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An optimized solution for face recognition

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The human brain seems to care a lot about faces. It’s dedicated a specific area to identifying them, and the neurons there are so good at their job that most of us can readily recognize thousands of individuals. With artificial intelligence, computers can now recognize faces with a similar efficiency — and neuroscientists at MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research have found that a computational network trained to identify faces and other objects discovers a surprisingly brain-like strategy to sort them all out.

The finding, reported March 16 in Science Advances , suggests that the millions of years of evolution that have shaped circuits in the human brain have optimized our system for facial recognition.

“The human brain’s solution is to segregate the processing of faces from the processing of objects,” explains Katharina Dobs, who led the study as a postdoc in the lab of McGovern investigator Nancy Kanwisher , the Walter A. Rosenblith Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at MIT. The artificial network that she trained did the same. “And that’s the same solution that we hypothesize any system that’s trained to recognize faces and to categorize objects would find,” she adds.

“These two completely different systems have figured out what a — if not the — good solution is. And that feels very profound,” says Kanwisher.

Functionally specific brain regions

More than 20 years ago, Kanwisher and her colleagues discovered a small spot in the brain’s temporal lobe that responds specifically to faces. This region, which they named the fusiform face area, is one of many brain regions Kanwisher and others have found that are dedicated to specific tasks, such as the detection of written words, the perception of vocal songs, and understanding language.

Kanwisher says that as she has explored how the human brain is organized, she has always been curious about the reasons for that organization. Does the brain really need special machinery for facial recognition and other functions? “‘Why questions’ are very difficult in science,” she says. But with a sophisticated type of machine learning called a deep neural network, her team could at least find out how a different system would handle a similar task.

Dobs, who is now a research group leader at Justus Liebig University Giessen in Germany, assembled hundreds of thousands of images with which to train a deep neural network in face and object recognition. The collection included the faces of more than 1,700 different people and hundreds of different kinds of objects, from chairs to cheeseburgers. All of these were presented to the network, with no clues about which was which. “We never told the system that some of those are faces, and some of those are objects. So it’s basically just one big task,” Dobs says. “It needs to recognize a face identity, as well as a bike or a pen.”

As the program learned to identify the objects and faces, it organized itself into an information-processing network with that included units specifically dedicated to face recognition. Like the brain, this specialization occurred during the later stages of image processing. In both the brain and the artificial network, early steps in facial recognition involve more general vision processing machinery, and final stages rely on face-dedicated components.

It’s not known how face-processing machinery arises in a developing brain, but based on their findings, Kanwisher and Dobs say networks don’t necessarily require an innate face-processing mechanism to acquire that specialization. “We didn’t build anything face-ish into our network,” Kanwisher says. “The networks managed to segregate themselves without being given a face-specific nudge.”

Kanwisher says it was thrilling seeing the deep neural network segregate itself into separate parts for face and object recognition. “That’s what we’ve been looking at in the brain for 20-some years,” she says. “Why do we have a separate system for face recognition in the brain? This tells me it is because that is what an optimized solution looks like.”

Now, she is eager to use deep neural nets to ask similar questions about why other brain functions are organized the way they are. “We have a new way to ask why the brain is organized the way it is,” she says. “How much of the structure we see in human brains will arise spontaneously by training networks to do comparable tasks?”

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  • Nancy Kanwisher
  • McGovern Institute for Brain Research
  • Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

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Annual Review of Vision Science

Volume 7, 2021, review article, face recognition by humans and machines: three fundamental advances from deep learning.

  • Alice J. O'Toole 1 , and Carlos D. Castillo 2
  • View Affiliations Hide Affiliations Affiliations: 1 School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas 75080, USA; email: [email protected] 2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA; email: [email protected]
  • Vol. 7:543-570 (Volume publication date September 2021)
  • First published as a Review in Advance on August 04, 2021
  • Copyright © 2021 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved

Deep learning models currently achieve human levels of performance on real-world face recognition tasks. We review scientific progress in understanding human face processing using computational approaches based on deep learning. This review is organized around three fundamental advances. First, deep networks trained for face identification generate a representation that retains structured information about the face (e.g., identity, demographics, appearance, social traits, expression) and the input image (e.g., viewpoint, illumination). This forces us to rethink the universe of possible solutions to the problem of inverse optics in vision. Second, deep learning models indicate that high-level visual representations of faces cannot be understood in terms of interpretable features. This has implications for understanding neural tuning and population coding in the high-level visual cortex. Third, learning in deep networks is a multistep process that forces theoretical consideration of diverse categories of learning that can overlap, accumulate over time, and interact. Diverse learning types are needed to model the development of human face processing skills, cross-race effects, and familiarity with individual faces.

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Classical and modern face recognition approaches: a complete review

  • Published: 02 October 2020
  • Volume 80 , pages 4825–4880, ( 2021 )

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recent research on face recognition

  • Waqar Ali   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Wenhong Tian 3 ,
  • Salah Ud Din 4 ,
  • Desire Iradukunda 5 &
  • Abdullah Aman Khan 1  

4836 Accesses

68 Citations

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Human face recognition have been an active research area for the last few decades. Especially, during the last five years, it has gained significant research attention from multiple domains like computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence due to its remarkable progress and broad social applications. The primary goal of any face recognition system is to recognize the human identity from the static images, video data, data-streams and the knowledge of the context in which these data components are being actively used. In this review, we have highlighted major applications, challenges and trends of face recognition systems in social and scientific domains. The prime objective of this research is to sum-up recent face recognition techniques and develop a broad understanding of how these techniques behave on different datasets. Moreover, we discuss some key challenges such as variability in illumination, pose, aging, cosmetics, scale, occlusion, and background. Along with classical face recognition techniques, most recent research directions are deeply investigated, i.e., deep learning, sparse models and fuzzy set theory. Additionally, basic methodologies are briefly discussed, while contemporary research contributions are examined in broader details. Finally, this research presents future aspects of face recognition technologies and its potential significance in the upcoming digital society.

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Waqar Ali & Abdullah Aman Khan

Faculty of Information Technology, The University of Lahore, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan

School of Information and Software Engineerng, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 611731, China

Wenhong Tian

Data Mining Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 611731, China

Salah Ud Din

School of Electronic Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 611731, China

Desire Iradukunda

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Ali, W., Tian, W., Din, S.U. et al. Classical and modern face recognition approaches: a complete review. Multimed Tools Appl 80 , 4825–4880 (2021).

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Received : 23 September 2019

Revised : 10 July 2020

Accepted : 09 September 2020

Published : 02 October 2020

Issue Date : January 2021


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Facial Recognition is the task of making a positive identification of a face in a photo or video image against a pre-existing database of faces. It begins with detection - distinguishing human faces from other objects in the image - and then works on identification of those detected faces.

The state of the art tables for this task are contained mainly in the consistent parts of the task : the face verification and face identification tasks.

( Image credit: Face Verification )

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Face Recognition Systems: A Survey

Yassin kortli.

1 AI-ED Department, Yncrea Ouest, 20 rue du Cuirassé de Bretagne, 29200 Brest, France; [email protected] (M.J.); [email protected] (A.A.F.)

2 Electronic and Micro-electronic Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, University of Monastir, Monastir 5000, Tunisia

Maher Jridi

Ayman al falou, mohamed atri.

3 College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Abha 61421, Saudi Arabia; as.ude.ukk@irtam

Over the past few decades, interest in theories and algorithms for face recognition has been growing rapidly. Video surveillance, criminal identification, building access control, and unmanned and autonomous vehicles are just a few examples of concrete applications that are gaining attraction among industries. Various techniques are being developed including local, holistic, and hybrid approaches, which provide a face image description using only a few face image features or the whole facial features. The main contribution of this survey is to review some well-known techniques for each approach and to give the taxonomy of their categories. In the paper, a detailed comparison between these techniques is exposed by listing the advantages and the disadvantages of their schemes in terms of robustness, accuracy, complexity, and discrimination. One interesting feature mentioned in the paper is about the database used for face recognition. An overview of the most commonly used databases, including those of supervised and unsupervised learning, is given. Numerical results of the most interesting techniques are given along with the context of experiments and challenges handled by these techniques. Finally, a solid discussion is given in the paper about future directions in terms of techniques to be used for face recognition.

1. Introduction

The objective of developing biometric applications, such as facial recognition, has recently become important in smart cities. In addition, many scientists and engineers around the world have focused on establishing increasingly robust and accurate algorithms and methods for these types of systems and their application in everyday life. All types of security systems must protect all personal data. The most commonly used type for recognition is the password. However, through the development of information technologies and security algorithms, many systems are beginning to use many biometric factors for recognition task [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]. These biometric factors make it possible to identify people’s identity by their physiological or behavioral characteristics. They also provide several advantages, for example, the presence of a person in front of the sensor is sufficient, and there is no more need to remember several passwords or confidential codes anymore. In this context, many recognition systems based on different biometric factors such as iris, fingerprints [ 5 ], voice [ 6 ], and face have been deployed in recent years.

Systems that identify people based on their biological characteristics are very attractive because they are easy to use. The human face is composed of different structures and characteristics. For this reason, in recent years, it has become one of the most widely used biometric authentication systems, given its potential in many applications and fields (surveillance, home security, border control, and so on) [ 7 , 8 , 9 ]. Facial recognition system as an ID (identity) is already being offered to consumers outside of phones, including at airport check-ins, sports stadiums, and concerts. In addition, this system does not require the intervention of people to operate, which makes it possible to identify people only from images obtained from the camera. In addition, many biometric systems that are developed using different types of search provide good identification accuracy. However, it would be interesting to develop new biometric systems for face recognition in order to reach real-time constraints.

Owing to the huge volume of data generated and rapid advancement in artificial intelligence techniques, traditional computing models have become inadequate to process data, especially for complex applications like those related to feature extraction. Graphics processing units (GPUs) [ 4 ], central processing unit (CPU) [ 3 ], and programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) [ 10 ] are required to efficiently perform complex computing tasks. GPUs have computing cores that are several orders of magnitude larger than traditional CPU and allow greater capacity to perform parallel computing. Unlike GPUs, the FPGAs have a flexible hardware configuration and offer better performance than GPUs in terms of energy efficiency. However, FPGAs present a major drawback related to the programming time, which is higher than that of CPU and GPU.

There are many computer vision approaches proposed to address face detection or recognition tasks with high robustness and discrimination, such as local, subspace, and hybrid approaches [ 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ]. However, several issues still need to be addressed owing to various challenges, such as head orientation, lighting conditions, and facial expression. The most interesting techniques are developed to face all these challenges, and thus develop reliable face recognition systems. Nevertheless, they require high processing time, high memory consumption, and are relatively complex.

Rapid advances in technologies such as digital cameras, portable devices, and increased demand for security make the face recognition system one of the primary biometric technologies.

To sum up, the contributions of this paper review are as follows:

  • We first introduced face recognition as a biometric technique.
  • We presented the state of the art of the existing face recognition techniques classified into three approaches: local, holistic, and hybrid.
  • The surveyed approaches were summarized and compared under different conditions.
  • We presented the most popular face databases used to test these approaches.
  • We highlighted some new promising research directions.

2. Face Recognition Systems Survey

2.1. essential steps of face recognition systems.

Before detailing the techniques used, it is necessary to make a brief description of the problems that must be faced and solved in order to perform the face recognition task correctly. For several security applications, as detailed in the works of [ 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 ], the characteristics that make a face recognition system useful are the following: its ability to work with both videos and images, to process in real time, to be robust in different lighting conditions, to be independent of the person (regardless of hair, ethnicity, or gender), and to be able to work with faces from different angles. Different types of sensors, including RGB, depth, EEG, thermal, and wearable inertial sensors, are used to obtain data. These sensors may provide extra information and help the face recognition systems to identify face images in both static images and video sequences. Moreover, three categories of sensors that may improve the reliability and the accuracy of a face recognition system by tackling the challenges include illumination variation, head pose, and facial expression in pure image/video processing. The first group is non-visual sensors, such as audio, depth, and EEG sensors, which provide extra information in addition to the visual dimension and improve the recognition reliability, for example, in illumination variation and position shift situation. The second is detailed-face sensors, which detect a small dynamic change of a face component, such as eye-trackers, which may help differentiate the background noise and the face images. The last is target-focused sensors, such as infrared thermal sensors, which can facilitate the face recognition systems to filter useless visual contents and may help resistance illumination variation.

Three basic steps are used to develop a robust face recognition system: (1) face detection, (2) feature extraction, and (3) face recognition (shown in Figure 1 ) [ 3 , 23 ]. The face detection step is used to detect and locate the human face image obtained by the system. The feature extraction step is employed to extract the feature vectors for any human face located in the first step. Finally, the face recognition step includes the features extracted from the human face in order to compare it with all template face databases to decide the human face identity.

  • Face Detection : The face recognition system begins first with the localization of the human faces in a particular image. The purpose of this step is to determine if the input image contains human faces or not. The variations of illumination and facial expression can prevent proper face detection. In order to facilitate the design of a further face recognition system and make it more robust, pre-processing steps are performed. Many techniques are used to detect and locate the human face image, for example, Viola–Jones detector [ 24 , 25 ], histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) [ 13 , 26 ], and principal component analysis (PCA) [ 27 , 28 ]. Also, the face detection step can be used for video and image classification, object detection [ 29 ], region-of-interest detection [ 30 ], and so on.
  • Feature Extraction : The main function of this step is to extract the features of the face images detected in the detection step. This step represents a face with a set of features vector called a “signature” that describes the prominent features of the face image such as mouth, nose, and eyes with their geometry distribution [ 31 , 32 ]. Each face is characterized by its structure, size, and shape, which allow it to be identified. Several techniques involve extracting the shape of the mouth, eyes, or nose to identify the face using the size and distance [ 3 ]. HOG [ 33 ], Eigenface [ 34 ], independent component analysis (ICA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [ 27 , 35 ], scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) [ 23 ], gabor filter, local phase quantization (LPQ) [ 36 ], Haar wavelets, Fourier transforms [ 31 ], and local binary pattern (LBP) [ 3 , 10 ] techniques are widely used to extract the face features.
  • Face Recognition : This step considers the features extracted from the background during the feature extraction step and compares it with known faces stored in a specific database. There are two general applications of face recognition, one is called identification and another one is called verification. During the identification step, a test face is compared with a set of faces aiming to find the most likely match. During the identification step, a test face is compared with a known face in the database in order to make the acceptance or rejection decision [ 7 , 19 ]. Correlation filters (CFs) [ 18 , 37 , 38 ], convolutional neural network (CNN) [ 39 ], and also k-nearest neighbor (K-NN) [ 40 ] are known to effectively address this task.

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Face recognition structure [ 3 , 23 ].

2.2. Classification of Face Recognition Systems

Compared with other biometric systems such as the eye, iris, or fingerprint recognition systems, the face recognition system is not the most efficient and reliable [ 5 ]. Moreover, this biometric system has many constraints resulting from many challenges, despite all the above advantages. The recognition under the controlled environments has been saturated. Nevertheless, in uncontrolled environments, the problem remains open owing to large variations in lighting conditions, facial expressions, age, dynamic background, and so on. In this paper survey, we review the most advanced face recognition techniques proposed in controlled/uncontrolled environments using different databases.

Several systems are implemented to identify a human face in 2D or 3D images. In this review paper, we will classify these systems into three approaches based on their detection and recognition method ( Figure 2 ): (1) local, (2) holistic (subspace), and (3) hybrid approaches. The first approach is classified according to certain facial features, not considering the whole face. The second approach employs the entire face as input data and then projects into a small subspace or in correlation plane. The third approach uses local and global features in order to improve face recognition accuracy.

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Face recognition methods. SIFT, scale-invariant feature transform; SURF, scale-invariant feature transform; BRIEF, binary robust independent elementary features; LBP, local binary pattern; HOG, histogram of oriented gradients; LPQ, local phase quantization; PCA, principal component analysis; LDA, linear discriminant analysis; KPCA, kernel PCA; CNN, convolutional neural network; SVM, support vector machine.

3. Local Approaches

In the context of face recognition, local approaches treat only some facial features. They are more sensitive to facial expressions, occlusions, and pose [ 1 ]. The main objective of these approaches is to discover distinctive features. Generally, these approaches can be divided into two categories: (1) local appearance-based techniques are used to extract local features, while the face image is divided into small regions (patches) [ 3 , 32 ]. (2) Key-points-based techniques are used to detect the points of interest in the face image, after which the features localized on these points are extracted.

3.1. Local Appearance-Based Techniques

It is a geometrical technique, also called feature or analytic technique. In this case, the face image is represented by a set of distinctive vectors with low dimensions or small regions (patches). Local appearance-based techniques focus on critical points of the face such as the nose, mouth, and eyes to generate more details. Also, it takes into account the particularity of the face as a natural form to identify and use a reduced number of parameters. In addition, these techniques describe the local features through pixel orientations, histograms [ 13 , 26 ], geometric properties, and correlation planes [ 3 , 33 , 41 ].

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The local binary pattern (LBP) descriptor [ 19 ].

Khoi et al. [ 20 ] propose a fast face recognition system based on LBP, pyramid of local binary pattern (PLBP), and rotation invariant local binary pattern (RI-LBP). Xi et al. [ 15 ] have introduced a new unsupervised deep learning-based technique, called local binary pattern network (LBPNet), to extract hierarchical representations of data. The LBPNet maintains the same topology as the convolutional neural network (CNN). The experimental results obtained using the public benchmarks (i.e., LFW and FERET) have shown that LBPNet is comparable to other unsupervised techniques. Laure et al. [ 40 ] have implemented a method that helps to solve face recognition issues with large variations of parameters such as expression, illumination, and different poses. This method is based on two techniques: LBP and K-NN techniques. Owing to its invariance to the rotation of the target image, LBP become one of the important techniques used for face recognition. Bonnen et al. [ 42 ] proposed a variant of the LBP technique named “multiscale local binary pattern (MLBP)” for features’ extraction. Another LBP extension is the local ternary pattern (LTP) technique [ 43 ], which is less sensitive to the noise than the original LBP technique. This technique uses three steps to compute the differences between the neighboring ones and the central pixel. Hussain et al. [ 36 ] develop a local quantized pattern (LQP) technique for face representation. LQP is a generalization of local pattern features and is intrinsically robust to illumination conditions. The LQP features use the disk layout to sample pixels from the local neighborhood and obtain a pair of binary codes using ternary split coding. These codes are quantized, with each one using a separately learned codebook.

The magnitude of the gradient and the orientation of each pixel in the cell are voted in nine bins with the tri-linear interpolation. The histograms of each cell are generated pixel based on direction gradients and, finally, the histograms of the whole cells are combined to extract the feature of the face image. Karaaba et al. [ 44 ] proposed a combination of different histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) to perform a robust face recognition system. This technique is named “multi-HOG”.

The authors create a vector of distances between the target and the reference face images for identification. Arigbabu et al. [ 46 ] proposed a novel face recognition system based on the Laplacian filter and the pyramid histogram of gradient (PHOG) descriptor. In addition, to investigate the face recognition problem, support vector machine (SVM) is used with different kernel functions.

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All “ 4 f ” optical configuration [ 37 ].

For example, the VLC technique is done by two cascade Fourier transform structures realized by two lenses [ 4 ], as presented in Figure 5 . The VLC technique is presented as follows: firstly, a 2D-FFT is applied to the target image to get a target spectrum S . After that, a multiplication between the target spectrum and the filter obtain with the 2D-FFT of a reference image is affected, and this result is placed in the Fourier plane. Next, it provides the correlation result recorded on the correlation plane, where this multiplication is affected by inverse FF.

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Flowchart of the VanderLugt correlator (VLC) technique [ 4 ]. FFT, fast Fourier transform; POF, phase-only filter.

The correlation result, described by the peak intensity, is used to determine the similarity degree between the target and reference images.

where F F T − 1 stands for the inverse fast FT (FFT) operation, * represents the conjugate operation, and ∘ denotes the element-wise array multiplication. To enhance the matching process, Horner and Gianino [ 49 ] proposed a phase-only filter (POF). The POF filter can produce correlation peaks marked with enhanced discrimination capability. The POF is an optimized filter defined as follows:

where S ∗ ( u , v ) is the complex conjugate of the 2D-FFT of the reference image. To evaluate the decision, the peak to correlation energy (PCE) is defined as the energy in the correlation peaks’ intensity normalized to the overall energy of the correlation plane.

where i , j are the coefficient coordinates; M and N are the size of the correlation plane and the size of the peak correlation spot, respectively; E p e a k is the energy in the correlation peaks; and E c o r r e l a t i o n − p l a n e is the overall energy of the correlation plane. Correlation techniques are widely applied in recognition and identification applications [ 4 , 37 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 ]. For example, in the work of [ 4 ], the authors presented the efficiency performances of the VLC technique based on the “4f” configuration for identification using GPU Nvidia Geforce 8400 GS. The POF filter is used for the decision. Another important work in this area of research is presented by Leonard et al. [ 50 ], which presented good performance and the simplicity of the correlation filters for the field of face recognition. In addition, many specific filters such as POF, BPOF, Ad, IF, and so on are used to select the best filter based on its sensitivity to the rotation, scale, and noise. Napoléon et al. [ 3 ] introduced a novel system for identification and verification fields based on an optimized 3D modeling under different illumination conditions, which allows reconstructing faces in different poses. In particular, to deform the synthetic model, an active shape model for detecting a set of key points on the face is proposed in Figure 6 . The VanderLugt correlator is proposed to perform the identification and the LBP descriptor is used to optimize the performances of a correlation technique under different illumination conditions. The experiments are performed on the Pointing Head Pose Image Database (PHPID) database with an elevation ranging from −30° to +30°.

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( a ) Creation of the 3D face of a person, ( b ) results of the detection of 29 landmarks of a face using the active shape model, ( c ) results of the detection of 26 landmarks of a face [ 3 ].

3.2. Key-Points-Based Techniques

The key-points-based techniques are used to detect specific geometric features, according to some geometric information of the face surface (e.g., the distance between the eyes, the width of the head). These techniques can be defined by two significant steps, key-point detection and feature extraction [ 3 , 30 , 54 , 55 ]. The first step focuses on the performance of the detectors of the key-point features of the face image. The second step focuses on the representation of the information carried with the key-point features of the face image. Although these techniques can solve the missing parts and occlusions, scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), binary robust independent elementary features (BRIEF), and speeded-up robust features (SURF) techniques are widely used to describe the feature of the face image.

  • Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) [ 56 , 57 ]: SIFT is an algorithm used to detect and describe the local features of an image. This algorithm is widely used to link two images by their local descriptors, which contain information to make a match between them. The main idea of the SIFT descriptor is to convert the image into a representation composed of points of interest. These points contain the characteristic information of the face image. SIFT presents invariance to scale and rotation. It is commonly used today and fast, which is essential in real-time applications, but one of its disadvantages is the time of matching of the critical points. The algorithm is realized in four steps: (1) detection of the maximum and minimum points in the space-scale, (2) location of characteristic points, (3) assignment of orientation, and (4) a descriptor of the characteristic point. A framework to detect the key-points based on the SIFT descriptor was proposed by L. Lenc et al. [ 56 ], where they use the SIFT technique in combination with a Kepenekci approach for the face recognition.

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Face recognition based on the speeded-up robust features (SURF) descriptor [ 58 ]: recognition using fast library for approximate nearest neighbors (FLANN) distance.

  • Binary robust independent elementary features (BRIEF) [ 30 , 57 ]: BRIEF is a binary descriptor that is simple and fast to compute. This descriptor is based on the differences between the pixel intensity that are similar to the family of binary descriptors such as binary robust invariant scalable (BRISK) and fast retina keypoint (FREAK) in terms of evaluation. To reduce noise, the BRIEF descriptor smoothens the image patches. After that, the differences between the pixel intensity are used to represent the descriptor. This descriptor has achieved the best performance and accuracy in pattern recognition.

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Fast retina keypoint (FREAK) descriptor used 43 sampling patterns [ 19 ].

3.3. Summary of Local Approaches

Table 1 summarizes the local approaches that we presented in this section. Various techniques are introduced to locate and to identify the human faces based on some regions of the face, geometric features, and facial expressions. These techniques provide robust recognition under different illumination conditions and facial expressions. Furthermore, they are sensitive to noise, and invariant to translations and rotations.

Summary of local approaches. SIFT, scale-invariant feature transform; SURF, scale-invariant feature transform; BRIEF, binary robust independent elementary features; LBP, local binary pattern; HOG, histogram of oriented gradients; LPQ, local phase quantization; PCA, principal component analysis; LDA, linear discriminant analysis; KPCA, kernel PCA; CNN, convolutional neural network; SVM, support vector machine; PLBP, pyramid of LBP; KNN, k-nearest neighbor; MLBP, multiscale LBP; LTP, local ternary pattern.; PHOG, pyramid HOG; VLC, VanderLugt correlator; LFW, Labeled Faces in the Wild; FERET, Face Recognition Technology; PHPID, Pointing Head Pose Image Database; PCE, peak to correlation energy; POF, phase-only filter; PSR, peak-to-sidelobe ratio.

Author/Technique UsedDatabaseMatchingLimitationAdvantageResult
Local Appearance-Based Techniques
Khoi et al. [ ]LBPTDFMAPSkewness in face imageRobust feature in fontal face5%
Xi et al. [ ]LBPNetFERETCosine similarityComplexities of CNNHigh recognition accuracy97.80%
Khoi et al. [ ]PLBPTDFMAPSkewness in face imageRobust feature in fontal face5.50%
Laure et al. [ ]LBP and KNNLFWKNNIllumination conditionsRobust85.71%
Bonnen et al. [ ]MRF and MLBPAR (Scream)Cosine similarityLandmark extraction fails or is not idealRobust to changes in facial expression86.10%
FERET (Wearing sunglasses) 95%
Ren et al. [ ]Relaxed LTPCMU-PIEChisquare distanceNoise levelSuperior performance compared with LBP, LTP95.75%
Yale B98.71%
Hussain et al. [ ]LPQFERET/Cosine similarityLot of discriminative informationRobust to illumination variations99.20%
Karaaba et al. [ ]HOG and MMDFERETMMD/MLPDLow recognition accuracyAligning difficulties68.59%
Arigbabu et al. [ ]PHOG and SVMLFWSVMComplexity and time of computationHead pose variation88.50%
Leonard et al. [ ]VLC correlatorPHPIDASPOFThe low number of the reference image usedRobustness to noise92%
Napoléon et al. [ ]LBP and VLCYaleBPOFIlluminationRotation + Translation98.40%
YaleB Extended95.80%
Heflin et al. [ ]correlation filterLFW/PHPIDPSRSome pre-processing steps More effort on the eye localization stage39.48%
Zhu et al. [ ]PCA–FCFCMU-PIECorrelation filterUse only linear methodOcclusion-insensitive96.60%
Seo et al. [ ]LARK + PCALFWCosine similarityFace detectionReducing computational complexity78.90%
Ghorbel et al. [ ]VLC + DoGFERETPCELow recognition rateRobustness81.51%
Ghorbel et al. [ ]uLBP + DoGFERETchi-square distanceRobustnessProcessing time93.39%
Ouerhani et al. [ ]VLCPHPIDPCEPowerProcessing time77%
Lenc et al. [ ]SIFTFERETa posterior probabilityStill far to be perfectSufficiently robust on lower quality real data97.30%
Du et al. [ ]SURFLFWFLANN distanceProcessing timeRobustness and distinctiveness95.60%
Vinay et al. [ ]SURF + SIFTLFWFLANNProcessing timeRobust in unconstrained scenarios78.86%
Calonder et al. [ ]BRIEF_KNNLow recognition rateLow processing time48%

4. Holistic Approach

Holistic or subspace approaches are supposed to process the whole face, that is, they do not require extracting face regions or features points (eyes, mouth, noses, and so on). The main function of these approaches is to represent the face image by a matrix of pixels, and this matrix is often converted into feature vectors to facilitate their treatment. After that, these feature vectors are implemented in low dimensional space. However, holistic or subspace techniques are sensitive to variations (facial expressions, illumination, and poses), and these advantages make these approaches widely used. Moreover, these approaches can be divided into categories, including linear and non-linear techniques, based on the method used to represent the subspace.

4.1. Linear Techniques

The most popular linear techniques used for face recognition systems are Eigenfaces (principal component analysis; PCA) technique, Fisherfaces (linear discriminative analysis; LDA) technique, and independent component analysis (ICA).

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Example of dimensional reduction when applying principal component analysis (PCA) [ 62 ].

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The first five Eigenfaces built from the ORL database [ 63 ].

An image may also be considering the vector of dimension M × N , so that a typical image of size 4 × 4 becomes a vector of dimension 16. Let the training set of images be { X 1 , X 2 ,   X 3 …   X N } . The average face of the set is defined by the following:

Calculate the estimate covariance matrix to represent the scatter degree of all feature vectors related to the average vector. The covariance matrix Q is defined by the following:

The Eigenvectors and corresponding Eigen-values are computed using

where V is the set of eigenvectors matrix Q associated with its eigenvalue λ . Project all the training images of i t h person to the corresponding Eigen-subspace:

where the y k i are the projections of x and are called the principal components, also known as eigenfaces. The face images are represented as a linear combination of these vectors’ “principal components”. In order to extract facial features, PCA and LDA are two different feature extraction algorithms that are used. Wavelet fusion and neural networks are applied to classify facial features. The ORL database is used for evaluation. Figure 10 shows the first five Eigenfaces constructed from the ORL database [ 63 ].

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The first five Fisherfaces obtained from the ORL database [ 63 ].

  • Independent component analysis (ICA) [ 35 ]: The ICA technique is used for the calculation of the basic vectors of a given space. The goal of this technique is to perform a linear transformation in order to reduce the statistical dependence between the different basic vectors, which allows the analysis of independent components. It is determined that they are not orthogonal to each other. In addition, the acquisition of images from different sources is sought in uncorrelated variables, which makes it possible to obtain greater efficiency, because ICA acquires images within statistically independent variables.
  • Improvements of the PCA, LDA, and ICA techniques: To improve the linear subspace techniques, many types of research are developed. Z. Cui et al. [ 67 ] proposed a new spatial face region descriptor (SFRD) method to extract the face region, and to deal with noise variation. This method is described as follows: divide each face image in many spatial regions, and extract token-frequency (TF) features from each region by sum-pooling the reconstruction coefficients over the patches within each region. Finally, extract the SFRD for face images by applying a variant of the PCA technique called “whitened principal component analysis (WPCA)” to reduce the feature dimension and remove the noise in the leading eigenvectors. Besides, the authors in [ 68 ] proposed a variant of the LDA called probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) to seek directions in space that have maximum discriminability, and are hence most suitable for both face recognition and frontal face recognition under varying pose.
  • Gabor filters: Gabor filters are spatial sinusoids located by a Gaussian window that allows for extracting the features from images by selecting their frequency, orientation, and scale. To enhance the performance under unconstrained environments for face recognition, Gabor filters are transformed according to the shape and pose to extract the feature vectors of face image combined with the PCA in the work of [ 69 ]. The PCA is applied to the Gabor features to remove the redundancies and to get the best face images description. Finally, the cosine metric is used to evaluate the similarity.
  • Frequency domain analysis [ 70 , 71 ]: Finally, the analysis techniques in the frequency domain offer a representation of the human face as a function of low-frequency components that present high energy. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete cosine transform (DCT), or discrete wavelet transform (DWT) techniques are independent of the data, and thus do not require training.
  • Discrete wavelet transform (DWT): Another linear technique used for face recognition. In the work of [ 70 ], the authors used a two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT) method for face recognition using a new patch strategy. A non-uniform patch strategy for the top-level’s low-frequency sub-band is proposed by using an integral projection technique for two top-level high-frequency sub-bands of 2D-DWT based on the average image of all training samples. This patch strategy is better for retaining the integrity of local information, and is more suitable to reflect the structure feature of the face image. When constructing the patching strategy using the testing and training samples, the decision is performed using the neighbor classifier. Many databases are used to evaluate this method, including Labeled Faces in Wild (LFW), Extended Yale B, Face Recognition Technology (FERET), and AR.
  • Discrete cosine transform (DCT) [ 71 ] can be used for global and local face recognition systems. DCT is a transformation that represents a finite sequence of data as the sum of a series of cosine functions oscillating at different frequencies. This technique is widely used in face recognition systems [ 71 ], from audio and image compression to spectral methods for the numerical resolution of differential equations. The required steps to implement the DCT technique are presented as follows.

Owing to their limitations in managing the linearity in face recognition, the subspace or holistic techniques are not appropriate to represent the exact details of geometric varieties of the face images. Linear techniques offer a faithful description of face images when the data structures are linear. However, when the face images data structures are non-linear, many types of research use a function named “kernel” to construct a large space where the problem becomes linear. The required steps to implement the DCT technique are presented as Algorithm 1.

DCT Algorithm

4.2. Nonlinear Techniques

Kernel PCA Algorithm
. .

The performance of the KPCA technique depends on the choice of the kernel matrix K. The Gaussian or polynomial kernel are linear typically-used kernels. KPCA has been successfully used for novelty detection [ 72 ] or for speech recognition [ 62 ].

  • Kernel linear discriminant analysis (KDA) [ 73 ]: the KLDA technique is a kernel extension of the linear LDA technique, in the same kernel extension of PCA. Arashloo et al. [ 73 ] proposed a nonlinear binary class-specific kernel discriminant analysis classifier (CS-KDA) based on the spectral regression kernel discriminant analysis. Other nonlinear techniques have also been used in the context of facial recognition:
  • Gabor-KLDA [ 74 ].
  • Evolutionary weighted principal component analysis (EWPCA) [ 75 ].
  • Kernelized maximum average margin criterion (KMAMC), SVM, and kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFD) [ 76 ].
  • Wavelet transform (WT), radon transform (RT), and cellular neural networks (CNN) [ 77 ].
  • Joint transform correlator-based two-layer neural network [ 78 ].
  • Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFD) and KPCA [ 79 ].
  • Locally linear embedding (LLE) and LDA [ 80 ].
  • Nonlinear locality preserving with deep networks [ 81 ].
  • Nonlinear DCT and kernel discriminative common vector (KDCV) [ 82 ].

4.3. Summary of Holistic Approaches

Table 2 summarizes the different subspace techniques discussed in this section, which are introduced to reduce the dimensionality and the complexity of the detection or recognition steps. Linear and non-linear techniques offer robust recognition under different lighting conditions and facial expressions. Although these techniques (linear and non-linear) allow a better reduction in dimensionality and improve the recognition rate, they are not invariant to translations and rotations compared with local techniques.

Subspace approaches. ICA, independent component analysis; DWT, discrete wavelet transform; FFT, fast Fourier transform; DCT, discrete cosine transform.

Author/Techniques UsedDatabases MatchingLimitationAdvantage Result
Linear Techniques
Seo et al. [ ]LARK and PCALFWL2 distanceDetection accuracyReducing computational complexity85.10%
Annalakshmi et al. [ ]ICA and LDALFWBayesian ClassifierSensitivity Good accuracy88%
Annalakshmi et al. [ ]PCA and LDALFWBayesian ClassifierSensitivity Specificity59%
Hussain et al. [ ]LQP and GaborFERETCosine similarityLot of discriminative informationRobust to illumination variations99.2%
Gowda et al. [ ]LPQ and LDAMEPCOSVM Computation timeGood accuracy99.13%
Z. Cui et al. [ ]BoWARASMOcclusionsRobust99.43%
ORL 99.50%
Khan et al. [ ]PSO and DWTCKEuclidienne distanceNoiseRobust to illumination98.60%
Huang et al. [ ]2D-DWTFERETKNNPoseFrontal or near-frontal facial images90.63%
Perlibakas and Vytautas [ ]PCA and Gabor filterFERETCosine metricPrecisionPose87.77%
Hafez et al. [ ]Gabor filter and LDAORL2DNCC PoseGood recognition performance98.33%
C. YaleB99.33%
Sufyanu et al. [ ]DCTORLNCCHigh memoryControlled and uncontrolled databases93.40%
Shanbhag et al. [ ]DWT and BPSO_ __ _RotationSignificant reduction in the number of features88.44%
Ghorbel et al. [ ]Eigenfaces and DoG filterFERETChi-square distanceProcessing timeReduce the representation84.26%
Zhang et al. [ ]PCA and FFTYALESVMComplexityDiscrimination93.42%
Zhang et al. [ ]PCAYALESVMRecognition rateReduce the dimensionality 84.21%
Fan et al. [ ]RKPCAMNIST ORL RBF kernelComplexityRobust to sparse noises_
Vinay et al. [ ] ORB and KPCAORLFLANN MatchingProcessing timeRobust87.30%
Vinay et al. [ ]SURF and KPCAORLFLANN MatchingProcessing timeReduce the dimensionality80.34%
Vinay et al. [ ]SIFT and KPCAORLFLANN MatchingLow recognition rateComplexity69.20%
Lu et al. [ ]KPCA and GDAUMIST faceSVMHigh error rate Excellent performance48%
Yang et al. [ ]PCA and MSRHELEN faceESRComplexityUtilizes color, gradient, and regional information98.00%
Yang et al. [ ]LDA and MSRFRGCESRLow performancesUtilizes color, gradient, and regional information90.75%
Ouanan et al. [ ]FDDL ARCNNOcclusionOrientations, expressions98.00%
Vankayalapati and Kyamakya [ ]CNNORL_ _PosesHigh recognition rate95%
Devi et al. [ ]2FNNORL_ _ComplexityLow error rate98.5

5. Hybrid Approach

5.1. technique presentation.

The hybrid approaches are based on local and subspace features in order to use the benefits of both subspace and local techniques, which have the potential to offer better performance for face recognition systems.

  • Gabor wavelet and linear discriminant analysis (GW-LDA) [ 91 ]: Fathima et al. [ 91 ] proposed a hybrid approach combining Gabor wavelet and linear discriminant analysis (HGWLDA) for face recognition. The grayscale face image is approximated and reduced in dimension. The authors have convolved the grayscale face image with a bank of Gabor filters with varying orientations and scales. After that, a subspace technique 2D-LDA is used to maximize the inter-class space and reduce the intra-class space. To classify and recognize the test face image, the k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classifier is used. The recognition task is done by comparing the test face image feature with each of the training set features. The experimental results show the robustness of this approach in different lighting conditions.
  • Over-complete LBP (OCLBP), LDA, and within class covariance normalization (WCCN): Barkan et al. [ 92 ] proposed a new representation of face image based over-complete LBP (OCLBP). This representation is a multi-scale modified version of the LBP technique. The LDA technique is performed to reduce the high dimensionality representations. Finally, the within class covariance normalization (WCCN) is the metric learning technique used for face recognition.
  • Advanced correlation filters and Walsh LBP (WLBP): Juefei et al. [ 93 ] implemented a single-sample periocular-based alignment-robust face recognition technique based on high-dimensional Walsh LBP (WLBP). This technique utilizes only one sample per subject class and generates new face images under a wide range of 3D rotations using the 3D generic elastic model, which is both accurate and computationally inexpensive. The LFW database is used for evaluation, and the proposed method outperformed the state-of-the-art algorithms under four evaluation protocols with a high accuracy of 89.69%.
  • Multi-sub-region-based correlation filter bank (MS-CFB): Yan et al. [ 94 ] propose an effective feature extraction technique for robust face recognition, named multi-sub-region-based correlation filter bank (MS-CFB). MS-CFB extracts the local features independently for each face sub-region. After that, the different face sub-regions are concatenated to give optimal overall correlation outputs. This technique reduces the complexity, achieves higher recognition rates, and provides a better feature representation for recognition compared with several state-of-the-art techniques on various public face databases.
  • SIFT features, Fisher vectors, and PCA: Simonyan et al. [ 64 ] have developed a novel method for face recognition based on the SIFT descriptor and Fisher vectors. The authors propose a discriminative dimensionality reduction owing to the high dimensionality of the Fisher vectors. After that, these vectors are projected into a low dimensional subspace with a linear projection. The objective of this methodology is to describe the image based on dense SIFT features and Fisher vectors encoding to achieve high performance on the challenging LFW dataset in both restricted and unrestricted settings.

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Flowchart of the proposed multimodal deep face representation (MM-DFR) technique [ 95 ]. CNN, convolutional neural network.

  • PCA and ANFIS: Sharma et al. [ 96 ] propose an efficient pose-invariant face recognition system based on PCA technique and ANFIS classifier. The PCA technique is employed to extract the features of an image, and the ANFIS classifier is developed for identification under a variety of pose conditions. The performance of the proposed system based on PCA–ANFIS is better than ICA–ANFIS and LDA–ANFIS for the face recognition task. The ORL database is used for evaluation.
  • DCT and PCA: Ojala et al. [ 97 ] develop a fast face recognition system based on DCT and PCA techniques. Genetic algorithm (GA) technique is used to extract facial features, which allows to remove irrelevant features and reduces the number of features. In addition, the DCT–PCA technique is used to extract the features and reduce the dimensionality. The minimum Euclidian distance (ED) as a measurement is used for the decision. Various face databases are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this system.
  • PCA, SIFT, and iterative closest point (ICP): Mian et al. [ 98 ] present a multimodal (2D and 3D) face recognition system based on hybrid matching to achieve efficiency and robustness to facial expressions. The Hotelling transform is performed to automatically correct the pose of a 3D face using its texture. After that, in order to form a rejection classifier, a novel 3D spherical face representation (SFR) in conjunction with the SIFT descriptor is used, which provide efficient recognition in the case of large galleries by eliminating a large number of candidates’ faces. A modified iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm is used for the decision. This system is less sensitive and robust to facial expressions, which achieved a 98.6% verification rate and 96.1% identification rate on the complete FRGC v2 database.
  • PCA, local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequence (LGBPHS), and GABOR wavelets: Cho et al. [ 99 ] proposed a computationally efficient hybrid face recognition system that employs both holistic and local features. The PCA technique is used to reduce the dimensionality. After that, the local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequence (LGBPHS) technique is employed to realize the recognition stage, which proposed to reduce the complexity caused by the Gabor filters. The experimental results show a better recognition rate compared with the PCA and Gabor wavelet techniques under illumination variations. The Extended Yale Face Database B is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this system.
  • PCA and Fisher linear discriminant (FLD) [ 100 , 101 ]: Sing et al. [ 101 ] propose a novel hybrid technique for face representation and recognition, which exploits both local and subspace features. In order to extract the local features, the whole image is divided into a sub-regions, while the global features are extracted directly from the whole image. After that, PCA and Fisher linear discriminant (FLD) techniques are introduced on the fused feature vector to reduce the dimensionality. The CMU-PIE, FERET, and AR face databases are used for the evaluation.
  • SPCA–KNN [ 102 ]: Kamencay et al. [ 102 ] develop a new face recognition method based on SIFT features, as well as PCA and KNN techniques. The Hessian–Laplace detector along with SPCA descriptor is performed to extract the local features. SPCA is introduced to identify the human face. KNN classifier is introduced to identify the closest human faces from the trained features. The results of the experiment have a recognition rate of 92% for the unsegmented ESSEX database and 96% for the segmented database (700 training images).

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The proposed CNN–LSTM–ELM [ 103 ].

5.2. Summary of Hybrid Approaches

Table 3 summarizes the hybrid approaches that we presented in this section. Various techniques are introduced to improve the performance and the accuracy of recognition systems. The combination between the local approaches and the subspace approach provides robust recognition and reduction of dimensionality under different illumination conditions and facial expressions. Furthermore, these technologies are presented to be sensitive to noise, and invariant to translations and rotations.

Hybrid approaches. GW, Gabor wavelet; OCLBP, over-complete LBP; WCCN, within class covariance normalization; WLBP, Walsh LPB; ICP, iterative closest point; LGBPHS, local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequence; FLD, Fisher linear discriminant; SAE, stacked auto-encoder.

Author/Technique UsedDatabaseMatchingLimitationAdvantage Result
Fathima et al. [ ]GW-LDAAT&Tk-NNHigh processing timeIllumination invariant and reduce the dimensionality88%
Barkan et al., [ ]OCLBP, LDA, and WCCNLFWWCCN_Reduce the dimensionality87.85%
Juefei et al. [ ]ACF and WLBPLFW ComplexityPose conditions89.69%
Simonyan et al. [ ]Fisher + SIFTLFWMahalanobis matrixSingle feature typeRobust87.47%
Sharma et al. [ ]PCA–ANFISORLANFISSensitivity-specificity 96.66%
ICA–ANFISANFISPose conditions71.30%
Ojala et al. [ ] DCT–PCAORLEuclidian distanceComplexityReduce the dimensionality92.62%
Mian et al. [ ] Hotelling transform, SIFT, and ICPFRGCICPProcessing timeFacial expressions99.74%
Cho et al. [ ]PCA–LGBPHSExtended Yale FaceBhattacharyya distanceIllumination conditionComplexity95%
PCA–GABOR Wavelets
Sing et al. [ ]PCA–FLDCMUSVMRobustnessPose, illumination, and expression71.98%
Kamencay et al. [ ]SPCA-KNNESSEXKNNProcessing timeExpression variation96.80%
Sun et al. [ ]CNN–LSTM–ELMOPPORTUNITYLSTM/ELMHigh processing timeAutomatically learn feature representations90.60%
Ding et al. [ ]CNNs and SAELFW_ _ComplexityHigh recognition rate99%

6. Assessment of Face Recognition Approaches

In the last step of recognition, the face extracted from the background during the face detection step is compared with known faces stored in a specific database. To make the decision, several techniques of comparison are used. This section describes the most common techniques used to make the decision and comparison.

6.1. Measures of Similarity or Distances

  • Peak-to-correlation energy (PCE) or peak-to-sidelobe ratio (PSR) [ 18 ]: The PCE was introduced in (8).

In general, the Euclidean distance between two points P = ( 1 ,   p 2 ,   … ,   p n ) and Q = ( q 1 ,   q 2 , …   ,   q n ) in the n-dimensional space would be defined by the following:

  • Bhattacharyya distance [ 104 , 105 ]: The Bhattacharyya distance is a statistical measure that quantifies the similarity between two discrete or continuous probability distributions. This distance is particularly known for its low processing time and its low sensitivity to noise. For the probability distributions p and q defined on the same domain, the distance of Bhattacharyya is defined as follows: D B ( p ,   q ) = − l n ( B C ( p ,   q ) ) , (17) B C ( p ,   q ) = ∑ x ∈ X p ( x ) q ( x )   ( a ) ;   B C ( p ,   q ) = ∫ p ( x ) q ( x ) d x   ( b ) , (18) where B C is the Bhattacharyya coefficient, defined as Equation (18a) for discrete probability distributions and as Equation (18b) for continuous probability distributions. In both cases, 0 ≤ BC ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ DB ≤ ∞. In its simplest formulation, the Bhattacharyya distance between two classes that follow a normal distribution can be calculated from a mean ( μ ) and the variance ( σ 2 ): D B ( p ,   q ) = 1 4 l n ( 1 4 ( σ p 2 σ q 2 + σ q 2 σ p 2 + 2 ) ) + 1 4 ( ( μ p − μ q ) σ q 2 + σ p 2 ) . (19)
  • Chi-squared distance [ 106 ]: The Chi-squared ( X 2 ) distance was weighted by the value of the samples, which allows knowing the same relevance for sample differences with few occurrences as those with multiple occurrences. To compare two histograms S 1 = ( u 1 , …   …   … . u m ) and S 2 = ( w 1 , …   …   … . w m ) , the Chi-squared ( X 2 ) distance can be defined as follows: ( X 2 ) = D ( S 1 , S 2 ) = 1 2 ∑ i = 1 m ( u i − w i ) 2 u i + w i . (20)

6.2. Classifiers

There are many face classification techniques in the literature that allow to select, from a few examples, the group or class to which the objects belong. Some of them are based on statistics, such as the Bayesian classifier and correlation [ 18 ], and so on, and others based on the regions that generate the different classes in the decision space, such as K-means [ 9 ], CNN [ 103 ], artificial neural networks (ANNs) [ 37 ], support vector machines (SVMs) [ 26 , 107 ], k-nearest neighbors (K-NNs), decision trees (DTs), and so on.

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Optimal hyperplane, support vectors, and maximum margin.

There is an infinite number of hyperplanes capable of perfectly separating two classes, which implies to select a hyperplane that maximizes the minimal distance between the learning examples and the learning hyperplane (i.e., the distance between the support vectors and the hyperplane). This distance is called “margin”. The SVM classifier is used to calculate the optimal hyperplane that categorizes a set of labels training data in the correct class. The optimal hyperplane is solved as follows:

Given that x i are the training features vectors and y i are the corresponding set of l (1 or −1) labels. An SVM tries to find a hyperplane to distinguish the samples with the smallest errors. The classification function is obtained by calculating the distance between the input vector and the hyperplane.

where w and b are the parameters of the model. Shen et al. [ 108 ] proposed the Gabor filter to extract the face features and applied the SVM for classification. The proposed FaceNet method achieves a good record accuracy of 99.63% and 95.12% using the LFW YouTube Faces DB datasets, respectively.

  • k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) [ 17 , 91 ]: k-NN is an indolent algorithm because, in training, it saves little information, and thus does not build models of difference, for example, decision trees.
  • K-means [ 9 , 109 ]: It is called K-means because it represents each of the groups by the average (or weighted average) of its points, called the centroid. In the K-means algorithm, it is necessary to specify a priori the number of clusters k that one wishes to form in order to start the process.

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Artificial neural network.

Various variants of neural networks have been developed in the last years, such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) [ 14 , 110 ] and recurrent neural networks (RNN) [ 111 ], which very effective for image detection and recognition tasks. CNNs are a very successful deep model and are used today in many applications [ 112 ]. From a structural point of view, CNNs are made up of three different types of layers: convolution layers, pooling layers, and fully-connected layers.

  • Convolutional layer : sometimes called the feature extractor layer because features of the image are extracted within this layer. Convolution preserves the spatial relationship between pixels by learning image features using small squares of the input image. The input image is convoluted by employing a set of learnable neurons. This produces a feature map or activation map in the output image, after which the feature maps are fed as input data to the next convolutional layer. The convolutional layer also contains rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation to convert all negative value to zero. This makes it very computationally efficient, as few neurons are activated each time.
  • - Average-pooling takes all the elements of the sub-matrix, calculates their average, and stores the value in the output matrix.
  • - Max-pooling searches for the highest value found in the sub-matrix and saves it in the output matrix.
  • Fully-connected layer : in this layer, the neurons have a complete connection to all the activations from the previous layers. It connects neurons in one layer to neurons in another layer. It is used to classify images between different categories by training.

Wen et al. [ 113 ] introduce a new supervision signal, called center loss, for the face recognition task in order to improve the discriminative power of the deeply learned features. Specifically, the proposed center loss function is trainable and easy to optimize in the CNNs. Several important face recognition benchmarks are used for evaluation including LFW, YTF, and MegaFace Challenge. Passalis and Tefas [ 114 ] propose a supervised codebook learning method for the bag-of-features representation able to learn face retrieval-oriented codebooks. This allows using significantly smaller codebooks enhancing both the retrieval time and storage requirements. Liu et al. [ 115 ] and Amato et al. [ 116 ] propose a deep face recognition technique under open-set protocol based on the CNN technique. A face dataset composed of 39,037 faces images belonging to 42 different identities is used to perform the experiments. Taigman et al. [ 117 ] present a system (DeepFace) able to outperform existing systems with only very minimal adaptation. It is trained on a large dataset of faces acquired from a population vastly different than the one used to construct the evaluation benchmarks. This technique achieves an accuracy of 97.35% on the LFW. Ma et al. [ 118 ] introduce a robust local binary pattern (LBP) guiding pooling (G-RLBP) mechanism to improve the recognition rates of the CNN models, which can successfully lower the noise impact. Koo et al. [ 119 ] propose a multimodal human recognition method that uses both the face and body and is based on a deep CNN. Cho et al. [ 120 ] propose a nighttime face detection method based on CNN technique for visible-light images. Koshy and Mahmood [ 121 ] develop deep architectures for face liveness detection that uses a combination of texture analysis and a CNN technique to classify the captured image as real or fake. Elmahmudi and Ugail [ 122 ] present the performance of machine learning for face recognition using partial faces and other manipulations of the face such as rotation and zooming, which we use as training and recognition cues. The experimental results on the tasks of face verification and face identification show that the model obtained by the proposed DNN training framework achieves 97.3% accuracy on the LFW database with low training complexity. Seibold et al. [ 123 ] proposed a morphing attack detection method based on DNNs. A fully automatic face image morphing pipeline with exchangeable components was used to generate morphing attacks, train neural networks based on these data, and analyze their accuracy. Yim et al. [ 124 ] propose a new deep architecture based on a novel type of multitask learning, which can achieve superior performance in rotating to a target-pose face image from an arbitrary pose and illumination image while preserving identity. Nguyen et al. [ 111 ] propose a new approach for detecting presentation attack face images to enhance the security level of a face recognition system. The objective of this study was the use of a very deep stacked CNN–RNN network to learn the discrimination features from a sequence of face images. Finally, Bajrami et al. [ 125 ] present experiment results with LDA and DNN for face recognition, while their efficiency and performance are tested on the LFW dataset. The experimental results show that the DNN method achieves better recognition accuracy, and the recognition time is much faster than that of the LDA method in large-scale datasets.

6.3. Databases Used

The most commonly used databases for face recognition systems under different conditions are Pointing Head Pose Image Database (PHPID) [ 126 ], Labeled Faces in Wild (LFW) [ 127 ], FERET [ 15 , 16 ], ORL, and Yale. The last are used for face recognition systems under different conditions, which provide information for supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning is based on two training modules: image unrestricted training setting and image restricted training setting. For the first model, only “same” or “not same” binary labels are used in the training splits. For the second model, the identities of the person in each pair are provided in the training splits.

  • LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild) database was created in October 2007. It contains 13,333 images of 5749 subjects, with 1680 subjects with at least two images and the rest with a single image. These face images were taken on the Internet, pre-processed, and localized by the Viola–Jones detector with a resolution of 250 × 250 pixels. Most of them are in color, although there are also some in grayscale and presented in JPG format and organized by folders.
  • FERET (Face Recognition Technology) database was created in 15 sessions in a semi-controlled environment between August 1993 and July 1996. It contains 1564 sets of images, with a total of 14,126 images. The duplicate series belong to subjects already present in the series of individual images, which were generally captured one day apart. Some images taken from the same subject vary overtime for a few years and can be used to treat facial changes that appear over time. The images have a depth of 24 bits, RGB, so they are color images, with a resolution of 512 × 768 pixels.
  • AR face database was created by Aleix Martínez and Robert Benavente in the computer vision center (CVC) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in June 1998. It contains more than 4000 images of 126 subjects, including 70 men and 56 women. They were taken at the CVC under a controlled environment. The images were taken frontally to the subjects, with different facial expressions and three different lighting conditions, as well as several accessories: scarves, glasses, or sunglasses. Two imaging sessions were performed with the same subjects, 14 days apart. These images are a resolution of 576 × 768 pixels and a depth of 24 bits, under the RGB RAW format.
  • ORL Database of Faces was performed between April 1992 and April 1994 at the AT & T laboratory in Cambridge. It consists of a total of 10 images per subject, out of a total of 40 images. For some subjects, the images were taken at different times, with varying illumination and facial expressions: eyes open/closed, smiling/without a smile, as well as with or without glasses. The images were taken under a black homogeneous background, in a vertical position and frontally to the subject, with some small rotation. These are images with a resolution of 92 × 112 pixels in grayscale.
  • Extended Yale Face B database contains 16,128 images of 640 × 480 grayscale of 28 individuals under 9 poses and 64 different lighting conditions. It also includes a set of images made with the face of individuals only.
  • Pointing Head Pose Image Database (PHPID) is one of the most widely used for face recognition. It contains 2790 monocular face images of 15 persons with tilt angles from −90° to +90° and variations of pan. Every person has two series of 93 different poses (93 images). The face images were taken under different skin color and with or without glasses.

6.4. Comparison between Holistic, Local, and Hybrid Techniques

In this section, we present some advantages and disadvantages of holistic, local, and hybrid approaches to identifying faces during the last 20 years. DL approaches can be considered as a statistical approach (holistic method), because the training procedure scheme usually searches for statistical structures in the input patterns. Table 4 presents a brief summary of the three approaches.

General performance of face recognition approaches.

ApproachesDatabases UsedAdvantagesDisadvantagesPerformancesChallenges Handled
TDF, CF1999,
Yale B, PHPID,
YaleB Extended, FRGC2.0, Face94.
]. , ]. , ]. ], various lighting conditions[ ], facial expressions [ ], and low resolution.
]. ]. ]. ]. ]. ].
C. Yale B, Yale, MNIST, ORL, UMIST face, HELEN face, FRGC.
, ]. , , , ]. ]. ]. ]. , ], scaling, facial expressions.
, , ]. , , ]. ]. , ]. ]. , ]. , ], poses [ ], conditions, scaling, facial expressions.
]. , , ]. ]. ]. , ].

7. Discussion about Future Directions and Conclusions

7.1. discussion.

In the past decade, the face recognition system has become one of the most important biometric authentication methods. Many techniques are used to develop many face recognition systems based on facial information. Generally, the existing techniques can be classified into three approaches, depending on the type of desired features.

  • Local approaches: use features in which the face described partially. For example, some system could consist of extracting local features such as the eyes, mouth, and nose. The features’ values are calculated from the lines or points that can be represented on the face image for the recognition step.
  • Holistic approaches: use features that globally describe the complete face as a model, including the background (although it is desirable to occupy the smallest possible surface).
  • Hybrid approaches: combine local and holistic approaches.

In particular, recognition methods performed on static images produce good results under different lighting and expression conditions. However, in most cases, only the face images are processed at the same size and scale. Many methods require numerous training images, which limits their use for real-time systems, where the response time is an important aspect.

The main purpose of techniques such as HOG, LBP, Gabor filters, BRIEF, SURF, and SIFT is to discover distinctive features, which can be divided into two parts: (1) local appearance-based techniques, which are used to extract local features when the face image is divided into small regions (including HOG, LBP, Gabor filters, and correlation filters); and (2) key-points-based techniques, which are used to detect the points of interest in the face image, after which features’ extraction is localized based on these points, including BRIEF, SURF, and SIFT. In the context of face recognition, local techniques only treat certain facial features, which make them very sensitive to facial expressions and occlusions [ 4 , 14 , 37 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 ]. The relative robustness is the main advantage of these feature-based local techniques. Additionally, they take into account the peculiarity of the face as a natural form to recognize a reduced number of parameters. Another advantage is that they have a high compaction capacity and a high comparison speed. The main disadvantages of these methods are the difficulty of automating the detection of facial features and the fact that the person responsible for the implementation of these systems must make an arbitrary decision on really important points.

Unlike the local approaches, holistic approaches are other methods used for face recognition, which treat the whole face image and do not require extracting face regions or features points (eyes, mouth, noses, and so on). The main function of these approaches is to represent the face image with a matrix of pixels. This matrix is often converted into feature vectors to facilitate their treatment. After that, the feature vectors are applied in a low-dimensional space. In fact, subspace techniques are sensitive to different variations (facial expressions, illumination, and different poses), which make them easy to implement. Many subspace techniques are implemented to represent faces such as Eigenface, Eigenfisher, PCA, and LDA, which can be divided into two categories: linear and non-linear techniques. The main advantage of holistic approaches is that they do not destroy image information by focusing only on regions or points of interest. However, this property represents a disadvantage because it assumes that all the pixels of the image have the same importance. As a result, these techniques are not only computationally expensive, but also require a high degree of correlation between the test and the training images. In addition, these approaches generally ignore local details, which means they are rarely used to identify faces.

Hybrid approaches are based on local and global features to exploit the benefits of both techniques. These approaches combine the two approaches described above into a single system to improve the performance and accuracy of recognition. The choice of the required method to be used must take into account the application in which it was applied. For example, in the face recognition systems that use very small images, methods based on local features are a bad choice. Another consideration in the algorithm selection process is the number of training examples needed. Finally, we can remember that the tendency is to develop hybrid methods that combine the advantages of local and holistic approaches, but these methods are very complex and require more processing time.

A notable limitation that we found in all the publications reviewed is methodological: despite that the 2D facial recognition has reached a significant level of maturity and a high success rate, it is not surprising that it continues to be one of the most active research areas in computer vision. Considering the results published to date, in the opinion of these authors, three particularly promising techniques for further development of this area stand out: (i) the development of 3D face recognition methods; (ii) the use of multimodal fusion methods of complementary data types, in particular those based on visible and infrared images; and (iii) the use of DL methods.

  • Three-dimensional face recognition: In 2D image-based techniques, some features are lost owing to the 3D structure of the face. Lighting and pose variations are two major unresolved problems of 2D face recognition. Recently, 3D facial recognition for facial recognition has been widely studied by the scientific community to overcome unresolved problems in 2D facial recognition and to achieve significantly higher accuracy by measuring geometry of rigid features on the face. For this reason, several recent systems based on 3D data have been developed [ 3 , 93 , 95 , 128 , 129 ].
  • Multimodal facial recognition: sensors have been developed in recent years with a proven ability to acquire not only two-dimensional texture information, but also facial shape, that is, three-dimensional information. For this reason, some recent studies have merged the two types of 2D and 3D information to take advantage of each of them and obtain a hybrid system that improves the recognition as the only modality [ 98 ].
  • Deep learning (DL): a very broad concept, which means that it has no exact definition, but studies [ 14 , 110 , 111 , 112 , 113 , 121 , 130 , 131 ] agree that DL includes a set of algorithms that attempt to model high level abstractions, by modeling multiple processing layers. This field of research began in the 1980s and is a branch of automatic learning where algorithms are used in the formation of deep neural networks (DNN) to achieve greater accuracy than other classical techniques. In recent progress, a point has been reached where DL performs better than people in some tasks, for example, to recognize objects in images.

Finally, researchers have gone further by using multimodal and DL facial recognition systems.

7.2. Conclusions

Face recognition system is a popular study task in the field of image processing and computer vision, owing to its potentially enormous application as well as its theoretical value. This system is widely deployed in many real-world applications such as security, surveillance, homeland security, access control, image search, human-machine, and entertainment. However, these applications pose different challenges such as lighting conditions and facial expressions. This paper highlights the recent research on the 2D or 3D face recognition system, focusing mainly on approaches based on local, holistic (subspace), and hybrid features. A comparative study between these approaches in terms of processing time, complexity, discrimination, and robustness was carried out. We can conclude that local feature techniques are the best choice concerning discrimination, rotation, translation, complexity, and accuracy. We hope that this survey paper will further encourage researchers in this field to participate and pay more attention to the use of local techniques for face recognition systems.

Author Contributions

Y.K. highlights the recent research on the 2D or 3D face recognition system, focusing mainly on approaches based on local, holistic, and hybrid features. M.J., A.A.F. and M.A. supervised the research and helped in the revision processes. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

The paper is co-financed by L@bISEN of ISEN Yncrea Ouest Brest, France, Dept Ai-DE, Team Vision-AD and by FSM University of Monastir, Tunisia with collaboration of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Tunisia. The context of the paper is the PhD project of Yassin Kortli.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Rs-xception: a lightweight network for facial expression recognition, 1. introduction.

  • Development of a lightweight model: The model integrates deep separable convolution and the SE module, which leads to a reduced number of parameters and computational load, making it suitable for resource-constrained environments while maintaining high performance.
  • Model adaptability and scalability: RS-Xception demonstrates strong performance across three standard datasets and exhibits adaptability and generalization capabilities across a more complex dataset (RAF-DB).
  • Technical validation: Transfer learning is employed to compare the model with other architectures on the same dataset, showcasing its superior performance. Furthermore, transfer learning is leveraged to enhance the accuracy of the model, highlighting its potential to enhance generalization capabilities.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. depthwise separable convolution, 2.2. se-resnet, 2.3. rs-xception, 3.1. dataset details, 3.2. experimental results, 3.2.1. rs-xception performance on ck+, 3.2.2. rs-xception performance on fer2013, 3.2.3. rs-xception performance on bigfer2013, 3.3. ablation experiments, 4. discussion and conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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ModelParametersDepthFlopsTime (ms) per Inference Step (CPU)
Xception22.9 M818900 M109.4
VGG16138.4 M1615,517 M69.5
VGG19143.7 M1919,682 M84.8
ResNet5025.6 M1074100 M58.2
ResNet10144.7 M2097900 M89.6
ResNet15260.4 M31111,000 M127.4
InceptionV323.9 M1896000 M42.2
InceptionResNetV255.9 M44917,000 M130.2
MobileNet4.3 M55600 M22.6
MobileNetV23.5 M105312.86 M25.9
DenseNet1218.1 M2425690 M77.1
Improved MobilenetV2 [ ]3.26 M25\\
ExperimentsAccuracyPrecisionRecallF1 Score
On CK+97.13%96.30%96.20%96.06%
On FER201369.02%67.51%67.55%67.46%
On Bigfer201372.06%71.86%71.21% 71.38%
DTL on Bigfer201375.38%75.86%75.22%74.88%
On RAF-DB82.98%82.06%81.98%81.93%
ApproachDatasetAccuracy (%)
CBAM [ ]CK+95.1
IE-DBN [ ]CK+96.02
CCFS + SVM [ ]CK+96.05
Improved MobilenetV2 [ ]CK+95.96
Model by Sidhom O et al. [ ]Fer201366.1
Self-Cure Net [ ]Fer201366.17
Improved MobileViT [ ]Fer201362.2
Improved MobilenetV2 [ ]Fer201368.62
PSR [ ]RAF-DB80.78
E-FCNN [ ]RAF-DB78.31
TDGAN [ ]RAF-DB81.91
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Liao, L.; Wu, S.; Song, C.; Fu, J. RS-Xception: A Lightweight Network for Facial Expression Recognition. Electronics 2024 , 13 , 3217.

Liao L, Wu S, Song C, Fu J. RS-Xception: A Lightweight Network for Facial Expression Recognition. Electronics . 2024; 13(16):3217.

Liao, Liefa, Shouluan Wu, Chao Song, and Jianglong Fu. 2024. "RS-Xception: A Lightweight Network for Facial Expression Recognition" Electronics 13, no. 16: 3217.

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Computer Science > Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Title: boosting unconstrained face recognition with targeted style adversary.

Abstract: While deep face recognition models have demonstrated remarkable performance, they often struggle on the inputs from domains beyond their training data. Recent attempts aim to expand the training set by relying on computationally expensive and inherently challenging image-space augmentation of image generation modules. In an orthogonal direction, we present a simple yet effective method to expand the training data by interpolating between instance-level feature statistics across labeled and unlabeled sets. Our method, dubbed Targeted Style Adversary (TSA), is motivated by two observations: (i) the input domain is reflected in feature statistics, and (ii) face recognition model performance is influenced by style information. Shifting towards an unlabeled style implicitly synthesizes challenging training instances. We devise a recognizability metric to constraint our framework to preserve the inherent identity-related information of labeled instances. The efficacy of our method is demonstrated through evaluations on unconstrained benchmarks, outperforming or being on par with its competitors while offering nearly a 70\% improvement in training speed and 40\% less memory consumption.
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Cite as: [cs.CV]
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DHS plans to collect biometric data from migrant children “down to the infant”

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plans to collect and analyze photos of the faces of migrant children at the border in a bid to improve facial recognition technology, MIT Technology Review can reveal. The technology has traditionally not been applied to children, largely because training data sets of real children’s faces are few and far between, and consist of either low-quality images drawn from the internet or small sample sizes with little diversity. Such limitations reflect the significant sensitivities regarding privacy and consent when it comes to minors. 

In practice, the new DHS plan could effectively solve that problem. But, beyond concerns about privacy, transparency, and accountability, some experts also worry about testing and developing new technologies using data from a population that has little recourse to provide—or withhold—consent. Read the full story .

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What Japan’s “megaquake” warning really tells us

On August 8, at 16:42 local time, a magnitude-7.1 earthquake shook southern Japan. The temblor, originating off the shores of mainland island of Kyūshū, was felt by nearly a million people across the region, and initially, the threat of a tsunami emerged. But only a diminutive wave swept ashore, buildings remained upright, and nobody died. The crisis was over as quickly as it began.

But then, something new happened. The Japan Meteorological Agency, a government organization, issued a ‘megaquake advisory’ for the first time. It was in part issued because it is possible that the magnitude-7.1 quake is a foreshock – a precursory quake – to a far larger one, a tsunami-making monster that could kill a quarter of a million people.

The good news, for now, is that scientists think it is very unlikely that that magnitude-7.1 quake is a prelude to a cataclysm. But the slim possibility remains that it was a foreshock to something considerably worse. Read the full story .

—Robin George Andrews

This story is part of MIT Technology Review Explains: our series helping you understand what's coming next. You can read more here.

The US government is still spending big on climate

Friday marks two years since the US signed the landmark Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law. In that time we’ve seen an influx of investment from the federal government and private businesses alike. 

The government has already spent hundreds of billions of dollars, and there’s much more to come. And this money is starting to make a big difference in the climate tech sector. But where is it all going? Read our story to find out .

—Casey Crownhart

This story is from The Spark, our weekly newsletter covering climate and energy technologies. Sign up to receive it in your inbox every Wednesday.

The must-reads

I’ve combed the internet to find you today’s most fun/important/scary/fascinating stories about technology.

1 Mpox is spreading rapidly across African countries The World Health Organization has declared it a global health emergency for the second time in two years. ( NYT $) + Cases and deaths are rising across east and central African countries. ( Vox ) + This type of mpox, known as Clade 1, is far deadlier than the previous version. ( BBC )

2 A brain implant helped a man with ALS to speak again Years after the disease robbed him of that ability. ( Reuters ) + An ALS patient set a record for communicating via a brain implant. ( MIT Technology Review ) 3 X’s AI image generator appears to have few filters It’ll generate pictures of Barack Obama doing cocaine, for example. ( NY Mag $) + It does, however, refuse to generate fully nude images. ( The Guardian ) + Text-to-image AI models can be tricked into generating disturbing images. ( MIT Technology Review )

4 Big Tech’s energy usage is skyrocketing But how huge firms disclose their emissions is a bone of contention. ( FT $) + Google, Amazon and the problem with Big Tech’s climate claims. ( MIT Technology Review )

5 Meta has shut down a major misinformation tracking tool Less than three months before the US election. ( NPR )+ Meta’s justification? CrowdTangle was too difficult to maintain. ( Bloomberg $)

6 Apple has started work on a tabletop robot Its former car team has pivoted to building a smart home command center. ( Bloomberg $)

7 Climate change is a gift to harmful invasive plants Sleeper species can thrive in warmer temperatures. ( Economist $)

8 The problem with slapping logos on prostheses Some wearers say it feels more like a product than a part of their body. ( The Atlantic $) + These prosthetics break the mold with third thumbs, spikes, and superhero skins. ( MIT Technology Review )

9 Mark Zuckerberg has commissioned a giant sculpture of his wife He’s continuing in the Roman tradition, apparently. ( The Guardian )

10 ChatGPT randomly started chatting to English users in Welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 O diar! (That’s Welsh for ‘oh dear.’) ( FT $)

Quote of the day

“The world that exists today is the product of monopolistic conduct. That world is changing.”

—Judge James Donato, who is presiding over the Epic v Google legal case, tells Google’s lawyer to expect harsh punishment when he makes his final ruling in the next few weeks, the Verge reports.

The big story

The search for extraterrestrial life is targeting Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

recent research on face recognition

February 2024

Europa, Jupiter’s fourth-largest moon, is nothing like ours. Its surface is a vast saltwater ocean, encased in a blanket of cracked ice, one that seems to occasionally break open and spew watery plumes into the moon’s thin atmosphere.

For these reasons, Europa captivates planetary scientists. All that water and energy—and hints of elements essential for building organic molecules —point to another extraordinary possibility. Jupiter’s big, bright moon could host life.

And they may eventually get some answers. Later this year, NASA plans to launch Europa Clipper, the largest-­ever craft designed to visit another planet. The $5 billion mission, scheduled to reach Jupiter in 2030, will spend four years analyzing this moon to determine whether it could support life. Read the full story .

—Stephen Ornes

We can still have nice things

A place for comfort, fun and distraction to brighten up your day. (Got any ideas? Drop me a line or tweet 'em at me .)

The Download

Photo illustration concept of AI music showing a headphones with sound waves and binary code in the background.

The Download: the future of music AI, and climate tech funding

Plus: Lego bricks are making science more accessible

  • Charlotte Jee archive page

person holding a phone wearing a wig with lipstick. The screen shows the OpenAi logo and voice icon

The Download: how we’re using AI, and Trump’s campaign hack

Plus: the problem with the meat industry

generated image of a boy on a bicycle riding through a park in the fall

The Download: video-generating AI, and Meta’s voice cloning watermarks

Plus: Nvidia's star is on the rise

2 instances of a pixelated female character enter a brain shaped maze next to a game controller

The Download: AI video games’ research potential, and US government website redesigns

Plus: rump-Biden debate conspiracies are already all over the internet.

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  • 18 November 2020

The ethical questions that haunt facial-recognition research

  • Richard Van Noorden

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

A collage of images from the MegaFace data set , which scraped online photos. Images are obscured to protect people’s privacy. Credit: Adam Harvey/ based on the MegaFace data set by Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman et al. based on the Yahoo Flickr Creative Commons 100 Million data set and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licences

In September 2019, four researchers wrote to the publisher Wiley to “respectfully ask” that it immediately retract a scientific paper. The study, published in 2018, had trained algorithms to distinguish faces of Uyghur people, a predominantly Muslim minority ethnic group in China, from those of Korean and Tibetan ethnicity 1 .

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Nature 587 , 354-358 (2020)


Wang, C., Zhang, Q., Liu, W., Liu, Y. & Miao, L. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 9 , e1278 (2019).

Article   Google Scholar  

Stewart, R., Andriluka, M. & Ng, A. Y. in Proc. 2016 IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2325–2333 (IEEE, 2016).

Ristani, E., Solera, F., Zou, R. S., Cucchiara, R. & Tomasi, C. Preprint at (2016).

Nech, A. & Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, I. in Proc. 2017 IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 3406–3415 (IEEE, 2017).

Guo, Y., Zhang, L., Hu., Y., He., X. & Gao, J. in Computer Vision — ECCV 2016 (eds Leibe, B., Matas, J., Sebe, N. & Welling, M.) (Springer, 2016).

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Jasserand, C. in Data Protection and Privacy: The Internet of Bodie s (eds Leenes, R., van Brakel, R., Gutwirth, S. & de Hert, P.) Ch. 7 (Hart, 2018).

Moreau, Y. Nature 576 , 36–38 (2019).

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Zhang, D. et al. Int. J. Legal Med . (2019).

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Hashemi, M. & Hall, M. J. Big Data 7 , 2 (2020).

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  • Spreadsheet of Nature survey summary results

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  1. (PDF) Face detection and Recognition: A review

    recent research on face recognition

  2. Speech and facial recognition combine to boost AI emotion detection

    recent research on face recognition

  3. 250 research papers and projects in Face Recognition

    recent research on face recognition

  4. Face Recognition Technology: A Comprehensive Guide

    recent research on face recognition

  5. Facial biometric recognition

    recent research on face recognition

  6. Facial Recognition

    recent research on face recognition


  1. Past, Present, and Future of Face Recognition: A Review

    Face recognition is one of the most active research fields of computer vision and pattern recognition, with many practical and commercial applications including identification, access control, forensics, and human-computer interactions. However, identifying a face in a crowd raises serious questions about individual freedoms and poses ethical issues. Significant methods, algorithms, approaches ...

  2. Face recognition: Past, present and future (a review)

    A novel taxonomy of image and video-based methods, which also contains recent methods such as sparsity and deep learning based methods. An up-to-date review of the image and video-based data sets used for face recognition. Review of the recent deep-learning based methods, which have shown remarkable results on large scale and unconstrained ...

  3. Face Recognition by Humans and Machines: Three Fundamental Advances

    1. INTRODUCTION. The fields of vision science, computer vision, and neuroscience are at an unlikely point of convergence. Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) now define the state of the art in computer-based face recognition and have achieved human levels of performance on real-world face recognition tasks (Jacquet & Champod 2020, Phillips et al. 2018, Taigman et al. 2014).

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  5. A review on face recognition systems: recent approaches and ...

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  6. Face Recognition: Recent Advancements and Research Challenges

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  7. Face Recognition by Humans and Machines: Three Fundamental Advances

    Deep learning models currently achieve human levels of performance on real-world face recognition tasks. We review scientific progress in understanding human face processing using computational approaches based on deep learning. This review is organized around three fundamental advances. First, deep networks trained for face identification generate a representation that retains structured ...

  8. A review on face recognition systems: recent approaches and challenges

    Face recognition is being widely accepted as a biometric technique because of its non-intrusive nature. Despite extensive research on 2-D face recognition, it suffers from poor recognition rate due to pose, illumination, expression, ageing, makeup ...

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    face recognition relate to occlusion, illumination and pose invariance, which causes a notable decline in ... Current research in both face detection and recognition algorithms is focused on Deep ... and key areas requiring improvements in light of the latest research undertaken in specific areas of facial recognition. II. BRIEF CONTEXT

  16. A face recognition algorithm based on the combine of image feature

    Qin et al. 37 surveyed recent advances in deformable face recognition, which is an emerging direction in face recognition research. Deformable face recognition aims to address the challenges ...

  17. [1804.06655] Deep Face Recognition: A Survey

    Deep Face Recognition: A Survey. Deep learning applies multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of feature extraction. This emerging technique has reshaped the research landscape of face recognition (FR) since 2014, launched by the breakthroughs of DeepFace and DeepID. Since then, deep learning technique ...

  18. Face Recognition Systems: A Survey

    Y.K. highlights the recent research on the 2D or 3D face recognition system, focusing mainly on approaches based on local, holistic, and hybrid features. M.J., A.A.F. and M.A. supervised the research and helped in the revision processes. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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  22. Full article: Local symmetrical patterns-based feature extraction model

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  23. (PDF) Face Recognition: A Literature Review

    Abstract and Figures. The task of face recognition has been actively researched in recent years. This paper provides an up-to-date review of major human face recognition research. We first present ...

  24. A Survey on Automatic Face Recognition Using Side‐View Face Images

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  26. RS-Xception: A Lightweight Network for Facial Expression Recognition

    Facial expression recognition (FER) utilizes artificial intelligence for the detection and analysis of human faces, with significant applications across various scenarios. Our objective is to deploy the facial emotion recognition network on mobile devices and extend its application to diverse areas, including classroom effect monitoring, human-computer interaction, specialized training for ...

  27. Boosting Unconstrained Face Recognition with Targeted Style Adversary

    While deep face recognition models have demonstrated remarkable performance, they often struggle on the inputs from domains beyond their training data. Recent attempts aim to expand the training set by relying on computationally expensive and inherently challenging image-space augmentation of image generation modules. In an orthogonal direction, we present a simple yet effective method to ...

  28. Research on Face Recognition Algorithm of Intelligent Elderly Care

    Jiang Bin, Cui Xiaomei, Jiang Hongbin New progress of lightweight networks in facial expression recognition [J/OL]. Applied Research of Computers, 1-9, 2024-01-08. Google Scholar [7] JIANG Tao. Multi-view Expression recognition method based on GAN Face correction [J]. ... Research on Face Recognition Algorithm of Intelligent Elderly Care Based ...

  29. The Download: facial recognition for migrant children, and Japan's

    The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plans to collect and analyze photos of the faces of migrant children at the border in a bid to improve facial recognition technology, MIT Technology ...

  30. The ethical questions that haunt facial-recognition research

    This year, Nature asked 480 researchers around the world who work in facial recognition, computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI) for their views on thorny ethical questions about facial ...