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Questionnaire – Definition, Types, and Examples

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A Questionnaire is a research tool or survey instrument that consists of a set of questions or prompts designed to gather information from individuals or groups of people.

It is a standardized way of collecting data from a large number of people by asking them a series of questions related to a specific topic or research objective. The questions may be open-ended or closed-ended, and the responses can be quantitative or qualitative. Questionnaires are widely used in research, marketing, social sciences, healthcare, and many other fields to collect data and insights from a target population.

History of Questionnaire

The history of questionnaires can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who used questionnaires as a means of assessing public opinion. However, the modern history of questionnaires began in the late 19th century with the rise of social surveys.

The first social survey was conducted in the United States in 1874 by Francis A. Walker, who used a questionnaire to collect data on labor conditions. In the early 20th century, questionnaires became a popular tool for conducting social research, particularly in the fields of sociology and psychology.

One of the most influential figures in the development of the questionnaire was the psychologist Raymond Cattell, who in the 1940s and 1950s developed the personality questionnaire, a standardized instrument for measuring personality traits. Cattell’s work helped establish the questionnaire as a key tool in personality research.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the use of questionnaires expanded into other fields, including market research, public opinion polling, and health surveys. With the rise of computer technology, questionnaires became easier and more cost-effective to administer, leading to their widespread use in research and business settings.

Today, questionnaires are used in a wide range of settings, including academic research, business, healthcare, and government. They continue to evolve as a research tool, with advances in computer technology and data analysis techniques making it easier to collect and analyze data from large numbers of participants.

Types of Questionnaire

Types of Questionnaires are as follows:

Structured Questionnaire

This type of questionnaire has a fixed format with predetermined questions that the respondent must answer. The questions are usually closed-ended, which means that the respondent must select a response from a list of options.

Unstructured Questionnaire

An unstructured questionnaire does not have a fixed format or predetermined questions. Instead, the interviewer or researcher can ask open-ended questions to the respondent and let them provide their own answers.

Open-ended Questionnaire

An open-ended questionnaire allows the respondent to answer the question in their own words, without any pre-determined response options. The questions usually start with phrases like “how,” “why,” or “what,” and encourage the respondent to provide more detailed and personalized answers.

Close-ended Questionnaire

In a closed-ended questionnaire, the respondent is given a set of predetermined response options to choose from. This type of questionnaire is easier to analyze and summarize, but may not provide as much insight into the respondent’s opinions or attitudes.

Mixed Questionnaire

A mixed questionnaire is a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions. This type of questionnaire allows for more flexibility in terms of the questions that can be asked, and can provide both quantitative and qualitative data.

Pictorial Questionnaire:

In a pictorial questionnaire, instead of using words to ask questions, the questions are presented in the form of pictures, diagrams or images. This can be particularly useful for respondents who have low literacy skills, or for situations where language barriers exist. Pictorial questionnaires can also be useful in cross-cultural research where respondents may come from different language backgrounds.

Types of Questions in Questionnaire

The types of Questions in Questionnaire are as follows:

Multiple Choice Questions

These questions have several options for participants to choose from. They are useful for getting quantitative data and can be used to collect demographic information.

  • a. Red b . Blue c. Green d . Yellow

Rating Scale Questions

These questions ask participants to rate something on a scale (e.g. from 1 to 10). They are useful for measuring attitudes and opinions.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?

Open-Ended Questions

These questions allow participants to answer in their own words and provide more in-depth and detailed responses. They are useful for getting qualitative data.

  • What do you think are the biggest challenges facing your community?

Likert Scale Questions

These questions ask participants to rate how much they agree or disagree with a statement. They are useful for measuring attitudes and opinions.

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

“I enjoy exercising regularly.”

  • a . Strongly Agree
  • c . Neither Agree nor Disagree
  • d . Disagree
  • e . Strongly Disagree

Demographic Questions

These questions ask about the participant’s personal information such as age, gender, ethnicity, education level, etc. They are useful for segmenting the data and analyzing results by demographic groups.

  • What is your age?

Yes/No Questions

These questions only have two options: Yes or No. They are useful for getting simple, straightforward answers to a specific question.

Have you ever traveled outside of your home country?

Ranking Questions

These questions ask participants to rank several items in order of preference or importance. They are useful for measuring priorities or preferences.

Please rank the following factors in order of importance when choosing a restaurant:

  • a. Quality of Food
  • c. Ambiance
  • d. Location

Matrix Questions

These questions present a matrix or grid of options that participants can choose from. They are useful for getting data on multiple variables at once.

The product is easy to use
The product meets my needs
The product is affordable

Dichotomous Questions

These questions present two options that are opposite or contradictory. They are useful for measuring binary or polarized attitudes.

Do you support the death penalty?

How to Make a Questionnaire

Step-by-Step Guide for Making a Questionnaire:

  • Define your research objectives: Before you start creating questions, you need to define the purpose of your questionnaire and what you hope to achieve from the data you collect.
  • Choose the appropriate question types: Based on your research objectives, choose the appropriate question types to collect the data you need. Refer to the types of questions mentioned earlier for guidance.
  • Develop questions: Develop clear and concise questions that are easy for participants to understand. Avoid leading or biased questions that might influence the responses.
  • Organize questions: Organize questions in a logical and coherent order, starting with demographic questions followed by general questions, and ending with specific or sensitive questions.
  • Pilot the questionnaire : Test your questionnaire on a small group of participants to identify any flaws or issues with the questions or the format.
  • Refine the questionnaire : Based on feedback from the pilot, refine and revise the questionnaire as necessary to ensure that it is valid and reliable.
  • Distribute the questionnaire: Distribute the questionnaire to your target audience using a method that is appropriate for your research objectives, such as online surveys, email, or paper surveys.
  • Collect and analyze data: Collect the completed questionnaires and analyze the data using appropriate statistical methods. Draw conclusions from the data and use them to inform decision-making or further research.
  • Report findings: Present your findings in a clear and concise report, including a summary of the research objectives, methodology, key findings, and recommendations.

Questionnaire Administration Modes

There are several modes of questionnaire administration. The choice of mode depends on the research objectives, sample size, and available resources. Some common modes of administration include:

  • Self-administered paper questionnaires: Participants complete the questionnaire on paper, either in person or by mail. This mode is relatively low cost and easy to administer, but it may result in lower response rates and greater potential for errors in data entry.
  • Online questionnaires: Participants complete the questionnaire on a website or through email. This mode is convenient for both researchers and participants, as it allows for fast and easy data collection. However, it may be subject to issues such as low response rates, lack of internet access, and potential for fraudulent responses.
  • Telephone surveys: Trained interviewers administer the questionnaire over the phone. This mode allows for a large sample size and can result in higher response rates, but it is also more expensive and time-consuming than other modes.
  • Face-to-face interviews : Trained interviewers administer the questionnaire in person. This mode allows for a high degree of control over the survey environment and can result in higher response rates, but it is also more expensive and time-consuming than other modes.
  • Mixed-mode surveys: Researchers use a combination of two or more modes to administer the questionnaire, such as using online questionnaires for initial screening and following up with telephone interviews for more detailed information. This mode can help overcome some of the limitations of individual modes, but it requires careful planning and coordination.

Example of Questionnaire

Title of the Survey: Customer Satisfaction Survey


We appreciate your business and would like to ensure that we are meeting your needs. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey so that we can better understand your experience with our products and services. Your feedback is important to us and will help us improve our offerings.


Please read each question carefully and select the response that best reflects your experience. If you have any additional comments or suggestions, please feel free to include them in the space provided at the end of the survey.

1. How satisfied are you with our product quality?

  • Very satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

2. How satisfied are you with our customer service?

3. How satisfied are you with the price of our products?

4. How likely are you to recommend our products to others?

  • Very likely
  • Somewhat likely
  • Somewhat unlikely
  • Very unlikely

5. How easy was it to find the information you were looking for on our website?

  • Somewhat easy
  • Somewhat difficult
  • Very difficult

6. How satisfied are you with the overall experience of using our products and services?

7. Is there anything that you would like to see us improve upon or change in the future?



Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is valuable to us and will help us improve our products and services. If you have any further comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Applications of Questionnaire

Some common applications of questionnaires include:

  • Research : Questionnaires are commonly used in research to gather information from participants about their attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and experiences. This information can then be analyzed and used to draw conclusions and make inferences.
  • Healthcare : In healthcare, questionnaires can be used to gather information about patients’ medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle habits. This information can help healthcare professionals diagnose and treat medical conditions more effectively.
  • Marketing : Questionnaires are commonly used in marketing to gather information about consumers’ preferences, buying habits, and opinions on products and services. This information can help businesses develop and market products more effectively.
  • Human Resources: Questionnaires are used in human resources to gather information from job applicants, employees, and managers about job satisfaction, performance, and workplace culture. This information can help organizations improve their hiring practices, employee retention, and organizational culture.
  • Education : Questionnaires are used in education to gather information from students, teachers, and parents about their perceptions of the educational experience. This information can help educators identify areas for improvement and develop more effective teaching strategies.

Purpose of Questionnaire

Some common purposes of questionnaires include:

  • To collect information on attitudes, opinions, and beliefs: Questionnaires can be used to gather information on people’s attitudes, opinions, and beliefs on a particular topic. For example, a questionnaire can be used to gather information on people’s opinions about a particular political issue.
  • To collect demographic information: Questionnaires can be used to collect demographic information such as age, gender, income, education level, and occupation. This information can be used to analyze trends and patterns in the data.
  • To measure behaviors or experiences: Questionnaires can be used to gather information on behaviors or experiences such as health-related behaviors or experiences, job satisfaction, or customer satisfaction.
  • To evaluate programs or interventions: Questionnaires can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of programs or interventions by gathering information on participants’ experiences, opinions, and behaviors.
  • To gather information for research: Questionnaires can be used to gather data for research purposes on a variety of topics.

When to use Questionnaire

Here are some situations when questionnaires might be used:

  • When you want to collect data from a large number of people: Questionnaires are useful when you want to collect data from a large number of people. They can be distributed to a wide audience and can be completed at the respondent’s convenience.
  • When you want to collect data on specific topics: Questionnaires are useful when you want to collect data on specific topics or research questions. They can be designed to ask specific questions and can be used to gather quantitative data that can be analyzed statistically.
  • When you want to compare responses across groups: Questionnaires are useful when you want to compare responses across different groups of people. For example, you might want to compare responses from men and women, or from people of different ages or educational backgrounds.
  • When you want to collect data anonymously: Questionnaires can be useful when you want to collect data anonymously. Respondents can complete the questionnaire without fear of judgment or repercussions, which can lead to more honest and accurate responses.
  • When you want to save time and resources: Questionnaires can be more efficient and cost-effective than other methods of data collection such as interviews or focus groups. They can be completed quickly and easily, and can be analyzed using software to save time and resources.

Characteristics of Questionnaire

Here are some of the characteristics of questionnaires:

  • Standardization : Questionnaires are standardized tools that ask the same questions in the same order to all respondents. This ensures that all respondents are answering the same questions and that the responses can be compared and analyzed.
  • Objectivity : Questionnaires are designed to be objective, meaning that they do not contain leading questions or bias that could influence the respondent’s answers.
  • Predefined responses: Questionnaires typically provide predefined response options for the respondents to choose from, which helps to standardize the responses and make them easier to analyze.
  • Quantitative data: Questionnaires are designed to collect quantitative data, meaning that they provide numerical or categorical data that can be analyzed using statistical methods.
  • Convenience : Questionnaires are convenient for both the researcher and the respondents. They can be distributed and completed at the respondent’s convenience and can be easily administered to a large number of people.
  • Anonymity : Questionnaires can be anonymous, which can encourage respondents to answer more honestly and provide more accurate data.
  • Reliability : Questionnaires are designed to be reliable, meaning that they produce consistent results when administered multiple times to the same group of people.
  • Validity : Questionnaires are designed to be valid, meaning that they measure what they are intended to measure and are not influenced by other factors.

Advantage of Questionnaire

Some Advantage of Questionnaire are as follows:

  • Standardization: Questionnaires allow researchers to ask the same questions to all participants in a standardized manner. This helps ensure consistency in the data collected and eliminates potential bias that might arise if questions were asked differently to different participants.
  • Efficiency: Questionnaires can be administered to a large number of people at once, making them an efficient way to collect data from a large sample.
  • Anonymity: Participants can remain anonymous when completing a questionnaire, which may make them more likely to answer honestly and openly.
  • Cost-effective: Questionnaires can be relatively inexpensive to administer compared to other research methods, such as interviews or focus groups.
  • Objectivity: Because questionnaires are typically designed to collect quantitative data, they can be analyzed objectively without the influence of the researcher’s subjective interpretation.
  • Flexibility: Questionnaires can be adapted to a wide range of research questions and can be used in various settings, including online surveys, mail surveys, or in-person interviews.

Limitations of Questionnaire

Limitations of Questionnaire are as follows:

  • Limited depth: Questionnaires are typically designed to collect quantitative data, which may not provide a complete understanding of the topic being studied. Questionnaires may miss important details and nuances that could be captured through other research methods, such as interviews or observations.
  • R esponse bias: Participants may not always answer questions truthfully or accurately, either because they do not remember or because they want to present themselves in a particular way. This can lead to response bias, which can affect the validity and reliability of the data collected.
  • Limited flexibility: While questionnaires can be adapted to a wide range of research questions, they may not be suitable for all types of research. For example, they may not be appropriate for studying complex phenomena or for exploring participants’ experiences and perceptions in-depth.
  • Limited context: Questionnaires typically do not provide a rich contextual understanding of the topic being studied. They may not capture the broader social, cultural, or historical factors that may influence participants’ responses.
  • Limited control : Researchers may not have control over how participants complete the questionnaire, which can lead to variations in response quality or consistency.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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  • 4 Types of Questionnaire + Free Question Examples


For many years, questionnaires have been a popular data collection tool during research. Questionnaires are very diverse and easily adaptable—this is why they are one of the most common and important tools for data collection in everyday life. 

Although questionnaires are a common tool for research, a lot of people still don’t know what kind of questions should be included in their questionnaires. In this article, we will look at different types of questionnaires and show you how to create an online questionnaire with Formplus. 

What is a Questionnaire? 

A questionnaire is a research tool that contains a list of questions requiring responses from a predefined group of people. It is used to collect relevant information that can help you arrive at definite results during research. 

Questionnaires are used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from respondents. It combines different question types like close-ended and open-ended questions that allow you to extract large volumes of data from respondents, even when the researcher isn’t available to coordinate data collection firsthand. 

The purpose of a questionnaire is to build up your research dataset by asking standardized questions to help you get the right answers. While questionnaires are closely related to surveys, they do not mean the same thing. 

4 Types of Questionnaires

1. online questionnaire.

An online questionnaire is a set of standardized questions that are put together and distributed via online channels. It gathers data from respondents through a set of questions that are administered via online data-collection platforms like Formplus. 

Formplus is an easy-to-use tool that supports seamless online and offline data collection . It has a form builder that allows you to create different types of questionnaires for research. You can also find a variety of questionnaire templates that can be edited for unique research needs. 

There are more than 30 form fields on Formplus that you can add to your questionnaire for data collection including text fields, numerical fields, and rating fields. Respondents can easily provide answers to questions created in the form of simple checkboxes or dropdown menus. 

Formplus has multiple form-sharing options including email sharing, form embed, and direct social media sharing buttons. This means that respondents can receive online questionnaires via various mediums such as email, on your website, and on social media platforms. 

Advantages of Online Questionnaires  

  • An online questionnaire helps you to save time during data collection.
  • It is also a cost-effective method of data collection. You do not have to spend money on printing questionnaires or sharing the questionnaire with respondents physically.
  • It allows respondents to complete the questionnaire when they want. This improves the questionnaire response rates.
  • Since the questionnaire is created and administered online, it makes it easy for you to gather responses from a large pool of respondents.

Disadvantages of Online Questionnaires

  • The choice of your questionnaire distribution channel can affect questionnaire response rates.
  • The questionnaire sample size is limited to populations that have access to the internet. This can affect the variation of the data gathered.

Online Questionnaire Example


2. Telephone Questionnaire

This is a method of collecting data from respondents via a telephone conversation. Here, the researcher places a direct call to different members of the survey sample and asks a set of predefined questions that are relevant to the research context. 

This questionnaire method is best used when you have a small set of questions that can be responded to quickly. It also works for research contexts that require data from a small sample size or when members of the sample cannot complete a written or online questionnaire. 

Read: The 4,5, and 7 Point Likert Scale + [Questionnaire Examples]

Advantages of Telephone Questionnaires  

  • It allows you to gather research data quickly.
  • Telephone questionnaires tend to record higher response rates than other types of questionnaires.

Disadvantages of Telephone Questionnaires  

  • It is an expensive method of collecting data in research.
  • Telephone questionnaires are time-consuming.
  • Due to its direct conversation approach, respondents may refuse to give out as much information as they should for the research.

3, Paper Questionnaire  

Paper questionnaires are the oldest and most common method of data collection in research. It is a sheet of paper with a set of predetermined questions that the members of the sample population respond to using a pencil or a pen. 

Over time, the use of paper questionnaires has reduced significantly due to its multiple shortcomings. Apart from a steady decline in response rates , paper questionnaires are expensive to create and they also have a high risk of data loss and damage. 

The best way to use a paper questionnaire is to pair it with online distribution channels that allow you to share your survey on paper. There are paper questionnaire creators that can be used to print your questionnaire or export it in Word and PDF formats . 

Advantages of Paper Questionnaire  

  • It can be used to collect research data from members of your research population who do not have access to other questionnaire types.
  • It is an effective method of data collection in market research.

Disadvantages of Paper Questionnaire  

  • Paper questionnaires have a huge financial cost implication.
  • It can only be used when you have a small sample size that has physical proximity. If your research requires large data sets from a large audience, paper questionnaires may not be suitable for use.

Face-to-Face Interview

You can also administer a questionnaire through a face-to-face interview with members of the research population. It allows the researcher to communicate directly with the respondent and ask the questions already listed in the questionnaire. Through this method, you can obtain qualitative and quantitative information from respondents. 

When you have a face-to-face interview with respondents, you gain better insight into the context of their answers to your question. A face-to-face interview is an opportunity to observe non-verbal responses and other nuances, that help you interpret the resulting data from the conversation. 

Advantages of a Face-to-Face Interview  

  • It helps you to capture verbal and non-verbal cues creates better insight into the research data.
  • Face-to-face interviews allow you to collect more accurate data.

Disadvantages of a Face-to-Face Interview  

  • The quality of data from a face-to-face largely depends on the skills of the interviewer.
  • It is an expensive method of data collection. For instance, you will need to hire personnel to assist with logistics and other levels of preparation.
Read Also: 7 Data Collection Methods & Tools For Research

Characteristics of a Questionnaire  

While the overall structure and presentation of your questionnaire depend on the type of research plus the information you want to get from respondents, there are common characteristics you can find in every questionnaire. 

  • A questionnaire follows a well-defined question sequence

The questions listed in a questionnaire are structured to increase the response rate. Typically, the questionnaire begins with screening questions and then progresses to warm-up questions, transition questions, skip questions, challenging questions, before ending up with classification questions.

  • A questionnaire can collect both qualitative and quantitative data

Depending on your research needs, you can include different types of questions that help you gather quantitative and qualitative responses from the members of your research sample.

In the Formplus builder, you will find different form fields that allow you to add multiple question formats to your questionnaire. You can use text fields for open-ended questions and multi-choice fields, rating fields, and checkboxes for close-ended questions. 

  • A questionnaire has a uniform design that supports standardized data collection. This means that all members of the sample population see and respond to the same set of questions; although the question sequence and order may vary.
  • A questionnaire also includes clear instructions that guide respondents as they complete the survey.

Types of Questions for Any Questionnaire  

Open-ended questions.

An open-ended question is a type of research question that does not restrict respondents to a set of predetermined answers. Rather, respondents are allowed to fully articulate their thoughts, opinions, and experiences as long-form and short-form answers including paragraphs, essays, or just a few sentences. 

They are also known as free-form survey questions because they do not restrict the respondents to a small pool of possible answer-options. Open-ended questions encourage the research participants to freely communicate what they know and how they feel about the subject matter. 

Use open-ended questions in your questionnaire when you want to collect qualitative responses for your research. They also provide better context for the research data by helping you to see things from a respondent’s point of view. 

Advantages of Open-Ended Questions

  • It helps you to gather detailed information from respondents.
  • Open-ended questions have an infinite possibility of responses which supports variation in your research data.

Disadvantages of Open-ended Questions

  • Responding to open-ended questions is time-consuming and respondents can easily abandon the questionnaire along the way.
  • It is very difficult to statistically interpret the data collected via open-ended questions. This makes open-ended questions highly unsuitable for quantitative data collection.

Open-ended Question Samples

  • What is the most important lesson you’ve learned so far?
  • What do you think about our new logo?
  • How does our product help you to meet your goals?


2. Close Ended Questions

A close-ended question is one that limits possible responses to options like Yes/No, True/False, and the likes. It comes with pre-selected answer options and requires the respondent to choose one of the options that closely resonates with her thoughts, opinion, or knowledge. 

Close-ended questions are best used in quantitative research because they allow you to collect statistical information from respondents. If you want to gather a large amount of data that can be analyzed quickly, then asking close-ended questions is your best bet. 

Advantages of Close-ended Questions

  • Close-ended questions are easy and quick to answer.
  • It is cheaper to collate and analyze the responses to close-ended questions.

Disadvantages of Close-ended Questions

  • It limits the amount of information that respondents can provide in your questionnaire.
  • It can result in survey response bias as respondents can be influenced by the options listed in the questionnaire.

Close-ended Question Samples

1. How do you start your day?

  • With coffee
  • With exercises
  • With meditation

2. What is your favorite genre of music?


3. Dichotomous Questions

A dichotomous question is a type of close-ended question that has only 2 opposite answer-options. It requires the research participants to choose one of the 2 available options as a response to the question. The most common type of dichotomous question is the yes/no question. 

A dichotomous question allows respondents to provide short, concise, and direct answers in the research questionnaire. Dichotomous questions are used to collect quantitative information from respondents, and to also eliminate unnecessary complexities in data collection. Other common formats of dichotomous questions are true/false questions and agree/disagree questions. 

Advantages of Dichotomous Questions

  • Dichotomous questions are easy to understand and respond to.
  • It helps you to gather fast and straightforward responses from the research participants.

Disadvantages of Dichotomous Questions

  • It restricts respondents to a limited set of answer-options. This prevents respondents from exploring other possible answers or from providing a better context for interpreting their choices.
  • Dichotomous questions are not suitable for qualitative data collection.

Dichotomous Question Samples

1. Would you like to have something to drink?

2. Did you enjoy this training? 


4. Likert Scale Question

This is a type of psychometric question that measures the respondent’s perception or opinion on a topic or subject matter. It uses points to rank different opinions, thoughts, and experiences in line with the topic at hand and the overall research context. 

A Likert scale question is popular as a 4-point scale, 5-point scale, or 7-point scale . Likert scale questions are important for research because they can be used to measure someone’s attitude and determine the extent to which they agree or disagree with a particular question or statement.

Advantages of Likert Scale Questions

  • It is easy to organize and interpret responses from Likert scale questions.
  • They provide more contexts to responses by allowing the researcher to quantify the intensity of individual responses.

Disadvantages of Likert Scale Questions

  • It can be difficult to classify neutral responses like ‘neither agree nor disagree’.
  • The intervals between points on the scale do not present equal changes in attitude for all individuals.

Likert Scale Question Examples


5. Multi-Choice Questions  

As the name suggests, a multi-choice question is one that gives respondents more than 2 answer-options to choose from. It is sometimes referred to as an objective response question and it requires the respondent to choose the most relevant option from the available choices. 

Typically, a multi-choice question has 3 parts—the stem, the answer, and the distractors. The stem is the actual question being asked; the answer is the right response to the question and the distractors are the other available choice options.

Advantages of Multi-choice Questions   

  • It is easy to organize and process data collected through multi-choice questions.

Disadvantages of Multi-choice Questions

  • Creating multi-choice questions can be time-consuming.
  • Muti choice questions do not produce any qualitative data.

Multi-choice Question Examples

1. What is your favorite drink?

2. What is your favorite smartphone brand?


Questionnaire vs Survey

A questionnaire is a list of quantitative and qualitative questions used to gather information from a target audience while a survey is a research tool for data collection, analysis, and forecasting. In other words, a questionnaire is a set of questions used for data collection while a survey is a method of measuring and analyzing relevant opinions to arrive at relevant research results. 

Questionnaires and surveys are closely related and they are both used for data collection in research. Every survey includes one or more questionnaires that help you to gather data from respondents. On the other hand, a questionnaire may or may not be administered as part of a survey.  

If you’re looking to collect and interpret data to help you understand trends and behaviors, then a survey is a valid option for you. On the other hand, if you want a flexible instrument to collect responses from a target audience, go for a questionnaire. You can create both surveys and questionnaires on Formplus. 

Advantages of a Questionnaire

  • A questionnaire is a cost-effective tool for data collection in research. You can easily create and administer them using online tools like Formplus.
  • It makes it easy for you to collect large volumes of data from a vast target audience.
  • A questionnaire can be used to collect qualitative and quantitative data from respondents. You can list close-ended and open-ended questions that help you gather different types of responses from the audience.
  • It is a good way to collect anonymous responses from the target audience.
  • Using a questionnaire is one of the best ways to collect repetitive information from respondents at defined intervals.
  • It puts less pressure on the respondents for immediate response. Many questionnaires allow respondents to respond when they want. Formplus also has a ‘save and resume’ feature that allows respondents to complete your questionnaire at their own pace.


The goal of a questionnaire is to collect relevant data from your target audience; this data can be used for multiple research purposes. To get the most out of your questionnaire, it is important to list different question types and adopt the most effective distribution channels. 

As we’ve discussed in this article, there are different types of questionnaires you can choose from including telephone questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. You can also create an online questionnaire with our form builder that supports seamless data collection. Sign up for a Formplus account here. 


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different types of questionnaire essay

22 Essay Question Words You Must Understand to Prepare a Well-Structured Essay

(Last updated: 3 June 2024)

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Now, we may be experts in best essay writing , but we’re also the first to admit that tackling essay questions can be, well, a bit of a challenge. Essays first require copious amounts of background reading and research so you can include accurate facts in your writing. You then have to figure out how to present those facts in a convincing and systematic argument. No mean feat.

But the silver lining here is that presenting your argument doesn’t have to be stressful. This goes even if you’re a new student without much experience and ability. To write a coherent and well-structured essay , you just have to really understand the requirements of the question. And to understand the requirements of the question, you need to have a good hold on all the different question words. For example, 'justify', 'examine', and 'discuss', to name a few.

Lacking this understanding is a pitfall many students tumble into. But our guide on essay question words below should keep you firmly above on safe, essay-acing ground.

Definition of Question Words with Examples

No matter their nature, question words are key and must always be adhered to. And yet, many students often overlook them and therefore answer their essay questions incorrectly. You may be a font of all knowledge in your subject area, but if you misinterpret the question words in your essay title, your essay writing could be completely irrelevant and score poorly.

For example, if you are asked to compare the French and British upper houses of parliament, you won’t get many points by simply highlighting the differences between the two parliamentary systems.

So, what should you do? We advise you start by reading this guide – we’ve divided the question words either by ‘critical’ or ‘descriptive’ depending on their nature, which should help you identify the type of response your essay requires.

Critical question words Descriptive question words
Analyse Define
Evaluate Demonstrate
Justify Describe
Critically evaluate Elaborate
Review Explain
Assess Explore
Discuss Identify
Examine Illustrate
To what extent Outline

different types of questionnaire essay

Question Words that Require a Critical Approach

Once you have done this, it’s also important that you critically (more on this word later) examine each part. You need to use important debates and evidence to look in depth at the arguments for and against, as well as how the parts interconnect. What does the evidence suggest? Use it to adopt a stance in your essay, ensuring you don’t simply give a narration on the key debates in the literature. Make your position known and tie this to the literature.

2. Evaluate

It is essential to provide information on both sides of the debate using evidence from a wide range of academic sources. Then you must state your position basing your arguments on the evidence that informed you in arriving at your position.

Also, you may want to consider arguments that are contrary to your position before stating a conclusion to your arguments. This will help present a balanced argument and demonstrate wide knowledge of the literature. Here, a critical approach becomes crucial. You need to explain why other possible arguments are unsatisfactory as well as why your own particular argument is preferable.

4. Critically evaluate

The key to tackling these question words is providing ample evidence to support your claims. Ensure that your analysis is balanced by shedding light on, and presenting a critique of, alternative perspectives. It is also important that you present extensive evidence taken from a varying range of sources.

State your conclusion clearly and state the reasons for this conclusion, drawing on factors and evidence that informed your perspective. Also try to justify your position in order to present a convincing argument to the reader.

Put another way, ‘review’ questions entail offering your opinion on the validity of the essay question. For example, you may be asked to review the literature on electoral reform in Great Britain. You'll need to give an overview of the literature. and any major arguments or issues that arose from it. You then need to comment logically and analytically on this material. What do you agree or disagree with? What have other scholars said about the subject? Are there any views that contrast with yours? What evidence are you using to support your assessment? Don’t forget to state your position clearly.

Review answers should not be purely descriptive; they must demonstrate a high level of analytical skill. The aim is not simply to regurgitate the works of other scholars, but rather to critically analyse these works.

However, when assessing a particular argument or topic, it is important that your thoughts on its significance are made clear. This must be supported by evidence, and secondary sources in the literature are a great start. Essentially, you need to convince the reader about the strength of your argument, using research to back up your assessment of the topic is essential. Highlight any limitations to your argument and remember to mention any counterarguments to your position.

Give a detailed examination of the topic by including knowledge of the various perspectives put forward by other scholars in relation to it. What are your thoughts on the subject based on the general debates in the literature? Remember to clearly state your position based on all the evidence you present.

You should also try to provide some context on why the issues and facts that you have closely examined are important. Have these issues and facts been examined differently by other scholars? If so, make a note of this. How did they differ in their approach and what are the factors that account for these alternative approaches?

‘Examine’ questions are less exploratory and discursive than some other types of question. They focus instead on asking you to critically examine particular pieces of evidence or facts to inform your analysis.

9. To what extent

Such questions require that you display the extent of your knowledge on a given subject and that you also adopt an analytical style in stating your position. This means that you must consider both sides of the argument, by present contrasting pieces of evidence. But ultimately, you must show why a particular set of evidence, or piece of information, is more valid for supporting your answer.

different types of questionnaire essay

Question Words that Require a Descriptive Response

It is important that you provide more than one meaning if there are several of them as it shows that you are very familiar with the literature.

2. Demonstrate

Make sure you assert your position with these types of questions. It's even more important that you support your arguments with valid evidence in order to establish a strong case.

3. Describe

‘Describe’ question words focus less on the basic meaning of something, therefore, and more on its particular characteristics. These characteristics should form the building blocks of your answer.

4. Elaborate

In addition, always remember to back any claims with academic research. In explanatory answers it is important that you demonstrate a clear understanding of a research topic or argument. This comes across most convincingly if you present a clear interpretation of the subject or argument to the reader. Keep in mind any ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions as this will help you to structure a clear and logically coherent response. Coherence is extremely important in providing explanatory answers.

A somewhat detached, dispassionate tone can be particularly effective, in contrast to the more assertive, argumentative tone you might adopt for other types of essay question. Just remember that the key objective here is to give a nuanced account of a research topic or argument by examining its composite parts.

7. Identify

8. illustrate, 10. summarise, 11. clarify.

Such questions require you to shed light on a topic or, in some instances, break down a complex subject into simple parts. Coherence is very important for acing such questions, remembering to present your answer in a systematic manner.

12. Compare

Furthermore, you may also want to emphasise any differences, although the focus of your essay should be on establishing similarities.

13. Contrast

different types of questionnaire essay

How to Strategically Structure Essay Based on Question Words

Understanding how to structure an essay based on question words is crucial for producing clear, focused, and compelling academic writing. The question words we analised above guide the direction of your response and dictate the type of content required. Recognising the demands of each question word allows you to strategically organise your essay, ensuring that your arguments are relevant and comprehensive. By mastering this approach, you can enhance the clarity and impact of your writing, making your academic work more persuasive and effective.

Here are a few more handy tips to bear in mind when addressing your essay questions:

When you first get your essay question, always try to understand exactly what the question means and what it is asking you to do. Look at the question word(s) and think about their meaning before you launch into planning what to write. Hopefully, our guide has shown you how to do this expertly.

Remember to read the question several times and consider any underlying assumptions behind the question. Highlight the key words and if possible, make a very basic draft outline of your response. This outline does not have to be detailed. But if you follow it as you write, it will help keep your response coherent and systematic.

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Quotation + Discuss' questions

One of the most common types of essay question is a direct quotation followed by a general task word or phrase like ‘Discuss' or ‘To what extent do you agree?'.

When answering these questions, the most important thing is to work out your argument – what you think about the ideas in the quotation. Are they right, or wrong? Is there more than one side to the issue? This type of question lets you argue both sides of an argument, as long as you still come to a clear conclusion.

'Double-barrelled' questions

‘Double-barrelled' essay questions contain several issues that you need to answer separately. It's easy to miss parts of these questions – especially in an exam – but you have to answer each part in order to pass.

One way to deal with these questions is to break them into smaller, simpler questions. This makes it easy to see if you need to discuss more than one idea, and gives your research some clear goals.

Double-barrelled questions also challenge you to find relationships between different issues, and show your understanding of how they affect each other.

‘World War II saw many people question old beliefs and argue for change.' To what extent do you agree?

A good essay would talk about both issues raised in this question and talk about how they impact on each other.

Firstly, you'd write about whether WWII made people question their beliefs and if so, how their beliefs changed.

Then you would talk about whether questioning old beliefs led people to argue for change.

General questions

General questions often use task words like ‘discuss', and ask broad questions that could apply to almost any topic. This means you have to decide on the scope of your essay, and build your argument from scratch.

The good thing about general questions is that they allow you to pick a topic you know about and really show what you can do.

Were there any winners in the conflict that you studied?

This is a History question, so topics you could write about include:

  • The American Civil War
  • Colonisation in Australia
  • World War I or II.

The key to answering this question well is exploring the idea of what it means to ‘win', and whether there are ever any real winners when societies come into conflict.

The question is broad so you could answer it no matter what period of history you studied.

Specific questions

Specific questions are usually quite long and clearly outline what you need to cover in your essay. They're often easier to answer because they tell you exactly what to do, but they aren't very flexible – you have to be able to do everything in the question, so there can't be any gaps in your knowledge.

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different types of questionnaire essay

To answer an essay question (EQ), students must assess the purpose of the essay question: factual recall, analysis (explanation of relationships) synthesis (application/transfer of previously learned principles) opinion

How much information to include, repeat, restate (intro needed? details needed?).

The chart below outlines 4 main types of essay questions, the verbs/cues that indicate the type of essay question and its purpose, and the strategy to be used to answer it.

 è   Restate or summarize from your notes.

  (Main ideas and Major supporting points)

 è explain in detail, based on the
            information in a lecture or reading

 è  è use Cause/Effect; (C/E)
 è use Comparison/Contrast (C/C)

 è transfer the principles or material  
      learned in class to another example or
      situation (synthesis /“think”-question)

 è State your opinion and it with
            examples and/or supporting points by
            referring to information from a lecture
            or reading.

Read the questions very carefully at least 2 or 3 times. Circle  the main verb (= action verb/imperative) in the question and decide on the necessary rhetorical strategy for answering the question (cause-effect, comparison-contrast, definition, classification, problem-solution). Make sure you understand what type of answer the main verb calls for (a diagram a summary, details, an analysis, an evaluation). Circle all the keywords in the question. Decide if you need to write a 1-paragraph or a multi-paragraph answer. Write a brief outline of all the points you want to mention in your answer. Restate the question and answer it with a topic sentence (for a 1-paragraph answer) or a thesis statement (for a multi-paragraph answer).  Answer the question according to general rules of academic writing.  Use indentations; begin each paragraph with a topic sentence; support the topic sentence(s) with reasons and/or examples; use transition words to show logical organization; write a conclusion.  Use correct punctuation throughout. Read over your answer again and check if all the main ideas have been included. Check your answer for grammar and punctuation.

© 2005: Christine Bauer-Ramazani ; last updated: September 02, 2019



surveys | July 8, 2020

Questionnaire: Types, Definition, Examples & How to Design Your Own

different types of questionnaire essay

Daniel Ndukwu

A well-designed and considered questionnaire can be the difference between success and failure. 

Customers have wants and needs that are constantly changing and evolving. It’s no longer enough to be reactive when situations arise. Now, your customers expect you to solve problems before they become problems.

Questionnaires make it possible to better understand the wants and needs of your customers so you’re in a position to meet them.

This article walks you through what a questionnaire is, the pros & cons, and how to properly design them so you can unlock deep insights.

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This guide is long, detailed, and should serve as a constant reference. Instead of constantly coming back to check it, download the PDF version. When you download it, you’ll also get access to our free email training that shows how to use questionnaires, quizzes, and popups to understand, engage, and convert visitors to leads and customers.

Table of Contents

What is a questionnaire?

A questionnaire is a research device or instrument that is made up of a series of questions which are closed-ended or open-ended . The goal is to   collect relevant data   from respondents which can then be used for a variety of purposes. When you give the respondent the ability to give a longer answer, it can yield more insights because they can elaborate on their thoughts.

It was first developed by the Statistical Society of London in 1838 and has been in continuous use ever since.

Questionnaires, though versatile, aren’t ideal in every situation – especially when you need to understand specific issues.

In today’s digital era, the role of a business website goes beyond just visual appeal, emerging as a critical channel for engaging and communicating with potential customers.

It’s about transforming your online space into a dynamic portal that mirrors user expectations and preferences, fostering a sense of trust and connection with your visitors.

Crafting a business website that effectively intertwines with your audience’s journey is key to not only drawing them in but also keeping them engaged.

Therefore, choosing a design partner who can bring your vision to life, ensuring your site is a true extension of your brand’s ethos and a robust pillar of your digital marketing efforts, is essential

It’s not advisable to use a questionnaire to ask specific questions about a product or service you’re still considering. This may lead to bias and false positives about the feasibility of the product.

Instead, questionnaires should be used to collect more general information – qualitative or quantitative data – regarding features and preferences. For example, instead of asking if they’d buy a new pink button down shirt with a unique collar, ask if they like to wear the color pink or if they like the type of collar you’re considering.


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Surveys vs questionnaires

Over time, surveys and questionnaires have gotten mixed up and are used interchangeably. They’re not the same thing. The difference is subtle but important.

A questionnaire is a list of questions used to collect data about someone or something. It’s not used to do statistical analysis or find trends and patterns. An example, would be when you sign up for a gym or go for a checkup and have to answer a series of questions about your current physical condition.

The answers you provide are used to understand your overall health, assess risk, and in some cases help find or diagnose issues. It’s not being used as part of a larger data set to clarify the bigger picture or find trends in a population.

different types of questionnaire essay

A survey is a bit different. Instead of looking at individual questionnaires, it’s used to understand trends, do detailed analysis, and reveal deep insights. The key with a survey is that it’s collecting data with the express purpose of analysis.

As you can see, surveys deal with a lot of data which highlights the importance of a solid data governance strategy. What is data governance ? In a nutshell, it’s a standardized way you handle data to ensure you maintain the quality throughout the entire lifecycle. 

An example would be customer feedback surveys , demographic surveys , market research surveys, NPS surveys , etc. If only one person were to respond to these types of surveys , it would severely limit its usefulness. The more respondents, the easier it is to spot patterns and make informed decisions.

different types of questionnaire essay

Why do they get mixed up?

Previously, researchers and professional marketers were the main groups who used surveys and questionnaires regularly. They made a clear distinction about what they are and when they were to be used.

​In the past, the realm of surveys and questionnaires was predominantly inhabited by researchers and seasoned marketers, who meticulously understood their nuances and precisely when to employ them. 

However, as the digital age unfolds, the landscape has transformed dramatically. Today, surveys and questionnaires have evolved into versatile tools, transcending traditional boundaries.

They are now readily accessible to businesses and individuals seeking insights into perplexing customer behaviors, steering marketing strategies with a burstiness that adapts to the ever-shifting dynamics of the market.

This democratization of data collection is reshaping the way we gather information, with surveys and questionnaires becoming indispensable instruments for decision-makers of all backgrounds.

With the advent of easy to access survey software , more and more businesses have started to handle their own research. The terms became interchangeable.

A questionnaire is when you ask someone a series of questions and don’t use it for data analysis.

A survey is when you ask someone a series of questions and you use it for data analysis.

For example, if you send an employee a series of questions about the working environment, it’s a questionnaire. When you send out that same questionnaire to 500 employees then compile the data to find trends, it’s a survey.

Make sense?

Let’s dive into the types of questionnaires.

Types of questionnaires

There are two main types of questionnaires and the one you’ll use depends on what kind of information you want and purpose of that information.

Exploratory questionnaire (qualitative)

These are also known as unstructured questionnaires . They’re used to collect qualitative data which is information that can be observed and recorded but isn’t numerical in nature. It’s used to approximate and characterize.

An example of qualitative data would be someone giving your feedback about your writing. They may mention things about the tone, clarity, word choice, etc. it helps you categorize your writing but you can’t attach a number to the feedback.

In the realm of content creation, the quest for the best writing apps becomes an essential journey. Just as perplexity and burstiness define human expression, these apps offer writers a palette of tools to navigate complexity and embrace stylistic variation. Exploring a range of options allows writers to balance intricately crafted sentences with bursts of concise brilliance.

Exploratory questionnaires are ideal when you’re in the early stages and want to learn more about a topic before designing a solution or hypothesis. For example, if you’re in the early stages of product development and don’t know enough about the market then exploratory questionnaires are ideal.

Formal standardized questionnaire (quantitative)

They’re also known as structured questionnaires. These ones are used to collect quantitative data which is information recorded as a count or numerical value.

The data is quantifiable which means it can be used for mathematical calculations or statistical analysis.  In essence, it answers the question of how much, how many, or how often.

An example of quantitative data would be the answer to the following question, “how old are you?” which requires a numerical reply.

Standardized questionnaires are best used when you’ve already formed an initial hypothesis or built out a prototype for a product. You’ll use it to stress test your assumptions, designs, use cases, etc. before going further with product development. Because of its clear focus, the questions you ask are narrow in scope and solicit specific information.

Just as important as the questionnaire type are the question types you choose.

Questionnaire question types

Not all question types are ideal in every situation. That’s why it’s important to understand the type of questionnaire you’re creating first. With that information, it becomes easier to choose the right question types.

Open ended questions

As the name implies, these questions are open for the respondent to answer with more freedom. Instead of presenting a series of answers choices, the respondent writes as much are as little as they want. This is ideal for exploratory questionnaires which collect qualitative data.

Multiple choice questions

Picture your questionnaire functioning like an engaging online brochure for your enterprise, accumulating responses while simultaneously captivating your target audience. As you formulate your queries, don’t forget to consider your overarching brand persona and communication, mirroring the thoughtfulness inherent in a meticulously designed online brochure .

This question presents the respondent with a list of answer options and they can select one or more. The challenge with multiple-choice questions is providing incomplete answer options.

For example, you may ask what industry do you work in and list out 5 of the most common industries. There are more than 5 industries in the world so some people won’t be represented in this situation. A simple solution to this problem is adding an “other” option.

Dichotomous questions

This is a question with only two possible answers. It tends to be a yes or no question but it can also be something like agree/disagree or true/false. Use this when all you need is basic validation without going too deeply into the motivations.

Scaled questions

Scaled questions are common in questionnaires and are often used to judge the degree of a feeling. This can be used in both exploratory and standardized questionnaires because there are many different types of scaled questions such as:

  • Rating scale
  • Likert scale
  • Semantic differential scale

Pictorial questions

The final type of question used in questionnaires substitutes text for images. Respondents are asked a question and shown pictures to choose from. It usually has a higher response rate than other question types.

Similarly, the technique of background removal can significantly enhance the effectiveness of visual data collection. By isolating the subject from any distracting elements, background removal ensures that respondents’ attention is focused exactly where it needs to be.

Furthermore, integrating an AI background remover can revolutionize the way visuals are utilized in questionnaires. This tool automatically extracts the main subject from its background, allowing for clearer and more impactful visual questions.

The clarity gained through this technology can lead to more accurate respondent perceptions and, consequently, more reliable data. Utilizing an AI background remover ensures that every visual element serves its intended purpose without unnecessary distractions.

This method not only enriches the quality of the visual stimuli but also aligns with the precision and purposefulness of a well-structured questionnaire

Questions to avoid in a questionnaire

While you can ask almost anything in your questionnaire, it may not be a good idea to do so. Some questions may give you poor data while others may stop people from completing the questionnaire.

Here are a few question types to avoid.

Hypothetical questions

A hypothetical question asks a respondent what they would do, think, or feel about a situation that may happen in the future. It’s asking people to talk about their future actions and behavior which we’re notoriously bad at. This kind of question may give you data that can’t be used or will skew your overall understanding of the topic.

Elevating your content’s quality can be achieved by utilizing complimentary tools for background removal . Such a strategy enhances the visual attractiveness and professionalism of your creations, thereby distinguishing your content and more efficiently engaging your audience.

Embarrassing or offensive

Even though questionnaires can be anonymous, it’s not a good idea to embarrass or offend the respondent. It may lead to them dropping the questionnaire without completing it or giving you poor answers on purpose. Neither one is a good scenario.

Extreme positive/negative

You don’t want to bias your respondents before they’ve had a chance to form their own opinion on a topic. If a question is presented as extremely positive or negative then it may create a bias that should always be avoided. In the end, your data will be skewed.

Proper product pricing is a very important and useful thing in business. With the help of proper pricing, you can earn much more. To build your pricing you need to do a detailed analysis of your target audience.

Designing your own questionnaire

There are quite a few factors to consider when you’re designing a questionnaire that gives you the exact information you’re looking for.

At the very least, think about the goal, audience, distribution method, etc. Let’s look at the factors to consider while creating a well thought out questionnaire.

designing your own questionniare

1.    What’s the goal of the questionnaire?

This may be the most important aspect of the questionnaire creation process. The goal of your questionnaire will determine both the type and questions to ask your respondents.

As mentioned earlier, if you’re in the beginning stages and are still trying to form a hypothesis, it’s an exploratory questionnaire with open-ended questions . If you’re trying to prove or disprove an already formulated solution or hypothesis then a standardized questionnaire with closed-ended questions would be used.

A clear goal also makes it easier to determine if a specific question is necessary or not. For example, if you’re doing initial product research for a dog toy, a question about the kinds of toys they’ve purchased in the past may be useful. When you have an initial prototype dog toy and want to gauge market response, that question wouldn’t be as useful to you.

2.    Who is the target group?

Whether or not it’s obvious, every market has multiple groups within it. Let’s take an average SaaS company for example. It usually has  pricing tiers  that are mapped to different personas. The customers on each subscription plan have different wants and needs.

The questionnaire you create and send out should reflect that. If you have the resources, create more than one so you can cater to the specific needs of different groups in your customer base.

In a situation where you’ve not seen different customer groups, it may be worth it for you to identify and  segment your customers . Not only will your messaging become more effective, any time you send out a questionnaire or a survey, but it’ll also be more targeted and get a higher response rate. On average, you can expect only 12.5% of an external audience (nonemployees) to respond to your survey.

Developing an ideal questionnaire is greatly dependent on identifying the appropriate questions to ask . This process includes not only choosing questions that closely match your research objectives but also crafting them in a way that garners straightforward and neutral answers.

Employing a tactful questioning technique can reveal more profound insights, thereby enhancing the efficacy of your data-gathering efforts. To gain a broader perspective on establishing connections via skillful questioning, it’s recommended to explore the nuances of formulating highly influential questions.

different types of questionnaire essay

3.    How will you reach the target group?

This is often overlooked until the last minute but it’s an important consideration. If you have an email list full of past and present customers then this may not be an issue for you.

What about when you’re trying to enter a new market with a new type of product and don’t have customers there? How will you be able to reach them? Can you even reach them online?

This can have major implications on the design of your questionnaire. For example, if it’s a paper-based questionnaire, the design will necessarily be different and the questions won’t be as dynamic. If you’re using ads to get people to take your questionnaire, you may need to provide an incentive and make it shorter.

questionnaire completion rate by method

4.    Do you have a clear question progression?

The way your questions are ordered sets the tone for the entire questionnaire. You don’t want to start with a deep philosophical question that challenges the meaning of life. That’s too heavy. Almost everyone will bounce.

Instead, you want to start with simple questions that almost anyone can answer without too much thought. These are questions like age, sex, and geography – demographic information . These answers can also be used to further segment your respondents.

After discussing the foundational elements of questionnaires, it’s essential to consider modern advancements. ChatGPT Integration represents a significant leap in this direction.

With the rise of AI and chatbots, integrating tools like ChatGPT into your questionnaire process can greatly enhance user engagement. By utilizing ChatGPT, businesses can provide real-time assistance to respondents, clarifying questions, offering instant feedback, and ensuring a more interactive and smoother experience.

Additionally, exploring ChatGPT alternatives can provide diverse functionalities and features to better suit specific business needs. Diverse AI solutions ensure that each questionnaire feels tailored and responsive, significantly boosting respondent satisfaction. Among these alternatives, some platforms specialize in nuanced language processing, while others excel at handling large volumes of data efficiently.

This flexibility allows for customization at a level that best suits the unique demands of each project, making the deployment of AI in questionnaires not just innovative but also highly adaptable to varying requirements.

Such integrations not only streamline the response process but also pave the way for richer data collection and insights.

After you’ve built up some momentum, move into the core questions you want an answer to. The questions you ask here will depend on your goals but it should relate to your products and services. These questions help you flesh out your product development initiatives as well as create better and more focused marketing messages.

Finally, tie up any loose ends with your final questions. A common but subpar question is “is there anything else you think we should know?” try to avoid this one. Instead, ask things like how they found you, their experience with buying another similar product, how they’d describe a specific problem, etc.

5.    What kind of questions will you use?

Do you want well thought out answers that give you deep insights into the inner workings of the respondent’s mind? Or, do you want a narrow but easily analyzed response? The type of questions you use will determine the type of data you get.

As a rule of thumb, open-ended questions are often used earlier in the research process. Closed-ended questions tend to be used to prove or disprove hypothesis or solutions. Of course, you can use both of them but be sure to pay close attention to question progression so respondents aren’t put off or confused.

6.    Length of questionnaire

There are no hard and fast rules about how long your questionnaire should be. Some of them are hundreds of questions while others are less than five questions. The more questions, the lower your completion rate.

Questionnaire completion rate by length

On average, it takes 5 minutes to answer 10 questions. Depending on whether the answers are open-ended or close-ended, the time could be considerably more.

Your customers are busy and most of them won’t sit through a long questionnaire without some form of incentive or compensation. If you’re able to provide that then fine but most customer surveys shouldn’t require it.

Instead, be considerate of the time of others. Keep your questionnaires less than 15 questions and ideally under 10 questions. It makes it easier for respondents to complete the survey and easier for you and your team to analyze the information.

Navigating the complexities of data collection in the digital realm requires a keen understanding of legal boundaries, particularly when dealing with sensitive financial information. Engaging a credit report lawyer becomes essential when your surveys delve into areas that might influence someone’s credit standing.

These legal advisors are adept at ensuring your methods are in line with stringent standards, such as those outlined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Their counsel is vital in crafting data handling procedures that not only respect individual privacy rights but also uphold the integrity of your business operations, thereby mitigating risks associated with credit information mismanagement and privacy infractions.

7.    Presentation

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a thousand bells and whistles to get people to take your questionnaire. A simple design that emphasizes the questions is more valuable than a flashy one. Of course, you can go flashy if you like. The thing is, most people just don’t care.

different types of questionnaire essay

Select a font that’s easy for people to read and make sure the size is large enough to be legible on all devices. Apart from that, keep the number of pages to a minimum. 2 pages is much better than 30 pages when it comes to a questionnaire.

When you’re ready to present your findings, that’s when you can get flashy. You can use one of these presentation websites to create slides that display the insights you’ve gathered.

8.    Choose language carefully

If you ask a question that creates bias or confuses your respondents then you may accidentally contaminate your data. Use clear terms, be concise, and avoid industry jargon.

For example, “We’ve been told we make great eggs, would you agree or disagree?” this question causes bias before the customer can answer. An unbiased question would be “how would you rate our eggs on a scale of 1 – 5?”

Also, avoid combining multiple questions into one. An example of a combination question would be “how did you enjoy your stay and would you recommend us to a friend?” These are two distinct questions bundled into one.

Advantages & disadvantages of questionnaires

It’s important to understand both the pros and cons of questionnaires and put proper safeguards in place before you start using them to make important business decisions.

advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires

Let’s start with a few of the good things.


Sending out an online questionnaire is one of the cheapest customer research strategies available. Unless you’re offering some type of incentive or are using ads to get in front of respondents, there are few costs associated with it.

Self-administered questionnaires avoid the need for hiring people to administer it, remove the cost of in-person interviews, and have versatile distribution methods.

Results come in quickly & can reach a large audience

Business moves fast so one of the most powerful advantages of a questionnaire is the ability to get it in the hands of a large group of people quickly. You don’t need to start mailing it out and waiting days for it to get to the intended recipient.

Instead, you can send an email, post it on your website, or share it on social media and start getting responses you can use almost instantly. Also, there’s no real upper limit to the number of people who can respond to the questionnaire.

Easy to analyze the results

The majority of questionnaires are quantitative in nature which allows for quick analysis of the answers. This is even more important when you have a larger pool of respondents.

With a survey tool like KyLeads , you can easily spot trends and derive insights from your questionnaire with our easy to use & understand reporting features.

Respondents can remain anonymous

If respondents are unable to remain anonymous, they may not answer some of the questions truthfully. As long as you’ve done proper targeting and they’re not answering for an incentive, it’s ideal to leave the respondents anonymous. They’ll be more comfortable and answer honestly and thoroughly.

Can cover all aspects of a topic

This is an overlooked aspect of questionnaires. With them, it’s possible to ask 100 questions. Of course, we don’t advise this because almost no one will finish an online questionnaire of that length.

With that being said, you can ask as many questions and solicit as much detail as you want. Play around with the number of questions you ask but try not to overdo it.

For instance, a real estate agent might use a questionnaire to understand the specific needs and preferences of potential homebuyers. By asking targeted questions about desired locations, types of homes, budget constraints, and must-have features, the agent can gather valuable insights.

This information not only helps in tailoring property suggestions but also in refining marketing strategies to attract the right clientele. Moreover, such questionnaires can be a great tool for building a database of client preferences, aiding in future property recommendations and personalized service offerings.


There are a few disadvantages to questionnaires which you should be aware of.

Unanswered questions

Sometimes, people will just skip answers or drop off halfway. Since the questions are online and no one is there to prompt the respondent, this happens fairly often.

There is any number of reasons for this like unclear or confusing questions, irrelevant questions, incomplete answer options, etc. Making the answer required can help with this but it also increases the chances of someone abandoning the questionnaire altogether.

Questionnaire fatigue

Fatigue with your survey as well as the other surveys being sent out by other companies. More and more companies are using surveys and customers can’t answer all of them. This results in a lower overall response rate to surveys or questionnaires as a whole.

Conversely, someone may start your survey but drop off because there are too many questions or the questions seem to be irrelevant. You can’t get rid of the fatigue 100% but you can reduce it by creating shorter questionnaires and making your questions easy to answer.

Little personalization

Everyone who takes the questionnaire gets, for the most part, the same series of questions presented in the same way. Now, technology is making this better with features like logic branching and answer piping so the experience can be personalized a bit more.

In the end, it’s still limited because there’s a predetermined series of questions and the questionnaire can’t react to open ended statements.

Improper interpretation of questions

This is why it’s so important to choose your question language so carefully. It’s easy to misinterpret a written question and give a wrong answer or skip the question entirely. Another thing to consider is that certain words have multiple meanings and, without context, a different meaning may be applied.

Prevent this by using simple direct language in your questions and avoiding jargon.

Difficult to analyze certain types of questions

Multiple choice questions and dichotomous questions are simple to analyze. Open ended questions can’t be analyzed so easily.

They’ll require a human touch to ensure you’ve understood what the person is trying to tell you. This isn’t a bad thing but it can get tedious when there are a lot of answers to sift through.

Examples of questionnaires

There are countless types of questionnaires and surveys you can use to get deep insights about your customers and business. In this section, you’ll learn 6 common types that’ll help you improve your business immediately.

different types of questionnaire essay

Brand awareness

This questionnaire example is ideal when you’re actively focusing on building awareness and doing demand generation . It helps you gauge whether or not your efforts are yielding fruit.

It’s one thing for people to end up on your website through a search on Google or a random post on social media. It’s another thing for there to be brand recall or positive associations about your business.

It’s impossible to stay on the sidelines when social media is taking over the world.

That’s why it makes sense to consider this option: include the latest social media trends in your questionnaire and gain powerful insights into how these trends are influencing consumer wants and shaping their expectations and associations with your business.

In addition to evaluating traditional website traffic and search engine rankings, this is also a great technique for gleaning relevant information.

The brand awareness questionnaire will give you a better understanding of whether people looking for solutions you provide think of your brand, the kind of associations your name creates, and if you’re considered a leader in your field.

different types of questionnaire essay

The NPS questionnaire has become popular over the last few years and it helps you measure customer loyalty and satisfaction.

It’s important to note that in its original form, it’s measuring loyalty and satisfaction that pertains to your entire business as opposed to specific products.

It uses a scale to measure customer loyalty. You calculate the score by subtracting the percentage of detractors from promoters and it’s expressed as an absolute number.

different types of questionnaire essay

CSAT questionnaire

The customer satisfaction (CSAT) questionnaire example we’re sharing is just one of many. CSATs are incredibly varied. Even the NPS questionnaire is a type of CSAT. In general, it’s used to understand how satisfied a customer is with specific products and services or your business as a whole.

Use the basic outline below then tweak the questions to apply to your business or specific product lines. For example, if you were a shoe company, you could ask how often they wear shoes purchased from you.

If you were a hair extensions company, you could ask how satisfied they were with the product or the shopping experience as a whole.

different types of questionnaire essay

Demographic questionnaire

Demographic questionnaires are often used to identify and segment the groups you have in your audience. This type of questionnaire is ideal if you’re entering a new market and want to start building up a profile of the people who will be your customers.

At the same time, you may want to use this to understand your current customer base so you can create better messaging or product pricing.

Oftentimes, the demographic questions are a small part of larger questionnaires used to understand who’s giving what kind of answer.

For example, if you serve a customer group that varies in age and income, you’d like to know what kind of customers are giving answers so you can make decisions properly.

different types of questionnaire essay

Psychographic questionnaire

Psychographic segmentation has a firm place in modern business because everyone has demographic data (or can get it).

Demographic segmentation pales in comparison to knowing why a group of people do what they do.

Look at it this way, demographic data helps you understand the characteristics and buying power of your customers.

Psychographics helps you understand the why behind their actions and their attitudes behind certain stances. It can be a goldmine if gathered and used properly.

different types of questionnaire essay

Post-event questionnaire

Ah, events . If you’re like most of us mere mortals then there’s a love-hate relationship with them. On the one hand, if they go off well then it can power your business to the next level.

On the other hand, everything that can go wrong probably will. As the organizer of the event or someone who had a key role, it may seem like you know exactly what went right and what went wrong.

If you don’t get feedback from as many people as possible then those are just assumptions which may or may not be correct.

Use post-event surveys to talk to as many people as humanly possible to get a clear picture of how you can improve.

different types of questionnaire essay

This guide has covered a lot of ground so don’t expect to cram everything in one sitting.

Questionnaires are the backbone of surveys. Without them, there’s nothing to analyze. Before you dive in and start designing your questionnaire to collect all that juicy customer data, there are a number of things to do.

Decide on the type of questionnaire and your goals, focus on the right questions, figure out who the target group is, and so much more. Be sure to revisit this guide whenever you’re in doubt.

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Exam Questions: Types, Characteristics, and Suggestions

Examinations are a very common assessment and evaluation tool in universities and there are many types of examination questions. This tips sheet contains a brief description of seven types of examination questions, as well as tips for using each of them: 1) multiple choice, 2) true/false, 3) matching, 4) short answer, 5) essay, 6) oral, and 7) computational. Remember that some exams can be conducted effectively in a secure online environment in a proctored computer lab or assigned as paper based or online “take home” exams.

Multiple choice

Multiple choice questions are composed of one question (stem) with multiple possible answers (choices), including the correct answer and several incorrect answers (distractors). Typically, students select the correct answer by circling the associated number or letter, or filling in the associated circle on the machine-readable response sheet.

Example : Distractors are:

A) Elements of the exam layout that distract attention from the questions B) Incorrect but plausible choices used in multiple choice questions C) Unnecessary clauses included in the stem of multiple choice questions Answer: B

Students can generally respond to these type of questions quite quickly. As a result, they are often used to test student’s knowledge of a broad range of content. Creating these questions can be time consuming because it is often difficult to generate several plausible distractors. However, they can be marked very quickly.

Tips for writing good multiple choice items:

Suggestion : After each lecture during the term, jot down two or three multiple choice questions based on the material for that lecture. Regularly taking a few minutes to compose questions, while the material is fresh in your mind, will allow you to develop a question bank that you can use to construct tests and exams quickly and easily.

True/false questions are only composed of a statement. Students respond to the questions by indicating whether the statement is true or false. For example: True/false questions have only two possible answers (Answer: True).

Like multiple choice questions, true/false questions:

  • Are most often used to assess familiarity with course content and to check for popular misconceptions
  • Allow students to respond quickly so exams can use a large number of them to test knowledge of a broad range of content
  • Are easy and quick to grade but time consuming to create

True/false questions provide students with a 50% chance of guessing the right answer. For this reason, multiple choice questions are often used instead of true/false questions.

Tips for writing good true/false items:

Suggestion : You can increase the usefulness of true/false questions by asking students to correct false statements.

Students respond to matching questions by pairing each of a set of stems (e.g., definitions) with one of the choices provided on the exam. These questions are often used to assess recognition and recall and so are most often used in courses where acquisition of detailed knowledge is an important goal. They are generally quick and easy to create and mark, but students require more time to respond to these questions than a similar number of multiple choice or true/false items.

Example: Match each question type with one attribute:

  • Multiple Choice a) Only two possible answers
  • True/False b) Equal number of stems and choices
  • Matching c) Only one correct answer but at least three choices

Tips for writing good matching items:

Suggestion:  You can use some choices more than once in the same matching exercise. It reduces the effects of guessing.

Short answer

Short answer questions are typically composed of a brief prompt that demands a written answer that varies in length from one or two words to a few sentences. They are most often used to test basic knowledge of key facts and terms. An example this kind of short answer question follows:

“What do you call an exam format in which students must uniquely associate a set of prompts with a set of options?” Answer: Matching questions

Alternatively, this could be written as a fill-in-the-blank short answer question:

“An exam question in which students must uniquely associate prompts and options is called a ___________ question.” Answer: Matching.

Short answer questions can also be used to test higher thinking skills, including analysis or evaluation. For example:

“Will you include short answer questions on your next exam? Please justify your decision with two to three sentences explaining the factors that have influenced your decision.”

Short answer questions have many advantages. Many instructors report that they are relatively easy to construct and can be constructed faster than multiple choice questions. Unlike matching, true/false, and multiple choice questions, short answer questions make it difficult for students to guess the answer. Short answer questions provide students with more flexibility to explain their understanding and demonstrate creativity than they would have with multiple choice questions; this also means that scoring is relatively laborious and can be quite subjective. Short answer questions provide more structure than essay questions and thus are often easy and faster to mark and often test a broader range of the course content than full essay questions.

Tips for writing good short answer items:

Suggestion : When using short answer questions to test student knowledge of definitions consider having a mix of questions, some that supply the term and require the students to provide the definition, and other questions that supply the definition and require that students provide the term. The latter sort of questions can be structured as fill-in-the-blank questions. This mix of formats will better test student knowledge because it doesn’t rely solely on recognition or recall of the term.

Essay questions provide a complex prompt that requires written responses, which can vary in length from a couple of paragraphs to many pages. Like short answer questions, they provide students with an opportunity to explain their understanding and demonstrate creativity, but make it hard for students to arrive at an acceptable answer by bluffing. They can be constructed reasonably quickly and easily but marking these questions can be time-consuming and grader agreement can be difficult.

Essay questions differ from short answer questions in that the essay questions are less structured. This openness allows students to demonstrate that they can integrate the course material in creative ways. As a result, essays are a favoured approach to test higher levels of cognition including analysis, synthesis and evaluation. However, the requirement that the students provide most of the structure increases the amount of work required to respond effectively. Students often take longer to compose a five paragraph essay than they would take to compose five one paragraph answers to short answer questions. This increased workload limits the number of essay questions that can be posed on a single exam and thus can restrict the overall scope of an exam to a few topics or areas. To ensure that this doesn’t cause students to panic or blank out, consider giving the option of answering one of two or more questions.

Tips for writing good essay items:

Suggestions : Distribute possible essay questions before the exam and make your marking criteria slightly stricter. This gives all students an equal chance to prepare and should improve the quality of the answers – and the quality of learning – without making the exam any easier.

Oral examinations allow students to respond directly to the instructor’s questions and/or to present prepared statements. These exams are especially popular in language courses that demand ‘speaking’ but they can be used to assess understanding in almost any course by following the guidelines for the composition of short answer questions. Some of the principle advantages to oral exams are that they provide nearly immediate feedback and so allow the student to learn as they are tested. There are two main drawbacks to oral exams: the amount of time required and the problem of record-keeping. Oral exams typically take at least ten to fifteen minutes per student, even for a midterm exam. As a result, they are rarely used for large classes. Furthermore, unlike written exams, oral exams don’t automatically generate a written record. To ensure that students have access to written feedback, it is recommended that instructors take notes during oral exams using a rubric and/or checklist and provide a photocopy of the notes to the students.

In many departments, oral exams are rare. Students may have difficulty adapting to this new style of assessment. In this situation, consider making the oral exam optional. While it can take more time to prepare two tests, having both options allows students to choose the one which suits them and their learning style best.


Computational questions require that students perform calculations in order to solve for an answer. Computational questions can be used to assess student’s memory of solution techniques and their ability to apply those techniques to solve both questions they have attempted before and questions that stretch their abilities by requiring that they combine and use solution techniques in novel ways.

Effective computational questions should:

  • Be solvable using knowledge of the key concepts and techniques from the course. Before the exam solve them yourself or get a teaching assistant to attempt the questions.
  • Indicate the mark breakdown to reinforce the expectations developed in in-class examples for the amount of detail, etc. required for the solution.

To prepare students to do computational questions on exams, make sure to describe and model in class the correct format for the calculations and answer including:

  • How students should report their assumptions and justify their choices
  • The units and degree of precision expected in the answer

Suggestion : Have students divide their answer sheets into two columns: calculations in one, and a list of assumptions, description of process and justification of choices in the other. This ensures that the marker can distinguish between a simple mathematical mistake and a profound conceptual error and give feedback accordingly.

If you would like support applying these tips to your own teaching, CTE staff members are here to help.  View the  CTE Support  page to find the most relevant staff member to contact.

  • Cunningham, G.K. (1998). Assessment in the Classroom. Bristol, PA: Falmer Press.
  • Ward, A.W., & Murray-Ward, M. (1999). Assessment in the Classroom. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.

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  • Survey Research | Definition, Examples & Methods

Survey Research | Definition, Examples & Methods

Published on August 20, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on June 22, 2023.

Survey research means collecting information about a group of people by asking them questions and analyzing the results. To conduct an effective survey, follow these six steps:

  • Determine who will participate in the survey
  • Decide the type of survey (mail, online, or in-person)
  • Design the survey questions and layout
  • Distribute the survey
  • Analyze the responses
  • Write up the results

Surveys are a flexible method of data collection that can be used in many different types of research .

Table of contents

What are surveys used for, step 1: define the population and sample, step 2: decide on the type of survey, step 3: design the survey questions, step 4: distribute the survey and collect responses, step 5: analyze the survey results, step 6: write up the survey results, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about surveys.

Surveys are used as a method of gathering data in many different fields. They are a good choice when you want to find out about the characteristics, preferences, opinions, or beliefs of a group of people.

Common uses of survey research include:

  • Social research : investigating the experiences and characteristics of different social groups
  • Market research : finding out what customers think about products, services, and companies
  • Health research : collecting data from patients about symptoms and treatments
  • Politics : measuring public opinion about parties and policies
  • Psychology : researching personality traits, preferences and behaviours

Surveys can be used in both cross-sectional studies , where you collect data just once, and in longitudinal studies , where you survey the same sample several times over an extended period.

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Before you start conducting survey research, you should already have a clear research question that defines what you want to find out. Based on this question, you need to determine exactly who you will target to participate in the survey.


The target population is the specific group of people that you want to find out about. This group can be very broad or relatively narrow. For example:

  • The population of Brazil
  • US college students
  • Second-generation immigrants in the Netherlands
  • Customers of a specific company aged 18-24
  • British transgender women over the age of 50

Your survey should aim to produce results that can be generalized to the whole population. That means you need to carefully define exactly who you want to draw conclusions about.

Several common research biases can arise if your survey is not generalizable, particularly sampling bias and selection bias . The presence of these biases have serious repercussions for the validity of your results.

It’s rarely possible to survey the entire population of your research – it would be very difficult to get a response from every person in Brazil or every college student in the US. Instead, you will usually survey a sample from the population.

The sample size depends on how big the population is. You can use an online sample calculator to work out how many responses you need.

There are many sampling methods that allow you to generalize to broad populations. In general, though, the sample should aim to be representative of the population as a whole. The larger and more representative your sample, the more valid your conclusions. Again, beware of various types of sampling bias as you design your sample, particularly self-selection bias , nonresponse bias , undercoverage bias , and survivorship bias .

There are two main types of survey:

  • A questionnaire , where a list of questions is distributed by mail, online or in person, and respondents fill it out themselves.
  • An interview , where the researcher asks a set of questions by phone or in person and records the responses.

Which type you choose depends on the sample size and location, as well as the focus of the research.


Sending out a paper survey by mail is a common method of gathering demographic information (for example, in a government census of the population).

  • You can easily access a large sample.
  • You have some control over who is included in the sample (e.g. residents of a specific region).
  • The response rate is often low, and at risk for biases like self-selection bias .

Online surveys are a popular choice for students doing dissertation research , due to the low cost and flexibility of this method. There are many online tools available for constructing surveys, such as SurveyMonkey and Google Forms .

  • You can quickly access a large sample without constraints on time or location.
  • The data is easy to process and analyze.
  • The anonymity and accessibility of online surveys mean you have less control over who responds, which can lead to biases like self-selection bias .

If your research focuses on a specific location, you can distribute a written questionnaire to be completed by respondents on the spot. For example, you could approach the customers of a shopping mall or ask all students to complete a questionnaire at the end of a class.

  • You can screen respondents to make sure only people in the target population are included in the sample.
  • You can collect time- and location-specific data (e.g. the opinions of a store’s weekday customers).
  • The sample size will be smaller, so this method is less suitable for collecting data on broad populations and is at risk for sampling bias .

Oral interviews are a useful method for smaller sample sizes. They allow you to gather more in-depth information on people’s opinions and preferences. You can conduct interviews by phone or in person.

  • You have personal contact with respondents, so you know exactly who will be included in the sample in advance.
  • You can clarify questions and ask for follow-up information when necessary.
  • The lack of anonymity may cause respondents to answer less honestly, and there is more risk of researcher bias.

Like questionnaires, interviews can be used to collect quantitative data: the researcher records each response as a category or rating and statistically analyzes the results. But they are more commonly used to collect qualitative data : the interviewees’ full responses are transcribed and analyzed individually to gain a richer understanding of their opinions and feelings.

Next, you need to decide which questions you will ask and how you will ask them. It’s important to consider:

  • The type of questions
  • The content of the questions
  • The phrasing of the questions
  • The ordering and layout of the survey

Open-ended vs closed-ended questions

There are two main forms of survey questions: open-ended and closed-ended. Many surveys use a combination of both.

Closed-ended questions give the respondent a predetermined set of answers to choose from. A closed-ended question can include:

  • A binary answer (e.g. yes/no or agree/disagree )
  • A scale (e.g. a Likert scale with five points ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree )
  • A list of options with a single answer possible (e.g. age categories)
  • A list of options with multiple answers possible (e.g. leisure interests)

Closed-ended questions are best for quantitative research . They provide you with numerical data that can be statistically analyzed to find patterns, trends, and correlations .

Open-ended questions are best for qualitative research. This type of question has no predetermined answers to choose from. Instead, the respondent answers in their own words.

Open questions are most common in interviews, but you can also use them in questionnaires. They are often useful as follow-up questions to ask for more detailed explanations of responses to the closed questions.

The content of the survey questions

To ensure the validity and reliability of your results, you need to carefully consider each question in the survey. All questions should be narrowly focused with enough context for the respondent to answer accurately. Avoid questions that are not directly relevant to the survey’s purpose.

When constructing closed-ended questions, ensure that the options cover all possibilities. If you include a list of options that isn’t exhaustive, you can add an “other” field.

Phrasing the survey questions

In terms of language, the survey questions should be as clear and precise as possible. Tailor the questions to your target population, keeping in mind their level of knowledge of the topic. Avoid jargon or industry-specific terminology.

Survey questions are at risk for biases like social desirability bias , the Hawthorne effect , or demand characteristics . It’s critical to use language that respondents will easily understand, and avoid words with vague or ambiguous meanings. Make sure your questions are phrased neutrally, with no indication that you’d prefer a particular answer or emotion.

Ordering the survey questions

The questions should be arranged in a logical order. Start with easy, non-sensitive, closed-ended questions that will encourage the respondent to continue.

If the survey covers several different topics or themes, group together related questions. You can divide a questionnaire into sections to help respondents understand what is being asked in each part.

If a question refers back to or depends on the answer to a previous question, they should be placed directly next to one another.

Before you start, create a clear plan for where, when, how, and with whom you will conduct the survey. Determine in advance how many responses you require and how you will gain access to the sample.

When you are satisfied that you have created a strong research design suitable for answering your research questions, you can conduct the survey through your method of choice – by mail, online, or in person.

There are many methods of analyzing the results of your survey. First you have to process the data, usually with the help of a computer program to sort all the responses. You should also clean the data by removing incomplete or incorrectly completed responses.

If you asked open-ended questions, you will have to code the responses by assigning labels to each response and organizing them into categories or themes. You can also use more qualitative methods, such as thematic analysis , which is especially suitable for analyzing interviews.

Statistical analysis is usually conducted using programs like SPSS or Stata. The same set of survey data can be subject to many analyses.

Finally, when you have collected and analyzed all the necessary data, you will write it up as part of your thesis, dissertation , or research paper .

In the methodology section, you describe exactly how you conducted the survey. You should explain the types of questions you used, the sampling method, when and where the survey took place, and the response rate. You can include the full questionnaire as an appendix and refer to it in the text if relevant.

Then introduce the analysis by describing how you prepared the data and the statistical methods you used to analyze it. In the results section, you summarize the key results from your analysis.

In the discussion and conclusion , you give your explanations and interpretations of these results, answer your research question, and reflect on the implications and limitations of the research.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Student’s  t -distribution
  • Normal distribution
  • Null and Alternative Hypotheses
  • Chi square tests
  • Confidence interval
  • Quartiles & Quantiles
  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Data cleansing
  • Reproducibility vs Replicability
  • Peer review
  • Prospective cohort study

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Placebo effect
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Hindsight bias
  • Affect heuristic
  • Social desirability bias

A questionnaire is a data collection tool or instrument, while a survey is an overarching research method that involves collecting and analyzing data from people using questionnaires.

A Likert scale is a rating scale that quantitatively assesses opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. It is made up of 4 or more questions that measure a single attitude or trait when response scores are combined.

To use a Likert scale in a survey , you present participants with Likert-type questions or statements, and a continuum of items, usually with 5 or 7 possible responses, to capture their degree of agreement.

Individual Likert-type questions are generally considered ordinal data , because the items have clear rank order, but don’t have an even distribution.

Overall Likert scale scores are sometimes treated as interval data. These scores are considered to have directionality and even spacing between them.

The type of data determines what statistical tests you should use to analyze your data.

The priorities of a research design can vary depending on the field, but you usually have to specify:

  • Your research questions and/or hypotheses
  • Your overall approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative )
  • The type of design you’re using (e.g., a survey , experiment , or case study )
  • Your sampling methods or criteria for selecting subjects
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., questionnaires , observations)
  • Your data collection procedures (e.g., operationalization , timing and data management)
  • Your data analysis methods (e.g., statistical tests  or thematic analysis )

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McCombes, S. (2023, June 22). Survey Research | Definition, Examples & Methods. Scribbr. Retrieved June 26, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/survey-research/

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  • Educational Assessment

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Test Questions

  • October 23, 2018
  • Maryellen Weimer, PhD

It’s good to regularly review the advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used test questions and the test banks that now frequently provide them.

Multiple-choice questions

  • Quick and easy to score, by hand or electronically
  • Can be written so that they test a wide range of higher-order thinking skills
  • Can cover lots of content areas on a single exam and still be answered in a class period


  • Often test literacy skills: “if the student reads the question carefully, the answer is easy to recognize even if the student knows little about the subject” (p. 194)
  • Provide unprepared students the opportunity to guess, and with guesses that are right, they get credit for things they don’t know
  • Expose students to misinformation that can influence subsequent thinking about the content
  • Take time and skill to construct (especially good questions)

True-false questions

  • Quick and easy to score
  • Considered to be “one of the most unreliable forms of assessment” (p. 195)
  • Often written so that most of the statement is true save one small, often trivial bit of information that then makes the whole statement untrue
  • Encourage guessing, and reward for correct guesses

Short-answer questions

  • Quick and easy to grade
  • Quick and easy to write
  • Encourage students to memorize terms and details, so that their understanding of the content remains superficial

Essay questions

  • Offer students an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities in a variety of ways
  • Can be used to develop student writing skills, particularly the ability to formulate arguments supported with reasoning and evidence
  • Require extensive time to grade
  • Encourage use of subjective criteria when assessing answers
  • If used in class, necessitate quick composition without time for planning or revision, which can result in poor-quality writing

Questions provided by test banks

  • Save instructors the time and energy involved in writing test questions
  • Use the terms and methods that are used in the book
  • Rarely involve analysis, synthesis, application, or evaluation (cross-discipline research documents that approximately 85 percent of the questions in test banks test recall)
  • Limit the scope of the exam to text content; if used extensively, may lead students to conclude that the material covered in class is unimportant and irrelevant

We tend to think that these are the only test question options, but there are some interesting variations. The article that promoted this review proposes one: Start with a question, and revise it until it can be answered with one word or a short phrase. Do not list any answer options for that single question, but attach to the exam an alphabetized list of answers. Students select answers from that list. Some of the answers provided may be used more than once, some may not be used, and there are more answers listed than questions. It’s a ratcheted-up version of matching. The approach makes the test more challenging and decreases the chance of getting an answer correct by guessing.

Remember, students do need to be introduced to any new or altered question format before they encounter it on an exam.

Editor’s note: The list of advantages and disadvantages comes in part from the article referenced here. It also cites research evidence relevant to some of these advantages and disadvantages.

Reference: McAllister, D., and Guidice, R.M. (2012). This is only a test: A machine-graded improvement to the multiple-choice and true-false examination. Teaching in Higher Education, 17 (2), 193-207.

Reprinted from The Teaching Professor, 28.3 (2014): 8. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.

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different types of questionnaire essay

What are the different types of questionnaires involved in research? And explain how to select the type of questionnaires for the specific study.

  • Survey questionnaire analysis can be named both, quantitative and subjective technique relying upon the idea of inquiries.
  • In particular, answers got through shut finished inquiries with the examination of different decision answer choices utilizing quantitative strategies, and they may include pie-graphs, bar-diagrams and rates.
  • Answers acquired to open-finished survey questions are examined utilizing subjective strategies, and they include conversations, and statswork blog explains the necessary investigations without the utilization of numbers and figurings.


A survey questionnaire analysis is an exploration instrument comprising of a progression of inquiries to assemble data from respondents. Questionnairesare as a sort of composed meeting. They can be done vis-à-vis, by phone, PC or post. Survey questionnaire analysis gives a generally modest, snappy and effective method of getting a lot of data from a vast example of individuals.Information moderately rapidly because the analyst shouldn’t be available when the questionnaires were finished. It is helpful for enormous populaces when meetings would be unrealistic. In any case, an issue with votes is that respondents may lie because of attractive social quality. A great many people need to introduce a positive picture of themselves thus may lie or curve reality to look great, e.g., students would overstate correction term. Questionnaires can be compelling methods for estimating the conduct, perspectives, inclinations, conclusions and, goals of generally huge quantities of subjects more economically and rapidly than different strategies. Regularly a poll utilizes both open and Closed questionnaires to gather information. This method is helpful as it implies both quantitative and subjective information can be gotten for the analysis of service quality questionnaire.

Types of questionnaires :

Exploratory questionnaire (qualitative)

Exploratory questionnaires are Structured questionnaire analysis  used to collect the qualitative data that information can be observed and recorded but not in a numerical form. It’s used to obtain approximate and characterize the data. A case of personal information would be somebody giving your input about your composition. They may specify things about the tone, clearness, word decision, and so forth, it causes you to order your essay. However, you can’t connect a number to the criticism in the questionnaire development in research. Exploratory surveys are ideal when you’re in the beginning phases and need to become familiar with a subject before planning an answer or theory. For instance, in case you’re in the beginning phases of item improvement. You don’t think enough about the market; at that point, exploratory questionnaires are ideal using the questionnaire hypothesis survey.

different types of questionnaire essay

Formal standardized questionnaire (quantitative)

They’re otherwise called organized surveys. These are utilized to gather quantitative information which is data recorded as a check or mathematical worth. The data is quantifiable, which implies it very well may be utilized for numerical counts or factual investigation. It addresses the topic of how much, the number of, or how frequently. A case of quantitative information would be the response to the accompanying inquiry, “how old are you?” which requires a mathematical answer. Normalized surveys are best utilized when you’ve framed underlying speculation or worked out a model for an item. You’ll utilize it to stretch test your suspicions, plans, use cases, and so forth before going further with item advancement. Because of its reasonable centre, the inquiries you pose are limited in scope and request detailed data.

Similarly, as essential as the survey type are the inquiry types you pick. Not all inquiry types are ideal in each circumstance. That is the reason it’s vital to comprehend the kind of poll you’re making first. With that data, it gets simpler to pick the right sorts of inquiry useful for questionnaire design business research

Open-ended questionnaire

As the name states, these questions are open for the respondent to answer with more freedom. Instead of presenting a set of answers choices, the respondent writes as much is as little as they want. It is ideal for exploratory questionnaires which collect Qualitative data analysis .

Closed questionnaire

Closed questionnaires structure the appropriate response by just permitting reactions which fit into pre-chosen classes. Information that can be put into a classification is called ostensible information. The classification can be limited to as not many as two choices, i.e., dichotomous (e.g., ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ ‘male’ or ‘female’), or incorporate very unpredictable arrangements of choices from which the respondent can pick (e.g., multiple choices). Closed questionnaires can likewise give ordinal information (which can be positioned). This type frequently includes utilizing a persistent rating scale to gauge the quality of perspectives or feelings and useful in business survey questionnaire design.  For instance, emphatically concur/concur/nonpartisan/differ/firmly differ/incapable to reply.

Multiple-choice questionnaire

This inquiry gives the respondent top-notch of answer choices, and they can choose at least one. The test with numerous decision questions is giving fragmented answer choices.  For instance, you may ask what industry accomplish your work in and rattle off 5 of the most widely recognized enterprises. There are more than five ventures on the planet so that a few people won’t be spoken to in this circumstance. A basic answer to this issue is adding an “other” choice.

Dichotomous questionnaire

A question with only two possible answers is Dichotomous questionnaire . It often solves a yes or no problem, but it can also be something like agree/disagree or true/false. Use this when all you need is necessary validation without going too deeply into the motivations. 

Scaled questionnaire

Scaled questions are common in questionnaires, and they are mainly used to judge the degree of a feeling. Both exploratory and standardized questionnaires can be used because there are many different types of scaled questions such as:

  • Rating scale
  • Likert scale
  • Semantic differential scale

Pictorial questionnaire

Images are the final type of question used in questionnaires substitutes’ text. Respondents are asked a question and allowed to choose pictures. It usually has a greater response rate than other question types.


Statswork states that questionnaires are the foundation of studies. Without them, there’s nothing to examine. Before you make a plunge and begin planning your survey to gather such delicious client information, there are various activities. Settle on the kind of poll and your objectives, centrearound the correct inquiries, sort out who the objective gathering is, thus significantly more. Make sure to return to this guide at whatever point you’re in question from the research questionnaire and hypothesis development.


  • Meadows, K. A. (2003). So you want to do research? 5: Questionnaire design.  British journal of community nursing ,  8 (12), 562-570.
  • McLafferty, S. L. (2003). Conducting questionnaire surveys.  Essential methods in geography ,  1 (2), 87-100.
  • Edgerton, H. A., Britt, S. H., & Norman, R. D. (1947). Objective differences among various types of respondents to a mailed questionnaire.  American Sociological Review ,  12 (4), 435-444.

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IELTS Task 2 Essays Understand the 5 Different Types

There are 5 main types of IELTS Task 2 essays:

1)    Opinion Essays  

2)    Discussion Essays

3)    Problem Solution Essays

4)    Advantages & Disadvantages Essays

5)    Double Question Essays

Most questions fit one of these categories. However, questions can be written in many different ways, which can make it difficult to determine which type they are.

On this page, I want to give you an overview of all 5 IELTS Task 2 essay types, with samples questions to help you recognise some of the different wording often used. I’ve also included a basic structure for each that you can use to as a guide for essay planning, a vital step in the writing process.

I go into each type of question in more detail on its own page.  Click the links above or at the bottom of this page to see these. 

First, here’s the basic 4 part structure I recommend that you use for Task 2 essays:

1)  Introduction

2)  Main Body Paragraph 1 

3)  Main Body Paragraph 2 

4)  Conclusion

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The sort of information you include in each of the 4 sections will vary depending on the question type and that’s what I’m now going to outline for you.

These easy to learn structures will enable you to quickly plan and write any IELTS Task 2 essay.

The structures below are not the only ones you could use but they are the ones I recommend because they’re simple and give proven results.

1) Opinion Essays

These are sometimes called ‘agree or disagree’ or ‘argumentative’ essays and are one of the most common types of IELTS Task 2 question.

The first part of the question will be a statement. You will then be asked to give your own opinion about the statement. Here is some typical wording that might be used:

  • What is your opinion?
  • Do you agree or disagree?
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Here is an example of each:

different types of questionnaire essay

  • Choose one side of the argument.
  • State your opinion clearly in the introduction.
  • Keep the same opinion throughout the essay.
  • Give reasons why you hold this view.

It doesn’t matter which side of the argument you take or even that you agree with it. Choose the one you can develop the best argument for.

Don’t change your opinion part way through the essay and don’t give reasons for the opposing idea.

Essay Structure

1) Introduction

  • Paraphrase the question
  • Give your opinion
  • State two supporting reasons

2) Main body paragraph 1

  • Topic sentence – outline 1st reason for supporting this view
  • Explanation – explain this idea
  • Example – give an example

3)  Main body paragraph 2

  • Topic sentence – outline 2nd reason for supporting this view
  • Summarise opinion and key reasons

2) Discussion Essays

In discussion essays, you have to discuss both sides of an argument. Usually, you will be asked for your own opinion as well.

The easiest way to approach this type of IELTS Task 2 question is to choose one point of view to agree with and one side to disagree with.

Here are 3 examples of discussion essay questions:

different types of questionnaire essay

  • Develop both sides of the argument.
  • Talk about the view you don’t agree with first.

A big mistake many students make is to fully develop only one point of view. This leads to an unbalanced essay and a low score for task achievement. 

It is easier to begin by discussing the opinion you don’t agree with and then present the reasons for your opposing view.

2)  Main body paragraph 1 – Negative Viewpoint

  • Topic sentence – outline the view you don’t agree with
  • Explanation – explain why this view is held by some people

3)  Main body paragraph 2 – Positive Viewpoint

  • Topic sentence – outline the view you do agree with
  • Summarise the key points and state your opinion

3)  Problem Essays  

These are sometimes called ‘causes and solutions’ or ‘problems and solutions’ essays. This type of IELTS Task 2 question starts with a statement, then asks you to discuss the problems or causes and the solutions.

  • Don’t list lots of causes and solutions.
  • Choose just one or two and develop them fully.
  • Be sure to link each problem/cause and its solution.

A common mistake is for candidates to list all the problems/causes and solutions they can think of, not necessarily linking them together.  They also fail to explain any of them in detail and don’t include any examples.

The wording of this type of essay question can vary considerably.  Here are 3 examples of problem essay questions:

different types of questionnaire essay

  • State 1 key problem/cause and related solution

2)  Main body paragraph 1 – Problem or Cause

  • Topic sentence – state the problem or cause
  • Explanation – give detail explaining the problem or cause

3)  Main body paragraph 2 – Solution

  • Topic sentence – state the solution
  • Explanation – give detail explaining the solution

4)  Advantages & Disadvantages Essays

The first part of the question will be a statement. You will be asked to write about both the advantages and disadvantages of the idea stated.

Here is some typical wording that might be used:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of….?
  • Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion.

Here are 3 examples of advantages and disadvantages essay questions:

different types of questionnaire essay

Each of these different types of questions fits into one of two slightly different essay structures. We’ll look at these in detail on the main IELTS Task 2 Advantages & Disadvantages Essays page. For now, I’ll give you the basic structure.

  • Outline the view or views stated the statement

2)  Main body paragraph 1 – Advantage

  • Topic sentence – state 1 advantage
  • Explanation – give detail explaining the advantage
  • Result – state the result

3)  Main body paragraph 2 – Disadvantage

  • Topic sentence – state 1 disadvantage
  • Explanation – give detail explaining the disadvantage
  • Summarise the key points
  • State your opinion if required

5)  Double Question Essays

This type of IELTS Task 2 question is sometimes called a ‘direct question’ or ‘two questions’ essay. It has one statement with two different questions after it. The questions may or may not be linked.

  • You must answer both questions fully.
  • Don’t confuse it with an opinion or a discussion essay.
  • Be careful that you don’t end up with too many ideas to write about.

Here are 3 examples of double question essay questions:

different types of questionnaire essay

  • Outline sentence – state your answer to both questions

2)  Main body paragraph 1 – Answer question 1

  • Topic sentence – state your answer
  • Explanation – explain why you think this

3)  Main body paragraph 2 – Answer question 2

  • Summarise both questions and answers

I hope you’ve found this information useful. You can learn lots more about writing the 5 different types of IELTS Task 2 essay and see sample answers on these pages:

The 5 Task 2 Essay Types:

Step-by-step instructions on how to plan & write high-level essays. Model answers & common mistakes to avoid.

   Opinion Essays

   Discussion Essays

  Problem Solution Essays

  Advantages & Disadvantages Essays

  Double Question Essays

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More help with ielts task 2.

IELTS Writing Task 2  – T he format, the 5 question types, the 5 step essay writing strategy & sample questions. All the key information you need to know.

Understanding Task 2 Questions  – How to quickly and easily analyse and understand IELTS Writing Task 2 questions.

How To Plan a Task 2 Essay  – Discover why essay planning is essential & learn a simple 4 step strategy, the 4 part essay structure & 4 methods of generating ideas.

How To Write a Task 2 Introduction  – Find out why a good introduction is essential. Learn how to write one using a simple 3 part strategy & discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

How To Write Task 2 Main Body Paragraphs  – Learn the simple 3 part structure for writing great main body paragraphs and also, 3 common mistakes to avoid. 

How To Write Task 2 Conclusions  – Learn the easy way to write the perfect conclusion for a Task 2 essay. Also discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

Task 2 Marking Criteria  – Find out how to meet the marking criteria for IELTS Task 2. See examples of good and poor answers & learn some common mistakes to avoid.

Other related pages:

IELTS Writing Test  – Understand the format & marking criteria, know what skills are assessed & learn the difference between the Academic & General writing tests.

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Types of questions: Survey question types, examples, and tips

Learn about different types of questions to improve your survey completion. Get started today and craft better survey questions designed to keep people engaged.

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Need some help writing survey questions ? We've got you. Dive into our types of question examples and write kick-ass survey questions.

Types of survey questions

This is what you came for—the good stuff.

Here are the types of survey questions you should be using to get more survey responses:

Open-ended questions

Closed-ended questions, rating questions, likert scale questions, multiple-choice questions, picture choice questions, demographic questions.

Screenshot showing the different types of questions.

Open up a conversation with this question type. These are good types of questions to get more meaningful answers from, as people have the opportunity to give you more feedback through a text box. If you’re looking for a yes/no answer—you’ll need to use a closed-end question.

Open-ended question examples:

What are you wearing today?

How did you meet your best friend?

What is it like to live in Barcelona?

Some questions just need a one-word answer. Like yes. Or no. You can use them to get some quick ‌bits of information, then go on to segment your survey accordingly.

Closed-ended questions examples:

Did you order the chicken?

Do you like learning German?

Are you living in Australia?

Reach for the stars. Or the hearts. Or smiles. Send a rating question and find out how your survey-takers would rate something. It’s a super useful question to ask, as you can gauge peoples’ opinions across the board.

Rating questions examples:

How would you rate our service out of 5?

How many stars would you give our film?

Please rate how valuable our training was today.

Likert scale questions are good survey questions for finding out what people think about certain things. Generally, they come in 5-, 7-, or 9-point scales, and you’ve probably filled one out before.

Likert scale questions examples:

Do you agree that Channel 5 offers more comedy than Channel 6?

How satisfied are you today with our customer service?

Do you feel affected by the recent changes in the office?

Sending out a test or quiz ? Multiple-choice questions are your friend. You can give a few answers and hide the real answer. Also, if you want to find out time periods or dates for an event, multiple-choice questions are the one. Plus, you can bundle them up nicely and neatly in a dropdown menu.

Multiple choice questions examples:

Facebook was launched in… 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006

How many of our restaurants have you visited? 1 | 2 | 3 | 4+

What is the capital of Scotland? Perth | Glasgow | Aberdeen | Edinburgh

A picture paints a thousand words. But in a survey? It does so much more. Ask a picture choice question and make your survey even more interactive. Tell a story, and show rather than tell.

Picture choice questions example:

Screenshot showing example of picture choice questions.

Demographic survey questions are a mix of different forms of questions. It’s up to you whether you want to use a dropdown here or an open-ended question with them.

Demographic question examples:

How old are you?

What’s your gender?

Which industry do you work in?

Ask the right survey questions to get better results

We live in the information age, a time when data is a source of capital. Surveys have become one of the time-tested ways of gathering data. But even with 200+ years of published research and experience, people still fail to obtain helpful information from their surveys. Lucky for you, it doesn’t take much time to learn how to carry out a successful survey.

If you're still stuck wondering what type of data you should be looking to collect, take a look at our guide to qualitative vs. quantitative research methods.

Best practices for different question types

Your objective is to get as many responses as you can so you can make the best decisions. But to do this, you need to follow a few basic “rules.” 

Here’s an overview of the best practices for writing survey questions:

Keep your language simple and specific: Unless you’re asking Ph.D. students about their opinions on string theory, there’s no need to include scientific or confusing language. Type like you’d talk.

Avoid leading questions: “How was our amazing customer service team today?” Emm, not actually that great… Don’t plant opinions in peoples’ heads before they answer.

Ask one question at a time: Avoid putting two questions into one—“How was the food and ambiance?” Separate questions to get better answers.

Don’t make the survey excessively long: If your survey is over 20 questions long, pause to think. Some surveys are just, well, long. But if you can condense it, your audience will thank you.

Show how much longer there is: That said, if it’s long, let people know how long. Tell people when they’re halfway through your survey.

Make your surveys mobile-friendly: We’re always on the move. So make sure your survey can be completed from the subway as well as from the office.

For big ideas, split them into multiple questions: If you’re asking for lots of opinions on one subject, try to split a huge question into several different questions, each covering a different angle. And consider using rating scale questions to see how people feel about different ideas.

Use open-ended questions sparingly: An open-ended survey question is a brilliant response option for getting honest and actionable feedback. But people get bored of typing in long answers, so vary your answer options and don’t stuff in too many open-ended questions.

How to write great survey questions

Two people researching how to write survey questions.

Regardless of whether you’re creating a survey or a questionnaire , there is an art to designing effective types of questions. There are also several principles of survey design that'll help you get the information you need from your customers.

Define the objective

Remember that the aim of conducting a survey isn’t just to get answers. We're interested in what the answers will tell us about something else, which is why it’s crucial to define a clear purpose for every question you ask in a survey.

Before you start writing survey questions, create a list of objectives that outline the kind of information you’re trying to glean with each question. A plan for how you'll use the data gathered from each response will help you ensure that the questions are targeted, relevant, and purposeful.

Example objective: Assess employee attitudes toward standing desks

Possible questions:

In the past 12 months, have you used a standing desk?

 If yes: The standing desk improved my overall productivity (Agree—Neutral—Disagree) 

If no: I like the idea of testing a standing desk at work (Agree—Neutral—Disagree) 

Research has shown that standing desks result in fewer sick days and more productivity in the workplace. I believe the company should invest in standing desks for employees (Agree—Neutral—Disagree)

Understand that there are only two types of questions

While several articles expound various types of surveys, such as multiple-choice, Likert scales, open-ended, and so on, these  actually refer to the types of responses. On the other hand, there are two survey question types: factual or objective questions and attitude or subjective questions.

Factual questions are aimed at gathering data to categorize and quantify people or events. Hypothetically, people’s responses to factual survey questions can be independently verified and have right and wrong answers. Examples of what objective survey questions cover are things like how often someone exercises, where they were born, and what their purchase habits are.

Attitude questions, on the other hand, measure perceptions, feelings, and judgments. These are things that can't be observed or objectively assessed because they are based on what individuals think or experience. 

Some examples of what subjective survey questions might cover include favorite brands, overall experience at a restaurant, or reasons for not voting for a certain candidate. With subjective survey questions, standardization is critical to ensure that people are interpreting and understanding the questions in the same way.

The objective of your overall survey will influence the type of questions you choose for your survey. The question type also has an impact on the response format (e.g., agree—disagree versus single-answer multiple-choice).

These two types of survey questions produce different kinds of data. Understanding the differences and how to treat each one will ensure you are producing meaningful information.

Ask questions people can answer

This seems obvious, yet there are surveys filled with questions that participants are unequipped to respond to. 

There are three difficulties people have when answering survey questions:

They don’t have the information. Most people can't answer with any accuracy how many times they get up from their desk in a day, but they can give a vague indication (rarely, sometimes, often, never).

They had the information but forgot it. Some people might know their exact income from two years ago, but most won’t. Avoid asking questions that rely on long-term memory or calculations.

They have difficulty placing events in time. Participants may remember the last time they went to the movie theater, but they won’t remember whether it was six months ago or eight. If you must include questions that rely on long-term memory, use memory aids and association—for example, have them play out a scenario in their minds.

Imagine your objective is to learn whether water conservation warnings were effective.

Poor survey question: How much water did you use in your home last month?

Better question: In the last 30 days, how much water would you say your household used? (More than usual, less than usual, about the same as usual)

Reduce the possibility people will try to serve their own interests

Even in online surveys, people exhibit what social scientists call social desirability bias. This is the tendency for people to answer questions in socially acceptable ways. In some cases, it means overreporting good behaviors (“I get up from my desk every hour”) or underreporting perceived negative behaviors (“I drink alcohol once per week”).

Being aware of sensitive and taboo topics in the population you’re studying can help you anticipate these areas. To generate accurate responses, incorporate these strategies into the survey:

Include an introductory statement: By explaining why you’re asking, you set up the question and help them understand the motivation behind it.

Emphasize the anonymity of the survey: People who are confident their responses won’t be identified are more likely to respond honestly.

Put sensitive and demographic questions at the end: Starting a survey with types of questions like age and income can put people off. Your first survey question should be interesting, light, and easy to answer. Once they’ve started, they’re more likely to finish—and answer more sensitive questions.

Stress the importance of accuracy: Discourage dishonest answers by outlining the end goal of the survey. People who believe their answers will help are more likely to be truthful.

Survey questions should be unambiguous

Failing to write clear and specific questions can hinder your respondents’ ability to answer. The standard is that people should have a consistent understanding of what is being asked of them. If someone could interpret a question differently than you intended, the question could be improved. Avoid ambiguities. Don’t take for granted that people know what you mean in a survey question.

Poor survey question: In the past month, how many times have you visited a doctor?

There are two ambiguities in this question. First is the time frame: Does “in the past month” refer to the last 30 days or the most recent calendar month? The second is “doctor.” There's a lot of room for interpretation—do nutritionists, spiritual healers, or psychologists count as doctors?

Better survey question: We'd like to understand how often you have visited a licensed medical professional, including dentists, psychologists, chiropractors, and nutritionists. In the past 30 days, how many times have you visited a medical professional?

If you need to define a term, be sure to put it first. Most people stop paying attention after the question has been asked.

Vague survey question: How would you rate your health?

The understanding of “health” isn’t consistent. Some people consider good health the absence of health conditions. Other people may be thinking about the extent to which they lead a healthy lifestyle.

Better survey question: Do you think you eat enough vegetables? (I eat plenty, I eat just enough, I could eat more, I don’t eat vegetables at all)

This question gets people to respond more directly to your interpretation of “health”: a healthy lifestyle. It may require asking more questions, but it'll give you better data to work with.

Types of questions to avoid

Here are a few question types that should be avoided for the best survey data:

Loaded questions

Do you think there are more postgraduates (Master’s, Ph.D., MBA) because of the country’s weak economy?

The question also includes a false premise: The participant is required to agree that the economy is weak to answer. The question also imposes a causal relationship between the economy and postgraduate study that a person may not see. Loaded questions are inherently biased and push respondents into confirming a particular argument they may not agree with.

Double-barreled questions

Would you like to be rich and famous?

Double-barreled questions are difficult for people to answer. A person might like to be rich but not famous and would thus have trouble responding to this question. Additionally, you don’t know whether they are responding to both parts of the question or just one.

Biased questions

Do you agree that the president is doing a wonderful job on foreign policy?

Biased language that either triggers emotional responses or imposes your opinion can influence the results of your survey. Survey questions should be neutral, simple, and void of emotion.

Assumptive questions

Do you have extra money after paying bills that you invest?

This question assumes that the participant has extra money after paying bills. When a person reads a question they feel is irrelevant to them, it can lead to attrition from the survey. This is why Logic is useful—surveys should adapt to respondents’ answers so they can skip questions that don’t apply to them.

This question would be better asked in two parts: Do you have extra money after paying bills? (If yes: Do you invest the extra money you have after paying bills?)

Second-hand knowledge question

Does your community have a problem with crime?

Not only are “crime” and “problem” vague, it’s challenging for a layperson to report on something related to the community at large. The responses to the question wouldn’t be reliable. Stick to asking questions that cover people’s firsthand knowledge.

If you are trying to understand the prevalence of criminal acts, it would be better to ask: In the past 12 months, have you been the victim of a crime?

Hypothetical questions

If you received a $10,000 bonus at work, would you invest it?

People are terrible at predicting future behavior, particularly in situations they’ve never encountered. Behavior is deeply situational, so what a person might do upon receiving a bonus could depend on whether they had credit card debt, whether they needed to make an immediate purchase, the time of year, and so on.

Ask the right types of questions with Typeform

Understanding the different question types is crucial when it comes to surveys and customer feedback . 

“The goal of writing a survey question is for every potential respondent to interpret it in the same way, be able to respond accurately, and be willing to answer,” explains Tammy Duggan-Herd, PhD, a psychology researcher-turned-marketer.

Focus on creating great survey questions, and you’ll get the answers and insights you need to achieve your goals. 

Ready to conduct effective market research ? Build beautifully designed surveys with the help of Typeform. With customizable survey templates , you can reach your audience faster and more effectively. Start asking the right types of questions today.

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  • Questionnaire Design | Methods, Question Types & Examples

Questionnaire Design | Methods, Question Types & Examples

Published on 6 May 2022 by Pritha Bhandari . Revised on 10 October 2022.

A questionnaire is a list of questions or items used to gather data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or opinions. Questionnaires can be used to collect quantitative and/or qualitative information.

Questionnaires are commonly used in market research as well as in the social and health sciences. For example, a company may ask for feedback about a recent customer service experience, or psychology researchers may investigate health risk perceptions using questionnaires.

Table of contents

Questionnaires vs surveys, questionnaire methods, open-ended vs closed-ended questions, question wording, question order, step-by-step guide to design, frequently asked questions about questionnaire design.

A survey is a research method where you collect and analyse data from a group of people. A questionnaire is a specific tool or instrument for collecting the data.

Designing a questionnaire means creating valid and reliable questions that address your research objectives, placing them in a useful order, and selecting an appropriate method for administration.

But designing a questionnaire is only one component of survey research. Survey research also involves defining the population you’re interested in, choosing an appropriate sampling method , administering questionnaires, data cleaning and analysis, and interpretation.

Sampling is important in survey research because you’ll often aim to generalise your results to the population. Gather data from a sample that represents the range of views in the population for externally valid results. There will always be some differences between the population and the sample, but minimising these will help you avoid sampling bias .

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Questionnaires can be self-administered or researcher-administered . Self-administered questionnaires are more common because they are easy to implement and inexpensive, but researcher-administered questionnaires allow deeper insights.

Self-administered questionnaires

Self-administered questionnaires can be delivered online or in paper-and-pen formats, in person or by post. All questions are standardised so that all respondents receive the same questions with identical wording.

Self-administered questionnaires can be:

  • Cost-effective
  • Easy to administer for small and large groups
  • Anonymous and suitable for sensitive topics

But they may also be:

  • Unsuitable for people with limited literacy or verbal skills
  • Susceptible to a nonreponse bias (most people invited may not complete the questionnaire)
  • Biased towards people who volunteer because impersonal survey requests often go ignored

Researcher-administered questionnaires

Researcher-administered questionnaires are interviews that take place by phone, in person, or online between researchers and respondents.

Researcher-administered questionnaires can:

  • Help you ensure the respondents are representative of your target audience
  • Allow clarifications of ambiguous or unclear questions and answers
  • Have high response rates because it’s harder to refuse an interview when personal attention is given to respondents

But researcher-administered questionnaires can be limiting in terms of resources. They are:

  • Costly and time-consuming to perform
  • More difficult to analyse if you have qualitative responses
  • Likely to contain experimenter bias or demand characteristics
  • Likely to encourage social desirability bias in responses because of a lack of anonymity

Your questionnaire can include open-ended or closed-ended questions, or a combination of both.

Using closed-ended questions limits your responses, while open-ended questions enable a broad range of answers. You’ll need to balance these considerations with your available time and resources.

Closed-ended questions

Closed-ended, or restricted-choice, questions offer respondents a fixed set of choices to select from. Closed-ended questions are best for collecting data on categorical or quantitative variables.

Categorical variables can be nominal or ordinal. Quantitative variables can be interval or ratio. Understanding the type of variable and level of measurement means you can perform appropriate statistical analyses for generalisable results.

Examples of closed-ended questions for different variables

Nominal variables include categories that can’t be ranked, such as race or ethnicity. This includes binary or dichotomous categories.

It’s best to include categories that cover all possible answers and are mutually exclusive. There should be no overlap between response items.

In binary or dichotomous questions, you’ll give respondents only two options to choose from.

White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Ordinal variables include categories that can be ranked. Consider how wide or narrow a range you’ll include in your response items, and their relevance to your respondents.

Likert-type questions collect ordinal data using rating scales with five or seven points.

When you have four or more Likert-type questions, you can treat the composite data as quantitative data on an interval scale . Intelligence tests, psychological scales, and personality inventories use multiple Likert-type questions to collect interval data.

With interval or ratio data, you can apply strong statistical hypothesis tests to address your research aims.

Pros and cons of closed-ended questions

Well-designed closed-ended questions are easy to understand and can be answered quickly. However, you might still miss important answers that are relevant to respondents. An incomplete set of response items may force some respondents to pick the closest alternative to their true answer. These types of questions may also miss out on valuable detail.

To solve these problems, you can make questions partially closed-ended, and include an open-ended option where respondents can fill in their own answer.

Open-ended questions

Open-ended, or long-form, questions allow respondents to give answers in their own words. Because there are no restrictions on their choices, respondents can answer in ways that researchers may not have otherwise considered. For example, respondents may want to answer ‘multiracial’ for the question on race rather than selecting from a restricted list.

  • How do you feel about open science?
  • How would you describe your personality?
  • In your opinion, what is the biggest obstacle to productivity in remote work?

Open-ended questions have a few downsides.

They require more time and effort from respondents, which may deter them from completing the questionnaire.

For researchers, understanding and summarising responses to these questions can take a lot of time and resources. You’ll need to develop a systematic coding scheme to categorise answers, and you may also need to involve other researchers in data analysis for high reliability .

Question wording can influence your respondents’ answers, especially if the language is unclear, ambiguous, or biased. Good questions need to be understood by all respondents in the same way ( reliable ) and measure exactly what you’re interested in ( valid ).

Use clear language

You should design questions with your target audience in mind. Consider their familiarity with your questionnaire topics and language and tailor your questions to them.

For readability and clarity, avoid jargon or overly complex language. Don’t use double negatives because they can be harder to understand.

Use balanced framing

Respondents often answer in different ways depending on the question framing. Positive frames are interpreted as more neutral than negative frames and may encourage more socially desirable answers.

Positive frame Negative frame
Should protests of pandemic-related restrictions be allowed? Should protests of pandemic-related restrictions be forbidden?

Use a mix of both positive and negative frames to avoid bias , and ensure that your question wording is balanced wherever possible.

Unbalanced questions focus on only one side of an argument. Respondents may be less likely to oppose the question if it is framed in a particular direction. It’s best practice to provide a counterargument within the question as well.

Unbalanced Balanced
Do you favour …? Do you favour or oppose …?
Do you agree that …? Do you agree or disagree that …?

Avoid leading questions

Leading questions guide respondents towards answering in specific ways, even if that’s not how they truly feel, by explicitly or implicitly providing them with extra information.

It’s best to keep your questions short and specific to your topic of interest.

  • The average daily work commute in the US takes 54.2 minutes and costs $29 per day. Since 2020, working from home has saved many employees time and money. Do you favour flexible work-from-home policies even after it’s safe to return to offices?
  • Experts agree that a well-balanced diet provides sufficient vitamins and minerals, and multivitamins and supplements are not necessary or effective. Do you agree or disagree that multivitamins are helpful for balanced nutrition?

Keep your questions focused

Ask about only one idea at a time and avoid double-barrelled questions. Double-barrelled questions ask about more than one item at a time, which can confuse respondents.

This question could be difficult to answer for respondents who feel strongly about the right to clean drinking water but not high-speed internet. They might only answer about the topic they feel passionate about or provide a neutral answer instead – but neither of these options capture their true answers.

Instead, you should ask two separate questions to gauge respondents’ opinions.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

Do you agree or disagree that the government should be responsible for providing high-speed internet to everyone?

You can organise the questions logically, with a clear progression from simple to complex. Alternatively, you can randomise the question order between respondents.

Logical flow

Using a logical flow to your question order means starting with simple questions, such as behavioural or opinion questions, and ending with more complex, sensitive, or controversial questions.

The question order that you use can significantly affect the responses by priming them in specific directions. Question order effects, or context effects, occur when earlier questions influence the responses to later questions, reducing the validity of your questionnaire.

While demographic questions are usually unaffected by order effects, questions about opinions and attitudes are more susceptible to them.

  • How knowledgeable are you about Joe Biden’s executive orders in his first 100 days?
  • Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way Joe Biden is managing the economy?
  • Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

It’s important to minimise order effects because they can be a source of systematic error or bias in your study.


Randomisation involves presenting individual respondents with the same questionnaire but with different question orders.

When you use randomisation, order effects will be minimised in your dataset. But a randomised order may also make it harder for respondents to process your questionnaire. Some questions may need more cognitive effort, while others are easier to answer, so a random order could require more time or mental capacity for respondents to switch between questions.

Follow this step-by-step guide to design your questionnaire.

Step 1: Define your goals and objectives

The first step of designing a questionnaire is determining your aims.

  • What topics or experiences are you studying?
  • What specifically do you want to find out?
  • Is a self-report questionnaire an appropriate tool for investigating this topic?

Once you’ve specified your research aims, you can operationalise your variables of interest into questionnaire items. Operationalising concepts means turning them from abstract ideas into concrete measurements. Every question needs to address a defined need and have a clear purpose.

Step 2: Use questions that are suitable for your sample

Create appropriate questions by taking the perspective of your respondents. Consider their language proficiency and available time and energy when designing your questionnaire.

  • Are the respondents familiar with the language and terms used in your questions?
  • Would any of the questions insult, confuse, or embarrass them?
  • Do the response items for any closed-ended questions capture all possible answers?
  • Are the response items mutually exclusive?
  • Do the respondents have time to respond to open-ended questions?

Consider all possible options for responses to closed-ended questions. From a respondent’s perspective, a lack of response options reflecting their point of view or true answer may make them feel alienated or excluded. In turn, they’ll become disengaged or inattentive to the rest of the questionnaire.

Step 3: Decide on your questionnaire length and question order

Once you have your questions, make sure that the length and order of your questions are appropriate for your sample.

If respondents are not being incentivised or compensated, keep your questionnaire short and easy to answer. Otherwise, your sample may be biased with only highly motivated respondents completing the questionnaire.

Decide on your question order based on your aims and resources. Use a logical flow if your respondents have limited time or if you cannot randomise questions. Randomising questions helps you avoid bias, but it can take more complex statistical analysis to interpret your data.

Step 4: Pretest your questionnaire

When you have a complete list of questions, you’ll need to pretest it to make sure what you’re asking is always clear and unambiguous. Pretesting helps you catch any errors or points of confusion before performing your study.

Ask friends, classmates, or members of your target audience to complete your questionnaire using the same method you’ll use for your research. Find out if any questions were particularly difficult to answer or if the directions were unclear or inconsistent, and make changes as necessary.

If you have the resources, running a pilot study will help you test the validity and reliability of your questionnaire. A pilot study is a practice run of the full study, and it includes sampling, data collection , and analysis.

You can find out whether your procedures are unfeasible or susceptible to bias and make changes in time, but you can’t test a hypothesis with this type of study because it’s usually statistically underpowered .

A questionnaire is a data collection tool or instrument, while a survey is an overarching research method that involves collecting and analysing data from people using questionnaires.

Closed-ended, or restricted-choice, questions offer respondents a fixed set of choices to select from. These questions are easier to answer quickly.

Open-ended or long-form questions allow respondents to answer in their own words. Because there are no restrictions on their choices, respondents can answer in ways that researchers may not have otherwise considered.

A Likert scale is a rating scale that quantitatively assesses opinions, attitudes, or behaviours. It is made up of four or more questions that measure a single attitude or trait when response scores are combined.

To use a Likert scale in a survey , you present participants with Likert-type questions or statements, and a continuum of items, usually with five or seven possible responses, to capture their degree of agreement.

You can organise the questions logically, with a clear progression from simple to complex, or randomly between respondents. A logical flow helps respondents process the questionnaire easier and quicker, but it may lead to bias. Randomisation can minimise the bias from order effects.

Questionnaires can be self-administered or researcher-administered.

Researcher-administered questionnaires are interviews that take place by phone, in person, or online between researchers and respondents. You can gain deeper insights by clarifying questions for respondents or asking follow-up questions.

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Bhandari, P. (2022, October 10). Questionnaire Design | Methods, Question Types & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 24 June 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/research-methods/questionnaire-design/

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Pritha Bhandari

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A Quick Guide to Answering Different Types of Essay Questions

Posted by: Sumantha McMahon at 10:00 am, March 25, 2019

There are many acronyms, such as PPE (Point, Evidence and Explanation), that can help you craft the perfect essay . And whilst it is not always suitable to take a strict formulaic approach, they are certainly useful to help ensure you meet all of your assessment objectives.

However, acronyms are useless if you do not understand the exam question in the first place!

Here is a quick guide to some of the common types of essay questions.

The first thing you should do is…

A strategy I suggest all of my students is to underline the key words in a question.

This not only helps you understand the question, but also ensures you stay focused on answering it. It is especially useful when you have two questions disguised as one.

Here is an example:

Starting with this speech, explain how far you think Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a powerful woman.

What are the key words here?  I would identify them as:

  • Lady Macbeth
  • Powerful woman

This helps you break down the question.  You need to:

  • Explain – make detailed points that are backed up by evidence (quotations)
  • How far – are there any ways in which he doesn’t present her as a powerful woman?  Or is her character used to represent power?  Are there any other characters who are powerful?  How do they compare?
  • You think – avoid absolute statements like “This means that…”.  Instead, explore alternative interpretations and ideas using words like “I think”, “This suggests”, “Perhaps”, and so on.
  • Lady Macbeth – this character should be the focus of your essay but, you should use your understanding of the plot, themes and other characters to frame your analysis of her.
  • Powerful woman – this is the character trait you must focus on. Even if you digress, bring  your point back to this.

Different types of questions

Essays typically have a few key words that they stick to. Let’s look at them and what they mean.

Many find this the hardest. It requires you to discuss the similarities and differences between the two sources that the essay question refers to.

A good strategy is to formulate paragraphs that start talking about one source, followed by the other. Your concluding sentences can be used to tie them together. Or, you can start with words like ‘both’ to explain a similarity’, followed by ‘having said that’ to describe a difference.

When planning a ‘compare’ essay, it is helpful to create a similarity and difference table.

These questions can feel quite open ended. To ensure that you don’t digress away from the main focus of the question, use my strategy to underline keywords.

‘Discuss’ questions require you to explore and analyse with a focus.

Usually they want you to explore different theories, interpretations and opinions such as, “I think that…because…”; “…however, some may interpret this as…”.

This is usually followed by words like ‘how’ or ‘the ways in which’.  So, although they are quite open-ended like ‘discuss’ questions, you will find that the wording of the question will guide you.

‘Explain’ questions require an in-depth exploration of a topic or theme. Although you may demonstrate your understanding and analytical skills by including other topics or themes, the focus of your essay should be threaded throughout it.

These questions are not much different to the other types of questions. This is because the other types still require you to describe the ‘how’ – for instance, writer’s methods, language choices etc. They also require you to provide evidence from the text and apply your understanding to answer the question.

All in all, whatever the type of essay question, you will need to apply the same skills. They all involve an exploration of a topic or theme and need you to analyse different interpretations. The only difference between them is the wording and structure you choose for your essay.

Sumantha McMahon

See more by Sumantha McMahon

Sumantha is an education and training specialist with over ten years' experience in developing and delivering adult and secondary level education. Her professional journey includes a six-year stint as a secondary school teacher. She is currently a freelance content writer and learning and development consultant. Sumantha also has a portfolio of private students who she teaches up to GCSE level.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: How to understand IELTS question prompts

The first step to a successful performance in IELTS Writing Task 2 is to understand the question that you have been given. Take a closer look at the different IELTS question types with advice and tips about how to respond to these questions.

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When answering an IELTS Task 2 question, it is important to read the question carefully and to answer it relevantly. There are a number of different question types that appear for Task 2 in the Writing test , so it is very important to understand what the question means so that you fully address the task you are given.

Remember that the examiner will assess how thoroughly you address the task in the Task Response criterion, so it's vital that you respond to the question directly and clearly. We realise that you work hard when preparing for the IELTS test and you might memorise essays that match certain prompts.

If you try and answer a question with a formulaic response (a learned response that closely matches the question), your essay will not address the task appropriately and you will lose marks.

Rather than trying to match your answer to an essay-type category (e.g. advantages/disadvantages, causes/solutions), learn how to interpret what the question is asking, so you answer it relevantly.

Task 2 question types

In IELTS Writing Task 2, you are required to write an essay in response to the statement or premise given. In your essay, you may need to:

provide general factual information related to the topic

give reasons for a problem

outline the causes of a problem

present solutions for a problem

justify your opinion (reasons for your opinion)

evaluate evidence and ideas

assess how much you agree or disagree with an idea/the statement

decide if there are more advantages or disadvantages

explain why this situation has occurred

IELTS question types are varied, so it is important to focus on the question prompt. Read through the following table which shows some common essay question types.

Essay type

Sample prompt

Opinion essay

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement/opinion?

Discussion essay

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Multi-part essay

Why is shopping so popular? What effects does its increase in popularity have on individuals and society?

Multi-part and opinion essay

What form do these problems take? Do the problems outweigh the benefits?

Advantage/disadvantage essay

What are the advantages and disadvantages of...?

Positive/negative essay

Is this a positive or negative development?

Cause/solution essay

What are the causes of these problems and suggest solutions?

Disadvantages versus advantages

Let's look at an IELTS Task 2 question from www.ielts.org and see how you would answer it.

International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

This question asks you very specifically to decide if there are more advantages or more disadvantages. You are asked if one outweighs the other, so you must discuss both the advantages and disadvantages. It is not enough to say, "the advantages of international tourism definitely outweigh the disadvantages" and then only describe the advantages in your response. The reader must see both sides of your discussion and the reasons why you think one outweighs the other.

Mistakes you can make with this question type:

Only listing the advantages.

Only listing the disadvantages.

Presenting both, but not deciding if one outweighs the other.

Not presenting your opinion.

How to answer this question type:

Decide on your position - are there more advantages, or more disadvantages? (more advantages).

Present the advantages (3).

Present the disadvantages (2) - as you have decided that there are more advantages.

Repeat your position in the conclusion, so the reader knows that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Opinion essay

Let's look at another IELTS Task 2 question .

In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this care. Who do you think should pay for this care, the government or the family?

This question asks you to make a decision based on your opinion of the statement. You have to decide if the government should pay for old people to live in an aged care home, or if the family should pay. It is important to make a decision and to clearly express this in your introduction. Of course, your decision will be based on your own opinion, so you may think that both should pay.

Giving reasons why both should pay, but not making a decision.

Presenting the problems caused by living in an aged care facility.

Presenting the reasons why the family cannot look after their aged parents.

Giving reasons why old people should be cared for in their own homes.

Not giving a clear opinion on the topic.

Decide on who should pay - the government, the family, or a combination of both.

Give two or three reasons to support your opinion.

Support your reasons with examples from your own experience (the situation in your country).

If you think that both the family and government should pay, support this opinion with how this could work (e.g., partial payment, government subsidising poorer families, government building aged care homes but families pay for the care).

Repeat your opinion on who should pay for this care in the conclusion, so the reader is fully aware of the decision you have made.

We have only looked at two question types in this article and the mistakes you might make when answering them. On a test day, remember to follow these tips when you first read the question:

Read the statement which outlines the premise first - the main ideas in the statement.

Check to see if the statement is referring to more than one idea (e.g., individuals and the society) and make sure you refer to both in your response.

Read the question prompt carefully to see how many parts are in the question.

Cover all parts of the question.

Read the question words - What extent/Why/Suggest/Decide/Evaluate - and answer relevantly.

Express your position clearly.

Support your ideas with relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience (not made up statistics and research)

Organise your essay into paragraphs - with one clear idea developed in each paragraph.

Don't use memorised essays that might not address the task.

So, our final message is to answer the question directly. When you respond to the task, you must answer the question relevantly and appropriately, rather than trying to match a response you have already learned to the question.

If you feel you are ready to do official practice, why not try our official IELTS practice test to get an indication of how well you are preparing for the real IELTS test. You will get expert marker feedback on your Writing performance, chosen by our IELTS markers, which highlight the areas you need to focus on.

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Fall 2024 Semester

Undergraduate courses.

Composition courses that offer many sections (ENGL 101, 201, 277 and 379) are not listed on this schedule unless they are tailored to specific thematic content or particularly appropriate for specific programs and majors.

  • 100-200 level

ENGL 151.S01: Introduction to English Studies

Tuesday and Thursday, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Sharon Smith

ENGL 151 serves as an introduction to both the English major and the discipline of English studies. In this class, you will develop the thinking, reading, writing and research practices that define both the major and the discipline. Much of the semester will be devoted to honing your literary analysis skills, and we will study and discuss texts from several different genres—poetry, short fiction, the novel, drama and film—as well as some literary criticism. As we do so, we will explore the language of the discipline, and you will learn a variety of key literary terms and concepts. In addition, you will develop your skills as both a writer and researcher within the discipline of English.

ENGL 201.ST1 Composition II: The Mind/Body Connection

In this section of English 201, students will use research and writing to learn more about problems that are important to them and articulate ways to address those problems. The course will focus specifically on issues related to the mind, the body and the relationship between them. The topics we will discuss during the course will include the correlation between social media and body image; the efficacy of sex education programs; the degree to which beliefs about race and gender influence school dress codes; and the unique mental and physical challenges faced by college students today. In this course, you will be learning about different approaches to argumentation, analyzing the arguments of others and constructing your own arguments. At the same time, you will be honing your skills as a researcher and developing your abilities as a persuasive and effective writer.

ENGL 201.S10 Composition II: Environmental Writing   

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1-1:50 p.m.

Gwen Horsley

English 201 will help students develop the ability to think critically and analytically and to write effectively for other university courses and careers. This course will provide opportunities to develop analytical skills that will help students become critical readers and effective writers. Specifically, in this class, students will:

  • Focus on the relationships between world environments, land, animals and humankind.
  • Read various essays by environmental, conservational and regional authors.
  • Produce student writings. 

Students will improve their writing skills by reading essays and applying techniques they witness in others’ work and those learned in class. This class is also a course in logical and creative thought. Students will write about humankind’s place in the world and our influence on the land and animals, places that hold special meaning to them or have influenced their lives and stories of their own families and their places and passions in the world. Students will practice writing in an informed and persuasive manner, in language that engages and enlivens readers by using vivid verbs and avoiding unnecessary passives, nominalizations and expletive constructions.

Students will prepare writing assignments based on readings and discussions of essays included in "Literature and the Environment " and other sources. They may use "The St. Martin’s Handbook," as well as other sources, to review grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage as needed.

ENGL 201.13 Composition II: Writing the Environment

Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:45 a.m.

Paul Baggett

For generations, environmentalists have relied on the power of prose to change the minds and habits of their contemporaries. In the wake of fires, floods, storms and droughts, environmental writing has gained a new sense of urgency, with authors joining activists in their efforts to educate the public about the grim realities of climate change. But do they make a difference? Have reports of present and future disasters so saturated our airwaves that we no longer hear them? How do writers make us care about the planet amidst all the noise? In this course, students will examine the various rhetorical strategies employed by some of today’s leading environmental writers and filmmakers. And while analyzing their different arguments, students also will strengthen their own strategies of argumentation as they research and develop essays that explore a range of environmental concerns.

ENGL 201 Composition II: Food Writing

S17 Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-1:45 p.m.

S18 Tuesday and Thursday 2-3:15 p.m.

Jodi Andrews

In this composition class, students will critically analyze essays about food, food systems and environments, food cultures, the intersections of personal choice, market forces and policy and the values underneath these forces. Students will learn to better read like writers, noting authors’ purpose, audience organizational moves, sentence-level punctuation and diction. We will read a variety of essays including research-intensive arguments and personal narratives which intersect with one of our most primal needs as humans: food consumption. Students will rhetorically analyze texts, conduct advanced research, reflect on the writing process and write essays utilizing intentional rhetorical strategies. Through doing this work, students will practice the writing moves valued in every discipline: argument, evidence, concision, engaging prose and the essential research skills for the 21st century.

ENGL 221.S01 British Literature I

Michael S. Nagy

English 221 is a survey of early British literature from its inception in the Old English period with works such as "Beowulf" and the “Battle of Maldon,” through the Middle Ages and the incomparable writings of Geoffrey Chaucer and the Gawain - poet, to the Renaissance and beyond. Students will explore the historical and cultural contexts in which all assigned reading materials were written, and they will bring that information to bear on class discussion. Likely themes that this class will cover include heroism, humor, honor, religion, heresy and moral relativity. Students will write one research paper in this class and sit for two formal exams: a midterm covering everything up to that point in the semester, and a comprehensive final. Probable texts include the following:

  • The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Middle Ages. Ed. Alfred David, M. H. Abrams, and Stephen Greenblatt. 9th ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
  • The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Sixteenth Century and Early Seventeenth Century. Ed. George M. Logan, Stephen Greenblatt, Barbara K Lewalski, and M. H. Abrams. 9th ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
  • The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century. Ed. George M. Logan, Stephen Greenblatt, Barbara K Lewalski, and M. H. Abrams. 9th ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
  • Gibaldi, Joseph. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2003.
  • Any Standard College Dictionary.

ENGL 240.S01 Juvenile Literature Elementary-5th Grade

Monday, Wednesday and Friday noon-12:50 p.m.

April Myrick

A survey of the history of literature written for children and adolescents, and a consideration of the various types of juvenile literature. Text selection will focus on the themes of imagination and breaking boundaries.

ENGL 240.ST1 Juvenile Literature Elementary-5th Grade

Randi Anderson

In English 240 students will develop the skills to interpret and evaluate various genres of literature for juvenile readers. This particular section will focus on various works of literature at approximately the K-5 grade level. We will read a large range of works that fall into this category, as well as information on the history, development and genre of juvenile literature.

Readings for this course include classical works such as "Hatchet," "Little Women", "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" and "Brown Girl Dreaming," as well as newer works like "Storm in the Barn," "Anne Frank’s Diary: A Graphic Adaptation," "Lumberjanes," and a variety of picture books. These readings will be paired with chapters from "Reading Children’s Literature: A Critical Introduction " to help develop understanding of various genres, themes and concepts that are both related to juvenile literature and also present in our readings.

In addition to exposing students to various genres of writing (poetry, historical fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, picture books, graphic novels, etc.) this course will also allow students to engage in a discussion of larger themes present in these works such as censorship, race and gender. Students’ understanding of these works and concepts will be developed through readings, research, discussion posts, exams and writing assignments designed to get students to practice analyzing poetry, picture books, informational books and transitional/easy readers.

ENGL 241.S01: American Literature I

Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-1:45 p.m.

This course provides a broad, historical survey of American literature from the early colonial period to the Civil War. Ranging across historical periods and literary genres—including early accounts of contact and discovery, narratives of captivity and slavery, poetry of revolution, essays on gender equality and stories of industrial exploitation—this class examines how subjects such as colonialism, nationhood, religion, slavery, westward expansion, race, gender and democracy continue to influence how Americans see themselves and their society.

Required Texts

  • The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Package 1, Volumes A and B Beginnings to 1865, Ninth Edition. (ISBN 978-0-393-26454-8)

ENGL 283.S01 Introduction to Creative Writing

Steven Wingate

Students will explore the various forms of creative writing (fiction, nonfiction and poetry) not one at a time in a survey format—as if there were decisive walls of separation between then—but as intensely related genres that share much of their creative DNA. Through close reading and work on personal texts, students will address the decisions that writers in any genre must face on voice, rhetorical position, relationship to audience, etc. Students will produce and revise portfolios of original creative work developed from prompts and research. This course fulfills the same SGR #2 requirements ENGL 201; note that the course will involve a research project. Successful completion of ENGL 101 (including by test or dual credit) is a prerequisite.

ENGL 283.S02 Introduction to Creative Writing

Jodilyn Andrews

This course introduces students to the craft of writing, with readings and practice in at least two genres (including fiction, poetry and drama).

ENGL 283.ST1 Introduction to Creative Writing

Amber Jensen, M.A., M.F.A.

This course explores creative writing as a way of encountering the world, research as a component of the creative writing process, elements of craft and their rhetorical effect and drafting, workshop and revision as integral parts of writing polished literary creative work. Student writers will engage in the research practices that inform the writing of literature and in the composing strategies and writing process writers use to create literary texts. Through their reading and writing of fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction, students will learn about craft elements, find examples of those craft elements in published works and apply these elements in their own creative work, developed through weekly writing activities, small group and large group workshop and conferences with the instructor. Work will be submitted, along with a learning reflection and revision plan in each genre and will then be revised and submitted as a final portfolio at the end of the semester to demonstrate continued growth in the creation of polished literary writing.

  • 300-400 level

ENGL 424.S01 Language Arts Methods grades 7-12  

Tuesday 6-8:50 p.m.

Danielle Harms

Techniques, materials and resources for teaching English language and literature to middle and secondary school students. Required of students in the English education option.

AIS/ENGL 447.S01: American Indian Literature of the Present 

Thursdays 3-6 p.m.

This course introduces students to contemporary works by authors from various Indigenous nations. Students examine these works to enhance their historical understanding of Indigenous peoples, discover the variety of literary forms used by those who identify as Indigenous writers, and consider the cultural and political significance of these varieties of expression. Topics and questions to be explored include:

  • Genre: What makes Indigenous literature indigenous?
  • Political and Cultural Sovereignty: Why have an emphasis on tribal specificity and calls for “literary separatism” emerged in recent decades, and what are some of the critical conversations surrounding such particularized perspectives?
  • Gender and Sexuality: What are the intersecting concerns of Indigenous Studies and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and how might these research fields inform one another?
  • Trans-Indigeneity: What might we learn by comparing works across different Indigenous traditions, and what challenges do such comparisons present?
  • Aesthetics: How do Indigenous writers understand the dynamics between tradition and creativity?
  • Visual Forms: What questions or concerns do visual representations (television and film) by or about Indigenous peoples present?

Possible Texts

  • Akiwenzie-Damm, Kateri and Josie Douglas (eds), Skins: Contemporary Indigenous Writing. IAD Press, 2000. (978-1864650327)
  • Erdrich, Louise, The Sentence. Harper, 2021 (978-0062671127)
  • Harjo, Joy, Poet Warrior: A Memoir. Norton, 2021 (978-0393248524)
  • Harjo, Sterlin and Taika Waititi, Reservation Dogs (selected episodes)
  • Talty, Morgan. Night of the Living Rez, 2022, Tin House (978-1953534187)
  • Wall Kimmerer, Robin. Braiding Sweet Grass, Milkweed Editions (978-1571313560)
  • Wilson, Diane. The Seed Keeper: A Novel. Milkweed Editions (978-1571311375)
  • Critical essays by Alexie, Allen, Cohen, Cox, King, Kroeber, Ortiz, Piatote, Ross and Sexton, Smith, Taylor, Teuton, Treuer, Vizenor, and Womack.

ENGL 472.S01: Film Criticism

Tuesdays 2-4:50 p.m.

Jason McEntee

Do you have an appreciation for, and enjoy watching, movies? Do you want to study movies in a genre-oriented format (such as those we typically call the Western, the screwball comedy, the science fiction or the crime/gangster, to name a few)? Do you want to explore the different critical approaches for talking and writing about movies (such as auteur, feminist, genre or reception)?

In this class, you will examine movies through viewing and defining different genres while, at the same time, studying and utilizing different styles of film criticism. You will share your discoveries in both class discussions and short writings. The final project will be a formal written piece of film criticism based on our work throughout the semester. The course satisfies requirements and electives for all English majors and minors, including both the Film Studies and Professional Writing minors. (Note: Viewing of movies outside of class required and may require rental and/or streaming service fees.)

ENGL 476.ST1: Fiction

In this workshop-based creative writing course, students will develop original fiction based on strong attention to the fundamentals of literary storytelling: full-bodied characters, robust story lines, palpable environments and unique voices. We will pay particular attention to process awareness, to the integrity of the sentence, and to authors' commitments to their characters and the places in which their stories unfold. Some workshop experience is helpful, as student peer critique will be an important element of the class.

ENGL 479.01 Capstone: The Gothic

Wednesday 3-5:50 p.m.

With the publication of Horace Walpole’s "The Castle of Otranto " in 1764, the Gothic officially came into being. Dark tales of physical violence and psychological terror, the Gothic incorporates elements such as distressed heroes and heroines pursued by tyrannical villains; gloomy estates with dark corridors, secret passageways and mysterious chambers; haunting dreams, troubling prophecies and disturbing premonitions; abduction, imprisonment and murder; and a varied assortment of corpses, apparitions and “monsters.” In this course, we will trace the development of Gothic literature—and some film—from the eighteenth-century to the present time. As we do so, we will consider how the Gothic engages philosophical beliefs about the beautiful and sublime; shapes psychological understandings of human beings’ encounters with horror, terror, the fantastic and the uncanny; and intervenes in the social and historical contexts in which it was written. We’ll consider, for example, how the Gothic undermines ideals related to domesticity and marriage through representations of domestic abuse, toxicity and gaslighting. In addition, we’ll discuss Gothic texts that center the injustices of slavery and racism. As many Gothic texts suggest, the true horrors of human existence often have less to do with inexplicable supernatural phenomena than with the realities of the world in which we live. 

ENGL 485.S01: Undergraduate Writing Center Learning Assistants 

Flexible Scheduling

Nathan Serfling

Since their beginnings in the 1920s and 30s, writing centers have come to serve numerous functions: as hubs for writing across the curriculum initiatives, sites to develop and deliver workshops and resource centers for faculty as well as students, among other functions. But the primary function of writing centers has necessarily and rightfully remained the tutoring of student writers. This course will immerse you in that function in two parts. During the first four weeks, you will explore writing center praxis—that is, the dialogic interplay of theory and practice related to writing center work. This part of the course will orient you to writing center history, key theoretical tenets and practical aspects of writing center tutoring. Once we have developed and practiced this foundation, you will begin work in the writing center as a tutor, responsible for assisting a wide variety of student clients with numerous writing tasks. Through this work, you will learn to actively engage with student clients in the revision of a text, respond to different student needs and abilities, work with a variety of writing tasks and rhetorical situations, and develop a richer sense of writing as a complex and negotiated social process.

Graduate Courses

Engl 572.s01: film criticism, engl 576.st1 fiction.

In this workshop-based creative writing course, students will develop original fiction based on strong attention to the fundamentals of literary storytelling: full-bodied characters, robust story lines, palpable environments and unique voices. We will pay particular attention to process awareness, to the integrity of the sentence and to authors' commitments to their characters and the places in which their stories unfold. Some workshop experience is helpful, as student peer critique will be an important element of the class.

ENGL 605.S01 Seminar in Teaching Composition

Thursdays 1-3:50 p.m.

This course will provide you with a foundation in the pedagogies and theories (and their attendant histories) of writing instruction, a foundation that will prepare you to teach your own writing courses at SDSU and elsewhere. As you will discover through our course, though, writing instruction does not come with any prescribed set of “best” practices. Rather, writing pedagogies stem from and continue to evolve because of various and largely unsettled conversations about what constitutes effective writing and effective writing instruction. Part of becoming a practicing writing instructor, then, is studying these conversations to develop a sense of what “good writing” and “effective writing instruction” might mean for you in our particular program and how you might adapt that understanding to different programs and contexts.

As we read about, discuss and research writing instruction, we will address a variety of practical and theoretical topics. The practical focus will allow us to attend to topics relevant to your immediate classroom practices: designing a curriculum and various types of assignments, delivering the course content and assessing student work, among others. Our theoretical topics will begin to reveal the underpinnings of these various practical matters, including their historical, rhetorical, social and political contexts. In other words, we will investigate the praxis—the dialogic interaction of practice and theory—of writing pedagogy. As a result, this course aims to prepare you not only as a writing teacher but also as a nascent writing studies/writing pedagogy scholar.

At the end of this course, you should be able to engage effectively in the classroom practices described above and participate in academic conversations about writing pedagogy, both orally and in writing. Assessment of these outcomes will be based primarily on the various writing assignments you submit and to a smaller degree on your participation in class discussions and activities.

ENGL 726.S01: The New Woman, 1880–1900s 

Thursdays 3–5:50 p.m.

Katherine Malone

This course explores the rise of the New Woman at the end of the nineteenth century. The label New Woman referred to independent women who rebelled against social conventions. Often depicted riding bicycles, smoking cigarettes and wearing masculine clothing, these early feminists challenged gender roles and sought broader opportunities for women’s employment and self-determination. We will read provocative fiction and nonfiction by New Women writers and their critics, including authors such as Sarah Grand, Mona Caird, George Egerton, Amy Levy, Ella Hepworth Dixon, Grant Allen and George Gissing. We will analyze these exciting texts through a range of critical lenses and within the historical context of imperialism, scientific and technological innovation, the growth of the periodical press and discourse about race, class and gender. In addition to writing an argumentative seminar paper, students will complete short research assignments and lead discussion.

ENGL 792.ST1 Women in War: Female Authors and Characters in Contemporary War Lit

In this course, we will explore the voices of female authors and characters in contemporary literature of war. Drawing from various literary theories, our readings and discussion will explore the contributions of these voices to the evolving literature of war through archetypal and feminist criticism. We will read a variety of short works (both theoretical and creative) and complete works such as (selections subject to change): "Eyes Right" by Tracy Crow, "Plenty of Time When We Get Home" by Kayla Williams, "You Know When the Men are Gone" by Siobhan Fallon, "Still, Come Home" by Katie Schultz and "The Fine Art of Camouflage" by Lauren Johnson.

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  1. Questionnaire Types Definition Examples How To Design

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  2. Questionnaire: Types, Definition, Examples & How to Design Your Own

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  3. Questionnaire: Types, Definition, Examples & How to Design Your Own

    different types of questionnaire essay

  4. What is questionnaire. Types of questionnaires

    different types of questionnaire essay

  5. What is questionnaire. Types of questionnaires

    different types of questionnaire essay

  6. The Example of Questionnaire

    different types of questionnaire essay


  1. Types of Essay

  2. Questionnaire Design and Types of Questions

  3. Questionnaire || Meaning and Definition || Type and Characteristics || Research Methodology ||

  4. Meaning of Questionnaire🤔| Statistics|#commerce #statistics #class12 #bcom #education #shorts

  5. Questionnaire (መረጃን በፅሁፉ መጠይቅ መንገድ የመሰብሰብ ዘዴ)

  6. Differences Between Survey and Questionnaire


  1. Questionnaire Design

    Questionnaires vs. surveys. A survey is a research method where you collect and analyze data from a group of people. A questionnaire is a specific tool or instrument for collecting the data.. Designing a questionnaire means creating valid and reliable questions that address your research objectives, placing them in a useful order, and selecting an appropriate method for administration.

  2. PDF Essay Exams: Common Question Types

    Essay Exams: Common Question Types When approaching any essay exam, it is important to identify what kind of response is expected—that is, what is being asked of you and what information you are required to include. This handout outlines several question types and includes key words to look for when deciding

  3. The Four Main Types of Essay

    An essay is a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays. Argumentative and expository essays are focused on conveying information and making clear points, while narrative and ...

  4. Questionnaire

    A Questionnaire is a research tool or survey instrument that consists of a set of questions or prompts designed to gather information from individuals or groups of people. It is a standardized way of collecting data from a large number of people by asking them a series of questions related to a specific topic or research objective.

  5. 4 Types of Questionnaire + Free Question Examples

    4 Types of Questionnaires. 1. Online Questionnaire. An online questionnaire is a set of standardized questions that are put together and distributed via online channels. It gathers data from respondents through a set of questions that are administered via online data-collection platforms like Formplus.

  6. PDF Designing a Questionnaire for a Research Paper: A Comprehensive Guide

    II. TYPES OF QUESTIONNAIRES There are two common applicable types of questionnaires and a combination of those types. These types are known as structured-questionnaire and unstructuredquestionnaire, - and the mixture is recognized as quasi-structured. In the first one, a specified and clear pattern is employed using sequence questions.

  7. Designing a Questionnaire for a Research Paper: A Comprehensive Guide

    The questionnaire is a tool widely used for data collection compared to interview and observation in empirical research; this study used Closed (multiple choice) and Open (descriptive) questions ...

  8. 22 Essay Question Words You Must Understand to Prepare a Well

    Definition of Question Words with Examples. Words such as 'explain', 'evaluate' or 'analyse' - typical question words used in essay titles - provide a useful indication of how your essay should be structured. They often require varying degrees of critical responses. Sometimes, they may simply require a descriptive answer.

  9. Types of questions

    Types of questions. Quotation + Discuss' questions. One of the most common types of essay question is a direct quotation followed by a general task word or phrase like 'Discuss' or 'To what extent do you agree?'. When answering these questions, the most important thing is to work out your argument - what you think about the ideas in the ...

  10. PDF Analysing an essay question

    z Exercise 1. First year students were asked to write an essay on the following question: "The science of ergonomics is central to good modern design.". Discuss this statement. About half of the group wrote essays that answered this question appropriately. The other half wrote essays which really answered other questions.

  11. ESSAY QUESTIONS--Types & How to Answer

    Make sure you understand what type of answer the main verb calls for (a diagram a summary, details, an analysis, an evaluation). Circle all the keywords in the question. Decide if you need to write a 1-paragraph or a multi-paragraph answer. Write a brief outline of all the points you want to mention in your answer. Restate the question and ...

  12. PDF Strategies for Essay Writing

    about the question, and they do not want you to bring in other sources. • Consider your audience. It can be difficult to know how much background information or context to provide when you are writing a paper. Here are some useful guidelines: o If you're writing a research paper, do not assume that your reader has read

  13. Questionnaire: Types, Definition, Examples & How to Design ...

    A survey is when you ask someone a series of questions and you use it for data analysis. For example, if you send an employee a series of questions about the working environment, it's a questionnaire. When you send out that same questionnaire to 500 employees then compile the data to find trends, it's a survey.


    There are two major purposes for using essay questions. One purpose is to assess students' understanding of and ability to think with subject matter content. The other purpose is to assess students' writing abilities. These two purposes are so different in nature that it is best to treat them separately.

  15. Exam Questions: Types, Characteristics, and Suggestions

    Examinations are a very common assessment and evaluation tool in universities and there are many types of examination questions. This tips sheet contains a brief description of seven types of examination questions, as well as tips for using each of them: 1) multiple choice, 2) true/false, 3) matching, 4) short answer, 5) essay, 6) oral, and 7) computational.

  16. Survey Research

    Survey research means collecting information about a group of people by asking them questions and analyzing the results. To conduct an effective survey, follow these six steps: Determine who will participate in the survey. Decide the type of survey (mail, online, or in-person) Design the survey questions and layout.

  17. Advantages, Disadvantages of Different Types of Test Questions

    Advantages. Save instructors the time and energy involved in writing test questions. Use the terms and methods that are used in the book. Disadvantages. Rarely involve analysis, synthesis, application, or evaluation (cross-discipline research documents that approximately 85 percent of the questions in test banks test recall) Limit the scope of ...

  18. What are the different types of questionnaires involved in research

    Scaled questionnaire. Scaled questions are common in questionnaires, and they are mainly used to judge the degree of a feeling. Both exploratory and standardized questionnaires can be used because there are many different types of scaled questions such as: Rating scale; Likert scale; Semantic differential scale; Pictorial questionnaire

  19. IELTS Task 2

    There are 5 main types of IELTS Task 2 essays: 1) Opinion Essays. 2) Discussion Essays. 3) Problem Solution Essays. 4) Advantages & Disadvantages Essays. 5) Double Question Essays. Most questions fit one of these categories. However, questions can be written in many different ways, which can make it difficult to determine which type they are.

  20. Types of questions: Survey question examples + tips

    This is what you came for—the good stuff. Here are the types of survey questions you should be using to get more survey responses: Open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions. Rating questions. Likert scale questions. Multiple-choice questions. Picture choice questions. Demographic questions.

  21. Questionnaire Design

    Questionnaires vs surveys. A survey is a research method where you collect and analyse data from a group of people. A questionnaire is a specific tool or instrument for collecting the data.. Designing a questionnaire means creating valid and reliable questions that address your research objectives, placing them in a useful order, and selecting an appropriate method for administration.

  22. A Quick Guide to Answering Different Types of Essay Questions

    These questions are not much different to the other types of questions. This is because the other types still require you to describe the 'how' - for instance, writer's methods, language choices etc. They also require you to provide evidence from the text and apply your understanding to answer the question. All in all, whatever the type ...

  23. How to understand question types in Task 2

    Task 2 question types. In IELTS Writing Task 2, you are required to write an essay in response to the statement or premise given. In your essay, you may need to: provide general factual information related to the topic. give reasons for a problem. outline the causes of a problem. present solutions for a problem.

  24. Fall 2024 Semester

    And while analyzing their different arguments, students also will strengthen their own strategies of argumentation as they research and develop essays that explore a range of environmental concerns.ENGL 201 Composition II: Food WritingS17 Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-1:45 p.m.S18 Tuesday and Thursday 2-3:15 p.m.Jodi AndrewsIn this composition ...

  25. The Daily Show Fan Page

    The source for The Daily Show fans, with episodes hosted by Jon Stewart, Ronny Chieng, Jordan Klepper, Dulcé Sloan and more, plus interviews, highlights and The Weekly Show podcast.