
Violence in The Media Promote Violent in Society – IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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violence in media promotes violence in society ielts essay

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The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Opinion Essay (Agree/Disagree)


Sentences 1, 2 & 3: Introduce the topic.

Sentence 4 – I agree with the notion of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Superhero movies and the image of ‘manly’ personality is characterized by the ability to perform violent acts.

Paragraph 2 – Crime shows inspire people and fake news may lead to riots.

Summarize and state the final opinion.

From the last few decades, media has become part and parcel of our life, irrespective of age, gender or profession of a person. Different genres of programs, like comedy, romance, fantasy, animation have attracted audiences worldwide. But the genre that has enticed the maximum number of people is action which stimulates them to undertake certain wild activities. So, I think media does promote violence, and in this essay, I will further discuss my viewpoint.

Most of us like superhero movies like Avengers , Batman , Justice League, to name a few. Young children and sometimes, adults love to copy the frenzy shown in the action scenes of such movies. As a result, without supervision , they get hurt or incapacitate others in the process. For example, when a person riding a bike at high speed hits another person walking on the pavement, he may get hurt. But the person he hits may die or become a cripple for life. Secondly, the image of a ‘manly’ personality is created by the ability to fight others and defeat enemies, not paying heed to the injuries they may suffer. Young minds take up these images and make it their passion and they are diverted from the correct path.

Crime shows or popular movies based on robbery, bank loots, murders, like Money Heist , Dhoom , Catch me if you can, etc, inspire people to initiate such actions. They either imitate those crimes in the same manner or take clues of how to grab the attention of the public and rise to instant fame. Sometimes, people are led astray by the violent, partial news shared on social media. They shape the young minds in such a way that they become passionate for a wrong cause and give in to terrorism. Moreover, fake news may lead to communal riots, which disturb the balance of society.

However, the history of human civilization shows that violence has been an integral part of our society way before the advent of media. The havoc caused by wars, both internal and global, raids by invaders, and atrocities like the Holocaust by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War are few examples of how violent humans can be, even without the aid of media.

Thus, to conclude, I would like to point out the fact that although humans might be violent by nature, the projection of violence in the media in various forms definitely has aggravated the rate of violent crimes in society. So, we should be aware of the type of programs to watch and keep ourselves in a positive mindset so that we are not affected by the violent scenes on media.

  • Part and parcel

Meaning: an essential or integral component Eg: Walking his dog to the park and meeting his friend has become part and parcel of his life now.

  • Entice (past tense – enticed)

Meaning: to attract someone to a particular place or activity by offering something pleasant or advantageous Eg: The kidnapper decided to entice the child with chocolates.

  • Frenzy 

Meaning: uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion that is sometimes violent Eg: Shiva started to dance in a frenzy when he learnt that his wife had passed away.

  • Supervision

Meaning: the activity of managing a department, project, etc. and of making sure that things are done correctly and according to the rules Eg: The exam was conducted under the supervision of three teachers.

  • Incapacitate 

Meaning: to make someone unable to work or do things normally, or unable to do what they intended to do Eg: The unfortunate event killed his wife and incapacitated him for life.

Meaning: away from the correct path or correct way of doing something Eg: Youth is being led astray by their addiction to wrong activities.

Meaning: of or relating to a part rather than the whole Eg: “Today we can see a partial moon in the sky.”

Meaning: confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble Eg: The tornado created havoc in and around the village.

Meaning: an extremely cruel, violent, or shocking act Eg: The group of criminals was hanged to death for the atrocities they have committed.

  • Aggravate (past tense – aggravated)

Meaning: to make worse, more serious, or more severe Eg: Her infection was aggravated by the usage of the wrong medicine.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: IELTS Writing Task 2

Updated on Jul 19, 2024, 06:21

The  IELTS Writing module is crucial for assessing your ability to articulate ideas in English. It consists of two parts: Task 1 and Task 2. In  Task 1 , you describe visual information, like graphs or charts, for the Academic test or write a letter for the General test.  Task 2 requires you to write an essay in response to a prompt. This task is the same for both versions and tests your ability to present arguments, provide solutions, and express opinions. Mastering the Writing section is essential for achieving a high overall score on the  IELTS exam.

The essay topic "Violence in the media promotes violence in society" explores the impact of media content on societal behaviour, specifically questioning whether exposure to media violence leads to increased violence in real life. This falls under the "opinion" category in the IELTS Writing section, requiring you to present and justify your viewpoint.

Practising with such topics helps you develop skills in constructing coherent arguments, expressing clear opinions, and providing relevant examples—key aspects of achieving a  high IELTS score . Regular practice ensures you are well-prepared to tackle similar prompts effectively, enhancing your writing performance.

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1. Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: How to Answer?

Essays must always start with a clear introduction that restates the question and states your opinion.

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2. Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: Sample Essay

Let's explore essay samples for Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society.

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Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: How to Answer?

In  IELTS Writing Task 2 , it is crucial to structure your essay clearly and coherently. Start with an engaging introduction that paraphrases the given prompt and presents your thesis statement, outlining your main argument. Develop your ideas in the body paragraphs, ensuring each paragraph has a clear topic sentence followed by supporting details and examples. 

Use cohesive devices to link your ideas smoothly and maintain a logical flow. Address all parts of the question and avoid deviating from the topic. Conclude your essay by summarising your main points and restating your opinion or the key findings. Use grammar,  vocabulary , and sentence variety to enhance your writing quality. Practising these guidelines will help you achieve a higher score in the IELTS Writing section.  

The topic will look like this:   

Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree?

Give explanations and examples from your own knowledge and experience to support your response.

Here's how you can structure and answer the essay on the topic “Violence in the media promotes violence in society”: 


Begin by paraphrasing the given statement to introduce the topic. Briefly mention the two viewpoints: one that media violence influences societal violence and another that it does not. End the introduction with your thesis statement, clearly stating your opinion on the issue.

Paragraph 1: Argument Supporting Media Violence Influences Society

Start with a topic sentence summarising the view that media violence leads to societal violence. Discuss points supporting this perspective, such as psychological effects, social learning theories, or statistical data linking media exposure to aggressive behaviour.

Paragraph 2: Argument Against Media Violence Influencing Society

Begin with a topic sentence summarising the opposing view that media violence does not significantly impact societal violence. Present arguments for this perspective, such as the role of personal choice, other contributing factors to violence, or studies disproving a direct link between media content and real-life aggression.

Paragraph 3: Your Opinion

State your own opinion clearly. Explain why you agree or disagree with the initial statement, and provide your reasoning. Discuss which arguments you find more compelling and why, ensuring you maintain a balanced view while justifying your stance.

Summarise the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. Restate your opinion and briefly explain why you hold this view. Conclude by emphasizing the importance of considering multiple factors when evaluating the impact of media violence on society.

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Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: Sample Essay

The impact of media violence on societal aggression has long been debated. Some argue that exposure to violence in the media encourages violent behaviour, while others believe that media content has little to no effect on real-world actions. I believe that although media violence can influence some individuals, it is not the sole factor in promoting societal violence.

The primary reason for the argument that media violence promotes societal violence is based on social learning theory. This theory suggests that individuals, especially children, learn and imitate behaviours they observe in the media. When they repeatedly see violent actions in movies, or shows, they may come to view such behaviour as acceptable or normal. This can lead to an increase in aggressive behaviour, as individuals may mimic the actions they have seen portrayed.

However, it is also important to consider other factors contributing to societal violence. Many studies indicate that personal circumstances, such as family environment and education, play a significant role in shaping behaviour. For instance, individuals raised in violent households are more likely to exhibit aggressive behaviour, regardless of their media consumption. 

I believe, on the other hand, that while media violence can have an impact, it is not the primary cause of societal violence. People have the ability to distinguish between fiction and reality, and many viewers of violent media do not become violent themselves. 

In conclusion, while media violence can influence certain individuals, it is not the main driver of societal violence. Other factors, such as family environment and socio-economic conditions, play a more substantial role. Therefore, it is essential to consider these elements when addressing the issue of violence in society rather than placing sole blame on the media.

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Q. What are some common IELTS essay topics?

Ans.  Common IELTS essay topics include education, health, technology, environment, and society. Specific topics might cover the impact of social media, the benefits and drawbacks of globalisation, the importance of sustainable living, and the role of education in society. These topics require you to present arguments, discuss advantages and disadvantages, or express your opinion on various issues.

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Ans.  Common types of essays in IELTS Writing Task 2 include opinion essays, discussion essays, problem-solution essays, and advantage-disadvantage essays. Opinion essays ask you to agree or disagree with a statement. Discussion essays require you to explore multiple viewpoints. Problem-solution essays focus on identifying problems and proposing solutions. Advantage-disadvantage essays ask you to discuss the pros and cons of a given topic.

Q. How do I structure my essay in IELTS Writing Task 2?

Ans. Structure your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Begin with an introduction that paraphrases the topic and states your thesis. Develop your arguments in the body paragraphs, each starting with a topic sentence followed by supporting details and examples. Use cohesive devices to ensure a logical flow. Conclude by summarising your main points and restating your thesis or opinion. This clear structure will help you present your ideas effectively and improve your overall score.

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Violence in the Media Promotes Violence in Society - IELTS Essay

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Model Essay 1

The debate surrounding the impact of media violence on societal aggression is multifaceted and contentious. I contend that while media violence is not the sole catalyst for aggression, its influence cannot be dismissed. This essay will explore the psychological conditioning it engenders and its cumulative effect on desensitization, ultimately arguing for a nuanced understanding of media's role in shaping behaviors.

Media violence, through repetitive exposure, functions as a form of psychological conditioning, subtly normalizing aggressive responses to conflict. Studies have shown that individuals who consume violent content regularly are more likely to perceive aggression as an acceptable means of conflict resolution. For instance, a longitudinal study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found a correlation between prolonged exposure to violent video games and an increase in aggressive behavior, thoughts, and decreased empathy among adolescents. This suggests that the portrayal of violence in media can subtly influence one's propensity to resort to aggression by embedding aggressive templates into their cognitive frameworks.

Furthermore, the concept of desensitization plays a critical role in understanding how media violence promotes societal violence. As consumers are bombarded with violent imagery, their emotional response to violence becomes blunted, leading to a decrease in the perceived seriousness of aggressive acts. This phenomenon not only makes individuals more apathetic towards violence but also more likely to engage in violent behavior themselves, seeing it as less consequential. A vivid example of this is found in the increased tolerance for violent content in movies and video games, pushing the envelope further as audiences become desensitized to previously shocking levels of violence.

In conclusion, while it is reductive to claim that media violence is the sole progenitor of societal aggression, its role in psychologically conditioning individuals to accept violence and in fostering desensitization towards aggressive acts cannot be ignored. The evidence suggests a significant, albeit complex, relationship between media violence and societal aggression, necessitating a balanced perspective that acknowledges the multifaceted nature of human behavior and the myriad influences that shape it.

Model Essay 2

The contention that media violence fuels societal aggression is a multifaceted debate. I assert that while media can influence behavior, societal violence stems from broader issues. This essay will dissect the roles of media portrayal and other societal factors in cultivating violence.

Media indeed holds a mirror to society, sometimes reflecting our darkest impulses. Yet, its influence is not solely malignant. Prolonged exposure to violent content has been linked to increased aggression, notably in children and adolescents who may not fully discern reality from fiction. A notable study correlated extensive violent video game engagement with heightened adolescent aggression, underscoring the potential impact of media. However, this impact is not unidirectional; media also offers avenues for education and positive engagement. Adding to this, critical thinking and media literacy can mitigate negative influences, fostering a discerning audience.

However, the causality between media violence and societal aggression cannot be viewed through a reductionist lens. Human behavior is an intricate tapestry woven from diverse threads, including mental health, socio-economic factors, and education. To attribute societal violence solely to media overlooks these multifaceted contributors. For instance, areas suffering from poverty and systemic inequality often exhibit higher violence levels, suggesting that these societal issues are more influential than media content. Moreover, interventions aimed at addressing these root causes have proven more effective in reducing violence than controlling media content.

The media's role is paradoxical; it can both harm and heal. Through educational content and peace-promotion campaigns, the media demonstrates its potential as a force for good. This constructive capacity highlights that media, while influential, is but one actor on the stage of societal dynamics. The complexity of societal violence defies simple explanations or solutions, demanding a broader perspective that appreciates the interplay of various factors. Hence, leveraging media's positive potential while addressing underlying societal issues presents a more balanced approach to mitigating violence.

In synthesizing these insights, it's evident that societal violence is not a monolith to be dismantled by addressing a single factor like media violence. Rather, it's a Gordian knot requiring comprehensive strategies that encompass media’s role and beyond. Thus, fostering a societal fabric that values peace and constructive media use is imperative for holistic progress.

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A school of thoughts hold that brutal behaviours in society attribute to media violence. Personally, I partly agree with this statement.

On the one hand, it is justifiable that violent media can desensitize people to violence. To be specific, prolonged of exposuring to violent social media plattforms can increase tolerance for aggression, while individuals may become less emotionally responsive to violent acts overtime. Hence, this not only decreases empathy for victims but also persuades them to reoffend crime. Secondly, cyberbully is a breeding ground for atrocious acts in children. After watching movies feature fight scences from which violence is glorified and rewarded, individuals, especially teenagers and adolescents, may imitate and commit atrocies with their friends. As a result, media violence can instill aggresive emotions and behaviours in the audience, such as verbal aggression.

On the other hand, it is believed that the grave cause of brutal behaviours in society is socio-economic inequality. To elaborate, disparities in wealth and access to resources can lead to feelings of marginalization and unfulfillment in poverty people, which may fuel violence. Therefore, due to the lack of opportunities and economic deprivation, they are resort to commit crime to buy their basic needs. Secondly, anti-social behaviours may be attributable to the family dysfunction and abuse. Exposuring to domestic violence and child abuse can have a long-lasting psychological effects on children; moreover, they are not educated about the moral and ethical standards in society. Thus, increasing the likelihood of individuals perpetuating violence in their own lives. In conclusion, governments should enact laws and propose practical solutions to eliminate all forms of violence in society.

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Violence in the media promote violence in society. To what extent do you agree?

Model essay.

I. Introduction

  • Briefly introduce the topic of violence in the media and its potential impact on society.
  • Present the thesis statement.

II. Arguments supporting the idea that violence in the media promotes violence in society.

Desensitization to violence.

  • Exposure to violent media content can desensitize individuals to real-world violence.
  • Research studies linking exposure to media violence and aggressive behavior.

Imitation and observational learning.

  • Media violence can serve as a model for aggressive behavior, especially among vulnerable individuals.
  • Examples of high-profile cases where media influence on violent behavior has been suggested.

III. Arguments challenging the notion that violence in the media directly causes violence in society.

Individual differences and predispositions.

  • The relationship between media violence and aggression is influenced by individual factors such as personality traits and upbringing.
  • Not all individuals who consume violent media engage in aggressive behavior.

Other contributing factors to violence in society.

  • Socioeconomic factors, family dynamics, and community influences play significant roles in shaping behavior.
  • The importance of distinguishing between correlation and causation when examining the link between media violence and real-world violence.

IV. The complexity of the relationship between media violence and real-world aggression.

  • The impact of media violence is influenced by factors such as context, frequency of exposure, and personal interpretation.
  • The need for comprehensive research to understand the nuanced relationship between media and aggression.

V. Conclusion

  • Summarize the main arguments presented.
  • Restate the thesis statement and provide a balanced perspective on the issue.
  • Conclude with a call for further research and responsible media practices to mitigate potential negative effects.


Violence in the media has long been a topic of concern, with many debating whether it promotes violence in society. While some argue that exposure to violent media content can lead to increased aggression and desensitization, others believe that the relationship between media violence and real-world violence is complex and influenced by various factors.

Those who support the idea that violence in the media promotes violence in society point to the phenomenon of desensitization. The argument is that repeated exposure to violent media content can desensitize individuals to real-world violence, making them less responsive to its consequences. Moreover, research studies have found correlations between exposure to media violence and increased aggressive behavior, suggesting a potential causal link.

Another argument is the role of imitation and observational learning. It is believed that media violence can serve as a model for aggressive behavior, particularly among vulnerable individuals such as children. High-profile cases have drawn attention to instances where media influence on violent behavior has been suggested, further supporting the idea that media violence can directly contribute to real-world violence.

However, there are those who challenge the notion that violence in the media directly causes violence in society. They highlight the importance of individual differences and predispositions. Factors such as personality traits and upbringing play a significant role in shaping behavior. Not all individuals who consume violent media exhibit aggressive tendencies, suggesting that the impact of media violence is contingent on individual characteristics.

Moreover, it is crucial to recognize that other factors contribute to violence in society. Socioeconomic conditions, family dynamics, and community influences all play substantial roles in shaping behavior. It is essential to differentiate between correlation and causation when examining the link between media violence and real-world aggression.

The relationship between media violence and real-world aggression is complex and multidimensional. The impact of media violence is influenced by factors such as context, frequency of exposure, and personal interpretation. It is important to conduct comprehensive research to gain a better understanding of the nuanced relationship between media and aggression.

In conclusion, the issue of whether violence in the media promotes violence in society is not a straightforward one. While there is evidence to support the idea that exposure to violent media content can contribute to aggression, it is crucial to consider individual differences and other contributing factors. To address this issue, further research is necessary, along with responsible media practices that consider the potential impact of violent content.


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August 19, 2024

Media violence encourages violence in society. To what extent do you agree?

Sample answer:.

In today’s digital age, media has a significant impact on shaping societal norms and behaviors. The portrayal of violence in various forms of media, including television, movies, video games, and news, has sparked a debate on whether it encourages violence in society. While some argue that media violence desensitizes individuals and promotes aggressive behavior, others believe that it has no direct correlation with real-life violence. In my opinion, I agree to a certain extent that media violence can influence individuals, especially the vulnerable ones, to exhibit violent tendencies.

One of the primary reasons why media violence can encourage violence in society is the desensitization effect it has on individuals, particularly children and adolescents. Constant exposure to violent content can numb individuals to the severity of violent acts, making them more accepting and even desensitized to real-life violence. This desensitization can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior and a lack of empathy towards others, ultimately contributing to a more violent society.

Moreover, the glorification of violence in the media can also influence individuals to imitate such behavior. Many media representations of violence depict it as an effective and even heroic means of solving conflicts. This portrayal can lead individuals, especially those who are easily influenced, to view violence as an acceptable and even desirable means of resolving disputes. As a result, they may be more inclined to resort to violence in their own lives, contributing to an overall increase in societal violence.

However, it is important to acknowledge that the impact of media violence on individuals can vary. Factors such as upbringing, personal values, and mental health can also play a significant role in how individuals interpret and respond to media violence. Additionally, media literacy and critical thinking skills can help individuals discern between fiction and reality, mitigating the potential negative effects of media violence.

In conclusion, while media violence may not directly cause violence in society, it can certainly influence individuals, especially the vulnerable ones, to exhibit violent tendencies. It is crucial for both media producers and consumers to be mindful of the potential impact of violent content and to promote responsible media consumption.

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violence in media promotes violence in society

Over the past few decades, gore contents are increasingly becoming more acceptable in mainstream media, leading to an assumption that violence in the media inspires violence in the society. From my perspective, I do not go along with this idea. To begin with, there are various reasons why defenders of this idea argue that media violence can lead to real violence. One reason is that they are concerned about the elements used in violent cotent. For instance, shooting games, as its name suggests, allow players to use firearms to eliminate enemies. The more they kill, the more scores they earn, creating a violently competitive game. Another possible reason is that they might be the victims of media-influenced violence. However, media violence can hardly inspire violent behaviours due to its unrealistic nature. Another justification is that violence are caused by large number of risk factors, which can either be external or internal. Regarding personal factors, it is highly likely that violence –causers possess an aggressive characteristics, since these twos are highly relatable. When it comes to external elements, surrounding environments can be a potential causing factor. For instance, living in a community where there are high levels of crime can increase the risk of involving in violent activities. In conclusion, the reasons why people believe that the media can influence violent behaviour vary, ranging from gore content to victimisation. However, there are other contributors to violence, with the exclusion of the media.

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  • In some countries owing a home rather than renting one is very important for people Why might this be the case Do you think it is a positive or negative situation 56
  • The Graph below shows average carbon dioxide CO2 emissions per person in the United Kindom Sweden Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007
  • In some countries owing a home rather than renting one is very important for people Why might this be the case Do you think it is a positive or negative situation 82

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No. of Words: 241 350 Minimum 250 words wanted

Attribute Value Ideal Final score: 4.5 out of 9 Category: Poor Excellent No. of Grammatical Errors: 0 2 No. of Spelling Errors: 0 2 No. of Sentences: 14 15 No. of Words: 241 350 No. of Characters: 1271 1500 No. of Different Words: 147 200 Fourth Root of Number of Words: 3.94 4.7 Average Word Length: 5.274 4.6 Word Length SD: 2.839 2.4 No. of Words greater than 5 chars: 98 100 No. of Words greater than 6 chars: 82 80 No. of Words greater than 7 chars: 56 40 No. of Words greater than 8 chars: 30 20 Use of Passive Voice (%): 0 0 Avg. Sentence Length: 17.214 21.0 Sentence Length SD: 4.858 7.5 Use of Discourse Markers (%): 0.5 0.12 Sentence-Text Coherence: 0.343 0.35 Sentence-Para Coherence: 0.343 0.50 Sentence-Sentence Coherence: 0.052 0.07 Number of Paragraphs: 1 5

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IELTS Essay: Violent Media

by Dave | EBooks | 0 Comment

IELTS Essay: Violent Media

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay Ebook on the topic of violent media from a real exam.

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Here is the question itself:

Some people believe that violent media directly results in violent behavior.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Here is a preview (the introduction from my essay):

Some argue that violent media serves as a direct catalyst for violent actions in society. In my opinion, although there are examples to support this viewpoint, it is largely untrue due to other contextual factors.

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violence in media promotes violence in society ielts essay

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Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree? v.3

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IELTS essay Violence in media promotes violence in society.

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  • 6.5 band Many people believe that increasing levels of violence on television and in films is having a direct result on levels of violence in society. Others claim that violence in society is the result of more fundamental social problems such as unemployment. How much do you think society is affected by violence in the media? v. 1 There is no doubt that these days violence is being common in various societies, however, the question: Is the television the main reason for upgrading harsh actions in the communities? Is being a controversial issue nowadays. In this essay I am going to examine this phenomenon from both viewpoints, ...
  • 7.5 band Violence in the media promotes violence in society. v. 1 In the complexity of the world nowadays, people can easily access information through media from many channels such as television, newspaper, and website. Moreover, the media, which influence people in every age, from the juvenile and the elderly, could contain violent contents and it might support ...
  • 7.5 band Violence in the media promotes violence in society v. 1 Admittedly, the world of media has influenced the society to a great extent in the past few decades. It is asserted that media provokes the mind of people to act violently and puts a negative impact on the habitat. I strongly agree with this notion and some of the major stances to support my viewpoi ...
  • 7.5 band Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To extend to do you agree. v. 2 Broadcasting violent news may increase various crimes in society. Although I am favour of this statement, an opposite side of this phenomenon is also considering. To begin with, the media plays a crucial role to convey every kind of information to society. First and foremost, people over trust medi ...
  • 8.5 band It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance; for sports or music and others are not. However, it is sometimes clamined that any children can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. v. 10
  • 8.5 band Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries, but its disadvantages should not be overlooked. v. 13
  • 8.5 band Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects. v. 5
  • 8.5 band Internet social media have become very popular. Why do you think this is the case? v. 4

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 134 - amount of violence shown on tv and in the cinema affects the actions of our young people, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, a lot of people believe that the amount of violence shown on tv and in the cinema affects the actions of our young people and therefore increases the amount of violence in our society today..

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IELTS Writing Samples by topic

Violence in the media promotes violence in society. to what extent do you agree or disagree, violence in the media promotes violence in society to what extent do you agree or disagree., violence in the media promote violence in society. to what extent do you agree or disagree, violence in the media promote violent in society. to what extent do you agree or disagree, violence in the media promotes violence in the society. to what extent do you agree or disagree, violence in the society is largely prompted by violence shown in the media. to what extent do you agree or disagree , violence in the media promote violence in the society. to what extent do you agree or disagree.

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  1. Violence in The Media Promote Violent in Society

    violence in media promotes violence in society ielts essay

  2. Violence in Media: No Problem or Promotes Violence in Society Free

    violence in media promotes violence in society ielts essay

  3. Violence in the Media Promotes Violence in Society

    violence in media promotes violence in society ielts essay

  4. Violence in the Media Promotes Violence in Society

    violence in media promotes violence in society ielts essay

  5. Media violence essay

    violence in media promotes violence in society ielts essay

  6. Violence in the media promote violence in society agree or disagree -Essay

    violence in media promotes violence in society ielts essay


  1. IELTS Essay # 1476

    Model Answer 2: Many argue that the depiction of violence in the mass media encourages violence in society. I entirely agree with this opinion and believe that violent media content contributes to the prevalence of violence in society because it desensitizes human beings and influences individuals to show aggressive behaviour. Regular exposure ...

  2. Violence in The Media Promote Violent in Society

    The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS. Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic: Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Outline

  3. Violence In The Media Promotes Violence In Society Sample Essays: IELTS

    Violence in The Media Promotes Violence in Society: IELTS Writing Task 2. The IELTS Writing module is crucial for assessing your ability to articulate ideas in English. It consists of two parts: Task 1 and Task 2. In Task 1, you describe visual information, like graphs or charts, for the Academic test or write a letter for the General test.

  4. Violence in the media promotes violence in society

    The diagrams compare the present layout of a university sports centre with a future design. Society is highly influenced by the content shown on media platforms, Such as violent content which promotes hate and crime among peoples. I completely agree with the statement about promoting violent content to our society and will be discussing the ...

  5. Violence in the Media Promotes Violence in Society

    Explore how the debate on "violence in the media promotes violence in society" is masterfully tackled in our IELTS Band 9 sample essays. Our expertly crafted pieces delve into whether "violence in the media promotes violence in society," offering insightful analyses and arguments. These essays not only address the crucial question of how "violence in the media promotes violence in society" but ...

  6. Violence In The Media Promotes Violence In Society. To What Extent Do

    The influence of media on society has been a topic of debate for many years, and the issue of whether violence in the media promotes violence in society is a contentious one. While some argue that there is a direct correlation between the two, others believe that the relationship is more complex and multifaceted.

  7. Violence in the media promotes violence in the society

    Hi buddy, thanks for agreeing to take care of my pet while I am out for a week. writing9. One of the most conspicuous trends of today's world is the colossal upsurge in the violence in the media promotes violence in our society. There is a widespread worry that this will only lead to a myriad of concerns in the society | Band: 5.

  8. Violence in media promotes violence in society

    Violence in media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree. Violence is not a solution of any problem. Promoting it on media increases violent instances in the community. statement. , visual medium is the fastest way to learn. Humans tend to follow what they see. People are surrounded by the news.


    it is common nowadays that media is showing violence. some individual thinks this phenomina promites violence in society; while others think there are other factors contributing to violence in the society. i belive voilence in media is major reason but others factors cannot be overlooked. first of all, the constant voilence in media can be […]

  10. Violence in the media promote violence in society. To what extent do

    Model Essay. Violence in the media has long been a topic of concern, with many debating whether it promotes violence in society. While some argue that exposure to violent media content can lead to increased aggression and desensitization, others believe that the relationship between media violence and real-world violence is complex and influenced by various factors.

  11. Media Violence Encourages Violence In Society. To What Extent Do You

    The portrayal of violence in various forms of media, including television, movies, video games, and news, has sparked a debate on whether it encourages violence in society. While some argue that media violence desensitizes individuals and promotes aggressive behavior, others believe that it has no direct correlation with real-life violence.

  12. IELTS Opinion Essay On Violent Media (Partially Agreeing) With Sample

    In my opinion, although the projection of violence in the media in various forms definitely has aggravated the rate of crimes by normalising violence and aggression, it is not the sole source and cause of violent behaviour in our society. Find sample answer to a recent IELTS opinion essay question and learn how to answer with partial agreement.

  13. violence in media promotes violence in society

    However, media violence can hardly inspire violent behaviours due to its unrealistic nature. Another justification is that violence are caused by large number of risk factors, which can either be external or internal. Regarding personal factors, it is highly likely that violence -causers possess an aggressive characteristics, since these twos ...

  14. Violence in the media promotes violence in society

    Violence is unquestionably one of the most prevalent and worrying issues in any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Undoubtedly, the media industry has a valuable impact on people's behaviour, consequently, I completely agree with the statement that media sources such as the Internet and television are responsible for the promotion of violent actions | Band: 7.5

  15. IELTS essay Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what

    Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree? v.1. In the complexity of the world nowadays, people can easily access information through media from many channels such as television, newspaper, and website. Moreover, the media, which influence people in every age, from the juvenile and the elderly, could ...

  16. IELTS Essay: Violent Media

    IELTS Essay: Violent Media. by Dave | EBooks ... Some argue that violent media serves as a direct catalyst for violent actions in society. In my opinion, although there are examples to support this viewpoint, it is largely untrue due to other contextual factors. ... Here I have collected actual IELTS opinion essays (agree or disagree question ...

  17. IELTS essay Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To

    Violence in the media promotes violence in society v. 1 Admittedly, the world of media has influenced the society to a great extent in the past few decades. It is asserted that media provokes the mind of people to act violently and puts a negative impact on the habitat.

  18. IELTS essay Violence in the media promotes violence in society to what

    Violence in the media promotes violence in society to what extent do you agree or disagree. v.1. Admittedly, the world of media has influenced the society to a great extent in the past few decades. It is asserted that media provokes the mind of people to act violently and puts a negative impact on the habitat.

  19. Violence in the media promote violence in society

    Violence is something contained in every media of our society, and this is why it has become so popular among us. In my opinion, this is absolutely true, but it is not the only fault of the communication technologies, rather a consequence of the behaviour of the rulers of the society | Band: 7.5

  20. violence in the media promotes violence in society

    To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

  21. IELTS essay Violence in media promotes violence in society. To what

    Violence in the media promotes violence in society v. 1 Admittedly, the world of media has influenced the society to a great extent in the past few decades. It is asserted that media provokes the mind of people to act violently and puts a negative impact on the habitat.

  22. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 134

    IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. A lot of people believe that the amount of violence shown on TV and in the cinema affects the actions of our young people and therefore increases the amount of violence in our society today.

  23. Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do

    One of the most conspicuous trends of today's world is the colossal upsurge in the violence in the media promotes violence in our society. There is a widespread worry that this will only lead to a myriad of concerns in t ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters/Charts from Task 1. The service helps ...