbosity
  • ↑ http://www.write-out-loud.com/thank-you-quotes.html
  • ↑ https://www.unr.edu/writing-speaking-center/student-resources/writing-speaking-resources/speech-delivery

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

Writing a thank you speech can seem intimidating, but if you make a list of the people you’re grateful to first, it should be relatively simple. Make a note of anyone who has helped you get to where you are now, whether professionally, supporting you emotionally, or giving you valuable advice. Order the list by how grateful you are to each person. When you write your speech, give the top few people more time and add a few details about how they helped you. Then, you can list the people further down the list together. For example, say, “And I also want to thank my colleagues, Peter, Ann, Zoe, and John.” Practice saying your speech out loud so you can keep it within the time limit. For more tips, including how to prepare for giving your speech, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how to write a thank you letter speech

How to Write a Meaningful Thank You Note

by Christopher Littlefield

how to write a thank you letter speech

Summary .   

Many of us fear expressing our thanks to others. We might worry that our efforts will be misinterpreted or make the person on the receiving end uncomfortable. Or we might struggle to find the right words to express how we feel. Here’s how to do it right.

  • Keep it genuine : The goal of expressing appreciation should be to let someone know how their actions have impacted you and/or others. If you have any other agenda, your message will not be authentic.
  • Share what you appreciate and why : Focus on the impact their actions had on you and explain both  what you appreciate and why . This will help the other person understand the reason you feel the way you do.
  • Send it : E-mails get lost and handwritten cards get saved. Write your message on a piece of paper, post-it note, or card and give it directly to the person. If you are at work, you can also leave it on their desk or in their “mailbox.”

We all want to be appreciated. Whether you’ve accepted a task while your plate is already full, worked through weekends to get a project off the ground, or simply been there for a work friend when they needed your support, an acknowledgement or “thank you” can go a long way in making us feel good about the efforts we put in — and the research supports this.

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Thank You Speech After an Event

Thank you speech generator after an event.

how to write a thank you letter speech

As they say, “no man is island.” In any given occasion, there will always be people who exerted so much effort for its success. An event cannot be successful without people who devote their time and resources just to make sure everything is perfect. At the same time, people who attend and gather for the event are still very much a big part of its success. You may also see presentation speech examples & samples.

You feel like words are not enough to express the gratitude you towards everyone responsible for the event, but to those concerned, sometimes it is more than enough. You acknowledge everyone’s hard work and say a couple of thank yous to everyone involved from the organizers, laborers, decoration in-charge, waiters, etc. You may also like how to start a speech .

In fact, it is only right to publicly express your gratitude and let everyone know the roles and responsibilities everyone partook just to make the event a success. And you as the coordinator, host or recipient must highlight the key everyone played just to make the event happen. You may also check out speech examples in doc .

how to write a thank you letter speech

Preparation for a Thank You Speech

In general, this type of speech is not spontaneous. You will have knowledge about this beforehand. You will be given ample amount of time to consider what to say and how to exactly say what you mean. You may also see

A thank you speech is very much suitable for any occasion. It can be a birthday party, retirement get together, induction event, etc. Although reasons for an event may vary, you can always start by saying, “Thank you for coming to my event; Thank you for the award; Thank you for all your presents…”

It is important to keep these three content areas in your speech:

  • These are the people you want to personally and publicly thank since they have an important role for the success of your event. Note that of their names in ranking with the first one as the most important. You may also like special occasion speech examples & samples.
  • Avoid being general in your speech. State specific reasons as to what exactly are you thanking the person or group for. Aside from making your speech shorter this way, it also gives your speech more meaning.
  • As mentioned before, always be specific. Explain how what the favor or gift meant to or how it helped you. This is you chance to compliment and/or praise them. You may also check out speech examples for students .

Conference Thank You Speech Sample

Conference Thank You Speech 1

Size: 390 KB

Graduation Thank You Speech

Graduation Thank You Speech 1

Size: 421 KB

how to write a thank you letter speech

How to Write a Thank You Speech

Like any form of writing you need the basic three parts in your speech. Here’s how to write each parts of the speech:

1. The Introduction

Typically, this is where you explain the reason as tho why there is an event as of the moment. Just like in any writing, your introduction opens up your whole speech. This also where you typically greet everyone. In addition, you explain why there is a need for you to thank everyone. You may also check out leadership speech examples & samples.

In the introduction, you can always narrate a small story leading to the day of the event. Short stories that relate to the event help people understand your experience better. Aside from its entertainment value, it helps people relate and empathize with you and your experiences.

2. Body of the Speech

In this part of the speech, you slowly make your way into thanking the people who has helped you. Start by thanking the people on top of your list and make your way down to the last one. Always allot as much time thanking them according to their importance for you. But generally, always make time in thanking everyone. You might be interested in introduction speech examples & samples.

You can also add and insert quotations that directly relate to you or reflect the relationship you have with these people. Not only are quotations great filler, they also add sentimental value to your speech. It may sound a bit old school but it is just another way of expressing gratefulness.

3. The Conclusion

The conclusion basically wraps up your entire speech. This is where you summarize the entirety of your speech in the shortest possible way. You summarize the main points you have made during the speech and finish. You can also add some wise parting words and a compliment of you wanting to work with the same people again. Remember to always end your speech in a high note; reiterate how thankful you really are and wish everyone a good day or night. You may also see tribute speech examples & samples.

It is also very important to remember that generally thank you speeches are not as lengthy as you want it to be. It is best to not get carried away with your emotions and only include significant people in you list and then thank the rest as a group or as a whole.

Just like in awarding ceremonies like the Oscars, winning artists are only given a few minutes to receive, acknowledge and thank all the people for their award. Like what you see, artists usually bring a short list containing a list of people they want to publicly thank, so should you. You may also like motivational speech examples & samples.

Awarding Ceremony Thank You/Acceptance Speech Sample

Awarding Thank You Speech 1

Size: 233 KB

Welcome and Thank You Speech Sample

Welcome and Thank You Speech 1

Size: 2245 KB

How to Give a Thank You Speech

Although this type of speech is seldom spontaneous, you can have a couple of days even weeks to rehearse your speech; spontaneous speeches are more difficult. But sometimes even though you have rehearsed it, nerves always get in the way and get the best out of you. Here’s an easy guide how to flawlessly deliver your thank you speech:

1. Always be prepared

Even though you do not expect to be given the chance to express you thanks say in awarding ceremonies where you expect not to win, always prepare a short speech, just in case. You can never know when or where you’ll be given a chance to thank the important people in you life especially in events where you are actually a part of. You may also see steps in speech composition .

In this sense, there is no point in not preparing when you already know you are tasked to do the thank you speech at the end of you event. Just because you are familiar with the people you’re about to recognize does not mean you should not prepare. In order to avoid blabbering, always prepare your speech beforehand and practice, practice, practice.

2. Make a list

If you want to specifically thank and mention some people, make sure you do not forget the most important ones. Make a list to make sure you have all the right people to include in you message and that you have not forgotten anyone. Forgetting people like your assistant that has contributed and helped you so much, can cause offense and can be embarrassing in you end. Make sure you review and check you list. You may also like wedding speech examples & samples.

3. Thank everyone in the room

Although you already have a list of people you want to thank, you have to thank all the people present before anything else. Appreciate their presence and support in swift but sincere way. You can go like, “I appreciate all of you coming out, especially in this weather. I’m so grateful to have people in my life like you.” You may also check out how to conclude a speech .

4. In case you forget someone, send them a personal thank you

In a scenario where you forgot to thank someone special, apologize and send them something after the event. It can be distasteful and can hurt the person’s emotions when they know they’ve helped you be where you are. Send them a card or any gift, not only because you forgot to thank them publicly but because they done a good job and has helped you along the way. You might be interested in dedication speech examples .

Wedding Thank You Speech Sample

Wedding Thank You Speech Template 1

Size: 353 KB

Welcoming Thank You Speech Example

Welcoming Thank You Speech 04

File Format

Size: 235 KB

Thank You Speech Tips

Here are some tips to make your thank you speech effective and flawless:

  • Keep it short.
  • Abandon formalities and intro, dive right into the speech.
  • Tell 1-3 stories that highlight the successes of the past year.
  • Talk about your hopes and dreams for the future.
  • Write as if you are conversing with one person.
  • End with a 1-2 line toast that summarizes your feelings.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute before writing.
  • Actually speaking is better than just practicing.
  • Do it early at the party.
  • Have something significant to say.
  • Don’t be too verbose.

Inauguration Thank You Speech Sample

Thank You Speech during Inauguration 01

Size: 175 KB

Art Exhibit Thank You Speech Example

Art Show Thank You Speech 1

Size: 287 KB

In conclusion, a thank you speech helps you publicly express the unending gratitude you feel for those who have supported and helped you. It expresses your thoughts as to how you cannot be where you are now if not for these important people. Sometimes, you can only have a single shot at doing this so better do it right and actually try to do it right. You may also see speech templates and examples .


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  • Professional

Write a Thank You Speech After an Event for event organizers.

Create a Thank You Speech After an Event for guest speakers.

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How to Write a Short Thank You Speech

Do you ever find yourself in a position where you need to deliver a thank you speech? Perhaps you've been asked to speak at an awards ceremony, a retirement party, or a wedding reception. Whatever the occasion, expressing gratitude is an important part of our interpersonal relationships. However, crafting an effective thank you speech can be challenging. In this article, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a short thank you speech that will leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Understanding the Purpose of a Thank You Speech

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of writing a thank you speech, it’s important to understand why they are essential. Expressing gratitude is at the heart of all human relationships, and a thank you speech is one way to show appreciation. Let's take a look at the three main purposes of a thank you speech:

Expressing gratitude

The primary purpose of a thank you speech is to express gratitude. Whether you're thanking a group of people, an individual or an organisation, a thank you speech is an opportunity to express your sincere appreciation. It is important to note that expressing gratitude is not only beneficial to the person receiving it, but also to the person giving it. Studies have shown that expressing gratitude can improve mental health, increase happiness and improve relationships.

When expressing gratitude in a thank you speech, it is important to be specific. Mention the actions or contributions that the person or group has made that you are grateful for. This not only shows that you have taken the time to reflect on their efforts, but also makes the thank you speech more meaningful and personal.

Acknowledging achievements

Another purpose of a thank you speech is to acknowledge achievements. You might be thanking someone for their hard work, dedication, or contribution to a particular project or organisation. A thank you speech gives you the opportunity to highlight specific accomplishments and recognise the efforts of others.

Acknowledging achievements in a thank you speech not only shows appreciation, but also motivates the person or group to continue their hard work and dedication. It is important to note that acknowledging achievements does not have to be limited to professional accomplishments. Personal achievements such as overcoming a challenge or reaching a personal goal can also be acknowledged in a thank you speech.

Celebrating milestones

Finally, a thank you speech can be used to celebrate a milestone. Perhaps you're thanking people for helping to organise a successful event or celebrating a particular milestone, such as an anniversary or a retirement. Whatever the occasion, a thank you speech can help you commemorate a special moment.

Celebrating milestones in a thank you speech not only shows appreciation for the people who helped make the milestone possible, but also allows everyone to reflect on the journey that led to the milestone. It can be a time to share stories, memories and experiences that brought everyone together to achieve the milestone.

In conclusion, a thank you speech is an important way to express gratitude, acknowledge achievements and celebrate milestones. Taking the time to write and deliver a heartfelt thank you speech can have a positive impact on both the person giving it and the person or group receiving it.

Preparing Your Thank You Speech

Now that you understand the purpose of a thank you speech, let's move on to the preparation phase. Here are three essential steps you should follow when preparing your thank you speech:

Identifying your audience

Before you start writing your speech, you need to consider your audience. Think about who you will be speaking to and what their expectations might be. Are they colleagues, friends, or family members? What is the occasion, and what is the tone of the event? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your message to their needs and expectations.

Listing key points to include

Next, make a list of the key points you want to include in your speech. Think about the purpose of your speech and what you want to say. Make a list of important people you want to thank, particular achievements or milestones to celebrate, and any other relevant information that you want to share.

Choosing the right tone

Finally, consider the tone of your speech. Do you want it to be formal or informal? Do you want to use humour or keep it serious? Think about the occasion and your audience, and choose a tone that is appropriate.

Structuring Your Thank You Speech

Now that you have prepared the groundwork for your speech, it's time to start structuring it. Here are three essential steps to structure your thank you speech:

Crafting a strong opening

The opening of your speech sets the tone for the rest of your message. Start with a strong opening that grabs your audience’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of your speech. You can use a quote, anecdote, or a personal story to capture their interest.

Organizing your main points

Next, organise your main points. You want to structure your speech in a way that is easy to follow and understand. Start with the most important points and work your way down. You can use chronological order, a logical sequence or a thematic structure to help convey your message.

Concluding with impact

Finally, end your speech with impact. The conclusion should be memorable and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Restate your main points, thank your audience for their attention and conclude with a call to action or a memorable quote.

Tips for Writing an Effective Thank You Speech

Now that you have the structure of your speech in place, here are three essential tips to help you write an effective thank you speech:

Keeping it concise

A short thank you speech is often the most effective. Keep your message concise, clear and to the point. You don't want to bore your audience with lengthy speeches, so keep it short and sweet.

Personalizing your message

Be sure to personalise your message. Use the names of people who have had an impact on your life and speak from the heart. This will make your message more memorable and help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Using anecdotes and examples

Finally, use anecdotes and examples to illustrate your message. This will help your audience relate to your speech and make it more engaging. Stories are one of the most powerful ways to communicate your message, so use them to make your speech come alive.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Short Thank You Speech

Chatgpt prompt.

Compose a concise and well-crafted speech expressing gratitude towards a specific individual or group in a sincere and appreciative manner.


A thank you speech is an opportunity to express appreciation, acknowledge achievements and celebrate milestones. By following the steps we’ve outlined in this guide, you can write a concise, effective and memorable thank you speech that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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