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How to create Indian accent text to speech

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Select the model

Choose the correct model depending on the voice you want to use.

indian english speech

Enter text and adjust

Input Hindi text. The model understands which language you are using and will generate audio accordingly.

indian english speech

Generate audio

Press generate and download the Indian accent mp3 audio file.

indian english speech

Authentic Indian accent nuances

Our Indian accent voice generator leverages AI to produce speech that’s both clear and culturally resonant. It captures the unique aspects of the Hindi language, including its regional dialects. Contextual Awareness Our Indian accent AI model understands the context of the text, ensuring that the generated audio is always relevant and appropriate. Natural Pauses Full stops, commas, and other punctuation are automatically detected and translated into natural pauses.

indian english speech

Extensive Voice options

Our Indian accent TTS offers a wide range of voices, ensuring you find the perfect match for your specific needs. Our library is diverse, catering to various styles and applications Customizable Accents Tailor the accent to match your specific needs, from subtle to strong inflections. Tone and Emotional Control Adjust the tone and emotions to match the mood of your content, ensuring a natural and engaging delivery.

Indian accent AI Voice applications

Generate high quality Indian accent speech for a variety of use cases

indian english speech

Storytelling and Audiobooks

Bring stories to life. Perfect for narratives set with a Hindi background.

indian english speech

Marketing and Branding

Create marketing content that resonates with a Hindi audience, strengthening brand identity and trust.

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Educational content

Use our Hindi TTS for educational materials that require a human touch, like language learning and audiobooks.

indian english speech

Voice Assistants and IVR

Provide a friendly and familiar voice for voice assistants and interactive voice response systems, enhancing user experience.

Indian accent AI Voice Generator

indian english speech

Engaging and relatable

Create content that speaks directly to a Hindi audience, making it more engaging and relatable.

Versatile applications

Ideal for a range of uses, from entertainment to education, marketing, and more.

High quality audio

Enjoy clear, high-quality audio that accurately captures the accent.

Easy to use

Simple and intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to create professional-sounding Hindi voiceovers.

Cost effective

Save on voiceover costs while still achieving high-quality, authentic audio.


Ensure uniform voice quality and tone across all content, strengthening brand identity and trust.

AI Voice Generator in 29 languages

Our AI voice generator supports 29 languages, just select the language accent and enter text in your language of choice.

Frequently asked questions

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Indian English, AKA IndE

Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

Indian English is  speech or writing in English that shows the influence of the languages and culture of India. Also called English in India . Indian English (IndE) is one of the oldest regional varieties of the English language .

English is one of the 22 official languages recognized by the Constitution of India. "Soon," according to Michael J. Toolan, "there may be more native speakers of English in India than in the UK, a cohort speaking a new New English second in size only to the old New English spoken in America" ( Language Teaching: Integrational Linguistic Approaches , 2009).

Examples and Observations

  • "In India, English has been in use for more than four centuries, first as the language of the early merchants, missionaries and settlers, later as the language of the British colonial power, and finally--after India's independence in 1947--as the so-called associate official language. . . . "The conceptualization of IndE as a linguistic entity has posed challenges, and its existence as a variety in its own right has repeatedly been questioned. Although linguists nowadays agree widely that IndE has established itself as an 'independent language tradition' (Gramley/Pätzold 1992:441) not to be mistaken for an impoverished version of the 'Queen's English,' the question of just how unique or different IndE is as compared to other varieties of English is open. Should IndE be treated as an autonomous language system (Verma 1978, 1982)? Should it be treated as 'normal English' with more or less learner-specific deviations' (Schmied 1994:217)? Or should it be treated as a 'modular' (Krishnaswamy/Burde 1998), 'national' (Carls 1994) or 'international' (Trugdill/Hannah 2002) variety? It is surprising to see that in spite of the plethora of publications from theoretical, historical and sociolinguistic perspectives (cf. Carls 1979; Leitner 1985; Ramaiah 1988), comparatively little empirical linguistic research has been conducted on the structure and use of IndE that would help us put the available hypotheses to test." (Andreas Sedlatschek, Contemporary Indian English: Variation and Change . John Benjamins, 2009)
  • English in India "[I]n India, those who consider their English to be good are outraged at being told that their English is Indian. Indians want to speak and use English like the British, or, more lately, like the Americans. This desire probably also springs from the fact that it is a second language for most Indians and to be able to speak a non-native language like native speakers is a matter of pride--more so in the case of English, given its higher status and the several material advantages it carries. "In academia, as a result of this anathema towards ' Indian English ,' the preferred term has been 'English in India.' Another reason for this preference is also that 'Indian English' denotes linguistic features, whereas academics have been more interested in the historical, literary, and cultural aspects of English in India." (Pingali Sailaja, Indian English . Edinburgh University Press, 2009)
  • Studies of Indian English "Even though a wide range of studies on individual aspects of Indian English phonology , lexicon and syntax are available by now, this work has so far not culminated in a comprehensive grammar of Indian English. Moreover, the mismatch between the actual size of the Indian English speech community and the scholarly activity directed at the study of IndE is striking . . .. "Indian English remains quite literally conspicuous by its absence: the most accomplished achievement in the field to date, the massive Handbook of Varieties of English (Kortmann et al. 2004), contain a mere sketch of some IndE syntactic features that does not even follow the general format for the syntactic descriptions of varieties which otherwise appear in the Handbook . What is worse, IndE and IndE features are not included in the Handbook's 'Global Synopsis: morphological and syntactic variation in English' (Kortmann & Szmrecsanyi 2004)." (Claudia Lange, The Syntax of Spoken Indian English . John Benjamins, 2012)
  • Transitive Verbs Used Intransitively "All the studies reviewed on Indian English mentioned transitive verbs used intransitively as a characteristic feature. Jacob (1998) explains that in Indian English, 'inaccuracies relating to verb phrases are very common' (p. 19). To support this claim, he gives the example of transitive verbs being used intransitively. As an example, he gives us the following sentence: -- We would appreciate if you could send us the details soon. Sridhar (1992) states that since 'the discourse norm in Indian languages is to omit object noun phrases . . . when they are recoverable from context,' (p. 144), the omission of a direct object with some transitive verbs is common in Indian English. Hosali (1991) explains that strongly transitive verbs used intransitively is a feature which is used 'in a distinctive manner by large numbers of educated Indian speakers of English' (p. 65). To support this claim, however, she only provides one example: -- I would appreciate if you would reply quickly." (Chandrika Balasubramanian, Register Variation in Indian English . John Benjamins, 2009)
  • Babu English
  • Global English
  • Hobson-Jobsonism
  • Kinship Terms
  • New Englishes
  • Notes on English as a Global Language
  • Pakistani English
  • Stative Verbs
  • Subject-Auxiliary Inversion (SAI)
  • New Englishes: Adapting the Language to Meet New Needs
  • Definition and Examples of Syntax
  • Nigerian English
  • Native Speaker - Definition and Examples in English
  • English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
  • Definition and Examples of Native Languages
  • What is Outer Circle English?
  • The "Inner Circle" of the English Language
  • Definition and Examples of Linguistic Americanization
  • The Rules of English
  • Definition and Examples of SVO (Subject-Verb-Object)
  • What Is World English?
  • English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
  • Broken English: Definition and Examples
  • What Is Lexical Diffusion?


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14 Inspiring Speeches By Indians You Can’t Afford To Miss

We meet, watch and hear many leaders every day. Some we agree with and some we don't. But, there are those who leave a great impact on the lives of millions of people, they change the fate of the country and bring a change which once looked like a dream. Here is a list of 14 great speeches by Indians that brought the nation together.

14 Inspiring Speeches By Indians You Can’t Afford To Miss

N othing is more powerful than the power of words. Especially if the words come from someone we admire and look up to. We meet, watch, hear many leaders every day. Some we agree with and some we don’t. But, there are those who leave a great impact on the lives of millions of people around them, they change the fate of the country and they bring a change which once looked like a dream.

Yes, this is the power of words – when spoken, everyone listens.  Here is a list of 14 great speeches by Indians that brought the nation together-

1. Crisis of civilization – Rabindranath Tagore

This speech by Tagore at Santiniketan in April 1941 was his last speech. Tagore had been unwell for some time, yet his words were very moving. Read full speech here .

Rabindranath Tagore

As I look around I see the crumbling ruins of a proud civilization strewn like a vast heap of futility. And yet I shall not commit the grievous sin of losing faith in Man. I would rather look forward to the opening of a new chapter in his history after the cataclysm is over and the atmosphere rendered clean with the spirit of service and sacrifice. Perhaps that dawn will come from this horizon, from the East where the sun rises. A day will come when unvanquished Man will retrace his path of conquest, despite all barriers, to win back his lost human heritage.

2. Address at the World Parliament of Religions – Swami Vivekananda

Vivekananda’s speech at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, in which he introduced Hinduism to North America, became historical.

Do I wish that the Christian would become Hindu? God forbid. Do I wish that the Hindu or Buddhist would become Christian? God forbid. The seed is put in the ground, and earth and air and water are placed around it. Does the seed become the earth, or the air, or the water? No. It becomes a plant, it develops after the law of its own growth, assimilates the air, the earth, and the water, converts them into plant substance, and grows into a plant. Similar is the case with religion. The Christian is not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist, nor a Hindu or a Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the spirit of the others and yet preserve his individuality and grow according to his own law of growth.

You can hear the entire speech in two parts below:

3. Tryst with Destiny – Jawaharlal Nehru

Nehru had always been one of those leaders who influenced masses with his speeches. The ‘Tryst with Destiny’ speech was delivered by Nehru on the eve of India’s Independence, towards midnight on 14 August 1947 , and it spoke about the hundred-year struggle against the British Empire in India. Read the full speech here .

jawaharlal nehru

Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.

4. Feeedom is my birthright – Bal Gangadhar Tilak

When Tilak came out of prison after serving a sentence of six years, he gave a speech to revive the spirit of nationalism and his powerful words became very important in the national movement. Full speech   here .

Bal Gangadhar tilak

Freedom is my birthright. So long as it is awake within me, i am not old. No weapon can cut this spirit, no fire can burn it, no water can wet it, no wind can dry it.

5. Quit India speech – Mahatma Gandhi

The speech delivered by Gandhi on August 8, 1942, addressed the A.I.C.C. at Mumbai (then Bombay) on the eve of quit India movement is considered one of his best speeches. Read full speech here .

Excerpt from the speech-

Here is a mantra, a short one, that I give you. You may imprint it on your hearts and let every breath of yours give expression to it. The mantra is : ‘Do or Die’. We shall either free India or die in the attempt; we shall not live to see the perpetuation of our slavery. Every true Congressman or woman will join the struggle with an inflexible determination not to remain alive to see the country in bondage and slavery. Let that be your pledge.

Here’s rare footage from the Quit India Movement in Bombay, courtesy of Fox Movietone News,taken 5 days before Gandhi gave this speech:

6. “Give me blood and I will give you freedom” speech – Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose


Excerpt from his speech:

We should have but one desire today- the desire to die so that India may live- the desire to face a martyr’s death, so that the path to freedom may be paved with the martyr’s blood. Friends! my comrades in the War of Liberation! Today I demand of you one thing, above all. I demand of you blood. It is blood alone that can avenge the blood that the enemy has spilt. It is blood alone that can pay the price of freedom. Give me blood and I promise you freedom.

7. Longest Speech in the United Nations by Indian delegate V.K. Krishna Menon.

Menon, an Indian nationalist, diplomat and statesman delivered an unprecedented eight-hour speech defending India’s stand on Kashmir. To date, the speech delivered on 23 January 1957 is the longest ever delivered in the United Nations Security Council.

krishna menon

Why is that we have never heard voices in connection with the freedom of people under the suppression and tyranny of Pakistani authorities on the other side of the cease-fire line? Why is it that we have not heard here that in ten years these people have not seen a ballot paper? With what voice can either the Security Council or anyone coming before it demand a plebiscite for a people on our side who exercise franchise, who have freedom of speech, who function under a hundred local bodies?

8. Narayana Murthy’s Speech

The speech by Narayana Murthy at Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management on the role of Western values in contemporary Indian society is one of his most powerful speeches of all time. Read the full speech here .

Narayana Murthy

Picture Source

Most of our behaviour comes from greed, lack of self-confidence, lack of confidence in the nation, and lack of respect for the society. To borrow Gandhi’s words: There is enough in this world for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed. Let us work towards a society where we would do unto others what we would have others do unto us. Let us all be responsible citizens who make our country a great place to live.

9. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Speech

Vajpayee is one of the India’s most loved politicians. His simplicity inspired everyone. A leader and a poet, Vajpayee always mesmerized people whenever he spoke. His speech about Indo-US relationship at the Joint Meeting of Congress, US House of Chamber was one such instance where he captured everyone’s heart. Here is an excerpt-

American people have shown that democracy and individual liberty provide the conditions in which knowledge progresses, science discovers, innovation occurs, enterprise thrives and ultimately people advance. More than a million and half from my country, America is now home. In turn their industry, enterprise and skills are contributive to the advancement of the American society. I see the outstanding success of Indian community in America and potential in Indo-US relations of what we can achieve together.

Watch the full speech here-

10. Go Kiss The World – Subroto Bagchi

The co-founder of Mind Tree, Bagchi addressed the Class of 2006 at IIM, Bangalore on defining success. Read the full speech here .

Subroto Bagchi

Two years back, at the age of eighty-two, Mother had a paralytic stroke and was lying in a government hospital in Bhubaneswar. I flew down from the US where I was serving my second stint, to see her. I spent two weeks with her in the hospital as she remained in a paralytic state. She was neither getting better nor moving on. Eventually I had to return to work. While leaving her behind, I kissed her face. In that paralytic state and a garbled voice, she said, “ Why are you kissing me, go kiss the world. ” Success to me is about Vision. It is the ability to rise above the immediacy of pain. It is about imagination. It is about sensitivity to small people. It is about building inclusion. It is about connectedness to a larger world existence. It is about personal tenacity. It is about giving back more to life than you take out of it. It is about creating extra-ordinary success with ordinary lives.

11. Kiran Bedi’s speech on visionary leadership

The speech by Kiran Bedi, India’s first woman IPS officer, on visionary leadership at TEDWomen was indeed inspiring and worth listening to more than once.  Watch the speech here-

When I was born 50s and 60s didn’t belong to girls in India, they belonged to boys who would join business and inherit business from parents and girls would be dolled up to get married. My family was unique, we were four of us, all girls and fortunately no boys. My father defied his own grandfather almost to the point of inheritance because he decided to educate all four of us. He sent us to one of the best schools in the city and gave us the best education.

12. Sachin Tendulkar’s Farewell speech

When the “God” of cricket bid farewell to the game, lakhs of people gathered to witness the moment. The speech left everyone emotional and gave a glimpse of his very successful career as one of the greatest batsmen of all times.

I know I have met so many guys who have fasted for me, prayed for me, done so much for me. Without that life wouldn’t have been like this for me. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, and also say that time has flown by rather quickly, but the memories you have left with me will always be with me forever and ever.

13. I have a dream – Rahul Bose

Rahul Bose  is known for his unconventional approach to things, be it his movies or the various causes he associates himself with. His speech as a key-note speaker at the annual event at BITS Pilani inspired each one of those present there. Here is the excerpt-

 I have a dream that our new generation of political leaders would look beyond their party lines and do what very few leaders in India have done- their duty.  I have a dream that one day the next time when women are thrashed anywhere in a pub India, the entire country’s women will march. Half to Mangalore, stopping the entire city for months and the other half to  the prime minister’s house, stopping the government for months.

14. My Vision For India – Abdul Kalam

Dr. Kalam delivered one of his best speeches at Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, where he outlined his visions for India. Read the full speech here .

abdul kalam

Why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why? We are the first in milk production.We are number one in Remote sensing satellites. We are the second largest producer of wheat. We are the second largest producer of rice. Look at Dr. Sudarshan; he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters. YOU say that our government is inefficient. YOU say that our laws are too old. YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it? “ASK WHAT WE CAN DO FOR INDIA AND DO WHAT HAS TO BE DONE TO MAKE INDIA WHAT AMERICA AND OTHER WESTERN COUNTRIES ARE TODAY.”

Wow! We sure are inspired. We hope these leaders and changemakers have given you a huge dose of motivation to go andmake the difference you want to see in this nation!

Like this story? Or have something to share? Write to us: [email protected], or connect with us on Facebook and Twitter (@thebetterindia) .

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Text to Speech in Indian English

Make any Indian English text-to-speech conversion. AI-powered Indian English voices sound so natural, they’ll impress both native speakers and anyone else who listens.

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What you can do with Indian English AI Voices

With our Indian English AI voice generator, you can create any type of audio content. The only limit is imagination!

Realistic photo of an airport with large windows and people walking around, airplane in the background, sunset light.

Benefits of Text to Speech Indian English

Using Indian English text-to-speech technology presents a multitude of advantages, encompassing accessibility enhancements, facilitation of language acquisition, support for multiple languages, and enhancements in time management and efficiency.

  • Accessibility

People with vision problems or who struggle to read can listen to text instead.

More engaging

Having both text and spoken versions lets people choose how they learn and keeps them interested.

Saves time and money

TTS automates the conversion process, saving time and resources by eliminating the need for manual voice recordings or hiring voice actors.

Always on brand

Same voice, same message everywhere, which builds trust and makes managing lots of content as your business grows a breeze.

Our Indian English voices

Bring any speech-enabled application to life with expressive, humanlike Indian English voices to engage global audiences.

Hello, my name is Priya, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

1.456 billion

English speakers over the world *

Imagine reaching 1.456 billion potential customers! Text-to-Speech lets you speak their language and boost engagement with captivating audio. Go global. Effortlessly.

Native Indian English text to speech voices

Hear Indian English come alive. Our text-to-speech technology captures the distinctive flow and pronunciation, creating clear and culturally appropriate speech for all your content needs.

indian english speech

Dynamic Tone Text-to-Speech

Transform the way you listen with our text-to-speech technology, flawlessly interpreting subtle text variations and dynamically modifying tone to deliver unmatched clarity and expressiveness.

indian english speech

Personalized speech

Does your industry jargon interfere with your text-to-speech? We can build custom dictionaries to handle complex acronyms and abbreviations, ensuring your speech sounds smooth and natural.

indian english speech

Change Pitch and Speed

Manipulate vocal recordings through pitch and playback speed settings to achieve desired sonic effects.

indian english speech

Focus on Pacing

SSML empowers you to create more natural-sounding TTS experiences. Activate SSML to add realistic pauses, ensure correct pronunciations, and seamlessly switch between voices and languages for a more engaging listening experience.

Choose from 50 languages

ReadSpeaker offers our customers in excess of 200 voices in over 50 languages, including English. Reach a greater audience wherever your project and its location.

Indian English Text-to-Speech Use Cases

ReadSpeaker’s Indian English AI Voice Generator lets you transform text into high-quality speech for a variety of applications, both online and offline.

How to get a Indian English AI voice for your project?

Breathe life into your projects with Indian English text-to-speech. Powered by AI, our voices sound like native English speakers, making your content instantly relatable and engaging.

1 - Choose a voice

Whether you need an instant voice or a Indian English AI voice as unique as your project, we’ve got it covered. Select a pre-made Indian English voice, browse the extensive library, or even create your own.

2 - Add your text

Get your Indian English text-to-speech ready. ReadSpeaker makes it easy: paste your text or type it straight in. For advanced demo, please contact our team.

3 - Generate and Listen

Hear your Indian English masterpiece come to life! Hit play, and voilà – your Indian narration is ready. Also you can download it as an MP3 for easy access.

4 - Customize and adjust settings

Fine-tune your Indian English voiceover! Play with the speech rate and pitch to find the perfect rhythm. Add pauses and emphasis where required to make your Indian message unique.

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English with Indian Accent generator

indian english speech

Language code: en-IN

Generate English speech from text with a Indian Accent.

Indian English is a variety of English that is influenced by British, as well as by the many languages and cultures of India.

Here's a breakdown of some pronunciation features commonly associated with the Indian English accent:

One characteristic is the use of Indian idioms and expressions in sentences.

Influence of Local Languages. Given the vast linguistic diversity in India, the English accent can vary widely depending on the speaker's native language, whether it's Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, or any of the other regional languages.

Absence of Aspiration Distinction. In Indian English, there might be less of a distinction between aspirated and non-aspirated sounds. For example, "pin" and "bin" might sound quite similar.

Syllable-timed Rhythm. While many English accents are stress-timed (where the rhythm is based on stressed syllables), Indian English often exhibits a syllable-timed rhythm. This means each syllable tends to get equal time, leading to a unique cadence.

The "th" sounds (/θ/ and /ð/), as in "think" and "that", might be pronounced as "t" or "d" respectively. For instance, "thing" might sound more like "ting."

There are approximately 125 million English speakers in India, which represents about 10% of the population. English is used primarily as a second language, with many Indians learning it in school or as part of their higher education.

Other Accents

  • South African

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  • Speech on India for Students and Children

Speech on India

A warm welcome to you all. I am here to deliver a speech on India. India is one of the ancient civilizations in the world and is also the 7 th largest country in the world. India is one of the best countries in the world for many reasons, acceptance of people of other religions, the closely bonded family culture, the biggest democratic nation, and the fastest-growing economy. With 1.3 billion of population India is the second-largest country in the world. India is God’s favorite country to be blessed with all seasons – spring, summer, monsoon, autumn, pre-winter, and winter. People around the world also recognize India for its Bollywood stardom and Beauty pageants.

speech on india


History of India

The number system and the number zero are the gifts by Aryabhatta from India to the world. One of the finest and First University of the world Takshshila belongs to India from 700 BC. Sanskrit, Ayurveda, Art of Navigation, Astronomy, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Decimal system, Chess and many more are the achievement of Indian History.

Get the Huge list of 100+ Speech Topics here

Present of India

At present India is one of the best countries to live in. India is one of the best tourist attractions in the world. It has 29 states and every state has its varied culture. Hence, India has the richest varieties of cuisines in the world derived from all states. India is rich in climatic and topographic conditions.

The range is huge from hot and cold deserts to Snow- Capped Mountains, from beaches with floras and faunas to natural rivers supporting agriculture in many states. India being a developing economy has cheap labor and agriculture-based economy gives a low cost of food hence making the cost of living in India very low.

India is a hub for education and healthcare facilities. People around the world prefer the low cost and good quality higher education and medical health care in India in comparison to developed nations. India has a high growth rate and a very large market thus it attracts many foreign investors. There are more than 19000 languages and dialects spoken in the country, therefore, attracting many faculties of literature from around the world.

ISRO launched its 100 th satellite. Electricity is now in every house in the country. India has the tallest statue in the world. Indian sportspersons are achieving greater heights. Asia’s longest tunnel and Asia’s longest rail bridge are India’s pride. Women empowerment and supporting girl education are some of the major projects of our government.

Future of India

In 2022 India will be launching its first manned space mission. India may be ruling with the world’s largest working population. Further, I would like to add that in times to come India would be heading more startups which may include agriculture, education, technology, financial and social- impact projects.

After the abolition of Article 35A and Article 370 Kashmiri Pandits and other Indian Citizens may get settled in Jammu and Kashmir. This would, therefore, attract more tourists from around the world. Politics may attract more educated classes in the future. More power to the Indian Army would be given and hence the Army would neutralize the terrorism.

I would like to conclude by saying that no matter how much I praise my country’s achievement, it would always be less. Our country is our motherland and we should always be grateful for whatever we have got from our country. We should participate and put positive efforts in the growth and development of our nation.

I would like to request you to make our nation proud, may it be by keeping our vicinity clean, educating and empowering the weaker section of the society, paying our taxes or conserving our natural resources by recycling and reusing. I would like to thank God for giving me this great nation India as my motherland.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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Indian Accent Text to Speech

Explore Indian Accent text to speech voices to make realistic voiceovers for your e-learning videos, product demos & presentations.


Start Creating Voice Overs

Start creating voice overs in indian english.

Have a script? That’s all you need to add a voice over to your video content. No recording necessary, no background noise. Choose from 120+ curated natural sounding text to speech voices. Our voices support customization options like pitch, speed variation, and emphasis addition.

Have a script? That’s all you need to add a Indian English voice over to your video content. No recording necessary, no background noise. Choose from 120+ curated natural sounding text to speech voices. Our voices support customization options like pitch, speed variation, and emphasis addition.

Key Features of Murf Text to Speech

Key features of murf indian english text to speech.


Emphasize with Ease

Add emphasis to specific words and phrases, ensuring your Indian English voiceovers are clear, expressive, and impactful.

Pitch edit

Pitch-Perfect Narration

Seamlessly adjust the pitch of your voiceovers, adding depth and emotion to your storytelling.

Elevate your tory with pauses

Place Strategic Pauses Where Needed

Easily incorporate varying lengths of pauses to add emphasis, clarity, and a natural cadence to your voiceovers in Indian English.

Perfect word pronunciation

Achieve Accurate Pronuncition

Convey the intended meaning accurately by adapting the pronunciation of words in Indian English.

Fine tune narration speed

Tailor the Speed of Your Narration

Increase or decrease the speed of your voiceover to match the natural cadence of Indian English language, resulting in a more authentic and engaging delivery.

Expressive voice style palette

Voice Diversity at Your Fingertips

Convey a range of emotions, adding nuance and expressiveness to your spoken content in Indian English. Choose from formal, newcast, conversational, friendly tones and more.

Explore Voices in Other Languages

Have a script? That’s all you need to add a voice over to your video content. No recording necessary, no background noise.

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Experience Authenticity with Murf’s Indian Accent Generator

Think about this: every time you ask Alexa for the weather forecast or Siri for restaurant recommendations, you’re interacting with AI voices. These sophisticated models, trained on human speech, can communicate almost anything.

Today, AI systems excel at converting text into convincing speech in any language and voice including the diverse and vibrant Indian accents. With 22 official languages and over 19,500 dialects, the Indian accent isn’t just a voice pattern, it’s a deep reflection of a vast culture.

In a nation where approximately 14% of the population amounting to 194 million people speaks English, the demand for Indian accent generators and Indian accent text to speech is more than a convenience it’s a necessity.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the nuances of Indian accent generators and how tools like Murf AI are nailing the accent game.

The Rising Demand for Indian Accents in the Digital World

India has witnessed a rapid increase in language-first users on social media. This evolving digital landscape, where users prefer content in their local languages, highlights the significance of tools like the Indian accent generator.

These accent generators cater to a world where Indian English, with its unique cadence and intonation, demands recognition. Take, for instance, the Indian male voice generator, which can convert text to speech in a male voice while also lending authenticity to the content.

Practical needs also fuel the rise in demand for these tools. From creating online lectures that speak directly to Indian students to generating YouTube videos with Indian English AI voices, these tools are reshaping how content is created and consumed.

Moreover, even companies are leveraging Indian accent generators to offer customer support and services that resonate more closely with the linguistic and cultural nuances of Indian users. 

This trend of embracing Indian accents in digital communication reflects a broader movement towards inclusivity and cultural authenticity in the global digital landscape.

Benefits of Accent Generators for Indian English

An Indian accent generator is a powerful tool for anyone targeting Indian audiences, enhancing communication and connection with this diverse population. Let’s look at the top benefits of the same:

  • Improved Comprehension:  Utilizing Indian English text-to-speech voices ensures that messages are delivered in a familiar accent, significantly improving comprehension among local audiences. ‍
  • Increased Engagement:  When content resonates in a native tone, like using an Indian female voice generator , it naturally boosts audience engagement.  For example, imagine you’re creating an educational app that offers interactive English language lessons specifically tailored for users in India. By employing an Indian voice generator for the audio content of these lessons, your content can resonate more with the local audience.  The familiar accent and tone help create a sense of relatability and comfort, making the learning experience more engaging and approachable. As a result, users are more likely to stay engaged with the app, complete lessons, and recommend it to others.
  • Inclusivity:  Incorporating diverse Indian accents, including both male and female voices, promotes inclusivity, representing the varied linguistic landscape of India. ‍
  • Enhanced User Experience:  Natural-sounding voices in Indian English elevate the user experience, making digital interactions more personable and relatable. ‍
  • Regional Relevance : By using Indian accent text-to-speech, content becomes more regionally relevant, appealing directly to the audience’s cultural nuances. For instance, an online retail advertisement with local dialects and idioms makes promotions more appealing and relatable to the Indian market. ‍
  • Market Expansion:  An Indian accent voice generator opens new avenues for market expansion, allowing businesses to reach a broader Indian audience with tailored communication strategies effectively.

Use Cases of an Indian Accent Generator

The   Indian accent generator has diverse applications, enhancing various forms of digital content. 

In the following use cases, using male and female voices in Indian English enhances user experience. This makes digital content more accessible and enjoyable for many Indian audiences.

eLearning and Explainer Videos

Indian accent generators enable the customization of  e-learning materials  to suit the linguistic preferences of Indian audiences. This enhances comprehension and engagement, especially in a country with diverse linguistic backgrounds. 

Using localized accents in educational content can significantly improve the learning experience by making it more relatable and less alienating for students comfortable with Indian English.

For  podcast  creators, Indian accent text to speech technology provides an authentic touch to content, especially when dealing with culturally specific topics. It allows for a deeper connection with the audience by reflecting the nuances of Indian English, thereby fostering a sense of familiarity and trust.

YouTube Videos

Content creators targeting the Indian market can use these tools to adapt their content to resonate more deeply with Indian viewers. 

An Indian accent can make content more approachable and appealing to Indian audiences. This can potentially increase viewer engagement and broaden the creator’s reach.

The narration of stories in an Indian accent can bring a unique cultural richness to audiobooks, particularly for narratives set in Indian contexts. 

This enhances the listener’s experience by  making stories more immersive  and relatable. It also allows authors and publishers to present their work in a way that truly captures the essence of Indian storytelling traditions.

Choose Murf for Authentic Indian Accent Text to Speech

Murf’s Indian accent generator currently specializes only in Indian English AI voices. The platform offers a diverse range of 10 male and female AI voices tailored for various applications, from corporate presentations to creative storytelling. This collection allows users to choose the most suitable voice for their needs, ensuring authenticity and engagement in their audio projects.

Whether you need a soothing Indian female voice to create online lectures or a robust male voice for podcasts, Murf has got you covered.

Customize these voices to fit your content’s tone and style. Adjust pitch, pace, and emphasis in just a few clicks to create a natural and engaging listening experience. 

Murf’s AI platform makes it easy to generate speech that captures the nuances of the Indian English language, making your content more relatable and effective for Indian audiences.

The Indian accent generator by Murf is a revolutionary tool for anyone looking to create authentic, culturally resonant content for Indian audiences. With its range of realistic Indian English voices and customization options, Murf provides an unparalleled solution for enhancing digital communication.

Whether for elearning, podcasts, or YouTube videos , Murf’s Indian accent AI voices bring your content to life. Experience the difference yourself, try Murf for free today and discover how it can transform your communication strategy.  

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The Phonology of Indian English I: Overview

Profile image of Robert Fuchs

Related Papers

indian english speech

Pramod Pandey

The paper presents a sketch of the segmental phonology based on evidence from the phenomenon of stress. In particular, the paper shows how the stress pattern in Indian English reveals the structure of a majority of the surface diphthongs as vowel sequences.

This module takes a close look at some of the main phonological features of linguistic groups among Indic languages. The focus here is on the different aspects of word phonology from a typological point of view. Section 2 begins with giving details about the language groups. Section 3 presents the main aspects of the description of word phonology. Sections 4, 5 and 6 present the main features of the patterns of consonants, vowels, and prosodic phenomena, respectively.

The proposed book presents phonological sketches of 148 Indic languages with generalizations about the phonological units in the sketches as well as an exhaustive bibliography. Phonological units are of interest in a number of diverse fields such as phonetics, phonology, linguistic evolution (especially the current field of self-organization), comparative philology, linguistic typology, cognitive science, and computational linguistics (especially speech synthesis, phonetic lexicons, phonology-orthography conversion, etc.). The book aim is to present the regularities of phonological units based on the existing work on the languages of India using the International Phonetic Alphabet. The phonological units are limited to the word-level. The book is organized into three main parts. Part I contains introductory material on the languages and the generalizations on their word-phonological properties. Part II contains phonological sketches of Indic languages. And Part III contains an exhaustive bibliography on the phonetics and phonology of Indic languages. Part I contains five chapters. Together these present an overall picture of the phonological properties of the languages in terms of their typology and frequency of occurrence. Chapter 1 addresses the descriptive and analytical aspects of the study presented in the phonological sketches. Chapter 2 presents a discussion of the complex linguistic situation in India and lists the languages according to their classification based on internal relation. Chapter 3 presents facts and generalizations relating to consonantal segments and their patterns around three sub-topics- consonant phonemes, distributional constraints on consonant phonemes, and consonant allophones. Chapter 4 is organized around three sub-topics, namely, vowel phoneme patterns, constraints on the occurrence of vowels, and the allophonic modifications in the vowel phonemes. Chapter 5 addresses four main aspects of the word phonology of the Indic languages above the segment. These are syllable structure, permissible segment sequences, suprasegementals, and phonological cues for grammatical structure. Part II is the heart of the book, containing word phonological sketches of 148 Indic languages classified into seven main groups, namely, Austro-Asiatic, Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Tibeto-Burman, Tai-Kadai, Andamanese, and Contact Varieties, and an additional eighth group, Historical Varieties. Part III contains an exhaustive bibliography.

Indian English Pronunciation Indian English is a major dialect of English today with a range of variation across region and educational level. The present chapter focuses on the pronunciation features of the most commonly used variety of Indian English, known as General Indian English (GIE). The chapter begins with looking at the nature of the forces that have led to the emergence of GIE. The main features of the segmental and prosodic phonology of Indian English are presented next. This is the core section of the chapter, dealing with a synthesis of research on the pronunciation features of Indian English. The chapter then takes up issues relating to the acquisition, education, technology and use of Indian English for critical discussion. The chapter ends with an inquiry into some of the unique features of Indian English pronunciation that lend it stability and character and a discussion of their relation to universal markedness features. Key words: General Indian English, multilingual setting of IE, segmental and prosodic phonology of IE, Focus in IE, dialectal variation in IE, Anglo-Indian English, markedness universals in IE.


The aims of this research are to find out the language sounds produced by India speakers, to enrich the scientific realm of language sounds and to stimulate the students to deeply examine other foreign language sounds. For the purpose of the study, the researcher collected data from several sources. The data which were in the form of theoretical research literature were obtained from books in general linguistics, especially on Phonology, both English and Indonesian. For data or material which were in the form of research material to be studied, the researcher presented a native speaker of Indian language named Kour Herbinder. This research is a qualitative research with recording and note technique. To analyze the data, the researcher used phonetics chart, both for cconsonants and vowels. From the analysis result, the researcher found that the sounds in India language are dominated by alveolar sounds like usually pronounced by speakers of Indonesian Balinese dialect. The researcher also found that there are many variations of Indian language sound as allophones, such as sound [k '] is an allophone of [k], and sound [d h ] is an allophone of [d]. The pronunciation of sound [t], [d] and [k] dominantly resembles with [t], [d] and [k] on Indonesian Balinese. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bunyi bahasa yang dihasilkan oleh penutur bahasa India, memperkaya dunia ilmiah bunyi 2 bahasa dan untuk merangsang siswa untuk mempelajari bunyi dalam bahasa asing lainnya. Untuk tujuan penelitian, peneliti mengumpulkan data dari beberapa sumber. Data yang berupa literatur teoritis penelitian diperoleh dari buku-buku dalam linguistik umum, terutama pada Fonologi, bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Untuk data atau materi yang berupa bahan penelitian kemudian dipelajari, peneliti menyajikan penutur asli bahasa India bernama Kour Herbinder. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan rekaman dan teknik catatan. Untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan grafik fonetik, baik untuk konsonan dan vokal. Dari hasil analisis, peneliti menemukan bahwa suara dalam bahasa India didominasi oleh suara alveolar seperti biasanya diucapkan oleh penutur dialek Bali Indonesia. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa ada banyak variasi suara bahasa India sebagai alofon, seperti suara [k] merupakan alofon dari [k] , dan suara [dh] merupakan alofon dari [d]. Pengucapan suara [t] , [d] dan [k] dominan mirip dengan [t] , [d] dan [k] di Bali Indonesia.

The present paper reviews studies on Indian English prosody, in the main, syllable structure, word-stress, speech rhythm, intonation and information structure. The review is supplemented with a critical discussion of the investigations of the prosodic features, especially those that have a bearing on related issues, such as word stress, and that are a major factor in the difference between native varieties of English (NE, for short) and Indian varieties of English (IndE, for short). The topics are presented with a view to approaching the problem of difficulties in the communicative import of IndE speech.

Janet Fletcher

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  • Speech on the Education System in India


Introduction to Speech on the Education System in India

Education is a process of learning or teaching new skills or knowledge. Education is mostly provided in schools and universities. Education is very important for the development of the country. It helps in the economic development of the country. Education can change the life of a person. Former president of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is the best example of how education can change the life of a  person. Education if provided properly can change the perspective of people.

Here we have provided a long and short speech on the education system in India and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the speech on the education system.

Long Speech on Education System

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am going to give a small speech on the education system in India. I hope you all learn new things from this speech.

Education is defined as the process of receiving or giving primary knowledge, especially at the school or university level. Education is a significant factor that helps in improving the literacy rate of the country. After Independence, the Indian government has mainly focused on providing education to everyone and for years the government has introduced new plans to improve Indian education.

The Indian education system is mainly divided into four stages namely lower primary for the children between the age of six to ten years, upper primary with children from the age of eleven years to twelve years. High school, in which the children start their school at the age of 13 and end it at 16 and at the age of 17 to 18 they finish their higher secondary school.

The Indian education system is considered to be the oldest among the education systems around the world. In spite of being the oldest, it is not the best. Lack of reforms and improvements makes the Indian education system ineffective and annoying.

From the beginning, the Indian education system is designed for a child to learn from the book and write exams just to get good grades. While it helps in improving the children's reading and writing ability, it does not help in learning the skills required to survive in the world.

We often hear on the news that unemployment in India is increasing day by day and in spite of many graduates having fancy degrees, many of them fail to land a job. So what is the reason for that? The answer is our Education system. The Indian education system is designed for students to score marks and get good grades and repeat the process but it was never designed to teach the students the skills required to survive in this world.

The education and the knowledge we receive from reading various books is unmatchable and I totally agree with that. But while the Indian education system provides theoretical knowledge for the students it is very important to also teach the students how to apply that knowledge practically which many students fail and that is the reason why there is an exponential increase in the unemployment rate in India.

It is the responsibility of the teachers to allow the students to think differently. The teachers should also make the student understand that classroom learning is important and should teach them how to practically apply it. In addition to this the teachers should be open to the idea of learning new things from the students.

Our education system could be improved if important steps are taken. Instead of encouraging students to study for the exam, where they only muggup the textbooks just for the sake of scoring well, more practical knowledge should be given to the students. The education authorities should give the students opportunities to apply the knowledge they have learned in the textbooks practically.

Our educational system should also allow the students to learn about the financial knowledge that would help them in surviving in this world. The education authorities should teach students about budgeting money, saving money, and the ways through which the money could be invested in different assets like stocks, gold, silver, etc. This will help the students to prepare for the future.

According to the United Nations Organization(UNO), India ranks 145 out of 191 in the world for providing education. We are not even in the top 50 in the world. This shows the level of improvement we need to do to update ourselves. If we want our country to grow and move forward we have to start by improving the education we provide for the children. As the saying goes “The children of today are the future of tomorrow”, we should start by updating the Indian education system from the primary level. Instead of only allowing the students to learn theoretical knowledge, the educational authorities should introduce practical methods through which children can apply the knowledge they learned through the books.

If by moderating our education system, we can bring a wave of revolution then we have to do it for the sake of a brighter future. Thank you.

Short Speech on Education System in India

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am going to give a 3-minute speech on the education system in India and I hope you all get new information from this speech.

Education is defined as the process of learning or teaching new things. Education is mostly provided at the schools or the colleges.

Indian education is considered to be the oldest in the world. It has been involved through centuries and has produced many scholars and great achievers. But as the world changes the education system should also change. But sadly this has not been the case with India. Sadly the education system in India has not changed which leaves room for progress.

The Indian education system is all about reading textbooks to score well in exams and get good grades but it does not teach the students how to apply theoretical knowledge. It teaches the students to only muggle the textbooks and score well in the exams, we need to change this. The Indian education system desperately needs to be modernized and if it does not then the students will now grow in life.

The students should be encouraged to learn new things by the teachers. They should teach the students how to apply theoretical knowledge.

Financial education is also not taught to students in schools. The students should be taught the skills that could help them in making money. Education institutes should teach the students the methods in which money could be invested such as stocks, gold, real estate, etc.

To conclude this speech I want to say that the entire education system teaches the students about “what to know” through textbooks for scoring in exams but it does not allow the students to learn about “what and all they should know”. It is very important that the students should be taught about financial education and this can only be done by only modernizing the entire education system.

10 Lines About the Speech on the Education System

In the Indian education system, the knowledge learned through textbooks is given the most importance.

Education is defined as the process of giving information or receiving it from schools or colleges.

The Indian education system is considered to be one of the oldest in the world.

In spite of being the oldest, it is not the best as there are many loopholes in it.

Indian education is divided into four stages and that is lower primary, upper primary, high school, and higher secondary school.

The students should be allowed to do practical work for the theoretical knowledge they learned through books.

Education costs should be reduced as many people cannot afford education.

The government has given scholarships to students to complete their higher education.

The teachers should encourage students to think differently.

Unemployment in India has increased in spite of many students having a degree. This is because students don’t have enough practical knowledge.


FAQs on Speech on the Education System in India

1. What is the importance of delivering education speech?

We all are aware of the importance of education in our society. Education helps to shape our future and enlighten us about the various aspects of our society. Education helps to diminish the darkness of our minds by illuminating our minds with the light of knowledge.

The purpose of delivering an education speech is to reach a larger audience and make them understand the importance of education in our society and especially for women and children. The purpose of being educated can only be served when the knowledge will help others to get motivated and drive them towards acquiring knowledge and education.

Proper education can reshape our thinking ability and boost the power of thinking rationally. The purpose of education is to make this society safe and ideal for the growth and nourishment of the minds of the children. It can only happen when a larger percentage of the inhabitants of our society will understand the value of education.

Delivering a proper education speech will make the members of our society ponder over the significance of education and the influences it can have on the minds of the future generation. They will understand the value of justice and equality for all the members of our society and will help each other to make society a gender-neutral platform.

2. What are the points that should be included in an education speech?

An educational speech should be formatted properly because only then it can draw the attention of the audience. While drafting the manuscript of your education speech that you are going to deliver, remember to include only the main ideas and the facts that are considered of prime significance behind the idea of educating people. Including too many ideas that are not relevant to the topic will deviate the readers from grasping the significance of education.

You should always communicate your thoughts and ideas in lucid language so that the audience can understand your point of view and analyze them in their minds. Do not forget to hold your personal opinion and suggestions to improve the education system in our country. A personal touch in any speech can inspire the audience.

You should always start your speech by discussing the key points that should be considered while talking about the influences of getting educated. Always include facts that are proven and mention the latest studies and findings regarding the subject matter. You can also share your own opinion and solutions that people should work on to improve the standard of the education system.

While delivering a speech, always remember to connect with the audience by addressing them in the second person. Maintaining proper eye contact with the audience is highly important because they should not be treated as separate identities. Also, prepare your speech considering the time limit you will have.

3. What are the points that should be included in an education speech while discussing ideas to make the education process enjoyable?

Students enjoy learning when the classroom is student-oriented and not teacher-centric. That means that students should be provided with equal opportunities to communicate and share their own thoughts and ideas on a particular topic. The students should also go through the content they should learn in the next classes so that they can also equally participate in the discussion with the mentors. Preparing beforehand will provide them with the opportunities to clarify their doubts with the mentors. Since the content included in your education speech should be customized, it is better that you participate in brainstorming new ideas that you can talk about while delivering the speech.

4. How to come up with new ideas for delivering a proper education speech?

Brainstorming sessions are ideal to come up with new ideas. The more time you will invest in thinking about the different aspects regarding a particular topic, the more the content will be relevant and attract the attention of the audience. Since education is one of the most popular and important topics that one can talk about, the speakers should always include only the key points. In order to make the speech interesting, the speaker should always establish direct communication with the audience by asking them a few questions that they can answer in 'yes' or 'no'. They should also work on thinking about some unique strategies and ideas that can make their speech more relatable.

5. How to learn the methods of delivering an education speech?

The articles published on Vedantu can give you a clear idea of how to deliver a speech. You can also go through the articles that are subject-specific. For more details, you can download the printable materials from the website. The articles published on the website of Vedantu consist of the content that should be delivered through a long or a short speech.

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Doctors Day Speech in English for Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Jul 1, 2024

Doctors Day Speech

People consider doctors equivalent to gods because they save lives. Doctors are selfless and do community service without greed. But in order to become a doctor, they have to go through rigorous training and entrance exams that not only mentally but also physically bring them to the brink of exhaustion. Considering their role and respect in society, it is only fitting that we celebrate them. Hence, Doctors Day exists. In this blog, we are providing a long speech on Doctors Day. Let us explore this blog now! 

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Table of Contents

  • 1 Long Doctors Day Speech 
  • 2 History 
  • 3 Doctors of India 
  • 4 Conclusion 
  • 5 FAQs 

Long Doctors Day Speech 

Good morning to the authorities present here and my dear friends, Today, I, Paul, am going to present before you a speech on Doctor’s Day. I hope that I will be able to convey my thoughts to you. 

Today we have all gathered here to celebrate those who are considered equivalent to God. The people who save millions of lives, work selflessly, and serve humanity—today we are here to celebrate all the doctors. Doctors assist and guide us towards a healthy life. When we are sick, they help us become healthy again. Lifesavers—that’s how doctors are perceived. 

Also Read: Speech on Earth Day  

The medical profession is one of the most famous and sought-after professions in the whole wide world. Although the number of applicants is in the thousands, only a handful of them are able to realize their dream of becoming doctors. In the moment when we are all panicking seeing the wounds and the situation, doctors keep calm and work their way to treat the patient. But for that, sometimes, they have to ignore the fact that the patient will feel extreme pain, because if they do not do so, the patient may not survive. That itself shows bravery right there. 


The National Doctor’s Day was first advocated by the wife of Doctor Charles B. Almonds. Her name was Eudora Brown. It has become quite popular in the United States. The first Doctor’s Day was celebrated on March 28th, 1933 in Winder, Georgia. Doctors received cards in their mail and the doctors who had died were also commemorated with flowers on their graves. Dr. Long’s grave was also decorated with flowers, and the medical community paid tribute to him. Dr. William Randolph and his wife arranged a meal for physicians and reiterated their commitment to commemorating Doctors’ Day each year. 

Doctors of India 

In India, doctors are present in abundance. The medical facilities and medical schools are much more numerous here. As a result of the talent of us Indians, you can find doctors from our country spread all across the globe serving humanity in the best way possible. Becoming a doctor is one of the most sought-after professions in the world. It is the ambition of millions to achieve their goal of becoming doctors, and those who give their all, achieve it. And for that, they have to go through the phase that tests them, especially mentally, to their limits, sometimes even far beyond that. Those who come through, no doubt, are regarded as next to gods. 

Many of those talented people go abroad to study master’s in medicine. Some of them serve there and settle and some of them return to India. No matter the country, the service they give is selfless. 

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Finally, I would like to conclude my speech by saying that doctors are gods disguised as humans. We all should salute and thank them for what they give to society, which is life. Especially in the pandemic, we all saw the bravery our doctors showed. We should take inspiration from them and try to do our part in serving humanity. 

Similar Speech Topics

Ans: Doctor’s Day is celebrated to honor all doctors all across the world for their service to humanity. 

Ans: We all should salute and thank doctors for what they give to society, that is life. Especially during the pandemic, we all saw the bravery our doctors showed. We should take inspiration from them and try and do our part in serving humanity. 

Ans: Today we have all gathered here to celebrate those who are considered equivalent to god. The people who save millions of lives, work selflessly, and serve humanity, today we are here to celebrate all the doctors. Doctors assist and guide us towards that healthy life. When we are sick, they help us become healthy again. Lifesavers, that’s how doctors are perceived. The profession of doctor is one of the most famous and sought-after professions in the whole wide world. Although the number of applicants is in lakhs, only a handful of them is actually able to realize their dream of becoming a doctor. In the moment when we are all panicking seeing the wounds and the situation, doctors keep calm and work their way to treat the patient. But for that, sometimes, they have to ignore the fact that the patient will feel extreme pain, because if they do not do so, the patient may not survive. That itself, shows bravery right there. 

This was all about the Doctors Day Speech. For more information on such interesting speech topics for your school, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu. 

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Deepansh Gautam

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In Rahul’s debut as LoP, some flashbacks, a familiar script and new role’s aggression

In first speech in house as lop, courts religion head-on, contrasts it with bjp hindutva; takes on pm modi constantly; repeats themes of the ls campaign.

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In his first speech as Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Monday, Rahul Gandhi set the tone for the new Parliament, his aggression reflecting the changed power equations in the House.

His repeated potshots at Prime Minister Narendra Modi riled up the Treasury Benches and prompted the PM and his senior Cabinet colleagues, including Rajnath Singh and Amit Shah , to intervene and counter him repeatedly.

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Essentially, Rahul picked up from where he had left off during the Lok Sabha campaign, where he led the Opposition campaign from the front.

Participating in the debate on the motion of thanks on the President’s address, Rahul attacked the NDA government over the Agnipath scheme, the NEET row, the MSP issue, the turmoil in Manipur, even the Modi government’s 2016 demonetisation move. He accused the ruling BJP of having created an atmosphere of fear in the country and “spreading violence and hatred” against minorities, including Muslims and Sikhs.

The main takeaways from his speech.

* Engaging with religion

There has been one constant in Rahul’s speeches for some years – his engagement with Hindu religion . He has often framed Hinduism in opposition to Hindutva, underlining the former’s inclusive nature rather than as an assertive force as a counter to another faith. The Congress leader, who has described himself as a “Shiva bhakt”, has also talked – as he did Monday – of finding the Congress’s election symbol, hand, in the images of Lord Shiva, Guru Nanak, Buddha, Mahavira in the form of ‘abhaya mudra’.

Festive offer

His invocation of the ‘abhaya mudra’ was a reiteration of his “daro mat”, “darao mat” message – another constant from his speeches, going back to 2017 – when he first spoke about having found the Congress’s electoral symbol in the images of gods.

In what got the BJP on its feet, Rahul then pointed to the Treasury Benches and said that “those who call themselves Hindus… are engaged in violence and hate” round the clock. “You are not a Hindu… It is clearly said in Hindu religion that one should stand with the truth and should not be afraid of the truth,” he said.

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The first to rise was PM Modi, who accused Rahul of calling “the entire Hindu           society violent”. When Rahul countered by saying that Modi or the BJP didn’t stand in for “the entire Hindu society”, other BJP leaders including Amit Shah recorded their objection.

Rahul then said that even Ayodhya – the birthplace of Lord Ram — had sent a message to the BJP, going on to shake hands with Samajwadi Party MP Awadhesh Prasad, who defeated the BJP’s Lallu Singh in the Faizabad seat which covers Ayodhya, who was sitting next to him.

* Jibes at Prime Minister

In repeated attacks on Modi, Rahul took a swipe at the PM’s statement made in an interview during the poll campaign of “having a direct connection with God”. “The parmaatma speaks to Modiji’s aatma directly, unlike us humans,” he said, wondering whether the sudden move of demonetisation followed such a “message” from God.

Rahul also referred to another claim by Modi in an interview that it took a film for people to “get to know about Mahatma Gandhi”. “Can you understand the ignorance… that a movie has revived the Father of the Nation?” he said.

Rahul tried to draw a difference between Modi and his ministers. “When I came in the morning, Rajnath Singh greeted me with a smile. Now Modiji is sitting. No smile… serious. Namaste bhi nahin karte… kahin Modi ji na dekh le (He doesn’t even greet, afraid that Modi ji might notice)… The same story is of Nitin Gadkari … Arre Ayodhya ki janata ko chodo, yeh toh BJP walon ko darate hain (Leave aside the people of Ayodhya, Modi even has BJP people scared ).”

Again, Modi stood up, to counter: “ Loktantra ne aur samvidhan ne mujhe sikhaya hai ki mujhe vipaksh ke neta ko gambheerta se lena chaahiye (Democracy and the Constitution have taught me to take the Leader of the Opposition with all seriousness).”

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and then Shah countered Rahul on his claims regarding the Agnipath scheme, asking him for proof.

Speaker Om Birla tried to interject saying everyone should respect the PM. Rahul countered that he respected the PM very much and was only repeating what he had himself said.

* Flashes of the campaign

Rahul’s speech matched the themes, topics, language and style of his campaign, from the rise in prices, to Manipur, unemployment, demonetisation, Agnipath and paper leaks. He accused the Modi government of treating Agniveers as “use and throw labourers”, and of pushing Manipur into civil war.

On NEET, he said it is no longer a professional exam but has become a “commercial” one, suited for rich students.

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'Modi doesn't represent Hindus': Rahul Gandhi's 1st speech as Leader of Opposition

India Today Video Desk

Rahul Gandhi's first speech as Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha on Monday was marked by heated exchanges and uproar.

During his address, Gandhi brandished a poster of Lord Shiva and criticised what he termed as "violent Hindus." His comments drew an immediate response from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a demand for an apology from Home Minister Amit Shah.

Gandhi stated, "All our great leaders have preached non-violence and dispelling fear... But those who claim to be Hindu only talk about violence, hatred, and falsehood... Aap Hindu ho hi nahi (You are not Hindu by any means)."

The commotion over Gandhi's remarks prompted PM Modi's intervention, his first since becoming an MP in 2014. He remarked, "Labelling the entire Hindu community as violent is a very grave accusation," amid the ensuing uproar.


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From Ayodhya to Agniveer, top quotes of Rahul Gandhi's speech in Lok Sabha

Leader of opposition rahul gandhi replied to the motion of thanks on the president's address in lok sabha on monday (july 1). check his key quotes..

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi

Here are the top quotes from Rahul Gandhi’s speech:

  • Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, said, "Abhayamudra is the symbol of Congress. It represents fearlessness, reassurance, and safety, dispelling fear and providing divine protection and bliss in Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, and other Indian religions. All our great leaders have advocated for non-violence and ending fear. However, those who claim to be Hindu only speak of violence, hatred, and untruth. You are not truly Hindu."
  • "The snake around Lord Shiva's neck symbolizes that we should never fear death. With this belief, we stand in opposition, and I am proud of that. It gives us more than power; it strengthens our resolve. I will work for the truth and will not back down from it. Behind the left shoulder of Lord Shiva is the trishul, which is not a symbol of violence. When we defended the truth, there was not an ounce of violence in us."  
  • "There has been a systematic and a full-scale assault on the idea of India, the Constitution, and on the people who resisted the attack on the Constitution. Many of us were personally attacked. Some of the leaders are still in jail. Anyone who resisted the idea of concentration of power and wealth, aggression on the poor, Dalits, and minorities was crushed. I was attacked by the order of the Government of India, by the order of the Prime Minister of India. The most enjoyable part of it was the 55 hours of interrogation by the ED."   
  • "All our great men have spoken about non-violence and finishing fear...But, those who call themselves Hindu only talk about violence, hatred, untruth…Aap Hindu ho hi nahi…"  
  • "The country has together protected the Constitution. It feels nice that BJP people are now repeating 'Jai Samvidhan' after me."  
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  • The SAD president says the party had chalked out a plan to expand the Istri Akali Dal and ensure it reaches every village and booth in the state.

World News Live Updates: Small plane crashes after takeoff in New York, 5 dead including 2 kids

  • While it is unclear who was piloting the aircraft, the FAA previously said that only five passengers were onboard, with no survivors

India News Live Updates: Jaishankar jabs Rahul Gandhi over his 'not Hindus' remark: ‘This is now LoP…’

  • Rahul Gandhi triggered a massive protest from BJP MPs after he said the leaders of the ruling party are not Hindus as they engage in “violence and hate”.

Cities Live Updates: Action against Bengal cop after TMC worker’s second assault video emerges: Official

  • TMC state general secretary Kunal Ghosh condemned Tajimul Islam, saying nobody gave these people the right to judge others

India News Live Updates: India saw 536 heatwave days this summer, warmest June for northwestern region since 1901: IMD

  • The country recorded 181 heatwave days in June, the highest after 177 days in 2010.

Cities Live Updates: Two arrested for killing factory guard

  • The accused entered a cattle feed factory for theft but were stopped by the guard, resulting in the clash that left Gurjant Singh dead.

India News Live Updates: Lt Gen Subramani takes over as army vice chief

  • An alumnus of NDA, Khadakwasla, and IMA, Dehradun, Lt Gen NS Raja Subramani was commissioned into the Garhwal Rifles in Dec 1985

World News Live Updates: Tucker Carlson makes big claim over Barack ‘disingenuous’ tweet supporting Biden: ‘Obama is telling people….’

  • Tucker Carlson has made a major claim after Barack Obama released a statement supporting Joe Biden in the wake of his lackluster debate performance.

Cities Live Updates: Umesh Pal murder case: Prayagraj cops file chargesheet against Ali, Umar

  • Umar is lodged in Lucknow Jail while Ali is in Naini Central Jail. The duo was arrested in separate cases of abduction, assault and attempt to murder in 2022

India News Live Updates: MP clears bill to let collectors confiscate vehicles used in cow slaughter trade

  • The MP cabinet also decided to amend a law to require state ministers to deposit their income tax instead of the government bearing the burden

India News Live Updates: Indian-origin woman, 24, dies on Delhi-bound Qantas flight

  • Reportedly, the cause of the Indian-origin woman's death is said to be tuberculosis.

Cities Live Updates: First FIRs under new laws lodged in Prayagraj, senior cops hold awareness sessions

  • Prayagraj police commissioner Tarun Gaba and other senior police officials held workshops and meetings to raise general awareness regarding the three laws - Bhartiya Nyay Sanhita, Bhartiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita and Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniyam

India News Live Updates: Amit Shah clarifies: 1st FIR under new criminal laws not against street vendor

  • Delhi Police dismissed the case registered against street vendor under new criminal code after investigation.

Cities Live Updates: Women’s body celebrates 70 years of advocacy in Lucknow

  • The event saw the release of a book written by former state president and current president on the history of the Women’s Federation in Uttar Pradesh

India News Live Updates: RJD MP Manoj Kumar Jha uses ‘Panchayat’ web series to attack Election Commission in Rajya Sabha

  • The RJD MP said he had raised several complaints to the Election Commission during the first phase of polls but only received a response two days ago.

India News Live Updates: India completes field evaluations of Spanish, German bids for submarine deal

  • The submarine deal is expected to figure when German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Spanish President Pedro Sanchez visit India in the coming months

World News Live Updates: US Supreme Court rules Donald Trump entitled to some immunity in January 6 case

  • The US SC decided that Donald Trump may claim immunity from criminal prosecution for some of the actions he he committed in the final days of his presidency.

India News Live Updates: ‘Will he talk about any other religion?’: BJP MP slams Rahul Gandhi over ‘not Hindus’ remark

  • Rahul Gandhi triggered a massive row during his speech in the Lok Sabha by saying that those who call themselves Hindus are engaged in “violence and hate”.

World News Live Updates: US Election: Joe Biden dispels doubts over White House race with a strong message, ‘I know how to do this job’

  • US President Joe Biden to continue in the race, sends out strong message after weekend with family at Camp David.

India News Live Updates: BJP demands apology from Rahul Gandhi over remarks in Lok Sabha speech

  • The BJP accused Rahul Gandhi of making disparaging remarks against Hindus and misleading claims about the Agnipath recruitment policy for the armed forces

World News Live Updates: Joe Biden's top donors demands THESE two ‘grifters’ to be ‘banished from Biden's world’ over debate disaster

  • While Biden has been facing strong criticism to withdraw from the presidential race, his top donor has targeted POTUS' close allies after the debate disaster.

Cities Live Updates: Boy,16, held for strangling, burning 9-year-old girl in Gurugram

  • Police said the accused visited the house of the victim to help her do her homework around 10am when her mother and brother had gone to their neighbour’s apartment
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  1. Indian Culture Speech

    indian english speech

  2. FULL SPEECH : Narendra Modi English Speech In US Congress

    indian english speech

  3. Speech on my country India in english || India speech for students

    indian english speech

  4. Speech on Jawaharlal Nehru: English Speech of 1st PM of India

    indian english speech

  5. Speech on our country India in english || India speech in english

    indian english speech

  6. Fluent speech on Indian culture in English by Smile please world

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  1. Speech on Proud to be an Indian/Essay on Proud to be an Indian in english/Proud to be an Indian Essa

  2. Speech Narration Part 1 English Learning Course

  3. India of My Dreams Speech Writing


  5. Mahatma Gandhi's Quit India Speech




    Learn English with Palki Sharma. Meet Palki Sharma Upadhyay, an award-winning journalist and the Managing Director at Wion, India's only international news c...


    Learn English with Rahul Gandhi. Indian politician, Rahul Gandhi, delivered a captivating speech at Stanford University, discussing the global shifts and cha...


    Learn English with R. Madhavan. The actor addresses the 14th edition of the Indian Conference by Harvard Business School, which is one of the largest student...

  4. Indian Accent Text to Speech & AI Voice Generator

    ElevenLabs offers the best Indian Accent text to speech (TTS) online. Our AI-powered technology ensures clear, high-quality audio that's engaging and relatable. We are rated 4.8/5 on G2 and have millions of happy customers. Turn your Indian Accent content into lifelike TTS using AI voice technology online for free.

  5. Speech on India for Students in English

    10 Lines Speech - My Country India Speech in English. Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to all of you. Today, I am here to deliver a speech on my country India. India is the country where I was born. It is the second-most populous country in the world and the seventh-largest country. India is famous for its rich cultural heritage and ...

  6. Indian English

    Indian English is speech or writing in English that shows the influence of the languages and culture of India. Also called English in India . Indian English (IndE) is one of the oldest regional varieties of the English language . English is one of the 22 official languages recognized by the Constitution of India.

  7. Indian Culture Speech in English For Students

    This format of speech on Indian Culture is of 500-words that can be delivered as a 5-minute speech and it is helpful for students in grades 8-12. Good morning everyone, respected Principal, Teachers and my fellow students, I am XYZ (mention your name) here to deliver a speech on Indian culture. Let's first understand the meaning of culture.

  8. Indian English

    Indian English (IE) is a group of English dialects spoken in the Republic of India and among the Indian diaspora. English is used by the Government of India for communication, and is enshrined in the Constitution of India. English is also an official language in seven states and seven union territories of India, and the additional official language in seven other states and one union territory.

  9. 14 Inspiring Speeches By Indians You Can't Afford To Miss

    Here is a list of 14 great speeches by Indians that brought the nation together-. 1. Crisis of civilization - Rabindranath Tagore. This speech by Tagore at Santiniketan in April 1941 was his last speech. Tagore had been unwell for some time, yet his words were very moving.

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    English with Indian Accent generator. Convert English text to speech with an Indian accent. TTS technology is based on voices with modern artificial intelligence . Use it for work, video editing, business, advertising, social networking, entertainment and more. Copy paste or type your text instead, create voiceover and download.

  12. IndicVoices

    IndicVoices. INDICVOICES is a dataset of natural and spontaneous speech containing a total of 12000 hours of read (8%), extempore (76%) and conversational (15%) audio from 22563 speakers covering 208 Indian districts and 22 languages. Of these 12000 hours, 3200 hours have already been transcribed, with a median of 122 hours per language.

  13. Speech on India for Students and Children

    Speech for Students. I am here to deliver a speech on India. India is one of the ancient civilizations in the world and is also the 7th largest country in the world. India is one of the best countries in the world for many reasons, acceptance of people of other religions, the closely bonded family culture and biggest democratic nation.


    Learn English with Aamir Khan. Bollywood star turned talk show host Aamir Khan talks about the cultural taboos he illuminates through his innovative TV show ...

  15. Free Text-To-Speech and Text-to-MP3 for Indian English

    Free Text-To-Speech and Text-to-MP3 for Indian English. Easily convert your Indian English text into professional speech for free. Perfect for e-learning, presentations, YouTube videos and increasing the accessibility of your website. Our voices pronounce your texts in their own language using a specific accent.

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    These accent generators cater to a world where Indian English, with its unique cadence and intonation, demands recognition. Take, for instance, the Indian male voice generator, which can convert text to speech in a male voice while also lending authenticity to the content. Practical needs also fuel the rise in demand for these tools.

  17. The Phonology of Indian English I: Overview

    The paper presents a sketch of the segmental phonology based on evidence from the phenomenon of stress. In particular, the paper shows how the stress pattern in Indian English reveals the structure of a majority of the surface diphthongs as vowel sequences. Download Free PDF. View PDF.

  18. Speech on the Education System in India in English for Students

    Today I am going to give a 3-minute speech on the education system in India and I hope you all get new information from this speech. Education is defined as the process of learning or teaching new things. Education is mostly provided at the schools or the colleges. Indian education is considered to be the oldest in the world.

  19. Indian English Text to Speech

    1. Open a video project and click to open 'Timeline View' on the bottom left side of your screen. 2. Click the Dropdown Arrow and select 'Add Text to Speech'. On the menu that opens, select your voice type. 3. Type in the text you want converted to speech and click the 'Play' button at the bottom. 4.

  20. Indian English Text to Speech with MP3 or WAV Download

    Voiceover in a Indian English accent. With VOBOX's AI voice generator, you can recreate emotional sounds and insert pauses when creating an Indian English Accent. Custom pronunciations for acronyms and niche terminologies are provided by VOBOX, and you have the option to save them in your own library.

  21. Doctors Day Speech in English for Students

    Many of those talented people go abroad to study master's in medicine. Some of them serve there and settle and some of them return to India. No matter the country, the service they give is selfless. Also Read:- Save Environment Speech . Conclusion . Finally, I would like to conclude my speech by saying that doctors are gods disguised as humans.


    Learn English with Kangana Ranaut. Once a small-town girl, now a leading Bollywood star, Kangana is a rebel in Hindi cinema known for dismantling industry an...

  23. In Rahul's debut as LoP, some flashbacks, a ...

    The main takeaways from his speech. * Engaging with religion. There has been one constant in Rahul's speeches for some years - his engagement with Hindu religion. He has often framed Hinduism in opposition to Hindutva, underlining the former's inclusive nature rather than as an assertive force as a counter to another faith.

  24. England in dire need of shake-up after India dump them out of T20 World Cup

    Key moments. Chosen by us to get you up to speed at a glance. England all out India win by 68 runs to reach final Wicket 68/6 England's last hope gone with fall of Harry Brook

  25. Rahul Gandhi's first speech as Leader of Opposition in ...

    News India Video Video: Big moments from Rahul Gandhi's 1st speech as Leader of Opposition. Advertisement ... UPDATED: Jul 1, 2024 20:08 IST. Rahul Gandhi's first speech as Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha on Monday was marked by heated exchanges and uproar. During his address, Gandhi brandished a poster of Lord Shiva and criticised what ...

  26. From Ayodhya to Agniveer, top quotes of Rahul Gandhi's speech in Lok

    From Ayodhya to Agniveer, top quotes of Rahul Gandhi's speech in Lok Sabha Leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi replied to the Motion of Thanks on the President's address in Lok Sabha on Monday (July 1).


    Learn English with Mukesh Ambani's Speech. The chairman and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries, delivered an inspiring speech at the company's Family...

  28. Rohit, Axar and Kuldeep lead India's dismantling of England in semi-final

    India 171 for 7 (Rohit 57, Suryakumar 47, Jordan 3-37) beat England 103 (Brook 25, Kuldeep 3-19, Axar 3-23) by 68 runs India's quest for a world title is well on course. It's been 11 years since ...

  29. Latest News, Live Updates Today July 1, 2024: Joe Biden finds it

    Follow all the major news updates, headlines and breaking news stories from India and around the world right here. Track the real-time developments of major events for July 1, 2024.

  30. GAUR GOPAL DAS: Tree of Life

    Learn English with Gaur Gopal Das. Motivational speaker and lifestyle coach Gaur Gopal Das gives a remarkable speech here on self-care and self-love. Gaur, w...