• Career Development

How to List Education in Progress on Your Resume (+ Examples)

Marsha Hebert, professional resume writer

10 min read

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Are you unsure about how to list your in-progress education on your resume? Many people are, including current students, students taking online classes, and people taking a break from their degree programs.

Is it acceptable to include unfinished degrees on a resume?

ZipJob’s career experts agree that education in progress should usually be included on a resume. A degree in progress is still important to employers, as well as a degree that was started and holds relevance to a position. However, it needs to be included in an honest way so it’s an accurate reflection of your learning and accomplishments.

If you’re currently pursuing a degree, here is how you can list education in progress on your resume – plus some examples for you to use as templates on your own resume.

Key Takeaway

KEY TAKEAWAY: Are you working on a degree and want to tell prospective employers about your efforts? These tips can help you to list your in-progress education on your resume.

How to list education in progress on a resume

There are two things you need to learn if you want to know how to list education in progress on your resume. The first is how to provide that information in a way that clearly conveys your education status to an employer. The second is where to place that information in the body of your resume. With respect to the how, there are a few different ways to convey these details. There are only a couple of basic rules to follow when you list these education details:

Be as clear as possible. You don’t want to give the employer the wrong impression, after all. If you have completed one degree and are pursuing advanced education, be sure to clearly state that fact. If your degree is not yet complete, be clear about that as well.

Be honest. If you are in the process of withdrawing from school, don’t list that educational program. Don’t try to enhance your education section in any way. Just state the facts in an honest way.

Feel free to include in-progress university degrees , as well as online degrees that you may be pursuing. Both are popular in 2023/2024.

Resume degree in progress examples

When you include details indicating that you’re currently pursuing a degree on your resume, it’s important to provide clarity. The last thing you want is to inadvertently leave the impression that you’re trying to pretend like you’ve completed the degree. And while it might be tempting to just note that the degree is still a work-in-progress, we believe that you should be even more specific. The best way to do that is to include the anticipated graduation date.

Now, if you’re like many students, you may not be entirely sure that you’ll complete your degree by a set date. However, that shouldn’t stop you from providing an anticipated date of completion. In fact, it’s essential that you provide this information so that employers know that you’re serious about your studies. This is especially true in cases where the job you’re seeking requires that degree. Fortunately, it’s a relatively easy task to accomplish.

We wrote a good post here on how to include an MBA on a resume.

For example, check out this listing from a sample resume with a master’s degree in progress:

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Human Resources Program

Dynamic University, Anytown, AnyState. Expected completion 2025

If you’re closer to graduation and are more certain about the date, you can use something like this:

Graduate Studies, Computer Engineering

XYZ University, MyCity, MyState, Graduation Date: Spring, 2024

What if I don't expect to finish the degree?

If you are taking a break from your education (or a permanent hiatus) you need to consider whether or not the coursework you did complete is relevant. Ask yourself:

Is this degree related to the job I'm applying for?

Is this degree more relevant to the job than my other relevant experience including jobs, volunteer work, or certifications?

Is this in-progress degree recent enough? (Can I still remember what I learned? Has a lot changed in the industry since I learned it?)

Is having a degree required for this job?

While you should never lie about having a degree you don't have, including any progress made toward a required degree may help you reach the interview stage. The trick is you have to be qualified for the job in every other aspect. If you don't have an MBA, but you do have 10+ years in the business field, you may still have a shot at landing the interview.

To accurately represent this on your resume, don't include a prospective graduation date. Instead, try including the number of credits and the years you attended.

University of California, Riverside (2019 to 2021) | Riverside, CA

36 units toward a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies

EXPERT TIP: View 200+ more professional resume samples for all industries, along with a guide to writing resumes from our career experts.

Should I include other information about my degree?

You may want to consider whether you should list relevant coursework and major projects on your resume. In general, work experience is more compelling than education, but either way, adding classes that you’ve taken or capstone-type projects can elevate your resume with more relevant keywords.

Relevant coursework

Adding relevant coursework to the education section of your resume can be a great idea, especially if you lack the professional experience needed to set you apart from other job seekers. The great thing about adding coursework is that you can include it whether you’ve finished your degree or not. Here’s what it would look like:

Bachelor of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies | University of Chicago (GPA: 3.89) 

Relevant Coursework: Media Technology, Games Culture, Intercultural Communication, Web Design, Advanced Video Production, Multimedia Performance, and Strategic Social Media

Adding coursework isn’t a place to dump every class you took pursuing your degree. Rather, it’s a place to inject relevant keywords into your resume. So, if the job description calls for someone with experience in video production and you haven’t had a job that allowed you access to that but you did take a class in college, then you can add it to your Education section. 

Related read: Relevant Coursework on a Resume: Good or Bad?

Capstone or other major projects

Similar to adding coursework, you can talk about projects you’ve worked on. Remember that relevancy is critical. You should always be thinking about how your experience and education relate to what the prospective employer is looking for in a new hire. If you need to add something else on your resume that helps you demonstrate skills or knowledge, a project from school can be just the ticket. Write the project details in your Education section in the same way you’d write a job role – meaning, use bullet points to call attention to things you achieved as you worked on the project. Here’s what that looks like:

Notable project: Project title

Describe the project and goals along with how many team members were involved

Talk about what you did – your role – to achieve the project goals

Mention the skills you gained – “Honed skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3]

If you won an award or earned some recognition for a project well done, write about it

Where to place education in progress on your resume

The second issue you need to address is placement. Where should you place these details when you’re trying to figure out how to list education in progress on a resume? There are two main possibilities, depending upon whether the degree is needed for the job you’re seeking.

If the job requirements include the degree that you’re pursuing, then you should try to emphasize that information in your resume. Position it near the beginning of your resume, after the summary section. That way, the employer will see that you’re close to completing that requirement before he or she delves any further into the document. This placement helps showcase your interest and suitability right away.

On the other hand, you should place this detail later in the resume if the degree isn’t needed for the position. In that instance, you can put your work history and skills higher up in the resume and leave your education for the end.

Tie it all together in your cover letter

Don’t forget about the power of your cover letter . Since your cover letter is meant to complement your resume, a degree in progress could give you another opportunity to sell the point that you are qualified for the role. Talking about education in progress or unfinished education in your cover letter can also allow you to explain any gaps on your resume that are related to pursuing education. 

Gaps can happen if you decide to go to school, and then change your mind. If you didn’t work while you were in school, then you’ll have a gap. It’s not something to fret about, gaps happen all the time. You just have to be ready to explain why it exists and being able to tell a story about how you were actively working to improve your qualifications and skills can go a long way in showing future employers your dedication to continuous improvement. 

As always, whether you bring up unfinished education in your cover letter depends on whether it’s relevant to the job you’re applying to. If it doesn’t add value to your job application, then leave it off. 

Here are some example statements you can use when mentioning a resume degree in progress on your cover letter:

I am currently pursuing a degree in [field or industry] to enhance my skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3].

While my education journey is still ongoing, I’m excited to apply the knowledge I’ve gained to the [position name] role.

I am actively working toward completing my [degree name] to meet the educational requirements for this position.

A final note: grade point average

We should also address another common question that we encounter: do you need to include your grade point average ? There are different schools of thought on this, so it’s really up to you. As a rule, however, most experts agree that it’s generally unwise to include anything less than the best GPAs. That typically means leaving it out unless it’s at least 3.5. In most instances, however, you won’t need to include that detail unless the job description requires a certain grade point average or you’re seeking a job at a major firm.

For your resume, a degree in progress is one more tool for success!

As you can see, it is not difficult to enhance your resume with a degree in progress. Yes, you need to know the right format to use, and where to list that information. Still, it is a relatively simple thing to handle if you stick to the basic principles we’ve outlined here. So, be sure to include those educational details, to showcase your developing skills and help you stand out from the crowd!

Recommended reading:

7 Free Certifications To Enhance Your Resume

How to List Online Courses on a Resume (Examples and Tips)

200+ Resume Examples for Every Job & Industry

Marsha Hebert, Professional Resume Writer

Marsha is a resume writer with a strong background in marketing and writing. After completing a Business Marketing degree, she discovered that she could combine her passion for writing with a natural talent for marketing. For more than 10 years, Marsha has helped companies and individuals market themselves. Read more advice from Marsha on ZipJob's blog .

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  • Career Blog

Education in Progress on Your Resume: How to List it

how to write a degree in progress on resume

As job markets become increasingly competitive, it’s essential to have an impressive resume that stands out from the crowd. One key element of a strong resume is education. Employers seek candidates who combine practical experience with a solid learning background. But what if you’re still pursuing your degree or professional development courses? How do you include that education in progress on your resume effectively? This article discusses the importance of education on a resume and provides practical tips on how to present ongoing education.

Importance of education in a resume

Listing your education on a resume is essential as it demonstrates your commitment to learning, a strong work ethic, and a desire to fill knowledge gaps that enhance your skills. Formal education, such as a bachelor’s or master’s degree, is crucial for some professions, while others demand additional training and certification.

Education information gives employers insight into your skills, which leads them to measure your potential for learning, reasoning, and critical thinking. Even if you don’t have completed education, highlighting the courses you’re currently taking or training you’re participating in can showcase your willingness to learn and your dedication to personal development.

How to present education in progress on a resume

If you’re still in school or taking courses, be sure to list the degree or certification you’re pursuing and include the expected date of completion. You can also provide details on relevant course work and academic achievements. If you’re taking courses for career development, mention the name of the course, the issuing institution, and the expected completion date. Remember to include any certifications you’ve earned from those courses or training programs.

Another way to showcase education in progress is to include the phrase “in progress,” “anticipated completion date,” or “expected graduation date” next to the corresponding certification or degree. These phrases help recruiters understand your current status in your academic journey.

The benefits of highlighting ongoing education on your resume

There are several advantages to highlighting education in progress on your resume. First, it demonstrates your commitment to your profession, your desire to learn, and your willingness to grow professionally. Additionally, it highlights the fact that you’re not resting on your past laurels.

Moreover, showing relevant courses and training programs can also help employers see that you have the necessary skills to handle the job’s requirements. This demonstrates that you have taken the initiative to develop those skills proactively.

Including relevant education in progress on your resume can enhance your credibility, and it’s an excellent strategy to differentiate yourself in a highly competitive job market. When done well, your resume can be your ticket to a more prosperous future.

Types of Education in Progress

If you’re still pursuing a new degree or certification, it’s important to list that information on your resume. Employers love to see that you’re working towards improving yourself and staying up-to-date in your field. Here are several types of education in progress that you may want to include:

Traditional College or University Degree

If you’re working towards a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree at a traditional college or university, make sure to list your degree, major, and expected graduation date. You can also include any relevant coursework or projects that highlight your skills and knowledge. Employers want to see that you have a clear plan for completing your degree and are committed to your education.

Online Courses and Certifications

In today’s digital age, many people are turning to online courses and certifications to further their education. This option is great for those who may not have the time or resources to attend a traditional college or university. List any online courses or certifications you are currently taking or plan to take in the near future. Be specific about the course or certification title, the date you expect to complete it, and any relevant skills or knowledge gained.

Boot Camp Programs

Boot camp programs are intensive, short-term educational courses designed to teach specific technical skills. If you’re enrolled in a boot camp program, make sure to list the program title, start and end dates, and any relevant projects or skills learned. Boot camps are highly focused on practical skills that are in demand by employers, so highlighting your participation in one can be a major selling point on your resume.

Apprenticeships and Internships

If you’re gaining practical experience through an apprenticeship or internship, it’s important to include this on your resume. List the company name, your position or title, the dates of your apprenticeship or internship, and any relevant projects or achievements. Employers love to see that you’ve gained real-world experience and are actively working towards developing your skills.

Education in progress can be a major asset on your resume. Whether you’re pursuing a traditional degree, taking online courses, participating in a boot camp, or gaining practical experience through an apprenticeship or internship, make sure to list these education endeavors to showcase your commitment to personal and professional growth.

Choosing the Right Section for Ongoing Education

The education section of a resume is a crucial aspect that indicates the level of education and academic achievements. However, ongoing education and training also play a critical role in demonstrating the candidate’s continuous learning and career growth.

When it comes to highlighting ongoing education on your resume, several sections can showcase your dedication to growth and development. Here are the four main sections that you can consider:

Education Section

The education section is the most common section to showcase ongoing education, as it is the primary place where academic qualifications are listed. This section should include your formal education, such as degree or diploma programs, and mention any ongoing studies, coursework, or current enrollment in a degree program.

If you’re currently pursuing a degree or certificate program, it’s essential to mention the program’s name, educational institution, start and anticipated completion date, and degree or certification name.

Certifications Section

Another section to consider including your ongoing education is the certification section. This section focuses on industry-specific certifications and credentials that demonstrate your skills and expertise. Listing your certifications highlights your commitment to your field and indicates that you’re up-to-date with current practices and trends.

If you’re pursuing additional certifications, list them in this section, and mention the certification body, date of completion, and certification name.

Professional Development Section

The professional development section is an excellent place to highlight any non-degree programs or courses that you’re currently enrolled in or completed. This section can include workshops, webinars, conferences, or training programs that you attend to enhance your skills and knowledge.

It’s essential to list these programs according to the level of relevance to your career goals and industry. Also, mention the event or program name, the institution or organization providing the learning experience, and the date of completion.

Relevant Experience Section

Lastly, you can incorporate your ongoing education and training by emphasizing the skills gained from your education and professional development sections in your relevant experience section. This section should include a summary of your work experience, skills, and accomplishments relevant to your career goals.

Emphasize how your continual learning and ongoing education contribute to your skill set and demonstrate your commitment to professional growth. For example, mention any responsibilities, tasks, or projects that showcase the skills acquired from your current and previous education and training experiences.

Carefully choosing the right section for ongoing education on your resume is crucial to reflect your career’s progression and dedication to growth and development. Consider all the above sections and highlight your ongoing education and learning commitment to the best of your ability.

Where to List Education in Progress on Your Resume

When it comes to listing education in progress on your resume, there are a few different options for placement. Depending on the details of your education and professional experience, you may want to consider one or more of the following methods:

Top of the Resume

One common option is to include any education in progress at the very top of your resume. This can be especially effective if your education is relevant to your desired job or career path. By highlighting your ongoing education right away, you can demonstrate your commitment to learning and professional development.

After Completed Education

Another option is to list any completed education first, followed by any education in progress. This may make the most sense if you’ve already achieved a degree or certification that is relevant to your field. By showing your completed education first, you can establish your qualifications and expertise before highlighting your ongoing education.

In the Professional Development Section

If you have a section on your resume that is specifically dedicated to professional development or continued education, you can include your education in progress there. This can be a great way to demonstrate your commitment to lifelong learning and staying up-to-date in your field.

In Description of Relevant Experience

Finally, if you have relevant experience that is directly tied to your ongoing education, you can mention your education in progress in the description of that experience. For example, if you’re currently pursuing a degree in marketing and you have hands-on experience working on marketing campaigns, you could mention your degree program in the bullet points describing your marketing experience. This can help to demonstrate how your education and experience are working together to make you a strong candidate for the job.

There is no one “right” way to list education in progress on your resume – you’ll need to consider your own background and goals in order to determine the best approach for you. By thinking carefully about where to include your education in progress, however, you can create a resume that showcases your skills, knowledge, and dedication to personal and professional growth.

How to Format Education in Progress

When you’re still in the process of completing your education, it’s important to format it correctly on your resume. Here are some key elements to include:

Name of the Program or Degree

Clearly state the name of the program or degree you’re pursuing. This will help recruiters and hiring managers understand your area of focus and level of expertise.

Institution or Provider

Include the name of the institution or provider where you are pursuing your education. This can help give insight into the rigor and quality of the program you’re taking.

Expected Completion Date

Indicate when you expect to complete your program or degree. This can be helpful for recruiters and hiring managers who are trying to assess your availability and qualifications.

Relevant Coursework and Projects

Highlight any relevant coursework or projects you’ve completed that relate to the field you’re pursuing. This can demonstrate not only your knowledge but also your initiative and ingenuity.

GPA or Grade Point Average

Include your GPA or grade point average if it is reasonably high. This can indicate that you’ve maintained good academic standing and that you are serious about your education.

Education in progress can be a valuable asset to include on your resume. By following these key formatting guidelines, you can help ensure that potential employers understand your qualifications and accomplishments in the best light possible.

How to Highlight Education in Progress in Your Work Experience

If you’re currently pursuing a degree or additional education while working, it’s important to showcase this ongoing education in your work experience section of your resume. Here are some techniques to effectively highlight your education in progress:

Including ongoing education in job titles

One way to display your education in progress is by adding it in your job titles. For example, if you’re currently pursuing a Masters in Marketing, you could list your job title as “Marketing Coordinator (Masters in Marketing in Progress)”. This will grab the employer’s attention and showcase your eagerness for continued learning and professional development.

Listing completed coursework in job descriptions

If you’re in the midst of completing your education, it can be helpful to list relevant coursework in your job descriptions. This not only highlights your education in progress, but it also demonstrates your knowledge and skills gained through your courses. For instance, if you’re applying for a job in finance and have completed several finance courses, mention them in your job description to show your expertise in that area.

Highlighting relevant projects

Finally, you can highlight your education in progress by showcasing relevant projects you’ve worked on that directly relate to your ongoing education. Choose projects that demonstrate the skills and knowledge you’ve gained through your coursework. Include a brief description of the project, your role, and how it showcases your education in progress.

By implementing these techniques, you can effectively highlight your education in progress in your work experience section of your resume. This not only shows your eagerness for continued learning, but also demonstrates to potential employers that you have value to bring to their organization.

Example of Listing Education in Progress

When it comes to your resume, it’s important to showcase your ongoing learning and development. Listing education in progress can demonstrate your dedication to self-improvement and an eagerness to stay up-to-date in your field. Here are some examples of how to list different types of education in progress on your resume.

Traditional Degrees in Progress

If you’re currently working towards a traditional degree, such as a bachelor’s or master’s, you can list it on your resume in a few different ways. One option is to simply include the degree program and expected graduation date under your education section. For example:

Bachelor of Science in Marketing, XYZ University   Expected Graduation: May 2022

Alternatively, you can include any relevant coursework or special projects you’ve completed within the degree program, as well as any notable achievements. Here’s an example:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, ABC University

  • Relevant coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Database Systems
  • Special project: Developed a chatbot using Python and TensorFlow
  • Dean’s List (GPA above 3.5)

Online Courses and Certifications in Progress

With the rise of online learning, many people are pursuing courses and certifications outside of traditional degree programs. If you’re currently taking an online course or working towards a certification, you can list it on your resume like this:

Google Analytics Certification, Google   In progress

Make sure to include the name of the course or certification, the organization offering it, and the fact that it’s in progress. If you’ve already completed some coursework or modules, you can mention that as well.

Boot Camp Programs in Progress

Boot camps are intensive programs that provide hands-on training in specific skills, such as coding, UX design, or digital marketing. If you’re currently enrolled in a boot camp program, you can list it on your resume like this:

Full Stack Web Development Boot Camp, Coding School   Expected Completion: December 2021

Be sure to include the name of the program, the organization offering it, and the expected completion date.

Apprenticeships and Internships in Progress

If you’re gaining on-the-job experience through an apprenticeship or internship, you can list it on your resume to showcase your practical skills and industry-specific knowledge. Here’s an example:

Marketing Intern, Company X   Expected Completion: August 2021

Include the title of your role, the company you’re interning with, and the expected completion date. You can also mention any specific projects or tasks you’ve worked on during your internship.

Listing education in progress on your resume can demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning and development. Whether you’re pursuing a traditional degree, online certification, boot camp program, or on-the-job training, make sure to highlight your education and experience in a way that showcases your skills and expertise.

How Education in Progress Enhances Your Skills

Continuous learning is essential in today’s fast-paced world. It is not enough to have a degree, as the skills and knowledge required in most professions are constantly evolving. Therefore, it is paramount for individuals to seek out and take advantage of educational opportunities throughout their careers.

Acquiring new skills and knowledge through education in progress demonstrates initiative, curiosity, and resilience, all of which are highly valued by employers. Learning a new skill or gaining knowledge in a particular area shows that you are investing in yourself and your career development, making you a more valuable asset to any company.

Moreover, education in progress highlights your dedication and commitment to a specific field or profession. It is evidence of your willingness to take responsibility for your professional development and, in turn, demonstrates your motivation to succeed in your chosen career.

Education in progress enhances your skills by keeping you up to date with the latest industry trends and advancements. It also shows that you are constantly seeking to improve and learn, which can only be a benefit to you and any company you work for. Demonstrating motivation and commitment is crucial when looking for employment or career advancement, and education in progress is an excellent way to showcase these traits.

Listing your education in progress on your resume is a simple yet effective way to demonstrate your commitment to professional development and increase your employability. By continuing to learn and develop your skills, you increase your value to employers and set yourself up for long-term career success.

Tips for Presenting Education in Progress on Your Resume

When it comes to listing education in progress on your resume, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your education section sets you up for success and highlights your achievements and progress:

Emphasize achievements and progress:  Rather than simply listing the courses you are currently taking, focus on the accomplishments and progress you’ve made thus far. This could include stellar grades, completed projects, or any other noteworthy achievements.

Avoid exaggeration and misrepresentation:  While you want to highlight your accomplishments, it’s important to be truthful and avoid exaggerating or misrepresenting your education. This includes being honest about the courses you’ve taken and the grades you’ve earned.

Tailor the presentation to the position and industry:  Depending on the position and industry you’re applying to, the way you present your education in progress may differ. For example, if you’re applying to a job in a highly technical field, you may want to include more specific details about the coursework you’ve completed. On the other hand, if you’re applying to a job in a more creative field, you may want to focus on the projects you’ve completed or the skills you’ve developed.

The key to presenting education in progress on your resume is to focus on your achievements and progress, while also being truthful and tailoring your presentation to the position and industry you’re applying to. By following these tips, you can create a compelling education section that helps you stand out from the competition.

Common Mistakes When Listing Education in Progress

When including ongoing education in your resume, there are some common mistakes to avoid. Here are three of the most significant:

1. Listing Too Many Programs

While it’s great to have a broad range of skills, listing too many ongoing education programs can give the impression that you’re indecisive or jack-of-all-trades. Instead of overwhelming your potential employer with many programs, focus on the ones that are the most relevant to the job or industry you’re applying for.

2. Disregarding Previous Education

Just because you’re still working on obtaining further education doesn’t mean that previous education has lost its value. It’s important to highlight previous educational experiences in your resume and show how they have prepared you for your current education.

3. Overemphasizing Ongoing Education

Of course, ongoing education is essential, but overemphasizing it can make it look like you don’t have any real-world job experience. Instead, find a balance between emphasizing your ongoing education while also drawing attention to your job experience.

By avoiding these common mistakes, your resume will showcase the value that your ongoing education brings to the table without losing sight of your previous experience.

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How to List Education on a Resume in 2024 (With Examples & Tips)

Not sure what degree to list? If you should include a GPA? It just so happens that there's a variety of ways to effectively list your eduction.

Ed Moss

The education section of a resume may not always be the star of the document but knowing how to properly list your education can be essential for advancing into the next phase of the hiring process.

In this guide, we will cover all the ins and outs of crafting an education section for your resume. 

We'll cover the following:

  • What to Include in an Education Section?

Tips for Listing Degrees (College, High-School, GED)

Listing incomplete education.

  • Where to Include Education on a Resume?

What Employers Look for in an Education Section

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job.


What to Include in an Education Section

As we've covered, different formats of resumes may require different information to be included within an education section.

In general, there is some basic information that should be included within the education section of a resume:

  • The name of the school — "e.g. Georgia Institute of Technology"
  • The location of the school
  • Your degree ( high-school diploma, GED, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, etc. )
  • Graduation year ( if applicable )
  • Major field or department of study (if applicable )
  • Minor field or department of study (if applicable and relevant )
  • GPA ( If you're a student or graduates who held lower GPAs, this bit of information may be good to omit unless specifically requested by the employer )

Here's what that looks like for and university grad:

Georgia Institute of Technology • Atlanta, GA B.S. in Computer Engineering, 2006 - 2010 GPA: 3.9/4.0

For high-school students, you can do something like the following:

Georgia Institute of Technology • Atlanta, GA High School Diploma, Graduated in 2010 GPA: 3.9/4.0

Remember, including a GPA  is optional. Only add it if it's required by the job listing or it's relatively high. If your GPA is low (under 3.5), it's better to just leave it out.

Listing Education with Limited Work Experience

In resumes that have limited or no work experience , as may be the case with college students or recent graduates, the education section may be a good opportunity to show off educational achievements instead.

Additional information that can be included in longer education sections can include:

  • Internships completed as part of a curriculum 
  • Academic awards or sponsorships
  • Relevant coursework
  • Academic assistantships with professors or other academic professionals

As covered, in documents such as CVs the education section could be fairly lengthy.

However, the education section for most resumes will be one of the shortest sections.

This is mostly because standard resumes will be used for entry-level or mid-level positions, while longer-form resumes like the CV will only come into play for more prestigious or hard to obtain positions. 

It is much more important to show either a robust work history or detail relevant and transferable skills, using your education as support rather than the main point of interest. 

Here are some quick tips for deciding what educational information to include in a resume:

1) When including professional hobbies and extra curricular activities, it is important to keep relevance in mind

Incorrect: Do not include information about sports clubs or other clubs that cannot be connected back to your qualifications for a job.
Correct: If you held leadership positions in clubs or other extra-curricular activities, this can be useful information to include to highlight non-paid leadership or management experience.

Keep your descriptions simple and concise

Incorrect: Including long-winded and wordy paragraphs explaining the relevance of a certain piece of information. If a piece of information is relevant, it should be easily explained in one, simple sentence.
Correct: Use bullet points to separate bits of information to keep your resume easy to read or skim.

The readability of a resume can be the defining factor of whether or not a job recruiter or potential employer moves the candidate into the next phase of the hiring process.

As such, using clear and concise wording and formatting is essential for not just the education section, but for all sections. 

Here are a few tips for different formatting options depending on the level and type of education you have completed.

1) Adding High School and GED on Resume

  • If your highest level of education is a high school diploma or a GED, this should still be included as there are many jobs that are open to high school graduates as well as college graduates.
  • Generally, this type of education section should be kept short and sweet. Listing that you have received either a diploma or a GED should be sufficient.
  • If you have recently graduated high school or received your GED, including additional high school-related achievements may be beneficial (such as leadership positions, honor roll awards, athletics, etc.)

2) Adding Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degrees on Resume

  • When listing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree on a resume, always include the name and location of the institution, as well as the date or expected date of graduation.
  • While the education section should still be kept short, inclusion of any collegiate level academic achievements, such as honor societies or dean’s lists, can be useful to include.
  • Don’t go too crazy including coursework of extracurricular information – stick to including the most relevant information. 

3) Adding Graduate School or Doctoral Programs on Resume

  • Graduate and doctoral students may feel inclined to always include this information; however, it is important to be wary of including too much academic information in scenarios where it may render you overqualified for the position.
  • Graduate and doctoral information is more likely to come into play for candidates seeking higher level positions at the management level. 
  • For candidates seeking jobs in academic or scientific fields, a CV-style resume and longer-form education section providing higher level of details regarding graduate or doctoral programs may be necessary.

4) Adding Certifications on Resume

  • In some cases, a candidate may not have attended college but may have completed a trade school or other program that resulted in various certifications. These certifications should be included when relevant.
  • Certifications such as CPR or First Aid can be useful to include in most resumes, although they should perhaps be saved for a separate certifications section .

5) Listing Incomplete Education on Resume

Incomplete education can be tricky to include in a way that sounds positive — as such, if you have incomplete education, be wary of your wording and avoid words such as “incomplete” or “unfinished.” Instead try to do the following:

  • Include relevant coursework or credits earned during your duration of education before the point of departure from the institution.
  • Omit any wordy or lengthy explanations of why the education is incomplete. 

However, we've seen this be a common problem that many candidates have. Continue reading below to see how to effectively list education that is left incomplete. ‍

In some cases, a job applicant may have a partially-complete or incomplete educational credential they want to list on their resume.

Incomplete education can result from a variety of circumstances, including:

  • A person who is still in the process of earning their diploma, GED, or degree, but has not yet earned the credential or graduated.
  • A person who started a degree and completed relevant coursework, but ultimately did not finish the degree program.
  • A person who chose a different career path than what they studied for, but still has relevant coursework for the new career path.

When listing incomplete education on a resume, it is important to stay highly mindful of how you are wording your limited educational credentials — as words such as “ unfinished ” or “ incomplete ” are not ideal to include within a resume. 

Here are some quick examples on how to properly list incomplete education in the education section of a resume:

For applicants who are in the process of completing a degree, it is important to note the expected timeframe of completion.

Incorrect: ‍ B.S. in Communications University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Not yet complete
Correct: B.S. in Communications University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Expected graduation May 2021

For applicants who began a degree, but ultimately did not complete the degree, it is key to be mindful of how you frame the education you did receive. 

Incorrect: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC

Why is this incorrect? Sure, this example indicates you, at some point, attended a university.

However, it provides no insight as to what relevant coursework or studies you may have completed.

Here's the correct way to describe your educational experience instead:

Correct: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC Completed 20 credits towards a BS in Communications

Alternatively: This could be a good opportunity to include a bulleted list of relevant coursework.

For applicants who did not complete high school, it is important to note if you either earned a GED or are in the process of earning a GED.

Incorrect: ‍ Watauga County High School Boone, NC Incomplete
Correct: General Educational Development Diploma Earned May 2021 — OR — Expected to earn May 2021

Generally speaking, the majority of jobs will require applicants to have earned at minimum a GED certification in order to qualify.

In some cases, an applicant may lack a degree but may be certified by a trade school.

For instance, a beautician would want to include any beauty and health related certifications or licenses earned under the education section. 

Take a look at this resume example of a college student below to see how to do this.

College Student

Where to Include Education on a Resume

When it comes to placing your educational credentials on a resume, there are many considerations to make.

Resumes can serve a variety of purposes and, as a general rule of thumb, should be tailored for specific jobs . 

It is also important to take into consideration the level of education you have completed, as this will impact how it should be presented as well.

For instance, a job applicant seeking a position in academia would have a much heavier emphasis on education and academic-related achievements — than someone seeking a job in a corporate environment.

Ultimately, not all resumes are the same, so the placement of the education section will differ depending on the type of resume being used and the intention behind its structuring. 

Choosing the right resume format

There are several different types of resume formats to choose from, but the main ones that are used are as follows:

1) Reverse-Chronological

‍ Emphasis is placed on the most relevant work experience, listing jobs from most recent to oldest. Education can be placed before or after the work experience section. However higher degrees that qualify a candidate for the position may be beneficial to mention sooner rather than later. 

2) Functional

‍ Functional resumes place a much heavier emphasis on skillsets and areas of expertise. This format of resume is typically used by job applicants lacking the relevant work experience or educational credentials. In this format, the education section may lead if the applicant has educational credentials but limited work experience but should follow after the skills section if education is limited. 

‍ Hybrid resumes combine the reverse-chronological work experience ordering with the emphasizing of skills. This can help to supplement resumes of applicants who may have some relevant work experience but still need to beef up their resumes with a skills section . The placement of the education section will depend on how applicable or high level the credentials are and should generally be kept brief. 

4) Curriculum Vitae (CV)

‍ CVs are a type of long-form and multi-page resume used most commonly by applicants seeking positions in either academic or scientific fields. In a CV, the education section will be a prominent component and should appear early in the document. This type of education section should include all credentials, published works, projects, awards, or other academic achievements — no details should be spared. 

The below example of a Physician Assistant's resume is listing education in the bottom-right corner as it's using a reverse-chronological resume format to shine on it's work history.

Data Analyst

Employers can gather a variety of information about a job candidate from an education section, including:

  • A job applicant’s work ethic, reflected through GPAs or other grade-related information
  • Relevant skills or training an applicant has received through their schooling
  • Name recognition of specific universities, such as ivy leagues, that may give a candidate a leg up on the competition
  • Insight into a candidate’s interests or talents based on academic-related extracurricular activities included 

Understanding what employers are looking for in an education section included on a resume is key to understand how much or how little information to include.

What an employer is looking for will vary depending on the nature of the job being offered. 

For instance, an entry-level communications job at a corporation is likely to require a bachelor’s degree in communications or a related field.

Comparatively, a job in the welding industry may require the completion of a trade school program but not require a four-year degree. 

It is of the utmost importance when you are applying to various jobs that you read the job descriptions provided carefully, as this is where you will find the necessary information regarding what educational credentials are required of eligible candidates.

This will also help you to tailor your education section according to what credentials or qualifications you have that meet the requirements of the job. 

In general, what an employer is mostly looking for is simply that an education section exists on a resume.

The majority of employers will want candidates who have shown a commitment to their education, reflected through the inclusion of an education section.

For candidates lacking a completed education, it is still considered best practice to include some information regarding what level of education was reached before the point of incompletion, as well as the inclusion of any relevant coursework and knowledge gained from the time the candidate spent pursuing further education. 

Here is a quick rundown of a few key factors to consider for applicants who may be unsure how much information to provide in an education section for a specific employer or position:

  • The education section should prove that you have the credentials necessary to complete the job at hand.
  • Oversharing of education can be detrimental in some situations, as overqualified candidates may not be considered by employers.
  • Job descriptions will always be the best place to look for indicators regarding how much educational background information an employer is looking for.
  • Never lie or over-exaggerate — while not all employers double-check applicants’ educational histories, many still do, and dishonesty can cost you the position in the long run.

Physician Assistant

Final Thoughts

Unless you are crafting a longer-form resume, such as a CV, the education section will generally be a fairly short summary of your academic credentials and achievements.

Education sections can be longer in some cases where job applicants may have hefty academic backgrounds but limited work experience.

Ultimately, the key to making a strong education section is to include only the most relevant information.

Always avoid deceptive wording, as employers can fairly easily run academic background checks if need be. 

Check out our resume templates to get your creativity flowing and get started on your ideal resume today. 

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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how to write a degree in progress on resume

What to Include in Your Education Section

The education section on a resume gives hiring managers a glimpse into your academic achievements , interests, and skills.

It can demonstrate your commitment to learning, your ability to succeed in a structured environment, and the relevant knowledge you've acquired.

The information you should include in this section, though, varies based on things like your career level, the exact job you're applying for, and how recent your education is.

This means you don’t always have to be super detailed. Some of the information about your education is optional, and some of it may even be redundant if you have relevant work experience, so you should only use it if you think it can give your resume a boost.

Let’s start with the details most employers expect to see:

Essential Information

  • Degree Name. Include the type of degree and the relevant major. (E.g.: BFA in Graphic Design)
  • University Name. Add the name of the institution you studied at. (E.g.: University of Saint Andrews)
  • Location. If the university isn’t well known or the name doesn’t specify where it is, include the general location. (E.g.: St Andrews, Scotland)
  • Years Attended. Usually, only the years you attend there are enough, but the mm/yyyy format is also popular. (E.g.: 09/2018 - 06/2021)

Optional Information

  • Honors and Awards. If you’ve received any acknowledgments, list them here. (E.g.: Dean's List, Summa Cum Laude, Merit Scholarships, Valedictorian)
  • Relevant Coursework. List three to five courses that directly apply to your target job. (E.g.: Marketing 101, Marketing Strategy, PR Basics)
  • Thesis or Dissertation. We recommend including this for graduate-level degrees in research-heavy fields.
  • Minor. If relevant, include any additional areas of study. (E.g.: BA in Creative Writing, Minor in Journalism)
  • Grade Point Average. Only include your GPA if it's 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale. Anything lower can undermine your application.
  • Extracurricular Activities. Mention any clubs or organizations that seem relevant. (E.g.: Debate team, Theater Club, School Newspaper)

Here’s an example of an education section that includes information from both categories:

education on resume

Getting ready to find a job? Start by learning how to write a resume with our detailed guide!

How to Format Education on Your Resume

Now that you have an idea of what to include in your education section, let’s explain how you should do it.

In terms of structuring your education section, follow a reverse-chronological order ; this means, list your latest educational entry first and then go backward from there.

And remember – if you have a relevant university degree, there’s no need to waste precious space on your resume by listing your high school education .

As a general rule, if you’re an experienced professional and you have a Master’s degree, you can also omit your undergrad degree. Hiring managers are a lot more interested in your work experience section, so your education section should only focus on the basics.

However, if you’re a recent graduate , you might want to include more details to give your resume an extra kick. It’s always a good idea to leverage your education if you don’t have enough relevant work experience.

Now, regardless of your level of experience, add the name of your degree at the very top of the entry in your education section.

The same degree can be written down differently, for instance:

  • Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Culture with a Minor in Teaching
  • BA in English Language and Culture, Minor in Teaching
  • B.A. English Language and Culture (Major), Teaching (Minor)
  • BA, English Language and Culture

Here’s an example of what the formatting in your education section should look like:

how to list education on a resume

If you graduated from a famous university with a good reputation, you can highlight that first. For example, list “Harvard University” before the name of your degree.

Where to Place Education on Your Resume

Another important thing to consider is where to position the education section on your resume.

This mostly depends on where you are in your career. Do you have a lot of relevant achievements in the field, or are you looking for your first job ?

As a rule of thumb, the top third of your resume should be reserved for your accomplishments , which are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

So before you place this section on your resume, ask yourself: is your education your biggest selling point to the hiring manager?

Most of the time, it won’t be. Work experience is way more important for just about any position above entry level, so it should be listed first.

Let’s look at an example of a resume that puts this into action:

education on resume examples

As you can see, this architect resume starts by listing their relevant work experience and then includes a detailed entry of their most recent degree.

When Does Education Go Before Work Experience?

While your work experience section is generally more important, there are a few cases where you should list your education first.

These include:

  • You have no work experience. When you have absolutely no work experience yet, you should focus on your academic achievements instead.
  • You just graduated college. If you don’t have relevant work experience, you’re often better off not listing it. For example, if you’re applying for an entry-level office job, the part-time teenage jobs you had won’t be anywhere near as relevant as your recently earned BA in Marketing.
  • You are currently studying. If you’re in the process of earning a degree that’s relevant to your targeted field, it’s better to list education before work experience. For example, if you’re making a career change , you would want your new education to be the first thing the hiring manager sees.
  • You recently earned a new degree. Getting a fresh MSc, Ph.D., or MBA in your field is worth showing off. For example, if you’ve been a line manager for years but earned an MBA to qualify for an executive position, your education section should go first.
  • You are applying to academia. Usually, when applying for a research or teaching position in academia, you’ll need an academic CV , not a resume. In that case, your education will always come first.

Not sure if you need a CV or a resume ? Check out our guide to learn what the difference between the two is and when to use which.

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Use a (Free) Resume Template

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Just look at how one of our resume templates compares to a basic text editor resume template:

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16 Examples of Education on a Resume

Looking for inspiration?

We’ve compiled a list filled with real-life examples of how education can be listed on a resume, with practical examples for different types and levels of education:

#1. High School Education

If you’re a high school student, you might have some volunteer experience or extracurriculars you can show off. In that case, you can start by listing those sections, so long as they’re relevant to the job you’re applying for.

For example, if you volunteered with your local branch of the Red Cross, that’s a good experience to have when you’re applying to work at a shelter.

In most other cases, the education section would take the upper hand, and it would look something like this:

High School Diploma

Chapel Hill High School

2017 - 2021

  • Courses: AP Science, Mathematics, Advanced Chemistry

If you’re still in high school, you can disclose it in your resume by writing down your expected graduation year or otherwise specifying that you’re currently still there.

2021 - Present

#2. General Education Development

If you were homeschooled or haven’t graduated high school, the previous example won’t apply to you.

But if you still received a General Education Development certificate, you can mention that in your resume in the following way:

GED Diploma

Durham Literacy Center

Just like with high school education, you can include the location of your school or GED center, as well as any relevant courses, if you have enough space.

#3. Associate Degree

If you went to a community college or opted for a vocational program, you can list it in your education section the same as any other undergraduate degree.

Associate degrees are typically cheaper and take less time than a bachelor’s degree. They tend to be focused on specific occupations and place more emphasis on daily job functions. Other than that, they follow the same formatting as any other educational entry.

Let’s look at some real-life examples of different types of degrees at this level.

First, an Associate of Arts degree:

AA in Business Designation

Community College of Denver

2015 - 2016

Summa Cum Laude

Next, here’s how you would list an ongoing Associate’s of Applied Science degree:

AAS in Medical Assisting

2018 - Present

Some associate degrees are what’s known as “transfer degrees.” Here, the long-term goal is to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program.

Similarly, if you’ve completed accredited courses at a community college that can go towards a degree, you can list them under your education section, like this:

Medical Assisting Certificate

  • 30 credits completed

#4. Certificates

Certificates can be included on your resume, either as part of the education section or in a dedicated section.

Unlike broad academic degrees, certificates can show specialized expertise and commitment to professional development. They tend to demonstrate more focused, essential skills that are directly applicable to a particular job or industry.

Treat these entries the same as any other: list the name of the certificate, the institution or organization that issued it, and the year you obtained it.

Here’s an example of how to list a professional certificate in an education section:

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

American Institute of CPAs

And here’s how they would look in a separate section:


  • Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) - National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2020
  • Certified Nutrition Coach - American Nutrition Association, 2023

But there are also other certificates you could list , such as after specialized software courses:

  • Maya Autodesk: Advanced 3D & Animation Udemy, 2022
  • Creation of Pixel Art Scenes for Video Games Domestika, 2023

#5. Undergraduate Degree

There are different ways to list a bachelor’s degree.

Let’s take a look at three different cases for a candidate with an engineering degree.

First, if you’ve graduated from university and received the degree, list it according to the following template:

B.Sc. Mechanical Engine ering

University of California, Berkeley

2002 - 2006

If you obtained a double major, you would write it down as:

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering

If you have two or more majors, keep in mind that you should list the major that’s most relevant to the job you are applying to.

For example, if you majored in Applied Languages and International Relations, you should focus on the languages for a job as a translator.

Lastly, if you’re still attending college, just omit the finishing year when filling in your education section and add “Present” instead, like so:

But there are also different ways you can specify that you’re still studying. Instead of “Present,” you could write:

  • 2021 - Current
  • Expected Graduation: 2024
  • 2021 - 2024 (expected graduation)
  • 2021 - In progress
  • To Be Completed: 2024

#6. Graduate and Postgraduate Degrees

Graduate-level education is, in general, more detailed since it requires participating in a more focused area of research on top of your graduate-level work. 

At this level, you probably contributed to the field with a dissertation of your own, which you should include in your resume.

Here’s an example:

Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences

University of Rochester

Dissertation: Imaging, Computational Analysis, & Neural Representations in Young Children

Graduate and postgraduate education often includes scholarships , fellowships, or outside funding involved, which you might want to include in addition to all the general information about your degree.

Here are some real-life examples:

MBA in Business Administration

University of Maine

  • Avangrid Scholarship
  • Magna Cum Laude

When it comes to honors and awards, there are different ways you can list them to save space on your resume. Here’s an example that mentions them but leaves more space for the dissertation title:

MSc. in Information Systems

WU Vienna University of Economics & Business

Salutatorian, Summa Cum Laude

2015 - 2017

Dissertation: Leveraging User-Generated Content for Advertising Purposes Through Information Systems

And if you’re still studying, don’t forget to check out our student resume templates to get started on your job hunt.

#7. Unfinished Education

Even if you didn’t graduate from university, you can still mention it in your education section. Just be strategic about it.

If you have several years of relevant coursework from a degree program that relates to the job you're applying for, it can show that you’re knowledgeable even without the final credential.

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

34 credits completed

2018 - 2019

However, if you only have basic courses or your degree isn’t relevant to the role, you might be better off skipping it altogether. There’s no need to draw attention to an unfinished degree if it won’t help you impress the hiring manager.

Need more examples? Check out our 90+ resume examples for different professions .

Do you still wonder something about education on a resume? Check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions here:

#1. How Do You Put Your Degree on a CV?

Adding your degree to your CV is pretty much the same as adding it to your resume.

List your degrees in reverse chronological order, with the most recent degree on top. Always include the essential information, such as the degree name, your major, the name of the university, and the years you attended. If relevant, you can include your GPA, thesis title, study abroad experiences, and academic honors.

#2. How Do You Write Down Your Bachelor’s Degree?

There are different ways that a bachelor's degree can be written down on your resume. Usually, there’s no need to spell out the full degree name, so there are ways you can abbreviate it for your resume. These include:

BA (Bachelor of Arts) BS (Bachelor of Science) BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)

Just use the specific abbreviation that matches your degree type. (E.g.: BSc Computer Science, BA History, BBA Economics, etc. )

#3. What If I Have an Education Gap or Took Time Off from Studies?

Treat any gaps in your education the same as you would treat an employment gap . Be upfront with the hiring manager and list the start and end dates to account for the time of the gap on your resume.

Use your cover letter to briefly explain the gap without going into too much detail. Hiring managers are understanding, and reasons like health, family, or professional experience are all common to justify education gaps.

#4. How Far Back Should I Go When Listing My Education History?

Generally, you only need to list basic information about your education if you graduated a long time ago. Your work experience and more recent achievements will have a lot more weight than details about your time in college 14 years ago.

For most professionals, listing just your highest degree is more than enough. However, an academic CV for scientific or research-heavy roles might need a more comprehensive educational background.

Key Takeaways

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of our article!

We’re confident you’re an expert on how to list education on a resume by now, but before we part ways, let’s quickly wrap up our main points:

  • Your education section belongs after your work experience section, though there are some exceptions.
  • If you don’t have any work experience, recently earned a relevant degree, or if you’re applying for a research-oriented position or in academia, the education section should be listed first.
  • When listing your educational entries, use a reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent degree you have and go backward from there.
  • If you have some sort of higher education, there’s no need to list your high school education.
  • Unless your GPA is exceptional, don’t list it. It might undermine your resume otherwise.
  • There are different ways to list your education, depending on the type of school you went to and what you want to highlight. Scroll back up if you want to see some examples.

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How to Write Your Degree on a Resume

Last Updated: April 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Colleen Campbell, PhD . Dr. Colleen Campbell is the Founder and CEO of The Ignite Your Potential Centers, Career and Life Coaching based in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles. Colleen received her MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology from Sofia University and has been career coaching since 2008. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 397,634 times.

Including information about your degree in a resume can be tricky business. You might wonder where to place your education section, how to list multiple degrees, or whether to list things like dates or your GPA. While there are few set rules about formatting or including content, there are several guidelines to follow. Format your education and other sections consistently. Include your university, its location, and your degree title, and list the date only if you’re a recent grad. Be concise and strategic when writing your resume, and try to include only relevant information that will make your application as competitive as possible.    

Sample Resumes

how to write a degree in progress on resume

Formatting Your Education Section

Step 1 Format your resume consistently.

  • For example, if you bold employers’ names in your experience section, write your college in bold, especially if it’s a prestigious school or one known for excellence in your field.
  • Use a standard sans-serif font, like Arial, for easy readability. Use a 10-12 point size for general text and 14-16 point for section headings.   

Step 2 Write the institution, its location, your degree, and any honors.

  • If you’re a recent grad with a high GPA, you could opt to include your GPA. Just be sure to explain your GPA system by writing, for example, “3.92/4.0.”
  • You can also include your graduation year if you’re a recent grad. Otherwise, you should avoid including dates, especially if your degree is older than 15 years.
  • An example degree listing could be: Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Arts in English, Magna cum laude .

Step 3 Avoid including unnecessary or obvious words.

  • Avoid unnecessary words elsewhere in your resume, too. For example, don’t write “Email:” or “Phone:” before listing your contact information. Just write your email address and phone number.

Step 4 Place the education section near the top if you’re a recent grad.

  • If you’re not a recent grad or have substantial professional experience, place your relevant experience section ahead of your education. In general, professional experience is more valuable information than your education.

Step 5 List your most recent degree first.

  • If you double majored, you can just list both degrees in the same section under your university: Yale University , New Haven, CT. Double major: Bachelor of Arts, English. Bachelor of Arts, Art History.

Step 6 List your high school diploma if it's your highest degree.

  • If not, and if your high school diploma is your highest degree, include your high school's name and location, graduation date (if it's within the last three years), and, if it's above a 3.5/4.0, your GPA: Nashua High School, Nashua, New Hampshire High School Diploma, 2016. GPA: 3.8
  • If your highest degree is a GED diploma or state equivalent certificate, include it if you don't have substantial work experience: Education General Educational Development Diploma, 2016. Education CHSPE (Certificate of Proficiency from the State of California), 2016.

Including the Best Information

Step 1 List minors or concentrations after your major.

  • Don’t include undergraduate degree acronyms after your name. For example, never write, “Jane Smith, B.A.”

Step 3 List only the institution that awarded you a degree.

  • Exceptions to this rule include study abroad programs or coursework at prestigious institutions. For example, you might include relevant information like this: University of Georgia , Athens, GA. Bachelor of Science in Biology (Marine Biology emphasis), 2016. University of Auckland , Auckland, New Zealand. Study abroad program with emphasis in ecological preservation.

Step 4 Include information about your incomplete degree.

  • For example, you could describe an incomplete undergraduate degree like this: Yale University , New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Science, Biology (expected 2017)
  • You could describe a graduate degree like this: Yale University , New Haven, CT Master of Business Administration degree candidate Thesis under development; anticipated completion June 2018

Tailoring Your Resume for Each Application

Step 1 List the most relevant degree for the job you’re applying to first.

  • For example, suppose you’re applying for an engineering job and earned an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering in 2009 and a master’s in graphic design in 2012. You should list your engineering degree first.
  • You might have also researched your prospective job and found that the department head who will read your resume graduated from your undergraduate university. You might then want to include your undergraduate degree first and place your education section at the top of your resume.

Step 2 Include specific coursework if the information is relevant.

  • For example, you could structure your education section like this: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering , University of Texas, Austin, TX. Relevant courses : Thermodynamics, Properties of Engineering Materials, Solid Mechanics, Dynamics of Machines, Strength of Mechanical Components.

Step 3 Create separate sections for important skills and honors.

  • For example, instead of listing computer programs and other skills you learned at school in a block of text under your degree, put them in a separate section at the top of your resume. Be sure to include skills, programs, and other keywords from the job posting.    

Expert Q&A

Colleen Campbell, PhD

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  • ↑ https://careercenter.georgetown.edu/major-career-guides/resumes-cover-letters/resume-formatting-tips/
  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/how-to-list-education-on-a-resume
  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/high-school-education-on-resume
  • ↑ https://www.southeastern.edu/admin/career_srv/student_alumni/build_a_resume/assets/resume-faq2.pdf
  • ↑ https://careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/blog/2023/01/17/exactly-when-where-and-how-to-list-certifications-on-your-resume-because-youve-earned-them/
  • ↑ https://career.arizona.edu/resources/tailoring-your-resume/
  • ↑ https://icc.ucdavis.edu/materials/resume/step2

About This Article

Colleen Campbell, PhD

To write your degree on your resume, start by writing the name of your school, followed by where it's located. Then, write your degree and any honors you received. For example, you would write something like, “Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Arts in English, 2.1” If you’re a recent grad with a high GPA, you can include your score at the end. Write your degree at the top of your education section so it’s above your high school. If you've completed or you're currently studying a postgraduate degree, put this above your undergraduate degree so it's in chronological order. In addition to your major, feel free to include your minor underneath if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for. If you haven’t graduated yet, you can still include your degree on your resume, but make it clear that you’re still studying by putting something like, “Expected 2020,” in brackets at the end. For more tips from our Careers co-author, including how to tailor your resume for each job application, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.

Mandela has left us with a compelling line that no one in the 21st century can ignore.

Currently, every student is concerned about getting a higher-level education to get a pleasant job and live a prosperous life.

Every year nearly 2 million students get a bachelor’s degree in the United States . So, how can you present yourself better than others in this competitive market?

You must showcase your education on resume elegantly to beat your competitors during the recruitment process.

We are helping you make that happen by answering these below-given queries:

  • Should I put my GPA on my resume?
  • How to list education on resume?
  • How to list minors on a resume?
  • When to include coursework on resume?
  • Should you include high school on a resume?
  • How to list education in progress on a resume?

How to List Education on a Resume?

Crafting your resume education section can be tricky. However, you can follow the tips below to frame an impressive education section on your resume.

The two possible places for your resume education section can be:

  • Before your work experience section
  • After your work experience section

Education on a Resume Before Your Work Experience Section

You should put your resume education section before your work experience section in the following cases:

Just graduated :

  • You can consider putting your resume education section before your work experience if you just graduated from high school or college.
  • It helps you build a good resume because you will have more educational background than work experience.

Starting a new education :

  • If you were a professional and recently planned to get a new degree, it is advisable to put your resume education section first.
  • Your new degree should be relevant to the job description.

An academic resume :

  • Your resume education section should be positioned above the work experience for a fresher or academic resume.
  • For academic posts/ fellowships, education matters more than the outside work experience.

Education on a Resume After Your Work Experience Section

You should put your resume education section after your work experience section in the following cases:

Seasoned professional :

  • As a seasoned professional, you should put your resume education before your work experience section.
  • Employers find your educational experience more relevant throughout your career.

High school graduate/fresher :

  • If you are a fresher or high school graduate, you can place your resume education before your work experience section. Employers will look for your educational experience in your career.

How to List Education on a Resume: Educational Information

Choosing the correct resume education template is the first step you must take while building your resume.

You can follow the tips below to write an effective resume education section:

  • Put your highest degree first.
  • Follow reverse-chronological order for other degrees.

If you are a distinguished professional with tons of experience, it is not recommended to add your high school information.

The information that must add to your resume education section is:

  • Degree you received
  • Major/minor
  • Institution Name
  • Location of your institution (Area, Country)
  • Graduation Year

Following are the resume education examples:

  • BA in English LiteratureCambridge University | Cambridge, US | 20173.8 CGPA
  • Stanford University | Chicago, US | 2013Masters in Computer Science4.0 GPA

In case you're lost, here is a quick resume education checklist:

  • Spell out your degree as “Master of Science” or use the initials “MSc.”
  • Use periods to separate the initials "B.A." or leave them like "BA."
  • Write the name of your major as “MA in Business Administration” or separate your degree with a comma from your major as “MA, Business Administration.”
  • Arrange the information based on importance. If your degree is not directly related to the job description, focus on the university rather than the course.
  • Make sure your format remains consistent for all your resume education section entries.

How to List Education on Resume for High School Students

High school students should place the resume education section at the beginning of their resume.

No Work Experience

For a high school resume with no work experience, you can list the following parameters:

  • GPA (if above 3.0)
  • Relevant Courses (Courses that are related to the job profile)
  • Honors/Academic Achievements
  • Clubs/Organizations (Extracurricular activities)
  • Positions of Responsibility

You can highlight the essential steps in your academic career by creating a “Major Achievements” section. It gives a detailed look at your skills and abilities.

You can include volunteer work also. It presents you as an active person. You appear as someone who learns quickly and manages a job efficiently.

Also Read: How to create a resume for your first job?

Some Work Experience

If you have actual work experience, you can keep the education section concise.

Having work experience means you have hands-on experience in your working area, which keeps more importance than any other theoretical knowledge.

Hence, if you have work experience, you can focus on detailing that in your resume rather than the education section.

How to List Education on Resume for College Students

  • As a college student or recent graduate, place your resume education section at the beginning of your resume.

The length of your resume section depends on the amount of work experience you have

For the lack of work experience, make your resume education stand out, follow the following steps:

  • Convey your organization skills, charisma, interpersonal ability, and active lifestyle
  • Include your activities like clubs, major group projects, or your participation outside of academic life

If you already have work experience, focus on it more than the resume education section. It shows that you are familiar with the pressures and expectations of the professional world.

  • Keep your resume education section to a minimum
  • Feel free to list your activities, but emphasize your work experience

How to List Education on Resume for Working Professionals

If you are a working professional, your resume education section is just evidence of your degrees.

  • You should place your resume education section below the Professional Experience section
  • Be straightforward, do not include unnecessary details
  • State your educational degree with your field of study and best achievements
  • Try to avoid positions of responsibility, awards, recognitions
  • Try to include a vast skill set, list your training, certifications

How to List Education on a Resume: Special Cases

What if you fall into the category of professionals who bore the brunt of misfortune for reasons beyond their control?

You don't have to worry. Here's a list of what you can do:

How to List Education on Resume for a Degree in Progress

If you are still in high school/or pursuing a degree, write:

Expected to graduate in 2022

You can use the following phrases to describe your education in high school resume:

  • In progress
  • Expected + year
  • Expected Graduation + year
  • To be completed + year

How to List Education on a Resume for an Unfinished Degree

  • If you did not graduate high school, write the name of your school and the years you attended as Attended school from 2013-15
  • If you did not finish a college or university level degree, write the credits you managed to get as Completed 63 credits toward MA in Physics

Awards, publications, and training

  • If you want to show off your skills and achievements, add honors, awards, training, certifications, licenses, extracurricular activities you did during high school.
  • Pick activities that illustrate the keyword skills listed
  • Mention all the honors programs like graduated with Spanish honors (summa cum laude or magna cum laude), if any
  • Acceptance into campus, national, or international honors societies
  • List your publications under your degree
  • Include a coursework description and add relevant classes to the job profile.
  • A course of study that has a particular skillset
  • List your recent extracurricular roles/ positions of responsibility
  • Avoid adding controversial activities (political or religious)

Highlighting Soft Skills

If you have specific soft skills, you can add them to your resume education section.

Mention your participation in any activity that highlights these skills.

Following is the list of skills employers prefer on a high school resume:

  • Ability to Work on a Team
  • Communication Skills (Written + Verbal)
  • Problem-solving Skills

Optimizing Resume Education for an ATS

Many companies have started using the Applicant Tracking Systems. This software helps an organization filter out undesirable applicants. This program goes through resumes and looks for keywords specific to the job profile.

If you want your resume to make it past an ATS, you need to keep in mind the following things:

  • Use a clean format
  • Ensure that this program can read your full resume
  • Minimize the use of tables, graphs, or pictures
  • Use keywords relevant to your job profile
Also Read: What are resume action words and power verbs?

Education Resume Template

A well-written education should follow this order:


Let's say that this is your educational background:

  • Degree: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science
  • University: Harvard University
  • Location of University: Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Graduation year: 2022

In addition to this information, you can also put this add-on information to make your education section more meaningful:

  • Relevant Coursework : Business Communication, Systems, and Circuits Designing, English Language Studies, Analog, and Digital Designing, Embedded Systems
  • Extracurricular Activities : Captain of the Tennis Team

When you incorporate all that information in your resume, it looks something like this:


Dos and Don’ts while listing Education on Resume

You can practice and avoid the below-given points while listing education on resume for your next job search:


Resume Education FAQ

1. Should I put my GPA on my resume?

You should put the GPA in your resume if it is >3.5 or if the hiring organization asks for it.

2. How to list education on a resume?

The necessary educational details are:

  • Institution
  • Contribution

3. How to list minors on a resume?

The education on a resume often includes minors if it's relevant to the target job. In that case, you may include it under a sub-header of "Coursework.”

4. When to include coursework on resume?

Include coursework as a part of education on a resume only when:

  • The candidate is a fresher
  • It is required in the target job description
  • It is relevant to the target job

5. Should you include high school on a resume?

Your resume education section can only include high school data when:

  • High-school qualification is relevant
  • To state high-school extracurricular activities/achievements

6. How to list education in progress on the resume?

To list continuing education on a resume, you should:

  • List your education section at the top
  • Write your dates in "Date - Present" format

Key Takeaways

You can keep these points in mind while framing your resume to make it impressive and technically stronger than your competitors:

  • If you already have work experience, focus on it more than the resume education section
  • Put your highest degree first . Follow reverse-chronological order for other degrees.
  • If you are a working professional, your education on a resume is just evidence of your degrees.

Go to Hiration’s 360-Degree Career Platform , which has 24/7 chat support, and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

You can also write to us at [email protected] .

how to write a degree in progress on resume

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How to Put an Unfinished Degree on a Resume (with Examples)

7 min read · Updated on December 07, 2023

Marsha Hebert

You went to college, but didn't finish – that's okay because you can still put it on your resume!

They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Sometimes you start down the road to a destination but don't complete the trip. That doesn't mean your progress is for nothing. 

When it comes to college, even an unfinished degree may be something you'll want to let people know about. It doesn't matter whether circumstances prevented you from finishing, if you made a conscious decision to quit, or if you're going to finish it but just haven't yet. The steps you took in your academic career could be the thing that unlocks future employment doors.

But how do you put an unfinished degree on your resume? As it turns out, it's not difficult or something to be avoided. In this article, you'll find out when to include an unfinished degree on your resume plus some examples of how to write it. 

Some college is often better than no college

All employers care about is whether you'll be able to do the job they have open. They'll want to see how your skills and knowledge align with the job description. This is of the utmost importance when writing your resume. 

Consider the following:

Were any of the courses you took relevant to the job you're applying to?

Did you participate in, or complete, any major academic projects that would demonstrate the practical application of skills and knowledge?

Did you participate in any relevant clubs or extracurriculars that would pique a hiring manager's interest?

What type of independent study or research have you taken part in that would demonstrate initiative?

Do you have any certifications that improve your knowledge? 

What skills did you acquire while you were at college? How are those relevant to the job you want?

Did you take on any leadership roles in college? Think about things like fraternities, sororities, and student government.

How does your professional network look? What did you do to build it up?

All of this is meant to shift your thinking so that you can focus on valuable experiences rather than your unfinished degree. 

How to put an unfinished degree on your resume

Even though your focus should now be shifted from, “I didn't finish my degree, now what?” to “What skills and knowledge do I have that employers want?” you still have to include the fact that your degree is incomplete if you want to talk about it on your resume.

Adding a degree in progress on your resume

Sometimes, you'll run into an opportunity to apply for your dream job, but you haven't quite finished your degree yet. Pursuing your education shouldn't stop you from applying for the position you want. However, you want to be honest about the fact that your degree isn't complete yet. 

At this point in your career, the Education section of your resume will look a bit like a Work History section, because you'll put more details about your degree and where you're getting it. At this point, because of your need to emphasize how your skills, knowledge, and coursework align with what's required in the job, you'll need to include those things on your resume. You also need to let a prospective employer know approximately when your degree will be complete. 

Here's an example of how to include a degree that's still in progress on your resume:

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology | XYZ University | Expected completion: 12/2024

Relevant coursework: Introduction to Psychology, Psychology Research, Statistics, Psychology in the Workplace, Organizational Behavior, Coping Mechanisms, and Behavior Change. 

GPA: 3.8/4.0 

Internship: ABC School District, Teacher Support Program

PRO TIP: Only include your GPA if it's 3.5 or higher. We wrote a comprehensive article about when and if you should include your GPA on your resume. Click here to read it.

The inclusion of relevant coursework and an internship provides a great opportunity for you to inject relevant keywords into your resume. Those keywords will help your resume to be found by the applicant tracking systems that an astonishing number of employers use to weed out unqualified applicants. 

Adding a degree you're not going to finish on your resume

Almost everyone has gone through a period of indecision regarding their degree plan. Some even change their major in college multiple times before landing on a path that suits them. Perhaps you've decided that college is no longer in your future or won't serve you very well in the career you've chosen to pursue. 

It could still benefit you to add it to your resume. You could even include some details such as relevant coursework, if you need to get some keywords into your resume . As long as you keep the focus of your Education section on skills, achievements, and experiences gained during your time at school, an unfinished degree shouldn't make or break your candidacy for a job. 

PRO TIP: Position yourself as someone with practical knowledge and a strong skill set to win that coveted interview offer. 

Here's an example of how to add an unfinished degree that you're no longer pursuing to your resume:

Bachelor of Business Administration | XYZ University 

Completed 80/120 credit hours, including finance, management, and marketing

Served as President of the Finance Club

Executed market analysis project that connected business with target market

In this example, you've shifted the focus away from the fact that the degree isn't finished. Instead, the reader – a hiring manager or recruiter – gains insight into your experiences, adding value to your application and demonstrating how you'll benefit the new team.

Don't forget the cover letter

The beauty of having a cover letter that complements your resume in situations when something needs to be explained can't be overstated. While your resume affords you some opportunity to dive into how your history aligns with the job opening, your cover letter lets you expand on the narrative to make it clearer. 

Providing extra context in your cover letter to emphasize your skills can help you to stand out as a top candidate among the hundreds of other people applying for the same position. 

Address the unfinished degree on your cover letter

You'll start a paragraph of your cover letter by quickly bringing up your unfinished degree. Talk about how a shift in your career focus has led you to change your mind on college. Emphasize that your desire for practical experience won out, as you felt that would be the best way to add value to future employers.

“I began my formal education working toward a Bachelor of Business Administration, but decided that it would serve future employers better if I had practical skills in marketing.”

Highlight skills you've acquired

Just like you did in your resume, talk about how your skills make you a great match for the job that the new company has available. Use verbiage from the job description to tailor your cover letter to the needs of the position. 

“The coursework I finished, especially the courses in marketing and finance, has equipped me with a solid foundation in analysis and strategy planning that brings companies and consumers together to improve sales and profits.”

Mention achievements - employers love achievements!

Any time you can talk about something you've achieved, you show prospective employers value. By witnessing your past accomplishments, they get a real sense of what you can do for them.

“When I was the President of the Finance Club, I consistently found ways to automate manual processes to save time. One such process improvement reduced a 5-day turnaround to 2 days.”

Leverage your practical knowledge

Having an unfinished degree isn't the end of the world, as long as you can turn your educational experiences into a narrative that shows you're a determined individual with the right practical knowledge. In this sense, you're not someone with an incomplete degree, you're an engaging professional ready to make solid contributions to prospective employer teams. 

Don't let an unfinished degree hold you back. Why not let us help you to craft a compelling resume that shifts the focus to your skills and achievements in a way that will land your resume at the top of the pile? Submit your resume now for a free resume review!

Recommended reading:

How to Create a Resume With No Education

What To Include in the Education Section of a Resume

Ask Amanda: What's the Best Way to List Education on a Resume?

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  1. How to List Education in Progress on Your Resume (+ Examples)

    Here are some example statements you can use when mentioning a resume degree in progress on your cover letter: I am currently pursuing a degree in [field or industry] to enhance my skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3].

  2. How to List an Unfinished Degree on a Resume (With Examples)

    Here's an example of how to list an unfinished degree on your resume: SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY - Syracuse, NY. 2017-2019. If you took some courses related to the job, include those under your university information. You can list them by individual courses taken or by number of credits earned in a certain area of study.

  3. Education in Progress on Your Resume: How to List it

    Another way to showcase education in progress is to include the phrase "in progress," "anticipated completion date," or "expected graduation date" next to the corresponding certification or degree. These phrases help recruiters understand your current status in your academic journey.

  4. How To List Education on a Resume (With Examples)

    Listing your education on a resume should be strategic and concise. It's essential to highlight the most relevant and recent educational experiences that align with the job requirements. Focus on providing key details such as the degree earned, institution name and graduation year. Emphasize any honors, scholarships or academic achievements ...

  5. How to List a Degree on a Resume (Associate, Bachelor's, MA)

    Put it either before or after the experience section (depending on your experience). List all your degrees in the education section of your resume. Put your degrees on a resume in the reverse-chronological order. Consider adding extra information about your degree on a resume (e.g. GPA, Latin honors, coursework, etc.).

  6. How to List Education on a Resume in 2024 (With Examples & Tips)

    In general, there is some basic information that should be included within the education section of a resume: The name of the school — "e.g. Georgia Institute of Technology". The location of the school. Your degree ( high-school diploma, GED, associate's degree, bachelor's degree, etc.)

  7. How to List a Degree on a Resume

    How to list a bachelor's degree on a resume. You should list your bachelor's degree along with your university's name, dates of study, major, GPA (if a 3.5 or above), minor (if applicable), and honors and relevant coursework. Similar to an associate's degree, there are numerous ways to abbreviate different types of bachelor's degrees.

  8. How to List Education on Your Resume [Examples 2024]

    In terms of a layout, a resume's education section includes: Name of the institution. Degree. School location. Date of graduation. GPA (only when over 3.0) When wondering how to list education on resume: Start with your highest qualification and work your way back in reverse-chronological order.

  9. How to List Education on Your Resume (with Examples)

    University, college, or institution. Add some context to your education by listing the university, college, or institution where you went to school. This is especially important if you attended a well-respected program in your field, because it will make you seem all the more impressive. 4. Years attended.

  10. How to List a Degree on a Resume for 2024

    Write a master's degree on your resume in the education section. Like in the above example, list your master's (most recent) degree above your bachelor's. ... In-progress degree example: Mills College, Oakland, CA Expected graduation date: 2025: BA in Psychology. Incomplete degree resume example:

  11. How to List Education on Your Resume (With Examples)

    There are specific details a hiring manager is looking for in your educational section that include: Your most recent degree, or education in progress. The name of the school. The location of the school. Your field of study or degree major. Graduation year or expected graduation date. Your GPA, if above 3.5.

  12. How to List Education on a Resume [13+ Real-Life Examples]

    Degree Name. Include the type of degree and the relevant major. (E.g.: BFA in Graphic Design) University Name. Add the name of the institution you studied at. (E.g.: University of Saint Andrews) Location. If the university isn't well known or the name doesn't specify where it is, include the general location. (E.g.: St Andrews, Scotland ...

  13. 4 Ways to Write Your Degree on a Resume

    3. Avoid including unnecessary or obvious words. Using "Education" to head the appropriate section is the only descriptive word you'll need. Including words like "College:" or "Degree:" before the appropriate information is superfluous. Avoid unnecessary words elsewhere in your resume, too.

  14. How to List Degrees on Your Resume

    When you go to graduate school after an undergraduate degree, you earn a master's degree. A list of master's degrees and their abbreviations include: Master of Arts (MA or M.A.) Master of Science (BS or BSc or B.S./B.Sc.) Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) Master of Engineering (ME or MEng or M.E/M.Eng.)

  15. How to List Education on a Resume: Tips, Examples, and More

    1. List in reverse chronological order. Rank your highest degrees first and continue in reverse chronological order. And remember, when ranking your educational achievements, it's not necessary to list your high school graduation if you have completed a college degree. If you haven't completed college, list your high school education.

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    Education is a way to showcase knowledge and skills before they've been tested in the workplace. With that in mind, here are three things to do when you write this part of your resume. 1. Put your education section in the right spot. Placing your education section in the right spot on your resume is important. The main factor is how long you ...

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    How to write a bachelor's degree on your resume. Next up, let's talk about bachelor's degrees. When listing this type of degree on your resume, you should use the words 'Bachelor of' plus your discipline. So, you might write that you have a 'Bachelor of Science' or a 'Bachelor of Education'.

  18. How to List Education on a Resume in 2024 + Examples

    Overall, the process of listing your education is always the same. You'll list each school you attended in reverse-chronological (most recent first) order. You need these details in each entry: The degree or certificate earned. Name of the school that you attended. The city/state location of the school.

  19. How To List Education On A Resume: Sections + Format

    Bachelor's degree, Master's in progress. If you have a BA degree and an MA in progress, you should list both on your resume: Put your unfinished Master's on top. List key things such as the university, expected graduation date, and relevant coursework. Below that entry, list your Bachelor's the way you usually would.

  20. How to List Degrees on a Resume [+Examples]

    When it comes to a professional resume, less is usually more, so don't be afraid to stick with the basics. Your education section should include: Each of your degrees in reverse-chronological order. The name and location of the school where you got your degree. The date of your graduation if it was recent.

  21. How to List Education on Resume: 2022 Guide with 10+ Tips

    Spell out your degree as "Master of Science" or use the initials "MSc.". Use periods to separate the initials "B.A." or leave them like "BA." Write the name of your major as "MA in Business Administration" or separate your degree with a comma from your major as "MA, Business Administration.".

  22. How to Put an Unfinished Degree on a Resume (with Examples)

    If you need your resume quickly, buy a resume writing package and add a 48-hour rush request after your purchase to get it delivered fast. See Package Options. ... Adding a degree in progress on your resume. Sometimes, you'll run into an opportunity to apply for your dream job, but you haven't quite finished your degree yet. ...

  23. How To List Your Major and Minor on a Resume (With Examples)

    For example, if you earn a bachelor's degree in education and another in mathematics, you might list it as: Bachelor of Science: Education and Mathematics. 4. List your minor. Minors go on the same line, if possible, with your major and a comma separates them. Minors are always formatted the same.

  24. How to List Certifications on Your Resume: Guide + Examples

    Generally, there are five essential parts to listing a certification on your resume. They are: 1. Title: The official name of the certification. 2. Awarding institution: The name of the professional or educational organization through which you acquired your certification or license. 3.

  25. How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) for a Job in 2024

    Decide on a CV format and style. Before you start writing your CV, you need to format it properly. Open a new document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and use the following settings: Set ½ - 1" margins on each side. Use a font size between 10 and 12 points. Select a professional font such as Times New Roman or Arial.