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Eggcellent Work

17 tips to improve your ability to work independently.

Having the  ability to work independently  is a  crucial part of any job . Whether you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, or a remote worker,  understanding how to better hone your skills  in order to  become more independent and efficient  can help establish success for yourself and build confidence in the workplace.

While working independently does offer its benefits like full control over tasks and enhanced creativity, it also requires  certain skillsets that may be challenging to develop  if not done correctly.

In this blog post we’ll discuss 17 tips on how professionals can improve their ability to work independently . From  setting clear goals  to creating a conducive environment for productivity- we’ll take an in-depth look at these essential strategies so readers can start honing their own independent skillset today!

Key Takeaways

  • Working independently enables professionals to take control over tasks, create a personalized work environment and foster creativity.
  • Benefits of working independently include  enhanced self – reliance ,  greater job satisfaction  and  tailored learning opportunities .
  • Working autonomously can  reduce office politics  and encourage personal growth through experimentation with trial-and-error methods.
  • Individuals should manage time efficiently while focusing on areas that interest them in order to optimize their productivity levels.

Table of Contents

What Is Ability To Work Independently?

Working independently means having the  autonomy and capability  to complete tasks on your own, without depending on or relying constantly upon external assistance or supervision. It involves being  self-reliant , taking initiative, and making independent decisions about how you approach a task.

Being able to work independently is an important skill for any working professional, as it enables them to become adept at  problem solving  with minimal guidance from others. Furthermore, when given the opportunity to exercise their independence in the workplace they can often achieve higher levels of productivity due to fewer distractions.

Working successfully independently also demonstrates qualities such as  self-motivation and resilience  — both of which are highly valued by employers today.

Why Is The Ability To Work Independently Important?

Working independently can offer a range of benefits including full control over tasks, flexible work schedule, and enhanced self-reliance.

Full Control Over Tasks

Working independently gives individuals the freedom to prioritize their tasks and make decisions on their own. With  full control over assignments , professionals have the autonomy to choose which projects they work on first and adapt approaches as needed without having to ask for permission or approval.

This allows them to take ownership of a project from start-to-finish crafting it according to their preferences and understanding what changes are best made along the way. Having this level of authority creates  higher productivity levels  since there are fewer stalls in progress due to waiting on further instructions from supervisors and policymakers, resulting in highly finished results quicker than anticipated.

Enhances Self-Reliance

Working independently enables professionals to take  ownership of their work , make  independent decisions , and  build confidence  in their abilities. With the ability to work independently comes  self-reliance  – a key quality for success both professionally and personally.

Through enhanced self-reliance working professionals can foster personal growth as they develop skills that are valuable across any field such as  task management , decision making,  problem solving  and  public speaking .

Read More: 15 Examples of Confidence in the Workplace to Unlock Success

Increased Job Satisfaction

When you work independently, you are able to take full control over the tasks that need to be done. This means that you can manage your own time more efficiently and  create a flexible schedule  that works best for you.

Without relying on others or delegating tasks, this allows your productivity and workflow to stay as high as possible.

Additionally, having a personalized work environment greatly contributes to job satisfaction. Working autonomously lets employees customize their workspace with tools that help them achieve their goals faster and easier in an atmosphere they enjoy being in.

Fosters Creativity

Working independently provides the  opportunity to explore new ideas ,  think introspectively  and  create unique solutions  without the distractions or pressures of external entities. Being free from constant pressure from colleagues, coworkers and superiors often creates an  enabling environment for creativity , allowing room for innovating ways that challenge existing systems.

For instance, taking control over your own work can encourage  trial-and-error experimentation  with less fear of repercussions while  promoting entrepreneurial thinking . Allowing yourself space to be creative also means you have got more time to practice and refine specific skills and techniques which could enhance success in given projects.

Working independently  stimulates curiosity and exploration  as there’s no one else around who tells you what to do or where to go next with a problem—you become the director within your project construct.

Encourages Personal Growth

Working independently is a great way to grow and develop not only on the job but also in life. Employers prefer applicants skilled in working independently since there are certain tasks and projects which can best be accomplished alone rather than with assistance from others.

With independent work, you are responsible for your output which helps  enhance personal growth . Working without supervision encourages  self-motivation  as well as  efficient time management strategies ; these skills can help employees stay productive while minimizing procrastination tendencies.

Additionally, individuals may become comfortable  taking the initiative  or leading projects that they might have been previously uncertain of tackling themselves. The ability to work autonomously often sparks  increased creativity  due to fewer restrictions while developing solutions – thus improving problem-solving abilities too!

Reduces Office Politics

Working independently can be a great way to  reduce office politics . By working alone, individuals can focus more on their tasks without worrying about power struggles and conflicts with colleagues.

This leads to  improved productivity  as employees are able to work undisturbed and dedicate all their attention on the project at hand. It also reduces chances of negative comparisons between workers by fostering self-reliance among them, allowing each person to freely explore his or her personal best output in a personalized work environment that improves job satisfaction levels overall.

Potential Higher Earnings

One of the biggest advantages of being able to work independently is that it could lead to  potential higher earnings . Self-reliance and control over your own tasks allows individuals to  take initiative  in situations and  assume extra responsibilities , leading them to be rewarded for their efforts with  greater financial benefits .

Setting clear goals, developing self-discipline, and embracing failure as learning opportunities can all contribute towards  positive results  which may potentially translate into higher wages or  better job opportunities .

Examples Of Ability To Work Independently

Working independently often refers to harnessing the power of  self-discipline  and undertaking assignments, tasks, or projects all on one’s own. It can mean  completing a job without direct supervision  from management or being able to complete tasks when other colleagues may not be around.

Working independently shows employers that you are able to take initiative and finish jobs without needing constant direction.

There are many various examples of working independently in professional contexts. Often freelancers work independently as they contract their services with multiple companies or clients instead of having traditional 9-to-5 office management roles.

Other professionals who engage in independent work include taxi drivers, entrepreneurs running home businesses, real estate agents pursuing sales commissions outside an agency context and writers submitting articles for publication through e-mail attachments rather than meeting any editors in person; the possibilities here are vast!

Some people even find success telecommuting – performing their normal daily duties from remote offices at home while sharing documents online via cloud services with their team members so everyone stays updated – which saves time for everyone involved while potentially increasing productivity rates overall too!

Tips To Enhance Your Ability To Work Independently

Develop self-discipline by setting deadlines and sticking to them, build confidence in your own skills and abilities, use technology as a tool for maximizing efficiency without becoming dependent on it, maintain an environment conducive to creative thought and productivity, stay motivated with positive reinforcement.

1. Set Clear Goals.

Having  clear and achievable goals  is essential for improving your ability to work independently. Setting a goal, with full clarity on what the  outcome  should be, can ensure you know exactly what needs to be done in order to reach that outcome.

It also helps keep you motivated throughout the process of working towards that target. Goal setting can provide an increased sense of  self-efficacy  and will help boost  confidence  while performing specific tasks necessary to reach those objectives or milestones.

Additionally, it streamlines the learning process – when faced with difficult tasks or problems encountered along the way, setting clear goals gives us  direction and focus  over how we approach solving them.

To illustrate this point further – let’s take an example from a business context; Say a manager wants his team member to increase product sales by 10% in 3 months– having that goal set at the outset allows everyone involved understand their  responsibility  related achieving it as well as giving each person by understanding what must change in order for success – such as changes required within marketing or creating better relationships with customers etc., This kind of thinking ensures everyone stays focused on the objective rather than wasting time assuming too much initiative without proper directions whatsoever.

2. Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule is essential to enhance your ability to work independently. With a clear and actionable plan, you’ll be able to prioritize tasks more effectively, stay focused longer, and  maximize productivity .

Planning ahead also allows you to think strategically about the projects on your list — from setting realistic deadlines to diversifying effort across tasks. You can use various planning tools such as journaling, bullet-point tracking systems or even daily rhythm calendars for better organization of your actions.

Additionally, visualize yourself completing each task – this will help motivate you when tackling goals that may seem daunting at first. Taking time out periodically throughout the day for breaks is another vital element in creating an effective structure so that motivation levels are kept high while stress is minimized.

3. Develop Self-Discipline

Working independently requires a great deal of  self-control and discipline . Self-discipline is the ability to  resist short-term temptations  such as procrastination in order to achieve long-term goals.

It helps in  setting clear objectives ,  avoiding distractions ,  managing emotions  and  motivating oneself towards completing tasks efficiently . Practicing self discipline helps build confidence, mental clarity, perspective on life and enables success.

Examples of specific exercises that can help practice self-discipline include keeping task calendars, making weekly plans for accomplishing tasks before deadlines, breaking large projects into smaller achievable steps and developing positive thought patterns that encourage daily growth.

4. Build Confidence

Confidence is key to succeeding in the workplace and can be particularly useful when it comes to working independently. By  developing self-confidence , you will be able to take on challenging tasks with a measure of assurance and have greater clarity over your goals for success.

Self-belief or ‘positive thinking’ and ‘self talk’ are important attributes that help one build strong self-confidence:  celebrating successes , whether small or major, keeping humility as well as maintaining other positive aspirations and attitudes like patience and gratitude are also necessary aspects of building confidence at work.

Practicing  confident body language  such as eye contact, standing straight or launching a project with enthusiasm can contribute significantly towards  bettering job performance  while working independently.

5. Seek Feedback When Needed

Feedback is crucial for working professionals looking to enhance their ability to work independently. With feedback, it’s easy to  identify and fix potential gaps  in the way you’re working or  discover a new strength  that you weren’t aware of which can further help in setting up an independent routine.

It helps you understand which  areas need improvement , allowing further growth in your professional life. Through receiving and analyzing feedback about your performance from clients, colleagues and other stakeholders, it encourages the  development of skills  like communication abilities as well as personal maturity.

Not only does this  foster self-development  that fosters independence but prevents stagnation on any task by constantly assessing ones’ progress and adjusting accordingly. Ultimately seeking feedback also gives valuable insight into where critiques are needed so adjustments can be made quickly and efficiently resulting in  improved efficiency when working independently .

6. Use Technology Wisely

Technology has substantially changed the way people work. Technology can help working professionals to increase their productivity, organization and communication in a remote or independent work setting.

It also aids with  collaboration between colleagues , enabling them to stay on task and reap the benefits of project-based learning. Tools like video conferencing and online document sharing are great for facilitating  remote meetings  without slowing down progress due to members being physically located elsewhere. 

Team management software  provides an easy way for individual workers to set completion goals based on tasks assigned by managers.  Automatic reminders  can be used as a tool so you don’t always have to manually remind yourself of important dates or deadlines.

By wisely incorporating the latest tools into your workday, you will notice  improved flexibility  that helps enhance your ability to work independently while simultaneously  staying connected with colleagues .

7. Create a Conducive Work Environment

Creating a work environment conducive to independently working is essential for professionals looking to take on more autonomous tasks. A supportive space fosters confidence, creativity and motivation that leads to improved productivity.

It’s important to  promote a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion  in your company as it contributes to creating an open and welcoming atmosphere where everyone can make meaningful contributions according their personal strengths.

Open communication plays an important role in fostering trust among employees which helps create a dynamic work environment. This also encourages them to ask questions when necessary and actively participate in problem-solving initiatives.

8. Learn Continuously

Learning is an  ongoing process  that helps in developing the ability to work independently. Continuous learning is necessary for any profession and it is especially important if you want to  stay relevant  in today’s ever-changing world of work.

New skills help  broaden your perspective  and keep you up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, strategies, and techniques that are crucial for successful independent working. Learning also increases your  problem solving abilities  as it encourages  exploration of new challenges and ideas  which can stimulate out of the box thinking thus making workers more resourceful when facing adversities while working alone.

Staying ahead with industry trends also enables individuals to be feasible enough to adopt new changes within their roles quickly leading to better performance outcomes. Therefore, continuous learning should be seen as essential for improving one’s ability to work independently .

9. Monitor Your Progress

Being able to work independently is an invaluable skillset that allows you to take full control of tasks and manage your own schedule. To further hone this ability,  regularly monitoring progress  should be a priority.

Monitoring progress can help you track how the strategies for working independently are turning out and if there are any  areas in which you need improvement . Regularly  evaluating your goals  will also provide insight into which strategies may require changes or reconsideration, so that the desired results can be attained.

Monitoring progress can give individuals great sense of accomplishment and motivation over their efforts towards improving their ability to work independently. It’s encourages  self-reflection on specific successes or challenges  every step of the way as well as helps illustrate longer term trends related to performance over time, allowing greater ownership along with confidence building effects post accomplishments.

10. Take Care of Your Well-being

Being able to work independently can come with great rewards, but it is important to always take care of your well-being. When working independently, even tasks that don’t seem strenuous or intense may still lead to  feeling overworked and stressed  due to having full control over the entire project itself.

Therefore, being able to set clear boundaries between personal life and work time becomes paramount for self-care; ensuring enough breaks alongside  managing stress levels  should not be overlooked in order to avoid burnout.

Additionally, individuals should make sure they are  getting enough rest  at nights, especially if working overnight shifts.

11. Cultivate Problem-Solving Skills

When it comes to enhancing your ability to work independently, having the right  problem-solving skills  is invaluable.

Effective problem solving requires using the right process and having a tailored plan for each issue you are presented with. With that in mind cultivating  creativity ,  flexibility  and openness can be incredibly beneficial when approaching challenges.

By utilizing these types of skills you have greater freedom and control over tackling obstacles in an efficient manner leading towards more positive outcomes no matter what situation you are faced with.

12. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

One of the most important skills you can develop in order to progress professionally is learning how to  embrace failure  as a powerful opportunity for growth. This means not feeling intimidated by mistakes and understanding that it’s  part of the process  when striving for success.

Those who view failure as an essential equitable element of their journey are sure to learn from their experiences and increase their effectiveness both personally and professionally.

Failing often demonstrates that we’re pushing our boundaries, taking risks, and making strides towards unexplored areas that lead to  personal development  or creativity breakthroughs.

It enables us to grow faster than under conventional circumstances because it encourages adaptive risk-taking behavior that reaps bigger rewards over the long term.

13. Stay Motivated

Having the ability to work independently has its advantages, but  lack of motivation  can halt progress. The key is finding ways to  stay motivated  over a longer period of time while working solo on your project.

Setting clear goals helps keep you focused and let’s you track your progress towards completion. Creating a schedule allows for more structured periods where you are actively engaged and dedicated to completing tasks as planned.

Additionally,  taking breaks  regularly will pause potential burnouts during extended work sessions as well as giving yourself rewards once achieving goals set within each session ever further advances productivity.

14. Build a Support Network

Developing a support network is an essential part of working independently, as it helps to  reduce stress  and  improve overall health and well-being . Networking involves  exchanging ideas and information  between individuals connected by a common career or industry.

It can provide  guidance, advice, and emotional support  when needed. Recognizing the supports already present in your life is the first step in building your own personal network; this can include close family members, friends, neighbors as well as colleagues at work.

To be a resilient leader requires being proactive in seeking out new connections who can bring diversity into one’s life while also being reciprocal to existing supporters. Building authentic relationships based on mutual trust is important for creating networks whose aim isn’t access to information but instead offering insight & critique that help yourself grow further with rewarding long term relationships.

15. Practice Reflective Thinking

Reflective thinking is an important skill that can help professionals stay ahead of the curve. It enables individuals to gain insights from their experiences,  identify areas for improvement , and  make better decisions in the future .

Reflective practice has been linked to concept of learning from experience and has shown to  boost productivity . For many leaders, though, it’s not always easy to carve out enough time or know where exactly to start if they want or need to do some self-reflection.

What strategies can you begin implementing into your workflow?

Start by scheduling regular sessions throughout the day (or week) solely devoted towards reflecting on your actions while keeping track of what’s working and what isn’t — this way you have a tangible reminder when trying new approaches next time around!

Additionally, think about investing in specific strategies such as journaling or writing down goals & dreams for motivation; these will give added structure along with emotional support when needed most.

16. Avoid Procrastination

Working independently gives you the freedom to take control of your duties and responsibilities, but it also brings challenges. One of those challenges is  procrastination  – the  tendency to delay tasks  that need to be done.

Despite good intentions in wanting to accomplish goals, working professionals may find themselves sidetracked by  distractions or lack of motivation . Procrastinating can lead to  missed deadlines, poor quality work, and low productivity levels .

It’s important for working professionals to recognize when they are procrastinating and come up with solutions on how best they can get their job done within the desired timeframe without compromising on quality standards.

17. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is essential for improving one’s ability to work independently. Being able to communicate your ideas, instructions and tasks in a clear and concise manner puts you in control of any situation.

Moreover, it enables the successful completion of every task at hand alone without having to depend on someone else for assistance. Clear communication also allows you to understand expectations along with any potential changes or updates that might be requested further down the road by your supervisor/client.

To benefit from effective communication, try actively listening attentively when interacting with others which means actually hearing what they are saying instead of just responding automatically while formulating your next comment.

Additionally take into consideration their perspective before communicating as this can help build trust between both parties more quickly. Body language should not be overlooked as it plays an important role in relaying meaning; appropriate body posture combined with good eye contact may influence how people interpret different messages differently than words would otherwise have done so alone.

Having the ability to work independently can be extremely beneficial in a professional setting. Not only does it give you  full control over your tasks  and create more  flexible work hours , but also  fosters personal growth and job satisfaction .

Incorporating the tips mentioned above into your daily working routine can help improve your capacity for self-discipline, communication, learning new skills, problem-solving, goal completion and organization.

With dedication and practice of these valuable lessons, independent workers are set up for increased success with  enhanced motivation and productivity levels . Working independently offers professionals the necessary resources needed to meet their objectives on their own terms while achieving high quality results.

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Jenny Palmer

Founder of Eggcellentwork.com. With over 20 years of experience in HR and various roles in corporate world, Jenny shares tips and advice to help professionals advance in their careers. Her blog is a go-to resource for anyone looking to improve their skills, land their dream job, or make a career change.

Further Reading...

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10 Best Books On Critical Thinking And Problem Solving

examples of confidence in the workplace

15 Examples of Confidence in the Workplace to Unlock Success

critical thinking

The Ultimate Guide To Critical Thinking

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Interview Question: Working Independently – Answer Examples

January 25, 2024 by Mike Jacobsen

Tell me about a time when you had to work independently

  • 1 Tell me about a time when you had to work independently
  • 2 Other interview questions that are similar
  • 3 What the interviewer is looking for by asking this question
  • 4 How best to structure your answer to this question
  • 5 What you should NOT do when answering questions
  • 6.1 Example Answer 1 (Detailed)
  • 6.2 Example Answer 2 (Shorter)
  • 6.3 More Sample Answers…
  • 7 Other Interview Question and Answers

Other interview questions that are similar

  • Describe an instance where you had to complete a project on your own.
  • Can you share an experience where you were responsible for managing a task without supervision?
  • Recall a situation where you had to solve a problem independently.
  • Describe a scenario where you had to rely on your own skills and judgment to complete a task.
  • Can you discuss a time when you had to plan and execute a project by yourself?
  • Tell me about an occasion where you had to take initiative and work alone on a task.
  • Recall a moment when you were left to handle responsibilities without any team support.

What the interviewer is looking for by asking this question

There are probably an infinite number of questions that the interviewer could ask you on the day. Some questions are incredibly common appearing in almost every interview you will have, while other questions you might hear once and never again regardless of how many jobs you apply for.

Fundamentally though all interview questions are really trying to find out one of 3 things:

1 – Can you do the job? (Do you have the skills/experience needed?) 2 – Will you do the job? (Do you have the drive/motivation to get the job done?) 3 – Will you fit in? (Does your personality match the workplace culture? Are you likeable?)

That’s it. Those are the 3 things that the interviewer is trying to ascertain. Every question that is asked of you will fundamentally be trying to resolve one (or more) of these 3 things.

When faced with a question like, “Tell me about a time when you had to work independently,” the interviewer is typically seeking to understand your capability and drive – essentially probing aspects of points 1 and 2 from the list above. This question gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your skills and experience (Can you do the job?) by detailing a specific instance where you successfully managed a task or project on your own. It’s a chance to highlight your problem-solving skills, initiative, and ability to work without constant guidance.

How best to structure your answer to this question

Unless the question you are asked is a straight ‘up or down / yes or no’ style question then you are going to need to learn to describe, expand and elaborate on your answers. The best way of doing this is to follow the  B-STAR technique  for answering interview questions.

Answers using this method follow the below structure:

B – Belief – What are your thoughts and feelings with regard to the subject matter? This helps the interviewer understand your perspective and attitude towards working independently, revealing your mindset and approach to solo tasks.

S – Situation – What was going on? Briefly explain the scenario that was taking place. Linking this to the interview question, describe a specific instance where you had to work independently, focusing on the context that required you to take this approach.

T – Task – What was your role in the action? Most of the time it is best that you are taking an active rather than passive role in the encounter. In your response to the interview question, emphasize your active role in working independently, showcasing how you managed and executed the task on your own.

A – Activity (or action) – What did you do? Detail the steps you took and why you took them. When answering the interview question, delve into the actions you took while working independently, demonstrating your ability to operate effectively without supervision.

R – Result – How did everything end up? Try to use figures if possible. In the context of the interview question, conclude with the outcome of your independent work, using quantifiable results to underscore the effectiveness of your actions.

Remember though that the B-STAR technique is descriptive not prescriptive. You do not need to follow this flow strictly, go with what is best for your answers and that will allow you to put your point across and show your experience the best.

What you should NOT do when answering questions

Do not avoid the question – directly address how you managed working independently.

Do not downplay the situation – acknowledge the challenges you faced while working alone.

Do not overhype the situation – keep the description realistic and relevant to your independent work.

Do not give a one-sentence answer – provide enough detail to show your competence in handling tasks independently.

Do not overly describe the scenario and miss the action – focus on your actions and decisions in the independent task.

Do not have a passive role in the situation – emphasize your active involvement and initiative in working independently.

Do not forget to mention what you learned – highlight the skills or insights gained from the experience of working alone.

Tell me about a time when you had to work independently – Example answers

Example answer 1 (detailed).

Belief: “I’ve always believed in the importance of self-reliance and resourcefulness, especially in challenging work situations.”

Situation: “In my previous role as a project coordinator , there was a time when our team was swamped with multiple projects, and I was assigned to handle a key client project solo due to staff shortages.”

Task: “My role was to manage the project from start to finish, which included coordinating with the client, overseeing the project timeline, and handling any issues that arose.”

Activity: “I started by outlining a clear project plan, setting weekly goals, and scheduling regular check-ins with the client to ensure alignment. I utilized digital tools for efficient project tracking and problem-solving. When an unexpected delay occurred due to a supplier issue, I quickly identified an alternative supplier, negotiating a deal that not only kept us on schedule but also reduced costs.”

Result: “The project was completed two weeks ahead of the deadline, under budget by 15%. The client was extremely satisfied, leading to a long-term contract and a 30% increase in customer satisfaction scores for our team. This experience taught me the value of proactive planning and the importance of quick, decisive action in independent work scenarios.”

Example Answer 2 (Shorter)

04 05 project assignment work independently

More Sample Answers…

The examples provided above can serve as a foundation for creating your unique answers. For additional inspiration, our new guide includes five sample responses to this question and over 250 answers to all of the most common interview queries.

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Check out “INTERVIEW SUCCESS: How to answer the Most Popular Interview Questions (with over 250 sample answers!)”

Other Interview Question and Answers

The Most Popular Interview Questions (YOU WILL BE ASKED THESE QUESTIONS – 100%) 45 Civil Service Interview Question and Answers Interview Question: Goal Setting – Answer Tips Interview Question: Communicating Bad News – Answer Examples Interview Question: Taking Risks – Answer Examples

04.05 Project Assignment: Work Independently

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How To Say You Work Well Independently on a Resume (with Examples)

Employers want to hire people who can work independently with minimal supervision… but they don’t want you to just say so. Here’s what to do instead, according to a hiring manager.

a year ago   •   10 min read

“I have the ability to work independently with minimal supervision …”

Even if it’s true, a statement like this on your resume is more likely than not to get it thrown on the trash pile. Hiring managers love independent workers — but they hate seeing soft skills on a resume with no evidence to back them up.

The solution? Don’t just say that you can work independently — prove it! In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • Examples of what to include on your resume to show you can work independently
  • How to say that you work well independently (without coming right out and saying it)
  • Essential skills for independent workers
  • Tips to keep in mind when listing soft skills in your resume
  • Sample bullet points for working independently

04 05 project assignment work independently

A quick-start guide to showing your ability to work independently on a resume

Short on time? Here are the essentials you need to know about showing you’re an independent worker on your resume:

  • Include project and tasks from times when you’ve worked independently
  • Add internships , volunteer work, and extracurricular activities if you don’t have enough independent work experience.
  • Start your bullet points with a strong action verb — ideally, one that speaks to your ability to work independently.
  • Include clear metrics or results whenever possible.
  • Show independent work and related soft skills through your accomplishments — never in your skills section .
  • Get instant expert advice by uploading your resume to an ATS resume scanner .

Where to list your ability to work indipendantly on your resume

The best place to describe your indipendant skills on your resume, is in your work experience section , since that’s the part recruiters care about the most. If you’re new to the workforce or just struggling to come up with relevant examples, you don’t need to restrict your examples to traditional work experience — they can also include internships, volunteering , extracurriculars, and freelance or contract work .

Just like other soft skills, your ability to work independently is a skill that recruiters do not want to see listed in your skills section, instead they want to see what you have accomplished with this skill. A good way to check if you have shown your ability to work independently through your accomplishments and bullet points is to upload your resume to the tool below – it'll let you know if your resume highlights independent work as well as your other relevant achievements.

How to demonstrate your ability to work independently on your resume

As mentioned above, showing you can work independently isn’t about simply saying you can. It’s about showing you can, though quantified, well-chosen examples that demonstrate your skills and support your claims.

Choose the right experience

When deciding what work experience best demonstrates your independent skills, look for roles when you not only worked independently but when you achieved something successful, significant, and quantifiable while working on your own. This could include:

  • Working alone on a successful task or project
  • Multitasking or working on several projects at once
  • Taking point on a high-stakes or high-profile task
  • Working on a task outside of your normal comfort zone/duties
  • Any time when you had to be your own boss, e.g. if you ran your own business, took on a high-level interim role, or were without leadership for an extended period

Here are some ideas and examples you can use to highlight the success of your independent work:

Mention deadlines and targets

Mention projects that were completed on target or ahead of schedule to demonstrate the successful impact of your work. Highlight how your independent decision-making and proactive approach directly led to the project’s success.

Managed a team project autonomously, employing effective delegation and resource management, resulting in project completion two weeks ahead of schedule.

Focus on remote work

Remote work is a highly competitive skill in today’s job market, and by default, it showcases a variety of independent skills and expertise. Describe successfully managing remote projects or working autonomously in a virtual environment.

Coordinated and led a virtual team across three time zones to deliver a marketing campaign, navigating remote communication challenges and ensuring timely delivery.

Include personal and professional projects

Describe self-started initiatives or projects, both at work and in your personal life, that showcase the positive impact of your involvement and your ability to spearhead ideas.

Initiated and executed a cost-reduction program, autonomously researching and implementing sustainable practices that reduced expenses by 15%. Spearheaded the development of a new client onboarding process, independently researching, designing, and implementing the strategy, resulting in a 30% increase in client retention.

Use action verbs

“Worked independently on …” might seem like a good way to describe working independently, but it says very little about what you actually did. Instead, start your phrases with a strong action verb to make a more memorable statement and explain your skills n more detail.Try some of these resume action verbs to boose the impact of your work experience bullet points:

  • Implemented
  • Established
  • Investigated

Demonstrate independence through keywords and phrases

Keywords are integral to resume success. Not only do they impress recruiters, but they’re also the key to getting past automated ATS systems. When a role requires independent experience, recruiters will be scanning your resume looking for these key phrases. So include them whenever you can:

  • Independently managed : Indicates that you were solely responsible for handling a task or project. For example, "Independently managed a team of 10 in developing a new software application."
  • Solely responsible for : Highlights that you were the single point of accountability. For example, "Solely responsible for orchestrating the annual corporate event."
  • Self-directed project : Suggests a project that was completed with minimal supervision or independently overseen by you. Example: "Led a self-directed project to improve customer service protocols."
  • Autonomously developed : Demonstrates the ability to create or build something independently. For example, "Autonomously developed a new inventory tracking system."
  • Initiated and executed : Shows taking the lead and following through on a project or task. For instance, "Initiated and executed a marketing strategy that increased sales by 30%."
  • Led independent research : Indicates carrying out research initiatives on your own. Example: "Led independent research into market trends, informing product development."
  • Single-handedly implemented : Highlights the individual accomplishment of implementing a plan or idea. E.g., "Single-handedly implemented a new CRM system across the organization."
  • Pioneered : Suggests being the first to undertake a particular task or project. For example, "Pioneered a digital transformation initiative."
  • Drove project to completion : Indicates leading a project through to its end. Example: "Drove project to completion ahead of schedule, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency."
  • Managed entire lifecycle : Indicates overseeing every phase of a project independently. Example: "Managed the entire lifecycle of the product development process."
  • Conceived and implemented : Shows both the initial and execution phases of a project, which you can then discuss in terms of your independent role. For instance, "Conceived and implemented a new user feedback system which achieved a 15% increase in user engagement."

Examples of how to show you can work independently on a resume

Stuck on exactly how to word your resume accomplishments? Here are some tried and tested examples of indipendant work from successful resumes to get you started.

Paid work experience

If you often work independently as part of your regular work experience, this should be fairly straightforward. Choose a handful of examples that show your ability to work independently in different contexts; for example, choosing your own tasks, managing your own workload and priorities, seeking solutions to problems on your own , and proactively communicating your progress without needing someone else to check in on you.Here are some examples:

Sustained 95% on-time completion rate for software tests by effective team management and work balance.
Created weekly and monthly project status reports for various stakeholders, highlighting key constraints, if any, and ensuring timeliness of project deliverable, resulting in over 95% customer satisfaction rate.

Use your work experience section to highlight any time you’ve worked independently with impressive results

Virtual and remote work

In today's evolving job market, where remote and virtual work has become far more common, employers are actively looking for candidates who can thrive in a remote environment.

To highlight independent skills in remote work, discuss when you successfully managed projects or tasks remotely and emphasize how your work directly contributed to positive outcomes. Use specific examples that show your proactive approach, ability to handle challenges without direct oversight, and problem-solving skills in a remote setting.

Here are some examples:

Spearheaded a remote team project, enhancing client satisfaction by 30% through innovative strategies and self-directed execution. Independently managed a virtual marketing campaign, resulting in a 20% increase in online engagement.


If you’re still in school or only graduated recently, you can treat internships the same way as you would any other kind of work experience, including listing them in your regular experience section. While you may have had more supervision than other types of jobs, you can still choose accomplishments that show what you did on your own or without needing to be told.

Secured and surveyed 18 websites with 0 primary attacks in the first month on the job. Implemented regular monitoring of network performance, reducing network downtime by 11% through quicker responses.

List internships in your work experience section and highlight any independent accomplishments

Projects, volunteering, and extracurriculars

Don’t have a lot of work experience to use as an example? That’s okay — personal or educational projects , volunteer positions, and even extracurricular activities can all be used instead.Here are some examples:

Worked to build out the networking infrastructure for a local education charity as they began expansion to the west coast. Used sci-kit learn in Python to simulate possible outcomes under different scenarios while also applying JavaScript/Python.

Use volunteer work, projects, and extracurricular activities to round out your work experience and show your ability to work independently

Freelance and contract work

Listing freelance work on a resume is an excellent way to show that you can work independently with minimal supervision. Stick to accomplishments that are relevant to the job you’re applying for and that highlight your ability to take initiative and get results.Here are some examples:

Collaborated with over 3K clients to determine project scopes, set milestones, and agree on payment terms. Provided responsive and professional support to 8K existing clients and developed 900 new relationships within 4 months.

Freelance, contract, and consultancy work can all be used on a resume as evidence of your ability to work independently

Showcasing independence: Before and after examples

To effectively showcase independence on your resume, it's crucial to transform vague statements into impactful phrases that highlight autonomy and successful outcomes. Let's explore how to revamp some underperforming resume statements to focus on successful independent work.

Before: Handled customer inquiries. This phrase is vague and doesn't mention or highlight independent skills. To improve it, add specific details and quantifiable outcomes, and start with an action verb to demonstrate autonomy in handling tasks. After: Independently managed a high volume of customer inquiries, resolving 95% of issues on first contact and improving customer satisfaction ratings by 25%.

Before: Participated in team projects.This phrase lacks detail about the role played in the project and fails to explain how the project showcases independent work. To fix this, focus on your individual contribution, emphasizing your independent responsibilities within the project setting. After: Contributed to team projects by autonomously developing and implementing a new data analysis method, leading to a 15% increase in project efficiency.

Before : Responsible for sales targets. This phrase mentions a generic job responsibility and does not showcase how targets were met independently. To improve its impact, highlight specific independent actions to meet or exceed targets, and quantify the result with metrics. After: Exceeded sales targets by 20% through self-initiated strategies, including personalized client outreach and independent market analysis.

Soft skills that show you can work independently

Working independently involves a host of related skills. To show hiring managers that you have the skills to be an independent worker, your resume should include evidence of:

  • Self motivation
  • Organization
  • Problem solving
  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Goal setting
  • Troubleshooting

Much like working independently, these are all soft skills that don’t belong in your skills section. Instead, think of examples of when you used these skills in a professional context. Bonus points if you can combine them to paint a picture of exactly how well you work independently — for example, working alone on a tight deadline involving valuable assets shows independent work, time management, and integrity.

If you’re not sure which skills to include in your skills section, use the skills search tool below to search for the job you’re applying for. It’ll give you a list of hard skills relevant to the job.

Do’s and don’ts of saying you can work independently on a resume

Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing your resume and some common resume mistakes to avoid: DO choose accomplishments that clearly show your ability to work independently. Try to be as specific as possible — the more information recruiters have, the more easily they can picture you in the role. DO tailor the examples you choose to each application, and ensure your experience is directly relevant to the job you’re applying for. DO have a few examples of times when you’ve worked alone or with minimal support ready to go for when you reach the interview stage. DON’T overemphasise how you prefer to work independently. Even if solo work is a big part of the job, it may raise red flags about your ability to get along with others or work as part of a team when necessary. DON’T explicitly say that you can work well independently. Hiring managers don’t put much stock in self-assessment, which means it’s a waste of space at best. DON’T just write “independently” at the start of every bullet point — generally, you should avoid using adverbs on your resume at all. DON’T use vague language. General and non-specific statements like "Handled customer inquiries" fail to demonstrate your independent skills and achievements effectively. DON’T list soft skills, like independence, in your skills section. This takes up valuable space on your resume and doesn’t add any relevant information. Instead, show soft skills through quantified examples.

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04 05 project assignment work independently

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

04 05 project assignment work independently

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04 05 project assignment work independently

04.05 Project Assignment: Work Independently How much do you share on social media? Do you have accounts linked to your computer

04 05 project assignment work independently

5. 20/30, 8/12

6. 4/16, 14/56

7. 8/40, 4/20

8. 344/ 400, 215/ 250

hope this helps :)


so its referring to perimeter.

you add all values together.

 this would equal 34.995 .

so, its 34.995 meters of fencing.

Step-by-step explanation:

Jacob had multiplied 6 to 2m right which is 12m but multiplied 6 and 5n wrong as he thought it was 11n yet it is 30n.

04 05 project assignment work independently

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