32 Iconic Quotes From Doctor Who's Modern Era

These quotes are "fantastic!"

David Tennant's Doctor poking his head out of the TARDIS in a press image for the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who.

You can always count on The Doctor to deliver some iconic and memorable lines of dialogue, and ever since Doctor Who’s modern era began in 2005, we’ve gotten countless legendary lines. This quick-witted and wise time lord played by Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant , Matt Smith , Peter Capaldi, Jodie Whittaker and Ncuti Gatwa has delivered some hilarious, poignant and at times sassy quotes, so let’s look back at 32 of them.  

David Tennant as the Doctor on a computer screen.

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a nonlinear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff." -Tenth Doctor in “Blink” 

As David Tennant’s Doctor is attempting to explain a very complex situation to Sally and Larry in “Blink,” one of Doctor Who’s best episodes , they keep questioning him about how time works. Ultimately, he gives into the question and explains it as eloquently and simply as he can, which is of course still pretty “wibbly-wobbly.”  

Matt Smith as The Doctor.

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams." -Eleventh Doctor in  "The Almost People"

As the Eleven explained his outlook on life in this episode, he summed it all up by defining himself as “the optimist.” Not only is it a sweet quote from Matt Smith’s Doctor, it’s also lovely words to live by.  

The 13th Doctor regenerates.

"All right then, Doctor Whoever I’m about to be… Tag. You’re it." - Thirteenth Doctor in “The Power of the Doctor” 

Ending out a historic run, Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor left us with an iconic line before tagging a familiar face, David Tennant, as the Fourteenth Doctor .  

The 12th Doctor sitting in the base of a Dalek.

"I’m not sure if any of that matters. Friends. Enemies. So long as there is mercy. Always, mercy." - Twelfth Doctor in “The Witch's Familiar” 

Rather than killing Davros, the Twelfth Doctor showed mercy, which is a core value of his. Even though the Daleks have tried to destroy him over and over again, he continues to see the best in everyone, even those who seem inherently evil.  

Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor.

"Fantastic!" -Ninth Doctor’s Catchphrase 

Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor may not be the most chipper, however, when he got excited he’d yell “Fantastic!” which was always a joy to hear.  

Doctor Who's weeping angels.

"Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead." -Tenth Doctor in “Blink”

The weeping angels – a monster essential to understanding Doctor Who –  are single-handedly one of the scariest creatures on the show. That became very apparent in “Blink” as the Tenth Doctor explained that if you bat an eye, you could end up dead, because you never know when the lurking angel statues will get you.  


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A close up of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.

“Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically... run!” -Eleventh Doctor in “The Eleventh Hour” 

Before Matt Smith was playing the menacing Daemon in the House of the Dragon cast , he was frolicking across space and time as the Eleventh Doctor. However, like the Targaryen prince he plays, Eleven had a knack for holding his ground, which is exactly what happened in Smith’s very first episode of Doctor Who through this line.  

Christopher Eccleston smiling as the 9th Doctor.

"Rose… before I go, I just wanna tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I!" -Ninth Doctor in “The Parting of the Ways" 

Christopher Eccleston may have left the show after one season, but the Ninth Doctor will always be remembered. From his beautiful relationship with Rose to his “fantastic” last line, he still has a great legacy.  

Jode Whittaker as the 13th Doctor.

"I eat danger for breakfast. I don't, I prefer cereal. Or croissants." - Thirteenth Doctor in “Arachnids in the UK” 

Some Doctors prefer fish fingers and custard, the Thirteenth Doctor prefers “cereal” and “croissants.” However, while she doesn’t want “danger” as the first meal of the day, she can totally handle it.  

Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor in Doctor Who.

"Everything ends, and it's always sad. But everything begins again too, and that's always happy. Be happy. I'll look after everything else." -Twelfth Doctor in “The Return of Doctor Mysterio”

Anytime The Doctor has to talk about their past, it’s always sad. However, the timelord is also aware of how good things can be as well. So, when speaking about taking care of the world after returning, he implores those he’s with to “be happy,” and not dwell on the end.  

Jackie and The 10th Doctor standing outside the TARDIS.

"Allons-y!" -Tenth Doctor’s Catchphrase 

While the other Doctors’ catchphrases are in English, David Tennant’s fan-favorite Tenth Doctor decided to get fancy and make his French. Honestly, every time I hear “Allons-y” – which means “let’s go” – I smile. 

The 9th Doctor and Rose standing next to each other.

"Just this once, everybody lives!" -Ninth Doctor in  “The Doctor Dances” 

“The Doctor Dances” and the child who keeps asking “are you my mummy” is one of the most emotional Doctor Who episodes. That's in great part because after the Doctor succeeds, he has a moment of elation as he exclaims that for once, finally, everybody lived.  

Matt Smith smiling as the 11th Doctor.

"Geronimo!" -Eleventh Doctor’s Catchphrase 

You can always count on Matt Smith’s Doctor and his catchy catchphrase! Filled with optimism and youthful energy, as “geronimo” implies, he was ready to jump into any situation.  

David Tennant as the 10th Doctor in Doctor Who.

"Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It’s not the time that matters, it’s the person." -Tenth Doctor in “The Lazarus Experiment” 

Throughout their years of life, The Doctor has gained immense wisdom, especially when it comes to spending time with those you love. This line is delivered as Ten explains why there’s more meaning in living a full life than a long one, a lesson The Doctor knows all too well, and one we can all stand to learn from. 

A close up of Peter Capaldi as The Doctor befor regenerating.

"Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Hate is always foolish. Love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Doctor… I let you go." -Twelfth Doctor in “Twice Upon A Time” 

While Peter Capaldi’s Doctor was known for being the grumpiest of the bunch, he was also wise and caring, as you can tell with this sweet and inspirational quote from his final moments before Jodie Whittaker took over as the Thirteenth Doctor.  

Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor wearing a bowtie.

"Bowties are cool." -Eleventh Doctor in “The Eleventh Hour” 

While the Eleventh Doctor’s formal catchphrase is “Geronimo,” he also repeats this line enough it should be considered one too. What can he say, the man loves a bowtie, and we love him for it. 

David Tennant as the 10th Doctor looking sad before regenerating.

"I don't want to go!" -Tenth Doctor in “The End of Time” 

It’s always sad when a Doctor regenerates, however, Ten’s was extra emotional, because he didn’t want to leave. David Tennant truly loved playing the Doctor, and you could feel the sadness as he said goodbye. Luckily, he didn’t leave forever as he came back for “Day of the Doctor” and he returned again for the 60th Anniversary as the Fourteenth iteration of the time lord.  

Jode Whittaker as The Doctor wearing the 12th Doctor's clothes.

"I'm just a traveler. Sometimes I see things need fixing, I do what I can." -Thirteenth Doctor in “The Woman Who Fell to Earth” 

From the jump, when Jodie Whittaker took over as The Doctor, she made it clear that she is still the time lord we know and love as she explained that she’d do whatever she could to help fix things.  

Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor.

"I hate being wrong in public. Everybody forget that happened." -Twelfth Doctor in “Deep Breath” 

In Peter Capaldi’s first episode as The Doctor he made it very clear that he absolutely hates being wrong in public, and who can blame him? It also established his snarky sense of humor immediately.   

Matt Smith smiling as 11th Doctor before regenerating.

"I will always remember when the Doctor was me." -Eleventh Doctor in “The Time Of The Doctor” 

While the Eleventh Doctor looks the youngest, he actually lives longer than almost all their other generations. After spending over 1,000 years in this body, he knows it is time to go. However, as he said on his way out, he’ll always remember this generation of being the Doctor.  

David Tennant as the 11th Doctor wearing a tie around his head and sunglasses.

"You’re my favorite, you are. You are the best, you know why? Cos you’re so thick! You’re Mr. Thick Thick Thickety Thickface from Thicktown, Thickania. And so’s your dad!" -Tenth Doctor in “The Girl in the Fireplace” 

The Doctor has sick burns up their sleeves every once in a while, but this was not one of those moments. However, what matters is David Tennant’s Doctor tried. In this episode the tipsy time lord waltzed in to save Rose with his tie on his head and drink in hand hurling insults like this at the evil Victorian robots. 

Matt Smith with dirt on his face as The Doctor.

"In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important." -Eleventh Doctor in “The Almost People” 

If there’s one thing the Doctor truly believes in it’s how vital all life is, and how everyone deserves to feel valued. He made that clear during this Christmas special when Matt Smith’s time lord said this memorable line. 

Jodie Whittaker looking a little stressed as the 13th Doctor.

"If I was still a bloke, I could get on with the job and not have to waste time defending myself." -Thirteenth Doctor in “The Witchfinders” 

Jodie Whittaker made history as the first woman to play the Doctor. In the show, she had some iconic lines – like this one which happened after she was accused of witchcraft – about how the time lord’s experience differs when they’re a woman, and why just because she doesn’t look like the men she’s been before, she shouldn’t be treated differently. 

Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor in Doctor Who.

"Time travel is like visiting Paris: You can't just read the guidebook. You need to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double, and end up kissing total strangers." -Ninth Doctor in “The Long Game” 

One of my favorite genres of Doctor quotes is when they describe how time travel works. At times it’s wibbly-wobbly, as we discussed, and in the Ninth Doctor’s words it’s like “Paris.” You need to go in with an open mind and be ready to “use the wrong verbs,” cause like French when you aren’t fluent in the language, time travel is super confusing.  

The 12th Doctor and Clara in Doctor Who.

"It’s okay, I understand. You’re an idiot." -Twelfth Doctor in “Under the Lake” 

When one guy tried to question Twelve's logic, Capaldi’s time lord responded with his signature snark and sarcasm, saying that it’s OK that he didn’t understand, because he’s “an idiot.” 

Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor with a nose strip on.

"Lives change worlds. People can save planets or wreck them. That’s the choice. Be the best of humanity." -Thirteenth Doctor in “Orphan 55” 

When Thirteen and her pals go to a resort that turns out to have some horrifying secrets, she helps save the day and teaches everyone, including the audience watching the episode, that we should always be trying to be the best of humanity.  

The 10th Doctor standing in front of a class with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Right, physics! Physics, eh? Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics…" -Tenth Doctor in “School Reunion” 

Somehow, the Tenth Doctor found himself teaching the youths about physics, and before hopping into his complex lecture, he started by simply saying the word over, and over, and over again. It was hilarious, especially considering the incredibly smart words that came out of his mouth after this silly moment.  

Matt Smith sitting by a bed as the 10th Doctor.

“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?” -Eleventh Doctor in “The Big Bang” 

When Eleven thinks he’s going to lose Amy Pond, he tells her their story. At this point, he thinks they’re parting ways and that when Karen Gillan ’s character wakes up she won’t remember. So, he simply tells her that he’ll be a story in her head, and that at least the time they shared created a great story. 

The 10th Doctor standing in front of Rose in Doctor Who.

"You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books, the best weapons in the world! This room is the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!" -Tenth Doctor  in “Tooth and Claw”

The Doctor never uses weapons. He uses his sonic screwdriver and wit to solve his problems, which is one of their most admirable qualities. So, it made sense that when someone asked if they had weapons to fight the bad guys, Ten responded saying the books that surrounded them would help them more than any weapon.  

Clara and the 12th Doctor standing next to each other.

"Shut up. Just shut up, shut up, shut up, shutetty up, up, up!" -Twelfth Doctor in “Time Heist” 

Every once in a while the Twelfth Doctor would let his sass fly, and this was one of those moments as he realized to defeat the clone and find the architect they needed to use their eyes. 

Amy and The Doctor looking up in The TARDIS.

"I am definitely a madman with a box!" -Eleventh Doctor in “The Eleventh Hour” 

When The Doctor and Amy meet, she calls him a “madman with a box,” which he 100% is, and he agrees, as he confirms it right to her face during one of their first interactions.  

Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor.

"Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand is where I fall." -Twelfth Doctor in “The Doctor Falls” 

When Twelve faces the Master, he gives a speech that lays out his moral mission and his goal to save everyone he can, because it’s the kind thing to do. It’s a harrowing moment, and it perfectly describes how Capaldi’s Doctor saw his mission.

As The Doctor continues to travel around time and space, I’m sure they will deliver more iconic lines that are just as funny, motivational and important as the ones above. Doctor Who has been on for over 60 years for a reason, and its incredible writing and quotes are a big reason why.  

Riley Utley is the Weekend Editor at CinemaBlend. She has written for national publications as well as daily and alt-weekly newspapers in Spokane, Washington, Syracuse, New York and Charleston, South Carolina. She graduated with her master’s degree in arts journalism and communications from the Newhouse School at Syracuse University. Since joining the CB team she has covered numerous TV shows and movies -- including her personal favorite shows  Ted Lasso  and  The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel . She also has followed and consistently written about everything from Taylor Swift to  Fire Country , and she's enjoyed every second of it.

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Doctor Who and Philosophy

Massimo pigliucci searches time and space to reveal the philosophy of dr who..

I vaguely remember hearing about Doctor Who when I was growing up in Italy in the 70s, but I never actually watched it. When the BBC restarted the series in 2005 I decided it was time to see what all the fuss was about. I’ve been hooked ever since; and I occasionally use Doctor Who episodes in my introductory classes in philosophy because it’s a natural (ie, intelligent and entertaining) entry point for discussions about personal identity ( qua regeneration), the metaphysics of time travel, and, of course, ethics, ethics, ethics. I was therefore delighted to see this recent addition to the ‘Popular Culture and Philosophy’ series (go to opencourtbooks.com/categories/pcp.htm ).

There is much to enjoy in this collection. Besides the obvious topics mentioned above, we are also treated to Doctor-informed discussions of aesthetics (why, exactly, are the Daleks beautiful?), human nature (‘Human beings, you’re amazing. Apart from that, you’re completely mad!’), the relevance of monadology to the Whoniverse, and even a discussion of the Jesus-like (shouldn’t it really be the Socrates-like?) character of the Doctor.

Perhaps my favorite part of the book is Episode 3: ‘It’s a different morality. Get used to it, or go home!’ which comprises a whopping seven chapters on the ethics of our favorite Time Lord. One of the things that is apparently very much open to discussion is what ethical theory best fits the good Doctor’s actions and intentions – a problem that is complicated by the Doctor’s annoying tendency to slightly alter his personality from one incarnation to the next. For instance, Laura Geuy Akers argues in Chapter 13 that we can make sense of what the Doctor does through the lens of the ‘ethics of care’ approach, on the grounds that he “responds to individuals, not abstractions.” She makes some good points, but I’m not convinced. Rather, I find Roman Altshuler’s analysis of the Doctor in terms of Aristotelian virtue ethics in Chapter 25 much more compelling. As Altshuler argues, it’s about the Doctor’s character, and particularly some of the virtues he displays time and again, beginning with compassion, which the Doctor couples with a high respect for people’s abilities to make choices.

It is not difficult to find examples of what Altshuler is trying to show. For instance, in the episode ‘Evolution of the Daleks’ (2007), the Doctor shows compassion for the last Dalek in existence, while in ‘The Christmas Invasion’ (2005) he gives the not exactly friendly race of the Sycorax the choice of leaving Earth forever in order to avoid destruction. (However, his sense of compassion is thwarted in this case by Prime Minister Harriet Jones, who ends up wiping the Sycorax out of the sky anyway.) An Aristotelian take on the show also makes sense of the complex role played by the Doctor’s varied companions. As Aristotle argued, our best friends hold our character up to us for scrutiny, as if in a mirror, thereby helping us pursue a better life. That is precisely what Donna Noble does in ‘The Fires of Pompeii’ (2008) by convincing the Doctor to save at least some of the citizens of Pompeii; or Rose Tyler does, when she is upset with him for not showing mercy to Lady Cassandra in ‘The End of the World’ (2008). The Doctor is not a divine being endowed with perfect morals, nor is he some sort of Nietzschean Übermensch whose actions and intentions sidestep the moral question altogether. He is a good and powerful but flawed being, who occasionally needs his friends to keep him on the right track.

At over 400 pages long the book isn’t exactly light reading, although reading it will pay off handsomely for anyone interested in science fiction and philosophy. Still, my only complaint about the volume is precisely that the editors could have done a better job at trimming it down, particularly reducing the number of largely redundant essays in the first part, on personal identity – a theme that also recurs (again, redundantly) in some of the later essays.

There is so much food for thought in Doctor Who and Philosophy that readers are warmly encouraged to see for themselves just how much bigger this book is on the inside. And remember: “Time travel is like visiting Paris. You can’t just read the guidebook, you’ve got to throw yourself in! Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double, and end up kissing complete strangers!… Or is that just me?” (‘The Long Game’, 2007).

© Prof. Massimo Pigliucci 2012

Massimo Pigliucci is Professor of Philosophy at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is the author of Nonsense on Stilts: How to Tell Science from Bunk (University of Chicago Press, 2010). His philosophical musings can be found at: www.rationallyspeaking.org .

• Doctor Who and Philosophy: Bigger On The Inside Courtland Lewis, Paula Smithka, eds, Open Court, 2011, 430 pages. ISBN 978-0812696882.


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Good Example Of Doctor Who Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Doctor , History , World , Time , Education , Science , Teaching , Children

Words: 2750

Published: 03/05/2020


When asked “Who is Doctor Who?” most people today know the Doctor is the protagonist and title character of the BBC television science fiction series. Some may also know that Doctor Who, and was featured in two cinema films and one made-for-television movie. Fans may also know about the wide range of spin-off novels, audio dramas and comic strips associated with the series. That is because Doctor Who celebrated its 50th anniversary last year making it the world's longest-running science-fiction program. That was not the case when it premiered in 1963. Back then it was a small budget children’ s educational series with a simple premise. The basic idea was that the Doctor was an alien from a distant planet who can travel through time and space. While traveling along with his granddaughter, he lands on Earth in 1963. They inadvertently pick up a couple of teachers and the four of them have adventures traveling through time from Earth's distant past into the future. At the start the series was developed by Sydney Newman as an educational children's show. The show alternated between the past and the future, the teachers on board with the Doctor and his granddaughter would explain historical characters, science and events. In this manner the travelers might meet Marco Polo one week, and find themselves on an adventure in outer space the next. It was an entertaining way to learn during their journey, and through their adventures the audience learned as well. During the evolution of the program details were added. At the outset the time traveler was known only as the Doctor. The time machine came to be called a TARDIS which stood for Time and Relative Dimension In Space. On earth it was dimensionally transcendental which made it bigger on the inside than on the outside. At the time London Police Call Boxes were a common sight although now they are nonexistent so that is the form it took. The American equivalent is how Clark Kent could duck into a phone booth and emerge as Superman. When the theme established and the few details filled in the actors were cast. Doctor Who premiered on 23 November 1963, at 5:15 PM GMT. The show was a hit in spite of, or perhaps because of, its often dodgy special effects that forced the emphasis to focus on plot and characterization. This version of Doctor Who ran from 1963 to1989 and the Doctor captured both the hearts and the imaginations of millions of children and adults worldwide. The pilot episode established the premise, brought together the main characters and set the out on their first adventure. It was written by Anthony Coburn and called "An Unearthly Child." Centering on the two schoolteachers, Ian Chesterton played by William Russell and Barbara Wright enacted by Jacqueline Hill, it explained how they were drawn into Doctor Who’s realities. The teachers were concerned because one of their students, Susan Foreman Carole Ann Ford in real time, was brilliant in some areas yet not in others. The teachers followed Susan in order to speak to her grandfather. Surprisingly she went to a junkyard where they meet the Doctor whose role was assumed by William Hartnell in the first series. Looking around Susan seemed to have disappeared. Although the Doctor tries to insist they leave the teachers hear Susan's voice inside the TARDIS which they think is a Police Box that is they do until they force themselves inside to find that the interior is bigger than the outside. That is when the teachers discover that the Doctor and Susan are aliens. Although they have the ability to travel through time and space, Susan has chosen to stay on 20th Century Earth. The teachers’ adventures begin when the Doctor kidnaps Ian and Barbara, taking them to earth’s distant past. The pilot material from 1963 was preserved in it entirety and serves almost as a means of time travel in itself. In the next three episodes The Cave of Skulls, The Forest of Fear, and The Firemaker the four companions encounter a tribe of cavemen who lost the secret of fire, and hold the travelers prisoner in an attempt to learn fire. The historical context for these three is historically accurate, disturbingly so. Because this was intended as a children’s educational series the episodes were also scientifically consistent with the times both in their portrayal of London in the 1960s, the science behind the TARSIS and what was known about cavemen. One of the interesting considerations is that the teachers, Ian and Barbara are as far removed from the primitive squalor of the cavemen as the Doctor and Susan are from them. In these three episodes the tables are turned and the teachers appear to be the intelligent aliens. Public reaction was interest, perhaps bemusement and curiosity; most importantly there was enough interest to keep the series going. But these episodes did not generate the same level of interest that the next series did. . The first episodes generated interest but Doctor Who took off in popularity when he landed on the planet Skaro. This is when Doctor Who and the earthlings encounter the Daleks who capture the audience’s imagination and the series takes off. This series consists of seven episodes; The Dead Planet, The Survivors, The Escape, The Ambush, The Expedition, The Ordeal, and The Rescue. . The Doctor Who series was a product of its times. The initial airing of the pilot episode was briefly delayed due to John F. Kennedy’s assassination the day before and the Daleks reflected the cold war fears of nuclear holocaust and its aftermath. Their planet is the picture of desolation. The landscape frightening baren like what eatrh’s civilizations were warned about should a ful scale nuclear war take place. In that place and time there are two races. The peaceful Thals who on one hand are modeled almost like angles yet still feel a little to close to that the Nazis saw as an ideal. Considering that this was the time when baby boomers were coming of age that would have been more visually relevant for the 1960s audience than it is for the nostalgic viewers in the 21st century.. At the time this series was made the image of a perfect human tall, blond and assumed to be blue eyed was not necessarily also assumed to have a gentle disposition. If the gentle disposition assigned to the Thales could be questioned the maleficent nature of the Daleks was not in doubt. They were genetically engineered to hate all other races. The costumes while simple by the standards set fifty years later were primitive they captured the imagination and the Daleks became the Doctor’s archenemies. Because the original show was an educational program that alternated between the past and the future and included teachers to keep it on track the Doctor his granddaughter and the teachers would travel back in time as well as forward. During those episodes they would encounter historical characters, and events. In those shows a more practical demonstration of science is evident. For example, in an episode where they encounter Marco Polo they do not sit around in a corner coffee shop chatting the action takes place on a cold, windblown snowy mountain. Reading the script it is clear from the outset that the thinner atmosphere is taking its toll on the Doctor. Later on Ian describes it as mountain sickness brought about by the lack of air at that altitude. In this was science and history are almost imperceptible woven into the story. . This series is made up of seven episodes and uses the same combination of historic accuracy and contemporary scientific fact as was known at the time. In this it stayed true to its original premise that it was an educational program that used the device of a time traveling grandfather and granddaughter to move the action along. These two were accompanied by a history teacher and a science teacher to fill the educational details so that the program both amused and educated. The time machine called TARDIS is once again at the core of the action both for the potential it represents and its failure to function and live up to it. In the Marco Polo series the travelers are on the Silk Road with Marco Polo bound for a meeting with Kubla Khan. Although the original programing is missing some film clips exist along with the original scripts. These scripts are valuable when evaluating the extent historic fact and hard science are woven into the stories. It is easy to get distracted by Doctor Who while watching the shows and miss how much science is really there. After all, that was the intention of the programing. There are altogether 108 episodes from 27 Doctor Who serials out of the Hartnell and Troughton eras are that were not held by the BBC on film or video. This is because in the 1970s these old episodes were no longer considered to be of any value to the BBC and so they were destroyed. However, all of them still exist as audio recordings that were made by people who viewed the original broadcasts. In addition there are photographic screen images called "telesnaps." This telesnaps that were taken at the time when the program was broadcast and exist for many of the episodes. As part of a project called The Doctor Who Scripts Project these images were matched to the corresponding scripts and combined with the audio recordings to make slide-show style reconstructions. Then this combination of slide show and telesnaps were transferred to video. Additional information on these telesnap reconstruction videos can be obtained from Missing Doctor Who Reconstructions & Audios and Loose Cannon Productions.. Although there are various commercially novelized versions of these episodes they lack historical accuracy and so are unsuitable for scholarly research. Still the 1970s shows retained a clear commitment to education, it just was not the central core of the programing effort. This successful premise was too good to sacrifice, in subsequent episodes the Doctor explores the universe at random no longer traveling back and forward in time. In each episode he confronts a crisis and uses his knowledge of science, technology and history to avert advert it. Part of this involves ongoing repairs to the TARDIS and what seems to be an ongoing quest in and of itself just to keep it moving from place to place. At first the random nature of his travels is initially attributed to the age and unreliability of the TARDIS's navigation system. It is not until 1969 serial entitled The War Games that the viewers find out the TARDIS is stolen. There are subsequent episodes, particularly "Planet of the Dead", "The Big Bang" and "The Doctor's Wife" include this in the story line. In the early episodes there was more popular science involved in repairing the TARDIS. For example, the Marco Polo episodes have the Doctor searching for materials to repair it. . In later episodes the function shifts to astrophysics and control. As the story of the TARDIS unfold viewers learn more about the Doctor’s past. This comes out in bits and pieces, there are problems because it was not intended that just one Time Lord should pilot the TARDIS it is meant to be piloted by six Time Lords. Subsiquent relevations include that the Doctor initially knew how to pilot it but the other TimeLords wiped it from his memory and he distroyed the opertions manual by tossing it into a supernova. With each of these shifts the series drifted further from its start as a children’s educational program and further into the entertainment genre of science fiction. As far as it is from its roots now it still started out as an educational program when it premiered on November 23rd in 1963. The early shows that remain, and the reconstructions and the scripts of those that do not reflect those early origins. The early viewers might scarcely recognize the 2013 versions of their favorite show if they saw two episodes side by side. Back then 21st century special effects were just not available. So Doctor Who worked with what he had and ended up with a quirky show that emphasized plot and characterization, and of course history and science. This was the version of Doctor Who ran from 1963 to1989 when the Doctor captured both the hearts and the imaginations of millions of children and adults worldwide. Today’s programing has better effects but is more about the fiction any history and science that comes into play is generally accurate, but incidental. Doctor Who of the 21st century is primarily designed to entertain not educate. Some of its old time fans miss the strong characters and plots, perhaps even the dodgy costumes and monstrous creations. Unlike the Doctor the show and its viewers still see time as a one way street. Doctor Who the movies and programing is moving forward down it and evolving with the society. Much like the Doctor himself the show regenerates itself. This does not change the fact that Doctor Who was originally a children’s educational program and its initial shows reflected that. The history and science therefore was accurate to the time and the programs written to be informative along with capturing the interest of the public of that time. Using the simple premise that the Doctor was a time traveling alien from a distant planet who had a grand daughter who wanted to live in 20th century London. She had some of the Time lord qualities that made her brilliant at some school subjects and pathetic at others. Her teachers decide to have a word with her grandfather and end up with much, much more. As the show grew in popularity it shed many of its educational goals. Still, the producers try to keep the science real, although there is just less of it today. In that it is still has the same values as the BBC children’s program that captured the hearts and minds of children and adults around the world and became the longest running science fiction series on television. Its start was low budget and the costumes dodgy never the less Doctor Who hit the big time and the rest as they say, is history and science.

Works Cited

Baldwin Wallace University, 2013. Scripts Project. [Online] Available at: http://homepages.bw.edu/~jcurtis/Scripts/scripts_project.htm BBC America , 2013. Doctor Who Video Liberary. [Online] Available at: http://www.bbcamerica.com/doctor-who/videos/?vTag=Science%20of%20Doctor%20Who BBC, 2013. Doctor Who - Pilot Episode. [Online] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/episodeguide/pilotepisode/detail.shtml BBC, 2013. How is Doctor Who Good For Science. [Online] Available at: http://www.bbcamerica.com/doctor-who/videos/how-is-doctor-who-good-for-science/ BBC, 2013. The Science of Doctor Who. [Online] Available at: http://www.bbcamerica.com/doctor-who/guide/specials/the-science-of-doctor-who/ BBCAmerica, 2014. BBCAmerica-Doctor Who. [Online] Available at: http://www.bbcamerica.com/doctor-who/ BBC, n.d. Doctor Who - The Daleks. [Online] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/episodeguide/daleks/detail.shtml BBC, n.d. The Science of Doctor Who - Video. [Online] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03hybnv Crystal, G., 2013. Who is Doctor Who. [Online] Available at: http://www.wisegeek.com/who-is-dr-who.htm Focus Science and Technology, 2014. The Incredible Science of Doctor Who. [Online] Available at: http://sciencefocus.com/issue/incredible-science-doctor-who Impact Nottingham, 2013. Science Behind Doctor Who. [Online] Available at: http://www.impactnottingham.com/2013/11/science-behind-doctor-who/ Lucarotti, J., 1964. MARCO POLO - EPISODE 1 - THE ROOF OF THE WORLD. [Online] Available at: http://homepages.bw.edu/~jcurtis/Scripts/Polo/polo1.html Michigan State University, n.d. What exactly is Doctor Who. [Online] Available at: https://www.msu.edu/~gobeski1/AboutDW.htm Wright University, 2013. Who is the Doctor. [Online] Available at: http://www.wright.edu/~mcgillvary.5/doctor_Who_Site/the_doctor.html Yahoo Answers, n.d. Is Doctor Who a Good Show?. [Online] Available at: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110405153449AAkY7s8


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Essay on Doctor: Samples in 200, 300, 400 Words

doctor who essay

  • Updated on  
  • Oct 7, 2023

essay on doctor

Essay on Doctor: Doctors all over the world are given the stature of a god. This is because they are known for saving lives and helping people in distress. With each passing day, they work tirelessly for mankind. Additionally, one of the most sought-after careers is that of a doctor. A lot of parents encourage their children to become a doctor because of their stature and role. here are essay on the doctor which highlights their importance in society and much more.  

Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Doctors In a Society
  • 2 Essay on Doctor in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on Doctor in 300 Words
  • 4 Essay on Doctor in 400 Words 

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Importance of Doctors In a Society

In the past two years, doctors all over the world have played a significant role in saving the lives of people. The importance of a doctor was understood, especially during the time of COVID-19 . All doctors around the world worked really hard to contain the pandemic. 

Similarly, the doctor has other roles, including, shaping the health policy, and creating an economic impact.   

Essay on Doctor in 200 Words

A doctor is a member of the medical community who is essential to preserving and enhancing human health. Due to their proficiency in identifying and managing a wide range of ailments, they are frequently referred to as the saviours of life. Doctors receive considerable training and education to equip them with the knowledge and abilities needed for their vocation.

Numerous social roles are filled by doctors. Through physical examinations, diagnostic tests, and patient interviews, they identify medical issues. Doctors create treatment plans after a diagnosis is made, which may involve medication, surgery, or other medical procedures. They also provide advice on precautions to keep up a healthy lifestyle .

Beyond their knowledge of medicine, good doctors have other traits as well. Since doctors must support patients and their families emotionally during times of illness and hardship, compassion and empathy are vital qualities. They must effectively communicate, breaking down complex medical information for patients.

Along with general practitioners, there are a number of specialists who concentrate on other medical specialities, including cardiologists, surgeons, paediatricians, and psychiatrists. By specialising, doctors can provide cutting-edge care in the field of their choice.

To conclude, physicians are the backbone of healthcare, committed to maintaining and enhancing patient well-being. They are indispensable members of society because of their selfless efforts, compassion, and dedication to the well-being of patients. Doctors are at the forefront of medical discoveries and innovations, which is how the medical profession is continuing to change.

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Essay on Doctor in 300 Words

Doctors are an essential part of society and are crucial to maintaining and improving people’s health. Their profession is a blend of science, compassion, and unwavering dedication. This essay will examine the varied responsibilities of doctors and their significant influence on our lives.

Doctors are trained experts who are primarily responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illnesses. They devote years to perfecting their medical knowledge and skills, learning intricate ideas in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and other fields. Their diagnostic skills, which frequently involve cutting-edge technology and research, are crucial for diagnosing illnesses and creating winning treatment strategies.

Doctors are skilled medical professionals who also have a vast reservoir of compassion. They frequently see patients in vulnerable, frightened, or painful situations. This necessitates not only medical knowledge but also kindness and sensitivity. Patients and their families often find great comfort in a doctor’s reassuring presence, especially during trying times.

To safeguard the health of their patients, doctors put in endless effort, frequently going above and beyond what is required. They put in long hours, make crucial choices, and usually deal with emotionally trying circumstances. They remain steadfast in their dedication to the “do no harm” oath they make, despite the pressure and stress.

Doctors also play a crucial role in the advancement of medical research and knowledge. Their contributions to academic institutions, clinical trials, and medical discoveries are crucial in advancing healthcare. Through their work, previously untreatable illnesses are now treatable, and medical operations are becoming safer and more effective.

Doctors are essential in both preventive care and health education. They inform patients on leading healthy lives, preventing disease, and the value of routine checkups. Doctors assist in lowering the cost of disease in society by educating people and empowering them.

In conclusion, doctors are the foundation of our healthcare system because they combine scientific knowledge with empathy and commitment. All of us benefit from their tireless efforts to comfort, heal, and progress medical research. Let us honour the important role that doctors play in our lives by recognising their invaluable contributions to our health and by thanking them for their unwavering dedication to the protection of human health.

Essay on Doctor in 400 Words 

Doctors, who are frequently called “healers,” occupy a special and highly regarded position in society. They are the keepers of health, the ones who save people’s lives, and the ones who bring hope. In a society where illnesses are rife, becoming a doctor is more than just a decision to pursue a job; it is a calling, a vocation motivated by an unwavering desire to relieve human suffering.

The road to becoming a doctor is a challenging one that demands years of education and training. Typically, it starts with a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline, then medical school, which is nothing short of a test of wills. Medical students spend a lot of time learning about the complexities of the human body, including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and a host of other topics that contribute to the complexity of medicine. Lectures, labs, and many hours of studying fill their days, which frequently go well into the night.

After receiving their medical degrees, doctors enter the world of residency, where they put their expertise to use while being closely supervised by seasoned mentors. This demanding time will put their physical stamina and mental fortitude to the test. They experience the most trying times in life, from hopeful births to urgent situations requiring quick judgements. They become skilled and caring healthcare professionals thanks to the essential experience they obtain during residency.

The duties of a doctor go beyond merely identifying and treating ailments. They assist patients in understanding their health conditions and preventative measures by acting as educators. They are counsellors who provide emotional help to people in need. They are ardent proponents of health equity, working nonstop to guarantee that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, has access to healthcare.

Although medical technology has advanced quickly in the modern era, the doctor-patient interaction is still at the centre of medicine. A doctor’s capacity to successfully listen, empathise, and communicate can be just as therapeutic as any drug. Patients frequently entrust these committed experts with their trust and, in some cases, their lives.

In their field of work, doctors deal with a variety of difficulties. They must commit to lifelong study because medical knowledge is constantly evolving. The rigours of the work can be emotionally stressful because they frequently have to make life-or-death decisions. Given that emergencies don’t adhere to a schedule, juggling work and personal obligations can be difficult.

Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, a doctor’s job is one of incomparable importance. They observe the human spirit’s tenacity and the wonders of contemporary medicine. They acknowledge the patients’ and their families’ sincere thanks as well as the joy of recovery.

To end this, a doctor’s career is more than simply a job; it’s a lifetime commitment to helping people heal and be cared for. They are the unsung heroes of society because of their commitment, selflessness, and knowledge. We must respect and support doctors in their noble goal to relieve pain and advance well-being as recipients of their unflinching service. Doctors exhibit the finest traits of humanity, including wisdom, compassion, and the ability to heal, and they make incalculable contributions to society.

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Some of the basic rules of doctors are: always about the patient; Patients are people; People are neither rational nor predictable; It’s a bond; Use the right tool(s) for the job, etc.

Sir William Osler, the founding member of Johns Hopkins Hospital, described Imhotep as “the first figure of a physician to stand out clearly from the mists of antiquity.”

Doctors are known for saving lives helping people to recover from their injuries and minimising physical pain. Sometimes the job of a doctor goes far beyond this realm, where they not only heal physical injuries but help in recovering from traumatic experiences.

We hope this blog provides you with all the information about doctors and how they are so important to society. For more information related to such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and make sure to follow Leverage Edu .

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Doctor Essay | Essay on Doctor for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Doctor Essay:  When we fall sick or sustain an injury, we consult a doctor who diagnosis us and prescribes us with the correct course of treatment. This doctor has appropriate knowledge after rigorous training to ensure the restoration of quality of life. As medical professionals, doctors have different specializations such as pediatrics, neurology, cardiology, etc.

The importance of doctors shows in the work that they do. A doctor’s life is not as easy as they must deal with many patients with varying symptoms. Using their expertise, they try to save as many lives as possible. They must work around the clock to ensure that patients get treatment. However, the profession has faced criticism, mainly due to the monetary exploitation of many doctors today.

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Long and Short Essays on Doctor for Students and Kids in English

There is one long essay on doctor of 500 words and one short essay on doctor of 200 words.

Long Essay on Doctor 500 Words in English

Long essay on Doctor is for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10.

Doctors are often called “life saviors.” As medical professionals, they diagnose patients and prescribe the appropriate treatment for their ailments. Without medical intervention, many patients would suffer gravely. With the growing advancement in medical technology, the work of doctors has become more efficient and able to tackle illnesses that come their way. With a very demanding job, they work around the clock to treat patients to save lives. They put their life on the line and treat even the most life-threatening diseases.

The field of medicine is vast, and doctors specialize in a particular area. Doctors with such specializations include oncologists, pediatricians, cardiologists, neurologists, general physicians, dermatologists, gynecologists, and psychiatrists. Doctors with specialties receive training in a specific field of medicine to deal with complex nature problems.

Rigorous training in the field of medical science is the prerequisite to becoming a doctor. In India, pursuing medicine is very common among students. They must take science subjects, including biology in grade XI and XII. Students must pursue their MBBS, which is for five years. To apply to medical colleges and universities in India, one must take the NEET or National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. This test is also applicable to those who want to pursue dental or veterinary science. Some universities, such as AIIMS and JIPMER, have their entrance tests. In India, along with allopathic doctors who specialize in Ayurveda and homeopathy, have clinics and practices. Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical methods in India. Ayurvedic doctors make use of herbal medicines to cure patients.

However, the healthcare system in India faces many problems. Healthcare is not cheap. The private sector sets up hospitals in major cities, but the treatment is expensive. Tests as simple as blood tests cost is very high. These costs cannot be incurred by daily wage workers who have to go to public or government hospitals. These hospitals lack equipment and basic amenities, which delays proper treatment.

Doctors take advantage of the patient’s lack of knowledge and sometimes prescribed tests that may not be required to earn money. They specify an unnecessary amount of medicines, which causes the patient to shell out a lot of money. The availability of doctors in rural areas s another issue as the profession has become more monetary driven. People in villages do not receive proper treatment as doctors prefer to reside in cities where they can make more money. There have been many cases with doctors who hold fake degrees. This practice poses a significant danger to a patient’s life.

In India, there is a lack of accountability and widespread corruption in the medical field. Doctors dupe their patients trust them thinking they have the patient’s best interest at hand. The profession of a doctor is a sacred one. Their job saves millions, and thus its integrity must not be compromised.

Every doctor takes the Hippocratic Oath, and through this oath, they swear to follow ethics laid down for medical practices. We commemorate National Doctor’s Day on 1st July to honor the contributions of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy and the doctors.

Essay on Doctor

Short Essay on Doctor 200 Words in English for kids

The doctor essay will help students of Classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Doctors are often called life saviors. They help patients when they fall sick or get hurt and provide them with the best possible treatment. A doctor has a tough job. A doctor has to work around the clock with no holidays. They get called up for emergencies at any time of the day. Doctors can determine what a patient is suffering from and help them recover. They put their lives at risk to help humankind.

The profession of a doctor is not an easy one; it requires many years of training and expertise. There are many kinds of doctors who provide specific treatment. Pediatricians treat children while a cardiologist looks at the problems related to the heart. Doctors have to find the curable for countless diseases so that humanity can fight against these illnesses. Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical practices in India, where Ayurvedic doctors use herbal plants to treat sickness.

A popular profession in India is in the medical field. There are many medical colleges with hospitals and clinics in almost every part of India. Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy was one of the most excellent doctors in India, and thus on 1st July, we mark National Doctor’s Day to remember his contributions and to thank doctors for all that they do for us.

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Essay on doctors

10 Lines on Doctor Essay in English

These lines are for competitive exam aspirants and making speeches.

  • Doctors diagnose patients and prescribe the appropriate treatment for their ailments.
  •  They put their life on the line while they work diligently to save lives.
  • Oncologists, pediatricians, cardiologists, neurologists, dermatologists, general physicians, gynecologists, and psychiatrists are some of the different kinds of specialty doctors.
  • Every doctor takes the Hippocratic Oath, and through this oath, they swear to follow ethics laid down for medical practices.
  • Rigorous training in the field of medical science is the prerequisite to becoming a doctor. In India, the MBBS program is for five years, and aspirants must take the NEET. This score is also available for dental and veterinary sciences.
  • Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical practices in India. Ayurvedic doctors make use of herbal plants that have medicinal properties to cure patients.
  • The healthcare system in India faces many problems. The private sector sets up hospitals in major cities, but the treatment is expensive. Government hospitals lack equipment and basic amenities, which delays proper treatment.
  • There is a deficit in the number of doctors in rural areas. There have been many cases with doctors who hold fake degrees.
  • The profession of a doctor is a sacred one. Their job saves millions, and thus its integrity must not be compromised.
  • We commemorate National Doctor’s Day on 1st July to honor the contributions of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy and the doctors.

Essay About Doctor

FAQ’s On Doctor Essay

Question 1. What are some of the different kinds of doctors?

Answer: Oncologists, pediatricians, cardiologists, neurologists, general physicians, dermatologists, gynecologists, and psychiatrists are some of the different kinds of specialty doctors.

Question 2. Which oath do doctors take to uphold ethical practices?

Answer: Every doctor takes the Hippocratic Oath, and through this oath, they swear to follow ethics laid down for medical practices.

Question 3. What exam is required for pursuing MBBS in India?

Answer: MBBS aspirants must take the National Entrance cum Eligibility Test. Some universities, such as AIIMS and JIPMER, have their entrance tests.

Question 4. Why is National Doctors Day celebrated?

Answer: India commemorates National Doctor’s Day on 1st July to honor the contributions of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy and the service of doctors.

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Essay on Doctor for Students and Children

500+ words essay on doctor.

Doctors all over the world are given the stature next to God. It happens so mostly because they are lifesavers who work tirelessly for mankind. Moreover, being a doctor is considered one of the most sought-after professions. People want their kids to become doctors and they instill this dream in them from an early age.

Essay on Doctor

Doctors have a very noble profession. In addition, they are equipped with comprehensive knowledge and devices that enable them to diagnose and treat their patients with correct procedures. Doctors require medical staffs that help them in performing their treatment. They are very proficient and have proved their importance time and again for mankind.

The Medical Scenario of India

The medical scenario in India is renowned all over the world. The doctors originating from India are reaching new heights globally abroad. However, when we talk about the medical scenario within the country, we see how it’s quite worrying.

In other words, all capable and talented doctors are moving abroad in search of better job opportunities and facilities. Therefore, we see there is a lack of doctors in the country to cater to the ever-growing population.

But if we see on the bright side, we will notice how Indian doctors are very charitable in comparison to doctors of other countries. As India has been a country of tradition, the qualities are deeply rooted in our culture. This reflects in the medical scenario of the country as well.

doctor who essay

Aside from the allopathic doctors, India also has doctors who practice Ayurvedic , Unani as well as Homeopathic system of medicine. These are very famous practices which do not have any side effects. This is so because they are completely herbal making them very popular.

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The Degradation of Doctors

Although the medical field is evolving, there are still immoral practices in the field which makes it tough for patients to get the right treatment. Corruption has not spared this field as well.

India suffers from a high illiteracy rate which results in people fooling the citizens for money. There are many wrongs and unethical medical practices prevalent in India which brings a bad name to the country.

Moreover, the greed for money has resulted in various losses of lives of patients. The hospitals diagnose the patients wrongly and give them the wrong treatment. This results in even more worse results. The public is losing its faith in the medical field and its doctors.

As a result, this impacts the reputation of the medical field. Doctors must be more responsible and vigilant with the lives of their patients. The government must provide the public with good medical facilities which can bridge this gap. In addition, we must also come together to help doctors do their job better.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why do we consider are doctors next to God?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “We give doctors the stature next to God as they save lives and help people become better through their knowledge and treatment.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are Indian doctors moving abroad?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Indian doctors are settling abroad as they do not find ample opportunities in the country. Lack of goof facilities is also a reason for it. Most importantly, the pay scale in foreign countries is much better than that of India.”} }] }

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Teachers and Doctors, Who is More Important? (Debate)

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: February 21, 2022
  • Post category: Scholarly Articles

Teachers and Doctors, Who is More Important?: This is an issue that may be debated indefinitely, with both sides presenting valid and compelling arguments. There is no legitimate answer although one side of the argument might be used to criticize the other. Doctors, perhaps more than teachers, are the professionals we turn to in times of utmost need and/or anxiety, including when individuals or their families are sick or injured. It is normal for us to believe that our own and our loved one’s health is the most important component of our lives. In the end, the ability to save a person’s life is the most important skill a person may possess, yet information transmission is also an important aspect of existence.

A competent teacher has the power to transform the lives of people he or she tutors. They could not only teach them about their specialty subject or field, and so they can equally establish a general style of reasoning in them. This could then be carried over into the child’s regular life, regardless of the work at hand. It might also be claimed that as teachers educate us throughout our lives, we grow more conscious and knowledgeable, allowing us to naturally examine our actions more thoroughly, allowing us to make safer judgments to protect our health.

Generally, I think it would be impossible to tell which job is more important because they are both essential to humanity in different ways. We would be in danger if neither of these professions existed.

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Table of Contents

Who Is a Doctor?

A doctor is a medical professional who treats illnesses and injuries in terms of improving a patient’s health. A necessary medical degree authorizes a physician to treat patients and recommend appropriate care, including pharmaceuticals, in most nations.

Argumentative essay a teacher and a doctor who is more important pdf

One of the most significant occupations is that of a doctor. And besides, these experts do have knowledge and abilities to detect, treat, and prevent infections from spreading. Doctors are the ones who save our lives. Specialties include:

  • Family Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Paediatrics
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
  • Dermatology
  • General Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Otolaryngology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Radiation Oncology

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Who Is a Teacher?

A teacher is a person who assists students in gaining information, skills, or virtues. Anyone can take on the job of teacher unofficially. Teaching children of school age may take place in an informal context, such as inside the family, instead of in a formal environment, such as a school or university, in some nations.

Teachers are More Important than Doctors

Other jobs may require a substantial quantity of teaching. In most nations, paid teachers are in charge of the formal education of students. This study focused on persons whose primary job function, is to teach those in a structured educational setting, such as a classroom or even another place of first formal training or education.

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Difference Between a Doctor And a Teacher

1. A teacher, first and foremost, educates everybody in society, from kindergarten to high school. Children in infancy and elementary school, secondary school students, university undergraduate, and perhaps even postgraduate students are all educated by teachers.

Teachers have an important role in the education of all intelligent individuals, adults, and kids. Doctors are not excluded either. They were also instructed by educators! In reality, any society without instructors is doomed to fail.

Teachers and Doctors, Who is More Important?

Teachers are a dominant method of passing on knowledge to young people. They are entrusted with preserving and expanding our society’s knowledge and understanding. Teachers who can motivate young children to choose passions and interests that will benefit the world are crucial.

2. The COVID-19 pandemic had also served as a stark reminder of the critical role doctors play in alleviating pain and saving lives. The epidemic has also revealed the lengths to which doctors are ready to go to ensure a functional health system and society.

Doctors also play important roles in saving lives regularly, such as performing an emergency operation or a planned treatment for a time-sensitive or critical illness. An unintentional injury and difficult labor are also to blame.

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3. Teachers serve as role models for their pupils. Students try to look up to their teachers in a variety of different ways. And also learn a lot from them, so they spend longer time with them than their guardians. In most cases, teachers and pupils form a strong bond. Doctors normally only see their patients for just a few moments or minutes at least, and only when they are seriously unwell.

There is no such link between the children and the doctors. In actuality, most children are afraid of doctors because they believe they will be given needles or forced to take unpleasant medications. Teachers can help students grow into good citizens and potential leaders by engaging with them daily.

4. Not all diseases endanger the patient’s life. However, enduring the pain and discomfort for the rest of one’s life is not an option. Doctors’ efforts enable them to alleviate these pain and discomfort and live their life to their fullest.

Nevertheless, with the help of doctors, medicines, and therapies, a patient’s lifespan or the start of the worst effects of sickness can be substantially extended. Though the length of time varies widely from situation to situation and patient to patient, the dedication to the cause is admirable.

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5 . Everyone understands how important physicians are in our society since they treat the ill. Doctors, on the other hand, would not have been able to practice medicine without the help of teachers. Doctors were educated in medical colleges and trained by – name who? – teachers!

Doctor and teacher who is more important than the pros and cons

To put it another way? If professors do not teach, there’ll be no physicians. Think about it. Where do doctors go to train to become the doctors they are today? I’m sure your guess is as good as mine. School. What doctor nowadays does not have a doctoral university degree or another institute of higher learning? There isn’t a single genuine one.

6 . Nobody wants to fall ill, become crippled, or become powerless. Preventing illness or injury is the superior option: it is less costly, preferable for our health, and we lose less money if we don’t get sick as frequently. Preventive care is also beneficial to society itself.

Drugs, doctor visits, and surgery are out of reach for many individuals around the world. Doctors bridge the healthcare gap between rich and poor individuals by advocating preventative treatment and trying to keep people healthier.

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Which Is Better Between Doctor And a Teacher?

The value of a teacher cannot be overstated. Many people, however, believe that the doctor’s vocation is more vital. Doctors are superior to teachers for a variety of reasons. When such a topic arises, the responses differ, as doctors are well-known in the community. A doctor’s profession is among the most well-known across the planet. They can work and earn a comfortable life in any country on this planet. Doctors are more essential than teachers for the reasons listed below.

Teachers vs doctors pay and salary

1. People believe in doctors: This is one of the many benefits of working as a doctor. There in eyes of the general public, we are in a special role as a profession. Patients put their lives, their well-being, and their secrets in doctors’ hands. Doctors get to see many people on a given day, and they tell us truths they wouldn’t tell anybody else.

After that, doctors are free to attempt to assist these people. It’s humbling to learn how much more the public trusts a doctor’s ability and honesty, and that confidence is a significant part of the rewards.

2. Doctors helps people: Being a doctor entails assisting people, relieving pain, and making them feel better. They are the folks who look after humanity and keep it running smoothly. Patients come to them, they treat them, and then they send them on their way to live the best and fullest lives possible.

What’s even better? They’ll forget the names of the doctors. Every one of them. Because it is about us as a people, as a collective species, not about us as doctors. Doctors do what they are doing because it must be done, and it must be done by someone. Doctors are remarkably good or selfless — they’re simply a bunch of jerks who volunteered!

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3. Doctors have many career paths: With many specializations in medicine, you’d be forgiven for thinking a degree can only get you so far. A doctor can work in a multitude of fields, including practitioners and even heart surgeons.

Perhaps you aspire to be a Senior Medical Officer that manages governments or determines the severity of injuries suffered by Professional Soccer players. Perhaps you want to design a smart software or device to leverage science and innovation to enhance healthcare. Being a doctor can take you pretty much everywhere as long as patients are wandering around, all squishy and fragile.

4. Working in a multidisciplinary team: You won’t be encircled by being bored as doctors all day because you’ll be working with specialists from a variety of fields. To mention a few, we collaborate with nurses, nutritionists, therapists, and pharmacists.

Diverse points of view can be invigorating, and because every industry draws people with relatively distinct personalities, your work-life won’t become a series of contacts with eerily identical people. When I found out about it, it was a huge relief!

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5. It guarantees a secured financial future:  The average annual compensation for doctors in the United States is $208,000. This is a $23,000 increase over the average CEO salary and a $150,000 increase over the national average compensation. Other nations, on the other hand, pay GPs and specialists comparable or better incomes.

There are really few other occupations that can promise financial security if that is your goal in life. Similarly, a fast-aging and expanding global population means that the value for doctors will continue to rise, resulting in even more career options in the years ahead.

6. It grants a high social standing : It’s practically a given that every parent wishes for their child to become a doctor, but there’s a reason for that. In addition to high compensation, becoming a doctor carries a certain level of respect and renown. Doctors are recognized and appreciated not only for what they do but also for the effort, it takes to become one.

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Also, who’s to say you won’t consider being the next Basketball superstar’s physician? Or that you won’t get a chance to treat members of the ruling and business elite? Working with a varied set of people and supporting them with one of life’s most significant parts – their health – could lead to opportunities you weren’t aware of.

7. You can live anywhere in the world : Becoming a doctor can fit your active lifestyle maybe you’re one of those persons who like getting out and about. Although the standards and laws for practicing medicine vary by country, doctors are often in high demand in practically every corner of the globe.

If you wish to move to a certain country, you may need additional certification or knowledge, but you’ll still be guaranteed one of the highest-paying jobs in the world.

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All of this is not meant to minimize the value of doctors or teachers. Doctors are necessary, but I feel their major concentration is on research to improve our health. Throughout their professions, either a teacher or a doctor benefits us.

As a result, comparing them and declaring one to be greater isn’t fair. But, once again, this is just my view. Teachers are needed to train future doctors. Doctors are required to assist teachers in their recovery.

doctor who essay

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

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teacher are better than doctor

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  • Doctor Essay


Essay on Doctor


The noblest profession is of a doctor. They are given the stature next to God in our society. Doctors devote their lives in treating ailing patients. It is his duty to treat and cure sick people. They serve humanity unconditionally. This is the most respected work in the society because doctors don’t discriminate against patients as per the religion, caste and creed while treating them. This profession demands time, intense labor and busy schedules. Many times they put their lives at risk while treating life-threatening disease. Patients too place their complete faith in the doctors.

Specialized Doctors

The field of medicine is vast and so there are doctors specialized in these various fields. Doctors with such specialization includes:

Oncologist: Doctor who treats cancer patients

Dermatologist: Doctor specializes in treating skin and skin related diseases.

Pediatrician: Doctor specializes in treating children.

Cardiologist: Doctor deals with heart related problems.

Neurologist: This is a specialization where doctor treats problems related to nerves in our body

Gynecologist: it is a specialization in treating the health of female reproductive problems.

General Physician: They treat acute and chronic illness and provide preventive measures to the patients.

Psychiatrist: Psychiatrist treats mental health issues.

Apart from these specializations there are doctors for dental and animals also. 

Qualifications and Eligibility of a Doctor

If you want to become a doctor, you have to secure the degree of MBBS which is a five years long course. To get admission into medical colleges, you have to pass the entrance exam called NEET after 12 th grade. To be eligible for this exam, you should take up science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology in high school and in 12 th grade. 

After four and half years of MBBS study, you have to go through one year of internship and there you learn how to diagnose various diseases practically in different departments. After completion of internship, you have to take an oath that you will always be ethical in this profession and serve the humanity selflessly. Then you become a doctor. If you want to pursue advanced studies after MBBS then you have to study three years course of MD or MS in specialized departments.

Qualities of Being a Good Doctor

The lives of the patients are in the hands of a doctor. So, it is very important that a doctor possesses the following qualities in order to correct diagnosis and treatment.

Compassion: A doctor has to be compassionate towards his patients. Patients respond well when doctors are empathetic to their needs and interact with them by exercising courtesy and compassion. 

Strong Work Ethic: Every day brings new challenges in this profession. So it is important for a doctor to have a very strong work ethic. This means dedicating oneself completely regardless of what is happening in his personal life. 

Professionalism: This quality is a must for a doctor. Patients place their full faith and confidence in a doctor so it is important for a doctor to be professional in their approach like being attentive and listening to the needs of the patient, a good observer, and having patience to deal with them.

Knowledge: A doctor should always update his medical knowledge with the latest medical news and trends so that he can use his knowledge and skill set at the moment’s notice.

Confidence: A good doctor should reinforce his knowledge with confidence. Only when a doctor is confident, he can give assurance to his patients.

Humility: It is important to be humble with the patients. A good doctor must be approachable and available whenever needed by his patients.

Passion: A good doctor must have the passion for his study and practice. Passion makes a doctor disciplined and he is willing to sacrifice anything for treating his patients.


FAQs on Doctor Essay

Q1. What are the Different Types of Doctors?

Ans. Oncologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, neurologist, pediatrician, general physician, dermatologist are some of the different types of doctors.

Q2. Why are Doctors Given the Stature Next to God in our Society?

And. Doctors are given the stature next to God in our society because they save lives and treat people to become better.

Q3. What are the Qualities, a Good Doctor Should Possess?

Ans. The qualities that a doctor should have are compassion, strong work ethic, professionalism, knowledge, confidence, humility and passion.

Q4. When is National Doctor’s Day Celebrated?

Ans. National doctor’s day is celebrated on July1st to commemorate the service of the doctors.


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