Film Analysis: Example, Format, and Outline + Topics & Prompts

Films are never just films. Instead, they are influential works of art that can evoke a wide range of emotions, spark meaningful conversations, and provide insightful commentary on society and culture. As a student, you may be tasked with writing a film analysis essay, which requires you to delve deeper into the characters and themes. But where do you start?

In this article, our expert team has explored strategies for writing a successful film analysis essay. From prompts for this assignment to an excellent movie analysis example, we’ll provide you with everything you need to craft an insightful film analysis paper.

  • 📽️ Film Analysis Definition

📚 Types of Film Analysis

  • ✍️ How to Write Film Analysis
  • 🎞️ Movie Analysis Prompts
  • 🎬 Top 15 Topics

📝 Film Analysis Example

  • 🍿 More Examples

🔗 References

📽️ what is a film analysis essay.

A film analysis essay is a type of academic writing that critically examines a film, its themes, characters, and techniques used by the filmmaker. This essay aims to analyze the film’s meaning, message, and artistic elements and explain its cultural, social, and historical significance. It typically requires a writer to pay closer attention to aspects such as cinematography, editing, sound, and narrative structure.

Film Analysis vs Film Review

It’s common to confuse a film analysis with a film review, though these are two different types of writing. A film analysis paper focuses on the film’s narrative, sound, editing, and other elements. This essay aims to explore the film’s themes, symbolism , and underlying messages and to provide an in-depth interpretation of the film.

On the other hand, a film review is a brief evaluation of a film that provides the writer’s overall opinion of the movie. It includes the story’s short summary, a description of the acting, direction, and technical aspects, and a recommendation on whether or not the movie is worth watching.

This image shows the difference between film analysis and film review.

Wondering what you should focus on when writing a movie analysis essay? Here are four main types of film analysis. Check them out!

Focuses on the story and how it is presented in the film, including the plot, characters, and themes. This type of analysis looks at how the story is constructed and how it is conveyed to the audience.
Examines the symbols, signs, and meanings created through the film’s visuals, such as color, lighting, and . It analyzes how the film’s visual elements interact to create a cohesive message.
Looks at the cultural, historical, and social context in which the film was made. This type of analysis considers how the film reflects the values, beliefs, and attitudes of its time and place and responds to broader cultural and social trends.
Studies the visual elements of a film, including the setting, costumes, and actors’ performances, to understand how they contribute to the film’s overall meaning. These are analyzed within a scene or even a single shot.

📋 Film Analysis Format

The movie analysis format follows a typical essay structure, including a title, introduction, thesis statement, body, conclusion, and references.

The most common citation styles used for a film analysis are MLA and Chicago . However, we recommend you consult with your professor for specific guidelines. Remember to cite all dialogue and scene descriptions from the movie to support the analysis. The reference list should include the analyzed film and any external sources mentioned in the essay.

When referring to a specific movie in your paper, you should italicize the film’s name and use the title case. Don’t enclose the title of the movie in quotation marks.

📑 Film Analysis Essay Outline

A compelling film analysis outline is crucial as it helps make the writing process more focused and the content more insightful for the readers. Below, you’ll find the description of the main parts of the movie analysis essay.

This image shows the film analysis essay outline.

Film Analysis Introduction

Many students experience writer’s block because they don’t know how to write an introduction for a film analysis. The truth is that the opening paragraph for a film analysis paper is similar to any other academic essay:

  • Start with a hook to grab the reader’s attention . For example, it can be a fascinating fact or a thought-provoking question related to the film.
  • Provide background information about the movie . Introduce the film, including its title, director, and release date. Follow this with a brief summary of the film’s plot and main themes.
  • End the introduction with an analytical thesis statement . Present the central argument or interpretation that will be explored in the analysis.

Film Analysis Thesis

If you wonder how to write a thesis for a film analysis, we’ve got you! A thesis statement should clearly present your main idea related to the film and provide a roadmap for the rest of the essay. Your thesis should be specific, concise, and focused. In addition, it should be debatable so that others can present a contrasting point of view. Also, make sure it is supported with evidence from the film.

Let’s come up with a film analysis thesis example:

Through a feminist lens, Titanic is a story about Rose’s rebellion against traditional gender roles, showcasing her attempts to assert her autonomy and refusal to conform to societal expectations prevalent in the early 20th century.

Movie Analysis Main Body

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of the film that supports your main idea. These aspects include themes, characters, narrative devices , or cinematic techniques. You should also provide evidence from the film to support your analysis, such as quotes, scene descriptions, or specific visual or auditory elements.

Here are two things to avoid in body paragraphs:

  • Film review . Your analysis should focus on specific movie aspects rather than your opinion of the film.
  • Excessive plot summary . While it’s important to provide some context for the analysis, a lengthy plot summary can detract you from your main argument and analysis of the film.

Film Analysis Conclusion

In the conclusion of a movie analysis, restate the thesis statement to remind the reader of the main argument. Additionally, summarize the main points from the body to reinforce the key aspects of the film that were discussed. The conclusion should also provide a final thought or reflection on the film, tying together the analysis and presenting your perspective on its overall meaning.

✍️ How to Write a Film Analysis Essay

Writing a film analysis essay can be challenging since it requires a deep understanding of the film, its themes, and its characters. However, with the right approach, you can create a compelling analysis that offers insight into the film’s meaning and impact. To help you, we’ve prepared a small guide.

This image shows how to write a film analysis essay.

1. Understand the Prompt

When approaching a film analysis essay, it is crucial to understand the prompt provided by your professor. For example, suppose your professor asks you to analyze the film from the perspective of Marxist criticism or psychoanalytic film theory . In that case, it is essential to familiarize yourself with these approaches. This may involve studying these theories and identifying how they can be applied to the film.

If your professor did not provide specific guidelines, you will need to choose a film yourself and decide on the aspect you will explore. Whether it is the film’s themes, characters, cinematography, or social context, having a clear focus will help guide your analysis.

2. Watch the Film & Take Notes

Keep your assignment prompt in mind when watching the film for your analysis. For example, if you are analyzing the film from a feminist perspective, you should pay attention to the portrayal of female characters, power dynamics , and gender roles within the film.

As you watch the movie, take notes on key moments, dialogues, and scenes relevant to your analysis. Additionally, keeping track of the timecodes of important scenes can be beneficial, as it allows you to quickly revisit specific moments in the film for further analysis.

3. Develop a Thesis and an Outline

Next, develop a thesis statement for your movie analysis. Identify the central argument or perspective you want to convey about the film. For example, you can focus on the film’s themes, characters, plot, cinematography, or other outstanding aspects. Your thesis statement should clearly present your stance and provide a preview of the points you will discuss in your analysis.

Having created a thesis, you can move on to the outline for an analysis. Write down all the arguments that can support your thesis, logically organize them, and then look for the supporting evidence in the movie.

4. Write Your Movie Analysis

When writing a film analysis paper, try to offer fresh and original ideas on the film that go beyond surface-level observations. If you need some inspiration, have a look at these thought-provoking questions:

  • How does the movie evoke emotional responses from the audience through sound, editing, character development , and camera work?
  • Is the movie’s setting portrayed in a realistic or stylized manner? What atmosphere or mood does the setting convey to the audience?
  • How does the lighting in the movie highlight certain aspects? How does the lighting impact the audience’s perception of the movie’s characters, spaces, or overall mood?
  • What role does the music play in the movie? How does it create specific emotional effects for the audience?
  • What underlying values or messages does the movie convey? How are these values communicated to the audience?

5. Revise and Proofread

To revise and proofread a film analysis essay, review the content for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure the paper flows logically and each paragraph contributes to the overall analysis. Remember to double-check that you haven’t missed any in-text citations and have enough evidence and examples from the movie to support your arguments.

Consider seeking feedback from a peer or instructor to get an outside perspective on the essay. Another reader can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

🎞️ Movie Analysis: Sample Prompts

Now that we’ve covered the essential aspects of a film analysis template, it’s time to choose a topic. Here are some prompts to help you select a film for your analysis.

  • Metropolis film analysis essay . When analyzing this movie, you can explore the themes of technology and society or the portrayal of class struggle. You can also focus on symbolism, visual effects, and the influence of German expressionism on the film’s aesthetic.
  • The Godfather film analysis essay . An epic crime film, The Godfather , allows you to analyze the themes of power and corruption, the portrayal of family dynamics, and the influence of Italian neorealism on the film’s aesthetic. You can also examine the movie’s historical context and impact on future crime dramas.
  • Psycho film analysis essay . Consider exploring the themes of identity and duality, the use of suspense and tension in storytelling, or the portrayal of mental illness. You can also explore the impact of this movie on the horror genre.
  • Forrest Gump film analysis essay . If you decide to analyze the Forrest Gump movie, you can focus on the portrayal of historical events. You might also examine the use of nostalgia in storytelling, the character development of the protagonist, and the film’s impact on popular culture and American identity.
  • The Great Gatsby film analysis essay . The Great Gatsby is a historical drama film that allows you to analyze the themes of the American Dream, wealth, and class. You can also explore the portrayal of the 1920s Jazz Age and the symbolism of the green light.
  • Persepolis film analysis essay . In a Persepolis film analysis essay, you can uncover the themes of identity and self-discovery. You might also consider analyzing the portrayal of the Iranian Revolution and its aftermath, the use of animation as a storytelling device, and the film’s influence on the graphic novel genre.

🎬 Top 15 Film Analysis Essay Topics

  • The use of color symbolism in Vertigo and its impact on the narrative.
  • The moral ambiguity and human nature in No Country for Old Men .
  • The portrayal of ethnicity in Gran Torino and its commentary on cultural stereotypes.
  • The cinematography and visual effects in The Hunger Games and their contribution to the dystopian atmosphere.
  • The use of silence and sound design in A Quiet Place to immerse the audience.
  • The disillusionment and existential crisis in The Graduate and its reflection of the societal norms of the 1960s.
  • The themes of sacrifice and patriotism in Casablanca and their relevance to the historical context of World War II.
  • The psychological horror in The Shining and its impact on the audience’s experience of fear and tension.
  • The exploration of existentialism in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind .
  • Multiple perspectives and unreliable narrators in Rashomon .
  • The music and soundtrack in Titanic and its contribution to the film’s emotional resonance.
  • The portrayal of good versus evil in the Harry Potter film series and its impact on understanding morality.
  • The incorporation of vibrant colors in The Grand Budapest Hotel as a visual motif.
  • The use of editing techniques to tell a nonlinear narrative in Pulp Fiction .
  • The function of music and score in enhancing the emotional impact in Schindler’s List .

Check out the Get Out film analysis essay we’ve prepared for college and high school students. We hope this movie analysis essay example will inspire you and help you understand the structure of this assignment better.

Film Analysis Essay Introduction Example

Get Out, released in 2017 and directed by Jordan Peele, is a culturally significant horror film that explores themes of racism, identity, and social commentary. The film follows Chris, a young African-American man, visiting his white girlfriend’s family for the weekend. This essay will analyze how, through its masterful storytelling, clever use of symbolism, and thought-provoking narrative, Get Out reveals the insidious nature of racism in modern America.

Film Analysis Body Paragraphs Example

Throughout the movie, Chris’s character is subject to various types of microaggression and subtle forms of discrimination. These instances highlight the insidious nature of racism, showing how it can exist even in seemingly progressive environments. For example, during Chris’s visit to his white girlfriend’s family, the parents continuously make racially insensitive comments, expressing their admiration for black physical attributes and suggesting a fascination bordering on fetishization. This sheds light on some individuals’ objectification and exotification of black bodies.

Get Out also critiques the performative allyship of white liberals who claim to be accepting and supportive of the black community. It is evident in the character of Rose’s father, who proclaims: “I would have voted for Obama for a third term if I could” (Peele, 2017). However, the film exposes how this apparent acceptance can mask hidden prejudices and manipulation.

Film Analysis Conclusion Example

In conclusion, the film Get Out provides a searing critique of racial discrimination and white supremacy through its compelling narrative, brilliant performances, and skillful direction. By exploring the themes of the insidious nature of racism, fetishization, and performative allyship, Get Out not only entertains but also challenges viewers to reflect on their own biases.

🍿 More Film Analysis Examples

  • Social Psychology Theories in The Experiment
  • Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader: George Lukas’s Star Wars Review
  • Girl, Interrupted : Mental Illness Analysis
  • Mental Disorders in the Finding Nemo Film
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Film: Interpretive Psychological Analysis
  • Analysis of Spielberg’s Film Lincoln
  • Glory – The Drama Movie by Edward Zwick
  • Inventors in The Men Who Built America Series
  • Crash Movie: Racism as a Theme
  • Dances with Wolves Essay – Movie Analysis
  • Superbad by G. Mottola
  • Ordinary People Analysis and Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
  • A Review of the Movie An Inconvenient Truth by Guggenheim
  • Chaplin’s Modern Times and H.G. Wells’s The Island of Dr. Moreau
  • Misé-En-Scene and Camera Shots in The King’s Speech
  • Children’s Sexuality in the Out in the Dark Film
  • Chinese and American Women in Joy Luck Club Novel and Film
  • The Film Silver Linings Playbook by Russell
  • The Role of Music in the Films The Hours and The Third Man
  • The Social Network : Film Analysis
  • My Neighbor Totoro : Film by Hayao Miyazaki
  • Marriage Story Film Directed by Noah Baumbach

❓ Film Analysis Essay: FAQ

Why is film analysis important.

Film analysis allows viewers to go beyond the surface level and delve into the deeper layers of a film’s narrative, themes, and technical aspects. It enables a critical examination that enhances appreciation and understanding of the film’s message, cultural significance, and artistic value. At the same time, writing a movie analysis essay can boost your critical thinking and ability to spot little details.

How to write a movie analysis?

  • Watch the film multiple times to grasp its key elements.
  • Take notes on the story, characters, and themes.
  • Pay attention to the film’s cinematography, editing, sound, message, symbolism, and social context.
  • Formulate a strong thesis statement that presents your main argument.
  • Support your claims with evidence from the film.

How to write a critical analysis of a movie?

A critical analysis of a movie involves evaluating its elements, such as plot, themes, characters, and cinematography, and providing an informed opinion on its strengths and weaknesses. To write it, watch the movie attentively, take notes, develop a clear thesis statement, support arguments with evidence, and balance the positive and negative.

How to write a psychological analysis of a movie?

A psychological analysis of a movie examines characters’ motivations, behaviors, and emotional experiences. To write it, analyze the characters’ psychological development, their relationships, and the impact of psychological themes conveyed in the film. Support your analysis with psychological theories and evidence from the movie.

  • Film Analysis | UNC Writing Center
  • Psychological Analysis of Films | Steemit
  • Critical Film Analysis | University of Hawaii
  • Questions to Ask of Any Film | All American High School Film Festival
  • Resources – How to Write a Film Analysis | Northwestern
  • Film Analysis | University of Toronto
  • Film Writing: Sample Analysis | Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Film Analysis Web Site 2.0 | Yale University
  • Questions for Film Analysis | University of Washington
  • Film & Media Studies Resources: Types of Film Analysis | Bowling Green State University
  • Film & Media Studies Resources: Researching a Film | Bowling Green State University
  • Motion Picture Analysis Worksheet | University of Houston
  • Reviews vs Film Criticism | The University of Vermont Libraries
  • Television and Film Analysis Questions | University of Michigan
  • How to Write About Film: The Movie Review, the Theoretical Essay, and the Critical Essay | University of Colorado

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How to write a research paper about a movie.

For research paper writers , tackling a movie analysis can seem challenging, but with the right approach, it can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Movies are a powerful medium that can convey complex themes, evoke emotions, and challenge our perceptions. By analyzing a film through a research paper, writers have the opportunity to delve into its depths and uncover hidden meanings, symbolism, and cultural significance.

Choosing the Right Movie

The first step in this process is to choose a movie that resonates with you on a personal level. It could be a classic that has stood the test of time, a contemporary masterpiece that has captured your imagination, or a cult favorite that has a dedicated following. Selecting a film that genuinely interests you will make the research and writing process more engaging and rewarding. You’ll find yourself invested in uncovering the nuances and intricacies of the movie, which will translate into a more insightful and passionate analysis.

Developing a Focused Research Question

Once you’ve chosen your movie, the next step is to develop a focused research question. This question will serve as the foundation for your entire paper, guiding your research and shaping your analysis. As highlighted in the expert review of personal statement writing services at , a well-crafted research question is crucial for a strong analysis. Your research question should be specific, thought-provoking, and centered around a particular aspect of the film. For example, you might explore the movie’s representation of a social issue or cultural phenomenon, analyze the use of symbolism and metaphors, examine the film’s contribution to a specific genre or cinematic movement, or investigate the director’s unique style and artistic vision.

Conducting Comprehensive Research

With a clear research question in mind, it’s time to immerse yourself in comprehensive research. Start by watching the movie multiple times, taking notes on key scenes, themes, and elements that relate to your research question. Repeated viewings will allow you to pick up on subtleties and nuances that you may have missed initially. Then, consult a variety of sources to gather information and insights, such as academic journals, film studies publications, interviews with the director, screenwriter, or actors, critical reviews and analyses from reputable sources, and books or articles on the film’s historical or cultural context.

As you conduct your research, it’s crucial to evaluate the credibility and reliability of your sources. Look for respected, authoritative sources that offer well-reasoned and well-supported arguments. Additionally, keep an open mind to diverse perspectives and interpretations, as this will enrich your understanding of the film and strengthen your analysis.

Developing a Strong Thesis Statement

With a solid foundation of research, you can then develop a strong thesis statement. Your thesis statement is the backbone of your research paper, as it clearly articulates your central argument or interpretation of the film. It should be directly related to your research question and serve as a roadmap for your analysis. A well-crafted thesis statement will guide the structure and organization of your paper, ensuring that your arguments and evidence are presented in a focused and coherent manner.

Organizing Your Paper Effectively

When it comes to organizing your paper, a typical structure might include an introduction that provides a brief overview of the film, your research question, and your thesis statement. This sets the stage for your analysis and gives readers a clear understanding of your focus and approach. Next, you might offer context on the film’s historical, cultural, or artistic significance, providing a foundation for your analysis.

The Analysis: Presenting Arguments and Evidence

The heart of your paper will be the analysis section, where you present your arguments and evidence to support your thesis statement. This section should be divided into subsections based on your main points or themes, allowing you to explore each aspect of your analysis in depth. Throughout this section, it’s essential to incorporate relevant evidence from the movie itself, such as quotations from the dialogue or narration, descriptions of key scenes or visual elements, and examples of symbolism, motifs, or cinematic techniques.

In addition to evidence from the film, you should also draw upon the research sources you’ve consulted, weaving in references to scholarly sources, critical analyses, and other relevant materials. By incorporating a diverse range of evidence and perspectives, you’ll strengthen the credibility and persuasiveness of your arguments.

Engaging in Critical Analysis

As you develop your analysis, it’s important to engage in critical thinking and offer insights that challenge conventional perspectives or uncover deeper meanings. Consider the film’s themes and how they are represented, the director’s stylistic choices and their impact, the use of cinematography, sound, and other technical elements, and the film’s cultural or social commentary. Explore the representation of gender, race, or other identities, and examine the film’s influence on subsequent works or artistic movements.

Addressing Counterarguments

Throughout your paper, be sure to address potential counterarguments or alternative interpretations. Acknowledging and responding to these counterarguments will not only strengthen your analysis but also demonstrate your understanding of the complexities and nuances of the film. Concluding Your Paper Finally, your conclusion should summarize your key findings and reinforce your thesis statement, leaving readers with a clear understanding of your central argument and the significance of your analysis.

The Revision Process

Remember, writing a research paper about a movie is an iterative process that may require multiple rounds of revision and refinement. Once you’ve completed your initial draft, take a step back and critically evaluate your work. Identify areas that need clarification, reorganization, or additional evidence, and be willing to make changes to strengthen your analysis. In conclusion, writing a research paper about a movie is an opportunity to explore a deeply meaningful and impactful art form. By following these steps and approaching the process with dedication and critical thinking, you can produce a well-researched, thoughtful, and engaging analysis that contributes to the understanding and appreciation of cinema.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Film Analysis

What this handout is about.

This handout introduces film analysis and and offers strategies and resources for approaching film analysis assignments.

Writing the film analysis essay

Writing a film analysis requires you to consider the composition of the film—the individual parts and choices made that come together to create the finished piece. Film analysis goes beyond the analysis of the film as literature to include camera angles, lighting, set design, sound elements, costume choices, editing, etc. in making an argument. The first step to analyzing the film is to watch it with a plan.

Watching the film

First it’s important to watch the film carefully with a critical eye. Consider why you’ve been assigned to watch a film and write an analysis. How does this activity fit into the course? Why have you been assigned this particular film? What are you looking for in connection to the course content? Let’s practice with this clip from Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958). Here are some tips on how to watch the clip critically, just as you would an entire film:

  • Give the clip your undivided attention at least once. Pay close attention to details and make observations that might start leading to bigger questions.
  • Watch the clip a second time. For this viewing, you will want to focus specifically on those elements of film analysis that your class has focused on, so review your course notes. For example, from whose perspective is this clip shot? What choices help convey that perspective? What is the overall tone, theme, or effect of this clip?
  • Take notes while you watch for the second time. Notes will help you keep track of what you noticed and when, if you include timestamps in your notes. Timestamps are vital for citing scenes from a film!

For more information on watching a film, check out the Learning Center’s handout on watching film analytically . For more resources on researching film, including glossaries of film terms, see UNC Library’s research guide on film & cinema .

Brainstorming ideas

Once you’ve watched the film twice, it’s time to brainstorm some ideas based on your notes. Brainstorming is a major step that helps develop and explore ideas. As you brainstorm, you may want to cluster your ideas around central topics or themes that emerge as you review your notes. Did you ask several questions about color? Were you curious about repeated images? Perhaps these are directions you can pursue.

If you’re writing an argumentative essay, you can use the connections that you develop while brainstorming to draft a thesis statement . Consider the assignment and prompt when formulating a thesis, as well as what kind of evidence you will present to support your claims. Your evidence could be dialogue, sound edits, cinematography decisions, etc. Much of how you make these decisions will depend on the type of film analysis you are conducting, an important decision covered in the next section.

After brainstorming, you can draft an outline of your film analysis using the same strategies that you would for other writing assignments. Here are a few more tips to keep in mind as you prepare for this stage of the assignment:

  • Make sure you understand the prompt and what you are being asked to do. Remember that this is ultimately an assignment, so your thesis should answer what the prompt asks. Check with your professor if you are unsure.
  • In most cases, the director’s name is used to talk about the film as a whole, for instance, “Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo .” However, some writers may want to include the names of other persons who helped to create the film, including the actors, the cinematographer, and the sound editor, among others.
  • When describing a sequence in a film, use the literary present. An example could be, “In Vertigo , Hitchcock employs techniques of observation to dramatize the act of detection.”
  • Finding a screenplay/script of the movie may be helpful and save you time when compiling citations. But keep in mind that there may be differences between the screenplay and the actual product (and these differences might be a topic of discussion!).
  • Go beyond describing basic film elements by articulating the significance of these elements in support of your particular position. For example, you may have an interpretation of the striking color green in Vertigo , but you would only mention this if it was relevant to your argument. For more help on using evidence effectively, see the section on “using evidence” in our evidence handout .

Also be sure to avoid confusing the terms shot, scene, and sequence. Remember, a shot ends every time the camera cuts; a scene can be composed of several related shots; and a sequence is a set of related scenes.

Different types of film analysis

As you consider your notes, outline, and general thesis about a film, the majority of your assignment will depend on what type of film analysis you are conducting. This section explores some of the different types of film analyses you may have been assigned to write.

Semiotic analysis

Semiotic analysis is the interpretation of signs and symbols, typically involving metaphors and analogies to both inanimate objects and characters within a film. Because symbols have several meanings, writers often need to determine what a particular symbol means in the film and in a broader cultural or historical context.

For instance, a writer could explore the symbolism of the flowers in Vertigo by connecting the images of them falling apart to the vulnerability of the heroine.

Here are a few other questions to consider for this type of analysis:

  • What objects or images are repeated throughout the film?
  • How does the director associate a character with small signs, such as certain colors, clothing, food, or language use?
  • How does a symbol or object relate to other symbols and objects, that is, what is the relationship between the film’s signs?

Many films are rich with symbolism, and it can be easy to get lost in the details. Remember to bring a semiotic analysis back around to answering the question “So what?” in your thesis.

Narrative analysis

Narrative analysis is an examination of the story elements, including narrative structure, character, and plot. This type of analysis considers the entirety of the film and the story it seeks to tell.

For example, you could take the same object from the previous example—the flowers—which meant one thing in a semiotic analysis, and ask instead about their narrative role. That is, you might analyze how Hitchcock introduces the flowers at the beginning of the film in order to return to them later to draw out the completion of the heroine’s character arc.

To create this type of analysis, you could consider questions like:

  • How does the film correspond to the Three-Act Structure: Act One: Setup; Act Two: Confrontation; and Act Three: Resolution?
  • What is the plot of the film? How does this plot differ from the narrative, that is, how the story is told? For example, are events presented out of order and to what effect?
  • Does the plot revolve around one character? Does the plot revolve around multiple characters? How do these characters develop across the film?

When writing a narrative analysis, take care not to spend too time on summarizing at the expense of your argument. See our handout on summarizing for more tips on making summary serve analysis.

Cultural/historical analysis

One of the most common types of analysis is the examination of a film’s relationship to its broader cultural, historical, or theoretical contexts. Whether films intentionally comment on their context or not, they are always a product of the culture or period in which they were created. By placing the film in a particular context, this type of analysis asks how the film models, challenges, or subverts different types of relations, whether historical, social, or even theoretical.

For example, the clip from Vertigo depicts a man observing a woman without her knowing it. You could examine how this aspect of the film addresses a midcentury social concern about observation, such as the sexual policing of women, or a political one, such as Cold War-era McCarthyism.

A few of the many questions you could ask in this vein include:

  • How does the film comment on, reinforce, or even critique social and political issues at the time it was released, including questions of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality?
  • How might a biographical understanding of the film’s creators and their historical moment affect the way you view the film?
  • How might a specific film theory, such as Queer Theory, Structuralist Theory, or Marxist Film Theory, provide a language or set of terms for articulating the attributes of the film?

Take advantage of class resources to explore possible approaches to cultural/historical film analyses, and find out whether you will be expected to do additional research into the film’s context.

Mise-en-scène analysis

A mise-en-scène analysis attends to how the filmmakers have arranged compositional elements in a film and specifically within a scene or even a single shot. This type of analysis organizes the individual elements of a scene to explore how they come together to produce meaning. You may focus on anything that adds meaning to the formal effect produced by a given scene, including: blocking, lighting, design, color, costume, as well as how these attributes work in conjunction with decisions related to sound, cinematography, and editing. For example, in the clip from Vertigo , a mise-en-scène analysis might ask how numerous elements, from lighting to camera angles, work together to present the viewer with the perspective of Jimmy Stewart’s character.

To conduct this type of analysis, you could ask:

  • What effects are created in a scene, and what is their purpose?
  • How does this scene represent the theme of the movie?
  • How does a scene work to express a broader point to the film’s plot?

This detailed approach to analyzing the formal elements of film can help you come up with concrete evidence for more general film analysis assignments.

Reviewing your draft

Once you have a draft, it’s helpful to get feedback on what you’ve written to see if your analysis holds together and you’ve conveyed your point. You may not necessarily need to find someone who has seen the film! Ask a writing coach, roommate, or family member to read over your draft and share key takeaways from what you have written so far.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Aumont, Jacques, and Michel Marie. 1988. L’analyse Des Films . Paris: Nathan.

Media & Design Center. n.d. “Film and Cinema Research.” UNC University Libraries. Last updated February 10, 2021. .

Oxford Royale Academy. n.d. “7 Ways to Watch Film.” Oxford Royale Academy. Accessed April 2021. .

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Film Analysis

Crafting a Winning Thesis Statement in Film Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Dec 6, 2023

Avinash Prabhakaran

Film analysis is a captivating and insightful way to explore the world of cinema. Whether you're a film student, a cinephile, or just someone who enjoys dissecting movies, you'll find that forming a solid thesis statement is the cornerstone of a successful film analysis. 

A thesis statement serves as the roadmap for your analysis, guiding your reader through your interpretation of the film's elements and themes. 

In this blog post, we'll outline the steps to help you craft an effective thesis statement for your film analysis.

Understand the Film's Context

Before diving into your analysis, it's crucial to understand the film's context. This includes the director's background, the film's era, its genre, and any cultural or historical factors that may have influenced its production. Gathering this context will help you form a more informed thesis statement.

Watch the Film Multiple Times

You must thoroughly watch the film multiple times to craft a thoughtful thesis statement. Each viewing will reveal new details and nuances that you may have missed initially. Take notes during your viewings to record your observations and ideas.

Identify Key Themes and Elements

During your viewings, pay close attention to the film's themes, characters, plot, cinematography, sound, and other elements. Think about what the director is trying to convey and how they use these elements. Make a list of the most prominent themes and elements you observe.

Formulate a Research Question

Based on your observations and analysis, formulate a research question you want to answer in your essay. This question should be open-ended and should invite critical thinking. For example, "How does the use of color symbolism in 'The Shawshank Redemption' reflect the theme of hope?

Brainstorm and Organize Ideas

Now, brainstorm your ideas related to the research question. Think about the evidence you've gathered and how it supports your interpretation of the film. Organize these ideas into a logical structure that will guide your analysis.

Craft a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement should be concise, clear, and arguable. It should encapsulate the main argument of your analysis and give the reader a clear sense of what to expect in your essay. Here are some tips for crafting a solid thesis statement:

Make it specific:  Avoid vague or overly broad statements. Be precise in what you're arguing.

Make it debatable:  Your thesis should invite discussion and disagreement. Avoid stating the obvious.

Make it relevant:  Ensure that your thesis directly addresses the research question and the film's themes or elements.

Example Thesis Statement:

"In Christopher Nolan's 'Inception,' the use of dreams as a narrative device serves to blur the line between reality and perception, challenging conventional notions of truth and subjectivity."

Examples to Support the Thesis:

Dreams as a Narrative Device

Throughout 'Inception,' the characters enter various dream levels, each with its own set of rules and physics. Nolan uses this complex narrative structure to keep the audience engaged and constantly questioning what is real.

The manipulation of time within dreams adds another layer of complexity to the narrative. Time moves differently at each dream level, leading to intricate storytelling that challenges traditional linear storytelling.

Blurring Reality and Perception

The film consistently blurs the boundaries between dreams and reality, making it difficult for the characters and the audience to distinguish between them. This intentional ambiguity creates a sense of unease and intrigue.

The use of the spinning top as a totem to determine reality in the film's closing scene encapsulates the theme of perception versus reality. The spinning top symbolizes the characters' struggle to discern the truth.

Challenging Conventional Notions of Truth and Subjectivity

'Inception' invites viewers to question their understanding of reality and truth. The film challenges the idea of an objective reality by presenting multiple layers of dreams and subjective experiences.

The film's enigmatic ending, which leaves the spinning top's fate unresolved, forces viewers to confront their subjectivity and interpretation of the story's conclusion.

By examining these specific examples, it becomes evident how using dreams as a narrative device in 'Inception' blurs the line between reality and perception, ultimately challenging conventional notions of truth and subjectivity as proposed in the thesis statement. 

This exemplifies the importance of using concrete evidence from the film to validate your interpretation as outlined in your thesis statement.

Forming a thesis statement in film analysis is vital in creating a compelling and well-structured essay. 

By understanding the film's context, closely examining its elements, and crafting a clear and arguable thesis statement, you'll be well on your way to conducting a thorough and insightful analysis that will engage your readers and deepen your understanding of cinema. Happy analyzing!

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Resources – how to write a film analysis, introduction to the topic.

While most people watch films for entertainment, those who study film focus on the elements of a film that combine to create the ultimate product. Behind the scenes production editing that occurs before, during, and after filming contribute to the images that people see on screen. A formal analysis of a film asks you to break a film down into its different components and discuss how those pieces work together to create an overall experience. Here is a checklist to help you write a film analysis.

Sections of a Film Analysis with Tips

The introduction to the paper.

Begin by  briefly  summarizing the film. You should not rehash the entire plot, but instead give the most critical information about the film to the reader. Then, introduce the formal elements that you will be discussing. Finally, your thesis should connect the elements you will discuss to their importance to the film as a whole.

The Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of a film analysis are similar to those found in other analytical essays.  Each paragraph should discuss a different small component of the film and how the component serves the entire film. In these paragraphs, you should give concrete examples to support your claims. These examples can include scenes or quotes from the film itself, but you can also include different editing techniques or other behind the scenes work. Connect your examples to the overall film and try to answer the question, “Why does this element ultimately matter for the viewing audience?”

The Conclusion

Briefly summarize what you have talked about in the essay. Be careful not to make generalizations about the film that are not supported by the effects of the specific elements you discussed. In this section, you can discuss the overall importance of the film its historical context or address any lingering questions the film leaves.

Tips for Film Analysis

  • Understand the vocabulary of filmmaking. Knowing how to talk about elements such as lighting, special effects, framing, focus, and screenwriting are critical to writing a film analysis.
  • Try to watch the film more than one, if possible. After you decide which element(s) to write about, watch the film again, keeping those ideas in mind.
  • A film analysis is not the same of a film review. Avoid making pedestrian judgments about the film’s entertainment factor. If you wish to criticize the film, do so by referencing formal elements.
  • Unless the assignment asks you, do not try to cover every single element the film uses. Try to narrow your focus as much as you can to one or two salient elements.
  • If you are referring to the actions of a person in the film, refer to the scene using the character’s name. If you are referring the acting itself, use the actor’s real name.

Exercise: Which Sentence Belongs in a Film Analysis?

Sentences and instructions.

When writing a film analysis, many students have to fight the urge to incorporate the components of a film review into their essays. In each of the following exercises, one sentence could be a part of a film analysis, while the other is better suited for a review.

See if you can tell the difference:

1.      (a.) In  Winter’s Bone , Jennifer Lawrence gives the performance of the decade. (b.) For her role in  Winter’s Bone , Jennifer Lawrence had to learn a West Virginia accent in order to portray an authentic character.

2.   (a.) The editors of  Hocus Pocus  use special effects to create magic on screen. (b.) The editors of  Hocus Pocus  used a green screen to give the appearance that the witches were flying over the city.

 3.    (a.) The lack of shadows in  V for Vendetta  gives the viewer the impression that the editors forgot to add in some special effects. (b.) The lack of shadows in  V for Vendetta  gives the viewer the impression that the scenes are occurring in a futuristic world.

Developed by Ann Bruton, with the help of Alexander Waldman

Adapted F rom:

Dartmouth Writing Program’s “Writing About Film” 

Duke University’s Thompson Writing Program “Writing About Film”  

Click here to return to the “Writing Place Resources” main page.

How to Write a Movie Analysis Essay Correctly Image

How to Write a Movie Analysis Essay Correctly

By Film Threat Staff | November 15, 2022

If you are studying cinematography, you will have to write a movie analysis essay at some point. If you have never written such a paper before, it may seem rather challenging for you.  

However, if you do some research and use the proper structure, you will be able to write an excellent movie analysis essay quickly and easily. Before writing your film analysis essay, it is important to watch the movie several times. That should help you get a better understanding of the plot, characters, and atmosphere of the film.  

After that, it all comes down to a few simple steps. Let’s check them out!

how to write a research paper on a movie

1. Take notes

The first step is to take notes while watching the movie. It will help you remember important details that you can use in your essay. For example, you can write down the names of the main characters, the setting of the story, and the most important events.

It may seem frivolous, but you won’t make a good impression if you forget the name of the protagonist in your movie analysis essay. We asked the best dissertation writing service crew about this tip, and they told us it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, your job is to take some notes while watching the film.  

In addition, it is also a good idea to jot down your initial thoughts and impressions about the movie. It will come in handy when you start writing your essay later on.

2. Create an outline

The next step is to create an outline for your essay. This will help you organize your ideas and thoughts and structure your paper correctly. Your outline is supposed to include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

The introduction should briefly explain what the movie is about. It is also a good idea to include a thesis statement in your introduction. Your body paragraphs should focus on a different aspect of the movie, such as camera angles, acting, or plot. Finally, the conclusion will summarize your thoughts and impressions about the film.

3. Do your research

After you have watched the movie and created an outline, it is time to focus on the essence of your essay. However, before you start writing, it is important to do some research on the film. This will help you write a more informed and well-rounded movie analysis essay. Look for information about the director, screenwriter, and cast.  

It will surely give you a better understanding of the movie. You can also read reviews of the film to get other people’s opinions. But don’t forget that your essay should be based on your own opinion! In addition, it is also a good idea to watch interviews with the people who made the film. This will give you some insight into their creative process.

how to write a research paper on a movie

4. Start writing your essay

After you have done your research, it is finally time to start writing your new paper. You can be conservative and begin with something generic, but content writers at the cheap essay writing agency suggest being creative from the start. That means kicking off with something that will grab the attention of your reader.  

You can write an interesting fact about the movie, a quote from one of the characters, or a rhetorical question. Once you have written your introduction, it is time to move on to the body paragraphs. Remember to include evidence from the film in each paragraph to support your claims. For example, if you are writing about the cinematography, you can mention specific shots or scenes that you found particularly interesting.  

5. Analyze all aspects of the movie

When writing your movie essay, it is important to analyze all aspects of a given cinema work. This includes the plot, cinematography, acting, and so on. However, you can put an emphasis on the elements that you found most interesting. And if you don’t know how to do it, you can get help with writing an assignment on the Internet in just a few clicks.  

But don’t forget that your analysis should be more than just a description of the film. You need to critically examine each element and discuss how it contributes to the overall effect of the movie. One option is to discuss how the colors in a particular scene create a certain mood – but that’s just one of many possibilities.  

6. No spoilers

Finally, don’t forget that your essay should not contain any spoilers . That means you need to be careful about how much information you reveal about the plot. You don’t want to ruin the ending for your reader! You can avoid spoilers by being vague about certain details or by simply not mentioning them at all. Just make sure that your reader will still be able to follow your analysis.

The Bottom Line

Writing a movie analysis essay is great because you get to watch cool movies and write about them. In this post, we shared some tips that will help you write a great movie analysis essay. Just remember to do your research, start with an interesting introduction, and analyze all aspects of the film – not just the plot!  

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Cinema Scope: 70 Film Research Paper Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is the Good Film Research Paper Topic? 
  • 2.1 Film History Research Paper Topics
  • 2.2 Research Paper Topics on Specific Film Genres
  • 2.3 Cinematic Movements
  • 2.4 Film Directors
  • 2.5 Research Paper Topics on Film Theories
  • 2.6 Censorship and Film Controversy Research Topics
  • 2.7 Global Cinema Research Paper Topics

Exploring the world of cinema through academic lenses offers a rich and diverse field of study. From the evolution of movie genres to the impact of legendary directors, these topics invite a deep dive into the art and history of filmmaking. Whether it’s analyzing cinematic movements that have changed the course of history or exploring theories that unlock new ways of viewing, there’s a rich tapestry to explore. 

Additionally, exploring contentious aspects like censorship and controversy adds a layer of societal context to the study. For those with a global perspective, investigating it worldwide offers insights into diverse narratives and styles. This guide is a gateway to understanding the multifaceted nature of cinema, providing a solid foundation for any film research paper.

What Is the Good Film Research Paper Topic? 

Choosing good movies to write an essay on requires a balance between personal interest and academic value. Start by considering what aspects of cinema fascinate you the most. Are you intrigued by classic noir or the evolution of computer-generated imagery in modern movies? Once you identify your area of interest, narrow it down to a specific theme or question. For example, instead of broad movie topics ideas like ‘The History of Hollywood,’ focus on ‘The Influence of Hollywood on Global Cinema.’

You should also think about film research paper topics with many primary sources . Libraries and online databases can offer many resources on various subjects. Look for a topic that sparks debate or offers a fresh perspective . For instance, examining the role of women filmmakers in shaping modern cinema can provide insightful discussions.

Lastly, align your topic with the scope of your research paper . If you have a word limit or a specific research method in mind, make sure your topic fits these requirements. A well-chosen topic makes the research process enjoyable and enriches your understanding of the industry.

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Interesting Filmmaking Research Paper Topics

Diving into the world of cinema, there are numerous good movies to analyze for a paper and intriguing filmmaking topics to explore. From analyzing landmark movies to unraveling film research topics, each area offers a unique perspective. Whether it’s crafting movie research papers or dissecting film paper topics, the possibilities for insightful essays are endless.

Film History Research Paper Topics

  • The Evolution of Silent Films to Talkies.
  • Impact of World Wars on Early 20th Century Industry.
  • Technicolor’s Revolution in Film Aesthetics.
  • Hollywood’s Golden Age: An Era of Innovation.
  • New Wave: Breaking Traditional Boundaries.
  • The Rise and Influence of Independent Films.
  • Blockbusters’ Era: Shaping Modern Cinema.
  • Digital Age Transformations in Filmmaking.
  • Cult Classics: Defining and Impacting Genres.
  • The Role of Festivals in History.

Research Paper Topics on Specific Film Genres

  • Horrors: Evolution of Fear through Decades.
  • Comedy in the Industry: More Than Just Laughter.
  • The Journey of Sci-Fi: From Fiction to Reality.
  • Romance Films: Reflecting Societal Changes in Love.
  • Documentary: Truth Telling or Narrative Crafting?
  • Westerns: The American Frontier in Cinema.
  • Film Noir: Style, Themes, and Influence.
  • Musicals: Synchronization of Sound and Story.
  • Animations: Technological Advances and Storytelling.
  • Actions: The Development of Hero Archetypes.

Cinematic Movements

  • French New Wave: Redefining Cinematic Rules.
  • Italian Neorealism: Post-War Reality.
  • German Expressionism: Visual Style and Emotion.
  • Soviet Montage: Revolutionizing Film Editing.
  • Dogme 95: Challenging Hollywood Norms.
  • British Kitchen Sink Realism: Post-War England Stories.
  • The Hollywood Renaissance in the Late 20th Century.
  • Bollywood’s Rise: India’s Cinematic Identity.
  • Latin American: Voices of the Marginalized.
  • The Impact of Scandinavian Cinema.

Film Directors

  • Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense.
  • Akira Kurosawa: Bridging East and West.
  • Stanley Kubrick: Visionary and Controversial.
  • Sofia Coppola: Feminine Perspectives.
  • Steven Spielberg: Redefining Blockbuster Cinema.
  • Quentin Tarantino: A Stylized Violence Approach.
  • Martin Scorsese: Depicting American Urban Life.
  • Guillermo del Toro: Fantasy and Reality Blend.
  • Ava DuVernay: Pioneering Diverse Storytelling.
  • Christopher Nolan: Complex Narratives.


Research Paper Topics on Film Theories

  • Auteur Theory: Director as the Creative Force.
  • Feminist Theory: Representation and Identity.
  • Structuralist Theory: Unpacking Cinematic Language.
  • Psychoanalytic Theory: Cinema and the Mind.
  • Queer Theory: Breaking Norms.
  • Marxist Theory: Cinema as a Cultural Product.
  • Postmodernism: Breaking Conventional Narratives.
  • Ecocriticism: Nature and Environment.
  • Reception Theory: Audience’s Role in Interpretation.
  • Realism: Truth versus Artifice.

Censorship and Film Controversy Research Topics

  • The Hays Code: Censorship and American Cinema.
  • Propaganda Films: Influence and Ethics.
  • Banned Films: Cultural Contexts and Reasons.
  • The MPAA Ratings System: Impact and Controversy.
  • Sexuality in Cinema: Taboos and Acceptance.
  • Political Censorship in the Industry.
  • Violence in Films: Societal Impact and Debate.
  • Religious Sensitivities and Censorship.
  • Race and Stereotyping in Hollywood Films.
  • Freedom of Speech vs. Film Censorship

Global Cinema Research Paper Topics

  • Nollywood: Nigeria’s Booming Film Industry.
  • South Korean Cinema: A Global Impact.
  • Iranian Cinema: Artistic Expression Under Restrictions.
  • French Cinema: Romance, Realism, and Revolution.
  • The Rise of Chinese Blockbusters.
  • Brazilian Cinema: Social Issues and Narratives.
  • Australian Cinema: Landscape and Identity.
  • Japanese Anime: Cultural Export and Influence.
  • Ukrainian Cinema: Cultural Renaissance and Evolution Post-Independence.
  • Canadian Cinema: Emerging Voices and Stories.

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how to write a research paper on a movie

How to do Research on Film & Television

Academic Writing Service

Information is also widely accessible through worldwide societies and organizations and research centers and archives dedicated to film and television history and preservation. As with any other category, sources can be books, indexes (many cross-indexed with online companion databases that are searchable by subject or title), Web sites, or abstracts of serious and scholarly journals discussing a myriad of topics. Described in this article is a selected list of sources on the subject of film and television suitable for writing a research paper.

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, selected subject headings.

Listed below is a sample of a few broad Library of Congress subject headings—made up of one word or more representing concepts under which all library holdings are divided and subdivided by subject—which you can search under and use as subject terms when searching online library catalogs for preliminary and/or additional research, such as books, audio and video recordings, and other references, related to your research paper topic. When researching materials on your topic, subject heading searching may be more productive than searching using simple keywords. However, keyword searching when using the right search method (Boolean, etc.) and combination of words can be equally effective in finding materials more closely relevant to your research paper topic.

Suggested Research Topics in Film and Television

  • Adventure Films
  • Animated Films
  • Broadcasting
  • Cinematography
  • Comedy Films
  • Communications
  • Detective and Mystery Television Programs
  • Documentary Films
  • Feature Films
  • Film Adaptations
  • Film Criticism
  • Film Genres
  • Horror Films
  • Video Recordings
  • Motion Pictures
  • Motion Pictures—Reviews
  • Motion Pictures and Literature
  • Musical Films
  • Science Fiction Television Programs
  • Silent Films
  • Television Actors and Actresses
  • Television and Children
  • Television Audiences
  • Television Broadcasting
  • Television Comedies
  • Television Dramas
  • Television Plays
  • Television Stations
  • Television Views
  • Violence on Television
  • Western Films
  • Women in Television

Selected Keyword Search Strategies and Guides

Most online library indexes and abstracts and full-text article databases offer basic and advanced “keyword” searching of virtually every subject. In this case, combine keyword terms that best define your thesis question or topic using the Boolean search method (employing “and” or “or”) to find research most suitable to your topic.

If your topic is “children and violence on television,” for example, enter “children” and “violence on television” with “and” on the same line to locate sources directly compatible with the primary focus of your paper. To find research on more specific aspects of your topic, from your list of keywords that you developed alternate one new keyword at a time with “and” (for example, “children and aggression and violence on television,” “children and behavior and violence on television,” “children and crimes and violence on television,” “children and effects and violence on television,” etc.).

Selected Source and Subject Guides

Film & Television Research Guide 2

Guide to Film and Television Research , by Jenny Middlemiss, 224 pages (Sydney, Australia: AFTRS Publishing, 1992)

On the Screen: A Film, Television, and Video Research Guide , by Kim N. Fisher (Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1986)

Performing Arts Research: A Guide to Information Sources , by Marion K. Whalon, 280 pages (Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Co., 1976)

Popular Entertainment Research: How to Do It and How to Use It , by Barbara J. Pruett (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1992)

In addition to these sources of research, most college and university libraries offer online subject guides arranged by subject on the library’s Web page; others also list searchable course-related “LibGuides” by subject. Each guide lists more recommended published and Web sources—including books and references, journal, newspaper and magazines indexes, full-text article databases, Web sites, and even research tutorials—that you can access to expand your research on more specific issues and relevant to your research paper topic.

Selected Books and References

General sources.

The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946–present , 9th ed., by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh, 1,856 pages (New York: Ballantine Books, 2007)

This comprehensive guide covers programs from all seven broadcast networks, more than 100 cable networks, and major syndicated shows. Each entry provides a complete broadcast history, cast, and plot summaries about each show and its stars. This fully revised and updated ninth edition includes more than 500 new listings, plus more than 1,000 entries with descriptions of cable network programming. Special features include annual program schedules for the past 57 years, listings of top-rated shows by season, Emmy Award winners, longest-running series in TV history, spin-off series, theme songs, and more.

Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television: A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, Technicians, Composers, Executives, Dancers, and Critics in the United States and Great Britain , 97 vols. (Detroit, Mich.: Gale Group, 2009)

Now available electronically through Gale Virtual Reference Library online database, this popular printed reference series features detailed biographical and career information on more than 20,000 entertainment professionals. Coverage includes birth dates, education, background (including professional training), marriage information, political and religious affiliations, and much more.

Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects , by Patricia Netzley, 304 pages (Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 2000)

This subject-specific volume features 366 entries covering special effects in the American movie industry, including brief biographies, studio terms and definitions, descriptions of special effects techniques, lists of special effects used in certain films, and concise biographies of major special effects people.

The Film Encyclopedia: Complete Guide to Film and the Film Industry , 6th ed., by Ephraim Katz, revised by Ronald Dean Nolen, 1,584 pages (New York: HarperCollins, 2008)

Authoritatively written A-to-Z reference guide featuring more than 7,500 entries on “the artistic, technical, and commercial aspects of movies.” Entries include biographical information on many famous actors, cinematographers, directors, editors, producers, and screenwriters in motion picture history, motion picture studio histories, and overviews of such subjects as film genres and film style.

Halliwell’s Film Guide 2008 , 23rd ed., by Leslie Halliwell, 1,408 pages (New York: HarperCollins, 2008)

Listing more than 20,000 English-language films and videos, this well-done, fully revised and updated compendium features concise information, including running time, date of release, credits, and reviews.

Halliwell’s Filmgoer’s Companion , 12th ed., edited by John Walker, 864 pages (New York: HarperCollins, 1997)

This edition of the long-running film reference series chronicles American and foreign directors, writers, and actors, and film themes, terms, and techniques with more than 1,000 new entries.

History of American Cinema , 10 vols. (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1990)

“A major achievement in film history, unlikely to be surpassed for many years” (American Historical Review), this award-winning, 10-volume reference series chronicles the complete history of American cinema from its beginnings in the 19th century to 1990. Each volume is copiously illustrated and chronicles the evolution and development of films by decade, complete with indexes, notes, a bibliography, and a myriad of appendixes. An e-book version of the entire series was published in 2006.

International Directory of Films and Filmmakers , 4th ed., 5 vols., 5,000 pages (Detroit, Mich.; New York; and San Francisco: St. James Press, 2000)

This five-volume fourth-edition reference set is an invaluable source of bibliographies on American and foreign-made films and documentaries, and well-known actors, actresses, directors, filmmakers, production artists, and writers. Volume 1 chronicles American and foreign films, silent films, and documentaries in alphabetical order. An extensive list of reviews, plot summaries, and critical commentary is provided for each entry. Subsequent volumes offer biographical information and expository essays on directors and filmmakers (volume 2), actors and actresses (volume 3), and writers and production artists (volume 4). Volume 5 contains a title index to cross-reference entries in all volumes.

International Motion Picture Almanac  (Chicago and New York: Quigley Pub.Co., 1929– , annual)

Called The Motion Picture Almanac from 1929 to 1935–36, then renamed The International Motion Picture Almanac beginning with the 1936–37 edition, this so-called bible of the film industry annually lists information on motion picture studios, producers and distributors, “Top 10 Money Making Stars,” a “Who’s, Who” in motion pictures, the previous year’s feature films, and more. A separate edition, The Motion Picture and Television Almanac, launched with the 1952–53 edition.

Magill’s Cinema Annual , edited by Frank Magill, et al. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1982– ; Detroit: Gale Group, 1983– )

First published by Salem Press in 1982, then by the Gale Group beginning in 1983, this annual reference offers detailed retrospective coverage of major domestic and foreign films released in the United States from 1981 to the present. Early editions, published by St. James Press, were split into three parts: silent films, foreign films, and English-language films. Current editions published by Gale Group chronicle films released from the previous year. In both past and current volumes, essential details are provided with each entry, including complete cast and credits, awards and nominations, MPAA ratings, and critical reviews with author bylines. Eight indexes cross-reference subjects in the entire volume.

Screen World  (New York: Greenberg, 1949–65, Vols. 1–16; New York: Crown, 1966– , Vols. 17–42; New York: Applause Books, 1992– , Vols. 43– )

Each volume of this definitive reference series, first published in 1949, covers every significant United States and international film released during the previous year. Each entry includes complete plot summaries, cast, credit, and production company information, month released, rating, and running time. Also contains biographical information on almost 2,500 living stars, including real name, place and date of birth, and educational background.

Total Television: The Comprehensive Guide to Programming from 1948 to the Present , 4th ed., by Alex McNeil, 1,264 pages (New York: Penguin Books, 1996)

A great companion to The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, Total Television exhaustively chronicles more than 7,000 daytime, prime time, syndicated, and cable programs. Supplementary material includes a year-by-year, night-by-night grid of each network’s primetime line-up of shows from 1948 through the end of the 1995–96 season. Indexes cross-reference nearly every network, cable, and syndicated series that aired. All performers, writers, directors and producers are conveniently indexed for easy cross-referencing. A CD-ROM was published concurrently with the most recent edition.

Variety International Film Guide: The Definitive Annual Review of World Cinema , 43 vols. (London: Tantivy Press; New York: A.S. Barnes, 1964–88; London: Andre Deutsch; Hollywood: Samuel French, 1989–98; Los Angeles: Silman-James Press, 1999–2006)

Published through 2006, this popular annual reference series is a veritable “who, what, where, and when” of cinema. Includes news, reviews, and 240 color and black-and-white illustrations covering film productions from some 70 countries, plus information about film archives, film festivals, film schools, top-grossing films, and worldwide box-office figures.

VideoHound’s Golden Movie Retriever 2005 , 18th ed., edited by Jim Craddock, 1,700 pages (Detroit, Mich.: Gale Group, 2009)

This reference source contains more than 30,000 irreverently written listings of movies available on video, rated from one to four “bones” for quality. Included are nine primary indexes for easy cross-referencing of material.

Film and Television Studies and Criticism

Film Review Index: Volume 1, 1882–1949; Volume 2, 1950–1985 , by Patricia King Hanson and Stephen L. Hanson (Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1986–87)

Indexes approximately 8,000 major film reviews from newspapers, magazines, trade journals, reference works, and monographic surveys. Provides review sources for silent films and films produced before 1950. Includes an index of directors.

A Guide to Critical Reviews: Part IV, The Screenplay from Jazz Singer to Dr. Strangelove , 3rd ed., 2 vols., by James M. Salem (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1984– )

This two-volume set indexes reviews from selected newspapers and popular magazines for nearly 12,000 American and foreign screenplays and full-length movies from 1927 to 1980.

Index to Critical Film Reviews in British and American Periodicals , by Stephen E. Bowles, 3 vols. (New York: B. Franklin, 1975)

Comprehensive three-volume reference that lists more than 20,000 film reviews, including documentaries and shorts, from selected periodicals from the 1950s to 1973.

International Index to Film Periodicals , 1972– (New York, R.R. Bowker Co., 1973– )

Indexes articles of “aesthetic or critical value” from approximately 90 film periodicals, arranged in sections by category. To find film reviews, look under the film’s title in the “Individual Films” section. This source is one of the main components of the online FIAF International Film Archive Database (1972–2001), which also includes biographies of film stars and information about film archives and collections. Index is also available on microform.

Leonard Maltin’s 2010 Movie Guide , 1,664 pages (New York: Signet, 2009)

Written by film critic and historian Leonard Maltin and a staff of contributing reviewers, this annually updated, best-selling home reference offers capsule reviews on almost 17,000 American and foreign films, including recent video, DVD, and laserdisc releases. Also includes several bonus features, such as a list of “100+ Recommended Family Films” on video, “Fifty Films That Got Away, Movies You Really Ought to See,” and a list of specialty video mail-order companies.

Los Angeles Times Index  (Wooster, Ohio: Bell & Howell Co., 1972–78; Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1984–1997)

Published eight times a year with quarterly and annual accumulations, the Los Angeles Times Index provides abstracts of news items, feature articles, editorials, editorial cartoons, obituaries, commentaries, and reviews of movies and television programs through the 1996 edition. Beginning in 1997, the publisher of this print index series revamped the format, eliminating the abstracts. Instead, each entry lists the headline, author, and article type (such as editorial or feature article) and also includes subject terms under which the article is indexed.

Magill’s American Film Guide , edited by Frank N. Magill; associate editors, Stephen L. Hanson and Patricia King Hanson, 5 vols., 3,691 pages (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1983)

Lists in alphabetical order in-depth critical essays of approximately 1,000 major American films, from three to eight pages in length, examining the film and its relationship to film history.

Magill’s Survey of Cinema: English Language Films, First Series , edited by Frank N. Magill; associate editors, Patricia King Hanson and Stephen L. Hanson, 4 vols. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1980)

Magill’s Survey of Cinema: English Language Films, Second Series , edited by Frank N. Magill; associate editors, Stephen L. Hanson and Patricia King Hanson, 6 vols. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1981)

In-depth analyses of more than 1,200 major English-language films produced from 1927 to 1980. Critical evaluations and detailed plot summaries cover all aspects, including acting, directing, editing, screenwriting, and production. This resource is also offered online through Thomson DIALOG. Magill’s Survey of Cinema: Foreign Language Films, edited by Frank N. Magill, 8 vols. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1985)

Eight-volume set encompassing more than 700 foreign-language films released between 1929 and 1985. Detailed plot summaries and reviews accompany each entry. A cumulative index cross-references films in the preceding volumes. Also offered as online database through Thomson DIALOG.

Magill’s Survey of Cinema: Silent Films , edited by Frank N. Magill; associate editors, Patricia King Hanson and Stephen L. Hanson, 3 vols., 1,280 pages (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1982)

Critically examines and summarizes major silent films produced between 1902 and 1936, with a cumulative index included. Also available online through Thomson DIALOG.

Media Review Digest  (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1973–2005)

Published annually through 2005, this reference features citations of more than 375,000 reviews and links to more than 300,000 full-text reviews and related sources on the Internet of films, videos, videodiscs, audio tapes, compact discs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and other media with an emphasis on educational and other nontheatrical titles.

New York Times Film Reviews  (New York: New York Times, 1913/1968–1999/2000)

Organized by year, with indexes in each volume, the New York Times Film Reviews reprints more than 17,000 films (1913–82 and 1985–86) as published in the New York Times. Contains reviews of American films, foreign films, documentaries, independent films, and experimental films. The 1913–68 edition also features a beautifully illustrated portrait gallery with photos of famous film stars; subsequent editions include illustrated movie reviews.

The New York Times Index  (New York: New York Times, 1851– )

Cumulative index to the New York Times, including film reviews by Times critics, located under the subject heading, “Motion Pictures—Reviews and Other Data on Specific Productions.” Films are listed individually in alphabetical order after a chronological list of articles. The index lists reviews of all kinds of motion pictures—documentaries, foreign and American films, and independent films.

Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature  (Bronx, N.Y.: H.W. Wilson, 1901– )

One of the best references for reviews published in newspapers and magazines, Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature is a good source of information, particularly on older films. The popular compendium indexes both American and foreign films. Reviews are indexed under the subject heading, “Moving Picture Plays—Criticisms, Plots, etc.—Single Works,” in alphabetical order by film title. The print edition is also searchable on several H.W. Wilson electronic databases, including Reader’s Guide Full Text, Mega Edition and Reader’s Guide Retrospective: 1890–1982.

Retrospective Index to Film Periodicals, 1930–1971 , by Linda Batty, 425 pages (New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1975)

This retrospective index, which predates the Film Literature Index, covers the contents of 14 English-language film journals from 1930 through 1971, along with film reviews and film-related articles published in The Village Voice.

Selected Film Criticism , 7 vols. (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1982–85)

Offers selected movie reviews, reproduced in their entirety, that were originally published in magazines and trade journals from 1896 to 1960. Each film has an average of two reviews. Volumes 1–5 and Volume 7 index American and foreign film reviews (1896–1960). Volume 6 features reviews of foreign-language films released in the United States (1930–50). Volume 7 is a cumulative index to the previous volumes in the set.

Variety Film Reviews, 1907–1996 , 24 vols. (New York: Garland Pub., 1983–96)

Similar to the New York Times Film Reviews, this reference series, encompassing 24 volumes, reprints film reviews published in Variety. Reviews are arranged chronologically and are good sources of information on American and foreign films, as well as obscure films and those that premiered at international film festivals. Cumulative title indexes, 1907–80 (Volume 16) and 1981–84 (Volume 18), cross-reference films reviewed in each volume. Title and director indexes for 1985–86 are in the back of each volume. Publication of the series ceased with Volume 24.

Video Librarian  (Seabeck, Wash.: Video Librarian, 1986– )

Annual index to this monthly video review magazine for public, school, academic, and special libraries featuring hundreds of reviews each month of current theatrical and nontheatrical videos. Originally published as a newsletter beginning in 1986, the publication shifted to a magazine format in 1996. Also offered as searchable database called Video Librarian Plus! with access to more than 22,000 full-text video reviews.


American Film Institute Catalog of Motion Pictures Produced in the United States: Feature Films, 1911–1920 , edited by Patricia King Hanson, 2 vols., 1,504 pages (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989)

American Film Institute Catalog of Motion Pictures Produced in the United States: Feature Films, 1921–1930 , edited by Kenneth W. Munden, 2 vols. (New York: Bowker, 1979; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997)

American Film Institute Catalog of Motion Pictures Produced in the United States: Feature Films, 1931–1940 , edited by Alan Gevinson and Patricia King Hanson (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993)

American Film Institute Catalog of Motion Pictures Produced in the United States: Feature Films, 1941–1950 , edited by Amy Dunkleberger and Patricia King Hanson, 3 vols., 1,115 pages (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999)

American Film Institute Catalog of Motion Pictures, 1961–1970 , edited by Richard P. Krafsur, 2 vols. (New York: Bowker, 1976; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997)

The most authoritative work of its kind, this five-part set covers only American films—feature films that were four reels or longer. Includes title, credits, date of release, literary source (if known), and complete synopsis. Since 2002, the institute’s complete catalog, called AFICatalog, was made available as an online database through Chadwyck-Healey.

The Holt Foreign Film Guide , by Ronald Bergan and Robin Karney (New York: Henry Holt, 1989)

Guide to 2,000 foreign films from more than 50 countries selected by the authors—classics, box-office successes, and more unusual films. Provided with each entry are credits, plot summary, critical commentary, and running time. Entries include both the original foreign language title and U.S. release title.

The Motion Picture Guide, 1927–1984 , by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross, 12 vols. (Chicago: Cinebooks, 1985–86)

Indispensable, 12-volume reference set that offers complete descriptions, including cast and credits, for more than 50,000 English-language and notable foreign feature films released between 1927 and 1984. Entries include production information, synopsis, analysis, and ratings, ranging in length from two sentences to several pages. Documentaries, X-rated, or unrated films are excluded. A cumulative index (Volumes 11 and 12) accompanies the set. Also available on CD-ROM.

Selected Full-Text Article Databases

Academic Search Elite  (Ipswich, Mass.: EBSCO Publishing, EBSCOHost, indexing abstracts: 1984– , full text: 1990– )

Covering a variety of disciplines, Academic Search Elite is a good source for reviews and general articles on movies and movie personalities culled from scholarly journals and some popular magazines.

Academic Search Premier  (Ipswich, Mass.: EBSCO Publishing, EBSCOHost; 1972– )

This major database contains index and full-text articles from many academic journals, such as Cineaste and Journal of Performance and Art, and popular magazines, including People, Time, and Rolling Stone. Coverage varies by title.

Art Full Text  (Bronx, N.Y.: H.W. Wilson Co., WilsonWeb, indexing: 1984– , abstracting: 1994– , full text: 1997– )

Indexes many scholarly film journals, including reviews and film criticism.

BASELINE FT  (Santa Monica, Calif.: BASELINE, Inc.)

This online entertainment industry directory contains some 1.5 million records of the U.S. film, television, and cable television industry. Covered are cast and technical credits, celebrity biographies, talent contact information, company directories, and industry news, including credits for 900,000 actors, producers, directors, and crews; biographies of 7,000 major entertainment figures; searchable news archives from leading industry publications, such as Daily Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, and Variety; key contact information for film companies, executives, and talent; and production information, including box-office grosses, budgets, release dates, and salaries, for 100,000 films and TV series.

Expanded Academic ASAP  (Farmington Hills, Mich.: Thomson Gale InfoTrac, 1980– )

Considered by some as one of the best places to find reviews of recent films, Expanded Academic ASAP contains citations and full-text reviews from selected popular magazines, scholarly journals, and some major American newspapers. Updated daily, coverage includes American and foreign films, and subjects are keyword searchable. Enter the film’s title and “reviews” in the search box for best results.

FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Plus  (Ann Arbor, Mich.: ProQuest/Chadwyck-Healey, 1972– )

Comprehensive database offering in-depth coverage of “the world’s foremost academic and popular film journals,” from 1972 to date, with citations and full text in many cases of nearly 300,000 articles from 300 English-language and foreign publications.

JSTOR  (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Journal Storage Project, 1996– )

This electronic archive contains scholarly journal articles covering the arts and humanities. Options allow users to browse journals online or retrieve full-text through title or subject search.

LexisNexis Academic Universe  (Dayton, Ohio: LexisNexis, 1970– )

Full-text index of articles from thousands of newspapers, magazines, newswires, media transcripts, trade journals, and other industry publications in the United States and abroad. Content includes newspaper reviews of motion pictures released within the past 10 years. Reviews are searchable under the “General News Topics” category, and under “News/Arts & Sports/Book, Movie, Music & Play Reviews.”

Magill’s Survey of Cinema  (Farmington Hills, Mich.: Thomson DIALOG, 1902– )

Contains the entire contents of the print editions of Magill’s Survey of Cinema and Magill’s Survey of Cinema: Foreign Language Films—full-text articles covering more than 1,800 notable films released since 1982. Entries consist of abstracts and credit listings for hundreds of films. Full-text listings include film title, release date, country of origin, extensive cast and credit listings, color or black-and-white indicator, abstract, critical essay, citations to noteworthy reviews, a list of significant awards, qualitative rating, and running time. Available through DIALOG (File 299), the database is updated monthly.

Periodical Abstracts Research II  (Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI/ProQuest, 1986– ) Another excellent source that features abstracts and some full-text articles to reviews and general articles about movies. Indexes articles from academic journals, popular magazines, and key business publications—some 1,600 general-reference publications in all, including 396 humanities periodicals. The full-text edition includes ASCII full-text articles from approximately 600 of the indexed titles.

ProjectMUSE  (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990– )

Electronic collection of full-text film criticism and film, television, and mass media studies from more than 100 journals published by major universities, including American Imago, Cinema Journal, MLN, Modernism/Modernity, Postmodern Culture, Theatre Journal, and many more. Coverage is for the most recent 10 years but also varies by journal.

ProQuest Direct  (Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI/ProQuest, indexing: 1971– , full text: 1986– )

This full-text database indexes more than 1,100 general interest and scholarly periodicals and newspapers, including many film journals, such as Film Comment, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, and many others, and popular publications, including Premiere, the Village Voice, and Video Magazine. Coverage is one month to two months behind, but reviews are searchable by movie title.

Reuters VNU Entertainment News Service  (London: Reuters Group PLC)

Online database containing current information on all areas of entertainment and popular culture, including film and television, plus celebrity news, weekly box office earnings, reviews, and more.

Selected Periodicals

American Film: Film, Video, and Television Arts  (New York: BPI Communications; Los Angeles: American Film Institute: 1975–92, monthly)

This monthly magazine, published by the American Film Institute, offered in-depth coverage of the Hollywood film industry, including movies, profiles of movie legends, and their impact on popular culture. Bound periodical and microform collections, available through university and public libraries, provide access to the entire run of issues.

Camera Obscura: A Journal of Feminism and Film  (Berkeley, Calif.: Camera Obscura Collective; Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1976– , three times a year)

From the first to the most current issue, this unique printed scholarly journal has offered a feminist perspective on film, television, and other visual media. Each issue features information, essays, interviews, and summary pieces exploring feminist work and media practices, from avant-garde to mainstream. Now published online by Duke University Press. Current and past issues are indexed and abstracted by such popular library databases as The Alternative Press Index, Art Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Film Literature Index, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, International Index to Film Periodicals, and Women’s Studies Index. Full-text articles are also available through LexisNexis Academic Universe (1993– ), and ProjectMUSE (2000– ).

Cineaste  (New York: Cineaste Publishers, 1967– , quarterly)

Billing itself as “America’s leading magazine on the art and politics of the cinema,” this internationally recognized scholarly journal covers a myriad of topics and issues. Written by acclaimed writers, critics, and scholars, it features in-depth articles, reviews of the latest Hollywood movies, independent productions, and foreign films, critical analyses of controversial films, and informative interviews with directors, screenwriters, performers, and others who make films. Full-text articles are accessible through ProQuest Direct (1994– ).

Cinema Journal  (Norman, Okla.: Society for Cinema Studies, 1966/1967– , quarterly)

Published quarterly by the University of Texas Press and the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, this scholarly journal presents myriad essays from various perspectives written by university educators, filmmakers, historians, critics, scholars, and others devoted to the study of the moving image. Contents are indexed or abstracted in Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Extended Academic Abstracts, Film Literature Index, International Index to Film Periodicals, and PMLA. Online issues have been available through Johns Hopkins University Press’s ProjectMUSE since 1999.

Film Comment  (New York: Lorien Productions, 1962– , bimonthly)

This bimonthly journal, published by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, contains scholarly articles on recent feature films, interviews with top filmmakers, and retrospective film studies on American and foreign films. Full-text articles from 1988 to the present are searchable through the online database ProQuest Direct.

Film and History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies  (Cleveland, Ohio: Historians Film Committee, 1970– , biannual)

Published by the Historians Film Committee, an affiliated society of the American Historical Association, Film and History surveys feature films and documentaries that represent and interpret history and historical events. Articles range from analysis of individual films and television programs historical in nature to critical examinations of history as portrayed in films. Current and past full-text articles are available through ProQuest Direct (1998– ).

Film Quarterly  (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958– , quarterly)

Film Quarterly publishes in-depth, peer-reviewed articles, detailed reviews of current movies, avant-garde and experimental films, documentaries, and major film books, as well as interviews with important filmmakers and much more. Content also deals with film history, film theory, and the impact of film, video, and television on culture and society. Issues are available in print and electronic form by subscription.

Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television  (Oxford: Carfax Publishing/International Association for Media History, 1981– , quarterly)

This academic journal documents the history of audiovisual media and its impact on culture, politics, and society in the 20th century. Published quarterly by the International Association for Media and History, each issue features articles, conference reports, book reviews, essays, histories, and debates of current issues. Content also includes reviews of films, radio, and television programs of historical or educational importance, audiovisual media, and listings of archival materials and dissertations. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television is abstracted in such library databases as Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, Communication Abstracts, Current Contents Arts and Humanities, EBSCO Academic Search Elite, Film Literature Index, International Index to Film and Television Periodicals, and Media Review Digest.

Journal of Film and Video  (Champaign, Ill.: University Film and Video Association, 1984– , three times a year)

The official publication of the University Film and Video Association, this internationally respected journal probes film and video production, history, theory, criticism, and aesthetics. Articles cover film and related media and their function in society, and the teaching and study of film and video. Offered in full-text form in ProQuest Direct (1997– ).

Journal of Popular Film and Television  (Washington, D.C.: Heldref Publications, 1978– , quarterly)

Quarterly peer-reviewed scholarly journal examines the social and cultural aspects of commercial films and television. Essays discuss at length a wide range of subjects, such as networks, genres, series, and audiences, in addition to film and TV personalities, directors, and studios. Regular features include book and video reviews, filmographies, and bibliographies. Available in full-text form in ProQuest Direct (1988– ), Expanded Academic ASAP (1992– ), and others.

The Moving Image   (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001– , biannual)

Published twice a year, in the spring and fall, The Moving Image, the official journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, examines important issues involving preservation and restoration of film, television, video, and digital images. The journal is intended for archivists, librarians, technical specialists, scholars, and academics interested in the field of moving-image archiving. Articles cover ethics, techniques, and theory of restoration, and are written by leading scholars and archivists.

Sight and Sound  (London: British Film Institute, 1932– , monthly)

Published by the British Film Institute since 1932, this monthly magazine, which merged in 1991 with Monthly Film Bulletin, features critical, in-depth articles about major motion pictures and classic cinema, reviews of new feature films and new video releases, international film news, and coverage of television. Film reviews include complete cast and credit information.

Variety  (New York: Variety Pub. Co., 1905– , weekly)

First published in 1905, this weekly trade paper of the motion picture, television, and theater industry features articles, columns, features, news briefs, obituaries, and special issues.

The Velvet Light Trap  (Madison, Wisc.: University of Wisconsin at Madison; Austin, Tex.: University of Texas, 1971– , quarterly)

Edited by graduate students at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and the University of Texas at Austin, this scholarly journal, published quarterly, investigates and evaluates the historical questions and meanings of film, television, and other media with articles and interviews. Critical, theoretical, and historical discussion usually relates to a common theme in each issue. The Velvet Light Trap is indexed or abstracted in print editions of Communication Abstracts, Film Literature Index, International Index to Film Periodicals, Sociological Abstracts, America: History and Life, and Historical Abstracts, as well as online database versions.

Wide Angle  (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976– , quarterly)

This scholarly film studies journal features copiously illustrated articles, book reviews, and interviews with major filmmakers and numerous other film subjects suitable for students studying film or cinema history. Full-text issues are available online through ProjectMUSE (1996–99).

Selected Web Sites

Academy Awards Database  ( )

This official database of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences contains complete records of Academy Award nominees and winners in all categories.

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences  ( )

Offers complete information on current daytime and prime-time Emmy Awards winners and nominees and recent Hall of Fame inductees.

All-Movie Guide  ( )

Features biographies of famous actors and directors, film finder and people finder databases, lengthy essays about film genres from action movies to westerns, information about current movies, and more.

BOXOFFICE Online  ( )

The home page of BOXOFFICE Magazine, a trade magazine, this site contains articles, interviews, news, reviews of current movies, and previews of upcoming films.  ( )

Provides full-text access to reviews, recent film releases, and movie news.

Internet Movie Database  ( )

Perhaps the most significant database of movies available on the Web today, this site contains the largest accumulation of complete production information, reviews, plot summaries, and domestic and foreign films in all genres. IMDB also features listings, production, and credit information for many popular television programs, and millions of filmographies and biographies of people from all levels of the film and television industry.

Movie Review Query Engine  ( )

Searchable database that accesses full text of reviews of popular movies culled from a variety of sources.

New York Times Movie Reviews  ( )

Every movie review in the New York Times archive from 1983 to the present—more than 5,000 reviews in all—is accessible.

Rotten Tomatoes: Movie Reviews and Previews  ( )

Critical reaction from the nation’s top print and online film critics of movies deemed “rotten tomatoes” makes up this fun site.

Careers Related to Film and Television

Film Career Field ( )

In the Woody Allen film Annie Hall, Allen tells Diane Keaton, “A relationship is like a shark . . . if it doesn’t keep swimming, it dies.” This could also serve as a good metaphor for the film industry. For over 100 years, the film industry has avoided many deaths by moving forward. It has adapted to the times, enjoying golden eras and surviving slumps. But such complexities can be expected of an industry driven by both art and commerce. The film industry holds a place in the American imagination like no other, while also maintaining a firm hold on the American pocketbook.

Television Career Field ( )

Modern television developed from experiments with electricity and vacuum tubes in the mid-1800s, but it was not until 1939, when President Franklin Roosevelt used television to open the New York World’s Fair, that the public realized the power of television as a means of communication. Several television stations went on the air shortly after this demonstration and successfully televised professional baseball games, college football games, and the Republican and Democratic conventions of 1940. The onset of World War II limited the further development of television until after the war was over.


how to write a research paper on a movie

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Film Writing: Sample Analysis

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Introductory Note

The analysis below discusses the opening moments of the science fiction movie  Ex Machina  in order to make an argument about the film's underlying purpose. The text of the analysis is formatted normally. Editor's commentary, which will occasionally interrupt the piece to discuss the author's rhetorical strategies, is written in brackets in an italic font with a bold "Ed.:" identifier. See the examples below:

The text of the analysis looks like this.

[ Ed.:  The editor's commentary looks like this. ]

Frustrated Communication in Ex Machina ’s Opening Sequence

Alex Garland’s 2015 science fiction film Ex Machina follows a young programmer’s attempts to determine whether or not an android possesses a consciousness complicated enough to pass as human. The film is celebrated for its thought-provoking depiction of the anxiety over whether a nonhuman entity could mimic or exceed human abilities, but analyzing the early sections of the film, before artificial intelligence is even introduced, reveals a compelling examination of humans’ inability to articulate their thoughts and feelings. In its opening sequence, Ex Machina establishes that it’s not only about the difficulty of creating a machine that can effectively talk to humans, but about human beings who struggle to find ways to communicate with each other in an increasingly digital world.

[ Ed.:  The piece's opening introduces the film with a plot summary that doesn't give away too much and a brief summary of the critical conversation that has centered around the film. Then, however, it deviates from this conversation by suggesting that Ex Machina has things to say about humanity before non-human characters even appear. Off to a great start. ]

The film’s first establishing shots set the action in a busy modern office. A woman sits at a computer, absorbed in her screen. The camera looks at her through a glass wall, one of many in the shot. The reflections of passersby reflected in the glass and the workspace’s dim blue light make it difficult to determine how many rooms are depicted. The camera cuts to a few different young men typing on their phones, their bodies partially concealed both by people walking between them and the camera and by the stylized modern furniture that surrounds them. The fourth shot peeks over a computer monitor at a blonde man working with headphones in. A slight zoom toward his face suggests that this is an important character, and the cut to a point-of-view shot looking at his computer screen confirms this. We later learn that this is Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a young programmer whose perspective the film follows.

The rest of the sequence cuts between shots from Caleb’s P.O.V. and reaction shots of his face, as he receives and processes the news that he has won first prize in a staff competition. Shocked, Caleb dives for his cellphone and texts several people the news. Several people immediately respond with congratulatory messages, and after a moment the woman from the opening shot runs in to give him a hug. At this point, the other people in the room look up, smile, and start clapping, while Caleb smiles disbelievingly—perhaps even anxiously—and the camera subtly zooms in a bit closer. Throughout the entire sequence, there is no sound other than ambient electronic music that gets slightly louder and more textured as the sequence progresses. A jump cut to an aerial view of a glacial landscape ends the sequence and indicates that Caleb is very quickly transported into a very unfamiliar setting, implying that he will have difficulty adjusting to this sudden change in circumstances.

[ Ed.:  These paragraphs are mostly descriptive. They give readers the information they will need to understand the argument the piece is about to offer. While passages like this can risk becoming boring if they dwell on unimportant details, the author wisely limits herself to two paragraphs and maintains a driving pace through her prose style choices (like an almost exclusive reliance on active verbs). ]

Without any audible dialogue or traditional expository setup of the main characters, this opening sequence sets viewers up to make sense of Ex Machina ’s visual style and its exploration of the ways that technology can both enhance and limit human communication. The choice to make the dialogue inaudible suggests that in-person conversations have no significance. Human-to-human conversations are most productive in this sequence when they are mediated by technology. Caleb’s first response when he hears his good news is to text his friends rather than tell the people sitting around him, and he makes no move to take his headphones out when the in-person celebration finally breaks out. Everyone in the building is on their phones, looking at screens, or has headphones in, and the camera is looking at screens through Caleb’s viewpoint for at least half of the sequence.  

Rather than simply muting the specific conversations that Caleb has with his coworkers, the ambient soundtrack replaces all the noise that a crowded building in the middle of a workday would ordinarily have. This silence sets the uneasy tone that characterizes the rest of the film, which is as much a horror-thriller as a piece of science fiction. Viewers get the sense that all the sounds that humans make as they walk around and talk to each other are being intentionally filtered out by some presence, replaced with a quiet electronic beat that marks the pacing of the sequence, slowly building to a faster tempo. Perhaps the sound of people is irrelevant: only the visual data matters here. Silence is frequently used in the rest of the film as a source of tension, with viewers acutely aware that it could be broken at any moment. Part of the horror of the research bunker, which will soon become the film’s primary setting, is its silence, particularly during sequences of Caleb sneaking into restricted areas and being startled by a sudden noise.

The visual style of this opening sequence reinforces the eeriness of the muted humans and electronic soundtrack. Prominent use of shallow focus to depict a workspace that is constructed out of glass doors and walls makes it difficult to discern how large the space really is. The viewer is thus spatially disoriented in each new setting. This layering of glass and mirrors, doubling some images and obscuring others, is used later in the film when Caleb meets the artificial being Ava (Alicia Vikander), who is not allowed to leave her glass-walled living quarters in the research bunker. The similarity of these spaces visually reinforces the film’s late revelation that Caleb has been manipulated by Nathan Bates (Oscar Isaac), the troubled genius who creates Ava.

[ Ed.:  In these paragraphs, the author cites the information about the scene she's provided to make her argument. Because she's already teased the argument in the introduction and provided an account of her evidence, it doesn't strike us as unreasonable or far-fetched here. Instead, it appears that we've naturally arrived at the same incisive, fascinating points that she has. ]

A few other shots in the opening sequence more explicitly hint that Caleb is already under Nathan’s control before he ever arrives at the bunker. Shortly after the P.O.V shot of Caleb reading the email notification that he won the prize, we cut to a few other P.O.V. shots, this time from the perspective of cameras in Caleb’s phone and desktop computer. These cameras are not just looking at Caleb, but appear to be scanning him, as the screen flashes in different color lenses and small points appear around Caleb’s mouth, eyes, and nostrils, tracking the smallest expressions that cross his face. These small details indicate that Caleb is more a part of this digital space than he realizes, and also foreshadow the later revelation that Nathan is actively using data collected by computers and webcams to manipulate Caleb and others. The shots from the cameras’ perspectives also make use of a subtle fisheye lens, suggesting both the wide scope of Nathan’s surveillance capacities and the slightly distorted worldview that motivates this unethical activity.

[ Ed.: This paragraph uses additional details to reinforce the piece's main argument. While this move may not be as essential as the one in the preceding paragraphs, it does help create the impression that the author is noticing deliberate patterns in the film's cinematography, rather than picking out isolated coincidences to make her points. ]

Taken together, the details of Ex Machina ’s stylized opening sequence lay the groundwork for the film’s long exploration of the relationship between human communication and technology. The sequence, and the film, ultimately suggests that we need to develop and use new technologies thoughtfully, or else the thing that makes us most human—our ability to connect through language—might be destroyed by our innovations. All of the aural and visual cues in the opening sequence establish a world in which humans are utterly reliant on technology and yet totally unaware of the nefarious uses to which a brilliant but unethical person could put it.

Author's Note:  Thanks to my literature students whose in-class contributions sharpened my thinking on this scene .

[ Ed.: The piece concludes by tying the main themes of the opening sequence to those of the entire film. In doing this, the conclusion makes an argument for the essay's own relevance: we need to pay attention to the essay's points so that we can achieve a rich understanding of the movie. The piece's final sentence makes a chilling final impression by alluding to the danger that might loom if we do not understand the movie. This is the only the place in the piece where the author explicitly references how badly we might be hurt by ignorance, and it's all the more powerful for this solitary quality. A pithy, charming note follows, acknowledging that the author's work was informed by others' input (as most good writing is). Beautifully done. ]

How to Write a Film Analysis Essay: Effective Tips

Doesn’t a film analysis sound exciting? Who wouldn’t dive into their favorite movie of all time and present it in front of the whole class?

Undoubtedly, every youngster adores sharing impressions about the latest Netflix, Marvel, or Disney movies.

Yet, as thrilling as this thought might seem, it requires some hard work and fundamental knowledge about paper composition. A film analysis essay isn’t only a bare recounting of events and mentioning a few heroes and villains. Moreover, teachers often assign a specific genre, such as a documentary, a classic, or a musical.

In most cases, you’ll need to conceptualize a critical overview. Your work must elaborate on the storyline, actors, staging, music, and camerawork and prove your findings with appropriate evidence. As with any other analytical piece, this will consist of clearly divided and academically written paragraphs.

But how do you analyze a movie?

How do you draft an objective and informative piece that appeals to the broader masses? Don’t worry because we got your back. This blog post will help you write a film analysis essay from scratch to finish. Follow our advice to earn yourself some excellent grades.

What Is a Movie Analysis Essay?

By definition, a movie analysis revolves around the storyline of a film you or your teacher selected. It can be about any picture, but in most cases, you’ll have to write about features considered valuable for society. Their relevance can range from political and religious to artistic and intellectual.

Films worth analyzing carry sublime messages valid across several generations and aren’t for leisure only. They don’t just tell stories but teach priceless lessons and provoke powerful emotions.

The analysis should express your thoughts on the afterview synoptic. It will cover various aspects, including performance, cinematography, and screenplay writing. Though one film review might focus on one segment, like lighting, it’s best if it includes all elements to avoid being one-dimensional.

Moreover, the writing must be well-balanced and non-biased. It should provide detailed descriptions, references, and quotes from the actors. Another excellent approach is to link the dominant theme to topics in films produced by the same director and explain how they relate.

Different Film Analysis Types of Essays

As mentioned, you can pick a movie from almost any period or production and describe it. However, the complexity of some films allows writers to pick their reviewing perspective. Depending on your angle, you can choose between several film analysis options.

Narrative Analysis

These papers are similar to standard literary reviews. The essay will examine the scenes, the themes, the narrative structure, and the motives of each character. It aims to answer three questions related to the setup (where), heroes and villains (who), and problems and motifs (what). The more effort you put into describing the film’s techniques and the central themes, the better the outcome.

Semiotic Analysis

Motion pictures urge viewers to grasp more complex notions. Hence, semiotic analyses are about understanding the hidden meaning of the symbols presented on the big screen. Signs that carry a message will appear on many occasions, so your ability to pay attention to details is crucial. All great moving pictures have incredible symbolism that tells tales without using words.

Cultural Analysis

Also known as contextual analysis, this type reveals the cultural context of a movie. Unlike writing a summary of an article , a cultural analysis template deal with the inner world of the film. Hence, teachers consider it a more challenging task and assign it to culturally-aware learners. Above all, you must understand the social and political issues at the time and place of filming to write a compelling film analysis paper.

Mise-en-scène Analysis

This movie analysis elaborates on audiovisual elements, such as lighting, soundtracks, and background noises. Besides listing the key segments, you must also identify their importance. Though often irrelevant at first sight, audio and graphic elements have immense power to boost the plot.

Guide to Writing a Film Analysis Essay

how to write a research paper on a movie

The initial assignment may confuse an untrained eye with no clue where to begin. However, things will get easier once you get the main idea and draft the outline. Consider these tips to make the writing process as seamless as possible.

  • Check the instructions. When you receive the prompt, read it carefully. Your arguments and the course in which you’ll steer your custom essay writing will depend on it.
  • Enjoy the movie. Watch it several times to ensure you grasp the most important topics and aspects. Taking notes will help you keep track of the narration. Often, using a screenplay may further ease your attempts.
  • Consider the aspects you’ll include in your essay. You can’t mention everything, so find the predominant themes and characters. Then, organize your findings into paragraphs and support them with evidence.
  • Decide what goes in the introduction. Usually, the opening involves the movie basics. Summarizing all key concepts is also a must. The body will contain the analysis plus your views on whether the film reached its objectives. Finally, the closing will wrap up the movie and advice people to watch it or not.
  • Write in parts. Work on the first draft that doesn’t have to be perfect. However, concentrate on the essay’s structure, opinion relevance, and flow of thought. They must all align with the preset requirements.
  • Edit and proofread. No work will be complete without meticulous editing. Hence, check your work for possible typos, grammar errors, or improper phrasing.

Do you still wonder how to start a film analysis essay? Below is a detailed list of all the steps you should take when working on your manuscript.

Thesis Statement

Remember that this element is vital for the rest of your manuscript. The thesis should round up and squeeze the dominant narration threads. It explains what comes next and implies your thoughts on the elaborated topics.

This part should combine the film expectations, the author’s point of view, and your insight. As a final step, write a short and concise claim that makes a smooth transition to the introductory paragraph.


The film analysis intro must be information-packed and catchy. It usually contains the film title, the director, the cast, the release year, and the cinema impact. It should also hook the reader and offer invaluable insights. Don’t forget to validate and highlight your claim.

If you still lack the skills to make an initial impact, consider a college application essay writing service to assist you at the onset. These experts will help you explore the relevant filmography and build links with current trends.

Once you have the overall format, split the film into its constituents and bring each segment to the forefront. Here is a brief sample of what to mention:

  • The script should have a logical sequence, whether it presents historical facts or depicts a love story. A well-written opening should spur the audience’s interest and contain amusing dialogue. When drafting, check the scene consistency and scripting clarity.
  • Study the director’s style and patterns. Trace their distinctive methods and compare these to some previous works. If you buy a compare and contrast essay online , you will see what the ideal piece should cover.
  • The way actors express their emotions has a massive effect on viewers. Their body language, dialect, and facial expressions are equally important. In most cases, an actor can make or break an otherwise excellent film. Your job is to show how their performance conveys the key messages.
  • Sound and picture. Setting a positive mood is impossible without pleasant soundtracks and appealing visual effects. Give an example of how each segment (special features, makeup, sounds, and costumes) enables or interferes with expressing the author’s ideas.

Your ending must demonstrate that you can build logic between different segments. Therefore, ensure the resolution of the analyzed piece restates your claims and shows your viewpoints. The analysis must also appeal to the viewers and motivate them to check the film.

In general, most movies are complex art forms, so refrain from being shallow and touching the surface only. Be creative and try to offer a reply to controversial questions asked for centuries.

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174 Film Research Paper Topics To Inspire Your Writing

174 Film Research Paper Topics

Also known as a moving picture or movie, the film uses moving images to communicate or convey everything from feelings and ideas to atmosphere and experiences. The making of movies, as well as the art form, is known as cinematography (or cinema, in short). The film is considered a work of art. The first motion pictures were created in the late 1880s and were shown to only one person at a time using peep show devices. By 1985, movies were being projected on large screens for large audiences.

Film has a rich and interesting history, as well as a bright future given the current technological advancements. This is why many professors will really appreciate it if you write a research paper on movies. However, to write a great paper, you need a great topic.

In this blog post, we will give you our latest list of 174 film research paper topics. They should be excellent for 2023 and should get you some bonus points for originality and creativity. As always, our topics are 100% free to use as you see fit. You can reword them in any way you like and you are not required to give us any credit.

Writing Good Film Research Paper

Before we get to the film topics for research papers in our list, you need to learn how you can write the best possible film research paper. It’s not overly complicated, don’t worry. Here are some pointers to get you started:

Start as early as possible Start your project with an outline that will keep you focused on what’s important Spend some time to find a great topic (or just use one of ours) Research every angle of the topic Spend some time composing the thesis statement Always use information from reliable sources Make sure you cite and reference properly Edit and proofread your work to make it perfect. Alternatively, you can rely on our editors and proofreaders to help you with this.

Now it’s time to pick your topic. We’ve made things easy for you, so all you have to do is go through our neatly organized list and select the topic you like the most. If you already know something about the topic, writing the paper shouldn’t take you more than 1 or 2 days, however if you have no desire to spend a lot of time on your assignment, thesis writing help from our professionals is on its way. Pick your topic now:

Easy Film Research Topics

We know most students are not too happy about spending days working on their research papers. This is why we have compiled a list of easy film research topics just for our readers:

  • What was the Electrotachyscope?
  • Research the history of film
  • Describe the first films ever made
  • Talk about the Kinetoscope
  • Who were Auguste and Louis Lumière?
  • An in-depth look at film during World War I
  • Talk about the evolution of sound in motion pictures
  • Most popular movie actors of all time
  • The life and works of Charles Chaplin
  • The life and works of Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein
  • Discuss the Mutoscope device
  • Talk about the introduction of natural color in films

Film Topics To Write About In High School

If you are a high school student, you probably want some topics that are not overly complicated. Well, the good news is that we have plenty of film topics to write about in high school. Check them out below:

  • An in-depth analysis of sound film
  • Research the shooting of Le Voyage dans la Lune
  • Talk about the Technicolor process
  • Research the film industry in India
  • The growing popularity of television
  • Discuss the most important aspects of film theory
  • The drawbacks of silent movies
  • Cameras used in 1950s movies
  • The most important cinema movie of the 1900s
  • Research the montage of movies in the 1970s
  • The inception of film criticism
  • Discuss the film industry in the United States

Interesting Film Paper Topics

Are you looking for the most interesting film paper topics so that you can impress your professor and your fellow students? We are happy to say that you have arrived at just the right place. Here are our latest ideas:

  • Are digital movies much different from films?
  • Research the evolution of cinematography
  • Research the role of movies in Indian culture
  • The principles of a cinema camera
  • Technological advancements in the film industry
  • The use of augmented reality in movies
  • Talk about the role of film in American culture
  • An in-depth look at the production cycle of a film
  • The role of the filming crew on the set
  • Latest cameras for cinematography
  • An in-depth look at the distribution of films
  • How are animated movies made?

Controversial Movie Topics

Why would you be afraid to write your paper on a controversial topic? Perhaps you didn’t know that most professors really appreciate the effort and the innovative ideas. Below, you can find a whole list of controversial movie topics for students:

  • An in-depth look at Cannibal Holocaust
  • Controversies behind Fifty Shades of Gray
  • A Clockwork Orange: the banned movie
  • All Quiet on the Western Front: a controversial war movie
  • Discuss The Texas Chain Saw Massacre movie
  • Apocalypse Now: one of the most banned movies
  • Brokeback Mountain and the controversies surrounding it
  • Talk about The Last Temptation of Christ
  • The Birth of a Nation: the movie that was banned in America

Movie Topics Ideas For College

As you probably know already, college students should choose topics that are a bit more complex than those picked by high school students. The good news is that we have compiled a list of the best movie topics ideas for college students below:

  • Methods to bring your sketches to life
  • Discuss problems with documentary filming
  • War movies and their impact on society
  • What does a director actually do on the set?
  • Talk about state-sanctioned movies in China
  • Research cinematography in North Korea
  • Talk about psychological reactions to films
  • Research the good versus evil theme
  • African Americans in the 1900s cinematography in the US
  • Discuss the creation of sound for films

Hottest Film Topics To Date

Our writers and editors did their best to compile a list of the hottest film topics to date. You can safely pick any of the topics below and write your essay or research paper on it. You should be able to find plenty of information online about each and every topic:

  • The life and works of Alfred Hitchcock
  • Talk about racial discrimination in war movies
  • The psychology behind vampire movies
  • The life and works of Samuel L. Jackson
  • Classic opera versus modern movie soundtracks
  • Hollywood versus Bollywood
  • The life and works of tom Hanks
  • Research the Frankenstein character
  • Major contributions by women in cinematography
  • The life and works of Harrison Ford
  • The 3 most popular topics for a moving picture

Good Movie Topics For 2023

We know, you probably want some topics that relevant today. You want to talk about something new and exciting. Well, we’ve got a surprise for you. This list of good movie topics for 2023 has just been added to the blog post, and you can use it for free:

  • The life and works of Will Smith
  • Why do people love movie monsters?
  • Talk about the popularity of fan movies
  • The life and works of Morgan Freeman
  • Gender inequality in UK films
  • Research movies that were produced because of video games
  • The life and works of Anthony Hopkins
  • The importance of the Golden Raspberry Award
  • Outer space: the future of cinematography
  • Compare today’s filming techniques to those in the 1950s
  • The importance of winning a Golden Globe Award

Fascinating Film Topics

Are you looking for some of the most fascinating film topics one can ever find online? Our experts have outdone themselves this time. Check out our list of ideas below and choose the topic you like the most:

  • Talk about the development of Star Wars
  • Talk about spaghetti western movies
  • Discuss the filming of Pride and Prejudice
  • Research fantasy films
  • The most popular movie genre in 2023
  • What makes a movie a blockbuster?
  • Filming for the Interstellar movie
  • Peculiarities of Bollywood cinema
  • Talk about the era of Hitchcock
  • Discuss the role of motion pictures in society
  • Talk about Neo-realism in Italian movies
  • Research the filming of A Fistful of Dollars

The History Of Film Topics

Writing about the history of film and cinematography can be a good way to earn some bonus points from your professor. However, it’s not an easy thing to do. Fortunately, we have a list of the history of film topics right here for you, so you don’t have to waste any time searching:

  • Research the first ever motion picture
  • Discuss the idea behind moving images
  • Research the Pioneer Era
  • Talk about the introduction of sound in movies
  • Talk about the Silent Era
  • Who created the first ever movie?
  • Discuss the Golden Era of cinematography
  • The era of changes in 2023
  • The rise of Hollywood cinematography
  • Discuss the first color movie
  • Research the first horror movie
  • Discuss the phrase “No one person invented cinema”

Famous Cinematographers Topics

You can, of course, write your next research paper on the life and works of a famous or popular cinematographer. You have plenty to choose from. However, we’ve already selected the best famous cinematographers topics for you right here:

  • The life and works of Sir Roger Deakins
  • Research the cinematographer Vittorio Storaro
  • An in-depth look at Bill Pope
  • Research the cinematographer Gordon Willis
  • The life and works of Wally Pfister
  • An in-depth look at Robert Burks
  • Research the cinematographer Stanley Cortez
  • The life and works of Conrad Hall
  • An in-depth look at Rodrigo Prieto
  • The life and works of Claudio Miranda
  • Emmanuel Lubezki
  • An in-depth look at Jack Cardiff
  • Research the cinematographer Michael Ballhaus
  • The life and works of Kazuo Miyagawa

Famous Films Topic Ideas

The easiest and fastest way to write an essay or research paper about movies is to write about a famous movie. Take a look at these famous films topic ideas and start writing your paper today:

  • Research A Space Odyssey
  • Research the movie Seven Samurai
  • Cinematography techniques in There Will Be Blood
  • Discuss the film The Godfather
  • An in-depth look at La Dolce Vita
  • Research the movie Citizen Kane
  • Cinematography techniques in Goodfellas
  • An in-depth look at the Aliens series
  • Cinematography techniques in Singin’ in the Rain
  • Research the movie Mulholland Drive
  • An in-depth look at In The Mood For Love
  • Research the movie City Lights

The Future Of Movies Topic Ideas

Did you ever wonder what the movies of the future will look like? We can guarantee that your professor has thought about it. Surprise him by writing your paper on one of these the future of movies topic ideas:

  • The future of digital films
  • Discuss animation techniques of the future
  • The future of cinematography cameras
  • How do you view the actors of the future?
  • Will digital releases eliminate the need for DVDs?
  • The role of streaming services in the future
  • Talk about the direct-to-consumer distribution concept
  • Is cinematography a good career for the future?
  • Will movie theaters disappear?
  • Virtual reality in future films
  • The rise of Pixar Studios

Awesome Cinema Topic Ideas

Our experts have just finished completing this section of the topics list. Here, you will find some of the most awesome cinema topic ideas. These should all work great in 2023, so give them a try today:

  • The concept of the Road Movie
  • Review the film “Donnie Brasco”
  • The popularity of musical movies
  • A comprehensive history of cinematography
  • Discuss the A Beautiful Mind movie
  • Compare watching movies now and in the 1990s
  • Talk about film narrative
  • The importance of the main characters in a movie
  • The process of selecting the right actor for the role
  • Well-known produces in the United States
  • The most popular actors in 2023
  • Research Nazi propaganda films

Simple Cinema Essay Ideas

If you want to write about cinematography but don’t want to spend too much time researching the topic, you could always choose one of our simple cinema essay ideas. New ideas are added to this list periodically:

  • Discuss the concept of limited animation
  • War movies during World War II
  • The importance of James Bond for Americans
  • What is docufiction?
  • The traits of a filmophile
  • The success of early crime movies
  • An in-depth look at Hanna-Barbera
  • The transition from VHS tape to DVD
  • Best comedy movies ever made
  • Discuss the Film Noir genre
  • What is a Blaxploitation?
  • The best samurai film ever produced

Movies And The Internet Topics

  • How does piracy affect the movie industry?
  • An in-depth look at Netflix
  • Research the top 3 movie streaming websites
  • Compare and contrast Netflix and Amazon Prime
  • Should movies be shared for free online?
  • The effects of online streaming on piracy
  • Is pirating movies illegal everywhere?
  • Illegal downloads of movies in North Korea
  • Piracy: a form of film preservation
  • The most pirated movies of the 21st century
  • Research the best ways to stop film piracy
  • The economic impact of movie piracy in the United States

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170 AP Research Topics

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Film and television studies at American University

If you’re new to the American University Library’s website and have not used our resources much, this is a guide to the resources that should be considered when getting started with film studies research. Brief descriptions of the results of a sample search in various databases are used to illuminate the breadth and depth of the databases listed.

The filmmaker Atom Egoyan is the example used partly because his name is distinctive and doesn’t yield too many false hits and secondly his work isn’t mainstream or what one might consider popular so search results weren’t expected to be unmanageably large. The results should be substantial enough to indicate the strengths of some of the databases available to the AU community and encourage individuals researching lesser known films and filmmakers.

Atom Egoyan (1960-) was born in Cairo, raised in Canada,  and is an ethnic Armenian. He began making films in the early 1980s and is probably best known for   Exotica (1994), The Sweet Hereafter   (1997), and   Ararat   (2002). His films often deal with the themes of isolation, alienation, and loss. He has won many international film awards and has been the subject of considerable critical attention.  

In the sample searches the keywords “atom” and “egoyan” were searched together but not as a phrase – in order to capture all incidences of his name including subject headings that placed his last name first and articles that may have included a middle name or initial.

NOTE : Unless noted, remote access to these databases, such as from your home or office, is restricted to American University students, faculty, and staff. For a full list of our ALADIN databases (with descriptive notes), go to the Databases link on our homepage. Also note some of the databases do not contain full-text. For assistance in locating articles found in the citation-only databases, please contact the AU Library Reference Desk or call (202/885-3238).

Don't forget print The list is composed only of electronic resources, but thorough film studies research still requires extensive use of print resources as well. For a guide to some of the standard film studies reference books available at the AU Library go to our  Film and Television Studies Print Reference Guides .

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  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index This link opens in a new window Mostly interviews with the filmmaker.
  • Encyclopedia Brittanica Online References to Egoyan in the context of Canadian cinema and in the Performing Arts sections of various Book of the Year editions.
  • FIAF International Film Archive This link opens in a new window Results from a broad international collection of film periodicals. A high percentage of articles are written in languages other than English. The database cites articles from a variety of scholarly, industry and aficionado journals on film. It contains no full-text of articles.
  • Google Scholar This feature of the ubiquitous search engine claims to be the definitive way to search for scholarly articles on the web. Results vary wildly from scholarly articles to cryptic web pages. Results are ranked by the number of times the works are cited in other scholarly publications. When Google Scholar is used from an AU affiliated computer, search results will include a search in catalog link to find consortium owned books or will include a Full text at AU link if an article is available in an AU database. Editors choice.
  • Internet Movie Database (IMDB) This free database contains biographical information and a thorough filmography of works for which Egoyan has written, directed, produced, edited, and/or acted. Each film has its own entry. Entries include a wide variety of information including credits, filming locations, box office, trivia, and user comments. Editors choice.
  • Movie Review Query Engine This free database with links to full-text movie reviews must be searched by individual title. Editors choice.
  • PapersFirst (Worldwide Conference Papers) This link opens in a new window This is a database with partial full-text coverage. It’s not strong in film studies subjects.
  • Periodicals Index Online (PIO) This link opens in a new window This article index focuses on thirty-seven subject headings in the humanities. Film Studies are lumped into Performing Arts. Since PIO is just an index, it doesn’t contain full-text articles but does provide links to full-text in other databases when available. There is overlap with other full-text databases on this list so for film studies research this need only be consulted in the course of an exhaustive literature search. Periodicals Archive Online does provide full-text articles and includes one relatively thorough review of a book about Egoyan.
  • Proquest Research Library At the bottom of the search screen, select "magazine"
  • VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever An online e-book of the print movie guide. VideoHound provides very brief information about films such as cast, crew and plot summary.
  • WorldCat (OCLC FirstSearch) This link opens in a new window Primarily book citations (including some in French, Spanish, German, and Italian), and film/video citations. Note: Worldcat is a union catalog of holdings from libraries around the world and since a given title may have been released in different editions or different formats, it’s not unusual to find multiple (and sometimes many) records for the same title.
  • Next: Film/Television Studies Databases >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 30, 2024 3:43 PM
  • URL:

How to Write a Film Analysis Essay: Examples, Outline, & Tips

A film analysis essay might be the most exciting assignment you have ever had! After all, who doesn’t love watching movies? You have your favorite movies, maybe something you watched years ago, perhaps a classic, or a documentary. Or your professor might assign a film for you to make a critical review. Regardless, you are totally up for watching a movie for a film analysis essay.

However, once you have watched the movie, facing the act of writing might knock the wind out of your sails because you might be wondering how to write a film analysis essay. In summary, writing movie analysis is not as difficult as it might seem, and experts will prove this. This guide will help you choose a topic for your movie analysis, make an outline, and write the text.️ Film analysis examples are added as a bonus! Just keep reading our advice on how to get started.

❓ What Is a Film Analysis Essay?

  • 🚦 Film Analysis Types

📽️ Movie Analysis Format

✍️ how to write a film analysis, 🎦 film analysis template, 🎬 film analysis essay topics.

  • 📄 Essay Examples

🔗 References

To put it simply, film analysis implies watching a movie and then considering its characteristics : genre, structure, contextual context, etc. Film analysis is usually considered to be a form of rhetorical analysis . The key to success here is to formulate a clear and logical argument, supporting it with examples.

🚦 Film Analysis Essay Types

Since a film analysis essay resembles literature analysis, it makes sense that there are several ways to do it. Its types are not limited to the ones described here. Moreover, you are free to combine the approaches in your essay as well. Since your writing reflects your own opinion, there is no universal way to do it.

  • Semiotic analysis . If you’re using this approach, you are expected to interpret the film’s symbolism. You should look for any signs that may have a hidden meaning. Often, they reveal some character’s features. To make the task more manageable, you can try to find the objects or concepts that appear on the screen multiple times. What is the context they appear in? It might lead you to the hidden meaning of the symbols.
  • Narrative structure analysis . This type is quite similar to a typical literature guide. It includes looking into the film’s themes, plot, and motives. The analysis aims to identify three main elements: setup, confrontation, and resolution. You should find out whether the film follows this structure and what effect it creates. It will make the narrative structure analysis essay if you write about the theme and characters’ motivations as well.
  • Contextual analysis . Here, you would need to expand your perspective. Instead of focusing on inner elements, the contextual analysis looks at the time and place of the film’s creation. Therefore, you should work on studying the cultural context a lot. It can also be a good idea to mention the main socio-political issues of the time. You can even relate the film’s success to the director or producer and their career.
  • Mise-en-scene analysis . This type of analysis works with the most distinctive feature of the movies, audiovisual elements. However, don’t forget that your task is not only to identify them but also to explain their importance. There are so many interconnected pieces of this puzzle: the light to create the mood, the props to show off characters’ personalities, messages hidden in the song lyrics.

Film analysis types.

To write an effective film analysis essay, it is important to follow specific format requirements that include the following:

  • Standard essay structure. Just as with any essay, your analysis should consist of an introduction with a strong thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The main body usually includes a summary and an analysis of the movie’s elements.
  • Present tense for events in the film. Use the present tense when describing everything that happens in the movie. This way, you can make smooth transitions between describing action and dialogue. It will also improve the overall narrative flow.
  • Proper formatting of the film’s title. Don’t enclose the movie’s title in quotation marks; instead, italicize it. In addition, use the title case : that is, capitalize all major words.
  • Proper use of the characters’ names. When you mention a film character for the first time, name the actor portraying them. After that, it is enough to write only the character’s name.
  • In-text citations. Use in-text citations when describing certain scenes or shots from the movie. Format them according to your chosen citation style. If you use direct quotes, include the time-stamp range instead of page numbers. Here’s how it looks in the MLA format: (Smith 0:11:24–0:12:35).

Even though film analysis is similar to the literary one, you might still feel confused with where to begin. No need to worry; there are only a few additional steps you need to consider during the writing process.

✔️ Reread the prompt twice! It’s crucial because your thesis statement and main arguments will be based on it. To help yourself at this stage, try an . It will make your efforts more productive.
✔️ Take your time and watch the film as many times as you need so that you don’t miss anything. You might find it helpful to take notes or even use a screenplay if you can find one.
✔️ You should write down a thesis statement and organize the main ideas. Don’t forget to support your arguments with evidence and make sure they align with the assignment requirements.
✔️ The last step is writing the first draft of your essay. The text doesn’t necessarily have to be perfect since you still need to take some time to edit and to proofread it.In the next sections, there are more detailed descriptions of how to get every step done quickly. And remember that you can always ask your supervisor for help if you have any questions!

Need more information? It can be found in the video below.

Starting Your Film Analysis Essay

There are several things you need to do before you start writing your film analysis paper. First and foremost, you have to watch the movie. Even if you have seen it a hundred times, you need to watch it again to make a good film analysis essay.

Note that you might be given an essay topic or have to think of it by yourself. If you are free to choose a topic for your film analysis essay, reading some critical reviews before you watch the film might be a good idea. By doing this in advance, you will already know what to look for when watching the movie.

In the process of watching, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Consider your impression of the movie
  • Enumerate memorable details
  • Try to interpret the movie message in your way
  • Search for the proof of your ideas (quotes from the film)
  • Make comments on the plot, settings, and characters
  • Draw parallels between the movie you are reviewing and some other movies

Making a Film Analysis Essay Outline

Once you have watched and possibly re-watched your assigned or chosen movie from an analytical point of view, you will need to create a movie analysis essay outline . The task is pretty straightforward: the outline can look just as if you were working on a literary analysis or an article analysis.

  • Introduction : This includes the basics of the movie, including the title, director, and the date of release. You should also present the central theme or ideas in the movie and your thesis statement .
  • Summary : This is where you take the time to present an overview of the primary concepts in the movie, including the five Ws (who, what, when, where, and why)—don’t forget how!—as well as anything you wish to discuss that relates to the point of view, style, and structure.
  • Analysis : This is the body of the essay and includes your critical analysis of the movie, why you did or did not like it, and any supporting material from the film to support your views. It would help if you also discussed whether the director and writer of the movie achieved the goal they set out to achieve.
  • Conclusion: This is where you can state your thesis again and provide a summary of the primary concepts in a new and more convincing manner, making a case for your analysis. You can also include a call-to-action that will invite the reader to watch the movie or avoid it entirely.

You can find a great critical analysis template at Thompson Rivers University website. In case you need more guidance on how to write an analytical paper, check out our article .

Writing & Editing Your Film Analysis Essay

We have already mentioned that there are differences between literary analysis and film analysis. They become especially important when one starts writing their film analysis essay.

First of all, the evidence you include to support the arguments is not the same. Instead of quoting the text, you might need to describe the audiovisual elements.

However, the practice of describing the events is similar in both types. You should always introduce a particular sequence in the present tense. If you want to use a piece of a dialogue between more than two film characters, you can use block quotes. However, since there are different ways to do it, confirm with your supervisor.

For your convenience, you might as well use the format of the script, for which you don’t have to use quotation marks:

ELSA: But she won’t remember I have powers?

KING: It’s for the best.

Finally, to show off your proficiency in the subject, look at the big picture. Instead of just presenting the main elements in your analysis, point out their significance. Describe the effect they make on the overall impression form the film. Moreover, you can dig deeper and suggest the reasons why such elements were used in a particular scene to show your expertise.

Stuck writing a film analysis essay? Worry not! Use our template to structure your movie analysis properly.


  • The title of the film is… [title]
  • The director is… [director’s name] He/she is known for… [movies, style, etc.]
  • The movie was released on… [release date]
  • The themes of the movie are… [state the film’s central ideas]
  • The film was made because… [state the reasons]
  • The movie is… because… [your thesis statement].
  • The main characters are… [characters’ names]
  • The events take place in… [location]
  • The movie is set in… [time period]
  • The movie is about… [state what happens in the film and why]
  • The movie left a… [bad, unforgettable, lasting, etc.] impression in me.
  • The script has… [a logical sequence of events, interesting scenes, strong dialogues, character development, etc.]
  • The actors portray their characters… [convincingly, with intensity, with varying degree of success, in a manner that feels unnatural, etc.]
  • The soundtrack is [distracting, fitting, memorable, etc.]
  • Visual elements such as… [costumes, special effects, etc.] make the film [impressive, more authentic, atmospheric, etc.]
  • The film succeeds/doesn’t succeed in engaging the target audience because it… [tells a compelling story, features strong performances, is relevant, lacks focus, is unauthentic, etc.]
  • Cultural and societal aspects make the film… [thought-provoking, relevant, insightful, problematic, polarizing, etc.]
  • The director and writer achieved their goal because… [state the reasons]
  • Overall, the film is… [state your opinion]
  • I would/wouldn’t recommend watching the movie because… [state the reasons]
  • Analysis of the film Inception by Christopher Nolan .
  • Examine the rhetoric in the film The Red Balloon .
  • Analyze the visual effects of Zhang Yimou’s movie Hero .
  • Basic concepts of the film Interstellar by Christopher Nolan.
  • The characteristic features of Federico Fellini’s movies.  
  • Analysis of the movie The Joker .
  • The depiction of ethical issues in Damaged Care .  
  • Analyze the plot of the film Moneyball .
  • Explore the persuasive techniques used in Henry V .
  • Analyze the movie Killing Kennedy .
  • Discuss the themes of the film Secret Window .
  • Describe the role of audio and video effects in conveying the message of the documentary Life in Renaissance .  
  • Compare and analyze the films Midnight Cowboy and McCabe and Mrs. Miller .  
  • Analysis of the movie Rear Window . 
  • The message behind the film Split .
  • Analyze the techniques used by Tim Burton in his movie Sleepy Hollow .
  • The topic of children’s abuse and importance of trust in Joseph Sargent’s Sybil .
  • Examine the themes and motives of the film Return to Paradise by Joseph Ruben.
  • The issues of gender and traditions in the drama The Whale Rider.   
  • Analysis of the film Not Easily Broken by Duke Bill. 
  • The symbolism in R. Scott’s movie Thelma and Louise .
  • The meaning of audiovisual effects in Citizen Kane .  
  • Analyze the main characters of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo .  
  • Discuss the historical accuracy of the documentary The Civil War .  
  • Analysis of the movie Through a Glass Darkly . 
  • Explore the core idea of the comedy Get Out .
  • The problem of artificial intelligence and human nature in Ex Machina .  
  • Three principles of suspense used in the drama The Fugitive .
  • Examine the ideas Michael Bay promotes in Armageddon .
  • Analyze the visual techniques used in Tenet by Christopher Nolan.
  • Analysis of the movie The Green Mile .
  • Discrimination and exclusion in the film The Higher Learning .  
  • The hidden meaning of the scenes in Blade Runner .
  • Compare the social messages of the films West Side Story and Romeo + Juliet .
  • Highlighting the problem of children’s mental health in the documentary Kids in Crisis .
  • Discuss the ways Paul Haggis establishes the issue of racial biases in his movie Crash .
  • Analyze the problem of moral choice in the film Gone Baby Gone .
  • Analysis of the historical film Hacksaw Ridge .
  • Explore the main themes of the film Mean Girls by Mark Walters .
  • The importance of communication in the movie Juno .
  • Describe the techniques the authors use to highlight the problems of society in Queen and Slim .  
  • Examine the significance of visual scenes in My Family/ Mi Familia .  
  • Analysis of the thriller Salt by Phillip Noyce. 
  • Analyze the message of Greg Berlanti’s film Love, Simon .
  • Interpret the symbols of the film The Wizard of Oz (1939).
  • Discuss the modern issues depicted in the film The Corporation .
  • Moral lessons of Edward Zwick’s Blood Diamond . 
  • Analysis of the documentary Solitary Nation . 
  • Describe the audiovisual elements of the film Pride and Prejudice (2005) .
  • The problem of toxic relationships in Malcolm and Marie .

📄 Film Analysis Examples

Below you’ll find two film analysis essay examples. Note that the full versions are downloadable for free!

Film Analysis Example #1: The Intouchables

Raising acute social problems in modern cinema is a common approach to draw the public’s attention to the specific issues and challenges of people facing crucial obstacles. As a film for review, The Intouchables by Oliver Nakache and Éric Toledano will be analyzed, and one of the themes raised in this movie is the daily struggle of the person with severe disabilities. This movie is a biographical drama with comedy elements. The Intouchables describes the routine life of a French millionaire who is confined to a wheelchair and forced to receive help from his servants. The acquaintance of the disabled person with a young and daring man from Parisian slums changes the lives of both radically. The film shows that for a person with disabilities, recognition as a full member of society is more important than sympathy and compassion, and this message expressed comically raises an essential problem of human loneliness.

Movie Analysis Example #2: Parasite

Parasite is a 2019 South Korean black comedy thriller movie directed by Bong Joon-ho and is the first film with a non-English script to win Best Picture at the Oscars in 2020. With its overwhelming plot and acting, this motion picture retains a long-lasting effect and some kind of shock. The class serves as a backbone and a primary objective of social commentary within the South Korean comedy/thriller (Kench, 2020). Every single element and detail in the movie, including the student’s stone, the contrasting architecture, family names, and characters’ behavior, contribute to the central topic of the universal problem of classism and wealth disparity. The 2020 Oscar-winning movie Parasite (2019) is a phenomenal cinematic portrayal and a critical message to modern society regarding the severe outcomes of the long-established inequalities within capitalism.

Want more examples? Check out this bonus list of 10 film analysis samples. They will help you gain even more inspiration.

  • “Miss Representation” Documentary Film Analysis
  • “The Patriot”: Historical Film Analysis
  • “The Morning Guy” Film Analysis
  • 2012′ by Roland Emmerich Film Analysis
  • “The Crucible” (1996) Film Analysis
  • The Aviator’ by Martin Scorsese Film Analysis
  • The “Lions for Lambs” Film Analysis
  • Bill Monroe – Father of Bluegrass Music Film Analysis
  • Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Harry Potter’ Film Analysis
  • Red Tails by George Lucas Film Analysis

Film Analysis Essay FAQ

  • Watch the movie or read a detailed plot summary.
  • Read others’ film reviews paying attention to details like key characters, movie scenes, background facts.
  • Compose a list of ideas about what you’ve learned.
  • Organize the selected ideas to create a body of the essay.
  • Write an appropriate introduction and conclusion.

The benefits of analyzing a movie are numerous . You get a deeper understanding of the plot and its subtle aspects. You can also get emotional and aesthetic satisfaction. Film analysis enables one to feel like a movie connoisseur.

Here is a possible step by step scenario:

  • Think about the general idea that the author probably wanted to convey.
  • Consider how the idea was put across: what characters, movie scenes, and details helped in it.
  • Study the broader context: the author’s other works, genre essentials, etc.

The definition might be: the process of interpreting a movie’s aspects. The movie is reviewed in terms of details creating the artistic value. A film analysis essay is a paper presenting such a review in a logically structured way.

  • Film Analysis – UNC Writing Center
  • Film Writing: Sample Analysis // Purdue Writing Lab
  • Yale Film Analysis – Yale University
  • Film Terms And Topics For Film Analysis And Writing
  • Questions for Film Analysis (Washington University)
  • Resources on Film Analysis – Cinema Studies (University of Toronto)
  • Does Film Analysis Take the Magic out of Movies?
  • Film Analysis Research Papers –
  • What’s In a Film Analysis Essay? Medium
  • Analysis of Film – SAGE Research Methods
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  • Share to email

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Film Research Paper Topics: Tips & Ideas to Use as Inspiration

Updated 01 Jul 2024

Film Research Paper Topics

The most challenging part of writing a research paper might be picking the right topic. Choosing one that’s interesting, compelling, and thought-provoking is critical for engaging the reader and showcasing your knowledge.

Thanks to decades of moviemaking, there are tons of film research paper topics to choose from, so it can be a bit overwhelming to lock in on a single one.

That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive list of ideas that you can use for inspiration. Let’s dive in.

Most Interesting Film Essay Topics

When brainstorming a topic for your film research paper, it’s vital to pick something you’re passionate about. That’s how you’ll be able to put your best foot forward.

These are some of the most exciting topics that are certain to summon your inspiration muse.

  • The Evolution of Female Protagonists in Action Films
  • The Impact of Global Cinema on Hollywood
  • Analyzing the Auteur Theory in Modern Cinema
  • The Role of Soundtracks in Defining Movie Genres
  • The Influence of Neo-Noir Aesthetics on Contemporary Filmmaking
  • Virtual Reality in Cinema: A New Frontier or a Passing Trend?
  • The Representation of Artificial Intelligence in Science Fiction Movies
  • Cultural Stereotypes and Their Perpetuation in Animated Films
  • The Psychological Effects of Horror Films on Audiences
  • The Renaissance of Musical Films in the 21st Century
  • Exploring the Cinematic Portrayals of Historical Events
  • The Rise of Independent Films in the Streaming Era
  • Color Theory in Film: How Palette Choices Affect Emotion
  • The Depiction of Mental Illness in Modern Cinema
  • The Use of Long Takes and Their Impact on Storytelling
  • The Evolution of Superhero Movies: From Niche to Mainstream
  • The Significance of Costume Design in Character Development
  • Analyzing the Shift from Film to Digital Cinematography
  • The Role of Propaganda Films in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Ethics of Documentary Filmmaking: Truth vs. Narrative
  • The Influence of French New Wave on Contemporary Directors
  • The Portrayal of LGBTQ+ Characters in Mainstream Cinema
  • The Cultural Impact of Biographical Films
  • The Art of the Film Sequel: Expansion or Exploitation?
  • Cinema as a Tool for Social Change: Case Studies
  • The Representation of Race and Ethnicity in Hollywood
  • The Phenomenon of Cult Films and Their Dedicated Fanbases
  • The Impact of Censorship on Creative Freedom in Film
  • Exploring the Use of Non-Linear Narratives in Storytelling
  • The Role of Film Festivals in Discovering New Talent
  • The Challenges and Triumphs of Adapting Literature into Film
  • The Dynamics of On-Screen Chemistry: What Makes It Work?
  • The Influence of Cinema on Fashion Trends
  • The Significance of Opening and Closing Shots in Films
  • The Evolution of the Teen Movie Genre
  • The Role of Archetypes in Film Genres
  • The Impact of Global Locations on Film Production and Storytelling
  • The Use of Silence as a Narrative Tool in Cinema
  • The Portrayal of Villainy and Moral Ambiguity in Film
  • The Legacy of Silent Films and Their Influence on Modern Cinema
  • The Depiction of Space and Time Travel in Science Fiction Movies
  • The Art and Technique of Film Editing: Creating Rhythm and Pace
  • The Representation of War in Cinema: Glory vs. Horror
  • The Influence of Social Media on Film Marketing and Audience Engagement
  • The Role of Animation in Adult Storytelling
  • The Impact of 3D Technology on the Viewer's Experience
  • The Portrayal of Relationships and Love in Romantic Comedies
  • The Use of Allegory and Symbolism in Film to Reflect Society
  • The Challenges of Filming in Extreme Conditions
  • The Future of Cinema in the Age of Streaming Services

Top Film History Research Paper Topics

The history of cinema is vast, so there are countless film history research topics that can captivate your reader. These are some of the most relevant you can use.

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  • The Birth of Cinema: Exploring the Lumière Brothers' Contribution to Film
  • George Méliès and the Invention of Narrative Cinema
  • The Evolution of Silent Film Techniques and Their Modern Legacy
  • Charlie Chaplin: The Impact of The Tramp on Global Cinema
  • The Role of Women in Early Cinema: Pioneers Behind and in Front of the Camera
  • The Transition from Silent to Sound Films: Technological and Artistic Challenges
  • Expressionism in German Cinema: A Study of Visual Style and Its Influence
  • The Rise and Fall of the Studio System in the Silent Era
  • Early Animation Techniques: From Gertie the Dinosaur to Steamboat Willie
  • Cross-Cultural Influences: How Early Cinema Traveled Across Continents
  • The Hays Code: Censorship and Its Impact on Hollywood Storytelling
  • Technicolor Dreams: The Introduction of Color in Hollywood Cinema
  • Film Noir: Origins, Characteristics, and Key Figures
  • The McCarthy Era: Blacklisting and Its Effects on Hollywood
  • The Rise of the Director: Auteur Theory and Its Proponents
  • New Hollywood: The 1970s Renaissance and Its Lasting Influence
  • The Blockbuster Era: Jaws, Star Wars, and the New Business of Cinema
  • Independent Cinema Movement: Breaking Away from Hollywood Norms
  • The Digital Revolution: CGI and the Transformation of Film Production
  • Global Cinema: The Influence of Hollywood on World Cinema and Vice Versa

Research Paper Topics on Music in Films

Music in films can tell a captivating story, evoke a world of emotions, and create a unique experience that lingers on long after you’ve watched the end credits. It often becomes as iconic as the films themselves, especially when it comes to musicals. Here are some captivating film research paper topics on music.

  • The Evolution of Film Scores: From Silent Cinema to the Digital Age
  • The Role of Music in Establishing Film Genres
  • Iconic Film Composers: The Musical Styles of John Williams and Ennio Morricone
  • The Impact of Jazz on Film Noir Soundtracks
  • Musical Motifs in Cinema: Creating Character and Narrative Depth
  • The Influence of Classical Music on Modern Film Scores
  • Diegetic vs. Non-Diegetic Music: Shaping Viewer Perception
  • The Use of Popular Music in Films: Cultural Context and Impact
  • Music as a Narrative Device in Animated Films
  • The Psychological Effects of Film Music on Audiences
  • The Art of the Film Musical: Evolution from Stage to Screen
  • World Music in Cinema: Exploring Cross-Cultural Soundscapes
  • The Rise of the Film Soundtrack: From Background to Bestseller
  • The Function of Silence: When the Absence of Music Tells the Story
  • The Process of Scoring for Film: Collaboration Between Directors and Composers
  • Adapting Opera and Ballet for the Film Medium
  • Horror Film Scores: Techniques for Creating Tension and Fear
  • The Legacy of Disney's Musical Films: Shaping Generations
  • Music Video Aesthetics in Narrative Filmmaking
  • The Role of Music in Documentary Films: Enhancing Realism and Emotion

Riveting Horror Film Research Paper Topics

There are quite a few scary and suspenseful horror movies that can keep viewers at the edge of their seats. Analyzing the overall genre or some of the greatest directors’ masterpieces and techniques is certain to enthrall your reader. Here are some gripping horror film research paper topics you can use.

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  • The Evolution of Horror Cinema: From Gothic to Modern Psychological Thrillers
  • Monsters and Myths: Cultural Significance of Horror Film Antagonists
  • The Impact of German Expressionism on American Horror Films
  • Social Fears and Horror Films: Reflecting Societal Anxieties Through Cinema
  • The Final Girl Trope: Gender Dynamics in Slasher Films
  • Horror and Comedy: Analyzing the Success of Horror-Comedy Hybrids
  • The Rise of Found Footage: Authenticity and Fear in a Digital Age
  • Censorship in Horror: The Battle Between Artistic Freedom and Social Responsibility
  • The Influence of Literature on Horror Cinema: From Mary Shelley to Stephen King
  • Horror Film Festivals: Cultivating Communities and Defining the Genre
  • Sound Design in Horror Films: Crafting Fear with Audio
  • Lighting and Color in Horror Cinema: Setting the Mood Without a Word
  • The Art of Suspense: Building Tension in Horror Films
  • Practical Effects vs. CGI in Horror: Preserving the Tangibility of Terror
  • The Role of Setting: Isolated Cabins and Urban Nightmares in Horror Films
  • Auteur Theory in Horror: The Signature Styles of Hitchcock, Carpenter, and Craven
  • The Psychology of Jump Scares: Manipulating the Viewer's Anticipation and Fear
  • Horror Film Sequels and Remakes: Innovation or Exploitation?
  • The Use of First-Person Perspective in Horror Films: Immersion and Disorientation
  • Horror Across Cultures: How Different Societies Scare Their Audiences

Compelling Monster Essay Topics

Movie monsters are often terrifying fictional creatures, but they sometimes represent human nature and our deepest fears as well. Let’s explore some of the more fascinating film essay topics on monsters.

  • The Evolution of the Vampire Myth in Literature and Popular Culture
  • Monsters as Metaphors: Analyzing the Symbolism Behind Literary Monsters
  • Frankenstein's Monster: A Reflection on Humanity and Creator Responsibility
  • The Role of Dragons in Eastern vs. Western Mythology
  • Hybrid Monsters in Mythology: Exploring the Fear of the Unknown
  • Duality of Werewolves: Exploring the Beast Within Human Nature
  • The Influence of Greek Mythology's Monsters on Modern Fantasy Literature
  • Grendel in "Beowulf": Monster as a Social Outcast
  • The Loch Ness Monster: Myth, Hoax, or Unexplained Phenomenon?
  • Monsters in Children's Literature: Fears, Morals, and Imagination
  • The Psychology of Horror: Why Do We Enjoy Being Scared by Movie Monsters?
  • Zombies as a Cultural Phenomenon: From Haitian Folklore to Global Apocalypse Obsession
  • The Representation of Artificial Intelligence as Monstrous in Science Fiction
  • Kaiju Films: The Appeal of Giant Monsters in Japanese Cinema and Beyond
  • The Monster's Perspective: Sympathy for the Devil in Modern Media
  • Aliens and the Fear of Invasion: Analyzing Extraterrestrial Monsters in Film
  • The Role of Monsters in Video Games: Beyond the Antagonist
  • Body Horror: The Monstrosity of the Human Form Transformed
  • The Slasher Villain: Serial Killers as Monsters in Horror Films
  • Monsters and Heroes: The Thin Line Between Antagonist and Protagonist in Comic Books

How to Pick a Good Topic for a Film Research Paper

If none of these film research paper topics have inspired you to write your paper, here’s what you can do to find new ideas:

  • Make a list of your favorite films or filmmakers - Movies you’re passionate about or filmmakers you admire the most are a great place to start.
  • Choose a specific historical period - If you’re interested in a specific period in film history, you can analyze that time’s movies, themes, techniques, etc.
  • Pick a film genre - Focusing on a specific genre from the get-go might help you narrow down your list of ideas.
  • Research different ideas - The more ideas you research, the higher your chances of finding the right topic. You should conduct thorough research on all the ideas, exploring the available literature, media platforms, published research papers, and other credible sources.
  • Come up with a specific topic - Armed with relevant information, come up with a specific topic that interests you the most. Make sure it isn’t too broad so that you can go into detail and provide real value.
  • Narrow down your focus - Narrowing down your topic to one or two ideas is key to writing a high-quality paper. Make sure it’s not too narrow so that you can keep the reader engaged.

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At EduBirdie, we have an expert team of professionals who can assist you with research and help you write a brilliant movie research paper. They have Ph.D. and Master’s degrees in Film Studies and years of experience under their belt.

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Film Analysis: Example, Topics, & Essay Writing Guide [2024]

Film Analysis: Example, Topics, & Essay Writing Guide [2024]

It’s hardly possible to find one who is not keen on watching films. It is one of the most common ways of spending free time. When it comes to writing a film analysis essay, you would probably be confused.

Don’t worry! We gathered everything you need to make it without a hitch. What’s more, you will find free essay samples as a bonus.

📽️ What Is a Film Analysis?

✍️ film analysis terms, 📜 film analysis types.

  • 📼 Film Genres: List

✨ How to Write a Film Analysis

  • ✍️ Film Analysis Essay Topics
  • 🗒 Film Analysis Template and Example

🔗 References

F ilm analysis expresses the afterview synoptic. The result is a transparent and informative thesis and its arguments .

Don’t forget you should maintain an appropriate academic style. This article explains how to manage it well, using the proper terminology, structure, techniques, etc.

As an introduction to film analysis, explore a list of general film analysis terms. They come as an inseparable part of your film analysis essay.

Find them below.

Auteur definition.

Auteur: Definition

The auteur is the French equivalent of the English word author. The auteur’s definition is straightforward. As a rule, the film’s director is the author. Why so? Director is a core role that manages all processes: from organizing a filmmaking crew and cast to every aspect of the film.

Diegesis in films is all about the fictional world elements. Everything the director creates and transfers on the screen is diegesis. Time framework, setting, range of events, etc., are examples of those elements.

Flashback and Flashforward

Flashback and flashforward imply relating to a chronological flow of a narrative. Flashback is a scene that takes it back in time from the present point of the film.

A flashforward differs from the flashback only by the time-shifting direction: it takes the audience to the plot pieces later in the film.


The term looks confusing, but it is easy as pie. A pre-defined set of a film’s scene is a mise-en-scène . Everything in the camera’s focus: exposure, actors, and other elements form a mise-en-scène.

The Plot of a Story

The plot of a story is a sequence of events and their interactions that make up a story shown in a film.

Scene vs. Sequence

To put it simply, the scene and the sequence differ by the number of shots. The scene is short and consists of a few shots. The sequence is a more significant film part as it implies several scenes. As you may have guessed, the entire movie consists of several sequences.

The variety of possible film genres and their complexity assume more than one way to analyze them. There are several film analysis types, depending on the reviewing angle.

Narrative Analysis

This approach is similar to literary analysis. It means examining the film plot, narrative structure, motives, and characters. The research is built on answering the three simple questions: who, what, and where?

Mise-en-scène definion.

Semiotic Analysis

Everything about understanding the hidden meaning of the symbols is a semiotic analysis of the film. Those symbols usually appear more than once in a movie. Also, particular directors tend to repeat specific symbols. This type of analysis requires very close attention to detail.

Mise-en-scène Analysis

We have already found what mise-en-scène is: a setting with the lighting, soundtrack, background, etc. When we focus on those audio and visual elements and their meaning, we talk about the mise-en-scène analysis. Audiovisual elements may seem insignificant at first glance, but they carry tremendous importance and power to support the plot.

📼 Film Genres List

Having grasped the basic film analysis terms and types, we move on to the starting point of film analysis. We talk about defining a film genre.

You do not have to be a cinema theorist or a crazy film fan to identify one from another. Anyways, let’s list the common film genres and describe them briefly. Please, check the table below:

1 Comedy is one of the pioneers in film genres. The main driver of comedy is humor. Various techniques aim to evoke joy and laughter in the audience. The most prominent comedy attribute is the happy ending.
2 Thriller can be described as a process of grabbing the audience’s attention from the beginning to the climax. This process is accompanied by the evocation of anticipation, thrill, surprise, anxiety, and other mentally “uncomfy” feelings.
3 Drama Probably the largest film category. portray people and their inner selves; they depict the characters from different sides and show their personal growth. Dramas illustrate characters and their unique stories in a real-life setting.
4 Action Action films are fast, energetic, and spectacular. The central character is a protagonist who fights against evil. The integral part scenes are battles, chase scenes, rescues, escapes, and fights.
5 Fantasy immerse audiences in non-existent universes filled with limitless opportunities. Escapism, dreams, and wonders serve as tools to open new boundaries of physical laws or human possibilities.
6 Horror uncover the underlying fears and cause panic and dismay. These movies are as scary as they are compelling. both frighten and captivate at the same time. The standard features are screamers, unexpected spooky scenes, etc.
7 Mystery As a rule, in mystery films, a hero takes the path to figure out a bizarre accident or crime followed by mysterious circumstances. While seeking the truth, the hero shows off the trait of curiosity, diligence, and confidence.
8 Romance Romance is all about two characters depicted in a love story. The central plot focus is the journey from first sight to relationships, birth, and growth. The accompanying circumstances like family resentment, hazards, illnesses, and the difference in social status are fueling the story.

There is also a deeper categorization. Each genre in the list has several, sometimes overlapping sub-genres.

We are closer to the central part: we’ve approached the writing guide.

Are you still struggling with how to write a film analysis essay? The solid solution is, to begin with conducting a step-by-step plan. Move on, and we will tell you how to do it!

Like every other paper, hence literary analysis, writing film analysis involves several ultimate steps. There is nothing groundbreaking here. All the steps are familiar. They are:

  • Thesis statement
  • Introduction

Let’s touch upon each step and note what is worth considering (after watching the movie itself).

Film Analysis Outline

The first and foremost step is writing a film analysis essay outline. You need to make a short draft with the core measures to analyze the film. Mind the instructions in case you have them. Organize the ideas in a list and proceed to the next step.

Film Analysis Thesis Statement

Pay special attention to writing a film analysis thesis statement. You first need to squeeze out the central narrative threads and ideas. The thesis statement should focus on what you will prove in your essay by transforming those ideas into new meanings.

Concentrate on the combination of film expectations, the auteur’s point of view, and your own critical opinion. In the end, formulate a concise thesis statement and move on to the introduction preparation.

Film Analysis Introduction

Your film analysis introduction should be informative and catchy. Give the general information about the film. It may contain the movie title, director, release year, and cast. 

After building an introduction background:

  • Dive deeper.
  • Explore the director’s filmography or build possible links between the film and the current trends or social agenda.
  • Include as many valuable insights as you can to spark a thought in the reader’s mind. 

Remember that the introduction should validate and complement your thesis statement. 

Having the outline and the formulated thesis statement, you should, in a way, break down a film into its creative elements and analyze each of them. At once individually, and then as a whole picture.

What are those creative elements?

  • Directing. Since we have mentioned the role of the director time and again, let’s start with it. Trace their distinctive directing manner to find new patterns and compare them to previous works.
  • Scenario. In most films, often except for art-house cinema, the script plays one of the critical roles in its power. A well-written scenario helps develop the narrative and each character. It reduces the risk of silly inconsistencies or mistakes. After watching, try to access the level of scripting consistency and clarity.
  • Acting. Even though we’ve just defined the role of the scenario, acting sometimes plays louder than words. Try to answer the question: how accurately does the actors’ performance reveals and conveys the author’s main idea and your thesis statement.
  • Music and visual effects. Setting the overall mood is what is impossible without soundtracks and visual effects. Provide an example of how each part, special effects, sounds, make-up, or costumes, help, or vice-a-versa, interfere in expressing the author’s message.

While analyzing, don’t forget to build logic between each element. Make a smooth and solid review.

We’ve approached the icing on the cake — your film analysis conclusion. Once again, make sure your analysis confirms the thesis statement and show it in your resolution.

Remember that movies are complex pieces of art. Don’t be too shallow in your essay. Try to see a bigger picture and put it in words.

Now that we’ve outlined the plan let’s figure out how it works on a real example.

✍️ 20 Film Analysis Essay Topics

  • Sociological concepts in “The Truman Show” film
  • The process of shame to violence in Bergman film: “Shame”
  • “The King’s Speech” movie and anxiety disorder
  • Gender biases in “If These Walls Could Talk 2” film
  • “The Neighbor’s Window”: film review
  • Ethical, political and social issues in business in “The Corporation” movie
  • Mental health illness in the film “When a Man Loves a Woman”
  • The Devil Wears Prada film’s critical analysis
  • Negotiation situation in “The Godfather” movie
  • “Watchmen” film in relation to the American dream
  • Moral and theme in “The Pursuit of Happiness” movie
  • “The State of Play: Trophy Kids”: main idea and summary of the film
  • Narrative campaign of “The Hunger Games” film
  • Review of “Mon Oncle” movie: a portrayal of France
  • Gender and family in “Gone With the Wind” film
  • Sociology of “Avatar” movie by James Cameron
  • Historical themes in the movie “Gladiator”
  • Review of “Kung Fu Panda” movie: educational psychology
  • Settings in Bollywood cinema: “Bobby” movie
  • Visual effects in the “1917” movie

🗒️ Film Analysis Template and Example

We prepared a short-outlined essay sample. Explore the table to understand what your analysis may look like. Here is the “Solaris” film analysis essay example.

Essay Example Film Analysis Essay Sample
Andrey Tarkovsky’s Solaris Analysis
The film “Solaris” by Andrey Tarkovsky was released in 1972 as an adaptation of the 1960th science fiction novel by Stanislav Lem. “Let us take you with us to Solaris, the planet of mystery, an embodiment of man’s latent conflict with the unknown. Man, face to face with his conscience and past,” the film slogan states. Was Tarkovsky able to convey this message to the viewer? What tools did he use?

The visuals of Solaris deserve to be taught in cinematic schools. The virtuosity of the camerawork is impossible to describe in words. Living, sparkling pictures of nature, the chill of the space station, the alien heart of the Ocean — everything is shot so great that in addition to the color shades, it conveys even the temperature changes of what is happening on the screen. During a long time on the station, protagonist Calvin realizes that the one thing that unites him with the mighty “Supermind” is that every intelligent being in the universe always suffers eternal loneliness. Throwing away all attempts to understand the Ocean, he plunges into its waves. He ceases all inner resistance and surrenders to its powerful and incomprehensible willpower.

The overall picture of the setting, script, audiovisual effects, etc., assist the director in translating the idea of humanity’s unpreparedness for the new. Humankind has not yet reached the required level to discover unknown cosmic universes. All attempts to understand “another mind” will fail until man fully explores themselves.

You may take this or other essay samples from StudyCorgi as a template for your future writing. It will save your time and make the process transparent. Don’t hesitate to use them!

You’ve just found out the primary terms, tips, and a film analysis guide.

Now, as we have shed light on the film analysis techniques and showcased the real examples, the task seems not as tricky as at first sight. Save this article or share it with a friend to avoid losing!

What Is the Purpose of Film Analysis?

Film analysis aims to extract value from watching a movie, except for leisure. Films do not just tell a story. They bring a message, provoke feelings, and teach precious lessons. Directors sometimes encode priceless meanings applicable to many generations.

How to Analyze a Movie Effectively?

To analyze a movie effectively, you should acquire the appropriate terminology. Then, understand the existing types of film analysis and their difference. After that, outline your future film analysis paper and look through the extant examples.

What Is Formal Analysis in Film?

The formal analysis comprises the investigation of professional elements of film production like camera motion, lighting, color editing, special effects, and other inner working processes. The average viewer does not pay much attention to them, but we should not diminish their importance.

What Are the 4 Elements of Film Analysis?

One of the many interpretations of this question is the following: the first component is a film plot, the second one is the existing arguments about the film, the third one is a film background, and the fourth is their evaluation.

  • Film Analysis — The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Film Term Glossary — Brooklyn College
  • Film Analysis and Methods — Penn Arts & Science Cinema & Media Studies
  • Movie Genres – 120+ Examples of Different Movie Genres – NFI
  • A Guide to Writing a Film Studies Paper: Carleton University
  • How to Write an Analytical Essay — MDC
  • Film Analysis Research Papers –
  • Shot, Scene, and Sequence — Columbia Film Language Glossary
  • Diegesis — Oxford Reference
  • Film Analysis Essay Sample — Purdue Online Writing Lab
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217 Film Research Paper Topics & Ideas

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Film research paper topics provide a rich, multifaceted canvas for critical analysis. One can explore genre theory and its evolution, scrutinizing the symbiotic relationship between society and film genres, such as sci-fi, horror, or romance. Another fruitful area lies in auteur theory, assessing the unique stylistic fingerprints of directors, like Kubrick, Hitchcock, or Miyazaki. Delving into film adaptations provides an opportunity to study narrative transformation across different media. Studying representation in film, be it racial, gender, or cultural, opens a lens into societal norms and biases. In turn, there is the exploration of film technologies and their influence on the cinematic experience. Film criticism and its role in shaping public perception can also be an intriguing topic. With every cinematic element providing a potential research topic, film studies truly cater to diverse academic interests.

Best Film Research Paper Topics

  • Impacts of Technological Advancements on the Animation Film Industry
  • Portrayal of Mental Health in Contemporary Cinema
  • Cultural Stereotypes in Global Film Industry
  • Feminist Theory Analysis in Alfred Hitchcock’s Films
  • Violence and its Effect on Teenagers in Action Films
  • Representation of History in Steven Spielberg’s Movies
  • Examination of Homosexuality in Bollywood Cinema
  • Depiction of Science and Technology in Science Fiction Films
  • Philosophical Themes Explored in the Matrix Trilogy
  • Influence of Film Noir on Modern Thrillers
  • Comic Book Adaptations: Success and Failure Factors
  • Cinema’s Role in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • Portrayal of AI and Robotics in Films: A Comparative Study
  • Evolution of Special Effects in the Film Industry
  • Relationship Between Music and Narrative in Film
  • Examination of Sociopolitical Contexts in Iranian Cinema
  • Impacts of Hollywood on Global Film Cultures
  • Aesthetic Evolution in French New Wave Cinema
  • Exploring Symbolism in Stanley Kubrick’s Films
  • Influence of the Silent Era on Modern Film Techniques
  • Alien Depictions: Reflection of Societal Fears in Film
  • Use of Dreams and Subconscious in David Lynch’s Films
  • Examination of Masculinity in Clint Eastwood’s Westerns
  • Evolution of Animation: From Disney to Studio Ghibli
  • Exploring Religion and Spirituality in Indian Cinema

Easy Film Research Paper Topics

  • Interpreting Magic Realism in Guillermo del Toro’s Films
  • Analysis of Adaptation Theory in Book-to-Film Transitions
  • Modern Film Criticism: Influence of Online Review Platforms
  • Exploration of Absurdism in Coen Brothers’ Films
  • Social Media Portrayal in Contemporary Film
  • Influence of Film on Public Perception of Historical Events
  • Analysis of Horror Tropes in Japanese Cinema
  • Portrayal of Childhood and Growing Up in Animated Films
  • Impacts of Censorship Policies on Film Creativity
  • Narrative Techniques in Quentin Tarantino’s Films
  • The Role of Fashion and Costume in Period Films
  • Ethical Considerations in Documentary Filmmaking
  • Representation of Post-Apocalyptic Themes in Cinema
  • Exploring Cultural Identity in African Cinema
  • Analysis of Musical Scores in Film Noir
  • Examination of Adaptation of Video Games Into Films
  • Portrayal of Space Travel in Science Fiction Films
  • Evolution of Stop Motion Techniques in Cinema
  • Cultural Interpretations of Love and Romance in Films
  • Examination of Dystopian Themes in Animated Films
  • Analyzing the Concept of Anti-Heroes in Film
  • Exploring Satire and Parody in Comedy Films
  • Portrayal of Race and Ethnicity in Hollywood Cinema

Film Research Paper Topics & Ideas

Interesting Film Research Paper Topics

  • Depiction of Cybercrime in Contemporary Cinema
  • Influence of German Expressionism on Tim Burton’s Aesthetic
  • Use of Color and Lighting in Guillermo del Toro’s Films
  • Examination of LGBTQ+ Representation in Hollywood Cinema
  • Roles of Politics in the Cuban Film Industry
  • Portrayal of Disability in Modern Films
  • Treatment of Time Travel in Science Fiction Films
  • Analyzing the Evolution of Cinematography Techniques
  • Cultural Influences in South Korean Cinema
  • Roles of Nostalgia in Recreating Period Pieces
  • Importance of Film Score in Creating Atmosphere
  • Analysis of Propaganda Techniques in North Korean Cinema
  • Representation of Women in Action Films
  • Ethical Implications of Animal Use in Film Production
  • Impacts of Streaming Platforms on Film Distribution
  • Evolution of Film Censorship: A Comparative Study
  • Examination of Familial Relationships in Animated Films
  • Interpretation of Surrealism in Luis Buñuel’s Films
  • Examination of Biopics: Historical Accuracy vs. Dramatic License
  • Impacts of Film Festivals on Independent Cinema
  • Exploring Existentialism in Ingmar Bergman’s Films

Film Research Paper Topics About Students

  • Influence of Silent Cinema on Modern Filmmaking Techniques
  • Portrayal of Social Media’s Impact on Adolescents in Contemporary Movies
  • Bollywood vs. Hollywood: A Comparative Study of Storytelling Styles
  • Representation of Mental Health in Animation Movies
  • Foreign Language Films: Enhancing Global Cultural Understanding among Students
  • The Role of Women in Classic Film Noir: A Critical Analysis
  • Analysis of Auteur Theory in Modern Independent Cinema
  • Evaluating the Accuracy of Historical Dramas: A Fact vs. Fiction Study
  • Roles of Music in Creating Emotional Impact: A Study on Film Scores
  • Racial Stereotyping in Blockbuster Movies: A Comprehensive Study
  • Interpreting Symbolism and Metaphor in Fantasy Genre Films
  • Exploring Subliminal Messages in Advertising and Product Placement in Films
  • Understanding the Social Impact of LGBTQ+ Representation in Cinema
  • Examining the Evolution of Special Effects in the Film Industry
  • Influence of Japanese Anime on Western Animation Styles
  • Significance of Set Design in Creating Realistic Period Films
  • Ethics in Documentary Filmmaking: Truth vs. Storytelling
  • Roles of Cinematography in Enhancing Narratives in Films
  • Impacts of Sci-Fi Films on Popular Science Understanding Among Students
  • Subtext and Satire: The Power of Political Commentary in Movies
  • Narrative Techniques in Autobiographical and Biographical Films
  • Artistic Censorship: Its Impact on Creative Freedom in International Cinema

Film Research Paper Topics Made by Students

  • Transformation of Comic Books to Silver Screen: A Historical Analysis
  • Gender Representation in Oscar-Winning Films Over the Decades
  • The Evolution of Horror Films: From Psycho to Paranormal
  • Motion Capture Technology: Changing the Landscape of Animation Films
  • Examination of Propaganda in World War II Era Cinema
  • Unpacking the Influence of Music Scores in Emotional Storytelling
  • Analyzing Film Noir: The Aesthetics of Grit and Shadows
  • Impacts of Streaming Platforms on Traditional Movie Theatres
  • Silent Era to Talkies: How Did Sound Revolutionize Cinema?
  • Special Effects Techniques: The Making of Modern Sci-Fi Movies
  • The Hero’s Journey: Exploring Mythological Themes in Films
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Documentaries: A Study on Bias and Objectivity
  • Dissecting the Psychological Depth of Christopher Nolan’s Films
  • Censorship in Films: A Comparative Study Between Countries
  • The Role of the Auteur in Independent Filmmaking
  • How Disney Reinvents Fairy Tales: A Feminist Perspective
  • Bollywood vs. Hollywood: Contrasting Storytelling Techniques
  • Exploration of Coming-of-Age Themes in Teenage Films
  • Stereotyping in Movies: Assessing the Consequences on Society
  • Roles of Cinematography in Creating a Film’s Atmosphere

Film Research Paper Topics About Popular Movies

  • Influences of Classic Literature on “The Lord of the Rings” Trilogy
  • Propaganda and War-Time Politics in “Casablanca”
  • Exploring Social Alienation in “Taxi Driver”
  • Cinematography Techniques Used in “Citizen Kane”
  • Implicit Racism Portrayed in “Gone with the Wind”
  • Animation Evolution: A Study on the “Toy Story” Series
  • Gender Stereotypes in Disney Princess Films
  • Symbolism and Surrealism in “Pan’s Labyrinth”
  • Cult Status and Cultural Impact of “Pulp Fiction”
  • Examination of Crime and Morality in “The Godfather”
  • “Fight Club” and the Commentary on Consumerism
  • Psychological Analysis of the Protagonist in “A Clockwork Orange”
  • Role of Music in the Narrative of the “Star Wars” Saga
  • Concept of Love in Richard Linklater’s “Before” Trilogy
  • “The Shining” and Its Divergence From the Original Novel
  • “Inception” and the Philosophy of Dream Interpretation
  • The Relevance of “1984” in the Age of Mass Surveillance
  • Science and Fiction: A Study on “Interstellar”
  • Decoding the Metaphor of “The Matrix”
  • “The Dark Knight”: A Modern Take on Heroism and Villainy
  • Biblical Themes in Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah”
  • Investigating Historical Accuracy in “Schindler’s List”

Film Research Paper Topics on History

  • The Impact of World War II on Hollywood: Propaganda and Patriotism
  • The Rise of Film Noir: Exploring the Dark Side of Post-War America
  • Cultural Significance of Epic Historical Films: From “Gone with the Wind” to “Gladiator”
  • Uncovering Hidden Histories: Films That Shed Light on Forgotten Events
  • The Representation of Ancient Civilizations in Hollywood: Myths and Realities
  • The Birth of Cinema: Exploring the Early Pioneers and Their Historical Films
  • Propaganda in Film During the Cold War: From East to West
  • The Role of Women in Historical Films: Portrayals and Progressions
  • Depicting the Civil Rights Movement on the Silver Screen: From “Selma” to “The Help”
  • The Historical Accuracy of Biographical Films: Balancing Fact and Fiction
  • The Representation of Colonialism in Film: Perspectives and Power Dynamics
  • The Cinematic Portrayal of World War I: From “All Quiet on the Western Front” to “1917”
  • Political Upheaval and Film: Exploring Revolutionary Movements on Screen
  • The Historical Evolution of War Films: From Silent Era to Modern Blockbusters
  • The Representation of Indigenous Peoples in Historical Films: Stereotypes and Subversions
  • Holocaust’s Theme in Movies: Documenting Trauma and Commemorating History
  • The Role of Historical Films in Shaping Collective Memory: Remembering the Past
  • Film and the Civil Rights Movement: Documenting Activism and Progress
  • The Portrayal of Historical Figures: Heroes, Villains, and Complex Characters

Research Paper Topics on Music in Films

  • Musical Transformations: Exploring the Evolution of Film Scores
  • Melodic Narrative: The Role of Music in Conveying Storytelling Elements in Films
  • Harmonic Innovations: Examining the Impact of Experimental Music in Cinematic Soundtracks
  • Rhythm and Emotion: Analyzing the Connection Between Beat and Mood in Film Music
  • Melancholic Melodies: Investigating the Use of Music to Evoke Sadness in Movies
  • Orchestral Powerhouses: Unveiling the Influence of Symphonic Scores in Epic Films
  • Sonic Identity: The Significance of Musical Themes in Establishing Character Presence in Movies
  • Vocal Expressions: Exploring the Role of Singing in Enhancing Cinematic Narratives
  • Cinematic Soundscapes: Investigating the Use of Ambient Music in Establishing Atmosphere
  • Cultural Harmonies: Examining the Representation of Different Music Genres in Film Scores
  • Experimental Soundtracks: Analyzing the Use of Avant-Garde Music in Artistic Films
  • Jazzy Tones: Unveiling the Influence of Jazz Music in Enhancing the Cinematic Experience
  • Musical Archetypes: Exploring the Portrayal of Heroes and Villains through Music in Films
  • Electronic Ambience: Investigating the Role of Techno and Electronic Music in Movie Soundtracks
  • Musical Narrative Arcs: Analyzing the Structure and Development of Musical Scores in Films
  • Emotional Resonance: Examining the Connection Between Music and Audience Response in Movies
  • Historical Harmonies: Unveiling the Role of Period Music in Depicting Different Eras in Film
  • Musical Cues: Exploring the Use of Leitmotifs in Creating Musical Associations in Cinema
  • Cross-Cultural Fusion: Investigating the Incorporation of World Music in Film Scores
  • Genre-Bending Soundtracks: Analyzing the Influence of Non-Traditional Music in Different Film Genres

Horror Film Research Paper Topics

  • Evolution of Horror Cinema: From Silent Movies to CGI Monsters
  • The Role of Sound Design and Score in Creating Horror Atmosphere
  • Psychoanalysis and Fear: The Hidden Messages in Classic Horror Films
  • Ghost Stories in Film: Cultural Differences in Horror Narratives
  • Horror Tropes and Their Social Commentary: A Deep Dive
  • Relevance of Classic Monsters in Modern Horror Films
  • The Impact of Globalization on Horror Film Narratives
  • Found Footage Films: The Realism in Fear and Dread
  • Women in Horror: Representation and Character Development
  • Dissecting Cinematic Techniques in Iconic Horror Scenes
  • Psychological Horror vs. Slasher Films: A Comparative Study
  • Portrayal of Mental Illness in Horror Movies: Is It Responsible?
  • Exorcism and Religion: The Unholy Alliance in Horror Films
  • Horror Comedy: The Unique Balance of Scares and Laughs
  • Adaptation of Horror Literature into Film: Successes and Failures
  • Body Horror: Physical Mutation as a Symbol of Inner Turmoil
  • Dark Tourism in Horror Films: Spooky Locations and Their Histories
  • Post-Apocalyptic Horror Films: Reflecting Societal Anxieties
  • Creature Features: The Significance of Non-Human Antagonists
  • Examining the Unsettling Nature of Uncanny Valley in Horror Movies
  • Interplay of Light and Darkness in Horror Cinematography
  • Reception Studies: How Do Different Cultures Respond to Horror Films?
  • Queer Representation in the Horror Genre: Progress and Challenges

Film Research Paper Topics About Monster Movies

  • Evolution of Monster Depictions in Cinema: A Historical Analysis
  • Cultural Implications of Monster Symbols in Japanese Kaiju Films
  • Transcending Fear: Psychoanalytic Theory in Monster Movies
  • Dissecting the Female Monster: Gender Dynamics in Horror Films
  • Monsters as Metaphors: Environmental Themes in Monster Cinema
  • The Gaze of the Other: Racial and Ethnic Subtexts in Monster Films
  • Unveiling Monstrosity: The Role of Cinematography in Monster Reveals
  • CGI vs. Practical Effects: Creating Convincing Monsters in Modern Cinema
  • How Do Score and Sound Design Enhance the Fright Factor in Monster Movies?
  • Parallels Between Classical Mythology and Contemporary Monster Films
  • The Lure of the Lovecraftian: Cosmic Horror in Monster Movies
  • Alien Invaders: The Intersection of Monster and Science Fiction Genres
  • Transformation and Fear: The Role of Werewolves in Cinema
  • Gothic Influence on the Evolution of Vampire Movies
  • The Horror of the Familiar: Domesticity as a Setting in Monster Films
  • Monstrosity Reimagined: Postmodern Approaches in Monster Cinema
  • Archetypes and Stereotypes: Monster Character Analysis in Film
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How to Cite a Movie in MLA Style | Format & Examples

Published on August 1, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on March 5, 2024.

To cite a film in MLA, include the title, the director, any other relevant contributors, the production or distribution company, and the year of release. If there are multiple versions of a film, you also need to identify the version.

To cite a movie from Netflix (and similar online streaming services), add the name of the website or app (e.g. “Netflix app”). If you watched the movie on an unofficial website or video-sharing platform like YouTube, add the website name, the uploader, the date of upload, and the URL.

In the MLA in-text citation , include the title (or a shortened version of it) and the time range.

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Mla movie citation format, citing online movies, mla in-text citations for movies.

You build an MLA Works Cited entry by filling in the relevant elements. An MLA citation usually starts with the author’s name, but because films are created by many different people, you start the citation with the film’s title instead. The director appears after the title as a contributor.

Other contributors

If relevant, you can also add other contributors, as with TV shows . For example, if your paper mentions specific performances, you can include the actors in your citation; if you discuss the film’s visuals, you can include the cinematographer.

Identify the role of each contributor and separate them with commas.

If your discussion of the movie focuses mainly on one contributor (e.g. the director or a performer), you can choose to include that name at the start of the citation instead, where the author would normally go.

In this case, make sure to use the same name in your in-text citation.

If there are different versions of a film, you need to state which one you used so the reader can find the correct source (e.g. extended version, director’s cut).

If this version was released later than the original, you can also add the year of the original release after the title. This is optional, but it is often helpful to give the historical context of the source.

Films are often produced and distributed by several different companies, which can make it difficult to determine the publisher .

Try to identify the organization that had primary responsibility for the movie’s production or distribution. If multiple production companies and/or distributors were equally involved, you can separate them with a forward slash.

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If you stream a film on an official distribution platform like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video, you can choose to add information about the platform to the Works Cited entry if you think it’s relevant.

If the film was republished on a website unconnected to the producers or official distributors (such as YouTube, where anyone can upload a copy of a movie), you should generally include this information in the citation.

After giving full details of the movie, add the name of the website , the uploader , the date it was published, and the URL .

Note that this format only applies to full movies uploaded to YouTube. If you are citing a clip or other material on YouTube, follow the format for citing a YouTube video instead.

The in-text citation must always correspond with the first word of the Works Cited entry. For movie citations, this is usually the title in italics. If the title is longer than a few words, shorten it to the first word or phrase.

Instead of a page number, add the time range of the part you are quoting or referring to.

If you have already mentioned the title in the sentence, the parenthetical citation only needs to include the time range.

If you are referring to the movie as a whole, it is acceptable to mention only the title with no time range.

If you start the Works Cited entry with the name of a contributor , make sure to use this name in the in-text citation so that the reader can easily locate it in the alphabetized list.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

McCombes, S. (2024, March 05). How to Cite a Movie in MLA Style | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from

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How to write a research paper about a movie?

The movie industry is ever-growing along with the technology producing it. There is always that new sound and mesmerizing video editing that make movie lovers obsessed with their favorite film. The movies elicit opinions and emotions that warrant discussions thus creating a need for a research paper that intend to find out why a movie is loved compared to others. The popularity of a movie id dependent on a lot of factors that the research intends to find out. Here are techniques from already written essays at Essay Kitchen on how to conduct and write a research paper about movies. 

What is a research paper?

A research paper is an academic writing that analyzes and argues a certain point. The researcher provides their perspective on the topic and additional information and findings from other sources. A good research paper, however, isn’t dependent on having an interesting topic rather it’s about following the research paper’s instructions carefully. There are three types of approaches for a research paper one can choose from: argumentative, expository, and analytical. When writers works with book review topics , Choosing the right approach can go a long way in improving the research paper.

Check professional examples

To understand the best practices and structures of an essay, you can look for professional examples. Services which provide Research papers online have a ton of examples that showcase how to best write an essay. There is a certain structure that is required for writing to be considered a research essay that a writer is required to implement. A research paper is different from other writings such as a research proposal with the difference lying in intentions of the two essays. A research paper is intended to gauge a student’s academic knowledge on a subject while a research proposal is a writing meant to persuade an audience on the importance of a research project. Looking at professional examples will aid in the differentiation.

Search for a pre-written essay

A writer should search for a pre-written essay on movies to search for additional information and most importantly avoid plagiarism. Reading pre-written essays on the topic according to services which provide research papers online aids the writer to understand more of the topic and gives inspiration and ideas on how to formulate their paper. Also, it enables the writer to decide which approach to the topic is unique and not following the viewpoints of others. It awakens the imagination and allows research on areas the previous essays failed to cover. In writing, honesty is integral to the reputation of a writer and thus plagiarism is not allowed according to conditions of . Looking at past essays about movies will ensure that the writer does not perform any regulations when speaking on the same topic or can acknowledge the original author if they quote their passages.

How to choose a movie?

Choosing a good movie is what determines what your theater experience will be like. These are the points to consider when choosing the perfect movie:

The audience should be a consideration when choosing a movie and you should ensure that the movie best appeals to a certain audience. Age and explicit content are the factors that draw the line on which the audience is entitled to watch which movie.

Choosing an essay about movies should follow a theme emanating from either an occasion or mood of the day. There is a variety of themes to choose from such as love, justice, friendships, and history

The genres include action, animation, comedy, romance, adventure, fantasy, and thriller. All these genres provide an identity to the movie therefore one should choose a movie they best identify with.

The list for actors is endless and everyone has had a favorite actor at some point. You can, therefore, choose a movie because your favorite actor played a role in it

Create a writing plan

Creating a writing plan is essential to having a conclusive research paper on movies. A writing plan will outline the movies being considered and the pros and cons judged. The movies are therefore graded regarding viewer ratings, starring actors and genre of the movie. A good writing plan will ensure that you cover the reasons why and movie is considered more appealing than the others and a personal opinion if that is the description of a good movie essay. A writing plan ensures efficiency and excellent time management that provides the writer with the freedom to make time for resting.

Write from your heart 

Movies are fun and a personal opinion creates a bond between its lovers. Being open to how you feel on Netflix movies is what provides authenticity.

The last step of a research paper is proofreading. Plugins such as Grammarly will help you get rid of the spelling errors and plagiarism.

Movies are an interesting production and new techniques continue to emerge every day. To complete an ideal research paper on movies, the writer must show their understanding of the movies and provide a discussion that is supported by facts. A personal opinion on the movies is also welcomed as it offers a new perspective regarding the movie. For instance, the protagonist of the movie may be well-liked but in your opinion, you don’t find him likable. Getting to research to prove your point of thought is what makes a good research essay.

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The Australian Professor Who Turned Breaking on Its Head

Rachael Gunn, known as B-girl Raygun, displayed some … unique moves as she competed in a field with breakers half her age. The judges and the internet were underwhelmed.

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A woman wearing green track pants, a green polo shirt and a cap poses with her hand up in front of a judges table.

By Dodai Stewart and Talya Minsberg

Reporting from Paris

Breaking made its debut as an Olympic sport Friday, and among the competitors was Dr. Rachael Gunn, also known as B-girl Raygun, a 36-year-old professor from Sydney, Australia, who stood out in just about every way.

By day, her research interests include “dance, gender politics, and the dynamics between theoretical and practical methodologies.” But on the world’s stage in Paris, wearing green track pants and a green polo shirt instead of the street-style outfits of her much younger fellow breakers, she competed against the 21-year-old Logan Edra of the United States, known as Logistx.

During the round robin, as Raygun and Logistx faced off, Raygun laid on her side, reached for her toes, spun around, and threw in a kangaroo hop — a nod to her homeland. She performed a move that looked something like swimming and another that could best be described as duckwalking. The high-speed back and head spins that other breakers would demonstrate were mostly absent.

The crowd cheered Raygun politely. The judges weren’t as kind. All nine voted for Logistx in both rounds of the competition; Logistx won, 18-0.

Online, Raygun’s performance quickly became a sensation, not necessarily in a flattering way.

“The more I watch the videos of Raygun, the Aussie breaker, the more I get annoyed,” one viewer posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “There’s 27.7 million Australians in the world and that’s who they send to the Olympics for this inaugural event??? C’mon now!”

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