The Smart Goal-Setting Process: Motivation and Empowerment Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Smart objectives, smart career goals.

SMART goal-setting was first introduced by Dr. Edwin Locke in the 1960s (Griffin, 2017). According to Locke, setting goals that fit into the SMART criteria provided motivation and empowerment to people, which was crucial to ensure that the goals are achieved (Griffin, 2017). Today, SMART criteria are applied to the goal-setting process in many organizations, regardless of their size and area of business. The rules are universal and can also be applied to personal goals, which makes them an excellent tool for developing a career plan.

The first criterion emphasizes that goals need to be specific and relevant to the desired outcome (Joseph, 2017). Setting general goals may reduce motivation, as the path to achieving them becomes unclear (Joseph, 2017).

In order to achieve success in pursuing a goal, there has to be a way to measure success, which is why the second point of SMART goals theory is that the goals need to be measurable (Joseph, 2017). By measuring success, it is possible to monitor the progress towards the goal, which ultimately improves motivation.

The third criterion to be applied to goals is attainability. A goal that is impossible to achieve becomes a burden rather than an opportunity, as all the efforts put in by the person will not help him or her to attain the goal. If the goal is achievable, on the other hand, it is possible to devise a clear strategy to ensure that it is reached.

The next criterion emphasizes the need for the goal to be realistic, which means that a goal has to be set with consideration of the current circumstances. If the goal is set too high comparing to the current career level, reaching it will be hardly possible.

The final stage of goal-setting is ensuring that the goals are time-bound. Setting a definite time limit by which the goal has to be achieved creates a sense of urgency, which may become a substantial motivating factor.

My ultimate aim is to become a Registered Nurse. However, there are three main stages that have to be completed before I can reach the desired position.

Stage One: Graduate from Regis Health Care Administration

The first step in my career plan is to graduate from Regis College with a degree in Health Care Administration. In order to do that, I need to complete all of the program requirements and courses, which is a specific objective. The goal can be easily measured, and the result of completing the goal will be receiving a Diploma that marks the successful ending of the course. I believe that this aim is also attainable, as I am working towards completing the course and so far my grades have been acceptable. Completing this stage of the plan is realistic, as the goal is set based on my current level of education and abilities. Finally, the expected time of completion is Summer 2018, which makes the goal time-bound.

Stage Two: Enroll in an Accelerated Nursing Program

After I receive my certificate in Health Care Administration, I will need to enroll in a nursing program to continue my nursing education. I plan on applying for an accelerated nursing program at Regis, Metro, or Denver School, which is a specific objective. Acceptance into the program will be the ultimate measure of success, which means that the goal is measurable. It is also attainable and realistic, as it is the next step after I graduate from my HCA program; I am aware of the requirements of these schools and believe that I can attain the results needed for acceptance. Finally, the anticipated start of the program is in Fall 2018, which sets a specific time limit for the goal.

Stage Three: Work as an RN in Sandalwood Rehabilitation Center

The ultimate goal of my career plan is to achieve an RN position at Sandalwood Rehabilitation Center, where I currently work as a CNA. This aim is specific, as it mentions the position and place of work. The goal is also measurable, as I will know when I receive this position. The goal is attainable, as I have been successful in my work here so far and I believe that upon completion of the nursing course, I will be accepted to work as an RN. The aim is also realistic as I understand the requirements of the position and the path to achieving certification. Finally, the time limit of the goal will be estimated as soon as I complete the second stage of the plan, as it depends on the length of the nursing program that I will complete. As soon as I receive the certification, I believe it will take me up to six months to gain an RN position.

Overall, I believe that separating my career plan into three SMART goals is a useful practice to gain more understanding of how to achieve the ultimate career aim. SMART goal-setting ensures that the goals are not unrealistic, which provides more motivation to work towards the goals. I feel that my current abilities and the chosen path of development will help me to reach my final goal and to receive an RN position at Sandalwood Rehabilitation Center.

Griffin, D. (2017). The SMART goal-setting process . Web.

Joseph, C. (2017). Elements of S.M.A.R.T. goal setting . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 13). The Smart Goal-Setting Process: Motivation and Empowerment.

"The Smart Goal-Setting Process: Motivation and Empowerment." IvyPanda , 13 Sept. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Smart Goal-Setting Process: Motivation and Empowerment'. 13 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Smart Goal-Setting Process: Motivation and Empowerment." September 13, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "The Smart Goal-Setting Process: Motivation and Empowerment." September 13, 2020.


IvyPanda . "The Smart Goal-Setting Process: Motivation and Empowerment." September 13, 2020.

How to Write SMART Goals: Examples, Step-by-Step Guide, and Free Template

By Kate Eby | January 9, 2019 (updated August 6, 2024)

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In order to be effective, your goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. In this guide, we’ll show you how to write effective SMART goals for professional and personal scenarios. Included in this article, you’ll find the following:

  • Step-by-step guide to writing SMART goals
  • Free SMART goals worksheet to get started
  • How to pick the right SMART goals for your project or organization
  • How to track SMART goals
  • Examples of professional and personal SMART goals

What Is a SMART Goal?

A  SMART goal is a framework for defining objectives, where each goal is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Follow this method to establish clear, attainable goals that hold you accountable to a deadline. SMART goals are useful in all professional sectors and industries, as well as in personal life (see examples of personal and professional SMART goals below). Using this framework will help ensure that you are working toward clearly defined goals that you can execute by a deadline. Additionally, the SMART framework eliminates guesswork and back-and-forth among parties. It also helps individuals and teams track progress with pre-defined success metrics.

Jake Munday

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How to Create a SMART Goal

SpecificWhat do you want to accomplish? What specific outcome do you want to achieve?
MeasurableHow will you measure your success? What type of data will you include? How will you evaluate it, and how frequently will you check?
AttainableDo you have all the necessary skills and resources to achieve this goal? If not, can you obtain them?
RelevantIs this goal aligned with your other goals, or the overarching goals of your team or organization?
Time-BoundWhat is the timeframe for achieving this goal?

To create a SMART goal, decide what you want to accomplish, and then address each component of the SMART acronym. Make sure that your goal centers on an outcome, not a practice or set of behaviors. A SMART goal should, in the end, achieve something. Use the chart below to see if your goal meets the SMART criteria at a high level. For a more in-depth discussion of how to write SMART goals, see our step-by-step how-to below. Though it’s important that you clearly define your goal using the method above, remember that it’s still worthwhile to brainstorm all your various ideas. Once you see all the potential options, work with your team to refine the list and create SMART goals.

Allison Schmidt

How to Write SMART Goals

To write a SMART goal, simply define each component in the SMART acronym. Go in order, and ensure that your proposed goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. If it doesn’t meet each of these criteria, slowly refine it until it does. Follow the step-by-step how-to below for guidance on how to write and refine your goals to ensure that they are SMART. S: Ensure Your Goal Is Specific Think about this step as the mission statement for your goal. Focus on an outcome you want to achieve, not just a set of practices you want to implement. Be as specific as possible. To do this, answer the five W questions (who, what, when, where, and why):

  • Who: Consider who needs to be involved to achieve the goal. Consider appointing roles and responsibilities.
  • What: Dive into the details of what you want to accomplish.
  • When: Envision a general sense of the timeline you anticipate you’ll need to achieve this goal. You’ll have to be much more specific about this in the “T” section of the how-to.
  • Where: This question may not always apply, especially if you’re setting personal goals, but if there’s a location or relevant event your goal is tied to, identify it here.
  • Why: What is the reason for the goal? When it comes to using this method for employees, the answer will likely be along the lines of company advancement or career development.  

“Define the goal as clearly as possible. Avoid vagueness which can lead to misdirection,” says Munday. M: Decide How You Will Measure Your Goal In this step, decide which metrics you will use to track your progress and to define whether or not you are successful. Doing so makes a goal more tangible because it provides a way to concretely measure progress. If your goal will take several months to complete, set some milestones tied to specific subtasks. “Ensure that the goal can be quantified or a clear indicator of progress can be identified,” says Munday. If the goal can’t be quantified, you will need to adjust it. A: Ensure Your Goal Is Attainable “Your goal should be challenging yet attainable with the available resources,” continues Munday. Look at the resources available to you — people, capital, tools, etc. — and assess whether this goal is realistic with your current means. You might also look at data on past projects to determine whether this new goal is attainable. If not, that doesn’t mean you need to abandon your goal. Simply assess the costs of investing in additional resources, or consider extending your timeline in the time-bound section below. R: Ensure That Your Goal Is Relevant to Larger Objectives In this scenario, relevance refers to how well your goal aligns to larger team or organizational initiatives. Ideally, your goal will support the other work you’re doing and serve your long-term goals in some way. If nothing else, it should not detract or divert energy away from goals you’re already committed to. T: Give Yourself a Time Limit for Accomplishing Your Goal Setting a hard deadline will help you measure progress, even if you don’t accomplish your goal in the allotted time period. Anyone can set goals, but if it lacks realistic timing, chances are you’re not going to succeed. Commit to a target date for deliverables, and ask all stakeholders whether this goal is likely to be completed in the allotted time period. If the goal will take three months to complete, it’s useful to define what should be achieved halfway through the process. Providing time constraints also creates a sense of urgency.

Microsoft Word SMART Goals Worksheet

SMART Goals Template

‌ Download a SMART Goals Template for Microsoft Word  | Google Docs

When to Use:  Use this worksheet to brainstorm and refine your SMART goals. Start by making an extensive list of all possibilities, and then slowly edit and refine that list in order to draft your final SMART goal.

Notable Features:  The template is broken out into sections for each letter in the acronym: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Each section includes prompts that will help you brainstorm all the variables that you need to take into account. Then, you can home in on your priorities and write your finalized SMART goals.

How to Pick the Right SMART Goals

The “right” SMART goals will be in line with larger team or organizational objectives. Don’t commit to any new goal that conflicts with or counteracts an existing goal. Instead, make sure all goals align and work together to achieve organizational success. “To choose the right SMART goals, I first assess the overall objectives of the project or initiative,” says Munday of Custom Neon. “Understanding the end game allows me to reverse engineer the steps needed to get there, which I then shape into specific SMART goals. It’s crucial that each goal directly contributes to the larger objective to maintain coherence and focus throughout the project.”

Alex Ugate

Execute on SMART Goals with Project Management in Smartsheet

Once you’ve defined your SMART goals, it’s essential to put a plan in place to achieve them. To help with execution, you need a tool that enables you to plan, track, manage, automate, and report on your goals in real-time.

One such tool is Smartsheet, a work execution platform that enables enterprises and teams to get from idea to impact - fast. With a collaborative, real-time objectives tracker in Smartsheet, you can increase transparency and improve accountability across your initiatives.

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Plus, top project management leaders rely on Smartsheet to help align the right people, resources, and schedules to get work done. Use Smartsheet to create consistent project elements, increase speed, and improve collaboration with scalable options that fit individual work preferences. Hold yourself and your team accountable, improve visibility into team priorities, and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

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Examples of SMART Goals

You can write SMART goals for any professional setting or industry, as well as for your personal life. Below, you’ll find real-world examples of initiatives and how to format them as SMART goals.

Professional SMART Goal to Improve Employee Performance and Retention

Ritchie Tendencia

Professional SMART Goal to Decrease Customer Churn Rate

Axel Lavergne

Personal SMART Goal to Become a Better Leader

Jake Munday of Custom Neon wanted to improve his leadership skills and become a stronger CEO. However, he needed to focus his efforts on something tangible so the goal could be measured and the necessary actions wouldn’t be so vague. Here’s how he turned it into a SMART goal: I want to complete a leadership development course in three months, by dedicating two hours every week to study. “This goal was specific to professional growth, measurable by course completion, achievable within my weekly schedule, relevant to enhancing my leadership skills as a founder and CEO, and time-bound by a three-month period,” says Munday.

Personal SMART Goal to Increase My Business Knowledge

Lavergne of ReviewFlowz wanted to increase his business knowledge by reading more books but needed to concretize the goal. He followed the SMART formula and wrote the following SMART goal: I will increase my business knowledge by reading one business book per month for a year. “This goal was specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to my professional growth, and time-bound, helping me stay disciplined and informed,” says Lavergne. “It significantly broadened my knowledge and improved my business strategies, making me a more effective leader.” For dozens more examples of SMART goals, visit our roundup of  SMART goals and examples . Additionally, check out this  comprehensive guide to project management SMART goals and these  examples of SMART goals for leadership .

How to Track SMART Goals

It is imperative to track SMART goals to measure your progress and assess whether or not you were successful. Because SMART goals require you to define the metrics and timeframe of each goal up front, they are relatively easy to track and report on. Below are some expert tips for tracking SMART goals:  

  • Ensure That the Goal Is Actually Measurable:  “Make sure the goals you set out are actually measurable,” says Ugarte of London Office Space. “Have quantifiable criteria to track progress and determine when the goal has been achieved. For example, rather than aiming to ‘improve customer satisfaction,’ instead set a goal to ‘achieve a customer satisfaction score of 90 percent as measured by our end-of-service surveys.’" 
  • Stick to the Metrics You Defined Up Front:  Part of defining a SMART goal is choosing how you will measure success. To effectively report on your performance, don’t change these metrics midway through.
  • Set Up a Tracking System: Use project management software or another goal-tracking program to monitor your progress. This ensures that you have a single source of truth for all team members to refer to and will help keep you accountable to your goals. Visit our  complete roundup of goal tracking templates to get started tracking your progress.
  • Consistently Evaluate Your Progress:  Decide how frequently you will track progress. Don’t refer to your metrics so often that it becomes its own source of stress (i.e. every day), but check often enough that you are looped into any unanticipated hangups. Consistently monitoring progress will allow you to communicate and collaborate early if things go off course.

Logan Mallory

  • Reflect on and Learn from Each Round of Goals:  Even if you fall short of a goal, it’s worth reflecting on it with the team. What went well, and what could have gone better? Bring those new insights to your next round of goals, and adjust criteria — such as time or resources — to hit your new goals.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Reassess and Edit Your SMART Goals:  “I always make sure I've got a few sessions scheduled across a week or two to revisit my SMART goals before finalizing them,” says Mallory of Motivosity. “SMART goals are like any rough draft. The very first stab at it probably won't be the best or most elegant. Give yourself time to play around with the goals, revisiting their clarity and details and really leaving space for final tweaks.”

Establishing Clarity Around Success and Failure of Goals

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How to write SMART goals

It’s easier to succeed when you have clearly defined objectives that are based in reality.

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5-second summary

  • Teams often fall short of meeting their goals due to a lack of consensus on the definition of success.
  • SMART goals use a specific set of criteria to help ensure that objectives are clearly defined and attainable within a certain timeframe.
  • Working through each step of creating a SMART goal can reveal instances where priorities and resources are out of alignment.

Meet Jane. She’s a product manager at a mid-sized tech company – let’s call it Techfirm, Inc. Jane has been tasked with increasing usage of Techfirm’s mobile app.

She knows she’ll need all hands on deck to make this happen, but when Jane has set team-wide goals in the past, they’ve quickly fallen off track. Nobody seemed to have a clear understanding of what success should look like; progress wasn’t monitored closely enough, and inevitably, that important objective slipped to the back burner (before toppling off the stove entirely).

That’s why, this time around, Jane plans to leverage SMART goals for setting an action plan and staying the course.

Want to get started right now?

Use our template to define the different components of your SMART goal.

What are SMART goals?

The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Defining these parameters as they pertain to your goal helps ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame. This approach eliminates generalities and guesswork, sets a clear timeline, and makes it easier to track progress and identify missed milestones.

An example of a SMART-goal statement might look like this: Our goal is to [quantifiable objective] by [timeframe or deadline]. [Key players or teams] will accomplish this goal by [what steps you’ll take to achieve the goal]. Accomplishing this goal will [result or benefit].

Let’s use Jane’s objective to work through each component.

S: Specific

In order for a goal to be effective, it needs to be specific. A specific goal answers questions like:

  • What needs to be accomplished?
  • Who’s responsible for it?
  • What steps need to be taken to achieve it?

Thinking through these questions helps get to the heart of what you’re aiming for. Here’s an example of a specific goal Jane might come up with:

Grow the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns.

M: Measurable

Don’t underestimate the outsized impact of short-term goals

Don’t underestimate the outsized impact of short-term goals

Specificity is a solid start, but quantifying your goals (that is, making sure they’re measurable) makes it easier to track progress and know when you’ve reached the finish line.

Jane and her product team want to grow the number of their mobile app users – but by how much? If they get even one new signup, that’s technically positive growth – so does that mean they’re done? Same goes for their strategy – how many platforms will they advertise on? 

To make this SMART objective more impactful, Jane should incorporate measurable, trackable benchmarks.

Increase the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by 1,000 by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns for four social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

A: Achievable

This is the point in the process when you give yourself a serious reality check. Goals should be realistic –  not  pedestals from which you inevitably tumble. Ask yourself: is your objective something your team can reasonably accomplish?

Jane might look at her goal and realize that, given her small team and their heavy workload, creating ad campaigns for four social platforms might be biting off more than they can chew. She decides to scale back to the three social networks where she’s most likely to find new clients.

Increase the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by 1,000 by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns for three social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Safeguarding the achievability of your goal is much easier when you’re the one setting it. However, that’s not always the case. When goals are handed down from elsewhere, make sure to communicate any restraints you may be working under. Even if you can’t shift the end goal, at least you can make your position (and any potential roadblocks) known up-front.

R: Relevant

Here’s where you need to think about the big picture. Why are you setting the goal that you’re setting? Jane knows that the app is a huge driver of customer loyalty, and that an uptick in their app usage could mean big things for the company’s bottom-line revenue goals. Now she revises her statement to reflect that context.

Grow the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by 1,000 by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns for three social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Because mobile users tend to use our product longer, growing our app usage will ultimately increase profitability.

T: Time-bound

To properly measure success, you and your team need to be on the same page about when a goal has been reached. What’s your time horizon? When will the team start creating and implementing the tasks they’ve identified? When will they finish?

SMART goals should have time-related parameters built in, so everybody knows how to stay on track within a designated time frame.

When Jane incorporates those dates, her SMART goal is complete.

Grow the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by 1,000 within Q1 of 2022. This will be accomplished by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns, which will begin running in February 2022, on three social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Since mobile is our primary point of conversion for paid-customer signups, growing our app usage will ultimately increase sales.

Knowing how to set goals using the SMART framework can help you succeed in setting and attaining goals, no matter how large or small.

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Essay Papers Writing Online

Tips and tricks for crafting engaging and effective essays.

Writing essays

Writing essays can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and strategies, you can create compelling and impactful pieces that captivate your audience. Whether you’re a student working on an academic paper or a professional honing your writing skills, these tips will help you craft essays that stand out.

Effective essays are not just about conveying information; they are about persuading, engaging, and inspiring readers. To achieve this, it’s essential to pay attention to various elements of the essay-writing process, from brainstorming ideas to polishing your final draft. By following these tips, you can elevate your writing and produce essays that leave a lasting impression.

Understanding the Essay Prompt

Before you start writing your essay, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the essay prompt or question provided by your instructor. The essay prompt serves as a roadmap for your essay and outlines the specific requirements or expectations.

Here are a few key things to consider when analyzing the essay prompt:

  • Read the prompt carefully and identify the main topic or question being asked.
  • Pay attention to any specific instructions or guidelines provided, such as word count, formatting requirements, or sources to be used.
  • Identify key terms or phrases in the prompt that can help you determine the focus of your essay.

By understanding the essay prompt thoroughly, you can ensure that your essay addresses the topic effectively and meets the requirements set forth by your instructor.

Researching Your Topic Thoroughly

Researching Your Topic Thoroughly

One of the key elements of writing an effective essay is conducting thorough research on your chosen topic. Research helps you gather the necessary information, facts, and examples to support your arguments and make your essay more convincing.

Here are some tips for researching your topic thoroughly:

Don’t rely on a single source for your research. Use a variety of sources such as books, academic journals, reliable websites, and primary sources to gather different perspectives and valuable information.
While conducting research, make sure to take detailed notes of important information, quotes, and references. This will help you keep track of your sources and easily refer back to them when writing your essay.
Before using any information in your essay, evaluate the credibility of the sources. Make sure they are reliable, up-to-date, and authoritative to strengthen the validity of your arguments.
Organize your research materials in a systematic way to make it easier to access and refer to them while writing. Create an outline or a research plan to structure your essay effectively.

By following these tips and conducting thorough research on your topic, you will be able to write a well-informed and persuasive essay that effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.

Creating a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a crucial element of any well-crafted essay. It serves as the main point or idea that you will be discussing and supporting throughout your paper. A strong thesis statement should be clear, specific, and arguable.

To create a strong thesis statement, follow these tips:

  • Be specific: Your thesis statement should clearly state the main idea of your essay. Avoid vague or general statements.
  • Be concise: Keep your thesis statement concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or lengthy explanations.
  • Be argumentative: Your thesis statement should present an argument or perspective that can be debated or discussed in your essay.
  • Be relevant: Make sure your thesis statement is relevant to the topic of your essay and reflects the main point you want to make.
  • Revise as needed: Don’t be afraid to revise your thesis statement as you work on your essay. It may change as you develop your ideas.

Remember, a strong thesis statement sets the tone for your entire essay and provides a roadmap for your readers to follow. Put time and effort into crafting a clear and compelling thesis statement to ensure your essay is effective and persuasive.

Developing a Clear Essay Structure

One of the key elements of writing an effective essay is developing a clear and logical structure. A well-structured essay helps the reader follow your argument and enhances the overall readability of your work. Here are some tips to help you develop a clear essay structure:

1. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that introduces the topic and clearly states your thesis or main argument.

2. Organize your ideas: Before you start writing, outline the main points you want to cover in your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas.

3. Use topic sentences: Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. This helps the reader understand the purpose of each paragraph.

4. Provide evidence and analysis: Support your arguments with evidence and analysis to back up your main points. Make sure your evidence is relevant and directly supports your thesis.

5. Transition between paragraphs: Use transitional words and phrases to create flow between paragraphs and help the reader move smoothly from one idea to the next.

6. Conclude effectively: End your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis. Avoid introducing new ideas in the conclusion.

By following these tips, you can develop a clear essay structure that will help you effectively communicate your ideas and engage your reader from start to finish.

Using Relevant Examples and Evidence

When writing an essay, it’s crucial to support your arguments and assertions with relevant examples and evidence. This not only adds credibility to your writing but also helps your readers better understand your points. Here are some tips on how to effectively use examples and evidence in your essays:

  • Choose examples that are specific and relevant to the topic you’re discussing. Avoid using generic examples that may not directly support your argument.
  • Provide concrete evidence to back up your claims. This could include statistics, research findings, or quotes from reliable sources.
  • Interpret the examples and evidence you provide, explaining how they support your thesis or main argument. Don’t assume that the connection is obvious to your readers.
  • Use a variety of examples to make your points more persuasive. Mixing personal anecdotes with scholarly evidence can make your essay more engaging and convincing.
  • Cite your sources properly to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism. Follow the citation style required by your instructor or the publication you’re submitting to.

By integrating relevant examples and evidence into your essays, you can craft a more convincing and well-rounded piece of writing that resonates with your audience.

Editing and Proofreading Your Essay Carefully

Once you have finished writing your essay, the next crucial step is to edit and proofread it carefully. Editing and proofreading are essential parts of the writing process that help ensure your essay is polished and error-free. Here are some tips to help you effectively edit and proofread your essay:

1. Take a Break: Before you start editing, take a short break from your essay. This will help you approach the editing process with a fresh perspective.

2. Read Aloud: Reading your essay aloud can help you catch any awkward phrasing or grammatical errors that you may have missed while writing. It also helps you check the flow of your essay.

3. Check for Consistency: Make sure that your essay has a consistent style, tone, and voice throughout. Check for inconsistencies in formatting, punctuation, and language usage.

4. Remove Unnecessary Words: Look for any unnecessary words or phrases in your essay and remove them to make your writing more concise and clear.

5. Proofread for Errors: Carefully proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Pay attention to commonly misused words and homophones.

6. Get Feedback: It’s always a good idea to get feedback from someone else. Ask a friend, classmate, or teacher to review your essay and provide constructive feedback.

By following these tips and taking the time to edit and proofread your essay carefully, you can improve the overall quality of your writing and make sure your ideas are effectively communicated to your readers.

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How to Set and Achieve Smart Goals? SMART Goals for Studying and Business

the smart essay

How to Set Smart Goals?

If you're reading this, it's probably because you want to improve your life. That means you understand that you should set personal goals to get anywhere in life. But how do you do that? How can you skillfully set goals to help you achieve your desired outcome? 

How to Set and Achieve Smart Goals

Fortunately, the SMART framework can help anyone wishing to scale up and achieve their goals in life. Whether this is your first time hearing about the SMART criteria or not, we've made this article helpful by sharing SMART goals examples, and everything you need to know to start achieving objectives. Also, check out custom term paper writing by our experts, who can deliver original, high-quality work for you.

What Do We Need SMART Goals For?

Setting achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals can be challenging, especially if you want to undertake a significant endeavor. Selecting a specific target is one thing, but conceptualizing every step from the start to the finish line results in either vague or unrealistic goals.

SMART goals definition includes a framework that allows you to set objectives around five elements. These include specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and valuable. The SMART formula keeps you focused on your efforts, uses your time well, and meets all deadlines. 

But are SMART goals important? For a starter, the SMART goal-setting process helps you avoid vagueness by helping you understand what you must do and when to do it for the ultimate goal.   

What are SMART Goals? 5 Rules For Setting Goals

Let's walk through what are SMART goals. The SMART goals acronym stands for: 

How to Set and Achieve Smart Goals

The framework helps define these parameters as they relate to your goals and keep them attainable within a specific time frame.

It's essential to keep each of these parameters in mind whenever you write SMART goals for yourself or your team. They are quantitative 'terms' that guarantee you achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals by eliminating generalization and guesswork.

The framework assigns a clear timeline that'll set you up for success if you strictly follow it. Below is an in-depth look into the SMART goals framework and how to leverage it for personal growth and success. 

S for Specific

S in the SMART goals framework stands for specific, representing the initial step in the goal-setting process. By being specific, you're simply trying to avoid vagueness and the generalities associated with setting goals.

You need to create SMART goals in clear, quantifiable terms to determine and re-evaluate what actions to take. Otherwise, you'll find it challenging to focus your efforts where they are most needed. When drafting a measurable goal, try to answer the five common "W" questions, including:

  • What needs to be accomplished?
  • Why are SMART goals important?
  • Who is responsible for achieving the SMART goal?
  • What steps should I take to accomplish this goal?
  • What are the expected requirements or obstacles I'll face along the way?

Remember that a clear goal is simple, sensible, and significant. For instance, your specific smart goal example of becoming a top-rated copywriter on any platform should first begin with acquiring the necessary skills and experience to enable you to become a top-rated copywriter.  

M For Measurable

The next step in setting SMART goals is to ensure they are measurable. This means you can easily track your progress and see how far you've advanced. Here, it would be best if you had a SMART goals worksheet that keeps you focused and excited about achieving them.

A lack of measurable goals means you won't be able to determine if you're making progress or not. To make your goals measurable, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I need to measure and track progress?
  • How will I know when the goal is accomplished?

If possible, set milestones along the way to help you track progress and make necessary amendments. A smart goal example is by estimating that you'll have finished learning the essential skills and earned experience within three years, you may assess your progress towards becoming a top-rated copywriter.

Remember that setting SMART goals should be fun if you learn to treat yourself in small significant ways as you move closer to your desired outcome. Here is a smart goals template showing each element:

S - SPECIFIC - What is your target?

M - MEASURABLE - How will you measure and track performance?

A - ACHIEVABLE - Is the goal achievable, considering various factors?

R - RELEVANT - Does the SMART goal example align with other personal or small business goals?

T - TIME-BOUND - What will be the beginning and end of the goal?

A For Achievable

Your set goals are only bound to succeed if they are realistic and attainable. This means you should not overstretch your abilities, even as you remain optimistic about fulfilling them. When you create SMART goal example that is achievable, you're boosting your morale and putting yourself in a better position.

The more realistic and achievable the goal, the more likely you will keep working toward it. Try to identify strengths and understand the challenges that may come along the way. Similarly, remain accountable from the initial goal-setting phase and ensure your SMART goals answer the following questions:

  • How can I accomplish this goal and celebrate wins?
  • How realistic is the goal, based on existing obstacles?

For example, ask yourself whether developing the skills required to become a top-rated copywriter is realistic and if you have all it takes to get there and achieve overall growth. Do I fall short of all the necessary resources to accomplish this goal? 

R For Relevant

Your SMART goals must be relevant, meaning they should matter to you. They should ideally align with your values and larger, long-term goals. If a goal doesn't contribute toward your broader objectives, you might rethink it. 

Ask yourself why the objective is essential to you, how achieving it will help you and how it will contribute toward your long-term goals. You can easily share your plans with others to hear their input, but it's essential to retain control over them. A relevant goal should answer the following questions:

  • Are the goals wasted time?
  • Do they match my efforts?
  • Am I the right person to achieve the goal?

For example, it's a good thing to aspire to learn the skills of becoming a top-rated copywriter. However, is it the right time to undertake the required training? Have you considered other plans? Is there anything that would be competing with your time to make this more difficult?

T For Time-Bound

Any achievable goal has a definite time frame for a deadline to concentrate on. This is a crucial element of the SMART goal framework that prevents any other activity from taking precedence over your long-term objectives.

So, start by setting a target date to find the motivation and help you prioritize. However, be keen on developing realistic timeframes, considering all the unexpected roadblocks. Time-bound goals seek to answer these questions:

  • When am I hoping to achieve this goal?
  • What can I do from now onwards?
  • What can I do in six months?

For example, learning the skills to become a top-rated copywriter may require additional experience. How long will it take you to acquire these skills? Should you invest in more learning to be eligible for specific qualifications? Time-bounded marketing SMART goals will ensure all the lofty ideas are broken down into actionable steps to make milestone tracking easier and more efficient. 

Meanwhile, if you're concerned with academic success, our essay writing service will provide the additional support you require to finish your next task.

Struggling with your SMART goals ?

Worry no more! You know, even though Einstein failed many subjects at school, he conceived the General Theory of Relativity and won the Nobel Prize. Thus, if you have troubles with homework, our expert team is ready to assist you and help you to set your SMART goals right away.

Smart Goals Templates

A SMART goal framework establishes boundaries and specifies the actions you must take, the tools you'll need, and the checkpoints that show progress along the way. For example, a smart goal can be to write a decent statement of purpose , or learn more about special education . No matter how big or small your objectives are, knowing how to set SMART goals can help take you closer to success.

You can use smart goals image and templates to help you set your smart goals in an easy and straightforward way. Also, various smart goals examples for students pdf are available online to guide you through the entire process. 

Let's walk through an example of SMART goals and Objectives. The framework can be used in education to help students set their academic or personal goals. So, let’s take a look at these illustrations and hope these examples of SMART goals assist you in getting a better clarity of the concept.

S.M.A.R.T. Goal: Get Better Grades at School

S.m.a.r.t. goal: improve mental health.

Here is a template 'S.M.A.R.T. Goal: Improve Mental Health'. Check here:

Guide on How to Set SMART GOALS

Achieving success in any area of your life requires having specific, well-defined goals. Setting precise and successful goals will help you achieve your objectives, whether working alone or with a team. At first, creating SMART goals that get results might be complicated and intimidating. Follow this guide on setting SMART goals for yourself if you're feeling stuck.

How to Set and Achieve Smart Goals

Think of Goals That Can Motivate You

A goal is a clear, written statement of what you want to attain in a given time frame. Everything you plan on doing henceforth must be aligned with these goals. Without them, you will have no clear direction or way to measure your success. So the first step is to think of plans that can motivate you.

For smart business goals, it helps to ask yourself these questions: 

  • What is the one thing we want our customers to feel after using our product or service?
  • What do we want our team to feel about working for our company? 
  • What do we want our investors to think about when investing in us?
  • How do we plan to attract new customers and ensure unending customer loyalty?

Write them Down

After deciding what you want to achieve, please write down your goals to have a second view of what they entail. For example, it could be a smart goal to increase revenue by 25% by the end of the year by increasing the number of leads through the website for your small businesses. Or a personal goal to learn a new skill for a better work-life balance in the next six months. Also, if you are wondering - ‘how to do my math homework ,’ our team of experts can do it for you in a flash.

A written, measurable, and time-bound goal with a definite deadline takes you closer to actualizing it. When you set a deadline, you create the necessary urgency, which can be a powerful motivator. It also forces you to prioritize, create urgency, inspire confidence, make you accountable, and, most important, clarify your success metrics. 

Set an Elaborate Action Plan

Now that you know your achievable goals, you're ready to turn them into actionable steps to increase sales. At this point, you shouldn't go off track and start thinking about the strategy you will use to achieve your SMART goal. Focus on the actions that you need to take to reach your goal. You'll find that it's much easier to stay focused this way. Here are some questions to ask yourself: 

  • What resources do I need to make this happen? 
  • What are the first few steps I need to take to achieve this goal? 
  • What are the smaller steps that will lead to the bigger goal?

Once you've set a SMART goal, it's crucial to go ahead and implement it. This shouldn't be difficult if the plans meet all the standards of a SMART goal framework. Similarly, ensure you measure your progress to know if you're on track.

Failure to track your progress can lead to frustration and uncertainty. There are lots of ways to track your progress, including: 

  • Write down your goal and the specific actions you'll take to reach it.
  • Drawing a visual representation of your purpose and the path to get there
  • Writing a SMART goal journal
  • Working with a coach or mentor

So, why is it important to set SMART goals? Successful people know that goal-setting is time bound and integral for achieving success. When you know exactly what you want to accomplish by being an active team member, you will have a clear direction and more ways to measure your success. Now that you understand how to write a brilliant plan, it's time to start. 

When you reach your goal, don't forget to celebrate! This allows you to reflect on what you've accomplished. You've probably completed more than most people do their entire lives. So, congratulations! You've just set and achieved your first set of SMART goals! With specific, measurable, achievable, relevant goals and determination, you can fulfill anything you set your mind to. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and make something of your life! That's the beauty of setting SMART goals. 

And don’t forget that writing a good conclusion to your undertaking is a terrific method to wrap up your piece!

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the smart essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

What Can You Do with a Criminology Degree

Happy 2024! We hope this year will be full of writing for you—and if you’re like us, you’ve even got writing goals among your New Year’s Resolutions.

One thing to consider is that not all goals are created equal . Goals can be fuzzy (“I want to write more”), over-ambitious, or have lots of other issues.

To help, people who think about this sort of thing have come up with a great system for goal-setting: SMART. Based on that system, here’s some simple advice for the goal-setting writer in each of us.

If you’re serious about your writing in 2024, check out our online writing courses . They’ll keep you accountable to concrete writing goals, with the mentorship of award-winning instructors, and in a supportive community of like-minded and passionate writers. They’re the perfect environment to get your best writing done.

SMART is an acronym, and it’s one of those cool acronyms where the word it forms describes the thing the acronym is about.

vape smart goals

SMART is a good acronym. Not like this one.

What “SMART” Stands For

SMART is all about the properties of a good (“smart”) goal.

It stands for:

  • Specific. Make your goal or objective as specific as possible. Say exactly what you want to achieve in clear, concise words.
  • Measurable. Include a unit of measure in your goal. Be objective rather than subjective. When will your goal be achieved? How will you know it has been achieved?
  • Achievable. Be realistic. Ensure that your goal is feasible in terms of the resources available to you.
  • Relevant. Your goals should align with your values and long-term objectives.
  • Time-bound. Give yourself a deadline within a year. Include a timeframe such as a week, month or year, and include a specific date if possible.

( See here and here for more on these descriptions.)

A Few Examples of Non-SMART Writing Goals

Here are some draft goals (or resolutions) that might not fit within the SMART framework:

  • “I really want to finish my novel.” (Not specific.)
  • “I’ll write lots more this year.” (Not measurable.)
  • “I’ll write 20,000 words every week this year.” (Not achievable???)
  • “I feel like I should start writing again.” (Why?)
  • “I hereby commit that I’m going to work on my memoir until it’s finished.” (When? Not time-bound.)

A Few Examples of SMART Writing Goals

And here are some examples of draft goals or resolutions that would fit within the SMART framework:

  • “I will finish my novel manuscript by the end of the year.”
  • “I’ll set aside 15 minutes in the morning to write, at least 5 days a week.”
  • “I’ll have an outline of my memoir completed by July 1.”

A Few Thoughts on “Relevant” (the R in SMART Goals)

Each of these feel like good goal-setting elements in general, but what really stands out to me is R, Relevant. This is a chance to ask: What does this writing goal, resolution, project, or process mean to me ? How is it part of the life I wish to live?

This is certainly worth reflecting on. In my experience, knowing why I write can help a huge amount with the how and when.

Our reasons for writing will—of course—be different for each of us. With that in mind, I’ll offer that, in my view, having the chance to share our humanity with one another through written language is one of the great gifts of life. So whatever your reason is, I know it’s a good one.

Here’s to a wonderful and writerful 2024!

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Frederick Meyer

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Writing truly an amazing way to give life in the form of tangible memories or basic ideas…therapeutic for sure…to the ones conveying and the ones receiving it…my blood my brows sweat the ink to my pen!!! The countless pages in the form of sheets of many types..from paper bags to napkins to the parts of my skin for my canvas that waits to be outlined into the intensity of a kaleidoscope of emotions dying to come out…to be viewed to be felt in ensuring all types of waking UP’s inside and out every side..especially the parts that are crippled locked jammed in sick stillnesses out of fear of scaring all away leaving us in an awkward mess for doubts set out to stop anything from becoming something!!I would love to leave y’all with something I came across a year in my 3 years and 3 month prison term…when nothing could console me..the losses from being free to be a mother to my beautiful three daughter’s aja and naynay and jady..from being able to have the freedom to know I could be free even while incarcerated ..a blessing in disguise because I was dying!!! I’d lost my physical freedom my rights my luxuries.. To just be in my life’s moment’s.. In a Bible a year after not knowing how to deal with all I wanted to get back to… My life!! My girls!! This was in a separate piece of paper within the pages of the only book of life worth referring towards.(THE BIBLE)..this is what the small piece of paper said and I quote!!!” Sometimes you have to let go of all you think you cannot live without in otderTO BE ABLE TO HOLD ONTO WHAT YOU STILL GOT”end quote…it was then..right at that moment that I realized how wise words are imperative&vital and, crucial…how FREEING and helpful they can be .why its important to learn to want to understand… So its wisdom and valuable lesson’s won’t pass you by…words!!! Turned into knowledge for the very power that fuels Gods hope in order to find your way out of the bondage for pessimistic thoughts that have been like a plague…a form of cancer ..poison to your mind’s abilities& capabilities,and capacity to break out and awayyyyyy..!! and see all through!!! Yea…its not how much you write its what you write about and owning your own style of how to go about!!! Write on!!!! Right on!!! Sincerely Gypsy skigh blue!! Aka Noemi cazares MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION… TO BE ABLE TO GIVE LIFE THROUGH WORDS TO ALL IVE EXPERIENCE… SURVIVED WHILE HAVING TO BECOME MANY COOL AND INSANE SAVAGE CHARACTERS IN order TO FINALLY FIND MY WAY TO MY THROWN IN WAITING… A CHAIR IN FRONT OF A DESK OR TABLE WHERE I MAY FINALLY SIT DOWN AND SHARE MY unbelievable MISSIONS IN LIFE!! BECAUSE ITS NO LONGER A JOURNEY.. ITS MY LIFE!! I FINALLY VALUE IT AND UNDERSTAND THE UNSPEAKABLE THE UNREFINED THE rawness OF IT ALL THATS BEEN EVER SO DEEPLY SENSITIVE… LEADING ME MANY TIMES ON THE DEFENSES MAKING IT EASY TO BELIEVE I MUST BE CRAZY… IM NOT BUT WHAT WAS DONE to me and mine AND LATER SAID AGAINST ME TO DECLARE ME FOR SURE insane !!! GOD FORBID THEY LISTEN TO ME…YEA…THAT WAS TRULY CRAZY THEY WERE UNHINGED… BUT SOME HOW THROUGH THE graceful GRACE OF GOD… I SURVIVED IT…SO PEN TO PAPERS…and this is how it soon will go…..God help me always… I’m your mess…I’m not any less….I’m More, more than I allowed myself to become… Thank God!! I’m never alone especially when I was…AMEN!! Amen!!/Amen!!

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Everyday I come up with the day’s to-do list and i’ll make sure the followings feature on the list: (a)writing at least two flash fictions (b) editing an old story (c) reading online magazine ,at least two magazines (d) listening to an audio story , at least two short stories

As one who also like programming, i’d including coding as well. is this a clear SMART violation?

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I have never really thought about writing stories or anything else related, I just happened to by pass this website but I’m actually considering taking it in for my goals in this coming year.

So thank you for the inspiration and happy new year!

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We hope you start writing, Nshuti! Happy New Year!

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SMART goals were a part of my life throughout my career as a school administrator. I had forgotten about them until I read this article. More than four years ago, I made the goal of writing every day. Not entirely smart but it is one that I have achieved. As January 1, 2024 approaches, I will got back to my roots and create my SMART goal for the year. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

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Everything You Need to Know About the DoD Smart Scholarship

Lisa Freedland

Lisa Freedland is a Scholarships360 writer with personal experience in psychological research and content writing. She has written content for an online fact-checking organization and has conducted research at the University of Southern California as well as the University of California, Irvine. Lisa graduated from the University of Southern California in Fall 2021 with a degree in Psychology.

Learn about our editorial policies

Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Female student in lab looking through microscope for research to win a DOD Smart Scholarship

Interested in a career in STEM , but don’t want the stress of having to find a job after graduation? Then, the DOD Smart Scholarship might be the perfect opportunity for you! Not only does the DOD Smart Scholarship cover your college costs, but it also guarantees you a job in the Department of Defense upon graduation.

Keep on reading to learn more about the DOD Smart Scholarship, including what it is, eligibility criteria, how to apply, and more!

Also see: Top STEM scholarships

What is the DoD Smart Scholarship?

Great question! Essentially, the DoD SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program provides chosen STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) students full-ride scholarships to a participating university and guarantees them a job with the Department of Defense (DoD) upon graduation. For each year a student receives full funding for school, they commit to an extra year working for the DoD.

After graduating, SMART Scholars will enter these well-paying DoD jobs, and once they finish their required years of working for the DoD (based on how many years you received funding), they have the option to continue working for the DoD or can pursue opportunities elsewhere.

Check out their “About” page or this detailed and illustrated video of a SMART Scholar’s journey to find out more about the program! Okay, now let’s talk eligibility! 

Eligibility criteria

The list of requirements below might seem like a lot, but we assure you it’s really not too bad. Keep in mind that some of the things below only apply to certain groups of students. Be sure to identify whether you are a graduate student applying to this, an undergrad applying for one year of funding or an undergrad applying for multiple years of funding. 

To apply for the DOD SMART Scholarship, applicants must :

  • Be a citizen of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or the United Kingdom at the time of application
  • Be 18 years or older as of August 1, 2024
  • Request at least 1 year of degree funding prior to graduation (which starts at the program start date)
  • Be able to maintain a security clearance (If you do not have security clearance, that is okay and will be something you obtain)
  • Complete at least one summer internship at a DoD facility (multi-year scholars only)
  • Commit to employment with the DoD after graduation
  • Be pursuing a technical undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the 24 approved STEM disciplines (see “What kind of STEM?” below for specifics)
  • Have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • Be enrolled at a regionally accredited U.S. college or university at the time of application (if a college undergraduate)
  • If a graduate student, be accepted and enrolled at a regionally accredited U.S. college or university by the start of the program

And that’s it – everything you need to be eligible for a DOD SMART Scholarship. Before we move on, though, what kind of STEM can you study to be eligible?

What kind of STEM?

These are the 24 STEM disciplines you can study to be eligible for a SMART Scholarship:

Now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s get to the most important part – applying!

How do I apply for the DOD Smart Scholarship?

The application for a SMART Scholarship is a little extensive. So, to make it as easy as possible, we’ve laid out some important things to know – including the application timeline (when the application window is open) and what materials you’ll need to submit. 

Let’s get into it!

Application timeline 

No matter what year you’re planning on applying for the SMART Scholarship, it’s important to know that the application window is open from August to December every year. Thus, all required materials must be submitted and all supporting materials (like reference letters) received by December 1st at 5 pm EST.

After this, selection committees will review and rank applications within each STEM field. Those chosen as semi-finalists will receive notice of this in February, and applications will be reviewed once again to determine finalists. Then, if selected to be a SMART Scholar, you will be notified the following spring (usually in April).

Before you get to this step, though, you’ll need to know what materials to submit.

Required materials

Before you turn in anything, though, let’s go over what you’ll need to apply. Here’s what needs to be submitted to successfully apply for the DOD SMART Scholarship (keep in mind that most of these are to be completed on the application itself):

  • References (min of 2, max of 5) – you can list your references on your application and they’ll be able to submit their reference letters directly
  • Transcripts 
  • Personal Statement
  • And, of course, remember to finish all sections of your application!

For more details on each application section and what you’ll need to submit, check out the scholarship page .

How to plan for a Smart Scholarship

Although you may have already received a SMART Scholarship, there are a few things you should keep in mind (so that you don’t lose your funding!).

One of the major eligibility criteria for the scholarship is that applicants are full-time students at a regionally accredited universities within the U.S.. Remember, it is important that you keep this status throughout your time in college!

If you plan on either interning or doing research off-campus, or studying abroad during your time in college, there are a few things to remember. First, for all of these opportunities, you must first receive written approval from the SMART program.

Additionally, in the case of interning or researching off-campus, you must stay officially enrolled at your college. As you earn academic credit through your internship or research, you cannot be paid. 

Alternatively, if you’re thinking of studying abroad, your program must meet the following criteria:

  • The curriculum must contribute to the completion of your degree requirements
  • Your participation in the program must not interfere with your graduation date or post-graduate employment start date
  • The program must not interfere with your ability to complete a DoD internship or post-graduation employment
  • You must maintain full-time enrollment status while studying abroad
  • Tuition for your study abroad program must be paid to your U.S. institution where you are already received funds (from the SMART Scholarship)
  • The program must not impact your eligibility to keep the security clearance required for the DOD internship or post-graduation employment 

Although this may all seem like a lot, the DOD Smart Scholarship is a great opportunity. Thus, we highly recommend you don’t lose your chance to participate in the program by losing your full-time enrollment status during college (or otherwise failing to meet the eligibility criteria).

If you have not yet applied for the scholarship, but are planning on doing any of the things listed above (interning/researching off-campus or studying abroad), just keep in mind that you may have to be flexible and be open to the possibility that your plans will change. However, we hope that you will be able to keep the scholarship all while staying true to your college plans.

Available awards

Now, for something more positive, let’s talk about the scholarship benefits/awards! The DOD Smart Scholarship is an incredibly prestigious scholarship, and thus, the awards are quite generous. 

If you are chosen as a SMART Scholar, here are the awards you will receive:

  • Payment of your full tuition + room and board costs at your university (no matter the cost!)
  • A stipend costing between $30,000 – $46,000 per year (varies by degree level)
  • Summer internship(s) lasting 8 – 12 weeks (Multi-year students only)
  • Health insurance allowance
  • Book allowance 
  • An experienced mentor at a DoD facility
  • Employment at a DoD facility upon graduation

Profile of accepted students (2023)

Those awards sound great, right? So, curious about your chances of becoming a SMART Scholar? While we can’t give you your exact chances, we can provide you some insight on what stats normally get students chosen.

Here’s some useful data on chosen students for the program from 2023:

  • 15% of applicants received the SMART Scholarship
  • Average GPA: 3.74
  • Of those chosen: 51% were pursuing a Bachelor’s degree, 12% were pursuing a joint Bachelor’s-Master’s, 14% were Master’s students, and 23% were making progress toward a Ph.D

While we did not list average test scores, keep in mind that SAT/ACT scores may or may not be required every year (e.g. they were not required in 2020 due to limited testing capacity), so we recommend checking. However, if you feel that you did well on the exams, it can never hurt to send them in anyway.

As for the GRE , it is completely optional to submit and choosing not to will not impact the evaluation of your application. 

Learn more: What is a high SAT score?

Ronald V. Dellums Memorial SMART Scholarship

Before we wrap up, we want to tell you about the newest addition to the DoD SMART Scholarship family. The Ronald V. Dellums Memorial SMART Scholarship is similar to the SMART Scholarship, however the difference is that the Dellums scholarship is intended for highschool seniors to apply to. In particular, this scholarship aims to support underrepresented students. Students interested in this scholarship should begin applying and researching the application materials sooner rather than later, as the application process can be quite time consuming and begins a year before you’ll be using the funding. 

Additional resources

If you have any additional questions about the DOD Smart Scholarship, we recommend checking out these useful sources:

  • A DOD Smart Scholarship FAQ provided by the Department of Defense itself  
  • This full page of videos about the SMART Scholarship (including Application Tips, SMART Webinars, and more!)

And with that, we’re done! We hope that this has all helped you get a better overview of what the DOD SMART Scholarship is, and we wish you good luck if you plan on applying!

Keep reading: How to write a winning scholarship essay

Key Takeaways

  • The DoD SMART Scholarship is a highly competitive award for students majoring in STEM fields
  • This program provides students with full tuition coverage and other benefits in exchange for a work commitment after they graduate
  • The application for this program should be completed roughly a year before you’ll actually use the funding. If you want to be a part of this program, you need to apply in the fall for funding the following year
  • If you are in highschool, you should look into the Dellums Scholarship , as you will be able to apply through that program right out of highschool

Frequently asked questions about the DoD SMART Scholarship

How many people get the smart scholarship, is the smart scholarship legit, what gpa do you need for the smart scholarship.

the smart essay

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How to Set SMART Goals (+ Examples and Templates)

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Table of Contents

We all have goals — to be more successful in what we do, to enroll in a university, improve our skills — the list goes on. Goals are what sets thriving people apart from everyone else. 

As Norman Vincent Peale, an advocate of the positive thinking movement, once said:

“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do.”

But are your goals always worth pursuing?

Are your goals always even possible to achieve?

Are your goals tangible?

Those are all difficult questions ⁠that often surpass our ability to answer in a straightforward, systematic, and logical way. 

Luckily, I’ll offer simple criteria you can use to determine the value of any goal — they’re called SMART goals. 

In this guide, I’ll also lay out the answers to the following questions:

  • What are SMART goals exactly,
  • How and when to set SMART goals, and
  • When SMART goals are not that smart.

As a bonus, I’ll give you a few SMART goal templates to use in your work and life and touch on how to write SMART goals you’ll stick to.

Let’s get rolling! 

SMART goals - cover

What is a SMART goal?

The acronym SMART stands for 5 characteristics of a goal that you should consider to be able to achieve the goal successfully. Each characteristic is represented by 1 letter in the SMART abbreviation:

  • S stands for Specific — specific goals are straightforward, precise, and can be easily defined.
  • M stands for Measurable — measurable goals constitute points of reference you can use to assess whether you are successful in progressing toward or reaching the said goal.
  • A stands for Attainable — attainable goals are realistic in the sense that you have a reasonable amount of time, money, and skills to reach them.
  • R stands for Relevant — relevant goals hold particular importance in your life, the project you’re currently working on, or your business as a whole.
  • T stands for Time-bound — time-bound goals “bind” you with a specific time frame you’ll have to work on to call your efforts a success.

In other words, SMART goal setting helps you elaborate your aims and desires — and make an action plan. In fact, setting SMART goals increases the possibility of achieving your goal. 

Interestingly, SMART goals are also known as SMART criteria or SMART objectives, too. But no matter your SMART goals definition, don’t pass on this opportunity to make them part of your routine.

For an illustration of SMART goals, take a look at my example of cutting time for processing data in Excel below:

What does SMART stand for

How to write SMART goals?

By now, you might wonder, “ How do I write a SMART goal and how do I apply this framework to real-life scenarios? ” 

I’m glad you asked!

The application of SMART goals varies. In any case, you can use these criteria to decide whether your current career goals are worth pursuing or if working on particular areas of your personal development would be beneficial enough.

To help you wrap your head around the matter, here are 5 critical steps to follow on your SMART goals journey. Let’s get started!

Step #1: Make goals specific 

Specific goals are well-defined and precise enough so that you won’t steer away from achieving them. 

Let’s take a look at an example. 

If you say that you want to be in marketing, that’s a nonspecific goal.

It’s what you usually say to your extended family when you want them to stop bugging you about when you’ll get a job. Again, it sounds nice, and it may even impress your grandparents — but it’s too broad to motivate you to act on it. 

On the other hand, suppose you say you want to land the position of a Junior Marketing Specialist in a Boston tech company. Now, that’s a well-defined, specific goal you can strive for. 

Let’s look at a few prompts to use when crafting your SMART goals.

Questions for specific goals

If you want to make a goal specific, consider answering a few questions. You don’t have to answer all of them, but the more questions you answer, the more specific your goal gets. 

Here they are:

  • Q1: What is the goal?
  • Q2: What are the details of the goal?
  • Q3: What do I want to accomplish with it?
  • Q4: Who is involved?
  • Q5: Where is it going to happen?
  • Q6: What resources are available?

Examples of answers that prove the goal is specific :

  • A1: I want to land a Junior Marketing Specialist position.
  • A2: I want to apply for 10 job calls each week during the month. At this rate, I’ll land a job faster.
  • A3: I want to feel financially stable, enjoy my work more, and generally feel better about myself.
  • A4: I’m the chief person responsible for getting the job. Still, I’ll also talk to a few mentors and industry peers to learn how to land a good position.
  • A5: I’ll spend a bit more time online, researching and applying for jobs. I’ll look at job boards and create my own portfolio website.
  • A6: I’ll have advice from my mentors and the network I’ve established over the years. Also, I’ll ask previous employers to write me recommendation letters.

Step #2: Make goals measurable

Measurable goals consist of specific milestones with clearly defined criteria that help you track your progress on your way to achieving them.

For example, if you just say that you’ll study for your Monday math exam, you might not be actually able to follow through with this plan. 

When you define your goal without a specific, actionable plan, you don’t have any distinguishable milestones to help you stay on track. 

But let’s assume you say that you’re going to study for your math exam for 5 hours each day, leading up to the next to the last day before the exam when you’ll revise everything. Now, that’s a measurable goal with clear milestones and a plan you can follow (and a plan you can stick to).

So, let’s explore 3 questions and 3 answers of measurable goals.

Questions for measurable goals

If you want to make a goal measurable, consider answering the following questions:

  • Q1: How will I measure progress?
  • Q2: Do I have the necessary tools to measure my progress?
  • Q3: How will I know the goal has been accomplished?

Examples of answers that prove the goal is measurable :

  • A1: To measure my progress (or lack thereof), I’ll check in with my goal tracking app of choice and get a report on how much time I spent studying for the math exam.
  • A2: I’ve recently subscribed to the Clockify goal tracker to track my progress daily. Also, I’ve set a clear learning goal with areas where I expect improvements, like algebra, geometry, and arithmetic.
  • A3: Simple math will tell me whether I have accomplished my goal. If by next Monday, my time tracking report shows that I’ve spent 5 hours a day reading, studying, and learning for the math exam, I’ll consider it a success.

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

Whatever SMART goal you set, you should measure and keep track of it with a fitting tool. Here’s the definitive list of the best goal tracker apps you can use for this purpose:

  • 12 Best goal tracker apps for 2022

Step #3: Make goals attainable 

Attainable goals are realistic enough for you to successfully reach them. 

Saying that you’ll lose 30 lbs in 1 month is usually not attainable .

In fact, you can expect 2 outcomes that can come from such an overachieving goal — and neither is favorable:

  • You go on a strict diet and exercise routine. You stick to your diet without faltering and exercise hard every morning. But, ultimately, you fail because losing that much in such a short time is near impossible.
  • You feel discouraged by such an unfeasible goal from the start. So much that you give up without even trying.

On the other hand, saying that you’ll lose 3 lbs every week for a month by eating healthier and exercising regularly is attainable .

With such a reasonable goal, you’ll have the best chance to stay motivated throughout it.

Next, let’s dive into 5 questions and 5 answers of attainable goals.

Questions for attainable goals

To make your goal more attainable, answering the following questions might help:

  • Q1: Do I have the financial capacity to accomplish my goal?
  • Q2: Do I have the skills and willpower to accomplish my goal?
  • Q3: Will I have access to help when needed?
  • Q4: Do I have all the necessary resources?
  • Q5: Do I have the time to accomplish the goal?

Examples of answers that prove the goal is attainable :

  • A1: I have enough money to join a gym and consult with a professional trainer.
  • A2: I’ve previously already lost 13 lbs within a month on a different occasion. As a result, I firmly believe I can do it again.
  • A3: I’ll have access to a personal trainer, helpful advice from my nutritionist friend, and additional support from my family.
  • A4: I have all the necessary resources at hand, as my city has several great gyms. I also have an enviable selection of healthy food in the neighborhood supermarket.
  • A5: Considering that I work remotely 5 days a week and my job comes with flexible working hours, I can spare 1 hour per weekday to go to the gym — and I have enough time to prepare healthy meals. I can easily spare even more time for the gym and food preparation on weekends.

Step #4: Make goals relevant 

Relevant goals are the ones that directly impact your progress and are particularly important to you.  

So, to actually stick to your goals till the finish line, you need to make sure your goals are relevant. 

Say you want to major in economics. That sounds relevant and worthwhile, right?

However, you’re not the least bit interested in economics. In fact, you don’t plan on pursuing a career in economics. 

That right there makes it an irrelevant goal, as it’s not clear what you’ll get in life by working toward it. Of course, apart from gaining a college degree. But you could also get a degree by studying something you like .

As you might have guessed, it’s always best to pursue a college education in a topic that interests you. A college education goal may also be relevant if you pick a potentially profitable subject you’re not 100% passionate about, but you want to pursue.

Finally, let’s explore 3 questions and 3 answers of relevant goals.

Questions for relevant goals

To make your goal relevant, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Q1: Why is this goal important to me?
  • Q2: Is this goal worth my time?
  • Q3: Is this the right time for it?

Examples of answers that prove the goal is relevant :

  • A1: If I get a major in economics, I’ll be more financially secure and have more time to spend on what matters. Also, pursuing a major in economics will make me more confident about myself and my current career.
  • A2: I feel that getting a major in economics would benefit me in the short and long run. In a nutshell, doing so will affect my mental and physical health. Therefore, it’s worth my time.
  • A3: The holiday feasts are over, and it’s time to implement the New Year’s resolutions. As a result, it’s time to pursue that major in economics.

Step #5: Make goals time-bound 

Time-bound goals are usually set within a specific time frame, with a clear deadline for their completion. 

Take a look at the following example.

To say that you want to participate in a poem writing contest that’s due next week is admirable.

But phrasing it like that means it’s not a time-bound goal .

In this case, the contest has a deadline — say it’s Sunday, February 2. But you didn’t define a deadline for your work. Will you submit your finished work on Tuesday? Or Wednesday? Or 5 hours before the contest deadline, giving you enough time to tweak it to perfection?

As a matter of fact, what’s your time-bound battle plan?   

Now, say that you plan to handle the contest by:

  • Writing the first draft of your poem on Monday, January 27,
  • Revising everything on Tuesday, January 28,
  • Finalizing the rhyme scheme on Wednesday, January 29, and
  • Sending out the poem on Thursday, January 30 — 4 days before the deadline.

That’s a time-bound goal you can work with. So, let’s dive into a few questions and examples of time-bound goals.

Questions for time-bound goals

To make a time-bound — or timely — goal, answer the following questions:

  • Q1: When will I achieve the goal?
  • Q2: When will I carry out the activities that will bring me to my goal?
  • Q3: When can I expect the first outcomes?

Examples of answers that prove the goal is time-bound:

  • A1: I’ll set January 31 as my end deadline. Also, I’ll include daily targets for each of the 3 stages — writing, revising, and finalizing the poem.
  • A2: Every day after work, I’ll set aside 2 hours to work on the poem. I’ll make a clear schedule for writing, revising, and finalizing the poem in stages. I’ll check in with my progress every day to see if I’m set to meet the deadline of submitting the poem 4 days ahead of schedule. 
  • A3: The first outcome I can expect should be completing each stage — writing, revising, finalizing — on a daily basis. For example, if I’ve completed the writing stage, then I can consider my first outcome a success.

Now you know how to set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals. Kudos! 

Next up, let’s get a few additional tips from business experts and life coaches — with SMART goals examples for work, play, and much more.

How to set SMART goals: Proven tips and expert opinions

If you’ve come this far, setting SMART goals shouldn’t be a problem at this point. But just to be safe, I sat down with a few time management experts, business enthusiasts, coaches, and others to help you understand how to be unstoppable with your SMART goals.

Let’s take a look at unique expert insights into setting and sticking to your SMART goals.

Tip #1: Set a SMART action plan and stick to it

Plans come first, as they are a visual representation of your goals. If you don’t have a plan, you’re more likely to get off track. 

But it’s expected that you’ll have more SMART goals than 1. So, I recommend that you:

  • Laser-focus on 1 goal in 90-day sprints,
  • Spell out each action step in a timeline, and
  • Track your progress every week.

I asked Vincent Nair , the CEO of SMARTECH Business Systems, to weigh in on this topic. According to him, setting clear goals will bring you clarity:

Vincent-Nair- CEO of SMARTECH Business Systems

“Planning ahead is one of the most effective ways to ensure goals are well-understood, timely and realistic. With a clear schedule and roadmap in place, your entire team will have a better understanding of exactly how, why and when your goals are being set.”

That’s what I call common sense — we truly sometimes need to get back to the basics.

Next, I spoke to Will Yang at Instrumentl, a platform serving grant-seekers. His words were another eye-opener as he said that a SMART action plan must include clear landmarks:

Will Yang - Instrumentl

“Ensure apples-to-apples comparisons: it is critical to compare equivalent items and activities when setting SMART goals. For example, if you wish to raise the number of sales calls made in a month, don’t compare it to the number of emails sent in a month. Instead, concentrate on which activity will yield the desired outcomes.”

Learn all about how to think about objectives and key results, with additional resources right here:

  • Objectives and Key Results (OKR): everything you need to know

Tip #2: Serialize your goals and celebrate more

If you’re reading this article, it probably means that you are an overachiever or striving to become one. But one of the main pitfalls overachievers fall into is trying to get more done than they can handle, therefore spreading themselves too thin.

I talked to Alexis Haselberger , time management and productivity coach, to share her wisdom on how to avoid this all-too-common trap. She gives a powerful illustration about how you can feel a sense of satisfaction and motivation if you pace yourself:

Alexis Haselberger - Time management and productivity coach

“Think of it like reading a book: if you read 5 books all at the same time, and read 5 pages each per day, it’ll take you months to finish them all. But, if you start with one book, and read 25 pages a day, you’ll finish in a couple of weeks, and then can move onto the next — which is much more satisfying and motivating.”

To keep a steady pace means creating a workflow that helps you achieve your SMART goals. Career expert Kaloyan Dimitrov of Enhancv, a resume builder, made a good point when he emphasized the importance of enjoying an occasional treat — your milestones:

Kaloyan Dimitrov - Career expert

“Keep yourself motivated and committed to accomplishing your goals by celebrating the milestones that you reach along the route. Think about treating yourself to something special whenever you reach a significant milestone or accomplish a particular goal.”

In fact, it’s this attitude that allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment and get better results.

Speaking of books, read our selection of the best productivity textbooks on the market right here:

  • 25+ Best productivity books

Tip #3: Assign people to help you with your goals

Sometimes, you can’t achieve results or accomplish your tasks without the help of others. 

For example, it’s possible to lose weight on your own. However, it’s smarter if you pay for a gym membership, and let a professional fitness coach or a nutritionist help you in that process. In reality, it’s easier and safer to listen to professionals with the right skills and knowledge to carry out tasks.

Likewise, you’ve probably heard about the Boomerang effect on gaining weight back quickly after losing it. This usually happens because people starve and lose a lot of weight in a short period. Not only do they lose weight quickly, but muscles as well. As a result, people experience their metabolism slowing down and regain weight again.

Luckily, you can translate this weight loss scenario into any modern knowledge work job, like:

  • Coding, etc.

If you’re the editor-in-chief and would like to have a document proofread thoroughly, you don’t need to do it yourself. Instead, ask a fellow editor or writer on your team to do the job for you.

In fact, assigning the right people for the job can result in faster and higher-quality results.

Tip #4: List the tasks that need to be done

Now that you elaborated on your goal in more detail and assigned the right people to assist you, it’s time to focus on the smaller parts. That means the tasks that must be done to achieve the ultimate goal.

In the case of losing 12 lbs of weight, you’ll probably need to complete tasks like:

  • Go to the gym every day after work,
  • Put aside money for the gym membership and nutrition consultations,
  • Weigh yourself each Sunday afternoon, and
  • Eat nutrient-rich foods.

Healthy habits coach Stephanie Averkamp weighs in — pun intended — on this topic. Interestingly, she brings home the point on why you should focus a lot more on your behavior in reaching the goal, and not the final goal itself:

Stephanie Averkamp - Healthy habits coach

“Center your SMART goals around specific behaviors or actions that will take place instead of around specific results you want to achieve. For example, set a SMART goal that is focused on the exercise you will do instead of the amount of weight you will lose. Your behavior is the one thing you have full control over, and behavior drives results.”

When you break your goal into more manageable pieces, you have a better overview of what needs to be done. In turn, the possibility of achieving your goal increases. For that purpose, you can create a hands-on to-do list to keep track of all your tasks in one place.

Get as many to-do list templates as you need — from simple to business and personal — right here:

  • Free To-Do List Templates

Tip #5: Make a workable schedule

To make sure you accomplish your SMART goals even faster, make work time estimates for each activity or task that you need to complete. What’s more, make use of the time blocking technique to organize your tasks into specific blocks of time.

Let’s move back to the weight-loss example again. One of the key things that you need to strictly follow when losing weight is to pay attention to when you eat your meals. 

Even if you are being extremely careful with how many calories you consume daily, eating late at night can decrease your progress and lead to achieving partial results. 

For example, one 2022 study by Harvard Medical School researchers found that late-night eating impacts how you spend energy throughout the day. In fact, the research sheds light on the fact that your productivity overall could suffer from irregular eating schedules. Expectedly, all this negatively affects how you work on your goals.

So, to make sure your SMART goal plan runs smoothly, you need to:

  • Create a time-bound schedule that you are going to stick to, and
  • Determine when your breakfast/snack/lunch/dinner is. 

After completing these steps, you’ll see tangible results.

On a similar note, registered dietitian Kelsey Costa thinks that journaling can play a major role in creating a workable schedule:

Kelsey Costa - dietitian

“Journaling can be a powerful tool for increasing self-awareness, reflection, and the attainability of goals. Journaling helps identify obstacles, patterns, and areas of strength that you may need to draw on during your goal-setting journey. Regularly revisit the specifics of your goals, such as action steps, measurements, and deadlines.”

Now, that’s how you stick to your SMART action plan and goals!

Tip #6: Evaluate and explore

So much valuable advice can sometimes be overwhelming. Yet, many experts have a somewhat curious take on how to approach the SMART goal-setting process.

For example, mental performance coach Lain Lee emphasized that comfort isn’t your ally in reaching your goals:

Lain Lee - Mental performance coach

“Instead of ‘realistic’, your goals should be UNCOMFORTABLE! Nothing worth doing or fighting for is done in comfort! The best things in life — growth, success, learning, love — all exist outside of your comfort zone. So if your goals don’t make you uncomfortable, they’re TOO realistic!”

Another interesting approach in conversations with experts came from certified career and life coach María Tomás-Keegan who showed me a way to enrich the SMART criteria with evaluation and revision:

María Tomás-Keegan - Career and life coach

“2 Additional steps make your SMART goals SMARTER: Evaluate & Revise. Decide when you’ll evaluate your progress and what you’ll look for. This step closes the loop on each goal. Then you’ll know if you need to revise your goal or timeline. This creates a 360-degree view of each goal that helps move them to the finish line.”

In sum, do what works for you — try to make SMART goal setting a seamless process aligned with your personality and preferences. 

Remember: You want SMART goals to work for you, not the other way around.

Interested in learning more about how your personality type might influence your productivity? Say no more — I got you covered in our blog post with productivity tips:

  • Productivity tips for 16 personality types based on MBTI  

Why should you use SMART goals?

Even ancient Greek philosophers emphasized the importance of goal setting and proposed that purpose can incite action . 

Setting your goals by following the SMART criteria helps you elaborate on them. Similarly, it allows you to see if the current goal you want to achieve has any potential or if it’s just a waste of time , as sometimes can be the case.

Up next, I discuss how the SMART goal concept can benefit you insanely in the short run.

Benefit #1: SMART goals enhance well-being

A 2022 study found that SMART goals can increase the likelihood of accomplishing goals and experiencing positive affect. Simply put, positive affect refers to upbeat emotions and expressions in the study’s respondents.

In fact, the same study researchers suggest that the mere existence of a SMART goal strategy increased the quality of the respondents’ behavior that led to goal attainment.

Another relevant result was that the psychologists in charge of the study established that goal attainment, in this sense, led to enhanced well-being. 

In summary, SMART goals make it likely that you’ll achieve your goals and that those goals lead to your well-being.

Read our detailed guide on how to up your goals game by setting daily targets:

  • How to set and reach your daily targets

Benefit #2: SMART goals improve time management skills

Setting goals and efficiently managing your time are 2 elements that go hand in hand. 

If you look at the acronym SMART again, you’ll see that the terms measurable and time-bound refer to time management . So, when you have a clearly defined goal or goals, you know how and where to focus your time. 

What’s more, you can make work time estimates and stick to them to avoid poor spending of resources. Finally, your improved time management skills will help you reduce distractions and increase your focus on more important tasks.

For that purpose, you can opt for a goal-tracking tool like Clockify to get a silent partner in efficiently managing your time and reaching your targets.

Features calendar screenshot

For example, Clockify allows you to beautifully tag and color-code your projects so that you can easily stay on track — and enjoy the process. In fact, the app lets you break down goals into manageable tasks that you can easily digest.

In sum, Clockify offers a variety of different plans , so you can choose the one most suitable for you to check in on your progress and obtain a report on your productivity.

By integrating SMART goals into your daily routine (whether work or personal), you’ll never miss a deadline or find excuses for missing your workout again.

Learn how to improve your time management skills in our in-depth guide:

  • 10 ultimate steps to improve time management skills  

Benefit #3: SMART goals increase accountability

To achieve any goal, you need to hold yourself accountable. 

I know I’m not reinventing the wheel here, but people often forget to be more responsible on an ongoing basis.

In fact, Harry Morton of Lower Street, a podcast production agency, says something to that effect. Simply put, he told me that you should expect peaks and valleys in how distracted and motivated you feel:

Harry Morton - Lower Street

“When working toward a long-term goal, it can be natural to encounter dips in motivation or distractions. An accountability partner can guide you back on track, offering an objective perspective when you deviate from the path to your goals. Be completely transparent and work with someone who understands what motivates you.”

Benefit #4: SMART goals beat workload overwhelm

A little planning ahead never killed anybody — but work overload and workplace stress are taking a toll on people’s health and the economy. According to a research paper by the World Health Organization, anxiety and depression cost the world’s economy $1 trillion each year, mostly due to a decline in productivity.

However, by setting your personal or business goals, you have a clear picture of what needs to be done, when , where , and how . As a result, the likelihood of feeling burned out reduces tremendously. 

What’s more, when you clearly identify your SMART goals, you learn how to unshakably say “No” to your colleagues the next time they try to swamp you with work. That’s right: SMART goals will save you from exhaustion and stress.

Okay, so now you understand what the SMART goal concept means and why it’s beneficial. Up next, let’s see when SMART goals are the most effective — and when you should avoid them.

Find out more about the causes and symptoms of career burnout and how it affects your health right here:

  • Career burnout and its effect on health

When to use SMART goals

Are SMART goals effective?  Yes, when used in the right context.

Here’s when SMART goals work best.

1. Use SMART goals to set priorities

Use the SMART goal criteria when you want to single out your priorities and focus solely on them. 

The SMART criteria should guide you in the right direction to get a better insight into what’s important to accomplish something. 

In fact, the SMART framework saves you from wasting your time. If you don’t set your priorities right, you’ll lose track of your work. What’s more, you’ll probably end up feeling exhausted — and you don’t want that if you were wondering.

Learn why not all tasks are equally important and how you can prioritize them easily:

  • How to (re-)prioritize your tasks

2. Use SMART goals to set high-level objectives

Use SMART goals when you need to focus on high-level goals that involve a number of smaller, specific tasks. High-level goals (such as advancing your career, enrolling in a university, or losing weight) demand a thorough action plan the SMART goal concept can offer you. 

However, I would even argue that SMART goals are especially useful for the more consequential targets in your life — where you need to be on top of your game because the stakes are high. That’s why it’s essential to make SMART goals a part of your everyday life and planning.

For illustration, consider you’re moving into a different town or state and selling your house. If you fail to take into account local taxes, regulations, real estate prices, and transport in your SMART goal framework, achieving this goal could lead to a disaster – personally and professionally.

3. Use SMART goals to tackle work tasks and set mini-milestones

SMART goals help you carry out your ongoing job responsibilities more efficiently and successfully. 

In fact, the SMART goal concept helps you split your goal into smaller, more manageable pieces. As a result, you get a clearer insight into the tasks that lead you to achieve the ultimate goal. 

For a quick fix, tackle your tasks one at a time to efficiently get them done and avoid being overwhelmed. The technique works wonders! 

In fact, the family law and relationship expert, Laura Wasser , thinks that you first need to set mini-milestones to get you going:

Laura Wasser - Family law and relationship expert

“When setting a SMART goal, think of it as a roadmap to your desired outcome. Break your goal into smaller, achievable steps, which will make it easier for you to stay on track and motivated. These mini-milestones will not only keep you focused, but they’ll also give you a sense of accomplishment as you progress.”

Read our all-inclusive guide to find out how to break down large tasks into easily digestible pieces:

  • How to Break a Project Down into Tasks

4. Use SMART goals to handle new assignments

Employ the SMART goal criteria when you’re moving on to new assignments. 

Whether simple or complex, the SMART goal concept works well with all types of assignments regardless of their complexity or duration. It shifts your attention to what needs to be done and makes a thorough plan to achieve the final goal.

When you get a new assignment, the first step should be to insert it into one of the upcoming SMART goal templates at the end of this guide. This practice shows you if the assignment is even worth your time and effort — or if it’s a priority.

Learn how to distinguish between short-term, medium-term, and long-term plans in your work and life:

  • The differences between long-term and short-term planning

5. Use SMART goals for personal development

When you feed the SMART goal criteria into your daily routine, you can make an everlasting, positive change in your life. This way, you can identify areas for improvement and personal growth — and go the extra mile to advance your career.

If you want to perform better at your job by following a comprehensive, step-by-step guide, check out this article:

  • How to improve in your job

When SMART goals are not so smart 

Now, just because it sounds like the smart thing to do — pun intended — that doesn’t mean you should view all your tasks and initiatives through the SMART goals framework. 

Take a look at the examples of situations when you should avoid using SMART goals. 

1. Don’t use SMART goals to “count” your successes and failures

You shouldn’t use SMART goal-setting just so you can race past your goals as fast as you can without stopping to take a breather and reflect on what you’ve learned along the way.

You also shouldn’t view a SMART goal you haven’t accomplished as a failure and, thus, a reason to judge yourself.

Just because you failed this time doesn’t mean you won’t be able to succeed next time or use the knowledge you gained from pursuing the said goal in the future.

2. Don’t use SMART goals if you tend to give up too soon

SMART goals take time! That’s because they’re more complex than your everyday goals, such as getting to the food store before it closes.

As such, SMART goals take more effort and dedication. Therefore, they can be a bigger challenge for people who get nervous when they think they’re not progressing as best as they could.If you fear that a goal is too large for you to commit to it, it’s best that you reassess it and parse it 1 by 1 into smaller, less challenging goals you can reach easier until you’ve accomplished everything.

3. Don’t use SMART goals when you’re uncertain whether a goal is attainable

Out of all the letters in the SMART acronym, the “A” — which stands for attainable — is the least precise one.

After all, most of the time, you can only be sure a goal is attainable or not if you’ve already tried to pursue it.

So, are you sure you have a shot at landing the position of that Junior Marketing Specialist at that Boston tech company?

Perhaps you don’t have the right qualifications or the right experience.

We’ve seen this before with our example of losing 30 lbs in a month. 

Let’s assume you pursue a goal you’ve defined as attainable (despite it, realistically, not being the case). In this case, this action is bound to discourage you when you fail to reach your goal.

Alternatively, you may miss out on some great opportunities if you mark a realistic goal as “out of reach” without properly thinking about it.

4. Don’t use SMART goals when managing a project

According to the Scrum methodology, even though the SMART criteria suggest that a goal should be specific and measurable , other SMART goal criteria can threaten the success of a project , no matter how well you prepare it. 

Since a project goes through many stages during its life cycle, some things — like, if a goal is realistic — can’t be predicted in advance without further analysis. Also, the criterion time-bound doesn’t fit with the project management principles either. 

You might not be able to know when a goal would be accomplished due to the constant changes during a project’s life cycle.

Therefore, the SMART goal concept doesn’t go hand in hand with project management since it “encourages a simplistic and short-sighted approach to management” — as Scrum methodology experts emphasize in the article I linked to above.

Learn about the essential elements of project management and a few tools to get you started:

  • Project Management: 31 best techniques, practices, and tools

5. Don’t use SMART goals when you expect a challenge

The SMART goal criteria propose that your goal needs to be attainable . In effect, this means knowing in advance if you have the right skills/knowledge/resources to accomplish something. 

When you know that a goal is achievable in advance, it gives you some kind of security. On the other hand, it keeps you stuck in one place. In other words, you are deprived of learning new things or acquiring new skills. 

Sometimes, the thrill of the unknown pushes you towards it and makes you realize all the things you can do. So, if you are a thrill-seeker looking for sudden challenges along the way — maybe the SMART goal concept is not the right fit for you.

—Now that you understand when and when not to use them, here are some examples of well-rounded SMART goals you can use to find inspiration. Let’s get rolling!

5 SMART goal examples

By now, you might be thinking: “ Enough with the beating around the bush, tell me what’s a SMART goal example, alright!”

I won’t give you 1 but 5 SMART goals examples — how’s that for a treat? 

Let’s go through them 1 by 1.

Example #1: SMART goal for improved performance at work 

To say, “ I want to improve my Excel skills, ” is too vague. Instead, try to make your goal:

  • Specific : I want to improve my performance with Excel to get a promotion at work. These performance improvements focus on quicker data entry, more efficient calculations, and creating graphs.
  • Measurable : I’ll know I’ve succeeded because — by the 1st of next month — I’ll be able to enter my data, complete my calculations through custom and combined formulas, create graphs, and carry out my other work in Excel all on my own, and with minimum effort.
  • Attainable : I have enough time to work on improving my Excel skills. I can even look for a website with tutorials or enroll in an online course to help me understand some of the finer points.
  • Relevant : I like working in my company, and I want to continue working there. One of the preconditions of my staying in the company longer and getting promoted is to streamline my work in Excel.
  • Time-bound : I want to perfect my performance with Excel by May 1.

Are you familiar with performance improvement plans (PIP)? Check this article out to learn more about how PIPs can boost your work performance:

  • Everything about performance improvement plans

Example #2: SMART goal for improved time management

Here’s an example of poor goal setting: “I want to accelerate the process of calculating in Excel.”

Instead, your goal should have the following attributes:

  • Specific : It takes me 6 hours to implement all the formulas I need to process data in Excel. I want to cut that time to 3 hours per day, at least.
  • Measurable : I can track the time I spend handling Excel data every day and then observe how that time decreases day by day and week by week. Similarly, I can work on improving my schedule.
  • Attainable : I have the resources to help me learn how to be more efficient when using and combining Excel formulas.
  • Relevant : I currently spend 6 hours of an 8-hour workday carrying out calculations in Excel, and that’s too much of my time. Cutting that time in half would ensure I have more time for other work activities.
  • Time-bound : I want to cut the time I spend on Excel calculations in half by the 15th of next month.

Example #3: SMART goal for students 

Your grades won’t get better overnight, and you sure want to get into a top school or university. Well, saying, “I want to improve my GPA,” won’t do miracles. Instead, make sure your goal is:

  • Specific : I want to improve my GPA to 3.8 so I can apply for a semester abroad with a full scholarship.
  • Measurable : I’ll need to score an A or A+ on all of my tests this semester to improve my total GPA to an average of 3.8 to qualify for a semester abroad on time.
  • Attainable : In recent months, I have fallen behind in school, but I have a history of improving my grades when I put substantial effort into it. So I can improve my grades once again. I’ll need to work longer hours , temporarily cut back on extracurricular activities, and focus on each test and quiz as it comes along.
  • Relevant : The school abroad I want to spend a semester at has a great chemistry program. Passing that program will come in handy when I go to college. There, I want to major in chemistry to become a Chemical Engineer.
  • Time-bound : I want to improve my GPA to 3.8 by the end of this semester to qualify for a position at the college abroad in question.

Students need all the help they can get when it comes to mastering their output. Read our in-depth guide to learn how to radically increase your productivity:

  • Student guide to productivity

Example #4: SMART goal for leadership and team management 

Do you notice a stall in your team’s productivity? Being a team leader can be a double-edged sword from time to time. However, SMART goals can come to your rescue even in this situation. 

To help you get started, ensure your goal to boost your team’s productivity is:

  • Specific : I want to motivate my team to improve their productivity by 50%.
  • Measurable : 50% of increased productivity will trigger a 50% faster project turnaround.
  • Attainable : I’ll use team management software and supply my team with the right productivity tools to help them out.
  • Relevant : Higher productivity means faster project turnaround, and faster project turnaround leads to satisfied clients. Satisfied clients bring good word of mouth, so we’ll likely land more clients because of it. As a result, team morale would increase, so they’ll feel encouraged to keep up the good work.
  • Time-bound : I want to see the expected increase in productivity 6 months from now.

Discover more interesting aspects of team management and how it can affect performance right here:

  • The Complete Team Management Guide

Example #5: SMART goal for weight loss and fitness

You know that I’m-hitting-the-gym-next-Monday attitude never got you anywhere. Most people (including myself) consider going to the gym or exercising in any form as exhausting. In other words, we most frequently see exercise as something that requires a ton of will and determination. 

Although it’s not easy, setting a goal based on the SMART goal concept can make it much more bearable and joyful. 

Once you are on the right track, you’ll regret missing your workouts, even during public holidays. So, be all ears and ensure that your goal is:

  • Specific : I want to lose 10 pounds to improve my fitness and athletic performance.
  • Measurable : I want to lose belly fat and be able to endure physical activities without getting tired easily.
  • Attainable : Suppose there’s a gym near my building with group fitness classes, indoor cycling, a weight loss program, Pilates, and more. I’m going to try the weight loss program first to lose some fat and later switch to Pilates to form my body shape. Also, I’m going to avoid fast food and late-night snacking.
  • Relevant : I like to look nice in my clothes, and physical appearance matters to me. Fast food is high in cholesterol, and high cholesterol runs in my family. As a consequence, I need to be extra cautious.
  • Time-bound : I need to go to the gym 3 times a week, go places on foot, and hopefully lose 10 pounds within 2 to 3 months. This is a healthier plan since — if I lose weight in a short time — I will gain it all back eventually.

Learn a thing or two about how physical and mental fitness can help you become more productive and reach your goals:

  • 10 Productivity exercises for body and mind

SMART goal templates

Skilfully crafted SMART goal templates and SMART goal worksheets can serve as your quick and efficient generator of — you guessed it — SMART goals. 

In the following section, you’ll find different examples of templates, including:

  • Leadership SMART goals examples,
  • Time management SMART goals examples,
  • SMART goals examples for employees, 
  • Productivity SMART goals examples, and more.

In fact, these SMART goals templates and SMART goals worksheets provide the outline for your SMART goal setting. As a result, you’ll just need to follow the said outline and fill it out with your data. It’s a fast and efficient alternative to creating and following your template or making plans without one.

Basic SMART Goal Template

The first of 10, the Basic SMART Goal Template is a simple yet powerful way to get a bird’s-eye view of your goal. 

The straightforward design of this template allows you to easily identify the key components of your goal. If you use the Basic SMART Goal Template, you are taking the first step towards your professional or business goal.

What is the Basic SMART Goal Template about? 

The Basic SMART Goal Template is divided into 5 sections, each representing a letter of the SMART acronym: 

  • Specific, 
  • Measurable, 
  • Attainable, 
  • Relevant, and 
  • Time-bound.

How to use the Basic SMART Goal Template?

Answer 1 or 2 questions for each section to determine whether the said goal is worth your time. Next, think about if you missed some important aspects and rewrite where applicable.

Who should use the Basic SMART Goal Template? 

This SMART goal template is perfect for people who want a simple approach to setting their goals.

Basic SMART Goal Template

⬇️ Download the Basic SMART Goal Template PDF

⬇️ Download the Basic SMART Goal Template Google Docs

⬇️ Download the Basic SMART Goal Template Excel

⬇️ Download the Basic SMART Goal Template Google Sheets

Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems)

The next on our list, the Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) is same as the previous template — just on steroids. 

This template is an effective tool for setting and achieving goals. The Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) gives you deeper insights into the resources and persons who may assist you in reaching your goals.

What is the Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) about? 

The Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) is divided into 5 sections on 2 pages each. 

The first page consists of questions to understand the problems you face. The second page is made up of a cheat sheet that can help you solve those problems.

How to use the Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems)?

Answer 1 or 2 questions for each section to determine whether the said goal is worth your time. Next, think about the problems you may encounter as you work toward the said goal — and try to solve them before they happen.

Who should use the Basic SMART Goal Template (+Problems)? 

This SMART goal template does wonders for preventing potential problems with your goal (if you want a simple SMART breakdown of your goal). The Basic SMART Goal Template (+Problems) is perfect for businesses and individuals who want to predict financial and organizational issues.

Basic SMART Goal Template + Problems 1

⬇️ Download the Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) PDF

⬇️ Download the Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) Google Docs

⬇️ Download the Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) Excel

⬇️ Download the Basic SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) Google Sheets

Simple SMART Goal Template

The Simple SMART Goal Template is a more relatable and direct template with phrases that anyone can fill out fast. 

Yet, it’s fairly simple and can only get you so far. That said, it’s an awesome first step to get you started on setting your SMART goals!

What is the Simple SMART Goal Template about? 

The Simple SMART Goal Template lets you determine why you want to pursue your goal — and start planning your goal. It’s a simple illustration of your SMART goal.

How to use the Simple SMART Goal Template?

Answer each question in as much detail as possible. As soon as you’re done, consider if you’ve left out any important information – and add it accordingly.

Who should use the Simple SMART Goal Template? 

This SMART Goal Template is perfect for people who want to set SMART goals but don’t necessarily want to answer to SMART criteria.

Simple SMART Goal Template

⬇️ Download the Simple SMART Goal Template PDF

⬇️ Download the Simple SMART Goal Template Google Docs

⬇️ Download the Simple SMART Goal Template Excel

⬇️ Download the Simple SMART Goal Template Google Sheets

Elaborate SMART Goal Template

The Elaborate SMART Goal Template guides you through your thought process with in-depth prompts. 

This template takes you beyond superficial goal-setting. In other words, the Elaborate SMART Goal Template digs deeper into your potential, desires, and plans.

What is the Elaborate SMART Goal Template about? 

The Elaborate SMART Goal Template is divided into 5 sections, each representing a letter of the SMART acronym:

How to use the Elaborate SMART Goal Template?

After downloading your preferred template, answer a detailed list of questions for each section to determine whether the said goal is worth your time. You may also need to tweak your answers as you go, and that’s totally fine.

Who should use the Elaborate SMART Goal Template? 

This SMART Goal Template is perfect for people who need more pointers on whether the goal they want to pursue is SMART or not.

Elaborate SMART Goal Template

⬇️ Download the Elaborate SMART Goal Template PDF

⬇️ Download the Elaborate SMART Goal Template Google Docs

⬇️ Download the Elaborate SMART Goal Template Excel

⬇️ Download the Elaborate SMART Goal Template Google Sheets

Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems)

The Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) is a helpful tool to establish problem areas and solve each. 

The template contains useful prompts on resources and people you can check in with to help you reach your goals faster.

What is the Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) about? 

The Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) consists of 5 sections on 2 pages each. 

The first page features a series of questions of the SMART framework. In contrast, the second page consists of a cheat sheet for solving problems you established on the first page.

How to use the Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems)?

Answer a detailed list of questions for each section to determine whether the said goal is worth your time. After that, think about the problems you may face as you work toward the said goal — and try to solve them before they happen.

Who should use the Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems)?  

This SMART goal template is great for preventing potential problems with your goal — in case you want a more detailed SMART breakdown of your goal. The Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) is perfect for businesses and individuals who want to explore financial and organizational concerns in depth.

Elaborate SMART Goal Template 1

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⬇️ Download the Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) Excel

⬇️ Download the Elaborate SMART Goal Template (+ Problems) Google Sheets

SMART Goal Tree Template

The SMART Goal Tree Template is a nugget of gold on our list of SMART goal templates. 

It’s a treasure trove of valuable insights and direct measurement tools to reach your goals in an efficient and effective manner. 

What is the SMART Goal Tree Template about? 

The SMART Goal Tree Template helps you select and track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that tell you how well you’re progressing with your goal.

How to use the SMART Goal Tree Template?

To use this more complex template, set up at least 3 indicators for your goal. Then, insert measures to track progress, and reach the targets. 

For example, the overall goal could be: “Improved customer satisfaction by 50%.”

An indicator for this goal would be: “ The number of calls, requests, and emails taken by customer support and ending in happy resolutions. ”

The 2 measures we can use to calculate the indicator could be: 

  • “Professionally and cheerfully handling customer requests, calls, and emails,” and
  • “Creating an incentive system for customer support agents to be better in their job”.

Finally, the 2 targets for each measure could be:

  • “50% more calls/emails handled more professionally and cheerfully by customer support,” and
  • “Managers in the customer support team giving positive employee reviews weekly”.

Who should use the SMART Goal Tree Template? 

You can use this template to measure success in various business areas, such as:

  • Customer support, 
  • Company finance, 
  • Internal processes, and more.

SMART Goal Tree Template

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Tree Template PDF

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Tree Template Google Docs

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Tree Template Excel

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Tree Template Google Sheets

SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities)

The SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities) is just what it sounds like. 

This template calls for responsibility and sets out steps on your way to reaching your professional and personal goals. In fact, it gives you immediate feedback on whether you’ve reached your objectives in the end.

What is the SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities) about?  

The SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities) lets you determine the value of a goal by asking you to explain how or why the said goal is:

  • Time-bound. 

Then, you can add the person responsible for the said goal and lay out the steps you need to go through to reach success.

How to use SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities)?

After downloading this action plan template, respond to each prompt and fill out the steps you need to complete to reach your goal. Also, you can name the responsible persons or entities that need to help you on this journey.

Remember that nothing is set in stone, and you can always rewrite it if you spot inconsistencies or flaws in your original plan.

Who should use the SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities)? 

Great for teamwork within a project where each teammate has different goals and responsibilities that together tie into one greater purpose. Also great for goals that imply a specific set of steps (or tasks) you need to tackle to reach them.

SMART Action Plan Template + Action Steps and Responsibilities

⬇️ Download the SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities) PDF

⬇️ Download the SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities) Google Docs

⬇️ Download the SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities) Excel

⬇️ Download the SMART Action Plan Template (+ Action Steps and Responsibilities) Google Sheets

New Year SMART Goal Template

The New Year SMART Goal Template prompts you to provide an overview of your personal and professional aspirations for the coming year. 

As a result, this template goes above and beyond to explore which goals you truly want to pursue — or not.

The New Year SMART Goal Template requires that you make a bit of a long-term commitment.

What is the New Year SMART Goal Template about? 

The New Year SMART Goal Template lets you define SMART goals for your:

  • Personal growth, 
  • Health, 
  • Business life, 
  • Family and friends, 
  • Travels, 
  • Hobbies, and 
  • New purchases in the new year.

How to use the New Year SMART Goal Template?

As soon as you download your preferred format, answer the prompts in as much detail as possible. 

For example, in the Personal growth section, you can list things such as “Start meditating every day for 30 minutes” or “Read 20 book pages daily” and go from there.

Who should use the New Year SMART Goal Template? 

This template is perfect for carrying out your New Year’s resolutions. So, you can be a university student, a freelancer, or anyone else pursuing goals in the coming year.

New Year SMART Goal Template

⬇️ Download the New Year SMART Goal Template PDF

⬇️ Download the New Year SMART Goal Template Google Docs

⬇️ Download the New Year SMART Goal Template Excel

⬇️ Download the New Year SMART Goal Template Google Sheets

SMART Goal Template for Project Managers

The SMART Goal Template for Project Managers is a clear, concise, and descriptive tool to get to the hows and whys of your project management goals. 

In turn, it helps you lead your team and create a roadmap for success in a short period.

What is the SMART Goal Template for Project Managers about?  

The SMART Goal Template for Project Managers consists of 5 sections. 

With this template, you can assess each goal you want to assign to a team member. In fact, you can decide whether the goal needs redefining or even whether it’s worthwhile (or unattainable by the assigned team member) in the first place.

How to use the SMART Goal Template for Project Managers?

Answer 2 questions per section to set and define a goal any project manager might face. Similarly, remember that you can tinker with the details and rewrite anything you deem necessary at any point during the process.

Who should use the SMART Goal Template for Project Managers? 

This SMART goal template is perfect for managers who are currently defining the goals and objectives of a project. You can also consider this template as a way to establish SMART goals for better time management.

SMART Goal Template for Project Managers

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Template for Project Managers PDF

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Template for Project Managers Google Docs

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Template for Project Managers Excel

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Template for Project Managers Google Sheets

SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations) 

Last but not least, the SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations) presents a powerful tool for learning what motivates you to reach your goals. 

By taking the time to understand what drives you, you can tap into your intrinsic motivation and stay focused on your short-term and long-term goals even when things get tough.

What is the SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations) about? 

The SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations) lets you assess whether a goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. 

Then, you can define the motivations and rewards that stand behind your pursuit of the said goal.

How to use the SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations)?

To get to the bottom of your rewards and motivations, simply respond to 5 questions from the SMART framework, followed by 2 questions on how you’ll make the goal motivating and rewarding. 

Who should use the SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations)? 

Rewards are important to keep you motivated enough to pursue a goal. I suggest you pick this SMART goal template if you want to define specific rewards that await you when you reach a goal.

SMART Goal Template + Rewards, Motivations

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations) PDF

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations) Google Docs

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations) Excel

⬇️ Download the SMART Goal Template (+ Rewards/Motivations) Google Sheets

Estimate task and project duration better — with Clockify

Our last quick tip on handling your goals is this: Limit how much time you allocate to tasks and projects.

Hear us out. 

You can use time management software like Clockify to block out parts of the workday and complete your workload. To create tasks, follow these steps:

  • Go to a project you’re working on,
  • Open the Tasks tab in the project,
  • Type your preferred task name, and

After you’ve completed these steps, you can insert them into your Clockify calendar (like below). In fact, you’ll be able to move, split, and resize each task and project as you see fit.


If your task takes longer than you expected, you can use this knowledge to make better time estimates for future goals. In any case, you’ll be able to set more realistic objectives.

Now, imagine hitting your goals not just on time but ahead of schedule. Sounds good?

Optimize your daily routines, reach professional milestones, and gain greater clarity on projects and tasks.


Marija Kojic is a productivity writer who's always researching about various productivity techniques and time management tips in order to find the best ones to write about. She can often be found testing and writing about apps meant to enhance the workflow of freelancers, remote workers, and regular employees. Appeared in G2 Crowd Learning Hub, The Good Men Project, and Pick the Brain, among other places.

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  • PhD: all of the types of writing listed above for a given academic level.

As you can see, no matter what stage of education you are at, here you can find the service you need.

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Home » Blog » How To Write SMART Learning Objectives & Outcomes

How To Write SMART Learning Objectives & Outcomes


As a methodology first created for business management, SMART has since been adapted across numerous fields, including education. SMART objectives offer a structured framework to help educators design effective learning goals that are clear, focused, and reachable. They ensure that learners can understand what is expected from them, fostering a more efficient and meaningful learning experience.


What are SMART Learning Objectives?

The SMART framework breaks down learning objectives into five key characteristics: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Each characteristic plays a pivotal role in creating a comprehensive learning goal that is practical, attainable, and aligned with overall educational targets.

George T. Doran first proposed the SMART framework in the November 1981 issue of Management Review . In his initial formulation, Doran’s A stood for “assignable,” meaning a task that can meaningfully be given to a specified individual. His R stood for “realistic,” a concept now captured by the latter-day “achievable” component.

In its current form, the framework offers a set of criteria that can be applied to any learning methodology to ensure that its content and assessment systems are fit for purpose.

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The learning objective should be well-defined, clear, and unambiguous. Instead of setting a broad or generic goal, educators should aim to specify what the learner will achieve upon successful completion of the course or lesson.

Another way to think of this is to consider what the learner will be able to do or understand, having completed the course, that they couldn’t have done or understood beforehand. How will it change their work life, skillset, or understanding?

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The objective must include criteria for measuring progress and outcome. This ensures that the learner’s progress can be tracked, and the effectiveness of the learning process can be evaluated.

With eLearning content , there are numerous ways to measure progress and comprehension, including completion percentages, internal quizzes, and final assessments. Various interactive tools allow for gamifying the process of measurement with puzzles and challenges that can be inserted into the course material to maintain interest and gauge understanding.

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The learning objective should be realistic and attainable. While ambitious goals can be motivational, they should not be so challenging as to be unattainable, which might lead to frustration or discouragement.

Stepped courses with modules for complete beginners, intermediate-level learners and experts can help ensure that the student completes a course at a level they can manage. Courses should avoid being too lengthy or complicated, or the end goal can begin to seem unreachable.

Break down your course materials into slides, lessons, and modules to motivate students to persist, and reward completion stages with badges, congratulations, or other markers of success.

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The objective should align with the learner’s broader educational or professional goals, ensuring the learning process is meaningful and applicable to their overall development. This is particularly important in mandatory training courses such as fire and safety training, first aid or DEI courses.

By tailoring courses to the day-to-day situations your students and employees will face, you will increase engagement.

If a course has an in-person element, make sure it incorporates time for students to discuss how each lesson relates to their own life or work. Lively discussions will follow, and the relevance of the topic will hit home.

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Each objective should have a defined timeline, offering a clear deadline for when the learning goal should be achieved. This enhances motivation and allows progress tracking over time.

Run many trials of your courses and time how long it takes the average student to complete the various modules, then tweak the content and design accordingly. Experience has shown that an individual module should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

Another good idea is to give students a realistic notion of how long each part of the course will take to finish. This will allow them to allocate sufficient time for completion, without having to interrupt their flow.


Step-by-Step Guide to Writing SMART Learning Objectives

Creating SMART learning objectives involves six critical steps – an initial definitional stage and then one step for each concept in the SMART framework. By following these steps methodically, you’ll ensure your courses are well-designed and fit for purpose.

Step 1: Identify Desired Outcome(s)

Before setting an objective, identify the desired learning outcomes of the lesson or course. What should learners know or be able to do by the end? It’s a good idea to specify this up front to set expectations.

When you’ve devised the course, you can run tests and examine the achieved outcomes. Do they match your intentions when designing the course? If not, a rethink may be required.

Step 2: Be Specific

Use action verbs to precisely define what the learner will achieve. Clearly state the scope of the objective to eliminate ambiguity.

Here’s an example of a poorly written course objective:

“Students will gain an understanding of the basics of social media marketing.”

And here’s that objective written with more specificity (with action verbs in bold):

“Students will appreciate the different audiences of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, understand the marketing objectives that can be achieved using each one, and will practise using some marketing techniques to make best use of each medium.”

Step 3: Ensure Objectives are Measurable

Define clear, quantifiable criteria to evaluate progress and success. You might establish various methods of assessment, including quizzes, projects, or discussions.

Be very transparent upfront about what constitutes an excellent, good, or acceptable “pass mark.” While some courses pass or fail only (driver’s tests, for example), others have gradations of achievement.

It can be difficult to quantify comprehension of a complex topic with multiple choice questions, so if it is vital that students gain an in-depth knowledge of a complex subject, then it is better to include a project, in-person assessment or written essay.

Without some sort of measurable outcome, there’s a danger students can complete courses as “lip service” to the notion of education, without really learning anything.

Step 4: Ensure Objectives are Achievable

Consider the resources available and the learners’ current capabilities when setting objectives. This ensures that the goals are challenging but within reach.

It can be helpful to run a “pre-assessment” test or questionnaire to gauge current comprehension level. If you do so, make sure you stress that there is no good or bad level of achievement; you are simply trying to identify a place to begin.

Match your course materials to the age, reading level and/or educational level of your students. Don’t use overly complicated language when simpler terms will do.

Step 5: Ensure Objectives are Relevant/Personalised

Align the learning objectives with the overall goals of the course and the individual learner’s needs. This ensures the learning process is valuable and beneficial for the learner.

Online systems allow for a high degree of learning personalisation of courses, including offering modules in a range of languages or including various optional extras.

As well as making the course content fit students’ needs, you need to make sure the outcomes match what they’ll be able to use in their employment or day-to-day lives.

For instance, if you were teaching a course in beer-making in a microbrewery setting, but most of your students were likely to work in commercial breweries, it would be wise to tailor the outcomes to include those very different environments.

Step 6: Establish Deadlines/Timeframes

Set clear deadlines for each objective. Balance the time constraints with the scope of the objective to ensure it’s feasible within the given timeframe. This may involve a degree of trial and error as you’re designing the course.

There’s little more frustrating than being told a course must be completed in one hour, only to find that its quizzes are so lengthy and challenging that it takes twice as long to finish.


Examples of SMART Learning Objectives

Here are examples of SMART objectives in different settings:

Classroom Setting

“In this semester, students will improve their writing skills by composing and revising at least three essays, with each essay receiving a score of 70% or higher.”

Note that there is room for variation in this objective – some students may complete three essays while others may do more. 70% is an ambitious but not unrealistic goal if your student intake has been pre-selected for basic literacy.

Online Courses

“By the end of this 20-hour online photography course, participants will produce a portfolio of ten high-quality photographs demonstrating mastery of advanced lighting techniques.”

This course may use advanced photo analytics to judge whether specific lessons about dynamic range, composition, colour, focus and subject choice have been adhered to and demonstrated.

What’s especially good about this objective is that it specifies the completion time (20 hours) and work volume (ten photos) very precisely.

Professional Development

“Within six months, team members will complete an advanced project management course, implement new strategies in their work, and show a 20% decrease in project overruns.”

Although the 20% overrun reduction may prove ambitious, it’s likely that the course organisers have researched the difference between the effect on deadlines of trained versus untrained teams.

“Within six months” is time-bound, but allows some wriggle room, for learners who can complete their coursework more quickly. The objective promises real professional and personal development.

Each of the above examples is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.


Benefits of Using SMART Learning Objectives

Enhanced focus and clarity.

SMART objectives provide clear and concise goals, aiding learners in understanding exactly what is expected. They ensure that a higher percentage of learners engage with course materials and see courses through to completion.

Improved Measurement and Assessment

Because they’re measurable, SMART objectives make progress tracking and outcome assessment easier and more effective. It becomes easier to demonstrate the efficacy of a course, and to identify places where materials can be improved in future iterations.

Increased Motivation and Engagement

Achievable and time-bound objectives motivate and engage learners by providing clear goals and a sense of urgency. They can foster a spirit of friendly rivalry too, as team members compete with one another to gain the best completion scores.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing SMART Objectives

Here are some of the frequent pitfalls course creators face:

  • Avoid vague or overly broad objectives that fail to clearly state what is expected from the learner. These will not inspire excitement and may lead to students feeling adrift as they work through the course materials.
  • Avoid objectives without measurable criteria that offer no way to evaluate success. Neither the course creator nor the student is well-served by a course with no objective measure of achievement.
  • Avoid irrelevant content that students won’t be able to incorporate within their lives or working environment. If elements add to completion time but don’t contribute to course objectives, the content should be left out.
  • Lastly, steer clear of unattainable or unrealistic goals that may frustrate or discourage learners. This will reduce engagement and can cause you to receive poor reviews of your courses.

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Strategies for Implementing and Monitoring SMART Objectives

Methods for effective implementation include:

  • Incorporating objectives into lesson planning and making sure they are at the forefront when designing a course.
  • Tracking progress and adjusting as necessary. Run numerous trials of your courses in the design stage, including participants at various levels of prior subject knowledge.
  • Providing regular feedback and support to learners. Take stock at various points during your course, either with recaps (for an online course) or in-person discussions of “what we’ve learned so far.” This helps learners feel they’re keeping up.

SMART is Objectively Better

Creating SMART learning objectives plays an important role in enhancing educational effectiveness. It enables learners to understand expectations, focus their efforts, and measure their progress.

As an eLearning company , Skillshub is committed to creating efficient and impactful learning experiences.

We incorporate these principles into our learning modules, providing a well-rounded eLearning platform and approach that caters to each learner’s unique needs and abilities.

Join us today to elevate your learning experience!

Sean photo

Sean McPheat

Sean is the CEO of Skillshub. He’s a published author and has been featured on CNN, BBC and ITV as a leading authority in the learning and development industry. Sean is responsible for the vision and strategy at Skillshub, helping to ensure innovation within the company.


Learn How To Create Personal Learning Journeys For FREE!

Updated on: 6 September, 2023

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How to Make an Essay Longer the Smart Way


Have you ever had a writer's block while writing your essay? You are there staring at your word count hoping there is a magic way to lengthen your essay quickly. You are not the only one who's facing this problem. Many writers struggle to fit the word count requirements without sacrificing quality.

It takes careful planning to write an extended essay without compromising quality. With the ever-evolving world of academia, students have to find smart and crafty ways to catch the reader's attention and find extra words to make their essays longer.

Why Do Essays Have a Word Count?

True mastery of essay writing is achieved through the creation of a compact and compelling composition. The notion that the worth of an essay is intricately linked to its length, is simply a fallacy. However, why do instructors and examiners insist on students reaching the required word count?

When the emphasis shifts from a minimum to a maximum word count, students are prompted to narrow down their thoughts, including the key points of a given issue. This method encourages creativity and results in improved essays.

The requirement of an essay word count compels students to broaden their minds, and carefully reflect on their ideas, forcing them to condense their ideas in a deep and impactful way. This technique encourages writers to build a link between head and heart, filling their compositions with true passion that reverberates onto the page, rather than simply meeting a criteria.

Instead of surrendering to the urge to generate filler words from the depths of their minds, pupils working with a word limit compose with intention, each word a deliberate decision reflecting a desire to convey a significant message.

What are some Informative Tips to Make an Essay Longer

Tip 1: make longer and elaborative paragraphs.

Extending paragraphs to at least four sentences is a practical approach to increase your paper's length. Short paragraphs may lack depth, leaving room for expansion. To provide well-structured and informative content, you can delve deeper into the topic, add more details, provide examples, or offer additional explanations.

This contributes to a more comprehensive discussion and naturally increases the page count. However, it's essential to maintain clarity and coherence while expanding, ensuring that the added content remains relevant and aligns with the paragraph's main idea. This technique helps to optimize the length and quality of your writing.

Tip 2: Expand on Your Points

Review your existing arguments and analysis. Expanding on your points within an essay involves carefully examining your current opinions and analysis. It creates an opportunity to enrich the depth and breadth of your content.

This process demands a critical eye and a commitment to enhancing the overall quality of your writing. To achieve this, consider the core concepts and ideas you've presented and try answering basic questions on your content. For instance, you may ask yourself: "Can I delve deeper into this?" 

Answering this question helps you open the door to more detailed explanations and the inclusion of illustrative examples. Answering different questions increases your essay length and elevates the reader's understanding. It comprehensively explores the subject, producing a more robust and persuasive essay.

Tip 3: Provide More Evidence in your Description

Incorporate additional evidence and examples to support your claims. Expanding your essay by providing supporting evidence is a potent strategy for enhancing the credibility and persuasiveness of your arguments. Introduce a rich tapestry of supporting materials such as additional research, relevant quotes, statistics, case studies, and real-life incidents to extend your essay effectively. 

Giving more detail such as quotes from credible sources provides external validation for your work, providing weight to your arguments. Add depth to your writing by incorporating statistics that have factual weight and offer numerical context to your statements. Engaging case studies brings the abstract into the concrete, demonstrating real-world applications of your ideas.

Real-life anecdotes humanize your arguments, making them relatable and memorable. You may make your essay longer while boosting its depth and influence by carefully adding case studies and other components.

Tip 4: Develop Sub-arguments on Significant Topics

Create sub-arguments or subtopics related to your central thesis. The strategic use of sub-arguments or subtopics is a clever approach to lengthening your essay while keeping it focused and relevant. Create a more complete and complicated debate by drawing secondary themes or concepts from your primary argument.

These sub-arguments act as distinct facets of your primary idea, allowing for deeper exploration and offering readers a richer understanding of the subject matter. 

Tip 5: Incorporate Counterarguments

Discuss and then disprove counterarguments. Integrating counterarguments into your essay is essential to extend its length and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject. You participate in a critical conversation that strengthens your work by acknowledging opposing ideas and then expertly debunking them.

This method indicates a willingness to explore opposing viewpoints, which increases your credibility as an informed writer. You increase the essay word count by offering a platform for counterarguments and possibilities for in-depth examination and refutation. Your work will be more convincing and thought-provoking, appealing to a broader audience.

Tip 6: Include Transition Sentences in your Writing

Add transition words between paragraphs and sections to connect your ideas more effectively. Incorporating well-crafted transition sentences into your essay is a refined strategy beyond merely lengthening your work. It enhances its overall coherence and readability. Transition sentences serve as bridges, guiding your reader smoothly from one point to the next. 

These sentences establish logical connections and offer additional context and explanations, making your arguments more accessible. Explicit linking ideas reduces the risk of confusion and ensures that your essay reads like a cohesive narrative rather than a disjointed collection of paragraphs.

These transition words provide readers with a roadmap through your essay, creating a more engaging and understandable reading experience. Thus, employing transition sentences extends your essay and elevates its overall quality.

Tip 7: Explain Your Methodology

Explain your methodology more thoroughly if your essay involves research or data analysis. Elaborating on the methodology employed in your paper, especially in research-based or data-driven works, augments your article's length and accuracy. You extend your essay and enhance its trustworthiness by providing a detailed explanation of your research approach. 

A detailed methodology section should outline your steps to gather, analyze, and interpret data, demonstrating transparency and sound research practices. This expansion provides a deeper understanding of your work's foundations and offers readers insights into your scholarly accuracy. Consequently, it fortifies the overall quality and substance of your essay while ensuring the authenticity of your findings.

Tip 8: Define Key Terms

Offer definitions and explanations for essential terms and concepts. Defining key terms and images within your essay is a dual-purpose strategy that can significantly enhance its length and reader comprehension. Providing clear and concise definitions helps extend the content and ensure your audience fully grasps the terminology integral to your topic. 

This practice eliminates potential confusion and aligns readers with your intended meaning. It demonstrates your expertise in the subject, showcasing your commitment to facilitating understanding. Your essay becomes more accessible and informative, appealing to a broader audience while increasing its word count through elucidating essential terms and concepts.

Tip 9: Elaborate on Introductions and Conclusions

Elaborating on your essay's introduction and conclusion is a strategic approach to enhance its length and overall impact. In the introduction, consider providing additional background information, historical context, or a more in-depth overview of the topic. Expanding the introduction lengthens the essay and prepares the reader for a comprehensive exploration. 

In the conclusion section, revisit and reiterate your main points, summarizing your arguments and insights concisely. Reinforcing these key takeaways supports your message, and a lengthened conclusion ensures a lasting impression on the reader, underscoring the significance of your work. Extending the introduction and conclusion makes your essay more comprehensive and memorable.

Tip 10: Use More Quotations

Incorporate relevant quotations from experts, scholars, or primary sources. Integrating a more significant number of references into your essay can effectively lengthen it while adding depth and authority. Quotes from experts, scholars, and primary sources serve as decisive evidence to support your arguments and provide valuable insights. 

However, it's crucial to weave these quotations into your text, ensuring they flow naturally and do not disrupt the narrative. Proper citation is essential to maintain academic integrity. By strategically employing relevant quotations, you increase the essay's word count and enhance its credibility and persuasive impact. These authoritative quotes reinforce your positions and offer diverse perspectives, making your writing more engaging and informative.

Tip 11: Explore Related Topics

If appropriate, explore related topics or subtopics that can contribute to the overall understanding of your central thesis. Exploring related topics or subtopics, when pertinent to your main thesis, is an astute approach to extending your essay's length while enriching its content. This strategy allows you to delve into interconnected ideas or themes that provide valuable context and depth to your central argument. 

The key is ensuring these related topics remain relevant and contribute to the overarching narrative. You provide a more holistic perspective, enhancing the reader's understanding of the central thesis by interweaving these subtopics. This expansion technique augments the length and showcases your ability to situate your argument within a broader intellectual framework, making your essay more comprehensive and enlightening.

Tip 12: Add Visuals or Graphics

Include diagrams, charts, images, or tables to illustrate your points or provide additional context if appropriate. Incorporating visuals or graphics into your essay, where relevant, is a sophisticated approach to increasing its length while enhancing comprehension and engagement.

Visual elements, such as diagrams, charts, images, or tables, can be powerful tools for illustrating complex ideas, providing additional context, and reinforcing your arguments. 

It's crucial to ensure that these visuals are integrated into the text, properly labeled, and thoroughly discussed to elucidate their significance. This approach extends the essay by reinforcing your points visually, making the content more accessible and memorable for a broader audience. Consequently, including visuals augments the essay's depth and visual appeal.

Tip 13: Revise and Reorganize your Content

Review your essay's structure and organization. Revising and reorganizing your article is a systematic and insightful approach to increasing its length while improving its overall coherence and effectiveness. You may uncover fresh perspectives and identify expansion opportunities by scrutinizing the structure and organization of your work.

This process often reveals hidden connections between ideas or highlights areas where further elaboration is needed. It allows you to rearrange sections for improved flow and can lead to discovering overlooked points that can be developed further. Through this thoughtful review and adjustment, your essay gains both in length and in the quality of its argumentation, ultimately delivering a more impactful and well-structured piece of writing.

Tip 14: Expand on Examples

If you've used examples to illustrate your points, expand on these examples with more details and analysis. Developing the examples employed within your essay is a powerful strategy to enhance its length while reinforcing the persuasiveness of your arguments. When you delve deeper into these illustrative examples, you give your readers a more immersive and comprehensive understanding of your presenting concepts. 

Offering additional details and in-depth analysis helps you breathe life into your examples, making them more vivid and relatable. This expansion increases the essay's word count and amplifies its effectiveness. The reader gains a richer appreciation of the subject matter, and your arguments become more convincing, leaving a lasting impression and elevating the overall quality of your essay.

Tip 15: Add Real-life Case Studies

If relevant, include case studies or real-life examples that illustrate your arguments. When pertinent, incorporating real-life case studies into your essay is a compelling method for extending its length while enhancing its engagement.

Presenting concrete instances and in-depth case studies helps you breathe vitality into your arguments, rendering them more relatable and memorable. These real-life examples serve as microcosms of your broader points, providing a tangible and practical dimension to your ideas. 

The real-life case studies add length to your essay and make it more captivating and informative, as readers can directly connect with the real-world relevance of your arguments. Ultimately, including case studies elevates your essay's overall quality, making it more impactful and educational.

Tip 16: Consult Additional Sources

If time allows, consult additional sources to gather more information and insights about your topic. Exploring different sources to gather more information and insights related to your case is a diligent approach that can increase the length and depth of your essay.

Establishing a wider net for research allows you to expose yourself to various viewpoints and expert perspectives. These supplementary sources can help increase your word count by furnishing your essay with fresh data, statistics, and scholarly analysis. 

Tip 17: Ask Another Person to Proofread your Work

Having someone proofread your essay is a valuable step in the writing process, especially when pressed for time. While you possess a deep understanding of your subject, an external perspective can identify areas of confusion or ambiguity you might overlook.

Having a friend, family member, or peer review your work and provide feedback helps ensure your message is clear and accessible to your audience. Their insights can pinpoint where additional information or explanations are needed, enhancing the overall quality of your essay. This collaborative approach allows you to refine your writing, giving you the chance to make your essay longer.

Tip 18: Take a Break from Your Work

Taking a break from your essay is a wise strategy when feeling stuck or tired. Staring at a screen for extended periods can lead to mental fatigue and writer's block. Stepping away, whether for a snack, a walk, or a chat with a friend, refreshes your mind and renews creativity.

It allows your brain to process information in the background, often leading to new insights and ideas. When you return to your essay with a fresh perspective, you're better equipped to tackle it effectively. This mental reset can be the key to overcoming writer's block and improving the quality of your work.

Tip 19: Ask for Help from Your Instructor

Seeking help from your instructor is a proactive step in improving your paper. Instructors are often open to reviewing drafts and offering guidance before the final submission. They can provide valuable insights on whether you're addressing the prompt effectively, potentially leading to more comprehensive content. 

Instructors may also share specific expectations or areas for improvement that can help increase word count while enhancing the paper's quality. This collaborative approach demonstrates your commitment to the assignment and enables you to refine your work, ensuring it aligns with their expectations and academic standards. It's a valuable opportunity for constructive feedback.

Can I use an AI to make my Essay longer?

Students are now able to benefit from using AI tools to speed up essay composition, such as ChatGPT and Bard AI Tools. Using complex algorithms and Machine learning, AI tools can generate additional content that is both voluminous and relevant making an essay longer.

AI writing tools, such as grammar checkers, provide helpful criticism and inspiration, assisting in the design of research questions and improving overall writing quality. However, it is important to point out that employing AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, to completely create an article may constitute plagiarism, breaking educational institution standards and resulting in penalties.

Text generated by AI is subjective and may contain incorrect information. While AI improves the writing process, students must follow institutional guidelines to maintain academic integrity.

The Bottom Line

Improving your writing abilities by developing strategic ability is mandatory for you to highlight your key points and make your essay longer. Imagine your articles as compelling art pieces that captivate readers and leave a lasting impression. With the right tips, students can foster the right skills for effective writing and critical thinking, ultimately producing more creative and impactful essays.

Get expert advice for smart essay lengthening. Discover strategies for making your paper longer without compromising quality. Optimize your writing today with AceMyHomework !


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AI bot ChatGPT writes smart essays — should professors worry?

  • Chris Stokel-Walker

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Between overwork, underpayment and the pressure to publish, academics have plenty to worry about. Now there’s a fresh concern: ChatGPT , an artificial intelligence (AI) powered chatbot that creates surprisingly intelligent-sounding text in response to user prompts, including homework assignments and exam-style questions. The replies are so lucid, well-researched and decently referenced that some academics are calling the bot the death knell for conventional forms of educational assessment. How worried should professors and lecturers be?

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How to Start an Essay: 13 Engaging Strategies

ThoughtCo / Hugo Lin

  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

There are countless ways to start an essay effectively. A solid introductory paragraph both informs and motivates. It lets readers know what your piece is about and it encourages them to keep reading.

For folks new to learning how to start an essay, here are 13 introductory strategies accompanied by examples from a wide range of professional writers.

State Your Thesis Briefly and Directly

One straightforward way to begin is to get right to the point. But avoid making your thesis a bald announcement, such as "This essay is about...". 

"It is time, at last, to speak the truth about Thanksgiving, and the truth is this. Thanksgiving is really not such a terrific holiday...." (Michael J. Arlen, "Ode to Thanksgiving." The Camera Age: Essays on Television . Penguin, 1982)

Pose a Question Related to Your Subject

A thought-provoking way to start an essay is by asking a relevant question that needs to be unpacked. Follow up the question with an answer, or an invitation for your readers to answer the question.

"What is the charm of necklaces? Why would anyone put something extra around their neck and then invest it with special significance? A necklace doesn't afford warmth in cold weather, like a scarf, or protection in combat, like chain mail; it only decorates. We might say, it borrows meaning from what it surrounds and sets off, the head with its supremely important material contents, and the face, that register of the soul. When photographers discuss the way in which a photograph reduces the reality it represents, they mention not only the passage from three dimensions to two, but also the selection of a point de vue that favors the top of the body rather than the bottom, and the front rather than the back. The face is the jewel in the crown of the body, and so we give it a setting." (Emily R. Grosholz, "On Necklaces." Prairie Schooner , Summer 2007)

State an Interesting Fact About Your Subject

Leading with a fact that draws readers in immediately can grab their attention effectively.

" The peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of extinction by a ban on DDT, but also by a peregrine falcon mating hat invented by an ornithologist at Cornell University. If you cannot buy this, Google it. Female falcons had grown dangerously scarce. A few wistful males nevertheless maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. The hat was imagined, constructed, and then forthrightly worn by the ornithologist as he patrolled this loitering ground, singing, Chee-up! Chee-up! and bowing like an overpolite Japanese Buddhist trying to tell somebody goodbye...." (David James Duncan, "Cherish This Ecstasy." The Sun , July 2008)

Present Your Thesis as a Recent Discovery or Revelation

"I've finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people." (Suzanne Britt Jordan, "Neat People vs. Sloppy People." Show and Tell . Morning Owl Press, 1983)

Briefly Describe the Primary Setting of Your Essay

"It was in Burma, a sodden morning of the rains. A sickly light, like yellow tinfoil, was slanting over the high walls into the jail yard. We were waiting outside the condemned cells, a row of sheds fronted with double bars, like small animal cages. Each cell measured about ten feet by ten and was quite bare within except for a plank bed and a pot of drinking water. In some of them brown silent men were squatting at the inner bars, with their blankets draped round them. These were the condemned men, due to be hanged within the next week or two." (George Orwell, "A Hanging," 1931)

Recount an Incident That Dramatizes Your Subject

Sharing an incident from your life or history in general is an impactful way to start an essay.

"One October afternoon three years ago while I was visiting my parents, my mother made a request I dreaded and longed to fulfill. She had just poured me a cup of Earl Grey from her Japanese iron teapot, shaped like a little pumpkin; outside, two cardinals splashed in the birdbath in the weak Connecticut sunlight. Her white hair was gathered at the nape of her neck, and her voice was low. “Please help me get Jeff’s pacemaker turned off,” she said, using my father’s first name. I nodded, and my heart knocked." (Katy Butler, "What Broke My Father's Heart." The New York Times Magazine , June 18, 2010)

Use the Narrative Strategy of Delay

The narrative strategy of delay allows you to put off identifying your subject just long enough to pique your readers' interest without frustrating them. 

"They woof. Though I have photographed them before, I have never heard them speak, for they are mostly silent birds. Lacking a syrinx, the avian equivalent of the human larynx, they are incapable of song. According to field guides the only sounds they make are grunts and hisses, though the Hawk Conservancy in the United Kingdom reports that adults may utter a croaking coo and that young black vultures, when annoyed, emit a kind of immature snarl...." (Lee Zacharias, "Buzzards." Southern Humanities Review , 2007)

Use the Historical Present Tense

An effective way to start an essay is to use historical present tense to relate an incident from the past as if it were happening now. 

"Ben and I are sitting side by side in the very back of his mother’s station wagon. We face glowing white headlights of cars following us, our sneakers pressed against the back hatch door. This is our joy—his and mine—to sit turned away from our moms and dads in this place that feels like a secret, as though they are not even in the car with us. They have just taken us out to dinner, and now we are driving home. Years from this evening, I won’t actually be sure that this boy sitting beside me is named Ben. But that doesn’t matter tonight. What I know for certain right now is that I love him, and I need to tell him this fact before we return to our separate houses, next door to each other. We are both five." (Ryan Van Meter, "First." The Gettysburg Review , Winter 2008)

Briefly Describe a Process That Leads Into Your Subject

"I like to take my time when I pronounce someone dead. The bare-minimum requirement is one minute with a stethoscope pressed to someone’s chest, listening for a sound that is not there; with my fingers bearing down on the side of someone’s neck, feeling for an absent pulse; with a flashlight beamed into someone’s fixed and dilated pupils, waiting for the constriction that will not come. If I’m in a hurry, I can do all of these in sixty seconds, but when I have the time, I like to take a minute with each task." (Jane Churchon, "The Dead Book." The Sun , February 2009)

Reveal a Secret or Make a Candid Observation

"I spy on my patients. Ought not a doctor to observe his patients by any means and from any stance, that he might the more fully assemble evidence? So I stand in doorways of hospital rooms and gaze. Oh, it is not all that furtive an act. Those in bed need only look up to discover me. But they never do." ( Richard Selzer , "The Discus Thrower." Confessions of a Knife . Simon & Schuster, 1979)

Open with a Riddle, Joke, or Humorous Quotation

A fun way to start an essay is to use a riddle , joke, or humorous quotation that reveals something about your subject. 

" Q: What did Eve say to Adam on being expelled from the Garden of Eden? A: 'I think we're in a time of transition.' The irony of this joke is not lost as we begin a new century and anxieties about social change seem rife. The implication of this message, covering the first of many periods of transition, is that change is normal; there is, in fact, no era or society in which change is not a permanent feature of the social landscape...." (Betty G. Farrell, Family: The Making of an Idea, an Institution, and a Controversy in American Culture . Westview Press, 1999)

Offer a Contrast Between Past and Present

"As a child, I was made to look out the window of a moving car and appreciate the beautiful scenery, with the result that now I don't care much for nature. I prefer parks, ones with radios going chuckawaka chuckawaka and the delicious whiff of bratwurst and cigarette smoke." (Garrison Keillor, "Walking Down The Canyon." Time , July 31, 2000)

Offer a Contrast Between Image and Reality

A compelling way to start an essay is with a contrast between a common misconception and the opposing truth. 

"They aren’t what most people think they are. Human eyes, touted as ethereal objects by poets and novelists throughout history, are nothing more than white spheres, somewhat larger than your average marble, covered by a leather-like tissue known as sclera and filled with nature’s facsimile of Jell-O. Your beloved’s eyes may pierce your heart, but in all likelihood they closely resemble the eyes of every other person on the planet. At least I hope they do, for otherwise he or she suffers from severe myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or worse...." (John Gamel, "The Elegant Eye." Alaska Quarterly Review , 2009)

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Smartphone Essay

500 words essay on smartphone.

Smartphones have become a very important form of communication these days. It is impossible for a rational person to deny the advantages of smartphones as they are devices suitable for a wide variety of tasks. Let us try to understand smartphones along with their benefits with this smartphone essay.

Smartphone Essay

                                                                                                                                    Smartphone Essay

Understanding the Smartphone

A smartphone is a mobile device that facilitates the combination of cellular and mobile computing functions into one single unit. Moreover, smartphones have stronger hardware capabilities and extensive mobile operating systems in comparison to feature phones.

The strong operating systems of smartphones make possible multimedia functionality, wider software, and the internet including web browsing. They also support core phone functions like text messaging and voice calls.

There are a number of metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuit (IC) chips within a smartphone. Moreover, such chips include various sensors whose leveraging is possible by their software.

The marketing of early smartphones was primarily towards the enterprise market. Furthermore, the attempt of the smartphone manufacturers was to bridge the functionality of standalone personal digital assistant (PDA) devices along with support for cellular telephony. However, the early smartphones had problems of slow analogue cellular network, short battery life, and bulky size.

With the passage of time, experts were able to resolve these issues. Furthermore, this became possible with faster digital mobile data networks, miniaturization of MOS transistors down to sub-micron levels, and exponential scaling. Moreover, the development of more mature software platforms led to enhancement in the capability of smartphones.

Benefits of Smartphone

People can make use of smartphones to access the internet and find out information regarding almost anything. Furthermore, due to the portability of a smartphone, people can access the internet from any location, even while travelling.

Smartphones have greatly increased the rate of work. This is possible because smartphones facilitate a highly efficient and quick form of communication from anywhere. For example, a person can participate in an official business meeting, without wasting time, from the comfort of his home via a live video chat application of a smartphone.

Smartphones can also be of tremendous benefit to students in general. Furthermore, students can quickly resolve any issue related to studies by accessing the internet , using a calculator, reading a pdf file, or contacting a teacher. Most noteworthy, all of this is possible due to the smartphone.

People can get in touch with the larger global community by communicating and sharing their views via social media. Furthermore, this provides a suitable platform to express their views, conduct business with online transactions , or find new people or jobs. One can do all that from anywhere, thanks to the smartphone.

These were just a few benefits of smartphones. Overall, the total benefits of a smartphone are just too many to enumerate here. Most importantly, smartphones have made our lives more efficient as well as comfortable.

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Conclusion of Smartphone Essay

Smartphones have proven to be a revolution for human society. Furthermore, they have made the whole world united like never before. In spite of its demerits, there is no doubt that the smartphone is a tremendous blessing to mankind and it will continue to play a major role in its development.

FAQs For Smartphone Essay

Question 1: How is a smartphone different from a feature phone?

Answer 1: Smartphones have stronger hardware capabilities and extensive mobile operating systems when compared to feature phones. Furthermore, the smartphone can perform almost all computing functions that a feature phone can’t. The internet and camera capabilities of a feature phone are nowhere near as powerful as that of a smartphone.

Question 2: What is meant by a smartphone?

Answer 2: A smartphone refers to a handheld electronic device that facilitates a connection to a cellular network. Furthermore, smartphones let people access the internet, make phone calls, send text messages, along with a wide variety of functions that one can perform on a pc or a laptop. Overall, it is a fully functioning miniaturized computer.

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Smart Cities, Bad Metaphors, and a Better Urban Future

Hudson yard

Maybe it’s a cliché—I think I’ve used it myself—to say that scientists’ and philosophers’ explanations for how the brain works tend to metaphorically track the most advanced technology of their time. Greek writers thought brains worked like hydraulic water clocks. European writers in the Middle Ages suggested that thoughts operated through gear-like mechanisms. In the 19th century the brain was like a telegraph; a few decades later, it was more like a telephone network. Shortly after that, no surprise, people thought the brain worked like a digital computer, and that maybe they could build computers that work like the brain, or talk to it . Not easy, since, metaphors aside, nobody really knows how the brain works. Science can be exciting like that.

The absence of a good metaphor hasn’t stopped anyone from studying brains, of course. But sometimes they confuse the map for the terrain, mistaking a good metaphor for a workable theory. It’s easy to do when it comes to complex systems that interact at scales either too big or too small for us to observe in their entirety. That’s true for the brain, a lump of think-meat generating an individual mind from, researchers think, around 86 billion individual cells woven into an electrochemical jelly-network. And it’s true for a city, the dense network in which millions of those individual minds come together to form a community. The people who write about cities— I’ve done it myself — also tend to grope for organizing metaphors in current science. A city is a machine, a city is an animal, a city is an ecosystem. Or maybe a city is like a computer. To the urbanist and media studies writer Shannon Mattern, that’s the dangerous one.

Mattern’s new book comes out August 10; it’s a collection (with revisions and updates) of some of her very smart work for Places Journal called A City Is Not a Computer: Other Urban Intelligences . In it, Mattern wrestles with the ways that particular metaphor has screwed up the design, planning, and living-in of cities in the 20th century. It happens at every scale, from surveilling individual people as if they were bits to monitoring the widescreen data necessary to keep a city functioning for the good of its inhabitants. Of all the ways information can travel through an urban network, Mattern says, it’d probably be better to have public libraries be the nodes than the panopticon-like centralized dashboards so many cities try to build. The problem is that the metrics people choose to track become targets to achieve. They become their own kind of metaphors, and they’re usually wrong.

The first two essays are the ones that had the most oomph when they were first published—and still do. “City Console” is a wild history of information dashboards and control rooms designed to be panopticons for urban data. These informational hubs collect input on how well municipal systems are working, crime is getting policed, children are getting educated, and so on. Mission control, but for freeways and sewage. My favorite example from Mattern’s book is the 1970s effort by Salvador Allende, then the leader of Chile, to build something called Project Cybersyn, with an “ops room” full of button-studded chairs that would have made Captain Kirk proud, plus wall-sized screens with flashing red lights. Of course, since no city had real-time data to fill those screens, they displayed hand-drawn slides instead. It’s goofy, but there’s a direct line from Cybersyn to the ways lots of US cities now collect and display law enforcement and other urban data in CompStat programs. They’re supposed to make government accountable , but they often justify worthless arrests or highlight misleading numbers—on-time transit travel instead of number of people carried, let’s say.

In the next essay, the titular one, Mattern warns against the ambitions of big Silicon Valley companies to build “smart cities.” When the essay first appeared, Amazon was still on tap to build a city-sized headquarters in New York, and Google was pushing to do much the same in Toronto. (The Google project, from a sibling company called Sidewalk Labs, would have featured wood skyscrapers, pavement that used lights to reconfigure its uses on the fly, self-driving cars, and underground trash tubes.) Now, of course, most of the big smart-city, tech-enabled projects have failed or scaled back. Hudson Yards in New York didn’t deploy with anywhere near the level of sensor and surveillance technology its developers promised (or maybe threatened). Cities still gather and share all kinds of data , but they’re not exactly “smart.”

In a conversation last month, I asked Mattern why tech companies seem to have failed to smarten up any cities, at least so far. She thinks it’s because they missed the most important parts of citymaking. “A lot of more computational and data-driven ways of thinking about cities give a false sense of omniscience,” Mattern says. The people in charge of cities think they’re getting raw truth when in fact the filters they choose determine what they see. “When everything is computational, or when we can operationalize even the more poetic and evanescent aspects of a city in a datapoint,” Mattern says, “that makes us unaware that it is a metaphor.”

That’s bad, is the point. But the game isn’t over. “Even though the really charismatic projects haven’t come to fruition, they planted seeds and showed possibilities,” Mattern says. “Some of the tech companies can implement what they’ve learned in other, more subtle forms.” If Sidewalk Labs’ promise to build robocar-ready, reconfigurable illuminated pavement doesn’t come to fruition, that’s probably a relief to people on foot and bikes. But the replacement might be corporate housing built by Google or Facebook in Silicon Valley that automatically pings cell phones and relies on biometrics to keep track of its residents. And maybe the people who live there won’t mind, because after all, no one else is building much housing. Company towns could seem like as good an option tomorrow as they did to laborers in the 19th century—only now every apartment will come with Alexa wired into the walls.

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Mattern studied chemistry as an undergraduate, then went on to do a PhD in media studies, with a lot of other work in architecture and anthropology. So the book reflects the ways a bunch of academic disciplines refract the idea of urbanism, of how to make a city that supports everyone who lives there. She’s particularly interested in public libraries as a place where city dwellers can learn and connect with information about resources, education, jobs, and infrastructure. Libraries are a very different kind of place today than when Matern wrote her dissertation on them in the 1990s; even spatially, the stacks and card catalogues have given way to plaza-like public spaces and cafes, performance facilities, internet access, and digital collections. (No one younger than Gen X knows the particular pleasure of flight that comes from navigating a microfiche landscape at top speed.) It’s a bummer to lose physical media, but now “libraries are not just places for the consumption of information and knowledge, but places for local communities to build their own collections and perform them,” Mattern tells me. That makes them a sort of antithesis to all the cameras, speed sensors, and Bluetooth location sensors that a “ smart city ” might use to suck data out of its inhabitants .

Between the time Mattern wrote the essays and their collection into a book, the Covid-19 pandemic hit. There’s a terrible irony in that; you can’t really have a pandemic without cities . Without huge numbers of people living within disease-transmission distance of one another, viruses and bacteria don’t have as much to do.

The history of public health is a history of urban theory and design: quarantine as a requirement of Renaissance trade; the “cordon sanitaire” as a barrier to separate nominally sick locals from their colonists; John Snow’s map of cholera near public wells in London; Napoleon III and Baron Haussmann’s redesign of Paris in the 19th century (to fight cholera and other diseases and to make it easier, if necessary, to pacify the rebellious poor ); the hygiene and sanitation movements of the early 20th century that led to better US housing ; and disastrous, racist “slum clearances” to fight “ blight .” The histories of urban theory and public health are knotted together.

At the turn of the 20th century, the twin infectious disease threats of tuberculosis and the Spanish flu combined with faddish ideas on wellness among people rich enough to afford their own architects, and led to something new. As the architectural historian Biatriz Colomina has written , that was Modernism, with its clean lines, honest materials, porous relationship between the indoors and outdoors, more sunlight, more ventilation, and solid surfaces that were easy to clean. It was more than an aesthetic. It was disease control.

With a better understanding of how diseases like Covid-19 transmit through shared air , a similarly radical transition could happen again . “Rethinking the workspace, the office, wondering about flexible schedules and if that can help make a more humane work environment and assist with social distancing—we’ve been on quite a roller coaster,” Mattern says. “There was a lot of hope. We realized the need for parks, public spaces, alternative forms of transportation. But then we see the depressing debate over infrastructure bills and our lack of desire to expand what counts as infrastructure.”

It’s here that I start to think the twinned histories of cities and public health are having their own metaphor crisis. Our own personal dashboards are forcing the issue. Americans spent the summer of 2020 switching their web browsers from Covid deaths to wildfire locations to air pollution levels —when we weren’t looking for community on Twitter, TikTok, or Facebook. What is social media if not a dashboard for our personal lives? As always, the data you collect determines what you know. If Project Cybersyn pointed the metaphor needle toward a clean, gleaming Roddenberry utopia, 2020 twisted the dial toward a breakdown straight out of Octavia Butler or William Gibson. But sci-fi dystopia is a pretty bad metaphor if you hope to avert the end of the world.

Mattern’s deft dissection of metaphors for cities shows that when they’re misguided, they point to a failure not only of imagination but of a city’s ability to carry out its chief function—as a bulwark against disaster. Humans build cities as fortresses against failure: economic collapse, natural catastrophe, human venality and cowardice. The city walls keep those things out, when they work. If houses are, as the architect Mies van de Rohe said, “machines for living,” then cities are places where those machines get daisy-chained into a society. Cities are machines for cooperation, and survival.

Last summer, the disasters of climate change and disease pointed at the ways those machines could fail. The past year has made it clearer than ever that economic and racial inequities around the world, and especially in the United States, have imminent, deadly consequences. The warning lights are all flashing red : A conversation about cities can no longer be about the invisible data of surveillance cameras and stock trades. It has to be about the visible, more human-scaled construction of something better. The built environment can’t be an accident anymore, because that leads to catastrophe. We don’t live in a metaphor. “The built environment is the product of so many agencies and institutions, often working in the background,” Mattern says. “It’s hard to localize responsibility for that.” As she writes, cities aren’t mere computers. but I might still deploy a facile idea from that metaphor: Justice and survival now depend on cities getting a serious upgrade to their firmware.

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the smart essay


Essay on Hard Work vs Smart Work

Students are often asked to write an essay on Hard Work vs Smart Work in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Hard Work vs Smart Work

Understanding the concepts.

Hard work means putting in a lot of time and effort to achieve a goal. Smart work, on the other hand, involves achieving the same goal more efficiently, often by finding shortcuts or innovative solutions.

Hard Work vs Smart Work

Balance is key.

Both hard work and smart work are important. A balance of the two can lead to the best results. So, work hard, but also work smart!

Also check:

250 Words Essay on Hard Work vs Smart Work

Introduction, understanding hard work.

Hard work is often viewed as the traditional path to success. It involves putting in long hours, enduring physical or mental strain, and persistently pursuing goals. The mantra of hard work suggests that success is a direct result of the amount of effort and time invested.

Deciphering Smart Work

On the other hand, smart work is a more modern concept. It is about working strategically and efficiently to achieve goals faster. Smart work involves leveraging technology, prioritizing tasks, and focusing on tasks that yield maximum results. It is about working intelligently and using creative problem-solving skills to overcome challenges.

While hard work and smart work are not mutually exclusive, the key lies in striking a balance. Relying solely on hard work can lead to burnout and inefficiency. Conversely, depending solely on smart work may lack the discipline and resilience that hard work instills.

In conclusion, the choice between hard work and smart work depends on individual preferences and the nature of the task at hand. However, a combination of both is often the most effective approach. It’s about working hard on the right things and working smart to maximize productivity.

500 Words Essay on Hard Work vs Smart Work

Smart work, on the other hand, is a more contemporary approach that emphasizes efficiency. It is about working strategically, leveraging resources, and finding the most effective way to achieve goals. Smart work involves innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It is about working not just harder, but better. However, smart work can sometimes be misinterpreted as taking shortcuts or avoiding hard work, which is not the case. It is about optimizing effort and maximizing output.

The debate between hard work and smart work is not about which approach is superior, but rather about finding a balance between the two. Hard work without smart work can lead to exhaustion and inefficiency, while smart work without hard work can lead to complacency and lack of depth.

In the final analysis, the choice between hard work and smart work is not an either-or proposition. Rather, it is about integrating both approaches to create a balanced, efficient, and effective work ethic. Hard work lays the groundwork, while smart work optimizes the process. Together, they form a powerful combination that can lead to remarkable achievements. As the saying goes, “Work hard, but work smart.” This blend of hard work and smart work is the key to success in today’s fast-paced, competitive world.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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