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15 Legacy Examples

15 Legacy Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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legacy examples and definition, explained below

A legacy refers to the things you leave behind in this world after you die. It doesn’t only refer to physical things, but it also refers to the impact you make on the world that resonates long after you’re gone.

As we get on in life, we increasingly reflect upon what our legacy might be.

To identify what your legacy should be, it’s best to reflect upon your personal values. You’d want to pass-on those values to the next generation. You can do this through your actions while alive, as well as how you distribute your assets once you die.

Below are some examples of how you could create your long-lasting legacy.

Legacy Examples

1. passing-down family traditions.

After a parent or grandparent dies, we often continue to remember them and celebrate them through the traditions they gave is in life.

One that’s personal to me is my family’s Friday night dinners. We started these when my grandfather was in his 60s. We would go to my grandfather’s house, order take-out fish and chips, and all eat together, sharing stories of our weeks.

To this day, long after he is gone, when our family gets together for Friday night dinner, it’s a part of his legacy . We continue this habit as a way to celebrate him, but also as a way to bring the family together – which is exactly what he wanted to pass-on to us.

2. Setting up a Scholarship Fund

Some wealthy people might decide to set up a scholarship fund for the disadvantaged as a way to leave a legacy.

My sister always talks about this – we went to an average old state school that was, like most, underfunded. But she was ambitious and loved to learn, and she empathizes with other working-class kids like her. So, she would love to set up a scholarship for poor and underprivileged children as a way to pass-on some home and support for people with whom she empathizes.

3. Donating your Money

To take the above point in another direction, many people decide that they’ll donate their money when they die to a range of causes close to their hearts.

In fact, some people prefer to do this while they’re alive so they can see their legacy before they die. One example of this is the giving pledge , a pledge by billionaires to give away all of their money.

The great thing about this approach is you can sit down with your lawyer when you write your will and talk through the wide range of charities and causes that are close to your heart, distributing your assets across each of those charitable causes.

4. Passing-Down your Values

Passing-down your values and beliefs is perhaps more important and feasible than giving away money. Everyone can do this one – rich or poor.

For example, many people say that their children are their legacy, because their children are the people who carry-forward the family values you instilled in them in your childhood.

To leave a legacy of values, all you need to do is live a principled life – share your values every day and that’s how you’ll be remembered when you’re gone.

5. A Family Home

Some people feel that the best way to leave a legacy is to build something . Architects must feel this way, driving around looking at all the buildings they designed.

But for many of is, it’s the family home that we leave behind.

This is particularly strong for my father, who built our family’s home with his own hands. Now, as he gets older, he feels very proud of that house, where he raised his children and looked after all of us. That house is a part of his legacy.

6. A Family Vacation Tradition

My wife’s family get together every August for a week. We go to the same lake resort each year and the aunts, uncles, and cousins get a week to catch up and maintain relationships.

This legacy comes from the matriarch of the family, who set aside money so she could pay each year for the accommodations. This ‘free holiday’ for the whole family is her legacy – making sure the tribe stays strong long after she’s gone by bringing everyone together and reinforcing the importance of family.

7. Legacy Memberships

Perhaps the most famous of legacy memberships is the legacy admissions policies of ivy league universities. These policies give easy access to the children and grandchildren of graduates, helping the younger generation to skip the queue.

For example, if a grandfather went to Yale University, he might be able to get that granddaughter into the university without having to jump through all the hoops that other children need to jump through.

This legacy is all about passing-on advantages, social capital, and institutional cultural capital to your children and grandchildren, which can give them a hand-up in life.

8. Heirlooms

Another very common legacy is the passing-on of family heirlooms, such as precious jewelry, war medals, the family tartan (for the Scottish!), and so forth.

These heirlooms might have very high monetary value or, more commonly, pass-on family stories and folklore that contain narratives about family pride, the family’s core values , and the importance of taking pride in your heritage.

For example, a grandfather who passes-on his WWII medals to his grandchildren is ensuring they know the legacy of their family, who stood tall and fought for the freedoms they enjoy each day.

9. Oral Histories

Another way to pass-on your legacy is to through storytelling. The oral histories of your family, from stories of greatness from the past to storylines about family values, help to ensure your belief system and your culture is passed-on to the next generation.

One way this can be done is by continuing to share the stories you heard in childhood that present the morals, values, and traditions of your culture. This is particularly common in cultures with strong oral folklore cultures, such as Aboriginal Australians with their Dreaming Stories.

Another way could be to pen your own memoir. This can be read by descendants for years to come, learning about their heritage and family background.

10. Family Recipes

Many families will have their ‘secret family recipes’. They get passed on as a way to build family connections and sense of connectedness between relatives.

My grandmother on my father’s side, for example, passed down a few special recipes to my mother, which was a special bonding opportunity for the two of them. These special family recipes are brought to family gatherings and form a part of the family culture that are passed-on as a legacy from one generation to the next.

11. Mentorship

In the workplace, many people in leadership positions start to think about how to mentor the next generation and pass-on their wisdom .

For example, a successful businessman might mentor a promising up-and-coming entrepreneur with the intention for that younger person to take over the business, or even take the skills and start their own new business. This can be an extremely rewarding way to pass-on your crystalized knowledge from years of experience.

Similarly, an older sportsperson might mentor younger sportspeople.

See More: Mentorship Examples

12. Letters to the Future or Time Capsules

A sweet way to create your legacy is to write a letter to your children or grandchildren that they can open on important days in their lives, such as on graduation day, on their wedding day, and the day their child is born.

These letters allow you to slow-drip messages through the generations and act as a way to continue to share your values, love, and influence on your family long after you’re gone.

An alternative to this is to create a time capsule – a box with instructions not top open it for 20, 30, 40, or even more years into the future. This way, when descendants open the time capsule, they can look in awe at times past.

13. Land Preservation

Many environmentalists crate a legacy by buying areas of untouched prime wilderness land. This can protect nature for future generations to enjoy.

Furthermore, it’s a way to save land for endangered and threatened wildlife, which can then go on to be preserved long after you’re gone.

One famous person who did this was Douglas Tompkins , the founder of the brand The North Face , who spent millions to buy wild land in Patagonia, Chile, to save the 2000 remaining wild South Andean deer from extinction.

14. Your Career Work

Another sure-fire way to leave a legacy is to choose a career that does good for the world. This might include going into a career in an NGO, fighting for workers’ rights, or fighting for the protection of the environment.

Similarly, my parents – both teachers – find solace in the fact their entire careers were about educating the next generation, giving them a leg-up, and helping them to reach their goals. As such, their legacy lives on in the many thousands of children they educated and supported throughout their lives.

15. Financial Inheritance

Perhaps the most basic of legacies is the passing-down of your savings and investments to your children.

There is always debate about the best way to do this. Some might argue passing-on too much money will make our children spoiled, and that they need to go out and earn their living to truly appreciate their money.

For example, Bill Gates has said he won’t be passing-down his money, arguing “It’s not a favor to kids to have them have huge sums of wealth. It distorts anything they might do, creating their own path.” ( see source ).

Others, though, might wish to pass-on their money to their children and grandchildren as a way to make their life easier, help them get ahead in life, and help them to be comfortable.

Your legacy is yours to craft the way you want. Whether it’s by passing-on values, physical heirlooms, buildings you’ve constructed, money, memoirs, or anything else, it’s all about passing-down some sort of value to the next generation. Ideally, it would be about reflecting on how to leave a better future for the people you leave behind, and perhaps, be remembered for your great values and great contribution to this world.


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112 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

When it comes to writing a legacy essay, the topic you choose can greatly impact the depth and significance of your piece. Legacy essays are a powerful way to reflect on the impact of your life and the ways in which you hope to be remembered. If you'''re struggling to come up with a topic for your legacy essay, fear not! We'''ve compiled a list of 112 legacy essay topic ideas and examples to inspire you:

  • The legacy of my family'''s immigration story
  • The lessons I learned from my grandparents
  • How my cultural heritage shapes my legacy
  • The impact of a teacher on my life
  • Reflecting on my childhood dreams and aspirations
  • My journey to finding my passion and purpose
  • Overcoming adversity and leaving a lasting impact
  • The legacy of my volunteer work in my community
  • Learning to embrace failure and grow from it
  • The importance of self-care in building a lasting legacy
  • Honoring the memory of a loved one through my actions
  • The legacy of my career and professional achievements
  • How I hope to inspire future generations
  • Reflecting on the impact of my friendships and relationships
  • The lessons I learned from my mistakes and setbacks
  • The legacy of my environmental activism and advocacy
  • How my faith and spirituality shape my legacy
  • The impact of my mentor on my personal and professional growth
  • Leaving a legacy of kindness and compassion
  • The legacy of my creative pursuits and artistic endeavors
  • Reflecting on the impact of my education and academic achievements
  • The lessons I learned from traveling and experiencing different cultures
  • The legacy of my entrepreneurial spirit and business ventures
  • How I hope to leave a positive impact on the world
  • The importance of integrity and honesty in building a legacy
  • Reflecting on the impact of my leadership and mentorship
  • The legacy of my commitment to social justice and equality
  • How I hope to be remembered by my loved ones
  • The lessons I learned from facing my fears and taking risks
  • The legacy of my commitment to lifelong learning and personal growth
  • Reflecting on the impact of my health and wellness journey
  • The importance of resilience and perseverance in leaving a lasting legacy
  • How I hope to leave a legacy of innovation and creativity
  • The legacy of my dedication to community service and philanthropy
  • The lessons I learned from balancing work and life
  • Reflecting on the impact of my love for nature and the outdoors
  • The legacy of my commitment to mental health awareness and advocacy
  • How I hope to leave a legacy of empowerment and inspiration
  • The importance of gratitude and appreciation in building a legacy
  • Reflecting on the impact of my commitment to personal development and growth
  • The lessons I learned from my experiences with grief and loss
  • The legacy of my commitment to self-reflection and introspection
  • How I hope to leave a legacy of forgiveness and reconciliation
  • The impact of my commitment to lifelong friendships and relationships
  • Reflecting on the lessons I learned from my role models and mentors
  • The legacy of my commitment to environmental sustainability and conservation
  • How I hope to be remembered for my acts of kindness and generosity
  • The importance of authenticity and vulnerability in building a legacy
  • Reflecting on the impact of my commitment to social change and activism
  • The lessons I learned from my experiences with diversity and inclusion
  • The legacy of my commitment to personal finance and wealth management
  • How I hope to leave a legacy of empathy and understanding
  • The impact of my commitment to self-care and mental health awareness
  • Reflecting on the lessons I learned from my experiences with addiction and recovery
  • The legacy of my commitment to building strong and healthy relationships
  • How I hope to be remembered for my sense of humor and positive attitude
  • The importance of authenticity and vulnerability in building a lasting legacy
  • Reflecting on the impact of my commitment to personal growth and development
  • The lessons I learned from my experiences with self-doubt and insecurity
  • The legacy of my commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability
  • How I hope to leave a legacy of resilience and perseverance
  • The impact of my commitment to social justice and equality
  • Reflecting on the lessons I learned from my experiences with mental health
  • The legacy of my commitment to community service and volunteer work
  • How I hope to be remembered for my acts of kindness and compassion

With these 112 legacy essay topic ideas and examples, you'''re sure to find inspiration for writing a powerful and meaningful essay that reflects on the impact of your life and the legacy you hope to leave behind. Whether you choose to focus on your personal experiences, relationships, achievements, or values, your legacy essay has the potential to inspire and touch the hearts of those who read it. So take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you and the legacy you want to create, and let your words shine a light on the impact you hope to have on the world.

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How to Write a Legacy Statement – The Most Important Gift You Will Leave Behind

by Dawn Franks | Mar 20, 2018


Tiny stacks of 35-millimeter slides covered the dining room table. One by one I passed them through the slide viewer. The story of my parents’ earliest years together unfolded from Okinawa to North Carolina to Colorado and Texas. Pictures are only part of the story.  

Several years ago, dad sent me a handwritten letter , more like a long list of notes that wind through place and time. That’s another part of our story.

Soon, I’ll be able to view the slides I selected on a DVD. For me, these memories combined with the notes are a part of the family story that has become our legacy.

Several months before my mother passed away, my dad gave my brother a cigar box of letters written by my mother while he was on a temporary duty assignment. The letters, written almost daily, provide a diary of activities, from the childhood antics of my toddler brother and an oh so four-year-old grownup self to cousins and grandparents. Hanging clothes to dry and trips to the grocery store were intermingled with support and encouragement for my dad during training. Ever present was her love.

After my brother handed off the cigar box to me, my dad let me know that he passed it on to us so we would understand how much our mother loved us. Indeed, her love is obvious in those letters, and so much more. She described our budding personalities, and sometimes what she predicted for our futures. Slides, notes, and letters make up the family legacy. 

Have you shared your family story with children and grandchildren? Your story is your legacy.

Create a Legacy Statement

Your legacy statement will leave a record of what you hope to pass on to the next generation .

Legacy statements are non-binding and simpler than ever to put on paper. Few of us handwrite anything these days, so lack of pen and paper or cramps from writing are no excuse. You can find examples and tips online for writing your story, your legacy statement.

Simply put, a legacy statement is a record of what you want to leave behind, your hopes and dreams for the next generation . It is not a record of all you have accomplished, apologies or a list of failures. It is an account of the things that mattered most in your life, the lessons you learned and the values you cherish most.

The Legacy of Permission and Responsibilities

Sometimes, a legacy statement provides permission to the next generation to take different paths, explore new ideas and yet often it is a reflection on the responsibilities left by the previous generation and your best guidance for the future.

Not Your Standard Legacy

A standard definition of legacy, a gift by will of money or personal property, can prevent us from recognizing the value of our family story. There is another definition: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor. Legacies include gifts of money and property and, just as important, the story of our lives, the values we tried to live by, the lessons we learned, what we started and hope others will continue.

Here are a few ideas on what to include in your legacy statement.

  • Identify the principles and values most important to you.
  • Describe the most important role you played in life – your family role, work role, and roles in the community are all a part of your story, your legacy.
  • Describe your faith and how it impacted your life and decisions.
  • Describe a meaningful story from your parents and grandparents and how it influenced your life decisions.
  • Describe what made you laugh, made you sad, or made you stop to reflect ?
  • Explain significant giving decisions and the spirit of philanthropy you hope the next generation will continue.
  • Let the next generation know what you most want others to remember about you .

There is no perfect template for a Legacy Statement. But do sign and date it . Share it now with the next generation and leave a copy with important papers such as your will and estate documents.

For most of us, our life story is our legacy. Share your story . It might be the most important gift you leave to the next generation.

Like it? Use it. Share it. Comment below.


Kim Beckham

Wonderful article. Thanks for encouraging people to actively shape their legacy. This blog can change people’s lives.

Cathy Krafve

Thank you, Dawn, for a wonderful idea. I love it that your sweet Mom left you a treasure of letters.

Michael Harrison

Thank you for sharing Dawn. Your wisdom & encouraging words are always appreciated. Love your insight… Happy Easter! ? ❤️?

Jimmy Kent

Thank you for sharing this. Its true always tell our past stories to our child or our grandchild so they will help them to keep connected with our traditions and customs.

The Apathetical Man

Everyone has a purpose in life. Each and every person is born into this world for a certain reason. Some people can easily find their purpose early on in their lives, while others might have to spend half of their lifetimes trying to figure out the reason why they are here. Nonetheless, regardless of time, everyone has the capacity to find meaning in life.


A debt of gratitude is in order for urging individuals to effectively shape their heritage. This blog can transform people. I love it that your sweet Mom left you a fortune of letters. It actually consistently recount our past stories to our youngster or our grandkid so they will assist them with keeping associated with our conventions and customs.

Mira Borthakur

Nice article. Legacy is not about property its all about the value of life. Encouraging article.

Debo Adeyewa

This is so enriching, practical and such a lifetime blessing. Much thanks!

Attilio Art Guardo

I love the tips and advice in your article. You explained it well and I guess I am going to apply these in my future writing project. You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.


What will my legacy be? As I grow older and my health becomes challenging I think about it more. Thank you for this article and your wise words and insights.

Byron Conner

Thank you for putting this out there. I agree with your opinion and I hope more people would come to agree with this as well.

Roxanna McNeil

So grateful to have stumbled upon this Blog site. I pondered my legacy for years only to realize I was living my legacy. Thank you for providing the inspiration and space for me to stop “pondering” and start writing and creating my legacy. Roxanna

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examples of legacy essay

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  • Cape Breton’s Cultural Heritage: Traditions of Mi’kmaq People One of the major disadvantages of this strategy is that the fine details of the history may be altered by the narrator. The text by Caplan provides a narrative of the Mi’kmaq way of life […]
  • Traditional Bedouin Aba as Saudi Arabian Heritage However, with the course of time, instead of the definition of a lifestyle, the term “Bedouin” became the determinant of an identity.
  • Valletta as a Heritage Tourism Destination It is necessary to note that the city is multinational and this also contributes to a potential interest of tourists coming from different European countries.
  • Museum of Jewish Heritage and Learning Experience It is also a somber realization since the hate and bigotry that caused the suffering of the Jewish people continues to exist in the world today, albeit in a different form.
  • Hashima Islands as a World Heritage Site This paper includes insights into the history of the island and provides a brief analysis of the significance of the site as well as the debate on the development of the human society in general […]
  • African Art and Lega’s People Legacy As Bravmann explains, the culture of the Lega society blends the elements of the colonial Bwamis and the elements of other African cultures: “it is through initiation into Bwami, and through the gradual movement through […]
  • Counterculture Legacy on People’s Lifestyle The 1960’s are characterized by the a social movement which was called Counterculture and had a great influence on the historical, political and social events in the USA, as well as in the whole world, […]
  • Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software The focus of modern manufactures on the integration of the legacy manufacturing software with the ERP system is explained with references to the fact that the result of the integration is the effective management and […]
  • Abraham Lincoln: A Legacy of Freedom He also implemented an act on National Banking, which led to the establishment of a common currency in the nation and allowed for the development of a union of all the banks in the nation.
  • How Confucianism as the Asian American Heritage Has Been Maintained in Asian American Families The Confucian philosophy uses the concepts of training and control and love in the Chinese parenting practices, such that they are deeply involved in the lives of their children.
  • Cultural Heritage Tourism: Valletta and Venice The capital of Valletta and Venice are two cities in the republic of Malta and the republic of Italy respectively, which have shown competitive architectural designing, and thus form substantial tourism attractions in the two […]
  • World Heritage Sites: Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens Currently, the building is in the process of being restored to the theme that was there in the 20th century. The Royal Exhibition Building is the building and the Carlton garden is the site in […]
  • Sustainability of Heritage Tourism in Australia The purpose of the plan is to involve the government and other stakeholders, including the corporate organizations to better understand and contribute in protection and conservation of the cultural and heritage assets within the country.
  • Online Marketing of Heritage Visitor Attractions in Malta Therefore, the specific objectives of this research will be: To conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature in relation to the online marketing of heritage visitor attractions To identify the current supply and demand for […]
  • The Cultural Heritage of Canada: Values of Each Generation In addition, the percentage of the common law marriages is on the rise. In addition, the law favors women about the custody of children in divorce cases.
  • World Heritage: The Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens Some of the objectives that were set are to conserve and protect the world heritage value of the sites, to incorporate the protection of the site into a complete planning program and to ensure that […]
  • The Heritage of the Soviet Union Thus, to understand the future of these countries, it is important to consider political systems within the countries and define factors which resulted in the development of such regimes.
  • Heritage Tourism and Its Peculiarities To this end, it assesses the strategic locations of the site and the importance of achieving the intended goal, which aims towards the revenue generation and culture preservation.
  • Heritage Tourism: Megalithic Temples One of the major stakeholders to this tourist destination is the Heritage Malta that is greatly involved in managing the museums and sites.
  • Bernard Russell’s Philosophical Legacy The Russell’s solution to this is as follows: inconsistencies within the amolecular’ descriptions, to which we resort, while trying to ensure the spatial integrity of our perceptions of the universe, can be eliminated by the […]
  • Maoist Legacy in Contemporary China Over the subsequent years, after the demise of Mao as a social legend, questions have prevailed whether the idea of social equality is practicable in the contemporary China, with evidence pointing out the reemergence of […]
  • Thomas Paine’s Vision and Legacy In his simple radicalism and using means he could, that of the pen, Paine used it so effectively that he is credited with the success of the American revolution, the French revolution, and the British […]
  • Imperialism History and Legacy Moreover, the scramble for Africa by colonial masters began, and this led to the Berlin Conference of 1888. Consequently, massive migration from the colonies into Europe occurred, and this was a key factor to the […]
  • Thomas Nast’s Life and Legacy He was widely known as a political commentator, and through his work, Nast managed to impact significantly on political arena. For instance, his work as an artist contributed to the success of Abraham Lincoln’s election […]
  • Walt Disney Company: Entertainment Legacy The Walt Disney Company was established in the year 1923 by two brothers: Roy Disney and Walt Disney. The success of quality is attributed to efficient communication between the customers and the company; customers provide […]
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis: Life and Legacy Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was an influential figure in the United State due to her great contribution to political life as the First Lady of the United States, as well as her active work in social […]
  • The Burden of Hitler’s Legacy In his opinion, the Jews were to be blamed for Germany’s downfall in World War 1 and the subsequent peace treaty that was a source of embarrassment to the nation.
  • Japan’s Nuclear Disaster: Fukushima’s Legacy The cladding, the reactor vessel, the containment building, and a dry-wall building were the barriers to protect the nuclear power plant.
  • An Economic Approach to World Heritage The culture of a given community would determine the history of such a community in terms of architectural designs of the past such as the Great Wall of China and so on.
  • Our Latin Heritage Concert It is hypnotic and sensuous, with what seems like an unvarying single beat, surrounded by the swirl of a melody that stays largely in major key.
  • The Experienced Touch at Heritage Christian Home The care and support for the developmentally disabled residents at Heritage Christian Home on Yorktown Road in Penfield, New York, is proving to be a jigsaw puzzle with regard to hiring of the staff to […]
  • Confucius: Life, Teachings, and Legacy According to him, moral virtue is the only means of ensuring that there is order in the society. His mother thus played the role of the father in bringing up Confucius and it is through […]
  • Barbie Doll: The History and Legacy The psychology behind the invention of the doll has contributed to the change of perceptions of many women on their roles and capabilities.
  • History and Heritage in Determining Present and Future History is also a tool used to establish the validity of the current beliefs or ideas held by an individual, society or section of a society and the invalidity of the ideas and beliefs held […]
  • Nixon’s Legacy, Reaganomics The media was influenced by the aftermath of the Watergate scandal as it gained confidence and a more aggressive approach to investigating and unraveling of scandals in the government in an attempt to facilitate transparency […]
  • The Legacy of George W. Bush He brought in the support and vote for the Christian Conservatives, and his father was elected as the 41st president of America.
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  • Mid-City at the Crossroads: Shaw Heritage Trail Washington, DC is the place where it is always interesting to be, to listen to other people conversions, and to enjoy the sights offered to the tourists, and Neighborhood Heritage Trails provides people with a […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 127 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

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Student Opinion

What Legacy Do You Want to Leave Behind?

examples of legacy essay

By Natalie Proulx

  • March 21, 2019

Have you ever known someone who has died, whether someone close to you, an acquaintance or even a famous figure? What legacy did the person leave in your life or the world? What made him or her so meaningful or memorable to you?

In “ Want to Leave a Legacy? Be a Mentor ,” Jane E. Brody writes about how making a positive impact can keep people alive in the memories and lives of others:

Encouraged by a grandfatherly professor at Cornell, in my sophomore year I gave a speech asking my fellow students “when you come to the end of your days, will you be able to write your own epitaph?” I urged them to focus on establishing meaningful goals and the legacy they may want to leave when their physical lives end. By legacy, I did not mean money, structures or any other tangible object. I meant the positive impact they might have that would help to keep them alive in the memories and lives of others. Thus, when I read Marc Freedman’s new book, “How to Live Forever: The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations,” it spoke volumes to me. It reminded me of that dear professor, George Eric Peabody, who was in effect my mentor, encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone and develop talents I never knew I had. Professor Peabody, who died in 1967 at age 70, did indeed leave an enviable legacy. As stated in the university’s memorial, he was “an inspiring and challenging teacher in helping thousands of students develop poise, self-confidence and, in his concise words, the ability to ‘stand up — speak up — and shut up.’” Mr. Freedman, the founder of and co-founder of Experience Corps , both dedicated to helping older adults find purpose later in life, calls himself a social entrepreneur. Asked what it takes to be a mentor, he said succinctly, “Showing up and shutting up: Being consistent and listening. You don’t have to be a charismatic superhero. You don’t need an advanced degree. It’s more about the relationship than imparting sage advice. The key is not being interest ing . The real key is being interest ed — being present and paying attention.”

The article continues:

Mr. Freedman’s latest endeavor, now in its second year, is called Generation to Generation , a foundation-supported nationwide project that aims to “build a movement of older people focused on the well-being of future generations.” The annual increase in life expectancy attests to the importance of this effort. More and more people are living 20 or 30 years beyond traditional retirement age. Do they all want to spend those “golden years” watching TV, playing cards or golf, reading or traveling? Or might some prefer a more productive and meaningful old age, one that could enrich them physically, mentally and socially, and in some cases economically? “The real fountain of youth is the fountain with youth,” Mr. Freedman said. “It’s spending less time focused on being young and more time focused on being there for the next generation.” As the developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst Erik Erikson said nearly 70 years ago, “I am what survives me.”

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Legacy Essay Examples

Jessie fauset and her legacy.

Jessie Fauset and Dorothy West were ahead of their time and empowering in many ways. More specifically, they were ambitious advocates to women and to African Americans. Jessie Fauset and Dorothy West were prominent leaders during the Harlem Renaissance. Education, writing (magazines, novels, and short...

The Legacy and the Impact of the Midwest Winter Dance Party Tragedy

That is the word that comes to mind whenever anyone hears the names Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens or J. P. Richardson (The Big Bopper). A plane crash that cut three brilliant careers too short, at the end of a tour that was truly insensitive and...

Legacy of John R.w. Stott – an English Anglican Priest and Leader of the Worldwide Evangelical Movement

John R. W. Stott (1921-2011) is known worldwide as a beloved evangelist, preacher, and Scripture enthusiast. He served as rector of All Souls Church in London, where he oversaw an urban pastoral ministry. He is thought to be a leader amongst evangelicals in both the...

Life and Legacy of Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician renowned for his principles of physics. His most famous work published in 1687 is called the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. It has been called “the most influential book on physics”. His three laws of motion resulted...

The Life and Legacy of Marcus Eremita

Marcus Eremita (which actually means Marcus the Hermit) was a very respected person in his era. He had many writing, which we will discuss at a later time. However, to this day, very little is known about his life leading up to him becoming a...

The Life and Legacy of Thomas Paine

This essay is meek analysis of the presentation of the legacy brought from the writings of the famous journalist known as Thomas Paine. Thomas Paine was a man who could write with wisdom and with reason. He was a very intelligent and influential man back...

The Life and Legacy of Mary Wollstonecraft

Through history we learn about great heroes or an enlightenment figure of a certain time. I have chosen an enlightenment figure from 1759- 1797. Mary Wollstonecraft was a feminist writer and a very intellectual woman. She has an impact on women and this is why...

Life and Legacy of Louis Armstrong

“There is two kinds of music, the good, and the bad, I play the good kind. ” ~ Louis Armstrong One of the arts that transcends culture is the art of music. Louis Armstrong was an individual who took the art of music, specifically jazz,...

Life and Legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte

Very rarely does a figure enter the stage who becomes as renowned as Napoleon Bonaparte. Along with the likes of Julius Caesar and William the Conqueror, Napoleon has secured his place in history as a man who, for better or for worse, radically altered its...

Canada's Multicultural Legacy in Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Canada is a federation of two regions and ten provinces. There is a federal degree of government, commonplace or regional degree of government and the third level is that of local government. Forces are conveyed between the areas and the government according to the Canadian...

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