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My New Year Resolution Essay


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Short Essay: New Year Resolution

New Year’s resolutions are commitments that individuals make to themselves to improve or change their habits, lifestyles, or relationships at the start of a new year. Writing a short essay on this topic offers a chance to explore the psychological aspects, effectiveness, and cultural significance of these resolutions. Here’s how to structure and craft a compelling short essay on New Year’s resolutions.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title : Choose a title that is both catchy and informative, such as “New Beginnings: The Power and Pitfalls of New Year’s Resolutions.”

Body of the Essay

Cultural Significance and Variations :

Summarize the key points discussed in your essay, reinforcing the idea that New Year’s resolutions, despite their challenges, play a significant role in personal and cultural practices. End with a thoughtful conclusion or a personal reflection on the value of making resolutions, or perhaps a call to action encouraging readers to approach their New Year’s resolutions with realistic and achievable goals.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #1

As the calendar turns and a new year dawns upon us, it is a time of reflection, renewal, and the opportunity for personal growth. New Year’s resolutions have long been a tradition, allowing individuals to set intentions and goals for the coming year. For me, this tradition is not just a fleeting promise but a chance to embark on a journey of self-improvement.

Another resolution I have is to expand my knowledge and broaden my horizons. Learning should be a lifelong endeavor, and I believe that continuous education is key to personal growth. Whether it’s through reading books, attending seminars, or taking up new hobbies, I aspire to constantly seek knowledge, explore diverse perspectives, and embrace new opportunities for intellectual development. By doing so, I hope to nurture my curiosity, deepen my understanding of the world, and become a more well-rounded individual.

Additionally, I resolve to foster stronger connections with loved ones and build meaningful relationships. In today’s digital age, it is easy to get caught up in a virtual world, often overlooking the importance of genuine human connection. I want to invest time and effort in nurturing my relationships, engaging in meaningful conversations, and creating lasting memories with family and friends. By being present and actively listening, I hope to strengthen the bonds that enrich my life and bring joy to those around me.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #2

As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, a sense of possibility fills the air. It’s a time when we bid farewell to the old and eagerly embrace the new, armed with resolutions that promise personal growth and positive change. This year, I am determined to embark on a transformative journey through my New Year’s resolutions.

First and foremost, I resolve to cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity. In a world often defined by negativity and challenges, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings that surround us. Each day, I will strive to find something to be grateful for, whether it’s a simple pleasure or a significant achievement. By shifting my perspective to one of gratitude, I hope to nurture a positive outlook that permeates every aspect of my life.

Lastly, I resolve to make a positive impact in the world around me. Small acts of kindness can create ripples of change that extend far beyond our immediate sphere. I will strive to contribute to my community through volunteering, supporting causes I care about, and spreading kindness wherever I go. By recognizing the power of my actions, no matter how small, I can be part of a collective effort to create a more compassionate and harmonious world.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #3

First and foremost, I resolve to achieve a healthier work-life balance. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to become consumed by professional responsibilities, leaving little time for personal pursuits and relationships. I will set clear boundaries, carve out dedicated time for self-care, and strive to be fully present in my personal life. By nurturing a harmonious balance between work and leisure, I aim to enhance my overall well-being and cultivate stronger connections with loved ones.

In addition, I resolve to prioritize self-reflection and personal growth. Regular self-reflection allows us to gain insights into our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, enabling us to make intentional choices. I will dedicate time for introspection, journaling, and setting personal goals. By embracing self-reflection, I can identify areas for improvement, celebrate achievements, and chart a course for personal growth and development.

Furthermore, I aspire to embrace sustainability and contribute to a healthier planet. I will adopt eco-friendly practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting sustainable initiatives. By making conscious choices that minimize my ecological footprint, I can contribute to the preservation of our environment and inspire others to do the same.

Final Writing Tips

About mr. greg.

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

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The Perfect New Year's Resolutions Essay

So it’s that time of year when you are thinking about your New Year’s resolutions and you’ve heard about this thing call a “New Year’s resolutions essay”. Now you’re asking yourself what a New Year’s resolution essay even is, if you should write a New Year resolution essay, and how to even go about it if you wanted to.

Or maybe you’re a school student and your teacher has tasked you with writing about your New Year resolutions for school, or you are a college student and your professor has asked you to stand up in front of the class and talk about your New Year resolutions for college.

Well, never fear, because this post will tell you exactly what a New Year’s resolutions essay is and how you should go about writing one if you are convinced to (or have to!) do so.

And, non-students out there, do not leave this page thinking it is just for students, because you couldn’t be more wrong. As I hope to convince you of, a New year’s resolution essay can be a powerful thing for adults and students alike.

Richie Norton quote on New Year resolutions - “Last year told you 
what you needed to know. 
Now it's go time.”

What Is a New Year’s Resolutions Essay?

A New Year’s resolutions essay is simply an essay that someone writes at the end of the year or beginning of the year, talking about what they learnt from the previous year and what they want to commit to doing the next year.

The New Year is often a time where people reflect on what they have and have not achieved, what they are happy about, what they are unhappy about, and what they want to change going forwards. A New Year resolution essay simply puts those thoughts in to an essay format that is either written, printed, posted online, or spoken by way of a speech.

People often use them as a way to keep themselves accountable in the year ahead. They post them online, give them to friends, put them on the wall and even on the fridge in order to give themselves the pressure of making the resolutions public. This is actually a very effective tactic to stick to your resolutions as the external pressure keeps you accountable purely from wanting to avoid embarrassment.

Jason Soroski quote on New Year resolutions - “There is nothing 
magical about the flip 
of the calendar, but it 
represents a clean break, 
a new hope, 
and a blank canvas.”

What is the Purpose of a New Year’s Resolution Essay?

The purpose of a New Year resolutions essay is to get someone to really think about what they did over the last year and how they want to adjust going in to the next year. If you are at school or college and have been tasked with writing a New Year’s resolutions essay and think it is just a boring, pointless chore, I implore you to take it seriously and use the opportunity to think about your life and what you want for it.

Although arbitrary in its date, taking stock of what you have and haven’t done, what you have and haven’t achieved over the last year compared to your goals, and how you might want to improve or adjust going forwards can be an extremely powerful thing. After all, what gets measured gets managed, meaning if you take stock of where you are, or where you are not, with your goals or personal development, you have an easier time adjusting to make sure you get back on track or stay focused if you already are so.

If you are keen on personal development and self-improvement, then a New Year’s resolution essay should be something you keep in your toolkit. Ideally you would be taking stock of where you’re at throughout the year, but if you’re just getting started with personal development or have fallen off the wagon with it of late, then a New Year resolution essay could be a great place to (re)start.

Mehmet Murat ildan quote on New Year resolutions - “Every year is a 
chess game. 
New Year is a new 
chess game! You make 
the right moves, 
you win the game!”

Why You Should Write a New Year Resolution Essay

You should write a New Year resolution essay because, as mentioned, it can be a really powerful tool to help you make sure you are living the life you desire. Think about it – if you are forced to sit down and actually take stock of what you did over the last year, you will be confronted with the thoughts of what you wanted to achieve when you thought about this same topic the year before and whether you actually achieved those things. Although confronting and uncomfortable, you can use that as an opportunity to make adjustments and new, better plans for this year.

Or maybe it will give you the chance to look book and realise you absolutely rocked it, nailing all your goals and then some. So maybe your essay will help instil more confidence in you and help you think about the even greater things you can achieve in the next year.

This is a great opportunity for personal reflection – something most people don’t do. This could be a way to make sure you have the best year next year. This essay could be your chance to make new goals, new targets, and new promises to yourself.

Vern McLellan quote on New Year resolutions - "What the new year 
brings to you 
will depend a great deal 
on what you bring 
to the new year."

How to Write a New Year Resolutions Essay

How to get ideas for a new year’s resolution essay.

The best way to write a New Year resolutions essay is to self-reflect. Think back on your year and what you are glad you did and what you regret not doing. Then think how you wish you had behaved or where you feel you did well. Those things will likely point towards your resolutions or at least give you some ideas on what your resolutions could be.

You could also read other people’s resolutions online, getting ideas from what they have said. Perhaps there is an actor, athlete, politician, or other public figure you are a fan of. How do they act? How do they carry themselves in public? What do you like about them? Would you like to be similar to them in any way? This could also give you ideas on what your resolutions might be.

Did you witness something that upset you or inspired you during the year? Have you read something that made you think deeply? What was it about those things that made you feel that way? Every situation you have been in or witnessed affected you in some way. What ways were you affected? How you feel about those things could point you towards your resolutions in regards to the kind of person you want to be and how you want to act.

Taylor Duvall quote on New Year resolutions - "This year, be structured enough 
for success and achievement 
and flexible enough 
for creativity and fun."

Perhaps you’ve been thinking about making a career change lately. Maybe you hate your job and want to move on. What could you do and how could you act over the next year that will help you move in to a career or field you want to do? Do you like your job and want to do better and get promoted? What resolutions could you have that will make you stand out to your boss?

Have you been working hard enough at school or college, or have you been slacking off? Have you been taking part in extra-curricular activities and want to do more, or have you been keeping yourself isolated and regret it?

Do you keep making the same mistakes in love or with your diet? Do you want to get in shape, exercise more, and make sure you eat the right things going forwards?

In essence, think about where you are unhappy, dissatisfied, or wanting to improve in life. Those things can point to possible resolutions. On the other hand, think where you feel you are doing well, where you have succeeded and excelled. Do you want to make resolutions to improve those things even further or simply to make sure your are continuing to do those things?

Tips for students: if you are looking for some inspiration to come up with your New Year resolutions, you should check out this post on The Best New Year Resolutions to Help Students Succeed .

Cyril Cusack quote on New Year resolutions - "If you asked me for my 
new year resolution, 
it would be 
to find out who I am."

Writing a New Year’s resolution essay

Do you want your essay to be short – one you can simply stick up on the fridge and look at quickly every morning? Perhaps bullet points are the way forwards for you.

Do you do better and connect more when you get deep in to something? Maybe you want to write something longer-form or even a full-blown manifesto if you think that would help you!

There are no rights or wrongs when it comes to your New Year resolution essay. The point is to write something that makes you think, means something to you and is something you want to stick to.

The most usual way to write an essay is to write an opening statement – what you propose to say in your essay, the argument you are going to make, where you are going to take your audience – then make your points – in this case, talk about what you learnt about yourself over the last year and how you would like to adjust or improve over the next year – then make your conclusion – a short summary and ending to what you have said.

Melody Beattie quote on New Year resolutions - "The new year stands 
before us like a chapter in a book, 
waiting to be written. 
We can help write that story 
by setting goals."

When Should I Write My New Year Resolution Essay?

You should write your New Year resolution essay when you are in the best frame of mind to do it, when you can give it the most dedication. You should also try and write it as close to New Year’s Eve as possible, as this will mean you can take full stock of year you just had and start fresh the next day – on New Year’s Day – having just written your New Year’s resolutions essay.

You may choose to write it with a friend, write it alone, with loud, inspirational music on, or in a quiet room only lit with candles. However you do it, just be sure to put your full focus on it in order to get the most benefit.

Michael Josephson quote on New Year resolutions - "Approach the new year 
with resolve to find the 
opportunities hidden 
in each new day."

When it comes to writing your New Year’s resolutions essay, remember that this could be a really good opportunity to improve your life, to make sure you are going after your dreams , to make sure you aren’t wasting your life or wasting your time as you go through the year, so that you avoid feeling like a failure again if that is a pattern for you and that you feel successful throughout the year as you stick to your resolutions and achieve your goals.

Use this opportunity to make this your best New Year ever… no… your best YEAR ever. Go in to January with your essay in hand. Put it on the fridge, share it online, do whatever your must to make sure the resolutions you made stay in the forefront of your mind throughout the year (and not just the first few weeks of January). And then make sure you act on and stick to those resolutions.

Further Reading

If you agree that writing a New Year’s resolutions essay might help you in your goal to be successful in life, you may also like to read about the 7 steps of how to get success in life.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Development — Importance Of New Year Resolutions


Importance of New Year Resolutions

  • Categories: Development

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Words: 530 |

Published: Mar 13, 2024

Words: 530 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Self-reflection and goal-setting, motivation and inspiration, impact on overall well-being, references:.

  • Norcross, J. C., & Vangarelli, D. J. (1988). The resolution solution: Longitudinal examination of New Year's change attempts. Journal of Substance Abuse, 1(2), 127-134.
  • Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2002). Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year odyssey. American Psychologist, 57(9), 705-717.
  • Sheldon, K. M., & Elliot, A. J. (1999). Goal striving, need satisfaction, and longitudinal well-being: The self-concordance model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(3), 482-497.

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