Essay: Health and safety in the workplace

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  • Subject area(s): Management essays
  • Reading time: 7 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 12 October 2015*
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  • Words: 1,891 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 8 (approx)

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Accidents and mishaps are unforeseen circumstances that can affect individuals and groups at any time and in any place. Most accidents are preventable, but the carelessness or negligence of the involved individuals leads to major injuries and grievances. Accidents can also occur in the workplace and seriously affect the ability and health of the involved workers.

The objectives of this essay to discuss the safety and wellbeing of all workers are necessary for the organization not only for consistent productivity but also due to regulatory requirements. Workers and human resources are the necessary components of all organizations due to their role in the effective accomplishment of objectives. Corporations cannot achieve long-term success and sustainable growth in the absence of motivated, safe, healthy, and effective workers. The health and safety of all workers are necessary to ensure the enhancement of productivity and efficiency at all levels and areas. Lack of safety measures can create havoc for the organization and negatively affect the working criterion of an organization. The management has to devise and implement effective safety procedures to reduce hazards and prevent accidents in the workplace. The can motivate the employees through this perspective as employees admire working in organizations that prefer safe working conditions. Employees believe that safer working conditions enhance their ability work because they do not feel scared in troublesome situations. The management should coordinate with all the related stakeholders when they devise policies about safety at workplace, as this would enhance a positive change in an organization. Different legislations also depict that organizations should focus on these perspectives and they should attain self-sufficiency in providing workplace safety.


Corporations in the current era focus on the development of employees and they believed in the ideology of benefiting employees through different approaches. Safety at the work force is an important aspect that many organizations of today’s world disregard. Many people face mishaps and accidents in various situations especially due to negligence, recklessness, and carelessness. Many accidents and serious injuries are avoidable and preventable by taking effective safety measures and reducing hazards. For example, drivers and passengers can avoid serious injuries and death by wearing seatbelts while traveling in cars. However, many people fail to realize the importance of seatbelts and face a variety of consequences in the event of an accident. Mishaps and accidents are unforeseen occurrences that can lead to several adverse consequences in the absence of effective safety measures and precautions. Accidents, disasters, and mishaps can also occur in the workplace and affect several employees in the absence of precautions and safety procedures. Certain mediocre organizations do not regard this aspect as important and they do not focus on safety at the workplace. The owners and management of the organization need to implement rules, regulations, procedures, and systems relevant to safety and health. The management also needs to ensure that all workers have ample knowledge and information regarding safety procedures, prevention of accidents, and safe working practices.

Human resources

Human resources are one of the most important assets of the organization with respect to success and growth. The success and growth of the organization depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of the human resources. However, the inefficiencies in human resources caused by any circumstances, occurrences, and events can hinder the accomplishments of the organization. Organizations take all necessary measures to ensure the productivity of all workers and employees to maximize profits and achieve organizational objectives (Blair, 2013). The wellbeing, safety, and health of all employees are among the highest priorities of all organizations. Organizations cannot take risk for their respective employees because an occurrence of a negative event would tarnish the credibility of an organization. Safe and healthy workers are more productive as compared to injured or sick employees. Employees that cannot work in safe conditions feel suffocated because of the risks associated with their respective work. Risks and hazards associated with a specific job or organization adversely affect the morale and motivation level of employees. The unsafe or hazardous working conditions have several long-term psychological and physiological consequences for the workers and the organizations. When a negative event occurs in an organization, it sets up the mindset of an employee. Employees would feel that this event would occur again and this would create hurdles in their effective working process. Organizations need to create a safe and healthy working environment for all workers to ensure high levels of motivation and enhancement in efficiency (Stricoff & Groover, 2012).

Safety at Workplace

Workplace safety refers to the prevention of illness, injury, and hazards in the workplace for all employees. Workplace safety involves the creation of a safe and healthy environment for all workers to evade hazards, injuries, and illnesses. Organizations can ensure the efficiency of all workers and circumvent a considerable amount of costs by ensuring workplace safety and health. Organizations develop different strategies through which they set up different work place safety policies and benefit the workers through this. Workplace injuries and illnesses lead to compensation benefits, health insurance costs, hiring temporary replacements, lost work hours, and lawsuits. Lack of concentration would cost severe damage to an organization and they should sort such issues in order to attain proactive benefits. Business can save a considerable amount of costs by creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all workers. Safeguarding the interests and wellbeing of the employees allows organizations to circumvent costs relevant to injuries and illnesses (Legg, Laird, Olsen, & Hasle, 2014). On the other hand, workplace safety instills a sense of commitment and dedication among the employees due to the safety assurance of the organization. The morale and motivation of the workers increase due to the implementation of rules that safeguard the health and interest of the employees. Employees feel that they are safe to work in this place, and through this perspective, they would perform well.

Purpose of Workplace safety

The primary objective of safety in the workplace is to create a safe, healthy, and risk-free environment for all workers. Workplace safety involves the evaluation, analysis, prevention, and elimination of hazardous and dangerous elements from the workplace. Workplace safety programs evaluate and remove the risks and hazards relevant to the safety, well-being, and health of workers and other relevant individuals. Organizations develop health and safety standards due to several reasons including laws, regulatory requirements, organizational policies, and historical occurrences. Certain industries and their associations bind organizations to work for the benefit of their employees and they force organizations to focus on different safety related perspectives. Workplace injuries and illnesses caused by working conditions or environment can lead to lawsuits, high costs, and deterioration of the corporate image. There are instances when employees at times die because of sever working conditions. Employees might got injured because of certain safety and the lack of safety would be the only probable reason of this. Enhanced safety measures and appropriate quality of these measures can reduce this perspective to a considerable level.

Safety at the workplace enables organizations to comply with regulatory requirements and prevent high costs resulting from injuries and illnesses. Several corporations can consider the fact that these safety measures would save their health and medicinal costs that would arise when an employees would hurt him. They should take proactive measures earlier through which people can benefit from these perspectives. The management can maintain high levels of productivity and efficiency by creating a safe and healthy working environment. Conversely, the employees work with dedication due to their perceptions regarding the commitment of the organization with respect to the wellbeing of the workers.

Importance of safety at workplace

Legislative and legal requirements are the most prominent cause of health and safety policies in most organizations. The Occupational and Safety Health Act is the primary law for the assurance of health and safety of all workers throughout the United States. The Occupational and Safety Health Act (OSHA) necessitates the dissemination of standards, rules, and regulations relevant to the safety and health of workers. The government establishes and enforces the standards for the safety and health of all workers and their families through the Act. All public and private organizations have to comply with the rules, regulations, and standards prescribed in OSHA (Jung & Makowsky, 2014). They would face legal complications if they do not comply with such policies and measures taken by the decision makers. However, many organizations develop and implement health and safety procedures to safeguard their interests relevant to organizational objectives rather than legal requirements. The financial and moral aspects of workers’ health and safety have a greater influence as compared to regulatory compliance. Corporations can save considerable costs by avoiding high insurance expenses, lawsuits, and employee replacement costs in the event of injuries and illnesses (Barling & Frone, 2003).

Manpower and Management

The primary objective of all managers is to enhance and promote productivity and efficiency in all areas and functions. However, the managers cannot uphold efficiency and effectiveness in the absence of a safe workplace. The managers need to create a safe working environment and increase the awareness and knowledge of all employees with respect to safe working practices. The employees and workers also need to understand the importance of workplace safety and reduce personal injury through attentiveness and removal of hazards. These safety hazards are negative for the effectiveness of organizations and create a long-term negative impact. The attitude of the employees, management, and employers plays a vital role in preventing accidents and creating a safe working environment. The negligence on the part of the employers and employees can cause a variety of hazards and accidents (Rahim, Ng, Biggs, & Boots, 2014). However, the diligence and commitment of all stakeholders regarding safe work practices leads to the prevention of major accidents and injuries. The employees and management can create a safe workplace through a shared responsibility model for workplace safety and cooperation. Organizations should own this perspective and they should realize the fact that it is their managerial responsibility to focus on this perspective so that employees can remain safe.

Conclusively, a safety plan is necessary and it comprises of certain steps that would develop a safer workplace. Organizations should make sure that everyone else in the workplace is aware of the core problem. People should notify their respective supervisors and they should file any reports if there is a problem. An important aspect is that people should realize that there is a problem as sitting back and holding the problem for a long time would not solve the problem.

Barling, J., & Frone, M. (2003). The Psychology of Workplace Safety. New Jersey: Amer Psychological Assn. Blair, E. H. (2013). Building safety culture. Professional Safety , 58 (11), 59-65. Cobb, E. (2013). Bullying, Violence, Harassment, Discrimination and Stress: Emerging Workplace Health and Safety Issues. New Jersey: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Jung, J., & Makowsky, M. D. (2014). The determinants of federal and state enforcement of workplace safety regulations: OSHA inspections 1990’2010. Journal of Regulatory Economics , 45 (1), 1-33. Legg, S., Laird, I., Olsen, K., & Hasle, P. (2014). Creating healthy work in small enterprises – from understanding to action: Summary of current knowledge. Small Enterprise Research , 21 (2), 139-147. Mathis, T., & Galloway, S. (2013). Steps to Safety Culture Excellence. New Jersey: Wiley. Rahim, A. N., Ng, H. K., Biggs, D., & Boots, K. (2014). Perceptions of safety, physical working conditions and stress between Malaysia and United Kingdom. International Journal of Business & Society , 15 (2), 321-338. Stricoff, R., & Groover, D. (2012). The Manager’s Guide to Workplace Safety. New York : Safety in Action Press.

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safety hazard essay

How to Write a Hazard Report - With Examples

Research gathered by Federal OSHA discovered an alarming figure: In 2022, there were 5,486 fatal work injuries. This translates to a 3.7 fatality rate per 100,000 full-time workers. 

What was one of the most frequently infringed OSHA standards? Hazard communication. 

Hazard reports, a critical safety practice, serve a dual purpose. Firstly, they are preventative, designed to address safety issues and concerns before they escalate. Secondly, they are a record, evidence that you and your organization are proactive about safety and meeting your duty of care. 

By reading this article, you will uncover:

  • The hazard report’s role in preventing accidents and maintaining regulatory compliance
  • The elements of an effective hazard report 
  • Practical tips for gathering evidence and ensuring clarity
  • Real-world examples of hazard reports 
  • Demonstrations on how to document and address common hazards
  • How to use hazard reports to foster a proactive safety culture

The Hazard Report And Its Purpose

The Hazard Report is a formal written document that aims to bring attention to safety issues before they cause an incident. 

Beyond preventing potential accidents, there are 2 key areas the hazard report plays an important role: 

  • Compliance 

Hazard reports are crucial for maintaining compliance with safety regulations. They demonstrate to regulatory bodies that your organization is actively engaged in identifying and mitigating risks. 

  • Continuous Improvement

Hazard reports serve as a foundation for safety audits and training programs. They provide tangible data that can be analyzed to identify patterns, improve safety protocols, and inform the workforce about potential dangers.


Elements of an Effective Hazard Report

To create an impactful hazard report, you need to understand its critical elements. A robust report should be precise, clear, and comprehensive. 

The Details:

It begins with a detailed description of the hazard, including the location, time, and conditions under which it was observed. This specificity allows for a quicker assessment and response to the potential risk.

The Evaluation: 

An effective hazard report also includes an evaluation of the potential consequences. This predictive analysis is key in prioritizing the urgency of the risks involved. Would the hazard lead to equipment damage, environmental harm, or personal injury? By outlining the possible outcomes, you help decision-makers take appropriate action.

The Recommendation:

The final element that your hazard report must possess is a recommended course of action. You are not just pointing out a problem; you are suggesting solutions. Whether it's a simple fix or a complex procedure, your recommendations provide a starting point for risk mitigation. It's the difference between merely highlighting a problem and being part of the solution.

Hazard Report Examples

Hazard report example #1, hazard report example #2, hazard report example #3, hazard report forms - examples of different layouts.

Each organization may have unique aspects to their operations, necessitating tailored hazard report forms. For a construction company, the form might include sections on equipment malfunctions or structural hazards. In contrast, a hospital's form may focus on biohazards or patient safety concerns.

It's crucial for you to familiarize yourself with your organization's specific form and guidelines for hazard reporting. These forms are designed to capture all the necessary information that your organization has deemed essential for addressing and analyzing hazards effectively.

Generic Hazard Report Form 

In the below example, we see that this report includes some basic questions such as date, description, location, people involved etc. An important note is that it explains in the beginning that the hazard report form is not to be used to report a near miss, incident or injury. 

generic hazard report form

The second example includes a risk matrix to highlight the priority of the hazard. It also has great use of photos for both the description of the hazard and proof of completion for actions taken. 

hazard report form with risk matrix and photo confirmation

If you’re interested in downloading our hazard report template, check it out below:

Tips for Crafting Effective Hazard Reports

1. fortify your report .

Writing an effective hazard report is an art that requires attention to detail and a clear understanding of the subject. Begin by gathering all necessary information at the scene. Take photographs, if possible, and record witness statements. These will fortify your report with evidence, making it harder to ignore or downplay.

2. Avoid Technical Jargon 

Next, focus on clarity and coherence in your writing. Avoid technical jargon unless it's widely understood within your organization. The report should be accessible to all employees, regardless of their expertise. Precision is paramount; ambiguous language can dilute the seriousness of the hazard and lead to inadequate responses.

3. Address the hazard while it’s still fresh

Lastly, be proactive and timely in your reporting. A hazard reported promptly is a disaster averted. Delays can lead to the hazard causing harm, or worse, being forgotten. Your quick action not only reflects your dedication to safety but also ensures that the issue is addressed while still fresh in the minds of everyone involved.

Wrapping Things Up

Effective hazard reporting has far-reaching benefits that extend beyond compliance. It cultivates an environment where safety is ingrained in the workplace culture. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the occurrence of accidents, leading to fewer workdays lost to injury and a more efficient, productive workforce.

From a financial perspective, the benefits are equally compelling. By identifying hazards early, your organization can avoid costly litigation, insurance claims, and potential fines. Moreover, it can enhance your company's reputation as a safe and responsible employer, which is invaluable in today's market where customers and clients are increasingly conscious of ethical practices.

Perhaps the most profound benefit lies in the empowerment of your employees. When workers see their concerns addressed through hazard reporting, it reinforces their value to the organization. This boosts morale and fosters a collaborative culture where everyone feels responsible for each other's safety.

To learn more about effective hazard reporting, or to explore your options in digitizing this process, please reach out to the team SafetyIQ today. You can get in contact with us here .

A hazard report is a document or form used to describe a potential source of harm or danger within the workplace. It typically includes details about the hazard, the potential risks it poses, and recommendations for mitigating these risks to ensure the safety of employees and the workplace.

Everyone in the organization has a responsibility for hazard reporting. While specific roles, such as safety officers or managers, may have more direct responsibilities in managing the hazard reporting process, all employees should report any hazards they observe to prevent accidents and injuries.

After a hazard report is submitted, it should be reviewed by the appropriate safety personnel or management, who will assess the risk and determine the necessary actions to mitigate the hazard. This may involve an investigation, changes to procedures, training, or physical modifications to the workplace.

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What is Industrial Safety? Importance, Objectives and planning

The thousand of industrial accidents every year caused the realization of the importance of industrial safety with technological advancement in manufacturing.

Most of today’s advanced & computer-controlled industrial processes involve large amounts of energy and have the potential for devastating accidents. So a well-engineered & reliable industrial safety system is essential for protection against those accidents and loss of life.

The safety movement was initially started in 1912 with the first cooperative safety congress and the organization of the national safety council of the USA.

What is Industrial Safety?

As per Wikipedia :

“An industrial safety system is a countermeasure crucial in any hazardous plants such as oil and gas plants and nuclear plants. They are used to protect humans, industrial plants, and the environment in case of the process going beyond the allowed control margins.”

In simple words:

“The management of all operations and procedures in an industry in order to protect its employees and assets by minimizing hazards, risks, accidents, and near misses” called the Industrial Safety .”

Why industrial safety is necessary?

The thousand of industrial accidents every year caused the realization of the importance of industrial safety with technological advancement in manufacturing . The dangers of human life are increasing day by day.

In order to avoid accidents, employees must be aware of industrial safety principles & danger areas of that industry. The following are some reasons why Industrial safety is necessary:

  • For the safety of people in their workplaces
  • For protecting the environment against damage from industrial accidents
  • For protecting businesses against serious losses from damage to plant and machinery
  • For eliminating accidents causing work stoppage and production loss.
  • For creating awareness of the good practices available for the delivery of effective safety instrumented systems
  • For providing basic training in well-established techniques for engineering of safety systems
  • For assisting engineers and technicians to support and participate in the safety systems activities at their work with good background knowledge of the subject
  • For being aware of what can go wrong and how to avoid it.

Because of safety first rule, all industrial personals must be trained enough about safety aspects of man, machines, and material & other infrastructure facilities for avoiding minor or major accidents. Safety is the first requirement and every industrial employee must learn safety measures even before he starts working on a machine or equipment.

industrial safety

Objectives of Industrial Safety

A practical goal of industrial safety is to lighten the environmental impact on the manufacturing unit and each person and the role of the industrial safety professionals is to find leverage or opportunities for considerable improvement using practical effort. The objectives of industrial safety systems are as follows:

  • Industrial safety is needed to check all the possible chances of accidents for preventing loss of life and permanent disability of any industrial employee, any damage to machine and material.
  • It is needed to eliminate accidents causing work stoppage and production loss.
  • It is needed to reduce workman’s compensation, insurance rate, and all the cost of accidents.
  • It is needed to achieve better morale among industrial employees.
  • It is needed to increase production means to a higher standard of living.
  • It is needed to prevent accidents in the industry by reducing any hazards.

Planning of Industrial Safety

In industries, the no. of fire hazards, accidents, industrial disasters may be reduced through careful safety planning. All those unfortunate events can be avoided by effective planning for safety. Some important considerations for industrial safety are the following:

  • Proper Plant Layout
  • Proper Fire Prevention system
  • Health & Hygiene
  • Proper Safety Training
  • Proper Alarms And warning systems
  • Appropriate sensors and safety gears for employees
  • Sufficient lighting in the work area as well as the pathways
  • Cleanliness & dryness of shop floor
  • Proper pressure gauges and other safety equipment
  • Electrically insulation
  • Proper signboards for safety instructions


Accidents take place unexpectedly causing injury & loss of men, machines, materials of that industry. Revolving, rotating, and moving parts of machines may be the sources of danger and require guarding for protection against accidents and Many such major sources are following.

  • Low light machine operation areas.
  • Revolving parts like pullies, flywheels, wheels, fans, gears, gear trains, gear wheels, etc.
  • Intermittent feed mechanisms like tool feed of planer, table feed of a shaper, ram feed of power presses, and similar other applications.
  • Revolving shafts, spindles, bars, mandrels, chucks, followers, and tools like drills, taps, reamers, milling cutters, and boring tools, etc.
  • Rotating worms and spirals enclosed in casings, such as in conveyors and revolving cutting tools, like milling cutters, circular saw blade, saw band, circular shears, and grinding wheels, etc.
  • Reciprocating tools and dies of power presses, spring hammer, drop hammers, and reciprocating presses, knives, and saw blade such bow saw, shearing and perforating machines and the cutting and trimming machine and power hacksaws, etc.
  • Electrical wires, switches, motors & control panels.
  • Oily & wet and dirty shop floor.
  • Moving weights, such as in hydraulic accumulator or in slotting machines for counter-balance.
  • Nips between racks and pinions of machine parts
  • Nips between reciprocating parts and fixed components, such as between shaper table and the fixture mounted on it or a planer table and table reversing stops, etc.
  • Nips between crank handle for machine controls and fixed parts.
  • Projecting sharp edge or nips of belt and chain drives; via a belt, pulleys, chains sprockets, and belt fasteners, etc.
  • Cutting edges of endless band cutting machines, woodworking, and log cutting metal find stone-cutting band saws, cloth-cutting band knives, etc.
  • Pressure containers like pneumatic cylinders, boilers, etc.

Industrial Accidents and Their Types

There are various types of common accidents as follows:

Near Accident:  Accidents with no damage or injury are called near-accidents.

Trivial: An accident with very little damage is called trivial.

Minor Accident: It is an accident with damage and injury more than trivial.

Serious Accident: An accident with heavy damage and a lot of injuries is called Serious Accidents.

Fatal: It is an accident with very heavy damage. There may be a loss of lives also.

3 Causes of Accidents

The accidents may take place due to the three following causes:

Human Causes

Mechanical causes, environmental causes.

Very common human causes for accidents are as follows:

  • Operating or working at an unsafe speed.
  • Working on unsafe or dangerous equipment or machinery.
  • Operating machines without knowledge, without safety precautions, or without safety devices.
  • Working for a long duration of work.
  • Use of improper tools.
  • Working with mental worries, ignorance, carelessness, nervousness, dreaming, etc.

Very common mechanical causes of accidents are as follows:

  • Use of unguarded or improper guarded machines or equipment.
  • The use of old, poorly maintained or unsafe equipment may result in accidents.
  • Improper material handling system and improper plant layout.
  • Not using safety devices such as helmets, goggles, gloves, masks, etc.
  • Working at improper temperature and humidity causes fatigue to the workers for chances of accidents.
  • he presence of dust fumes and smoke in the working area.
  • Poor housekeeping, congestion, blocked exits, bad plant layout, etc.
  • Inadequate illumination.
  • Improper ventilation may also lead to industrial accidents.
  • Lack of cleanliness.

Scope of Industrial Safety training for workers

Understanding of the importance of workplace safety instructions.

Workers, machine operators, and other employees should need to know & understand all the safety instructions. They should also understand how a work-related injury can affect their lives. Safety instructions boards must be placed in an appropriate location in order to everybody who enters the workplace can read it first.

Identifying Workplace Hazards

There are a lot of visible and hidden hazards that can cause accidents. So every worker or employee should need to have a concrete understanding of the types of hazards that exist in the workplace and how to recognize them. Key hazards include machinery; spares, vehicles; electrical hazards; noise, chemicals, stress, and ergonomic hazards, which can all be presented in a visible or hidden form.

Understand How to Reduce Risk

Every machine operator or worker must be trained to reduce accident risk. They should learn to connect hazards and hazard controls, like sensors, alarms, machine guards, and fire extinguishers. They should always use personal protective equipment like safety shoes, glasses, gloves, etc.

How to React in an Emergency

Even if all of the other hazards they may be exposed to are adequately controlled, workers may face emergencies at work right alongside their non-disabled coworkers. They need to know how to recognize an emergency and must be trained in emergency procedures.

Responsibilities at Work

Every employee and workers need to know that they are responsible for knowing and following all safety and health rules and safe work practices, reporting all injuries, using the safety gear that’s provided for them, and reporting any unsafe conditions that they see.

Reporting the Problems at Work

Once they know how to identify workplace hazards or other safety-related problems, employees must share that information with a responsible officer like a supervisor other individuals who are responsible for solving safety problems.

The safety and productivity of people, machines, and processes is a key element of any sustainable business. Industrial safety systems have been used for many years to perform safety functions in the manufacturing industries. In most situations, safety is best achieved by inherently safe process design, Protection layer systems such as sensors, alarms, and personal protection equipment.

These may be combined with protective systems to address any residual identified and counter risk. Protective systems can rely on different technologies such as chemical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic.

Companies and the operators who manage their production facilities demand the highest level of safety. This high level of safety helps protect personnel, the environment, and assets while maintaining maximum uptime and minimal operational disruption.

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Safety Management System: OSHA

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Safety and Health, Essay Example

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In Chapter 24, the focus is on chemical compounds.  The interest in chemicals by the general public has become greatly increased recently due to chemical catastrophes in India, Michigan, New York, and other locations.  In India in 1988, methyl isocyanate gas leaked from a chemical plant and settled over a 15 square mile area.  The chemical killed 2,500 people and injured 20,000 others.  Because of events like this, the public has become rightly concerned with chemicals.  There are a multitude of chemical compounds, greater than 3,000,000 registered compounds, of which approximately 60,000 have economic value in the marketplace.  Another estimated 700-1000 compounds enter the marketplace each year.  According to NIOSH, 5000 chemicals have some inherent hazards.  However, only 500 chemical compounds have published exposure standards.  So, many chemicals are lacking published hazards.

The three main types of hazards for chemicals are: 1. health effects , 2. fires and explosions, and 3. reactivity with other materials.  Chapter 24 mainly focuses on the different health effects of chemical compounds.  It is important to note that the hazards are interrelated.  That is, a fire can cause a chemical to become less stable and more reactive.  As the chemical becomes more reactive it can cause more serious health effects, so it becomes very important to understand how to properly address each of the hazards without causing greater hazards.

Since the focus of this chapter is health effects, this summary will mainly address those concerns.  There are three main entries into the body for chemicals, inhalation, ingestion, and absorption.  To understand the health effects of inhalation, one must understand the two forms of airborne contaminants: particulates and gases or vapors.  Particulates are classified by their size and chemical makeup and include dusts, fumes, smoke, aerosols, and mists.  The shape of the particulate is also important as some are spherical while others are long and fibrous.  Dusts are made of fine particulate matter created from processes that break matter into smaller pieces.  Fumes are fine solids often formed from the condensation of vapors.  Smoke is carbon or soot particles that result from incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials.  Aerosols are solid or liquid particulates that are dispersed in the air.  Mists are liquid droplets that are suspended in or falling through air.  Gases are a different state of matter from solids or liquids.  Lastly, vapors are the gaseous phase of a substance that is a liquid at normal temperature and pressure.

When chemicals enter the body, they often affect particular organs of the body.  The effects on the organs can cause physical change, such as headache and nausea, and behavioral change, such as hallucinations and confusion.  Three factors determine the damage that the chemical will cause.  One is the type and form of the substance, two is the type and rate of exposure, and three is what happens to the substance in the body.  The time of exposure affects the latency period.  Some chemicals cause immediate effects while others may not have effects for years, as is the case with carcinogens.  Time also determines if an exposure is acute or chronic.  An acute exposure is one that causes damage in a single short exposure.  A chronic exposure is one that causes damage over a long period of multiple exposures.  Additionally, health effects can be local or systemic.  A local effect is one that causes injury to eyes, skin, or the respiratory tract after one or more exposures.  A systemic effect occurs when a substance enters the body and disrupts organs or other biological functions.  Interestingly, chemicals known as asphyxiants do not directly affect the body.  Instead, they displace oxygen which then causes damage to the organs and tissues of the body.  Some of the most serious health effects from chemicals are carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens.  A substance that falls into one of these three categories causes damage to the DNA of a person resulting in a wide-range of effects for a long period of time.

Interestingly, not every person reacts the same to a chemical.  Some people have allergies to chemicals that cause increased responses.  Others become desensitized through exposure and do not show health effects until they are placed in repeated exposures.

So, what methods are used to assess the toxic properties of these chemicals, given that they have sometimes serious and wide-ranging effects?  The first method is through human experimentation.  However, it is unethical to test chemicals on humans for toxicity.  So, human experimentation is no longer used to test chemicals if the chemical is suspected to be toxic.  Another more useful method of assessing toxicity is through human experience.  While we do not allow humans to be exposed on purpose, sometimes they are exposed through accident.  By studying the outcomes of these accidents, the effects of the chemicals involved can be gauged.  Most toxicity data comes from the use of animal experimentation.  When chemicals are tested on animals that are similar in physiology to humans, much can be learned about their effects.  There are some drawbacks to this procedure.  For instance, a chemical with a long latency time must be tested at higher doses than a human would normally encounter in order to speed up the effects.  This process means that the animal experiments are useful for the study of toxicity in humans but not completely reliable.  Lastly, chemicals can be tested on microorganisms in order to more quickly get results.  These tests are generally short-term as microorganisms have such a short life.  The most common of these tests is the Ames test.

Chemicals are some of man’s greatest inventions, but they have the potential for great harm.  One must understand how the chemical works and how it can be toxic to a human in order to handle it safely.

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Essay on Hazards and Mitigation Strategies


A hazard is a naturally occurring event that has a negative effect or threat on humans and the physical environment (NASA, 2021). When a hazardous event occurs and causes extreme harm to the environment and humans negatively it is called a natural disaster. A hazard can be natural or human-made. Natural hazards are a result of naturally occurring processes that operate throughout the earth. On the other hand, man-made hazards are triggered by some of the human activities carried out. For instance, when people crowd into low-lying areas or flood plains, they are exposing themselves to risk by increasing the severity of potential floods. Hazards have significant impacts on the economy, social and environment. The severity of the impacts of hazards depends on the details of human development decisions and the physical nature of the harmful event. The servility of a disaster is usually measured by the number of deaths it has caused or the cost of the damages it has caused.

This paper defines different types of hazards and the variables that trigger each hazard. It focuses on how these hazards are monitored and explains some of the mitigation strategies used to reduce the risks of the hazard. Lastly, the paper discusses ways in which we plan for or predict future hazards in space and time.

Hazards can be caused by several factors such as weather, geological processes, biological factors, or hydrological processes. There are several types of hazards. Examples of hazards include; earthquakes, floods, landslides, drought, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, infectious diseases, among others. This study focuses on earthquakes and floods types of hazards.

Climate Change

Climate change is the rise of average surface temperature on earth. It is refered to as global warming (NASA, 2021). It is caused by human use of fossil fuels which emits gases such as carbon dioxide. The gases trap the heat in the atmosphere leading to rising seal levels and droughts.

With the trends of climate change and global warming, droughts has been occurring all over the world. Drought is a period of drier-than normal situations that occur due to weather and hydrological factors (Society, 2021). Water shortage due to lack of precipitation like snow, rain, for a prolonged period result to drought. Extreme hot temperatures worsen the drought by evaporating moisture from the soil. Deforestation and soil degradation also causes drought. The severity of drought mostly depends on the time that a particular area will receive low precipitation. When a specific region anticipate low rains than usual, the soil gets less moisture. As a result, the soil starts drying out, plants die and rivers and streams reduces while some dries up. The reservoirs, wells and lakes reduce their water levels.

Drought impacts livelihoods, national economy and health. Drought has been been regarded as a key recuuring hazard of the Australian landscape with negative impacs on food systems and agriculture. The most affected is the agricultural sector. The Australian Bureau of Agricultural Resources and Sciences predict a 74% decrease in farm income due to drought (New York Times, 2021). In the past 3 years from 2017, most regions in Australia has been affected by drought due to reduced rainfall. Northern Murray-Darling Basin experienced great rainfall deficiencies.

safety hazard essay

Image 1: Drought in Australia (New York Times, 2021)

Floods can fall under the weather or hydrological type of hazards. It is a natural deadliest common weather hazard. Floods are an overflow of water that submerges a dry land. It is an abnormal rise of water in a place that is uncontrollable (, 2021). Floods build up very quickly and cover anything from a few inches of water to several feet. According to the National Severe Storms Laboratory, there are several types of floods. They include; coastal floods, river floods, flash floods, inland flooding, and storm surge.

Floods occur due to several factors. For instance, water rise above the river banks occurs due to excessive rainfall and snowmelt. Heavy rains can also cause dams breakage causing floods in drylands. On the other hand, tsunami, tropical cyclones, and higher than average tides cause coastal flooding and storm surge. Lack of plantations or vegetation can also cause flooding. Vegetation usually prevents flooding by slowing runoff water. Lack of vegetation causes water from streams and riverbanks to flood.

Floods can be harmful to both vegetations, properties, and humans. It causes economic and social problems. One devasting effect of floods is the loss of lives by carrying people away or drowning them. On 9 th  June, 2021, severe weather which involved strong winds and heavy rains affected the state of Victoria in Australia causing severe floods. In 24hrs more that 200mm rain fell while wind gusts over 100km/hr (The Guardian, 2021). One person was reported dead in a vehicle stuck in flooded water. Also, tens of thousands residents of Victoria were left without telecommunications and power.

safety hazard essay

Image 2: Victoria’s Floods in Australia (  2021)

In addition, floods cause property destructions building, roads, cars, among others. The damage and siruption of things cause a huge economic impact. Flooding can also cause water deaseas such as typhoid, cholera, and bilhazia.

Ways of Monitoring Hazards

One of the digitalized ways of monitoring earthquakes and floods or another hazard is the use of mobile APPs. Several apps have been developed to monitor disasters. An Example of such APP is Disaster Alert. This APP was developed by Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) in Hawaii. It helps users to search for disasters that are happening, such as floods, droughts, fires, tsunamis, among others. The application also helps in tracking a virus outbreak. Other APPs include QuakeAlert, Info BMKG, and Safety Tips.

Weather Satellite images in conjunction with radar instruments which are suited for differentiating between dryland and waterlogged are used to show the whole flooded area in a single picture. The satellite can show the intensity of floods, whether they are reducing or growing with time. The data captured by satellites can provide detailed digital elevation models of the areas exposed to the risk. The images captured helps in comparisons of before and after disasters enabling a rapid estimate of damage thus factoring out the cost of the disasters. The weather Satellite also helps in predicting droughts hazards. The satellite capture thermal infrared images that gives details about the amount of heat on Earth’s surface. The information is used to estimate evapotransipiration which measures the amount of water transferred from the land to the atmosphere via the plants and soil.

GPS has been used to measure storm systems. Equipping GPS on ground-based weather stations with a new sensor network, allows researchers to track storm systems in unprecedented detail. In addition, weather balloons can be used to monitor hazards such as floods. GPS when linked with sensors, is used as a tool to evaluate and predict flash floods and earthquakes. The researchers have added seismic and meteorological sensors that enable them to monitor hazardous events in real-time. Sometimes the sensors help in predicting them before they happen.

Mitigation Strategies

Mitigation strategies are the actions taken to prevent and reduce the risk and damages caused by natural hazards. Mitigation and prevention strategies are based on the risk assessment concerning environment and landscape, essential infrastructure, land use, and building codes, among others.

Construction of floodways, channels, and Spillways

Floodways and spillways are constructed to carry water that is flooded in dry land and channel it to rivers or dams. Sometimes river channels are modified to increase the capacity of carrying the floodwaters thus reducing floods. For example in Victoria Floods case, the state government in conjuction with floodplain management authorities and municipal councils are implementing flood mitigation in Victoria to reduce the effect of such floods in future such as drainage improvements.

Water and Soil Conservation

Drought can be reduced by implementing mitigation strategies like water and soil conversation. This strategy helps in reducing soil degradation, erosion, and water pollution. The practice used to conserve water and soil include crop rotation, erosion control structures, water rentention and detention structures, tillage practices among others. Soil and water conversation is done using two approaches; engineering measures and agronomic measures (, 2021).

Engineering measures involve establishment of check dams, percolation ponds which stores water for livestock and also recharge the groundwater. Trenches and contour bunds reduce the flow of runoff water enhancing the soil moisture by the retained water. Agronomic measures include season tillage, contour farming, deep tillage, and vegatition barriers which increase soil moisture and prevent soil erosion.

Planning and Predicting Future Hazards

There are several ways used to predict and plan for future hazards. A few examples of these strategies include;

Flood Recurrence Intervals

Researches use statistical probability to reduce floods’ risk and occurrences. The risk is usually assessed if the likelihood of a specific flood magnitude is known (, 2021). By measuring the frequency of floods of various sizes, the recurrence interval can be established. This strategy helps in planning and preventing floods.

Coastal Inundation Maps

These maps represent land elevations based on storm tide scenarios and the sea level rise. The maps help in identifying the areas that are affected by coastal flooding and understanding the impacts of inundation in such areas (, 2021). The maps help in preventing and planning for future hazards.

After the Victoria Floods in Australia, house raising is widely used to minimize the frequency of inundation of habitable floors hence reducing damages caused by flood (, 2021.

Natural Hazards Natural Hazards can be threatening socially and economically. The intensity of hazard is measured by the number of deaths it has caused or the cost of properties it has destroyed. Hazard assessments are done through risk assessment from a scientific point of view. Risk assessment also helps in determining the socio-economic impacts of hazardous events and how to prevent the risk. Although some natural hazards cannot be avoided, vulnerability and risk of hazards can be reduced through establishing ways of planning and predicting the hazardous event. Monitoring and developing mitigation strategies can help minimize hazardous events.

References List. 2021. A Guide to Drought Mitigation Strategies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 August 2021] 2021. Flood mitigation measures. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 August 2021]. 2021. Flood | Geoscience Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 August 2021].

NASA. 2021. What Is Climate Change?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 August 2021] What really is climate change?

New York Times. 2021. Extreme Weather, Australia, Fall Books: Your Thursday Evening.  [Accessed 16 September 2021].

Society, N., 2021. Drought. [online] National Geographic Society. Available at: [Accessed 17 August 2021].

The Guardian. 2021. Major flooding in Victoria leaves tens of thousands without power or telecommunications.  [Accessed 12 June 2021].

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Short Essay on Safety First [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s session, you will learn to write short essays on the popular term ‘Safety First.’ There are going to be three individual sets of short essays written on the topic covering different word limits.  

Feature image of Short Essay on Safety First

Short Essay on Safety First in 100 Words

Safety is the most important measure to take in our lives for any kind of emergency. We are often told about safety first. Safety means protection. We always try to avoid dangers or stay away from any harm. We work very carefully so that we do not get harmed by any problem.

Danger can come at any moment and any place. We are unaware as to when it will attack us. So having safety is our first and foremost priority. Whenever we are at home or outside, we must remember about it. We must never hurry into anything because that can cause us lots of risks. Also, we must keep a safety kit or a first aid box handy. This will help us to tackle any emergency when needed.

Short Essay on Safety First Example

Short Essay on Safety First in 200 Words

Safety means any kind of protection that we observe regularly. And safety first also means making safety our biggest priority. Maintaining safety is extremely important to us. It will keep our family and society safe and sound.

The country must have responsible citizens who can maintain safety. So being safe is for the good of everyone. We must always maintain safety measures. Be it in our home or outside, it will help us to live much better. Today we observe how difficult it is to walk peacefully on the roads. It is because people do not follow safety measures.

Some bike riders drive very rashly. They do not care about the pedestrians or people walking on the road. Often it creates accidents. These accidents are fatal and can kill them as well. The drivers do not consider driving safely and slowly. They drive the car or the bus at full speed. As a result, many people daily meet accidents on the roads.

Even animals are not free of these dangers. Little kids and aged people feel scared to go alone on the roads. Even in our homes, we forget to follow safety measures. So we face several problems and are hurt severely. The dangers can become serious if we ignore our safety. So safety first is our greatest duty to everyone in our country.

Short Essay on Safety First in 400 Words

Safety means protection from any sort of danger. The term safety first is, at present, a frequently used term. Safety is something that we prioritize first. Whenever there is danger, we must take an immediate measure of safety to survive the situation. Thus keeping safety as our biggest priority is the best task to do in our lives. We will stay prepared for any hazards that may arrive on our way.

Unfortunately, people nowadays do not consider safety as the primary need. As a result, we often face severe disasters. The biggest danger takes place outside our homes when we are on the road. The bike riders dive their bikes at high speed. They drive rashly over the roads and highways. Hence it becomes very difficult for the aged and the pedestrians to walk on the roads.

Anytime they can meet an accident, and can also die on spot. Similarly, for other vehicles like a bus or a car, we observe the same picture. The buses collide with other trucks and cars while breaking the traffic rules. It is a bad habit to violate the traffic rules and traffic signals for personal benefits. Maintaining safety on roads is for the benefit of everyone. We must follow the signals and use a zebra crossing while moving to a different route. Walking in between vehicles in a hurry or jumping down a bus while it’s moving can cause serious harm. 

Even on rail lines, we must be cautious. It is always advisable never to cross a rail line while a train is approaching. Similarly, standing near the door while the train is running at full speed can cause tremendous destruction. Some people often take selfies while standing on railways and even use them as fun places. However, it is stupid to take such things lightly. Everyone should remember the safety that can help them to live better.

Safety first applies to our household as well. If there is a little child or an aged person in the house, then these safety measures become very important. One must keep away all sharp objects, fire, oil, and other poisonous goods from their reach. Burners and cylinders should be switched off to avoid any danger. The doors should be closed so that babies cannot crawl outside the house.

Also, basic hygiene is a part of safety. Keeping the house clean will make it safe. Keeping a first aid box and some emergency medicines will protect us from any immediate need. Hence these basic yet important tips can enable us to live better. 

If you have any doubts regarding today’s lesson, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such sessions, keep browsing our website.

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Essay Home Safety


Children believe that their home is the safest place on Earth, where they feel comfortable and secure. While this is true to a great extent, we must not overlook the fact that home can also turn into a dangerous place for them. Through the essay home safety, we can see how a home can be a risky place for children and thus understand the importance of home safety.

If you are thinking about what makes a home unsafe for children, just imagine how it would be if your little ones’ fingers were deeply cut by a knife or the cooker blasted on their face because they were curious and wanted to listen to the whistle and they open it before the pressure is gone. Even the thought of harm coming to our kids will disturb us, and that is why we need to ensure home safety. This short essay on home safety will delve more into the topic.

Essay Home Safety

Importance of Home Safety

It is difficult to contain the excitement of children and restrict their movement inside our homes. Children are normally hyper, and the more we try to control them, the more they get out of our control. In such instances, we can see them climbing the window or sliding down the staircase rails, and we know how dangerous it can be if they slip and hit their heads. We never want anything bad to happen to them, and this is why home safety is given due importance in the essay home safety.

Children could also easily get hurt by the tools in the house as well as get a shock from electricity . Likewise, many instances emphasise the significance of home safety. It is our ignorance that leads to such accidents, and we can prevent them if we are a little careful. All things in our home are familiar to our kids, but they never understand the dangers behind these. So, it is upon us to make our homes safe for our children, and this short essay on home safety will tell you how.

Safety Rules at Home

The essay home safety will share the basic measures to keep your children safe at home. Most of the accidents could be prevented through our supervision, and we can make our homes a safe place for them.

While it is impossible to stop our children from playing and jumping, it is advised to keep sharp objects away from them and keep the floors dry and clean. They tend to inspect the small medicine bottles or chalks lying in the corner, so try to stack them on a separate shelf that they cannot reach. Otherwise, they might end up drinking the rat poison and cause harm to themselves. Even while working in the kitchen, do not put away the cutleries or knives carelessly. Also, keep the matchboxes and lighters at a height so that they never attempt to light them and accidentally cause a fire.

Apart from ensuring home safety through these simple steps, we can install alarm systems in our homes as they will warn us of any troubles. So, it is crucial that we educate our children and ourselves about home safety through this short essay on home safety from BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay Home Safety

Is it necessary to maintain home safety.

Although we consider our home to be a safe place, there are many dangers in it, and children hurt themselves. So, to prevent such mishaps, it is essential to follow some home safety measures.

What is the importance of essay home safety?

The home safety essay will be useful for parents and children to know about the possible dangers in their homes and how to tackle them effectively.

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Work Safety, Accidents’ Causes and Prevention Essay

Introduction, research background.

Since the Stone Age, man has often made his works, easier, efficient and effective through the use of tools, machines and equipment. Even with the better production processes and methods attached to the items, come hazards on the user of these items. These range from simple scratch to possible fatalities.

The rate and severity of damage caused by an accident at work place seem to increase as an organization size increases. In large organizations, several activities have to be put together to attain a given goal. Several activities mean that large and coordinated workforce has to be in place. It is this interaction among people and between people and systems that results to accidents. (Proctor & Zandt, 2008)

Crichton (2008) highlights that minimization of accidents in work place has been a goal that has always accompanied productivity. In as far as an economic entity is to produce, it should be done at minimal accidents occurrence. It therefore, calls for establishment of a safe environment which lessen the chances of an accident happening.

Safety in work place has been on one of the most contentious issues, attracting ubiquitous confrontations between management and those in operational levels. Even as an organization purports to economically operate, it can not ignore the welfare of the most important assets it possesses -human resource. It is also factual that these people will not be able to operate in solitary, devoid of machines and equipment. The safe interaction between the people and machinery should be at the heart of every organization.

Problem statement

An accident, injury or death caused to an employee or any other person by the mechanical nature of a business, means a consequent financial loss to the company and the victim or the victims dependants. So much is paid to insurance companies, usually corresponding to the magnitude of likelihood of accident occurrence in an organization.

Damage which accrues to a particular accident has incidental negative financial loss to the business. This comes from the repair expense to be incurred or the damage that happens to the products in process at the inopportune time. These losses can be reduced if management put in place sufficient safety measures in mechanical areas among other areas. In establishing and maintaining safety in work place, a business should identify the major cause of the accidents in its systems of operations. This study assessed the major causes of accidents across the business fraternity and suggested recommendations that would help curb situations from occasioning or alleviating damage that would occur.

Safety in work place is a wide area but this research project specialized on major causes accidents in workplace. Safety here emphasizes on the most vulnerable areas such as safety in points that involve motion of overall machine, part of it, the operator or goods undergoing processing. Other possibilities of accidents in workplace such as slippery floors, air conditioning, electricity accidents have also been considered.

The objectives of the study include;

  • To evaluate the impact layouts, stress, aggression and violence, workload and types of machines on rate of accidents.
  • To evaluate effectiveness of appropriate clothing to accident prevention
  • To determine the effect of accident (insurance expense) on business financial performance
  • Safety measure reduces the financial losses to a business.
  • Given layouts of machines and equipment influence the rate of accidents in an organization.
  • Inappropriate dressing and inadequate training accelerates the rate of accident in work setting.

Literature Review

This study builds on massive researches done by various scholars in academic institution and researchers in various organizations. Their allusions and insinuations in their publications may attract questions whose answers calls for a study as this one and comments to streamline the facts as presented in the work place away from concepts and theories (Mendez, 2011).

Theories and concepts

According to Huchner (2010) Systems portend the largest cause of accidents in work place. The nature of machines and equipment has a good take on frequency of accidents in a business. For instance the more a manual a machine is, the more the operator is prone to injuries caused by such a machine.

The human resources, at the same time do not escape the blame because of their imperfect nature and their Omni-exposure to erring (Whittingham 2004). The author delves much into theories and concepts, unearthing the level of weaknesses engulfing human being and how mistakes, ignorance, lapses and slips among others cause errors and consequent vulnerabilities. With the previous allusion that it’s the systems that cause accidents, the probability attributable to each the two causes still remain to be explored.

Hughes (2007) has a different look about the same issue. He focuses on losses that come with the accidents instead of the causes. In addition to loosing experienced expertise, time and products, a business incurs financial loss, underfunds its operations and as the vicious spiral whirls, its public image and general performance heads to a detrimental future.

It’s true that for a business to grow and maintain its going concern nature, the losses have to be kept at minimum while its operation are carried out in the most impeccable way. This can be done by preventing any interruptions fathomable (Apgar, 2000). It is always better to deal with the root of a problem, which in this study happens to be causes of perils at the work place. Ultimately losses will be minimized –the very goal of any business.

Conceptual framework

Various items are known to cause accidents in areas where machines and equipment are used. Due to the scope of this study, dressing, training, machines types and their layouts are considered. Their impacts were measured with regard to their contribution to the workplace accidents and the resultant financial losses.


To be able to come up with the data and subsequent analysis, historical data from a sample of selected companies were to be collected. A sample of 15 companies in was selected on convenience basis to represent the larger picture of situation in the entire businesses world.

The chosen companies also represent the two types of business sector, that is, manufacturing and service sectors. It is from these companies’ databases of work place accidents that information on aforementioned independent variables was collected for analysis.

From the warehouse of data and statistics, this study identified what each of the fifteen companies identifies as the major cause of accidents in its workplaces.

R esults and Discussion

Data analysis and discussion.

According to the data collected from the statistics of representative companies it is seen that, stress scores highest as the major cause of accidents in the work place. Various post –accidental investigations by the companies reveal a significant similarity on accidents resulting from human error; the causing agent, and most of the times the victim, erred because he was stressed up and did an action irresponsibly. At least 26% of companies attribute major causes of accidents at workplace to stress.

The results seen here are supported by Lee (1997) who explains succinctly the impacts of stress in work place. He reiterates that stress not only lead to lowered productivity but also is a major cause of accidents. The temporarily blinded and exhausted mind is bound to fail in coordinating other human faculties and therefore irrational activities that lead to accidents. When sober and devoid of stress, one is bound to not only carry out ones duty as required, but also be cautious of any latent dangers ones workplace exposes one and others to.

Workload and Multitasking

Workload refers to the amount of work that a worker is supposed to do in a given time. Multitasking is an aspect of workload defined by the number of different activities a worker is bound to do in a given period of time.

From the statistics collected it is seen that a significant proportion (20%) of companies mention these as the cause of accidents in their workplaces. Such companies cite exhaustion and lack of specialization as the forces behind workplace accidents. This is prevalent in businesses which are under the manufacturing sector where individual are involved in strenuous activities, which wears off the ability of these people to handle more work. Service industry is not exempted but it reports comparatively lower cases.

Inappropriate Dressing

It has been noted that poor dressing is a major cause of accidents in some companies. 6.7% of companies, most companies, especially those that produce chemical or use chemicals in their operations, face accidents emanating from poor dressing. This means that workers do not use the approved protective clothes and end up contacting chemical or inhaling the poisonous fumes.

Inappropriate layouts of machines

Machines especially those that are in motion have been identified to cause accidents too. 20% of the sample elements identified this as a major cause of accidents in their workplaces. When machines are place in areas where people moving to and fro, their activities are a hazard to these people. This is aggravated by the nature of machines. Manual, rotating and cutting machines cut the limbs of many in organizations while belts are known to grab people by their loose clothes or hair and dragging them along causing serious injuries.

Inadequate Training

This is a major cause of accidents, according to this study, for 6.7% of companies. Companies here mention that those that do not have enough experience or have not attained adequate training are the major cause of accidents in work places.

Aggression and violence

These come around due to poor relations among employee. A fifth of the companies have aggression and violence as their major cause of accidents in work places. Fighting or negligence as a result or disagreements leads to the unpalatable outcomes accidents (Gunningham & Johnston, 1999).

Companies in this category were unable to identify any major cause of accidents in their organization. Instead, their identified several causes such as the ones mentioned as well as others, for instance, malicious motives of some individuals, weather and other catastrophe.


As stated earlier, accidents in work place have tremendous consequences both to the workers and the company. Even though accidents cannot be completely eliminated, safety measures and mechanisms can be employed to reduce the frequencies of these incidents occurrences and their severity as well. The following may serve as some of guidelines to curbing accidents in workplace;

  • A company should, through the available means, ensure that the relationship among its employees is healthy, provide appropriate protection to its workers, give the proper orientation and training before deploying personnel to task. The company should also install their machines in location that do not expose workers and attach to these machine easily comprehensible warning labels in places where they can be seen. Precautions should be well explained during training and whenever need arises.
  • Potential hazards such as naked electric wire, chopping blades, rotating part and moving belts should be handled with much care. Harmful emissions in workplace should be prevented by regular checks of emission pipes and cylinders. Harmful liquid and other chemical should be transported in tightly sealed containers (Killham & Krueger, 2007).
  • All the precautions usually considered trivial should be observed. These include avoiding spilling liquids on the floor, aerating workplaces by providing ventilation, disposing off broken object and anything that may cause tripping.
  • Companies should strive to ensure that each of its employees is well emotionally. They need to combat the eminent stress that would results from conflicts from home or at work place. This can be done by incorporating relaxation moments in the course of job and promoting games, for instance, after work. This will mean there will be no buildup of stress.

According to studies, safety in the workplace is a fundamental issue which should occupy a good deal of business’ strategic debates. Cases of accidents cost a company detrimentally contributes to financial losses and even fall of some businesses. The amounts paid for insurance as well as other compensations add up to additional expenses that can be reduced by implementation of safety in workplace.

Safe working environment is a source of motivation to workers, an incentive for efficient and effective processes and an ingredient that lures qualified employees while acquiring and retaining customers. Positive public image thus assumed, widens the market and improve public relations.

Still, with the understanding that it is hard to get rid of risks, the organization will require efforts to maintain their combatant urge against accidents in the workplace. It is with these efforts that going concern will be able to plan, forecast and attain their goals since minimal contingencies will exist.

This project paper indicates that business operations are prone to differing likelihoods of accidents occurrence. It is also seen that an organization has a role to play in reducing these accidents. Appreciating safety in work place for serene and economical operations, calls for everyone to be a part of the effort.

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Crichton, M. (2008). Safety at sharp end . Burlington: Ashgate publishing Company.

Gunningham, N., & Johnston, R. (1999). Regulating workplace safety: Systems and sanctions . New York: Oxford University Press.

Huchner, P. (2010). Work safety practices: Staff safety and Management . Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Hughes, P. (2007 ). Introduction of health and safety in production . Burlington: Elsevier Publishers.

Killham, E., & Krueger, J. (2007). At work: feeling good at the workplace . New York: Gallup press.

Lee, D. (1997). The hidden cost of trauma in work place: The John Liner Review, 11 (3), 33-38.

Mendez, A. (2011). Compensation: Health Insurance. New York: W. W. Wiley & Sons Company.

Proctor, R. W., & Zandt, V. (2008). Human efforts in simple and complex systems . Boca Raton: CRC press.

Whittingham, R. (2004). The blame machine: Why human errors cause accidents . Burlington: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 22). Work Safety, Accidents' Causes and Prevention.

"Work Safety, Accidents' Causes and Prevention." IvyPanda , 22 July 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Work Safety, Accidents' Causes and Prevention'. 22 July.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Work Safety, Accidents' Causes and Prevention." July 22, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Work Safety, Accidents' Causes and Prevention." July 22, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Work Safety, Accidents' Causes and Prevention." July 22, 2020.

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