School of Graduate Studies

Electronic thesis submission, general instructions.

Submitting your Electronic Thesis / Dissertation ( ETD ) is a quick and straightforward process. After your thesis supervisor has approved your thesis, follow the instructions below to submit your ETD documents to the digital library repository .

Please Note

The current ETD system invites you to order copies of your thesis online through ProQuest. Theses ordered through ProQuest will not be delivered until after your convocation; ProQuest will charge you in US dollars, and you will be liable for shipping costs and duty. An alternate option is available through the U of T Bookstore: contact Book Pod if you would like a print copy of your thesis. You are also free to choose another printing company. If the copy is for your unit’s library, please consult them about binding choice prior to placing an order.

Administrative Preliminaries

You can register as a digital library repository user at any time, but to submit an ETD , you must first provide the Graduate Program Completion Office with the following written confirmation (letter or email) from your supervisor (for editorial corrections) or the convenor of your Final Oral Examination Subcommittee (for minor revisions), that your thesis is in final form and approved.

If you are restricting the release of your thesis, you must provide us with a restrict release form, signed by your graduate unit chair (outlined in the following paragraph).

Embargoes on Thesis Release

Publication of your thesis by the University of Toronto is a requirement of your degree; it is U of T’s intention that there be no restriction on the distribution and publication of theses. Accordingly, theses will be released after each convocation, and will be freely available to the public in an online environment.

However, in exceptional cases, you may wish to consider delaying thesis publication. Typical reasons for embargo include:

  • currently seeking publication of part of your thesis in a journal, or publication of the thesis as a book
  • content of a sensitive nature in the thesis, the publication of which might endanger the wellbeing of the author or of persons associated with the work
  • a patent is in process

Discuss restriction with your supervisor and the chair of your graduate unit if you think restriction might be appropriate.

If you intend to restrict the release date of your ETD , please submit a restrict thesis release date form to SGS (dated and signed by your graduate unit chair). If applicable, include a copy bound inside the front cover of the bound paper copy for your graduate unit.

Prior to Submitting Your Electronic Thesis / Dissertation ( ETD )

Create a digital library repository account.

Log into the digital library repository by entering your student number and email address. You must use an official utoronto or graduate unit email account.

Select “Submit Thesis” and choose the appropriate collection to submit to.

File Format & Naming Convention

The main thesis file must be in PDF format. Before you start the submission process, create a PDF of the final approved version of your thesis.

You must use the following file naming convention:


e.g., Smith_Lorie_L_201711_PhD_thesis.pdf

Supplementary files should follow the same naming convention:

e.g., Smith_Lorie_L_201711_PhD_datatables.exl

Stopping During the Submission Process

You can stop and save your work at any point in the submission process and resume your submission at a later date. Click the ‘cancel / save’ button which appears at the bottom of every ETD submission page. The data you have already entered will be stored until you come back to the submission.

If you accidentally exit from the submission process, you can always resume by re-entering the digital library repository .

You can cancel your submission at any point.

Submission Complete: What Next?

Congratulations! SGS will review your thesis and notify you once it is approved. If there is any problem with your submission, you will be given instructions. Please note that the timeline on this review varies depending on the time of year. The date your thesis is submitted is recorded in ProQuest for the reviewer to see. Upon submission, you will receive a message from [email protected] ; please do not reply to this email. If you have questions, consult the Office of Graduate Program Completion.

Publication & Distribution

Your thesis will be available online on the digital library repository and on the web approximately five to six weeks following convocation. These theses will have priority in many search engines. Theses will be uploaded to the University of Toronto Library’s T-Space at intervals, approximately two times per year.

The digital library repository (Proquest) will:

  • create an archival quality microfilm copy of the thesis for Library and Archives Canada
  • catalogue your thesis
  • publish the abstract in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database
  • make theses available in digital or paper format for a fee.

Proquest is considered an academic and not a commercial publisher.

After a period of two years, Library and Archives Canada may also make downloadable copies of theses available at no charge (or paper copies for a publication cost recovery fee).

Before electronic submission, this was the only way to obtain copies of theses apart from borrowing them from university libraries or contacting authors directly. You retain copyright to your thesis and may make it available on a personal website and pursue other sources of publication.

Continued Access to the U of T Proquest Thesis Submission Site

You will be able to view your thesis on the digital library repository a few weeks following convocation.

You will also have access to U of T’s T-Space with access to any collections, including the Theses collection. You are also welcome to become a contributor to other T-Space communities and / or register for updates.

For general information and news about T-Space or help using your account and using the site, please contact [email protected] .

As part of the T-Space repository, your thesis is assigned a persistent URL. This means that, unlike most URLs, this identifier will not have to be changed when the system migrates to new hardware, or when changes are made to the system. T-Space is committed to maintaining the integrity of this identifier so that you can confidently use it to refer to your item when citing it.

Our persistent URLs are registered with the Handle System, a comprehensive system for assigning, managing, and resolving persistent identifiers, known as “handles,” for digital objects and other resources on the Internet.

The Handle System is administered by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) , which promotes research in the public interest.

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University of Toronto

School of Graduate Studies - Theses

The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) requires doctoral and masters graduands to submit a thesis written as a required element of their degree program in electronic format.

To submit your thesis, follow these instructions:

  • Online thesis submission system (SGS)
  • Thesis preparation and submission instructions (SGS)
  • Thesis submission and publishing guide (Library)

SGS intends to house all available digitized Doctoral and Masters theses by U of T graduate students on this site. The current collection is but a small sample of that scholarly work.

Browse items in this community by the following

Collections, doctoral and master theses prior to etd mandate (pre-2009) 12363, doctoral theses (2009 - ) 13208, master's theses (2009 - ) 10977.

  • 4 Wang, Jing
  • 3 Cheesman, Stephen J.
  • 3 Ding, Wei
  • 3 Lane, Daniel
  • 3 Li, Daniel
  • 3 Nguyen, Christine
  • 6287 2020 - 2024
  • 16987 2010 - 2019
  • 9269 2000 - 2009
  • 3931 1990 - 1999
  • 42 1980 - 1989
  • 23 1970 - 1979
  • 8 1960 - 1969
  • 1 1926 - 1929

Additional information

SGS thesis submission instructions

Copy, print, scan

Copying, printing, and scanning in Robarts Library is available from floors 1 – 5.

For similar facilities in other U of T libraries, please check their individual websites.

Copying and printing requires that you add funds to your TCard. More information about adding funds to cards. More information about costs for printing for different paper sizes .

Copy  |  Print  |  Scan   

Photocopying costs $0.10 per page. Find a photocopier  in the central libraries .

You must comply with the Provost's  Fair Dealing Guidelines when you photocopy copyright-protected works.

Most libraries have printers. Find a printer  in the central libraries . Most libraries accept your TCard or guest print/copy card at a cost of $0.15 per page for a black and white page, and colour is $1 per page.

Send a document to the printers from one of the library's computers or from your laptop  at selected locations. See also Printing tips .

  • Choose  Print  from the  File  menu.
  • Type a name for your print job in the dialog box that appears and click  Print . Your job has now been entered in the print queue.
  • Go to one of the print kiosk computers
  •  Swipe your TCard or guest card through the print-release card reader.
  • Select your print job from the list on the screen. The display will show the number of pages, the cost of printing it and the card balance.
  • Click  Print .
  • If you are printing in colour, release your job from the computer immediately next to the colour printer you chose.

Double-sided printing

All computers at U of T Libraries are defaulted to print double-sided.

To change to single-side printing:

  • Click  File  >  Print
  • Select the appropriate printer
  • Click  Properties  or  Preferences  depending on the program you are using
  • Click the  Finishing  tab
  • Under Document Options , change Print on Both Sides from Long Edge to  Off.
  • Click  OK
  • Review the rest of your printing options and click  Print .

Scanning is free at most libraries.  You will need a USB key to scan. Find a scanner at one of the central libraries or check with  individual libraries  about where their scanners are located.

Scanning & copyright policy

It is illegal to scan any images or text that are not your personal intellectual property unless you have the express written consent of the owner of that property. It is the responsibility of the person scanning the images or text to obtain any required permissions.

See Copyright resources and links  for more information.

Theses and Dissertations by U of T Students

Tspace thesis and dissertation collection.

  •   U of T Doctoral Theses Collection (2009 – current)
  •   U of T Master’s Theses Collection (2009 – current)
  •   U of T TSpace Thesis and Dissertation Collection (pre-2009)

Catalogue Access to U of T Theses and Dissertations

  • An Advanced Search of the Catalogue with Format set to Thesis retrieves Master’s and Doctoral Theses in the  U of T Library collection.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ University of Toronto Database

  • Searching the ProQuest customized database retrieves theses and dissertations by U of T students.

utl home

Research Guides

Submit and publish your thesis.

  • The Graduate Thesis: What is it?
  • Thesis Defences
  • Deadlines and Fees
  • Formatting in MS Word
  • Formatting in LaTeX
  • Making Thesis Accessible
  • Thesis Embargo
  • Review and Release
  • Your Rights as an Author
  • Re-using Third Party Materials
  • Creative Commons Licenses for Theses
  • Turning Thesis into an Article
  • Turning Thesis into a Book
  • Other Venues of Publication

Copyright Fundamentals

What is copyright.

Copyright is a bundle of exclusive legal rights granted to creators of original artistic, literary, musical, and dramatic works. In Canada, copyright law is a creature of statute and is based on the Copyright Act , which was most recently amended by the Copyright Modernization Act in 2012 . The purpose of copyright has been characterized as a balancing of the interests of creators and users of copyrighted works ( Théberge v Galerie d'Art du Petit Champlain Inc [2002] 2 S.C.R. 336 , 2002 SCC 34 ).

Copyright’s exclusive bundle of rights include the sole right to:

  • Produce, reproduce, and perform a work
  • Produce, reproduce, and perform any translation of a work
  • Reproduce, adapt and publicly present a work
  • Communicate the work to the public by telecommunication

See Section 3 of the Copyright Act for the full list of exclusive rights that make up copyright in Canada.

Importantly for authors of theses, the copyright owner has the exclusive right to authorize others to do any of these things .

What does copyright protect?

For a work to be protected by copyright, it must be original and must have a fixed form, or "fixity."

"Copyright subsists in every original literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic work - not in the ideas conveyed by those works, but in the expression of those ideas in physical form."

University of Toronto Copyright Copyright Basics and FAQ

There is no requirement that creators register their copyright in Canada - copyright protection subsists automatically upon a work's creation.

What is copyright infringement?

Copyright infringement occurs when a substantial portion of a work is used without permission in such a way that this use impinges on one of an author’s exclusive rights. Permission is usually granted in the form of a license.

Permission in the form of a license can be obtained:

  • Directly from the creator or copyright owner
  • From a publisher representing the copyright owner
  • In the form of a Creative Commons or other open license
  • From a collective society or rights organization that represents publishers and authors

There are exceptions to copyright infringement which in some circumstances depending on the purpose of the use (and other factors) may allow copyright-protected works to be used without permission. These exceptions are sometimes called user’s rights. See more about how these may apply to your thesis below.

Academic Integrity and Copyright

Plagiarism and copyright infringement: cousins not siblings.

They are related but distinct concepts:

  • A set of ethical norms (which can be disciplinary or cultural) vs. a legal framework
  • Plagiarism is using the work of another without citing its source
  • Copyright infringement is the engaging of one of a copyright holder's exclusive rights without permission, where your use is not protected by an exception like fair dealing

Plagiarism is possible even if you have or do not need permission to include something in your work. Likewise, copyright infringement is possible even if you attribute carefully.

Your discipline may have particular attribution and authorship norms that you might want to make sure you are familiar with. The best way to learn is to consult with your thesis advisor and colleagues. 

  • << Previous: Graduation
  • Next: Your Rights as an Author >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 15, 2023 3:23 PM
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Library links

  • Library Home
  • Renew items and pay fines
  • Library hours
  • Engineering
  • UT Mississauga Library
  • UT Scarborough Library
  • Information Commons
  • All libraries

University of Toronto Libraries 130 St. George St.,Toronto, ON, M5S 1A5 [email protected] 416-978-8450 Map About web accessibility . Tell us about a web accessibility problem . About online privacy and data collection .

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Thesis Printing and Binding

Digital printing, your trusted partner.

BBC Duplicentre is the market leading supplier of digital printing and copying services to the University of Toronto, in addition to providing print solutions to commercial, educational and government clientele. With multiple locations and equipped with the latest digital printing technologies and knowledgeable staff, our goal is to meet or exceed your expectations with every print requirement you may have.

Digital Printing Toronto

Digital Printing and Duplicating

BBC Duplicentre specializes in fast turnaround, short run digital printing and duplicating. Our experienced team has extensive knowledge of the ongoing printing requirements of the academic community.

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With over 35 years of experience in producing educational materials, BBC Duplicentre Delivers superior printing and binding of your thesis!


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BBC Duplicentre is your one stop shop for all of your event printing and marketing requirements. Contact us to assist you with your event materials to insure you maximize your promotional and events budget.

Thesis Printing And Binding

Binding and finishing.

There is more to life than a staple in the top left corner. We know. We have over twenty different ways to finish your jobs. We collate, fold, score, plastic coil, wiro, perfect bind, stitch and cerlox just to get warmed up. We have the ‘people power’ to initiate a workflow that will ensure quick turnaround and expert binding.

Security Printing

BBC Duplicentre is a market-leading supplier of printing material requiring security, providing our clients a safe and secure printing option. We maintain secure printing facilities with closed circuit video surveillance and 24-hour security monitoring.

Other Services

Scanning services.

BBC Duplicentre offers a complete suite of scanning and archiving services. Our secure premises and trained staff make the conversion process safe, fast and economical. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you digitize your legacy documents.

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Across town or across the globe, BBC Duplicentre can deliver your project to one person or to hundreds of locations. Working within a tight schedule, multi-piece mailings, large orders or a simple drop-off are all handled with ease. Wherever, whenever!

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This place is great! They give quick turnaround. If you’re a student on the U of T campus, this place is really convenient.

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Featured services.

PHD Bookbinding

  • $ 0.00 0 items

Thesis and Dissertation Binding

Click the image of your binding choice for quote or to order, fabric hard cover.

thesis printing u of t

Fabric Hard Cover Binding with Gold Embossed Lettering and Gold Seal

Printed Hard Cover

thesis printing u of t

Printed Hard Cover Binding with full color design on wrap-around Hard Cover

Soft Cover, Perfect Binding

thesis printing u of t

Softcover Perfect Binding with full color design on wrap-around Soft Cover

thesis printing u of t

Gold Embossed School Seals

In addition to gold embossed lettering on the spine and cover of your book, you can add your College / University’s Seal or Emblem. Click here for a list of seals and emblems, or to request your school’s seal.

thesis printing u of t

Quality Paper Selection

We offer archival-quality paper in 25% Cotton or 100% Cotton, as well as standard 20 lb & 60lb Bond paper. You will only pay color printing rates for your specified color pages. Lots of photos? Consider our 80lb Gloss paper. Your entire book will be printed in stunning full color at a low color printing rate. Click here to view a detailed list of available paper options.

thesis printing u of t

Headbands & Archival Endsheets

Our Hard Cover books include top & bottom Headbands – chequered fabric that decorate and protect the edges of the spine of your book. Hard Cover books also use archival-quality Endsheets – the pages which attach your book’s body to its Hard Cover case, as well as heavy blank/fly pages on the front & back cover.

thesis printing u of t

Mail-In your paper document for Binding Only

We can print your document from a PDF file (see sidebar), or you can mail your already printed document for Hard Cover Binding. Simply click your Hard Cover binding style above and follow the instructions. You will be prompted to print your order form. You’ll then pack it with your documents and ship us the package.

thesis printing u of t

Check your Order Status

Shipping date is available on the day that you order. Tracking Number is available only if your order has shipped. For Printed Hardcover binding, shipping date will change based on the time you approve cover proof.

to Order or get a Quote:

That will take you to a page with the description of the binding style. For Fabric Hardcover binding, you can click on any swatch-rectangle to see a full-size book made with the fabric.

You can stop when you’re done, if a Quote is all you want

You now know the Exact Cost of your order with Shipping. You can stop here if Total Cost is all you want

If you’re Mailing a Paper Document, you will instead be prompted to print a form. Follow the instructions on the printed form for Shipping and Payment instructions

Yes, you will upload your file AFTER payment is made.

That’s it. Your order is now complete!

I’ve highly recommended you guys to the administrators, I’ll recommend you to all my MA and PhD colleagues.

– Bob

I received my theses last week and they look great! Cheers.

– Nic

Our first doctoral graduate has received her bound dissertation copies – our first with your company. They are excellent! Thank you for your quality product.

– Harold

Just got back three bound thesis volumes. Beautiful work. Thank you.

– Fred

Your company gained my trust very quickly. You did such a fast, efficient job.

– Natalia

I just received the two books I ordered — they are wonderful. I am very happy!

– Gianni

The thesis binding and the efforts of your company were excellent in all respects. I truly appreciate the promptness. Thank you for making my experience with your company and my finished project remarkable.

– Kimberly

I am completely satisfied with your service and speed. I would definitely recommend you to the grad students in my department. Thank you again for the wonderful job.

– Abdul

Thanks for taking such good care of my work. I will enjoy presenting them to my dissertation chair and the president of my organization next week.

– Barbara

I just received my dissertations in the mail. They’re perfect! They arrived quickly and in mint condition.

– Joe

I am thrilled with my thesis. You did an excellent job. Thank you. I have recommended you to some of my classmates.

– Tau

You put the finishing touches on a 30-month effort and exceeded my expectations…In terms of quality, speed, and overall "wow" factor. Thank you very much.

– David

I had my thesis bound with your company a few years ago and I have been recommending you to fellow grad students ever since. Thanks again!

– Alison

Everything has exceeded my expectation. Thank you so much for making my thesis so memorable.

– Subhendu

I would like for you to know that I was very pleased with the binding of my dissertation.

– Cora

I love it. Thank you so much for doing such an incredible job!

– Pam

I cannot thank you enough for the excellent work you have done to print my Thesis

– Jay

I can’t say enough about the experience of working with your company. I look forward to doing business again in the future.

– Doreen

You’re the best in the businesss! Keep up the great work.

– Leeanne

Just a quick note to thank everyone who worked on putting my book together. It looks beautiful, I could not be happier.

– Elissa

Can definitely recommend the service! Good quality binding, 2-sided, color and at a very acceptable price.

– Scott

thesis printing u of t

Two different books

  • Print your thesis

We can print and bind your thesis or dissertation  

After a long academic journey, you have come to this point where you need to submit your dissertation or thesis. You have dedicated hours to the research and writing of your dissertation. The presentation of the document will reflect all the hard work that has gone into creating the content within it. The UM Printing Unit offers printing and binding services of dissertations and theses, both in hard and softbound formats at very competitive prices. We even offer a discounted price for UM students. Our service offers a choice of paper and bounds.

Soft Binding  

Initially, you need to submit copies of your work to the faculty or department for the examiners’ review. 

We can print your dissertation, single or double-sided as required, in colour or black and white. The binding will be hot glued inside a standard plastic cover (thermal binding). The front cover will be transparent, while the back cover and spine will be black cardboard. 

Hard Binding  

Once your dissertation or thesis is approved, you are requested to submit hard-bound copies to the faculty, and maybe even present them to other persons who helped you on your journey. 

We will hard-bind in a leather-based paper your dissertation with the cover you choose from our selection. [PDF]   It comes complete with a gold or silver foil print on the cover and spine.

UM Student Rates

B/W print single side sheets:

  • 80gsm - €0.03 each
  • 100gsm - €0.05 each

B/W print double-sided sheets:

  • 80gsm - €0.05 each
  • 100gsm - €0.06 each

Colour print single side sheets:

  • 80gsm - €0.10 each
  • 100gsm - €0.12 each

Colour print double-sided sheets:

  • 80gsm - €0.15 each
  • 100gsm - €0.20 each

Soft-binding: €10 each book*

Hard-binding: €13.20 each book (materials 21 - Black Drape & 22 - Blue Drape: €16.50)**

Normal Rates

  • 80gsm - €0.04 each
  • 80gsm - €0.06 each
  • 100gsm - €0.07 each
  • 100gsm - €0.17 each
  • 80gsm - €0.20 each
  • 100gsm - €0.25 each

Soft-binding: €12 each book*

Hard-binding: €15.20 each book(materials 21 - Black Drape & 22 - Blue Drape: €18.50)**

*Binding limit for soft binding is 400 sheets. 

**Hard binding prices above are for 400 sheets, for more sheets, a specific quote has to be issued.  

All prices are for A4 size and inclusive of VAT.

Fill in the Make a submission  form and submit your finished work in PDF format and international standard A4 size. If you opt for Hard Binding, choose the colour of the cover from the catalogue found here [PDF] . To apply for the UM Student discount, provide your active UM student email address; any other personal email addresses will not qualify for the discount. 

Once we receive your submission, we will get back to you with the total price, calculated according to the quantity of colour and b/w pages to be printed. You will then need  to make a payment using the link in the email received. Once payment has been received and once you confirm the visual of the hard-bound cover, please allow 3 working days for soft-binding and 5 working days for hard-binding, and the books will be ready for  collection.

  • Copier/printer paper
  • Exam scripts
  • Photocopies and printouts
  • Personalised items
  • Promotional materials
  • Send your request

Study at UM

  • Undergraduate
  • Postgraduate & Research
  • Micro-credentials
  • Undergraduate prospectus [PDF]
  • Postgraduate prospectus [PDF]

University | A to Z | Departments

  • Design and Print Solutions
  • Dissertation and Thesis
  • Commercial Services
  • Design & Print Solutions
  • Print enquiry form
  • Service Agreement
  • Postal Service
  • Opening Times
  • Meet the team
  • Accessibility
  • Sustainability
  • Customer Feedback

Dissertation and thesis printing

thesis printing u of t
  • Choose "Standard Delivery." *
  • Choose "Free Dissertation"  and select if you would like it double sided or single sided.
  • Please upload your file and confirm your order.
  • Please look at your proof for; content, colour and formatting then add to cart.**
  • At checkout; enter your Payment address and when selecting delivery options, choose “ Collect in shop (market square) ”.
  • On the final summary page, key in your promotional code where indicated. If you select “recalculate” the total should refresh and will now be "£0.00" You  will not  be prompted to enter your card details.
  • Complete your order and click checkout.
  • You will receive an email confirming your order details and when the product will be ready.
  • Alternatively you can order your dissertation in person in our shop at Market Square. We have 4 self-service machines that are free to use. Our staff are on hand for any assistance you may need. 

    PGR student will have their promo code listed on their product’s page. For any assistance please head in store or email [email protected]

    *Please note express delivery incurs a £5 delivery charge

    ** Please note images may appear low resolution to increase loading time.

    Printing and binding service

    Printing and binding service.

    We offer a complete printing and binding service at our Campus Print Shop, Market Square. Our friendly, experienced staff are on hand to offer advice and support. Our high speed, high quality Xerox colour printers can print 55 pages per minute and our ‘while-you-wait’ binding service takes 5 to 10 minutes, ensuring you get your work ready for submission as soon as possible.

    Print using DP Online

    You can upload your finished PDF to our online print store 24/7. Using DP Online, all you need to do is upload your document, choose your binding option and preview your work, all from the comfort of your home! If your submission deadline is the same day, then as long as you upload your PDF documents by 5am and choose our ‘express service’ you will be able to collect your bound thesis / dissertation from the Campus Print Shop at Market Square from 11am (Monday-Friday).

    Self Service Printing

    At the Print Shop, Market Square; we have four self-service customer PCs where you can print anything you need. We can then bind it for you at a small additional cost.

    Binding Service

    If you prefer to print your thesis / dissertation yourself, we offer a while-you-wait binding service which takes 5 to 10 minutes. Just bring your printed document to the Campus Print Shop at Market Square and our friendly staff will be on hand to help.

    Any questions? Contact one of our team members for help: +44 (0) 1904  322160 [email protected]
    Want to order your print? Visit DP online and start right away! DP Online Visit us in store

    University of York , Heslington , York , YO10 5DD , UK Tel: work +44 (0) 1904 320000 | Fax: fax +44 (0)1904 323433

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    University of Minnesota

    • MyU : For Students, Faculty, and Staff

    Design ◦ Print ◦ Mail ◦ Communicate

    Printing Services

    Printing Services

    Thesis Printing & Binding

    Congratulations! The writing and research is finally finished. Now, it’s time to consult with University Printing Services to professionally print and bind your thesis.

    We print on high-resolution digital devices to ensure clear grayscales, solid blacks, and sharp color.

    Email a PDF file of your document or drop it off at one of the Digital Print Centers listed below:

    We also invite non-University of Minnesota students to contact Printing Services for your printing and binding needs.

    *It is extremely helpful when you can provide specifications for binding color, lettering color and spine/front cover layout. We want to make sure your submitted thesis will meet any requirements specific to your school or program.

    Choose from 100% cotton rag content paper for durability and permanency or a high quality acid-free paper.

    Binding Options:

    Hardcover Binding

    Hard Cover Thesis Binding* $50.00**

    Traditional thesis binding with a custom made hard cover using the Buckram fabric color of your choice. The spine is foil-stamped with your name, degree, and the year.

    *Non-Thesis hardcover binding: $57.00 **Additional front cover printing: $9.00

    Softcover Binding

    Soft Cover Binding $7.00

    Durable coverstock with a plain cloth spine. The title page is reproduced in black on the cover.

    Turnaround time is 10 business days. No expedited delivery.

    Free delivery to University of Minnesota — Twin Cities Departments We also ship off-campus at standard UPS rates

    Where are we? Five convenient locations all across campus.

    Main location.

    Printing Services Building

    Main Printing Services Facility

    2818 Como Avenue


    Hours & Services

    Campus Digital Print Center Locations

    Digital Print Center, West Bank

    33 Social Science Tower


    Digital Print Center, Coffman

    Coffman Union


    Digital Print Center, Mayo


    Digital Print Center, St. Paul


    Map of Digital Print Center locations.

    University of Minnesota Printing Services

    2818 Como Avenue S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55414 P: 612-625-9500 | F: 612-626-9500 Contact Printing Services

    Auxiliary Services University Services Environmental Responsibility Addressing & Mailing

    • Contact the U of M
    • 3 Morrill Hall 100 Church St. S.E. Minneapolis MN 55455
    • Department Directory
    • Maps and Directories
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    The Deepfake Crisis That Didn’t Happen

    India’s election is an eye-opening lesson for the U.S. and other countries.

    A repeating silhouette of a human face in different shades of green and blue

    This is Atlantic Intelligence, a limited-run series in which our writers help you wrap your mind around artificial intelligence and a new machine age. Sign up here.

    Presidential elections in the United States are prolonged, chaotic, and torturous. (Please, not another election needle …) But they don’t come close to rivaling what happens in India. The country’s latest national election—which wrapped up this week with the reelection of Prime Minister Narendra Modi—was a logistical nightmare, as it always is. To set up polling booths in even the most rural of areas, Indian election officials hiked mountains, crossed rivers, and huddled into helicopters (or sometimes all three). More than 600 million voters cast ballots over the course of six weeks.

    To add to the chaos, this year voters were deluged with synthetic media. As Nilesh Christopher reported this week , “The country has endured voice clones, convincing fake videos of dead politicians endorsing candidates, automated phone calls addressing voters by name, and AI-generated songs and memes lionizing candidates and ridiculing opponents.” But while experts in India had fretted about an AI misinformation crisis made possible by cheap, easy-to-use AI tools, that didn’t exactly materialize. Lots of deepfakes were easily debunked, if they were convincing at all. “You might need only one truly believable deepfake to stir up violence or defame a political rival,” Christopher notes, “but ostensibly, none of the ones in India has seemed to have had that effect.”

    Instead, generative AI has become just another tool for politicians to get out their messages, largely through personalized robocalls and social-media memes. In other words, politicians deepfaked themselves . The point isn’t necessarily to deceive: Modi retweeted an obviously AI-generated clip of himself dancing to a Bollywood song. It’s an eye-opening lesson for the U.S. and other countries barreling toward elections of their own. For all the concern about reality-warping deepfakes, Christopher writes, “India foreshadows a different, stranger future.”

    — Saahil Desai, supervisory senior associate editor

    A repeating silhouette of a human face in the colors of the Indian flag

    The Near Future of Deepfakes Just Got Way Clearer

    By Nilesh Christopher

    Throughout this election cycle—which ended yesterday in a victory for Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party after six weeks of voting and more than 640 million ballots cast—Indians have been bombarded with synthetic media. The country has endured voice clones, convincing fake videos of dead politicians endorsing candidates, automated phone calls addressing voters by name, and AI-generated songs and memes lionizing candidates and ridiculing opponents. But for all the concern over how generative AI and deepfakes are a looming “ atomic bomb ” that will warp reality and alter voter preferences, India foreshadows a different, stranger future.

    Read the full article.

    What to Read Next

    • ElevenLabs is building an army of voice clones . Last month, my colleague Charlie Warzel profiled an AI-audio company that has been implicated in deepfakes. “I tested the tool to see how convincingly it could replicate my voice saying outrageous things,” he writes. “Soon, I had high-quality audio of my voice clone urging people not to vote, blaming ‘the globalists’ for COVID, and confessing to all kinds of journalistic malpractice. It was enough to make me check with my bank to make sure any potential voice-authentication features were disabled.”

    If you need another sign of how targeted ads are coming for everything, behold: “ Costco is building out an ad business using its shoppers’ data. ” The wholesale giant will soon personalize ads based on its customers’ shopping habits—joining Venmo, Uber, Marriott, and a slew of other companies. “What isn’t an ad these days?” Kate Lindsay wrote in The Atlantic earlier this year.

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    Honors student produces prize-winning research on loneliness

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    In her honors thesis, recent graduate Amber Duffy describes how loneliness influences a person’s ability to respond to stress

    Amber Duffy, who graduated last semester magna cum laude , didn’t always plan to write an honor’s thesis.

    She came to the University of Colorado Boulder on a pre-med track, studying neuroscience, but an introductory psychology class knocked her off that path and inspired her to change her major.  

    “I really liked the behavioral aspect of psychology,” she says.

    She liked psychology so much, in fact, that she wasn’t content simply to study it. She wanted to contribute to it. “If I’m not going to do medical school anymore,” she remembers thinking, “I should delve into research.”

    Amber Duffy

    Recent psychology and neuroscience graduate Amber Duffy won the the Outstanding Poster Presentation Talk award at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention in San Diego, recognizing her research on loneliness.

    She contacted Erik Knight , a CU Boulder assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience, with whom she’d taken a class her sophomore year, and he invited her to join his lab . She ended up working there for two years, during which time she decided to write an honor’s thesis.

    The topic? Loneliness and its effect on young adults’ stress responses.

    Why loneliness?  

    Duffy’s interest in loneliness isn’t purely academic. Many of her friends and family have struggled with it for years, even before the pandemic, she says. And she herself, the daughter of a Taiwanese mother and a Pennsylvanian father, has often felt its sting.  

    “Growing up in a multicultural family in my predominantly white town”—Castle Rock, Colorado—“it was hard for me to connect with people sometimes,” she says. “I would learn about my mom’s culture at home and then go to school or talk with friends, and they just didn’t understand how I lived.”

    Her concerns over loneliness only increased when she learned of Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy’s warning that the United States is suffering from a loneliness epidemic.

    “The mortality impact of being socially disconnected is similar to that caused by smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day,” Murthy states.  

    Hearing this spurred Duffy to action. She wanted to contribute to the fight against loneliness and its potentially negative consequences.

    “If we expand our knowledge of loneliness,” she says, “maybe there’s a way we can come up with a more substantial treatment.”

    More gas, less brakes

    For her honors experiment, Duffy gathered 51 CU Boulder undergraduates between the ages of 18 and 34 and divided them randomly into a control condition and an experimental condition. Those in the former provided a low-stress comparison to those in the latter, who were put through the wringer.

    First, the subjects in the experimental condition had to interview for a high-stakes job Duffy and Knight had concocted specifically for the study.

    “We told them, in the moment, ‘You have five minutes to prepare a five-minute speech on why you’re the perfect applicant,’” says Duffy.

    Immediately following that, subjects had to solve subtraction problems for five minutes, out loud, perfectly, starting at 6,233 and going down from there in increments of 13. “If they made a mistake,” says Duffy, “they had to start over.”

    While the subjects ran these gauntlets, Duffy monitored their heart-rate variability (HRV), or the change in interval between heartbeats, and their pre-ejection period (PEP), or the time it takes for a heart to prepare to push blood to the rest of the body. Both serve as indicators of how a person’s stress-response system is functioning, Duffy explains. 

    Finally, when the stress tests were done, the subjects completed the UCLA Loneliness Scale Version 3 questionnaire, which research has found to be a reliable means of measuring loneliness.

    Duffy had hypothesized that lonelier subjects would have more pronounced stress responses than less lonely subjects, and indeed that’s what her data revealed.

    Lonelier subjects had higher heartrates, stronger responses from their sympathetic nervous systems (SNS) and weaker responses from their parasympathetic nervous systems (PNS). Duffy likens the SNS, which controls the fight-or-flight response, to a car’s gas pedal and the PNS, which counterbalances the SNS, to a car’s brakes.

    When met with stressful situations, then, lonelier individuals had more gas and less brakes, which Duffy says could have long-term health implications.

    Yet she is also quick to point out that more research needs to be done, preferably with more subjects.

    If we expand our knowledge of loneliness, maybe there’s a way we can come up with a more substantial treatment.”

    “We only had 51 people. An increase in sample size would help with more reliable data,” she says. “It’s also important to look at more clinical and diverse populations because there are other factors that could affect loneliness levels.” 

    Posters, prizes and professorships

    Duffy submitted an abstract of her research to The Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention in San Diego, where she hoped to present a poster, thinking this would be a nice, low-key way of getting some conference experience under her belt.

    Her abstract was accepted. But then a conference organizer asked her if, in addition to presenting a poster, she could also give a fifteen-minute talk. She would be the only undergraduate at the conference to do so.

    Duffy balked. The thought of speaking to a roomful of PhDs intimidated her. “Most of my life I’ve heard how cutthroat academia is,” she says. But she ultimately agreed, and she was glad she did.

    Her talk and poster presentation went so well that not only did she receive interest and encouragement from several doctoral programs, but she also won an award that she didn’t even know existed: the Outstanding Poster Presentation Talk award.

    “In the middle of my poster presentation, a woman came up to me—I didn’t know who she was—and said, ‘I have a check here for you for $500.’ I didn’t know that was supposed to happen, but it was great!”

    Now graduated, Duffy isn’t 100% sure what her next steps will be, but she’s leaning toward one day pursuing a PhD. 

    “When you get a PhD, you get to do research and also work with students,” she says. “I think it would be fun to be a professor and give back in that way.”

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    • Division of Natural Sciences
    • Psychology and Neuroscience
    • Undergraduate research

    2024 Theses Doctoral

    Statistically Efficient Methods for Computation-Aware Uncertainty Quantification and Rare-Event Optimization

    He, Shengyi

    The thesis covers two fundamental topics that are important across the disciplines of operations research, statistics and even more broadly, namely stochastic optimization and uncertainty quantification, with the common theme to address both statistical accuracy and computational constraints. Here, statistical accuracy encompasses the precision of estimated solutions in stochastic optimization, as well as the tightness or reliability of confidence intervals. Computational concerns arise from rare events or expensive models, necessitating efficient sampling methods or computation procedures. In the first half of this thesis, we study stochastic optimization that involves rare events, which arises in various contexts including risk-averse decision-making and training of machine learning models. Because of the presence of rare events, crude Monte Carlo methods can be prohibitively inefficient, as it takes a sample size reciprocal to the rare-event probability to obtain valid statistical information about the rare-event. To address this issue, we investigate the use of importance sampling (IS) to reduce the required sample size. IS is commonly used to handle rare events, and the idea is to sample from an alternative distribution that hits the rare event more frequently and adjusts the estimator with a likelihood ratio to retain unbiasedness. While IS has been long studied, most of its literature focuses on estimation problems and methodologies to obtain good IS in these contexts. Contrary to these studies, the first half of this thesis provides a systematic study on the efficient use of IS in stochastic optimization. In Chapter 2, we propose an adaptive procedure that converts an efficient IS for gradient estimation to an efficient IS procedure for stochastic optimization. Then, in Chapter 3, we provide an efficient IS for gradient estimation, which serves as the input for the procedure in Chapter 2. In the second half of this thesis, we study uncertainty quantification in the sense of constructing a confidence interval (CI) for target model quantities or prediction. We are interested in the setting of expensive black-box models, which means that we are confined to using a low number of model runs, and we also lack the ability to obtain auxiliary model information such as gradients. In this case, a classical method is batching, which divides data into a few batches and then constructs a CI based on the batched estimates. Another method is the recently proposed cheap bootstrap that is constructed on a few resamples in a similar manner as batching. These methods could save computation since they do not need an accurate variability estimator which requires sufficient model evaluations to obtain. Instead, they cancel out the variability when constructing pivotal statistics, and thus obtain asymptotically valid t-distribution-based CIs with only few batches or resamples. The second half of this thesis studies several theoretical aspects of these computation-aware CI construction methods. In Chapter 4, we study the statistical optimality on CI tightness among various computation-aware CIs. Then, in Chapter 5, we study the higher-order coverage errors of batching methods. Finally, Chapter 6 is a related investigation on the higher-order coverage and correction of distributionally robust optimization (DRO) as another CI construction tool, which assumes an amount of analytical information on the model but bears similarity to Chapter 5 in terms of analysis techniques.

    • Operations research
    • Stochastic processes--Mathematical models
    • Mathematical optimization
    • Bootstrap (Statistics)
    • Sampling (Statistics)

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    Pride Month has started but what does that mean? A look at what it is, how it's celebrated

    Pride Month has officially started as of June 1 and there’s a lot to celebrate.

    Throughout history, people who identify with the LGBTQ+ community have struggled to gain equal rights within and to overcome adversity and discrimination.

    But what is Pride Month exactly? Here's a look at the history of how it came to be and how it is celebrated.

    Rainbow flag meaning: A brief history lesson on how the Pride flag came to be

    What is Pride Month?

    Pride Month commemorates the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York and celebrates the LGBTQ community and the fight for equal rights. 

    The Stonewall Uprising began on June 28, 1969 , when police raided the Stonewall Inn, a prominent gay bar in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. The protests that followed are credited with a shift in LGBTQ+ activism in the U.S.

    The following year saw some of the first Pride parades in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. Despite the pivotal role transgender people and women of color played in the riots, including trans activist Marsha P. Johnson , they were largely excluded from early Pride celebrations. 

    "The reality is that most of the folks on the front lines at the Stonewall uprising were trans women, trans women of color, other people of color, butch lesbians,” Cathy Renna, Communications Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force, told USA TODAY in 2022. “And yet somehow, the power that was coming together ... to put together Pride events was from cisgender , gay white men.”

    Today, Pride Month presents an opportunity for visibility and community. In addition to celebrating LGBTQ love and joy, it’s also a time to highlight important policy and resource issues the community faces. In 2021, NYC Pride banned law enforcement presence at Pride events through 2025 because of escalating violence "against marginalized groups, specifically BIPOC and trans communities."

    This year, anti-trans legislation is growing across the country. Anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric online has also lead to threats at schools and hospitals and to trans communities , USA TODAY found.

    According to the Human Rights Campaign, 130 bills targeting trans rights have been filed and 325 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been proposed in 2024. More than 650 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were introduced in 2023.

    When was Pride Month created?

    The first Pride marches in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago happened on June 28, 1970, the first anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising.

    In New York, thousands marched from Greenwich Village to Central Park in what is widely considered the first Pride parade in the U.S. 

    But even before the first Pride parades, the gay rights movement was beginning to gain traction all over the country. In 1950, for example, activist Harry Hay founded the Mattachine Society, the first national gay rights organization. And in 1955, the first lesbian rights organization, the Daught ers of Bilitis , was founded.

    The year 1965 saw the first “Reminder Day,” an annual picketing event outside of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall calling attention to the lack of civil rights for the LGBTQ+ community. In 1966, the Mattachine Society staged a “sip-in” at a Greenwich Village bar after the New York Liquor Authority banned serving gay patrons because they were “disorderly,” PBS reports. And in 1966, the Compton's Cafeteria riot began when a police officer manhandled a transgender customer at a San Francisco eatery. This led to the founding of the National Transsexual Counseling Unit. As the LGBTQ+ rights movement grew, the community turned away from outdated terms like transsexual and homosexual to transgender, gay and lesbian. While many consider these terms offensive, some still use them to describe their identities.

    The Christopher Street Liberation Day March on June 28, 1970 , marked a shift from politeness to pride. In earlier protests, the “Homophile Movement” of the 1950s and 1960s focused on respectability – dressing in suits and skirts and carrying signs in protest. Post-Stonewall riots didn’t come with a dress code or tone requirement. 

    “A new spirit has entered the struggle for homosexual freedom – a new spirit both militant in tone and revolutionary in orientation,” a 1970 Gay Liberation Front flyer reads. “Homosexuals at last have realized that they will never be able to be liberated by politely asking the system. Freedom is never given – it must be taken.”

    What does LGBTQ+ stand for?

    • B: Bisexual  
    • T: Transgender
    • Q: Queer, or sometimes questioning
    • +: Encompasses other identities under the rainbow umbrella

    Major Pride parades across the U.S.

    Here’s a glimpse at the dates and themes of some of the country’s biggest pride celebrations: 

    • Provincetown, MA: May 31-June 2
    • Washington, D.C.: June 8 ( Parade ) and June 9 (Festival). The 2024 theme is "Totally Radical."
    • Los Angeles: June 9 (Parade) and June 8 (LA Pride Festival). The 2024 theme is “Power in Pride.”
    • Chicago: June 30 ( Parade ), June 22-23 ( Chicago Pride Fest )
    • San Francisco: June 29-30 (Parade). The 2024 theme is “Beacon of Love."
    • New York: June 30. The 2024 theme is “Reflect. Empower. Unite.”

    Lawmakers mark the start to Pride Month on social media

    In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, President Joe Biden writes a message to the LGBTQ+ community.

    “For generations, LGBTQI+ Americans have summoned the courage to live proudly – even when it meant putting their lives at risk,” Biden wrote in the post. “This Pride Month, we recommit to realizing the promise of America for all, to celebrating LGBTQI+ people, and to taking pride in the example they set.”

    Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) shares the progress that California has made regarding LGBTQ+ rights on X.

    “Always proud to represent San Francisco, especially during #PrideMonth as we mark our progress from Compton’s Cafeteria to City Hall, fighting HIV/AIDS to uplifting trans rights,” Pelosi wrote. “We embrace love, advance freedoms and - when we win - will enshrine LGBTQ+ Equality into law. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️”

    In a X post, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) posted a video discussing Pride Month and things that have happened in recent years.

    “While we have made incredible progress since the Stonewall riots over 50 years ago, including codifying marriage equality law. It is important to remember that that progress isn’t linear. Over the past few years we have sadly seen terrible attacks at the state and local level towards transgender Americans. We’ve seen members of the LGBTQ community ostracized and persecuted, often by craven politicians, for short term, political purposes," Warnock said. "All the while they are simply living as their most authentic selves. But that cannot weaken our resolve to keep working to build what Dr. King called the ‘beloved community’ where all of God’s children are embraced, no matter who they are, where they come from or who they love.”

    Ahjané Forbes is a reporter on the National Trending Team at USA TODAY. Ahjané covers breaking news, car recalls, crime, health, lottery and public policy stories. Email her at  [email protected] . Follow her on  Instagram ,  Threads  and  X (Twitter) .


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    4. Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Tutorial 1: An Overview of the Preliminary Pages

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      The guide supports the bi-annual Submit and Publish Your Thesis GPS Workshop offered jointly by the School of Graduate Studies and the University of Toronto Libraries. This guide is a living document. We welcome your feedback to make it more useful. Last Updated: Sep 15, 2023 3:23 PM. URL:

    6. Writing & Submitting Your Thesis

      Producing Your Thesis at UofT. Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare, format, convert to PDF, and submit an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation from the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto. Workshops on the logistical aspects of dissertation and thesis writing. Peer-to-peer writing groups.

    7. Electronic Thesis Submission

      An alternate option is available through the U of T Bookstore: contact Book Pod if you would like a print copy of your thesis. You are also free to choose another printing company. If the copy is for your unit's library, please consult them about binding choice prior to placing an order.

    8. Find Or Write a UofT Thesis

      How do I search for a paper copy of a University of Toronto thesis? • For University of Toronto masters and doctoral theses in the sciences consult the library catalogue. ... • microfiche copies of U of T masters theses in the sciences are held in the Media Commons (4th Floor), Robarts Library ... Print Page; Login to LibApps. Report a ...

    9. School of Graduate Studies

      The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) requires doctoral and masters graduands to submit a thesis written as a required element of their degree program in electronic format. To submit your thesis, follow these instructions: SGS intends to house all available digitized Doctoral and Masters theses by U of T graduate students on this site.

    10. Copy, print, scan

      Copying, printing, and scanning in Robarts Library is available from floors 1 - 5.For similar facilities in other U of T libraries, please check their individual websites.Copying and printing requires that you add funds to your TCard. More information about adding funds to cards. More information about costs for printing for different paper sizes.

    11. Theses and Dissertations by U of T Students

      U of T Master's Theses Collection (2009 - current) U of T TSpace Thesis and Dissertation Collection (pre-2009) Catalogue Access to U of T Theses and Dissertations. An Advanced Search of the Catalogue with Format set to Thesis retrieves Master's and Doctoral Theses in the U of T Library collection.

    12. Submit and Publish Your Thesis

      SGS has a number of requirements for formatting your thesis, in order for it to be accepted on the ProQuest repository. These requirements include page numbering and page order, the information on the title page and abstract, PDF creation, and saving your file according to the file naming convention. Some of the formatting requirements are ...

    13. Dissertation Binding and Printing

      Paperback binding ($10-20) Paperback binding is what is often used for real books. The pages are glued or sewn together, and your dissertation will be protected by a flexible cover. This type of binding makes your dissertation more durable and professional. In most cases, it's possible to add front and spine lettering.

    14. Submit and Publish Your Thesis

      U of T Libraries; Research guides; Submit and Publish Your Thesis; ... The best way to learn is to consult with your thesis advisor and colleagues. << Previous: Graduation; Next: Your Rights as an Author >> Last Updated: Sep 15, 2023 3:23 PM; URL:; Print Page; Login to LibApps. Report a problem. Library ...

    15. BBC Duplicentre

      YOUR TRUSTED PARTNER. BBC Duplicentre is the market leading supplier of digital printing and copying services to the University of Toronto, in addition to providing print solutions to commercial, educational and government clientele. With multiple locations and equipped with the latest digital printing technologies and knowledgeable staff, our ...

    16. Additional Publishing Options

      GradWorks Online is a service that initially started at Brigham Young University (BYU). It is now open to anyone interested in printing a copy of their thesis or dissertation. Authors can choose from full-color or black-and-white printing options, and there are limited options for customizing the front cover.

    17. U of T Bookstore Thesis Printing

      u of t Bookstore Thesis Printing - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

    18. Thesis and Dissertation Binding

      We offer archival-quality paper in 25% Cotton or 100% Cotton, as well as standard 20 lb & 60lb Bond paper. You will only pay color printing rates for your specified color pages. Lots of photos? Consider our 80lb Gloss paper. Your entire book will be printed in stunning full color at a low color printing rate.

    19. Print your thesis

      We can print your dissertation, single or double-sided as required, in colour or black and white. The binding will be hot glued inside a standard plastic cover (thermal binding). The front cover will be transparent, while the back cover and spine will be black cardboard. Hard Binding. Once your dissertation or thesis is approved, you are ...

    20. Dissertation and thesis printing

      Dissertation and thesis printing. We are here to help you get your thesis and dissertation printed, bound and ready for submission. We understand how important this is for you and can deliver quality printing and binding with quick turnaround times. In consultation with YUSU and the GSA, the University is funding free printing of dissertations ...

    21. Thesis Printing & Binding

      Hard Cover Thesis Binding*$50.00**. Traditional thesis binding with a custom made hard cover using the Buckram fabric color of your choice. The spine is foil-stamped with your name, degree, and the year. *Non-Thesis hardcover binding: $57.00. **Additional front cover printing: $9.00.

    22. Print Theses at USask

      Please be prepared to wait while the staff retrieves the thesis, or alternatively, request the thesis in advance by calling 306-966-6029 or emailing: If the thesis is available as an e-thesis you will see the phrase "Electronic Thesis" rather than a location and call number.

    23. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

      Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

    24. Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers

      Try Creative Cloud today. After your free trial, your Adobe Creative Cloud membership is only. US$19.99/mo US$59.99/mo . See terms. Buy now. Free trial. Purchase by phone: 800-585-0774. Students and teachers are eligible for over 60% discount on Adobe Creative Cloud. Get access to Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro and more.

    25. The deepfake crisis that didn't happen

      The point isn't necessarily to deceive: Modi retweeted an obviously AI-generated clip of himself dancing to a Bollywood song. It's an eye-opening lesson for the U.S. and other countries ...

    26. Honors student produces prize-winning research on loneliness

      Amber Duffy, who graduated last semester magna cum laude, didn't always plan to write an honor's thesis.. She came to the University of Colorado Boulder on a pre-med track, studying neuroscience, but an introductory psychology class knocked her off that path and inspired her to change her major.

    27. Statistically Efficient Methods for Computation-Aware Uncertainty

      The thesis covers two fundamental topics that are important across the disciplines of operations research, statistics and even more broadly, namely stochastic optimization and uncertainty quantification, with the common theme to address both statistical accuracy and computational constraints. Here, statistical accuracy encompasses the precision of estimated solutions in stochastic optimization ...

    28. Pride Month explained: What it is and how it is celebrated

      Pride Month starts June 1 and there's a lot to celebrate. We're explaining what the month means, the history, flag and upcoming parades near you.

    29. Trump v Biden: who's ahead in the latest polls?

      President. Joe Biden, at 81, will be the oldest ever major-party presidential candidate, breaking his own record set in 2020. Mr Biden won a seat in the Senate at the age of 30 and held it for ...