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Based on their own experiences of in-depth case studies of software projects in international corporations, in this bookthe authors present detailed practical guidelines on the preparation, conduct, design and reporting of case studies of software engineering. This is the first software engineering specific book on thecase study research method.


  • Meixner K, Feichtinger K, Fadhlillah H, Greiner S, Marcher H, Rabiser R and Biffl S (2024). Variability modeling of products, processes, and resources in cyber–physical production systems engineering, Journal of Systems and Software , 211 :C , Online publication date: 1-May-2024 .
  • Arvanitou E, Gagoutis D, Ampatzoglou A, Mittas N, Deligiannis I and Chatzigeorgiou A (2024). What does matter in the success of a decentralized application? From idea to development, Information and Software Technology , 169 :C , Online publication date: 1-May-2024 .
  • Rico S, Ali N, Engström E and Höst M (2024). Experiences from conducting rapid reviews in collaboration with practitioners — Two industrial cases, Information and Software Technology , 167 :C , Online publication date: 1-Mar-2024 .
  • de la Vara J, Bahamonde H and Ayora C (2024). Assessment of the quality of the text of safety standards with industrial semantic technologies, Computer Standards & Interfaces , 88 :C , Online publication date: 1-Mar-2024 .
  • Ouni A, AlOmar E, Hamdi O, Cinnéide M, Mkaouer M and Saied M (2023). On the impact of single and co-occurrent refactorings on quality attributes in android applications, Journal of Systems and Software , 205 :C , Online publication date: 1-Nov-2023 .
  • Rainer A and Wohlin C (2023). Case study identification, Information and Software Technology , 161 :C , Online publication date: 1-Sep-2023 .
  • Galeano I, Merín M, González M and Cernuzzi L (2023). A methodological approach for mobile applications development, Science of Computer Programming , 230 :C , Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023 .
  • Zabardast E, Gonzalez-Huerta J, Gorschek T, Šmite D, Alégroth E and Fagerholm F (2023). A taxonomy of assets for the development of software-intensive products and services, Journal of Systems and Software , 202 :C , Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023 .
  • Giachetti G, Luis de la Vara J and Marín B (2023). A model-driven approach to adopt good practices for agile process configuration and certification, Computer Standards & Interfaces , 86 :C , Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023 .
  • Pérez-Castillo R, Jiménez-Navajas L and Piattini M (2023). Dynamic analysis of quantum annealing programs, Journal of Systems and Software , 201 :C , Online publication date: 1-Jul-2023 .
  • Tan J, Feitosa D and Avgeriou P (2023). The lifecycle of Technical Debt that manifests in both source code and issue trackers, Information and Software Technology , 159 :C , Online publication date: 1-Jul-2023 .
  • Shafiee S, Wautelet Y, Poelmans S and Heng S (2023). An empirical evaluation of scrum training’s suitability for the model-driven development of knowledge-intensive software systems, Data & Knowledge Engineering , 146 :C , Online publication date: 1-Jul-2023 .
  • Šmite D, Moe N, Floryan M, Gonzalez-Huerta J, Dorner M and Sablis A (2023). Decentralized decision-making and scaled autonomy at Spotify, Journal of Systems and Software , 200 :C , Online publication date: 1-Jun-2023 .
  • Jolak R, Wortmann A, Liebel G, Umuhoza E and Chaudron M (2023). Design thinking and creativity of colocated versus globally distributed software developers, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 35 :5 , Online publication date: 25-Apr-2023 .
  • Alfayez R, Winn R, Alwehaibi W, Venson E and Boehm B (2023). How SonarQube-identified technical debt is prioritized, Information and Software Technology , 156 :C , Online publication date: 1-Apr-2023 .
  • Holtmann J, Deantoni J and Fockel M (2022). Early timing analysis based on scenario requirements and platform models, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) , 21 :6 , (2171-2211), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2022 .
  • Avritzer A, Britto R, Trubiani C, Camilli M, Janes A, Russo B, van Hoorn A, Heinrich R, Rapp M, Henß J and Chalawadi R (2022). Scalability testing automation using multivariate characterization and detection of software performance antipatterns, Journal of Systems and Software , 193 :C , Online publication date: 1-Nov-2022 .
  • Singjai A and Zdun U (2022). Conformance assessment of Architectural Design Decisions on API endpoint designs derived from domain models, Journal of Systems and Software , 193 :C , Online publication date: 1-Nov-2022 .
  • Rainer A and Wohlin C (2022). Recruiting credible participants for field studies in software engineering research, Information and Software Technology , 151 :C , Online publication date: 1-Nov-2022 .
  • Sas C and Capiluppi A (2022). Antipatterns in software classification taxonomies, Journal of Systems and Software , 190 :C , Online publication date: 1-Aug-2022 .
  • Catak F, Kuzlu M, Catak E, Cali U and Unal D (2022). Security concerns on machine learning solutions for 6G networks in mmWave beam prediction, Physical Communication , 52 :C , Online publication date: 1-Jun-2022 .
  • Breckel A, Pietron J, Juhnke K, Sihler F and Tichy M (2022). A domain-specific language for modeling and analyzing solution spaces for technology roadmapping, Journal of Systems and Software , 184 :C , Online publication date: 1-Feb-2022 .
  • Sas D, Avgeriou P, Pigazzini I and Arcelli Fontana F (2021). On the relation between architectural smells and source code changes, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 34 :1 , Online publication date: 18-Jan-2022 .
  • Wohlin C and Runeson P (2021). Guiding the selection of research methodology in industry–academia collaboration in software engineering, Information and Software Technology , 140 :C , Online publication date: 1-Dec-2021 .
  • Rico S, Bjarnason E, Engström E, Höst M and Runeson P (2021). A case study of industry–academia communication in a joint software engineering research project, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 33 :10 , Online publication date: 3-Oct-2021 .
  • Medeiros R Unburdening onboarding in software product lines Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings, (260-262)
  • Chatterjee P, Damevski K and Pollock L Automatic Extraction of Opinion-based Q&A from Online Developer Chats Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering, (1260-1272)
  • Ozdenizci Kose B (2020). Business process management approach for improving agile software process and agile maturity, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 33 :4 , Online publication date: 1-Apr-2021 .
  • Rafi S, Yu W, Akbar M, Mahmood S, Alsanad A and Gumaei A (2020). Readiness model for DevOps implementation in software organizations, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 33 :4 , Online publication date: 1-Apr-2021 .
  • Sablis A, Smite D and Moe N (2020). Team‐external coordination in large‐scale software development projects, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 33 :3 , Online publication date: 3-Mar-2021 .
  • Pérez‐Castillo R, Caivano D, Ruiz F and Piattini M (2020). ArchiRev—Reverse engineering of information systems toward ArchiMate models. An industrial case study, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 33 :2 , Online publication date: 14-Feb-2021 .
  • Pradhan D, Wang S, Ali S, Yue T and Liaaen M (2021). CBGA-ES + : A Cluster-Based Genetic Algorithm with Non-Dominated Elitist Selection for Supporting Multi-Objective Test Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , 47 :1 , (86-107), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2021 .
  • Ferrari A, Spoletini P, Bano M and Zowghi D (2020). SaPeer and ReverseSaPeer: teaching requirements elicitation interviews with role-playing and role reversal, Requirements Engineering , 25 :4 , (417-438), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2020 .
  • Alves F, L’Erario A and Gonçalves J A conceptual framework to validate new features of corporate software, including client stakeholders 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-8)
  • Sajedi‐Badashian A and Stroulia E (2020). Guidelines for evaluating bug‐assignment research, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 32 :9 , Online publication date: 3-Sep-2020 .
  • Arya D, Guo J and Robillard M (2020). Information correspondence between types of documentation for APIs, Empirical Software Engineering , 25 :5 , (4069-4096), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2020 .
  • Grubb A and Chechik M (2019). Reconstructing the past: the case of the Spadina Expressway, Requirements Engineering , 25 :2 , (253-272), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2020 .
  • Ramírez‐Mora S, Oktaba H and Patlán Pérez J (2019). Group maturity, team efficiency, and team effectiveness in software development, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 32 :4 , Online publication date: 1-Apr-2020 .
  • Linåker J, Regnell B and Damian D (2019). A method for analyzing stakeholders’ influence on an open source software ecosystem’s requirements engineering process, Requirements Engineering , 25 :1 , (115-130), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2020 .
  • Wohlrab R, Knauss E, Steghöfer J, Maro S, Anjorin A and Pelliccione P (2018). Collaborative traceability management: a multiple case study from the perspectives of organization, process, and culture, Requirements Engineering , 25 :1 , (21-45), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2020 .
  • Ochodek M, Kopczyńska S and Nawrocki J A Case Study on a Hybrid Approach to Assessing the Maturity of Requirements Engineering Practices in Agile Projects (REMMA) SOFSEM 2020: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, (689-698)
  • Sadaj A, Ochodek M, Kopczyńska S and Nawrocki J Maintainability of Automatic Acceptance Tests for Web Applications—A Case Study Comparing Two Approaches to Organizing Code of Test Cases SOFSEM 2020: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, (454-466)
  • Rainer A and Williams A (2019). Using blog‐like documents to investigate software practice, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 31 :11 , Online publication date: 15-Nov-2019 .
  • Chatzimparmpas A and Bibi S (2019). Maintenance process modeling and dynamic estimations based on Bayesian networks and association rules, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 31 :9 , Online publication date: 13-Oct-2019 .
  • Čavrak I, Bosnić I, Ciccozzi F and Mirandola R (2019). Resilience of distributed student teams to stress factors, Information and Software Technology , 114 :C , (258-274), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2019 .
  • Abodei E, Norta A, Azogu I, Udokwu C and Draheim D Blockchain Technology for Enabling Transparent and Traceable Government Collaboration in Public Project Processes of Developing Economies Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century, (464-475)
  • Linåker J, Regnell B and Damian D (2019). A Community Strategy Framework – How to obtain influence on requirements in meritocratic open source software communities?, Information and Software Technology , 112 :C , (102-114), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019 .
  • Bjarnason E, Sharp H and Regnell B (2019). Improving requirements-test alignment by prescribing practices that mitigate communication gaps, Empirical Software Engineering , 24 :4 , (2364-2409), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019 .
  • Liebel G, Tichy M and Knauss E (2019). Use, potential, and showstoppers of models in automotive requirements engineering, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) , 18 :4 , (2587-2607), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019 .
  • Wang Y, Graziotin D, Kriso S and Wagner S (2022). Communication channels in safety analysis, Journal of Systems and Software , 153 :C , (135-151), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019 .
  • Pradhan D, Wang S, Ali S, Yue T and Liaaen M (2022). Employing rule mining and multi-objective search for dynamic test case prioritization, Journal of Systems and Software , 153 :C , (86-104), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019 .
  • Pradhan D, Wang S, Yue T, Ali S and Liaaen M (2019). Search-based test case implantation for testing untested configurations, Information and Software Technology , 111 :C , (22-36), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019 .
  • Dasanayake S, Aaramaa S, Markkula J and Oivo M (2019). Impact of requirements volatility on software architecture, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 31 :6 , Online publication date: 24-Jun-2019 .
  • Johanssen J, Bernius J and Bruegge B Toward usability problem identification based on user emotions derived from facial expressions Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering, (1-7)
  • Seiler M, Hübner P and Paech B Comparing traceability through information retrieval, commits, interaction logs, and tags Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software and Systems Traceability, (21-28)
  • Vierhauser M, Cleland-Huang J, Burge J and Grünbacher P The interplay of design and runtime traceability for non-functional requirements Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software and Systems Traceability, (3-10)
  • Nayebi M, Cai Y, Kazman R, Ruhe G, Feng Q, Carlson C and Chew F A longitudinal study of identifying and paying down architecture debt Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice, (171-180)
  • Burden H, Steghöfer J and Svensson O Facilitating entrepreneurial experiences through a software engineering project course Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training, (28-37)
  • Helgesson D, Engström E, Runeson P and Bjarnason E Cognitive load drivers in large scale software development Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, (91-94)
  • Rios N, Spínola R, de Mendonça Neto M and Seaman C Supporting analysis of technical debt causes and effects with cross-company probabilistic cause-effect diagrams Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technical Debt, (3-12)
  • Knutas A, Palacin V, Maccani G and Helfert M Software engineering in civic tech a case study about code for Ireland Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society, (41-50)
  • Smite D, Moe N, Krekling T and Stray V Offshore outsourcing costs Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, (40-47)
  • Britto R, Smite D, Damm L and Börstler J Performance evolution of newcomers in large-scale distributed software projects Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, (1-11)
  • Johanssen J, Kleebaum A, Paech B and Bruegge B (2019). Continuous software engineering and its support by usage and decision knowledge, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 31 :5 , Online publication date: 20-May-2019 .
  • Diebold P, Theobald S, Wahl J and Rausch Y (2019). Stepwise transition to agile, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 31 :5 , Online publication date: 20-May-2019 .
  • Sulaman S, Beer A, Felderer M and Höst M (2019). Comparison of the FMEA and STPA safety analysis methods---a case study, Software Quality Journal , 27 :1 , (349-387), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2019 .
  • Klotins E, Unterkalmsteiner M and Gorschek T (2019). Software engineering in start-up companies, Empirical Software Engineering , 24 :1 , (68-102), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2019 .
  • Voelter M, Kolb B, Szabó T, Ratiu D and Deursen A (2019). Lessons learned from developing mbeddr, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) , 18 :1 , (585-630), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2019 .
  • Alsanoosy T, Spichkova M and Harland J (2020). The influence of power distance on requirements engineering activities, Procedia Computer Science , 159 :C , (2394-2403), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2019 .
  • Perez‐Castillo R and Piattini M (2018). An empirical study on how project context impacts on code cloning, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 30 :12 , Online publication date: 12-Dec-2018 .
  • García‐García J, García‐Borgoñón L, Escalona M and Mejías M (2018). A model‐based solution for process modeling in practice environments, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 30 :12 , Online publication date: 12-Dec-2018 .
  • Ochei L, Bass J and Petrovski A (2018). Degrees of tenant isolation for cloud-hosted software services, Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications , 7 :1 , (1-39), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2018 .
  • Oliveira P, Santos Neto P, Britto R, Rabêlo R, Braga R and Souza M (2018). CIaaS - computational intelligence as a service with Athena, Computer Languages, Systems and Structures , 54 :C , (95-118), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2018 .
  • Molléri J, Petersen K and Mendes E (2018). Towards understanding the relation between citations and research quality in software engineering studies, Scientometrics , 117 :3 , (1453-1478), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2018 .
  • Bosch J and Olsson H (2018). Ecosystem traps and where to find them, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 30 :11 , Online publication date: 14-Nov-2018 .
  • Patón-Romero J, Baldassarre M, Rodríguez M and Piattini M (2018). Green IT Governance and Management based on ISO/IEC 15504, Computer Standards & Interfaces , 60 :C , (26-36), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2018 .
  • Souag A, Mazo R, Salinesi C and Comyn-Wattiau I (2018). Using the AMAN-DA method to generate security requirements, Requirements Engineering , 23 :4 , (557-580), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2018 .
  • Tolfo C, Wazlawick R, Ferreira M and Forcellini F (2018). Agile practices and the promotion of entrepreneurial skills in software development, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 30 :9 , Online publication date: 17-Sep-2018 .
  • Usman M, Britto R, Damm L and Börstler J (2018). Effort estimation in large-scale software development, Information and Software Technology , 99 :C , (21-40), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2018 .
  • Britto R, Cruzes D, Smite D and Sablis A (2017). Onboarding software developers and teams in three globally distributed legacy projects, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 30 :4 , Online publication date: 17-Apr-2018 .
  • Zagalsky A, German D, Storey M, Teshima C and Poo-Caamaño G (2018). How the R community creates and curates knowledge, Empirical Software Engineering , 23 :2 , (953-986), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2018 .
  • Budgen D, Brereton P, Williams N and Drummond S (2018). The contribution that empirical studies performed in industry make to the findings of systematic reviews, Information and Software Technology , 94 :C , (234-244), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2018 .
  • Ramler R, Buchgeher G and Klammer C (2018). Adapting automated test generation to GUI testing of industry applications, Information and Software Technology , 93 :C , (248-263), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018 .
  • khan M, iftikhar S, Iqbal M and Sherin S (2018). Empirical studies omit reporting necessary details, Computer Standards & Interfaces , 55 :C , (156-170), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018 .
  • Paschali M, Ampatzoglou A, Bibi S, Chatzigeorgiou A and Stamelos I (2017). Reusability of open source software across domains, Journal of Systems and Software , 134 :C , (211-227), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017 .
  • Yang C, Liang P, Avgeriou P, Eliasson U, Heldal R, Pelliccione P and Bi T (2017). An industrial case study on an architectural assumption documentation framework, Journal of Systems and Software , 134 :C , (190-210), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017 .
  • Valena G and Alves C (2017). A theory of power in emerging software ecosystems formed by small-to-medium enterprises, Journal of Systems and Software , 134 :C , (76-104), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017 .
  • Classe T, Braga R, David J, Campos F and Arbex W (2017). A Distributed Infrastructure to Support Scientific Experiments, Journal of Grid Computing , 15 :4 , (475-500), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017 .
  • Trinkenreich B, Santos G, Barcellos M and Conte T Eliciting strategies for the GQM+strategies approach in IT service measurement initiatives Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, (374-383)
  • Mourão E, Kalinowski M, Murta L, Mendes E and Wohlin C Investigating the use of a hybrid search strategy for systematic reviews Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, (193-198)
  • Sanchez-Gordon M, de Amescua A, OConnor R and Larrucea X (2017). A standard-based framework to integrate software work in small settings, Computer Standards & Interfaces , 54 :P3 , (162-175), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017 .
  • Garca F, Pedreira O, Piattini M, Cerdeira-Pena A and Penabad M (2017). A framework for gamification in software engineering, Journal of Systems and Software , 132 :C , (21-40), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2017 .
  • Steghfer J, Burden H, Alahyari H and Haneberg D (2017). No silver brick, Journal of Systems and Software , 131 :C , (230-247), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2017 .
  • Vogel-Heuser B, Fischer J, Feldmann S, Ulewicz S and Rsch S (2017). Modularity and architecture of PLC-based software for automated production Systems, Journal of Systems and Software , 131 :C , (35-62), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2017 .
  • Martnez-Fernndez S, Ayala C, Franch X and Marques H (2017). Benefits and drawbacks of software reference architectures, Information and Software Technology , 88 :C , (37-52), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2017 .
  • Borg M, Wnuk K, Regnell B and Runeson P (2017). Supporting Change Impact Analysis Using a Recommendation System: An Industrial Case Study in a Safety-Critical Context, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , 43 :7 , (675-700), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017 .
  • Rainer A (2017). Using argumentation theory to analyse software practitioners defeasible evidence, inference and belief, Information and Software Technology , 87 :C , (62-80), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017 .
  • mite D, Moe N, blis A and Wohlin C (2017). Software teams and their knowledge networks in large-scale software development, Information and Software Technology , 86 :C , (71-86), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017 .
  • Rodrguez G, Prez J, Cueva S and Torres R (2017). A framework for improving web accessibility and usability of Open Course Ware sites, Computers & Education , 109 :C , (197-215), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017 .
  • Klotins E Using the case survey method to explore engineering practices in software start-ups Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Startups, (24-26)
  • Souza R, Malta K and de Almeida E Software engineering in startups Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Startups, (17-23)
  • Oliveira R, Sousa L, de Mello R, Valentim N, Lopes A, Conte T, Garcia A, Oliveira E and Lucena C Collaborative identification of code smells Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track, (33-42)
  • Kalinowski M, Curty P, Paes A, Ferreira A, Spínola R, Fernández D, Felderer M and Wagner S Supporting defect causal analysis in practice with cross-company data on causes of requirements engineering problems Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track, (223-232)
  • Di Penta M and Tamburri D Combining quantitative and qualitative studies in empirical software engineering research Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion, (499-500)
  • Borg M, Alégroth E and Runeson P Software engineers' information seeking behavior in change impact analysis Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension, (12-22)
  • Heinrich R, Merkle P, Henss J and Paech B (2017). Integrating business process simulation and information system simulation for performance prediction, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) , 16 :1 , (257-277), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2017 .
  • Skersys T, Danenas P and Butleris R (2016). Model-based M2M transformations based on drag-and-drop actions, Journal of Systems and Software , 122 :C , (327-341), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2016 .
  • Zahedi M and Ali Babar M (2016). Why does site visit matter in global software development, Information and Software Technology , 80 :C , (36-56), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2016 .
  • dos Santos Neto P, Britto R, Rablo R, Cruz J and Lira W (2016). A hybrid approach to suggest software product line portfolios, Applied Soft Computing , 49 :C , (1243-1255), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2016 .
  • Yagüe A, Garbajosa J, Díaz J and González E (2016). An exploratory study in communication in Agile Global Software Development, Computer Standards & Interfaces , 48 :C , (184-197), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2016 .
  • Bjarnason E, Unterkalmsteiner M, Borg M and Engström E (2016). A multi-case study of agile requirements engineering and the use of test cases as requirements, Information and Software Technology , 77 :C , (61-79), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2016 .
  • Könnölä K, Suomi S, Mäkilä T, Jokela T, Rantala V and Lehtonen T (2016). Agile methods in embedded system development, Journal of Systems and Software , 118 :C , (134-150), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2016 .
  • Paschali M, Ampatzoglou A, Bibi S, Chatzigeorgiou A and Stamelos I A Case Study on the Availability of Open-Source Components for Game Development Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Reuse: Bridging with Social-Awareness - Volume 9679, (149-164)
  • Neiva F, David J, Braga R and Campos F (2016). Towards pragmatic interoperability to support collaboration, Information and Software Technology , 72 :C , (137-150), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2016 .
  • Arvanitou E, Ampatzoglou A, Chatzigeorgiou A and Avgeriou P (2016). Software metrics fluctuation, Information and Software Technology , 72 :C , (110-124), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2016 .
  • Tofan D, Galster M, Lytra I, Avgeriou P, Zdun U, Fouche M, de Boer R and Solms F (2016). Empirical evaluation of a process to increase consensus in group architectural decision making, Information and Software Technology , 72 :C , (31-47), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2016 .
  • Hesse T and Paech B Documenting Relations Between Requirements and Design Decisions Proceedings of the 22nd International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality - Volume 9619, (188-204)
  • Mellegård N, Ferwerda A, Lind K, Heldal R and Chaudron M (2016). Impact of Introducing Domain-Specific Modelling in Software Maintenance: An Industrial Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , 42 :3 , (245-260), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2016 .
  • Staron M and Meding W (2016). MeSRAM - A method for assessing robustness of measurement programs in large software development organizations and its industrial evaluation, Journal of Systems and Software , 113 :C , (76-100), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2016 .
  • Saay S, Norta A and Laanpere M Towards an Architecture for e-Learning Infrastructures on a National Level Revised Selected Papers of the ICWL 2015 International Workshops on Current Developments in Web Based Learning - Volume 9584, (98-107)
  • Morales-Trujillo M, Oktaba H and Piattini M (2015). The making of an OMG standard, Computer Standards & Interfaces , 42 :C , (84-94), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2015 .
  • El Emam K, Farah H, Samet S, Essex A, Jonker E, Kantarcioglu M and Earle C (2015). A privacy preserving protocol for tracking participants in phase I clinical trials, Journal of Biomedical Informatics , 57 :C , (145-162), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2015 .
  • Ampatzoglou A, Chatzigeorgiou A, Charalampidou S and Avgeriou P (2015). The Effect of GoF Design Patterns on Stability: A Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , 41 :8 , (781-802), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2015 .
  • Hamill M and Goseva-Popstojanova K (2015). Exploring fault types, detection activities, and failure severity in an evolving safety-critical software system, Software Quality Journal , 23 :2 , (229-265), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2015 .
  • Ekaputra F Ontology Change in Ontology-Based Information Integration Systems Proceedings of the 12th European Semantic Web Conference on The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains - Volume 9088, (711-720)
  • Rombach D and Jedlitschka A The maturation of empirical studies Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry, (1-2)
  • Georg G, Mussbacher G, Amyot D, Petriu D, Troup L, Lozano-Fuentes S and France R (2015). Synergy between Activity Theory and goal/scenario modeling for requirements elicitation, analysis, and evolution, Information and Software Technology , 59 :C , (109-135), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2015 .
  • Zhi J, Garousi-Yusifoğlu V, Sun B, Garousi G, Shahnewaz S and Ruhe G (2015). Cost, benefits and quality of software development documentation, Journal of Systems and Software , 99 :C , (175-198), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015 .
  • Petersen K, Roos P, Nyström S and Runeson P (2014). Early identification of bottlenecks in very large scale system of systems software development, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process , 26 :12 , (1150-1171), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2014 .
  • Abelein U and Paech B State of Practice of User-Developer Communication in Large-Scale IT Projects Proceedings of the 20th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality - Volume 8396, (95-111)
  • Ghaisas S, Rose P, Daneva M, Sikkel K and Wieringa R Generalizing by similarity Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry, (37-42)
  • Zorn-Pauli G, Paech B, Beck T, Karey H and Ruhe G Analyzing an industrial strategic release planning process Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, (269-284)
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Case Study Research in Software Engineering: Guidelines and Examples

Case Study Research in Software Engineering: Guidelines and Examples

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Book description

Based on their own experiences of in-depth case studies of software projects in international corporations, in this book the authors present detailed practical guidelines on the preparation, conduct, design and reporting of case studies of software engineering. This is the first software engineering specific book on the case study research method.

Table of contents

  • 4.7 METRICS
  • 5.4 VALIDITY
  • 10.3 PLANNING
  • 10.6 REPORTING
  • 11.6 REPORTING
  • 12.3 PLANNING
  • 12.5 REPORTING
  • 14.3 PLANNING

Product information

  • Title: Case Study Research in Software Engineering: Guidelines and Examples
  • Author(s): Per Runeson, Martin Höst, Austen Rainer, Björn Regnell
  • Release date: April 2012
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781118104354

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Tutorial: Case Studies in Software Engineering

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  • Per Runeson 10 &
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Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing ((LNBIP,volume 32))

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This document presents a tutorial on case study research methodology in software engineering, held at the 10th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (Profes).

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Runeson, P., Höst, M.: Guidelines for Conducting and Reporting Case Study Research in Software Engineering. Empirical Software Engineering 14(2), 131–164 (2009)

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Runeson, P., Höst, M. (2009). Tutorial: Case Studies in Software Engineering. In: Bomarius, F., Oivo, M., Jaring, P., Abrahamsson, P. (eds) Product-Focused Software Process Improvement. PROFES 2009. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 32. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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Publisher Name : Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

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Case Study Research in Software Engineering: Guidelines and Examples

ISBN: 978-1-118-18100-3

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Per Runeson , Martin Host , Austen Rainer , Bjorn Regnell

Dr. Austen Rainer is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire. He is an active member of the Centre for Empirical Software Process Research (CESPR) and teaches several courses?in the BSc(Hons) and MSc degree programs.

Dr. Per Runeson is leader of the Software Engineering Research Group at Lund University, as well as Research Director for EASE - Embedded Applications Software Engineering. He is a Senior Researcher at Sony Ericsson, where he fulfills his role as a verification advisor. His research focuses on efficient verification and validation processes.

Dr. Martin Höst is Director of the M.Sc. Programme in Computer Science and Engineering at Lund University and a member of the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG).

Dr. Björn Regnell is a professor of Software Engineering at Lund University's Department of Computer Science and Vice Dean of Research at the Faculty of Engineering, LTH. His research interests include market-driven software development, requirements engineering, software quality, software innovation, software product management, and empirical research methods.

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Selection Process at ION

Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in the selection process at ION. The rounds are detailed below:

1. Online Assessment (90 minutes)

The online assessment was a challenging start to the selection process, lasting approximately 1.5 hours. It tested a broad range of skills and knowledge, featuring medium to hard-level questions across several key areas of computer science. The questions covered topics such as Computer Science Fundamentals, Database Management Systems (DBMS), Operating Systems (OS), and Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). The programming questions were particularly demanding, requiring efficient coding solutions under time constraints.

2. 1st Interview (Technical Interview, 90 minutes)

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2nd Interview Round (Case Study, 45 minutes)

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4th Interview Round (Stakeholder Interview, Noida Office, 90 minutes)

The next round was a techno-HR interview conducted onsite at the Noida office during “ION Day.” ION generously covered the cost of my flight and stay for this visit. The interview began with introductions and a discussion about my projects. One key question was how to reduce company costs while effectively managing customer support. I suggested providing proper training to CS teams to handle more clients efficiently. The interviewer then explored my personal motivations, the new technologies I’m currently exploring, and my reasons for wanting to work at ION.

5th Interview Round (Country Head/Cultural Fit Round, 45 minutes)

This round took place on the same day as ION Day and was conducted offline with five other candidates and the Country Head of ION. We began with introductions, where each candidate shared details about their names, native places, location preferences, and family backgrounds. During the interview, we were asked several questions designed to gauge our fit with the company’s culture and values. The remaining time was spent in an informal discussion, allowing us to engage more freely.

6th Interview Round (Future Fit, 20 minutes)

After returning home, I was informed two days later that I had been selected and invited back for the final round of interviews, known as the “Future Fit Round.” ION covered the costs of this visit to Noida once again. For this round, I was seated alone in a large meeting room. The interviewer joined via Microsoft Teams. The session began with general questions and a brief introduction. We also discussed ION’s ideas and my thoughts on how I could contribute to the company’s future.

Overall, the process was thorough and insightful, providing a deep dive into my skills and fit with ION’s culture and goals.

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Scenario NumberQ
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Water Depth
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Dewedar, A.K.H.; Palumbo, D.; Pepe, M. Hydraulic Risk Assessment on Historic Masonry Bridges Using Hydraulic Open-Source Software and Geomatics Techniques: A Case Study of the “Hannibal Bridge”, Italy. Remote Sens. 2024 , 16 , 2994.

Dewedar AKH, Palumbo D, Pepe M. Hydraulic Risk Assessment on Historic Masonry Bridges Using Hydraulic Open-Source Software and Geomatics Techniques: A Case Study of the “Hannibal Bridge”, Italy. Remote Sensing . 2024; 16(16):2994.

Dewedar, Ahmed Kamal Hamed, Donato Palumbo, and Massimiliano Pepe. 2024. "Hydraulic Risk Assessment on Historic Masonry Bridges Using Hydraulic Open-Source Software and Geomatics Techniques: A Case Study of the “Hannibal Bridge”, Italy" Remote Sensing 16, no. 16: 2994.

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  1. PDF Case Studies for Software Engineers

    Ü 4 types of designs based on a 2x2 matrix. Ä Type 1 - single-case (holistic) designs. Ä Type 2 - single-case (embedded) designs. Ä Type 3 - multiple-case (holistic) designs. Ä Type 4 - multiple-case (embedded) designs. Figure 2.4 Basic Types of Designs for Case Studies (page 40) 45. Rationale for Single-Case Designs.


    7 SCALING UP CASE STUDY RESEARCH TO REAL-WORLD SOFTWARE PRACTICE 97 7.1 Introduction 97 7.2 The Aims of Scaling up Case Studies 98 7.3 Dimensions of Scale 99 7.4 Longitudinal Case Studies 100 7.5 Multiple Case Studies 102 7.5.1 Multiple Cases and Replications 102 7.5.2 Selecting the Cases 104 7.6 Multiresearcher Case Studies 105 7.7 Conclusion 107

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    The case study is a popular evaluation method in software engineering research. Case studies are frequently used in papers to demonstrate the capabilities of new techniques and methods [122] .

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    Recognizing Case Studies 2. Designing Case Studies 3. Publishing Case Studies 4. Reviewing Case Studies Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on January 20, 2009 at 14:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

  6. Case Study Research in Software Engineering—It is a Case, and it is a

    1. Introduction. Case studies are common in software engineering, and guidelines have been provided, for example, byRuneson et al. [1].They based their definition of case study on definitions from other areas including the definitions byYin [2], Benbasat et al. [3] andRobson [4].Runeson et al. [1] define a case study as follows within software engineering - "Case study in software ...

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    Based on their own experiences of in-depth case studies of software projects in international corporations, in this bookthe authors present detailed practical guidelines on the preparation, conduct, design and reporting of case studies of software engineering. This is the first software engineering specific book on thecase study research method.

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    Based on their own experiences of in-depth case studies of software projects in international corporations, in this book the authors present detailed practical guidelines on the preparation, conduct, design and reporting of case studies of software engineering. This is the first software engineering specific book on the case study research method.

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    Criteria for interpreting the findings. 6. Part 1: Study Questions. Study design always starts with research questions. Clarify precisely the nature of the research question. Ensure the questions can be answered with a case study. Generally, should be "how" and "why" questions. Identify and interpret the relevant theoretical constructs.

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  19. Case Study Research in Software Engineering—It is a Case, and it is a

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  27. Remote Sensing

    This paper investigates the impact of flood-induced hydrodynamic forces and high discharge on the masonry arch "Hannibal Bridge" (called "Ponte di Annibale" in Italy) using the Hydraulic Engineering Center's River Analysis Simulation (HEC-RAS) v6.5.0. hydraulic numerical method, incorporating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and aerial Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR ...