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The OSSLT: How to Prepare for the Ontario Literacy Test

Project-Based Learning , Remedial Learning , Secondary Literacy , Writing

The 2023-2024 school year is a challenging year for students preparing for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test , also known as the OSSLT . Over the past few years, Ontario secondary students have faced many disruptions in learning. The Ontario government launched its Plan to Catch Up in July of 2022 to address the learning gaps caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. For secondary language teachers, these gaps serve as an obstacle as we continue with the return of standardized testing. This blog post shares practical and engaging strategies to help students prepare for the OSSLT .

The Ontario Literacy Test: Preparing for the OSSLT

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What is the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)?

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) is a compulsory standardized test that all secondary students in Ontario must write. The test evaluates English language skills in the areas of reading and writing. These are skills that reflect the Ontario English curriculum for up to and including Grade 9.

Ontario students are required to pass the OSSLT in order to graduate from high school in Ontario; however, there are several supports in place for students who don’t pass. These supports can help them succeed in meeting the province’s literacy requirements.

Is the OSSLT only for Grade 10?

The OSSLT is typically administered to students in Grade 10 . This is because the OSSLT evaluates skills that are taught in the Ontario English curriculum from K-9. In 2022, several students in Grade 11 were also eligible to write the OSSLT exam. This was because of cancellations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The OSSLT can also be written by any student who has already completed the exam but was not successful in achieving a passing grade. Students have unlimited attempts at the OSSLT; however, if students are unsuccessful, there are other options available.

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test: How to Prepare

What can students do to prepare for the Ontario Literacy Test?

In theory, all students begin preparing for the OSSLT from the time they start school. This is because the OSSLT is designed to assess the skills taught in the Ontario English curriculum from kindergarten to Grade 9 .

In reality, not all students are equipped with the necessary skills to be successful. This is especially true for English Language Learners who have not been enrolled in Ontario schools for a portion of their lives. ELL students may require more experience with the Ontario curriculum in order to be successful on the OSSLT. Fortunately, your ELL students can access special accommodations. Click here to learn more about ELL participation in the OSSLT.

Oftentimes, native English-speaking students also benefit from extra preparation for the OSSLT . Teachers may begin to prepare for the OSSLT well before the exam date in Grade 10 – this preparation is especially vigorous in the 9th and 10th grades.  Through various reading and writing activities, teachers can “ teach to the test ” in order to help students prepare for the OSSLT.

Additionally, students can practice for the OSSLT independently or with a tutor. These practice tests include articles, multiple-choice questions, and written response prompts that resemble the mandated tasks for the OSSLT. Students are also encouraged to work on the practice exercises in the OSSLT section on the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) website .

Preparing for the OSSLT: The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test

How to prepare for the OSSLT

1. review the skills assessed on the ontario secondary school literacy test.

The OSSLT requires a set of prescribed skills for successful completion. Focussing on the following areas will help students prepare for the OSSLT: 

  • Expressing and developing an opinion
  • Writing a series of paragraphs
  • Identifying main ideas and supporti ng points within a text
  • Using main ideas and supporting point s to support an opinion
  • Writing introductions and conclusions
  • Interpreting different types of narrative texts (ie. news reports, magazine stories, short fiction)
  • Interpreting informational texts (ie. opinion pieces, textbooks)
  • Summarizing ideas and information that are explicitly stated
  • Understanding ideas and information that are implicitly stated
  • Identifying bias, purpose, reliability, and audience

If you are an administrator or department head in an Ontario secondary school, you can consider arranging prep sessions during lunch hour or after school. Students can drop in and work on a streamlined curriculum that is designed to prepare them for the Ontario Literacy Test.

2. Prepare using OSSLT Practice Tests

Another great way to help students prepare for the OSSLT is to utilize OSSLT Practice Tests . These practice tests are designed to resemble the articles and reading questions that students will encounter on the   EQAO Ontario Literacy Test. Students will explore a Real-Life Narrative (RNL), two Information Paragraphs (IP), a News Report (NR), and a Dialogue (DI). Additionally, students will complete two Written Multiple-Select activities (WMM) and respond to an opinion essay prompt.

3. Teaching to the Test: Multiple-Choice Questions

The multiple-choice section of the OSSLT is geared towards assessing a number of literacy skills. The questions include everything from identifying the purpose of a text to evaluating the context of a word in order to select an appropriate synonym. There is no way of predicting multiple-choice questions. This means you can’t guarantee your students will be successful with this portion of the test.

Fortunately, there are a number of strategies that you can use to practice for the multiple-choice section of the OSSLT. The most straightforward strategy involves practicing with reading passages and multiple-choice questions that resemble the EQAO test. Students can practice multiple-choice questions using these news reports , information texts , and real-life narratives . These articles and multiple-select questions resemble those that students will encounter on the OSSLT.

Another strategy is to incorporate practice for the multiple-choice section into your everyday lessons. When you read a text together as a class, you can pause to ask questions similar to those on the OSSLT:

  • Request that students explain how they interpret new vocabulary so that they can model this process to their peers.
  • Ask students questions that prompt them to summarize the text .
  • Challenge students to make predictions or inferences about the text.
  • Move through the text paragraph-by-paragraph to identify the purpose of certain sentences or sections.
  • Encourage students to evaluate the text as a whole by suggesting a title for the selection.

How to prepare for the Ontario Literacy Test

3. Lesson Plans to Practice for the Ontario Literacy Test

There are a number of engaging lessons and project-based assessments that you can use to practice for the OSSLT. You can start with a mandated task and utilize backward design to work on the skills necessary for students to be successful on the OSSLT.

One major assessment in the OSSLT involves reading real-life narratives . This narrative unit includes everything you need to build foundational literacy skills for real-life narratives. Students can demonstrate these skills by completing the Community Interview Project , a project-based assessment inspired by the iconic Humans of New York . They can also apply these skills to post-secondary pathways by practicing writing cover letters .

Another major assessment on the Ontario Literacy Test involves writing an opinion essay . This essay must express an opinion and use different forms of evidence to support the main idea of each body paragraph. This main idea and supporting details mini-unit teaches students how to develop main ideas. Students can also apply this knowledge to peer-based learning activities like a Lincoln-Douglas Debate .  

This nonfiction writing bundle also builds the skills necessary to interpret an informational text. Students will learn to identify informational texts and differentiate them from other forms of writing. This will prepare them to write their own informational paragraphs.  

Finally, focussing on reading comprehension will also sharpen essential literacy skills for Ontario students. The more practice students have with different types of texts, the more prepared they will be to interpret these texts on the Ontario Literacy Test. This reading comprehension unit focuses on making inferences, making predictions, and summarizing several different forms of texts.

Teaching the Ontario Literacy Course (OLC):  Strategies, Resources, and Ideas for teaching OLC4O

What if you fail the OSSLT?

If a student fails the OSSLT, there are a few options. For one, students can attempt to write the Ontario Literacy Test again.  If the student has an IEP, they are also entitled to the accommodations listed on their file. Be sure to review this to ensure that accommodations are met for their second attempt.

Another option is to complete the Ontari o Secondary School Literacy Course , also known as the OSSLC or OLC.  This course assesses the same skills evaluated on the EQAO exam, meaning that if students pass the course, they meet the requirements to graduate high school .

The Ontario Literacy Course includes mandated tasks that are outlined in the Ontario Curriculum .  Students can complete assignments and activities that align with these mandated tasks in order to develop a literacy portfolio.  

Becoming successful on the OSSLT

In conclusion, preparing for the OSSLT is a journey that begins early in a student’s educational career and requires ongoing effort and support. By focusing on the key skills assessed, utilizing practice tests, and engaging in targeted learning activities, students can build the confidence and competence needed to succeed on the OSSLT. Remember – success on this test is not just about passing; it’s about demonstrating the literacy skills that are essential for future academic and career success. Encourage students to embrace the challenge, seek support when needed, and approach the OSSLT with a positive attitude.

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Reader Interactions

[…] paraphrasing and summarizing is essential for students writing standardized tests, including the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), the AP Language and Composition Exam, and both the SAT and the […]

[…] the College Board SAT exam. This is because students can expect to see environmental topics on standardized tests. Given the importance of climate change in several career fields, students can also expect to study […]

[…] Your students may require an approach to interviewing that is more trauma-informed. This is especially true for students’ families who have endured collective hardships or systemic oppression. I find “Humans of my Community” to be a perfect alternative. This project-based learning idea uses the same interviewing skills listed above and incorporates news article writing – this is especially helpful if you are preparing for the OSSLT. […]

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Osslt Opinion Essay Rubric Examples

Updated 16 May 2022

When it comes to writing an OSSLT opinion essay, there are some requirements you have to meet. For most students, this is a challenging task to handle, but with adequate preparation, you can succeed.

The essay must be written according to rules, and you should write a minimum of three paragraphs. For more details, check out our guideline.

If you want to pass an OSSLT essay examination, then you have to go through various stages and tasks. We offer a complete service in preparing students for this challenging task. On the actual exam, you will have ten writing assignments, and they are divided into separate rubrics. This is not like math help services where everything is done through math formula. When writing an essay, you need to have a personal approach and excellent command of a language.

So here are some osslt opinion essay rubric examples:

Short writing tasks – it features a form of informal, summary and opinion paragraph and appears four times.

Long writing task – it’s usually a news report and appears once.

Multiple choice questions – you will have to answer eight questions. They are related to structuring content, ideas and the use of conversation.

Reading multiple-choice questions are divided into:

Reading and responding to questions connected to an understanding of an information paragraph – six questions.

Reading and responding to questions connected to an understanding of a news report – five questions.

Reading and responding to questions connected to an understanding of a dialog – ten questions.

Reading and responding to questions connected to an understanding of a real-life narrative – nine questions.

Reading and responding to questions connected to an understanding of a graphic text – six questions.

Osslt essay format

The format, in this case, is clearly outlined and you have to follow the rules. We teach our members how to pass this examination, and we have a high rate of success, which gives our organization reputation and credibility on the market.

You can ask us “ write my paper ” or I “will pay to do my homework ,” but that’s not how we operate. Our primary goal is to teach our attendants how to write. We want you to be entirely independent at the end of the course.

Considering the format of the OSSLT opinion essay, you should directly answer the questions. Pick one side and then explain your opinion. In this case, you don’t have to be accurate, nor you have to elaborate on why your idea is correct.

Keep in mind that your writing skills are being reviewed, not your knowledge of the topic. You should use anecdotes, examples, and comparison.

When it comes to organization, you have to be careful to you divide paragraphs. For instance, the first paragraph should be a direct response to a question and three reasons why your answer is correct.

The three body paragraphs explain each reason in details and the final paragraph is a summary.

The language and voice you use in this type of an essay need to be strong, determined and serious and all the opinion essays are written in the present tense, preferably in the first person.

But all these details will be further explained in the course.

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How to Prepare for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

by Rachel Esco February 13, 2018

ontario secondary school literacy test

So your kid has the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) coming up?  Have no fear! All in all, the test is quite basic, although it does require they know the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. And yes, there's an extensive portion on reading comprehension and visual literacy, which focuses on their critical thinking skills .

Fortunately, there are many ways to prepare for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test , including working with practice tests which are available through the OSSLT official website .  Yet before they try their luck at testing themselves, here's everything they should do first.

Get hooked on grammar

Every portion of the test involves grammar. Whether it's the multiple choice or writing section, the test will examine their grammar knowledge. They can sharpen their grammar skills by using websites activities like Grammar Bytes to review. Here are some major rules to practice:

  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Pronoun agreement
  • Parallel structure
  • Run-on sentences
  • Verb tenses

Review your punctuation ABC's

The literacy test will examine the student's knowledge of punctuation. Although they may presume to know their commas, dashes and semi-colons, they should still review it all to prevent second-guessing.

Since some of the multiple choice questions are tricky, they may confuse the student's understanding of punctuation. To prepare, they can review their punctuation skills using online tests and once they're ready, they may test themselves with an OSSLT practice test .

Practice critical literacy skills

For the reading portion of the test , the questions involve all types of critical  literacy skill s. Here are the different types below:

Getting the main idea

After reading a passage, they should be able to give the main idea . Essentially, this means that they need to identify the general issue or overall scenario from the text. This skill should not be confused with a summary , which is the skill of retelling facts.

Making connections

Some reading questions may ask students to make a connection between the text and real-life or themselves.

The reading material is usually pretty standard, involving straightforward issues like health, pollution, bullying and friendship. For this reason, they can make a basic connection to the text based on their general knowledge. The connection doesn't have to be particularly advanced or fancy; as long as they can clearly make a logical connection , they'll be fine.

Making inferences

Arguably the toughest reading skill, they need to make inferences . Basically, they need to be able to draw an opinion or deeper observation based on what they read. For example, if they're reading about a student who avoids socializing with others, they may infer that the student is shy or anxious.

Using the context clues

They may also be asked to infer the definition of an unknown word. By using the context of a sentence for clues, they can take an educated guess at what the word means. Depending on how the unknown word is used in the sentence, they can choose the definition that best applies from the multiple choice options.

Practice visual literacy skills

Then there's the visual literacy component. Here, the student will analyze a chat or graph, accompanied by supporting facts. There are corresponding questions that require the student to find trends or make comparisons from the visual information. You can find an example here: see the visual literacy section of the test .

Learn how to write a news report

Writing like a reporter, the students will have to create a news report. This section will provide an image and a title, which they'll use as the basis for developing their story.

Before writing, they should plan out their ideas in the rough work section by recording the 5W's: who, what, when, where, why. You can see an example of a completed news report from the OSSLT .

Master short & long paragraphs

There are three types of writing tasks throughout the literacy test. They are as follows: personal opinion, reading response and mini essay.

1. Personal opinion (short answer)

Students will write an opinion in a short answer paragraph . This section will prompt them with a question, usually about a general topic related to school, health or society.

2. Reading response (short answer)

After a reading section, they'll be asked to express an opinion about the text in a short answer paragraph. To support their opinion, they must use examples or details from the text.

3. Mini essay (long answer)

Similar to an essay, they'll have to write a long answer response to a question.  They must answer with three arguments, each written in a well-organized paragraph.

Preparing for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test doesn't have to be scary. Make sure your child starts practicing early, so they know what to expect and can start working on their weaker skills. If you're worried, you can always hire a private tutor who can help your child prepare for the test.

Rachel Esco

Rachel Esco

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How to Prepare for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

How to Prepare for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) is a significant milestone in the educational journey of high school students in Ontario, Canada. It is a standardized test that assesses students’ reading and writing skills, and successful completion is a requirement for obtaining an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Preparing for the OSSLT is crucial to ensure you meet this graduation requirement and showcase your literacy proficiency. In this article, we will explore essential strategies and tips to help you prepare for the OSSLT effectively.

Table of Contents

Understanding the osslt.

Before diving into preparation strategies, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what the OSSLT entails. The OSSLT is typically administered in March of Grade 10, but students have multiple opportunities to retake it if necessary. The test consists of two main components:

  • Reading Comprehension : This section assesses your ability to understand and analyze various types of texts, such as newspaper articles, reports, and narratives. You’ll be required to answer multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and complete a series of open-response questions based on the provided texts.
  • Writing Skills : In this section, you’ll need to demonstrate your writing skills by composing a series of written responses. This includes writing a news report, a series of paragraphs, and an essay based on a provided prompt.

Preparing for the OSSLT: Essential Strategies

Now that you have a clear understanding of the OSSLT, let’s explore some essential strategies for effective preparation:

1. Start Early

Effective preparation for the OSSLT begins well before the test date. It’s advisable to start building your reading and writing skills from the early years of high school. Reading a variety of texts, both for school and personal enjoyment, can enhance your reading comprehension skills. Likewise, practicing writing essays and reports will help you become a more proficient writer.

2. Take Advantage of School Resources

Your school will likely offer resources and support to help you prepare for the OSSLT. These may include practice tests, study guides, and workshops. Be sure to take advantage of these resources, as they are specifically tailored to the test format and expectations.

3. Practice Reading Comprehension

To excel in the reading comprehension section, practice is key. Read a wide range of texts, including newspapers, magazines, academic articles, and fiction. Pay attention to the author’s main ideas, supporting details, and any persuasive techniques used. Practice summarizing texts, identifying the central themes, and drawing inferences. This will help you become a more critical and analytical reader.

4. Enhance Your Writing Skills

Improving your writing skills is crucial for the writing skills section of the OSSLT. Work on your ability to write clearly, concisely, and coherently. Focus on organizing your ideas logically and providing adequate support for your arguments. It’s also essential to be aware of the conventions of standard written English, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

5. Review Sample Questions

Familiarize yourself with the types of questions and tasks you’ll encounter on the OSSLT by reviewing sample questions and previous test papers. This will give you a sense of the test format and the expectations for each section. You can find official OSSLT sample questions and practice materials on the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) website.

6. Time Management

Time management is a critical aspect of test preparation. The OSSLT has a time limit, so practice working within these constraints. Learn to allocate your time effectively for each section, and be mindful of the clock during the actual test. Consider using a timer during your practice sessions to simulate test conditions.

7. Work on Writing Prompts

The OSSLT includes writing prompts that require you to compose essays and reports. Practice writing on a variety of topics and prompts to hone your skills. Focus on structuring your responses with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to provide examples and evidence to support your arguments.

8. Peer Review and Feedback

Seek feedback on your writing from teachers, peers, or tutors. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your writing. Additionally, reviewing and critiquing the work of others can enhance your own understanding of effective writing techniques.

9. Stay Informed

The OSSLT often includes texts related to current events and social issues. Stay informed about current news, as this knowledge can be valuable in both the reading comprehension and writing skills sections. Reading newspapers, magazines, and online news sources can help you become more aware of current events.

On the Day of the OSSLT

As the test day approaches, there are specific steps you can take to ensure a smooth and successful experience:

1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

A well-rested mind performs better. Ensure you get a full night’s sleep before the test day to be alert and focused during the examination.

2. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Fuel your body and brain with a nutritious breakfast on the morning of the test. This will help sustain your energy throughout the testing period.

3. Arrive Early

Arrive at the test center with ample time to spare. Rushing to the test can increase stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact your performance.

4. Follow Instructions Carefully

During the test, carefully read and follow the instructions provided in the test booklet. Ensure that you understand the format of each section and the specific requirements for responses.

5. Manage Your Time

Divide your time wisely between the reading comprehension and writing skills sections. It’s essential to pace yourself to complete all the tasks within the allotted time.

After the OSSLT

Once the OSSLT is complete, there are still important steps to take:

1. Reflect on Your Performance

Take some time to reflect on your performance. Identify your strengths and areas that may need improvement. This self-assessment can guide your ongoing literacy development.

2. Review Your Score

After the test, you will receive your OSSLT score. If you didn’t achieve a passing grade, don’t be discouraged. You have opportunities to retake the test in the following school years. Use your initial experience as a learning opportunity to improve your skills.

3. Seek Additional Support

If you struggled with the OSSLT or received a score below the passing grade, consider seeking additional support. Talk to your teachers or guidance counselors about resources or strategies to enhance your literacy skills.

Preparing for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) requires dedication, practice, and a thorough understanding of the test format. By following the strategies and tips outlined in this article, you can maximize your readiness and increase your chances of success on test day. Remember that the OSSLT is not only a graduation requirement but also an opportunity to showcase your literacy skills, which are invaluable for future academic and professional endeavors. Stay focused, practice consistently, and approach the OSSLT with confidence.

Go to https://ontarioliteracy.ca/osslt-practice-tests to take the OSSLT now

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A Comprehensive Guide to OSSLT Practice Tests: Boost Your Success!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to OSSLT practice tests! If you’re a high school student in Ontario, Canada, you’re probably familiar with the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). This test assesses your literacy skills and is a requirement for graduation. To help you prepare effectively for this important exam, we’ll explore the benefits of practice tests and provide you with tips and resources to maximize your success. So, let’s dive in!

how to write an essay for osslt

Let’s Get Started

1. Who is the author of the book “The Great Gatsby”?

2. what is the capital of canada, 3. which element has the chemical symbol ‘fe’, 4. in which year did the first world war end, 5. who was the first woman to win a nobel prize, 6. what is the primary conflict in “romeo and juliet”, 7. who is the protagonist in “to kill a mockingbird”, 8. in the story “the three little pigs”, what materials did the pigs use to build their houses, 9. what genre does “harry potter” series belong to, 10. who wrote “pride and prejudice”, 11. on a bar graph showing monthly sales, if the bar for march is the tallest, what does this indicate, 12. if a pie chart represents a budget, what does a slice of the pie represent, 13. what does a dashed line usually represent on a map, 14. in a flowchart, what does an oval symbol usually represent, 15. what does the x-axis represent in a line graph, 16. what is the first section of a news report called, 17. what does the term ‘byline’ in a news report refer to, 18. in a news report, where would you typically find the most important information, 19. what is the purpose of a headline in a news report, 20. what should a dateline in a news report include, 21. what is the primary purpose of an opinion piece, 22. what is a common feature of opinion pieces, 23. in an opinion piece, what does the author use to support their viewpoint, 24. what is essential to include in an opinion piece, 25. what distinguishes an opinion piece from a news report.

Your Score:

Understanding the OSSLT

Before we delve into the benefits of practice tests, let’s first understand what the OSSLT entails. The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test assesses your ability to read, write, and communicate effectively in English. It consists of two booklets: a reading booklet and a writing booklet. The test is divided into two sections – multiple-choice questions and a series of written responses.

The Importance of Practice Tests

Practice tests are an essential tool for effective preparation. They allow you to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions that will be presented in the actual OSSLT. Here are some key benefits of incorporating practice tests into your study routine:

  • Familiarity with the Test Structure: By taking practice tests, you’ll become comfortable with the structure and timing of the exam. This familiarity reduces test anxiety and enables you to allocate your time more efficiently during the actual test.
  • Identifying Knowledge Gaps: Practice tests help you identify areas where you may be struggling. Whether it’s understanding specific question types or content areas, practice tests allow you to pinpoint your weaknesses and address them before the actual test.
  • Improving Time Management: The OSSLT is timed, and managing your time effectively is crucial. Practice tests provide an opportunity to learn how to pace yourself and complete each section within the allocated time.
  • Building Confidence: Regularly practicing with mock exams boosts your confidence. As you see improvement in your scores and become more familiar with the test, your confidence levels will rise, leading to better performance on the actual exam.

How to Use Practice Tests Effectively

To make the most of your practice tests, follow these tips:

  • Create a Study Schedule: Set aside dedicated time for practice tests in your study schedule. Consistency is key, so aim to take at least one practice test per week leading up to the OSSLT.
  • Simulate Test Conditions: Take practice tests under conditions that mimic the actual exam as closely as possible. Find a quiet space, time yourself, and avoid distractions to create an authentic testing environment.
  • Review Your Answers: After completing a practice test, thoroughly review your answers. Understand why certain responses were correct or incorrect. This analysis will help you identify areas for improvement and reinforce your understanding of the test content.
  • Seek Feedback: If possible, seek feedback from a teacher or tutor on your practice test performance. They can provide valuable insights and offer guidance on how to strengthen your weak areas.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep a record of your scores and monitor your progress over time. Tracking your improvement will not only motivate you but also help you identify any trends or patterns in your performance.

Additional Resources for OSSLT Practice Tests

To enhance your preparation further, here are some additional resources that offer OSSLT practice tests:

  • Official EQAO Website: The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is responsible for administering the OSSLT. Their website provides free sample questions and past OSSLT booklets for practice.
  • Commercial Test Prep Books: Many publishers offer OSSLT-specific test prep books that include multiple practice tests with detailed explanations. Look for reputable publishers such as Kaplan or Barron’s.
  • Online Platforms: There are several online platforms that offer OSSLT practice tests. Some popular options include ExamBank (exam.bank), Prodigy Education (prodigygame.com), and Study.com.
  • School Resources: Check if your school offers any additional resources such as study guides or workshops focused on OSSLT preparation. Utilize these resources to supplement your practice tests.

Strategies for OSSLT Success

In addition to practice tests, incorporating effective strategies can significantly boost your performance on the OSSLT. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Read Regularly: Engage in regular reading practices to improve your comprehension skills. Read a variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, newspapers, and online articles.
  • Expand Vocabulary: Enhancing your vocabulary will strengthen both your reading and writing abilities. Use flashcards or vocabulary-building apps to learn new words and their meanings.
  • Practice Writing: Develop your writing skills by practicing different types of writing tasks, such as persuasive essays, summaries, and opinion pieces. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
  • Analyze Sample Responses: Analyze sample responses to past OSSLT questions. Understand what makes a strong response and learn from others’ writing styles.
  • Stay Calm and Focused: On the day of exam, stay calm focused. Take deep breaths if you feel anxious, and read each question carefully before answering.


Preparing for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) requires dedication and effective study strategies. Incorporating practice tests into your preparation routine will help you familiarize yourself with the test format, identify knowledge gaps, improve time management, and boost your confidence. Remember to use the additional resources available and implement effective strategies to maximize your success on the OSSLT. Good luck!

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About OSSLT Practice Tests

  • Why should I take OSSLT practice tests? Taking practice tests helps you become familiar with the format and types of questions that will appear in the actual OSSLT. It allows you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, improve time management, and boost your confidence for the real exam.
  • Where can I find practice tests for the OSSLT? There are several resources available for OSSLT practice tests. You can start by visiting the official EQAO website, which provides free sample questions and past OSSLT booklets. Additionally, you can explore commercial test prep books, online platforms, or check if your school offers any resources for OSSLT preparation.
  • How often should I take OSSLT practice tests? It is recommended to incorporate regular practice tests into your study routine leading up to the OSSLT. Aim to take at least one practice test per week to allow sufficient time for review and improvement.
  • What should I do after completing a practice test? After completing a practice test, take the time to thoroughly review your answers. Understand the reasoning behind correct and incorrect responses. This analysis will help you identify areas for improvement and reinforce your understanding of the test content.
  • Are there any additional strategies I can use to prepare for the OSSLT? In addition to practice tests, there are several strategies you can employ to enhance your preparation. Reading regularly, expanding your vocabulary, practicing different types of writing tasks, analyzing sample responses, and staying calm and focused on the day of the exam are all effective strategies to improve your performance on the OSSLT.

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9. Successful completion of the literacy test is one of the requirements to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. 

The administration of the OSSLT will take place from

  • Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at 7:00 a.m. ET, to Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. ET, with individual student results reported on or by the end of January 2024.
  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 7:00 a.m. ET, to Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. ET, with individual student results reported on or by the end of May 2024.

On this page

Administration user guide, 2023–2024, user guide for the administration of the ontario secondary school literacy test, 2023–2024.

Please note that with the release of the new Ontario language curriculum, the OSSLT user guide has been updated.

Topics covered by the user guide include the following:

  • for teachers: accessing and navigating accounts, managing classrooms, preparing students for the assessment and administering the assessment sessions
  • for school administrators: accessing and navigating accounts, managing student lists and teacher accounts, overseeing assessment sessions and functioning as a primary point of contact for teachers
  • for school board representatives and IT teams: navigating the general technical readiness process, preparing for the accessibility and accommodations options, understanding bandwidth and connectivity requirements, managing security and domain allowed-list protocols and configuring devices

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Practice Test

Students can become familiar with the online test and its platform through EQAO’s online practice test. The online practice test comprises two sessions that are equivalent to the two sessions students will be completing during the live test. In addition, the practice test includes an introductory session that allows students to become familiar with the new online platform’s tools and functions.

At a Glance: Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) [PDF]

Ontario secondary school literacy test (osslt) framework [pdf].

The Framework provides a detailed description of EQAO’s OSSLT (including how the test is grounded in the Ontario Curriculum’s expectations for literacy skills for all subjects up to the end of Grade 9) as well as sample student reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

Information videos, what to expect on the osslt.

  • Assessments
  • Digitalization and Modernization
  • Math Proficiency Test
  • Administration Dates
  • Land Acknowledgement

OSSLT Strategies, Tips and, Resources

If you're a teacher who is looking to quickly and easily find your students pain points so you can spend less time marking and more time with your students, take a look at our Google Drive Add-On . It will give you instant feedback about what is really happening with your students so you can make sure they get the support they need!

OSSLT Strategies

There are several different types of questions on the OSSLT. If you practice being able to identify which type of question you're looking at, you will have an easier time giving a full-mark answer.

Multiple Choice

There are two types of multiple choice questions on the OSSLT:

Direct questions are questions which can be answered by copying information directly from the text, like dates, names, ages, etc.

Indirect questions require you to figure something out. The OSSLT will often ask indirect questions like "What happened first?" or "Which word has the closest meaning?"

Written Answer

There are three main types of written questions on the OSSLT: Short Answer, News Report, and A Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion

In Short Answer questions, you are asked to look at the reading material exclusively when answering a question. There are three subtypes of this question type: Short Writing, Close Reading, and Main Idea.

News Reports should follow established conventions from news media. In these questions, you should use the headline and photo provided to write a short news story.

In the Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion , you will answer a question provided by EQAO in several paragraphs. This is the longest piece of writing on the OSSLT, so good planning is very important.


  1. OSSLT Lessons Video Writing a Series of Paragraphs

    how to write an essay for osslt

  2. How to Write an OSSLT Opinion Essay

    how to write an essay for osslt

  3. Osslt Essay Examples

    how to write an essay for osslt

  4. osslt 2015 prep session 3 writing a supported opinion essay

    how to write an essay for osslt

  5. Osslt Opinion Essay Example

    how to write an essay for osslt

  6. Lesson 1- Introduction and Topic Development.pdf

    how to write an essay for osslt


  1. 07-06-2024 KALYAN BAZAR

  2. The Caged Lion by Charlotte M. Yonge

  3. ЕШКІМГЕ АЙТЫЛМАҒАН ҚҰПИЯ! Төсекті қаламаймын, ажырасқымда келмейді!

  4. How to write an essay by UPSC topper Neha byadwal #motivation #cgpsctopper #upsc #ias

  5. OSSLT Prep: Learning About Open Responses

  6. OSSLT Prep


  1. PDF Literacy Test Practice: Series of Paragraphs

    The OSSLT asks students to write a 'Series of Paragraphs' which means you have to write an essay. It will be an OPINION essay, and will be on a topic that is familiar and/or relevant to teenagers. You will need to pick one side and provide 3 reasons to support your opinion.

  2. EQAO Opinion Writing Tip Sheet

    The report must be written in the style of an OSSLT Opinion Essay: The instructions will ask for a minimum of three paragraphs. You should plan to write FIVE paragraphs: an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. The introduction paragraph explains your answer to the question. Pick ONE side.

  3. PDF 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

    The OSSLT is a computer based assessment that comprises two sessions (Session A and Session B). Each test has a field test component and an operational component. The operational component contains the items that are scored to be included in the student results. The items from the field test component are not used in determining the student ...

  4. The OSSLT: Preparing to Write the Ontario Literacy Test

    How to prepare for the OSSLT. 1. Review the skills assessed on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. The OSSLT requires a set of prescribed skills for successful completion. Focussing on the following areas will help students prepare for the OSSLT: Expressing and developing an opinion.

  5. PDF The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Lesson One

    This is what the Online OSSLT essay task looks like: This is how the topic question is presented. You are expected to write 5 paragraphs Use the rough notes tool to brainstorm your answer You can write up to 500 words, but you can earn full marks with a clearly organized, well written 5 paragraph answer that is 350-400 words long.

  6. Strategies for Writing a Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion

    The 2018 OSSLT Scoring Guide has the most recent examples of the calibre of writing that EQAO expects. Requirements for the Opinion Piece. The directions given on the test are: Write a minimum of three paragraphs expressing an opinion on the topic below. Develop your main idea with supporting details (proof, facts, examples, etc.).

  7. Osslt Opinion Essay Rubric Examples

    When writing an essay, you need to have a personal approach and excellent command of a language. So here are some osslt opinion essay rubric examples: Short writing tasks - it features a form of informal, summary and opinion paragraph and appears four times. Long writing task - it's usually a news report and appears once.

  8. How to Write the Short Writing Task in the OSSLT

    This video demonstrates how to write the Short Writing Task in the OSSLT for Ontario secondary school students.

  9. How to Write an OSSLT Opinion Essay

    Tips on How to Write an OSSLT Opinion Essay: 1. Stay on Topic: Make sure your essay clearly addresses the given topic. Avoid going off on tangents or introducing unrelated information. 2. Use ...

  10. How to Prepare for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT

    You can see an example of a completed news report from the OSSLT. Master short & long paragraphs. There are three types of writing tasks throughout the literacy test. They are as follows: personal opinion, reading response and mini essay. 1. Personal opinion (short answer) Students will write an opinion in a short answer paragraph. This section ...

  11. Frequently-Asked Questions About The OSSLT

    Generally speaking, the OSSLT is written in one day for all students across Ontario (although this has not been true during the Covid pandemic). There are two sections, each written in a 60-minute period (extra time can be allotted if required), and there is typically a short break between each section, or the sections can even be written on ...

  12. How to Prepare for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT

    7. Work on Writing Prompts. The OSSLT includes writing prompts that require you to compose essays and reports. Practice writing on a variety of topics and prompts to hone your skills. Focus on structuring your responses with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to provide examples and evidence to support your ...

  13. OSSLT Practice Tests and More

    Prepare yourself with our OSSLT practice tests. If you're worried about passing the literacy test, Ontario Literacy's extensive library of practice tests will give you the experience and feedback you need to do your best. Use the personalized feedback from our OSSLT practice tests to make the most of your studying hours and see maximum results ...


    Practice Writing: Develop your writing skills by practicing different types of writing tasks, such as persuasive essays, summaries, and opinion pieces. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. Analyze Sample Responses: Analyze sample responses to past OSSLT questions. Understand what makes a strong response and learn from ...

  15. Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

    The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9. Successful completion of the literacy test is one of the requirements to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The administration of the OSSLT will take place from.

  16. PDF Released March 2019 OSSLT

    details. The organization is logical.Code 60The response is related to the assigned prompt. A clear and consisten. opinion is developed with sufficient specific supporting details that are th. April 2019Scoring Guide for Long Writing Topic Development Section I OpinionCode 10Annotation: The response expresses an.

  17. A Comprehensive Guide on Osslt Opinion Essay Rubric with FAQs

    Here's a suggested rubric format for writing an Opinion Essay for the OSSLT: Introduction Opening sentence: Begin with a strong statement or question that grabs the reader's attention and introduces the topic. Background information: Provide relevant context or background information about the issue or subject you are addressing.

  18. OSSLT Prep

    7. Grade 7 & 8: Use the results as a pre-test to determine areas of needed instruction for students and to compare post results back to in order to track improvement data. Grade 9\10: Use the results to help tier students for OSSLT support. NOTE: This test is the same as the online OSSLT practice test.

  19. OSSLT Strategies, Tips, and Resources

    There are three main types of written questions on the OSSLT: Short Answer, News Report, and A Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion. In Short Answer questions, you are asked to look at the reading material exclusively when answering a question. There are three subtypes of this question type: Short Writing, Close Reading, and Main Idea.

  20. Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Prep

    The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) is a provincial test of literacy (reading and writing) skills students have acquired by Grade 10. Its successful completion is a requirement for graduation. The OSSLT is administered by Ontario's Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) in the Spring.

  21. How to write the OSSLT opinion essay

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  22. Rethinking English essay scores: The argument for ...

    To get high scores at essay writing tests, learners of English as a foreign language need to focus on good arguments more than on complex grammar. The finding challenges conventional approaches to ...

  23. OSSLT Strategies, Tips, and Resources

    Written Answer. There are three main types of written questions on the OSSLT: Short Answer, News Report, and A Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion. In Short Answer questions, you are asked to look at the reading material exclusively when answering a question. There are three subtypes of this question type: Short Writing, Close Reading ...

  24. OSSLT Strategies, Tips, and Resources

    Written Answer. There are three main types of written questions on the OSSLT: Short Answer, News Report, and A Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion. In Short Answer questions, you are asked to look at the reading material exclusively when answering a question. There are three subtypes of this question type: Short Writing, Close Reading ...