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How to Write an Email to a Professor (With Examples)

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

how to write an email to a professor

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How to email a professor in 7 steps, email to professor examples.

Emailing your professor can be a daunting task.

Writing professional emails is never easy, but composing an email to a professor can feel especially nerve-racking. After all, your professors have a lot of control over your academic success and your future career, so you don't want to make a mistake.

So, how exactly do you write a successful email to a professor?

In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide for how to write an email to your professor, plus a set of email templates you can use.

We’ve broken the process of emailing your professor into seven simple steps.

Step 1: How to Write the Subject Line

Start by writing a clear, concise subject line for your email.

Your subject line should be specific to your situation. Ideally, your professor should understand why you’re emailing them without even having to open the body of your message.

email subject line tip

For example, if you’re emailing to request an extension for a research paper, you can use the subject line “Research paper deadline extension.” Or, if you’re emailing to ask for a clarification about the syllabus, you can use the subject line “Question about class syllabus.”

Step 2: How to Address a Professor in an Email

You should start your email with a formal salutation.

You can use formal greetings, such as “Dear” or “Hi,” followed by your teacher’s preferred title, whether that’s “Professor [Last Name],” “Mr. [Last Name],” “Ms. [Last Name],” or simply “[First Name].”

If you’re not sure about your professor’s title, “Dear Professor [Last Name]” is always a safe bet.

Step 3: How to Start an Email to a Teacher

Start your email by introducing yourself and explaining which class you’re in. For example, you might write, “My name is Hannah, and I’m a freshman in your ENGL 453 class.”

It’s common for professors to teach multiple classes, especially at large universities, so they don’t always know all their students by name. If you’re emailing from your academic account, they’ll likely be able to see your full name in the system, but it’s still better to be safe than sorry.  

Of course, if you’ve already established a working relationship with your professor, and they know who you are, you don’t have to introduce yourself. Instead, you can start your email with a friendly greeting, such as “I hope your week is going well” or “Happy Friday!”

sample email to professor about assignment

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Step 4: How to Explain Your Request

Now that you’ve finished your introduction, it’s time to explain all the essential information about why you’re writing this message.

Professors lead busy lives, so try to keep the body of your email as concise as possible. Don’t use a whole paragraph when a single sentence would do.

Try to keep a professional tone while you explain your request. You don’t need to sound overly stiff, but you should generally avoid using slang or making jokes.

If you’re writing about an issue that includes personal details, such as a health issue or the loss of a loved one, it’s okay to be vague when explaining your reasons. Don’t feel pressure to include details about your personal life that you’re not comfortable sharing.

Finally, be specific about what kind of follow-up action you’re requesting from your professor, if any. For example, you can write, “Please let me know if it would be possible to extend the deadline,” or “Please send me your feedback on this draft at your earliest convenience.”  

Step 5: How to End an Email to a Professor

You can end the body of your email with a simple expression of gratitude. You can write something like, “Thank you for your understanding and support,” or simply “Thanks for your time.”

Step 6: How to Sign Off an Email

Sign off your email with a simple closing salutation, followed by your first name.

Keep it simple and polite. Popular choices include “Best,” “Thanks,” “Sincerely,” and “Regards.”

simple email sign offs

Step 7: Edit Your Email with ProWritingAid

You don’t want to send your professor an email riddled with grammar mistakes, especially if it’s your English professor! And even if they teach a different subject, like math or biology, you still want to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

Editing your email with ProWritingAid can help you avoid mistakes. Our editing tool will correct grammar errors, spelling typos, and weak word choices.

You can even ask the tool to help you ensure you’re using a formal tone so your email doesn’t come across as casual or unprofessional.

Now that we’ve gone over the seven steps for writing an email to a professor, let’s look at some examples.

Here are some email templates you can use, depending on your specific situation.  

Sick Email to Professor Example

Subject line: Missing class today

Dear Professor [Last Name],

My name is [your name], and I’m a student in your class [class name]. I’m writing to let you know that I won’t be able to make it to class today, due to health issues. [Insert details if needed].

Please let me know what material we’ll be covering so I can make it up before the next class.

[Your name]

Sample Email to Professor Asking for Help

Subject line: Help with [class name]

My name is [your name]. I’ve been really struggling with your class [class name] this semester, and I’m having a hard time understanding [details].

Would you have time to sit down with me and help me better understand the material? I would welcome any support you can offer.

Thank you in advance! I look forward to hearing from you.

How to Email a Professor About a Grade

Subject line: My grade for [assignment/exam name]

I hope your week is off to a good start!

I recently received my grade for [assignment/exam name], and it was lower than I expected. Could you please tell me where I lost points?

I know you have a busy schedule, but I would really appreciate more details, since I’m sure that information could also help me improve my grades in the future.

Thank you so much for your time!

Sample Email to Professor for Research

Subject line: Research opportunities in your lab

I hope you’re doing well!

My name is [your name], and I’m a [year, major]. I’m writing to ask about research opportunities in your lab next semester.

I’m really interested in the topic you’re researching because [details], and I have experience conducting research with [previous experience, if any].

Please let me know if you have any openings that might be suitable for me. I look forward to hearing from you!

How to Write an Apology Email for Missing a Class

Subject line: Missing class yesterday

I hope your week is going well.

I’m writing to apologize for missing your class [class name] yesterday. I was unable to attend because [details].

I know it was an important class and that I shouldn’t have missed it. I’ll do my best to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Extension Email to Professor Example

Subject line: Extension for [Assignment Name]

My name is [your name], and I’m a student in your class [class name]. I’m writing to request an extension for our assignment about [assignment details].

I’ve been struggling to complete the assignment in time because of [reasons]. I would really appreciate it if you could extend the deadline to [new deadline date], due to my situation.

Please let me know if that would be okay. Thank you so much for your flexibility.

Thanks again,

How to Write a Follow-Up Email to a Professor

Subject line: Follow-up re: [subject]

I recently emailed you about [topic].

I’m just writing to follow up on my previous email and make sure you’ve received it. If you have, please let me know when I can expect a reply.

Thank you again for your time!

Warm regards,

How to Email a Professor About Getting Into Their Class

Subject line: Joining your class [class name]

My name is [your name], and I’m a [year, major] at [school name]. I’m interested in joining your class [class name]. I’m really fascinated by [topic] because [reasons], and I’ve heard that your class is a must-take class for students interested in [topic].

I don’t know how much demand there is for the class, but I’m curious if there’s anything I should do in advance to increase my chances of getting into the class.

Thank you for your consideration! I look forward to hearing from you.  

There you have it—our guide for composing a clear and professional email to a professor.

Good luck, and happy writing!

Hannah is a speculative fiction writer who loves all things strange and surreal. She holds a BA from Yale University and lives in Colorado. When she’s not busy writing, you can find her painting watercolors, playing her ukulele, or hiking in the Rockies. Follow her work on hannahyang.com or on Twitter at @hannahxyang.

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sample email to professor about assignment

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Aug 8, 2022

How to email a professor with 22 different examples

Learn how to email your professor (and what to avoid doing) and check out 22 sample emails to help you get started.

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Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Is there anything more nerve-racking than sending an email to a professor?

Every student will need to send an email to a professor at some point, whether you're asking for an extension, explaining an absence, or a little extra help. But how do you write an email to a professor?

In this guide on how to email a professor, we break down the steps to writing better messages. You'll learn the structure of a good email to a professor (and what to avoid).

And if this is not enough to convince you that it's easier than you might think, we finish off by providing 22 sample emails to a professor!

If you want to impress your professor with perfect grammar, make sure to try Flowrite :

How to send an email to a professor

So, how do you write an email to a professor? Professors are professional people who will be used to traditional email etiquette. That's not to say that you can't introduce some individuality into your emails; it's just important to show respect. 

You'll understand your relationship better than we do. You can be a little less formal if you feel it's appropriate.

Following the correct email etiquette is essential – and easy. In this article we break it down into steps to illustrate what we mean. We've also written about proper email etiquette on our blog before:

It's also important to keep emails short and to the point. Professors receive hundreds of messages daily and don't have time to delve too deeply to get the information they need. Say who you are, what you want, and why you're messaging upfront.

Should I send an email to a professor?

Classes can be busy, and a professor's time can be limited, so email is an ideal way to communicate with your Professor. Emails enable you to go into detail, create lists and spend time crafting a complex message.  

If your question or comment is urgent or sensitive, consider whether it's better to book a meeting or pull them aside for a chat. 

Only you can decide whether to email a professor.

How long should I wait for a reply?

Professors are people with busy lives and professional responsibilities, so you may need to wait for a reply. But how long should you wait for a response from your Professor?

There are no hard and fast rules on how long to wait for a reply, but the general rule is to give it two or three days before sending a follow-up. You can learn more in our guide on how to write a follow-up email.

Email format for messaging a professor

The email format for a professor should be familiar to anyone who understands the basics of messaging. Here's how it works:

• Subject line

• Body copy

• Signature

If you're unfamiliar with how to write a formal email, check out Flowrite blogs that delve deeper into what makes a great subject line, how to greet someone, appropriate sign-offs, and striking the right tone of voice. 

Subject line for an email to professor

Your subject line should spell out exactly what your message is about. Why? Because professors get hundreds of emails daily, they'll need a reason to open and respond to yours. 

We've provided some examples below.

How to greet a professor in an email

Professors should always be addressed using their titles. You can open an email in a few ways, such as:

• Dear Professor 

• Hi Professor

Avoid casual openings, such as "hey" or "how are you doing?". Instead, always uses your Professor's title to show respect, even if you start an email with "Hi" or "Hello."

How to address professor in email

We've covered the importance of using a professor's title in an email, but there's more to it. When discussing how to address a professor in an email, we're talking about the tone of voice – and getting that right can be tricky.

You'll want to be personal, but being too familiar can cause problems. We've written before about how to hit the right tone, so start there. Our examples below show how we've put this into practice.

How to start an email to a professor

An excellent way to start your email is by stating who you are and explaining what your message is about. As we've established, professors receive hundreds of messages every day, so they'll skim-read your message. Unless you're clear with what you want, you could find it binned.

You can see 22 examples of how to address your emails and get to the point as soon as possible.

How to sign off an email to professor

There are several ways you can end an email you a professor. Traditionally, you'd use "your sincerely," but today, you can be a little less formal. Some safe email endings to a professor include:

• Kind regards

• Yours sincerely

Email to professor examples

So, we've explained the basics of emailing your Professor; now it's time to put it into practice with samples. Here are 22 email to professor examples that should cover any scenario. So, whether you're asking for advice, access to a class, or a little extra support, we've got a template for you. 

22 sample emails to a professor

Here are 22 examples of how to email your Professor. These should cover a whole range of situations that you could find yourself in. As with all our templates, use them as inspiration, and be sure to adapt them to your specific situation. 

Ready to get writing to your Professor? Then let's begin.

1. How to write an excuse email to professor example

2. how to email professor for extension example, 3. how to email professor asking for extra credit example, 4. how to email a professor about failing a class example, 5. how to send a follow-up email to a professor, 6. how to write a formal email to a professor example, 7. how to email a professor about getting into their class example, 8. how to email a professor about a grade example, 9/ how to introduce yourself in an email to a professor example, 10. how to ask professor to accept late assignment email example, 11. how to email a professor for a letter of recommendation example, 12. how to email professor about missing class example, 13. how to write a polite email to a professor example, 14. how to write a professional email to a professor example, 15. how to write a proper email to a professor example, 16. how to ask a question to a professor email example, 17. how to write a reminder email to professor example, 18. how to reply back to a professor's email example, 19. how to email a professor about research example, 20/ how to schedule an appointment with a professor email example, 21. how to email professor about being sick example, 22. how to write a thank you email to a professor example, closing words.

Writing emails to a professor can cause mild anxiety, but it doesn't need to be so. We hope that breaking down how to email a professor into steps and providing a massive number of samples will help.

It's essential to understand the principles of crafting professional emails, such as an email to a professor – now it's time to put it into practice.

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Table of Content

Why write an email to your professor?

5 sample emails to a professor, email to professor asking for more information, email to professor about a deadline, email to a professor asking for a reference, email to a professor about personal issues, email to a professor asking for an extension, expert guide on how to email a professor, how to write pro messages to your professor, how to write an email to a professor (5 samples & templates).

Lawrie Jones

Stuck while studying for your college course? Professors play a critical role in our college education, providing lectures, leadership, and support. Let’s face it, you’re paying enough for your college education, the least you can expect is an answer to an email.

Professors aren’t big scary monsters (not all, anyway), but reasonable people who will want to help you with your email requests. They will expect your email requests to be written properly, in a style that shows respect. You’re not messaging a friend but someone in power.

How do you do it? In this guide on how to write an email to a professor, we detail the email format. We'll show you how to structure emails to any professor and provide 5 sample emails to a professor, including:

  • Email a professor asking for more information
  • Email to a professor about a deadline

By the end of this guide on emailing a professor, you can ask for anything you want (we can't guarantee they'll respond, though!).

Streamline Your Academic Communication

Before exploring our hand-crafted samples, harness the power of technology to perfect your message by using our free AI email generator , designed to make drafting professional emails to professors seamless and efficient.

Professors are responsible for supporting and guiding you during your academic career. That could include help with a tricky assignment, an extension on a deadline, or providing a reference. Professors also have a pastoral duty and may provide assistance if you are experiencing a personal issue. Basically, they’re there to help you out if you need it.

If you can, it's best to ask for help and support in person – but we know this isn't always possible, especially as many students study remotely. But, if you can't speak in person, it's OK to email your professor – but you'll need to ensure that your messages are polite, professional, and follow the correct email format and structure.

So let's start by showing you 5 sample emails to a professor.

These sample emails to a professor provide some valuable guidelines on structure, tone of voice, and approach that you can use. You can cut and paste these samples if you want to, but we recommend you use them as the basis for building your own emails.

Didn't catch something in a lecture or need clarification about an assignment? This email to a professor will help you quickly get the information you need.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I attended your lecture on [lecture topic] and would like to seek further clarification on [specific area]. I found the content quite challenging, and I believe further discussion will greatly enhance my understanding of the subject matter.

Could we schedule a brief meeting during your office hours this week? I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my questions and seek additional guidance regarding the assignment. Please let me know a suitable time for you, and I will make myself available accordingly.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Professors are in charge of setting assignments and managing deadlines. But what happens if you've forgotten a date? This email to a professor can be used to determine the deadline and ensure you don't miss it!

Dear Professor [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I apologize for any inconvenience caused, but I seem to have forgotten the deadline for the assignment you had set. Could you please kindly provide me with the deadline for the assignment? I want to ensure that I don't miss it. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Read also: How to Ask for a Raise via Email

If you don't have an employment reference, and reference from a professor is a suitable substitute. Before putting your professor's name on an application, use this email to ask for a reference.

Dear [Professor's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to request your assistance with a reference. I am applying for [Job/Program] and a reference from a professor is required. Your knowledge of my work ethic and academic abilities would make you an ideal reference.

If you are willing to provide a reference, please let me know and I will provide you with any necessary information or documentation. The deadline for submission is [Date].

Thank you for considering my request. I greatly appreciate your support.

Read also: How to ask for a reference in an email (5 samples & templates)

Sometimes life can get in the way of our education and change our priorities. This email to a professor sets out the issues you're experiencing and their impact on your studies.

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you about some personal issues I am currently facing, which have been impacting my studies.

I am going through a difficult time in my personal life, dealing with a family emergency. As a result, my availability and ability to fully focus on my coursework has been significantly affected. I am doing my best to manage the situation, but I anticipate that it may continue to impact my performance in the upcoming weeks.

I understand the importance of my studies and I am committed to overcoming these challenges. I will make every effort to catch up on missed assignments and actively participate in class despite the circumstances.

I kindly request your understanding and support during this time. If there are any accommodations or extensions that you could grant me, I would greatly appreciate it. I am open to discussing potential solutions that would allow me to continue my education while navigating these personal difficulties.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Read also: How to introduce yourself in an email (5 examples)

Not going to hit your assignment? Ask for an extension! While we can't guarantee you'll be given one, this email to a professor asking for an extension will give you the best chance!

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out today regarding the upcoming assignment due on [Date]. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am experiencing some unexpected difficulties that have impacted my ability to complete the assignment on time.

Considering the circumstances, I would like to request a brief extension to submit the assignment. I understand that this is entirely at your discretion, and I am willing to accept any conditions or penalties for extending the deadline.

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your attention to this matter.

Professors are professional people (the clue is in the name) and expect the highest standards of written language. They're not going to be impressed by spelling mistakes or grammar issues. They're also used to reading and responding to formal emails, so you must always stick to the established structure.

When writing emails to a professor, you should keep laser-focused on the outcome. This is an approach that works for writing any email to a professor:

Introduce yourself

Explain why you're emailing and what you want

Express gratitude in advance

Include a deadline/CTA

As we've explained previously, professors expect to read emails in the correct format. To help explain how to write an email to a professor, we've split this into 3 sections:

Email to professor subject line

  • Sign-off/next steps

Professors will find their inboxes full of hundreds of emails from students, fellow academics, and faculty staff – so yours will need to stand out. How? By creating a great subject line!

It's easier to demonstrate how to write subject lines with some example subject lines to emails for your professor.

  • Can I ask for some help with (include details)
  • Clarification required (lecture details)
  • What is my assignment deadline?
  • Please can you confirm my assignment deadline?
  • Assignment extension request
  • Can I ask you for a reference?
  • Would you provide me with a reference?
  • Reference request

Email to professor body copy

Your subject line will hopefully be strong enough to grab your professor's attention. As soon as they open the email, you must engage them correctly.

If you're confident, you can use a less formal greeting, such as "Hi Professor (their name)." If you don't know them well or are writing a formal email like asking for an extension, it's better to use "Dear Professor (their name)."

Now, we can work through the structure that we outlined above. In this example, we want more information on a point raised in a lecture.

"My name is (your name), and I attend your class (insert details)."

Also learn about: How to introduce yourself in an email?

"I'm contacting you to ask for some additional information about a point you raised in your lecture on (insert date, time, etc.). Specifically, I would like to know (whatever you want to know!)."

"I appreciate that you are very busy, and I would like to thank you in advance for any information and insights you can provide."

Email to professor sign-off/next steps

Your message is powerful and (most importantly) short! We're almost at the end, but we need to add more to your message.

"I am working on an assignment with a deadline of (insert date). Could you respond to me before this date? You can contact me to discuss it at (insert details)."

Finally, you'll need to provide a closing line ("Thanks," "Many thanks," "Kind regards," etc.), as well as your name and any other information required.

Now you're ready to send it to your professor.

When emailing your professor, you have to understand where the power lies They’re busy, under-pressure, and probably dealing with hundreds (maybe even thousands) of other students. To cut through the noise, your request will have to be clear and stick to these principles:

  • Always use a proper greeting : Begin your email with a formal greeting, such as "Dear Dr. [Last Name]" or "Hello Professor [Last Name]." Check and double-check you're using your professor's title correctly.
  • Cut out waste words: Keep your message as brief as possible by cutting out wasted words. Use a strong subject line and state the purpose of your email in the first few sentences.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling : Academics expect high standards, so always check for spelling and grammar issues before sending.
  • Be respectful and polite to your prof : Saying "please" and "thank you" goes a long way. Ask for help courteously and express gratitude for any help.
  • Identify yourself : Professors will deal with many students and may not know who you are, so always identify yourself and the class(es) you're studying.
  • Avoid casual language or slang : Professors won't expect informal language, slang, and other lazy phrases.
  • Outline your requirements clearly : Whatever the purpose of your email, state your needs clearly. Professors are time-poor and will simply want to know what you want as soon as possible, so don't keep them waiting!
  • Thank them for their time : Professors are busy people, so thank them for their time. Sometimes, a few choice words can work wonders in getting you the desired result.
  • Sign off properly: End your emails positively, and do so professionally with a suitable sign-off. Professors are in a position of authority; they're not your friend.
  •  Use HIX.AI : If you're not hitting the right tone, or finding the formal email format tricky, use HIX.AI email generator . This AI-powered platform can craft effective emails to professors in seconds.

Don't know how to email a professor? Using the tips, tricks, and format outlined in this blog, you'll create powerful emails to your professor in record time. If you're worried, always follow your instincts and focus on keeping things short, professional, and polite – and always express gratitude.

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How To Write An Email To Your Professor—6 Copy-Paste Templates

How To Write An Email To Your Professor—6 Copy-Paste Templates

sample email to professor about assignment

Jun 25, 2022

Blog Academic Institutions How To Write An Email To Your Professor—6 Copy-Paste Templates

Do you ever struggle with what to say to a professor in an email? Writing an email to a professor requires more thought than sending a text to a friend.

It’s important to treat interactions with your professors in a mature, competent way. When you do that, your professors will be more inclined to help you. Plus, you’ll demonstrate to them that you can conduct yourself professionally—which will impress them and make them remember you for when opportunities arise, give them positive things to say about you in letters of recommendation and more.

Today’s blog will provide multiple email templates that you can use when emailing your professor in any of these common situations.

Scheduling a Meeting

If you want to schedule a meeting with a professor to go over an assignment, ask clarifying questions from class or questions about an upcoming exam, but can’t attend your professor’s regular office hours, use this template: Subject: Meeting About _____

Dear Professor (or however your professor address him/herself, i.e. Dr., first name, etc.) _____,

      I hope all is well. I started working on my assignment for _____ and I just had a couple of questions to make sure that I am on the right track. I also wanted to ask a question about yesterday’s lesson on _____, as I was a little confused and I want to ensure that I fully understand the content for the test next week. I know on the syllabus you mentioned that you have available office hours at _____ but I am not able to make it. Will you be at your desk at _____ or _____. Thank you, _____ Asking How to Improve Your Grade on an Assignment or Exam

If you’re unsatisfied with your grade on a recent assignment or exam, here is a template that will help you ask your professor on how to improve or if there are any extra credit options. Even though you’re probably frustrated with your grade, make sure to email your professor in a kind, professional way. Subject: Extra Support on _____

Dear Professor _____,

      I hope all is well and that you enjoyed your weekend. I saw that you posted the grades for our last reports. I was a little surprised and discouraged by my grade.

      I was wondering if you offer any extra credit opportunities, revisions or if you have any advice for me on how to improve on a future assignment. Are you available to meet _____ or _____ to discuss my report and a plan? Let me know what works for you.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Best, _____

Requesting an Extension

If you’re having a really tough, busy few weeks and you have an important assignment coming up, but you need more time to complete it, here is a template on how to tell your professor what is going on and to kindly ask for an extension. Be very specific about why you need an extension. Everyone is juggling multiple priorities, so telling your professor only that you’ve been “stressed out, sick or busy” isn’t enough. Explain the specific barriers you’ve faced when trying to complete the assignment. Even better, attach a note from your coach, employer or doctor who can attest to why you need an extension. Subject: Extension on _____

    I hope all is well. I have been extremely busy and stressed with assignments in other classes and with _____ (sports practice, on-campus job, other commitment, health condition, etc.). I do not think that I will be able to submit my best work to you with all of the other tasks on my agenda. I was wondering if you would consider granting me an extension on our upcoming project/paper and submit it by ______?

Asking for a Letter of Recommendation

If you know of a professor that you are close with or one who enjoys working with you, here is a template on how to ask for a recommendation for a future job or graduate school. Make sure that you give your professor at least two months’ notice so they have time to write a thoughtful recommendation.

Subject: Letter of Recommendation for _____

      I hope all is well and that you had a great _____ (summer, winter break, fall semester, etc…) I am applying for a _____ (summer internship, full-time job, graduate program, summer program, etc…) at _____. I really value and appreciate how you have helped me grow as a student and cultivated my interest in ____. The position requires a letter of recommendation, and I was wondering if you would consider writing one for me? If you are able to write it, I will follow up with a deadline and any additional information. I have attached a resume and cover letter below as a reference. I look forward to hearing from you, Kind Regards, _____ Information about a Particular Class

If you’re picking classes for the upcoming semester and you have researched a few classes or are unsure what you want to choose, here is a template that will help you ask a professor for more details on a class. If you have never taken a class with this professor before, make sure that you fully introduce yourself. Subject: Information on _____

      My name is _____ and I am a rising _____. I am trying to narrow down a few classes for the next semester. I am interested in _____ and I am considering majoring in _____. I was doing some research in the course catalog and I found your class. I am emailing you to see if you would consider sharing more details and potentially the syllabus on _____. Or, if you could refer me to a student who took this class who I could contact, that would be very helpful.

Thank you, _____

Personal Advice

If you developed a close relationship with a professor and you’re having a personal problem, here is a template to help if you feel comfortable enough to reach out to him or her.

Subject: Personal Help With _____

      I hope all is well. I recently encountered/am struggling with _____ and I’d love to talk to you about it. Will you be available _____ or _____ so I can come in and discuss this with you?

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How to Email Your Professor (With Examples)

sample email to professor about assignment

Lisa Freedland is a Scholarships360 writer with personal experience in psychological research and content writing. She has written content for an online fact-checking organization and has conducted research at the University of Southern California as well as the University of California, Irvine. Lisa graduated from the University of Southern California in Fall 2021 with a degree in Psychology.

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How to Email Your Professor (With Examples)

Every academic year, more and more professors complain that students do not know how to write nor respond to emails. Often, students are simply not taught how to write such emails to begin with. Some students are entirely clueless about what they’re doing wrong. To help make sure you don’t make these same mistakes, we’re going to show you how to email your professor (with examples)!

Keep on reading so that you can be confident in what you’re saying before you even hit “send.”

Emailing professors: A how-to guide

We’re sure that you’ve emailed people before, whether teachers, coworkers, friends, or family, but emailing professors is a little different. Emailing professors requires a level of formality not typically required when emailing people you’re already familiar with (yes, even if you know the professor well!). So, to make sure you don’t leave a bad impression on your professors, we’ve established a few tips that you should go by before sending off that email. Let’s get into them!

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Be professional

Perhaps most importantly, you should be professional when emailing your professors. But, what do we mean by this?

Simply, being professional when emailing your professors means using proper grammar, not using slang or emojis, and using their proper title (we’ll get into what this means next).

Further, if you’re asking for an extension for an assignment, giving a heads-up as to why you’ll be missing class, or anything along these lines, try not to give away too much personal information as to why. For example, rather than saying you have a stomach ache or caught the flu, you can instead say that you came down with an illness. The exact sickness (or reason) is not the most relevant information. Your professor will probably be grateful not to know anyway.

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Include their title + name.

Time for titles! If you’re not familiar with what titles are, titles refer to the words used before or after a person’s name that indicate a person’s position or role. When it comes to professors, students normally use either the title “Doctor” (abbreviated Dr.) or “Professor.”

And, as normally comes after someone’s title, you should be sure to include their last name after. So, let’s say you’re emailing a professor called Susan Robinson. You could start the email off with something like:

“Dear Dr. Robinson,” or “Hello Dr. Robinson,” or “Dear Professor Robinson,” or “Hello Professor Robinson,”

All these are fine choices, and it’s entirely up to you to choose whichever you prefer. And, if you haven’t quite noticed, it’s quite common to use “Dear” or “Hello” when starting off an email to a professor, but these aren’t your only options (just common ones). Whichever you use is, once again, up to your personal preference!

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Say something nice 

Yes, really. It doesn’t hurt to be nice when emailing professors, especially when you’re asking for their advice or help. 

So, how do you start out with something nice? Well, typically, after greeting your professor with their title and name (as we demonstrated above), you’ll add something along the lines of:

  • “Hope you had a great weekend.”
  • “I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful weather today!”
  • “Hope you’re doing well!”

Make sense? Some professors appreciate such niceties. Not only will it indicate that you realize they have a life outside of academia, but it’s also just a polite thing to do. Yes, admittedly, some professors might not care, but others will!

Give context (i.e. who you are)

College professors have tons of students. So, oftentimes (if not always), they may need a little reminder on how they know you. This is especially true if you’re not in touch with them frequently. This is exactly what you should do next – explain who you are!

If you’re a student of theirs, the easiest way to do this is to mention what class of theirs you’re enrolled in, and what time it meets (or, if there are names for each section, you can mention that instead). This will give them some context before you ask a question, so they can understand exactly what assignment, topic, or question it is you’re asking about. This might go something like:

“This is *insert your name* from the Psychology 101 section that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-2:30 P.M.”

Alternatively, if you’re not a student of theirs, explain your desired relationship to them (e.g., are you interested in enrolling in their class? Do you want to work in their research lab?). If this is the case for you, this might look like:

“This is *insert your name*, a second-year student majoring in Psychology. I am interested in enrolling in Psychology 102 next semester, and… *can ask/introduce your question here*” 

Now, unless you are 100% sure that your professor knows who you are by name, we definitely recommend you don’t skip this step! It may be awkward if your professor has to ask who you are after your initial email, so, better safe than sorry!

Last, but not least, try to use your university email if you have one! This immediately signals to your professor that you’re either a student or faculty member at their college. Your school email may make them more inclined to look at your email.

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Be straightforward

Since they have so many students, professors also receive a lot of emails. So, when emailing them, make sure to get straight to the point (no beating around the bush!). Be specific about your question, and provide context if needed. If you’ve already tried to solve your problem or answer your question in a number of ways, mention these. Doing so will cut down the amount of unnecessary emails sent back and forth. Also, it will also help you understand what tips or advice they shouldn’t give you (as you’ve already tried them).

On a similar note, if you have a question about a test or due date, we highly recommend checking your class syllabus first. These will contain your important test and due dates 99% of the time, if not more.

And, most importantly, remember to make your subject line specific and clear. For example, if you have a question about an assignment’s due date, your subject line could be something along the lines of “Question about Due Date of Assignment Name .” This will make it clear to the professor what the context of the email is, and will help avoid any misunderstandings.

After asking your question (or saying whatever you needed to say), it’s time to sign off! Most commonly, people will do this by using a “Best,”, “Thanks,” “Sincerely,” or something along those lines, followed by their name. If your university email does not include your full name, write both your first and last name in your sign off. This will make it clear to the professor who you are, even if they have another student with the same first name.

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A few examples

Time for a few examples! Here they are:

1.  If you’re asking a professor a question about an upcoming test date:

Hello Dr. Johnson,

Hope your week is off to a great start!

This is John Smith from your Chemistry 404 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11 am – 12 pm class. Last Monday, you mentioned that our upcoming midterm is scheduled for September 25th. However, on the class syllabus it says that the test is planned for September 21st. I was wondering on which of these dates the midterm will be taking place?

Thank you in advance.

2.  Generalized email to a professor:

Dear Dr. Last Name ,

Hope you’re doing well!

This is Your name from Your class  at time . I had a question about * elaborate on the question.*

We hope that you’re now well-versed on how to write an email to a professor of yours. However, how do you go about cold emailing a professor for a research opportunity? That’s a great question! Let’s see.

How to email a professor for research opportunities

Luckily, the format for emailing a professor for research is not too different from that of emailing any professor. So, if you’ve already read all our tips above, you’re off to a head start. However, there are a few differences. 

Components to include

Before we get into what makes an email to a professor for research different, we should first list the basic components of this type of email (as they largely overlap with a normal email to a professor). Any email to a professor (for research) should:

  • Have an informative subject line
  • Be professional and straightforward
  • Include their title and name
  • Include why you want to join their research lab (why you’re interested in their research specifically)
  • Mention any previous experience (if applicable)
  • Elaborate on why research is important to you/will help you reach your goals
  • Ask to schedule a time to meet or discuss possible research opportunities
  • Your resume and transcript (attached to the email!)

Since we’ve already covered most of these components above (under Emailing Professors: A How-To Guide), we’ll now be focusing mainly on the unique aspects of writing an email to a professor for research. 

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Do your research!

If you’re interested in doing research, now’s your time to show off your skills! Before you go about emailing any research professor for an opportunity to work in their lab, you must first know what their lab studies. Doing this research will help you elaborate on why you want to join their specific lab, rather than any others, which will help you stand out amongst possible applicants (and will help you know if you’re actually a good fit for the lab or not!).

Why are you interested in their research?

After you’ve done research on the research of the professor you’d like to work with, use this information to detail what exactly about their research interests you. This can normally be done within 1-2 sentences, and should be specific – make sure to relate it to your interests and goals! This may look something like:

I am particularly interested in topic . I recently read your name/year of research paper on topic and developed an interest in your research. Specifically, I was fascinated by mention one of the findings of the research paper . If possible, I would love the opportunity to work in your lab to help contribute to further research on this topic during time frame.

If this seems a little confusing right now, don’t fret! We have some actual examples for later, so you can get an idea of what this section should look like when real topics and findings are included.

Ask to schedule a meeting

Now, it’s time to schedule a meeting (or, at least ask to)! After you go about mentioning what you find interesting about their research and expressing an interest in working in their lab, you should make a request to meet with them. There’s a few different ways you can do this:

  • “ If you know of any internship, volunteer, or work positions available in research over the summer, I would love to set up a time to talk about these potential opportunities.”
  • “If you have time, I would love to set up a time to talk about potential research opportunities.”
  • “Would you be available to meet sometime this week to discuss your research?”
  • “Would it be possible to meet with you to further discuss Topic and my possible involvement in research? I am available on Days and Times .”

Simple, right? After you ask to schedule a meeting, we highly recommend mentioning that your transcript and resume are attached to the email (and make sure to actually attach them). If you do not attach them, professors will often ask for them promptly afterwards (but not always).

Last, but not least, finish off the email with a nicety! You can do it more formally, with something like, “I greatly appreciate your time and consideration.” Or, you can do it more casually, with something along the lines of, “I look forward to hearing from you!”

Which way you choose is ultimately up to you – just make sure to be respectful! 

More examples

Time for some more examples! These are real examples of emails written to professors, in which students were asking for research opportunities (although some names and info have been slightly altered). Here we go!

1.  Email from a student without any prior research experience:

“Dear Dr. Lee,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Abigail Thompson and I am a first-year undergraduate at the University of Minnesota, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Japanese. I am currently looking for opportunities to get involved with research over the summer. 

Psychological research, especially that relating to social psychology, sounds very interesting to me, so I am hoping to get involved early into my undergraduate career. I have reviewed your faculty profile and am interested in name of the research paper , especially how you explored how people who have experienced traumas cope with what they’ve been through. If you know of any internship, volunteer, or work positions available in research over the summer, I would love to set up a time to talk about these potential opportunities. I greatly appreciate your time and consideration, and my resume and transcript are attached to this email.

2.  Email from a student with prior research experience:

“ Dear Dr. Pudi,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Jacqueline Fisher and I am a sophomore at UCLA, majoring in Psychology. I am currently looking for opportunities to get involved with research for this upcoming semester or over the summer. 

Last summer, I assisted in research at the University of California, Berkeley, where we studied people’s psychological responses to traumatic events. I am also interested in developmental psychology and how your research studies the effects of marital conflict on children.

If you have time, I would love to set up a time to talk about potential research opportunities. I greatly appreciate your time and consideration, and my resume is attached to this email. 

Have a wonderful time frame .

Jacqueline ”

Dear Reader,

You’ve now reached the end of the article!

I hope that this guide (and our example emails) have helped you gain the knowledge and skill of being able to email your professors (for class, research, or otherwise!). It’s sure to come in handy at some point, so, we wish you good luck, and send you off!

All the best,

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How to Email a Professor: Tips and Samples

Dec 19th 2023

sample email to professor about assignment

There are many situations when you need to email your professor: Asking a question, inquiring about your grades, or informing them about a missed class. If you’re wondering how to write an email to a professor, at the end of this article, you’ll find several email samples you can use for different occasions.

How to write an email to a professor: A step-by-step guide

1. Make sure you really need to send that email

If you want to email a professor asking a question, check your syllabus first. Chances are pretty solid you’ll find the answer. The syllabus can tell you about your workload, assignments, deadlines, and more. Your classmates are another valuable source of information, so make sure to talk to them first.

If the syllabus, or your peers, can’t answer your question, it’s fine to send an email with additional inquiries.

2. Use your school email

This is the best course of action because such an email looks professional and shows a recipient that your message is about classes. If you don’t have an educational email address, make sure to use an appropriate email address like [email protected] . Your [email protected] address isn’t suitable for academic correspondence.

3. Write a clear subject line

The subject line defines if a recipient opens your email, so make sure it’s clear, concise and to the point. A good subject line tells a professor what your email is about and how they should act on it.

4. Include a proper email greeting

Start your email to a professor with an appropriate and respectful salutation. Double-check their name before sending an email and make sure your greeting is followed by a comma.

5. Remind who you are

Professors have lots of students, so it’s important to tell them your name and the class you’re attending. This helps you save the recipient time and ensures you get a reply faster.

6. Get straight to the point

After greeting a professor and introducing yourself, it’s time to state your question or request. Keep it concise and clear, so the recipient can quickly comprehend what it’s about and what action is expected from them.

7. End an email politely and include a professional signature

How to end an email to a professor? Thank them for their time and sign off your email with “Sincerely” or “Best regards” followed by your name.

8. Proofread your email

Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Make sure to stick to a formal tone and avoid emojis or informal abbreviations like FYI or ASAP. Check the spelling of your professor’s name one more time.

9. Put yourself in your professor’s shoes

Reread the email as if you are a professor who receives it. Is it clear who’s writing to you and what they want? Is the tone of the email polite and respectful? Does it comply with a formal email format? If all your answers are “Yes,” then feel free to send your email.

Email to professor samples

Once you’ve learned how to email a professor, it’s time to practice. Below, you’ll find a number of email samples for different situations. Please keep in mind that these examples are for reference only, and you should always personalize and tweak them to your needs.

If you frequently need to email your professor, you can add these templates to Spark and reuse them whenever needed. Learn how templates in Spark work .

1. Email to a professor about not attending class

Subject: History 1B: Class attendance Dear Professor Smith, This is Lexie Brown, from History 1B, Section 1. I am writing to inform you that I won’t be able to attend your class on Thursday, as I have a doctor’s appointment at 11 AM. Please find attached my assignment we are supposed to submit by Thursday. I will also do my best to look through the materials you provided for this class and ask my classmates to share their notes. Thank you. Best regards, Lexie Brown

2. Email to a professor about grades

Subject: History 1B: Inquiring about my grade Dear Professor Smith, My name is Lexie Brown, from History 1B, Section 1. I was wondering if we could set up an appointment to discuss my grade on [Assignment name] . I have checked that your office hours are scheduled on Wednesdays from 2 to 5 PM. If this is correct, please let me know if I can come. I look forward to your reply. Kind regards, Lexie Brown

3. Email to a professor asking a question

Subject: Question about the History 1B assignment Dear Professor Smith, I am Lexie Brown, from History 1B, Section 1. In the syllabus, the deadline for our latest assignment is listed as April 9th. However, in class on Monday you mentioned April 12th as the deadline. Could you please verify the correct deadline? Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, Lexie Brown

4. Email to a professor asking for an appointment

Subject: History 1B: Appointment request Dear Professor Smith, I am a student in your History 1B class, Section 1. I faced some difficulties with selecting a topic for my research paper, and I would appreciate it if I could discuss it with you during your office hours. Please let me know if you are available to meet this week. Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply. Best regards, Lexie Brown

Want to become better at email? Get Spark . This free and powerful email client lets you use email templates, so you can save time with writing similar emails. It also gives you email superpowers like snoozes, email scheduling, and follow-up reminders to help you work with email faster.

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Emailing a Professor 101

Need help with sending an email to your professor? It can be quick and easy if you follow the steps below.

Do you need to write an email to professor? We can help you.

How To Write an Email to a Professor

When writing an email to a professor, you should always use a formal tone and vocabulary and stick to the point of the message. Additionally, you should make sure to:

  • Use your academic email address.
  • Write a clear and concise subject line.
  • Use a formal salutation.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Briefly explain why you’re emailing.
  • End the email with a formal closing.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors.

Writing an Email to a Professor

Writing an email to a professor (or teacher) can be intimidating. After all, most of them have high standards when it comes to writing, so you probably feel the need to follow a specific format while ensuring the email is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

This can be overwhelming to students who have a lot to worry about—whether it be going over a syllabus, studying, completing assignments, balancing a social life, or all of the above.

We’re going to help you take the hassle (and stress) out of emailing a professor by giving you seven easy steps to follow.

How to address a professor in an email? With a formal salutation, of course.

Class Is in Session: How To Email Your Professor in Seven Steps

1. use your academic email address.

Most (if not all) colleges and universities provide students with an academic email address. If your school has provided you with one, use it. Using a personal email like [email protected] increases the chances of your email ending up in the spam folder or getting skipped.

2. Write a Clear and Concise Subject Line

It’s always a good idea to give your professor a preview of what the email is about, and that’s what the subject line is for. Make sure the subject line is clear, concise, and informative. Do not write the majority of your email in your subject line:

I do not understand some questions on the assignment you gave us. For example, is question number five supposed to have a thorough, elaborate answer with evidence?

Need clarification on questions for assignment due Tuesday

3. Use a Formal Salutation

Use Dear or Hello when starting an email to your professor. Additionally, make sure to use their correct title and avoid using Mr. or Mrs. If the professor has a PhD. , you can use Dr. However, you can’t go wrong with using Professor , regardless of their degree.

Hi Mrs. Duran,

Dear Professor Duran,

Keep in mind that the only time you can skip the formal salutation is if you’re continuing an already established email thread.

4. Introduce Yourself

Professors can have numerous students. You can’t expect them to know who you are solely by your email. After the formal salutation, write your full name and the course you’re taking. Some students also choose to include their student ID if it helps with the request they’re making (e.g., adding points to a test).

Hi Professor Duran,

My name is Jacob S. Carle, and I am in your Thursday 10:00 AM ENC1101 class.

We should note that some students prefer to start with a formality like I hope this email finds you well before introducing themselves. This is also acceptable and a stylistic choice that is up to you.

5. Write a Brief Message About Why You’re Emailing

Professors are extremely busy people. Don’t ramble in your email. Instead, get straight to the point. Write your email as briefly as possible. Additionally, make sure to use the appropriate tone and language .

6. End the Email With a Formal Closing

Once you have asked your question or made your requests, end the email with a formal closing like Thank you, Best, or Sincerely. Then write your name, and if you didn’t include your student ID in the introduction, you can add it to the closing.

Jacob S. Carle

Student ID: 123456

7. Check for Spelling and Grammar Errors

Arguably the most important part of writing an email to your professor is checking for spelling and grammar mistakes. A message riddled with errors can make it seem as if you’re not taking the time to write a professional and proper email.

However, spelling and grammar are not everyone’s strong suit. That’s why it’s a good idea to use LanguageTool as your text editor. Not only will this advanced writing assistant correct spelling and grammar mistakes (in over twenty languages), but it can also help rephrase your sentences to be more formal, fluent, or even more concise. It’s a tool that is valuable for all types of writers, especially students learning their way around professional and formal emails.


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Email to a Professor

How to Email a Professor (10 Tips Plus Examples)

Reviewed and edited by Tyson Schritter : 28 March, 2024.

Contacting your professors is something you’ll probably have to do frequently throughout college. Probably more often than you’d prefer. There’s no need to be intimidated, but there are a few things you should keep in mind before reaching out.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that any email you send to your professor should be written with a professional tone. Remember, the person you’re addressing has the ability to make a drastic impact on your education. Your professor, as an expert in their field, holds the key to the information you need and can even help point you in the right direction toward your future career.

It is important to make a positive impression every time you contact them, as your correspondence can influence whether they seek you out for additional opportunities for growth, including internships and assistantships.

How to Write an Email to a Professor

1. use your academic account.

  • You have a  .edu  email address for a reason! Don’t communicate with your embarrassing “harrystyles_luvr13xx” email address from the middle school

2. Make the subject line clear

  • The sooner your professor knows what you’re asking, the sooner they’ll be able to help you.

3. Use a formal salutation

  • Avoid addressing professors as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” Acknowledge their status and make sure you know their correct titles (Dr., Professor, etc.

4. Thoroughly identify yourself

  • Even if your class size is small, your professor has plenty of other responsibilities, classes, and students. Help your professor recognize you quickly by introducing yourself with your first and last name as well as the title and section number of your class.

5. Keep a formal tone

  • Remember: this is not a text message! Do not use abbreviations, emojis, or slang. Also, limit what you share about your personal life unless it happens to be relevant.

6. Use correct grammar and spelling

  • If you’re uncertain about your ability to write professionally, there are a few tools available to help you gain confidence and correct any mistakes. For instance, the text-editing service  Grammarly  offers a free browser extension to help users write correctly, checking for syntax, spelling, punctuation, and style. Its corrections and modifications come with helpful explanations, allowing you to make informed decisions about how you edit your final draft. Tools like Grammarly are invaluable for any student, providing real-time editing for not only emails to faculty, but also any kind of class writing assignment.

7. Communicate clearly and concisely

  • If you cannot articulate your specific need in one or two sentences, give them an idea of what you need help with and ask to set up a face-to-face meeting with them.

8. Be polite

  • Your professor is a human being with feelings, so “please” and “thank you” goes a long way. And it never hurts to add a line wishing them a great weekend or good afternoon!

9. End with a formal acknowledgment

  • “Thank you,” “Best,” and “Sincerely,” followed by your first and last names are always safe choices.

10. Follow up

  • Remember that your professors may have to keep track of hundreds of students at a time. If they don’t get back to you promptly, follow up in person either before or after your next class with them.

Email to Professor Example: 3 Use Cases

Inquiring about your grade.

When reaching out with a question or concern regarding your grade, remember that, for privacy purposes, your professor is not likely to share certain information with you via email. If you’re unable to attend their office hours to ask your question in person, request to set up an appointment at a time that otherwise fits your schedules. Below is a good example of how to email a professor about your grades.

Westfield State University advertisement

Good afternoon Professor X,

My name is X X, and I am in your Thursday-morning English I class, section 4231. I am unable to attend your office hours this week, but I was wondering if I could set up an appointment with you to discuss my grade on Essay #1. I did not understand some of your notes and was hoping to meet with you for clarification. Please let me know if you have any availability this week.

Thank you for your time and have a great evening.

Asking for a Reference

Another occasion in which you may need to email a professor is when you’re looking for a professional reference. Again, your professor is a respected expert in their field, so their recommendation can do wonders for both your academic and professional growth. That said, it’s important to make your request for their reference as easy as possible for them; they are busy and have likely received many similar requests from other students. Be polite, concise, and clear as you communicate exactly what you need from them. And if you need their reference by a specific deadline, make sure you include it in your request with ample time to complete your request. Below is an example of such an invitation.

Hello Dr. X,

This is X X from your ABC2000 class of Fall 2024. I thoroughly enjoyed your class and want to say thank you for a great semester. I am now applying for the _________ Program, which is a curriculum designed to enhance the professional skills of engineering majors at this university. I am emailing you to inquire whether you would be willing to comment on my potential as an environmental engineering researcher? I would simply need to provide your name as a reference along with your contact information.

Thank you once again. I greatly appreciate your time.

Asking a General Question

Last, but not least, really take care to check your class syllabus or assignment instructions before asking your professor a question via email. In many cases, professors will have already addressed several of the most frequently asked questions within the first few days of class at the beginning of the semester. Review  all  the materials you’ve collected from the class before approaching your professor. The last thing you want to do is bug them about something they’ve already given you an answer to. Communicate a level of commitment and respect by thoroughly reviewing your information and ensuring that you still need to contact your professor.

Other students in your class can prove to be another valuable resource. Each of your professors likely teach multiple classes, conduct research out of class, or do work for another job on campus or elsewhere. They are not obligated to communicate the same information multiple times! If you were unable to attend a class,  do not  ask your professor about what you missed.  Always  go to a classmate first!

Your professor’s goal is to help you succeed, but it is not their responsibility. Show them your dedication to success with adequate preparation and careful language. Learning to write clear, concise, professional emails to your professors is an excellent practice in taking ownership of your education—not to mention good training for future communication with an employer!

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How to Email a Professor with Confidence + Tips & Templates

  • July 14, 2023

Picture of Edgar Abong

Are you ready to conquer the digital realm of academia?

Well, get your keyboards ready because we’ve got the ultimate guide on ho w to email a professor like a pro.

Whether you’re a seasoned sender or a freshman in the art of electronic communication, we’ve got the tips, templates, and tricks to help you craft the perfect email that will make your professors swoon (well, at least respond promptly).

So, buckle up, dear student, as we embark on this adventure to email excellence.

Let’s dive in and become the master composers of the virtual classroom!

Understanding Email Etiquette for Professors

When it comes to emailing professors, professionalism is key. Your email is an opportunity to make a positive impression and demonstrate your respect for their time and expertise.

Email Etiquette When Emailing a Professor

By following the proper email etiquette, you can ensure that your message is well-received and increases your chances of receiving a prompt and helpful response. Here are some essential guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Use a clear and concise subject line that reflects the purpose of your email.
  • Address the professor formally using their appropriate title (e.g., Dr., Professor).
  • Begin your email with a polite greeting , such as "Dear Professor [Last Name]."
  • Introduce yourself briefly if necessary, mentioning your name, course, or any relevant information .
  • Keep your email focused and to the point , using short paragraphs and bullet points for clarity.
  • Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation to convey professionalism.
  • Avoid using informal language or slang , and maintain a respectful tone throughout.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your email and make your request or inquiry in a polite and concise manner.
  • Sign off the email with an appropriate closing , such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name.

By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll demonstrate your professionalism and respect for your professor’s time . It’s important to remember that professors receive numerous emails daily, so being concise, polite, and clear in your communication will greatly increase the likelihood of receiving a helpful response.

Preparing to Email a Professor

Before you compose an email to your professor, it’s essential to take the necessary steps to prepare yourself for effective communication.

By conducting research, gathering information, and setting clear goals, you’ll be better equipped to craft a well-crafted email that resonates with your professor. Let’s delve deeper into each guideline:

Researching The Professor's Background And Preferences

To establish a strong foundation for your email, take the time to research your professor’s background and preferences. Explore their academic profile, such as their areas of expertise, research interests, and publications.

This knowledge not only shows your genuine interest but also enables you to tailor your email to align with their expertise. Additionally, check if they have provided any specific communication preferences on their faculty webpage or syllabus.

Some professors may prefer certain email formats, specific subject lines , or include any guidelines for communication. Adhering to their preferences demonstrates your attentiveness and respect for their communication style.

Gathering Necessary Information And Documents

Before drafting your email, gather all the relevant information and documents you need . Review your assignment details, syllabi, or course materials to ensure you have accurate information at your fingertips.

This enables you to provide specific references or ask targeted questions, making your email more focused and effective. Additionally, if you’re discussing a particular assignment or project, have the necessary materials readily available to refer to and provide context in your email.

Being well-prepared with the right information helps streamline the communication process and allows your professor to respond more efficiently.

Setting Clear Goals And Objectives For The Email

One of the most important aspects of emailing a professor is to establish clear goals and objectives for your email. Ask yourself: What is the purpose of this email? Is it to seek clarification on a specific topic, request a meeting or appointment, or discuss grades or feedback?

Identify the specific questions or points you want to address to avoid ambiguity in your email . Clear goals help you structure your email effectively and ensure that your professor understands your intentions.

By being focused and concise , you make it easier for your professor to provide you with the appropriate information or guidance.

Sample email to professor

Emailing a Professor: Best Practices and Tips

When it comes to emailing a professor, incorporating certain best practices and tips can significantly enhance your communication and leave a lasting impression. Here’s a breakdown of what you should keep in mind:

Concise and Focused Emails

When composing an email to a professor, it’s crucial to keep your message concise and focused . Professors often have overflowing inboxes, and lengthy emails can be overwhelming or discouraging to read.

By getting straight to the point, you respect their time and make it easier for them to grasp the essence of your communication. Ensure that your email is clear, well-structured, and free from unnecessary tangents or irrelevant information.

Consider outlining the main points you want to address before writing your email, helping you stay on track and avoid unnecessary details.

Utilize Bullet Points or Numbered Lists

A useful technique to improve the readability and organization of your email is to use bullet points or numbered lists. This formatting style allows you to present information in a concise and structured manner. It helps your professor quickly scan and comprehend the key points you are trying to convey.

Whether you’re listing questions, summarizing important details, or providing multiple options, bullet points and numbered lists offer clarity and ease of understanding.

Proofread and Edit

Before clicking the send button, it’s crucial to thoroughly proofread and edit your email . Review it with a keen eye for any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or typos that may have slipped through. Consider reading your email aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.

Pay attention to the overall flow and coherence of your message. Editing ensures that your email reflects professionalism and attention to detail, making a positive impression on your professor.

Maintain a Professional Tone

When communicating with professors via email, it’s essential to adopt a professional tone throughout your message . Avoid using informal language, abbreviations, or slang terms that might diminish the formality of your communication.

Address your professor respectfully, using appropriate titles (e.g., Dr., Professor) and polite language. Maintain a courteous and respectful tone, demonstrating your understanding of the academic environment and your appreciation for their expertise.

Tips for Writing an Email to a Teacher

Demonstrate Enthusiasm and Interest

Expressing genuine enthusiasm and interest in the subject matter can greatly enhance your email’s impact. Let your professor know that you are genuinely engaged and passionate about the topic or course.

Use positive and proactive language to convey your eagerness to learn and explore the subject further. This enthusiasm demonstrates your dedication and commitment, making your email more compelling and memorable.

Respect Email Response Time

It’s important to be mindful of your professor’s email response time expectations . Keep in mind that professors have numerous responsibilities, including teaching, research, and administrative tasks.

They may not be able to respond immediately . Allow them a reasonable amount of time to reply before assuming they have overlooked your email or require a follow-up. Patience and understanding are key when waiting for their response.

Appropriate Follow-up

If you haven’t received a response within a reasonable timeframe or your inquiry is time-sensitive, it may be appropriate to send a polite follow-up email . When doing so, be considerate and understanding of the professor’s workload.

Use a respectful tone, express gratitude for their time, and restate the purpose of your initial email. Avoid coming across as pushy or demanding, and give them an opportunity to respond at their earliest convenience.

By incorporating these best practices, you demonstrate professionalism, respect, and effective communication skills when emailing professors. These strategies increase the likelihood of receiving a prompt and helpful response, establishing a positive rapport with your professors.

How to email a teacher

Email Templates for Different Scenarios

When it comes to emailing your professor, having templates for different scenarios can be a real time-saver. These templates provide a starting point and ensure that your emails are well-structured and effective. Here are some email templates for various scenarios you may encounter:

Email Template For Introducing Yourself To A Professor

This template is helpful when you’re beginning a new course or semester and want to establish a positive relationship with your professor from the start. Introducing yourself allows the professor to get to know you and creates a foundation for open communication.

Expressing your enthusiasm for the course shows your genuine interest and dedication to learning. By briefly mentioning a specific topic or area of interest, you demonstrate your engagement and encourage the professor to provide additional resources or insights if applicable.

Remember to keep the email concise while still conveying your excitement for the class.

Here’s the template:

Subject: Introduction – [Your Name] – [Course Name/Number]

Dear Professor [Last Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a student in your [Course Name/Number] this semester. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and express my enthusiasm for the course.

I am particularly interested in [mention specific topic or area of interest]. I look forward to engaging with the course material and actively participating in class discussions.

If there are any additional materials or readings you recommend, please let me know. Thank you for your time, and I am excited to be part of your class.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Introduce yourself to professor

Email Template For Asking A Question Or Seeking Clarification

When you encounter a concept or assignment that requires clarification, this template can guide you in formulating a well-structured question. Clearly state the topic or assignment you’re seeking clarification on to ensure the professor understands the context of your inquiry.

Being specific about the aspect you find unclear or challenging helps the professor provide a targeted response. Keep in mind that respectful language and a concise message will make iHere’s the template:t easier for your professor to address your question effectively.

Subject: Question – [Specific Topic/Assignment]

I hope this email finds you well. I have a question regarding [specific topic or assignment]. I am a bit unclear about [specific aspect]. Could you please provide some clarification or guidance on this matter?

I have reviewed the course materials, but I would appreciate your expertise to better understand the concept. Thank you for your time and assistance.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample email to professor seeking clarification

Email Template For Requesting A Meeting Or Office Hours Appointment

When face-to-face interaction is necessary, such as discussing a complex topic or seeking advice, this template assists in requesting a meeting or office hours appointment . Start by expressing your intention to have a discussion and briefly mention the specific topic or purpose.

Offering a range of possible meeting times or indicating your general availability allows the professor to find a suitable slot. Being flexible and considerate of the professor’s schedule demonstrates your respect for their time and willingness to accommodate their availability .

Subject: Request for Meeting – [Specific Topic]

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss [specific topic]. I am particularly interested in exploring [specific aspect or question]. I am available [mention a few possible time slots or provide your general availability] for a meeting.

Please let me know if any of these times work for you, or if there is an alternative time that would be more convenient.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to discussing this further with you.

Email Template for Discussing Grades or Assignments

When you need clarification or feedback on a graded assignment , this template helps you approach your professor in a professional manner. Begin by acknowledging the grade you received and express your desire to understand the evaluation criteria and areas for improvement.

Demonstrating your commitment to academic growth and seeking guidance from the professor shows your proactive approach to learning. Be receptive to constructive criticism and maintain a respectful tone throughout the email.

Subject: Grade/Assignment Inquiry – [Course Name/Number]

I hope this email finds you well. I recently received my grade for [specific assignment or exam] in [Course Name/Number], and I would appreciate some feedback to better understand my performance.

Could you please provide insights on the grading criteria and any areas for improvement? I am committed to my academic growth and would value your guidance.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

Sample email to professor about grades

Email Template For Expressing Appreciation Or Gratitude

This template enables you to express gratitude to your professor for their positive impact on your learning experience. Identify a specific reason or instance that inspired your appreciation, such as their insightful lectures, valuable feedback, or availability for additional support.

Acknowledge their dedication to teaching and creating an engaging environment. Remember to keep your gratitude email sincere and concise , emphasizing the professor’s contribution to your educational journey. Such gestures of appreciation can foster a positive relationship and encourage ongoing support from your professor.

Subject: Appreciation for [Specific Reason]

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for [specific reason].

[Explain why you are grateful, such as their insightful lectures, their guidance on an assignment, or their availability for extra support]. Your dedication to teaching and commitment to student success truly make a difference.

Thank you for your efforts and for creating an engaging learning environment.

Handling Challenging Situations

Handling challenging situations when emailing a professor requires tact and effective communication . 

Whether you’ve missed a class, need an extension, have personal issues, or need to address concerns or conflicts, it’s important to approach these situations professionally and respectfully. Here are email templates for each scenario:

Emailing a Professor About a Missed Class or Late Assignment

This template helps you express accountability for missing a class or submitting an assignment late. Apologize for the inconvenience caused and show understanding of the importance of attendance and timely submissions.

Request clarification on any missed material or opportunities for makeup work. By taking responsibility and seeking guidance, you demonstrate your commitment to making up for the missed class or assignment.

Subject: Apology and Request for Clarification – [Course Name/Number]

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to apologize for missing [class name] on [date] or submitting [assignment name] late.

I understand the importance of attending class and meeting deadlines, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I would greatly appreciate your guidance on catching up or any additional materials discussed during the missed session.

If there are any opportunities to make up for the missed class or late submission, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Emailing a Professor about Late Schoolwork

Emailing a Professor for an Extension or Special Consideration

​​When you need an extension or special consideration, this template assists you in making a formal request. Begin by expressing your understanding of the significance of meeting deadlines.

Provide a concise explanation of the circumstances necessitating the request while avoiding excessive personal details. Clearly state your desired extension deadline and express gratitude for considering your request.

By demonstrating responsibility and being transparent, you increase the likelihood of a positive response.

Subject: Extension/Special Consideration Request – [Course Name/Number]

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request an extension for [specific assignment] due on [due date]. [Provide a brief explanation of the circumstances causing the need for an extension, such as unexpected circumstances or unforeseen challenges].

I understand the importance of timely submissions, but due to the circumstances, I am seeking your understanding and support. If an extension is possible, I would be grateful for the opportunity to submit the assignment by [proposed extended deadline].

Thank you for considering my request.

Sample email to professor for an extension

Emailing a Professor About Personal or Health-Related Issues

This template helps you address personal or health-related issues that may impact your academic performance. Begin by expressing your well wishes and briefly explain the situation without revealing excessive personal details.

Request a discussion to explore potential accommodations or alternatives to minimize the impact on your studies. Offer to provide any necessary documentation or information. By communicating openly and respectfully, you create an opportunity for understanding and support.

Subject: Personal Matter/Health Issue – [Course Name/Number]

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you about a personal matter/health issue that is affecting my ability to attend class or perform at my best.

[Provide a brief description of the situation, without divulging excessive personal details]. I wanted to reach out to you to discuss potential accommodations or alternatives to ensure minimal impact on my academic progress.

I am willing to provide any necessary documentation or additional information if required. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Emailing a Professor to Address Concerns or Conflicts

When you need to address concerns or conflicts with your professor, this template helps you initiate a respectful conversation. Start by expressing your well wishes and request a meeting to discuss the issues at hand .

Emphasize the importance of open communication and your willingness to work toward a resolution that benefits everyone. By displaying a proactive approach to resolving conflicts, you foster a constructive dialogue and potential resolution.

Subject: Request for Discussion – [Course Name/Number]

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to schedule a meeting to address some concerns/conflicts that have arisen in [Course Name/Number].

I believe open and respectful communication is crucial in resolving these matters and ensuring a positive learning environment. I am available to meet at your convenience to discuss these issues and seek a resolution that benefits everyone involved.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Email a Professor

When it comes to emailing professors, it’s natural to have questions about the best practices and etiquette. To help you navigate this process smoothly, here are some frequently asked questions on how to email a professor, along with detailed answers:

Is it okay to email my professor outside of their office hours?

While it’s generally acceptable to email professors outside of their designated office hours, it’s important to respect their time and availability . If your inquiry is urgent or time-sensitive, mention that in your email, but avoid making non-urgent requests during off-hours.

Remember that professors have busy schedules, so be patient and allow them sufficient time to respond.

Should I email my professor if I need clarification on an assignment?

Absolutely! If you have questions or need clarification on an assignment, emailing your professor is a great way to seek guidance. Be specific about the aspects you find confusing or need further explanation on.

Provide relevant details such as the assignment name and any specific sections or requirements that are unclear to you. Avoid asking the professor to do the work for you ; instead, show that you’ve made an effort to understand the assignment and seek their expert advice.

What should I do if my professor hasn't responded to my email?

If your professor hasn’t responded to your email within a reasonable time frame, there are a few steps you can take.

First, double-check that you sent the email to the correct email address . If it’s correct, you can consider sending a polite follow-up email , acknowledging that they may be busy and expressing your understanding.

Additionally, if your professor has office hours, you can visit them during that time to discuss your inquiry in person. It’s important to be patient and respectful throughout the process.

Key Takeaways on How to Email a Professor

In this article, we have covered various aspects of emailing professors with confidence . We discussed the importance of professionalism and provided tips on keeping emails concise, focused, and respectful.

We offered email templates for different scenarios, including introductions, questions, meetings, grades, and appreciation. We also addressed challenging situations like missed classes, late assignments, extensions, personal issues, and conflicts.

Key takeaways include conducting research, setting clear goals, proofreading emails, avoiding informal language, showing enthusiasm, being mindful of response time, and following up appropriately.

By following these guidelines and utilizing the templates, you can enhance your email communication skills and foster positive relationships with your professors .

To achieve the best results with email outreach, we recommend using a professional email automation software

13 best cold email platforms rated and compared

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Last Updated on July 14, 2023 by Edgar Abong

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How to Email Your Professor (With Sample Emails)

As an online student, you are going to have to learn how to email your professor. This is not difficult, but emailing your professor is not the same as emailing a friend. Being unprofessional can start you off on the wrong foot. You can follow a few easy steps to make sure your emails to your professor are professional and effective.

Let’s review some tips for emailing your professor and all the necessary parts of the email.

Does it matter how you email your professor? 

It may seem trivial, but emailing is a form of communication, and communication skills are valuable! It is worth taking the time to learn how to send a professional email. 

Before you write the email to your professor

How to find your professor’s email.

First things first, you have to find your professor’s email address. This should always be on your syllabus, but if it isn’t, see if you have a “Meet your professor” page or check out the school’s directory.

See if you can find the answer elsewhere before you email your professor

If it isn’t too time-sensitive or of a personal nature, you can also try asking other students (most online courses have a “Community Forum” discussion post where students can ask each other questions). 

Make sure that you check the syllabus, instructions, and ask other students before you email your professor to avoid wasting both of your time.

General tips when emailing your professor:

Make sure that you use your school email address (that ends in .edu), use standard formatting in your email.

This means: 

Use a professional tone in your email

You can make sure that you are professional by following these suggestions. 

Keep the email short and sweet

Necessary parts of the email.

Now you are ready to write your email. Here are the necessary parts to include in every email.

Subject line

Make this short and clear. Include your class and section # and what your message is about, such as “COM 304-Question on the argumentative essay”.

Greeting: How to address your instructor in an email? 

To know how you should address your professor, check how your professor refers to themself in the syllabus. If they refer to themself as Dr., address them as Dr. ________. If they don’t specify, then the safest bet is to address them as Professor______. This is my go-to. 

Start with “Dear” or “Hello” if you want to be more informal. Don’t start with Hey or Hi. This is too informal for an academic setting. 

Introduction: How to introduce yourself in an email to a professor

Always start by introducing yourself. 


Set a pleasant tone by offering quick well-wishes such as “I hope you had a nice weekend!”, sharing something you thought they might find interesting, referencing something you previously talked about, etc… 

Take a brief opportunity to be friendly and help build your relationship.

Purpose of your email

Call to action.

Make it clear what action you’re asking your professor to take. If you need them to do something, such as fill out a form, make this clear. If you just want a response to your questions, add a call to action for a reply.

Show of appreciation 

Closing: how to end an email to a professor, edit your email.

If you want to speed up the process and make sure your email is free of any mistakes, you could use Grammarly’s free browser extension. It provides spelling and grammar corrections and style insights. It is great for all types of writing.  

Frequently asked questions

What do you do if your professor doesn’t respond to your email .

First, check what time period your professor says they will respond to emails. This is usually stated in the syllabus or a contact/”about your professor” page. 

If you cannot find this listed, then a good rule of thumb is to give them 2 business days. 

After their specified time (or the 2 business days), send them a follow-up email. 

You can put “Following up on my previous email” in the subject line and include a sentence about how you are following up in the body of the email, but otherwise, be polite about their lack of response. They are busy; we have all been there. 

If you can, send the follow-up email in the original email thread. If you do this, you can literally just say, “Following up about my previous email,” and you don’t need to rewrite the email.

Do you need to respond to your professor’s reply? 

It is polite to acknowledge your professor’s reply. If you don’t have any follow-up questions, then a simple “Thank you for your help.” will be sufficient.

How to email your professor without being annoying? 

Sample emails to your professor for 6 different reasons, 1. how to write an email to a professor about disability accommodations .

Hello Professor________,

I know that the Disability Resource Center already contacted you, but I just wanted to personally “introduce” myself. A sentence or two where you mention your illness here/explain why you need the accommodations. I really want to do well in your class but may require some accommodations in order to be successful.

– full name   

To help me be successful in my courses, the disability office approved me for the accommodations: double time on testing and flexible assignment deadlines. Luckily, I have not had to use the flexible assignment deadline accommodation much in the past. I will make sure to stay in contact with you if I have any particularly bad health flare-ups. Also, regarding the quizzes, do you automatically set up the extended time, or should I contact you before each quiz (it varies from course to course)? Please let me know. Thanks in advance. 

Looking forward to a great semester, 

For more tips, check out my post How to Email Your Professor About Disability Accommodations .

2. Email to a professor asking a question 

Hello Professor _____,

My name is Grace Newman, and I am in your COM 453-74272 online class for the Fall semester. 

3. Sample email to your professor asking for an appointment

Subject: Course and section number : Can we schedule a meeting

Describe why you need to meet with them. I was hoping we could meet and discuss it during your office hours. I checked the syllabus, but I do not see if your office hours are over Zoom or by appointment only. Please let me know when and how I can reach you during your office hours. Thank you!

Hello Professor Smith,

I am unclear about the internship requirements. I have a possible internship, but I do not know if I can use it for credit hours. I was hoping we could meet and discuss it during your office hours. I checked the syllabus, but I do not see if your office hours are over Zoom or by appointment only. Please let me know when and how I can reach you during your office hours. Thank you!

Much appreciated,

4. How to email your professor asking for a reference

I am a student from your course/section number and semester and year . Talk about something that you liked about their class.

I am applying for an editorial internship that is looking for people with creative writing experience. I was wondering if you would be willing to be listed as a reference for me. I would need to provide your name and contact information. Please let me know. Thanks!

5. Sending an assignment to your professor by email 

Unless your professor asks for the assignment to be sent by email or it is an in-person class and you will be absent when you are supposed to turn it in, DO NOT SEND ASSIGNMENTS BY EMAIL!

I am a student in your course and section number (specify if it is an online class) .

Subject line: COM 453-74272: S.W.O.T Analysis

–Grace Newman 

6. How to email your professor about your grade

Subject line: COM 453-74272: Advice on improving my grade

Thank you for your time.

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How to effectively email your professor

If you have a question for your professor but you’re not sure how to ask or what to say, we’re here to help. There are a few basics you’ll need to know when reaching out for help that we’ve listed below. We’re also sharing an email template to help you get started. But first, check out this video that outlines all the ingredients you need for a successful and professional email. 

1. Take the time to check your resources. Before reaching out to your professor or TA with a question, check the syllabus and course materials for answers. If there’s a community forum or Slack channel for your class, search through questions that have already been asked and answered. 

It’s also a good idea to check your syllabus for your professor’s name, title and  contact information. They may also list how they’d prefer to be addressed in the syllabus, and when and where to message them (through Canvas, via email, etc.). 

2. Identify yourself. When sending an email to a busy professor, you can make it easier for them by including your name, class and section information (the days and times your class meets). It is also a good idea to include detailed information about the module or assignment you’re asking about (ex: Module 3 Discussion post) to help them find you an answer as efficiently as possible.

3. Cite your question. This is most relevant if you’re emailing about a grade change or a specific point of confusion in an assignment. Find the point in the rubric that reflects why you believe your grade should be changed, or a certain part of the assignment that you don’t understand, and take a screenshot to show exactly what you’re asking about. Doing this will help you ask more informed questions that your professor will be better able to quickly address.

And don’t forget to include what action you’d like your professor to take, whether that’s letting you know the answer to a specific question, setting up a meeting or responding with more resources. 

Start your message by filling in this email template adapted from Inside Higher Ed . 

To: [email protected]

Subject: Question on [include your question topic here] 

Dear Professor [Last-Name],

I hope you’re having a great [week/weekend/Friday, etc].  

I’m in your [class name] [section number] class that meets on [day of week] at [time]. [Ask your question or describe the topic you need help with here]. I’ve looked in the syllabus and [list what else you’ve done to find a solution]. 

[Name what action you’d like from your professor (setting up a meeting, asking them to review an assignment, etc.)]. 

Thank you for your time. I appreciate your help. 


[Your name]

Don’t forget to double-check your professor and class details, and give the message a few read-throughs for accuracy, grammar and professionalism before sending. Good luck!

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How to start your email to your professor.

  • “Dear Professor [last name]”
  • “Hello Dr. [last name]”

How to end email to professor

Information to include in your email, how to email a professor: your checklist.

  • Define your subject line: your subject line should be concise and effectively detail what your email will be about.
  • Make appropriate salutations: Begin the email with an appropriate greeting followed by ‘Professor.’
  • Detail your reason for the email: In the body of the email be specific and detailed about your reason for sending an email to your professor.
  • Attach necessary information: Depending on the reason for the email, it might be helpful to attach additional information. For example, if you are sick and requesting an excused absence, you might want to attach the sick note to the email.
  • Make an appropriate sign-off statement: Construct the perfect closing line by thanking your professor for their time. This shows gratitude for their assistance with your request.  
  • Sign your full name: Because this is your professor we are talking about and not a family member, it is ideal that you sign your full first and last name at the end of the email. This also allows the professor to look up any necessary information if your email address does not explicitly have your name spelled out.
  • Proofread your email: Reading it once again even out loud can help you catch mistakes or typos in your email.

Email to professor samples:

Clarify an assignment, notify of absence and request materials, email asking for a recommendation letter, request a meeting, bonus: write a follow-up email.

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How To Write an Email For Submission Of Assignment

Welcome to this informative article that will guide you on how to write an effective email for the submission of your assignment. If you’re unsure about how to draft an email for submitting your assignment, this article is here to help you!

Table of Contents

What To Do Before Writing the Email

Before you start writing the actual email, it’s important to take a few preparatory steps to ensure that your email is clear, concise, and professional:

What to Include In the Email

Subject line.

Choose a subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of your email. For example, “Assignment Submission – [Course Name]”. This helps the recipient identify the email’s content quickly.

Begin your email with a polite and professional greeting, such as “Dear Professor [Last Name],” or “Hi [Instructor’s Name],”. Use the appropriate salutation based on your relationship with the recipient.


In the body of the email, mention any relevant details or specific instructions provided by your instructor. Clearly state that you are submitting your assignment and acknowledge the due date. If there are any additional comments or questions related to the assignment, include them here.

End your email with a courteous closing, such as “Thank you,” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name and contact information. This shows professionalism and makes it easy for the recipient to respond if necessary.

Email Template – Assignment Submission

Subject: Assignment Submission – [Course Name] Dear Professor/Instructor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my assignment for the [Course Name]. The assignment is attached in the required format. I have completed the assignment as per the given guidelines and it is ready for submission. The due date for the assignment is [Due Date]. If you have any further instructions or clarifications, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]
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How to Email Professor About Late Work

Last Updated: April 12, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. and by wikiHow staff writer, Caroline Heiderscheit . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. This article has been viewed 150,970 times.

With deadlines, jobs, activities, and relationships to juggle, managing your schedule as a student can be tough. If you’ve realized you’re going to miss a deadline (we’ve all been there), you might be wondering how to email your professor for an extension, to apologize, or to limit any late penalties. Don't worry, we've got you covered. Below, we'll walk you through how to email your professor, plus we'll give you some sample emails to inspire you, too. To learn how to email your professor about late work, read on!

Example Emails to Professors for a Late Assignment

Every now and then, it’s okay to miss a deadline. When this happens, send an email immediately and say something along the lines of, “I apologize for turning in this assignment late. Know that I take my work seriously, and I'll do my best to avoid this in the future. I would greatly appreciate an extension on this paper if possible.”

Tips For Late Work Emails

Step 1 Keep your email concise.

  • Don’t say: “I’m just genuinely so, so sorry. I can’t believe I turned this in late, and you have no idea how long I prepped for this assignment. I really am so sorry that I missed the deadline, and you should know that I will do my best in the future, even when I have tech issues, to not let this happen again.”
  • Instead say: “I apologize for turning in this assignment late. Know that I take my work seriously and I’ll do my best to avoid this in the future.”

Step 2 Include a subject line that's clear and detailed.

  • Don’t say: “Message from a student in Psych 104,” “Need an extension,” or “Hello from Randy Bernard!”
  • Instead say: “Extension Request for Psych104, Paper 2: Randy Bernard”

Step 3 Use a professional tone and be polite.

  • Use a formal greeting. “Dear Professor James,” and “Professor James,” are perfect. “Hey,” and “Hi,” are too informal and should be avoided.
  • Same goes for your signoff—choose a formal phrase. “Best,” and “Sincerely,” are great picks.
  • If you’re asking your professor for something, be sure to ask, not demand. Instead of saying “I need” an extension, say that an extension would be extremely helpful to you.
  • Remember to use “Please” and “Thank you," too!

Step 4 Apologize for your late assignment.

  • This could hurt your relationship and increase penalties on your assignment.
  • So instead, say you're sorry: “I apologize for my late assignment. I know you're busy, and I don’t want to waste your time.”
  • “I’m sorry for this late paper, especially because it communicates a lack of care and concern for my grades that I don't feel is accurate.”

Step 5 Ask for an extension if relevant.

  • “If I had an extra 48 hours to complete this assignment, I’d be able to fully explore and structure my insights for this term paper.”
  • “I would greatly appreciate an extension on this project. With a little more time, I could turn in my very best work and learn even more from this assignment."

Step 6 Include helpful context.

  • “Last night, my dog had a bar of chocolate without me realizing. I’ve spent the entire evening with her at the vet.”
  • "To be entirely honest, I've been dealing with some mental health issues that are seriously affecting my schoolwork."
  • If you can, avoid lying. If you're granted an extension and the truth comes out later on, you could face major consequences.

Step 7 Take responsibility instead of avoiding blame.

  • Don’t say: “Honestly, it was out of my hands entirely. I’m a victim of circumstance, and that’s why my assignment is late.”
  • Instead say: “It's true that I didn’t plan for this to happen. That being said, if I’d started earlier, this wouldn’t have been an issue. So I know, ultimately, this is my fault. I take full responsibility.”

Step 8 Say that it won’t happen again and you take school seriously.

  • “This isn’t like me, and in the future, I promise to do better.”
  • “I take my schoolwork very seriously. If it weren’t for my dog’s illness, I would have made getting this assignment in my top priority.”

Step 9 Attach relevant documents.

Sample Emails

Step 1

Why You Should Email Your Professor About Late Work

Step 1 You could get a deadline extension for your assignment.

  • Policies around extensions differ from school to school, but by writing an A+ email, you can only help your chances.
  • Generally, professors only give you an extension under extenuating circumstances, like a major accident. They're going to be less inclined to extend an assignment if you had competing priorities, like work.
  • Professors are people too, and they want to help! Especially if you don’t have a history of late work, when you plead your case, they may be more forgiving than you’d expect.

Step 2 You might limit the number of points docked on your assignment.

  • Especially if you had a major, unforeseen factor pop up in the final moments before submitting your assignment, you may be able to explain and limit your punishment.

Step 3 Your professor will know that you take school seriously.

  • By offering a respectful and honest apology for your late assignment, you can improve your relationship with your professor, earn their respect, and possibly limit your late assignment’s penalties.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

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  • ↑ https://dean.williams.edu/files/2010/09/Guide-to-Emailing-Professors-1.pdf
  • ↑ https://advising.yalecollege.yale.edu/how-write-email-your-instructor
  • ↑ https://studentaffairs.loyno.edu/health-counseling/university-counseling-center/news-ucc/emailing-your-professor-tips-tricks-health
  • ↑ https://www.bestcolleges.com/blog/how-to-ask-for-an-extension/
  • ↑ https://www.makemyassignments.com/blog/how-to-complete-your-assignments-before-the-deadline/
  • ↑ https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2019/09/23/tips-handling-missed-deadline-opinion

About This Article

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

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Sample Email To Professor about Grades | 31 Templates

Whether you need your professor’s help to change your grade or let you know how to improve your marks, you need to let them know by writing a really good email. Here is the ultimate list of 31 Templates & Sample Emails To A Professor about Grades.

Dear Professor [name],

I hope you are well. I’m writing to ask about my grades for the [course name] course. I have been working hard on the course and have made an effort to be more organized and disciplined in my studies this semester, but I was disappointed to see that my grade has not improved from last semester. I know that I can do better, and it would mean a lot to me if you could help me get there. Please let me know what steps I can take to improve my performance in your class so that I can meet or exceed your expectations next semester.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Dear Professor, I hope you’re having a great week. I’m writing to you because I was curious about my grades in your class.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what’s important to me, and how I can use my time most effectively. In light of that, I want to ask if there’s anything that I could do in order to improve my grade.

Let me know if there’s anything specific I can work on so I can make sure that my grades are the best they can be.

Dear Professor,

I wanted to reach out to you about my grades. I know you’re busy, so I’ll try to keep this brief. In the past two weeks, all of my grades have dropped significantly. I’ve been working hard and focusing on studying, and it’s really frustrating that my grades are not reflecting this. I know that many factors could be influencing this—perhaps I’m not understanding the material well enough or perhaps other students are doing better than me in class discussions or on assignments—but whatever is causing this issue, I would like for you to look into it as soon as possible so that we can work on improving them before finals start next week.

In addition to this, I am hoping that you will consider increasing my grade from a C+ to a B- for Chapter Two of our textbook. After a careful review of the assignment rubric for this chapter, I believe that my paper meets all requirements for a higher grade.

I’m writing to you to ask you to reconsider my grade on the assignment that we turned in last week. We had a lot of people working on it, and I think it’s unfair to penalize me for the mistakes of others. The work I did was excellent, but there were some errors in the rest of our group’s work that should have been caught.

I know you’re busy, so I’ll try not to take up too much of your time here. The answer key says that we got 10 points off because of the incorrect grammar in one section and another 10 off because we didn’t use correct capitalization throughout the paper. These mistakes were due to other members of our group—they were not my responsibility. Could you please reconsider those points?

Thank you for your consideration and for allowing me this opportunity to speak on behalf of myself and my teammates.

I hope you’re doing well! It’s been a while since we last spoke, and I wanted to reach out about my grades from this semester.

You may recall that I struggled a bit with some of the course material early on in the semester, but I think things are coming together for me now. I had a few questions about my grade for the final project (a little higher than what I was expecting), and also for my midterm exam (a little lower than what I was expecting). Could we talk sometime soon about these grades?

I look forward to hearing from you!

First off, let me apologize for the delay in reaching out. I’ve been very busy with school and work. That said, I was hoping you could help me get my grade changed on this assignment.

I know it’s not your fault that there was a miscommunication about how much time we would have to finish the assignment, but regardless of who is at fault, it has made things difficult for me in terms of my overall grade. If you could consider changing my grade from a C- to a B it would really help me out!

Thank you so much for your time and consideration!

I’m writing to ask if there’s any way you could change my grade in [course name] to a higher one. I really believe that I deserve it, and I’d be really grateful if you could help me out.

I know that you’re busy, so I’ll just explain why I think this is really important for me.

The first reason is that I’ve been working really hard on this course, and the last thing I want is to fail! I don’t want to disappoint my family, who have been so supportive of me all along.

Another reason is that my grades are important when it comes time to apply for graduate school next year. If this grade stays where it is now, it will make it harder for me to be accepted in my program of choice. Thank you for your consideration,

I’m writing to ask if you could please look over my grades in the course, as I think I may have misunderstood the grading rubric. The reason I’m asking is that my A- was a little bit lower than I was expecting. I know that there were several mistakes in my paper, but I thought that they would not have such a big impact on my overall grade. However, as it turns out, they did.

I hope that you will be able to consider this appeal with an open mind.

I am writing to you because I need your advice. I have been struggling with my grades this semester and I would love to get some feedback on how I can improve them.

Your help is very much appreciated,

[your name]

Sample Email To Professor about Grades

Dear Professor [last name],

I’m writing to ask about my grade in [class name]. It was a tough class, and I know that I struggled with a few of the assignments, but I feel like I did the best job I could. Can you please take a look at my work and let me know if there’s anything else I can do to improve my grade?

I’m writing to ask that you reconsider the grade I received on my essay. I am confident that if you re-read it, you will see that it is clearly above average, and therefore deserves a higher grade than the one you gave me. I have attached my essay as well as my rough draft so that you may compare them and see how much better my final product turned out to be.

I also want to tell you how much I appreciated your feedback on my rough draft, which helped me learn a lot about how to improve in the future. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to help me improve!

I was hoping to discuss my grades with you. I know that some of them have been less than stellar, and I think it’s important to understand what happened and how I can improve.

My goal is to be a top-notch student, and I want to do everything in my power to make sure my grades reflect that. If there’s anything you can do or suggest that will help me achieve this, please let me know!

Dear [professor’s name],

I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to reach out to you about my grades this semester. I know that we have a lot of work to do, but I really want to make sure that I’m on top of things and can pull off an A!

I am writing to follow up on the grades you submitted last week. I would like to know if my grade will be changed. I think that there was an error in the grading system and I should have received a higher grade. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dear [professor],

I’m writing to you because I need your help with my grades. My grades are not as high as I want them to be, and I know that if I keep going at this rate, they will only get worse. I need to improve my grades and be more consistent in the future so that my GPA does not suffer.

I know that it is hard for professors to keep track of every student’s progress, but I would really appreciate any advice or guidance you could give me regarding how to improve my grades.

I hope this email finds you well. I have some concerns about my grades in your course, and I would like to discuss them with you. I feel that my performance in the class has been sub-par, and I would like to see if there is anything we can do to help me improve. I will be attending your office hours this week, but in the meantime, could you please let me know what my options are?

Hello, Professor [name],

I hope you’re doing well! I know I’ve been a little bit late with my assignments, but I wanted to let you know that I’m working on them as soon as possible. I’m also trying to improve my grades.

I believe that because of the stress, I’m not able to do well in school. But now that all the exams are over, I’ll be able to focus more on my work.

I hope this email can clarify any doubts you may have about me and my work. Thank you for your time and patience!

I’m writing to you about my grades in [class name]. I know that I’ve been struggling a little bit lately, and I wanted to reach out because I’d like to know what I can do to improve.

There are some things that might be outside of my control—like the fact that we’re taking an online course and it’s hard for me to focus sometimes—but there are also some things that aren’t. For example, when we were assigned a group project, I didn’t do as much work on it as the rest of my group. That’s something I can fix right away by doing more work next time.

Another thing is that when we were assigned a paper, I didn’t start writing until the day before it was due! That left me with very little time to edit what I wrote and make sure it was good enough for Professor [name] to read and grade. So while this is partly just an issue of being better organized overall, there are also specific things I could do differently next time: like start writing earlier or ask for help if things get too overwhelming.

I would  appreciate your feedback regarding this.

I’m writing to ask about the grades on my most recent assignment. I think I did a great job, but I was surprised to see that my grade was less than I expected.

I know you said in class that we would have a chance to make up for any mistakes on the first draft, but it seems like our last assignment is due very soon and I don’t have enough time to do another draft. Is there any way we can talk about this?

Thank you for your time,

Email a Professor About Grades

I am writing to you to let you know that I have received my grades for the semester. I am deeply disappointed in my performance on the final exam and feel that I did not do my best work. In light of this, I would like to request that you reconsider my grade for the final. I believe that if you look at all of my assignments, which are attached below, you will see that I earned an A in your class overall and was doing very well up until the end of the semester. If you have any questions about this request, please do not hesitate to contact me directly by email or phone number below.

Dear Professor [Last name],

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I am writing to ask that you reconsider my grade in [class name], specifically the [grade] that I received.

I feel like the grade was unfair, as it does not reflect my performance in the class. In particular, I had a lot of trouble with this assignment, and it is not a good representation of my work throughout the semester. If we could talk about this, I would be grateful.

I am writing to you about my grades. I think that I have been a good student this semester, but I have not been getting the grades I deserve. I have been working hard and following all of your instructions, but there has been a lot going on in my life outside of school. In order to get better grades, I would like to ask if we could meet for an extra session next week.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

I just wanted to let you know that I got a B- on my last paper. I think it’s because the assignment was very difficult and that the professor was looking for something more sophisticated than I could write. I will try harder next time.

I hope all is going well with you and your family.

I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I’ve been working hard in your class and am really enjoying it! My grades are not where they should be yet, but I’m working on them.

Thank you so much for everything!

I’ve been having some trouble with my grades lately. I’ve been working hard, but the last couple of weeks have been really stressful, and I’m not sure how much of my performance can be attributed to my efforts versus the stress. If you could take a look at my grades for this term and let me know what you think? I’d really appreciate it.

I’m writing to you today regarding my grades in your class. I am very concerned about my grade in [class name] and how it will affect my GPA. I know that this is not the first time I have spoken with you about it and I appreciate your help and patience with me.

I really want to do well in this class, but I find myself struggling to keep up with the workload and assignments. The material is very interesting and complex, which makes it hard for me to stay focused when there is so much else going on in my life.

I know that there are times when you have been lenient on grading—for example, allowing late submissions or allowing me to redo assignments—and I would be grateful if you could consider doing so again.

Thank you for your time!

Dear Professor Smith,

I’m writing to ask about my grade in your class. I’ve been working hard and think I deserve a higher grade. My grade is currently a C+, but I think it should be a B+. My reason is that I have been doing well on all of the tests, and I have also been participating in all of the discussions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

We have been working hard to improve our grades. We have decided to work harder in the next class and will try to do better. We hope that you will give us another chance, please!

Dear Prof. [name],

I’m writing to you because I have some questions about my grades on my last assignment.

Would it be possible for you to give me feedback on what you think could be improved? This way, if there’s something that needs fixing, I can fix it before the next assignment is due!

I really appreciate your help with this. Thanks for your time!

Dear Prof. [Professor’s Name],

I’m writing to ask about my grades for the past semester. I really appreciate your time and effort in grading my assignments, and I am very interested in pursuing a degree from your institution. However, I noticed that I received some low grades on my assignments, which make it difficult for me to get into the major of [Major] at this time.

I was wondering if there is any way that we could discuss the reasons why these grades were given and what can be done to improve them? Thank you so much for your time!

Thank you for your help and guidance with my coursework. I’m writing to ask about my grade on the most recent assignment. The feedback you provided was very helpful, and I appreciate all of the time you’ve put into helping me improve my work.

I understand that this assignment may not have been as strong as previous ones, but it was difficult for me to focus on writing because of some personal issues. If there’s anything else I can do to improve my performance, please let me know!

If you found our 31 Templates | Sample Email To Professor about Grades useful make sure to check out more of our templates here:

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A Guide to Writing a Deadline Extension Email to Your Professor

Stefani H.

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We’ve all been in that tough spot – the one where a deadline is creeping up, and you find yourself racing against time. You desperately need an extension to complete your assignment, but you find yourself at crossroads.

On the one hand, you understand the importance of timely submission, but on the other, you realize that getting that extra time will positively impact the quality of your assignment.

In such a situation, it is a good idea to write a professional email to your professor, asking for an extension. You need to effectively communicate your situation and make a sincere request for additional time.

What are the reasons to ask for an extension on an assignment?

There can be various reasons for requesting extra time for your assignment. While some reasons may be viewed as mere excuses, there are genuine and acceptable circumstances that may warrant asking for an extension. Let's explore some reasons for requesting additional time to work on your assignment.

  • Sudden injury or illness (physical and mental).
  • Sudden decline in long-term health condition.
  • Significant and unexpected personal challenges such as the death of a loved one or family obligations.
  • Natural disaster.
  • Technical difficulties hinder the assignment.
  • Additional research is required.
  • Overlapping deadlines or class schedules.

While the last three reasons may not be universally acceptable across all colleges, the key lies in how you communicate and present these reasons to your professor. Proper positioning and articulation can make a difference in how your request is perceived and considered.

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9 tips for writing an email requesting an assignment deadline extension

While you’re drowning in deadlines, writing a respectful, clear, and concise email to your professor asking for an extension is no joke. Let's explore tips for writing an email that could potentially secure that much-needed additional time.

1. Don’t wait till the last day

It's common to procrastinate when faced with tasks that are challenging or evoke negative emotions. Writing a deadline extension email is one such task, but students don’t realize that waiting till the last minute to write this email can undermine their chances of getting an extension.

Moreover, sending this request a day prior to the deadline (or, worse, on the day of submission) puts unnecessary pressure on the professor. Reaching out early shows that you are proactive in managing your workload and respecting their time.

2. Write a professional subject line

The email subject line is your opportunity to make a strong first impression and ensure your email is noticed promptly. The subject line needs to be concise, clear, and professional. Be sure to keep it simple and stay within the 60-character limit so it appears entirely in the inbox.

Here are examples of some good subject lines for your deadline extension email:

  • Request for extension: [Assignment name]
  • Seeking extension for [Assignment name]
  • Deadline extension request: [Assignment name]
  • Request for deadline extension: [Assignment name]

Notice how these subject lines are informative and to the point. One look at it, and the professor will know what you’re getting at.

Here are some examples of subject lines you must avoid:

  • Please give me more time!
  • Urgent help required
  • Extension needed urgently
  • Need an extension ASAP

Not only do these subject lines lack clarity, but they also sound demanding, impolite, and entitled.

3. Introduce yourself in brief

Your professor is likely to receive emails from several students, which is why it’s important to start with a brief introduction of yourself. It should include the following:

  • Course and section details;
  • Assignment details.

Here’s an example of the introduction:

Dear Mr/Ms [first name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [your name], and I am a student in your [course name, section number] class. I am writing to kindly request a deadline extension for the [assignment name] that is due on [deadline].

4. Address your commitment to deadlines

Now that you’ve introduced yourself before you move on to the reason for the extension, it’s a good idea to emphasize your commitment to deadlines.

It shows you take academic responsibilities seriously and understand the importance of deadlines. Don’t spend more than a sentence or two on this part.

You can mention that you typically prioritize meeting deadlines and explain that the circumstances leading to the request for an extension are exceptional. For instance, you can write:

Throughout the course, I have consistently strived to submit assignments promptly, recognizing the importance of timely completion in my own learning process. However, unforeseen circumstances have arisen recently that have made it challenging for me to meet the original deadline for this particular assignment.

5. State the reason for the extension

Coming to the meat of the email – the reason for the extension. This is the section that will get maximum attention.

Make sure you clearly state the reasons without beating about the bush. Provide a brief explanation of the circumstances that made it challenging for you to meet the deadline. Remember: stick to the important details instead of getting into unnecessary personal information.

Here’s an example of an appropriate explanation:

The recent unexpected family emergency I experienced required my immediate attention and has significantly disrupted my ability to meet the original deadline.

As opposed to the below that delves into unnecessary, irrelevant details:

Unfortunately, a recent unexpected family emergency occurred, resulting in a series of events that demanded my immediate attention and made it extremely challenging for me to focus on my coursework. The emergency involved a medical situation that required hospitalization and ongoing care for a family member, which caused immense emotional distress and affected my ability to allocate sufficient time to the assignment. I have been juggling multiple responsibilities and attending to various family matters, leaving me unable to give the assignment the attention it deserves.

6. Mention the progress made in the assignment

Many students make the mistake of leaving out the progress they’ve made while writing the deadline extension email.

It’s important to be transparent about the work you’ve done so far because it lets them assess the level of effort you have put in. It shows your willingness and dedication to complete the task to the best of your abilities.

Here’s an example of what you can write to demonstrate the progress made:

I have made significant progress on the assignment. I have conducted thorough research, gathered relevant sources, and started outlining my ideas for the content. I have also completed the introduction and have made substantial headway in developing the main body of the assignment. However, I believe that the remaining sections require more time to refine and polish to meet the desired quality standards.

7. Propose a new deadline

Your deadline extension email is incomplete without a proposed new deadline. It is essential to include a specific timeline as a proposal in your email, demonstrating your commitment to completing the assignment within a reasonable timeframe.

While the ultimate decision lies with your professor, suggesting a new deadline shows your proactive approach and respect for their schedule and course requirements.

Make sure the revised deadline is feasible and gives you time to finish it to the best of your ability. It’s also a good idea to briefly explain the rationale behind why you believe the proposed deadline is reasonable.

8. End the email with gratitude

While ending the deadline extension email, show your appreciation by thanking the professor for their understanding and consideration. Keep it short and simple without introducing any new information.

You must also use this space to show your willingness to discuss this matter or provide further information if needed.

Here’s an example:

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request. I truly appreciate your guidance and support in this matter. Should you require any further information or have any suggestions, please let me know. I look forward to your response.

[Your name]

Assignment extension request email sample

Here’s an example of a deadline extension email you can send your professor:

Throughout the course, I have consistently strived to submit assignments promptly, recognizing the importance of timely completion in my own learning process.

However, the recent unexpected family emergency I experienced required my immediate attention and significantly disrupted my ability to meet the original deadline.

I have made significant progress on the assignment. I have conducted thorough research, gathered relevant sources, and started outlining my ideas for the content. I have also completed the introduction and have made substantial headway in developing the main body of the assignment.

I believe that an extension of [proposed deadline] would allow me to complete the assignment to the best of my abilities and ensure a submission that aligns with the quality standards expected.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request. If there are any adjustments or alternative deadlines that better align with your schedule, I am open to discussing them. Thank you for your guidance and support.

Key takeaway

A part of you might shy away from writing a deadline extension email and wonder, “Do I really need to?”. The answer is yes because it shows that you take responsibility and respect your college’s policies.

The next time you find yourself in need of a deadline extension, approach it with confidence, professionalism, and courtesy. With these tips in mind, you can effectively communicate your request and navigate the process with grace.

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How To Email A Professor About A Group Project


  • February 2, 2023
  • Academic Emails

How to email a professor about a group project - unitwriter

You’re working on a group project and someone decides to play smarter than the rest of the team. You don’t want to report them but you’ve exhausted every option.

How do you inform the professor without looking like a snitch? How do you structure the email to avoid any problems even for the group member who’s refusing to collaborate?

Fortunately, we’ve got you covered as we’ve created some email samples for the purpose. You just have to modify it to suit your needs. Additionally, we’ve also included some tips that will come in handy whenever you’re emailing your professor.

Use Proper Title

Use school email, formal tone, correct grammar, identify yourself, clear and brief, explain your situation, don’t forget attachment, wait patiently, clear subject line, end formally, school website, course overview (lms), course syllabus, other students, template 1: updating professor on group project, template 2: requesting meeting to discuss group project, template 3: need professor’s support with group member, tips for emailing professors.

Let’s look at a few things to keep in mind whenever you’re writing an email to your professor.

Always remember to use your professor’s official title in your communication. Identify what their official titles are, before you contact them.

If they’ve officially earned the title “professor”, you should try and use the appropriate title to address them. On the other, you should use “Dr” if they haven’t yet received the “professor” title.

If you aren’t sure what their official titles may be, you can check the course syllabus or the faculty pages of the school website.

Examples: Dear Professor {{ Last name }} Dear Dr. {{ Last name }}

Every tertiary institution provides its faculty and students with official email addresses. If you don’t know the professor’s email address, we’ll show you how to find it later.

Keep in mind that your professor may not respond if you send them an email using your personal email or if you simply send it to their personal emails.

Using your school email also ensures that the professor will get the mail as your personal email may end up blocked by spam filters.

Some professors also try to ensure there’s a balance between their personal lives and work. Any work-related emails, especially from students, to their personal emails would simply be ignored.

So, if you want them to receive and read your email, you should make sure that you use your school email.

When emailing your professor, it’s important to keep it professional. No matter how close you are to them, you should avoid using any kind of informal language.

Emojis and other slang that you typically use with friends should be avoided. The professor would merely become irritated.

They might simply interpret it as a sign of disrespect so you should refrain from any form of informal tone or language.

So, unless the professor specifically instructs you to use informal language, always use formal language in any official email discussion between yourself and the professor.

Additionally, any signs of overfriendliness between faculty and students could raise red flags as the school has access to moderate these emails.

No one enjoys reading horrible grammar. Professors expect students at the tertiary level of education to have good writing skills.

This is especially true when it comes to writing short messages like emails. That said, everyone makes writing mistakes especially when the information is lengthy.

But you can reduce these mistakes by using tools Grammarly which can help identify errors in your writing.

Keep in mind that these tools aren’t perfect, so it’s advisable to read through them yourself or ask a third party to read through them before you click “send”.

Professors are people like us all and have been in your shoes at some point in their academic journey. Additionally, they’ve also had to interact with students with all sorts of concerns and issues.

So, they’re empathetic to your situation so long as you speak to them politely. So long as you speak to them politely, they’re likely to try their best to help you. On the other hand, they would simply ignore any student acting entitled.

The professors may not remember every one of their students. Don’t take it personal. Professors teach multiple classes and may not be able to remember every student.

You don’t want to give them additional work to do by not identifying yourself. No professor wants to spend the next 30 minutes looking through their student list to identify who you may be.

Either identify yourself in the introduction of the email or include it in the email signature. You can also do both to make things easier.

This isn’t the time to show them how verbose you may be. You may have the time to do that but that doesn’t mean they have the time to read through it all. Avoid writing long emails if you want them to read through it all.

Professors receive multiple emails from students, other staff members, publications, and more. Don’t make things difficult for them by writing lengthy emails. Shorten the email as much as possible while also maintaining a polite tone.

So, what’s the situation? Did you try reaching out to the group member to no avail? Have you contacted the group member earlier but they simply keep procrastinating or they simply refuse to work on their assigned tasks?

Make sure you explain this clearly to the professor.

Don’t forget to attach any necessary documents if necessary. Confirm this before you click “send” on the email. Can’t remember the number of times I’ve sent an email simply to receive a response that I neglected to attach the necessary documents.

They may simply ignore the email if you don’t include any necessary attachments and the results could be detrimental in the case of time-sensitive documents.

So, it’s advisable to always double-check to ensure that the email has successfully been attached before pressing the send button.

Avoid bombarding them with reminders or you can get blocked. If it has been more than 24 hours since they responded, you can send them a reminder.

Remember that some professors might not check their work emails on weekends and holidays. You must therefore be patient.

If you haven’t heard from them in a while, you can also go to their office. If you are going to send them reminders, you should be careful how frequently you do so.

Don’t wait till the end of the project to report a group member for not participating in the project. Reach out to the professor as soon as you notice the group member isn’t responding.

This allows the professor to also contact the group member to identify any issues that could be preventing them from participating. In this case, the group member doesn’t end up hating your gut, at least not completely.

Don’t forget to include a subject in your email if you want a response. Professors receive loads of emails daily and subject lines help them identify urgent emails so they can quickly respond.

It makes it easy for them to understand the content of your email without spending too much time reading the full body of your email, which saves them a lot of time.

Example: Update On Group Project

Thank the professor for their time and consideration as you close the email. If you didn’t specify it in the email’s introduction, provide your full name, class, and section information.

Example : Thank you Sincerely {{ Your full name }} {{ Class and Section }}

How To Find Your Professor’s Email

So how do you find the professor’s email address if this is the first time, you’re reaching out to them?

Check your faculty page on the school website. These pages usually include information about professors including their official contact information.

If your school uses some form of learning management system (LMS) you can check the course overview page for the professor’s assigned course.

You’ll find the professor’s official contact details on the course overview pages.

You can also check out the professor’s syllabus for their contact information. You’ll usually find the professor’s contact information as well as their attendance policies on the course syllabus.

You’re most likely not the only student who had to email the professor at some point. So, you can ask your classmates for the professor’s email.

Even if none of them has it, you can be sure that someone will provide some advice on where they may have seen it along the line.

Sample Emails To Professor About A Group Project

Email Subject Update On Class {{ Class title }} Group {{ Group name }} Project

Email Subject  Request For Meeting To Discuss Group Project

Email Subject  Request For Support With A Difficult Group Member


Hi there and welcome to UnitWriter. My name's Chris, an expert in crafting effective email templates for all occasions. I created this blog to share my knowledge, by offering tips and templates to help get you started on your emails. Hope it's been helpful

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The Cornell Note Taking System

Why do you take notes? What do you hope to get from your notes? What are Cornell Notes and how do you use the Cornell note-taking system?

There are many ways to take notes. It’s helpful to try out different methods and determine which work best for you in different situations. Whether you are learning online or in person, the physical act of writing can help you remember better than just listening or reading. Research shows that taking notes by hand is more effective than typing on a laptop. This page and our Canvas module will teach you about different note-taking systems and styles and help you determine what will work best for your situation.

sample email to professor about assignment

In our Cornell Note Taking System module you will:

  • Examine your current note taking system
  • Explore different note taking strategies (including the Cornell Notes system)
  • Assess which strategies work best for you in different situations

The best way to explore your current note-taking strategies and learn about the Cornell note taking system is to go through our Canvas note taking module. The module will interactively guide you through how to use Cornell Notes –  click on the link here or the button below. This module is publicly available.

Click here to Explore Note-taking and Cornell Notes

Just want to see a bit more about Cornell Notes? You can view the videos below.

Watch: What are Cornell Notes?

Watch: Learn how students use the Cornell Note Taking System

The Cornell Note-Taking System was originally developed by Cornell education professor, Walter Pauk. Prof. Pauk outlined this effective note-taking method in his book, How to Study in College (1).

  •   Pauk, Walter; Owens, Ross J. Q. (2010).  How to Study in College  (10 ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.  ISBN   978-1-4390-8446-5 .  Chapter 10: “The Cornell System: Take Effective Notes”, pp. 235-277

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