• Graduate School

15 Winning Graduate School Statement of Purpose Examples

Featured Expert: Dr. Shiti Malhotra, PhD


Here’re the top 15 graduate school statement of purpose examples that got their writers accepted! In this article, you will learn how to increase your chances of getting into graduate school by submitting a statement of purpose that stands out among thousands! Let’s get started! 

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Article Contents 11 min read

Graduate school statement of purpose example #1.

This graduate school statement of purpose got 5 acceptances!

“Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space.” I was 16 when I first read this quote by Mies van der Rohe, and, back then, I thought I really understood what it meant. Thinking of this quote one summer evening, as I walked around my beloved New York City, I was inspired to commit to a future in architecture. At that early stage, I cherished romantic ideals of designing grandiose buildings that would change a city; of adding my name to the list of architectural geniuses who had immortalized their vision of the world in concrete, steel, glass, and stone. It was in college that I became passionately interested in the theoretical design and engineering concepts that form the basis of architecture, while also exploring in greater detail the sociological and economic impact of architecture.

The true breakthrough for me took place in my sophomore year of college, when I was volunteering at The Bowery Mission, a women’s shelter situated in Queens, New York. The shelter was in a poorly ventilated building, with an essentially non-functioning air conditioning system. The little bit of relief for the people who stayed there was a small park nearby, a patch of green between suffocating buildings. One day when I was working the afternoon shift there in the peak of summer, I looked out to see bulldozers in the park. It was being torn up to make room for yet another building. I saw that completed building a year later – a grey block of steel that did not utilize any of the original park space. Witnessing this injustice, while learning every day about how climatology, materials technology, and engineering mechanics intersect with urban planning and architectural design, ignited a passion for sustainable design in me. [BeMo2] How can we, as architects, minimize our harm to communities and eco-systems? How can we design buildings with a view to sustain long-term energy and resource efficiency without sacrificing immediate economic viability? What are the eco-conscious solutions that architects can put forward to address the environmental changes of the 21st century? These were the questions that plagued me then and I have pursued the answers to these questions throughout my academic career so far.

I found the answers to some of these questions in the robust curriculum I pursued at ABC College of Architecture, New York. I took up advanced coursework in Engineering Mechanics, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Steel Structures, Model Making etc. which helped me hone my technical skills. As my interest in sustainable architecture developed, I became curious about the social and anthropological impact of architecture. I studied Art History, African American Literature, Anthropology, and Cultures of Ancient Greece, which helped me develop a deeper understanding of the socio-ecological impact of architecture and ethical responsibilities of architects. With this strong background of academic exploration, my architectural philosophy continued to evolve. I became interested in cutting-edge design techniques and their application to sustainable design. In my junior year at college, I participated in the New Dimensions of Architecture conference held in New York City, presenting my own paper on “Analyzing the Implications of the Weiszman Design Theory for the Sustainable Architecture of the Future”. In fact, it was at this conference that I met Professor Richard Wright, the esteemed architect and professor emeritus at the Architecture department of XYZ University. Talking with him was one of the most enlightening moments of my life. We discussed our shared passion for ecologically efficient and socially cohesive architectural solutions, and he introduced me to the works of Leonard Nieman, Mary Andrews, and other cutting-edge green architecture firms that are making a real contribution to ecologically sustainable urban planning.

In fact, the possibility of learning from and working directly with Professor Wright is one of my main reasons to seek admission into your M.Arch program. His innovative design theories have a tremendous potential for sustainable architecture solutions. I would love to learn from him and collaborate with him to continue to explore my interest in these topics. I am also deeply interested in the scope of studies afforded by your wide-ranging curriculum that focuses on the latest architectural innovations as well as socio-economic evolutions in architecture. Moreover, for a budding green architect, nothing is more attractive than your quarterly line-up of seminars and conferences that frequently feature the names of the architects at the forefront of design innovation. With my strong academic background in both the technical and socio-economic aspects of architecture, and my focused passion on sustainable architectural solutions for the future, I think I am a perfect candidate for your master’s program. This education is exactly what I need to launch me into the next phase of my career, where I hope to gain experience at one of New York’s top green architecture firms, working on problems of low-budget housing, eco-friendly factory designs, and organic city planning. Eventually, I hope to specialize in sustainable, low-budget urban planning for socio-economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.

It’s funny to think how far I’ve come from my early romanticized ideals of what it meant to be an architect. Those sunset walks around New York city from my teenage years, surrounded by the works of Mies van der Rohe and Rem Koolhas, inspired in me an awe for the cultural power an architect can wield. It was an early lesson that a building can both represent and transform spaces. Today when I walk around my beloved city, what I see are the innumerable missed architectural opportunities to organically inhabit and improve any given space with sustainable design. And now, when I consider Mies van der Rohe’s famous quote, I no longer think of my own petty will or the limited scope of individual genius; I think of the will of an entire generation committed to saving our planet with teamwork, collaboration, and true passion, and how grateful I am to be a part of this generation of architects. (998 words).

Click here to read this grad school statement of purpose example.

Graduate School Statement of Purpose Example #3

Graduate school statement of purpose example #4, graduate school statement of purpose example #5, graduate school statement of purpose example #6, graduate school statement of purpose example #7, graduate school statement of purpose example #8, graduate school statement of purpose example #9, graduate school statement of purpose example #10, graduate school statement of purpose example #11, graduate school statement of purpose example #12, graduate school statement of purpose example #13, graduate school statement of purpose example #14, graduate school statement of purpose example #15.

A graduate school statement of purpose provides the admissions committee with a way of understanding more about you as an applicant. This essay gives them the opportunity to assess your suitability for their particular program and institution. Finding the right fit between an applicant and a graduate program is crucial for both parties, and your statement of purpose is your opportunity to explain to the admissions committee why you believe this graduate program is right for you. Here’s what our admissions expert Dr. Malhotra, PhD, shared about her experience writing an SOP:

“I found the graduate school statement of purpose to be the hardest application component, as I was not sure which experience to include and which to exclude. Additionally, it was difficult to know how to present me as a unique candidate; someone who will be a good fit for the graduate program. My biggest advice for writing the statement of purpose is to keep a balance between academic and non-academic aspects of your background.” – Dr. Shiti Malhotra, Ph.D.

With this in mind, it is important to use the statement of purpose as a way of showcasing what led you to graduate school and your chosen program , and what you hope to achieve if accepted. Here’s a quick list of what should be included in your grad school statement of purpose:

  • Why you are pursuing a PhD or a Master's program
  • Why you are interested in a field or a specific program
  • How you have prepared yourself academically or professionally for a career in this field
  • What you will contribute to the program
  • Your future career goals and how the program will help you achieve them

Here's a quick guide to writing a grad school statement of purpose if you'd rather watch a video:

How to Write a Graduate School Statement of Purpose

You need to lay some groundwork  before  you even start drafting your statement of purpose. Here are the steps you need to take to prepare yourself.

#1 Set Aside the Time

Preparing and writing a statement of purpose is not a quick undertaking. Since the statement itself will also require several drafts before reaching its final form, always keep in mind that this is not something to leave to the last minute! Ideally, you should give yourself 6-8 weeks to write your statement.

#2 Research Your School and Program

 Visit the school’s website and pay close attention to any mission statements or values that are stated. Visit the pages dedicated to your department and program of choice to glean clues regarding their academic culture.

#3 Brainstorm How and Why You Would Fit into the School and Program

It’s not enough to want to attend a particular school just because of their good reputation or nice location. While learning about your program of choice and its faculty, you should be constantly reflecting upon how and why you would fit in as a member of that community. Think about what you can contribute to the school and how the program will help you achieve your career goals.

#4 Contact any potential mentors

If during your research you have discovered a faculty member whose work sounds intriguing to you, reach out to them to introduce yourself. Forming a direct connection with a faculty member could significantly boost your candidacy, especially if the faculty member is willing to supervise you or write you a  graduate school recommendation letter . Plus, you can mention your interest in their research in your statement:

"My advice for writing [a statement of purpose] is to always include some specific faculty members and their research that was interesting to you. Look into their research! Find some recent publications that you can offer some ideas for!” – Dr. Hanlin Liu, PhD, University of Toronto

"statement of purpose was the hardest [application component]. i did not know how to structure it based on my university/program requirements.” - helen martin, phd.

Every program is unique. Make sure you understand the specifics of what they are looking for, e.g. length, emphasis, any required formatting guidelines. Many graduate schools will provide prompts to make your writing process easier. Make sure to read the prompt carefully, as they provide clues as to what the admissions committee expects to see in your statement.

#6 Choose Experiences to Include

“the hardest part was narrowing down my experiences into a concise impactful narrative.” – dr. reem sabry, phd.

And our admissions expert Dr. Sabry is not alone! To make this process simpler, make a short list of which experiences and achievements you would especially like to highlight in your statement. Ideally, include 1 to 3 experiences in your SOP. Note down specific examples of achievements you want to highlight. Make sure your experiences reflect WHY you are pursuing a graduate degree. Make sure the experiences you choose align with the program’s mission and culture. Think of your accomplishments and strengths in relation to what you know about the school. Do they value research? Share your top research experience. Does the program tout the importance of community? Discuss any community service you have participated in. Dr. Sabry continues:

“The biggest advice for a SOP is to highlight specific experiences that align with the specific program/research you are applying for.”- Dr. Reem Sabry, PhD

When you are ready to write, take a moment to review the length requirements. A statement of purpose is typically between 500 to 1,000 words long.

The statement of purpose should follow the structure of an academic paper, with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion.


You need to grab your reader’s attention. Start with a compelling first sentence: choose an anecdote, a quotation, or jolt the reader with a gripping personal fact. Your opening statement would make a reader stay with you to the end. The second half of your introduction should provide a brief snapshot of what you will cover in greater detail in the main body of your statement.

If you find yourself struggling to write your introduction, set it aside until you have written the body and conclusion of your statement, since you will then know how the introduction could tie it all together.  

The main body of your statement should highlight 1-3 formative experiences that led you to grad school. Avoid making your statement of purpose just another grad school CV – you need to create a narrative! Remember, it’s more important to show why you are a great candidate, rather than simply talk about it.


Your conclusion needs to tie everything together and should leave the reader wanting to know more about you. Try to leave your reader with one last compelling thought or insight as you reflect upon what enrolling in the program would mean to you. You could speak about the current challenges faced by experts in your discipline, and your own eagerness to become more involved in contributing to the field.

Otherwise, your conclusion might also be a good place to address your career plans, as it ends the statement by looking to the future. You could end by specifying how the program will help you achieve your professional goals. 

Be prepared to write and re-write your statement as many times as necessary! Carefully review your statement after every draft to look for areas you could improve or elements you might need to add or replace. ","label":"Important Note:","title":"Important Note:"}]" code="tab6" template="BlogArticle">

Checklist for Submitting Your Statement of Purpose

Click here for the checklist.


Here's how we helped Nikki get into graduate school!

A strong statement of purpose offers a compelling narrative about your interests, abilities, and experiences, to show the committee that you are a strong applicant and the right fit for their institution and graduate program.

A graduate school statement of purpose usually ranges between 500 and 1,000 words in length. Be sure to check the specific requirements stated by the program as you prepare to apply.

A graduate school statement of purpose should contain an introduction, a main body based on 2 or 3 experiences, and a conclusion. Your statement should be clearly written and well-organized to help the reader follow the flow of your narrative.

A statement of purpose should include four main elements: your research interests in your chosen field, your academic and professional preparation, and your career plans. You need to give specific examples for each of these main elements, and to explain what you have learned from every experience you mention.

In writing your statement of purpose, you need to commit to writing several drafts to make sure your statement is as strong as it can be. You should ask for feedback from trusted academic mentors or professional consultants to ensure that your statement is effective and compelling. You also need to carefully proofread your work multiple times before submission.

You must never plagiarize your statement of purpose. Avoid using clichés and tired phrasing to keep your writing original and fresh. It is also important to favor clarity over artfulness, so be sure to avoid using overly-fancy language so that the focus is always on the substance of what you’re saying. Also avoid technical or overly specialized language unless absolutely necessary, and be sure to define any technical or specialized terms that you must use. 

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Have a question ask our admissions experts below and we'll answer your questions, 19 comments.

BeMo Academic Consulting

Hi Ablie! Thank you for your comment! We are glad you found this helpful!

Ayman Alfadil

Thanks a lot for your information. If my intended field of Ph.D. research is quite different from my previous research experiences, what am I suppose to do to link my previous interest with the new one? and Is it possible to have feedback on my writing?

Hello Ayman! Thank you for this wonderful question! It is not a problem that your previous research experience is not related to your new PhD interest. Even if they are not related in theme, it is important to showcase how your previous research experience honed your skills as a researcher. Demonstrate that the expertise that you acquired throughout your research history can be easily translated into this new field. Do not forget to give the admissions committee some sense of how you got interested in this new field, but it is not a problem that you decided to switch disciplines/interests. And of course we can help you with feedback on your writing. Please contact us for a free initial consultation (https://bemoacademicconsulting.com/Contact-Us.php) and we can discuss how we can help you make your statement the best it can be.

Ayman Alfadil, you are the winner of our weekly draw. Please email us by the end of the day tomorrow (June 19) at content[at]bemoacademicconsulting.com from the same email address you used to leave your comment to claim your prize!

Joana Smith

This is indeed the best Statement of purpose ever ,I love everything written here! It has really help me thank you!!!

Hello Joana! Thanks for your comment! We are glad you enjoyed this article!

Asra Tabassum

Hi...I want the sample for statement of purpose (for masters) where the student changes his filed/background/majors from science to IT... Atleast one sample which helps me to write my own. Thank you.

Hi Asra! Thanks for your comment and suggestion! We will try adding this kind of example as soon as possible!

Segun Abiri

I am so much in love with the way you make a big and difficult task simple. As a practitioner in adult education in Nigeria with over 6 years of experience, I intend to further my experience by having a Masters program in Canada. Problem is, my first degree is not in education, but Arts - Philosophy. I hope to scale through. Thank you for this great write ups.

Hi Segun! Thanks so much for your comment! We are glad you enjoyed the article. When you apply to a Master's program in Education, you do not need to have an undergrad degree in education. Your first degree in liberal arts will be a perfect fit for an Education graduate degree. Good luck and let us know if we can help you any further!

Chika happiness nwachukwu

Hi,indeed is the best statement of purpose ever,please I want the sample for statement of intents for masters,where the student changes his field,background/ majors from accounting education to educational foundations that will help me write my own. Thank you.

Hello Chika! Thanks for your comment! We will keep your request in mind when we update this blog! Thanks!

Hi, I wonder if you can only help me with SOP edits? Thanks.

Hello Bob! We can absolutely help you! Please contact us here https://bemoacademicconsulting.com/Contact-Us.php to schedule your free initial consultation.

Nwabueze Kewulezi

Hi, this is the best article on SOP I have read. Please, I need your advice. I am very passionate about teaching. I studied English, but my M.A. thesis is related to pragmatic. How do I relate both to my deep flare for education?

Hello Nwabueze! Thanks for your comment. Try to reflect on what connects your educational and professional background to teaching? Just because your MA thesis is not related to education, it does not mean that it cannot inform your love for teaching. Try making connections between your experience in the MA and what you want to do next. Hope this helps!

Samuel Frimpong

Can i get samples of these write-ups in Music?

Hello Smuela! Thanks for your comment. When we update the blog, we will make sure to keep your request in mind.

Chisa Amadi

Good morning, please I want to start up personal statement but don't seem to know how to go about it am applying for Agricultural science soil and water option. Please I will need a guide. Thank you

Hi Chisa! Thanks for your comment. Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss how we can help you with your personal statement! Look forward to hearing from you!

hey, thanks for the clear explanation, can you please help me write purpose statement for a journalism degree course

Hello Lucy! Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss how we can help you with your statement of purpose. Hope to hear from you!

This piece is extremely helpful

Hi Frimpong! Thanks! Glad you found this helpful!

Thank you for sharing this useful tips on SOPs.

Hello Anne! Thank you so much for your comment. Glad you found this helpful!

Elif Ülkü Türkoğlu

Thank you so much, this will be super helpful for my MA applications.

Hi Elif! Thanks for your comment! We are glad this is helpful!

Raphael Barrack Wangusu

Currently struggling with SOP preparations..i pursued Law for my bachelor degree and i wish to apply for masters scholarships in CANADA, UK, SWEEDN and USA. Thank you.

Hello Raphael! Thank you for your question. Please reach out to us for a free strategy call to discuss how we can help. 

Amazing content! I've never seen it explained the way you guys did it here!! Thank you!!!

Hello Joy! We are very glad you found this helpful!

It made me understand clearly what i have to do. thank you

Thanks Tumie! Glad you found this helpful!

i cant find any sop become related to food science. I really need a sample to help me. Could you help me please

Hello Shabnam, thanks for your message. We will keep your request in mind for when we update this blog.

I have enjoyed reading every bit of this document. I am so enlightened by it. Thank you.

Hello Michael! Glad you found this helpful! Thanks for your comment. 

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Statement of Purpose for Grad School – Examples & Advice

July 8, 2023

A statement of purpose is a key component of any graduate school application. While graduate programs and their application processes vary wildly, there are a number of common factors that admission committees will be looking for in a statement of purpose. As opposed to an undergraduate personal essay, a statement of purpose for grad school should prioritize academic interests over a personal story. Select personal details, as they relate to your academic interests, however, can also be an important piece of your statement. If this integration sounds challenging, don’t worry! We’ll look at samples from statement of purpose for grad school examples in the article that follows.

With this central focus in mind, a statement of purpose for graduate school should engage specifically with the program to which you are applying. here it is important to thoroughly research the schools and programs you are applying to, as well as faculty members whose research or academic interests align with your own. You will want to demonstrate these common interests in your statement of purpose, offering a clear sense of what you would contribute to the department and how you would fit into the conversation.

Along these lines, for many programs, it will be helpful to reach out to faculty members who could potentially serve as mentors or collaborators. For some programs, this is an essential component of the application. For others it is merely helpful, both to get a sense of the program for yourself and for the sake of your application. It is a way of demonstrating interest beyond the page and it can provide great material to include in your statement of purpose. As you will see in the following excerpts of a sample statement of purpose from graduate school, leaning into specificity is almost always a smart move.

Things to Include in a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

1) In regards to your scholarly past, how have you arrived at this point? What are the classes, ideas, jobs, internships, research, publications, etc. that have brought you to where you are? What are your academic accomplishments?

2) What questions, interests, or ideas continue to push you forward? What are the trajectories you can see your studies taking? And towards what ends?

Statement of Purpose Grad School Examples (Continued)

3) What are your goals and what is the larger purpose towards which you are working? Are there issues you hope to “solve” (or at least contribute to solving), people or communities you strive to help, areas of research you would like to push forward?

4) How do you plan on doing these things and why is this program, with these faculty members, the right place for you?

Structuring the Essay

While there are no set-in-stone rules about how you should structure a statement of purpose for graduate school, a good way to get started is by thinking in terms of an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion. The role of the introduction is to give a sense of the person behind the statement. You might do this with a few prescient details or an anecdote that catches the reader’s attention. This is also a nice place to touch upon an image or idea that will be returned to and further developed later in the statement. The introduction should offer context that sets up a discussion of academic interests. Here is an introductory excerpt of a sample statement of purpose from graduate school from a student applying to a Master of Arts program in psychology.

1) Introduction

I entered college convinced that I wanted to be a doctor. My grandfather, who passed away when I was thirteen, had been a rural practitioner and someone I looked up to. I admired his calm, caring demeanor when I was a child, and, after his passing, through the adoring stories I heard about him, my admiration only grew. At his funeral, in Western Massachusetts where his practice was located, many of the people he had helped, families spanning multiple generations, expressed their gratitude in a way that was new to me. I saw how much good a person could do and from this moment I decided that I wanted to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps.

So, I entered the University of Chicago on a pre-med track, planning to major in biology. I arrived at school as a naïve eighteen-year-old, thinking I could chart out the next ten years of my life. By sophomore year I was already having doubts. Organic Chemistry was a slog and I felt like I was losing the ambition to help people that had motivated my studies thus far.

This same semester, I took Introduction to Psychology and found myself more engaged than I’d been in any class so far. There was a discussion group component of the course in which we attempted to think in accordance with the patterns of various personality types and psychological disorders. In these discussions, I learned a lot about myself and came to recognize what a powerful tool talking could be. I realized there was more than one way to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps and that psychology was a field that kept me enthusiastic and fit my temperament.


This sample statement of purpose from graduate school does a good job of establishing the applicant’s academic trajectory while also giving a sense of the emotional underpinnings. It demonstrates a motivation that offers a sense of continuity without precluding discovery. This is a good thing to establish in a statement of purpose for graduate school because it demonstrates a commitment to critical, evolving thought. While admissions committees want to see that you are seriously engaged in the field in which you are applying for graduate studies, they also don’t expect you to have everything locked into place. Graduate school is a place to grapple with new concepts.

This introduction does a good job of leaning into specificity, but there are also places where it can go deeper. For example, it could be interesting to recount a particular exchange that occurred in the Introduction to Psychology discussion group. Mentioning particular classes and ideas or conversations that came up in those classes can lend your essay a refreshing touch of personality. When it comes to details such as these you can ask yourself, is this a story that only I could tell? If so, you’re likely on the right track. The introduction sets us up to delve into academic interests, bringing us to the main body. The following is an excerpt from a sample statement of purpose from graduate school from a student applying to a PhD program in art history.

2) Main Body

A turning point in my academic career came when I was a sophomore, following a discussion of Velázquez’s Las Meninas that continued for hours after class let out. This was right around the time I decided, albeit gradually, to major in art history and it involved the discovery of a new way of looking at paintings—a way that reached beyond the limits of the canvas, balancing aesthetic sentiments with critical ones. For the first time, I began to think about the politics of viewership and how a viewer’s gaze is constructed by their social context and the technologies through which they encounter a work of art.

These concerns, which have reshaped and shifted focus over the years, represent a thread that I continue to return to in my studies. It is for this reason that I’ve set my sights on Columbia for my PhD. I first encountered Jonathan Crary’s Techniques of the Observer in my senior year of undergrad and it is a work that I felt an immediate kinship with. In Techniques of the Observer, I had the sense that Crary was developing ideas that I understood on some deep level and yet had not been able to articulate. Considering the historical construction of the observer as a process inseparable from economics and social power offered a new perspective through which I could engage with questions of politics and aesthetics.

Further, I am very intrigued by the course that Professor Crary’s thought has followed over the years. 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep is another book of his that has had a major impact on my thinking. I am interested, in particular, in how the contemporary assault on sleep in favor of hypervisibility relates to modern visual culture as discussed in Techniques of the Observer . This is to say that I am not only interested in the ideas but also the trajectory they have taken over a number of years. I would be absolutely thrilled, perhaps even star-struck, to be able to study with and in the same department as Professor Crary.

This sample statement of purpose from the graduate does a good job of demonstrating fluency in the language of the contemporary field of art history. Rather than talking about or around their interest, the applicant conveys it by inhabiting this particular register. This section of the essay also blends the personal with the academic, evoking an intimate (rather than detached) connection to the material. This is something that selection committees like to see—an indication of long-term investment rather than fleeting interest.

One place where this section of the essay could move further is in its engagement with the ideas it discusses. Rather than merely reciting Crary’s ideas, this sample statement of purpose from graduate school could offer a reflection on them and, perhaps, new ideas that emerge in their wake. You should, of course, make sure that you’re adequately familiar with the work of a faculty member if you are citing them in your statement of purpose for graduate school. This doesn’t mean you can’t mention areas that you are interested in learning more about, but it’s best to be transparent when doing so. It’s a risky approach to try to fool an admissions committee into thinking you know more than you do. They look at many applications and will generally be able to see right through this.

3) Conclusion

The conclusion to your statement of purpose for graduate school is a space to leave your reader with an impression of how you will fit into the department and how you envision your studies moving forward. This is a place to weave things together and bring your statement to a natural close. Instead of summarizing what you have already said, think of this as shedding new light on the prior material.

Further, a statement of purpose is generally most effective when the weaving process occurs throughout the essay rather than being merely tacked on at the end. When this is the case there is less pressure to clarify things, which will allow you the freedom to end with an evocative image, anecdote, or idea that will stay with the reader. It can also be a place to share gratitude and convey a sense of self-awareness or humility. Here is a conclusory excerpt of a sample statement of purpose from graduate school from a student applying to a two-year Master of Fine Arts program in poetry.

Here, again, I return to a conviction in the importance of poetry, in the need to expand the realm of possibility and to a belief in the communities, no matter how large or small, that poetry builds and sustains. With these thoughts in mind, my poems look for moments in which the mundane gains an illuminated, suspended quality—when, as Wordsworth writes, “We see into the life of things.” These moments gesture beyond the contemporary system and through them I attempt to counter othering narratives, such as that of exoticism. Upon completing my MFA I plan to teach and to continue on this trajectory, as I work to deepen the role of poetry in our ongoing political struggles.

It is my hope that Brown University will be the place in which my life as a poet, student, and teacher moves forward. I am excited to collaborate in a workshop environment and I am at a point in my writing where the support and criticism of an intimate group would be of great benefit. I will share as much of myself as I can, while doing my best to strengthen the artistic community in Providence. Thank you for your consideration.

Sample Statement of Purpose for Graduate School – Final Thoughts

We hope you found our sample statement of purpose for graduate school to be a useful tool in your grad school admissions journey. For PhD candidates in particular, this article from The Chronicle of Higher Education will make for worthwhile follow-up reading.

  • Graduate School Admissions

Emmett Lewis

Emmett holds a BA in Philosophy from Vassar College and is currently completing an MFA in Writing at Columbia University. Previously, he served as a writing instructor within the Columbia Artists/Teachers community as well as a Creative Writing Teaching Fellow at Columbia, where he taught poetry workshops. In addition, Emmett is a member of the Poetry Board at the Columbia Journal , and his work has been published in HAD , Otoliths , and Some Kind of Opening , among others.

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School Slide

When writing your statement of purpose for graduate school, focus on your specific plans and how the graduate program and its faculty will help you meet these goals. Graduate study is not for slackers. It takes focus and determination to pursue an advanced degree. That's why admissions committees examine your statement of purpose (also called a letter of intent or research statement) very closely—they want to see whether you have the right stuff to succeed in grad school. Follow these tips to write an effective graduate school statement of purpose.

1. Know what grad schools are really asking.

Different grad school programs have different prompts. Nonetheless, they're all asking for the same four pieces of information:

  • What you want to study at graduate school?
  • Why you want to study it?
  • What experience you have in your field?
  • What you plan to do with your degree once you have it?

Admissions committees look for candidates with clear, well-defined research interests that arise from experience. With that in mind, your statement of purpose should reveal that you care deeply about your chosen discipline and that you have the background to support your ideas and sentiments. It should also demonstrate that you're a diligent student who will remain committed for the long haul. Always answer the question asked of you. Being substantive and direct is much better than being creative or flashy.

2. Be selective about the details you include.

Grad schools don’t care that you make a great chicken casserole or play intramural bocce ball. They do care about those activities that speak to your suitability for graduate work. As a graduate student, you'll be called upon to do difficult coursework and research. You may have to teach undergraduate classes within your field and conceivably even design a course. And you'll have to get along with a diverse group of colleagues who will sometimes work very closely with you. Any experience in school, work, or your extracurricular life that speaks to those abilities is worth talking about.

Read More: 5 Tips for Choosing a Grad School

3. Make your statement of purpose unique.

While it's important to be focused, there's no need to be boring. To distinguish your essay, add unique (yet relevant) information. One of the best ways to do this is to discuss—briefly—an idea in your field that turns you on intellectually. It's an effective essay-opener, and it lets you write about something besides yourself for a bit.

Remember, the idea you choose to talk about can tell an admissions committee a lot about you. And it demonstrates your interest in your field, rather than just describing it.

4. Ask for feedback.

Be sure to show your statement of purpose to someone you respect, preferably the professors who are writing your recommendations, and get some feedback on the content before you send it in. Have someone else proofread your essay for spelling and grammar. A fresh set of eyes often picks up something you missed.

Finally, don't just reuse the same statement of purpose for each school to which you apply. You can recycle the same information, but make sure you change the presentation to fit each individual program.

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  • Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, and Writing Sample

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Statement of Purpose 

The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications. You should describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen degree program, noting the experiences that shaped your research ambitions, indicating briefly your career objectives, and concisely stating your past work in your intended field of study and in related fields. Your degree program of interest may have specific guidance or requirements for the statement of purpose, so be sure to review the degree program page for more information. Unless otherwise noted, your statement should not exceed 1,000 words. 

Personal Statement

A core part of the Harvard Griffin GSAS mission is to identify and attract the most promising students to form a dynamic and diverse community. We are committed to educating individuals who reflect the growing diversity of perspectives and life experiences represented in society today and who will contribute to our commitment to sustain a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive environment. Please share how your experiences or activities will advance our mission and commitment. Your statement should be no longer than 500 words.

Writing Sample 

Please visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a writing sample is required. When preparing your writing sample, be sure to follow program requirements, which may include format, topic, or length. 

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

Congrats! You’ve chosen a graduate program , read up on tips for applying to grad school , and even wrote a focused grad school resumé . But if you’re like many students, you’ve left the most daunting part of the application process for last—writing a statement of purpose. The good news is, the task doesn’t have to feel so overwhelming, as long as you break the process down into simple, actionable steps. Below, learn how to write a strong, unique statement of purpose that will impress admissions committees and increase your chances of getting into your dream school.

What is a statement of purpose?

A statement of purpose (SOP), sometimes referred to as a personal statement, is a critical piece of a graduate school application that tells admissions committees who you are, what your academic and professional interests are, and how you’ll add value to the graduate program you’re applying to.

Jared Pierce, associate director of enrollment services at Northeastern University, says a strong statement of purpose can be the deciding factor in a graduate student’s admission.  

“Your statement of purpose is where you tell your story about who you are and why you deserve to be a part of the [university’s] community. It gives the admissions committee the chance to get to know you and understand how you’ll add value to the classroom,” he says.

How long should a statement of purpose be?

“A statement of purpose should be between 500 and 1,000 words,” Pierce says, noting that it should typically not exceed a single page. He advises that students use a traditional font at a readable size (11- or 12-pt) and leave enough whitespace in the margins to make the statement easy-to-read. Make sure to double-space the statement if the university has requested it, he adds. 

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you understand how to format a statement of purpose, you can begin drafting your own. Getting started can feel daunting, but Pierce suggests making the process more manageable by breaking down the writing process into four easy steps.

1. Brainstorm your ideas.

First, he says, try to reframe the task at hand and get excited for the opportunity to write your statement of purpose. He explains:

“Throughout the application process, you’re afforded few opportunities to address the committee directly. Here is your chance to truly speak directly to them. Each student arrives at this process with a unique story, including prior jobs, volunteer experience, or undergraduate studies. Think about what makes you you and start outlining.”

When writing your statement of purpose, he suggests asking yourself these key questions:

  • Why do I want this degree?
  • What are my expectations for this degree?
  • What courses or program features excite me the most?
  • Where do I want this degree to take me, professionally and personally?
  • How will my unique professional and personal experiences add value to the program?

Jot these responses down to get your initial thoughts on paper. This will act as your starting point that you’ll use to create an outline and your first draft.

2. Develop an outline.

Next, you’ll want to take the ideas that you’ve identified during the brainstorming process and plug them into an outline that will guide your writing. 

An effective outline for your statement of purpose might look something like this:

  • An attention-grabbing hook
  • A brief introduction of yourself and your background as it relates to your motivation behind applying to graduate school 
  • Your professional goals as they relate to the program you’re applying to
  • Why you’re interested in the specific school and what you can bring to the table
  • A brief summary of the information presented in the body that emphasizes your qualifications and compatibility with the school

An outline like the one above will give you a roadmap to follow so that your statement of purpose is well-organized and concise. 

3. Write the first draft.

Your statement of purpose should communicate who you are and why you are interested in a particular program, but it also needs to be positioned in a way that differentiates you from other applicants. 

Admissions professionals already have your transcripts, resumé, and test scores; the statement of purpose is your chance to tell your story in your own words.

When you begin drafting content, make sure to:

  • Provide insight into what drives you , whether that’s professional advancement, personal growth, or both.
  • Demonstrate your interest in the school by addressing the unique features of the program that interest you most. For Northeastern, he says, maybe it’s experiential learning; you’re excited to tackle real-world projects in your desired industry. Or perhaps it’s learning from faculty who are experts in your field of study.
  • Be yourself. It helps to keep your audience in mind while writing, but don’t forget to let your personality shine through. It’s important to be authentic when writing your statement to show the admissions committee who you are and why your unique perspective will add value to the program.

4. Edit and refine your work.

Before you submit your statement of purpose:

  • Make sure you’ve followed all directions thoroughly , including requirements about margins, spacing, and font size.
  • Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Remember that a statement of purpose should be between 500 and 1,000 words. If you’ve written far more than this, read through your statement again and edit for clarity and conciseness. Less is often more; articulate your main points strongly and get rid of any “clutter.”
  • Walk away and come back later with a fresh set of eyes. Sometimes your best ideas come when you’re not sitting and staring at your computer.
  • Ask someone you trust to read your statement before you submit it.

Making a Lasting Impression

Your statement of purpose can leave a lasting impression if done well, Pierce says. It provides you with the opportunity to highlight your unique background and skills so that admissions professionals understand why you’re the ideal candidate for the program that you’re applying to. If nothing else, stay focused on what you uniquely bring to the classroom, the program, and the campus community. If you do that, you’ll excel.

To learn more tricks and tips for submitting an impressive graduate school application, explore our related Grad School Success articles .

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in March 2017. It has since been updated for thoroughness and accuracy.

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Writing a Successful Grad School Statement of Purpose Tips, Tricks and Expert Guidance for Top-Tier Statements of Purpose

In addition to previous academic records, research interests, GPAs and work experience, statements of purpose serve as an important tool in helping graduate admissions panels get to know prospective students. While these documents may seem straightforward initially, students can help themselves stand out from the pack by writing incisive, thoughtful statements that stay true to themselves but also demonstrate an understanding of the university and its mission. Use this guide to learn what academic departments look for, how to structure a winning statement, and what our expert has to say on the matter.

  • What is a Statement of Purpose?

What Do Grad Schools Want?

  • 12 Tips for Writing a Stellar Statement

Sample Statement of Purpose

  • Additional Resources

The Statement of Purpose Explained

The statement of purpose can seem like a vague concept when students are first introduced to it, and many may question whether they are fulfilling the requirements fully and adequately. Because confusion continues to swirl around statements of purpose, we asked Melinda Maxwell, director of graduate admissions at the University of North Georgia, to share answers to some of the most common questions students pose about this process.

“The statement of purpose gives an applicant the opportunity to express non-quantifiable characteristics for consideration to an admissions committee,” Maxwell notes. “This may include the applicant's personal or professional strengths and goals or passion for career fields related the academic program.” She goes on to explain that, for the admission committee, the statement provides great benefit. “Graduate school is rigorous, and admission is often competitive,” she says. “They want to select students who are not only academically qualified, but also show commitment to achieving success in the program from start to finish.”

Before ever sitting down to write or outline a statement of purpose, students need to ensure they thoroughly read any and all instructions or guidance provided by the school. If, after making sure they haven’t missed any details, they still need clarification, they can contact an admissions officer to receive specific answers to their questions.

“Expound upon why you want to achieve this degree and how you intend to use it, and include any personal, educational or professional experiences you have that would relate to the course content and research,” encourages Maxwell. “Answer the question: ‘Why should we choose you for admission to this program?’”

While schools like to see unique the unique skills, passions, talents and interests of prospective students, these learners must also be judicial in deciding which details may be interesting but ultimately unsuitable for the statement of purpose. While the summer you spent teaching English to adults in Slovakia is fascinating, your recipe for fail-proof chili isn’t.

“A personal statement is, well, more personal,” Maxwell says. “It's your voice telling who you are and why you are passionate about achieving the degree.” Most programs will ask for one or the other, she adds. “I encourage students to reflect their desire and propensity for success in either format. That being said, personal statements should include characteristics about you as an individual — separate from what they ascertain about how you perform as a student from your transcripts and recommendations.”

It’s imperative that students write their statements of purpose to guard against any type of plagiarism or ethical issues, but that doesn’t mean they can’t ask for help along the way. Schedule time to sit down with former professors, mentors or supervisors to help get a clearer sense of your strongest attributes. Once written, allow time for trusted friends or family to provide feedback on content, style and syntax.

As will be discussed thoroughly in this guide, one of the most important things students can do to write a winning statement of purpose is to stay focused on their story, interests and unique qualities. While this remains true, applicants must also consider how to structure and present their SOP in a way that appeals to the needs and values of the school to which they apply. The following section highlights what schools do and don’t want to see in a statement of purpose.

What Grad Schools Do Want to See

  • “We want to know why a student is pursuing admission to this particular program,” Maxwell explains. Students who apply to countless programs without giving much thought to the unique qualities of the school itself often fall short of the institution’s expectations.
  • “We look for wording and language showing evidence that the applicant thoroughly and carefully researched the program,” she says. It’s one thing to focus on the values and mission of the school itself, but many graduate departments also have independent personalities and methods of operating. Students who tap into these qualities and highlight why they want to be in such an environment often leave a more lasting impression on admissions experts.
  • “Applicants should strive to illustrate why it’s a mutually beneficial fit, including drawing clear connections between the degree and any of their future goals,” encourages Maxwell. Many students forget that statements of purpose need to be future-focused rather than dwelling too much on the past. Admissions experts want to know about the experiences that made you the person you are today, but they also need to see that you have a plan for the degree you gain from their institution.
  • “Many students forget the simple step of clearly outlining what they are willing to commit to the program,” Maxwell notes. In the same way that universities lay out their curriculum and list of steps for moving through the program, students should provide a clear sense of what they plan to bring to the degree and how they hope to be an asset to the department and their peers.

What They Don’t Want to See

  • “We do not want to see poor writing or grammar,” Maxwell says. Applications and statements of purpose offer prospective students the first chance to demonstrate their passion for academics and seriousness about graduate education. Those who make careless errors tell the admissions panel that they aren’t taking the process seriously.
  • “Similarly, lackadaisical statements of purpose will be dismissed,” she says. Having read thousands of statements of purpose during their time in higher education, admissions experts can easily spot one that hasn’t been properly thought out.
  • “We also want to see students who understand how to maximize character limits to reflect substance,” Maxwell adds. Because many SOP forms have word limits, students must know how to succinctly and clearly convey their interests and passions within a structured space.

12 Tips for Writing a Stellar SOP

After filling out numerous applications, some students start paying less attention to specific instructions and instead move into autopilot mode. It’s important to remember that individual schools seek different information, so pay close attention to the prompt at hand.

Admission panels read thousands of applications each year, so students must find innovative ways to uniquely share their story to stand out from the pack. Instead of simply talking about the importance of sports or travel in your life, share your distinctive recollections or accomplishments.

Many students believe simply stating their accomplishments or activities will impress readers, but far too often they forget to qualify or quantify what they’ve done to provide context. Rather than saying you worked at a summer camp, be sure to include information such as how long, how many children, how you spent your days and any commendations you received.

In the same way that colleges and universities want students to share matchless information about themselves, they also want to see that students recognize the unique qualities of the school. Spend time with the institution’s vision plan and statement of values before writing your statement of purpose.

While it’s important that readers get a sense of your personality and motivations, it’s equally important that they understand the academic side of you. Don’t shy away from talking about what you learned during your undergraduate degree and how you hope to build on that knowledge in graduate school.

If you didn’t move directly from your baccalaureate program into a graduate degree, make sure you talk about how you used that time off — especially if you continued working on the skills you hope to further hone while in school. Discuss how any jobs, volunteer experiences or research contributed to your future.

It’s not enough to say you want to study your given topic, you must go into the specifics of the degree. As an example, students hoping to pursue a history degree should discuss specific eras, methodologies or frameworks that serve as inspirations.

Many students leave their statement of purpose until the last minute, as they feel overwhelmed by the task at hand. Even though it can feel intimidating to condense your life into 500 words, get started with plenty of time to spare so you aren’t scrambling the day before the application deadline.

Perfection rarely takes place on the first attempt, so don’t be afraid to write several drafts of your SOP. If you’re unsure of what you want to focus on in the statement, write a few versions and then see what themes or information keeps appearing. Focus on that topic and cut anything that feels irrelevant.

A quick Google search provides hundreds of sample SOPs for students who learn best by seeing examples. Read through a few to get an idea of writing style, structure and tone before you begin the process.

After getting the SOP to a point where you feel reasonably good about the content, consider asking a few people who you trust and respect to review the document. Examples include family, previous professors, mentors or supervisors. These readers can often provide perspective on whether the statement adequately conveys your abilities and passions.

More than a few students have labored endlessly over their SOPs only to find a careless typo or grammatical error — after the document has already been submitted. Read over your SOP several times and ask multiple people to review the document for any mistakes.

Having reviewed the many tips and tricks for writing a stellar statement of purpose, many students may feel antsy to start the process. It’s important for students to keep an eye on the overarching requirements while also ensuring they provide specific examples throughout the statement, says University of North Georgia’s Melinda Maxwell. “To begin with, students need to make sure they answer any specific questions and stay within set character or page limits,” advises Maxwell. She also reminds students of the importance of starting strong with the first paragraph. “The first paragraph should make an impact, allowing the reader to get to know you,” she explains. “Use the next section to discuss goals, relevance, commitment or drive before closing with a summary of information presented.”

If you feel overwhelmed by the task, remember to tap your resources for help. “Lots of higher education institutions offer free services to students and alumni, including graduate school application prep,” she says. “Have a professional read your statement and provide feedback prior to submission; if this service isn’t readily available, reach out to a former professor or mentor from your undergraduate experience and ask if they will agree to a review.”

SOP Template

Within this first section, students need to clearly and concisely let readers know what they hope to accomplish by completing this degree. For historians, their goal may be to earn a Ph.D. that allows them to move into a postsecondary teaching role upon graduation. For biologists, they may want to use the degree as a springboard for a meaningful research position. Whatever the reason, panels need to understand what you hope to do both generally and specifically. While the goal of the historian may be a teaching role, they need to provide specific examples such as time periods, methodologies or frameworks they hope to study to prepare them for specific teaching roles.

This is the space where students need to clearly define their experiences up until this point in their life and connect those experiences with their desire to pursue a graduate degree. Schools want to see that you have a strong, grounded reason for pursuing advanced education, as those who don’t often find that they aren’t prepared for the rigors of graduate school. Individuals working within business may find themselves hitting a ceiling and discover that the next logical step for them involves an MBA. Meanwhile, those working in political science may discover that a master’s in public policy helps them get to the next rung on the latter. Regardless of your field, use this paragraph to passionately express your intense focus on meeting goals.

Not all schools require this section in their statements of purpose, but those that do want to see that students possess a good command of the discipline before admitting them. Students can use this section to highlight any books or studies that motivated them to pursue higher education. They can also discuss specific frameworks and/or methodologies they hope to study while enrolled.

As discussed by Maxwell earlier in this guide, admissions panels want to see that students understand how their goals and interests align with the department’s vision and values. Some students decide to highlight a few professors in the department with whom they would like to study under, while others discuss the accomplishments of alumni they respect and want to emulate. Many paths exist to highlight individualized programmatic interest, and students can use this space to creatively demonstrate their knowledge of the school and department to impress the admissions officers — so long as they connect it back to their goals.

Having laid out your case from various angles and made sure to hit all the points required by the school, the final paragraph provides you the space to succinctly cover all the high points once more and wrap up the statement with a neat finish. While it’s important to restate the most important aspects of yourself and your goals, be sure to keep this section short since it contains no new information.

More on Grad School SOPs

7 Successful Statement of Purpose Examples: PrepScholar shares a sampling of winning statements of purpose from grad students who aced this portion of the application.

10 Tips on How to Write a Statement of Purpose: The University of Southern California provides an institutional perspective on what it looks for in the best SOPs.

13 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Personal Statement: Writing a sound statement of purpose becomes much easier when you know what not to do in the process. Check out Magoosh’s article for advice.

The Definitive Guide to Unbox Statement of Purpose Writing: This exhaustive article by Edusson offers a step-by-step plan for writing a top-tier statement of purpose.

Kisses of Death in the Graduate School Application Process: This academic paper written by professors at Indiana University and Idaho State University highlights five categories of mistakes commonly seen on grad school applications.

Statement of Purpose Guidelines: MIT’s graduate school provides a comprehensive list of steps students can take when creating their statement of purpose.

Things to Avoid in Your Grad School Statement of Purpose: EssayEdge discusses some of the errors students usually make during this process and provides tips on avoiding them.

What to Cover in Your Graduate Statement of Purpose: Students feeling overwhelmed by their options when it comes to what can they include in the SOP can get help narrowing their options by reading this article.

Write a Graduate School Essay that Will Knock Their Socks Off: Peterson’s reviews some of the best approaches students can take if they want to provide a truly memorable statement of purpose.

Writing a Winning Statement of Purpose: The psychology department at San Jose State University shares its tips for creating a statement of purpose that results in an acceptance letter.

BrightLink Prep

Sample Statement of Purpose in Education (Harvard Ed.M.)

example statement of purpose for education graduate school

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In statement of purpose.

The following statement of purpose is written by an applicant who got accepted to Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) for a degree in Ed.M. (focus in Education Policy and Management). Read this essay to get inspiration and understand what a top SOP for Harvard should look like.

You might also be interested in reading this Sample Statement of Purpose in Education that got admitted to Stanford.

Sample Statement of Purpose in Education Harvard

I want to increase the access of low-cost quality education to lower strata of our society who otherwise don’t have access to this ‘luxury’. To do this, I want to bolster my professional experience with international exposure to education policy and the latest pedagogies by pursuing a master’s degree in Education focusing on Educational Policy and Management.

I did my undergraduate in Accounting and Finance at one of the premier universities in the U.S. My undergraduate has equipped me with extensive quantitative knowledge and technical experience around different themes in auditing, corporate accounting, management and taxation. In addition to these areas, I expanded my focus and studied interdisciplinary courses like Game Theory, Personal Effectiveness and Contemporary Social Policy Issues in the U.S. Due to these courses, I decided to pursue a leadership role in the social sector, where I merge my business knowledge on pressing social issues like improving the quality of and increasing access to Education. Consequently, I started working as a Vice Principal in a private school which provides low-cost Education to a broad stratum of our society.

Working as a Vice Principal for the past 18 months, I have scrutinized many managerial problems common to the entire low-cost private system of Education in the U.S. First, there is a severe shortage of the latest teacher training facilities and curricula. Lack of training translates into low skills in teaching pedagogies practised by teachers to impart Education, and as a result, the whole education system becomes outdated.

Moreover, given the lack of training facilities, teachers have limited growth opportunities. They perceive working in low-cost private Education as merely a way of getting teaching experience and leaving for better chances at any behest. This results in a high teacher turnover rate as well. Consequently, it also affects teaching quality: The same syllabus keeps being taught the same way over the years, promoting wrought learning, lack of creativity and low applied skills. This inherent monotony widens the gap between high-cost and low-cost private education systems.

Grappling these problems daily, I draw my motivation to do a master’s degree to address these problems, and I have devised the following study plan through which I can solve these problems at a granular level. To pursue a Master’s degree, I see Harvard’s program as an ideal conduit for my study interests.

Firstly, by excelling in Harvard’s four core areas, Policy, Management and Leadership, Research and Evaluation, and Diversity, Culture, and Identity, I will hone into theoretical foundations of becoming a better administrator and equip myself with the latest pedagogies, primarily focusing on curriculum development, models of teaching, ways of integrating technology in Education.

Beyond the classroom, I will gain valuable insights by collaborating with Harvard’s influential faculty. In particular, by collaborating with Kathleen McCartney, I will glean more information on the relations between leadership development and organizational change, which is foundational for my current work. Similarly, I will significantly benefit from the findings of Andrew Ho on the use, and interpretation of test scores in educational policy and practice, through which I can learn ways of quantifying teaching quality and improve teaching training and high teacher turnover rate.

Apart from this, the research facilities at the Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) will ideally dovetail with the skillset developed by taking courses from the core area of Research and Evaluation. Ideally, I would like to further my research into K-12 leadership and applied psychology in Education. Through my training, my prime aim will be to develop a curriculum sensitive to the educational needs of the lower strata of our society so that they can relate to the curriculum. Ideally, I would like to work in the centre and develop the latest teacher training techniques so that I can train other teachers in the U.S. in a better way.

One of my key objectives of getting an advanced degree in Education from a prestigious institute like Harvard is to equip myself with the necessary skills through which I can transition my organization towards financial self-sufficiency. Mainly I would focus on graduate training in effective financial management and innovative ways of raising financial capital. I would use this training to come back and address the issue of limited funds, which hurts our smooth operations.

Similarly, I would love to get practical exposure through internships and work for organizations such as Uncommon Schools, which is working with the same goal of providing quality education to those who cannot afford it. Uncommon Schools’ success in the U.S. is exciting for me as I intend to replicate the strategies they employ to work effectively with limited funds at my school when I return to work. I would also be looking forward to forming a consortium of Uncommon Schools and my school so that we can exchange ideas for a common cause.

In the short run, I would return to work and continue my work at my current school. However, I would like to improve curriculum design and management through my graduate training. Utilizing my expertise, I want to revamp my school’s administration system and introduce a more inclusive and flexible hierarchy. I would also like to introduce ways to achieve financial stability through forwarding and horizontal linkages. More importantly, I would introduce state-of-the-art teacher training programs with built-in structures that can help me retain teachers for a longer time than currently.

In the long run, however, I want to be a part of large-scale programs such as the Education Sector Project (ESP) and work with other policymakers to create concrete educational policies.

In this way, I want to create an impact within my capacity, and I see a master’s degree from Harvard as an ideal segue for my career aspirations.

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Grad School (Examples)

example statement of purpose for education graduate school

What is a Statement of Purpose for Grad School?

The Statement of Purpose (or “SOP letter”) is a key component of your application materials for most graduate schools, MBA programs, and Ph.D. programs in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and other countries around the world with an English-language curriculum. The most important thing about the statement of purpose (or personal statement) is that it ties together grades, test scores, and application and expands upon it, giving admissions officers a much more expansive window into who you are as a student and a person.

Although the graduate school application and academic CV provide a lot of information about you as a candidate, the letter will tell them “who you are” and “what you want to be” in a much more detailed and personal way than the other components in the application package.

What to Include in a Statement of Purpose

Before entering a graduate program, the graduate faculty need to know why you are interested in coming to this institution or program and how it will help you achieve your larger academic and professional goals in life. They also need to see that you are a person capable of high academic achievement in their given program. This means an extended history of your academic achievements during your undergraduate career (and graduate career if you have attended grad school), as well as the goals and objectives you have set out for yourself.

Ultimately, you need to stand out as a candidate from the field, showing why the admissions officers should accept you over the many other strong graduate candidates. The Statement of Purpose should highlight the reasons why you are more than just your test scores and grades—it could even help you overcome a less-than-perfect score in a class and account for any missing years in education. Therefore, keep in mind that your grad school SOP letter should be honest, candid, and most importantly, complete.

How long should a Statement of Purpose be? 

For most grad school programs, your Statement of Purpose should be between 500 and 1,000 words, depending on the level of your program and your academic history and achievements. A grad school SOP usually does not exceed two pages when written in a traditional font at a readable size of 11-point or 12-point. Leave enough whitespace in the margins to make the statement easy for admissions committees to read. Your SOP letter should also be double-spaced and follow standard formatting rules for university essays. Visit your program’s admissions website for specific Statement of Purpose formatting details.

Specific SOP Letter Questions to Answer

The following questions should be clearly answered in your SOP (in relatively this order):

  • WHO are you (as a person and a student)?
  • HOW did you become interested in this topic/field of study?
  • WHAT have you done so far in the field of your choice?
  • WHY/HOW do you want to study this field?
  • WHY do you want to study at this university/program and WHY are you a good fit?

What style of writing is needed in a Statement of Purpose?

Although the SOP letter is more informal than a research paper, make sure that your language is not only free of grammatical and mechanics errors but that it is of an academic level that reflects your educational level and qualifications. Apply the following standards to the writing and the essay-drafting process:

  • Compose using “graduate-level” academic writing.
  • Make your language more personal in tone than research writing.
  • Use the active voice and first-person point of view more often.
  • Write chronologically, starting from your most important actions and achievements during your undergraduate years.
  • Use lots of details—list course names, professors, methods, and specific schools and programs.
  • Write several drafts of your SOP letter, giving yourself time to edit, revise, and edit again before submitting your essay to the graduate admissions faculty.

Statement of Purpose Organization

A well-structured Statement of Purpose allows readers to see your growth and development as an individual and as a researcher and student. You can think of the SOP letter as a story where all parts are in sequential, chronological order. The following is the most standard structure of a Statement of Purpose. For each “section,” you should write at least one paragraph but no more than two paragraphs, depending on the word-count limit indicated by your graduate program:

  • A  “hook”  that demonstrates your passion for the field
  • Segue  (transition) to your background in the field
  • Specific  classes  you have taken, given by name
  • Specific  professors  you have had, especially if well-known
  • Extracurricular activities  in the field
  • Publications  and other  professional accomplishments  in the field
  • Explanations about  problems in your background  (if applicable)
  • Mention  one or two professors  whose work you appreciate
  • Specific features  of the grad program which attract you
  • A  brief conclusion  repeating your purpose for applying to this program

Statement of Purpose Brainstorming Questions

As we mentioned above, it is critical that you answer all the questions expected in your Statement of Purpose. While graduate programs almost always provide specific prompts and instructions on their university/program website, the list below gives much more in-depth questions that you can answer to ensure impressing the graduate admissions faculty at your program. Use these as prompts to answer and brainstorm your more complete answers in each section (see the examples in the images below).

Academic/Professional Interests and Motivations

  • What most interests you about this area of study?
  • Why are you interested in this area and topic?
  • When did you first start to show an interest? How did you exhibit this interest?

Academic Background

  • What majors, classes, or other academic experiences have you had in this field?
  • Which of your work, research, and/or extracurricular experiences are related to this field?

Publications/Professional Accomplishments/Awards

  • What work have you published or written (thesis, dissertation, etc.) related to this field?
  • Which awards have you received that show my ability?

What are your short-term and long-term goals?

  • What do you hope to accomplish academically?
  • What sort of research or professional work do you want to do in the future with your graduate degree or Ph.D.?

Recent Research/Professional Activities and Preparation

  • What work have you been involved in recently that has prepared you for this program?
  • What have you been involved in recently to show your interest in this field?

Why are you interested in this university and graduate program?

  • What does this university/program offer you that other schools don’t?
  • Which courses and professors most interest you?
  • What makes you a “good fit” for this institution?
  • What will you bring to this program?

What makes you stand out as a graduate school candidate?

  • What other information about you should the school know that will attract them to you?
  • Do you have any unique abilities or circumstances?

Do you have any weaknesses or missing elements you need to explain?

  • Do you have any semesters of low grades that you may need to account for?
  • Any inconsistencies or big changes in your academic or professional direction?

Statement of Purpose Structure in Detail

Think of the following questions and their answers as topic sentences or “mini-theses” that will guide the information and details in the rest of the paragraph. Answer each question during the brainstorming process and write it in a simple sentence or two. After answering these important questions, you will have a complete working outline (nearly a first draft!) in which you can later fill in the details, edit, and revise.

Grad School Statement of Purpose Example

University/Program:  NYU Anthropology Department

Major:  East African Studies

Paragraph 1: Introduction and Intended Program (“hook”)

statement of purpose example introduction paragraph

Paragraph 2: Background, Interests, and Motivations (“segue”)

statement of purpose example paragraph

Paragraph 3: Elaborate on your academic background

statement of purpose example paragraph

Paragraph 4: Extracurricular Activities

SOP example text

Paragraphs 5-6: Publications and More Recent Activity

graduate SOP example fifth paragraph

Paragraph 7: Why are you a good fit for this program and school?

graduate SOP example seventh paragraph

Paragraph 8: SOP Conclusion/Commitment Statement

statement of purpose example final paragraph

More Statement of Purpose Samples

Here are several examples of successful graduate school statements of purpose. Both candidates were applying to top-15 graduate and MBA programs. Notice how each essay incorporates their personal experience with their future goals, both academic and career.

Note: These are actual sample essays edited by professional editors . Personal info is redacted for privacy. This is not a reusable template.

Statement of Purpose Example 1

Computer science (CS) studies require abstract thinking and practical problem-solving skills. Hence, CS students usually need strong theoretical and technical abilities, which I have gained through my undergraduate education. For example, I am well-trained in mathematics, and the courses I have taken in the field have laid a solid theoretical foundation for understanding abstract computational propositions and designing complex algorithms. I am also skilled at computational thinking: I can connect theories with real-life problems and create computer programs to provide innovative solutions. Additionally, I am very passionate about studying CS because I know that CS will significantly impact my career and future life. Therefore, I feel confident that I will succeed in the _________ Program. I am looking forward to studying at ______, where I can learn how to create web scrapers, manage databases, contribute to open-source projects, and research various advanced topics.

The introduction immediately states the academic program and field of study. It adeptly defines what “success” is in the field of CS and connects that with his/her history, skills, and passions.

During my undergraduate career, I took many pure math courses, including Linear Algebra, Probability Theory, and Mathematical Statistics. These courses have prepared me well for studying advanced computer science because a wide range of methods used in modern computational research is based on mathematics. For example, in machine learning, knowledge from linear algebra and mathematical statistics is the basis for two key research methods: algebraic and statistical methods. Thanks to my proficiency in both areas, I will be able to find statistical explanations for the algebraic approach as well as perform algebraic calculations for statistical models. Therefore, I am confident in my ability to solve various theoretical problems during hands-on machine learning research. 

This part talks about academic history and skills. This applicant has the academic background and course history to be prepared for graduate-level study.

Furthermore, the computational thinking skills I gained from my undergraduate education enable me to formulate a problem, express the solution, and evaluate the results. In my Mathematical Modeling class, my professor introduced a mathematical model for describing the stock market. However, I soon realized that the model was too simple to illustrate real scenarios due to the lack of time variables. Therefore, I supplemented his original model with an iterative formula to measure time, programmed equations into a MATLAB editor, and generated solution graphs. I was surprised by the results, which implied a potential contradiction with the professor’s proposed solution. When I explained my findings to the professor, he was very impressed by my work. I plan to continue to capitalize on the strength of my computational thinking skills at Columbia to manage complex databases, practice classic algorithms, and apply my computer science expertise to solve real-life problems.

The applicant moves on to give an academic experience that demonstrates how he/she learns. How does the student handle barriers? How does the student interact with professors and mentors? How did he/she solve a problem? Graduate programs are looking for students who take control of their learning. 

One of the primary reasons that I want to study computer science is my internship experience. During the winter break of my junior year, I worked as an investment research intern at a private equity firm, where I was responsible for collecting financial data and writing industry reports. I enjoyed this work and continued finding methods to improve my efficiency—I wanted to spend more time on data analysis and less on manual data collection. After visiting another private equity firm with my manager, I realized that I needed to learn computer science. At that firm, all of the data collection and analyses were done automatically by its data mining and machine learning system. Using this approach, the firm could spend more time communicating with investors to raise more capital. Although I later switched my career goal to economics research, I am still motivated by what I learned from my internship experience: in the 21st century, computer science will fundamentally change every industry and every one of us. As such, we must embrace computer science to gain advantageous positions for our careers.

The applicant next explains why he/she wants to study at this program. The applicant writes about a professional high-performing experience that informed why studying CS could be beneficial. The applicant only learned this while “on the job .”

Outside of the classroom, I enjoy hiking. During my three years in _____, I climbed many mountains in the area. Hiking can be challenging on steep trails because I am sometimes exhausted, only halfway to the top. However, I never give up. In these moments, I will take a rest, have some energy bars, and continue walking until I reach the apex and discover the beautiful scenery there. Studying computer science is similar to hiking in some ways: as a non-CS major, I may find some CS courses challenging. However, with the patience and perseverance I have learned through hiking, I am able to overcome these challenges and master advanced computational techniques. As an international student, I will maintain full-time enrollment at my current university in order to attend the program if I am admitted. I hope to apply the computer science skills I will acquire at Columbia to boost my career development and achieve a better future.

Here, the student shows how well-rounded she/he is. Challenges are to be expected and not avoided. The applicant shows that balance is key to her/his way of learning.

Statement of Purpose Example 2

Life is short, but it is enjoyable to pursue and commit to something you love. My interest in information systems arose from my internship. Previously, I just wanted to start my career as a business analyst, more focused on the business side. But after the internship, this changed. At ____ , I gained exposure to SaaS and FinTech, which piqued my interest in programming, machine learning, and technology. Learning about these two fields afforded me opportunities to research technology and information science methods, and the process of actually handling data for analysis taught me that data is more useful in today’s business world than it was in the past, and I need to improve my data processing and forecasting skills to better serve my data-related work. My current master’s program focuses more on statistics than machine learning and technology, so I am eager to enroll in ____ ’s Master of Science in Information Systems program to follow my passion. I am confident that my strong academic background and relevant experience will allow me to succeed in this program.

The applicant immediately demonstrates his/her professional background. If your professional background is your best selling point, start with it. The applicant is a mature candidate and is applying because she/he knows what they want and what they need from the program.

After my undergraduate study in finance, I wanted to improve my statistical and technical skills along with business knowledge in order to meet my future job needs. In 2019, having achieved outstanding grades, I enrolled in ____ University’s master’s degree program in Applied Statistics and Decision Making. But based on my previous internships and projects, I want to take more courses in information systems and programming. Upon entering my current degree program, I selected courses on statistics, regression analysis and modeling, Python, R, sentiment analysis, and similar topics. These statistical and data science courses resolved some of the challenges I faced during my internship and helped determine my career goal in technology.

The second paragraph most often recalls the candidate’s academic or undergraduate history. The goal is to demonstrate you have taken the proper coursework to be prepared and you are aware of the skills needed.

This past summer, I interned at Visa in financial data analytics, a business-technology combined role. Compared to my previous internship at ____ , I learned more about data and technology foundations by gaining a comprehensive knowledge of the data analysis process. We use customer reporting and company network data to analyze customers’ credit status and make adjustments accordingly. Specifically, I used Python and SQL to conduct EDA and ETL processes. Then, I wrote a filter function to realize data extraction automation. After that, I compared and analyzed the internal business data. I marked the flagging value with the binary standard, using simple classification models, like logistic regression and random forest, to understand changes in the data. Finally, I designed dashboards using Tableau to show the investment and management team the flagging data of customers and their overall credit statuses. Through this internship, I was able to apply my theoretical knowledge to a specific extent, but it was still relatively simple data analysis and machine learning, as I did not optimize my model or made predictions. In order to conduct more in-depth research and make predictions, I decided to learn more about modeling and technical methods.

Next is professional experiences. The applicant details real, professional projects she/he has completed. The applicant shows why and how each tool is important in a business context (this candidate was applying to a top business school in NYC).

Therefore, I have decided to pursue graduate study in information systems at ____ . Several features of your program make it the perfect place for my future studies. First, the opportunity to pursue a summer internship to enhance my future job prospects appeals to me. Second, I am drawn to the comprehensive structure of the curriculum. I will have the chance to study in both the ____ School of Business and Computer Science and conduct an information technology project, which will enable me to achieve my goal of mastering business methods as well as algorithms relevant to technology management. Furthermore, I believe I am a great fit for your program and can both succeed and contribute a unique perspective. I have the requisite knowledge of business, statistics, mathematics, and programming required by the program. My previous internships and projects have provided me with substantial experience in both business and technology, and I have a clear understanding of what I hope to achieve in the program. Ideally, I want to consolidate my prior knowledge, focus on algorithms and systems, and deepen my study of machine learning and algorithms to be able to use various models flexibly and fluently. Finally, because I have studied in _____’s summer program, building a strong network with my professors and classmates, and earned my first graduate degree in New York, there is no question of my being able to adapt and assimilate to a new culture or environment. 

This section explains why the student is applying, what he/she hopes to gain, and what she/he can contribute. They cite the program’s strong network as a selling point.

Within one year of graduation, I hope to find a satisfying job related to technology and business, such as a technology consultant or product manager position in a technology or finance company. In the long run, I am eager to grow my network, make critical contributions to my team at work, and hope to become successful in the field of technology. Continuing my studies in your distinguished program would be a worthwhile journey for me and an integral step to achieving my goals.

Further Tips for Writing the Graduate Statement of Purpose

  • Highlight your self-motivation, competence, and potential in this essay
  • Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in the active voice.
  • Demonstrate through examples; don’t just write that you are a “persistent person”—show it!
  • Approach every topic with continuity and focus.
  • Start at least 2-3 months in advance and write several drafts of your SOP letter before finalizing your essay.

The Final Step: Editing Your SOP Letter

As any good writer knows, it takes more than one draft to create a strong and compelling work of writing. After you have brainstormed for your grad school SOP letter, answered key questions, created a working outline, and written your first draft, there is still a lot of room for revision. Share your work with a friend or peer whose opinion you trust.

Even better, let a professional proofreading service like Wordvice (including personal statement editing and statement of purpose editing services ) revise and proofread your essay so that it lives up to its full potential and helps ensure that you will be admitted to the graduate or doctoral program of your choice. Our Essay Editing Services also include recommendation letter editing and cv editing , covering all kinds of application documents for college, university, MBA programs, and other advanced degrees and programs.

For more academic resources on writing the statement of purpose for grad school and editing your essays and academic work, check out the following articles and videos.

Wordvice Admissions Resources

  • All You Need to Know About the Letter of Recommendation
  • Tips for Writing a Strong Personal Statement 
  • Write a Strong MBA Admissions Essay
  • Writing a Strong Recommendation Letter
  • Sample Academic CV for Graduate Programs

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Statements of Purpose: Drafting Your Statement

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Write one essay for each program. Although they may sound similar, each program’s statement prompts asks for slightly different pieces of information about who you are. You may be fortunate to have two or three similar prompts for a few programs, but even then, remember that you must meld your own interests with the opportunities available at each particular program--so, no two statements should read exactly alike. In essence, be prepared to draft (and continuously revise) dedicated statements for each program application. Don’t send out a boilerplate essay.

Attempt to create one unifying theme in your narrative. Some applications ask you to include the answers to broad prompts in your statement. For instance, the only instructions you get may be: describe your goals and preparation to pursue graduate study in no more than 1500 words. Conversely, others may ask you to answer a series of very specific questions such as your reasons for applying to their program in particular, how your background fits into your professional goals, how your past achievements would aid you during your time in graduate school, and what you have learned from your prior professional experience. Regardless of the particular kind of writing situation, attempt to fit your narrative into one unifying theme. For example, if your essay focuses on how family has played an important role in your decision to go to graduate school, do not throw in an experience from your trip to a foreign country as another factor in your decision making process unless it is strongly tied with the overall theme of family. Also, be sure to stick to the word limits.

Strong statements of purpose answer four important questions that inform admissions committees of who you are professionally and personally.

Professionally, statements of purpose answer two questions for the committee.

First: what kind of work are you interested in doing in graduate school?

Be specific, don’t make the mistake of thinking that being vague in your focus will reach a wider audience. For instance, if you mainly want to study business ethics with two prominent faculty members who focus on that topic, write that in your statement. Do not worry that you are pigeonholing yourself by being specific and instead list several other areas that you could be interested in. There will not be enough time to go into all of these areas and it will make your statement sound aimless and disconnected.

Second: why is the program you are applying to a good fit for you?

This is where your online research on each program comes into play. Be specific about what makes the program that you are applying to your ideal choice. Avoid general statements such as “your program is one of the best in the country.” Focus more on the specific things that you think make it great—for you and your research in particular. If it has a good instructor to student ratio, how will that benefit you? If what separates the program from the rest is that it provides excellent field training before you graduate, how will you take advantage of this? Be specific. You may also talk about your goals after grad school. Where do you see yourself? Does the program have a good history in helping other students get there? You don’t have to be one hundred percent certain about your future plans; no one will pull your application essay before you graduate and express shock and disappointment if your interests happen to change. But generally, going to graduate school is a huge commitment. Admission committees want to know that you understand this and that you envision some type of gain for your dedication.

A word of caution: Avoid changing your statement just to get into a program if it is a bad fit for you. You’ll save yourself time and money down the line.

Be aware that while it is generally a good idea to be as honest about your intentions as possible, avoid being too candid about your reasons for applying to a certain school if they are less than scholarly. For instance, admission committees do not want to hear that you are applying to their program primarily because of the school’s proximity to significant others, family, friends; because it is located in a place with a great college town feeling; or, because it offers a variety of funding opportunities (however, you could probably mention this last one in passing if their funding is outstanding among other programs, signaling a dedication to its students’ goals).

Personally, statements of purpose also answer two questions for the committee.

First: What matters to you—and why?

The committee will receive a lot of data about you. The statement of purpose allows you to give that data meaning. It is important that you not just rephrase whatever is on your CV or resume because this won’t get at the meaning behind your experiences. A job or a class may have lasted only a few months, but it may have been the impetus for you to go to graduate school because of a unique experience that occurred there. The statement of purpose should give the committee a sense of who you are and how you have personally interpreted events in your life.

Second: How are you unique from the other candidates?

Above all, avoid playing it safe with bland language. It can be tempting to resist making yourself stand out in your statement because you don’t want to ruin your chances by “sounding weird.” Ironically, this type of information may be what makes you the most compelling candidate. Graduate program committees receive dozens—sometimes hundreds—of applications each year. Make your voice stand out among the rest by showing that you are not only professional but that there’s a person behind the important decisions you have made. What was the human element that motivated you to get you to where you are?

Many people wonder whether they should mention their minority status. Generally, you should mention your minority status only if it pertains to your studies. For instance, did working with a minority group (that you belong to) motivate you to go to graduate school? How so? Are you interested in undertaking minority issues once you have earned your degree—and, if so, in what capacity? For example, once you earn your Masters in Social Work, are you hoping to help Hispanic individuals who suffer from serious and persistent mental illness? Tie this with your background to give this goal some context.

Remember to switch over between other graduate application tasks such as asking for letters of recommendation, ordering your transcripts, filling out the questionnaire for each school, and so forth. This will break up the writing task and help to re-energize you.

Works Consulted

Getting In: A Step-By-Step Plan for Gaining Admission to Graduate School in Psychology . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 1997. Print.

Kaplan, Inc. Get into Graduate School: A Strategic Approach . New York: Simon & Schuster. 2003. Print.

Stelzer, Richard J. How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional School . 3rd. ed. Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson’s Publishing, 2002. Print.

Stewart, Mark Allen. Peterson's How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement . Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson’s Publishing, 2009. Print.

students walking across wheeler hall

Writing the Statement of Purpose

The statement of purpose should convince the admissions committee that your achievements show promise for your success in graduate study. Think of the statement of purpose as a composition with four different parts.

Make sure to check on the appropriate departmental website to find out if your statement should include additional or specific information.

Part 1: Introduce yourself, your interests and motivations

Tell them what you’re interested in, and perhaps, what sparked your desire for graduate study. This should be short and to the point; don’t spend a great deal of time on autobiography.

Part 2: Summarize your undergraduate and previous graduate career

a) Research you conducted. Indicate with whom, the title of the project, what your responsibilities were, and the outcome. Write technically, or in the style of your discipline. Faculty are the people who read these statements.

b) Important paper or thesis project you completed, as well as anything scholarly beyond your curricular requirements.

c) Work experience, especially if you had any kind of responsibility for testing, designing, researching or interning in an area similar to what you wish to study in graduate school.

Part 3: Discuss the relevance of your recent and current activities

If you graduated and worked prior to returning to graduate school, indicate what you’ve been doing: company or non-profit, your work/design team, responsibilities, what you learned. You can also indicate here how this helped you focus your graduate studies.

Part 4: Elaborate on your academic interests

Here you indicate what you would like to study in graduate school in enough detail to convince the faculty that you understand the scope of research in their discipline, and are engaged with current research themes.

a) Indicate the area of your interests. Ideally, pose a question, define a problem, or indicate a theme that you would like to address, and questions that arise from contemporary research. This should be an ample paragraph!

b) Look on the web for information about departments you’re interested in, including professors and their research. Are there professors whose research interests parallel yours? If so, indicate this. Check the specific program; many may require you to name a professor or professors with whom you might work.

c) End your statement in a positive manner, indicating your excitement and readiness for the challenges ahead of you.

Essential Tips

1. What the admissions committee will read between the lines: self-motivation, competence, potential as a graduate student.

2. Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in an active, not a passive voice.

3. Demonstrate everything by example; don’t say directly that you’re a persistent person, show it.

4. If there is something important that happened to you that affected your grades, such as poverty, illness, or excessive work, state it. Write it affirmatively, showing your perseverance despite obstacles. You can elaborate more in your personal statement.

5. Make sure everything is linked with continuity and focus.

6. Unless the specific program says otherwise, be concise; an ideal essay should say everything it needs to with brevity. Approximately 500 to 1000 well-selected words (1-2 single space pages in 12 point font) is better than more words with less clarity and poor organization.

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Statement of Purpose Examples: Two Graduate Applications

A young woman in a hijab writing in a notebook

Applying to graduate school excites and challenges applicants. It demands a Statement of Purpose (SOP) that weaves your academic journey, professional goals, and unique contributions into a compelling narrative. Far from a mere formality, the SOP serves as your distinct voice among countless applicants, telling your unique story. This article presents expert feedback on two real student statement of purpose examples, guiding you to craft your standout document.

Successful Statement of Purpose Examples

We’ve curated a special feature to guide you through crafting a statement of purpose that stands out. We present two SOPs from graduate students each embarking on distinct academic adventures. Their stories are annotated with expert feedback from our seasoned admissions consultants.

Statement of Purpose #1: First, this SOP for SUNY Buffalo explores finance, showcasing a passion for financial markets and their global impact. It recounts overcoming challenges and making innovative contributions to financial econometrics, highlighting resilience and curiosity. Our experts spotlight its strengths, including a strong narrative and detailed examples, and suggest areas for refinement to enhance clarity and impact.

example statement of purpose for education graduate school

Statement of Purpose #2: Secondly, this statement of purpose for Tufts explores international affairs, showing a dedication to ethical global development and security. It traces the applicant’s journey from a pivotal experience in Nicaragua to a dedicated career in development and security. Our experts emphasize the engaging storytelling and focused narrative, recommending adjustments for consistency and depth to boost its persuasive impact.

example statement of purpose for education graduate school

Elevating Your SOP: Expertise and Support at Your Fingertips

At Magoosh, we understand the critical role a statement of purpose plays in your graduate school application. As such, we have personal experience writing successful SOPs for our own graduate applications. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of financial markets or aspiring to make a global impact in international affairs, our guidance is designed to highlight your unique story and academic ambitions.

We invite you to dive into the detailed annotations and feedback provided for each statement of purpose example. These insights are a window into the meticulous crafting of an SOP that not only meets but exceeds expectations. Our blog is a treasure trove of resources , tips, and strategies for prospective graduate students, embodying our commitment to supporting your academic and professional journey.

In conclusion, writing a statement of purpose can be overwhelming. However, with the right guidance and resources, your SOP can make your potential and aspirations shine. Explore our blog, engage with our experts, and let us help you articulate your purpose with conviction and clarity. Your dream graduate program is within reach, and your story deserves to be heard.

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example statement of purpose for education graduate school

Looking for grad school personal statement examples? Look no further! In this total guide to graduate school personal statement examples, we’ll discuss why you need a personal statement for grad school and what makes a good one. Then we’ll provide three graduate school personal statement samples from our grad school experts. After that, we’ll do a deep dive on one of our personal statement for graduate school examples. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a list of other grad school personal statements you can find online.

Why Do You Need a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a chance for admissions committees to get to know you: your goals and passions, what you’ll bring to the program, and what you’re hoping to get out of the program.  You need to sell the admissions committee on what makes you a worthwhile applicant. The personal statement is a good chance to highlight significant things about you that don’t appear elsewhere on your application.

A personal statement is slightly different from a statement of purpose (also known as a letter of intent). A statement of purpose/letter of intent tends to be more tightly focused on your academic or professional credentials and your future research and/or professional interests.

While a personal statement also addresses your academic experiences and goals, you have more leeway to be a little more, well, personal. In a personal statement, it’s often appropriate to include information on significant life experiences or challenges that aren’t necessarily directly relevant to your field of interest.

Some programs ask for both a personal statement and a statement of purpose/letter of intent. In this case, the personal statement is likely to be much more tightly focused on your life experience and personality assets while the statement of purpose will focus in much more on your academic/research experiences and goals.

However, there’s not always a hard-and-fast demarcation between a personal statement and a statement of purpose. The two statement types should address a lot of the same themes, especially as relates to your future goals and the valuable assets you bring to the program. Some programs will ask for a personal statement but the prompt will be focused primarily on your research and professional experiences and interests. Some will ask for a statement of purpose but the prompt will be more focused on your general life experiences.

When in doubt, give the program what they are asking for in the prompt and don’t get too hung up on whether they call it a personal statement or statement of purpose. You can always call the admissions office to get more clarification on what they want you to address in your admissions essay.

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What Makes a Good Grad School Personal Statement?

A great graduate school personal statement can come in many forms and styles. However, strong grad school personal statement examples all share the same following elements:

A Clear Narrative

Above all, a good personal statement communicates clear messages about what makes you a strong applicant who is likely to have success in graduate school. So to that extent, think about a couple of key points that you want to communicate about yourself and then drill down on how you can best communicate those points. (Your key points should of course be related to what you can bring to the field and to the program specifically).

You can also decide whether to address things like setbacks or gaps in your application as part of your narrative. Have a low GPA for a couple semesters due to a health issue? Been out of a job for a while taking care of a family member? If you do decide to explain an issue like this, make sure that the overall arc is more about demonstrating positive qualities like resilience and diligence than about providing excuses.

Specific Examples

A great statement of purpose uses specific examples to illustrate its key messages. This can include anecdotes that demonstrate particular traits or even references to scholars and works that have influenced your academic trajectory to show that you are familiar and insightful about the relevant literature in your field.

Just saying “I love plants,” is pretty vague. Describing how you worked in a plant lab during undergrad and then went home and carefully cultivated your own greenhouse where you cross-bred new flower colors by hand is much more specific and vivid, which makes for better evidence.

A strong personal statement will describe why you are a good fit for the program, and why the program is a good fit for you. It’s important to identify specific things about the program that appeal to you, and how you’ll take advantage of those opportunities. It’s also a good idea to talk about specific professors you might be interested in working with. This shows that you are informed about and genuinely invested in the program.

Strong Writing

Even quantitative and science disciplines typically require some writing, so it’s important that your personal statement shows strong writing skills. Make sure that you are communicating clearly and that you don’t have any grammar and spelling errors. It’s helpful to get other people to read your statement and provide feedback. Plan on going through multiple drafts.

Another important thing here is to avoid cliches and gimmicks. Don’t deploy overused phrases and openings like “ever since I was a child.” Don’t structure your statement in a gimmicky way (i.e., writing a faux legal brief about yourself for a law school statement of purpose). The first will make your writing banal; the second is likely to make you stand out in a bad way.

Appropriate Boundaries

While you can be more personal in a personal statement than in a statement of purpose, it’s important to maintain appropriate boundaries in your writing. Don’t overshare anything too personal about relationships, bodily functions, or illegal activities. Similarly, don’t share anything that makes it seem like you may be out of control, unstable, or an otherwise risky investment. The personal statement is not a confessional booth. If you share inappropriately, you may seem like you have bad judgment, which is a huge red flag to admissions committees.

You should also be careful with how you deploy humor and jokes. Your statement doesn’t have to be totally joyless and serious, but bear in mind that the person reading the statement may not have the same sense of humor as you do. When in doubt, err towards the side of being as inoffensive as possible.

Just as being too intimate in your statement can hurt you, it’s also important not to be overly formal or staid. You should be professional, but conversational.


Graduate School Personal Statement Examples

Our graduate school experts have been kind enough to provide some successful grad school personal statement examples. We’ll provide three examples here, along with brief analysis of what makes each one successful.

Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 1

PDF of Sample Personal Statement 1 – Japanese Studies

For this Japanese Studies master’s degree, the applicant had to provide a statement of purpose outlining her academic goals and experience with Japanese and a separate personal statement describing her personal relationship with Japanese Studies and what led her to pursue a master’s degree.

Here’s what’s successful about this personal statement:

  • An attention-grabbing beginning: The applicant begins with the statement that Japanese has never come easily to her and that it’s a brutal language to learn. Seeing as how this is an application for a Japanese Studies program, this is an intriguing beginning that makes the reader want to keep going.
  • A compelling narrative: From this attention-grabbing beginning, the applicant builds a well-structured and dramatic narrative tracking her engagement with the Japanese language over time. The clear turning point is her experience studying abroad, leading to a resolution in which she has clarity about her plans. Seeing as how the applicant wants to be a translator of Japanese literature, the tight narrative structure here is a great way to show her writing skills.
  • Specific examples that show important traits: The applicant clearly communicates both a deep passion for Japanese through examples of her continued engagement with Japanese and her determination and work ethic by highlighting the challenges she’s faced (and overcome) in her study of the language. This gives the impression that she is an engaged and dedicated student.

Overall, this is a very strong statement both in terms of style and content. It flows well, is memorable, and communicates that the applicant would make the most of the graduate school experience.


Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 2

PDF of Sample Graduate School Personal Statement 2 – Musical Composition

This personal statement for a Music Composition master’s degree discusses the factors that motivate the applicant to pursue graduate study.

Here’s what works well in this statement:

  • The applicant provides two clear reasons motivating the student to pursue graduate study: her experiences with music growing up, and her family’s musical history. She then supports those two reasons with examples and analysis.
  • The description of her ancestors’ engagement with music is very compelling and memorable. The applicant paints her own involvement with music as almost inevitable based on her family’s long history with musical pursuits.
  • The applicant gives thoughtful analysis of the advantages she has been afforded that have allowed her to study music so extensively. We get the sense that she is insightful and empathetic—qualities that would add greatly to any academic community.

This is a strong, serviceable personal statement. And in truth, given that this for a masters in music composition, other elements of the application (like work samples) are probably the most important.  However, here are two small changes I would make to improve it:

  • I would probably to split the massive second paragraph into 2-3 separate paragraphs. I might use one paragraph to orient the reader to the family’s musical history, one paragraph to discuss Giacomo and Antonio, and one paragraph to discuss how the family has influenced the applicant. As it stands, it’s a little unwieldy and the second paragraph doesn’t have a super-clear focus even though it’s all loosely related to the applicant’s family history with music.
  • I would also slightly shorten the anecdote about the applicant’s ancestors and expand more on how this family history has motivated the applicant’s interest in music. In what specific ways has her ancestors’ perseverance inspired her? Did she think about them during hard practice sessions? Is she interested in composing music in a style they might have played? More specific examples here would lend greater depth and clarity to the statement.


Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 3

PDF of Sample Graduate School Personal Statement 3 – Public Health

This is my successful personal statement for Columbia’s Master’s program in Public Health. We’ll do a deep dive on this statement paragraph-by-paragraph in the next section, but I’ll highlight a couple of things that work in this statement here:

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  • This statement is clearly organized. Almost every paragraph has a distinct focus and message, and when I move on to a new idea, I move on to a new paragraph with a logical transitions.
  • This statement covers a lot of ground in a pretty short space. I discuss my family history, my goals, my educational background, and my professional background. But because the paragraphs are organized and I use specific examples, it doesn’t feel too vague or scattered.
  • In addition to including information about my personal motivations, like my family, I also include some analysis about tailoring health interventions with my example of the Zande. This is a good way to show off what kinds of insights I might bring to the program based on my academic background.


Grad School Personal Statement Example: Deep Dive

Now let’s do a deep dive, paragraph-by-paragraph, on one of these sample graduate school personal statements. We’ll use my personal statement that I used when I applied to Columbia’s public health program.

Paragraph One: For twenty-three years, my grandmother (a Veterinarian and an Epidemiologist) ran the Communicable Disease Department of a mid-sized urban public health department. The stories of Grandma Betty doggedly tracking down the named sexual partners of the infected are part of our family lore. Grandma Betty would persuade people to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, encourage safer sexual practices, document the spread of infection and strive to contain and prevent it. Indeed, due to the large gay population in the city where she worked, Grandma Betty was at the forefront of the AIDS crises, and her analysis contributed greatly towards understanding how the disease was contracted and spread. My grandmother has always been a huge inspiration to me, and the reason why a career in public health was always on my radar.

This is an attention-grabbing opening anecdote that avoids most of the usual cliches about childhood dreams and proclivities. This story also subtly shows that I have a sense of public health history, given the significance of the AIDs crisis for public health as a field.

It’s good that I connect this family history to my own interests. However, if I were to revise this paragraph again, I might cut down on some of the detail because when it comes down to it, this story isn’t really about me. It’s important that even (sparingly used) anecdotes about other people ultimately reveal something about you in a personal statement.

Paragraph Two: Recent years have cemented that interest. In January 2012, my parents adopted my little brother Fred from China. Doctors in America subsequently diagnosed Fred with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). My parents were told that if Fred’s condition had been discovered in China, the (very poor) orphanage in which he spent the first 8+ years of his life would have recognized his DMD as a death sentence and denied him sustenance to hasten his demise.

Here’s another compelling anecdote to help explain my interest in public health. This is an appropriately personal detail for a personal statement—it’s a serious thing about my immediate family, but it doesn’t disclose anything that the admissions committee might find concerning or inappropriate.

If I were to take another pass through this paragraph, the main thing I would change is the last phrase. “Denied him sustenance to hasten his demise” is a little flowery. “Denied him food to hasten his death” is actually more powerful because it’s clearer and more direct.

Paragraph Three: It is not right that some people have access to the best doctors and treatment while others have no medical care. I want to pursue an MPH in Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia because studying social factors in health, with a particular focus on socio-health inequities, will prepare me to address these inequities. The interdisciplinary approach of the program appeals to me greatly as I believe interdisciplinary approaches are the most effective way to develop meaningful solutions to complex problems.

In this paragraph I make a neat and clear transition from discussing what sparked my interest in public health and health equity to what I am interested in about Columbia specifically: the interdisciplinary focus of the program, and how that focus will prepare me to solve complex health problems. This paragraph also serves as a good pivot point to start discussing my academic and professional background.

Paragraph Four: My undergraduate education has prepared me well for my chosen career. Understanding the underlying structure of a group’s culture is essential to successfully communicating with the group. In studying folklore and mythology, I’ve learned how to parse the unspoken structures of folk groups, and how those structures can be used to build bridges of understanding. For example, in a culture where most illnesses are believed to be caused by witchcraft, as is the case for the Zande people of central Africa, any successful health intervention or education program would of necessity take into account their very real belief in witchcraft.

In this paragraph, I link my undergraduate education and the skills I learned there to public health. The (very brief) analysis of tailoring health interventions to the Zande is a good way to show insight and show off the competencies I would bring to the program.

Paragraph Five: I now work in the healthcare industry for one of the largest providers of health benefits in the world. In addition to reigniting my passion for data and quantitative analytics, working for this company has immersed me in the business side of healthcare, a critical component of public health.

This brief paragraph highlights my relevant work experience in the healthcare industry. It also allows me to mention my work with data and quantitative analytics, which isn’t necessarily obvious from my academic background, which was primarily based in the social sciences.

Paragraph Six: I intend to pursue a PhD in order to become an expert in how social factors affect health, particularly as related to gender and sexuality. I intend to pursue a certificate in Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Reproduction. Working together with other experts to create effective interventions across cultures and societies, I want to help transform health landscapes both in America and abroad.

This final paragraph is about my future plans and intentions. Unfortunately, it’s a little disjointed, primarily because I discuss goals of pursuing a PhD before I talk about what certificate I want to pursue within the MPH program! Switching those two sentences and discussing my certificate goals within the MPH and then mentioning my PhD plans would make a lot more sense.

I also start two sentences in a row with “I intend,” which is repetitive.

The final sentence is a little bit generic; I might tailor it to specifically discuss a gender and sexual health issue, since that is the primary area of interest I’ve identified.

This was a successful personal statement; I got into (and attended!) the program. It has strong examples, clear organization, and outlines what interests me about the program (its interdisciplinary focus) and what competencies I would bring (a background in cultural analysis and experience with the business side of healthcare). However, a few slight tweaks would elevate this statement to the next level.


Graduate School Personal Statement Examples You Can Find Online

So you need more samples for your personal statement for graduate school? Examples are everywhere on the internet, but they aren’t all of equal quality.

Most of examples are posted as part of writing guides published online by educational institutions. We’ve rounded up some of the best ones here if you are looking for more personal statement examples for graduate school.

Penn State Personal Statement Examples for Graduate School

This selection of ten short personal statements for graduate school and fellowship programs offers an interesting mix of approaches. Some focus more on personal adversity while others focus more closely on professional work within the field.

The writing in some of these statements is a little dry, and most deploy at least a few cliches. However, these are generally strong, serviceable statements that communicate clearly why the student is interested in the field, their skills and competencies, and what about the specific program appeals to them.

Cal State Sample Graduate School Personal Statements

These are good examples of personal statements for graduate school where students deploy lots of very vivid imagery and illustrative anecdotes of life experiences. There are also helpful comments about what works in each of these essays.

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However, all of these statements are definitely pushing the boundaries of acceptable length, as all are above 1000 and one is almost 1500 words! Many programs limit you to 500 words; if you don’t have a limit, you should try to keep it to two single-spaced pages at most (which is about 1000 words).

University of Chicago Personal Statement for Graduate School Examples

These examples of successful essays to the University of Chicago law school cover a wide range of life experiences and topics. The writing in all is very vivid, and all communicate clear messages about the students’ strengths and competencies.

Note, however, that these are all essays that specifically worked for University of Chicago law school. That does not mean that they would work everywhere. In fact, one major thing to note is that many of these responses, while well-written and vivid, barely address the students’ interest in law school at all! This is something that might not work well for most graduate programs.

Wheaton College Personal Statement for Graduate School Sample 10

This successful essay for law school from a Wheaton College undergraduate does a great job tracking the student’s interest in the law in a compelling and personal way. Wheaton offers other graduate school personal statement examples, but this one offers the most persuasive case for the students’ competencies. The student accomplishes this by using clear, well-elaborated examples, showing strong and vivid writing, and highlighting positive qualities like an interest in justice and empathy without seeming grandiose or out of touch.

Wheaton College Personal Statement for Graduate School Sample 1

Based on the background information provided at the bottom of the essay, this essay was apparently successful for this applicant. However, I’ve actually included this essay because it demonstrates an extremely risky approach. While this personal statement is strikingly written and the story is very memorable, it could definitely communicate the wrong message to some admissions committees. The student’s decision not to report the drill sergeant may read incredibly poorly to some admissions committees. They may wonder if the student’s failure to report the sergeant’s violence will ultimately expose more soldiers-in-training to the same kinds of abuses. This incident perhaps reads especially poorly in light of the fact that the military has such a notable problem with violence against women being covered up and otherwise mishandled

It’s actually hard to get a complete picture of the student’s true motivations from this essay, and what we have might raise real questions about the student’s character to some admissions committees. This student took a risk and it paid off, but it could have just as easily backfired spectacularly.


Key Takeaways: Graduate School Personal Statement Examples

In this guide, we discussed why you need a personal statement and how it differs from a statement of purpose. (It’s more personal!)

We also discussed what you’ll find in a strong sample personal statement for graduate school:

  • A clear narrative about the applicant and why they are qualified for graduate study.
  • Specific examples to support that narrative.
  • Compelling reasons why the applicant and the program are a good fit for each other.
  • Strong writing, including clear organization and error-free, cliche-free language.
  • Appropriate boundaries—sharing without over-sharing.

Then, we provided three strong graduate school personal statement examples for different fields, along with analysis. We did a deep-dive on the third statement.

Finally, we provided a list of other sample grad school personal statements online.

What’s Next?

Want more advice on writing a personal statement ? See our guide.

Writing a graduate school statement of purpose? See our statement of purpose samples  and a nine-step process for writing the best statement of purpose possible .

If you’re writing a graduate school CV or resume, see our how-to guide to writing a CV , a how-to guide to writing a resume , our list of sample resumes and CVs , resume and CV templates , and a special guide for writing resume objectives .

Need stellar graduate school recommendation letters ? See our guide.

See our 29 tips for successfully applying to graduate school .

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example statement of purpose for education graduate school

Author: Ellen McCammon

Ellen is a public health graduate student and education expert. She has extensive experience mentoring students of all ages to reach their goals and in-depth knowledge on a variety of health topics. View all posts by Ellen McCammon

example statement of purpose for education graduate school

Statement of purpose

The statement of purpose is a short essay that should be customized for each program you apply to. it will be evaluated by the graduate program faculty, so present yourself as someone who will be a good fit for the program., crafting a strong statement of purpose.

Your statement of purpose is an important part of your UC graduate school application. Be sure to write a polished essay so you'll make a good first impression when you apply. Each application is different, but a good Statement of Purpose shouuld contain the following elements: 

  • Introduction: Indicate the degree you want to earn and the topic you want to study. Describe your research and how graduate school will help you reach your career goals, as well as the contribution you will make to the program.
  • Accomplishments: Summarize your achievements, including research projects, classes or work that stimulated your desire for graduate studies during your undergraduate or master’s career.
  • Referrals: If you've received encouragement from professors in the program you would like to enter, mention that as well.
  • Format: Modify your statement of purpose for each application you submit, carefully following the guidelines and instructions, which may vary from program to program. Typically, your essay should be one to two pages, single-spaced, using a 12-point font that's easy to read; but make sure to confirm the institutions formatting requirements. Proofread to make sure there are no typos or grammatical errors.

A few writing helpful tips

Writing a statement of purpose can be intimidating, but the following tips can help you create a strong statment that highlights your readiness to begin your graduate education. 

  • Address your audience: Your primary audience is the faculty in the program to which you are applying. Treat your statement of purpose as an application to work with a specific professor in that department or scholarly field. Be compelling and clear.
  • Provide specific examples: Rather than simply saying you are a high achiever, for example, describe a project on which you exceeded a professor’s expectations. If your grades suffered because of a misfortune, such as an illness, explain how you persevered. You can describe a mistake that taught you a valuable lesson — but don’t make excuses. Be positive and concise.
“I want to ensure that we have nutritious food to eat now and in the future. Studying in California and at UC Davis, I am able to work at the forefront of technology, science and service to the community.”

Image of Paul Kasemsap


Statement of Purpose for Education

Ai generator.

Introduction: My name is Emily Johnson, and I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Michigan. I am excited to apply for the Master’s in Education program at Columbia University to deepen my understanding of innovative teaching methodologies and curriculum development.

Academic Background: At the University of Michigan, I focused on child development and instructional strategies. My senior project, “Integrating Technology in Early Childhood Education,” allowed me to explore how digital tools can enhance learning experiences for young children.

Professional Experience: Over the past three years, I have been teaching at Lakeside Elementary School. My role involves designing lesson plans, integrating diverse instructional materials, and assessing student progress. Notably, I led a project on “Inclusive Classroom Practices,” which improved student engagement and academic performance by 15%.

Research Interests: I am particularly interested in researching differentiated instruction and its impact on student learning outcomes. My goal is to develop strategies that cater to diverse learning needs, ensuring all students have the opportunity to succeed.

Reasons for Choosing This Program: Columbia University’s reputation for excellence in education research and its emphasis on practical application attract me. The work of Dr. Samantha Green in differentiated instruction is particularly inspiring. The resources at Teachers College will provide the ideal environment to pursue my research interests.

Career Goals: My long-term goal is to become an educational consultant specializing in curriculum design and instructional strategies. I aim to work with schools to implement research-based practices that improve student achievement. This program will equip me with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve these goals.

Conclusion: I am passionate about advancing my career in education through Columbia University’s Master’s in Education program. My background in teaching, combined with my research interests and career aspirations, makes me a strong candidate. Thank you for considering my application.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
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  1. FREE 10+ Sample Statement of Purpose in PDF

    example statement of purpose for education graduate school

  2. Statement of Purpose for Masters in Education

    example statement of purpose for education graduate school

  3. 30 Best Statements Of Purpose For Graduate School

    example statement of purpose for education graduate school

  4. 50 Statement Of Purpose Examples (Graduate School, MBA, PhD) ᐅ

    example statement of purpose for education graduate school

  5. Grad School Statement Of Purpose

    example statement of purpose for education graduate school

  6. FREE 10+ Statement of Purpose for Grad School Samples [ Education

    example statement of purpose for education graduate school


  1. Statement of Purpose that Got me Into Columbia, NYU...|“How to Write” Tips|Columbia Graduate Student


  3. How My Statement of Purpose Got Me 5 PhD Admissions with Full Funding/Scholarships





  1. 7 Great Statement of Purpose Examples for Grad School + Analysis 2024

    A statement of purpose is a core component of an application for graduate school. Its primary job is to convince the admissions committee that you should be admitted to their specific program. As you'll see in the examples and analysis below, demonstrating that you've done your homework on the program you're applying to and that you and ...

  2. 7 Successful Statement of Purpose Examples • PrepScholar GRE

    Kitty doesn't like this statement of purpose. Graduate School Statement of Purpose Examples: 4 Key Points. Graduate programs ask for statement of purpose to hear about your interests and goals and why you think you and the program would be a good fit. There are four key elements to a successful statement of purpose:

  3. 15 Winning Graduate School Statement of Purpose Examples

    Graduate School Statement of Purpose Example #1. This graduate school statement of purpose got 5 acceptances! "Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space.". I was 16 when I first read this quote by Mies van der Rohe, and, back then, I thought I really understood what it meant. Thinking of this quote one summer evening, as I ...

  4. Statement of Purpose for Grad School

    A statement of purpose is a key component of any graduate school application. While graduate programs and their application processes vary wildly, there are a number of common factors that admission committees will be looking for in a statement of purpose. As opposed to an undergraduate personal essay, a statement of purpose for grad school should prioritize academic interests over a personal ...

  5. Statement of Purpose for Grad School I Stanford Online

    A statement of purpose (SOP) is a critical component of most graduate school applications, and are often required for various types of graduate level programs, including Graduate Certificates and Master's Degrees. An SOP offers you the opportunity to showcase your motivations, qualifications, and aspirations to a school's Office of Admissions.

  6. How to Write a Statement of Purpose

    The statement of purpose (also known as a statement of intent or motivation letter) is your chance to stand out from the crowd and showcase your motivation, skills and potential. It should: Outline your academic or professional interests and goals. Discuss relevant skills, experience and achievements. Demonstrate why you'd be a good fit for ...

  7. Graduate School Statement of Purpose: The Ultimate Guide

    A statement of purpose places a narrative to your achievements to demonstrate that you have prepared for success in your graduate studies. On the other hand, a personal statement draws from your personal and professional experiences to explain how you have come to the decision to pursue a graduate education in your field of interest.

  8. PDF What's a Good Statement of Purpose

    A statement of purpose is not a narrative of your accomplishments. The reader of your file will make a judgment about whether you merit admission on the basis of many considerations, and your file will include much material including your transcripts, what your referees say about you, etc., that reveal your academic and other accomplishments.

  9. How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

    3. Make your statement of purpose unique. While it's important to be focused, there's no need to be boring. To distinguish your essay, add unique (yet relevant) information. One of the best ways to do this is to discuss—briefly—an idea in your field that turns you on intellectually. It's an effective essay-opener, and it lets you write ...

  10. Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, and Writing Sample

    Details about submitting a statement of purpose, personal statement, and a writing sample as part of your degree program application. ... The Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is a leading institution of graduate study, ...

  11. PDF Statement of Purpose Prompts

    The Statement of Purpose is your opportunity to show the admissions committee your commitment to education and to pursuing graduate study at HGSE. You are encouraged to share parts of your personal story, especially those that relate to your decision to work in education or your experiences in the field. A strong Statement of Purpose will ...

  12. How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

    1. Brainstorm your ideas. First, he says, try to reframe the task at hand and get excited for the opportunity to write your statement of purpose. He explains: "Throughout the application process, you're afforded few opportunities to address the committee directly. Here is your chance to truly speak directly to them.

  13. How to Write a Successful Grad School Statement of Purpose

    1st First paragraph: Overarching statement of goals. Within this first section, students need to clearly and concisely let readers know what they hope to accomplish by completing this degree. For historians, their goal may be to earn a Ph.D. that allows them to move into a postsecondary teaching role upon graduation.

  14. Sample Statement of Purpose in Education (Harvard Ed.M.)

    The following statement of purpose is written by an applicant who got accepted to Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) for a degree in Ed.M. (focus in Education Policy and Management). Read this essay to get inspiration and understand what a top SOP for Harvard should look like.

  15. 5 Graduate School Statement of Purpose Examples (And Tips)

    5 Graduate School Statement of Purpose Examples (And Tips) If you're planning on attending a graduate program to increase your knowledge or stay competitive within your industry, it's beneficial to understand the documents that graduate school applications may require. One such document is a statement of purpose, which explains your background ...

  16. How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Grad School (Examples)

    A grad school SOP usually does not exceed two pages when written in a traditional font at a readable size of 11-point or 12-point. Leave enough whitespace in the margins to make the statement easy for admissions committees to read. Your SOP letter should also be double-spaced and follow standard formatting rules for university essays.

  17. 9 Steps to Write a Great Statement of Purpose for Grad School

    Step 3: First Draft. Next, with the help of your outline, you'll write your first draft. Don't feel like your first draft has to be application-ready. In fact, your very first draft doesn't have to be ready for anyone's eyes but your own. The purpose of this draft is to get your initial thoughts on paper.

  18. Statements of Purpose: Drafting Your Statement

    The statement of purpose is perhaps the most important, and most challenging, element of your application packet. This letter needs to reflect who you are and why you would be an asset to the program you are applying to. It needs to make you stand out from the hundreds of other applicants and yet stay within the genre-based expectations for a ...

  19. Writing the Statement of Purpose

    Essential Tips. 1. What the admissions committee will read between the lines: self-motivation, competence, potential as a graduate student. 2. Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in an active, not a passive voice. 3. Demonstrate everything by example; don't say directly that you're a persistent person, show it. 4.

  20. Education Masters Personal Statement Sample

    This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Education. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement. Recent developments in the social and political landscapes have strongly highlighted the importance of education for children in schools. Studying an undergraduate degree in History ...

  21. Statement of Purpose Examples: Two Graduate Applications

    Statement of Purpose #1: First, this SOP for SUNY Buffalo explores finance, showcasing a passion for financial markets and their global impact. It recounts overcoming challenges and making innovative contributions to financial econometrics, highlighting resilience and curiosity. Our experts spotlight its strengths, including a strong narrative ...

  22. 3 Successful Graduate School Personal Statement Examples

    Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 3. PDF of Sample Graduate School Personal Statement 3 - Public Health. This is my successful personal statement for Columbia's Master's program in Public Health. We'll do a deep dive on this statement paragraph-by-paragraph in the next section, but I'll highlight a couple of things that ...

  23. Statement of purpose

    Writing a statement of purpose can be intimidating, but the following tips can help you create a strong statment that highlights your readiness to begin your graduate education. Address your audience: Your primary audience is the faculty in the program to which you are applying. Treat your statement of purpose as an application to work with a ...

  24. Statement of Purpose for Education [Edit & Download], Pdf

    Statement of Purpose for Education Introduction: My name is Emily Johnson, and I hold a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of Michigan. I am excited to apply for the Master's in Education program at Columbia University to deepen my understanding of innovative teaching methodologies and curriculum development.

  25. Narrative grading assessment

    Policy Statement Written narrative assessment is to occur when an assessor-student interaction is of sufficient length to permit direct observation and assessment of student behavior reflective of the DGSOM Graduation Competencies (e.g., interpersonal skills, rapport building, teamwork, communication).

  26. Code of Ethics: English

    These activities may be in the form of direct practice, community organizing, supervision, consultation, administration, advocacy, social and political action, policy development and implementation, education, and research and evaluation. Social workers seek to enhance the capacity of people to address their own needs.