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  • Farm Acts 2020

Farm Acts, 2020 [UPSC Current Affairs]

The Indian agriculture acts of 2020, often referred to as the Farm Acts are three acts initiated by the Parliament of India in September 2020. After having been approved by the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, the President of India gave his assent to the bills on 27 September 2020. In this article, you can read all about the farm acts of 2020, which are in the news very often. This is a part of the  UPSC Syllabus  under current affairs, economy, agriculture and polity.

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Farm Laws Latest News

In November 2021, the Prime Minister in an address to the nation announced that the three farm laws would be repealed in the wake of the unending protests by some of the farmers. The government will bring in a single bill in Parliament to repeal the three acts. All boards and offices that were constituted for implementing the provisions of the laws would also cease operations and any decision made by the boards would be null and void (some states had tried to operationalise the laws during the brief six-month period).

essay on agriculture bill 2020

Farm Acts, 2020 Background

  • Agriculture comes under the state list of Schedule 7 of the Indian Constitution and to initiate reforms in the agricultural sector, in 2017, the central government had released model farming acts. However, several reforms suggested in the model acts had not been implemented by the states. The centre promulgated three ordinances in the first week of June 2020.
  • In September 2020, the President gave assent to the three farm acts.
  • There have been protests against the acts by farmers in Punjab, Haryana and other states. Some states have also opposed the new legislation. The Kerala legislative assembly passed a resolution against the farm reforms and sought their withdrawal.
  • The Supreme Court stayed the implementation of the Farm Acts 2020 and constituted a four-member committee to make recommendations within two months.
  • The three laws aim to change the way agricultural produce is marketed, sold and stored across the country. They are mostly focussed on the forward linkages to the agricultural sector.

The following are the three acts passed and their salient provisions.

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020:

  • The act aims at opening up agricultural sale and marketing outside the notified Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) mandis for farmers, removes barriers to inter-State trade and provides a framework for electronic trading of agricultural produce. It expands the scope of trade areas of farmers’ produce from select areas to “any place of production, collection, aggregation”.
  • It prohibits state governments from levying any market fee, cess, or levy on farmers, traders, and electronic trading platforms for the trade of farmers’ produce conducted in an ‘outside trade area’.
  • The act seeks to break the monopoly of government-regulated mandis and allow farmers to sell directly to private buyers.

Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020:

  • It creates a national framework for contract farming. It provides a legal framework for farmers to enter into written contracts with companies and produce for them.
  • The written farming agreement, entered into prior to the production or rearing of any farm produce, lists the terms and conditions for supply, quality, grade, standards and price of farm produce and services.
  • It defines a dispute resolution mechanism. The Act provides for a three-level dispute settlement mechanism– Conciliation Board, Sub-Divisional Magistrate and Appellate Authority.

Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020:

  • It removes cereals, pulses, oilseeds, edible oils, onions and potatoes from the list of essential commodities. It will deregulate the production, storage, movement and distribution of these food commodities.
  • It will also remove stockholding limits on such items except under “extraordinary circumstances”. The central government is allowed regulation of supply during war, famine, extraordinary price rise and natural calamity of grave nature and annual retail price rise exceeding 100% in horticultural produce (basically onions and potatoes) and 50% for non-perishables (cereals, pulses and edible oils), while providing exemptions for exporters and processors at such times as well.
  • It requires that imposition of any stock limit on agricultural produce be based on price rise.
  • It will allow agribusinesses to stock food articles and remove the government’s ability to impose restrictions arbitrarily.

Arguments in Favour of the Farm Acts

  • The acts are being hailed as a watershed moment in the history of Indian agriculture that could initiate a complete transformation of agriculture.
  • The new farm acts would help the small and marginal farmers (86% of total farmers) who don’t have the means to either bargain for their produce to get a better price or invest in technology to improve the productivity of farms.
  • The new acts will help in establishing a much more integrated market, creating competition, and enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of the marketing domain of the agricultural sector.

Addressing the lacunae of APMC acts:

  • The law related to the regulation of Indian agricultural markets like the Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC) act had led to centralization and was thought to be reducing competition and participation, with undue commissions, market fees, and monopoly of associations damaging the agricultural sector.
  • The act seeks to break the monopoly of government-regulated mandis and allow farmers to sell directly to private buyers by circumventing the APMCs. The new laws provide full autonomy for farmers to sell their produce.

Higher price realization for farmers:

  • The act is expected to increase the freedom of choice of sale of agri-produce for the farmers and this could help the farmers in getting a better price for their produce because of more choices of markets. This would allow small and marginal farmers to sell their produce at market and competitive prices.
  • The act allows for private players to buy the farmers’ produce even at their farm gates. This will allow the farmers to get better prices through competition and cost-cutting on transportation.
  • The farmers will be able to get a greater share of the price being paid by the customers, which currently stands at a lowly 15%.
  • This would help raise rural incomes and subsequently provide an impetus to the economy at large due to the increased demand from the rural areas.

One India, one agricultural market:

  • It is expected to pave the way for the creation of a ‘One India, One Agriculture Market’ by promoting barrier-free inter-state and intra-state trade with provisions of electronic trading as well. This could help correct the regional disparities in demand and supply of the agricultural produce. This could help farmers of regions with surplus produce to get better prices and consumers of regions with shortages, lower prices.

Risk mitigation:

  • Contract farming will help small and marginal farmers transfer the risk of market unpredictability from the farmer to the sponsor.
  • It reduces the risk of price and marketing costs on small and marginal farmers.

Better price discovery:

  • Contract farming will help farmers reduce the cost of marketing and improve their incomes.
  • Farmers will engage in direct marketing thereby eliminating intermediaries resulting in the better realization of price.

Scope for increasing farm productivity:

  • Contract farming agreements between companies and farmers are already operational in crops of particular processing grades (the potatoes used by beverages and snacks giant PepsiCo for its Lay’s and Uncle Chips wafers) or dedicated for exports (gherkins). The processors/exporters in these cases typically not only undertake assured buyback at pre-agreed prices, but also provide farmers with seeds/planting material and extension support to ensure that only produce of the desired standard is grown.

Impetus to private sector participation:

  • The act seeks to encourage private sector participation in procurement and reduce the government burden of procuring.
  • Contract farming can ensure uninterrupted sources for their production and also secure the purchaser from market price fluctuations.

Legal framework protecting farmer interests:

  • The legal framework for contract farming will empower farmers to engage with the contract buyers on a level playing field without any fear of exploitation. The mutually agreed remunerative price framework is envisaged under the act. This provision is touted to protect and empower farmers.
  • Sale, lease or mortgage of farmers’ land is totally prohibited and farmers’ land is also protected against any recovery.
  • Farmers have been provided with adequate protection.
  • An effective dispute resolution mechanism has been provided with clear timelines for redressal.

Addressing the lacunae in ECA, 1955:

  • The Economic Survey 2019-20, which has extensively analyzed the Essential Commodities Act, notes that the government intervention under the ECA 1955 often distorted agricultural trade while being totally ineffective in curbing inflation.
  • Since large stocks held by traders can be outlawed under the ECA 1955 anytime, they tend to buy far less than their usual capacity and farmers often suffer huge losses during surplus harvests of perishables. The threat of restrictions also acts as a disincentive for private investment into cold storage, warehouses, processing and export as entrepreneurs get discouraged by the regulatory mechanisms in the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.
  • Such laws also restrict opportunities to export even when global crop prices go up.

Attracting private investment:

  • The deregulation through ECA amendment will help attract private sector/ foreign direct investment into the agriculture sector.

Improve the forward linkage infrastructure:

  • The incoming private sector investment would help build supply chain infrastructure for the agricultural sector. This could help facilitate the supply of Indian farm produce to national and global markets.

Arguments against the Farm Acts

Some of the farmer organizations and others have called the acts corporate-friendly and anti-farmer and have expressed the fear that the new acts may hurt the farmers’ interests. The bills have faced strong protests mainly from Punjab farmers and from opposition parties.

Against the spirit of federalism:

  • Since agriculture and markets are State subjects – entry 14 and 28 respectively in List II – the acts are being seen as a direct encroachment upon the functions of the States and against the spirit of cooperative federalism enshrined in the Constitution.
  • The Centre, however, argued that trade and commerce in food items is part of the concurrent list, thus giving it constitutional propriety.

Fears with respect to MSP system:

  • Farmers fear that the new proposed system will end the minimum support price regime. They fear that encouraging tax-free private trade outside the APMC mandis will make these notified markets unviable, which could lead to a reduction in government procurement itself.
  • The creation of private mandis will drive agriculture business towards private mandis, ending government markets, intermediary systems and APMCs. In a scenario where more and more trading moves out of the APMCs, these regulated market yards will lose revenues.
  • As a result, big corporate houses will overtake markets, thereby procuring farm produce at incidental rates. Critics view the dismantling of the monopoly of the APMCs as a sign of ending the assured procurement of food grains at minimum support prices (MSP). This could lead to the increasing clout of private buyers and could lead to low bargaining powers of the farmers.
  • Lack of statutory support in the acts for the MSP is a major point of concern, especially for farmers from Punjab and Haryana, where 65% of wheat (2019) is procured at MSP by the Food Corporation of India and state agencies.
  • Critics argue that ensuring a larger number of farmers get the MSP for their produce and straightening kinks in the APMCs, instead of making these State mechanisms redundant is the need of the hour.

Effect on state revenues:

  • Mandis bring in revenue for state governments. The diversion of agricultural trade towards private mandis could lead to the loss of states’ revenues.
  • Some states are concerned about the loss of revenue from mandi taxes and fees, which currently range from 8.5% in Punjab to less than 1% in some States.

Effect of middlemen:

  • Middlemen working with APMC and traders will be affected.

Past examples:

  • The deregulation of the sugar industry in 1998, which paved the way for private establishments, did not result in a significant improvement in farmers’ productivity or incomes.
  • A state-led attempt in Bihar to deregulate the APMCs in 2006 has not resulted in an increase in farmers’ income or improved infrastructure.
  • Without strong institutional arrangements, laissez-faire (no economic interventionism) policy may harm lakhs of unorganised small farmers.

Cases of fraud:

  • 150 farmers from four districts in Madhya Pradesh were allegedly defrauded of over Rs 5 crore by traders. Similar cases have been reported recently from Hoshangabad, Seoni, Gwalior, Guna, Balaghat, Barwani and Jabalpur districts.

Challenges to farmers:

  • The inability of the small and marginal farmers to understand the terms of the contract may lead to the exploitation of such farmers.
  • The lack of bargaining power of farmers with big companies is also a major concern.
  • Critics are apprehensive about formal contractual obligations owing to the unorganised nature of the farm sector and lack of resources for a legal battle with private corporate entities.

Lack of price fixation mechanism:

  • The Price Assurance Act, while offering protection to farmers against price exploitation, does not prescribe the mechanism for price fixation. There is apprehension that the free hand given to private corporate houses could lead to farmer exploitation.

Increased threat of food insecurity:

  • Critics anticipate that the easing of regulation of food items would lead to exporters, processors and traders hoarding farm produce during the harvest season, when prices are generally lower, and releasing it later when prices increase. This could undermine food security.

Increased volatility of food items:

  • Critics anticipate irrational volatility in the prices of essentials and increased black marketing.

Lack of clear cut guidelines:

  • The act proposes a price trigger mechanism for invoking ECA. However, it involves a wide range for a price trigger to invoke the ECA. Many things are left vague. Price triggers or price levels do not have a reference to a locality.

Farm Acts – Critical analysis

The constitutional validity of the acts:

  • Article 246 of the Constitution places “agriculture” in entry 14 and “markets and fairs” in entry 28 of the State List. But entry 42 of the Union List empowers the Centre to regulate “inter-State trade and commerce”. While trade and commerce “within the State” is under entry 26 of the State List, it is subject to the provisions of entry 33 of the Concurrent List – under which the Centre can make laws that would prevail over those enacted by the states.
  • Entry 33 of the Concurrent List covers trade and commerce in “foodstuffs, including edible oilseeds and oils, fodder, cotton and jute”. The Centre, in other words, can pass any law that removes all impediments to both inter- and intra-state trade in farm produce, while also overriding the existing state APMC Acts. The FPTC Act does precisely that.
  • However, some experts make a distinction between agricultural “marketing” and “trade”. Agriculture per se would deal with everything that a farmer does — right from field preparation and cultivation to also the sale of his/her own produce. The act of primary sale at a mandi by the farmer is as much “agriculture” as production in the field. “Trade” begins only after the produce has been “marketed” by the farmer.
  • Going by this interpretation, the Centre is within its rights to frame laws that promote barrier-free trade of farm produce (inter- as well as intra-state) and do not allow stockholding or export restrictions. But these can be only after the farmer has sold. Regulation of the first sale of agricultural produce is a “marketing” responsibility of the states, not the Centre.
  • The Judiciary will have to take a call on the constitutional validity of the farm acts, 2020.

Need to address misconceptions:

Misconceptions regarding MSP:

  • An analysis of the recent laws makes it clear that as against the prevalent misconception that the prevailing system of Minimum Support Price (MSP) is being replaced, rather new options were being put forward for the farmers through these farm bills.
  • The government has made it clear that procurement at MSP will continue and also that the mandis will not stop functioning. Under the new system, farmers will have the option to sell their produce at other places in addition to the mandis.
  • It is worth noting that only 6% of farmers actually sell their crops at MSP rates, according to the 2015 Shanta Kumar Committee’s report using National Sample Survey data. None of the laws directly impinges upon the MSP regime.

Misconceptions regarding contract farming:

  • There are fears that contract farming will lead to land loss of the small and marginal farmers to big corporates. However, adequate protection of land ownership is in place to protect farmer interests.
  • The act explicitly prohibits any sponsor firm from acquiring the land of farmers – whether through purchase, lease or mortgage.
  • The point to note is that contract cultivation is voluntary in nature and farmers cannot be forced into an agreement.

Inevitability of agricultural reforms:

  • The Indian farmer constitutes 40 per cent of the country and an even higher percentage of its poor and as the available data points out, is under immense stress.
  • Indian economic and social development depends upon the empowerment of the farmers and the rural segment of our population. Thus there is an urgent need for agricultural sector reforms to move beyond the antiquated agricultural policies.
  • The Indian farm bills are in line with international precedence wherein a number of developing economies have been making changes to their agriculture policies since the 1990s to encourage private sector involvement which would provide a major fillip to the sector.
  • The International Monetary Fund has also backed the recent farm acts as being an important step in the right direction.

Way forward:

  • The farm acts are a step in the right direction and there is the need to ensure the effective implementation of the same.
  • The following measures could help address some of the concerns regarding the farm laws.
  • The move to enlarge the market for agricultural produce is welcome but this should be supplemented by measures that will help preserve the existing ‘safety net’ mechanisms like MSP and public procurement.
  • Though a farmer will have the freedom to choose where he/she wants to sell, he/she may not have the knowledge to negotiate the best terms with a private company. The state should work towards empowering the farmers in this direction.
  • The government must create enabling infrastructure to enable the farmers to do barrier-free trading of agricultural commodities.
  • The method of determining prices, including guaranteed price and additional amount, should be provided in the agreement as annexures. The government must ensure suitable provisions to ensure that the prices are not below the MSP.
  • In case of prices subjected to variations, the contract agreement must include a guaranteed price to be paid for such produce, and a clear reference linked to the prevailing prices or any other suitable benchmark prices for any additional amount over and above the guaranteed price, including bonus or premium.
  • There should be time-bound redressal of grievances.

These Farm Acts, their effects and the significance of repealing them are important for the upcoming UPSC exam .

FAQ about Farm Acts, 2020

What are the 3 farm laws, under which list the subject of agriculture falls in the constitution.

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A critical analysis of the farm bills 2020.

Farmers of India

The Author, S A Rishikesh, is a 2nd-year, BA.LLB (H) student at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow. He is currently interning with LatestLaws.com.

On September 27, 2020, the president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovid gave his assent to the three farm reform bills - The Farmers’ Produce Trade And Commerce (Promotion And Facilitation) Bill 2020, The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill 2020, and The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020. These bills have been passed by the parliament in the recently concluded Monsoon season. Our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi hailed by passage of these bills by saying “A watershed moment in the history of Indian agriculture!”

But the thing to worry about is the farmers for whose betterment these Acts have been made are on streets protesting these Acts. Farmers organizations like Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) and the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) have been protesting the bills from September 2020 itself. They have raised the slogan of ‘KISAN BACHAO MANDI BACHAO’ in this article we will discuss the reforms brought by new Acts, why are farmers protesting and way forward.


India is and has been an agrarian economy. After India gained Independence in 1947, farmers used to sell their products direct to the consumers. But due to prevailing system of Zamidars or money lenders, farmers were trapped in perpetual debt. Farmers need to buy seeds, fertilizers and other things required for growing a crop, for buying all these things you need money so farmers took loans from Zamidars or money lenders who used to charge a very high interest rate on the principal amount. Farmers were unable to pay such a hefty amount and in such cases to get their money back money lenders or the Zamidars used to buy the whole produce of the farmers but, they paid very less amount to farmers because farmers did not have the bargaining power. Now to again sow their fields farmers required money so this cycle continued, and farmers were always in debt.  

This process was very exploitative so to help the farmers and end this system government of India introduced APMC (Agriculture Produce Market Committee) Act. It was introduced in 1960’s at the very same time when green revolution started in India many experts believe that in the major of green revolution APMC Act played a major role. APMCs set up Mandis or Markets across India where farmer’s produce was sold. There are around 7000 APMCs in India at present. Now, the process of selling the produce is that after harvesting crops are brought to the Mandis or Markets where they sell the produce through auctioning or price discovery. Whom are the farmers selling the crops? Not to the government but the middlemen or Arhatiyas. Middlemen are people between the farmer and the retailer or big traders. For example, farmers sell their vegetables to the middlemen and then the vegetable vendor buys vegetable from the middleman, vegetable vendor will not buy directly from the farmers. Government gives license to these Middlemen; shops, storage facilities etc. are provided to them in APMC markets. Many people work in these APMCs, there is storage of grains, so it requires laborers, accountants so overall it is a self-thriving ecosystem. One thing which should be noted here is these APMC markets are regulated by state governments, a tax is charged on each transaction so in a way government knows at price produce is being sold.

Now what about the produce that are not bought by the middlemen in these markets? This is being bought by the government at MSP (Minimum Support Price). MSP is constant throughout the country. MSP also ensured that produce bought be the middlemen were not below a certain price. When everything is so good are farmers happy? According to National Crime Bureau report 2018, 1,34,560 suicides were reported in India out of which 10,350 were farmers remember this was total number of reported cases. This system was good seeing 1960’s but with time we need to evolve similarly, not much was done to APMCs and some problems popped up. Middlemen started exploiting farmers they formed cartels or an understanding among themselves and started buying the produce at MSP only and sold to traders at a high rate. For example, MSP for onion is Rs.8.5 per kg (data as of February 06, 2019) but we buy onions at Rs 35 – 80 per kg depending on state. In a way we can say Minimum Support Prize became Maximum Selling Price. Voice arose from time to time to remove these defects and in response government brought the three Acts in 2020. These three farm Acts seek to replace ordinances issued in June 2020.

These Acts envisage to bring change in some of the key aspects of the farm economy — trade in agricultural commodities, price assurance, farm services including contracts, and stock limits for essential commodities. These Acts sought to bring much needed reforms in the agricultural marketing system such as removing restrictions of private stock holding of agricultural produce or creating trading areas free of middlemen and take the market to the farmer.

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill 2020 or The Market Place Law

We have already discussed the process currently in place well according to the new market place law, farmers can sell their produce anywhere not just in the APMC approved mandis or market places but literally anywhere i.e., they can sell inside the state, outside the state, or if they wish they can also sell it online. Which means according to union government this law is been brought in to give freedom of choice to farmers they will have a variety of marketplaces. The government says, this is actually going to do good to them because they can choose from several options.

The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill 2020 or The Contract Farming Law

Farmers can enter into ‘written agreements’ with anyone, including a company, and sell them their produce for a set period of time, as per the contract. In other words, companies can now have contracts with farmers for buying with farmers for buying their produce. They can set the price for the produce, the standards and qualities and other legalities can be mentioned beforehand. The Union government says this will protect and empower farmers to sell to anyone a whole seller, a retail giant or an exporter. They will have written contracts which will protect the farmer in case the buyer tries to cheat them. And they can also sell future produce today, according to the government. 

The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020 or Essential Commodities Amendment

Essential Commodities Act was first brought in decades back in 1955. The Act basically controls the production, supply and the distribution of certain commodities that are known to be essential. So if an item comes under this Act for instance a food item or an important drug then companies and supermarkets cannot hoard these items when there is a shortage, they also cannot artificially increase the prices etc. the list of essential commodities as per the original act includes: Drugs (medicines); Fertilizers (inorganic, organic, mixed); Foodstuff (including edible oilseeds and oils); hank yarn made wholly from cotton; Petroleum and petroleum products; Raw jute and jute textiles; Seeds (food crops, fruits and vegetables, cattle fodder and jute seeds). The new amendment has removed food stuff such as Potato, Cereals, Pulses, edible oilseeds and oils, from the list of essential commodities which means unless there is a dire circumstances like a war or famine or an extraordinary price rise these commodities will not be considered under the essential commodities list.

Further, the government cannot impose a stock limit i.e. it cannot stop a supermarket chain or a retailer from hoarding unless there is a 100% (percent) increase in price of perishable goods or 50% (percent) increase in price of non-perishable goods. All items removed from essential commodities act are: Rice, Wheat, Potatoes, Onions, and Oil.


Everything looks great on paper, but then where does the problem lie? Well there is a difference between good legislation and good implementation of the Act, many critics have raised their concerns regarding this Act. The very first concern is that an Act which is going to be implemented in the whole country has neither been discussed with states which will be most affected by the Act nor with the experts in this field accusing the government of destroying cooperative federalism.

We are witnessing a country wide protest, which is more intense in Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh. The reason is obvious as this region has the most organized form of APMCs. Although there is no provision of removing of APMCs then why are farmers fearing and raising slogans of MANDI BACHAO? APMCs are under state government and are maintained by taxes collected in APMC market’s transaction. Government says in private markets, which can be set up now, no taxes will be charged in the transactions of private market so this would save taxes, all companies and traders will buy farm produce from private markets which will slowly result in the end of APMC because the state government will have no funds to maintain APMC. If this happens states will have a lot of revenue loss and union government has not mentioned any way to compensate them, especially in Punjab and Haryana.

Middlemen will become jobless and there is a concern that there is a possibility of middleman in private sector also because our farmers are not in a position to bargain with corporate houses. In private sector there will be no control and exploitation by middlemen may multiply. (86% farmers of our country are marginalized farmers i.e. they have less than 2 acres of land.) With the end of APMCs, MSP will also practically end this is the most important concern.

We are talking about ‘One nation One market’, ‘freedom of choice of market’ any farmer can sell his farm produce anywhere, looks good on seeing but the ground reality is this already exists and a farmer can sell his produce any where he wishes in any part of country, it does not happen because our farmers do not have medium and money to transport goods from one place to another because government itself says 86% of farmers are marginalized.

Contract farming is looked upon as privatization of farming, two major concerns here are that farmers will never be able to negotiate with the corporate sector. Act does not prescribe or specify that contract price of the crop should be at least equivalent or above the MSP. It means the contractor/companies can pay whatever price they want to the farmer.

Being big private companies, exporters, wholesalers, and processors, they will always have an edge in disputes. Written contract is not mandatory which means farmer will never be able to prove violation of terms of contract. Farmers have a valid point because they have seen privatization in markets of seeds and fertilizers where government believed prices will go down because of competition but results are opposite, and farmers fear the same in this case also.

Limits of hoarding have been removed because the situation of ‘Extraordinary price rise’ is way to high to reach which simply means big private players can any time cause artificial price fluctuation. Not only farmers will be affected by it, consumers will also be affected because the main goal or focus of a private company will be to raise its profits.


Yes, there were many flaws in the decades old APMC Act, but critics believe that the need was to plug the loopholes instead of introducing a new system altogether. A similar system has already been introduced in America and some European countries where it has failed miserably, we can only hope this does not happen in India and government will not repeat those mistakes.

From the attitude of government, the stand of government is very clear that it is not going to change anything because already it has been termed as Masterstroke. Right now, it is just an Act both are results are possible; farmers income becomes double as said by the government, or their conditions worsen as feared by farmers. History is the best judge. While the intent of Government is laudable, we will be able to see the results of these new Acts after few years only. Right now, everything is just a speculation.


1. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/president-ram-nath-kovind-gives-assent-to-three-farm-bills/article32708467.ece

2. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/the-farm-bills-passed-in-parliament-will-not-only-bring-radical-changes-in-agriculture-sector-but-will-also-empower-farmers-tweets-pm-modi/story-Wsi1df81nxjXQFeAHXPVtI.html

3. https://www.jagran.com/haryana/kurukshetra-bku-shouted-for-kisan-bachao-mandi-bachao-rally-in-protest-against-the-three-ordinances-20658424.html

4.  https://youtu.be/t0bZ17Kcscc

5. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/what-is-farm-bill-2020-pros-cons-of-three-farm-bills-centre-introduced/articleshow/78180231.cms

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What is farm bill 2020: Pros & cons of three farm bills Centre introduced

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What is the Farm Bill and why are farmers protesting against it?

Kirti Pandey

Farmer protest in India's national capital has created quite a flutter globally too. But very few know exactly what the farmers are protesting. Here's a primer or an explainer on the contentious Farm Bills.

What is the Farm Bill and why are farmers protesting against it?

Key Highlights

  • Since 26 November, farmers from Punjab and Haryana have laid siege to the national capital. They are protesting against recently passed Farm Bills
  • These bills lay the framework for allowing farmers to sell produce directly to corporates, argues the Centre
  • Farmers fear that this may be an excuse to pull off the MSP safety net from under their feet

Since 26 th November 2020, the borders of Delhi have been witnessing a huge agitation being carried out by farmers, most of them from Punjab and Haryana.

The farmers are protesting against 2 Farm Bills that the Rajya Sabha recently passed: (1) the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020, and (2) the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020.

The two bills had already cleared the lower house – the Lok Sabha. When they were introduced in the Rajya Sabha, there was ruckus and finally, the Bill was passed through a voice vote.

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020: This Bill allows the farmers to sell their produce outside the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) regulated markets. The APMCs are government-controlled marketing yards or mandis . So, the farmers clearly have more choice on who they want to sell. The government's logic, economic expert Gurcharan Das writes in TOI , is that the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) is an obsolete institution from an age of scarcity, meant to protect the farmer but has now become his oppressor, a monopoly cartel fixing low prices for the farmers' produce, forcing distress sales.

The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020: This Bill makes provisions for the setting up of a framework for contract farming. The farmer and an ordained buyer can strike a deal before the production happens.  According to PRS India, a "Standing Committee on Agriculture (2018-19)" observed the APMC laws needed reforms as cartelization had begun to crystallise due to a limited no. of traders in APMC mandis . Therefore the following law was passed in September 2020. 

The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020:  The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance, 2020 allows intra-state and inter-state trade of farmers’ produce beyond the physical premises of APMC markets.  State governments are prohibited from levying any market fee, cess or levy outside APMC areas.

How will the Bills benefit the farmers?

Gurcharan Das, expert as he is in the field of economics, points out that the three farm laws offer three basic freedoms to the farmer. 

  • Defeat the monopoly cartel at the APMC mandi and sell the produce anywhere to anyone
  • Bypass the Essential Commodities ACt and be free to store inventory which was constrained so far by stocking limits of ESCA.
  • Free to make contracts and transfer risk to businessmen in deals made over a crop even before yield is made or met.

Why has the Centre not reached out? The Central ministers and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have tried reassuring the farmers that the government has no plans to end the government procurement system nor the MSP policy. But fear, misconceptions persist and the two sparring parties have not had meaningful negotiations.

Despite four rounds of talks with two of them involving a 3-minister panel of the government and a few dozen representatives of the farmers' unions, he impasse has not been broken. The Centre is also said to have offered a written guarantee that MSP will not be withdrawn. Farmers' lobby is not ready to buy that and demands the repeal of the recently passed Farm Bills.

Harvard alumni and bestselling author Gurcharan Das, a former CEO of Procter & Gamble India, writes in The Times of India that the agitating farmers of Punjab are looking at short term monetary games while the Farm Bills were coined with long-term economics in mind. And that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, one of the world's greatest communicators forgot to take all stake-hoders into confidence before the Bills were tabled, thus leading to false rumours that the price subsidy (MSP) is going to be withdrawn.

Gurcharan Das also points out that a small, organised, and well-funded group in a democracy can hijack the nation's interest when the majority is silent and unorganised. Das claims that behind these protests are the arthiyas , buying agents in PMC mandis who stand to lose Rs 100 crore a year in commissions, as well as the rich farmers of Punjab who are part of the 6 of India's farmers who benefit from the MSP regime.

Why are the farmers upset?

The farmers of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana are angry with the provisions of these Bills as they are afraid that these Bills may be the platform that the government (at the Centre) is setting up for the replacement or scrapping of the otherwise robust support system prevalent in their states for the purchase of their crops. They fear that the Minimum Support Price (MSP) guarantee that was their safety net since the Green Revolution of the 1960s kicked in, maybe snatched away from under the pretext of giving the farmers more playing ground and better platforms.

The state-government driven crop produce procurement infrastructure in these areas is very good. Procurement through the Food Corporation of India at promised MSP to farmers, which is declared before every agriculture season, encourages farmers to focus on taking more yield.

23 agricultural crops have MSPs, though the governments primarily buy only rice and wheat. Farmers fear the two recent bills as they feel these agriculture reform processes will kill the government procurement process as well as the MSP. And why d we see most protesters from Punjab and Haryana? That is because they are the biggest beneficiaries of this safety net.

The farmers of Punjab and Haryana: As per certain reports, nearly 89 per cent of the rice produced by the farmers in Punjab is procured by the government. In Haryana, it is 85%. farmers in Punjab and Haryana face no price risk and price risk and are in fact incentivised to grow paddy and wheat. But the nation has been facing a shortage of pulses and the wheat and rice instead have been a surplus in FCI’s godowns. Also, rice is a water-intensive crop and farmers from areas with water shortage too grow it as there is an MSP assured in the end. Continuous adoption of rice-wheat cropping system in North-Western plains of Punjab, Haryana and West Uttar Pradesh has resulted in depletion of groundwater and deterioration of soil quality, posing a serious threat to its sustainability," says a government study.

Also, these Farm Bills are encouraging farmers to strike deals with large corporates, and farmers do not trust corporates. Meanwhile, the protesting Kisan unions have announced to observe Bharat Bandh on December 8 against the Centre's new agricultural laws. They have threatened to block all the entry points at Delhi borders and occupy all the highway gates.

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Agricultural Bill 2020 in India: Agricultural Policy and Transition to Sustainable Agriculture and Self-reliance

  • First Online: 20 May 2023

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  • Asraful Alam   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7683-9206 3 ,
  • Nilanjana Ghosal 4 ,
  • Amir Khan 5 &
  • Lakshminarayan Satpati 6  

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In the background of making India self-reliant (Atmanirbhar Bharat), the agricultural sector may play the most effective role than any other sector in India. The task of achieving self-sustainability and self-reliance in agricultural sector depends not only on infrastructural and governance reform, but also on decreasing agri-imports’ bill and more focus on increasing farmer’s income and their self-dependency. Since independence, the agricultural sector of India remained highly regulated by government agencies, but the new agricultural bills that have been passed recently in 2020 mainly aim to free the farmers of our country and to help to rise the income of the farmers making them self-reliant. All the three bills are collectively designed to reduce barriers that diverse agri-food supply chain actors face in connecting to farmers and creating a unified national market “ One Nation—One Market .” The present study has the following objectives: first, to understand and study the newly introduced agricultural bills by discussing their strength and weakness; second, after understating the new agricultural bills to find out the main reason behind the recent ongoing farmer’s protest toward the new farm bills; third, to link the present agricultural policy with the sustainable agriculture and self-reliance. It is observed that the newly introduced agricultural policy has created much confusion among the farmers of our country. Thus, it is suggested that the Government of India should clarify all the fears and confusions of the farmers and guide them well about the new agricultural bills to achieve self-sustainability and self-reliance in the agricultural sector.

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I am sincerely indebted to Indian Council of Social Science Research (Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi, 110067, India), for sponsored me Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

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Department of Geography, Serampore Girls’ College, 13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712201, India

Asraful Alam

Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

Nilanjana Ghosal

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Alam, A., Ghosal, N., Khan, A., Satpati, L. (2023). Agricultural Bill 2020 in India: Agricultural Policy and Transition to Sustainable Agriculture and Self-reliance. In: Alam, A., Rukhsana (eds) Climate Change, Agriculture and Society. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28251-5_16

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28251-5_16

Published : 20 May 2023

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Farm Laws 2020 : a critical analysis

essay on agriculture bill 2020

This article is written by Tanya Malhotra, from Fairfield Institute of Management and Technology.

Table of Contents


Agriculture with its combined sector is the largest source of income in India as 70% of its rural household still depends primarily on agriculture, we all know our farmers are protesting against three Acts passed by the parliament of India and Acts got assent from the president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovind on 27 September 2020 and these Acts are “The farmers (empowerment and protection) agreement on price assurance and farm services Act, 2020”, The farmers’ produce trade and commerce (promotion and facilitation) Act, 2020” and “The essential commodities Act, 2020”. These Acts are facing some criticism which led to protest against them and agitated farmers wanted them to be repealed as they think it will not double the income of farmers but fill the pockets of corporations instead. Not only these three Acts are facing criticism but there is one more bill which has bought the attention of farmers and that bill is electricity (amendment) bill, 2020, farmers are demanding these bill and Acts to be taken back as it is nothing but a bait set by the government so that big corporation will have more profit.

Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price and Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020

It allows farmers to trade inter-state and intra-state beyond the premises of the APMC (agricultural produce market committee) market and the state government cannot put a tax on it which we call mandi tax. 

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Price of farming produce 

Price should be mentioned in the agreement and if the price is subjected to vary then a guaranteed price must be mentioned or a clear reference for any additional amount above it should be mentioned. 

Farming agreement and it’s tenure/validity 

The farming agreement is defined under section 3 in chapter 2 of the Act. A farmer may enter into a written agreement of any particular farming produce and such agreement must include the following: 

  • Terms and conditions for the supply of that produce; 
  • Time of supply; 
  • Quality, grade, standards, price, and such other matters; and 
  • Terms related to the supply of farms services.

Responsibility will be on the sponsor or farm service provider for its compliance. 

VALIDITY :  minimum  one crop season to  maximum  5 years it may extend on the discretion of farmer and sponsor by mutual decision and should be explicitly mentioned in the agreement. 

Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Firstly the matter will be heard at  the conciliation   board  and if the dispute fails to be set aside by the board within 30 days under the conciliation process from the date of filling and giving reasonable opportunity of being heard then such party may approach  sub-divisional authority . Every order by the sub-divisional authority will have the same force as a decree of a civil court under the code of civil procedure, 1908 unless an appeal is preferred. 

If the conciliation board and the sub-divisional authority are unable to settle the dispute then parties may move to  the appellate authority  which shall be presided by the collector or additional collector (appointed by the collector) within 30 days from the date of such order. The authority shall dispose of the case within 30 days and they have the same effect and enforceability as that of a decree under code of civil procedure, 1908 with all the powers such as compelling the discovery and production of the document, attendance of witnesses, etc. 

PENALTY : magistrate or appellate authority may impose a fine on the party contravening the agreement. No action against the agricultural land of farmers for recovery of any dues.

Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020  

The act allows intra-state and inter-state trade of farmer’s produce outside physical premises run by market committees under the APMC Act and other markets under the APMC Act. 

Trade can be conducted in outside trade areas such as farm gates\factory premises\warehouse\silos and cold storage or any place of production\collection and aggregation of produce.

It also provides electronic trading of scheduled farmer’s produce in the specified trade area, it will be done by  online buying and selling  of products with electronic devices on the internet. 

Who can establish and operate

  • Companies, partnership firms, or registered societies having permanent and mandatory account numbers under the Income Tax Act, 1961. 
  • Agricultural cooperative society or farmer producer organization . 

Payment process  

Every trader shall make the payment for traded scheduled farmers’ produce on  the same day  or  maximum of three days ; if procedurally required to the subject of condition for the receipt of delivery mentioning payment also should be on the same day.

Who can establish and operate the electronic trading and transaction platform 

  • Any person , having permanent account number given under the income tax Act, 1961, or other document notified by the central government; 
  • Farmer producer organization; and 
  • Agricultural co-operative society. 

Duties of establisher or operator 

  • Shall prepare and implement guidelines for free trade practice 
  • Guidelines for fees 
  • Guidelines for technical parameters 
  • Guidelines for logistic arrangements 
  • Quality assessment 
  • Timely payment 
  • Dissemination guidelines in local language  

Market fee under state APMC Act 

No market fee or cess or levy shall be levied on any farmer\trader or electronic trading and transaction platform under any state APMC Act. 

Dispute Resolution Mechanism 

In case of dispute arise then both the parties may seek a mutually acceptable solution through  conciliation  by applying to the sub-divisional magistrate who will refer the case to the conciliation board and that to be appointed by him by facilitating the binding settlement. The board must have a chairperson and members not less than 2 and not more than 4 as sub-divisional magistrate may deem fit. 

essay on agriculture bill 2020

If they fail to set the dispute then to  sub-divisional authority  and he shall decide the dispute within 30 days from the date of filing and after giving reasonable opportunity of being heard. 

  • Pass an order of recovery of the amount; 
  • Impose a fine\penalty, he will be liable to pay not more than 25000 but which may extend up to 5 lakhs; or
  • Pass an order of restraining. 

The party aggrieved by sub-divisional authority’s order may prefer an appeal before  appellate authority  means collector or additional collector appointed by the collector and within 30 days matter should be disposed of from the date of filing.   

Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020 

Regulation of food items .

Before this amendment central government had the power to regulate prohibit the production, supply, distribution, trade, and commerce of essential commodities such as oilseeds, onion, potatoes, etc., but now through this amendment, the central government can  only  regulate them under  extraordinary circumstances  such as war\famine\extra ordinary price rise\natural calamity of grave nature.

Stock limit 

The stock limit must be based on the price rise. To implement a stock limit there are two conditions: 

  • 100% increase  in the retail price of horticulture produce. 
  • 50% increase  in the retail price of non-perishable agricultural food items. 

The increased calculation will be prevailing immediately preceding 12 months or average retail price from the last 5 years, whichever is lower. 

The essential commodities Act, 1955 was brought in India when we were not self-sufficient in food production but now we have a surplus in most commodities and the amendment plays an important step to: 

  • Double the farmer’s income, and
  • Ease of doing business. 

So far we have talked about the analysis of these Acts now, we will discuss their criticism and what are the loopholes that have been left behind in these 3 Acts. 

The Central government passed these three Acts through ordinance while having voice votes they did not pass them through its normal way so these Acts are facing many dissents. Here is some main criticism about these Acts that have been disclosed by many experts and farmers themselves so far which led to major protests. Also, many critics have said that it is not a union subject but a state subject and it is up to those to decide what will be best suited for their farmers’ income. Both state and union have the power to control the production, distribution, and products of the industry including agriculture under concurrent list entry 33 of the constitution. But agriculture is under state list entry-level 14. 

These are some main criticisms: 

No mentioning on MSP 

Minimum support price, the assurance of MSP in these Acts are almost blurred as in the Act there is no mention for MSP but the government keeps on saying that no one is going to deprive farmers of MSP. This lack of mentioning MSP is leading a big criticism as without this price assurance farmers can be exploited by the private companies because the price would not be set or we can say the minimum price will not be their due to which private company will bargain with farmers and farmers will end up selling produce at the lowest price even that low which they will get from the government under MSP.

Abolished mandi tax 

These Acts abolish the tax or levy and prevail free market, whereas APMC used to charge 4.5% to 8% as mandi tax but now due to this change government will face loss in revenue as now there would not have any mandi tax in these new reforms as there will be no mandi outside the premises of APMC, and it is a major drawback as due to covid-19 we are already facing a huge loss. 


Indirectly destroying APMC market  

By adding private companies under the agrarian sector APMC will end up becoming a second option for farmers, what is required is the strengthening of the existing APMC market. Political leader Sharad Pawar has also stated that we need reforms in the APMC market and for that, we have discussed it many times with the government about it and even wrote the letter but destroying the APMC market was never their choice. Scrapping the APMC market will attract incapability under the agrarian market as small farmers will not be able to attract corporations and mandi will end becoming their last resort and if mandi will also not be there then they would be left with nothing.

No civil jurisdiction 

These Acts provide that no civil court has the jurisdiction to hear the matter related to these Acts as for that conciliation board, sub-divisional magistrate and appellate authority (sub-divisional authority) have empowered for that. So, in this regard the government has to think twice as our country still faces corruption (under the table) and big corporations will easily bribe sub-divisional magistrates and farmers will not get justice.

What positive outcome will these Acts bring

Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the nation said that these three Acts will prevail competition under the agrarian market and these are the revolutionary reforms which will bring a major change in the agricultural market by changing its reform and changing its old behavior, now every farmer will have a right to move outside the APMC premises to sell their produce, they are not just stuck to the only market they can move freely and decide on their own that whom they want to sell and where they are getting the best price and they do not even have to pay tax i.e., mandi tax. 

Under APMC there was limited trader’s operation which led to cartelization and reduction in competition and due to this we were not able to grow the agricultural market the way we should have. These three Acts will help with two factors: 

  • Due to private investment economy will grow rapidly and attract foreign investment which will lead to building the trust of investors under the agrarian market; 
  • And most importantly helps to double the farmers’ income.

Traders, commission agents, and other functionaries used to organize into the association by themselves, lead to restricting the entry of a new person into the market so that it also has been curbed under these Acts by lowering the state intervention and moving it to broader view by going outside the premises of market transaction. 

These Acts need some reformation which I have already explained under the criticism part  (see here)  but otherwise it Act can bring a revolution under the agricultural market. And, on top of it if we regulate the Swaminathan report with this act it will come as a great move by the government. 

Swaminathan report 

The national commission on farmers which was chaired by Professor M.S Swaminathan gave five reports through the period of 2004-2006 in which there were some recommendations which can lead to a better agricultural environment and these can help the Acts to become more solid. So these recommendations are: 

  • Distribute ceiling-surplus and wastelands.
  • Prevent digression of prime agricultural land and forest to corporate for non-agricultural purposes.
  • Ensure grazing rights and seasonal access to forests to tribal and pastoralists, and access to common property resources.
  • Establish a National Land Use consulting service, which might have the capacity to link land-use decisions with ecological meteorological and marketing factors on a location and season-specific basis.
  • Set up a mechanism to manage the sale of agricultural land, supported quantum of land, nature of proposed use, and category of buyer.

For further reading of this committee  (see here ).


So we can conclude by saying that agriculture plays an important role in our country to become “atma nirbhar” and for that to happen it is important to strengthen the agrarian sector and for which three acts passed by the parliament of India but they are facing some criticism due to their loopholes as those loopholes can bring nothing but corporate nirbhar India but if we can reform them in a way that those loopholes will repeal then these Acts can bring a good change in the society. 


  • https://www.prsindia.org/billtrack/farmers-empowerment-and-protection-agreement-price-assurance-and-farm-services-bill-2020
  • https://www.prsindia.org/billtrack/farmers-produce-trade-and-commerce-promotion-and-facilitation-bill-2020
  • https://www.prsindia.org/billtrack/essential-commodities-amendment-bill-2020
  • https://www.prsindia.org/report-summaries/swaminathan-report-national-commission-farmers#:~:text=The%20National%20Commission%20on%20Farmers%20(NCF)%20was%20constituted%20on%20November,in%20the%20Common%20Minimum%20Programme
  • http://www.fao.org/india/fao-in-india/india-at-a-glance/en/
  • https://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/sharad-pawar-admits-to-seeking-changes-as-agriculture-minister-in-apmc-act-and-allowing-entry-of-private-sector/691934
  • https://www.latestlaws.com/articles/a-critical-analysis-of-the-farm-bills-2020/

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Benefits of Farm Bill 2020, Essay on farm bill benefits, Agriculture bill 2020 benefits, Farmer bill 2020 benefits

Farm bill 2020 benefits, need for pro-farmer reforms:.

  • Fragmented Markets
  • Insufficient Markets
  • Market Fees and Charges
  • Inadequate Infrastructure
  • Post-Harvest Losses
  • Restriction in Licensing
  • High Intermediation Costs
  • Information Asymmetry
  • Inadequate Credit Facilities
Farm Bills Benefits

Benefits of farm bill 2020

  • Now farmers have freedom of choice to sell their produce in APMC mandi or choose any other seller. Now they have multiple options to sell their products.
  • Now famers can fix/bargain price for their price produces at their door-step. Earlier once produce brought to mandi farmer has to accept whatever price is offered.
  • Earlier there were long chain of intermediaries but now there will be minimum or no intermediary.
  • Now rural farm youth will get opportunity trade and run supply chain earlier there were no opportunity for farm youth to trade agri commodities.
  • Earlier freedom to sell fruits and vegetables outside of APMC mandi existed in some states but now this freedom is extended to all agri produce and all over the country.
  • Earlier small land holders did not have scale and bargaining power in input and output markets but now they are empowered to access modern input, services and protection against price risk. Farmer Producer Organizations help small farmers' organize for better bargaining power.
  • Contract farming is now nationally enabled and on terms favourable to farmers earlier contract farming was restricted only to some pockets.
  • Now farmers will be partners in value chain earlier farmers were not part of value chain.
  • Now export competitiveness will increase and farmers will be benefited. Earlier exports were getting uncompetitive due to long chain of intermediataries.

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Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill Essay

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The US Farm Bill is a collection of laws that addresses a number of agricultural issues (Smith 67). The Congress debates the bill every five to seven years. Once approved, the bill is forwarded for appropriations. During the appropriation stage, the amount of funds that should be allocated to every law is established. The US Farm Bill has been in existence for over 80 years. As such, the first bill was enacted in the year 1933. Nadine Lehrer, who has been studying the bill, asserts, “The bill was developed in the wake of 1930’s farm crisis to bring farm incomes up to the par with the required minimum incomes” (Lehrer 5).

Currently, over 15 related bills have been enacted. Every time the bill is passed, the US Congress makes alterations or deferrals to the requirements of permanent law. Mary Conner maintains, “The Congress can approve, alter, or abolish the provisions of previous provisional agricultural acts” (Conner 87). Through this, new policies with respect to agricultural acts can be set forth. Despite its alleged advantages, the 2014 Farm Bill will affect a number of small-scale farmers and some food industries.

From the year 1973, Farm Bills have compromised of names of agricultural programs, trade, rural improvement, and farm management measures (Conner 90). Unluckily, several original plans that were created to enhance abundant and quality foods for citizens and reasonable returns for farmers have been suppressed or substituted with plans tailored at benefiting business groups’ welfare over the farmers’ welfare. Despite the heated criticism, a number of individuals believe that the bill will revolutionize farming in the US. The editor of Washington Post states, “The bill’s drafters call for support because it eradicates the direct payment subsidy and leads a number of incremental improvements” ( In Congress’s Farm Bill 1).

Based on the above analysis, it is apparent that Farm Bills are very contentious and can affect global trade, ecological conservation programs, food security, and the farmers’ welfare. To address these issues, the Farm Bill should be sustainable. As such, the bill should be able to benefit the farmers and enhance food security in America.

Over the last few months, several debates about Farm Bill have been experienced in the USA. Its supporters have applauded the 2014 Farm Bill ( In Congress’s Farm Bill 1). The supporters comprise of crop insurance industries and a number of US senators. The group believes that progress in agricultural projects has been made in the last few years. The crop insurance industries have thanked Congress for passing the bill. The group believes that the bill will enhance their loyalty to crop insurance. As such, the group chairperson believes ten years to come; the industry will be grateful for the benefits brought by the 2014 Farm Bill.

According to the drafters of the bill, the Farm Bill is anticipated to lessen agricultural deficits by $16.6 billion in the next ten years ( In Congress’s Farm Bill 1). About $5.3 billion of these savings will materialize by the year 2018. The bill supporters believe that the bill improves the livelihoods of those living in rural America because they majorly depend on farming as their main source of livelihood. The system will be replaced with a program that will enable farmers to be compensated only when their crops fail. Equally, they believe that the bill will enhance the country’s food security. In general, supporters believe that, in the end, the bill will lower the food stamp agenda and augment expenditure on farmers’ markets.

The bill supporters are wrong because the bill will ultimately affect the livelihoods of poor farmers in America. In the program, farmers will only be compensated when their crops fail or when market prices are not conducive. With this, some of the poor farmers who have not been engaged in farming and earning support from the government will be disadvantaged. The program will eventually affect a number of poor farmers, depending on direct lending programs.

Despite the fact that a number of farmers received lending without engaging any agricultural activities, it should be noted that the money they received encouraged them to conserve the environment. Given that the 2014 Farm Bill has abolished direct lending to these farmers, they will drop their initiatives aimed at conserving the environment. Through this, the ecosystem will be compromised.

Equally, the bill supporters were wrong in passing the bill because it will hurt the seafood industry, meat industry, and poultry industry. It is worrying to note that the bill is comprised of the controversial seafood inspection program that has been intensely criticized by those affected. The programs make seafood from America uncompetitive compared to those of the neighboring countries. In addition, the bill will affect the meat and the poultry industries.

The bill necessitates meat and poultry companies to indicate their countries of origin of their products. Although some industries have supported the move, it should be noted that the program would be unfavorable for small and upcoming countries. As such, the program will be too costly for some industry players. In addition, the rules will affect trade relations within the USA and its neighboring countries. Based on these arguments, it is apparent that the 2014 Farm Bill will affect a number of stakeholders in the industry from small-scale farmers to leading corporations.

The bill is inappropriate because it fails to tackle the changes to the Global Food Support Program championed by Obama’s government. Instead, the bill allocates the United States Agency for International Development with up to $81 million. The money is to be used by the urgency in the purchase of food for the victims in the areas affected. The program abolishes the exportation of food from America to disaster-prone areas. Although the program is cheaper compared to the existing program, it should be noted that it hurts the American agricultural industry. The current program benefits the industry because they promote the farmers and corporations when their products are bought.

Notably, The US Farm Bill has been in existence for over 80 years. The bill was enacted to tackle the falling agricultural prices, countrywide food shortage, soil erosion, agricultural credit, and inequitable export actions (Hey 56). The 2014 Farm Bill was passed early this year by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. Those supporting the bill believe that it lessens agricultural deficits by $16.6 billion in the next ten years. About $5.3 billion of these savings will materialize by the year 2018. Equally, the bill supporters believe that the bill improves the livelihoods of those living in rural America because they majorly depend on farming as their main source of livelihood. However, the bill supporters are misinformed because the bill will cause more harm than good. As such, the bill will affect a number of poor farmers depending on direct lending programs and hurt the meat industry.

Works Cited

Conner, Mary T.. Farm Bill of 2008 major provisions and legislative action . New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2010. Print.

Hey, David. Oxford companion to family and local history . 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print.

In Congress’s Farm Bill, the rich get richer . 2014. Web.

Lehrer, Nadine. U.S. Farm Bills and policy reforms: ideological conflicts over world trade, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture . Amherst, N.Y.: Cambria Press, 2010.Print.

Smith, Andrew F.. Encyclopedia of food and drink in America . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 30). Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-us-farm-bill/

"Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill." IvyPanda , 30 May 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/the-us-farm-bill/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill'. 30 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill." May 30, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-us-farm-bill/.

1. IvyPanda . "Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill." May 30, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-us-farm-bill/.


IvyPanda . "Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill." May 30, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-us-farm-bill/.

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Essay on Farm Bill 2020 – Short Essay & Long Essay upto 1500 Words

Short Essay on Farm Bill 2020

Essay on Farm Bill 2020: The Farm Bill 2020 is a significant piece of legislation that impacts the agricultural sector in the United States. This comprehensive bill addresses a wide range of issues, including crop insurance, conservation programs, nutrition assistance, and support for rural development. In this essay, we will explore the key provisions of the Farm Bill 2020, its implications for farmers and consumers, and the debates surrounding its passage. By understanding the complexities of this legislation, we can better appreciate its importance in shaping the future of American agriculture.

Table of Contents

Farm Bill 2020 Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by providing an overview of the Farm Bill 2020. Mention its significance and impact on the agricultural sector in the United States.

2. Background: Provide a brief history of farm bills in the United States and explain why they are important for farmers and the agricultural industry.

3. Key provisions of the Farm Bill 2020: Discuss the main provisions of the Farm Bill 2020, such as crop insurance, commodity programs, conservation programs, and nutrition assistance programs.

4. Impact on farmers: Explain how the Farm Bill 2020 will impact farmers across the country. Discuss how it will help them manage risks, improve productivity, and access new markets.

5. Impact on the environment: Highlight the conservation programs included in the Farm Bill 2020 and discuss how they will help protect natural resources and promote sustainable farming practices.

6. Impact on nutrition assistance programs: Discuss the changes to nutrition assistance programs, such as SNAP, included in the Farm Bill 2020. Explain how these programs will help address food insecurity and improve access to healthy food for low-income families.

7. Criticisms and controversies: Address any criticisms or controversies surrounding the Farm Bill 2020. Discuss concerns raised by stakeholders and potential areas for improvement.

8. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate the importance of the Farm Bill 2020 for the agricultural sector in the United States. Discuss the potential long-term impact of the bill on farmers, the environment, and food security.

9. Writing tips: – Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively. – Provide evidence and examples to support your arguments. – Structure your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. – Use transitions to connect your ideas and make your essay flow smoothly. – Proofread your essay to check for any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling.

Essay on Farm Bill 2020 in 10 Lines – Examples

1. The Farm Bill 2020 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that sets the policies and funding for various agricultural programs in the United States. 2. It is updated every five years and covers a wide range of issues including crop insurance, conservation, nutrition assistance, and rural development. 3. The Farm Bill 2020 allocates billions of dollars in funding to support farmers, ranchers, and rural communities. 4. It includes provisions to help farmers manage risk, improve conservation practices, and access new markets. 5. The bill also addresses food assistance programs such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and school meal programs. 6. It aims to promote sustainable agriculture practices, protect natural resources, and support the next generation of farmers. 7. The Farm Bill 2020 has a significant impact on the economy, environment, and food security of the country. 8. It is the result of a lengthy legislative process involving input from various stakeholders, including farmers, industry groups, and environmental organizations. 9. The Farm Bill 2020 was signed into law by President Donald Trump in December 2018 and will remain in effect until 2023. 10. Overall, the Farm Bill 2020 plays a crucial role in shaping the future of agriculture in the United States.

Sample Essay on Farm Bill 2020 in 100-180 Words

The Farm Bill 2020 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that addresses various aspects of agriculture and rural development in the United States. It provides funding for various programs such as crop insurance, conservation, nutrition assistance, and research. The bill also includes provisions to support farmers, ranchers, and rural communities, as well as promote sustainable agriculture practices.

One of the key components of the Farm Bill 2020 is the reauthorization of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which provides food assistance to low-income individuals and families. The bill also includes funding for programs that support farmers markets, local food systems, and organic agriculture.

Overall, the Farm Bill 2020 aims to support the agricultural industry, promote food security, and protect natural resources. It plays a crucial role in shaping the future of agriculture in the United States and ensuring the well-being of farmers and rural communities.

Short Essay on Farm Bill 2020 in 200-500 Words

The Farm Bill 2020 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that governs various aspects of agriculture and food policy in the United States. It is a crucial piece of legislation that impacts farmers, ranchers, consumers, and the environment. The Farm Bill is typically renewed every five years, and the most recent version was signed into law in December 2018.

One of the key components of the Farm Bill 2020 is the reauthorization of various agricultural programs and subsidies. These programs provide financial assistance to farmers and ranchers, helping them to manage risk, improve productivity, and protect the environment. The Farm Bill also includes provisions for nutrition assistance programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which helps low-income individuals and families access healthy food.

Another important aspect of the Farm Bill 2020 is its support for conservation programs. These programs help farmers and ranchers implement practices that protect soil, water, and wildlife habitat. The Farm Bill provides funding for programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), which help farmers implement conservation practices on their land.

The Farm Bill 2020 also includes provisions for rural development programs, which help support economic development in rural communities. These programs provide funding for infrastructure projects, business development, and job training programs in rural areas. By investing in rural development, the Farm Bill helps to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of life for rural residents.

In addition to these key components, the Farm Bill 2020 also includes provisions for crop insurance, research and extension programs, and international trade. These provisions help to support the agricultural industry, promote innovation, and expand market opportunities for farmers and ranchers.

Overall, the Farm Bill 2020 is a critical piece of legislation that impacts every aspect of the agricultural industry. By providing support for farmers, ranchers, and rural communities, the Farm Bill helps to ensure a stable and sustainable food supply for all Americans. It is essential that policymakers continue to prioritize the needs of farmers and ranchers in future Farm Bill negotiations, in order to support a thriving agricultural industry and a healthy food system for years to come.

Essay on Farm Bill 2020 in 1000-1500 Words

The Farm Bill of 2020 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that addresses various aspects of agriculture and food policy in the United States. It is a critical piece of legislation that impacts farmers, consumers, and the environment. The Farm Bill is typically passed every five years and is one of the most important pieces of legislation for the agricultural sector in the United States.

The Farm Bill of 2020 includes several key provisions that impact farmers and consumers. One of the most significant provisions of the Farm Bill is the reauthorization of various programs that provide financial assistance to farmers. These programs include crop insurance, commodity programs, and conservation programs. These programs help farmers manage risk, stabilize farm income, and protect the environment.

Another important provision of the Farm Bill is the nutrition assistance program, which provides food assistance to low-income individuals and families. This program, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), helps millions of Americans access healthy and affordable food. The Farm Bill of 2020 includes provisions that strengthen and improve the SNAP program, ensuring that vulnerable populations have access to the food they need.

The Farm Bill of 2020 also includes provisions that support rural development and agricultural research. These provisions help rural communities thrive, support agricultural innovation, and promote sustainable farming practices. The Farm Bill includes funding for programs that support rural infrastructure, such as broadband access and rural water systems. It also includes funding for agricultural research and extension programs that help farmers adopt new technologies and practices.

One of the key provisions of the Farm Bill of 2020 is the conservation title, which includes programs that help farmers protect and conserve natural resources. These programs help farmers implement conservation practices on their land, such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and wetland restoration. The Farm Bill also includes funding for programs that help farmers reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.

Overall, the Farm Bill of 2020 is a critical piece of legislation that impacts farmers, consumers, and the environment. It provides financial assistance to farmers, ensures that vulnerable populations have access to healthy food, supports rural development, and promotes sustainable farming practices. The Farm Bill is a key tool for ensuring a strong and resilient agricultural sector in the United States.

In conclusion, the Farm Bill of 2020 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that addresses various aspects of agriculture and food policy in the United States. It includes provisions that support farmers, consumers, and the environment, and plays a critical role in ensuring a strong and resilient agricultural sector. The Farm Bill of 2020 is an important piece of legislation that impacts the lives of millions of Americans and plays a key role in shaping the future of agriculture in the United States.

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Farm Bill 2020 Essay

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India has been dependent on agriculture since ancient times. India is an agricultural country, about 65% of its population is engaged in agriculture. Agriculture accounts for about 17% of India’s economy. Our former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri understood the importance of farmers. During the war with Pakistan in 1965, he gave the slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan” for the service of the country by the farmers and jawans. Farmers are called the Annadata of our country, but they themselves lead a very difficult and pathetic life. “Kisan Bill Bill 2020” is an initiative taken by our government to improve the agriculture sectors and their daily life.

Table of Contents

Long Essay on Farm Bill 2020 in English

What are the things in the Bill 2020 brought by the Government of India for the benefit of farmers, which the farmers themselves are opposing. In this essay given below, we will discuss about it in detail.

Long Essay – 1300 words


Farmer is the backbone of our country and country’s economy. Despite this, the condition of the farmers is very bad and pathetic. Even in this digital age, many farmers are illiterate today. Some farmers are unable to educate their children because of their poverty. In order to strengthen the family situation of the farmers and to modernize agriculture, the government has decided to bring “Kisan Bill Bill 2020” for the farmers, but the opposition of this bill by the farmers itself is a matter of concern.

What is Kisan Bill 2020 ?

In view of the condition of the Indian farmer, our government has decided to enact a law under this, by adopting new ways in the life of the farmers and in farming, how to bring them in a better condition. In this Kisan Bill, 3 bills have been added by the government. In which the Agricultural Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill 2020, Farmers Contract Act 2020 on Price Assurance and Agricultural Services (Empowerment and Protection), and the Essential Commodities Amendment Act 2020 have been included.

The three Acts were brought together under one ordinance during the monsoon session. They were passed in the Lok Sabha on 17 September 2020 and then in the Rajya Sabha on 20 September 2020. After this, this bill was approved by the President on 27 September 2020 and this bill was passed as a bill.

The main objective of passing the Kisan Bill 2020

Agriculture has always played an important role in making India’s economy strong. Our country has always been an agricultural country and our farmers live in villages. Farmers take care of themselves and their families by cultivating in the fields.

After independence, there was a system of zamindari in India. There used to be a deal between the farmer and the zamindars that the farmer would do the farm and the wages on those fields, and the cost of the crop and selling it in the markets would be the job of the zamindar. Due to all this, the farmers used to make only a nominal profit, and sometimes due to personal needs, the farmer took loans from the landlords and if he was not in a position to repay the loan, he had to lose his land.

Later the government abolished the system of zamindari and introduced a new system for the farmers and the crops produced from them could be sold directly to the government in the interest of the farmers. Due to which the farmers got a fair price for their hard work.

According to the government policies, farmers could sell their produce themselves in the APMC (Agriculture Produce Store or Mandi) set by the government. But in this the retailers and middlemen come and start making their money. Such middlemen used to buy their goods from the farmers at cheap prices and sell them to the traders at higher prices and used to make their own money.

In this way, even in the government mandis, the farmers could not get the right remuneration or price for their produce. In other words, this rule was not properly implemented and followed. The government has introduced a new agriculture bill to end this type of fraud so that more and more benefits can be directly given to our farmers.

Some important points of Kisan Bill

The following things are contained in the three bills passed by the Central Government. Something like this –

  • Farmer’s Production and Commerce Bill
  • Under this, farmers can sell the produce to their desired place in the country for business.
  • This also means that farmers can buy or sell their produce outside the APMC (Agriculture Produce Market).
  • Along with this, there will be no tax of any kind on crops.
  • Farmers can also sell their crops online. In this way, they can earn their wages by charging prices according to their crops.

2. Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Bill on Price Assurance and Agricultural Services

  • Under this, a system of contract farming is also proposed across the country.
  • Under contract farming, if the crop is damaged, its loss will not be compensated by the farmer but the parties or companies making the agreement.
  • Farmers can sell the produce to these companies at their own price, which will increase their income and eliminate middlemen.

3. Essential Commodities Amendment Bill

  • Under this act, the stock limit on things like edible oil, oilseeds, pulses, onions, potatoes has been removed.
  • Stock limit can be applied only in situations like national calamity, drought.
  • Government control over production, storage and their distribution will end.

benefits of kisan bill

Kisan Bill 2020 has been passed for the upliftment of agriculture sector in India. According to this bill, along with benefiting the farmers, important reforms have to be brought in the agriculture sector. Some of the benefits of this bill are as follows-

  • Under this law, farmers will be free to sell their crops anywhere in the country.
  • Flexibility will be encouraged between the traders or the company and the farmers.
  • In addition to mandis, additional construction of warehouses, cold houses, farm gates, processing units in the farmer’s business area.
  • Organization of exporters, organized sectors with farmers so that it eliminates middlemen.
  • To promote digital marketing across the country and bring transparency in this work.
  • Exemption from any kind of tax (including customs duty) on crops for trade.
  • Contract farming will start. In which the price of the produce will be fixed between the investors and the farmers so that more profit can be reached to the farmers.
  • By providing new technology, crop yield can be increased.
  • Farmers will get freedom from the loss in agriculture.
  • Storage limit on some selected crops will be removed so that farmers will get more profit.

Why protest against Kisan Bill ?

For some reasons, the Kisan Bill brought by the government is being opposed. such as –

  • The support price (MSP) fixed by the government will be abolished.
  • If the farmer sells his produce outside the mandis, then the agricultural produce markets will be abolished.
  • What about portals like e-NAM or e-Trending.
  • Corporate sectors will get a boost in the agriculture sector on the basis of money.

Is Kisan Bill 2020 in the interest of farmers or not ?

Honorable Narendra Modi, the then Prime Minister of our country, has said about this bill that this Kisan Bill will work like a watershed for the lives of farmers. will protect their interests, and will bring an increase in the support price of their produce. According to the bill, it will help the farmers to get their due remuneration and bring useful reforms in the agriculture sector. If we look at the bill, it is in the interest of farmers and agriculture sector. On the other hand, despite this bill being in the interest of the farmers, it is being opposed by the farmers all over the country especially in the states like Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh etc. This leads to some negativity being seen about the bill.

Even in today’s latest digital times, the condition of farmers is not seeing any good. Despite several decisions taken in the interest of farmers and agriculture sector, the upliftment of farmers is not visible. The government has introduced a law for their interests and to establish new dimensions in the agricultural sectors. Against which many states and farmers are continuously protesting. This issue has become quite serious due to such opposition.

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ভারত প্রাচীনকাল থেকেই কৃষির উপর নির্ভরশীল। ভারত একটি কৃষিপ্রধান দেশ, এর জনসংখ্যার প্রায় 65% কৃষিতে নিযুক্ত। ভারতের অর্থনীতির প্রায় 17% কৃষি। আমাদের প্রাক্তন প্রধানমন্ত্রী লাল বাহাদুর শাস্ত্রী কৃষকদের গুরুত্ব বুঝতেন। 1965 সালে পাকিস্তানের সাথে যুদ্ধের সময় তিনি কৃষক ও জওয়ানদের দ্বারা দেশের সেবার জন্য “জয় জওয়ান জয় কিষান” স্লোগান দিয়েছিলেন। কৃষকদেরকে আমাদের দেশের অন্নদাতা বলা হয়, কিন্তু তারা নিজেরাই অত্যন্ত কঠিন ও করুণ জীবনযাপন করে। “কিসান বিল বিল 2020” হল আমাদের সরকার কৃষি খাত এবং তাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবনের উন্নতির জন্য একটি উদ্যোগ নিয়েছে।

বাংলায় ফার্ম বিল 2020 এর উপর দীর্ঘ প্রবন্ধ

ভারত সরকার কৃষকদের সুবিধার জন্য বিল 2020-এ কী কী জিনিস এনেছে, যার বিরোধিতা করছেন কৃষকরা। নীচে দেওয়া এই প্রবন্ধে, আমরা এটি সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত আলোচনা করব।

দীর্ঘ রচনা – 1300 শব্দ

কৃষক আমাদের দেশ ও দেশের অর্থনীতির মেরুদণ্ড। এর পরও কৃষকদের অবস্থা খুবই শোচনীয় ও করুণ। এই ডিজিটাল যুগেও অনেক কৃষক আজ নিরক্ষর। কিছু কৃষক দারিদ্র্যের কারণে তাদের সন্তানদের লেখাপড়া করাতে পারছেন না। কৃষকদের পারিবারিক অবস্থাকে শক্তিশালী করতে এবং কৃষিকে আধুনিক করার জন্য, সরকার কৃষকদের জন্য “কিষাণ বিল বিল 2020” আনার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে, তবে কৃষকদের দ্বারা এই বিলের বিরোধিতা উদ্বেগের বিষয়।

কিসান বিল 2020 কি?

ভারতীয় কৃষকের অবস্থার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে, আমাদের সরকার কৃষকদের জীবনে এবং চাষাবাদে নতুন উপায় অবলম্বন করে, কীভাবে তাদের আরও ভাল অবস্থায় আনা যায় তার অধীনে একটি আইন প্রণয়নের সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে। এই কিষাণ বিলে সরকারের পক্ষ থেকে ৩টি বিল যুক্ত করা হয়েছে। যার মধ্যে কৃষি উৎপাদন বাণিজ্য ও বাণিজ্য (উন্নতি এবং সুবিধা) বিল 2020, মূল্য নিশ্চিতকরণ এবং কৃষি পরিষেবা (ক্ষমতায়ন এবং সুরক্ষা) সম্পর্কিত কৃষক চুক্তি আইন 2020 এবং অপরিহার্য পণ্য সংশোধনী আইন 2020 অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয়েছে।

বর্ষাকালীন অধিবেশনে তিনটি আইন এক অধ্যাদেশের অধীনে আনা হয়েছিল। এগুলি 17 সেপ্টেম্বর 2020-এ লোকসভায় এবং তারপরে 20 সেপ্টেম্বর 2020-এ রাজ্যসভায় পাস হয়েছিল। এর পরে, এই বিলটি 27 সেপ্টেম্বর 2020 তারিখে রাষ্ট্রপতি কর্তৃক অনুমোদিত হয় এবং এই বিলটি একটি বিল হিসাবে পাস হয়।

কিষাণ বিল 2020 পাশ করার মূল লক্ষ্য

ভারতের অর্থনীতিকে শক্তিশালী করতে কৃষি সবসময়ই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করেছে। আমাদের দেশ বরাবরই একটি কৃষিপ্রধান দেশ এবং আমাদের কৃষকরা গ্রামে বাস করে। কৃষকরা জমিতে চাষ করে নিজেদের ও পরিবারের ভরণপোষণ করে।

স্বাধীনতার পর ভারতে জমিদারি প্রথা চালু ছিল। কৃষক ও জমিদারের মধ্যে একটা চুক্তি হতো যে, কৃষক খামার করবে এবং সেই জমিতে মজুরি দেবে এবং ফসলের দাম ও বাজারে বিক্রি করা হবে জমিদারের কাজ। এসবের কারণে কৃষকরা নামমাত্র মুনাফা করতেন এবং অনেক সময় ব্যক্তিগত প্রয়োজনে কৃষক জমিদারদের কাছ থেকে ঋণ নিতেন এবং ঋণ পরিশোধ করার মতো অবস্থায় না থাকলে তাকে তার জমি হারাতে হতো।

পরবর্তীতে সরকার জমিদারি প্রথা বিলুপ্ত করে কৃষকদের জন্য একটি নতুন ব্যবস্থা চালু করে এবং কৃষকদের স্বার্থে তাদের থেকে উৎপাদিত ফসল সরাসরি সরকারের কাছে বিক্রি করা যায়। যার কারণে কৃষকরা তাদের পরিশ্রমের ন্যায্য মূল্য পেয়েছেন।

সরকারী নীতি অনুসারে, কৃষকরা তাদের উৎপাদিত পণ্যগুলি সরকার কর্তৃক নির্ধারিত APMC (কৃষি পণ্য স্টোর বা মান্ডি) এ বিক্রি করতে পারে। কিন্তু এতে খুচরা বিক্রেতা ও মধ্যস্বত্বভোগীরা এসে তাদের অর্থ উপার্জন শুরু করে। এ ধরনের মধ্যস্বত্বভোগীরা কৃষকদের কাছ থেকে সস্তায় পণ্য ক্রয় করে বেশি দামে ব্যবসায়ীদের কাছে বিক্রি করে নিজেদের অর্থ উপার্জন করতেন।

এতে করে সরকারি মন্ডিতেও কৃষকরা তাদের উৎপাদিত পণ্যের সঠিক পারিশ্রমিক বা মূল্য পাচ্ছেন না। অন্য কথায়, এই নিয়মটি সঠিকভাবে প্রয়োগ ও অনুসরণ করা হয়নি। এই ধরনের প্রতারণার অবসান ঘটাতে সরকার একটি নতুন কৃষি বিল এনেছে যাতে আমাদের কৃষকদের সরাসরি আরও বেশি সুবিধা দেওয়া যায়।

কিষাণ বিলের কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়

কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার যে তিনটি বিল পাশ করেছে তাতে নিম্নলিখিত ধরণের বিষয়গুলি রয়েছে৷ এটার মতো কিছু –

  • কৃষকের উৎপাদন ও বাণিজ্য বিল
  • এর আওতায় কৃষকরা ব্যবসার জন্য দেশের পছন্দসই স্থানে পণ্য বিক্রি করতে পারবেন।
  • এর মানে হল যে কৃষকরা তাদের পণ্যগুলি APMC (কৃষি উত্পাদন বাজার) এর বাইরে কিনতে বা বিক্রি করতে পারে।
  • সেই সঙ্গে ফসলের ওপর কোনো ধরনের কর দিতে হবে না।
  • কৃষকরা তাদের ফসল অনলাইনেও বিক্রি করতে পারবেন। এইভাবে, তারা তাদের ফসল অনুযায়ী মূল্য নির্ধারণ করে তাদের মজুরি অর্জন করতে পারে।

2. দামের নিশ্চয়তা এবং কৃষি পরিষেবা সম্পর্কিত কৃষক (ক্ষমতায়ন ও সুরক্ষা) বিল

  • এর আওতায় সারাদেশে কন্ট্রাক্ট ফার্মিং পদ্ধতিরও প্রস্তাব করা হয়েছে।
  • কন্ট্রাক্ট ফার্মিং-এর অধীনে, যদি ফসলের ক্ষতি হয়, তবে তার ক্ষতি কৃষকের দ্বারা নয়, চুক্তিকারী পক্ষ বা সংস্থাগুলি দ্বারা ক্ষতিপূরণ দেওয়া হবে।
  • কৃষকরা তাদের নিজস্ব মূল্যে এসব কোম্পানির কাছে উৎপাদিত পণ্য বিক্রি করতে পারে, এতে তাদের আয় বাড়বে এবং মধ্যস্বত্বভোগী দূর হবে।

3. প্রয়োজনীয় পণ্য সংশোধনী বিল

  • এই আইনের অধীনে, ভোজ্যতেল, তৈলবীজ, ডাল, পেঁয়াজ, আলু প্রভৃতি জিনিসের মজুত সীমা অপসারণ করা হয়েছে।
  • স্টক লিমিট শুধুমাত্র জাতীয় দুর্যোগ, খরার মতো পরিস্থিতিতে প্রয়োগ করা যেতে পারে।
  • উৎপাদন, মজুদ ও তাদের বিতরণের ওপর সরকারের নিয়ন্ত্রণ শেষ হবে।

কিষাণ বিলের সুবিধা

ভারতে কৃষি খাতের উন্নতির জন্য কিষান বিল 2020 পাস হয়েছে। এই বিল অনুযায়ী কৃষকদের সুবিধার পাশাপাশি কৃষি খাতে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সংস্কার আনতে হবে। এই বিলের কিছু সুবিধা হল-

  • এই আইনের আওতায় কৃষকরা তাদের ফসল দেশের যেকোনো স্থানে বিক্রি করতে পারবেন।
  • ব্যবসায়ী বা কোম্পানি এবং কৃষকদের মধ্যে নমনীয়তা উত্সাহিত করা হবে।
  • মন্ডি ছাড়াও, কৃষকের ব্যবসার এলাকায় গুদাম, হিমাগার, খামারের গেট, প্রক্রিয়াকরণ ইউনিটের অতিরিক্ত নির্মাণ।
  • রপ্তানিকারকদের সংগঠন, কৃষকদের সাথে সংগঠিত খাত যাতে মধ্যস্বত্বভোগীদের নির্মূল করে।
  • সারাদেশে ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং প্রচার করা এবং এ কাজে স্বচ্ছতা আনা।
  • বাণিজ্যের জন্য ফসলের উপর যে কোনো ধরনের কর (শুল্ক সহ) থেকে অব্যাহতি।
  • কন্ট্রাক্ট ফার্মিং শুরু হবে। এতে বিনিয়োগকারী ও কৃষকদের মধ্যে উৎপাদিত পণ্যের মূল্য নির্ধারণ করা হবে যাতে কৃষকদের কাছে অধিক মুনাফা পৌঁছানো যায়।
  • নতুন প্রযুক্তি প্রদানের মাধ্যমে ফসলের ফলন বাড়ানো যায়।
  • কৃষকরা কৃষিতে ক্ষতি থেকে মুক্তি পাবে।
  • কিছু নির্বাচিত ফসলের সঞ্চয় সীমা অপসারণ করা হবে যাতে কৃষকরা বেশি লাভ পায়।

কিষাণ বিলের প্রতিবাদ কেন ?

বিভিন্ন কারণে সরকারের আনা কিষাণ বিলের বিরোধিতা করা হচ্ছে। যেমন –

  • সরকার কর্তৃক নির্ধারিত সমর্থন মূল্য (MSP) বাতিল করা হবে।
  • কৃষক যদি তার উৎপাদিত পণ্য মন্ডির বাইরে বিক্রি করে, তাহলে কৃষি পণ্যের বাজার বিলুপ্ত হয়ে যাবে।
  • ই-ন্যাম বা ই-ট্রেন্ডিং এর মত পোর্টাল সম্পর্কে কি?
  • করপোরেট খাতগুলো অর্থের ভিত্তিতে কৃষি খাতে চাঙ্গা হবে।

কিষাণ বিল 2020 কি কৃষকদের স্বার্থে কি না ?

আমাদের দেশের তৎকালীন প্রধানমন্ত্রী মাননীয় নরেন্দ্র মোদী এই বিল সম্পর্কে বলেছেন যে এই কিষাণ বিল কৃষকদের জীবনে জলাধারের মতো কাজ করবে। তাদের স্বার্থ রক্ষা করবে, এবং তাদের উৎপাদিত পণ্যের সমর্থন মূল্য বৃদ্ধি করবে। বিল অনুসারে, এটি কৃষকদের তাদের প্রাপ্য পারিশ্রমিক পেতে এবং কৃষি খাতে কার্যকর সংস্কার আনতে সহায়তা করবে। আমরা যদি বিলটি দেখি, এটি কৃষক ও কৃষি খাতের স্বার্থে। অন্যদিকে, এই বিলটি কৃষকদের স্বার্থে হলেও, সারা দেশে বিশেষ করে পাঞ্জাব, হরিয়ানা, মধ্যপ্রদেশ প্রভৃতি রাজ্যে কৃষকরা এর বিরোধিতা করছেন। এটি বিল সম্পর্কে কিছু নেতিবাচকতা দেখা যায়।

বর্তমান ডিজিটাল যুগেও কৃষকদের অবস্থা ভালো কিছু দেখছে না। কৃষক ও কৃষি খাতের স্বার্থে একাধিক সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া হলেও কৃষকের উন্নতি দৃশ্যমান নয়। তাদের স্বার্থে এবং কৃষি খাতে নতুন মাত্রা প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য সরকার একটি আইন প্রণয়ন করেছে। যার বিরুদ্ধে বহু রাজ্য ও কৃষক লাগাতার প্রতিবাদ করছেন। এ ধরনের বিরোধিতার কারণে বিষয়টি খুবই গুরুতর হয়ে উঠেছে।

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ભારત પ્રાચીન સમયથી ખેતી પર નિર્ભર છે. ભારત એક કૃષિપ્રધાન દેશ છે, તેની લગભગ 65% વસ્તી કૃષિ સાથે સંકળાયેલી છે. ભારતના અર્થતંત્રમાં કૃષિનો હિસ્સો લગભગ 17% છે. આપણા પૂર્વ વડાપ્રધાન લાલ બહાદુર શાસ્ત્રી ખેડૂતોનું મહત્વ સમજતા હતા. 1965માં પાકિસ્તાન સાથેના યુદ્ધ દરમિયાન તેમણે ખેડૂતો અને જવાનો દ્વારા દેશની સેવા માટે “જય જવાન જય કિસાન”નું સૂત્ર આપ્યું હતું. ખેડૂતોને આપણા દેશના અન્નદાતા કહેવામાં આવે છે, પરંતુ તેઓ પોતે ખૂબ જ મુશ્કેલ અને દયનીય જીવન જીવે છે. “કિસાન બિલ બિલ 2020” એ અમારી સરકાર દ્વારા કૃષિ ક્ષેત્રો અને તેમના રોજિંદા જીવનને સુધારવા માટે હાથ ધરવામાં આવેલી પહેલ છે.

ફાર્મ બિલ 2020 પર ગુજરાતીમાં લાંબો નિબંધ

ભારત સરકાર દ્વારા ખેડૂતોના હિત માટે લાવવામાં આવેલા બિલ 2020માં એવી કઈ બાબતો છે જેનો ખેડૂતો પોતે વિરોધ કરી રહ્યા છે. નીચે આપેલા આ નિબંધમાં, અમે તેના વિશે વિગતવાર ચર્ચા કરીશું.

લાંબો નિબંધ – 1300 શબ્દો

ખેડૂત આપણા દેશ અને દેશની અર્થવ્યવસ્થાની કરોડરજ્જુ છે. આમ છતાં ખેડૂતોની હાલત અત્યંત કફોડી અને દયનીય છે. આ ડિજિટલ યુગમાં પણ આજે ઘણા ખેડૂતો અભણ છે. કેટલાક ખેડૂતો તેમની ગરીબીને કારણે તેમના બાળકોને ભણાવી શકતા નથી. ખેડૂતોની પારિવારિક સ્થિતિને મજબૂત કરવા અને ખેતીને આધુનિક બનાવવા માટે સરકારે ખેડૂતો માટે “કિસાન બિલ બિલ 2020” લાવવાનો નિર્ણય કર્યો છે, પરંતુ ખેડૂતો દ્વારા આ બિલનો વિરોધ ચિંતાનો વિષય છે.

કિસાન બિલ 2020 શું છે ?

ભારતીય ખેડૂતોની સ્થિતિને ધ્યાનમાં રાખીને, અમારી સરકારે ખેડૂતોના જીવનમાં અને ખેતીમાં નવી રીતો અપનાવીને તેમને વધુ સારી સ્થિતિમાં કેવી રીતે લાવવું તે અંતર્ગત કાયદો ઘડવાનું નક્કી કર્યું છે. આ કિસાન બિલમાં સરકાર દ્વારા 3 બિલ ઉમેરવામાં આવ્યા છે. જેમાં એગ્રીકલ્ચર પ્રોડ્યુસ ટ્રેડ એન્ડ કોમર્સ (પ્રમોશન એન્ડ ફેસિલિટેશન) બિલ 2020, ભાવ ખાતરી અને કૃષિ સેવાઓ (સશક્તિકરણ અને સંરક્ષણ) પર ખેડૂત કરાર અધિનિયમ 2020 અને આવશ્યક ચીજવસ્તુઓ સુધારણા અધિનિયમ 2020નો સમાવેશ કરવામાં આવ્યો છે.

ચોમાસા સત્ર દરમિયાન ત્રણેય કાયદાઓ એક વટહુકમ હેઠળ લાવવામાં આવ્યા હતા. તેઓ 17 સપ્ટેમ્બર 2020 ના રોજ લોકસભામાં અને પછી 20 સપ્ટેમ્બર 2020 ના રોજ રાજ્યસભામાં પસાર થયા હતા. આ પછી, 27 સપ્ટેમ્બર 2020 ના રોજ રાષ્ટ્રપતિ દ્વારા આ બિલને મંજૂરી આપવામાં આવી હતી અને આ બિલને બિલ તરીકે પસાર કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું.

કિસાન બિલ 2020 પસાર કરવાનો મુખ્ય ઉદ્દેશ્ય

ભારતની અર્થવ્યવસ્થાને મજબૂત બનાવવામાં કૃષિએ હંમેશા મહત્વની ભૂમિકા ભજવી છે. આપણો દેશ હંમેશાથી કૃષિપ્રધાન દેશ રહ્યો છે અને આપણા ખેડૂતો ગામડાઓમાં રહે છે. ખેડૂતો ખેતરોમાં ખેતી કરીને પોતાનું અને પોતાના પરિવારનું ધ્યાન રાખે છે.

આઝાદી પછી ભારતમાં જમીનદારીની વ્યવસ્થા હતી. ખેડૂત અને જમીનદાર વચ્ચે એવો સોદો થતો હતો કે ખેડૂત તે ખેતરોમાં ખેતી અને મજૂરી કરશે, અને પાકની કિંમત અને તેને બજારોમાં વેચવાનું કામ જમીનદારનું રહેશે. આ બધાને કારણે ખેડૂતો માત્ર મામૂલી નફો મેળવતા હતા અને કેટલીકવાર અંગત જરૂરિયાતોને કારણે ખેડૂત જમીનદારો પાસેથી લોન લેતો હતો અને જો તે લોન ચૂકવવાની સ્થિતિમાં ન હોય તો તેણે પોતાની જમીન ગુમાવવી પડતી હતી.

બાદમાં, સરકારે જમીનદારી પ્રથા નાબૂદ કરી અને ખેડૂતો માટે નવી વ્યવસ્થા દાખલ કરી અને તેમાંથી ઉત્પાદિત પાક ખેડૂતોના હિતમાં સરકારને સીધો વેચી શકાય. જેના કારણે ખેડૂતોને તેમની મહેનતના યોગ્ય ભાવ મળ્યા.

સરકારની નીતિઓ અનુસાર, ખેડૂતો સરકાર દ્વારા નિર્ધારિત એપીએમસી (એગ્રીકલ્ચર પ્રોડ્યુસ સ્ટોર અથવા મંડી)માં તેમની ઉપજ વેચી શકે છે. પરંતુ આમાં છૂટક વેપારીઓ અને વચેટિયાઓ આવીને તેમના પૈસા કમાવવાનું શરૂ કરે છે. આવા વચેટિયાઓ ખેડૂતો પાસેથી સસ્તા ભાવે માલ ખરીદતા હતા અને ઉંચા ભાવે વેપારીઓને વેચી પોતાની કમાણી કરતા હતા.

આ રીતે સરકારી મંડીઓમાં પણ ખેડૂતોને તેમના ઉત્પાદનનું યોગ્ય મહેનતાણું કે ભાવ મળી શક્યા નથી. બીજા શબ્દોમાં કહીએ તો, આ નિયમનો યોગ્ય રીતે અમલ અને પાલન કરવામાં આવ્યું ન હતું. આ પ્રકારની છેતરપિંડીનો અંત લાવવા માટે સરકારે નવું કૃષિ બિલ રજૂ કર્યું છે જેથી કરીને અમારા ખેડૂતોને વધુને વધુ લાભો સીધા મળી શકે.

કિસાન બિલના કેટલાક મહત્વના મુદ્દા

કેન્દ્ર સરકાર દ્વારા પસાર કરાયેલા ત્રણ બિલોમાં નીચેના પ્રકારની બાબતો સમાયેલી છે. થોડું આના જેવું –

  • ખેડૂત ઉત્પાદન અને વાણિજ્ય બિલ
  • આ અંતર્ગત ખેડૂતો વેપાર માટે દેશમાં તેમની ઈચ્છિત જગ્યાએ ઉત્પાદન વેચી શકે છે.
  • આનો અર્થ એવો પણ થાય છે કે ખેડૂતો તેમની પેદાશો APMC (એગ્રીકલ્ચર પ્રોડ્યુસ માર્કેટ)ની બહાર ખરીદી કે વેચી શકે છે.
  • આ સાથે પાક પર કોઈપણ પ્રકારનો ટેક્સ નહીં લાગે.
  • ખેડૂતો તેમના પાકનું ઓનલાઈન વેચાણ પણ કરી શકે છે. આ રીતે, તેઓ તેમના પાક અનુસાર ભાવ વસૂલ કરીને તેમની મજૂરી મેળવી શકે છે.

2. ભાવ ખાતરી અને કૃષિ સેવાઓ પર ખેડૂતો (સશક્તિકરણ અને સંરક્ષણ) બિલ

  • આ અંતર્ગત દેશભરમાં કોન્ટ્રાક્ટ ફાર્મિંગની સિસ્ટમ પણ પ્રસ્તાવિત છે.
  • કોન્ટ્રાક્ટ ફાર્મિંગ હેઠળ, જો પાકને નુકસાન થાય છે, તો તેના નુકસાનની ભરપાઈ ખેડૂત દ્વારા નહીં પરંતુ કરાર કરનાર પક્ષો અથવા કંપનીઓ દ્વારા કરવામાં આવશે.
  • ખેડૂતો આ કંપનીઓને તેમના પોતાના ભાવે ઉત્પાદન વેચી શકે છે, જે તેમની આવકમાં વધારો કરશે અને વચેટિયાઓને દૂર કરશે.

3. આવશ્યક ચીજવસ્તુઓ સુધારો બિલ

  • આ કાયદા હેઠળ ખાદ્ય તેલ, તેલીબિયાં, કઠોળ, ડુંગળી, બટાકા જેવી વસ્તુઓ પરની સ્ટોક લિમિટ હટાવી દેવામાં આવી છે.
  • સ્ટોક લિમિટ માત્ર રાષ્ટ્રીય આફત, દુષ્કાળ જેવી પરિસ્થિતિઓમાં જ લાગુ કરી શકાય છે.
  • ઉત્પાદન, સંગ્રહ અને તેમના વિતરણ પર સરકારનું નિયંત્રણ સમાપ્ત થશે.

કિસાન બિલના ફાયદા

ભારતમાં કૃષિ ક્ષેત્રના ઉત્થાન માટે કિસાન બિલ 2020 પસાર કરવામાં આવ્યું છે. આ વિધેયક અનુસાર ખેડૂતોને લાભ આપવાની સાથે કૃષિ ક્ષેત્રમાં મહત્વપૂર્ણ સુધારા લાવવાના છે. આ બિલના કેટલાક ફાયદા નીચે મુજબ છે-

  • આ કાયદા હેઠળ, ખેડૂતો તેમના પાકને દેશમાં ગમે ત્યાં વેચવા માટે સ્વતંત્ર હશે.
  • વેપારીઓ કે કંપની અને ખેડૂતો વચ્ચે સુગમતાને પ્રોત્સાહન આપવામાં આવશે.
  • મંડીઓ ઉપરાંત, ખેડૂતના વ્યવસાય વિસ્તારમાં વેરહાઉસ, કોલ્ડ હાઉસ, ફાર્મ ગેટ, પ્રોસેસિંગ યુનિટનું વધારાનું બાંધકામ.
  • નિકાસકારોનું સંગઠન, ખેડૂતો સાથે સંગઠિત ક્ષેત્રો જેથી તે વચેટિયાઓને દૂર કરે.
  • સમગ્ર દેશમાં ડિજિટલ માર્કેટિંગને પ્રોત્સાહન આપવું અને આ કાર્યમાં પારદર્શિતા લાવવા.
  • વેપાર માટેના પાકો પર કોઈપણ પ્રકારના કર (કસ્ટમ ડ્યુટી સહિત)માંથી મુક્તિ.
  • કોન્ટ્રાક્ટ ફાર્મિંગ શરૂ થશે. જેમાં રોકાણકારો અને ખેડૂતો વચ્ચે ઉત્પાદનના ભાવ નક્કી કરવામાં આવશે જેથી ખેડૂતો સુધી વધુ નફો પહોંચી શકે.
  • નવી ટેકનોલોજી આપીને પાકની ઉપજ વધારી શકાય છે.
  • ખેડૂતોને ખેતીમાં થતા નુકસાનમાંથી મુક્તિ મળશે.
  • કેટલાક પસંદ કરેલા પાકો પરની સંગ્રહ મર્યાદા દૂર કરવામાં આવશે જેથી ખેડૂતોને વધુ નફો મળશે.

કિસાન બિલનો વિરોધ શા માટે ?

કેટલાક કારણોસર સરકાર દ્વારા લાવવામાં આવેલા કિસાન બિલનો વિરોધ કરવામાં આવી રહ્યો છે. જેમ કે –

  • સરકાર દ્વારા નિર્ધારિત ટેકાના ભાવ (MSP) નાબૂદ કરવામાં આવશે.
  • જો ખેડૂત તેની ઉપજ મંડીઓની બહાર વેચે છે, તો કૃષિ પેદાશોના બજારો નાબૂદ થઈ જશે.
  • e-NAM અથવા e-Trending જેવા પોર્ટલ વિશે શું?
  • નાણાના આધારે કોર્પોરેટ ક્ષેત્રોને કૃષિ ક્ષેત્રે પ્રોત્સાહન મળશે.

કિસાન બિલ 2020 ખેડૂતોના હિતમાં છે કે નહીં ?

આપણા દેશના તત્કાલિન વડાપ્રધાન માનનીય નરેન્દ્ર મોદીએ આ બિલ વિશે કહ્યું છે કે આ કિસાન બિલ ખેડૂતોના જીવન માટે વોટરશેડ જેવું કામ કરશે. તેમના હિતોનું રક્ષણ કરશે, અને તેમના ઉત્પાદનના ટેકાના ભાવમાં વધારો લાવશે. બિલ અનુસાર, તે ખેડૂતોને તેમનું યોગ્ય મહેનતાણું મેળવવા અને કૃષિ ક્ષેત્રમાં ઉપયોગી સુધારા લાવવામાં મદદ કરશે. જો બિલ પર નજર કરીએ તો તે ખેડૂતો અને કૃષિ ક્ષેત્રના હિતમાં છે. બીજી તરફ આ બિલ ખેડૂતોના હિતમાં હોવા છતાં દેશભરમાં ખાસ કરીને પંજાબ, હરિયાણા, મધ્યપ્રદેશ વગેરે રાજ્યોમાં ખેડૂતો દ્વારા તેનો વિરોધ કરવામાં આવી રહ્યો છે. આનાથી બિલ વિશે કેટલીક નકારાત્મકતા જોવા મળી રહી છે.

આજના લેટેસ્ટ ડીજીટલ સમયમાં પણ ખેડૂતોની હાલત કંઈ સારી દેખાઈ રહી નથી. ખેડૂતો અને કૃષિ ક્ષેત્રના હિતમાં અનેક નિર્ણયો લેવાયા છતાં ખેડૂતોનો ઉત્કર્ષ દેખાતો નથી. સરકારે તેમના હિત માટે અને કૃષિ ક્ષેત્રોમાં નવા આયામો સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે કાયદો રજૂ કર્યો છે. જેની સામે અનેક રાજ્યો અને ખેડૂતો સતત વિરોધ કરી રહ્યા છે. આવા વિરોધને કારણે આ મુદ્દો ખૂબ જ ગંભીર બની ગયો છે.

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ಪ್ರಾಚೀನ ಕಾಲದಿಂದಲೂ ಭಾರತವು ಕೃಷಿಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಅವಲಂಬಿತವಾಗಿದೆ. ಭಾರತವು ಕೃಷಿ ದೇಶವಾಗಿದೆ, ಅದರ ಜನಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯ ಸುಮಾರು 65% ಕೃಷಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ತೊಡಗಿಸಿಕೊಂಡಿದೆ. ಭಾರತದ ಆರ್ಥಿಕತೆಯ ಸುಮಾರು 17% ರಷ್ಟು ಕೃಷಿಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ. ನಮ್ಮ ಮಾಜಿ ಪ್ರಧಾನಿ ಲಾಲ್ ಬಹದ್ದೂರ್ ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಿ ಅವರು ರೈತರ ಮಹತ್ವವನ್ನು ಅರ್ಥಮಾಡಿಕೊಂಡರು. 1965 ರಲ್ಲಿ ಪಾಕಿಸ್ತಾನದೊಂದಿಗಿನ ಯುದ್ಧದ ಸಮಯದಲ್ಲಿ, ಅವರು ರೈತರು ಮತ್ತು ಯೋಧರು ದೇಶ ಸೇವೆಗಾಗಿ “ಜೈ ಜವಾನ್ ಜೈ ಕಿಸಾನ್” ಘೋಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಿದರು. ರೈತರನ್ನು ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶದ ಅನ್ನದಾತ ಎಂದು ಕರೆಯುತ್ತಾರೆ, ಆದರೆ ಅವರೇ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಕಷ್ಟಕರ ಮತ್ತು ಕರುಣಾಜನಕ ಜೀವನವನ್ನು ನಡೆಸುತ್ತಾರೆ. “ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಬಿಲ್ ಬಿಲ್ 2020” ನಮ್ಮ ಸರ್ಕಾರವು ಕೃಷಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಮತ್ತು ಅವರ ದೈನಂದಿನ ಜೀವನವನ್ನು ಸುಧಾರಿಸಲು ಕೈಗೊಂಡ ಉಪಕ್ರಮವಾಗಿದೆ.

ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ಬಿಲ್ 2020 ಕುರಿತು ದೀರ್ಘ ಪ್ರಬಂಧ

ರೈತರ ಅನುಕೂಲಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಭಾರತ ಸರ್ಕಾರವು ತಂದಿರುವ 2020 ರ ಮಸೂದೆಯಲ್ಲಿನ ವಿಷಯಗಳೇನು, ಅದನ್ನು ರೈತರೇ ವಿರೋಧಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಕೆಳಗೆ ನೀಡಲಾದ ಈ ಪ್ರಬಂಧದಲ್ಲಿ, ನಾವು ಅದರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ವಿವರವಾಗಿ ಚರ್ಚಿಸುತ್ತೇವೆ.

ದೀರ್ಘ ಪ್ರಬಂಧ – 1300 ಪದಗಳು

ರೈತ ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶದ ಮತ್ತು ದೇಶದ ಆರ್ಥಿಕತೆಯ ಬೆನ್ನೆಲುಬು. ಹೀಗಿದ್ದರೂ ರೈತರ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಶೋಚನೀಯವಾಗಿದೆ. ಈ ಡಿಜಿಟಲ್ ಯುಗದಲ್ಲೂ ಅನೇಕ ರೈತರು ಇಂದು ಅನಕ್ಷರಸ್ಥರಾಗಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಕೆಲವು ರೈತರು ತಮ್ಮ ಬಡತನದಿಂದ ತಮ್ಮ ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ ನೀಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ರೈತರ ಕೌಟುಂಬಿಕ ಪರಿಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಬಲಪಡಿಸಲು ಮತ್ತು ಕೃಷಿಯನ್ನು ಆಧುನೀಕರಿಸಲು ಸರ್ಕಾರವು ರೈತರಿಗಾಗಿ “ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆ 2020” ತರಲು ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಿದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಈ ಮಸೂದೆಗೆ ರೈತರೇ ವಿರೋಧ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಪಡಿಸುತ್ತಿರುವುದು ಕಳವಳಕಾರಿಯಾಗಿದೆ.

ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಬಿಲ್ 2020 ಎಂದರೇನು?

ಭಾರತೀಯ ರೈತನ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಗಮನದಲ್ಲಿಟ್ಟುಕೊಂಡು, ನಮ್ಮ ಸರ್ಕಾರವು ರೈತರ ಜೀವನ ಮತ್ತು ಕೃಷಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊಸ ವಿಧಾನಗಳನ್ನು ಅಳವಡಿಸಿಕೊಂಡು, ಅವರನ್ನು ಉತ್ತಮ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಗೆ ತರುವುದು ಹೇಗೆ ಎಂಬ ಕಾನೂನನ್ನು ಜಾರಿಗೆ ತರಲು ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಿದೆ. ಈ ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸರ್ಕಾರದಿಂದ 3 ಮಸೂದೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಇದರಲ್ಲಿ ಕೃಷಿ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ವ್ಯಾಪಾರ ಮತ್ತು ವಾಣಿಜ್ಯ (ಉತ್ತೇಜನೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅನುಕೂಲ) ಮಸೂದೆ 2020, ರೈತರ ಒಪ್ಪಂದ ಕಾಯ್ದೆ 2020 ಬೆಲೆ ಭರವಸೆ ಮತ್ತು ಕೃಷಿ ಸೇವೆಗಳು (ಸಬಲೀಕರಣ ಮತ್ತು ರಕ್ಷಣೆ), ಮತ್ತು ಅಗತ್ಯ ಸರಕುಗಳ ತಿದ್ದುಪಡಿ ಕಾಯಿದೆ 2020 ಅನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.

ಮುಂಗಾರು ಅಧಿವೇಶನದಲ್ಲಿ ಮೂರು ಕಾಯಿದೆಗಳನ್ನು ಒಂದು ಸುಗ್ರೀವಾಜ್ಞೆಯ ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ತರಲಾಯಿತು. ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು 17 ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್ 2020 ರಂದು ಲೋಕಸಭೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತು ನಂತರ 20 ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್ 2020 ರಂದು ರಾಜ್ಯಸಭೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅಂಗೀಕರಿಸಲಾಯಿತು. ಇದರ ನಂತರ, ಈ ಮಸೂದೆಯನ್ನು 27 ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್ 2020 ರಂದು ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರಪತಿಗಳು ಅನುಮೋದಿಸಿದರು ಮತ್ತು ಈ ಮಸೂದೆಯನ್ನು ಮಸೂದೆಯಾಗಿ ಅಂಗೀಕರಿಸಲಾಯಿತು.

ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆ 2020 ಅನ್ನು ಅಂಗೀಕರಿಸುವ ಮುಖ್ಯ ಉದ್ದೇಶ

ಭಾರತದ ಆರ್ಥಿಕತೆಯನ್ನು ಬಲಿಷ್ಠಗೊಳಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ಕೃಷಿಯು ಯಾವಾಗಲೂ ಪ್ರಮುಖ ಪಾತ್ರವನ್ನು ವಹಿಸಿದೆ. ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶ ಯಾವಾಗಲೂ ಕೃಷಿ ಪ್ರಧಾನ ದೇಶವಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ನಮ್ಮ ರೈತರು ಹಳ್ಳಿಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಸಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ರೈತರು ಹೊಲಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕೃಷಿ ಮಾಡುವ ಮೂಲಕ ತಮ್ಮ ಮತ್ತು ತಮ್ಮ ಕುಟುಂಬವನ್ನು ನೋಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತಾರೆ.

ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯಾನಂತರ ಭಾರತದಲ್ಲಿ ಜಮೀನ್ದಾರಿ ಪದ್ಧತಿ ಇತ್ತು. ಜಮೀನುದಾರರು ಮತ್ತು ಜಮೀನುದಾರರ ನಡುವೆ ರೈತನು ಕೃಷಿ ಮತ್ತು ಆ ಹೊಲಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕೂಲಿಯನ್ನು ಮಾಡುತ್ತಾನೆ ಮತ್ತು ಬೆಳೆ ವೆಚ್ಚ ಮತ್ತು ಅದನ್ನು ಮಾರುಕಟ್ಟೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡುವುದು ಜಮೀನ್ದಾರನ ಕೆಲಸ ಎಂದು ಒಪ್ಪಂದವಿತ್ತು. ಇದೆಲ್ಲದರಿಂದ ರೈತರು ಕೇವಲ ನಾಮಮಾತ್ರದ ಲಾಭವನ್ನು ಗಳಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದರು ಮತ್ತು ಕೆಲವೊಮ್ಮೆ ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ಅಗತ್ಯಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ರೈತನು ಜಮೀನುದಾರರಿಂದ ಸಾಲ ಪಡೆದು ಸಾಲವನ್ನು ಮರುಪಾವತಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗದಿದ್ದರೆ ತನ್ನ ಭೂಮಿಯನ್ನು ಕಳೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕಾಯಿತು.

ನಂತರ ಸರ್ಕಾರ ಜಮೀನ್ದಾರಿ ಪದ್ಧತಿಯನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಪಡಿಸಿ ರೈತರಿಗಾಗಿ ಹೊಸ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯನ್ನು ಜಾರಿಗೆ ತಂದಿತು ಮತ್ತು ರೈತರ ಹಿತದೃಷ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ಅವರಿಂದ ಉತ್ಪಾದನೆಯಾದ ಬೆಳೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೇರವಾಗಿ ಸರ್ಕಾರಕ್ಕೆ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಬಹುದಾಗಿದೆ. ಇದರಿಂದ ರೈತರ ಶ್ರಮಕ್ಕೆ ತಕ್ಕ ಬೆಲೆ ಸಿಕ್ಕಿದೆ.

ಸರ್ಕಾರದ ನೀತಿಗಳ ಪ್ರಕಾರ, ರೈತರು ತಮ್ಮ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳನ್ನು ಸರ್ಕಾರ ನಿಗದಿಪಡಿಸಿದ ಎಪಿಎಂಸಿ (ಕೃಷಿ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ಅಂಗಡಿ ಅಥವಾ ಮಂಡಿ) ನಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. ಆದರೆ ಇದರಲ್ಲಿ ಚಿಲ್ಲರೆ ವ್ಯಾಪಾರಿಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮಧ್ಯವರ್ತಿಗಳು ಬಂದು ತಮ್ಮ ಹಣವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಅಂತಹ ಮಧ್ಯವರ್ತಿಗಳು ರೈತರಿಂದ ಅಗ್ಗದ ಬೆಲೆಗೆ ವಸ್ತುಗಳನ್ನು ಖರೀದಿಸಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಬೆಲೆಗೆ ವ್ಯಾಪಾರಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದರು ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ವಂತ ಹಣ ಸಂಪಾದಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದರು.

ಈ ಮೂಲಕ ಸರಕಾರಿ ಮಂಡಿಗಳಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ರೈತರು ಬೆಳೆದ ಬೆಳೆಗೆ ಸರಿಯಾದ ಕೂಲಿ, ಬೆಲೆ ಸಿಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ಬೇರೆ ರೀತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹೇಳುವುದಾದರೆ, ಈ ನಿಯಮವನ್ನು ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ಅಳವಡಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ ಮತ್ತು ಅನುಸರಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ಈ ರೀತಿಯ ವಂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ಕೊನೆಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಸರ್ಕಾರವು ಹೊಸ ಕೃಷಿ ಮಸೂದೆಯನ್ನು ಪರಿಚಯಿಸಿದೆ, ಇದರಿಂದ ನಮ್ಮ ರೈತರಿಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಪ್ರಯೋಜನಗಳನ್ನು ನೇರವಾಗಿ ನೀಡಬಹುದು.

ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆಯ ಕೆಲವು ಪ್ರಮುಖ ಅಂಶಗಳು

ಕೇಂದ್ರ ಸರ್ಕಾರವು ಅಂಗೀಕರಿಸಿದ ಮೂರು ಮಸೂದೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ರೀತಿಯ ವಿಷಯಗಳಿವೆ. ಈ ರೀತಿಯ ಏನಾದರೂ –

  • ರೈತರ ಉತ್ಪಾದನೆ ಮತ್ತು ವಾಣಿಜ್ಯ ಮಸೂದೆ
  • ಇದರ ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ, ರೈತರು ತಮ್ಮ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳನ್ನು ವ್ಯಾಪಾರಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ತಮಗೆ ಬೇಕಾದ ಸ್ಥಳಕ್ಕೆ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು.
  • ಇದರರ್ಥ ರೈತರು ತಮ್ಮ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳನ್ನು ಎಪಿಎಂಸಿ (ಕೃಷಿ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ಮಾರುಕಟ್ಟೆ) ಹೊರಗೆ ಖರೀದಿಸಬಹುದು ಅಥವಾ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು.
  • ಇದರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಬೆಳೆಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಯಾವುದೇ ರೀತಿಯ ತೆರಿಗೆ ಇರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.
  • ರೈತರು ತಮ್ಮ ಬೆಳೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. ಈ ರೀತಿಯಾಗಿ, ಅವರು ತಮ್ಮ ಬೆಳೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಅನುಗುಣವಾಗಿ ಬೆಲೆಯನ್ನು ವಿಧಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ತಮ್ಮ ಕೂಲಿಯನ್ನು ಗಳಿಸಬಹುದು.

2. ರೈತರ (ಸಬಲೀಕರಣ ಮತ್ತು ರಕ್ಷಣೆ) ಬೆಲೆ ಭರವಸೆ ಮತ್ತು ಕೃಷಿ ಸೇವೆಗಳ ಮಸೂದೆ

  • ಇದರ ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ, ದೇಶಾದ್ಯಂತ ಒಪ್ಪಂದದ ಕೃಷಿ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯನ್ನು ಸಹ ಪ್ರಸ್ತಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.
  • ಗುತ್ತಿಗೆ ಬೇಸಾಯದ ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ, ಬೆಳೆ ಹಾನಿಯಾದರೆ, ಅದರ ನಷ್ಟವನ್ನು ರೈತನಿಂದ ಭರಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ ಆದರೆ ಒಪ್ಪಂದವನ್ನು ಮಾಡುವ ಪಕ್ಷಗಳು ಅಥವಾ ಕಂಪನಿಗಳು.
  • ರೈತರು ತಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವಂತ ಬೆಲೆಗೆ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳನ್ನು ಈ ಕಂಪನಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು, ಇದು ಅವರ ಆದಾಯವನ್ನು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಸುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಮಧ್ಯವರ್ತಿಗಳನ್ನು ತೊಡೆದುಹಾಕುತ್ತದೆ.

3. ಅಗತ್ಯ ಸರಕುಗಳ ತಿದ್ದುಪಡಿ ಮಸೂದೆ

  • ಈ ಕಾಯ್ದೆಯಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಖಾದ್ಯ ತೈಲ, ಎಣ್ಣೆಕಾಳುಗಳು, ಬೇಳೆಕಾಳುಗಳು, ಈರುಳ್ಳಿ, ಆಲೂಗಡ್ಡೆ ಮುಂತಾದ ವಸ್ತುಗಳ ಮೇಲಿನ ದಾಸ್ತಾನು ಮಿತಿಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಲಾಗಿದೆ.
  • ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರೀಯ ವಿಪತ್ತು, ಬರಗಾಲದಂತಹ ಸಂದರ್ಭಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾತ್ರ ಸ್ಟಾಕ್ ಮಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಅನ್ವಯಿಸಬಹುದು.
  • ಉತ್ಪಾದನೆ, ಸಂಗ್ರಹಣೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅವುಗಳ ವಿತರಣೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಸರ್ಕಾರದ ನಿಯಂತ್ರಣ ಕೊನೆಗೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತದೆ.

ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆಯ ಪ್ರಯೋಜನಗಳು

ಭಾರತದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೃಷಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದ ಉನ್ನತಿಗಾಗಿ ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಬಿಲ್ 2020 ಅನ್ನು ಅಂಗೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಈ ಮಸೂದೆಯ ಪ್ರಕಾರ ರೈತರಿಗೆ ಅನುಕೂಲವಾಗುವುದರ ಜತೆಗೆ ಕೃಷಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ಮಹತ್ವದ ಸುಧಾರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ತರಬೇಕಿದೆ. ಈ ಮಸೂದೆಯ ಕೆಲವು ಪ್ರಯೋಜನಗಳು ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನಂತಿವೆ-

  • ಈ ಕಾನೂನಿನ ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ, ರೈತರು ತಮ್ಮ ಬೆಳೆಗಳನ್ನು ದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಎಲ್ಲಿ ಬೇಕಾದರೂ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಲು ಮುಕ್ತರಾಗಿರುತ್ತಾರೆ.
  • ವ್ಯಾಪಾರಿಗಳು ಅಥವಾ ಕಂಪನಿ ಮತ್ತು ರೈತರ ನಡುವೆ ನಮ್ಯತೆಯನ್ನು ಪ್ರೋತ್ಸಾಹಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.
  • ಮಂಡಿಗಳ ಜೊತೆಗೆ ರೈತರ ವ್ಯಾಪಾರ ಪ್ರದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಗೋದಾಮುಗಳು, ಶೀತಲ ಮನೆಗಳು, ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ಗೇಟ್‌ಗಳು, ಸಂಸ್ಕರಣಾ ಘಟಕಗಳ ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ನಿರ್ಮಾಣ.
  • ರಫ್ತುದಾರರ ಸಂಘಟನೆ, ರೈತರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಘಟಿತ ವಲಯಗಳು ಇದರಿಂದ ಮಧ್ಯವರ್ತಿಗಳನ್ನು ತೊಡೆದುಹಾಕುತ್ತವೆ.
  • ದೇಶದಾದ್ಯಂತ ಡಿಜಿಟಲ್ ಮಾರ್ಕೆಟಿಂಗ್ ಅನ್ನು ಉತ್ತೇಜಿಸಲು ಮತ್ತು ಈ ಕೆಲಸದಲ್ಲಿ ಪಾರದರ್ಶಕತೆಯನ್ನು ತರಲು.
  • ವ್ಯಾಪಾರಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಬೆಳೆಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಯಾವುದೇ ರೀತಿಯ ತೆರಿಗೆಯಿಂದ (ಕಸ್ಟಮ್ಸ್ ಸುಂಕವನ್ನು ಒಳಗೊಂಡಂತೆ) ವಿನಾಯಿತಿ.
  • ಗುತ್ತಿಗೆ ಕೃಷಿ ಆರಂಭಿಸಲಾಗುವುದು. ಇದರಲ್ಲಿ ಹೂಡಿಕೆದಾರರು ಮತ್ತು ರೈತರ ನಡುವೆ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನದ ಬೆಲೆಯನ್ನು ನಿಗದಿಪಡಿಸಲಾಗುವುದು ಇದರಿಂದ ರೈತರಿಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಲಾಭವನ್ನು ತಲುಪಬಹುದು.
  • ಹೊಸ ತಂತ್ರಜ್ಞಾನವನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ಬೆಳೆ ಇಳುವರಿಯನ್ನು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಸಬಹುದು.
  • ಕೃಷಿಯಲ್ಲಿನ ನಷ್ಟದಿಂದ ರೈತರಿಗೆ ಮುಕ್ತಿ ಸಿಗಲಿದೆ.
  • ಕೆಲವು ಆಯ್ದ ಬೆಳೆಗಳ ಮೇಲಿನ ಶೇಖರಣಾ ಮಿತಿಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ ಇದರಿಂದ ರೈತರಿಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಲಾಭ ಸಿಗುತ್ತದೆ.

ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆ ವಿರುದ್ಧ ಪ್ರತಿಭಟನೆ ಏಕೆ ?

ಕಾರಣಾಂತರಗಳಿಂದ ಸರ್ಕಾರ ತಂದಿರುವ ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆಗೆ ವಿರೋಧ ವ್ಯಕ್ತವಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ. ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ –

  • ಸರ್ಕಾರ ನಿಗದಿಪಡಿಸಿರುವ ಬೆಂಬಲ ಬೆಲೆ (ಎಂಎಸ್‌ಪಿ) ರದ್ದುಪಡಿಸಲಾಗುವುದು.
  • ರೈತರು ತಮ್ಮ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳನ್ನು ಮಂಡಿಗಳ ಹೊರಗೆ ಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಿದರೆ, ಕೃಷಿ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ಮಾರುಕಟ್ಟೆಗಳನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಪಡಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.
  • ಇ-ನ್ಯಾಮ್ ಅಥವಾ ಇ-ಟ್ರೆಂಡಿಂಗ್‌ನಂತಹ ಪೋರ್ಟಲ್‌ಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಏನು.
  • ಕಾರ್ಪೊರೇಟ್ ವಲಯಗಳು ಹಣದ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ಕೃಷಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತೇಜನವನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯುತ್ತವೆ.

ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆ 2020 ರೈತರ ಹಿತಾಸಕ್ತಿಯಾಗಿದೆಯೇ ಅಥವಾ ಇಲ್ಲವೇ ?

ಈ ಕಿಸಾನ್ ಮಸೂದೆಯು ರೈತರ ಬದುಕಿಗೆ ಜಲಧಾರೆಯಾಗಿ ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡಲಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಅಂದಿನ ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶದ ಪ್ರಧಾನಿಯಾಗಿದ್ದ ಸನ್ಮಾನ್ಯ ನರೇಂದ್ರ ಮೋದಿಯವರು ಈ ಮಸೂದೆಯ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಹೇಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಅವರ ಹಿತಾಸಕ್ತಿಗಳನ್ನು ರಕ್ಷಿಸುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅವರ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳ ಬೆಂಬಲ ಬೆಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚಳವನ್ನು ತರುತ್ತದೆ. ವಿಧೇಯಕದ ಪ್ರಕಾರ, ರೈತರಿಗೆ ತಮ್ಮ ಸಂಭಾವನೆಯನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಲು ಮತ್ತು ಕೃಷಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ಉಪಯುಕ್ತ ಸುಧಾರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ತರಲು ಇದು ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ. ನಾವು ಮಸೂದೆಯನ್ನು ನೋಡಿದರೆ, ಇದು ರೈತರು ಮತ್ತು ಕೃಷಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದ ಹಿತಾಸಕ್ತಿಯಾಗಿದೆ. ಮತ್ತೊಂದೆಡೆ, ಈ ಮಸೂದೆ ರೈತರ ಹಿತದೃಷ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ಕೂಡಿದ್ದರೂ, ದೇಶಾದ್ಯಂತ ವಿಶೇಷವಾಗಿ ಪಂಜಾಬ್, ಹರಿಯಾಣ, ಮಧ್ಯಪ್ರದೇಶ ಮೊದಲಾದ ರಾಜ್ಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ರೈತರಿಂದ ವಿರೋಧ ವ್ಯಕ್ತವಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ. ಇದು ಮಸೂದೆಯ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಕೆಲವು ನಕಾರಾತ್ಮಕತೆಗೆ ಕಾರಣವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.

ಇಂದಿನ ಇತ್ತೀಚಿನ ಡಿಜಿಟಲ್ ಕಾಲದಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ರೈತರ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಏನನ್ನೂ ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿ ಕಾಣುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ರೈತರು ಮತ್ತು ಕೃಷಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದ ಹಿತದೃಷ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ಹಲವಾರು ನಿರ್ಧಾರಗಳನ್ನು ಕೈಗೊಂಡರೂ ರೈತರ ಉನ್ನತಿ ಕಾಣುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ಅವರ ಹಿತಾಸಕ್ತಿಗಾಗಿ ಮತ್ತು ಕೃಷಿ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊಸ ಆಯಾಮಗಳನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲು ಸರ್ಕಾರ ಕಾನೂನನ್ನು ಪರಿಚಯಿಸಿದೆ. ಇದರ ವಿರುದ್ಧ ಹಲವು ರಾಜ್ಯಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ರೈತರು ನಿರಂತರವಾಗಿ ಪ್ರತಿಭಟನೆ ನಡೆಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಇಂತಹ ವಿರೋಧದಿಂದಾಗಿ ಈ ವಿಷಯವು ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಗಂಭೀರವಾಗಿದೆ.

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പ്രാചീനകാലം മുതൽ ഇന്ത്യ കൃഷിയെ ആശ്രയിച്ചിരുന്നു. ഇന്ത്യ ഒരു കാർഷിക രാജ്യമാണ്, അതിന്റെ ജനസംഖ്യയുടെ 65% പേരും കൃഷിയിൽ ഏർപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു. ഇന്ത്യയുടെ സമ്പദ്‌വ്യവസ്ഥയുടെ 17 ശതമാനവും കൃഷിയാണ്. നമ്മുടെ മുൻ പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ലാൽ ബഹദൂർ ശാസ്ത്രി കർഷകരുടെ പ്രാധാന്യം മനസ്സിലാക്കിയിരുന്നു. 1965-ൽ പാക്കിസ്ഥാനുമായുള്ള യുദ്ധത്തിൽ കർഷകരുടെയും ജവാന്മാരുടെയും രാജ്യസേവനത്തിനായി അദ്ദേഹം “ജയ് ജവാൻ ജയ് കിസാൻ” എന്ന മുദ്രാവാക്യം നൽകി. കർഷകരെ നമ്മുടെ നാട്ടിലെ അന്നദാതാവ് എന്ന് വിളിക്കുന്നു, പക്ഷേ അവർ തന്നെ വളരെ പ്രയാസകരവും ദയനീയവുമായ ജീവിതം നയിക്കുന്നു. “കിസാൻ ബിൽ ബിൽ 2020” കാർഷിക മേഖലകളും അവരുടെ ദൈനംദിന ജീവിതവും മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനായി നമ്മുടെ സർക്കാർ എടുത്ത ഒരു സംരംഭമാണ്.

ഫാം ബിൽ 2020-നെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള ദീർഘമായ ഉപന്യാസം മലയാളത്തിൽ

കർഷകരുടെ പ്രയോജനത്തിനായി ഇന്ത്യൻ സർക്കാർ കൊണ്ടുവന്ന 2020 ബില്ലിലെ കാര്യങ്ങൾ എന്തെല്ലാമാണ്, കർഷകർ തന്നെ എതിർക്കുന്നു. ചുവടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ഈ ലേഖനത്തിൽ, ഞങ്ങൾ അതിനെക്കുറിച്ച് വിശദമായി ചർച്ച ചെയ്യും.

നീണ്ട ഉപന്യാസം – 1300 വാക്കുകൾ

നമ്മുടെ രാജ്യത്തിന്റെയും രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ സമ്പദ്‌വ്യവസ്ഥയുടെയും നട്ടെല്ലാണ് കർഷകൻ. ഇതൊക്കെയാണെങ്കിലും, കർഷകരുടെ അവസ്ഥ വളരെ ദയനീയവും ദയനീയവുമാണ്. ഈ ഡിജിറ്റൽ യുഗത്തിലും പല കർഷകരും ഇന്ന് നിരക്ഷരരാണ്. ചില കർഷകരുടെ ദാരിദ്ര്യം കാരണം കുട്ടികളെ പഠിപ്പിക്കാൻ കഴിയുന്നില്ല. കർഷകരുടെ കുടുംബസാഹചര്യം ശക്തിപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനും കൃഷി ആധുനികവത്കരിക്കുന്നതിനുമായി കർഷകർക്കായി “കിസാൻ ബിൽ 2020” കൊണ്ടുവരാൻ സർക്കാർ തീരുമാനിച്ചെങ്കിലും കർഷകർ തന്നെ ഈ ബില്ലിനെ എതിർക്കുന്നത് ആശങ്കാജനകമാണ്.

എന്താണ് കിസാൻ ബിൽ 2020 ?

ഇന്ത്യൻ കർഷകന്റെ അവസ്ഥ കണക്കിലെടുത്ത്, കർഷകരുടെ ജീവിതത്തിലും കൃഷിയിലും പുതിയ രീതികൾ അവലംബിച്ച് അവരെ എങ്ങനെ മെച്ചപ്പെട്ട അവസ്ഥയിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ടുവരാം എന്നതിന് കീഴിൽ ഒരു നിയമം കൊണ്ടുവരാൻ നമ്മുടെ സർക്കാർ തീരുമാനിച്ചു. ഈ കിസാൻ ബില്ലിൽ 3 ബില്ലുകൾ സർക്കാർ ചേർത്തിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഇതിൽ അഗ്രികൾച്ചറൽ പ്രൊഡക്‌സ് ട്രേഡ് ആന്റ് കൊമേഴ്‌സ് (പ്രമോഷനും ഫെസിലിറ്റേഷനും) ബിൽ 2020, ഫാർമേഴ്‌സ് കോൺട്രാക്ട് ആക്‌ട് 2020, വില ഉറപ്പ്, കാർഷിക സേവനങ്ങൾ (ശാക്തീകരണവും സംരക്ഷണവും), അവശ്യസാധന ഭേദഗതി നിയമം 2020 എന്നിവ ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

മൺസൂൺ സെഷനിൽ മൂന്ന് നിയമങ്ങളും ഒരു ഓർഡിനൻസിന് കീഴിൽ കൊണ്ടുവന്നു. 2020 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 17ന് ലോക്‌സഭയിലും തുടർന്ന് 2020 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 20ന് രാജ്യസഭയിലും ഇവ പാസായി. ഇതിനുശേഷം, ഈ ബിൽ 2020 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 27-ന് രാഷ്ട്രപതി അംഗീകരിക്കുകയും ഈ ബിൽ ഒരു ബില്ലായി പാസാക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു.

കിസാൻ ബിൽ 2020 പാസാക്കുന്നതിന്റെ പ്രധാന ലക്ഷ്യം

ഇന്ത്യയുടെ സമ്പദ്‌വ്യവസ്ഥയെ ശക്തമാക്കുന്നതിൽ കൃഷി എപ്പോഴും ഒരു പ്രധാന പങ്ക് വഹിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. നമ്മുടെ രാജ്യം എല്ലായ്പ്പോഴും ഒരു കാർഷിക രാജ്യമാണ്, നമ്മുടെ കർഷകർ ഗ്രാമങ്ങളിലാണ് താമസിക്കുന്നത്. വയലിൽ കൃഷിയിറക്കിയാണ് കർഷകർ തങ്ങളേയും കുടുംബത്തേയും പരിപാലിക്കുന്നത്.

സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യാനന്തരം ഇന്ത്യയിൽ ജമീന്ദാരി സമ്പ്രദായം നിലവിലുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. കർഷകനും ജമീന്ദാർമാരും തമ്മിൽ കൃഷിയിറക്കുമെന്നും ആ പാടങ്ങളിലെ കൂലിയും കർഷകൻ ചെയ്യുമെന്നും വിളയുടെ വിലയും ചന്തകളിൽ വിൽക്കലും ജമീന്ദാരുടെ ജോലിയായിരിക്കുമെന്നും ഒരു ഇടപാടുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. ഇതെല്ലാം കൊണ്ടും കർഷകർക്ക് നാമമാത്രമായ ലാഭം മാത്രമായിരുന്നു ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നത്, ചിലപ്പോൾ വ്യക്തിപരമായ ആവശ്യങ്ങൾ കാരണം കർഷകൻ ഭൂവുടമകളിൽ നിന്ന് വായ്പയെടുത്തു, കടം തിരിച്ചടയ്ക്കാൻ കഴിയാതെ വന്നാൽ, ഭൂമി നഷ്ടപ്പെടേണ്ടതായി വന്നു.

പിന്നീട് സർക്കാർ ജമീന്ദാരി സമ്പ്രദായം നിർത്തലാക്കുകയും കർഷകർക്കായി ഒരു പുതിയ സംവിധാനം ഏർപ്പെടുത്തുകയും അവരിൽ നിന്ന് ഉത്പാദിപ്പിക്കുന്ന വിളകൾ കർഷകരുടെ താൽപ്പര്യം കണക്കിലെടുത്ത് സർക്കാരിന് നേരിട്ട് വിൽക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു. ഇതുമൂലം കർഷകർക്ക് അവരുടെ അധ്വാനത്തിന് ന്യായമായ വില ലഭിച്ചു.

സർക്കാർ നയങ്ങൾ അനുസരിച്ച്, കർഷകർക്ക് അവരുടെ ഉൽപ്പന്നങ്ങൾ സർക്കാർ നിശ്ചയിച്ചിട്ടുള്ള എപിഎംസിയിൽ (അഗ്രികൾച്ചർ പ്രൊഡ്യൂസ് സ്റ്റോർ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മണ്ടി) വിൽക്കാം. എന്നാൽ ഇതിൽ ചില്ലറ വ്യാപാരികളും ഇടനിലക്കാരും വന്ന് പണം സമ്പാദിക്കാൻ തുടങ്ങുന്നു. ഇത്തരം ഇടനിലക്കാർ കർഷകരിൽ നിന്ന് കുറഞ്ഞ വിലയ്ക്ക് സാധനങ്ങൾ വാങ്ങി കൂടുതൽ വിലയ്ക്ക് വ്യാപാരികൾക്ക് വിറ്റ് സ്വന്തം പണം സമ്പാദിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു പതിവ്.

ഇത്തരത്തിൽ സർക്കാർ മണ്ഡപങ്ങളിൽ പോലും കർഷകർക്ക് തങ്ങളുടെ ഉൽപന്നങ്ങൾക്ക് കൃത്യമായ കൂലിയോ വിലയോ ലഭിക്കാതായി. മറ്റൊരു വിധത്തിൽ പറഞ്ഞാൽ, ഈ നിയമം ശരിയായി നടപ്പിലാക്കുകയും പിന്തുടരുകയും ചെയ്തിട്ടില്ല. ഇത്തരത്തിലുള്ള തട്ടിപ്പ് അവസാനിപ്പിക്കാൻ സർക്കാർ പുതിയ കാർഷിക ബിൽ അവതരിപ്പിച്ചു, അതുവഴി കൂടുതൽ കൂടുതൽ ആനുകൂല്യങ്ങൾ നമ്മുടെ കർഷകർക്ക് നേരിട്ട് നൽകാനാകും.

കിസാൻ ബില്ലിലെ ചില പ്രധാന കാര്യങ്ങൾ

കേന്ദ്രസർക്കാർ പാസാക്കിയ മൂന്ന് ബില്ലുകളിൽ താഴെ പറയുന്ന തരത്തിലുള്ള കാര്യങ്ങളാണ് ഉള്ളത്. ഇതുപോലൊന്ന് –

  • കർഷക ഉൽപ്പാദന, വാണിജ്യ ബിൽ
  • ഇതനുസരിച്ച് കർഷകർക്ക് തങ്ങളുടെ ഉൽപന്നങ്ങൾ രാജ്യത്ത് ഇഷ്ടമുള്ള സ്ഥലത്ത് കച്ചവടത്തിനായി വിൽക്കാം.
  • കർഷകർക്ക് അവരുടെ ഉൽപന്നങ്ങൾ എപിഎംസിക്ക് (അഗ്രികൾച്ചർ പ്രൊഡ്യൂസ് മാർക്കറ്റ്) പുറത്ത് വാങ്ങാനോ വിൽക്കാനോ കഴിയുമെന്നും ഇതിനർത്ഥം.
  • ഇതോടൊപ്പം വിളകൾക്ക് ഒരു തരത്തിലുള്ള നികുതിയും ഉണ്ടാകില്ല.
  • കർഷകർക്ക് അവരുടെ വിളകൾ ഓൺലൈനായി വിൽക്കാനും കഴിയും. ഇതുവഴി അവരുടെ വിളകൾക്കനുസരിച്ച് വില ഈടാക്കി കൂലി കണ്ടെത്താനാകും.

2. കർഷകരുടെ (ശാക്തീകരണവും സംരക്ഷണവും) വില ഉറപ്പും കാർഷിക സേവനങ്ങളും സംബന്ധിച്ച ബിൽ

  • ഇതിന് കീഴിൽ, രാജ്യത്തുടനീളം കരാർ കൃഷിരീതിയും നിർദ്ദേശിക്കപ്പെടുന്നു.
  • കരാർ കൃഷി പ്രകാരം, വിള നശിച്ചാൽ, അതിന്റെ നഷ്ടം കർഷകൻ നികത്തുകയില്ല, മറിച്ച് കരാർ ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്ന കക്ഷികളോ കമ്പനികളോ ആയിരിക്കും.
  • കർഷകർക്ക് ഈ കമ്പനികൾക്ക് അവരുടെ സ്വന്തം വിലയ്ക്ക് ഉൽപ്പന്നങ്ങൾ വിൽക്കാൻ കഴിയും, ഇത് അവരുടെ വരുമാനം വർദ്ധിപ്പിക്കുകയും ഇടനിലക്കാരെ ഒഴിവാക്കുകയും ചെയ്യും.

3. അവശ്യസാധന ഭേദഗതി ബിൽ

  • ഈ നിയമത്തിന് കീഴിൽ, ഭക്ഷ്യ എണ്ണ, എണ്ണക്കുരുക്കൾ, പയർവർഗ്ഗങ്ങൾ, ഉള്ളി, ഉരുളക്കിഴങ്ങ് തുടങ്ങിയ വസ്തുക്കളുടെ സ്റ്റോക്ക് പരിധി എടുത്തുകളഞ്ഞു.
  • ദേശീയ ദുരന്തം, വരൾച്ച തുടങ്ങിയ സാഹചര്യങ്ങളിൽ മാത്രമേ സ്റ്റോക്ക് പരിധി പ്രയോഗിക്കാൻ കഴിയൂ.
  • ഉൽപ്പാദനം, സംഭരണം, അവയുടെ വിതരണം എന്നിവയുടെ മേലുള്ള സർക്കാർ നിയന്ത്രണം അവസാനിക്കും.

കിസാൻ ബില്ലിന്റെ പ്രയോജനങ്ങൾ

ഇന്ത്യയിലെ കാർഷിക മേഖലയുടെ ഉന്നമനത്തിനായി കിസാൻ ബിൽ 2020 പാസാക്കി. ഈ ബിൽ പ്രകാരം കർഷകർക്ക് പ്രയോജനപ്പെടുന്നതിനൊപ്പം കാർഷിക മേഖലയിൽ സുപ്രധാനമായ പരിഷ്കാരങ്ങൾ കൊണ്ടുവരേണ്ടതുണ്ട്. ഈ ബില്ലിന്റെ ചില നേട്ടങ്ങൾ ഇനിപ്പറയുന്നവയാണ്-

  • ഈ നിയമം അനുസരിച്ച്, കർഷകർക്ക് തങ്ങളുടെ വിളകൾ രാജ്യത്ത് എവിടെയും വിൽക്കാൻ സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യമുണ്ട്.
  • വ്യാപാരികൾക്കും കമ്പനിക്കും കർഷകർക്കും ഇടയിൽ വഴക്കം പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കും.
  • മണ്ടികൾക്ക് പുറമേ, കർഷകരുടെ വ്യാപാര മേഖലയിൽ വെയർഹൗസുകൾ, ശീതീകരണ ഭവനങ്ങൾ, ഫാം ഗേറ്റുകൾ, സംസ്കരണ യൂണിറ്റുകൾ എന്നിവയുടെ അധിക നിർമ്മാണം.
  • കയറ്റുമതിക്കാരുടെ ഓർഗനൈസേഷൻ, കർഷകരുമായി സംഘടിത മേഖലകൾ, ഇടനിലക്കാരെ ഒഴിവാക്കും.
  • രാജ്യത്തുടനീളം ഡിജിറ്റൽ മാർക്കറ്റിംഗ് പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിനും ഈ പ്രവർത്തനത്തിൽ സുതാര്യത കൊണ്ടുവരുന്നതിനും.
  • വ്യാപാരത്തിനായുള്ള വിളകളുടെ ഏതെങ്കിലും തരത്തിലുള്ള നികുതിയിൽ നിന്ന് (കസ്റ്റംസ് തീരുവ ഉൾപ്പെടെ) ഒഴിവാക്കൽ.
  • കരാർ കൃഷി തുടങ്ങും. കർഷകർക്ക് കൂടുതൽ ലാഭം ലഭിക്കത്തക്ക വിധത്തിൽ നിക്ഷേപകരും കർഷകരും തമ്മിൽ ഉൽപന്നങ്ങളുടെ വില നിശ്ചയിക്കും.
  • പുതിയ സാങ്കേതിക വിദ്യ ലഭ്യമാക്കി വിളവ് വർദ്ധിപ്പിക്കാം.
  • കൃഷിയിലെ നഷ്ടത്തിൽ നിന്ന് കർഷകർക്ക് മോചനം ലഭിക്കും.
  • തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചില വിളകളുടെ സംഭരണ ​​പരിധി നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനാൽ കർഷകർക്ക് കൂടുതൽ ലാഭം ലഭിക്കും.

എന്തിനാണ് കിസാൻ ബില്ലിനെതിരെ പ്രതിഷേധിക്കുന്നത് ?

ചില കാരണങ്ങളാൽ സർക്കാർ കൊണ്ടുവന്ന കിസാൻ ബിൽ എതിർക്കപ്പെടുകയാണ്. അതുപോലെ –

  • സർക്കാർ നിശ്ചയിച്ച താങ്ങുവില (എംഎസ്പി) നിർത്തലാക്കും.
  • കർഷകൻ തന്റെ ഉൽപ്പന്നങ്ങൾ മണ്ടികൾക്ക് പുറത്ത് വിറ്റാൽ കാർഷികോത്പന്ന വിപണി ഇല്ലാതാകും.
  • ഇ-നാം അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഇ-ട്രെൻഡിംഗ് പോലുള്ള പോർട്ടലുകളെ സംബന്ധിച്ചെന്ത്.
  • പണത്തിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിൽ കോർപ്പറേറ്റ് മേഖലകൾക്ക് കാർഷിക മേഖലയിൽ ഉത്തേജനം ലഭിക്കും.

കിസാൻ ബിൽ 2020 കർഷകരുടെ താൽപ്പര്യമാണോ അല്ലയോ ?

ഈ കിസാൻ ബിൽ കർഷകരുടെ ജീവിതത്തിന് ഒരു നീർത്തടമായി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുമെന്ന് നമ്മുടെ രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ അന്നത്തെ പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ബഹുമാനപ്പെട്ട നരേന്ദ്ര മോദി ഈ ബില്ലിനെക്കുറിച്ച് പറഞ്ഞിട്ടുണ്ട്. അവരുടെ താൽപ്പര്യങ്ങൾ സംരക്ഷിക്കും, അവരുടെ ഉൽപ്പന്നങ്ങളുടെ താങ്ങുവിലയിൽ വർദ്ധനവ് കൊണ്ടുവരും. കർഷകർക്ക് അർഹമായ പ്രതിഫലം ലഭിക്കുന്നതിനും കാർഷിക മേഖലയിൽ ഉപയോഗപ്രദമായ പരിഷ്കാരങ്ങൾ കൊണ്ടുവരുന്നതിനും ഇത് സഹായിക്കുമെന്ന് ബിൽ പറയുന്നു. ബില്ല് പരിശോധിച്ചാൽ അത് കർഷകരുടെയും കാർഷിക മേഖലയുടെയും താൽപ്പര്യമാണ്. മറുവശത്ത്, ഈ ബിൽ കർഷകരുടെ താൽപ്പര്യത്തിന് വേണ്ടിയാണെങ്കിലും, രാജ്യത്തെമ്പാടുമുള്ള കർഷകർ, പ്രത്യേകിച്ച് പഞ്ചാബ്, ഹരിയാന, മധ്യപ്രദേശ് തുടങ്ങിയ സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളിലെ കർഷകർ എതിർക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. ഇത് ബില്ലിനെ സംബന്ധിച്ച് ചില നിഷേധാത്മകതയിലേക്ക് നയിക്കുന്നു.

ഇന്നത്തെ ഏറ്റവും പുതിയ ഡിജിറ്റൽ കാലത്ത് പോലും കർഷകരുടെ അവസ്ഥ നല്ലതൊന്നും കാണുന്നില്ല. കർഷകരുടെയും കാർഷിക മേഖലയുടെയും താൽപര്യം മുൻനിർത്തി നിരവധി തീരുമാനങ്ങൾ കൈക്കൊണ്ടെങ്കിലും കർഷകരുടെ ഉന്നമനം കാണാനാവുന്നില്ല. അവരുടെ താൽപര്യങ്ങൾക്കും കാർഷിക മേഖലകളിൽ പുതിയ മാനങ്ങൾ സ്ഥാപിക്കുന്നതിനുമായി സർക്കാർ ഒരു നിയമം കൊണ്ടുവന്നു. ഇതിനെതിരെ നിരവധി സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളും കർഷകരും തുടർച്ചയായി പ്രതിഷേധിക്കുകയാണ്. ഇത്തരമൊരു എതിർപ്പിനെ തുടർന്ന് ഈ വിഷയം അതീവഗുരുതരമായിരിക്കുകയാണ്.

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भारत प्राचीन काळापासून शेतीवर अवलंबून आहे. भारत हा कृषिप्रधान देश आहे, येथील सुमारे ६५% लोकसंख्या शेतीमध्ये गुंतलेली आहे. भारताच्या अर्थव्यवस्थेत शेतीचा वाटा 17% आहे. आपले माजी पंतप्रधान लालबहादूर शास्त्री यांना शेतकऱ्यांचे महत्त्व समजले. 1965 मध्ये पाकिस्तानशी झालेल्या युद्धादरम्यान त्यांनी शेतकरी आणि जवानांनी देशसेवेसाठी ‘जय जवान जय किसान’चा नारा दिला होता. शेतकर्‍यांना आपल्या देशाचे अन्नदाता म्हटले जाते, परंतु ते स्वत: खूप कठीण आणि दयनीय जीवन जगतात. “किसान विधेयक विधेयक 2020” हा कृषी क्षेत्रे आणि त्यांचे दैनंदिन जीवन सुधारण्यासाठी आमच्या सरकारने घेतलेला एक पुढाकार आहे.

फार्म बिल २०२० वर मराठीत दीर्घ निबंध

भारत सरकारने शेतकऱ्यांच्या हितासाठी आणलेल्या विधेयक 2020 मध्ये कोणत्या गोष्टी आहेत, ज्याला शेतकरी स्वतः विरोध करत आहेत. खाली दिलेल्या या निबंधात, आपण याबद्दल तपशीलवार चर्चा करू.

दीर्घ निबंध – 1300 शब्द

शेतकरी हा आपल्या देशाचा आणि देशाच्या अर्थव्यवस्थेचा कणा आहे. असे असतानाही शेतकऱ्यांची अवस्था अत्यंत वाईट आणि दयनीय आहे. या डिजिटल युगातही आज अनेक शेतकरी निरक्षर आहेत. काही शेतकरी आपल्या गरिबीमुळे मुलांना शिक्षण देऊ शकत नाहीत. शेतकऱ्यांची कौटुंबिक परिस्थिती बळकट करण्यासाठी आणि शेतीचे आधुनिकीकरण करण्यासाठी सरकारने शेतकऱ्यांसाठी ‘किसान विधेयक २०२०’ आणण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे, मात्र या विधेयकाला शेतकऱ्यांचाच विरोध हा चिंतेचा विषय आहे.

किसान विधेयक 2020 काय आहे ?

भारतीय शेतकर्‍यांची स्थिती पाहता, आमच्या सरकारने शेतकर्‍यांच्या जीवनात आणि शेतीत नवनवीन पद्धतींचा अवलंब करून त्यांना चांगल्या स्थितीत कसे आणता येईल, यासाठी कायदा करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. या किसान विधेयकात सरकारने ३ विधेयके जोडली आहेत. ज्यामध्ये कृषी उत्पादन व्यापार आणि वाणिज्य (प्रोत्साहन आणि सुविधा) विधेयक 2020, किंमत हमी आणि कृषी सेवा (सशक्तीकरण आणि संरक्षण) वर शेतकरी करार कायदा 2020 आणि जीवनावश्यक वस्तू दुरुस्ती कायदा 2020 यांचा समावेश करण्यात आला आहे.

पावसाळी अधिवेशनात हे तीन कायदे एकाच अध्यादेशाखाली आणण्यात आले. हे 17 सप्टेंबर 2020 रोजी लोकसभेत आणि नंतर 20 सप्टेंबर 2020 रोजी राज्यसभेत मंजूर करण्यात आले. यानंतर, या विधेयकाला 27 सप्टेंबर 2020 रोजी राष्ट्रपतींनी मंजुरी दिली आणि हे विधेयक विधेयक म्हणून मंजूर करण्यात आले.

किसान विधेयक 2020 मंजूर करण्याचा मुख्य उद्देश

भारताची अर्थव्यवस्था मजबूत बनवण्यात कृषी क्षेत्राने नेहमीच महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावली आहे. आपला देश नेहमीच कृषीप्रधान देश राहिला आहे आणि आपले शेतकरी खेड्यात राहतात. शेतकरी शेतात मशागत करून स्वतःचा व कुटुंबाचा उदरनिर्वाह करतात.

स्वातंत्र्यानंतर भारतात जमीनदारीची व्यवस्था होती. शेतकरी आणि जमीनदार यांच्यात असा करार असायचा की, त्या शेतात शेत आणि मजुरी शेतकरीच करायचा आणि पिकाची किंमत काढून बाजारात विकणे हे जमीनदाराचे काम असायचे. या सर्व प्रकारामुळे शेतकरी केवळ नाममात्र नफा मिळवत असत, तर काही वेळा वैयक्तिक गरजापोटी शेतकरी जमीनदारांकडून कर्ज घेतो आणि कर्ज फेडण्याच्या स्थितीत नसल्यास त्याला आपली जमीन गमवावी लागत असे.

नंतर सरकारने जमीनदारी पद्धत रद्द करून शेतकऱ्यांसाठी नवीन व्यवस्था आणली आणि त्यातून उत्पादित होणारे पीक शेतकऱ्यांच्या हितासाठी थेट सरकारला विकता आले. त्यामुळे शेतकऱ्यांना त्यांच्या कष्टाला योग्य भाव मिळाला.

सरकारी धोरणांनुसार, शेतकरी आपला माल सरकारने ठरवून दिलेल्या APMC (कृषी उत्पादन भांडार किंवा मंडई) मध्ये विकू शकतात. पण यामध्ये किरकोळ विक्रेते आणि मध्यस्थ येऊन पैसे कमवू लागतात. असे मध्यस्थ शेतकऱ्यांकडून स्वस्त दरात माल खरेदी करून व्यापाऱ्यांना चढ्या भावाने विकून स्वत:चे पैसे कमवत असत.

अशाप्रकारे सरकारी मंडईतही शेतकऱ्यांना त्यांच्या मालाला योग्य मोबदला किंवा भाव मिळू शकला नाही. दुसऱ्या शब्दांत, या नियमाची योग्य अंमलबजावणी आणि पालन केले गेले नाही. या प्रकाराला आळा घालण्यासाठी सरकारने नवीन कृषी विधेयक आणले आहे जेणेकरून अधिकाधिक लाभ थेट आपल्या शेतकऱ्यांना मिळू शकतील.

किसान विधेयकातील काही महत्त्वाचे मुद्दे

केंद्र सरकारने मंजूर केलेल्या तीन विधेयकांमध्ये पुढील गोष्टींचा समावेश आहे. यासारखेच काहीसे –

  • शेतकरी उत्पादन आणि वाणिज्य विधेयक
  • याअंतर्गत शेतकरी व्यवसायासाठी देशात त्यांच्या इच्छेनुसार शेतमाल विकू शकतात.
  • याचा अर्थ असा आहे की शेतकरी त्यांचे उत्पादन APMC (कृषी उत्पादन बाजार) बाहेर खरेदी करू शकतात किंवा विकू शकतात.
  • यासोबतच पिकांवर कोणत्याही प्रकारचा कर लागणार नाही.
  • शेतकरी त्यांच्या पिकांची ऑनलाइन विक्रीही करू शकतात. अशा प्रकारे ते त्यांच्या पिकांनुसार भाव आकारून त्यांची मजुरी मिळवू शकतात.

2. शेतकरी (सशक्तीकरण आणि संरक्षण) किमतीची हमी आणि कृषी सेवा विधेयक

  • याअंतर्गत देशभरात कंत्राटी शेतीची पद्धतही प्रस्तावित आहे.
  • कॉन्ट्रॅक्ट फार्मिंग अंतर्गत, पिकाचे नुकसान झाल्यास, त्याचे नुकसान शेतकरी भरपाई देणार नाही तर करार करणार्‍या पक्षांना किंवा कंपनीकडून.
  • शेतकरी या कंपन्यांना त्यांच्या मालाची विक्री करू शकतात, ज्यामुळे त्यांचे उत्पन्न वाढेल आणि मध्यस्थांना दूर करेल.

3. जीवनावश्यक वस्तू दुरुस्ती विधेयक

  • या कायद्यांतर्गत खाद्यतेल, तेलबिया, कडधान्ये, कांदे, बटाटे यासारख्या वस्तूंवरील साठा मर्यादा काढून टाकण्यात आली आहे.
  • स्टॉक मर्यादा फक्त राष्ट्रीय आपत्ती, दुष्काळ यांसारख्या परिस्थितीत लागू केली जाऊ शकते.
  • उत्पादन, साठवणूक आणि त्यांच्या वितरणावरील सरकारी नियंत्रण संपेल.

किसान बिलाचे फायदे

भारतातील कृषी क्षेत्राच्या उन्नतीसाठी किसान विधेयक 2020 मंजूर करण्यात आले आहे. या विधेयकानुसार शेतकऱ्यांना फायदा होण्यासोबतच कृषी क्षेत्रात महत्त्वाच्या सुधारणा कराव्या लागतील. या विधेयकाचे काही फायदे पुढीलप्रमाणे आहेत-

  • या कायद्यांतर्गत शेतकऱ्यांना त्यांचे पीक देशात कुठेही विकता येणार आहे.
  • व्यापारी किंवा कंपनी आणि शेतकरी यांच्यात लवचिकतेला प्रोत्साहन दिले जाईल.
  • मंडई व्यतिरिक्त, शेतकरी व्यवसाय क्षेत्रात गोदामे, शीतगृहे, फार्म गेट्स, प्रक्रिया युनिट्सचे अतिरिक्त बांधकाम.
  • निर्यातदारांचे संघटन, शेतकर्‍यांसह संघटित क्षेत्र जेणेकरून ते मध्यस्थांना दूर करेल.
  • देशभरात डिजिटल मार्केटिंगला चालना देण्यासाठी आणि या कामात पारदर्शकता आणण्यासाठी.
  • व्यापारासाठी पिकांवर कोणत्याही प्रकारच्या करातून (कस्टम ड्युटीसह) सूट.
  • कंत्राटी शेती सुरू होईल. ज्यामध्ये गुंतवणुकदार आणि शेतकरी यांच्यात शेतमालाची किंमत निश्चित केली जाईल जेणेकरून अधिकाधिक नफा शेतकऱ्यांपर्यंत पोहोचू शकेल.
  • नवीन तंत्रज्ञान देऊन पीक उत्पादनात वाढ करता येते.
  • शेतीतील नुकसानीपासून शेतकऱ्यांना मुक्ती मिळेल.
  • काही निवडक पिकांवरील साठवण मर्यादा काढून टाकण्यात येईल जेणेकरून शेतकऱ्यांना अधिक नफा मिळेल.

किसान विधेयकाला विरोध का ?

काही कारणास्तव सरकारने आणलेल्या किसान विधेयकाला विरोध केला जात आहे. जसे –

  • सरकारने निश्चित केलेली आधारभूत किंमत (MSP) रद्द केली जाईल.
  • शेतकऱ्याने आपला शेतमाल मंडईबाहेर विकला तर शेतमालाचे बाजार बंद होतील.
  • ई-नाम किंवा ई-ट्रेंडिंग सारख्या पोर्टलचे काय?
  • पैशाच्या जोरावर कॉर्पोरेट क्षेत्रांना कृषी क्षेत्राला चालना मिळेल.

किसान विधेयक 2020 शेतकऱ्यांच्या हिताचे आहे की नाही ?

आपल्या देशाचे तत्कालीन पंतप्रधान आदरणीय नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी या विधेयकाबाबत म्हटले आहे की, हे किसान विधेयक शेतकऱ्यांच्या जीवनासाठी पाणलोटसारखे काम करेल. त्यांच्या हिताचे रक्षण करेल आणि त्यांच्या उत्पादनाच्या समर्थन मूल्यात वाढ करेल. या विधेयकानुसार शेतकऱ्यांना त्यांचा योग्य मोबदला मिळण्यास आणि कृषी क्षेत्रात उपयुक्त सुधारणा घडवून आणण्यास मदत होईल. हे विधेयक पाहिल्यास ते शेतकरी आणि कृषी क्षेत्राच्या हिताचे आहे. दुसरीकडे, हे विधेयक शेतकऱ्यांच्या हिताचे असूनही त्याला देशभरातील शेतकऱ्यांकडून विशेषत: पंजाब, हरियाणा, मध्य प्रदेश आदी राज्यांतून विरोध होत आहे. त्यामुळे विधेयकाबाबत काहीशी नकारात्मकता दिसून येते.

आजच्या अत्याधुनिक डिजिटल युगातही शेतकऱ्यांची स्थिती काही चांगली होताना दिसत नाही. शेतकरी आणि कृषी क्षेत्राच्या हिताचे अनेक निर्णय होऊनही शेतकऱ्यांची उन्नती होताना दिसत नाही. त्यांच्या हितासाठी आणि कृषी क्षेत्रात नवीन आयाम प्रस्थापित करण्यासाठी सरकारने कायदा आणला आहे. त्याविरोधात अनेक राज्ये आणि शेतकरी सातत्याने आंदोलन करत आहेत. अशा विरोधामुळे हा प्रश्न गंभीर बनला आहे.

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ਭਾਰਤ ਪ੍ਰਾਚੀਨ ਕਾਲ ਤੋਂ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ‘ਤੇ ਨਿਰਭਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ। ਭਾਰਤ ਇੱਕ ਖੇਤੀ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਦੇਸ਼ ਹੈ, ਇਸਦੀ ਲਗਭਗ 65% ਆਬਾਦੀ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਲੱਗੀ ਹੋਈ ਹੈ। ਭਾਰਤ ਦੀ ਅਰਥਵਿਵਸਥਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਦਾ ਯੋਗਦਾਨ ਲਗਭਗ 17% ਹੈ। ਸਾਡੇ ਸਾਬਕਾ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਲਾਲ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰੀ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਮਹੱਤਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝਦੇ ਸਨ। 1965 ਵਿੱਚ ਪਾਕਿਸਤਾਨ ਨਾਲ ਜੰਗ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਜਵਾਨਾਂ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਲਈ ‘ਜੈ ਜਵਾਨ ਜੈ ਕਿਸਾਨ’ ਦਾ ਨਾਅਰਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਸੀ। ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਾਡੇ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦਾ ਅੰਨਦਾਤਾ ਕਿਹਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਉਹ ਖ਼ੁਦ ਬਹੁਤ ਔਖਾ ਅਤੇ ਤਰਸਯੋਗ ਜੀਵਨ ਜੀਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ। “ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ ਬਿੱਲ 2020” ਸਾਡੀ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਸੈਕਟਰਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਾਨਾ ਜੀਵਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੁਧਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਇੱਕ ਪਹਿਲ ਹੈ।

ਫਾਰਮ ਬਿੱਲ 2020 ‘ਤੇ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਲੰਮਾ ਲੇਖ

ਭਾਰਤ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਭਲੇ ਲਈ ਲਿਆਂਦੇ ਗਏ ਬਿੱਲ 2020 ਵਿੱਚ ਉਹ ਕਿਹੜੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਹਨ, ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦਾ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਖੁਦ ਵਿਰੋਧ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ। ਹੇਠਾਂ ਦਿੱਤੇ ਗਏ ਇਸ ਲੇਖ ਵਿੱਚ, ਅਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ ਵਿਸਥਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਚਰਚਾ ਕਰਾਂਗੇ।

ਲੰਮਾ ਲੇਖ – 1300 ਸ਼ਬਦ

ਕਿਸਾਨ ਸਾਡੇ ਦੇਸ਼ ਅਤੇ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਆਰਥਿਕਤਾ ਦੀ ਰੀੜ੍ਹ ਦੀ ਹੱਡੀ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਦੇ ਬਾਵਜੂਦ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਹਾਲਤ ਬਹੁਤ ਮਾੜੀ ਅਤੇ ਤਰਸਯੋਗ ਬਣੀ ਹੋਈ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਡਿਜੀਟਲ ਯੁੱਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੀ ਅੱਜ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਅਨਪੜ੍ਹ ਹਨ। ਕੁਝ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਗਰੀਬੀ ਕਾਰਨ ਆਪਣੇ ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਪੜ੍ਹਾਉਣ ਤੋਂ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਹਨ। ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਪਰਿਵਾਰਕ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਨੂੰ ਮਜ਼ਬੂਤ ​​ਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤੀ ਦੇ ਆਧੁਨਿਕੀਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਨੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਲਈ “ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ 2020” ਲਿਆਉਣ ਦਾ ਫੈਸਲਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ ਪਰ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਇਸ ਬਿੱਲ ਦਾ ਵਿਰੋਧ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਚਿੰਤਾ ਦਾ ਵਿਸ਼ਾ ਹੈ।

ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ 2020 ਕੀ ਹੈ ?

ਭਾਰਤੀ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਦੀ ਹਾਲਤ ਨੂੰ ਦੇਖਦੇ ਹੋਏ ਸਾਡੀ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਨੇ ਇਸ ਤਹਿਤ ਇੱਕ ਕਾਨੂੰਨ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਦਾ ਫੈਸਲਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਤਹਿਤ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਜੀਵਨ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਵੇਂ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਅਪਣਾ ਕੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਬਿਹਤਰ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਲਿਆਂਦਾ ਜਾਵੇ। ਇਸ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਵੱਲੋਂ 3 ਬਿੱਲ ਜੋੜੇ ਗਏ ਹਨ। ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਐਗਰੀਕਲਚਰਲ ਪ੍ਰੋਡਿਊਸ ਟਰੇਡ ਐਂਡ ਕਾਮਰਸ (ਪ੍ਰੋਮੋਸ਼ਨ ਐਂਡ ਫੈਸਿਲੀਟੇਸ਼ਨ) ਬਿੱਲ 2020, ਕੀਮਤ ਭਰੋਸਾ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ (ਸਸ਼ਕਤੀਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਆ) ‘ਤੇ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਕੰਟਰੈਕਟ ਐਕਟ 2020 ਅਤੇ ਜ਼ਰੂਰੀ ਵਸਤੂਆਂ ਸੋਧ ਐਕਟ 2020 ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਹਨ।

ਮਾਨਸੂਨ ਸੈਸ਼ਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਤਿੰਨਾਂ ਐਕਟਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਆਰਡੀਨੈਂਸ ਤਹਿਤ ਇਕੱਠਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ। ਇਹ 17 ਸਤੰਬਰ 2020 ਨੂੰ ਲੋਕ ਸਭਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਤੇ ਫਿਰ 20 ਸਤੰਬਰ 2020 ਨੂੰ ਰਾਜ ਸਭਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਾਸ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਸਨ। ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ, ਇਸ ਬਿੱਲ ਨੂੰ 27 ਸਤੰਬਰ 2020 ਨੂੰ ਰਾਸ਼ਟਰਪਤੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰੀ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਗਈ ਸੀ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਬਿੱਲ ਨੂੰ ਬਿੱਲ ਦੇ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਾਸ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ।

ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ 2020 ਨੂੰ ਪਾਸ ਕਰਵਾਉਣ ਦਾ ਮੁੱਖ ਉਦੇਸ਼

ਭਾਰਤ ਦੀ ਆਰਥਿਕਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਮਜ਼ਬੂਤ ​​ਬਣਾਉਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਨੇ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਅਹਿਮ ਭੂਮਿਕਾ ਨਿਭਾਈ ਹੈ। ਸਾਡਾ ਦੇਸ਼ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਤੋਂ ਖੇਤੀ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਦੇਸ਼ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਪਿੰਡਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਹਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਕਿਸਾਨ ਖੇਤਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਾਹੀ ਕਰਕੇ ਆਪਣਾ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਪਰਿਵਾਰ ਦਾ ਪਾਲਣ ਪੋਸ਼ਣ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ।

ਅਜ਼ਾਦੀ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਭਾਰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰੀ ਦੀ ਵਿਵਸਥਾ ਸੀ। ਕਿਸਾਨ ਅਤੇ ਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰਾਂ ਵਿਚਕਾਰ ਇਹ ਸੌਦਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਸੀ ਕਿ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਖੇਤਾਂ ‘ਤੇ ਖੇਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਮਜ਼ਦੂਰੀ ਕਰੇਗਾ ਅਤੇ ਫਸਲ ਦੀ ਕੀਮਤ ਅਤੇ ਮੰਡੀਆਂ ਵਿਚ ਵੇਚਣਾ ਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰ ਦਾ ਕੰਮ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ। ਇਸ ਸਭ ਕੁਝ ਕਾਰਨ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਮਾਮੂਲੀ ਮੁਨਾਫ਼ਾ ਕਮਾਉਂਦੇ ਸਨ ਅਤੇ ਕਈ ਵਾਰ ਨਿੱਜੀ ਲੋੜਾਂ ਕਾਰਨ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਕਰਜ਼ਾ ਲੈ ਲੈਂਦਾ ਸੀ ਅਤੇ ਜੇਕਰ ਉਹ ਕਰਜ਼ਾ ਮੋੜਨ ਦੀ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਤਾਂ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਜ਼ਮੀਨ ਗੁਆਉਣੀ ਪੈਂਦੀ ਸੀ।

ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਨੇ ਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰੀ ਪ੍ਰਣਾਲੀ ਨੂੰ ਖ਼ਤਮ ਕਰਕੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਨਵੀਂ ਪ੍ਰਣਾਲੀ ਲਾਗੂ ਕੀਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਹਿੱਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਪੈਦਾ ਹੋਈ ਫ਼ਸਲ ਸਿੱਧੇ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਨੂੰ ਵੇਚੀ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ ਸੀ। ਜਿਸ ਕਾਰਨ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਮਿਹਨਤ ਦਾ ਵਾਜਬ ਮੁੱਲ ਮਿਲਿਆ।

ਸਰਕਾਰੀ ਨੀਤੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ, ਕਿਸਾਨ ਆਪਣੀ ਉਪਜ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਤ ਏ.ਪੀ.ਐਮ.ਸੀ. (ਖੇਤੀ ਉਤਪਾਦਨ ਸਟੋਰ ਜਾਂ ਮੰਡੀ) ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਚ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ। ਪਰ ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਰਚੂਨ ਵਿਕਰੇਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਵਿਚੋਲੇ ਆ ਕੇ ਆਪਣਾ ਪੈਸਾ ਕਮਾਉਣਾ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਅਜਿਹੇ ਵਿਚੋਲੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦਾ ਮਾਲ ਸਸਤੇ ਭਾਅ ‘ਤੇ ਖਰੀਦ ਕੇ ਵਪਾਰੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਧ ਭਾਅ ‘ਤੇ ਵੇਚ ਕੇ ਆਪਣਾ ਪੈਸਾ ਕਮਾਉਂਦੇ ਸਨ।

ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਸਰਕਾਰੀ ਮੰਡੀਆਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੀ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਉਪਜ ਦਾ ਸਹੀ ਮੁਆਵਜ਼ਾ ਜਾਂ ਭਾਅ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲ ਸਕਿਆ। ਦੂਜੇ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ, ਇਸ ਨਿਯਮ ਨੂੰ ਸਹੀ ਢੰਗ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਗੂ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਅਤੇ ਇਸਦਾ ਪਾਲਣ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ। ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਧੋਖਾਧੜੀ ਨੂੰ ਖਤਮ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਨੇ ਨਵਾਂ ਖੇਤੀ ਬਿੱਲ ਲਿਆਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਵੱਧ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਲਾਭ ਸਿੱਧੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲ ਸਕੇ।

ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ ਦੇ ਕੁਝ ਅਹਿਮ ਨੁਕਤੇ

ਕੇਂਦਰ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਪਾਸ ਕੀਤੇ ਤਿੰਨ ਬਿੱਲਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੇਠ ਲਿਖੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹਨ। ਕੁਝ ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ –

  • ਕਿਸਾਨ ਉਤਪਾਦਨ ਅਤੇ ਵਣਜ ਬਿੱਲ
  • ਇਸ ਤਹਿਤ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਵਪਾਰ ਲਈ ਦੇਸ਼ ‘ਚ ਆਪਣੀ ਮਨਚਾਹੀ ਥਾਂ ‘ਤੇ ਉਪਜ ਵੇਚ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ।
  • ਇਸ ਦਾ ਇਹ ਵੀ ਮਤਲਬ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਕਿਸਾਨ APMC (ਖੇਤੀ ਉਤਪਾਦਨ ਮੰਡੀ) ਤੋਂ ਬਾਹਰ ਆਪਣੀ ਉਪਜ ਖਰੀਦ ਜਾਂ ਵੇਚ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ।
  • ਇਸ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਹੀ ਫਸਲਾਂ ‘ਤੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਟੈਕਸ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਗੇਗਾ।
  • ਕਿਸਾਨ ਆਪਣੀ ਫਸਲ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਵੀ ਵੇਚ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ। ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਉਹ ਆਪਣੀ ਫ਼ਸਲ ਦੇ ਹਿਸਾਬ ਨਾਲ ਭਾਅ ਵਸੂਲ ਕੇ ਆਪਣੀ ਮਜ਼ਦੂਰੀ ਕਮਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ।

2. ਕੀਮਤ ਭਰੋਸਾ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ ‘ਤੇ ਕਿਸਾਨ (ਸਸ਼ਕਤੀਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਆ) ਬਿੱਲ

  • ਇਸ ਤਹਿਤ ਦੇਸ਼ ਭਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਠੇਕਾ ਖੇਤੀ ਪ੍ਰਣਾਲੀ ਦੀ ਵੀ ਤਜਵੀਜ਼ ਹੈ।
  • ਕੰਟਰੈਕਟ ਫਾਰਮਿੰਗ ਤਹਿਤ ਜੇਕਰ ਫ਼ਸਲ ਦਾ ਨੁਕਸਾਨ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਨੁਕਸਾਨ ਦੀ ਭਰਪਾਈ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਗੋਂ ਸਮਝੌਤੇ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਧਿਰਾਂ ਜਾਂ ਕੰਪਨੀਆਂ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ।
  • ਕਿਸਾਨ ਇਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਕੰਪਨੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਉਪਜ ਆਪਣੇ ਭਾਅ ‘ਤੇ ਵੇਚ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ, ਜਿਸ ਨਾਲ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਆਮਦਨ ‘ਚ ਵਾਧਾ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ ਅਤੇ ਵਿਚੋਲਿਆਂ ਦਾ ਖਾਤਮਾ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ।

3. ਜ਼ਰੂਰੀ ਵਸਤਾਂ ਸੋਧ ਬਿੱਲ

  • ਇਸ ਐਕਟ ਦੇ ਤਹਿਤ ਖਾਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਤੇਲ, ਤੇਲ ਬੀਜਾਂ, ਦਾਲਾਂ, ਪਿਆਜ਼, ਆਲੂ ਵਰਗੀਆਂ ਚੀਜ਼ਾਂ ‘ਤੇ ਸਟਾਕ ਸੀਮਾ ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।
  • ਸਟਾਕ ਸੀਮਾ ਸਿਰਫ ਰਾਸ਼ਟਰੀ ਬਿਪਤਾ, ਸੋਕੇ ਵਰਗੀਆਂ ਸਥਿਤੀਆਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਲਾਗੂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ।
  • ਉਤਪਾਦਨ, ਭੰਡਾਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਵੰਡ ‘ਤੇ ਸਰਕਾਰੀ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ ਖਤਮ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।

ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ ਦੇ ਲਾਭ

ਭਾਰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਸੈਕਟਰ ਦੇ ਸੁਧਾਰ ਲਈ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ 2020 ਪਾਸ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਬਿੱਲ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਲਾਭ ਪਹੁੰਚਾਉਣ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ-ਨਾਲ ਖੇਤੀ ਖੇਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਹਿਮ ਸੁਧਾਰ ਲਿਆਉਣੇ ਹਨ। ਇਸ ਬਿੱਲ ਦੇ ਕੁਝ ਫਾਇਦੇ ਇਸ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਰ ਹਨ-

  • ਇਸ ਕਾਨੂੰਨ ਤਹਿਤ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਦੇਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਤੇ ਵੀ ਆਪਣੀ ਫ਼ਸਲ ਵੇਚਣ ਲਈ ਆਜ਼ਾਦ ਹੋਣਗੇ।
  • ਵਪਾਰੀਆਂ ਜਾਂ ਕੰਪਨੀ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦਰਮਿਆਨ ਲਚਕਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਉਤਸ਼ਾਹਿਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।
  • ਮੰਡੀਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਇਲਾਵਾ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਦੇ ਕਾਰੋਬਾਰੀ ਖੇਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਗੋਦਾਮ, ਕੋਲਡ ਹਾਊਸ, ਫਾਰਮ ਗੇਟ, ਪ੍ਰੋਸੈਸਿੰਗ ਯੂਨਿਟਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਾਧੂ ਉਸਾਰੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਵੇ।
  • ਨਿਰਯਾਤਕਾਂ ਦਾ ਸੰਗਠਨ, ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਗਠਿਤ ਖੇਤਰ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਇਹ ਵਿਚੋਲਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਖਤਮ ਕਰੇ।
  • ਦੇਸ਼ ਭਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਡਿਜੀਟਲ ਮਾਰਕੀਟਿੰਗ ਨੂੰ ਉਤਸ਼ਾਹਿਤ ਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਕੰਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਾਰਦਰਸ਼ਤਾ ਲਿਆਉਣ ਲਈ।
  • ਵਪਾਰ ਲਈ ਫਸਲਾਂ ‘ਤੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਕਿਸਮ ਦੇ ਟੈਕਸ (ਕਸਟਮ ਡਿਊਟੀ ਸਮੇਤ) ਤੋਂ ਛੋਟ।
  • ਕੰਟਰੈਕਟ ਫਾਰਮਿੰਗ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਹੋਵੇਗੀ। ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਿਵੇਸ਼ਕਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਵਿਚਕਾਰ ਪੈਦਾਵਾਰ ਦੀ ਕੀਮਤ ਤੈਅ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਤੱਕ ਵੱਧ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਮੁਨਾਫਾ ਪਹੁੰਚਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਸਕੇ।
  • ਨਵੀਂ ਤਕਨੀਕ ਦੇ ਕੇ ਫ਼ਸਲਾਂ ਦਾ ਝਾੜ ਵਧਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।
  • ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਖੇਤੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਨੁਕਸਾਨ ਤੋਂ ਮੁਕਤੀ ਮਿਲੇਗੀ।
  • ਕੁਝ ਚੁਣੀਆਂ ਹੋਈਆਂ ਫਸਲਾਂ ਦੀ ਸਟੋਰੇਜ ਸੀਮਾ ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਧ ਮੁਨਾਫਾ ਮਿਲ ਸਕੇ।

ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ ਦਾ ਵਿਰੋਧ ਕਿਉਂ ?

ਕੁਝ ਕਾਰਨਾਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਰਕਾਰ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਲਿਆਂਦੇ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ ਦਾ ਵਿਰੋਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ। ਜਿਵੇ ਕੀ –

  • ਸਰਕਾਰ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਤ ਸਮਰਥਨ ਮੁੱਲ (ਐੱਮ. ਐੱਸ. ਪੀ.) ਨੂੰ ਖਤਮ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।
  • ਜੇਕਰ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਆਪਣੀ ਉਪਜ ਮੰਡੀਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਹਰ ਵੇਚਦਾ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਖੇਤੀ ਉਪਜ ਮੰਡੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਖਤਮ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।
  • ਈ-ਨਾਮ ਜਾਂ ਈ-ਟਰੈਂਡਿੰਗ ਵਰਗੇ ਪੋਰਟਲਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਕੀ?
  • ਕਾਰਪੋਰੇਟ ਸੈਕਟਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪੈਸੇ ਦੇ ਦਮ ‘ਤੇ ਖੇਤੀ ਸੈਕਟਰ ਨੂੰ ਹੁਲਾਰਾ ਮਿਲੇਗਾ।

ਕੀ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ 2020 ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਹਿੱਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੈ ਜਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ ?

ਸਾਡੇ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੇ ਤਤਕਾਲੀ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਮਾਨਯੋਗ ਨਰਿੰਦਰ ਮੋਦੀ ਜੀ ਨੇ ਇਸ ਬਿੱਲ ਬਾਰੇ ਕਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਬਿੱਲ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਲਈ ਪਾਣੀ ਦੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਕੰਮ ਕਰੇਗਾ। ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਹਿੱਤਾਂ ਦੀ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਕਰੇਗਾ, ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਉਪਜ ਦੇ ਸਮਰਥਨ ਮੁੱਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਾਧਾ ਕਰੇਗਾ। ਬਿੱਲ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ, ਇਹ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦਾ ਬਣਦਾ ਮਿਹਨਤਾਨਾ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਖੇਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਲਾਭਦਾਇਕ ਸੁਧਾਰ ਲਿਆਉਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਦਦ ਕਰੇਗਾ। ਜੇਕਰ ਬਿੱਲ ‘ਤੇ ਨਜ਼ਰ ਮਾਰੀਏ ਤਾਂ ਇਹ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤੀ ਖੇਤਰ ਦੇ ਹਿੱਤ ‘ਚ ਹੈ। ਦੂਜੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਇਹ ਬਿੱਲ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਹਿੱਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਣ ਦੇ ਬਾਵਜੂਦ ਦੇਸ਼ ਭਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਖਾਸ ਕਰਕੇ ਪੰਜਾਬ, ਹਰਿਆਣਾ, ਮੱਧ ਪ੍ਰਦੇਸ਼ ਆਦਿ ਰਾਜਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਇਸ ਦਾ ਵਿਰੋਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਨਾਲ ਬਿੱਲ ਬਾਰੇ ਕੁਝ ਨਕਾਰਾਤਮਕਤਾ ਦੇਖੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ।

ਅੱਜ ਦੇ ਅਜੋਕੇ ਡਿਜੀਟਲ ਦੌਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੀ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਹਾਲਤ ਕੁਝ ਵੀ ਚੰਗੀ ਨਜ਼ਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਆ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ। ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤੀ ਸੈਕਟਰ ਦੇ ਹਿੱਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਲਏ ਗਏ ਕਈ ਫੈਸਲਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਬਾਵਜੂਦ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਉੱਨਤੀ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਨਜ਼ਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਆ ਰਹੀ। ਸਰਕਾਰ ਨੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੇ ਹਿੱਤਾਂ ਲਈ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਤੀਬਾੜੀ ਸੈਕਟਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਵੇਂ ਆਯਾਮ ਸਥਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਕਾਨੂੰਨ ਪੇਸ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ। ਜਿਸ ਦੇ ਖਿਲਾਫ ਕਈ ਸੂਬਿਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਸਾਨ ਲਗਾਤਾਰ ਵਿਰੋਧ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ। ਅਜਿਹੇ ਵਿਰੋਧ ਕਾਰਨ ਇਹ ਮੁੱਦਾ ਕਾਫੀ ਗੰਭੀਰ ਹੋ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।

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பழங்காலத்திலிருந்தே இந்தியா விவசாயத்தை நம்பியிருந்தது. இந்தியா ஒரு விவசாய நாடு, அதன் மக்கள் தொகையில் சுமார் 65% விவசாயத்தில் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளனர். இந்தியாவின் பொருளாதாரத்தில் விவசாயம் சுமார் 17% பங்கு வகிக்கிறது. நமது முன்னாள் பிரதமர் லால் பகதூர் சாஸ்திரி விவசாயிகளின் முக்கியத்துவத்தைப் புரிந்துகொண்டார். 1965-ம் ஆண்டு பாகிஸ்தானுடனான போரின் போது, ​​விவசாயிகள் மற்றும் ஜவான்களின் நாட்டு சேவைக்காக “ஜெய் ஜவான் ஜெய் கிசான்” என்ற முழக்கத்தை வழங்கினார். விவசாயிகள் நம் நாட்டின் அன்னதாதா என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறார்கள், ஆனால் அவர்களே மிகவும் கடினமான மற்றும் பரிதாபகரமான வாழ்க்கையை நடத்துகிறார்கள். “கிசான் பில் பில் 2020” என்பது விவசாயத் துறைகளையும் அவர்களின் அன்றாட வாழ்க்கையையும் மேம்படுத்த எங்கள் அரசாங்கத்தால் எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு முயற்சியாகும்.

தமிழில் பண்ணை மசோதா 2020 பற்றிய நீண்ட கட்டுரை

விவசாயிகளின் நலனுக்காக இந்திய அரசு கொண்டு வந்துள்ள 2020 மசோதாவில் என்னென்ன விஷயங்கள் உள்ளன, அதை விவசாயிகளே எதிர்க்கின்றனர். கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள இந்த கட்டுரையில், அதைப் பற்றி விரிவாக விவாதிப்போம்.

நீண்ட கட்டுரை – 1300 வார்த்தைகள்

நம் நாட்டின் மற்றும் நாட்டின் பொருளாதாரத்தின் முதுகெலும்பு விவசாயி. இருந்தும் விவசாயிகளின் நிலை மிகவும் மோசமாகவும் பரிதாபமாகவும் உள்ளது. இந்த டிஜிட்டல் யுகத்திலும், பல விவசாயிகள் இன்று படிப்பறிவில்லாமல் உள்ளனர். சில விவசாயிகள் வறுமையின் காரணமாக தங்கள் குழந்தைகளை படிக்க வைக்க முடியாமல் தவிக்கின்றனர். விவசாயிகளின் குடும்ப சூழ்நிலையை வலுப்படுத்தவும், விவசாயத்தை நவீனமயமாக்கவும், விவசாயிகளுக்காக “கிசான் மசோதா 2020” கொண்டு வர அரசு முடிவு செய்திருந்தாலும், இந்த மசோதாவை விவசாயிகளே எதிர்ப்பது கவலையளிக்கிறது.

கிசான் மசோதா 2020 என்றால் என்ன ?

இந்திய விவசாயிகளின் நிலையைக் கருத்தில் கொண்டு, விவசாயிகளின் வாழ்க்கையிலும், விவசாயத்திலும் புதிய வழிகளைக் கடைப்பிடித்து, அவர்களை எப்படி நல்ல நிலைக்குக் கொண்டு வருவது என்பதை இதன் கீழ் சட்டம் இயற்ற எங்கள் அரசு முடிவு செய்துள்ளது. இந்த கிசான் மசோதாவில் 3 மசோதாக்கள் அரசால் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. இதில் விவசாய உற்பத்தி வர்த்தகம் மற்றும் வணிகம் (ஊக்குவிப்பு மற்றும் வசதி) மசோதா 2020, விவசாயிகள் ஒப்பந்த சட்டம் 2020 விலை உறுதி மற்றும் விவசாய சேவைகள் (அதிகாரமளித்தல் மற்றும் பாதுகாப்பு), மற்றும் அத்தியாவசிய பொருட்கள் திருத்தச் சட்டம் 2020 ஆகியவை சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

மழைக்கால கூட்டத்தொடரின் போது மூன்று சட்டங்களும் ஒரே சட்டத்தின் கீழ் கொண்டு வரப்பட்டன. இவை 17 செப்டம்பர் 2020 அன்று மக்களவையிலும், பின்னர் 20 செப்டம்பர் 2020 அன்று மாநிலங்களவையிலும் நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டன. இதற்குப் பிறகு, இந்த மசோதா 27 செப்டம்பர் 2020 அன்று ஜனாதிபதியால் அங்கீகரிக்கப்பட்டது மற்றும் இந்த மசோதா ஒரு மசோதாவாக நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டது.

கிசான் மசோதா 2020ஐ நிறைவேற்றுவதன் முக்கிய நோக்கம்

இந்தியாவின் பொருளாதாரத்தை வலுவாக மாற்றுவதில் விவசாயம் எப்போதும் முக்கிய பங்கு வகிக்கிறது. நமது நாடு எப்போதும் விவசாய நாடாகவே இருந்து வருகிறது, நமது விவசாயிகள் கிராமங்களில் வாழ்கிறார்கள். விவசாயிகள் வயல்களில் விவசாயம் செய்து தங்களையும் தங்கள் குடும்பத்தையும் கவனித்துக்கொள்கிறார்கள்.

சுதந்திரத்திற்குப் பிறகு, இந்தியாவில் ஜமீன்தாரி முறை இருந்தது. பண்ணையார் மற்றும் ஜமீன்தார்களுக்கு இடையே விவசாயம் செய்வதும், அந்த வயல்களில் கூலி கொடுப்பதும், பயிர்ச் செலவும், சந்தைகளில் விற்பதும் ஜமீன்தாரின் வேலை என்று ஒரு ஒப்பந்தம் இருந்தது. இவையனைத்தும் பெயரளவுக்கு மட்டுமே லாபம் ஈட்டும் விவசாயிகள், சில சமயங்களில் தனிப்பட்ட தேவைகள் காரணமாக நில உரிமையாளர்களிடம் கடன் வாங்கி, கடனை அடைக்க முடியாத நிலை ஏற்பட்டால், நிலத்தை இழக்க நேரிடும்.

பின்னர் அரசு ஜமீன்தாரி முறையை ஒழித்துவிட்டு விவசாயிகளுக்கு புதிய முறையை அறிமுகப்படுத்தி அவர்களிடமிருந்து விளைந்த பயிர்களை விவசாயிகளின் நலன் கருதி அரசிடம் நேரடியாக விற்பனை செய்யலாம். இதனால் விவசாயிகள் கடின உழைப்புக்கு உரிய விலை கிடைத்தது.

அரசின் கொள்கைகளின்படி, விவசாயிகள் தங்கள் விளைபொருட்களை அரசால் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள ஏபிஎம்சியில் (விவசாயம் விளைபொருள் அங்காடி அல்லது மண்டி) தாங்களாகவே விற்பனை செய்யலாம். ஆனால் இதில் சில்லறை வியாபாரிகள் மற்றும் இடைத்தரகர்கள் வந்து பணம் சம்பாதிக்கத் தொடங்குகின்றனர். இத்தகைய இடைத்தரகர்கள் விவசாயிகளிடம் இருந்து மலிவு விலையில் பொருட்களை வாங்கி வியாபாரிகளுக்கு அதிக விலைக்கு விற்றுத் தாங்களே சம்பாதித்து வந்தனர்.

இதனால், அரசு மண்டிகளில் கூட விவசாயிகள் விளைவித்த விளைபொருட்களுக்கு சரியான கூலியோ, விலையோ கிடைக்கவில்லை. வேறு வார்த்தைகளில் கூறுவதானால், இந்த விதி சரியாக செயல்படுத்தப்படவில்லை மற்றும் பின்பற்றப்படவில்லை. இந்த வகை மோசடிகளுக்கு முடிவு கட்டும் வகையில் புதிய விவசாய மசோதாவை நமது விவசாயிகளுக்கு நேரடியாக வழங்க அரசு புதிய மசோதாவை அறிமுகப்படுத்தியுள்ளது.

கிசான் மசோதாவின் சில முக்கிய அம்சங்கள்

மத்திய அரசால் நிறைவேற்றப்பட்ட மூன்று மசோதாக்களில் கீழ்க்கண்ட வகையான விஷயங்கள் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளன. இந்த மாதிரி ஏதாவது –

  • விவசாயிகளின் உற்பத்தி மற்றும் வணிக மசோதா
  • இதன் கீழ், விவசாயிகள் தங்கள் விளைபொருட்களை நாட்டிலேயே விரும்பிய இடத்தில் வணிகத்திற்காக விற்கலாம்.
  • விவசாயிகள் தங்கள் விளைபொருட்களை APMC (விவசாய உற்பத்தி சந்தை)க்கு வெளியே வாங்கலாம் அல்லது விற்கலாம் என்பதையும் இது குறிக்கிறது.
  • இதனுடன், பயிர்களுக்கு எந்தவிதமான வரியும் விதிக்கப்படாது.
  • விவசாயிகள் தங்கள் பயிர்களை ஆன்லைனிலும் விற்பனை செய்யலாம். இதன் மூலம், தங்கள் பயிர்களுக்கு ஏற்ப விலையை நிர்ணயம் செய்து, கூலி சம்பாதிக்கலாம்.

2. விவசாயிகள் (அதிகாரமளித்தல் மற்றும் பாதுகாப்பு) விலை உறுதிப்பாடு மற்றும் விவசாய சேவைகள் தொடர்பான மசோதா

  • இதன் கீழ், நாடு முழுவதும் ஒப்பந்த விவசாய முறையும் முன்மொழியப்பட்டுள்ளது.
  • ஒப்பந்த விவசாயத்தின் கீழ், பயிர் சேதம் அடைந்தால், அதன் இழப்பு விவசாயிகளால் ஈடுசெய்யப்படாது, ஆனால் ஒப்பந்தம் செய்யும் கட்சிகள் அல்லது நிறுவனங்களால் ஈடுசெய்யப்படும்.
  • விவசாயிகள் தங்கள் சொந்த விலையில் இந்த நிறுவனங்களுக்கு விளைபொருட்களை விற்கலாம், இது அவர்களின் வருமானத்தை அதிகரிக்கும் மற்றும் இடைத்தரகர்களை அகற்றும்.

3. அத்தியாவசிய பொருட்கள் திருத்த மசோதா

  • இந்தச் சட்டத்தின் கீழ், சமையல் எண்ணெய், எண்ணெய் வித்துக்கள், பருப்பு வகைகள், வெங்காயம், உருளைக்கிழங்கு போன்றவற்றின் இருப்பு வரம்பு நீக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
  • தேசிய பேரிடர், வறட்சி போன்ற சூழ்நிலைகளில் மட்டுமே இருப்பு வரம்பை பயன்படுத்த முடியும்.
  • உற்பத்தி, சேமிப்பு மற்றும் அவற்றின் விநியோகம் மீதான அரசின் கட்டுப்பாடு முடிவுக்கு வரும்.

கிசான் மசோதாவின் நன்மைகள்

இந்தியாவில் விவசாயத் துறையின் மேம்பாட்டிற்காக கிசான் மசோதா 2020 நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த மசோதாவின்படி, விவசாயிகள் பயன்பெறுவதுடன், விவசாயத் துறையில் முக்கிய சீர்திருத்தங்கள் கொண்டு வரப்பட வேண்டும். இந்த மசோதாவின் சில நன்மைகள் பின்வருமாறு-

  • இந்த சட்டத்தின் கீழ், விவசாயிகள் தங்கள் பயிர்களை நாட்டில் எங்கு வேண்டுமானாலும் விற்கலாம்.
  • வணிகர்கள் அல்லது நிறுவனம் மற்றும் விவசாயிகள் இடையே நெகிழ்வுத்தன்மை ஊக்குவிக்கப்படும்.
  • மண்டிகள் தவிர, விவசாயிகளின் வணிகப் பகுதியில் கிடங்குகள், குளிர் வீடுகள், பண்ணைக் கதவுகள், செயலாக்க அலகுகள் ஆகியவற்றின் கூடுதல் கட்டுமானம்.
  • ஏற்றுமதியாளர்களின் அமைப்பு, விவசாயிகளைக் கொண்ட ஒருங்கிணைக்கப்பட்ட துறைகள் இடைத்தரகர்களை ஒழிக்க வேண்டும்.
  • நாடு முழுவதும் டிஜிட்டல் மார்க்கெட்டிங் ஊக்குவிக்க மற்றும் இந்த வேலையில் வெளிப்படைத்தன்மை கொண்டு வர.
  • வணிகத்திற்காக பயிர்கள் மீது எந்த வகையான வரியிலிருந்தும் (சுங்க வரி உட்பட) விலக்கு.
  • ஒப்பந்த விவசாயம் தொடங்கும். இதில் விளைபொருட்களின் விலை முதலீட்டாளர்களுக்கும் விவசாயிகளுக்கும் இடையே நிர்ணயம் செய்யப்படுவதால் விவசாயிகளுக்கு அதிக லாபம் கிடைக்கும்.
  • புதிய தொழில்நுட்பத்தை வழங்குவதன் மூலம் பயிர் விளைச்சலை அதிகரிக்க முடியும்.
  • விவசாயத்தில் ஏற்பட்ட நஷ்டத்தில் இருந்து விவசாயிகள் விடுபடுவார்கள்.
  • விவசாயிகள் அதிக லாபம் பெறுவதற்காக, சில தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட பயிர்களின் சேமிப்பு வரம்பு நீக்கப்படும்.

கிசான் மசோதாவுக்கு எதிராக போராட்டம் ஏன் ?

சில காரணங்களால், அரசு கொண்டு வந்த கிசான் மசோதா எதிர்க்கப்படுகிறது. போன்ற –

  • அரசு நிர்ணயித்த ஆதரவு விலை (எம்எஸ்பி) ரத்து செய்யப்படும்.
  • விவசாயி தனது விளைபொருட்களை மண்டிகளுக்கு வெளியே விற்றால், விவசாய விளைபொருள் சந்தைகள் ஒழிக்கப்படும்.
  • e-NAM அல்லது e-Trending போன்ற போர்ட்டல்களைப் பற்றி என்ன.
  • கார்ப்பரேட் துறைகள் பணத்தின் அடிப்படையில் விவசாயத் துறையில் ஏற்றம் பெறும்.

கிசான் மசோதா 2020 விவசாயிகளின் நலனுக்கானதா இல்லையா ?

இந்த மசோதா குறித்து நமது நாட்டின் அப்போதைய பிரதமராக இருந்த மாண்புமிகு நரேந்திர மோடி அவர்கள், இந்த கிசான் மசோதா விவசாயிகளின் வாழ்க்கைக்கு ஒரு நீர்ப்பிடிப்பு போல் செயல்படும் என்று கூறியுள்ளார். அவர்களின் நலன்களைப் பாதுகாக்கும், மேலும் அவர்களின் விளைபொருட்களின் ஆதரவு விலையை உயர்த்தும். இந்த மசோதாவின்படி, விவசாயிகளுக்கு உரிய ஊதியத்தைப் பெறவும், விவசாயத் துறையில் பயனுள்ள சீர்திருத்தங்களைக் கொண்டுவரவும் இது உதவும். இந்த மசோதாவைப் பார்த்தால், அது விவசாயிகள் மற்றும் விவசாயத் துறையின் நலன். மறுபுறம், இந்த மசோதா விவசாயிகளின் நலனுக்காக இருந்தாலும், நாடு முழுவதும் குறிப்பாக பஞ்சாப், ஹரியானா, மத்தியப் பிரதேசம் போன்ற மாநிலங்களில் உள்ள விவசாயிகளால் எதிர்க்கப்படுகிறது. இது மசோதா மீது சில எதிர்மறையான கருத்துக்களுக்கு வழிவகுக்கிறது.

இன்றைய டிஜிட்டல் காலகட்டத்திலும் விவசாயிகளின் நிலை நன்றாக இல்லை. விவசாயிகள் மற்றும் விவசாயத்துறையின் நலன் கருதி பல முடிவுகள் எடுக்கப்பட்டாலும், விவசாயிகளின் முன்னேற்றம் தெரியவில்லை. அவர்களின் நலன்களுக்காகவும், விவசாயத் துறைகளில் புதிய பரிமாணங்களை நிறுவுவதற்காகவும் அரசாங்கம் ஒரு சட்டத்தை அறிமுகப்படுத்தியுள்ளது. இதற்கு எதிராக பல்வேறு மாநிலங்கள் மற்றும் விவசாயிகள் தொடர்ந்து போராட்டம் நடத்தி வருகின்றனர். இப்படி எதிர்ப்பு கிளம்பியதால் இந்த விவகாரம் தீவிரமடைந்துள்ளது.

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ప్రాచీన కాలం నుండి భారతదేశం వ్యవసాయంపై ఆధారపడి ఉంది. భారతదేశం వ్యవసాయ దేశం, దాని జనాభాలో 65% మంది వ్యవసాయంలో నిమగ్నమై ఉన్నారు. భారతదేశ ఆర్థిక వ్యవస్థలో వ్యవసాయం 17% వాటాను కలిగి ఉంది. మన మాజీ ప్రధాని లాల్ బహదూర్ శాస్త్రి రైతుల ప్రాముఖ్యతను అర్థం చేసుకున్నారు. 1965లో పాకిస్థాన్‌తో యుద్ధం సమయంలో రైతులు, జవాన్లు దేశ సేవ కోసం జై జవాన్ జై కిసాన్ నినాదాన్ని అందించారు. రైతులను మన దేశంలో అన్నదాత అని పిలుస్తారు, కానీ వారు చాలా కష్టమైన మరియు దయనీయమైన జీవితాన్ని గడుపుతున్నారు. “కిసాన్ బిల్లు బిల్లు 2020” అనేది వ్యవసాయ రంగాలను మరియు వారి దైనందిన జీవితాన్ని మెరుగుపరచడానికి మా ప్రభుత్వం తీసుకున్న చొరవ.

తెలుగులో ఫార్మ్ బిల్లు 2020పై సుదీర్ఘ వ్యాసం

రైతుల ప్రయోజనాల కోసం భారత ప్రభుత్వం తీసుకొచ్చిన బిల్లు 2020లో రైతులే వ్యతిరేకిస్తున్న అంశాలు ఏమిటి. క్రింద ఇవ్వబడిన ఈ వ్యాసంలో, మేము దాని గురించి వివరంగా చర్చిస్తాము.

సుదీర్ఘ వ్యాసం – 1300 పదాలు

మన దేశానికి, దేశ ఆర్థిక వ్యవస్థకు రైతు వెన్నెముక. ఇదిలావుండగా రైతుల పరిస్థితి మరీ దయనీయంగా ఉంది. ఈ డిజిటల్ యుగంలో కూడా చాలా మంది రైతులు నేడు నిరక్షరాస్యులుగా ఉన్నారు. పేదరికం కారణంగా కొందరు రైతులు తమ పిల్లలను చదివించలేకపోతున్నారు. రైతుల కుటుంబ స్థితిగతులను బలోపేతం చేయడానికి మరియు వ్యవసాయాన్ని ఆధునీకరించడానికి, ప్రభుత్వం రైతుల కోసం “కిసాన్ బిల్లు 2020” తీసుకురావాలని నిర్ణయించింది, అయితే ఈ బిల్లును రైతుల నుండి వ్యతిరేకించడం ఆందోళన కలిగిస్తుంది.

కిసాన్ బిల్లు 2020 అంటే ఏమిటి ?

భారతీయ రైతు పరిస్థితిని దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకుని, మన ప్రభుత్వం రైతుల జీవితంలో మరియు వ్యవసాయంలో కొత్త పద్ధతులను అవలంబించడం ద్వారా, వారిని ఎలా మెరుగైన స్థితికి తీసుకురావాలనే దాని కింద ఒక చట్టాన్ని రూపొందించాలని నిర్ణయించింది. ఈ కిసాన్ బిల్లులో ప్రభుత్వం 3 బిల్లులను చేర్చింది. ఇందులో వ్యవసాయోత్పత్తుల వాణిజ్యం మరియు వాణిజ్యం (ప్రమోషన్ మరియు సులభతరం) బిల్లు 2020, రైతుల ఒప్పంద చట్టం 2020 ధర హామీ మరియు వ్యవసాయ సేవలు (సాధికారత మరియు రక్షణ), మరియు నిత్యావసర వస్తువుల సవరణ చట్టం 2020 చేర్చబడ్డాయి.

వర్షాకాల సెషన్‌లో మూడు చట్టాలను ఒకే ఆర్డినెన్స్‌ కింద తీసుకొచ్చారు. ఇవి 17 సెప్టెంబర్ 2020న లోక్‌సభలో, ఆ తర్వాత 20 సెప్టెంబర్ 2020న రాజ్యసభలో ఆమోదించబడ్డాయి. దీని తరువాత, ఈ బిల్లును 27 సెప్టెంబర్ 2020న రాష్ట్రపతి ఆమోదించారు మరియు ఈ బిల్లు బిల్లుగా ఆమోదించబడింది.

కిసాన్ బిల్లు 2020ని ఆమోదించడం ప్రధాన లక్ష్యం

భారతదేశ ఆర్థిక వ్యవస్థను బలోపేతం చేయడంలో వ్యవసాయం ఎల్లప్పుడూ ముఖ్యమైన పాత్ర పోషిస్తుంది. మన దేశం ఎప్పుడూ వ్యవసాయాధారిత దేశం, మన రైతులు గ్రామాల్లోనే నివసిస్తున్నారు. పొలాల్లో సేద్యం చేస్తూ రైతులు తమను, కుటుంబాన్ని పోషించుకుంటున్నారు.

స్వాతంత్ర్యం తరువాత, భారతదేశంలో జమీందారీ వ్యవస్థ ఉంది. ఆ పొలాల్లో రైతు పొలం, కూలీ చేస్తాడని, పంటకు అయ్యే ఖర్చు, బజారుల్లో అమ్మడం జమీందార్ పని అని రైతుకు, జమీందార్లకు మధ్య ఒప్పందం ఉండేది. వీటన్నింటి వల్ల రైతులు నామమాత్రపు లాభాన్ని పొందేవారు, కొన్నిసార్లు వ్యక్తిగత అవసరాల దృష్ట్యా రైతు భూస్వాముల వద్ద అప్పులు చేసి అప్పు తీర్చే పరిస్థితి లేకుంటే భూమిని కోల్పోవాల్సి వచ్చింది.

తరువాత ప్రభుత్వం జమీందారీ విధానాన్ని రద్దు చేసి రైతుల కోసం కొత్త విధానాన్ని ప్రవేశపెట్టింది మరియు వారి నుండి ఉత్పత్తి చేయబడిన పంటలను రైతుల ప్రయోజనాల దృష్ట్యా నేరుగా ప్రభుత్వానికి విక్రయించవచ్చు. దీంతో రైతుల కష్టానికి తగిన ధర లభించింది.

ప్రభుత్వ విధానాల ప్రకారం, రైతులు తమ ఉత్పత్తులను ప్రభుత్వం ఏర్పాటు చేసిన APMC (వ్యవసాయ ఉత్పత్తుల దుకాణం లేదా మండి)లో విక్రయించుకోవచ్చు. అయితే ఇందులో చిల్లర వ్యాపారులు, మధ్య దళారులు వచ్చి సొమ్ము చేసుకుంటున్నారు. ఇలాంటి మధ్య దళారులు రైతుల నుంచి చౌక ధరలకు సరుకులు కొనుగోలు చేసి వ్యాపారులకు ఎక్కువ ధరలకు విక్రయించి సొమ్ము చేసుకునేవారు.

దీంతో ప్రభుత్వ మండీల్లో సైతం రైతులు పండించిన పంటకు సరైన గిట్టుబాటు ధర లేక అవస్థలు పడ్డారు. మరో మాటలో చెప్పాలంటే, ఈ నియమం సరిగ్గా అమలు చేయబడదు మరియు అనుసరించబడలేదు. ఈ రకమైన మోసాన్ని అంతం చేయడానికి ప్రభుత్వం కొత్త వ్యవసాయ బిల్లును ప్రవేశపెట్టింది, తద్వారా మన రైతులకు మరింత ఎక్కువ ప్రయోజనాలు నేరుగా ఇవ్వబడతాయి.

కిసాన్ బిల్లులోని కొన్ని ముఖ్యమైన అంశాలు

కేంద్ర ప్రభుత్వం ఆమోదించిన మూడు బిల్లుల్లో ఈ క్రింది రకాల అంశాలు ఉన్నాయి. ఇలాంటిది ఏదైనా –

  • రైతు ఉత్పత్తి మరియు వాణిజ్య బిల్లు
  • దీని కింద రైతులు తమ ఉత్పత్తులను వ్యాపారం కోసం దేశంలో తమకు నచ్చిన ప్రదేశానికి అమ్ముకోవచ్చు.
  • దీని అర్థం రైతులు తమ ఉత్పత్తులను APMC (వ్యవసాయ ఉత్పత్తుల మార్కెట్) వెలుపల కొనుగోలు చేయవచ్చు లేదా విక్రయించవచ్చు.
  • దీంతోపాటు పంటలపై ఎలాంటి పన్ను ఉండదు.
  • రైతులు తమ పంటలను ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో కూడా విక్రయించుకోవచ్చు. ఈ విధంగా, వారు తమ పంటలకు అనుగుణంగా ధరలను వసూలు చేయడం ద్వారా వారి వేతనాలను పొందగలరు.

2. ధరల భరోసా మరియు వ్యవసాయ సేవలపై రైతుల (సాధికారత మరియు రక్షణ) బిల్లు

  • దీని కింద దేశవ్యాప్తంగా కాంట్రాక్ట్ ఫార్మింగ్ విధానాన్ని కూడా ప్రతిపాదించారు.
  • కాంట్రాక్ట్ ఫార్మింగ్ కింద, పంట దెబ్బతిన్నట్లయితే, దాని నష్టాన్ని రైతు భర్తీ చేయదు, ఒప్పందం చేసుకున్న పార్టీలు లేదా కంపెనీలు.
  • రైతులు తమ ఉత్పత్తులను తమ సొంత ధరలకు ఈ కంపెనీలకు విక్రయించవచ్చు, ఇది వారి ఆదాయాన్ని పెంచుతుంది మరియు దళారులను తొలగిస్తుంది.

3. నిత్యావసర వస్తువుల సవరణ బిల్లు

  • ఈ చట్టం ప్రకారం, ఎడిబుల్ ఆయిల్, నూనెగింజలు, పప్పులు, ఉల్లిపాయలు, బంగాళదుంపలు వంటి వాటిపై స్టాక్ పరిమితి తొలగించబడింది.
  • జాతీయ విపత్తు, కరువు వంటి పరిస్థితుల్లో మాత్రమే స్టాక్ పరిమితిని వర్తింపజేయవచ్చు.
  • ఉత్పత్తి, నిల్వ మరియు వాటి పంపిణీపై ప్రభుత్వ నియంత్రణ ముగుస్తుంది.

కిసాన్ బిల్లు ప్రయోజనాలు

భారతదేశంలో వ్యవసాయ రంగ అభ్యున్నతి కోసం కిసాన్ బిల్లు 2020 ఆమోదించబడింది. ఈ బిల్లు ప్రకారం రైతులకు మేలు చేయడంతో పాటు వ్యవసాయ రంగంలో ముఖ్యమైన సంస్కరణలు తీసుకురావాలి. ఈ బిల్లు యొక్క కొన్ని ప్రయోజనాలు క్రింది విధంగా ఉన్నాయి-

  • ఈ చట్టం ప్రకారం, రైతులు తమ పంటలను దేశంలో ఎక్కడైనా విక్రయించుకోవచ్చు.
  • వ్యాపారులు లేదా కంపెనీ మరియు రైతుల మధ్య వశ్యత ప్రోత్సహించబడుతుంది.
  • మండీలతో పాటు, రైతు వ్యాపార ప్రాంతంలో గోదాములు, శీతల గృహాలు, వ్యవసాయ గేట్లు, ప్రాసెసింగ్ యూనిట్ల అదనపు నిర్మాణం.
  • ఎగుమతిదారుల సంస్థ, రైతులతో వ్యవస్థీకృత రంగాలు తద్వారా మధ్య దళారులను తొలగిస్తుంది.
  • దేశవ్యాప్తంగా డిజిటల్ మార్కెటింగ్‌ను ప్రోత్సహించడానికి మరియు ఈ పనిలో పారదర్శకతను తీసుకురావడానికి.
  • వాణిజ్యం కోసం పంటలపై ఎలాంటి పన్ను (కస్టమ్స్ డ్యూటీతో సహా) నుండి మినహాయింపు.
  • కాంట్రాక్టు వ్యవసాయం ప్రారంభమవుతుంది. ఇందులో పెట్టుబడిదారులు మరియు రైతుల మధ్య ఉత్పత్తి ధర నిర్ణయించబడుతుంది, తద్వారా రైతులకు ఎక్కువ లాభం చేకూరుతుంది.
  • కొత్త సాంకేతికతను అందిపుచ్చుకోవడం ద్వారా పంటల దిగుబడిని పెంచుకోవచ్చు.
  • వ్యవసాయంలో నష్టాల నుంచి రైతులకు విముక్తి లభిస్తుంది.
  • కొన్ని ఎంపిక చేసిన పంటలపై నిల్వ పరిమితి తీసివేయబడుతుంది, తద్వారా రైతులు ఎక్కువ లాభం పొందుతారు.

కిసాన్ బిల్లుపై నిరసన ఎందుకు ?

కొన్ని కారణాల వల్ల ప్రభుత్వం తీసుకొచ్చిన కిసాన్ బిల్లుకు వ్యతిరేకత వస్తోంది. వంటి –

  • ప్రభుత్వం నిర్ణయించిన మద్దతు ధర (ఎంఎస్‌పీ) రద్దు అవుతుంది.
  • రైతు తన ఉత్పత్తులను మండీల వెలుపల విక్రయిస్తే వ్యవసాయోత్పత్తుల మార్కెట్‌ను రద్దు చేస్తారు.
  • ఇ-నామ్ లేదా ఇ-ట్రెండింగ్ వంటి పోర్టల్‌ల గురించి ఏమిటి.
  • కార్పోరేట్ రంగాలు డబ్బు ఆధారంగా వ్యవసాయ రంగంలో ప్రోత్సాహాన్ని పొందుతాయి.

కిసాన్ బిల్లు 2020 రైతుల ప్రయోజనాల కోసం ఉందా లేదా ?

ఈ కిసాన్ బిల్లు రైతుల జీవితాలకు నీరుగార్చేలా పని చేస్తుందని నాటి మన దేశ ప్రధాని గౌరవనీయులైన నరేంద్ర మోదీ ఈ బిల్లు గురించి చెప్పారు. వారి ప్రయోజనాలను కాపాడుతుంది మరియు వారి ఉత్పత్తుల మద్దతు ధరలో పెరుగుదలను తెస్తుంది. బిల్లు ప్రకారం, రైతులకు తగిన వేతనం పొందడానికి మరియు వ్యవసాయ రంగంలో ఉపయోగకరమైన సంస్కరణలు తీసుకురావడానికి ఇది సహాయపడుతుంది. బిల్లును పరిశీలిస్తే రైతులకు, వ్యవసాయ రంగానికి మేలు జరుగుతుంది. మరోవైపు, ఈ బిల్లు రైతుల ప్రయోజనాల కోసం ఉన్నప్పటికీ, దేశవ్యాప్తంగా ముఖ్యంగా పంజాబ్, హర్యానా, మధ్యప్రదేశ్ తదితర రాష్ట్రాల్లో రైతులు దీనిని వ్యతిరేకిస్తున్నారు. దీంతో బిల్లుపై కొంత ప్రతికూలత కనిపిస్తోంది.

నేటి డిజిటల్‌ కాలంలో కూడా రైతుల పరిస్థితి ఏమీ బాగోలేదు. రైతులు, వ్యవసాయ రంగ ప్రయోజనాలను దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకుని అనేక నిర్ణయాలు తీసుకున్నప్పటికీ రైతుల అభ్యున్నతి కనిపించడం లేదు. వారి ప్రయోజనాల కోసం, వ్యవసాయ రంగాల్లో కొత్త కోణాలను నెలకొల్పేందుకు ప్రభుత్వం ఒక చట్టాన్ని ప్రవేశపెట్టింది. దీనికి వ్యతిరేకంగా అనేక రాష్ట్రాలు, రైతులు నిరంతరం నిరసనలు చేస్తున్నారు. ఇంత వ్యతిరేకత రావడంతో ఈ అంశం కాస్త సీరియస్‌గా మారింది.

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ہندوستان قدیم زمانے سے ہی زراعت پر منحصر ہے۔ ہندوستان ایک زرعی ملک ہے، اس کی تقریباً 65 فیصد آبادی زراعت سے وابستہ ہے۔ ہندوستان کی معیشت میں زراعت کا حصہ تقریباً 17% ہے۔ ہمارے سابق وزیر اعظم لال بہادر شاستری کسانوں کی اہمیت کو سمجھتے تھے۔ 1965 میں پاکستان کے ساتھ جنگ ​​کے دوران انہوں نے کسانوں اور جوانوں کی طرف سے ملک کی خدمت کے لیے “جئے جوان جئے کسان” کا نعرہ دیا۔ کسانوں کو ہمارے ملک کا اننا داتا کہا جاتا ہے، لیکن وہ خود بہت مشکل اور قابل رحم زندگی گزارتے ہیں۔ “کسان بل بل 2020” ہماری حکومت کی طرف سے زرعی شعبوں اور ان کی روزمرہ کی زندگی کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے اٹھایا جانے والا ایک اقدام ہے۔

فارم بل 2020 پر اردو میں طویل مضمون

حکومت ہند کی طرف سے کسانوں کے فائدے کے لیے لائے گئے بل 2020 میں وہ کون سی چیزیں ہیں جن کی خود کسان مخالفت کر رہے ہیں۔ ذیل میں دیے گئے اس مضمون میں ہم اس کے بارے میں تفصیل سے بات کریں گے۔

طویل مضمون – 1300 الفاظ

کسان ہمارے ملک اور ملکی معیشت میں ریڑھ کی ہڈی کی حیثیت رکھتا ہے۔ اس کے باوجود کسانوں کی حالت انتہائی خراب اور قابل رحم ہے۔ اس ڈیجیٹل دور میں بھی آج بہت سے کسان ناخواندہ ہیں۔ کچھ کسان اپنی غربت کی وجہ سے اپنے بچوں کو تعلیم دینے سے قاصر ہیں۔ کسانوں کے خاندانی حالات کو مضبوط بنانے اور زراعت کو جدید بنانے کے لیے حکومت نے کسانوں کے لیے ’’کسان بل بل 2020‘‘ لانے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے لیکن کسانوں کی طرف سے اس بل کی مخالفت خود تشویشناک ہے۔

کسان بل 2020 کیا ہے ؟

ہندوستانی کسان کی حالت کو دیکھتے ہوئے ہماری حکومت نے اس کے تحت ایک قانون بنانے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے جس کے تحت کسانوں کی زندگی اور کھیتی میں نئے طریقے اپنا کر انہیں بہتر حالت میں کیسے لایا جائے۔ اس کسان بل میں حکومت کی جانب سے 3 بل شامل کیے گئے ہیں۔ جس میں زرعی پیداوار تجارت اور تجارت (فروغ اور سہولت) بل 2020، کسانوں کا معاہدہ ایکٹ 2020 پر قیمت کی یقین دہانی اور زرعی خدمات (امپاورمنٹ اینڈ پروٹیکشن) اور ضروری اشیاء ترمیمی ایکٹ 2020 کو شامل کیا گیا ہے۔

مانسون سیشن کے دوران تینوں ایکٹ کو ایک آرڈیننس کے تحت اکٹھا کیا گیا۔ یہ 17 ستمبر 2020 کو لوک سبھا میں اور پھر 20 ستمبر 2020 کو راجیہ سبھا میں پاس ہوئے۔ اس کے بعد اس بل کو صدر نے 27 ستمبر 2020 کو منظور کیا اور اس بل کو بطور بل منظور کر لیا گیا۔

کسان بل 2020 کی منظوری کا بنیادی مقصد

ہندوستان کی معیشت کو مضبوط بنانے میں زراعت نے ہمیشہ اہم کردار ادا کیا ہے۔ ہمارا ملک ہمیشہ سے ایک زرعی ملک رہا ہے اور ہمارے کسان دیہات میں رہتے ہیں۔ کسان کھیتوں میں کاشت کرکے اپنا اور اپنے خاندان کا خیال رکھتے ہیں۔

آزادی کے بعد ہندوستان میں زمینداری کا نظام تھا۔ کسان اور زمینداروں کے درمیان ایک سودا ہوا کرتا تھا کہ کسان ان کھیتوں میں کھیتی باڑی اور مزدوری کرے گا اور فصل کی قیمت اور منڈیوں میں بیچنا زمیندار کا کام ہو گا۔ اس سب کی وجہ سے کاشتکار معمولی منافع کماتے تھے اور بعض اوقات ذاتی ضرورتوں کی وجہ سے کسان زمینداروں سے قرض لے لیتا تھا اور اگر وہ قرض ادا کرنے کی پوزیشن میں نہ ہوتا تو اسے اپنی زمین سے ہاتھ دھونا پڑتے تھے۔

بعد میں حکومت نے زمینداری کا نظام ختم کر کے کسانوں کے لیے نیا نظام متعارف کرایا اور کسانوں کے مفاد میں ان سے پیدا ہونے والی فصل براہ راست حکومت کو فروخت کی جا سکتی تھی۔ جس کی وجہ سے کسانوں کو ان کی محنت کی مناسب قیمت مل گئی۔

حکومت کی پالیسیوں کے مطابق، کسان اپنی پیداوار خود حکومت کی طرف سے مقرر کردہ اے پی ایم سی (زرعی پیداوار اسٹور یا منڈی) میں بیچ سکتے ہیں۔ لیکن اس میں خوردہ فروش اور مڈل مین آتے ہیں اور اپنا پیسہ کمانا شروع کر دیتے ہیں۔ ایسے دلال کسانوں سے ان کا مال سستے داموں خرید کر تاجروں کو مہنگے داموں فروخت کر کے اپنا پیسہ کماتے تھے۔

اس طرح سرکاری منڈیوں میں بھی کسانوں کو ان کی پیداوار کا صحیح معاوضہ یا قیمت نہیں مل سکی۔ دوسرے لفظوں میں، اس قاعدے کو صحیح طریقے سے نافذ اور عمل نہیں کیا گیا۔ حکومت نے اس قسم کی دھوکہ دہی کو ختم کرنے کے لیے ایک نیا ایگریکلچر بل متعارف کرایا ہے تاکہ ہمارے کسانوں کو براہ راست زیادہ سے زیادہ فوائد مل سکیں۔

کسان بل کے چند اہم نکات

مرکزی حکومت کی طرف سے منظور کیے گئے تین بلوں میں درج ذیل چیزیں شامل ہیں۔ کچھ اس طرح –

  • کسانوں کی پیداوار اور تجارت کا بل
  • اس کے تحت کسان کاروبار کے لیے ملک میں اپنی مطلوبہ جگہ پر پیداوار فروخت کر سکتے ہیں۔
  • اس کا مطلب یہ بھی ہے کہ کسان اپنی پیداوار اے پی ایم سی (ایگریکلچر پروڈیوس مارکیٹ) سے باہر خرید یا بیچ سکتے ہیں۔
  • اس کے ساتھ فصلوں پر کسی قسم کا کوئی ٹیکس نہیں لگے گا۔
  • کسان اپنی فصلیں آن لائن بھی بیچ سکتے ہیں۔ اس طرح وہ اپنی فصلوں کے مطابق قیمتیں وصول کر کے اپنی اجرت حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔

2. قیمتوں کی یقین دہانی اور زرعی خدمات سے متعلق کسانوں (امپاورمنٹ اور پروٹیکشن) بل

  • اس کے تحت ملک بھر میں کنٹریکٹ فارمنگ کا نظام بھی تجویز کیا گیا ہے۔
  • کنٹریکٹ فارمنگ کے تحت، اگر فصل کو نقصان ہوتا ہے، تو اس کے نقصان کا ازالہ کسان نہیں کرے گا بلکہ معاہدہ کرنے والے فریقین یا کمپنیاں کریں گی۔
  • کسان اپنی پیداوار ان کمپنیوں کو اونے پونے داموں فروخت کر سکتے ہیں جس سے ان کی آمدنی میں اضافہ ہو گا اور مڈل مین کا خاتمہ ہو گا۔

3. ضروری اشیاء ترمیمی بل

  • اس ایکٹ کے تحت خوردنی تیل، تیل کے بیج، دالوں، پیاز، آلو جیسی چیزوں پر اسٹاک کی حد ختم کردی گئی ہے۔
  • اسٹاک کی حد صرف قومی آفت، خشک سالی جیسے حالات میں لاگو کی جا سکتی ہے۔
  • پیداوار، ذخیرہ اندوزی اور ان کی تقسیم پر حکومتی کنٹرول ختم ہو جائے گا۔

کسان بل کے فوائد

ہندوستان میں زرعی شعبے کی بہتری کے لیے کسان بل 2020 منظور کر لیا گیا ہے۔ اس بل کے مطابق کسانوں کو فائدہ پہنچانے کے ساتھ ساتھ زرعی شعبے میں بھی اہم اصلاحات لانا ہوں گی۔ اس بل کے چند فوائد درج ذیل ہیں-

  • اس قانون کے تحت کسان ملک میں کہیں بھی اپنی فصل فروخت کرنے کے لیے آزاد ہوں گے۔
  • تاجروں یا کمپنی اور کسانوں کے درمیان لچک کی حوصلہ افزائی کی جائے گی۔
  • منڈیوں کے علاوہ کسانوں کے کاروباری علاقے میں گوداموں، کولڈ ہاؤسز، فارم گیٹس، پروسیسنگ یونٹس کی اضافی تعمیر۔
  • برآمد کنندگان کی تنظیم، کسانوں کے ساتھ منظم شعبے تاکہ وہ مڈل مین کو ختم کرے۔
  • ملک بھر میں ڈیجیٹل مارکیٹنگ کو فروغ دینا اور اس کام میں شفافیت لانا۔
  • تجارت کے لیے فصلوں پر کسی بھی قسم کے ٹیکس (بشمول کسٹم ڈیوٹی) سے استثنیٰ۔
  • کنٹریکٹ فارمنگ شروع ہو جائے گی۔ جس میں سرمایہ کاروں اور کسانوں کے درمیان پیداوار کی قیمت کا تعین کیا جائے گا تاکہ زیادہ منافع کسانوں تک پہنچایا جا سکے۔
  • نئی ٹیکنالوجی فراہم کر کے فصلوں کی پیداوار میں اضافہ کیا جا سکتا ہے۔
  • کسانوں کو زراعت میں ہونے والے نقصان سے آزادی ملے گی۔
  • کچھ منتخب فصلوں پر ذخیرہ کرنے کی حد ختم کردی جائے گی تاکہ کسانوں کو زیادہ منافع ملے۔

کسان بل کے خلاف احتجاج کیوں ؟

کچھ وجوہات کی بنا پر حکومت کی طرف سے لائے گئے کسان بل کی مخالفت کی جا رہی ہے۔ جیسا کہ –

  • حکومت کی طرف سے مقرر کردہ امدادی قیمت (MSP) کو ختم کر دیا جائے گا۔
  • اگر کسان اپنی پیداوار منڈیوں کے باہر بیچتا ہے تو زرعی پیداوار کی منڈیوں کو ختم کر دیا جائے گا۔
  • e-NAM یا e-Trending جیسے پورٹلز کے بارے میں کیا خیال ہے۔
  • زرعی شعبے میں پیسے کی بنیاد پر کارپوریٹ سیکٹر کو فروغ ملے گا۔

کیا کسان بل 2020 کسانوں کے مفاد میں ہے یا نہیں ؟

ہمارے ملک کے اس وقت کے وزیر اعظم عزت مآب نریندر مودی نے اس بل کے بارے میں کہا ہے کہ یہ کسان بل کسانوں کی زندگیوں کے لیے پانی کی طرح کام کرے گا۔ ان کے مفادات کا تحفظ کریں گے، اور ان کی پیداوار کی امدادی قیمت میں اضافہ کریں گے۔ بل کے مطابق اس سے کسانوں کو ان کا واجب الادا معاوضہ حاصل کرنے اور زرعی شعبے میں مفید اصلاحات لانے میں مدد ملے گی۔ اگر ہم بل کو دیکھیں تو یہ کسانوں اور زراعت کے شعبے کے مفاد میں ہے۔ دوسری طرف، یہ بل کسانوں کے مفاد میں ہونے کے باوجود، پورے ملک میں خصوصاً پنجاب، ہریانہ، مدھیہ پردیش وغیرہ ریاستوں میں کسانوں کی طرف سے اس کی مخالفت کی جا رہی ہے۔ اس سے بل کے بارے میں کچھ منفی نظر آتی ہے۔

آج کے جدید ترین ڈیجیٹل دور میں بھی کسانوں کی حالت کچھ اچھی نظر نہیں آ رہی ہے۔ کسانوں اور زرعی شعبے کے مفاد میں کئی فیصلوں کے باوجود کسانوں کی بہتری نظر نہیں آ رہی۔ حکومت نے ان کے مفادات اور زرعی شعبوں میں نئی ​​جہتیں قائم کرنے کے لیے ایک قانون متعارف کرایا ہے۔ جس کے خلاف کئی ریاستیں اور کسان مسلسل احتجاج کر رہے ہیں۔ اس طرح کی مخالفت کی وجہ سے یہ مسئلہ کافی سنگین ہو گیا ہے۔

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US Congress must pass farm spending bill this year, say commodity groups

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Corn crops are seen being harvested from inside a farmer's combine in Eldon, Iowa

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essay on agriculture bill 2020

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  1. Essay on Agriculture Bill 2020 // Essay on Farm Bill//essay on krishi vidheyak // Content Writer ✍️

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  5. Essay On Farm Bill 2020 In 250+ Words In English {Step by Step}

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  1. Farm Acts, 2020

    Farm Acts, 2020 - Arguments For & Against. Farm Laws ...

  2. Essay on Farm Bill 2020

    Indian Government has introduced new farmers bill 2020 or agriculture bill 2020 or farm bill 2020 recently. These bills are for well being of farmers and agriculture sector. Today we are going to write an essay on farmer bills 2020 or farm bill 2020 or agriculture bill 2020.In this essay on farm bill 2020, we will include pros and cons of new farmer's bill 2020 which also includes benefits of ...

  3. A Critical Analysis of the Farm Bills 2020

    On September 27, 2020, the president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovid gave his assent to the three farm reform bills - The Farmers' Produce Trade And Commerce (Promotion And Facilitation) Bill 2020, The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill 2020, and The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020. These bills have been passed by the parliament ...

  4. What is farm bill 2020: Pros & cons of three farm bills Centre introduced

    Bill on contract farming The Farmer (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020 Provisions * Farmers can enter into a contract with agribusiness firms ...

  5. Farm Bill 2020

    The farmers are protesting against 2 Farm Bills that the Rajya Sabha recently passed: (1) the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020, and (2) the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020. The two bills had already cleared the lower house - the Lok Sabha.

  6. Farm bills 2020 explained: What are arguments for and against the laws?

    According to the government, The Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 liberates farmers by giving them the freedom to sell anywhere. The Expert. Faizan Mustafa, currently Vice Chancellor of NALSAR University of Law, is an expert on constitutional law, criminal law, human rights and personal laws.

  7. Farm Bill Primer: What Is the Farm Bill?

    Farm Bill Primer - CRS Reports

  8. Farm Bills 2020: Actual text vs perception

    Express Explained. Farm Bills 2020. Haryana. Parliament. Punjab. Rajya Sabha. Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill: The government has sought to project the farm Bill as "creating an ecosystem" where farmers will enjoy the "freedom of choice" to sell to anyone, anywhere in the country.

  9. The Agriculture Act 2020

    The Agriculture Act 2020 (2 MB , PDF) Leaving the EU means the UK is leaving the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The Bill provides the legislative framework for replacement agricultural support schemes. It provides a range of powers to implement new approaches to farm payments and land management. In England, farmers will be paid to ...

  10. PDF Farm Bill Process In a Nutshell

    arm Bill Process In a Nutshell1Every five to seven years Congress passes omnibus legislation known as the "farm bill" authorizing a broad array of programs and services that shape virtually every aspect of the American food and agriculture systems.2 The process through which the farm bill is formed is long and complex, involving multiple ...

  11. Agricultural Bill 2020 in India: Agricultural Policy and ...

    Researchers have extensively read several documents, and approximately, about 70 papers contain relevant information about policies associated with the recent agricultural bill, 2020. Ample analytical studies have been done on how the three newly introduced bills will benefit the farmers of India as well as nourish the economy of our country.

  12. Essay On Farm Bill 2020 In 250+ Words In English {Step by Step}

    The F arm bill 2020 or the agricultural bill 2020 is a combination of 3 bills recently passed by Parliament. These bills have led to major structural changes in the agricultural sector. These bills also encourage corporate investment in the agricultural ecosystem to make it more beneficial for farmers.

  13. Essay on New Farm Bill 2020

    It offers stability and reduces market risks for farmers, ensuring a predictable income. 3.Infrastructure Development: The New Farm Bill 2020 emphasizes the creation of essential infrastructure for agricultural storage, processing, and marketing. This includes the establishment of cold storage facilities, warehouses, and processing units.

  14. Farm Laws 2020 : a critical analysis

    Introduction. Agriculture with its combined sector is the largest source of income in India as 70% of its rural household still depends primarily on agriculture, we all know our farmers are protesting against three Acts passed by the parliament of India and Acts got assent from the president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovind on 27 September 2020 and these Acts are "The farmers (empowerment and ...

  15. Impact of India's New Farm Act, 2020 on Farmers and Markets

    Abstract and Figures. At the end of September 2020, the Farmer's Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020, and the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Price Assurance ...

  16. Benefits of Farm Bill 2020, Essay on farm bill benefits, Agriculture

    These article on benefits of farm bill 2020 will also be very helpful for writing essay on benefits of farm bill 2020 or advantages of farm bill 2020. Farm Bill 2020 Benefits In the month of September 2020, Government has passed 3 farm bills for the welfare of farmers and agriculture sector.

  17. PDF Farm Bills 2020: Impact on the future of farming: A Review

    The three bills passed by the Indian Parliament aiming at introducing reforms in the agricultural sector in Farm Bill 2020 are: Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020. Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020. Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill, 2020. ir.

  18. The US Farm Bill

    The 2014 Farm Bill was passed early this year by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. Those supporting the bill believe that it lessens agricultural deficits by $16.6 billion in the next ten years. About $5.3 billion of these savings will materialize by the year 2018.

  19. Essay on Farm Bill 2020

    Essay on Farm Bill 2020: The Farm Bill 2020 is a significant piece of legislation that impacts the agricultural sector in the United States. This comprehensive bill addresses a wide range of issues, including crop insurance, conservation programs, nutrition assistance, and support for rural development.

  20. Farm Bill 2020 Essay

    Long Essay on Farm Bill 2020 in English. What are the things in the Bill 2020 brought by the Government of India for the benefit of farmers, which the farmers themselves are opposing. In this essay given below, we will discuss about it in detail. Long Essay - 1300 words. introduction. Farmer is the backbone of our country and country's economy.

  21. Essay On Farm Bill 2020

    Hello Friends, In this post "Essay On Farm Bill 2020 | Farm Bill 2020 Essay", we will read about all the three farm bills 2020 as an Essay In Detail. Note: This "Essay On Farm Bill 2020", is a result of deep research based on the summary of Farm Bill 2020. Farm Bill 2020 Essay is an expected topic for the exam. so, read it carefully.

  22. US Congress must pass farm spending bill this year, say commodity

    More than 300 U.S. farm and commodity groups urged Congress in a letter on Monday to pass a long-delayed farm spending bill before the end of the year, as farmers face a projected decline in income.