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how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Along with instruction and assessment, assignments form the foundation of the teaching and learning process. They provide opportunities for students to practice the skills and apply the knowledge that they have been taught in a supportive environment. It also helps the teacher gauge how well students are learning the material and how close they are to mastery.

Because of the nature of assignments, managing them can get hectic. That’s why its best to use a platform like Google Classroom to help you manage assignments digitally. In today’s tip, we will discuss 48 ways that you can use Classroom to manage student assignments.

  • Assignment Status – Easily check how many students turned in an assignment as well as how many assignments have been graded by going to the Classwork tab and clicking on the title of the assignment.
  • Assign to Multiple Classes – Post an assignment to multiple classes by using the “for” drop-down menu when creating an assignment.
  • Brainstorm – Use Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Drawings to brainstorm for class assignments.
  • Calendar of Due Dates – Link a Google Calendar with due dates for assignments, tests, and other important dates into Classroom.
  • Check Homework – Classroom makes checking homework easy with a quick glance at the assignment page. If more detailed grading is needed, just access the grading interface for the assignment.
  • Choice Boards – Give students a choice in how they demonstrate what they know by creating a choice board and uploading it as an assignment. Choice boards allow students to choose between several assignments and can be created directly in Classroom, using Google Docs, or with third-party apps.
  • Co-Teach Classes – Invite others to co-teach in your Classroom. Each teacher is able to create assignments and post announcements for students.
  • Create Questions Before a Socratic Seminar – Create an assignment for students to develop questions before a Socratic seminar. During the collaborative process, students can eliminate duplicate questions.
  • Detention Assignment Sheet – Create a detention assignment sheet using Google Docs. The assignment sheet can then be shared with the detention teacher and individual students privately through Classroom.
  • Differentiate Assignments – Assign work to individual students or groups of students in Classroom.
  • Differentiate by Product – Differentiate by product in Classroom by providing a challenge, variety, or choice or by using a continuum with assignments.
  • Digital Portfolios – Students can create digital portfolios of their work by uploading documents, pictures, artifacts, etc. to Classroom assignments.
  • Directions Document – Use Google Docs to create instruction documents for assignments in Classroom.
  • Distribute Student Work/Homework – Use Classroom to distribute student assignments or homework to all students, groups of students, or individual students.
  • Diversify Student Submissions – Create alternative submission options for students through the assignment tool. For example, one group of students may be required to submit a Google Doc while another group is required to submit a Slides presentation.
  • Do-Now Activities – Use Classroom to post Do-Now Activities.
  • Draft Assignments – Save posts as drafts until they are ready for publishing.
  • Feedback Before Student Submits – Provide feedback to students while their assignment is still a work in progress instead of waiting until submission. This will help the student better understand assignment expectations.
  • Get Notified of Late Assignments – Select notification settings to get notified each time an assignment is turned in late.
  • Global Classroom – Partner with international teachers to create a co-teaching classroom without borders where students can work on collaborative assignments.
  • Graphic Organizers – Upload graphic organizers for students to collaborate on assignments and projects.
  • Group Collaboration – Assign multiple students to an assignment to create a collaborative group. Give students editing rights to allow them access to the same document.
  • HyperDocs – Create and upload a hyperdoc as an assignment.
  • Link to Assignments – Create links to assignments not created in Classroom.
  • Link to Class Blog – Provide the link to a class blog in Classroom.
  • Link to Next Activity – Provide a link to the next activity students must complete after finishing an assignment.
  • Make a Copy for Each Student – Chose “make a copy for each student” when uploading assignment documents to avoid students having to share one copy of the document. When a copy for each student is made, Classroom automatically adds each student’s name to the document and saves it to the Classroom folder in Google Drive.
  • Move to Top/Bottom – Move recent assignments to the top of the Classwork feed so students can find new tasks more quickly.
  • Multiple File Upload – Upload multiple files for an assignment in one post.
  • Naming Conventions for Assignments – Create a unique naming system for assignments so they can be easily found in the Classroom folder in Google Drive.
  • Offline Mode – Change settings to allow students to work in offline mode if internet connections are weak. Once an internet connection is established, students can upload assignments to Classroom.
  • One Student One Sheet – In Google Sheets, assign one tab (sheet) per student for the student to complete the assignment.
  • One Student One Slide – In Google Slides, assign one slide to each student to present findings on a topic or to complete an assignment.
  • Organize Student Work – Google Classroom automatically creates calendars and folders in Drive to keep assignments organized.
  • Peer Tutors – Assign peer tutors to help struggling students with assignments.
  • Protect Privacy – Google Classroom only allows class members to access assignments. Also, it eliminates the need to use email, which may be less private than Classroom.
  • Provide Accommodations – Provide accommodations to students with disabilities in Google Classroom by allowing extra time to turn in assignments, using text to speech functions, and third-party extensions for colored overlays.
  • Reorder Assignments by Status – Instead of organizing assignments by student first or last name, organize them by status to see which students have or have not turned in work.
  • Reuse Posts – Reuse post from prior assignments or from other Classrooms.
  • See the Process – Students don’t have to submit their assignments for you to see their work. When you chose “make a copy for each student” for assignments, each student’s work can be seen in the grading tool, even if it’s not submitted. Teachers can make comments and suggestions along the way.
  • Share Materials – Upload required materials such as the class syllabus, rules, procedures, etc. to a Class Resources Module, or upload assignment materials within the assignment.
  • Share Resources – Create a resource list or a resource module for students.
  • Share Solutions to an Assignment – Share solutions to an assignment with a collaborator or students after all assignments have been turned in.
  • Stop Repeating Directions – By posting a directions document to assignments, the need to continually repeat directions is lessened, if not eliminated altogether. Keep in mind that some students will still need directions to read orally or clarified.
  • Student Work Collection – Use Classroom to collect student work from assignments.
  • Summer Assignments – Create summer assignments for students through Classroom.
  • Templates – Create templates for projects, essays, and other student assignments.
  • Track Assignments Turned In – Keep track of which students turned in assignments by going to the grading tool.

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how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

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Google Classroom: When to Use the Different Assignments & How to Assign Work

Samuel J Tan Classroom Technology , Learning , Popular , Technology , Tutorials , VLEs 0

Here is a guide to set the different assignments under the Classwork tab in Google Classroom. This brief tutorial shows the different options; assignment, quiz assignment, question and material, when and how to assign them.

Table of Contents

The object of this tutorial is to give you an overview of what you can achieve with the different assignments supported on Google Classroom. You will need to first head over to the Classwork tab, second after Stream on the top once you are inside your classroom. This tutorial assumes that you have created your first classroom. You can see how to start your own virtual classroom in under 2 minutes for help. We will cover the following:

  • create assignments and questions
  • use topics to organise classworks into modules or units
  • order work by dragging them up or down in Classwork page

Types of Assignment

There are four types of assignments you can create on Google Classroom. They are as follows:

  • Assignment (points awarded, good for final assignment with manual marking and use of Rubric)
  • Quiz assignment (points awarded, good for automatic marking and grading)
  • Question (no points awarded, good for single question quick survey, short answer, multiple choice)
  • Material (no points awarded, good for reading assignment or lesson preparations)

Apart from the above, you have the ability to reuse existing post and create topic header. The former lets you reuse posts you have published on Stream in this or other Classes. The latter is topic header you can add to organise the classwork by modules or units. Let’s start looking at each of these different classwork, when to use them and how to create them.

A. Assignment

Probably the most commonly used classwork is the assignment. Here you can pick one of the following top options when creating an assignment. Beyond filling in the title and instruction, choose to:

  • Add an existing resource: Google Drive , Link , File or YouTube
  • Create a new document: create a new Google Docs , Slides , Sheets , Drawings or Forms

The first option allows you to add a Google Drive, Link to web resources, upload or choose an online file to add to Classroom’s Google Drive. You can use this to assign work like “access the work files or resources in Google Drive”, “revise or research using this link”, “download, open and read the document attached” and “watch this video tutorial or recorded seminar”.

The second option lets you create online documents. This can be a word document, slide presentation file, spreadsheet, drawing or forms. There is no need to upload a document. Here is where your assignment is created and marked totally online. Use the option to assigning a copy to each student and marking them separately with in-line feedback, grade and comments.

As you can see Assignment covers a lot of grounds in terms of resources and online document format supported.

Step by Step Guide on How to Create an Assignment using Google Docs

Here is how to create an online assignment using Google Docs. [number correspond to image in gallery below]

  • Open your class
  • Click on the second tab, Classwork
  • Click “ + Create ” button and choose Assignment
  • In the pop up window, add Title and Instructions
  • Click “ + Create ” button and choose Docs [4]
  • A new tab will open to show the new Google Docs [5]
  • Change the title of the document by clicking on Untitled document (top left corner)
  • Enter the instruction for assignment into the body, look for  All changes saved in Drive  status in top bar then close tab and return to previous Assignment tab [5]
  • Don’t worry if the document still says Untitled document, next to this click drop down menu and choose Make a copy for each student . [6]
  • Complete the options in the right side bar (for course, all or select students, grade points, due date, topic and marking rubric (optional) then click Assign button. [7]

NOTE: You can also choose to Schedule the assignment, save or discard draft by clicking on the drop down arrow next to the Assign button.

You will then be returned to the Classwork page where you can see the assignment you have just created, click on it to open a summary card. [8]

B. Quiz Assignment

Based on Google Forms, the quiz is the other assignment you can create as classwork. This is great to gauge the students understanding of the subject. Like any questionnaire or form, you can use different field types when designing your form.

Step by Step Guide on How to Create an Quiz Assignment

  • Click “ + Create ” button and choose Quiz Assignment
  • A new pop-up window will appear, enter the Title and Instructions for this quiz
  • Click on the Blank Quiz link to open the Google Forms file. Click on the title Blank Quiz to change this and start editing the quiz by completing and adding more questions including answers and points for automatic marking.
  • Once you have completed your editing, look for All changes saved in Drive , close the tab and return to previous Assignment tab.
  • Complete the options in the right side bar (for course, all or select students, grade points, due date, topic and marking rubric (optional) then click Assign button.

You will then be returned to the Classwork page where you can see the assignment you have just created, click on it to open a summary card.

C. Question

The third type of assignment is Question. This is more of a simple single question survey with option to choose between a short answer or multiple choice answer. Nothing more beyond that. It is probably the quickest to set up and least complicated. This is useful to get quick answers from the group. Students can be allowed to see everyones answers and change their answer. No points can be awarded for this assignment.

Step by Step Guide on How to Create Question as Assignment

  • Click “ + Create ” button and choose Question
  • A new pop-up window will appear, enter the Question and Instructions for this question
  • Choose from drop down menu to select Short answer or Multiple choice .
  • Here you can also add resources or create online files in Google Drive.
  • Complete the options in the right side bar; class(es) the Question is for, assign to All or specific students, Points, Due date and Topic. Also choose if other students can reply to each other and edit their answer if Short answer is chosen. Or, choose if students can see class summary if Multiple choice is chosen.
  • Click the Ask button when ready.

D. Material

The last and final assignment is the Material. Here you can assign learning materials for students to study and prepare. As before, you can upload a resource or create online file as material. Like Questions assignment type, no points can be awarded for Material assignment type.

Step by Step Guide on How to Create Material as Assignment

  • Click “ + Create ” button and choose Material
  • In the pop-up window, complete Title and Description field
  • Choose to add a resource or + create online document
  • Then configure the assignment using right sidebar, pick to assign to All students or select individuals and pick the Topic this comes under.
  • When ready click the Post button.

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How to Copy an Assignment in Google Classroom

In the world of digital education, Google Classroom has revolutionized the way teachers and students interact and collaborate. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, it has become a go-to platform for educators worldwide. One such feature that saves time and effort for both teachers and students is the ability to copy assignments. Whether you want to reuse an existing assignment or customize it for different classes, copying assignments in Google Classroom is a simple yet effective way to streamline your workflow. In this blog post, we will explore how to leverage this feature and make the most out of your Google Classroom experience. Get ready to discover the convenience and flexibility of copying assignments, and take your digital classroom to the next level.

Copy an Assignment in Google Classroom: 6 Steps

Step-1 Open website - Launch your preferred web browser.

  • Navigate to the Google Classroom website by typing "" in the address bar.
  • Enter your login credentials to access your Google Classroom account.

image title Copy an Assignment in Google Classroom step 1

Step-2 Open Class - On the Google Classroom homepage, you will see a list of your classes.

  • Click on the class where the assignment you want to copy is located.
  • This will open the class page with all the assignments and posts.

image title Copy an Assignment in Google Classroom step 2

Step-3 Go to "Classwork" - In the class page, click on the "Classwork" tab located at the top of the screen.

  • This section contains all the assignments and posts for the selected class.

image title Copy an Assignment in Google Classroom step 3

Step-4 Click "Create" & "Reuse post" - In the top-right corner of the "Classwork" page, click on the "+ Create" button.

  • From the drop-down menu, select "Reuse Post."
  • This will open a new window with a list of your previous assignments and posts.

image title Copy an Assignment in Google Classroom step 4

Step-5 Select the post & Press "Reuse" - Scroll through the list of assignments and posts to find the one you want to copy.

  • Once you locate the desired assignment, click on the "Reuse" button located on the right side of the assignment.
  • Google Classroom will create a duplicate copy of the assignment.

image title Copy an Assignment in Google Classroom step 5

Step-6 Edit assignment & press "Assign" The copied assignment will open in edit mode.

  • Modify any necessary details, such as the assignment title, instructions, due date, or attachments, as needed.
  • Double-check that the assignment is tailored to the current class requirements.
  • Once you are satisfied with the edits, click on the "Assign" button to assign the copied assignment to the class.

image title Copy an Assignment in Google Classroom step 6

Copying assignments in Google Classroom is a straightforward process that can save you time and effort. By following the steps outlined above, you can quickly reuse existing assignments and customize them for different classes. This feature offers convenience and flexibility in managing your digital classroom, ensuring a smooth workflow for both teachers and students.

  • Keep the original assignment organized: Make sure to maintain a well-structured and labeled system for your assignments to easily locate and copy them when needed.
  • Review and update instructions: Take the time to review and update the assignment instructions based on the needs of the new class. Clear and concise instructions will help students understand the expectations.
  • Personalize the assignment: Customize the assignment to cater to the specific requirements and learning objectives of each class. This ensures that students receive relevant and targeted assignments for their academic growth.
  • Can I copy an assignment from one Google Classroom account to another?
  • No, the copy assignment feature in Google Classroom is designed to duplicate assignments within the same account. To copy an assignment to another account, you would need to manually recreate it or use external tools for data transfer.
  • Will copying an assignment also copy the student submissions?
  • No, copying an assignment in Google Classroom only duplicates the assignment details and structure. It does not copy any student submissions or their associated grades. Each assignment copy starts fresh with no student work included.
  • What happens to the due date and time when I copy an assignment?
  • When you copy an assignment, the due date and time are retained from the original assignment. You can choose to keep them as is or modify them to suit the requirements of the new class.
  • Can I copy an assignment from one class to another within the same Google Classroom account?
  • Yes, Google Classroom allows you to copy assignments between classes within the same account. This feature helps you save time and effort by reusing assignments across multiple classes.
  • Is it possible to copy an assignment from one semester to another?
  • Yes, you can copy assignments from one semester to another within the same account. This feature is especially useful when you want to replicate assignments from a previous semester to a new one without having to recreate them manually.
  • Are attachments and links copied along with the assignment?
  • Yes, when you copy an assignment in Google Classroom, any attachments or links included in the original assignment will also be copied to the new assignment. However, it's essential to verify that the attachments and links are still accessible and relevant after copying.
  • Can I reuse a copied assignment in multiple classes simultaneously?
  • Yes, you can reuse a copied assignment in multiple classes at the same time. This feature enables you to distribute the same assignment across multiple classes, saving you the effort of creating separate assignments for each class.

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how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

How To Organize Assignments in Google Classroom

Whether you are participating in distance learning or live and in-person in the traditional classroom, Google Classroom is a fantastic way to deliver and organize student work. Even though it’s definitely my go-to for assignments, it can be frustrating for teachers and students alike if your Google Classroom is not organized. Google has listened to teachers and added so many features that help them organize assignments efficiently for student learning. Here are some tips to help you organize assignments in your Google Classroom!

Whenever you post an assignment on Classroom, you have the option to Create or choose a Topic. First, go to the Classwork tab. Next, you can create an assignment and select or create a topic on the assignment page.

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

You can also choose to create a topic directly from the create button as well.

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

From the Classwork page, you’ll see all topics you’ve created on the left-hand side. Topics are the best way to organize units, content areas, and modules for students. From their own Classwork page, students can easily see what topics have been assigned.

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

You may choose to name topics according to subjects if you’re in an elementary classroom. Some teachers name topics based on the unit of study. Still, other teachers may designate topics based on the type of assignment. For example, for the Standards-Based Mini Assessments for Math, you may choose a topic of “Math Assessments”.

To reorganize your topics, click on the three dots (or grapes) to move topics up or down on the Classwork page. I like to keep the most current units on top so my students can easily access and see the work I want them to focus on.

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

After you assign work and create topics for students, you’ll want to be able to organize assignments for grading purposes. Enter the To-do tab!

Start by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the upper left hand corner of your Google Classroom screen. Choose the “To-do” option.

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Once you click on “to-do”, you’ll see a list of all the assignments your students have completed. Next to the assignments, you’ll see how many students have turned in the assignment. That is the number you need to grade, so the goal is to keep that number as low as possible. The assigned number is the students that still need to turn in the assignment. Finally, the returned number is the assignments that you have graded and returned back to students.

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Using the “To-do” tab helps me know exactly what my grading tasks are. If you have multiple classes, everything will be listed in the “To-do” tab. It’s your one-stop for grading!

Students and teachers love using Google Calendar to make sure they are getting work done! Go back to the three horizontal lines at the top of your classroom and click on “Calendar”. You’ll see your weekly (or monthly) calendar with all assigned tasks and their due dates.

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Click on the drop-down menu that says “All classes” to choose one class or keep all class assignments listed. The best part about accessing Google Calendar for both teachers and students is that assignments show up as notifications or reminders even if you aren’t accessing Classroom. If you have a smartphone, you probably have Google Calendar. Why not have student assignments become part of your overall to-do list on your calendar?

Organizing assignments in Google Classroom not only helps students to see their own work via the Classwork page, it also allows you to have easy access to see what has been turned in and needs to be graded, all in one place! Try these tips to get your Google Classroom organized for your students.

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How to Organize Your Google Classroom Assignments

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Getting ready to set up your Google Classroom ? One of the first things you’ll want to do is decide how to organize your multiple subject areas on Google Classroom. Should you organize by unit? Week? Should you start a new Google Classroom for each content area or term? Here are some tips to organize your Google Classroom assignments!

Grade Level or Content Area Google Classrooms

Should you have a Google Classroom for each subject/content area or create a whole classroom for your grade level class?

Generally, upper elementary teachers and above prefer to use content specific classrooms. Students are more used to navigating multiple Google Classrooms.

For PreK (yes, they can use Google Classroom too) to early elementary, keeping everything housed in one Google Classroom usually works best for your learners. Teaching students to navigate and keeping yourself organized is easy, however, when you use topics to organize your Google Classroom Assignments!

Topic Organization

First, you’ll notice that you can tag each assignment or material you post, you can tag it with a topic! The topic feature is something veteran Google Classroom teachers asked for, and Google delivered!

Even though topics help you organize your units and assignments, you’ll still need to decide HOW to organize them. What should you title your topics?

Subject Areas

The first option is to organize your topics by subject areas. Choose the main subjects you teach: reading, writing, math, science, social studies, for example. Tag each assignment with the topic pertaining to the subject or content area. Along the left-hand side, your students will see the list of topics. They can click on the topics to see their assignments organized by subject areas.

Weekly Assignments

If you teach multiple content areas or a special, this may be a perfect way for you to organize your Google Classroom assignments. This method can work well if you house all your subject areas in one Google Classroom but it generally works better when you have a separate Google Classroom for each content area.

Students can then look at content in the order it was posted by clicking on the topics (Week 1, Week 2, etc.) on the Classwork page along the left-hand side.

Organizing your Google Classroom assignments by units makes sense for a lot of teachers and their students! Label the topics by the unit of study whether you use one grade level classroom or multiple for different content areas.

For example, you can create topics including “Space and Solar System” for Science or Area & Perimeter for Math class!

Google Classroom Timelines

If your course or class stays together all year, keep the same Google Classrooms! It’s completely acceptable to delete topics and clean up content.

On the other hand, if your class changes students each semester or quarter, start a new Classroom. You can archive the previous class and even reuse posts and assignments without starting fresh, but new students do not have to navigate through old content. It keeps everyone organized!

Learning how to organize your Google Classroom assignments will not only help you to start fresh in the new year but it will keep your students on track as well. What tips do you have for organizing your assignments in Google Classroom?


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how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

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My NEW Cursive Handwriting Workbook is now available for purchase on Amazon! It has over 130 pages full of fun and engaging activities to help your students print cursive beautifully!

Classroom Organization Academy

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how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Hello Friends!

I'm Aris, the author behind the educational website Teaching with Aris and the course creator of The New Teacher Masterclass and Classroom Organization Academy. With over 10 years of experience teaching in the classroom and 17 years in education, I've created resources and courses to help teachers everywhere save time and learn how to set themselves up for a successful school year. As a mom of two, I understand how important maximizing your time in the classroom can be. My resources and ideas will definitely teach you how to use that time efficiently to make the biggest impact in your classroom.

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom


Technology integration blog for teachers

delete or reorder

How to Delete or Reorder Assignments in Google Classroom

Good news – you can delete or reorder assignments in your Google Classroom. Often when you are building a course or preparing for a class you can make a mistake – and then not know how to undo it. It is easy to panic, fearing that your students are going to see the wrong information. Or worse, you start to worry that things are such a mess you need to delete the entire class and just start over.

It may not be obvious how to delete or reorder assignments once created in Google Classroom . However, these instructions will guide you through the steps. If you have some time, it is also a good idea to read our recent article, Be Stress Free With a Google Classroom Test Class , which encourages teachers to play around before creating their first “real” class.

How to Delete an Assignment in Google Classroom

If you make a mistake and you want to remove an assignment, this can be done from the Grades tab. The Grades tab contains an electronic grading book that organizes class assignments in a table. It can be used to calculate class average, track student progress, and record grades…it can also be used to remove unwanted assignments.

IMPORTANT! If you cannot see any assignments under the Grades tab, this is because you have no students in the class yet. To resolve this issue, join a “fake” student to the class . Now you will be able to see the assignments.

  • From the Grades tab, click the  More  button beside the assignment you want to remove.
  • Select  Delete .
  • A notification states that any grades and comments will also be deleted. Click  Delete .

delete an assignment

How to Reorder an Assignment in Google Classroom

The Classwork tab organizes assignments. It is best to keep the posts sequenced by due date. Sometimes, if you are building a course in advance, you might forget to create an assignment and need to add it later. Alternatively, you might be in the middle of instruction and realize your students need an extra review. Thankfully, ordering assignments on the Classwork tab is simple.

IMPORTANT! If you cannot reorder your assignment, this is because it is not listed under a Topic heading . To learn more refer to the tip below.

  • Select the Classwork tab.
  • Beside the desired assignment, click the  More  button.
  • Select  Move up  or  Move down .

delete or reorder assignments in google classroom

TIP – Categorize each Assignment by Topic Assignments can only be sequenced within a Topic. It is a good idea to organize assignments by Topic if you plan to teach multiple curriculum units throughout the school year to the same class. If your Assignment is not categorized by a topic it is not too late: 1. Select the Assignment. 2. Click the More button and select Edit. 3. From the right pane, select an existing topic or create a new one. 4. Click Save .

Teacher Tech blog with Alice Keeler

Paperless Is Not a Pedagogy

Alice keeler, google classroom: reuse multiple assignments at once.

Alice Keeler

Google Classroom Tutorial: How Students Turn in Work

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Who Didn’t Respond to a Google Form

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

How to Delete Multiple Tabs in Google Sheets

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Creating copies creates a giant mess of your Google Drive. I understand the reason we copy an entire Google Classroom class but I warn you this is a BAD IDEA . This copies EVERYTHING in every assignment, including videos, directions documents, things you are collaborating on. How many copies of your syllabus do you need? ONLY ONE!! Copies are BAD! Every single copied video and screenshot lives in your Google Drive. What a mess!

Reusing Assignments Options

UPDATE: When I wrote this original blog post there was no way to reuse posts outside of Google Classroom. You can still use my unofficial Add-on (see below). However, I have started working with . Schoolytics allows you to search for assignments across classes, reuse assignments, and share assignments.

Reuse Multiple Assignments at Once

With Google Apps Script you are able to code Google Classroom. One of the things I am able to do is pull up a list of assignments from a previous class, update the descriptions, and reuse more than one at a time.

YouTube video

Reuse Google Classroom Assignments

I created this Add-on to allow you to reuse assignments from Google Classroom. Start with the Add-on template:

Student Quick Guide to Google Classroom
  • Start by making a copy of
  • Wait for the code to load. Use the Add-on menu and choose “Reuse GC” and show the sidebar. Authorize the code.
  • Click on Setup from the sidebar.
  • Checkbox your CURRENT class.
  • Click Set Class
  • After setting the class, the destination class will have a green row.
  • Select the class you want to REUSE from.
  • Use the sidebar to “Get Assignments.”
  • Choose “List Assignments.”
  • This will create a list of the assignments from the class checked on the “Class” tab.
  • For assignments, edit the title and description in the spreadsheet if desired.
  • Checkbox the assignmentS (you can do more than one at a time) that you want to reuse to your current class.
  • In the sidebar (or go to the Add-on menu and choose Create Assignments) select “Reuse Assignments.”
  • You will be prompted if you want to post them as a draft. Say yes if you do. No if you just want them to go live.

Note: Currently Google Apps Script does not allow me to code materials or grading categories or rubrics.


This Add-on is a Google Sheets Add-on. It helps you manage your class from the spreadsheet. You can create assignments from the spreadsheet and you can reuse assignments from other classes from the spreadsheet. Note: only assignments that are generated from the spreadsheet can be auto scored using the automate option.

Pear Deck: Project to Student Devices


Note: I have since updated the Add-on to be “Reuse GC” instead of “GC Level Up Game”

Add on menu show sidebar

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11 thoughts on “ google classroom: reuse multiple assignments at once ”.

Is it possible to modify the due date for the assignments via the script/addon?

I have changed the due date in the Sheet and then when I click reuse assignment, it creates it as a draft with no due date. If this is not possible can I create new assignments with a due date?

Currently it does not

Awesome! This is such a needed feature in Google Classroom. Can I change the links that are in the classroom by modifying them in the sheet?

It doesn’t seem to put the assignments into a topic when it posts them in the new location. Is there a way to add topics? Thanks

Yes and no. When you create a new class or copy a class the topic id numbers change. So you have to match them up

I am excited to use this fabulous time-saving tool!! If I have 5 current classes in which I want to reuse assignments from a Master Class, what would be the best way to do that? Would I have a separate spreadsheet for each of the 5 current classes, or can I just do a new sheet in a single Excel Workbook? What would you recommend?

You would need a separate spreadsheet for each or just keep changing the set id (the class id is remembered when you set it)

Thank you so much!

Hi I have multiple posts as ‘material’ not as assignments. Is it possible to bulk reuse these between classrooms?

Yes, I have updated the add on to include materials.

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Schedule posts for multiple classes in Google Classroom

What’s changing .

  • Due date 
  • Post date 
  • Topic 
  • Published immediately 
  • Published at a certain time 
  • Save as draft 

how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

Who’s impacted 

Why it matters , additional details .

  • There is no additional cost associated with this new functionality. 
  • Once an assignment has been scheduled, teachers can change the assignment within each individual class. 
  • Note that selecting “Copy settings to all” will delete any previously entered settings for the assignment. 
  • If a co-teacher schedules a post to one or multiple classes, they will be the owner of the associated Google Drive assets along with the course owner. 

Getting started 

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about creating and posting assignments . 

Rollout pace 

  • Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains : Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) started on March 17, 2022. 


  • Available to Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Education Plus customers. 
  • Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Frontline, and Nonprofits, as well as legacy G Suite Basic and Business customers 


  • Google Help: Create an assignment  
  • Google Help: Post announcements to your students  
  • Google Help: Add materials to the Classwork page  
  • Google Help: Create a question

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New: Schedule assignments across multiple classes

Teachers and co-teachers can now schedule assignments , materials , questions , and announcements across multiple classes. This helps teachers more easily organize work and timelines when managing more than one class.

This feature is available on the computer version of Classroom.

Was this helpful?

Need more help, try these next steps:.


  1. Schedule Assignments to Multiple Classes in Google Classroom

    how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

  2. How to Schedule Assignments for Multiple Classes in Google Classroom

    how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

  3. Easy methods to Schedule Assignments for A number of Lessons in Google

    how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

  4. Students How to complete and turn in assignments in google classroom

    how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

  5. Google Classroom

    how to move multiple assignments in google classroom

  6. Google Classroom Tip: How to Post Assignments to Multiple Classes

    how to move multiple assignments in google classroom


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  5. What techniques are recommended for deleting multiple assignments at

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  15. How to Delete or Reorder Assignments in Google Classroom

    Now you will be able to see the assignments. From the Grades tab, click the More button beside the assignment you want to remove. Select Delete. A notification states that any grades and comments will also be deleted. Click Delete. Delete an assignment from the Grades tab.

  16. Google Classroom: Reuse Multiple Assignments at once

    Click on Setup from the sidebar. Checkbox your CURRENT class. Click Set Class. After setting the class, the destination class will have a green row. Select the class you want to REUSE from. Use the sidebar to "Get Assignments.". Choose "List Assignments.". This will create a list of the assignments from the class checked on the "Class ...

  17. How can I copy an assignment from one class to another ...

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  18. Schedule posts for multiple classes in Google Classroom

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    Grade Categories, their weight expressed as a percentage, and the default points per assignment in that category. People: List of people associated with the class and their role including teachers, students, and guardians.

  22. How can I copy multiple assignments at once from one ...

    This help content & information General Help Center experience. Search. Clear search

  23. New: Schedule assignments across multiple classes

    Teachers and co-teachers can now schedule assignments, materials, questions, and announcements across multiple classes. This helps teachers more easily organize work and timelines when managing more than one class. This feature is available on the computer version of Classroom.