18 Free Cover Letter Templates That Will Actually Get You Interviews

Simple Cover Letter

Simple Cover Letter

Creative Cover Letter

Creative Cover Letter

Professional Cover Letter

Professional Cover Letter


Jobscan’s cover letter templates are clean and professional . We intentionally avoided using flashy colors and design elements when creating them. Why?

Because most companies nowadays use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes and cover letters. These systems can struggle to read and interpret visually complex documents.

This means your beautifully designed, eye-catching cover letter might remain stuck in an ATS database, never to be seen by an actual human being.

By using one of our simple, easy-to-read templates, you’ll significantly improve the chances that your cover letter will successfully pass through an ATS and into the hands of a hiring manager.

It’s super easy to get started too! Simply click the download button to get your hands on a Word document that you can customize to fit your unique situation.

When you’re done writing your cover letter , run it through Jobscan’s ATS-friendly cover letter checker to get personalized feedback on how to improve your letter and make it even more compelling to employers.

White resume on big screen

Basic Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Formal Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Career Change Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Operations Manager Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Pharmacy Technician Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Project Management Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Prospecting Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Engineer Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Supervisor Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Human Resources Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Intern Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Marketing Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Networking Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Communications Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

Changing Careers Cover Letter

Original resume on big screen

What is a cover letter?

It’s a letter of introduction that you send along with your resume when you apply for a job.

The key thing to remember about your cover letter is that it shouldn’t simply regurgitate your resume. Instead, it should support it.

Your cover letter can do this by:

  • Explaining why you’re excited about the job opportunity.
  • Showing how your skills and experience match the job requirements.
  • Addressing any gaps in your work history.
  • Showing off your personality (but not too much!).

By highlighting your strengths and showing your passion for the role and the company, your cover letter can make a strong case for why you deserve an interview.

NOTE : Get inspired by our expertly crafted cover letter examples and learn what makes each one shine. Our examples cover a wide range of jobs, industries, and situations, providing the guidance you need to create a winning cover letter.

Are cover letters necessary in 2023?

While some companies may not require one, a cover letter can still set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview.

In one survey , 83 percent of hiring managers said cover letters played an important role in their hiring decision.

In fact, most of the respondents in that survey claimed that a great cover letter might get you an interview even if your resume isn’t strong enough.

So don’t skip the cover letter ! When done correctly, it can be a powerful tool in your job search toolkit.

Why should you use a cover letter template?

Here are the 5 main reasons why you should use a cover letter template .

  • It saves you time by creating personalized letters quickly and easily.
  • It provides a framework or structure for your cover letter.
  • It ensures that all the necessary information is included.
  • It makes it easy to customize your cover letters for multiple applications.
  • It helps you create a professional and polished cover letter without starting from scratch.

A template helps you streamline the cover letter writing process. This means you can devote more time and energy to other important aspects of your job search, such as networking and researching potential employers.

Generate a personalized cover letter in as little as 5 seconds

Our AI-powered cover letter generator uses GPT-4 technology to create a personalized and ATS-friendly cover letter in one click.

Computer with resume

What should you include in your cover letter?

Every cover letter format should include the following information:

Contact information : Your name, address, phone number, and email address should be at the top of the letter.

Greetings : Address the letter to the hiring manager or the person who will be reviewing your application.

Opening paragraph : State the position you’re applying for and explain how you found out about the job. You can also briefly mention why you’re interested in the position and the company.

Body paragraphs : Use one or two paragraphs to highlight your relevant skills, experience, and qualifications that match the job requirements. Provide specific examples of your accomplishments and how they show off your abilities.

Closing paragraph : Repeat your interest in the position and thank the hiring manager for considering your application. You can also include a sentence or two about why you believe you’d be a good fit for the company culture.

Closing : Conclude your cover letter with a professional sign-off, such as “Best regards,” or “Sincerely”.

Do you need a unique cover letter for every job?

Absolutely! Do NOT use the exact same cover letter and simply change the name of the company and the position.

Instead, tailor each cover letter to the position you’re applying for.

You can do this by highlighting how your skills and experience match the specific requirements and responsibilities of the position.

It’s crucial to include the keywords that are in the job posting.

Why? Because your application will most likely go straight into an ATS database. Hiring managers search through this database for suitable job candidates by typing keywords into the search bar.

If your cover letter includes these keywords , it will be seen by the hiring manager. If it doesn’t include these keywords, your cover letter will remain in the database.

Not sure if your cover letter is ATS-friendly? Try running it through Jobscan’s cover letter checker .

This easy-to-use tool analyzes your cover letter and compares it to the job listing. It then identifies the key skills and qualifications that you should focus on in your letter.

How to write a cover letter if you have no work experience

If you don’t have much work experience, writing a strong cover letter can be challenging. But you can still do it!

Here are some tips to help you out:

Hook the reader right away . Introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in the position. If possible, mention a specific aspect of the company or role that especially appeals to you.

Highlight your relevant skills and experience . Focus on the skills you’ve gained through school projects, internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities. Be sure to provide specific examples .

Showcase your enthusiasm and willingness to learn . Employers look for candidates who are eager to learn and grow. Use your cover letter to convey your enthusiasm for the role and your willingness to take on new challenges.

Close with a strong call to action . End your cover letter by requesting an interview or expressing your interest in discussing the position further.

Proofread your cover letter carefully and customize it for each position you apply for.

Cover letter do’s and don’ts

  • Address the letter to a specific person or hiring manager, if possible.
  • Include your contact information at the top of the document.
  • Tailor your letter to the company and position you’re applying for.
  • Use keywords from the job description.
  • Highlight your relevant skills and experiences.
  • Use specific, measurable results to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Try to inject some of your personality into the cover letter.
  • Proofread your letter carefully for errors.
  • Run your cover letter through Jobscan’s cover letter checker .
  • Use a generic greeting, such as “ To Whom It May Concern .”
  • Use a one-size-fits-all cover letter for all your job applications.
  • Simply repeat your resume in your cover letter.
  • Use overly casual or informal language.
  • Write a long and rambling cover letter.
  • Use jargon or technical terms that the hiring manager may not understand.
  • Include irrelevant information or details.
  • Send a cover letter with spelling or grammatical errors.

Q: How long should a cover letter be?

Most cover letters are too long. The ideal length is around 250-400 words. Hiring managers probably won’t read anything longer.

Q: Should I use a PDF or a Word cover letter template?

Either one should be fine. Some older ATS might not accept PDFs, but this is rare these days. Always check the job listing. If it says to submit a Word resume, then do that. Otherwise, a PDF resume works just as well.

Q: Can I email my cover letter instead of sending a cover letter?

Yes, you can email your cover letter instead of sending a physical copy through the mail. In fact, many employers now prefer to receive cover letters and resumes via email or through an online application system.

Explore more cover letter resources


Cover Letter Formats


Cover Letter Tips


Cover Letter Examples


Cover Letter Writing Guide

person in sofa with computer

3 Quick Tricks to Make Writing a "Conversational" Cover Letter Easy

cover letter for informal

Cover letter writing is challenging. For a lot of us, it’s really hard. It feels unnatural, unnecessary, and uncomfortable.

Cover letters can also be super confusing. What, even, are you supposed to say in a one? Do reviewers actually read the things? (Yes, we do.) And, an important question: Are you supposed to be all business, or is it OK to use a conversational tone?

I’m going to answer that last question right away: Heck, yes it’s OK. In fact, your best shot at making it strong, engaging, and memorable (ingredients you surely want in this thing) is going to be by making it captivating and conversational.

Always remember there are actual people at the receiving end of this game (unless, of course, you apply online and your materials first channel through an applicant tracking system). And people like to chat. They like to be drawn into the story. They like to be entertained. So why not share who you are, what you specialize in, and why they should stop in their tracks and pay attention to you in a way that sounds like a person wrote it, not a robot.

Have you been conditioned to believe that there’s one “right” way to do these things? Are you afraid that if you don’t speak in high-level business babble that they’ll discount your qualifications, or throw your application into the “no” pile? It’s just not going to happen if you do this in a way that’s relevant, tells them right away what you can walk through their doors and deliver (in that specific role), and holds their attention.

So, how do you pull it off? Here are three quick tricks that’ll help make the process feel more natural:

1. Write it Like You’d Say it

When people who know my professional brand ( JobJenny.com ) meet me in person for the first time, they often tell me, “Oh my gosh. You’re exactly like your voice on the website.”

This is very complimentary, and most definitely intentional. As a business owner, I work hard to make a serious topic (careers and job search) engaging, enjoyable, and—dare I say—fun. I achieve this in large part by writing just like I’d say it if we were face-to-face in a conversation.

Do that with your cover letter.

Heck, maybe even record your voice first, before you start fumbling around trying to put the words to paper. Based on what you know about this job and this organization’s needs, how would you describe who you are, and why you’re a good fit for this role? In addition, if you can think of any personal stories to share that’ll engage the reader and (at the same time) tie into the story about why you’d be a great fit? By all means.

It’s almost always easier to spill it out vocally—off the top of your head—first, and then fine-tune it on paper after you’ve got your “why you should hire me” speech down.

2. Make Your Lead a Story

Do you have any idea how many cover letters I’ve read that begin with “I am writing to express my interest in the [job title] position advertised on November 14, 2016, on The Muse” (or something equally formulaic and boring)? Probably a thousand or more. Why? Why do we do this? We do this because somewhere along the line, we’ve been led to believe this is “proper.”

But “proper” is very often also “boring,” or “meaningless,” or “just like every other application in the pile.” How about, instead, drawing the reader in right away by kicking off with a story?

Come again? That’s right. Consider leading with a brief example that spells out swiftly, and in a memorable way, why you’re interested in that organization—before heading into the “Here are the specific things I can do for you” section of the letter. (This second part is essential, too.)

How do you pull this off? Here’s an example. Say you’re applying to be a chef at a popular new restaurant. Perhaps your lead looks like this:

“As the son of a chemistry teacher, the kitchen always seemed to be where my family gathered … to watch whatever latest experiment my dad had up his sleeve. This was the room of the house that gave me the most comfort, the most joy and, frankly, the most entertainment. So captivated was I by the kitchen (and my dad’s fearlessness in mixing chemicals), that I decided to build my entire career around it.”

(And then you segue into precisely how your qualifications line up with this role.)

3. Have That Glass of Wine

This is a figure of speech, unless of course you are a wine drinker (in which case, I’m speaking quite literally). To be clear, I am not recklessly suggesting you toss back piles of alcohol in preparation for crafting your masterpiece. Instead, I’m strongly suggesting that you use whatever method you find most useful to get to that relaxed spot before you start toiling away at this thing.

Stress and tension may very well breed stress and tension in your tone. If you can create some space and release your paranoia about saying the wrong things, you’ll likely produce something that’s more conversational, more genuine to you, and more impactful.

Give yourself every possible advantage so that you can work in a relaxed state, and craft something that naturally flows from you. (Just be sure and edit the thing when you’re 100% sober.)

Job seekers seem to get so knotted up about cover letters. And, while they’re definitely not a piece of cake for a lot of people, they surely shouldn’t unravel you.

The more genuine, engaging and on-point you can be, the better.

Strive to be the one they can’t stop talking about, for all the right reasons. Do that, and you’ll be picking out your interview outfit in no time at all.

Photo of person writing courtesy of andresr/Getty Images.

cover letter for informal

16 Secrets for Writing Cover Letters That Get You Hired

I can write a solid resume, interview well, and make sure that my online presence is on point.

The one thing that’s always been a struggle? The dreaded cover letter.

Cover letters can be absolute torture, and it feels like there are a million ways to screw them up. Is yours too formal or informal? Too long or short? Too much information or too vague?

There’s an upside, though: Making your cover letter awesome doesn’t have to be a long, difficult process. In fact, as I’ve written more and more cover letters over time (and started helping dozens of other people write theirs), they’ve actually become (gasp!) fun.

Below, I’ve listed the 16 most important tips I’ve learned to make crafting a cover letter into an easy and pain-free process. Half of the tips are related to what you write, and the other half are tiny things that’ll make sure your cover letter is better than the rest. By the end of the list, there’s no way a hiring manager will be able to shuffle you to the bottom of the pile. Or you know…delete your email…

8 Tips for Cover Letters That Grab Hiring Managers’ Attention

1. Describe a pain point

Here’s the most important question any cover letter should answer: What problem would hiring you solve?

Notice that this question is about the company’s problem, not your desire to land the job! Tricky, I know.

But think about it: If a company has put up a job description, it means they have a pain point and need a solution. For example, if a company is hiring a web designer, it means they don’t think their current layout is up to snuff and they’re looking for someone who can get them there. That’s the problem they need solved, and that’s what your cover letter should make clear in first few sentences.

2. Don’t regurgitate your resume

This is a tip that you’ve probably heard before, but it happens all the time : Don’t use your cover letter to simply restate your resume!

Your cover letter is the perfect place to expand on things that your resume doesn’t detail, illustrate the more intangible reasons why you’re perfect for the job, and explain any particular circumstances that warrant discussion (for example, if you’re making a sudden or drastic career change).

Skillcrush: 22 Things to Remove From Your Resume Immediately

3. The tone should match the company

Cover letters are great for companies not only because they can see if you can solve the problem at hand, but also because they give hiring managers a sense of whether or not you understand the company culture.

How do they figure this out? Tone.

Take a look at a company’s website, how its social media is phrased, and how its employees talk about it online. Is this company a little more informal and fun? Is it buttoned-up and corporate? Your cover letter should be written in a tone similar to that of the company’s copy. Obviously put a professional spin on it, but keep the company’s culture in mind.

4. Keep the focus on the company

Hiring managers assume that if you’re applying to a particular job, that must mean you really want that job. Thus, you don’t need to spend your entire cover letter reiterating how badly you want the job and how great the experience would be for you .

It’s okay to spend one or two sentences tops explaining your love for the company, but then it’s time to turn the tables.

The majority of your cover letter should be illustrating to a potential employer what hiring you would do for their company. Again, focus on the pain point: What talents and skills do you have that would help this organization tremendously?

5. Use your numbers

A big problem I’ve seen in lots of cover letters is that they tend to be very vague in describing any notable accomplishments or achievements.

For example, instead of saying that you have had “a great deal of success as an email marketer,” use your numbers: “I spearheaded an entire newsletter redesign that resulted in a 500% increase in our open rate, which proves…”

Numbers also add intrigue and leave hiring managers wanting to hear more!

Psst! This tip holds true for resumes! ( More here .) Adding numbers and statistics is a solid way to stand out!

6. Make your anecdotes short

While examples can make your cover letter super effective, many people make the mistake of including unnecessary or irrelevant information when using anecdotes that make them drag on and lose their umph .

My personal rule is to make any example or story no longer than three sentences so that you can avoid going overboard and wasting valuable space. Here’s how to break it down:

  • Sentence 1: Introduce the skill you’re highlighting.
  • Sentences 2: Explain the situation where you showed off this skill.
  • Sentence 3: What was the end result? Explain what it did for the company and what it proves about your character.

7. Make your opening line memorable

If the big opener to your cover letter is “I’m applying for Position X at Company Y” or “My name is…” it’s time to press the backspace button. There are two things wrong with both of these phrases:

  • They’re redundant, so you’re taking up precious space! A hiring manager is already going to know your name from your application as well as which position you’re applying for. No need to repeat it.
  • They’re generic and unmemorable. Give your hiring manager something to get excited about or be intrigued by.

So, how can you start a cover letter with something that has a little more pizzazz? Try opening with a favorite short anecdote, a quote that best describes you as a professional, or your personal tagline.

8. Everything should relate to the job description

As you write (and then read through) every line of your cover letter, ask yourself: How does this sentence relate to the job description? If you find yourself going on tangents or including facts that don’t prove your ability to excel at the job or understand the company culture, take it out.

And if you need some help making sense of exactly what will prove you are qualified for the job at hand, check out these 10 Tips for Deciphering Tech Job Listings .

8 Tips for Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Cover Letter

1. Research whom to address your letter to

Scrap the “To Whom It May Concern” greeting and do some research to find out who will be reading your cover letter.

In some cases, employers will be super helpful and straight up tell you whom to address that cover letter to. If you aren’t so lucky, a quick Google search can help, or if you have a connection to a potential employer, have a professional contact ask around to see if they can get a name.

If all else fails and you really want to avoid the dreaded “To Whom It May Concern” line, feel free to shoot the company an email. I did this before when I was applying to a company that had a plethora of people on its editorial and HR teams and I had no idea who’d be hiring me.

Here’s the quick template I used:

I’m applying to [name of company]’s [name of job title] position, and I was having some trouble figuring out whom specifically to address the cover letter to. Is there a particular person or department I should direct it to?

Thanks so much for your time!

[Your name]

2. Be smart with hyperlinks

If you’re going to use hyperlinks in your cover letter, there are two important things to keep in mind. First, try not to include more than two or three links tops in a cover letter (like an online portfolio or personal website). All links should be relevant, and your cover letter shouldn’t be used as a dumping ground for everything you’ve ever created!

Second, make sure you add context to a hyperlink to both draw attention to it and to make the hiring manager understand that it’s worth his or her time to click on. For example, if you’re referencing a recent design project you did, add that said project can be found “in my online portfolio” and add a hyperlink.

3. Delete extra images, clipart, emoticons and emojis

This is a no-brainer: Regardless of how “chill” the company says it is, keep clipart, emoticons, emojis, cute pictures of your puppy, and any other images OUT of your cover letter!

Squeeze an emoji into a cover email if you’re SUPER confident it’s appropriate. Otherwise, steer clear.

4. Keep it short (like, really short)

I’ve seen dozens of cover letters in the past month, and the biggest issue across the board is that people make their cover letters way too long.

Here’s the general rule of thumb to follow: Your cover letter should be a single page (no more!) and around 300-350 words. If you’re writing a cover email, three to five sentences works (since you usually have attachments or links for a hiring manager to click on).

5. Keep your font professional (and normal)

True story: I once received a cover letter from a friend where he’d had kept his writing to one page—but it was in eight-point font. Yikes.

Your cover letter font size should be normal (aim for between 10-point and 12-point), and your font should be straightforward and professional. Favorites include Arial, Times New Roman, and Georgia. Just say no to Curly Q or Comic Sans.

Skillcrush: 8 Free Font Pairings You Have to See

6. Break up your paragraphs

Nothing provokes fear in people faster than a wall of text. Hiring managers get a visual of your physical cover letter before they ever read it, and if their first reaction is, “Oh god, it’s all one paragraph!” that’s not a good sign.

Instead, break up your cover letter into smaller paragraphs of three or four sentences each. It’s so much more aesthetically pleasing, and the person reading your cover letter will thank you.

7. Cut the vague professional jargon

As with in a resume, using phrases like “team player,” “self-motivated,” or “results driven” only makes your cover letter generic and unmemorable. Use more lively language, or better yet, use specific examples to prove your point.

8. Re-read your cover letter over (and over and over)

Editing is the most tedious but also the most necessary part of any cover letter writing you do. Start by printing your cover letter out and reading it aloud. I also recommend reading the cover letter starting with the last sentence and working your way up.

Another pro tip: Definitely get someone else to read your cover letter. In many cases, you might think your writing is pristine, but a friend will find at least a couple typos and point out some places where your wording is a little clunky.

Getting that perfect cover letter doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process. Use these tips and you’ll be snagging the job (and impressing potential employers with your savvy) in no time!

Skillcrush: The Ultimate Guide the Perfect Email Cover Letter

Lily is a writer, editor, and social media manager, as well as co-founder of The Prospect , the world’s largest student-run college access organization. She also serves in editorial capacities at The Muse, HelloFlo, and Her Campus. Recently, she was named one of Glamour’s Top 10 College Women for her work helping underserved youth get into college. You can follow Lily on Twitter at @lkherman

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