Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe – Literature Analysis Essay

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The population of the world exists as a series of ethnic and racial groupings. These groupings form the building blocks for communities, nations, and regions, which in many cases share a common system of knowledge that defines their way of life. Varied as they are, there is no scientific criterion of pitching one culture as being superior to others as ethnocentrism would put it. One globally acclaimed endeavor to show the sustainability of different cultures is Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart in which he depicts Africans as having been complete as pertains to the culture. This essay seeks to establish the strengths and weaknesses of the Igbo culture as portrayed in Things Fall Apart to assess the author’s success in achieving his main goal.

The story is set in an Igbo clan, Umuofia, which consists of nine villages throughout which the protagonist, Okwonkwo, is well known for his wrestling prowess. Okwonkwo is portrayed as a violent man who has a no-nonsense attitude towards matters pertaining to the Igbo culture. Okwonkwo’s violent nature is a portrayal of a typical Igbo on the view of violence. Igbo’s position is rigid on violence in the introductory parts of the novel. Achebe notes, “To show affection was a sign of weakness; the only thing worth demonstrating was a strength” (p. 28), and to appease Umuofia for an accidental murder, a virgin, and a young boy are given as a sacrifice by the murderers.

The same fate befalls Okwonkwo when he kills a boy accidentally at a funeral. The penalty is not compromised despite his standing in the clan. His homestead is violently brought down and animals are killed. On another occasion, Enoch, a convert to Christianity, unmasks an egwugwu in public. This action leads to the violent burning of Enoch’s homestead including the church where he fellowshipped. These examples pitch the Igbo as people whose culture took a rigid stand on culture. However, this position changes on different occasions throughout the book such as when Okwonkwo is punished due to breaking the week of peace by severely beating his wife. When the clan refuses to join Okwonkwo’s onslaught on the district commissioner’s messengers, this position is changed.

On other fronts, the Igbo are portrayed as being an organized people. There exists a well-established democratic system in Umuofia where the ndichie, elders, gather all Umuofia to make important decisions (Achebe180). Through this move, the Igbo attempt to propagate an air of equal and fair treatment of all. Everyone who has something to say is given a chance to do so in the gatherings of the clan. Achebe posits, “Age was respected among his people, but achievement was revered” (8). Okwonkwo strives to amass wealth and earn a place among the mighty and be completely delinked from his father’s weakness. Umuofia encourages hard work among its people.

Contrary to popular belief that Africans were primitive and they would go to war without any reasonable cause, in Umuofia, the oracle would sometimes forbid war. War was only an option when the cause was justifiable (Achebe 16). This aspect brings about an element of a strong religious belief among the Igbo. Okwonkwo’s position pertaining to departure from one’s culture is uncompromising, and he proves this assertion by disowning his eldest son when the son converts to Christianity. Unfortunately, he holds such extreme views yet ends up much like his father when he hangs himself.

Chinua Achebe, even though he intended to depict Africans as people who were capable of taking care of themselves in their traditional settings, he still presents a balanced perspective of this culture. Despite all events in the novel, the final position is that Africans were capable in virtually all spheres of life and they would still have made progress albeit with some influence from external cultures, as is the case all around the world.

Works Cited

Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart, London: Heinemann Ltd, 1958. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 26). Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - Literature Analysis.

"Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - Literature Analysis." IvyPanda , 26 June 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - Literature Analysis'. 26 June.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - Literature Analysis." June 26, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - Literature Analysis." June 26, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - Literature Analysis." June 26, 2020.

Things Fall Apart

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analytical essay about things fall apart

Things Fall Apart

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Things Fall Apart: Introduction

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Things Fall Apart PDF

Historical Context of Things Fall Apart

Other books related to things fall apart.

  • Full Title: Things Fall Apart
  • When Written: 1957
  • Where Written: Nigeria
  • When Published: 1958
  • Literary Period: Post-colonialism
  • Genre: Novel / Tragedy
  • Setting: Pre-colonial Nigeria, 1890s
  • Climax: Okonkwo's murder of a court messenger
  • Antagonist: Missionaries and White Government Officials (Reverend Smith and the District Commissioner)
  • Point of View: Third person omniscient

Extra Credit for Things Fall Apart

Joseph Conrad: “A Bloody Racist”. Chinua Achebe delivered a lecture and critique on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness , calling Conrad “a bloody racist” and provoking controversy among critics and readers. However, Achebe's criticism of Conrad has become a mainstream perspective on Conrad's work and was even included in the 1988 Norton critical edition of Heart of Darkness .

Achebe as Politician. Achebe expressed his political views often in writing, but he also involved himself actively in Nigerian politics when he became the People's Redemption Party's deputy national vice-president in the early 1980's. However, he soon resigned himself in frustration with the corruption he witnessed during the elections.

The logo.

Themes and Analysis

Things fall apart, by chinua achebe.

Chinua Achebe sought to rediscover pride and dignity among Africans by rehabilitating their image damaged by the humiliating effect of racist portrayals. In 'Things Fall Apart' he does this with grace and clarity.

Israel Njoku

Article written by Israel Njoku

Degree in M.C.M with focus on Literature from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

In ‘Things Fall Apart ,’ Achebe details Western colonialists’ impact on African societies. This impact is outlined in a very simple manner, but within this simplicity, there is a rich and inventive use of language. The plot might move irregularly for large sections of the book, but this pacing represents a deliberate attempt to conform to an essentially African literary tradition and style. ‘Things Fall Apart ‘ contains themes that reflect the richness and sophistication of African cultures as well as the debilitating impact of outsiders on this culture.

Themes in Things Fall Apart

The humanity of african societies.

Achebe was motivated to write ‘Things Fall Apart’ because he wanted to re-tell the story of the Africans who European imperialists and their enablers in the arts had depicted in unfair one-dimensional representations. Achebe creates a fairly sophisticated and self-sufficient society with organized institutions. His aim was not to create a perfect society, but one more true to the facts of the situation. In Umuofia, we see disputes settled between members fairly, as seen in the case between Mgbafo’s brothers and husband before the Egwugwu . The temperaments of people in the community are not uniformly animalistic or primitive as depicted in the works of Joseph Conrad. Rather, there is a wide range of personality types, ranging from the extremely chauvinistic and aggressive Okonkwo to the sentimental and gentle Unoka and Nwoye. In between them, we have the likes of Obiereka and Ogbuefi Ezeudo, who do not lose their sense of sentiment and passion while subscribing to the patriarchal tenets of their society. Within individuals, there is much complexity, as Okonkwo himself isn’t innately evil but rather forced into that way as a result of childhood trauma and pressure to meet the expectations of society. This complexity of the African individual and society marks them out as ordinary, rather than exciting or exotic.

Clash of Cultures

‘Things Fall Apart’ chronicles the great tragedy of the displacement of traditional African societies by encroaching Westerners with imperialist ambitions. The community of Umuofia had ruled itself and observed its customs, and preserved its institutions for years. The worldview every community member learned from birth, all systems and institutions they came to accept without question, were suddenly threatened by the arrival of the white man with his religion and political system. The British came with a fundamentally different value system, power structure, and religion. Disputes were no longer solved the old way, under the overarching goal of maintaining communal cohesion over everything else. The people of Umuofia, who had lived without rulers, now have to deal with colonialists exerting uncommon power and authority over them. With the coming of the Whiteman with his process and sense of justice that took no cognizance of the customs of the people, the people of Umuofia essentially faced the erosion of their traditions and values.

Umuofia’s society is highly patriarchal, and Okonkwo’s behaviors and motivations are, in part, informed by his society’s gender roles and expectations. Okonkwo measures his success according to the fulfillment of his society’s ideal of masculinity. He strove to be a valiant wrestler and a hard physical laborer on his farm because these activities represent peak male performance and demonstration of physical strength. Okonkwo’s desire for an unquestionably dominant status in his family often motivates his physical violence when he perceives some challenge to his authority from his wives. The patriarchal ordering and gender expectations in the community extend into farming, with Okonkwo focusing on cultivating the supposedly manly yam while leaving other less important crops like cocoyam to his wives to cultivate. Women also have some importance in society. For example, the goddess Ani is one of the most powerful and important deities within the Umuofia religious system. She has a huge influence in day-to-day life as the goddess of fertility and has an entire week devoted to honoring her, within which feminine attributes like peace and tolerance are encouraged. 

Class Struggle

‘Things Fall Apart’ sees the construction of Igbo society in a pristine and undisturbed form, including its class system. As is typical of the Igbos, the Umuofians valued and respected wealth, placing the wealthy firmly at the top of the social hierarchy even though theirs was essentially a democratic system without clear rulers. 

Titles, number of wives, number of yams, and size of one’s compound, as well as the number of huts inside, are some of the physical and symbolic evidence of wealth, and the absence of all these was clear evidence of an individual’s failure in life. The less fortunate are not exactly marginalized or excluded, they are still carried along, and we see evidence of this when public opinion swung against Okonkwo when he tried to shut a fellow villager up in a meeting by implying this individual’s opinions weren’t needed as he has not taken any title. Nevertheless, the people of Umuofia valued wealth and thought of the wealthy as better than the poor. Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, was derided in the village for his poverty, and the existence of the insult of ‘Agbaya’ and the popularity of its usage suggests the presence of societal consequences of poverty in this society. 

Wealth is also not the only marker of status. Within Umuofia’s religious system, there are two classes of people; the freeborn and the Osu . The Osu are descendants of people who have been dedicated to the lifetime service to the gods of the land. This permanently separates them in many ways from the freeborn, and they are thus seen as an inferior stock. With the coming of the Christian missionaries and British overlordship, these marginalized groups were accepted by the church and consequently gained a gradual ascendancy in society, upturning Umuofia’s normal hierarchy.

Within the inclusive tenet of Christianity, the Osu were judged to be equal to all other humans in Christ.  The “poor” and otherwise “worthless” gained a new sense of purpose and importance. The church’s propagation of supposedly “feminine” qualities like love, tolerance, and acceptance stands at variance with traditional patriarchal Umuofia values. Meanwhile, the stock of those who hold uncompromisingly to traditional Umuofia values continues to fall. Powerful villagers, including Okonkwo, were captured and humiliated by the British when they tried to challenge the growing boldness and authority of those elements of the community who had joined the church. The failure of the Umuofians to stamp authority on this group of people who would have been powerless before them before the arrival of the missionaries and colonialists signified a demolishment of traditional Umuofia systems and a transfer of power away from the usual power brokers. Those who still further resist this new state of affairs meet an ignominious end, like Okonkwo, who was forced into suicide. So, throughout the novel, we see the colonialists function as both oppressors and liberators of certain groups within Umuofia’s society. 

Analysis of Key events in Things Fall Apart

  • Okonkwo throws Amalinze the Cat and establishes himself as a man of talent and strength.
  • Okonkwo comes to care for Ikemefuna, the gesture marking his status as one of the leading men of the community.
  • Okonkwo participates in the killing of Ikemefuna, demonstrating his fear of being seen as weak.
  • Okonkwo is banished from Umuofia after accidentally killing the son of Ezeudo.
  • Obierika visits Okonkwo in exile and informs him about the arrival of the White men.
  • Nwoye leaves his father’s hut to join the Christians in Umuofia.
  • Okonkwo returns from exile with his family to meet a much-changed Umuofia.
  • Men of Umuofia destroy the church building in retaliation after Enoch commits a sacrilege.
  • The District Commissioner arrests Okonkwo and other leaders of the clan as punishment for destroying the church and forces the community to pay a fine for their release.
  • Okonkwo beheads the chief messenger and commits suicide afterward

Style, Tone, and Figurative Language of Things Fall Apart

‘Things Fall Apart’ is divided into three parts, with the first part being much longer and slower-paced than the remaining two parts. The first part employs a circumlocutory narrative technique that shifts between the present and the past. This represents the Igbo rhetorical technique of initially skirting around a subject before directly addressing it.

The progression of the plot is often halted to regale us with bits of Okonkwo’s backstory and information on Umuofia culture. This arrangement lacks the narrative linearity that is typical of classical European fiction.  The structure helps in portraying African culture as comparatively developed, sophisticated, and self-sufficient. The considerable treatment of crops, the festivals attached to them, marriage and funeral ceremonies as well as the convening of the Egwugwu judicial process are not necessarily central to the immediate plot but exist to paint a rich cultural texture around the story.  All these gradually build up a picture of the culture in which Okonkwo inhabits as well as illuminate Okonkwo’s character.

By the second part of the novel, when the White missionaries and colonizers had arrived in the picture, the novel picks up the pace and continues with the plot almost without interruptions.

‘ Things Fall Apart’ is written in a very accessible manner. The sentences are simple enough, and the words are uncomplicated, save for a couple of Igbo words that warrant translations. Achebe’s writing is very effective. The sprinkling of Igbo proverbs all around the work helps to enrich the narrative and dialogues as well as accord them a measure of authenticity. Although written in English, Achebe maintains a strong local cultural flavor in the language. When we read the dialogues or follow the narrative, the English language used does not interfere with the authenticity of the dialogues and narrative because Achebe’s writing transmits as accurately as possible the original Igbo contexts. 

Achebe can induce great emotions through seemingly innocuous actions. For example, before Ikemefuna was killed, as he walked in front of the Umuofians who had been tasked with this job, Achebe chose this time to write about Ikemefuna’s excitement and hope at seeing his mother again. Achebe sets up a powerful moment when Ikemefuna breaks into a childhood song and walks in sync with the rhythm, deciding that if the song ends on his right leg, it will mean his mother was still alive, but that if it ends on his left, his mother would be dead or ill. This mood of great optimism and innocence sets up a stark contrast with the horrific murder that follows. Ikemefuna’s death, just at the point when we are getting to know him far more and relate with his hopes and fears and even root for him, makes the entire scene all the more powerful and emotional. Ikemefuna’s superstitions are only part of a large corpus of myths or other religious injunctions or ancient wisdom preserved through songs, folklores, mythologies, legends, aphorisms, and proverbs, which constitutes an important part of Umuofia culture. Achebe utilizes all these to great effect through the interlaying of these cultural vestiges and artifacts within the narrative to provide a rich texture and foundation.

All these properly secure the novel’s ties to Igbo culture and leave no one in doubt as to its authenticity and status as a legitimate representation of Igbo sensibilities.  ‘Things Fall Apart’ utilizes the Third Person’s point of view, but this narrator’s perspective switches between a participating actor and an external observer, a “we” and a “them” at different points in the story. Sometimes the narrator seems to be intimately in the know and involved with the actions and the customs of the people, other times he seems like a detached observer.

Analysis of Key Symbols in Things Fall Apart

Yam is the primary crop in Umuofia society. Called the king of crops, it is associated with manliness and is an important status symbol. Okonkwo considers yams to be the only crop worth personally growing, leaving the other crops for his wives and children. The number of yams in a man’s barn is a definitive indicator of his level of success in life. Yams symbolize wealth and abundance.

Egwugwu Masks

The Egwugwu masks symbolize the villagers’ ties to the spirit realm, or rather to the land of their ancestors. The scary nature of the designs and carvings on the masks as well as the secrecy and anonymity with which its wearers operate, allows certain individuals to act on behalf of or with the unquestionable authority of the clan’s gods or ancestors.

What does Okonkwo’s death symbolize in ‘Things Fall Apart?’

Okonkwo’s death in ‘Things Fall Apart’ symbolizes the futility of the struggle against change as brought about by European colonizers. The moment the British came to their doorstep, the people of Umuofia were fated to lose their independence and way of life.

Why did Chinua Achebe write ‘Things Fall Apart’?

Achebe wrote ‘ Things Fall Apart’ mainly to challenge racist and uncomplimentary portrayals of African societies at the point of contact with colonizing Europeans.

Did Chinua Achebe present a perfect traditional African society in ‘Things Fall Apart?’

Although Chinua Achebe sought to challenge racist portrayals of traditional African society with ‘Things Fall Apart,’ he did not go the other extreme by presenting a perfect society. Instead, he presented an African society with all of its strengths and faults, asking not that people idolize or dismiss these societies, but instead view them as essentially human.

Is ‘Things Fall Apart’ popular internationally?

‘Things Fall Apart’ has sold over 20 million copies all over the world, making it one of the most popular African novels of all time. It is used widely in schools across the world.

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Israel Njoku

About Israel Njoku

Israel loves to delve into rigorous analysis of themes with broader implications. As a passionate book lover and reviewer, Israel aims to contribute meaningful insights into broader discussions.


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Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe

Things Fall Apart essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.

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analytical essay about things fall apart

Art Of Smart Education

The Definitive Guide to Analysing ‘Things Fall Apart’ for English: Summary, Context, Themes & Characters

Yams - Things Fall Apart Analysis

Studying ‘Things Fall Apart’ for English and are a little stuck with writing up your essay analysis of the text? Not to worry, we’ve going to break down the themes, the key characters and provide you with a summary of Things Fall Apart to help you write a cohesive essay.

PLUS we’ll provide you with a sample analysis table (also called a TEE table ) and an example of a paragraph that gets high marks for Things Fall Apart!

Let’s get started on your essay analysis of Things Fall Apart!

Things Fall Apart Summary Key Characters in Things Fall Apart Context Themes Explored in Things Fall Apart Analysis of Things Fall Apart

Summary of Things Fall Apart

Okonkwo , born in a humble house in Umuofia, becomes famed in the village due to his wrestling capabilities, and also becomes somewhat wealthy. This is in contrast to his father, who was of a lazy character and refused to work.

His prowess is proven to the reader when, to avert a rivalry with the nearby village of Baino, he is sent to negotiate ; he returns with a boy, Ikemefuna (Okonkwo raises him as his son) as well as a virgin. Okonkwo fears failure, and his culture is everything to him. 

Village - Things Fall Apart Analysis

Okonkwo is concerned for his biological son, Nwoye , who seems to take after Okonkwo’s father, but has great admiration for his daughter Ezinma . He also admires Ikemefuna , however, he is ordered to kill him by the village oracle. Despite his love for Ikemefuna, he carries out the deed.

Okonkwo has a quick and volatile temperament , hence why he beats his second wife during peace week, and even almost kills her with his gun. Okonkwo is later banned from the village as he shoots and kills a boy with his gun. He is forced to live in his mother’s village for seven years, but is consoled by his uncle, that pushes him to return to Umuofia. 

Meanwhile Umuofia is approached by missionaries who peacefully establish a church and are able to convert some of the villagers to Christianity, including Nwoye . Crucially, and unlike many colonisation instances, weapons are not used this time.

The missionaries make the village prosperous economically, but when Okonkwo returns, he sees this as a great mistake. During a ritual, the missionary Mr. Brown unmasks an “egwugwu”, a tribesman dressed as a spirit. This is met with hostility in the village and the villagers are convinced by Okonkwo to burn down the local church. They succeed. 

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Okonkwo and the elders are then invited to the colonial Commissioner, that is able to overpower them and arrest them in retaliation for the burning of the church. The elders are humiliated and then released along with Okwonko.

The protagonist then kills one of the colonial missionaries, and thus loses the support of the villagers, who have come to enjoy the economic benefits brought by the colonial administration.

Desperate, Okonkwo hangs himself, and is not buried as suicide is seen as a sin. Okonkwo’s world has fallen apart.

Key Characters in Things Fall Apart

Okonkwo An extremely proud, and hardworking man. He built his way from nothing through wrestling for the village, as well as being a successful fighter. He is thus scared of failure, which would take away his relative wealth and family prestige. His culture is everything to him.
Ikemefuna He is the son that Okonkwo always wanted, but he is also a tool for the writer to sacrifice in order to reveal the lengths to which Okonkwo will go to prove his worth to his culture, and his fear of failure. Do not underestimate the importance of this character, that is also a symbol. 
Ezinma She is extremely clever, well mannered and hardworking, just like her father. Hence why Okonkwo admires her so much, and, by extent, her mother. She is often compared to Nwoye, to highlight her superiority in the eyes of Okonkwo. 
Uchendu He is Okonkwo’s uncle, a wise and much-admired man by Okonkwo, unlike his father. This is crucial, as it reveals how much Okonkwo detests his father’s ways.
Unoka Okonkwo’s father, the only character that is never physically present due to his premature death, but that has great repercussions on Okonkwo. Essentially, Unoka is a product of destiny, a man who accepted his role in life as an unsuccessful and relatively lazy man. Okonkwo contrasts him, as a product of free will. 

Context of Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart is a novel by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe, first published in 1958 . The novel is set in the late 19th century in Nigeria and portrays the clash between traditional African culture and the influence of Western colonialism and Christianity.

It tells the story of Okonkwo, a proud and successful warrior of the Igbo tribe who strives to maintain his cultural traditions and values in the face of the encroaching white colonisers. The novel explores themes of power, masculinity, religion, colonialism, and cultural conflict. It is widely regarded as a classic of modern African literature and has been translated into over 50 languages.

Very little was known about African culture pre-colonisation to western audiences. Chinua Achebe thus produced the story to highlight these specific circumstances in African history. It is also a way to reconstruct a part of his own culture, which to Nigerians is almost lost to this day. 

Things Fall Apart Book Cover

The context of the book is pre-colonial Nigeria . It is packed with references that western audiences find difficult to understand, as they are culture-specific and foreign to us. Nevertheless, it contributes to an identity that is otherwise almost hidden to the west.

Themes Explored in Things Fall Apart

The tribe as well as the lives of Unoka and the other villagers are believed to be controlled by fate. The characters, in other words, do not control what happens to them, or try and change their circumstances.

This speaks heavily towards the inevitability of fate. Unoka does not do anything to change the situation he is placed in. Okonkwo resents him for this.

This stands in heavy contrast with free will, which by definition is the ability of man to make what he chooses of himself. Okonkwo changes his circumstances and becomes famous and wealthy, something his father never could achieve.

Despite this, fate still prevails in the end as the tribe, along with customs and Okonkwo’s ideals, is destroyed by fate. Before fate, Okonkwo is powerless, hence his suicide. 

Family and traditions are constantly involved, from religious practices to blurring the lines between father-son and mother-daughter relationships — the book questions it all. Traditions are destroyed, despite some trying to uphold them, a constant reminder of change as the everlasting force behind existence. 

Two drastically different cultures come into contact in the book, with one prevailing over another, not because of superiority, but because of modernisation.

The writer here reveals how cultures can change in an instant, and advises us not to hold on to our values too fanatically , as ideologies often have to be modified to suit circumstances. This is the same with Umofia and its culture, that has to adapt to the modern, colonial world of the time. 


How to Analyse Things Fall Apart in 3 Steps

Step 1: choose your example(s).

The best way to choose an example is to choose a quote that contains a technique or exemplifies a theme or symbol.

Remember you must include stylistic devices (how images and words are arranged in a text in order to produce meaning), and aesthetic features (elements that prompt a critical response from the reader) in your essays to gain the most marks. 

You can find a whole bunch of quotes we’ve compiled from Things Fall Apart .

The tricky thing with Things Fall Apart is that there is very little imagery or conventional stylistic and aesthetic features. Most of the time, you will be referring to symbols and themes rather than, say, personification and alliteration, as there are very few examples of this. Here is a quote that sums up the essence of how the book is written:

“There is no story that is not true, […] The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others.” 

Step 2: Identify your techniques

With Things Fall Apart, not many techniques are used, so refer to themes and key ideas for most of your analysis. The book is told in a very straightforward manner. This is because it is intended to be almost an ‘historical’ (although the characters are fictional) representation of the events.

In this quote, you can focus on the theme of culture, the subjective nature of it, through the technique of dialogue . The quote is spoken by Uchendu, Okonkwo’s uncle, who is trying to open his nephew’s eyes with respect to the Christians. Of course, Okonkwo is too proud for this, and Uchendu eventually fails.

Step 3: Carry out your analysis 

Always be ready to ask yourself what the author intended for you to feel/respond emotionally by reading the example quote. This will make sure that you tackle an important part of the analysis, which is the effect on the reader.

Chinua Achebe comments on the fragility of culture before change in his ‘Things Fall Apart’. Through masterfully written dialogue, “ There is no story that is not true, […] The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others,” Uchendu tries to convince Okonkwo that there is little he can do to preserve his people’s customs, or convince them that his is the only right world view. This comes as the Colonial powers attempt to bring Indigenous Peoples, sometimes brutally and sometimes nicely, into modern society. In this case, the Christians have opted for peace, and there is thus no legitimate excuse for Okonkwo to resent them and be violent towards them. 

For the rest of the analysis of this quote, you should download the sample paragraph below!

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analytical essay about things fall apart

Things Fall Apart , first novel by Chinua Achebe , written in English and published in 1958. Things Fall Apart helped create the Nigerian literary renaissance of the 1960s.

The novel chronicles the life of Okonkwo, the leader of an Igbo community , from the events leading up to his banishment from the community for accidentally killing a clansman, through the seven years of his exile, to his return, and it addresses a particular problem of emergent Africa—the intrusion in the 1890s of white missionaries and colonial government into tribal Igbo society. Traditionally structured, and peppered with Igbo proverbs, it describes the simultaneous disintegration of its protagonist Okonkwo and of his village. The novel was praised for its intelligent and realistic treatment of tribal beliefs and of psychological disintegration coincident with social unraveling.

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Things Fall Apart: Examining Literary Merit

by Feross Aboukhadijeh

In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the reader is taken on a literary journey to a Nigerian tribe, the Umuofia, to experience first-hand the struggles of a warrior named Okonkwo. At first glance, the novel appears to be written for a very specific audience: scholars familiar with Nigerian history, traditions, and culture. However, upon further examination the novel reveals itself to be a striking chronicle of human experiences, universal themes, and timeless struggles that appeal to every human, regardless of familiarity with Nigerian culture. Taken as a whole, the novel appears to be much more than the sum of its parts: syntax, diction, figurative language, imagery, repetition, and symbols. Things Fall Apart is a novel with literary merit—and lots of it.

Part of the novel’s appeal lies in its compelling themes which strike chords that resound throughout time and across linguistic barriers. The clash of cultures, the struggle with change, and fatal character flaws are the main themes which Achebe’s novel probes. In order to sculpt a literary monument to the human condition and these universal themes, the author, Achebe, employs a broad variety of literary tools. Literary devices play a crucial role in enhancing the novel’s main themes and earning Things Fall Apart its widespread acceptance as a quality piece of literature.

The clash of cultures is undoubtedly one of the most universal themes seen in literature. This cultural clash can be seen throughout life and history anytime two groups of people hold differing views that cannot coexist. Even today, Western and Eastern cultures—the U.S. and China are one example; the Palestinians and Israelis are another—continue their struggles to reconcile dissimilar beliefs through negotiation, and in some cases, armed conflict. Similarly, the European missionaries and the native Umuofians struggle to coexist peacefully. However, the relationship between the Europeans and the Umuofians is one-sided.

When the Europeans arrived in Umuofia, they brought Christianity with them but did not foist it upon anyone; joining the church was entirely optional. But over time, the missionaries became increasingly aggressive—even hostile—to the native Umuofian beliefs and culture. Slowly, the Europeans erode the native beliefs and come to dominate the native society. Achebe expresses the effects of the missionaries clearly through the repeated imagery of the tribal drums. The signature Umuofian drums are heard many times throughout the story—until the Europeans arrive in the tribe—after which the drums are heard no more. The tribal drums are a symbol of tribal unity. “The drums were still beating, persistent and unchanging. Their sound was no longer a separate thing from the living village. It was like the pulsation of its heart. It throbbed in the air, in the sunshine, and even in the trees, and filled the village with excitement” (44). Any time Achebe mentions the sound of the drums, Umuofian society is functioning properly. Every clansman knew his place and purpose in life; the tribe worked together, functioning as a single unit. Indeed, the drums seemed to have Umuofia under a spell. “Old men nodded to the beat of the drums and remembered . . . its intoxicating rhythm” (47). However, the constant repetition of the drum imagery before the European missionaries arrive stands in stark contrast to the lack of drums throughout the latter half of the novel.

After the Christian missionaries arrive in Umuofia, they immediately begin to evangelize the locals. One method they used to captivate the tribesmen was to sing hymns. “Then the missionaries burst into song. It was one of those gay and rollicking tunes of evangelism which had the power of plucking at silent and dusty chords in the heart of an Ibo man” (146). And pluck at Umuofian hearts the missionaries did. Achebe uses imagery of the “silent” and “dusty” Umuofian man’s heart being quenched by the Christian music to demonstrate the European point-of-view. No doubt, the missionaries believed that they were bringing salvation (water) to a savage people (living in the desert). When Okonkwo returns from his seven year exile, he finds the Europeans dominating Umuofian culture—even controlling the Umuofian government. The tribal unity has been shattered. Family ties—once so important in Umuofian society—are now nearly meaningless. In this clash between tradition and change, change was the clear-cut winner.

In addition to cultural clash, Achebe explores the theme of masculinity versus femininity, and in doing so, reveals Okonkwo’s fatal character flaw: hyper-masculinity. Okonkwo is motivated by a desire to prove himself superior to his father, who was cowardly and irresponsible and died a poor man with many unpaid debts. He viewed his father as overly pensive, slow to act, and effeminate (womanly). Therefore, Okonkwo adopts opposite traits; Okonkwo is rash, quick to act, and excessively violent (Okonkwo associates violence with masculinity). Achebe uses figurative language like metaphors and similes to compare Okonkwo to a fire. “. . . Okonkwo's fame had grown like a bush-fire in the harmattan . . .” (1). Okonkwo gained power and importance in Umuofian society by burning lesser people as fuel. Just like a brush-fire, Okonkwo’s fame, importance, and prestige grew stronger the longer he burned. He continued to burn strong into adulthood. “. . . [The drums] filled him with fire as it had always done from his youth. He trembled with the desire to conquer and subdue” (42). Okonkwo’s inner fire is what allowed him to conquer Umuofian society and rise above the disgrace of his father.

As his fame and popularity increased, Okonkwo pursued his ideal of masculinity. Okonkwo constantly distanced himself from anything even remotely feminine. He constantly reminded himself of his masculinity and strove to make sure all his clansmen knew of it as well. “Okonkwo was popularly called the ‘Roaring Flame.’ As he looked into the log fire he recalled the name. He was a flaming fire” (153). The metaphor of fire is perfect to describe Okonkwo’s character, and yields a deep analysis of human feelings and personality. Like a fire, Okonkwo is violent, and burns whatever he touches. In many cases, he “burns” his own family. Throughout the novel, Okonkwo nags on his wives and son, beats his family, and kills three innocent people—not to mention himself, as well. In many cases, he hurts his family for trivial reasons. For instance, Okonkwo chastised and beat his son, Nwoye, for merely listening to his mother’s stories. He beat Nwoye again when he discovered him helping women with their household tasks. Okonkwo saw within Nwoye the same “effeminate” essence of his the father whom he hates so much.

Although Okonkwo’s fiery personality is what allowed him to succeed in Umuofian society, his destructive nature also led to his eventual suicide. As the Europeans gained influence and political clout in the Umuofian government, Okonkwo saw his own power and influence at risk. When the Europeans finally succeed in taking control of the government, then Okonkwo—like a fire without any fuel—dies, a victim of his own nature. And this is the beauty of Achebe’s fire metaphor, which is seen throughout the novel.

Ultimately, the success of Things Fall Apart as a novel of literary merit is due to Achebe’s use of universal literary themes like self-exploration, change, tradition, cultural clash, and masculinity versus femininity. No matter what language is spoken by the reader or what time period they come from, Achebe’s writing about the human experience is relevant and meaningful. Of course, not all scholars agree with the assertion that Things Fall Apart has literary merit. However, this is not important. Achebe’s skillful use of literary devices like metaphor, simile, imagery, and repetition demonstrate the quality of writing. Achebe’s understanding of the “human experience” demonstrates the relevance of theme. And the number of copies of the novel sold (over two million worldwide) demonstrates the universality of the story. It is safe to say that Things Fall Apart has earned widespread acceptance as a quality piece of literature.

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analytical essay about things fall apart

Things Fall Apart Analysis

This essay will delve into Chinua Achebe’s novel “Things Fall Apart,” focusing on its portrayal of pre-colonial African culture and the impact of European colonialism. The piece will explore the complex character of Okonkwo and the novel’s themes of cultural clash, change, and tradition. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Analysis.

How it works

Things Fall Apart is a novel written by Chinua Achebe that shows the conflicts in Nigeria during the nineteenth century. During this time, missionaries from Great Britain arrived in Nigeria. In this novel, the main character, Okonkwo, resists changes brought about by the British missionaries. Okonkwo’s close friend, Obierika, shares the same dislike towards the change, but isn’t as willing to fight them. Instead, Obierika, along with the tribe, is forced to accept the changes to their culture. Their attitude to change is an example of their many differences.

It shows that although Okonkwo and Obierika are close friends, they contrast in personalities, family relations, and attitudes towards change.

Okonkwo is described as impulsive while Obierika is more reasonable and does not act on impulse. Okonkwo tends to argue and his first solution to problems within the tribe is war. Okonkwo is said to “walk as if he was going to pounce on somebody. And he did pounce on people quite often” (13). In contrast, Obierika tends to analyze the situation before coming to a conclusion. Obierika is usually advising Okonkwo not to act rashly. Both Okonkwo and Obierika criticize each other’s actions. When Okonkwo was told Ikemefuna was to die, he went along even though it would hurt Ikemefuna, because he wanted to appear manly. On the other hand, Obierika didn’t go and Okonkwo accused him of being “unmanly”. At this accusation, Obierika responded with “if the Oracle said that my son must die, I would neither dispute it nor be the one to do it” (70). This shows their different viewpoints while managing, in their own way, to respect the other’s decision, even if they don’t accept it.

In the novel, Okonkwo and Obierika are seen with their families. Okonkwo tended to show minimum emotion towards his family. He “ruled his household with a heavy hand” and punished them as he saw fit (22). However, Okonkwo still cared for his family and especially favored Ezinma. He went to such lengths as to follow the Oracle to the shrine to make sure Ezinma was safe. On the other hand, Obierika showed more affection towards his family than Okonkwo did. He showed pride in his son, who was a prodigious wrestler, and made sure his daughter was married to a good husband. They both cared for their family, but they have different ways to express their emotions.

As the story progresses, the British missionaries arrive in Nigeria. Immediately upon their arrival, Okonkwo and Obierika share different viewpoints. They both disliked the change occurring to the Ibo culture; however, Obierika viewed the missionaries’ culture with an open mind while Okonkwo perceived the missionaries as “insane.” Okonkwo wanted to fight off the missionaries, but Obierika said it was too late, “Our own people…have joined the hands of the stranger…They have put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart” (164). Towards the end, Okonkwo kills a white messenger and realized that Obierika was right: his people weren’t going to fight. In the end, Okonkwo’s inability to change causes him to commit suicide.

Both Okonkwo and Obierika share many differences and similarities in various aspects. They differ in personality: Okonkwo is impulsive while Obierika tends to be more reasonable. They both criticize each other and yet, are respectful, despite their different viewpoints. They also contrast in the emotion shown towards their families. Okonkwo is harsher and less affectionate than Obierika; however, they both care about their family members, even if Okonkwo rarely shows it. Finally, they show different attitudes toward change. They both dislike the change that occurred within their clan, but Okonkwo is more narrow-minded and cannot accept the change in the Ibo culture, whereas Obierika is more open-minded and views the changes, at first, in a curious way; However, he concludes that the Ibo culture had started to break and fall apart. These two friends have as many differences as they have similarities. Their differences and similarities created the balance within their friendship.  


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  10. Things Fall Apart Essay Examples ️ Topics, Hooks Ideas

    Essay Title 2: Character Analysis of Okonkwo in "Things Fall Apart" Thesis Statement: Okonkwo, the protagonist of "Things Fall Apart," embodies both admirable and tragic qualities, making him a complex character whose fate reflects larger themes of the novel. Outline: Introduction; Okonkwo's Early Life and Ambitions

  11. Things Fall Apart Essays and Criticism

    Things Fall Apart, the title of which is an allusion to W. B. Yeats's poem "The Second Coming," is a novel in which Achebe is interested in analyzing the way things happen and in giving language ...

  12. Things Fall Apart

    Things Fall Apart, first novel by Chinua Achebe, written in English and published in 1958. Things Fall Apart helped create the Nigerian literary renaissance of the 1960s. The novel chronicles the life of Okonkwo, the leader of an Igbo community, from the events leading up to his banishment from the community for accidentally killing a clansman ...

  13. Okonkwo In Things Fall Apart: [Essay Example], 498 words

    Published: Mar 14, 2024. In Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart," the character of Okonkwo stands as a complex and compelling figure whose journey embodies the themes of masculinity, tradition, and change within Igbo society. From the very beginning, Okonkwo's fierce determination and rigid adherence to traditional values make him a ...

  14. Sample Literary Devices Essay

    Things Fall Apart is a novel with literary merit—and lots of it. Part of the novel's appeal lies in its compelling themes which strike chords that resound throughout time and across linguistic barriers. The clash of cultures, the struggle with change, and fatal character flaws are the main themes which Achebe's novel probes.

  15. Okonkwo's Relationship with His Father: a Complex Analysis

    Unoka's behavior stands in stark contrast to Okonkwo's ideals of masculinity, strength, and success. This contrast becomes the driving force behind Okonkwo's relentless pursuit of power and his deep-seated fear of becoming like his father. One of the key aspects of Okonkwo's relationship with his father is the constant need for validation and ...

  16. Things Fall Apart Analysis

    Things Fall Apart Analysis. Things Fall Apart is a novel written by Chinua Achebe that shows the conflicts in Nigeria during the nineteenth century. During this time, missionaries from Great Britain arrived in Nigeria. In this novel, the main character, Okonkwo, resists changes brought about by the British missionaries.

  17. Things Fall Apart Analytical Essay

    Things Fall Apart Analytical Essay Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart" is the story of the Igbo culture on the verge of a revolution; it shows the collision of the Igbo people's traditional way of life and the "winds of change" that are introduced by British colonials who have recently moved to their region. Within all of the ...