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Counselling Personal Statement Examples

Looking for inspiration for your counselling personal statement ? Check out our collection of counselling personal statement examples to get a better idea of what to include and how to structure your statement. 

Counselling Personal Statement

With over 10 years of experience as a counsellor, I believe I am an ideal candidate for a Master’s in Counseling. I am a mature and compassionate counsellor with solid communication skills and a proven track record of helping clients navigate challenges and find resolve.

I want to pursue a Master’s to enhance my knowledge and skills and provide an even higher level of care. The programme will allow me to expand my repertoire of methods and problem-solving skills to better serve clients. The field of counselling is constantly evolving, and continuing education helps ensure I am utilizing the latest research and techniques.

I look forward to exchanging knowledge with peers and conducting research to strengthen my practice.

Through work with adult, elderly and mental health clients, I have developed expertise in areas like risk assessment, treatment planning, and progress reviews. I have a strong foundation as a caring and supportive counsellor and aim to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. I welcome the opportunity to have my skills challenged and strengthened through practical experience in the programme.

I am an enthusiastic, diligent and motivated counsellor dedicated to helping each client achieve success. While the work can be complicated, I have the empathy, active listening skills and adaptability required to understand and convey even complex needs. I tailor my communication to meet the needs of each client and to collaborate with external partners like housing services or emergency responders.

My Muslim and ability to speak Spanish, Hindi and Punjabi allow me to provide culturally sensitive support to clients from various backgrounds. I believe an effective counsellor must commit to constant learning and development. A postgraduate degree in Counseling will provide the knowledge and competence I need to guide clients through difficult situations and choices.

I have a proven track record, relevant experience, and dedication to becoming an even stronger counsellor. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to the opportunity to advance my education through your programme.

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Counselling Personal Statement Example

I have always had the desire to understand human thoughts, feelings and behaviour. I am driven to answer not just why people act in certain ways but also how they can improve their situations and mental well-being. I aspire to become a therapist or counsellor, helping people overcome challenges and live happier lives. I believe an undergraduate degree in psychology or counselling would provide the necessary foundation, which I would then build upon through a Master’s in Counseling and Psychotherapy.

Through volunteering, I have seen both the psychological impacts of disabilities as well as the benefits of therapeutic activities. At a riding centre for disabled children, I witnessed the fear and anxiety experienced by both children and parents in their daily lives. However, I also saw the joy the children felt while doing horsemanship, an activity that allowed them to express themselves as freely as able-bodied children.

During my time shadowing a health visitor, I witnessed firsthand the emotional toll that postnatal depression and societal stigma can take on new mothers. I aim to help people overcome conditions that inhibit well-being and healthy relationships. My experience with equine therapy has helped me strengthen my skills in interpreting behaviour and finding solutions, which would serve me well as a counsellor.

I have studied sociology at the GCSE and A-level, gaining valuable skills in analyzing people and societies. However, this has inspired me to study individuals in more depth through psychology and psychotherapy . My coursework in sociology, English literature and history has also allowed me to strengthen my skills in essay writing, analysis and structuring arguments.

I believe I would excel in this program due to my ability to show both compassion and critical thinking on a subject about which I am passionate. While some may question why anyone would choose a career surrounded by distress, I see it as an opportunity to create positive change where it is needed most. Misery can only be overcome by facing it, and I appreciate the chance to do so as a counsellor.

With my relevant experience, skills and drive to become an effective therapist or counsellor. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to the opportunity to advance my education in psychology and counselling through your program. 

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How to Write a Personal Statement for a Counseling Master’s

Graduate student writing at a desk

Need to write a personal statement for your counseling graduate school application? This guide will help you craft a standout statement by focusing on your unique experiences and aligning them with your program.

Key takeaways

  • A compelling personal statement for a counseling master’s program should narrate personal characteristics, career aspirations, and potential contributions, connecting with the admissions committee beyond academic achievements.
  • The personal statement should follow a clear narrative and provide specific examples from academic, professional and extracurricular experiences to demonstrate your readiness for the program, while demonstrating fit by aligning personal values and goals with the program’s unique offerings.
  • Start early, stay organized, and maintain a professional tone while writing your personal statement; address any weaknesses thoughtfully and avoid common mistakes such as clichés, excessive praise, or misuse of buzzwords.

Understanding the personal statement

The personal statement is your chance to give admissions officers a clear picture of who you are beyond the grades and jobs listed in your transcripts and resume. It’s a narrative essay that details your personality, career aspirations , and potential contributions to the field of mental health counseling. Crafting compelling personal statements is crucial to making a lasting impression on the admissions team. Think of a personal statement as the thing that transforms you from a collection of data points to a memorable portrait for those reviewing your graduate school application.

Key questions to consider before you begin

As you begin the writing process, make some notes of your past experiences. Here are some prompts to help you brainstorm the contents of your essay:

  • What life events made you into the resilient, determined individual you are today?
  • How have experiences in your academic background prepared you for grad school?
  • Have your career goals changed from what they were during your undergraduate education? Why?
  • Has a family member inspired you to take this path, either through their career or personal experiences?
  • Can you pinpoint the spark that ignited your passion for counseling, the moment when you realized that it could be your future career?

As you piece together your narrative, consider how these experiences align with your academic and career goals, as well as the broader impact you envision making through your work.

Essential components of a successful personal statement

Perhaps the most intimidating thing about a graduate school personal statement is knowing that you have a lot to communicate in a relatively short essay. You need to thread your personal background with your aspirations, using examples that encapsulate your commitment, and demonstrating a clear fit for the counseling program you’re aiming to join. But if you make an outline and list all the things you want to mention, you can be sure to properly accentuate your unique strengths and also paint a vivid picture of your potential success.

Crafting a clear narrative

Keep in mind that your narrative is not a full autobiography but a focused reflection of your resilience and empathy and the other corners of your life that have informed your desire to support others as a counselor. Share those poignant moments and insights that underscore your drive and passion for helping other people, and ensure that your narrative communicates not just a series of events, but the values and strengths you bring to the program. Don't forget that the personal essay also provides an opportunity to explain any discrepancies you think might come across in your other application materials such as poor grades or professional experiences in an unrelated field.

Using specific examples

Each assertion about yourself should be backed by solid examples. Specific examples, whether they are from your academic, professional, or recreational experiences, provide the evidence that substantiates your suitability for the graduate program.

Perhaps you’ve delved into personal research on mental health initiatives, or you’ve dedicated time to volunteer work that’s enriched your understanding of community needs. These anecdotes are the good examples that will allow the admissions committee to see beyond your transcripts and test scores, into the heart of your commitment and potential.

Demonstrating program fit

Demonstrating fit with the graduate program requires an understanding of the program’s strengths and a clear articulation of how its offerings align with your career aspirations.

For instance, if you’re drawn to Oklahoma City University’s commitment to social justice within their counseling program , mention how your values and experiences resonate with this ethos. Discussing aspects of a particular program that align with your future plans can distinguish you as a worthwhile applicant, genuinely interested in the unique offerings of the program. Most graduate programs will have full curriculums and faculty listed online. Make note of courses that sound exciting , faculty members who are conducting research projects you're interested in, and program outcome statements that align with your career goals, and find a way to mention them in your statement. By highlighting these specific elements, you show that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the program.

Key tips for writing a personal statement

As you work on your grad school essay, remember these crucial pointers:

Start early and stay organized

Don't underestimate the time it will take you to write your best personal statement. Take the time to brainstorm, self-reflect, and polish your narrative until it shines with clarity and purpose.

Organization is your compass in this process, helping you navigate deadlines, requirements, and revisions with ease. Keep a keen eye on the specifics, such as word counts, spelling of university names, and formatting, ensuring that your personal statement not only meets expectations but exceeds them.

Addressing weaknesses thoughtfully

While your accomplishments will shine in your personal statement, don’t hesitate to acknowledge the challenges that have intermittently clouded them. Addressing weaknesses such as a low GPA or a challenging phase in your academic journey can actually highlight your resilience and capability for growth.

However, tread thoughtfully. Reflect on whether the personal statement is the right place to discuss these issues, and if so, ensure that the narrative emphasizes your positive qualities and the lessons learned, rather than dwelling on the negatives.

Maintaining a professional tone

A personal statement marred by grammatical errors or colloquialisms can weaken the impression you’re trying to make. Be genuine, be yourself, but remember the context. This document is a professional communication with the admissions committee, and as such, it should reflect the seriousness with which you approach this opportunity. While tools like ChatGPT could help you create an outline or can perform a grammar check on your application, avoid using it to actually write. The best personal statements resonate from their authenticity. Additionally, many graduate programs have tools they use to scan for the use of such technology and may count it against you.

Common mistakes to avoid

Beware of starting with clichés or ending with banalities—your opening and closing lines should be as impactful as the core of your statement. Avoid excessive praise of the field, focusing only on academic achievements, and misusing buzzwords. These common missteps can dilute the authenticity of your narrative and leave the admissions committee underwhelmed. Remember, admissions committees are reading hundreds of personal statements, make yours stand out.

Get help writing your personal statement for Oklahoma City University

For those aiming to be part of Oklahoma City University’s online M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program, rest assured that guidance is available throughout this process. Admissions outreach advisors are at your disposal, ready to guide you through every step of crafting a personal statement that resonates with the program’s ethos and expectations.

Schedule a call to tap into the wealth of knowledge and support that OCU offers. From writing your personal statement, to putting together your letters of recommendation , to preparing for your interview , their expertise can be the beacon that illuminates your path to a successful graduate school application.

Return to Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Complete the form below before proceeding to the application portal.

Oklahoma City University has engaged Everspring , a leading provider of education and technology services, to support select aspects of program delivery.

BrightLink Prep

Sample Counseling Psychology Personal Statement (NYU Steinhardt)

personal statement for college counselling

by Talha Omer, M.Eng., Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to Masters’s program at NYU Steinhardt School in Counseling Psychology. Read this essay to understand what a top personal statement in Counseling Psychology should look like.

Sample Personal Statement in Counseling Psychology

Growing up in Poland, I had internalized the stigma attached to Psychology and Psychotherapy. I was famous in my circle of friends as “the understanding one,” but I had developed a bitter taste for formally studying Psychology. Therefore, I opted for a more socially acceptable high school major – Computer Science.

But I wanted to learn about human behavior. Turning my back on the subject of my intellectual curiosity alienated me from myself. As expected, I scored miserably in high school. However, I did not give up just yet and went on to enroll in an IT program at the University of Warsaw.

Despite trying to ignite a passion for the discipline, I was inevitably headed toward disaster. A day before my first-year exams, I stared dispassionately at my book. I felt helpless and broke down into tears. At that moment, I realized I needed help from a mental health professional.

But I didn’t seek help because of two reasons. Firstly, hearing that only the crazy go for psychotherapy all my life, I could not muster the courage to deal with that label. Secondly, I only knew of Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists, and I did not want to be diagnosed or medicated.

Then I mustered the courage to cross the inner hurdles that kept me from studying Psychology. I wanted to gain insights into my emotional imbalances and tried to help myself by learning to help others. After that, I convinced my parents and changed my undergraduate central to Psychology.

This opened new doors that led me to a journey of growth and self-discovery. I met some wonderful people and began excelling in my studies. I was unanimously voted as the class representative in my second semester. Improved psychosocial support and self-efficacy began to work magic on my sense of self-worth.

Experiencing a shift from clutter to clarity, I felt a newfound affiliation with those in need. I heard about  Chayn  Poland through social media and started volunteering for it. While working at  Chayn , I was a part of an online community that created a resource portal to inform and help victims of domestic violence in Poland. It was an excellent opportunity to transmit the knowledge of the psychological aftermath of abuse to those who could benefit from it. I’m channeling the same spirit at my current job at  Social Welfare, Academics, and Training for Poland . Lending my hand in research about the psychological impact of militancy and war on the youth of Ukraine allows me to play my role in helping those in need.

Through my introduction to counseling and the humanistic model in my  Perspectives in Psychology  class, I saw the framework I could use to pursue the field of Psychology. Moreover, I realized that the humanistic school stood for the same values I had innately developed – holism; the importance of an individual’s experience, and the belief that all humans have an actualizing tendency.

Coincidentally, one of my close friends had joined a certificate course in  Humanistic Counseling  at Therapy Mission, Warsaw. I enrolled in the next session to test my interest in the subject. As part of the course, I completed 85 hours of group therapy and an equal number of lectures. I learned basic counseling skills, person-centered therapy, gestalt therapy, and transactional analysis. Being in the group was truly transformational. As group therapy generally does, the group started to represent my unconscious perception of the world for me. Some of my group members represented specific figures from the past who I had unresolved issues with. I had the privilege of working on those issues through hot-seat exercises and psychodrama enactments. Being heard changed my relationship with myself. I learned to nurture myself and develop an inner resource, which would help me cope with future distresses more intelligently. I’m currently enrolled in a diploma in  Integrated Counseling .

Stepping out of my comfort zone gave me the strength to explore further. Hence, last summer, I decided to go to Kenya for an internship through AIESEC at  Living Positive Kenya . Among other experiences, the training allowed me to practice the skills I had acquired at Therapy Mission. I facilitated a psychosocial support group of women who had HIV/AIDS. My primary strategy was to create a safe space for women to express themselves. In that space, a woman could express her thoughts, and the group would provide her unconditional presence. Though the feedback was encouraging, I realized I needed more advanced training to deal with similar issues back home. I based my conclusion on the general resistance with which the idea of therapy is met in Poland.

My strength is that I come from a place where people are skeptical about counseling. However, I understand Poland’s dire need for counseling and have experienced its value first-hand. Therefore, I want to reach out and counsel as many people as possible. Having crawled from a pit of emotional darkness towards light puts me in the position to hold someone’s hand while they do the same. Now, all I need is extra muscle.


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