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Paper Chromatography Science Projects With a Hypothesis

Find what chemicals are present in solvents using paper chromatography.

Chemicals in Dry-Erase Markers

Paper chromatography analyzes mixtures by separating the chemical contents onto paper. For instance, chromatography is used in forensic science to separate chemical substances such as drugs in urine and blood samples. Students can perform paper chromatography projects using ink to understand how scientists are able to determine the presence of different chemicals.

Separate Ink Colors

Form an experiment to separate ink colors using paper chromatography. Hypothesize that regular black ink will show colors on the paper chromatography more noticeably than permanent ink. Set up the experiment using coffee filters and washable and permanent markers. Cut the coffee filters into long strips for each pen. Form a loop by stapling the ends of the strips together. Place a dot of ink on the bottoms of the coffee filter strips. Label each strip using a pencil, specifying the type of pen. Place the strips into a glass, then add water until it touches the bottom of the paper. Observe the strip. Compare your results between permanent marker and washable marker ink. The washable marker colors should spread out onto the paper, while the permanent marker does not because of its permanent ink.

Water vs. Rubbing Alcohol

Create an experiment to separate permanent marker ink colors using paper chromatography in water and rubbing alcohol. Hypothesize that rubbing alcohol will separate the ink colors in permanent markers, while water will not. Set up the experiment using coffee filters and permanent markers. Cut the coffee filters into long strips for each pen. Form a loop by stapling the ends of each strip together. Place a dot of ink on the bottom of the coffee filter strips. Place one strip into a glass of water and place another strip into a glass of rubbing alcohol until the fluid touches the bottom of the paper. Observe the strips. Compare your results between the water and rubbing alcohol solution. The colors should separate on the strip dipped in the rubbing alcohol, but won’t separate when using water.

Different Solvents

Conduct a paper chromatography project to find out if different types of solvents separate ink differently. Set up the experiment using coffee filters and permanent markers. Cut the coffee filters into long strips. Form a loop by stapling the ends of each strip together. Place a dot of ink on the bottom of the coffee filter strips. Place a strip each into a glass of water, rubbing alcohol, vinegar and nail polish remover. Make sure to only add liquid to touch the bottom of the strip. Observe the strips and compare results. Indicate which solvent separated the ink colors the best.

Use a Black Light

Perform an ink paper chromatography test and use a black light to determine if there are any more components visible on the paper than in regular light. Hypothesize that more components will be seen under black light, because some chemicals are invisible under white light. Make sure to look at the paper the same day the paper chromatography test was conducted in order to assure there is no fading on the paper.

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  • Science Buddies; Paper Chromatography: Basic Version; Amber Hess; April 2008

About the Author

Based in Huntington Beach, Calif., Dana Schafer has been writing environmental articles and grant proposals since 2006. Schafer has written for Grace Unlimited Corporation and Youth Have Vision. Schafer is in the process of receiving a Master of Science in biology from California State University, Long Beach.

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Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images

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Science Projects > Chemistry Projects > Colorful Chromatography + Video  

Colorful Chromatography + Video

Color chromatography.

Chromatography is one of the simplest techniques for separating the individual components of a mixture. In chemistry, a mixture is a combination of substances that can be separated because they are not chemically bonded. As opposed to a compound, which has elements chemically bonded together. In paper chromatography, a mixture is dissolved and pulled across a piece of paper.

The mixture separates because its components travel across the paper at different rates, based on their attraction to the paper or solubility in the solvent. The word ‘chromatography’ comes from the two Greek words for ‘color’ and ‘writing.’ Once you try out the fun projects below, you’ll see why that’s such a fitting name!

>> Watch our chromatography video to see this cool process in action!

Color Hide-and-Seek

Is black really black? Let’s start with some simple paper chromatography to find out.

What You Need:

  • Black washable marker
  • Filter paper or coffee filter
  • Beaker or cup

What You Do:

1. Cut a piece of filter paper or coffee filter into rectangular strips (approximately 1/2″ x 3-4″).

2. Draw a pencil line across the narrow end of a strip, about 1 cm from the bottom.

3. Draw a small dot with the black marker on the pencil line.

4. Use a binder clip or tape to attach the paper strip to a pencil. Set the pencil across the top of a beaker or cup. Adjust the paper strip until it hangs down without touching the sides or bottom of the beaker.

5. Carefully pour water into the beaker until it just touches the bottom of the paper strip. (Make sure the water level is below the marker spot, or else the ink will just run off into the water.) Water will begin to travel up the paper.

6. When the water nears the top of the paper, remove the strip from the beaker and let it dry on a paper plate or hanging in an empty cup. The series of colors you see is called a chromatogram.

What Happened:

color chromatography in action

As the water travels up the paper strip (similar to capillary action in plants), it dissolves the ink and pulls it up the paper too.

The black ink is actually a mixture of several different pigments, or coloring agents. Some pigments dissolve in water easier and are pulled with the water farther up the paper.

Others are more attracted to the paper and move more slowly.

Usually smaller molecules will move farther than larger ones. What colors do you see on your chromatogram? Was the black marker really black?

The three primary colors used when mixing dyes or paints are red, yellow, and blue.

Other colors are often a mixture of these three colors. Try running a chromatography test again with non-primary-color markers, like purple, brown, and orange.

See what hidden colors are really there! You can also try using other solvents, such as rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover, especially for permanent pens and markers that won’t dissolve in water.

Chromatography is one of the simplest techniques for separating the components of a mixture – with this kit you can do 5 fun experiments to reveal the hidden colors in black ink, separate fall colors from green leaves, perform forensic chromatography, experiment with candy dyes, and more.

Fall Colors in Summer Leaves

fall leaves

Trees that were green all year suddenly become bright yellow, orange, red, or even purple! How does this happen?

Leaves contain different pigments, which give them their color.

Green chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis, is the most common type of pigment, but there are also cartenoids (yellow, orange, brown) and anthocyanins (red).

During the summer months, the leaves are so full of chlorophyll that green overpowers any other colors present in the leaves, such as yellow and orange.

In the fall the days start to get shorter and the temperature drops, signaling to the tree that it is time to go into storage mode for the winter. The chlorophyll starts to break down, causing the green in the leaves to disappear, and allowing us to see the colors of the other pigments, which were present all along.

You can use chromatography to find out what pigments are present in a leaf when it is still green.

  • Green leaves (trees with dramatic fall color changes, like maples, work best)
  • Glass beaker or cup
  • Rubbing alcohol

1. Gather several green leaves from a tree. You can choose to compare two different trees, if you want.

2. Cut the leaves into very small pieces and put them in a small glass or beaker.

3. Pour rubbing alcohol into the glass just enough to cover the leaves. You want the pigment solution to be as concentrated as possible, so don’t add more alcohol than necessary. Cover the glass with plastic wrap and set it in a larger glass or bowl with about an inch of hot water. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes, swirling occasionally and replacing the hot water as necessary. You can use a spoon to help crush the leaves and release more pigment.

4. When the color of the liquid is nice and dark, remove the leaf tissue with a fork or spoon (or strain it through a coffee filter).

5. Tape a strip of filter paper to a pencil and suspend it in the beaker so that the strip just touches the colored liquid. Cover the beaker with plastic wrap to prevent evaporation.

6. When the alcohol nears the top (this can take 30-90 minutes), remove the strip and let it dry.

What colors do you see in your finished chromatogram? The ‘hidden’? pigments (caretonoids and anthocyanins) will travel farther up the paper than the chlorophyll. Based on your chromatogram, what color do you think the leaves will be in the fall after the chlorophyll has broken down?

Read our article to learn more about how leaves change colors in the fall.

More Fun Chemistry Projects

  • Ink and Paper Activities
  • Color-Change Tricks
  • Invisible Ink

Science Links

Explore the nature of color with this beautiful and informative web exhibit: Causes of Color .

Check out this site to see how all colored printing is really made from just four colors.

Welcome! Read other Chemistry articles or explore the rest of the Resource Center, which consists of hundreds of free science articles!

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Black Ink Chromatography

write a hypothesis to explain what will happen to the black ink

If you mix one substance with another substance you get a mixture. Lemonade would be an example. Or cookie dough! Pen ink is also a mixture. It has more than one substance in it. In this experiment you will see that it is possible to UNmix a mixture too. This is called  chromatography. Chromatography  is separating the parts of a  mixture  so that you can see each one by itself. Try this activity to observe black ink chromatography.

Watch the video below to see a demonstration of chromatography using some simple items you can find at home. Then try it yourself with paper towels and markers. In this experiment you will find out something surprising about what mixes together to make black ink!

What You Need

write a hypothesis to explain what will happen to the black ink

What You Need :

  • Paper Towel or Coffee Filter
  • Several different kinds of black markers


Cut strips from the paper towel about 1 inch wide – one for each type of marker. Scribble across the bottom of one of the paper towel strips with each kind of marker. Scribble about one inch from one end of the paper towel strip. Tape the OTHER end of the strip to the maker you used to scribble on that strip. That will help you remember which marker goes with each paper towel strip.

Now hang the paper towel strips above the bowl of water so that only a little bit of the scribble end is in the water. Do not submerge the pen scribbles! Check on the paper towels in an hour. What has happened to the pen marks?

write a hypothesis to explain what will happen to the black ink

What you see happening on the paper towel strips is  chromatography . The color of the ink in markers is made by mixing different  pigments  together. A  pigment  is a substance that makes color, like ink or dye. To make black, several  pigments  are mixed together. When the end of the paper towel strip is submerged in water the water soaks up through the paper towel. When the water passes through the black ink it takes the  pigment  colors with it.  Some  pigments dissolve in water easier and are pulled with the water  farther  up the paper. This is called  chromatography  – separating the parts of a  mixture  so that you can see them one at a time. Black ink actually looks like a rainbow!

Try a Black Ink Chromatography Science Experiment

Now set up an experiment using different kinds of paper to see what happens. Try a paper towel, a tissue, a square of toilet paper, and a piece of printer paper. Cut them all the same size. How does the ink act the same? What do you see that is different?

Or, set up an experiment with equally sized pieces of paper towels again, but test different colors of markers. Try black, purple, blue, green, and red. Can you predict what colors make up purple ink?

Websites, Activities & Printables

  • Exploratorium: Chromatography Activity Sheet
  • ZOOM: Paper Towel Chromatography
  • Children’s Museum of Sonoma County: Chromatography Color Experiment for Kids
  • PBS Kids Science Video Coffee Filter Chromatography
  • Amazeum Chromatography Color Detective Printable Activity Guide
  • Science Sparks: Paper Chromatography Experiment
  • American Chemical Society Kids Zone: Investigate with Chromatography (.pdf)

write a hypothesis to explain what will happen to the black ink

You can also ask a math and science expert for homework help by calling the  Ask Rose Homework Hotline . They provide FREE math and science homework help to Indiana students in grades 6-12.

e-Books & Audiobooks

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Books for Kids for a Stress-less Science Fair

Here are books to help you pick a science fair experiment that (1) follows the scientific method, (2) uses stuff you can find around the house, and (3) is great fun to do! The books will also help you understand what you are seeing by explaining the science concepts behind the dramatic results.

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Chromatography: how black is a black pen?

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Inside many black pens is a rainbow of colour trying to get out. Black ink is often made from a blend of other colours

In this activity, learners can try out paper chromatography to separate this mixture of inks.

Skill development

Children will develop their working scientifically skills by:

  • Using appropriate scientific language and ideas to explain, evaluate and communicate their methods and findings.
  • Drawing conclusions and raising further questions that could be investigated, based on their data and observations.
  • Asking their own questions about scientific phenomena.

Learning objectives

  • Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated.
  • Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their solubility.

Concepts supported

Children will learn:

  • That certain colours and dyes are made up from a mixture of colours, and these can be separated by using techniques such as chromatography.
  • Filter paper (eg a coffee filter)
  • Plastic or paper bowl
  • Black felt tip pen
  • Cup of cold tap water
  • Draw a few spots on the filter paper
  • Rest the filter paper on the bowl to catch any drips
  • Dip your finger in the water to get a drop on the end and let it fall onto the spots
  • Watch what happens to the ink – is the black ink really black?

What’s the chemistry?

Being able to separate mixtures is really useful. There are lots of different types of chromatography – from simple methods like this, to sophisticated machines like liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) which can separate a mixture and measure the mass of the components all at the same time.

Suggested activity use

This activity could be used with a whole class, with learners working in small groups, investigating how to separate colours. They could start by investigating a black pen and could then move to look at different coloured pens and sweets, observing the results closely.

Practical considerations

You may need to experiment with a range of black pens beforehand, as some pens work better than others.

Filter paper will be required as certain papers are not absorbent enough to separate the colours out effectively.

How black is black pen? chromatography: Handout

How black is black pen chromatography: instructions, additional information.

This activity was demonstrated by the RSC at the Big Bang Fair 2014, and is a featured resource in our autumn 2015 ‘Get colourful with chemistry’ theme.

  • 11-14 years
  • Practical experiments
  • Practical skills and safety
  • Observing and measuring
  • Chromatography


  • Chromatography can be used to separate mixtures and can give information to help identify substances.
  • 2.7e paper chromatography
  • 2.10 Interpret a paper chromatogram: to distinguish between pure and impure substances; to identify substances by comparison with known substances; to identify substances by calculation and use of Rf values
  • Safe use of a range of equipment to purify and/or separate chemical mixtures including evaporation, filtration, crystallisation, chromatography and distillation
  • C5.1.4 recall that chromatography involves a stationary and a mobile phase and that separation depends on the distribution between the phases
  • C3 Use of chromatography to identify the mixtures of dyes in an unknown ink
  • C2.1g describe the techniques of paper and thin layer chromatography
  • PAG 3 Use of chromatography to identify the mixtures of dyes in an unknown ink
  • Chromatography is a technique used to separate the components present within a mixture. Chromatography separates substances by making use of differences in their polarity or molecular size.
  • The details of any specific chromatographic method or experiment are not required. Depending on the type of chromatography used, the identity of a component can be indicated either by the distance it has travelled, or by the time it has taken to travel…
  • 1.9.5 investigate practically how mixtures can be separated using filtration, crystallisation, paper chromatography, simple distillation or fractional distillation (including using fractional distillation in the laboratory to separate miscible liquids…
  • 2. Develop and use models to describe the nature of matter; demonstrate how they provide a simple way to to account for the conservation of mass, changes of state, physical change, chemical change, mixtures, and their separation.
  • 4. Classify substances as elements, compounds, mixtures, metals, non-metals, solids, liquids, gases and solutions.
  • Chromatography as a separation technique in which a mobile phase carrying a mixture is caused to move in contact with a selectively absorbent stationary phase.

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May 14, 2015

Chromatography: Be a Color Detective

A colorful project from Science Buddies

By Science Buddies

Key concepts Colors Solutions Molecules Chromatography Primary colors

Introduction Do you love to use bright and vibrant colored art supplies such as markers or paints? Do you ever wonder how these colors are made?

The variety of colors comes from colored molecules. These are mixed into the material—whether ink or paint—to make the product. Some colored molecules are synthetic (or man-made), such as "Yellow No. 5" found in some food dyes. Others are extracted from natural sources, such as carotenoid (pronounced kuh-RAH-tuh-noid) molecules. These are molecules that make your carrot orange. They can be extracted from concentrated natural products, such as saffron.

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But there is more to making a color look the way it does in your homemade artwork. You might have learned that many colors, such as orange and green, are made by blending other, "primary" colors. So even though our eyes see a single color, the color of a marker, for instance, might be the result of one type of color molecule or it might be a mix of color molecules responsible. This science activity will help you discover the hidden colors in water-soluble markers.

Background We see objects because they reflect light into our eyes. Some molecules only reflect specific colors; it is this reflected, colored light that reaches our eyes and tells our brains that we are seeing a certain color.

Often the colors that we see are a combination of the light reflected by a mixture of different-color molecules. Even though our brains perceive the result as one color, each of the separate types of color molecules stays true to its own color in the mixture. One way to see this is to find a way to separate out the individual types of color molecules from the mixture—to reveal their unique colors.

Paper chromatography is a method used by chemists to separate the constituents (or parts) of a solution. The components of the solution start out in one place on a strip of special paper. A solvent (such as water, oil or isopropyl alcohol) is allowed to absorb up the paper strip. As it does so, it takes part of the mixture with it. Different molecules run up the paper at different rates. As a result, components of the solution separate and, in this case, become visible as strips of color on the chromatography paper. Will your marker ink show different colors as you put it to the test?

Two white coffee filters

Drawing markers (not permanent): brown, yellow and any other colors you would like to test

At least two pencils (one for each color you will be testing)

At least two tall water glasses (one for each color you will be testing), four inches or taller

Two binder clips or clothespins

Drying rack or at least two additional tall water glasses (one for each color you will be testing)

Pencil or pen and paper for taking notes


Carefully cut the coffee filters into strips that are each about one inch wide and at least four inches long. Cut at least two strips, one to test brown and one to test yellow. Cut an extra strip for each additional color you would like to test. How do you expect each of the different colors to behave when you test it with the paper strip?

Draw a pencil line across the width of each paper strip, about one centimeter from the bottom end.

Take the brown marker and a paper strip and draw a short line (about one centimeter) on the middle section of the pencil line. Your marker line should not touch the sides of your strip.

Use a pencil to write the color of the marker you just used on the top end of the strip. Note: Do not use the colored marker or pen to write on the strips, as the color or ink will run during the test.

Repeat the previous three steps with a yellow marker and then all the additional colors you would like to test.

Hold a paper strip next to one of the tall glasses (on the outside of it), aligning the top of the strip with the rim of the glass, then slowly add water to the glass until the level just reaches the bottom end of the paper strip. Repeat with the other glass(es), keeping the strips still on the outside and away from the water. What role do you think the water will play?

Fasten the top of a strip (the side farthest from the marker line) to the pencil with a binder clip or clothespin. Pause for a moment. Do you expect this color to be the result of a mixture of colors or the result of one color molecule? If you like, you can make a note of your prediction now.

Hang the strip in one of the glasses that is partially filled with water by letting the pencil rest on the glass rim. The bottom end of the strip should just touch the water level. If needed, add water to the glass until it is just touching the paper. Note: It is important that the water level stays below the marker line on the strip.

Leave the first strip in its glass as you repeat the previous two steps with the second strip and the second glass. Repeat with any additional colors you are testing.

Watch as the water rises up the strips. What happens to the colored lines on the strips? Does the color run up as well? Do you see any color separation?

When the water level reaches about one centimeter from the top (this may take up to 10 minutes), remove the pencils with the strips attached from the glasses. If you let the strips run too long, the water can reach the top of the strips and distort your results.

Write down your observations. Did the colors run? Did they separate in different colors? Which colors can you detect? Which colors are on the top (meaning they ran quickly) and which are on the bottom (meaning they ran more slowly)?

Hang your strips to dry in the empty glasses or on a drying rack. Note that some colors might keep running after you remove the strips from the water. You might need longer strips to see the full spectrum of these colors. The notes you took in the previous step will help you remember what you could see in case the colors run off the paper strip. Look at your strips. How many color components does each marker color have? Can you identify which colors are the result of a mixture of color components and which ones are the result of one hue of color molecule? Are individual color components brightly colored or dull in color? How many different colors can you detect in total?

Extra: Most watercolor marker inks are colored with synthetic color molecules. Artists often like to work with natural dyes. It is fairly easy to make your own dye from colorful plants such as blueberries, red beets or turmeric. To make your own dye, have an adult help you finely chop the plant material and place it in a saucepan. And add just enough water to cover the plant material. Let the mixture simmer covered on the stove for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. If, at this point, the color of your liquid is too faint, you might want to remove the lid of the saucepan and continue boiling until some liquid has evaporated and a more concentrated color is obtained. Let it cool and strain when needed. Now you have natural dye. (Handle with caution, as it can stain surfaces and materials.) To investigate the color components of this dye, repeat the previous procedure but replace the marker line with a drop of natural dye. A dropper will help create a nice drop. Let the drop of dye dry before running the paper strip. Would the color of your natural dye be the result of a mixture of color molecules or one specific color molecule? Does the marker of the same color as your natural dye run in a similar way as your natural dye does?

Extra: In this activity you used water-soluble markers in combination with water as a solvent. You can test permanent markers using isopropyl rubbing alcohol as a solvent. Do you think similar combinations of color molecules are used to color similar-colored permanent markers?

Extra: You can investigate other art supplies, including paints, pastels or inks in a similar way. Be sure to always choose a solvent that dissolves the material that is being tested to run the chromatography test. Isopropyl rubbing alcohol, vegetable oil and salt water are some examples of solvents used to perform paper chromatography tests for different substances.

[break] Observations and results Did you find that brown is made up of several types of color molecules, whereas yellow only showed a single yellow color band?

Marker companies combine a small subset of color molecules to make a wide range of colors, much like you can mix paints to make different colors. But nature provides an even wider range of color molecules and also mixes them in interesting ways. As an example, natural yellow color in turmeric is the result of several curcuminoid molecules. The brown pigment umber (obtained from a dark brown clay) is caused by the combination of two color molecules: iron oxides (which have a rusty red-brown color) and manganese oxides (which add a darker black-brown color).

In this activity you investigated the color components using coffee filters as chromatography paper. Your color bands might be quite wide and artistic, whereas scientific chromatography paper would yield narrow bands and more-exact results.

Cleanup Throw away the paper strips and wash the glasses.

More to explore Paper Chromatography , from ChemGuide Paper Chromatography: Is Black Ink Really Black? , from Science Buddies Make Your Own Markers , from Science Buddies Candy Chromatography: What Makes Those Colors? , from Science Buddies Find the Hidden Colors of Autumn Leaves , from Scientific American

This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies

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Investigating Black Ink Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

LAB in Separating Mixtures , Unlocked Resources , Kitchen Chemistry , Kitchen Chemistry - Elementary School . Last updated June 12, 2023.

In this lab, students use chromatography to discover that black ink is a mixture composed of several different pigments.

Grade Level

Elementary school

By the end of this lab, students should be able to:

  • Explain what makes something a mixture .
  • Understand that mixtures can be separated.
  • Use the process of chromatography to separate the pigments in black ink.

Chemistry Topics

  • Separating Mixtures

Teacher Preparation : 15 minutes

Lesson : 45 minutes

  • Black washable markers (1 for every group)
  • Filter paper (White cone coffee filters - you can cut 4-6 pieces from each one)
  • Clear wide mouth cups filled with ~1/2 inch of water (1 for each group)
  • Large paper clip straightened out (one for each group)
  • Chart paper & markers for recording student observations
  • Always wear safety goggles when handling chemicals in the lab.
  • Students should wash their hands thoroughly before leaving the lab.
  • When students complete the lab, instruct them how to clean up their materials and dispose of any chemicals.

Teacher Notes

  • The black ink in washable markers is made from several different pigments.
  • By applying a sample of ink on a very porous piece of paper, like a coffee filter and placing the edge in water the water will travels up the paper.
  • When the water touches the ink it will carry or “pull” the pigments from the black ink along with it.
  • The different colored pigments will move with the water at different rates; some travel farther and faster than others.
  • The distance traveled by each pigment depends upon the chemical makeup of the different pigment molecules and how strongly each of the pigments is attracted to the water molecules and to the paper.
  • This difference in attraction will allow for the ink to separate and reveal the different color pigments that it is composed of.
  • As an extension for younger students, teachers could read aloud “Mouse Paint” by Ellen Stoll Walsh or watch the YouTube video of Mouse Paint by Didi Dolan.
  • As an extension for older students, teachers could actually do a more advanced chromatography investigation of candy or leaves
  • Engage students by showing a black washable marker.
  • Question them by asking “Black ink is made of black ink, right?” Elicit and discuss student responses.
  • Ask, “How can we find out what it is made of?”
  • Show students the materials for the experiment: cups, water, filter papers, black markers, paperclips and tape.
  • Lead the discussion with students about how these materials could be used to explore and conduct an investigation to see if black is made of only black ink or composed of something else.
  • Have students follow these procedures to conduct the chromatography separation process –see photographs for clarification. (Use a projector or chart paper display the procedures if desired):
  • Cut the rectangular strips from the filter paper (about 3-4 inches in length, by 1-2 inches in width). Each group or student will need one.

write a hypothesis to explain what will happen to the black ink

  • Make a mark using the black marker about a 1 inch from the bottom of the paper. Make sure to make the dot dense with ink.
  • Using tape, attach the end of the paper that is farthest from the ink dot to a straightened paperclip.
  • Add a small amount of water to the cup, about ½ an inch in height.

write a hypothesis to explain what will happen to the black ink

  • Place the filter inside of the cup. Be sure the black marker circle is toward the bottom and use the paperclip to keep the paper in the center of the cup (avoid having the paper touch the inside of the cup)
  • The paper should dangle into the water, and the edge of the paper should be in the water, but the ink dot should not touch the water.

write a hypothesis to explain what will happen to the black ink

  • Wait, observe, and discuss what is happening to the black ink with the group.
  • During the lab ask for students’ predictions about what they think is happening.
  • Walk, talk, share, and discuss what you see with individuals, small groups and the whole class.
  • Ask students and groups to share with the rest of the class about what they are observing. Record the student observations on a chart.
  • Typical Results (After 1 minute; 3 minutes; 5 minutes- final):

Pigment-based black ink

Pigmented black ink starts with a dry, powdered compound created from carbon particles. These pigments are mixed with a liquid (like water or oil ) to create the ink. The pigment remains suspended in the liquid. The ink formulation cure or evaporates after being applied to the substrate, leaving the pigment bound to the surface.

Dye-based black ink

Dye-based black inks use colorants that are fully dissolved into a liquid (like water or oil). Most black dye-based inks include a combination of black dye and additional cyan, magenta, and yellow ( CMYK ) dyes to create a rich black. When dye-based ink is applied to a surface, the fully dissolved liquid soaks or etches into the surface. Dryers then evaporate the ink to prevent it from smearing.

How can there be shades of black?

photo of a barcode being scanned with a red laser

Black ink formulations are almost infinite. For a specific application, inkjet chemists may choose to create a fully pigment-based ink or a fully dye-based ink or combine pigments and dyes.

One common scenario involves chemists taking a pigment-based ink designed for durability and maximum adhesion and adding black dye to improve the color’s brilliance.

Additionally, ink chemists can choose from multiple black inks and dyes, each having slightly different hues.

Many standard dye-based inks often look blue once printed, and many pigment-based inks can appear somewhat brown.

By carefully choosing to use specific dyes or pigments, ink manufacturers can meet precise color specifications.

image of stars to represent high performance inks

High-Performance Black Inks

But color isn’t the only quality that black ink manufacturers can control.

Ink chemists can also improve decap time, which refers to how long a printer can sit inactively and still resume printing without any adverse effects on the machinery or print quality.

Black inks with longer decap times offer two benefits:

  • Less set-up/take-down time for printing equipment
  • Less chance of human error from handling inkjet printing equipment

Chemists at Kao Collins created Sigma , a solvent ink for HP Specialty Printing Systems, with a decap time of more than 12 hours. This is at least four times longer than any thermal inkjet solvent ink on the market.

Is there a “best choice?” for black ink

Both pigment-based and dye-based black inks have advantages. In general, dye-based inks create a more brilliant color than pigmented black inks and are less expensive, but they tend to degrade or fade over time.

Pigment-based inks have superior binding ability, but their color looks slightly lighter than dye-based black. Pigment inks are typically more expensive than dye inks, as well. For specific substrates, pigment-based black inks are the only practical options. For example, ceramics exclusively rely on pigmented inks because of their adhesive properties.

The steps to creating a black ink

formulating ink in the lab

Based on the various specifications, the ink chemist will begin developing an ink that meets the technical specifications.

Color and performance tests allow for small adjustments to a formulation until the black ink is perfected. It’s chemical and technical expertise like this that enables ink manufacturers to find expert solutions to unique inkjet printing needs.

Contact Kao Collins to discuss our portfolio of black inks.

Black thermal inkjet inks from kao collins.

Compliant Non-CMR PFAS-Free Inks

Inks with 24-Month Shelflife

SIGMA Solvent Ink for HP

NEXXO ink for Funai

Kao Collins produces inkjet inks for these printheads

Dimatix |   Funai |   HP |   Kodak |   Konica Minolta |  Kyocera | Ricoh |  SII Printek |  X-BAR |  Xaar

Frequently Asked Questions

How is black ink made.

The base ingredient of printer ink is usually oil, water, or heavy petroleum distillate used as the solvent. This is then combined with pigments to create an ink that is designed to dry by evaporation. Black ink is created through a combination of carbon black and varnish.

What are the components of black ink?

Black ink contains a carrier fluid like oil, water, or petroleum and dyes or pigments. Black ink combines solvents, pigments, dyes, resins, lubricants, stabilizers, surfactants, particulate matter, fluorescents, and other materials.

What colors are present in black ink?

Dye-based black inks use colorants that are fully dissolved into a liquid (like water or oil). Most black dye-based inks include a combination of black dye and additional Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow (CMYK).

How is black ink formulated?

The ingredients in black ink include white pigments, often titanium dioxide, coupled with carbon black. Either type of ink can also include additives such as wax, oils, and some form of a drying agent for ease of printing or custom design.

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FREE K-12 standards-aligned STEM

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  • TeachEngineering
  • Chromatography Lab

Hands-on Activity Chromatography Lab

Grade Level: 8 (7-9)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Expendable Cost/Group: US $40.00

Group Size: 3

Activity Dependency: Introduction to Water Chemistry

Associated Informal Learning Activity: Chromatography

Subject Areas: Chemistry, Physical Science, Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Science and Technology

NGSS Performance Expectations:

NGSS Three Dimensional Triangle

Mix up your student’s day with the resources featured here, by grade band, to help them make sense of the chemical phenomena associated with mixtures and solutions in engineering!

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Engineers help shape a safer future

A firm understanding of solutions and mixtures and their components is essential for environmental engineers whose challenge is to prepare solutions to monitor and test groundwater for contaminants, and to develop remediation processes that separate pollutants from their water solutions.

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Describe how chromatography works and what happens during this process to black or colored ink.
  • Explain why being able to separate solutions into their components is important to environmental engineering and water quality.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science.

NGSS Performance Expectation

MS-PS1-2. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. (Grades 6 - 8)

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This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Analyze and interpret data to determine similarities and differences in findings.

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Science knowledge is based upon logical and conceptual connections between evidence and explanations.

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Each pure substance has characteristic physical and chemical properties (for any bulk quantity under given conditions) that can be used to identify it.

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Substances react chemically in characteristic ways. In a chemical process, the atoms that make up the original substances are regrouped into different molecules, and these new substances have different properties from those of the reactants.

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International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology

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State Standards

Missouri - science.

Each group needs:

  • Whatman chromatography paper, at least 4 two-inch-wide strips; available at
  • Sharpie ®  black ink marker; can be shared among teams
  • Sharpie color markers, of various colors; can be shared among teams
  • isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol); higher proof or percent rubbing alcohol is best
  • two 500-ml beakers
  • Chromatography Lab Worksheet , one per student

Who has heard of chromatography? Chromatography is a way to look at complex mixtures by separating them into their components. The separation of a mixture into its components is a physical process; that is, because the components of the mixture are not chemically combined, they can be separated by physical means. Criminal investigators use this technology to identify substances such as drugs, blood, ink and other fluids.

We have already discussed environmental engineering situations that require water remediation. Can you name some for me? (Listen to student responses.) Yes, examples might include industrial oil spills or chemical leaks into drinking water sources. In order to develop and apply methods of water remediation, environmental engineers, must also be able to separate mixtures to remove the pollutant components.

Here's how chromatography works: Different inks have different properties, such as how much they can be dissolved in solvents. When you place chromatography paper into a solvent, the solvent begins to move up the paper. As the solvent rises, it dissolves the ink on the paper and separates the ink into its components. The farther the ink travels, the more it is attracted to the solvent.

Understanding chemical reactions can also help environment engineers remediate contaminants in water. For example, engineers can use chemical oxidants to degrade certain contaminants; in other words, the contaminant reacts with the treatment chemical to produce a product that is benign, or harmless, unlike the contaminant. Some common indicators of reaction include: changes in odor, temperature, or color, production of gas, or precipitation. However, the only way to be absolutely certain of whether a chemical reaction has occurred is to perform a chemical analysis to determine whether a new chemical is present.

A good understanding of solutions and mixtures and their components, in addition to reaction, is essential for environmental engineers. Most experiments and data gathering done for the purpose of improving groundwater quality involve the preparation of solutions to monitor and test contaminated water.

Before the Activity

  • Gather materials and make copies of the Chromatography Lab Worksheet .
  • Cut the chromatography paper into strips about two-inches wide. Cut at least four strips for each group.

With the Students

  • Divide the class into groups of three students each. Hand out the worksheets.
  • Take the strips of chromatography paper and fold both pieces about an inch from the top.
  • Use a black Sharpie to draw a horizontal line near the other end of the chromatography paper. Make the line about as high off the bottom as the width of your thumb.
  • Use a pencil to suspend the paper in each beaker, making sure the strip does not touch the sides of the beaker.
  • Carefully add water to one beaker and alcohol to the other. Add just enough of each liquid so that it touches the bottom of the hanging strip.
  • Watch what happens!! Once you see the separation is complete you, get new strips and repeat using ink from a colored Sharpie marker.
  • If time permits, have students test other colored Sharpies to see different color separations.
  • Have students answer the questions on their worksheets and hand them in for grading.
  • Conclude by leading a wrap-up class discussion to compare results and conclusions; see the questions in the Assessment section.

solute: The component of a solution in the smallest amount.

solution: Mixture made of two or more substances.

solvent: The component of a solution in the largest amount.

Pre-Activity Assessment

Predictions: Have students write down predictions for what they think will happen during the activity. Have them identify the components of a solution (that is, solute[s] and solvent). Remind students that we are interested in whether a reaction occurs during the experiment. Review the indicators of reaction (changes in odor, temperature, or color, production of gas, or precipitation.) Ask a few student volunteers to share their answers with the class.

Activity Embedded Assessment

What's Going On?  While students are conducting the lab, guided by the Chromatography Lab Worksheet , walk around the room and ask them questions to keep them engaged and on task. Example questions:

  • Why doesn't the black Sharpie marker ink separate in water? (Answer: The separation depends on how soluble the ink in the marker is in either water or alcohol. The ink in the black marker is not soluble in water and therefore does not separate. This is also why this type of marker is considered a "permanent" marker—because it is water-insoluble and thus cannot be washed off using water! For more advanced students, explain that the alcohol is a better solvent for chromatographic separation [dissolving the ink] than water due to polar and non-polar interactions.)
  • Do you see any of the indicators of reaction? Do you think that a reaction has occurred? (For the teacher: Make sure to discuss the color change indicator with students. Students may think that a reaction has occurred because the ink separates into its color components when immersed in the solvent, so it might appear that the ink has changed color. However, the appearance of the color components is not indicating a chemical reaction, just a separation. One indication that a reaction has not occurred is that no energy change has taken place. All of the indicators of reaction correspond to energy change.)

Post-Activity Assessment

Worksheet: Have students answer the Chromatography Lab Worksheet questions and hand them in for grading (see answers in the Wrap-Up Discussion, below). Review their answers to gauge their comprehension of the material.

Wrap-Up Discussion: At lab end, bring students together as a class and ask them the following questions about how chromatography works, what happens to the ink during this process and its real-world relevance. Make sure everyone understands the answers:

  • What were the two solvents used in our lab activity today? (Answer: Water and isopropyl alcohol.)
  • Black ink is more attracted to which solvent? How do you know? (Answer: The black ink is more attracted to the isopropyl alcohol. We observed ink separation in the isopropyl alcohol and no ink separation in the water.)
  • What colors are present in black ink? (Answer: This varies from group to group, but typically the most common colors are purple, blue and yellow. In addition, black is still visible in the separation.)
  • What do these colors represent? (Answer: Each color represents the different solutes or ink components used to make the black ink. We cannot see each of these individual components unless a separation occurs. This separation only occurs when a solvent is used in which the ink is soluble.)
  • Why might the ability to separate solutions into their components be important to environmental engineers and water quality? (Answer: Environmental engineers must understand all about solutions and mixtures and their components because most experiments and data gathering done for the purpose of improving groundwater quality involve the preparation of solutions to monitor and test contaminated water. Only if we can separate from water the usually invisible water pollutant chemicals can we design remediation methods to clean the water!)

Safety Issues

When disposing of the isopropyl alcohol, pour the remaining alcohol back into the original bottle to be disposed of as flammable waste.

Make sure students do not draw marker lines too close to the crease in the chromatography paper. If they do, the separation takes a long time because the alcohol must travel further than if ink lines are drawn near the bottom half of the paper.

Students can easily perform this lab activity at home to test different colored markers and different marker types (such as dry erase board markers). Designing inks with different properties and characteristics is a vast chemical engineering industry.

write a hypothesis to explain what will happen to the black ink

Students investigate different colored pigments in a variety of different colored leaves. By using isopropanol and chromatography paper, students separate the different pigments that make up the color of the leaf. They learn to analyze data by collecting and recording information after assembling an...

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Students are presented with examples of the types of problems that environmental engineers solve, specifically focusing on water quality issues. Topics include the importance of clean water, the scarcity of fresh water, tap water contamination sources, and ways environmental engineers treat contamin...

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Supporting program, acknowledgements.

This curriculum was developed with support from National Science Foundation GK-12 grant number DGE 0538541. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the NSF, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: August 30, 2019

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Why Do Termites Follow Ink Trails?

Worker and soldier termites follow an alcohol in ink that mimics a pheromone. (Sanjay Acharya)

Termites are social insects that eat wood and other plant matter. Completely by accident, people discovered termites follow ink trails made by the black or blue ink from Bic and Papermate ballpoint pens. While they will follow a path made by other pens (85% of black ballpoints and 80% of blue ballpoints), they aren’t affected by red ink. They don’t follow ink trails made by rollerball pens or felt tip markers. The reason they follow some ballpoint pen lines is because the ink contains a chemical that acts as an insect pheromone.

Termite Pheromones and Ballpoint Ink

Worker and soldier termites are completely blind. They use the senses of touch and and “smell” to identify one another and enemies and to find food. When a termite locates food, it releases pheromones from its abdomen as it returns to the colony. The pheromones leave an invisible chemical trail other termites can smell to follow. The pheromone is volatile, meaning it is present in the air above the trail, so termites that get close to the trail without actually touching it can find their way.

Termites also follow trails produced by chemicals that mimic pheromones. These include alcohols and fatty acids. The blue and black ink in ballpoint pens contain the alcohol 2-phenoxyethanol (PE). PE is a volatile solvent that helps blue ink flow smoothly and dry quickly. However, the solvent doesn’t evaporate completely. In fact, the amount remaining in an ink line can be used in a forensic analysis to date documents written in ink.

When a termite encounters the ink trail, it thinks it has found a path to food. You can test this for yourself. Collect some termites. Draw a path using a blue Bic or Papermate pen. Any doodle works. Popular shapes include circles, lines, and figure eights. The project is so interesting, schools often use it in lesson plans to introduce students to the scientific method .

Watch Termites Follow an Ink Trail

Naturally, you might not be keen on having termites in your home because they might escape and cause property damage. You can watch what happens without keeping insect pets.

Ink Trails as Pest Control

If you have termites, you can’t just draw an ink line to guide them out of your home. However, you can use ink to lure them to a tasty pesticide treat they can bring back to the nest.

Cole Balkman demonstrated the technique’s effectiveness as a high school student for a science fair project. Balkman used a centrifuge to isolate 2-phenoxyethanol from ballpoint pen ink. He coated the inside of a bit of plastic tubing with the liquid. He ran the tubing through a piece of wall separating containers of termites and a piece of tissue paper soaked in the insecticide imidacloprid. Other containers of insects were connected to the tissue by clean tubing (no pheromones from ink). At the end of 72 hours, about 20% of the termites had died in the set-up with the clean tubing. However, 75% of the termites following the pheromone trail died.

So, if you have termites, you can perform some home pest control by drilling a small hole in the wall, coating the interior of a bit of plastic tubing with the proper ink, and offering tissue soaked in pesticide. In a home setting, be sure to put the poisonous tissue inside a sealed jar with a hole drilled in its lid for the tubing. Safety first!

  • Laporte, Gerald & D Wilson, Jeffrey & Cantu, Antonio & Amanda Mancke, S & L Fortunato, Susan. (2004). The Identification of 2-Phenoxyethanol in Ballpoint Inks Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry – Relevance to Ink Dating. Journal of Forensic Sciences . 49. 155-9. doi: 10.1520/JFS2003217
  • Tschinkel, Walter R.; Close, Peter G. (1972) The Trail Pheromone of the Termite, Trinervitermes trinervoides . J. Insect Physiol . Vol 19. pp. 707-721.

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Lemon "invisible ink" experiment explanation


By mooeypoo June 6, 2011 in Chemistry

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I'm trying to write-up an activity sheet about the "invisible ink" experiment with lemon juice.

For those who are not familiar with this -- you take lemon juice and use it as ink to write a "secret message" on a piece of paper. You wait for it to dry up, then when you're ready to read it, you heat it up. The juice becomes brownish.

I want to explain WHY this happens, and I can't find any good resources. I keep reading the explanation that the lemon juice "weakens the paper" and when you heat it up the previously lemon'ed parts burn faster (hence turning brown). I am skeptical of this explanation, it sounds weird to me.. if that's true, it would happen on an open flame and not, say, heating by lamp. And yet it DOES happen when you put it on a hot lamp.

Is this some chemical reaction due to heat? What's going on here? Anyone? Is it true that the message on the paper is just "burning faster" than the rest of the paper?

p.s, here's an example of this experiment and the proposed explanation

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Well it does work - I did it as a child, but we put the paper under the grill; it was all a bit charred but the writing was clear. The impression I got was that the paper had to be on the point of all burning - didn't realise you could do it just by warming it up (and sunlight?? seems like a bad idea for invisible ink). I believe it works with urine as well - perhaps it's an acid thing, but I am already out of my chemical depth so I won't speculate further.

wikipedia claim

Lemon, apple, orange or onion juice (organic acids and the paper forms ester under heat)

This book claims that the acids break down the cellulose into sugars which then caramelize

Yeah the explanation that keeps reapeating is that the acidic lemon juice weakens the molecular bonds of the paper. So later when it's burned, the parts that were "dyed" with the lemon juice would burn quicker (and darken quicker). It was just a bit odd to me, and I wanted to make sure that's the right explanation.

John Cuthber

John Cuthber

Acid catalysed dehydration of the cellulose. Roughly the equivalent of caramelising sugars.

Sorry, chem isn't my strong side. Can you explain (or point me to the direction of more data)?


I always assumed that it is the result of burning the organic substances.

Okay, I found this site:

This site goes over many fruit juices and other liquids. Seems it's mostly the sugar. BUT, it doesn't go over lemon juice, so I"m still not sure lemon juice follows that. Though it DOES have sugars in it, so that makes sense.

On the other hand, I tried to caramelize the lemon juice on a spoon (heated over flame) and failed... soooo... it doesn't seem to caramelize? I'm not sure what's up.



It wouldn't be the lemon juice that's caramalising. The citric acid would be reacting with the cellulose in the paper to form glucose. The glucose is what you're burning.



For those who don't know, cellulose is a polymer of glucose units.

!!! that makes so much more sense!

I knew the whole "burning the paper easier" bit was weird... thanks!

!!! that makes so much more sense!   I knew the whole "burning the paper easier" bit was weird... thanks!
No problems! I have been meaning to reply to this since you posted it actually. Sorry it took so long!


That sounds like a really fun experiment - I might try it with my niece and nephew. I think they'll be a bit young to understand the science but it'll certainly amaze them - no harm in getting them hooked early!

Kerry, just be extra careful with the heat. I found that the experiment WORKS with an open flame (like a candle) but it gets very tricky to control it from burning the paper. A heat source like a toaster (the heat above it, of course, not inside a toaster oven) will be sufficient and probably safer.

I can't find resources on this, and I'd love to add something about this to the kit in the "Extra resources to read" section (links and such)... any ideas ? links will be very welcome.

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  1. Paper Chromatography: Is Black Ink Really Black?

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  6. PDF Paper Chromatography: Is Black Ink Really Black?

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  13. Classroom Resources

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  20. Lemon "invisible ink" experiment explanation

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