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Samples of my work: international relations (ir) & closely related areas.

  • Certificate Program in Global Studies and IR, Mexican-American
  • MSc IR, Asian Affairs Singapore
  • MA International Affairs/Public Policy, Military
  • MA, International Relations, Africa, Diplomacy
  • MA International Studies, US Marines
  • MA International Political Economy
  • MA International Educational Development

Statements of Excellence for Admission to Graduate School in International Relations

personal statement graduate school international affairs

I want to help you get accepted to graduate school in International Relations

personal statement graduate school international affairs

International Relations is a multi-disciplinary major that draws from politics, history, economics, law, sociology, psychology, philosophy, ethics, and geography. You'll be dealing with foreign cultures, languages, worldviews, and values. The study of foreign languages is a necessity, as is a sense of empathy, compassion, and good will.

Sample 1st 2 Paragraphs MSc International and Public Affairs, MIPA, Hong Kong

personal statement graduate school international affairs

It is my hope that the admissions committee will look favorably upon the fact that I am a Chinese woman, still only 22, who has studying in England as well as the United States. I was especially pleased to participate in our university’s Study Abroad Program and spend three months studying at the XXXX University of London. After completing the exchange program, I travelled around France, Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic during winter break (15 days). The principal highlights of this excursion were my visits to the headquarters of international organizations in Europe such as UNESCO, and the OECD headquarters in Paris. I feel very strongly that it is important for someone in my field to travel extensively which is why I also traveled to Thailand last summer for almost 2 weeks.

IR Personal Statement of Purpose for Graduate School in International Relations, Master's MA, PHD.

As a graduate student in International Relations, you will study the relationships among countries, governments, peoples, and organizations all around the world. You'll learn about global issues from a variety of perspectives-issues including war, poverty, disease, diplomacy, democracy, trade, economics, and globalization. Though it is, of course, impossible to predict the future, by studying how the past has influenced the present you'll be attempting to predict the consequences of international decisions. As an International Relations student you'll be integrating many points of view in an effort to work together for a better world. Topics of study might include the balance of power, fair distribution of wealth, and the economic gap between rich and poor. 

We would be honored to help you gain admission to graduate school in International Relations by drafting a most eloquent statement on your behalf. In addition to filling out my  Online Interview Form , send your resume/CV and/or rough draft to my email:

Thank you very much for your excellent and very quick work. I really appreciate it. The statement is very good; I am very impressed.

KM (Application for Master’s in International Relations, February 2011)

International Relations & Ethics

Leading schools of thought that serve to articulate an ethical posture for International Relations include Cosmopolitanism and anti-Cosmopolitanism, Realism, Liberalism, and Marxism. These are all ethical traditions that conceptually address moral issues in international relations. As a historian of the Cold War, in particular, I understand the historical background of IR, especially as concerns the Developing World.

From the perspective of Realism, for example, ethics are secondary, or inapplicable to the affairs of international politics and believes in the primacy of self-interest over moral principle. The pursuit of self-interest by states is viewed as a  right , or  duty , making it a principle for Realists to uphold. From this standpoint, the international environment is perpetually anarchic and competitive over resources. There is no overarching authority over states. Without a superior power to enforce order, ethics do not sustain in international affairs. Out of  necessity , international conditions compel states to defend their interests by frequently immoral means, and this compulsion of self-defense dissolves moral duties. It would be considered unethical by the principle of pursing self-interest, for a state to compromise its goal for power and security.


Sample 1st Paragraph for the Master's Degree in International Relations, Indian Woman Applicant

personal statement graduate school international affairs

The Humanitarian Side of International Relations

The key to a humanitarian career in international relations isn’t hard to turn, since international relations is all about how countries relate to each other. Of course, it’s easy to go down the path of domination and trickery, too. All that depends on you, and who you choose to work for.

Qian Ji Cheng states that over the last three decades, more and more scholars suggest the important role of non-state actors in international relations. The nonprofit sector is booming (see more about that here: http://bit.ly/1AghtbH ), with growth rates at an all-time high. In a study of nonprofit employment growth globally, 16 of the countries provided data which confirmed that nonprofits employ more workers than either the transportation or the construction industry within those countries, and accounts for 4.5% of the GDP of those countries (See more here: http://bit.ly/1AghtbH ).

According to top universities.com, careers in international affairs generally exist across three sectors only: public, private and nonprofit/NGO. Governments, international organizations, multinational companies, development consulting firms, NGOs and think tanks employ international relations graduates.

What are the secrets to a successful career in international relations? Here are some tips:

  • Get a master’s in international relations. According to topuniversities.com, a graduate degree is a prerequisite in the field of international relations. Recruiters expect you to have cross-cultural experience, and cross-disciplinary skills, and this and a graduate degree will open a lot of doors. Joint degrees in business or law can also serve you well.
  • Do some international relations career research ASAP. There are different focuses and specializations offered by universities, and choosing something that suits you career goals and interests is the best way to go, accelerating professional development. The public sector is bureaucratic, but is the key to getting involved in international projects. There is greater flexibility in the nonprofit sector and a more casual professional environment, but the salaries are generally lower. A great resource for more information is the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs, or APSIA.org.
  • Do an internship. Volunteer work and internships offer several advantages, including getting insights into the field, forming a professional network that could be useful in the future, and raising your visibility and access to unadvertised job opportunities.
  • Get some international experience and learn a new language. Cross-cultural awareness and language skills make you more employable.

What sort of jobs are available? Let’s look at a few.

The UNDP, or United Nations Development Program, is seeking a Communications and Advocacy Specialist to work in Bishkek city, Kyrgyzstan for a period of 6 months. UN Women was established in 2010. Key duties for this role include developing strategic communications and media initiatives, managing media/press coverage; producing timely, accurate and high-quality informational materials; organizing, leading and reporting on the UNiTE Campaign, contributing to the design of strategies aimed at facilitating behavior change towards gender equality.

Required skills and experience for this post include a bachelor’s degree in international relations or a related field, a minimum of 3 years’ post-degree work experience in development cooperation including exposure to communications and advocacy, strong oral and written communication skills. English and Russian are required for this position.

The ICC – International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, is looking for an Associate International Cooperation Adviser. The net annual salary is €57,026.00, and the duties and responsibilities include providing advice and performing tasks required by the Division, including undertaking research and analysis of information/documents relevant to cooperation issues and provide assistance to secure cooperation from states and organizations for OTP investigations and prosecutions.

This post requires an advanced university degree preferably in law or other relevant field, a minimum of 2 years relevant professional experience in international relations or negotiations, international or domestic criminal law strongly desired. English or French required and knowledge of Arabic, Chinese, Russian or Spanish considered an asset.

As discussed above, a master’s degree is highly recommended if you’re shooting high in your career. So what are the options available? Here are some to think about.

The M.A. in Business & Law at the University of Bern, Switzerland is an 18-month course that costs EUR770 per semester. It prepares you for work in multinational companies, accountancy, nonprofit organizations and the public sector. The 30 ECTS credits in Business Administration are earnt through the study of financial management and accounting, management, marketing and information systems. The law credits pertain to courses in economic law and optional subjects. A master’s thesis is also required for course completion.

Alternatively, you could study international relations, of course! The M.A. in International Relations at the University of Warsaw, Poland is a 24-month course costing EUR 4300 per year. This program involves the completion of courses, such as world politics, international law, international trade, international finance, developmental economics, strategy of multinational enterprises and human rights.

The Master’s in Global Affairs program offered by the University of Toronto, Canada, is also a 24-month program which costs USD 27,629 per year. There is an option to study for a joint degree and study law or business alongside global affairs. For example, the Juris Doctor/Master of Global Affairs (JD/MGA) program is designed for students interested in studying the intersections of law and global affairs, and takes 4 years to complete. The MGA/MBA program brings a business perspective to the study of global affairs. Core courses on the MGA program include international economics, global civil society, global policy analysis, global security and public international law.

personal statement graduate school international affairs

Premium Statement Service by Dr. Robert Edinger

personal statement graduate school international affairs

Premium Service  US$299.00    

With maximum creativity, research as indicated, priority attention, and as many drafts as needed,

Dr Robert Edinger with Son David

[email protected]


Sample 1st Paragraph for Joint Degree Program: MA Latin American Studies, PHD IR

personal statement graduate school international affairs

  • Accountancy
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  • Architecture
  • Asian Studies
  • Communications
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  • Construction Management
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  • International Relations
  • Latin American Studies
  • Law Enforcement
  • Library & Information Science
  • Linguistics
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  • Medical School
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  • Physician Assistant Studies
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  • Real Estate
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  • Security Studies
  • Translation
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Women's Studies

Search by Degree, Field, or Country of Origin

Most recently edited samples.

  • Real Estate Finance Master's Degree, Hong Kong, China
  • MS, Chinese, Statistics for Technological Advancement
  • MS Construction Mgmt, Indian Applicant
  • Graphic Design Master's, Art History Background
  • PHD Health Sciences Informatics, Chinese
  • PHD Economics, Policy Analysis, Chinese
  • PHD Earth Sciences, Petroleum Engineering Nigeria
  • Master’s Real Estate Development, Latino, Mexico
  • Doctor of Special Education, Autism Spectrum
  • Masters Real Estate, Los Angeles, Indian
  • MS Real Estate, NYC, Harlem, African-American
  • Master’s Statistics, Chinese Woman
  • Master’s Global Business Journalism, Korean
  • Undergraduate, Physics, Chinese
  • Diversity Statement, Grad School, Hong Kong
  • PHD Statistics, Biomedical Research, Korean
  • PHD Epidemiology LOR, Chinese Doctor

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Stanford University

Writing Your Personal Statements

Your personal statement must demonstrate to the admissions committee that you have considered graduate school and their specific program seriously. It’s your opportunity to summarize your academic and research experiences. You must also communicate how your experiences are relevant to preparing you for the graduate degree that you will be pursuing and explain why a given program is the right one for you.

The personal statement is where you highlight your strengths. Make your strengths absolutely clear to the reviewers, because they will often be reading many other statements. Your self-assessments and honest conversations with peers and advisors should have also revealed your strengths. But you must also address (not blame others for) weaknesses or unusual aspects of your application or academic background.

Your personal statement should focus on two main aspects: your competence and commitment.

1. Identify your strengths in terms of competence that indicate that you will succeed in the grad program and provide examples to support your claims. Start your statement by describing your strengths immediately. Because faculty will be reading many statements, it’s important to start off with your strengths and not “bury your lede.” Consider traits of successful graduate students from your informational interviews, and identify which of these traits you have. These traits could involve research skills and experiences, expertise in working with techniques or instruments, familiarity with professional networks and resources in your field, etc.

  • Check your responses from the exercises in the self-assessment section. You may wish to consult notes from your informational interviews and your Seven Stories . Write concise summaries and stories that demonstrate your strengths, e.g. how your strengths helped you to achieve certain goals or overcome obstacles.
  • Summarize your research experience(s). What were the main project goals and the “big picture” questions? What was your role in this project? What did you accomplish? What did you learn, and how did you grow as a result of the experience(s)?

Vannessa Velez's portrait

My research examines the interplay between U.S. domestic politics and foreign policy during the Cold War. As a native New Yorker, I saw firsthand how dramatically my city changed after 9/11, which prompted my early interest in U.S. policy at home and abroad. As an undergraduate at the City College of New York, I planned to study international relations with a focus on U.S. foreign affairs. I also quickly became involved in student activist groups that focused on raising awareness about a wide range of human rights issues, from the Syrian refugee crisis to asylum seekers from Central America.

The more I learned about the crises in the present, the more I realized that I needed a deeper understanding of the past to fully grasp them. I decided to pursue a PhD in history in order to gain a clearer understanding of human rights issues in the present and to empower young student-activists like myself.

— Vannessa Velez, PhD candidate in History

Addressing weaknesses or unusual aspects

  • Identify weaknesses or unusual aspects in your application—e.g., a significant drop in your GPA during a term; weak GRE scores; changes in your academic trajectory, etc. Don’t ignore them, because ignoring them might be interpreted as blind spots for you. If you’re unsure if a particular issue is significant enough to address, seek advice from faculty mentors.
  • Explain how you’ll improve and strengthen those areas or work around your weakness. Determine how you will address them in a positive light, e.g., by discussing how you overcame obstacles through persistence, what you learned from challenges, and how you grew from failures. Focusing on a growth mindset  or grit  and this blog on weaknesses might also help.
  • Deal with any significant unusual aspects later in the statement to allow a positive impression to develop first.
  • Explain, rather than provide excuses—i.e., address the issue directly and don’t blame others (even if you believe someone else is responsible). Draft it and get feedback from others to see if the explanation is working as you want it to.
  • Provide supporting empirical evidence if possible. For example, “Adjusting to college was a major step for me, coming from a small high school and as a first-generation college student. My freshman GPA was not up to par with my typical achievements, as demonstrated by my improved  GPA of 3.8 during my second and third years in college."
  • Be concise (don’t dwell on the issues), but also be complete (don’t lead to other potentially unanswered questions). For example, if a drop in grades during a term was due to a health issue, explain whether the health issue is recurring, managed now with medication, resolved, etc.

2. Explain your commitment to research and their graduate program, including your motivation for why you are applying to this graduate program at this university. Be as specific as possible. Identify several faculty members with whom you are interested in working, and explain why their research interests you.

  • Descriptions of your commitment should explain why you’re passionate about this particular academic field and provide demonstrations of your commitment with stories (e.g., working long hours to solve a problem, overcoming challenges in research, resilience in pursuing problems). Don’t merely assert your commitment.
  • Explain why you are applying to graduate school, as opposed to seeking a professional degree or a job. Discuss your interest and motivation for grad school, along with your future career aspirations.

Jaime Fine's portrait

I am definitely not your traditional graduate student. As a biracial (Native American and white), first-generation PhD student from a military family, I had very limited guidance on how best to pursue my education, especially when I decided that graduate school was a good idea. I ended up coming to this PhD in a very circuitous manner, stopping first to get a JD and, later, an MFA in Young Adult Literature. With each degree, I took time to work and apply what I’d learned, as a lawyer and as an educator. Each time, I realized that I was circling around questions that I couldn’t let go of—not just because I found them to be fascinating, but because I did (and still do!) feel that my research could help to bridge a gap that desperately needs bridging. Because my work is quite interdisciplinary, I strongly feel that I wouldn’t have been able to pursue this line of research without the degrees and life experience I gained before coming to this program.

— Jamie Fine, PhD candidate in Modern Thought and Literature

Statement of Purpose: subtle aspects

  • Think in terms of engaging faculty in a conversation rather than pleading with them that you should be admitted. Ask reviewers to read drafts with this concern in mind.
  • With later drafts, try developing an overall narrative theme. See if one emerges as you work.
  • Write at least 10 drafts and expect your thinking and the essay to change quite a bit over time.
  • Read drafts out loud to help you catch errors.
  • Expect the "you' that emerges in your essay to be incomplete. . . that’s OK.
  • You’re sharing a professional/scholarly slice of "you."
  • Avoid humor (do you really know what senior academics find funny?) and flashy openings and closings. Think of pitching the essay to an educated person in the field, but not necessarily in your specialty. Avoid emotionally laden words (such as "love" or "passion"). Remember, your audience is a group of professors! Overly emotional appeals might make them uncomfortable. They are looking for scholarly colleagues.

Stanford University

© Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305

International Affairs Postgraduate Personal Statement

Sample International Affairs Postgraduate Personal Statement

I am a dynamic and capable International Development graduate with experience of working within international institutions. I am committed to pursuing a career in an organization centred on international affairs, and I am also highly motivated to undertaking postgraduate studies to equip me with the skills and expertise that are necessary for this vocation. Accordingly, I would like to outline my interest in and credentials for applying to study the Master in International Affairs at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

The undergraduate honours degree that I completed in International Development at the University of East Anglia has fostered my enthusiasm for further study in the area of international affairs, and has been an ideal preparation for postgraduate study in this area as a result of the theoretical and practical expertise that I acquired during the course of completing the degree.The course provided me with a thorough grounding in the political, social and economic elements of international development issues. Whilst studying my degree I also sought out opportunities to gain further knowledge of international affairs through participating in additional courses related to this area, such as a course on Human Rights at Oxford University. Courses such as this have helped encourage me to seek whenever possible to approach the subject area from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Perhaps the most valuable aspect of my BA was the opportunities that it afforded me to gain practical work experience in the field. I spent a period of three months carrying out an internship at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin. I held a role with a wide remit of responsibilities at the Institute, which allowed me to gain a broad understanding of professional life in the world of international relations. I was involved in writing and editing articles and research publications, and had overall responsibility for organizing a symposium on the subject of cultural diplomacy in Europe.

Since graduating from the University of East Anglia, I have gained a more practical understanding of the workings of international relations, international development and public policy through holding a variety of internship positions. At present I am a stagiaire at the European Parliament. The MEP for whom I work sits on the Development Committee of the Parliament and is also the Chair of the South African Delegation. The role has therefore given me a fascinating insight into the interactions between developed Europe and parts of the developing world, revealing an inter-linked series of both sources of conflicts and opportunities for cooperation. I am also a writer for Results, a UK-based blog that campaigns for an enlightened development of global public policies to combat poverty, disease and malnutrition in the developed world. Writing for the site has helped focus my mind on how well-reasoned and practicable solutions to global problems can be developed and implemented.

I would warmly welcome the opportunity to commit the sum total of my talents and enthusiasm for international affairs to contributing fully to the academic life of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.I believe the Master in International Affairs is a unique opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge base and skills that are required for a wide variety of professional roles within the spheres of international relations, international development and public policy. I am particularly attracted to the fact that the degree offers such a wide selection of course options,which allow an approach to the overall question of international affairs from the perspectives of a very wide range of academic disciplines.I would be especially interested in undertaking in-depth study and research into the themes of global society and conflict management and security, two areas in which I developed a close interest during the course of my undergraduate study. In addition to these subject areas inspiring a deep intellectual curiosity, I am also interested in working within one of these fields in my future career. If accepted to the course, I would look forward to the chance it provides to study in both English and French. I am currently taking steps to supplement my existing knowledge of French, and would grasp the chance to become fully bilingual over the course of the degree.

I believe that the Master would be an invaluable method of building my understanding of the myriad complexities of international affairs. After completing the course to the very best of my abilities, I would like to progress to working in either a policy-development role in an organization such as the United Nations Development Programme or the UK Department for International Development, or alternatively through working in an advocacy role for an NGO. I believe that the Master in International Affairs would provide me with the best preparation possible subsequently to embark on a career in either of these two areas.

We hope that this sample International Affairs postgraduate personal statement will provide inspiration for writing your own unique statement.

Personal Statement

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  • Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, and Writing Sample

Details about submitting a statement of purpose, personal statement, and a writing sample as part of your degree program application

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Statement of Purpose 

The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications. You should describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen degree program, noting the experiences that shaped your research ambitions, indicating briefly your career objectives, and concisely stating your past work in your intended field of study and in related fields. Your degree program of interest may have specific guidance or requirements for the statement of purpose, so be sure to review the degree program page for more information. Unless otherwise noted, your statement should not exceed 1,000 words. 

Personal Statement

A core part of the Harvard Griffin GSAS mission is to identify and attract the most promising students to form a dynamic and diverse community. We are committed to educating individuals who reflect the growing diversity of perspectives and life experiences represented in society today and who will contribute to our commitment to sustain a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive environment. Please share how your experiences or activities will advance our mission and commitment. Your statement should be no longer than 500 words.

Writing Sample 

Please visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a writing sample is required. When preparing your writing sample, be sure to follow program requirements, which may include format, topic, or length. 

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personal statement graduate school international affairs

Personal Statement – MSc International Relations Management

  • Sample personal statement

personal statement graduate school international affairs

29 July, 2022

Personal statement – msc international relations management share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I writing this application with great joy to study International Relations Management MSc at the University of Bedfordshire to enhance my current academic attainments, increase my skills in a subject synonymous, and pave a path to better career opportunities in the field. As my career goal is to peers a critical awareness of the social communities and global industries, which I found in the study of International Relations Management and I always want to contribute a part of myself into the globalization system reform, and in developed and developing nations. Moreover, I found that this course is a platform to work within a wide range of economic, technological, demographic and social justice concerns. I believe this course will be the right choice for my career plans and objectives.

I have reviewed the programme of International Relations Management MSc at the University of Bedfordshire. The modules are organized to critical understanding and implement in developed and developing countries and the number of different assessment methods will contribute to the development and will enhance my employability. The modules include Brand Communication and Reputation Management, Business Dissertation, Intercultural Business Competencies, International Relations, Peacekeeping and Security, and Performance Achievement Planning. After progress to the Master’s capstone stage where I will need to complete a final capstone unit to choose one of the three options - Business Dissertation, Business Live Project, and Professional Practice. All capstone options will be evaluated as equivalent based on the learning outcomes. Also, the modules will develop my knowledge in understanding public relations, intercultural communication and international marketing on a professional level. After completion of my course, I want to be a Social Research Officer or Public Affairs Consultant in government organizations in my home country. Importantly, this course will provide me with a unique learning experience and I am confident that this course is the right choice for my future career path.

Following my SSC and Intermediate from Humanities group, I have completed my Bachelor of Law from Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh in 2016. Later on, I joined Sylhet Judge’s Court as Apprentice Lawyer to implement my career beginning in 2016. Now I am working at Law Offices of Haque Law & Associates as Junior Lawyer since January 2019. My core responsibility is to advise clients, claim liability, defending lawsuits, and obligations, and to analyze the probable outcomes of cases, using knowledge of legal precedents. Recently, I feel that I need to gain complete knowledge of the social communities and key concepts of international relations theory. And this programme will enable me to acquire knowledge and understanding in appropriate areas of theory and application of political ideologies in the open or silent remonstrance era. In addition, from this course, I will capable to think critically and independently in evaluating different interpretations of globalization and its impact on global trends. I am confident that my professional goal makes me a suitable candidate for the course.

From the university website, I have come to know that, this MSc course will increase my understanding especially in cultural and linguistic factors that affect international relations, as well as raise issues of ethical and political positions on questions of intervention peacekeeping. According to interest and career aspirations, this course will allow me to think critically and evaluate current research in independent research in the management of international relations. Moreover studying the course, I will understand the growth of NGOs, globalization of industry and multi-cultural communities made up of economic migrants and refugees. Most importantly, during the course I will have the opportunity to work with professionals in the field of international relations. As my previous work experience is mostly related to this course, I think this course is ideal for me to improve my independence and self-development. My learned skills and professional attain with a detailed appreciation will help me to complete my prospective study. I hope my chosen course will make it better and further open doors for my profession.

The brand of having a degree from the UK is highly respected by employers in Bangladesh as they believe that UK education builds proper professionals and there is a high expectation from applicants with such degrees. Though, the study environment in my country follows theoretical systems of education which are quite different and no soft skills gained. In recent years, all companies in Bangladesh are emphasizing hiring of Bangladeshi graduates with degrees from abroad, as they see the transferrable skills carried forward from the international education will play a key role in transforming their approach to the business and believe these graduates are capable of doing so. This has played a key part in my decision-making when choosing a study destination. Also, a recent Survey of International Graduate Outcomes 2019 by Universities UK International produce graduates shows that 82% of international graduates say that their UK degree is worth the financial investment and the same percentage say they are satisfied with their careers. 83% feel that a UK degree has helped them to get jobs that they would not get otherwise. So this is the reason to choose the UK over other education destinations. I can see myself thriving more in a world of knowledge and teaching methods I’m accustomed to.

The University of Bedfordshire is a public research university that is incredibly welcoming to international students. While researching the university website, I found that in 2014, the university achieved the fourth-largest improvement of 22 places in the REF Power Ranking in the sector with nearly half of its research considered to be internationally excellent and also come eighth in the UK in the People and Planet University Green League in 2019 and received the Eco Campus Platinum award in 2020. Most importantly, this university is known to support the students, and they have invested heavily in their facilities to shape the physical and intellectual environment of learning. With around 20,000 students from 100 countries, the university provides outstanding higher education to deliver a range of courses from foundation degrees to doctorates. Tutors are high- qualified academics and most of them have received National Teaching Fellowship Awards. Conversely, I will have the opportunity to gain real-world knowledge and transferable skills that employers look for in graduate recruits. And I think it will be a great achievement for me if I get the opportunity to study at the University of Bedfordshire.

Find more resources

  • PersonalStatement- BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science
  • SOP - MSc International Business with Advanced Practice
  • Personal Statement of Purpose - BSc (Hons) Computer Science with International Foundation Programme
  • MSc International Business
  • Bank Letter: UK student visa application

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Gre prep online guides and tips, 3 successful graduate school personal statement examples.

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Looking for grad school personal statement examples? Look no further! In this total guide to graduate school personal statement examples, we’ll discuss why you need a personal statement for grad school and what makes a good one. Then we’ll provide three graduate school personal statement samples from our grad school experts. After that, we’ll do a deep dive on one of our personal statement for graduate school examples. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a list of other grad school personal statements you can find online.

Why Do You Need a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a chance for admissions committees to get to know you: your goals and passions, what you’ll bring to the program, and what you’re hoping to get out of the program.  You need to sell the admissions committee on what makes you a worthwhile applicant. The personal statement is a good chance to highlight significant things about you that don’t appear elsewhere on your application.

A personal statement is slightly different from a statement of purpose (also known as a letter of intent). A statement of purpose/letter of intent tends to be more tightly focused on your academic or professional credentials and your future research and/or professional interests.

While a personal statement also addresses your academic experiences and goals, you have more leeway to be a little more, well, personal. In a personal statement, it’s often appropriate to include information on significant life experiences or challenges that aren’t necessarily directly relevant to your field of interest.

Some programs ask for both a personal statement and a statement of purpose/letter of intent. In this case, the personal statement is likely to be much more tightly focused on your life experience and personality assets while the statement of purpose will focus in much more on your academic/research experiences and goals.

However, there’s not always a hard-and-fast demarcation between a personal statement and a statement of purpose. The two statement types should address a lot of the same themes, especially as relates to your future goals and the valuable assets you bring to the program. Some programs will ask for a personal statement but the prompt will be focused primarily on your research and professional experiences and interests. Some will ask for a statement of purpose but the prompt will be more focused on your general life experiences.

When in doubt, give the program what they are asking for in the prompt and don’t get too hung up on whether they call it a personal statement or statement of purpose. You can always call the admissions office to get more clarification on what they want you to address in your admissions essay.

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What Makes a Good Grad School Personal Statement?

A great graduate school personal statement can come in many forms and styles. However, strong grad school personal statement examples all share the same following elements:

A Clear Narrative

Above all, a good personal statement communicates clear messages about what makes you a strong applicant who is likely to have success in graduate school. So to that extent, think about a couple of key points that you want to communicate about yourself and then drill down on how you can best communicate those points. (Your key points should of course be related to what you can bring to the field and to the program specifically).

You can also decide whether to address things like setbacks or gaps in your application as part of your narrative. Have a low GPA for a couple semesters due to a health issue? Been out of a job for a while taking care of a family member? If you do decide to explain an issue like this, make sure that the overall arc is more about demonstrating positive qualities like resilience and diligence than about providing excuses.

Specific Examples

A great statement of purpose uses specific examples to illustrate its key messages. This can include anecdotes that demonstrate particular traits or even references to scholars and works that have influenced your academic trajectory to show that you are familiar and insightful about the relevant literature in your field.

Just saying “I love plants,” is pretty vague. Describing how you worked in a plant lab during undergrad and then went home and carefully cultivated your own greenhouse where you cross-bred new flower colors by hand is much more specific and vivid, which makes for better evidence.

A strong personal statement will describe why you are a good fit for the program, and why the program is a good fit for you. It’s important to identify specific things about the program that appeal to you, and how you’ll take advantage of those opportunities. It’s also a good idea to talk about specific professors you might be interested in working with. This shows that you are informed about and genuinely invested in the program.

Strong Writing

Even quantitative and science disciplines typically require some writing, so it’s important that your personal statement shows strong writing skills. Make sure that you are communicating clearly and that you don’t have any grammar and spelling errors. It’s helpful to get other people to read your statement and provide feedback. Plan on going through multiple drafts.

Another important thing here is to avoid cliches and gimmicks. Don’t deploy overused phrases and openings like “ever since I was a child.” Don’t structure your statement in a gimmicky way (i.e., writing a faux legal brief about yourself for a law school statement of purpose). The first will make your writing banal; the second is likely to make you stand out in a bad way.

Appropriate Boundaries

While you can be more personal in a personal statement than in a statement of purpose, it’s important to maintain appropriate boundaries in your writing. Don’t overshare anything too personal about relationships, bodily functions, or illegal activities. Similarly, don’t share anything that makes it seem like you may be out of control, unstable, or an otherwise risky investment. The personal statement is not a confessional booth. If you share inappropriately, you may seem like you have bad judgment, which is a huge red flag to admissions committees.

You should also be careful with how you deploy humor and jokes. Your statement doesn’t have to be totally joyless and serious, but bear in mind that the person reading the statement may not have the same sense of humor as you do. When in doubt, err towards the side of being as inoffensive as possible.

Just as being too intimate in your statement can hurt you, it’s also important not to be overly formal or staid. You should be professional, but conversational.


Graduate School Personal Statement Examples

Our graduate school experts have been kind enough to provide some successful grad school personal statement examples. We’ll provide three examples here, along with brief analysis of what makes each one successful.

Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 1

PDF of Sample Personal Statement 1 – Japanese Studies

For this Japanese Studies master’s degree, the applicant had to provide a statement of purpose outlining her academic goals and experience with Japanese and a separate personal statement describing her personal relationship with Japanese Studies and what led her to pursue a master’s degree.

Here’s what’s successful about this personal statement:

  • An attention-grabbing beginning: The applicant begins with the statement that Japanese has never come easily to her and that it’s a brutal language to learn. Seeing as how this is an application for a Japanese Studies program, this is an intriguing beginning that makes the reader want to keep going.
  • A compelling narrative: From this attention-grabbing beginning, the applicant builds a well-structured and dramatic narrative tracking her engagement with the Japanese language over time. The clear turning point is her experience studying abroad, leading to a resolution in which she has clarity about her plans. Seeing as how the applicant wants to be a translator of Japanese literature, the tight narrative structure here is a great way to show her writing skills.
  • Specific examples that show important traits: The applicant clearly communicates both a deep passion for Japanese through examples of her continued engagement with Japanese and her determination and work ethic by highlighting the challenges she’s faced (and overcome) in her study of the language. This gives the impression that she is an engaged and dedicated student.

Overall, this is a very strong statement both in terms of style and content. It flows well, is memorable, and communicates that the applicant would make the most of the graduate school experience.


Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 2

PDF of Sample Graduate School Personal Statement 2 – Musical Composition

This personal statement for a Music Composition master’s degree discusses the factors that motivate the applicant to pursue graduate study.

Here’s what works well in this statement:

  • The applicant provides two clear reasons motivating the student to pursue graduate study: her experiences with music growing up, and her family’s musical history. She then supports those two reasons with examples and analysis.
  • The description of her ancestors’ engagement with music is very compelling and memorable. The applicant paints her own involvement with music as almost inevitable based on her family’s long history with musical pursuits.
  • The applicant gives thoughtful analysis of the advantages she has been afforded that have allowed her to study music so extensively. We get the sense that she is insightful and empathetic—qualities that would add greatly to any academic community.

This is a strong, serviceable personal statement. And in truth, given that this for a masters in music composition, other elements of the application (like work samples) are probably the most important.  However, here are two small changes I would make to improve it:

  • I would probably to split the massive second paragraph into 2-3 separate paragraphs. I might use one paragraph to orient the reader to the family’s musical history, one paragraph to discuss Giacomo and Antonio, and one paragraph to discuss how the family has influenced the applicant. As it stands, it’s a little unwieldy and the second paragraph doesn’t have a super-clear focus even though it’s all loosely related to the applicant’s family history with music.
  • I would also slightly shorten the anecdote about the applicant’s ancestors and expand more on how this family history has motivated the applicant’s interest in music. In what specific ways has her ancestors’ perseverance inspired her? Did she think about them during hard practice sessions? Is she interested in composing music in a style they might have played? More specific examples here would lend greater depth and clarity to the statement.


Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 3

PDF of Sample Graduate School Personal Statement 3 – Public Health

This is my successful personal statement for Columbia’s Master’s program in Public Health. We’ll do a deep dive on this statement paragraph-by-paragraph in the next section, but I’ll highlight a couple of things that work in this statement here:

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  • This statement is clearly organized. Almost every paragraph has a distinct focus and message, and when I move on to a new idea, I move on to a new paragraph with a logical transitions.
  • This statement covers a lot of ground in a pretty short space. I discuss my family history, my goals, my educational background, and my professional background. But because the paragraphs are organized and I use specific examples, it doesn’t feel too vague or scattered.
  • In addition to including information about my personal motivations, like my family, I also include some analysis about tailoring health interventions with my example of the Zande. This is a good way to show off what kinds of insights I might bring to the program based on my academic background.


Grad School Personal Statement Example: Deep Dive

Now let’s do a deep dive, paragraph-by-paragraph, on one of these sample graduate school personal statements. We’ll use my personal statement that I used when I applied to Columbia’s public health program.

Paragraph One: For twenty-three years, my grandmother (a Veterinarian and an Epidemiologist) ran the Communicable Disease Department of a mid-sized urban public health department. The stories of Grandma Betty doggedly tracking down the named sexual partners of the infected are part of our family lore. Grandma Betty would persuade people to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, encourage safer sexual practices, document the spread of infection and strive to contain and prevent it. Indeed, due to the large gay population in the city where she worked, Grandma Betty was at the forefront of the AIDS crises, and her analysis contributed greatly towards understanding how the disease was contracted and spread. My grandmother has always been a huge inspiration to me, and the reason why a career in public health was always on my radar.

This is an attention-grabbing opening anecdote that avoids most of the usual cliches about childhood dreams and proclivities. This story also subtly shows that I have a sense of public health history, given the significance of the AIDs crisis for public health as a field.

It’s good that I connect this family history to my own interests. However, if I were to revise this paragraph again, I might cut down on some of the detail because when it comes down to it, this story isn’t really about me. It’s important that even (sparingly used) anecdotes about other people ultimately reveal something about you in a personal statement.

Paragraph Two: Recent years have cemented that interest. In January 2012, my parents adopted my little brother Fred from China. Doctors in America subsequently diagnosed Fred with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). My parents were told that if Fred’s condition had been discovered in China, the (very poor) orphanage in which he spent the first 8+ years of his life would have recognized his DMD as a death sentence and denied him sustenance to hasten his demise.

Here’s another compelling anecdote to help explain my interest in public health. This is an appropriately personal detail for a personal statement—it’s a serious thing about my immediate family, but it doesn’t disclose anything that the admissions committee might find concerning or inappropriate.

If I were to take another pass through this paragraph, the main thing I would change is the last phrase. “Denied him sustenance to hasten his demise” is a little flowery. “Denied him food to hasten his death” is actually more powerful because it’s clearer and more direct.

Paragraph Three: It is not right that some people have access to the best doctors and treatment while others have no medical care. I want to pursue an MPH in Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia because studying social factors in health, with a particular focus on socio-health inequities, will prepare me to address these inequities. The interdisciplinary approach of the program appeals to me greatly as I believe interdisciplinary approaches are the most effective way to develop meaningful solutions to complex problems.

In this paragraph I make a neat and clear transition from discussing what sparked my interest in public health and health equity to what I am interested in about Columbia specifically: the interdisciplinary focus of the program, and how that focus will prepare me to solve complex health problems. This paragraph also serves as a good pivot point to start discussing my academic and professional background.

Paragraph Four: My undergraduate education has prepared me well for my chosen career. Understanding the underlying structure of a group’s culture is essential to successfully communicating with the group. In studying folklore and mythology, I’ve learned how to parse the unspoken structures of folk groups, and how those structures can be used to build bridges of understanding. For example, in a culture where most illnesses are believed to be caused by witchcraft, as is the case for the Zande people of central Africa, any successful health intervention or education program would of necessity take into account their very real belief in witchcraft.

In this paragraph, I link my undergraduate education and the skills I learned there to public health. The (very brief) analysis of tailoring health interventions to the Zande is a good way to show insight and show off the competencies I would bring to the program.

Paragraph Five: I now work in the healthcare industry for one of the largest providers of health benefits in the world. In addition to reigniting my passion for data and quantitative analytics, working for this company has immersed me in the business side of healthcare, a critical component of public health.

This brief paragraph highlights my relevant work experience in the healthcare industry. It also allows me to mention my work with data and quantitative analytics, which isn’t necessarily obvious from my academic background, which was primarily based in the social sciences.

Paragraph Six: I intend to pursue a PhD in order to become an expert in how social factors affect health, particularly as related to gender and sexuality. I intend to pursue a certificate in Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Reproduction. Working together with other experts to create effective interventions across cultures and societies, I want to help transform health landscapes both in America and abroad.

This final paragraph is about my future plans and intentions. Unfortunately, it’s a little disjointed, primarily because I discuss goals of pursuing a PhD before I talk about what certificate I want to pursue within the MPH program! Switching those two sentences and discussing my certificate goals within the MPH and then mentioning my PhD plans would make a lot more sense.

I also start two sentences in a row with “I intend,” which is repetitive.

The final sentence is a little bit generic; I might tailor it to specifically discuss a gender and sexual health issue, since that is the primary area of interest I’ve identified.

This was a successful personal statement; I got into (and attended!) the program. It has strong examples, clear organization, and outlines what interests me about the program (its interdisciplinary focus) and what competencies I would bring (a background in cultural analysis and experience with the business side of healthcare). However, a few slight tweaks would elevate this statement to the next level.


Graduate School Personal Statement Examples You Can Find Online

So you need more samples for your personal statement for graduate school? Examples are everywhere on the internet, but they aren’t all of equal quality.

Most of examples are posted as part of writing guides published online by educational institutions. We’ve rounded up some of the best ones here if you are looking for more personal statement examples for graduate school.

Penn State Personal Statement Examples for Graduate School

This selection of ten short personal statements for graduate school and fellowship programs offers an interesting mix of approaches. Some focus more on personal adversity while others focus more closely on professional work within the field.

The writing in some of these statements is a little dry, and most deploy at least a few cliches. However, these are generally strong, serviceable statements that communicate clearly why the student is interested in the field, their skills and competencies, and what about the specific program appeals to them.

Cal State Sample Graduate School Personal Statements

These are good examples of personal statements for graduate school where students deploy lots of very vivid imagery and illustrative anecdotes of life experiences. There are also helpful comments about what works in each of these essays.

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However, all of these statements are definitely pushing the boundaries of acceptable length, as all are above 1000 and one is almost 1500 words! Many programs limit you to 500 words; if you don’t have a limit, you should try to keep it to two single-spaced pages at most (which is about 1000 words).

University of Chicago Personal Statement for Graduate School Examples

These examples of successful essays to the University of Chicago law school cover a wide range of life experiences and topics. The writing in all is very vivid, and all communicate clear messages about the students’ strengths and competencies.

Note, however, that these are all essays that specifically worked for University of Chicago law school. That does not mean that they would work everywhere. In fact, one major thing to note is that many of these responses, while well-written and vivid, barely address the students’ interest in law school at all! This is something that might not work well for most graduate programs.

Wheaton College Personal Statement for Graduate School Sample 10

This successful essay for law school from a Wheaton College undergraduate does a great job tracking the student’s interest in the law in a compelling and personal way. Wheaton offers other graduate school personal statement examples, but this one offers the most persuasive case for the students’ competencies. The student accomplishes this by using clear, well-elaborated examples, showing strong and vivid writing, and highlighting positive qualities like an interest in justice and empathy without seeming grandiose or out of touch.

Wheaton College Personal Statement for Graduate School Sample 1

Based on the background information provided at the bottom of the essay, this essay was apparently successful for this applicant. However, I’ve actually included this essay because it demonstrates an extremely risky approach. While this personal statement is strikingly written and the story is very memorable, it could definitely communicate the wrong message to some admissions committees. The student’s decision not to report the drill sergeant may read incredibly poorly to some admissions committees. They may wonder if the student’s failure to report the sergeant’s violence will ultimately expose more soldiers-in-training to the same kinds of abuses. This incident perhaps reads especially poorly in light of the fact that the military has such a notable problem with violence against women being covered up and otherwise mishandled

It’s actually hard to get a complete picture of the student’s true motivations from this essay, and what we have might raise real questions about the student’s character to some admissions committees. This student took a risk and it paid off, but it could have just as easily backfired spectacularly.


Key Takeaways: Graduate School Personal Statement Examples

In this guide, we discussed why you need a personal statement and how it differs from a statement of purpose. (It’s more personal!)

We also discussed what you’ll find in a strong sample personal statement for graduate school:

  • A clear narrative about the applicant and why they are qualified for graduate study.
  • Specific examples to support that narrative.
  • Compelling reasons why the applicant and the program are a good fit for each other.
  • Strong writing, including clear organization and error-free, cliche-free language.
  • Appropriate boundaries—sharing without over-sharing.

Then, we provided three strong graduate school personal statement examples for different fields, along with analysis. We did a deep-dive on the third statement.

Finally, we provided a list of other sample grad school personal statements online.

What’s Next?

Want more advice on writing a personal statement ? See our guide.

Writing a graduate school statement of purpose? See our statement of purpose samples  and a nine-step process for writing the best statement of purpose possible .

If you’re writing a graduate school CV or resume, see our how-to guide to writing a CV , a how-to guide to writing a resume , our list of sample resumes and CVs , resume and CV templates , and a special guide for writing resume objectives .

Need stellar graduate school recommendation letters ? See our guide.

See our 29 tips for successfully applying to graduate school .

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personal statement graduate school international affairs

Author: Ellen McCammon

Ellen is a public health graduate student and education expert. She has extensive experience mentoring students of all ages to reach their goals and in-depth knowledge on a variety of health topics. View all posts by Ellen McCammon

personal statement graduate school international affairs

/images/cornell/logo35pt_cornell_white.svg" alt="personal statement graduate school international affairs"> Cornell University --> Graduate School

Personal statement, overview .

There are two types of statements included in the Graduate School’s online application, (1) the Academic Statement of Purpose and (2) the Personal Statement, both of which are required for all graduate degree programs. 

What Should the Personal Statement Include?

Your Personal Statement should provide the admissions committee with a sense of you as a whole person, and you should use it to describe how your personal background and experiences influenced your decision to pursue a graduate degree. Additionally, it should provide insights into your potential to contribute to Cornell University’s core value to provide a community of inclusion, belonging, and respect where scholars representing diverse backgrounds, perspectives, abilities, and experiences can learn and work productively and positively together. Within your Personal Statement, you may also share details on lessons learned from any of your lived experiences including but not limited to

  • being a first-generation college student or graduate (no parent/guardian completed a baccalaureate degree)
  • racial, ethnic, and/or cultural background(s)
  • managing a disability or chronic health condition
  • experiencing housing, food, economic, and/or other forms of significant insecurity
  • being a solo parent
  • gender identity and/or sexual orientation 
  • having served in the military
  • holding DACA, refugee, TPS, or asylee status

Your Personal Statement provides you with an opportunity to share experiences that provide insights on how your personal, academic, and/or professional experiences demonstrate your ability to be both persistent and resilient, especially when navigating challenging circumstances. It also gives you an opportunity to provide examples of how you engage with others and have facilitated and/or participated in productive collaborative endeavors. Additionally, it is a place, where if necessary, you can (and should) address any blemishes, gaps, or weaknesses in your academic record. In these situations, you will want to be honest, but brief. It is best to turn negatives into positives by focusing on how you overcame obstacles, remained persistent in the pursuit of your goals, and showed resilience. Share what you learned from the particular experience, and how it led you to become a better researcher/scholar/person, etc.

Content in the Personal Statement should complement rather than duplicate the content contained within the Academic Statement of Purpose, which should focus explicitly on your academic interests, previous research and/or relevant professional experience, and intended area of academic focus during your graduate studies.

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International Relations Personal Statement Example

The personal statement for international relations should emphasize your passion for the field as well as your unique experiences and qualities. The following is an example of an international relations personal statement .

As an avid reader of international news and a participant in Model United Nations conferences, I have long been fascinated by the complexities and challenges of global politics . I am drawn to the field of international relations because it offers a unique perspective on how countries interact with each other and how their decisions impact the world at large.

I believe that the study of international relations is crucial for understanding and addressing the most pressing issues of our time, such as climate change, terrorism, and economic inequality. In particular, I am interested in the role of international organizations, such as the United Nations and the World Bank, in promoting cooperation and resolving conflicts among nations. I am also fascinated by the concept of international law and how it can be used to protect human rights and uphold global standards.

In college, I pursued a major in political science and a minor in economics, taking courses in international relations, comparative politics, and global governance. I have also had the opportunity to intern with the U.S. Department of State, where I assisted in the preparation of briefing materials and provided support to senior officials working on international affairs. This experience has deepened my understanding of the inner workings of the foreign policy process and has reinforced my desire to pursue a career in international relations.

I am now eager to take the next step in my academic and professional journey by pursuing a graduate degree in international relations. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I gain through this program will prepare me to make meaningful contributions to the field and to be a leader in shaping a more peaceful and prosperous world.

International Relations Personal Statement Writing Tips

Read our tips for writing a personal statement for international relations :

  • Start by thinking about why you are interested in international relations. What sparked your curiosity about the field? What specific issues or topics are you passionate about? By explaining your motivations and interests, you can give the admissions committee a sense of your personality and why you are a good fit for the program.
  • Next, highlight your relevant academic and professional experiences. Have you taken classes in international relations or related subjects? Have you interned or worked in a related field? Be sure to mention any research projects, study abroad experiences, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your commitment to international relations.
  • Explain how a graduate degree in international relations will help you achieve your career goals. What do you hope to do after you graduate? How will this program prepare you to succeed in your chosen field?
  • Keep your writing clear and concise. A personal statement is a short piece of writing, so you will need to be selective about what you include. Avoid overly complex sentences and jargon, and focus on communicating your ideas straightforwardly and engagingly.
  • Proofread and edit your statement carefully. A personal statement is a reflection of your writing skills and attention to detail, so it’s important to make sure your statement is free of errors and written. Ask a friend or family member to read over your statement and provide feedback, and be sure to review it yourself multiple times to catch any mistakes.

Personal Statement Examples

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  • Personal Statements
  • International Relations personal statement

International Relations Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

International Relations, the study of how different territories, regions, or countries manage their relationship when they recognise no superior authority over matters they all consider vital, can lead to many exciting career options.

If you’ve been considering apply to study International Relations at university, but are struggling with your personal statement, take a look at our example personal statement:

As well as having a strong interest in travel I have always been interested in the way that different countries work together, or in some cases against each other, both in times of peace and crisis.

Most people will remember where they were at the time of pivotal events in our society, for example 9/11. I myself was at school and remember wondering what action America would be able to take to punish those responsible for the tragedy. As the events following 9/11 unfolded and I learn more about war in school History lessons I became more interested in how countries communicate and how their relationships change over time.

In my final years at school, and later at college, I studied Critical Thinking which allowed me to develop my analytical skills and construct logical debates. At A Level I also studied Politics and Modern History which allowed me to gain an in-depth insight into how countries function and build relationships with others.

I was a member of my Student Council and worked part time throughout my time at college. I feel that both of these roles have given me the chance to build on my communication and teamwork skills.

Outside of school I spend as much time as I can travelling and learning new languages including French, Spanish, German, and more recently, Mandarin Chinese.

I look forward to developing all of my skills, both academic and social, during my time at university. I also look forward to the increased work experience opportunities that studying at university will give to me. I hope that by completing a degree course in International Relations will allow me to work towards a future career in politics.

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Breaking down the MPA/MPP personal statement, personal essay, and supplemental essay

Essays for graduate study cover a myriad of topics. Here at SPIA, we hope our essays help reflect and speak to our culture, our community, and our values—the stuff we care about. We require a variety of essays and short answer written responses, and each serves a slightly different purpose toward helping us to understand the academic and professional trajectory of each person as well as the motivation for graduate study at Princeton. No one thing is determinative in our process or application; we read each file individually and holistically, and admissions decisions are based on the totality of information in the file. 

The personal statement should answer the prompt and include an explanation of one’s commitment to a career in public service. We are interested in a clear description of the policy areas of interest to you and why you care about them as well as how your previous academic, personal, and professional experiences have shaped your career goals. We want to know why you want to enroll at SPIA, what you hope to gain from our program, as well as your career plans in terms of policy issues and agencies or organizations you wish to work with and why. We are looking to understand Why Princeton. Why now. And what’s next.

SPIA’s supplemental essay has long been the part of our application where we ask you to go beyond the other dimensions of the file and where we seek to get to know you on a more personal and individual basis. We all come from somewhere and it shapes us – both in who we become and what we value. We’re interested in your story and what shaped you. What do you value? This essay often helps us to further understand the person behind the paper.

This year, the Graduate School introduced the personal essay . The announcement of this essay reaffirms Princeton’s strong commitment to welcoming students from diverse backgrounds and experiences. It provides applicants an additional space to describe how their academic interests and life experiences will help them contribute to Princeton’s scholarly community. We hope to further understand how you will contribute to our tight-knit and vibrant campus community.

We understand there may be some similarities and overlap in how you interpret and write each essay. Our hope, of course, is that each essay will reveal something new and that each provides space and opportunity to translate through as rich and as full a description of your background, goals, and aspirations as possible. 

Through each of them, we are looking for you to tell us your story in the way that only you can.

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5 MPA Personal Statement Tips for Driven Applicants

5 MPA Personal Statement Tips for Driven Applicants-image

Most graduate degree programs require applicants to submit a statement of purpose, sometimes called a personal statement, along with their other application materials. The statement of purpose is your opportunity to tell your story, describe your motivations, and explain why you would be a good candidate for the program. 

But as a future Master of Public Administration (MPA) student, you must tailor your statement of purpose to your long term career goals specifically in the field of public affairs and public administration. Here are five tips to doing exactly that. 

Make yourself a competitive leader in public affairs; learn more about Cornell’s dedication to career management and professional development within the MPA program.

MPA Personal Statement Tips

When it comes to graduate school admission, the personal statement represents your chance to truly shine.  In addition to providing a tremendous opportunity to convey the quality of your writing to admissions committees, the personal statement allows you to highlight your purpose for pursuing graduate studies."   Thomas O’Toole Executive Director of Public Affairs Programming at the Cornell Brooks School

From specific motivations for applying to exploring your goals in public affairs, here are a few tips to submitting a fantastic statement of purpose . 

1. Be specific about why you're applying to the MPA program

Why is this the right time for graduate study for you .

You have many graduate programs to choose from — and there are myriad MPA programs to choose from across the country as well. For this reason, It is important to detail specifically why you are applying to the MPA program of your choosing: what aspects of the program are you drawn to? Why do you think you are a good fit for this MPA program in particular?

Be specific and really dive into your personal reasons for wanting to join the MPA program you are passionate about and be sure to include details regarding what you will contribute to the community at large

2. Make it personal to your unique experiences

Knowledge, skills, and abilities you will bring to enrich our community (why are you the right person).

What are your personal motivations for obtaining an MPA? What personal experience have inspired you to pursue a mission-driven, impactful career in public affairs ? These are incredibly important questions to answer within your personal statement as they provide context for what is going to drive you throughout your time in the program and beyond.

Detail the kinds of challenges or problems you have encountered during your lived experience and connect those to your dedication to impact societal, systemic change.

3. Describe your long term career goals related to public affairs.

How can the brooks mpa uniquely address your academic and professional interests (why is this the right place).

Within the field of public affairs and public administration, there are nearly countless diverse and dynamic career opportunities. Whether you want to work in environmental , economic , infrastructure , or social policy , there is a public service career for you . 

Take some time to evaluate your long term career goals and describe the specific role or industry in which you want to transform peoples’ lives for good.

Ready for more?   Interested in learning more about public service careers and where our MPA graduates are working today? Download our Career Report.

4. Include relevant professional experiences that will augment your time in the MPA program.

You will want to highlight your professional accomplishments within your statement of purpose. Be sure to include examples of volunteer work, positions of responsibility, and any other life experiences that have contributed to your interest in public affairs.

In doing so, you will exemplify your dedication to professional development , show your commitment to lifelong learning, and demonstrate how you are well prepared to continue gaining the skills needed to lead in the field.

5. Proofread

You are strongly encouraged to proofread carefully before submitting your personal statement. There are no additional writing samples within the application–this is the best way to show what you are capable of. 

Because public affairs is a writing intensive field, writing quality matters. So this should tell you something about the weight we place on these essays in our overall evaluation.”

Proofread your personal statement multiple times to be sure everything is correct before sending it our way.

6. Be proud; be confident; be passionate.

The field of public affairs and public administration is one of the most transformative fields in existence today. 

Our industry is a deeply ‘human’ field, and the more your passion and motivation come through in your writing, the more success you will have in the application process.” 

Armed with an MPA, you will enter the field with the marketable skills needed to make a difference, and for that reason, you should be excited, proud, and confident in your decision to apply to the MPA program of your choice.

Here’s How to Apply to Cornell’s MPA Program

At the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy, we make applying to the MPA program as easy and as accessible as possible. Here are the six steps you need to take to apply.

  • Complete Cornell’s Online Graduate School Application . For questions pertaining to any technical issues or errors, contact the Graduate School office at 607-255-4884.
  • Submit unofficial copies of your college and university transcripts. Do not send official transcripts to the MPA Program. Before matriculating, all admitted students will be required to submit an official transcript to the Graduate School. Review submission parameters on the Graduate School’s website .
  • Submit your résumé and three letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional are acceptable).
  • Applicants for whom English is a second language will need to meet minimum scores on either the TOEFL or IELTS exams. Required minimum scores on the TOEFL exam are: writing 20, listening 15, reading 20, speaking 22. Our field requirements for the IELTS exam are an overall score of at least 7.0.
  • Submit both a Statement of Purpose and an Essay. ( See this page for more information .)
  • You will be sent email instructions to participate in an online interview to complete your application.

Check out our recorded webinar about applying to the MPA program!

Jumpstart Your Public Service Career at the Cornell Brooks School MPA Program

You have the valuable opportunity to obtain a Master of Public Administration degree that will prepare you to launch your career in public service. 

Are you ready to take the plunge?

Take the first step in your next career venture by requesting information or starting your online application today. You can also visit our Webinar Library or Resource Library for additional webinar recordings and downloadable guides.

An Educational Guide for Future Leaders in Public Affairs   Download our resource, An Educational Guide for Future Leaders in Public Affairs, to learn more about the value of getting an MPA.

Is Working for a Nonprofit Worth It? (Hint: It is with an MPA Degree)

5 Careers That Change the World & How To Get Them with an MPA



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Mary Gallagher appointed dean of the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs

Published: May 06, 2024

Author: Kate Garry

Mary Gallagher outside in front of a wall of greenery

Mary Gallagher, the Amy and Alan Lowenstein Chair in Democracy, Democratization and Human Rights and director of the International Institute at the University of Michigan, has been appointed the Marilyn Keough Dean of the Keough School of Global Affairs by University President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. Gallagher, who will also hold a tenured faculty position in the Keough School, begins her five-year term as dean on July 1.

“Mary Gallagher is a leading political scientist with deep expertise in China and a strong commitment to integral human development, interdisciplinary research and policy impact,” Father Jenkins said. “She will be an outstanding addition to our senior leadership team and University community.”

An expert in Chinese domestic politics, political economy and industrial relations, Gallagher has published extensively in leading academic journals as well as in prominent media outlets such as the Washington Post and The New York Times. She is the author or editor of five books: “Authoritarian Legality in China: Law, Workers and the State” (Cambridge University Press, 2017), “Contagious Capitalism: Globalization and the Politics of Labor in China” (Princeton, 2005), “Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in Contemporary China” (Cambridge, 2011), “From Iron Rice Bowl to Informalization: Markets, Workers, and the State in a Changing China” (Cornell, 2011) and “Contemporary Chinese Politics: New Sources, Methods, and Field Strategies” (Cambridge, 2010).

Gallagher received her Ph.D. in politics from Princeton University and her B.A. in government and East Asian studies from Smith College. Her international experience includes teaching at the Foreign Affairs College in Beijing and visiting professorships at East China University of Politics and Law in Shanghai and at the KoGuan School of Law at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Over the course of her career, Gallagher has received multiple honors for her research, including two Fulbright awards and grants from the National Science Foundation and the Luce Foundation. As a faculty member at Michigan, she also earned recognition for her work in the classroom, including awards for excellence in education, creativity and collaboration in curriculum, and outstanding research mentorship.

Gallagher brings extensive policy experience to her new role. She is a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, and a consultant for the World Bank, the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Labor and many other nongovernmental and international organizations.

As director of the International Institute at Michigan for the past four years, she managed 17 centers and programs focused on specific world regions and global themes as well as academic programs including an undergraduate major in international studies, a master’s in international and regional studies and joint programs with the university’s professional schools. From 2008 to 2020, she directed the Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, one of the largest units housed within the International Institute.

“Mary Gallagher has demonstrated excellence as a scholar, teacher, policy expert and administrator,” said John T. McGreevy , the Charles and Jill Fischer Provost at the University of Notre Dame. “With a strong scholarly and teaching record and extraordinary experience in fostering collaboration across diverse units, she is the ideal candidate for the deanship of the Keough School. We are thrilled that she accepted our offer.”

McGreevy thanked the search committee for its efforts over the past several months. “The committee members worked tirelessly to identify, evaluate and recruit a strong and diverse slate of candidates for this important position,” he said. “I am grateful for their diligence, dedication and thoughtful guidance throughout the process.”

Gallagher succeeds  Scott Appleby , who is stepping down June 30 after a decade of service as the founding dean of Notre Dame’s first new school in nearly a century.

As dean of the Keough School, which is  celebrating its 10th anniversary , Gallagher will lead nine centers and institutes, 70 faculty representing more than 25 different disciplines, 200 undergraduate majors and around 80 graduate students from more than 60 countries.

“I was drawn to Notre Dame’s distinctive mission as a leading global Catholic research university, and to the Keough School’s focus on research and teaching that address global challenges through the lens of integral human development and shape future generations of global leaders,” Gallagher said. “I’m excited and honored to lead the Keough School into its second decade.”


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